#but still if i can punch out one once in a while I'll be happy tbh 😊😊
rexscanonwife · 25 days
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Happy May 4th! (don't...don't check your calendar just trust me bro) I've had this painting on the backburner for a while now and it turned out SO nice! 🥺💖💖
I'm actually so so pleased with it, it feels so nice to see me and my hubby in such a romantic style and I'm really proud I was able to make it happen! OG painting and taglist under the cut as always, pls lemme know if you wanna be added or removed!
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Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @miutonium @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @sunflawyer @in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships
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redbullgirly · 4 months
Hi! Can you write something about Lando x reader where she wants to wait till marriage to have sex and how'd he react to this? I'll leave the rest to you, it doesn't have to be a whole fic, maybe just a small blurb. Thank you <3
Lando Norris x reader
Summary: You and Lando have been going out for few weeks, maybe months now. While you're enjoying each other's company on a beach with sunset behind your backs, you decide to tell him you want to wait with sex till marriage.
Word Count: 0.8k
Warnings: English isn't my first language and I honestly didn't write for a while, so if some sentences are kinda weird or sloppy, I'm very sorry! Don't be afraid to correct me if you find some errors.
Author's Note: Hi Anon, thanks for the request! I hope you and everybody else will like this shorter fic I wrote based on it. I'll appreciate likes, comments, follows, reblogs and any other form of support! :)
The sand beneath your feet was still warm, though the sun had almost set behind the fluffy clouds on the horizon. You ran up the beach, trying to get as far from the sea as you could, before the curly-haired man could throw you into the waves, messing up your hair. He followed you, laughing and almost tripping, which was probably the only reason you actually managed to escape to the laid out blanket with your things and bags.
You laid on it, your chest covered in droplets of salty water heaving with uneven breaths. Some sand probably stuck to your wet skin, but you didn't mind.
“Y/N, you left me there all alone!” Lando faked a pout, standing above you with crossed arms and a silly smile.
“Yeah, 'cause you tried to drown me!” you fired right back and stuck out your tongue.
He shook his head and stretched out his arm, helping you stand back up. Then, without any warning, he slapped your ass. You squealed his name and tried to punch him, but he dodged effortlessly. May his fast reflexes be damned.
It was getting darker by every minute, the sun now nearly gone from the evening sky. Shadows slowly crept to the beach, and you shivered in the cool air. Lando, the caring boy he was, instantly noticed the goosebumps popping up all over your body. You were both still just in your swimsuits, and it was getting cold. 
He bent down to the bag you took to the beach with you and took out a big towel. “C'mere baby,” he mumbled, and when you took a step towards him, he wrapped you and himself up in it. 
Suddenly, you didn't feel cold at all — quite the opposite, really. Lando's firm body was pressed against you, his hands around your waist and faces impossibly close to each other. You could feel his warm breath, smelling after the vanilla milkshake you drank at a cozy café before going to the private beach.
One of his big hands cupped your cheek, your eyes locked in with his intense blue stare. Lando and you were going out for a few weeks, even months now. You didn't put any label on it, maybe too afraid of the feelings that bubbled in your stomach every time that exact expression appeared in his eyes. The one of pure adoration and happiness, as if you'd give him the Moon. And honestly? If he ever asked, you probably would. Or at least try.
As if the boy could read your thoughts, his smile deepened, and he finally closed the remaining distance between you two. His lips felt soft and hard against yours at the same time, asking and demanding all at once. Lando was always careful at the start, but as soon as your body relaxed, and you gently bit his bottom lip, the kiss heated up pretty quickly.
He moaned into your mouth and his hold on your waist tightened. This wasn't your first time making out, but it never felt so intense, so breathtaking before. You struggled to keep pace with him, though you'd lie if you said you didn't like it. However, when his hands slipped under the towel that was still wrapped around your bodies, and tugged onto your bikini straps, you pulled away. Your cheeks were flushed, lips swollen and hair messy.
He stopped, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at you questioningly, eyes wide. You realized Lando thought he did something wrong, again. And that made you feel even worse than before.
“What's wrong, babe?” he asked in a quiet voice, his hand still cupping the side of your cheek. You wanted to look down, ashamed and not knowing how to say what had to be said, but Lando didn't let you. “You can tell me Y/N. I won't be angry or anything.”
It was his assurance and sweet voice that caused you to sight and swallow thickly.
“I… there's something I need to tell you,” you whispered. He just nodded, listening curiously. “So, I feel weird saying it, but… I never actually… you know.” You point between you and him. “I never did this before,” you confess, not able to look him into the eyes.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “That's no problem at all-” You put your finger on his lips, silently asking him to be quiet.
“And,” you say, making him know that's not all you wanted to say, “I don't want to. Not until marriage.”
Now he seems surprised, taken aback even. It's clear he's processing your words for a moment, while you almost faint from the nerves. You're worried he won't understand. That now, when you told him he won't get what most men want, he'll break up whatever you two have going on.
But he does nothing like that. No, he nods slowly, a little smile tugging at the corners of his lips. A smile that soon turns into the grin you know so well by this point. And then, Lando pulls you closer and whispers in your ear: “Well, good thing I plan on marrying you one day.”
And even though he says it in a joking voice, wanting to lighten up the atmosphere, you know right there and then that deep down, he means it.
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gogobootz1 · 6 months
The Mentor pt.3
Finnick Odair x Reader
Summary: A morning chat at the train station proves very revealing for you and Finnick.
Warnings: mention of forced prostitution and mild self-harm
part two | part four
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The marble steps you sit on are practically ice, and the cold seeps quickly through your pants. The train station is entirely empty, and you sit outside of it looking out at the city.
Knees up to your chest, you take a deep breath. The roses you clutch in your icy fingers seem to taunt you, and once you look at them, you can't pull your eyes away. A beautiful gift belying your tragic fate.
You set all but one down beside you, then start to pick at its petals. Completely transfixed, you don't even hear the sounds of someone approaching until you drop the last petal.
"What'd you land on?"
The words break your focus, and you quickly gaze up to find who interrupted you. Finnick interprets your gaze as a confused one and elaborates, "Loves you/loves you not?"
That's not why you were picking the petals, but if you had been asking the flower, it would've been about him. The thought is embarrassing, so you give a half-hearted shrug and look away.
"Well, I got these for you," he holds out a small, far more rustic bouquet. Violets. "But it seems like someone's beaten me to the punch." What a cruel metaphor. Snow blocking your chances yet again. Standing in between you and a real life with real connections. Soon enough, you won't be real. What'll be left when you run out of choices you can make for yourself?
For now, you put the roses down anyway. The breath from your melancholy laugh is visible in the crisp morning air. "Thanks," you say, holding your hand out to accept the flowers. They remind you of home. A patch of them grew out in the field behind the house you grew up in. Your fingers brush over his as you accept the bouquet.
He jolts, "You're freezing!" Dropping down next to you on the steps, he removes the violets from your grasp and rests them in the small space between you. You follow the purple flowers with your eyes as he swiftly takes your hands in his own, attempting to warm them. "Do you purposefully torture your hands?"
You don't answer, still looking at the flowers he brought you. Finnick sighs, "You take such good care of Darla. Do you even bother looking after yourself?"
"What's the point?" Your heart hurts. As much as he hates it, he doesn't have a reply to that. He often wonders the same.
"How will you hold all the flowers you're collecting if your fingers freeze off?" He tries for lighthearted, but you wince. Instantly, he frowns. While typically, your replies to him are short, bordering on rude, they're always spirited. You seemed upset before he left you at the party last night, but now you seem disheveled. Like you hadn't had a wink of sleep.
Clearly, he's caught you in one of those moments. All the victors have them, but usually in private. He's not keen to leave you, though.
"Who gave you the roses?" He ventures, suddenly getting a sickening feeling. He's not expecting a real response, necessarily, but a 'wouldn't you like to know' would ease his anxiety.
You pick up the heavily perfumed flowers, "Oh, these? A gift, I suspect. I made someone very happy last night, and I'm sure I'll be doing it more often," you say bitterly before you toss them back down. Your voice comes out small, though, like you haven't built your armor thick enough to face this yet.
"From the office of the President?" It's not even a question. He already knows. Your face reveals your surprise. "I got a similar congratulatory present when I made my first deal." While he figured out that Snow had you in a similar position, it's clear you suspected nothing of the sort when it came to him. As you look into his eyes, he hopes you're getting what he's trying to convey. That the two of you are the same. And you can finally, finally, be honest.
"It was more of a negotiation," you nod, holding his eyes. "Not my first deal."
"I figured," he says.
You laugh sourly, "Is it easy to tell that I'm a cheap whore?"
"Don't sell yourself short," he scolds, "you're a very expensive whore." He almost worries it won't go over well when you snort and launch into the freest laugh he's heard in his life. Thank God someone appreciates his humor- Mags hates these jokes. He's got plenty more of them, and will definitely use them on you now that he knows they'll land.
"Thank you for the vote of confidence," you reply, tongue-in-cheek. Finnick can tell by your genuine grin, however, that you appreciated the joke.
"You're welcome," he nods, "You know, I've considered abandoning prostitution in favor of stand-up comedy."
Somehow your grin grows wider, "Really?"
"Really," he confirms, "I just have to perfect my material before I pitch it to the big man." You nod sagely, entertaining his bit. "He might just keel over in laughter," Finnick suggests.
You lean in a bit, "Think he'll keel over dead?"
"Here's hoping!" He leans in, too, sending you a flashy smile. You laugh again and look back out at the city. An amicable silence falls between the two of you, and you enjoy it a bit before breaking it.
"I met with him before the taping to tell him our deal was off. My nana died during Darla's games, so I thought he had nothing to hold over my head anymore. Then, at the party, our escort told me that Snow wanted everyone to get to know her. And when I saw her talking to-" you cut yourself off, but he understands. Some of them are too difficult to even think about. "I marched into his house and told him I'd take on twice the clients if it meant Darla would never see one." Finnick's breath catches in his throat for a second.
"So... a reminder of my renewed imprisonment," you pick the white roses up again and wave them sarcastically.
Finnick snatches them from your hands and launches them far across the steps with a firm throw. They scatter and tumble across the white marble. The action is so unexpected that another laugh bubbles out from you.
"I think you're incredibly brave," he declares, looking you right in the eye. "You might be the only victor worthy of the title."
"No," you're quick to insist. "That's Darla. She's earned her peace."
"You haven't stopped to think that you might've too?"
You shake your head, "But I haven't. I don't think I could ever atone for what I've done- no matter how hard I try." His brows furrow, finding your words worrisome.
Catching his look, you elaborate, "Every visit to Mrs. Montgomery's classroom, the parks I design, the gardens I dedicate, my broadcast segments- they're all born of guilt!" You admit, getting choked up, "It's my way of saying sorry. Sorry for fucking your husband, even though he paid to fuck me, and I wanted to die each time he did it. Sorry for being a plague upon the Earth, here's something to make it better. Sorry for-" You only notice you'd been aggressively scratching the back of your hand when Finnick grabs your wrist. It cuts off your rambling and prevents you from hurting yourself anymore.
"Why don't you talk to someone instead of torturing yourself?" He sounds pained.
“Who would I talk to?” You shrug, swiping at a stray tear. 
“That was… supposed to be an offer,” he winces.
“Oh?" you blink at him. 
“I’m really just a call away,” he nods, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. 
“Right,” you say, still sounding a little unsure. You blink a few times, averting your gaze and thinking it over. 
“I know you think I’m gorgeous, but I’m sure it’ll be less of an obstacle for you over the phone,” he jokes. 
You turn toward him slowly, eyes wide, “she didn’t.” 
“She did,” he smirks at you. 
You hit him firmly in the gut, and he lets out a heavy breath as he curls inward. He’s glad you’re feeling up to your usual abrasiveness. 
You’ve already moved from your spot and are heading toward the station. He stumbles up after you. 
You stop suddenly. Not that you were really going anywhere. The train for Ten won’t leave without Darla and Darla is chronically late. He nearly runs right into your back, and you see him struggle to regain his balance as you whip around. 
He’s much closer than you thought, and you have to take a small step back. “What’s your number?” 
“What?” He asks, reeling from the near-collision. 
“How am I supposed to call if I don’t have your number?” You ask, and his eyebrows raise at the question. You totally skipped the ‘yes, thank you, what a great idea,’ part he’d been hoping for. But, he’ll take what he can get. He rattles off the number in an instant. 
“Are you going to remember that?” He asks. 
You nod noncommittally, “We’ll see.” The exasperated look on his face pulls another grin from you. He doesn't fight the smile off his face when he sees yours. 
A car door slam breaks your extended eye contact. The other District Ten mentor breezes right past you and Finnick, clearly annoyed at being up so early. You know him well enough to know he’s going right back to bed on this train. 
Darla, however, looks like hell-warmed over. “What the fuck happened to you?”
“Shhhhh,” she holds a finger to her lips, the other clutching her head. Your expression drops as you take in her appearance.
“Are you hungover?!” You try to steal her dark sunglasses, but she’s too quick. 
“Whatever, Mom,” she grumbles, “hurry up and kiss your boyfriend goodbye so we can leave.” She trudges further into the station, where a train is inevitably waiting for you. Your eyes go wide in embarrassment. 
“Darla!” You yell, and she winces at the noise. 
Finnick chuckles, “What happened to moderation?” She throws him the finger, earning further laughter. 
You shake your head at her behavior, and when you turn back to Finnick you find he’s already looking at you. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he shrugs, acting innocent. “Oh wait,” he snaps and doubles back to grab the flowers he arrived with. “You almost forgot these.”  
You shake your head at him, smiling, “Can’t have that can we?” 
“Safe travels,” he nods at you, turning to go. He makes it a few paces before you call out after him. 
“Finnick,” he quickly turns at the sound of his name. When you recite his number back a surprised grin lights up his features. “The uh- the phone works both ways, you know. I’m not a bad listener.” 
“Noted,” he nods, smiling. You smile back at him, a genuine one, and it makes you look younger. A loud call of your name from a train within the station makes the both of you laugh. 
“Bye, Finnick,” you smile at him, giving a cute little wave. He returns it readily.
