#but my players are so happy to just play in the space and the mundane of my silly world
iriushoothoot · 9 months
My fascination for strange games #1: Red Tape
It’s no secret that I am drawn to the weird, the mysterious and strange, the things nonsensical and beyond any reason. I admire the stuff that just exist, because the creator thought: “There’s no reason why this should exist but I can make it exist!”. This mindset is something I can’t help but to hold it in high regards. The pure determination, the will with which the creator created the thing in question, the level of not caring, not having any regards of what the world will think of the result; this is something any artist, creator, and maybe everyone should have.
Not that people only should care for themselves; no, quite the opposite actually. People should do stuff just because they can, because it makes them happy, and not change their thing, creation or personality, just because it could make them popular or rich. The best things in life are true, unfiltered and often unrecognized by the general public and yet they create so much joy not only to the creator, but to other people too.
This approach is lived by many indie game developers. Sure, a calculated AAA can be fun, but does it really have a soul? How much personality does a big title by EA, Activision or Ubisoft really have?
Before I drift off too much into the current state of the gaming industry, a state that isn’t too glorious and unfortunately is dominated by predatory microtransactions, countless sequels that change almost nothing and unpolished releases, because companies care about their investors more, rather than releasing a good product for their customers, let’s look at some strange games, as this essay-esque post exists because of those.
Whenever I see a weird game, there’s a huge chance I buy it. If you ever asked yourself “Who would even buy this game?!”, the answer is most likely me. One of the most recent examples would be Red Tape, a pretty new release by DreadXP developed by Pollaris Studios. DreadXP often publishes niche horror games with often outlandish concepts. 
Red Tape was their first release of 2023 and sends the player to the scariest kind of hell; corporate hell. You play as an angel that happens to land in hell due to an error in some paperwork and to escape hell, you need to ascend through the 9 levels of hell, or rather descend if you look at the hierarchy of the corporate hell the same way as the layers work in Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, where the deeper the layer, the more severe sinners are located in. So I don’t know if you ascend or descend in your career.
Anyhoot, the game comes in a charming style, where PSX-style 3D environments are blended with 2D paper characters. You start the game as mentioned before, as an angel. I really appreciate the fact, the developer used a biblically accurate angel, an entity that defies anything a human can comprehend.
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Soon enough though, you get turned into a demon, so you can work better for hell, your new workplace. Hell becomes a mundane office space, where those who were doomed to spend their life in hell, fulfill trivial tasks or take part in meaningless conflicts with their coworkers. It seems purely comedic, but if you really think about it, wouldn’t that be a terrible fate to suffer? There’s a reason why so many people are unhappy with their jobs, and doing that for the rest of eternity, being forced to interact with people you can’t stand, all what you do are pointless, unfulfilling tasks. This is truly depressing in my opinion, perhaps even more as it is such a fantastic satirical comment on work culture nowadays, If Dante wrote the Divine Comedy in the 21st century, Red Tape is most likely how the result would lookl like.
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Maybe I look too far into a silly game that was only made for comedic purposes but that feeling stuck with me during my entire playthrough. I can only highly recommend playing Red Tape for yourself. The game doesn’t have too much gameplay besides walking around corporate hell, talking to characters and going from one point to the other, but the entire experience, the historical and mythological characters you meet along your journey, the way hell is portrayed creates an interesting experience for sure.
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steelmagnolia12 · 10 months
The worst part of being friends with someone who ghosts you out of the blue is that I have all this useless information about this person taking up space in my brain. Everywhere I go, I see reminders of him.
I walk by a pickleball court every so often and think about all the games we used to play.
I go to a baseball game in my city and it reminds me of him being a former baseball player. I wonder if I’ll run into him, knowing he has season tickets.
I order chicken tikka masala and it reminds me of the dinner he cooked for me.
A watch commercial comes on TV and I wonder if he’s still doing vintage watch repairs as a hobby.
Golden retrievers are his favorite dog, and of course I see them quite often and it reminds me about the time we took his brother’s golden out for a walk at a local nature preserve. It sounds unexciting, but that was one of the best dates (and best day) I’ve ever had. Something about the simplicity, and the easy and natural connection we had was wonderful. I’ve always said that I know I found the right person if I can have fun with someone doing something as mundane as grocery shopping. And I felt that with him.
His birthday was on May 2*, but I did not text him. It took every ounce of self-control not to, because the rational part of my brain says why should I give my energy and love to someone who doesn’t return the same feelings?
The truth is, being with him was the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I didn’t expect to feel that way, but I cared about him deeply. It’s been months since he suddenly dropped out of my life with no explanation, but I still think about him every day when I wake up and every night when I go to sleep.
It’s scary because I thought he was the perfect person. Kind, funny, goofy, easy going, intelligent, generous and all around such a joy to be around. I felt this overwhelming sense of comfort, ease, and pure happiness just being around him. We didn’t even have to talk. Being in his presence was more than enough for me. Maybe I had rose-colored glasses on, and that’s what makes the split even more devastating. I didn’t see any red flags or even the slightest warning sign this was going to happen.
He always seemed interested in me and our friendship (situationship?). Until he wasn’t.
Looking back, here are the only potential red flags I might have overlooked:
- He didn’t text me on my birthday, even when I told him when it was the week before - He would take 5+ hours to respond to my texts - Didn’t invite me to a holiday party he hosted for his friends
Why would this guy call me sweet, beautiful, smart, etc. - all these nice these about me if he didn’t like me? Was it all a lie? The last day I saw him we had pizza for dinner, and watched Jake and Amir. He went away on a trip, and never saw or heard from him again. What the hell happened, because I have no idea.
I’m terrified my intuition is off. I’m terrified that I’ll meet another person I love, and they’ll abandon me like he did.
Maybe I was a fool to think we ever belonged together. He’s the affable, all-American guy next door. And I’m not the pretty blonde, loud, former sorority girl type that he probably likes. I’m never going to be that girl. I never fit into his world.
It’s sad that I poured my heart and feelings into a person who didn’t mean what they said. That all of the experiences I had was one-sided. That I liked him so much more than he ever did for me. It makes me feel stupid and worthless that he could just toss me away, while I’m still clinging onto memories of him.
I hope one day I can look back on all of this without feeling pain. The good times were good, while it lasted. I’m trying to appreciate that.
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
How terrifying it would be if assuming Toriel is a party member and be focus of next weird route is manipulating her with gaslighting her to love Asgore again and forced her to be with him again as like seemingly typical picturesque husband and wife together?
First, I'd like to preface this by saying the Weird Route is kinda, as the name implies, weird. It doesn't really change all that much in the grand scheme of the story. Snowgrave still follows all the major beats of Pacifist, just removing several scenes and fights, and no one outside Noelle really acknowledges what happens-- and even she thinks it's a dream at first. So I don't know if a Weird Route really would force Toriel and Asgore together, as that feels like it'd be something that that people in Hometown may notice and remark upon. It's mostly a concept that I presently think would be REALLY fun to explore and consider, and one I think fits the ways the Weird Route is disturbing, without making it repetitive and wearing off the shock and horror. I also think that this kind of Weird Route would probably take place mostly in the Light World, further setting it apart from Snowgrave.
Also to be clear, this is my further thoughts on a post I reblogged from @honeybouquets
That said, without further ado...
Oh, it'd be pretty terrifying, and it'd also be pretty disturbing in a way similar to the Snowgrave route-- albeit in a very different way. I think it'd be pretty interesting to explore in Deltarune specifically, too.
Deltarune is already a 'typical picturesque small town' that seems off to the majority of the fanbase. Things seem happy initially, it seems like everything the Undertale fanbase has been dreaming of for years. Monsters are on the surface! No more war! Everyone is alive! ASRIEL is alive, and was never Flowey!
But then people began seeing things in the town that brought on senses that something is... off. Now, honestly, most of these things aren't all that insidious, they're basically just the results of a different world where things played out differently, or tragic but mundane things that just tend to happen in life. Despite being populated by monsters, Hometown is INCREDIBLY mundane, to contrast the excitement and adventure of the Dark World, but also likely to contrast the fantastical nature of Undertale.
Hometown is unnerving because it gives those who played Undertale everything they think they wanted for the characters... and the characters still aren't living perfect lives. Which is realistic, but also disappointing, when coming from a game like Undertale where you can fix everyone's problems if you're just kind enough.
Sometimes, people just fall out of love, like Asgore and Toriel. Sometimes, parents fall ill or don't make you feel safe and loved, like Rudy and his wife. Sometimes people die and there is no miracle cure, like the Amalgamates and Gerson. Sometimes a trans person doesn't have the resources, money, or support to safely transition and it leads to dysphoria and depression, like Mettaton.
I think that a weird route like this would continue along the lines of, giving the players what they THINK they want, and then showing how it still wouldn't be a very good thing. I'm of the opinion that Asgore deserves happiness, but his clinging onto the past isn't very good for him, and Toriel shouldn't be responsible for giving him happiness, as she's also got things to heal from. Intentionally or no, Asgore has hurt her, and she wants space. It's good for them to forgive and move on, and for her to let go of her grudge, but not try to regain what they had, because that's gone for good. A lot of Post-Pacifist Asgoriel AUs that I've seen, I feel like they kinda... brush over all the troubles those two have had and skip straight to happy fluff. Which is fine, I'm sure a lot of the shippers just want to see two characters they love happy. But seeing Toriel's desire to have her space not really addressed rubs me the wrong way, being someone who has no interest in a relationship, albeit for different reasons.
But taking that scenario that people want, making them 'kiss and make up' so to speak, because SURELY it would make them happy... as a horror and angst fan, it's a weird route I'd find really interesting, exploring how fucked up it is to do this to Toriel, the one who wants this divorce the most, and telling her 'no, it's okay, Asgore is a really good guy, he's so sweet and you're making him miserable', and show a realistic outcome. No matter how 'cute' you think a couple may be, if they're not happy together then just loving each other enough won't solve their problems. Life is complicated.
It might also be interesting in that it may, to an extent, also gaslight Kris themself while we use them to manipulate Toriel. Kris pretty clearly doesn't want to use Noelle as a weapon, but this isn't the same. This isn't turning Toriel into a killing machine. We don't know Kris' full opinions on the divorce, but even without the Player as a factor, being a kid whose parents are divorced is probably a situation that would make them feel really helpless, especially knowing they don't like thinking about whatever got Asgore kicked off the police, and what poor conditions he's living in now.
Perhaps in this route, if Kris is more on guard after what happened to Noelle, we'll be able to get around that by appealing to their desire for a happy family, or by helping Asgore out of his bad situation, or by making a more appealing situation for Asriel to come home to. Slowly corrupting Kris, not through killing but through tempting them with the happy life they want, and all they have to give up is their freedom, could be a really interesting foil to what we do to Chara in the No Mercy run, or a much darker take on us guiding Frisk in the Pacifist run.
All that said... I do think it possible some future chapters in Deltarune, including chapter 3, COULD involve more plot-stuff happening in the Light World. Alphys mentions no school, meaning possibly heading into the Dark World earlier in the day, wrapping that up, and spending more time in the Light World, and Susie mentions the upcoming festival, which could be a big deal.
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
Talentswap-DR1 Kids with V3 Talents
So I came across a post made by @mythgirlimagines who gave some headcanons that featured the kids from the first game with talents from the V3 game. I really enjoyed the idea and I began to think of my own headcanons for each kid and how their lives would be different with their new talents. So with their permission, I was able to come up with this. I hope you like it!
Sayaka Maizono as the SHSL Adventurer
As a kid, she spent all her time at home since her dad was always working and her mom passed away.
She found comfort in watching TV programs that showcased different countries and cities and loved seeing the people having fun together.
Wanting to find happiness like those people, Sayaka began to secretly wander around her home city and partook in sight seeing and trying new foods.
She also practiced interacting with the people and asking them different questions.
After getting enough practice, she began traveling around different parts of Japan before making her way through the Asian countries followed by the rest of the globe.
She vlogs her travels by uploading pictures and videos of the food, fashion and festivals in each place she visits.
The popularity of her vlogs has resulted in her gaining contracts with multiple tourist companies who want her to visit their cities to boost tourism.
Mukuro Ikusaba as the SHSL Pianist
Mukuro doesn’t really care about playing the piano. She only took it up because her sister insisted that she do something useful with her life
She spent most of her freetime practicing the piano and would perform for hours on end to see how far she could go before exhausting herself.
She’s won multiple awards and critical acclaim for her performances but they mean nothing to her if they didn’t come from her sister.
When Junko decided to become SHSL Despair, Mukuro began to channel her talent to her sister’s instruction.
Her music can manipulate the emotional states of anyone listening to her and increase it based on the melodies she performs.
Ex. A somber tune can make people into sobbing messes while an aggressive song can make listeners become hostile and violent towards each other.
Junko would use her sister’s talent to either influence new followers or to dispose of unlucky victims.
She mainly wears a slim black dress when she performs on stage.
Leon Kuwata as the SHSL Tennis Player
Just like in canon, Leon doesn’t like his talent. Particularly the heavy training that’s involved.
He mainly uses his tennis player image to become a celebrity.
This involves staging photo sessions with him posing in his tennis uniform or performing cool moves for the camera.
He mainly performs solo and the few times that he partakes in a doubles match is if his partner can boost his image.
This has resulted in him getting into arguments with them because of his lazy nature.
He ended up in multiple flings with various fangirls which tarnished his image as a celebrity.
His wardrobe consists of a white polo shirt with orange stripes, shorts and a red sweatband. 
Chihiro Fujisaki as the SHSL Maid/Butler
(As to avoid potential discourse, I’m going to gloss over their backstory and headcanon them as genderfluid)
They find cleaning and organizing rooms to be mentally relaxing.
They take pleasure knowing that a clean house or room will become much refreshing and comforting to their client(s).
Most people are surprised that someone as small and fragile like them is capable of doing multiple chores and duties in a single day.
They prefer to work behind the scenes or with as few people watching over them.
Chihiro often has difficulties when it comes to making public announcements to large groups.
Some days they dress up in maid uniforms while other days they dress up as a butler.
Their specialty when it comes to cooking is making perfect creme brulee. 
Mondo Oowada as the SHSL Artist
As a professional artist, Mondo can make a variety of artworks.
His area of specialties include sculptures and murals.
Despite making tons of money with his artworks, he secretly dislikes the rich people who buy his pieces due to their snooty personalities.
He initially hated his talent because he was hoping to be good at something that was more manly or cooler.
His big brother was the reason for why he became an artist to begin with.
Having been Mondo’s main parental figure their whole lives, Daiya wanted to ensure that his brother would have a secure career that he could be proud of and that he wouldn’t have to risk his life for. Just like he does as a gang leader.
After his inevitable death, Mondo took his art career more seriously to honor his big brother.
He wears cargo pants with a white tank top and has a paint splattered bandanna around his neck.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru as the SHSL Aikido Master
He took up aikido believing it to be an ideal practice of mastering self control
He devotes most of his freetime to studying the different forms of aikido aswell as the religious aspects tied to the skill.
At his old school(s) he became popular for taking down various delinquents who would terrorize his defenseless classmates. But what really moved everyone was how Kiyotaka invited each delinquent to join him so that they can master self control and change their lives for the better.
He ended up becoming the president of a large club dedicated to aikido.
Despite his popularity, Kiyotaka is still very awkward at friend making as all he can discuss is his general studies and aikido. 
All of his relations with his peers are purely professional.
Hifumi Yamada as the SHSL Anthropologist
He started out by watching foreign cartoons and dramas and wondered how different they were compared to the ones shown in Japan.
This led to him binge watching multiple foreign shows while taking notes and analyzing the cultural norms displayed in each show.
His hard work paid off when he landed a spot on a TV show where he showcased his research and the popularity for each show in their respective country.
He does most of his research in his hometown but sometimes he’ll travel to specific cities either to showcase new research or to analyze a TV show/movie production.
He dreams of being remembered as a hero who was able to connect every culture and bring world harmony.
He often reaches out to Sayaka in the hopes that they could do a travel collab together but she politely denies his requests using various reasons.
Celestia Ludenberg as the SHSL Inventor
She uses a steampunk lolita ensemble whenever she makes public appearances and speaks with a Victorian accent.
She’s able to maintain her composure when she’s in an environment with an exceptionally hot temperature.
Celestia takes pride in being able to take apart the most mundane of household appliances and rebuild them into something better and praiseworthy. 
Several companies have already commissioned her to make service drones.
She’s willing to make any invention that’s requested provided that the client can afford her extravagant prices.
There’s rumors that she’s been secretly making inventions that can brainwash people and turn them into her obedient servants.
She’s openly expressed interest in studying Kyoko’s existence but the robot makes it clear that she doesn’t want to be involved.
Sakura Oogami as the SHSL Entomologist
While she underwent extreme training thanks to her family’s profession, she has caused conflict among them for refusing to continue the fighting legacy in favor of her true passion.
She’s earned the nickname “The Mountain Woman” on account of how she’s always spotted hanging out in the mountain range studying bug life.
Sakura earned publicity by researching every individual insect found in Japan and how they interact with one another in their ecosystem.
Sometimes she allows the more dangerous insects and arachnids to bite/sting her so she can develop an endurance towards their toxins.  
She also does environmental activism by stopping companies from illegally destroying the forests.
In her spare time, she enjoys meditating in the middle of the woods or by waterfalls.
Aoi sometimes asks if Sakura could lend her some of her butterflies for her magic shows.
