#bounty hunter!poe au
bigbadripley · 1 year
Long Drive To Reno - One Shot
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Pairing: Runner!Poe Dameron x F!Bounty Hunter!Reader
⚠️ 18+!!! MINORS DNI | Words: 7k |  AU of sorts (Dystopian, lawless Earth?I don’t even know, Nevada)
Warnings: Graphic sexual content, heavy language, illegal activities, drug mention, probably typos, warnings are not extensive
Summary: The job is simple: bring in the mouthy Poe Dameron, warm. Turns out, it’s not as simple as you’re used to. 
A/N: I wrote this for myself, as I do many other things. DL;DR, it doesn’t take place in the same galaxy as Star Wars but there are plenty of references. It’s just a good time. 
The goods are under the cut!
You weren't a monster. You wished you were sometimes because it would make your job easier, but you weren't. Though if you were a monster, you supposed you wouldn't need to do this job. You could do whatever you pleased and live carefree if you didn't have the capacity to feel things. 
The whistling man in your back seat made you wish you were a monster. It also made you wish your radio could change channels so you could drown him out with music. That, unfortunately, wasn't the case. 
You cursed the man who hired you for offering you this job. It made sense why Moj would call you, you were the best, and when he told you the figure you'd be getting for something you could do in your sleep, you couldn't turn it down. 
"A hundred for a living, breathing Poe Dameron at my feet by noon Thursday. That's double what he owes me, and I expect to get every cent back from him. He has to be alive, though." Moj told you over the phone. At the time, you were in Bonnie Claire, just finishing up another job you got from one of his buddies.
That's how it always was: if Moj or any other bigwigs needed something done and the cheaper options weren't cutting it, they'd call you. You were always worth every dime to get your man efficiently, expediently, and in the manner requested. 
"My sources say he'll be at The Cantina in Vegas. There's an underground gambling venue there with some big event being hosted. I'll get you an in and send you all the details." He explained further. 
You were sitting in your car, parked outside a burger place, and eating french fries. You calculated that it would take about two hours to get to Vegas if you drive fast, an hour to secure the target, then about six and a half to seven hours to get to Reno. Seemed easy enough, but you had questions. "And what if this guy isn't there?"
"He'll be there. He couldn't turn down the chance to hustle his way into getting a few thousand. What matters is you making sure you get him out of there and to Reno quietly!" Moj's voice boomed into your ear. 
You didn't flinch, as you were used to him randomly raising his voice, and you responded as you always did: silence until he addressed you like an average person. Moj took a deep breath and continued in a normal tone. "Dameron likes whiskey, money, and pretty girls." 
"Now I see why you called me, Moj." You snickered. 
"Well, he'll respond much better to you than to any of my guys. You'll have to dress like you belong at a place like that: expensive, but easy." 
"Not an issue. As always, I'll take half in advance for the gas, supplies, and courtesy." You accepted the job, knowing you'll have it done with time to spare.
"Will wire it to you in an hour. Keep in touch, Y/a." 
Moj did as he said he would and sent you everything he had on the target, location, event, and all the details in between. You studied in your car the night before you were due to appear at The Cantina under the name Nadia Nygaard in a short black cocktail dress. 
You got through security quickly and were met with zero suspicion upon entry: like you were meant to be there. It all came down to finding the target, if the source was correct, and securing him. As if you conjured him up, you spotted him immediately at the bar, drinking a whiskey neat. 
Approaching the target yourself would spell disaster. If Dameron's been able to escape others, you can't tip him off. You choose to sit near him and order the same thing he did to gather his interest without directly showing you're paying attention to him. 
"I don't believe I've ever seen you around here." You hear as you watch the target approach from the corner of your eye. "Poe Dameron," He introduced himself, tipping his glass to you. He was much more handsome than the photo you were provided, but that's not what you came for. It's showtime. You put on your best smile and tip your glass back, 
"Lovely to meet you, Poe. I'm Nadia."
One drink and several nauseating conversations about how big of a deal Dameron was at the event later, and you were sure he was putty in your hands. The man didn't seem as crafty as Moj made him out to be, and that made you wonder if the men before you were just total imbeciles. 
From how he looked at you and his tone, it seemed you had him entirely sold, and he was ready to get you alone. Once he suggested the two of you leave, you took it right away. 
"My car's just outside." You tell him, adding a bit more bounce to your walk. That got Dameron's attention, and he followed closely. Almost a little too close for your comfort, but you just needed to play along a little longer. 
Once the two of you got to your car, he eyed the vehicle strangely. 
"I didn't take you for the type to drive an oldster like this." He piped up. You didn't like when people spoke negatively about your old gray SUV. She served her purpose, and you loved her for that. 
Just a little longer. You thought to yourself before you smiled,
"This is my less conspicuous car. Can't show up in a BMW to a gambling event these days. 'Sure to get broken into." You explained, playing it off perfectly. Dameron nodded and seemed like he was about to speak when you opened the back driver's side door, but then he looked confused. 
"You wanna do this here?" He asked, surprised by the prospect of having sex in such a rickety old thing. You shrugged and brought your body close to his, draping your arms over his shoulders and looking into his brown eyes. 
"Why wait?" You said with a wink. It was enough showmanship to make you gag, but Dameron seemed to have turned on to the idea right then. He started leaning in and placed his hands on your waist, lost, and you might have even considered letting him go for it if you hadn't gotten him right where you wanted him so goddamn easy. 
A quick knee to the groin is all it takes sometimes. It was hard enough for Dameron's face to contort and for his hands to instinctively remove themselves from you and cover the area as if he needed protection after the fact. While his thoughts were in his pants, you grabbed his arms and pinned his chest against your car to cuff his wrists behind his back. 
"What... what're you doing?" He asked weakly. Just then, he noticed the car door you opened didn't have a handle on the inside. He had been made. "Nadia, baby, let's talk about this." 
Getting Dameron in the car was easy because his knees were still wobbly. You didn't tell him your name wasn't Nadia. You didn't say anything at all. You just tossed your heels into the floorboard of the passenger seat, got in front of the wheel, and took off. 
Now he's in your back seat whistling like he's having a fantastic time, making you wish you brought duct tape. 
"Will you knock that shit off?" You say, focusing on him in your rearview mirror. The dark-haired man stopped,
"Why am I here? What did I do, Nadia? If that's even your real name."
"It's not my real name, and you owe someone a lot of money."
"Wow, so they actually sent someone competent this time? Normally their head fetchers don't get this far with me." He said, seeming proud of himself. You stayed quiet, and that seemed to drive him nuts. "Well, maybe more about the nice ass that came with you than competency. Regardless, who sent you?" 
Your eyes beamed at his through the mirror for the comment about your ass. He seemed to understand and sank back a bit into the seat. "Sorry, I didn't mean that. I mean, you got a nice ass, but I should have kept that to myself." He rambled, making you miss the whistling. "I at least deserve to know who sent you!"
You kept that information to yourself for the next five minutes of silence, realizing that he wasn't as crafty as he was an irritant. It was the best five minutes you'd ever felt, just looking at the open road with nothing but Nevada's hellish desert around you. Then Dameron had to pipe up again. 
"I thought we had something special." 
"You wish, princess." You said with a snicker. He seemed confused over the out-of-pocket nickname you used because he was a pretty man, but Dameron didn't let that kind of thing slide. 
"Pet names? Kinky. I prefer something a bit more on the masc side, though, ya know? I dated a girl once who insisted on calling me daddy, and that was weird at first, but-"
"Shut. The fuck. Up." You bit, emphasizing each syllable as you darted your eyes to his in the rearview again. He stopped for a few minutes, letting you take a second to remember what a beautiful sun scene was on the horizon, the sky beginning to look purple like a bruise. 
"Can I sit up front?" Dameron asked, eyes entirely focused on the mirror now like he could try some Jedi mind trick to convince you. You sucked air through your teeth, playing like you really considered it before you answered,
"Wanna play a road game?" 
"I want the next seven hours to be peaceful." 
"Fuck, you're boring. Should've taken me dead." 
"That wasn't my directive. Moj wants you alive because you stole his spice." 
"I know that, sweetheart." He said, pretending like he wasn't just asking who sent you not even ten minutes before. "Why'd he send you anyway?" 
"Because I'm good at what I do." 
"Apparently so. I never expected a woman, though. That was smart."
"The fact that I'm a woman doesn't matter. I always get my man, so I always get my money." 
"That's what drives you? Same here. What's your success rate?" 
"One hundred percent, and given that you're in my back seat, yours looks a little shakey." 
"Honey, you have no idea what my success rate looks like," Dameron said, followed by a wink. If he wasn't so goddamn annoying, maybe he would be more attractive. You rolled your eyes and focused on the road, trying to get the thought out of your head until he spoke up again. "You're thinkin' about it, huh?" 
"I'm thinkin' you'd like to get shot in the foot." 
"You'd be a lot less crabby if you got laid. When was the last time you came?" He asked with a shit-eating grin. You'd heard enough. 
You smashed your foot into the break peddle and braced yourself for an abrupt stop, listening to Dameron's head smack into the back of your seat roughly. "When was the last time you did?" You snapped, turning your body to look at his puzzled and pained face from the impact. He scrunched his face and shook his head, checking for disfigurement, and spoke again. 
"Alright, I'll shut up!"
 After about an hour of driving, Dameron started bugging you about needing to use the restroom. You tried to deny him for as long as you could, but you concluded that the temperature was dropping rapidly and you needed to get changed out of this dress. 
The next exit you took brought you to a seedy gas station with outdoor single-bathroom entrances. Grabbing your change of clothes, you pulled Dameron out and walked him to the men's room, opening the door and following him to ensure he didn't try to run. 
"I can understand car sex but gas station bathroom?" 
"When hell freezes over." You say with disgust. "I'm gonna change, you're gonna piss and keep your eyes to yourself." 
"That might be difficult." He said, flexing his arms to bring attention to his hands behind him. You rolled your eyes and made him lean on the wall as you unlocked the cuffs. 
"Turn." You told him, and he followed directions. You cuffed his wrists in front of him this time. "There, easy access."
"Is it necessary?" He wondered, raising an eyebrow. He was taunting you by making his eyes appear softer. You shrug,
"Just in case you try anything. Don't worry about it." 
Silence filled the echoey, grody bathroom as he turned his back to you and went to the urinal. You pulled the black dress over your head and put the black sweatshirt you had draped over the sink, eyes darting to Dameron to ensure he kept his eyes on his own business. 
Once your leggings were on, you peered at the man's back and crossed your arms. "You done yet?" You asked. 
"Nope. 'Hard to pee when someone's listening."
"Well, I'll cover my ears. Do your thing." You said, placing an index finger into each ear canal to muffle the sound. It worked as well as it needed to, and once Dameron was zipped back up and turned around, you took his elbow and led him back out to the car. 
 The weather continued to get colder as the car ride dragged on. Dameron was trying to be quiet and find something to do other than look out at the desert for the next five and a half hours but wasn't having much luck.
That was when you noticed a weather report over the one radio station that always faintly played in our car. You turned it up curiously. 
...The Sierra Nevada is preparing for the heaviest snow of the decade, due to hit the North Western and surrounding areas within the next hour or two. Ensure you stay clear of the roads and find a warm place to hold up until this thing passes... 
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You mutter ragefully upon hearing the report. You pull your phone out and start scrolling through your contacts to call Moj.
"Your clunker's not gonna make it back to Reno," Dameron said doubtfully. You shook your head just as your finger hovered over the call button. 
"She has to." You said, putting the phone to your ear. It took two rings for Moj to answer.
"Hey, Y/A, You have my package?" 
"Not much of a package at all, but he's alive. You know about this freak storm?"
"First I'm hearing about it." 
"We'll be right in the middle of the shit, maybe later than anticipated for arrival."
"Then I'll have to dock you—occupational hazard." 
"You had me drive out here today, Moj. I can't control the fucking weather. This is more dangerous than I believed now, so if you want him by noon, I'll need some padding on that payment."
"We'll see once you get here. Better find a shortcut and drive fast, Y/A." He said smugly before the line went dark. You angrily tossed your phone into the seat beside you with a groan. 
 You gassed it as fast as your baby would take you, trying desperately to get miles behind you before even thinking about stopping at an exit. Dameron was still sitting idly, watching your concentration in the rearview mirror. Obviously, you didn't want to be in this car longer than you had to be, and if it took speeding to cover ground before the ice coated the roads, you were willing to do it. 
Dameron had predicted that your car wouldn't like being pushed the way you were pushing it, but you trusted her until she started sputtering and slowing down. 
"No, no, no, no." You repeated frantically, easing up on the gas and trying to undo whatever damage you'd done. The car slowed to a stop. "Nonononono." You repeated. Dameron scooted closer to the middle of the back seat and watched as you turned the key in the ignition. "Come on, girl, don't be like this." You pleaded to the vehicle, beseeching her to turn back on. After several unsuccessful key jiggles, you hit the steering wheel and shouted more profanities into the air. 
"I can take a look for you, ya know. I'm a mechanic."
You gasped exasperatingly, "Great! He's a criminal and a mechanic!" You rested your forehead on the wheel and sighed. You peeked at your phone: no bars.
You know this car like the back of your hand, so once you were calmed down, you got out and inspected under the hood. The cold breeze cut through your clothes like a hot knife, and when you realized you had no fucking clue what was going on with the car, you yanked Dameron out to look on the off-chance he was telling the truth. 
He did what he could with cuffed hands but ultimately decided he couldn't figure it out in the conditions, granted it was dark, and the snow had begun, so you both got back into the car. Once inside, you began digging for your blankets, spare coats, and a flashlight. You basically lived in this car on jobs.
