#at least I have these cool macaroons to eat
annies-toy-box · 2 years
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((I’m sorry for being mia ;; I’ve been painfully busy recently and it’s been hard to find the time to get asks done. I don’t intend on dropping this blog anytime soon! But do be patient with me while I try to get back on track! Hopefully I’ll have something out pretty soon!))
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tumble4rpdr · 2 years
I was tagged by the always wonderful @glittertrail to do this💕
relationship status: single but will soon start actively looking (I just have to get my confidence and dating profile up)
favourite colour: any shade of blue and purple, black, deep/blood red
favourite food: I have an affinity for junk food (I love all the foods that are terrible for me) but especially pizza, fries, Cheetos puffs, pumpkin donuts, and Entenmann’s powdered donuts and chocolate frosted Pop’ems (I think I might have the least refined palate ever😁)
song stuck in your head: The Game Is Over by Evanescence and Walking in the Snow by Run The Jewels (I saw them both in concert recently and I haven’t been able to get these songs out of my head)
time: 5:53PM (though it’ll probably be later once I actually finish this)
dream trip: For some reason I’ve always wanted to go to France though my brother keeps wanting me to go to Tokyo with him (he went a few years ago and thinks I would love it) and I’m slowly coming around to the idea. If I were to stay in my own country I think that Las Vegas sounds fun and there’s just so much there to do and try (though not all of it’s good🙈)
last book I read: Children of the New World by Alexander Weinstein (I keep meaning to move on to his second book but I just never get to it)
last book I enjoyed reading: I definitely enjoyed reading Children of the New World and while I liked some of the short stories more then others, overall the theme of the book was so relevant and well portrayed and every story had at least one line or section that made me go “wow” and just fall in love
last book I hated reading: Adolf in Wonderland by Carlton Mellick III. I read this years ago but this is (unfortunately) always my go to choice for a book I hated reading. It was my first foray into bizarro fiction and between the title and the plot summary I had such high expectations and really thought that this book would be different and interesting. Ultimately there was no plot and it was weird just for the sake of being weird and I was so let down and don’t even think I finished it
bonus questions:
favourite thing to cook/bake: I used to bake a lot more when I had more free time but I’ll still occasionally make these macadamia nut macaroons (with coconut and Saltine crackers drizzled in chocolate) that I love (I’ll sometimes end up eating the batter as I’m spooning it into the baking trays🙈) and that seem to be a favorite of my friends and family
favourite craft to do in my free time: Unfortunately I don’t participate in any kind of crafting
most niche dislike: I spent so long trying to come up with a good answer for this question and the best I answer I could come up with (and it’s still awful and not really niche) is fruit snacks (Welch’s if I had to narrow it down but honestly I despise any and all brands). I’m thinking it’s because I’ve had to eat them so much throughout my life (whenever my blood sugar got low) so now they just taste so cloyingly sweet and gross to me that I can hardly eat them (I still keep them around but found other things to help deal with my lows)
opinion(s) on circuses: Yes for a Cirque du Soleil type situation with stunts and acrobatics (though even then I worry that the performers will get hurt even though it’s so cool to see) but a very strong no to typical circuses since I know the animals get treated horribly
do you have a sense of direction: In terms of my career surprisingly yes (though it’s recent and it might very well change), in terms of my personal life not so much, and in terms of a legitimate sense of direction 1000% no (I’ll be in a car and start confusing left and right if I’m driving to a place I’ve never been before🙈)
I’m never sure who to tag so I’ll just offer this up to anyone who hasn’t done it yet and wants to💜
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helenfletcher · 7 months
Haselnussmakronen! What a mouthful. This German Hazelnut Macaroon is a very simple recipe with a really big reward that you don't want to miss. Six ingredients whipped up in a matter of minutes, baked in practically no time and filled with jam or chocolate will take a cookie tray to new heights. As an added plus, these cookies are naturally gluten free. These are such an interesting cookie. They come out of the oven crisp like a meringue but become softer and chewy within a day. Eat one and you'll eat two for sure. They'll sit in a container for a week or more and even more accommodating, they can be frozen and thawed. Why You'll Love These Cookies First, they are one of the best tasting cookies with the least effort around. They can be made completely, frozen and thawed. Cookies don't get more convenient. Friends and family probably haven't tasted these. They are super, super easy to make. These are naturally gluten free. Not another butter cookie although I love these too. FRONT ROW: Cream of Tarter, seedless red raspberry jam, vanilla BACK ROW: Baker's sugar, toasted hazelnuts, egg whites Baker's sugar is ideal here. It is rather expensive in the stores but Three Easy Sugar Fixes shows you how to make it in a flash! Baker's sugar dissolves more easily in the egg whites than does granulated sugar. It is important to toast the hazelnuts for the maximum amount of flavor. The cookies will not be as amazing without this step. Make sure to cool them completely before processing so they don't turn into hazelnut paste. If the hazelnuts are not skinned, my post Hazelnut Gianduja Cake shows you a really quick way to skin them without the hassle of boiling with baking soda, or rubbing them (endlessly) between towels. Be sure to see the recipe card below for the exact ingredients & instructions! Step by Step Instructions Step 1. A #60 disher/scooper is the perfect size with which to drop the macaroons and the end of the wooden spoon handle is ideal for making holes in the cookies. Step 2. After the hazelnuts have been toasted and cooled, place them in a processor. Step 3. Process the nuts until they are very finely ground. Long pulses, followed by shorter ones are the key to not turning the nuts into a paste. Step 4. Place the egg whites, cream of tarter and vanilla in the bowl of a mixer. Step 5. Beat the egg white mixture until very foamy and increased in volume. Step 6. Add the sugar gradually, beating after each addition to make sure the sugar is dissolved. Beat to medium stiff peaks. Step 7. Add the toasted, ground hazelnuts. Step 8. Fold them in carefully so the whites aren't deflated. Step 9. Drop the cookies with a #60 disher/scraper or a tablespoon about 1 1/2 inches apart. I accidentally deleted the photo of the dropped cookies. They will look rather small but will spread out. Bake as directed. Step 10. Remove from the oven and let them sit about 2 or 3 minutes and, using a wooden spoon, make and indentation in the center of the cookies. Don't be concerned if the surrounding area cracks a bit. It's fine. Step 11. Heat or microwave the jam until pourable. Carefully, spoon the jam into the indentations. Step12. Let dry on the baking sheet overnight or until the top of the jam is no longer tacky. Recipe FAQs What is the difference between a meringue and a macaroon? Meringues are dried in the oven until they are very crisp and remain so. Macaroons are firm on the outside but soft on the inside. What is the difference between a macaron and a macaroon? Macarons are made on a meringue base but not beaten to stiff peaks. When dropped or piped they spread out into smooth rounds. After drying, they are baked and have little feet on the bottom. Macaroons are often, but not always, made on a meringue base also but have coconut, nuts, etc. folded in. When baked, they are initially crisp but soften and become chewy after sitting. Are macaroons always made with egg whites.
No. One of the most recognizable macaroons is the coconut one. It is held together by condensed milk. Expert Tips Removing the skins from the nuts can be done easily by using my method in Hazelnut Gianduja Cake. Don't be concerned if every speck of skin is not removed. Toasting the nuts is the key to the flavor of these cookies. Without it, they will be flat. Baker's sugar dissolves faster in the egg whites than regular granulated sugar. It is difficult to beat the meringue to stiff peaks because it is a sugar-heavy meringue. You only want medium peaks. A disher/scooper will give you much more uniform cookies and is faster to portion out. Making the indentations in the cookies is easily done with the end of a wooden spoon. The surrounding area may crack somewhat but that is fine. The cookies have a cracked look anyway. If you love Haselnussmakronen or any other recipe on my website, please leave a 🌟star rating in the recipe card and let me know how it went the in 📝 comments below. Thank you and I appreciate each of you being here! HASELNUSSMAKRONEN -German Hazelnut Macaroons Haselnussmakronen! What a mouthful. This German Hazelnut Macaroon is the simplest of recipes with a really big reward that you don't want to miss. Six ingredients whipped up in a matter of minutes, baked in practically no time and filled with jam or chocolate will take a cookie tray to new heights.As an added plus, these cookies are naturally gluten free. 1 1/2 cups hazelnuts (170 grams)2 large egg whites (64 grams)1/8 teaspoon cream of tarter3/4 cup baker's or granulated sugar (150 grams)1/2 cup seedless red raspberry jam Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.If the hazelnuts need to be skinned, there is an easy way to do it in my post Hazelnut Gianduja Cake. If a bit of the skins refuse to budge, it's fine. Cool completely before proceeding.Place the nuts in the bowl of a processor and use long pulses in the beginning, then quicker ones to chop the nuts finely. Do not process past this point or they can turn into hazelnut paste. Beat the egg whites, cream of tarter and vanilla on medium speed until very foamy and increased in volume. Slowly, add the sugar and beating to medium peaks. Fold in the hazelnuts.With a #60 disher/scooper or a tablespoon, drop rounds about 1 1/2" apart on the prepare sheets. 4 across and 5 down on a half sheet pan works well. Bake for 13 to 15 minutes until they feel crisp. The cookies are done when they can be lifted off the paper easily and cleanly.Cool for a few minutes and make an indentation in the middle of each cookie with the end of a wooden spoon. Microwave or heat the jam until it is liquid. Carefully spoon the jam into the indentations. Let the jam dry overnight or until no longer tacky.Store in an airtight container for a week or more. These also freeze well. Thaw at room temperature. Baker's sugar is ideal here. It is rather expensive in the stores but Three Easy Sugar Fixes shows you how to make it in a flash!  It dissolves faster in the egg whites than regular granulated sugar. It is important to toast the hazelnuts for the maximum amount of flavor. The cookies will not be as amazing without this step. Make sure to cool them completely before processing so they don't turn into hazelnut paste. If the hazelnuts are not skinned, my post Hazelnut Gianduja Cake shows you a really quick way to skin them without the hassle of boiling with baking soda, or rubbing them (endlessly) between towels.  A disher/scooper will give you much more uniform cookies and is faster to portion out.  Making the indentations in the cookies is easily done with the end of a wooden spoon. The surrounding area may crack somewhat but that is fine. The cookies have a cracked look anyway. The end of a wooden spoon makes the indentations in the cookie easily. Store in an airtight container for a week or more. These also freeze well. Thaw at ro
om temperature. CookiesGermanGerman Hazelnut Macaroons, HASELNUSSMAKRONEN, Hazelnuts
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nevermindirah · 2 years
Way back in January I had a shitpost idea about Nile and Booker play-fighting about the relative virtues of macaroons vs macarons. And then I researched it. Turns out my favorite Passover food is not only a direct descendant of the French cookie but it can trace its lineage directly through the cultures of our youngest FOUR immortals.
How did this happen, you say? WELL!
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[ID: photo of coconut macaroons on a cooling rack.]
Both macaroons and macarons are an obvious dessert for Passover because (1) delicious and (2) flourless. I’m eating one as this posts! Chag Pesach sameach!
Coconut macaroons my beloved are a product of the late-19th-century USA. Capitalism invented mass-produced plastic bags of shredded coconut. Jews who'd either immigrated from parts of Europe where French macarons were popular or learned about them in the US took those existing nuts + sugar + egg whites recipes and tried replacing the ground almonds with this newfangled shredded coconut. Voila, the most beautiful food of all human invention was born! It's only in the last 20ish years (ie Nile’s lifetime) that macaroons and macarons have even started to be considered different foods.
What we know today as the fussy delicate sandwich cookie with the ruffly little feet was in turn an early-20th-century Parisian update to a somewhat more humble unfilled almond cookie that's been knocking around France since at least Booker's youth and maybe as early as the 16th century.
But THAT almond + sugar + egg whites recipe came to France from Italy, and it's one of several iterations on the nut-based desserts that came to Italy when Muslims from what is now Tunisia set up an emirate in Sicily in the 9th century.
One of Nile's pre-Marines jobs might've been selling overpriced Parisian macarons in a hipster Chicago bakery bc dear God was that a trend in major US cities about a decade ago. And the last few cans of mass-produced macaroons are always on ridiculous sale in grocery stores after Passover ends so even if Nile had zero Jewish friends or classmates growing up she still probably had them at some point.
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[ID: photo of Streit’s chocolate coconut macaroons: two macaroons sitting next to the can with its pretty purple label.]
Streit’s products, including their majestic variety of canned macaroon flavors, are made in the US and are therefore among the rarefied group of BDS-friendly Jewish holiday products! Non-Jews, go check ‘em out! But not til after Passover so those of us observing the holiday have a shot first. <3
PS: What started as a Booker-centric shitpost is about a food that he's the least likely of the four of them to have had much experience with as a mortal. There's a whole different descendant of Middle Eastern nut-based desserts that's more common in Southern France than macarons, at least before recent decades' trends: the alfajor, a Spanish cookie now also popular all over Latin America that was developed during the al-Andalus period. Ironically, alfajores are not usually kosher for Passover. Shout-out to my South American BoN beloveds, I’m currently imagining Jewish Booker eating his weight in your various regional alfajores after Passover!
PPS: Somewhere, some time from now, Nile, Booker, Nicky, and Joe are all lovingly shouting at each other about whose macaroon-type cookie is best. Maybe a weapon or two is brandished, perhaps a homeland slandered. Does it end in a dance-off? A melee? Who will win??
Nah, the youths can fight all they want but none of them are winning. Andy and Quynh are old and wise and they’re sitting quietly giggling to each other while they eat the entire damn platter themselves.
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taegyuun · 3 years
shortcake kisses
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request: hi there! :) can i request a 16 & 23 from the kisses prompt list for either sunoo or jake? hehe thanks a lot!! ur writing is real cute btw <3333
prompt: 16 - one person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person 23 - kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating
pairing: jake x reader
word count: 1.1k+
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for it being a sunday morning, you expected to be able to have more of a lay in.
what you didn’t expect was your door to slam open with a very happy, “gooooood morning, y/n!” booming throughout your room, only to have a whole body being thrown on top of you at the early hour of 9 am. expect the unexpected i guess?
“jake, get your fat ass off of me... this second.” however, jake didn’t budge. i mean, why should he? you literally just woke up and probably don’t even remember your own name, let alone be capable to cause him even an ounce of harm at the fact that he's crushing your body with his. he simply snuggles further into your warmth - his original plan was to wake you up but well... if you can’t beat them, join them, right?
you stopped bothering to try and get him off of you and instead wrap one of your arms around his back and bring him closer to you before once again falling back into a comforting sleep.
the second time you’re woken up, you feel your face being peppered by soft kisses: one on the cheek, one on the nose, forehead, chin, other cheek and finally your lips. you slowly kiss back as he then pulls away, a bright smile on his face. you gently smile back, eyes still half closed as you cuddle further into your cool pillow. you hear jake sigh before you feel your warm covers being ripped away from your body. you curl up until a ball to try and preserve some heat but unfortunately, before you can even try and attempt to hold your knees to your chest, jake grabs your ankles and drags you to the end of your bed and forces you to sit up. 
“good god, it’s 11 am and you’re giving me a whiplash - why are you here anyway?” you voice holds a tiredness to it as you rub the sleep out of your eyes and look for your hairbrush.
“is that a complaint i’m hearing? i’m here to take you on a date,” he smiles so widely at you, you almost start worrying about his cheeks and how much pain they must be in. “a date?”
“yeah? now go get ready, quick! shoo!” he flaps his hands at your forcing you to leave your room and go to the bathroom to get ready. you laugh at his antics and pull your hair back, ready to wash your face.
once you’re out the bathroom and dressed, you head downstairs only to find your very much beloved boyfriend drinking a coffee with your mother and sitting at the barstool. “jake, i thought you were here to take me on a date, not a mother’s meeting?” you playfully smile as he looks up from his coffee and his eyes widen at the look of you.
“yeah... wow.” your mother shares excited glances between the two of you before standing up and dusting her clothes off, “come one you two, stop ogling around and get going, or places are going to close!”
“mum it’s 11:45 am what places are gonna clo-“
“go go go!” you don’t waste another second, neither does jake as you both put on your shoes before waving a goodbye to your mum and heading out the door. “so where are you taking me?” you peer up at him as he tenderly grasps your hand and interlaces his fingers with yours. “y’know that café that specialises in those mini cakes? yeah i thought it would be a cute place for a little date,” your heart start beating just a tad faster at the thought of him being so cute. the fact that he doesn’t even have to ask if you’re happy with the place puts an even larger smile on your face.
as you enter the doors of the café, you’re met with a sweet yet not very overwhelming smell of cakes and other delicacies. you grip jakes hand tighter at the excitement coursing through you - merely at the thought of the delicious desserts you were going to try today. you both walk towards the counter and look around at the different pastries, cakes, macaroons - anything the heart desired.
“what will it be for today, dears?” you look up at the sound of an older ladies voice and smile slightly, “ill have a strawberry shortcake.”
“ill take a matcha cheesecake.” she then smiles brightly and ushers you to go find a seat for the both of you. heading over to a little table in the corner of the café near a window, you sit down and look over to see jake smiling and shyly laughing, ears flushed red at whatever the lady was saying. 
“hey, what did she say to you?” you enquire as he sits down and places your cake in front of you, smiling as a thank you before taking a bite of the fluffy goodness. “just said something about us being the cutest couple she's seen or something.” jake muttered with his arm resting on the edge of the table and and a fork in hand before taking a bite of his own cake to cover his words that were said oh so quietly. you almost didn't catch what he said, but your guess was confirmed at the uprising heat that jake felt in the moment as his neck and ears started heating up. 
“huh? what was that? do you mind repeating?” he smiles shyly at your teasing before trying his best to give you an annoyed look at your words which, considering his face was a bright pink, didn't exactly seem intimidating in the least.
“you know exactly what i said.” he muttered under his breath. you laugh at his shy antics before taking another bite of your cake, almost in tears at how good it was. “can i try yours?” jake lifts his head and usually, he’d be the one asking if he can give you a piece of his but, today was different. he pouts and turns his away to the side, trying his best not to smile, “no. you were mean to me today, what makes you think you can have a piece of my delicious matcha cake, huh?”
you stare blankly at him before leaning over the table and pressing your lips against his, tasting the matcha on his soft lips. you pulled away with a hum and a smile on your face at his flustered and shocked state, “i might get that one next time, its good.” 
“uh... y-yeah, g-good idea.” 
