#but I would at least like enough spoons to have the energy to do things that will make me feel better
allalrightagain · 5 months
How do I inject spoons and/or excitement back into my life?
... asking for a friend
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thebibliosphere · 9 months
Whenever I get a particularly nasty message, I always check to see if they're following me first. Nine times out of ten, they're not. But they're also, unfortunately, the same people who feel entitled to send me multiple messages in a row, most of them heavily steeped in the language of moralization and purity.
Like whenever I talk about painkillers or pain management, I always get a handful of well-meaning people who are maybe new to my blog or are just young, asking me if I've tried diet/exercise/meditation, etc.
Sometimes I'll respond to them. Other times I'll just ignore them because I get those kinds of messages so often it's like white noise, and maybe part of me hopes if they stick around on my blog, they'll learn it through exposure via my incessant bitching.
When you see me responding to someone offering that kind of advice, it's either because I'm at my fucking limit or because I'm hoping it's a teachable moment and an otherwise seemingly nice person might unlearn some harmful biases.
The people who don't follow me are not interested in any kind of conversation on the subject. They do, however, feel the most qualified to tell me, someone they didn't know existed until one of my posts crossed their dash, how to manage my life, everything I'm doing wrong, and why I'm a bad person.
And for them, my disability is proof that I am a bad person because they view health as a moral issue.
If you're sick, it's because you don't exercise enough, don't eat the right foods, don't pray enough, don't do enough. They genuinely believe that if they say and do all the right things, like a Good Person, they'll never get sick.
It's their security blanket against the harsh reality that anyone is one bad day away from disability. One faulty gene, one bad infection, one bad accident away from a life-long diagnosis. And if they do get sick, it's a test. A challenge to be overcome with Willpower as they learn the True Meaning of Life.
It can never just be a simple fact of life that sickness happens. That disability exists without a moral reason.
And it's suffocating.
Day in, day out. Folks who don't know me from fucking Eve telling me I'm being punished. Not always as outright as that. They don't always use that word. But sometimes I appreciate it when they do because at least then they're being honest. They're not couching it in the softer language of leftist circles. Not hiding it behind concern.
Because the truth is, there are just as many folks who think they're liberal and enlightened who'd be happy if disabled people just stopped existing. They don't like thinking about us because it makes them think about themselves. About their own fragility and mortality, and they hate that. They hate that there's something they can't control with their thoughts and actions. That they can't moralize their way out of.
Honestly, it's a relief when people are just cunts about it because I can hit the block button, safe in the knowledge that they were never the kind of person who would see me as a person. But when it's some 20yo kid with their pronouns, orientation, and "ACAB" in their profile spouting the same kind of moralization, sometimes even with the language of eugenics, it feels like such a betrayal. Like a loss.
And perhaps if I wasn't multiply disabled, I'd have the energy to pull them back. To tell them why they're wrong and hope like hell they realize what they're doing is harmful. But then, if I wasn't disabled, they wouldn't be messaging me, so I wouldn't be dealing with it.
I wouldn't be expected to use my existence as a teachable moment to spoon-feed them compassion. But I am, and I do. When I can. Not always with the grace that's warranted. Not always with the thought and compassion I ought to. (And I don't; I acknowledge that. I'm prone to anger and off-the-cuff remarks that are hurtful too. Though I try to keep most of it to myself or save it for therapy.)
Basically, if you've made it this far through the TED talk, don't be fucking cunts to disabled people. Don't tell chronically ill people to try yoga. Don't moralize pain relief. Suffering is not noble.
You need to kill the cop and the priest in your head telling you otherwise.
And also if you're the nice people sending me nice messages. Thank you. It helps cushion all of *gestures* this.
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 2 months
𖤓 Being married to Lucifer would include 𖤓
Pairing: Lucifer X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of depression and slightly suggestive content. Reader doesn't have a defined gender.
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Waking up with morning kisses ❣
• He likes to hug you before you two sleep, is almost funny seeing him trying to be the big spoon when he's so tiny.
• It's no surprise he's a very clingy man, and that would just double when you two got married.
• Kisses aren't limited to morning tho, he'll get any excuse to give you even a peck. Lunch kiss, Goodnight kiss, Afternoon kiss, anything you can think of will be a good time to plant a smooch on your lips.
Eating the best of what Hell has to ofer ❣
• I believe with my whole being that Lucifer is a fenomenal cooker.
• He can bake anything you ask for, doesn't matter what, he will do whatever he can to make it the best meal you ever had.
• You can expect to have breakfast on bed at least once in a week, he'll sit besides you in bed and wait until you finish eating, wings around you and smiling like a idiot because he just adores seeing how happy his cooking makes you feel.
• He will ask you to cook with him too, he especially enjoys baking apple pies and pancakes and will often make cookies shaped like ducks. He sits and waits in front of the oven until it's ready and really enjoys when you also make him company.
Deal with his rubber ducks everywhere ❣
• Lucifer isn't the most organized person, yes, he enjoys doing the cleaning most of the time, but he finds it a hard time making sure all his ducks are in place.
• Sometimes you'll be going normally with your day, walking by the house and suddenly you will step on one of his rubber ducks, making it squeak.
• You tried putting them on a shelf once, making sure they were out of the floor, but in less than a week that shelf would be full because he would just keep making even more ducks and having nowhere to place them.
• His solution to it is to just shove them into his office, making piles and more piles of yellow rubber creatures, they will stay there until you two can think of a better solution.
• He gifted a bunch of those to you as well, you have your own place to put your collection, it's full of duckies themed of things you like, one of them looks like Lucifer, the other looks like you and a smaller one that looks like Charlie, the three of them have a special place and are always together in your collection.
Help him to clean himself ❣
• Sometimes his depression can get the best of him, when it happens he doesn't have the energy to even get out of bed, you'll have to help with all his chores and simple things.
• Help him get up, help him shower, brush his theet, fix his hair, help him get dressed and make sure he eats, sometimes even hygine is hard for him to do alone and the help you give him means the world.
• Also, make sure to tell him that you don't mind helping him, even with menial tasks like those, he's very insecure when these episodes happen and is scared that you might leave him because of them, he doesn't want to be a burden, so tell him how much you appreciate being his partner.
“I'm sorry for making you do this...” he silently says, head resting on your lap as you bursh your hand through his blond hair, it was one of those days and you two were sitting togheter on his office couch, he didn't have the will to do anything today and you had to help him even clean himself up, he felt like shit. “I'm such a piece of trash.”
You shake your head, grabbing his chin and making him look at you, he looks so tired and defeated, and at the same time looks at you like you're the only thing making him less miserable.
“Don't say that Luci, you know I love you a lot don't you? I don't mind helping you when you're feeling down” you move him around, enough to be able to give him a hug, pulling him closer to you so he could be comforted, you hated seeing him like that, you wish he could see how amazing he truly is, see himself the way you see him. “And hey, you were able to brush your theet by yourself today, I'm so proud of you for that.”
He's at verge of tears when he hears you say that, he pulls you closer using his wings, putting his head on your chest. “Thank you so much dear.” He's glad he has someone like you in his life.
Having to deal with bite marks ❣
• Lucifer is... How to put it. Rather possessive.
• But not in a creepy or unhealthy way! No no no, he simply adores you so much he can't help but mark you as his sometimes.
• His sharp theet can make a real number on you, he tries his best to be as gentle as possible, asking your permission before ever biting you anywhere, but he always aims for visible spots.
• Sometimes it makes you so embarrassed that you ask yourself why did you let him bite you in the first place, like when Charlie asked about it once and you had to make the worst excuse ever just to not tell her that her father was the one who did it.
• When you told him about it he just laughed, that made you a little annoyed but he promissed he would be more careful later. (This time he gave you a mark on your thigh before putting his tongue into work)
Hearing about his wishes to form a family ❣
• Man daydreams about forming a family with you, he can't help but just think about how precious it would be for you two, Charlie and a new child to take a new family picture.
• He doesn't force that idea onto you, he drops here and there how much he would love a new child, but if somehow you showed that you were uncomfortable with it he would stop, you and Charlie are enough for him and he won't try to change it for a fantasy.
• But if you want to adopt, probably a Hellhound or even a Imp since there's no human children in Hell, he will absolutely be supportive and be there with you through the adoption progress. He'll make sure to treat the child as his own and give them as much love as they deserve.
• If the adopted child is a girl then? He'll just be the happiest man alive, he's going to spoil her, never want to let her go and will dress her up in every opportunity. He'll for sure cry before you all take a family photo and say how much he loves you and his daughters.
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chefkids · 8 months
Spoon Theory
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This is arguably the single most important The Bear meta post I will ever make so please bear with me.
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The first spoon we see in the entire series is when Carmy takes Sydney's spoon to try her stew. This is right after he cut his hand from not being able to find his sharp knife, and before he has to meet with Natalie to get Mikey's jacket, which was stressing him out. She "gave him a spoon" and a bit of positivity when he needed to calm down and get some energy by knowing at the very least Sydney can cook well.
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Needing a spoon is needing help. When he hands over the brigade to Sydney he is waving around spoons the entire episode, when she really needed his help and his "spoons". Later on Sydney is not afraid to just ask him for his help.
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With the risotto she gave him a "spoon" that would help the restaurant, that brought in a good review and customers, but he didn't have enough of his own "spoons" to deal with it as he was stressing out over the window that just got shot through and the IRS needing the missing tax returns. Right before trying the risotto Carmy had told Richie he is afraid of something good happening. He is afraid of Sydney and him doing well, because the better it gets the more it will hurt him when something goes wrong. That is why he keeps self sabotaging the restaurant and doubting Sydney.
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After Sydney quit, she is still using her spoons for mental energy to make sure Marcus is okay and to try and figure out her next steps career wise. Carmy grabbed a spoon to open the tomato can lid, which he really didn't need because he could've just used the can opener, and then found the money. When he finds the money they both know they would be fine on their own, she could find another job, he could fix up The Beef. But they still need each others emotional spoons to achieve their passions, so he reaches out and she comes back.
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In Season 2 she did need his "spoons" to help create the menu and decide on the details for the restaurant, but he barely gave her any because he was still so caught up in his past trauma and the literal and metaphorical forks in his life.
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Fixing the table really didn't physically need more than one "spoon"/person. But he needed her there to work through his mental block. With the inspiration food tour, she did it on her own and she didn't physically need him for it, she needed his emotional spoons.
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When they are not communicating well with each other and Carmy is trying to reach back and be involved again, he gets as close as he can to her spoon without actually using it.
And now the dark side of spoons.
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The originator of spoon theory has lupus and first came up with this theory at a restaurant to explain what it was like living with the condition to a friend. They could've easily said Sydney's mom died of cancer or an accident or anything else. But this is all so intentional, out of all the things it is Lupus. I don't want Sydney to be sick as much as the next person, but Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that has higher likelihood of developing when you have a family member with it, and can be triggered by environmental factors such as stress. It is an invisible illness and Christine's own handle is butyoudontlooksick, which could really explain Sydney and what she has going on behind her walls that people can't see. She has been a rock to so many people and over exerting herself, but there might come a time soon when Sydney will genuinely need other peoples "spoons", especially Carmy's, because she's all out.
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Now that Carmy said he is choosing to give Syd his focus aka his "spoons", will he actually be able to follow through?
Read The Fork Theory next
Read The Knife Theory
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epigstolary · 6 months
The Middle of Nowhere, Part Two
I once said that my feeder didn’t have to do anything to keep me on his farm. That I was building my own prison there, bite by bite. And that’s still true — but only partly true. The farm may be a long way away from anything — town, other people, even the road that’s our only real connection to society — and it may as well be a desert island for someone too big to drive a car or walk further than the yard, but it isn’t my prison. Because my prison isn’t a place.
Things started to change when it got difficult even to go outside to our porch. I don’t mean they changed with my feeder; he was still as caring and doting as ever. He started bringing me my snacks once I got big enough that just shuffling out the front door took all my energy and attention. I had to watch where I placed every step of my bloated legs, laden with fat that looked like bags of cottage cheese, and hold on to the walls and the railing along the porch to keep my belly and chest fat from sloshing sideways and pulling me over. Even those few steps left me breathless and my heart pounding by the time I got settled on my bench; but it was worth it to have a plate of his biscuits and gravy or chicken and dumplings, under that big sky beyond our little farm, gilded with another sunset. And even when my bench finally gave way after one too many helpings of both, he dusted off his woodworking kit and put it back together, reinforced and better than new.
But by then, we both knew it was only a temporary fix. It wouldn’t be long before there’d be no way I could maneuver myself out there every day, and he could tell how being cooped up inside would drive me crazy after a while. If I was going to do anything other than sit mostly alone on the couch all day, we were going to have to find another way.
His first innovation was to invite people over for dinner — farmhands, friends, folks he knew from town that he could get to come to me even if I couldn’t go to them. And they were good company, in a lot of ways; they’d bring a taste of the outside world with them. They might talk about how the crops were doing, recount some recent anecdote from working out in the fields or going into town, opine on some petty local politics or gossip. And it was nice to hear about something other than what was going on within the confines of our little farm — an outside world that it was increasingly impossible for me to get to. But really, it was hard for the focus not to turn around to me. Nobody was ever rude the first time they met me; but it was rare not to see either a reaction of stifled surprise, or else a glassy look of unseeing, a conscious attempt not to notice the half-ton of fat flowing and bulging out of my ill-fitting clothes.
