#but you know I'm surprised how easily these two are getting back into their groove
booasaur · 1 year
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From (2022) - 2x05
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skyahri · 16 days
Remember Part Two |SatoSugu X Reader| HC
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Part One
Summary: It's hard bouncing back twelve years.
Warnings: none? Pretty fluffy.
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You pat around the bed, but can't seem to find what you're looking for. You awkwardly push yourself up onto your hands, your waist awkwardly trapped in Satoru's tight hold.
You look around, still weary about, well, everything that's gone on. The jet lag-like dysphoria combined with the surrealism of the situation is muddling your mind.
You're still in Geto's room, that much is obvious based on his dark sheets and clean desk, but there's no Geto.
You can't feel his residuals anywhere. You try to settle your worries by reminding yourself that he often suppressed his cursed energy, that the ball hadn't started rolling yet, but the pit in your stomach was persistent.
Before you can panic any more, he's sliding his door open and closed behind him. You let out a breath and forced your way out of Satoru's grip. You hear him whine, but don't pay much mind to him.
You sit on the edge of the bed and rub your hand over your face. It's easier to calm down now than it was last night, the initial shock having worn off and the lack of exhaustion make things much easier to process.
"You can't just leave, Suguru."
"I was just," he paused, "Nevermind. I'm sorry."
He takes a seat next to you and you rest your head on his shoulder.
It's silent, but not uncomfortable. You can feel him trying to pick you apart with his eyes, wanting information but not wanting to ask. You chose to let him wonder and just basque in his presence. It's warm, almost like a hug.
You eventually convince yourself to get up from his bed and start your day. Gojo complains, something about you getting up means he has to as well. You can no longer be used as an excuse to lounge around all day.
It's difficult to get back into the groove of your old life. You're quickly realizing how much a person can change when given enough time.
Your hair is longer than you'd recently kept it and your ears hadn't been pierced yet. Seeing a face you didn't recognize as your own in the mirror was a trip in and of itself. Second puberty is a very real thing, the lack of adult maturity in your features being proof of it.
You haven't used a single product in your bathroom in over a decade. Satoru had long replaced your cheap body care products with an expensive perfume and matching lotions. There was no trinket dish holding your prized jewelry, solely because you just hadn't been gifted any of it yet. Your closet was severely dated, only containing uniforms and outfits you had outgrown years ago.
None of this stuff mattered in the grand scheme of things. Everything would eventually fall into place, and you'd have all of these things back, but that didn't stop it from hurting. They're just objects, but most of them held much more significant meaning. Milestones, holidays, memories with people you care for. It's sad not to have the visual reminder.
You make your way through the halls of Jujutsu High, acknowledging the faces of all your old classmates. Once you get past the eerie presence of a select few you haven't seen since their untimely deaths, it's refreshing. As of right now, there's no war or depression. Nothing stopping you from actively enjoying the present time with your friends.
That is, except for the expiration date practically stamped on their foreheads.
You head through a myriad of hallways and tunnels that eventually lead to an elevator. You know you shouldn't be down here, Yaga would surely have your head, but you don't really see any other options.
You're surprised when you easily pass through the barrier. He was most likely expecting your company. Word travels fast, especially when it involves everyone assuming their battle position at three in the morning.
His base is creepy, to say the least. The vibe is ominous, almost like you're entering certain death. You're certain that this is a stupid idea, but your feet keep moving nonetheless, and soon your eye to eye with the one person who can protect the future.
"Oh? I hope this doesn't have anything to do with my upcoming assimilation, does it?"
"You don't even know the half of it."
- - - - -
After your impromptu meeting with Tengen, you decided not to bother with the rest of your classes. Instead, you made a trip off campus for some essentials.
The errand is short, just a stop at the nearest bookstore for some new journals and the convenience store for a more... indulgent treat. It isn't long before you're back in the confines of your bedroom.
There's writing supplies strewn across your desk, your feet awkwardly forced onto the narrow cushion of your seat as you uncomfortably hunched over. The ashtray to your left is packed full of butts, the pack halfway gone as you've chain smoked through the whole ordeal.
You always hated the task of actually writing out the events of your dreams. It's tedious and requires an ungodly amount of focus to remember every detail. It's been damn near four hours, and you're only three years into the endeavor. Granted, all of the more relevant things happen in that time, making it drag out a bit more in word form, but that's besides the point.
You're so entranced in the activity, you don't even notice Geto slide open your door. He walks up behind you, resting both hands on your shoulders and startling you out of your daze. You swiftly close the notebook and relax into his touch, reveling in the way he digs his thumbs into your sore shoulders.
"Never thought I'd catch you smoking after all the grief you give us."
"I needed to unwind," you pause, glancing at the half empty pack, "I suppose I did get a bit carried away, though."
It's quiet while he continues his ministrations. You take one last drag of your cigarette before snuffing it out in the tray. You relax, allowing your body to melt into a less chaotic position in your chair.
You're having a hard time recalling the specific relationship dynamics you once held with the people around you in high school.
As an adult, you happily indulged in Satoru's advances. You found comfort in his bed at night and in the gestures of affection he'd grant you, but something was always missing.
Nothing was ever formal or very serious, something you entirely blame Geto's defection for. He had left a hole in everyone's hearts, and no matter how much you tried to move past it, there was always that lingering darkness. Having Satoru and not Suguru was like having the moon and not the sun, and it stunted both of you for years to come.
Your future relationships and mature understandings of life were blurring your memories of the current ones. Had you and Gojo romanticized the past version of Geto? Was the way you're feeling right now just a symptom of that? Or was there always something actually there?
"What are you thinking about?"
You shrug. You don't really feel like lying right now, so it's better to just not say anything.
"I came in here to ask if you'd like to go to Splendid Sushi with us? Satoru's treat of course."
You tilt your head back to peer up at him. You touch his hand and strain your arm so you can drag your fingers up his arm, finally finding a place to rest on his bicep.
He looks new. There are no bags under his eyes and he still has that sparkle of hope. It finally sinks in that this is your Suguru. The guy who argues about morals with Satoru and dreams about protecting the weak. It's a warm feeling, one that gives you the strength to venture forward.
"I have to keep working, Sugu. You guys go on without me."
"How about you come with us, and I'll keep you company afterwards."
You hum, feigning contemplation for a moment before dramatically sighing and agreeing to his proposal.
You forgot how good it felt to be worry free. To sit in a restaurant with your three favorite people, talking about nonsense and just enjoying the night. Eating a sickening amount of sushi and being loud enough to bother other patrons.
But your thoughts started to drift to the one thing you'd been trying to avoid; your kids.
When Megumi and Tsumiki were younger, family dinners weren't an issue. You could easily wrangle everyone in and play peacekeeper long enough to have a nice meal. Then Tsumiki got sick and it felt wrong to enjoy the weekly gatherings.
In all honesty, neither had ever really needed you, but you'd like to think they enjoyed having you and Satoru as some kind of pseudo-parents. Megumi has always been independent and Tsumiki has always been a fighter, but they're little right now, about three and four years old, probably fending for themselves while Toji and his girlfriend are off doing God knows what.
You've completely tuned out the others' conversation about, what even was it? Animals they could take in a fight? They're talking amongst themselves while you begin to worry about their place in your future.
Would Satoru still seek them out? With Geto around, will he feel the need to raise two kids? And what about the two girls Geto saves from that village? Should you intervene in the town beforehand, or set things up so he still takes them? Is there even a way to do so without igniting that anti-monkey flame?
You rub your hand down your face as the onset of headache approaches. Only a half-hour into dinner and you've already managed to ruin it for yourself.
You quietly excuse yourself from the table and exit the building. You hear them whisper amongst themselves before Shoko jogs to catch up with you outside. She leans against the side wall with you, surprised when you hand her one of two lit cigarettes between your lips.
"You good?"
You don't answer at first. What are you supposed to tell her? That you miss the teenagers you raised after having a hand in killing their dad?
"Just stressed."
"Feel like sharing?"
"Wish I could. You have no idea."
Shoko has always been your favorite confidant. She's well-rounded and more predictable than Gojo, even now. You sigh, tilting your head back and forth in thought with a groan.
"I'm having trouble adjusting."
"Don't you always?"
"Not like this. I've never seen so far forward before. I feel like I'm in a haze."
"It'll fade. It always does, just gotta give it time, y'know?"
You jab the filter against the bricks and toss it in the trash, Shoko following suit. Despite it being a very dry conversation, you do feel a bit better. Maybe just forcing yourself into a more familiar place within the group was helping.
You make your way back to the table, sitting beside Satoru this time and allowing him to pull you into his side with an arm around your shoulder. He leans his head down so he can whisper in your ear.
"You're too pretty to be worrying so much. Try and relax, alright?"
The next second he's laughing, joking with Suguru about how easy it is to piss off Nanami and arguing with Shoko about who gets to open the prize capsule.
You smile, thankful for the wonderful distraction that is your friends. You pull the bit out of Shoko's hand and call dibs. They pout, but don't fight you. You pop it open and pull out a Badtz-Maru keychain. You can't help but be reminded of Megumi, its black spikey top and sour expression are damn near uncanny.
Satoru uses the arm around your shoulder to pluck the prize out of your hand.
"Awe, I was hoping for Hello Kitty."
You take it back and shove it in your pocket.
"Good thing it's not yours then, huh?"
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
strawberry & cream • k.m.g.
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Pairing: kim mingyu x fem!reader
Genres: smut (minors dni!), "established" undefined relationship (?)
Warnings: alcohol, swearing, delayed orgasm (m), subby!gyu technically yeah uh huh, he's pussy whipped okay, lots of baby/good boy, lowkey i'm crying, consensual video recording/nude pictures taken, cumming inside wheee, mild aftercare!! lmk if i missed anything :)
WC: ~3k
A/N: I finally posted smth!! Was thinking of one of the dialogues in class last week lmfao and this is what happened. I'm procrastinating on everything else bc i'm unhappy w/ how they've been turning out but this one isn't too bad... turned out longer than i thought and i even made a quick banner ehehe 🤞🏻 enjoy ~
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"You look like you've never felt the touch of a real man."
It's a comment that would have pissed you off if a stranger dared to say it to you. But you know who this tall drink of water is so you agreeably play along. First, taking a sip from the golden liquor swirling in your glass before smirking.
"How observant of you to pick up the fact that I prefer the company of women. They're lovely, kind, beautiful… " Your pointer finger extends to tap against tan skin exposed by the black dress shirt's two unfastened buttons. You lean in close to the tall man as your nail lightly draws circles causing him to groan. "And so soft and supple."
You pull away the minute Mingyu's eyelashes flutter shut when he breathes in the scent of the familiar perfume you're wearing. 
"Unlike you."
Chocolate brown eyes snap back open at your comment but you've already disappeared from his sight. Easily navigating through the crowded dance floor, the gyrating bodies grooving to the catchy techno beat naturally part for you to make your way through.
A large hand wraps around your wrist right before you arrive at the open center. You're swift to hide your knowing smile before he spins you around to face him, sweat glistening on his brow. It doesn't surprise you that Mingyu finds it difficult to move as lithely as you. Although tonight, it just might be the fastest time record he's found you.
"You were quick."
It's a chase and it's a game. Not the way one might think. Even with such a tall figure staring into your eyes, it's you who holds the upper hand. Like a cat tricks a mouse into thinking its escape and safety are secured, you let Mingyu play his cards like he has the winning royal flush.
Unlike a rodent, though, he very well knows to not have a false sense of security. He's well aware of who has the control. You.
But that doesn't mean he'll give in easily.
"Didn't let anyone catch me."
"Atta boy."
He preens under your praise. Mingyu's approachable. Despite his devilishly handsome features, one goofy smile is enough to put anyone at ease. Convince them to talk him up, thinking they might score a chance. But ever since this little "thing" between the two of you started, when that sly glint in your eyes lured him right where you wanted, he's gotten more efficient at blowing people off. 
Just to be the lucky one to have you.
You wish you could be annoyed or tired of him. Content to flirt with one of the many other pretty women and men vying to get your attention. But once again, it seems like you'll be going home with your little brother's best friend.
Warm hands roam your body. Eager to nudge his thigh between yours, you can feel the pleased grumble in his chest under your palms. He likes your outfit. Fingers tease at the large open slits around your waist, hooking underneath the silver double chain that decoratively runs across your hip bones. He tugs up questioningly and raises his eyebrows at the saucy wink you send him.
"Lace and beads," you challenge, "or nothing on at all?"
Mingyu wrinkles his forehead in thought, biting his lip at the faint detection of something hard amidst the heat of your cunt pressing into his thigh. "Fuck, you're dirty."
"What's your guess?"
"What do I get if I'm right?"
"Shouldn't you be asking what's the punishment going to be if you're wrong?"
"I'm sure I'll like it either way."
The disco lights blur when he spins you again, the narrow tip of your heels almost make you lose your balance if he didn't have such a steadfast hold on you. Like he'd let you go on his own accord. If possible, he presses the back of your body even tighter against his firm body so you can feel how much he wants you. Not that it's hard to miss, tight pants almost unable to contain such thick thighs, well-shaped ass, and specifically his dick bulge — especially when it's straining against its leather confines.
"Naughty boy."
"Says the one that always looks so fuckable every time we meet," his tongue plays with the tiny hoop on the upper part of your ear. "So goddamn sexy."
"Bet if I told you to, you'd take out your dick for me right now. Slip it right inside of me in front of all these people."
The change in music drowns out his reply but you can easily tell what it is by the desperate roll of his hips. Like a puppy in heat, he grinds pathetically against the thin blue material covering your body searching for some semblance of relief.
You snake an arm behind his neck to grab at the fluffy locks he's growing out because he knows you like to pull at it. Mingyu readily brings his lips to your neck to lather you in hot, open-mouthed kisses. Throwing your head back against his shoulder and swaying to the beat, he continues to casually explore. Wandering hands move upwards, appreciating the access to your midriff above the high waistband. 
Brushing underneath the swell of your chest, you hear his frustrated moan at the crisscrossed laces just barely stretching enough fabric to cover your breasts. His brain goes fuzzy with the thought of one light tug freeing those gorgeous tits. The only thing holding him back from doing exactly that is the not-so-subtle gaze of the pretty woman that's been keeping her eye on the two of you moving around the dance floor. 
Who she wants is uncertain. Maybe both? The two of you are trying to blend in, acting as if you're not about to tear each other's clothes off right now. A fleeting glance and you probably look like the average dancers surrounding you but a steady, piercing gaze is enough to figure out the undeniable sexual tension between the two of you.
"And you say you're not naughty, Mr. Kim."
He knows you can read him like an open book. "Only for you, god… you know the things you do to me. You alone. But fuck, is this a one-piece?"
"Yeah, you like it?"
"'Course I do, how could I not? But how am I supposed to take it off? I like you better naked, after all."
"Who says you'll be the one taking it off?" Your aloof tone makes him whine and you chuckle. "Luckily, I know a very efficient way to undress."
"Gonna give me a hint?"
Mingyu knows you've started to pay zero attention to any flirtatious gazes when you're in his arms. Which is why he refuses to let go. But of course, you have other plans. You pry one of his hands away from your waist, interlocking your fingers together. Once his grip loosens enough, you step away from his warmth and firm body. Keeping your hand in his, you turn to face him and tilt your head.
"Your answer?"
Brown eyes sparkle mischievously as he weighs his options on how to answer the initial question asked. Your patience will grow thin if you have to wait any longer so he makes up his mind with a toothy grin. 
"Bet you have nothing covering that pretty pussy of yours."
Mingyu lets himself be willingly yanked forward by the hand you're still holding. His lips collide with yours and he's quick to brush his tongue across your lips, asking for entry. You hum in contemplation once you feel his hands wander down to squeeze at your ass and press your pubic bone roughly against his bulge. Your mouth opens slightly, enough so your tongue can poke out and tangle with his. It's a battle he's suddenly determined not to lose as he fights and wrestles against your dominance in his overeagerness.
You press a hand against his pectoral to try and steady him so he doesn't knock you over and feel his heart beating at a rapid pace. Pulling away, you shake your head at the way he chases after your lips. 
"You're awfully bold for someone who knows their answer is wrong."
"I love kissing you," Mingyu admits more to himself than you yet you catch it anyway. It had taken months for even a peck on the cheek to be allowed. Of course, he'd be delighted with whatever few opportunities he's granted to lavish you in and with a kiss or more.
"Savor it now, baby boy 'cause you won't get another chance tonight."
He's elated, smiling at you and puffing out his chest. Eyes darkening with a carnal desire at the strawberry and cream flavor he can taste with a swipe of his tongue over his own lips. Grateful that you said "for tonight", not forever. A thumb daringly smears the complementary lip tint even further from where it's smudged and escapes the desirable shape of your mouth.
"Oh, I look forward to whatever you have planned."
Mingyu lowkey regrets those words an hour later when his cock is still achingly hard — oozing precum that's dripping down the entire angry red length and coating his abs. He wishes he could let his mind wander to ward off the orgasm that's been denied its release but that's impossible with you in his vicinity.
Naked. On top of him. Fuck.
You'd shown him how effortlessly you could take off a difficult clothing set. To know one's surprise, you were the one who taught him how to effectively unclasp a bra with one flick. Obviously, anyone would easily shed their clothes to have a chance with Kim Mingyu, so you figured it wasn't that big of a deal.
But guiding a man on how best to pleasure their partner was no small feat. Although the man only cared to focus on what pleased you.
Of course, it was torturing him. Duh.
Even now, the thought of you simply undressing has his jaw tensing. No one should look that good getting naked. But it's you. Doing it for him. 
"Shit!" he rasps out through clenched teeth.
"Aw, what's wrong, Gyu? Wanna cum already?"
"That's right, I didn't give you permission yet. Good boy."
He's panting, trying to keep his senses together but they're so dizzyingly saturated with everything that's you. 
The flashbacks.
When you'd loosened the laces and let your tits bounce out from their binds, putting on a little show for him per his request. Squeezing them together and releasing before bending over to show off the round curve of your ass and the pretty little thong you had on. Lace, chains, and beads in all the right places he'd felt earlier, you knew you could wear fancier lingerie without him ripping it because Mingyu wasn't allowed to touch.
The present.
His hands are gripping the sheets so tightly they might rip but both of you could care less about a hotel's bedding. Veins lining his arms pop out in irritation as he struggles to rein in how much he wants to touch you, knowing you let him get his fill out on the dancefloor and you'll more than likely let him cum faster if he's well-behaved.
The visuals.
You're gliding back and forth on top of his dick, not sheathing it fully inside you. Alternating between jerking him off with your hand instead while you sit on his thighs so he can feel your slick arousal all over them. He's doing so good for you and you're pleased. You'd already cummed once, making sure to slip just the tip in so he loses his mind over how tight you clench around him for kicks and giggles.
He was not beneath begging for you, knowing you thrived off of it. It would be a lie to say it didn't stroke your ego to have such a big, broad, beautiful man fall apart and break into pieces for you. He might've even cried, definitely feeling his eyes water in desperation now. You love it.
