#bangtan scenarions
thatbangtanbloom · 7 years
House of Cards | kth v. jjk [7]
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House of Cards
The Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6|Chapter 7
Subtitle: V for Valiant  
Characters: Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook (Mentions of Jimin x Reader in the past)
Categories: Fluff, Angst, Suspense
AU(s):College!AU, Stalker!AU, Best Friends!AU
Word Count: 4,945 (A bit carried away, haha)
Sypnosis: Some people see life in black and white, and others see it in brown and blue, but Kim Taehyung only sees it in red and you.
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Profuse knocking at one in the morning is all Hyejin can hear other than your unsteady breathing. Her breath shakes in her throat as she tries to contemplate the magnitude of her actions. She was fairly certain that you would live (or at least, that was the worse outcome in her eyes) but what troubled her most would be what Hansung would dare to do to her if he learned of her actions. Would he confront her about it? Would he kill her? She shakes her head at the last question. There were far more things that Hansung could do than killing her.  
"Hyejin!" Taehyung's booming voice slams against her dorm's door. Sweat beads against her forehead. His vision blurred with anxiety. His hand tries to turn the locked knob. His breathing is frantic as he tries to calm his nerves.  
Hyejin looks away your unconscious figure. She bites at her bottom lip to ignore the burning pain (but also the sadistic pleasure) that courses through her. Yet, the second she looks away, she finds her heart beating faster. Why had Hansung shown up? How could he have known?  
"Hyejin, my patience is running thin." Taehyung tells her on the other side of the door. He takes in a shaky breath to try to ease his nerves. Something didn't feel right.  
Hyejin timidly walks to the door; her natural habit of always following Taehyung's order rings through her. She unlocks the door and swallows hard. Tears immediately well up in her eyes at Taehyung's disheveled state – his dark green jacket hangs off his shoulders; his breathing uneven.  
"Hyejin – jagi-," the word burns in Taehyung's throat as he speaks it. It irks him to no end the thought of having to call anyone else besides you that name. He subconsciously glances over her shoulder in efforts to ease his nerves but it only does the opposite; the petals from the roses he bought you earlier are torn, scattering the floor. Broken fragments of a vase dots the floor. Your duvet from your bed peeks from the entrance of your room. "What happened?" His gaze on her hardens.
Hyejin hangs her head low in efforts to try to avoid his question. "Hansung..." Her voice trails off. A part of her wishes that she could merely lie to him – but he knows her too well. Or more importantly, he knows of her secrets.  
"Don't--" Taehyung quips as he pushes pass her roughly. His shoulder bumps against hers, sending her stumbling a bit back at his careless actions. His jaw clenches at the scattered petals and vase fragments. He turns his attention in the direction of your room. Before he even realizes it, he is taking steps to your door.  
Hyejin's eyes widen as she runs over to him. Her hands grip the cloth of his jacket. She shakes her head. "T-Taehyung-" she stammers his real name. Her voice trembles in fear.  
"Don't fucking call me that." Taehyung quips as he stares down at her hands. "-what did you do to my princess?" He turns to face her, now backing her against the wall. If looks could kill, Hyejin would be dead three times over. "Hyejin – you better answer me."  
Hyejin swallows hard. "-T-Taehyung," She tries again.  
He slams his hand against the adjacent wall beside her head. "You don't get to call me that!" He seethes as he leans in closer to hear. His eyes search for any sense of remorse in her eyes, but all he sees that is laced in her orbs would be fear. Fear of him. To be quite frank, she had valid reasons as to why she had fear in him. "You're wearing my patience thin, Hyejin." He takes her chin in his hand to make her look at him. "Look at me before I swear to god, I will kill you myself."  
She looks into his eyes, seeing the barbarous desire to end her in his eyes. There is nothing more evident than the hate that radiates from his presence for her. "I-I did it for you." She murmurs quietly.
"You did it for me?" Taehyung looks at her; a cynical laugh escaping his lips. His hands soon grasp her shoulders, a shaky laugh escaping him. "How could you do that for me, jagi?" He spits the nickname like vile.  
Hyejin's hands reach up to his, pulling at them. The pressure he applies to her shoulders is substantial, but she still continues to speak. "S-she doesn't deserve-" Hyejin coughs before shaking her head profusely. "-doesn't deserve you."  
Taehyung dryly chuckles at her words. "And you suppose that you do?" His grip tightens. "Just who do you think you are that you think that you can even put your hands on her?" He tilts his head as he awaits an answer. "Lee Hyejin, answer me." He narrow his eyes at her.  
"I heard Jungkook confess to her!" Hyejin blurts. "-I-I know how much you care about her and how much you give up for her. I couldn't have just let her get away with hurting you..." She admits sheepishly. Taehyung's eyes soften on hers ever so slightly. "-And Jungkook, he was planning on moving her out. I couldn't let her steer away from you."  
Her words appease Taehyung to no end and he knows immediately why he had kept her around for so long. Taehyung knew that Hyejin's loyalty proved to have no limits. That fact alone had him coming back to her in his sadistic times of need.  
"Jungkook was planning on moving her out..?" Taehyung asks; the house of cards that he built so meticulously in his head begin to teeter.  "-away from me?"  
Hyejin notices Taehyung's abrupt change in mood. She marvels at his dazed state with a quick nod. "Yes! He was." She pauses with a bite of her lip. "Taehyung, you've always known that he was a threat to the three of us." She side eyes Taehyung, who is still in his own reverie to notice her number conjecture. "He's no better than Park Jimin. Isn't he?"
The mention of the boy makes Taehyung's jaw clench. His blood boils at the thought of the soft mannered boy. Reveries of seeing you in his arms burns Taehyung's memories – a smiling you in the arms of someone else that was not him. Jungkook was an exception because he was fairly certain that Jungkook would never have the audacity to act on his emotions. But Jimin? He was entirely different.  
"You got into Seoul University?" You gasp at Jimin. Your mouth falls ajar as the boy in front of you chuckles lightly at your actions. Everything about you made Park Jimin's heart beat double time in delight. There was nothing he adored more than seeing you smile. "Jimin—that's like the most prestigious school in all of Korea! And you got in!" You shake his shoulders a bit as you squeal. "I'm so proud of you."  
Jimin leans back with a smile adorning his Cupid's bow. His onyx black hair kisses his forehead as he leans back against the grass. His legs dangle over the rocks. He sits so close to you that your knees touch. "Y/N-ah, jinjja?" He chuckles a bit. "It's not really that big of a deal."  
Jimin's lack of excitement dawns on you. How could he not match your excitement for him? You shake your head at him. "Yes, Jimin, it really is!" You reply to him. You hastily lean over his lap to take the acceptance letter in your hands. "Do you know the acceptance rate for getting in? It's less than seven percent and you made it. How are you not excited about this--?"
Jimin cuts you off when he cups your face in his hands. His eyes dart down to your lips before they meet your eyes. His gaze softens when he meets yours and you notice the apprehension in his eyes that you had not been able to notice before with his breathtaking eye smile.  
"Jimin..?" You ask with narrowed brows.  
He stares at you wordlessly for a moment. His eyes forage over your face one more time; engraving every imperfection that he adored of you into his mind for him to remember. His lingering orbs meet your own. His eyes seem to ask you for permission and you dumbfoundedly stare back.  
And before you know it, his lips are pressed against yours.  
Much to your surprise, his lips are much softer than you expected. They mold against your own perfectly; their texture's only counterpart matching that of a rose or a fragrant lilac. The taste is much sweeter, too. As he takes your bottom lip in between his own, you can taste the remnants of lemonade from the small bakery that the two of you had stopped earlier.  