And he thought he was in trouble before. 
I also didn't really edit this one, but I think I like how it turned out? I'm not sure if I'll write more for this mini-universe since I have a few other Finnick ideas but we'll see
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anton-luvr · 7 months
doing homework with boyfriend anton
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⚝ bf!anton x gn!reader | fluff | bf au ⚝ note ; thanks for requesting anon!! + reqs are CLOSED !
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"You know, your homework isn't going to complete itself."
Anton looks up from his phone at your voice, warmly wrapped up in blankets on your bed.
He's been pushing off doing his homework since he came over to your place, hours wasted away with him cuddling you while watching Netflix, playing a game on his phone while you showered, and spacing out at your poster-covered bedroom walls.
"But I really don't want to," he mumbles, running a hand through his hair. "It's math. And I'm tired."
"Well, we have to pass it up tomorrow, so you don't really have a choice." you say, tugging at his arm to get up from your bed.
Anton sighs.
You were right.
"Fine." he grumbles, reluctantly getting up.
He trudges over to the table, a grimace on his face when he sees how much work he has to do.
"Didn't she say three pages from the textbook? Why does it look like thirty pages of questions?" he asks, mortified as you took your seat beside him.
"The power of using a small font." you reply airily, kissing him on the cheek as you pull out your notebook. "So we need to finish this up as fast as we can."
Anton sighs again, slumping over on your desk with his head resting on his arms.
You ignore him, starting out on your work first - he was smarter than you anyways, so he'll catch up.
But as you made your way through confusing algebraic equations and graphs, Anton's eyes were still on you.
You looked prettiest to him like this - dressed comfortably in one of his hoodies, your eyes focused on the paper in front of you, determination shining in them while you bit gently on your bottom lip in concentration.
His eyes linger a bit too long on your lips, and you catch him.
"What are you doing?" you ask, smiling softly at the love in his eyes.
"Just admiring." he says casually, never once breaking the eye contact. "And also thinking."
"Thinking about what?"
He sits up at this, eyes glistening with mischievous excitement.
"Can you kiss me for each question I complete?"
"F-For each question?" you sputter.
It's not like it's the first time you've kissed your boyfriend, but your face reddens nevertheless.
"Yeah," Anton says cheerfully, leaning in close while smiling at you. "Deal?"
You had no idea when your boyfriend started getting this confident, but you liked it.
"Deal." you agree, sealing the agreement with a quick peck to his lips.
And as if you had just chanted a magic spell, Anton starts working at the speed of light.
By the time half an hour passed, he was all done with his work, hands sore from writing but his heart happy with all the kisses you gave him.
On the other hand, you were barely halfway done.
"Do you need help?" Anton asks, resting his head on your shoulder while he peeks at your notebook.
You shake your head no even though you do, kissing him on the forehead.
"It's fine, you should go rest. You said you were tired earlier." you reassure him.
It's Anton's turn to shake his head no, pulling his chair closer to yours.
"Who said I was tired? I'm never tired when it comes to you." he shrugs, hiding a smile.
You laugh at him taking back his words, gently shoving him.
"Okay, Mr. Romantic." you tease.
But Anton's smile fades as it's replaced with seriousness, his hand coming up to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear.
"I'm serious. I'm never tired when it comes to you. I'll be here for you for as long as you need." he promises in a voice so soft, you almost miss what he says.
"Thank you." you whisper, voice warming up as you realized how lucky you were to have your angel of a boyfriend.
He hums at your response, picking up a pen and leading your focus back to your notebook.
"You're only on question ten?" he asks in disbelief.
"Yeah." you admit sheepishly.
"Damn." he mumbles under his breath, earning him a punch on the arm before the both of you burst out laughing.
The night then goes on with you beside each other, talking and laughing and discussing questions that you'd never be able to solve without Anton - who was never too tired for you.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
taglist: @wonbons @mxlly143 @keehobaldboy @shawyle @yenart (drop an ask to be added to my taglist!)
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yxngbxkkie · 8 months
You said send you some sooooo listen 17 from drunk love confessions X felix I’m just saying it’s him
thanks so much for sending one in!! this prompt is definitely perfect for felix 🥹 i hope you like it 💓
17. "I’m not drunk. Can a drunk person do this?"
"You’re not doing anything."
"But… I sent you my love. Did you… did you not get it?"
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You're in the middle of a spooky movie when your phone rings, making you jump in your seat. You glance towards the device to see Chan calling you. You reach for the remote and pause the movie before answering his call.
"Hey, Channie. What's up?" You greet him, putting him on speaker so you can check your other notifications.
The sound of blaring music comes through your phone, making it slightly harder to hear him. "Hold on," he mentions to you, noticing the sound growing quieter. "Okay, hey, I know you're doing your movie night, but is it possible for you to come pick Felix up?"
"Don't tell me he's plastered?" You ask while getting up from the couch.
"I wouldn't say he's plastered, but he's… drunk," Chan laughs. "He keeps asking for you. Seungmin's ready to deck him if he asks for you again."
A chuckle leaves your lips as you grab one of Felix's hoodies, throwing it over your head. "I believe Seungmin wouldn't actually punch him, but I'm on my way," you inform your friend after slipping your shoes on.
"Thank you so much! I'll let Felix know. He'll be happy," Chan laughs again, and you can hear him get closer to the party. "I'll see you soon, Y/N!"
You bid him goodbye before hanging up the phone. A giggle leaves your lips as you picture your best friend wasted. You grab your keys and head out the door of your apartment.
It doesn't take long for you to drive to their frat house. Thankfully, it's only a ten minute drive. You park along the street before exiting your vehicle. You can see a small group of people hanging out on the front porch, joints, and beers in their hands.
You provide a small smile as you walk by, entering the front door with ease. You stand on your tiptoes, looking for anyone from your friend group. Felix is the first person you spot, your smile widening at the sight of him.
You push through the crowd, greeting some people you know from your classes. Felix's eyes find yours once you reach him, his dark orbs lighting up.
"Y/N! You're here," he gasps, attempting to get up from the deep couch. You giggle softly and stand in front of him, holding out a hand for him to grab. "Hi, pretty!"
He grabs your hand, and you help him to his feet, resting your free hand on his side. "Hi, sunshine," you greet him happily, your heart fluttering in your chest at how adorable he looks. "You feeling okay?"
Felix nods his head vigorously, and you release his hand, moving it to the side of his face. "I'm great now that you're here," he sighs, leaning into your touch. "Do you want a drink?? I can have Chan hyung make it!"
The stumbly boy tries to go towards the kitchen, and you stop him. "No, no, I'm okay. I need to drive. Do you wanna come home?" You ask him, leading him to the front door.
"Wait, I-I don't know if I want to leave yet," Felix stutters over his words, both of his hands grabbing yours. "Plus, you just got here."
You manage to lead him outside, and you're glad the group that was out here isn't here anymore. "Sunshine, did you forget that we live together?" You ask with a giggle, sitting him down on the bench. "I'll still be with you when we go home."
He looks up at you with the most innocent look. "Why do you want me to go home? I'm having fun," Felix pouts, and you let out a quiet groan.
Why do you have to be so cute? You think to yourself while moving some of the hair out of his face. "Because you're drunk, baby," the pet name slips from your lips.
"I am not drunk!" He slurs his words, crossing his arms over his chest.
"You're not drunk?" You ask with raised brows, moving to rest your hands on your hips.
He shakes his head. "I'm not drunk. Can a drunk person do this?!" Felix doesn't move much, only opening his arms wide.
You smile at him, holding in a chuckle. "You're not doing anything, sunshine," you tell him, and his eyes sadden.
Felix looks at his hands before returning his gaze to you. "But… I sent you my love. Did you… did you not get it?" He asks, and your heart feels like exploding.
"Oh, baby," you whisper, taking a step closer to him. You grab both of his hands before pressing a light kiss on the back of his hands. "I received it. It's right here."
You place his hands over your heart, watching his glossy eyes drift to your chest. He smiles fondly at you before leaning to rest his head on your stomach.
"I love you so much, pretty," he sighs, moving his arms around your waist.
Your fingers comb through his hair. "I love you too, sunshine. I'll remind you again in the morning."
tagging: @thewxntersoldier @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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Want You Back | ateez x reader
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Pairing: werewolf!ot8!ateez x werewolf!reader
Genre: fluff mostly, romance, poly, a little angst?
Warnings for this chapter: another mention of a sharp object
Word Count: 1427 words
a/n: I stared at this chapter for a good while this week because it didn't feel right to me. I think it's better now, let me know your thoughts! <3 Also, the next chapter may be the season finale, but I'll let you know for sure when I finish the first draft of it. Happy reading! :) <3
Chapter 10
It had been a few days, and you were still unconscious. Dr Kim Namjoon along with his associates Dr Min Yoongi and Dr Jung Hoseok continued to monitor your state. They were able to extract the poisonous mixture from your system, but it was unclear when you would awake. The boys would never leave your room, opting on a daily rotation schedule to divide their time between being with you and taking care of your place.  
Currently, Yunho was on duty. As he sat at the side of your bed, gently rubbing the top of your hand and placing chaste pecks now and again, he thought about the first time he met you.
After getting knocked over, Yunho was ready to file a case against all of you for emotional duress. He tried signaling Seonghwa for help but his friend seemed to be lost in his own world. Yunho planned to include him in his complaint when he filed it.
“Ughhh…” he groaned loudly.
He heard a soft gasp from a foreign voice, and before he could process it, there you were towering over him with a look of worry.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! My friends are a bit clumsy. Are you alright? Here let me help you.” 
“Excuse me, we are not your friends, the word you’re looking for is mates.” Mingi groaned.
You rolled your eyes and proceeded to help Yunho first. When Yunho grasped your hand, there it was. A feeling of home. It felt invigorating and intoxicating all at once. As he tried to find his balance, he was now towering a bit over you. But that’s okay, because all the pieces fit perfectly.
However, the moment was interrupted by Hongjoong.
“Help…” Hongjoong squeaked.
In the present, it had been so long since Yunho held your hand. He hated himself so much right now for what he was a part of and did to you. And when he can finally make it up to you, you are in a hospital room, still unconscious. Like Wooyoung, Yunho would also give the benefit of the doubt. He was aware Lila didn’t have any close family or friends and as a result, he tried to be welcoming.
However, in contrast to the others, Yunho did not let anyone in easily. He saw her as an acquaintance but he didn’t see her as a friend or a close one. There were times when it seemed like she was trying to get a little closer than he liked but before he could say anything, Hongjoong brought up that she was just trying to make herself feel at home. 
Yunho didn’t want to be insensitive but he much preferred being with you on the days Lila was around a little too much for his liking. If only he had listened to his gut.
“Angel…” he whispered, “You have to come back okay? You have to come back soon. The rest of them are so worried, and I need you to be there with me so we can make them feel better, hm? Just like we always do…”
Yunho continued to trace circles on your hand mindlessly while he processed the recent events. Something didn’t feel right. Rogues were rash and would try to instigate chaos at any given time but this felt more like a coordinated and planned attack. 
When he turned towards the door, there was Hongjoong outside. Yunho wanted nothing more than to punch him so badly for his disappearing and then reappearing out of nowhere act. He rose slowly from his seat, delicately resting your hand down, before rushing out to confront the leader.
"Where were you!?" he snapped.
"I had something to do and I'm here to make things right."
“How? How can you possibly make things right Hongjoong? First off, I don’t know how you can come back from what you did and said, secondly, you just vanished after that stunt you pulled, after our mate was attacked and now you’re telling me you’re going to make it right!? This isn’t a game Hongjoong!”
Yunho’s words pierced through Hongjoong like a knife, very deeply and slowly, leaving behind a nauseating ache that felt like it would never end and seared throughout like a scorching fire, unable to be put out. Yunho is always kind and always trying to be the peacemaker for the group, it would take a lot for him to snap and get angry. 
At least that was something Hongjoong could say he did - he made Yunho angry.
“It was my mother,” Hongjoong blurted out, “She hired a rogue to attack Y/N.”
“What!?” Yunho yelled, he felt like he was going to be sick, “You can’t be serious!”
“I wish I was lying…anyway, there’s something I need to do, and well, I need you to tell Seonghwa he’s in charge until further notice.”
“Until further what? Hold up, Hongjoong what on earth are you going to do?”
“I’m going to fix it as best as I can.”
“Look,” Yunho massaged his temples, “We’re all mad at you but you can’t just disappear on us like that and expect us to be okay with you going off on your own to deal with your mother. We’re mad at you and some of us would love to punch you right now, but we’re still a pack and we’re still each others’ mates. So let me come with you.”
“No Yunho, I need you to stay here with Y/N and protect her. I don’t know what is currently running through my mother’s mind but it’s nothing good. I can handle myself. Just trust me.”
“I’m sorry Hongjoong but I think it’s clear I don’t, and if I were to tell everyone about this, they would be even more furious.”
“Listen,” Hongjoong sighed trying to control his tears that were threatening to spill, “I should’ve stood up to my mother a long time ago. Instead, I just tried to wave her off and never put her in her place especially when she started to take things to another next level. If I did, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Now she thinks that she’s been completely in the right this whole time and has developed a mindset to the point where she wants to get rid of all of you and make me marry Lila and join both packs. I’m not going to let that happen, this pack, whether you believe it or not, means everything to me. Each and every one of you is important to me, and I’m not going to let her destroy it and take it away from me.”
Yunho looked at Hongjoong and didn’t know what to say. He saw the resolution in Hongjoong’s eyes amidst the brimming tears. This is the Hongjoong he knew, not the one at the cafe, this one - the caring leader, the one who, although he doesn’t show affection often, you can see it in his eyes and smile as he watches on — completely enamored with the family he has. This is Hongjoong, who would risk his life for his pack and for his mates. 
Before Yunho could respond, Hongjoong hugged him tightly before whispering, “Tell Y/N I love her. I always did and always will.”
In the meantime, you found yourself in a world that was not yours. Wherever you were, you found yourself inside an abandoned building, witnessing Hongjoong fighting for his life, trying desperately to take out as many rogues as he could. But ultimately, he was getting overpowered and without warning,  a blade plunges right into him from behind and he collapses and struggles to stand up. A menacing rogue smiles wickedly before delivering the final blow.