So much that you dismount, turning your back as you reach for your phone on the nightstand. Mingyu moans without shame but this one's out of despair. He'd rather be denied any release from the immense pleasure you've subjugated him to than ignored.
"Hush, baby boy, I just want to capture how pretty you look for me. That's okay, right?" 
"Will you let me cum? I wanna cum so bad. Pretty please?" Hips jutting up at the chill in the air making his dick uber sensitive as it flops pathetically against his stomach. "Please, please, please!" 
His "pleases" trail off into a mumbled mess of plaintive begs, big brown eyes pleading. You purse your lips in sympathy when he sniffles, shifting so you can run your hand through his bangs and then cup his flushed cheek.
"Shh, I'll let you cum baby, I will. But you know I need you to answer me." Taking pictures was already established between the two of you — both having your fair share of candid polaroids and videos stored away. But it was still a vulnerable decision and you wanted his clear consent. "Want to hear it from this mouth of yours."
Your thumb traces Mingyu's plump upper lip the same way he did to you earlier. Although you don't hesitate to slip it inside. He readily sucks on your finger and closes his eyes, using it as an anchor to stabilize his breathing and try to clear the haze clouding his senses.
"Y-yeah… Go ahead."
"Good boy, see that wasn't so hard." You snap a few pictures, eating up how good his dewy skin looks under the lighting. You're kind enough to not leave him wanting for too long, finally returning to wrapping your hand around his leaking cock. "Unlike this bad boy."
"'M sorry."
"Don't apologize, you're a vision to behold, Mingyu," you scold seriously. "And never forget that."
"Oh… kay."
"You deserve to cum don't you, baby? Sorry for making you wait so long." You both know you're full of shit. You're not sorry. "Well-behaved boys deserve their rewards, I'll even film a good shot of when you cum — you decide where so you can save it for when you're lonely."
"Th-thank you," Mingyu wheezes out when you begin easing his cock between your pussy lips. Achingly you start to sink down, light spasms causing your hole to ripple delightfully around the full stretch of his girth.
"As long you don't cum until I say so or you'll end up licking it off the bed."
He's so tense you're starting to fear he could tear the mattress. Consolingly, you bring his large hands up to your breasts, encouraging him to squeeze and tug at them as he pleases. Like his favorite set of stress balls, he focuses on kneading them in a way that has you arching your back and causing you to fully sheathe him inside faster.
Sometimes Mingyu can win in the smallest of ways.
You let out paired sighs of relief when the bottom of your ass meets his thighs. "Where do you wanna cum, baby?"
"Inside, god please, inside!"
He babbles helplessly at the sensual way you swivel your hips but you know he can't hold on much longer and want to ensure your puppy man gets his much-needed relief. "Your wish is my command."
The guttural noise he lets out is followed by an incoherent gibberish of him thanking you as he starts to paint your inner walls white with his release. It's a long one that lasts spurt after spurt with an enormous amount of tension unloading from his entire body. You ride him through it, the pleasant way he's twitching inside you setting off your own climax and milking all that he's worth.
You're quicker to recover, obviously. Tilting your phone camera at the perfect angle, you press the red recording button and slowly move your hips up. He grumbles at the loss of your warmth but you coo at him, fingers tapping soothingly where you've braced your hand against his abs for some support.
"Look how good you filled me up, Gyu." You're speaking more to the future Mingyu that will definitely be watching this but the Mingyu now is still listening. "Such a good boy."
He whines at the view he can see, the way globs of his release ooze out of your cunt at every clench you make for show. It's dirty and sinful which is your strongest suit. You save the video and send it to him once you're satisfied, noticing the way his eyelids are starting to droop.
Shaky legs carry you to the bathroom. You return with a washcloth, making sure to be very gentle wiping him down. He shifts onto his side when you've finished and extends his arm over the spot beside him, a silent invitation for you to crawl under the covers you pulled up over his broad shoulders.
And of course, you do. Well aware of how much he likes to cuddle and cling. Mingyu's a needy man all over and a large part of you feels guilty at being unable to give him what he deserves the most.
But he keeps this game going, continually showing up at every bar or club you inform your brother you're stopping by. You're not sure if you hate it or like it. You've left many openings for him to slip away and yet the man doesn't — only insisting on getting even closer. 
Not even the cold, empty side of where you laid next to him as he fell asleep is enough to discourage him. You see, you're not wrong but Mingyu's not simply needy. He's stubborn too. 
A dreamy grin graces his face at the sight of your trademark pink post-it note left on the nightstand for him. It never says much of any substance but it's not like he bothers reading it. He presses a kiss against the lip stain you always leave on it, breathing in the tantalizing strawberry and cream scent he knows so well that emanates from it. Then he slips it alongside the many others in his wallet. Right next to his favorite nude picture of you and the expired, unused condom from the first night he tumbled into bed with you.
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onlyseokmins: October 2022 ©
Personal Taglist: @aceofvernons @joshibambi @junhui-recs @pandorashbox @rubyscoups @woozluv @yeosayang @dejavernon @httpswonwoosglasses @noraehey @charcharfairy @buffhoshi @horanghae8star @onlymingyus
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ivarlover · 11 months
Part 3
(Flashback #1, there will be one more flashback-SORRY!)
(sequel #3 to UNLEASHED and UNDENIABLE)
Alex + Modern Ivar
Modern Ivar + Katia
Mentions of Female Reader + Hvitserk
If you're new here and want to catch up, just scroll down my page, and the first chapter to UNLEASHED is at the bottom, then UNDENIABLE, and now, UNEXPECTED...
This was supposed to be just a one-shot, but the story has come alive, and the need to write more can't be ignored. At this point, I have no idea how many chapters this will end up consiating of. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! 🔥
Summary: During a hot weekend with your classmate, Alex, and his best friend, Ivar, the two of them had their own fun together. And now, it had turned into an entire relationship between the two of them that neither of them had seen coming. Now, that reality had set in, they navigate the relationship and all that comes along with it, the good, the bad, and the unexpected. Now that they were just getting into the swing of things and finding their groove, Ivar's ex fiance comes back into the picture, and it seems she is sure to shake things up.
Warnings, The sequel in general: Totally NSFW, Unprotected anal sex (male receiving), oral, male to male contact and more, a bad case of the feels, and smut, with me, there is ALWAYS smut. 🤣 Each chapter will have its own warnings.
This chapter: This chapter is a flashback to better explain the current situation. I have a problem with writing too many details. 🙈 Therefore, there will be one more flashback chapter. NSFW 18+ ONLY Smut, of course, oral sex-female receiving, p in v, major case of the feels, and heartbreak
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Words: I don't know; there are many, many words 🤣
Let me know if you want on or off the tag list!
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Flashback to, roughly, two years ago:
Things seemed to be going well for Ivar and Katia. Ivar had never loved anyone before, like he did her. She was accepted in his family and with his friends. She was simply perfect for him in his eyes. This was why he'd planned everything that he had.
"Are you ready, Katia?" Ivar asked, waiting on the sofa for her as long as he could stand.
She came bouncing through the living room and rounded the sofa, leaning down to kiss him. "I'm sorry, Ivar. You know it always takes me forever to get ready to leave the house with you. I mean, it takes work to dress up and look good enough to be seen with you. Not all of us can be just so effortlessly beautiful as you, ya know," she laughed. "It's seriously my part time job."
Ivar rolled his eyes, standing to his feet, "Whatever. Let's go."
Grabbing his hand and following behind him, she asked, "Where are we going anyway?"
"You'll see," was all Ivar said to her.
After an hour drive away, they pulled into a parking lot. "Awww, Ivar! What a nice surprise! The restaurant where we had our first date! Really? You know, I've always wanted to come back here!" Katia leaned over to him and gave him a quick kiss.
"Yes," Ivar grinned, "That's why we're here, dear."
"Well, what's the special occasion?" She was so dumbfounded. She didn't even realize what day was coming.
"Katia, surely you remember what Monday is. It's our one year anniversary."
Katia practically jumped into Ivar's arms right there in the car, "Oh fuck! Yes, I remember! I just wasn't expecting to celebrate it already. This is awesome!" She kissed him again, this time slipping her tongue inside his mouth.
"Look, unless you want to give the driver a show and never make it inside the restaurant," he pulled away from her, "I suggest you keep that tongue to yourself," Ivar breathed heavily into her face.
His breath hitched at the thought. He could easily see Katia spread across his lap right there in the backseat, naked, breasts in his mouth and hand as she bounced up and down on his hard cock, him making her call out his name and her making him finish all too embarrassingly fast. "Ivar? Ivar, did you hear me?"
Ivar realized that Katia was talking to him. "Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say?"
"I just asked if you're ready to go inside now, but you were totally somewhere else," she answered.
He leaned to her ear and whispered seductively, "I'm sorry. I just saw what I'm going to be doing later tonight."
"And what, exactly, is that?" she teased, biting her bottom lip. She knew her man.
He licked his lips, "You."
"Some things never change," she smiled, playfully hitting him on the shoulder. "Do you ever think about anything else besides sex?" she laughed.
Getting out of the car, he answered her, "Yes, of course I do. I think about you," He walked around and opened her door for her, "But then, that makes me think about sex, so umm, no?" He smiled his devilish smile, "One track mind, you know."
He helped her out of the car and grabbed her hand, leading the way to the restaurant. "Table for two. Lothbrok," he told the hostess.
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"Yes, right this way, Mr. Lothbrok," the hostess blushed, and Katia knew it was because of Ivar's good looks. He wore a light grey suit, pants fitting him just tight enough in all the right places, a grey blazer to match, a white dress shirt that was unbuttoned some in the front to show off his gorgeous chest and part of his tattoos, and his hair was down, resting on his shoulders and the top of his back. She was admiring him herself; she definitely loved when he wore his hair down, so she wasn't surprised that someone else had noticed as well.
The hostess sat them. "Your waiter will be with you shortly, sweetheart," she winked at Ivar and Ivar, not even acknowledging her, turned to look at Katia, causing the hostess to stomp away.
"Ivar, didn't you notice that girl flirting with you relentlessly?" Katia was sincerely curious.
"Of course, I did, but you know, I only have eyes for you," he kissed her hand, and she smiled from ear to ear. She loved how sweet he could be.
The evening continued pretty sweetly for the two of them. They talked about how different this evening was compared to their first date in the same place. Katia mentioned how nervous Ivar had been the first time around and how cute she'd thought it was.
"Well, I am just as nervous tonight, too. I've just learned how to hide it better," Ivar laughed.
"Wait. What? Why are you nervous now? It's just me, Ivar." She placed her hand on top of his.
"Well, umm," he was even more nervous now. Why had he even mentioned it? "You know, I just want everything to be perfect tonight and to, umm, to make you happy. That's all," he lied.
"Ivar Lothbrok, I am always happy with you. Don't be nervous." She leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
As they left the restaurant, Katia headed toward the parking lot, and Ivar stopped her. "Hey, we're going this way."
"Umm, isn't that the car just over there?" she pointed.
"Yes, but the driver knows to just wait there for us. I want to show you something first," Ivar told her, taking her hand and leading her in the other direction. It was just now dusk so he knew they'd just made it out of the restaurant in time for there still to be enough light.
"Where are we going?" her curiosity was already getting the best of her.
"You'll see. It's not far from here. I found it accidentally when I was looking up the restaurant's number for our reservations," Ivar smiled to himself at her confused look.
They reached just far enough that the sound from the cars coming and going in front of the restaurant and the people talking and laughing who were sitting on the outside terrace was just a distant noise. Ivar stopped and turned to Katia. "Here we are. Walk with me."
Her eyes grew wide with wonder as they walked down a path that was covered in blooming flowers, sweet smells, and butterflies hovering above, almost as if they were waiting to greet them. The futher back they walked, the darker it became, the more sounds she could hear off in the distance, and her heart began to beat harder. Looking at Ivar questionly, she asked, "Ivar, wh, what is this place?"
He answered, "A little hidden piece of Paradise that apparently, not many know exists. We can call it ours."
Looking of bewilderment and stopping in her tracks, she asked, "Ours? Like, really ours, Ivar? Is that what you mean?"
He smiled widely, "Well, yes. I mean, if you want it, that is, of course."
"Oh my God, Ivar!" she squealed, jumping up in his arms, hugging him tightly and kissing him quickly. "IF I want it? Are you serious?"
"Katia, we aren't even there yet. We need to keep walking a little more," he grinned, holding her tightly in his arms.
As he sat her back down, she said, "Well, it's just that this is just so beautiful already. Wow! There's more?" She walked a little ahead of him, excited to see where they were headed. His heart was overflowing with happiness and love for her. If he'd had any doubts or second guesses, she now confirmed for him that this was the right thing for the two of them. He followed closely behind her.
Finally, the small path came to a huge opening. There was a small stream right in front of her that flowed down toward the right. As she followed it to the left with her wide eyes, she gasped as she saw the beautiful waterfall from the side of the mountain. Looking at Ivar in shock, both of her hands came to her mouth, "Oh my God!" Tears filled her eyes.
"There's more. Look, Katia," Ivar pointed behind her. She spun around to see a small cottage just on the other side of the stream. It was white with two wooden porch swings in the front, on either side of the door. Soft lights shinned in the windows, through the curtains.
She then noticed a small bridge over the stream, covered in vines and bright pink and white flowers. On the other side, just steps from the bridge and at the edge of the rushing water was a large blanket laid out on the ground with a small plastic lit candle sitting in the middle.
She then saw that every few steps around the stream, there were hanging lanterns with soft lights glowing from them.
Completely stunned at the unnatural beauty of this place, she turned back around to Ivar. "Oh my God, Ivar! This is, this is just absolutely....," then her words completely failed her as she saw him.
Kneeled down on one knee, looking up at Katia with his eyes full of yet to fall tears, was Ivar with a small gift box in his hands.
Both of her hands covered her mouth again as she mumbled out, "Oh my God! No! No, you're not?"
Continuing to look deeply into her eyes, he took a deep breath, "Yes, I am. Katia, I have loved you since day one. You know I've never loved another like I love you. I've never been this happy with anyone before," his voice cracked, and a single tear rolled down his face. "You are my world, and I hope you'll give me the opportunity to be my forever. I want to spend every second of the rest of my life with you. I promise you, I will spend the rest of my days doing nothing but making you happy. Katia, will you marry me?"
He opened the box, reveling the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen. There was a big diamond in the middle of a white gold band, surrounded by sparkling sapphires, her favorite stone. She was in complete dismay. She tried to speak as Ivar got to his feet, but between her tears and shock, just incoherent sounds escaped her mouth.
Ivar scooped her up, arms wrapping tightly around her waist, and squeezed, looking directly into her eyes as he waited for her response. Finally, she belted out, "Yes! OH MY GOD! YES! Of course, yes, absolutely yes! I love you so much! Yes, yes, yes."
With her still in his arms, Ivar spun around in a huge circle, kissing her anywhere and everywhere. "Happy anniversary, Katia! I love you!"
They both wiped tears as he sat her back down, and they walked over the bridge to the other side of the stream. He took her to the cottage first for her to look around inside. It was a cute, little place, fully furnished, one bedroom, and a small bathroom. It was nicely decorated, definitely to Ivar's taste, and Katia wondered how long Ivar had had this place because it was obvious he'd spent some time making the cottage look the way it did now. He followed behind her with a huge smile. She turned to him, "Ivar, this really belongs to us?"
"Yes. I wanted to buy it in cash, but Mother wouldn't have it. She said just because father left me money didn't mean I should spend it all every chance I got. So I had to do it the traditional way and take out a loan with the bank."
"Ivar, I agree with your mom. This would cost a fortune to pay in cash!"
"Well, you say that now, but the type of loan I had to get wouldn't let me put your name on the cottage until we're married. So as soon as we are, that will be the first thing we go do, Mrs. Lothbrok." He grinned, "I love the sound of that!"
Katia looked at him with a half smile. "Wait, what's wrong?" Ivar asked her, recognizing her look.
Trying not to frown, she said, "Well, it's just that, I don't know, I was excited to finally own something. You know? Have something in my name besides a bill." She dropped her head.
Ivar grabbed her, "Oh, sweetheart, you do own this with me. You already know that anything that's mine is also yours. It's just a technicality that will be corrected soon. Well, umm," he blushed, "I say soon, but umm, when do you want to set the date for?"
Katia tried to look pleased as she wrapped her arms around him, "Oh, Ivar, I'd marry you right now if there was someone here to do it. I'll leave that up to you. Whenever you think is good, is also good for me."
He smiled, "As much as I'd like to say right now, too, I think we can get everything planned and the proper reservations made in 6 months, don't you?" He still couldn't believe this was happening. His dreams were seriously coming true.
"Yes, Ivar! That's perfect." As he showed her around the rest of the small place, she was surprised to see groceries in the kitchen even. "Wow! You really thought of everything. How'd you do all this, Ivar?"
"Well, I may have had a little help," he smiled. "The driver, Mike, came while we were at the restaurant and put the groceries inside for me once they were delivered and lit all the lanterns when I texted him that I was paying the check."
She was really surprised and hugged him tighter. "Thank you, Ivar. No one has ever done anything like this for me before."
"Well, umm, there's more. Follow me."
Her eyes widened as he took her hand and led the way back outside to the blanket beside the stream. It was darker now, and the lanterns lit the way perfectly. When they reached the blanket, Katia looked down and saw that rose petals were spread all over it, with the small candle in the middle. Covering her mouth, she gasped, "It's beautiful, Ivar."
He motioned for her to sit, "After you." He sat down beside her and laid back on his right elbow, facing her. She did the same, facing him, not sure what he was up to now. He fumbled to his left side and found what looked like a TV remote control. He pressed a button on it, and in front of them, through the water of the waterfall, she saw a huge board light up in bright purple lights. Purple was her favorite color. As her eyes adjusted, she saw that the lights on the board formed the words, "I love you, Katia."
Her hands covered her shocked face, "It-It's purple," she stumbled, "It says," she managed between tears, "It says my, my name. What? Wait. How did? Oh my God! Ivar?" She was completely at a loss for words. It was beautiful.
Somehow, on the cliff, the waterfall gushed over, Ivar had found a way to make a huge, almost road sign like board that lit up with the touch of his remote control. The way it sparkled behind the waterfall was beautiful. "Oh, Ivar. It's, it's just so pretty. It's breathtaking!"
"Just like you," he smiled, "Your beauty is breathtaking."
She leaned in closer and kissed him. He dropped the control to the ground somewhere behind him, and his left hand found her hip and squeezed. The kiss was slow at first, but quickly gained more passion and became more heated.
Ivar hungrily pulled her to him tighter as his tongue entered her mouth and played a game of chase with hers. His temperature was rising quickly as she pulled away. "Ivar, what about Mike? Isn't he waiting on us?"
"No. He knew to only wait until we made it here and that I'd call him if we needed anything. He's headed back home and will return for us on Tuesday."