With the flashlight aimed at the ceiling, you grabbed one of the blankets and leaned over the center console to drape it over the cuffed man. The shadows from the harsh yellow light in the near pitch-black car brought out all of Dameron's best features when you were looking at him. 
Though Dameron didn't like being cuffed much, something was comforting and intimate about the gesture of you making sure he stayed warm. You could have tossed the blanket back and let him figure it out, but you tucked him in before taking care of yourself. 
"I don't really need these cuffs right now, ya know? If I wanted to be out there in the snow, I would be." He said, bringing up a good point. You kissed your teeth, weighing the odds for a moment before deciding he was right and unlocking him and sitting back in the driver's seat with your blanket. 
The car was quiet as you stayed in the driver's seat, and he sat in the back. The situation was the most unfortunate thing you could think of: being stuck in the middle of nowhere surrounded by snow and ice with the man you're meant to deliver as your only company. You start to feel your teeth chatter as the temperature in the car drops further. 
"We need to work together here, sweetheart. Just come back here, and we'll layer the covers and keep as much heat between us as possible." Dameron suggested. You couldn't believe it was a good idea, but the fact that he wasn't cuffed anymore made you anxious enough. 
"Nope." You said through your bone chill and the plume of fog from your hot breath in the cold air. 
He was clearly growing frustrated with your stubborn attitude from the unbelieving chuckle that escaped him before he spoke up again. "That's your favorite word, huh? We won't make it through the night if we don't share. What good are we if we freeze to death?"
You huffed and climbed into the back seat, having had enough of the shivering and the obnoxious sound of Dameron being right. You draped the blanket you had over the top of his, and he lifted one side over your shoulders. The heat radiating off his body drew you closer without a second thought, and you relished it to your chagrin. 
The two of you sat in silence, shoulder to shoulder, surrounded by fleece for several minutes. There was nothing else to do, but you felt loads warmer than before. 
"So, you wanna make conversation now?" Dameron broke the silence. The idea didn't seem half bad, provided the situation and boredom.  
"Might as well. What about?"
"What do you need Moj's money for? Aside from a new car." 
"Shut up about my car, princess!" You exclaim playfully, making him laugh. His laugh was lovely and just as warm as his body. You brushed off the thought and decided to answer the question. "My nephew's sick... 'Been sick for a long time, and his treatments and medicines are only getting more expensive." You start. Dameron's expression grew softer in the yellow beam, 
"Shit, I'm sorry." He said softly. You shrug, not wanting sympathy for doing what anyone would do. After all, you weren't a monster. 
"My sister, his mom, can't pay for it alone. Not since her shitass husband left because it became too much for him. That's where all my money goes." 
"So, you're actually a good guy? What're you doin' in a business like this?" 
"It pays. I've been telling myself I'll get out, but I haven't gotten that big payday yet. Until now." You admit. Typically, you avoided all discussions of reward with your targets. This was a unique situation, though. You have to play a buddy system with your man for the first time. 
"Am I really worth that much?" Dameron asked, putting you on the spot. The last thing you wanted to do was tell him the exact amount, but you nodded. 
"You have no idea." You answered.
Another chill ran through you, causing you to shiver and consequently causing Dameron to scoot closer, introducing more of his body to yours. Whether it be the situation, the freezing cold, or the fact that the man was good-looking, you felt a dull ache as you lusted for warmth. 
"Looks like I gotta stay alive then. Stay warm. So do you. That boy's life depends on it." He broke the silence again, bringing his arm up over your shoulders and snuggling you into him. You wanted to hit him, tell him he was taking it too far, taking advantage of your need to survive, but the heat was too good to pass up.  
"Suddenly, you're Mr. Morals? You don't give a shit about my nephew." You spat, trying to find something to say to allude that you weren't happy with this situation. 
"I do now. We're gonna make it out of this; you're gonna take me to Moj, and whatever happens, happens." He admitted. It was almost unbelievable, but there was a sense of trust in his tone that hadn't been there since you put those cuffs on him.
To avoid understanding this man much more, you stayed quiet. Dameron, being himself, couldn't keep the silence between you. "You know I only took Moj's spice because he was having me deliver to people who deal to kids, right? I sold it and stupidly gambled away that money. I regret many things, but disappearing on that run isn't one of them." 
Amazingly, the furrow in your brow that was permanently stuck there when looking at Dameron disappeared. Moj didn't tell you any of this, and though you could stay distrusting of Dameron, you believed his tone, body language, and eyes. 
You started to wonder if the heat of his breath would be enough to warm your face. There was no doubt in your mind that the same heat coming from the rest of him was replicated by his lips. The dull ache grew more profound, and you couldn't tell whether this was your ardor for survival anymore or not. 
You shook the thoughts free, knowing nothing good would come of them, and broke the seething eye contact to look out the window to your side at the baron road beside you. "Nobody's coming for us, and it likely won't be until daylight when they can clear these roads." You spoke up, stating the obvious to keep your head out of the gutter. 
"Let's do something fun then. 21 questions?" Dameron spoke up behind your head. You laughed,
"Is this a ploy to get me to answer your question from earlier?" 
"Just a way to pass the time." He replied with a shrug and grin. He would ask again the second he had the chance, and you knew it. 
"8 months ago." You admit, keeping a stone expression. 
Dameron looked confused momentarily, but the lightbulb turned on immediately, and his eyes widened. "Bullshit!" He said, nearly shouting in disbelief.
It was strange to speak aloud, and you barely believed it yourself, but with the workload you've had over the last year, you were positive the last time you orgasmed was that long ago, if not more. "Haven't had action, no time to rub one out, just coasting." You added. 
"No wonder you're so mean! You're all backed up!" He teased. You rolled your eyes, 
"I'm mean because it works." 
"Doesn't seem to be working on me."
The statement nearly nailed you. Dameron was impossible, and somehow his stupidly handsome face, laugh, and smile were all charming you in the stupid back seat of this stupid car. On top of that, it was clear that he wanted you and continued pulling you into him.
It was enough to make you tense your legs together. Every sense of self-control was slowly withering away, but you held on. You told yourself again it was a bad idea and brushed it away in silence. 
"What's your favorite song?" Dameron asked, once again splitting the silence. In your own head, you didn't quite catch the question right away. 
"What?" You questioned, hoping he would elaborate.  
"I don't like quiet, and I wanna get to know you more if we're gonna be stuck here together for a while." He said, not repeating the question. What he had asked caught back up with you like computer lag, and you wanted to laugh at the fact that he would ask something so tame when he could put you on the spot. Hell, you wanted to laugh at the fact that you wanted him to put you on the spot. 
It occurred to you that this whole situation was the dumbest thing you've ever been a part of, and no matter how cold your fingertips felt, you wanted to know what his lips felt like long before you got in this car back in Vegas. You knew you were delaying the inevitable, and the idea of this man making you sweat in this freezing car made you weak in every aspect.
And here he was, still looking at you with big brown eyes, waiting for you to tell him your favorite fucking song? 
"Fucking hell." You groaned, astonished at how you couldn't keep your hands to yourself as you took his face into them, pulling it to yours and kissing him. Dameron was shocked at the sudden change of pace but kissed back gladly. Unsurprisingly, the man was a stellar kisser until he broke it off and backed his lips away from yours, needing to say something.
"What happened to 'when hell freezes over'?" He asked, flashing a smile as triumphant as his tone. 
"Have you looked outside lately?" You gestured to the window with a nod of your head. 
"You know, I make a lot of jokes. If you don't want to do this, I'll shut up about it, sweetheart." He suggested. A consent king, even when referring to you by the nickname you've loathed this entire trip. You brought a hand to the collar of his shirt and gripped it,
"How about shut up, or I'll change my mind?" 
Dameron's eyes darkened in the light of the single flashlight sitting on the dashboard before kissing you again, this time with the ferocity of a man who had been thinking about this all day, palm planted firming on the small of your back. 
The cold air in the car grew warm as fire bloomed between you, and before you knew it, he had scooped you into his lap. His hands moved from your back to your buttocks, lightly kneading them and pushing you into him more. Your thoughts raced about how insane this was, and you remembered that you had never told him your real name, as crucial as that is in a situation where you're straddling someone. 
"My name's Y/N, by the way." You managed to breathe out between heavy pants. You felt Dameron's smile turn up under your hands on his face. 
"Y/N?" He asked, sounding intoxicated and trailing wet, slow smooches down your jaw. "That's a good name. I like that." He whispered, followed by more kisses down your neck, each word vibrating through you powerfully and shooting straight between your leg. "Y/N..." He repeated your name slower this time, feeling each syllable with his mouth and seemingly loving how it rolled off his tongue. 
It had to have been the hottest thing you'd ever heard, circumstances be damned. 
You relaxed your hips into him more, fitting flush to him and grinding as close as possible as your lips met again. He was obviously erect and painfully so. The kissing, grinding, and ass-grabbing stopped suddenly as he brought one hand between you and slipped it under your waistband, into the depths of your underwear, and introduced a finger between your folds.
"Oh, you feel like you've been soaked since we left Vegas, baby." He whispered like it was a secret to keep between the two of you, and his brown eyes trained on yours to gather your expression. Your face flushed more, knowing that was true with all the talk. 
Dameron snuck a finger straight into your pussy, and you let out an airy gasp, surprised by the sensation of it and his wrist moving against your clit as he plunged the digit in and out. The breath was visible like smoke if the sound wasn't enough to prove it.
There was something unexplainably filthy yet enticing about being a sopping wet mess on top of him. You rode his hand needily, eyes forcing themselves closed all the while he stayed on what he could see of your face. Even with the single beam from the flashlight, you were still foxy to him, each breathy moan and the tightening around his now two fingers unmistakable.
"You gonna come all over my hand, baby?" He whispered again with a rasp that coaxed the orgasm out of you like a spell. The friction of your clit against his wrist and the fingers pressing inside you became too much, and your climax tore through you blindingly. 
"Fuck!" You howled as your skin felt hotter than it had since you'd been stuck here, and you bucked your hips as the high receded. 
Once he felt you'd had enough fun with his hand, he pulled it out, and you heard the sound of his zipper and the clink of his belt buckle follow before his hard-on sprang free and rested against you. 
In a fleeting moment, as your arousal built back up, you gripped his length and tended to it with your hand. Dameron's head dipped back, and you couldn't tell if it had more to do with being touched or teased. 
"Not much to say now, Dameron?" You spoke, referring to his insistence on never shutting up when you ask. He picked his head back up,
"Bold of you to say after forgetting proper words while you pitifully rode my hand a minute ago." He growled. You gave his cock one last stroke before you removed your hand and bent into the front seat. "Not that I'm complaining," Dameron added, seeming slightly panicked over the action. 
After digging in your glovebox, you pull out a lone condom you kept there for emergencies and hand it back to him. 
"No way in hell I'm fucking you without protection." You say with a small laugh. Dameron didn't seem offended and unwrapped the rubber without a second thought. 
"You? Fucking me? We'll see." He responded, seeming to issue a challenge. The way you saw it, you had the upper hand as you sat patiently, and once the condom was on, he pulled you right back into his lap. His length eased into you slowly and painfully, deeper still until you were full.
Dameron's eyes watched your face with complete fascination, loving your expression and sounds as you adjusted to him. "That's it, y/n, take the whole thing. God, you feel so nice." He hummed smoothly. You sat momentarily, considering the vengeful sting you felt in your torso before slowly rolling your hips, finding your spot, and getting him exactly where you wanted him. 
As you rocked your hips, he lifted his own in sync with yours and guided you with firm hands on your buttocks, thighs, waist, anything he could get a hold of on your exquisite body. You watched from half-open eyes as the cocky bastard smiled with each moan or whine you made, a complete 180 from your previous attitude toward him. 
While your words reigned true, and you were indeed fucking him, he was not shy about giving it right back, busting his hips up and forward with each motion you made just to etch deeper and deeper into your tight walls. You could have sworn you felt everything as he drove his cock into you. 
The burning sensation in your belly built as you roughly ground into each other, every bit of tension melting away with each throaty grunt. Your fingers were tangled in Dameron's tousled hair, and you tugged ever so slightly each time you would bring your hips up, and he would relentlessly thrust back into you. 
Each muscle in your thighs and belly tensed as you threw your head forward and buried it in his neck, finally losing your composure as you came undone. 
"Yes, baby, f-fuck!" He groaned as he felt you clench and throb around him. You didn't have the strength to keep going, so he held you close to his chest while he finished with a few more kicks of his hips. You continued to lay your head on his shoulder, wholly slack-jawed and empty-brained for a moment. 
"That's a good way to warm up," Dameron said between heavy breaths. Raunchy car sex aside, you were much warmer than before, almost sweating. You pointed out the fog on the windows surrounding you, and he chuckled as he shifted to where you were both resting in the seat.
 Several hours of darkness came and went as you chatted up a storm, and Dameron gagged about being correct: you were suddenly a lot nicer having been laid. 
As the morning began to peek through the sky, you both got as bundled up as you could muster and went back under the car's hood to see what was happening. Dameron seemed to figure it out right away and waved for you to try and start her up, and she did. 
"Hell yes, old girl!" You shouted in celebration. Dameron approached the passenger side and got it, meeting your victorious cheering with high fives before realizing he was in the front seat. 
"Whoops, I got excited." He explained, reaching for the handle to get out again. You stuck your hand out and grabbed his wrist,
"The heater feels better up here, anyway." You said. With that, he settled into the front seat, and you took off carefully down the icy road, confident you'll make it to Reno on time.
