#but ofc ik he will be there eventually
brazilianasf · 1 year
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girlwithfish · 10 days
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like girl what
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caryophyllenes · 1 year
yesterday i was helping my friend sell at a market and this kid (probably about 14???) was buying something and wanted to pay with his card. so i held up the card reader for him, and he tried to tap his card to it right away. I was like "oh, sorry, I don't think it has that. you have to swipe it." and then he tried to insert it into the card reader vertically, and I realized oh. this kid is so young he's probably never had to swipe a card huh. now that I think about it, i'm pretty sure the last time I swiped a card was in among us.
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rubys-domain · 1 year
another successful no-death raiden shogun run
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#this fight just gets easier and easier#i mean ig that's what happens when u do a thing over and over#u slowly get better at it#also i love how consistent chong dropped 15k with his skill in that fight#ofc i had food buffs cuz i don't want to drag the fight on longer than necessary#like every. single. time. he dropped his skill (after bennett's ult)#fucking 15 k#without food buffs my record is 11k#which is still insane to me because it was not long ago at all that 5k was my upper limit#my chong is growing up so well 🥹#makes me excited for the eventuality of getting serpent spine and being able to focus on crit dmg#crowning his skill really did make a world of difference#ik it's probably silly of me to be happy with getting 15k crit#but considering i haven't really started grinding artifacts yet#i think it's an achievement worth celebrating#i swear i'll get to it eventually#probably won't be too long actually#my other characters are halfway to being appropriately leveled. and i don't need to grind particularly hard for their weapons#cuz i already leveled most of them#the funny thing is that his skill actually does more damage than his ult lol#in terms of like single hit damage anyway#his ult does 12k per sword under the exact same conditions upon casting#which is still more overall damage than the skill. but the lesser number is just funny to me lol#the sword that falls at the end of his skill's duration also does 15k#which is WILD#i understand why ppl build him as a nuke now#i can see him as a battery/sub dps for a full cryo dps with sac greatsword#this fact alone might convince me to pull for ayaka again whenever her rerun comes back#theoretically i could still put chong in her team
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star-sim · 5 months
"nooo! she's taken!" ☆ enha maknaes
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☆ non-idol! bf! enhypen maknaes x celebrity! fem! reader ☆ summary: you are a very well-loved celebrity, and your relationship is finally revealed to the public. ☆ genre: fluff, another poor attempt at humor, it's very silly ☆ warning(s)? none! lmk if you'd like to see this w the hyungs! hyung ver.
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sunoo ☆
so youre a famous actress
you have your official instagram account
and then your personal one, that you only allow family and personal friends to follow
sunoo, your bf, also has an account on instagram
since most of you friends and family know him, it's not uncommon for him to take your phone and post on your personal account
one of those "hai guys i stole her phone 🤭"
all in good fun
so one night, you and sunoo and cuddling
it was one of those vibey nights
the lights were dim, candles lighting up the room with their orangey hue, light music playing in the background
laying on you and sunoo's shared bed, his face buried into the crook of his neck while you run your fingers through his hair
its honestly so soft and warm and comfy :]
the two of you aren't really talking to each other, just basking in each other's presence
and eventually you begin to doze off
at first sunoo was like "baaaaabee!! why did you stop touching my hair"
but then he realized you were asleep
so after givng your cheek a soft peck, and tucking you into the soft blankets
sunoo physically goes >:]
he takes your phone and decides that he's going to spam your personal account
because tbh he does this a lot and it's funny for everyone involved
sunoo takes very silly pictures of you and him
pictures of you sleeping, ones at very silly angles (ik he takes the most FOUL 0.5s)
on your story he posts them with also very ridiculous captions
theres one of you sleeping with the caption "mimimumuimuiu"
another fisheye lens one of sunoo with the caption "hai i stole [name]'s phone 😈"
but he also posts some sweet ones
like one where you're dozing off in his arms w the caption "she's so cute"
sunoo gets mushy at some point
like his captions go from funny to "im so happy that i get to call myself [name]'s boyfriend, i feel so lucky to be with such a beautiful and talented woman"
that's great!
that's wonderful!
there's just one problem
he was using the wrong account.
he was posting all this on your official, business, 7.8 million follower, instagram account.
and not your personal account.
he doesn't notice until 20 minutes later his phone blows up with articles and text messages
and when he notices
sunoos like OH SHIT
he shakes you awake
and poor boy is so apologetic :(
"baby i'm so sorry i didn't mean to out our relationship like that i should have been more careful-"
but when he explains it to you
you kinda just laugh
and go back to sleep
sunoo deletes the stories but people already screenshotted them
yeah... so this blows up
i feel like they would become memes
like the ones of you sleeping become reaction memes or even worse part of those tiktok meme slides LMAOAOAO
a lot of people think it's adorable
and you do too
but sunoo is so embarrassed
poor boy
he was writing out entire think pieces on your instagram story oml
there's definitely articles that come out about this
and yk how on articles theres a title page with images
one of the images is of you ofc
all these news outlets use your super professional HD MODEL pictures of you
like ones where youre a goddamn SMOKE SHOW, the "who is she?" ones, the ZOOWEE MAMA ones...
and then they use one of the foul images that sunoo takes of himself that are like 3 pixels
like the 0.5 lens ones 😭
nevertheless, there is a happy ending
everyone thinks its so sweet
including you
and when people bring it up on interviews you're able to just laugh about it
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jungwon ☆
we joke abt jay and sunghoon and sunoo having mad side eyes
but i think we forget the FATHER of INSANE SIDE EYES
you're a singer/artist
and you just released a new EP!
on tiktok, you're making promotional videos to promote your new songs
looking like a cutie, popping off, as you always do!
anyways in many of them
you're in front of a glass door
or a mirror
so as youre being an absolute cutie promoting your song, in the background in the reflection you can see jungwon making faces
but bc sometimes there's ppl walking by and being judgy
jungwon is giving them mad stink eyes and it's caught in the reflection of your videos
i don't think a lot of ppl notice it until someone points it out
and when they do
theyre like
ppl are making tiktoks simply zooming into his face LMAOAOAO
and then a few days later
the paparazzi released pictures of you walking with jungwon, holding hands and on a date
and when ppl see it
theyre like
that guy looks a lot like the guy in the reflection...
and then the dots connect
like sunoo, i think jungwon is embarrassed
everytime someone brings it up jungwon hides his face in your neck
and he wears that cute little bashful grin
but honestly it's cute
so just hug him and kiss his lil cheeks and he'll be okay
it kinda becomes viral on tiktok
so you make a few video stitches about it
you stitched the og video that pointed out jungwon's face in the background
your stitch was just a video of jungwon being embarrassed and freaking out
like bro was on the floor, hands in his hair
jungwon was in the trenches sorry 😭
there's another stitch where jungwon explains himself
he's dressed in a suit and tie and speaking so formally like he was making an apology video or something
"i would like to address a recent clip of me making inappropriate facial expressions-"
"babe you don't need to be so formal, it's a tiktok"
"you shant say that, i must do this for this is my will"
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riki ☆
youre an actress that's very popular
except some ppl hate you bc they think hating popular people makes them interesting *eye roll*
safe to say.... riki is your NUMBER ONE DEFENDER
like he is the ring leader to all of those [name] stan twt group chats
he's the one leading those discord raids on your hate groups OH MY GOD 😭
he has multiple accounts and he fights every person that dares tarnish your name
twitter is his battlefield and the keyboard is his sword
anyways one day riki is so deep into an internet fight that he GETS DOXXED 😭😭
like it wasn't even graceful
i think he'd make fun of one of your haters
and the hater goes "wanna see something funny? :)"
and BOOM
dont actually dox people guys its not funny
when riki gets doxxed they get his full name right
and the hater, his assailent, and their little posse start searching his name on social media to further dox him
and BOOM #2
now riki isn't stupid
so his ig acc is private
the profile picture of his acc is a selfie of you and him kissing
they also did research on him and found out that you and him went to the same high school...
