#aww thank you monica!!
levi-supreme · 2 years
Ohhh, hi rei! Your ask game seems like fun 😊
Good day Monica!!! I hope your day had been well~~~ also thank you for saying my ask games are fun hehe I love doing them too XD
Japanese name: 小百合 (Sayuri) : 小 (Sa = little, small); 百合 (Yuri = lily)
Bubble tea order: Honey green tea with aloe vera, normal ice
Dessert: Chinese almond cookies
Send me your name and I'll give you three things!!
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lanawinterscigarettes · 6 months
You know how in the show Ross is always saying something mean about Monica when she was fat? Could you do a fic or hcs where Ross says something like that about the reader (who has an eating disorder) and Monica GOES OFF on him because that's her baby? Thanks xx
Aw, Monica to the rescue xo (also if you hate the title that's okay, I don't like it very much either)
A Joke Made In Poor Taste (Monica Geller x reader)
Warnings: mentions of eating disorders (food consumption/eating is also discussed a lot in this fic, so don't read if that makes you uncomfortable), Monica protects you (and Joey helps), Ross is an asshole (but what else is new), body shaming, insecurity, slight swearing, angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending (this includes an apology from Ross, but don't worry, he doesn't get let off easy)
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You and your girlfriend Monica bonded over numerous things, but one of them was of a particularly sensitive subject- your eating disorders. It was no secret that she had suffered from one when she was younger, but yours wasn't as well known to the rest of the group. 
She always treated it with respect and kindness, making sure she never said anything to make you uncomfortable, and whenever another member of the group made a joke she knew would hurt your feelings, she was quick to correct them on it. 
By this point, your friends were well aware of your boundaries when it came to making jabs at your eating habits, and even though it hadn't been said out loud, it was an unspoken thing that if something was said about it, the person who made the "joke" had better be prepared to deal with the incurred wrath of Monica. 
Because of this, they were all smart enough to keep their mouths closed whenever they noticed you were eating more or less than usual. Well, most of them, anyway. 
Monica had been cooking up a storm, trying out new recipes for her restaurant, which she had taste tested by you and Joey. You and him were sitting at the kitchen table watching Monica cook, while Rachel and Chandler were on the couch, listening as Phoebe played one of her new songs for them. 
"Oh, shoot!" Monica exclaimed as she was stirring a pot over the stove. "I'm all out of butter! Joey, do you have any at your place?" 
"No, I ate it all," Joey admitted sheepishly. 
"There should be some hidden in the back of the fridge, Mon, look there," Chandler called from the living room. 
"You had more butter and you didn't tell me?!" Joey gasped. "How dare you!" 
"Yes, how dare I hide the butter that I bought with my money so that you couldn't eat it," Chandler said sarcastically. "Besides, who eats just a stick of butter?" 
"Chandler, we've been over this; we were out of snacks, and I was hungry!" 
"Okay, you two, cut it out!" Monica interrupted before Chandler could respond. "I'm going next door to get some more butter, I'll be back in a few." She pressed a kiss against your forehead as she passed you, earning an 'aww' from Joey. 
The door opened just as she was about to walk out, with Ross on the other side. "Hey," he said, a chorus of greetings responding as he came in. "Where are you going? I thought you had to cook," he said to Monica. 
"I do, but I'm out of butter, so I'm heading next door to grab a couple more sticks. Watch the pot I have on the stove until I get back, will you?" She said, making it sound more like a command than a request. With that, she was gone. 
"Wow," Ross commented as he looked around the kitchen. "That sure is a lot of food." 
"I know, right? And Monica's letting us eat it all!" Joey exclaimed, excited he got the chance to eat as much as he wanted for once without having Monica fuss at him for emptying her fridge.
"We're not supposed to eat it all, Joey. We're just tasting it for her so she can get our honest feedback," you corrected him, adding a little more food to your plate. 
"Whatever you want to call it, as long as I get to eat, I'm happy," Joey replied, his mouth full of food. 
You laughed at his response while you took another bite, Ross watching you from across the kitchen with a disgusted look on his face. That look in particular could be found in numerous home videos with him and Monica when they were younger, and it often appeared on his face whenever she was shown eating (which was a lot, as food provided a great comfort to her back then and still to this very day). 
"God, do you really have to eat so much? Who are you, Monica?" Ross scoffed, his 'joke' borderlining on cruel. 
The conversation happening in the living room ceased. Looks of utter and complete shock could be seen all around the apartment. Joey even stopped eating, he was so surprised. 
A lump formed in your throat as your eyes welled up with tears. Setting your fork down on your plate, you shakily pushed it away from you. "I- I don't think I'm hungry anymore." 
"Hey man, that's not cool," Joey said sternly. "Now, you'd better apologize before Monica finds out." 
"Before I find out what?" 
You looked up through your teary eyelashes to see Monica had returned, butter in hand. "What am I finding out about?" 
"Oh, it's nothing," Ross said quickly, knowing at this point he'd made a mistake. "We were just fooling around." 
"No, you weren't!" Joey exclaimed. "You were making fat jokes and being mean!" He pointed his finger at him accusingly. 
"What?" Monica asked, a look of silent rage suddenly forming on her face. 
"It's nothing, Mon, don't worry about it," you said quietly, your eyes focused on your shoes. You were ashamed of yourself. You'd never been this humiliated before, especially not around your friends. 
Her face softened as she noticed how distressed you seemed; you could see the cogs turning in her head as she put two and two together. 
Her eyes flashed with fury as she directed her attention towards Ross. "What. Did. You. Do," she seethed, clenching her jaw as she glared at him. 
"I, well, um- it's nothing really, it was just a joke that got wildly misinterpreted, that's all." He stumbled over his words as he tried to come up with some sort of explanation, failing miserably.
"Oh, really? And what kind of joke is that?" She asked, her voice laced with venom. 
He awkwardly cleared his throat while trying to avoid her piercing gaze. "Ahem, the kind, where, uh- well, you know-" 
"No, I don't, actually," she cut in, getting visible angrier by the second. "What, do mean the kind of joke I had to hear all the time as a kid? The kind of joke like, 'No, Monica, you can't seesaw with us, you might break it'? Is that the kind of joke you mean?" 
You looked up at her when you heard her voice begin to waver, a sure sign that she was on the brink of tears. 
"Oh, honey." 
Getting out of your chair, you wrapped your arms around her, rubbing her arms soothingly. You could heard Phoebe let out a quiet 'aww' from the living room, much like Joey had earlier. 
"I think you should leave, now," Monica demanded, clinging onto you like you were the only thing keeping her grounded. 
"Mon, I'm- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said-" 
"You're damn right, you shouldn't have said!" Joey loudly interjected. "Look at those two, you've hurt their feelings!" He gestured wildly to you and Monica standing in front of him. "Not to mention you've made the rest of us pretty uncomfortable." 
Several noises of agreement could be heard from the three friends who were in the living room, which made Joey make a face towards Ross that clearly said, 'I told you so'. "See?" 
Ross mournfully surveyed the scene before him; you were still holding Monica, Joey was now standing with his hands on his hips, and Rachel, Chandler, and Phoebe were all hanging over the back of the couch, curious as to what would happen next. 
"Maybe I should just go. Monica, I'm sorry again about what I said. I'll try to do better next time."
He went in for a hug, but she dodged it easily. "Just leave." 
He glanced around the apartment one last time before grabbing his coat and walking out. The tension that had filled the room mere moments ago disappeared as soon as he left. 
"You okay, Mon?" You gently asked. 
"Yeah, I think I'm alright," she nodded. "The question is, are you okay? I know how difficult comments like that can be for you to handle." 
"Well, I'm definitely feeling better now that you're here." You gave her a tender kiss, her wrapping her arms around your shoulders while you did so. 
Your friends each reacted just the way you thought they would, making comments on how cute you two were before Chandler told you to get a room. 
"Oh, believe me, we will," Monica flirted, giving you a cheeky look as she spoke. 
You buried your face into her shoulder to hide the flustered look on your face. God, was this woman going to be the death of you. 
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theitgirlnetwork · 19 days
Ch. 15: A Gallagher (Happy Birthday Charlotte Part 2)
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Note: Helloooo! I'm backkk! Thank you for all of the love and appreciation you all have been showing this story. I took a break and now, it's time to get into act two, married life with Lip and Charlotte. As always I love the interaction and am extremely inspired by it so thank you for all of the reblogs, notes, and messages. It's a short one while I get back into the swing of things, but I'm excited for what's next. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Love ya! <3 MDNI!!!!!
Warnings: Mild sexual content, strong language
“Go ahead, baby.” Lip says smugly, his head cocked back in arrogance as Charlotte bounces up the steps, keys jangling in her hands as she twists open the lock.
“It’s…it works, s’ours?” she gasps, whipping her head to look back at them. 
He follows her up the steps at a slower pace, relishing in her happy squeal when he lifts her into his arms and carries her inside. The place is big, but not too big. There was room to spread out. To grow. It looks like what she’d described to him, her dream starter house. Maybe it was smaller. A townhouse and not a big four floor home like the one she was used to. But it was the one she pictured them in.
“Ready? Go ahead and press it, babe.”
The little junkyard robot (if you can call it that) whirs to life and starts spinning in circles in the small space Lip and Charlotte had cleared on the floor. Charlotte gasps and leans forward, leaving Lip’s chest cold as her back bends to look at the little invention closer. “He’s like a real robot. That’s so cool, bubba.”
“He’s a piece of shit model. Lost me a hundred bucks when I took him to one of those fights, embarrassed the fuck outta me.” 
“Aww, he’s so cute though. Like Wall-E.” Charlotte hums, poking at the moving scraps and smiling as the machine rolls backward again. She turns to face Lip, shifting in his lap while wrapping her arms around his neck. “You’re so smart.”
“Yeah?” he leans in, lips just a breath away from hers, cheek dimpling with his smirk. “Say it again.”
“No, your head already too big”
“Yeah, okay, c’mere.” he grunts, pulling her weight completely against himself, trapping her with his arms as his fingers start tickling her sides, dodging her flailing limbs. “Say, ‘Phillip, you’re so smart.’”
“Ph-phillip-” she giggles, catching his hands in her own and lowering them to her waist, rolling her eyes as she feels their descent to her ass. She brings her own hands up to his cheeks, rubbing his nose with her own before pecking his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” he murmurs, blue eyes locked on brown as he leans forward to capture her lips again. 
A crash sounds from downstairs and the pair jolts apart, Charlotte immediately crawls out of his lap and holds her hand out to him to help him off of the ground, only to squeak when he tugs her back against him. “Leave it, Fi and Ian are home.”
“Yeah, but, if we don’t check they’ll come up soon to get us anyway.”
It’s true. Lip thinks through all of the times people have just barged in on him and Charlotte. His siblings. Frank. Monica. V or Kev. The cops. He’s realized for the first time that he’s tired of it. 
Obviously, it's not the first time that he’d considered the concept of privacy with the thousands of children Monica and Frank dump off here, the constant inward and outward flow of fuck buddies until Charlotte and Mickey and the tendency of people to just run up into their house with no consideration. He’d come to the conclusion that he needed to escape numerous times. College was one. His professor’s house was another. Hell, sometimes depending on how old he was, his little stints with foster families when CPS got wise to their living conditions served as a nice little break from his family. Ultimately, Lip was not new to the idea of trying to get away. But he’d never thought of it in this way before. Never where he had someone he wanted to take with him. 
“Hey, Bunny?”
“Hm, yes, baby?” 
He glances away for a moment, willing away the blush that forms on his face when she says stuff like that. “You, uh, you ever think about where you wanna live?”
Charlotte tilts her head in confusion, absently brushing something off of his cheek as she thinks over his question. “What, like choosing between here and V’s?”
“No, like, when…uh when we move. Just us.” The girl damn near headbutts him. Her hair smacking his face as she buries her face into his chest, making a shriek-like noise and kicking her feet against his legs. “Uh, what the fuck?”