His hands move from your face to your waist as he pulls you closer into him – though trying to make you one with him. He pulls away for a second before returning back to your lips. He doesn't dare stray longer before chuckling against them weakly. His hands ransack your shirt, a small heart is traced against the small of your back before his left hand finds your right and entwines your fingers.  
He pulls away first, small, rushed breaths escape his lips as he stares at you breathlessly. He presses you against the gray gym door. His thumb caresses your forehead as he entwines his fingers tighter in your own.  
"I'm not excited about being accepted because it means leaving you." Jimin whispers against your lips. Your eyes frantically try to drink in every ounce of his expression as he says this – swollen lips from kissing you, furrowed brows searching desperately for your response. "Y/N-ah... I've loved you since the first day I saw Jungkookie bring you to soccer practice." He smiles faintly, his thumb strokes your knuckles. "---when you had your hair cut short and  wearing Jungkook's jersey because he didn't want any of the guys looking at you." He chuckles abit. "I've loved you for so long and have known you even longer. It burdens me to think that I can't bring you with me... yet." He chuckles a bit to ease the burning situation, but he can't help but worry at the idea of his friend, Taehyung. On several occasions, he had noticed the sinister look in Taehyung's eyes whenever they fell on you.  
He knew something was not sane in the way Kim Taehyung looked at you.  
"Taehyung?" Hyejin calls to the troubled Taehyung, pulling him away from his reverie. Hyejin had known all too well – the constant blur of past, reality, and his imagination and how they blended contemptuously. Her eyes search over his paling face. She takes note of his trembling hands – the way his bottom lip quivers at the memory. He remembers that night – prom night – all too well.  
Taehyung's hands tremble as his eyes gaze over Jimin. He swallows hard, the brick falling out of his hand as the image of the boy cements itself into his mind. His mouth falls ajar at the idea of hurting his best friend - a boy he both loved and adored all because he threatened to take the one thing that mattered most to him; you.  
"Jimin!" Your voice calls out as you round the gym entrance. Your eyes scower to find the blonde haired boy. "Jimin, come on. This isn't funny!" You yell out into the darkness as you step out of the gym's entrance.  
Please don't come. Please don't come. Taehyung repeats those three fatal words as he cradles Jimin's head into his chest. He presses his hand against the back of the elder's head and takes in another shaky breath. The all too familiar hue of crimson stains his skin.  
Am I really that much of a monster?  The question dawns on him
He looks up at her; the hate that he manifested over the years swallows him whole. "Don't you dare touch her again." His voice lowers to an octave Hyejin had never heard from him. "I trusted her to you." He moves closer to her. "I trust that you will treat her as such. Unless you want to end up where Hansung is."
"B-but Hansung is you." Hyejin stammers, in a final effort to appease him, as she takes in the monster that looms in front of her. A sadistic light crosses in his eyes before he smirks lightly at her.  
He ignores her weak attempt at appeasement before he stands up. "You will be treated accordingly." He tells her before hastily walking to your bedroom. At the sight of you laying on the floor, helpless, a thousand knives stab at Taehyung's heart at the sight of you. He had no desire to allow Hyejin to carry on as she had before after this. But then he remembers her idolatry of him – the loyalty that she had bred for him to no end; something that she could only take to grave in efforts to bring him closer to you.
"My sweet, sweet Y/N-ah," He gently picks you up in arms before caressing your cheek. "You look so beautiful like this---" he smiles down at you. Eyes filled with adoration stare down at you. He lazily pulls out his phone – more absorbed in your helpless state rather than attempting to fix it. "-and to think, all of this because you forgot you belonged to me. Ha." He laughs mechanically before dialing '119'.
Taehyung maneuvers you to cradle you into his chest. The only illumination comes from his phone, the time reading '4:00 AM' makes him smile in content. This was a  time that he would remember. He clears his throat before taking in a shaky breath. "H-hello? Yes, operat-tor?" He chokes out the words as he smiles down at your ignorant state. "M-my friend L/N Y/N isn't waking up and I'm scared. P-please help her. She means everything to me." He stumbles over his words meticulously as he awaits for the operator to ask what happened.  
Hyejin quietly observes from the door frame. Her eyes drink in Taehyung's blissful state with glee and she smiles at the idea of being the cause of it. Nothing in this world meant more to her than seeing her Kim Taehyung happy – even if it meant ending you.  
The next morning Jungkook is awoken with a call from Seoul Medical Center, informing him that you were in need of being discharged from the hospital. Worry laces his every move as he frantically gets dressed in his apartment and hastily catches the bus to come and get you. His heart thuds with every move he makes and he can barely manage to stand still as he travels from his apartment to the hospital.  
His breath hitches in his throat as he stands in front of the hospital. His heart sinks to his stomach as he sprints into the hospital. He pants as he looks at the receptionist. His hands shake as he looks at her. "M-miss? I was called this morning about my--" he pauses, thinking of a convincing title for himself. "--my girlfriend, L/N Y/N. My name is Jeon Jungkook."
The receptionist nods at him. "One moment, sir."  She takes in his flustered look – a wrinkled button up white shirt that clings to his skin and denim jeans. She leans forward to notice his untied Timberlands and sighs a bit at the boy. 'How worried for his girlfriend he must be' she thinks as she types in your name in to the hospital database. "She's in room two hundred and forty-seven on the second floor, right wing. Take the elevator on your left." She smiles weakly at him.  
"Thank you!" He bows deeply before taking off to the elevator on his left.  
Within minutes, Jungkook is racing down the hall to room two hundred and forty-seven. He apologizes as he narrowly bumps into a boy his own age with an accompanying girl. He quickly skims over the numbers; two hundred and forty-four, two hundred and forty-five... "Y/N-AH!" He calls out to you as he turns the door knob and bolts into the room.  
The sudden booming voice makes you rub your head in disgust. "Jungkook... do you have to be so loud?" You whine as you cover your face.  
"Yah, pabo! I'm worrying about you and all you can complain about is how loud I am?" Jungkook quips as he closes the door gently before taking the seat beside you. He sits down at the chair beside you and his brows narrow at how warm the chair feels – as if someone sat there prior. "Pabo! I'm talking to you." He says nervously.  
You take in a breath wearily. "I can hear you, Jungkook. I can hear you, Kook-ah." You respond as you cover your face. "I just want to leave here already---"
"As your oppa and as someone who takes care of you-" Jungkook says, making you roll your eyes at his careless honorific dropping. "-I think you should stay here. I feel like you'd be safest here." He takes your hand in his. Nerves leave his hand slightly damp as he squeezes tightly. "I thought that I lost you."  
You turn your head toward Jungkook with tired eyes. Your breath uncharacteristically hitches at the way Jungkook stares at you. He looks at you as if you're the only thing on this Earth that matters to him and to see so much love and adoration in one person – especially for someone that you have cherished for so long makes your lungs burn at the idea of it. "You could never lose me, Jungkook."  
"What happened?" Jungkook asks before he presses his lips against your hand. His orbs never dare to leave your own in fear that it would be his last. The chaste kiss against your hand leaves a tingle in its wake.  
You lick your lips before parting your lips to speak, "Hyejin... she tried to kill me last night."  
Your words immediately have Jungkook's brows raising to his hairline. "What?"
"She tried to kill me, Kook. That much I remember." You look him in the eyes with a shaky breath. "-and she kept mentioning a Taehyung." You add, brows knitting together at the name. "Does that sound familiar? It sounds familiar to me, but I can't put my finger on it."  
Jungkook stands up before pushing you over slightly to lay down beside you. His careless action is only characteristic of him and it makes you smile a bit at the familiarity. He lazily wraps his arm around your shoulder as he draws circles on your arm. It was a habit of his, keeping you close. He could never fathom why, but he felt as though he could think better with you by his side. "Taehyung..?"  