in fact they found miscellaneous pictures posted online of you and him a few years back... holding hands n shit....
this goes viral over night
its so bad that even news headlines are covering it
i feel like the public's reaction to this would be really light-hearted
like i think mst ppl would be cheering riki on
"he's so real"
"oh my god i think i was mutuals with @[name]luver1209"
"this is what true love looks like"
you have super loyal fans and riki's mutuals so they support you too
except i do think theyd be in shambles, but in good fun
"i just found out [name] has a bf im going to flush myself down a toilet"
"i can't believe she chose @[name]luver1209 when his fancams are so shit... THAT SHOULD BE ME!!!'
"i've been here waiting in line for three years and this random @[name]luver1209 swoops in and takes my woman..."
riki's stan account gains a lot of followers
and so with your permission
he posts a selfie of you and him
probably with a cheeky caption like "KISS MY ASS!!!!"
i feel like people go back and watch old talk show interviews and stuff
and if you zoom in
you'll see riki in the front rows cheering the loudest 😭
bro is everywhere
in the future there's def a moment where like
you're at a live talk show
and the host asks you about the fiasco
and you can literally just point to him in the audience like
"yeah my boyfriend's right there-- hi baby!"
and riki from the audience, behind his phone that he's using to record you like its a fancam, is like "hi baby!" back
i dont think the media even calls him riki, he's stuck as @[name]luver1209 forever
not that he minds
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hyung ver.
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bingoboingobongo · 1 year
task force 141 + cuddling
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: idk if this counts as a holiday hc but idc i wanted to write this. pretend they're wearing christmas pj's idk.
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simon "ghost" riley:
alright so when you really get down to it ghost's just a scared guy
i mean not scared in the traditional sense ig but he's pretty paranoid (not that i blame him)
he's definitely the kind of guy that feels pretty vulnerable when he's asleep and because of that (and nightmares) he's never really been a deep sleeper
like he can fall asleep whenever because he's sorta in a state of perpetual tiredness but it's always a super light sleep and he'll wake up at the slightest disturbance (hence the state of perpetual tiredness)
this all culminates into a very specific mindset ghost has when he's sleeping with you
ghost is absolutely petrified of anything happening to you, especially since he can't protect you when he's sleeping, so he's definitely a fan of spooning (with him as the bigger spoon ofc) bc it makes him feel like he's shielding you from harm
he also likes having you so close to him bc one you're nice and warm and two it lets him know your safe
and honestly it's less spooning and more just him trying to cover your entire body with his body
like he will go full on blanket mode
if he could he would just box you in under him and the only reason he doesn't is because he knows he would end up crushing you
he'll hold you really tightly too
like almost squeezing you
and you always think he'll eventually loosen up a little when he falls asleep but he never does
this has two purposes
first is that it keeps you close
and second is that it stops you from moving around excessively
the second one is important especially if you're a chaotic sleeper because he always gets woken up when you move
also he likes having you face him when he sleep so it's sorta like you guys are hugging but sometimes that can get uncomfortable with all the limbs involved
oh yeah he definitely wraps/throws his legs around you in another effort to keep you pinned down
also hot take but he doesn't like being the little spoon
it's too stressful for him because even though he feels protected he feels like you're vulnerable and that's worse
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so starting off soap is a great cuddler
but then as the night progresses... not so much
ik everyone's been saying this but it's because it's the truth
soap is a spreader
no matter what position he starts off in soap will always find a way to spread out
for some reason he also has a tendency to flip over in his sleep a lot
like it always starts out with the him on his back with your head laying on his chest as he rubs circles on your arm and tells you stories about his childhood
and around halfway through the night he might turn over and hug you while he sleeps for a bit
with his arms wrapped around you and your face buried into his chest
but then by the morning
soap is starfished on his belly
one arm is haphazardly thrown across your back/front (depending on how you're sleeping) with one of his legs tangled into yours
lord knows he's drooling too but honestly same
also soap's definitely a blanket stealer but for no reason
like in the middle of the night you'll be waging a war with him for the blanket
just for him to kick it off the bed by morning time
you've tried getting another blanket but it didn't work and he just stole that one too
you're still trying to come up with a better solution
soap also sleeps like but is also weirdly conscious
idk how to phrase it but like it will take everything to wake him up
but also if you even try to sneak the blanket away from him he will know and you will not be able too
also he definitely snores when he sleeps on his stomach sorry
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
ugh rudy my love my precious my darling
rudy lives for cuddles
but he likes to be the cuddled instead of the cuddler
rudy is always down to be the little spoon but honestly that's not really his favorite position
(he almost always has bruises on his side from training so it can be uncomfortable)
instead he likes resting his head on your chest while you sleep
he'll be like half laying on his stomach half laying on you
and he'll tangle his legs into yours and wrap his arm around your stomach
and good god this man will literally spontaneously combust if you play with his hair
pet it, braid it, scratch it
do whatever you want to it he will eat it up
easily the fastest way to get him asleep
he also really loves listening to your heartbeat and syncing his breaths up with yours
it's always so satisfying to hear your heartbeat slow down when you fall asleep
also rudy has like five different blankets on his bed because he's a really cold sleeper
although with you he usually only needs one or maybe two because you're so warm
he's also a surprisingly pretty sleeper
you've been meaning to take a picture but you always forget because for some reason he just has a way of making you sleepy when he lays down on you
he's also a pretty deep sleeper but even then you try not to move because he always looks so happy
sometimes he'll sleep in the crook of your shoulder and then you can turn to face him sometimes
kyle "gaz" garrick:
kyle likes it when you cling onto his side with your arms and legs wrapped around him
he calls you a koala but he will also die if you stop
he just loves seeing you bury your face into his arm
especially with your legs wrapped around his waist
dang he eats it up
sometimes he'll turn to face you so you can cling onto his front
but he is a back sleeper at his core so it works out
he likes to wrap his arms around you and rub circles on your back or play with your hair
and also the smell of your shampoo has pretty much conditioned him to get tired
like there's nothing more relaxing to him than being able to breathe in the scent of your shampoo at night
definitely also whispers random things to you at night
sometimes it's romantic sometimes it's just him going down random tangents until he tires himself out
but it's his favorite part of the day because he gets to have you with him and explore weird thought experiments
sometimes you'll respond but you usually fall asleep pretty quickly he notices
and he definitely has a picture of you wrapped around him as you slept
it's his lock screen on his phone and it always makes him happy
gaz is like a medium deep sleeper
he also somehow stays really still when he sleeps
like he'll go to bed and wake up in the same position
also he always has to keep like one leg out of the blanket or else he gets too hot
john price:
price likes it when you sleep on top of him
like on top on top of him
he wants you to be his personal blanket
he'll cuddle with you this way anywhere too
on the sofa, on the bed, on the floor (?)