She lifts her head with a smug look on her face poking at Lip’s forehead, “You wanna live with me?”
His brows furrow as he smooths his thumb over the spot on her forehead she’d hit his chest with, “Fuckin’ careful, gonna knock yourself out. We already live together-”
“But it’s not enough.” Charlotte sings, continuing to poke at him. “You want me to yourself. That’s so cute.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” Lip laughs, smacking her ass with one hand, pushing off of the floor with the other and lifting her with him, walking them over to the bed with one of her legs dangling as he carries her with his arm hooked under the other. “I take the question back.”
“Nuh uh,” she hums, grunting a little as he drops her onto the mattress, pretending to ignore his hands sliding up her shirt. “You put the offer on the table. I want our house to be green.”
Lip stops and looks down at her as she smiles up at him softly. Keeping one hand on her chest, he slides into the bed behind her, resting his head next to hers. “Yeah? What else?”
“Phillip.” Charlotte pouts, turning back to her husband after taking in the room. There’s no furniture, but it’s decorated with little lights and a blanket and pillows on the floor along with all types of different kinds of snacks and more flowers. 
“Uh…I figured you’d wanna get the furniture with me. And…we’re gonna have to wait until our next paychecks to get some. But…uh, I had Ian and Mickey help me set this shit up. And then I kicked em out because…Mickey’s an asshole and wanted to control everything. He’s into this shit you know…but…um…happy birthday, Charlotte.”
Charlotte continues to gape at him in disbelief. Her eyes are wide, mouth opening and closing. She’s speechless as she stares at the man in the doorway. 
“You, uh, you like it?”
It’s a good thing he can carry her. Because the way she launched herself at him with no warning would’ve brought someone else to the floor. Instead he relaxes in her hold, wrapping his arms around her waist as she wraps her legs around his. 
Smoothing her hands over his blond curls, Charlotte looks at Lip. Really looks at him. She gives him that look only she’s ever been able to deliver him. The one he works for every time he busted his ass at work, or chose to skip out on getting a beer. Scraped together every spare penny he had for that look. “I love you.” she breathes, smiling at him. “You gave me a house.”
“You…you gave me a home so…it was the fuckin’ least I could do.”
All Charlotte could do is bury her face in his shoulder. 
But it was true. She saved him, gave him a purpose. She made Lip want to be a man. One that his family deserved. One that deserved her. 
Lip glances over at his sister from his spot in the empty kitchen, closing the fridge door before making his way over to her. “You like it?”
“This is…really nice, Lip.” Fiona slowly makes her way through the pace, peeking her head into the bathroom. “You can afford this?”
The blond shrugs noncommittally, crossing his arms. “Close enough. I never gave Charlotte’s dad back the money, and I’ve got my promotion, plus the money she and I have saved up…we’ll be straight.”
“Good. Good.” Fiona hums, looking around the room. She rolls her lips inward, taking a deep breath. “That’s good, Lip.”
Lip’s eyes narrow as he watches his sister’s demeanor as she takes in the extremely large decision he made and immediately feels a wave of insecurity wash over him. “Fuckin’ what?”
“Why’re you actin’ like that? All…like what you don’t think she’ll fuckin’ like it? Or…or-”
“She’ll like it! Jesus! What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with you?!” Lip huffs, dragging his hands over his face. “Like, you think I messed up or somethin’?”
“Then what?”
“I’m proud of you, asshole!” his sister whips around to face him, pale face flushed pink as she sniffs, fresh tears pooling in her eyes. “I’m…I’m really fuckin’ proud of you.”
Lip stops, feeling the anger and embarrassment he had building drain from his body as it turns into concern for his eldest sister. He slides onto the wooden floor, leaning his back against the island and quietly pats the spot on the floor next to him. “And?”
Fiona sighs, dropping her purse to the side before slipping into the spot next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m really proud of you and…it should be me.”
Lip nods silently as he digs in his pants pocket and pulls out a pre-rolled blunt he’d been keeping to celebrate with Ian later. Fiona needs it more. Flicking his lighter to life he christens the townhome with the scent of weed, praying the neighbors wouldn’t complain before he even got to move Charlotte in. “‘Kay.”
“Like,” Fiona sniffs, grabbing the blunt and taking a deep drag. “I feel like all of a sudden you’ve got this normal ass life. Got a wife, a house, a real job. And I’m still here, still working bullshit jobs, still taking care of kids that aren’t mine, still fuckin’ the same losers-”
“Uh, that one guy had some money right? The uh…the drug addict’s brother? Jimmy-” Lip adds, glancing at her out of the side of his eye to see if he’d effectively lightened the mood.
Fiona nudges him with her shoulder, passing the blunt back. “Dude, fuck you, for real.” 
Lip chuckles, nudging her back before wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “But uh…for real, I wouldn’t…I wouldn’t have been able to get here without you, like caring about us not bein’ complete hoodrats growin’ up. So…um…thanks.”
The brunette looks at her brother with an amused grin, shaking her head as she takes in the man before her, barely able to recognize him as the snot nosed little brat that used to get the shit kicked out of him at the playground for conning kids out of their ice cream money in order to get them one to share. “God, you better hope you never fuck things up with her. Wasn’t me. That girl raised your ass.”
The pair spends the night wrapped in each other. They eat in their new house and it feels surreal. The quiet. The comfortability. For the first time since they got married, they got to feel like husband and wife, not two teenagers with promise rings shacking up in their parents’ house.
They make love on top of the blankets on their living room floor, sharing air and clutching each other close. The only sound echoing in the empty house is their heavy breathing and there’s no sense of urgency.
And when they’re done they shower, peacefully and in hot water.
As he watches his wife drift off to sleep next to him, his body serving as a cushion for her from the hardwood floors all he can think about is how maybe all of the shit he tolerated earlier in life was to prepare him to really be able to appreciate this.
“You’re gonna live here?” Debbie frowns, crossing her arms over her chest as she glares up at her oldest brother. 
“Uh, yeah, Debs, me and Charlotte are gonna be stayin’ here from now on.”
The day after Charlotte’s birthday the couple invited the remaining Gallagher siblings, Mickey, Kev and V over to see their new place. They were all sworn to keep the new address a secret from Frank and Monica if she ever rolls into town again. Some of their family members were taking the news of the move better than others.
Debbie loves Charlotte. She’s the girly, fun older sister vibe that she’s always wanted. While she loves Fiona, she’d always acted more as a mother figure than a sister, so she couldn’t necessarily be the fun one. But the real heartbreak was Lip. Debbie had always been a Lip girl. Carl had Fiona, Debbie had Lip, that was the way it worked. How could he help her with her homework, or pick her up from the bus stop everyday from out here? 
She’d been glad he’d gotten a girlfriend at first. She was nice, and pretty and made Lip nicer. And happier. She didn’t think she ever saw Lip smile as much as when he was with Charlotte. And then he married her and it was even better. But now…now it felt like Lip was becoming a part of something that had nothing to do with the rest of them.
“Great, so Lip gets to take Charlotte and gets to move out of our shit house, what do the rest of us get?” Carl huffs, kicking a box that was clearly marked ‘Lip’s shit’ causing the vein in his brother’s neck to pop. 
“Make your own damn money, how about that, shithead.” Lip slaps the back of his brother’s head before picking up a box and carrying it into the kitchen. 
Distantly he could hear Charlotte promising the kids that they would get to visit the house all of the time and that she and Lip will visit them so often it’ll feel like they hadn’t moved at all. He rolls his eyes to himself in some fake showing of irritation, but is inwardly proud to be with someone so kind to his siblings.
They’d moved the bed they shared at V and Kev’s house to theirs early this morning. So, now, they officially had one singular piece of furniture. They plan to work their way to getting more as time develops, mainly because Charlotte was not okay with looking over the shit people had thrown away before it hit the junkyard. Lip had tried to explain to her that it wasn’t technically trash until it got there, but she was strongly against it. 
Kev gifted them a hot tv that one of his customers dragged into the bar about a month ago and was currently mounting the small screen in their living room. The place was sort’ve coming together. At least to their standards.
Lip’s siblings stay for a couple hours and decide to head home when the second bus heads out. As Fiona slings Liam’s diaper bag over her shoulder and Ian picks him up, Charlotte and Lip exchange a look.
“Hey, uh, Fi, can we talk to you really quick?”
Fiona places the bag down, shrugging “sure.” before following Lip and Charlotte into the kitchen. The latter pushes her way up to sit on the counter and Lip stands between her legs, her hands resting on his chest as he leans back into her, facing his sister. “What’s up?”
Lip hesitates slightly. He knows this topic is gonna piss her off. He rolls his tongue in his cheek as he thinks about how to approach the conversation in the least damaging way possible, rubbing his thumb along Charlotte’s thigh for comfort. “We uh, has CPS reached out yet?”
“Not yet.” Fiona starts, tucking her hair behind her ear, wrapping her arms around herself. “The house is…pretty cleaned up, so as long as Hurricane Frank doesn’t hit before they come we should be alright this time. But, uh, when they come I’ll call you.”
“Right, we were thinking. That um,” Lip sucks in a breath, scrubbing down his face before deciding fuck it he was gonna have to get it out sometime. “Maybe, maybe Liam should stay with us for a while. We talked about it yesterday, and we’ve got room for ‘em so-”
There it was. The kicked puppy, ‘are you tryin’ to say I’m not doing a good job’ look that he wanted to avoid. And now here come the dramatics.
“Fi-” he sighs.
“No. No, why would he stay with you? He’s been perfectly fine with me at our house. You’ve got this place for like, two seconds and you already think you’re better than somebody?” 
Lip can feel the irritation building under his skin. His jaw works as he breathes out heavily and he feels Charlotte’s hand tug lightly on the hair at the nape of his neck.
“It was just a thought, Fiona.” Charlotte cuts in. “Lip is his legal guardian right? We just thought it might make things easier for the CPS visit. Easier on everyone, you know? We just wanna help.”
Fiona’s lips twist as if she was forcing herself to hold her tongue. She opts for shaking her head, moving away from the pair to leave the kitchen. “Help yourselves. That’s what Lip wants to do anyway.” 
As the couple hears the rest of their family be ushered out of the house and the door slam behind them, Charlotte pulls Phillip to her, placing his face in her cheeks. “Are you okay?”
The man sucks his teeth and shrugs. “Yeah, she’s just dealin’ with shit. She’ll get over it. She’s sensitive about the whole, me being Liam’s legal guardian thing and now she’s being a bitch about it.”
Charlotte nods, with an easy smile. “Yeah, but I mean with all of it. You’re moving out of your family home. Away from your younger siblings. It’s different, and I wanna make sure you don’t feel like…rushed or somethin’.”
“Bunny, I’m the one who got us the house. I’m fine. That’s my old life, right? This is my new one. I’m startin’ it with you.” Lip smiles, pulling her into a kiss and tugging her off of the counter, holding her up by her ass as she wraps her legs around him. “Now we have to find places to fuck in this house that we couldn’t living with all 5,000 Gallaghers.”
Charlotte rolls her eyes as Lip flips her up onto his shoulder, landing a loud smack on her ass. “My prince charming.”
“Yeah, fuckin’ better be, I bought you a damn house!” 
“Ha! How long are you gonna milk that?”
Lip meant what he’d said about starting a new life with Charlotte. 
It was the one thing he still believes her father was right about. He’d have to choose. Not to cut off his siblings and old life completely, but he couldn’t stay the way he was and be with Charlotte. He couldn’t have the life he wanted. He didn’t even know that he could live like this. 
Good, happy homes were things of fairy tales in the Gallagher house just like unicorns and magic wands. Nothing was gonna happen to make their lives better, they just had to make do. It was a hard lesson they all learned. Hell, Debbie was starting to see now. You work, grind, steal, and have small bursts of mania where you get to taste happiness, and then you fall hard. And Monica and Frank show up to trip you on your way down to make your fall even harder.