You lay your head on his chest, this position reminding you that of your late high school years – the plenty of times where Jungkook crawled through your window at early dawn to help ooze your fears. It doesn't fawn on you for too long how surprised you are to feel the warmth of him has still not left him. "Yeah... I don't know where I've heard it before."  
Jungkook nods in agreement, trying to piece through his memory of anyone named Taehyung. The name sounded familiar enough but he could not piece it to a single face. Then all at once, his face pales as Jungkook looks at you with wide eyes. "Jimin."  
"Jimin?" You tilt your head to the side in confusion. The boy's name still sprouted flowers in your heart and you sigh at the idea of him. Everything between you two seemed to depreciate after your graduation. All contact halted entirely after you heard of him mysteriously losing his scholarship. "What about him?"
Jungkook stares you, emotionless. He suddenly swallows hard. "Y/N.... Jimin's best friend's name was Taehyung. He was that creepy sunbae, remember?" He pauses, searching your face for any sign of recognition. He notices the first implication of it. "--Jimin talked to me a lot before he graduated about how worried he was about having to go to Seoul University."  
"Jungkook-ah," Jimin looks up from his coffee with knitted brows. He looks over his shoulder before leaning forward to the younger boy. His blonde hair kisses his forehead. "I know you've looked over Y/N-ah all your life, but I really need you to look out for her now than ever."  
Jungkook blinks at his hyung with knitted brows, evidently confused. "Why hyung?" He leans closer to Jimin as well. He makes sure to not spill his coffee on his blue and white striped shirt as he does so.  
"Jungkook-ah, it's complicated." Jimin mumbles as he bites his lip. "You know Taehyung-ah? He doesn't really hang out with a lot of people. He's a bit antisocial?"
Jungkook tilts his head, thinking. "I think I know who you're talking about."
"Him..." Jimin replies curtly before taking a sip of his coffee gingerly and placing it back down. "I've seen the way he looks at her – he looks at her like she's the last meal he'll ever eat and that scares the fuck out of me because I care for her so much." Jimin runs his fingers through his hair to help ease his nerves as he talks. "H-he's unhinged, I think." Jimin stammers.  
Jungkook notices the disdain in Jimin. It could only be serious if Jimin were to be this worried about it. "Taehyung?" He repeats before tilting his head. "But he's so quiet. He doesn't even talk to anyone."
"The quiet ones are the ones you should watch the most." Jimin tells Jungkook with warning eyes. "But jinjja, Jungkook. I need you to promise me that you'll take care of her enough for the both of us, okay? I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to her." He pauses slowly. "Taehyung looks at her so much when he thinks no one is looking and I've seen him even try to approach her at times. Don't be fooled."
Jungkook pauses until the realization hits him like a ton of bricks. "Doesn't it only make sense that Hansung is Taehyung?" He sits up before tilting his head as he runs through his thinking process. "After all, the roses – and the fact that Hyejin is your roommate is too coincidental."  
"Jungkook, what proof do you have that it could be Hansung?" You ask, still considering that Jungkook's claim happened to be a valid one. "I do believe you... but if we informed the police or something – what would they have to prove it?"
He nods, your rationality was something he always enjoyed about you. You were never quick to make hasty decisions without theorizing first. "The roses – wasn't he the only one who could have known? And the first day he met you – he- he -" Jungkook stammers in anticipation as he tries to get the words out. He pauses as he realizes the only fragment that could fit the situation are the words that Jimin had told him two years ago "- like you were the last meal he'll ever eat."
As though the stars aligned, the door to your hospital opens with Taehyung standing there with three police officers behind him. A smug smile kisses his lips as he eyes fall on Jungkook's hardening gaze. He quickly changes his expression in an instant before crossing the bed quickly to you. "Jagiya!" He calls out as he pulls you out of Jungkook's grip like a mad man. You thrash in his arms as he pulls you as close to him as possible. "D-did he hurt you? Are you okay?" He cradles your head in his hands.  
Jungkook lunges for Taehyung immediately. He pulls Taehyung's arms way from you and instinctively pulls you into his chest. "Don't touch her ever again or so help me, that will be your last breath." Anger radiates from Jungkook as he stares at him with pure hate in his eyes.
"Officers, this is him." Taehyung says as he points at Jungkook. The glasses on his face make him appear smaller in comparison to Jungkook's bulkier figure. "He's been stalking my girlfriend for years – he's crazy." He says frantically. "He tried to get his girlfriend, you know her?" He pauses with a shaky breath. "Lee Hyejin? He tried to get her to kill her last night."  
"What?" You yell as you look at the officers who approach Jungkook and you. "No! No, he's lying! Jungkook's my best friend--" you cling to Jungkook's arm tighter. His grip on you tightens as the officers approach. "He didn't do this! Jungkook is innocent – it was him!" You point to Taehyung frantically as the officers edge closer to you.
"Ma'am, please move away from the suspect." The officers say as you compress yourself deeper into Jungkook's embrace.  
"He's convinced her that he's her best friend." Taehyung says. It appears that his body trembles from fear, but in actuality, it trembles in delight of finally having you to himself for the first time in fifteen years. "-he's brainwashed her." He lunges for Jungkook immediately before the officers hold him back to stop from an altercation.  
"Sir, please remain silent if you do not want to incriminate yourself." The first officer tells Jungkook as the other officer pulls a thrashing you away from him. You let out a shaky breath as you try to grab Jungkook's arm but fail as you watch him.  
"Ma'am, please refrain from touching the suspect." The second officer tells you as he holds you back. Your mouth goes dry as you watch the remaining officers press Jungkook's face roughly against the hospital bed.  
"I am going to read you your rights." The first officer says as he pulls out the handcuffs to handcuff Jungkook. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?” The officer finishes as he handcuffs Jungkook.  
Jungkook hangs his head low as he stares at Taehyung and then you with wide eyes. "I love you, Y/N-ah." He says before the officer pulls him up roughly by the back of the shirt. His eyes turn to slits as he stares at Taehyung's figure.  
The officers evidently take note of Jungkook's words hastily before clearing their throats. "You are now under arrest Jeon Jungkook for one count of stalking, one count of conspiracy of murder, and two accounts of aggravated battery."  
You crumple to the floor as you watch the police trot your best friend off to jail and you immediately turn your gaze to Taehyung with disgust lacing your orbs. You shake your head at him immediately, tears rushing to your face. "What is wrong with you?" You yell at him.
"You're what's wrong with me, Y/N-ah." Taehyung says in a monotone voice. He advances towards you before you sputter back onto the chair, clearly distraught with what happened. "Do you know how fucking painful it was to see you with him all of these years? To look you in the eyes for the last few months and you can't even remember who the hell I am?" His voice cracks as he stares at you – or rather, through you. "You belong to me and no one will ever change that. Not even a boy in a sandbox."  
The reference makes your grip on the chair slack at his words. That was how you first met Jungkook. Immediately, a thousand memories collide to obscure your vision at once – Taehyung pushing you on the swing; you catching him putting love letters in your locker as a high schooler; the warmth of his hugs when he made you hot cocoa in his father's kitchen after your first day of kindergarten. It was him.  
Your final memories of him retreat back to your orbs and you immediately look away from him and stand up. You now could remember where Taehyung had gotten Jungkook to replace him – or rather, you know remembered why he did.  
"I never want to see you again." Your voice is barely above a whisper. A tear escapes your cheek before you stand up; too weak to even move. "… Taehyungie." You utter the childish nickname you had given him.  
