#bc it's what he's used to doing with himself in order to temper himself as a hero and as a leader
sophfandoms53 · 2 years
One of my favorite aspects of this movie was how, specifically when it came to Leo and Raph, we got to see glimpses of their previous incarnations leak through but it stayed entirely unique to the Rise characterization.
A major change with Raph in Rise, besides him being the oldest and the leader, was that his temper wasn’t his major character trait or a flaw he had to deal with. He still had it, yes, and we saw it on occasion (mainly for comedy) but Rise Raph never had the same temper problems previous iterations had. So for this movie, to have moments where Raph is genuinely angry, to the point of physical violence and frustration against Leo, that is so his classic temper flaring up. And as mentioned before, they kept it unique to this version of the character.
There isn’t a power struggle. Raph isn’t angry he’s lost his leadership role, in fact, he still carries a huge burden on himself that he has to protect his family, and that’s what drives his frustration with how Leo handles his leadership. Raph always knew taking care of his brothers was top priority in any mission. So for him to see Leo constantly leaving him and his brothers behind for his solo stunts (get to this later), Raph gets angry, because as a leader you’re supposed to listen to your unit, to protect your unit.
Raph is angry because Leo is careless.
A major thing said to Leo is “this isn’t about you” because being leader is so much more than you having authority and the ability to handle missions your own way. It’s having the trust of your teammates and you need to trust them. You need to listen to them, they are there to handle things you can’t. That’s what it means to be a team. It’s not just about getting the job done, it’s about getting the job done and making sure everyone is okay in the end. You all take care of each other.
It takes a bit for this to stick into Leo’s head because his ego gets in the way, a lot, but once Raph stays behind and gets taken by the Krang (bc Leo pulled a stunt), Mikey and Donnie are trapped (also bc Leo pulled a stunt), and Casey straight up tells Leo his brothers all die in the future he came from (Future boy got tired of Leo pulling stunts lol), Leo begins to realize he can’t do this by himself. He can’t brute force results without considering everyone else’s opinions and options. It’s not about him. It’s about his brothers.
That speech he gives, asking his family how they can formulate a plan using every piece of information the team has to do it, and he uses that to separate them all into the parts of the mission they’ll excel in, that was peak Leonardo as the leader. This is how Leonardo does things.
Bringing focus back to Leo pulling stunts, specifically solo stunts, wow is that also peak Leo in general. As I mentioned with Raph, these are the parts of Leo’s story and characterization where we got to see those glimpses of previous incarnations of Leo in Rise Leo. It’s practically a joke in the fandom about how often any Leo goes off on solo missions and everything, but it would be foolish to act like that isn’t a part of Leo’s character.
We see this on full display throughout the whole movie. But, just like with Raph, it stays unique to Rise Leo.
From the beginning Leo is pulling solo stunts because he gets results, he has style, and while it’s never stated out loud, it’s because he’s the leader. After all, why would he be made leader if he can’t handle his own missions? The irony is that’s the problem. As stated several times, Leo needed to understand that in order to be leader, he still needs his brothers with him, it’s not just about him and what he can do.
Usually when Leo pulls his solo stunts, it’s with the intention of protecting his brothers and he’s willing to risk his life in certain circumstances because they’re safe and he knows they can handle things.
In the first half of the movie, Leo keeps going on his own because he gets results, and in his mind that means his way is the right way. He didn’t think about any consequences regarding himself or his brothers. He just had extreme tunnel-vision about getting the job done.
However, at the end of the film, when Leo makes the decision to stay behind in the other dimension, even begging Casey to close the portal, he does this for two main things; 1) as he himself says, it’s their only option. And 2) he knew his brothers would still fight for him. It wasn’t a stunt he pulled just to show off. It was a decision he made, he evaluated, and he knew what the consequences were, he knew he’d be trapped, but that wasn’t what mattered. As long as he had the Krang locked away, as long as Earth was safe, as long as his brothers and family were safe, that was all that was important.
Leo may have still pulled a solo mission stunt, but, for the first time, it wasn’t about him and he understood that.
Even while he’s getting his ass kicked by Krang, he only smiles and holds onto his family photo because he knows they’re safe, he knows they’re still fighting, and they’re not going to truly give up on him.
For the first time as leader, Leonardo had the faith and trust in his team that they always had for him.
And I feel like that’s something we might’ve seen before
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This is what it means to truly lead.
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pumpkinpie59 · 5 months
“the 2012 family isn’t abusive” and “the 2012 family all have toxic traits that can affect each other badly” are both takes that can coexist
i think out of all the tmnt shows (except maybe rise, but i could go back on that if i think about it for more than two seconds; this post isn’t about them tho), 2012 has the most dysfunctional family.
this is not a criticism tho. it’s an observation and it can lead to interesting storytelling.
splinter in 2012 suffers from ptsd and it affects how he teaches his children and how he views the world.
he’s been through a lot and was lead to believe he lost his first child.
so yes it’s not shocking that he’d make bad decisions as a parent.
he’s not a bad person by any means, but his attitude about strangers, enemies, and relationships are off. he shows favoritism towards leo, though that’s not his intention. he fails to give his other children the attention they need. etc etc
so it’s not that surprising that his children also gained flaws that affect each other negatively.
leo is dedicated to his training, which isn’t bad but it gave him an ego. he believes he’s the good example, that he’s better skilled than his brothers. he has good skills that make him the best choice as leader, but sometimes his ego and his authority make him downplay his brothers’ opinions and chastise their choices.
it’s mostly seen in his arguments with raphael and donatello. raphael is stubborn, but he values his family like leo does. their opinions on how to protect their family and do the right thing aren’t always on the right page, which frustrates them. raphael goes through growth that makes him a lot more patient with leonardo, but he still calls leo out when leo makes bad decisions, and leo often refuses to listen to him bc he’s the leader. he’s in charge. why should he listen? which is not what a leader should be and he needs to learn that over the course of the series (he,, rlly doesn’t but i digress).
as for donatello and leonardo. donatello is smart and leonardo knows that and ends up using that to his advantage. he puts a lot of pressure on donnie and overworks him. donatello is smart so he has to be the one to track things down, fix mutations, learn what is going wrong. and when donatello’s attempts go wrong, leonardo gets frustrated and orders donatello to just. do better. keep working on it. since donatello struggles with insecurities, this is just added to it and he is super hard on himself when he fails.
having so much pressure put on him by splinter certainly doesn’t help his attitude either.
is he hard on michelangelo? eh not rlly but mikey’s a nothing character so moving on
raphael very obviously has his temper. he’s probably the most criticized of the team so his faults are kinda obvious. he has the most growth in the show tho so i’m not gonna go into too much depth.
obviously his temper and habit to get violent when he’s angry affects his brothers negatively. tho he’s mostly physically violent with leonardo or michelangelo. with donatello they usually are more verbal ig? when raphael is rough with donatello, it’s usually playful. idk
also his temper affects his focus and skills so he’s often chastised by splinter, which comes across to him like leo is so much better and splinter likes him more.
donatello’s turn. this guy has his heart on his sleeve and ik i mention his insecurities constantly but it does affect him more than anything else. he’s insecure about being a mutant, he’s insecure about his weapon and fighting skills, he’s insecure about his feelings for april, he’s insecure about whether he’s smart enough, he’s insecure PERIOD. he has so much going on in that brain so ofc it’s gonna affect his brothers
he snaps at people all the time. he lets his insecurities affect the way he interacts with other people (see: casey jones).
even the pride he does have about his scientific accomplishments can be easily crushed when they’re ruined or criticized in some way.
he isolates very often and sometimes when he is confident it comes across as rude.
and when he acts out of concern for april, he goes about it wrong and ends up being creepy.
it doesn’t help that splinter hardly corrects any of his behavior. plus he doesn’t get the affirmation he needs.
as for michelangelo he’s a bad interpretation of someone with adhd— oh wait no that’s not what i’m trying to talk about hold on—
so michelangelo is playful and naïve and fails to take many things seriously, which frustrates his brothers a lot so it’s hard for them to take him seriously when he is being genuine.
and for karai, we already see how flawed and rebellious she is, and it rubs off on her brothers often, particularly leo.
this family is just a wreck but that’s why they’re so interesting to explore and see them grow. it’s why i wanted more from the series. their dynamics have positive parts as well and it’s nice seeing them talk through things. but the series sacrifices a lot of that for plots that don’t rlly matter tbh (most of season 5 <3)
they are not abusive at all but they are extremely flawed and that’s okay
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tisaolin · 1 year
Was this one is the deleted request?