It didn’t help that, with me never leaving the farm, there weren’t many topics of conversation other than myself and food that our guests could engage with me about. When the conversation didn’t turn to recent meals or my favorite foods, which usually elicited at least warm agreement about the country staples forming much of my diet, it turned to how I spent most of my day. We’d do our usual face-saving song and dance about what I did to take care of the house while my partner was out working in the field — all of it lies, and increasingly transparent lies as my limited ability to even move became more obvious at higher weights — and how I was getting ready to start losing some weight. I’d talk about how I really wanted to get healthier, get out and about more often; and they’d smile and nod, giving tepid approval and encouragement.
The thing is, I really did mean it. I really did want to get down to a size where I could at least walk around outside again, maybe even drive a car into town and go to the little greasy spoon like I used to. It was becoming discouraging to have every step, every reach, every movement blocked or restrained by the fat smothering every inch of my body. But our guests knew full well I didn’t have a prayer of keeping to a diet or an exercise routine. It was even more obvious to those who’d visited before, and who saw me even more bloated, even more out of shape than the last time they were there.
The actual meals certainly made them think that, if they hadn’t before. My partner would serve a spread fit for a dozen people — something like a barbecue buffet, a whole turkey with all the fixings, a tray of lasagna — and I’d end up eating everything that was left after the others had their fill. Long after their places had been cleared away, I’d still be gobbling up the heaping plates my partner would keep bringing me until every scrap of food was gone. Since I couldn’t last very long at the dining table anymore, usually we’d sit around the living room, and they would basically watch me gorge myself — tits and chins wobbling as I’d chew, plate sitting on my enormous belly so my blubbery arms could rest on the sweep of my side rolls while I cut and speared each bite. It was obvious to everyone, I guess even to me, that I was never going to drop a pound if I couldn’t resist completely abandoning myself to food like that. By the end of the meal, I’d be stuffed full, taking up the entire couch and looking enormous, almost too drowsy from overeating to notice the expressions passing between our guests, their looks of amusement or disgust or astonishment at what was apparently a typical dinner for me. Sometimes they’d even whisper about it, thinking I was asleep. I wasn’t.
From the front window of the house, I could watch them drive away, taillights receding toward that distant road where proper civilization began again. Probably recapping the dinner and my obscene size and appetite with horrified amazement. They’d been merely passing through, tourists in my isolated bubble, visiting their friend’s or boss’s blob of a partner out of courtesy but with no real desire to bring me into the fold. They could make things more tolerable, but they’d never be any real help in connecting with the world again.
Then one day, my partner’s beat-up old pickup disappeared, and he pulled into the yard in a gleaming new one, looking unusually excited for him and expectantly at me. I was puzzled — by that point, I was already too big to heave myself up into the cab of any pickup. But then I saw the truck bed — more specifically, the crane and winch rising from the front corner. My stomach did a somersault at the sight of him rigging up a harness meant for lifting cows and pigs into the bed; it was a way to let me get off the farm, sure, but at a pretty steep price in dignity. It was as good as an admission that I’d eaten myself far too fat to rejoin the world like a normal person, probably for good.
But the temptation to be somewhere else, anywhere else, was too much. A day or two later, my partner was helping me waddle out the front door and down the steps toward the driveway. Months indoors had obscured just how much my body had changed in even that short amount of time. My legs had both bloated considerably and weakened since my last walk through the yard, making every step like having to lift heavy bags of molasses just to advance a few inches at a time. My belly hung lower and broader than I remembered, physically holding back my steps and making it harder to twist my upper body to steady my walk. My side rolls and bicep blubber fought one another for space, pushing my arms up and sending fat bunching around my neck and shoulders. I was an out-of-breath mess by the time I maneuvered myself around and collapsed into the harness.
The sensation of my weight being lifted slowly off the ground, suspended and moved by an object completely out of my control, sent a surreal thrill through me. My hundreds of pounds, cradled in the harness, wobbled and jiggled with its slow movements, and for the most part I had no choice but to be carried along with my body’s jostling inertia. Even more than usual, I was buried under my immense belly and tits, my bloated legs were lifted level with the rest of my body, and my flab-laden arms — if they’d even been strong enough to do anything — had nowhere to grasp to help stabilize my sloshing bulk. The crane and winch cracked and creaked as it labored to move my weight, lifted me over the sides and into position facing the tailgate, and lowered me onto some foam padding my partner had arranged into a kind of makeshift couch against the rear window. I didn’t fill the truck bed — but there wasn’t room to sit next to me, either.
I’ve never felt a mixture of emotions like I did on that first drive back into town. On the one hand, it felt so amazingly free — finding myself on that once impossibly-distant road, our farm receding into the distance as fields and hills sped by. Fresh air, and the wind in my hair. But then, as buildings grew closer together and we started rolling into downtown, my blood ran cold — I’m a half-ton blob taking up most of the back of a pickup truck, too fat to walk or move, coming to town like a circus attraction, I thought. People were going to react.
I’m sure a lot of it was in my mind. I’m sure I was self-conscious, reading intent into every glance and word and gesture, most of the time when it wasn’t there. But it felt like every last person in the town had turned out to stare at my huge form being paraded down main street. Me looking out over the expanse of lard occupying the truck bed and smothering my body. Blubber sloshing uncontrollably every time we turned a corner. Kids pointing at the enormous fatty passing by, their shouts being stifled by nervous and disgusted parents. Skinny people casting sideways glances at the pickup, stopped at a stoplight, as they muttered to each other amid broad grins.
And that was when I realized. It didn’t matter where I was — on the farm, in town, on stage with a million people watching. I had let myself get fattened past the point where I could exist in this world and connect with it ever again. Even when I was right in the middle of it, I was as far removed from these people as if I’d still been back on the farm. I’m never going to be walking around with them, shopping with them, just existing in the spaces they exist in. I literally don’t fit in, even if I could haul around all the blubber I’ve accumulated under my own power. And I’m just as alien to them — someone five times their weight, who can’t control their appetite any better than to get this big, someone they can deride or pity or judge with impunity.
On the drive back to the farm, under a starry indigo sky and with a backseat full of fast food from the town’s only chain, I had to wonder about my feeder. Whether he really was trying to get me out of the house. Or did he know? Had he already figured out that I was too big for it to matter where I was — that the thick rolls dominating my body and the sacks of fat hanging off my limbs would keep me his, even if I’d tried to get someone to help me leave? That this drive would do nothing more than to show me a world, a life, that my fat — his fat — would never let me go back to?
The thought lodged in the back of my mind as he gently helped hoist me, every inch wobbling and quivering, out of the truck bed. He led my bulk, step by exhausted step, back inside and to my usual divot on the couch. And as he got me comfortable, spreading the buffet of greasy, fatty food out before me, and as I bit into the first of ten thick double cheeseburgers, his too-kind smile and his gaze that lingered on my bulging gut for an instant too long told me everything I needed to know.
The farm isn’t my prison. My body is.
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staytinyville · 8 months
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ATEEZ poly!ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warning: none.
A/N BETA READ (@mariana-mmtz). Just know I am reading every single one of your comments and reblogs. And I love them so much. Just to let you know. I might add a special shoutout for all of you who made my day with your comments lol.
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As the evening was starting to turn dark, the boys had gone back into their roles of being with one another. You could see how at ease they all felt now that they were all together. The four boys who were staying in the city had always been a bit tense. They were worried about their comrades and thus it created a stale environment full of depression. It was clear they fed off each other’s energies. They needed every single one of them in order to be content. 
While they knew they were all together, you had noticed one person missing during dinner. The boys didn’t seem to care enough, at least not until they had all finished and Wooyoung noticed how many plates there were to wash. 
The boy was mad, stomping around as he made a bowl for the captain. He was about to scold the man until you spoke up, telling him you would take the meal. The boy grumbled to himself, shoving the food into your hands as he went back to cleaning.
There wasn’t anywhere you could knock so you had just called out that you were going to enter the tent. When you got a response, you moved the tarp to the side and passed through. You knew he wasn’t doing anything, seeing as it was just the main tent where they would gather for meetings. 
“I brought you a bowl of soup.” You gestured to the plate. “Wooyoung got mad that you didn't come out.”
Hongjoong had been looking over some papers at a desk, glancing up at you. “He'll live.” He hummed. When you set the plate down in front of him, he gave a nod of his head and moved to begin eating. “Thank you.” 
You tried not to be nosey and look over the papers he had, so you opted to look around the table, trying to find other things to occupy yourself with. Hongjoong placed the spoon down into the bowl as he kept his eyes on you.
You look awkward to be standing there next to him. He wondered why it was you hadn’t just walked out after giving him the food; however, he figured you wanted something if you were the one to do the delivery. He decided to make things less suffocating by being the one to start a conversation.
“Are you okay?” His question caught you off guard, looking at him with wide eyes. 
You licked your lips as you thought about his question. “At this moment or in the past two weeks?” You asked, looking down. 
Sighing, you felt like you knew exactly what it was you wanted to say. You looked up at Hongjoong, meeting his eyes. “I'm relieved.” You breathed out. “That you are all okay and safe for the most part. I wanted to come find you all right away, but the boys told me I had to wait. Time went painstakingly slow. It felt like torture to not know how you all were.”
Hongjoong turned to give you his full attention, one leg lifted over the other as he got comfortable in the chair. “I'm sure you weren't the only one worried.” He told you.
“So you all have said.” You laughed softly. “Thank you.” You suddenly spoke up, looking at him with kind eyes. 
“For what?” He frowned, eyebrows pinched together. 
“Keeping the others safe.” You smiled. “I know you don't like me much, but I appreciate you.” Hongjoong looked at you like you had grown an extra head.
He had given you no reason to like him. No reason to really even think about him. He hadn’t really spoken to you much, but somehow you appreciate him? He knew that you were different from what the others had said, however now he was just a bit skeptical. 
“In fact, after all this time, I think you're an inspiration. What you've done with the boys—how you've kept them together for so long. They speak highly of you.”
Hongjoong hummed as your feelings now made sense. A small smile grew on his face as he thought about his friends. He didn’t realize how much his leadership affected them so much. He knew they spoke about him, they always spoke about each other. But to have them speak about him in such a way that made people see him as an inspiration had him wanting to cry. 
After so long, he knew they were much closer than a lot of other gangs. He was glad to have reached that kind of level of friendship. He had tried so hard to keep them all together, it seemed like that paid off. They trusted him so much and he didn’t want to lose it. 
Looking over at you, he knew that they were starting to care deeply for you. If he was to ask them to leave you he knew they would, but at the cost of some of their own happiness. He had never seen the boys become so enamored with someone so quickly. Now that he was actually having a conversation with you, he could see why they would be.
“I can't remember a time when we made friends that lasted a long while.” He expressed. “They come and go after finding out what we do. I've tried my best at keeping them together, but sometimes I fail to do that.” He let out a deep sigh, pursing his lips as he had just expressed an insecurity he had. 
Your lips slowly pulled up into a smile at his confession. You were excited to get something from him after never speaking more than two words to him. “Everyone has their differences. Even all of you. I'm sure it is tough to do what you do.” You comforted him. 
Hongjoong pursed his lips. His jaw clenched as his face suddenly looked at you appalled. Here you were speaking your mind and somehow he confessed something he held deeply to you. It bothered him to know you were able to do that with him. He had hidden so much from others, even his closest friends, but all you had to do was tell him that you understood him and he opened his mouth. 
“Why are you like that?” He glared.
“Like what?” You didn’t seem affected by his glare, though you did raise a brow at his change in attitude. 
“Like you know what to say to get people on your side.” He clenched his fist. “What more do you want? You already have the others worried. Why speak to me like you understand me? Don't you know? We've killed men. We are criminals. Why associate yourself with people like that?” He stressed. 
“I never said I did.” You immediately retorted, face turning stoic. However, he watched as you licked your lips and suddenly looked down. 
“When Mingi saved me, I thought it was going to end for me. I had jumped to save that girl but at the cost of my own life.” You had an expression of thoughtfulness as you recalled that day to him. He listened intently to you, knowing that something like that wasn’t a nice experience to relive. 
“It made me realize all the regrets I had in life. Instead of feeling scared, I felt so angry with myself for not noticing sooner the life I led wasn't one I would have wanted. I had a mental breakdown after Mingi turned up, but these past few weeks made me realize that the day I found you all was the day I started to see the kind of person I wanted to be.”
“Sure, at first I thought you were all criminals and scumbags, but after getting to know you all things changed. In the eyes of the public, you are criminals and outlaws. But to me, you're the people who saved me and opened my eyes. That's worth more to me than anything.”
He didn’t know your story, just as you didn’t know his. There was a lot that you were in the dark about and Hongjoong wondered why it was that you didn’t ask about it. The boys had explained that you were a very understanding person who trusted her intuition about people. Any sane person would try their hardest to stay away from people like them, but here you were staying with them in their camp.
There would come a day when the boys would want to grow up and find their own ways, but for now Hongjoong wanted to keep them together for as long as possible. If that meant keeping you at arms length, then he was willing to put his group on the line. At least the line that would lead them to you.
“You shouldn't be reckless.” Hongjoong told you. “We won't always be there to save you.”
Your lips pulled over your teeth as you grinned at the man. “Says the outlaw.” You chuckled. You got up to leave the tent, turning back to look at the man. “Besides now we're even from when I didn't tell anyone you were in town all those weeks ago.” You teased.
“You're a menace.” Hongjoong scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully. “You'll fit right in.” He took a sip of the soup to hide the fact that he had just acknowledged you as part of the group.
A soft look cast over your features as you smiled softly. “Thanks, Captain.”
