#but usually it's just dumb leading the dumber
gabrielokun · 3 months
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seapomelo · 2 months
Want to be a better woman? Follow these easy steps:
1. Learn your place
2. Get dumber
3. Be easy to use
4. Tend to your owner's needs
5. Degrade yourself for him
As usual the first on is the most important one. To understand what you need to do, you need to understand what your role is. To illustrate it best, I'll just say that a man can do almost everything you can, and better. What he needs you for are your holes, because women are the best thing when it comes to releasing sexual tension.
That's right! You are just something we can stick our dicks into. This may not seem like much but is a very important role!
As I have said, men are just better than you at everything. This includes thinking. Women body spend more energy on sustaining their tits and producing pussy juice than on thinking. This is why you should stop thinking and just let him take the lead. Any important decision needs to be made? Your man will know what to do.
This may seem strange at first, but it is only natural! Evolution gave you boobs so you can find a man that will do the thinking for you.
With that out of the way comes the third point - ease of use. As I've already established, you only have one role. When you stop thinking about silly things like work, you can focus on making yourself available. Wear skirts and no panties, since that way your holes are easily available. Don't wear bras - they make your tits hard to grab. If you have a free moment, edge yourself, so that your cunt will make decisions, not your stupid silly brain. Clean your ass, because if someone wants to use it, you have to be prepared.
If you think this isn't proper behavior, then, first of all, why are you still thinking? Second of all, how can this not be proper, if that helps you fulfill your role?
Next is caring about your owner. Make sure he has everything he needs. This is different for every Sir. At first it will be hard, but after a while you'll learn to anticipate most things he wants. There are some universal things though! You have to keep his balls empty. If his cock is hard, your role is to make him cum, however he needs. Sometimes it will mean sucking him off, sometimes offering you pussy or asshole. Listen to what he tells you, and you'll be a nice bimbo!
The last thing is connected to the first one. See how smart is it? A dumb woman like you would never figure it out! Remind your owner that you know your place. Show him that you understand yohr role, by degrading yourself often. You did something wrong? Say that you're such a stupid whore. Offer your body as a way of saying sorry! Ask him to punish you.
Remember that you are his, born to satisfy men. As long as you have in mind, even the most mundane chores and thorough usage of your holes will fill you with satisfaction!
If this seems counterintuitive, think about your man. He is better than you.
I hope it helps all the stupid whores here! If you have any questions or can't understand something, I can explain it again with examples. Just remember: you have a role!
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drchucktingle · 2 years
i wanna thank you for adding 'prove love' and 'love is real' to my lexicon. i dunno if you as an autistic buckaroo experience vocal stims but i sure do and ive started saying 'love is real' a lot, esp when im happy :]
chuck has no vocal stims really except that i have about twenty lines from movies in chucks life that have stuck in my head and i say over and over again usually not funny lines just something a bud said in an interesting way. they are not notable quotes from movies that anyone would know just fragments that i hear and get stuck with me forever. one is 'hey harry you never called' which is in film dumb and dumber. she says it at end when he is walking up the stairs (not as a joke she just says this). other is in film american movie when he says 'got a good taste' on thanksgiving (also not joke he just says this). i hear lines like this all the dang time and will sometimes repeat out loud.
when chuck was younger had a neck twitch that would be movement of pulling muscles tight in involuntary way. did not know what it was and lasted for years but now i understand was stim. when i am very stressed and have a chronic pain way this will come back a bit but not at all like when uncontrolled as a young buckaroo
these days my only one that is consistent stim is exact same stim as character of ROSE, who is lead character in camp damascus. it is counting patterns on my fingers i do this all the time. in fact i gave her exact same pattern that chuck has, which goes
do that five times. then do this one four times.
then do the next one three times and on and on. then start over. sometimes if you start over you can start on the second step and then third to make a kind of FRACTAL WAY in your mind which is very pleasing.
anyway those are the stims of chuck through life. no noticeable vocal stims these days though
also i am glad you enjoy saying 'love is real' and 'prove love', i enjoy this too bud
EDIT OF CHUCK: it is funny because right after old chuck posted this i realized ALL OF THIS is just one big stim so maybe i do have vocal stims after all DANG
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All the Lightners are smart in their own way: Kris and Susie
I feel like there is a bit of a misconception when it comes to how smart the lightners are. This isn't much of a problem when they're goofy around, but when the situation is slightly serious then there’s a problem. Because some fans like to depict them as dumber than a brick. But aside from a few hiccups they made, they’re not as dumb as some might think. They still do dumb stuff but I argue that it’s not because they’re stupid.
Let's start off with everyone's favorite gremlin Kris. Kris is incredibly smart for a high schooler.
They have a way with quickly learning advanced tech when playing video games.
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And even though we are in control of Kris when we solve puzzles, it’s heavily implied through their elaborate pranks that they are quite capable of solving it themselves if they weren’t under our control.
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But the one area they excel at the most is emotional intelligence. They have a way of reading people and Identifying what they need to do to make them happy, without having to change who they are at their core.
In the very first fight of the game, the tutorial fight, you are given the option to hug Ralsei instead of the dummy. Keep in mind that Kris and Ralsei just met.
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Their ability to read people is astounding.
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But there is a major flaw with them that prevents me from calling them the best and it’s because of what Susie says when you try this same tactic on her.
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This is Kris’s MAIN method of making people happy. They don’t want to confront them about their underlying issues and why they act that way.
During the second fight with Berdly Kris plays into his ego. Not to gain anything from him but because they like him and want him to be happy.
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This obviously stems from whatever happened with Dess seeing as this method of theirs started after she disappeared. 
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However this does lead to them unintentionally enabling a lot of their insecurities just to make them happy.
Susie doesn’t fall for this partially because of her own insecurities.
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But mostly because of ONE key difference. She’s not afraid to speak her mind.
She is the most open about her worry for the people she cares about. 
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She’s able to notice when they aren’t like their usual selves or distress.
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And she even tries to make them happy in her own way.
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But the biggest reason she’s the best when it comes to emotional intelligence is because she's not afraid to call people out.
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And given enough of a good reason she’s willing to try and help them be a better person.
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Or to at least improve their skills.
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While the first time she does this she was mostly being a bully, and she almost fell back to that with Berdly, she is improving on it and is still one of the best when it comes to emotional intelligence.
But even beyond that, Susie is really good at improvising positive outcomes during combat.
She does this during the second battle against K. Round.
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And during the battle against Sweet Cap’n Cakes. 
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The S and R-actions are continually used throughout the chapter after this fight. 
However she does falter when it comes to puzzles, in fact she lets Kris solve them anytime they come across any.
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But that's not too much of a problem since, aside from Kris, Noelle would gladly help Susie out with them.
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goodboyyyy · 2 years
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By request 😉
You'd always been skinny for your age, but recently you'd been trying to bulk up. There was a cute Asian girl you liked, and even though you'd brought her flowers and taken her on a few dates, you weren't sure if she was interested in you. You knew her family was pretty traditional and preferred she dated Asian guys- her three other sisters were dating huge, ripped Asian dudes- so you thought working out might make up for it. You didn't want to hound or bother her- you weren't a fuckboy like that.
You ran into her older brother one day at the gym.
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You got to talking and he offered to start giving you some pointers and training you. You accepted- his body was awesome, after all. He was kind of an annoying douchebro- all he talked about was lifting, not being a pussy, getting pussy- all kinds of dumb disrespectful stuff. You never understood how guys like this always had girlfriends- but you saw pretty good gains with his help over a few weeks so you kept at it.
One day after you were done he invited you to grab some food. You stopped at a dumplings spot next to the gym. He said he knew the owner so you guys got to eat for free. That was cool. He ordered and asked for extra sauce. It was almost like he'd nodded his head over at you when he asked.
You dug in, exhausted from your workout. The dumplings tasted great, and the sauce was amazing too. The more you ate it, the more you wanted it. You finished it after eating only two or three dumplings and asked for more. He just smirked at you, and bought another two over which you quickly devoured. You had so much energy suddenly, like your body was pulsating with it.
"Dude, do you wanna hit the gym again? Just a few extra reps," you asked.
"I think that sounds like a great idea man."
You walked back in and it was odd- it seemed like everything had shrunk a little. You didn't realize it was because some things about you were slowly changing after your meal- like how you were slowly getting taller, thicker, dumber, and how your features were changing- skin becoming more bronzed- hair thinner and shorter- your mind was on one thing- lifting. You started on the cable machine. The usual weight you did was suddenly very light to you.
"Because that's some pussy lightweight shit," you said with a chuckle.
"Wait- why did I think that?"
Before you could think about it more he nodded at you, increasing the weight. "Just start lifting bro. This is gonna be the best workout of your life Brett."
"Fuck yeah man," you said, getting to work. Something felt different about this workout- like you could feel every muscle pulsing and swelling. You grunted, sweat leaking from your pits. Every pump accelerated the changes. Your features became more Asian as your body became more ripped. Everything got even smaller as you got bigger, taller, broader. Your hair grew longer in some spots, receded in others, turning into a nice fade. Part of you was registering the changes, confused, trying to hold on to your old self- but your mind was changing as quickly as your body, telling you you looked better this way, that this was how you'd always been. Lifting. Eating. Hanging with your bros. Fucking. That was your life. The old you was slowly being erased, replaced by an Asian muscle fuckboy- and you couldn't stop it, you didn't even want to stop it.
"Looking good bro," he said in front of you proudly after your first set, leading you over to the mirror. A ripped Asian guy was staring back at you. You were almost confused, but this was who you were- you'd always been this way. You'd spent hours building this body, bruh. Tons of lat raises and pressed for these capped shoulders, hundreds of bench presses and curls to get these defined, bulging pecs and arms. Memories of all the years in the gym filled you. "That sauce gives a great pump, doesn't it? Let's go do the next set and make this official, Peng."
"Fuck yeah bro," you said dumbly, responding to your new name- wait, new? No, this had always been your name. More memories overwrote everything that had been Brett. You were Peng, the ripped Asian fuckboy. You'd always been Peng. You loved being Peng, you thought as you strode over on your big, powerful legs and grabbed the cables again, lifting the full stack with ease now.
