#bts eros au
hollyhomburg · 2 years
(sub/dom au, breif mentions of self-harm, mentions of abuse and healing) one of these days i will finally write an au about an m/c who is really really fucking good with sexual intimacy but really struggles with non-sexual intimacy and emotional intimacy- i’m thinking about it in terms of like a d/s au where designations of dom/sub/switch are decided upon similarly like how alpha/beta/omega are in omegaverse fanfic. 
i have so many mini moments picked out, from one of the boys being really confused why she leaves without aftercare and one of the others maybe confronting her because they went into dom drop- to her tentatively agreeing that she’ll stay the next time if there even is going to be a next time. to her going into a subdrop and trying to hurt herself because thats the only think thats comforting to her.
Idk why i picture dom hobi figuring out that having her just sit near them for a period of time with orders of what to do is helpful- sometimes it’s things like “you can get up when all the snacks on your plate are finished” or “once the movie’s done then aftercare is over” because at least thats enough to sate their urge to keep her /here/ and /safe/.
but they chip away at it bit by bit, and it surprises them so much when she starts shaking every time they hug her or even try to brush her hair, and maybe they discover that she takes it better if she thinks the physical contact isn’t for her- im just imagining plucky little dom jimin and maybe taller reader. Him sighing all streached out going “ i’m sort of cold- hold me and help me warm up baby.” and her doing it thoughtlessly because pleasing her dom’s isn’t scary ever- it’s whats hardwired into her dna to want. 
i’m also thinking of it in terms of maybe a larger darker au where subs are given extra protections by the government because it’s so so dangerous if they don’t drop into subspace at least once a month. but besides that- generally subs are allowed to live on their own, hold down jobs, and conduct themselves as normal as long as they’re not showing active signs of abuse or neglect
there’s like a SPS or submissive protective services, and after the m/c passess out and it’s revealed she has some sort of heath issue she gets reported so they send her to what is basically a “submissive rehabilitation program” which involves being placed in a home of a certified dominant or in their sever cases a group of dominants, who usually have a degrees in submissive psychology or are doctors, teachers, the reliable bunch who are especially trained to help rehabilitate neglected/abused submissives. 
imagine how skittish she’d be, she’d probably try to convince them just to wait the mandatory 4 months and then let her go back to her life of just pretending to drop and be healthy. but they won’t let her- I’m thinking hard Dom Yoongi who after an obvious display of brattiness takes her over his lap and spanks her warm- all the while reminding her that if she doesn’t want this she can safeword, teasing her into a humiliating puddle when she doesn’t.
sub m/c who struggles to do even the most basic of submissive tasks and bts as her doms (maybe with a switch or a sub thrown in) who seem ever patient with her as they help her figure out her dynamic once they learn she never got the chance or had a really terrible first dom who just took from her so much she decided she didn’t ever want to submit. maybe they babyher through her neglect induced health issues too and she learns that submitting can be beautiful and healing not just scary and hurtful. 
(tw: talk of bleeding, self harm, abuse, angst with a happy eneding) but also on the other hand imagine if she was /really/ fucked up from abuse and she was the worse case of submissive abuse that the government had ever seen.
 imagine if they tried to hold her after a scene and she pulled back and was like “aren’t you going to hurt me? i did something bad.” they’re patient but also a little confused “you just took your punishment baby. this is aftercare”  “but i didn’t bleed yet? and what’s aftercare?” and the others are horrified but realize that /holy fuck/ she actually has no idea what aftercare is. and they read the report but fuck- it makes them sick to think about what she must have gone through. 
and they slowly nurture her back into a place of safety with some hick-ups. conversations about how much they love her and appreciate her prompt confessions of “i don’t understand what you mean? i thought subs where only for dom’s to use not love?” or maybe they find her crying after the first time one of the punishments turn sexual and she confesses “i know you didn’t like it because you didn’t bruise or slap me, im sorry for being useless i’ll try harder next time” and other issues because she honestly can’t imagine that they mean it or wrap her mind around what it means not to be an object because love isn’t for things like her.
 and maybe one time after a punishment goes a little too light they find her hurting herself because she needed the catharsis of a punishment and they couldn’t give it to her. And it’s slow but maybe it helps to have more than one hard dom under their wing because the hard doms- hobi and yoongi make her write out 100 lines of “i am worth loving or else sir’s wouldn’t love me.” or “i have a right to express my feelings and opinions appropriately and have them taken seriously by others” and a whole slew of other little things to try and drill it into her head. 
and slowly- she starts to become a person again- starts to mould herself into something more like a human being with their careful help, it gets to the point where she slowly starts to ask for things she wants- be it sweets at the grocery store, extra aftercare (complete with the chiding of “no aftercare is extra for you baby”) or even a few plushies to cuddle with at night. And maybe they decide to quit their jobs as part time rehabilitators because she requires their full attention. 
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nishloves · 9 months
So, I have a lot of ideas, but unhinged 97liners is my main one. We all know Jeonghan (son of Aphrodite) would be secretly cheering them on while S.Coups (son of Zeus) is trying to wrangle his kids together to keep them from causing properly damage and emotional damages to the other demigod groups.
We know Mingyu (son of Hephaestus) would drag Jungkook (son of Nemesis) would would drag Bang Chan (son of Hermes) into the chaos. DK (son of Apollo) gets Lisa (daughter of Apollo) who gets Rosè (daughter of Persephone) in on the chaos.
No one is safe when the 97liners wake up and chose violence bc if one wakes up choosing violence they all do. And they take advantage over the fact that Jun (son of Eros ((primordial Eros)) ) finds their chaos entertaining so he "protects them". Minghao (son of Poseidon) was the one to sway Jun to their side.
In this au, I put focus on SVT, SKZ, BTS, and BP as the mainish characters.
Lmao, minghao would be the most chill and the "smart" one among them but the day he's like like "oh no, I will have fun today" that's when everyone's gonna be scared of the 97 liners. He's defo the brain of the group.
Although, I do think Lisa would be Nike's daughter but anyways, damn this was amazing! Please PLEASE TALK TO ME WHENEVER YOU HAVE THESE, I LOVE EM!!!!
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seoul-italybts · 1 year
[✎ ITA 📻] Apple Music : SUGA | Agust D Radio Ep.3 - Agust D | 02.05.23⠸
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🍎 Apple Music 🎵
SUGA | Agust D Radio
Episodio 3 : Agust D (con EL CAPITXN)
🔊 Audio  © verritaee | 🎶 Playlist
Ciao, Apple Music! Sono tornato per il 3° episodio di "SUGA | Agust D Radio", qui su Apple Music, sono il vostro DJ Suga dei BTS.
Ciao a tuttə, rieccomi per il terzo episodio. Ho come l'impressione di aver ripetuto piuttosto spesso "terzo", ultimamente, anche perché 'D-DAY' è il terzo capitolo nella trilogia di album di Agust D.
Immagino non ci sia ormai più nessuno che ancora non abbia ascoltato il mio album, 'D-DAY', vero? In caso, andate ad ascoltarlo e poi tornate qui. Abbiamo già trattato dei miei sogni d'infanzia e dei viaggi, quindi oggi parleremo di Agust D e del mio album. C'è molto che potete aspettarvi, oggi. Moltə di voi, probabilmente, si chiederanno perché ho deciso di creare una trilogia, e la risposta è che, ciò che volevo esprimere attraverso queste mixtape ed album [Agust D / D-2 / D-DAY]... In breve, mentre preparavo (la mixtape) 'Agust D', avevo tanta rabbia. Immagino, per alcunə, non sia stato facile ascoltare quelle canzoni, viste le emozioni che vi esprimevo. Con 'D-2', mi sono dato un po' una calmata e, in 'D-DAY', parlo dei miei traumi. Già quando lavoravo ad 'Agust D', in realtà, ero preoccupato perché non sapevo se sarei davvero riuscito a rilasciarlo, ma alla fine, fortunatamente, ho potuto completare l'intera trilogia. Questa è la fine della trilogia che avevo in mente, ma non è la fine di Agust D. Ad ogni modo, è così che è andata. Questa è la conclusione della serie delle "D".
Per spiegare brevemente anche il singolo, "Haegeum", subito dopo aver completato "Daechwita", ho iniziato a lavorare al beat per "Haegeum". Molto tempo dopo, quando dovevo rilasciare un nuovo singolo, l'ho riascoltata e ho pensato "Oh, questo non è male, andiamo con questo!" L'ho già detto in un paio di interviste, ma dato che siamo in un'epoca in cui la musica viene creata anche per essere vista, ovviamente non si può non includere un video musicale. Una volta conclusa "Daechwita", tre anni fa, abbiamo iniziato a creare la sceneggiatura e a definire i dettagli principali per il video. Ecco perché, alla fine, abbiamo scelto "Haegeum" come title track. Ad esser sincero, c'erano un paio di altre canzoni su quello stile, ma abbiamo deciso di proseguire con "Haegeum". Ora ascoltiamo il singolo principale di 'D-DAY', "Haegeum" e poi torniamo qui.
♪ Haegeum – Agust D
Questa è "SUGA | Agust D Radio", su Apple Music, e quello era il nuovo singolo di Agust D, "Haegeum". Questo brano è stato l'inizio del 3° episodio [della mia trilogia di album] e, come preannunciato prima, il tema di oggi è Agust D. Parleremo insieme della musica che volevo creare e dei messaggi che speravo di trasmettere attraverso l'alter ego Agust D.
Oh, Agust D. In "Cypher Pt.3 : Killer", senza neanche pensarci troppo, avevo scritto "SUGA a.k.a. Agust D", ed è così che è nato il mio secondo nome. In realtà, la pronuncia esatta sarebbe "A-gust D", ma io lo dico sempre come "Au-gust D". Però, come per le differenze tra "Steph-en Curry" e "Ste-phen Curry", se la pronuncia più usata è "Steph-en Curry", allora dovrà essere detto così, no? "Steph-en Curry", "Au-gust D". È così che va pronunciato. Ricordate semplicemente che c'è una "u" invisibile.
Tratteremo ampiamente di musica in relazione ad Agust D, ma per approfondire un po' il discorso riguardo la trilogia, l'ho creata perché speravo di liberarmi di buona parte del veleno che avevo in corpo, attraverso questi album. Avevo anche deciso che se il primo episodio fosse andato bene, allora avrei continuato con un secondo album, e se il secondo avesse avuto successo, avrei lavorato anche ad un terzo capitolo. Un po' come la serie de "Il Cavaliere Oscuro" [*Batman]. La trilogia è carica di tutto quel veleno che avevo in me, ma ora che me ne sono liberato, dovrò creare musica più positiva. Ne sarò in grado? Lasciò questi pensieri al me stesso del futuro. Concentriamoci sul presente. Lasciamo perdere le preoccupazioni che non ci riguardano. Non appena attaccate "D-DAY", potete mettere da parte ciò che vi angoscia ed il pensiero dell'altra gente. Quando ascoltate "D-DAY", potete amare voi stessə.
Diamo inizio alla trilogia ascoltando "Daechwita"!
♪ Daechwita – Agust D
Questa era "Daechwita" e ora siamo tornatə a "SUGA | Agust D Radio", su Apple Music. Parliamo un po' dei video musicali. Vi sono piaciute le 3 nuove videoclip?
Visto che "People Pt.2" era una traccia pre-release, l'abbiamo asciugata un po' per darle un'atmosfera più rilassata. "Haegeum", sul serio.. Come vi ho detto prima, visto che l'avevo già scritta tre anni fa ed avevamo già iniziato a pianificarne lo scenario ecc., in pratica, l'intero processo di stesura più le riprese è durato 3 anni. I personaggi e l'ambientazione di "Daechwita" erano completamente diversi, quindi trovo i video musicali di "Haegeum", "Amygdala" e "Daechwita" siano stati un'ottima rappresentazione di ciò che volevo esprimere e delle figure che volevo presentare nella mia trilogia. Specialmente dopo "Daechwita", che ha fatto molto parlare di sé, ho pensato "Dovrei proprio farne una serie". In alcune scene, ho una cicatrice, in altre no. L'ideale sarebbe guardare i video prestando attenzione a questo e ad altri dettagli.
Con "Amygdala", volevo andare ancor più in profondità. Probabilmente qualcunə lo troverà piuttosto scioccante, ma sono tutte cose che ho ormai superato. In – e grazie a – 'D-DAY' sono un uomo nuovo. È un nuovo inizio, quindi anche io sono una persona nuova. Vi è venuta voglia di riguardare i video musicali, vero? Prego, sentitevi liberə di farlo. Se terrete a mente tutto ciò che vi ho detto, credo sarà un'esperienza ancor più piacevole ed interessante. La prossima canzone che ascolteremo è "Amygdala", di Agust D.
♪ Amygdala – Agust D
State ascoltando "SUGA | Agust D Radio", su Apple Music, con me. Vi sono piaciute queste prime tre canzoni? Bene! Sono belle.
Ma se parliamo di Agust D, c'è una persona che non possiamo dimenticare. Vorrei ora presentarvi questo ospite e parlare un po' più approfonditamente di musica insieme a lui, l'ho invitato apposta. Sto parlando del produttore che opera sotto il nome di EL CAPITXN, Jang Yi-jeong, benvenuto! Prego, presentati.
EL CAPITXN: Sì, buongiorno, sono il produttore EL CAPITXN, Jang Yi-jeong.
SUGA: Ah, Yi-jeong-shi, eri anche tu un cantante, non è vero? Quindi avrai già partecipato a tante trasmissioni radio. Com'è trovarti nuovamente alla radio?
EL CAPITXN: Mmh.. In realtà è passato talmente tanto, che non ricordo neppure più quando sia stata l'ultima volta [come ospite ad una trasmissione radiofonica]. E tornarci ora, non in qualità di Jang Yi-jeong, ma come il produttore EL CAPITXN, dopo tanto... Sì, ero piuttosto preoccupato. Inoltre è la prima volta che faccio questo tipo di programma con SUGA, quindi, sì, ieri ero decisamente teso.
SUGA: Perché sei così agitato? Non è sicuramente la prima volta che partecipi a questo tipo di trasmissione! Quando hai debuttato?
EL CAPITXN: Lo stesso anno dei BTS, nel 2013.
SUGA: Quand'è già la prima volta che io ho incontrato Jang Yi-jeong-shi? Era nel 2016? 2015?
EL CAPITXN: Sì, credo in quel periodo.
SUGA: Yi-jeong non era più un artista ed io l'ho conosciuto attraverso un amico comune. In quell'occasione, Yi-jeong mi ha passato alcune canzoni demo. Io le ho ascoltate ma, allora, ricordo d'aver pensato "Ah, non sono... niente di che" (*ridono*) Ma le ho comunque date all'agenzia, lasciando che decidessero loro. Qual è la prima impressione che ti sei fatto di me, di Min Yoongi?
EL CAPITXN: Se ben ricordo... Abbiamo mangiato insieme in un ristorante di naengmyeon di Pyongyang [*noodle di grano saraceno con carne e verdure in brodo freddo, n.d.t.].
SUGA: Ah, sì, è vero, in quel periodo ne andavo matto
EL CAPITXN: Era la prima volta che li provavo. Durante quella riunione, mi sono sentito un po' smarrito, mi sembrava tutto così nuovo. Ci eravamo già incrociati e salutati presso gli studi televisivi [*per le trasmissioni musicali], ma era la prima volta che ci incontravamo in privato. Ed è stato... Ad esser sincero, il nostro primo incontro non è stato un granché.
