#but take this instead
bechloesupercorp · 1 year
on the days that they don't work together (rare), bea takes the wicker basket that ava impulsively bought at the very beginning of their stay in the alps. ("like from the movies bea!")
two blankets, sandwiches, and an orange to share.
the first time, ava tramples around the fields for a solid 40 minutes, returning with a bunch of hand selected flowers. "thank you," she whispers, tucking a blossom behind bea's ear. the breath is stuck in her throat.
bea has to drop her off at work again before she can even take a breath.
walking back to their apartment over the cobblestones, she cradles the flower in her palms. edelweiss. noble and white. l'étoile d'Alpes. the star of the alps. but with ava beside her, she doesn't think anything shines brighter.
it gets pressed that night, soft and gentle, between the pages of her leather bound journal.
--- --- ---
the next time, night has fallen as they stroll away from the strobe lights of the bar. this time it's quieter, huddled under a blanket by the lake.
"do you think," ava murmurs, facing the water, "that people can feel the love we leave?" will you feel it when i'm dead and gone?
beatrice's heart aches. "i think they do. and all the love we've yet to give." if only you could feel the love in my heart that rests in your hands, my dear, she wants to say, and the things i would give for you to live, but the words stick in her mouth.
"i like it here," ava breathes, here with you.
"i do too," bea responds, eyes fixed on ava's face. l'etoile d'Alpes, she thinks, is sitting right here with me.
tears glisten on her cheeks in the moonlight. and beatrice has never seen anything brighter.
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nazbruhh · 9 months
That one bgm from pjsekai
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buggachat · 2 months
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Part 200 of my bakery “enemies” au!
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silvermoon424 · 7 months
This is a subject that really interests me because I (28 years old) had computer classes in grade school where learning how to efficiently type was a big focus. As a result I have a very high WPM (words per minute) count and am an excellent touch typer.
However, I've heard that they started phasing out computer classes in a lot of schools because it's assumed that kids/teenagers already know how to use a computer in this day and age. But smartphones are more popular than computers now, and as result a lot of Gen Z/Gen Alpha kids are able to text very quickly but their typing skills aren't as good.
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balis77 · 10 months
Fun fact: Samus' zero suit is a bodysuit in more recent games instead of the tank-top she wore in older games because at this point, she's been spliced with so many species' DNA you really don't want to see what the rest of her skin looks like.
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i am unreasonably proud and excited about this
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mokeonn · 10 months
"But if college was free, then people would abuse that and get useless degrees" hell yeah I would! If I could go to college without debt I would make it my job to get a degree in every little thing that interested me. I'd get a doctorate in film studies. I'd have a bachelor's degree for every science I like. I'd try to learn at least 5 languages with varying results. I would learn something "useful" like coding and then follow it up with a ""useless"" degree like art history. I'd be the world record speed run holder for getting every degree possible.
But I can't afford college without going into massive debt, so instead I spent the last 5 years trying to figure out what I am passionate enough about to consider going into debt over, because unfortunately being passionate about everything is extremely expensive to pursue.
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evilwizard · 3 months
legend tells that Thoth, god of knowledge and magic, played cards with Khonsu, god of the moon, and won 5 extra days worth of moonlight. he gave them to the sky goddess Nut (who was forbidden from giving birth on any day of the then 360-day year), subsequently allowing her to produce Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set, and Nepthys—one on each of the five days
no one knows that Thoth was up to with the whole “leap year” thing. after all, there’s no way Nut could give birth to just 1/4th of a god. unless…..
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no way!!!! this has become a CERTIFIED MEDJED POST!!!!!!!!!!
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movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
*Spidey and the Sinister Six having their usual fight*
Doc Ock, landing a hit: You’re getting slow Spider-Man! Age finally catching up to you?
Spider-Man: You wish! I haven’t even hit my 30s! From those costumes I can already tell I failed to save you guys from those midlife crises! Sorry by the way.
Vulture: Watch it wallcr- wait… Did you just say your not in your thirties yet?
Spider-Man: Surprised that this spiders so young and spry? Well-
Electro: Dude I’ve been fighting you for at least 5 fucking years! How old even are you?
Shocker, joking cause he’s the only one who picked up no grown adult acts likes Spidey: Don’t swear in-front of the boy you don’t want him to pick it up.
Rhino: Christ! You’re tellin me I almost crushed some 12-year-olds skull all those years ago?