Can I request a S/O that likes to make annoying jokes and pranks to their partner?
Please make Shang Tsung and Fujin because they pretty much hard to anger and make Scorpion and Mileena since they have VERY bad temper
S/O likes to
annoyingly poke their partner's cheek
using water squirt ring (sometimes)
pull my fing- wait that's too much
You can use if you have other prank ideas as well
Keep up the good work!!
Kombatants with a playful s/o
Characters: Shang Tsung, Fujin, Mileena, Scorpion
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He’s actually fond of the poking and doesn’t mind when you make a “whee” sound everytime you sneak from behind him and poke his cheek. He finds it adorable.
WTF! He literally SCREAMS that when you shoot him with a water gun. Same when you do the ole bucket trick.
When you use the ole whoopie cushion on him, He looks at you and theres like minutes of awkward silence until he starts snickering.
Pranks got so bad he had to BEG you to stop while literally on the verge of tears, “PLEASE,YOU GOT TO STOP THE BULLSHIT 😖”
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He’s a little confused but he finds the pranks cute.
The poking his cheeks makes him smile, physical touch is his cup of tea fr.
When you spray him with water, he uses wind to make you fall. Starting prank wars NOW!
Raiden is absolutely MORTIFIED at what you turned his brother into.
It’s a never ending battle between the two of you.
In the end, you won when you got some fake hair to make it seem like you cut his actual hair.
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Almost at his breaking point fr.
Poking his cheeks isn’t too bad but he does ask if you can stop because it gets annoying.
When you spray him with a water gun he has to meditate in order to keep himself from MURDERING YOU.
He almost set you on fire when you made him fall down the stairs 😞(geez louis please dont kill him)
The snakes in a pringles can is probably the only prank that made him laugh, after being scared lol. “ARE YOU LAUGHING??” “…no” “YES YOU ARE”
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Mileena (shes so cute I LOVE HER SOO MUCH)
Mileena loves you so much, so she tries to remain calm.
Poking whats left of her cheeks (im so sorry) causes her to ALMOST BITE YOU😟.
“YO WHAT THE FUCK MEL” “DO.NOT. TEST MY PATIENCE” looks like you learned your lesson after that because you didnt do it anymore.
Spray her with the water gun again, it brings a tingling sensation.
When you swapped her shampoo with hair dye. She gave you a look you will NEVER forget.
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Perfect example frfr(this how I apparently look at people)
🤦🏾‍♀️congratulations, you’ve made Mileena so mad she snaps at you.
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vesemirsexual · 8 months
What is even more disappointing about how game!Ciri is written is that CDPR Can give us compelling and complex “ trauma and grief can cause you to repeat the cycle of violence” arcs for characters like Syanna and Lambert but apparently completely forgot what a huge part of Ciri’s character that is
the first time I played I thought she got amnesia as well because of how much of her fiery temper was toned down, and how her trauma is hardly mentioned ( and it's not like the characters in this game trauma are completely ignored it is talked about in some quests) I wanna see what she really would have done had she seen Emhyr again
I feel like game Ciri had two distinct groups they were aiming for: people who found Geralt even more appealing because of the fatherhood angle so they had to work his actual kid in AND hot girl fan service.
The thing is, if they gave her too much personality or depth, she wouldn’t have fit into these groups well and therefore people would’ve found her annoying and/or off-putting. People already do sometimes but not to the degree that they would’ve if they even BEGAN to touch on the absolute shitstorm that is Ciris psyche after everything.
Also realistically, they made the Witcher games centre about Geralt bc he appeals to their large majority male fan base: combatant, dark mysterious tragic past, ripped, attractive, fucks hot women, is a good guy while still also getting to do badass things and beat people up. If you look in depth at Witcher fans on different platforms when they talk about him, a lot of dudes are very much “oh my god he’s literally me”. Ciri could never be the focus because she wouldn’t appeal to that same group, and we know that every time a game is released people throw the weirdest bitch fits about female characters, especially main ones.
This is also why Ciri is made an attractive character, when realistically that tiny little facial scar they’ve given her is nothing, she’s spent her developmental years on the run/being attacked/under extreme stress so I honestly can’t imagine her being a tall skinny but also hourglass woman with one or two scars, and put her in a cropped shirt (such a bad choice it’s mildly hysterical).
I think Lambert and Syanna are also a really good example of how people handle angry traumatised characters too, because Lambert gets a lot more leeway than Syanna (and I say this as a big fan of both!) Like there are literally people out there and on this webbed site who say she is pure evil, one of the evilest people in the Witcher for being a fucked up mean trauma victim who hurt a Poor Little Meow Meow (Higher vampire with decades of life experience more than her, incredibly possessive, responded to emotional manipulation by violently attacking an entire city). Like Lambert literally brags about axii’ing a guy to shoot himself in the head with his own crossbow.
Ciri got done very dirty, but I see how and why it happened. Book Ciri deserves rights but unfortunately I think Games Ciri will always be how people perceive her, and therefore portray her in fic, art and other work predominantly (praying same doesn’t happen with TWN Ciri). We’ve been robbed of such a complex, angry young woman and I mourn it 🙏
Edit: I can’t even touch on the Emhyr thing because the fact she can reconcile with him is honestly mildly fucking horrific. Like even if they’ve removed the nasty ass incest factor, that man quite literally destroyed her entire world and was willing to do so further in order to get his way. The fact she can call him father in one ending is genuinely vomit inducing and so disrespectful to Ciri as a character (also the audacity to play down that Ciri literally sees Yen as her mama WHILE playing devils advocate for War McCrime is a whole choice).
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Hey nalyra!
I was hoping you could sort of help put some thoughts in order.
So, what I keep seeing often is the discourse of lestat deserving the murder night vs lestat did not deserve it and that's why paris happens.
On one hand I agree murder night "needed" to happen bc the household had turned too toxic for all of them and something had to give ( and lestat did not seem about to relent on anything tbh ).
And then we have lestat himself saying he would have done the same thing and in a way its his fault things ended up the way they did. ( and we have sam saying lestat needs to be humbled to start a character journey in the next seasons)
On the other hand, there is the argument that paris happened because lestat did not deserve what happened in murder night and murder night was a mistake that claudia and louis paid for with the trial.
I find it hard to agree with the latter (it sounds too punitive and I don't think the trial had anything to do with actual rules it was all armand getting back at lestat and getting louis to himself) but as a lestat fan it was hard to watch murder night and say lestat deserved it as well!!
What are your thoughts on this whole mess? 🤔 😅
Okay, so... I personally think it is not that clear cut.
Because there are a lot of things involved in all of this.
