#august box
bodyboxspain · 10 months
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NUEVA Bodybox Agosto 🌴
¡Este mes es un neceser! 👝 Transparente y amplio, perfecto para viajar y para llevarlo a la playa o la piscina.
Y lo mejor… contiene una selección beauty ultra veraniega, para cuidarte después del sol ☀️ y verte siempre radiante ✨
¿Quieres verla? Vete ya a www.bodybox.es
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diioonysus · 9 months
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cats + art
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honeynclove · 3 months
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every time I make these I bully the exact same characters everytime
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one-piece-user-boxes · 10 months
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whumpsoda · 19 days
Seeing Me in You - A Real Name
cw: pet whump, box boy universe/bbu adjacent, Institutionalized slavery, conditioned whumpee, whumpee turned caretaker,
“You been thinking about names?” Isaac asked, flopping down on the couch. Smiling, her hands folded over each other casually in her lap as she gazed expectantly to her pet.
“Yes, ma’am.” He replied with the softest of a nod. She had ordered him days before to come up with names for himself, a strange request. A master would want to be the one to name their pet, would they not? Weren’t those the rules?
“Got any in mind? Any you like?”
“No, ma’am.” 
Her face dropped a smidge in disappointment, churning a quease in his belly, before she jumped back to her feet. “Give me just one second.” Stepping to the short shelf pushed against the opposite wall, she studied the titles intently, before pulling one out with excitement.
“Here’s some names. A whole book of ‘em.” Isaac announced, flipping to the first page of the thick book, filled to the brim with them, “Edith uses this one all the time, and pretty much all’ve our rescues pick one from in here. I’ll read some out to you, and maybe you’ll hear one you like.”
She recited each and every one in the order they were listed in, looking to him after each name. It was almost as if she wanted his approval, such a foreign concept that 253719 didn’t understand. Though, it was usual for him not to understand her, the other masters, or any of the out of line pets around him.
“Abraham? Arthur? Atticus?” She listed, turning to him with her tender, kind smile that meant even though things were weird, he wasn’t being bad. 
“Whatever pleases you, Master.” He had merely replied after every look, the safe answer he held close to his heart. Nearly was he not even listening, mind wandering to emptiness as he kneeled on the rug beside her. But she continued still, not satisfied with it. With him. 
Until one name.
“August?” She inquired, and he perked up, the lightest of a glimmer in his eye. He recognized August. Isaac chuckled, giving him a sweet pet to the head that he leaned eagerly into. “You like that one?”
He didn’t like it necessarily, a pet didn’t like, but his master did.
Fall was his master’s favorite season, where all of the magically vibrant colored leaves would fly through the chill turning air. The month of August fell during fall, right? He could have sworn it did. 
252719 remembered his master repeating his statement of likeness every year as they sat together on the porch, 252719 kneeling beside him as he smoked. I just love fall, such a pleasant time, he would say, a rare smile strung over his lips. The foul smelling smoke would fill his pet’s nostrils, filling his lungs and tempting him to cough, but he wouldn’t. He was good enough to know not to.
And if his master so decided he wanted to utilize him for another purpose, one he wasn’t designed for but his master enjoyed, he would welcome the stinging burn of the cigarette digging a sizzling hole into his exposed flesh. He would whimper and whine pathetically with affliction, just as his master liked it.
252719 missed his master. He missed him so much it hurt, terribly so, tying suffocating knots all throughout his grief stricken body. Even the pain he inflicted the pet missed.
But they wouldn’t let him leave. Especially the one that was his new master who said she wasn’t but he knew she was. She said no running away, and so he couldn’t. 
But he wanted to.
And wanting was weird and bad. He was not supposed to want, but he did and it kept him up at night, tossing and turning over memories of his master, over anxieties of this new place where everything is confusing and strange. How it was changing him and making him so very bad.
“Yes ma’am.” 252719 - no, August - mumbled, to her glee. 
August. He had a name now. A real name. Not like the numbers his master called him by. He had a person name.
And August liked it.