Spider-Man, regretting his quipping: I was not that young! Like just starting freshman year but-
Sandman, horrified as he’s the only one with a kid and dad instincts(as of my iteration): I could’ve killed a kid…
Shocker, genuinely curious: Are you even old enough to drink? Cruel to kill a man who ain’t had his first drink yet.
Electro: Please tell us you’re at least over 25 as of this fight. Hell, I’ll take over 21!
Sandman, realizing just how young he really is: Oh my god.
Spider-Man: My birthday’s coming up soon so I guess it counts?
Doc Ock, exacerbated: It. Does. Not!
Vulture: What would your mother think if she knew her son was out here risking his life telling poorly constructed jokes?
Spider-Man, offended cause it quips slap: 1. My jokes are great 2. She and my dad are dead so-
Sandman, hysterical cause holy shit he almost killed a kid orphan: OH MY GOD!
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retquits · 2 months
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me when i GET YOU
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zosanbrainrot · 3 months
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part 2 of Zoro in WCI
01 02 03
I tried to write something to sum up my thoughts on this, but then it got longer and longer and tbh I'm itching to write a fic set in this AU djjdkf I think I could develop on their inner feelings more than in the comic form
Before posting the first part I didn't realize people had such strong opinions on how this would play out lmaooo
imo, of course Zoro wants to fight Sanji, not with actual intent to harm (they threaten each other on the daily, come on), but because that's how they are together, how they communicate. He respects Luffy's decisions and their goal here, which is to learn what's really going on with Sanji, but he's gonna be pissy about it all he wants. They both have so many intense and conflicted feelings about this and neither has any idea how to resolve them. So they fight.
ofc yall are free to headcanon this interaction any other way you want <333
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bethfuller · 20 days
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lunch break.
photo study // find me on insta
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mariegolddoesthings · 3 months
Hey. Hey you.
I know it's hard to speak up about Palestine.
You may be scared, afraid to get backlash.
You may be a minor and have parents that are overprotective of you or worse, are neutral about the whole thing or is supportive of one side.
But you don't need to speak up about Palestine on your own post. You can always reblog a post with the click of a button. Reblog posts just like this one.
I know it's hard to do much and I know you're sometimes feeling like you aren't doing enough. But you can take it with little steps at a time.
Don't stop talking about Palestine. Your voices need to be heard.
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catilinas · 6 months
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The wind blows their ghosts to the ground
line (loosely a translation of iliad 6.146-9) from memorial by alice oswald, embroidered onto a ginkgo leaf i found on the ground
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Bruce knew immediately that it wasn't his son. Even if the glowing neon green eyes weren't a dead giveaway, Tim would never move like that. He was clumsy and uncoordinated in a way a normal teen would be, not at all like the trained fighter that he actually was.
Next was the voice. It was nothing like Tim's, and Bruce was surprised that whoever this kid was - because that definitely sounded like a kid - actually thought anyone would be fooled by this. Oh well, he wanted info and wanted to make this kid squirm a bit as punishment, so why not bring out Brucie baby and tease him a little?
"Tim dear, why are you still in the office? I thought I told you to go to bed early tonight! You're going to pass out again!"
The kid wearing Tim's face looked alarmed for a bit. Once Bruce had mentioned passing out and he took the opportunity to shuffle the kid towards the door while his guard was down.
"Wait! I need to get-"
"Whatever it is," Bruce interrupted, "It can wait till tomorrow."
The kid slumped a bit and pouted, but otherwise made no attempts of escaping as Bruce led the fake Drake to the elevator, however the moment they got into the car "Tim" blacked out in the passenger seat and didn't wake up for three hours. All tests showed that this was the real Tim, so what was happening?
Tim awoke with a gasp on a couch in the manor.
"Tim," Bruce began, already getting up from his place in the nearby armchair, but before he could speak, Tim croaked out, "Possessed"
"Possession. He was after the device that was powered by the unidentified green substance we found."
Aka Danny tries to steal back his parents' dangerous stuff only to be stopped at the last minute.
Danny doesn't even know what half this stuff does, but he's not too keep on finding out, thus trying to get them away from the humans
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ice-sculptures · 10 months
i wanted to make this poll because as a gifmaker, i'm perplexed at the way the like reblog ratio on this site has gone down significantly in the past few years and i'm really interested in getting some insight as to why that happened.
*just to clarify, this poll doesn't apply to mutuals' personal posts, tag games, or responses to asks you sent to people!! it's about creative posts like fics, gifs, art, fan videos, etc etc.
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