Junko Enoshima as the SHSL Supreme Leader
She’s a cult leader. Plain and simple.
Using her analytical talent, Junko can analyze any person who’s unfortunate enough to talk to her.
By lending her ears, she gives them the impression of a person who genuinely cares about them and their problems no matter how pathetic they may be.
Most of the people who are drawn to her are often poor unfortunate souls who have been hurt by society or loved ones.
Wanting to fight boredom, she used her initial members for manipulation games and mental torture to see how powerful her charismatic personality can be.
She uses her findings to establish herself as a prominent figure of the 21st century.
A figure that can guarantee dramatic change if her subjects are willing to follow her commands.
When she decides to become the SHSL Despair, she uses an alternate persona via Monokuma to broadcast messages of despair and hard truths to the listening audiences.
And to keep Hope’s Peak and the police from catching on about her plans, she makes it so that she runs an exclusive club for intellectual and high class individuals. 
Makoto Naegi as the SHSL Astronaut
Despite being average, he wanted to show everyone that it’s possible to accomplish the extraordinary even if you’re ordinary.
He loved the idea of going to space and seeing the beauty of the stars and the Earth down below.
Ever since middle school, he’s been training his body so he can be prepared for space travel.
He’s studied different star systems but he has difficulties when it comes to mechanical engineering and repair.
The closest he’s been to space was traveling in ships that reach high enough for him to experience zero gravity.
Despite being the youngest member of the space program, all the staff members adore him for his bright personality and his eagerness when it comes to completing missions.
In his free time, he tries to learn English and Russian should he be assigned to work with astronauts of the US or Russia.
Kyoko Kirigiri as the SHSL Robot
Her creator was her grandfather Fuhito who wanted an heir for his engineering business.
Her design was modeled after his young granddaughter who had died alongside her mother.
Having familiarized herself with the ongoing grudge between Fuhito and Jin, Kyoko can’t help but wonder if her creation was born out of spite.
She’s willing to follow along with her grandfather’s wishes but she does question if her actions are because she was programmed to follow them or because she herself wants to do it.
She’s built with a titanium body armor that can endure any extreme forms of damage along with providing her with super strength. 
Given the right resources, she can also hack any computer system and gain access to any information found in said system.
Jin had conflicting feelings about allowing Kyoko to enter Hope’s Peak due to her bringing up feelings of anguish for his lost daughter and needed to be pushed by his dad to accept her.
She prefers to stay in the background analyzing the actions and behaviors of her classmates but she will show no hesitation in using force to resolve potential conflicts. 
Byakuya Togami as the SHSL Cosplayer
In this reality, he lost his chance of becoming the Togami Heir and was banished from the family.
He still wanted to make a name for himself and decided to pursue a career that no one in his family would cross paths with him in: cosplaying.
Initially, he was depressed for a month after losing his big chance and immersed himself in anime shows to drown out his depression.
In a way, he found inspiration by watching the protagonists who continued onward and decided to make new paths for themselves despite failing to achieve their initial dreams.
If he wanted to be like them, then he could try dressing like them.
He only watches anime that has an enriching fantasy setting or has historical themes
Using what was left of his money, he funded a public fashion show that displayed the elaborate costumes of famous anime characters.
He became a big hit and was given sponsorships to produce more cosplays. 
He has a love/hate relationship with his talent. On one hand, he prides himself in being the best at cosplaying. But on the other, he hates it because it’s a reminder that he lost his right to be a Togami.
Touko Fukawa as the SHSL Detective
Having grown up reading mystery novels, Touko became familiar with the cliches and expected tropes found in each given mystery.
Before going freelance, she served as a secretary for a private detective.
When looking over his cases, she pointed out the familiar patterns for each case while explaining her reasonings behind her deductions. She ended up being right 9 times out of 10.
The PI decided to give her simple cases that involved family drama and cheating spouses to test and expand her knowledge.
Eventually she would be hired for more extreme cases involving drug rings and murder.
Because of her abusive childhood and upbringing, Touko still has Dissociative Identity Disorder and created Genocider Syo as a coping mechanism to protect her.
But rather than killing people like a cliche yandere, Syo shows up whenever Touko ends up cornered or captured by dangerous criminals.
While she has no idea what gloomy got herself into, Syo has no issue with thrashing the low lives who would threaten her existence.
This has often led to the criminals becoming seriously injured or even being killed as a result. When it comes to the latter, Syo takes special care to ensure that it looked like an accident or that the criminal died by someone else’s hand.
This unfortunately resulted in Touko having a bad reputation as a loose cannon detective.
The detective decided to cut ties with Touko to maintain his business but ensured to tell her that she has what it takes to be a true detective.
She still thinks badly of others and is quick to point out the negative qualities associated with that person.
Yasuhiro Hagakure as the SHSL Assassin
The reason he got into assassination was to own up for his mistakes.
When he was 13, his gambling habit led to him and his mother losing their house and having to live on the streets.
Wanting her son to learn responsibility, Hiroko called in an old friend who had ties with the local yakuza and requested that he give her son a job.
Unbeknownst to the two, the only job that the friend could offer was being an assassin. And wanting to make his mom proud of her boy, Yasuhiro accepted the job without telling Hiroko.
After years of brutal and life threatening training, Yasuhiro became the clan’s go-to hitman and was handsomely rewarded every time he successfully got rid of a clan enemy or someone who couldn’t pay their debts.
His preferences for killing involve drugging the victims with slow but lethal poisons or attacking them when they’re alone. His appearance requires him to be extra cunning as to avoid being detected.
Eventually he was caught by the authorities but was contacted by Hope’s Peak who learned about his unusual career. 
He was given two choices: he could go to jail for his murder or he could attend HP so that his talent could be studied while also receiving the school’s protection. Even a moron like Yasuhiro knew what choice to take.
When he went to tell his mom the good news, he found that she disappeared without a trace. Some say that Hiroko left out of shame when she found out about her son’s crimes, others believe that she was kidnapped and killed by revenge driven enemies. Regardless of the rumors, Yasuhiro has a gut feeling that she’s still out there and he intends to find her to make things right.
He uses the SHSL Fortune Teller title to keep his assassin career a secret.
He still maintains his carefree and ditzy personality both because no one would ever expect him of being a professional killer and so that he can keep pushing forward in life without falling into complete despair.
His baggy clothing and dreadlocks make it easy for him to hide knives or bottles of poison.
Aoi Asahina as the SHSL Magician
Ever since she was a little girl, Aoi loved everything about magic.
She read different types of fairy tales and myths so she can learn more about it and use them for her shows.
When she first started, she would perform tricks for her brother Yuta and would ask for his input regarding each performance and how she could improve herself.
Her costume is based on the classic witches mixed with a magical girl theme. (Think along the lines of Little Witch Academia).
Her magic shows put alot of emphasis on spectacle and enchantment so the people watching could fall in love with the concept of magic.
When she has the time, she bakes her own special donuts and offers them to a certain number of lucky participants.
Despite her friends and family encouraging her to participate in competitions, Aoi doesn’t feel that it would be right to use her magic tricks to compete for publicity.
She wants her magic shows to be an inspirational thing that brings happiness and wonder to the people watching.
She enjoys performing for children and often performs at schools, hospitals and orphanages.
The trick she’s best at performing is the underwater escape challenge.
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hephaestiions · 4 years
Addictive Tendencies
@hprarepairnet​ & @slytherdornet​ - quidditch player ships challenge Pairing: Marcus Flint x Oliver Wood (Flintwood) Summary: “I hate him,” he whispers fiercely against the fist he stuffs into his mouth to keep himself from screaming long and loud at the heavens, at the Founders, at the bloody sun. “I hate him so damn much.”
“Makes me wonder why I bothered to show up, then,” comes the all too familiar heavy drawl, and if Oliver’s heart had dropped before, now it drowns. One thing leads to another. 
Warnings: Light angst, break-ups, everyone swears a great deal, mentions of nsfw/18+ activities. Rating: Teen. 
Word Count: 4k (yes, I know, it is very long for a Tumblr fic) 
For all that he feels almost dead going through the motions of life, Oliver comes alive on the pitch. There’s something about the clean, crisp scent of fresh air– the kind reminding him of the open fields close to home– and the adrenaline rush of mounting a broom that leeches into every cell of his being. It fires his synapses, jolts his entire body out of the sleepwalking trance he slips into during classes and meals and all the other mundanities that compose everyday life. Oliver can’t wait to go pro.
To leave fucking Transfiguration and Potions and Professor Sprout’s herb gardens behind. To make the familiarity of the broom clenched under his thighs and the roaring blood in his ears his livelihood, his reason to wake up every morning and  go back to bed each night without drinking himself into a stupor thinking of everything that could have– Fuck no. He’s not going down that road right now.
Right now, his focus needs to be narrowed down to that slim space between the hoops and the perfect, concentrated manoeuvre that will allow him to slip through. His focus needs to be on his game, his practice, not on… other things.
Vision tunnelling, Oliver tenses his calves around the reliable solidity of his broom, and corkscrews his entire body almost violently through the gap, veering dangerously close to the metal bars of the left hoop, emerging unscathed and out of breath on the other side. He wants to be happy.
Wants to be proud, because this is the first time he has executed this move flawlessly without either crashing his elbow or his knee or his side into some part of the hoops. He desperately wants to feel the joy he would be whooping with by now if this had been even six months ago. But all he feels is the desperate desire to hear Marcus shout, “That’s what I fucking call a Hummingbird, Wood, you fucking genius!” either from the stands or from his place on another broom by Oliver’s side. He’s met with silence. The wind moans, twisting its way through the branches of the trees lining the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. Oliver wants to drive himself into a metal bar just to work off some of the pent up frustration and rage gathering in his shoulders, his back muscles, his stomach. The almost physical ache gripping and tearing at his heart. He kicks out, and the broom bucks underneath him, buoyed in the wrong direction by an errant current of air. There’s a brief moment of sheer terror as his body misbalances midair, but he isn’t the fucking captain of Gryffindor for nothing. He lets himself fall for a second, letting his weight gather momentum, before pulling out at the very last second. Sometimes he wants to smash his entire body into a wall, but he knows better than to work out his aggressive tendencies on the unforgiving pitch.
His legacy deserves better than to be remembered as a gruesome splatter on the grounds of Hogwarts. Marcus though. Marcus can bloody well plummet to death for all Oliver cares. Except.
Except the very thought sends shudders down Oliver’s spine, and his hands inadvertently reach out into thin air even contemplating the prospect of letting Marcus hurt himself. Except that Oliver would take the fall before letting Marcus take it. He’s fucked, truly. “You’re a bloody fool, Oliver,” he mutters to himself with only the wind listening in. “And for once you’ve got something other than terrible grades to prove how truly fucked you are.” Marcus’ words echo in his head, a never ending loop of heartbreak and agony and gut-wrenching misery that no rationally thinking future pro Quidditch player has the time for. You– you know how the world is beyond Hogwarts, man. You know it’s not good to– to people like us, especially when we want to play and go pro, you know. It’s bollocks mate, is what it is, but it’s life and I guess I want a career more than a fuck. Because that’s all they’d been of course. A fuck. Fuck Marcus. Well and truly fuck him into next Sunday, next month, next bloody year. That line of thinking conjures up a whole new set of images that are doubly uncomfortable when one’s private parts are squashed onto a pole of unforgiving wood. His whole body itches and aches and buzzes with energy he doesn’t know how to work off, so he perfects his form on the broom and swoops in and out of the spaces between the hoops, tracing fast paced figure of eights that even the best of the best would have a tough time keeping up with. It’s mindless and the cold wind sniping at his cheekbones jars him into the present, into the steadiness of swerving past the bars of the hoops and spinning around like his life depends on it. Fuck Marcus Flint and his stupid, scared arse and his willingness to give up on everything Oliver thought was sacred to them. Fuck him. After half an hour, he wants to keep going, but his whole body resists, aching and burning along the lines of tension in his muscles. He feels heavy and tired, like a stone about to drop, and he turns on his broom to swoop down when– When he sees him. In the stands. The crossed arms, the wind billowing through strands of hair that are surprisingly soft to the touch (Oliver knows that because he’s touched those stands reverentially in the showers, in hidden alcoves, during warm, hot moments of kisses and mouths trailing over flushed skin–). The green robes are flying out behind the solitary figure in the stands like a cape from one of Katie’s superhero comics, and there’s no mistaking the identity of the man. Not for Oliver at least.   Marcus is watching him. Has been for Merlin knows how long. All Oliver wants to do is touch down and drag himself over to the stands and crash into Marcus’ arms, but he resists the urge. Instead, he laps a lazy loop in the air, before his tired body forces him to retire, and instead of picking the pitch like a sane person, Oliver perches on the edge of the middle hoop, crawling off the broomstick onto the thick metal. It’s surprisingly comfortable. It’s also a ploy to wait Marcus out, but well. It doesn’t seem to be working quite yet. Some part of him wants to swing his legs around his broom, swoop down beside Marcus and kiss him senseless. Some part of him wants to pull Marcus in and just relearn the feeling of their bodies touching again. He reins this part in with every ounce of control and every shred of self respect he has. He holds it back, letting it kick and rage and fester at the back of his heart, where he keeps his pain and his misery and his urges to do things he will regret within five seconds. That part of his heart– It’s ugly. He turns away from the imposing figure Marcus cuts in the stands with his biceps bulging and his hair, longer than it was since Oliver last ran his hands through it curling around his strong neck. Oliver can feel the pressure of it, of Marcus’ head pillowed against his lap when they could sneak an afternoon away to the Astronomy Tower. Marcus’ dark hair curled into Oliver’s fist as they talked, as they kissed, as they pushed each other’s clothes off with all the pent up energy of two prowling hyenas going in for the kill. He feels the tears rise, but he doesn’t want to cry. Not here anyway, with Marcus watching for whatever Merlin-forsaken reason. Doesn’t want to raise his hand in the tell tale sign of wiping away his tears. Doesn’t want to be weak.
Instead he stares at the setting sun even though the riot of colours across the sky only make him angrier. Why should the world get to move on and revel in its beauty when his life feels like radio static? Why should sunlight have the right to twirl pretty patterns into Marcus’ eyes when Oliver isn’t there to see it? Why does even nature get to laugh at his sad, pathetic arse and why doesn’t he ever get to move the fuck on? “I hate him,” he whispers fiercely against the fist he stuffs into his mouth to keep himself from screaming long and loud at the heavens, at the Founders, at the bloody sun. “I hate him so damn much.” “Makes me wonder why I bothered to show up, then,” comes the all too familiar heavy drawl, and if Oliver’s heart had dropped before, now it drowns. “What,” he says without turning around for fear of what he’ll see, “are you doing here?” “Saw you practicing from the Tower. Thought I might join you.” Oliver lets loose a laugh. “Get lost,” he says, and grimaces when it comes out slightly choked. “Or I’m telling Hooch you’re spying on the Captain for his plays.” “I have plenty of plays of my own,” Marcus says, and Oliver cringes at the suggestive undercurrent of the words. “Or did you forget?” When the weight of his anger and his hurt and his exhaustion crash into him, Oliver almost falls off his precarious perch. He staggers slightly and has to reach out with one hand to grip the edge of the hoop. His other hand slackens around his broom, and it teeters dangerously in his loose grip. Somehow, he doesn’t have the energy to hold it tighter. The tiredness creeps into his muscles, his bones, the raging fires of his heart, shrouding his entire being in a blanket of heaviness that he can’t shrug off. Here he is, trying to hold himself together, and Marcus has the balls to be making innuendos. “Last I checked, Flint, your plays were off limits. And you didn’t want any of mine, either. Which begs the question that I already asked you, why the fuck are you here?” Marcus is silent, because of course he is. Damn bastard, he can’t even give Oliver a good reason, a good excuse for his real purposes. “Come to gloat?” He asks, and his voice comes out a broken whisper. “Come to check in on poor Ollie and how he’s doing now that you’ve binned him?” “Oliver–“ “Shut up,” he says, he begs, and turns to face Marcus, and promptly has the breath knocked out of him. Because Marcus, oh, he’s bathed in the light of the golden sun, bathed in every shade of desire, coloured in Oliver’s dreams. There’s that uncertain turn to his lips, as though he expects Oliver to shove him away, tell him to leave, as though he doesn’t want to. He doesn’t look like he’s gloating (and Oliver knows how Marcus looks when he gloats, because goddamn, he’s lost Quidditch matches against this man). If anything, he looks a little wrecked, but in the most beautiful way imaginable, and Oliver– Oliver has never wanted to kiss someone more. Marcus sighs. His lashes flutter against his cheek and his shoulders droop slightly, and he looks a little lost when he gazes at some spot in the distance and says in a slow lilt, as though he’s searching for the words as he goes, “I– I missed you, Oliver.” And those words, the words he’s been craving to hear for a whole fucking month now wash over him, curl into the spaces that are yawning open and empty in the absence of the warmth Marcus had been when they’d spent those five glorious months in each other’s sunshine.