Her mouth dropped. "Really? We're staying that long? What about the bar?" she asked excitedly.
"It's already taken care of. Alex has my number if I'm needed, and he knows he can call Hvitserk while he's in town if he needs an extra set of hands. Everything will be fine without me for one weekend," he assured her, pulling her even closer and into another kiss.
He wiggled out of his jacket while sloppily kissing her, refusing to break their attachment at the lips. He leaned over her and turned her to her back, her head landing in his right hand. She pulled his shirt until it was untucked and slowly unbuttoned the bottom few buttons. Rubbing her hands up his toned chest and to his shoulders, she pushed his shirt behind him, and he slipped his arms out. She began kissing down his jaw and then to his neck as his head fell forward. She softly bit him, and he struggled not to break his form above her and fall, crushing her.
His left hand traveled over her still clothed body down to her bare leg. Pushing her skirt up, his fingers slowly trailed up her thigh, sending chills all over her body. He began to unbutton her blouse, exposing her voluptuous breasts behind the laced bra. He bent down and bit one of them, causing her to cry out his name. "That's it. Scream my name. Tell me what you want."
"You. I want you, Ivar," she answered, licking then biting her lip. She knew just what he liked.
Her bra fastened in the front, luckily for him, and he snapped it lose, both breasts bouncing before him, and he remembered his vision in the car from earlier and grinned in delight. As he raised her so she could shimmy out of her bra and her shirt, his lips caught her collarbone, lightly sucking as he laid her back.
His mouth trailed down to the middle of her breasts, where he shook his head back and forth between them, causing her to laugh. He smiled up at her and quickly sucked her nipple into his mouth as his hand found her other one and squeezed it. The sensation caused her to whine, only encouraging him to continue. He licked and sucked her nipple and breast along with tiny wet kisses as he traveled to the other one and brought his other hand to the one he'd just left.
Massaging her breast, he teased the other one with his tongue, licking around the nipple and looking up at her. She whimpered, and he sucked it into his mouth, gently biting it. She arched her back, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
His kisses traveled lower as one hand remained, still massaging her breast. With each wet kiss he placed across her stomach, she moaned, and he smiled.
As he reached her waist, her skirt piled at her hips, leaning away from her and back onto his knees in front of her. Staring her in her eyes intently, he slowly pulled her lace panties down as she raised her hips to help him. One by one, he drug his fingertips lightly over her legs, then pulled them up, knocking her heels off, and slipped her panties off of her.
With a smirk across his face, he then leaned down and began kissing up her ankle. He was sure to let his wet lips drag across her skin on the inside of her leg with each needy kiss he made, traveling upward. He got to her inner thigh and agonizingly slow, kissed it softly, licking up further, still. The anticipation was driving her wild, and he loved every second of it.
When he finally reached the spot she'd been waiting on, he hovered over her, breathing his hot breath on her, and looked up at her. His breath hitting her sensitive area, he whispered into her, "Damn! You're already so wet for me."
She whimpered, "Umm, humm."
He flattened his tongue and with one agonizingly slow movement, he licked up the middle of her folds and over her clit, causing her to jerk. "Oh, you like that, humm?" He breathed heavily into her again.
Licking up her sweet juices, he then did it again, only this time, stopping on her clit. Flickering his tongue over it like a pro, his lips enclosed it. He sucked her in a kissing motion with his plump lips while his tongue continued to lick around her clit.
Laying both of her hands to her sides, she fisted them into the blanket, both hands turning white. He brought two fingers up to her tight entrance and shoved them inside without warning, causing her to moan out his name again as her back arched and her body turned a little to its side, as if involuntarily.
Ivar pumped his fingers in and out of Katia while his tongue continued to swirl around her clit, causing her to writh beneath him in pleasure. He pressed in just the right spot and she couldn't handle it any longer. She yelled out, as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, "Oh, fuck! Ivar! I'm going to come!"
As her entire body stiffened, she came undone, moaning and groaning as he continued pumping and licking her relentlessly. He removed his fingers and replaced them with his mouth, lapping up her juices hungrily.
Pulling away from her, he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. He stared down at her, still panting, and spoke seductively, "I know you've got more for me. Can I get another one from you?"
He began to unbutton and remove his pants as she rode out her high. As his unbelievably hard cock sprung free from his pants, he asked, "Are you ready?" She knodded and licked her lips as she watched him spit in his hand and grab his cock, wetting himself for her.
He leaned over her, positioning himself at her opening. He looked her straight in her eyes as he thrusted into her, watching her face contort. "You ok?"
"Oh God! Yes!" she groaned out between gritted teeth.
He leaned down and licked her lips as he began thrusting into her. She grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him back to her, into a kiss, tasting herself on his tongue, making her moan again into his mouth.
As he found his rhythm, he kissed down her cheek and bit her softly in the bend of her neck, causing himself to jolt forward even harder. He nuzzled his head in her neck and hair, breathing her in.
His left hand trailed up her side, leaving goosebumps in their wake, and found it's way to her breast. As he began to massage it, she mumbled, "Ivar!"
"That's it. Say my name."
"Ivar, no, umm, it's just, umm, I want to be on top."
All of his movements slowed as he moved his head back above her and looked down at her in shock. She usually didn't like that position. He instantly remembered again how he'd imagined her when they were in the car, "What? Seriously? Fuck yes!"
"Move before I change my mind," she pushed him off of her, and he sat up. He slid backward until his back was against the railing to the bridge. She got up on all fours and slowly crawled to him, licking her lips.
"Aww fuck!" Ivar growled out.
Katia slowly crawled over his legs, up his body, straddled him, and positioned herself above his ready, throbing dick. His breath caught in his throat as she got closer and breathed heavily in his face. "Is this what you want? You want me to ride you while my tits are in your face? Want me to make you come, Ivar?"
"Yes! Oh, hell, yes!"
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She slowly sunk down on him, taking all of him in, feeling him fill her. They sat still for a moment, giving her time to adjust to his size. Ivar grabbed her by the side of her neck and pulled her down to him. He licked up her neck to her ear and sucked her earlobe into his mouth. As he bit down on it, she whimpered and began to rock her body.
She began bouncing up and down on his impossible hard cock, causing her breasts to bounce in Ivar's face, just like he'd been craving practically all evening. Salivating, he lightly drug his hands up her sides, fingertips barely touching her, causing her to grind into him. Once this hands reached her perfectly round breasts, they began massaging them again as one hand squeezed her nipple.
Katia grabbed Ivar's shoulders to steady herself as she rotated her hips in small circles with the next plunge down on him. He dropped his head backward with an animalistic roar and thrusted up into her.
He then leaned into her chest, kissing all around her chest and breasts, and finally sucked one into his mouth while his hand kneaded the other.
She placed both of her hands on each side of his face and neck and pulled his face up so she could kiss him. As she twirled her tongue around his, his hands began to roam her body, grabbing and squeezing at every bit he could, wanting all of her for himself. He gripped her hips with each hand and, holding on tightly, possessively pulled her even more into himself as he thrusted up into her even harder.
Her legs began to tremble, and her moans grew louder as their movements intensified. Ivar knew she was close.
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Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he quickly rolled to his left side and flipped her over to her back without even pulling out of her. Her eyes widened, not expecting the quick change.
He gently caressed her face, and she closed her eyes with his soft touch, placing her hand over his. Their bodies began moving in a rhythmic dance of passion, skin on skin slapping, hearts pounding, and sweat dripping. He backed out of her and then quickly slammed back into her, intertwining his hands in hers.
She let out a string of unrecognizable sounds and pulled her hands out of his, landing them on his back. She dug her nails into it and scratched him all the way down, causing him to plunge even deeper into her. Her walls clinched around him tightly and he began pounding her up the blanket. He grabbed her hips and yanked her back closer to him, aiming to be one with her.
He reached below, his fingers finding her clit, and began to stroke them over it quickly as his movements became more and more irratic. Katia's toes curled and her back arched and she let out such a loud growl that it echoed into the woods. He continued sloppily pounding into her as he looked down into her eyes. His head was spinning with desire.
Panting, she let out a moan and suddenly gushed all over him like a tsunami crashing into the shore. The wet warmth was too much for him, and with one last thrust, he shot his load into her as well. His entire body trembled and shaked as he collapsed onto her with a grunt. He raised his head and gave her a needy, sloppy kiss, and his head fell beside her.
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They laid like that, sweaty bodies wrapped around each other, as they came down from their high. Ivar laid his head across her chest and hugged her close to him, closing his eyes in content. Breaking the silence, Katia asked him, "Umm, Ivar, when is it that your mother gives you full control over all of the money your dad left you?"
Looking up at her in confusion, he said, "What? Why? That's an odd question."
"Oh. Well, I just ask because I was just wondering how much control she'd have over us once we're married. You know, I don't care about the money, Ivar. I was just curious how involved she'd be in our marriage." She coughed and rubbed his head lovenly.
He laid his head back on her chest as he answered her. "Oh, don't worry. It isn't like that with mom. She won't mettle, but umm, to answer your question, in just a little under 2 years from now, on my 26th birthday." He snuggled into her again as she continued rubbing his head, sighing softly.
Ivar pointed up at the stars and named one of the constellations and told Katia a little information about it. Pride swelled in her chest as she told him, "Wow, Ivar, that's one thing I really love about you. You're so smart." She kissed him on top of his head.
Before they knew it, they both drifted off to sleep in the night air.
Sometime during the night, Katia shivered even though she and Ivar were still snuggled together, causing Ivar to stir awake. Feeling the chill as well, he decided to get up and take her inside. He stood and scooped her up into his arms, their clothes still spread out across the ground and blanket, and carried her inside. Barely awake, she snuggled into Ivar's shoulders and wrapped her arms around him.
"What happened?" she mumbled as Ivar laid her on the bed.
"Nothing, I just didn't think. It's cooler at night here in the mountains. We're inside now. Let's go back to sleep." They were both asleep again within the minute.
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The sweet smell of breakfast cooking traveled through the air and into the bedroom, slowly dragging Ivar out of his slumber. He got up, wiping his eyes, and stumbled into the kitchen. There, he found Katia in one of his white button up, dress shirts, dancing around to soft music, shaking her ass, as she cooked an amazing smelling breakfast. Smiling, he leaned against the door frame and watched her for a few minutes.
As he watched her shaking her ass around the kitchen, he could no longer ignore his arousal. He stepped around the kitchen island and walked up behind her, pressing his body against hers. She jumped as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Leaning around to her side, he placed a warm, wet kiss on her neck, causing her to jerk. "Good morning. What's all this?"
"Breakfast," she smiled. "Aren't you hungry?"
"Starving," he grinned into the bend of her neck, "But umm, I think I want my dessert first."
Batting him away, she began, "Oh Ivar, you can never get enough, can you? I'm in the middle of cooking here."
"Well, it's your fault, shaking your ass all around like that. And my shirt on you. Holy shit! It's hot as fuck, Katia!"
"Well, as great as it is that you packed my clothes for me for the weekend, you forgot my pajamas, so this was my only choice," she laughed as he tickled up her sides.
"Sorry, but I didn't figure you'd be needing any." He kissed her neck again, sending chills up her spine.
"C'mon, Ivar, let me finish breakfast," she reached back and popped him on the head.
Realizing her shirt only had three buttons fastened, Ivar pulled the shirt open and placed his hand just under it. He slowly trailed his fingers down her chest, between her breasts and to her stomach as he began kissing down her neck. With his other hand, he slipped the shirt just off of her shoulder and continued with light kisses across it, causing her to drop the spoon into the pan. "Ivar."
"Umm-hum?" He grabbed both sides of the shirt and yanked it open, popping the three fastened buttons completely off, and pulled it back over her shoulders and dropped it to the floor. Katia gasped.
As Katia began to shiver, Ivar's left hand began massaging her left breast as his other hand rubbed gently around her navel, and he then tucked his fingers under her panties. He stepped closer, and she felt his naked erection pressing into her ass. Her words were lost in moans as he continued with his soft kisses all over her neck and shoulder.
She shut her eyes as her head rolled back onto Ivar's left shoulder, openly exposing more of her neck to him. He sucked and kissed her neck and shoulder as goosebumps appeared on her skin.
With both hands, he pulled her panties just over her round ass, giving it a hard slap, and dropped them to the floor with the shirt where she kicked them both back out of the way. Her breathing picked up and she moaned again with the slap.
His finger tips lightly grazed over her clit and her legs began to tremble. She turned her head and kissed him on his cheek as she raised her right arm up and around to the back of his neck where she held onto him tightly. He sloppily kissed her as his fingers began to plunge in and out of her while his thumb flickered around her clit.
"Ivar," she whispered softly into his ear, "Take me, Ivar. Now. Take me."
With that, he quickly spun her around to the kitchen counter behind them and bent her over it, her breasts landing on the cold counter, spreading her legs apart. "Ivar, the food!" Katia pointed, remembering what the actual reason had been that she was in the kitchen.
He looked back at the stove, "It'll be ok."
He laid his hands over hers and spread her arms out on the counter, intertwining his fingers with hers. The heat from Ivar's body on her back and the cold from the counter on her chest caused her to whine out his name.
Grabbing himself, he placed his hard, throbing cock at her opening. "You want this? Humm? Is this what you want?"
Groaning and biting her bottom lip as she stuck her ass out closer to him, she whimpered, "Umm humm."
And with that, he thrusted up into her, causing her entire body to bounce forward against the cold counter. He didn't stop to wait for her to adjust before he pulled back and slammed himself into her again.
He saw the bowls with fruit and whipped cream that she'd sat out on the counter for the pancakes she was cooking and swiped his finger through the whipped cream. He brought it to her mouth and told her, "Suck it clean!" She stuck her tongue out and between her moans, licked around his finger before sucking it into her mouth and doing as she was told.
His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he slammed into her again, even harder this time. His breathing was ragged as he continued stroking her from behind. He grabbed a strawberry and dipped it into the whipped cream. He slowly trailed it across the back of her shoulder blades and down her back, leaving a clear path for his mouth to follow, causing her to whine. He leaned over her and put the strawberry in her mouth as he slowly licked and sucked the whipped cream off of her back, causing her to maon and twitch beneath him.
"Harder, Ivar! Faster! I'm close!" Her words drove him on. He placed his arm under her and grabbed her gently across her throat and lightly squeezed as he bit his bottom lip, looking down at her.
He spit in his other hand and quickly moved it around her body and found her clit with his fingers. As his nimble fingers began to work their magic, her body tensed and she cried out his name. He pounded away, enjoying how her body slid up and down the counter.
Her walls clinched around him tightly which made him fuck up into her even harder, legs trembling out of control. She moaned out, "Ivar!" and as he thrusted up into her again, her juices flowed all over him and down her legs to the floor. It was as if the warmth from her fluids spread throughout his body to his core and his movements became sloppy as he continued his assault on her. Grasping ahold of her shoulers, he stiffened, his thrusts faltered, and he finally released everything he had with one final stroke into her.
He fell over her, nearly crushing her into the counter, and bit her shoulder as his head fell on her. She moaned and tried catching her breath. They stayed like that for a few moments until the kitchen fire alarm went off.
Surprised, they both jumped up and Katia groaned at the emptiness as Ivar pulled out of her. He ran to get the fire extinguisher as she called out to him, "Ivar, we don't need it. It's just smoke. A lot of damn smoke," she laughed.
They both laughed upon noticing just how badly the pancake was burned. "And you said it would be ok. Good thing we were close by," she pointed at him and smiled, waving a plate at the smoke filling the air.
"I'll be back. I'm going to find my boxers," Ivar softly kissed her on her shoulder, turned, and then looked over his shoulder at her, "And I guess I'll open some windows," he grinned.
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When Ivar returned to the kitchen, he found his plate already made for him and Katia sitting on the opposite side of it with his shirt back on but unbuttoned. Sitting down on the barstool, he asked, "So, are you seriously trying to make this breakfast go completely to waste?"
"What do you mean? You haven't even tasted it yet."
"I mean you're seriously sitting in front of me all sexy as fuck again with my shirt back on but completely open? Do you really believe I can think of eating after seeing that?" She coughed as she looked up at him and smiled. "Well, I mean, pancakes anyway. You know I could totally 'eat' my dessert first," he winked at her.
Katia showed him he'd popped the buttons off, "Look! It's not my fault. It's yours," she complained back to him as she showed the shirt to him.
"Well, damn. I liked that shirt. Guess it's your special shirt now," he laughed.
As he looked down at his plate, he noticed there was a small box just under the napkin. "What's this?"
"Happy anniversary, Ivar."
"You didn't have to give me anything," he was genuinely surprised.
"Just open it."
He untied the cute bow on top of the box, looking back up at her. "Go on," Katia encouraged. He opened the lid and saw a gold chain inside. When he pulled it out, there was a small, round pendant hanging from it with a swirled line on the front of it. As he examined it, he noticed it was a Lockett. When he opened it, inside was a small picture of he and Katia from months before, one he'd once mentioned being his favorite.
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He looked at Katia in shock. "Does that mean you like it?"
"I love it. And this picture, oh my God, yes, I love it. Thank you. Can you help me put it on?"
She slipped off of her stool and went to him. He held his hair up and out of the way as she clasped the necklace around his neck. Leaning around him and grabbing the pendant, she said, "This swirl here on the front means eternity. It's a never-ending circle, like our love, Ivar."
He pulled her on around him and into his lap. He kissed her madly. Pulling away, he said, "Thank you so much. It means the world to me. I'll never take it off, just like I'll never stop loving you."
She jumped out of his lap before he had the chance to protest. "Now, eat your breakfast before it gets cold."
They spent the rest of the weekend was just like that with sex and food and spending time together. Ivar couldn't be happier and was extremely thrilled he'd finally popped the question to her and even more ecstatic that she'd said yes.
Katia was really happy as well. She couldn't believe Ivar had actually chosen her. Although, she'd be lying to herself if she didn't think about her soon to be, overbearing mother-in-law. She wasn't sure how she'd handle knowing Aslaug was in control or their money and, therefore, of their lives. She knew the small amount of time until Ivar gained his financial freedom would pass quickly, but she also knew it was going to linger in the back of her mind. Maybe her love for Ivar would be enough to stop all this worrying.
@istorkyou @vero-maris-zamo @chapada010101010 @lostasalice-thisway @ivarhoegh @lonewolf471 @covidinducedsocialreject @tessakate
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goddesspharo · 6 months
ao3 wrapped: 12, 18, 30
[ask me about my ao3 wrapped!]
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
There are so many bits and pieces of things in there, but I think realistically probably two or three that can actually be considered WIPs. I really didn't want to carry any into the new year, but I'm not fast enough to make that happen. I'm hoping I finish drunk married in Vegas fic this year because I don't want to add to the number and I'm currently in a miraculous groove where I know where I want it to go and then can actually write to that effect?
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Janet from Theater Camp when I wrote an addict for dramatics because I'd only watched the movie once at an advance screening with people who were far more into theater than I was so I really had to work for the details when writing the fic. The good thing was that Janet was also at camp with people far more into theater than she was!
