#aromantic - trans solidarity
transonlyspace · 5 months
theres this certain bond between the aromantic community and the trans community and i cant describe it but i feel like its there
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sharkboywrites · 3 months
It would be great if we, collectively as a community, stopped throwing other lgbt people under the bus to talk about our own issues. It’s really not that necessary.
Like to would be great if we talked about transfem problems without randomly throwing in “yeah because transmascs have it so easy!”
It would be great if we could talk about the issues that come with being a certain sexuality without complaining about lesbians, or bisexuals, or gay men, or polyamorous people and how we think everything is about them (newsflash: its not and they have their own issues because being any type of queer is hard)
It would be great if we could let other lgbt people have representation and be happy for them, instead of turning it into complaining about how others don’t have as much representation. You know you can talk about wlw shows getting cancelled without making mlms feel bad for getting another season of heartstopper right? It’s not their fault and it’s good that they’re getting rep.
We can talk about our issues without making other queer people out to be our enemy, because they’re not
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I AM A POLYAMOROUS HYPERSEXUAL DYKE WHO LOVES THE ASEXUALS/AROMANTICS IN MY COMMUNITY. Along with many other things being a dyke means always helping other members in our lgbt family. Being asexual does NOT mean being anti-kink, it does not mean being sex negative and it most certainly doesn't have any negative effects on the lesbian community. Always remember that lesbians stand with our asexual siblings!
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canonically47 · 7 months
aroallo tboys love you also
oh i ABSOLUTELY love aroallo tboys back
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aceofspadespop · 1 month
freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ you’re under arrest for being so lovely. copy this message to 10 other blogs (if you want to~) that you think are beautiful and deserve it. keep the game going and make others feel beautiful 💛
Aw thanks I also love your blogs!
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thewritehag · 1 year
I was looking up the different acearo (or aroace) flags because there are a bunch and, though I do like the orange/yellow/white/blue's one, it edges close to being beachy and thus not really my steez.
I found a pretty one that was a gradient of blues, dissimilar from the male-specific gay flag. Blue's my favorite color, so i did some more googling and discovered why it was created.
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Intrigued and concerned, I kept digging. What made the OG flag creator problematic is that they support bi/pan lesbians.
That's it (link to thread; pic of og tweet below)
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It's been 2 years since this non-issue and I like to think the people who took issue with an inclusivity supporter have since matured and gained perspective by reading more books, talking to more people outside their immediate community, and got some sunshine infused vitamin D. Even if they haven't, the beachy acearo flag is still the most recognized.
All this to say you can catch me sitting under an umbrella with a cooler, sunglasses, and a book while I chill beside the aroace waves
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Or under the acearo sky
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All these exclusionists need is to sit by the aroace vibes and remember how often we've been excluded (at best). Chill by the acearo aesthetic and Be.
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wurmeatworld · 1 year
Something Ive begun to realize about Pride is how it truly Needs to be inclusive. Yes, I mean aces and aros (they belong regardless, but some ppl don't see that) , and kinksters, and polyamory, and etc. Ill get flack for saying this, but even cishet people who dont conform to societal values of what cishet should look like should be included in Pride.
First and formost, Pride needs to be a rejection of societal institutions, prejudices, and norms that restrict and exclude ways of loving and of being, rather than solely about being part of an oppressed group.
Fighting for LGBT rights is nescesary, but its not enough. In order to dismantle the systems that perpetuate homophobia and transphobia, we need to look at the broader social norms surrounding relationships, love, and identity. Its not as simple as changing a few parts of the machine here and there. The institutions we are fighting are intricate and massive. We cannot begin to fathom how to properly move forward without considering all the different ways a person or relationship would be seen as outside the patriarchal, monogamous, cishetero norm.
Our community formed not only out of solidarity, but as a political movement that embraced diversity. Welcoming more into our ranks cannot hurt us, it bolsters our numbers and makes us a more formiddable force.
Q. "But including _____ will take away focus from the most vulnerable groups!"
A. We do not forsake our siblings by welcoming a broader range of experiences. It is fully possible to include other groups in our solidarity while still supporting our most vulnerable members just as much. Rather, including more people in our acticism will give us more opportunities to help those in the most need.
Q. "But including _____ makes us look bad!"
A. No matter what we do or say, we will look bad to cishet society. It makes no difference what we do, they will find a way to put us down. And turning against others like us only makes that easier for them.