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @detectivedoodle , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a , @loveforred , @drunken-deitence , @0325tiny , @the-ghostest-with-the-mostest , @atinyreads , @atinytinaa , @lexiigom , @smilingtokki , @mismatchfluffysocks , @brain-empty-only-draken , @sousydive , @alex-tinyy , @h3arteyes4mingi , @onedumbho3 , @popcatx0 , @blue1amory
274 notes · View notes
Catharsis | Adrian Chase
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this fic is race/ hair type/ body type neutral; why does that matter? If you feel I’ve overlooked something in regard to this, no matter how “small”, please let me know!
@stealsteels threatened to BEAT ME UP (real) if I didn't post this so I'm doing it.
(…in all seriousness, thank you for all of your encouragement, it truly means the world ♡)
word count | 5.1k (woof)
warnings/ notes | 18+, fluff/ smut; clit rubbing/ fingering, spanking, vibrators, kink discovery/ exploration, trusting and communicating with your partner (hot), service top Adrian, masochistic reader/ sadistic Adrian if you squint. I don't write piv :)
as noted, this contains spanking. It is of course fully consensual, something reader explicitly asks for and (most importantly) NOT a punishment, but I realize it still isn’t everyone's thing, so please be mindful.
also this is incredibly self indulgent and tbh maybe a little out of character, and turned out a lot fluffier and domestic that I intended.
minors/ ageless blogs please respect my wishes and do not interact with my work/ blog. I will block you :)
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You hear him before you see him. A double shift at Fennel Fields followed by hours of shooting a bunch of appliances in the woods with Chris and he still careens into your apartment with all the intensity and finesse of a hurricane. The endless amount of energy he seemed to have was sometimes baffling, and while it was usually fun to have your own personal Energizer bunny around (especially in bed), sometimes you really envied it. 
You especially envy it on days like today when you felt like you could barely drag yourself through a comparatively low stakes and low effort day.
That feeling doesn’t last long though, because as soon as he toes his shoes off (a task that takes significantly longer than it should because he refuses to untie his laces, insisting that it’s faster even though it clearly isn’t) and rounds the corner into the kitchen, he shoots you his signature smile and you instantly feel that warmth you only seem to feel around him. 
Shoes successfully removed, he ambles over to where you stand in front of the stove, fanning yourself as you lower the heat of the burner. Strong arms instinctively find their way around your waist and he nuzzles into your side, dropping tiny kisses to your cheek. Said kisses are, of course, mostly a means of distraction so that he can reach around you to grab the spoon you'd been stirring with and stick the entire thing in his mouth, but it’s still cute enough to earn him a few kisses in return.
You return to stirring (with a new spoon), humming your replies as he launches into his recap of the day’s events. The recaps are rarely linear (sometimes they're not even coherent), so by now you’re used to the way he flip flops between how crazy the recoil from Chris' Desert Eagle was (“I mean yeah okay, I shot it without his permission, but holy shit babe that thing is crazy! Maybe I should get one. I mean when you think about it it’s actually kind of weird that we don’t have matching guns. Do you think he would think that was weird? If I got the same gun as him?”), to how he’d broken a guy's kneecaps after he'd caught him pushing his girlfriend into a wall in a dark alley, to how some other guy had actually proposed at Fennel Fields (“but don’t worry babe, when I propose it’ll be somewhere way nicer. Like at least  Olive Garden or better.”)
The last bit earns him an eye roll and a nudge to the ribs, but you still can’t help the grin that pulls at your lips.
With dinner done, he finally disentangles himself from you to grab the plates and silverware and plops down in front of the tv. Tonight you’re finishing up the latest season of Barry (a show he finds hilarious, more for the gore than the actual comedy), but the second you take your seat next to him his arms immediately find their way around your middle. 
“You know you can’t eat if you’re holding me, right?” you question, arching an eyebrow at him.
Undeterred, he pulls you even tighter, insisting that he “totally can though!”
“I’ve mastered the art. See, look,” He demonstrates said “mastery” by pulling you into his chest and bringing his plate around so that it sits on his open palm in front of you. He grins down at you, hopeful you’ll just ignore the high likelihood of pasta sauce spilling down your front with one wrong move. You pat his cheek and shake your head no, moving to separate your bodies. He pouts, truly pouts at you and once again find yourself unable to hide your smile. 
“Okay okay, what about if you lay down on my chest and I put my plate on your back?” 
“Then how would I eat?” 
He ponders this for a second until you see another lightbulb go off.
“Okay, what about you sit in my lap and hold your plate and I-”
“I swear, if you suggest putting your plate on my head...”
“You didn’t let me finish!” 
Another skeptical look before you sigh and motion for him to finish.
“...But yes I was going to say that.”
The way he seems to so desperately want this to work is perhaps a little annoying, but mostly very cute and endearing. Another eye roll makes it clear that his request is out of the question, and he’ll, for the time being, have to settle for eating like a normal person.
You turn your attention back to the screen just in time to see a guy's brains splatter as he gets shot in the head point blank. Despite the fact that you know about Adrian’s propensity for violence, it still gets to you and you wince. He pulls you tightly into his side, rubbing soothing circles into your shoulder and you settle into his touch, muttering your thanks into his sweatshirt and pressing a grateful peck to his chin. You sigh contentedly and press your face into his side and your eyes drift closed as you inhale his scent.
A bark of laughter jolts you awake. You hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep, but sure enough when you look up the credits are rolling. You yawn and stretch, craning your neck to look up at him and he seems to immediately sense your stare. He smiles that smile, the one that’s sweet like his normal one but also not, doing absolutely nothing to hide the fact that he’s thinking about something not so sweet, and the proof of what he exactly he's thinking is now pressing up against you. You turn to face him fully, taking in his lopsided smile and the slight splotchy blush creeping over his neck and plant a small teasing kiss to the corner of his mouth.
Obviously this isn’t enough for him, and he leans over to gently grab the back of your neck and pulls you to him. The kiss is… kind of a lot, to be honest, but most things with Adrian are. Overeager as always he wastes no time licking along the seam of your mouth, asking for entry. You don't oblige him, not yet, opting to tease him instead as you nip his bottom lip.
You hug him closer, feeling the muscles in his back flex under your touch as he tilts your head to the side to suck at the skin of your neck. You move to straddle him but he's already getting impatient and makes a frustrated sound as he grips your thighs and pulls you the rest of the way into his lap. With you seated fully on top of him, he moves one hand to your hip to hold you solidly in place while the other snakes up under your shirt. Adrian is rarely smooth and tonight is no exception. His hands move over you as if he's unsure where to go or where to stop, touching you like it's the first time. They ghost over your stomach and up between your breasts before finally settling on your ass in a nice firm hold.
He finally frees your neck, laving sloppy kisses over your tender skin before pulling away completely. The momentary loss of contact is enough for you to come back to your senses and you push lightly against his chest.
“Hi.” Hi? You scoff at yourself. Great start. 
You have no idea why you’re feeling so self-conscious all of a sudden, especially when he's looking at you like that.
The way he noticeably focuses when you have something to say, absorbing your every word is endearing but sometimes it also feels so intense. Especially now, when he’s sitting here, half hard underneath you, eyes growing wide and curious under his large frames.
You gather yourself and clear your throat.
“I uh, I actually wanted to talk about something. To ask you something, actually. I mean, we obviously don’t have to do it tonight, or do anything tonight. I mean I know you’ve had a really long day so I don’t want you to feel obligated to do it tonight, or at all even, if you don't want to. I don’t even know if it’s something you’d be interested in so, no pressure, obviously.” 
You’re way too aware of the fact that you’re rambling, which is typically more of an Adrian thing than a you thing, but despite (or maybe because of) your awareness, you can’t seem to stop. The words just keep tumbling out, and now you’re getting flustered and a little bit annoyed with yourself, in large part because it's Adrian for Christ's sake. He's never judged you for your desires and you know it's not in his nature. Even now he just sits there, ignoring his own arousal, patiently waiting for you to get the words out, tracing comforting (albeit distracting) shapes against the tops of your thighs. In spite of all this you still struggle with simply just saying what you want– what you need. You take another breath.
"I want…" 
You had what felt like the most supportive partner in the world, so why did this feel so fucking hard?
He nods, squeezing your sides, encouraging you to continue. “Tell me what you want. Tell me and I'll give it to you.” 
"I, uh, I want you to spank me." You hold your breath, gauging his reaction carefully.
He immediately perks up at this and just like that, you’re at ease again. Not even a hint of the hesitation or confusion (or even worse, judgment or disgust) you’d dealt with the few times you’d brought it up with previous partners. Not even the well meaning (but kind of annoying) "I don't want to hurt you" you'd come to expect. Then again, this is Adrian, your Adrian, and now you’re wondering why you were even worried in the first place. 
Then again, it wasn't like this was exactly a shocking revelation. Adrian already knew you liked some pain and he’d been more than happy to give you the occasional playful spank before, in and out of the bedroom. Even though what you're asking for now was much different, his reaction is a huge relief.
For his part, he sits there, fucking beaming at you. His eyes drift to your lips again, tongue sneaking out to lick his own as he leans in to nip at you this time. For a moment he lingers, like he can’t decide whether he wants to kiss you or move back down to your neck. He goes with the former, pulling you into a searing kiss. You don’t consider yourself the type to get easily flustered, but fuck if he isn’t literally taking your breath away right now. He pushes his tongue into your mouth, payback for earlier, and you gasp. His hand moves to cradle the back of your neck again, squeezing just the tiniest bit. You know he's barely using any of his strength and that knowledge makes you shudder.
“So, how do you want to do this?”
You laugh, “I um…” To be honest, you kind of hadn’t really put much thought into logistics and the kiss wasn't making it any easier to think.
You don’t have to flounder for too long though, because now that you’ve put the idea into his head, he’s running with it. 
“Want me to bend you over the couch?” 
Another thing most people don’t know about Adrian, and you’re thankful for this, is how… focused he can be. Especially when properly motivated.
“Or I could put you over my lap. Get you nice and relaxed and just… help get all the tension out. Would you like that? Hm?” Hia hands have drifted back to your ass and he pinches it now to emphasize his point, making you yelp.
You can tell how excited he’s getting both by the way he continues to ramble and by the way he’s started to absentmindedly rut up against you. You don’t think he even realizes he’s doing it because he’s still talking, seemingly completely unaware.
“Maybe we should get a paddle. I’d love to see your ass jiggle when I hit it with a paddle. Fuck, do you have one? Should we get one right now? Or a riding crop. Or- what are those things with all the tassels?”
“Adrian, do you really want to buy a flogger right now? Or do you want to take me to bed?"
“Right, right.” Without warning, he stands and you do your best to cling to him as he makes his way to your bedroom. From this position it’s harder to grind against him, but that doesn’t stop you from trying. You press your lips against the long column of his throat, moving up from his Adam’s apple to kiss behind his ear. You move back down and up again, repeating the action on the other side. He groans, deep and guttural and filthy, and you think it’s the loveliest sound you’ve ever heard.
“Stopstopstop, you’re distracting me!” He huffs, cutely, like he really has the audacity to be annoyed right now.
You grin into his neck, unable to stop yourself from softly nibbling his ear.
He places you down on the bed, crawling over you to kiss down your neck and you arch into him, hands sliding down his chest, toned muscles apparent despite the thick material of his sweatshirt, before reaching his waistband. You move to tug them down, desperate to feel him in your hands but he quickly grabs both your wrists and holds them above your head. He pulls back to look at you, smiling a very different smile now.
You try in vain to tug your wrists free, whining for him to let you go so you can touch him, but the look he fixes you with is enough to shut you up. Slowly, slowly he trails his free hand down your chest and slips it into your shorts, rubbing you over your panties. 
You moan, clamping your thighs around his hand and grinding yourself into his touch, growing more and more desperate by the second. When he finally he relents and releases your hands you're panting, but you waste no time wrapping your arms around his neck and tangling your hands in his curls as he returns to your neck, kisses turning to bites.
He rucks your shirt all the way up and you lift so he can finish tugging it over your arms. You shiver, fully exposed to him now and he bends down to take one nipple in his mouth, alternating between gentle bites and sucks while circling the other with his thumb and you sigh dreamily, pushing up into his touch.
Your hand drifts back to the nape of his neck, absently dragging your nails up and down the back of his scalp, dark curls running through your fingers and he groans against your skin. You move for his pants again but he bites your nipple that much harder; a clear warning.
He releases your nipple and you think he's switching to the other one but he instead fixes you with another stern look. His voice is lower this time when he speaks.
“Are you gonna behave, or do I need to tie you up?”
You can’t help the shiver that runs through you, or the whimper that escapes your lips at his words.
As enticing as the offer is, you’re starting to get antsy. You nod your head and mutter your assent and he smirks, seemingly satisfied with your answer. 
The look he gives you this time is much softer but it still makes your blood run hot, makes you feel like the electricity in your nerves is sparking just under your skin. You turn your head to the side and without missing a beat he grabs your chin lightly, guiding your gaze back to him.
Heat rushes up your neck to your cheeks, but you make yourself hold his gaze. His pupils are almost completely blown black now, cheeks ruddy and lips set in a firm line. 
"I care about making you feel good.” The sincerity in his voice floods you with warmth.
“Are you gonna let me?”
You whimper, wishing he’d just go back to kissing you, but you know the question isn’t rhetorical.
“Yes, yes, please Adrian just- please”, you pant, stretching up, wordlessly begging him to kiss you again, to do something, but he doesn't relent. He just holds your gaze while you pout and squirm under him.
“Now, tell me what you want.”