SUGA: Va sempre così. So ed ammetto che non faccio mai una buona prima impressione. Ma dopo avermi incontrato un po' di volte e conosciuto meglio, generalmente la gente dice che sono una persona autentica. Era il 2016, sicuramente lo saprete, ma i BTS uscivano da un periodo infernale. Le nostre personalità di allora e l'impressione che davamo di noi erano completamente diverse da quelle attuali. Ve l'ho detto, è solo con 'D-DAY' che mi sono liberato di tutto il veleno che avevo in me.
EL CAPITXN: Sì, vero.
SUGA: Ho chiesto ad Yi-jeong di provare a scrivere una delle nostre canzoni. Gli ho chiesto di buttare giù qualcosa che avesse questo beat specifico, dicendo che poi io avrei ri-arrangiato il tutto. Quel brano era "Ddaeng". "Ddaeng" era proprio un capolavoro. Ricordo d'aver pensato, "Oh, è davvero bravo!". Ho capito che con un po' di supporto da parte mia ed indicazioni su ciò che volevo, lui sarebbe stato pienamente in grado di fare un buon lavoro. Quella è l'impressione che mi ero fatta di lui. Ma chi e come è il musicista Min Yoongi per Jang Yi-jeong-shi?
EL CAPITXN: Min Yoongi... beh, per prima cosa, Min Yoongi è un amico. Per quanto riguarda SUGA, è uno stacanovista, e non smette mai di lavorare. Ti conosco ormai da anni, e spesso ti ho sentito lamentarti dicendo tipo "È troppo difficile, questa canzone non funziona, non riesco a scrivere niente", ma, alla fine, riesci sempre a portare ogni tua creazione a compimento.
SUGA: Dopo tutto il tempo che abbiamo lavorato insieme, posso dire che uno dei punti forte di Jang Yi-jeong sia il suo essere meticoloso ed attento, la sua concentrazione. Mi piace quel tipo di musicisti. Ad ogni modo, le persone come te e me sentono sempre il bisogno di produrre tanta musica. Se ci sono musicistə all'ascolto... beh, non so quantə musicistə possano esserci all'ascolto, ma magari qualche ARMY è musicista... dovete scrivere tanta musica. Vi tornerà utile e salverà in futuro. Prima che il me stesso del futuro si ritrovi a dover pensare "Ah, perché non hai scritto più canzoni?!", è decisamente meglio partire per tempo e creare tanta musica, ve lo consiglio caldamente. Ma proseguiamo.. Con tutte le canzoni che abbiamo scritto insieme, ora non saprei neppure quale consigliarvi. Yi-jeong, c'è forse un qualche brano di Agust D cui hai partecipato che vorresti suggerire? Magari una canzone che ti è particolarmente cara?
EL CAPITXN: Personalmente, direi "Daechwita".
SUGA: Ah, già, "Daechwita". Grazie a "Daechwita" sei diventato un produttore presente sulle classifiche Billboard. Un produttore che è entrato nella Hot 100.
EL CAPITXN: Lavorando a "Daechwita", mixare elementi appartenenti alla cultura e tradizione del nostro paese è stato davvero un'esperienza nuova. Non facevano parte di alcun genere in particolare, quindi è stato un po' stressante e complesso.
SUGA: Praticamente abbiamo vissuto insieme per una settimana, mentre ci lavoravamo, vero?
SUGA: Sì, è a casa mia che l'abbiamo creata. Io buttavo giù degli abbozzi e poi tu li sviluppavi. Una volta scritti il testo ed il ritornello, te li passavo dicendo "La voglio così e così.."
"Daechwita" è anche arrivata prima tra le parole/argomenti più cercate/i su Naver. Il video musicale è nato senza grandi pianificazioni, è stata più una cosa tipo "Non sarebbe divertente filmarlo così?" Puoi dirci qualcosa in più riguardo "Daechwita"?
SUGA: Vedi qualcun altro in questa stanza? (*ridono*)
EL CAPITXN: Il fatto è che hai già praticamente detto tutto tu, all'inizio, ma se proprio devo aggiungere qualcosa... Praticamente, Suga è venuto da me con una prima versione di "Daechwita" e mi ha detto "Lavoriamoci su". Abbiamo riflettuto molto su come fare e, alla fine, ci siamo resi conto che era troppo impegnativo fare avanti e indietro e lavorarci separatamente, quindi abbiamo deciso di incontrarci. A casa di Suga c'è questa piccola stanza...
SUGA: No, è piuttosto grande!
EL CAPITXN: Ah, d'accordo, d'accordo, è grande! (*ridono*) In quella stanza ho allestito tutte le mie apparecchiature ed io lavoravo lì, mentre Yoongi era in un'altra stanza. Abbiamo lavorato alla canzone così, scambiandoci impressioni da una stanza all'altra.
SUGA: Un altro dettaglio riguardo la creazione di "Daechwita" è che abbiamo usato delle risorse audio molto specifiche, composte da tracce e mix in stile tradizionale. Eravamo tutti esaltati, del tipo "Dobbiamo aggiungere questo qui e anche quest'altro!" e ricordo di essermi divertito molto. Ed eravamo sempre così precisini, quando lavoravamo insieme a dei brani. Forse dovremmo tornare a quello stile... Forse è troppo che lavoriamo insieme (*ridono*)
♪ D-Day – Agust D
SUGA: State ascoltando "SUGA | Agust D Radio" e oggi sono in compagnia del produttore EL CAPITXN. Abbiamo il produttore Jang Yi-jeong qui con noi in studio, quindi parliamo un po' delle canzoni cui abbiamo lavorato insieme. Ti viene in mente qualche aneddoto riguardo la produzione di 'D-DAY'? Abbiamo lavorato insieme a 9 canzoni, per quest'album, giusto?
EL CAPITXN: Otto canzoni
SUGA: Otto? Perché otto? Ah, tu non hai partecipato a "D-Day" e "Haegeum", dico bene?
SUGA: Com'è stato lavorare con Agust D a questi 8 brani?
EL CAPITXN: Agust D... Mmh... Lo si vede anche nel documentario, ma siamo andati insieme ad un ritiro musicale e, a parte quando dormivamo, non abbiamo fatto che lavorare sulla musica. Suga pensava sarebbe stato divertente, quindi ci siamo portati la nostra apparecchiatura e per due notti e tre giorni la nostra routine quotidiana è sempre e solo stata creare musica, più pasti, sonno e bevute varie. Ricordo tra me e me d'aver pensato "Anche fossi allo stesso livello di Suga, credo sarebbe difficile lavorare con altrettanta passione". In quell'occasione, il mio rispetto per lui è cresciuto ulteriormente.
SUGA: Yi-jeong ed io siamo amici, quindi abbiamo anche già videogiocato insieme e simili, ma siamo entrambi piuttosto scarsi a quel tipo di giochi. Mentre lavoravamo a "Daechwita", abbiamo provato a distrarci così, ma continuavamo a perdere. E poi per me non c'è niente di più divertente che scrivere musica. Per quanto riguarda il primo album, non ho potuto seguire e curare tutto personalmente, dall'inizio alla fine, quindi non appena avevo una bozza di canzone, la passavo a Yi-jeong ed era lui che la trasformava in un brano vero e proprio. Poi me la ripassava e io la revisionavo, testando e mixando varie risorse sonore. È così che siamo diventati una squadra. Lavorando con Yi-jeong, e vedendo quanta costanza e dedizione ha, mi sento a mio agio e sicuro dei buoni risultati. È rilassante. Senza contare che, praticamente, quando lui dorme, io lavoro e quando sono io a dormire, lui mi dà il cambio. È più o meno così che vanno le nostre vite, ed è così che abbiamo lavorato a tanta musica insieme.
Puoi presentarci un'altra canzone che abbiamo creato insieme? Un brano che vorresti consigliare, magari?
EL CAPITXN: Ognuno dei brani cui abbiamo lavorato insieme è prezioso, ma quando sento "Dear My Friend", ha tutto un altro impatto.
SUGA: Per parlare un po' dei retroscena di questo brano, sono andato da lui e gli faccio, "Lavoriamoci insieme". In quel periodo abbiamo prodotto insieme due tracce, una era "We don't talk together" di Heize e l'altra era "Dear my friend". È già passato un sacco di tempo. Era tipo sei o sette anni fa. Abbiamo curato entrambi parti diverse e poi ce le siamo scambiate. Durava qualcosa tipo cinque o sei minuti. "So far away", "Snooze" e "Dear my friend" sono tutte e tre più o meno sullo stesso stile. Siamo bravi con quel tipo di canzoni.
Ascoltiamo insieme "Dear my friend".
♪ Dear my friend – Agust D
SUGA: Bentornati a "SUGA | Agust D Radio"! Io sono Suga dei BTS e sono in compagnia di EL CAPITXN. Ah, "Dear my friend", sono con la persona che conosce meglio le "D" [*gioco di parole/rif. alla serie di album 'Agust D', 'D-2' e 'D-DAY', n.d.t.]. Ora abbiamo 'D-DAY', ma per dilungarci ancora un po' sugli altri due album, tu non hai lavorato al primo, vero?
EL CAPITXN: Esatto, al primo no.
SUGA: A quali canzoni del secondo hai contribuito, a parte "Daechwita"? Non ce n'erano parecchie?
EL CAPITXN: Sì, credo ci sia un po' di me in parecchie canzoni di quell'album.
SUGA: Ho lavorato con molti produttori ma, sul serio, credo Jang Yi-jeong sia quello con cui mi trovo più a mio agio. Ad esempio, gli dico "Fai così" e lui, "Non credo funzioni, così" ed io, "Non è difficile" e la risolviamo insieme. Mi piace quel nostro scambio di opinioni e compiti.
Ma parliamo ancora un po' di 'D-DAY'. Che tipo di album è?
EL CAPITXN: Che tipo di album è per te, Suga?
SUGA: Per me è un po' un sunto ed una conclusione. È stato un modo per mettere ordine. Il 'D-day' può essere un approdo ma anche un nuovo inizio. Lavorandoci, ho riflettuto molto e mi ha suscitato tanti pensieri, molti più rispetto a qualsiasi altro progetto cui io abbia mai lavorato. Lavorare agli altri due album mentre ero in piene promozioni con i BTS è stato difficile, mentre ciò che mi ha dato filo da torcere per quest'album è stato trovare quali messaggi e tematiche sviluppare. "Snooze" l'ho scritta mentre ero in ospedale. Ero molto stressato, ne risentivo anche fisicamente e la cosa andava peggiorando, quindi ho deciso di farmi ricoverare. Mentre guardavo il documentario del maestro Ryuichi Sakamoto, ho pensato "Dovrei scrivere anche io un brano così". Non avevo uno spunto preciso per questa traccia, ma a Yi-jeong ho detto "Che sia qualcosa con questo ritmo, con quest'atmosfera e beat. Lavoraci su e poi mandamela, che vedo come editarla". In quel periodo avevo tre canzoni in lista d'attesa. Quando ho ricevuto il beat, l'ho subito scritta tutta ad eccezione della melodia. È stato un progetto improvviso. Lavoriamo meglio quando il processo creativo è così spontaneo. A molte delle canzoni di 'D-DAY' avevamo già lavorato parecchio tempo fa.
EL CAPITXN: Sì, esatto.
SUGA: "Snooze", invece, era nuova, mentre "Amygdala" risale a 3 anni fa, subito dopo 'D-2', per esempio. L'avevo praticamente già scritta tutta, ma mancava la seconda strofa. Gli ho detto, "Yi-jeong, che ne dici di un brano su questo stile?". Per voi è una canzone nuova, ma noi sono tre anni che la sentiamo, quindi mi sembra piuttosto vecchia. Stessa cosa per "People Pt.2", anche quella risale a 3 anni fa. Anche "SDL" è di tre anni fa. Per alcuni brani abbiamo addirittura cambiato le fonti audio. Idem per "Haegeum". Per quanto riguarda "Life Goes On", invece, mi piaceva un sacco la mia versione, quindi ho chiesto a Yi-jeong di darle una rinfrescata. È stato divertente lavorarci. Ma, diciamo la verità, è bello nel ricordo, ma mentre ci lavoravamo è stato un inferno.
EL CAPITXN: Sì, un po'.
SUGA: Non so se te ne ricordi, ma l'album sarebbe dovuto già uscire a novembre dell'anno scorso. Però, mi sono reso conto che non ce l'avrei fatta. Non è fattibile. Posticipiamolo. È così che è andata con 'D-DAY'. Puoi parlarci un po' dell'album?
EL CAPITXN: Quest'album, 'D-DAY', ha un po' l'atmosfera da "ultima parte" per Agust D. Mentre la mixtape 'Agust D' è carica di veleno, 'D-2' e 'D-DAY' sono già più rilassati e trattano di amore e persone. Come da desiderio di Suga, ho cercato di rispecchiare il più possibile i messaggi che voleva trasmettere e spero siano arrivati bene alle/i fan.
SUGA: È stata dura anche per te, lavorando insieme a me. Non posso più seguire l'intera produzione dei beat per motivi di tempo ed impegni. Non è che non ne sia in grado. Ma Yi-jeong si occupa dell'altra metà del lavoro, mi complementa ed insieme concludiamo il tutto. Credo non potrei desiderare di meglio. Uno dei punti forte di entrambi è che possiamo lavorare praticamente ad ogni genere musicale. Però... Nessuno di noi è un vero e proprio maestro (*ridono*). Per esserlo, dobbiamo unire le forze. Siamo entrambi consapevoli delle nostre lacune, e lavoriamo partendo da questi presupposti. Però non ci incontriamo più spesso per lavorare insieme.
EL CAPITXN: Già, a meno che non sia proprio un progetto speciale.
SUGA: Ci limitiamo a scriverci cose tipo "C'è qualcosa in particolare che vorresti fare?", "Buttiamo giù un paio di idee" ed è così che, solitamente, iniziamo a lavorare.
Tornando a 'D-DAY', le prime tre canzoni ci vanno giù piuttosto toste in quanto a rap, ma dopodiché è tutto piuttosto rilassato. Riascoltandolo ora, a progetto finito – in confronto anche agli altri due album – non ci sono brani con parti rap altrettanto veloci, quindi si distingue un po' rispetto ai precedenti. Invece, c'è molto canto.
EL CAPITXN: Canti bene! Com'è possibile che canti così bene?
SUGA: Perché non dovrei cantare bene?! (*ridono*) Ho seguito diverse lezioni, ma non credo prendere lezioni di canto faccia per me. Ho provato vari stili e, ovviamente, c'è differenza tra il mio rap ed il mio cantato. Nel rap, solitamente, sono veloce e piuttosto incisivo. Ma il canto ha più estensione ed io non ci sono molto abituato. Sono riuscito ad includere diverse cose del canto, ma altre non ho potuto. Molte persone sono rimaste sorprese delle mie abilità canore in "Life goes on". Però, ovviamente, ascoltarla live è tutta un'altra cosa. Ad eccezione della seconda strofa, questa canzone è stata registrata nel periodo della "Life goes on" inclusa in 'BE' dei BTS. Il cantato, quindi, non è del tutto lineare. Abbiamo discusso molto riguardo la necessità o meno di ri-registrarla, ma poi avevamo paura suonasse strana e tanto volevamo fosse chiaro risalisse a quel periodo e non fosse registrata in tempi più recenti.