Even when Charlotte showed up, she was the lone beam of light in the otherwise deep pit he was born into. He didn’t know there was anything else. Until he started to set a routine in this new life with Charlotte.
Somehow, waking up at 7:30 to get ready for work was easier for Lip when he was with her. Don’t get him wrong, was he a morning person? Absolutely fucking not. But, having his sexy wife laying in bed next to him, waking him up with kisses and the occasional handjob definitely helped. 
“Goodmorning.” she whispers, kissing him again. 
Lip smooths his hand along her jaw and just stares up in awe that this is what he wakes up to. That they can have moments like this, where there’s nothing else, no one else. Just them. 
He’s at peace, spending the first few minutes of his day running his hand from the nape of Charlotte’s neck to her ass as she lays on his chest and rambles about what the fuck ever. The girls at one job or the other. Something crazy V was doing. Some tv show that it was apparently a crime he hadn’t seen. 
She doesn’t try to force him to talk, knowing he’s not into talking early in the morning. He just wants her next to him. He just wants her there.
By 7:40 she’s dragging out of bed, despite his loose grip trying to pull her back into it. “Bubba, shower, you have to leave soon and I wanna have time to eat breakfast together.” she pouts. 
He raises a brow, resting his arm behind his head. “Gonna be careful this time?”
Charlotte huffs, flipping him off with her bandaged middle finger. One of three injuries she’s sustained since they now have a stove that actually gets hot. 
Lip chuckles as he watches her storm down the hallway and start jogging down the steps. “I’m rubbin’ off on you!”
“Yeah, that’s the only rubbing that’s gonna be going on around here, jerk.”
Shaking his head he actually gets up and showers. And its fuckin’ wild. There’s hot water. He doesn’t have to wait 30 minutes for it to come and hurry up and scrub before it turns cold again. He doesn’t have to call out to go first and race to get there anyway. He either goes first, because Charlotte heads in later than him or they shower together. Lip can take his time but he doesn’t because he knows there’s food downstairs. It won’t be spoiled. It won’t be stolen. Maybe a little burnt if Charlotte hurts herself again. And he doesn’t have to pretend he’s not hungry after grabbing his plate because he can see there’s not enough for his little siblings to eat. 
Maybe Charlotte’s dad was right, there’s something to be said about choosing to move on with the person you’re in love with. Maybe there’s a reason normal people move out and get married and only see their original family once or twice a year. Maybe Lip thinks he is better than someone, everyone in the fucking hood he grew up in and God or whatever else was overlording his bullshit life up until this point finally decided he deserves more. And so they gave him his fucking wife. And now all he needs to do is not fucking look back. 
So he doesn’t. He moves on. Just him and Charlotte. Aside from a few texts with Ian, who was very understanding about Lip’s new resolve to move on from their shit filled lives, he was disconnected from everything Gallagher. A full two weeks go by without him visiting their old shack of a house. Fiona never calls and the only Lip thinks to miss is the kids. 
Charlotte thought the whole situation was bullshit.
“Hey, bubba, you spoke to any of your brother’s and sister’s today?” She asks, leaning in the doorframe to their bedroom. Lip is sitting criss-crossed on the floor, using the laptop the company gave him to get some work done that he hadn’t finished earlier. He doesn’t look up from the laptop as he holds his arm out, scooting the electronic to one leg so Charlotte can sit on the other. 
She perches herself on his leg, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and leaning her head on his. “Uh nope. What do you want for dinner?”
“Hmm,” she hums, nuzzling her nose into his cheek. “For you to call your sister?”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Charlotte.” 
“I know you miss them. Moving out doesn’t mean cutting ties!” 
“Yep, off.” He says, lifting her up and off his lap, placing her on the floor next to him. “It’s normal to grow up and not see your siblings every fuckin’ day, Charlotte.”
“Yes, but this is a tantrum, Phillip. There’s a difference.” She huffs, watching him put a headphone in, snatching it back out.
“I’m working.”
“We’re talking, Phillip!”
“No, you’re fuckin’ yelling.” Lip sighs, scrubbing a hand down his face. “But if you want to have a serious conversation, we could talk about your jobs.”
“Again.” Charlotte rolls her eyes, flopping back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“I mean you’re still working there so…”
“It helps, Phillip. And I like the people there.” 
“Oh my fucking god, yes,” Lip snaps the laptop closed, standing and crossing his arms. “Please, baby, tell me how much you like the limp dick perverts that come to your jobs to eyefuck you.” 
“I’m not talking about them and you know that.” Charlotte grumbles, grabbing the blanket from the bottom of the bed and tugging it over her head. “You’re being mean and I’m just trying to help you.” she muffles. 
“Fuckin’” Lip grits his teeth, taking a deep breath before sitting on the edge of the bed, resting his forehead where he knows her stomach is. “I’m sorry baby, you married a dick.”
“I know.”
“You know,” he laughs, leaning more weight on her and scoffing at her ‘oof’. “You callin’ me heavy or something?”
“It’s…like…an…elephant is stepping on me.”
“Fuck you.” he chuckles. Lip pulls lightly at the blanket. “Look at me, Bunny?” The blanket folds down and Charlotte gives him her big brown eyes, staring up at him. “Baby, I fuckin’ love that you love my family, despite the absolute shit storm that they are. But I’ve spent my life dealin’ with that shit. I’m fuckin’ tired of beggin’ and crawlin’ back to the clusterfuck I was born into. I’m fuckin’ tired, Bunny. This is the family I wanna focus on. Us, baby.”
She smiles at that, smoothing her thumb over his lips, squealing when he lightly bites the digit with his teeth. “Ow, okay, jackass. Stop being cute.”
“Where did you get that goddamn language from? Shit.”
Lip looks up from the small television as his ears hone in on the sound of Charlotte’s slippers shuffling across the wooden floor. His girl comes into view with an absent look on her face. She’d finished doing her hair, the long black silk now split into a half up half down. Her body is covered (barely) by her short, white tank top dress.
They had people over. Charlotte had insisted that Lip at least try to make friends with the guys from work if he refused to mend the bridge between him and his siblings and start hanging out with them again. After a lot of whining, nagging and actual kicking, Lip promised to invite the guys to their new house to watch the game.
The guys from work were trying to be respectful. He could give them that. Whether it be because they know about what happened with Eric or because they genuinely are trying to be his friends, as she skips into view, her thighs shining in the light from the lamp, the short dress fighting to cover her ass, they all work to fix their eyes onto the screen.
“Phillip?” she says sweetly, slipping an arm around his neck and hopping into his lap, blindly trusting him to catch her. He obviously does. 
“Yes, baby?” He tugs her dress down as he brings her legs over his so she can sit more comfortably.
“Are you hungry?” She sighs, pushing his hair back, smiling when his eyes slip closed lightly as her fingers scratch his scalp. “I’m hungry.”
“Uh, no baby, m’not hungry, but uh-”
She lets out an annoyed, high pitched whine that has Lucas’ eyes darting over briefly. Come on Luc, I fuckin’ like you, hold it down. “Are your friends hungry?”
Lip peaks around her to address them, brows raised and is quickly met with several panicked versions of ‘no thank you’ ‘I already ate’ and ‘my girlfriend will kill me if I eat without her.’ “Charlotte, just eat those leftover noodles we made earlier and when the game’s over I’ll take you somewhere.”
She huffs again before leaning in and meeting Lip in a kiss, he had never realized how noisily they kissed until they were in front of other people. When she fully pulls away to pad off into the kitchen, a final smack sounds in the room that has his cheeks reddening and his hand refraining from patting her ass like he normally would.
Charlotte moving around in the kitchen doesn’t serve as a problem. She’s not loud and seems to be perfectly satisfied just preparing her snack and chilling by herself. Lip is temporarily able to focus on the game again, talking to Noah about how it’s number 9’s retirement year and how they need this win to stay in the season. 
“Yeah, but he’s a fuckin’ idiot, they’re not goin’ anywhere.”
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re watchin’ Gallagher, let him make the play and…”
Lip waits for Noah to finish his argument, ready to scoff at whatever bullshit response he has but it never comes. He looks around at the other guys to see them all watching something over his head. He turns, following their gaze over to the counter. “Fuckin’ shit.”
There’s his wife, sitting on their counter with not a care in the world. Her dress riding up, the flesh of her thighs spread on the cool countertops. Her head tossed back, eyes closed, mouth open and tongue out as she slurps down the noodles as if it was the first meal she’d had in days, stopping only briefly in between to pop her fingers into her mouth to suck up the fallen droplets of broth. Jesus Christ could he even blame them? 
He hops out of his seat as fast as his legs can carry him, blocking her from his guests' view. “Charlotte, c’mon baby, what’re you doin’?”
Her brows furrow as she fixes him a confused look, she swallows the noodles in her mouth and scoops more up with the chopsticks. “What? You said I could have ‘em, you wanted some?” she offers sweetly, bringing the food to his lips.
“Why are you eating on the counter?” He whisper yells, dragging her closer to him.
“You and your friends are in the only seats, where else was I supposed to go?”
“The bed?”
“I don’t wanna get food in there!” 
“I’d have given you a seat!”
“Or you could take me to pick out more chairs.” she hums, slurping the noodles he still hadn’t accepted into her mouth, moaning dramatically as she eats them. And then it hits him. “With my paycheck. From my job.”
“You little fuckin’ brat.”
“A brat who’s getting new chairs?”
Lip points his finger in her face, pushing her forehead gently. “You’re fucking irritating.” 
“I love you too.” She chirps, hopping down off of the counter. “M’gonna let you hang out with your friends. Go see what our family is up to. You want me to bring you anything back or…?”
“Just keep your purse close.” He mumbles.
Charlotte rolls her eyes, making a big show of kissing her husband before walking out of the door.
“Thanks for coming out to meet me. I know you have to work later.” Charlotte sips her water, running her finger along the cool condensation. “I’m really sorry about what happened a couple weeks ago, Fi.”
Fiona kicks Charlotte’s leg lightly. “I told you, stop apologizin’. I don’t blame you just because you’re my prick brother’s wife. I just don’t know where that kid gets off, you know? Acting like I can’t take care of our siblings, like I always have. I raised that little asshole too.”
Charlotte fidgets in her seat at that. While she still agrees it may be good for Liam to come live with her and Phillip, she also understands why the idea would hurt Fiona. Instead of arguing with the girl she just frowns and decides to address what she came for. “I understand that it’s not all on you or anything, but, don’t you feel like it’s been a while since you guys have talked?”
“Mm, not the longest we’ve gone.” Fiona says nonchalantly, eating a couple fries.
“But, don’t you guys miss each other?”
“Look, Lottie, Lip is being a fuckin’ Gallagher. He’s got something good goin’ right now so he’s jumping ship. Logging off, taking some vacation time from the job that it is to be part of this family. We all do it. Get high and mighty when we have something good we can latch onto.” She takes a sip of her soda before crossing her arms. “He’ll be back.”
“When?” Charlotte asks, shifting forward. “I know he misses you guys. I know you guys miss him. What about the younger kids?”
“This is what they know. Gallaghers get another offer and fuckin’ dip. And then we come crawling back when we absolutely fucking tank whatever good thing we had going. And the other Gallaghers know that we have to take them back.” Fiona sighs, resting her chin in her hand. 
“But…what we have isn’t going to end.” Charlotte says. “This time…this time aren’t you guys gonna have to learn how one of you can be happy and still keep a relationship with the rest of you?”
Fiona stares at Charlotte from across the table, lips pursed. The rational side of her brain tells her it’s true. It tells her that her little shithead brother was changing and evolving. That he’s a man now, with a family, and their dynamic would have to change if they were going to stay in each other’s lives.
