#bella swan sister
confetticonman · 6 months
Has anyone been on Wattpad lately? I was following this story about Bella Swan's sister that supposedly went missing in Forks but then showed up around the timeline for New Moon with Volturi Queenguards. mC name was something like Olivia Swan. I keep checking up on it since I really love the plot and story since it was like a mystery type but it disappeared recently. Does anyone have like a link for it? Author isn't responding as well.
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After It All (I)
Before It All (Prologue) 
The Golden Trio; Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger, and Ron Weasley enter what used to be the Great Hall with Harry's elder sister Scarlett, all with saddened looks and minor battle scars on their bodies.
The war's over, yet as they stand in the doorway to some of their happiest memories, all they can see are the dead and injured that are lined in the large room.
Ron is the first to break away, in search of his family.
Hermoine is quick to follow, looking around for friends who did and did not make it.
The Potter's are slower to enter, but they do, watching the crying families and friends of those who are lost until they come upon the Weasley family.
Every one of them is sobbing. Fleur is clutching on to Bill as if he'll disappear and George is sobbing on to his father's shoulder as Hermoine and Ron make it to them. But it's who the Weasley mother is clutching on the ground that pulls a heart-wrenching sob from the eldest Potter as she grasps her abdomen.
Running to the family, she falls on her knees next to Molly as she stares at the love of her life and one of her closest friends' lifeless body.
"Freddie, come on you can't really be gone. Come on Freddie, you said you wouldn't leave me," The fire-haired girl sobs, the boy's family watching on as the display makes their tears flow faster. "Freddie," She sobs out once more, one of her hands placed over his heart, "You can't leave us," She adds, her other hand placed on her stomach as the Weasley's stare in shock.
"Lettie dear," Molly all but whispers. "Are you...?"
All Scarlett can bring herself to do is nod, her breath escaping her. "I never got to tell him," She sobs even harder, clutching on to Fred's body with all her might.
But what happened next was what truly shocked the entire Great Hall. One moment, they are observing a grieving young woman as she mourns the loss of her love. The next, a bright light that can only be compared in brightness to the one on the Hogwarts Express, emits from the couple before a sharp, male, gasp is heard.
"Lettie? Why are you crying?" Fred asks his love as he moves to sit up, looking around. "Why is everyone so glum?"
"Oh Fred!" Molly exclaims, hugging her child tightly.
"Oye Mum, what's going on?"
"Fred, you- you died," George chokes out, attacking his brother with a hug.
"But- then how am I?"
"Scarlett," Arthur Weasley explains in a soft tone, glancing at the said girl who had hurriedly moved back for Molly. "She really is the strongest witch of her time."
"I-I don't know... I don't know how I did that..." Scarlett mumbles.
"Oh I don't care how! Thank you!" Molly exclaims, hugging the girl who's like a daughter to her tightly.
"Fred," Percy chimes in after a moment, using his brother's nickname for the first time since their childhood. "I am glad you're alive, but I believe Scarlett has something to tell you."
"Percival!" Molly yells in shock.
"Mum, we've all just learned that life is too short," Percy explains, Molly going to scold him before Scarlett stops her.
"He's right, Molly," She agrees, turning to the sitting Fred. "I should have told you before the battle but I knew you wouldn't have let me fight," She begins to explain. "Freddie, gosh this isn't how I imagined doing this," She explains with a sad laugh. "Fred, I'm pregnant."
"You're... you're..." Fred begins but can't finish his sentences. "I'm going to be a dad?"
All Scarlett can do is nod, being pulled into the tightest hug of her life, and for that one moment, none of the heartache surrounds them.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Okay, hello! I love your work so much and wanted to make a request (if they're open let me know if I've been too rude to you dear) for "being Isabella Swan's big/little sister and being Jasper Cullen's mate." BECAUSE, at first he tried to repress that feeling by acting weird around her, and she hated the way he wrinkled his nose every time he saw her. Another thing, she grew up in Forka with Charlie... That's it, I'm sorry if I threw this too hard in your lap 😔. Kisses 💗
Being Bella's big sister and dating Jasper Hale headcanons
Paring: Jasper Hale X Swan!Reader
A/n: thank you for the request and don't feel bad for requesting, I always love writing for Twilight.