(maybe if there's a soft rug or smthing)
he likes to wrap his arms around you and feel you sorta melt into him as you relax
i mentioned smthing in a previous hc about price wanting a weighted heated blanket for christmas
but let's be real
you are the weighted heated blanket
it just makes him feel really secure and protected
and he's holding onto you so he feels like you're safe and protected too
sometimes he wraps a leg around yours too
and yes price is a snorer what can i say
he'll insist he doesn't snore and then let out the most god awful noise you've ever heard
honestly the price girlies are the true heroes for putting up with that
(i am a price girly too)
alejandro vargas:
alejandro likes the intimacy of cuddling so that's very important
he also likes being the cuddler but he's always down to be the cuddled
he's a fan of the classics like spooning
but usually he prefers a position that's more equal
that's why alejandro loves to fall asleep hugging you with both of you on your sides
maybe your face is buried into his chest and his hand is wrapped around the back of your head
he just likes holding you close to him can you blame him
he definitely plays with your hair too as you sleep
and he loves whispering sweet nothings into your hair as you fall asleep
he's also very physical so he likes to be touching you at all times
generally just a very sweet and considerate lover and cuddler
also he used to be a chronic insomniac before he met you
but feeling how warm you are and hearing you breathe just manages to relax him
so with you he's able to sleep deeply
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littlemissayu · 6 months
“YOU SPOKE!!” – Their kids first words (Night Raven 3rd Years-Malleus & Lilia)
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A/n: Yes I ‘m well aware I haven’t updated/posted my other oc request from my event, even though it ended over a month ago BUT it’s getting done and I will try to finish as fast as I can. I ‘m just posting this because it’s been delayed forever and I need something to get my writing juices going.
If you see me mention gender it’s based off of my Twst boys as Parents series that you can find here!!
Warnings: FEM! Reader, pregnancy,domestic fluff, babies(ofc), google translate translations, I’m only doing their first kids/first set of kids
pairing(s):3rd Years x fem!Reader(separate/romantic)
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Yummy/Delicious- Hears you say it everytime Trey makes a really good baked treat(aka all the time). Now I know delicious is probably a hard word for a baby to say which is why I also have ‘yummy’. They say it for the first time after Trey gives them a small part of a macaroon. You could just see how Trey’s eyes lit up when he heard his little one speak for the first time!!
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Smile!!/Cheese!!- The two of you (mostly Cater) always say these phrases to your kids, so it’s no surprise when their first words are smile and cheese. With the family album(that I 100% believe Cater would start making once you get pregnant). When Cater heard his babies speak for the very first time he got super sentimental and excited calling you over(if you weren’t already there)
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Papa!- Now this is solely based on my personal headcanon that Leona’s first kid would be a girl and a total Daddy’s girl. Always with him, even though you carried her for 9 MONTHS, homegirl got evicted from the womb and wanted to follow around papa. I also believe this happened as he was getting something and turned his back to her so she tried to get his attention. His ears immediately shoot up and his eyes open wide. He instantly picks up his cub and rushes over to you to tell you what your daughter just said. But dw, her next word ended up being mama. Is so proud of his little girl~
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Pretty!- You’re always saying this to your husband so she eventually just picks up on it. Also hears other people saying it about either you or Vil; not to mention you and Vil do occasionally call her “pretty girl”. So she’s just surrounded by the word so it's no shocker when it’s her first word. Vil just beamed at his daughter, truly feeling the sentiment. His little girl, his pride and joy has spoken for the first time BUTTTT sadly he wasn’t there to witness it. So all that happened when he came back from work. He almost left early after you told him over the phone. But he could be more proud of his kleiner engel.
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Up!!- Now this is because this little Hunt loves being picked up, especially when her father is flying on his broom. They love the feeling of being high up and flying through the sky with her father. Rook is always open to giving his petit oiseau what they ask. When his little one said their first words he couldn’t help but outburst with joy. He couldn’t stop praising them for speaking, then when you came in or called out to him/your child, he began praising you for giving this wonderful child.
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Play!!/Uh oh- Now 2 things to establish, 1. Ik “uh oh isn’t a word” but I’m just gonna have to count it and I will explain why 2. Why are there 2 different words, well if you read this fic here!!, you’ll learn that I believe Idia has twin boys therefore I wrote 2 different words. Now onto my explanation; for ‘play’ it just makes sense, sitting on his dad’s lap watching him play games that say and display the word ‘play’ on the title screen ofc that would be his kid’s first word it just makes sense. Now for your other twin boy this was his first “word” because whenever Idia gets frustrated on the game at a certain point he hears you say “uh oh”, meaning “Dad’s about to burst”. They also have learnt(bc they're a very smart child) that they can use this for other times when something is about to go wrong so they do say it when something might go wrong. Idia seemed nonchalant at first place but then a smile grew on Idia’s face from his adorable talking twins.<3
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Heartsabyul Masterlist
Savanaclaw Masterlist
Pomefiore Masterlist
Ignihyde Masterlist
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workingbynyx · 3 months
hello baby I love your theme !! i saw you were doing jason todd x readers so i’m gonna shoot my shot OFC NO PRESSURE
so we all know bruce is rich so jason must be as well but WHAT IF reader also came from a rich powerful family of Gotham, I think they would maybe meet through a gala or something and Dick would joke to Jason about how he is drooling at the sight of reader IDK BABES IT’S UP TO YOU, i hope it inspires you <3
City of Stars — Jason Todd x F!Reader
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↷ summary — what happens if one of the bat sons meet the striking heiress of another powerful family? ˎˊ˗
↷ pairing — jason todd x f!reader ˎˊ˗
↷ genre — romance, fluff, slight comedy and eventual angst ˎˊ˗
↷ warning/s — a few curse words here and there ˎˊ˗
↷ a/n — hey!! tysm for this prompt oml its the cutest, and ik its a bit of a cliché but reader is an heiress to stark industries here 😭 i figured it would be interesting since, contrary to popular belief, tony and bruce wouldn't get along so it offers the question what would happen if their children got together (tea 👀🍵) this isn't based on anything btw! so there might be some ooc instances. OH AND I'll probably make a part 2 of this soon if i get motivationekehwjd soooo i hope you enjoy reading! ˎˊ˗
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— wayne manor, present day
bruce fixed yet another gala for the year, inviting multiple billionare ceos and business owners to the humble party. gotham city strived under the great care of his trusted partners even when crime and corruption still runs in the city. the bat took care of that of course, with the help of his sons and daughters who also attended the event in simple dresses and suits and ties tailored to their liking.
the gala had been going on for a few hours or so which eventually became boring enough for jason to take a few shots and drinks by the bar as he scanned the crowd with people in bejeweled clothes and shimmering jewelry that blinded him as the chandelier shined on them. "is all that really neccessary.." he mumbled to himself, taking a sip of his 3rd drink of the night. "yes it is, would you rather people come into sweats like you would?" dick suddenly chimed in as he walked up towards jason and leaned against the counter of the bar, asking for a drink of his choice.
"It wouldn't hurt to try next year" jason said with a stern look on his face, occassionally shooting up a short smile to people walking by. "if bruce allows it, i doubt he would. the man practically lives in a suit and tie" dick replied, "well, tough shit grayson. you might be forgetting being the rebel is sort of my thing" jason shot back with a smirk. "ah, my bad" grayson said with a chuckle as he sipped on champagne. "so, anyone caught your eye yet?" "If you mean spoiled little kids running around with chocolate smeared on their faces then yeah" jason sighed while dick suppressed a laugh. "c'mon man, there's at least gotta be someone" "dick, i didn't come here to look for 'someone' nor do i ever plan to"
and right when jason uttered those words with no remorse, he immediately swallowed them right back when he caught a glimpse of you in the crowd. the dark yellow dress you wore complimenting the red of his suit, its like a match made in gotham, as one would say. the man had to double take in your way when you slowly walked through the room with your father, tony stark. the man behind stark industries, one of the richest companies based in new york. jason knew they recently opened a branch within the city to make way for new advanced technology and scientific engineering. that was probably the reason why you're here from jason's assumption.