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when-wax-wings-melt · 3 years
Since Pesach begins tonight, I thought I’d indulge myself in some Jewish!Vacker headcanons, specifically Passover ones-
-Fitz makes the desserts (spongecake, macaroons, all that good stuff) while Della makes the meals (matzahball soup, maybe a stuffed fish or chicken if they’re not vegetarian)
-Della makes Biana clean, much to her utter disgust, and her least favorite part is cleaning under the couch for any lost cheerios with all the dust
-Any leftover chametz is given to Sophie, usually. It would go to Keefe, but his dad is an asshole and won’t take it, so Sophie gets all the bread and stuff and keeps it in her freezer until Pesach is over and they give it back
-sometimes, Biana and Fitz rope their friends into helping them clean, and they end up somehow getting into a mop/broom fight I don’t make the rules but that sounds super fun
-They have this super fancy Seder plate, and Biana loves running her finger along the curly hebrew decorating it
-Fitz hates the salt/parsley combo and barely chokes it down, but Biana and Della eat it like it’s not a gross plant covered in saltwater
-They make both Ashkenazi and Sephardic charoset because Biana likes the Ashkenazi and hates the dates and raisins in the Sephardic, but the Ashkenazi is too dry for Della. Fitz is fine with either.
-Della hates matzah, but Fitz loves it and will eat it plain. Not even egg matzah. regular matzah, he’ll just eat it like it’s good or something (I don’t like matzah if you can’t tell-)
-Biana loves the horseradish, and she and Fitz will have contests where they see who can handle the largest piece of it without needing a sip of water. She wins every time.
-They’re older now, but they still love chasing after the Afikomen. They both have competitive streaks, so Della makes sure to give only the winner a gift, because otherwise they’ll get annoyed and grumpy that the “loser” still “won”
-They usually invite Keefe to the Seder, since he hardly ever has a nice family dinner. He is wowed by the traditions and prayers, and later draws all of them sitting at the table, smiling.
-he also draws the Seder plate and all the food just because it’s so cool to him that a bunch of people around the world are all celebrating in similar and yet different ways
-Biana is given grapejuice instead of wine, but she pretends to have wine instead to freak out Della. (”wow, what a...strong flavor. Feeling a little woozy, there-”)
-Fitz rolls his eyes but laughs as he munches on matzah, the weirdo
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readingonpluto · 3 years
To Me, You are Perfect - Nessian Modern AU
Part 1
@madie-max & @sjm-things hope you enjoy :)
What kind of movies do you like? 
My phone buzzes beside me, startling me up from my book. Ever since Cassian came, I moved downstairs to my small living room. I told myself that it was because he called me out for sitting in my room all night, but I really knew it was because I was closer to the door here. 
Picking up my phone, I frowned down at the message.
Who is this?
Cassian. I was there about half an hour ago?
How did you get my number?
I scowl. Of course, my sister would give out my number and address to a man I had met once before. At least it was someone she trusted… But still…
What do you want?
Read above, sweetheart 
What kind of movies do I like?
Why the hell do you need to know that?
 Its a surprise ;)
Great… Another surprise on my peaceful night. I would be lying though if I said my heart didn’t skip a little… 
I like romance. 
Couldn’t have guessed!
You’re the one who asked. 
I don’t get a reply. 
All I wanted to do tonight was read, but now every time I look at the pages my mind wanders back to Cassian. How much do I really know of him? Yes, he showed up at my doorstep in the middle of the night and now is texting me about movies. And yes, he was at Feyre’s wedding, but truly, I know nothing about him. 
He is Rhysand’s best friend and close to Feyre. He must be slightly insane. He danced at her wedding in the most ridiculous fashion. He tried to talk to me, but I brushed him off. He was never pushy, but very flirty. He ate a lot of food. 
I stare down at my fingers. That’s it. That is all I know about him. 
And I’m still hoping he comes back… What is wrong with me?
Maybe I’m too deprived of love that I will do anything at this point. Both of my younger sisters are in happy relationships, and one is already married, and where am I? 
However, Cassian isn’t truly a stranger… I asked about him at Feyre’s wedding, curious who he was. He danced with the children doing anything to make them smile, even letting them dance on his feet. He looked so joyous bringing happiness to all those around him. Then, when he saw how miserable I was, he tried his best to make me feel that same joy. I was an idiot to brush him off. Maybe I would have had a better night if I let him--
The doorbell rings. 
I spring up faster than I’d like to admit, padding over to the door. I don’t swing it open with as much force as the first time already anticipating who will be standing there.
Cassian grins down at me, a bag in his hand. “Hello again.”
“Hello,” I stare down my nose at him, pushing away any feelings that had be building. I don’t know anything about him. I don’t know anything about him. I don’t know anything about him. I don’t know anything about him.
“Okay, this whole plan is based around the fact that I’m assuming you have a TV and a disk player. Please tell me you have both of those.”
“I do…” I say, curiosity overtaking everything else. I can tell he is waiting for me to ask, do I just go for it. “Why?”
“I’m glad you asked,” His smile only grows. “I just have so happened to go down to a Walmart and happened across Love Actually and some popcorn and chocolates.”
“Happened across?” I suppress the smile that tries to push my way across. 
“Yes, you see there is a very beautiful woman who likes romance movies who was waiting for me to come back and I tried my best to be as quick as I could. These,” He holds up the bag. “Are the best I could do.”
Beautiful woman. I push away the words. 
“So you want me to just let you into my house? A person I just met.”
“No, I want you to invite me in since we’re not strangers.” 
“What if I don’t invite you in?”
He shrugs. “I guess I’ll head home and watch Love Actually on my own.”
“You would leave?”
He laughs at my question. “I’m not here to break into your house, sweetheart.”
“Just to watch a movie and eat snacks?” 
“And make sure you have a good night.” Just like at Feyre’s wedding. But you pushed him away… And now we’re here, with you regretting that decision every moment since.
I open the door wider, looking down at the floor. 
“You’re letting me in?” He seems surprised. Did he really go through all that trouble to expect me to not let him in? 
“Yes.” My voice holds venom, years of building walls. “I can slam the door back in your face if you’d prefer.” 
“No, no,” Cassian walks in before I can do just that. “I just wanted to make sure.”
Clicking the door closed I don’t wait for him to take off his coat and boots, just heading straight to where I was sitting before. I haven’t touched the macaroons yet too nervous to eat. To be honest, I have just been staring at the wall for most of the time since he has been gone. 
“Nice house,” Cassian says, coming into the room. He is wearing a grey knitted sweater and dark jeans. He has little llamas on his socks. Something so simple, yet he pulls it off. It almost makes me smile to think that he has a whole drawer of fun socks to wear on miserable days. I wonder if he was wearing such socks on the day of the wedding…?
“Nesta?” I realize he had been asking me something. 
“Yeah?” I ask, blinking a few times. 
“I asked if it was alright if I set up the movie.” A small smile forms on his lips, causing my face to flush. I look away quickly. 
“Yeah.” He moves to do so and I stand, picking up the small bag he brought with him. “I’ll put them in bowls,” I explain, heading straight for my kitchen.
What is wrong with me? How can a man I’ve met twice make me feel like I’m floating on a cloud? Elain always talks about love at first sight, but that never really happens… does it? 
“Sweetheart?” Cassian pokes his head in the kitchen, quickly noting that I have done nothing but stand here for the last five minutes. “I got the movie ready.”
Nodding, I quickly pull down a bowl pouring the popcorn into it, then moving onto the chocolates but pausing just as quickly. 
I turn to Cassian to find him smiling at me, his eyes soft. 
“How…?” I don’t have to finish. How did you know these were my favourite? 
“Elain. I texted her and asked.” 
“Why?” Why go through all that trouble?
“So I knew your favourite. I thought it might be good knowledge to know, especially for tonight.” 
I can’t bring myself to say thank you. Thank you didn’t cover it. 
Nodding once more, I handed him the bowl, taking the chocolates for myself, and headed back to the room. The title music was humming softly from the television but I made no move to sit down. 
“Something wrong?” Cassian asks from behind me. 
I turn to him slowly. “Why are you really here?”
A look of confusion crosses his face. “What do you mean?”
“Did Feyre put you up to this? Or Elain?”
He blinks. “I’m here because I want to be here.”
“Are you?”
I take in a breath, shoving all my emotions down. Suppressed. Like always. “Please, tell me the truth.” My voice breaks on the word. I didn’t want to ask, but there has to be a reason for why he is here. No one in their right mind would try to get to know me of their own free will. I have been told as much on countless occasions. 
“I am telling you the truth.”
“The whole truth.” I snap, it comes out harsher than I want it. But then again, so does everything.  
Cassian takes a deep breath. “You want to know why I’m here? It’s because I find you interesting. You’re a hard shell to crack, and I want to know what is behind those walls you put up. At Feyre’s wedding, you hid from me no matter how many times I poked at you, and when your sister told me what you did every Valentine’s day, it broke my heart. No one should be alone if they don’t want to be, so I came down to make sure you didn’t want to be alone.” 
“What if I do want to be alone?” I can’t look at him. 
“Then I’ll leave. I told you so. If you don’t want me to be here, I will go.”
A beat. Two. Three. Five. Ten.
“I don’t want to be alone,” I say quietly. 
Cassian gestures to the couch. “Then by all means.”
The movie goes by in silence. We sit close, but not too close, eyes glued to the screen. I can’t focus on the movie, too afraid that I’ve messed everything up. I don’t dare look over at him for fear of seeing boredom written across his face. 
The one chance I have at something, even if it is just friendship, and I mess it all up. Typical. 
Credits roll, and I don’t know if I have been breathing. 
Cassian stretches and turns to me on the couch. “It’s getting late.”
“Do you want to head home?” I ask, trying to sound if that doesn’t bother me. 
“I have work in the morning.” His tone is apologetic. 
“Then I won’t keep you.” I stand, walking to the door, wrapping myself in my arms. Cassian follows, slowly putting on his boots and coat. 
“Well… Guess this is goodbye.”
“Don’t be dramatic, you have my number.”
 His smile returns. “Do you want me to text you?”
I look away. “I don’t care either way.” Lie. I do care. I want him to text me.
“Then I will. Tomorrow.” 
I can feel his smile as he opens the door, stepping out into the cool night. “Goodnight, Nesta.”
“Goodnight,” I say flatly. But he doesn’t move, still standing in my doorway so I can’t close the door. When I look up to ask him what the hell he is doing, he captures my lips with his own. They are soft and warm and being pulled away too quickly for my liking. 
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He says softly, turning to leave. 
“You better.” 
He stops, spinning on his heel to face me. “I better?”
“After what you just pulled, yeah.”
Cassian grins, stalking back towards me. “After what I just pulled?”
“Are you just going to repeat everything I say?”
I scowl. “Goodnight, Cassian.” The door closes with a bang and a click as I lock it. I wonder if that is how I will always leave him. 
Goodnight, Sweetheart. My phone pings. I’ll make sure to fulfill your wishes tomorrow. 
Bastard. I write back. But I can’t help the smile that crosses my lips at the promises and hope that tomorrow will bring. 
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gucciwins · 4 years
Canyon Moon
Harry receives love letters and Y/N doesn’t love anyone more than she loves Harry.
Word count: 5685
A/N: I started this story three different times and the other two are sitting in my drafts unfinished. I had a vision for this and then as I was writing it would die. I was in a deep hole but I have made it out. Canyon Moon is special and I love her so much. Everyone give her some love, she is underappreciated. Thank you to @hsogolden​ for allowing me to partake in the #FineLineFicChallenge I love this story and I hope you do as well. 
Please let me know your thoughts
Hope you enjoy! xx
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The sun was shining, and the neighbor’s kids Alex and Max were laughing as they rolled around in the grass together. Harry smiled, looking over at them as he made his way to his car. 
“Good morning Mr. Styles.”  
Harry turns around as he was opening his car door and as he hears someone approach and greet him. It's the mailman, Greg. He’s an older gentleman with a big friendly smile and kind brown eyes. 
“Morning, Greg,” Harry responds cheerfully. “How’s Irene, has she got the roses planted?”
“Oh, she’s doing well. She has a bit of a cough, but nothing a chamomile tea won’t heal. Our son came by and helped her. They are looking beautiful.” His smile is so bright.
“I’ve only got one piece of mail for you today; it seems,” Greg says, reminding Harry of the original reason for his visit. “Seems it came a long way.” 
At those few words, Harry’s green eyes light up. Greg knows it’s one full of love. Harry is given the letter but doesn’t look down at it until he bids Greg goodbye, and he’s sat in his car. 
Harry is quick to open the letter, not bothering to see who it’s from because he knows only one person that loves sending him letters. As he slips the letter out of the envelope, a picture falls on his lap. He doesn’t think twice and picks it up, turning it around. Harry smiles at the photo of a woman with her arms spread open wide sunflowers standing tall and beautiful behind her. That’s not the most beautiful thing in the picture, no it’s the smiling woman that makes Harry’s world turn. 
His lady is in Amsterdam; more specifically, she is at the Van Gogh Museum surrounded by sunflowers that don’t shine as bright as she does. Harry brings the photo to his lips and gives it a quick kiss. 
My darling Harry (I was tempted to say sunflower),
I’m in Amsterdam! It’s beautiful, and I am taking many pictures, don’t you worry. The camera you gifted me is helping tremendously; I didn’t realize how lousy my last one was. You always know best. I’m thankful for you, still. Why am I in Amsterdam, you are asking. Well, I’m here to write about the famous Van Gogh and the masterpieces he created because this will be going up on his birthday, but you already know that because you read all my writing. My biggest fan. I miss you. I know it’s my job, but it’s not easy missing you. I found this bakery it was amazing but nothing compared to you. If anything, it made me want to jump on a plane and have you bake me one of everything. Missing those famous cinnamon cookies right now. 
The sunflowers had me reminiscing. Do you remember our first date? I went to pick you up in my old beat-up car named Betty. I remember being nervous, walking up to your front door. I kept repeating in my head don’t trip as I was walking up the stairs. I knocked twice before I heard a loud thump, and you yell shit. It honestly calmed my nerves. Then they all came back when you opened the door and stood in front of me wearing a cashmere solar system sweater with black pants and beautiful boots. You looked out of this world (tell me you’re laughing reading that). Then you started turning red because you looked me up and down and saw me in black sweatpants and an old over sized red Malibu crew neck with beat-up old skool vans. “I’m pretty sure I told you to dress down because we were going to be painting.” Then you responded, “uhh...you make me nervous. I changed my outfit five times and forgot you told me how to dress.”
At that moment, I wanted to reach up to kiss you, but I felt that would have scared you off (I was wrong). Then I remembered I had something in my hand and immediately thrust my hand forward. I shoved sunflowers in your face, and your response was to hug me because no one had ever bought you flowers. We then proceeded to enjoy a fun painting date on the beach. You pointed out my moon in my painting of the ocean instead of the sun. You didn’t question it; you just told me it was beautiful. I know you remember all of this (at least I hope you do). I just miss you. It’s lonely, but I love my job. Remember, I love you more. I love you more than the moon loves coming out at night. I’ll be home soon, darling.
Love Y/N,
Your fiance xx
Harry smiled down at the letter and wiped his tears. These love letters kept him going and, for some reason, made your love even stronger. It was the best first date he had ever gone on. He knew at the end of the date that Y/N was the one for him. 
Harry is ready to go to work but has to let his lady know he received her letter. 
Amsterdam letter was a sweet treat this morning, won’t even need to have my morning danish. 
Well, I’m glad it made it to you safely. 
I do need you to eat a treat in my name. I’m missing out. 
I’ll have a scone in your honor. 
That’s a beautiful picture you sent. I can’t believe you were hiding that from me. 
Got to keep you on your toes ;)
I’m going to bed. I have an early flight tomorrow
Safe travels, my love. 
Thank you. I love you xx
I love you xx
Harry tucked his phone away and felt his heart tightening in his chest. He lets out a deep breath, knowing he needs to relax. Harry just misses her. It’s hard; her job keeps her away, but the good thing is Harry’s bakery keeps him busy. 
“Morning, boss, man!” Sarah greeted him as soon as he walked through the back door.
“Hello Sarah, what’s on the agenda today?”
Sarah picks up the paper in front of her and looks it over quickly. “Kevin’s dinosaur birthday cake. It’s a red velvet cake.” 
Harry nods. “I got it. Who’s mending the front today?” 
“Jimmy and Tam.” 
“Will you head out front during lunch rush?” Harry asks, knowing how busy they get because of their croissant special. 
“Of course.” 
Sarah looks over at Harry, who has a smile on his face as he hums along to the song playing from the speakers. 
“What’s got you so smiley?” Sarah finally asks.
Harry grins, not being able to stop himself from sharing. “I got a letter from my lady today, that’s all.” He says, trying to shrug it off. 
“You get those all the time!” She exclaims. “This was different, tell me why.”
 Harry stops gathering his ingredients and looks over at Sarah. “She retold the story of our first date. Told me little details I didn’t know.” He smiles, thinking back to the letter sitting in his car. “Reminded me of how far we’ve come.”
“Well, ain’t that sweet.” Charlotte butts in as she walks in, holding an empty box that she begins to fill with treats. From danishes to chocolate croissants. “Please let Y/N know I miss her and that she should stop eating pastries from all over the world. It hurts my feelings.”
Harry laughs. “I’ll be sure to let her know.” 
With the conversation, dwindling Harry gets to work because he knows he has a busy day ahead of him.
~ ~ ~
It's a Monday morning when Harry receives another letter. 
Harry rolls out of bed late after staying up, talking to his love for hours. If he had to choose between sleeping and talking to Y/N, then sleep be damned. She's met up with a friend from what she's told him. After leaving Paris, she found Alfie and decided to travel together since they happened to be going the same way. It comforted Harry, knowing she had a friend at her side, but he wished it was him instead. 
Harry made his morning tea and warmed himself a muffin. He was taking in the quiet of the house, and it reminds him of how much he hates it. He missed when Y/N would play music so loud he thought his eardrums might burst, also missed the smell of slightly over burnt pancakes, but most of all he missed her rolling over in bed and laying her head on his chest and softly tracing his swallow tattoos to wake him up from his sleep gently.  
Harry walks into the kitchen and makes breakfast. He's in the mood for pancakes and a good cup of coffee. As he waits for his coffee to cool a little, he steps outside to collect the mail. A grin spreads across his face as he takes a step inside, abandoning the light bill for the time as something far better has arrived. 
It's a little crumbled but no rips. The letter feels light in his palm but heavy in his heart for the words contained inside. There is an address from Paris under Y/N’s name. 
Hi darling, 
I'm in Paris sitting outside on the balcony and eating my weight in macaroons, and I feel sad. I look out and see how pretty the Eiffel tower shines at night and how you'd love to view it. I'm surprised we have never come to France together. What a shame. You would put the Eiffel Tower to shame with your beauty. Harry, I see the moon standing high and I tell her all my secrets. All the ones I want to say to you. I keep thinking back to a time under the canyon moon. I remember telling you how upset I could never see the stars and their constellations and learned all about them because if I couldn't see them, then at least I wanted to know all about them. Then two weeks later you rent out a big cabin up in the canyon of who knows where and you let me tell you all about the stars. Then you looked at me and said I shined brighter than all of them. All it took for me to say I love you. I'm still not sure if you cried, or it was the reflection on the stars in your eyes, but I swear your green eyes never shined brighter than they did that night under the canyon moon. I'm sorry, I'm not coming home yet, but I hope you know I never forget where my heart is. 