But the other part of her still has doubts. It knows that Lip is Monica and Frank’s son at the end of the day. He’s a Gallagher. They break what they touch. Property, promises and people. As much as she loves Charlotte, she can only think it’s a matter of time before he fucks up and she leaves or he drags her down with him. As far as Fiona was concerned, Lip was playing house, and the game had to end eventually.
“Fuckin’ nasty.” Lip sneers, dumping the collection of beers his coworkers had left in the living room. Now that he has a generally clean house, it was easier to notice when it’s dirty. Dumping the trash bag next to the counter and making a mental note to take it out before Charlotte got home and made a big deal about it before dramatically tripping over it and declaring that Lip tried to kill her, Lip pulls his phone from his pocket. She’s been gone for a while.
His stomach grumbles and he decides to text her to see if she ever got around to getting food or if she wanted him to make her something too when he fed himself. He’d have to feed her before he dragged her to bed and taught her why she shouldn’t tease him while his horny, idiot coworkers are interloping in their home. 
As he’s sending the message the doorbell rings and Lip snorts. Taking his sweet old time as he shuffles over to the door. “Oh, someone forgot their fuckin’ keys again, huh, Bunny?” He smugly cracks his neck before pulling open the door, “How’re you gonna thank me for lettin’ you in, huh?”
“I…I just really needed to see you.”
Lip’s eyes shoot open and he immediately takes a step back in shock, almost reflexively slams the door shut. 
“Wh-Mandy what the fuck?”
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canirove · 1 year
I don’t like you, Mason Mount | Chapter 12
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“Dani, there is someone at the door asking for you.”
“Yep” my sister says.
“You have to go and see for yourself.”
“I don’t like the way that sounds, Monica.”
“Just go, auntie. Please” Lola says next to her.
“Ok, then” I sigh, putting away the book I was reading. “But I swear, if this is a trap…”
“Hello, Daniela.”
“No. No, no, no.”
“Just listen to him.”
“Please, auntie” Lola pouts.
“I hate you all. All of you” I say, pointing first at Lola, then at my sister and then… Then at Mason.
“We’ll leave you alone” Monica says, she and Lola disappearing into the kitchen.
“I’ve broken up with my girlfriend.”
“Yeah, sure” I snort.
“I have. And I am going to make it official. Right now” he says, taking his phone from his pocket and starting to type something.
“What… What are you doing?”
“Making it official” he says, showing me his phone. “Will this story be enough, or do I need to also make a post and tweet about it?”
“I… I think that’ll be enough.”
“Good. It is live now.”
“Do you want me to congratulate you for it or something? It was just posting a story, anyone can do it.”
“Yeah” he chuckles. “Anyway, that was all. Enjoy the summer, Daniela.”
“Are you… are you leaving?”
“I have training session in an hour, this weekend is our last game. You guys are invited if you want to come.”
“I’ll pass.”
“Still. I’ve reserved tickets for your family, they can go if they want.”
“Thank you, Mason” I mutter.
“Goodbye, Daniela.”
“Dani, where are you going?”
“To the beach. It looks like the sunset today will be breathtaking.”
“You are so lame” Monica laughs.
“It isn’t lame” my dad says. “Your mum and I loved watching the sunset together. We actually shared our first kiss watching the sunset back home.”
“Aww, dad. You had never told us that story.”
“You never asked” he shrugs.
“Now I want to know more” I say.
“I’ll tell you all the details later while we have dinner. What do you say?”
“That sounds like a plan. Dani?” my sister asks me.
“Yeah, sure. I won’t be gone for too long, I promise.”
“Maybe I am a bit lame” I laugh to myself while I take another photo of the sunset.
This was the first time I had managed to walk down to the beach since we had arrived in Portugal for our holidays. Going there made me think of what happened the previous year. Of Mason. And I was here to disconnect, not to keep thinking about him.
After his visit to show me that this time it was real, that he had broken up with his girlfriend, we hadn’t seen each other again. And I hadn’t heard from him either. He had gone silent on Instagram, probably to focus on the few games he had left with Chelsea and the national team, and avoid all the drama his ex was creating online. She kept doing Instagram lives answering fans questions, saying that she still loved him and that if they had broken up, it was because of a third person. Had Mason told her about me?
“That’s a beautiful sunset, isn’t it?”
“It was until you showed up” I manage to say, my heart beating so fast I fear it may break my chest.
“Glad to know mean Daniela still is with us.”
“You are my favourite victim, Mason. I can’t help it” I shrug, turning around to look at him. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m on holidays with my family. They loved this place last year.”
“And here at the beach? Did my sister tell you I was coming?”
“What? No, no. I’ve actually been coming here every day expecting to see you” he says with a shy smile, his dimple showing. Dear God, I had miss it so much.
“You… You have?”
“Yeah, I have. Which is something lame to do, not taking photos of the sunset.”
“It is a bit lame, yes” I chuckle.
“But I wanted to see you again. To talk with you.”
“About what? I’m pretty sure we have already said everything that is to be said.”
“We haven’t. Or at least, I haven’t. Because in case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve fallen in love with you. I seriously don’t know how or even why, especially keeping in mind that since the moment we met you’ve only been a mean bitch to me” he laughs. “But it has happened. I’m in love with you, Daniela. I love you.”
“Mason, I…”
“I know I’ve hurt you and that it probably is too late. That you’ve moved on. But I had to say it. I needed to say it aloud to someone who wasn’t Dec or my siblings. I needed to tell you.”
“Wait, everyone knows?”
“Yeah…” he says, scratching the back of his head. “I’ve apparently been a miserable shit for the past few months, they were worried about me, and I had to tell them. Anyway, that was all. I just wanted you to know, and I understand if now you don’t want to see me again.”
“I…” I’m frozen in place. I don’t know what to do. What to say. He is in love with me. He loves me. Mason… he loves me.
“Goodbye, Daniela” he says, starting to walk away.
“Wait, what?” I say, watching him leave. “Mason… Mason!” I call. But he doesn’t listen, he just keeps walking. “Mason… Mason Tony Mount!”
“You know my full name? That’s new” he says, still walking.
“Bloody hell…” I murmur. “Mason, can you please wait!” I say, running towards him. “Mason, I love you!”
“You what?” he says, suddenly stopping and making me crash against his back. “You... what are you doing down there?”
“I don’t know, I just fancied sitting down on the sand for a bit.”
“You did?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course I didn’t, you idiot. I fell when I crashed against you. Are you gonna help me get up or not?”
“Yeah, yeah” he says, offering me his hand. The moment I’m up, he grabs me by the waist, pulling me closer to him. “What were you saying before you almost broke my back in half?”
“Before I did what? Who is the one who ended up on the floor?” I say, my eyes fixed on the way my hands are resting on his chest.
“Ok, fine. It was my fault. But what did you say?”
“I can’t remember.”
“Don’t call me that, you haven’t earned it. Yet.”
“Yet? Does that mean that I am close to it?”
“Maybe” I shrug.
“Interesting… But are you going to repeat what you said earlier or not?” he says, pulling me a bit closer to him.
“I… I said…”
“I love you” I whisper, my eyes still fixed on my fingers.
“I didn’t hear you” he says, moving one of his hands to my chin, making me look at him. He is trying really hard not to smile, and as always, I get distracted by his dimple.
“Have I ever told you that I am obsessed with that dimple on your left cheek?”
“That is very cute, but my dimple isn’t what we were talking about.”
“You what” he says, lifting my chin a bit more, forcing me to look him in the eyes. This time I can’t escape, I can’t stop looking at them. Since when does he have such beautiful eyes?
“I love you, Mason.”
“Finally” he smiles, leaning forward and kissing me while the sun sets behind us.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Stargazer anon!
I gave a listen to the songs, and I am absolutely frustrated by Loser, Baby. Who in their right mind would tell an SA victim they're being whiny and not special? Who? Why would you even compare traumas? Doing that just makes the other person feel invalidated. That is Psych 101 stuff. It had the potential to be a cute ship, now Huskerdust's ruined for me. Viv really be teaching how to not write a yaoi ship and spotting red flags when making one.
Aside from that, Respectless and Whatever It Takes made me like Velvette and Carmilla. Zestial and Carmilla are pretty cool. The side characters are a 1000x better than the MCs. I'm even starting to dislike Al's presence - he's lost his mysterious appeal. But dear lord Val's accent is dreadfully inconsistent.
I hope you're doing well with all the bs that's happening with Viv and her stans. Honestly, without you I'd have never found out that Viv was actually rich and all the terrible crap she's done.
Btw, what's your favourite Studio Ghibli film? Mine's, unsurprisingly, Spirited Away though I also like Howl's Moving Castle and (if you count it as one) Nausicaa. The Pom Poko post hit hard, although the OG cast are doing way better at least. I noticed Vaggie just being in the bg, is there something with Monica? I don't think I know much of what happened with her.
- And what potential to be cute it had! We could have had these two guys bonding over how much their lives suck in general, but left Angel's rape victim status out of it, and I would have honestly been all over that. So close, Viv, so goddamn fucking close.
- Aww, thank you! That always helps to hear, honestly keeps me going.
- Monica's fine, she's besties with Viv and went with her to Japan on a tour of every abusive animal establishment they could fit into their itinerary.
- My favorite Ghibli film is My Neighbor Totoro! Here's my guy that I bought in Harajuku a decade ago with the intent to use him as a pillow on the plane ride home, trauma bonded with him, and he's still with me to this day -- a few chest spots down, but deeply loved.
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3 - Remembering Lee
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Part 4
Raised Fair Share Of Hell
Tag list - @bvbwestfall @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close
That next morning was silent between Kayce and I while we rode our way back up to the main house seeing the rest of his family standing there waiting for us. I dismounted my horse watching Kayce riding Lee’s horse carrying his dead body. “Go straight to Jamie while it’s still fresh.” John rode up on a horse taking the reins of the other horse. 
“Go. I’ll help your father.” I pushed him forward when he glanced at me before he finally walked up towards the house. Turning my attention back to my father in law he picked up his son's body onto his horse. “John, do you need some help?” 
He shakes his head, tipping his brown hat to me riding off. “That’s not necessary. Go be with your daughter, Alissa.” I did the best I could with my injured ankle to climb back on my horse riding up to the house and getting off basically falling on the dirt ground. 
“Who do I need to fight that clearly injured you.” Beth’s voice met my ears while I hopped up the stairs on one leg putting most of my weight on the wooden railing until I reached her. 
She offered her arm to me so she could help me get inside the house and we sat down on the living room coach. “Kayce already took care of the asshole. The dead guy is also the one who killed your brother - ah that’s better.” 
“What can I get you? A dirty martini.” She offers standing in front of me. 
I laid my head back on the coach eyeing my injured ankle that I had propped up on one of the coach pillows. “I’ll take some alcohol later tonight. But can you get Kayce and some medical stuff for my ankle?” 
“Sure.” She walked away going down the hallway. 
Running my hands down my face I sighed heavily still picturing Lee’s body collapsing in front of me. I knew I should have stayed by his side and maybe just maybe this wouldn’t have happened. “Mommy!” Lifting my head up slightly I recognized my daughters voice before she jumped in my lap with excitement. 
“Oooh hey Little Rae.” I felt the wind nearly get knocked out of me, smiling up at her. 
She bounced on my legs wanting to play. “Can we go play in the barn now that you’re back?” 
“Aww I’m sorry baby. But mommy needs to rest since some bad guy hurt my ankle.” 
Faith slides down, poking my left ankle and I winced feeling her poke me but it didn’t hurt too much especially when she was smiling at me. “Can I kiss it better?” 
“Aww that’s cute but I’m okay.” I chuckled at her seeing Beth come back in the room with a first aid kit and Kayce followed behind her. “Hey can you watch her for a second please Beth?” 
She nodded, pushing Faith towards the door and took her outside. “Come on, niece.” 