“We were just fucking,” he says anyway, because he’s too damn proud to be soothed of a month’s hurt by some half hearted confession of being missed. “Right, Flint? Just a fuck.” “You know that’s not true.” “Do I?” Oliver asks. He wants to be angry, wants his eyes to flash, wants to clench his fists and look ready to batter Marcus into a bloody pulp for daring to hurt him the way he did, but the words come out thick and heavy, laced with the burdens Oliver has been carrying alone. He never cared, he never looked at me as anything except a fuck, he just wanted some fun. Human beings, fragile creatures. Togetherness is more of an addiction than drugs and whisky could ever be. “Oliver, I– I was scared, and–“ “And you thought I wasn’t? You thought it was a breeze for me, that I hadn’t ever considered what the damn repercussions could look like–“ “That’s what you made it sound like!” Marcus throws both his hands up, and there’s a wild light in his dark eyes. “You made it look so easy with all your casual, hey Flint, care for a Butterbeer this weekend and Marcus, look at me and your damn smiles– and I– I was scared out of my mind Oliver, and you just looked like it was something you were born with.” “Born with what?” “Confidence! Fearlessness! Like you couldn’t give a fuck what people in locker rooms would think if you went pro, if I went pro, like you didn’t care that coaches would pay less attention to you, or make you the punching bag of the team, like teams would only sign you on if they had to pay you less if they found out about this.” Oliver sighs. It’s so obvious now that all through those months when Oliver had been caught up in a haze of a perfect love story of two Quidditch captains from historically rival houses, Marcus had been overthinking his choices, his career, everything. “This isn’t a hand job in a dark bed in the dorms, Oliver, and you know it.” He feels weary. Wrung out. “I wasn’t born with it,” he says, and looks away again at the darkening horizon. The sun is now a ball of red against a blue sky turning black. “What?” “Confidence, or fearlessness, or whatever you thought came easy to me. But you were scared about fucking up your career and I was scared of fucking us up. You were thinking about whatever pro team deals you dream of and I was thinking that something I would say or do would push you away because I’m too much of a stupid fuck for anyone to be with. Wood, have you got leaves for brains? Wood, if I knocked on that head would it ring hollow?” “Oliver,” Marcus says, and he sounds so shocked, so hurt that it’s like a string tied to the back of Oliver’s head has been pulled. He turns to face Marcus again, and he looks devastated.
He looks like he’s seeing Oliver for the first time.
“You really thought that I thought you were–“ “Bollocks for brains, yeah.” And because he can’t bear to see Marcus look so upset, he adds, “But that’s alright now. I’ll get over it, and you, and you can sign all the pro deals, and have a couple babies and no one will think you and I–“ Marcus slaps a hand over his mouth. “Shut up,” Marcus says, and oh, he’s so beautiful when he’s angry. “You’re a bit thick sometimes, I’ll give you that,” Marcus says in a voice so low that it sounds like he’s admitting state secrets instead of the most obvious thing that anyone who speaks to Oliver for five minutes can pick up on. “But don’t ever think that you’re stupid, or that you’ve got leaves for brains– Oliver what the fuck? The way you– the way you remember all the damn plays starting from the fucking 1790s and how you can recite precedents for every move anyone makes on the field and how you know exactly which player to pair with which one, which one needs to be benched– Oliver, you’re made for this. You don’t need some Transfiguration O to prove that.” He doesn’t know whether to believe this is happening. And worse– he doesn’t know what it means. If he’s imagining it, he’s further gone for Marcus than he can ever admit to anyone who is not a Mind Healer. If he’s not imagining it, Marcus is here, after a bloody month of ignoring him, breaking his heart, stomping on it with the butt end of a broom, to tell him– Rage curls in his stomach. He jerks away from the hand Marcus has now slid onto his jawline, regretting the motion immediately when the thumb tracing circles into the space behind his ear is dislodged. “And you’re telling me this now? After telling me you care more about your career than a fuck? Why bother? If that’s how you feel– it’s not going to change!” Marcus looks down. Oliver wants to curl a hand under that drooping chin, pull it up, kiss it better, but he holds himself back. “I was scared,” he whispers. Oliver wishes he weren’t so fucking easy, because the ice walls he’d thrown up to keep Marcus and his mind games out is already thawing. “I was so scared.” “You had a reason,” Oliver mumbles. He looks down. The drop to the pitch is sheer, sharp. If he falls, there’s no way he can be saved unless Marcus decides to be a hero. The thought brings a small smile to his lips. “I was being a coward,” Marcus says sharply. “Thorne– Thorne’s y’know, bisexual and all that, and he’s playing great game with the Magpies–“ “We can’t all be Thorne. And Thorne was stoned in Diagon.” “By one man who was arrested by Kingsley Shacklebolt. We might not be Thorne, but we can try.” The sound that rips itself from Oliver’s throat is rife with the pain and frustration of a month of second guessing and heartbreak. “Why does it matter?” Oliver asks, his voice carrying in the emptiness of the pitch. “Why the bloody fuck does any of it matter Marcus, you don’t want this, it was just a fuck–“ It happens so fast that Oliver doesn’t process it till its done. Marcus surges forward on the broomstick, invading the meagre personal space Oliver had tried to maintain between them so he wouldn’t reach out, be overly-familiar, push Marcus away the first time he’d dared to venture close in so long. Their eyes meet, and the pitch, the hoops, the past month and their discussion fades to nothing but white noise in the back of Oliver’s brain. Marcus, bless his balance on a broom, reaches out with one hand to cup the back of Oliver’s neck and the other comes to frame his face, resting on his ear. He waits for a second, for permission, to be pushed away, hell, Oliver doesn’t know, and then they’re kissing, Marcus’ hot, perfect, slightly chapped lips fitting against his. Something clicks into place finally. Something disjointed and broken snaps back inside his chest and the heavy weight he’d gotten all too used to carrying lifts like the healed wing of an injured bird. His heart soars with all the delight of a creature learning to fly once more, and something in this urgent, heartfelt kiss feels like a reassurance. I missed you, it says. I’ve been waiting for you. I’m sorry for hurting you. A million apologies in a single press, a single touch, in the soft breath that gusts over Oliver’s nose. It could be seconds, could be decades when Marcus finally pulls away. Oliver has to shut his eyes, clench them tightly to keep the traitorous tears from falling, from ruining this perfect moment that he’s certain will be shattered anyway when Marcus realises what he’s done. But Marcus doesn’t release a horrified gasp, doesn’t push him away, doesn’t retreat with the air currents back to the stands. Marcus stays there, floating gently on his broom, holding Oliver’s face between his hands, waiting for something. Oliver’s too scared to open his eyes and figure out what. He’s never felt so small, never felt himself be flayed open by circumstances rendering him raw and broken and ready to be picked apart. It’s exhilarating and terrifying, and Marcus is here to watch. He doesn’t know if this feeling of trust is warranted, especially after everything Marcus said and did, but he knows he can’t make himself be suspicious or cruel in this moment. He will hate himself forever if he pushes Marcus away right now, and of all the punishments Oliver has suffered, self inflicted misery isn’t one he particularly enjoys. But he can ask, so he does. “What now?” Marcus shrugs. Oliver feels it, the slight tremble, the tell tale stiffness and when he opens his eyes, he’s surprised to see tears in Marcus’. “Are you–“ “Shut up, Wood.” Oliver watches Marcus close his eyes, bite his lip, whisper something inaudible and pull himself together. Watches him try to be steady. To know that they are here, suspended midair in a moment in time, being unsteady together rouses the buried beast of hope in Oliver’s heart. The sun has set. The horizon is a bruised blue now, and Marcus still looks like a shining beacon of future possibilities set against a dark sky of prejudice and inevitable darkness. “So. Thorne.” Marcus smiles despite himself. Nods. “Thorne.” “You’re kidding yourself if you think you play as well as Thorne does.” This time, Marcus laughs. It’s slightly choked, and only barely there, but it’s a laugh. “That’s not the fucking point and you know it.” “Oh I don’t know,” Oliver teases. “I’m a bit thick, aren’t I?” Marcus sobers up almost immediately. Oliver’s heart goes into overdrive, panicking. What if he said something wrong? Reminded Marcus of why he left? But Marcus merely looks serious when he says, “It’s still true.” “What?” “About the teams and coaches and the players. The world– The damn Quidditch world isn’t kind to people like us.”
Oliver looks at Marcus, at the depth of his eyes that people ignore when they critique him for being a bastard (he is a bastard, Oliver knows, just a bastard with depth and capability for kindness that Oliver feels privileged to know exists), at the worried cleft between his eyebrows, at the self conscious way in which he pulls his lips over his teeth. “The pitch makes up for it,” he says. “If I get to keep you and the pitch and my broom, I don’t give a fuck about what coaches and players and galleons have to say.” Marcus lets out a sound like a strangled sob and rests his forehead against Oliver’s. If Oliver hadn’t been holding onto his broom with one hand and the Quidditch hoop with the other, he’d have held Marcus a little closer, but he settles for kissing Marcus’ nose.
“I like galleons,” Marcus whispers after a while. For the first time in a month, Oliver feels a genuine laugh erupt from his chest, into his throat, out of his mouth. He feels light. “You’ll make plenty, don’t you worry,” he says instead. “Promising Chaser, conniving little Slytherin, bit of a looker too– why wouldn’t you?” “Are you calling me handsome, Oliver?” Oliver snorts. “Stop fishing. If the whole Quidditch thing goes balls-up, you can always model for Gladrags.” “Which section of Gladrags?” “Let’s see. Much as I’d love to see you in women’s lingerie, I don’t know if the civil public is willing to, so I’d say the part where handsome young wizards pose in their underwear with their hands suggestively placed behind their heads.” “The civil public doesn’t read Gladrags, Oliver.” “Are you calling me uncivil?” They burst into laughter, something dark and heavy lifting from their beings, and the tensed, tightened bolts of coiled emotion and anger loosening with every quip, every little kiss, every stolen moment of this. Above them, the sky darkens as the universe’s speckled cloak unravels with the fading light of day. Somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, a Centaur looks up. Somewhere, a first year student catches a glimpse of two figures on one of the hoops of the pitch and looks away with wide eyes and a racing heart.
On the pitch, two boys share a secret smile in the darkness, and somewhere above them, the stars align perfectly.
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 4 years
For The Love of Family
Read on AO3
Alec officially comes out to his family.
Simon and Clary argued back and forth, a fact that their respective partners found endearing, over what movie would be most 'culturally important' for the Shadowhunters to watch. Alec didn't care, really; he just wanted them to pick something already.
It was easy for Alec to tune out their little squabble and maybe that was why, curled into Magnus's side on their sofa, his thoughts began to turn to himself and who he was rather than the upcoming movie night with his sister, his parabatai, and their significant others.
He began to look around the room, a heavy fondness growing in his chest. Magnus on his right side on the sofa, his arm casually thrown around his husband, a title that Alec was proud to finally call his own. Jace on his other side, shoulder-to-shoulder with his parabatai, limbs sprawled out on Magnus's couch like a starfish, leaving a small space under his arm for Clary to crawl into when she was finished debating the movie with Simon. Izzy at his feet, his hand in her hair, playing with it, as she practically purred in delight. And of course, the two idiots at the front of the room who were now holding their respective movies and clearly about to make a dash for the DVD player. Simon, with his vamp speed, would be the obvious winner, but Alec wasn't sure Clary wouldn't try something underhanded to get her movie in first.
These people, ¾ of whom he hadn't even known a few years ago, were his family, his everything. He loved them, and they loved him, too. For the first time in his life, Alec opened his mouth and said exactly what was on his mind.
"I'm gay."
Simon and Clary paused mid-sentence, turning to him with similar looks of confusion on their faces. Jace and Izzy mirrored their expressions. Magnus arched an eyebrow at his husband.
"Yes, darling, I think we're all aware of that," he said with an amused smile, waving his hand with the Lightwood family ring on it for emphasis.
Alec felt suddenly very stupid for having spoken up. Of course they already knew that. There was no need to confirm it. A blush crept its way up his cheeks. A firm hand on his shoulder caused him to look up from his self-imposed embarrassment.
It was Magnus, his expression soft and questioning. His eyes spoke volumes to Alec, communicating everything he wouldn't say in front of the others: Clearly this is important to you. I didn't mean to make light of it. I'm sorry.
Alec smiled reassuringly at his husband to let him know it was okay, took a deep breath, and continued hesitantly.
"I know," he said, "but I just…" He trailed off, not sure how to put his thoughts into words. Simon, Clary, and Jace waited patiently for him to find his voice; Izzy gave him an encouraging look, and Magnus squeezed his hand supportively.
"It's just...that's the first time I've ever said it out loud."
He watched as, one by one, the expressions of everyone in the room changed to a sympathetic understanding. Clary smiled softly at him and said, "Congratulations." A few years ago, he would have taken her words as sarcastic, and shot out something scathing in return. Now, he knew how she meant them, and he gave her a grateful smile.
"Dude, hell yeah!" Simon stepped forward and held his hand up in front of Alec, clearly waiting for something.
Alec raised his eyebrows. "Is it a mundane thing to do some weird handshake after coming out? Because if that's the case, you can forget about it."
Simon turned to Izzy, distraught. "Shadowhunters don't know what a high-five is?!"
Simon groaned in protest. "That's like, a crime against humanity!" He put his hand back down again and strode closer. "Come on, I'll show you."
Alec grumbled a little but watched the other boy slowly put his palm up again, lifting Alec's with him, until their wrists were lined up with each other. "Now you slap my hand," Simon instructed, reaching over to slap Jace's palm, which happened to be open, to demonstrate.
"Hey!" Jace cried out indignantly. Clary stifled laughter from her place at the front of the room.
Alec rolled his eyes, but indulged the vampire and connected their palms with stinging force, smirking when Simon winced.
"What was the point of that?" he questioned.
"The point?" Simon sputtered, incredulous. "It's a high-five. It's celebratory!"
Alec opened his mouth to reply, but Izzy hushed him with a look, smiling fondly at her boyfriend, who gave her a damn near illuminating one back.
When Simon returned to the DVD player to continue his argument with Clary, Izzy reached up and patted Alec's knee, smiling softly at him. "Good for you, big brother," she said. She rocked forward on her knees to press a kiss to Alec's cheek. Alec carded his fingers through her hair, smiling appreciatively down at her. If there was anyone he would always crave the approval of, it was his little sister.
Jace, on his left side on the couch, wrapped his brother in an awkward side-hug. They didn't need words; Jace's happiness for Alec filtered clearly through their parabatai bond.
Magnus didn't say anything, instead opting to squeeze Alec's hand. Alec's attention slowly returned to Simon and Clary, who were now going over the finer points of both Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, movies that no else in the room, perhaps with the exception of Magnus, had ever seen before.
Later, when they were all settled on or near the sofa watching a movie that had been proposed as a third option by Izzy and Jace, Magnus leaned over and whispered in Alec's ear.
"I'm so proud of you, Alexander."
Alec turned to face his husband, who tilted Alec's chin up to press a soft kiss to his lips. The seasoned Shadowhunter sighed and felt whatever residual tension he might have been feeling leave his mind and body.
This was his family, and as long as they loved and accepted him, that was all that mattered.
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sammy8d257 · 4 years
Masterlist For Object Head Media
LAST UPDATED: April 1st, 2020
Google Doc: HERE
Welcome! Ever wanted to find out if there’s any types of media that feature Object Head characters that aren’t just one-off or background characters?
Well you’ve come to the right place!
Here I hope to create a comprehensible list of all types of media that contain Object Headed characters!
But I’m only one person who doesn’t know every piece of Object Head media out there
SO IF YOU have a suggestion for a piece of media that would fit on this list
Send me a message through my Tumblr @sammy8d257 ​  
or on Twitter under the same name
With your help, I hope this list becomes very long with all sorts of amazing Object Head media!
Other than that, have fun exploring to your heart's content!
- Sammy
(List under “Keep Reading”)
Saga - written by Brian Vaughan, illustrated by Fiona Staples
Gene: Space/fantasy
Rating: M+
Language: English
Status: 54 issues, On Hiatus (as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Physical Comic
Description: Saga is an epic science-fiction/fantasy drama about two lovers from long-warring extraterrestrial races, Alana and Marko, fleeing from authorities from both sides of a galactic war as they struggle to care for their daughter, Hazel.
Object Heads: TV Heads, in Saga there is a whole race known as Robots Kingdom that are made entirely TV Headed characters.
Character Status: The object head characters turns from side to supporting character in the main cast
Warnings: Nudity, Sex, Death, Violence, its a war setting, blood, drugs, etc.
MyStereoBot - by bioatomic
Gene: Sci-fi, Romance, Comedy
Rating: M
Language: English
Status: 537 pages + 24 page Epilogue, Completed on 6/6/2017
Read On: Smackjeeves or Tapas
Description: Infinity, a stereo head robot, finds himself conflicted with his worth as a person, as a partner, and as a friend. Having trouble with feeling at home on Planet Ribbon and finding happiness, his boyfriend, Cloudburn, and his cousin, Ohm, do the best they can to help him feel worthy. Things seem to go downhill when Quence, a new friend, worries Cloudburn about Infinity’s motives towards him. That is, until an outer-worldly encounter changes all of their lives, for better or for worse, and may just show Infinity what home really is.
Object Heads: Stereo heads, radio heads, tv heads, box heads, etc. There's a lot of different Object heads in this comic
Character Status: Main characters and other side characters are object heads
Warnings: Swearing, partial nudity, drugs
Notes: You can find more information on Tumblr - @mystereobot
Sebastian - by Amanda Heard
Gene: Slice-of-Life, Romantic, Comedy
Rating: pg-13 to M
Language: English
Status: On-going, 80+ pages (as of 4/1/2020), Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays
Read On: http://www.sebastiancomic.com/, Tumblr: https://sebastiancomic.tumblr.com/ or @sebastiancomic
Description: Sebastian is about a pessimistic thief and a happy-go-lucky dork finding each other through unexpected circumstances and learning about forgiveness, love, and loss. Also CRIME!