I love you xx 
Your future wife
Harry smiles down at his pancakes. That date was perfect. It was the one where Harry knew she was the woman he was going to marry. Harry thinks back to how open they both were that weekend together. Once he got back home after dropping her off, although he didn't want to say goodbye but had to because they both had to go to work, he called his mom. The conversation was Harry gushing about Y/N and how she was the one. He also let Anne know that she had a big sweet tooth, which was a big plus in his book. 
Harry wants to call Y/N, but she had let him know she would be busy the next following days but would text him when she could.
 It's moments like these where Harry wishes his love didn't have a job that kept her away. It's selfish of him to ask her to stay and give it up her dream job for him. He'd never forgive himself if she did it. 
Harry has never in his life been so conflicted. He wanted to be selfish, but he couldn't for the sake of her happiness, but what about his?
~ ~ ~
It's been a shitty day. Harry got to work late, and Charlotte wasn't able to come in because she was down with the flu. Sarah had the week off because she was in England attending a cousin's wedding. It was Javier, the newest employee and him against the world today. Harry hates to admit it but he felt everything he baked tasted and looked bad. It was so bad that he handled the register, and Javier was sent to the back and baked the day away. Harry decided to close two hours early because he was beat and he knew for a fact so was Javier. He sent Javier home with a box of pastries and 75% of today's tips that sadly wasn't much either.
Harry knew he needed to let off some steam and decided to go to his gym where he'd do some running, and if his trainer was there, then a bit of boxing as well. To Harry's luck, the gym closed because there happened to be a problem at the front desk that caused the entire gym to lose power. Harry went home upset and in need of cuddles. 
He wanted to talk to his love but honestly had no clue where she was or what time it could be. He hadn't made an effort to speak to her this past week, seeing as they got in an argument, and it was all his fault. He didn't expect it to escalate, but it seemed he had run short that day. 
He currently wasn't making an effort, and Y/N was. He was just acting like a dick because he was stuck in his head wishing he could hug her and apologize. She sent extra pictures of herself, sent more I love you texts. Heck, even Anne called him to let him know that she was getting loads of pictures and was worried about Y/N. Harry knew she was doing that because he wouldn't answer her texts, and she was close to spiraling. He knew today he would send her a long message begging for forgiveness. Then hopefully, she'd tell him a story, and he'd drift off to sleep to the voice of an angel.
Harry arrived home and wanted to head inside but made a stop at his mailbox. He placed the keys in the yellow bowl by the front door. He was about to drop the mail as well when a stamp caught his eye. It was an international stamp of the moon, and Harry knew one person who used those. He didn't bother checking the information and ripped it open.
I'm sorry.
I know when you get this, our fight will be water under the bridge. (this is me being optimistic) I didn't expect us to argue about my job, it's my love, and I worked hard to be where I am. I know it's my fault; it always seems to be my fault. I'm the one making you wait at home alone. I'm the one not offering any support. I might be doing you a favor if I walk away, but I'm selfish I could never let you go. I'd let you leave me, but I'd never push you away. You're my best friend. I know you're hurt but so am I. I promise harry, I'm almost home before you know it you'll want me gone by how much time we spend together and I never let you leave the house. It sounds perfect to me. Do you remember our first big fight? I'm not even sure what we were fighting about, but I was sure you were about to walk away from me, so I did it first. I ran out the door and sat in my car and cried. I didn't even have the power to drive away. (it was also my apartment I ran out of.) You stayed up there crying as well. I think I knew if I turned that car on and left you, it would be the end of us, and I wasn't ready for that. I took a deep breath and marched my way up to my apartment. You sat on the floor with your eyes closed — a picture of us in your lap. I remember taking a deep breath and walking towards you and held my hand out. I thought I had been holding it out for the longest time but was only ten seconds. You grabbed it and pulled yourself up; I remember the cold metal of your rings meeting my hand, and I just wanted to cry, but I also was a woman on a mission. I turned out the door, and you followed, holding my hand tighter. I walked up to the roof, never letting go of your hand. I laid down on the blanket that I had left there, and you followed. We laid their hand in hand for hours until you scooted over and put your head on my chest. I ran my fingers through your hair and just began to tell you all my useless science facts. Slowly we talked it out, and at that moment, I knew I could never let you go. You are the best thing in my life. 
I love you xx 
A girl in love missing you like crazy
Harry finished reading and found himself against the door. He's so stupid, of course, she'd take the blame. She's excellent at pointing the blame to no one but herself. This was all him and he had been acting like a jerk. She had been looking for reassurance that they'd be fine, heck she believed they'd be alright by now. She believed in them, and Harry didn't believe in himself. 
Harry picked himself up and sat on the couch. He pulled his phone out, and without thinking twice, he clicked the call. It rang and rang and rang until it got to voicemail. He deserved that he felt. He tried again, and after the second ring, he heard a faint hello. 
"Hi, love," He whispers before speaking up. "It's Harry." 
He waited a few seconds and heard no response. "Lovie"
"Sorry, hi. I was sleeping, got out of bed, or I would have fallen back to sleep." She told him like it was normal for him to wake her in the middle of the night. "Are you okay, did something happen?" She panics quickly, knowing it must be a little late there. 
"Everything's fine, nothing to worry about. Well, everything is not fine, and gosh, I'm just frustrated, and it's all my fault." 
"Harry, baby!" She says a bit louder to stop him rambling. "Slow down; I'm not sure what's wrong. Help me understand so I can help you."
"I ignored you for no reason, besides not being able to get over my pride, and you sent me this beautiful letter." Harry takes a deep breath to stop his tears, but it's no use. "You say you're selfish and take all the blame, but we both know it was my fault. I keep pushing you about your job, but you never once said anything about mine, especially when I stay there for hours, perfecting a recipe and standing you up."
"You make it up to me by bringing me sweets" She decides to input, hoping it will get a laugh out of him.
"I'm serious!"
"As am I, Harry." He hears the frustration in her voice. "I've missed too many date nights. You stay home or you state late at the bakery. You don't go out as often with your friends because everyone is always with their partners. It's killing me that you're unhappy."
"Stop," Harry begs, afraid of where this conversation could go.
"Am I selfish, Harry?" She dares to ask. "I want you, but I also want my job, but I fear there might come a time where I might have neither."
"I swear I will always be here. Look down at the ring I gave you." Harry wipes his nose softly. "It's a promise of forever. A forever I only want with you."
She doesn't answer, but Harry knows this is forgiveness. 
"Is this part of our forever?" She questions. 
"It is, a forever, we'll tell our children and grandchildren about."
Harry goes quiet, and so does Y/N. They bask in the quietness and hold on tight to the future they have together.
"I'll be home soon, darling," She promises. "I love you."
"I love you."
~ ~ ~
Harry! Darling!
I just had the best phone call! I am amazed and shocked. Oh, honey, I forgot to mention I’m in Rome. You know how much I love it here. I swear I still want to marry you in Italy. (Please think about it.) I had the pleasure of going to this gallery opening for this artist who’s making his significant return, and it was beautiful. His work, I feel, speaks to you. He’s also very handsome but don’t worry he is also very much taken. (no one ever looks as good as you do) I didn’t get the chance to speak with him because he doesn't like interviews, but I got on well with his girlfriend, who I chatted up because of a painting he did of the night sky in Italy with a big moon and girl looking at it from her balcony. I asked how much, but it’s not for sale. (bummer, think it might be special to them). Darling, I’m coming home. Soon I promise. Before you know it, I'll be running into your arms at the airport, and I won't even care about the PDA. I miss you. Say hi to Sarah and Lottie for me (winky face).
I love you xx
Your love
Harry laughs out loud in the middle of reading the letter. She says the craziest things, and sometimes he is crazy enough to follow along. Getting married in Italy sounds like a great idea, also a bit impulsive. His mom wouldn’t be opposed, but he knows her parents would be. 
Harry reads it over and is surprised to see that she didn’t address what the phone call was on. I guess he would have to ask her during their next phone call. 
Harry arrives at his bakery and smiles at Sarah, chatting up the regular Mitch. Harry knows she tries her best to get him to crack a smile or laugh at a joke, but he never does. At least to Sarah's knowledge, he doesn’t. Harry has seen him smile down at his drink every time she turns around or walks toward the back. Harry knows it's only a matter of time before Mitch cracks and allows himself to pursue the baker. 
Sarah approaches Harry with a smirk on her face. He looks away and walks away from her. 
“Harry, I haven’t even said anything yet.” She gasps in disbelief.
“You act as if I haven’t known you for years.”
“This has to do with-” Harry is quick to interrupt her.
“Nope, if you talk about her, I won’t get any work done, and it’s about time I go sign some checks.” 
“This is important!” She yells.
“If it’s important, she’ll let me know.” 
Harry shuts his office door and gets to work because this paperwork that was piling up was not going to do itself.
~ ~ ~
I'm going home. 
I'm not sure when you’re receiving this, but I’m waiting for the phone call that follows because this is the first you hear about it. I'm estimating it to be a week from when I sent it so I should be home in two weeks. That’s crazy, just know I'm crying as I think about it because I can’t wait to feel those strong arms wrapped around me. I can't wait to have you naked for the next few days (wow! I really wrote that) I can't wait to visit the bakery and eat everything you’ve been making. I swear if I come home to a bunch of people in our home because you wanted a welcome home party, I will drive myself back to the airport and get on the next flight out of there. I just want you in your birthday suit and the bed (the wall or couch is fine if we don’t make it).
I'm going home. 
(soon to be) Mrs. Styles 
~ ~ ~
Five days.
Harry has to hold on for five days; then, he’ll get to see his love. 
When Harry got the letter, he stood there in shock, reading it over and over again. Once he read it for the ninth time, he set it down on the kitchen counter and rang the person who was causing him to feel like his heart would beat out of his chest. 
Harry spent the first ten minutes, crying asking Y/N if she was serious. He knew the trip should have been about a whole month longer. The rest of the call was spent each in their separate beds, no clothes, lots of filthy talking, and sweet, beautiful moans that neither of them wanted the moment to end. 
Harry was very distracted at work. He put salt in the flour for cupcakes instead of sugar. Thankfully, Charlotte caught that, or it would have been much worse later. Sarah tried her best to convince him to go home and relax, but Harry knew if he did, he would go crazy. The result being Harry was allowed to knead the dough and do paperwork in his office.  
Today, he would be doing more paperwork because it was necessary when running his own business, he just didn’t believe it when many people told him about it. Harry enjoyed it for some strange reason.
Harry stopped in front of the back door and admired the light blue color he was convinced to paint by no other than Y/N. The hand prints make him smile. His employees put their hands all around. When first painting, he just wanted to add some color to it, but she argued they needed a little more. She grabbed the yellow paint and opened it carefully. She pushed it towards Harry, gesturing him to put his hand in. He does so no questions asked, then she guides it to the middle of the door and puts pressure on it. He pulls away and smiles at his long fingers. Harry grabs her hand gently places a kiss on her knuckles then dips it into the paint. He brings her hand very close to his print and presses it against the door. It’s sweet and loves that Javi, Lottie, Jimmy, Tam and Sarah have theirs on as well, it signifies his family here at his bakery. 
Everything reminds him of her, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Harry enters and finds out he is locked out of his office, which is weird because it locks from the inside. A note slides out from under reading H, head to the place where we first said I love you. Harry knows it’s from her, but why would she send him up there. She is not supposed to be home until five days from now, so what exactly can she be planning; nevertheless, Harry leaves knowing Sarah will take care of the bakery and sets off to the canyon. 
~ ~ ~
Harry makes it to the small cabin he rented for the weekend they spent at the beginning of their relationship. He turned the note over, and it gave him this exact location. The sun is beginning to set, and it paints a beautiful picture one he wishes he could paint if only he were a good artist. 
He walks to the front door and finds another note. It says, Head to where we looked at the stars. He rounds the house and makes his way to the large backyard that has a beautiful ocean and mountain views. From a distance, he makes out a large red blanket surrounded by too many pillows. Harry could dive right on top and have a soft landing. Harry sees a small picnic basket and another note on top. Before he can read it, a song he’s never heard starts to play. It makes him smile because he may not know the song, but Y/N does, although she denies it; he always sees her singing along to these unknown songs.
“How about a picnic.” 
Harry turns around quickly and stares. He looks at her in disbelief. 
She’s here. 
She stands there wearing black sweats, a plain white t-shirt that most likely is his and worn-out white vans. 
Harry’s green eyes scanned her up and down his mind not believing she was there. Harry is quick to notice he’s crying when he blinks and feels water run down his chin. 
“I was hoping for a hug or a kiss, but staring is also acceptable.” Y/N jokes. 
Harry breaks out of his trance and runs up to her. He cups her face gently with both hands and holds her close. It’s pleasant and calming, finally being together after being apart. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it just as quickly. Instead, he leans down and connects his lips with hers.
It’s two missing puzzle pieces coming together to become one. 
“I love this welcome!” She says with a massive smile on her face. 
“You’re here.” His first words to you. “Five days early.” 
“Well...I’m right on time. My letter arrived to you a week later than I expected. You were excited and told me you were counting down the days and booked the whole week for us. I couldn’t crush your excitement even if it were to tell you I’d be home sooner.” She explains. 
“I’m very much surprised, but I don’t have the week off.” He pouts. 
“You do!” She assures him. “I went in this morning and worked everything out with Sarah. She’s got a soft spot for me. No one seemed to mind you’d be away for two weeks. Said it would be good for you.” 
“You’re sneaky” He laughs. “I love it.” He kisses her cheeks repeatedly.
She gasps and slaps his shoulder lightly. “Why did I have to find out with Lottie that Mitch and Sarah are finally dating?” 
Harry stares at her, confused. “Catch me up; last; I knew he was still pining for her from afar.” 
She shakes her head, no. “No, they looked really cozy this morning like a long hug and a kiss on the cheek.” Y/N sighs dramatically. “I wish I had a chance to ask her, but that can wait.”
Y/N pulled away from the embrace and walked towards the blanket. “Come on, darling.” She looks at him from over her shoulder. “I’ve got lots of kisses to make up for.”
Harry hums in agreement. “Something else you need to make up for that requires little to no clothing.”
Y/N laughs and squeezes the hand she’s holding. “All in good time.” 
Harry lays down first and sighs over how comfortable it is. Y/N is quick to follow, and Harry pulls her close and gently rests her head on his chest.
“When I arrived here, I thought you were going to have me stay here for the next few days alone until someone would arrive and murder me.” Harry shares with a small laugh.
“A bit dark, my darling.” She shakes her head at his thoughts. “I was thinking of having you arrive, and the whole thing would have been filled with guests and food for our wedding, and you’d have to marry me instead of waiting until autumn of this year, but I thought it would give you a heart attack.”
Harry’s heart starts beating faster. “You would have married me today,” Harry states, confusion in his voice. 
“Today, tomorrow, yesterday. I’m ready to become your wife.” She sits up. “I’m ready to settle down, finally get that cat or dog that we’ve been dying to get.” She looks up to the stars and smiles. “It’s time we really focus on us and move forward.”
“We’ve always been moving forward.” Harry is sitting up now, confused, and concerned. 
Y/N moves and sits on his lap. She cups his face gently and smiles at the beautiful face she had to look at from a phone screen for too long. 
“We’d stop moving when I’d go away to travel and do my writing. It might not have felt like it, but it truly did. We’d have movie dates through a computer screen, and it’s not the same as being together cuddled on our couch because I can’t hear your slow chewing so you don’t miss something important or when I give you massages because the bakery has been crazy. We-I deprived us of the little things in our relationship, so I felt it was right. I took our future back into our hands and we can move forward together.” Y/N grabs his left hand and strokes his ring finger where one specific ring should be. “I’m done traveling. I got a new job. I’m starting this autumn. I promise the only traveling I will do is with you by my side.”
“You quit traveling and being a journalist for me.” 
“I mean yeah, Professor Styles has a nice ring to it, don’t you think.” Y/N is laughing at how in shock Harry is. “Did you think I would spend the rest of my life traveling?”
He nods his head and hugs you tight. 
“My darling, my place in this world is right next to you.” 
He grabs her chin and guides her face to his. “I love you,” he whispers against her lips, before closing the distance between them and giving her a soft kiss. 
Y/N and Harry didn’t expect to make it work when they first got together because they were on two different paths, but through the guidance of the canyon moon, together they would go on to live a life full of joy, laughter and the driving force of it all, love. 
 ~ ~ ~
Thank you for reading! Come talk to me about Canyon Moon here
Happy Birthday Harry  🌙
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 116 (its sooooo long)
   Keith felt he’d been pretty patient waiting to have Lance alone again. He’d had his cake, and macaroons, Lance eating two before deciding he already had enough macaroons in his stomach. Hunk insisting his stomach had extra space for more, as Lance looked like his soul had yeeted itself out his body and he wished he’d gone with it. With Matt and Rieva off on their run, and everyone in the main cabin turning if for the night, he had his boyfriend all to himself and he wasn’t going to blow it by being a horny idiot... At least not until Lance made him lose all reason by being too fucking adorable for his own good.
  Dropping himself down on their bed, his boyfriend smiled up at him. His hand on his belly as he sat propped up
“What’cha looking at?”
His boyfriend groaned at him, letting himself flop back completely
“You’re an idiot. Did you enjoy your birthday?”
“I did... apart from when you decided sleeping on the shower floor was a great idea”
“That’s totally not my fault... I was trying to get warm”
“And how did that work out for you?”
“Great, apparently it leads to naps in prime napping locations”
“Is that so?”
“Mhmm... now are you coming to bed, or just going to stand there staring?”
“Actually... I’m thinking that there’s a few things I want to do now that we’re alone”
“Is that so?”
  Sitting up, Lance reached for him, Keith snorting to himself as he moved closer so Lance could wrap his arms around his hips
“Yep. But only if you’re up for it”
“You’re already starting to get up for it... Did my sucking on your thumb really turn you on that much?”
“You have no idea...”
“Hmmm... maybe you’ll just have to show me?”
“I don’t know. Have you been good?”
Lance raised his head, staring up at him
“I have been excellent. Plus, there’s no way I can sleep in so many layers”
“Then maybe you should take them off and get more comfortable while I get a few things”
“Am I going to like these things?”
Now Keith was feeling kind of nervous. He hoped Lance would be okay with it... His boyfriend wasn’t great at being the only one feeling pleasure
“I hope so. If you don’t, we’ll stop”
“I can hardly say no to the birthday boy... I’ve never wanted Hunk’s cooking less than when he pulled those macaroons out”
“Babe, do you really want to talk about Hunk right now?”