Comunque, sì, anche in "People Pt.2" e "SDL" ci sono delle parti cantate e Jang Yi-jeong mi ha aiutato molto, in generale, in quel periodo.
Abbiamo menzionato tante canzoni, ma "Amygdala" è stata davvero il diavolo, per noi.
EL CAPITXN: A dire il vero, non ricordo molto bene perché è passato tanto tempo, ma di "Amygdala" ho decisamente un ricordo un po' angosciante (*ride*)
SUGA: In realtà, doveva essere una canzone di gruppo, quindi c'era sia la parte rap che una melodica, ma la tonalità era decisamente troppo alta.
EL CAPITXN: Già, perché era così alta?
SUGA: Perché doveva essere un brano dei BTS! E, praticamente, non c'è neanche un istante per prendere fiato. Abbassarla di mezzo tono è stato già un grandissimo aiuto.
EL CAPITXN: Credi continuerai a cantare?
SUGA: Ormai sono qualcosa come 17 o 18 anni che rappo, ma credo ci sia qualcosa di unico nel mio canto. Le mie diverse sfumature vocali sono interessanti, quindi, sì, credo continuerò a cantare anche in futuro. Quando sono insieme ai membri, probabilmente sarà meno fattibile perché ci sono già un sacco di cantanti fantastici, ma quando lavorerò di nuovo a miei progetti personali, credo mi lancerò senza esitazioni [nel canto]. Magari, prima o poi, rilascerò una traccia cantata dall'inizio alla fine, ma non so ancora quando... potrebbe anche essere tra dieci anni, quindi non createvi troppe aspettative per l'immediato futuro.
♪ Life Goes On – Agust D
SUGA: Rieccoci! State ascoltando "SUGA | Agust D Radio", qui su Apple Music.
Quando parliamo di quest'album, non possiamo non menzionare le collaborazioni. Le featuring che sono j-hope, IU, Ryuichi Sakamoto... Come ho menzionato prima, "So far away", "Snooze" e "Dear my friend"... in che genere potrei inserirle? "D Style". Mi piacciono molto le voci cariche più che quelle pulite. Solitamente, alle/i mie/i artistə partecipanti non chiedo altro se non occuparsi della loro parte, così che non consumino la propria voce. Quindi non come, ad esempio, Jungkook che, in passato, mi aiutava registrando il ritornello di ogni singola canzone. Allora non potevo fare diversamente perché non avevo nessun altro che andasse bene per quel ruolo. Ora, di tutto il resto si occupa Yi-jeong. Com'è stato creare quelle parti?
EL CAPITXN: Trovo che le canzoni in "Stile D", come le hai chiamate tu, siano davvero fantastiche.
SUGA: È un genere che ci ha sempre accompagnati nel corso della nostra infanzia e adolescenza. Ascoltiamo "Snooze".
♪ Snooze – Agust D (feat. Ryuichi Sakamoto & Woosung)
SUGA: Per quanto riguarda gli/le altrə artistə, IU è nostra amica, abbiamo tuttə e tre la stessa età, siamo natə nel 1993. Sia per "Eight" che per "People Pt.2" abbiamo lavorato insieme ad Yi-jeong. Com'è stato?
EL CAPITXN: People Pt.2?
EL CAPITXN: Onestamente, non credevo neppure IU avrebbe partecipato
SUGA: Neanche io, non me l'ero neppure sognato. Ma le ho chiesto questo favore, e lei, molto gentilmente, ha accettato, fortunatamente. Non ti ricordi molto del processo creativo che sta dietro "People Pt.2", vero? Perché tu hai creato il beat e fine (*ridono*). Scommetto che non ti ricordi neppure quando hai scritto il beat.
EL CAPITXN: Sul serio, ne creo talmente tanti, che non ho idea di quando io abbia scritto quello.
SUGA: Dunque avevamo il beat e, una volta che non avevo nulla da fare – per via del COVID – e stavo bevendo del vino con Jungkook, gli faccio, "Ah, Jungkook-ah, che possiamo fare? Vieni con me.." Siamo andati nel mio studio di registrazione, io ho composto la melodia e lui ha registrato la versione guida. Tutto questo dopo aver bevuto. Quando si fa musica è sempre meglio essere rilassati. Se fossi stato ancora lo stesso Agust D del primo album, difficilmente 'D-DAY' avrebbe visto la luce. Quindi, sì, ho chiesto a Jungkook di registrare una demo, e lui la trovava troppo alta, ma io continuavo a dirgli "Dai, puoi farcela! Vedi che ce la fai?". Poi, tutti e tre, ce ne siamo semplicemente scordati finché, lavorando a quest'album, l'ho ripresa ed è la prima traccia che ho completato. Ascoltiamo insieme "People Pt.2"
♪ People Pt.2 – Agust D (feat. IU)
♪ Polar Night – Agust D
SUGA: Ah, c'è una cosa di cui dobbiamo parlare. Come abbiamo creato “Polar Night”?
EL CAPITXN: Per quella canzone, Suga mi ha detto che il tema era avere 30 anni.
SUGA: Era il periodo in cui mi trovavo a Las Vegas e gli ho passato un sample.
EL CAPITXN: Non starai svelando un po' troppi retroscena e segreti?
SUGA: Beh, se sono in grado di cavarci qualcosa, che ci provino pure, ma non è così semplice. Sono tutti procedimenti molto specifici e ci vuole una certa dimestichezza.
EL CAPITXN: Sì, hai ragione
SUGA: È un po' come con le trasmissioni di cucina, in cui vengono spiegate le ricette e gli ingredienti, ma non è possibile replicare alla perfezione la pietanza presentata.
EL CAPITXN: Ah, sì, è vero.
SUGA: Vedetela così. Io sono piuttosto sicuro e tranquillo, in tal senso. I sample, l'editing, i tagli, copiare e spostare le tracce audio è ciò che so far meglio. Oserei dire che ormai sono talmente esperto nell'uso di campionature che è praticamente impossibile capire con precisione che sample ho usato. Anche per “Polar Night” abbiamo seguito quel procedimento e, una volta concluso il mixaggio, l'ho inviata a Yi-jeong che ci ha aggiunto alcuni dettagli. Mi ero messo in testa di doverla concludere ad ogni costo durante il ritiro musicale. In realtà, alla fine sono riuscito a portarla a compimento solo perché non vedevo l'ora di tornare a casa. Era già il secondo giorno e continuavo a pensare “No, così non va, ma devo riuscirci prima di poter rientrare”. Il primo giorno di ritiro è stato divertente, abbiamo fatto una grigliata e simili. Dopodiché, non abbiamo fatto altro che scrivere canzoni, ma quando sono tornato a Seoul e le abbiamo rimaneggiate e registrate, non ero soddisfatto. Per “Haegeum” ed “Amygdala” continuavo a ripetere “No, no, così non va!” ed ero lì lì per darmi per vinto. Due mesi più tardi, mentre lavoravo a “Snooze”, ho telefonato a Yi-jeong e gli ho detto “Oh, ho trovato una registrazione..” L'ho ascoltata, ed era meglio di quel che pensassi. Se dovessimo usare una metafora sportiva, è come quando un giocatore di basketball, un cestista, improvvisamente non riesce più a fare canestro. Cose simili succedono anche ai musicisti. Finisci una data canzone e tuttə quantə ti dicono, "Ah, che bella", ma tra te e te pensi, "No, non va bene!". Per esempio, di "Haegeum" c'erano diverse versioni e parte di una di queste è finita nel ritornello di "D-Day", ricordi?
EL CAPITXN: Ricordo che, in quell'occasione, abbiamo spulciato ed utilizzato tutti i dati e le fonti a nostra disposizione.
SUGA: E, alla fine, tutto quel lavoro è diventato il ritornello di "D-Day". Ad ogni modo, sì, questi sono tutti retroscena di come abbiamo creato 'D-DAY'. Spero lo ascolterete molto.
Per quanto riguarda la collaborazione con j-hope, "HUH?!", non ti ricordi com'è nata, vero?
EL CAPITXN: No, perché io ho scritto solo il beat.
SUGA: Esatto. L'ho registrata una prima volta e poi ti ho detto che volevo provare il genere drill, menzionandoti anche Pop Smoke. È filato tutto piuttosto liscio, mentre ci lavoravo – compreso il ritornello. Non ho avuto problemi con la mia strofa. Per "Strange", la mia precedente collaborazione con Namjoon, il beat era anche tuo, vero?
EL CAPITXN: Sì, esatto.
SUGA: Trovo allora ti venisse più naturale creare beat (*ridono*). Dai, Yi-jeong, non vuoi far soldi?
EL CAPITXN: Già, in passato mi venivano con più facilità, senza doverci pensare troppo su.
SUGA: Questa volta volevo fosse j-hope a partecipare. Ho anche valutato altri rapper, ma - non so cosa ne pensi la gente - per me la nostra rap line è davvero fantastica, ognuno nel proprio stile. Avevamo anche qualche rapper internazionale in mente, ma nessuno è al pari di j-hope. Siamo sempre stati tanto criticati, ma non si può dire che non sappiamo rappare. Ad ogni modo, sapevo che j-hope se la sarebbe cavata e gliel'ho assegnata, ma non è stato semplice per lui. Continuava a dirmi, "Perché è così difficile? È la prima volta che provo il drill, non credo di esserne in grado" e io gli ho detto che ne avevo bisogno a fine giornata per mixarla. Non appena ho sentito la sua prima registrazione, non ho potuto che applaudirlo e l'abbiamo conclusa al primo colpo. È stato davvero bravo. Non avevo idea avrebbe tirato fuori quel tipo di rap. Fino a quel momento, avevo sempre solo riascoltato le mie parti, ma quando ho sentito la sua, ho subito capito che andava bene così e che avevamo finito, quindi gli ho detto, "Sapevo che saresti stato fantastico".
♪ HUH?! – Agust D (feat. j-hope)
SUGA: State ascoltando "SUGA | Agust D Radio". Già che ci siamo, mi piacerebbe parlare di tutto l'album, quindi proseguiamo ancora un po'. Ti ricordi come abbiamo creato "SDL"?
EL CAPITXN: Solitamente, faccio musica senza pensarci troppo...
SUGA: Mi piace un sacco quando non hai da pensarci troppo, quindi è una cosa positiva, sei davvero figo.
EL CAPITXN: Oh, grazie (*ride*)
SUGA: Anche "SDL" risale a 3 anni fa. L'ho scritta e poi lasciata da parte. Dopodiché, quando stavamo cercando ispirazione, l'abbiamo ripresa in mano. Quando ho fatto ascoltare l'album ad alcune persone ed amici, in molti hanno detto che questo brano era bello. "People Pt.2" e "SDL" ricordano un po' le canzoni di una volta, ed era proprio l'atmosfera che volevamo creare. Ascoltiamo "SDL" e poi torniamo qui.
♪ SDL – Agust D
SUGA: Parliamo un po' di "Interlude : Dawn". Questo brano è molto nel mio stile, un po' come "Snooze". Anche questa traccia è stata tagliata e ricomposta prima di inviartela.
EL CAPITXN: Quando Yoongi me l'ha inviata, non avevo un'idea precisa su quale direzione musicale seguire, ma dopo averla revisionata, l'atmosfera generale è risultata essere quella da brano orchestrale.
SUGA: In confronto, "Snooze" è molto minimal, ma sapevo che "Interlude : Dawn" doveva essere più ricca. Abbiamo provato anche altre soluzioni e stili, per "Snooze" - tipo, aggiungere certi dettagli e rimuoverne altri, ma se volevo ottenere un vibe un po' più datato, simile ai brani del terzo o quarto album degli Epik High, non poteva che essere minimal.
"Interlude : Dawn" è nata come ponte ed introduzione a "Snooze" e mi piace molto come le due sono collegate. Dunque, ho finito l'interludio e poi sono scappato, dicendo "Yi-jeong, per favore, occupati del mixaggio".
EL CAPITXN: Se l'è letteralmente data a gambe.
SUGA: "Yi-jeong-ah, ho fatto tutto il possibile, per favore, pensa tu al mixaggio, io lo ricontrollerò a lavoro finito. Sai ciò che mi piace, quindi fai tu". Dopodiché abbiamo ascoltato la versione masterizzata ed andava bene, fine. A metà processo creativo, ci siamo incontrati ed abbiamo revisionato insieme ciò che avevamo. Yi-jeong è bravo con il mixaggio. Molti produttori internazionali mixano i brani in fase di creazione. Non mi ricordo più chi, ma in un'occasione ho pensato "Oh, perché questo/'artista lascia il mixaggio ad un tecnico? Siamo noi artisti a conoscere meglio di chiunque altro il sound dei nostri brani". È allora che ho detto a Yi-jeong di andare all'estero a studiare il mixaggio, ma lui mi ha detto che non sa l'inglese e non voleva andare (*ridono*). Ora sei bravo, ma a volte mi chiedo come sarebbe se l'avessi studiato più nel dettaglio. Allora ascoltiamo insieme "Interlude : Dawn" e poi ci ritroviamo qui.
♪ Interlude : Dawn – Agust D
SUGA: Grazie a tuttə per un'altra fantastica puntata di "SUGA | Agust D Radio". È già ora di concludere questo terzo episodio. Ciò che avete sentito è come chiacchieriamo tra noi normalmente. Scherziamo e ci punzecchiamo a vicenda. Solitamente, quello che ne fa maggiormente le spese è Yi-jeong.
EL CAPITXN: Sì, solitamente io sono quello che ascolta
SUGA: Fa parte della nostra routine: "Ya, Yi-jeong-ah, fa' così e così" [, gli dico].
EL CAPITXN: È un po' come un insegnante
SUGA: Lui è lì stravaccato e risponde "Ok, ci provo". Ma non fraintendete, siamo abituati a questo tipo di scambi (*ridono*). Com'è stato l'episodio di oggi?
EL CAPITXN: Tutte queste sono cose di cui parlo con Suga, ma spiegarle per altre persone è stata un'esperienza nuova e divertente.
SUGA: Prego, promuovi un po' i tuoi prossimi progetti. Stai lavorando anche ad altre cose, non con me, tipo per BE'O.
EL CAPITXN: Ah, sì. È un brano intitolato "Lights out", di SUNMI e BE'O
SUGA: Già, in quanto produttore stai lavorando anche per altrə artistə, ma scommetto che moltə fan aspettano l'artista Jang Yi-jeong. Che cosa puoi dire loro?
EL CAPITXN: In quanto produttore, lavoro sempre con piacere con Suga e la Hybe, sono pronto a fare del mio meglio. Se dovessero arrivare altre opportunità, come il progetto con SUNMI e BE'O, ben volentieri.
SUGA: Hai intenzione di rilasciare un album?
EL CAPITXN: Ci ho pensato, ma non ho ancora alcun progetto concreto.
SUGA: Costa un sacco, amico (*ridono*).
Ad ogni modo, ci sono tante persone che aspettano con entusiasmo tuoi nuovi progetti. Probabilmente, arriverà anche un giorno in cui non lavoreremo più insieme, è inevitabile, ma sicuramente non sarà perché non andiamo più d'accordo, quanto, piuttosto, perché abbiamo aspirazioni diverse. Gli dico sempre che sarà lui ad istruire la prossima generazione di produttori, così da poterli seguire e, magari, anche lavorare all'estero con artistə e produttori internazionali. Yi-jeong, ora, ha anche un suo team, vero?