Q. "But _____ arent oppressed the same way!"
A. Allying with them will only strengthen our cause. Squabbling over who is or isnt queer is a pointless endeavor when you consider all the good we could do as a united front.
Q. "But I just cant accept _____!"
A. Then perhaps you should think harder about what were fighting for, why we are fighting for it, and how much personal scruples matter in the grand scheme of things.
We can squabble After we have won the rights to love who and how we want, and to freely express who we are. Right now, we need to secure our future.
Note: Sorry if anyones put off by the separation of the aspec community from lgbt. Im greyro myself, but I wanted to make a point about aspec exclusion because Ive seen so much of it around. Ty for understanding!
Edit: I noticed a typo where I said "valuable" instead of "vulnerable" (no! no!) so I fixed it. I also noted at the start that aspecs should be included. Sorry for taking this long to fix the post!
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fizzlepopcreationz · 1 year
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hi! this is my first ever ych ! unlimited slots available:) proceeds go evenly between my top surgery fund and day to day expenses. dm to claim ! :3
payment in full up front thru paypal invoice or ko-fi (link in pinned)
no commercial use
no map/zoo/super straight/transid etc flags
must have a ref
link back to me if you post or use as a pfp (instagram/tumblr tag or link to post)
no signature removal from final product
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Toronto Pride Parade, Trans March & Dyke March 2023 (preliminary info)
Update: *** Final info for all 3 marches here ***
Happy Pride Month for those around these parts! We’re going to have groups in all 3 marches again this year. Please RSVP to  Please RSVP ([email protected] ) if you’d like to attend *any* of the marches.
Here are the preliminary details and accessibility info below-- More details coming soon:
1) Trans March-- Friday, June 23th, rally at approx 7pm, march at 8pm
Everyone is welcome who *is among* or *supports* trans, non-binary, 2-Spirit folx and gender diversity! 
We're planning to march midway through the group because we expect many though not all participants will be trans/non-binary, and they are asking to prioritise trans and non-binary folks near the front
"While allies are welcome to join, we ask that they respect the importance of this space and leave room for Trans folks to celebrate at the front of the march!" (source)
2) Dyke March-- Saturday, June 24th, rally at approx 1pm, march at 2pm
Everyone is welcome who *is among* or *supports* dykes and lesbians (broadly defined, including dykes and lesbians of various genders, including non-binary and transmasculine dykes etc.), bi+ women and femmes, and/or trans women and trans feminine folks of all sexual orientations. 
The group will determine where in the march to march based on who shows up to participate
"While this event is specifically for Dykes and Lesbian, allies are more welcome to join, however, when marching and rallying we do ask that allies leave space for folks who identify as Dyke or Lesbian to celebrate at the front!" (source)
3) Pride Parade-- Sunday, June 25th, meet at 2:45 pm. [Note: the route / endpoint has changed this year]
Everyone welcome who is among or supports people under the ace and/or aro umbrella(s), trans umbrella and/or everyone affected by homophobia and transphobia! 
Like in past years, we continue to invite people (especially trans/non-binary and/or bi+ folks) to march which us who don't have another group to march with, particularly those with more radical politics opposing structures of oppression. We expect everyone to abide by our Respect Guidelines.
Accessibility --
Please note these are large, crowded, outdoor, rain-or-shine events that involve approximately 2km of slow walking/travelling during the routes (possibly more for the parade) and they are **mask-optional** (i.e., most people attending in the general crowds likely will not be wearing masks)
If you have any accessibility requests, please let me know asap (Pride Toronto has been especially slow to respond to emails this year).
In the past, people who have needed to borrow a wheelchair to participate have been able to do that. While Pride Toronto does not seem to be offering that this year, if you would need to borrow a wheelchair to participate and want to, please let us know ASAP and we'll see if we can arrange it.
Pride Toronto will have ASL interpretation at the rallies. Their info is very vague on whether they have other ASL interpretation support. If you have any ASL-related requests (for example, if you need ASL in order to participate as you would like in a march), please let us know ASAP and we'll see what we can arrange.