“Nope. Okay, Mister Kogane, show me whatever you’ve got in mind”
“Get comfortable first. I want to try something different tonight”
   Grabbing his bag, Keith pulled out the small collection of toys he’d brought with him. Lance stripping down, before shyly sitting with his knees to his chest. Figuring it was fair if he at least shed some layers, Keith stripped down to his underwear, climbing on the bed with the bag of toys
“Is that?”
“And you’re...”
His boyfriend was too cute. He didn’t want to push Lance into being uncomfortable for his sake
“Anything you’re not up for trying, I want you to tell me the truth. I promise I’ll only be disappointed if you don’t tell me”
“Babe. It might be my birthday, but I’m not going to enjoy it if you’re uncomfortable. We don’t even have to use any of this if you don’t want to”
“I’m supposed to be the cool older one here”
  Reaching over Lance’s knees, Keith cupped his boyfriend’s face
“You can’t help that you’re smoking hot”
Lance gaped at him, before snorting and shaking his head
“Oh, babe. You’re really pent up, aren’t you?”
Kissing Lance, Lance pulled away when Keith’s lip was accidentally cut. His boyfriend frowning in a way that wasn’t all that sexy
“That’s right. I’m still mad at you for feeding me without permission. You know I don’t like it”
“You were freezing... I knew you’d be mad, but I’ll take you being mad at me over you being cold and hungry”
“Nope. It’s my birthday”
Lance sighed at him
“How does that benefit me?”
“Because it’s something I wanted to do... and I know you don’t like feeding from me, but I was kind of hoping you’d maybe suck my fingers”
  Lance blinked at him
“You... want me to...”
Keith felt his face redden, somewhat flustered
“Not this very minute, but it really was kind of hot... I think it’d actually be hot if you were awake for it this time”
“You get one birthday wish. Consider it another present...”
“But you don’t want to”
“That’s... it’s... if you want me to suck your fingers, I will...”
“But I’m not feeding. I’m not drinking down your blood, from anywhere other than your fingertips. That’s it. No kinky neck bites or shoulder bites”
“Deal. I know I can’t make up for the years you didn’t believe it was okay to love, but I do love you. Even your stubborn parts”
“It’s not being stubborn. It’s something I’m not that into”
Now Lance was more defensive than flirtatious. He’d have to figure out when the time was right... because yeah, it still bothered him about a strangers blood feeding their baby
“Okay. Now I’m going to kiss you and we’re going to work things out from there”
“I feel like I’m not getting much sleep tonight”
“That depends on how you feel once we start...”
“And now I’m nervous. Can we just start with the kissing already?”
“I think I can do that”
    Making out always got heated fast. Keith couldn’t keep his hands off Lance, not when he was making such cute noises. Laid out on their bed, Keith pulled out the first two toys. Technically he didn’t know if they counted seeing they were cockrings. Lance swallowing hard at the sight of them
“You don’t have to, if you don’t want to”
“It seems pretty mean to deny a pregnant person an orgasm”
“I’m not denying it... just delaying it. For both of us”
“You too?”
“Yep... it’s not fair if it’s only you”
“Is that going to apply to the other things?”
“I feel like that’s not a very reassuring maybe”
“I feel like I want to see you fall apart beneath me”
Lance swallowed again, before nodding stiffly
“Only if...”
“Babe, trust me. You’re not the only one who’s going to be feeling good tonight”
“That’s okay then... I like it better when we feel good together”
“Me too. Do you need the bathroom before we start?”
“Nah. I’m good... just nervous”
“If it counts I’m nervous too”
“We’re not great at this sexy toy thing, are we?”
“We’re getting there. I’m going to put this on, then I’m going to prep you. I want to try using a vibe...”
  Part of Keith still couldn’t believe their sex life had come as far as it had. Lance’s body had settled down when it came to heat flashes, seeing he was pregnant and all, but he still wanted Lance to feel the same amount of pleasure. The baby had really mixed up his feelings inside. He wanted to be intimate with Lance, but he also wanted to learn the new boundaries Lance had and wanted to respect him around them. He wanted Lance to feel safe and comfortable enough to try the things he’d denied himself for so long. He also kind of felt threatened. Like this happiness would be gone too fast. He desperately wanted to cling to it, until he was sure he could breathe again
“Okay... but... let me adjust? I love having sex with you, because it’s you”
“I’m going to take it slow...”
“I’m still nervous. I trust you”
“I know you do”
Lance wasn’t sure what he’d gotten himself in for as Keith slowly fucked him with the vibrator. It was bigger than Keith, stretching him in different ways to what he was used to. Laying in his lover’s arms, Keith had his left leg loosely over his elbow, Lance trying not be embarrassed by the noise he was making between the sweet kisses Keith pressed to his lips. He felt bad about falling asleep, part of him wanted to make it up to Keith, while the bigger part of him was horny for his boyfriend. His dick leaking precum as his bliss built without release. Keith was hard, rutting lightly against him as he tugged on Lance’s ear with his teeth. His boyfriend not a werewolf, yet acting like he was a chew toy... not that Lance minded. Keith was driving him crazy and he knew it. His boyfriend had gone become the biggest pervert between the sheets, or on top of them on this case
“Ready for me to turn it on?”
  Nope. He was still getting over feeling flustered about using the toys as it was... but at this stage, he wanted to come. Between his legs squelched obscenely, his arse soaked with wetness and lube. When he didn’t answer, Keith pushed the toy deeper, Lance letting out a strangle squeak.  He felt full when it was Keith inside him, now he felt stuffed to capacity
“I’ll start on the lowest”
  Lance was not prepared. Arching his back as he cried out, the vibrator was... fuck... for a moment he felt as if he’d gone limp, like all the arousal had snapped away with the click of Keith’s fingers... then... bam... Holy fucking fuck fuck. Even the lowest setting was an assault on the senses. They’d used a small vibe before, when he’d been in heat. It was not definitely not the same as this beast of thing that was determined to stir up all the parts of him he didn’t know he had. Holding the base of the vibe, Keith slowly started to fuck him with it again, Lance turning towards the bed, fingers clenching around the fabric of the bunched of sheets as he tried to do something that he wasn’t entirely sure of. Chuckling at him, Keith moved with him, nipping on his shoulder as he pressed his body against him
“Feeling good?”
He didn’t know what he was feeling... his body trembling, hips moving on their own... Fuck...
“Maybe we should try setting number two?”
  Keith had the remote in his hand, no longer having to worry about supporting his leg now Lance was pretty much face down and arse... going up and down... fuck... clicking the second setting, Lance stiffened, eyes nearly rolling back as his release smashed into him. His body jerking, coming without releasing the building pressure of his straining dick, shit... it was some kind of sweet torture. His fangs and nails extending, ego over the moon that their lover was getting off watching them
“K-Keith... too... much...”
Instantly the setting lowered back to the first setting. Jolt after jolt of pleasure took his mind and slapped it senseless. It wasn’t hard to find the prostate, but this thing was fucking molesting it... he was drooling, shamelessly moving to match Keith’s movements, unashamed of the wet spot beneath his body
“Shit, babe... you look wrecked. Turn over so I can see your face”
  He didn’t want to roll over and have Keith see his face. Keith didn’t care. Pulling him onto his back, the vibrator slipping in the change of position, stretching his arse with the thicker few centimetres above the base. Fuck... he really fucking loved it when Keith played just there... His body so in tune with his lover’s that his back was arching, feet slipping as he tried to push his knees together. Leaving the vibe, Keith’s hand went to his leaking dick, jerking and toying with the tip
“Fuck, babe... do you want to come? God... you look so fucking wrecked and we haven’t even gotten to the best bit”
Moaning his boyfriend’s name, Keith pushed his lips to his, not caring about his fangs, Lance trying to relieve the need to come as he fucked Keith’s fist, moving the vibe as he did.
  Continuing to kiss him, Keith climbed between his legs. Lance wrapping them around him because all of his instincts knew he was safe with Keith, even if he was past the point of rational thought. Stirred up and crazy with lust, he sucked at his boyfriend’s bleeding lips, his own only having escaped his teeth by the way Keith kissed him. Rutting between his legs, the sounds of wet skin against wet skin drove him mad. He wanted his boyfriend already
“I can feel the vibrations... fuck... you feel so good beneath me, babe. I don’t deserve you”
That was nice and all... but he was about ready to snap the cockring, pin Keith down, and ride him like it was going out of fashion
“Keith... please... please, I want... I want you...”
“Mmm... fuck... soon, baby... soon, I’ve got another toy for you... but I want to try something first”
  Lance’s arse missed the girth of the vibe as Keith slid it free, slick with lube, his boyfriend groaning as he slipped it between them. The sensation completely different now. More and less aggressive at the same time
“Shit... fuck... hold on...”
Sitting back up, Keith laid the vibe on the bed, pulling Lance up nearly in his lap as his hand went to a different toy. He didn’t get to see what it was, he couldn’t focus at it was. Keith had the vibe so they were both feeling the effects from beneath them. Lance’s legs quivering, body still bouncing back from how hard the dry orgasm had been. Feeling something smaller at his arse, he raised it in the hopes of Keith taking him
“Hang on, babe... take it slowly... I’m going to use it and fuck you at the same time”
    The small slim line wand was beaded, the beads not as comfortable as they vibrated their way around the space left by Keith’s dick. He finally giving him what he wanted, though they both still had the stupid cockrings on. After having his arse stretched to unnatural limits, Keith was hitting all the right places that he loved. He couldn’t stop kissing him, despite the blood and the risk of inflicting the bite. Sensible Lance had switched off. Toying with his nipples, Keith made him gasp, the buds already tender from the way Keith had sucked on them before biting. Riding Keith was starting to frustrate him. He wanted the rings off and to come. He wanted Keith to come. He wanted his boyfriend to feel even better than he did now. Slack mouthed, Keith smirked, Lance’s eyes hooded from his blissed out pleasure. Feeling something firm against his teeth, his instincts as a vampire took over, biting into the soft warm skin. Blood... fuck... he couldn’t stop himself as he sucked Keith’s finger. Keith’s blood already on his tongue, but this was offered blood, Keith’s one birthday wish. His restraint finally snapping.
  Keeping Keith’s fingers in his mouth, he shoved his boyfriend backwards, the ridiculous rings snapped in a heart beat. Wand pulled out despite the sensation it sent through the pair of them. Placing his hands on Keith’s chest, he finally had Keith how he wanted him, drooling down his fingers as he rode his boyfriend. He hated this body, but he and Keith were so compatible that sometimes he secretly believed soulmates might just be a real thing
“Shit... I’m going to come... fuck, baby... fuck... agnhgh... f-fuuuuuckl
Lance smirked, rubbing his tongue against Keith’s finger tips as his hand moved Keith’s chest to jerk himself off, the pressure of the built up need for release sent his vision red, Keith’s fingers slipping from his mouth as he came in thick ribbons across his boyfriend’s chest. Lance wasn’t sure if it was normal, or thanks to his senses as he felt Keith coming inside of him. Breathlessly he slumped forward, Keith wrapping his arm around him to hold him close as his body trembled violently. Fuck... just... fuck...
   Almost asleep, he came back to his senses. Keith playing with his hair, half hard and still inside of him. The buzzing in the background somewhat annoying, but it was drowned out by the strong, and racing, beats of Keith’s heart. He prayed to god that Keith’s warmth would never be robbed of him. Keith alive and living was his everything. Nuzzling Keith’s chest, his boyfriend leaned up to kiss his hair before dropping back. He had the sweetest lover. His friends filled in the rough parts of his wounded soul the best they could, but Keith was... he was the salve at the end of the day that had him getting out of bed to face the next one. There was no rational scientific explanation for love, maybe that’s why so many people chased it. Keith didn’t. He hadn’t known how. And now they had something so much deeper.
  “Babe, are you okay?”
Lance hummed happily, it sounded something like a content purr
“Yeah... sorry I lost it towards the end”
“Nah... it was hot as fuck”
Lance snorted
“Of course you’d say that. Are you okay? Did I drink too much?”
“I think I came hard enough to see heaven. Either that or an angels come to Earth”
Lance snorted again
“I don’t think I’m an angel”
“Are you sure? You’re so damn beautiful sometimes I forget how to breathe”
Lance shivered as his body started to cool rapidly
“I’ll clean you up, then we should sleep”
“I should...”
“I’m doing this because I love you and I want to. Consider this my birthday wish”
“That’s wish number two”
“I seem to remember you putting my fingers in your mouth”
He couldn’t deny that... he also couldn’t really move. One dry orgasm and another whatever the hell that was left him simply wanting snuggles. Keith leaned up to kiss his hair again
“Let’s get you cleaned up”
The following morning was crisp and clear. Lance having too much energy as he nearly broke the tap trying to brush his teeth after throwing up basically nothing. Hearing Keith shuffling about, Lance smiled at his rinsed his mouth out, the moving to hop up on the bathroom vanity. Walking like the precoffee zombie he was, his boyfriend didn’t care as he made his way to the toilet to pee in front of him. Sleepy Keith was cute. Hair sticking up in every direction. Underwear pulled down on the left side, yawns every few moments.
  Flushing the toilet, Keith kept up his shuffle, washing his hands, before Lance opened his arms, his boyfriend grunting lightly as he moved into his hold, arms coming around him
Keith speak for “good morning”. Dropping a kiss on his boyfriend’s head, Keith nuzzled into him. Serious. He was to damn cute
“Good morning, babe”
Lance took that to mean Keith was pointing out that he wasn’t in bed when he woke up
“I was brushing my teeth. I’m all good”
Raising his head, his boyfriend had a serious case of morning breath and “vampire lips. The scratching leaving a few small scabs. Kissing Keith’s lips, he wished he knew how to heal him. He loved kissing Keith. Even the smallest of kisses made him melt. Lost in his boyfriend’s eyes, he felt himself getting all teary over how much he loved the walking zombie in front of him
“I’m okay. Sorry, I was just thinking how lucky I am to be the one who wakes up with you”
Keith hid his face back against Lance’s chest. Lance moving to start detangling his boyfriend’s hair. Keith slept with his hair pulled up into a bun with how long it’d gotten. That didn’t mean it stayed in place. The soft locks tangled around the hair band
“Alright. I’ll leave it alone for now. You need coffee”
  Domestic bliss wasn’t always about doing the do in the mornings. This gave him as much happiness as being intimate because this was a whole other kind of intimate.
   Getting dressed for the day ahead, birds were chirping outside, a good indication that day was going to be everything he’d hoped for weather wise. Still, he work two shirts and the thickest jacket he owned, jeans, and forced himself to stuff his feet back into his toe eating boots. Keith struggled with his shirt, too cute for words as Lance went to his aid happily, then maybe not as happily as he noticed the few bite and nip marks he’d gifted Keith last night while making out. His teeth were annoying as fuck. Keith liked the marks, but Lance always felt kind of unsettled by them, knowing any deeper and he’d would have drawn too much blood. Finding his hands stopping, his eyes caught the tiny scar on Keith’s neck, watching the artery pulse softly beneath his boyfriend’s skin. Keith didn’t notice, drawing him back by pushing his face into Lance’s stomach, Lance shaken as he realised he’d been looking at Keith like a starved wolf, made worse when his stomach gave a loud grumble, causing Keith to chuckle at him. His iron clad never ever ever feed on humans wavered when Keith tried to feed him. That part of his ego was hard to smoosh down, his true nature would feed on Keith in a heartbeat, but himself loved Keith too much too.
  Lance knew he was acting off about it, holding Keith’s hand they walked towards the cabin. The sun fiercely warm, as if the snow had never happened. He had his sun glasses somewhere, but the previous day had been so over cast he hadn’t needed them. Reaching the cabin steps, the scent of blood made him stagger, knees giving out as his body yelled at him for being hungry. He shouldn’t be this hungry. Though intense in its own way, fooling around with Keith the previous night hadn’t been that long in reality. Half an hour to an hour at the very least including Keith prepping him, and the very nice make out session before then.
  Matt must have heard them coming, Curtis coming out to meet them as Keith tried to drag Lance back up to his feet, grunting for an explanation from the man as Curtis moved without prompting to take Lance by the arm and he found himself standing again
“Hunk accidentally dropped a bottle of blood getting the eggs out for breakfast. It’s been cleaned up. Rieva sent me out to let you know”
A bottle... he’d brought extra, way extra compared to what he’d normally go through in three days, but Keith had him eating more with using blood in the shakes. Fuck. It was lucky they were heading back tomorrow morning
Blinking at Curtis, he shook himself, trying to snap out the hunger trance
“Is he okay?”
“Yeah. A bit shaken up from seeing so much blood on the floor. Shiro distracted Shay”
God. They should just tell Shay. It wasn’t fair to keep her on the outside. Secrets sucked and lies hurt. Curtis giving him a concerned look
“Are you okay?”
“I wasn’t expecting to smell blood...”
“Ah. You’re probably hungry. Hunk made smoothies for everyone to go with the scrambled eggs and tomatoes. Let’s get you guys inside. Matt and Rieva have some news”
He didn’t want a smoothie. His stomach noping at the thought of it. His teeth ached with the thought of all that blood, nausea creeping up at the thought of the sight of it.
   Heading into the kitchen area, blood filled the air strongly enough for his stomach to roll. He already had nothing left to throw up, having been in the bathroom longer than Keith needed to know. In the sink was the remains of the broke bottle, drowned in lemon scented detergent that’d helped hid the evidence of its true contents
“Hey, guys! You’re in time. Keith, your coffees on the edge of the counter, I made berry smoothies for breakfast”
Hunk was trying a little too hard. He could see the self blame on his face. Keith left his side for the coffee, Lance stepping forward to his hug his friend. Accidents happened
“It’s all good, man. Thanks for breakfast”
Hunk patted his back
“I didn’t...”
“It’s fine. I’m not going to starve. Though I am famished”
Hunk chuckled at him
“That’s good, I made extra. Help yourselves”
  Human food didn’t want to quite sit right, but when he started eating, he kind of pigged out, nearly matching Rieva in breakfast size. Matt ate more than her, generally on a one to one and half ratio, but with their high metabolisms you’d never know it. Shay laughing how unfair it was that Rieva could eat so much and stay so pretty. Hunk tripping over his words as he tried to tell Shay how perfect she was the way she was. He missed breakfasts in his kitchen at home like this, and having his friends over for dinner. He felt like he needed to cling to Keith’s, and had done ever since he’d found out, yet he didn’t want to give up his freedom, nor did he want Keith doing the commute daily with his weird hours. If Coran told him he had to stay in Platt longer, he’d do as he was told for the sake of the baby, but otherwise it looked like it’d be going back to short day trips and the occasional overnight stay. A depressing reality really. If Keith tried living with him once the baby came, his daily commute would be so much longer... but the apartment wasn’t big enough for him and a baby... plus, he owned his house. They’d be able to mount things to wall and decorate how they pleased. They’d have to convert Curtis’s room into the nursery, but maybe it’d be safer to use Matt’s and Rieva’s room, especially with the stairs. If they were anything like their daddy they were going to be a handful and a half.