You peer up at him, uncertain of what he means. “I told you, I want you-”
“No, tell me exactly what you want. Be specific. Do you… do you want me to punish you?” His voice quiets a bit at the end.
“No! No, I don’t. I don’t want it to be a punishment. I-I don’t know. I just…  I do want it to hurt but... I more just want to not think, just for a while. Sorry, that’s not what you asked but-”
“No, no that’s good. That’s good.” 
He finally lets go of your wrists and kneads the muscles in your shoulders. The warmth and pressure from his hands soothes your nerves and you sigh and smile up at him.
“Alright, get over my lap then.”
You scramble to obey, already dizzy with anticipation. You feel giddy with it, and despite your nerves you couldn't deny how badly you wanted this– wanted to feel his hands on you, wanted him to make you feel release only the way he could.
You splay yourself over his spread legs, head resting on the pillow you’d grabbed. Now that you’re unable to see what he’s doing, your mind starts to race. Your pulse quickens, and you start to get that familiar floaty feeling you get whenever he takes control and you get to let go.
He puts one hand on the small of your back and with the other he finally, mercifully, tugs at your waistband. You can feel just how hard he's gotten now as he presses into your hip, but he doesn’t move. Adrian isn't much for teasing but he makes no move to touch you, so you wiggle your hips in the hope that it’ll get him to do… something. He presses firmly on your lower back and you huff, but still yourself anyway. He slowly smooths over the muscles in your lower back, pressing deeper and deeper until you relax into his touch. 
He moves lower, gripping the meat of your ass, kneading it softly, and you’re not sure if the gentle touches are genuine or if he’s trying to get you to let your guard down before he starts.
He unceremoniously spreads your legs, dipping his hand between your thighs before ghosting his fingers over your lips. He moves to circle your clit over your underwear and you moan into the pillow, bucking your hips back into his hand, searching for more of whatever he’s willing to give you.
You should’ve known better again, because as soon as you do, his hand comes down squarely against your ass. The pain isn’t so bad, but the sound is enough to make you jump. 
"Oh." he says quietly, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "I see."
You're not sure exactly what he means by this but you don't have time to think about it too hard before he brings his hand down again, this time on the other cheek. He stops briefly and you move to turn and ask if that's all he intends to do, but you feel another stinging slap before you get the chance.
“You said you wanted it to hurt, right?” You mumble a "yes", high and breathy, into the pillow that’s smushed against your face.
"Then ask me nicely."
"Adrian, please, please, fucking- just - harder please."
The pace he sets now is unrelenting. You pretty quickly become aware of the fact that he's making sure there's no pattern for you to predict and the thought makes you even giddier.
One smack, and then another, the stinging pain hovering just on the edge of too much, dulling all of your other senses. You start to get that familiar hazy feeling, and you relax into it, welcome it, will it to take you over completely.
Left, left, left, right, left again, one sharp, followed by a few open handed ones to your thigh in quick succession. All the while he's rubbing small, tight circles against your clit with his other hand.
His fingers move to tease your entrance, rubbing small circles into you and like the slaps he's doling out they seem to have no predictable rhythm.
"I think… this is really unlocking something in me," he mutters, more to himself than to you. 
You’d been so focused on what he was doing that you only now realize how embarrassingly loud your moans had been, but his comment draws something out of you. You’re whining and writhing against him, not even trying to look dignified at this point, the sensation verging on overwhelming but so so good.
Suddenly it’s gone, and you whine in protest. For a moment everything is still, and you realize for the first time how quickly your heart is beating.
“Still okay?”
You don’t think you can form words right now, but you groan an affirmative, hoping it gets your message across. Adrian gently tilts your chin so he can look into your eyes and confirm. “Yes?” he questions, and your heart warms at the way he asks, at the way he always wants to be certain. The way he's biting his lip also tells you you’re not the only one who's enjoying this.
You exhale sharply, forcing your brain and mouth to actually form words, making sure your "yes" is clear. He nods once in return and releases your chin, and you sigh as you sink into the pillow again. Once you're comfortable, he starts again.
"Good girl. Keep being good for me.”
The sharp stinging pain and the dull thudding of his open palm are starting to run together, all becoming one sensation. He grips the fat of your ass again with one hand, releases it and brings the other hand down. He repeats this a few more times; squeezing, releasing and then bringing his hand down quickly before the blood has the chance to rush back under your skin, gauging your reactions each time, cataloging every whimper, moan and twitch, every shudder, flinch and squeal and rewarding each in kind.
“You like that? You like it when I hurt you like this? You like my fingers rubbing your pretty little clit like this?”
With this he runs his fingers back through the slick between your legs, teasing a finger against your opening.
"Jesus, fuck, look at you. Is this all for me? Yeah? Answer me." You can’t help but whine at that, telling him "Yes, yes it's all for you, all for you Adrian!" hiccuping and helpless to do anything but feel him.
He continues, “I think I know what you want, but you know you have to use your words,” he chides. “Can you do that for me?”
“Yes, yes! Pleasepleaseplease” You’re nearly sobbing now, tears you hadn't even noticed before falling freely now.
“I think I have something you’ll like even better,” he says, and your heart leaps at the thought of what he could possibly have in mind. You move to turn to him, but a firm hand on your back keep you in place.
He draws his hand back and you brace yourself for the inevitable impact, but it doesn't come. You huff, knowing full well he's absolutely got the shittiest grin on his face but you refuse to turn around this time, refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing your annoyance. So the two of you just sit there, momentarily suspended, at the world’s tensest, horniest impasse. You, over his lap, your panties hanging off of your ankle, and him, with presumably one hand raised in the air and one tracing faint shapes into the skin of your inner thighs.
"You," he starts, taking a deliberate breathe like he's trying to compose himself, trying to stave off the arousal he's thus far been able to keep at bay. He’s still got his pants on, and the combination of that and you writhing and moaning on top of him is starting to become unbearable.
"You have no fucking idea what you do to me."
He sounds dangerous now, voice too measured and now the tension is really starting to get to you.
He’s moving on the bed, doing his best to not jostle you too much but you can still feel his hips and cock shift under you as he reaches over to the drawer on your side of the bed. 
You hear him rifling through it, various objects clattering as he tosses them around. You use this time to ground yourself, taking a few deep breaths but they do little to stop the way your blood is still rushing under your skin. You have an idea of what he’s looking for, but you don’t dare turn around to confirm your suspicions. 
Finally, the rustling stops and he chuckles triumphantly.
He’s quiet again. Suspiciously, unnervingly quiet. Adrian is so rarely quiet that when he is it's noticeable. He’s still lazily running his fingers between your thighs, purposefully avoiding your clit this time, despite the insistent roll of your hips. Like he’s got all the time in the fucking world.
You hear the telltale buzz of the Magic Wand behind you, but he doesn’t give you time to register it before he pushes the head right up against your clit. You cry out, the sensation immediately far too intense, but despite your struggle he continues to firmly hold you in place. You whine pathetically, the pressure and vibration too much too soon, and he eases up just a little so the vibrations are still strong, but not so overwhelming.
You keep squirming, you can’t help it, and he moves the toy from your clit. This time you chase it, now desperate for stimulation and he chuckles above you and spanks your ass again.
“Fuck!” You cry out, burying your face into the pillow again. You know how you probably look, completely fucked out, tears splilling freely from your eyes now as you sob ugly and way too loud sobs, but you can't think about that right now. You were close, so so close. You just needed that extra little push.
“You’re doing so well baby. Can you take a few more?” and he asks so sweetly you can't even think about saying no.
Adrian returns to rubbing the small of your back, his voice a little softer now. He knows the telltale signs of your impending orgasm, and he always knows how to get you over the edge.
You gasped an “uh-huh”, arching into his touch and this time he allows it and repositions the toy directly against your clit again. Despite his softer tone, his hand comes down again just as hard and unrelenting as before and you’re honestly glad he isn’t going softer now that he knows you’re close.
He turns the vibration up a little more and the extra stimulation is exactly what you need. You feel your body seize momentarily as you clench and shake and for a split second everything feels still before your orgasm crests and breaks over you. 
You hold onto that feeling for as long as you can, letting the wave break and settle and feeling your brain go blissfully hazy.
You feel floaty, your body feeling absolutely spent, wrung out completely and everything in that moment feels so perfect.
Adrian slowly ghost gentle touches over your back and down over your ass and thighs. You feel something cool and sigh contentedly as he rubs lotion into your stinging flesh.
You work to steady your breathing, reveling in the feeling of his gentle touch and the sweet praises he mumbles.
He knows you sometimes get a little dizzy and fucked out after you cum, (loves it, really) so he waits for you to gather yourself. Once he finishes you roll onto your stomach.
You wouldn't blame him for being self satisfied or even cocky in this moment, but the smile he wears now is anything but. It's just warm and sweet, like him. 
He grabs one of the small hand towels you keep in the bedside drawers and gently wipes you down, knowing how much you hate the feeling of sweat on your skin after and helps you pull a fresh pair of underwear and one of his oversized shirts on as you settle into his lap.
“Was it.. was it good for you? Was it too hard?” You hear the little bit of worry start to creep into his voice and you’re quick to reassure him.
“No, no not at all. It was perfect Adj. You know I would’ve stopped you if something was wrong.”
He visibly relaxes at this, and resumes running his fingers over your tender flesh, humming softly.
It’s quiet, and for a while the only sound you’re aware of is your breathing. When he speaks again, it’s like he’s already in the middle of a thought.
“But seriously. Whatever you need, you know I’m happy to do it for you. And you know how much I love taking care of you. I just always want to make sure I make you feel good, you know?”
You smile at his confession. “Yeah, I know. And thank you. Seriously."
You clear your throat. “It's just nice to have someone who cares, you know?”
He hums thoughtfully, still rubbing your skin gently.
"I know you care about me as a person, and I'm not saying you're the only one who does. I meant more, it's nice to have someone who cares about making me feel good. Not to say that other people were just using me for sex but… with you it's just,” you go quiet again. “It’s just different."
“So thank you. For… this. For not being weirded out by it, I mean. And for doing it, of course.”
You sit up so you can look him in the eye now and he pulls you into him fully, arms tight and secure. The last thing you're aware of before you drift off this time is his scent as he kisses your temple.
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xnaiel · 3 months
Greetings, everyone. Here is a request from @pardona I received a week ago, I apologize for my tardiness and the quality of my writing if it is not to your liking.
I hope you will enjoy those Kuroo and Bokuto dating Headcanons. ~
Kuroo and you were already acquainted as not only are you both in the same class, but you also happen to be the class president. Although being in different clubs and having different friend groups, you never really interacted with one another. One day however, the both of you ended up being paired together because of your respective duos being absent that day and, quickly enough, you began getting along really well, learning more about every hobbies and interests you share, a thing led to another and now, you both were completely aware of each other. Everything seemed to stop when one of you would enter the room, stares were getting deeper, small touches would get longer and the soft feeling of his fingers against yours would linger on you skin after he gave you your notes back. Suddenly, before you could even realize it, the two of you were now inseparable.
It was only a matter of time before he declared that he was yours and that you would say that you were his back.
Kuroo Boyfriend HCs :
• Whenever no one is looking, Kuroo links your pinkies together as he loves the feeling of your skin on his.
• While Kuroo might try his best to look tough in front of you, Kenma, being his best friend, has to listen to him talk about you all day long, commenting on every little thing you do, calling you his "angel of a boyfriend". (But of course, Kenma has told you that multiple times already. ^^)
• Study dates would be frequent for the two of you. Whether it is at your of Kuroo's house, the library, or even a café, there is nothing that feels more fulfilling than to enjoy your boyfriend's presence, however it may be.
• Kuroo loves to cuddle you, not matter if you are the small or the big spoon, he wraps his limbs around you and when he falls asleep...it is rather difficult to get him to move.
• His kisses are always when you expect it the least where you expect it the least. His favorite thing to do is to kiss you when there are people around you, knowing none of them are looking. He lives for that surprised face and averting gaze.
• After his club activities, both of you always go home together. While you never revealed your relationship to the team, they seem to have guessed that there is something going on between the two of you, especially when their captain starts to give his all when you just happen to pass by the gym or just by the way he looks at you during the rare times you come talk to him about some class related issue. The only people oblivious to your obvious yearning are Lev and Taketora.
You and Bokuto met in class. You were a new student and were seated next to an owl looking individual who looked at you with a big smile, greeting you with energy but being cut short by the teacher. As the bell rang, he made his way towards you asked you multiple questions, which ended up in him suggesting for you to become their team's manager if you had no idea which club to join yet. Since you were formally obliged to join a club and not being particularly interested in doing something active, you decided to partake in his request. The classmate that made you come here was more than happy to see you and made you feel incredibly welcomed and at ease, allowing you to start bonding with the team almost immediately. Bokuto became really attached to you, taking you anywhere he could, wanting to make sure to show you around without leaving out a single detail. You also grew attached to him, and being his opposite made you gravitate towards one another, which led Bokuto to confess profusely his love to you, which you reciprocated.
Bokuto Boyfriend HCs :
• It did not take a long time for the team to figure out what exactly was happening between the two of you as Bokuto wouldn't shut up about how much he loves his boyfriend and how cool he thinks he is. Akashi seems to be the only one who keeps a record of how many times he speaks about you during the day for some reason.
• Bokuto seeks out for you whenever he is sulking, and a compliment from you would be enough to make him want to take over the moon. A kiss ? Now, he would actually be able to steal the moon for you.