The clothes were terribly uncomfortable. Not being used to having fabric layered over his skin he cringed, scrunching the soft lines of his plush face. 374629 was not ungrateful, never would he dare to be, he simply did not understand why his master had made him dress. He never had clothing beside a dingy pair of boxers in the facility, and was convinced he would not outside of it either. But there he was, anyway, adorned in his master’s clothing.
He was his master, right?
Me too.
374629 couldn’t help but wonder what he meant. Because of course his master couldn’t be a guard dog, let alone a boxie himself. Masters were people, not pets, and such things were not interchangeable, he knew that. 
His master didn’t even act like a pet. No crawling, no mantras - except for, well, when he repeated his pet’s, but that was different, was it not? -  no collar, no master, no pet.
His master was not a pet. He was sure that was not what he had meant, and a real pet like him should not have even been worrying about it. All he needed to worry about was keeping his master completely and absolutely safe. 
So he forced his brain back into blank and utter emptiness once again, saving himself for the danger of any possible threat. He would keep himself vigilant like he was trained to be. 
His master hummed as he cooked, with a sing-song voice creamy like butter that licked his ears with the hint of gravel. He twirled the spoon around the pot, sticky with hot mac and cheese that took over the air of the apartment. 
374629 had never had macaroni before, only the gray slop his handler had plopped into his dog bowl at least once a day. He held no hope for the chance of receiving any, knowing his place well. 
So when his master, still humming loud and clear, placed a large, human sized bowl of macaroni before him, 374629 didn’t know what to do. He knew he wasn’t supposed to eat it, that was for sure. So he waited.
His master plopped down at the table beside him with his own bowl, steaming the same as his. “That’s for you, okay? I want you to eat as much as you feel you can, if, um, that’s okay.”
Maybe… maybe it was for him. 
And so he ate. Warily at first, waiting for a kick to the face as he descended his mouth to the height of the food, ass up and hands on the wood. Position five. It never came.
But was his meal delicious. 
He’d never tasted anything so good in his life, so wonderful he could never believe he was deserving of it. It spread a cozy warmth of magic through his mouth, not enough to burn but enough to have him melting in a puddle on the floor. Tastebuds sparkling with excitement he plunged back in for more, scooping up pieces vigorously with his tongue and allowing them to dance through his mouth as he chewed.
“So” his master started, pulling him away from the heaven that was his dinner,  “Got any name ideas? It can be anything.”
Oh, he was so bad. Had he missed an order? Was he supposed to have been doing so?
“N- no, sir.” He didn’t even want to dare think about a name for himself. His name was for his master to decide, it was the rules. He couldn’t disobey, but was he really, when his master wanted it? 374629 swallowed another mouthful of cheese dripping noodles, mouth dribbling with sticky remains that pooled at his chin.
“That’s okay.” His master told him, although he knew he didn’t mean it. Nothing was okay when your pet was too stupid for you. “I wish… I had Edith’s book with me… I guess we’ll just have to think about it for a bit. Just let me know if anything comes to mind, um, that you like.”
He could… do that. Did he know any names? He didn’t even have one himself.
He knew… he knew His handler’s name. His first, not just his last, even if he wasn’t really supposed to. Of course he had never called him by it, only Handler Parker, but he’d heard it before.
Hey, Simon, I guess you’ve finally gotten this one under your control.
He missed his handler, he supposed. Missed the strict order and absence of confusion. With his handler he knew exactly what to do and what not, and now it felt like he was all alone with his training. Really, he was.
Handler Simon Parker.
“Simon?” He shifted up to his master, eyes falling wide, “Is that what you said?”
Had he-
He’d said that out loud-
“That’s a nice one. It fits you. I like it.” His master said, lips upturning to a grin. He looked excited, almost, and terribly pleased. “Do you like it?”
He hadn’t really-
But he did, and his master liked it. 374629 was going to be sick, stomach curling in knots as burning bile bubbled in his belly.
His lips carefully parted, quivering as his fists clenched, uncut nails burrowing into the flesh of his palm. “What- whatever pleases you, Master.” He choked out, words tinged with the rasp of shock as he turned his gaze back to the floor.