  Speaking of Keith, his boyfriend was hovering. His coffee cup too close to Lance’s nose. Other than the disgraceful scene he’d shown last night, he felt he really should be praised by how hard he’d been working not to throw up around his coffee loving friends. The stuff stank worse than rotten beans left in the bottom of a cup with milk for a month... actually, that was pretty close to what it smelt like to him. He had to work harder at eating more so he didn’t randomly fall asleep in the shower and make Keith worry about him and the baby. Subtly pushing Keith’s coffee cup away, his boyfriend noticed, despite the fact definitely wasn’t supposed to. Turning to him, morning breath was now replaced with coffee breath, Lance feeling like he was going to throw up as Keith asked softly
“No coffee?”
Idiot. There were other people there. Namely two werewolves that hear far more than they should
“I prefer tea. If we’re going exploring today, I should go get your camera”
  Pidge over heard them, proving all his friends were idiots at keeping things on the down-low
“That’s right. Matt and Rieva said there was a pond not too far from here”
Shay nodding around her mouthful of eggs
“They mentioned something about that earlier”
“Yep. Rieva and I took a walk earlier. It’s not that far, but you should probably keep Kosmo on his lead”
Kosmo seemed to be having the greatest time out of all of them. It must be nice to be a dog, and a very well loved treat spoiled dog at that
“Okay, I think I’ll need to get fresh batteries, so Lance and I’ll go get the cameras sorted...”
Couldn’t a pregnant man have like 5 minutes to himself?
“I’ll get the camera stuff. You’re on dish duty”
Keith sighed at him
“Nope. None of that, mister. Hunk and Shay have been keeping us all fed. The least you can do is help with the dishes”
“I didn’t say anything”
Nope. He wasn’t going to let Keith off
“You sighed. Make sure you guys put him to work”
Hunk laughed
“Okay. He and Shiro can do the dishes”
Curtis asking
“What about me?”
“Dude, you and kitchens don’t get along. You can help with the snacks. Is it worth taking snacks?”
Rieva shrugged, at least she knew better than to let Matt potentially slip up
“The water was pretty cold but it hadn’t frozen over completely. It’s a nice spot, especially for napping”
Lance moved his chair back, Keith forced to let him go or risk spilling his coffee
“Then it’s settled. I’ll be back soon”
   Making it back to the cabin, Lance was disappointed that he’d all but rushed back and into the bathroom to throw breakfast back up. He’d chew the side of his mouth without thinking, trying to ignore the blood that seemed to linger in the air despite the other scents. He really had wanted to try keep everything down as long as possible. Not eating that much yesterday made everything he ate today more important. He didn’t know how being a vampire would affect the baby, and if it did, it’d take a long time to be okay with it. Finding himself trapped by the toilet, he was exhausted by the time his stomach finally gave him a rest. The lack of strength bringing him to tears as he flushed the mess away then went about brushing his teeth.
  Shiro made him jump. He hadn’t heard him come in, not over the sound of throwing his guts up. Having known Keith for as long as he had, he was working on swapping on the batteries in Keith’s camera, Lance trying not to feel so old and backwards about such things
“Hey, I heard you. Everything okay?”
“Yeah. The usual and then some”
So Keith had filled him in on that, he’d kind of expected that he had
“Yeah... everything okay in the main cabin?”
“Yep. Matt and Pidge got into a fight over the snacks, so Hunk put them on drying up”
“That sounds about right...”
Why was he suddenly feeling so self conscious? No... it was kind of like when Matt had been in their cabin, like their space had been disturbed. He was going to have to ask Coran about this. He’d never been territorial before and he didn’t want to start now
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Mhmm. Just... vampire stuff”
“Ah. Are you okay after Keith fed you?”
  Lance flinched at the question, Shiro’s face softening
“I didn’t mean it how it sounded. I know you’re not about to attack him”
“Sorry. Yeah. I... just, yeah. I feel like my head is all over the place and all the energy I woke up with seems to have decided it needed to go away”
“If you need...”
“Don’t. Okay. Don’t. Sorry... but Keith offering is enough to deal with. He’d having a bit of a crisis over thinking I don’t like his blood and stuff”
The “stuff” heavily implied what secret he was referring to
“I’m sure you’ll work that out”
Lance missed the change in Shiro’s tone
“It’d be easier if we didn’t have a whole bunch of other stuff to work out... I know hasn’t signed a non-disclosure and I don’t want to drag her into our world, but it’s... I hate lying to her”
“It’s hard lying to people you care about...”
But he didn’t miss the change the second time. Ego feeling challenged. Yeah it fucking sucked lying to Curtis too. Stupidly he snapped back at Shiro, tears welling up at his own words, his tone far too cold
“Forget it. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’ll let you finish up with the camera in peace”
  Nope he already out the cabin. The others already heading out the main cabin, Keith brightening as he looked at him. Shit. He didn’t want to drive a wedge between Keith and Shiro. Letting go of Kosmo’s leash, Kosmo came bounding over to him, Lance scooping him up like the baby he’d always be... the significantly bigger baby then he used to be. He had to get his head in the game. 12 more hours and they’d be leaving. Today was about exploring and having fun. Not about him. Or his ridiculous exhaustion... and apparent moodiness. Jogging over to him, Keith smiled
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist”
Hiking Kosmo up, his body wagged with his tail, trying to lick any part of Lance he could
“He’s fine. He’s the biggest baby of them all. Everyone ready?”
“Just waiting on Shiro”
“Yeah. He’s better with cameras than I am”
  The thing about Keith was that he knew when Lance was faking it. He couldn’t smile things off and pretend he was perfectly fine. The fake smile that’d seen him through so much was useless against his boyfriend
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Just overthinking”
“Stop it”
Lance snorted. He wished he could
“I wish it worked like that. Nah. It’s all... ugh, but the fresh air feels great”
“Do we...”
Keith’s brain was working better than his
“Here, put the baby down, I want to show you something”
“I don’t know if he wants to be put down, I think he just wants all the cuddles he can have”
“That’s because he’s best boy. Just put him down for now so I can show you”
  Mildly curious, Lance set Kosmo down who immediately pawed at his legs for pats. Pulling his phone out, Keith tapped on the screen, before handing it over to Lance
“If you want to talk, you can type in here. No one can hear what’s on here”
His heart lifted at his boyfriend’s gesture. Keith must have been going near mad trying to think of how to talk without being heard swapping Kosmo’s lead for Keith’s phone, he erased Keith’s message, typing back
“I’m okay. I snapped at Shiro and I didn’t mean to. He didn’t do anything wrong. I just feel bad about keeping things from Shay and Curtis”
Handing the phone back, Keith nodded. His boyfriend more ambidextrous than him as he kept a hold on Kosmo’s lead and typed his reply
“I know what you mean. Shiro gets it too. It really sucks, but it’s better than her thinking we’re going to kill her. I love you, babe. It’s going to be okay”
Moving to Keith’s side, Lance read the screen, making it seem more like Keith was showing him something. Kissing Keith’s cheek, his boyfriend turned the screen off, slipping his phone back into his jacket
“If you want to watch that again, let me know?”
“Mmm. I will. It’s a good idea”
“I know. I wish I thought of it sooner”
“It’s okay. You ready to head out?”
“Yep. You all good too?”
“Breakfast has already come and gone”
Keith seemed disappointed he wasn’t there to witness Lance throwing up. Lance hoping Keith wasn’t developing some weird kind about how far he can fit into the toilet bowl
“You don’t need to. Years of experience there”
Lance kissed Keith’s cheek again. Fresh air and some sun was the perfect combination to help him get over himself.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 80: The Unexpected Task
Lily's landing was actually not uncomfortable for once. She floundered in place upon her back, but it was soft material ruffling behind her whatever it was. Worry spiking if this was some sort of trap to compel her to get comfortable, she sat up abruptly, bunching the silk blanket in her hand suspiciously. She found herself in a luxury room fit for a princess.
The canopy bed was baby blue with pink lace, the pillow looked scandalously shaped perfectly for her head, there was even a thin film draping's that were almost see-through and felt cool as rain to the touch, but were blocking out almost all the light. The moment she pushed them aside, they glided away without a second thought, and she could see a window, leading out onto the Hogwarts grounds. She stood at it for a long time, seeing Hagrid's cabin in the distance, and got a strange guess of where she was, but wanted further proof. She got it almost immediately when she passed the trunk at the end of the bed wide open with Beauxbatons uniforms neatly folded inside, and The Book resting on top. They must be inside their carriage then, possibly with Fleur making a larger appearance in the coming chapter.
Inspecting the area just a bit more, she found a private bathroom that resembled a spa more than anything, and would have believed it if someone told her she spent a weeks worth of time just enjoying being by herself and not thinking of anything but how warm the water was, even if she couldn't read any of the french labels. Once she got out she swayed on her feet for a few moments with comfortable exhaustion, for once, deciding that as she'd landed in here and nobody had come to call yet, another good rest was in order. They'd all stopped plenty of times in the past with mutual sleep at hand. It took nothing else to convince her to crawl back into the strange bed and the slightest of tugs had the curtains back around her before she was out.
Frank dithered uncomfortably in the hallway. He'd grudgingly passed several open and inviting beds in the long, candelabra lit hallway just to find Alice, to assure she was alright and this wasn't some weird trap for Harry's next task, but he'd found her peacefully asleep. She'd even found a room with some muggle invention that had music playing from a big black disk she'd figured out how to work, it sounded like a nice string quartet in the whole room. However, he didn't want to assume just because they'd shared a bed together once she'd be okay with it again, especially in even more, ah, private quarters as all of these rooms seemed set for individuals. He'd just turned away and decided to just sleep in the room across, honestly the floor looked comfortable enough to nap on at this rate, when a giggle behind him made him twirl around to see she'd rolled over and was laughing herself silly at him before beckoning him to get in while wiggling to the far side of the bed.
"But Moony!" Sirius whined, managing to sound like an irritable six year old despite being ten years plus that. "Why not just take the opportunity while we can to not have to sleep in the same place as those two wankers, I quite enjoyed it last time."
"Because last time, we hardly slept a wink," he didn't need to elaborate, and was glad they hadn't found the other two yet as he couldn't quite suppress a blush. "We're finding them first you dolt."
They'd already passed several rooms containing their other quest members asleep, and Remus was just beginning to wonder if he'd passed them accidentally somehow when he came across a room with stripped bedding, and now sure at least they were thinking the same as him, he kept his hold on Sirius and dragged him along until he found what must be the equivalent of a living room in a mansion inside this pumpkin carriage. Peter was already curled up on the queen sized sofa, fidgeting with his school tie despite the fact it was loose enough to come off. James was upside down in a squashy armchair Maxime herself could stretch out in, his glasses placed carefully on top but eyes wide awake.
There hadn't been this much awkward silence between the four of them since their first year, those first few months before they'd even decided if they liked each other, let alone would become the best friends they were supposed to be. Both of them still grinned when they entered, and Sirius couldn't stop a small, albeit grudging smile as he shook his head at the lot of them, calling them sentimental fools as he snatched some covers from the floor and padded down in yet another available couch next to the purple lit fireplace that had wine goblets only half empty he'd save for breakfast. Remus barely had time to smile before he too passed out amongst the synchronized snoring, letting his feet tangle together with Sirius' but resting on the opposite arm of the couch.
Regulus stretched languidly as he awoke, still as disoriented as ever to find the light outside was exactly where it had been when he'd gone to sleep, but the comfortable bed had rivaled his own and who evers room he'd borrowed had good taste. There were posters of all of the French National Quidditch Team doing their signature move, the Blitzen Ballet, across several posters, which had been what had drawn him into the room in the first place.
He pulled some individually wrapped macaroons out of his pocket and began eating those as he went through the rest of this persons belongings, finding several textbooks all in French he couldn't follow, but not the book they needed. He didn't really fancy going through every room to find it, but he also didn't want to start until he knew everyone was awake- "The Unexpected Task." He crumpled a purple one up in his hand in surprise all over the blokes belongings. Well, clearly Evans didn't have those same reserves.
James startled awake with a yelp, flopping right out of the chair and confused for several long moments. Whoever would have thought waking up to the sound of Evans' voice would give him heart failure? The others were stirring with only slightly more dignity, he couldn't even blame Sirius when the first thing he did was reach up and snag those wine glasses to finish them off as her voice echoed around them before they'd even had morning tea.
"Evans does an impression of McGonagall telling off Harry too well," Peter groaned, trying to shove the blanket through his skull.
Remus looked like he was trying to burrow into the couch for more rest without comment, and James and Sirius woke up too hungry to really be paying much attention as their head of house held up Ron and Harry after class for something as silly as not paying attention. The two of them were busy trading a basket of fried fish back and forth and lamenting how fast it was vanishing when they simultaneously choked on the cold batter upon hearing no detention was being served, but quite the unexpected task indeed.
"Harry has to wha-?" Remus actually jerked his head free from his cocoon.
"Get a date, and dance her?" Peter repeated, inspecting the sleep he'd rubbed from his eyes as if expecting to find something else contaminating him.
"Or him," Sirius corrected with a suddenly wicked smile, "maybe he'll ask Ron, you don't know Wormy." The snide remark had slide easily from his tongue as he envisioned the fun of Hogwarts hosting something like a dance, it wasn't until he looked over to see his mate blush and stammer at the idea that he really, fully woke up. He wouldn't have believed it five seconds ago himself.
Peter was smiling to himself despite not able to look over at Sirius, and James swooped in to save the awkward silence. "Listen to this poor kid telling McGonagall he isn't going to do it! A books not good enough anymore, I'd pay money to see this in action!"
For just a moment, they all got a good laugh out of that.
They weren't the only ones, Frank and Alice were having their own fits of laughter still curled up in bed. Frank could at least sympathize with Harry though as he struggled to even conceptualize asking Cho out, he'd had a crush on Alice for months before he'd over heard her struggling with Charms and offering to tutor her. Asking her out, outright and to a dance, would have been insanity at that point. They both listened intently for any hint of what Neville would be up to during all of this. As much as they sympathized with Harry not being able to go alone because of his public dancing, they very much hoped Neville would at least be mentioned going with some friends rather than not at all.
Lily was giving herself a very hearty pat on the back for deciding to read this one alone. She was sure it wasn't just her imagination hearing the obnoxious laughter of the Marauders over this adorable idea, barely a teenager Regulus' pompous expression and possibly boasting he'd been trained to waltz before he could walk, and worst of all Frank and Alice's adoring looks at each other. She liked the both of them, more and more as they talked honestly, but her own life right now didn't leave her in a good position to be happy the only two people she could possibly count as friends during all this were dating and she felt like she was a third wheel half the time around them.
It was even more than that, if she were being honest with herself. While the idea of getting to dress up like that for the evening sounded nice in theory, she had about as much chance of going with anyone as Harry did Cho. Her heart sank for the poor lad as his crush admitted she was going with Cedric. Her prospects were even less endearing. Potter would ask her, of course, and anyone who proceeded to afterwords would likely end up in the hospital wing for one various reason or another until the offers stopped for a time again. And Sev...
She flipped the page hurriedly, it would be too obvious now if she stopped to stew over this, someone may come and see where she was and she wanted to actually enjoy this alone chance while she had it.
Regulus listened with the most absent of attention to these teenagers getting turned down left and right, the Marauders laughter echoing out into the hallway as he went exploring the rest of the carriage. Was he the only one who still remembered someone had put Harry in this tournament for more than embarrassing him? Nobody had even bothered to speculate on a suspect in ages, Regulus didn't really buy it was Karkaroff himself. It wasn't improving his mood he'd had no one to talk to in a while now, of course now that Peter had made up with his friends and they were all chummy again he'd go right back to being ignored. He should have known nothing about his life would ever really change no matter how much he heard.
He startled in surprise upon opening the next door as an orange cat came tottering out of the room, immediately twirling around his legs and purring in affection. Shaking his head in disbelief someone would bring their pet on this trip, he bent down regardless and gave a friendly scratch on the felines rump as he looked around once more, finding something new to wonder on. Why was it the pets were usually present? Magical animals as well, he reminded himself with a shiver of disgust at the basilisk. The paintings had all been present to, but he'd have never considered them as people. What was the criteria then for what was left behind as they were thrown around this place? It was something to ponder on at hand anyways, as he found himself sprawled on the floor, covered in cream colored fur while Hermione Granger dropped the surprise she'd gotten a date but wasn't telling who.
The chapter was finally coming to an end with everyone successfully getting dates, and Regulus snorted in disgust, was he the only one not obsessing with romance around here?
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arolla-pine · 4 years
Happily Ever After
Day 20: Photoshoot
A/N: This is what could have happened after “Troublemaker”, where Adrien invited Marinette for photoshoots (the locker room scene ;-) )
Marinette sat on a bench and felt so nervous… Adrien had invited her to take part in his photoshoots and today was the day it was to happen. They were to meet in the park, from where he would take her to a photo session. She wasn’t nervous because she’d never seen Adrien’s photoshoot. She was nervous because for the first time she was supposed to be on it officially, not in secret…
“Hey!” Adrien greeted her with a wide smile. “Ready for a very boring afternoon?”
“Su-sure!” she stuttered and jumped up from the bench.
“So, let’s go, I'll show you the way.” He reached out his hand and she could barely control her hand from trembling when she gave it to him. “But I warn you, it really will be boring.”
“You know, if I’m going to associate my life with it, it may be better to get used to it.” She muttered under her breath, and Adrien gave her an amused look.
“Are you really going to associate your life with it?” he asked with the same knowing smile, with which he’d asked in the locker room whether she was lying. Marinette immediately blushed.
“You-you know… I’d like to work in fa-fashion…” she stammered.
“Oh, right.” He nodded, again with that amused look. “I hope I won’t ruin your plans.”
Marinette didn’t know what to answer. She didn’t quite understand where this sudden change in Adrien's behaviour came from. After all, it was impossible that Jagged Stone's revelations were the reason of that! After all, Adrien “bought” her explanation that these photos were hanging because she was interested in fashion. And yet he behaved with her as if he hadn’t. And he kept holding her hand all the time. She wasn’t sure whether he did it on purpose or rather unconsciously. She walked next to him, dazed, and the more she thought about it, the more she was in a mess.
She knew that her current state of mind could lead to a catastrophe in which ruining her reputation would only be a detail. To call herself to order, she decided to concentrate on the afternoon with Adrien like on a task. Yes, she had to treat it as Ladybug.
After a short walk, during which they didn’t talk at all, they finally reached the place that the photographer had chosen for a photoshoot. It wasn’t particularly picturesque – just the Seine embankment. Under the bridge. Marinette looked around surprised. What photo session could take place somewhere like here? And where was she supposed to sit at this time? On a dirty wall that stank so much that she wouldn’t like even to come closer?