About an hour from your destination, you hit an exit and pull into a gas station, nearly empty in the gas tank and empty in your stomach. You also found it hard to go any further with all the questions in your mind now, and once you were in park next to a pump, you rested your head on the wheel. 
"You alright?" Dameron asked, placing a caring hand on your shoulder. You weren't sure if you were alright. You crossed a boundary, and now you weren't sure if you could go through with what you were hired to do. 
"I don't know. I have no idea what I'm doing, Dameron." You groaned, throwing your head back up. "I don't think I can do this now, as pathetic as that probably sounds." 
"It doesn't sound pathetic at all, baby. You need that money. I want you to get that money, help your sister and her boy, get a new car, and get back on the road to where ever you came from and as far away from Moj as possible. You get that?"
You stared at him with glossy eyes, holding on to every inch of your toughness and still feeling it melt away at cotton candy in water. Not necessarily because you suddenly cared about Dameron, but because he did what he thought he had to do. He didn't deserve punishment, even if you needed the money. 
"I can't, goddamnit! I'm not a monster."
"I know you're not, y/n. That's why you gotta do this. Don't go back on the mission." 
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves and nodded before getting out to buy snacks and water and put money on the pump. You kicked yourself for not asking what Dameron wanted, so you grabbed various chips, candies, and jerkies to provide options and a small box of condoms to replace your emergency one. 
As you walked back out to the car with your plastic sack of snacks, you noticed the passenger seat was empty the closer you got. Panic struck you immediately as you thought of your stupidity for not putting the cuffs back on. 
For letting him sit up front with you. 
For fucking him. 
For letting him make you think he gave a damn about you. 
You circled the SUV, thinking maybe Dameron was in the back seat, but he wasn't. You whipped your eyes around the parking lot, down the road, and anywhere you might see him walking. Nothing. 
"Crafty son of a bitch." You mumbled to yourself, feeling like you might cry. 
"What was that?" A voice said from behind you. You pivoted around and were met nearly nose-to-nose with Dameron. Something came over you, and you sprang forward, hugging him tightly. "Woah, I just went to the restroom. Miss me?"
Relief flooded your body from head to toe, and you realized it definitely looked like you missed him. "Shut up. I thought you ran off." You snapped, breaking the embrace. 
"For someone who doesn't want to turn me in, you seemed pretty busted up about losing me." He teased as you went around the car to pump the gas. He realized you weren't amused and got back in the car.
 Dameron started going through the bag of snacks once you were back on the road, seeming unsure of where to start when he came across the box of condoms. 
"Tryna tell me something?" He asked, holding the box up. You peered over from the corner of your eye, trying to not veer from the slick road when you answered,
"To replace my emergency rubber. Those go in the glove box." You inform. Dameron popped the glove box in front of him open and sat them inside but spoke up before closing it.
"You know, there's six in here. I'm sure you won't miss one of 'em, right?" 
His suggestion piqued your interest enough to make you sit upright in your seat, but you looked at the digital clock on your radio and noticed you had two hours before you had to be at Moj's. "We're running out of time, Dameron."
"Reno's maybe an hour out. We're making great time!" He said, defending his point. You wanted to but returned to your silent mode to avoid more trouble. He noticed this and spoke again, "No, you're right. 'Last thing we need is for you to like me any more than you already do. Orgasms will do that to someone." 
You started to feel the familiar ache once more, telling yourself you can't do it again. It'll only make things harder once you get there.
"Shut up and eat your jerky, princess." You demand as you adjust your grip on the steering wheel. You were suddenly so flustered it was uncomfortable. Dameron's eyes are all over your face,
"You're thinking about it. I'm starting to grow on you, y/n. I know it."
He was right, as much as you didn't want to admit it. "Like a fuckin' wart." You say, trying to keep it together, but he notices the blush rise on your cheeks, seeing right through you. 
"Pull over."
 It wasn't a quickie, but it was worth making up for the lost time and extra ground you had to cover by speeding, somehow making it to Moj's 20 minutes early. 
"You know, I'm giving you the option to not go in there with me. I'll just tell Moj I lost you." You said, taking off your seatbelt. Dameron shook his head,
"You get that money, baby. Don't worry about me. I'll figure it out." 
You led him inside and past the guards who stood on either side of the front entrance, flashing nothing but the resting face they recognized you for. Moj was sitting at a table, waiting for you. 
"Y/n! You always, always come through." He exclaimed upon seeing you and Dameron. He waved for one of his cronies to send you your money, and you ensured you got it by checking your phone, eyes widening at the figure. Moj tacked an extra twenty grand over what he already owned you. "For the weather trouble, that was my mistake. You did right by me, so I'll do right by you."
Dameron quickly glimpsed your face, not knowing the figure but knowing it was more than he probably imagined. You nodded to Moj, 
"I'll be going then. I'm out now, so I'm going back home." You Informed. Moj mouthed to the goon who sent you the money to take Dameron to the cellar before he responded to you. 
"Well, if you ever need another job, you know who to call. Fantastic work, as always." 
The goon took Dameron by his arm and started pulling him out of the room as you walked out of the building, feeling a slight ache in your chest. 
Two minutes later and a mere block away, you turned around, muttering profanities to yourself for being too soft. 
You only had to go through the back entrance and past the one crony with Dameron's arm, pistol-whipping the back of the beefcake's head before you grabbed the same arm and yanked Dameron out the door. 
"Are you nuts?" He asked as soon as you got back to the vehicle. You frantically started her up, 
"Yes, but I'm no monster." You told him, hauling ass out of the parking area and back onto the road. Dameron watched with the same fascination he had when you were in his lap for a moment before speaking up,
"Okay, so what's the plan?" 
"I'm going back to Phoenix and dropping some money off with my sister, then getting as far away from the West as fucking possible. I'll drop you off wherever you wanna go after that." You explained, eyeing the road behind you to ensure you weren't followed too closely. You didn't expect an answer for Dameron about where he wanted to go, but he gave you one:
"I've never had anyone stick their neck out for me like that. You're stuck with me now, sweetheart."
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Star Wars Masterlist
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Poe Dameron
Mandalorian (Din Djarin)
Kylo Ren (Ben Solo)
🌟= new post
🤕= Whump 😥 = Angst 😘= Fluff/ Relationship
✍= reader insert ✉️ = ask/ request
Main Masterlist
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Remains Series (Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
You and your boyfriend, Poe Dameron, are captured by Kylo Ren as you try to escape Jakku. But what happens when you are forced to face your past?
Just Us (Poe Dameron x Reader Modern AU) 😘 ✍ ✉️
Your boyfriend has been off at war for 8 months leaving you to raise your daughter alone. And to make matters worse, you still haven't told him about your second child which will be arriving any day now. But when he doesn't come home when expected, you begin to worry he won't make it home in time.
More Than Friends (Poe Dameron x Reader) 😘 ✍ ✉️
Poe has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. But lately, your feelings for him have changed. Are you willing to risk a lifetime of friendship for something more?
Dead End (Poe Dameron x Reader) 😥 ✍
You and Poe are on the run from a squadron of Stormtroopers so you decide to split up to increase your chances of escape. But a single wrong turn may lead to a deadly mistake.
You Almost Died and You’re Making Jokes?
If You Die, I’m Going to Kill You!
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Keep Going (Din Djarin x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍
When the Child is snatched from you and Din, the two of you risk everything to get him back.
Leaving (Din Djarin x Reader) 😥 ✍ ✉️
Months after turning Grogu over to his new Jedi master, you have finally helped Din track down what remains of his clan. Unfortunately, that means he too is leaving you behind.
Make a Choice (Din Djarin x Reader) 😥 ✍
When a bounty hunter finally tracks you down, you think this is the end. But things might change once the Mandalorian knows the truth behind your crime.
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Lost Loves (Ben Solo x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
Ben sneaks into a Rebellion base to find you just as you receive news about a terrible personal loss.
You Have to Wake Up (Kylo Ren x Reader) 😥 ✍ ✉️
Kylo left you behind years ago when he chose to follow the dark side. But when you are captured and brought in for interrogation, can he really just stand by and watch?
If I Asked You to Stay, Would You? = Kylo Ren x Female!Reader
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A Light in the Darkness (Han Solo x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
Before you were even born, you were betrothed to the ruler of your planet. And it was a life you had been resined to until an unexpected affair with a roguish pilot changed your world forever. Now, are you willing to risk it all for a shot of true happiness?
My Boba (Boba Fett x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
When Boba and you mess around with a Jedi time portal, a familiar figure might cause problems in your relationship.
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brotherskywalker · 6 months
Nine new Star Wars fics by me!
I participated in the Star Wars Rare Pair 2023 Exchange, and somehow ended up writing nine several fics, and not all of them Luke/Leia! The majority of them are very short "treats" that I wrote for the BINGO challenge, but they were all fun so I wanted to share them here. Hope you enjoy!
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Bridging the Distance (Luke/Leia/Han Solo), 3,389 words, Teen+ (written for Ekevka)
It was like trying to catch moths. It was like trying to hold onto water that kept flowing out of his hands. Luke and Leia belonged together, two halves of a whole, and yet they refused to admit it. Han was just privileged enough to be there to witness it, but he was also determined, he hoped, to be the one who could be the catalyst.
Sealed Another Fate (Luke/Lando Calrissian/Darth Vader), 477 words, Teen+ (written as a Treat for Skyrissian (ErinacchiLove))
The Rebellion has fallen and Lando fears all hope is lost...
A Light in the Dark (Luke/Leia/Darth Vader), 2,030 words, Mature (written for peasina)
Darth Vader shares in an unexpectedly delicious Tatooine slave gifted to him by his Sith Lord daughter, Leia Skywalker
The Truth In Her Eyes (Luke/Leia, Leia/Jabba), 538 words, Explicit (written as a Treat for maxlane)
Luke and Leia are captured by the Hutt crime lord Jabba, but while he may have his way with their bodies he cannot touch their souls.
Twin Treat (Luke/Leia/Poe Dameron), 687 words, G-rated (written as a Treat for PoliticalPadmé (magnetgirl)).
Luke brings home a treat to share with Leia. (AU where the twins run a Jedi Academy together, post-RotJ, pre-TFA, alternate timeline.)
Worth the Wait (Luke/Leia, Leia/Mon Mothma, Luke/Leia/Mon Mothma), 1,767 words, Explicit
Leia and Mon crash land on a planet near a black hole, where time passes fifteen years more slowly than the rest of the universe. When they are finally rescued, Luke is almost sixty, and Leia wants to make up for lost time... and introduce him to her new lover.
Useful After All (Leia/Darth Vader, Leia/Wilhuff Tarkin), 539 words, Teen+ (written as a Treat for Tantive404)
Tarkin informs Leia that the Emperor has found a use for her after all.
"Crossover With Star Trek" (Leia/Deanna Troi, Luke/Leia, Luke/Leia/Deanna Troi), 637 words, Explicit (written as a Treat for PoliticalPadmé (magnetgirl))
Deanna is in for quite the surprise when she attempts to seduce Leia.
A Little Extra (Luke/Leia/Boba Fett), 451 words, Explicit written as a treat for Sleepy_fan)
Luke and Leia look over the bounty hunter in the room.
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Star Wars Masterlist
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Poe Dameron
Mandalorian (Din Djarin)
Kylo Ren (Ben Solo)
🌟= new post
🤕= Whump 😥 = Angst 😘= Fluff/ Relationship
✍= reader insert ✉️ = ask/ request
Main Masterlist
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Remains Series (Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader) 😘 🤕 😥 ✍
You and your boyfriend, Poe Dameron, are captured by Kylo Ren as you try to escape Jakku. But what happens when you are forced to face your past?
Just Us (Poe Dameron x Reader Modern AU) 😘 ✍ ✉️
Your boyfriend has been off at war for 8 months leaving you to raise your daughter alone. And to make matters worse, you still haven't told him about your second child which will be arriving any day now. But when he doesn't come home when expected, you begin to worry he won't make it home in time.
More Than Friends (Poe Dameron x Reader) 😘 ✍ ✉️
Poe has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. But lately, your feelings for him have changed. Are you willing to risk a lifetime of friendship for something more?
Dead End (Poe Dameron x Reader) 😥 ✍
You and Poe are on the run from a squadron of Stormtroopers so you decide to split up to increase your chances of escape. But a single wrong turn may lead to a deadly mistake.
You Almost Died and You’re Making Jokes?
If You Die, I’m Going to Kill You!
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Keep Going (Din Djarin x Reader) 🤕 😥 ✍
When the Child is snatched from you and Din, the two of you risk everything to get him back.
Leaving (Din Djarin x Reader) 😥 ✍ ✉️
Months after turning Grogu over to his new Jedi master, you have finally helped Din track down what remains of his clan. Unfortunately, that means he too is leaving you behind.
Make a Choice (Din Djarin x Reader) 😥 ✍
When a bounty hunter finally tracks you down, you think this is the end. But things might change once the Mandalorian knows the truth behind your crime.
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Lost Loves (Ben Solo x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
Ben sneaks into a Rebellion base to find you just as you receive news about a terrible personal loss.
You Have to Wake Up (Kylo Ren x Reader) 😥 ✍ ✉️
Kylo left you behind years ago when he chose to follow the dark side. But when you are captured and brought in for interrogation, can he really just stand by and watch?
If I Asked You to Stay, Would You? = Kylo Ren x Female!Reader
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A Light in the Darkness (Han Solo x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
Before you were even born, you were betrothed to the ruler of your planet. And it was a life you had been resined to until an unexpected affair with a roguish pilot changed your world forever. Now, are you willing to risk it all for a shot of true happiness?