"i'd say otherwise" dick snuck up beside jason and whispered to taunt him, his eyes following the lady that caught his brother's attention. "..what?" the other finally said, snapping out of it. "you should go up to her instead of drooling over here, you look like a total loser dude" dick patted his shoulder which annoyed jason. "cut it out dick, i'm not going up to her" "why not?" "i have other things to tend to" "like?" "...shut up" "jason, this is your only shot. are you gonna waste it on brooding the whole night?" "i'm NOT taking any of your dating advice" "i didn't say you have to date her dipshit, what could a friendly conversation lead to?" "a can of worms, go figure" jason then started walking away from dick as soon as he sets the glass down on the counter.
"jay c'mon," dick caught up to him which released a frustrated groan from jason. "she seems like a nice woman" "you're really living up to your name right now, stop it" jason said through gritted teeth.
in other people's point of view, it looks like two grown men are silently arguing in the corner of the big hall which then caught your attention soon after. you wanted to get to know bruce's children after he warmly welcomed you and your family to gotham before they got down to talking business, it obviously lost your interest so you quietly excused yourself from the conversation to wander the mansion.
you stumbled upon one of his daughters and had a nice conversation, they didn't seem intimidating as they said they'd be— not until you went up to his sons. you mentally prepared yourself as you slowly walked over to the duo, straightening the slight wrinkles on your dress and patting down your necklace.
"uhm, hello there. i hope i'm not interrupting" you called out to them which caught their attention. dick and jason quickly arranged themselves to look presentable, even if they were just arguing seconds ago. "hey" jason said as he cleared his throat, to which you replied with a smile. "its a wonderful party, i see mr. wayne has good taste" you tried to sound polite as possible...was it even worth trying?
"yeah, definitely" dick nodded his head. "i'm richard by the way, richard grayson. but you can call me dick" "oh uhm, pardon?" "it's unusual, i know. but trust me its fine" you couldn't help but slightly giggle at his statement, he was quite the charm. jason, on the other hand, couldn't stand seeing the two of you almost get along. he had to do something if he wanted to win you over.
you then looked over to him in anticipation, "jason" he says. "jason todd" he added. "it's nice meeting you, i've heard..interesting things about you" you said as you reached out your hand for a shake as he returned the gesture. "mhm, that's..great i guess" he nodded. "well uhm, i just wanted to come over and say hi. if our dads are gonna work together i should probably get to know his children too as a courtesy" you said with a smile, talking to bruce's oldest sons was quite nerve wrecking to say the least. they were tall, fit, sharp and certainly attractive, they're also intelligent one might add.
"huh" jason blurted out. "i didn't know bruce and mr. stark had to work together" he said. "oh, mr. wayne didn't mention anything?" "he never does" he replied. "hmm, that's a bit odd.." "trust me, everything's odd when you're around him" you couldn't help but chuckle which took jason back a bit, seeing you find his 'joke' funny enough. it was...adorable.
"i'll take your word for it, jason" hearing you say his name was like hearing angels sing to him. he didn't even realize he was developing a crush on someone he just met at a random gala, that never happened before. it must be something about you that attracted jason a lot.
"oh and, do you know where to get some fresh air? all this business talk has been making me ill for the past hour" you asked, a bit embarrassed to say it in front of them. but they seem to get your pain. "I'll let my brother show you, he knows this place a lot more than i do" "wh— you literally live here" jason whispered loudly. "i'll see you around ms. stark, i look forward to working with you soon" and just like that, dick had left you and jason alone.
your eyes followed dick as he walked back into the crowd until he was no longer seen, your gaze returning back to jason who was just staring at you unconsciously. at some point, you found yourself admiring his features for a moment. his eyes that shined against the light, his ruffled hair that sat prettily on his forehead, and his prominent jawline. 'he's cute...i guess' you thought to yourself, not until he cleared his throat when the silence got too loud.
"sooo, shall i show you around or are you gonna keep staring at me?" he said which made you lift a brow. "staring at yo— weren't you the one staring at me first?" you argued, making jason laugh at your protest. "relax, i was kidding" he added, flicking his head towards the staircase for you to follow him. "y'know, for a sec i thought you were a royal of some sort" jason started as the both of you went up. "how so?" you asked. "i don't know, you look all elegant and..the way you speak" you chuckled at his remark. "should i be flattered or is that a bad thing?" "not at all" jason said, a short smile forming. "well, that's what my mother taught me. she didn't want me to be a 'smartmouth' like my dad. he's probably annoying mr. wayne by now because of it" "bruce has already been around smartmouths enough," he turned towards you, "exhibit a" then gestures to himself.
you couldn't help but chuckle at jason. "is that so?" you asked with an exaggerated tone. "i didn't take you for a smartmouth if i'm being honest, more quite the opposite really" "well you might've if we met under different circumstances" "maybe, maybe not" you looked up to him with a mischievous glint in your eyes, a slight smirk forming on his face.
as the two of you walk through the empty halls of the mansion, you both reach the huge balcony where the doors are wide open. the cold breeze seeping through the curtains which sent shivers down your spine. you tried to fight the chills around your skin, but it was evident to jason you were clearly freezing. he unbuttoned his blazer and wrapped it around your shoulders, giving them a quick squeeze when you thanked him. "ahh, this is nice" you exhaled, relief washing over you when the distinct conversations are finally blocked. you stared into the dimmed city lights of gotham, poorly glistening from where you stood.
"it kinda is" jason added, his hands now both in his pockets as he admired the view...and you.
the longer you stared, the longer a thought began lingering. you cracked your head to the side to look at jason standing behind you, ushering him to come forward. "so uh, how long have you been here?" you started. "since birth, i'm pretty much stuck here" jason answered as he leaned against the railings. "but either way, gotham is my home afterall. i don't think i'll ever have the chance to leave this behind, even if i wanted to" there was a bit of sentiment behind his words, but you understood him. you were also pretty much stuck in one place before your father finally agreed to take you elsewhere, to finally let you handle things your own way when you came of age.
he was always protective over you which partially hindered you from living up to your true potential, but now that he's giving you a part of his legacy you have the chance to prove yourself.
"how was it like? y'know, growing up in a city like this" you followed up. "nothing to sugarcoat i'll tell you that, but uh...that's probably a story for another day" jason says, a quick glance to your direction. "another day?" "yeah another day" he said, studying your reaction. his eyes gleamed with hope, hoping that you'd understand where he's getting at. "are– are you saying—" "yes, ms. stark. i, jason todd, am hoping to see you another day"
your cheeks flushed pink, the heartfelt conversation suddenly turning into whatever this was. it was a pleasant surprise. "i— well, i don't see why i'd say no to that offer" you said with the brightest smile on your face. jason contained a smile however, letting his head fall down between his arms while he sighed in relief. that could've gone the wrong way. he tapped against the stone railing and brought his head back up, his cheeks also dusted pink. "a'ight so, when can i see you then?" he raised a brow.