Whoever Brett was, he was weak. Peng was strong- a hulking virile beast. Why would you even want to be Brett? You felt the veins popping in your neck, felt the sense of masculine superiority that came with being the alpha that Peng was. Sweat started leaking out of you again, and what was left of Brett trickled out with it, leaking out of your pits and onto the gym floor. The transformation was complete. You were Peng now, and Peng loved getting some good pussy right after a workout. Sliding your huge Asian cock into a bitch was all you could think of. Your cock and balls had swelled along with you, pumping out ten times the amount of testosterone they had before. You'd be fucking a lot more now.
He led you back over to the mirror, inspecting you. "The best one yet. Now you'll be perfect for my sister. Lets head home, bruh," he said.
You got to his house and his sister didn't even recognize you. She had no idea you used to be Brett= you were just Peng, now. That was all you'd ever been. She played coy at first, but by the end of the night, she was wrapped around your dick, grinding against it dutifully while you lay sprawled out on her bed with your big arms stretched overhead, showing off your biceps and shoulders. You smiled cockily as her moans filled the room and her long, painted nails dug into you. She had been your dream girl- you'd felt lucky that she'd even looked at you before- and now she was bouncing on your cock, begging you to cum in her as she climaxed over and over again.
Damn, it was good to be a man.
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random-iz-stuff · 1 year
Invader Zim Deathmatch:
Zim vs Minimoose!
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The rules are as follows:
1. We’re assuming that both participants actively want and are willing to kill each other unless actively specified otherwise (for example: Chammy Wamboo).
2. The fight must be one on one so no outside help is allowed, but prep time is allowed.
3. The rule for prep time is that if one contestant gets prep time, the other contestant gets an equal amount of prep time as well.
Information about both contestants (who they are, powers and abilities, etc) can be found under the cut.
Contestant Stats:
Note: due to me doing a LOT of different analyses of Zim’s combat capabilities, intelligence, and competence in general, this section goes way further into detail than with any other contestant, to the point where I can say almost exactly HOW Zim fights along with his general abilities, which gets its own section.
As Zim is a Main Character, I’m not going to list where he appears. He’s everywhere
Zim is a very environmental fighter that uses his mind and the environment around him a lot in combat, quickly setting up traps, leading his opponents into bad positions and using anything he can get his hands on to gain an advantage.
Zim also uses his PAK a lot in combat, mostly for the extra maneuverability it provides. Leaping around and dodging attacks with it and using it to quickly climb and move around.
Zim also knows how and when to briefly get into his opponent’s head, confusing them by briefly putting on an act to seem dumber than he appears (Take his fights against Hobo 13 and Pilot Dib for very good examples). Once his opponent is distracted or thrown off, he strikes fast and hard.
Powers and abilities:
Irken physiology (Zim can lift over 3 times his body weight and is extremely durable. More specifically, I’ve estimated in the past with some calculations for Zim’s height and weight that Zim can lift about 612.8 pounds, but that’s just estimation and theories)
PAK (PAK legs, PAK lasers, shield generator, all the things an Irken PAK can do)
Elite military training (Zim is an Invader, meaning that he went through irken military training and became an elite soldier before going through Invader training. This means that Zim has the combat skills of an elite soldier)
Invader training (as an Ex-Invader, Zim is trained in espionage, stealth, sabotage, and other invader-related things)
Throwing Knife Mastery (Zim has a 99.7% accuracy rate with throwing knives, and it’s very likely that this accuracy rate also applies to other throwable things)
Superior Intelligence (Zim is the single smartest Irken we’ve ever seen and is a lot smarter than he appears, being able to build things in less than an hour that artificially enhanced irkens take days or even weeks to build. This significantly reduces or even removes the amount of prep time Zim needs to create something. Zim is also capable of manipulating people by playing dumb, a tactic he sometimes uses in combat to throw his opponents off their rhythm (take his fights in Hobo 13 and the Pilot for example))
Shock Spear (as seen in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl of all places, Zim owns, knows how to use, and always has on his person: a unique Shock Spear. This Shock Spear can presumably do anything a regular Shock Spear can do, including shocking anyone hit by it and discharging energy from the blades for a ranged attack)
[Weakness] No common sense or impulse control [Averted] (Zim normally has little common sense or impulse control and seems to struggle with motivation, a fact that usually leads to him defeating himself. HOWEVER, in the right situation where Zim properly focuses on the task at hand (usually either when he wants revenge or when he thinks his life or his mission is in danger), Zim completely loses this weakness and not only becomes completely motivated, but also starts thinking things through, becoming far more dangerous. A fight to the death like this competition definitely fills those requirements, meaning that Zim in this situation would be completely focused at basically all times)
[For This Fight Only] Past Knowledge (Since Zim built Minimoose in the first place, he has full knowledge of how to disassemble Minimoose)
Fun Fact:
Both Mark Hamill and Billy West were candidates for the voice of Zim. Mark Hamill was deemed to be unsuited for the role and Billy West voiced Zim in the Pilot episode, but ultimately Richard Steven Horvitz was chosen to voice Zim.
“Been here the whole time”
Minimoose’s only TV appearance is in the episode “The Most Horrible Christmas Ever”, but we would have seen them a lot more if the show wasn’t cancelled, including an episode called “Nubs Of Doom” where we would have seen their creation. They also appear in Enter The Florpus and make consistent appearances in the Comics
Powers and abilities:
Energy Blasts (Minimoose can fire powerful blasts of dark energy from themselves. We never officially see it so it’s impossible to say for sure, but it’s most likely that Minimoose’s “deadly weapons” we hear about in “Nubs Of Doom” are actually these energy blasts at max strength)
Teleportation (Minimoose is able to manipulate dark energy to teleport things. HOWEVER, we won’t be counting Minimoose teleporting the entire Earth as something they can do, as they needed a very specific setup involving everyone on earth holding hands combined with the Membracelets and a blob creature Zim created. Minimoose’s actual limits with teleportation are most likely just teleporting themselves and whatever is holding/around them)
Fun Fact:
Minimoose is canonically confirmed to be non-binary, making them one of two canonically confirmed non-binary Invader Zim characters with Recap Kid being the other one, and one of four non-binary Invader Zim characters if you also consider Invader Tenn and Commander Poki, who are heavily implied to be non-binary but not explicitly confirmed.
Additional Thoughts:
Does anyone actually read these? They’re kind of important for judging how powerful some characters are.
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v-anrouge · 5 months
Waddles in with my favorite twst oc idea Deedee Tweedle and D. Tweedle Twisted off tweedle dee and tweedle dum
twins last name Tweedle ofc heartslabyul first years (maybe 2 years? But i feel like the world would explode if they interacted with the tweels) deedee name of one of them and hes transmasc and the more "mean/blunt" out of the twins he says things how they are. (And still goes by his og name like Dylan :)) Sometimes makes mean jokes D (tbh I have a good excuse for it just being D now, they make you play games and try to solve riddles/puzzles for his full name) is an utter sweetheart to the core and is also blunt like Deedee he just doesn't really realize that he was being blunt. The Trans Ally™. He does joke about how they are a matching set now utter goofballs and utter idiots "D! you are on flamingo feeding duty!" - Riddle "But what about Deedee!? What if he's lonely while I'm feeding the flamingos?" - D "Yeah! I'll get lonely let me go with him!" - Deedee "You'll be violating the system! It's set up to where one person goes at a time! No help!" - Riddle "Well your royal highness or should I say lowness that's dumb!" - Deedee "Even dumber than us!" - D Riddle huff and puffs until hes the color of a strawberry tart's filling "Well my majesty, two is better than--" - D "TWO is better than none and none is what you will get if we can't work together!!" - Deedee "Be lucky you have your heads! And that I already thought of something. Whenever either of you have to care for the flamingos, you both have to go! No protests!" - Riddle "That will do nicely, your highness" - Twindles (said together with a little bow)
I'm going to rewatch alice in wonderland for some good unique magic ideas for them. Honestly thinking up unique magic is my favorite part of twst ocs (ex an oc twisted off of alice would have: "Catch That Rabbit!" usually takes the form of a rodent of any kind, most often being a white rabbit, it may change color depending on the environment to make sure the user can see the rodent. The rodent will lead the user to something important)
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leareadsheresy · 4 months
False Gods
This post contains spoilers for False Gods by Graham McNeill, first published as a novel on (as nearly as I can tell) June 1st, 2006.
This is a weird book.
The progression of events is fine. If you wrote this book as a list of scenes, and a description of what happens in each scene, and each character's motivation at the start of each scene and each character's motivation at the end, it'd hold together well. But the specifics are bad. Any time any two characters have an argument, they have a dumb version of that argument, with dumb points made badly. Every character in this book, almost all the time, is a louder, dumber, more caricatured pantomime of who they were in Horus Rising. The exception is when someone -- usually Kyril Sindermann -- is delivering exposition, in which case the dialogue is merely workmanlike. I suspect this was worked out as a very solid outline and then filled in quickly and that Graham McNeill -- at this point in his career, remember this was decades ago and maybe he improves over the course of the series -- just doesn't have the chops to write smart people having smart conversations at this point. (I sure hope he improves; he's written a lot of these books.)
It is so consistent that I'm able to imagine a better version of this book just by looking at the dialog we see, picturing it as placeholder dialogue, and extrapolating a better version of each conversation based on the more subtle, more intelligent, more learned versions of these characters visible in the previous book.
I need to give at least one example.
Here's a five page excerpt from the ebook in which Erebus of the Word Bearers is attempting to manipulate Horus into attacking the fortress of the dude he set to rule Davin, this planet he conquered years or decades ago, who's now rebelled. Erebus stole a magic sword in the previous book and has given it to the rebel, and his plan is to have Horus lead the vanguard of the attack so the magic sword can injure him, at which point Erebus will step in and take Horus to a magic healing spot where the Chaos gods will offer him power in exchange for healing, stoke his ambition, show him misleading visions, and get him to rebel against the Emperor.
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(You are going to have to pardon my highlights; I was taking notes as I read and I'm too lazy to remove them while taking the screenshots.)