Taehyung, too absorbed in his own blissful state of your remembrance, he does not notice how you run out of your hospital room after the officers and Jungkook. Jungkook was a minor tradeoff, much like Jimin was. Like Jimin, he would be easily disposable in due time. And in that moment, Taehyung knew that this was only the beginning for you and him.
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I apologize for the long wait, guys! Let me know your thoughts about this chapter!  I like hearing your thoughts. Don’t be a silent reader. :)
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issabangtanfic · 3 years
[Jungkook] The Windmill House (Chapter 12)
Synopsis: When your stereotypical Christian Grey meets his not so stereotypical Anna
Pairing: Jungkook x OC
A/N: Feel free to submit a cover! Tell me what you think in my inbox! Enjoy!
Honestly, after seeing Mrs Choi for the first time, I had no idea she would be one of those eccentric client who asks for a ridiculously edgy concept for her home.
It's always the most normal-looking ones...
I look away from the blueprints spread across my desk when I hear my phone buzzing. When I check I see it's a text message from Sidney.
Squidney : Wanna come home for your lunch break? I made lasagna
Her text makes me smile a little. We haven't been talking much ever since that fight after the inauguration party.
She made me feel like I was the unstable kid no one in the family trusts to take care of themselves. And honestly it's probably true that no one trusts me, but I feel like my words are not going to prove anything so I just have been focusing on work and not talking to her very much.
This text is definitely a truce appeal. And I don't like not talking to Sidney, but at the same time I don't know how to feel about the fact that every time I will tell her anything about Mr.Jeon or any other man she will probably disapprove, but not tell me so we don't fight. 
I’m scared of the hypocrisy.
“A windmill house?”
When I look up from my phone, I see Joon who had been brainstorming with me this morning, flipping through my folder.
“Focus.” I tell him, snatching it from his hands before he can find the contract I just printed out for Mr.Jeon.
I don't know how to make a contract so I just used one of our standard ones and put my name on it.
“In London?” He inquiries, sounding excited. I know right?! But I can’t be talking about this with you.
“Namjoon.” I admonish.
“Okay.” He gives up, sliding off my desk and looking back at the blueprints.
“I can give you an alcove, but not windows.” He says, pointing at the kitchen area. Wait what?
“I thought that was doable.” I retort.
“It is, but we’d need to restucture the entiere building. We don’t have the budget nor permission for it.” He explains. Well, he could just have said no when I asked him!
“Okay.” I murmur. So without concave windows. we're going to have to create the roundness inside the apartment.
“Don’t sulk.” I hear Joon coo next to me. 
“I’m not, I’m thinking.” I reply, retracting my pout and releasing my frown.
“Move the pantry here.” I propose, pointing at the space between two windows. One's in the kitchen, the other in the living-room.
“Here?” He doesn't sound convinced.
“We can use the gap between the old and new partitions as storage. And put the alcove here. It’ll be the limit between the kitchen and the living room." I explain. At this point I don't see any other option.
“That I can do. That’s actually a great idea.” Joon nods. Cool!
“Good Job.” He compliments, fist bumping me before exiting my office. Once I'm alone, I quickly text Sidney back.
Me: Lasagna sounds great, syl
I’m back home by 12:30, and when I open the door the delicious smell of cooking meat invades my nostrils. Just as I close the door, Juno trots up to me with her tail wagging happily. 
"Hi Juno!" I beam at her, kneeling to scratch her head. She looks so cute with her little blue bandana around her neck. She barks hello, and I drop a kiss on between her eyes.
When I walk further in, I find Sydney tying her hair up in a bun with a chopstick behind the kitchen counter.  The table is set for two.
"Hi." She smiles at me.
"Mmmmmh... lasagna!" I sing, tossing my bag on the couch. I join her in the kitchen and kneel in front of the oven. "Smells amazing." I observe. The lasgna is almost ready, I can see the meat juices bubbling under the cheese. She really makes the best lasagna.
"Thank you for the food, Sidney." I thank her, standing up and pecking her cheek.
"You're welcome." She hums, and even though we still haven’t talked about our fight, I know I can’t stay mad at her. 
Since everything is set and all that’s missing is the lasagna, we both sit down at the table and open a beer.
"We haven't been hanging out much so this is great." I say after we clink our bottles.
"I know, I wanted to say I'm sorry." She replies, looking at me with sad eyes.
"It's fine, really. I know you're just looking out for me." I counter. It was a silly argument. Ultimately, I understand her. I wish she didn’t think this way, but I understand where this is coming from, and I can’t be expecting anything else from her. Or anyone from my family.
"No, I'm sorry for making you think I don't trust you." She argues. "I'm just scared."
"Listen, I know how similar these two men are. Trust me, it's been weird for me too." I say reassuringly. "But somehow he hasn't made me feel how I'd be feeling before." I add. "Quite the opposite actually."
I frown as the words leave my mouth. It’s only hitting me now that in a way, Mr.Jeon is nothing like the type of man he looks like. I have all these preconceptions about him, and while he still hasn’t proved me wrong, I can’t say I feel like I’m right about him yet.
"And I don't know what to do about it." I mutter to myself, drowning half of my sentence in the neck of my bottle. There’s a moment of silence, where Syd seems to be hesitating to speak.
"I just don't want to lose you again." She admits after a beat. I know everything comes down to that. I reach across the table and grab both of her hands.
"I know. And whatever happens I'm not letting him or anyone pull me away from my family." I affirm, looking straight into her eyes. "It's not happening again." I promise. She smiles and nods, seemingly reassured.
"You know," She trails off, rmoving her hands from mine and resting her chin on her palm. After all this time you've been part of my family, I still didn't think you liked Asians."
"What the hell?” I laugh out loud. This girl!
"I don't know, I just never thought of it." She giggle with me. I shake my head at her as our laughter fades.
"Promise me you're being careful." She demands quietly.
"I am being careful, Sidney." I promise.  "You know, what made me really mad the other day was…”I pause, looking for the right words. "That somehow you think I didn't learn my lesson?"
"No, that's not what I think." She shakes her head vigorously. "I just-" She pauses and thinks for a second. "I trust you, but I worry still." She says.
I’m not expecting any less from her.
"I think..." She trails off, but chokes on her words, and her eyes become shiny with fresh tears. Oh, no!
"Sidney, come on." I scold as she blinks her tears away.
"Shut up, let me talk." She snaps, aborting the waterworks. She sighs deeply, her eyes still very wet. I hate seeing her like this.
"I think seeing you with a man brings back a lot of memories." She explains, her voice still shaking. "Your therapist said your first relationship after B-"
"Woah woah woah, who talked about a relationship?" I stop her dead in her tracks. I understand her worry, but I’m not trying to date anyone. Yes, Mr.Jeon and I are flirting, but we both know what to expect.
"Even a quick shag, she said it's bound to bring back memories." She argues.
"I told you, he still hasn't made me feel like that." I retort.
"I know, and that's great." She says. "But we also had our own trauma that me and your parents and everyone else went through." She argues.
"And obviously it's not as dramatic as it sounds but,” She says, shaking her head. "Knowing that you're potentially seeing someone, it kinda feels like PTSD." She says to me.
"I understand." I reply. I guess, neither me nor my family is prepared for me seeing someone again. After all, it’s something that I hadn’t thought of in a while, not even once.
“And if I feel unprepared for you being out there again, imagine how your parents will react.” Sydney adds.
“I’d rather not.” I reply. Honestly I’d rather stay single.
“It’s going to feel so sudden for them, because they’re not even witnessing the talking stages-“
“I’m not dating this man.” I remind her. I won’t have to introduce anyone to my parents for still a very long time!