Adrien grabbed her hand more firmly and, in a mysterious way, suddenly turned her toward himself so that they stood face to face, and she completely forgot her ideas to control the situation. Blood began to throb at her temples, not helping in focusing. ‘Reputation! Save your reputation, Marinette!’
“I told you it would be boring.” Adrien sighed. “But I’ll try not to let it last long.”
“Don’t worry, I'll see ho-how it loo-looks like.” She tried to sound as being at ease.
“Young lady will leave the take!” The photographer yelled.
“The lady must sit down somewhere.” Adrien replied calmly, winking at Marinette. “There's a bench over there.” He whispered in her ear, and she felt a tingle on her neck. She really felt totally confused.
“Mmmm.” She murmured and left toward the bench.
She didn’t notice the half-smile that Adrien had with his eyes. When she sat comfortably on the bench, he turned into his professional appearance and focused on the photographer's orders, as if he really wanted to quickly finish the photo session.
She watched him with interest. Finally, she could do it openly, without hiding behind walls or trees in the park. She also didn’t have Alya around, who would always whisper in her ear that she should approach Adrien and talk to him.
From time to time, she caught Adrien's gaze, and although at the beginning she felt embarrassed at such moments, after some time she got used to it and simply smiled at him in response. The session was so long that they developed non-verbal communication, exchanging more and more information without words – with their eyes or face expression. Marinette felt more and more comfortable and was more and more amused. For a moment she felt almost as if she had a similar thread of understanding between them that she had with only one boy – Cat Noir. Only with him she could communicate without words. Well, but after so many fights and jokes couldn’t be otherwise. Now she suddenly discovered that such a way of communication would work with someone else.
“Please, tell me you have something to eat in this purse…” Adrien sighed as the photographer released him for a moment. He sat down to Marinette and looked with curiosity at her purse.
She blushed. She would never open this purse in front of him! He couldn’t see Tikki!
“I could take nothing more than five macaroons in this purse.” she replied, shaking her head. “But don’t worry I have something…” she added after a while with a smile and reached for a brown bag of snacks, which she had packed in her parents’ bakery.
“You’re saving my life!” he grinned at her, and she – for the first time in her life – didn’t start to stutter, only smiled in return. “Quick before they will look!”
He ate the entire croissant before the photographer realised that something forbidden was smuggled for the photoshoot.
“No, no, no! No fats! Nor carbohydrates!”
“It's best to drink water and die of hunger…” Adrien whispered, and Marinette giggled. “Thank you, Marinette. From now on you are a regular part of my photo sessions.”
“When they find out I'm feeding you, I'll be blacklisted and with a restraining order.” she replied jokingly.
“I’ll never allow it.” he whispered, looking deeply into her eyes, and she ran out of her breath.
When did it happen? And how? A few days ago, he’d confessed the love to Ladybug, and now… Actually, she didn’t know what was happening now. But Adrien was certainly behaving differently than usual. And she completely didn’t understand it.
* * *
The photo session lasted almost until the evening. Marinette could barely suppress yawning and couldn’t marvel at Adrien's endurance. Darkness fell much faster as dark clouds came over Paris, and at the least appropriate moment it began raining, flooding all the photographic equipment placed on the Seine embankment.
Adrien rushed to help the photographer, trying to hide as much valuable equipment under the bridge as possible, when suddenly he felt the great hand of his bodyguard caught him and led him to the car. Adrien hadn’t cooled down yet and almost started the argument with the driver that he had left Marinette alone when he saw her next to him in the car. Water dripped from her hair and even from her eyelashes. She stared at him in amazement. Everything happened so fast.
Before they realised what was happening, the car was already approaching the Agreste’s manor. The bodyguard escorted them both to Adrien's room unceremoniously, then locked the door behind them and stood guard. As usual. Even though water dripped from him as well.
“You're soaked.” Adrien pointed out. “I'll try to find something dry to dress for you.”
“N-no, no ne-eed…” Marinette stuttered.
“And you must drink something warm.” Adrien ignored her words.
He went quickly to the bathroom and after a while returned with a big towel. Marinette's hands were shaking – this time because of the cold – that she couldn’t wipe her head, so Adrien took the towel from her and carefully began to wipe her head from the water, then wrapped the towel around her.
“You're wet too.” She whispered.
“I'm used to rain.” he rubbed himself with the other towel. “Not such things happen. Sometimes I have a photo session in a total wasteland and there is nowhere to hide. Don’t go anywhere. I’ll find some dry clothes for you!”
Marinette approached to the couch and sat on the very edge of it. She was still dripping with water, but Adrien's towel absorbed most of water. A moment later, Adrien came back with a tray with two cups of something hot.
“I'm not saying that you have to drink everything, but at the beginning take even a sip. And then you have to change.”
“And y-you?” She asked, tamely taking a sip of hot chocolate.
“Ladies first.” He answered with a smile, then took her hand and led her to the bathroom. “Don’t worry about me. Scream if you need anything.” He squeezed her hand and kissed her on the cheek. And he left.
At the beginning, Marinette didn’t notice anything unusual in that what had just happened. After all, a few days ago she was here on a date with Adrien, during which they kissed and more than once. It took her a moment to realise that she wasn’t Ladybug now. She was herself here.
Suddenly she decided that there was no option to ever leave the bathroom. Then she heard the noise in Adrien's room. Carefully, she opened the door and her heart sank. Adrien was sitting terrified on the couch, and there was a black and white super-villain above him with a camera with a huge flashlight. She closed the door and whispered:
“Tikki, spots on!”
After a moment she jumped in through the open window into the room as Ladybug. The super-villain turned to her with a menacing smile and aimed the camera at her.
“Watch out!” Adrien shouted.
“You can’t escape, a little red insect!” the super-villain said slowly. “Soon we’ll see you in the negative!”
“Who are you, black-and-white-freak?” Ladybug answered back, running on the mezzanine.
She noticed that everything that her opponent hit with his flashlight changed the colours to the opposite, as if he indeed turned them into a negative.
“I'm Negative. I turn white into black. What's good, I change into bad.”
“Useful function.” she joked. “You should try to take a photo of Hawkmoth…”
Adrien chuckled. He liked this girl so much! What a pity he had to leave for a moment to transform into Cat Noir. But if he went to the bathroom, Ladybug would know that he knew her identity. On the other hand, he can pretend to go check on what was up with Marinette. It wasn’t forbidden, right?
“Where are you going, young model?” Negative asked him before Adrien managed to reach the bathroom door. Ladybug held her breath for a moment. Adrien could soon find out that she wasn’t there. That Marinette wasn’t there. “Would you like to hide? Or maybe you hid someone there? Maybe that irritating girl who almost ruined our photo session today?”
“What?” Adrien and Ladybug asked at the same time.
“If she wasn’t there, constantly distracting you, we could finish the shoots before this downpour!” Negative got angry. “I wouldn’t destroy the equipment for hundreds, thousands of euros! Girls mean problems!”
And he approached to the door.
Ladybug didn’t wait any longer. She hugged Adrien and jumped out of the window into the rain.
“God, have I lost my mind?!” She repeated quietly to herself, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. She didn’t pay any attention to Adrien, who could hear it all.
“Ladybug, you have to leave me somewhere immediately.” Adrien interjected.
“I need to hide you somewhere, Adrien.” She muttered irritably.
She couldn’t control irritation. He had confessed his love to her a few days ago! And now he was picking up other girls, kissing them in his bathroom! Oh my God! She started thinking about herself in the third person! And in the plural…
“You don’t need to. Stop hiding me. The farther you take me, the longer you’ll be going back.”
He was worried about her. About Marinette. She felt happiness mixed with jealousy. So far, she’d felt this jealousy in the opposite direction. She didn’t think that she would ever be jealous of Marinette as Ladybug. She felt completely lost, which only made her irritate more.
“I have to…” she began again, but he interrupted her.
“You have to come back.” He ordered her impatiently. “Immedia…” he didn’t finish, because his pocket just sneezed. “Great, just great…” he sighed.
Ladybug looked at him with eyes wide opened. Adrien blushed, but there was no turning back. Wet Plagg fell out of his pocket and said wryly:
“I'm going to get sick right away. Let's do it finally.”
“I'm sorry, Ladybug.” Adrien sighed. “It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Plagg, claws out!”
“We have to talk, Cat” Ladybug drawled.
“So, we’re set up.” Cat Noir grinned. “Duties first.”
And they went to meet Negative.
* * *
A/N: It is more. Actually the whole story that you can read here or on AO3. It was written almost two years ago, freshly after “Troublemaker” had been aired.
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quickspinner · 4 years
Finding Harmony - Ch 7 Harmony (end)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
There’s quite a bit of music used in this chapter and I’ve linked the videos at the bottom, but here’s the list:
1. Aerosmith, I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Harp Cover) by Amélie Guiboux (she has a ton of harp covers and they're all beautiful, be sure to look at her other videos; Luka's harp would probably sound considerably different, but I'm taking a little license here because it's so pretty. you can search for clarsach music on youtube if you want to hear what an actual Scottish harp sounds like, there's not a lot but there is some) 2. Chopin, Nocturne Op. 9 No 1, by Salvador Joya 3. Je Pense À Toi (original) by Amadou et Mariam 4.  Je Pense À Toi (cover) by Amar Amarni & Jasmina Petrovic
Luka surveyed his preparations critically and sighed, concluding there was really nothing left to be done. Which meant now all he had to do was sit around and wait for Marinette. He kind of hated this part, but at least tonight his phone was silent. No akuma alerts.
He took a slow breath, and then another, not quite meditating, but...centering. Reflecting. The past few months had seen their ups and downs, but he didn’t regret a second of the time he’d spent with Marinette. 
It took him hours to get to sleep that night after the gala. He was too charged up to even try to sleep in his bunk, and only long discipline (and the knowledge that his mother and sister would kill him brutally if he woke them) kept him still on the couch in the sunroom until he finally fell asleep. 
He never had wiped the lipstick off his face, which earned him at least a week of mockery from both of them. 
Neither the mockery nor the lack of sleep kept Luka from waiting outside the bakery that afternoon for their first official date. He’d never forget the look on her face when she came flying out of the door, right before she tripped and took them both down to the sidewalk (he should have been more prepared for that, but he had been too busy grinning like a loon to brace for impact). They’d walked all over Paris looking for Andre, and had a long, honest, necessary talk at the same time. 
It hadn’t stopped them from having misunderstandings and frustrations, and one horrible day where he’d lost his cool completely because he’d been scared to death watching an Akuma toss her around on the news that afternoon, without her costume. He’d never been so grateful to Chat Noir in his life as he had been when the cat finally got her out of danger at least long enough for her to transform. Ladybug finished the fight, as she always did, but Luka had been livid that Marinette had run into the fight as Marinette, and she had fired up defensively, and they had yelled at each other so hard that her parents had gently but firmly kicked him out so they could both calm down. The fight was worse since neither could tell the other what they knew, and it had taken them both days to cool off enough to talk about it. It had taken him at least a full day to admit to himself that he’d been a little unfair, because he couldn’t yell at her for the things Ladybug did, so he’d had a store of bottled up fear and frustration just waiting to spill out. It was a couple of weeks before the hurt feelings on both sides faded enough for them to be totally comfortable with each other again.
The other big issue had been her ditching him for Akuma battles. He didn’t mind, he knew she had a job to do, but Luka had, after putting a lot of thought into the phrasing, finally asked her not to give him any more false excuses. “Just tell me when you can’t tell me,” Luka told her. “Just say you have to go or whatever, I won’t push. Just please don’t make up things. Whatever it is that you’re trying to cover up, I don’t care, I trust you not to hurt me. I just...I can hear when you lie and I don’t like it.” He knew his unconditional trust confused her, but she agreed. Luka hadn’t realized how much of a strain it had been on both of them, for Marinette to come up with the excuses and him to pretend to believe them, until they stopped. It was an immense relief for them both, as it turned out.
The majority of their disagreements were small hurts, things that could be talked through and soothed and forgiven, just the normal average process of fitting two people together. Marinette was sweet, attentive, affectionate, and her confidence in his love buoyed her up when she felt down on herself. They were everything he’d dreamed they could be together. Luka knew his feelings for her were still stronger than hers for him, but he was okay with letting her feelings grow at their own pace. 
He tapped a nail painted with electric blue and black swirls on the rail with a rueful smile. If only he could get her to stop giving him things. The magnetic nail polish was an exception, her gifts were mostly small, useful things that she made herself, but it was like she couldn’t help herself. When she thought of something he might like, she had to make it for him. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate them, he loved her little gifts, it was just that things felt a bit...unequal. His mind didn’t work exactly like hers and his skills didn’t lend themselves to the sorts of gestures she made, and it left him feeling a little guilty. It wasn’t as if he felt he needed to pay her back, exactly, neither of them was keeping score, it was just...he wanted to be able to do things for her, too.
Well, it gave him an excellent excuse to make every grand, over-the-top gesture that came into his own romantic heart, and he’d given himself full permission to go completely overboard tonight. He shoved the sleeves of his blue v-neck sweater up his arms out of habit, and then winced and pulled them back down again as another breeze cut across the deck. The evening was pleasantly cool except when the wind picked up, but there was always wind on the river. Marinette had looked at him as if he’d lost his mind when he’d told her to eat dinner at home and then come to the Liberty after sundown. He’d refused to tell her anything else except that they would be out on the deck and to dress warmly. 
He was just wondering if he should have gone to the bakery to escort her when he spotted her walking down the bank.
Luka came across the gangplank to meet her. She was wearing a pink wool dress with white stockings and a white sweater, and she reminded him of one of her pink macaroons with the white lacy icing. Luka took Marinette’s hands in his and kissed her cheek softly. “You have got to be the sweetest thing in that bakery,” he told her, standing back to look at her again admiringly. 
She grinned, bouncing lightly on her toes. “I brought you something.” 
“Marinette,” he sighed, smiling affectionately.
“I know, I know,” she said, bouncing on her toes. “Please?”
She put a necklace in his hands made of knotted cord decorated with blue and black beads. Marinette pointed to what looked like a metal teardrop on the end. “I saw these online the other day - you can slide your pick in it, see, in the holder here, and then you can take it out when you need it, or you can just swap out to match whatever you’re wearing. It can actually hold a few at once, but of course you’ll only see the front one. I actually got a few of the holders to experiment with, I think I can do some really cool things, and if Jagged likes them, it could be a cool new accessory line. I was thinking about braiding one into a bracelet for Juleka, but I haven’t had time.” 
Luka took a pick out of his pocket and slipped it in the holder. “Cool,” he grinned, putting the cord over his head, and Marinette bounced in excitement at his pleasure. He kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Marinette. I love it, really.”
“I made one for me too,” she said, backing up to show him his Jagged Stone pick around her own neck, on a cord decorated with pink and white beads. “So we can match. I mean, not matchy-match, more...coordinate.”
Luka chuckled and pulled her into his arms. “What am I going to do with you?” he sighed into her hair, and she snuggled into his chest happily. 
“I don’t know,” she said cheekily. “You wouldn’t tell me.”
Luka laughed, and let go of her, sliding his hands down her arms to take hers. “You wanna find out?”
“Where’s everyone else?” she asked as they crossed onto the boat. 
“Below. They won’t bother us. The newest book in Maman’s favorite series just came out and I just happened to pick her up a copy this afternoon, so she probably won’t leave her room until sometime tomorrow, and I’ve given Juleka her privacy for this kind of thing enough times that she owes me.”
“What kind of thing is—” Marinette cut off as she caught sight of the tiny flickering candles scattered all over the unusually uncluttered stern. 
“Oh, Luka,” she breathed, revolving slowly.
“You like it?” 
“I love it, it’s so beautiful.” 
“I’m glad.” He took both her hands and guided her to the deck chair he’d set out for her. “Sit,” he said, and she sank into the chair, still looking around. One of the spool tables stood next to the chair, covered with a white cloth and decorated with a bowl (because a vase would tip over in a stiff breeze, he’d discovered the hard way) of flowers and more candles. Luka picked up a thermos that had been sitting by the table and poured hot chocolate into the waiting mug. “Something to help keep you warm.”
Marinette smiled as he handed it to her and took a sip. “Mm, it’s good,” she said, setting it the mug back on the table, knocking one of the little tea lights off in the process. Luka had to stop her from jumping up with a gasp. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he told her, smiling as he went to pick it up and show it to her. “Don’t worry, they’re battery powered. Fire is pretty much the worst thing that can happen on a boat so we can’t use real ones. They’re lighter than the real thing though so they’re easy to knock over, sorry about that.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Marinette sighed, sagging back in her chair.
Luka chuckled, kneeling in front of her chair as he set the candle back on the table. “I actually borrowed them from Juleka, she has a huge stockpile since she’s dating the most sappily romantic person on the planet. You wouldn’t believe how long she spent checking out every type of battery powered tea light she could get her hands on to find which one was the most realistic.” He shrugged. “I’m not above benefitting from all her hard work.” 
Marinette giggled, and then sighed. “You went to so much trouble,” she said, looking around. Too much trouble, he could hear her not say.
Luka put his hand on her cheek and brought her gaze back to him, thumb caressing her cheekbone softly. “If I let you spoil me your way, you have to let me spoil you mine, okay?”
Marinette smiled at him with so much affection that his heart skipped and stuttered. “I guess I can’t argue with that.” 
Luka couldn’t help himself; he leaned forward and kissed her softly. She smelled like chocolate as she leaned into him and his fingers tightened around hers. “I’m getting off track here,” he said, forehead pressed against hers, and then kissed her again when she nudged him with her nose. He groaned in weak protest when she let go of his hands to tangle her fingers in his hair, and he kissed her one more time, letting her draw him deeper. When she’d had her way with him he pulled back, taking her hands from around his neck and kissing them both together. “Please let me do this for you.”
“Okay,” she smiled. “Sorry. I’m not trying to ruin your plans.” 
“I promise that’s in my plan too,” Luka chuckled. “But later.” He reached for the table and unwrapped the plate of cookies and snacks that had been waiting there, and pressed the mug of hot chocolate back into her hands. “There’s a blanket by the chair if you get cold. If the wind picks up too much we’ll move to the sunroom, but I prefer it out here if that’s okay.”
“It’s wonderful. This is all so nice,” she sighed, taking a sip. “Mm, that really is good, you’re going to have to tell me what you put in it later.”
He licked his lips as he stood, tasting the chocolate she’d left on his lips, and took a breath, trying to get his head together. “I wanted to play something for you, if that’s okay.”
“Of course it is, I love hearing you play,” Marinette replied, cocking her head slightly in confusion. He played for her all the time, after all.
Luka smiled and went over to the chair he’d set up for himself across from her, uncovering the clarsàch he’d hidden next to it with a flourish. Marinette lit up with understanding and pleasure. He smiled at her as he sat down, glancing behind him briefly as he settled the harp in place. He’d arranged things so that she could see the dark water of the Seine and the glowing pillars of Notre Dame behind him. 