For one - I keep saying - the abuse itself is in the book, so Louis did experience it as abuse, at least at times.
Now, Jacob has said that Louis "presents Lestat as a monster", because he is hurt by what happened. So Louis exaggerates (at the very least a little bit) - for reasons.
However, a tale is also always built on truth.
The Lestat in the book was very young still, and had a temper (well, he does not lose that, lol). Louis remarks on not saying something because he feared Lestat would destroy the parlor in a rage. They fight. And so on. Canon. The Lestat in the show is older, and jaded through loneliness - I personally think that is a great way to introduce the more bitter parts of the relationship, because it lends towards possessiveness and a certain remoteness, because he just sees it very, very differently to Louis, and sometimes cannot really empathize with Louis' actual problems. (Sam notes on that in the podcast, too.)
Now. When Lestat says in TVL that Claudia attacking him was "something he might have done himself"... then that refers to him trapping her in a too small, too fragile, too weak body - for eternity.
He knows he should not have made her. He is aware of that. That is what he refers to there:
From TVL:
But what had I done to Claudia? And when would I have to pay for that? How long was she content to be the mystery that bound Louis and me so tightly together, the muse of our moonlit hours, the one object of devotion common to us both? Was it inevitable that she who would never have a woman's form would strike out at the demon father who condemned her to the body of a little china doll? [...] And on a warm sultry night in the spring of the year 1860, she rose up to settle the score. She enticed me, she trapped me, and she plunged a knife over and over again into my drugged and poisoned body, until almost every drop of the vampiric blood gushed out of me before my wounds had the precious few seconds in which to heal. I don't blame her. It was the sort of thing I might have done myself. And those delirious moments will never be forgotten by me, never consigned to some unexplored compartment of the mind. It was her cunning and her will that laid me low as surely as the blade that slashed my throat and divided my heart. I will think on those moments every night for as long as I go on, and of the chasm that opened under me, the plunge into mortal death that was nearly mine. Claudia gave me that.
From Merrick:
Cover her face; mine eyes dazzle; she died young. I winced at the recollection. Lestat had been condemning himself when he'd spoken those words to her, he'd been offering himself up to her rage. She'd known it.
And here is the crux of it all: "murder night" does need to happen in the grand scheme of things in order to bring both Louis and Lestat onto their journey... they both need to get a reality check, both need to be hauled low so to speak to be able to ultimately heal and the justification is what was done to Claudia (not Louis). And to find peace with themselves.
However, and here is the "problem", if you will - this crime against nature, against Claudia was not only done by Lestat. And that is what her diary entry from "Merrick" is about, and what I believe we already saw hints for in the trial scene when she turns to Louis... Claudia blamed both. "It was never about me." And we saw that already in the show when Claudia argues with Louis before leaving in episode 5, too.
She decided to go and try to kill Lestat, because she thought she could handle Louis more easily.
From Merrick:
To do away with Louis would be foolish, as he is without question the more malleable of the pair. [...] Louis will do as I wish, even unto the very destruction of Lestat, which I plan in every detail. Whereas Lestat would never cooperate with my designs upon Louis. So there my loyalty lies, under the guise of love even in my own heart.
Now, don't get me wrong, I concur with Bailey and Delainey in that Claudia is very justified in her rage, imho :) And... both Lestat and Louis feel the same way, they carry the guilt of what they did to her until the very end.
Now, Paris.
Paris... did happen because Louis and (mostly) Claudia factoring things in) did make a mistake.
They thought (mostly Claudia, and the show hints at that in that episode 6 sex scene when she says to Louis that they "cannot be all like him") that Lestat was the worst.
Like the big bad vampire™, the worst of the worst™, and him (certainly) making mistakes or having a temper or even physically fighting with Louis was the absolute worst that could possibly happen to them.
And that... is the (big, fatal) mistake that is being made.
The show gave us Lestat already brushing Paris off, so I believe show Louis will be a bit more... careful when they get there. A bit more reluctant. Nonetheless, neither Claudia nor Louis are prepared for the old world covens. Or their rules.
Lestat kept them mostly human, a family, because Marius had advised him to do so.
Claudia and Louis, despite their run-ins with the revenants, have no concept of the rules, the viciousness, nor the strength to defend themselves.
They kill off their only protection (so to speak) - and will pay for it.
I believe in one of the interviews it was called "out of the frying pan and into the fire", and that is, unfortunately, very fitting.
That is why "murder night" was a mistake... in Claudia's calculation.
Louis will come to the realization that he "hated Lestat for the wrong reasons" in the second half of IWTV. He will come to a lot of realizations, painful realizations, unfortunately.
Ultimately, it boils down to this, I think (very simplified):
No, Lestat (probably) did not deserve "murder night" for what Louis tries to argue for in s1. Because those reasons will turn out to be the wrong reasons, unfortunately, and likely for a variety of reasons (cue "tinkering" and "suppressed memories")
Yes, Lestat (probably) deserved "murder night" for not heeding Marius' warning. For not trying hard enough, too, maybe. For condemning someone that young. For trapping Claudia (and, by extension Louis) like that.
"I should have listened to Marius's warning. I should have stopped for one moment to reflect on it as I stood on the edge of that grand and intoxicating experiment: to make a vampire of "the least of these. " I should have taken a deep breath."
But he did not.
And the tragedy unfolds.
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ikamigami · 4 months
MGAFS uploaded a 25 minute video of Puppet asking Sun 73 questions(we all know she asks him more then that)
What's your thoughts on it? Bc some of Suns responses are funny(when he's showing annoyance through threats) but it also is mainly sad and concerning with most of his answers throughout the video...
I completely understand his annoyance I think that I'd be cursing Puppet out if I was in Sun's place xD
Yeah, some of his answers were really concerning. But I'm also glad that some things got confirmed in this episode. Like for example: Sun drinks alcohol. He likes hamburgers. So I was right that he eats and that he ordered a hamburger for himself in "a day in life of Monty" episode. (It confirms that Sun is harming himself because he shouldn't drink and eat. It hurts him.)
The answer to what superpower Sun would want to have - probability manipulation - confirms that VAs are really looking into a discussion thread for sams (which is cool but I won't get back there ever again). Cause I remember talking about that with someone there. That maybe Sun can manipulate probability of events. It was a really great time. It was fun while it lasted.
I still doubt that Sun wants Eclipse dead though. Like why he would answer this one truthfully. And I also still think that when Sun talks about wanting to kill Eclipse he is talking about himself. I know, I know it doesn't make sense but I think that Sun views himself as an Eclipse. I mean that he believes himself to be bad. And I think that he considers himself to be an actual Eclipse. And by that I mean that Sun thinks that Eclipse is the way he is because of him. He made Eclipse like that. So he's actually the bad one here. I mean that in his delusions it's like that. I hope that makes any sense. It's really hard to explain.
Another thing is that Sun said that he likes parasites and it reminded me of when he said that he likes toxic people. Which again shows us that Sun thinks that he's like that. That he likes toxicity.
Another interesting thing is that Sun said that others made him be so self-depreciating but I think that Sun doesn't think like that actually. This answer was too close to truth for it to be considered that Sun really thinks that. Cause we all know that's true but also not entirely because Sun has very low self-esteem and mental issues that cause him to be so self-depreciating. And I think that what Sun truly thinks is that he believes himself to be a joke. Some sort of a bad joke. Cause he can't do anything and he constantly ruins everything. He's useless failure.
Another thing is that Sun didn't have a second therapy session with Earth which is interesting but I'm also not that surprised either. Also the fact that Sun possibly doesn't like kids does not surprise me either cause I would be unable to like kids myself if I worked as Daycare Attendant just like Sun cause I have a short temper. Sun is just like me fr.