“I really like that. I think it’s settled then.” His master giggled, sweet and bubbly that failed to calm his pet’s horrified heart. “Welcome to the family, um, Simon.”
Isaac is from a different connected bbu story I just posted earlier today if you want to check that out here :)
Taglist- @softvampirewhump @3-2-whump @taterswhump @fefe658 @whumped-by-glitter
@pigeonwhumps @whumpinthepot @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @tippytappytyping @ivymyers
@octopus-reactivated @loserwithsyle @snakebites-and-ink @itsawhumpsideblog @otterfrost
@parasiticwhumpee @starrysky888 @isntthisblank
If anyone wants to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know! :)
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masterfuldoodler · 1 month
wait guys actually! I have a great idea! Instead of feeling bad for reblogging our own art why don't we do a thing where we reblog older pieces/art that didn't get much attention/whatever you want and give commentary on it! Talk about what was fun to draw, what was hard, any interesting stories surrounding the making of it! Behind the scenes! pls guys that would be so fun to read I would LOVE to see that let's do it!
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oldpotatoe · 11 months
my silly little amnesia fic turns three today. a whole ass toddler. who’d have thought.
so in celebration of flowagabagoo’s birthday, (and to reassure everyone that this fic is not abandoned i swear--) i present to you with little snip of things to come:
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
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𝔄𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔦𝔫 ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰 - 𝔐𝔞𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔵
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laf-outloud · 4 months
More Walker info!
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I wasn't expecting Walker content today, but I am very happy!!!
And we get a Cordell birthday party!!! Heck ya! Break out the cake!
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peaceinthestorm · 6 months
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Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919, French) ~ Une loge au théâtre (Au concert), 1880
[Source: clarkart.edu]
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illustratus · 2 months
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La Loge (The Theatre Box) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
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the--chaos · 10 months
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curiosghostie · 2 years
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Horror All Around Us
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heliza24 · 1 month
What would make August reject the crown prince title?
This is such an interesting question! I know @bluedalahorse will have a more detailed response as the resident August expert amongst us but I will take a crack at it too.
I think there are probably three things August needs in order to feel able to leave. The first is just time. He needs to experience how onerous royal life is first hand, which he has been shielded from because he has not been the direct heir until now.
I also think he needs to continue therapy. I love how he kind of got tricked into doing some individual sessions with Boris in season 3, and I hope he’s able to continue that in the imagined future past the show. He has so much grief and family stuff to work through, which I think he needs to unpack before he could make the decision to separate himself from the monarchy. I have also always had a headcanon that August does actually have ADHD which is why he’s self medicating. So I think it would help his self esteem to get that actually diagnosed and treated, and that would help too.
The last thing he needs is some kind of community waiting for him as he leaves. He needs the equivalent of Sara, Simon, and Felice waiting for him in Sara’s car. August has always been a fundamentally lonely character who has gone about seeking connection in the wrong ways. I think part of the reason he likes being a part of the monarchy is because it means he is wanted by other people. If he was able to develop strong relationships outside the monarchy, it would cease to have such a strong grip on him.
I actually think that given enough time, Wilhelm could become a part of that community for August, if they continue to mend their relationship and August continues to put in the work over time. In some ways August will have an easier time leaving than Wilhelm, because he’ll be able to follow Wilhelm’s example as a way to leave and carve his own life path. But the things that August needs to leave aren’t unique. They’re all the same things that Wilhelm needed and got over the course of the series. So I think in an imagined future, it’s very possible that August will continue the healing and accountability we saw him tentatively start in season 3 and find his own way away from the monarchy as well.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 10 months
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Jack Dempsey, left, with Al Jolson, who visited the Dempsey headquarters, August 11, 1920. The world champ was training for his upcoming bout with K.O. Brennan. After looking Al over, Jack decided there was no possibility of danger and took him on for a few rounds. Al survived.
Photo: Bettmann Archives/Getty Images/Fine Art America
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peroxidebutch · 1 year
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Haven't been posting much on here lately but this is our new setup now that we've moved :) Our specimens intersperse nicely with our roommate's nicknacks
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