“I should have gone with you. Dropping Tate and Monica took longer than I thought it would. I’m sorry, darling.” Kayce began apologizing, taking out some gauze and began rolling up my pant leg. I had already taken off my boots. 
I held myself up on my elbows seeing the wound had a bruise and I was thankful that I was able to somewhat walk at the moment. “You don’t have to apologize, Kace. If anything, what happened to your brother was my fault.” I sucked in a shaky breath feeling some tears welling up in my eyes.  
“Don’t say that, Lissa Rae. It wasn’t your fault.” Kayce shot his head up, dropping the gauze and holding my face in his hands. 
I sniffed through tears pushing his hands away. “Kayce, don’t say that. It happened because I wasn’t by his side. I let him get shot and - I couldn’t even avenge his death in that moment. You avenged his death and saved my life.” 
“You did everything you could. You didn’t know that was going to happen. Now against my father’s better judgment I think we might have to take you to the hospital cause I think the bullet is still inside of your body.” He suggested getting up from his knees, leaning down to pick me up bridal style. 
I wrapped my arms around his neck laying my head on his chest wincing as we walked down the steps and got me settled in his truck. “I’ll call my sister and ask her to watch Faith. Considering your father is gonna need to work with Jamie and Beth to prepare the funeral.” Reaching into my jacket pocket I take my phone out typing in her phone number. 
“It’s kind of funny to think back then that Lee might have had a crush on your sister.” Kayce chuckled, turning the truck on and driving underneath the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch sign. 
I snorted out a laugh at my husband’s remark. “Lana Dutton doesn't sound too bad.” 
“Alissa Dutton sounds way better.” Kayce smirked in my direction. 
I playfully shoved his shoulder hearing the ringing stop on the phone and my sister's voice came to my ears. “Hey sis, what’s up?” 
“Are you busy with the ranch for a few hours? I’ve got to go to the hospital and the rest of the Dutton family is busy right now. So Kayce and I were hoping you could babysit.” 
My sister was in her late 30’s whistled through the phone and I could hear some cattle making noises in the background before she responded to my question. “We’re just finishing up doing the branding for our cattle. But I can watch her if you’re okay she sees what we’re doin’.”
“She lives on a ranch, Alana. I think she’ll be fine.” Kayce called, entering the conversation between us. 
My sister asked a question where I paused before answering. “So why are you going to the hospital?” 
“Um - it was a dispute over cattle.” Glancing over to Kayce he sent me a weak look figuring it was best to tell her the other part in person when we got home. “There’s more but I’ll tell you that later when we pick up Faith.” 
Alana replied by hanging up the phone call. “Sounds good. See y’all later.” I put my phone away leaning back in the passenger seat thinking back on our sophomore year. 
Park County High School - 10 years ago
“Are you sure your parents won’t be home for the weekend? We already have to worry about my dad finding out.” Kayce asked walking with me out into the parking lot knowing our rides were almost here to pick us up from school. 
I shrugged my backpack onto my left shoulder placing a hand on my boyfriend’s shoulder. “Kace, calm down. My sister already said she’s got us covered. She’s done this before and they never found out.” 
“I know I just don’t want your father to hate me if I was involved in breaking something on your ranch. Our families share a fence line after all.” He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck nervously before we heard two horn honks and a dark red pickup truck driving toward the curb we stood on. 
The truck window rolled down revealing my sister and his older brother Lee looking at us. “Quite being a worry wart, little brother. Now you two get your asses in the backseat.” 
“Ladies first.” Kayce opened the door for me and I climbed in first with him shutting the door when he got inside the truck. 
Alana shifted around in the front passenger seat. “Mommy and daddy are heading to Texas in an hour and they already gave me the keys to the house. So we can go to the liquor store and not worry of getting caught.” 
“What about your ranch hands?” Lee asked her. 
She snatched his black Cowboy hat from his head hitting him harshly in the arm with it. “Lee Dutton, how dare you doubt my planning skills! I made a deal with them and said they could take part in whatever alcohol was left. So long as they didn’t blab.” 
“I guess that can work,  Alana.” He responded, eyeing her nervously since she was glaring at him. 
She sniped. “What did I say about calling me that?” 
“I meant Lana. Now can I have my hat back?” Lee asked, correcting his words. She handed it over to him and he grabbed her hand locking eyes with one another not saying anything more than that. 
Kayce and I just sat in the backseat just sitting in silence watching the pair. It was obvious that there was something going on between them, but they’d never admit it. “Um, so what should we get at the liquor store?” I cleared my throat not being able to handle the awkwardness. 
“Yeah - let’s go.” Lee drew his head away from hers, tuning the truck engine on and began driving out of the parking lot. 
Alana tucked hair behind her ear. “Sorry y’all - I was thinkin’ we could get techquila, some beer, wine and other things.” She shrugged her shoulders silently, glancing back at Lee. 
“I’ll bet you five dollars that they’ll kiss later tonight.” Kayce leaned over whispering in my ear. 
Even he could see it was an overwhelming sense that there was something going on between them. “I’ll take that bet, Dutton.” Clasping my hand in his we shook on it hoping we were right years later. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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You know what??? Yes, yes I am making lovechildren for the DRDT cast just because I want to. Thank you very much >:((((((((((((((((((((((((
TW for Minruko/Terumin, Charwhit, Verturo and Roseden
Monica, coming home from school with paper in hand: MAMA! MAMA!!! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! *Shows paper*
Teruko, looking at the paper: What's this?
Monica: I got an A+ on my book report!
Min, coming in with a giant smile: Aww, sweetie. That's amazing, I'm proud of you. This is going right up the board
Monica: Yaaayyyy!
Reese, coming home from school: DAD! *bursts into Whit's room*
Whit: What's up?
Reese: You'll never guess what happened in school today
Whit: Come on!! Tell me!
Reese: In Literature class, our final semester project was to perform a play...
*Charles leaning on the doorframe to listen as well*
Whit, excited: And??!?
Reese, shows paper: I GOT THE LEAD!!!!
Whit: AAAAAAAHHH!!!! *fanboying*
Reese: AAAAAAAHHH!!!! *also fanboying*
Charles: *takes paper and puts it on the board then hugs Reese* CONGRATULATIONS, BUDDY!
Bella: Here you go, Father. *Gives picture*
Arturo: What's this?
Bella: Evidence. I killed someone and hid the body
Arturo: So?
Bella: It was a guy that was ugly
Arturo: I'll be sure to put it on the board dearest.
Lynn: I just punched a guy
Rose, waking up from a small nap: And?
Lynn: He was being homophobic to me and my S/O (enby lover ^^)
Rose: You got a picture?
Lynn: No, but I knocked out 2 teeth and put it in this small ziplock *gives ziplock with teeth*
Eden: YOU WHAT!?!-
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delirious-donna · 2 months
Happy birthday! More wins to you!
Aww thanks Monica! <3
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missmitchieg · 4 months
Flowers For Luke
Humming a slow melody, Penelope pointed her phone at a yellow building with a pink and white sign that read Monica's Flowers. She turned her phone toward her and grinned as she stepped out of Esther, walking toward the shop. She smiled at a burly, dark-skinned man who was looking at roses, and walked toward the counter where the owner was.
The walls were light pink and decorated with red and white heart and flower stickers, the floral displays adorned with red, pink, and white rose bouquets lining nearly every inch of the inside of the building.
"Hi! Welcome to Monica's Flowers! What can I do for you?" A girl about Penelope's height with brown curls grinned, her hands clasped together in front of her chest. She was standing next to a taller man with black hair and a name tag that said Daniel, who was preparing a bouquet of red roses with a grin on his face.
"Um, so I wanted to get flowers for my boyfriend, Luke." Penelope started with a smile.
"Aww, ok." Monica's smile grew at that.
"Yeah, I saw this TikTok, and a girl said most men don't receive flowers until their funeral, and that made me really, really sad," she continued, laughing softly as she made the taller man aww and clutch his heart. "So I wanted to get him flowers and write a note for him for Valentine's Day."
"That's so sweet! Wait, now I feel bad because I don't do that for my boyfriend." Monica pouted. "I just- when I close for the night, I'll have to take home flowers for Charlie." She nodded decisively.
"I'm taking home flowers for Michael!" Daniel agreed.
"That's a good idea, hon."
Penelope snickered into her hand, biting her lip. "So, Luke really likes Gerbera Daisies. Could I please get some pink, orange, and red ones?"
With her hand already reaching to grab a handful of pink flowers, Monica's eyes widened as her jaw dropped.
Daniel stared at her with an amused look, his eyebrows now in his hairline. "Wow. Pink, orange, and red, huh? You really love this Luke."
Penelope blushed deep red and ducked her head with a smile. "Yeah."
"That is so sweet."
"Ooh, now I'm curious. What do all those Daisy colors mean?" The dark-skinned man asked, his voice deep.
Monica snickered, pressing her lips together. "So, uh, pink Gerbera Daisies are a symbol of admiration, adoration, or high esteem for someone."
"Oh, my god."
Penelope bit her lip.
"Orange Daisies mean the recipient is the sunshine of your life." Daniel grinned.
Penelope squeaked and hid her face behind her sweater, her face warm.
"And red Daisies mean," Monica giggled, her and Daniel both putting on their best teenager in puppy love looks, "everlasting love."
"Girl, you better marry that man if that's how he makes you feel."
"Well," Penelope twirled a blonde and pink curl around her finger. "I want to." She said softly.
"Oh, my God. That's so sweet." The grin on Monica's face grew, and she grabbed more flowers, arranging them carefully.
"Oh, Luke's favorite color is sage green." Penelope said. "Do you have any sage green tissue paper, and maybe white ribbon to tie it?"
"I'll go look in the back!" Daniel grinned and rushed to the back room, coming back with sage green paper in a few seconds. "Found it!"
After Monica handed Penelope a note card and pen, she wrapped the paper around the bouquet and tied it with a white lacy ribbon. "This is so pretty. I hope your boyfriend enjoys his $70 dollar flowers."
Penelope giggled and paid for the flowers, gently placing the note in between two pink flowers. "Thank you, sweethearts!"
Now in the driveway, Penelope grabbed the bouquet and walked to the door, pushing it open slowly. "Oh, my sweet carame- Oh." She stood silently in the doorway as she took in the red rose petals on the floor leading to the dinner table, which had a white cloth topped with Caesar salads, Beyond Steak, and Pinot Grigio. "Honey…" She stared at her boyfriend in shock, revealing the flowers behind her back.
"Hey, mi amor." Luke grinned brightly, leaning against the dinner table. He frowned when he saw the bouquet and straightened up, walking toward her. "Oh, baby, did you buy these for yourself because you thought I forgot when I didn't say anything this morning?" He asked softly, his eyes filled with guilt as he wrapped Penelope in his arms.
Penelope blinked, wrapping her arms tightly around Luke's neck. Her eyes fluttered closed, breathing in his cedarwood cologne.
"Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't forget. I had this planned for two days." Luke said softly, pressing kisses to Penelope's jaw. "Happy Valentine's Day, Penelope. I love you."
"Luke, I love you." Penelope sighed when she remembered how to speak, kissing his lips softly. "Lovie, I bought these flowers for you." She said as she pulled away and placed the flowers in his hands, watching him react.
"What?" Luke tilted his head as he examined the flowers, his lips parting as his brain registered the type of flower and the colors she bought. "Oh." He whispered, gently holding the flowers in his hands. "No one's ever bought me flowers before."
A giggle escaped Penelope's lips as Luke sniffed the flowers, a smile growing on his face. "You got me gerbera daisies."
"Yeah." She smiled, gently cradling Luke's cheek.
"You remembered my favorite color." He whispered, his eyes sparkling.
"The worker had to look in the back room because everything in the front was pink and red." Penelope admitted with a blush.
With his lips pressed tightly together, Luke sniffled as he processed the information, a tear falling from his left eye. "Penelope."