Main master list Emmett cullen story
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So first off, I think thst you being Bella's older sister and living with Charlie kinda changes the story a bit. First off there's something special about you, but you living with humans all your life none notices.
You were about two when your parents devorced so when it came to living situations you stayed with your father.
You met the Cullens before Bella even showed up. Like everyone else at Forks High to took notice to the family. You weren't upsets with figuring out their background like everyone else though.
Your first day meeting Jasper was his first day in your history class. The only empty seat left was next to you.
He hesitated as he sat down next you. When he did he tensed up and turned his nose away. You glared at him wanting to know what his problem was. When the bell rang he was out in a flash.
The next few days he didn't show up. When he did he remained silent but didn't turn his nose like you stunk.
Instead of turning his nose away he would silently look at you then turn away before he would get cought. This went on through out the class. You would look at him then look away before he noticed.
The first words you actually exchange words till you had to work on a history project together.
“your name is y/n Swan right?” he asked. You nodded immediately falling for his southern accent. “yeah, and your Jasper”
He smiled slightly. “sorry for being so rued last week” you shrugged. “not a big deal, we all have bad days”
You guys continued to talk and he quickly got comfortable talking to you. He started to fall for everything about you. He knew you were his mate but he started finding small and big details about you that made him enternally thankful it was you.
Jasper took another aproch than his dear brother when it came to relationships. He 'corted' you by becoming friends with you first, you actually became best friends. As your relationship grew you became close to his siblings too, especially rose.
Your first date was the movies and suprisenly you guys just sat there for two hours laughing at the gore in the horror movie you picked.
After your first date he confessed to being a vampire and to his reilef you didn't freak out. He was so scared that you would leave him but he didn't want to lie to you.
“I understand if your scared... But I didn't want to start our relationship with a lie”
I immediately wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tight. “I don't care, I still want to be with you”
You started officially dating about a month before Bella showed up.
You don't get along with Bella or your mother, so let's just say you weren't thrilled when you found out she was moving to forks.
During the time she started to settle in at home with you and Charlie you spent more time with Jasper and his family. You told Jasper that you two never got along and the hate and neglect your mother caused you.
The first time Bella saw Jasper is when he was picking you up for school. She kept pushing on who he was but you bairly awnsered. “he's my boyfriend, bella”
Dispite Bella and Edward dealing with their problems you and Jasper have a very strong relationship.
You two may not have much in common but that doesn't mean you two don't show interest in each other's Passions.
Your a movie nerd so he'll happily watch any movie with you. He's a history buff and he's was around for most of it so if he wants to talk about something you'll always there to listen.
Speaking of history, it didn't take long for him to open up about him training new borns and Maria using him.
He's very gentle with you at first, he would hate himself if he ever hurt you, but later on in the relationship he's more confident and isn't afraid to touch you as much.
Speaking of which, his kisses are always full of passion and love. His favorite place to kiss you is on your forehead beacuse of how much taller he is than you.
He's always holding your hand. He always needs to be touching you and needs to be close to you. Emmett teases him for being Clingy but it's mostly just an anxiety thing, especially if he's around Humans he needs to ground himself by holding your hand or his arms around you.
If your wondering, Charlie loves him. At first he thought Jasper was weird(much like Edward) but he appreciated how kind and and well mannered he was. He knew he could trust Jasper with you.
Through your relationship with Jasper you had also gained a best friend through Rosalie and Emmett.
Rosalie loved you immediately and took you under her wing. Alice is a loyal friend but your not thst close.
Carlisle and Esme are like your second parents and they love you like your part of the family.
During the events of New Moon Jasper refused to break your heart. He knew that was Edward's plan with Bella, but he's not Edward. Yes they did move but you two stayed in contact. He would call you every day and you'll see each other on weekends.
He came to your graduation during the time the whole family moved then proposed to you a few months later.
Your wedding was unfortunately put on hold due to the who new-born army. It didn't bother you, you understood under the circumstances but Jasper was furious with not only Bella but Edward too. It wasn't their fault, he knew that, but then again Bella made it all about her and ignored the fact the vampires were after you too.