My Boba (Boba Fett x Reader) 😘 😥 ✍ ✉️
When Boba and you mess around with a Jedi time portal, a familiar figure might cause problems in your relationship.
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Poe Dameron
[Main Masterlist]
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The House of Fett: You're Y/N Janghis Fett, the only daughter of the infamous bounty hunter himself. When you were eight years old, you discovered quite by accident that you were Force-sensitive, and so your father Boba sought out the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, who would, for the next eight years of your life, be your mentor in the ways of the Force-- but you are no Jedi. You are a Mandalorian, even if you do happen to wield lightsabers. However, when the Sith Lord Kylo Ren-- whom you once knew as Ben-- begins to seek out your old mentor for terrible purposes, you're met with the familiar face of Poe Dameron, who is requesting your aid, and you agree to help him only once. But when Luke is not where you think, sending you and Poe on a galaxy-wide hunt for your elusive mentor, you're forced to work with him even longer than you had originally planned. This complicates things greatly, because you've been helplessly in love with him since the day you met him, and unrequited love is a painful thing indeed.
[Series Masterlist]
Unexpected: In which you and your bumbling clique of stormtroopers suddenly find yourselves under the command of Captain Poe Dameron, recently turned to the cause of the First Order... or is he?
|| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 ||
The Heir of Djarin (Poe Dameron x Mandalorian!OC): Din Djarin has spent nearly a decade in retirement on the uncharted moon of Yëa in order to hide Grogu from the First Order, but he’s in his late fifties and is fearing the day when the little guy is left on his own. Never did he expect a girl to drop out of the sky at such a perfect moment...
|| Moodboard || Sneak Peek || Episode 1 || Episode 2 || Episode 3 || Episode 4 || Episode 5 || Episode 6 || Episode 7 || Episode 8 || Epilogue ||
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**Boxing Badass (Poe Dameron x fem!reader)
Role Reversal (Poe Dameron x gn!reader)
Birthday Wishes (Poe Dameron x gn!reader)
*Embarrassment (Poe Dameron x gn!reader)
**Wild (Poe Dameron x fem!reader)
**Falling Slowly (Poe Dameron x fem!reader) (Teaser)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2
Spookable September 2022: 1 2 3
Star Wars/Top Gun AU Messy Moodboard
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yoditorian · 2 years
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[all my reader inserts are gender neutral and use they/them pronouns]
fic rec blog - @yodit-reads​
comment response blog - @yodit-responds​
my ao3
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LACUNA - din djarin/reader, 18+, 30k, rewrite in progress - “Have you ever removed your helmet?” “No.” He grits out. “Has it ever been removed by others?” “Never.” He’s lying.
REVERB - din djarin/reader, 18+, on hiatus - you don’t like working with other hunters, they’re sneaky and manipulative and you’d sooner sell anyone else out for a corn chip than trust them. Anyone. Except him.
EVERYTHING IN THE SKY - poe dameron/reader, on hiatus - Poe comes toe to toe with his match, and he doesn’t like it one bit.
DRIFT - din djarin/reader, pacific rim au, on hiatus - you’ve never lead a mech team before now, it’s just a shame the pilot can’t stand you.
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(Kiss Me) You Will Go - din djarin/reader, 1.8k  - you ever wonder how Din earned his reputation as one of the most ruthless bounty hunters in the galaxy? (sfw)
Wait For Me (KMYWG sequel) - haunted!din djarin/reader, under 1k - he’s used to seeing different faces in the mirror, but he never expected this one (sfw)
Friends? - poe dameron/reader, under 1k  - Poe ropes you into another scheme, at least your only injuries are minor burns and mild embarrassment (sfw)
Goodnight, My Love - din djarin/reader, under 1k (sfw)
Forehead Kisses - din djarin/reader, under 1k (sfw)
The Kiss - din djarin/reader, under 1k (sfw)
Sunrise - din djarin/reader, 100 word warm up (sfw)
Heart - din djarin/reader, 100 word warm up (sfw)
Safe - poe dameron/reader, 100 word warm up (sfw)
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themculibrary · 30 days
Star Wars/Jedi AU Masterlist
Avengers: Infinite Wars (fanfiction.net) - free man writer T, 1M
Summary: The Clone Wars are in full swing with the galaxy divided. The Jedi lead the clone army against the infinite droid army of the Separatists. Yet a wild card enters the fray. The Avengers. From there, newer, more sinister and deadlier threats emerge and The Galaxy, no, the universe, shall never be the same again. Phase 4. Co-written by Jebest4781 and BulletStormX.
Banish The Darkness (ao3) - Sishal jon/bucky T, 2k
Summary: Jon Antilles crashlands on earth and the first person he meets is a Bucky who is in the process of taking down a Hydra compound.
Broken Pieces (ao3) - celeste9 nebula/rey T, 4k
Summary: When Rey brought a droid back to her AT-AT with the intention of repairing it and earning herself more credits than she had ever seen in her life, the last thing she was expecting was for the droid to turn out to be not a droid at all, but a cybernetically modified being called Nebula who didn't take well to being scavenged for parts.
Darling, Let's Take Our Time (While It's Still Ours To Take) (ao3) - Voylitscope_speed steve/bucky E, 6k
Summary: (Or: Steve's a rebel pilot with a target on his back, Bucky runs a bar that's a hub for rebel activity, and the two of them have a long history. It's a Star Wars AU.)
Expectations (ao3) - twizzle loki/tony T, 1k
Summary: Loki is a Sith Lord. Tony Stark is a bounty hunter, ready to serve the Empire.
Protectors of the Nebula (fanfiction.net) - What If Universe G, 20k
Summary: The war is over. But the battle has only begun. The Republic has fallen, and the Jedi were slaughtered but some survived. Peter Parker, Spider-Man, Kate Bishop, Hawkeye. Amber Morgan, a Jedi Padawan, and Captain Rex. They have survived Order 66 and are now out on their own, protecting what's left of the Galaxy from the Empire. But are they going to be enough, or is it all for not?
Rebel Defenders: Emergence of the Spectres (Book 1) (ao3) - NaldMoney matt/claire, kanan/hera N/R, 101k
Summary: (MCU/Star Wars Crossover) Hell's Kitchen/Lothal has been ruled by the Empire for 14 years. The appearance of a Jedi leading a small group of Rebels called the Spectres upsets the status quo in this city.
The emergence of the Spectres sets off a war within the criminal underworld and a masked vigilante known as Daredevil attempts to stop it.
Darth Vader seeks Imperial experiment escapees Jessica Jones and Kilgrave for his own personal ambitions. Can the Spectres, Daredevil and Jessica Jones stop Vader and the Empire?
Star Wars: Civil War - Law & Order (ao3) - Justyce_15 mj/peter, kate/america T, 35k
Summary: What if all of the Empire's and Rebellion's leadership was taken out, and now the galaxy was in chaos? This is the story of Michelle Jones, agent of Rebel Intelligence, trying to navigate this galaxy and do the right thing, when the right thing is the hardest thing to do. Can she find love and happiness? And where does Peter Parker fit in to her future?
survivors (you and me both) (ao3) - SinginInTheRaine nebula/rey G, 600
Summary: Nebula arrived with a group of former slaves, freed by Poe and Han and some of the other Jedi from a life in captivity. But unlike the others, she never left. Rey noticed.
The Iron Mandalorian (fanfiction.net) - Bookworm2950 T, 45k
Summary: While recovering from the betrayal of Captain America, Tony receives a video from his long dead mother, showing him the true legacy of his family. One which stretches across the stars into a galaxy far far away.
The Saughteling (ao3) - Claudia_flies, SD_Ryan, zilia  steve/bucky E, 52k
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes and Steve Grant Rogers arrive at the Jedi Temple just over twelve months apart.
Many years later, a disillusioned Jedi Knight Steve Rogers returns to the Core Worlds at the summoning of the Jedi Council. Instead of following the will of the Council, Steve chooses a different path. His quest will lead Steve to confront a specter from his past and finally open himself up to the will of the Force.
The Will of the Force (ao3) - madasthesea G, 2k
Summary: Tony and Peter end up as mentor and mentee in a different universe. Or, should we say, Master and Padawan.
the world turns upside down (ao3) - andibeth82 clint/natasha T, 10k
Summary: “This is Natasha,” says Clint when they arrive on board, pushing his partner forward as Natasha yanks herself away from Clint’s grip. Rey nods curtly; she’s shed the jacket Clint had seen her in earlier and her staff is resting against the wall of the ship.
“You didn’t tell me she piloted the Millennium Falcon,” Natasha hisses as they fall behind, following Rey towards the cockpit.
OR: the one where Clint and Nat meet Rey and Finn, Poe is one hell of a pilot, and everyone wants to join the Resistance.
(trying to be) less volatile, less violent (ao3) - QueenWithABeeThrone anakin/thor T, 9k
Summary: “Typical,” says Darcy. “Crazy drunk guy’s walking around ranting about hammers and Hi-I’m-Dall or whatever and your first instinct is to take pictures of the fancy circle thingy.”
or: Anakin Skywalker, Darcy Lewis, and the time they hit a guy with their car.
Worshiping the Trickster (ao3) - JadeSabre83 loki/jaina E, 10k
Summary: Loki was silent for a long while, then he smiled. It was one of those lazy sort of smiles, the kind that slowly dragged out across his lips. It was also incredibly sexy, if you liked your sexy with a hint of danger to it.
Loki is broken after the destruction of the bifrost. Jaina is broken after the events of the Dark Nest crisis. When Loki finds himself in a galaxy far, far away it's only natural for them to try to piece their fractured lives together.
0 notes
unstoppableforcce · 4 years
higher prices
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CHAPTER FOUR: yellow dress
pairing: bounty hunter Poe Dameron x reader
previous part | next part | masterlist
a/n: a little mini part that didn’t end up being that mini but I got so soft for them and oof ok I didn’t do as many read throughs as I normally do so I hope it’s okay :)))
The yellow dress was his favorite.
He didn’t know if it was because you always looked so happy when you were wearing it or if it was just because it was such a beautiful color in you, but it was his favorite by far. And when you came down the stairs that morning, shining like the radiant princess you were, he thought it was going to be a good day, he thought it had to be.
Looking at you now, collapsed behind the makeshift barricade he managed to set up at the doors to the cantina while you tended to the slashes that marred your legs, he wished it didn’t happen the way that it did. He wished that day was as good as it should have been...
Maybe he wouldn’t be getting you killed by the first order if that were the case.
As he knelt down next to you, his hand twitched, the memory of the way your hand felt in his as he walked along side you through the tropical heat coursing through him.
He hadn’t felt another hand in years, he kept his gloves on specifically to avoid it.
He knew it would never feel the way he wanted it to unless it was you, and he had decided that day, when he left you in tears, each one rolling off your cheeks and staining the breast of your perfect yellow dress, that he would never feel it again. And for years, he thought that was the right call.
Distancing himself from his work, from everyone in his life... he thought that was the only way to do it, to survive in this monstrous galaxy.
But his hand twitched.
It twitched, wanting to reach out, wanting to feel you again.
Did he deserve it? After everything he had done, after all the blood that riddled his hands, after leaving you that day...
Well, would he prefer to die without feeling it again...
BB-H8 came rolling in, confirming that the back exits and windows were secure and that they had maybe five minutes left until the forces were at the door.
“Five minutes.” He repeated to you with a sigh as he collapsed beside you, finally getting you to look up from where you tied the next bandage around your calf.
He still loved you, if he was being honest, he always had, he always would.
His fingers trembled as he reached for the glove on his opposite hand, beginning to wiggle its way off his hand, revealing skin, marred by scars over nearly every inch of it. There were a lot of things he couldn’t remember, a lot of things he blocked out, but he could never forget the last time he felt something nice, the last time he held you and the beautiful yellow dress.
And as he reached out towards you, he wondered if he deserved to know it again.
He didn’t mind dying, but he couldn’t stand the idea of you dying alongside him.
He just couldn’t stand it.
“I think I love you...”
There were birds cawing over head as you slipped out of your shoes nearly made you miss the words as they fell from his lips, but as he turned back to you, already out of his shoes and standing in the sand, he easily repeated it.
“I think I love you...”
The yellow dress was nothing compared to the brightness of your smile. “You think?”
“No, I guess I know that I do.”
You launched into his arms, stumbling him back into the sand, pressing your lips to his for maybe the hundredth time, but making it feel like the first time all over again. His scarless, bloodless hands grabbed your skin, your dress, every inch of you, to hold you close.
“Is this you saying the same—“
“Yes, Poe, I love you.”
Why did he have to go wandering where he wasn’t supposed to be?
He had just been so eager to find you after the guards stole you away, all he wanted was to watch the sunset with you and it was getting pretty close to the horizon now, the sky going pinker and pinker and he had to find you. He wanted to find you...
“I always thought that you had told him...” he heard you say through the towering palace door.
He didn’t know you were talking about him, he didn’t know what was happening inside, he thought it was just a meeting and he didn’t want to interrupt so he lingered.
When he heard Leia’s voice respond, he knew something was wrong.
He knew the two of you were talking about him.
“I didn’t know how, he was just a boy.” Leia sighed, “no boy deserves to hear his parents killed themselves.”
Leia said it was a casualty of war. He was eight years old. He didn’t understand, and he just couldn’t breathe.
“You say they killed themselves for the rebellion, for something bigger—“
You knew. You knew...
“He doesn’t need to know—“
That was when he ran. He didn’t mean to knock over the plant beside him, he wished he hadn’t, then you wouldn’t have followed, you would have just let him leave and it wouldn’t have had to break his heart to run from you and that yellow dress.