Object Heads: Pumpkin Heads
Character Status: Main characters are object heads
Warnings: Swearing
Notes: Created by @batberryboo on Tumblr
The Property of Hate - by Sarah Jolley
Gene: Fantasy/Adventure
Rating: Pg 13
Language: English, translations in French, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Japanese, Norwegian, Dutch, Portuguese, Breton, Brazilian, Tagalog, German, Chinese, Swedish, Spanish, Esperanto, Latin, Korean, Italian, Hebrew, Greek, Czech
Status: On-going, 400+ pages(as of 4/1/2020), Updates Sundays
Read On: http://jolleycomics.com/, Smackjeeves
Description: When offered a chance to be a hero by a strange figure with a TV for a head, a young girl is whisked away to a whimsical land in desperate need of a hero. This journey will take them across the lands where emotions manifest into physical forms and the inanimate becomes animate.
Object Heads: Tv Head, Radio Head, etc.
Character Status: One of the main characters and a few secondary characters are object heads
Warnings: None
Notes: Created by @modmad ​ on Tumblr
The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn - by Tri Vuong
Gene: Fantasy, slight horror
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 100 Chapters, Completed on 5/21/2019(maybe on Hiatus?)(as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Webtoons
Description: Follow the journey of the world's greatest paranormal investigator - Oscar Zahn. Friend to lost souls, enemy of evil, he may lack a body but that doesn't mean he's missing a heart!
Object Heads: Skull Head
Character Status: Main character is an object head
Warnings: Some disturbing imagery
Robot Dream - by Robot Dream, written down by Paulie Godbout, illustrated by Sandra Grygier
Gene: Action, Drama
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: On-Going, 70+ pages (as of 4/1/2020) No Solid Update schedule
Read On: https://www.robotdream.com/mystory (up until page 73), Tapas (up until page 70)
Description: When a lonely human-robot-hybrid refuses to live a life of seclusion, he discovers a community of outcasts in the world of electronic music. But, when he begins creating his own remixes, and discovers they somehow have the power to heal broken hearts and minds, he must learn that revealing who you truly are comes at a price before he is captured by the people who “created” him.
Object Heads: TV Head
Character Status: Main Character
Warnings: References to manipulation and abuse
Notes: You can also read it on Webtoon under the same name but it is only up to page 32
Third Shift Society - by Meredith Moriarty
Gene: Supernatural, Adventure
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 24 Episodes, On Hiatus(as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Webtoon
Description: Life’s funny. One minute you're jobless, deep in debt and on the verge of eviction; the next you’re in a fight with a monster and getting a job working for a Paranormal Detective with the head of a Jack-o-Lantern. It’s an age-old story. Now the financially-challenged Ellie (who’s just discovered she has strong psychic powers) and her Pumpkin-headed boss Ichabod have to team up and fight the things that go bump in the night.
Object Heads: Pumpkin Head
Character Status: Secondary Main Character
Warnings: None
Notes: Created by @meredithmoriarty ​ on Tumblr
Rice Boy - by Evan Dahm
Gene: Surreal fantasy, Adventure
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 439 pages, Completed as of 2008,
Read On: http://www.rice-boy.com/see/, or on Soft/Hardcover Graphic Novels,
Description: Rice Boy is a simple creature torn from his mundane life by an immortal “machine man” called The One Electronic, who suspects that Rice Boy may fulfill an ancient prophecy. Now tasked with trying to fulfill a prophecy he did not choose, Rice Boy must explore the vast, fantastical, and surreal world of Overside and encounter the dangers that it hides.
Object Heads: Circular TV Head
Character Status: Secondary Main Character
Warnings: Chapter 19 contains one page of suggestive incest, Slightly disturbing imagery, violence, drug use
Notes: Dahm also runs a Rerun blog of Rice Boy where he does commentary on the pages as he posts them on Tumblr: @riceboycomic ​
FLCL (also known as Fooly Cooly) - written by Yōji Enokido, directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki
Studio: Gainax
Gene: Comedy, drama
Style: 2D Animation
Rating: PG 13
Language: Japanese, with an English sub and Dub
Status: 1 season(6 episodes), Completed as of 2001
Description:  A boy's humdrum life turns upside-down when he encounters a maniacal girl who causes strange things to grow out of his forehead and draws him into conflict with a mysterious, otherworldly organization.
Object Heads: TV Head Robot
Character Status: Side Main Character
Warnings: Sexual innuendos
Notes: There are 2 more seasons of FLCL known as FLCL Progressive and FLCL Alternative, I haven’t watched them but I don’t believe there are any object head robots in them
The Amazing World of Gumball - created by Ben Bocquelet
Premiered on: Cartoon Network
Gene: slice of life, comedy
Style: Mixed Media Animation
Rating: PG
Language: English,
Status: 6 seasons(240 episodes) + a 6 episode miniseries, Completed as of December 2019
Description: The series revolves around the misadventures of blue cat Gumball Watterson and his adopted goldfish brother and best friend, Darwin. Together they spread mischief across the weird and wacky city of Elmore.
Object Heads: Bomb Head, Boombox head, whatever rob was
Character Status: Secondary and background characters
Warnings: None
Notes: This one really shouldn’t be on the list but I added it because I literally could not think of another show or film that has Object Head characters
Video Games:
Cuphead by StudioMDHR
Gene: Classic Run and Gun
Style: 2D Handpainted Visuals
Rating: E
Language: English
Released: 9/29/2017, DLC (coming soon 2020)
Playable On: Steam, Xbox, Windows 10, Mac, Nintendo Switch
Price: $19.99
Description: Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930s, the visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era, i.e. traditional hand-drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds, and original jazz recordings.
Play as Cuphead or Mugman (in single player or local co-op) as you traverse strange worlds, acquire new weapons, learn powerful super moves, and discover hidden secrets while you try to pay your debt back to the devil!
Object Heads: Cup Heads, Apple Head, Dice Head, Fork Head, etc.
Character Status: Playable Main Characters, some secondary characters, and some of the Bosses
Warnings: Cartoony violence
BattleBlock Theater by The Behemoth
Gene: Platforming, comedy
Style: 2D Graphics
Rating: E
Language: English
Released: Xbox Live-4/3/2013, Steam- 5/15/2014,
Playable On: Steam, Xbox, Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Macintosh operating system
Price: $14.99
Description: Shipwrecked. Captured. Betrayed. Forced to perform for an audience of cats? Yes, all that and more when you unlock BattleBlock Theater! There’s no turning back once you've started on your quest to free over 300 of your imprisoned friends from evil technological cats. Immerse yourself in this mind bending tale of treachery as you use your arsenal of weapon-tools to battle your way through hundreds of levels in order to discover the puzzling truth behind BattleBlock Theater.
If solo acts aren't your style, go online or bring a buddy couch-side to play a thoroughly co-optimized quest or enter the arenas. The game also includes a level editor so you can craft your own mind bending trials!
Object Heads: Heads are customizable but the main game gives you many heads to choose from. Block heads, Shape Heads
Character Status: Playable Characters
Warnings: Cartoony violence, crude humor
Pumpkin Noir by PumpkinNoirDev
Gene: RPG Adventure
Style: Pixel Graphics, RPGMaker
Rating: E
Language: English
Status: Demo as of 6/19/2017
Play On: PC, demo link - https://rpgmaker.net/games/9817/
Price: Not available
Description: Stop, Drop, Noir!
Perched on the precipice of endless void-- a single seedy city. Detectives “Smoke & Fire” Rem and Wednesday face a puzzling situation as the curtain lifts on Halloween night. Go broke, or investigate a rollickingly risky mafia mystery? The answer is clear.
Search for the void’s greatest criminal minds, uncover the shocking secrets of the underworld!
Object Heads: Pumpkin Head
Character Status: Main Character
Warnings: None
Notes: This game is still under development, for more information visit the dev’s blog- https://pumpkin-noir.tumblr.com/ or @pumpkin-noir ​
Object Head Zine - hosted by @potentialforart on Tumblr
Style: Mostly 2D Illustrations and short comics
Gene: Genes differ per year
Rating: PG-PG 13
Language: English
Status: On-Going Project, This zine is a yearly thing
Read On: Tumblr- https://objectheadzine.tumblr.com/ or @objectheadzine, Buy Physical/Digital Copies here - https://gumroad.com/objectheadzine
Price: Prices Vary
Description: The Object Head Zine is a collection of artwork from different artists coming together for a common love of object heads. The Object Head Zine is a yearly project with a new theme chosen for each year. Such themes include Forks and Utensils, Spooky, Flora and Fungi, Superstitions, and Science and Technology.
Object Heads: Yes
Character Status: Main Focus
Warnings: None
And if you have any more suggestions for this list, please let me know!!
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 151
Moving the patreon names a good idea but changes to structure take up more brain space than they should. I hope they keep the reminder they moved it as a substitute, at least for a while. The rest of the structure is the same and I can feel my shoulders coming away from my ears as the theme plays. I choose to interpret that as Alex saying his players being fine is his highest priority. Borb Under the sea bed🎵. 1)its great when I barely start a thought before a player says the same thing 2) we will get our musical one way or the other 3)I know they're from an improv background but it never ceases to delight how joyfully they support each other's unexpected bits. 4) Alex seems like he gets a kick out of playing up his annoyance at the musical idea more than actually being frustrated it keeps coming up. I thought so but nice to confirm. Bless this cast, it wouldn't have been a huge deal if they let Alex's description stand but its so nice they not only corrected it, they did so without hesitation and Alex seemed to appreciate the help in getting to better phrasing rather than take it as an accusation. Not that I thought he would but feeling grateful for RQ not falling into behavior I see elsewhere. Also hearing everyone chiming in; with Bryn being the one to name check the trope instead of it being on Helen to always take the lead is nice to hear. "he was very encountered" Have I mentioned lately that I love literally everything about this show? Even when he thinks he knows exactly what the party is going to do and certainly knows what he is guiding them towards Alex checks instead of putting anyone in the position of having to derail. Cel! I wonder if cis people get anywhere near my joy in Cel having that kind of control over their body. I mean its just objectively cool even without the gender aspect so I hope they at least enjoy that much. I need cancan art. Did Alex know how delighted Lydia would be with the image of being popped out like a cork before he said it? Coo coo ca chu, thank you Ben Zolf remains 200% done and doesn't bother checking the door Ben don't! 92 HP, well that would be comforting if it wasn't Zolf. Like I don't think it's actually a death wish/that he is suicidal but well, see not checking the door. He is far too comfortable with the idea of being hurt. Alex:Chill sea dude Ben: sounds of objection Lydia: chill environment neutral dude Still love Alex's set design. A person! Bryn sounds alarmed about implications of the walk ways. Cel can shield themselves. Yes Hamid can armor himself! Also casts fly on himself & Azu. Thank you Ben/Zolf. This show does get deep into moral quandaries sometimes but unless these guys are as drugged as the Kobolds they objectively need to die. The dice love us Altruism run Darn it Alex, are you hinting they are drugged against their will? Azu feels tapping their shoulder then killing them is better even if they don't have a prayer of defending themselves. Oh I see Helen has our back and is checking for mind control before we do Kobolds 2: the guilt continues. Well yes they are surprised Bryn sounds so pleased as goes through exactly how many ways the odds are in Hamid's favor. Then he rolls 6,6,5,5 on D6s for 26 damage so no kill like over kill. Watsonian explanation: emotion is at least partially fueling Hamid's magic especially anything fire/desolation aligned, and there is no way he isn't overflowing with emotion after the last few hours. Zolf is happy to let Azu handle the last one and uses his action to ask if Cel knows what (something, the equipment in this room?) does. Cel determines its a notification board for the cell cavern. So these guys were directly aware and involved with the mistreatment of the Kobolds. I officially am dropping the last tiny part of me that cared if they were drugged/otherwise forced into the work. If they were cognisant enough to read that and still did it then its time to find Zolf's old bucket. Glad the table is having fun! I wonder what the face Alex pulled looked like.  Raw terror? The equivalent of a neon sign reading "I'm screwed"? I shouldn't have implied Alex would leave the listeners out, this is a wonderful description. Helen is more thorough than I am. There you go, time to die. Oh episode name drop. That's my Zolf, killing who needs killing doesn't mean we ignore collateral damage. And Cel just invented the departures board. Zolf: not worth destroying? Cel: If you'd enjoy it Priorities Heading towards the shore I like how Alex sounds pleased they broke his dungeon Vital info for visualizing this. Poor Azu is trying to swim while Hamid & Cel are zooming elegantly and Zolf is walking because boots or no he is ungainly. Hamid enjoying flying & Azu being adorable even under the circumstances is endearing. Correction Cel is walking Lockers & propaganda posters I can't put it in words but there is a connection being made between how little these mooks care about messing up shared spaces & the rest of the mundane evil that led to them being bucket worthy. Thank you all for the taking water breathing potions I'm not sure how I feel about Alex giving us stuff for free Oh Dear! Are the mooks heading to the village? Zolf is reassuring Never over the little touches Alex has to make the world feel more real like the water proof flares Oh Cel dear, 1)you don't know that, you don't need mourn your village while they yet may live 2)what kind of trauma have they been through? "Again"? Lydia gets a quick dig in about the party not being allowed to sleep. Cel shifts into a creature who can see. ~Break~ Nevermind just enlarge person Somewhere Babs is begging for a simple answer. I don't think we got a simple answer Hamid is reassuring Cel. Something both relateable and possibly a bad sign that "don't worry they have been spending all their time preparing to kill us, so they can't be attacking your people" is legitimately both the line Hamid took and probably the most effective possible. The others help too. I love how they openly care, reassuring Cel without telling them to repress or that they are wrong to experience the emotions in the first place. Lights and colors flashing in the water. The dice seem to be favoring Bryn today. There's a fight up ahead. They all run to the fight, Cel leaves them in the dust. Hamid flies after Cel since he couldn't catch up on foot The dice do know I promise I will appreciate the set design on relisten,  but for the love of god who is fighting who? Mooks vs who? Humans Yes! Alex hasn't quite gotten there but the cast sound convinced its Barnes & Carter. Ah is Wilde with them? Did Wilde tear his hair out worrying then send back up the second Zolf was overdue? Bleeping Carter Barnes sounds like he is having fun Carter is throwing knives at people. Odd knife & dagger are basically synonyms but not getting Sasha feels 2 vs 8 Ben points out Carter stole Sasha's gimmick Ok warming to Carter will take a minute but I already like Barnes Natural 1 on bomb throwing. Thank you Alex for not being a "death by nat 1 is funny" GM Alex keeps forgetting what a bad bum Cel is. Giblet heavy day Moving quickly past possible misgendering of Cel. Best way to handle that I think, no distracting corrections but Lydia doesn't let it stand. Thank you for being safe Hamid! Hamid protects Barnes. Love the extra extra pew. Finger guns! Alex is 3rd person level stressed Cel gets out the crossbow and punctuates their correction on pronouns. I love this podcast. I really, really, love this podcast and stuff like that shows they love their listeners back. Cel: Pronouns. Are. They. Them Helen: the dice say they/them rights Not sure if dead but 13 damage against one misgendering mook Hamid continues to shoot very well in support rather than endangering himself needlessly. Azu, spotting Carter: You! You? Accidently restarted the episode when I unpaused and now my phone is acting up, and is doing strange things when I try to fast forward to where I was. The annoyance at the above is cancelled out by hearing "Pronouns. Are. They/Them" 4 times Zolf: great seeing you again I love Barnes Alex the fandom appreciates this description Ah Zolf got Barnes into the Campbell books And they attempt to flee badly Carter finally rolls decently but not impressively Cel shoots one in the neck they're still moving Hamid mutters in draconic:  this is for the Kobolds Thank you Bryn Barnes successfully seduced <Azu> Helen I love that the trained mathematician is the one who participates in dice superstition Ben! Huh patreon names still make my brain happy. Wonder if it's something deep about community or I just got pavloved by it being before RQG & TMA for so long
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treya-barton · 4 years
It’s a bit late but @ragewerthers tagged me for this list of fic preferences so I thought I would give it a go 😊
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences and tag some more people!
Slow burn or love at first sight? 
I’m definitely a fan of slow burn.  Both when it comes to writing and when it comes to reading.  I just love seeing characters getting to know each other and building up that trust until they suddenly realize what their feelings mean. I think also since I need to get to know a person first before I truly find them attractive it’s harder for me to get into love at first sight.
Fake dating or secretly dating?
I’ve definitely written stories where characters are secretly dating and haven’t revealed it to their friends yet, but I’m kind of a sucker for the fake dating and then fall in love trope in movies/dramas/fanfiction…  It’s just so fun to see them fight it at first and have all the sexual tension until the feelings arrive.
Enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?
100% friends to lovers.  Most of my pairings are childhood friends or best friends.  I sometimes do a rivals to lovers but even as rivals they’re still best friends or nakamas.
“Oh no there’s only one bed” or long distance correspondence?
Out of the two options the there’s only one bed scenario is a tried and true for a reason.  There are so many different ways to handle it and you can have very different types of stories each time.  I think I’ve read too many stories where the long distance correspondence was handled in a way I didn’t like which makes me wary when it comes to those stories.
Hurt/comfort or amnesia?
I am a total fan of slight angst with a fluffy ending.  I’m not usually a fan of amnesia.  
Fantasy au or modern au?