Notice how Horus and his entourage are all stupid fucking meatheads and Erebus is the most obvious manipulator who ever lived? In the previous book, Horus and his entourage weren't stupid fucking meatheads, and they wouldn't have fallen for that -- but if Erebus had been in the previous book, he wouldn't have been that obvious. You can easily imagine a better version of this entire exchange, with more subtle points being made all around and more subtle manipulation happening, coming to the same outcome. You can extrapolate a better, smarter version of Erebus just by imagining a reversal of the character degradation from the previous book to this one. Every single argument in the book is like this, and this is a book about people having arguments.
Horus complains in this book about how he doesn't like being at the behest of bureaucrats and tax collectors and it comes off as petty, like his objection is he's too great to deal with that sort of trifle. Horus complained about the tax collectors in the previous book but it wasn't petty! Horus's whole point in the previous book was "The Emperor is locked in his basement and he's letting this new civilian government he's set up do whatever they want, and they're claiming his authority to enact taxation on conquered worlds but it's too soon, those conquered worlds haven't seen enough of the benefits of Imperial rule yet and if we start heavily taxing them now they're going to rebel and then we'll be stuck putting down rebellions until the end of time and it'll tear the Imperium apart, which I don't want to do! And my evidence for this is dad's smart enough to know it's too early to impose taxes; he's capable of predicting the same shit I'm predicting now, so it's gotta be the bureaucrats acting on their own. Why is my father letting the bureaucrats take his name in vain while destroying my work?" And given that Horus is a) explicitly described as a tactical and strategic supergenius and b) explicitly described as the Primarch closest to his dad, I… kinda buy that argument? Or at least I buy that Horus believes it wholeheartedly; I don't know, the Emperor is great at making bad decisions, maybe he did back the tax initiative, but Horus there is demonstrably smart and cautious and protective of his accomplishments and the Imperium's holdings and his father's honor and the pedestal he's put his father on. Also, interestingly, he accepts rebellion as inevitable and even sympathetic under certain circumstances. Meanwhile in the above excerpt Horus is acting like rebellion is an unthinkable affront to his honor, which is the most important thing in the universe.
(There's a more favorable reading of the excerpt where he just finds it unthinkable that a commander he appointed would rebel, but I'm not inclined toward favorable readings of the excerpted exchange.)
Those things I said in my discussion about Horus Rising Part 1: The Deceived and how noticing the title of the section might have made me like False Gods more? I take it back, there's nothing here that indicates Horus was already planning rebellion. Quite the reverse. We get his interior monologue and he spends a lot of time exclaiming how unthinkable rebellion is while talking himself into it.
That said! Once we get into the Chaos Vision Quest part of the book with Erebus pretending to be a dead guy from the first book and giving Horus a tour of the past and future -- and I appreciate the ambiguity as to whether it's actually the past and future or just warp reflections of it -- I kinda buy Horus's reasons for rebellion, once I picked up something the book doesn't draw attention to. The Imperial war apparatus places a great emphasis on leading from the front and how a leader earns the respect of their (well, let's face it, his; not a lot of women in military authority roles in these books yet) troops by leading from the front, because this is based on a wargame where your leader is a guy on a tactical rock with a lot of strong attacks and a buffing aura, and that's been the case for not just the entire two hundred years of the Great Crusade but however many centuries before that the Unification Wars took. Horus is super-primed to see the Emperor retiring to Terra as an insult and as a move that warrants he, Horus, ought to start disrespecting the Emperor.
There's also a kind of interesting bit where Horus worries that his appointment to Warmaster to finish the Great Crusade is just in time for the Great Crusade itself to turn into a gloryless mopup effort, robbing him of the fame he expected the title to earn him, especially interesting in the context of having just botched his attempt at a novel peace with the interex, where he really tried to get out there and be his own man and accomplish something the Emperor never did. It does come across as a prideful man realizing he may have been spurned, and that he may need to do something drastic to get the reputation he wants. I don't really buy the idea that Horus would be shocked and appalled to learn that he was grown in a lab, because, like… I assumed he knew that? But I do buy that he'd be primed to believe that the 40k future with a God-Emperor and only the nine loyalist Primarchs recognized as such by a pathetic population of wretched worshipers might be the Emperor's plan in the context of how Horus would be inclined to view someone who quits the field of battle. He also claims explicitly that each of the Primarchs embodies part of the Emperor's personality and he, Horus, embodies the Emperor's ambition specifically, which both fits with what we've seen of him and explains why he'd react so badly to feeling like his ambitions are about to be foiled.
Also, the previous book made an effort to establish that once you invite Chaos into your heart, the trend towards malevolence and corruption is quick and aggressive, so once Horus goes "Yeah, sure, I'll accept your healing, Ruinous Powers that I don't know are called Ruinous Powers" he might immediately become a huge asshole. But, again, that's all well after the excerpted bit. So to the extent that this book sets out to answer the question "How did Horus fall?" it does so reasonably well albeit clumsily.
There are a couple more scenes where Loken is investigating what happened with Samus and Xayver Jubal and people are like "Trust me, there's no intelligences in the warp; it's just energy" and Loken is "Not sure I believe that but okay" or people go "Hmm this ancient text suggests that there might be intelligences in the warp who can possess people" and Loken reacts with doubt and shock, and again I find myself looking at the page and going "Horus told you about Warp intelligences in the first book in so many words and you accepted it!" Like, that scene from Horus Rising that I hated is now an actual plot hole. Sigh.
There's a point where someone says "My mouth's as dry as a Tallarn's sandal"; that's an anachronism, later books in this series will deal with Tallarn being turned from a verdant paradise into a scorched desert. I'm calling this one out for two reasons. The first is because I'm trying to notice anachronisms as I go because I think it's interesting how the writer pool's common understanding of the timeline of the Heresy evolves as the series progresses, and in that context it's just a curiosity. It's fine. They had no way of knowing there'd be a series of short stories compiled into a book called Tallarn a decade later. But on another level... I really hate this sort of SF/F Brand Aphorism, like when someone in a Star Wars book says "This place is as smelly as a Rancor's armpit." Stop it, it always comes across as clumsy. It's like watching a Funko! Pop emerge from the page as I read. "Hey, customer, you like [BRAND], right? Would you like to be reminded of [BRAND]?" Dude I am reading a tie-in novel, obviously I like [BRAND], you don't need to pile it on so heavily. Just say no to these, I beg you.
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thegreaterlink · 2 years
Reviewing Star Trek TNG - S4E4 “Suddenly Human”
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The Enterprise responds to a distress call from a Talarian vessel, rescuing four Talarians and one human, a teenage boy named Jono (Chad Allen). While he keeps to himself, he shows strict obedience to Captain Picard. This behaviour, along with evidence of unexplained past injuries, leads Dr Crusher to the conclusion that Jono may have been physically abused.
Okay, this episode has a lot to unpack, so let's start with Jono himself.
He's supposed to be sympathetic, and he is to a certain extent. The only problem is that he's initially an irritating little shit stain who immediately puts Wesley's early days to shame by leading his brethren in a "call of distress" which I really want someone to loop over that "most annoying sound in the world" clip from Dumb and Dumber.
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Go on, Worf. Punch him really hard, just once. You must have a lot of pent-up rage from dealing with Wesley for all this time, it has to go somewhere!
Anyway, it's revealed through some photographs which are higher resolution than the actual show that Jono's real name is Jeremiah Rossa, son of Starfleet Admiral Rossa.
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They conclude that Jono has to rediscover his human identity, and that Picard has to be the one to help him do it, since as the captain he's the only one Jono will listen to, despite Picard's protests.
Picard: You're probably not aware of this, but I've never been particularly comfortable around children.
Troi: Really?
Damn, Troi really has zero time for Picard's bullshit. Her reaction to Picard confiding in her about his problems is telling him to just fucking... cope.
You know what that means. It's time for:
Wacky Parenting Hijinks!
I can understand the thought process that putting Picard in a parental role would give him some good character development. But with Picard not being good with children and Jono being... Jono, this goes about as well as you'd expect. We even get the usual teenage shit of Jono listening to the space equivalent of punk rock. I'm surprised they never used the old "you're not my real dad" line.
Speaking of which, the Enterprise is intercepted by a Talarian ship and the captain, Endar, comes aboard, claiming to be Jono's father.
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Well, to tell the truth, Endar actually adopted Jono after leading the forces which wiped out Jono's family, as allowed by Talarian custom. So y'know, close enough.
Yes, a boy being returned to his father. It's another episode about family.
Picard accuses Endar of torturing Jono, citing the numerous injuries found by Dr Crusher, but Endar says they were the result of Jono's desire to over-achieve in Talarian customs... or so he claims. Even though Jono wants to return with Endar, Picard refuses, despite Endar's threats of war.
Picard renews his efforts to help Jono rediscover his human roots, beginning by introducing him to space racquetball. Sure, Jono has a PTSD attack and taps out, but it could’ve gone a lot worse. Especially since Jono actually seems to be making progress.
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I’ll admit it’s actually nice to see Jono bonding with the rest of the crew, including Wesley. Sure, Jono is overwhelmed by the conflict between cultures and suddenly pulls the old stabby-stabby on Picard, but it's like they say: boys will be boys.
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“What matters is that I have attacked a captain. I am ready to be put to death.”
Well, if you insist-
But no, Picard (who survived with no major injuries, in case it wasn't obvious) just wants to know why Jono did it. As expected, Jono replies that he felt becoming more human betrayed everything Endar had done for him, leaving him no choice but to lash out. Picard realises that the attack would never have happened if he had let Jono leave with Endar, and that he hadn't considered Jono's feelings. He agrees to return the boy to Endar.
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This resolution feels a bit... off. On the one hand, I suppose it makes sense for Jono to stay with the culture he was raised in, and we have no way of knowing if Jono was abused. But on the other hand, we have no concrete evidence that Endar DIDN'T abuse Jono, so…
It feels like the writers suddenly realised that they were nearing their page limit and suddenly had to write things up. Speaking of the writers, Jeri Taylor co-wrote this episode with John Whelpley, scribe of such hallowed classics as… Tremors 3, 5 and 6. And just like that, I’m concerned.