• Bokuto and you are quite the...corny couple and unafraid to show affection in front of the team. (More like he shows plenty of affection whenever he can, and you just reciprocate with the best of your abilities, being flustered but the scene he causes.)
• Every time his team wins, you are greeted by a bone crushing and head spinning hug as he lifts you up and turns you around, almost as if unable to mesure his own strength.
• Everything Bokuto does, he does for you. He gets motivated by the thought of you being proud of him and telling him how cool he is. He even tries to study harder in order to show you what he is capable of. (He made very little progress, but to you, it is a lot, and you couldn't be more proud of him for trying his absolute best.)
• Bokuto uses you as his lucky charm before every single one of their matches. A kiss wherever it may be is always enough for him to be sure to grant his team victory. (Although you wouldn't want to kiss him on the lips before a match... He might explode.)
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chaoticpuff17 · 11 months
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Chapter 6
Waking up was a struggle for Margot. Her eyes felt as though they were cemented shut, and her limbs were as heavy as lead as she tried to move, not that she was exactly eager to do so. She was warm. She was comfortable, and more importantly she didn’t want to wake up and face the day yet. 
Her bed was nice and cozy and warm. There was absolutely no good reason in her mind why she should leave it, or at least there wasn’t until she felt the hand playing with her hair. 
All at once her entire body seized up, going stock still as she tried to feign sleep, hoping that whoever was in her apartment would go away. Whoever wasn’t accurate though. She knew who was in her apartment. She just didn’t want to admit it. 
“I know you’re awake, jagiya.” He murmured, his voice gravelly from his own sleep, and it led her to wonder if he had been there the whole night. “Are you feeling better now? I made soup.” 
Ah. Soup. He had made soup. In her kitchen. As though this was the most normal thing in the world. Perfect. 
Slowly, she opened her eyes, finding immense relief in the fact that she wasn’t facing him and did not have to look at him as she processed the fact that he was still there.
“You need to eat something, jagi.” He cajoled, still twining pieces of her hair through his fingers. “You used a lot of energy last night.” 
Margot waited a moment, trying to see if he would get up and leave her alone if she continued to “play dead” or if he would stay. She had a nagging feeling that he was going to stay, but she thought waiting him out was at least worth a try even if it was unlikely to work. 
“Come on, baby.” He cajoled, brushing her hair away from her face. “You have to get up. You need to eat.” 
“I don’t need to do anything.” she grumbled, giving up and turning to glare at him. “What are you doing in my house?” “Good morning to you too, jagi.” He grinned down at her. If she had enough energy to have an attitude, she was clearly doing better. “Come. I’ll get you some soup.” 
Sighing, Margot pulled herself out of bed, scouring the area for a cardigan to throw over her shoulders. The tank top was comfortable enough to sleep in when she was shrouded in blankets, but she felt too exposed in just that with Yoongi hovering about. She knew it wasn’t much, but it was an extra layer of protection between her and Yoongi. It made her feel more secure, if only a little as she wrapped it around herself. 
“Why are you still here?” she sighed, taking a seat at her table, one leg curled under her and the foot resting on the edge of the chair as she wrapped her arms around herself. 
“I couldn’t leave you like that.” He shrugged, puttering around her kitchen in his rumpled clothes from the night before, fixing them both a bowl of what appeared to be tteokguk. 
“You could have.” she argued without any real heat. She would have preferred if he’d left, but there didn’t seem to be much use in saying it. He’d ignored her every plea for him to leave her alone so far. 
Yoongi leveled her a look that said he wouldn’t have left her for anything so not to bother even asking as he set down a bowl in front of her. “Eat.” Yoongi ordered, taking the seat across from her. 
“You’ve gotten real bossy in your old age. You know that?” she grumbled, picking up her spoon and moving the rice cakes around in her bowl. 
“Bossy.” she grumbled again but put a rice cake in her mouth just to shut him up.
Yoongi relaxed a little seeing her start to eat and picked up his own utensil. There was a glimmer of hope sparking in his chest seeing her follow his instructions without too much fuss. If he was lucky, and god he hoped he was, Margot would cease trying to fight him soon. As much as he enjoyed bickering with her, he was not enjoying being on the receiving end of her ire.
Margot on the other hand was tense, wondering when he would leave her alone. Spending the night had been creepy enough. Then there had been the new weighted blanket she’d woken up under. She didn’t own one, so she knew it had to be his doing. The flowers decorating her kitchen counter hadn’t escaped her notice either. 
The white roses sent a shudder of unease through her though part of her couldn’t believe that he still remembered that she liked white roses even if they weren’t her favorite. She supposed she shouldn’t have been surprised. Yoongi always seemed to remember everything whether you wanted him to or not. 
What was even more disconcerting about the flowers were their meaning. White roses were for new beginnings. Margot didn’t know if Yoongi knew that and had chosen them for that reason or if he had simply chosen them because she liked white roses, but she didn’t like their presence in her house and the implication behind them. 
“You know it’s creepy to spend the night in a girl’s home without her permission.” she sent the bard his way with a dry tone, not even looking up from her bowl of soup. 
“I couldn’t leave without making sure you were alright.” 
She looked up at him oddly. “I’m fine. I’m always fine.” 
In all the time they had known each other, she may have had her ups and downs, she still did, but she was always fine. There was never enough time to shut down with class and then with work. She kept going because what other choice was there? 
“You don’t have to be fine all the time, jagiya.” 
The reminder was soft, meant to be comforting, but she bristled at the sound of it. 
“We can’t all have minions to do our bidding.” she sniffed, pushing her bowl away. 
Yoongi scoffed, quirking a brow at her. “What has that got to do with anything?” 
“Why are you even here, Yoongi?” she sighed, deflating and leaning back into her chair. 
“To make sure you’re okay.” He responded, leaning back as well. 
She paused for a moment, taking him in. 
“I’m always okay.” 
“You and I both know that’s not true.” He admonished softly. 
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Like you know anything about me anymore.” 
Yoongi scoffed, smiling at her predatorily as he leaned forward, resting his arms against the table. “I know you better than anyone, jagiya.” 
“Maybe once,” she conceded, head raised defiantly. “But not anymore.” 
He leaned back once more, arms spread wide in invitation. “Please. Tell me who knows you better. Your little fake boyfriend? The detective?” Her eyes widened at the mention of Namjoon and the fact that Yoongi knew they weren’t actually dating, and Yoongi smiled in catlike satisfaction. “Of course I know, baby. I know everything about you, and we both know that little boy scout detective wouldn’t know what to do with you. You’re too much woman for him.” 
“My love life is none of your concern.” she gritted out, soup forgotten in front of her. 
“Of course it is.” he shrugged. “Everything about you is my concern.” 
“What do you want, Yoongi?” she hissed, bristling like an unhappy cat. “Just tell me so you can leave and I can get on with my life.” 
Yoongi straightened, sitting up and tilting his head to the side as he observed her inquisitively. “Get on with your life? Baby, you act like we’ll be going our separate ways?” He chuckled, though the sound was entirely without humor. “After all those years apart, after we just found each other again, you want to just go on existing like we don’t know each other?” 
Margot tucked her arms around herself again, watching him cautiously as he seemed to unravel, just a bit, before her eyes. 
There wasn’t anything obvious. There never was with Yoongi.  To anyone else he would have seemed calm just as he always was, but she knew better. There was a spark in his eye, something dark and manic that gave her pause, and she had to remind herself that as easy as it was at times to slip into old patterns, to treat him like her Yoongi, this was not the Yoongi she used to know. This man was something else entirely, and she needed to be careful. 
“I’m not doing that, jagi.” he shook his head, another humorless laugh escaping him. “You and I are linked, jagi. There are no separate ways for us.” 
“That’s not your decision to make.” she reminded him softly, almost afraid to speak as the manic gleam in his eyes seemed to get brighter. 
“You’re upset right now.” he shrugged, brushing her off. “But once you calm down, once you’re thinking clearly, you’ll see things my way. We’re inevitable, jagiya.” 
With a groan, Margot slumped down to rest her head on her arms. Had he always been this delusional or was this a new development? She didn’t know, but she wasn’t enjoying it even a little bit. 
“Jagiya?” Yoongi asked, reaching across the table to place a hand on her head, gently brushing back some of her hair. “Are you alright, jagiya?” 
“No.” She groaned. “I need to lie down.” 
With a heavy sigh, Margot pushed herself up from the table and walked back across the apartment to her sofa, lying down and trying to ignore the man watching her from her kitchen table where both of their meals sat barely touched. 
Yoongi followed after her, trying to ascertain what was wrong. He knew what was wrong in theory. She was tired. She was overwhelmed. These were all things he expected. They were things he could, in theory, fix, but she wasn’t reacting quite as he’d expected from her. Perhaps he should have expected this though, knowing how stubborn she was. 
“Just go.” She groaned, curling herself into a ball. “I can’t… I can’t deal with you right now.” 
Yoongi hesitated, debating whether he should stay or if he should give her her space. 
“Do you need anything?” 
“I need you to go.” 
“Alright, jagiya. I’ll go.” He agreed, heart heavy in his chest. “We’ll talk when you’re feeling better. Okay?” 
She didn’t say anything, just waited in silence for Yoongi to gather himself and leave her home. The sooner he left, the sooner the crushing weight would be eased from her chest, the sooner she could center herself again. 
Yoongi waited a few more minutes to see if she’d say anything, to see if she’d respond at all, but she didn’t. Eventually, he left with a murmured goodbye and another promise to see her again soon,  not that she wanted it. 
“Sir?” Minhwan asked as Yoongi left the apartment with a face like thunder. 
“I want updates every hour on how she’s doing.” He ordered with a growl. 
“Of course, sir.” Minhwan nodded, knowing better than to question his boss’ foul mood any further. 
As much as he tried to keep his composure around Margot, Yoongi was fuming. Her reactions were more than a little frustrating, but he knew better than to take that out on her. Not only would it not help his case, it would set him back in trying to get into her good graces again. 
It was perplexing. As much as he needed her simply to survive, she didn’t seem to need him at all. She didn’t even want him around her. If anything, she acted as though his presence was an annoyance. Had their separation not affected her as deeply as it had him, or was she simply a better actor than he was? 
That couldn’t be. He knew she loved him. Perhaps she didn’t love him in quite the same way he loved her, but she loved him. She would come around to the way of things eventually. It would just take a little more wooing than anticipated on his part. 
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Yoongi was also going through contingency plans. Of course the first option was to woo her, but he was a smart man, and she was a stubborn woman. He knew that as much as he wanted it to, wooing may not be enough to win her over, not on its own. He needed other options even if they were ones that she wouldn’t like. 
One way or another, she was going to be his whether she came willingly or not. 
Part seven
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arlana-likes-to-write · 6 months
Second Chance - Chapter 8
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Warnings: fainting, affects of chemotherapy treatment, lack of appetite, IV treatment
Note: a lot of this chapter is based on my own personal experience with the disease. As I've learned chemotherapy effects everyone very differently. Also sorry this chapter is so short.
Word Count: 1.9k
Relationships: Yelena x reader, Tony x reader (platonic), Avenger x reader (platonic)
There was something about jello that never sat right with you. You witnessed your friends take shot after shot of the mixture, and it made your insides turn. Even your mom would eat it when she wasn’t feeling well. Your nose would scrunch when you saw her over the stove, waiting for the water to boil. It always had to be homemade, never the store-bought stuff. The irony of it all as you sat on the common floor of the tower eating jello. Your mom would have gotten a kick out of it. It was store-bought; you barely had enough energy to drag yourself out of your room. The visit with America and Kate made you realize you missed people, which was strange.
After a double dosage, you would lock yourself in your room, surviving on snacks you could keep down. You would emerge from your room and order takeout when the symptoms passed. It was odd having a group of people to ensure you were okay. “Hey kid,” you gave a weak smile to Steve. “How’s the jello?” You shrugged.
“It’s gross, but at least I’m eating.” Sam stood next to you, arms leaning against the counter.
“We are going to watch a movie,” he said. “Do you want to join us?” You finished the last spoonful of jello, and Steve took the trash from you. You gave the man a grateful smile.
“Sure, it’s not like I can do much in this state,” you followed them to the couch and sat on the other side of Steve. He was warm; you were getting jealous of the Avenger’s ability to always be warm. “What are we watching?” You asked, resting your elbow on the armrest.
“I’m thinking Do The Right Thing by Spike Lee,” you knew the movie. You took a film studies class in college. Well, you passed it without watching any of the movies. You were a little stretched thin, and watching a 2-hour movie was not something you had time for. With your schedule open, movies became a source of comfort for you. You wished you set more time for them, more time for other things as well.
Sighing, you let your body relax on the couch and let your mind wander into the world Spike Lee created.
“I’m impressed she still hasn’t woken up yet,” Maria said, nursing a tall glass of water. She, Yelena, and Natasha returned from a run to find the common floor bustling with people, making lunch or grabbing a quick bite before heading off. Somehow, you remained unbothered by all the noise. You were fast asleep on the couch with a blanket tucked around you. Steve told them you made it halfway through the movie before you fell asleep.
“Do you think we should wake her up?” Natasha asked. “She needs to eat.” Yelena nodded. Tony told them about his conversation with your doctor. The blonde hated doctors too many times; she was forced down by doctors who said they would help. She had to trust your medical team knew what was best for you. So if they told you you needed to eat or an IV of fluids and steroids would help, Yelena believed that.