“NO!” You screamed, “No no no!! HONGJOONG! Get up! You have to get up!!”
Your shouts and screams dwindle and begin to grow faint as the scene before you starts to fade as you try to reach for Hongjoong. You find yourself peeling your eyes open slowly, the monitors beeping steadily in your ears in the dimly lit room. 
Your dream immediately resurfaces in your mind and you begin to panic. Rising from your spot on the bed, you glance around the room before deciding your next course of action. You know you shouldn’t do this, but you’re going to anyway.
Finding some spare clothes of one of your mates in a duffel bag on the chair, you change quickly and begin to tiptoe slowly out of the room, carefully scanning for any spectators. 
You set out determined to find Hongjoong.
@eastleighsblog @sehun096rainbow @greensnakeglobep @satsuri3su @zonked-times @sugarrush-blush @lomons @explorewithd @chatsgotmytongue @scarfac3 @popcatx0 @angrynightnight @sannieluvrr @idfkeddieishot @alicia-dpa @park-simphwa @puppyminnnie @mysticfire0435 @sundayysunshine @chngbnwf @dementedaly @thunderous-wolf @itsmeregan @cookiechristie @hyukssunflower
211 notes · View notes
planetkiimchi · 3 months
the language of flowers | l.jn
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featuring: film director!jeno x artist!reader (no gendered terms), jaemin, chenle and jisung cameos
summary — jeno doesn't speak of his affection in words. instead, he teaches you that the letter "L", in his love language of flowers, is for lavender lozenges, lily of the valleys, lockets and love.
author's note: damn the stars rlly aligned for me to post this one... originally was just gonna let it rot in my drafts but here i am posting it for @strxbrymochi 's bday. happy belated bday ki !! muah ily
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You should have been prepared for Jeno to be constantly busy when you started dating him four months ago. But it still comes as a shock to you when Jeno sits you down on a Saturday afternoon, a plate of violet cookies placed in front of you.
"I'm sorry," he begins. The moment the words escape his lips, you know what this is all about. Even so, you keep quiet, allowing him to continue with the apology he's prepared.
"I've been signed on to do a short film, and they want us to do the shooting overseas."
Although you knew it was coming, it still comes as a punch to your gut. Being away from Jeno is hard for you, and you don’t want to let him go.
"Where to?" you ask, the words coming out before you can stop them. It's too late now to tell him to stay, and you curse your brain for being two steps behind your stupid, ever-running mouth.
"London. It's a Victorian era film, they said, about flowers."
You permit yourself a small smile. "You love flowers."
Jeno looks down, nodding once. "Yep."
You reach over, tilting his chin up. "Look at me."
He does, eyes quivering anxiously while he waits for you to speak. You’re always the one talking—rambling—and now that you’re silent, it must scare him. You touch your forehead to his, and you feel him breathe a sigh of relief.
"Don't be sorry. Go, and enjoy yourself. Pour your soul into it. I'll wait for you to come back, okay? Don't forget me when you're busy working with everyone else."
Jeno lifts up his hand, and you press your palm against his, fingers interlocking with his. "Won't forget you," Jeno mumbles. "I couldn't ever forget you."
You grin, kissing his nose. "I know you wouldn't, silly boy."
As Jeno wheels his luggage over the smooth airport floor, he turns to look over at you, shuffling your feet and staring at the ground. He leans over, whispering in your ear, "Blue salvia."
Think of me. It's one of the first flowers that Jeno gave you before you started dating, a secret confession you only learnt about when he finally told you what it meant. Now, it serves as encouragement for you, something to accompany you when Jeno can't.
You smile at him, eyes wide and pensive. "Have a safe flight."
Jeno wraps you into a hug, burying his face in your hair. He doesn't know when he'll get to see you again, and he's not sure if he can survive these months without you. But for both of your sakes, he'll try.
"See you later, alligator."
"In a while, crocodile," you reply, the familiar words a promise between the two of you to weather this storm together.
Jeno sits in his seat, flipping his phone in his hand as he waits impatiently for the plane to take off. He tries his best not to look at the time, trying not to count down the seconds in his mind, trying not to keep track of how long it's been since he last saw your face.
An announcement starts to play, asking all passengers on the flight to turn their attention to the flight attendants as they begin the safety briefing. Jeno looks at the flight attendant, but doesn't process the words he's hearing, his mind too focused on the thought of you.
He slips his hand into his pocket, his fingers finding purchase. The plastic crinkles in his palm as he draws the object out, realising that it's a sweet. You told him once that you always have to bring sweets when you’re flying, to suck on in order to prevent your ears from getting blocked.
Jeno has packed the mints you asked him to, but they're in his bag. He swiped the lavender lozenges from your stash that morning, a keepsake to remember you by on the trip. As the pilot announces that the plane is taking off, Jeno pops the sweet into his mouth, the taste of sugar and lavender dissolving on his tongue.
He misses you.
Jeno is rudely awakened from his sleep by Jaemin shaking his shoulder. "Good morning," the elder says in a singsong voice, and Jeno's eyes spring open. He casts Jaemin a dirty look, but the latter just grins back at him.
Jeno sighs irritably, getting to his feet and hauling himself out of the bed. His heart's not in it—not in this trip, and maybe not even in the film—and Jaemin knows it.
However, it's not like either of them has a choice. Jaemin liked the script for this film, and Jeno did too. He had plenty of ideas for the film. Despite it being a small project, Jeno believes it can turn out much better than people are expecting it to.
The only issue is that it's not in Korea. It's far away from you, and Jeno needs you in more ways than one. You are his source of comfort and his pillar of strength, but most importantly, you are his muse. Without you, he finds himself unable to function, not knowing which step to take next. Because all he wants to do is find the path that leads back to you, even if it's the worst or stupidest decision he could possibly make.
Longing gnaws at him every day, carving a giant you-sized hole in his chest. He snatches his copy of the script off the table, and Jaemin takes a sweeping glance over the room.
"You've surprisingly tidy for someone who looks like he has zero motivation to keep things organised."
"That's because all of my shit is in my suitcase, so I'm prepared to go back at the shortest notice."
Jaemin rolls his eyes at Jeno's retort, clapping his hands together. "Alright, smartass. Get moving so you won't be the last one to arrive again."
Jeno tugs on his shoes, slipping his hands into his coat and taking an umbrella before getting out of the door.
Your takeout arrives earlier than expected, and you suddenly recall that you haven’t checked your mailbox in almost a week. Usually, Jeno's the one who does it, collecting mail while waiting for the elevator to arrive. When Jeno had just left, you had made a conscious effort to check the mailbox every day, but now that it's been almost a month, you’re starting to forget again.
You pick up the takeout box and place the food on the table before exiting again and heading downstairs to check the mailbox.
As per usual, the mailbox is full of bills, although usually the number of letters is much fewer. You mindlessly flip through the envelopes, not paying much attention, until one of the letters catches your eye.
It's sealed with wax, which strikes you as odd—who even uses wax to seal envelopes in this day and age?—and you place it on top of the other letters to examine later.
Upstairs, you neatly place the letters on the dining table for you to settle later on. Then, you turn your attention back to the sleek, cream-coloured envelope, intrigued.
You take a closer look at the wax seal, realising that it's a stamp of a flower bouquet. Could it be from Jeno? you wonder.
It doesn't seem very likely, however. Jeno has never been one for dramatic flair, and the simple yet elegant letter practically screams dramatic. There's only one person you knows that's this dramatic, and it's…
"Donghyuck," you breathe out. One of Jeno's college friends, Donghyuck is the definition of dramatic. He loves to exaggerate and make a big fuss out of everything, and it's entertaining to say the least. Donghyuck is also chattier than most, similar to yourself, and the two of you had hit it off when you first met at one of Jeno's college roommate's place.
Donghyuck is essentially your key to Jeno's past. Jeno has been a solitary creature for all the time you’ve known him, and he doesn't talk much about his life before he met you. Besides Jaemin and Donghyuck, Jeno doesn't initiate much interaction with his old friends either. His friends respect that, so you don’t know much about what Jeno was like in the past.
However, Donghyuck is different. He loves to bring up embarrassing memories, inside jokes, and tell people old stories about his friends. You have always loved to listen to Donghyuck talk about Jeno in college, or even his first impression of Jeno when he saw him around in high school.
If it weren't for Donghyuck, you might not even have known about Jeno's friends' whereabouts now, nor have gotten to know about them.
Remembering the letter in your hand, you hurriedly get a hairdryer to heat up the seal, gingerly removing it and opening up the letter.
Dear Jeno and Y/n, you are cordially invited to Lee Donghyuck and Ha Yeon-seok's wedding...
Wait, what? You read the first line again, your heart stopping when you see the word “wedding”. Wedding? It takes you a few seconds to remember that you’re 24 now, which is almost a reasonable age to get married at. Since neither you nor Jeno had dated anyone for a while before you got together, sometimes you forget that other people have been dating for years now.
You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself, and continue reading.
The wedding is to be held in London, and it briefly crosses your mind that Yean-seok is half British. Once you’ve processed that information, you do a double take and check the date. It's in six months from now, and you have to get presentable clothes that fit the colour scheme within that time period.
While you’re wondering now to get the clothes in time, your phone dings.
jeno: hey, y/n you: hello jeno: i have... news.
Jeno calls to inform you that, regrettably, there has been a complication with some of the scenes. For one scene in particular, they had arranged for a horse carriage to be used during the filming. However, due to a miscommunication, the horse has been sold to someone else instead.
The screenwriter insists on having the horse be a specific breed for stylistic reasons, but the budget for the project makes it infeasible for the team to find a suitable horse in a short span of time.
Jaemin wants to postpone the project so he can discuss the details with the screenwriter, and clarify everything to ensure there will be no more hiccups in the production. The rest of the team will either fly back to Korea, or stay in London, whichever is more convenient for them. Since editing can be done remotely, there is little incentive for them to all have to renew their visas.
However, Jaemin has asked Jeno to stay in London so all of the important members of the team can be physically present, to ensure everybody is on the same page.
When you ask Jeno when he will return, he shrugs and says, "In two months, or half a year—I have no clue."
Although you’re upset and annoyed with his lack of a reaction, you understand that Jeno is upset too. He's suppressing his emotions, which is a bad habit of his. But you aren’t going to lash out and make him feel more demoralised, so you just mutter a quick "love you" and hang up.
After hanging up, you belatedly realise you haven’t told him about the wedding invitation yet. Still reeling from his indifferent attitude, you decide to tell him after both of you have cooled down.
Days turn into weeks, that turn into months, and somehow you haven’t been able to address the issue of Donghyuck's wedding. You have been through your closet countless times, and after rummaging and filtering through both of your clothes, you’ve prepared a suitable ensemble for both of them.
You’ve sent an RSVP to Donghyuck to let him know that you and Jeno would be attending, and an excited Donghyuck had sent you a video of Yeon-seok and himself clapping happily.
You have also booked a flight for a week before the date of the wedding, to give yourself time to adjust to the time difference, and you plan to stay after the wedding to spend time with your and Jeno's friends as well.
Despite having settled almost everything, you’ve left one very important detail out—you haven’t discussed it with Jeno yet.
Jeno knows that there's a wedding, of course. Donghyuck had announced it in the group chat when he and Yeon-seok first got engaged, and Yeon-seok had sent an update once the details of the wedding were confirmed.
When Jeno told you about the wedding, you told him about the invitation, and you both laughed over how excessive it was.
But if you said any more about the wedding, you’d have to bring up the elephant in the room and ask if Jeno would still be working on "Chamomile Tea" during the time period, if he'd be busy, or if he'd return to Korea before that. And that, even after all the time that had passed, remained a sore spot for both of you.
So even as the date loomed closer, your conversations with Jeno never went too far in the direction of the wedding. Instead, you tiptoed around the upcoming event like shattered glass was sprinkled over it, and you didn't know what the consequences of stepping on it would be.
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Arriving in London is a dream. It always has been, since you learnt that their universities look like castles and their winter consists of dreary, rainy mornings that are perfect for staying in and cuddling while cheesy rom-coms play on the TV. But it's never been your dream to land in London alone, with no one to pick you up from the airport, standing starstruck in the middle of the polished floors while people hurry by.
Some lady you don't recognise waves at you. When you frown, squinting to see if it's a familiar face, the lady walks up to you and grins, "Hi! I'm Soyeon."
You cock your head in contusion.
"I'm the screenwriter for 'Chamomile Tea', the short film Jaemin's overseeing. He wasn't able to come because he's busy trying to keep Jeno out of trouble, he said."
You let out a short laugh. That does, in fact, sound like Jaemin's job most of the time. Soyeon hands you a ticket, folding your fingers around it before you can protest.
"Jeno wanted all three of us to go to an art museum to get inspiration, but I've already finished my part for this project. All that's left for me is to give input, not come up with more ideas. Jaemin suggested that I give my ticket to you, so here it is." Taking a closer look at the ticket, you realise that it's an exhibition meant to celebrate the changing of season from summer to autumn.
"Leaves turning brown," you read aloud. "Petals fall and colours fade, yet many are enraptured by the cooling season that is autumn. Artist Hwang Yeji explores textures, colours and more in this vibrant display."
Soyeon smiles encouragingly at you. "I've known Jeno only for a few months, and he's always been extremely cold towards everyone, but his face lights up whenever he receives a text from you. And when you order takeout for him? That's the only time I see him enjoy his meals."
Your lips tremble as Soyeon continues, "Jeno's mind is a complex place. I'd hate for all that creative potential to be wasted just because he's busy moping. That's why I offered to pick you up instead of Jaemin—I was interested to know who could be the only one to make Jeno truly smile."
You close the distance between yourself and Soyeon, wrapping your arms around the latter. Even if you have only just met her, Soyeon seems so sweet and genuine. Her honest words caught you off guard, but you are touched that she dared to say them.
Soyeon pats your hair comfortingly. "Let me know if you need any more help."