Look, I’m more than happy to talk about Tremors. Just not… those ones. But that’s a subject for another side blog which I may or may not actually make.
(Plus, what would I even call that? TheTremorsLink? TheGraboidLink? ThePerfectionLink? LinkToPerfection? I'll get back to that one.)
Anyway, Jono returns to his adopted father, and he and Picard at least share a nice goodbye in the transporter room where Jono finally removes his gloves to actually touch him. So at least there was that.
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5/10 - It was only a matter of time before the quality dropped off again. Basically on par with Whelpley's other work.
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theblackinnkeeper · 3 months
Cross examining the ova part 2(a critique of @rirururu)
(Pt 1) (spoilers)
Time to once again rip apart Rirururu’s attempt at turning one of my more disliked Danganronpa projects into an amateur fanfic
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Alright let’s see what you got
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Not exactly after ego and monomi didn’t start out as blank slates they were Already existing ai just transferred (get ready he’s about to say something dumb)
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Told ya he was going to say something dumb hey ding dong did it ever occur to you that the other were trapped in the neo world program and that world destroyer got them out and he’s just going after nagito after all or did you spend too much time treating the ova as your amateur fanfiction (well then again that’s not entirely incorrect)
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I’ve already debunked the ai thing but this leads to more questionable arguments but if it’s so painful to believe the someone you liked was ultimate despair than why are all the students barring hajime and Chiaki there shouldn’t it be more painful to believe those you looked up to and idolized turned out to be bad and anything hajime did that can be remotely considered flipped his world upside came after he was dead when he defeated junko or are you one of those “he wasn’t trying to kill them he wanted to test their hope” people
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I mean if there any real indication of that last we saw prior to hope hajime still didn’t know what to think of nagito and has been confirmed to not know what his dream world looked like and it’s not just komaeda it’s everyone else’s (and again ai hajizudu wasn’t made from j nagito’s memories)
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Once again ai hajizuru is not real hajizuru and as far as we know ai hajizuru is just being informative and everything about nagito’s behavior suggests he’s being serious
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Yes it sounds like a lame fanfic
Doesn’t it also seem strange that Chiaki his parents and even his dog don’t even appear in this ova while the whole class does
“Extension of the real hajizuru’ s will”
Well in cosmic sort of way
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While for the most part I do agree with this his reasoning is about to become even dumber
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Okay first of nagito didn’t put up any unlikable persona’s everything he typically says is usually genuine and that’s forgetting his antagonistic behavior towards komaeda in later chapters even agreeing to join kazuichi and Akane in beating up nagito before finding his body
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Tommy Allen & company have been on trial by the max for leading a revolution against them no recently found guilty in the max declared war on them they saw them rally other people's support today earlier and saw them send out their bunker findings over the past three weeks and help people get ready. Now they're losers this are the size of the force and then thought they'd use it and control the whole fight they're taking over DC New York City and all the other capitals. Other molars ran came here California other places and evacuated Biden and the McDonald's left leaving them completely exposed to the max who are now going to crush them and have stated so then said to others come back at your own risk. And it's a huge deal but we said they're going to get pummeled and not by the idiots who are going to check out so it's a good deal they get beat by going there and they get beat by going to the bunkers
Thor Freya
It's all around success for real and it's working and these people are cruel and mean and stupid and they're very very crass they're insane they're so backwards they couldn't tell what would happen they look at him saying so what they attack us we should just come in and wipe you out like they usually do they say this we don't have any chance it probably not because you don't listen to people and that's the way it is and you're mean. Saying who gives a f*** every time the guy said it you start saying that who cares who cares and it's true too so sitting there and seeing stuff and they finally said this they Don't really Care at all and going around making it worse so let's try yelling and screaming when our son left at each other send them back up there all sorts of dumb s*** and I sense it's time to get away from these idiots and let them kill each other so they left that's the four and they're sitting there fighting each other like little f*** wrestling poking each other with stuff someone said he has a knife and it's a small knife fight broke out now they are really mean to PG and they try to start a knife fight with him and he's saying don't do it and he had it in hand they didn't see it they came right up to him and he hit him and the neck and he was holding his hand the guy fell over dead some of the guy came up and said how come those blood on your hand he said oh this and he opened the knife and he said oh oh so he ran MPG ran up behind him and stabbed him right in the back of the neck it didn't like five people and left said bleed out get real sick say stupid s*** and f*** us up who cares we're all done anyways and he's right you people are f*** ups I hope it gets out of this is trying to be nice all the time to you people doing it all the time
Now we're going to war with these little idiots we see what the problem is they don't listen to anyone they're not afraid of anyone they don't fight they go into these bunker areas and getting wiped out and they're just standing there
So he said to one group why don't you just make a speech or something he said to a bunch so sitting there yacking and another group started coming in saying shut the f****** and move and they wouldn't and it was a fight and the max was so insulted they wiped them out they say it's a distraction not really I just haven't started yapping it's supposed to be doing a speech but I just think they can at the same time the dumber then that's tube sock there's dumb as a quarter that has nothing on it so they started laughing saying we take these people to seriously and them not at all and they're horrendously evil you say go that way then go that way whether it's good for them or not it's easy so the guy told people trying to do some maneuvers on these little idiots and they're getting them in there and killing them it's only me like an hour and it's going to be a full percentage point down to 7%, no it's probably be 2 or 3%. It's just really like a holocaust or so damn dumb so it might go down to 5% and globally there being attacked they're trying to move people out and now they're resisting saying we can't have you here you're going to mess up our money and all this other stuff so people are ordering troops down there to get the idiots out and we can cordon off the max and it's going to work for us
Thor Freya
Olympus this works out better by the way
You can see him struggling with it he didn't know which way to do it and he says that's fine push him out and push him out here and he needs them to come here but tons of them are anyways I'm going to push the idiots out just like they are elsewhere they're push them out of Miami in the blob everywhere and they'll have to push them out
Zig Zag
We're pleased to announce that we're probably not going to do that stuff okay I might but they can't and he says put in an edict and you got a deal we have a lot of stuff going on right now and it's all battle stuff and it's huge and the beer really helps these people are so dumb so we know what ship it was but we're bringing more and more and more beer and he says he's probably bring it to their areas where they're trying to stage so we're doing that now you got permission to bring tons in they'll want more of it and has a label beer so he ordered a ton for the island and my husband says for AI boy I will do it all it says this we made the program in the second castle no in the tower no at Carnegie Mellon of course not oh so now you get it and people are starting to follow that
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talltalestogo · 11 months
We spend a lot of energy looking for shortcuts to save time, and sure, those shortcuts add up. But when I look back, my biggest time regrets aren't spending too much time on Twitter or mismanaging my daily tasks. Those are bad habits, but there are bigger, more systematic time wasters that have really gotten in the way. Fixing these will free up a massive amount of time and energy.
Not Asking for Help
My first week on my first job out of university, my boss handed me a huge spreadsheet. He told me to organise it in a way that made zero sense to me. Being a quiet, timid person, I simply nodded, walked back to my desk and stared at that spreadsheet for like an hour, hoping to make some sense of it (yep, just like George Costanza and the Penske file).
Finally, my coworker came in, and I confessed I had no idea what to do. He broke it down for me, then dropped some advice that's stuck with me ever since: "You might feel dumb asking questions, but you look dumber when you don't get it because you failed to ask."
It was harsh, but true. And not only did I look like an arse, I could've also saved a fair amount of time that day by simply asking my boss what he meant. It made me wonder how much time I'd wasted by not asking for help over the years. As dumb as you might feel asking questions, it's the fastest way to get an answer.
Similarly, asking for help is a great way to, well, get help. This is why networking and finding a mentor are hugely valuable. If you feel stuck in your career or need to learn new skills and have no idea how to get started, talking to other people in your field will go a long way. Even if it's just shooting someone a short email, asking for help is like a shortcut for your career. Try Leo Widrich's formula for asking for help via email:
2-3 sentences of honest appreciation. There is a reason you are asking someone for help. They have a lot of experience in that field, worked on a startup/idea related to what you are working on or else. If you do this, it shows them you have thought about why picking them out to ask for help.
1 sentence that states a single, focused question people can give you an answer to. Here is one that worked very well when I asked Noah:
"What was the single, most valuable user acquisition strategy for Mint after you hit 100K users?"
Here's another way to look at it: if you're not asking for help, you're probably not challenging yourself enough. If you have all the answers, you're not learning new skills, trying new things or moving forward and out of your comfort zone. There are a handful of reasons we don't ask for help, but it's usually because we're too proud or scared, and that's a huge waste of time, because it keeps you from moving forward.
Trying to Make Bad Relationships Work
Relationships require maintenance, but there's a difference between maintaining a good relationship and trying to force a bad one that doesn't make much sense to begin with.
There's a lot of emotion in romance and friendships, so sometimes it's hard to tell when you should keep trying or you should just call it quits. Like a lot of people, I made some common bad decisions that wasted both my time and the time of the person I was with. For example:
There are good reasons for wanting to make a relationship work, but those aren't good ones. They cloud your judgment, prolong your unhappiness and distract you from things that matter to you most. At the same time, it's hard to say all bad relationships are a total waste of time, because you learn a lot about yourself from them. That's a valid silver lining, but still, the sooner you learn those lessons, the better.
Similarly, not dealing with the emotional impact of a breakup is also a big waste of time. When a relationship ends, we usually go through the typical stages of grief associated with loss. It's easy to get comfortable with denial and convince ourselves we don't really care and we're fine. In reality, ignoring the pain only prolongs it. Our work suffers; the rest of our relationships suffer.
Dwelling on Your Mistakes and Shortcomings
Learning from your mistakes is one thing. Dwelling on them wastes your time, diminishes your confidence, and keeps you from getting on with your life.
Dwelling also makes you more apt to repeat your mistakes. In a study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, researchers asked subjects to spend money during an imaginary trip to the mall. Before "shopping", some subjects were asked to recall a past financial mistake. They found those subjects were more likely to incur debt. A press release for the study concluded:
Perhaps the most surprising, Haws said, is that searching through the past can negatively affect behaviour, depending on the ease of recall, even when past examples are positive...Instead of dwelling on the past, Haws said, her research into behaviour suggests that setting goals for the future can positively change present behaviour...In short, if we want to have better self-control, "Look forward," Haws says. "Don't look back."