“I’ll do it,” Yelena said, walking over to the couch and ignoring the questioning look on her sister’s face. She was not ready for that conversation that she knew Natasha was dying to have. Yelena needed time to figure it all out. Kneeling at your level, she gently placed her hand on your shoulder. “Easton,” she said softly, barely recognizing the sound of her voice. “Come on, time to wake up.” This time, you opened your eyes, blinking them a few times.
“Belova,” you sighed. Yelena hated how you said her name; it made her heart skip. “Do what do I owe the pleasure.” The blonde rolled her eyes.
“You need food,” she said, standing up. “So up you get.” Yelena held out her hand. Sighing, you sat up and took the hand she offered. Fuck, why were you so cold? You pulled yourself up with Yelena’s help. Even when you were standing up, the blonde refused to let you go of your hand. Your hand was trembling, and you were swaying.
“What-” but you cut yourself off. You let out a shaky breath, and your eyebrows pinched together as if you were confused by something someone said, but no one spoke.
“Easton, what’s wrong?” You opened your mouth a few times before your eyes fluttered closed, and you fell forward. Yelena caught you in your arms, gently brought you to the ground, and looked at her sister. Natasha was already rushing over to her. “I don’t know what happened,” Yelena said, her voice laced with panic. “She just collapsed.”
“It’s okay,” Natasha calmly said, and she checked your pulse. “FRIDAY, alert Helen and tell Tony to get to med bay,” the redhead looked at her sister. “Can you help me get here?” The blonde nodded. Yeah, she could do that. She just needed her hands to stop shaking.
When you opened your eyes, you were in a room you didn’t recognize. Frowning, you turned your head to the side and saw Tony. The sound of you shuffling caused him to look away from the tablet he was looking over. “Hey, how are you feeling?” He asked. You sat up in the unfamiliar bed and saw an IV in your arm. You were connected to a clear bag that they gave you at the cancer center.
“Where am I?” You asked instead of answering your question.
“You’re in med bay,” he told you. “You fainted when you stood up.” Oh, you rubbed your forehead. “Dr. Carpenter said it’s probably due to your dehydration and lack of food intake. He suggested the TV; it’s fluids and a small amount of steroids,” he explained. You frowned slightly, hating the idea that Dr. Carpenter knew you weren’t doing well. You hated worrying him. He already felt so much guilt regarding your mom’s death, and he felt like he failed you and her. “So, how are you?” You hated that question. Every doctor and nurse asked you about it. You avoided text messages from your friends who asked you.
“I’m fine, Tony,” you said.
“No, you’re not,” he called you out. “And it’s fine that you aren’t,” he added quickly. “But I need you to tell me so I can help.” Help is something you never needed. You excelled in school, and even at a young age, you could take care of yourself. You helped others with school work, personal problems, or if they needed help moving. You were the helper, never the one that needed help. It was why it took forever for Dr. Carpenter to convince you to reach out to Tony.
“I don’t need your help.” You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth. The man laughed bitterly.
“Then why come to the tower, turn my life upside down, and tell me you need mine or my kid’s bone marrow,” you were quiet. “It sure looks like you need my help.” You were silent, unable to find the words to improve this situation. “Lucas was right; your stubbornness is going to be the death of you. I will not stand by and watch it happen.” He left suddenly, and the room you were in was quiet. Sighing, you slapped your hand down on the bed. You were so stupid; sometimes, you spoke without thinking of the consequences.
Death. It wasn’t something you feared. It was a concept that your mom always introduced you to, especially with the nature of her job. So how the hell were you supposed to look at the man and tell him you weren’t afraid of dying?
Once the bag was empty and Helen knew you could stand alone, she released you from med bay. However, she gave you strict orders to come back if you began to feel worse. You agreed, only to please her. You knew you should find Tony and apologize for what you said. But you got your stubbornness from your mom. Instead, you went to our room, grabbed your sketchbook, and walked to the training area where FRIDAY informed you the rest of the team was.
Your presence went unnoticed by the team as they were engrossed in their training. You found a spot out of the way and began drawing the scene before you. Watching the Avengers train and be in their natural element was exciting. You enjoyed drawing them and coming up with stories to tell. You found the superhero group fascinating. They were brought together because they were deemed to be extraordinary. This group was tasked to save the world and protect people they did not know who needed help. It was noble work.
You sighed, twirling the pencil you were using in your hand. They were trying to help you. You are a complete stranger that came into their life and turned it on their head. You were curious if you were going to be around long enough to thank them.
Glancing up from your sketchbook, their training session ended, and the Avengers were split into smaller groups. You noticed Kate looking at you, and she gave you a small wave. She was standing with America, Peter, Kate, and the blonde Black Widow. You weren’t sure what they were talking about, but you saw Kate, America, and Peter start to walk over to you. The blonde hesitated as she looked at you but joined her sister and Bucky instead. You frowned slightly. “Hey,” Kate said, sitting next to you and you smiled. “You look a lot better than the last time we saw you.” You chuckled, closed the sketchbook, and placed it on your lap.
“Sorry about,” you hated worrying people.
“Just glad to see up and walking around.” America smiled. “What did they say that caused it?” You sighed, picking at the cover of the book.
“Doctor thinks it’s because I’m not eating or drinking enough. But I’m trying.” You felt the need to defend yourself. “It’s just-”
“Hard?” Peter guessed. You nodded. “Listen, I think you are doing great. Far better than I would be doing.” The couple nodded in agreement. You smiled.
“So, what are you guys training for? Do you have a mission coming up?” The trio looked at one another. “Can you not tell me?”
“Unsure, really,” America said. “A lot of the stuff we do is ‘need to know,’” she added the quotes around the words. “But you live in the tower but aren’t an Avenger.” You raised your hands.
“Then don’t tell me,” you chuckled. “All I care about is that you guys return safe,” Kate smirked. You weren’t sure why it felt like you walked into a trap.
“Especially a certain blonde.” Your face dropped, and you felt your stomach drop.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” you mumbled. The trio laughed, which got the attention of the blonde. You refused to look at her as you felt your body head up from embarrassment.
“Miss. Easton,” the AI said. The sudden voice of the AI made their laughter die down. “Mr. Stark and Mrs. Potts wish to speak with you on their floor.” You groaned.
“Is everything okay?” Peter asked. You shrugged.
“Not sure,” you sighed and stood up. “But I may need backup.” Kate chuckled, shaking her head.
“Well, let FRIDAY know, and we’ll be there.” You nodded and walked out of the training area, sketchbook tucked underneath your arm. When your mom discovered you had a drawing talent, she worried that sometimes you would get lost in the worlds you created. But the worlds you made were more manageable than the one you lived in.
Taglist: @likemick, @averagetmblrusser, @wandaromamoff69, @simpforyelenabelova, @cd-4848,
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bangtaninborderland · 8 months
RISK IT ALL (25) - (un)mended.
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Genre: Chishiya X fem reader | violence| angst
Warning: this chapter contains mentions of blood.
A/N: sorry this took so long :(((, I decide to change the chapters around so the story lasts a little longer, next chapter someone old returns and drama follows their arrival. Who do you want to see return?
Ch.24| Masterlist | ch.26
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You managed to drag him into the house enough to lay him flat on the floor and close the door behind you before starting on the stitches.
Chishiya hissed as the needle pierced his skin, you’d cleaned the wound as best as you could following his instructions word for word but honestly, this was the part you were dreading.
“I’m so sorry.” You babbled out as you threaded the needle through again.
The wound was deep but luckily it didn’t hit any organs, regardless of how many needles you had you were entirely sure you wouldn’t be able to fix that without at least basic medical knowledge.
It took a few more stitches before he deemed it enough, you tried to keep your hands as still as possible as you wrapped the dressing around the wound, his face pale and sweaty as he struggled to keep his eyes open. “T-Thankyou.”
“Don’t try to talk right now.” You shushed him. “Save your energy.”
“You wouldn’t -“ Chishiya coughs. “-know what to do if I didn’t talk you through it.”
“Is there anything else I need to do?” You asked as you secured the last strip of tape around the bandage.
He shook his head as best he could. “I need rest and fluids, I need to get to the bed.”
“I think I can help, just tell me how.” You shove the spare tape and bandages aside as he tries to sit up.
“I’ll need you to support my wounded side, I can’t put pressure on it.” He explains.
You quickly jump into action, wrapping his arm around your neck and helping him stand. Despite his wound, he doesn’t put his entire weight on you. “Relax against me.” You mumble, as you take small shuffled steps towards the bedroom.
Chishiya snorts. “Yeah and then when you fall to the floor who will help me?”
“Shut up.” You huff, turning your body around to sit him on the bed. “Can you lay down okay?”
“Yeah, I just need to sleep.” He gives a weak smile but you tap his arm.
“You can’t sleep until you eat. It may be cold but I can reheat it. I made dinner before all…” you wave your hands around his wound. “This.”
He rolls his eyes, turning to face the wall, you almost thought he had dismissed you before he looked at you again. “Okay, I’ll stay away. Don’t take too long.”
You didn’t respond, instead, you made your way to the kitchen, flicking on the small portable stove and reheating the earlier prepared food, it wouldn’t taste as good, not that it would have tasted great anyway considering what kind of food it was but it was at least something to keep you both full.
Something to keep you both alive.
You tried not to think about things like food, heat, electricity and water because then you would have to consider the possibility that one day, if you didn’t make it out of these games, and you didn’t die, you’d run out of the necessities. Not run out in a way where you had to do another short, albeit dangerous, stock up but run out in a way where there was no more to be found.
You sighed, brushing away the heavy thoughts as you placed the food back on the plates. You juggled both plates back to the bedroom and sure enough, Chishiya was asleep.
You nudged him a little, slowly and gently, of course, to rouse him. Though you didn’t have to try too hard as once he smelt the food he was instantly twisting his body around to take the bowl from you. “Thanks.”
“How do you feel?” You asked, taking a mouthful of your food.
He finished chewing before speaking. “In pain.”
“What happened?” You asked around your spoon.
He watched you for a moment before taking another bite, the question hanging in the air.
“This guy wanted my bag, he seemed crazy, probably from extreme isolation.” He summarised. “Anyway, we fought and he had a knife. I fought him off and luckily found a hammer, I hit his knee, grabbed my bag and ran.” He shrugged, scooping up another heat of food on his fork.
You took a moment to process what he had said, some part of your brain imagining the scene unfolding in front of you. The mere thought made shivers run down your spine and not in a pleasant way. “How long do you think it will take you to heal?”
“I don’t know. There’s no actual medicine here, hatter had the nearest hospitals raided and whatever they found and hoarded burned down along with the rest of the beach. Usually, it’s three to six weeks but that’s with proper medical care. I’ll be okay to enter the game as long as it’s not strenuous but diamonds rarely ar-“ Chishiya stops mid-sentence causing you to look up at him. “Why are you crying?”
You shook your head, wiping away the damp tears you were unaware had been falling in the first place. “Sorry, I-“ you paused, not sure what to say. “Sorry.”
“You’re scared.” He states.
You shrug at first until he raises an eyebrow and you nod. “I guess, not of something happening to me, but something happening to you.”
“Something did happen to me and I’m still alive.” He pointed out, his voice the tiniest bit softer. “If you keep fearing death whether it be for yourself or for me it will only put you in further danger. I meant what I said when we met, caring here is dangerous.”
“Yeah, but you care about me and nothing bad happened.” You place your bowl to the side, no longer hungry.
Chishiya still plays with his food, using the spoon to pick it apart. He looks up to you for a second, a hint of something in his eyes, as if he knew something you didn’t. “That’s not to say it won’t come back to bite me in the ass and anyway who said I care about you?”
You roll your eyes groaning, after all this time you were able to tell when he was and wasn’t being serious, now was one of those times when he attempted to make jokes to cheer you up. At least that’s what you’ve begun telling yourself. “Shut up. Don’t you have to sleep or something?”
“I do.” He chuckles, handing the bowl out to you before pulling the covers over himself. “The bag, you have to put the food away.”
“Okay.” You smile, watching as his eyes fight to stay open. “Just sleep don’t worry about anything else.”
“Oh, the door, the front door, push the table in front. It will keep it secure.” He mumbles, head lulling to the side.
You watch him again for a few minutes before realising how creepy it seemed, you leave the room quietly, pulling the door closed behind you.
You made a mental list of things you could do whilst he slept, already prepared for the next few days being filled with naps. The dishes are your first to do, Chishiya hated the mess and quite frankly you did too. You’d always have fights with your sister because she had forgotten to put something where it was SUPPOSED to be. Her favourite excuse had been “I’m blind.”
Which you would argue, that she was blind, not stupid.
The arguments you two shared were often futile, in the end, you’d end up doing whatever she needed and she would thank you endlessly in her own, special, way of course.
Thankfully you hadn’t created much mess over your short dinner so it didn’t take you too long, what seemed like thirty minutes had passed. You never really got used to the way time here passed.
You remembered Chishiya's instructions to push the table against the door, if someone had followed him to the house surely they would have already broken In but even so you would rather be safe than sorry so after some struggle you pulled the small brown table through from the tiny, makeshift living room and pushing it firm against the door as quietly as possible.
You managed to find the bag thrown lazily in the hall, the item being the last thing in either of your minds when he stumbled in the doorway hours earlier with a bloody wound. You weren’t expecting it to be as heavy as it was, especially considering he managed to get into the house before dropping it.
You definitely weren’t as strong as him.
Sighing you opened the bag, slumping a little as you eyed the contents. The look in his eyes earlier suddenly made sense, if he hadn’t been in the store looking for this he probably wouldn’t have been hurt.
Resting atop everything was a book you had mentioned wanting to read when you first came to the house. You took it out carefully, as though it were to break if you put too much force into your grip. You turned it over, reading the blurb on the back before setting it down.