EL CAPITXN: Sì, un team di produttori. Lavoriamo sodo e facciamo musica insieme.
SUGA: È stato molto divertente parlare dell'album con voi e con Yi-jeong. Ci sarebbe ancora molto da dire, ma richiederebbe troppo tempo, tra le due e le tre ore, e ci sono altri contesti in cui vorrei condividere queste informazioni più nel dettaglio. Spero abbiate scoperto tante cose interessanti riguardo a 'D-DAY' e Agust D, grazie a questo terzo episodio di "SUGA | Agust D Radio". Magari uscirà altro di Agust D, magari no. Quando ho iniziato, pensavo che separare l'alter ego Agust D dalle mie altre identità fosse fondamentale, ma ora tra Min Yoongi, Agust D e SUGA non c'è differenza. Sono sicuro coloro che apprezzano la mia musica continueranno ad apprezzarla [indipendentemente dal nome usato]. Ho ancora molto a cuore Agust D, quindi, sebbene questa trilogia sia ora conclusa, continuate a tenere gli occhi aperti per eventuali altri contenuti firmati Agust D. Avrei dovuto promuovere così anche come SUGA. E già che ci siete, ascoltate molto 'D-DAY', ripensando a tutto ciò che vi ho detto riguardo la trilogia. Grazie ad Yi-jeong per essere stato qui con noi, oggi.
Vi salutiamo con questa canzone, "Agust D" di Agust D
♪ Agust D – Agust D
⠸ eng: © MINSUGAHQ | ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS⠸ Twitter
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kooktrash · 2 years
I saw ppl loving and finding my asks interesting. ALSO you are sososos fkn beautiful .I wanna squish my honelyloopsss... I wanna make love with y'all TT. sorry I better stop my flirty ass here. I LOVE YOU BAE
1- which one of your work is your Fav?
2- Which idol occupies your thoughts when you think of something now kink/story/plot ...
3- Ever went through writers block? how often?
4- when you have writers block, what do you look up for? prompts/songs/or_____?
5- Ever wanted to name your ___ or y/n ? If yes, what would you name?
6 Ever wanted to write on one idol and end up writing another idol fic?
7- On which idol you always want to give a best try ?
8- which work of yours received unexpected love?
9- which is your one story that makes you always feel to write endlessly?
10- What can you write that no one else can?
oooo I’ve never done one of these and it seems fun soooo…
1. fave fic is probs ‘between roommates’ bc y/n and jk are both a little slow
2. honestly it’s between jk/Tae but lately it’s been Jk more but to be fair Jungkook is the reason I even got into bts around 2017/2018 so he’s my ult and main reason I write
3. I go into writers block like mid story for every story I write lol, I’ll go through random days where I just can’t finish a fic
4. for writers block if I can’t think of anything I’ll base a fic off a book, movie, music etc. sometimes I’ll look up prompts on tumblr for ideas and then go find music that gives off the same vibe and pay attention to lyrics
5. Yes I’ve wanted to name my y/n before but I just never do it bc I want it to be inclusive to everyone even tho I write most female y/n’s. if I were to name one they’d probs have hispanic ties
6. yesss sometimes I have a whole plot for a jk fic and then halfway through brainstorming I rather write it for a Tae fic like ‘lover’s revenge ’ was supposed to be for jk but I hadn’t written one of Tae like that (TAE tends to be my more experimental character like with the eros project, rewriting love, etc.)
7. Taehyung is the one I always try to write good for bc his fics don’t do as well as jk fics and I want y’all to know I write for both 😭😭😭😭😭
8. unexpected love was def my Tae fic ‘golden boy’ bc it was my first Tae story to get as many likes as my jk fics which tend to do better
9. story that makes me want to write endlessly is probs ‘my dear friend’ bc there’s so many diff ways you can write a college au that’s both angtsy and humorous
10. ok lowkey I feel like I’m good at writing fics based off shows/movies bc they always inspire me to create my own versions but with the same ideas, especially my webtoon fic ‘rewriting love’ I honestly don’t see many fics based off webtoons and reality shows so there really isn’t that many but ‘the eros project’ was like a spin-off of heart signal and it did pretty well. so I think that’s something I can write that not a lot of ppl can or haven’t tried yet
also I’m not just a Tae/jk stan I love all 7 of BTS I just specifically write for them unless I get requested someone else or a random idea comes in for another member [kudos to those ppl who can write a handful of stories about each member you’re my role model but I’m lazy]
ok this was actually fun bc I like talking about myself 😵‍💫 so I’ll add some facts about me bc why not:
I’m 20, born in 2001, my pronouns are she/her, my name is Sandra, I’m a nanny for a baby (so I got a lot of free time lol) and BTS and NCT are my ults but I also stan some 4th gen groups. I’m Mexican American and I’m originally from California :)
ok ok there I’m done sorryyy and thx for sending me this!!!!
also if anyones interested in writing but doesn’t know if they should I promise once you get started it’s so fun and my fics used to get like 100 notes in total and now some of them get up to 2k notes so just start somewhere and I’m always free to message for help :)
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The Love I Always Desired
Genre: Greek Mythology!Au, Greek God!Au, Fluff, Smut, Angst
Pairing: Eros!Jimin x Psiche!Reader
Words: 3347
Summery: Y/n, a beautiful girl who cannot find a husband, becomes the attraction of all the neighboring peoples who offer sacrifices and call her Venus (or Aphrodite). The deity, knowing the existence of Y/n, jealous of the usurped name, sends her son Jimin to make her fall in love with the ugliest and miserly man on Earth and be covered by the shame of this relationship, But the god makes a mistake, and the arrow of love strikes his own foot, and he falls madly in love with the girl.
Note:  Part Two!
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In an ancient Greek kingdom, at a time when the gods roamed among mortals, three beautiful young princesses lived protected within the walls of their palace. All three,  in full mature age and envied for their breathtaking beauty. They were eager for a life partner and dreamed of what their husbands would look like.
"My husband will be a famous general and will court his strength through his conquests," boasted her older sister, fantasizing about a man in armor and mighty.
"My future husband will be a rich man and will give me precious silk clothes and the most beautiful jewels," said the second daughter, imagining herself among the riches given by a future lover.
Y/n smiled as she heard the words of the two older sisters. What they desired in a man were only characteristics of pure pride. She certainly was not against it, but she was looking for something else in a lover.
"and you Y/n? What will your husband be like?" asked the older sister with a certain superiority in her voice.
"Me? All I want is pure and true love. A love that makes me happy..."
"What a honeyed" laughed the two sisters, mocking her.
Y/n at her words felt a feeling of desire. She burned with the desire to find a person who loved her with all of herself and not forwhat was said around. She, as the youngest of the three sisters, was considered the most beautiful girl ever seen. So beautiful she attracted everyone's eyes, making her sisters especially jealous. Many people came from distant kingdoms, walking along long roads, only to admire the young princess.
"Here is to you the most beautiful creature that has ever set foot on earth" her father had introduced her to the population when she had reached the age of majority.
She was worshipped as a deity, so much so that the tributes that were once offered to Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, were now for the princess.
Offended and enraged, the goddess watched from Olympus the court that followed the princess, while her temple was completely empty. Aphrodite could not stand that a mere mortal could usurp her throne, so she decided to take revenge on the girl.
"Jimin, come here" the young son of the goddess, embodiment of passion and love, hearing the enraged voice of his mother, immediately ran to her, abandoning every activity he was doing.
"Mother, were you looking for me?" asked the young god, a little intimidated by maternal anger.
"My son. This woman believes that she is on the same level as the deities and superior to your mother. I need you to punish her using the power of your arrows. Make her fall in love with the worst man on earth. Miserly, ugly and evil. I will destine her to a life of sadness and her beauty will be spoiled."
"Mother... aren't you exaggerating? It is not her fault that she was destined and honored to possess your beauty. Maybe we can do something else..."
Aphrodite's gaze turned black and struck her young son. Jimin was slumped on his skin in front of his anger and in a stuttering voice said, "Okay, Mother. As you wish."
And so, at nightfall, Jimin took flight and with inhuman speed and headed for the royal palace. The young god was amazed to admire the wonderful architecture and the preciousness of the materials with which it was built. He flew around him for quite a while and as soon as he spotted the young woman's room, he sneaked in stealthily.
It was deep night and Y/n was sleeping. Her body was covered with a light black silk suit that highlighted all her curves. Jimin approached the girl and was stunned by what was in front of her. It was just as the mother said. She really possessed an indescribable beauty and if his mother could read the thought to him, she would make him flog for thinking that he could surpass that of the goddess of beauty. Jimin was enchanted by how moonlight gently kissed her skin. It seemed soft and he resisted so as not to stretch out his hand and also feel the warmth. He let slip a faint sigh.
He could not be enchanted by a simple dead woman. He took the bow and arrows and prepared them to shoot the weapon, but as he was about to make the gesture, the young woman turned over in bed, slightly uncovering her breasts and causing Jimin to lose concentration for a few moments. A few moments that turned out to be fatal because he absent-mindedly let go of the arrow, accidentally hitting his foot.
Stung by the arrow, Jimi fell in love with Y/n as soon as he set his eyes on her. The mission had failed. The young cupid was now lost in his own spell. His heartbeat fast in his chest, but he fought against that feeling so as not to be abandoned to eros; therefore, before the power was brought to completion, he escaped from the window, but not before turning a last look at his beloved.
The next day, Y/n woke up with a strange sensation enveloping his room, but everything seemed normal. Except for the window. Had he left it open the night before? She was sure she had closed it before Morpheus wrapped her in a deep sleep.
But something strange from that day was perceived by the princess. Time passed and although she was the most beautiful and the most beloved of her sisters, Y/n was still unmarried while her sisters had several suitors.
"Ah Y/n. You have always been adored by everyone and, despite this, you are not yet married. While we are happily married to the noblest of men." He kept reminding her of the sisters.
"Don't worry my daughter. Your beauty may be overwhelming to some men, but soon you will find a man worthy of your heart," her father told her a day after calling her to court, but in reality the king was seriously concerned about his daughter's situation. But no one knew that the lack of suitors was due to a single person. Jimin.
He was completely lost to the young princess and refused to awaken any kind of love for every man towards Y/n. After the blow of his arrow, he was now completely in love with her.
Then the king decided to go and pray to the oracle of Apollo, also known as Hoseok, in Delphi and inside he pronounced himself to the desperate king.
"Your daughter will marry a perverse winged being who delights in causing pain to mortals and gods. The princess will be left on the edge of a horrible precipice in a wedding dress and she will be handed over to this terrible creature that will cause her death. "
The king came out of the temple in tears and desperate for the fate of his daughter foretold by the sun god and to lose her forever. But Y/n's envious sisters convinced him to obey the god's words with phrases of the genre.
"You must obey the will of the gods or your choice to spare it, it will bring misfortune to our whole kingdom"
That night the king revealed the terrible fate to Y/n and she let herself be abandoned by pain and despair. "My beloved daughter, at the behest of the gods we will condemn you to a terrible end. Your beauty has now become a curse for our family." And that's how the next day Y/n was on the precipice from a wedding court, but the atmosphere felt more like a funeral.
Hearing her parents and close people crying for her, Y/n didn't hold back and turned to them.
"It is useless for you to weep for me at this time. Until yesterday you acclaimed me only for my appearance and to compare me to a goddess. Now let me face my fate" said this she approached the edge of the precipice, waiting for her future and horrible husband.
Then suddenly a strong breeze began to blow, lifting Y/n to the sky- This wind was Jungkook, also known as the god of the west wind and the god made her ascend to heaven and faced her fate.
The young woman was surrounded by a huge bufare of wind, preventing her from keeping her eyes open. But after a few minutes, everything became quieter, and Y/n opened her eyes again and what appeared in front of her seemed ethereal.
She was in an idyllic place. There were flowers everywhere and their scent enveloped the landscape. She sharpened her gaze and saw a wonderful white marble palace that stood out against the landscape. Y/n climbed the stairs to reach the entrance and was baffled by all the wealth that was inside.
Once inside the palace, Y/n heard a small voice but could not understand where it came from.
"My lady. Now everything she sees belongs to you and we will serve her for whatever her heart desires" Many voices surrounded her, but no one showed up.
"Oh, ma'am. We are invisible servants, but, despite this, she will be served and revered. We will keep her company until the arrival of the master. Now follow us please. We will accompany her to her rooms, after taking care of her."
"Thank you, you are very kind," replied Y/n and was pampered by his new servants. They helped her during the bath, during meals and sang harmonious melodies to her.
The sun went down, and Y/n was escorted to her bedroom. A four-poster double bed mastered the luxurious room. Y/n's heart was beating fast. She still did not know the face and name of the creature that would be her husband. Just thinking about it, a shiver ran through her body.
Before the servant left the room, he asked him a question.
"Before you go. I wanted to ask you something... How is your master? They say it's a monster..."
Although he did not see him, a small chuckle escaped the servant "Many talk about it like this, but in reality, he is not evil. How can you judge a monster a person you've never seen?" and having said that, the door opened wide and then closed soon after.
Y/n looked out onto the balcony and looked forward to her future partner. Night had fallen and the room had become dark. Sighing, Y/n walked away from the sight of that enchanted night and decided to sit on the bed, turning his back to the windows. Why all this waiting? Anxiety pervaded her.
After a few minutes, Y/n heard someone entering the room through the window. She felt the presence of her new husband and that he was slowly approaching her, until she heard him sitting on the bed behind her.
Y/n could feel his warm breath on his neck. He had his face right next to her, but she couldn't see it out of the corner of her eye. Y/n was tense and didn't know what was going to happen that night. Suddenly a pair of strong arms enveloped her from behind and her heart seemed to explode. Probably the young man felt her agitation and tenderly kissed her temple. His lips were soft against her skin and in something in her, she made her calm down and lean against the touch of her mysterious lover.
"Don't worry, my love. I will Never hurt your" his voice was warm, but sweet at the same time. It was quite different from what Y/n expected. She thought that from what her father had told him, her husband must have been horrible and cowardly, but from how he held her, he caressed her tenderly and with a candid voice... well... it had been a nice surprise.
Y/n turned to admire the face of her beloved but was disappointed to see that the darkness covered him completely. She put her hands on his face trying to study his features. Through his touch, he felt a soft skin and equally delicate features. Fleshy lips and a small nose.
"You... you are..."
" I'm Jimin and I'm your new husband. My love, I had been watching you for a long time and every day I fell in love more and more. I want you so much and I can't believe I have you in my arms right now. Y/n... you are beautiful..." Jimin said, gently stroking her face.
Y/n could not see the man in front of her well, but then why her heartbeat so hard after those words. Like a spell, she gently rested her lips on him, creating an indescribable passion. Jimin slowly stripped her, savoring the softness of her skin, and stroking every inch.
His hands could not move away from her breasts, kneading them slowly, putting a little strength, making her moan.
"These are the sounds I want to hear from you. They are mine and no one else will have to listen to them. Is that okay?" but Y/n was too lost in the young man's treatment not to give him an answer. He squeezed her breasts harder, making her moan again.
"Got it?" he asked again.
"Yes, Jimin. Only you" and he began to kiss her even more passionately. While Jimin was exploring the body of his beloved, Y/n untied the toga he was wearing and explored her body as well.  Jimin was certainly not a tall man, but he could understand that he was mighty, and, despite this, he was treating her as if she were a delicate flower.