You discreetly blink back tears, ignoring the stinging sensation in your nose, and force a smile. "Thanks, Soyeon."
"You're very welcome."
You climb out of the taxi with a sunflower in hand and your suitcase in the other. The exhibition is held in a building with windows as wide as you are tall, the stained glass illuminated by the sunlight.
The lady at the entrance scans your ticket and waves you through with a smile, and you return it before heading on inside.
Panels upon panels of stained glass line the corridors, angled in a way that pictures of light are projected on the ground, weaving between the paintings, casting an angelic glow on each artwork.
Jaemin catches your eye before you can get stuck at any of the paintings, and shushes you with a finger on his lips as you speed up.
"Hi, jagiya," he says lowly, wrapping you in a quick hug. "Jeno's busy and I didn't tell him you were coming, so the rest is up to you. I'll leave the two of you alone, okay? Call me if you need me."
You nod, squeezing his shoulder gratefully.
You tuck your sunflower behind your back and wheel your suitcase to the side, silently approaching Jeno. He's completely absorbed in studying the details of the painting, so you gently rest your chin on his shoulder.
"Hey, baby." Jeno turns, coming face-to-face with you. Your noses touch, and from the corners of your eyes, you see Jeno's cheeks flush red-hot. You raise your hand to cool his cheek, but he grabs your wrist first, eyes locked on your face. His pupils dart from side to side, scouring your face as if he's afraid you’re just a figment of his imagination.
You stay in that position, Jeno’s fingers curled around your wrist, until he's convinced that you’re real, at which point his face floods with exhaustion and relief.
He buries his head in the crook of your neck, nuzzling into the space between your chin and collarbone. His hands come to rest naturally around your waist, and his hand brushes against the sunflower.
He moves back suddenly, surprised, and you awkwardly manoeuvre your arms around him. This allows you to present the sunflower you bought at a nearby florist to your boyfriend, and you’re delighted by the grin spreading across his lips.
"Have I ever told you that I love you?" He asks.
"No, but you've given me red camellias, and I think that’s basically the same thìng."
Jeno chuckles. "Basically.”
Jeno reaches for your suitcase, holding tightly onto the sunflower you’ve just given him. He turns to you, raising his eyebrows expectantly. "Well? I'll take you back to her hotel."
You frown, pulling back in surprise. "What are you talking about?"
"Aren't you tired?"
You wave his concern off flippantly. "I'll be just fine. I'll crash later, and the jetlag will hit me like a truck, but I've already allocated a week for getting used to it."
Jeno snorts. "As expected."
You wave your ticket. "Hey, Soyeon's already passed up her chance to see this exhibition so I could go, okay? I'm not planning to waste it."
Jeno nods hastily in an attempt to placate you. "Okay! Let's go then."
He trails behind you obediently until you see a piece that catches your fancy, stopping to take a look. The painting depicts several lilies of the valley in a vase. Behind the vase, there are two mountains painted in grey, but the small patch of grass that the lilies sit on is several vibrant shades of green.
You stay in front of that painting for a while, impressed by the details and texture on the canvas. A shutter sound catches your attention, and you blink a few times before turning to see Jeno holding up his camera and smiling sheepishly.
He rubs the back of his neck and says, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. You looked too good standing there, I just had to get a shot of you."
"It's okay." You look back at the canvas, eyebrows knitting together. 
"Don't you think the art style looks familiar?"
"I don't know much about paintings, so I can't say... " Jeno's reply dies on his lips, and he, too, stares at the painting with interest. "You're right, it does look familiar."
The two of you hum in concentration, Jeno resting his chin on top of your head while you wrack your brain for an answer. You tilt your head this way and that, and then it hits you.
"Park Jisung," you say at the same time Jeno does. "How did you–"
Jeno points at a small square of text. "It says right here. Park Jisung, 24, oil on canvas." You mentally slap your forehead. How could you forget that museums put up a description of each artwork and its artist? You must be too tired from the flight.
"That's right, " you say. "That's why it looks so familiar. Contrasting colours was one of the most defining aspects of his style."
You met Jisung at a kids' art camp when you were in university, and the two of you had learnt a lot from each other while teaching the kids. You were surprised to find out that he was two years your senior in a different university, despite being the same age as you.
You lost contact with him after that, and were very, very shocked to see him at Jeno's college reunion. Although you don't speak much to Jisung now, the things you learnt from him at that one camp will stick with you forever.
"That kid's insane," Jeno muses. "He skipped a year in elementary, lived with hyungs he barely knew in university, and did side jobs because he hadn't gotten a scholarship to pay for his tuition fees, unlike Yeon-seok."
You shrug. "Maybe not 'insane'. Just determined."
Jeno nods. "And he's not much of a kid anymore, is he?"
You shake your head with a smile. "Not anymore."
As you wander around with Jeno, stopping at paintings to admire them, a sense of melancholy threatens to overwhelm you, slipping between your eyelids like a mass of black water, a receding wave preparing to crash upon the shore of your eyelashes.
You blink back thoughts of insecurity, trying to focus on the artworks and not your feelings, but it’s no use. You can’t escape from the thoughts running wild in your head, and it gets the better of you, a lone tear managing to get past your barriers, trailing slowly down your cheek.
You subtly wipe it away, but Jeno notices immediately, and he stops short.
He turns towards you, concern emanating off his being, and it offers you some comfort. He holds you carefully, like he’s not sure if you’ll break apart in his hands. His body shields you from anything else in the museum, encasing you in a bubble of protection and silence.
You breathe in deeply; once, then twice. You feel the heat behind your eyes slowly fading to a simple stinging sensation, one that doesn’t make you feel completely helpless.
Jeno’s hands tighten around you, and you instinctively lean in towards him. He doesn’t speak, allowing you to unravel the spool of thread wrapped around your lungs, prying apart the anxiety that prevents you from breathing.
When you can think straight again, you look at Jeno, and he knows.
Without words, understanding passes between you, and Jeno knows everything that’s running through your mind.
He nudges you, gently. Are you okay? his eyebrows ask, raising so high they almost disappear into his fringe.
You can lie about a lot of things, like why you came to the museum in the first place or how you feel staring at the art on the walls or whether you’re okay right now, but you don’t. Because you know that regardless of what you say, Jeno will see right through you like you’re a ghost. You’ll never understand if it’s because it’s you, or if everyone’s feelings are transparent to him. You don’t think you care.
It’s enough to just stand there, weightless. You’re completely supported by Jeno, whose embrace is so tight it’s practically lifting you off the ground, and you;re not complaining.
If he could lift your burdens off your mind the same way he’s lifting your feet from the ground right now, he would. And you would want him to.
“I feel like my art’s worth nothing if it can’t be shown to the world.” You speak slowly, uncertainly, knowing you might cry if you let everything out too quickly. Jeno wants to stop you before you get caught up in the flow of you words, but he knows it’s better if you let it all out.
Opening a bottle of carbonated soda that’s just been shaken is dangerous, but if he leaves it alone, the bottle might just explode.
“I know I don’t make art to be seen. I make it for myself. But at the same time, can any artist say that their craft is not made for the eyes of man? We all long for approval and praise, and that is partly what we make art for.”
Your lips tremble, and Jeno finds himself forced to stare at your quivering eyelashes and the sheen of tears you’re barely holding back. Still, you steel yourself, digging your heels into the ground to steady yourself.
“I wonder, sometimes. If my art isn’t seen, is it even art anymore?”
That’s the minefield, the question Jeno can’t answer without speaking baseless comfort. He has no answer to it, only empty words that he knows will fail to put you at ease.
You, however, don’t expect an answer. You look curiously at Jeno, waiting for a response, but the response doesn’t have to be a satisfactory answer.
Jeno leans in, tucking your head between his chin and his collarbone, placing a kiss on the crown of your head.
He holds you there until you’ve stopped trembling. Then, one hand still firmly in yours, he takes you back to the hotel, sitting on the edge of your single bed while you sit and stare into nothingness.
When you make no move to get changed, he stands, and brings you to the bathroom. He peels the clothes from your body, helping to scrub your skin until it’s a rosy shade of pink, then wraps you in a towel and moves your arms to dry your body.
After he’s showered, the two of you sit on the bed, Jeno on top of the covers, while you’re tucked underneath them. Jeno has no change of clothes, no money, only his phone and both of your tickets to the museum.
In his street clothes, he refuses to get under the blanket and dirty the bed, but you are content with his presence.
You lie on the bed with your arms wrapped around Jeno’s waist, and when the shock has faded, you cry yourself to sleep.
Jeno is there throughout it, a beaming light in the whirlwind of emotions you’re experiencing, a constant presence that grounds you. He allows you to breathe between sobs, until they slowly fade away and your eyes close, motionless.
The next day, you find a wreath of galaxes on your bedside table, along with a glass of water, and it feels like a great weight has finally been removed from your shoulders.
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The day of Donghyuck’s wedding comes earlier than you were expecting. Between taking you out to dinner and going on bike rides around the city, Jeno has kept you busy. Busy enough to forget your troubles, or at least for you to be able to cope with them in a relatively healthy manner.
You hear three knocks on the door, and as you go to open it, you see Jeno standing there, in the emerald green tuxedo you picked for him and the matching tie. His shirt is a pale green, so pale it can be mistaken for white, and gel gives his hair a wet gleam.
He smiles innocently, and it outshines all the charm his outfit has.
You fell in love with all of Jeno, after all, not just his appearance.
Your sage green dress flows past your ankles, and it would drag on the floor if you weren't wearing heels. They’re tall, but even with them on, you are still only the same height as Jeno. He grins at you, and carries you, bridal-style, into the lift lobby.
“Leave some room for the grooms later, stop trying to one-up them,” you joke, but Jeno only hoists you up into a more comfortable position.
“No can do,” Jeno says cheekily.
You don't pursue it.
A surprise awaits you in the car. As you open the door to the passenger side, you find that it’s filled—and so is the driver’s seat. Your heart skips a beat, thinking you must’ve gone to the wrong car, but the sight of the driver’s face makes you do a double take.
Jisung offers you a shy grin. “Yep, it’s me.”
“Is it really you? I thought… I never thought I’d see you again! How–” your words come out from your mouth before you can think them through, your rapid-fire Korean faltering in your confusion.
“Donghyuck and I are friends, remember?” You don't really, but if Jeno and Jisung are friends from college, it makes sense that Donghyuck would know them both too.
You clap a hand over your mouth, mind reeling. “So… you were invited to the wedding too?”
Jisung nods. Then, he gestures towards the lady in the driver’s seat. “I also have to introduce her to you. Y/n, meet Yeji. Yeji, Y/n.”
Yeji offers her hand for you to shake, and you take it, wondering where you’ve heard the name before. Yeji, Yeji, Yeji… Ah. You’ve got it. “Hwang Yeji?”
She’s the artist who organised the exhibition Soyeon had given you tickets to view. It was there, at the museum, that you saw Jisung’s art. If she really is Hwang Yeji, then everything will make sense.
Yeji nods. “Pleasure to meet you.”
She picks up a small bouquet of pink peonies, orange tulips and heather, presenting it to you. “Jisung showed me a few of your pieces, mostly older ones,” she says by way of explanation. “They had the potential to become something more. I heard from Jeno that you’d seen my exhibition, so I know you probably like flowers, and you know that I like them too. So this bouquet is an invitation for you to work with me some time, for us to perhaps collaborate on another exhibition in future.”
You are taken aback by the sudden offer, but you’re not an idiot. You remember the way you had collapsed into Jeno the week before, scared that you would never be able to get your art out there. Now, your chance is right in front of you.
You take it.
Gratefully receiving the bouquet, you don’t miss the symbolism of the flowers, the goodwill the arrangement holds. You know it is intentional.
“Thank you for your offer. I look forward to working with you.”
Yeji shakes your hand heartily, and you and Jeno get into the backseat.
After settling in, you rest the bouquet on your lap, and you turn to see Jeno holding a white rose. You frown, wondering where he could’ve conjured it from, and lock eyes with Jisung in the driver’s mirror. You raise your eyebrows in question, and he shrugs innocently.
You roll your eyes at the conspirators, but turn your attention back to Jeno. Jeno carefully slips the white rose into the side of the bouquet, managing to prevent it from looking uneven. You play with the petals of the rose, its symbolism clear in your head.
Used to congratulate people on career successes, your mind supplies helpfully. The only career success you can think of right now is also the most recent one, Yeji’s offer to you. But there’s no way Jeno could have known that Yeji would put that offer out. Unless…
“Did you know?” You ask, tone accusing. You doesn’t have to finish the question; Jeno understands what you’re talking about.
“No, I didn’t know if Yeji would offer to work with you for an exhibition. Jisung only told me that he had shown Yeji your art, and I had faith in your abilities. I knew that after witnessing the extent of your talents, Yeji would have something good to offer you, career-wise.”
You can’t argue with that. The logic is sound, and the flowers are cohesively pretty. You continue to play with the petals, a small smile dancing on your lips.
The smile doesn’t escape Jeno’s attention, and he smiles too.
It starts to drizzle as soon as you reach the wedding place. Jeno is quick to procure a clear umbrella, holding it for both of you. He knows you wouldn’t want to get your clothes wet.
Jaemin is there too, one hand tucked into the pocket of his trousers, standing by the side. Donghyuck’s wedding is a loud, chaotic one, with many guests you don't recognise all talking with each other. Jaemin hovers at the vague edge of the crowd, as much of an introvert as Jeno, and you tug Jeno over.
“Hi, jagiya.” Jaemin envelopes you in a warm hug, and he smells like home.
Jeno opens his hands for a hug too, but Jaemin only laughs and swats his hand away. Jeno slings one hand over Jaemin’s shoulder, and you snatch his umbrella away, going off to find Donghyuck.
The two men stand side by side, Jaemin still holding the umbrella, watching you disappear into the hordes of people.
The rain gets heavier, and you try to occupy as little space as possible, not letting a single part of your body protrude from under the umbrella. Droplets of rain splash onto your shoes and your face, and you wipes them from your face with the back of your hand.
Jisung stands beside Donghyuck and Yeon-seok, with Chenle, Jaemin’s old roommate, and a couple of other men you can’t remember the names of. Donghyuck and Yeon-seok’s roommates from university, you think, because you remember seeing them at the reunion.