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My friend (autistic) and me (adhd) just saw each other after a year (at a graduation event) and the interaction was like:
*we had to pick a place to seat. Neither of us likes making choices*
Him: ladies first *inhales in trans boy*
Me: gender equality *inhales in pansexual*
Him: suddenly I'm mysoginistic *inhales in aroace*
Me: I thought u were mexican (we both are) *inhales in demigirl*
Him: sit first or u are transphobic *inhales in winner of the debate*
Me: shit *exhales in decision making* 
(I ended up sitting first. Goddangit, Geno, using your brand new Boy Privilege™ to make me pick a seat, that's so unfair)
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mind-over-madness · 2 years
Would like to thank both poly and ace communities for helping me find new language and ways of understanding myself. I am part of neither of your communities, but, beyond just loving and accepting you with conviction and joy, I am deeply appreciative of the ways you break open our cultural concepts of intimacy. I love BIG and MESSY and outside lines, boxes, definitions. I feel so alone sometimes in how love works in my heart, constantly getting explicit and implicit negative feedback that my overflowing feelings of all kinds for so many people in my life are wrong — despite being conscientious, conscious, careful, tender, gentle, carefully negotiated, deeply consensual, etc. Grateful to poly folks for breaking open the idea of loving just one person (I feel MUCH for MANY, all the time), and to ace folks for breaking open the idea of love type hierarchies (I am so committed to my “friends” I can hardly fathom it. “Just friends” is perhaps my least favorite phrase. There is nothing minimizing about the expansive and fierce love I feel for these people). I have found your communities’ discourses to be touching, personal, profound, exciting, and really truly helpful as I find myself in this sometimes crushingly limited world. Thank you. 🙏 And solidarity and support always!!! With peace and love.
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aptericia · 5 months
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Not proud to be here.
Ok, here goes draft like 5 of this fucking post. I spent 4 hours tossing and turning in bed last night thinking about this, and then this morning I found a tumblr post that really helped me understand what I was trying to say.
The post talks about how aromantic "advocates" claim that "aros don't take up resources, so there's no reason not to include them!" And if that's actually what people believe, I think I can finally articulate why it is that I feel so alienated in queer spaces.
It's because aspecs in general aren't "welcomed" by much of the queer community. We're tolerated. We perhaps get the luxury of not being contradicted on our own identities, or not being specifically kicked out of LGBTQ-only spaces, but that's the whole point: what we get out of the queer "community" is people NOT doing things, not actually doing things FOR us. And that, frankly, is not enough. We deserve conversations about us. We deserve to have others consider our feelings, even when making lighthearted jokes. We deserve varied, respectful representation in media. We deserve the active deconstruction of amatonormativity in society. We deserve to have space made for us, rather than at most being told we should "go take up more space!" ourselves.
Of course, the reality is that my being aspec is a personal matter that does not inherently affect anyone else. But the same can be said for literally any queer identity. Your being gay doesn't say anything about me, so of course I shouldn't hurt you for it, but why should I help you either? Because your happiness and comfort are important. The same goes for aspecs.
And most of the time, I don't even need anyone to make space for or expend resources on me; I can live fine in everyday, non-queer-specific places without mentioning my identity at all. But it's the queer community that claims it will make that space for me, doesn't, and then acts defensive and morally pure if I call out the hypocrisy because "we're queer too, you can't erase our identities to advocate for yours!!!!"
Again, this post isn't about specifics. I have queer friends who are incredibly thoughtful and supportive about my identity, just as I have non-queer friends who are. I find more solidarity in aspec-only communities, as well as trans/genderqueer ones, although there are still many exceptions. This post is also not about amatonormative ideology, which is extremely common from queer and non-queer people alike. This post is about the reason I've felt so betrayed by the queer community.
On a personal note, I remember being so excited when I started identifying as aromantic (and later asexual). Fitting myself into labels has been a lifelong struggle for me; to this day I still can't confidently say if I'm White or PoC, neurotypical or neurodivergent, abled or disabled, cisgender or not cisgender. I continue to struggle making friends because I don't fall into social cliques. To discover that I officially, certainly, was LGBTQ+ lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. And now I'm just so sad to find that despite that, I'm still stuck in the middle. I didn't get rewarded with a community. I still feel alienated from both queer and non-queer people. I know it was silly to get my hopes up when there's such vast diversity in both groups, but it really was a disappointment. Going to my first Pride parade last year was really the moment where I realized this.