Suddenly he grabbed her and made her lie gently on the bed, and then put himself on top of her, inserting himself between her open legs. Y/n could feel Jimin's powerful length touching her private part and a desire for lust pervades her body, wanting to unite with the man above her.
Jimi lowered himself slightly to touch her lips once again," "Now I'm going to get inside you, my love. Have you ever been with a man... in intimacy?"
"No..." she whispered weakly. At the news Jimin smiled and kissed her lips again. He was completely dependent on them.
"Then it will be an honor to be your first and only, my love" and having said this Jimin penetrated her, and a faint moan of pain came out of the girl's lips, while her young lover slammed his hips against her. After a few minutes, the pain became pleasure and Y/n was guided by Jimin's movement and he began to increase the pace, not detaching his lips from the girl and his hands from her velvet skin.
Both were enjoying each other's arms, yielding to eros, to real lust. Passion enveloped their bodies. Y/n could feel that Jimin wanted their bodies to be as close as possible, especially when she could feel his member count inside her and his breathing become heavy. She didn't know him, she didn't know his face, but she could feel that love that she herself was looking for.
"My love, you're holding me too tight. I will come within you soon. will you let me do it?" but instead of words, she wrapped her legs, crossing them behind him and making him approach his body.
And immediately their groans melted, letting themselves be abandoned by the passion just reached. Jimin kissed her for the last time, and then made her alreadyrare and put himself to the side, wrapping in his arms and bringing her body closer to his, her back resting on his chest. And both fell asleep in the heat of one and the other.
The next morning, Y/n woke up and noticed that her husband had disappeared, leaving no trace. She had been a little disappointed because he had shown her extreme affection, but she had not been able to see his face because of the darkness of the past night.
Furious the day, Y/n spends to familiarize herself with the servants and luxuries of her new home, but she kept thinking about the young lover. He was not as he was described by people. He was not  a monster. It was almost... divine.
The night came quickly, and Y/n was already waiting for the arrival of her husband and even that night passed with a sublime passion between the two lovers. And so it happened for many more nights, but still Y/n had not been able to glimpse the face of her husband. It seemed that he wanted to keep his appearance hidden. She had learned to love him deeply over time and didn't care if he was ugly or beautiful. She had fallen in love with everything he was...
Even that night, after another night of passion, Y/n couldn't resist and asked him," Jimin. My love. Why do you always hide in the shadows? My heart dies from the desire to see the face of my beloved"
The two were embraced and at her words, Jimin tightened his grip "But isn't the love we share enough?"
Y/n could feel the discomfort in Jimin's voice and apologized for offending him. She loved him and certainly didn't want to bother him.
"I ask you only one thing, my love. Don't try to look at me. In the darkness we are like equals and we will have to appreciate the feeling that is between us."
Y/n decided to consent to her husband's request. But time passed and curiosity was burning her. "Why was Jimin so afraid  to be seen? If he believes in our love then he must not be afraid that I will leave him. Now I am his and I have given myself to him..." Y/n thought and so he decided to act that night.
Y/n waited for her husband to fall asleep. She got up, coming out of the embrace of her lover and decided to take a lamp and turn it on, grabbing a knife in the meantime. He slowly approached the bed and once she lit up his face, she was speechless.
Jimin was not a monster, he did not have a grotesque appearance, but rather of a wonderful and straight boy. He had a few pink tufts gently sliding down his face. Fleshy lips and perfect features. He was magnificent.
She slowly approached to contemplate her husband's face, but unfortunately, a drop of lamp oil fell and fell directly on Jimin's chest, causing him to wake up suddenly.
Jimi looked up and found himself in front of  Y/n. His surprised look turned into pure anger.
"You're silly. A stupid one. What did I tell you? You probably thought I was a monster eh? And that dagger? You thought I was a monster and so you were ready to cut my throat? My love wasn't enough for you and that's how you reciprocate it?"
Jimin stood up and his anger was immense. Y/N fell to his knees in front of him, her face wet with tears.
"Please, my love. Forgive me. I was wrong but I can't lose you. I love you so much. Give me a chance to fix it..." But Jimin dressed in a hurry and came out of the balcony, opening his huge wings, ready to take flight.
"I asked you to make me a promise and you didn't keep it. Now you will never see me again. Goodbye"
And Jimin took flight. Y/n tried to stop him, jumping on him, but failed. She fell to the floor with a broken heart. Suddenly a wind enveloped her. It was again Jungkook, who had been asked by Jimin to bring Y/n back to his home. Among mortals.
Y/n woke up again on the precipice on which she had been abandoned, but did not decide to return home, but every day she went to pray at the temple of the goddess Aphrodite, asking to give her an opportunity to reunite with her beloved. But the goddess was silent, leaving the girl alone to crave her lost love.
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Taglist: @gabriella-aesthetic
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glitterians · 4 years
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Works of Love: Eros
NJ | SJ | HS | JM | TH | JK
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3
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def-initely-soul · 5 years
‘Ερως και Ψυχή (Prologue)
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A/N: Sigh... Kim Seokjin is rude. I’m in no way responsible fro this. Maybe a little? Also I’m drubk so don’t trust me I’m a LiAr
Words: 905
Pairing: Seokjin/Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff/Smut/Mythology AU/Eros & Psyche AU
Warnings: None
People are fond of stories. Telling them to their children right before bedtime, through laughs between friends on a beach at night, whispered between the softness of sheets in the ears of a lover. Stories are what makes up the essence of being human. They move, thrill, capture, lighten the burden of life.
Some of them are small. Insignificant to a large part of humanity, but nonetheless important to those who manage to hear them. Others are short. Taking place in the span of a few seconds, existing to only bring elation to their recipients through laughter. Those short stories are the ones that are most probably works of someone’s imagination.
There are other stories too. Lengthier, taking place over the span of several years, decades, eons and so on.
And there are others that last through lifetimes. One such as these begins from the beginning of time itself. When gods and goddesses used to take claim of the actions of humans. When humans themselves mattered as little as possible to the deities of that age.
Our story, as often stories do, revolves around a human.
A human that managed to capture a young god’s heart.
This is the story of God Eros and the human he fell in love with.
Her hands are caressing the soft fabric, as it cascades her body, wrapping tenderly around her curves, like a waterfall. It feels cool against her skin, providing relief in this hot summer day.
The girl looks stunning. Beautiful beyond measure as her hair frame her delicate features in a way it makes her resemble a nymph of the forest.
Today is her wedding day. People from all over the city are gathered at her father’s house, eager to catch a glimpse of the most beautiful girl in Greece, the one whose beauty rivals that of Aphrodite, getting married.
It’s supposed to be the happiest day of her life.
And yet, as her eyes find her figure in the mirror, a sharp sorrow is etched deeply into the curves of her features.
Her eyes water but she blinks her tears away.
There’s no time for tears now. They won’t be to any use. And she’s sure once she begins crying she won’t be able to stop.
“Psyche! Father is waiting!” her eldest sister says cheerfully, as she makes her departure for the ceremony. Her voice is soft and airy, joyous as if her words could bring a sense of excitement to the girl with the watery eyes.
She takes a breath. There’s nothing else she can do. Nothing but walk towards her father as he gives her away like a heard of sheep.
She wipes the one stray tear that managed to escape her eyelashes before gathering her garments.
It’s time.
The man looks down to the young girl as she still remains oblivious of his figure in her chambers.
His task is simple. Shoot the arrow. Have her fall in love with the most gruesome living thing he can find. Orders directly from the man’s mother, who stubbornly wanted the girl punished for anyone daring to think she’s more beautiful than the Goddess of beauty herself.
Eros looks, observes quietly as the girl takes breath after breath, staring herself in the mirror as if she doesn’t recognize the girl staring back at her. Her eyes are glassy and her cheeks red.
She doesn’t look particularly happy for someone getting married, the winged god thinks.
“Psyche! Father is waiting!”
The other girl’s voice catches the god by surprise. He doesn’t have much time.
So he takes an arrow out of his quiver, places it over his bow, pulls the string back and aims.
But as he remains focused on the young girl, the god hesitates. His concentration crumbles to dust once his eyes find hers.
Her face is rough, schooled into indifference as she slowly drags her feet across the floor. But her eyes are blocked. As if a protective wall is covering their depths to prevent anyone from seeing inside.
But the god sees.
He observes.
He understands.
He decides.
And he lowers his bow.
His mother will have to look for someone else.
Aphrodite is silently fuming in her chambers.
Her son’s disobedience isn’t something she had the grace of knowing till now. Till that little mortal girl walked into the picture.
Was the goddess supposed to feel bad about the human marrying someone she didn’t love? Was the goddess supposed to care?
Of course not. All she wanted was for the girl to be ridiculed. No one could be more beautiful than the goddess of beauty.
But Eros has gotten weak. His loving nature sadly expanded over to humans. He felt pity for the poor girl. Decided to not follow the goddess’s orders, believing the girl had already received “divine punishment” by being forced to get married to a stranger.
But the goddess isn’t satisfied. And her son’s disobedience did its part in amplifying the goddess’s fury.
The goddess sighs.
And an idea makes its appearance in her mind.
One where she’ll get to punish both the girl and her son.
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aayidael-blog · 6 years
Greek Myth! BTS - Introduction
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Looking at the tapestry above the Moirai’s coven, I can’t help but grimace. The tapestries above are the immortals’ fate weaved by themselves. 
The three fates cannot interfere with how they live their life that’s why it is a messy tapestry, the only beautiful thing is that their colours—vibrant and glowing. 
Staring at the middle one, I cringed. There’s a gold glowing thread with so many other threads connected to it—it’s Zeus’, the lord of the sky and the god of the gods. 
It’s not new anymore, he’s been known a playboy and he’d fuck anything that is breathing even if its a snake or a bird. Poor, Hera...
I stared at the other thread, there’s one that caught my eye. The purest and loneliest black thread, Hades’. Quite unfair isn’t it.
Then I look at the blue glowing thread, its Poseidon’s, there are also many threads connected to it but it is not as messy as Zeus’s. Just right to indicate that he still doesn’t have a consort. 
The white thread of Apollo, the pink thread of Eros, the red thread of Ares, the grey thread of Hermes are indeed eye-catching because there’s less thread that is connected to it, even Ares’ he’s only connected to Aphrodite and other nymphs. 
Athena’s thread is also clean of connection, the silver thread is steady with its only connection to Zeus—as her father. 
I laugh softly remembering something when I went down to the mortal’s museum of gods in Athens. They portrayed Athena as a woman, a virgin goddess...but is she really a goddess?
I return my gaze back to the three foster mothers of mine who was weaving a new thread of life and cutting some fading threads indicating that they are about to die. 
“Why won’t you rectify the fates of the gods?” 
Atropos glance at me slightly before replying, “we can’t.” 
“Then if someone can, will you allow them?” 
The three fate look at each other before returning to what they were doing, “we would actually be honoured.” 
I nod my head. The immortals draw their own destiny while the fate can only watch everything unfold into chaos. They don’t have the power to do it, they can only interfere with a mortal’s life because immortals can’t die. 
“Should I rectify it?” I questioned staring at the reaction of my three foster mothers. They stopped for a moment before resuming, they didn’t reply but I can see a faint smile plastered in their faces. 
That’s it then. “Let’s go Dayi, we have something fun to do now.” 
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girl8890 · 3 years
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Started: 11/01/2021
Last Updated: 11/09/2022
Total Works: 41
Ⓡⓔⓠⓤⓔⓢⓣⓢ: CLOSED
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Rating System
💦 = Smut , 🐑 = Fluff , 👊 = Angst ,
💜 = Personal Favorite , ✨ = New , 💋 = Popular ,
✔️ = Completed , ✍🏼 = Work in Progress ,
❌ = Hiatus
All 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 will have their own Index, but their links are in this Master List.
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✨All o7 ✨
BTS & Euphoria: R Town 💦🐑👊💜✍🏼18+ (26/41)
-> Summary: A town sign says a lot about a town. Our sign explains it perfectly. "R Town" it reads. A town that is completely owned by all of us. There is a town owner, but they haven't been around since the Great Depression. And that's when the towns name, at least to the people who live in it, became R Town. Knocking the P, A, and K right off the sign because anyone who abandons this place should never come back… They never want to anyway… (more summary inside index).
-> Genre: small town!au, sex/strip club!au, smut, angst, fluff
Coming Out as Trans-W 🐑✨ T
Reaction to sick s/o 🐑 T
Pregnant s/o 🐑💋 V
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
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Unwanted Reunion 💦🐑👊💜💋✔️18+
↳ part: I , II
-> Summary: Once pining lovers from the past, unmated but soulmates nonetheless. Fate brings you two together after all this time, and catching up on all that you’ve missed stirs feelings you want to shove away from your being. For Seokjin, on the other hand, those feelings have never been able to leave.
-> Genre: demon!au, soulmates!au, royalty!au, exs-to-lovers, smut, fluff, angst
Scar Kisses 🐑👊 V
-> Summary: You and your boyfriend Jin, tend to get in a lot of tickle fights. You always wore long sleeves, so nothing was ever exposed. Until, one tickle fight reveled some of your scars you never expected he would see.
-> Warnings: Fluff, Jealous Jin, Mentions of past self-harm, Scar kisses, Talks about suicide, Cuddling.
NSFW Alphabet 💦 18+
Seokjin as Eros T
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
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BTS in Wonderland 🐑👊✍🏼❌ V (3/?)
-> Summary: You’ve been the biggest BTS fan since you could remember. Always swooning over their music, and having the biggest crush on the rapper Suga. But one day, while driving to their concert your friends were meeting you at, you get into a car accident that leaps you off a bridge and down a deep hole. A hole that brings you to Wonderland where your favorite boy band are now completely different people…. And there’s a certain cat that can’t keep his eyes off of you.
-> Genre: Wonderland!au, Violence, Angst
Coffee Date 🐑T
-> Summary: Yoongi never expected to find the girl of his dreams in a coffee shop. Especially when one glimpse at her has him face planting into a wall… yeah, awkward.
-> Warnings: first dates, meet cute, fluff, burning (from coffee), awkward moments, second hand embarrassment, Yoongi pining, one curse word
Accidents Happen 🐑👊 T
-> Summary: Yoongi and you have been dating for 2 years all in secret. You’ve been extra careful about keeping your relationship a secret from the public until an accident reveals it to the world, and you both need to deal with the consequences.
-> Warnings: idol!yoongi, some angst, k-pop stigmas, secrets revealed, emotional support
Ch.2 - R Town 💦👊💜18+
-> Summary: Suga x J-hope. Suga has been in love with his best friend J-hope since childhood. He’s been secretly longing for his friend for years, but has been mostly content with the relationship they have as friends... mostly.
-> Warnings: Small town!au, Angst, Smut, Pining, Jealousy, Loss of virginity (past tense), Anal sex, Prostitution, Vaginal sex, Cheating, Suicidal thoughts, Self-harm (past tense), Confessions.
NSFW Alphabet 💦18+
Yoongi as Hypnos T
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
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Like you, Like you 💦🐑💜✔️ 18+
↳ part: I , II
-> Summary:  J-Hope has always been the out going and confident one in the group. He’s the one everyone goes to if they want to have a fun time. When you finally get to meet him, the guy you’ve had a crush on since you were 17, and hearing about for so long by your best friend Taehyung, you don’t understand why he’s so distant towards you. Until, Jin tells you his secret.