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
That I can write long fic? Really, really long fic? Back in the day, you'd be hard-pressed to get me to go above 7k because I'd get bored easily and just want to be done with it. But this year, I wrote so many fics over 10k. Some very, very over that. And now I routinely get into 20k territory, which still feels a little insane to me. It less about the length and more about how I've just become more comfortable with letting a story breathe and take the beats that it wants to take. It makes for a more fun writing experience because I feel less compelled to check things off a list of plot points -- and hopefully makes it more interesting to read as well.
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worldsover · 4 years
Dal Segno ft. Chuu
length ✦ 3570
genres ✧ music making; oral fixation; facefuck; subby!Chuu
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Composition is only fifty percent of the process, you've heard, but it's closer to ten for you. For the importance of a solid melody and chord progression with the right instruments and singer, a song becomes less than the sum of its parts with bad mixing because all that effort goes to waste when you can’t hear something, or when something is too loud, or when a certain je ne sais quoi is wrong. But you do know. You don't have to be a chef to be a food critic but it certainly helps. Avoid muddling the lows as it waters down the soup. Carve space in the highs to prevent too much salt from killing the taste buds. Have at most five sounds at a time or else the flavors clash. Focus on these basic techniques to guide you as repetition wears down your mind. Funny. Repetition legitimizes especially in music yet here you are fatigued by repetition as though you weren't down four cups of black coffee. Repetition legitimizes. “From the sign,” the translation reads. Notation, simply instructing a musician to return to a certain point in a piece. You recognize it as an intro song you wrote years ago.
Glass and foam separate the undersized room. Cheap ramen and dampness in the hot air contribute to the odor. You would keep the fan on, if it were worth the extra time filtering out faint noise from recordings. The only scent that keeps you sane is a slight strawberry flavor lingering in the room. Jiwoo. Your muse. A large clock holds both of its hands near one with the lack of natural light muddling whether it’s AM or PM. Studios were always underground man-caves whether they were discount rooms or the signature workspace of the biggest producers. Here you are in the former. Look down at the Macbook and all the wires, sliders, and knobs. Deep breath. “Take 63,” you say into the cheap control room microphone.
“Not good enough.”
“One more.”
Look up. Jiwoo sucks on a grape lollipop. You stare. Watching her fixated on getting all flavor out of the purple sweet derails your flow state. See, work had a rhythm. Listen, volume up, hotkey to copy this clip, volume down. The obvious innuendo sends you offbeat. That perky butt bending over to get a notebook filled with lyrics entrenches the folds of your brain. She didn’t have to wear that skirt. You’ve seen that skirt already and you wish she weren’t wearing it. Oh, you really wish she weren’t wearing that skirt. Guilt sets in. You’re a trusted coworker, she, a naive girl. It takes a while to find your groove again. Your stare has yet to cease until she finally returns the eye contact with candy still in mouth. Her pink tongue laps to secure all the sugar and red pillows engulf the ever-shrinking circle. Pop. Anyone else and it would be calculated action.
“Oppa." Her voice resounds in your monitor headphones. "I don’t know if these harmonies really make sense. Why did you write the second voice to cross down below the main line? Plus it goes so low."
“To be fair, you wrote both of those melodies and you said you wanted them in the same song. Tell me anywhere else they’d work.”
“Ugh, let’s figure this out later. Next song.“
Dozens of takes later and Jiwoo’s frustration causes her to make mistakes. Sometimes she even tries to start singing with the sucker in her mouth. For the character she plays, you know she’s a professional and that she can be better. Yet hours later, she still could not get the vocal runs right. Incomplete songs bloat your project folder: "Jiwoo - Mania", "Jiwoo - Look Closer", "Jiwoo - Untitled Idea 21". Just a small side project that the company approved during another ample period of break time between comebacks. That’s why the director didn’t even let you use the company’s facilities, instead opting to rent out this cheap closet of a studio. At least no one would be mad about the amount of time you spent recording together.
You shift seats from the leather office chair to the white lovechair, the only two pieces of furniture that fit comfortably in the room. Jiwoo follows suit and leaves the recording booth, really more of a phone booth in square footage, while she huffs and puffs on her candy.
“I’m tired, oppa,” she says.
“Me too, Jiwoo. May I remind you that I’m not getting paid extra for this. Are you gonna focus or what?” your voice just a few cents down, just a bit harsher.
“I, I’m sorry.” A lick anyway. Her meek tone disappears, “Ya! You know how good your royalties are gonna be. Sole producer and all that. Plus, here you are still doing all this work for me." Why were you working so hard on this? "You know, if you just taught me how to use Ableton-”
“Then I’d be out of a job.”
Jiwoo frowns, “Wow, selfish much? You could’ve joined me as a trainee.”
“Nah, no way. Fish dance better.”
“Shut up, oppa. You would’ve easily made it with your, um, musical talent.” She clamps down on the lollipop with her mouth.
“You good? What was that?”
“Let’s," she stands promptly, "get back to recording.”
Crack. Jiwoo bites down on the lollipop and throws the stick in the trash. In ten minutes, she nails the verse she spent hours trying to get right. It'd be really nice to know what catalyzed that rally. You'd ask but driving Jiwoo back to her dorm is quiet as usual.
Make a good impression on someone, anyone, on your first day as a mixing engineer. That’s why you returned to the Blockberry Creative building with an extra bar of Melona in hand. A simple bribery. Light beamed down between two skyscrapers on a short girl with long hair and strands of bangs adorning her forehead. She stood outside the lobby, introducing herself to every passerby. You had to pinch her cheeks, the intrusive thought screamed.
She scurried up to you. “Hi! I’m Kim Jiwoo and I’m going to become an idol!”
Ah, a trainee. You already knew she was destined to become one. Well, not literally, you weren’t in charge of that. But her overflowing charm was impossible to ignore. You had to tease her though, “Are you sure?”
“Hey! What would you know about that, mister?” she said.
You bit down on your mango. “Mister? First of all, I’m only a high school senior,” her lips rounded in surprise, “And second, I’m your new audio guy, and I know for a fact they’re debuting you girls in order of talent.”
“Woooow. Well, I’ll have you know, I have a great voice!” She certainly spoke lyrically.  “Wait a minute, I didn’t know they hired people that young.” You pointed at her. “Okay, I’m in high school too. But that’s different, idols start this age.”
“I guess. I’ve been making music ever since I was a kid, and they liked what I had,” you said and Jiwoo nodded in understanding.
She fluttered her eyebrows. “Sooo, is that mango ice cream for me? Oppa?” A little surprised she already called you that, but it sounded right.
“No, I have this unopened strawberry-” Jiwoo snatched the half-eaten cold treat from your hand, and started licking it. Trouble she would be.
You spent many recording sessions together, alone after all the other members left. She cozied up to you because her little musical snippets had to become full-fledged tracks and you helped her out every time.
Something changed over the years however. Your interactions became colder. It felt like you were the only one who she would respond to in a deeper voice. Jiwoo wouldn't pepper you with silly acts or mess around. Maybe she took you more seriously which is how you managed to make more songs together regardless. Then, you stood idly by and watched her debut. Who didn't love her? But when she was with you, you missed the playfulness, the ice cream and her riffing over your playful guitar strums. It turned less of a hobby and more of a job though you never regretted any second with Jiwoo regardless.
Under the Earth's largest natural satellite, you shared a simple meal in black bean noodles. She was still in her hippie outfit from the comeback, and you handed her your jacket since it was cold. You realized, there was something else there that you were too inexperienced to notice. Your bodies' radiation replace the chill in the air, a bubble with just the two of you eating on the grass in a park near your dorm. A cliche slurping on one noodle and Jiwoo pulled away. In embarrassment, like a damn anime character, she hiccuped. Good thing you didn't close your eyes when you leaned in.
“Wanna make an album together?” Jiwoo says.
You threw away the noodles’ package and escorted her home. That was all you expected anyway. Fine.
“That’s enough!”
Three goddamn weeks. It's been three goddamn weeks and you've barely made any progress.
Barge into the booth, slam the door shut and raise your tone, just below a shout, “I've had it up to here! You know how many of my songs have been mashed together in some unholy quest for your perfection? Just one unknown something is missing and either you start complaining or we move on to the next."
She backs up from the mic to the insulated wall but you continue, paying no heed to her, as you spout your piece to the artificially cold air, "You know how much time I’ve spent outside working on these songs? These are songs I’ve saved up over years. And you trash them like they’re nothing. How do you even manage to record LOONA tracks?”
Regret sinks in. This was your passion project as much as hers. Was it frustration from the recordings? Weeks of the same routine and it took until now for you to give in to your temper.
"It wouldn't even be that bad! If you could just one time, you could be cute or cheerful again with me, or,” Fuck. So stupid. You don’t have to take your friendships for granted like this. You’re lucky enough she treats you as much. “Hold on. Wait, I'm-"
Examine her face. It’s not sour and she hasn’t stormed out or even slapped you.
“No, no. You don’t have to say it. I’m. I’m sorry oppa.” She looks down. “I'm the one messing up after all." Her heartbeat a harsh snare drum. "And you. You're. Different. Looking at you always made me feel some, something funny. Not funny but? Ugh. I wish I could explain it.”
You hold in your confusion.
She blabbers on, “Like, are. Are you mad? I promise you, I,” A nervous breath, ”I like you. Okay?"
Your confusion grows like the length of your silence.
"I’m just acting how I really am with you. Do you want to maybe, I don't know, like," her voice decrescendos, "Um. Punish me?”
Your heart, your brain are deprived of blood as it all rushes down. Did you hear that right? Not an apology, not retribution, but a call to punishment? Misinterpreting her, the consequences would be dire but that damned demure tone for such an erotic request. Was Jiwoo the exact type of slut constructed in your mind? The one that made you feel sinful for even imagining. No, no, there's no way.
Too late. Jiwoo must have noticed the absurd bulge now. It had to be these Adidas pants today. Fuck it. Life can’t be lived fully without risk. Hopefully, the same switch turned in her mind. You remove all ire from your face and say in earnest, “Do you like games?"
She lights up a little. You sigh relieved.
"Let’s try…”, you say, ”Strip recording.” She lights up a little more, so you go on, ”If I mess up anything, the mix, the composition, the arrangement, I’ll take off a piece of clothing. Your choice. And every time you mess up-”
Jiwoo unbuttons her denim shorts and brings them down her tight legs.
“D- did I say now?”
However, with her resolve steeled, she continues pulling them. "So what? I did mess up, right?" she says coquettish. Deliberate the turn she makes when she bows down to remove the shorts from her legs, Jiwoo reveals a hint of her innie pussy on that same little ass that ran through your mind earlier. A small trace of her thighs glistens, the only thing reflecting the single lightbulb’s glow in the microphone’s abode. She turns back to face you. "Please. Punish me."
Step closer until Jiwoo backs up to the soundproofing. She’s an eighth note away from your face, flashing her beady eyes and a coy smile, ”Where's your underwear?" A little drop spills out onto the floor, "And why are you so wet, Jiwoo-ah?”
Red on her cheeks, like she only now realized her dishevelment in front of you. “You just… Something about you snapping at me. I don’t get it either. I knew you'd do it, some day, I wanted you to," she mumbles in her best efforts to answer you.
“Have you ever worn underwear to the recordings?”
Those efforts continue to fail.
"Oh, Kim Jiwoo. What do I do with you?" One of your hands grabs her cheek. The other crawls down her back to grab her cheek.
“Oppa… Do I have to say it?”
“I want to hear every." Smack. "Word." Smack. She slips a moan.
“Can you," she says, "can you use my mouth?”
You disguise your long pause as thought, teasing the bare skin of her ass with your exploratory fingers to bide time, but it's an expression of your shock. The interruption helps you come up with a more suitable punishment however.
“How about this then. Every time you mess up, you have to give me a blowjob. Call?”
“Call!” Once more, unprompted, she kneels down in front of you and claws away your track pants. You roll with the punches.
"Oppaa," with an pronounced pop and in a sing-songy rhythm, "I've always wanted to know, if your dick-" It certainly didn't need Jiwoo's dainty hands pulling on your boxers, as it would've sprang out on its own with how like diamond your cock is getting.
"Fuuuck," the first profanity you ever hear her utter, she lilts. "Please. Oppa. Fuck my face?"
After all she said, she could still surprise you. Bring your hips forward and just as you would've her pussy, tease Jiwoo’s lips with the head of your dick. She parts them open, starved, anxious.
Hold her by the chin. "Wait."
She freezes at the command. Again, like foreplay, rub her lips with that head making them turn redder and more plump. You sweep aside her bangs to see her begging eyes. More importantly, slide your dick up to her nude forehead to slap as a first act of retribution. “A-ah!” Jiwoo stutters as you slap her face with your manhood again and again. Bring your cock back down and she's already a mess without you even having entered her mouth. A little drool from her shut lips gently massages your balls while a bit of precum drools from your slit to meet those lips.
Jiwoo mumbles as best as she can with you holding her jaw shut and your dick on her lips, "Please. Please. Shove your dick in me. I need you in my mouth."
You squint your rough eyes to command her.
Muffled still, "Oppa. Please. I. I need to taste you. You just, you're so thick and you're so long and cock is perfect and please I just-"  Loosen the grip on her chin to let her envelop the entire tip with her warm lips. "Mmmmm..." the moan resonates a saw wave and your stern resolve fades away on your first entrance into her face but it returns as her teeth rub against you. She quickly readjusts her jaw but it takes multiple attempts of you pulling out and her sucking you back until only silken lips hold your cock's head. Finally. A focused glint in her eyes. She endeavours to keep your tip in her mouth as long as possible.
You were mad at her earlier, weren't you?
Recall this anger and press yourself into her with all your hips' strength, working against the force of her lip's airtight suction. Saliva leaks to betray the seal. Jiwoo's prying tongue explores the underside of your cock but you reach an impasse while she's not even halfway down the shaft. You shove your dick deeper but to no avail and tears roll down her eyes joining the fluids coating her lips. Thus you exit back out. And back in you go to repeat and repeat and slowly increase your rate, becoming rough sex with her diligent mouth. All the positions you’ve imagined fucking her little pussy, you picture using her throat instead. Even in this compact studio, the couch, chair and desk would provide ample support for you to use her in many ways. The dirty thoughts inspire your speed right now. She slurps and gulps at every quick plunge but you realize her moans and rumbles aren't just incoherent reactions. You decelerate.
“Ah, ahhh, ahhhhhh… Ah’ve ahways- Hmph.” She slurs as she tries her hardest to communicate while her airway is blocked.
She slides up your cock to catch some air, “Thought about it- Mmm.”
“Your dick in my mouth and it’s just so pew, fect- Ahhh.” Jiwoo's lips let go gently then her tongue sticks out to lick up your cock and she shows off a trail of spit leading to your tip. A less patient man would’ve jerked himself off right there to grant her eyes and open mouth's unison request to feed on your cum.
Instead you retort, “You think you’ve earned it? Not even halfway down. Going nowhere, just like our recording sessions, huh?”
“Shut up!”
“Oof.” You’re already weak in the knees so Jiwoo's one handed shove sends your tailbone to the floor. Since you’re still dazed by her confounding strength, she takes initiative and kowtows her head into your lap to crawl down your cock with her tiny lips. Fondling your balls, Jiwoo starts from the furthest point she could muster on your shaft up to your cock head. Her tongue follows back and she starts playing under your tip to swirl that tongue around the most sensitive parts until it explores your slit. You buckle and groan. Jiwoo sucks and spits and sucks while she circles only the most minimal twisting motion of her lips on your head. This is the Jiwoo you know. Relentless. Only now your load is her magnus opus.
Her right hand strays downwards and her face on your dick blocks a full view but you can tell that hand is working as intensely as her mouth. As she strokes herself with more vigor, she starts humming a satisfied melody on your tip. In kind, your subtle grunts turn into full-bodied moans. You're a single measure away from your coda so you reach down and pull her off your cock by grabbing her neck.
You glare into her. “Desperate little girl, aren't you?”
Her breath is stilted and she's nearly shaking. “Please…” she sobs, ”You, you want it as bad as I do right?” Of course. “Won't you just cum for me?” Not now. Not when you have putty in your hands.
“You're making a mess. You can't take me all the way down. And I see that it’s not just your saliva coating the floor.” Point to the spot where she kneels, her drool joins a stain growing ever larger with a strand of juice from her pussy flowing as you continue to berate her. Then you point to her hand. Ha. “Were you playing with yourself using my pencil?”
“No… Wait!”
You back off. “Your top’s a mess too. Anyone can tell I just fucked your face.” You take off your black hoodie and give it to her. “I’ll see you tomorrow for our next session.”
“Wait, we didn’t book tomorrow, did we? Also, you can’t just leave me like this! Oppa!”
"I said, I'll see you tomorrow. I have to go,“ you remind her, ”Ha Rin’s picking you up. And give me back that pencil.”
She hands it to you, unable to meet your eyes despite hers lusting over your cock. You'll definitely use the alluring musk on it for later to save you from your self-induced blue balls. Exit the booth. Of course she barely waits to use your hoodie the same way since she doesn’t notice you lingering in the room. Instead of hiding the grey long sleeve that soaks her neck, your used sweatshirt covers Jiwoo’s face as her fingers make the mess on the floor larger.
Swear to god I’m not just writing the cutest idols to write for. I mean maybe I am but also this answer from @nsfwtwicecatcher​ and all the subsequent pictures that I found of Chuu pouting inspired me. Also, this was a longer piece but I kept spinning my tires on it and decided to split it up, so look out for more.
Fermata, the aforementioned sequel
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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PART 4 | previously: part 3 | masterlist
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: swearing, mention of violence but there isn’t any
synopsis: When UA’s hot heads, Katsuki Bakugou and you, are forced to put your hatred for each other aside and plan the third year Prom, things end up getting a little heated...
a/n: hi friends!! okay so this part is a little longer but it’s important for what’s to come ;) because i just couldn’t help myself, there’s a little song reference in there, hopefully you catch it,, maybe it’s important *wink wink* anyways, taglist is open so just lmk if you’d like to be added 🖤 enjoy xx
Four: it’s what’s on the inside that counts
It’s been over 2 weeks since your fight with Bakugou. The two of you haven’t spoken since, leaving your classmates a bit nervous. You were stubborn and so was he. The only problem was, neither of you really remembered why you were fighting in the first place. You two fought often, that was obvious, but something about this last fight felt different. As if you and Bakugou genuinely wanted to hurt each other. In the past, it was mainly for your own satisfaction just to fight someone. You and Bakugou had disliked each other for so long that you couldn’t even think of a solid reason for why you hated him. You soon came to realize that you barely knew anything about Katsuki Bakugou...and that bothered you.
“LISTEN UP! Prom tickets will be on sale after school today in the common area. You can also buy them at the door but just know they’ll cost more. So I recommend you have your money ready and get in line early because I only have a certain amount for presale. Thank you that’s all!” You announced to your class. “Oh and pass this information onto the other classes please!”