How could you know and never tell him, how could Leia, how could anyone...
He got the full story a couple years later, after he made the new Dameron name for himself as a bounty hunter. Leia hired him and he finally asked why...
Kes and Shara had been pinned down, in a cantina actually, not too unlike this one, with information that would end the war and they couldn’t let the empire get their hands on it. But as the only two people in the whole galaxy who had ever read it, after they destroyed the disk, they had to make sure it couldn’t be tortured out of them.
It was for the rebellion, Leia urged, like it made a difference.
He couldn’t fight for the resistance, he couldn’t fight with her or with you, he couldn’t support the thing that killed his parents, he couldn’t.
He couldn’t knowingly fight for a better world when there wasn’t one out there. The empire, the first order, what was the difference... there was no winning.
There were no more yellow dresses or smiles, there were scars and surviving.
Or at least that’s what he told himself to keep himself alive all these years.
But with death on the other side of the door and moving in fast, he wasn’t entirely convinced he even believed himself anymore.
And when you took his hand in yours for the first time since he ran away from you and the truth...
All he could see was you in that yellow dress, that smile, the beautiful skin under the sunlight, toes in the sand. He was a kid again when he felt your touch, he wasn’t this battle hardened bounty hunter with no first name and no sense of morality. And you weren’t the resistance spy who lost everything when the first order destroyed your planet, you were a princess in a yellow dress, splashing water in his face and telling him you loved him too.
“I can’t let you die here...”
You squeezed his hand, drawing him closer whether you meant to or not. “Poe, this isn’t your fault...”
“Doesn’t really matter now, does it?” He tried to smirk, but it fell on his face the second his eyes landed on yours again. “I can’t let you die here.”
You pulled your hand back, just to adjust where you sat, your leg bandages tightly holding your legs but the one on your shoulder falling as you turned to sit closer to him. Then your hand was back in his and he swore he would never let it go.
“I wanted to tell you.” The words burst out of you, seeming to use up all the strength you had left. “About your parents, when Leia told me that you didn’t know, I wanted to tell you.”
It had been so many years and it took coming to your deaths for the two of you to finally speak.
He didn’t care though, he’d wait a lifetime for you.
“But you ran away from me, from us, and the next time I saw you... you had become this façade of yourself and bounty hunter Dameron wasn’t the man I fell in love with. So I was mean, and sarcastic and stubborn because you were too, and I guess we both just got so good at it that we forgot what we used to be.” You continued, gripping his hand tighter and moving your other hand to the side of his face.
“I didn’t want to be the princess and you didn’t want to be Poe, it’s not your fault and it’s not mine. We were both hurt and young and...”
For deathbed confessions, it nearly sounded like you had practiced.
And maybe you had. Maybe you spent every waking minute of every day that you didn’t spend on helping the resistance practicing what you’d say if you ever got the man you loved back. You could never have dinner in the palace with your family, or sit in the cove and watch the sunset, all of that taken away when first order destroyed your home. But you dreamed that one day you could have him back. Maybe that was why it always hurt to see him.
Maybe that was why you were holding him so tight now.
“But I’ve missed you.” You finally admitted, “and I don’t want to die here but I’m not an idiot either.”
“I’m going to get you out.” He fought but you just shook your head, a stray tear fighting down your face.
“Poe, I can’t be alive when they get here.”
You knew too much. You were Leia’s second in command, you knew everything there was to know about the resistance and you knew everything the first order wanted to know. That was why the bounty was so high. But what you were saying, what you were implying...
It brought him back to the palace, stood outside your meeting with Leia, hearing how his parents did the exact same thing.
The list of people he’s loved in life isn’t long, even shorter if don’t consider those that are dead, and he wasn’t making that list any shorter today or any day, he couldn’t lose you.
“You can get out of here, Poe—“
He shook his head, reaching up to hold your hand at his face and squeeze your other until his scarred knuckles went white. “I’m not letting you die.”
“The first order doesn’t know that you’re working with the resistance, you can kill me and get the bounty and they’ll spare you—“
“Are you out of your mind?” He shouted while you gingerly strokes a tear from his cheek, “that’s not going to happen.”
“Poe—“ you pleaded but he couldn’t hear it anymore.
“No. I’m going to get you out of here.”
“I can’t be alive when they get here, Poe, please, you know—“
“I came here to save you and that’s what I have to do—“
You reached up into his curls and pulled his face down to yours, smothering his lips with yours before he had a chance to finish his sentence.
He didn’t feel like it was your first kiss again, he felt the weight of everything between the two of you pushing the both of you together, holding you in close as he pressed his lips to yours. And as your tears mixed on your cheeks, he felt his heart breaking over and over again, the yellow fabric melting away into the bloodied pants and cut up shirt you wore.
The princess he loved wasn’t gone, nor was the boy you loved.
The two of you had grown into who you were now, but the spark was still there, the burn in his chest that made even this icy tundra feel like Mustafar was still there.
There was no more yellow dress, there was just you.
And he had to get you out of there.
“I’m not letting you die.” He repeated, his lips ghosting over yours as his hand found the back of your neck to keep you close, “I can’t.”
“You may not have a choice.”
“I think, for the first time in a long time, I do...”
@danicalifxrnia @cammisanders @p3nny4urth0ught5 @roserrys @itsamedeemoney @mandoren
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wolvesofinnistrad · 4 years
Me: has literally never watched the Mandalorian and only saw the first new Star Wars movie
The incredibly complex never written fanfic modern au in My head: so Din is dating Cobb, but he keeps asking his neighbor Poe how to deal with bringing a man into your life when you're a single father, because he knows that Poe is dating a handsome man named Finn who loves Bebe like his own child.
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kylo-ren-is-alive · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Poe Dameron/Ben Solo Characters: Poe Dameron, Ben Solo Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence Summary:
Force-sensitive bounty hunter Ben Solo captures Poe Dameron, his childhood friend. Have their paths diverged too far to reconnect again?
One-shot for the Kylo|Ben x Poe fanworks exchange 2020. Hope you enjoy!
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foxns · 3 years
Here is my wallop of ridiculous tropes with a twist once again.
A holiday ReyRose Modern!AU with DinLuke!Dads
We all love a good "No where else to go for Thanksgiving/Hanukkah/Christmas Life Day? Come spend it with my family!!"
Rey does this with Rose.
Only Rey was raised by the most chaotic ragtag collection of war veterans, politicians, bounty hunters, smugglers, crime bosses, and-
Well, yall get it.
The Skywalker-Djarin-Organa-Solo household is always at its prime during the holidays. Han watches the big podrace game with Boba. It doesn't matter how old they get it always ends with one of them in a headlock. Fennec places bets with Chewie on who it'll be every year.
Leia takes refuge in the kitchen where Din does most of the cooking with Paz and where Bo-Katan has the best wine.
Lando keeps an endless game of Sabaac going where Poe doesn't know how he's fifty credits down. Finn knows exactly how Poe's fifty credits down but was sworn to secrecy by Lando three years ago.
I also think that this could be a great opportunity for cantankerous Luke Skywalker. Who has been overly dedicated to his own research despite the fact it annoys him. (the sacred jedi tExtS)
This of course is all normal to Rey. It's a perfectly average for her father to be down in his robe and slippers complaining about people who have been dead for decades and centuries and his lost glasses. ("Historians, you know? They're on your head, dad!")
And Luke really isn't even the most concerning of them, considering several of Rey's uncles all have matching tattoos. (Rose, joking: "so which one of them was in the mafia?" Finn, not: "yes." Poe, later: "oh those guys are fine its Leia you really have to be worried about.")
But it's busy enough that none of the parents truly realizes they have extra company this year. (Luke is used to Din brining home strays and vice versa.)
But it's big brother Grogu who notices its Rey who's brought home a girl. The mischief maker know exactly what this means. He only signs and uses it to his full advantage of the situation, asking Rey things right in front of Rose.
"Have you rented the u-haul yet?" And "does dad know? does Buir?" "do I get to be the best man?" "you better not invite Ben to the wedding, I'll fight him again you know I will." (Previous holiday incident)
(Ben Solo is currently abroad, enjoying what he considers a normal holiday at his boyfriend's coworker, Armitage's, house.)
This tips off Rose when Rey goes beet red everything Grogu signs something. Rose thinks it's cute and accidentally says as much. Lots of awkward and shy moments.
Eventually, it's Din that notices, when Rose gets a little overwhelmed. They have a bonding moment. ("I was exactly where you were once, don't worry. They're not so bad after you get used to them.")
(Han, listening in, snorts "as if she's got a choice. Once a Skywalker sets their sights on you it's game over. Best to get used to it now, kid.")
Rose actually finds that charming.
It's not until they're saying goodbye and Rey scores they keys to the Falcon (much to Poe's dismay) to drive Rose home when it all comes out.
Grogu casually signs 'Better take your girlfriend somewhere nice since you made her first date a family dinner.'
("Girlfriend?" Luke blurts the same time Din says "You're dating?" )
Rey absolutely does the quickest kthxbye, face the color of tomato. Din and Luke deal with going over each step of the night to see if they embarrassed their daughter or not. (or exposed any of the long standing family drama)
Rose grins the whole way home and even sneaks a kiss on her cheek before getting out of the car. Lots of fluff. Rose does send a text the next morning "So are you in the mafia?" "no. just my dad's secret society."
Rose can't actually tell if she's joking. Rey isn't.
It all works out in the end.
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Pedro Pascal Character & Misc Characters Fic Recommendations
As you can probably tell my Tumblr is pretty much a Pedro Pascal fanpage and I wanted to share some of my favourite fic recommendations to spread the love and the reading! Please reblog, like and support these wonderful writers!
A lot of these are NSFW so check the tags, ratings and warnings before reading!
I have some writings of my own here if you want to check them out:  || Writing Masterlist ||
This will continue to be updated as I continue finding new fics! (Last Update: 19/4/2021)
Pedro Pascal Characters
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Din Djarin {The Mandalorian}
More To Love (6 Chapters - ongoing) by @syndxlla
Princess reader in an arranged marriage to the Prince of Mandalore falls in love with her Mandalorian guard...
Something More (12 Chapters - ongoing) by @amiedala
Rebel pilot reader collides with the Mandalorian on Nevarro and becomes his new pilot and babysitter for the little green baby...
Dust (13 Chapters - ongoing) by etchedbox (Ao3)
A smutty western in the stars; two people finding one another. Reader is the Pilot, and he is the Mandalorian...
Atin’la (oneshot) by @pascalpanic
Being a female bounty hunter is a pain in the ass, its a nice change of pace to meet the Mandalorian, the only man in the bounty hunting trade that respects women...
A Gambling Man - Din & Whiskey (oneshot) by @auty-ren
Maybe two of the most hot-headed, stubborn men you've ever met, can come to a special agreement. Especially when the terms of that agreement involve you...
Turning Point (oneshot) by @charnelhouse​
I thought Mandalorians didn’t do revenge...
Agent Whiskey {Kingsman: The Golden Circle}
Whiskey & Gin (5 Chapters) by @zeldasayer
70s AU Statesman story filled with opulence, decadence and lust...
Valley Nights (4 Chapters - ongoing) by @jura-moon​
It’s 1915 Egypt, and you’re an ambitious librarian assisting on an excavation when American flirt and archaeologist, Jack Daniels, takes an interest…
Wanderlust (3 Chapters) by @scribbledghost
Nomadic reader who stumbles upon a kind bar owner Whiskey, a sweet soft and romantic story...
Not A Whiskey Drinker (4 Chapters - ongoing) by @absurdthirst
Reader gets a job offer from Statesmen Brewery. What happens though when reader realises she had already met her boss?
Heartbeat (3 Chapters) by @autumnleaves1991-blog
Reader is weapons expert for Statesman, but what happens when her crush Whiskey gives her a weapons demonstration? Soft Whiskey in abundance here...
First Time (2 Chapters) by @absurdthirst
Plus sized insecure reader celebrates her birthday with a surprising visitor...
Fera Flores (oneshot) by @absurdthirst
Two angry agents and some flower pollen make for an interesting mission...
Roomies (oneshot) by misomikko (Ao3)
Reader, Whiskey, and the team are staying abroad at a hotel. Reader is saddled with the worst- and best- roommate...
A Good Time - Javier & Whiskey (oneshot) by  PapiPascal (Ao3)
Reader is approached by two handsome but very different men at a bar, this sure would be an interesting evening...
A Gambling Man - Din & Whiskey (oneshot) by @auty-ren
Maybe two of the most hot-headed, stubborn men you've ever met, can come to a special agreement. Especially when the terms of that agreement involve you...
Stay With Me (oneshot) by @foli-vora​
Whiskey has to leave for work, but can you convince him to stay?
Fall For A Shooting Star (1 Chapter - ongoing) by @yespolkadotkitty​
Retired from active duty, Whiskey runs a ranch for people needing protective custody...
Sparring Partners (5 Chapters - ongoing) by @demoneyesanddamagedsouls​
You and Agent Whiskey are long time rivals. As Statesman agents you both have been put up for the same promotion and this mission is your final chance to prove yourself. Have you got what it takes? Sorry I included my own one here I’m just super proud of it!
Can you tell who my main comfort character is...
Javier Pena {Narcos}
A Good Man (6 Chapters) by @forever-rogue
Professor AU Javier, reader is a student in his class and he becomes infatuated with her...
Angels of Mercy (10 Chapters) by  Maharani_Radha (Ao3)
Narcos AU, Reader is a DEA agent who has caught the eye of the Narco Cartel Boss Javier Pena...