Penelope gasped, gently grabbing Luke's hand. "Baby, I didn't think you were gonna cry!"
Luke sniffed and wiped his tears away, hugging Penelope again.
"I wrote a note for you, too." She smiled, watching him gently sift through the flowers to find the note.
Dear Luke,
Hi, mon amour. I've been thinking about something I read recently. That love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. That's something I love about love. That's something I love about you. You never give up on anything. You never gave up on me, even when I was being stubborn and stupid for no reason. I hope it stays that way. I never want you to give up on me, because I'll never give up on you. I promise. I love you. Happy Valentine's Day, my darling.
Love, Penelope ♡
Penelope bit her lip as Luke read the note, holding his hand. She blushed as he squeezed her hand three times, squeezing his hand back three times. She smiled as he hugged her again whispering in her ear.
"Baby, I love you so much. I'll never give up on you. You're the love of my life." Luke kissed her passionately, taking her breath away.
Penelope squeaked as she slowly pulled away, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked back at Luke as he clutched the flowers in one hand and hugged her tightly from behind, staring at her phone in shock. "Guys, he liked the flowers. I have decided I am doing this all the time from now on. Ok, bye."
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empress-of-snark · 4 months
Your fic is one of the best Hellcheer I've ever read! Don't bother with mean comments, having a history doesn't mean Chrissy loves Eddie any less
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Aww, thank you anon ♥️ Seeing these in my inbox really made my day!
And I love the idea of Chrissy trying to get Eddie to work out—there was an episode like that for Chandler and Monica, right? It totally makes sense, since she’s so athletic. She just effortlessly jogs along while Eddie is wheezing and lagging behind, drenched in sweat 😂
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Woo: Why do I have to be the one who distracts the guards?
Darcy: Don't worry, I'm going with you.
Woo: Aww, thanks!
Darcy: Monica said I had to.
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fayes-fics · 4 months
loveeee the new chapter sm!! when reader is looking at benedict asleep on the couch it reminds me of monica and chandler from friends in a way lol
Hi Nonny! 🫶
Aww thank you! I was a little nervous to post it as the meet-cute has been building.
Hahah I know the moment you mean! 🫶 I guess it was less funny than that, cos I wanted reader to have a moment of just straight up ogling Benedict 😂. Experiencing intense desire for the first time is important to her growth and decisions about her future/what she wants.
Anywayyyyy more to come soon I hope 😁🧡🧡
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carefulfears · 1 year
Who/What do you think each X File character would dress up on Halloween as? (asking the important questions! also fuck hate anons, you are awesome!)
aww thank you so so much!! that’s so sweet of you.
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first look at mulder and samantha at halloween dressed as spock and a fairy 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
okay my answers:
- i think mulder would either be something very obscure that literally no one in their life had ever heard of or like a sports player. probably also a sports player that no one has ever heard of, honestly. and he introduces himself by rattling off every statistic.
- dana scully is ultimately going to show up in the lamest outfit you’ve ever thought of i fear….like it’s either going to be moby dick-inspired or like a scientist.
- they’re going to argue over what to dress william in every year until he ends up in a cryptid costume. bigfoot probably. scully has to make it.
- the lone gunmen are rocking a conspiracy theory throuple costume…walk with me…kennedy, oswald, and the CIA. neil armstrong, the moon, and the CIA. remember, according to byers, the CIA is “the most heinous and evil force of the 20th century”
- i see krycek dressed as a pop star or like a prevalent movie character. something slutty without a lot of thought put into it.
side note, yes i do envision this all happening at the same event.
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like this.
- skinner would show up in his same exact suit that he wears all the time and claim that he’s dressed as james bond or something
- monica would put a lot of time into choosing her costume every year, she would start thinking of ideas and putting it together months in advance. something a little spooky. she might could even convince doggett to put on a superhero cape (she knows it’s hard for him, since losing his son).
- the only person to dress as something scary would be spender, in an attempt to fit in. it wouldn't work.
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Episode #13: “Out of Control Pt. 2”
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The family gasp upon seeing Gorgon Monica as she smiles and hugs them.
Yumyulack: Wow. I am so surprise to see you have full control.
Gorgon Monica: Aw thanks guys. But I wonder the same thing. Oh well. Just glad to see you guys alright.
Korvo: Us too! But where are Jesse and Stacy G?!
Gorgon Monica: Oh no! I think they’re still in the woods! We have to go after them!
Terry: Got it. But first...
He looks at the bus and grins.
AISHA: Terry? You better not be thinking of a stupid idea!
Terry: Into the bus guys! Come on!
Korvo: Come on!
The family head into the bus. Then, Terry gets on the driver’s seat, put his hands on the wheels and drives the bus into the woods as it could. Terry laughs in joy as it made it the woods, the other even got excited but then.
Sonya: That was awesome daddy!
Terry: That felt fucking great!
Yumyulack: Awesome! It was like Hot Wheels!
Korvo grows seductively and decided to smitten Terry seductively.
Terry: Oh-ho-Ho. Korvy, what you doing there baby?
Korvo: seductively I think you know what I'm doing you brave stud.
Terry: realizing Korvo is doing Oh-Ho-Ho. Bring it in yo big damn dirty beautiful slut.
The two alien husbands kiss and moan lovingly
Yumyulack: Ugh! Oh my God! That is so fucking gross!
Sonya: Aww. Eeew. Nasty!
Suddenly, Jesse’s moans are heard in the woods.
Terry and Korvo: Huh?
Yumyulack: What the? Sis?
Sonya: Jesse?
Terry sees Jesse moaning in pain as she grew little bit more a which made a torn crack tag the back her dress and her voice starts to deepen.
Korvo: gasp Oh shit! Jesse!
Terry: I got this!
Terry heads out the door and runs to his daughter.
Jesse: No! Get away!
Jesse groans as she feels a sharp pain in her head. Ruby then sees her and tries to get her spike monster serum.
Ruby: Okay, let’s do this… this is for you mama…
But then, Stacy G sees her and pummels Ruby as it the serum spills on her head as she groans. Suddenly, Stacy G notice her fingertips turning black as she suddenly starts growing bigger and muscular and spikes pop out from her back. Ruby gasps.
Stacy G: Ugh! hairs turns into magenta spikes as her clothes tear to shreds and a tail pops out as he eyes starts glowing What the fuck is happening to voice deepens MMMMMEEEEEE!
Now a Spike Monster, Stacy G roars as she collapse into a concussion. Jesse gasp and something in her snaps.
Terry: Oh no Jesse!
The family then runs out the bus as Sonya runs to Jesse.
Sonya: Jesse! No! Don’t!
Jesse snaps and slaps Sonya away as Sonya starts crying over her sister
Yumyulack runs to comfort Sonya.
Yumyulack: Oh no. Hey. It’s gonna be okay Sonya.
Sonya: I want my sister back. cries
Korvo: JESSE!
Jesse growls as her skin fully becomes black, she finishes growing bigger and muscular as her clothes into pieces along with her shoes and then she grew boobs Yumyulack blushes at the sight of Jesse’s boobs.
Yumyulack: Holy shit! Let me touch those tities! Sonya looks at him annoyed Uh I mean who cares. That’s lame
Korvo: Oh my God. Terry, Jesse is half Mundane. Like you!
Terry gasp in horror.
Terry: No...
Now a Mundane, Jesse roars while banging her first. She then grabs Ruby and throws to the lake.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Oh my God! Jesse!
Terry: starts crying Jesse?
Yumyulack and Sonya: JESSE!
Korvo: JESSE! NO!
Mundane Jesse ignores them as she has lost her sanity. Mundane Jesse roars and throws a bark at Korvo, Yumyulack and Sonya as Terry breaks down over his daughter becoming a Mundane.
Mundane Jesse roars as Terry continues to cry over his sweet baby girl. Mundane Jesse then sees Ruby trying to get her crossbow but then she throws her to the log as Ruby moans.
Sonya: Jesse!
Pupa: No! Jesse! Stop!
Korvo has an idea.
Korvo: Terry! Soothe her! Remember the teddy Jesse used to have when she was a baby? Do you still have it?!
Terry: sniffs Yeah...
Korvo: Use it to calm Jesse down! Hurry! She needs her daddy!
Terry wipes away his tears and pulls out the teddy bear. Mundane Jesse roars and Terry runs up to her in tears of desperate papa wolf instincts. Terry turns into his Mundane form. Mundane Jess growls as she snarls at Mundane Terry.
Mundane Jesse: ROAR!
Mundane Terry: JESSE!
Mundane Jesse snarls as Mundane Terry squeaks the teddy bear.
Mundane Terry: Remember this honey? It’s your favorite teddy bear when you were a wee baby. You love it when I squeak it. And when you get sad, I would always bring it to cheer you up because you love how it squeak.
Mundane Jesse gasps
Mundane Terry: Yeah. That’s right. Just calm down and we can get you back on the bus. Come on Jesse-bear…
Mundane Jesse takes the teddy bear and squeezes it as she giggles. Mundane Terry smiles as Mundane Jesse starts to grow sleepy. He then picks her up and takes her back to the bus to hide her. Terry then turns back into his normal self and watches as Mundane Jesse turns back into her normal self and drops the teddy bear. Terry smiles and puts a blanket on Jesse as she falls asleep. Terry smiled and kiss Jesse on the forehead. Then, Korvo hears the she-Godzilla roar.
Sonya: Uh oh…
Korvo: We gotta stop her!
Terry: Alright, you guys go and stop the monster. I’ll watch Jesse!
Yumyulack: eyes glow purple Right!
Korvo then starts growing bigger and muscular as his skin turns black. Then, his clothes rip into shreds after he stretches his back and his wings and horns pop out as he moans in pleasure. His eyes then glow aquamarine as he roars.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Mmm...yeah...
Then, Yumyulack roars and then his skin turns black as he grows bigger and muscular while his skin turns black. Then his clothes into shreds as he roars once his horns and wings appear as he growls.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Hell yeah! Let's go!
Thank Sonya growls her skin turns into mermaid sparkle ice cream colors. Then, she grows bigger and muscular her clothes into shreds. Then, her hair becomes tentacles, her legs become three kraken tentacles and her voice deepens as she roars and snarls. Super Shlorpian Korvo pats were-kraken Sonya on the head as she calms down and purrs. Were-Kraken Sonya giggles.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Come on! We got a Godzilla’s ass to kick! Phoebe, keep on eye on Jesse with Terry!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Got it.
Super Shlorpian Korvo then roars as he, Super Shlorpian Yumyulack and were-kraken Sonya head to stop the Godzilla. After they left, Pupa starts crying as he pats Jesse’s face.
Terry: It's okay, Pupa.
Pupa: crying Jesse…
Then, suddenly Jesse starts having whimpering in her sleep. Terry rubs Jesse's forehead. But then, she suddenly starts snarling and breathing in and out in fear as she starts having nightmare visions of life back on Shlorp when people taunt her father as she starts turn black and grows bigger and muscular again, but this time her bow falls off. Terry gasps.
Jesse: No! No! wakes up as her eyes starts glowing pink as well the inside of her mouth NNNNNOOOOOO!
Terry: Jesse?
Mundane Jesse roars once her she grew boobs, but then she looks at her reflection and gasp.
Mundane Jesse: Are these tits?!
But then, she grows horrified by her monster appearance.
Terry: Jesse, it's okay
Mundane Jesse: T-Terry? What happened to me?
Terry: You’re half Mundane sweetie! You inherited this form like me!
Mundane Jesse gasps.
Mundane Jesse: What? No no! I hurted you guys didn’t I? starts crying
Terry soothes Mundane Jesse's face.
Mundane Jesse: sobbing I-I I’m so sorry! breaks down in tears
Terry: Sssh...ssh...no one is hurt. It's okay.