This one is a hard choice because I’ve written several fantasy AUs but I think reading wise I often like seeing characters in a modern or normal day to day setting since I love slice of life.
Mutual pining or domestic bliss?
Again while I’ve certainly written mutual pining which is bound to happen for a slow burn, I really enjoy established relationships with a domestic setting.  
Smut or fluff?
I write a lot of fluff and enjoy seeing characters just being happy with one another. I’m also more particular about what I like in smut.  Well written smut is amazing though and I have a lot of respect for people who write it well.
Canon complement/missing scenes or fix it?
I definitely have re-written endings *coughs*FFXV*coughs* so I fall more within fix it.  Honestly though I usually write post-story stuff exploring what happens after the game/series ends and how things progress.  I’m not usually as interested in rewriting scenes or adding to scenes in the game/series unless it’s specifically as a fix it.
Alternate universe or future fic?
Uhhhh…see above.  I pretty much exclusively write future fics and AUs.  So I can’t choose ._.
One-shot or multi-chapter?
I realized that I’m kind of treating this like a writer instead of a reader for a lot of these haha  I enjoy writing multi-chapters because I get to do more with plot and characters and love coming up with world building and an outline tying everything together.  Same thing with reading really well-done multi-chapters – I love seeing what will happen next. That’s not to say that I don’t love one shots and don’t sometimes just look for one shots when I don’t want to invest time in a multi-chapter (I tend to binge them so I have to be in the right mindset).  I also enjoy one shots because I’m usually doing them for ask prompts so I get to try to write something creative around a theme which is a good writing exercise for me.
Kid fic or road trip fic?
I literally played FFXV because it was centered around a road trip.  I will choose a road trip every time.  There’s just something fun about going on a road trip with friends/family and the weird conversations you’ll get into, singing along to music, and the different places you get to stop at and see.
Reincarnation or characters death?
I don’t think either are really ones I typically go for but I have read some good FFXV reincarnation fics.
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage?
I actually prefer fake marriage just like the fake dating earlier XD  So I’m just going to make up my own choice here.
Neighbors or roommates?
Like half my Souyo stories are them being roommates in college so…
High school romance or middle-aged romance?
I think because I’m an adult now I like to read stories about characters going through adult life.  Goes along with enjoying future fics and their life post game/series.  Also domestic bliss and just the every day to day life.
Time travel or isolated together?
I don’t feel like either of these are things I’ve typically gone out of my way to read?  I choose isolated together because of stuck in elevator stories, stuck in a cabin in the snow etc.  I guess those are forms of isolated together stories although they’re very much short term isolation.  
Sci-fi or magic au?
While I’ve definitely read and written both I am totally a sucker for sci-fi. Star Wars is my favorite movie series and while I read both fantasy and sci-fi growing up I’ve always been drawn to the whole space exploration and visiting new planets genre.  What’s fun is when you mix both together and have magic and technology 😊
Body swap or genderbend?
I’m going with genderbend as in the way it’s used in shoujo or kdrama stories where a girl dresses up as a guy for whatever reason and the guy falls in love with her.  I’ve definitely enjoyed several series with that theme, with Coffee Prince probably being my favorite.
Angst or crack?
Only if it’s angst with a happy ending and doesn’t go too dark.  Sometimes I’m in the mood to write/read angst. Crack fics on the other hand are a lot of fun and sometimes I just need a good laugh.
Apocalyptic or Mundane?
I love slice of life/domestic bliss.  What can I say lol
And now to tag some other players:
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daddychims · 5 years
Offside Pt 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Series Masterlist!
Genre: Smut, Soccer AU, College AU
Pairings: Soccer Player! Jungkook X Sports Trainer! Reader
Word Count: 2k
Other BTS members all make a cameo as well because I’m an OT7 Trash!
You work as a sports trainer, providing basic first aid and injury management for the Hanguk University’s soccer team. Going with your mundane life of caring for the dozen of guys hurting themselves in the soccer game takes a turn when one of the guys catches your eyes. It’s not his breathtakingly good looks or his muscular athletic body usually seducing girls at the campus that catches your eyes. But the action plan in your kit, indicating he is diagnosed with Asthma is what draws your eyes time and time again to the Golden Boy of Hanguk University.
Warning: Slow burn, eventual smut, Taehyung being a freaking tease the whole time, Fuckboy!Jungkook, Asthmatic! Jungkook , mentions of episodes of Asthma, Take your Ventolin kids, Take your medications kids!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
"Can we talk?"
You turn around from where you're standing, checking through the content of your kit to make sure you have enough for the whole duration of the 90 minutes game.
"Not now sorry," You shake head quickly counting through the boxes of gauze and sigh in frustration "I should run back to the office."
"I need to talk to you," He persists, shifting to be in your sight, as you remain unfazed by his existence
"Jeon," you breath out his name in a mixture of anger and annoyance as you grab one of the boxes "I need another 3 boxes of these before I can even think of anything else."
"Fine," he reaches and grabs the box off your hand "Where do I get them from?" He shots back in a rushed tone 
"The game starts in 10 minutes!" your frown, not taking interest in his suggestion
"Then I'll be back in 5," he narrows his eyes "Where?"
"The main office," you respond, watching him with observant eyes "Second floor!"
"Fine," he nods as he pushes his hair back with his slender fingers "But when I come back, we're talking okay?!"
"fine!" you raise your hands as a sign of approval and watching him run back to the other side of the field where the main office is located.
You sigh sitting back down and rummaging through your kit again to ensure everything is prepared. Today is the day when Hanguk and SNU soccer teams go head to head for a friendly match.
Even though it's called a friendly match, you very well know how the field can resemble the war scene in at least 30 minutes from now.
These guys are the best of the best, the crops of the cream of their respective universities and its not just about their personal pride but their campus honour which is on the stake.
You already gave Dr Kim a heads up earlier that week, knowing very well the injuries that will happen on the day will exceed all your injury management experience summed up in the past two years.
Fortunately, he was more than happy to cover that night's shift with you, making sure everything goes smoothly with the two teams and hopefully, everyone come out of it alive.
You raise your head up, eyes glittering with joy upon seeing your friend running to you in his favourite soccer boots. 
"Namjoon, you're late!" you scold, watching him run to your clumsily 
"I know, I know," he sighs stopping by your seat and proceeds to do some stretches he should have done much earlier "One of the professors needed help with a paper so I stayed over time. Once I was done with it, it was already half an hour to the game. I dont know how I got here honestly."
"Yeah I get it, you're making good career connections in SNU," you roll your eyes laughing "whatever Joon! But this game is as important in your resume as the connections."
"Hey hey dont give me that sour attitude," he scolds pouting in response
"Fine, you cry baby," you ruffle his hair teasingly "Kick Hanguk's ass, I'm counting on you to teach the source of my nightmares a good lesson."
"Yes Sir-" he responds determined when a familiar figure cuts him off
"Captain," you both turn around seeing the small figure of Jimin nearing both of you
"Park, what's up?" He asks eyeing the guy with concerned eyes
"My neck," he grunts, face scrunched in pain "It's playing up again today."
"Just get it strapped then, we're short on time Park," Namjoon growls in response "Hanguk's a strong team buddy, we dont wanna get fucked in the butt on the friendly match, do we?"
"The sport's trainer covering today's shift called in sick," Jimin grunts in a worried tone "No one's coming to cover her shift either since she called in too late."
You watch your friend's expression hardening as he walks closer to his teammate and checks his tilted to one side neck.
"I haven't done many neck straps before but it'll be better than nothing-"
"I can do it for you," you quickly step in, bending down to grab a tape box off your kit "sit down! quick quick." you order and the guy's expression lightens with a smile
"sure," he shrugs sitting down across you “Thanks, you’re literally an God sent angel.” 
"Have you had tapes on there before?" You ask  in a rush as you neatly scissor the corners of your tape
"yeah I had," he responds eyeing you carefully as you lean closer to have a look at his neck and fit the tape on it “this pain has been here for a while now.” 
"I'm gonna have a feel first yeah?" You ask reaching up to palpate the side of his neck, feeling the muscles tense under your touch “Have you checked it with your sports medicine clinic?”
“Heat pack, massages, hold relax,” he lists them down as if he’s reciting them off a book “I’ve tried anything and nothing has worked.”
You nod your head, lips slightly pursing forward as you concentrate closely on where would the tape sit on his skin. 
"You know you should be grateful you get to touch me," He smirks looking up at you teasingly "Not everyone gets the privilege you know."
"alright thanks for the privilege Jimin," you narrow your eyes trying to find the sore spot on his neck "tell me where it hurts the most."
He flinches as you press harder on the area that you feel is knotted under your touch
"there!" he grunts in pain, face scrunching again as you touch your way down to his shoulder girdle "Yes, there Nghh ..."
You proceed to stick the corner of the tape on the side of his shoulder, eyeing the stretch you wanna create over the contour of his shoulder blade across to his spine and stick the other end there. 
"Come back for a quick review after the game," you instruct patting the rest of the tape on his skin to create some warmth and increase the adhesion of the material to his skin "Since I'm not familiar with your skin type, I might have done it too tight or too loose. I'll have to review for any reactions."
"Just say you wanna see me after the game again," He smirks, leaning closer to get a better sight of your focused eyes on his neck "Sweetheart you dont need to ask me indirectly."
"Park Jimin-" you scowl, eyebrows furrowing closer but your attention diverts to the guy who comes running back to you
"I came back in five minutes, you can-" his words cease on his lips, expression hardening at the sight of you and Jimin
"Hey Jeon!" Jimin calls with a smirk "nice to see you again. Ready for the game?"
"Can’t wait," Jungkook shrugs before bringing his attention back to you "here, we still have 5 minutes, let's talk!"
"Jungkook, I have to prepare for the game-"
"You said you'll talk to me if I come back in 5 minutes," He shouts back, throwing the boxes of sterile gauze in your kit "You know what screw this!"
You watch with a surprised expression as the guy runs towards the middle of the soccer field away from you.
"He was always a little too heated for his own," Jimin hisses under his breath, moving his neck from side to side "Damn that feels much better already, what did you do?"
"Its placebo effect," You scoff pushing your remaining tapes back in the kit "Seeing my beautiful face made you forget all about your pain." You chuckle 
"Well if that's the case ..." he stands up shifting closer and leaning to your face "Wire me some of your placebo effects before every game babe!"
You sigh looking the guy in the eyes for a few seconds "Just when I thought no one can be worse than Taehyung!"
He laughs at your remark and ruffles your hair "Thanks anyway," he mutters softly “ I'm gonna kick Hanguk's butt thanks to you, Miss Placebo Effect."
"Alright tough boy, Don’t go overboard and hurt yourself now." you nod patting his shoulder " I can't just simply strap you off if you come back with a broken bone."
He laughs out loud, amused at your cheeky response but before he can shot back with his usual sassy tone Namjoon calls for him and he waves his way to you before running to the field.
You watch the guy, sitting back in your designated chair when your eyes meet Jungkook's eyes and to your surprise, he's mouthing something to Taehyung while eyeing you carefully.
He furrows his eyebrows closer when he catches your eyes, jawline protruding at the corner of his chin indicating he's exerting some pressure there.
You quickly look away, watching the captains gathering each team to say their final words just before the whistle starts the game.
  "If anyone wants a strap come through," you yell at the guys snap the door to the shower room open and rush inside, occupying the space.
You proceed to set the tapes and towels on the small table, swirling a couple of chairs around for the guys who'd soon be occupying them when you overhear the conversation over the well.
"You fucking slammed him Jeon," Taehyung's familiar deep voice echoes as he bumps Jungkook's shoulder with his fist "I've never seen you with your head so in the game."
"He keeps his fire for the right times," Yugyeom responds over the noises that almost block his voice from reaching you over the wall "That's Jeon's strength."
"You should have seen the pretty boy's face when you left the field," Taehyung laughs as he remembers the scene he witnessed moments earlier "He was fucking fuming."
"That's all he's good at," Jungkook finally speaks up in an unimpressed tone "In the end, his head is far up in his ass," He scoffs as he slams his locker closed "He gets ahead of himself and ends up getting in the way."
You furrow your eyebrows wondering who they're talking about so seriously but before you can continue to investigate further, you sense a shadow hovering over your height making you turn your head around to see the person.
"J-Jeon," you call gulping nervously as you quickly turn away from him and grab a towel "Ankle?"
He plops himself down on one of the chairs, raising his usually painful leg up on another as you quickly rummage through your tapes to find one appropriate for him.
"Have you got time after this?" He asks, tilting his chin up to observe you carefully
"I'd have to tidy this place up so I'll be here for a few more hours!" you explain as you cut the corners of the Kinesiology tape and measure it around your wrist to ensure its enough length for his ankle
"I can wait," he sighs, tone slightly annoyed "Except if you’re planning to continue avoid me like the past few days."
You stay silent, sitting across him and measuring the tape around his ankle again to confirm your guestimation. The corner of the tape sticks to his shin and you carefully pull the other end with enough stretch around the sole of his foot.
"I said what I wanted to say the other night," you finally speak up, trying your best to stop your voice from trembling in the middle
"Right, you did," he shrugs, bending his feet up and down as you taught him before while your circle his feet with the tape carefully  "But I havent!"
You stick the other side of the tape on his skin and tap the fabric on his shin to ensure it sticks right on the corners. You hate it when the corners of the tape lift up from the skin and it all looks messy. 
He sighs, dropping his feet down from the chair before kicking the chair out of the way. You look up at him with surprised eyes as you were still in the middle of your task, but he doesn't allow you to protest as he grabs the leg of your chair with one hand and pulls you closer to himself.
"So what do you say?" He raises an eyebrow, facing dangerously close to you "we talk? after you're done here?"
You look at him with a frown, slightly surprised that he's so persistent on his argument. Your lips part to answer him but the door of the office snaps open and you drift your head around to see who’s the person entering the place.
"Hey," Jimin greets, hand reaching up to make a mess of his wet strands of hair that indicated he just came out of the shower, “Didnt you say I should check this with you after the game?" He then looks at Jungkook , eyes attentively observing the close proximity of your bodies. 
"Right," you breath out, quickly standing up from your chair "come in."
Jungkook reaches for your hand and stops you from moving away from him "What time do you finish work?" he asks sternly
"If it doesn't take long tidying at about 8," you reply, twisting your wrist in his hold as an attempt for him to let go
"I'll wait for you then," he grumbles before standing up, the chair under him jolting back from his sudden movement
He throws a glare towards Jimin who's now settling on one of the chairs before limping his way to the shower rooms.
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I Need A Favor ✨
Damian Wayne x Reader.
Request: Can I please request # 11 (“my mom keeps setting me up, so i need you to pretend to be my boyfriend.”) from the fake dating trope prompts with Damian Wayne?
Notes: Don’t we all know an asshole like Chad? Requests still open!
Warnings: a male character that overlooks consent.
Prompt List Here.
 “I need a favor.”
You don’t know what exactly made you think it was a good idea to ask him. Maybe it was because he seemed to be the most suitable person to stump all of your mother’s prying questions, or maybe it was because you had known him long enough that he wouldn’t judge you for asking for this particular favor amongst friends. Or perhaps, and this seemed most likely, it was because asking him to fake date you was easier to do than confess your actual feelings to him.
“What is it?” he asks, book shutting with a snap. He always looked at you so intensely, it made you long to peer into his brain and see what he was thinking.
“You’re not going to be thrilled. Er…it’s kind of mundane.” You tried very hard to return his stare, to maintain level contact with his eyes but as a dark eyebrow went up in intrigue, you felt an immense desire to sit down, legs buckling a little. He was so effortlessly striking.
“If it doesn’t involve matters of life or death, I’m sure Grayson or Todd would be happy to assist you,” he says nonchalantly with a brief flicker of a grin, swinging his legs back up on the table and resuming his reading.
Just spit it out, you chastise yourself. How hard is it to just ask for a favor? It was Damian after all, he would never tease you about it. Besides, he was right. If he declined, Tim or Dick would be nice enough to help you out. In fact, you were sure even Jason wouldn’t mind, although that might just make your mother even more insistent on picking out your new boyfriend. You take a deep breath and his eyes flick up to you as you exhale, mouth quirking in amusement.
“My mom keeps setting me up, so i need you to pretend to be my boyfriend,” You say in one quick breath. Thankfully, Damian doesn’t laugh but he doesn’t look compliant either.
“And why me?”
You look down at the rug, moving a foot from left to right as though you were coaxing the earth to open up and swallow you whole. Why him? Because you had undeniable feelings for him that ran so deep that you were sure his name was written across your heart, imprinted in your bones and weaved into your soul.
Instead you say, “If it’s you, she won’t ask questions. She knows you’re a private person.” You unwittingly move around the table to sit next to him on the other side. His body heat radiates off him in waves and you feel a little light headed when he leans in towards you. He doesn’t say anything, just stares.
“Please Damian,” you start when the silence becomes too overwhelming. “Please, please pl--”
“Alright I’ll do it.”
“You will?”
“Yes. We’re friends are we not? I do not appreciate watching you suffer,” his smile is as warm and genuine as his words. Your stomach swoops and you feel a little dizzy but you manage to stutter out a thanks. “Plus, Talia has been doing the same to me.
November marked the beginning of the new financial year in Gotham city and as the chill of October bled into the frigid cold that meant autumn was at its peak; Gotham City’s elite prepared for the season where summer luncheons and October masquerades seamlessly shifted into dinner parties and extravagant galas under the glow of twinkling lights.