Another thing is Sun doesn't hate dogs. He dislikes them cause they're loud and we all well know that Sun doesn't like loud noises thanks to Moon.
A propos Moon, Sun's answer to the question with Moon was very understandable. Like everything is fine between them when nothing happens but when bad things are happening then uhhh.. Moon is.. we all know the answer.
But see, Sun didn't answer fully this question so why him saying that he would told his past self to kill Eclipse should be considered truthful. I'm not buying it considering that when there was a question related to Eclipse he only said that he doesn't like this whole working with Eclipse thing. But he doesn't actually gives a reason to why he doesn't like that. But I think that it has more to do with Moon rather than Eclipse.
Also Sun saying that the worst experience in his life was having someone in his head and then trying to get rid of them and then they keep coming back may not be about Eclipse but his mental issues and possible fear that he may create yet another being in his head and ruin another life again. I am interpreting it like that because I think that Sun is delusional.
Also we can see that Sun has mood swings yet again. And considering that a year ago sams posted QnA episode and later there was Sun's fight with Lunar and Sun went after Eclipse (iirc).. I think that Sun may have another psychotic episode sooner rather than later...
I hope that the answer is satisfying if not, you can ask me more questions. I wouldn't mind that at all.
And sorry for any mistakes because I had a pretty rough day (it's nighttime at my place)..
Also I don't mind Taylor Swift but I'm not big fan of her either so dear Sun, I won't stop liking you for this xD
And another thing I forgot to mention is that Sun said that he doesn't relate to any fictional character because it's a fictional character. My man, you just don't watch that much stuff and it shows. Or you just didn't find anyone relatable. Also it's not like you're living their life, Sun but it's rather that that fictional character lives your life :) Hope my answer helps, Sun ^^ (I know that he most definitely won't read it, I mean Davis ofc. I said that jokingly)
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theninthdoor · 1 year
Can you do bad sides/questionnable reading for enhypen as well ? (Like you did for BTS) Thank youuu :)
again... before you read: make sure that you take everything with a grain of salt and put your common sense to good use! no human being is 100% angel; no one is perfect + some of these things we, ourselves, do or think of doing from time to time. still, if anyone is expecting idols to be some sort of perfect demi-gods, the internet might not be for you 💘 also, of course, i’m not claiming anything as facts. feel free to dismiss my interpretations, if you wish.
Heeseung || the devil, page of wands: Uhh… a little manipulative? He knows what to say to push people's buttons. Plus, might take his jokes a little too far sometimes, too. While said joke might be making someone uncomfortable, if he's not yet satisfied with it, he's not gonna stop. What's funny for him often isn't funny for others, and he might fail to notice that. It could also happen that others feels pressured to laugh at those jokes or go along with his antics just so they aren't the next victim. (mind you, I don't think he's malicious with it, necessarily… he may just lack the maturity or self-awareness to recognize what's reaaally happening)
Jay || the temperance, ace of pentacles: Jay might have a hard time stepping out of his comfort zone, and so he tries to mold people into what better fits said comfort zone. If he thinks something is the best of its kind (i.e.: a restaurant or a style of jeans), he will want everybody to have the same opinion or follow his own. Passive-aggressiveness might also be an issue here.
Jake || three of swords, ace of swords: Knows how to hit a raw nerve, and might do it more often than he should. He's the type to remember things/secrets a person has told him and use that against them later on, specially when they have hurt his feelings. Will bring up people's past mistakes, too, for sure… Plus, once you hurt him, he'll make sure you know it and acknowledge it!
Sunghoon || four of wands, eight of cups: Escapism; faking it. Fakes his personality and/or tastes and preferences in order to fit in. Would rather run than confront others over things that have upset him. Might also be the type to say one thing in front of the larger group of people, and then go and say another in private to someone he trusts.
Sunoo || wheel of fortune, ace of wands: Unpredictable. Always looking for the next big thing. He just isn't very commited to stuff, specially if something else more interesting or promising comes up. It may be hard to get him to follow through with an idea or plan - it's a "do it now or you may never actually do it" type of thing. He just loses interest very easily, it seems.
Jungwon || ace of pentacles, eight of swords: I wouldn't necessarily say close minded, but more like… short-sighted? He rejects things/ideas/people too fast upon a first impression, and doesn't give them the opportunity to unravel into something that, perhaps, he'd find really quite interesting. For example, if 7 years ago he found a 12-in-1 shampoo that worked for his needs, in those 7 years he has never accepted any other shampoo suggestion and will shit-talk all other options… you won't get him to change his mind bc, honestly, he doesn't care. It might be better for him and give him better results but, instead of considering that, he's thinking about NOT getting what this 12-in-1 provides for him right now. Besides that, he may also be a little material focused and reject some opportunities in order to focus on work, to save money, or simply because he thinks it's below himself.
Ni-ki || three of swords, king of wands: Lol… he plays the victim very well! Ni-ki knows how to use his acting skills to get what he wants, for sure… Dramatic. Pushy. Hates it when people don't pay attention to him - OR when they don't give him the amount of attention he thinks he deserves. "My way or the highway… unless you wanna hear me whine about it for a month, of course".
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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stoookes · 20 days
i think VK would be very petty in the beginning, because Pat cheating on him with Mitch is a slight to his ego, and VK does not forgive any slight easily. So he'll use every trick in the book to make Pat's life difficult. However, Pat quickly gets fed up of it, within two weeks or so, and threatens VK to divorce him unless he stops acting up. Oooh, what if Pat already has the divorce papers prepared and hidden in a drawer in the house? And once he's done with VK's rebelliousness, he just pushes the omega against a wall, and grabs him by his chin, and shoves the divorce papers in his face, going, "One sign from me on these papers could end your career. You put one toe out of line again, and I'm finalizing the divorce."
And obviously, VK gets scared bc his career is much more important than any petty revenge. And Pat threatening him comes as a bit of a shock to him, because VK was arrogant enough to assume that he could handle an 18- y/o cub. And now, he suddenly can't handle him anymore, and the tables have turned on him. So VK just pips down in a bid to keep his career safe. He's still cold and unresponsive most of the times, but he's careful about losing his temper and keeping a civil tongue in his head in front of his husband. And he makes sure to please Pat, in order to keep him happy enough that he doesn't end his career. So VK just says yes when Pat says yes, says no when he says no, doesn't do anything without asking his permission first. And Pat's so bewildered and even hurt at this sudden behaviour change, because why is VK so obedient and dutiful abruptly, what happened to that gorgeous little wildcat who'd taken it upon himself to make Pat's life hell in every possible way?
Now that Pat's got VK under his thumb, like he wanted, he realizes he doesn't enjoy it anymore. Yes, he got his peace, VK no longer interferes in his business, doesn't nag him about Mitch, doesn't try to get back at him, but now he almost seems scared of him. Wary and uncertain, like he's afraid Pat will come good on his warning to divorce him if he puts one toe out of line again, even if the transgression is purely accidental. VK is on his best behaviour around Pat now, but it's an obedience and compliance borne out of fear, Pat knows and hates that. VK being petty and vengeful used to piss him off, but he'll take that assertive, outspoken, fierce, defiant version of VK any day over this new one, which is quieter than a mouse around him, doesn't speak until spoken to, stiffens up in obvious dislike every time Pat touches him, but still doesn't muster up the courage to throw his hand off like he would've done previously, and has none of the old fire or spirit left in him. Pat loathes how VK treads on eggshells around him now, always fearing some form of violent or malicious retribution from Pat, at even the smallest mistake, like accidentally breaking a plate or forgetting to do a chore, and he loathes himself for turning VK into this. It hurts even more when he sees VK with other people, his Indian teammates, and he blossoms into that old, feisty, bubbly version of him again around them, but he's so different when he comes home.