When you think about your own experiences, it probably makes sense. Dwelling makes you feel like a failure. When I feel like a failure, it's easy to tell myself there's no point in trying, because I already suck. (Hence, getting further into debt when you already feel like an overspender.)
Of course, you don't want to skip over your mistakes and ignore them either. The goal is to glean something from them, then release the failure. I like Emilie Wapnick's process for doing this:
In order to let the past go, you must forgive yourself officially.
Feel the embarrassment or shame one final time. Really feel it throughout your body. Next, tell yourself that everyone makes mistakes and you know you that that outcome was not your intention. It was an accident. Finally, make the decision to forgive yourself and do it. It helps to even say it out loud.
From now on, it's OK. You are forgiven.
Every time the thought comes back, simply remind yourself that you have already been forgiven, so there's no reason to feel bad anymore. Then push the thought away.
One of my other big time regrets is not allowing myself to fail out of fear of my own shortcomings.
For years, I stayed in a comfortable place and didn't try to do things I wanted to do. I wanted to travel after high school, but I went to university close to home instead, because I was too shy to meet new people, and I was afraid I couldn't make it in another city. After university, I wanted to be a freelance writer, but I decided to find a more stable, accessible job instead, because that was easier. There's nothing wrong with wanting to live a stable, comfortable life, but I was doing it for the wrong reasons: because I was afraid to fail.
Eventually, I got tired of this. I decided to find work I actually enjoyed, travel more and live somewhere else. I made a ton of mistakes along the way, and even when I did succeed, I felt like an imposter. Still, I think the bigger mistake was not trying sooner. Even if I failed, I would have learned from my mistakes much sooner.
Worrying Too Much About Other People
It's easy to waste time worrying about other people, too. Don't get me wrong — your friends and loved ones mean a lot to you, and you want to spend time nurturing them. But we also spend a lot of time fretting over problems that don't matter in the long run.
For example, I spent years getting annoyed with people who undermine me. I complained about them, tried to understand them, wondered what was wrong with me that I inspired that kind of behaviour. Those habits always lead to a dead end, because they didn't involve action. The older I got, the less tolerant I became of this behaviour, and I learned to nip it in the bud.
I also indulged another time wasting emotion: jealousy. I compared myself to everyone, wanted what they had, and felt inadequate. Like most negative, destructive feelings, the first (and biggest) step to overcoming it is understanding it.
I paid attention to my jealousy and what triggered it, then learned that it was less about the other person and more about my own feelings of inadequacy. In short, I embraced that jealousy. Envy is a bit different, but it often comes from the same place, and here's what writer Trent Hamm suggests in dealing with your envy:
The question is, why do you want it in your life? I like to use the "five whys" when handling a question like this. Whenever I'm trying to answer a "why" question, I repeat it five times, asking it of the answer I come up with for each question. When you identify a particular strong desire that you have, step back for a moment and break it down into small pieces. Then, see if there isn't a way for you to address those smaller pieces in your own life. Again, let's take that international trip. What elements am I desiring when it comes to that trip? I want to expose my children to different cultures…. The thing is, when I start breaking that trip down into small pieces, I start seeing pieces that I can easily incorporate into my own life.
Once you understand why you feel jealous or envious, you can take action to take care of the problem, whether that means processing the emotions or coming up with goals for yourself. Either way, that's a lot more productive.
Most of us are probably guilty of all of these at some point, and really, they're human nature. Regret is another big waste of time, so there's no point in beating yourself up over these. The sooner you learn from them, though, the sooner you can free up your time and energy to live the life you want.
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bluebxlle-writer · 2 years
Writing believable friendships
masterlist. main navigation.
@bluebxlle_writer on Instagram
Even without taking their backstory into account, your characters' friendship in the present should be believable enough to allow your readers to root for them.
1. Both ways
This is the number one rule for the friendship to be healthy and believable - affection, communication, help, and everything else should go both ways. You can't have one character always asking for help and the other always helping while never getting anything in return, or a character always showing affection while the other never reciprocating it - the friendship needs to go both ways.
2. Similar or different
Friends can either be very similar or different, and both are interesting to write about! If they're similar, they will usually get along pretty well. However, it also leads to the potential of more bickering with each other, since their personalities will clash. Just imagine two equally stubborn or talkative characters in a disagreement 💀💀
If they're different, they'll be able to complement each other well (eg. the troublemaker and responsible one). However, you will still need to give them a common similarity to bond over. Maybe it's a shared hobby or favorite animal!
3. Communication and trust
Friends can either be all giggly and soft around each other or bicker 24/7, depending on their friendship dynamic and the personalities of the characters. However, a constant thing to keep in a healthy friendship is the ability to trust and communicate with each other.
Friends should trust each other, not leaving each other for a love interest or some whack reason. They should also know the best ways to communicate with each other. Even with friends who bicker a lot, the arguments should be playful. They should always know and avoid the topics that are off limits and would truly hurt the other.
4. Flesh them out individually
Most of the time, there's only one main character in the friend group, and the rest only act as their friend and nothing more. They don't have any other role in the story besides being the main character's friend.
While you can't always dive into the backstory and depth of the other characters, especially if your story is only from one pov, you should still fully flesh them out. Give then strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, goals, quirks, etc. Make sure that everyone in their friend group are their own person, not just a supporting character for someone else.
5. Reason to stick together
Your character will meet so many people throughout their life, but they can't keep in touch with all of them. Chances are, they'll "abandon" old friends for new ones they just met. If you want to write a long-lasting friendship, you'll need to find that key reason why they choose to stick together despite their hardships.
Maybe they ever saved each other's lives in the past? Or maybe they live close to each other, so it's easier to maintain their friendship. There are lots of possibilities!
6. Different friendship dynamics
Chaotic x chaotic
dumb x dumber
grumpy x sunshine
talkative x shy
goofy x serious
cinammon roll x cinammon roll protector
Playful & friendly rivals
sarcastic x blunt
calm x always angry
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Moral Insanity - Andy Barber smut
The one where you’re Jacob’s friend and Andy fucks you on a balcony.
Warnings: this is divorced! Andy and college! Jacob, so while there’s a definite age gap there, reader is legal. So other warnings go: semi-public sex, a lot of dirty talking, no daddy kink on this one, which came as a surprise even to me, curse words and really rough sex. p in v, porn with little plot, masturbation (f). A/N: Kinktober Day 27 prompts were sex on a balcony or window + “Don’t cum yet”. Hope you guys like this one, I feel like it was a good one, but if I had more time, I could probably make it better. I think that’s kind of the sentiment behind the whole kinktober, actually.
Andy’s P.O.V.
Even the strongest of wills caved when faced with a sweet enough temptation. All it took was one look and I knew she was mine.
Perhaps I should have known better than to let Jacob invite his friends to our beach house, but I was recently divorced and in desperate need to feel cool again, even if I knew that trying to be seen like that by my own kid would only lead me to the opposite direction. And maybe I also forgot just how old he was, ignored that he was now in college and saw the image of his teenage years when I looked at him, because the truth was, when I saw her walking in, I was frozen in my spot. 
I didn’t even consider that my son was old enough to have sleepovers with girls now. And when I had to confront my own desire for the much younger girl who he introduced as a friend, in my own eyes, he grew up too.
But I still had to face the reality that she was undeniably young enough to be my daughter.
“Good morning, Mr. B.” My head automatically whipped around to look at the ray of sunshine personified in the body of Jacob’s college best friend. I’d heard about her before, obviously, and even teased him about being embarrassed to admit that he was dating her, but now that I knew the girl I could only acknowledge the fact that she was way out of his league.
Maybe I shouldn’t retroactively feel relieved about their relationship being so innocent, but I was way past denying the attraction I felt for her. My goal now was to keep it hidden, despite just how enticing she was.
“Good morning, Y/N. You do know you’re on spring break, right? There’s no need to keep waking up so early.” I chanced a glance up at her, to find her looking out at the balcony, towards the sea. 
“I know,” she nodded, her eyes still focused on a distant point before they suddenly met mine. “I just like to keep you company.” I didn’t know what to say, so I just resumed my previous activity of frying bacon, letting the silence of the morning fill the space between us. Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t uncomfortable. Maybe because in the last few days I’d had the chance of striking up many conversations with her - which only added to my attraction, since she was an incredibly intelligent woman - so I felt like I knew her enough, by now. Enough for what, I didn’t know.
“Well, the eggs are ready. Will you accompany me to breakfast?” We made idle chit chat before two of her friends made their way downstairs, my signal to leave them alone. As much as I liked to view myself as young at heart, I remembered just how weird it was when adults tried to force their presence into a group, and I wasn’t about to do that.
Just before I left, her eyes met mine in a longing stare, and it felt like she wanted to say something, but refrained from doing so. But perhaps it was just my hopeful imagination, wanting her to like my company as much as I enjoyed hers.
The next time I saw her, it was lunch already. Jacob and his friends had spent the day between the beach and the pool, while I remained in the bedroom returning some calls from the office. When I finally joined them downstairs, I was once again shocked by the view of her glistening wet body in what could only be described as a barely there bikini.
She caught me staring, that much I knew and I couldn’t really admonish myself for my lack of restraint, not when I hadn’t seen that much of her body yet and it was driving me crazy. Besides, I definitely wasn’t the only one staring, perhaps just the only who really shouldn’t be doing it.
“Why are you pouting?” Was the first thing I asked her when she approached the kitchen island where I fixed myself a sandwich, making sure to keep my eyes on the bread slices in my hands, instead of on her chest.
“You left me alone with dumb and dumber! In the middle of a conversation about the Supreme Court! You really know how to make a girl feel interesting, Mr. B.” My heartbeat sped up in my chest, my mind racing with the possibility that she was flirting with me. Was she? How could I know? 