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cardentist · 5 months
people fixate on bi-lesbians as being problematic despite bi-gay men existing (as well as any and every combination of sexuality and romantic attraction you can think of) because terfs and radfems deliberately don't want bi women to associate with lesbians and are deeply invested with framing attraction to men As Bad. a sentiment which has invaded queer culture inside and out, intentionally And incidentally.
people fixate on straight cis aromantic men when straight cis aromantic women exist because framing aromantic people as inherently predatory and dangerous by the simple nature of existing is easier to do when you intentionally force the association with predatory dangerous behavior displayed by (and associated with) misogynistic men.
people are still bigoted against bi-gay men and woman aromatics (and any flavor of trans within these groups), but pay attention to the way these conversations are Framed and it's clear the way gender essentialism is being used as a tool to control the narrative.
radfems' gender essentialism says you're supposed to think men are inherently scary, inherently take advantage of women, so Naturally (it is assumed) a man who is sexually attracted to women but not romantically attracted them Must Inherently be predatory and scary. and now you're being asked to take that feeling of unease you've been manipulated into feeling and associate it with the entirety of a sexuality.
bi-lesbians are threatening to radfems because they want to draw inherent lines between these two groups. insist that attraction to and with a man is inherently dirty and dangerous. the same reason why "gold star lesbian" is a radfem concept. if it turns out that the lines between sexualities, between identity as a whole, is blurrier than they want it to be then that Must be framed as inherently dangerous.
if a single Kind of a marginalized group is being singled out to convince you that this group is dangerous or that they don't belong It's For A Reason. they're trying to manipulate you based on Biases (their biases and the ones they hope you have). the reaction to this isn't to abandon the type of person they're convinced are the worst of these groups, it's in solidarity.
aromantics who are men aren't any different from aromantics who are women, bi-lesbians deserve to live in peace just as much as bi-gay men. don't let people control the narrative Either by cutting down vast array of experiences that exist within any given identity, Or by convincing you that particular kinds of people within your communities are lesser than.
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artofratt · 2 years
Pride art
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random bnha headcanons because theres worms in my brain. (more under the cut)
- Kaminari, Midoriya, Kirishima, Sero and Hagakure have ADHD
- Kirishima is a gay transman (started transitioning in middle school)
- Midnight is a wlw transwoman
- Shirakumo was pansexual and used he/they pronouns
- Kaminari has lightning scars and does his best to hide them (they're mostly in his back, chest and arms)
- Bakugou genuinely has anger issues and is in the process of getting diagnosed
- Ojiro, Yaoyorozu and Hagakure have body dysmorphia
- Jirou, Bakugou and Present Mic are all either HoH or fully deaf (i.e.: Present Mic has hearing aids and Bakugou needs them as well)
- Uraraka has an anxiety disorder (GAD, likely)
- Iida has restless leg syndrome
- Kaminari gets seizures when he overuses his quirk
- Shinsou, Uraraka, Jirou and Kaminari deal with migraines often
- Shoji and Midoriya have chronic pains
- Mineta got fucking expelled.
- he got his ass beat by like half of the class for the shit he was doing to the girls and some crap he said to Kirishima (who's openly trans)
- Asui, Iida, Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou and Yaoyorozu are autistic
- Aoyama is gay and under the nonbinary umbrella
- Bakugou and Midoriya are also transmasc
- Midoriya's first binder was a birthday gift from the Bakugous (Bakugou half-jokingly wanted to make matching All Might binders for them)
- Tokoyami, Bakugou, Jirou, Todoroki and Shinsou often hang out together (either going to Hot Topic or just listening to music)
- the band/Jirousquad play whenever they have free time
- Satou stress bakes (Aizawa has walked in on him baking cakes at 2am several times)
- "... hey Mr Aizawa. Red velvet?" *deep sigh*
- most of the class has nightmares often and it's not new when they're awoken by or run into each other in the middle of the night
- Tokoyami having a nightmare, waking up with a scared Dark Shadow and then deciding to watch TV in the common room VS Asui curled up with a couple blankets on the couch because she also had a nightmare
- Jirou being hyperaware of her classmates' shallow breaths and shakes, feeling bad for not knowing what to do
- Bakugou wakes up the entire dorm by accident because he caused an explosion while waking up from a nightmare
- Koji uses sign language most the time and is semi verbal (autism and anxiety)
- Mirko is a lesbian
- Mr Compress is mlm
- Shinsou goes to sleep at 5am while Midoriya wakes up at 5am
- Shinsou, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu are insomniacs
- Magne was like a big sister to Dabi (and he misses her. it was nice to know what it would've felt like to be the little sibling.)