You hopped down from the desk where you were standing and brushed your skirt down.
“Do you need help setting up?” asked Deku. You looked over at Bakugou, who was supposed to be helping you but since the two of you weren’t on speaking terms, that wasn’t really an option.
“Uh sure that’d be great,” you said.
“I’ll lend a hand as well,” chimed in Iida. You laughed.
“Guys all I need help with is moving a table and a few boxes,” you explained.
“We are happy to help!”
You, Deku, and Iida set up the ticket selling table. You placed the poster of the dance in front of the table. Izuku grabbed the box of tickets and looked through them.
“Y/N did you make these?” He asked. Your face got warm.
“Uh yeah, it’s not a big deal though,” you insisted.
“It’s excellent artistic work Y/N! You should be proud!” smiled Iida.
“Yeah it’s super cool!”
“Thanks guys,” you gushed. You sat down at the table and pulled out your notebook and pen.
“Alright! Who wants the honor of buying the first ticket?”
“You should, after all you planned the dance,” said Deku. You smiled.
“I guess you’re right.” You picked up the first ticket, wrote your name next to the #1 spot in your notebook, and put your money in the cash box.
“Okay. Who’s next?”
The line of people never seemed to end. You got in the groove of writing down their name, number, and putting away the money pretty quickly.
“Hey Momo! Uh you’re number 35,” you said to your classmate.
“Thanks, here you go!” She smiled, handing you the money.
“Y/N!!” cheered Mina, “wait is this the theme?” Mina pointed to the design on the tickets.
“Uh yeah it is,” you smiled.
“‘My Emotions Feel Like Explosions When You’re Around’,” read aloud Deku.
“I LOVE IT!! It’s super cute and honestly I would expect nothing less from you and Bakugou!”
Right. Bakugou.
“Uh yeah. I'm excited to see how it turns out once we get all the decorations.”
“Do any of you have dates yet?” asked Denki as he paid.
“Wow Denki is that your only concern?” laughed Jirou.
“I haven’t even thought about that,” said Iida.
“Planning on asking anyone?” You asked aloud.
“I am…” mumbled Deku.
“Wow Izuku wonder who?” said Kirishima sarcastically.
“Who are you gonna ask, Deku?” You asked. No one said anything. You turned around and saw all your friends staring at you.
“What…it was just a question…”
“Wait, you're like genuinely asking?” laughed Denki, “I thought it was obvious.” Deku hit Denki’s arm.
“It’s fine, it will be better if it’s a surprise anyway,” said Deku.
“Do you want someone to ask you, Y/N?” asked Sero, handing you his money. You put the cash in a box.
“I honestly don’t care. I wasn’t even planning on going to Prom before Aizawa forced me to plan it,” you admitted.
“Well we are all glad you’ll be there,” smiled Iida.
Your friends had all gone back to their dorms after a bit. There were still about 20 people in line for tickets and you were exhausted.
“Cafeteria closes soon dumbass,” said someone. You whipped around. You groaned.
“Well Katsuki, I’m kinda busy if you can’t tell,” you huffed.
“Go eat. I’ll finish up here,” he said. Your eyes grew.
“Wait what-”
“Go on, you only have 15 minutes before they close dinner. I've got this,” he insisted. You got up from your chair.
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
“It can’t be that hard if you figured it out.”
You rolled your eyes
“Whatever. Just pick up when you’re done.” You began to walk down to the cafeteria.
Two weeks of not talking to me and that’s all he has to say?
“Grabbing some dinner?” called Iida behind you. You smiled.
“Yeah , Bakugou is finishing up the ticket sale.”
“Nice. I’ll join you.”
“Thanks Iida.”
“Cold soba?” questioned Iida, “You never get your soba cold.” You looked down at your tray of food.
“I guess Todoroki converted me,” you joked. Iida raised a brow.
“Alright Y/N, what is it? We both know you hate cold food,” he said. You picked at your soba.
“I’m fine honestly,” you mumbled.
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Bakugou, would it?” You whipped your head to look at Iida.
“That’s more like it!” He smiled. You chuckled.
“Well would it?” He asked. You shrugged.
“I guess this whole dance is stressing me out. Bakugou and I haven’t been very productive lately ,” you admitted. Iida sighed.
“Well this might be a stretch but you could try to make peace with him.” You groaned.
“I’m not making peace with that angry pomeranian until he apologizes.”
“Why can’t you just apologize?”
“BECAUSE I-I, I don’t know. My own stupid pride I guess.”
“You two need to overcome your differences eventually. Who knows, you guys might have more in common than you think,” smiled Iida.
“You’re the worst, you know that,” you joked.
“Wait really?”
After dinner, you laid in your dorm room, staring up at the ceiling. You knew you should get some of the planning done but you also would rather just forget about the stupid dance. After about 10 minutes of contemplating, you headed down to the basement.
As you walked down the stairs, you remembered that Bakugou still had your notebook. You went down anyway, hoping to get some work done on your laptop instead. Much to your surprise, the door was propped open. You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for what could be behind the door.
“Hey Bakugou…” your voice trailed off as you saw that no one else was in the room.
He must’ve left the door open so I wouldn’t ask him for the keys.
You set down your things and sat down on one of the tables. You pulled out your laptop.
“I figured I’d find you here,” A raspy voice said. You looked up to see none other than Katsuki Bakugou, holding your notebook.
“Oh hi. I just thought I’d get some work done,” you explained.
“How’d you get in?”
“Uh you left the door open,” you explained. Bakugou huffed. He took a seat at the same table as you, setting down your notebook.
“Here dumbass.” Bakugou threw something on you and it landed on your head.
“What the-” You grabbed the soft material off of your head. Your eyes grew.
“You said I owed you a new shirt, so here it is,” he said. You looked at the brand new t-shirt, a smile on your face.
“Yeah well I didn’t think you’d actually buy me one…”
“I mean I did rip your other shirt pretty badly. I-uh-I’m sorry about that.” Your eyes widened.
“Did you just say you’re sorry?”
“Yeah and I’m not saying it again.” he huffed.
“Bakugou I’m sorry too,” you said. Bakugou tilted his head.
“What are you sorry for?”
“I guess for everything. Well, maybe not everything because I don’t regret kicking your ass for 3 years one bit but I am sorry for that fight the other day. I almost killed you,” you explained nervously.
“Key word ‘almost’. I guess I almost did too,” he joked. You let out a nervous chuckle.
“Here’s the thing Bakugou, I don’t know anything about you yet I hate you with every ounce of my body. I guess I want to hate you for a reason.”
“What the hell does that mean, nerd?” He questioned. Your face got warm.
“You know how they say, ‘it’s what’s on the inside that counts’? Well,I want to hate you for what’s on the inside,” you laughed. Bakugou raised a brow.
“And what about you? The only thing I know about you is that you’ve got a short temper and your shirts rip easily. I barely know you either…”
He was right. Probably the only person who knew anything remotely deep about you was Iida, and even that was still somewhat surface level. You didn’t pick UA to get too comfortable with your classmates, even if you were friends, since in the real world you would be competing for the number one Hero spot. Maybe that’s why most of them were intimidated by you.
You patted on the top of the table, hinting for Bakugou to sit with you. He groaned and joined you on the table.
“This is stupid,” he mumbled. You rolled your eyes.
“Come on just try. And just to clarify, we are doing this for research purposes only. I’m convinced by the end of this I’ll still want to rip your head off 24/7,” you said. Bakugou nodded.
“Yeah I mean not like that could change.”
“Exactly. Okay so you first. What is it that makes Katsuki Bakugou a horrible pain in my ass?” You smiled sarcastically. Bakugou chuckled quietly.
“What do you want to know, dumbass?”
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @bokutory @complimentaryhugsgirl @cloudswritings @kriswu46 @neodnyl @evivn1 @jazzylove @mileven-reddie @whalerus @misssugarless @random-fandom-girl-24 @fanfiction-and-stress @ushiwakatrash @minhoswife @addictofsupernatural @the-shota-king-masayuki @freyafolkvangr @fourteenow @tamaguchi @lalayy @athenarosaline @blxck-coffee @katsukibabe @thatonegeekchick ]
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suganovakawa · 4 years
two anons asked for more introverted and shy! reader .
Omg the headcanon w suga was so good TT I wanted to ask if you could do the same one with kags;-; 💞 like the introverted shy one
Oh my goooddddd the Suga one was so cuteeeee! Can I request the same one w kuroo? ;-; if not it’s totally fine!
and you know what ? i love this headcanon so much so i’m gonna do more of this . i hope you don’t mind i put both in one , it’s easier to post !
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karasuno and nekoma boys protect you because of your shyness !
— check out my masterlist !!
you being a shy introvert has never affected these boys’ feelings for you . if anything , they feel more obligated to keep you safe and protected ! these guys will do everything to make sure you’re supported and loved .
a / n : ehehehehe as a somewhat shy person myself i needed this
holy moly this came out so much longer than i originally planned , especially tobio’s — enjoy 😭
anyways ! if you want to be part of my general taglist - just ask ! and be specific if you want to be updated for certain things ( just headcanons , just scenarios , etc ) 🥺
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tobio kageyama
both of you are extremely shy but somehow you make your relationship work perfectly
well , tobio isn't shy , per se - he's just extremely awkward
shoyo was literally the one who had to do most of the communication between you and him before you two became a thing
kags became brave enough to ask you out himself after countless weeks of psyching himself up for it
he was beyond thankful when you said yes , his confidence was boosted now that he conquered his fear of confessing to you
kageyama is very understanding of your shyness - he won't ever make you do anything you're uncomfortable with , and will always make sure you feel safe when you two are out together
as more of an introvert himself , he prefers to spend time with you in private , so it's a win-win situation for the two of you in that case
you love to cuddle with tobio when it's just you two - he's become accustomed to you just climbing on top of him whenever and just making yourself at home
hinata was the one who encouraged you to meet the rest of the volleyball team - kags hit him on the head when he mentioned it
" no , it's okay tobio !! i'd love to meet your team ! "
he said o-o ??
" really , y/n ? you'll come to practice to meet everyone ? "
" y-yeah ! i'm sure it's not too bad . and maybe i could watch you practice too , if that's allowed ? "
yes you wanted to watch , but working your way up to meet them was a terrifying experience
what if they didn't like you ?
you mentioned your fear to tobio after school , who shook his head with a smile
" they're going to love you , y/n . you'd be surprised with how accepting they are . hinata and i told you about our first day , right ? "
" yes , yes you did "
you jumped behind kageyama as the bald guy started yelling at him about who knows what , you were too spooked to listen
shoyo was already at the gym , and noticed you hiding behind your boyfriend
" guys , guys ! that's kageyama's s.o. ! the one hiding behind him ! "
did hinata forget you're shy or something like wtf dude
you peeked out from behind kags , going pale as a whole sea of tall men stared right back at you
" everyone , this is y/n . y/n , this is my volleyball team . " taking you by the hand , tobio kept you close to him as he pulled you to his side
everyone collectively said hi , quietly to not overwhelm you
" damn kageyama , already cuffed as a first year , huh ? " this short dude with a blond tuft in front of his forehead patted him on the shoulder , and you watched as tobio struggled to reply , his cheeks going pink in embarrassment
you stayed away from the third years , as they had this powerful presence around them that intimidated you - especially that guy in the man bun , he's terrifying
you kept your distance from tsukishima , too - he's tall , sassy , and very scary
thankfully kiyoko was soft spoken enough to make you feel comfortable with being left with her - WTF WHO IS THAT INCOMING GROWN MAN HIDE
wait it's just the coach - NEVERMIND FALSE ALARM
you had never seen kageyama play volleyball until now - you heard about his middle school reputation , but he felt self conscious about it . so , you hardly ever brought it up in conversation
watching him in action was like falling for him all over again
the way he handled the ball so easily ; he could probably set in his sleep if he wanted to
and that quick attack - like damn , shoyo and tobio really are the dream team
after practice , WOOO BOY you were all over your him
practically gawking over everything you saw during practice - like DAMN , that setter is your boyfriend
you begged him to let you watch karasuno practice again , you'd end up warming up to the others eventually - you had him and hinata for support
he felt shy with how excited you were to watch him practice , but agreed to let you come to practice with him from now on
" tobio , you're so cool !! i wanna learn how to do the amazing things you do "
" cutie . i'd love to teach you sometime , y/n .
tetsurou kuroo
needless to say , tetsurou is anything but shy
how you managed to snag a catch like kuroo is beyond you
he likes - no , loves - your soft atmosphere , the peace that your presence brings him
he was literally a magnet to you in his quest of wooing you
the moment you even appeared in the same room for a second he’d end up right there with you
even if he was clingy in a sense , he respected your shyness and your boundaries , and would step away if he felt like you were uncomfortable with him
yes we stan gentleman kuroo anyway
eventually his charismatic tendencies and alluring charms got to you and you began to enjoy his company more and more
yes , you agreed to becoming his s.o. , only if he understood that you would be sometimes too shy to go out places with him
he didn’t care , he didn’t care if all you two did was stay at home — this boy was over the moon that you were now officially his
the first thing he did was brag to his team lmao
did i mention that nekoma was betting on him being able to get you ?
kenma and lev owed yamamoto yen for being kuroo’s only supporter BFHSJNFNF
yaku took it a step further and told tetsu to bring you here — to which he internally panicked
he wasn’t planning on introducing you to the others so early , you two were still trying to get in the groove of being in a relationship
but after being pestered by literally everyone else on the team , he finally gave in and agreed to ask you the next time he saw you
he sugar coated it to the max when he saw you the next day
“ y/n , my absolute darling , i know you said you’re a shy little cutie and all , but — ”
“ tetsu , please just tell me what you need from me . ”
LMAOOOO you can read the third year like a book ; he shut up immediately when you shot an eyebrow upwards
“ i wasn’t planning to introduce you this early but , the guys from my volleyball team want to meet you . today , after school , preferably . ”
y/n.exe has stopped working
“ baby , baby ! you don’t have to , i swear ! i’m not gonna push you to do anything you don’t want , they just want to meet you in person once , is all . you never have to go again if you decide to go only one time , i promise . ”
hhhhhhhhh why is tetsurou like this
“ fine , i’ll go today . i have nothing to do after school anyway . but after that , no more . i can only take so much , you know that . ”
he punched his fists in the air before snatching a kiss to your temple
“ thank you , baby ! you won’t regret meeting them , i promise . ”
it took a lot of psyching yourself up to actually go through with this
but kuroo looked so happy when you agreed , you didn’t wanna let him down :(
so you two met up after school — he was already with kenma
you already met kenma in the past , so seeing him didn’t bother you ; he was an introvert too so he understood how you felt
“ hi , y/n . i’m surprised you can keep up with kuroo the way you do . ”
“ it’s strenuous sometimes , but worth it . ”
aww look at you two bonding — even if it was at kuroo’s expense , he looked like he was about to explode in tears of joy
that moment of peace left the moment the gym doors bashed open — WHO THE FGIDKFK WAS STANDING AT THE DOOR
“ not now , lev . ”
oh my god he saw you
no turning back now
the so-called lev widened his eyes , his jaw dropped for a few seconds before running back into the gym
kuroo appeared like a deer in headlights as you looked at him dumbfoundedly
“ tetsurou . what , and i mean what , is going on ? ”
you watched as someone much much smaller than him — you recognized yaku , he was your classmate — literally kick lev across the back , causing him to fall over
“ they’re a rowdy bunch , y/n . but they won’t lay a hand on you , i assure you . they’ve got much more bark than bite . if they even do have a bite . ”
kenma answered you before kuroo could ; he was blubbering away with incoherent excuses answers you couldn’t even understand
a dude with a mohawk came up to inspect you , and you screamed
tetsurou slapped him away , before wrapping his arms around you protectively
“ don’t go near y/n ! they’re very shy , so please be careful ! ”
this is so embarrassing you might just die
kenma and yaku made sure everyone else yamamoto and lev gave you personal space
once they were all settled down , you actually thought they were a nice bunch — it also helped to know that lev was a first year , it made him appear much less scary
kuroo insisted that you stay for practice , and after some pestering from him and the rest of the team , you agreed
watching them practice was not what you expected
where was tetsurou kuroo and what did they do to him
you didn’t even recognize your boyfriend as he took his rightful role as captain on the court , helping the others and giving pointers wherever needed
the others fell in place , too — watching everyone practice was totally different to how they acted before
you were actually mesmerized , watching them — you didn’t even realize practice was over until kuroo walked over to you and told you that it was over
“ i-it’s over already ? ”
“ yeah , baby . it’s done . did you enjoy it ? ”
“ yeah . . . yeah , i did . i enjoyed it a lot , actually ! ”
“ well , if you’re up for it , the manager spot is very much open . but you don’t have to take it , i know you said this would be the only time you’d come with me . ”
oh no no no you were not gonna miss a chance to be mesmerized like that again
“ y’know what , tetsu ? i want to be the manager . sign me up . ”
cue a screaming yamamoto and long legs lev jumping for joy as tetsurou grinned like crazy at your response
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7. Enlisted Service
When we leave the party we have to stop at McDonald's for something quick to eat before returning to the infamous palm tree lined path leading up to our school's main quad. Ambling from the vehicle, there's a lot of stumbling around since we're drunk as fuck but as a group, we each make it into the dorm without mishap. Letitia and I watch the others as we go one by one to our rooms dropping each other off until it's just us two. She puts a finger to her lips and giggling soundlessly, follows me into my room collapsing flat on her back on my bed as I close the door.
"I LOVE your bed set," she swoons hugging one of my pillows.
"You here to cuddle my pillows or me," I tease walking kicking my shoes off and approaching. I climb onto the bed, straddling her waist and snatching the pillow to toss it to the floor. "Cause I'm right here, baby love, in ALLLL my glory," I stress rubbing my fingertips down my chest to my stomach as her eyes follow my nails.
"How do you get away with being so arrogant," she smirks with a slight questioning squint.
"Oop!.. Arrogant?"
"My bad did I say that out loud," she covers her mouth.
"You did! But that's fine, you can think I'm arrogant. I adore me because I love beautiful things, is that so wrong?"
"So do I."
"Yeah? Well, I'm in need a soft touch from a special girl who can enjoy me with me. You down?"
"I want the same," she whispers meekly, fingers rolling over the fabric of my dress before slipping down to lightly stroke the skin of my thigh bringing me goosebumps. She seems reserved, I want her to ravage me. I see her watching my lips.
"How many girls have you been with?"
"I.. Don't know. A handful?"
"Would've thought less."
She's so mild and gentle, which isn't like her usual bold personality.
"Mild and gentle," she huffs blowing out her lips. "You know you just said that to ME!"
"OOP! Then we even, ain't we!" I cover my mouth like she did.
Her build is slim and boxy but athletic with some slight curve which I like. It may be wrong but it reminds me of a nigga in a way.. and that turns me on even though I know she's very feminine. Maybe it's the liquor but my fantasies are going wild and I want her to top me with my strap which I feel like grabbing now. I feel like if she were serious, she could really deliver.