Ooooooooo you pose some interesting ideas….
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horizon-verizon · 9 months
According to TG, the system somehow protects Alicent & makes her son, a serial rapist, a king & her deranged fans really wants to see that incompetent monster in power as a reward for her longtime suffering, so fuck all the other women whom he will continue raping and the lowborn children he will continue abusing, as long as Alicent is happy.
Yeah, that's what it comes out as. Others might counterargue this by saying that Aegon's council will temper his absurd predatory behavior, and to that I say that his mother and sister couldn't stop him from doing it while he was a prince/his dad let he roam wild/his brothers are either physically or emotionally too distant and uncaring so how is a KING Aegon II going to be "held back" in lieu of his having more power and authority around literally everyone around him?! No one in that council would be able to check him! They all underrank him! And the guy dismissed Otto Hightower, his own grandfather, after yelling at him at least twice for not being violent and effective enough to bring him quicker results, so he made Criston his Hand! Criston, who of all the people there was the worst choice! Plus Criston was a military-head... we appointing military heads for administrative and nonmilitary assignments now?!
While his mom and sister stopped him from going berserk at the council:
he still went berserk in the first place for them to have to do anything
it shouldn't be their responsibility to check him; he is responsible for his own emotional control skills
how often and well can each woman stop him from doing some reckless shit before he himself orders their confinement to do his own thing once he gets to a certain place of frustration & anger?! who is to stop him then? the bloodthirsty Criston Cole? The cautious and self-preserving-by-compliance Tyland Lannister? Dead Lyman Beesbury?! The cowardly grandmaster Orwyle?
Aegon is the one to threaten to throw his own Grandmaester and anyone who seems to defy him regarding Rhaenyra's "defiance"...as if the sound advice the maester was giving him wasn't sound!
If they say "2 canons" bullshit again, I will say to them that for the show to completely remove it and to vacuum all of this is to really give us some 5-year old action-figure playtime nonsense (if they haven't included this in the second season, who knows, and even then it's probably so unsatisfactory bc it's missing crucial details as they did with Criston making as if the V boys were going to be sexual predators just bc Laenor was gay in the same breath as calling those boys bastards and not Laenor's sons). It means EVERYTHING for us to hear and see all these things, to contextualize Aegon as Rhaenyra's foil, and to present him as the product of patriarchal privilege and evil.
It is not "complicated" at all for Aegon to be less patriarchally privileged and angry and entitled than he is meant to be for the sake of making Alicent appear his main abuser and direct cause of evil; for the sake of making his sexual assaults appear "poor little rich boy" syndrome; to remove most of his most frantically-charged dialogue for "stoic" and "put upon" silence as he walks "begrudgingly" to the Dragonpit makeshift platform.
It's actually really simple, amoral, without the benefit of actually being emotionally charged (plus and consequentially boring): in vacuuming out these lines and behaviors, they are both making the story less about the wrongfulness of the misogyny leveled against Rhaneyra and male privilege Aegon has, and more about "both sides", which reduces misogyny's presence and the need to critique it. Fulfilling a very conservative sense and agenda.
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colorcodedbeanies · 1 year
S2E1-"Seven Thirty-Seven"
Season 2 let's fucking goooo. Said out loud "Jesse kill him" in this moment
TW: Sexual violence, addiction, police abuse, racism
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So I mentioned in the last post that Tuco very much matches a white middle class Idea of what a criminal is. Violent, unpredictable, and indulgent, with a massive temper and hang-ups about respect. At the risk of poor meow-meowing him a little I think its interesting that this is complicated in this episode. Tuco PANICS when he realizes No-Doze is seizing, enough to turn the car around and seek out the closest help he has access to. When No-Doze dies, he gets angry, striking him again. This matches what we'll learn in future episodes (and in BCS). Tuco isn't necessarily violent for the hell of it. Rather, using makes him unstable, and that instability often manifests in actions he regrets later. To be clear: Tuco has definitely killed before and likely would have again had he not encountered Hank. He's certainly not taking any steps to protect himself or the people around him. No-Doze's death is really no one's fault but his own. The Salamancas in general tend to manifest their psychological issues and insecurities into violence directed at a lot of indiscriminate bystanders. But to me, even that capacity for regret and lack of control complicates that "stone cold killer" image that Walt and Jesse have of him. Gonzo is also complicated, worrying that shoving No-Doze's corpse under a stack of a cars "[isn't] very Christian", but I'll dig more into that closer to the end.
So we've got another pairing of eroticism and criminality, but this time its manifesting as explicitly sexual violence. Walt assaults his wife. There's no other way to describe it. She is telling him to back off and until she screams "stop it" he continues to ignore her objections. To me, there's two ways to read this scene. One, Walt is unexpectedly aroused by what happened. Something about the distress of the situation, (or very possibly, being yelled at and degraded by a bigger, younger man) created a sexual reaction in him. And/or, Walt is attempting to imitate Tuco as a way to cope with the fear of that situation. Tuco beats the shit out of No-Doze, Walt attempts to act out his fear and frustration on Skyler's body (including shoving her forcefully against the fridge). Skyler even explicitly attributes it to fear, though she believes it stems from his cancer anxieties. Regardless, this isn't going to be the last time Walt attempts to imitate brown men who humiliate him/terrify him in a desperate attempt to defend his own masculinity. Bringing my inevitable cuckoldry discussion ever closer (threatening).
I think its important to give some due credit: Hank is legitimately making an empathetic attempt at helping Marie with her issues. He doesn't always say or do the right things with the situation (clearly being more comfortable tossing her at a therapist than having honest conversations with his wife). But the thing with dealing with addiction is that there's rarely a concrete right solution. He does his best (for now) to not lay blame at her feet, provides her with multiple support mechanisms, and is resolutely in her corner for dealing with this. Which would be very sweet to see if it weren't also likely some tactics he would make fun of a meth addict's family for employing. Its hard not to connect Marie's issues and Hank's work when the show takes pains to show Hank smacking a prisoner's cell bars after a frustrating interaction with her. Hank may be frequently disrespectful and callous to Marie, but he clearly views her as worth investing in, worth coaching through this, and is clearly conscious that she can't be held meaningfully accountable for what she does unless she has the proper help in place too. An attitude that does NOT apply to anyone who isn't his rich white wife.
It is notable, though, that the Schraders have clearly left this all as a secret in order to save face and keep up appearances. I went after Skyler pretty hard for how she responds to her in the moment, but I want it on record: Hank very much ambushes her with information about her kleptomania, and then immediately asks for support without a word of apology for either her distress or for keeping this from her. What Skyler says isn't kind. It isn't nice and it isn't empathetic to her sister. But she's also not wrong that she's being asked to just box up her feelings at a point when she's already under an immense amount of strain, which no one has really bothered to reach out to her for. They really are Jesse and Jake aged up, both vying to be taken seriously while also being mortally afraid of admitting to weakness in their day to day life.
Walt doesn't nail down the lie about the meth, writing off Jesse's concerns. Specifically what he says is "How much salesmanship do we really need? That degenerate snorts anything he gets his hands on." This is going to bite him in the ass next episode, but is pretty telling of how Walt views addicts. Unthinking, ravenous, almost animalistic, and importantly, with no sense of self-preservation.