You’d ask Chishiya about it later.
Though right now you try to pay it no mind, not wanting to cry and cause yourself a headache. You focused on unpacking the rest of the bag, he had managed to grab quite a good selection of canned foods, some pasta still in date, a few packs of crackers, some medicine, another sewing kit, a smaller first aid kit, socks, underwear and hidden beneath everything a packet of condoms.
You blushed at the item, shoving it back deep inside the backpack. Your face was a light shade of pink as you zipped it back up, carrying the cans over to their respective places.
It would all come in handy, the medicine especially, even though it was only over-the-counter pills they went a long way in a world like this. You’d have enough food to last 5 days if you didn’t have a feast. You laughed at the thought, the idea of having a feast on stale crackers and canned vegetables was ridiculous but for now, you’d take the small pleasures whenever you could have them.
You finished restocking the cupboards after a few minutes, it wasn’t exactly a huge task, there wasn’t a mass of food but still, you took your time.
��Hello?” You heard Chishiya calling out. You left the last cupboard open, completely ignoring the previous task when you heard his voice.
“Coming.” You respond, despite already being within arms reach of the door.
He’s lying on his back, looking rather uncomfortable. “Sorry, it’s just I can’t move this and my neck hurts.” He gestures to a pillow that’s lodged itself weirdly both behind and underneath him.
“No it’s okay, here let me help.” You step forward, helping him sit up before fixing the pillow. “How do you feel?”
“I imagine being hit by a car would hurt less.” He huffs, maybe that was a stupid question. “How long did I sleep?”
“I’d say around an hour?” You guessed. “You should rest more.”
“I need medicine.” He responds, his face still too pale for your liking. “Did you unpack the bag?”
“Oh.” Images of the book came back to your mind. “Yeah, let me just grab you some medicine.”
You quickly excuse yourself, pulling out the packet of painkillers and a bottle of water. “Here.” You mumble handing the water to him as you pop out the correct dosage.
“Thank you.” He mumbled, still somewhat half asleep. “What’s wrong?”
He slips the pills in his mouth, swallowing around his water bottle. “Nothing.”
“You’re a horrible liar. Was it the book or the condoms?” He raises an eyebrow, the smirk on his face annoyed you.
“Shut up, you’re so annoying. It was the book, I can’t believe you actually brought those.” You took the bottle back, securing the lid on it before placing it on the small table. “Why did you get the book? It wasn’t worth you being like this.”
“It was for me, your reading would make you less annoying. I chose to get it therefore it is my decision. Don’t be stupid and blame yourself for that.” He shakes his head, readjusting himself to take the pressure off his side.
“You’re a horrible liar too.” You retort, he could say all he wanted but he took it for you and it’s because of that a small pool of guilt bubbled in your stomach as you looked at his side. “You got hurt because you wanted to get me a book.”
“The guy wasn’t going for the book he was going to the mediation. If the bag wasn’t so heavy because of the book I probably wouldn’t have got away.” You were grateful for him truly, but it was a stupid way of cheering you up.
“You used a hammer, not the bag.” You huffed, his explanation useless.
“I only got to the hammer because that heavy book hit him straight in the face when I threw the bag at him.” He hummus. “Well the book and the cans but still.”
You can’t help but laugh at that. “Are you in pain?”
“As much as can be expected.” He brushes his hair out of his face.
“Is there anything else I can do to help?” You asked, wanting to make the situation as easy for him as possible.
“Have you checked and cleaned your arm?” He asks.
You think back to the past 24 hours, the only time it had been cleaned was when Chishiya had done it himself. “No.”
“Clean your arm, do you need my help?” He asks and you shake your head. “Okay but do it here so I can look at the stitches.”
You agree, slipping out of the room to grab the first aid kit and a packet of crackers before returning to the room and carefully dropping the items on the bed. “I hate this.”
“Cleaning wounds used to be my least favourite thing to do too.” You didn’t question it, it was rare he shared personal things about himself, instead, you just filed it in the small folder in your head labelled ‘random Chishiya facts.’
You pulled the bandage off, discarding it in the trash can before leaning over to show him. “What do you think?”
He looks it over, gently raising a finger to touch at the area before looking up at you, your faces close. “I think a day or two more and I can take them out.”
“Oh.” You huffed, a little ignorant of his words being this close to him, to his lips. “Okay.”
“Clean it. Carefully.” He reminds you.
You blush a little in embarrassment. “Okay.”
It doesn’t take long to clean the wound, it was never big to begin with but it was a bullet wound so you let yourself feel sorry for yourself over it as you dabbed it clean with alcohol. “You can apply a little more pressure.”
“It hurts.” You wince as you wipe away the dried blood.
“It stings, you mean. It shouldn’t hurt too bad. Put some numbing cream over it but don’t take any more painkillers. You don’t want your body to become dependent on them for pain in case we run out.” He explains, nudging the cream towards you from where he lays.
“You think that’s a possibility?” You ask without looking up.
He’s quiet for a second. “Yeah, I think we are very close to the point we will no longer be able to actually survive here. Time passes weirdly, buildings that should have stood for years, even abandoned, are beginning to crumble after a few weeks.”
“So how long do you think we have been here for?” You finish cleaning your wound, covering it with gauze.
“I think in our time either years or days. It seems as though time passes faster here simply because in our original world the buildings would take years to grow the level of decay some others already have.”
You pack away the cleaning supplies in the small box. “It doesn’t make sense though, if everything around us is ageing faster than back in the original world, if that’s even what it is, then shouldn’t we be ageing too?”
“Not necessarily, I don’t think we are actually part of this world. I believe we are here to play the games and if we win we get to stay.”
You held your breath. “And if we don’t?”
“I think we will die.” He mumbled nonchalantly.
“Don’t say that.” You shook your head, laying down beside him. “I don’t want to hear that.”
“It’s the truth.” He shrugs, pulling the blanket closer to you.
“I’m going to sleep.” You huffed.
“You know there’s something you could do for me.” You could hear the smile in his voice despite facing away from him.
“What’s that?” You groan.
“Read to me. The new book I got you.” He asked, you didn’t miss the way he said the book was yours despite claiming it wasn’t for you.
You considered it, seeing the book made you feel bad but if it helped him relax then you couldn’t deny him. “Okay, let me get the book.”
You slid out of bed, quickly retrieving the book and returning to your previous position, handing him the crackers you’d taken from the kitchen earlier.
“Get in the blanket you’ll get cold.” He holds it up for you and you take the chance to push yourself closer as you open the book and begin to read.
You don’t know who ends up falling asleep first but you dreamt of a better world, one where Chishiya took you on dates, read to you under large trees in the summer sun, and cooked your meals whilst you wrote.
A world where you were happy and safe, together.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
C, E, F, H, I, J, K, M, N, S and Y, for masky please
Fluff alphabet w/ Masky!
but with these letters :3!! I was gonna do these last night when I first saw you sent this in but im all achey and sore, i still am, but like yk
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very awkward with cuddles I think- Im kinda revamping how I write for Masky but in general I think he can be stiff in terms of giving or receiving affection in general so this post is going to be interesting! i feel like he might let you cuddle him, but he'll be really stiff in your arms. it won't really be until you guys have been together for a while, and he'll only really pull you into his arms after you've gone to sleep. tends to be the big spoon, doesnt matter if hes taller than you or not (he's 5'7 in my eyes)
very comfy to cuddle with, not too hard not too soft and he's fairly warm
very collected in nearly every sense of the word! sure you know he loves you but he can.. express it differently than others; usually through acts of service and making sure nothing can get close enough to harm you. in terms of like, actually being emotional
i mean he can get passionate and intense, i always saw him as the one whos more likely to snap between him and hoodie, but!! yeah!! doesnt verbally express his affections, or really in general
the fact he constantly wears a mask certainly doesnt help
i feel like that's something he would have been interested before he came into contact with slenderman and became a proxy- same goes for marriage, really- like im still torn on how i want to write the proxy dynamic thing but like, i dont want it to be all. "it works out for everyone" you know
i feel like in the present day, given that he works for a demon, he wouldn't want to bring a kid into the world out of fear that they would become a target, you know?
were this any other timeline or au, then i feel like he would like at least one kid
he can get intense about things, especially when it comes to you and your safety, so that could be a potential source of arguments. masky has set some hard and harsh boundaries to make sure you dont get too entwined in whatever is going on with him
the type to storm off, he doesnt like being around people in general but that gets more intense when hes actively pissed off
you probably wont see him for a while, a day or two. three, even
like he'll still show up you just won't see him or notice he's still watching over you
kinda just. reappears. noticeably distant compared to before
stray cat energy/hj
its gonna take some time before things go back to normal
if he did anything on his end that warrants an apology he'll actually verbally apologize and try to make it up to you, though!
he gets injured a lot, so you're more likely to be the one tending to him. that is if he lets you- he insists to work on it on his own but if you're as stubborn as him he might back off after some badgering
if you're the one hurt all hell breaks loose. he cant help but blame himself since he prides himself on being able to keep watch on you and protect you. unless its like a really normal or mundane injury (ex. a basic fall, cutting/burning yourself while cooking, ect) then he's just. normal about it and tries to help. god forbid someone actually hurt you, though
very jealous, the type to get distant and cold me thinks. already plotting ways to get your attention back. but if someone actually makes you UNCOMFORTABLE?
yeah no its over for that person
insists he doesnt need reassurances or really anything but he doesnt protest if you do it anyway
he rarely takes his mask off, especially not around people, but every now and then he'll lift his mask up a bit and sneak a kiss
LOVES kissing you on the cheek
loves when you kiss him on the forehead
similar reasoning for F, but i feel like he's more willing to go through with something in place of a wedding or commitment to you
very modest ceremony, if there is one, its just you two. no guests, no one else, secluded area me thinks
probably steals some rings that semi match each other
N (NO)-
doesnt like loud or messy people. like he can forgive some mess, sometimes life gets ahead of you or mental health can stand in the way. he knows that first hand. but if you actively/purposefully dont clean out of genuine laziness then thats a deal breaker
also doesnt like pushy people; again its one thing to advocate for your needs but if you consistently push boundaries then its not going to work; especially since a lot of his boundaries are to make sure you dont get hurt
S (SHH)-
oh this man is riddled with secrets. lots of them. obviously this version of masky leans more towards the creepypasta version, but i do want to somehow weave in some traits and ideas from MH as a little nod (and because i love both versions of the character, though im still figuring out how i wanna write him and hoodie, nearly a year later- meshing two opposing characters can be hard!! but hey maybe thats another post for another day when i finally rewatch MH; its been literal years so im a bit rusty on lore and characterization)
very secretive about what he does for work, even if you're like. aware of whats going on/if you're a kriller/monster/ect in universe he simply doesnt like talking about it
deals with separation pretty well all things considered! sure he might have some worries about if you're keeping out of trouble or staying safe, but i feel at some point he would have some level of trust in you
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thedepressexpress · 9 months
hi! when I get depressed it's really hard to make sure I'm eating as much as I should so here are some things I eat when I don't have the energy to do shit
these are depression meals so they are in no way balanced and an ideal diet, this is to get you through it. if you have depression, some of these on your shopping list are a good idea. I update this list whenever I remember something
I'm also assuming the only equipment you have is a bowl, spoon, sink, microwave and at most, a can opener. in no particular order:
granola bars and adjacent things like nuts, dried fruit, etc
frozen sausages: break them in half and microwave, if they're too cold to break you can run them under hot water or leave them out for a couple minutes, you need the break them or they might explode
canned corn: open and eat with a spoon, you can strain and microwave if you want it hot
cheese: put it in a bowl and microwave till it melts or till it's crispy, your choice but if you do just cheese don't use a porous bowl
instant noodles: don't use a pan, use a bowl, empty the contents in the bowl, add water till at least half of the noodle thing is submerged, microwave for 2-4 minutes, mix and eat
regular noodles: use a bigger bowl than you normally would, add some dry pasta to it and enough water to cover the pasta but not much more, it might overflow, and microwave for a few minutes more than the package says to boil, drain the water and put in whatever, condiment, sauce, cheese, sausages, frozen veggies, and microwave again, it's more time intensive but also more nutrients so
canned beans: you can eat as is if it comes in a sauce, but if you got the ones with the clear liquid you can strain and rinse and if you don't have a strainer, open the can just a little from the tab and open a faucet, let the water run into the can and adjust the position of the lid till the water can go in without any of the beans coming out, it'll dissolve the liquid and it'll flow out, leave it for a bit then shake it, turn it upside to drain, let it refill then leave it again, repeat till the water over flowing isn't that weird liquid
crackers/biscuits: keep a stash of biscuits that you can eat, bonus if you can eat them with milk or tea or coffee or juice
juice: buy your favorite and keep a bottle in the fridge or frozen if you suspect you're starting to spiral and might need it in a few hours
readymade meals: whenever you go to do your grocery shopping, buy just one premade meal
vegetables: keep a vegetable you like that you can eat raw like cucumbers or carrots
fruits: keep a fruit you know you can eat or you know you can drown in something else, for example I don't like apples but I can eat them if they're covered in peanut butter
sweets: you can keep a favorite hard candy to get yourself salivating idk for me if helps activate some hunger while getting rid of the painful part of being hungry
butters and spreads: you can find premade sandwich spread with chicken in them, or jams or spreads that are savory like peanut/almond/cashew butter or sweet like a chocolate/vanilla spread
rice: if you make rice and ever have some left over you can freeze it and eat it later, you can also do that with rice in a bag
tofu: you can eat it raw as long as you drain the liquid it comes with
condiments: almost all of these things can be improved or 'seasoned' with ketchup, mayo, mustard, ranch, tartar sauce, marinara, etc. it'll give some flavor and make it taste better but don't microwave sauces unless they're properly mixed with the food especially mayo based ones, they can get weird
frozen vegetables: any time you're using the microwave to make these things, throw in a handful of frozen vegetables and microwave for a little longer
cereal: pair cereal with foods like yogurt instead of milk, you can add chocolate drink powder to the yogurt before adding the cereal which is really nice, you can also make it directly in the yogurt container if it's small enough
electrolytes: you can make them a bottle using two dashes of salt (1/4 tsp), a 2second squeeze of a honey bottle (2 tsp) and some kind of juice for a better flavor
potatoes: stab them all around with a fork, microwave for about six minutes, turn it over then microwave again, keeping microwaving and turning till it's soft on the inside and you can eat it
order out: if you can afford to order food, order it, some tips to get the most out of what you order 1. order a family box of food to store in the fridge 2. when you microwave it, do it with some water in a glass with your bowl/food in the microwave
if opening the tab on a can is keeping you from eating, try this. it'll open the can, you can use a knife, the back of a spoon, etc.