"i'm in the city for the next few weeks, come visit at the flat two blocks away from the stark industries site. i'm at the third floor, second door to your right" jason took note of that mentally, making sure he got every detail down. "right," he nodded. "uhhh, how do they say this— so it's..a date?"
"it's a date, mr. todd"
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signedmio · 3 months
Taking advantage of the fact that my man Saint Peter is a requestable character now so—
If it’s not too much to ask, could I get some (wholesome) first time headcanons with Saint Peter?
Like first time we held hands, first kiss, first I love you, first moment he realized he’s crushing on reader, ect stuff like that! Ik it’s a lot, I’m so sorry 😭😭 even just doing two is fine I swear I’m just craving some Peter content 💕
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𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞(𝐬) 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
a/n: OMG CHITO YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME 😭😭 while reading this i thought it was gonna be a smut request and i don’t write smut so i got so scared. but yeah, ofc!! enjoy !!
warnings: use of yn
proofread: nope LOL
tags: saint peter, hazbin hotel, fanfic, x reader
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𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
“hi, welcome to heaven! can i get your name please?” a grinning blonde asked you, slicking back his hair, a book in his hands.
“oh, yn.” you smiled back at him, so calmly, which contrasted to how his stomach was feeling right now. you seemed so cool.
“oh! uh, yeah, ok!” peter replied, whistling as he scrolled through the pages of his list, “ah! here ya are, r-right this way.” peter smiled, leading you to the gates, before sighing right as you were out of sight. you were really pretty.
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𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
over the course of your time in heaven, you and the saint had grown significantly closer, which eventually resulted in a first date after a few months.
you had suggested an ice skating date, which was fitting, due to heaven growing a more wintery vibe due to christmas being mere weeks away. but saint peter couldn’t help but (silently) disagree, he had no idea how to ice skate, and even worse, he told you he was amazing at it!
the day came sooner than peter would’ve liked it too, you both met up with eachother at the rink, by the time he got on the ice, you would already there.
peter went to approach you, before fumbling across the ice as he attempted to skate before bashing his face into the glass wall, looking at you with an embarrassed grin.
“here..” you say, taking his hand, “i’ll teach you!”
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𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬
the night of your first date came to an end sooner than peter would’ve liked it too, despite the rough start on his side, he walked you home, dropping you off at your door, the sky a bright pink-yellow from the sun setting just below them, the night sky would be arising any time now for earth.
“thanks pete, tonight was really fun.” you smiled, standing just infront of your door, “it was no biggie, hehe. t-totally fun!” peter said, going to walk off, before you reached for his wrist, pulling him closer to you.
your lips were inches apart, you could feel his hot breath fan your face, you grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a kiss. peter’s eyes snapped shut tightly, as he rested his hands on your shoulders, his lips were so soft, so heavenly.
you both pulled apart in sync moments after, peter chuckled breathily, pressing his forehead against yours, “does this mean i could maybe steal you for another date next weekend?”
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i do not permit for my work to be reposted, translated, or stolen. all rights go to signedmio. characters are not mine, unless stated, and belong to their rightful creators.
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graysnetwork · 1 year
Mayybe you could write some headcanons for keegan with.. first time? :^3
Or a short drabble in a similar context, if you want ofc eheh
hii tysm for the request!! i hope you like this cuz i made this as head cannons and a drabble at the end.
Notes - i made sure to make the oneshot at the end 500 words exactly 💀🤷🏻‍♀️
Warnings: nsfw obvi, breeding kink in the oneshot
Summary: Your first time with Keegan is the sweetest thing ever
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Keegans already very passionate when it comes to sex
When he learns that its your first time he's almost worried, he asks questions like
"are you sure you want to do this with me?" "I wont rush you" "You want me?"
Things like that, because he feels so honored and special that he'll be the first person to be so intimate with you.
Keegans gonna be getting you ready all evening to begin with.
As I've said in my nsfw hc's, he's a man that loves thighs, and loves whats in between them, so trust he will be eating you out first.
Keegan will be placing kisses on your thighs, making hickeys and basically be impressing his initials on your thighs for only him to see.
Keegans gonna be in between your thighs for a while, lapping at your folds so he makes an agreement to a safe word, just in case it becomes too much for you, and he takes it seriously, because he would never want to make it a bad experience for you.
Keegans going to make sure your not uncomfortable with him
(ik other writers sometimes write that character want to see everything)
thats not Keegan, if you don't want him to touch or see certain things than he wont, and he'll wait for you to be ready, in no way is he even gonna try to convince you to show him something you don't want to.
If your embarrassed about stretch marks at all, he's gonna tell you how its not serious and he loves it, it makes you even more beautiful
by this point he's hard as a rock
So once you guys get to actually taking him
He'll take it slow, however long it takes for you to adjust to his size, he will wait, theres no way he's gonna rush this especially when he feels so snug inside of you.
He will wait for you to tell him if you want more of him inside, if you start saying you might not be able to do this, he's gonna be sliding out as soon as you say it
he will jerk off, or just walk out the room and get you a water bottle so he can just cuddle with you until you feel okay again.
thats if you couldn't do it
on the other hand
At halfway your already begging for all of him inside
Keegans definitely chuckling at your eagerness
But he thinks you look so beautiful and cute under him right now, squirming at his length
Once he's fully bottomed out, he's telling you he'll move when your ready
Once he does start moving, its euphoric for both of you
and if your embarrassed to moan, its going unnoticed by Keegan because he's already moaning and groaning
if you are moaning, he's still moaning either way.
He will place kisses all over your neck, collar bone, face, anywhere his lips can reach
Keegan's already placing you hands on his shoulders because he loves marking, (just like he leaves hickeys on you) he wants you scratching his back, he doesn't even care if you draw blood, if anything he's getting more turned on
he just wants to please you so badly
After care w him is so sweet
He's gonna clean you up very gently,
run you a bath or start up your shower, he'll shower with you if you want him to
He'll get you a bottle of water, snacks if you want them
and then he'll be changing the sheets too
so you guys can go to sleep
he'll rub your back
or he'll have you laid back on the bed as he starts to kiss your thighs again, and eventually fall asleep between your legs
He's losing it already, he's always been this way, the minute he finally starts getting his own feeling of pleasure while making another person also feel good, he starts to lose himself and get too rough, he doesn't want to be rough with you, he's trying to be as slow and gentle for you, and make you feel so good, but your so warm, and your walls are squeezing around him so gently but so tightly at the same time, he’s never felt this good with any other girl hes been with.
 He doesn't want it to end and he doesn't know how to stop, he could stay here all night, all day, he could be inside you forever if it meant you'd feel this good. Keegan's beginning to get faster, he can barely hear your voice because he's been focusing on where you two connect, and how the noises of squelching are overtaking the room.
You knock him back into reality when your nails start to dig into his skin, “What’d you say sweetheart?” he asks so gently as he continues to go even faster, it's overwhelming, for both of you. You don't even reply, you didn't say anything, he just thinks he heard something because you've been moaning so loudly. “oh,” he says as he gives you another peck on the cheek.
“Maybe one kid won't hurt” He says, your eyes widen a bit, and he chuckles, “im kidding sweetheart” he tells you as you shake your head lightly, at this point he didn't know if he was kidding or not. “I wouldn't be opposed to having your kids” you tell him, which makes his brain go fuzzy.
You; having a swollen stomach and it being his kid, you'd be all his, with all his cum inside of you.
Shit you were making him have new kinks.