Mundane Jesse continues crying. Then, Terry sees the teddy bear and squeaks to calm down his daughter. Terry then gives Mundane Jesse the teddy bear as she squeals and sniffles.
Mundane Jesse: I remember this thing from when I was younger.
Terry: Yeah. You were just a baby. That thing would always calm you down when you start crying.
Mundane Jesse giggles.
Terry: whistles a lullaby as Jesse falls asleep
Then, Terry turns into his Mundane form as he snuggles with Mundane Jesse..
Mundane Terry: Sweet dreams Jesse-bear…
Meanwhile... Were-Kraken Sonya then sees the Godzilla monster.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: See you anything?
Were-Kraken Sonya: Guys! Look! I found the monster!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Good! Let’s fuck her up kids!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Oh HELL YEAH! LET’S GET IT ON!
The three monsters head up to the Godzilla monster as Super Shlorpian Korvo land son the-Godzilla’s face
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Hey, bitch!
The she-Godzilla snarls
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I don’t know who you are but you are gonna pay for…
Suddenly, Super Shlorpian Korvo looks up and notices a Bowinian hood on the monster’s face. He gasp.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: A Bowinian? How is this…
He then looks closely at the Bowinian’s eyes and gasp in horror.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Sisto?!
The Godzilla revealed as Sister Sisto looks at Super Shlorpian Korvo darkly.
Godzilla Sisto: Hello Korey…
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack and Were-Kraken Sonya gasp in horror and shock.
Godzilla Sisto: Or should I say…Korvo?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: gasp Oh my God! It is you! It’s impossible! You were dead!
Godzilla Sisto laughs like a maniac.
Godzilla Sisto: Isn’t obvious?! During your rescue for that hillbilly violent nanny of yours, Mark Baine brought me back to life before he was killed by the destruction of his building that Mutant Zombie boyfriend of that pathetic son of yours! What he didn’t know that after I escape, I can turn back! I was finally revived! More powerful than ever!
Super Shlorpian Korvo growls.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: You bitch! Cherie and Nova was right about they said about you when I first them! You’re a fucking psycho!
Godzilla Sisto: Oh whatever! Prepare to die!
Godzilla fires her breath at Super Shlorpian Korvo who ducks and flies up as he he goes mega and roars. He then moans in pleasure while touching his body.
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo: Fuck…I love this power. It’s like it’s welling up inside me.
Godzilla Sisto: Oh God! That is great! You fucking aliens are fucking disgusting!
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo chuckles.
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo: Actually! Have this! blows ice breath at Godzilla Sisto, who dodged it
Godzilla Sisto: Is that really the best you-
Sisto then gets bunch by Were-Kraken Sonya, has became mega as she shoots her laser eyes at Godzilla Sidto, who growls and dodges it.
Godzilla Sisto: Grrr! Little Brat!
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo: That’s my girl!
Were-Kraken Sonya giggles as she uses her body armor and fights Sisto while Super Shlorpain Yumyulack grows mega and grabs Godzilla Sisto. Meanwhile back with Mundane Terry, he hears weeping and notices tears in Mundane Jesse’s eyes as she cries in her sleep.
Mundane Terry sings “Fast Car” by Luke Combs:
[Mundane Terry]
You got a fast car
And I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere
Any place is better
Starting from zero, got nothing to lose
Maybe we'll make something
Me, myself, I got nothing to prove
You got a fast car
I got a plan to get us out of here
I've been working at the convenience store
Managed to save just a little bit of money
Won't have to drive too far
Just across the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
Finally, see what it means to be living
See, my old man's got a problem
He live with the bottle, that's the way it is
He says his body's too old for working
His body's too young to look like his
Mama went off and left him
She wanted more from life than he could give
I said, "Somebody's got to take care of him"
So, I quit school and that's what I did
You got a fast car
Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
Still gotta make a decision
Leave tonight, or live and die this way
So, I remember when we were driving, driving in your car
Speed so fast, I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped around my shoulder
And I, I, I had a feeling that I belonged
I, I, I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
We go cruising, entertain ourselves
You still ain't got a job
So I work in a market as a checkout girl
I know things will get better
You'll find work and I'll get promoted
We'll move out of the shelter
Buy a bigger house, live in the suburbs
So, I remember when we were driving, driving in your car
Speed so fast, I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped around my shoulder
And I, I, I had a feeling that I belonged
I, I, I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
I got a job that pays all our bills
You stay out drinking late at the bar
See more of your friends than you do of your kids
I'd always hoped for better
Thought maybe together you and me would find it
I got no plans, I ain't going nowhere
Take your fast car and keep on driving
So, I remember when we were driving, driving in your car
Speed so fast, I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped around my shoulder
And I, I, I had a feeling that I belonged
I, I, I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
Is it fast enough, so you can fly away?
You still gotta make a decision
Leave tonight, or live and die this way
Mundane Jesse opens her eyes and smiles
Mundane Terry: See? There’s my sweet Jesse-bear… were you feeling scared?
Mundane Jesse whimpers and nods.
Mundane Jesse: Yes and because… I’m scared of growing up and losing you guys ever since the Stacies picked on me ever since epidemic… started… breaks down in tears Please daddy… don’t leave me… crying
Mundane Terry: Hey hey hey. Woah woah woah. Where’s that coming from?
Mundane Jesse: whimpering Because… the Stacies… says I’m a freak and always will be… I’m even scared of losing the ones I love by them not loving me anymore… I’m so scared… I’m just a weak teenage replicant… breaks down in tears
Mundane Terry sighs.
Mundane Terry: Oh Jesse… shh… it’s okay daddy here… daddy’s not going anywhere… and that is not true… you’re strong… you’re smart… and you’re kind… you are my Jesse and always will be. You have a wonderful house. Wonderful dads. Wonderful siblings. A wonderful girlfriend. And wonderful friends. You are not alone Jesse. And you never will be. Because we love you no matter what…
Mundane Jesse: Oh daddy!
Mundane Jesse hugs Mundane Terry while crying. Mundane Terry smiles and hugs his daughter while soothing her and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
Mega Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Ugh! We need Terry!
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo: Don’t worry! He’ll come! As long as we-
Godzilla Sisto sees Mundane Terry. But, luckily he sense her and pops out of the bus while growing mega.
Now a mega Mundane, Terry roars as he pummels on Godzilla Sisto who roars and attacks him. Then, she grows mega as she roars.
Mega Godzilla Sisto: laughs maniacally That’s better! Now time for you to perish!
Mega Mundane Terry roars as Mega Godzilla Sisto wrestles. But then, he pummels him to the ground. Mundane Jesse wakes up and gasp after seeing her father in danger. She then grows determined as pink marks appear on her body.
Mundane Jesse: Time to go mega!
Mundane Jesse then grows even more bigger and muscular as she finishes becoming a mega Mundane and roars. Mega Mundane Terry gasps and smiles tearfully
Mega Were-Kraken Sonya and Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Jesse?
Super Shlorpian Korvo gasp in joy.
Mega Godzilla Sisto growls and lunges fowards. Mega Mundane Jesse then uses her powers for the first time and make hot fizzling glowing pink rocks spewing from the ground as it hits Mega Godzilla Sisto who roars.
Mega Mundane Jesse: Yumyulack! Help me take her down!
Mega Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: On it!
Mega Super Shlorpian Yumyulack then uses his fire ice breath that causes to weaken as she retreats. The monster family cheers as Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo and Mega Mundane Terry embrace each other.
Godzilla Sisto: after shrinking back to he normal size WE’LL MEET AGAIN, SOLAR OPPOSITES!
Mega Super Shlorpian Korvo smirks as he returns to his normal size. Godzilla Sisto retreats as the monster family shrink back to their normal size.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: When she comes back, we’ll be ready for her.
Mundane Jesse: Woah. What a rush.
Were-Kraken Sonya: Yeah.
Then, Cherie, Pezlie, Montez, Janiz and Nova arrived as they meet up with their friends.
Cherie: Guys! You’re okay!
Mundane Terry: Yep! We managed to beat Sisto’s ass!
Nova: What?! She’s alive?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: We’re afraid so.
Cherie: Well, will she still return?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I’m afraid so. But if she does come back, we’ll be ready
Were-Kraken Sonya: Yeah!
Then an ambulance came as it took Stacy G, who is okay and back to normal to the hospital while Louise smiles and nods a thank you to Human Jesse for taking care of her daughter while Stacy G blows a kiss to Jesse. The ambulance with Stacy G inside takes her to the hospital while Human Jesse smiles, knowing her girlfriend is gonna be okay. The scene then cuts to back home where Jesse is starting to feel overwhelmed.
Jesse: Stacy G is in the hospital because of me. What kind of girlfriend am I?
Jesse moans in frustration as her eyes glow pink while she starts turning black as she cries out on pain and starts growing bigger and muscular as her dress and shoes rip apart into pieces and her bow falls off. She then grows massive boobs as she roars with tears of pain in her eyes.
Terry: Jesse is everything- gasp
Mundane Jesse is curled into a ball and sobbing.
Terry: Oh no… oh honey…
Terry turns into his Mundane form and walks over to Mundane Jesse.
Mundane Jesse: crying
Mundane Terry: Oh Jesse…
Mundane Terry starts soothing Mundane Jesse as she continues crying.
Mundane Terry: Ssh…ssh
Mundane Jesse weeps and chokes a sob while Mundane Terry squeaks Jesse’s teddy bear and smiles as he give it to Jesse who hugs it in tears
Mundane Jesse: Terry? Why does my Mundane form have boobs?
Mundane Terry: Hmm… it’s guess it’s because when you choose to be a girl, it have you these for female Mundanes
Mundane Jesse: My body looks mature in this form. Is it because I’m a girl?
Mundane Terry smiles.
Mundane Terry: Of course you are
Mundane Jesse laughs.
Mundane Terry: And you always be my little girl no matter what. Now matter how big you get, you’ll always be my little Jesse-bear…
Mundane Jesse: smiling in tears Thanks daddy.
Mundane Terry smiles as he and Mundane Jesse cuddle with each other. Mundane Terry then kiss Mundane Jesse on the forehead as they fall asleep.
The End
Special thanks to @avaveevo, @almar4121, @themagicwolf6677, @king-of-squishmallows and all of my watchers for their help, ideas and support
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
Also the thought of radio host Steve falling asleep on Eddie when allergies kept him up all night. They had to mute his mic when he started snoring and you can hear it from the others slightly LMAO <3 🥲
Aww so soft. This is HECKA short I’m so sorry!
“Now it’s time for my personal favorite segment: Tell Me Something Good!” Robin announced. “This is a time for all you listeners to call in and, well, tell us something good!”
Nancy have a thumbs up to Jonathan who pressed a button patching in a caller.
“Hey hey you’re on air with 198.6! What’s your name?” Eddie asked.
“Good morning Monica!! Tell me something good!”
“Well my grandma had thought she lost her wedding ring years ago and she was devastated as my grandpa has sadly passed, BUT when she was packing up to move, she found it again!!!”
“Wow that’s incredible!!” Nancy exclaimed, “I can only imagine how thrilled and relieved she is!”
“She’s happier than I’ve seen her in a long time!” Monica reassured.
“Thanks for calling in Monica!! Next caller, Jon?”
“Hello?” Came the voice at the end of the line.
“Hey! You’re on with 198.6. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with?” Robin asked.
“My names Becca!”
“Alright Becca, did you call to tell us something good?” Nancy chimed in.
“Yeah! I just found out I’m the valedictorian for my high school class! I get to give a speech in June!”
“Wow congratulations!” Robin yelled.
“Better than I could do…” Eddie mumbled.
“Um I also was wondering…is Steve there?” Her voice suddenly got more timid as if she was embarrassed.
“He’s here, love!” Eddie said, “He’s just asleep at the moment. Poor guy kept himself up all night - really bad allergies with this one.”
The girls chuckled to themselves. Steve was asleep on Eddie’s shoulder, lips parted and snoring just enough that Jonathan had to mute his mic.