Luka turned his attention to the harp and found to his embarrassment that his hands were shaking slightly. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, centering himself.
“Are you...nervous?” Marinette asked, her voice sounding almost awed. 
“A little,” he admitted, opening his eyes to give her a lopsided smile. “I don’t usually get nerves like this but...this is the first time I’ve played this for anyone, and I really want to get it right.”
“Luka.” The way she said her name gave him shivers, softly and so full of emotion she sounded on the verge of tears, and he knew it didn’t matter how well he played, because she’d already understood and accepted his gift.
He prepared to play his best anyway.
Luka set his now steady fingers to the strings, and played. He glanced up after the first few notes for just a moment, and smiled to himself at the slight crease between her brows. She recognized the song, but hadn’t placed it yet despite the distinctive opening notes. 
Her confusion remained as he played the first verse. I could stay awake just to hear you breathing, watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you’re far away and dreaming…
He glanced up again as he reached the chorus, and caught the dawning recognition, the silent “o” her mouth made as she finally recognized it. He smiled to himself and returned his full attention to his playing.
I don’t wanna close my eyes, I don’t wanna fall asleep cause I’d miss you babe, and I don’t wanna miss a thing
No amp, no speakers, just the soft, intimate sound of the harp connecting the air between them. It wasn’t as perfect, as smooth as it would have been on his guitar, but that was okay. It wasn’t about perfection. 
“Only you would play Aerosmith on a harp,” she giggled. 
“Not true,” Luka said with a smile, setting the harp carefully aside. “I had to get the music from somewhere, after all. I’m not anywhere near ready compose my own arrangements on this thing.” He reached for her hand. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it, it was so beautiful,” she said, all humor in her voice replaced by sincerity. She pulled his hand to her and kissed it. “Thank you, Luka. This has all been so special, I’m truly touched.” 
“You’re welcome, Marinette,” he said warmly, putting his other hand over hers for a moment. Then he let go and picked up his guitar from where he had tucked it behind a crate. He strummed for a moment, and improvised a soft, warm, melting melody. Marinette relaxed back in her chair and nibbled at the plate of snacks, still sipping at her hot chocolate.
He waited until she was distracted and then slipped into the next song he had planned. Marinette looked at him with round eyes, and he grinned at her. “Is that Motzart?” she asked with her mouth full.
Luka chuckled. “Chopin, actually. Nocturne in B-Flat Minor.” 
Marinette swallowed her food and began to laugh. “You’re too much. Aerosmith on the harp and Chopin on electric guitar.” 
“Do you like it?”
“Absolutely,” she sighed, leaning back and closing her eyes as he played. He watched her with a smile on his face as he played. “That was really lovely,” she said wistfully when he finished. “Promise you’ll play it again sometime.”
“Of course, chérie, anytime you want,” he said, slipping into another improvised melody. Marinette looked at him in slight surprise. He’d never called her that before. Luka took a deep breath, stopped playing altogether and sang, “Je pense à toi, mon amour, ma bien aimée, ne m'abandonne pas, mon amour, ma chérie.” I think of you, my love, my beloved, don’t leave me, my love, my dear. Marinette’s eyes opened wide and she stared at him, a flush that wasn’t from the breeze darkening her cheeks. Luka grinned as he picked up the tune with his guitar, playing slower than it was written, and continued, “Quand je suis dans ma lit, je ne rêve qu’à toi, et quand je me réveille, je ne pense qu’à toi…” When I’m in my bed, I dream of nothing but you, and when I wake, I think of nothing but you.
She looked at him like he had two heads during the verse and chorus, and he began to feel a little nervous, but her shock melted into something else as she unconsciously leaned toward him, eyes warm. Encouraged, Luka got up and moved to kneel in front of her, still playing. “Certains t’ont promis la terre, d’autres promettent le ciel, y’en a qui t’ont promis la lune, et moi je n’ai rien que ma pauvre guitare…” Some promise you the earth, others promise you the sky, there are some who promise the moon, and me I have nothing but my poor guitar.
Marinette leaned forward, wrapping her arms around her knees as he sang softly, “Je pense à toi, mon amour, ma bien aimée, ne m'abandonne pas, mon amour, ma chérie.” The final strum faded away, and for a moment they were both motionless, lost in each others’ eyes.
“Now?” Marinette asked breathlessly. 
“Now,” Luka agreed, leaning into her as he set aside the guitar. Marinette threw her arms around him and kissed him so passionately he couldn’t remember his own name until she murmured it against his lips
Luka pulled her up from the chair and sat down on it, tugging her back down to seat her between his legs. She leaned back against him, and he bent down to pick up his guitar from the deck. He put his guitar in front of them both, reaching his long arms around her.
“Can you really play like this?” 
“We’re about to find out,” he chuckled. “You’re pretty small, I think it’ll be okay. Just scoot as close to me as you can.”
She snuggled back against him, and he nuzzled her cheek before testing his reach. It was a little awkward and her hands on his thighs were a little distracting, but he thought he could manage it. “Tell me if you get uncomfortable and we’ll move,” he murmured, and played as she snuggled close against him, leaning her head back on his shoulder. He played the peace of their hearts, the flicker of the candles, the rock of the boat on the river.
Eventually he set the guitar down and reached for the blanket next to the chair instead. He spread the blanket over them both and put his arms around Marinette’s waist. They sat, watching the stars and the lights on the water.
“This is heaven,” he said softly. Marinette giggled and he smiled, knowing what she was thinking. “Kissing you is amazing,” he told her, keeping his voice low. “Every time you touch me I get a thrill I can’t even describe. But this right here, just being quiet with you...I don’t know, it’s special. How often do you even just stop and be quiet at all, Marinette?”
“Pretty much never,” she admitted, keeping her voice soft as well. “Except...except with you.” She said it like it had never occurred to her before. “Thanks for being my quiet place, Luka.” Luka smiled up at the sky.
“Can I take your hair ties out?” he asked after a moment. 
“Hmm? Oh...sure, I guess.” 
Luka carefully pulled the ribbons from her pigtails. Then he ran his fingers through her hair from root to tip. Marinette’s eyes closed and her head tipped back, her lips parted in a quiet gasp. Luka smiled. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he murmured, running his hands through her hair again. 
“Mmm,” Marinette sighed, melting into him. He chuckled. 
“I’m glad you like it as much as I do.” He kissed her cheek, and then sighed. “I’m going to say something and I swear it’s a compliment, but I’m not sure it’s going to come out right,” he said, a little uncharacteristic shyness in his voice. 
“I’m listening.”
“You make it hard to live in the moment.” He could feel her surprise and she waited for him to explain. “I’m not really the type of person to overthink stuff, you know? Really I probably ought to think of the future more, but I feel like it’s important to appreciate where you are right now. But sometimes with you it’s not as easy as it used to be. I can’t help thinking about all the things I want to do with you someday.” 
“Like, what kinds of things?” Marinette asked dreamily, still leaning into his touch as his fingers continued to move through her hair. 
“Like...doing just what we’re doing now, only out on the open ocean, with all the lights off so we can see the stars. Oh, you’ve never seen the sky until you’ve seen it like that, Marinette. Things like, a spring picnic up in the Alps, where the mountains just surround you and it feels like if you just jumped up in the air you’d be flying. I want you to teach me something I’ve never done before. I want us to learn something new together, something neither of us have ever done before.” He paused. “I just...I want to share things with you and I want you to share things with me.” He cringed slightly, letting his hands slip out of her hair and circle her waist. “Am I getting too heavy?”
“No,” Marinette said shyly. “Or...maybe, but I...tonight I think I like it.”
Luka hesitated. “There’s...one thing I’d kind of like to do that’s a little more achievable in the here and now.”
“I’d like you to meet my friends. There’s an open mic night next week that a bunch of us were going to go to. Maybe you could come?”
Marinette was silent and he could feel her tense slightly. “Hey,” he said, nudging her temple with his nose. “Don’t go spiraling without me. Talk to me. Tell me what you’re feeling.”
“What if they don’t like me?”
Luka chuckled. “What if you don’t like them?” 
“I’m serious,” he said, squeezing her lightly. “Maybe they won’t like you, maybe you won’t like them. That’s okay if it happens. You don’t have to be friends with everybody. Maybe you’ll like some of them and not others. Whatever happens, it won’t change anything between us. Worst case scenario, I see them at school and when we make plans to hang out, and I keep you all to myself when we’re together, just like we’ve been doing. It’s not some kind of test you have to pass. I don’t think you have to worry too hard about it, though, I think my friends are pretty cool people and they’ll see that you’re amazing. You seem to have a pretty high tolerance for weird, so I think you’ll be able to put up with them.” 
Marinette giggled and relaxed into him. “How are you so perfect?” 
A trickle of cold went down Luka’s spine. “I’m not, Marinette,” he said softly. “If you think I am, then you need to look closer, babe.”
“I know you’re not,” Marinette said seriously. She sat forward and tried to twist so she could see him. Luka pulled her up onto his lap and she leaned on his chest, their eyes nearly level. “You’re self-conscious. You’re not always proactive enough. You don’t always say what you’re thinking because you’re afraid it won’t come out right. You worry about others to the point where you neglect yourself or overwhelm them, you take too much on yourself, and you tend to hide behind your guitar. But those are all just the other side of all the things I love about you. You’re humble, laid back, considerate, empathetic, protective, responsible, and a true artist.”
Luka couldn’t breathe as he stared at her. “Are you okay?” she asked, and he nodded numbly. He reached up to hook his hand behind her neck and pulled her gently to his mouth. She kissed him, and then pulled back to look at him again. “I love you,” she told him, soft but sure. His chest tightened and his breath came short and quick. Luka pulled her back to his trembling lips and kissed her fiercely, aware of tears gathering behind his tightly closed eyelids. He focused on kissing her senseless so she wouldn’t notice when they slipped free. Even so he felt her hands on his face, thumbs wiping them away. “I’m sorry,” she spoke against his lips. “I’m sorry I made you wait so long.”
“No,” he said between kisses. “No, no, I wouldn’t change a thing. I love you so much.” He sighed, wiping the tears away himself. “Damn, sorry.” 
Marinette bit her lip, then took a shaky breath and sang softly, “Je pense à toi, mon amour, mon bien aimé, ne m'abandonne pas, mon amour, mon chéri.” Luka’s smile threatened to split his face. He already knew she had a sweet voice, but she was shy about singing around him. It was always a treat for him when she loosened up enough to let him hear her.
“Keep going,” he murmured. Marinette sang the line again, and her voice wavered slightly when he joined in with the harmony he hadn’t been able to sing alone, but she held true to her note. “Je pense à toi, mon amour, ma bien aimée, ne m'abandonne pas, mon amour, ma chérie.”
She paused, and he sang the next line for her. Marinette nodded and they sang it together, and this time she held the melody steady as he sang the harmony. “Quand je suis dans ma lit, je ne rêve qu’à toi, et quand je me réveille, je ne pense qu’à toi…” 
Slowly, they sang through the whole song, Luka giving her the line first and then the two of them together .
Luka nudged her nose with his. “Not bad. I think we sound pretty good together.”
Marinette smiled, laying her head down on his shoulder and pressing her face into his neck. “Yeah. I think we do too.”
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eye-cri · 4 years
aaaa I just couldn’t resist wanting to do this! Alphabet hcs (Fluff/Sfw style~) 
I’m gonna do this for both Najlynn and Aidma!!! 
A is for Adventure: something they haven’t done but have always wanted to
Both: Travel around the world and experience different cultures and have pure wild adventures to get to see beautiful sights. And they’d also want to help those they see that are in need of help and put them in a good place.
B is for Butterflies: How they act when they’re nervous
Aidma: Fidgets a lot. Usually she’ll fidget with her hands and kind of shift in place. It seems to get on other people’s nerves though.... 
Najlynn: Her feet tap a lot on the floor and she’ll fidget her tongue in her mouth. Her eyes can’t seem to stay focused either. 
C is for Crush: what is it like when they have a crush? How do they know/act?
Aidma: She’ll be blushing more around them. When she gets even just a simple complement she’ll go shy mode. But she can still interact with them casually of course. She’d most likely find out about the crush when she’s taking one of her nature walks. Shy complement giver but she wants to show that she notices the little things about her crush. 
Najlynn: Smiley smiley :). She’ll be your little comedian. She makes people fall for her through her jokes for the most part. She’d give you complements confidently a good amount too~
D is for Date: describe an ideal date for them
Both: They don’t really have date ideals just as long as both sides enjoy the time spent together that’s enough for them ❤ 
E is for Essential: what is one thing they could NEVER go without
Aidma: Well,,, support. trauma still haunts her to this day and she appreciates every bit of support she gets. I don’t think she’d still be here if she hadn’t had support.... 
Najlynn: Her close friends that understand her thick and through. They are her shields from the hate she gets for just being her (because she’s  pan-sexual and poly-amorous).
F is for Favorite: a favorite anything- food, place, smell, book, etc.
Aidma: Spicy chips are one of her favorite snacks. Any lake/pond is a favorite place of her’s. wood, flowing water and however Zeus smells are her favorite scents. :> Her favorite books are academia books. 
Najlynn: Macaroons with whipped cream and coffee is her favorite snack. Cafes, parks and board walks are her favorite places. Flowers, books, freshly gritted coffee beans and grass are her favorite scents. Her favorite books are also academia books (but she leans towards light and romantic academia books). 
G is for Giggle: how they laugh/what makes them laugh
Aidma: Usually it starts out soft and she’ll be covering her mouth but it goes further it’d get a a bit louder and she’ll be clutching her stomach. Sometimes she just bursts out in loud laughter but tbh its rare. 
Najlynn: She always purses her lips before laughing. always. And she never holds back, she can sometimes be the loudest laugher which can sometimes cause people to look at her weirdly but she never notices it.
Both: They both snort a bit in their laughs and i find that really cute uwu
H is for Holding Hands: Do they like holding hands? Are their hands warm or cold? Pinky promises?
Aidma: Y E S PLZ. her hands are warm uwu. also a big yes for pinky promises. Pinky promises are extremely important to her and if you break it then you break a lil piece of her :( 
Najlynn: handholding is such a cute thing to do in her eyes so yes. her hands are actually cold! Pinky promises she sees as cute childish things to do. she usually doesn’t take them seriously but if the other person takes them seriously then she will too. 
I is for Inside Joke: something they do that everyone thinks is funny but they don’t understand
Aidma: When she’s mad at Zeus she’ll call him pin-chan or pinny just because he hates it. He said “those are to much of childish names” for him lol. He especially hates it when its in front of people. 
Najlynn: She likes adding the word girl in the most serious of sentences. ex “I am sorry for the death of your father girl”. Some kind of dark humor that is..... 
J is for Jinx: Are they Superstitious?
Both: No, they usually make fun of superstitious people together. 
K is for Kiss: how do they kiss?
Aidma: usually soft, and full of emotions. They leave you with a nice fluttery feeling. But when she’s horni she’ll be very passionate and you’ll be left to have to catch your breath. 
Najlynn: itty bitty kisses and even though they were little, because there were so much you have to catch your breath. 
L is for Love Languge: what is their love language? How do they give and how would they like to receive love?
Aidma: whether subtle or not, she gives constant reminders that she loves them. gifts, hand holding, cuddles, hugs and ect are her ways of expressing love. But she prefers to be shown love physically. You don’t even have to say the words to her, but affectionate touches are her favorite way of getting love.She also likes looking into the eyes of her lover lovingly and seeing the same look on their face looking at her (even tho she’s really shy about this).
Najlynn: She likes whispering sweet nothings to her lover and seeing their reaction. That’s her favorite way of showing love. She also likes getting shown physical affection.
M is for Meant to be: how/when they know someone is “the one”
Aidma: That when she spends time with them, it seems to go by so fast. That’s honestly what she really wants with someone. 
Najlynn: That they’re okay with how she wants the relationship to be and it actually ends up working out. it never seems to work out with any body like this and she just wants someone who is cool with being in a polyamorous relationship. 
N is for Nickname: a nickname they would have or their favorite thing to be called
Aidma: her nicknames are: Adi, Didi/Di, Dia and, Mani
Najlynn: her nicknames are: Naji, Naj, Nana, JeJe (its pronounced zhe zhe) DISCLAIMER: NEVER CALL NAJLYNN, LYNN. just don’t. She hates it and will end up breaking your arm if you do. 
O is for Organization: are they clean or messy?
Aidma: clean for the most part, sometimes she is a little messy but later she’d end up cleaning it up. But she can get really messy on stressful days.
Najlynn: I mean, she’s kinda messy but her sister always ends up nagging her to clean up after herself so she ends up cleaning it up. 
P is for Pet Peeve: What’s something they absolutely CAN’T stand?
Aidma: Strangers and non close friends who don’t get personal space. and constant small noises(like the ticking of a clock).
Najlynn: Being asked personal questions from non close people. like yeah she’s an open person but not that open. 
Q is for Quiet: What do they do for peace of mind
Aidma: Nature walks, eat sugary foods, cuddle with her lover or get her emotions out by drawing
Najlynn: Scents really have a calming affect on her so she’d try to go somewhere that has one of her favorite scents. cuddling with someone also calms her pretty well.
S is for Soft: Describe their softest feature
Aidma: smile, laughter, basically her whole body. :3
Najlynn: her voice is loud but somehow soft?? idk how to explain it. her lips look so soft when she smiles i wouldn’t be mad if u wanted to kiss her right there when she smiles. 
T is for Telephone: are they a talker or a texter? How often do they use their phone? (modern au ofc)
Aidma: she switches btw liking to talk over the phone/facetime/txting. Usually, she doesn’t use her phone much, like around 1h some days or 5h other days. depends 
Najlynn: She likes txting better. sometimes she likes to facetime but its rare tbh. she uses her phone a lot, like around 7h. 
U is for Unique: a random quirk they have
Aidma: not really a quirk but she mocks ppl’s voices a lot. 
Najlynn: She can tell someone’s relationship with their family by first glance. lol idk how i thought of that.
V is for Valentine: Are they the type to celebrate or not?
Aidma: Even when she didn’t have Zeus by her side she loved valentines day. Although she did get a bit jealous of the happy couples she was happy for them.
Najlynn: Surprisingly, no. She doesn’t have any ill feelings towards it, she just doesn’t care for it.
W is for Wholesome: something extremely pure about them that makes you just *uwu*
Aidma: I know I already said this but she loves physical affection and imagining some Fluffy Adius scenarios really warms my heart 🥰
Najlynn: She’s just soo understanding!! I adore her for her supportive side. 
X is for Xenia: How they would entertain a guest/show hospitality
Both: Cook some bomb food and sweets, (modern au prt) and offer to turn on the tv. lol but they’d probably talk over the tv.