“Still.” She retorts. “It’s going to be difficult for them. And they’re probably going to make you feel worse than I did.” She says as a warning. She’s right. My parents will probably reject anyone I bring home out of pure protectiveness, without even trying to get to know them.
“But always out of love for you.” She adds. My mind is reeling. Me getting a boyfriend will be such a headache.
“Let’s postpone the moment as much as possible then.” I sigh, grabbing my beer. “Shagging only.” I toast, and it’s like a promise at this pont. Sydney laughs at me, but still mimics me.
“Shagging only.” She repeats after me.
After a rather calm day at work, I drive down to Mr.Jeon's office in the City. It's a place I've never been to in the 2 years I've been living here in London, because why would I? I earn half of what the worst paid people here make.
My red mini doesn't fit between this tall grey skyscrapers, Mercedes and Audi's around me.
Mr.Jeon told me to park in the underground parking lot after announcing myself to the guard, before going to the first floor to announce myself again. The building is almost empty as it is past working hours.
After getting clearance, I'm escorted by a pretty brunette up to the 17th and last floor. I pass countless empty offices, until my guide stops in front of the sole lit up room. The wall is glass, so I can see about a dozen people inside.
"Mr.Jeon is in a meeting right now." The woman informs me. "You can wait for him right here."
She points at two chairs in the hallway placed by a closed office, right across from the meeting room.
"Thank you." I smile politely at her before taking a seat. The chair happens to be placed near the back of the meeting room, where I finally spot Mr.Jeon, sat down at the end of the table.
The motion of me sitting down catches his attention. He looks outside and spots me. I give him a smile and a slight nod to say hello. He smiles back to me, before reaching in his pocket and pulling his phone out. He starts typing, and I receive a text seconds later.
Mr.Jeon : You're early.
No, he’s late.
Me : I didn't want you to fire me again. 
I type back, press send and look up to dee his reaction. He smirks, looked amused as he types his answer.
Mr.Jeon : I would never. He writes back, followed by:
Mr.Jeon : You look very pretty today.
I purse my lips to stifle the unwanted smile creeping on my face. He's probably looking at me to watch me swoon and melt at his comment, but I won't give him this satisfaction.
When I look up, his eyes aren't on me. He's back into his meeting, looking straight ahead at the different numbers on  screen across the table.
Me : Texting during a meeting? I reply, deciding not to acknowledge the compliment. When he gets the notifications, he makes a quick matter of his response.
Mr.Jeon : Take the compliment. 
Oh this feels like an order. This man would love to boss me around.
Me : I don't like your tone. I retort.
When he sees my text, his head immediately turns to me, his eyebrows raised and his eyes challenging.
I shrug a shoulder, indicating I don't care if he doesn't like what he just read.
The corner of his mouth jerks a little, and he rolls his tongue against his cheek to refrain a smile, before looking back at his phone. I receive a text shortly after.
Mr.Jeon : Take the compliment, please. 
Me: No.
When he gets the text, his eyes shoot up at me, and he slowly shakes his head, seemingly amused.
But he doesn't reply. He instead focuses on the words being said inside the room. I watch as he suddenly frowns, and then start flipping through a pile of paper he has in front of him.
I don't hear what he's saying but he looks confused and slightly annoyed. He tells something to the man presenting, clearly reproachful.
Me: What's the meeting about? I ask out of curiousness. He doesn't look at my text until the issue is settled and his employee gives him a satisfying answer.
I'm already scrolling through my Instagram timeline when I get his response. Three texts in a row.
Mr.Jeon : Boring stuff 
Mr.Jeon : And finances
Mr.Jeon : What are you doing tonight?
Of course he'd ask. I smile at my phone.
Me: I don't think it's any of your business.
Mr.Jeon : Why do you assume I'm asking for unprofessional purposes?
Me: Because you probably are
Mr.Jeon : I wish Maya
Me: It’s Miss Fair for you
Mr.Jeon : Are you staying for dinner, Miss Fair?
Me: I'll have to decline...
I'm only declining to play hard to get. I would love to have dinner with him. Heck, I know I would want to take it even further. But I should be careful. I just promised Sid.
Mr.Jeon sits up first, buttoning his dark blue suit and signaling the end of the meeting. It is now 7:15. Everyone in the meeting follows, gets up and packs up, while Mr.Jeon exits the room first. I rise from my seat.
"Miss Fair." He greets me once he’s at my level.
"Hello, Mr. Jeon." I smile it him, extending my hand.
"Sorry for making you wait." He says to me, taking my hand shanking it.
"No worries." I reply, very well aware of the female employee taking her sweet time exiting the meeting room so she can stare at me. Does everyone in his company want to fuck him? Probably honestly.
“Long day?” I ask him. I can’t imagine having meetings until seven.
“Indeed. And you’ve already made it better.” He replies, successfully earning a chuckle from me.
"I have that effect on people sometimes." I shoot back.
"It's not the only one you have." He concurs. Oh, please. 
“Let me show you to my office.” He invites, before guiding me down the hall to the door at the very end of the corridor.
After tying a code, Mr.Jeon opens the door that leads into his office. 
It's a big, almost empty room. The back wall is entirely glass, making for a sweet landscape painting of downtown London. He has a rather small desk, with a leather ergonomic chair and two other ones placed across from him. As I walk further in, I notice a black leather sofa against the wall near the door, a chest of drawers and storage spaces and a sad single tall plant.
"This place is so sad." The words are out before I can understand how rude they are. I spin around to face Mr.Jeon, who is closing the door behind us. He's frowning at me.
"I'm sorry." I stutter, feeling my cheeks heat up. 
"I mean empty." I correct myself. He pauses for a second, and I believe the quick exhale of air he does after that is a quiet chuckle.
"I don't spend that much time here." He says in a way of explaining. "But I'll be happy to have you work on my office as well." He adds. This man always has his goal in mind.
"I'll think about it." I reply evasively.
“Have a seat.” He invites. I sit my butt on on the chair and watch him walk over to the left side of the room. 
“Would you like something to drink?” He proposes. Thats when I realize the storage spaces I saw where built-in furniture.
“You have a fridge in your office?” I don't know why I'm so amazed.
“I also have a bathroom with a shower and the sofa’s convertible.” He replies. A bathroom?
“You spend nights here?” I ask him.
“Sometimes." He answers simply. Woah. "Wine?” He offers. 
This man is always trying to get me drunk! Or maybe he's just trying to make me stay.
“I just need a quick signature.” I decline politely.
“Where’s the rush? Aren’t you off work?” He retorts.
“I am, but I'm not drinking tonight Mr.Jeon."
"Okay." He doesn't push, and instead closes the fridge and walks back to me. He takes place in his seat while I fish into my bag looking for my folder.
“This is the contract I prepared for you.” I announce once I've found it. I pull it out and place it on the table.
“This is just a standard contract from Union, I just put my name on it.” I explain, flipping through the first four page until I find the one where my payment is mentioned. I flip the document around and slide it across the table to he can read, but he doesn't even look at it, just watches me with intent. I tap down on the page.
“Fifteen percent.” I point out, since it’s the percentage we’ve agreed on. He doesn’t even look down at where I’m pointing at, just keeps staring at me with this cheeky smile of his.
“Where do I sign?” He asks me. This man, I swear. 
I sigh in order to try and hide my amusement.
“I thought you needed to read it through.” I remind him.
“I changed my mind.” He retorts. Oh, I’m sure he hadn’t planned on reading anything in the first place… It’s so annoying that his cheesy tactics still make my stomach feel funny.
I break the eye contact first, looking at the contract while I flip all the pages. “You can sign here, and here.” I indicate him. I watch him as he clicks his pen and scribbles onto the paper. 