But I also like her feminine energy and at the same time I don't want that to fluctuate. I like the way she's stroking my skin with her fingers so gently, it feels good. Winding my hips to grind against her I don't even know what I'm grinding on anymore. My mind's going back to Chris. I can teach him how to fuck. He is too fine to be so bad at it. What if I called him now for a threesome? I'm just so horny, would Letitia be down for it?
"You mind if I make myself a bit more comfortable?"
"Girl if you don't take these damn clothes off!" I tug at her dress letting it go and she chuckles as I lift off of her so she can sit up. I start to take my gear off too. "Yeah, we supposed to be fuckin.. Sitting here fully dressed like some fools, what the hell?"
"Right? I came to see some ASS for the free 99!"
"Some ass? Oh girl, all you had to do was ask, I love throwing this ass! In fact, let me set up my camera to record."
When I say my camera, I mean my phone of course. It's what I use to film all of my content for sales. I send Chris a little text to get to me ASAP and I set the phone up on its stand and start the video. Impatient, I head to Letitia and grab the elastic of her panties pulling them down off of her as she's knocked to the side from how rough I am.
"Well damn Phoebe!"
"I want what I want."
Pushing her backward to fall onto my bed, I check the angle of the camera once more before I press her thighs apart. Getting the memo, she lifts her legs high and holds her own thighs as a help. I rub at her outer lips but for the sake of not blocking the camera, I climb up to straddle her waist and face the camera, licking her as I watch the lens. At this angle I can reach the whole kitten to play with.. and I do as she whispers.. but I can also focus on that point where all those nerves meet. I hope all the sucking is loud enough to hear on camera, I know the spit is visible.
I alternate between licking lightly and giving attention to different areas with her fingers in my hair making me wonder if I need to constrain her hands to that she doesn't pull on my lace. This isn't my actual hair, it can come off if someone is way too rough.
"Oooh," she hums palming the back of my head with one hand and rubbing on my ass with the other. She pulls my panties to the side and starts to return the favor as I let her use my tongue to move closer to orgasm. Although her licking duties suffer due to her focus being on the pleasure radiating through her kitty, I don't mind that much. I can't blame her, I'm great at head. She really loves the feeling, I can tell. The way she's holding my head though, I'm having flashbacks to some good sessions and now even more than before, I want her to use my strap-on on me! I wait until she gets her first nut of the night before I stop and turn around, letting her taste herself. She's getting grabbier and pulling on me so I grind against her and for a while we just make out while her fingers slip in and out of me.
Eventually, I need more than fingers but I know she's craving too since she's grinding back to the point of rubbing her kitten against my peach for some delicious friction. We need more.
I pause her and rise gracefully, bounding to my toy chest for my double-sided blue dildo and one of my many water based lubes. Rubbing down both ends, I steady it between us as she greedily snatches up an end pulling it inside of herself. I take the other end and do the same, watching her as she attempts to hoard the length. I have to sit closer with my thighs over hers to get my fill. Together, we both hold it steady with a hand between us as we toy ourselves, grinding faster and faster. She grabs my boob, squeezing and I pull her in closer wrapping her in another solid kiss while fucking the shit out of myself and her.
That's when I see a silhouette from the corner of my eye and almost have a heart attack.
"You wanted me to be the link in your lil pussy chain," Chris slurs sitting on the bed, shirt already off.
"What you doing here," I frown still holding onto Letitia.
"Why is he in here," she asks, not stopping just as I'm not. I'm close.
"I don't know," I admit.
"You told me to come over," he says but I don't remember that. "..When you texted me? Hol'up." He pulls up messages and shows me my name on a thread.  I have to read it twice.
"I sure did invite him.. Damn."
He takes his shoes off followed by his pants and he pulls out a condom having come prepared.
"Y'all getting it in. Where can I fit?"
"You can lay flat and let Letitia ride your face while I ride that dick my way," I point directing him where and how to lay. I also direct Letitia and rub over her chest, boobs, and shoulders telling him how she likes it and where to lick as she grinds on his face with no regard for his air flow, as it should be.
Once he gets the hang of that, I stroke up his shaft with a little of the lube that still glossing my hand and I sit on it gradually feeling every groove that I can through the condom before riding it, getting it the way I like it. He's a lucky man tonight getting to share a bed with two lovely visions.
"This video about to be nasty," I smirk throwing my ass against his pubic bone.
I lift off and suck it a few times and it tastes like sweet rubber before I climb back onto him and give him that work that has him cumming within the next few minutes. I keep stroking him with my hand to get him hard again coaxing a second round from his as I do all the work to get myself off.
After round two he's done, but he still wants to watch. I'm over him, however. I don't need him around if he can't keep up so I send him away and lock my door. For the next twenty minutes Letitia and I fool around until we both start to get sleepy. To combat it, we stand.
Turning, I throw my ass against her waist and she catches it while I watch the camera lens.
"Well work, bitch, I got the dollars," she laughs standing on my bed to jump off and grab her bag. She instantly starts dying on the floor when she looks inside. "Bitch!... I got six ones and some change I'm a have to pop you in the ass with some quarters!!"
"Hell nah!" She's rolling and I can't help but laugh with and at her as I choose a song, starting to roll my hips as a warm up. Captain Hook by Meg the Stallion.
"You better not!" I hold my boobs and keep looking back to make sure she's not picking up that change with her goofy ass which only makes her snicker. "Aight shut up."
She keeps making me wanna laugh though I never miss a beat, being a pro twerker. I'm easily the best and highest tipped at Mickey's. I'm one of two who has the control to do isolations and pop one cheek at a time. So that's what I show Ticia and the camera.
"AYYYY," she yells waving her ones in the air before throwing them all at once, "GET IT YESSS!" She picks them back up to smack off her hand one at a time making it trickle with the six bills. Then I catch her getting up to go through my perfumes and I roll my eyes.
"Girl, get out my shit. You worse than Natalie!"
"One spray!"
"No, move," I laugh, but I eventually decide to share. One spray. Of course she loves it. It does smell really good. In fact, it's turning me on more because it smells so good.
"Okay show me how to twerk." She jumps back onto my bed and I turn away so she can see my ass.
"It's hard to explain.. You just," Left cheek, right cheek, boom boom boom, then both. She tries it but she can't isolate. I'm not surprised apparently not many can.
I do it quickly with the rhythm, bending and even squatting to show off enjoying her attention on me. I wish I had a pole, I'd really dance, but that's fine I hit a split and bounce before crawling over to her and pulling her face to mine placing that kiss on her. That did it. She starts pulling on my waist, gripping on my ass. This is what I wanted. I need her to sate this unquenchable thirst within me.
I lean into her sending her spine to line up against the side of the bed and I climb over her thighs onto her lap to deepen the kiss as her hands roam my arms, my waist, my hips, my thighs. I kiss down her clavicle and to her small handful of boobs.
"Get that dildo," she orders and I snatch it off the bed pushing one end into her before treating myself as we fuck again.
"I love sex," I smile lost in how amazing it feels.
"Duh, look at all that lube in your drawer, sis," she chuckles, "For what?"
In the morning, I roll over and open my eyes looking up to see that I slept on the floor butt naked. I just.. fell asleep apparently. Sitting up, I have the beginnings of a headache so I take two tylenol with some juice from my mini fridge. I can't believe I fucked the good sis last night... well, actually I can. My phone is sitting up on the stand. I walk over to see it about to die any second and I stop the video. I'm tempted to watch it now. I don't even remember everything we did last night.
But now that I think about it, I was drunk. She was drunk. We all were drunk. Even Natalie was drunk. Why did I let homegirl drive me while drunk? Well... that answers itself. All that swerving almost took your girl out of here, I DO remember that. If that would have happened then what magnificence would these painfully ordinary souls then gaze upon?
How awful, I'll need to think about that next time. If I can.
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
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am i more than you bargained for?
pairing: tetsuro kuroo x reader
playlist: heather - conan gray*, 4ever - clairo, line without a hook - ricky montgomery, melting - kali uchis, slow dancing in the dark - joji, using you - mars argo, she - ed sheeran, make you feel my love - adele, letter home - childish gambino, she's casual - the hunna, i love you so - the walters, notice me (acoustic) - role model, red dress - postcard boy
warnings: angst and lots of it, mentions of sex, mentions self-shaming of image, very breif mention of anxiety attacks
summary: a romantic comedy without the comedy between friends with benefits
kuroo is definitely a little ooc in this lmao buuuut this is my first like fic fic in like two years. Im still trying to get back in the groove of things and finding how to write personality again and not be repetitive with my wording. Feedback is welcome!
requests are open! feel free to send them in! i will write for pretty much any anime ive seen and if i haven't seen it, ill watch it! the only reasons i wouldn't is if im uncomfortable or can't write the character. :)
When did relationships become so difficult? The days of making friends on the playground were over and it seemed to hit everyone at the same age. Life was getting harder and people were getting older, and suddenly everything was difficult. Nothing came easy anymore and everyone had to adjust to that.
But now you were just confused.
Tetsuro kuroo stuck to you like glue since middle school. Where one of you went the other was likely to follow. The righthand man, the double trouble duo, and the bane of kenma's existence. And then things got complicated. Strangers to friends to best friends to lovers— friends with benefits. Who would've thought the boy that you played volleyball with on a whim would've become the man who you grew fond of. Sixth grade you would've kicked yourself for the feelings you're experiencing. Oh how you wished you were back in the park that started it all. You wished you could warn your youngerself what's to come.
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks and it made you want to throw up at the thought.
It started in the first year of highschool when you suddenly noticed the shine in his eyes when he talked passionately about something like volleyball or the way he would furrow his brows when concentrated on his assignments. At first it was endearing, really. But the more you hung around him, the stronger the butterflies felt. It was obvious that he had grown into his lanky body. His legs were proportionate to his torso now and his once scrawny arms didn't hang limply at his sides anymore. He had muscle and height now. Gradually you started to notice little things about him that you would never have seen in other people. Like his lopsidded smile that crinkled the corner of his eyes and brought heat to your cheeks, your stomach launching into your chest when he'd bump shoulders and laugh.
You should've just smacked yourself silly then and there when you started to wonder if he noticed little things about you. Does he think of me like i think of him?
Who knew feelings could be so...perplexing. You moved on, shrugging off the crush in your second year to catch bigger and better fish in the sea. Life moved on and you dated other people, simply remaining friends with kuroo. Little did you know one heartbreak would lead you into his bed, playing in the sheets by the end of the year.
He was just so damn compelling. His laughter and his jokes. You fell for it all over again. Deja vu. Stupid kuroo.
The third of highschool had been the breaking point. It was a constant cycle of feeling, fucking, and falling in and out of love with the raven haired boy. It was frustrating, especially when he was so damn oblivious. The only person that seemed to catch on was kenma, but he was very little help when it came to pushing away the domestic thoughts. It would never just work out because you wanted it to because tetsuro was dumb.
It's a chilly day out, the sun nice against your skin but the wind was drastic in comparison. Shivers are sent up and down your spine, you wrap your arms around yourself in a hug. Could this boy take any longer? Foot tapping against the pavement, you heave a sigh, nostils flaring impatiently before you spot the tall athlete. With a girl. A girl?
You'd seen her around before and you vaguely remember thinking she resembled the main love interest in a 90s movie or a bratz doll. She's pretty and has a light, airy laugh. Kuroo must've told her a joke of some kind, but he definitely wasn't funny enough for her to have her hands all over his chest. He's giving her a toothy grin and soft eyes. It makes you want to gag.
Who was she anyway?
Not that it mattered because in that moment the fit of rage your body suddenly flug itself into prevented you from hearing anything. Kuroo's pulling off his pullover and drapping it over the pretty girl's shoulders. You can feel your eye twitch and fibgers tingle. He looks bashful as he waves her goodbye and tragically, you don't feel nearly as pretty as you had been feeling. Now all you wanted to do was sink into the ground below you and possibly into another dimension—or at least the other side of the world.
"She's pretty," is the first thing that comes out of your mouth when he comes over, slouching with his hands in the pockets of his shorts. He had practice this afternoon, you remember. He looks over at you with raised brows, almost like he's surprised yoy said anything or even noticed he was talking to another girl before walking towards the gym with you trailing close behind.
"Yeah she is, I guess."
She's prettier than me.
"You guess? Kuroo, you gave her your sweater."
He shrugs sheepishly, a light pink dusting his cheeks and it makes you mad of uncharacteristic the act is. You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"It's just polyester. It's not a big deal."
The conversation suddenly drops as you pause, apparently very hurt that he didn't remember it was you who gave him the sweater in the first place. He turns around, a questioning look on his face.
"What? Are you jealous?" He teases.
You're fuming at his attempt to be playful. Maybe you were overreacting, but it pangs your chest to know he can brush it off so easily.
" Kuroo, that was my sweater. "
It's gritted through your teeth, eyes slotted into a glare and his face drops. Oh is all he can think as he stares at you and the hurt expression that quickly turns into that of annoyance and anger. You push past him, ultimately deciding not to walk him to the gym. His arm reaches out to catch you, but it falls short as he calls out in a whine, "I'll get it back for you, okay? Come on, y/n!"
You can't focus on the assignments in front of you no matter how hard you try. You are exsausted. Just wanting to crawl under the covers and sleep for maybe a thousand years, you stop tapping your oen against the paper to hyperfocus on the black dots that now littered the page. The music in the background pauses before coming back to life with the hum of a new song shuffling in. It's quiet and yet, it's overwhelming. You wish you weren't home alone now.
Hanging your head low on your desk, the carpet becoming of interest, you groan. The image of kuroo and that girl replaying in your head over and over like an endless movie. You'd have to give it a bad review if it ever ended.
You're focus is mainly on her though. Kuroo could get any girl he wants with his witt and charm. Not to mention he wasn't jusf handsome, but he's beautiful. Model material—movie character love interest type beat. He has the ability to make any heart swoon if he tries hadd enough, and that girl was no exception. She was more than pretty. She was stunning, even. It was like watching human barbie and ken flirt with one another. She seems so nice too and you can vaguely remember her helping you wish a couple answers on homework one morning. She's better than you and better for him. Is he sleeping with her too? Before you can answer your own question the doorbell rings, quickly followed by a knock at your door.
You look down at your pajamas, debating if you should pull on your robe or not, but ultimately deciding against it when the knocks come again.
"Im coming, I'm coming. What do you wan- kuroo?"
When you open the door, you immediately get the urge to shut it right in his perfect little face, and you begin to before his hand slams against it in protest to push it open wider. He juts out his lip into a pout and his eyes soften into ones pleading like a puppy dog. You huff and avoid eye contact, instead taking intrest in the bad he was carrying.
"What's that?"
"Stuff. I'd be happy to show you if you let me in."
"Sorry, tetsuro, no can do. You haven't returned my sweater. "
He scoffs and rolls his eyes before shoving something bulky into your arms. You're not sure if you should be happy he actually got it back or upset that he had to see her again to get it. Finally looking up at him, you move to the side so he can step in.
"You know, you don't have to be jealous that i gave another girl a sweater. You're my number one, y/n." He's teasing, but his words still send the butterflies in your stomach crazy. You can only hope he means it, even if just a little.
"I'm not jealous. You can sleep with whoever you want, kuroo. We're just best friends—if anything im your wingman. "
You want to hit yourself on the head. Why would you say that?
He snickers at the rebuttle, coming to loom over you. Apparently the only thing that can get you out of your head is his cologne because it somehow invaded your senses. He smells expensive, like nice leather and fire wood during the winter. It's very manly, you note. His shadow hovers over yours as he traps you between him and the counter with a playful smirk on his face. How smug could he get. He leans down, bringing your chin up between his thumb and finger. You hadn't realized how close he was until now. Since when did you get so nervous around him? Why did it make you nervous when he kissed you all of a sudden? It's unfair that he holds the advantage. Heat rises to your cheeks and the tips of your ears and you're positive he can hear the beating of your heart, which was currently trying to break out of your chest.
His lips take you to paradise, as always. Their soft against your own, yet firm. They're slightly chapped and they taste like spearmint. It makes your head fuzzy because they feel so right, even when you wish they felt wrong. You want to pull away and kick him out, and end thjs whole arrangement, but you're already very familiar with the fact it's just beginning.
The bed is warm. So warm, in fact, it feels like your suffocating. The sheets tangle around your limbs, strangling you as you tangle your limbs around kuroos. You almost want to cry, and if you were anywhere else— with anyone else —you probably would have. The heat is unbearable and the one sided tension makes your stomach churn and your throat tighten up. You were almost positve an anxiety attack was coming on.
Taking a deep breath through your nose, you close your eyes as kuroo's nimble fingers soothe circles into your shoulder blade idly and yet somehow he manages to dodge the purple and red splotches blooming on the flesh. Suddenly you wish you didn't feel so safe and protected in his embrace. The moment almost tempts you to whisper sweet nothings into his ear, but you don't deserve to be the person who does that because you aren't his person. Best friend, maybe (next to Kenma, if anything) but, you aren't his person no matter how you long to be. You're just a friend in his bed having a good time. It isn't as fun anymore.
You swallow a lump in your throat, flattening your hand against his broad chest and willing yourself to lift up out of his grasp, his fingers falling smoothly to stop between your shoulder blades. Looking down at him, he presents you with the soft, goofy look on his face that he always adorns. God, there's nothing you wouldn't give to wake up beside him every morning and kiss that lopsided grin off his face. It hurts to think about, and another wave of tears try to force their way past your lash line. You blink them away and put on a soft, one-sided smile for the man below you, giving him a quick peck where his jaw and neck meet before shrugging his hands off and climbing out of bed.
His eyes track you, lazily hooded and watching, as you take the sheet with you to cover yourself, grabbing your shorts and whatever top you were wearing but a few hours ago before everything was strewn about. You shy away from his gaze, but it's nothing he hasn't seen before. He shifts in the bed to face your back, elbow propped up to lay his head in his hand. With an uncharacteristically soft tone, you almosf don't head him when he speaks. The words that come from him are like honey, yet raw. It's enough to make anyones knees buckle and crawl back into bed.
"Are you okay?"
There's a slight hint of concern there, just hardlg scrapping the surface of the question. You nod with a hum, throwing on the loose shirt before facing him. Kuroo's brow raises like he doesn't quite believe you, but he doesn't take the question further and instead turns to get out of bed. You gnaw at your lip, taking your turn to watch him stretch out. His back has red streaks messily placed down it from his shoulders to the base, his biceps matching. His hair is messy and not like the normal bed head he sports, parts of it are spiked up from fingers constantly pushing through it, while other parts are laid flat from sweat. You can't help the thought that he's sculpted by the gods. They definitely took their time on him. Scoffing at yourself and shaking the thoughts free from your head, you head to the bathroom. As if the bed wasn't suffocating enough, just being the same room was found to be worse when he looks like that. At this point, it was preferred he stayed under the covers.