During the battle you were hurt causing Jasper to turn you. He didn't want to and he blamed himself for fighting instead of protecting you.
You loved being a vampire and never once blamed him. And it's a good thing he had experience with New-borns beacuse he was with you every step of the way during your transition.
You had your wedding about four months before Edward and Bella's. You went to Memphis for your honeymoon and stayed out till it was time to go home for the other wedding.
Oh I forgot to mention, Bree survived and since you were now an adult you and Jasper adopted her as your own. Your amazing parents and you three make an adorable family.
Later on in life and when everything was peaceful, no one dying or fighting, you two adpot two twins. They were both infants and needed loving parents.
Jasper is very loving husband and even if being a vampire is hard sometimes you wouldn't change your life for anything.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months
Edward was telling Bella about the hard drive he buried in his sister’s grave.
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the-faceless-bride · 7 months
🌲Welcome to Forks 🍃
Tags: @art3mas @the-atlantic-french-fry @mzcrazy2 @sadbitchfangirl @sinofwriting @ateliefloresdaprimavera
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Characters: [name] Swan, Bella Swan, Charlie Swan, Jacob Black, and The Cullen family
Plot summary: Renae had enough of your attitude, she decided it was best for you to stay with your sister and Father in Forks. Paying to fly you out to forks, To Charlie's Delit and Bella's chagrin. However, seeing how Bella has been acting you watch closely as to what she does. And seeing how she treats Dad and an old friend Jacob, you feel it best to call her out. Because that's what big sisters do.
Warning: swearing, yelling, Bella being a hypocrite and not like other girls, crying, arguments, slapping, Edward being a creep.
A/n: Fuck Edward. And not in a good way. In a grossed out over his bs way.
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Chapter one: welcome Home.
Chapter summary: finally, after so long of arguing, craving to get out of the heat, wanting to be with your dad and go home. Your mother finally agreed. You were on your way back to forks.
This chapter will contain? Bella is stand-off-ish (what else is new), Charlie is the best dad he could be, fluff, and readers' first day in forks.
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You ran to your Dad; he had been waiting for you leaning against his car a smile on his face, happy both his litter girls were home. His arms were wide open for you, "Dad!" you screeched as you let your body crash into him, you missed your dad. You hated being away from him, and while Bella took to your mother, you were and always will be a daddy's girl.
Charlie looked at you, pulling away his hands resting on your shoulders. "wow. Look at you!" you smiled as you brushed soft curls from your face, "My little girl, grown up!.. Well. Not grown up too much. You're still my baby girl you hear me?" you laughed as you nodded your head. "well. What do you say we go home, sweetpea?"
The drive back wasn't painfully long, time seemed to fly catching up with your favorite parent. You told him about how you found a love for fashion, how you missed forks, how good it was to not be in constant heat.
Pulling to the house you could barely remember still felt good and nostalgic, "who's truck?" you asked confused. Maybe Dad got a new car? "oh, yeah that's Bella's got her it as a welcome home gift." he paused then looked down then to you, "Well...now I feel bad I didn't think to get you something." you smiled at up at your dad, you loved Charlie. "it's ok dad, im just happy to be home."
He smiled at the use of the word home, giving a cheery "let's go!" you practically bounced to the front door. Ready to get in the house and race up to your old room wanting to see what had been made of it.
As soon as Charlie opened the door you rushed up the stairs, Charlie letting out a chuckle locking the door behind him before following after you, "Slow down! I'm getting old I can't chase after you like I used to!" he huffled with a smile.
Your room was untouched. Just as it always has been. Twin bed, white ruffled bed frame, light dusted pink walls, soft carpet, chipped white painted bedside table and dresser, the vanity in the middle of the wall near the window. It was perfect. Just as it always has been.
But then it hit you, "Wait. Where's Bella?" you turned to a slightly out-of-breath Charlie, "Oh, well. She's got this new... Boy. Friend. A friend she's been hanging out with recently." he mumbled unsettled by the topic, Bella... Your sister. Your awkward, no-fun, book-loving, blend-in-with-the-crowd sister Bella. Was out late... With a guy?
Maybe this whole moving to forks thing was a really good thing for her.