From my experience being single, I knew the only way was to slowly reciprocate it and hope for the best. Hopefully I’d be able to get out of it if she ever called me out on it. “You are interesting, Y/N. I’m the one who’s a boring old man. Say, what happened to the bathing suits you were wearing until today?”
My question made her look down to her own body, like she didn’t remember what she was wearing until I asked. When she did return her eyes to mine, she was biting her lip, though it was hard to assess if it was due to embarrassment or excitement for my acknowledgement.
“I lost a bet to the other girls. They gave me one of their bikinis to wear for the day, knowing I don’t usually wear them because they make me uncomfortable.” She looked downright adorable, the pout back on her lips at the memory, and I had to shake my head to swipe away the thought of leaning over and kissing it away.
“Well, I think you look great.” That was all I considered safe to say, but I did throw a wink in her direction before picking up my plate and moving to my bedroom, where I still had some work to go through while I ate. I didn’t look back to witness her reaction, but hoped she’d be at least a little intrigued by my sudden expression of interest.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“You sure you don’t wanna go with us?” I nodded patiently, confirming for the upteenth time that I did in fact desired to stay back at Jacob’s huge beach house instead of following my friends to a noisy, sweaty club. I’d never really liked those environments, so it wasn’t that weird that I ditched them for whatever crime show was on tv for tonight, but in the back of my mind, I knew it was more than that. 
I wanted to see Andy again. I wanted to have the opportunity to talk to him without the fear of being interrupted or judged. So really, it wasn’t any surprise to me that after everyone left for the night, I could barely sit still in front of the television, quickly deciding to turn it off and go look for the man that had been plaguing my thoughts for the last few days.
I paced in front of the door to his room for a while before finally gathering the courage to knock, expecting him to open it and follow me downstairs so we could talk. So I was beyond surprised when he simply ordered me to get in without even asking who was there, but I hesitated only for a few seconds before complying.
It was clear by Andy’s expression that he wasn’t expecting to see me, and all at once I realized he must have thought it was Jacob that wanted to speak with him, after all, no one else had probably ventured to this part of the house besides his son and himself. So I was beyond sheepish as I remained by the door when he lifted an eyebrow to ask me what I was doing there. “I thought you guys had gone out to a club or something.”
“I-I decided to stay back here and I was wondering if you wanted to chat.” Now both of his eyebrows were lifted, like he couldn’t believe what he had heard. In the seconds of silence that followed, my mind finally processed the fact that what Andy was wearing weren’t swimsuits, but boxers, and there wasn’t anything else covering his body from my wandering gaze. His hair was wet, too, like he’d just gotten out of a shower, but none of that distracted me from the fact that in those few seconds of silence, his expression changed from incredulous to something entirely different, something I couldn’t really pinpoint, but made my body feel hotter than the sun.
“You wanted to chat?” The question sounded more like an accusation and I found myself giving a step back when I realized that Andy had crossed the room to stand right in front of me, his eyes taking in every inch of skin the bikini exposed. “You wanted to chat,” he repeated, and I gulped before opening my mouth to explain myself, even though I wasn’t entirely sure of what I should be explaining, when his hands found their way to the door behind me and he closed it before settling them in the dark wood, caging me between my escape and himself. “You come into my room when your friends are out and we’re the only two people in the house, dressed like that after spending the last few days driving me absolutely insane, and you tell me you want to chat?”
Andy’s P.O.V.
God fucking damn. This girl had to be completely unaware of her effect over me or absolutely intent on having me going crazy over how badly I wanted her, because it was impossible for her to have waltzed into my room without knowing that this was how I would react.
Still, I had to admit it came half as a surprise even to myself, so maybe I shouldn’t judge her too harshly. Maybe if I hadn’t just tugged one out to the thoughts of her and spilled over myself so badly I had to take a shower, I would be able to ignore the temptation. But as it were, she’d just incited the beast within me, and all I needed was the confirmation that she wanted this just as badly as I did so I could take her exactly like I’d been dreaming about for the last few days.
She heaved as she looked up at me with unmistakable lust-filled eyes, and I felt an insurmountable amount of pride spread through my chest at the knowledge that this desirable young woman was affected by me.
“Well, now that you’re offering me an option, I’ve been wanting your cock in my mouth.” The surprise that hit me over hearing those words fall out of her innocent lips was soon overtook by my desperate need to have her, and with a growl, I pulled her by the back of her head to meet my lips in a furious kiss.
Completely immersed in the taste of cinnamon on her lips, I bit on the lower one to beg her for entrance so I could graze my tongue on hers, taking up the opportunity to finally feel her body against mine. I pressed her up against the door, running my hands over her body before I reached the back of her thighs, pulling her to wrap her legs around my body.
In a few quick strides, we were through the open doors that led to the balcony from where I had a perfect view of the sea, and when I let her go to stand on her own legs, she looked around, clearly confused about my choice of place.
“Did you think you could tease me like that and not get punished? Oh no, you tempted me publicly, I’ll fuck you right here.” It was easy to see that the shiver that ran through her body wasn’t completely due to the wind that was caressing our bodies, she was aroused by the idea. Still, I knew she had a fight in her, so the second she opened her mouth to argue, I lunged at her, capturing her lips with mine again.
The beauty of a bikini. One simple movement and the top piece was on the floor and my hands were full with her breasts, my fingers occupied with circling her hardened nipples as I kept kissing her with all that I had.
“Now, princess…” Leaving her lips to kiss down her jaw, my fingers found their way inside her little bottom piece before they teased her, testing her wetness to find her dripping for me. “I know you said you wanted my cock in your mouth, but I think we can leave that for later, huh? Right now, I really need to have you. So you’re gonna cum real quick, with my fingers deep inside this tight pussy, before I bend you over the rail and rail you.”
I fucked her quickly and harshly, making sure to hit her sweet spot every time when I managed to find her, while I distracted myself from my throbbing cock by nibbling on her earlobe and imprinting her scent in my memory. When she did cum, it was with a breathless gasp as she held tightly onto my biceps, and I groaned just from the feeling of her tightness squeezing my digits.
“I gotta have you now.” That was all the warning I gave before I did just what I promised, bending her over before pushing her bikini bottoms and sliding home. Our moans echoed each other, only fueling my arousal to a point where I couldn’t really wait for her to adjust to my size. So I just started pounding into her, keeping a grip on her hip and another on her hair as I watched her ass slap back against me, her breasts bouncing with the force of my thrusts.
“So fucking tight.” I bit my lip so hard I tasted metal in an effort not to cum too quickly, but it only made me hornier. “C’mon, sweetheart. Tell me how much you love being ruined by me. Don’t you wish your friends would get back sooner, so they’d see just how great you are at taking my cock?”
She cried out at my words, her legs shaking with the effort to keep herself up, but the sight before me was too fucking pretty to let her go. “Been dreaming about my cock deep inside this pretty pussy, haven’t you? Just like I’ve been jerking off to the thought of these pretty little lips wrapped around it.” Having pulled her against my chest by her hair, I rubbed her lower lip before pushing my thumb inside her mouth, where she eagerly started to suck just like I imagined. 
“Won’t have to think about it anymore, will I? Because you’ll let me fuck you any time I want. Every time I get hard thinking about you, you’ll bend over for me to take you and I won’t have to say a single word.” I could feel her pussy clenching periodically because of my words, but I wasn’t quite there yet. I still needed a few more minutes of fucking this tight young pussy and I wanted her to cum with me, so I ordered, “Don’t cum yet,” giving a quick slap over her clit before holding her by her throat so I could kiss her cheek.
“Tell me, baby. Tell me how badly you wanted my cock, how much you want my cum and I’ll let you have it. I’ll let you milk me dry inside this pretty little pussy until it’s dripping out of you.” 
I knew she was having a hard time trying to contain her orgasm, but she still managed to beg me while holding the hand that was pawing at her breast. “Please, Andy, Mr. Barber. I need your cum inside of me, sir. ‘Ve been thinking about it for so long. Please, let me cum with you.”
The sir did it for me. With one last command for her to cum, I allowed myself to release deep inside of her, sliding my hand to her lower stomach so I could feel myself and making her clench again at the feeling.
We stayed like that for a few minutes, catching our breath while staring out into the ocean, until my softened cock slipped out of her, and I gave her a quick kiss on the shoulder. “It’s a pretty view,” she murmured, and I chuckled before turning her to look at me.
“Not as pretty as you. And hey, as great as this was, I want you to know that I really want to get to know you better, Y/N. Talking to you every morning has been the highlight of my day and I’m in desperate need of something like that.”
She smiled before standing up on her tiptoes to deposit a quick kiss on my lips. “Sounds good to me, Mr. Barber. Now, have you ever gone skinny dipping?”
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tinyyoungblood · 4 years
the novelty of lines | tom holland
summary: being trapped with your boyfriend in a bookstore can go many different ways. good and not so good. like getting hit on by a stranger. but does that really matter if tom knows exactly what to do?
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pairing: tom holland x reader
word count: 2229
warnings: language, fluff
a/n: if this doesn’t get deleted again, i’ll buy everyone ice cream *laughs through the pain* sorry to anyone who might have already come across the first post:/ this is my first submission to @hollandsrecs​​ ‘s 1k bingo writing event! go check out her amazing fic recs! 
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The echo of another thunder bellowed through the streets, making you shudder and lean into Tom for a sense of safety. His hand grazed your waist and you nuzzled yourself further into his body. “You okay?” You looked up to worried brown eyes and nodded once.
“I’ve always thought being stuck in a bookstore could be quite romantic. Turns out it has some Purge potential too.”
His chuckle conjured a small smile on your lips and you felt him trace tiny shapes into your skin. “Well, the rain does add something,” he said and you hummed. Letting go of your waist, you were turned to face him. “How about you go look for that book we came for, and I’ll go check out some new books they got in the back? We can meet in a few and when the storm is over, we can go grab some coffee. Sounds good?”