You and Damian had agreed on simple terms. At the next major gala of Gotham’s elite that Wayne Enterprises was set to host, you’d introduce him to your mother as your boyfriend; claim that it was a new relationship which would shut down her quest of finding you a life partner, and after that you’d both slink of to do whatever you wished.
Except, as most plans go, things went awry pretty much at the start at the evening. Damian had gotten caught up in a mission with Jason and had texted you several times to apologize but promise that he’d be there, he’d just be a little late, which didn’t seem that bad. Until you had arrived and your mother warned you to be on your best behavior before immediately ambushing you with three potential suitors all at once; a pretty blonde named Celeste who was fun to hang out with but quietly ran off to another party when her parents weren’t looking, Jeremy, who barely even glanced your way most of the night, instead spending most of his name stalking off to take heated phone calls and Chad, whose father was an accountant at Wayne Enterprises, and who was very clearly on steroids. He spent most of the evening regaling you of tales of his lacrosse victories and drinking a continuous stream of champagne.
You feigned interest valiantly. Across the room, your mother caught your eye and mouthed “Smile. Act more interested.” You briefly contemplated jumping off the nearby balcony, deciding against it because it was very likely that one of the Bat-kids would swoop in to rescue you, the bastards. But as the evening wore on, Damian absence seemed to tear a hole in your heart. You couldn’t help but wonder if this was his way of backing out of the plan. Perhaps it made him too uncomfortable to fake that kind of interest in you? You didn’t blame him. But it still stung.
As Chad reminded you that he was the star player of his team for what seemed like the millionth time, you noticed that he was invading more and more of your personal space with each flute of champagne. Something akin to bile began to rise in your throat as his arm slipped from your shoulder to your lower back, dangerously close to your butt. You fought hard to maintain a neutral expression, but this close the scent of his cologne was suffocating you and you wanted nothing more than to snap his grabby arm and run away. You tried to formulate an excuse in your mind. If you played sick and left early, your mom would just wait until the next gala event to try again and if you out rightly told her to cut it out, she’d get all offended and you’d never hear the end of it.
You briefly succeed in shaking him with the excuse of needing to speak with your mother, whilst he went in search of more drinks. You expected her to at least hear you out but she barely even let you get a word out.
“Go dance with Chad. He seems to be treating you nicely enough.” Yes mother but he’s also been trying to cop a feel all night and I’m not keen on giving him an opportunity, you thought bitterly. To add insult to injury Chad re-appeared with two glasses and an even stronger interest in getting you alone with him. He tugged on your arm, face set in what you assumed to be a pout but much rather looked as though he was constipated.
“Come on. I know you want to. Don’t you want to have some fun?” he slurred into your ear, his fingers digging too tightly into your waist. Bile began to rise in your throat again as you mother nodded approvingly at the sight of you. You couldn’t decide if you were about to be sick or if you were going to burst into tears.
“Come on!” he tried again, a little more forceful this time, “I know you want to.”
“No, I don’t.”
“You can’t be dressed like that and expect me to believe you.” He said arrogantly.
“Excuse me?” you could feel the angry tears threatening to burst like a flooded dam. Regardless of what happened next, even if you broke his nose, you were probably going to start crying. You felt so trapped and overwhelmed. Hurt enveloped you like a blanket; your perfect plan in ruins, your mother refusing to save you from the clutches of a creep and said creep becoming increasingly agitated by your rejection of his advances.
And just when you thought all was lost, when you thought your only option came down to violence, Damian appeared through the grand doors, looking like an angel of salvation in a suit. His dark hair was artfully tousled, one single strand falling across his forehead just so. His skin looked a little wan and he had dark circles under his eyes but he marched towards you with purpose, adjusting his blazer and fixing Chad with a dangerous leer. You didn’t miss the way his jaw ticked or his fists clenched. He played the part of the jealous boyfriend really well.
“Oh thank God, you made it,” you say, walking towards him, positively delighted to let him rescue you, “I was just hmph-”
And then he was kissing you; it was something fierce and primal and a little desperate on your part. His lips were warm and his pink mouth is just as soft as you had imagined it to be. Your hands slid into his hair as he licked into your mouth and when he’d kissed you thoroughly breathless, he pulled away from you slowly with his eyes closed as though the lack of air had made him a little intoxicated.
“Sorry I’m late beloved,” he says, smoothing his thumbs gently across your cheeks.
“It’s ok.” You stutter the words out softly as your head spins; you want him to kiss you again and then again and then forever.
“Who’s your friend?” he asks incredulously, head jerking in Chad’s direction
You bite back a satisfied smile at Chad’s obvious horror, forcing yourself to keep your words pleasant you say, “This is Chad, his dad’s an accountant for your dad, Dami.”
“Oh, really? And in all the years of your father having that position, did he never find the time to teach you about being a decent human being you irreverent leech? You were turned down multiple times and you kept trying to force her. I sure hope that you don’t usually behave like that and I sure hope your father can still be proud of you when he learns of your behaviour here this evening.” You’ve never heard Damian talk like that before. Usually his anger is biting and fierce, but his tone now is calm, only dangerously slow. You feel it necessary to keep a palm against his chest, tethering him to you.
“He’s right. I’d like an apology.”
He stutters out a sorry with wide eyes and a slack jaw and the turns away as fast he can. You make a mental note to ask Barbara to run a background check on him before turning back to Damian.
“How long have you been watching Damian?”
“Long enough .”
Still wrapped in his arms, you lean up on your toes to look directly into his eyes. They still sparkled brightly with amusement, hazel/green pools that were flecked with bits of honey-gold told you that his anger had subsided. You both let the moment linger unequivocally enthralled by each other. His nose brushes against yours and as your breaths mingle; his minty and yours smelling of champagne, he leans in to close the distance and capture you into another kiss.
“Is my mother looking?” you say against his chin once you’ve pulled away.
“Yes,” he says, his voice hoarse. It’s one word but it sounds so delicious that you shiver against him.
“Good. Thank you Damian, you’re the best fake boyfriend ever. I owe you one,” you whisper into his neck.
“Actually, I need to ask you for a favour,” he tilts your chin up, pinning you with his gaze, “Forgive me, but I lied before. I didn’t agree to this just because we’re friends, or because my mother is setting me up; TT she couldn’t care less. I agreed to this, because I could no longer conceal my feelings for you.”
He loosens his arms around you, taking your palms gently into his as you stare at him with confusion written all over your face.
“I said yes because I thought this would make it easier for me to ask. Would you…”
“You don’t even know what I was about to say, beloved,” he smiles, brilliantly.
“I don’t care Dami. Just keep calling me that and keep kissing me.”
He complies.
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sinakakyralih · 5 years
– one / NAME / ALIAS. Kyralih! (KEEr-ah-lee!) 
– two /  BIRTHDAY. September 1st
– three / ZODIAC SIGN. "Virgo” but the sun is still in Leo on my birthday! So TRUE SIGN LEOOOOOOO with some virgo tendencies
– four /  HEIGHT.  5′7.5″ the half counts
– five  /  HOBBIES. Writing, roleplaying, gaming, mindlessly watching tv episodes with the rest of my schedule that’s all I can doooooooooo
– six /  FAVOURITE COLOURS. Grey! Pale greens! Grey-blues!
– seven / FAVOURITE BOOKS. Because my writing gets heavily influenced by what I’m reading, I haven’t read a book in forever go ahead and shame me, I deserve it  。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。 but!!! When I used to read all the time my favorite authors were for fantasy! Like Terry Brooks (Shannara series!), Mercedes Lackey (Heralds of Valdemar!), Anne McCaffrey (Dragonriders of Pern), Tamora Pierce, Margeret Weis and Tracy Hickman (Dragonlance Chronicles!)
– eight  /  LAST SONG LISTENED TO. I was writing for Khit’li yesterday so it’s on his playlist! Can’t Help Falling In Love cover by Kina Grannis (hahahaha from Crazy Rich Asians)
– nine  /  LAST FILM WATCHED. hmmmm.... the Steven Universe Movie? I think? I might’ve hung out with Husband when he was watching something since then, though
– ten  /  INSPIRATION FOR MUSE. Tbh, I made “Sinaka Kyralih” when I was first getting back into writing and roleplaying in 2010 and was supremely impressed with myself in that I could take my first and soon-to-be-married last name, flip it backwards, change where the space was, and tadaaa, generate a name that sounded like an actual name. Hooray for me! As far as “inspiration” for Kyra went, I took the lazy way out and stuck in parts of me (which would be easiest to RP with ;D) and pushed the idea of wanting to get out there and find adventure, and went with it. She fights for what’s right and won’t hesitate to stand up for her ideals. She won’t back down from a challenge. She’ll do all that is in her power to help her friends and back them up. She enjoys exploring and likes to be out in nature. She can be really silly, and intense. She’s in the Path of the Twelve and frequents dangerous locales to keep the peace in Eorzea and doesn’t regret a minute of it. She likes to play with people. Is she lazy in regards to mundane activities? Ridiculously so. Does she whine and complain? Frequently. If she’s not complaining about something minor then either she’s supposed to be in charge, something is actually wrong, or she realizes she’s with people who don’t think it’s cute/endearing. Is she perfect? No. 
The Calamity helped develop her greatly; the five-year gap gave her time to grow ha she caught up to my age during that and I was all >O about it when it happened xD I made her 5 years younger than me for... well I had a reason back then, anyway xD OH WELL THOUGH, HAPPILY SWAPPING AGE FOR A LITTLE MORE HARD-WON MATURITY AND ANGST, MWAHAHAHAHA and then never mentioning the other members of the Path of the Twelve, including the player’s Path Companion, gave me alll kiiinds of room for angst >D which I happily indulged in (my entire ‘sol’ tag, mwahahaha). But she remained completely happy and normal and playful and ridiculous and aggravating on the outside, just :) a little broken on the inside. hooray!
KHIT’LI WAS A SEPARATE CASE BUT THIS IS GETTING LONG SO TLDR: Handsome, spoiled, rich little Keeper Princeling from a well-respected Keeper clan from the time of the Crossing; his grandmother is the head honcho of the clan and is a direct descendant from the first Mewrilah matron, making his line like the direct-direct descendants and his mother next-in-line for that role and his sister (they’re close!) training to take up that position later in life. They’re traditional Keepers but living in a much larger-than-”normal” family group (like 6-10 families together rather than the one nuclear often shown in Keeper quests), and males are expected to leave and wander and w/e, but I thought it’d be fun for me for his family to make the male’s role a little more important - their clan has “important” ancestry, and they claim their coloring is closest to Menphina (dark purple-blue dusky skin, like the nighttime sky, with hair the color of moonlight~), so they don’t give away their important “seed” for nothing; rather, they trade with their male’s attentions (alongside normal trade things, like furs and etc.). Weekly ratings, etc. ex: The Aliapoh’s want a Mewrilah-sired offspring? There’s a price~ 
BUT ANYWAY I wanted Khit’li to be driven by the want to not have to take on that wandering lifestyle. He wanted to be taken in by another family, permanently, as he can’t stay with his own, and will do whatever it takes to get there. He wants to be wanted, but will settle for being found indispensable by another family unit - so much so that they will trade whatever it takes to retain his services permanently. So~ he trained intensely growing up to be perfect in all things Keeper poor thing thought he could just stay on if he did well enough ;u; and when that didn’t work, he petitioned to train as a healer to make himself more desirable, the petition passed, and so he went out in the world to train as a conjurer (and then an arcanist when the elementals didn’t much care for him either way) and flirt (and flirt hard) with any Keeper with a crossings-last-name (since only old families could hope to afford what he had planned). He’d drive her crazy to the point she’d want to mate with him, but can’t without a trade agreement with the Mewrilah clan, and when she took him to her clan to start those negotiations he’d wow them with how useful he was and charm all of their young women and make himself indispensable with how well he hunted and healed them and cooked for them and painted faces and told traditional stories and would be so charming that when he suggested they trade for his permanent services they wouldn’t hesitate and would go through with it. 
And then he’d have a home.  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
- eleven / GOD KNOWS WHERE IT WENT. I know where it went. o_o I am very organized.
– twelve  / MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL. Sinaka Kyralih is her name~ @keeperprinceling  is khit’li’s whole ‘persona’~ ♥♥
Tagged by: @clearsundays​ thank you for tagging me!  ヽ(≧◡≦)八
Tagging: WHO HASN’T DONE THIS??? @menphinasbow @alannah-corvaine @keeperofthelilacs @manawalls @warpstargazer @ishstar ANYONE!!! TAG ME SO I CAN LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUUUUUUUUU!
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kyndaris · 5 years
Seeking Inspiration
In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, a bard might be able to sing a little ditty or tell a ribald joke to empower their allies. A player could also impress the dungeon master with their ingenuity and thus receive a token of appreciation in the form of ‘inspiration.’ For any down-on-their-luck writer, trapped in the real world, however, inspiration is a rare currency that cannot be stockpiled. Often, I’d find myself reaching for the nearest scrap of paper or pulling out my phone to put down my ideas so that they are not lost to the land of forgotten thoughts. As a blogger that is always striving to find a topic to write about, though, ‘inspiration’ can come from even the most mundane of objects. 
From my own personal experience, I’ve managed to write posts about conversations that I’ve overheard, the games that I’ve played as well as about the adventures I’ve enjoyed both abroad and at home. There’s always something that kicks off a spark in my mind and has my fingers itching to type it all out.
One of the things that drove me to type up this post dedicated to all things inspiration was the fact that despite everything that’s happened with Tumblr, I’ve managed to accrue more followers. Slowly but surely, a few more have clicked on that elusive button so that they can bear witness to my content. It’s a strange experience and definitely strokes the ego. Just a tad, mind you! I like to think that I’m beyond ‘likes’ and ‘reblogs.’ 
But there’s also the pressure to continue this trend of being the role model. I stalk a little of each person that adds me - getting a brief glimpse of who they might be - and it helps that many are people just starting out. It’s sobering to see that I might have given others the courage to start their own personal blogs and write about their own struggles and triumphs. That might sound egotistical and perhaps it is but when I started my blog, I didn’t think much of it except using it as a platform to write about things that piqued my interest. There was never much thought to cultivating a readership among the people of the internet.
The Writing Corner was meant to be a safe place for me to shout into the void and hear nothing back.
Truth be told, I’ve often found that my anecdotes on life aren’t as intriguing as those found in published works of celebrities but perhaps someone out there in the vastness of the world does actually appreciate the effort I’ve put in. That some people (beyond my friends) have found it and like it is a humbling experience.
But that’s enough from me. What I’m here to write about how our muses drive us to distraction. As someone that is constantly writing, though, I’ve often found that the secret to finding inspiration in my personal works is to continue thinking of the wondrous possibilities just at your fingertips. And with each passing day, add a little more to the overall world. Though Divided We Fall is done and dusted, I do, sometimes think about the characters that I created in the form of Kiralt, Lathin, Elisander and Feryden. It was not easy coming up with their backstories. But the more thought I put into it, the more real they became.
The same is happening with my new fantasy work-in-progress. Lacet and Idana have very distinct voices in my head. And when I find myself needing a break, or in the shower, I sometimes try to feel them out by having a nice jovial conversation.
Emotion has also been a strong starting point when it comes to the art of writing. Even now there’s a short story trying to force its way through. The act of putting it down is cathartic. Without any other avenues (as I refuse to pursue them), it’s a great way to explore where I’m at in my head space and to give off a little steam before everything all boils over.
In any case, I’d like to thank the new followers that have decided that they like the look of The Writing Corner and for giving me a little extra boost. It’s been quite a few years and I’ve been at this personal blogging for a while now. With Tumblr still existing, I’ll keep on pushing out as much new content as possible. There’s still Red Dead Redemption 2 and of course, Kingdom Hearts 3. 
Happy reading and keep living life to the fullest!
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zayntoxicateme · 6 years
June 18, 2018 
We managed to catch up with the quietly enigmatic singer.
Read "How Do You Explain Zayn?"
Zayn, the one-named man who found himself reborn after leaving One Direction, is now on GQ's cover. In his shoot with Sebastian Mader, Zayn channels Tyler Durden and Leo DiCaprio's Romeo. And the wildly enigmatic singer also let down his guard, briefly, in talking to writer Carrie Battan about his relationship with Gigi Hadid, the self indulgence of being a "star," and his crafty use of the paparazzi for his own devices—a story you can read here (full story is below; the link will take you to the GQ website)
How Do You Explain Zayn?
Carrie Battan
Photographs by
Sebastian Mader
The 25-year-old British singer is deeply, maddeningly, almost trolling-ly enigmatic. And that cultivated mystery—along with his disdain for the standard rules of superstardom—is probably what puts him on the short list for COOLEST HUMAN ALIVE. On a recent Friday night, though, he dropped his guard and spilled his guts.
There are exactly two places in New York on a Friday night where Zayn Malik can smoke Marlboro Lights as liberally and openly as he pleases, unencumbered by gawkers or the city's increasingly draconian anti-smoking laws. The first is Zayn Malik's SoHo apartment, where he spends the majority of his time, zoning out, reading books, listening to music, and "partaking in the herb," as he says. The second is the Mary A. Whalen, a 172-foot-long restored-tanker-ship-turned-nonprofit-hangout-spot that is docked off the shore of Red Hook, Brooklyn. The ship is closed for business after 6 P.M., but tonight its leader, a hardy blonde ship preservationist named Carolina, has agreed to keep it open late to accommodate us. No crowds, a few plastic chairs, and a gently lilting surface that is basically a giant ashtray.