- Bakugou is (stubbornly) teaching himself sign language
- Midoriya, Present Mic, Aizawa also know sign language (the Bakusquad are getting lessons from Midoriya)
- Monoma is on the aromantic spectrum
- Midoriya uses wrist braces and needs a cane (All Might and Recovery Girl are trying to get him to)
- Bakugou also needs wrist braces but refuses to get them
- Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugou are "Rich Kids With Family Issues" solidarity
- Natsuo used to the dye bits of red in his hair, but as he grew older, the red stopped growing
- it reminded him of Touya and he couldn't look in the mirror for the longest time
- Sero dislocates his shoulders often
- class 1a are banned from playing dodgeball (Recovery Girl had a really busy day the one time they played it)
- Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are gay-lesbian solidarity
- Kirishima, Uraraka, Tetsutetsu and Bakugou are gym buddies
- Midoriya learned English because of All Might
- Bakugou, Jirou, Kaminari and Shinsou are also fluent in English
- Midnight talked to Ashido, Yaoyorozu and Hagakure about their hero costumes and if they were truly comfortable wearing them; they ended up getting they fixed
- Shinsou sometimes uses his quirk to brainwash his classmates into doing self care
- "What're you doing, Sero?" "Oh, not much, just-" "Go drink water."
- Monoma, Midoriya, Kirishima, Denki and Bakugou have imposter syndrome
- if Yaoyorozu is caught off guard, she creates tiny figurines by accident
- Aizawa has had to catch Uraraka with his capture weapon a few times due to her sleep floating
- Shiozaki has extreme religious guilt
- Present Mic does his hair up while in his hero costume out of spite because high school kids used to make fun of Aizawa's hair when he used his quirk
- Kendo is bisexual
- she/they Fuyumi. you agree. reblog
- class 1a has sleepovers sometimes; blanket forts, movies, snacks, everything!
- (Aizawa knows and allows it every time. they deserve and need to be kids)
- sometimes they invite class 1b as well
- Monoma, Shinsou and Midoriya get along well to everyone's surprise
- Kirishima once ran into Dabi while buying hairdye but it was his day off and it looked like it was Dabi's day off too so he just pretended he never saw him grab a box of jetblack hairdye, shove it in his hoodie pocket and leave
- for the sake of his own sanity
- Hagakure can 'turn her quirk off' but only does so when she feels completely safe and comfortable, or when she's totally worn out
- when she did it for the first time around the rest od the class everyone was shocked
- "... is something wr-" "YOU'RE SO PRETTY???,?"
- Ashido, Uraraka and Kaminari hold Shoji's hands while crossing the street (mostly for fun, but he doesn't mind)
- Kaminari absent mindedly braided the hair on Ojiro's tail one day and he just let him
- Koji's bunny is an emotional support animal named Cotton
- Shigaraki decays door handles on purpose just to mess with the rest of the LOV
- he gets bored, okay?
- Aizawa teaches Eri sign language as a surprise for Mic (as well just so Eri has a way to communicate when she doesn't feel comfortable talking)
- Uraraka makes a casual comment about not having enough money to buy something for herself or her parents and Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugou hand her their credit cards like its nothing
- she is startled by that Every Time without fail
- Twice and Toga paint each other's nails
- Mr Compress lets Twice borrow his masks sometimes
- Himiko is a vegetarian, funnily enough
- Mt. Lady has chronic pains and stretch marks
- Bakugou has scars and burns from his own explosions (he wasn't born with perfect control over his quirk, and sometimes he takes his anger out on himself)
- Fuyumi and Natsuo's quirks are extremely powerful ice quirks, but Endeavor never bothered to train them and never let Rei teach them how to control their quirks
- while Fuyumi has Frost, Natsuo's quirk is called Subzero; he can lower his body temperature dangerously low and when he does so, whatever he touches freezes
- if he's emotional or focused enough, he can create icicles and wield them
- Todoroki considered dying his hair several times (black was on top of the list but after Dabi revealed he was Touya, he decided against it)
- the LOV took turns helping Dabi dye his hair
- Kurogiri helped Dabi with his staples (the only other person willing to do that was Himiko but everyone agreed it was a bad ideia)
- Spinner sticks around Dabi during winter because he's a human heater
- no one in the LOV liked Overhaul
- like, killing Magne was bad enough. but straight up child abuse? come on
- they know what it's like to be a kid and to be scared and hurt and they don't want that
- Himiko has nervous tics
- Hatsume is autistic and will infodump about her babies to anyone that will listen
- she and Midoriya infodump to each other
- sometimes, Kurogiri's gaze lingers on the morning sky. he finds clouds strangely amusing for some reason
- Aizawa and Present Mic have been together since they were 17 and have been married for nearly six years (they wear their rings on necklaces underneath their clothes)
- they officially adopted Eri first, then Shinsou
- (It's Free Real State Children)
- "I'm having another kid." "That's great, sensei-" "it's you. Mic and I have the papers already."