“Thank you very much.” I say, grabbing the papers and putting them back in the folder.
“Anything else I can do for you?” He asks as I put back in my purse.
“I think I have everything I need.” I smile at him.
“Can I make a request, then?” He enquires, joining his hands on the table.
“Are you going to ask me to have dinner with you?”
“Will you say yes?”
“Then no, that’s not my request.” He brushes off, shrugging. Oh?
“What can I do for you?” I ask him, resting my chin onto my fist.
“Can you answer my question as honestly as possible?” He asks, leaning a little bit closer to me.
“Sure.” I reply, hoping he's not going to be too indiscreet.
"That time when you called me after the inauguration of the Manor." He trails off. Oh, lord.
"What would have happened had I said yes?" He asks me. I take a second to remember the mindset I was in that night.
I was definitely very tipsy, but I also was very horny.
"I think we would've set a date." I reply."And after sobering up I would've chickened out probably." I say, because let's be realistic.
"Mmh..." He nods, still trying to read something in my eyes. Why is he asking me that anyways?
"Do you regret not accepting the offer?" I ask him. He's probably getting impatient. After all the farthest he's ever gone with me is touching my neck.
"I'm wondering what was different that night." He replies. "You were a lot more...open."
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.
"Part of it was because of the alcohol." I argue.
"I figured." He says to me. "I was hoping it wasn't only that." He murmurs a little more quietly.
I stare at him for a second. Why does this small, unused part of my brain think he's actually trying with me?
"Can you answer my question?" I counter, mimicking him and joining my hands.
"Promise to be honest?"
He smiles a little when I say that, and his gaze grows warm.
"I promise." He murmurs softly.
"How many women are you sleeping with?"
"Zero." He replies immediately. OH SURE!
He doesn't even try to come up with a credible number. Why did I think he would actually tell me the truth in the first place.
I roll my eyes to the heavens, leaning back against my seat in disappointment.
"Maya." He chuckles, pushing himself off of his desk.
"I have been working since seven in the morning. I've had five meetings, no lunch break, and I have a flight tomorrow morning for Dubai where I'll have to meet 13 potential clients in less than four days," He says to me, slowly circling his desk so he's closer to me.
"All while attending boring society functions and pretending I care about how many cars my investors have." He says, leaning against his desk when he's right next to me.
"I don't have time for more than one woman, but most importantly I don't have time for lies." He reassures me. I don't know if I believe that, but that does sound like a busy schedule. I don't see how he could fit multiple women in there. 
"Why waste your precious time on me then?" I sass, because why not? I cross my arms over my chest and lift a challenging eyebrow at him.
"I wouldn't do it if I considered it a waste of my time." He mimics me.
"Then why?" I ask, and he pauses for a second.
"I'm not sure." He says, shrugging. Oh.
There is a knock on the door that interrupts our discussion. Mr.Jeon slips off his desk and goes over to open it. I turn around out of curiosity, to see who’s behind the door. It’s his assistant Jimin.
"Yes, Jimin?" Mr.Jeon says to him. His assistant's eyes quickly scan the background and land on me. He then looks back at Mr.Jeon.
"Am I bothering?" He asks him.
"Be quick." Mr.Jeon replies. I might as well get ready to leave. I was just supposed to get a signature tonight. Chatting and flirting is fun, but it's getting late.
"Paul confirmed eight thirty tonight. Here are your keys." I hear Jimin explain to him while I look away.
"Thank you, Jimin." 
"You're welcome. Goodnight." He says, and just like that he's gone. I get up from my seat and swing my bag over my shoulder.
When I turn around Mr.Jeon is is standing by the open door.
"You're leaving?" He asks me.
"Don't you have a date at eight thirty?" I remind him, joining him at the door. "With Paul?" I tease, making him chuckle.
"A date with Paul?" He laughs, opening the door for me. "He's not really my type." He says as I step out.
"And he's my personal trainer if you're wondering." I hear him add as he closes the door behind us.
"And you were ready to go have dinner with me?" I challenge as we walk down the corridor towards the elevators. 
 "I'll trade a workout with Paul for dinner with you anytime." He says smoothly, looking down at me. I huff out a laugh, shaking my head.
Once we get to the elevators, I press the call button.
"Why are you asking? Have you changed your mind about dinner?" He asks me. 
"Not yet." I reply, turning to face him. He's standing closer to me than I expected.
He lets out a long sigh, shoving his hands in his pockets. I'm feeling playful.
"You could convince me." I tease, shrugging a shoulder. Just as I say these words, the doors to the elevator open.
"Convince you?" He repeats, his interest peaked. We step inside the elevator.
"How long do I have?" He asks me as I lean against the wall, grabbing the railing behind me. He goes to the opposite side to press the basement floor button.
"Just an elevator ride." I challenge just as the doors close on the both of us and the elevator starts moving down. An incredibly sexy smirk creeps across his face when I say that.
"What game are you playing right now, Maya?" He asks, eyes playful, taking a slow step towards me.
"I'm giving you a chance." I shrug, as he slowly approches me. I feel like he's going to jump me any second.
I should get him off his high horses.
"But you have to convince me..." I trail off, catching him trying to pull his hands out of his pockets.
"Without touching me." I murmur, when he's inches away from me. I swallow, all my confidence slowly leaving me. My eyes travel between his eyes and his lips.
Even though I just told him not to touch me, if he kisses me right now, I don't know what I'd do with myself.
"Without touching you." He repeats, looking both confused and amused. I nod, because I don't trust my voice to be steady enough. 
I feel the elevator slow down prematurely, indicating an impromptu stop. Mr.Jeon steps back, and that's when I realize I kind of had stopped breathing.
I straighten my back and turn away from him as the elevator comes to a full stop. The door open onto a man pushing a cleaning cart. A janitor.
After stiff greetings, the employee pushes his cart in, taking place right between me and Mr.Jeon.
Well, there goes whatever was going to happen there.
The ride down is silent, and it seems like the storage room is on the basement floor as well because that's where we all get off.
Mr.Jeon and I let him walk off while we linger in front of the elevators. My mini also happens to be parked right in front of us.
When our eyes finally meet after he's gone, we're both tempted to laugh.
"You failed." I observe, facing him.
"Well, there wasn't much I could do, was there?" He chuckles. True, true. I wish I could know he was going to say... or do to me.
"Maybe next time?" I say, well aware of the inviting tone of my voice.
"Maybe." He nods.
"Have a safe trip." I add over my shoulder, walking over to my car.
"Thank you, Maya. Get home safe." He replies, watching me get in and drive off.
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btsfanficsbcwhynot · 6 years
Boyfriend Yoongi
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Dates with Yoongi would be really relaxing and laid back
He'd take you to Han River and have a Picknick
At Han River there are tons of food trucks and he'd probably buy you everything you laid your eyes on
Date ideas might also include:
Going to a concert
Composing music together
You helping him with his new track
Just napping
For your anniversary, you thought he'd take you to Han River again since that's his favourite place to go.