Futile Devices (5 Chapters - ongoing) by @zeldasayer
Back at your families home in Northern Italy you start to fall for your fathers best friend Javier. Does he return your feelings?
Girl Next Door (10 Chapters) by @babypedrito
After a particular run in with your handsome, older neighbour, Javier Peña, you both find yourselves drawn to each other in ways that neither of you thought possible...
Me Olvidarás (1 Chapter - ongoing) by @djarinbarnes
An undeniable warm summer vacation in Bogotá. You meet a man who impresses you beyond where your imagination could ever take you...
A Good Time - Javier & Whiskey (oneshot) by  PapiPascal (Ao3)
Reader is approached by two handsome but very different men at a bar, this sure would be an interesting evening...
Frankie Morales {Triple Frontier}
The Reader's Guide to Avoiding Redfly (2 Chapters - ongoing) by  the_sound_of_inevitability (Ao3)
Reader is being constantly hit on by Redfly and Frankie is acting as your buffer, but is there something more to it?
Take On The World (1 Chapter - ongoing) by @knivesareout
Reader is stood up for a blind date but meets a handsome stranger instead...
Cloud 9 (oneshot) by @221bshrlocked
Reader and Frankie join the mile high club...
Hello Sunshine (oneshot) by @forever-rogue
Reader is given a fake number by her date and ends up texting Frankie, what will develop between them?
And Then We Grew Up (oneshot) by @mouthymandalorian
Frankie morales was your best friend, but he disappeared from your life without an explanation. years later, he finds you in a bar after your life falls part. is it too late for the two of you to patch things up?
Catfish & Sunshine (2 Chapters) by @bookishofalder
Frankie is secretly in love with his best friend. Thanks in part to Benny’s shitty horror movie recommendation and stray ice cream, feelings come out unexpectedly during movie night...
Maxwell Lord {WW84}
Gold Rush (11 Chapters) by @thewayofthemandalorian
Max Lord moves in next door to Reader, no one seems to remember what happened but Reader does, so what happens when she learns that Max Lord is a better man than he seemed?
Yes Professor (oneshot) by @honeymandos
Professor AU Max Lord, Reader is a lazy student and Max Lord is going to get her attention focused...
Pero Tovar {The Great Wall}
and it’s worth it, it’s divine (2 Chapters) by @mouthymandalorian
Reader is determined to win over the angry brute Tovar who seems determined to hate her, but what is hidden beneath that hate?
They Were Roommates (8 Chapters - ongoing) by @f0rever15elf
A dangerous night leads to an interesting living arrangement between you and one grumpy Spaniard...
The Spaniard - Oberyn & Tovar (oneshot) by @absurdthirst
Reader is a partner to Prince Oberyn and you find a new toy in the brutish Spaniard Tovar who was in your court, this should make for an interesting tryst...
Something More (oneshot) by @absurdthirst
A burst of passion in the heat of the moment turns into something more...
By the Sun, Moon, and Stars (oneshot) by @empress-palpat1ne
A gruff and mysterious man frequents the bread line at the bakery where you have taken on work. Inexplicably, you find yourself drawn to him…
Oberyn Martell {Game of Thrones}
The Spaniard - Oberyn & Tovar (oneshot) by @absurdthirst
Reader is a partner to Prince Oberyn and you find a new toy in the brutish Spaniard Tovar who was in your court, this should make for an interesting tryst...
Violence In Our Blood (oneshot) by @ghostwiththemostbitch
Lannister Reader catches the eye of the Prince of Dorne what will happen when these two opposites collide?
Body Say (oneshot) by @queenofthefaceless
An elaborate birthday celebration turns into something steamy with the Dornish Prince. There’s a first time for everything...
Zach Wellison {Brothers & Sisters}
A Room With a View (oneshot) by @absurdthirst
You’ve just caught your boyfriend cheating on you so you run out of your house needing to be anywhere but there, you bump into Zach in Central Park. What will happen?
Oscar Isaac Characters
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Poe Dameron {Star Wars}
The Bet (2 Chapters) by @no-droids
Fuckboy Poe and Reader have a bet, how long will the two of them be able to last?
A Fine Line Between Friends (oneshot) by @ghostwiththemostbitch
Reader realises that maybe what they have with Poe is more than just sex...
Santiago Garcia {Triple Frontier}
Violent Tensions (oneshot) by @ghostwiththemostbitch
A heated situation leads to hidden feelings being revealed...
617 notes · View notes
therenlover · 3 years
Therenlover’s Official Fanfic Glossary!
Hey hey hey! This is the place where you can find all my up-to-date fanfics linked nicely, read about what projects I have upcoming, and learn what requests I’m taking at the moment! Cheers!
This post is massive so, for the sake of your dash, everything is under the cut
I will do my best to fulfill any requests I get while my ask box/requests are open! That being said, I cannot promise every request will get done, and that if they do, they’ll be done in a timely manner. I’m currently working on a long-form project that needs a lot of time and energy to come out consistently, so unless I’m doing a writing event most of my writing juice will be focused on that. That being said, if you want something ask! The worst I can possibly do is direct you towards someone else who might be able to write what you want if I cant.
If I choose not to do your request based on personal preference (it makes me uncomfy/I don’t write for the character at that time/I don’t feel I can write what you want/etc.) I will do my best to contact you and let you know! That being said, if you think your ask got buried/forgotten, feel free to message me again and let me know, but please tell me when you message me if I should be looking for a prior request.
Characters/Fandoms I will write for currently
 💙 = I’m Currently Super Inspired To Write For This Character
Bucky Barnes
Peter Maximoff 💙
Pietro Maximoff
Helmut Zemo 💙
Hank McCoy
Ralph Bohner 💙
American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Kit Walker 💙
Kyle Spencer (Pre- and Post- Death)
Jimmy Darling 💙
James Patrick March 💙
Kai Anderson
Fallout 4
Nick Valentine
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
Armitage Hux 💙
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Han Solo
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne - FGO
Cu Chulainn/Cu Alter - FGO
Warren Lipka - American Animals 💙
Enjolras - Les Miserables
Grantaire - Les Miserables
Gabriel - Supernatural
Songs From Musicals Y/N Would Sing To The Evans
Characters: Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Peter Maximoff
Rating: T
How The Evans (+ Quicksilver) Would React To Yoplait’s New Gushers Yogurt
Characters: Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Rory Monahan, Kai Anderson, Peter Maximoff
Rating: T
Would The Danny Bunch Survive A Holiday With My Family?
Characters: Laszlo Kreizler, Alex Kerner, Niki Lauda, Andrea Marowski, Ernst Schmidt, Helmut Zemo
Rating: T
Modern! AU Armitage Hux Boyfriend Headcanons
Zemo With A Well Dress S/O Headcanons
Zemo Getting Jealous Headcanons
Helmut Zemo
One Last Night In Madripoor
Synopsis: Baron Helmut Zemo is a lonely, wanted man looking for some fun, you’re a piss-poor bounty hunter in search of a connection before leaving your life of crime behind, and fate has brought you together at a party the likes of which has never been seen before. You only have one night left in Madripoor, so why not take a chance?
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 4200~
Still Some Catching Up To Do
Synopsis: As a member of the criminal underworld, people walk out of your life all the time. Some are killed, others kill themselves, most get caught and only a couple get out of the life unscathed, disappearing into the world never to be seen again. Very few walk back in. So when your supposedly incarcerated ex-lover, the Winter Soldier, and the Falcon waltzed through your door and made you murder your boss, needless to say, you were surprised and more than a little bit pissed.
Rating: 16+
Word Count: 6800~
Nine Years Starved
Synopsis: It had been a little over nine years since Helmut Zemo lost his family, his country, and his sanity. Nine years since his last kiss. Nine years since he felt like a human man. Finally, he was ready to start over again, but first, he had to pay his penance back where it all began; Novi Grad. That’s when, by the grace of the fates, he met you.
Rating: G
Word Count: 7000~
Daddy Dearest
Synopsis: Not everyone gets lucky enough to go from being a broke college student in New York to being the sugar baby to literal royalty, but not everyone is you. Most people would be worried about messing things up or losing him to someone else, but you knew he would never find another baby just like you. Besides, you knew exactly what to do to keep him wrapped around your little finger. He may have been the daddy, but you pulled the reins.
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 8000~
In Fleeting Touches & Airy Sighs
Part One   Part Two   Part Three   Part Four
Synopsis: As a wanted man, Helmut Zemo spends most of his time jumping from place to place in the hopes of avoiding a trip back to prison. Unfortunately, that means he can’t always be home in your arms. When he is, though, in the rare moments of calm, you’re reminded of just how worth it it’s been to wait, even if that wait was only shortened by the arrival of your enemies.
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 35,700~
Two Bodies In The Rain
Synopsis: It was raining the day you finally had to admit your feelings to Helmut. You hated to tell him the way you did, under the grey skies as your blood pooled below you, but at least you knew, in the end, he had seen the real you, even just once. That was enough.
Rating: T
Word Count: 5600~
Synopsis: Living life on the lam with your escaped super-villain lover means things rarely slow down enough for a real rest. When the exhaustion starts to take its toll on you, though, he knows exactly what to do to ease the pain. He may not be a good man, but he’s a good husband when it counts.
Rating: T
Word Count: 3200~
American Horror Story
Jimmy Darling
Red Nights In Jupiter
Synopsis: At the end of another long day, you fall into bed with Jimmy Darling. The men you served throughout the day don’t matter then, nor do the coins in the mason jar by the door, or the women scheduled to attend Jimmy’s next Tupperware party. No, in that quiet darkness it’s just you and the man you love, bone-tired and happy to be home. Who could ask for more?
Rating: 16+
Word Count: 3000~
James Patrick March
Synopsis: When you fall ill, James is given a forceful awakening about how he’s been neglecting your needs and what he must do to prevent harm from befalling you again.
Rating: 16+
Word Count: 3700~
In Sickness And In Health
Synopsis: Normally people don’t have their wedding and funeral on the same day, but you and James don’t quite have a normal relationship, do you? Besides, you wouldn’t wanna go any other way.
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 5500~
Fallout 4
Currently Empty
Star Wars
Currently Empty
Currently Empty
Long Form Works/Series
Young Artist!Zemo AU
Chapter One: The Boy With The Easel
Synopsis: About a month into your first semester at Novi Grad’s top university, you finally meet the strange young man that you’ve taken to calling “easel boy” in the back of a bookshop. From a distance, he always seemed cold and aloof. As you get to know him, though, you realize things aren’t always what they seem.
Rating: T
Word Count: 7000~
Till Forever Falls Apart (A Peter Maximoff/Reader Series)
Chapter One: Welcome Home
Synopsis: As if getting thrown through the multiverse, trapped in an attic (albeit a cool one), mind-controlled to manipulate his grieving sister, and subsequently dragged out of Westview “for his own safety” by the FBI wasn’t enough, Peter Maximoff has now been shipped off to New York to live with a glorified baby sitter like some tragic orphan in a comic book until they find a way to get him back home. Things are not always as they seem, though, and this change might just be for the better.
Rating: T
Word Count: 2400~
Chapter Two: The Doctor Is In
Synopsis: Peter’s first few days in his new home are mostly uneventful, so he decides it’s the perfect time to dust off his running goggles and steal some shit. The building with the massive circular stained glass window seems like a great place to start! People with buildings that lavish are usually rich and weak, so what could possibly go wrong?
Rating: T
Word Count: 2800~
Chapter Three: It’s Always Been You
Synopsis: After a month of adapting to his new universe, Peter Maximoff can confidently say that he likes his new life more than his old one. Sure, he misses home sometimes, but he’s been far too busy flirting with his new roommate to spend time crying over the things he’s lost. Everything is smooth sailing until a strange journal in his roommate’s study leaves him with more questions than he knows what to do with. Now he’s on a mission to discover who he’s really living with before she has the chance to turn against him.
Rating: T
Word Count: 8600~
Chapter Four: Before You Go
Synopsis: Peter, after days of contemplation, has realized that part of him loves Y/N no matter what she is or what she’s been through. Unfortunately, he can’t find her anywhere. When she finally returns home with the intention of leaving again, Peter realizes it’s his last chance to tell her how he really feels. Will he succeed, or will he fail to be fast enough once again?
Rating: T
Word Count: 4000~
Chapter Four And A Half: Gimme Swayze
Synopsis: Now that the issue of Y/N leaving is out of the way, and Peter has finally kissed her, he falls into the motions of learning how to love someone for the first time. It’s easier than he thought it would be.
Rating: T
Word Count; 2600~
Cakes For The Evans: A Blogging And Baking Adventure!
Kai Anderson’s Disaster Cake
Hey you! If you’ve made it this far down the list, thanks for supporting me as an author! I’ll be linking my AO3 here. I post everything there shortly before I post it here, and there are some older fics there you might enjoy along the way! It’s also easier to drop comments over there and I keep them open for non-members, so give me a shout if you liked what I wrote!
I love you all, you make me so happy, and without you support I would never be motivated to write! Cheers!
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rosequartzwriting · 3 years
Chapter 1: The Sheriff
Vivo o Muerto - Next Chapter  (coming soon)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader x Din Djarin 
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Series Description: Western AU! Sheriff Poe Dameron has a grudge against the First Order gang leader, Kylo Ren. Once it grows more personal, he’s determined to go after him. But he needs help, so he appoints bounty hunter Din Djarin to come along. But you insist on coming too. Adventure, action, and a love triangle ensues. 
Chapter Description: During a seemingly normal day in the town of Jakku, something blows the town into a stir.