“Aww poor guy. Can you just let him know that he’s a big inspiration for my speech?”
“Absolutely Becca! We’ll let him know. Congrats again!”
With that, Jonathan hung up the caller lines while Nancy announced the next commercial-free music stretch.
Taking off the headphones, Eddie gently nudged Steve awake.
“Hey big guy. Let’s move you to the green room okay? Not that I don’t love your company, but I’m pretty sure the listeners can hear ya snoring and your nose is dripping onto my shirt.”
Steve came alive with the last comments, flushing with embarrassment as he stood up. “Crap, yeah I’ll go lie down in there.”
Eddie squinted and nodded, laughing. “Yeah. Sounds like a good idea.”
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slightlystupidhun · 1 year
Dahlia Dynamites
Summary: a Baseball AU brought about by @belsw06 !! The renown baseball team, Dahlia Dynamites, find themselves in one of the toughest seasons of their lives. The team is almost all completely new and fresh. Can they pull of the World Series title?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
David pulled up to the stadium in his truck. Next to in the passenger seat was Angel, behind them was Asher, and his partner Babe. The vehicle was filled with laughter as Angel and Asher concluded their best rendition of The Boy Is Mine by Brandy and Monica. David pulled into his parking spot and shut the car off, quickly killing the radio. Angel quickly pecked David on the cheek before jumping out. He rolled his eyes as Asher cackled at his flushed expression. He walked to the trunk and grabbed both of Asher and his bags out of the trunk.
“You’re gonna do great today!” Angel said jumping up to David and wrapping their arms around his waist.
“Thanks.” He said holding his hand against his cheek before kissing him on the top of his head.
Meanwhile, Asher tan around the car to open the door for Babe. He bowed down in front of them before holding out his hand to help them out. They gave a content hum as he kissed their hand then moved to kiss their lips.
“Good luck tonight Ash! You’re gonna kill it!” Babe said smiling and running their fingers through his hair.
“Thanks Babe! I love you so much!” He beamed up them as David threw his bag at him.
“Let’s go-.” David began but he was cut off by Angel confused voice.
“Who’s that with Tank?” They asked tugging at David’s arm.
“It’s probably just Sam-“ he stopped himself because it clearly wasn’t Sam.
“Darlin, You’re gonna do great tonight.” Sam spoke pulling into his designated parking spot.
“Thanks Sam… I’m just, It’s just. Ya know…. Him.” They spoke getting increasingly frustrated.
“Hey,” he turned to them, taking his keys out of the ignition. “You. Are. Amazin. I love ya Darlin.” He leaned in and kissed their cheek before getting out of the truck. He quickly moved to the trunk and grabbed their bag out. Fans were already arriving and the excitement for tonight’s game was palpable.
“Well, I gotta go but, I love you Sam.” They said grabbing their bag from him and grasping his hand, squeezing it tightly.
“Can I give ya a kiss Darlin?” He smiled at them. They nodded and he quickly met their lips with a soft kiss. It was gentle and loving and the best thing they had ever known. They parted from him, despite not wanting to, they knew they had to leave. They gave him a small wave as they both headed off their separate ways.
“Jesus, how domesticated are you? ‘Can I give ya a kiss Darlin?’ I mean come on.” A scarily familiar voice sounded out. He stared at them with glowing eyes that bore a hole through their head.
“Shut up Quinn.” They growled out at him tightening their grip on their bag.
“Aww What we can’t talk anymore puppy?” Quinn said, clearly patronizing them. He was luring them in, baiting them to trap them in some elaborate scheme.
“Clearly we can’t. Now leave me alone.” They began to walk away as he wrapped his fingers around the strap of their bag. The menacing figure pulled tanks strap back making them come face to face. He ran his fingers along their jaw.
“Come on now. You can’t ignore our past like it didn’t happen. We loved each other once.” He pouted.
“Once upon a time. But then you slept with Alexis. Now you get the have fun with her and leave me the hell alone.” They pulled their head away from him.
“How about we wager this game then Tank?”
“If I win, I’m gonna take you back. You’ll come back to the team and be my side piece. If you win I’ll be so gracious and let you move back in, we can date again, but you get to stay on the Dynamites.” He gave them a wicked grin.
“Fuck.Off.” They turned to him. Before they could do anything though he was being pulled away from them. They turned to see who had parted them from their assailant and came face to face with Milo Motherfucking Greer.
“What the hell do ya think your doin, huh?” He stared Quinn down, looking at him as if he was the scummiest scum on earth.
“I’m just talking to MY friend. How about you back off.” Quinn said pushing Milo away from him.
“How about I teach you a lesson huh?” Milo said beginning to roll up his sleeves. Tank grabbed his arm and yanked him back.
“We just got Miguel back Milo, we don’t need you tapping out. Don’t give them the win like this.” They stood in front of him glaring at the Sunnyvale Vamp. Just a second later David and Asher were also at their side.
“What’s going on here?” David said, his voice dropping to a threatening tone.
“I was just having a conversation with my old teammate. Relax my friends. Let’s leave this on field, eh?” He grinned as he walked off towards the locker rooms.
“You guys ok?” Asher asked glancing between Tank and Milo.
“I’m fine. Let’s go get ready.” Tank said walking off ahead of the group. They all exchanged looms before following suit.
“I want you all to know that I am extremely proud of each and every one of you.” Coach William spoke, as he always did, before the game. “This team has truly shown everyone out there just what you can do with drive and passion. I will admit. I had my doubts bringing in people who were so fresh to be a part of one team.” He paused and chuckled lightly. “I’m proud to say you all proved me wrong.” He looked around the dugout, at the players he had hand picked. He could sense the excitement, there hunger, radiating from them. “Whatever happens to day I am eternally proud of you all. With that being said, let’s not get comfortable and sleep at the finish line. Let’s push harder than we ever have. Today will not be an easy game. But it will be one of the most important you ever play. Go out there and win.” With that the team cheered and players flooded to the field.
Today the dynamites wanted to start off strong. Their leadoff hitter was lovely. They confidently walked up to their place and got in position. They planted their cleats firmly in the ground and crouched down slightly. Lifting their elbows their fiery gaze met Adams. They locked onto his mitt waiting for the ball to be released. He threw a knuckle ball. The ball sped past them. Shit.
“Strike one.” The umpire yelled.
They shook their head and prepared for another swing. Adam grinned as he dug his shoes in the ground. This time he’s throw a curve ball. Unfortunately for him, the curve ball was on of the throws that Lovely most practiced swinging to. They swung, their bay making a resounding slapping sound at it made contact with the ball.
They took off sprinting towards first base. The ball was in the outfielders hand for only a moment before it was speeding over to first. They slid into first, the dust swirling around them.
“SAFE!” Was all they heard as the crowd cheered. They let out a shaky breath as the adrenaline started to come down.
It was now the top of the ninth and both teams were tied. The score being 24-24. The bases were loaded. Lovely on third, Fred on Second, and bright on first. There were two outs and Vincent had never felt more pressure. He swung the bat a few times before taking a deep breath and stepping up to the plate. He bend his knees slightly as he dug his cleats into the ground. He raised his bay and locked his eyes on Adam.
“STRIKE ONE!” The first pitch was a circle change up. Vincent hated those, but he noted it as something to work on.
“Let’s Go Solaire!!” The crowd began chanting and clapping. Vincent smiled and steadied himself. He took a deep breath and prepared for the pitch. Adam gave him a wicked grin as he threw the ball right at Vincent. He didn’t have time to react as the ball came right in contact with his hand.
Vincent immediately dropped the bay and grabbed his hand. It hurt like hell. What the fuck was Adam doing? Vincent gained a base which left lovely to gain the point by running home. They wanted to run over to him, to check on his hand. Instead they settled for a threatening glare sent Adams way as the crowd booed him.
The top of the ninth ended with another out leaving the score to be 24-25 as the sides switched.
It was the bottom of the ninth, Dahlia Dynamites we’re up by one point, however, the SunnyVale Vamps had two people on base and their Star batter, Quinn, up to bat. They had two outs and Quinn had accumulated one strike already.
The air was cool, chilly, but the energy radiating from the crowd was enough to keep any human warm for a lifetime. The stadium lights were blinding and the announcers speakers were blaring. David Shaw, Dahlias pitcher, walked up to the batters mound. He rotated his shoulders and stretched out his neck. He placed himself firmly into the dirt and prepared to pitch.
Milo Greer, the catcher, prepared himself to receive any pitch David could throw to him. Asher, on first base, looked over to Cristian the short stop, both of them ready to receive. Arden prepared herself on third, and looked over to Miguel and Tank in the outfield.
Tank did quick small jumps from side to side, ready to run in any direction the ball may go. They crouched down as they watched David wind up for the pitch. Quinn shot them a devious smirk that caused a low growl to erupt from their throat.
David threw a fast ball, one that would be difficult for any batter to hit. The audience watched with bated breath as a loud hit could be heard. Quinn’s bat connected with the ball and it went soaring. Tank had a perfect view. This was it. The entire season, their entire career, lead up to this moment. They ran after the ball, their eyes tracking it. They might not make it. They saw the wall at the end of the field rapidly approaching, but they had to catch it. They reached their gloved hand into the air and jumped up. Lights shining into their eyes. This was it. The ball fell comfortably in their glove as they collided with the wall. They felt something in their arm pop as they quickly grabbed the ball and threw it back to Asher as the ref blew his whistle.
They won.
They Won.
They had won the game!!!
The team flooded the field and cheers erupted in the stadium. Tank held their arm in place, they definitely dislocated their shoulder, but it was worth it.
David was immediately swarmed by reporters as were Vincent and William. Tank tried to quietly make their way through the stadium back to the locker room but was stopped by a few reporters themself.
“What does it feel like making the game winning catch?” The reporter asked them.
“Oh, it feels amazing. I’m so grateful for my team, we all worked hard for this win together.” They nodded continuing to walk back holding their shoulder.
“Is there anyone you would like to thank?” The reporter pushed.
“Uhm my team, id like to thank all of them for pushing me and making me better…” they trailed off seeing a familiar figure in the hallway back to the locker rooms. “And my boyfriend.” They quickly joined the team for their photo before running off to the hallway and meeting up with Sam.
“Hey Darlin, I.” He was cut off by Darlin slumping into him and mumbling something into his chest. “What was that?” He bent down to heart them better.
“I dislocated my shoulder.” They said looking up at him. He nodded and led them into the medical room. He helped pop their shoulder back into place, kissing it gently after. He put their arm in a sling and carried their bag back to the truck.
“I’m so proud of you Darlin. You’re so amazing, and I love you.”
When the game had been called Sweetheart immediately ran onto the field and jumped into Milo’s arms. “IM SO PROUD OF YOU MILO!” They kissed all over his face. He held them so tightly and laughed joyously. The pair was filled with endorphins.
David and Asher, once they were finished with everything went back to David’s truck. They were so exhausted they were leaning on each other to stay up. When they arrived at the vehicle they were almost tackled by their partners. Asher had fallen to the ground, babe peppering his face with kisses as he wrapped his arms around their waist.
“I’m so proud of you Davey.” Angel said pushing their face into his chest. “You played an amazing game!” They kissed him deeply, lovingly. God he was so amazing to them.
Lovely spent their game winning night in the ER with Vincent. Oddly enough, there was no where else they would rather have been. They held his, unharmed hand in theirs and occasionally gave him small pecks on the cheek.
“I love you Vinny.” They nuzzled into his neck.
“I love you too Lovely.” He replied.
This was just the start to the amazing career and legacy these players had. The Dahlia Dynamites 2023 team, set a precedent for all newcomers stepping up to the bat.
This is the end!! Thank you @belsw06 so much for your amazing idea!! I had so much fun writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I’m sorry it was so short, but I hope you liked it nonetheless.
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