You congratulate the grooms, and move to stand next to Yeji and Jisung. The small circle are the only people that have gotten a chance to speak with Donghyuck and Yeon-seok, and by the looks of it, their conversation isn’t going to end anytime soon.
Yeji makes small talk with you, and you laugh about a few shared experiences, before you notice the crowd starting to disperse, and the officiator announces that the wedding is beginning.
You move back to where Jeno is, and he leaves Jaemin with his umbrella, ducking under your umbrella to join you.
The wedding is simple and sweet, and there are tears all around as the two bridegrooms say their vows.
“...to love and to cherish, until death does us part.” Jeno’s fingers suddenly falter, and the golden locket he’s been fidgeting with throughout the wedding slips through his fingers. He lunges to catch it, and you finally notice what he’s been doing with his hands.
Resting one hand on his left knee to calm him down, you nuzzle into his neck, and nudge his hand open with your index finger.
“What’re you holding?” you ask under your breath.
“Nothing.” You briefly register the officiator allowing Yeon-seok and Donghyuck to kiss, and you look up at them just in time.
“Open your hand,” you command.
Obediently, Jeno uncurls his fingers, and you take the locket from him. You fumble with the clasp, but it springs open, and there’s a picture inside. Squinting, you realise that it’s a picture of you and Jeno, taken when you weren’t paying attention. Your hand is shielding your eyes from the sun, and Jeno’s firm hand is wrapped around your waist, pulling you close.
Your grip on Jeno’s knee tightens.
“How long have you been carrying this around for?” You ask, voice slightly hoarse.
Jeno looks away. “Since we took the picture. It’s been, what, two years?”
You feel your throat seizing up, and you force yourself to take a few deep breaths. Jeno has been carrying the locket around for two years. Almost the same length of time that you’ve been dating for. He’s loved you enough for the whole span of that time to carry a picture of you around wherever he goes.
You can’t breathe. “You’ve been carrying this around for two years?”
Jeno shrugs nonchalantly. “Yeah, like a soldier going off to war,” he quips. Somehow, you’ve switched to Korean, but you don't quite register it. It just feels right, better, to speak in your native language.
It fits, the same way your body fits into the cracks of Jeno’s body, the way his arms wrap around you and fit into every nook and cranny of yours. Your scars line up against each other’s, and Jeno is the puzzle piece that makes you whole.
“So you love me.” It might seem strange, after all they’ve been through, to doubt it. But it hasn’t been long, and you hate to give yourself away, to love somebody else. Every day, you wonder if you’ve crossed the line from like to love, or if you’ve fallen out of like with each other.
“Yes.” You never knew one word could turn your world upside down. The rain has eased, but it feels like there’s water rushing in your ears, heart pounding.
Then, “Are you okay?”
You hear it from your other side, your left side, and you see Yeji there, concern in her eyes. You turn your attention back to the proceedings, and see Donghyuck taking the wedding bouquet from Yeon-seok, preparing to toss it in the air.
“Yes,” you say, determinedly. Jeno guides your hand to tilt the umbrella backwards, giving both of you a better view of the grooms, and the water continues to flow off the umbrella.
Neither of them makes a move to take it, leaving the more eager guests to rush towards Donghyuck, surrounding him. He turns his back towards them, Yeon-seok moderating the crowd, and tosses the bouquet into the air.
It arcs towards the middle of the crowd, and a lone carnation falls out. Jeno reflexively reaches out for it before it can fall on the soaked grass, and he tucks the yellow carnation behind your ear.
His face is right next to yours, his breathing fast and rapid, and you hear the pulsing of his heart when you place a hand on his chest.
Jeno leans his forehead on yours, the umbrella creating a bubble of silence and tranquility amidst the loud cheers and celebration outside of it. A tear rolls down his cheek, and he smiles, the tear caught on the upside of his upper lip.
You watch as he licks it away, and brush the pad of your thumb against the trail of the tear.
“Are you crying?” you ask softly.
“No,” Jeno says, shaking his head and closing his eyes. “It’s just the rain.”
You wrap your arm around his neck, nose bridge aligned with his, waiting quietly.
“I know you don’t want to get married now,” Jeno says. “But please, take this carnation as a promise that I will never let you have your heart broken.”
You have heard false promises fall from Jeno’s lips before. You’ve faced his broken promises, seen through his lies, accepted his empty praise. This time, however, it’s different. You know it in your heart, can hear the dogged beating of his heart, refusing to hurt you again.
You smile, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
“Okay,” you say. “I’ll take that promise.”
violet: a declaration to always be true
blue salvia / azure blue sage: harbours sentiments of missing and thinking of someone.
peppermint: warmth of feeling
lavender: purity, devotion, serenity, grace and calmness.
sunflower: adoration and loyalty, long life and lasting happiness.
chrysanthemum: longevity, fidelity, joy and optimism.
red camellia: you’re a flame in my heart.
galaxes: encouragement.
pink peonies: good luck, prosperity and success
orange tulips: joy, enthusiasm and excitement
heather: admiration and support
white roses: symbolises innocence and purity. used to congratulate people on career successes.
carnations: symbolise pride and love for someone in a supportive way. used to tailor bouquets to one’s favourite colour due to their ease of dyeing.
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crusty-chronicles · 7 months
hiii! i hope im not bothering youu but i really like your airheaded s/o hcs and i was wondering if you could make one with urahara from bleach!
Yessss! I love this dopey science man with my whole heart!
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Absolutely enamored by you.
Everything you do is just so fascinating to him
One of the few brainiacs who absolutely doesn't mind you can't formulate a thought without hurting yourself
You lost a whole shipment of new candy?
Aww, it's okay. He can always order more, so don't be upset.
You damaged your Gigai?
Clearly it wasn't strong enough. He'll just have to make better ones. Thanks for letting him know.
You broke open the shop door because you lost your keys?
Baby sweetheart, you should've just called him. Maybe wear a key around your neck next time.
It isn't physically possible for Kisuke to be mad at you.
More than anything, he likes cooing at you when you make a mistake.
You're just too precious to him.
Loves testing out inventions on you because you're so resilient.
But he's always careful the chances of it actually hurting you are low. Mostly.
He's known you from way back since he was in the Soul Society
And even back then, he was completely smitten with you.
Requesting you be a part of The Department of Research and Development just so he can keep an eye on you.
He knows you tend to be accident prone.
He used to love explaining how some of his inventions worked while you sat and nodded along.
Having no clue what he was talking about, but were just happy to be there.
Kisuke realized he loved you when you followed him to the world of the living.
Not believing for a second he was testing out hollowfication on other soul reapers.
It made him feel all warm and fuzzy to know you had so much faith in him
And ever since then he's been trying and failing to court you.
About a century and he still can't tell if you're dating or not.
He's not gonna bring it up just in case you aren't.
I mean, he's taken you out on several dates.
That has to count for something right?
This man doesn't hesitate to baby you.
In fact, he overdoes it.
To the point where even you're like, 'No, I think I can handle it from here.'
"Do you want me to carry that box for you? It's got some glass and I would be DEVASTATED if you got a paper cut. Might even close the shop so you can recover 👉👈"
He's dead serious about it too
"I can carry it just fine, but thank you."
And he's pouting in the corner, sulking because you didn't want his help.
It's all for show though, so don't feel too bad.
Mostly to embarrass Jinta and Ururu
Maybe Ichigo if he's around.
Kisuke also has the most embarrassing and outlandish nicknames for you. Also for show.
Calls you: Sugar Bear, baby, pookie, shnookums, apple of my eye, ect.
But, in a serious atmosphere, in complete privacy, he'll call you love or angel.
He'll make a big deal if you're giving someone else attention
Sighing dramatically or draping his arm over your shoulder. And once again, it's mostly for show.
But does Kisuke ever actually get jealous?
Not one bit.
You followed him from the Soul Society after all.
If that doesn't prove you love him then he doesn't know what does.
Yorichi loves your presence.
She thinks you're a great match for Kisuke because you're both so easy going.
That and you're about as strong as a captain.
Taking out an espada with a single punch.
If anything, she's the one telling him he better not break you're heart.
"You've got a great thing going on with them, don't ruin it."
"Then figure it out or else I'll take them."
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spacebaby1 · 5 days
Hii I saw your post where you said you wanted ansgt ideas for sukuna. You can make one where sukuna acts like she despises you (when in reality she loves you but can't stand the idea that I love you) you have never understood but you don't care. And one night you show up at her house in the early morning because the situation at your house had gotten violent (reader's father is abusive). Sorry this is very long 😭
This is about to hit home for me! I live for protective Sukuna. Enjoy!!
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Your father had a ticking temper ever since your mother left him; one minute he'll be laughing and talking the next he'll start screaming and throwing things. Today wasn't different but what made it worse is that your classmate Sukuna wouldn't stop bothering you all the day. You didn't know what to do; thinking about how your father got mad last night at you for being a minute late with his dinner or deal with Sukuna bothering you, either ways you just ignored him.
When you got home you father wasn't there which was a relief and you prayed that he should just sleep somewhere out at his friend's house which he did sometimes and you were happy that tonight will be the same. You were in your room going through you instagram when a text popped up on your screen. It was Sukuna and him sending some hateful text which you ignored and went on scrolling om your phone.
It was around 3 am when you heard the door open and shut making you jump at the loud thud and you phine ringing made you flinch; Sukuna was calling, probably to annoy you and you didn't answer. Few minute later you heard shouting and screams of your father and things being thrown on the wall. Your heart dropped and immediately you ran downstairs trying to stop your father from throwing things around at your mothers framed picture. He grabbed you by the hair making your phone fall from your hand and accidentally answer to Sukuna's call. Sukuna was about to go off on you probably to mock you when he heard your painful screaming from the other side of the call, "what the hell you yelling like that?" He tried to not panic when you didn't answer but kept on screaming and crying because of your father grabbing your hair and hitting you, "P-please stop, you're hur-hurt-" you cried but your father kept screaming at you and holding you by the hair. Sukuna's heart dropped when he heard your father voice.
Jumping out of his couch Sukuna rushed out of the door and ran towards your house which was few hours from his.
He could hear the voices of your cries when he approached your house and thanked God that the door was unlocked. Sukuna rushed inside the house pushing your father away causing you both to fall. "You son of a bitch!" Sukuna picked your father by his collar and punched him till he was unable to stand. Sukuna rushed to your side as you were struggling to get up from the pain in your head while crying, "hey, hey. Let me see," Sukuna gently looked at your head and saw you bleeding a bit, you looked at him and he saw your brushed face and bleeding nose. He felt rage as he got up one more time to kick your father over and over until you cried for him to stop. Immediately Sukuna stopped and sat next to you, "Come on, I'll take you to hospital. Can you stand?" You shook your head still sobbing. "It's okay sweetie, I got you." He picked you up carried you out of the house.
Sukuna stood by your side as the nurse patched you up, he was angry and bitting on his nails. The cut on your lips, your bloody nose and the mark on your cheek made him want to go back and bear your father once again, "take this painkiller, it will help with the headache. Nothing to be worried about but we need you to stay here for the night, we need to do few checkups in case of broken bones or muscle fracture, okay?" The nurse told you as you nodded feeling your eyes heavy.
"S-sukna, you should go home, it's la-"
"The hell I'm not!" He sat beside you on the bed looking mad but not at you and you knew that. You placed your hand over his, "Thank you, Sukuna." You whispered laying your head on his shoulder to which he just hummed only to hear your soft snoring; you fell asleep on his shoulder.
Carefully he laid your head on the pillow and went to shut the door so the outside noise won't wake you up. He came back and sat on the chair next to the bed but he couldn't get comfortable. His feet accidentally hit the bed making you flinch in your sleep and you groaned in pain and was about to cry in your sleep when Sukuna jumped off the chair. Caressing your head softly, "Shhh, sorry sweetheart. Shhh go back to sleep." He whispered.
You moved to your side, holding on to his hoodie, and slowly calmed down, eventually falling asleep and holding on to him tightly. Carefully he got on the bed beside you and held you close, making sure to not hurt you as he kept on caressing your hair softly, "you don't need to worry anymore, I'm here, I'm so so sorry baby," he whispered placing a small kiss on your forehead, "I'm here for you, I'm gonna kill that man with my bare hands if he dare to touch you." You sighed in your sleep and snuggled closer to him.
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dinogoofymutated · 1 month
Hey!!! Thank you again for Remy's one shot, it was amazing!!
I saw that you would like ideas for Cable and Warren, and I may have a few...
Especially for Warren....
I'd love to see Warren and mutant! Reader that "hate" each other, and reader thinks she has no chance with him, so she goes on a date. Warren is jealous and watches over her, and swoops in once the date goes sideways.
Words are said, feeling we shown, and Warren giver the fairytale kiss. (Could end with them going at it on a rooftop...)
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Could be sfw or nsfw, either way I'll enjoy it immensely!!! I can't wait to see more of your work ❤️
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Sfw! Warren/Fem!reader
OMGGGG UGG I LOVE THIS SM!!! I have a slight obsession with prompts like this- soooo yeah lololol. Oh! Also, I feel like I should mention this is more based off of comic and show warren, and not the version of him from the apocalypse movie. Hope this isnt too OOC!
Tws: Bad date, Warren is kind of an asshole but we love him. Kissing in the rain.
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Warren Worthington is a dick. He's always teasing you, snatching your books, and pencils, and really everything you meed and holding it out of reach. He'll thwak you with a wing on purpose, always saying some stupid excuse like "Oh I didn't see you there." When you know damn well he did.
And he's not even like this to anyone else! It's incredibly frustrating, especially with how often he'll just up and completely ignore you to go flirt with Jean- who's still with Scott, might I add! Ugh!
It shouldn't matter to you whether or not he flirts with other people- the guy was clearly uninterested in you. But you just... can't help it. You really liked Warren, more so before this whole event started, when you didn't know him that well but couldn't help but blush at some of the things he did. You knew he could be kind, and he had a sweet side to him despite the cocky persona he's always pushing. (Because is it really a persona at that point?) But he just seemed so out of your league. Around the time you started pulling away from him was when the teasing started up, and to be honest, it had just confirmed your thoughts that Warren didn't like you.