Y is for Youth: A fond childhood memory they have
Aidma: uh............................................... okay well.......... when she first met her older sister (Amalie) They were in hiding but here’s the thing, they had Iasona who was still a baby at the time with them cuz Iaso’s mother had been killed right after she had birthed Iaso and then Iaso had been thrown out left to die. But Amalie found her and took care of her. After a a year and a few months when Amalie found Adi they decided to go into hiding and Adi thinks that time in hiding, taking care of Iasona was “a calm in the cruel storm”.   
Najlynn: meeting her little siblings for the first time. She immediately adored them all.
Z is for Zzz: Sleep habits. Do they cuddle in their sleep? Talk? What do they dream about?
Aidma: She’s the biggest sleep cuddler. She doesn’t talk in her sleep (she’s quite happy for it). Nightmares unfortunately happen at least every week for her but her dreams are usually either totally chaos or, its of what she wanted her childhood to be. 
Najlynn: Sometimes she’ll cuddle but it’s not often. Yeah she does talk in her sleep (when she and Adi have to camp out on a mission her sleep talking annoys Adi to no end(cuz she’s do damn loudd))  Sometimes she has visions in her sleep but she never remembers them. When she does have nightmares, they’re creepy asf. Her dreams usually have clouds in them for some reason idk y. 
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sincerelymarinette · 4 years
A Recorded Life (39/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 1502 Chapter Summary: Jagged Stone has an announcement! Marinette has a lot going on soon, and it's the first video of Adrien vs. Jobs where Adrien gets to work in the Dupain-Cheng Bakery! Author's Note: suuuuper late update (it's still Sunday in California!!) oh look another busy week but i love this story I'm determined to update! I wanted to make an edit of how Marinette's end screen would look but I didn't get to it, so maybe next update :) hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!
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Adrien vs. Jobs 1: The Bakery
Nine days until the gala.
JAGGED @JaggedStone I'm excited to finally announce the release date of my new album, Greener Grass! We released Lift Up a few weeks ago, and I'll admit it was a little premature of a release, but I was so excited to share new music!
JAGGED @JaggedStone That being said, get ready to rock out next Friday! Since I made you all wait so long since the single, we pushed it as close as I could get it!
JAGGED @JaggedStone Pre-order merch bundles and album cover posters here: jaggedstonestore.com Don't forget to get your favorite @MarinetteDC cover in stores and collect them all in poster and merch form! I can't wait for you all to see them in person, they're AMAZING!
Every time Jagged Stone tweeted about Marinette, her follower count spiked. It was crazy that it happened every time he said something about her, but he does have a lot of fans, so it makes sense. She was also astonished at how fast he wanted to release the album, but ever since Marinette got all the covers finished, he was itching to just drop it all right away. His fans would surely be excited, just as she was.
It just so happened that Jagged's release date was the same day as the Agreste Gala, so that would be a busy day for sure. She sat at the lunch table with her headphones in as she waited for her friends, scrolling through Twitter and retweeting Jagged Stone's tweets. He also said to look out for another single drop at midnight to bring back the hype of the album, and she was excited.
Marinette may have heard the album already, or at least the demos, but she was still excited for the formal release of the songs. She heard her email ding, and switched tabs to see an email from Jagged (and Penny).
Hey Marinette!
I hope you've seen the announcements I made on social media today. If not, the album is set to be out next Friday! We're all excited to show off the music and your artwork, and Penny and I had an idea about how to push marketing over the edge.
You know sometimes artists do an explanation of their songs? I've done one once but it was a while ago, maybe my second album, so I'm not sure if you've heard it. But I think it would be awesome if we could do one for this album! I explain the song process, and you talk about your process for the designs. A lot of fans really love you and your artwork, that I think it would be amazing.
We could record them for both an album and videos you could post on your channel if you'd like. Reminds me of like a podcast, which sounds like a lot of fun. Are you in? I'm thinking we record it Monday or Tuesday next week because it would have to be a pretty quick turn around.
Penny will send you more details if you're interested! Hope to see you soon.
Rock on, Jagged Stone
"Hey, Mari," Adrien smiled wide as he sat across from Marinette at the table. She took her headphones out and smiled back before starting to type as fast as possible to respond.
"You guys see Jagged Stone's tweets?" Nino asked as he took a seat next to Adrien. "I'm sure Marinette has, but I'm so excited! His album comes out in like a week!" Nino said.
Both Marinette and Adrien nodded. "I'm sure it's gonna be amazing. And I can't wait to buy all the Marinette and Jagged merch!"
"What are you so interested in?" Alya asked, sneaking up behind Marinette and unknowingly cutting off Adrien.
Marinette took a break from typing and sat back. "An email from Jagged Stone. He wants to do one of those explaining the album podcasts, which would be so cool," Marinette explained. "So I'm replying. Hey, are you busy Monday or Tuesday after school?"
"Nope, you need me to come with you to run the camera?" Alya winked.
"You know it!" Marinette said and turned to the boys. "Sorry guys, I don't know if you'll be able to come with," She apologized.
Adrien and Nino looked at each other and back to Marinette. "I guess we'll just have to have guy time then," Nino shrugged and took a bite of his food. "But I expect we all get together and listen to it as soon as it comes out!" He smiled wide.
"Maybe the day after," Adrien added. "We have the gala on Friday, so if our investigation comes up dry, we'll listen on Saturday!"
Marinette pressed send on the email and shut her laptop to eat lunch with friends. After a little bit of conversation, she was finally allowed to get into YouTube talk. "So, Adrien, are you excited to run the register at the bakery today?" She winked.
"Oh, it's going to be the best. Your parents are excited, too," Adrien smiled.
"Bleh," Alya chuckled. "You guys have been dating for like four days, tone it down."
Nino didn't say much, only laughed at the situation as the three went back and forth. "Oh yeah!" Marinette said. "I need your opinion on a video idea, you know, to confirm things to the fans."
The middle of the week meant that the bakery could be bustling, or only steady, which was perfect for the video. Marinette had introduced the video, and Sabine was teaching Adrien the basics already.
"So, I think we have officially decided to call this Adrien vs. Jobs, and my mother is getting ahead of schedule and already teaching Adrien! Marinette hinted for Sabine to wait, but she didn't listen.
"Oh yeah, disclaimer, most of this will be in French, but I will subtitle it in English," Marinette said, in English, and walked over to the register to show the camera how it looked.
Sabine was explaining the different buttons to Adrien, in French, and how to ring people up. "Most times, customers will tell you exactly what they want because they read the signs, but other times it's a guessing game. So if you need help, don't be afraid to ask."
"But don't forget this is a challenge, and I will be judging you," Marinette winked.
In response, Adrien stuck his tongue out jokingly. "I think I can do this; thank you. At least a little bit."
Luckily, it wasn't too busy in the bakery. There were just enough people to keep Adrien on his toes, but he wasn't overwhelmed, and it gave him a chance to figure out how to do everything. In the beginning, he had to ask Sabine for help, but with more patient and straightforward customers, it was much easier to understand, and he was able to figure it out.
He even made a few tips (which he gave right back to Sabine) and was having a lot of fun. He got to talk to Parisians, which he didn't get to do as a regular person as much, and wear an apron with fun pockets, and smell the delicious baked goods for a few hours. Tom was making the last of the goodies in the back, and it smelled as beautiful as they looked, and they could barely keep the goods on the shelves!
Adrien loved learning all the different names od the food they carried and getting to box or bag it up for the customer, who was always happy with what the Dupain-Cheng bakery delivered.
He was quite surprised by how he was able to pick up on all the different things the bakery did. It probably helped that he was having fun talking to all customers and bantering with Marinette, as well as watching how much Sabine and Tom love their job.
They helped close up the shop, and Adrien got a celebratory macaroon. After heading upstairs, Marinette was able to finish up the video.
"Well, I definitely think that Adrien could get a job at the bakery if he needs it. My mom clearly loved having the extra hands, and she loves Adrien anyways. What do you think, Adrien?" Marinette asked.
"It was a lot of fun! I would say it was a successful beginning to the series. Which is good, because there will probably be some fails," He chuckled. "Do you want a rematch at Mario Kart?"
Marinette nodded, and Adrien ran to the TV to set it up. "Well, I guess that means I should end the video. Leave a comment on what job you think Adrien should try next! And don't forget to follow us on social media and subscribe to never miss a video!" Marinette said. "Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you next time!" And she set the camera down.
"Okay, I'm ready to beat your butt at Mario Kart...again!" Marinette grabbed the controller and sat down next to Adrien.
"That's what you think."
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10 @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman @lilgaga98 @evufries      
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error-dumbass-found · 4 years
Sweets w/ wolfstar
Sirius Black, having grown up in the much aristocratic family in France had a very mature palette for an eleven year old. The Hogwarts food surprised him to say the very least. Instead of delicate and tight servings of outstanding meals, he instead got a constant flow of rich and messy home-y tasting ones.
And it confused him to say the least, everyone saw it so casually, or at least in a god way. Remus who never had much options at home ate like a wolf after the sorting, Peter who’s not the slickest in the first place felt right at home in the mounds of food, James looked quite used to having a load of options for the main but especially the dessert.
Sirius wondered where the frenched lamb is, or the fancy stews, tender meats, fancy cut vegetables or why nothing had red wine on it. Instead there were sausages and a whole chicken, Sirius was far beyond confused.
After the mains finished the desserts appeared in the table, and if the grey eyed boy thought he was confused before, this is a whole new ball game of confusion. Instead of the creme brûlée’s and macaroons he was instead presented with pudding in an ugly bowl and a random cake that had only a single flavour of simple cake and a matching simple frosting.
Sirius supposed with the hype that Hogwarts got, the food was to be a little more refined, but he guessed not.
The food was good nonetheless, it was flavoursome, almost like you can taste the meaningfulness and want of the creator to simply fill someone’s stomach, not necessarily impress them. But it isn’t the food he was used to, so he didn’t eat a whole lot especially when dessert time came, so his serving was more likely than not given to either Remus or Peter.
Remus, he noticed, who was pretty collected and stiff at most times seemed to bounce with excitement when he lays eyes on a dessert and his eyes sparkle with gratitude when Sirius first offered his slice of chocolate cake some 3 weeks in to the other boy. James who was enthusiastically digging at his own slice offered a confused look followed by “You don’t want it?” Sirius with his fancy french palette responded with “Too much chocolate for me, I think had the filling been a fresh dollop of cream with fruits of sorts I would have been devouring it.” And James nodded for a split second because oh yeah everybody is lowkey a peasant compared to Mister I live in the Victorian era, cool but they were all a little shocked by the fear that crossed Peter’s eye, so James and Sirius followed his gaze to all but land on a fuming Remus Lupin.
“Black, I know you’re low, but, too much chocolate? Mate, do you hear yourself?!” And Sirius was confused because “Sorry Remus, this isn’t the type of food I grew up eating!” And Remus all but answers “Chocolate, Black!” And he digs in his pockets to pull out a chocolate bar and Sirius shudders.
The chocolate he’s used to at home is extremely bitter and he would’ve rather chugged coffee than eat the 75% cocoa chocolate stashed on the pantry. He’s tasted less concentrated batches of course, but that’s what floods his mind at that second. And Remus just looks like he’ll implode any second. He shakes his head and says “I won’t allow this, c’mon lad, eat the darn chocolate!” So okay, Sirius opens his mouth and pops the chocolate in and, woah- ok. That’s better than whatever is stashed on their pantry. And it sort of melts in your mouth and it’s bitter, but not quite, it’s a good sweet that has bitterness towards the end to provide authenticity to it. And Sirius likes it.
He looks back at Remus, shining hazel eyes and crooked smile and scarred face and all. And Sirius blames it on the chocolate, but why does his friend look like an angel?
“Good?” Remus asks. “It’s better than what mother is asking me to consume when we were still in France, that’s for sure.” And Remus smiles a bit more and it’s definitely the chocolate but, since when was Remus so adorable smiling like that??
From that day on, only Remus would be able to convince Sirius to eat something outside of his prestigious palette. It was Remus who transformed the posh French boy into the cool and rugged bad boy with an alluring french accent. It was Remus who had his arm around Sirius’ entire persona, because at the end of the day, Sirius would surrender his everything for the angel that is Remus Lupin.
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rustybutterknife · 5 years
I kinda want to know more about Lydia and Hazel... their names just go really well together? also lesbians? (btw what does hazel look like? lowkey want to draw her)
Okay okay okay! I haven’t finished the full concept drawing, but this is Hazel!
Tumblr media
Her hair is pastel pink, and she’s got green eyes!
Anyway, onto the headcannons!!
So Hazel!!
She’s basically the embodiment of pastel GF
Her aesthetic is a mix of harajuku, kawaiicore, Lolita, and kidcore.
She’s just,,, bubbly baby
She likes anime!
Her favorites are Sweetness and Lightning, Sailor Moon, and Ouran Highschool Hostclub!
So onto her and Lydia!
When Lydia first walked into Spanish class on her first day, she met eyes with Hazel and her heart immediately went “!!!!!!”
I guess her teacher must’ve known that Lydia would’ve liked her before she did because she was seated right next to her
They started talking, Hazel trying to explain to her what Spanish class was usually like, what the students were like, and half of Lydia listened. The other half was just straight up 💞💖💕💗💘♥️💓
Lydia got pretty settled in after about 2 or 3 weeks, and got used to how everything worked. Even then, she couldn’t get used to Hazel. Every time she saw her felt like the first time seeing her. Just pure bliss.
Little did she know, Hazel felt the same way. She just didn’t know if Lydia was The Big Gay™ or not. Oh honey.
One day, Hazel complained about how she couldn’t understand the unit and Lydia offered to help her study. Of course, they studied at Hazel’s house because they can’t exactly study at Lydia’s. (Thanks, BJ.)
After Lydia tells her parents that she’s going over to a friend’s house to study and gets permission, they head to her house.
They head inside, Lydia meets Hazel’s parents (they’re very sweet) and younger brothers Mason and Dallas (4 and 7), they head up to her room.
It’s… very pink, to say the least. Anime posters everywhere, stuffed animals on shelves, little accessories carefully put away, cartoon strawberry sheets.
It’s very… her.
And Lydia loves that.
So they get to studying, which lasts about maybe 20 minutes or half an hour before Hazel asks if she wants a snack.As a thank you for helping her, and because she wants a snack too. Lydia says “sure,” and she yeets down to the kitchen.
When she gets down, she’s gotta give herself a little pep-talk.
“Alright, Hazel. There’s a cute girl in your room. She’s helping you learn Spanish. She wants snacks, so you gotta give her snacks. Quick, what are some good study snacks? Apple slices? Panda cookies?? Iced tea???”
She does a little dance to pump herself up, punching the air dramatically and just shaking her head all around.
She brings up all of the above on a little tray.
(It’s peach iced tea, in case you guys are wondering!)
Lydia’s just kinda sitting on the bed, looking at all the stuff in the room and messing around with the hem of her skirt.
They continue studying, enjoying their snacks and drinks. Eventually, Lydia mentions the fact that her and her mom used to have little tea parties, and how she used to dress up in a little tiara and feather boa.
Hazel is about to ask her about it, when she says “You know, there are things I wish I could have told her when she was still alive…”
Hazel just. Freezes. Quick, think of words!
“Like what?”
Smooth. Real smooth.
She immediately face palms.
“Sorry, that was rude-“ “no no, it’s fine! I like talking about my mom and stuff! It helps to keep her memory alive, you know?” “I guess so…”
they sit in awkward silence.
“I kinda wish I could have came out to my mom…”
YES!! SHES GAY!! Inappropriate time to celebrate, but yes!! Gay!!
“Oh… I still haven’t really come out to my parents, if that makes you feel any better?” “Oh, what are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” “I’m bi…” “oh cool, I’m just… a plain ol lesbian.” Lydia does jazz hands for added effect.
Hazel chuckles, putting her hand on the bed. Lydia rested her hand on top of hers, smiling and blushing. Hazel put her free hand on Lydia’s cheek, and leaned in.
Lydia leaned in as well, and…
They accidentally bumped noses. Damn it.
They immediately pull away before falling into a fit of giggles and try again. It works this time.
After a little while, they clean up and put everything back. Lydia waves goodbye to Hazel and gives her a little kiss on the cheek before leaving.
When she gets home, she’s got a bounce in her step that she hadn’t had since before her mom was diagnosed.
She’s giddy, and humming as she settles in at home.
At dinner, everyone looks at each other for possible answers while Lydia is just smiling, enjoying her dinner. She’s unusually nice to Delia. Not that she hasn’t been nice to Delia since they came to terms after the wedding. But she’s… a lot nicer than she usually is. It’s sickeningly sweet.
Everyone eats in silence for a few minutes before Charles decides to break it.
“Are you alright, Lydia? You seem unusually happy. Delia, can you take her temperature?” “No no, I’m fine! Really!”
Barbra joins in from where she’s drying the dishes as Adam washes them.
“Oh, I think she has a case of the L-word!” “Lesbian!” “Juicebox, no, she means love…” “oh!! Yeah, that makes more sense.”
She doesn’t tell anyone until later at night after Charles and Delia have gone to bed. She sneaks up to the attic, and tells the Maitlands she has something important to say.
They immediately drop what they’re doing, and ask if she’s being bullied. They’ll ask BJ to help, and they’d look the other way. She laughs and says no, she’s not being bullied.
“Oh, then what is it?”
She’s quiet for a moment with a huge smile on her face before she says “I had my first kiss today!”
They’re immediately gasp and celebrate with her. Barbra and Lydia are bouncing up and down in excitement (but gently so they don’t wake the Deetz’s), Adam’s trying to give Lydia pointers on what to do on dates. She’s just happy chirping and flapping her hands.
She doesn’t tell Beetlejuice until later, and his reaction is exactly as you’d expect.
“You know if she breaks your heart, I’m gonna make her shit herself in fear, right?” “Please don’t…”
Once it’s official, they go on little dates!
To the park, ice cream shops, the mall, and to a little bakery between their houses!
They’ll usually get macaroons and a couple of cupcakes, then sit on a bench outside, holding hands and eating their snacks while just enjoying each other’s company.
Soft GFs,,,
When it comes to birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day? They go all out.
Once, for Valentine’s Day, Hazel got Lydia a sword. A full working sword. She decorated the sheath with little bat and black cat stickers.
Lydia almost started crying, because now she could make the “is she... ya know... *sword swinging motion* a lesbian?” Joke.
(Also it’s a sick ass sword that she keeps next to her bed. So she sees it when she first wakes up and thinks of Hazel, also because she can threaten BJ with it.)
In return, Lydia made her a basket with stuffed animals, her favorite snacks, those cat ears that move with your emotions, a few pairs of fuzzy socks, and a sweater that Barbra helped her make.
She wears it all the time.
In conclusion, they’re baby!
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