There is just one problem: The temperature on deck is decreasing rapidly with the setting sun, and Zayn—the 25-year-old former British-boy-band member, current solo pop-ish star, and all-around inscrutable avatar of contemporary celebrity—has arrived with nothing on his person but a lighter, a backpack, and an iPhone. No jacket on his rail-thin five-ten frame—just a pair of charcoal skinny jeans, a distressed Pink Floyd T-shirt, a bright pink beanie that obscures his new flower skull tattoo (or "tah-oo," as Zayn pronounces it). He looks so modernly cool, blending a hip-hop swagger with a punk-rock edge, that he should receive a cut from Urban Outfitters every time someone makes a purchase. He is the only man whose Disney-princess-long eyelashes seem to bolster his machismo rather than diminish it. Nobody this dreamy has ever bothered to check the weather to see if he should grab a jacket before leaving the house. Through chattering teeth, he rejects multiple offers of blankets. "It's all good," he insists, burping faintly after taking a swig of his Peroni. "I'm cool."
Still, Carolina avails us of the ship's warmer galley. "I might have a cigarette first?" Zayn asks, as though he needs permission, gesturing toward the other side of the ship. Over there is his assistant Taryn, a young woman with French-braided pigtails that make her look more like a high school soccer player than someone designated to manage the everyday logistics of a notoriously slippery superstar's life. She is the custodian of his pack, doling out individual cigarettes to Zayn periodically.
But Carolina assures us Zayn will not have to stay outside to smoke his cigarette. She'll let us smoke belowdecks on the condition that Zayn provide her one of his Marlboros and permission to snap a photograph. She promises she won't post it until after the story runs. "Uh…yeah?" Zayn replies, sounding sincerely surprised that he is the one who has to answer a question that was directed at him.
A steely detachment from life's mundane logistical concerns is part of almost every celebrity's existence, but it is the core of Zayn's being. This character trait has ruinous potential, but it also means he gets to live his life exactly how he pleases. And it means that he doesn't have to express a single word or hint of desire in order for the conditions around him to re-arrange to his liking and comfort. There's a hapless Peter Pan quality to it that makes it tough to hold against him.
We settle around the table in the '70s-style kitchen on the boat. It's 15 degrees warmer down here and private. Zayn instantly appears relieved, his shoulders unclenching and his brow de-furrowing. He stops shivering. He is in a womb-like space, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes, and he seems palpably and unexpectedly happy. "Thanks," he says quietly and earnestly in Carolina's direction as she seals off the door behind us. "Couple of times I tried to quit. But I just like smoking cigs. Simple as that."
There is a major conundrum in Zayn's life, which is that he may be constitutionally incapable of being a star. He tells me so almost immediately. "I don't work well in group situations, with loads of people staring at me. And when you say 'star'…everyone wants you to be this kind of character that owns a room or is overly arrogant or confident. I'm not that guy," he says. "So I don't want to be a star." Zayn seems to aspire to the soul of Prince, or some cult '90s skate-punk figure, but is trapped in the trajectory of a Justin Timberlake.
A decade ago, someone like Zayn would not have become the Chosen Member of a band like One Direction. The Chosen Member is the boy-band graduate whose solo career evolves and hurdles into grown-up relevance, ultimately overshadowing the band's legacy. Until recently, you could spot a Chosen Member from a mile away—he was unequivocally the best dancer and the one the most girls wanted to bring home to their parents. But Zayn never fit the mold of a Chosen Member. From the day One Direction formed, on the U.K. show The X Factor in 2010, he was cast as the smoldering background foil to the eager-to-please Harry Styles and Liam Payne. His energy and his dance moves were muted. He presented as the quiet, disillusioned one.
But in the past five years or so, it has become acceptable—necessary, even—for a young pop star to show some edge. Thanks to the social-media-fueled, ever intensifying quest for authenticity, real or feigned, we no longer expect our most famous musicians to be toothless and virginal robots. Now we demand that they show a certain degree of lustiness, instability, anti-heroism. The Weeknd scored a No. 1 hit with an elaborately coded song about a cocaine binge—and then followed it up with another No. 1 hit, this one explicitly referencing a cocaine binge. Lana Del Rey's entire aesthetic revolves around a kind of narcotized death wish. And Taylor Swift spent her last album desperately trying to persuade us that she really is villainous. Even Disney's babiest-faced of pop princesses, Selena Gomez, is getting mileage out of her demons, playing a Girl, Interrupted–style heroine and rocking a hospital bracelet in a music video. Face tattoos are basically required for entry onto the Billboard Hot 100 these days. Squeaky-clean is no more.
And yet even for the most tortured-seeming of these artists, there is still a fierce expectation that they play the game. Mild drug habits or mental illnesses are perfectly acceptable, so long as someone is willing to write catchy songs about those tendencies and then later gussy them up for arena audiences and gamely field jokes from talk-show hosts. Even Justin Bieber, the poster child for our current era of troubled pop stars, is always just one phone call with his pastor away from being able to quiet his demons and pop-and-lock on demand.
Zayn seems like a perfect avatar for this new generation of bruised pop heartthrobs, but he's the only one of his cohorts who can back it up with a sincerely jaded disposition and an unpredictable way of being. He is the only one who is staunchly unwilling to play the game. You will not find Zayn cheesing with a random group of famous people for someone's Instagram story at Coachella, nor will you find Zayn learning the latest viral dance move with Ellen DeGeneres. When he released his solo debut, Mind of Mine, two years ago, he opted out of touring altogether, surely pissing off a bunch of emotionally and financially invested parties. And although he promises to be more public-facing this time around—he insists he will tour—he's still removed from the album-cycle content churn. He says the creators of Atlanta have reached out to him to appear on the show—a dream opportunity for anyone in the music industry at this moment—but persnickety Zayn is still mulling the potential. "If the part's right, I'd be really into it," he says. Even the "behind-the-scenes" video that accompanied his new single fails to actually take anyone "behind the scenes"—it's just the song playing over some B-roll. "I guess the cameraman didn't get too much footage," Zayn says on the boat. "I might have been running away from him a bit."
When I ask him why he failed to show up at the Met Gala a couple days earlier, he almost chokes on his cigarette smoke as he exhales. He went to the Met Gala once, in 2016, and that experience symbolized everything he detests about being a famous person—and the litany of coercion and artifice that someone in his position experiences.
"I did go, but I didn't go there to be like, 'Yo, take me serious,' " he remembers. "I was taking the piss! I went there as my favorite Mortal Kombat character, Jax."
He continues: "The Met Gala is not necessarily anything that I ever knew about or was about. But my [former] stylist…would say to me, 'This is really good for you to do.' And no matter how strong you are mentally, you can always be swayed to do certain things. Now, it's not something I would go to. I'd rather be sitting at my house, doing something productive, than dressing up in really expensive clothes and being photographed on a red carpet.… To do the self-indulgent Look at me, I'm amazing thing on the red carpet, it's not me."
Here Zayn catches himself, probably realizing this might register as a diss of Gigi Hadid, the 23-year-old supermodel he's been in an on-again, off-again relationship with for two years. The supermodel who very much seemed to enjoy dressing up in really expensive clothes and being photographed on the red carpet days earlier.
"I get it, and I understand that people gain enjoyment from it," he says. I ask if he followed along with the coverage from his couch. "No, no," he says, and pauses. "Gi stole the night, though. The stained glass on her dress. Everyone else just put a cross on."
When I ask Zayn if he has any confidants in the industry, he shakes his head vigorously. "No," he says. "I don't ever want to cross wires with other people too much. I just want to see the world through my eyes."
Zayn grew up with three sisters ("I was outnumbered," he says) and is still surrounded by women, ensuring that there's a high level of exasperated but fond maternal energy swirling at all times. Blood relatives and the Hadids—particularly Gigi's mother, Yolanda, who seems to have taken on a Kris Jenner–ian role in his life—make up much of his inner circle today. ("We get on. She's really fucking cool. She's a Capricorn. She's the same star sign as me.") He recently parted ways with his high-profile manager. His best friend is a younger cousin.
"I'm not [in] the mix," he says. "I'm outside the mix."
This kind of stubborn non-participation,  of course, is a reaction to the years Zayn spent being in a mix that was not to his liking. When he was a kid, growing up in the northern working-class city of Bradford, singing was just one part of an aimless but all-consuming creative impulse. He never thought he was much of a singer, until one day the choir leader at his performing-arts school praised his voice and suggested that he try out for Britain's premier vocal-competition show. Zayn's mom had to drag him from his bed at 4 A.M. to attend the audition, where he broke from the typical pop fare with a rendition of Mario's "Let Me Love You."
After his X Factor audition, there was an exchange (never aired) in which head judge Simon Cowell probed baby Zayn. " 'You know, with all these online platforms, why haven't you ever put out anything prior to this?' " Zayn remembers Cowell asking him. Zayn seemed the type, after all: a soft-spoken and artistically gifted teen who liked to sing alone in his bedroom and tinkered with rudimentary song-recording equipment. "I didn't necessarily think my stuff would be seen amongst the millions of people who put their stuff online. So I went with X Factor at that age," he says now. Like any fickle teenager, Zayn "just did it for fun, to see what would happen."
The day that Zayn auditioned, he was among many aspiring solo artists rejected by the judges. But five of the young singers were cobbled together as a boy band in a later segment. Thus was born One Direction and a rabid fandom that British people love to compare to Beatlemania. A craze so fierce and massive that it generated global synchronized flash mobs and fan-fiction authors who've reportedly scored six-figure book deals. In an instant, Zayn was thrust into a star-making boot camp, fast-tracked to an uncontrollable type of notoriety without being given the opportunity to consider alternatives.
It's no secret that Zayn didn't love One Direction's sound or his bandmates. "My vision didn't necessarily always go with what was going on within the band," he says. There was something so earnest, so wholesomely dweeby, about the whole thing. It wasn't cool, and Zayn didn't particularly enjoy being dragged around the world to look like an epic dork during the prime of his youth.
When he split off, in 2015, Zayn finally got to do all the things he hadn't been able to in One Direction: dye his hair, grow his beard, sing about sex. But he was also introduced to a fresh army of puppeteers trying to guide him, and he felt disoriented, adrift. The only way to ground himself was to resist the pull of anyone's expectations and answer only to Zayn. He'd spent five years taking direction and had become allergic to it.
There are plenty of clichéd expressions about how toxic and stifling freedom can be, and Zayn experienced many of them when he went solo. "I didn't really, like, make any friends from the band. I just didn't do it. It's not something that I'm afraid to say. I definitely have issues trusting people," he says. When he was living in Los Angeles, aimless, he fell in with a crowd of industry people: "Producers, musicians, tailors, stylists, managers. Them kind of things," he says. "It got too crazy. I just got too much into the party scene. Just going out all the time. And I was too distracted." So he left L.A. permanently and moved to New York earlier this year as a way to bring himself back down to earth.
Running a bit further, he recently bought a farm in rural Pennsylvania on the advice of Yolanda Hadid, who also has a farm there. The farm? "Cool." The state of Pennsylvania? "Cool." If you haven't picked up on it for yourself yet, Zayn loves the word "cool"; he loves it so much that he uses it more than 43 times over the course of our conversation. And now that Zayn likes to go to his farm and visit the Hadids, he and Gigi even have a horse together, named Cool. He's just getting things going on the farm, but already there are crops of cherries, tomatoes, and cucumbers. He likes to ride his ATVs. Sometimes he and Gigi will go at the same time, and she'll ride a horse, like Cool, while he watches.
Zayn has a habit of speaking in a conditioned state of detachment, responding in friendly but anodyne one-liners. Still, even someone who willfully projects this kind of cool two-dimensionalism can get irked from being flattened all the time by those around him. I catch myself flattening him, even when he's right in front of me. When I bring up the deceased Lil Peep, with whom he shared a manager, I say that it's a shame they never met—they seem like kindred spirits who could have made a great song together, or at least bonded over tattoos.
Zayn begins to laugh. "I'm not just going to be friends [with people] because we've both got tattoos. Loads of people come up to me and they're like, 'Yo, I got tattoos, you got tattoos. Let's be friends.' And I'm like… 'We're not just going to be friends because we've both got tattoos.'
"There's a bit more depth to me than that," he says, admonishing me.
One topic that will draw out this aforementioned depth is, unexpectedly, America. Despite the fact that he is living in a country under a leader that is exceptionally hostile to immigrants, the fantasy of America as a come-one, come-all melting pot is alive and well in Zayn's mind. He says he'd vote for Oprah if she ran for office because he likes her "ideologies about the world" and she's a "badass businesswoman."
"The UK is like, Fuck you, you're successful. That's not a nice attitude to have," he says. "You come to America, you're a bit shocked at first: Are these people being genuine? Are they really interested in me? Do they want to have a conversation? But they do! And that's a really nice thing. And I feel like it's misrepresented across the globe. For the kind of country it is, because everybody supports, no matter what color, what gender, what sexuality, what class—none of that matters here. People genuinely want to know you for who you are. And that's how America should be represented across the world."
Watch Now:Zayn Rocks Summer’s Best Swerves
Maybe you should run for office, I say.
"Maybe. It'd be cool. I feel like it's a beautiful place. [Because of the current political climate,] people are expressing how they really feel about where they come from and their heritage and their backgrounds. They're all mixed. To be American, you are mixed.
"So that's how I feel about it—it's a beautiful place, and it's a beautiful time to be alive."
Another unlikely topic that will break Zayn out of his default conversational mode and get him talking in jolting, paragraphs-long monologues: the paparazzi. The paparazzi who have been trailing him for years and, recently, every time he sets foot near Gigi's NoHo apartment, feeding the endless tabloid speculation about the state of their relationship. The paps used to piss Zayn off, until he realized their utility.
"That's my promo," he says. "I come outside, they take photos." He gets to quietly remind people that he exists—and gets photographed looking like the second coming of Johnny Depp, leaving the apartment of one of the most gorgeous women in the world—without doing a thing. "They stay outside and do all the work!" he says. "You can get pissed off about it and be like, 'Yo, this is a hindrance on my life.' Or you can use it for your own benefit and be like, 'Well, if they're going to take the photos, then let them.' You've gotta earn your dollar, and I've gotta earn mine."
Which is to say that just because Zayn loathes the cornball industry churn doesn't mean he needs to surrender his relevance. Zayn represents an era in which underground cool and mass-market, Calabasian-style popularity have collapsed into one another. He operates on a plane where celebrity is predicated chiefly on relevance and intrigue, and Zayn—with his equally illustrious girlfriend, his brooding glare, and his following of millions—has about as much relevance and intrigue as anybody. He is both a casualty and a beneficiary of this uniquely modern form of celebrity. In running from his stardom, he's only fueling it.
I suppose now is the time to dispense with the rest of the intel I gleaned from Zayn about his relationship with Gigi Hadid, which was a less sensitive subject than I had anticipated. The two met at the end of 2015 at a party—which "pah-y," Zayn will not disclose, but suffice it to say it was a "cool pah-y"—and just days later, Zayn learned she'd broken up with Joe Jonas. He reached out to her and asked her to dinner at the Bowery Hotel. And thus was born a couple that will go down in history as one of the most iconic and Zeitgeisty pairings of all time, a couple whose images I will show my grandchildren to prove that the world was better in my day. All of the gossip about their relationship being an opportunistic setup by their respective management is bullshit, Zayn says: "If a relationship is for your career, you can fucking walk out the door. No way. See you later."
Despite the dramatic announcement of their split a couple of months ago, Zayn and Gigi are very much still close, as evidenced by myriad photos of him leaving her apartment or kissing her on the street. Zayn speaks about Gigi in a purely misty-eyed, worshipful tone that telegraphs he may be atoning for something. "I'm really thankful that I met her," he says. He uses the term "we" in the present tense quite a bit: "We go to the farm." "We have horses." The time he actually rode a horse with Gigi, he says, "I looked like a complete idiot and she looked like a complete professional.… We're still really good friends, and we're still in contact," he says. "No bad blood." He laughs. "…Taylor Swift.
"We're adults. We don't need to put a label on it, make it something for people's expectations." To hear Zayn tell it, Gigi is the hyper-organized, clear-headed, and positive counterweight to his disposition, which can dip into a vacant or negative state. She helped him reset his attitude when he was releasing his first solo album, partying too hard. "I had a very negative outlook on things. That might have been adolescence or testosterone or whatever the fuck was running through my body at the time," he says. "She's helped me to look at things from a positive angle."
As Zayn heads into his new album cycle, Gigi has been a font of support and organizational heft. He says she's especially good with dates, which I mishear as "good with debts."
She's good with debts? You're in debt?
"No, no. Dates. She doesn't handle my finances yet," he says. "We'll get to that eventually."
When Zayn Malik went solo, he dropped his last name. The mononymic "Zayn" took on a potency and directness that enabled him to break free from the chains of boy-band drudgery and lameness. Zayn: It's a single syllable that conjures a vaporous sexuality and a moodiness that blurs the line between contemplative and blank. You can imagine the black-and-white commercial for L'Eau de Zayn.
In the years since he dropped his last name, the word "Zayn" has also become, to insiders, an equally potent verb. To "Zayn" means to be within someone's reach one moment and then completely disappear the next without any explanation. Poof! To be "Zayned" is to witness a French exit so aggressive that it almost has a supernatural quality. I know this because it happened to me.