You nodded affirmatively and the twinkling in your eyes made his heart melt. “Add some baked goods and you got yourself a happy girlfriend.” Pressing a soft kiss on your lips, you both parted ways and with a fuzzy heart, you watched as Tom disappeared behind a shelf before you started your own quest of finding the newest book of your favorite author. Thanks to an abundance of afternoons spent in this place, you naturally navigated toward a table in the middle of the room that most likely contained what you were looking for—and your inner compass didn’t disappoint. It only took a few seconds until your gaze fell on the familiar name and a smile curved around your lips. Picking up the hardcover, you tugged a few strands of hair behind your ear and examined the paperback in awe.
Unbeknownst to you, your little gesture had caught the attention of a guy your age and invited him to come talk to you. It took you by surprise, but he was polite, so you let yourself have an easy five minutes conversation until he started to hit on you.
Tom was just rounding the corner again when he heard a familiar laugh. He immediately recognized your fake laugh and it made him stop in his tracks. Peering around the corner, his eyes landed on a guy chatting you up. Knowing exactly what was going to happen to the poor guy shooting his shot, he leaned against the wall to enjoy the show for a second.
“So what is a pretty thing like you doing here all by herself?” The guy asked with a smirk pestering his lips.
You eyed him and cocked your head to the side. “Where?”
Taken aback, he stared at you for a moment. “Uhm, you know, here.” He laughed awkwardly and Tom smiled to himself.
Acting like the light bulb over your head lit up, you replied, “Oh, you mean in Chicago?”
Tom had to stifle his laugh as the confused guy ran his hand through his hair. The interaction was painful to witness, but it brought up sweet memories. This was exactly what you did when the two of you had first met in London. You were in a coffee shop and Tom was hitting on you, hopefully, a bit smoother though, and in response, you acted slow and dull like you were doing at the moment. Tom, of course, saw right through and called you out on it. He remembered you only laughed and didn’t hesitate to call him out on his crap too, and that was the start of a beautiful friendship. It didn’t take long for you two to start dating after.
But in contrast to Tom, the guy didn’t seem to pick up on your way to cease the conversation and tried his last sprinkles of luck. “S-Sure…Are you here often?” He hinted and once more, you feigned confusion.
“You mean at the bookstore?”
For a second, you swore you saw his spirit left his body. But he was determined to keep going. “Chicago, bookstore, same thing, right?” He let out a forced laugh and you couldn’t help but smile amusedly. You did have to give him some credit for the effort.
“Hmm. I live in Chicago, so yeah.” His eyes lit up and you felt bad for leading him on, thus deciding to end this talk as fast as possible.
“Sweet, so chances are high that we will meet again…right?” He asked suggestively and you decided to top it off with the sweet cherry of obliviousness.
“No silly, I don’t live in the bookstore, so I guess the chances are pretty slim.” Tom’s eyes widened and he had to cup his mouth to silence his laugh. The guy stared at you dumbfounded and you were almost certain he would leave now. To your luck, that was not the case.
“You can always give me your address?” He tried again and that was Tom’s cue to walk up to you. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he gave the baffled guy a meek smile.
“Sorry, pal. She lost the piece of paper that has her address on it.” Glancing to him with wide eyes, you forced a quizzical smile and Tom grinned back broadly. “Ready to go, darling?” You hummed and turned around to walk away. Looking over your shoulder again, you gave the guy an apologetic smile and lifted your shoulder in a shrug before wandering off with Tom.
When you were out of his earshot, you halted and pointed at the prominent smirk on your boyfriend’s face. “You asshole.” He pursed his lips amusedly.
“What a cute pet name.”
“You were listening to our conversation,” you accused and he shrugged.
You gasped and narrowed your eyes at him. The corner of your lips, however, quirked up and you had to hit his shoulder in response to his cocked brow. “You could’ve saved me earlier!”
Tom snickered. “But where’s the fun in that, darling?”
Pouting, you turned your back to him and feigned interest in some of the books displayed on the table in front of you. Suddenly, two arms snaked around your waist, and you were pulled backward, prompting you to squeal in surprise. “Tom!”
He whispered into your ear, “Shhh, I’m trying to be a romantic asshole right now.” He dragged you to the very back of the store where he usually spent most of his time, so you genuinely expected him to simply show you a new book he found. Just in his very dramatic own way. When he let you go and you were planted on steady feet again, you whipped around to face him.
“Not cool.” You jabbed your finger into his chest and he rolled his eyes at you.
Pecking your nose, he stepped aside and revealed a big purple velvet blanket placed neatly in the corner of the store. It was covered in mismatched pillows of all colors, and Tom watched carefully as your eyes widened—fairy lights reflecting in them. You stepped forward and picked up one of the two white mugs that carried the soft smell of hot chocolate.  “Did you do this all by yourself?” You asked, your words laced with every inch of surprise you felt at the moment.
He nodded proudly. “Hannah didn’t mind, so I thought, why not make your romantic bookstore dreams come true.” He shrugged casually, but you could see that he was just as excited as you were. “You like it?”
You placed the mug on the ground and faced him. “Do I like—Tom, I love it! This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I still can’t believe it.” Your eyes were twinkling with joy, resembling a starry night sky, and he couldn’t believe how beautiful you were. Softly pulling you forward, you pressed your lips on his and the sweet taste made his heart flutter. You pressed him closer and closer, fingers threading through his soft curls while his hands roamed your sides. Gently pulling away again, you giggled at the dreamy look on his face and grabbed his hand. Once the two of you were seated on the soft blanket, hidden away from the rest of the store due to the big shelves, you were quick to bring the mug up to your lips to get a taste.
Mirroring your action, a strong swirl of chocolate enveloped Tom’s tongue and spread warmth down his throat. You moaned at the sweetness and let your head fall back. “This is too good.” Tom agreed and picked up the book you were still holding in your hand. Reading through the synopsis on the back, a small smile edged around his lips and you giggled. “Tom, that’s a thriller about a guy who goes on a killing spree. Why are you grinning like a psycho?”
He let out a brief laugh. “I’m not laughing because of the book.” He tossed it on your lap. “I just can’t stop thinking about how you did the exact same thing when we first met. You know, with the acting slow.”
The fact that he remembered made you smile and you lifted your shoulder in a half shrug. “I do it with everybody who hits on me.”
“Like a bit?” He asked curiously and took another sip from his mug.
You cocked your head to the side and thought about it. “Kinda. You really have no other choice when guys come up to you with the dumbest lines. It’s a default setting.”
Feigning offense, he slapped his hand on his chest. “I beg to differ! I did not say a dumb line.”
“Probably not the dumbest line I’ve heard.” You brought the mug up to your lips. “But very dumb nonetheless.” Tom furrowed his brows and pouted at you, making you giggle. “Do you remember what you said?”
His gaze averted to the ground for a second, but he shook his head. “No…But it couldn’t have been any dumber than what he said.” Tom jabbed his thumb over his shoulder and you grinned.
“If only you knew…” you trailed off teasingly and he leaned forward.
“What was it?”
You hummed and shrugged playfully, making him grab your mug and set it aside with his own. “Y/N Y/L/N, tell me how I made a fool of myself the day we met.” You had to bit your bottom lip to cease the smile, but that gave Tom the last push to lean forward and tackle you to the ground, fingers attacking your sides and the sound of your laughter seeped through the quiet bookstore.
“T-Tom! S-stop it—Tom, I mean i-it,” you coaxed out and Tom leaned down to your ear.
“Are you going to tell me what I said to you that day?” Reluctantly, you nodded. His hands left your side and you sat up while the last bits of your hysteria died down. Dramatically wiping away some tears, you shuffled forward and placed your arms on his shoulder to lock your fingers behind his head. His eyes locked with yours and he waited in anticipation as you fought with your lopsided grin. You cleared your throat for suspense.
“On the day we met, you came to my booth, and sat down. Then you looked me straight in the eye and asked me Are you from England? ‘Cause I can really see a queen in you.”
You watched as Tom internally broke down from the crippling cringe. He was blushing madly and the tip of his ears were bloodshot red, making you giggle and press a quick kiss on his warm cheek. When you wanted to pull away, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders to nuzzle his head in the crook of your neck. “I can’t believe I said that,” he mumbled and you laughed.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself. It could’ve been way worse.” He leaned back to look at you.
“Oh yeah? How? I can’t see a way to outdo that. It’s really bad, I’m surprised you didn’t die of a stroke that day.”
“Bet. Harrison once came up to me all excited to read me a pickup line he found on Buzzfeed. I think it went My dick is called Big Ben. And you know where you'll find it. And then he just giggled and ran away.”
Tom broke out laughing. At this point, you were sure people must have thought you two were crazy but you didn’t mind. “Oh my god, what did you tell him?” He reached out to your waist as you turned around to lean your back against his chest. His arms wrapped around your figure and you sighed contently.
“Well, he was already halfway across the yard, but I told him afterward that it’s a great line and that he should use it sometime at the pub. I think he actually did.”
Tom’s chest vibrated against your back as the sweet sound of his laughter swept you off the ground. Seeing him this happy was everything to you and you closed your eyes for a second, just to open them again right after to make sure that you weren’t dreaming. Spending an afternoon trapped in a bookstore with your boyfriend during a thunderstorm sounded like it came straight from a novel, but apparently, you lived inside your own novel and within it, you were allowed to dream as much as you wished.
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it’s been a while since my last one shot, so i hope this makes up for it! hope you enjoyed it and if you did, feel free to leave some feedback. thank you as always for reading! have a wonderful day/night peeps <3
taglist: @honeypie-holland​ @himarisolace​​ @duskholland​​ @insidiousslut​​ @siriuslyslyslytherin​​ @hollandsrecs​​ @quaksonhehe​​ @chloecreatesfictions​​ @writertoo18​
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nothinghcppens · 3 years
when nothing’s said- fred weasley
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pair: fred weasley x slytherin!female!reader
summary: y/n has known the weasley twins since first year and wanted nothing more than to befriend the pair, but one of them wants nothing to do with her. never one to back down, she worms her way into their lives and captures the heart of fred, whether he likes it or not.
warnings: slight swearing, italics is memories
a/n: first hp fic!!! thank you for all the support on my marvel fics so far it means so much <333 i’m gonna start a taglist so message me if you want to be added! and specify if you want to be added to marvel, hp or both! also requests are open!