Gonzo is my final note: he dies doing something innately human. He dies going back to rebury his friend, another gangster that polite society doesn't give a shit about, because its the respectful, Christian thing to do. He dies slowly and in pain, bleeding out alone. This is all extremely funny to the DEA, who pose for selfies with his corpse and cackle about the idiot criminal.
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ewizaah · 1 year
alright. call me insane real quick. but guys listen. i have been hit with a realization. i know how we love suction cup man being a villain and all that, "ohh he trespassed on some old man's property" ok but like HE ISN'T THE VILLAIN, HE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO DO THAT BC LISTEN TO ME
notice how people respond to him FIRST about his passions, and then he responds angrily bc you attacked his entire way of living. like business dummy going "hey what the fuck are you doing climbing my towers get off" and, because scm was just minding his own business and is getting harassed out of nowhere, WOULD RESPOND APPROPRIATELY!! SAME THING GOES FOR PAUL!! HE ASKS HIM TO GET DOWN RUDELY, THEN SCM RESPONDS BACK IN THE SAME WAY!! THINK BOUT IT WITH ME. YOU BE LIVING LIFE. THEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU TO STOP YOUR PASSIONS. OF COURSE YOU WOULD BE ANGRY!! AND IT'S THE FACT THAT HIS NAME IS LITERALLY SCM! HIS ENTIRE BEING IS CLIMBING SO JUST TELLING HIM TO STOP IS JUST TELLING HIM TO KILL HIMSELF. IT'S GOOFY BUT IT MAKES SENSE
and this isn't just dialogue nono it applies to actions as well. he got kidnapped by these 2 guards which KINDA LIMITS HIS CLIMBING ABILITIES, SO HE WOULD BE PRETTY ANGRY ABOUT IT. JUSTIFIED. then TRUMP COMES IN. and y'know trump is a authority figure, a person who ordered the 2 guards to kidnap him, SO THAT APPLIES AS WELL!! so then they talk for a bit, SCM'S STILL SALTY Y'KNOW. "i'm listening but still fuck you"
scm 3. he meets satan. at first, HE'S TERRIFIED AT FIRST! because he's TALL. in one of bluesy's (the va for scm) vrchat livestreams, it may be not canon, it may canon, it may be implied, WHO KNOWS. but the fact that scm's terrified of tall people. cartoon cat, endermans, ANY SORT OF ELDRICH CREATURES, HE WILL LIKELY BE FREAKING OUT. put on heels and he will be cowering!! anyways satan eventually mentions scm's speech, saying "we don't do that here" because he's saying these things about "oh god!!" "oh jesus!!" which. DIRECTLY ATTACKS HIS SPEECH. SO LIL BABY MAN WITH A TEMPER, IS OBVIOUSLY GONNA TAKE OFFENSE TO THAT. then once he gets out of hell and meets with paul, paul disagrees with what he says calmly saying about "we know who you are and we're not doing that" AND SCM UNDERSTANDS THAT. IT DOESN'T GO AGAINST ANYTHING HE STANDS FOR, HE JUST AGREES. "fair enough!!"
then scm 4 comes along and he's playin around on the ceiling! having a blast with his suction cups! then judge carter tells him to get down. sure, he's a bit annoyed at that, just going "NO!" but compared to all of his other interactions in the series? that was KINDA MELLOW!! because the judge responded in a different way than everyone else in this entire series!! so y'know things happen, he lost the case, he gets his suction cups taken away. and to the people who's carrying away his suction cups away in boxes, he's just yelling at them!! because like. i'm sure you know already!! it's a common theme!! and y'know he tried everything to find some way to climb, but no use. so he grows a bit sad!! sitting on the bench at sunset!! then this guy comes in, and at first he seems a bit nice, like he's about to provide some life-changing advice! and he does! but in a different way! you can see a glimpse of hope in that man and then it gets SHATTERED UPON IMPACT. so y'know he's vulnerable and he can't really do anything at this point because what is he defending now?? he got no passion!! so he falls into a depression because he has nothing, then he meets this person named Gina. THIS RIGHT HERE IS LIKE. A HUGE THING BECAUSE GINA PROVIDED SOLUTIONS LIKE "hey you can still climb with these dildos, and they're not climbing grade suction cups! go wild", supporting his passions even though SURE, HIS PASSION MAY BE ILLEGAL. BUT THAT MEANS A LOT TO HIM!! IT LETS HIM LIVE ANOTHER DAY!! IT SAVED HIM FROM SUICIDE!! AND SHE WASN'T ALL HISSY AT HIM!! THAT'S HOW HE RESPONDS NICELY!! SO IN CONCLUSION. SCM? ISN'T REALLY ALL THAT OF A BAD GUY. sure i mean on the other hand, i won't defend him. it's nice having a villain protagonist, it's hilarious!! but i'm providing my theories on the topic
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the-sky-queen · 7 months
I'm actually curious
29 for ALL YOUR OCS >:)
(Except Blake bc I already asked that lol)
29. How would you describe their personality?
Nexus: Before his amnesia, he was cold and calculating. He hardly let any emotion slip past his impenetrable mask except for fiery anger. After Amy broke his heart, Nexus couldn't hold in any of his emotions anymore, leading to them escaping his body and leaving him empty and a bit insane. When he could hold onto his rage, it was intense. Nowadays, he has a much better handle on his temper and his emotions. He's pretty chill and up beat for the most part, but he's hiding a lot. He knows he can still lose his grasp on his emotions, so he keeps the negative ones buried deep inside of him.
Aurora: She's very much the leader of the Sanctuary Trio. She's organized and gets stuff done. She's pretty no nonsense and tends to jump to conclusions. She can get worked up on occasion, but her temper isn't anywhere near as bad as Nexus. She's got a real soft spot for her friends, so she can be sentimental. She always wants to help people and she will put her all into protecting her friends.
Shade: He so sweet! He's my sweet little cinnamon roll boy. :) He's a book and theater nerd and is in constant awe of the world around him. He loves animals and gardening. Shade is very easy to talk to, so his friends often come to him for advice. He's secretly very protective of people he cares about. He'll always step in to help out. When his combat programs are active, Shade's emotions shoot through the roof and there's no telling what he might do. He tries to avoid using those programs whenever possible.
Umbra: He keeps to himself mostly. He gets jobs done quickly and efficiently, but when he gets an idea in his head, there's no stopping him. He holds quite a grudge, but he's also really empathetic and forgives easily once hearing the other side of the story. He's mostly just a chill dude.
Aela/Melody: Loyal to a fault. She always follows the orders of her superiors, even if she doesn't agree with them. At the end of the day, she just wants to be useful. When she's not working, Aela is pretty playful and fun to be around.
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months
Luca's Pokemon Main Game + Kitakami GO!!!
Main Game:
Thyme( Meowscarda)- he/him ( adamant, loves to eat)
- Dedicated performer of tricks and pranks.
- Loves stealing snacks
- Doesn't like sharing the spotlight, tends to grow jealous of other members when Luca gives them more attention. Still cares for his team and would do anything for them.
Jo(Clodsire)- she/her ( Calm, proud of her power)
- Incredibly chill. Honestly just happy to be there.
- Knows her battling capabilities well and takes pride in them.
- Generally a good gal who gets along with anyone.
Dolly(Dachsbun)- she/her ( Relaxed, somewhat vain)
- Sweetheart that will fuck you up if you mess with her or her team.
- Likes to help with baking or making sandwiches.
Irene(Espathra)- he/him (Bold , capable of taking hits)
- The most level headed of the punch. Some would argue he's more of a leader than Thyme. Definitely a powerhouse once he gets going.
