levi-supreme · 1 year
Happy birthday, Rei! I hope you had a wonderful day 😄💙
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Thank you so much for the well wish Ash!!!! I appreciate you so much!!! 🤗✨️
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flamingblinglove · 2 years
Black nail polish and Daisies for the ask game :)
Hello Monica!!! Thank you for sending these!!!
Daisies: What is the greatest accomplishment in your life?
Hmm! I think it would be the fact that I achieved my childhood aspiration!!!
I feel like when we were young, we would always tell people what we want to be in the future, and along the way we sort of end up forgetting about our childhood dreams and focusing on reality.
So to me, being able to fulfil my childhood dream makes me really proud of myself, and if the 4 y.o. me back then can see where I am now, I know she'll be proud of me too.
Black nail polish: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what are the top three things?
Yes I do!! And it's pretty basic actually AHAHA and in no particular order:
1. Go on a Europe tour (if not, I really wanna go to France and UK T_T)
2. Go on a trip to Japan (pls like literally EVERYONE I know has been to Japan and I haven't!!! :c)
3. Have a beach wedding (lol I'm so basic but lol I really wanna get married on the beach. I even wrote this for my English essay back in school lol)
Aesthetic themed asks!
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Oh, hi Rei! Can I ask for Porco if no one else has asked for him for your ask game?
I hope you get your motivation back ❤️
Hi Monica!! Thank you so much, I hope my motivation is otw back to me haha. Hoping everything is well with you too! 😚
Why he's having a bad mood: Marcel wore his favourite pair of boots without asking him for permission and his boots came home dirty.
What unhealthy coping habits does he have: Being too serious and accidentally using too much force when he's sparring with someone in the gym.
What does he do to get out of the slump: Sweating it out by exercising, playing sports, hitting the gym etc.
Give me a character from SNK and I'll tell you why they're having a bad mood, what unhealthy coping habits do they have, and what do they do to get out of the slump.
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Ohhh, hi rei! Your ask game seems like fun 😊
Good day Monica!!! I hope your day had been well~~~ also thank you for saying my ask games are fun hehe I love doing them too XD
Japanese name: 小百合 (Sayuri) : 小 (Sa = little, small); 百合 (Yuri = lily)
Bubble tea order: Honey green tea with aloe vera, normal ice
Dessert: Chinese almond cookies
Send me your name and I'll give you three things!!
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Hi Rei! Can I join your Levi collab? I'm going to try to write a fic! And if December 13th is still available, can I have that spot?
Thank you! And I'm excited to see what everyone writes!!
Hi Monica!! Yes, definitely!! Added you to the masterlist~ 💞
Thank you so much for joining, can't wait to see what you're going to be posting!!
Rei's event: Happy Birthday Levi 2022 (status: Open!!)
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Hi Rei! Why would you not date Armin or Eren?
Hi Monica!!! Thanks so much for the ask hehe.
I would not date Eren because he's too hot-tempered and unpredictable. No doubt Eren would be a really sweet, clingy, overly affectionate, and sometimes very moody boyfriend, I feel like Eren's emotions are very volatile. He gets excited over something real quick, but if something irks him, his mood immediately changes.
This is where I am similar to Eren, because I am a very emotional person. My mood really fluctuates many times throughout the day, and honestly... I don't think two emotional people should be together HAHA. Can you imagine the chaos when one person is wanting attention but the other can't give you the attention you want... I think Eren and I would argue a lot over this too, so this is why I wouldn't date Eren.
Hahaha I would not date Armin because I have a feeling he would know me too well. He's really intellectual and I feel that he can read people well. Sometimes he finishes my sentences before I can complete them, and sometimes he knows what I'm thinking without me saying anything.
On one hand, it's lovely because you have someone who really understands you. But on the flip side, I feel like I am completely 'bare' in front of Armin, like I'm transparent and he can see through me. On days where I want to pour out my grievance, I think Armin would not 'hear me out', but he would try to solve my problems when all I actually want is a listening ear. As much as I appreciate him giving me solutions, I would prefer someone who listens as much too, so this is why I wouldn't date Armin.
Who would I not date and why?
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Hi Rei! Happy Sunday to you! I'm dropping by with this emoji 🥲
I hope you'll have a great week!
Hello there dear Monica, happy Sunday to you too!!! I hope your Sunday is going great!!! 😊
Colour: #986960 (Dark Chestnut)
Flower: Damson blossom
Real-life celebrity/cartoon character: Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Anime/gaming character: Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon Franchise)
Send Rei an emoji and she’ll tell you things!
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Hi! What about 17 for your Levi playlist 😄
Monica!!!! Ahhh thank you!!! At 17 is a Chinese pop song XD
It's 告白气球 - Jay Chou!!
Jay Chou is a really popular Mandopop singer from Taiwan, and the title translates to mean 'confession balloon' hehe. He also acted as Kato in The Green Hornet!!!!!
Choose a number from one to 69 on my Levi playlist!
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levi-supreme · 2 years
How about Jupiter for the ask game?
Hello Monica!!!!! (❁´◡`❁)
Jupiter: Do you consider yourself a lucky or unlucky person?
Hmm. I like to think that I am kinda lucky? Haha I mean I've escaped death once and to me that is incredibly lucky and blessed.
But when it comes to gacha games and what not??? I am unlucky as heck. The amount of money I've spent on Genshin Impact just to get my desired characters........ 💀💀
Astrology asks!
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Hi! What about H, I, and J for the fanfic questions 😄
Ahhh hi Monica!!! Thank you so much for sending me something!!!
H: How would you describe your writing style?
Hmm I don't think I have a 'style' per se hahahaha. But from what I know, I think I'm a 'visual' writer HAHAH. I love describing things, scenery, feelings, and what my character 'sees'. Sometimes I feel like my writing is very narrative too haha, like I'm telling you a story. Omg I think I'm not making sense 🤣
Oh and also!!! I love dialogues haha, I need to have a good mix of narration and dialogues in my writing!!!
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
Answered here previously but the answer is one: SNK!! Haha. I have written a few things for KNY which I intend to post on tumblr once I revamp my KNY blog hehe.
J: What’s your favourite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
I have so many favourites omg (childhood) friends to lovers definitely, established relationships (is this a trope xD), mutual pinning, character A caring for character B.... there's so many I love omg and they're all fluffyyyy haha!!
I think Levi's Valentine has the most of my favourite things combined into one multi-chaptered story (high school au, love at first sight, friends to lover, mutual pinning...) and I love this so much 🤭
I do wanna try writing some other tropes that I really like, such as the 'There is only one bed', more mutual pinning and slow-burning romance, maybe some sunshine x sunshine protector trope... haha my mind is a mess oops!!!!! I also love writing about living a domestic life with husband Levi lol so I guess I'm going to write more of it in the future haha (for self-ship? Or for levi x reader? Idk hehe we shall see).
Also!!!! I have a future WIP for enemies to lovers with Levi too haha, which I'm kinda excited to write because I've never written enemies to lovers before haha.
Fanfic writer ask meme!
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levi-supreme · 2 years
I find myself falling more in love with PORCO every day. It's been a while since I've fallen this hard for a character haha.
How has your day been?
Monica!!!! XD
Hahahha I feel you, the Eren brainrot has been rooted deep in me without knowing and the newest season just fuelled it even further 😫✋🏽
And yes, I totally get the Porco brainrot!!!! He's just so fiesty and charming and... ahhhh..... I want to have rough make out sessions with Porco on the streets under a streetlamp 🥴
My day was great, thank you for asking!!!!! I'm going to spend the rest of the day writing and enjoying my leave and holidays :>
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