“m’I might have to cum in you baby” he moaned as he looked back down at you taking him, now he was getting even faster which you thought was impossible as he was already going so quick. And he was getting rougher, his hands and nails were digging into your hips, he was most definitely going to be leaving so many bruises on you. And he was kissing your neck again, purple bruises beginning to form.
“y’close sweetheart?” he asked knowingly, you couldn't even focus on anything, you were just seeing stars. His thrusts got sloppier as he was about to cum too, he couldn't have thought of anything better if he was being honest.
And then you two came undone together, he pulled out right before, of course it would've been so amazing to see you pregnant with his kid, but he’s sure you said that in the heat of the moment.
“C’mon lets get cleaned up” you said as laid on his side as he moved your hair out of your face, he smiled and let out an airy chuckle as you stared confused. “Who said we were done?”
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eusion · 5 months
omg hiiii hiiii can i request kisses with &team headcanons? have a good day :3
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪&team hyung line + kisses ⌒☆
pairing ⌒☆ &team hyung line x reader
word count ⌒☆ seven in the morning
note ⌒☆ hi anon! sorry for the super late reply... ive been insane lately. i am only doing hyung line for this because 1. im lazy & 2. i dont really write stuff like this for the middle n younger members. regardless this was fun to write!
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k ⌒☆
always has stars in his eyes, but they shine 10x brighter when u two kiss. contrary to popular belief, i think that k is a very soft kisser. hes aware of how plump his lips are & he uses them very carefully, making sure not to over do it. although hes a soft kisser, his hand placement is a lot more intimate & intense : hands on hips, behind ur neck... it never gets too crazy though! thats only if u ask him ofc. every single time after u two pull away from each other after a little session, u both feel so light & airy... blush covering both of ur faces like u just took shots of alcohol. & as much as k tries to hide it, u know that on the inside hes giggling like a little girl because all he can do is smile & look at u after. he also uses small lil kisses as a way to get ur attention & itll work every time. neck kisses is also something he really enjoys, but he tries not to because i think itll make him go insane. bonus : cheek nuzzles after :>
fuma ⌒☆
every single one of his kisses is full of so much love & sincerity... when fuma kisses u its like... he casted the power of a thousand suns & hundreds of body guards on u. in other words... his kisses make u feel very safe & warm. this man loves giving forehead kisses & he will give one to u no matter the situation. when he wakes up earlier than u BOOM forehead kiss, while ur doing work BOOM forehead kiss, while ur playing games BOOM forehead kiss. the list goes on. loves holding u super close against him, especially when its back hugs. his arms wrapped around ur body while his chin is resting on either ur shoulder or ur head ( if ur short enough ). & from there he gives u sweet little neck or jaw kisses. dont forget to give him kisses though! he loves it when u place ur hands on his shoulders to lean into him. bonus: 100% tucks ur hair behind ur hair n just... looks at u
nicholas ⌒☆
'u look so pretty' is what he says almost all of the time in between kisses & ofc he always 100% means it. his comments sometimes become a little silly & teasing like 'ur lips are softer today' 'new chapstick?' & u two will share a sweet laugh with both of ur lips glistening from the earlier session. hes definitely placing his hands around the back of ur neck, small of ur back, waist, hips... he just needs his hands on u honestly. but his favorite placement will always be ur jaw... the way he holds ur face so lightly & how deeply he kisses... ur addicted! ur guys sessions are either very heated or very lighthearted, no in between. nico gets pretty clingy after a makeout session, holding u super tight against him because he doesnt want u to leave. & when u have to go off to do ur duties, he goes back into the crook of ur neck & leaves soft kisses everywhere... so now u really cant leave. whenever he wants a kiss from u he taps his cheek n raises his eyebrow with his signature :} smile n lets out a 'thank uuuu~' after u leave a kiss. bonus: loves placing his hands on the sides of ur face to squish ur cheeks together so u look like .3.
euijoo ⌒☆
so soft & gentle like a warm, fuzzy blanket. its common knowledge that he definitely smiles into kisses. extremely soft pecks on ur lips & after each one he has a little :] printed on his face. i also think he keeps his eyes Slightly open.. not in a weird, off putting way, but in a 'i really want to see u while i kiss u but ik its weird so im going to squint' way. eventually, he will close them fully when u two intertwine ur fingers together. hes still very shy when it comes to this, hence why the small little pecks, but to him quantity > because he will leave about a hundred all over ur face & neck. euijoo loves giving u kisses, especially when u two hug each other. u go in for a big hug... he pulls back a bit to look at u... smiles... then goes in for kisses. he really cant get used to ur kisses because after each time u two share even the smallest kiss, he smiles So hard ur scared that he will get stuck like that forever. sometimes he becomes overly conscious of how much he kisses u & worries that it might be too much, but it never is when it comes to him. bonus: lets out a big sigh of content after like 'aaaah'
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bomber-grl · 4 months
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Leo Valdez x Child of Hecate ☾
Pairing(s): Leo Valdez x Gn!Reader
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Leo was most definitely intimidated by you at first sight 😭
I mean all attractive people are, not to mention how mysterious and cool you seemed
Leo knows a baddie when he sees one
Well anyway, the only way the two of you could have possibly crossed paths was by someone else or you orchestrating the whole thing
Ofc again, it’s my girl Annabeth
She’s been at camp the longest and has a reputation so ofc she’s the one who always introduces reader and love interest
Well, it was only after annabeth needed help from the Hecate cabin and Leo was involved because he was the problem
An invention of his went rogue (luckily not because he built it wrong) but yk
Well once you do annabeth thanks you in her own way and when Leo has the chance to speak he just..can’t?!!
I mean not only do you seem cool but gah damn u look like a goth baddie
Home boy is stunned and can only manage a stupid as joke/ pick up line which even he asks himself, why???
Well while hes internally committing he heard the least expected thing
Which was you of all people laughing
You’re usually quiet and kept to yourself so seeing you like this was like when the clouds move and lets the sun shine in-
Cringe ahh mf , really this generations Shakespeare
Well he’s so shocked then the two of you just stand there like 🕴️🕴️
And if he manages to have his inventions go rogue every other day and needs your help specifically, well let’s just say it’s a coincidence
The two of you inevitably get close and the more he hangs out with you the more he falls in love
On surface level you’re dark, mysterious and most of all, intimidating
But now? You’re so easy going, it’s like the two of you have known each other since fetus days
Eventually you two get together because of an adventure that ended with you two getting closer and more open.
Once Leo is your boyfriend- he’s insufferable
I mean he’s his usual goofy, flirty(?) self and he’s so cringe but you love it all the same
Best believe Leo is head over heels for you and when it comes to your magic and stuff he’s particularly keen
especially when you randomly give him a crystal necklace for whatever reason and suddenly you hear Leo going around camp casually mentioning that his witchy s/o got him something
Which, yk endearing but still a lil embarrassing
Leo is always there to help you when you’re making potions, spells, it doesn’t matter
I mean at times he’s a bit spooked at what you can do but he’s still by your side regardless
Now, when it comes to your family on your Greek side- he’s scared
I’m mean, you’re probably scared too depending on if you’re a guy considering how basically every daughter/ female family of Hecate hates men
(You’re probs exempt cuz ur mom Hecate but still)
Bro is spooked, he does NOT want to be a guinea pig
And speaking of your mom, Leos timbers and shivered at the thought of meeting her and her not liking him
I mean it’s not all that important but depending if you’re especially fond of your mom then he’s shivering and timbering
Anyway, Leo is so lucky to have you by his side especially since sometimes he can forget how strong you are
(Also ik hecate is a minor goddess in the books and her children are shown to be weak but i refuse to acknowledge that as child of Hecate)
If you ever try and read his palm or do his birth chart he’ll probably just nod along and not know what you’re talking about 💀
Gotta love Leo
And if any animals that are sacred to Hecate approach you two he’s scared shitless (looking at you snakes)
Not to mention how crows can literally speak, no thank you
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bloogers-boogers · 2 months
Hi! I have a lil au idea for you! Pretty much my first idea for Adam and Michael. Get the popcorn 'cause this is gonna be long.