- Peculiar taste in fashion, not entirely sure if he's fond of Luca's taste in fashion or utterly despises it.
- Carries himself with elegance and grace. With some sass on the side.
Tink(Tinkaton)- she/her ( Naughty, is somewhat stubborn)
- Can and will smash you with her hammer.
- Kinda battle hungry, always looking for a fight.
- Thyme's partner in crime, loves pulling pranks on the others, especially Irene.
Carlota(Armarouge)-she/her ( Quiet, nods off a lot)
- Looks rather stoic, but is actually pretty shy.
- Also pretty level headed, but tends to get dragged into situations for being a pushover.
- Incredibly chivalrous and works hard, but sometimes pushes herself too much.
Cutie( Cutiefly) she/her ( Brave/Modest, quick tempered)
- Feisty in spirit, tends to get into arguments easily.
- Always looking out for the little guy, ironic given how she is very little.
- Always eager to share her home's history to those who wish to listen.
Apple(Dipplin) he/him ( Jolly/Timid, capable of taking hits)
- Happy go lucky guy, always trying his best!!
- Often tries to see the good in people
- Kinda a nerd, likes to listen to Cutie talk.
Moon(Clefable)-he/him ( Hasty/Bold, somewhat lost in thought)
- Always seems to have A Plan.
- Kind off an ass at first, but is nice when you get past his snarkiness.
- Social, but likes to keep to himself most times. Not many people know what he's thinking.
Skully(Houndoom)-she/her ( Lax somewhat vain)
- Kinda chill, can get lazy sometimes.
- Gets flustered incredibly easy though. Hard to tell given that she has a hard rbf.
- Kinds in amusing that someone like her is tied to the literal glitter bomb that is Luca.
Fisher(Crawdaunt)-he/him ( Rash/Adamant, proud of it's power)
- An arrogant brute that is more than willing to show off his strength. Got humbled hard by Cutie.
- Not used to being on a team, let alone be taking orders from anyone that isn't himself, but he comes around.
- Doesn't like to admit it, but he likes having his new friends around. He was pretty lonely before ( bc he was an arrogant brute)
Tiny(Gliscor) - he/him ( Impish, is capable of taking hits)
-Bitch won't die electric boogalo
- Used to love hiding in spots and surprising others but can't do that given how big he is now. Is still a bit of a jokester though.
- Upon evolving, realized he was trans :)
Ponyo(Ogerpon) - she/her ( Lonely, takes plenty of siestas)
- Baby gorl. Has done nothing wrong ever.
- Still slightly wary of humans, but definitely doesn't feel as alone as she did before ( Fisher totally isn't attached to her. Nope)
- Likes holding Luca's hand when they walk together :)
I made this quickly so some details might change. Also for some natures have a / with another one. That just means I used a mint on them. They don't influence their personalities but I thought it would be important to know. Also Ponyo was gonna be in a different post with Luca's other pokemon ( if I ever get to that lol) but she's too important to not be part of the main squad so here.
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arandomaquarius · 8 months
Some of these are similar/the same as @howlsofbloodhounds bc they made a few hc posts that I agree with on some points. If they want me to edit out the parts that are similar to theirs, then I will.
Over the time that he was in the Void, Color’s hatred for the human eventually grew into hatred towards all humans. CORE!Frisk helped Color to not hate humanity after he left the void. Even after meeting CORE!Frisk properly, he didn’t trust them. It took him about three years of almost constant companionship to even relax around CORE!Frisk; it took a little bit longer for him to do that around other humans.
Epic and CORE!Frisk are the first people Color met when he left the void.
When he was in the void, Color was a lot like Geno: anti-social, short-tempered, cold, and pessimistic. Epic and CORE!Frisk helped Color when he first left the void so that he wasn’t as cold, angry, anti-social, and negative as he was.
I saw someone say that they think Color loves poppies, and I think he would also love forget-me-nots and he gives these to people he wants to remember him.
Epic kept bugging Color to get a house so he did to shut him up. It is in the Omega Timeline. The house is small, but Color doesn’t mind because he says it’s only a place to go to when he needs to. That means that there are mostly non-perishables in the kitchen so that nothing rots while Color’s away.
He’s a minimalist.
He likes giving gifts but doesn’t really like receiving them. He always keeps gifts though and uses them as much as possible.
Color likes strays, but he never keeps them; he lets them wander like him.
Epic gave Color a Polaroid when he found out Color has a fear of being forgotten. Color treasures it and takes photos so often that he’s become semi-professional. He puts these photos around his house and in the Chroma Realm.
He takes photos of just about everything, but he especially likes taking photos of nature. He also loves candid photos/unflattering photos. He likes how real they are.
He gives pictures of his friends and himself to his friends to ease the fear of being forgotten.
Due to losing everything once, Color is very overprotective of his friends, family, and home (he considers the Multiverse to be his actual home). Color would do anything to protect what he cares about.
He doesn’t fight a lot. (might be canon, but I’m not sure)
Color dislikes political things.
Over the time that he was in the Void, Color’s hatred for the human eventually grew into hatred towards all humans. CORE!Frisk helped Color to not hate humanity after he left the void.
He has a fear of being trapped. After spending years in an inescapable and empty void, he can’t stay in one spot long, or else he gets anxious.
Another phobia of his is confined spaces.
Doesn’t like too much attention on him.
Color never tested his new abilities before he left the void; he didn’t want to mess with the Timeline.
When he first got to the Omega Timeline, everyone crowded him and he freaked out and teleported away. When he was freaking out from all the people, he accidentally opened a portal to an AU and fell through.
Thus began his travels✨
He still can’t really handle the Omega Timeline; people crowding him totally sets him off.
Reaper unsettles him.
Sometimes his chest and head hurt bad, kind of like phantom pains. His eyesight in his left eye sometimes also becomes either blurry or it just disappears completely.
Color can sometimes see the spirits of the six human souls he absorbed. They mostly appear when a specific trait is most prominent (i.e. PATIENCE, BRAVERY, JUSTICE, INTEGRITY, etc.) They can only talk to him, and he doesn’t believe that they’re real.
He has dissociation and derealization disorders.
The events of the Genocide Route still haunt him to this day…
He’s not sorry nor guilty for killing the human, but he is shaken by the memories of the fight (i.e., bones crunching, blood splattering).
He’s able to go back to where he was in the void with Gaster; he doesn’t visit too often though, because it might be risky.
Color lends Geno books and helps him not feel self-conscious about his melting skull. They also play chess, checkers, and other various games together. 
Color encourages Killer to be nicer to others, but he never expects him to do it.
Sneaking up on Color can be difficult— not that you want to�� because he’s so used to having to be hyper-aware of his surroundings. If you do manage to sneak up on him and scare him, his first reaction is to punch/attack you— Epic and Killer keep learning this the hard way.
Color’s soul is highly sought after, due to its strange nature and being a good balance of six human souls and one monster soul.
Nobody knows how many different attacks Color has; everyone always gets surprised when he uses something they haven’t seen before.
Due to being half blind, Color sometimes has a hard time using the right side of his body. He can misjudge the distance between an object and his hand, and miss it.
His friends walk on his blind side so that he doesn’t get caught by surprise when a stranger is suddenly beside him.
He is considered the leading expert in SOUL research, due to his wanting to help Killer.
He carries a journal on him with all the information about SOULS that he has collected over the years and across the Multiverse. The journal is worn down and written in Arabic so that others can’t snoop through it. Color treasures that journal a lot; it’s one of the first things he always checks for damage. He’d panic if he lost/didn’t know where it was.
Color’s handwriting is chicken scratch that sometimes he can’t even read.