You feel stupid while looking in the mirror. Your mascara from earlier had smudged beneath your waterline, clumping together in the corner. Your nose curls at the sight, hands splashing cool water at your face, rubbing at your eyes. With a sigh you lean your elbows on the sink, pushing back hair and looking down at the water going into the drain.
This is ridiculous.
How on earth could you do this to yourself and to kuroo?
There's a knock on the bathroom door, it's light and gentle in the typical kuroo fashion because he doesn't want to spook you. You purse your lips, digging the palms of your hands into your eyes and heaving a sigh. As soon as you open the door and switch places, you're up and out of his apartment without saying goodbye.
The cool air of outside hits your face and you hadn't noticed the tears until the damp chill shook you. Brushing them away, you head home. You didn't want to be around him and you certainly didn't want to think about him. On the way back, you finally decided you weren't going to tell him anything. What would dumb tetsuro know about it anyway.
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taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
helloooooo i'm kinda tipsy rn so could we talk about how shy!hawthorne michael would act if he got drunk and how embarrassed he would be the following day once he learned about whatever wild stuff he did under influence? i'm sure he'd be a clingy, sloppy, horny drunk, a sticky, human-shaped mess that demands attention and kisses, doesn't let go of his partner even for a second, and completely forgets about his own insecurities and shyness skksdjdbbsdje blease
hey babe! sorry it took me a bit to get back to you with this. ily!
I feel like drunk!shy!hawthorne!michael would be a lot like drunk!me lmfao 
okay but what about it being his first time being drunk? omg!! 
Michael held the small glass in his hand, cautiously swishing the clear liquid around. How much damage could a little over an ounce do, he asked himself. 
All the warlocks had gotten together for one final summer celebration before the school year began. Normally, Michael steered of these parties, but after some convincing from his boyfriend, he found himself here. He nervously tapped his foot, glancing around as everyone around him socialized. 
“Hey,” he heard his soft voice in his ear and a firm hand on his lower back, “It’s okay. I’m here.” his boyfriend reassured him. Michael swore no one knew him as well as Y/N. 
“And you don’t have to drink that if you don’t want." Y/N told Michael already reaching for the shot glass in his hand. But much to his surprise, Michael pulled his hand away, “No, it’s okay. I wanna try.” he nodded. 
Y/N nodded, giving Michael the freedom to choose; he knew he would stay sober regardless to keep an eye out for Michael. 
“Take it, Langdon!” one of his other friends called out to the curly haired blonde, nervously holding his liquor. 
With one final shrug of his shoulders, he tossed his head back and let the alcohol burn the back of his throat. He immediately grimaced at the taste; bad - but not as terrible as he expected. 
He sure didn’t feel any different yet. Michael rubbed at the tip of his nose at the burning sensation reached his sense of smell, “It burns my nose,” he scrunched his nose at Y/N. 
Y/N laughed shaking his head, “I know, babe. You want another?” 
Michael agrees to one more.. that turns to two more... that leads to three more.
The first few shots go down so easily, Michael didn’t even notice he was becoming increasingly more drunk. Y/N watched as Michael’s balance started to falter with the increase in alcohol.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N..” Michael said between giggles, “I can’t feel my lips,” he pouted at him, fingers tapping his pink lips. “Kiss me! I can’t feel them!!” he swayed, wrapping his arms around his boyfriends waist. 
Y/N chuckled softly, steadying Michael on his feet. Michael hid his face in Y/N’s torso, mumbling incoherently about how much he loved him, “Just love you so much you know?”
“I know, baby. I love you too,” he kissed the top of Michael’s head. 
Warlocks everywhere were dancing and drinking, enjoying one of their last nights before classes began. Michael’s eyes trailed to an empty table in the middle of the party. 
Without warning, Michael let go of his boyfriend and stumbled over to the table, climbing on top with impressive balance for as drunk as he was. He rose his arms over his head and began dancing to the music. Heat suddenly getting the best of him, he shrugged off his blazer and began to unbutton his (now sweaty) white oxford shirt. He got almost half the buttons undone before he got distracted by seeing his Y/N standing at the edge of the table holding his jacket. 
“Y/N!!” he giggled, his face feeling warm and fuzzy. “I..” he pointed at him, “Love,” he couldn’t control the laughter escaping his lips, “YOU!”
“I love you too, baby!” Y/N responded to him. Michael was too drunk to notice Y/N’s phone snapping a quick shot of him. 
The night continued with Michael proclaiming his love for his boyfriend, and his classmates, and the music, and everything. 
“No, no, no.. I love this.” Michael pointed at his drink with too much enthusiasm. “Baby, try it!” he put his cup to his boyfriend's lips. 
Y/N sipped his drink to make Michael happy and led him away from that crowd. 
At some point, Michael found himself without Y/N. (Of course, just because Michael didn’t notice him, didn’t mean that Y/N wasn’t near by keeping an eye on him.)
“What! No! You’re my best friend!” Michael wrapped his arms around a boy he met that night. He gasped, “Have you met my Y/N?” his eyes search the spinning room, “Y/N?” he called out. 
In the blink of an eye, Y/N is there with his arm secured around Michael. 
“You’re here! This is my best friend!” Michael high fives the other, equally drunk, warlock. 
“Yeah?” Y/N patiently humored Michael. “You think we should head back?” he suggested, already leading Michael towards the exit. 
“Mm,” Michael just hid his face under his boyfriends arm. “Smell so good,”
“Thank you, Michael.” 
“Do you love me?” Michael asked, gripping on to Y/N a little tighter in his drunken state. 
“I love you so so much,” Y/N hugged Michael closer as they walked down the hall to their dorm (trying and failing to appear completely sober)
“Well. You owe me a kiss.” Michael pouted, swaying in Y/N’s arm.
“I do?” amusement evident on his face. 
“I still can’t feel my lips and it’s because you haven’t kissed me,” the end of his sentence slurring a bit. 
Y/N had held it together pretty well all night.
But that.
That had him rolling over in laughter; he tried to stifle his laugh to not wake anyone who stayed behind. But Michael’s innocent doe eyed expression, awaiting his kiss was too precious. It didn’t register that he felt numb because of the alcohol. 
“I love you so much, Michael,” he said between the last fit of giggles and took Michael’s face in his hands, giving him the firmest, kiss he could muster. Michael felt like jello, with his mushy lips and heightened feelings. 
“Argh,” Michael groaned as the softest specks of light filtered through his shut eyes. 
“Rise and shine, baby..” Y/N mumbled from beside him. 
“I feel like.. like I’m dying.” Michael covered his face with his hands. 
“You’re just hungover, Michael. Here,” Y/N shifted up and handed Michael a water of bottle he had ready for him, “This will help.”
Michael sat up on his elbows and took a big gulp of the water, feeling the coolness wash into his dry mouth. 
“Do you remember much from last night?” Y/N asked with amusement in his tone.
“Oh god.” Michael groaned, “Maybe I do wanna die.”
“No! You were a blast! Watch,” he pulled his phone out to show Michael a small clip of him singing and dancing on table tops with a few classmates. 
Michael hid his face in his pillow, blush creeping towards his cheeks, “Oh my god,” he mumbled into the fabric.
“You were so cute, baby.” Y/N kisses Michael’s bare back. “I promise, everyone was just as drunk or more. You have nothing to worry about,” 
“Promise,” Y/N answers, brushing back some on Michael’s hair from his eyes. “I love you.”
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hillywooddestiel · 5 years
The Retreat- Chapter 14
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Characters: CEO!Bucky x reader
Warnings: angst, stalker issues, some almost smut
Word count: 1.7k
Series description: Y/N Y/L/N: determined business woman, sought after by most businesses, creative visionary for advertising. She has it all. Or so she thinks. Life has a way of kicking you sideways when you least expect it, want it or are in anyway prepared for it. Numerous times. How can Y/N remain from cracking under the pressure when her career isn’t the only thing on the line and everything isn’t all that it seems?
A/N: Hey! It’s me, I’m back! Sort of. Long time no see. Uni is taking up so much of my time but I will be on here for summer at least. I’ve actually finished this series, i just need to post it so that’s a steady upload you can expect. I’m trying to write chapters for my other series and stuff but I am struggling a little right now. Maybe I’ll do some drabble asks or something to ease back into things. So yeah, the hiatus is semi-over and I am trying. Enjoy xx Series Masterlist    Marvel Masterlist
“Look alive! Barnes is on his way.” Maria warns me as she passes my office door though it's no warning to me. After an entire weekend spent alone in my apartment, aside from going to get a new phone and the two minutes the pizza delivery girl spent at my door, I'm feeling a little better. Not great but, I'm crying less so that's a plus, right? Nothing else happened over the weekend. No calls, no mail, no threatening sky writing- nothing! Maybe the phone call was a fluke and I overreacted. A girl can dream.
“Y/N, can I talk to you?” Barnes stands just inside my door, looking at me expectantly. I get up from my chair and move towards the door to close it.
“Of course.” The second the handle clicks shut, his whole demeanour changes to that of someone more relaxed and happy.
“I've been calling you all weekend! Why didn't you answer?” He holds my arms gently and looks into my eyes.
“I'm sorry, I broke my phone and had to get a new one.”
“Oh… well I'm glad you're okay.” He lowers his head and connects out lips in a sweet kiss, “Are you feeling better?”
“Mhm. In fact, I was thinking we could have dinner again. Tonight.” I suggest, finding myself lost in him.
“Sounds good.” Bucky kisses me again, his hands beginning to explore my waist and my back. He swipes his tongue across my lower lip before making the kiss deeper, casting his spell over me once again. It's a good thing that he's the one to pull back for air because I don't think that's something I could do. “I know a really good steakhouse. They have live music and I know the owner.”
“Actually… can we have dinner at your place? I just… I don't want people thinking anything weird is going on.”
“So, we're going to sneak around?” Bucky asks a little confused with a hint of sarcasm.
“Not sneaking around, keeping things private. Plus there are other perks to being in your apartment…” I add with a sultry voice, pressing myself closer to his chest.
“Oh there are? What kind of perks?” He teases, his fingers fiddling with the hem of my blouse.
“Well there's one that springs to mind…” I pull him into a kiss by the lapels, the intensity growing rapidly. Just as I'm getting into the groove, my intercom beeps from my desk.
“Y/N, Sam's here to see you.” Wanda says plainly, obviously having been warned of my visitor (normally she would be a lot more chirpy or come into my office to tell me in person). Bucky and I break apart with a sigh, straightening our appearances.
“So my place after work. I'll pick you up from your office.”
“Okay, I'll see you later.”
As promised, Bucky picks me up from my floor after everyone else has left and we take a cab to his apartment. The view is just as beautiful as the last time I was here and is greatly improved by homemade meatballs and wine. I make sure to sit far back from the windows this time though.
“So what did you do?”
“I got the hell out of there! Apparently it was some huge dream of this frat kid to have one and the only way two girls would come to his place was if he told them he needed tutoring.”
“What did he think was gonna happen?”
“I don't even know. So what's your craziest college experience.” I ask, thoroughly intrigued by what the great Bucky Barnes got up to in college when he wasn't doing business.
“Well there was this one girl that asked me for tutoring but I think it too was just a long plan to get in my pants.” he snarks.
“Busted!” I hold up my hands, avoiding spilling any wine, and laugh.
“In all seriousness though, I didn't really do much crazy shit in college.”
“Nerd! I bet if I asked Steve he'd be able to tell me all kinds of stories.”
“You wouldn't dare.” his smile drops immediately.
“Aha! So there is something, do tell.” I sit back in my seat- this should be good.
“Fine… in my freshman year, I applied to join a frat house. As a part of the initiation we were taken to the woods and left to survive the night with nothing.”
“That's it?” That's disappointing, I wanted something juicy.
“No, we were literally left with nothing. At all.” He cocks a brow and the penny finally drops.
“Oh! You mean…”
“Mhm. I got a rash from poison ivy in places it should not be possible to get a rash.” Bucky readjusts himself in his seat at the mere memory.
Dinner finished with and the plates long since discarded in the sink, Bucky pulls me into his lap with a mischievous grin. The heat from his body and his close proximity sends a tingle throughout my body.
“I believe we were in the middle of something earlier…”
“In the office? That was a while ago, you'll have to remind me…” I play dumb for a moment, leaning in to kiss Bucky's lips. His hands run along my thighs, lifting my legs around him so as to easily lift and carry me to the bedroom. I fiddle with the top three buttons on his shirt as we go.
“Y/N/N…” Bucky moans as I kiss his neck, pulling at his shirt now to the point that the stitches start to pull. He drops me the rest of the way onto the bed and I bounce on the mattress with a look of shock (well wouldn't you be?). To my surprise and slight dismay, he grabs the sides of his half open shirt and rips it off sending the buttons flying across the floor with a clatter- it was such a nice shirt. Then again, it's probably just water off a duck's back for him to buy a new one.
Clothes are discarded slowly as we move against each other for friction, intent on making slow, lazy love to each other. Bucky leaves kisses down my exposed collarbone, his stubble marking me with scratches. I tilt my head ever so slightly to the side allowing him more access to the sensitive skin. It's just as Bucky finally manages to unclasp my bra that I hear the distinct jingle of keys and the door open and close.
“Bucky, you in?”
“Is that Steve?” I whisper, my hands tightening around his biceps. He looks to me with a slight look of fear, lifting a finger to his lips.
“Buck? You okay?” Steve asks again.
“Just a minute Steve!”
“What are you doing?!” I hiss, hurriedly redressing myself in whatever I can find which happens to be my pencil skirt, one of Bucky's t-shirts, a navy blazer and no shoes.
“I'll distract Steve, you go out the front.”
“Are you serious?”
“Completely. Do you want him to see you?” I shake my head as Bucky ushers me towards the door, “Didn't think so.”
“Fine… Wait what about my shoes?” I look down, wiggling my bare toes.
“I'll call you a cab, just wait in the lobby.” He places a kiss on my lips before pushing me out of the bedroom and behind the island in the kitchen just in time.
“Bucky… what are you doing?” Steve queries, referring to his lack of a shirt and trousers. Rather awkwardly, Bucky leans onto the island with his elbow in an attempt to look casual.
“I'm… just… I'm cleaning.” He grabs the nearest item and starts wiping the surface in circular motions- my blouse!
“That's a shirt.”
“Yep… it is.”
“Is there someone else here?”
“Nope no nobody no.”
“Right… I need to talk to you anyway.” Okay I really should go while he's distracted. Slowly and, most importantly, quietly, I slide along the floor towards the front door and wait until Steve's back is turned to slip out. Shit, my bag! I can't go back in. Fuck, I'm gonna have to leave it and come back. I hope he's called a cab.
Barnes did call me a cab after all so I wasn't left stranded in the lobby of a fancy apartment block looking like some crazy fashion blogger who was trying a look and failing. So that's a plus, right? Once back at my block, I awkwardly enter past my neighbours, barefoot and hoping not to be seen. The man who lives across the hall from me, Phil, is just coming back from work himself. He smiles at me as normal, turning into more of a stifled chuckle when he looks down to my feet. Note to self: get a pedicure next time you want to travel across the city without shoes. The elevator ride is quiet, save for the usual small talk and the whir of the mechanisms. At the top I let Phil get out first. Thank God I leave a spare key hidden in the plant pot next to my door or I don't know what I would do.
“Um… Y/N?” Phil stops still in the hallway outside my door.
“Yeah?” I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end at the nervousness of his voice. I nearly scream when I see what's concerning him. The word 'Slut’ is spray painted in bright red capitals across my front door, the paint dripping down the wall like blood. “Oh my god…”
“You been having problems with those kids from 7b again? I can talk to Marjorie again if you are.”
“Uh not recently…” this has to be my stalker again, “Those damn kids.”
“You gonna be okay?”
“Yeah. Can I- can I borrow your phone?” Phil seems to buy it despite my nervous laugh and hands over his cell.
“Sure” I key in Wanda's number from memory, hoping that I'm not disturbing anything.
“... Hello?”
“Hey, Wanda, it's me… Y/N. Are you busy?”
“No, what's up?”
“I… need a place to crash. It's a long story and I'll tell you all of it. Please.”
“Of course! Do you need picking up from somewhere?”
“My place.”
“I'm on my way.”
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Hi duck! Would you be able to do me a ship (Queen&BohRap)? I'm tallish, blonde short hair, I swap invariably between very masculine style and very feminine depending on the mood. I'm a carer in a care home but I'm studying to be in PR, I'm an avid feminist and reader. I get told by friends/coworkers/residents that I'm very friendly, come across as extremely happy and optimistic, and I love helping people as much as I can - I work really hard to be pleasent and look after people I love. Thnk you!
hiiiii hi hi hi
sorry this took forever hehe college SUX
anyways ships below the cut!!!
For Queen, I ship you with Brian May!
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I almost said Roger but I feel like your height, activist stance, and happy demeanor would mix very well with Brian’s personality!
You would meet Brian through a PR job, possibly a band interview that you were conducting for a publicity thing where he was absolutely smitten with you from the get go.
Although you tried to keep it professional, it was very hard to ignore how intensely he was focusing on you and how the rest of the band was getting a kick out of you two.
“So, Roger, rumor has it that you recorded something of your own during the studio sessions for News, any idea when we’re going to get a peek at that?” you asked, giving the blonde a toothy smile that he easily returned before he launched into a lengthy explanation about how it was actually partially a cover of a previously recorded song by a different band. And you listened, of course, but you kept getting distracted by the warm hazel eyes that were boring into your skull as you nodded along.
You could see Deacon’s shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he elbowed Brian, getting a swift elbow in retaliation as a deep blush covered the tall man’s cheeks. He sat back, crossing his arms grumpily and avoiding looking at you for a moment before falling right back into the same groove, unable to focus on anything else other than how intriguing you were in your more masculine-style suit. It was beautiful, and you were beautiful.
Catching his gaze for a moment, you flashed a quick smile at him before returning your attention to Roger. Brian’s cheeks flushed even more as he looked down at his lap, Freddie shaking his shoulders and snickering as Roger finally finished up his summary.
Looking down at your questions, you noticed that the next one was directed towards Brian, and you tried not to smile too wide as you replied to Roger. “Sounds pretty exciting, can’t wait to hear it! Maybe a full album is in the near future for us?”
Roger shrugged coyly and you laughed along, then cleared your throat and shifted your attention to the curly-haired guitarist who looked so lovesick even you could notice. “Brian, what about you? Any solo works in progress?”
He looked so horribly put on the spot that you almost started to apologize, but a gentle jab in the spine from Freddie sprung him back into action as he let a small smile take over his lips. “Actually, not right now. I’m afraid that’s Roger’s territory as of late, but I hope to do something soon. Just very busy.”
“It’s hard to be in a band and maintain hair like this,” Freddie joked, patting down Brian’s hair and laughing when Brian ducked away, protesting gently. 
“I’d imagine,” you giggled along, Brian shyly laughing along with you as he attempted to fix his hair. “It’s quite impressive, actually. Is it natural, or do you perm it?”