"oh! Before we do anything else someone wants to see you!" you focus your attention back on your dad and not on your thoughts as you tilt your head, you just got here who would want to see you already? Charlie was now the one rushing down the steps to open the door, you laughing and closing on his heel.
" Hey [name]"
You hugged Billy, before pulling Jacob down to your height and messing with his hair, he laughed and 'struggled' in your grip. You always loved Jacob, he always followed you around when you were younger. You were a year older than him and Bella, they always wanted to hang out with you, no matter where you went Jake and Bells were close behind you.
"im happy to see you [name], im glad to have my two best friends back." you really hugged Jacob this time. No longer the little boy you had to protect from the other older kids like Paul.
Feels so long ago.
Just then a car pulled up to the house, an expensive car at that.
Out came Bella still in her loose hoodie, layered shirts, unbrushed hair pulled back with a plain headband, baggy jeans, and a brown book bag. Yup. Same old Bells. But then came out a boy. Pale as could be with fluffed-up hair, nothing noticeable with what he was wearing, he looked like 'random guy in a crowd #4' the one thing that stood out was his eyes. Pricing gold eyes.
He stared at you, an odd expression on his face. His Face contorted like he was in pain. Looking you up and down.
From your softly curled hair, light eye make-up blushed cheeks, and plump lips, the loose complementary scarf that clung loosely around your shoulders, your tight top, fuzzy sweater, skirt, leggings, and fluffy leg warmers, what was this guy staring at?
His eyes shifted to Billy and Jacob and he made a face, one that shifted from pain. To disgust. You narrowed your eyes, just what in the hell was this guy's problem?!
Then what made you realize you had work to do, and a serious chat to have.
When your Dad smiled at your sister slightly opening his arms and giving a "Hey sweetie Bells!" she made and face heading in side with a mumbled "hi Charlie."
... Oh fuck no.
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thewulf · 3 months
Miss ma'am!! Idk how I'm just finding your blog but omggg you have the motherload of amazing FF's. THANK YOUUUU. It's hard to find sweet fluff and actual good angst. So thank you. please keep it up for forever.
Can i request a Paul Lahote x Swan Twin Sister Reader? I've had this in my head for forever but you can ignore it if you don't wanna do twilight. But i think you'd crush it!
Okay so reader is Bella's (fraternal) twin sissy. She moved to Forks with Bella and the whole first book happens WITHOUT her knowing what's going on. She's just as in the dark as Charlie is. However, after edward abandons her she gets to the bottom of it and is her sisters rock while she comes out of the depression hole she's in.
Okay so reader convinces Bella to go talk to Jacob after he too seemingly abandons the both of them (reader is good friends with Jake prior to the transformation instead of the Cullen's). Reader is too upset to confront him so she sits in the car. However, when reader notices Bella walking towards the Sam and his crew that's when she springs into action running behind her. She tries to stop Bella from slapping Paul but she does in her rage. However, instead of transforming reader calls out to Bella and locks eyes with him. Of course, reader is his imprint and it can be really sweet n fluffy after that. Like he falls the the ground, anger vanished and things just make sense to him. Obvi bella and reader are hella confused. Jake is super thankful bc he's obviously missed you.
Sorry this is so long but I think you'll crush it!!
First of all, thank you so much!!
Second of all, YASSSS you got it. My first twilight request!! I swear Twilight is what got me INTO reading. Sucked me in and I've never looked back. This series is what fanfics are made for hahah. You got it anon!!
(I also love really detailed requests, so no worries!)
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rahabq · 1 year
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ginwhitlock · 1 year
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“Sibling relationships outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty and distrust”
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6221 · 4 months
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iamyouknow-yours · 4 days
I'm looking for a fic.
It's Rosalie/Bella from Twilight. I read it on ao3. Rose is Bella's true mate and the way she knows is because of her smell (I think but could be wrong - lavender).
However by the time Rose meets Bella, Edward has already decided they're mates so she hides it from him and Bella.
It has a happy ending.
And then I could be wrong but right at the end, after Bella is turned, she and Rose smell Kate Denali for the first time since being mated and omg she's their mate also.
I really wanna read it again y'all, please help!!