He frequents certain AUs he’s particularly fond of.
Color and Killer both speak Arabic and it confuses everyone else but they love it so much.
Color avoids going to UnderTale; he doesn’t think he’s quite ready to face a Papyrus that’s almost identical to his brother.
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noona96n · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
i'll try to keep it short lol
my top 10 favs in no particular order
- Mulan from Mulan (the ANIMATED film)
the way she grew into herself... her hardworking nature... her gentleness... idk man i just love her
- Kageyama Tobio from Haikyuu
- Nakahara Chuuya from BSD
my blueberry boy was an arrogant outcast who went thru the most beautiful character growth EVER
he was a mean, inconsiderate, controlling a*hole at the start of the series and ended up being mindful and understanding while still retaining his high spirits and determination. still a dumbass tho! love that about him too lol
- Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars
his loyalty is unmatched it's actually insane how he's so loyal??? like????? even in BSD Beast he's loyal to Dazai even though Dazai doesn't deserve it
it's just him and his silly little hat and enormous heart despite being the literal god of destruction and science experiment
also does help that he's fxkn beautiful and unapologetically himself and powerful as fck lol
- Jeerawit from Kleun Cheewit (Wave of Life)
he is so full of compassion and kindness despite all the loss he suffered... the way he came out on top despite his rocky starts and setbacks and rejections and literally always being second best... Obi Wan is just so GOOD and selfless i adore him as a person so, so much
also, he's a sexy sass gremlin lol love that in a person
she has an extremely sad and difficult life but she's so kindhearted... she has such low self-esteem despite being rich and famous... she is so loved yet unloved... but what matters is that she rises above her sadness and hardship and she's so so loved... Sathit better keeps on treating her right or he'll be catching these hands
- Kang Gil Young from The Guest
my girl is hot-tempered but so competent, so no-nonsense but still full of softness and kindness. she's the mother, the big sister, the boss lady, the glue that holds their trio together.
- Oh Jin Joo from The Devil Judge
- Laurent from Captive Prince trilogy
she is such a well-written character... she's aware of herself and her quality and she stand by her morality throughout the entire series
case in point: she fckd up (bcs she was manipulated and used), was told she fckd up and instead of denying it and wallowing in unfairness, she took matter into her own hands and went to confirm it, she then apologized and made amend by doing what's right.
also does help that one of the female leads is so badly written rip
- Han Juwon from Beyond Evil
catty bitch + poetic suffering
but for realzie my son suffered so much and his journey to claim what's his is just fckn beautiful (and sexc *cough*) and it helps a lot that he's so well loved by Auguste and Damen
- Lee Dongsik from Beyond Evil
his fckn character growth jesus christ
he's an insensitive know-it-all fool who ends up being humbled and soft-spoken and kindhearted and willing to give up everything to right the wrong that his father inflicted upon Dongsik
das it, das the reason... he just suffers really beautifully
ok i kid there are a lot of reasons (like his kindness towards everyone and his love for Minjungie) but mainly the sadness of his life and the beautiful resolution of his story
bonus: Howl from Howl's Moving Castle (studio ghibli) & Celia from The Help... whimsical characters with a history™ and heart of gold
i either love tortured characters who suffer poetically and beautifully yet still have a great capacity for kindness and compassion or characters who went thru character growth and came out striving to be the best, most beautiful self they can be
also, i just realized that a lot of things i like about my favs are due to fanon characterizations... like these top 10s are the very few that i originally like from canon materials alone haha
thank you for asking! it was really fun~
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smallbluelight · 2 years
Tis him, the man I dreamt about and I woke up terrified. Good times.
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Nur Foley
A split-brain syndrome subject that escaped from a lab that wants him back so they've hired mercenaries to capture him.
Age: 25+ (he doesn't remember)
Gender || Pronouns: Male || He/Him (for Nur as a whole, left brain/right side) / They/them (for his right brain/left side)
Confusing I know. Remember that the left brain controls the right side of our body and the right brain controls the left. Nur's considered dominant side is his right, while his left is blind and mute.
Species: Cohntaka, a tasih-cohn hybrid. (Half human, half canine)
Ability: Misperception
(DISCLAIMER: the syndrome is used as a base for his behaviour and is not accurate to the irl syndrome. Please don't think anyone who has this syndrome irl act the same way as Nur bc this is fantasy! Nur has wildly different circumstances, like being experimented on and living in a fictional world.)
Expanded info and more concept drawings of him
His name is the only thing he can remember. Who named him? How old is he? 20? 25? 30? He's definitely not a child or a teen, he can tell that much.
His brain is split; Nur's aware of this. It made two different aspects of Nur dominant in each side of his split brain. These sides of him are taught to be independent but still work together, to create a super soldier that is able to focus on two or more things at once, their abilities untouched. Because of the taught individualism, sometimes his left side doesn't seem to like cooperating with his right much, but they try to manage together anyway. At least both of the sides agree they needed to get out of that lab. They needed to live. They needed to survive.
Nur's right side still retains the ability to talk while his left side is mute. Despite it, both sides of him are very vocal. While his right side can speak for the both of them, his left side's gestures can be just as loud as the right's shouting. 
He doesn't have a keen eyesight. His right eye is slightly nearsighted and his left eye's vision is very blurry; yet he can still react to stuff on that side. He just can't describe anything he sees out of it, not even his other side can. Must be the result of the experiments.
Nur doesn't have any memory from before he got caught and experimented by the lab. He's a bit short-tempered, a little foul-mouthed and likes to yell but will be quiet and patient when he wants to be. He's naive and curious, but also very logical. He likes to observe and analyze things before interacting with them, but can often be seen as very hesitant and cautious, because he is. Nur's left side is really caring and compassionate, especially towards him. They make sure he eats, sleeps, and stays alert while he's off looking at a butterfly or whatever. They comfort him, or at least try to, when he's scared out of his mind. Perhaps this side can be the same towards other people too, but both sides are distrustful of them because of their experiences in the lab. People have proven to be untrustworthy and horrible so he highly dislikes them. However, his left side is willing to give chances, while his right side remains a harsh skeptic.
Since both of Nur's sides cannot communicate (internally), you'll see him shouting at himself more than at anyone else. Due to the sometimes vast difference of opinion in both sides, they would argue with each other a lot. His left side may be mute and blind but they can recognize things by touch and can still hear. Speaking to himself is his way of communicating with his half because that makes sense for both sides to do in order for them to come to a conclusion and understand each other. Even if one is loud and abrasive and the other is backhanding the other, in both senses of the word. And sometimes, actions speaks louder than words.
He can make people hallucinate with his ability called misperception. He can see what they see too. He doesn't completely understand how he's doing it but he can make people go insane. Which makes it fun and hilarious for him. To subject them to the horrors he had witnessed. To beat them up while they're scared. To make them leave him alone so he can run far away from them.
He has two tails. What are they for? Balance maybe? Holding them close to his chest just because they bother him doesn't help him walk any better when he's already trying to. Tasih hands but taluka feet. He's a hybrid. A cohntaka, to be exact. He understands that much.
As a half cohn, he naturally has a stronger sense of smell and hearing than the normal tasih. He can also sense the emotions and intentions of people around him so it's easy for him to escape the mercs chasing him down. Emotions are a mess, he doesn't understand them well (much less his own) but he can definitely pick out which intentions are bad, good, and neutral. But sometimes he fights his own instincts as it affects his reasonings. Most of the time he believes his reasoning when it comes to decisions. Instinct just helps him avoid danger better.
First drawings of himmm
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His left is blind
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Doodles UvU
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