Whatever, though. You'd get over it. You wanted to get over it. And the opportunity was presented to you to do just that. You had been out shopping one day with Jean when a man had approached you- not Jean, but you. It was really surprising, as most men would completely skip over you to talk to your beautiful best friend. You didn't hold any resentment towards her, it's not like she can help it. But when a rather attractive man approaches you, asking you on a date? You couldn't help but be flattered.
    You were excited! Really, really excited for this date. You had put on a cute outfit, even throwing on a little makeup, dresses to impress you know? Plus, your date was really attractive, and for some reason, you felt like you needed to spruce yourself up a little bit to impress him. It had taken you forever to be happy with your look, with Jean reassuring you over and over that you looked perfect and that everything would be fine!
    Eventually, his car pulled up in front of the mansion to pick you up for your date. You only had to glance at the window before you were running down the stairs excitedly. Of course, leaving couldn’t be all that easy, could it?
    “What are you all dressed up for?” You hold in your groan at the sound of Warren’s voice. He’s leaning against the foyer wall, cocking an eyebrow at you with a smirk that makes your heart do something funny. Didn’t change the fact that you kinda wanted to punch him. 
    “If you have to know, I’m going on a date.” You say, rolling your eyes. His smirk drops immediately, but you don't really notice as you put your shoes on. 
    “A date? With who?” Warren Pushes himself off the wall to approach you, grabbing hold of your arm to keep you from running off just yet. You make a face at him, confused and a little annoyed at his attention. 
    “A guy. He asked me out while Jean and I were at the mall, not that you really need to know.” You snark. Warren scoffs at that, looking a little frustrated. He begins to talk again, but he’s cut off by the sound of a horn honking from outside. Your face falls, and your stomach drops at the sound. Your date must be impatient. You don’t like the implications of that. Warren looks angry, letting go of you as he takes a step back.
    “You’re really going to leave with a guy who doesn’t bother to ring the doorbell?” He asks. You can’t find any words to say, feeling a little hurt. You turn away from him, quickly opening the door to leave. Warren can see your face light up a little as you wave at your date, closing the door behind you. Warren’s wings sag a little, left in the foyer looking like a lost puppy without you. 
    “You know, if you were nicer to her you probably would’ve had a chance.” Warren sighs dramatically at the sound of Bobby’s voice, turning to see that he had been watching the whole time, eagerly munching on a bowl of cereal.
    “Can it, dude”
    The fact that you're going on a date doesn't sit well with Warren. There's a pit in his stomach that he can't seem to shake, and when he tried to talk about it, Bobby and Scott just waved him off, telling him he was just jealous- and well, he was. But that wasn't the point! He didn't like that you were going on a date with someone random, or anyone besides him, really. He just had a bad feeling about it all.
    He knows he doesn't really have the right to be as jealous as he was. The two of you weren't together- but at some point, he thought you would be. He liked you. More than friends should. He had for a while, but you started to pull away from him- so he started to do anything he could to get your attention. Sure, he wasn't exactly being nice, but he wasn't being mean. He wasn't trying to bully you or put you down, he was just… teasing. 
     Warren had been couped up in the library as the evening went on, staring out the window with a sigh as it had started to pour. He had been thinking a lot about what Bobby had said earlier, dwelling over it constantly. Normally when he was so caught up in thoughts like this he would fly around the mansion to clear his head, but with the storm outside that definitely wasn't going to happen. He sighs, resting his head against the window while his eyes begin to drift close, but a movement in the corner of his eye catches his attention.  He sits up a little bit, squinting at first to see whatever it is through the rain. When he finally realizes, it is like he was hit over the head with disbelief. 
     The rain was cold. You were shivering as you walked along the asphalt driveway up to the mansion doors, sniffling the whole time. You knew you looked like a mess, mascara running down your cheeks in inky black streams, soaked to the bone without a jacket to keep you warm. The date was a bust. You should have known better. Been smarter. Hell, you should have asked someone else to drive you so that you wouldn’t be stuck in this situation in the first place. Or at least brought your wallet so that you could’ve used the payphone to call someone to come get you. But here you are. You were sad, wet, and despairing over the long walk up the driveway, but at least you were back at the mansion. 
    It’s hard for you to see through the heavy rain, so you keep your head down towards the ground to keep the rain out of your eyes. You don’t even realize that someone had run out to get you until you hear footsteps splash through the puddled driveway. You try your best to wipe the tears from your eyes, praying that they won’t be able to tell with the rain, but it is hard to hide the puffy red face the tears left behind. 
    You don’t really want look look up when you feel the rain stop, already knowing who it is by the sound of his gait. Warren holds the umbrella out to you, and you take it. He has his trench coat over his arm, and he uses the extra hand to wrap it around your shoulders. It’s awfully big on you, but it’s warm and dry, and you're thankful. You wipe at your eyes again when Warren takes the umbrella back, trying hard not to start crying.
    “What happened?” Warren asks. You finally look at him, and the concerned look on his face just makes you feel worse. Your face scrunches as you tear up again, and you look up at the umbrella as you try to avoid the embarrassment. You don’t really know what to say. You don’t really want to say anything right now. But you do.
    “He didn’t know I was a mutant.” You say, voice shaking a little. Although, you can’t help but let out a pitiful laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. “He thought that the school was just some place for rich kids. I mentioned it offhand because I assumed he knew- and he didn’t. He wouldn’t drive me home so…” You make a vague motion at your soaking clothes. Warren looks angry. Angrier than you’ve ever seen him before. He opens his mouth to say something and decides better of it. Instead, He wraps an arm around you and begins to guide you back to the mansion. You blush a little at the action, but realize he probably just has to stay close to keep the both of you under the umbrella- not that his wings even fit, by the way.
    “You’re gonna be soaked.” You say, pointing towards his wings. Warren glances back, flexing the limbs just slightly, and shrugs. 
    “I’ll get over it. Wouldn’t be much of a hero if I let a pretty girl walk in the rain, would I?” Warren flirts, sending you a wink. You send him an incredulous look, before bursting out in laughter. Warren gasps, putting a hand over his “wounded” heart. 
     “Seriously? That was a good one, and you’re just laughing?” Warren complains, which only makes you laugh a bit harder. 
    “Oh please, that one was so cheesy!” You manage to say through the laughs. Warren is smiling, and it’s different than the smile he wears when he’s being an annoying jerk. His hair is wet, and his clothes are damp, but to be honest, you really start to understand why they call him Angel. You look away when you realize you’re blushing, but you can’t seem to wipe the smile off of your face. 
    “That guy was an idiot, by the way,” Warren says after a moment. Your smile falls a bit at the reminder of the start of the evening. “He really has no clue what he’s missing out on.” You snort at that, unable to keep yourself from rolling your eyes.
    “You sure have a lot to say for a guy who doesn’t like me all that much.” The words come out before you can really think about it, and you’re caught off guard when Warren stops walking. He doesn’t remove his arm from around your shoulders, but he moves so that he can look at you better.
    “What do you mean by that?” Warren asks, His face twisted in an expression you can’t quite figure out. The question and the seriousness in his tone surprise you, and you don’t quite know how to respond at first.
    “I- Huh?”
    “You don’t seriously think I dislike you, do you?” Warren asks again, worry bleeding through his tone. You furrow your brow in confusion.
    “What?? Warren, you’re not exactly subtle about it.” You mention, and Warren’s recoil is unexpected.
    “Oh my god, you do.” Warren holds his face in his hands for a quick moment, wondering how he had done so wrong. “Why would I dislike you? I literally spend every waking moment trying to get your attention!” You can’t help but let out a noise of confusion, mind working overtime to get the gears working in your head.
    “By tormenting me, you mean.” You say, and Warren vehemently shakes his head.
    “No! That’s not what I…” He begins, but he trails off. He’s trying to figure out something to say. Some way to let you know about how he feels, and his thoughts, but he just can't seem to find the words.
    “Okay then, Prove it.” You eventually say, crossing your arms defensively underneath his coat. Warren frowns at you.
    “What?” He asks.
    “Prove it. Prove that you don’t actually hate me.” You repeat again. You’re not exactly sure what you are expecting him to do or say. To be honest, you half expected him to give up altogether, but you were wrong about a lot of things.
    “I- you seriously want me to show you. Right now.” Warren asks again. You shrug your shoulders in response.
    “Yup.” Warren seems to take a moment for the confirmation to process, and then he smiles just slightly. Like he’s in disbelief about what he’s about to do. Before you know it, warren has dropped the umbrella, cupped your face with both hands, and pulled you into a kiss. 
    You’re wide-eyed for a moment, simply letting him kiss you in your disbelief as the rain pours down on you once again. Your mind still hasn’t quite caught up yet. Warren is kissing you so deeply, so lovingly, that you almost feel like you’re dreaming. He separates from you for a quick moment before kissing you again, this one a little less intense, and finally you find yourself catching up to the situation. You kiss him back, heart thundering in your chest. You can feel Warren physically relax, his wings fluttering just slightly behind him as you fully lean into the kiss, hands latching onto his shirt as you move closer. You feel him sigh into the kiss, and despite the cold rain, all you can feel is warmth. 
    When the two of you finally separate, Warren rests his forehead against yours. His pretty eyes look at you with fondness, and you find yourself wondering how you’d never seen it before. All he really wanted was your attention, didn’t he?
    “...We are so gonna get sick after this.” You mumble, brain still stalling a little bit. Warren lets out a laugh, pulling away to pick up the umbrella again. He pulls you a little closer than before as the two of you finally make it to the front steps.
    “Yeah, Probably.”
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jester089 · 7 months
If it’s ok, can you indulge my love for The Amazing Digital Circus?
I was just thinking of the gang with an s/o who’s seen as the rock of the group that is always strong willed, happy go luck, helpful and supportive. But they stumble upon their s/o just having an episode where they’re crying in frustration and punching a wall to calm down before going back to pretending like nothing happened?
I have a thing for strong willed characters hiding their perceived weakness from others.
Be strong for them
Thanks for the request! I feel for this type of character a lot. Now you didn't specify if you wanted the whole crew and you being the s/o of one. Or individual. So I'll do individual so that whoever your fav is their'll be something for them. Except Bubble though cause I just can't come up with stuff for them, sry.
Despite being an AI who doesn't really understand humans I feel he would notice your inner turmoil. He kind of has too! Cause he has to watch for and know if someone is going to abstract. Moving on he appreciates you being strong willed and a joy to be around seeing as how it makes others stick around longer. You can't have a circus without performers after all. Caine being how he is he would most likely just appear in your room while your having a breakdown multiple times because he wants something from you not even noticing you having trouble mentally. Only time he would really notice is if you were at the apex of that breakdown when he showed up. I can 100% see him just floating a few feet away from you one eyebrow raised for a minute with worried eyes before he asked if you were ok. If you said yes, despite what he think's he'll believe you. First few times. If you say no and seem to be looking for some comfort he'll do his best but he isn't exactly good at that kind of thing. More likely then not he wont really touch you but he'll give some words of encouragement and probably ask if their is anything you want (except a way out of the digital realm.) And whatever you ask for you'll have in an instant. But their is a limit. He can't be spoiling you now. He still needs your input on things and giving gifts wont be special anymore if you get whatever you want whenever you want. And after doing the bare minimum and seeing you bounce back and be how you always are he'll assume that what he did worked perfectly and your fine now. He's a little dense I'll be honest. 2.5/10 comfort
Now Gangle isn't exactly good with emotions. She has tons sure. But handling them is another story. But you being there and always seemingly in a good mood nothing really affecting you will help her keep calm. I mean just having an anchor can make stuff you usually can't deal with seem small. (Especially if you stick up to Jax for her. Or better yet get her confident enough to do it herself.) When she walked in on you having a breakdown first thing her mind would go to is that your on the verge abstracting which causes her to panic and make the whole thing worse. She doesn't try to it's just a lot all at once. Especially considering how you don't usually show this kind of stuff. Now once the initial shock has worn off and at least she has calmed down some she'll be pretty good at helping you calm down. I mean she's a cinnamon roll. Even if her ways of comfort don't work well just knowing she's trying will definitely help. Now if you cope with more self destructive ways she'll be more worried but try her best to trust you. Though that doesn't mean she'll just let you punch things, especially things that could hurt you (I've punched a few walls in my time and I can safely say it hurts.) Now when you just snap back to how you usually are nothing expect the red eyes and dried tear streams on your face will cause a whole load of more worry in her. How long has this been going on?! Are you ok?! Can she do anything?! DO YOU STILL LOVE HER!?! If you don't accept her help she'll probably start to spiral and take that as you don't trust her enough or you don't think she can help you. So for her sake, and yours let her help. Cause if you do that'll lead to a whole lot of trust and make a very sturdy base for your relationship. It'll also help her get better with emotions as a whole. She wishes she could do more for you but she can and will do what she can with what she has. 8/10 comfort
Oof. This probably isn't going to end well. It's basically like a angsty teen trying to comfort someone they care about. Zooble probably acts like she hates how happy and upbeat you are. But she doesn't. When she's laying in bed not wanting to get up the thought of going on an adventure and watching you be dumb on purpose makes her smile and get up. Sure every day is the same in the circus, but with you there it's a nice version of repetitiveness. Now Zooble has a lot of problems. Everyone in the circus does. But if she walked in on your having a breakdown I feel like she would honestly just turn around and leave. Not because she doesn't care. But because she feels she'll make it worse if she stays. Every 5 minutes or so she'll poke her head back in your room to see how your doing. Probably accompanied with a quiet "You uhhh. You doing ok?" if your still crying. Now if she peaked her head in and you were back to normal she might honestly think she hallucinated you crying like that. But their are some things you can't hide. Like puffy eyes or how your voice is a little wavy from crying. So knowing even less what to do now she'll just join you in your room and sit on your bed hoping that just her being around will be enough. Now if you break down again and start venting about what is worrying you she'll sit there and listen intently. If not she'll think that your still not doing ok but she doesn't really know how to bring that out. Or help with it. Overall her comfort is a little lacking but she's trying her best. 4.5/10 comfort
Now I headcannon that Kinger is really, really, REALLY good at comfort. I mean did you see the impenetrable fortresses door, and how it was being held up. I don't think a single person ever who is good at making pillow forts is bad at comfort. I feel like overall he would be pretty indifferent to you being all happy though he would appreciate the supportive vibe you bring. He's crazy, I'll just be honest about that. But he seems to be surprisingly resilient as he never gets worse, or better. He just is. When he walks in on you freaking out he doesn't flinch or is surprised. He's been in the digital circus a long time. And he's lost many. He understands why. So he just calmly walks in gives you a light hug No idea how. He doesn't have arms. and a quick forehead kiss. He sits you two down on the floor and makes a little pillow wall around you two. Then he (in a surprisingly calm voice) asks what's troubling you. Now you don't exactly have a choice of if you do or don't tell him. He's lost to many to just leave you on your own in this. So he'll sit there a hand resting on your knee while you mentally prepare yourself. Out of everyone he's the most likely to genuinely and long term help you calm down. He's seen many things, been through many things. No matter what it is that's worrying you it wont surprise him and he can probably help. 10/10 comfort
Well aren't you two just the perfect duo Ragtha is pretty mentally drained having the always be the one that everyone rely on. She was the only anchor for this place the only one keeping everyone spirits high. Then you showed up and made the work 50/50. That's what initially made you catch her eye. You two have enough infection happiness and good vibes to make just about anyone have a good day. Though their are diminishing returns the digital circus wouldn't be the same without you two. When she walks in on your falling apart she reacts two ways. One she also starts freaking out (Just instinct at this point. I mean you saw her in the pilot, every time Pomni started breaking down she interrupted it.) And two a whole lot of understanding on where your coming from. She sits down with you and lets your get it all out before speaking. She asks if your ok, if she can do anything, and what caused it. Once you explain that it's just all so much. The circus, having to be strong for everyone else. It puts so much pressure on you. On hearing that Ragatha breaks into tears flipping the comfort giver and receiver. Once she has gotten most of it out and can make comprehensible sentences again she explains how she's going through the same. On hearing that you feel really bad. You've only been here what a year and your already breaking down over it. But you've always had Ragatha there to lighten the load. But she's been here so much longer doing the exact same but without anyone else to help her. So you make it a kind of personal mission from then on to not make your problems hers and help her out when and wherever you can. -3/10 Comfort. She just had a lot of stuff bottled up and ended up making you worry about even more.