Warnings: casual drinking, an explosion, cowboy pew pew guns, light swearing, mentions of eating
Word Count: 4.7k
A/N: Been planning this one for a long time, and its gonna be a wild ride. Enjoy. Comment to be added to the tag list for upcoming chapters. And thank you to my beta reader Hailey!
Song for vibes recommendation: The Mandalorian, Western Version
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
A long time ago in the wild, wild west…
The sun beat down on the dusty town of Jakku. It was in the middle of spring, and it was already starting to heat up, the dryness stretching for miles and miles until the next town. Jakku was not the dustiest or the driest of the towns on this side of the country, but the hearth of the summers could get as hot as Tatooine during some years.
The dust of the soil kicked up and stirred in the wind as a horse galloped towards the outskirts of town at top speed, only for another horse to follow and disturb the earth once more. The criminal dug his spurs into the sides of his stolen mare, pushing her to go faster, to outrun his pursuer.
But sheriff Poe Dameron was right on his tail.
His black stallion, Noir, galloped with a steady beat, gradually catching up to the thief who Poe had caught once already today. This dumbass had tried to single-handedly rob the bank this morning. The sheriff had caught him and put him in the brig in his office building. And during an afternoon nap, the prisoner somehow escaped and tried to rob him. By a miracle, Beebee had woken up and barked at the escapee, and Poe chased after him while still laced with sleep.
He was wide awake now, adrenaline rushing through him from the chase. And from the anger that had settled in when he had realized what the thief had taken off of his person. When he had clutched his chest and neck to find the absence of something that he never took off, it was ride or die.
Poe watched the thief begin to dig through the saddlebag of the stolen mare, quickly pulling a pistol from it. But he was faster, drawing his own gun and steadied his gloved hand as best he could while he shook on Noir’s back. With a single shot, the gun in the hand of the thief fell to the ground to be forgotten. Poe smiled at his perfect shot, immediately holstering his gun and reaching for his rope. The distance between the horses was getting smaller and an opportunity was approaching.
The plan was to lasso the man to get him off the horse. He would need another perfect shot and did not know if he would be so lucky twice. But all the same, he looped the rope in his hands, made sure Noir was going steady, and unconsciously held his breath.
He began to swing the rope over his head and aimed as best he could. It felt like the world paused around him, the sound of the horse’s hooves clopping in the dust drowned out by the pounding of his own heartbeat in his ears. And with a final pulse of adrenaline, he threw the lasso.
The loop landed right over the man and Poe gave the rope a good yank without any hesitation. It was like the man flew while he detached from the horse. In a ragdoll fashion, he fell off the saddle and landed with a solid thump in the dirt. Dust kicked up as he skidded to a halt, letting out a loud groan of pain from the impact. The stolen horse ran off into the distance. The man’s hat floated down to the ground after flying off his head.
While urging his horse to halt as well, Poe tried to hold in a laugh. One that bubbled up from a combination of him being impressed with his aim today as well as the comical way the man flew off the horse. It came out in a chuckle, not able to resist it.
Poe dismounted his horse, ready to draw his gun again if the thief tried anything. But he just laid there, coughing. Either from the dust cloud that now surrounded him or from having the wind absolutely knocked out of him. Probably both. With the rope still in hand, Poe went over to hogtie his escaped prisoner.
“On your back,” he ordered after finishing the job, looking down at the pathetic soul who might have a broken bone or two from the fall.
The man did not comply. So the sheriff made him, strolling over to give him a generous kick to the side. He rolled over with a hiss from the pain, squinting from the flying dust combined with the direct sunlight. Poe looked down at him for a second before placing a foot on his chest, leaning his elbow on his knee in a relaxed yet controlled tone.
“You have something of mine,” Poe dug the heel of his boot deeper into the thief’s chest, he heard his breath hitch a little.
Poe replaced his foot with his knee as he leaned down to roughly dig through the pockets of the thief. There were stacks of credit notes, a few important papers, and a pocket watch. They were all from Poe’s office, but he was talking about something specific, something irreplaceable. He found it in the thief’s breast pocket, a ring on a broken chain. He held it in his fingers and let it dangle in its familiar way.
“This was my mother’s wedding band. She gave it to me before she and my father went off to defend their land from a gang. They never made it back.”
He knew he had to fix or replace the chain, but he was just relieved to have it back. It was all he had left of his parents after losing them at a young age.
“You’re a slippery little bitch for thinking you could clip this off my neck and take it. Along with things from my desk. I’m lucky you woke my dog up, I’m a heavy sleeper.” The sheriff’s voice was dark but there was a cheeky tone laced between his words. That was just his Dameron confidence and sass that somehow always shown through any mood of his.
“I was being generous when I arrested you once already today. I could kill you right now if I wanted to.” Poe stood up from kneeling on the man’s chest now, who let out a hefty breath of relief. “Or I could send you to the prison in Courasunt, the transfer train car is coming through tomorrow.”
The thief said nothing, only began to hack up a ball of saliva to spit at Poe. Before he could do that, Poe kicked his boot in the dirt and sent a cloud of dust at him. He was now sputtering to get the dust out of his mouth, nose, and eyes.
“I’ll take you back to town then I’ll decide if I wanna kill you or not.”
With a bit of effort, Poe had managed to throw the hogtied man onto the back of his horse. The combination of the squirming man, the direct heat, and the soft pain in his shoulder from the attempted bank robbery this morning all left Poe a little dizzy. But he finally settled back upon his stallion and held his reins. Lightly knocking his heels into the animal's sides, Noir began a trot back towards Jakku.
“You try to escape, we’ll turn right around and trample you,” Poe remarked over his shoulder with a smirk before urging Noir to pick up the pace into a canter.
The town square of Jakku buzzed with activity as people went about in their afternoons.
Finn passed through on his horse, checking to make sure no suspicious activity was going on as he made his way to the sheriff’s office. His afternoon patrol duties were just about finished and needed to head back to report to Poe. He tipped his hat to a few passersby who said hello to him. Finn smiled at the townsfolk, listening to the light chatter and the clop of horse hooves in the road. Passing by the saloon, he saw the bartender and close friend, Jannah, sitting outside presumably on a break.
“Finn!” She acknowledged, waving to him, “You gonna be coming in for a drink later?”
“I haven’t even had lunch yet,” Finn replied with a laugh, “I had afternoon patrol today.”
“Well, we got beef stew on the pot right now. Why don’t you come on in?”
Finn liked the sound of that. You could never go wrong with the food at Maz’s place. Kanata Saloon always seemed to be busy just for the food.
“Save me a bowl,” Finn told her, “Need to go see the sheriff first,”
“Alrighty then, see ya!”
It was not long till the sheriff’s office, only a few more buildings down. But as Finn approached, he noticed that Poe’s horse was not at the hitching post. It was strange since he told Finn that he would be there when he got off patrol. Maybe he would be back soon.
Finn got off his horse and hitched the lead to the post. He climbed the steps and opened the door to Poe’s office, expecting to see no one there. Someone was. Beebee was sitting in Poe’s chair at his desk, looking like he was taking care of matters while his owner was away. The little orange and white dog smiled and wagged his tail at the sight of his friend and gave a happy little yelp.
“Beebee, where’s Poe?” Finn asked, giving the dog a scratch between his large ears.
His only response was a look of enjoyment from the scratches.
Finn began to look around the office only to realize just how empty it felt. Then it clicked why Poe was not here, the holding cell on the far end of the room was vacant and the barred door had been swung open. The man who had robbed the bank this morning was supposed to be in there. Somehow that bastard had gotten out, Poe must have chased after him. Finn made a mental note to take a look at that lock.
Beebee got down from Poe’s chair and nuzzled Finn’s legs, demanding more pets. He kneeled down to pet the dog more. Beebee reached up to lick his face, Finn laughed. After the pets, he adjusted the brown bandana around the dog's neck to sit straight again. The badge clipped to it was equivalent to his own, one that all the Jakku Rebels owned. The team that helped keep crime in the town under control. Finn found it funny that Poe considered Beebee part of that team, even if Beebee was no tough dog. He only craved love and attention over chasing down outlaws with his master.
The door to the office suddenly burst open and a pair had stumbled in. Poe had returned with the bank robber, jamming his pistol in the escapee’s back to make him move forwards. Beebee let out a growl and showed his teeth to the tied-up man. Finn held in a laugh, wondering what had happened that lead to this moment.
“The damn lock on that cell is broken and this bastard got out.” Poe huffed, a look of utter frustration on his face. “Broke out and stole my stuff while I was sleeping.”
Finn crossed his arms and watched the two stroll in and make their way to the basement where the rest of the jail cells were. “Maybe you should cut the naps then,”
Poe looked over his shoulder at his best friend, “Oh hardy harr,” he replied in a mocked laugh before taking the thief downstairs.
Finn went to go look at the lock on the cell on the main level. The lock was definitely broken. When the door was closed it looked like it was locked, it wasn’t.
The loud exclamation from downstairs made Finn forget about the broken lock. It was followed by the slam of barred doors and a spew of Spanish curses coming from the sheriff. In a split second of decision, Finn did not know if he needed to go down there and help. But that was shut down by the sound of Poe’s boots on the stairs.
Poe came up clutching his shoulder, “Bastard rammed me in the shoulder,”
“The same one he punched this morning?” Finn asked.
“Yes, it was just starting to feel better. And don’t remind me. He caught me off guard.” Poe complained.
Finn did not argue, only said, “Sounds like you’re having an eventful day,”
“Shut it,” Poe said nonchalantly. He came up beside his friend, hands on his hips and dog following him at his heels. “So, you done your patrol?”
“I have been,” Finn replied, a laugh in his voice. “Nothing significant around town. Thinking about heading over to Maz’s for something to eat,”
“I’ll come with” Poe clasped him on the shoulder with his good arm, “I could use a drink.”
Finn laughed at his best friend. The two left the sheriff’s office to make the short walk to Kanata Saloon, Beebee happily following along wagging his tail.
The two entered the busy saloon. Townsfolk acknowledged them with waves all around the building. There were people having lunch, sharing an afternoon drink, playing cards, and taking refuge out of the warm sun. Jannah smiled at them from the bar and went to pour them their usual drink orders.
At the bar were the other two members of the Jakku Rebels. You and Rey were eating together and chatting with big smiles on your faces. They looked like they were in deep conversation and did not notice that their sheriff had entered along with his right-hand man. The two men went over to see their friends.
“Howdy ladies,” Finn greeted and at the sound of his voice, they turned around on their bar stools and said hello. Finn took a seat on Rey’s right.
Poe smiled at them both, about to say a greeting himself. But his dog beat him to it. Beebee yelped happily at your feet, paws scratching at your boots and wanting acknowledgment. You bent down and picked up the small dog to bring him into your lap. There were no dogs allowed in the saloon, except for the sheriff’s who was the most loved dog in all of the town.
“How are you doing, sheriff?” You asked.
“Never better,” he jokingly lied. Today had been rough and it was only the afternoon. He had seen worse days, but he was just growing tired with the day. It was like the sun was not setting fast enough.
Poe sat down next to you, took his hat off, and ran a hand through his curls. Jannah came over and handed him a glass of dark whiskey. She offered him a bowl of stew, which he turned down. He had eaten before passing out at his desk earlier. He took a long swig of his drink.
“The guy that robbed the bank this morning escaped,” He huffed out.
“Now how on Earth did that happen?” Rey burst out, her English accent stark among everyone else’s southern ones.
“Don’t you worry he didn’t get far. I went after him. Something happened with the cell lock. Took my things when I was sleeping. Beebee here saved the day.”
Said saviour was squirming in your arms, trying to lap at your half-finished stew that was resting on the bar table. You held him back and he whined. You then dipped your finger in the sauce and let the dog lick it off with enthusiasm.
“Is that why you look so tired?” You said cheekily.
Poe nodded into his glass before taking another drink of it.
Finn and Rey fell into conversation with Jannah. You continued to share a little of your stew with Poe’s dog. Chatter picked up around the saloon. Someone started playing a song on the piano. The sound of the train pulling into Jakku station rustled outside and shook the ground a little. Poe loved the atmosphere of this place. It was a lull in the chaos that often overtook Jakku. A space where the locals were happy even if it was a temporary haven from the unknown dangers.
Before sheriff Dameron was watching over everyone, Jakku was known for its high crime rate. Many gangs had been stationed on its outskirts and woven through the town in the past. People from simple pickpockets to well-known outlaws were hidden among the crowds, always looking for people to take advantage of. But when a new mayor took over, she hired a new sheriff when the old one retired from exhaustion. Leia had trusted Poe with this town, and he vowed to not let her down. Jakku had turned into something beautiful over the years because of them.
But bad things still happened here, so Poe enjoyed calm moments with his friends like this. The three people who helped along the way, his Jakku Rebels. The ones who came from troubled pasts, who had rebelled against their upbringings and broke free to help others. That is where they got their name, from being the sparks that lit a flame of rebellion that led to order and peace.
“You sure you’re not hungry, Poe?”
The sound of your voice shook him out of his daze. Perhaps he was feeling more tired than he realized. “Yeah, I’m good.” That was all he said back.
“Maybe you should have had a coffee instead of whiskey,” you said with a smirk.
Poe chuckled. He looked at you, noticing the genuine concern that was painted across your eyes to the furrow of your brows.
“Really, (Y/N), I’m alright. Just tired and the day is not even over,” He was starting to feel the crash from the adrenaline and anger rush from chasing the escapee. All he wanted was another nap. But there was still more to do in the day.
“Do you want me to help you with anything?” You offered.