-> Genre: Idol!Hoseok, Friends-to-lovers, Smut (p2), Fluff, Some Angst
Ch.2 - R Town 💦👊18+
-> Summary: Suga x J-hope. Suga has been in love with his best friend J-hope since childhood. He’s been secretly longing for his friend for years, but has been mostly content with the relationship they have as friends... mostly.
-> Warnings: Small town!au, Angst, Smut, Pining, Jealousy, Loss of virginity (past tense), Anal sex, Prostitution, Vaginal sex, Cheating, Suicidal thoughts, Self-harm (past tense), Confessions.
NSFW Alphabet 💦18+
Having the Same Birthday 🐑 T
Hoseok as Gelos T
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Customers Always Right 💦🐑💜18+
-> Summary: When you first started working at your boyfriends diner, you thought you were just there to help out. You didn’t think after that first day that you would be walking in everyday wondering how he would fuck you next.
-> Warnings: business owner!au, established relationship!au, smut, fluff, pwop, public sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, vaginal/anal fingering, oral sex (m & f), multiple orgasms, multiple positions, getting caught, spanking, cumming on reader, masturbation (m), hair pulling, praises, kinda dom!rm, reader is on birth control, protective rm
Blue Hair 🐑 T
-> Summary: Namjoon being in love with a shy reader. Their so shy, even doing something as little as complimenting someone is a big deal. So when he hears them compliment him for the first time, his brain goes haywire.
-> Warnings: Fluff, Shy reader, Mentions of PTSD, Reader does not have PTSD, Panic attack, Pining Namjoon.
Namjoon as Poseidon T
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Tainted 👊💋V
-> Summary: The next in line to be throne, Prince Jimin, must decide who it is that will follow him into kingship and be his queen. None of the girls his mother bestows him with interest him at all. He much rather see all their head cuts off--imagining such things as each princess or lords daughter steps into the throne room. It isn’t until you step in, shaking and clutching your skirt as you pray for him not to pick you, that the thoughts of death stop and new thoughts surface.
-> Warnings: yandere, royalty!au, historical!au, angst, bratty!jm, spoiled!jm, executions, blood, fascination with death, forced marriage, unhealthy obsession, forced kissing, jm touches reader inappropriately once, ripping of clothing, implied forced sex, implied dirty thoughts.
The Cave Dweller 💦🐑💋18+
-> Summary: It started out as a curiosity, then you met a being that took up your interest altogether. You’ve always been the type of person to comfort those who are lonely, you just didn’t expect your new found friend to be a cave monster. A monster that teaches you tricks of magic, and you eventually teach him your own dirty tricks
-> Warnings: supernatural!au, magic!au, curse!au, smut, some fluff, lonely Jimin, mean Jimin (at first), curious reader, too curious for her own good, touch starved Jimin, curses, mutual growth of feelings, first kiss, past masturbation mentioned, first hand job, reader basically teaches Jimin about sex, blow jobs, monster Jimin turns into a mess, reader is such a minx!
Slightly Open Door 💦🐑💜18+
-> Summary: Jimin has always been super respectful towards you. Even when you have sex, he treats you like a precious glass doll, but this nice boy has a dirty secret, and he’s about to find out how you feel about this secret of his.
-> Warnings: Established relationship, Smut, Descriptions of Anxiety, Lustful thoughts, Slight-dom Jimin (but he’s still our innocent mochi). Masturbation, Vaginal sex, Watching partner masturbate
Cuddle Puddle 🐑 T
-> Summary: Jimin wanting to hold your hand during the first date at the movies, but when it takes him a million obvious glances to even touch your pinky, you decide to take the hand holding to a full on cuddle puddle!
-> Warnings: First dates, Fluff, Nervous!Jimin, Nervousness, Hand Holding, Cuddling
Ch.1 - R Town 💦🐑18+
-> Summary: Jimin x Taehyung. Jimin just lost his closest friend and only place to live. He’s starting to run low on money, and the only person willing to help is someone he hates. The rich bitch of their town, Taehyung, wants to “help” Jimin, but no help comes for free in Taehyung’s eyes.
-> Warnings: Virgin!jimin, Rich!taehyung, Small town!au, Jimin's POV, Homelessness, Loss of virginity, Anal sex, Rough sex, Prostitution, Neglectful parents (mentioned), Mental health struggles, Death of a friend.
NSFW Alphabet 💦18+
Jimin as Dionysus T
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Penpals 💦🐑👊✍🏼❌18+ (18/26)
-> Summary: You weren’t big on social media. Hell, you didn’t even care much for trends. So when you get a notification one day on instagram from a person claiming to be a global sensation, you can’t believe it. Months later, you still can’t believe your penpals with BTS’s good boy - Kim Taehyung himself.
-> Genre: Idol!Tae, Instagram friends, Friends-to-Lovers, Slow Burn, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Porn Without Plot 💦18+
-> Summary: One day, when both your boyfriend and you have off for the day, he asks you to watch a movie with him. You didn’t think a movie - that’s was X rated, mind you - would somehow have you naked in his lap.
-> Warnings: established relationship!au, smut, porn without plot (duh), watching porn, fake sex (tv), cuddling naked, vaginal fingering, oral sex (m), slow face fucking, hickeys, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up, kids!), praises, dom!tae, sub!reader, shy!reader, couples watching porn, first time watching porn together, cock warmer, he smacks your ass twice
Ch.1 - R Town 💦👊18+
-> Summary: Jimin x Taehyung. Jimin just lost his closest friend and only place to live. He’s starting to run low on money, and the only person willing to help is someone he hates. The rich bitch of their town, Taehyung, wants to “help” Jimin, but no help comes for free in Taehyung’s eyes.
-> Warnings: Virgin!jimin, Rich!taehyung, Small town!au, Jimin's POV, Homelessness, Loss of virginity, Anal sex, Rough sex, Prostitution, Neglectful parents (mentioned), Mental health struggles, Death of a friend.
NSFW Alphabet 💦💋18+
Taehyung as Hermes T
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Project Partners 💦🐑💋✍🏼18+ (7/8)
-> Summary: Jungkook has always been a loner. Only having one friend that barely even lets him get a word out. College should be flying by with the type of life he’s living. But every time he sees one girl, in particular, it seems like time slows down. Now that a group project has been assigned, and no one is allowed to pick their partners. What will Jungkook do now that he has to work closely with the girl he’s madly in love with for the next three months?
-> Genre: College!au, Loner/shy!jk, Virgin!jk, Smut, Fluff
Yes, Ma’am 💦🐑✨✍🏼 18+
↳ part: I , II , III
-> Summary: Jungkook’s life has always been ruled by women and their strict rules that were practically law in his eyes. First with his mother, then his teachers and professors, and now he has a boss that’s just as strict. The difference between his past encounters with these types of women, is instead of cowering in fear from potentially doing the wrong thing, all Jungkook wants to do is please you.
-> Genre: ceo/boss!au, bdsm, smut, fluff
Hieros Gamos 💦🐑👊💜💋✔️ 18+
↳ part: I , II , III
-> Summary: In a world where many different kinds of love are possible, Jungkook, the god of death, finds himself loving someone that should be impossible. One where he runs away and comes back to constantly, all because fate forced him to endure something he’s never wanted.
-> Genre: greek gods!au, soulmate!au, smut, angst, some fluff
Cabin In The Woods 💦🐑👊💜💋 18+
-> Summary: Everyone knows to stay out of the forest, but through a dare you ventured in… you just never came out. Meeting a wolf that says he needs you to survive, and you have no one else to give your love to but the animal that uses you every night. 
-> Warnings: yandere, supernatural!au, horror!au, smut, angst, some fluff (if you squint), bullying, disfiguration of body parts, breaking of bone, mate bonding, possessiveness, implied murder, blood, eating of people & living animals, implied/attempt at rape/non-con, vaginal sex, cream pie, cock warming, pussy sniffing & kissing, jk is horny for reader 99% of the time, kinda stockholm syndrome-ish, easily manipulated reader, dom!jk, sub!reader, lonely!reader
The Wolf Within You 💦🐑💋 18+
-> Summary:  Arranged marriages always seemed to be so boring on the outside. A treaty pairing the two wolf clans together was the only reason you and Jungkook got married in the first place. But once you saw the little omega shy away from you, holding onto his sleeves for dear life, you knew your marriage was going to be anything but boring.
-> Warnings: supernatural!au, arranged marriage!au, smut, some fluff, dom!reader, sub!jk, pwp, vaginal sex, oral sex (m), oversensitivity, orgasm denial, reader is a little minx, repeated orgasms, bondage, jealousy, use of the word “slut” once, pain!kink, humiliation!kink, marking!kink, biting, hickeys, blood, praises, begging
Virgin Sacrifice 💦👊💜💋18+
-> Summary: Since the day you were born, your parents prepared you for your sacrifice. The whole village knew, and with that everyone stayed away from you. Thinking even just looking at you would make the demon in waiting mad. The demon that has been praying on you since birth, but not for what you expected. 
-> Warnings: smut, angst, demon!au, virgin sacrifice, neglectful parents, grooming, minor character death, jealousy, loss of virginity, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, big dick!jk, marking, biting, rough sex, one-sided love, stalking, murder, blood
Big Fat Crush 💦💋18+
-> Summary: Jungkook, the youngest of all the BTS members, has a crush on the new crew member for Run BTS. He’s extra shy, and seems to always act awkward around you. When you go to his room to get him prepared for a video you’re filming later, you catch him at a really bad time… that ends up becoming a really good time.
-> Warnings: Idol!Jk, smut, Lustful thoughts, Wet dreams, Dry Humping, Masturbation, Oral (m receiving).
Little Bunny 🐑💋18+
-> Summary: You and Jungkook have been dating a while now, and you've called him all the basic adoring nicknames. He's working on a project, and you start to get bored when he stops paying attention to you. While browsing on Twitter, you see someone call him "little bunny," and you wonder how he'll react if you call him the same nickname.
-> Genre: established relationship, fluff
NSFW Alphabet 💦 18+
Jungkook as Thanatos T
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profangirllu · 2 years
Actor!Eren Yeager - General Headcanons
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just some general headcanons about actor!eren bc I like this au :-)
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: mentions of mental health issues, but I think that’s it!
Eren is pretty tan
He likes to spend time outside so he’s pretty friendly with the sun
He has freckles
(you can see them under the makeup in closeups on camera)
He’s very athletic so he’s pretty muscular but in like a lean way
He’s literally drop dead gorgeous
Like he was cute as a kid/pre-teen but puberty hit him like a freaking truck
Like between season 3 and 4 when puberty was finishing up for him he just like
Changed into a god
So if half the world wasn’t already in love with him they would be now
That being said he doesn’t totally enjoy always being praised for his looks
Like yeah once in a while but he’s had times where fans just reduce him to his face or his body and it makes him uncomfortable
Like notice him for his talent too!!!! 😡
Speaking of his face, he has the literal most beautiful eyes ever
When the show started airing there were thousands of posts asking whether or not that was his real eye color
He confirmed that they are, in fact, his real eyes
He’s tall but people don’t always realize it bc the rest of the cast (minus Levi lol) are also pretty tall
So when people see him in real life/in pictures with other people they’re always like huh???!!!
Bc he’s so good looking he’s done modeling for several luxury brands like Gucci, YSL, Versace, etc.
Like he did an ad for the Versace Eros cologne and it sold out within 20 minutes of the ad being released
He’s actually really fashionable
I see him having similar style to people like Tom Holland, Taehyung from BTS, and Hyunjin from Stray Kids
He’s got tons of hoodies too
Perfect for stealing
(Which the rest of the cast definitely does)
Background/How He Got Started:
He has a background in boxing/martial arts that he started in because he got bullied when he was younger and needed an outlet for his emotions
So he enrolled in some martial arts and gymnastics classes at a local gym and ended up really liking it
He started gaining a small following before landing his role on AOT by posting boxing/martial arts vids and tutorials
It helped him a lot when he got the job
Speaking of which, AOT was his first role
He had started taking acting lessons seriously after he did a few school plays and ended up applying for the open casting call that had been put out for AOT
He actually almost didn’t end up submitting his audition bc he figured nothing would happen and they wouldn’t look twice at someone who had no real experience
But the directors were like “oh my god this is exactly who we’re looking for where has he been all this time????!!!”
Cause like they’d been having major trouble casting their main role
The candidates were great and the auditions were good but no one really fit
And then came Eren 😇
The directors were all like: oh my GOD???!!!!
So it was no question that he was going to be Eren
He had this haunting way of portraying Eren while also embodying how excited/angry he was in the first few seasons
Plus he could already do tons of cool tricks!!!
So it was a win-win situation
He can sometimes pretty reserved and quiet when he first meets people
Which makes people think he’s kind of mean/standoffish and intimidating
(Maybe it’s his resting bitch face)
But he’s actually super chill and very fun when he gets comfortable
He can be very affectionate to the people he’s close with i.e. the main cast and crew of AOT
Lots of hugs and arms around shoulders and random friendly cheek pecks all around
Expect to be attacked with a bear hug if he sees so much as a frown on anyone’s face
He’s actually really funny
Like he doesn’t try he’s just funny
Idk how to explain it
Like the facial expressions he makes when someone does something questionable?
There’s hour long compilations on youtube of them
Connie says something weird?
Eren has a face for that
Jean acts cute for his fans?
Eren has a face for that
Someone says they ship (idk) Mikasa and Zeke?