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if it keeps you from spiraling, it's worth doing. and if it's worth doing, it's worth doing poorly. eating something is better than eating nothing.
hope this helps, if you can, please add more things!
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murdermepeacefully · 4 months
Brahms Heelshire Headcanons
Honestly I'm not sure why it took me so long to do Brahms, given I've been writing him since mid 2022. But I've been really vibing Slasher Headcanon posts lately, and today, it's his turn!
As always, these are of course my own personal opinion, but feel free to reblog, add onto them, ask questions about them, or add them to the ones you accept yourself! I absolutely love hearing from others on their thoughts.
Headcanons from the Movie:
The Greta doll [Or the Nanny doll, for fics or content where the nanny is an OC or the reader] was never intended as anything dark/kinky/etc. It was simply Brahms mirroring how he'd seen affection shown towards him. I went into this in more detail on this post, if you're interested.
While he doesn't have the ability/time to do things like take care of his hair or shave, he does shower when the nanny is outside doing the rat traps.
When he can risk it, he'll sneak his clothes in with the laundry, but that became more difficult once his parents left. He's sometimes able to manage it by putting a few things in with sheets/blankets, but more often than not he'll simply use the clothes his dad left behind when he needs something clean to wear.
Def a clingy boy. Likes being able to have some form of physical contact with his partner, or at least be able to see/hear them if he can't do that.
Sometimes doesn't understand things that one would expect an adult to know, simply because his parents didn't teach him. The best way to address moments like this is to correct any mistakes gently, and teach him what he needs to know. [This does not mean to treat him like a child, just be patient and don't use a judgmental tone.
Occasionally has trouble processing emotions, especially negative ones, due to his father having a 'men don't cry' mindset.
Headcanons from Fanfic or Fandom Interactions:
Once he's ready to do so, he's okay with being seen without his mask. Respecting the boundary of letting him decide when that happens is a great way to show you care/trust/love him.
Definitely nervous about leaving the property, but he can manage if he's not alone at first. Once he's been out with someone he trusts enough to adjust to things like the crowds, levels of noise, and the environments, he's ok with splitting up for short periods of time.
When he goes out, he wears a cloth mask to cover the lower half of his face, so that the scarring will draw less attention.
Random Headcanons:
He's 100% the big spoon, regardless of a partner's size. While he does enjoy being held, he prefers to do so when he's holding his partner at the same time.
Really loves having his hair played with, especially if combined with kisses or cuddles.
Dog person [Cats are too aloof, and he enjoys the energy dogs can have. They're also a good way to get him going outside in the fresh air again]
18+ Headcanons🌶️🔞:
Spicy Headcanons:
This man does not know his own strength, so do not be surprised at all if you have bruises in the shape of his hands.
Definitely a switch, because he can enjoy both being the one in control and the one being controlled.
Age Regression Headcanons: NOTE: I am not intending to say that age regression on it's own is spicy or kink. However, I feel it best to keep it under the 18+ cut.
One of his favorite modern children's shows is Bluey. This is partially due to the characters being dogs, partially because of the parenting dynamics shown, and partially because there are heavier/more adult topics addressed in a way that's easy to process/understand.
To add onto the above, if a nanny/partner sees him upset and prompts 'Checklist', he will recite off Chilli's checklist from the episode The Show, while allowing himself to do the items on it. It started as a way to help him address his emotions in a healthy way, but soon became something that helps both him and his nanny/partner, as he can do the same thing with them.
The checklist is as follows: ✓ Have a Cry ✓ Pick Myself Off ✓ Dust Myself Off ✓And keep going.
Likes doing coloring pages or other simple crafts, and will often proudly present his partner with the end result.
Loves it when they put it on the fridge where it can be on display.
They turn his childhood room into a 'Littlespace' room for him to go to whenever he like. This means painting the walls a soft, comforting color, putting soft rugs on the floor, adding prism window clings to the window to cast rainbows all about the room, a permanent pillow fort, and a TV with a DVD player and VHS player on a wheeled table that can be moved anywhere in the room, with a bookshelf full of movies from their childhood, as well as more modern ones.
One of their shared favorites is Quest For Camelot.
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luvring · 1 year
Hi, do u write for Sugawara?-
If yes, could u pls do some relationship hdcs w/ him?
It's alright if you don't btw!<3333
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gn!reader | i don't write for suga much but he's very lovely!! :)
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one time there was a cheesy love song playing over the speaker and suga said "this is like us" and now it's become a habit anytime he hears one. doesn't even realize he says it sometimes. he's just like me fr energy
suga shares his food with you easily (as long as he can have some of yours) sometimes he teases you by doing the little airplane noises, laughing when you push his shoulder
he asked if you had a favourite flower/colour before your first date so you know,, his plan was so incredibly obvious after the question. but it's fine because he made it a habit to surprise you regularly !! flowers or a bracelet that's your favourite colour on a random tuesday kind of deal :')
he keeps extras of any small things you might need on a regular basis. hair ties, lip balm, a charger—he's ready for anything. he'll pass them to you wordlessly with a knowing grin or soft smile; it just depends on the mood
if he sees you watching something, he'll lean up against you and rest his head on your shoulder and ask what it is. even if it's something he has no idea about, he'll watch with you. if you don't mind him asking questions he'll definitely ask some
^ he may or may not end up getting way more invested than originally planned, but now you always have someone to watch with
somehow always finds new text stickers/gifs to send you ?? like the little cute animals with hearts. you keep asking how the hell he has so many and he always says its a secret (has spent at least 7 dollars buying sticker packs and 20 minutes finding key words to search)
he doesn't mind being big or little spoon, but he will sometimes cling to you in his sleep. why are you trying to leave him rn?
he likes holding hands but also like, when you hold onto his arm? something about it y'know
he's made a plan to take a photo together in the same place every couple of months :') he has a specific album for all of them and plans to print them all out or put them in a timelapse
if you asked him to do a little cheer with the pose (you know the one) he would, especially if you're upset and he knows it would cheer you up. he'll do it unprompted if he notices you're stressed and tired. like literally sitting next to you and making up a silly cheer while clapping until he gets you to laugh
^ if he's ever feeling down and you do it for him ? immediate smile to his face. takes a deep breath and thanks you
really good with words of affirmation and talking in general. if you're looking for empathy and sound advice he's your guy fr
adores when you dote and cheer him on!!! call him lovely and strong and amazing and the best boyfriend ever he's putty in your hands. goes "i am, aren't i?" as if he isn't blushing
will ask why you're up late as if he isn't also up late. says "this isn't about me" that's easily refuted by an "it is now." now you're both going to bed and pretending this didn't happen
suga surprises you with little gifts he saw while he was out! there's always a little note with each of them; they're usually just a reminder to take care of yourself or a cheesy joke to make you smile
the first time you get him a big gift—something he's wanted for ages or has a lot of sentimental value—he (almost) cries. it hits him you care enough to remember and do something for him and it means a lot
he keeps any cards from you in a specific drawer and scatters your gifts around his room. that one toy you got as a joke 2 years ago? still on his dresser
everyone knows when you're coming to watch a game. everybody. /lh they all adore you,, they just find it funny how bright/energetic he gets knowing you'll be there
he tells them not to bother you when you visit and is shocked when you join their schemes and acts if he hasn't also joined in. "i've never played a prank in my life," he says before getting tackled
makes "you'll understand when you're in a relationship" jokes with the others while he's planning things for you . gets "okay old man?" / "why would you say this" (/j) energy in return
suga will do a new move they've been practicing in front of you and act so so confident / nonchalant after they succeed. you clap and he does a little bow, saying it was nothing. everyone reminds him he's been practicing for weeks and he pretends they're lying
loves little photobooth places and having matching accessories!! thinks they're super cute and keeps the photo strips on his wall/in his wallet
tricks you into looking away from the card reader so he can pay for your things . watch out fr
if yoy have an appointment, for hair or nails or a tattoo or whatever else, he'll come with if allowed ! comments on how nice it looks and offers his opinion
hugs you without question if you ask for one. Will cocoon the both of in with a blanket if he notices you're sad
you succeed with something ?? he's running toward you with both arms raised to 1) high-five you and/or 2) hug you and jump around in a circle
kind of specific but he loves shopping for home decor with you. if you ask him to join you on a little thrifting or ikea adventure he's always in
suga's grateful he has access to your phone solely so he can look at your different wishlists on etsy or amazon or whatever. he's able to surprise you with things you want until you inevitably catch on because how did you even find this very specific listing i've had liked for 4 months ??
he likes those apps you can get to share notes with each other on your phones if you know about those . does his best to think up new doodles every morning for you to see
he also likes taking walks . doesn't really matter where or when, maybe after dinner or to do some chores but he just likes walking with you
suga's a really good person to go to if you're anxious about doing something. if you want him to go up and do it, he will. if you ask him to convince/motivate you, he will!! he just wants you to be comfortable
goes with things you say even without knowing what you're talking about. suga i'm just a little cat in rain boots standing in a puddle and he responds with yeah sweetheart you are (immediatelu looks up what photo he assumes you Must talking about)
^ calls you lovey-dovey cheesy pet names if you don't mind. keeps thinking of new ones (that don't even really make sense) to surprise you. "hello my sugar plum angel honey nut cheerio" what are you saying to me rn ?
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Task Insurance
So a thing I’ve noticed being around a lot of neurodivergent people and spaces is that a lot of nt people don’t seem to understand why executive dysfunction and lack of motivation makes it so hard to Do Stuff. This is kinda how my brain processes it, so maybe it’ll help other people get it?
Say you have a Task. Doesn’t matter what right now, but it’s there and needs to be done, and it has three basic upfront costs.
Time - 15 minutes, an hour, a week; however long it takes to do The Task
Energy - for however much effort The Task needs
Motivation - to actually start The Task and keep doing it
You can’t skip out on any of these - you have to “pay” all three in full to do The Task. No motivation, you can’t start; no energy, you can’t finish or work at all.
Those costs aren’t equally difficult to pay, however: time can be set aside and planned, energy can usually be mustered or at least scrounged up, but motivation can’t be forced.
For neurotypicals, that motivation cost is covered by NT Insurance in most cases, so the only thing they need to pay “out of pocket” are the time and energy costs. Neurodivergent people don’t have NT Insurance, though, so they have to “pay” all three on their own.
For example. Let’s say the Task is Clean The Bathroom. You’re neurotypical, so your motivation cost is covered already, and you’ve made the time to Clean The Bathroom. You have at least enough energy to do two subtasks (Clean Toilet and Clean Shower) and possibly a third. This’ll be easy!
Now let’s say you’re neurodivergent. You still have the time and energy above, but you’re out of spoons or something similar and just can’t cover the last cost. Welp. No clean bathroom for you, unless it’s so bad that Panic Insurance is paying in full for all three costs.
See, that’s what happens without NT Insurance. If you can’t pay the cost yourself, and that’s often the case, something else has to do it for you. That thing is usually panic. Or deadlines. Or “deadly black mold.” (Most of these are just panic with extra features, tbh.)
Executive dysfunction is like having your motivation funds tapped out, even if your time and energy funds are bursting. You can’t start a Task even if you wanted do, you can’t afford it.
You CAN, however, do a Thing. A Thing is not a Task, it’s not “work.” A Thing might be scrolling through social media, playing a game, going for a walk, anything with low motivation costs that’s enjoyable and/or easy. It’s that sweet quick-return dopamine vs the later return a Task might provide. For some nd people, a Task might not provide any dopamine upon completion, so there’s no reward to work towards. And without that reward, a lot of nd people lose any reason to do said Task.
For NTs, “the satisfaction of a job well done” is so fundamental to their experience that the idea of it not existing for everyone is baffling. They don’t even realize motivation is a cost, because it’s so often covered for them. And so when nd people talk about motivation and executive function issues, they think it’s about being lazy or not trying hard enough.
It’s not.
Lazy is “I could do it now, but I don’t feel like it.” Executive dysfunction is “I could literally do it right now if my brain would just cooperate for once, but instead I’m stuck in stasis mode trying to convince my legs to work.”
So for anyone that needs it: you’re not lazy, and you’re not broken. You just don’t have Task Insurance when everyone expects you to because they do.
(This is not at all an expert pov and kind of written off the cuff, so please correct me if/where I’m wrong 😅)
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