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thegamingcatmom · 14 days
Far, far, far down the line of The Sisters x You...
The Denalis and the Cullens huddled together in a room with their petsies hoomans (You & Bella) just happily existing:
Carlisle: 😊 "Ah...wonderful, isn't it? The whole family together."
Everyone except Rosalie & Irina: 😊*nods in agreement*
Rosalie & Irina: 😐 *silently wish to be anywhere else*
Alice: 😁👏 "Oh! I've been meaning to ask: How did all of you come to...be? Like this? I wanna know everything!"
The Denalis: 😳 *experience flashbacks of kidnapping you and keeping you with them against your will*
Edward, reading their minds: 🥲 *struggles to remain calm and composed*
Bella, slightly concerned: 👀 *looks at Edward who looks like he´s dying*
Bella, mouthing in a totally not subtle way: 'You okay?'
Edward: 💀 *continues to look like he´s dying*
Kate: 😇 "Well, fun story actually. Tanya?"
Tanya, on the outside: "😅"
Tanya, on the inside: "🤬🔪"
Tanya: 😅👀 "W-Well, fun story indeed. Carmen?"
The Cullens: 🙂 *patiently wait for an answer, gazes switching back and forth like they´re watching a tennis match*
Carmen: 🙈😶‍🌫️ *dies inside*
Irina: "🙄🤦‍♀️" (girl´s done)
Kate: "😁"
Eleazar: "🤷‍♂️" (he´s the most innocent of em all tbf)
Tanya, finally remembering she´s the coven leader: "Well, you see, it is quite a fun story actually-"
You, getting fed up with your weird ass family: "They abducted me."
The Cullens (except Edward), thinking it´s a joke: "😅😉"
You, being deadass: "😐"
The Cullens: "🤨😳😰😱❓❓❓"
The Denalis, at the Cullens: "😅"
The Denalis, at you: "❓💀❓"
Esme & Carlisle: *share a look*
Esme, turning to you, most concerned: "A-Abducted?"
You, in good spirits: 😊 "Yup. Plucked me like a ripe berry."
The Cullens: "😱"
The Denalis, who can´t deal: "🫠"
You, completely oblivious to the collective mental breakdown: 🤨 "...Is everyone alright?"
Everyone: "👁️👄👁️"
Bella leading you out of the room while Edward distracts everyone:
Bella: 👉🗒️👉👁️👁️🫵 *hands you a note, signs you to read it*
You: "🤨"
Bella (forcefully): "...👉🗒️👉👁️👁️🫵🫵🫵"
You: 🙄👁️👁️🗒️ *starts to read it because you´re about to lose it*
You: "🤨❓"
Bella, waiting with bated breath: "👁️👁️"
You: *blinks once because it´s a fucking necessity*
Bella: *internal screaming*
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Your very first family gathering doesn´t quite go as planned...
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fanfictionroxs · 8 months
Back with my thoughts on Leah-Emily becoming besties again and fighting:
Emily: You're fucking intolerable!
Leah: Yeah well I taught your boyfriend what a clitoris is!
Emily: And I'm soooooo grateful for that because he's such a good learner 😏
Sam: *faints in the background from embarrassment*
Seth: I fucking hate this family
The pack: *run away into the forest because good mommy and crazy sister are fighting and good mommy is turning into crazy mommy wtf wtf*
Kim and Rachel: *enjoying the show with popcorn*
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After It All (VI)
Molly's Favorite
"Thank you again for dinner, Molly. It's been a while since Bells and I have had a good home-cooked meal," Dad thanks my mother-in-law, the dishes already beginning to clean themselves in the sink.
"Oh, don't bother with thank you's, Charlie, anything for Scarlett," She assures, sending me a small smile that I return.
"Especially if it has to do with learning the American ways! You all are so interesting!" Arthur exclaims, Molly clapping him on the shoulder in scolding. "I mean, exactly what Molly said, anything for dear Scarlett."
"She's already giving you a grandchild Mum, you don't have to butter her up anymore," Fred jests, kissing the side of my head. "You staying the night Charlie or are we taking ya back?"
"Oh, after that feast? There's no way I'm moving," Dad jokes, leaning back in the chair. "That is, if you have room for Bella and I?"