We emerged from the ship's galley, and as I prepared to launch into more conversation, he asked Carolina where he could find the toilets. She pointed him toward a porta-potty on dry land, and Taryn wordlessly followed behind him, obviously accustomed to this ritual. Before I could get my bearings, he was zipping off into the parking lot adjacent to the tanker, no doubt scurrying home to his fortress of solitude and cigarette smoke in SoHo. I'd been Zayned.
We were supposed to hang out the following week, and I patiently waited for him to reach out. But I knew that he never would. And much as I'd like to be the exception to the Laws of Zayn's Nature, I get it. Who among us has never fantasized about blowing off pesky professional obligations we deem useless? Zayn—driven by a spirit that is part self-destruction, part self-preservation, part youthful punk contrarianism—actually has the balls to live that fantasy. It's self-absorbed, immature, and unprofessional. I'd be offended if I didn't think it was so fucking cool.
Carrie Battan is a staff writer for 'The New Yorker' and a contributor to 'GQ'.
An abridged version of this story appeared in the July 2018 issue.
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swellwriting · 7 years
A Bit of a Guilt Trip
Fandom: Harry Potter, Marauders Era
Pairing: Reader x Sirius Black
Request: Hello! Can you do a imagine where the reader is a marauder and tries to set up James and lily. The reader convinces lily to go on a date with James and she does. James finds out what the reader did and hugs her and yeah sorry for the long request. Thanks love!
Either sirius or remus a first argument with reader with a happy ending please. If you have already done this just let me know please.
I combined two requests because they fit well together :)
Warnings: none
Authors Note: A little bit of Jily, lil bit of angst and some fluff ;)
Word Count: 3.2k
you yelled for the third time to the girl staring out the window at the leaves falling on the hogwarts grounds. She finally heard you and turned around to look at you, sprawled across your bed with an unamused look on your face.
“What, sorry were you calling me?”
You sat up and crossed your legs. “I wasn’t calling you I WAS yelling your name though, three times to be exact. You must have been dreaming about Potter.”
Lily instantly let out an amused laugh.
“Yeah right i'll be dreaming about Potter when i’m dead!”
“Lily dead people don't dream...or do they?”
Lily quickly quipped back “Of course they don't, which means I will never dream about Potter.”
You just rolled your eyes at her constant stubbornness. “Why not Evans, it's the perfect time to fall in love.”
“Yeah and why's that Y/n?”
You smiled from ear to ear and Lily instantly knew you were about to make a terrible pun.
“Why? because it’s fall of course, get it...FALL in love.”
You fell onto your back in a fit of giggles partly at your own joke but mostly at Lily's reaction. Lily grabbed the closest pillow and flung it at you from across the room hitting you in the face as you sat up knocking you back down.
“But on a serious note, you guys really should go on a date or something.”
Lily laughed and responded.
“Okay but on a Sirius note, you should go on a date with Sirius.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh no it looks like my ‘punnyness’ is rubbing off on you.”
Lily jokingly took off the sweater of yours she was wearing, as you two shared clothes often, and threw it at you
“Ew get your pun germs away from me, but Y/N you really should go on a date with Sirius, you're so close with all of them it would be so cute.”
You huffed. “It’s not like that though, and you could be close with all of them too if you dated James! He has changed a lot this year, he's not that bad and he really does like you.”
You tilted your head looking at her and a smug smile spread across her face.
“Okay, ONE date. But only if you go on a date with Sirius as well.”
You tried to debate the scenario in your head, you did like Sirius but he would never say yes to a date, especially with you. You spoke up after a minute of thinking, a lot quieter than before.
“Could it be a double date?”
Lily crossed her arms. “No double date, it has to be the real thing, you can’t use me as a vice for this one.”
You thought about James for a second, would he ever forgive you if he found out Lily was going to go on a date with him but she said no because of you! You also thought about how Sirius would react to you asking him out, you would have to guilt trip him with the whole ‘do it for james’ thing. You ran your hands down your face.
“Uh Fine, but what if he doesn't say yes am I allowed to tell him the whole deal.”
Lily’s expression softened and she got up from her seat by the window and lied down on the bed next to you.
“Y/N why do you think he would say no? You're beautiful, smart, kind, funny and he already adores you, all of them do, I know you guys would be cute together but I didn't know you actually liked him?”
You took a deep breath, preparing to vomit your feelings.
“I do like him, I have for a while. I think it’s his charm and the way it sort of makes me feel special sometimes but then I see him like that with everyone else. I really like seeing parts of him no one else does though, his vulnerable side, you know I live close to James so when Sirius went to his house the night he ran away, James called me shortly after.”
Lily took this all in and gave you an encouraging look to continue so you did.
“I know you're probably wondering what that has to do with this, but one night in the common room late at night we were all talking about our futures, Sirius was very clearly talking about how he never wanted to settle down and he never wanted to be like his parents. James had asked him if he was sure and what if he met the perfect girl and wanted to be with them forever and Sirius told him he has no interest in girls like that and the conversation ended.”
Lily rested her head on your shoulder and engulfed you in a hug.
“I was going to say Sirius doesn't deserve you but that’s wrong because he does, he deserves you to make him unafraid of love, but maybe now is not the time for that if you don't want it to be”
You took another deep breath to calm your fast beating heart.
“No I will ask him on a date, and if I have to guilt trip him I will, for James.”
You picked up your wand on your bedside table and started your record player across the room. As the music started to quietly play you grabbed your blanket from the bottom of your bed,
“But that's a tomorrow problem”
Lily nodded in agreement as you both drifted off to sleep.
The next day you met up with Sirius, he was sitting in the common room alone since Remus was off doing prefect duties and James had a quidditch practice. You walked up to him
“Hey, Sirius.”
He looked up at you and away from the fire in front of him.
“Hello, Y/N.”
You started playing with your fingers, anxiety taking over your body.
“Would you wanna come on a walk with me?”
Sirius sat up smiling. “Of course Love.”
You two started walking through the halls talking about mundane things like how your days were and your classes and things until you reached a hallway where there wasn't anyone around and you sat down on a bench and Sirius followed. You stayed silent for a minute trying to build up the courage to ask him out. He knew you too well, he knew you were nervous it was obvious.
“Y/N? Love? whats wrong?”
You sighed and turned to look at him but quickly averted your eyes to the floor.
“N-Nothing is wrong. I uh it's just, Willyougoonadatewithme?”
Your words muddled together since you said the last part so fast out of fear. There was along pause and you were too scared to look Sirius in the eyes or even move.Sirius subtly inched away from you so he wasn’t sitting so close.
“Y/N, you know, you know i'm really not the type to go on dates. It’s not that I don't want to go on a date with you, it’s just I don't do that...sort of thing.”
You could almost feel your heart break, even though you anticipated this would happen, you still had hope. You wanted to explain the situation to him and act like you weren't hurt at all but you couldn't help the anger bubbling in your stomach. Your next choice of words came off a little more petty than you intended.
“Yeah. I know you don't do that sort of thing, oh wait you do! With every girl in the fucking school to be exact.”
Sirius sounded a bit angry but he tried to stay calm, he really felt bad for this whole situation.
“Woah not every girl in the school Y/N give me a break, also I only go on dates with girls for a very a specific reason.”
You finally looked at Sirius, your words laced with venom.
“Yeah so you can make them feel special, fuck them and then never speak to them again Sirius, I know how you work.”
Sirius stood up. “Stop making me sound like such an asshole, girls practically fall at my feet and they are all consenting so why not.”
You stood up to and got right in his face.
“But why all of them and not me huh? What's so wrong about me.”
“Well I wouldn't have to take you on a date to get in your pants if I really wanted to.”
Your jaw dropped at his statement. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean Black?”
Sirius realized he maybe shouldn't have said it like that so he tried to fix it but he was still angry.
“Well I barely flirt with you, I call you ‘Love’ and you melt in my hands, if I wanted to fuck you I could have you begging me in minutes if I actually flirted with you.”
Sirius was just being honest but it still hurt knowing you were so obviously in love with him. A tear rolled down your cheek and you brushed it away quickly not wanting him to see but he did. He tried to pull you into a hug but you pushed him away.
“Don't Touch me! You don't get to tell me you don't want me and then hug me.”
Sirius had no idea what to do so he just gave you space.
“Y/n it’s not that I don't want you, it’s just I don’t want that life, I don't want to be like my stupid parents, I don't want to invest myself in someone and be stuck with them the rest of my life and end up becoming unhappy, I just can’t see that in my future. I know you will get sick of me eventually and I can’t fucking handle it so i’d rather be alone.”
His small admission made you feel a bit better, knowing he wants to go on a date with you but his fears are controlling him from doing so. Now is a good time to bring up James.
You sat back down, looking at your feet again.
“Would you do it for james?” you quietly asked.
Sirius sat down and stayed close beside you this time.
“Would I go on a date with James? No, why wo-”
“No i meant, would you go on a date with me for James’ sake. Lily agreed to go on a date with James if I went on a date with you.”
Sirius was silent for a moment so you started trying to convince him.
“Sirius you know they are perfect for eachother, well you don't know Lily like I do but I know they will be perfect and so happy together. Do this for James, it won’t be much different than us normally hanging out we can just go drink butterbeer and call it a date. Just don't expect me to actually sleep with you, i'm not as easy as you think.”
You said the last line with a lot of emphasis, his earlier comment did hurt your feelings.
Sirius laughed at your defensive statement.
“Okay, just this once though. Don't become obsessed with me or anything I know i'm hard to resist and everth-”
You pushed him off the bench both of laughing and eventually walking back to the common room, you gave Lily a knowing glance and a wink. She would have to talk to James tomorrow.
The next morning you followed Lily as she went to go talk to James.
When you went to talk to Sirius you went somewhere private but that really wasn’t Lily's style, she walked right up to him in the great hall, tapped on his shoulder to get his attention and as he turned around she simply stated.
James was in a bit of shock at her just walking up to him, he took a second to respond.
“Yes to what Evans? You agree i'm the most handsome boy in hogwarts.”
Her face dawned her famous sly smile as she replied.
“Handsome enough for me to agree to go on a date with you.”
If he looked shocked before now he looked as though his jaw was ready to drop to the floor.
“Don't stand there with your mouth open, where are you taking me?”
James cleared his throat but couldn’t get any words out.
“Boy Potter you usually never shut up now you can’t get a single word out, well in third year you asked me on a date to Hogsmeade, I said no then but now I am saying yes.”
She walked away leaving Potter with red cheeks and a huge smile across his face, he sat down at the table and you sat down between him and Peter, Remus and Sirius sat across from you. Sirius broke the silence as usual.
“So Prongs, when are you going to Hogsmeade?”
James looked up from his plate.
“Uh I don't know… maybe on Saturday if she still wants to go by then.”
Sirius took a sip of his coffee and casually said.
“Good then me and y/n will go on sunday, I don't wanna crash your date.”
All three boys stopped what they were doing and looked from Sirius to you with questioning looks on their faces. Remus was the first to question him
“Wait you and y/n are going to Hogsmeade? On like… a date?”
Sirius took another sip from his coffee and nodded.
James put his face in his hands.
“What the hell is going on today?”
When sunday finally came around both you and Sirius slept in late as per usual, you met up with him and the rest of your friends for lunch in the great hall and there was nothing awkward about today. You were basically forcing Sirius to go on a date with you but it was worth it.
Mostly it was worth it because of how happy James and Lily were after their date last night, but also because for one night you could play pretend that Sirius was yours.
After lunch everyone disbanded to their own tasks and Sirius came up beside you as you were leaving the great hall.
“Where do you think your going?”
You turned to him and gave him a sweet smile.
“Well I was going to go read in the common room, why did you want to go now?”
Sirius chuckled lightly and eyed your outfit
“Y/n well I do think you would look marvelous in anything...or nothing-”
You nudged his shoulder with yours for that comment.
“-You should probably change out of your pajamas first.”
You looked down realizing you were still wearing pajamas and bunny slippers to match, you nodded agreeing with him.
“Okay i’ll go get changed and stuff i’ll meet you in the common room in 30.”
Sirius just nodded as you both walked to your separate dorms. You quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, paired with your Doc Martens, you didn't want to dress fancy because it was a date but at the same time it really wasn’t. You did some casual makeup and left your hair natural and walked back into the common room to read while you waited for Sirius, he always took longer than you.
He eventually came from his room and you noticed his eyes lingered a little longer on your face and body but ignored it mostly.
You started walking to Hogsmeade, it wasn't cold today just the slight cool breeze of fall. You and Sirius walked and chatted for most of it, about halfway through Sirius grabbed your hand in his.
“Sirius why are you holding my hand?”
“Well we are on a date aren't we? It’s what people do...on dates.”
“Yeah? How many girls hands have you held on dates before?”
Sirius adjusted his fingers interlocked with yours but didn't let go.
“Well none, but those weren't real dates.”
You smiled and looked at him
“Oh and this is? We are only doing this for James.”
“No, I agreed to this for James, but him and Lily went on their date last night and are together again tonight. If I didn’t want to be here I wouldn't y/n.”
You blushed at the realization, he didn't have to be here at all, he didn't have to hold your hand, he wanted to.
When you finally got to The Three Broomsticks Sirius ordered you both Butterbeer and you sat at a table around the back where no one else was. Sirius sat beside you instead of across the table and you talked for what felt like forever. No matter how long you sat and talked with him you never got bored and he never ran out of stupid jokes.
“It's so weird how not weird this is.”
Sirius gave you a confused look “What do you mean?”
You shrugged “I don't know I mean, I just thought this whole date thing would end up being awkward and terrible but i'm really enjoying this.”
Sirius smiled. “I’ll be honest I thought the same thing, I was worried this would be awful but i'm actually enjoying myself.” You smiled and took another sip of your butterbeer.
“I don't know why it took me so long to say yes, or why I didn't ask you out sooner”
You almost spit out your drink at his words which made Sirius chuckle.
“You okay there y/n?”
“Yeah I just wasn't expecting you to say ...that.”
“What? I've liked you for a while I just never could see it working out but now I, I don't know this date sort of gives me hope that it could.”
You heard everything he was saying but at the same time didn't know where he was going with it.
“What are you saying?”
He chuckled at your expression, you looked anxious yet excited
“What I mean y/n, is that I am enjoying this date. And I would enjoy going on another one with you.”
You wanted to scream but that would probably freak him out, you turned in your seat to face him and smiled.
“I would like that too.”
You placed your hands on his cheeks and gave him a quick short kiss, but his lips were so soft you didn't want to stop. Sirius pulled you to sit on his lap as he kissed you again. This kiss was deeper, more desperate than your quick peck. You kissed him back, oh how long you have waited to be able to kiss his stupid face. Just as Sirius ran his tongue along your bottom lip you heard a voice and footsteps approaching you.
“Hey Guys oh What the fuck.”
You moved back to your own seat with red cheeks, Sirius looked the least bit phased.
James was standing there looking shocked.
“I uh I was with Lily earlier and she told me about you guys going on a date just so she would go on a date with me and uh when I came here with Remus, you know to go to Honeydukes for his chocolate, I thought I would come say thank you but I guess you guys are... um busy so i'll just see you later.”
You hid your face on Sirius’ shoulder slightly embarrassed at the whole situation so Sirius spoke up for the both of you
“No problem mate, see ya later.” He waved to James and then looked back to you and smirked.
“Now where were we?”
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comfyspookyburrito · 4 years
Happy Halloween! Update Time.
Hello everybody, not going to spill text on twitter because of the post limit.
Just recently I changed my username and the avater I normally use. I wanted to stop using that stupid cringy name, it should now be far different than before.
Say goodbye to metalsonic71, and hello to SpookyBurrito. I named it that way cause Spooky is in a blanket. Not a burrito, a blanket. I also like weeb shit and cuddly things like plushies and anime figures. Sounds a lot more like me than a name giving you the impression of a 12 year old who logged on Roblox for the first time. I can’t completely change my username on every platform, but as long as everyone still recognizes me then it doesn’t really matter.
I’ve been feeling like shit this month, I had no interest in streaming.
Still unwillingly playing GTA:O. Finally got the stupid mark 2 oppressor, while its fun to mess around with, I have no interest in using this thing in lobby's because the buzzard does the same thing and doesn’t count as a griefer vehicle. I hate griefers, but what I can’t stand the KD hungry tryhards even more.
Not saying gta online is a bad game, at times it can be far more fun than the campaign. Other times it’s not worth even looking at the players, they all look and act the same to me at this point it becomes so mundane, repetitive, and obvious it’s like sticking your head in a cactus and wondering why it hurts.
Need to know why I hate this fucking game so much?
There’s people who play contact missions, and are so fucking impatient that the whole lobby will kick you, just for not having the oppressor's mark 2. Even with a armored kuruma!
My plan was too get to a point where I can put off the game for a full year so if I ever play it again, I won’t be spending 12 hours to make enough money to buy a flying car.
Have other games in mind to get back into, sonic adventure 2 on xbox sounds like the better version to play. Gamecube memory cards are dogshit, they corrupt far too easily and are fragile and tiny with little data space.
I would have stuck to steam, but there’s no cloud saving. What sucks though is that chao can’t really be transferred and can only hold 1 file. I don’t even think you can transfer individual chao from 1 file to another like on gamecube, but that doesn’t matter that much, I still have my 180 emblem file on there so, fuck the gamecube version.
Also you should play Ninjala, Genshin Impact, or Minecraft. I want to host a MC server on pc at some point for my streams, how else am I going to make those stupidly large structures and farms? It’d be impossible alone.
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