“wicked.” you heard the voices of fred and george weasley chant behind you. their voices still managed to boom over the loud chatter of zonko’s. they were looking at the new line of products that had been added to the shelves. you were in your last year at hogwarts and had been through your entire school career with the twins. however, you had a love-hate relationship with them.
being sorted into slytherin in your first year immediately made them dislike you, their deep rooted hatred for slytherins being the cause of that. you met on your first day, in the great hall before the sorting ceremony. you heard their murmurs about pranks and tricks they could play on each professor and a small smile crept on your face.
“oi! what you smiling at?” the one on the left asked, you later found out to be fred.
“i strongly suggest you don’t prank professor snape. that won’t turn out well on your behalf.” you replied. your parents were high up in the ministry of magic and were well respected individuals in the wizarding world. they had told you all about the professors at hogwarts and what to expect when you arrived.
“oh yeah? i don’t know about you fred, but i don’t think professor snape stands a chance against us.” the one on the right said, george, you now know.
“you’re absolutely right, george.”
“y/n y/l/n!” professor mcgonagall announced and you stepped up to the sorting hat.
“oh? a y/l/n? i remember your mother. you two are very similar. wow, i see. very cunning. very ambitious... slytherin!”
and that was all it took. that budding friendship, gone. it was more fred than george, well at least that’s what you seemed to notice. fred had a very sort fuse and could never seem to control his anger towards you, george seemed to tolarate you a little more.
you had many run ins with the them throughout your years in hogwarts, many of them to fred’s demise.
“hey george! you said you needed help with potions?” you called, jogging slightly to catch up with them.
“yeah, you’re like crazy smart at it and snape doesn’t like me.”
“snape doesn’t like anyone.” you stated.
“he likes you.” he replied.
“it’s only because she’s slytherin. he doesn’t care that she’s the smartest in our class.” fred complained.
“you think i’m smart?”
“everyone thinks that.” he said. you send him a confused look, did he just compliment you? “i mean, you like to rub it in everyone’s face that’s all.”
“ignore him. library after dinner?”
although the fred disliked you and george only spoke to you for help with potions, their friend lee jordan had a soft spot for you and you two actually got on very well.
“y/n!” lee called. he pushed through the crowds of children to where you stood near the entrance.
“hey lee.” you greeted with a smile, “where are dumb and dumber?”
“drooling over new products, what’s new?” he replied.
you chucked, “usual for them then.”
“who are you with?” he asked.
“uh, y/f/n. she’s looking for something to get her brother.” you explained.
lee nodded his head, “how about you two join us for some drinks at the three broomsticks?”
“hmm a chance to piss off the twins? how could i resist?” you teased.
“meet us there in like half an hour?” he suggested.
“of course. see you then.” you said, winking at him and leaving to find your friend.
you scanned the busy store in search for y/f/n, noticing her talking to adrian pucey.
“hey, y/f/n, adrian.” you greeted. adrian and your friend both smiled warmly at you.
“afternoon, y/n.” he said, “me and y/f/n were planning to head back to the common room, want to join us?”
“actually, lee just invited me to the three broomsticks. why don’t you come with us?”
y/f/n scoffed, “what? just to see you and fred bicker like a married couple the whole time? thanks but no thanks.”
“it’s not my fault he doesn’t like me! i’m only going to talk to lee anyway.” you explained.
“uh huh, sure you are.” she mumbled.
“oh shut up.” you said, laughing lightly.
“i need to pay for this stuff,” y/f/n stated, gersturing to the items in her hands. “you guys wait here and then we can walk you to the three broomsticks.”
you and adrian made conversation until she came back, robes pockets slightly bigger than before she left.
“shall we?” adrian said, letting you guys leave first.
the streets of hogsmeade were filled with excited students, snow falling on their heads. you wrapped your coat around you tighter, feeling the harsh breeze under it. the wooden sign of the three broomsticks came into view and you saw lee and the twins standing outside.
“well, i’ll see you guys later.” you announced, waving at the pair as you walked away.
you approached the trio of boys and greeted them, “good evening boys.”
“where’s y/f/n?” lee asked.
“oh her and pucey wanted to go back to the dungeons.” you explained.
“what the fuck lee? you said we were waiting for angelina.” fred spat.
“whoops sorry, must’ve forgot.” he joked with a large smile on his face.
fred groaned in annoyance and walked into the three broomsticks. “what’s got his knickers in a twist?” you asked.
“he just fancies you.” george replied, with a smirk.
“oh yeah, who wouldn’t.” you joked. you stepped into the dimly lit pub and swept your eyes across the busy tables. george came in behind you with lee and lead you to a table where fred sat with a scowl set on his face. him and lee went to get butterbeers for the table, leaving you two alone.
“hey sunshine.” you said, sliding in beside him. his mouth stayed shut and his eyes stayed trained on the empty booth in front of him. “you cant ignore me forever.”
“actually i can, sunshine. and i will.” he replied.
“merlin, you’re so dramatic. is this only because i’m an evil, muggle-born murdering, slytherin? or is there something else to it?”
he scoffed and turned his head to look at you. “oh come on! just because i’m a slytherin doesn’t mean i’m evil.”
“i’m pretty sure it does.”
you let out a shocked laugh, “grow up fred. i’ve never done anything to you. you’re the one that pranks my friends and i! and fair enough some of my house mates are wankers but me and y/f/n haven’t done anything to you.”
he opened his mouth as if to say something, but closed it immediately. “i think you need to let go of this petty hatred towards me.”
“i think he does too.” lee announced as he approached the table with two butterbeers in his hands. him and george sat on the other side of the booth from you and slid two glasses across the table.
“he’s not one to back down easy is my brother.” george said.
“very stubborn so he is.” lee added.
“right that’s enough you two.” fred groaned, taking a swig of his drink.
“anyway, did you listen to that record i gave you?” lee asked you.
“yep, i’ve been listening to it on repeat. my roommates hate me for it.” you replied, chuckling.
“you like muggle music?” fred questioned.
“yeah it’s actually how lee and i became friends, he heard me whistling a song by queen and began singing along. since then we’ve been giving each other albums to listen to.” you explained. you took a sip of your butterbeer.
“wicked, what album was it he gave you recently?” he asked. out of the corner of your eye you saw george and lee subtly high five each other and begin having their own conversation.
“it was parklife by blur, it came out last year.” you said.
“i think i remember lee playing that one. when you give it back i’ll make sure to listen to it.”
you and fred spent the next hour bonding over your love for muggle music. you were surprised that he listened to so much and you guys actually had a very similar taste in music.
“do you remember professor lupin?” you asked. fred glanced over to george and smiled lightly.
“uh yeah, vaguely.” he replied with a laugh.
“well one time i was going to ask him for help with my essay on vampires and he was listening to david bowie! i mean i knew he was my favourite teacher but that just made me love him even more.”
“bowie huh? i can see that.” he said, nodding in approval.
“oi you two.” george stated, catching both your attention. “we’re gonna head back.”
“do you want to go?” you asked.
“you two go on, we’ll stay here for a bit yeah?” he replied, turning to look at you for confirmation. you nodded with a smile which fred returned.
george chuckled and winked at fred who just rolled his eyes. you watched the pair leave the pub and turned your attention back to fred.
“it must be fun having so many siblings.”
“it is, they’re so much fun to prank.” he chuckled. “want to go for a walk?”
“you want to go for a walk with me?” you asked with feigned shock.
“shut it, come on.” he grabbed his glass and finished the leftover butterbeer at the bottom before pushing you slightly to get you out the booth.
you slid out and grabbed your coat that you had abandoned earlier, putting it back on.
the cold air hit your face as you opened the door, fred stepped out behind you. he sucked in a breath, “bloody hell it’s freezing out here.”
“good solve detective.” you joked.
“being a cheeky bugger is my job.”
“well now you’ve got some competition.” you laughed and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as you walked down the main street. a comfortable silence fell over the two of you as the snow fell on the ground. the crunch of your shoes against the snow was all the could be heard.
questions began to flood your head, why was fred here with you? what made him change his mind? shouldn’t he hate you? surely talking about music wasn’t enough for him to get over whatever made him despise you?
“okay i have to ask.” you blurted. fred glanced at you and nodded, signalling for you to continue. “why are you here?”
he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “what do you mean?”
“don’t you hate me? i feel like you shouldn’t be as nice to me as you are being right now, considering you avoided me like the plague from first year. i’m not sure what i did, but i’m just confused on how you seem to no longer hate my guts-“
suddenly his lips were on yours and you froze, he was kissing you? why? you pulled back in shock and looked up at him, glancing between both his eyes.
“why did you do that?” you asked.
“i don’t hate you. i never have. i was pissed off myself for liking you, for thinking you were beautiful.” he explained, “you are a slytherin and for some stupid reason that made me push you away.” he placed his hands on your arms, “i’ve been raised on the idea that slytherin’s are all evil and are all with them. but i know now, that’s not true. so i’m sorry.”
“merlin you are one soppy bastard aren’t you! i accept your apology don’t worry.” you said, “i knew you secretly didn’t hate me.” you smiled up at him.
“how could i? you’re a catch darling.” he replied with a smirk.
“anymore of that and my head will be bigger than yours.” you joked. “anyway, i believe i owe you something.”
“what?-“ you leaned up and kissed him before he got the chance to say anything else. he smiled against your lips and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. you lifted your arms up around his neck and laced your hands together.
fred pulled away first, breathing heavily. “wait till george hears about this. godric he’ll go mental.”
“he told me that you fancied me earlier, should’ve believed him.”
he chuckled and pressed his forehead against yours, “what’ll your family think when you tell them you’re dating a weasley?” he asked.
“woah, woah, woah. dating are we?” you teased.
“obviously, love. unless that’s not what you want.” he replied, placing his hand on your cheek and rubbing his thumb across your lips.
“i’ve wanted that since the moment you called me smart.”
“i wasn’t subtle at all was i?” he asked, cheeks going slightly red from embarrassment.
“not really now that i think about it. but i was oblivious.”
fred chuckled and pressed a soft kiss against your lips again, exhaling a laugh through his nose.
“can we continue this somewhere warm? i’m freezing out here.”
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