"Dad," I laugh, shifting Teddy on my lap, "This isn't a muggle home. If there aren't enough rooms we make enough rooms," I remind. "I'm sure Bella has already found the add on they did for me second year."
"Two years in and you were already Mum's favorite child, even more so than Percy-"
"George," Percy grunts, unhappy with this line of conversation.
"George, I am not Molly's favorite," I deny, shaking my head.
"Scar, I love you, but you're the one holding a child, and carrying another one. Number one way to Mum's heart," Ginny comments.
Charlie Weasley laughs at this, shaking his long hair, "Obviously Gin, the woman had seven of us and practically adopted all of your partners."
"Ok, I think that's enough talk about about me while I'm standing here," Molly scolds, coming and taking Teddy from me. "But the kids aren't wrong, I do quite love these little ones," She admits, squeezing Ted's cheek.
"Mum, no more!" Ron begs dramatically, making Molly grunt.
"Okay! That's enough of all of you, out! Go find something to do with yourselves!" Molly instructs, handing Teddy to Fred before grumbling off, presumably to find her knitting to continue on our yearly Christmas sweaters.
"You all are too much for her sometimes," Arthur huffs with a chuckle, standing and following in the direction of his wife.
"Well," Fleur begins, a tuckered Victoire nearly asleep on her chest. "I think it's time for the three of us to be on our way before Vic has to be put down."
"Of course, I have to put Ted down soon too," I agree, everyone that was sat down still now getting up to hug the family of three goodbye until Christmas.
"Keep in touch, and I want photo updates on the baby bump every week," Fleur demands softly, hugging me as tightly as she can around my bump and the two babies that we're holding.
"I'll be sure to send them along," I agree, moving to Bill. "We'll see you soon."
"Of course, Kid," He assures, kissing the top of my head. "And if you need anything, call us."
"We will," Freddie assures for me, coming up behind me and hugging his eldest brother. "Thank you for coming all the way for this."
"Hey," Bill begins, smiling at the three of us as Freddie rejoins Ted and I. "Anything for the girl who makes my little brother this happy," He assures, smiling gently at me as he takes Fleur's hand, the two parents and baby disappearing from sight without another word.
"How sappy," Charlie comments, "Don't expect anything of the sort from me when I leave tomorrow."
"Oh you're more of a sap than Bill is!" I correct, the dragon tamer guffawing at the accusation, pointing his finger at me.
"I am not!"
"Oh you bloody are," Ron agrees, shaking his head.
Teddy sets his head on my chest now, blurbles of tiredness leaves his mouth as his eyelids flutter.
"I think it's the kiddos bedtime," Dad states, looking softly at his grandson and myself. "I'll go check on Bells and then head to bed, you do your thing," He encourages, coming over and kissing my head, and then Teddys.
"Night, Dad."
"Night Sweetie," He returns, leaving and heading down a hall.
"Are you-" I begin, looking up at my husband before he cuts me off.
"Of course I'm coming with you to put him to bed," He interrupts, as if it's absurd that I'd even question it. "We'll be back out once he's asleep," He tells his remaining siblings, the lot of them moving to the living room, not without Ginny grumbling, "Why can't we be that cute, Harry?"
To which my brother responds, "Maybe one day we will be."
Gin scoffs, and it's her words as they round the corner that warm my heart.
"Be honest Harry, no one can be Scarlett and Fred."
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ettellessa · 2 years
Men think being the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son is a curse but they're wrong, the real misery is being the Eldest Daughter of an Eldest Daughter.
I don't even have to explain why, eldest daughters rise with me.
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lavender-at-heart · 2 months
Velvet and Lace
Part 1 : The Invitation
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Pairing: Aro Volturi × fem!OC
AN: while this is a oc series I am purposely limiting descriptive elements so it may be read as a reader insert. I don't know how long this series will be, I also haven't posted on here in so long. Please give me feedback and wish me luck! Thanks for reading/engaging!