Lucifer and Michael were quite invested in the two humans. Lucifer kept drooling over Lilith but Michael was the opposite. Something about Lilith's attitude just pissed him off. She was quite arrogant and bossy, always shooing his lover away or ordering him around to make him go away then telling Lucifer something else. Adam from the first moment adored Michael and Lucifer but Lilith also hated Michael.
Michael once made the mistake of calling Lilith out on her behaviour. A fight between Lucifer and Michael broke out. Fortunately it was broken up by Sera and no one got seriously hurt. Adam tried to ignore all the things Michael said but some things started to click. Adam distanced himself from Lilith and Lucifer.
Michael got punished, worsening his punishment by arguing with the elders about Lilith. He felt betrayed. They used to stand by him. They used to trust him but now, things are changing. Michael started to leave his office less and less 'til another fight broke out between Michael and Sera. Michael ended up leaving to the garden to meet Adam again. Adam told him that Lucifer told him that he is getting a new wife. A woman named "Eve". Michael was surprised. No one even told him about it. Lucifer and Lilith in the meantime are living their best lives in the garden. Eve was created and Adam hell for her like no other. He was finally happy.
Lilith got jealous and asked Luci to help him.
A couple of days went by and Adam was going to his lover with Michael to introduce him to her. They've found Eve but...she was on top of Lucifer, both of them red in the face. Michael was furious with his brother.
Eve tried to explain but all Adam said to her was "You're just like her" then ran away from the scene. Michael asked Lucifer if he was proud of himself but before Lucifer could answer, his brother was already gone.
Michael went after Adam and had an idea on the way. Maybe he could help Adam get revenge. Michael forged up an idea to manipulate Eve into eating the apple.
They did just that. Lilith got curious after seeing Eve's change in personality and ate the apple as well.
The elder angels found out and banished Eve and Lilith onto Earth, giving them help to create humanity on their own but other than that, they were on their own.
Michael and Adam were banished to hell for what they've done.
A long time later, Adam and Michael had a daughter, Charlie...
Ik it's just a swap au but it's kinda fun. I haven't yes Adam AND Michael in the places of Lucifer and Lilith yet.
Have a rose for reading all this:🌹
DUDE I SWEAR I READ THIS LIKE THREEE TIMES ALREADY I’m such a sucker for swap au and let me tell u this is the type of fic I’d read omygod lsbelwbdwñeb 💖💖💖
I love the idea that initially Lilith would hate Michael but eventually grow to like him once Adam deals settles in heaven (so not only Adam speaks of him but she has to meet up with him in the meetings so she eventually starts developing feelings for the king of hell), so in the exterminations maybe she’s the leader of the exterminators now? And she’d go there and try provoking Michael and flirting but Michael is so down bad for Adam he doesn’t even bat an eye!
Lucifer is literally being cucked as a great karma for what he did to Adam in this au! Like, Lilith is no longer in love with him but uses him to hold power in heaven (she literally picked Eve over him back in the garden). She also flirts with Adam at his arrival albdwlsbwlw at first it was just to be a bitch to him but eventually she genuinely wanted to score him. (but ofc Adam was only annoyed by her advances.)
Adam deal has something to do to protect his family so he’s forced to be up there but he’s still madly in love with Michael, though, he’s also force to be around Lucifer a lot more (the angel would look for him, *cough cough* he’s enthralled by the first man. Also bc this is kinda of a great excuse for him to speak with his brother which he misses to inform him of Adam’s doings.) Adam is not allowed to be with Michael, speak with his daughter or in hell unfortunately.
Eve whereabouts still remains a mystery (but Adam knows where she is. I feel they somehow made up at some point and are acquaintances at the very least.)
And I feel Michael’s way of dealing with his depression unlike Lucifer’s who tries to avoid his responsibilities and locks himself away, Michael will indulge with them and even add more to the pile, working nonstop. Shutting himself in his office (instead of workshop) and be like this workaholic king who shuts down any possibility of distractions and family time (poor Charlie…) he may even do the opposite of Lucifer who was always hiding in his castle, while Michael would rarely ever be home! Like traveling through all rings dealing with deals, meetings and all that stuff.
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kairiscorner · 8 months
we're in the osamu era i see ( ^ω^)
request coming up hehe (* ´ ▽ ` *)
can i request an teen/Inarizaki!osamu x gn!transfer student! reader where osamu falls HARD for reader the moment they step into the classroom and soon become friends by whatever reason u seem fits and one day osamu decides to give reader a bento box and after weeks of him giving reader bento boxes to try it leads to reader confronting him about it which leads to him confessing to them hehehebdnsvsn
ofc once again, pls take your time with this one as ik school can be overwhelming so pls make this at your own pace and don't rush <3
-sincerely, the 🧋 anon !!
mgee ... i'm in the iwaizumi headspace rn but RJSKNSIALAUWKSKWOWKSJ I NEED THIS RN !!!
*✧‧₊˚ they're the one. – osamu miya x gn!reader
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"hey, um... is someone sitting here?" your honey-like voice rang out in his ears, he turned his head to look at you, his gray, smitten eyes that had the shapes of hearts in them from you. "um, no one's sitting there, y-yeah..." he mumbled, cussing at himself internally for sounding so lame. even though he didn't do much and just responded to your question, when he's around such an adorable looking face, he can't help but lose all his cool and just melt.
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lunch is the only period when osamu can feel like himself, like nothing's holding him back from enjoying the food he was looking forward to eating all morning. before he could eat, though, that sweet, honey-like voice was heard again, coming from over his shoulder. "ooh, that's adorable! man, i'm jealous of your lunches..." you gushed, puffing your cheeks out involuntarily to show how jealous absolutely adorable you were. osamu's cheeks flared a bit and he cleared his throat. "well, um... weirdly enough, i'm not that hungry right now." he mumbled, taking his lunch box and handing it to you. "wanna, um... share?"
'ya fuckin' idiot, yer comin' off too strong!' he thought to himself as beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, his cheeks flaring up with a red, pinkish tint again. you clasped your hands together, and your eyes practically shone as you smiled widely. "are you serious? we can share?!" you beamed, over the moon now that he was willing to share his lunch with you. osamu nodded, looking away from you as his blush was worsening, hearing you get excited all over his simple, homemade lunch.