“No no, that’s alright,” He insisted, “you just do your patrol after your lunch and be at the station later. That’s what you can do for me.”
You nodded and gave him a warm smile that made him forget his exhaustion for a split second. You were too sweet to him that it could make his teeth ache. All with a glitter in your eye that made his stomach do flips. A heat pooled in his chest, one that was not from the alcohol entering his system.
He had a soft spot for you for a long time. Thought you were the most gorgeous soul he had ever met, the prettiest face in Jakku. He had always been a confident, cheeky, flirtatious bastard, but something about you made him shy. Once you smiled, it was like he forgot how to speak. Too flustered to make any big moves. So he was stuck in this cycle of trying to make a move and mentally beating himself up for not doing so.
Poe downed what was left in his glass, swallowing his thoughts along with it.
The doors to the saloon opened with a crack that broke through the buzz of the crowd. Rose Tico, the young lady that owned the stable on the other side of town, looked around frantically. Upon seeing the sheriff and the Jakku Rebels, she sighed with relief.
“Sheriff, you ain’t busy, are you? Something happened at the stables.”
Poe literally just sat down. An irritation itched deep inside of him. But Rose was a sweet girl, always took care of his horse when he needed new horseshoes or just some care. He would do anything to help her if she ever needed it.
He spun around on the barstool, giving her his full attention, “What’s wrong, Rose?”
“A lot of my horses escaped. Paige is out there trying to round them up but we’re having a lot of trouble. We could use some extra hands.”
Poe got up from his seat with a long sigh, “Alright, we need to be fast,”
“I never seems to end, does it?” You remarked, tongue in cheek with a looked laced with remorse for his tiredness.
“No, darling,” He put his hat back on, “It doesn’t.” Poe playfully swatted at your hat, making it dip down to cover your eyes. A gesture of endearment that he often poked at you with. You giggled and readjusted it on your head. Beebee jumped down from your lap to be at his master’s feet.
“Rey, Finn, with me. (Y/N), you head out for your patrol soon. And remember, we’re all seeing Leia off on her trip today,” Poe told his whole crew, “I want all of you at the station around seven forty-five, her train leaves at eight.”
“Yes sir!” You replied. Rey and Finn nodded in acknowledgement, getting up from their spots and putting their hats on.
Poe then sauntered out of the saloon close behind Rose, taking a deep breath to fill his lungs with oxygen when he was out in the hot Jakku air. Rey, Finn, and Beebee were right in tow. Before they could even blink, a horse sped through the street without a rider or a saddle.
“There goes one of them,” Rose said, sounding embarrassed and worried.
God dammit, Poe thought.
The sun had already set over the town and the eight o’clock train would be pulling in soon. After the chaos that was rounding up the stable horses, Poe was about ready to collapse in his room at the sheriff’s building. But there was one more thing he had to do, see mayor Leia off on her trip to the big city to meet with her brother. His day was almost over, he could not wait for it to be over.
Poe had met Leia at her home and the first thing that happened to him was that he was attacked by a large brown dog with kisses. Chewie jumped on Poe and made him lose his balance. Leia came to aid him “Chewie, down!”
He had gotten one more kiss on Poe’s face before he got down from his hind legs. Poe giggled; he really loved dogs.
“You ready to go?” Poe asked, straightening his hat on his head.
“Yes, but I told you already, I don’t need an escort to the train station,” Leia complained, holding her two luggage bags, and placing them by the door. “It’s not even that far. And I’m not going for long, only a few days.”
“I’m seeing you off anyways and you can’t stop me,” Poe said with a cheeky tilt of his head, “You need help carrying?”
“I’m fine,” the older woman huffed.
Poe picked up one of her bags anyways.
“You put that down, boy.” Leia grumbled, trying to hide a smile.
“I can’t, I’m already out the door,” and he was, Chewie happily following him with a prance.
“God dammit, Dameron” Leia followed and locked her door. Poe’s laugh broke out into the night and disrupted the peaceful sound of crickets.
When they arrived at the station, he saw that his Rebels were already stationed around the area, as he had requested. Their silhouettes spread out around the corners of the station, all identifiable by Poe through the darkness. He could tell who was who by their shapes and by the way they stood.
“You know you don’t need your squad watching over me like snipers,” Leia remarked.
Poe chuckled under his breath, “We just want to keep you safe, ma’am.”
She turned around, “Y’all come out of the shadows and say goodbye to me.”
Laughs broke out and the three of them walked over to her. She gave you, Rey, and Finn motherly hugs. She was an influential figure in all of your lives, making sure you were alright and leading you all to where you stood now.
“Take care of yourself, Leia,” You told her and she nodded.
“You three take care of him, keep him out of trouble,” Leia jabbed a finger in the sheriff’s direction. A round of chuckles went around. Chewie got pats from everyone in goodbye as well.
A distant rumbling told them that the train was coming now. It pulled into the station with a whistle. It would stay for a minute, letting people board. The Rebels whet back to their spots.
“As always, you’re in charge while I’m gone.” Leia pulled Poe in for a hug, one that Poe appreciated. It was something he felt like he needed after such a long day. He held onto her for a little longer than he should have. She did not mind. Chewie was running around them like he wanted to be included.
“Have a safe trip,” he told her.
“I will,” She replied, “and you take care of my people for me.”
Poe shrugged his shoulders with a smile, “I always do,”
Leia picked up her suitcases and boarded with Chewie in tow. Other civilians did so as well, and a conductor called for the last boarding to Courasunt. The chatter of goodbyes died down. Poe watched Leia sit down in one of the passenger cars, her dog getting up on her lap despite his large size. The sheriff waved at her through the window and turned around to leave.
As the train was just pulling out of the station, there was a scream. It had come from inside of the train. And that scream had said something before chaos broke out. It was so faint but could still be heard.
Then an explosion went off.
It had come from one of the passenger cars and happened in a blink of an eye. A bright light followed by a burst of orange and red, black smoke following in its path. The loud sound had pierced through the quiet night.
Poe did not even process the events; his head was too cloudy from being thrown backwards and hitting the ground. There was this awful ringing in his ear that shook his brain. When his vision had cleared, you were above him, shaking his shoulder and shouting his name. You were shaking his bad shoulder, but at that moment, he did not care about the sharp pain that shot through his joint.
He sat up and clung to you for stability, to ground him in the disarray that was both in his head and in the reality that lay before him.
The car was completely gone, the train separated into two. A good portion of the platform was destroyed along with nearby benches. The wooden boards of the track were gone, the metal sections bent. People were hit back by the blast alongside the sheriff. Debris of wood, metal, and shattered glass had flown everywhere.
People began to scream and yell, the injured and unscathed survivors scrambling to get off the intact cars. The engineers and conductors and other workers were among them, shaken but trying to figure out what to do. There was a mist of fear and uncertainty that blanketed over everyone that had witnessed what had happened.
Poe froze when realization had hit him, “Leia…”
Finn was sputtering in shock, “F-For the Order…T-The First Order…”
Rey had scrambled to her feet nearby, looking frantic. “It was the First Order,” She said softly in disbelief before shouting, “They killed Leia!”
A sob choked out of your throat; your hands started to shake.
Poe’s mouth went dry, and bile rose in his throat. His hands that were still clinging to your shirt were beginning to shake as well, they had found your own and they shook together. A sickness bubbled up inside him that churned with anger and a distant memory that sometimes showed up in his dreams.
First, they had taken his parents from him and now someone who he loved like a mother.
His eyes darted towards a nearby wooden post, one that had not been hit by the explosion. There were three wanted posters stuck to the wood. He remembered putting them up there himself. Wanted posters for Armitage Hux, the one known as Phasma, and the notorious Kylo Ren. Heads of the First Order gang, all their prices high, wanted dead or alive.
But the seething hatred rising inside of sheriff Dameron wanted them all dead.
TAGS: @wolffes-eye​
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cranity · 3 years
you mentioned some sort of 'slice of life' fics with the mando squad, got any recs?
Yes! Mostly Mando and Baby stuff, which I know someone else in my inbox was asking for, but here’s some favs!
don’t get your tinsel in a tangle by  notsowearypilgrim / @notsowearypilgrim
Din likes Christmas fine. It’s just not something he…gets into. (Mando/Omera & gang modern au! so sweet it’ll give you cavities <3)
Odd Ones Out by Yatzstar
The Mandalorian goes to buy a toy for the Child, much to the surprise of the vendor. (Din & Grogu)
Soup/Verdure: A Meditation on Needs by leslielol 
Post-Chapter 4: Sanctuary, Pre-Chapter 5: The Gunslinger (Din & Grogu)
Trip Wire/Horizon by leslielol
Post-Chapter 6: The Prisoner / Post-Chapter 8: Redemption (Din & Grogu)
Exposure by LobsterLobster
In which the Mandalorian has several close calls, and he hasn't even had breakfast yet. (Slight Mando/Omera, Cara)
Meaning by kakashikrazy256
"You want to paint your armor. Right now."
"I'm starting to think you are wearing a hole in my ship floor on purpose. Sit. Down." (Boba & Din)
the shape of silence by picklebridge
babies first time in snow (Din & Grogu)
Time Warp by galaxyostars / @galaxyistyping
A pilot, a spy, and a bounty hunter end up in the same time period together... (Din & Grogu, Cassian, Poe)
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (26 Dec 2021 - 1 Jan 2022)
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😍 Hither, Page (Page & Sommers #1) (Cat Sebastian)
🙂 Domestic Service (Ella Fenn)
😊 Begin Again the Story (rainbow_nerds) - 50K, shrinkyclinks, WS recovery-through-cooking fic
🥰 Pragmatics (Derkish) - 57K, DinLuke - modern setting AU - "Luke is a grad student trying to finish his linguistics PhD after an unexpected leave of absence. His neighbor, Din, is a single dad and delivery guy at Pizza Parsec. (Actually, Pizza Parsec is just a front for the bounty hunters' guild. But Luke doesn't need to know that.)"
😊 Clouds of Witness (Lord Peter Wimsey #2) (Dorothy L Sayers, author; Ian Carmichael, narrator)
😍 the summer of a thousand julys (brideofquiet, author; alby_mangroves, art) - 53K, pre-war Stucky - Bucky discovers Steve's a sex worker and it prompts a lot of confusion, contemplation, want and feelings. Or to quote the author's own tag "steve and bucky the 21-year-old dumbasses extravaganza"
😐 The Mystery of the Spirits (Snow & Winter #5) (C.S. Poe) - you know, sometimes it's better if you don't get a sequel no matter how much you love the characters. Seb & crew are still great & I loved seeing Aubrey again. But there were 2 plot/supporting character things that really left me majorly irritated and dissatisfied. Really sad to leave something once so enjoyable to me with such a sour taste. I still am going to enjoy the 5 previous books in this universe and just consider it closed after the prior book if I ever do a reread.
😐 Unnatural Death (Lord Peter Wimsey #3) (Dorothy L Sayers, author; Ian Carmichael, narrator) - I did remember to skip book #1 due to the pervasive antisemitism but I forgot just how much racism/antisemitism was in this one too. The murder plot is great though.
🥰 (if only in my dreams) (jehans) - 45K, Stucky AU - dumbasses & friends-to-lovers, entire pine forest - reread, fave
😊 The Unpleasantness at the Bellonna Club (Lord Peter Wimsey #4 (Dorothy L Sayers)
😍 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: A Scandal in Bohemia; The Red-Headed League (Arthur Conan Doyle, author; Stephen Fry, narrator)
💖 +269K of shorter fic so shorter work shout out 💖
(::whispers:: Yuletide, baby!)
Accidental Husbands - A Christmas Vignette (darter_blue) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 7K - love this iteration of them
(next year it'll be clear) this was only leading me to that (alasse) - 10 Things I Hate About You: Kat Stratford/Patrick Verona, 5K - really loved this, very in character and realistic
Live Long and Prosper, Motherfucker (Suaine) - Die Hard: Matt Farrell/John McClane, 6K - as I say every year, I don't know how I got here but I ain't mad about it
A Stitch Apart (FairestCat) - Page & Sommers - Cat Sebastian: Cora Delacourt/Edith Pickering, 2K - really want more of Edith/Cora pre-canon adventures!
I've Got A Rainbow, It's In My Mouth (inlovewithnight) - Ted Lasso: Keeley/Roy/Jamie, 10K
The Universe in Miniature (Door) - Father Brown (TV series): Robert Malmort/Joan Vanderlande, 1K - this fic was gentle, luminous, exquisite
Ghosts - s3, e7 (2021 Christmas ep)
Murdoch Mysteries: Home For The Holidays (s11, e0)
Murdoch Mysteries: Once Upon a Murdoch Christmas (s10, e0)
Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2021
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Shedunnit - Ngaio Marsh Goes Home
Shedunnit - Dorothy L Sayers Solves Her Mystery
Shedunnit - Murder Isn’t Easy
Shedunnit - Audiobook: The Woman in the Big Hat by Baroness Orczy
Shedunnit - Audiobook: Peter Crane’s Cigars by V. L. Whitechurch
Shedunnit - Audiobook: How The Bank Was Saved by V. L. Whitechurch
FILMS TO BE BURIED WITH Patreon Crew! - Kevin Pollak
Ologies with Alie Ward - Raccoonology (PROCYONIDS) with A Gaze of Raccoonologists
Hit Parade - Chestnut Roasters, Part 1 & 2
Shedunnit - Bonus: John Pugmire Interview
Instrumental Dancehall Riddims
Modern Middle Eastern Instrumentals
Bold Brazilian Instrumentals
Future Bass Instrumentals
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