Warnings: none for this chapter
Word count: 710
A year. I haven't been to Forks in a year. I spent my entire life thinking that it was everything, now I'm not so sure. I miss my home more than anything, but the wonders I have seen while away. I can only imagine what those quiet town folk will think of my stories. My reason for returning? An envelope that arrived to my hotel room in Bankok. Simple, off white paper with silver etchings that read the following:
Isabella Marie Swan
Edward Anthony Masen Cullen
Together with their families, request the honor of your presence at the celebration of their marriage.
Saturday the thirteenth of August, two thousand and eleven, five O'clock in the evening
420 Woodcroft Ave
Forks, WA
I could hardly believe the words as they spilled from my mouth. My sister, married? My sweet, anti-social, 18 year old sister? Yes I'm aware that she had found herself a boyfriend, our phone calls over the past year have been of nothing else, it seems. It's so unlike her, but nevertheless I am giddy. Later that evening I recive a phone call from the bride herself, bestowing upon me the title of maid of honor.
When I first met Edward Cullen, I was surprised. I never had any classes with him since he was a grade bellow me, but he always seemed off. His whole family did, which became the talk of the town for months and months. The rest of his siblings seemed relatively well rounded, with sharp minds and passionate interests. I became acquainted with Emmett and Rosalie during our shared English class. Rosalie, while much more reserved than Emmet, was always helpful and kind. We never became friends outside of school but I was shocked to find out that she had a disdain for Bella (I would later realize that this was due to me not trying to stick my nose into vampire business, although I would have if I had known that the Cullens were supernatural beings.) Emmett was very sociable, we didn't have much in common but I was glad to have such a friendly classmate.
After the shock of the wedding died down, I booked a plane ticket home as soon as possible. My father, Charlie, would pick me up from the airport. I would get to see Bella. Gosh. I haven't seen her in person since I left. Bella, one year younger than me, has always lived with our mother. That was the agreement. She went of to sunny Arizona and I started in the rain. I always liked the rain though, and I always liked Forks. Right before I started grade 12, Bella moved here. And I loved it. I had never been happier. But that only lasted so long. Bella got caught up with her vampire-like boyfriend and I started feeling a horrible longing to leave. I made the decision, much to my father's dismay, to take a gap year. Travel. I had been working at the diner after school since grade 9 and I had saved almost all of the money I made. My favorite thing about Bellas new beau was his family. They were quite lovely people, although strange, and they helped me quite a bit with my travels. Alice, the only one who I had become moderately close to, aswell as Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, had filled my mind with many inspirations for my travels. They also gave me some extra money to help make it as fulfilling as possible, despite me protesting about 100 times. By the end of grade twelve I was itching to leave. My itinerary was stacked, I planned to stay in Europe for two months and the rest in Asia. I cherished the cathedrals in Germany , the busy streets in Mumbai, the quiet ashrams in India, sights of Nepal, Vietnam, Italy, France, and now Thailand. I have come away from this trip with a bigger sense of the world, and myself. But now I've grown rather homesick from shuffling village to village, my sense of adventure has been filled and I'm ready for peace and simplicity. I think I'm ready to go home. Little did I know that returning to the middle of nowhere, Washington, would lead me on the greatest adventure of my life.
Thanks for making it to the end! <3 -CC
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the-faceless-bride · 1 year
Gonna be writing HC for something, depending if people want it or not I might make it a full series 👀
Prompt? Being Bella's older sister, only you are a fabulous fashion diva who isn't afraid to read a bitch and you've got a big attitude.
Basics: [name] Swan, adopted Bella's older sister. You are your sister were very different. She "wasn't like other girls" and thought make-up and dressing up was stupid, she kept to herself and didn't start trouble (unless it benefits her) you on the other hand didn't give a shit about "being like other girls" you liked make-up and dressing up and you did it for you, you didn't give a shit who didn't like it or who called you "too much" or your personal favorite "over the top" and unlike Bella, you could be a bit messy, you didn't care who it was you would call anyone out. (you've called out your mom one too many times and now you are her can't stand each other) that's why shortly after Bella left home to Forks you soon followed, you always liked your dad more, he was nicer and didn't do anything you found worthy of calling out. He was only ever trying to help you and your sister. This is why you were less than pleased to see your sister has gone out of her way to disregard your Dad to spend time with some stuck-up, racist, posh, incest family. You were gonna have some words with her.
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