But you were wrong. He bought you a new dress which he insisted for you to wear on your date
He took you to the beach where you first met and he set up a whole dining area, decorated with roses, candles and pictures of you two together
He'd play his new track for you after you finished dinner
"I wrote this for you"
Skinship and Affection
His favourite skinship is holding hands
He loves how his big hands wrap around your small one
Unconsciously strokes your knuckles with his thumb
When he's feeling especially needy after a long day, he'd be really touchy and cuddly
You'd try to cook and he'd hug you from behind which hinders you from cooking
Loves kissing the top of your head
Shows his affection quite openly
When you feel sick, he'd get you everything you need
Sometimes makes doctors appointments for you bc you hate doctors and never want to visit one
He'd try to cook for you but ends up either asking Jin to do it or get takeouts and pretend that he cooked it
Knows your kink are his hands
Loves seeing his hands wrapped around your throat as he pounds into you
Doesn't really like experimenting but if you wanted to try something new, he'd be up for it
Loves seeing you ride him so he gets a good view of your facial expressions
Can be really vocal when he's REALLY in the mood
Doesn't care if the boys are in the dorm, if he wants you then he'll have you
Small oppa kink
Loves fucking you in his studio cause it's soundproof and challenges himself to make you scream at the top of your lungs
It depends on how tired it is if he actually will do something or not
If he's not too tired, he'd get a wet towel and wipe down your legs
He'd massage you with your favourite scented oil
If he's too tired he'd just cuddle you and fall asleep right away
But the next day he'd make sure to treat you like a Queen
Fights with Yoongi could go two ways
It'd either end immediately and you'd apologise to each other
Or it escalates and one of you ends up leaving
You'd need your space for some time
Yoongi would try to contact you here and there to show you that he still cared even though he needed his space just as much as you did
He'd never yell at you though. He never raises his voice at anyone, especially at you
You end up going to his studio and sit on his lap
He'd wrap his arms around you and apologise for being an idiot
Fights would usually be about him never being at home
Him not eating when he's working
About him not sleeping enough
"I'll try to change. I promise"
When he's away
When he's on tour he barely has time to talk to you
Which you understood but you were still pretty upset
But when he does have some free time, he'd facetime you for HOURS
He'd listen to you rant about your bitchy coworkers
He missed your voice so much
He constantly reminds you how much e loves and misses you
Sometimes facetime calls end up quite steamy if you know what i mean
You two would fall asleep facetiming each other so when he woke up he'd see your cute sleeping face which he loved to admire so much
He'd wait for you to wake up so he could tell you that he loved you before he leaves for practice
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bbyjjunnie · 5 years
So uhm 👉🏻👈🏻 I followed the trend but used MV’s instead so here’s 90’s Hearthrob, Kim Taehyung.
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bulletproof-reacts · 6 years
Do any of you guys know what the maximum amount of links you can put in a tumblr post is? Just asking so I know when I make my masterlists, as it has happened before that every link in a masterlist has gotten deleted because it was too many links for one post ^^
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jaxonah · 7 years
BTS Reaction to their GF being in a girl group-
(for anon)
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-loves it SO MUCH. 
-always trying to impress you with his moves on stage.
-goes to your concerts when possible and wears everything he can with your face and name on it.
-screams the loudest at concerts and knows every word to every song.
-you two go to eachother when you need help with either dance moves or singing.
-lovely, understanding and strong relationship.
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-unbelievably supportive.
-shows his support through social media all the time
-helps you out when producing your music
-secretly owns some of your merch that he wears to sleep.
-asks your opinion on music of his own.
-you both love watching eachother practice.
-although yoongi gets shy and would rather you look away.
-tears up when you win an award at an awards show and watches with pride when you and your group go to accept.
-loves you and your stage presence.
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-is OBSESSED with your group
-friends with all your other group members
-is currently trying to hook up jimin with one of your fellow members
-helps choreograph your group dances sometimes
-you absolutely look up to him and he knows it
-it’s why he tries so hard at every practice and performance 
-your praise means the most to him
-you are the biggest fan of hixtape already (and it aint even out yet)
-makes the boys come to concerts with him to show their support as well
-adores your music so much. 
-almost as much as you
Rap Mon-
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-literally jams to your music all the time
-loves seeing pictures of the two of you out in public
-asks you for advice when he’s feeling stressed
-if he can’t attend concerts, will look up the performance online to watch you
-you get nervous when he comes to see you practice although he promises hes not judging
-every look he gives you is one with pride
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-praises your group on the daily oh my god
-literally tells you all the time how good your music is
-you two have a secret unspoken competition when it comes to stage performances and presence 
-is extra cute for you on stage because he knows you love it so much
-ask eachother for style advice when you’ll be seen out together
-hates when he sees you push yourself past your limits 
-you were the first to see the serendipity video and you called him sobbing.
-calls you late at night when he’s about to sleep to see how practice was for you
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-looks up to you. looks up to you. looks up to you.
-where’s your merch shamelessly like all the time.
-had to convince him to NOT get a tattoo of some of your lyrics on him.
-his group and your group hang from time to time
- is literally so in love with you, it’s crazy
-secretly runs the biggest fansite on the internet of you
-has suggested one of your songs to be “our song”
-works extra hard to impress you on stage
-gets your opinion on every stage outfit
-ya’ll are crazy in love 
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-was shy when you two first met but is full on himself now
-watches your videos on youtube all the time
-first line of google search history “Y/N naughty moments compilation”
-always asks his hyungs to be cool in front of you when you’re around
-they do the exact opposite of course
-you’re in the studio with him alot 
-always asking him to help you with certain dance moves
-does happily
-always call him “your baby” when referring to him everywhere cause you know he loves it
-wants you to succeed greatly in your career
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park-chan-yall · 6 years
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Kpop Moodboards-
Pastel Jin for Anonymous
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foreverinfires-blog · 6 years
Crystal Snow - 1 of 7
You never liked when it snowed. It reminded you about him and you tried everything you could not to. You two were just so busy with school and work that you couldn’t even find time to see each other. The both of you began to drift apart and this eventually led to the arguments, the missed calls and the standing-up. You tried to keep the relationship afloat and tried to fix what couldn’t be fixed… He ended it by breaking things off, telling you that he was leaving you for something or someone else. You didn’t care enough to know.
A few years later…
You were going to meet a friend of yours at a nearby cafe for lunch. She told you to try to look nice for your hangout. That meant that she was trying to set you up with someone again.
You sighed at that fact. You went out with whoever she set you up with, but they never worked out after a few dates. No one ever clicked or you didn’t want anyone to.
You were wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a black long-sleeve blouse, brown high heeled boots and a long brown trench coat with a long scarf wrapped around your neck. You made your way inside the cafe. You look around into the sea of faces until you noticed her waving like a mad person and then you noticed another person sitting beside him. You gave a small wave back as you made your way to their table. Your friend stands up and motions her hands to this guy. The guy looked put together. He wore a black turtle neck inside a black leather jacket with ripped jeans and black heeled boots.
“Y/N, this is Jimin.” She says slowly with a huge smile on her face. You looked at him and he smiled. You smiled back. He seems so familiar to you, you just couldn’t pinpoint it.
He offered his hand and you gladly accepted it.
“Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You politely said.
“I’ll leave you two then…” She said before waving goodbye. Knowing her though, she was gonna be sitting at another table. You sigh at the thought.
The two of you sat down and started to get to know each other. Jimin was super nice and found out that you two were in a couple of classes back in university. That’s why he seemed so familiar to you. He was Jungkook’s senior in many of his classes and they even did dance club together.
“Whatever happened to Jungkook? I knew you two were like a thing during school.” He asked.
“Oh, uh…” You managed to stutter out, averting eye contact from him.
“I didn’t mean to pry or anything. I’m sorry! I just thought you guys were still in contact or something. Sorry I brought it up.” He said, all flustered.
You waved your hands in front of him and shaking your head. “It’s fine. It was a long time ago. I was just taken back by the question.”
“I won’t bring it up again.” He said.