Jax's first thought would probably be "Oh great, another Ragatha to deal with." But something about you isn't as annoying to him as Ragatha. He actually enjoys and appreciates all that you do for him. And the others too I guess. Now be warned Jax deals with a lot of stuff with humor. And his sense of humor is putting others through anguish mental, emotional, and physical. So when he first finds you crying will most likely make a joke about you being a cry baby or "So you finally broke huh? I always wondered how long it would take" making you feel much worse about it. When if he notices that he'll feel bad and stop maybe. He'll more likely then not just exist in your room, leaning against a wall or grabbing random items off of shelves/your desk to fiddle with. Now when you snap back to how you usually are I really feel like he'll just be like "Oh cool. You fine. Well I'm gonna go get some food." then leave you alone with your thoughts. (I'm sorry to all you Jax fans it's just I don't go for looks like most do. I'm entirely attracted to personality. And Jax's isn't great. I mean Gooseworx confirmed that he isn't like nice deep down. He's just an a$&hole. So if Jax is your fav my Tumblr ain't for you.) 0/10
You and Ragatha keep Pomni in one piece. (I mean if Ragatha wasn't in the pilot I feel like Pomni would already be abstracted.) So she kind of clings to you. Not physically but she would fall apart pretty quickly without you there. So when you asked her to grab something for you she did without a second thought. But she wasn't expecting to come back to hearing crying followed by a loud thump in your room. She sprints over and throws the door open only for you to be completely ok and sitting at your desk. You thank her for grabbing it for you then go back to what you were doing making her think she's gone of the deep end and is hearing things. But then it happens again, and again. Leading her to believe your just hiding something from her. So next time it happens she sneaks up to your door and carefully peaks inside only to see your tugging at your hair tears streaming down your face. You punch the wall making her jump and make some noise. Your eyes lock onto the small crack in between the door and the frame you two locking eyes. She blushes heavily then slowly opens the door basically admitting to eavesdropping. She was just worried is all. You quickly clean yourself up and apologize for having her see you like that only causing her to worry more. She doesn't push it knowing from experience how that feels but from that day on she tries to not put as much pressure on you. And makes an effort to return the favor when she can. 4.5/10 comfort (I sincerely enjoyed writing this. Cause I am also a sucker for that kind of character. Hope you enjoyed it!)
xoxo, Jester
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mchlgayser · 1 year
𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 ft izana kurokawa
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: The gang leader of your boyfriend's rivalry team to a liking to you, his queen.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst to fluff / ( ☆ )
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yandere theme, jealousy, possessive and obsession, violence, languages, and death threat
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: HELLO! OMG, first of all, I am freaking out (not really) because I don't know how well this is gonna turn out. After all, it's been so long since I last made a one-shot with yandere themes! The last one was Shidou Ryusei's from Blue lock. But it wasn't gonna be half as gore (I think?) as this one! Hopefully, it was okay BUT let me know what you think in the comment! Happy reading xx (E/T known as eye types)
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You were in the kitchen eating breakfast when your boyfriend came in 'Hey,' You bid eyeing up from the bowl of milk and cereal towards him. He got out a glass and poured cold water, chugging it down. 'I gotta go, Kakucho called and there'll be a meeting!' He kisses the crown of your head before he left the estate.
You blink a few times looking back at the spot he was at and the front door not far from the kitchen hall. You shrug continue eating, your acrylic nail made a tapping sound against the phone as you scroll using your other hand.
It was late, nearly a quarter of one but still no sign of your boyfriend. Izana was supposed to be exactly thirty minutes ago, max but here you are waiting for him yet the half-Filipino guy never made it back home until a phone call erupted the spacious hall.
'Where are you?'
'Hey, lovey, I don't think I'll be back tonight. There's been a mistake at work and I need to get it done. Kakucho will drop by to get you some food-' The passcode on the door is punched open and the sight of the scarred male arrived.
'He's here, see you!' You hung up the call and get the plastic bag from Kakucho 'Woah, this is a lot!'
'Izana asked me to get an extra, as an apology...' You huff, eyes on the heavy plastic bag 'Would you mind accompanying me?' He was reluctant but nodded nonetheless. 'You get this ready, I'm gonna bring us some fine wine!' You singsong as you skip to the wine restoring cabinet and get the finest wine, the one you got on your birthday.
Kakucho sat on the medium-sized couch whilst you sat on the main couch, getting comfortable 'But don't Izana have works for you?' You asked away, pouring down the wine into his wine cup. He shake his head 'I was done for the night, Izana is occupied because a new gang was requested to do private business with us.' You wiggle your brow at him 'Really, I guess that's why he was so busy the rest of the week.' He hums and bottoms up the drink while you did the same 'Ahh, this is so good! Here!' You gave him the whole bottle and smile lazily 'You should hide or throw it while you can, Izana will be pissed if he knows I drink more than a cup!' You hiccuped
'Already?' Kakucho chuckles and puts aside the wine, away from you. 'But the gang you was talking about, who are they?' He looks up from you, one brow furrowing 'Why do you want to know? Do you even know other gangs other than Tenjiku?' You pout at him 'Izana told me all of his business partners, I wanna know if I know this one!' You hiccup once more. Kakucho walks out to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and handed it to you.
'They're Doncan. Do you know them?' You gulp the drink and wipe off the access from the corner of your mouth 'Oh them - but aren't they like you guys, rivalry?' He handed you a proper napkin once he speaks up 'A new gang formed, and surprisingly gained lots of members in a few months. They wanted to take out the two top Japanese drug organizations. We had no choice but to join hands. It's a win-win situation anyway.' He shrugs gulping down another cup of wine. You look at the half-full glass with lust.
'I want more drink!' You snapped out of your thoughts and slap your face 'Easy Y/n if you hurt yourself I will be responsible for it. You know how Izana is...' You sigh in contempt, laying down on the couch with a faint thud 'My boyfriend is so dreamy! Always putting me first.' Your eyes hooded and sleepy 'You should sleep. I will take care of you until Izana's home.' You hum patting his arm through his suit and yawning 'Thank you Kakucho!'
The sun barely set when you woke up in bed, neatly tucked and hair tied just how you liked it. Your head was a bit sore from liquoring up so you got up but a light nudge held you back. You spun your head around seeing Izana in his sleeping attire with his glasses on and a laptop on his lap. His one hand was around your neck and collarbone while his other hand was used to scroll the sensor. 'You scared me!' You revealed as you turn your body around and went to hug him 'What time is it?'
'Barely seven.' He answered eyes never leaving the screen. He turns to you for a moment plastering a chaste kiss on your side temple 'I'm going to work at eight, not gonna be as busy as the other day so I was wondering if you want to follow me?' Your eyes lighted up, it's been so long - one week since you visited or even set foot inside the building.
'Sure, wake me up when it's time to go!' He hums petting your shoulder and caressing it.
You and Izana arrived at his workplace. The guards lined up already waiting for his arrival. You two got arms lined together as you two strode together inside the entrance.
'Ryo Yamada is inside your office room.' Informed Kakucho, stealing a glance and a quick smile your way. You two went inside the elevator accompanied by three of his men into the room. Two of them waited outside the door and you three get inside.
A man probably around your age neatly sit on the leather couch. His Rolex watch flexing inside the dimmed light room. 'There you are! And I see you bought one of your bitch.'
'Be careful how you speak, this is my fiancé.' Despite feeling stunned by the man's remark, you have a shake with him 'Y/n L/n.' He gladly took your hand placing a gentle kiss on your knuckle 'The pleasure is mine, Ryo Yamada.' Izana tears his face away from you and scoff 'Stand far from my missus, Ryo.' The man laughed, both of his hands beside his head.
'Chill Kurokawa, I won't devour the lady... Yet.' Izana was ready to pounce and forget about all this shitty assists from his gang but you held him back.
'It's okay,' He cooled down, adjusting his tie, and have a seat with the man in front of him, you at the side, half-listening.
Izana was not blind. He could see the look Ryo was giving you. That infamous dirty stare he laid upon his victims. Izana being Izana, he would've killed that man with a snap of his finger but every time you held his hand and assure him, he'll just sigh and try to cool his head down. Key Word: Try.
'Aw, come on don't try so hard and be so lovey-dovey! I might die because of jealousy!' He scowls lowly, eyes hooded over your figure. The tanned hand of Izana had reached for his back pocket where he kept his gun. One wrong move again and he'll shoot without hesitation.
'Now business aside,' He man-spread on the chair, hands over his knees with his eyes bore from you to Izana then back to you 'How long have you two known each other?'
'That was none of your' - He was cut by you 'We met in 2005. Izana just got released from juvenile and he was with my brother. Izana calls it 'Love at the first glance.' You chuckle tearing your eyes from Ryo to Izana to see he had already looked at you. That sharp purple eyes of his relaxed in you.
'That's cringe.' His pupils diverted. Hell no, Izana won't let anyone, he means anyone and not even Kakucho to insult how he fell in love with you. It wasn't cringe or drama-like. It was Izana Kurokawa falling in love with you. No matter what, he won't take comments about how he fell in love with you. His haven and his majesty.
His gaze turns from you to Ryo. A fast motions whistle and a scream erupted inside the soundproof room. Ryo was shot right in the knee. His knee busted open out from his expensive slack. A painful agony scream erupts once more. His eyes were bloodshot.
'F'ckin hell! That hurts!' Izana eyes weren't quiver even one bit. His eyes were steady and plain. 'One wrong move again. And I'll make not to miss that thick skull head of yours.' He planted the gun to his forehead mimicking the 'Bang' sound 'You should've thought about the worst consequences before you came barking at my queen, you pathetic loser.'
'Fuck this useless negotiation. With your gang or without, Tenjiku will remain at the top. You and all that shitty gangs below us can fucking rot in hell.' He finished opening up the door as Ryo's guards rush inside. A blood war was incoming but by that time, Kakucho had made sure to put you and Izana back inside the car and to your mansion.
'That scumbag.' You sighed bringing Izana into a hug. Your hand fished inside your purse to grab a pack of tissue wiping off the warm blood stained off his cheeks and lips.
'He won't get his way with you.' He scoops you in his arms earning a small yelp from you, but once you relaxed you laugh 'He won't. Never will.' Noses touching. His eyes find their way to your E/T ones.
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Aita for lieing to my mom for 6 years about a guy I dated?
🤐🇮🇪 <- so I notice me. This sounds bad but all things considered, i think I'm justified at least.
Tw for domestic abuse, physical abuse, fighting and non-explicit mentions of many other forms of abuse.
So in 7th grade grade I (12/13f at the time) was dating a guy named Jay(13/14m at the time)(not his real name and we were in the same grade) for about three months. I had a crush on him for years before we dated so I was ecstatic when he finally asked me out. Looking back now at 22, I can see he pitied me as i was very unpopular and no one wanted to be around me due to the fact I was very nerdy and very autisitc(I have a mental disability). He used me for sexual things and it wasn't super healthy but I was just happy to be getting attention as neither my school nor home life was safe from abuse/bullying.
Towards the end of those three months, an incident occured. Me and Jay were working on a mutural computer lab project that should of only tooken a week but the day we were set to start, jay had iss (in-school suspension. I don't know why). I needed his choice for a song because the project couldn't start without choosing it and he wasn't texting me and was being petty and whiny about it. Finally he picked some pop 2010s song and I got started. He was in the suspension for half the week so I was the one who did a majority of the project.
When he finally came back, he was being demanding and a jerk and I said fine, I'll do my own project and you can do yours, I wanted to do firework by katy perry anyway. He then demanded my part of the project since I wasn't doing that song anymore and I told him no and when he demanded it again, I deleted it infornt of him. Typical preteen arguments right? Well he slapped me. In front of all of his laughing friends. He'd never done that before and even though I had previous experience with physical abuse(a few instances with my dad but my mom didn't see it till much later after this incident. This is important.), never from a partner.