“Au naturale, darling,” Freddie interjected again, trying to muss with it but missing as Brian shifted his head to the left, shooting him a nasty look over his shoulder. “Sorry, Brian, it’s just so much fun to see you like this.”
You all knew he meant flustered from Freddie’s antics and being entranced by you, but you brushed the allusion aside and laughed once more. “Well, anyways, I hope we get to see something in the works from you soon, Brian.” He nodded, smiling bashfully, and you decided to spare him the next question until later, directing the attention to Deacon instead.
After the interview, you were gathering up your materials to leave when Brian approached quite nervously, a lilt in his step and his hands in his pockets as he tried not to fiddle with anything, already feeling anxious enough.
“Great interview!” you praised as you straightened up, holding your binder to your torso. “Seemed like Freddie enjoyed bullying you a bit much, but it’ll make for good material for the fans. You guys are phenomenal!”
“Thank you,” Brian replied, his voice soft and still quite bashful as he sent you a smile, rubbing the side of his head. “He thrives whenever I’m in a situation like that. My discomfort is his excitement. Always the challenging lead singer.”
“You did wonderful, I’m sure he was just having some fun with you. But a situation like what?” you pried, trying to remain friendly but also drop a subtle ‘flirt with me’ comment in. 
Brian’s cheeks reddened for what seemed like the 20th time in a few hours, and you grinned wider as you cocked your head to the side, trying to make him feel as comfortable as possible. “Well, you’re very fascinating. I may have stared a bit too long during the interview. Fred took that and ran...”
“I noticed,” you teased gently, reaching out to give his arm a soft nudge. He laughed at that despite look a bit tense, so you decided to relieve him a bit. “It’s not every day that handsome guys are checking me out, so I appreciate it.”
He definitely unraveled a bit at that, a weight dropping off of his shoulders as you carefully flirted back. “Well, I’m glad I could help, I guess.” After a pause, he cocked his head to the side and smiled a bit more. “Are you doing anything after this?”
You weren’t. So you and Brian went out for some drinks together, which led to another date, which led to more dates, which led to you and him becoming an item. And years later, when he did finally get around to recording something away from the band, you were right there with him.
“So you’re not going to put these out for public release?” Roger questioned as Brian flopped down on the couch between you and the blonde, stretching his arm out to wrap around your shoulder.
Brian looked introspective for a moment, then shrugged and pulled you a bit closer, smiling. “Don’t know. Still on the fence.”
“I think you should,” you chimed in, snuggling close to your boyfriend’s side and resting a hand on his knee. “It’s so... you. I love it.”
Roger fake gagged and made the both of you laugh before Brian pressed a kiss to the top of your head, nuzzling your hair. “Well, if the missus says, the missus says,” Brian quipped, Roger pretending to gag again and making you roll your eyes playfully before leaning up to kiss Brian quickly, then nudging his leg.
“You should get back to recording those backing vocals. We have a reservation at 8, love.”
“Am I invited?” the blonde across the couch questioned, turning so he was draped across the couch, his legs easily stretching out over Brian’s lap and feet resting in yours.
“No, Rog. Adults only.”
And for BoRhap, I ship you with Ben Hardy!
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I almost said Gwilym - almost.
But I think Ben gets shipped with conventional, cookie-cutter types too often, and I think he can be more unconventional than that - for example, your versatile style may be intimidating to him at first, but I think he’d really enjoy it after the initial intrigue.
You’d meet Ben through Gwilym for sure - Gwilym and you would be on your way back from the Women’s March, when he mentions that a friend is going to be meeting the two of you for drinks at a pub near his house.
You don’t panic - although Gwilym’s friends are usually pretty recognizable stars, you’ve passed the point of starstruck despite your job in a care home. Meeting any of his friends was a positive experience, and you loved every minute of meeting such rich personalities.
So when you met Ben, you weren’t disappointed at all.
Ben was very overwhelmed at first - you were wearing a blazer and matching trousers with cartoon reproductive systems all over it, which he didn’t notice until he took a second look once you’d shrugged off the blazer, leaving you in a white button-up of Gwilym’s.
“Are those-”
“Yep,” you replied, already knowing he’d be questioning the pattern’s similarities to the female reproductive system (since it was). Giving him a toothy smile, you raised your beer in cheers before taking a sip. “Women’s March, after all.”
“Huh,” he remarked, not sure how to respond as he looked over the blazer once more before looking back to you and raising an eyebrow. He wasn’t offended in any way, just very surprised and confused by your comfortability with the subject.
But he quickly noticed that you were not an aggressively judgemental or harsh personality, so as the hour went on, he switched into his usual goofy demeanor with the two of you.
“No, Ben totally fell for it! I though Rami was going to pass out from laughing so hard.” Gwilym was laughing deliriously at that point, Ben pretending to be miffed but still grinning as his friend talked. Shifting his fascinating green eyes to you, he gave them a bit of a roll before he cut in.
“See how I get treated by my friends? I trust them with everything, and then they decide to falsely inform me that Roger Taylor wants me to play one of his drum solos.” You giggled at the banter between the two of them, Ben throwing up his hands in exasperation. “I didn’t even know how to play the bloody drums before I got the part!”
“He literally locked himself in his trailer!”
“In your trailer?” you questioned, Ben hanging his head in faux embarrassment but quickly raising it when you reached over to pat his arm, shooting Gwilym a gently scathing look. “Poor guy! You all were so mean to him, I’d understand why he did lock himself in! I’d do the same.”
“See, I like this girl,” Ben observed, nodding towards you as he kept his eyes on Gwilym, but you saw the way his cheeks flushed slightly as he said it. “She’s nice. Knows that I have feelings and emotions and that anyone in my situation would literally be terrified.”
“Oh, cry about it,” Gwilym gently teased, knowingly looking between the two of you as you removed your hand from Ben’s arm. Raising from his chair, Gwilym went to go replenish all of your beers, and by the time he got back, the two of you were chattering like chipmunks. 
And you never ran out of things to talk about. Not on your first, second, third, etc. date. The only time you were genuinely speechless was when he finally asked you to be his girlfriend.
All you could do was nod and cry a little. I mean, being Ben Hardy’s object of affection would be pretty overwhelming for anyone, y’know.
When you finally met Rami, the mastermind behind the joke about the Roger drum solo, you couldn’t help but bring it up. 
“You should have seen his face when I sent over the assistant to tell him!” Rami gushed, making you laugh as Ben rolled his eyes playfully and wrapped his arm around your waist.
“All of ‘em, bullies,” he remarked as you leaned into his side, grinning at him.
“Oh, I’m sure they were just having fun with you,” you gently admonished, fixing the collar on his shirt as Rami continued on.
“I’ve never been more proud of an on-set prank in my life. It didn’t even require any effort. All I had to do was tell him one thing and it was like his life was over. So dramatic.”
“I’d imagine,” you agreed, Ben pursing his lips playfully and pinching your side, garnering a small yelp and a laugh from you. “Hey! Watch it.”
“I don’t appreciate being tag-team bullied by you all right now,” he groaned, letting his head fall back dramatically as Rami laughed. 
“Again, as I said, so dramatic!”
“Oh, shut up,” Ben grumbled, trying not to grin as he started ushering you away through the party’s crowd, sending a generous middle finger to a still-amused Rami before he was enveloped by the crowd once again. “All so mean to me.”
“Aw, don’t be sore, bubs. You wouldn’t survive without them teasing you,” you reminded him sweetly, making him chuckle and shake his head as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, walking towards the bar with you.
“You’re so cute, I hate that. I want to disagree with you right now but it’s like yelling at a puppy.”
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hailey-halstead · 7 years
Side View Mirror
hi guys!! it's chicago fire day!!! hope you enjoy this, i don't own anything! honestly since i wrote the jealous!antonio fic, i've been feeling a little out of my writing groove. trying to get back into it!!! —————— Usually Sylvie was on scenes like these to help victims, not because she was one. Well, she was technically a witness. But she felt helpless like a victim. She saw the judge shot right in front of her, but in her shock she was barely able to remember anything about the shooter. The other witness, Anna Valdez, who wasn't an eye witness like her, was able to recall more things than she was able to! The only piece of information that was different was because of the outside lights of the bar, she was able to see a distinct pattern on the man's coat. Because of this, she was still being questioned by police officers. It was incredibly overwhelming, having members of authority pile question after question onto you when you just saw someone shot and killed less than ten minutes ago. Sylvie wished she was able to give them more information. And that she could see at least one friendly face in the crowd. It would definitely give her some comfort. When one of her Zumba friends offered her a ride, she should have taken her up on it. Would have saved her from this mess. Thankfully the police officers stepped aside, giving her more breathing room, when a man in a suit and tie approached her. Internally she couldn't help but groan. Yet another authority figure, wanting answers that she wouldn't be able to give. "Hi, Sylvie Brett, right?" He greeted her, and she gave him a nod of confirmation. He continued talking. "I'm Peter Stone, and I'm—" She immediately recognized the name. "Peter Stone? You work with someone I know." This catches his attention. "Who?" He asked. "Antonio Dawson." She told him. He became more curious. "Er, he's a friend of mine. Sort of." She explained, deciding not to be completely honest. It was kind of the truth, at least. If Antonio didn't reveal his personal life to his co-workers, she didn't want to do it for him. Even if she was still his girlfriend it wouldn't be her place. Instead of continuing to talk, he looked over his shoulder and called out for Antonio. Sylvie's eyes widened, she didn't actually know her ex was actually here. Well, it would make perfect sense, lead investigator at the scene of a crime. But she didn't put the pieces together. She blamed this on just witnessing a murder. A pretty good excuse. Her heart couldn't help but start pounding when she finally saw Antonio approach. The mere sight of him, someone familiar, made her start to become teary. Especially with how close they got the short time they were together. She quickly wiped away the tears when Peter and Antonio were talking, hoping neither of them noticed. She wouldn't have wanted him to see her cry even if it was just the two of them, he would definitely feel the obligation to comfort her. And she didn't want to be a distraction for him. "What is it?" Antonio asked. "Did you find something new?" Peter stepped aside, as she finally came into direct view for Antonio. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped, along with an expletive. "This woman says she knows you—" Peter began, but Antonio immediately stepped up to Sylvie, grabbing her shoulders. "Are you okay?" He demanded, looking her over. "You're not hurt, are you? I heard that there was another witness, that was injured. Oh God, I didn't know it was you—" "I'm fine, I'm fine." She reassured Antonio, hands on his biceps. Honestly, she wasn't expecting this type of reaction from him. Some concern, yes. But panic, distress? She was caught off guard, mouth dropped open like a goldfish, until she was finally able to explain herself. "I just bumped my head on my side view mirror, only a little bruise, see?" She tilted her head down to show him. "I was surprised by the gunshots." She explained. Antonio let go of his hold on her, stepping back. However, he still was standing considerably close to her. "Still, you should get that checked out." He advised. "I'm a paramedic, Antonio. I would know if it would be serious or not." She told him, barely resisting the urge to roll her eyes. She turned to Peter, reminding herself that she was still at a crime scene, not a place to be bickering with her ex boyfriend. "Is there anything else you need from me?" She questioned. "I'll contact you at a later date to give you more details. Just expect to make an appearance at court in these coming weeks." He said, his eyes on Anna Valdez now. Sylvie dimly remembered that they worked together. "Excuse me." He removed himself from the conversation, giving the last parting words to Antonio. "I'll see you later." And began to walk away. Now that they were alone, Antonio began to ask more questions. "Why were you coming to this bar? Don't you always go to Molly's—" This was unnecessary. She answered all the questions the police officers had asked her, plus the reason why she was coming to this bar had nothing to do with the investigation. "I was meeting up with a few girls from Zumba." She answered him, and then couldn't hold back a sigh. "Antonio, please, don't worry yourself about me—" "I can't do that, Sylvie." His voice went down, not wanting others to hear. That was no use, the closest person was yards away. "You know I can't." Her stomach churned at the soft, vulnerable look in his eyes. After this past hour, she did not need to be reminded of their relationship. It was the cherry on top of a sundae, but not a good kind. It was getting harder to handle her emotions. "Antonio—" She tried to start again, but her voice began to wobble, showing her fragility. She stopped, took a breath, and then tried to start again. "I—" "Let me call Gabby to pick you up." To her horror, he already had his phone out and pressed call. She could easily call Gabby on her own cell! Without a second thought of the repercussions, she swiped his phone out of his hand to end the call. "Absolutely not!" She shook her head rapidly, before handing the device back. "I can call on my own. I would rather her not get any ideas." He rose an eyebrow at that. "Any ideas?" He repeated. Why, oh why did she have to say something like that? Her face was red as a tomato, and even though it was pitch black out, she bet Antonio could clearly see how embarrassed she was. "I mean—" A blonde woman appeared on Antonio's side. She guessed that she was his investigator partner. But her mind, she was the female version of Jesus because she took the attention away from her silly word fumble. "Dawson, I think we don't have anything else to go from here." She said to him. She only sparred Sylvie a brief glance, showing a small sign of curiosity. Sylvie couldn't feel offended, she knew the woman was just doing her job. "Yeah, I'll be ready in a minute, Nagel." Sylvie internally wondered to herself what he needed to do, but rolled her eyes when he turned his attention back to her. Of course, she shouldn't be surprised. "Antonio, this really isn't necessary." She interjected, trying to ignore the blatant staring of Nagel. "You have work to do, I'll be fine." "Oh, so you would rather be left alone?" Antonio argued back, bringing up a good point. She would definitely not want to be left alone, and probably was going to end up requesting to stay over Gabby's house. Or maybe Stella's. She would feel less guilty if she went to her single friend instead of her married one. "Um, I could ask one of the officers for company—" Which would be rather uncomfortable, and probably wouldn't make a difference. She wouldn't dare voice this thought aloud to him, though. He didn't need to know that he was right. He wasn't buying her excuses. "Just call Gabby, Sylvie." He crossed his arms over his chest, making it clear that he wasn't going anywhere. She finally listened, scrolling through her phone to find Gabby's number. She pressed call, and then held the device up to her ear. But the call went straight to voicemail. Confused, Sylvie tried again, but the same thing happened. Gabby rarely didn't pick up her phone. She must be busy. Stella was her next option. Before Antonio could ask what was wrong, the phone was up to her ear again, which quietened him. But to her astonishment, her firefighter friend didn't answer as well. "Gabby not answering?" Antonio asked, looking more concerned than before. "Gabby and Stella." She corrected him, sliding her phone back into her pocket. "I guess I'll have to call a cab—" "No way." He denied her idea. "We can drop you off. Your apartment is on the way to the building, so it would be no trouble at all." That was a good idea, she thought. But she didn't want to mention that she actually wanted to stay with someone, as he was doing enough for her anyways. He probably would end up offering her to stay at his place, and she did not want that to happen. "....Okay." She tentatively agreed. "But only if it's okay with you.....er..." She had turned towards Nagel, but didn't want to call her by her last name. However, she didn't know her first. "Laura." Antonio's partner answered her. Too surprised, Sylvie was unable to hold back a visible cringe at the familiar name. The name of someone who had indirectly caused the end of her and Antonio's relationship. Sylvie quickly recovered from her shock, holding out a hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you." "Same to you. And anyways, it doesn't bother me. You coming along. If Antonio says it's already on the way, than there's no harm." Well, that was that. Sylvie was hitching a ride from her ex boyfriend and his partner. They began to walk through the crime scene, sidestepping the officers and witnesses. She was trying to ignore how Antonio's hand was resting on her back, and was tempted to remove it, but the high amount of comfort it was giving her caused her not to. Right before they had reached the car, Peter Stone called both Laura and Antonio's names. "Are you two heading back to the office?" He asked, before giving a confused look Sylvie's way. It was obvious that he was wondering what she was still doing with his two investigators. "We're dropping her off at home. I'm doing a friend a favor." Antonio explained. Yeah, just friends. If Peter could see the hand that was resting on her back, he would be very skeptical right now. But to her left, Laura let out a scoff. At least she didn't believe Antonio's claim of them just being friends. "Okay, just don't take too long." He said, before beginning to walk away. "It was nice meeting you, Miss Brett." He called over his shoulder. She was going to reply back to him, but it was no use, he already was too far away. Laura was beginning to get into the passenger seat, while Antonio had finally stepped away, opening the back door for her. "Thanks," She mumbled, wishing he wasn't being so kind and thoughtful to her. It was making her miss what they once were. Luckily, he didn't say or do anything more, leaving her to go to the driver's side. The first few minutes were rather awkward, as no one was talking. Sylvie tried to think of topics in her head, but she couldn't bring herself to voice them aloud. What could she possibly talk about— "How's work?" Antonio interrupted her internal musing. Surprised by the question, she couldn't bring herself to automatically answer. Even when she did, it was hardly a good response. ".....Good." She lamely said. Her cheeks flamed red at rather bland choice of wording. And also at the sight of Laura trying to hold back a laugh. "Well, if anything interesting had happened, you probably would have heard something from Gabby." She added, proud of herself for getting out a coherent sentence. "I guess that's true." He laughed. "Gabby doesn't tell me much anyways, though. Unfortunately we have both been very busy lately." He explained, as he was turning down a side street. "....Things still haven't settled down yet?" The words were already out of her mouth before she could stop them. His hesitation made her feel even worse. "Er, you don't have to answer that—" Shit, shit, shit. They had entered into relationship territory. She had been so foolish, God— Her heart broke when she watched a sad expression appear on his face. The ending of their relationship apparently still stung for him as well. "They have been beginning to." He finally replied. "Well I hope they will soon." She said back, unable to keep wistfulness out of her voice. Antonio didn't say anything, only letting a small smile appear on his face. "So you work with Dawson's sister?" Laura entered the conversation. Judging by her facial expressions, she did this only to switch topics. "Is that how you know each other?" Sylvie nodded. "Basically. Also Firehouse 51 and District 21 have always had close relationships with each other." She explained. She looked like she wanted to ask more, but instead thought better of it. She certainly seemed like the type that minded her own business. To Sylvie's relief, they had reached her apartment. But as she was getting out of the car, she heard the opening of another car door. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Antonio appearing. "Antonio, get back in the car—" "Let me walk you to your door." Yeah, that wasn't happening. He had already done enough for her. Since she knew he wouldn't back down, she came up with a compromise. "I'll text you when I get in, if that will make you feel better." She offered. She was glad she did, because he ended up agreeing with her. "Okay." He nodded, beginning to get back into his car. With that obstacle out of her way, she entered her apartment building, ignoring the urge to look back. When she finally reached her apartment and unlocked the door, she began taking out her phone as she was walking in. I'm inside, she texted him. Only a few seconds later did he reply. Good. Take a ibuprofen to calm your nerves. Sleep well. He texted. After replying to say her thanks, Sylvie placed her phone down on her couch, heading towards the kitchen. Screw sleep, she thought as her hand wrapped around the wine bottle in the fridge. After both witnessing a murder and being around her ex boyfriend, she wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep tonight. She needed to get Antonio Dawson out of her head.
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