He didn’t, for the rest of your conversation. It was nice to talk to him, but you had to get out of there… The room felt like it was suffocating you. The more you talked to Jimin, the more you’re reminded of him. You need a breath of fresh air. You looked back into the cafe. You saw that your friend swiftly came to sit with Jimin. You were just gonna leave them there. It looks like they’re having more fun. You started to wander off down the neighbourhood, you just let your feet kind of take you where they wanted to. You quickly texted your friend that you left, not like she didn’t noticed you weren’t in front of the cafe anymore. You noticed that you stopped in front of your old university gates. You scoffed, of course this is where you end up. Your face softened a little bit as you traced your hands over the school’s plaque. Your life changed so much since you graduated. You sorta just stayed off in the side and watched students walk in and out of the campus. It was crazy to think that was you, a couple years ago. You smiled. ‘This was a good trip down memory lane… I guess. It’s time to make my way back to the cafe or maybe not. I’ll let my feet move again.’ You thought. You started to walk back before you heard your name, almost like a whisper. You stopped and you didn’t hear anything. You just thought you were hearing things so, you continued on until they said your name a little louder.
“Y/N?” A voice called from behind you.
You stood still. The voice wasn’t familiar to you, but it made you freeze and your heart race. Taking a deep breath in, you slowly turned around and found the last person you wanted to see; Jungkook.
The both of you stood there, not moving. He looked exactly the same from the last time you saw him, but at the exact same time, he didn’t. His face became sharper and his body looked more broader. His style gotten way better, but still rocking the monochrome colours like always. Wearing a black long trench coat, black straight jeans, black high top converse, white t-shirt inside a red checkered flannel shirt  and topping it off with a black toque. He looked nice, you thought. You felt something wet fall on your cheek. You looked up, the first snowfall. All the memories about him started to flood your mind as you watched the snow start to fall.
You didn’t even notice Jungkook closing the gap between you two.
“I’m sorry…” He whispered.
You looked back down to find that he was inches away from you. He didn’t do anything at first until your eyes started to water. It was like your body was reacting without you knowing. A single tear started to fall. He grabbed onto your hand and pulled you into a hug. You angrily tried to push him off and pounding his chest. You could just feel his grip around you tighten. You were angry. You were sad. You were happy. You were feeling everything all at once and you didn’t know how to handle it. You couldn’t help cry. You wanted him back in your life, but could you really let your heart go through this all over again? At this moment, you didn’t care. You just let him embrace you as the first snowfall continued to fall.
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btsreaction-s · 7 years
If this doesn't give u inspiration idk what will... LET'S KEEP VOTING GIRLS THE AWARDS ARE TOMORROW ♡
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monsteronfire · 7 years
Super Mom Series - Task 1
Group: Bangtan Sonyeondan
Member(s): Kim Taehyung
Style: Drabble/Imagine?
Prompt: None
Genre: Fluff
Pairing(s): Kim Taehyung/Reader
A/N: I made myself so fucking soft when I wrote this. This will be a multi-group series of drabbles with you and whatever idol having a kid. Basically just some parent fluff to make myself all warm and fuzzy inside. You guys are welcome to let my know if you want to see someone in particular. I’m going to add other groups to this besides BTS and EXO. Monsta X, Got7, Kard, others. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one!
Dislcaimer: Gif isn’t mine.
                                         “Daddy is a good man.”
You could hear the pitter-patter of his feet the moment he entered the hall, the hardwood floor there making his steps noisy. You knew when he entered the living room as well, the slapping sound stopping immediately as the floor went from wood to carpet. Finally he plopped down next to you, sighing heavily, but not so much in an impatient way. You knew he was getting restless when he slowly reached out for the other half of the console you hadn’t reattached yet.
“Don’t touch, baby. Mama’s almost finished.”
His hand retracted and while he didn’t look sad or upset he did look a little lost.
“Can you be patient for mommy for just a bit longer?”
He nodded and gave you a small smile, his eyes large and adoring as he watched you.
“Thank you, baby. That’s my good man.”
“Just like daddy,” he cheered, smiling broadly.
“Oh yeah?” You questioned with a smirk and chuckle of your own.
“You always call daddy your good man when he does things for you.” He replied, still grinning. You chuckled again, grabbing the last piece of the console and putting it all back together.
“Daddy is a good man.”
“I’ll be a good man just like him.”
“Yes you will, baby.”
Finally the console was repaired. Or at least it appeared to be. You let out a breathy ‘okay’ before setting it back in its slot in the entertainment center, connecting all the wires back up. Your son shouted a cheery 'yay’ and that it was fixed as you chuckled and turned it on before reaching for the game he’d had in it last and sliding it in. You sat back next to him, grabbing the remote to turn the TV back on before dropping it on the carpet next to you.
“Don’t get excited, yet. Let’s see if it actually works first,” you said quietly, pulling the boy into your lap as he grabbed his controller. You lightly pulled it from his hands, the sweet boy relinquishing it easily to let you make sure it worked.
The console’s startup screen appeared on the television, playing through it’s little sequence before settling on the home screen. You let it sit for a beat before you started moving the analog sticks around, watching it shift between selections and categories. Finally you clicked the icon for the game you’d put in, waiting quietly for it to start up. When you were able to load up one of his saves you were satisfied and handed the controller back to his small hands.
“Looks like we’re safe,” you said, smiling as he grinned up at you. He cheered again and you chuckled a bit, hugging him tightly and covering the side of his face in kisses as he laughed.
“What are we celebrating?”
“DADDY! Mama fixed my game!”
“Did she now?” He asked, plopping down next to you two and looking cutely surprised.
“Way to go mommy.”
“Yeah!” Your son said exuberantly. Taehyung leaned in closer to you both, naturally gravitating to you as he watched your son play. You watched him for a long moment with a soft expression before you looked down to the small boy in your lap. You ruffled his hair a bit before lifting him up and pressing a kiss to his temple. He remained zoned in on his game as you moved him from your lap to Taehyung’s who snapped out of his daze to look at you questioningly as he took the boy.
“Okay, booger, sit with dad for a bit. I need to make dinner.”
You stood and gathered up the couple of tools and trash you’d accumulated around you. Taehyung caught your wrist as you went to leave them, tugging down on it lightly and straightening his back up as he stretched to reach you. You smiled warmly- almost seductively- as the hand he held cupped his cheek and you bent to place a long, lingering kiss to his lips. He wanted it to last longer, you could tell when he opened his lips as soon as you pulled away. You smiled with a hooded gaze as you hovered just above him.
“Hi daddy,” you said lowly.
“Hi mommy,” he replied just as low, finally letting you go as you straightened again and headed into the kitchen. You tossed your trash as you went, setting the tools out of the way for now. You wandered over to the pantry, skimming the items inside for a moment before leaving it for the cupboards and searching those as well.
“What are we having for dinner?” You called, hoping the two men of your house weren’t already too zoned out to hear you. You only had to wait a beat before you heard little feet pounding onto the hardwood of the kitchen as a little body plowed into your hip.
“Woah,” you said in shock, just catching him as he hugged your one leg tightly.
“Thank you, mommy!”
You smiled softly as he grinned up at you sweetly.
“Of course baby. What do you want for dinner?”
“Barbecue,” your husband said loudly from the door way with a smile.
“Oh! Bulgogi!”
“Bulgogi?” You questioned to Taehyung, quirking an eyebrow and raising your shoulders in an unfinished shrug. He chuckled and nodded.
“Yay!” The small boy leapt away from you at that, retreating back to the living room and his game as you and your husband chuckled.
“Let me know if you need help, babe,” he finally said, turning to follow your son.
“I will, thank you daddy!” You called back, snorting and chuckling to yourself when you heard him accidentally run into one of the chairs at the dining room table. Likely getting a little flustered at your response.
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bangtamo · 8 years
bts reaction to you wearing only cat ears and a bell choker?
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J Hope
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Rap Monster
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