He spoils so much
Because he forgets what has been revealed in the show and what’s been revealed in the manga
And like people wonder if some of the stuff that happens in the manga is gonna happen in the show
And sometimes he can’t remember so he just says stuff and then Zeke, Levi, and Hange have to do damage control
Poor baby just sits there confused until he realizes 😭
He has this aura about him that puts people at ease
Bc he’s very charismatic and charming and easygoing
Someone makes a mistake? Hey, no biggie he’ll help them work on it and they’ll get it next time
But he’s also very serious about his work
Incredibly hard working and strives to be his best
When he doesn’t feel like he did his best he can get very upset and depressed bc he’s actually also very self conscious
Being in the spotlight all the time will do that to you 🙃
But he’s working on it
He actually had to have a psychologist on set for season 4-5 because of how bad it was getting and how much bad stuff he had to act like he was doing
Like there’d be a torture scene and he’d feel like shit after having to do it even though everyone knew it was just acting
But Eren doesn’t like it even if it’s fake
(‘cause he’s lowkey a softie and very protective of the people he cares about)
Also bc of the amount of just sheer bad stuff Eren the character does in the final two seasons and the amount of controversy surrounding the character he gets concerned
Bc idk he works hard on the character and the show and he wants people to enjoy it yk
But Eren has an amazing support group with the cast and crew
And no matter what happens or how deep Eren gets in his mind
They will always have his back
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bluskai · 3 years
ʚ gen's fic recs ɞ
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most of my fic recs on tumblr are reblogged on @smuttymccall ༉‧₊˚✧
these are just a few special ones closer to my heart :)
harry potter
one where they help you out of subspace ➸ marauders era | marauders x reader | it is exactly what it sounds like and i love it
one where they push you too far into subspace ➸ marauders era | marauders x reader | same writer as above, i just can't ok
one where you have to wear his rings ➸ golden era | bill weasley x reader | it is so bloody good, please
rowan and caleb ➸ deaf werewolf | ocs x reader | it's so fluffy i love it
telum ➸ dragon | oc x reader | it's so fucking hot jesus
ascal ➸ naga | oc x reader | this ignites something feral inside me and i can't explain it
curran and nil ➸ minotaur and orc | ocs x reader | i can't even speak
arik ➸ naga | oc x reader | i go fucking feral for this oc istg
thralest ➸ orc | oc x reader | i just can't ok, this oc makes me feel safe
kalil ➸ naga | oc x reader | i appear to have a thing for nagas, oops
merikh ➸ incubus | oc x reader | good lord this fic is so much pain but it's so hot
harry styles
il ritorno ➸ dunkirk au | alex!harry x reader | i feel too many emotions for this series
sugary sweet ➸ hybrid au | taehyung x yoongi x namjoon x reader | ugh love this fic and the way it makes me feel
peaky blinders
in the dead of the night ➸ arthur shelby x reader | this is so cute i hate it and love it
faint of heart ➸ ivar x reader | it's so good and there's some rlly decent angst in it
don't you love me ➸ steve rogers x reader | oof, this one. right through the heart
even in hades i am with you ➸ loki x reader | hades au | it's kinda dark, but ooh
game of thrones
footprints in the sand ➸ oberyn martell x ellaria x reader | ooh this one, my god...
the lion and her sun ➸ oberyn martell x ellaria x reader | another one, because you can never have enough oberyn
꒰ ao3 ꒱
harry potter
all the young dudes ➸ marauders era | wolfstar | slowburn, like ridiculously slow. but it's so good
manacled ➸ golden era | dramione | voldemort wins au, dark fic but it hurts so good
nightmare ➸ golden era x riddle era | tomione | time turner fic and it's so bloody well done
the scent of malice ➸ golden era | drarry | amorentia fic! the pining and angst, ugh
when midnight comes ➸ golden era | dramione | time loop trope meets enemies to lovers. oof, my heart
heart, kid ➸ stucky x reader | the pain, oh god the pain, but the ending is so beautiful
absolute power corrupts absolutely ➸ loki x reader | it's literally pwp, but who needs a plot right
lord of the rings / the hobbit
tiny Hobbits ➸ bilbo x thorin | the sweetest, most adorable fix-it fic ever
꒰ fanfiction.net ꒱
harry potter
eros and psyche ➸ golden era | everyone x everyone tbh | it's just a big orgy fic and i'm not complaining
persephone ➸ golden era | tomione | really dark fic, but it's good
unsphere the stars ➸ golden era x riddle era | tomione | ho ho i love this one oh god, it's a time turner fic once again
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akshstudios · 3 years
Inside The Writer's Journal
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[ bts ]
[ meant to be : rm werewolf au ]* [ always have, always will : jungkook a/b/o au ] [ belong with you : v brother's best friend au ] [ always with you : jimin childhood enemies best friend's brother au ] [ still with you : jungkook childhood crush reunion au ] [ in his camera, mind and heart : v university au ] [ his bestfriend and i : jimin ] [ falling note by note : yoongi ] [ not that far apart : jin ]
[ ot7!bts × reader stories ]
[ you never walk alone: werewolf mate au ]* [ mikrokosmos : hybrid au ]* [ café serendipity : a/b/o universe au : idol au ] [ to charm an alpha : a/b/o au ] [ the snow & the seven: reader hybrid au ] [ the men & their wife: arranged marriage au ] [ different same world: arranged marriage au ] [ pretty cat woman: reader hybrid au ] [ queen of their hearts : royal au ] [ seductress, monsters & infinity : royal au ] [ we got you, you got us: university au ] [ the hybe corporations : a/b/o universe au : heiress au ] [ the vampire princess : vampire au ] [ bulletproof and the butterfly : exes to lovers au ] [ take a human home : alien au ]
[ matters of the heart in the mafia series : bts mafia arranged marriage au ]*
[ lily : rm ]* [ moonflower : jin ] [ sunflower : jhope ] [ snowdrop : suga ] [ rose : taehyung ] [ dragon flower : jimin ] [ honeysuckle : jungkook ]
[ one percent in love : bts chaebol au ]
[ the executive and his aide : suga co-workers au ] [ a person called home : rm business partners au ] [ home is where the heart is : v past crushes reunion au ] [ you are not alone : jimin co-workers ex-friends with benefits au ] [ the trophy husband : jhope fake marriage au ] [ still not over you : jin exes au ] [ stay by my side : jungkook bff au ]
[ behind the campus walls : bts university au ]
[ the sun and his sunshine : jhope bestfriends to lovers au ] [ mermaid of his ocean heart : jungkook childhood friends to lovers au ] [ between the bookshelves : popular reader student president rm au ] [ to be the other's epiphany : jin blind date au ] [ break my heart again : yoongi exes to lovers au ]
[ meeting down the aisle : bts arranged marriage au ]
[ down the altar, with a superstar : jin ] [ he loves me, he loves me not : v ] [ his baby wife : jungkook ] [ just the way we wanted : rm ] [ to be the replacement : yoongi ] [ to marry the best man : jimin ] [ chasing the sun : jhope ]
[ unit series ]
[ dance major!jimin × chaebol!you × photography major!jungkook : sub!bts au ] [ werewolf!v × werewolf!you × werewolf!jimin : werewolf mate au × rejected mate au ] [ musician!namjoon × webtoon artist!you × puppy!jungkook : neighbours au ] [ alpha!jungkook × omega!you × omega!jimin × alpha!v : housemates au ]
[ a royal pain in the ass : bts royal au ]
[ married young : jin child arranged marriage au ] [ lily of his life : rm enemies to lovers au ] [ the flower warrior : jk cross-dressed reader au ] [ scars worth loving : suga childhood engaged au ] [ to choose a queen : jimin enemies to lovers au ] [ the throne of his heart : v ] [ the warrior princess : jhope ]
[ celeb bangtan ]
[ supermodel!you × rm ] [ famous choreographer!you × jhope ] [ perfect global idol!you × jungkook ] [ artist/photographer!you × taehyung ] [ actress!jin × you ] [ music producer!you × suga ] [ olympian!you × jimin ]
[ love, the grecian way ]
[ persephone!you × hades!jin ] [ aphrodite!you × hepaestus!rm ] [ eros!taehyung × psyche!you ] [zeus!jhope × hera!you ] [ poseidon!jimin ]
[ cupid club ]
[virgin!jk × experienced!you ] [ taehyung × inexperienced!you ] [ exes to lovers au : rm × you ] [ dom!jhope × sub!you ] [ voyeur!dom!suga × inexperienced!you ] [ powerbottom!jimin × subtop!you ] [ boyfriend experience!jin × client!you ]
[ running with the wolves series : bts werewolf au ]
[ lycanalpha!rm × human!you ] [ lycanbeta!jin ] [lycanwarrior!jhope × vampire!you ] [ lycanhealer!suga × healer intern!you ] [ lycanwarrior!jungkook × bestfriend!you ] [ lycanwarrior!v ] [ lycanwarrior!jimin ]
[ match made in heaven : bts soulmate au ]
[ bodyart soulbond : jungkook ] [ first touch soulbond : jimin ]
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smileyoongle · 4 years
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>> υnearтнly
Memento (Warlock!KSJ) Being re-written
Destined (Werewolf!KNJ): Part 1/ Part 2
Crave (Demon!MYG): Part 1/ Part 2
Arcane (Angel!JHS)
Undying (Eros!PJM)
Enchanted (Hades!KTH)
Amour Mort (Vampire!JJK)
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>> ƒαɳƭαรíα: Disney Yandere!BTS AUs (teaser)
Prisoner (A Yandere!KSJ Rapunzel AU)
Hide and Seek (A Yandere!KNJ Snow white AU)
Afraid (A Yandere!MYG Beauty and the Beast AU)
Third time's a charm (A Yandere!JHS Aladdin AU)
Trapped (A Yandere!PJM Little Mermaid AU)
Kill for you (A Yandere!KTH Cinderella AU)
Unrequited (A Yandere!JJK Sleeping Beauty AU)
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>> ѕтυpιd cυpιd (teaser)
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Kindly be patient as I work through all the stories. They will be updated as and when I finish them.
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jeon-googi · 4 years
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— pairing: Greek God!Jungkook x Mortal!reader
 — genre: Fantasy, romance
 —Synopsis: The God of Love Jungkook always took his job seriously, that is, until he meets you.
— words: 2.2k
— rating: SFW-ish
— warnings: implied smut
— notes: I decided to make my first au series and after Bangbangcon last night, I wanted it to be BTS! These are going to be slight retellings of greek myths featuring our fave boys, this one was inspired by Eros and Psyche, I hope you enjoy! (not proofread again I’m sorry) 
Within the entirety of the land, it was rumored you were by far the most beautiful person any human could ever lay eyes on.
In fact dear reader, you even made the GODS jealous with how attractive you were. 
Rumors of your beauty stretched far and wide bringing many potential suitors but to be honest all of them were a bit scared because???? It seemed a little fishy honestly showing up to your quaint cottage??
A LOT of them would wind up leaving for fear of you being a monster or a trap or something but nope! You were you! 
Honestly it was getting a bit lonely when everyone was scared to approach you. 
Most thought you were SURELY going to get cursed because how could you be so beautiful??? It made no sense???
So you lived by yourself in your little cottage full of flowers and animals.
…..Little did you know…
You weren’t alone!
Or at least
Not completely!
You had a secret admirer!
Or at least that’s what you called it.
Most days you wake up and there would be a single lilly placed on your doorstep, 
The first time it happened you were a bit surprised! Most people never even stepped foot on your property
Yet here was this beautiful flower!!! Just for you!!!
You picked it up twirling it in your hand with a smile, shutting your front door
Reader not only were you beautiful to mortals
You were beautiful to the gods as well
 Jungkook first saw you when he was just flying over your town in the middle of a request from the god of beauty and romance, Jimin
Jungkook wasn’t a major god oh no, he was a god of love so he worked closely with Jimin, often doing small deeds for him.
But since he wasn’t a major god! He got a lot of freetime to mingle around the mortal realm
That specific day he saw you, you were in quite a pickle actually.
You had ventured into town to get some produce when the townsfolk started to act really nasty to you, mean comments under their breath and even going as far as to gather around you! Yelling at you to get out of the town!
Jungkook frowned because typically this town was rather peaceful, so the loud crowd got his attention.
Floating in closer he watched from the top of the buildings to see
Your eyes were watering as you grabbed your basket, trying to retreat out of the crowd but they grabbed onto you and lets just say Jungkook was FLAMED
But! He wasn’t allowed to intervene with human affairs unless ordered to! 
Eventually the crowd eased up enough for you to escape back to your home, but honestly you did not hold too much anger towards them after all they were just scared.
Sighing, you placed your basket on your counter and retreated to your garden for some much needed YOU time. 
Jungkook watched from the trees by your house, moved by your strength!  
While he had followed you back to your home, he just so happened to pick up some fruit. 
He was a god so he really didn’t need to eat so he quickly floated into your home, placing the produce in your basket. 
And being the sweetheart he is
He left one single lilly as a gift.
Watching from his hiding spot, he grinned as you stared at your basket confused, but smiled happily when seeing the flower.
Lets just say reader, you had his heart.
Since that day he made a routine route that passed over your village, and he would leave one flower just so he could see you smile. 
You honestly really appreciated the gifts, making sure you always said a small thank you outloud. 
Cue Jungkook holding his heart because wow he’s whipped for you
Your beauty was divine yes but Jungkook was a god of love! So he began to fall for the little things that made you so lovable to him
The way you sang when you gardened
The way you fed the small animals in your yard
The way you cuddled under your blankets when it was cold
Jungkook was IN LOVE
This little exchange went on for a while between you two, but soon Jungkook decided he really wanted to meet you!
He wanted to go shopping with you and grow flowers with you and dare he say HOLD YOUR HAND
For being a god of love Jungkook was very sweet and honestly he just wanted the chance to meet you reader.
That is how he currently stood in front of his friend/boss Jimin begging with all his might for some help!
“Jungkook you could literally just go talk to her.”
“But there are rules Jimin! I don’t want to get in trouble!”
Honestly Jimin has told Jungkook so many times he can do whatever he wants but! Kook just wants to follow the rules and do his best! So Jimin sighs as he thinks of a plan.
“God of Love Jungkook, your next task is to get the mortal Y/n to fall in love!”
Jimin patted himself on the back with that one tbh
Lets just say reader
Jungkook is HYPED
He couldn't fly fast enough to your home where he saw you sitting at a table in your yard, reading a book.
The breeze blew through your hair gently, and your eyes softly fluttered as you focused on the page
Honestly Jungkook hadn’t really thought this out because
His feet gently touched the ground as he nervously shook out his hands
He was so close! Yet! So! Nervous!
He even made a bouquet of Lilies for you!!!!
It was now or never for Jungkook, and so he quickly marched to your table.
You were honestly so absorbed in your book you didn’t even notice anyone approaching until a cough interrupted your thought
You glanced up, the sun shining in your eyes as you saw a figure before you!
A person! A real person! Or at least you hoped and that it wasn’t someone sent to fight you!
“Hello!” You smiled your eyes finally focusing on who it was before you and 
Reader before you was the most beautiful person you had ever seen,
The stranger tightly held a bouquet of flowers in his hands as he just stared at you, a childlike grin on his face.
“Hi…” he breathed out, the two of you staring at each other for some time.
Jungkook shook himself out of his daze as he presented the flowers to you
“These are for you!” 
He pushed the flowers into you as you took them into your own hands, grinning at the gift
“Are you the one who leaves me lilies on my door?”
Jungkook rubbed his neck sheepishly because
He nodded as he played with his fingers
“My name is Jungkook.”
“My name is Y/n.”
Lets just say reader
Your life became like a fairy tale after meeting Jungkook
The day you met you both sat and talked the entire day
And from then on he just became a constant in your life!
He would show up with bouquet after bouquet 
“Because you deserve them!” He told you
He wanted you to teach him how to garden and how to feed the animals
In return, he taught you dances from far away lands and told you stories of his travels.
By dusk, Jungkook would wish you a goodnight and return to, well, 
Wherever it is he lives you guess
In reality he is hightailing it around the world to finish his other tasks but! You always come first!
One night you were a lil sad he had to leave and trust me
He wasn’t sure what he could do to cheer you up so???
Before he left for the night he gripped your hands in his tightly
A blush on your face because well Jungkook never really tried anything physical with you
It was the first time you both ever had contact with each other
And you could feel small waves of electricity from his hands
You glanced up because wow! His voice! He sounded more serious than you had ever heard him before
When your eyes met his he gave you a big smile
“I really like you a lot y/n.”
You hear that reader???
That was the sound of your heart 
You could feel your face slowly turning red as you nodded your head
“I like you too, Jungkook!”
It should be known, Jungkook’s heart also exploded!
He was!
So happy! 
Honestly he couldn’t help himself as he pulled you in close, his lips happily pressing against yours
Reader you were currently kissing Jungkook aka a God of Love
You were so happy, as your hands wrapped around his neck pulling him in closer,
You always saw Jungkook as a happy, childish person
But wow
The way his hand gripped your leg to wrap around his waist
And the way he held you against the wall
And the way he seemed to be able to whisper spine chilling things
And the way his hands held your down into the sheets-alskdlkdlajdiow
Well he just seemed like a completely different person
It was the first time he stayed the whole night
And you guys played a great game of chess :D
Jk you guys know what went down
You woke up to the sun filtering in through your windows
The soft beams illuminating Jungkook's tan skin
His hair a mess of fluff on top of his head
He looked too perfect
You smiled, kissing his shoulder softly as he smiled in his sleep, pulling you closer to him.