I don't remember too much as I saw red and reacted before I could think but I do remember ripping him out of his chair, throwing him on the floor and punching him in the chest and face a few times while his friends cheered me on in surprise. I was an average height but underweight and he was both taller than me and almost 300 lbs but it felt so easy. Once I was done I got up, told the teacher I was doing it on my own, aced the project while he failed and none of my bullies ever tried to physically fight me again. I went from nerdy shy weird pushover girl to scary strong weird girl and I'm ok with that. He hit first.
Even though we eventually broke up, we made up and it was something we joked about together as i didn't realize how serious that was at the time. But my mom did realize how serious it was and tried to explain to me how bad that was, that I should never let a partner hit me and she never wanted to see me talking to him again. She was being responsible but I was 13 and riding off the excitement of showing a guy I liked what for that we dated again not a month after we broke up. Except this time I wasn't dating Jay Lastname, I was dating "Sean mcduffin" or at least that's what i called him around family and because my mom never saw or met jay, she didnt recognize sean.
Our second time around only lasted another three months before we broke up and we're friends all through the rest of our school years, never more, but my mom still called him Sean because we'll.. I told her that was Sean and I couldn't back out now. I'm gonna shift gears for a second so stick with me.
I had gone through two extremely abusive relationships back to back from one in sophomore year (sexual and emotional abuse) and one in senior year (sexual, physical, religious and emotional abuse) and my mom didn't learn until a year later after I graduated. After my mom learned about it and the extent of the abuse with my father, she helped me heal and eventually started asking questions about the relationships and my dad and I answered her as were the closest weve ever been. She off handedly compared the one in senior year to the incident with Jay and then said how happy i seemed with Sean right after made her relax and hope i wouldnt be in another abusive relationship and it hadn't hurt me too badly.
I then realized I had never explicitly told her Jay and Sean were the same person and I had lied to her when I said they weren't (she had suspicions but never proof and trusted me). So I told her they were the same person and she got this very defeated look on her face. I apologized as I realized that was kinda shitty of me because my mom was just trying to protect me but I can also see why a 13 yr old who grew up in parental abuse wouldn't nessesarily take domestic abuse seriously. She just signed and said she wishes I was honest and I shouldn't of lied about it because it was serious. I explained my side but we eventually just moved on to talk further into our initial topic and she's not brought it up since.
I can see where I was the little 13 yr old asshole but I can also see why I wouldn't of taken the lie as seriously as I should due to my history. He never hit or hurt me again and I never heard of him doing it again so I guess i desuaded him from a life of abuse. Idk. Was I the asshole? Me and him don't talk anymore and since getting therapy, I've realized what a shitty person he was to me before, during and after our small relationship.
(small context: we were school friends only, he never really came over to my house or met my family more than once the second time we dated and I didn't talk about him as much after the second break up due to my focus on friends shifting from school friends to my girl scout troop. We were inseparable in school but outside of it, we rarely spoke.)
What are these acronyms?
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mikeandikeschmidt · 4 months
FNAFMovie!Incorrect Quotes: Part Four
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WILLIAM, as Steve Raglan: You're clearly not listening. I can say whatever I want, can't I?
MIKE, half asleep: Tell me about it.
WILLIAM: I murdered another kid last night.
MIKE: I feel you.
WILLIAM: Now I have the taste of blood, I can't stop killing.
MIKE, yawning: Been there
MIKE: If I seem intense, that's for one reason and one reason only, okay? I don't wanna be here and I'm really sad.
VANESSA: Why is Barbie's the Nutcracker the only good film adaptation of the ballet that has ever been made?
MIKE, who’s been around Abby too long: Because Barbie movies slap, next question.
WILLIAM: it's time for you to die.
ABBY: One sec, let me ask my brother
WILLIAM: It's not a choi--
ABBY: Mike said no.
MIKE: I did what I could, you know, while I was also trying not to bleed to death.
WILLIAM: I will ruin your happiness, no matter the cost!
MIKE: My happiness?
MIKE, turning to Vanessa: I'm happy?
ABBY: You wanna see how hardcore I am?
ABBY: *punches wall*
ABBY: Take me to the hospital.
MIKE: Well, well, well. If it isn’t my old friend...the dawning realization that I messed up bad.
MRS. AFTON: Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes.
MRS. AFTON: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes. Also, use soap this time?
WILLIAM, a career counselor: Look, I would like to give you moral advice, but I have very questionable morals.
MIKE: You're my little sister and the most important thing in the world to me. I would do anything for you.
ABBY: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
MIKE: Absolutely not.
MIKE: What doesn't kill me should run, because now I'm ticked off
MIKE: You saved me. I owe you my life.
VANESSA: No, thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
WILLIAM, first interviewing Mike: You look familiar. Have I killed one of your loved ones before?
MIKE: Fool me once, I’m gonna kill you
MIKE: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
WILLIAM: You mean literally or figuratively?
MIKE: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
WILLIAM: 'Person of interest' is almost too flattering.
WILLIAM: Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, 'Someone has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest,' I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'
VANESSA: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
MIKE: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
MIKE: People are always asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person. And I'm just like, 'Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!'
ABBY: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside
MIKE: Abby, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn...
ABBY: *Sips chocolate milk from bowl*
MIKE: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you wanna see something that’s both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day.
(This can apply to both the movie and the game)
VANESSA: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
MIKE, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
MIKE: Okay, maybe playing, "Whose family is more dysfunctional" was a bad idea. Vanessa's sobbing in the bathroom now. We can't get her out.
MIKE: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let's go for 12 more just incase.
VANESSA: Mike, that's a coma.
MIKE: Sounds festive.
VANESSA: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
MIKE: How can you still say that?
VANESSA: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
WILLIAM: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died-
VANESSA: Twelve, actually.
WILLIAM: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really, whose fault is that?
WILLIAM: That's right: no one's.
[Mike is the only one raising Abby after his dad’s depressed and his mom lost it]
MIKE: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Mike’s Dad: You're, like, 15 years old
WILLIAM, sitting with his back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Michael
MIKE: How did you do that without turning around?
WILLIAM: ...To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
[The career counselor scene]
MIKE, explaining why he's gone through so many jobs: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
WILLIAM: Mike, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're stupid
MIKE, banging on the door: Vanessa! Open up!
VANESSA: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
MIKE: No, I meant--
ABBY: Let her finish.
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deerlottie · 4 months
🐶🦝 — the best tip
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summary: shauna and nat don’t have enough money to pay for the pizza. warnings: 18+ MDNI, based off a porno…delivery guy!reader, bondage, dubcon, transmasc!reader, tdick, degrading.
as you wait outside the front door with a hot pizza in hand, you sigh and kick your feet. you couldn't wait to go home after this. it was your last delivery of the night and all you wanted to do was jump under your comfy blankets and sleep.
you stand up straight when you hear rustling from inside and clear your throat. a woman with brown hair that falls a little past her shoulders opens the door with a kind smile, making a noise of happiness as she eyes the pizza. "oh, finally! come on in sweetie. set it on the table will you? i'll be right back with the money."
nodding, you walk in and notice another figure off to the side smoking. they're wearing nothing but a white t-shirt, panties and fishnets. you blush and avert your eyes while timidly putting the box on the table.
"what's your name, pizza boy?" they speak, putting out the cigarette in the ashtray.
"uh, i-its-"
"natty, leave them alone! gosh, i'm so sorry. how much was it again?" the woman asks, fishing in her wallet.
"18.50." you reply, impatiently leaning against the chair. you catch who you now know as natty's eye and he smirks at you, raising his eyebrows.
"shit. i don't have enough. nat, do you have any cash on you?"
"nope. only a credit card that has a dollar on it. sorry shauna." he doesn't sound sorry at all. in fact, he looks smug as he walks towards you and looks you up and down. "how 'bout this - you give us the pizza for free, and we fuck you."
your eyes widen at his proposal and you laugh. yeah, right. you shake your head and go to grab the pizza box but nat is faster. he pushes you away, causing you to stumble back. "fuck it. just take the pizza, i'm out of here."
but before you can open the door, shauna and nat jump on you, grabbing your limbs so you're rendered useless as you try to punch at them.
"what the fuck?! let me go!" you struggle in their grip but they easily overtake you and lead you over to the couch, tossing you on it. they're on you again, and shauna covers your incessant 'bitching' with her hand, your groans muffled. "look at him, natty. so pathetic under our grasp."
you thrash around on the couch but it's no use, nat has his whole weight on your legs. he laughs condescendingly at your feeble attempts to flee and smacks the side of your ass. "stop moving! shut up and enjoy this, slut."
he motions at shauna, "go get the rope. and duct tape too."
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once they finish securing the ropes, shauna places the tape around your mouth while nat holds your face still. "good. now we can't hear him complain." he slaps your face playfully and shauna moves to sit on your legs.
her hands leisurely travel down to your pants, running against your unfortunate bulge. you hear hear chuckle as you moan from her hands feeling around it, still trying to wiggle out of the rope. "seems like your mouth says no, but your head says yes." she squeezes your tdick, making your whimper out in pleasure.
as she unbuckles your belt, you feel a wave of panic surge through your body and start kicking your legs again, but you can't lie, some part of you likes this. you hear nat mock how you're still struggling and he kneels by your head. "look at him shauna, still tryna fight back when he knows we've won."
nat roughly tugs your pants down to your mid thighs and you hide your face into your arms as you prepare for their words as they notice how drenched your boxers are. they both coo, rubbing their hands along your skin, groping and grabbing at you.
"c'mon, just relax. we'll take care of you." nat murmurs in your ear, lifting your shirt up to your chin. he squeezes both your pecs before harshly pinching one of your nipples between his fingers. you groan out in pain, trying to twist your body away from him.
shauna's still feeling you up, but now her focus is on your stomach - specfically your happy trail. she tugs and pulls until it feels uncomfortable and you plead for her to stop, but your voice is concealed.
"what's that, sweetie?" she asks in a sickly, sweet tone. "i couldn't hear you."
"i think he wants us to fuck him already." nat replies, getting up and heading to the kitchen. he returns with a pair of scissors and your eyes widen. he cuts a strip up your shirt, tearing the rest off so your upper half is completely naked.
you hide your face in your arms as nat leans down to lick at your hard nipples, ashamed at how much pleasure you're getting out of this. he bites down, growling like a dog as he tugs it between his teeth. as he's savoring your upper half, shauna's doing the same to your lower half.
she's giving your tdick little licks through your boxers, holding your hips down as you subconsciously try to hump her face. you slowly relax against the couch, mind going empty and numb as you take in everything that's happening to you.
"look at him, natty." shauna speaks softly, as if she spoke any louder you'd go back to fighting them. "he's finally giving in."
"good boy," nat praises you. you whimper, turning your head to face him as you stare down at him with dazed eyes. "i think he's ready." he nods at shauna.
your body shudders as shauna cuts up your boxers and takes them off, the cold air making your tdick twitch. she immediately warms you up though, greed mouth hungrily sucking you off.
nat watches for a minute before scooting over and resting a hand on shauna's head, making her bob up and down on your cock. your eyes flutter as you melt further into the couch, letting them use you however they want.
"i think we're gonna keep you, pizza boy." nat rasps out, and when you open your eyes, his are already on yours.
and you don't fight back, you don't disagree, because you want to be theirs. forever.
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dailyunstableeve · 8 months
Grave visit au
Hobie Brown x Fem!reader
w: angst, sadness
a/n: I don't really know what to say, but I hope you enjoy. Sorry for the wait ❤️
Grave visit au Masterlist
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .•°:. *₊ ° . ° .
Best friend version
"Hobie, wait!" Your voice echoed through Hobie's thoughts.
Hobie couldn't believe you're gone, he couldn't believe his best friend is no longer breathing. Hobie watches the gravestone that has your name on it, empty is all he felt.
Hobie would've guessed that you'll do whatever it takes to finish the mission, and you did but only to lose your life when he's out of reach to you. He didn't even get to see you one last time.
You were his best friend, his band member along with Gwen, Pav and Miles. Before meeting Gwen, both of you always hit the stage like there's no tomorrow, giving in all your best just to perform your heart out.
Hobie misses those days where you would show up late for practice, how you walk in the studio with drinks or snacks as apologies for being late and give him a big smile.
Hobie misses doing handshakes with you, a handshake that's only meant for both of you.
Hobie misses how both of you called each other stupid nicknames and sometimes it didn't even make sense at all but you both will still laugh at it.
Hobie misses how he is picky on his food and always throws the food he doesn't like to you. Oh how now there's no one to help him clean up the food he's picky about, instead he ate it all, no matter how picky he was before. Hobie just thinks he's doing it for you, showing you that he isn't picky anymore.
"Do you even know how to play drums?" Hobie leaned on the wall asking you.
"No, but we don't have a drummer so I gotta learn," you shrugged.
"I'd rather you stay on the vocals."
"I know it sounds sad now but I can practice," you whined.
"Nope, get off the drums, I'll find us an official drummer," Hobie then drags you away from the drums.
It was before you both met Gwen, and you have an amazing voice, Hobie wants you to present yourself by doing what you're good at, and now, he hardly could practice without you being the vocals. Without your voice, your song, he can't focus.
Hobie looked at your grave, all he can remember is all the happy times Hobie spent with you, how you'll make him laugh in weird situations or how you could easily tell what Hobie wants just by his action so you can stop him before he does something really stupid.
Guess you weren't there to stop him from punching Miguel on the face.
"I should try finding some witchcraft, bringing you back to life as a zombie," Hobie joked while looking at your grave.
"Spider zombies sound nice," he laughed, totally trying not to cry.
"The band is nothing without you, if only more people can hear your majestic voice."
Hobie would visit you every once a month, maybe more if it's a special day.
When Hobie thinks he's going to lose it, he will disappear from everyone and just sit by your grave, tearing his heart out about how much he misses hanging out with you. Sooner, your grave will become a comfort place for him.
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