"if yer that discontent about the school lunches, um... i could, like... make you some." "you would?!" you exclaimed again, leaning a little close to osamu, who nodded slowly, looking away from you as much as he could. now if you couldn't notice his blush from earlier, surely, it had to be obvious to you now—but surprisingly, you hadn't noticed a glimpse of it, as slight embarrassment mixed in with your excitement at osamu's offer. "i appreciate it, but... wouldn't that be too much effort?" you asked him as he slowly shook his head. "i... don't mind." "well then, i'll help you any way i can for you! just say the word, i'll listen, i'll be there for you... sorry, what's your name?" "o-osamu." "what a cute name!" you beamed.
osamu felt the heat in his cheeks worsen as you said that so casually, so brightly, without even realizing just what kind of effect you had on the poor boy. regardless, you two began this little exchange—where he'd make some bentos for you, and you'd help him out any way he needed; be it at school, acting as a helping hand in cleaning the classroom before and after school, walking with him after school, or just listening to his problems—osamu was so grateful for you being there for him, he felt like he was in an endless loop of falling for you, and falling for you even harder.
eventually, before the weekends rolled around, osamu decided to muster up the courage and hand you a special bento he was thinking of giving you for a long while now. as you two sat in the shade, he held the wrapped lunch box in his hands and contemplated with himself whether or not now was the time; but if he didn't give it now... he might never be able to have another chance to give it, so he might as well do it now. osamu called out your name, and when he got your full attention, he realized for the umpteenth time just how beautiful you looked up close—how charming and lovable your personality is, how much of a great friend you were ever since you transferred here... and how much love you made him put in all his meals for you, every day.
"this, um... this bento, i... i spent weeks trying to figure out just what to put in it, and, i know it sounds silly, but... i really wanted each ingredient that was in the making of this to really mean something to you." he confessed in stutters, his eyes darting back and forth, his cheeks reddening with every breath and pause. he handed you the bento and turned his head away from you, only darting his eyes back at you every now and then to see if you spotted his surprise.
attached to the cover of the bento box was a small brown envelope, with your name on it—it was... a letter of confession, of a love confession; osamu miya liked you. osamu miya loved you. you got all flustered at the thought after processing exactly what he meant; stammering your response back to him, but it was futile. you were both fumbling over your words, stammering, stuttering, and just acting all embarrassed and shy, like awkward teenagers that just really, really wanted to be with each other, but could never summon the courage to say so.
"i... i loved making those bentos for you, and... i think that wasn't just because i like cooking, that i like food... it was because... i liked you." he muttered out, blushing hard. you didn't respond verbally anymore, you didn't try to anymore–instead, you inched closer to osamu and shyly brought your fingers up to his own, smiling, and with a flustered expression on your face. "...and i really liked spending all that time with you, because... i really like you, too, samu."
'fuck. again.'
osamu blushed fiercely, his entire face looking like a ripe tomato, making you giggle and tease him for it. you took a piece of the food in the bento he made you and fed him, and this was like a dream come true for him; the sweetest, prettiest person who's made him head over heels in love with them... likes him back. he bit down on the utensil you used for a beat too long, still acting so, so shy–making you just want to lean over and peck a kiss on his forehead–and you did.
he immediately parted his lips and let your utensil go, blushing even harder. "...that... hey..." he mumbled, gasping as you kissed his forehead again. he could get used to it, especially now that you've found out just who and what his weakness really is: you and your affection for him, the main ingredient to the recipe to make him a melting, loving mess of the boy you adore.
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dearramiel · 1 year
Ik it's unrealistic but I'm obsessed with sub!Billy 💕 a sweet, soft Billy who looks up at you with puppy dog eyes and begs to breed his mommy! (/not CGL)
Unrealistic or not, this is a good idea that goes perfectly with Billy.
✧ - breeding kink, billy needs validation and praising, lots of begging, billy is a bit possesive, 0.001% angst, super smutty, billy wants a baby, he's pinning reader to the bed, he needs love, unprotected sex ofc, || a little messy but I'm super tired so I still tried<3
I'm a firm believer that, though it may take a really long time, you can eventually get Billy to submit to the care he needs and deserves.
You try so hard to convince him that you want to have nights specifically dedicated to caring for him. But he will always retaliate by serving your every needs, because he needs that validation. He needs to know that you love him and that you are not going to leave him. He needs you to tell him you love him, that you're always going to be there for him, to validate his emotions, to reassure him that nothing is going go happen to him.
He feels the need to receive any praise he can.
He needs you to call him a good boy while he's pounding into your aching cunt.
He needs you to call him a good boy while he's burying his dick the deepest he can into you.
He needs you to call him a good boy as he's breeding mommy's pussy.
He needs you to tell him that you only belong to him, he needs you to reassure him that no one will ever love you the way he does, he needs you to show him you want to be with him forever
He's begging, begging for you to let him cum inside, begging for you to let him own you with a step further. He's begging for you to tell him he's such a good boy for breeding his mommy.
He's begging for you to say yes. But he doesn't need an answer, of course you want Billy to breed your cunt. Of course you love the way his cock is hitting places you didn't even know existed. Of course you're gonna let him cum inside your pussy, the look in his eyes could be enough to make you come undone on his dick. The way he's holding you down onto the bed is enough to let you know he serious he is. That he wants you to have his baby.
You're going to give him whatever he wants because you love him that much.
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xxliliana-screamsxx · 11 months
(Author note: I'm feeling a lil sad n lonely so I'ma make something fluffy 🥹 I'm one sad MF I swear 😭💀) also these headcanons only include Larry and sal, I would include Ashley but I suck at writing F/F relationship HCs😭 quite shocking coming from the pansexual gal ik. Plz don't hate me if these HCs are choppy I can't write worth shit plus it's 1 in the morning and I'm tired as hell but I don't wanna disappoint you all 🥲 ANYWAYS ENJOY ❣️
(headcanon description: This is more of how they would react to you being distant from them and insecure about yourself)
Sal Fisher🎭
He's used to your normal bubbly personality and kind heart but he noticed something different..
He won't stop asking what's wrong bc he's afraid that he may be the cause of your distance (same 🥲)
Ofc since you're not talking to him he'll give random gifts left n right to apologize for whatever he did even if he didn't do anything to you🥹
Eventually when you tell him why you're being distant he immediately comforts you and does everything in his own power to make you feel better ❤️
He was a tad bit upset that you didn't tell him what was wrong sooner but he can't stay upset when it comes to you 💕
Though you may think you're ugly and imperfect he thinks otherwise
"I don't understand, how could you love someone like me? You said while looking in the mirror observing your body. "What do you mean? What's not to love about you". "Well for one, my thighs are too big, I have a belly pudge, and my acne scars are ugly" you say in disgust of yourself. "Hey, no matter what, I will always love you and besides who cares about your belly pudge? The bigger the woman the more woman to love ❤️"
He absolutely adores you and shows it whether it's through gifts or physical contact 💕
If you have Belly chub Oh my lord he's head over heels and will make sure you know it 🥰
He will love you til all those insecurities and negative thoughts are gone❤️
(if you ever came across those memes that say "fuck it, wrap me in a blanket, feed me cake and tell me I'm pretty" he'd most definitely do exactly that😚)
Larry Johnson 🚬
This man almost IMMEDIATELY catches on with your distance between you and him
He'll sit you down and talk to you and ask what's wrong and when you reply he'll hug you and hold on to you like you're gonna turn to dust if he doesn't lol
He understands your insecurities and will do everything he can to help you get into a better mindset 💕
He doesn't like seeing you upset so ofc the constant love and affection is a normal routine for him, he'll do anything to keep you happy 🥹❤️(I'm sobbing rn)
As much as you hate your body, he loves it. And I don't mean in a sexual way but more of a loving way ya know?
He hates seeing you cry, he'll hold you and for hours maybe even days if he has to, just to get you smiling again 💕
(ya know those long ass love letters you see on TikTok, he'd take the time out of his day to make you one of those❤️)
I'm truly sorry to whoever requested this 😭 I forgot their @ but hopefully they see it 😭🙏 also sorry for the crappy writing 😞
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