It was all exactly how you pictured in your mind, being in love with someone
Did you just say????
In love???
You were in love with Jungkook???
Your face flushed at the thought but in your heart
Yeah you were.
Y/n finally had fallen in love.
A sharp knock at your door caused you to sit up, clutching your blankets to your chest
Jungkook somehow was already out of the bed, glancing through the window at who it was
His face looked startled which made you worry more,
“Jungkook…” You whispered as he turned around giving you a smile
“It’s alright Y/n it’s just a friend of mine”
Jungkook went to your door and opened it as you tried to eavesdrop
“Jimin…” he said, his voice serious
Jungkook whispered in hushed tones back and forth with whoever it was outside your home and you took the chance to quickly slip on your dress.
Approaching the door as well you peered around Jungkook's large shoulders to see another man with orange hair
What was with these insanely attractive people showing up at your door????
The man noticed you and gave you a smile
“Hello Y/n.” 
You gave a polite nod but Jungkook protectively pushed you behind him
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Jimin
Not at all
But Jimin actually showing up here meant something was wrong.
 “Y/n dear I just had a question for you.” The man spoke, his voice light like a fairies.
You gently patted Jungkook's lower back as you emerged from behind him, staring up at the being.
“Y/n do you love Jungkook?” 
Your heart beat rapidly as you wet your lips, glancing back at Jungkook who stared at you with wide eyes.
“Well…?” Jimin pressed
You nodded your head softly 
“I love him. I love Jungkook.”
Jimin gave a smile as he leaned in closer
“With all your heart?”
You shook your head
“With everything I have.”
Jimin gave a gleeful laugh as he clapped his hands
“Well Jungkook! You did it! You completed your task! Now the question is-”
Jimin's eyes seemed to pierce through Jungkook
“What will you do? You do so love rules.”
Jungkook couldn't really handle his emotions right now
On one hand, Jimin was right, you fell in love therefor his task was completed
On the other
Jimin watched the conflict in Jungkook's eyes as he smiled
“Jungkook, you've deserved a love like this for so long. You need to stay with Y/n.”
Jungkook but his lips nodding his head
“I want to stay...with Y/n forever.” 
Jimin, The god of Love and Beauty smiled at his best friend
“Jungkook, The God of Love, I relinquish you from your work as my helper. From here on out you may live freely, with whomever you choose. But I do expect visits every now and then.”
And then
Jimin was gone
You turned around to stare at Jungkook, his godly presence still shining through his mortal body.
He stared right at you
His eyes watering with tears of joy as he ran to you, scooping you into his arms tightly
“Y/n… Y/n..I love you..” he sobbed into your hair 
You sniffled as well, your arms holding him close
“I love you too Jungkook”
The legend of Jungkook and Y/n say they lived the rest of their lives together in that cottage, proving love could defy anything. But sometimes people could swear even now, eons later you could see a young couple, smiling and holding hands through the streets of the town.
The wife clutching a bouquet of lilies to her chest
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The Love I Always Desired Pt.2
Genre: Greek Mythology!Au, Greek God!Au, Fluff, Smut, Angst
Pairing: Eros!Jimin x Psiche!Reader
Words: 2718
Summery: Y/n, a beautiful girl who cannot find a husband, becomes the attraction of all the neighboring peoples who offer sacrifices and call her Venus (or Aphrodite). The deity, knowing the existence of Y/n, jealous of the usurped name, sends her son Jimin to make her fall in love with the ugliest and miserly man on Earth and be covered by the shame of this relationship, But the god makes a mistake, and the arrow of love strikes his own foot, and he falls madly in love with the girl.
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Part two
Y/n had lost the love of her life and along with it, also her happiness. With each passing day she was more and more tormented by despair that the love she had long awaited was now only a distant memory. But her heart was suffering and her beauty was slowly beginning to wear out. What was the point of taking care of herself when every look of every man now gave her a sense of repulsion? She just wanted a single look and that was Jimin's.
Y/n, trying to erase all thoughts about him, during the day she took care of the temple of the god Taehyung, supreme being of spring and agriculture, but, despite this, every night she found himself praying to Aphrodite to grant her a single encounter with her love ... only one... but the goddess seemed to ignore her and the young princess suffered more and more, day after day.
Taehyung saw how the poor girl was slowly wasting herself in her pain and had compassion for her. On a sunny day, he decided to prostrate himself in front of Y/n with the intention of helping her.
"Y/n... I am seeing how you suffer and seeing a young and beautiful woman like you in these conditions makes my heart ache. Return today to the temple of the goddess Aphrodite. I will convince her to receive you. Present yourself to the goddess with humility and submission to appease her wrath and perhaps help you regain her love..."
Y/n was amazed and knelt before the god, thanking him with all of herself. Taehyung reached out to her hand and when the girl grabbed her, he helped her get up, with a beautiful square smile.
"Now go. You will not want to make your beloved wait." Y/n bowed her head in thanksgiving and ran to the temple of the goddess of beauty.
When she arrived, she found herself in front of the majestic statue of the goddess and began to pray to her again, as Taehyung had advised her. In fact, thanks to the advice of the god, the goddess appeared with an expression of resentment and disgust for the girl who begged her.
"Here again? What are you doing in my temple? You, the most hateful and disloyal of creatures?"
"I humbly throw myself before the goddess of love and put myself at your service in search of forgiveness," Y/n knelt in submission.
Aphrodite made fun of her by making a loud laugh escape. "Do you believe that you will be forgiven easily for robbing me of the offerings intended for me and for hurting my son's heart?"
"Your... your... son? So he..."
"That's right. He is Eros, but also known by all as Jimin, god of love and passion. That brat had fallen in love with you but you broke his heart. Purifying your sins will be very tiring and... painful"
"My goddess... I am aware of the pain I have caused him, but I love him, and I will do everything to see him ... at least once... one last time..."
Aphrodite remained silent, in a pensive state. It stayed that way for a few seconds, but those few moments seemed endless. But suddenly...
"Okay, I'll test you, but you'll have to complete arduous and necessary tasks. So that you can assess whether your feelings are pure and sincere."
"I will do whatever you ask of me. I will do whatever you desire just to get a crumb of your forgiveness and regain my love..."
But Aphrodite did not want the girl to enter her court, indeed she did everything to put her in difficulty, giving her impossible tasks for a human being.
As a first assignment, Y/n should have gone to the barn and separated the different varieties of wheat, grain by grain. This task would have overwhelmed even Hercules...
Jin, messenger of the gods and who observed everything, decided to give her a hand and sent a group of small ants to help the girl divide the varieties of wheat that had been thoroughly mixed by the goddess of beauty.  With Jin's help, Y/n was able to complete the task very quickly.
Aphrodite, of course, was angry to see how quickly the girl had accomplished her task.
"Not as you did, but the next one won't be so easy"
The second task was much more arduous because y/n had to bring to the goddess a good handful of golden wool of a very particular type of sheep. In fact, these animals were lovers of human flesh. The young girl feared being devoured by anthropophagous sheep, but suddenly a voice made itself heard in her head and advised her to follow the path of the sheep and, arriving at her destination, she would find the solution to her problems.
In fact, the path was covered with busts covered with thorns and part of their wool ended up sticking on the latter. Y/n decided to collect that wool and bring it as an offering to the goddess, also completing the second assignment, not before thanking the voice that had helped her.
"Well done, but don't think it's over here." The goddess growled at her once Y/n brought him the precious gift.
As a third assignment, Y/n had to carry a jug full of water, coming from the sources of the river Styx, which was in a very high mountain.
The task was seemingly impossible and there was no solution, but Namjoon, father of all gods, decided to help her cope with Aphrodite and sent his trusty eagle to help the young girl. The animal took the jug between its claws and filled it with that pure water and then delivered it to Y/n. The girl thanked the majestic bird of prey and brought this umpteenth gift to the goddess.
"I admit that you have been able to complete your work for me, using the mercy of the gods towards you. But this last task can only be completed by you and you will pay for the trouble you have given me. My beauty was consumed because of you and so I ask you in the kingdom of Yoongi, god of the underworld and go into Hades. Once there, you will have to ask Queen Persephone to fill this box with beauty, so that I can regain my splendor. If you succeed, you will have my forgiveness and the blessing of being reunited with my son.
That evening, Y/n stood on the precipice where Jungkook had taken her with him. She knew that her end was near because, for a human. The only way to reach the underworld is... take her own life...
The young woman was ready to jump, but before performing that deadly act, a voice prevented her from jumping and told her that there was a way to reach Hades without committing suicide.
"I will also tell you how to overcome the obstacles you will encounter on your way, namely Charon and Cerberus, the three-headed dog. But just remember this. Once you have the box with what you want inside, don't open it for any reason in the world."
That voice sounded familiar to her, but she didn't pay much attention to it. That was the last obstacle before he embraced his beloved Jimin again.
Following the voice's guidance, Y/n found himself in front of a cave, the entrance to the underworld.
After a long descent, she finally reached the banks of the Acheron River and there she met Charon, the boatman of souls.
"I serve the goddess Aphrodite and I must meet the goddess Persephone on her own" and the girl offered him two gold coins shining as payment.
As the river crossed, cries of despair and suffering were heard all along the way. The poor souls who had found comfort with them after death.
Arriving at the court and the throne room, Y/n appeared before the two rulers: Yoongi and his beloved bride Persephone.
"What are you doing here? A mortal in our domains?"
Y/n bowed in respect "I am here in the service of Aphrodite to fill this box with beauty, so that she can restore it"
Persephone and Yoongi were aware of the sufferings the goddess was giving her and could notice her fatigue. Persephone was a good and generous woman, being the daughter of Taehyung and so she took the box and returned it to Y/n.
Y/n noticed how the latter had become much heavier. SHE thanked the two deities and retraced her steps to go back.
As She was recrossing the river of souls, she reflected himself on the waters and noticed how her beauty was completely spoiled. If Jimin saw it... would he have taken her back and loved her? He was divine while she was no longer at his height...
Upon reaching the shore, she thanked Charon and walked away. Before leaving, however, the girl began to look at the box.
"This box is overflowing with beauty. Nothing will happen if I just take a little. So when I find my love again, he will see me shining brighter than ever" and so she did, forgetting the warning that the voice had told her before.
Y/n opened the box, and a black cloud began to envelop her and it was draining her life from her body slowly and the girl fainted, letting herself be embraced by death.
Jimin knew she was sick from what had happened. As he was suffering, he could feel the pain his beloved was experiencing. But his pride was too strong, but that vanished the moment he discovered his mother's plans. He still did not want to be seen by her and so he decided to help her, talking to her through his thoughts.
But he knew that something was not going as he imagined, and a shiver ran through the young god's body.  Jimin spread his wings and took flight, heading for Hades.
His concern increased when he saw a black cloud coming out of the entrance to the caves and when Jimin entered, his turn began to stain with tears.
His beloved Y/n was lying on the ground. Jimin stood by his side. He took her in his arms and grabbed her with all of himself, and the despair became greater when he felt that the warmth of the woman he loved so much had been replaced by an icy skin... his chest did not move for his small breaths... she was... Dead...
"No Y/n please. My love! I love you! Sorry for abandoning you... I had to give you another chance. I love you! Come back to me. Why didn't you listen to me? You are beautiful and I would have loved you as well as if... sorry my love... Come back... please..." The cries of the young god were heard throughout the underworld.
Yoongi, feeling his friend's pain, appeared in front of the couple.
"Jimin, I feel your pain and I'm sorry you're suffering your lifeless beloved. If something were to happen to my wife... I don't know what I would do... That's why I want to give you another chance. A chance to love yourself in the sunlight, without hiding. Don't suffer like that, my friend. And now let me do it"
That said, Yoongi used his power and drove the deadly black cloud away from Y/n's body and put it back in the box. A few minutes passed but nothing was happening yet.
"Yoongi... she..." but his words were interrupted when a weak breath made itself felt and Jimin lowered his gaze and new tears began to form, but this time for happiness.
"Jimin... My love... why are you crying?" asked Y/n in a weak voice, as shetried to stretch out her hand to wipe away his tears.
"Why... I'm so happy to see you, my love. So happy..." he held her to himself, not wanting to lose her anymore.
"Jimin, my love, now I can finally look you in the eye without risking losing you again... I love you..." and so Jimin brought his lips closer to Y/n's and shared a passionate kiss after a long time. There was no longer the darkness that prevented you from looking into his eyes. One look of heim was enough to make her fall in love again.
"Um... guys. I would still be here..." said an embarrassed Yoongi. The two lovers that a veil of redness colored his cheeks, but they could see a hint of a smile.
"Shouldn't you bring the box to Aphrodite now? He will surely be waiting..." the god continued.
Jimin nodded and got up and married his beloved, while Y/n held the sealed box. After a nod to the god of death, Jimin took off and headed for Olympus, where his mother was waiting for them.
After many adventures, the young couple was granted the blessing not only by the goddess, but also by Namjoon himself, who made the nectar of the gods drink at Y/n, making her immortal.
After the sumptuous wedding, the two young lovers took refuge in their rooms, in search of their intimacy. Both were on the bed and Y/n was sitting on her husband's lap, both naked, while he squeezed her butt with powerful force and brought her even closer to his womb. He continued to kiss her with love and passion. He had missed her so much.
Between kisses, Jimin kept repeating "I missed you" or "I love you so much", but despite their nudity, they were still not consuming the wedding night. For the moment they wanted to enjoy each other's company, feeling and touch.
"Please, my love. I want to feel you inside me... so passionately as the first night... but this time I want to look at you. I don't want to take my eyes off you. I'm afraid that if I get distracted..."
Jimi gently stroked her face, "This time I'm not going to leave. I promise. When you wake up in the morning, you will always find me next to you. I won't leave you anymore... I love you" and with this the boy kissed her another time, before grabbing his partner's hips and placing his member on her intimacy.
"Ready to join me?" But Y/n did not answer, but lowered her hips, letting Jimin's member into her. Moans ran away from both of them, and she rested her forehead on hers as she began to move slowly. Their eyes could not detach themselves from each other. Jimin held her by the hips and tried to make her feel good, going as deep as possible and making her touch the heights of pleasure.
"Jim... Jimin... you're making me feel so good" and this was enough for Jimin to speed up the movement of his hips with hers and cling even more to his hips. He wanted to guide her while she rode him with such enthusiasm.
The walls of Y/n tightened to Jimin's member and a moan of pleasure escapes from his lips "You are tight, and you will make me cum, my love. It feels so good inside you. You're mine... all mine" and rhythm of hips became even more desperate and as the couple touched the heights of pleasure and Jimin emptied his essence into her, they exchanged another passionate kiss. Both their hearts beat fast and when their lips came off, a look was shared between the two, along with two smiles.
Y/n was still inside her and wanted to stay there forever. With my hand I begin to caress her belly "We hope that the gods will grant us an unborn child very soon, the seed of our love"
"Then I have to start praying to you," Y/n said with a mocking smile, making Jimin laugh.
"You will see, my love. You will pray to me so many times on this bed. Now why don't we resume? It will take more than one fuck to get you pregnant."
And in a short time, the two young lovers were blessed by a small miracle and when the time for childbirth was over, they were born a daughter that we today call Voluptuousness.
Because love is as strong as death, passion as tenacious as the underworld
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glitterians · 4 years
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Works of Love: Eros
NJ | SJ | YG | JM | TH | JK
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3
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