- Bakugou, Iida and Yaoyorozu tutor the class before tests
- Kaminari has dyscalculia and dyslexia
- Satou always has snacks on him (especially ones the made himself)
- he keeps an eye on Yaoyorozu and makes sure to give her something if he notices she's looking particularly pale
- most if not the whole class 1a has PTSD (this doesn't shock anyone. Aizawa is desperately trying to get them to talk to Hound Dog sometime)
- Aizawa needs reading glasses and refuses to wear them
- Aizawa and Present Mic & Midnight share custody of Sushi unironically (the cat Shirakumo rescued)
- Aizawa and Mic own other cats (Mochi and Tessie) (it's short for Tshirt, Mic thought it was funny)
- Iida and Yaoyorozu were at Aizawa and Mic's wedding due to their family status, everyone else was clueless to their marriage
- no one was aware they adopted Eri and Shinsou though
- like yeah Aizawa-sensei's taking care of Eri, BUT ADOPTION??
- "oh, Shinsou's in our class- HITOSHI AIZAWA-YAMADA?"
- Aizawa may have only two (2) legal children but by god does he love his other nineteen little bastards.
- Iida made a groupchat for class 1a for "school purposes" but it quickly descended into madness and he gave up
- the gc is now named something incoherent and incomprehensible and there's like seven other chats for different purposes (such as "dekusquad", "bakusquad", "the band" and "is this fucked up or are all parents like this?")
- Iida and Yaoyorozu keep note of everyone's allergies
- so does Aizawa
- Yaoyorozu has a bad relationship with food and often has trouble using her quirk due to it
- Tetsutetsu is a stealth transman (only Kirishima is vaguely aware)
- Kuroiro was extremely afraid of the dark as a child
- Ashido gets acid burns often (they're not too bad and mostly in her hands, but if it's a particularly bad day, she gets burns in her face)
- Kirishima has trouble walking/moving in general when he overuses his quirk
- Present Mic is mlm
- Aizawa is a gay transman
- Jirou and Kaminari are both bisexual
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broomsticks · 11 months
posted a two-part pride rec list over at dreamwidth (follow the links for full reccer’s notes). various queer themes including identity exploration, coming out, and related social/societal issues. there’s light to heavy angst in most of these, but all have a happy/hopeful ending. 🌈
Modern Muggle AUs
Time and Love by justtoarguewithyou // Hermione/Oliver // 6.8k, G. College/University AU, Self-Discovery, Getting Together
Love & Blowjobs & Other Sacred Things by BrujaBanter // Wolfstar & Jily // 77k, E. Preacher Remus, Priest Sirius, Former LDS/Mormon James, Hijabi Lily, Explicit Sexual Content, Priest Kink, Catholicism Is Inherently Kinky Fight Me
Discards by @picascribit // Wolfstar & Jily // 76k, M. Librarian AU, Trans Sirius Black, Latino!Remus, Japanese-American!Sirius, Black!James, Jewish!Lily, Homelessness, HIV/AIDS, Drug Use, Sex Work
Dragons Don't Know Paradise by @teacup-tai // Drarry & Wolfstar // 51k, E. Falling In Love, they meet online, Wolfstar raising Harry, HIV+ Remus, Angst and Hurt/Comfort.
Have Time To Grow by Queer_and_trashy // Wolfstar // 31k, E. Professor Remus, Poet Sirius, Trans Sirius, Dom Remus/Sub Sirius, deeply deeply queer, because fuck jkr
Midday Train to London by xinasvoice // Wolfstar, Prongsfoot, Jily // 24k, E. Muggle AU, introduction to the BDSM/kink community, introduction to polyamory
Magical Queerness
Play Me Like A Love Song by @writcraft // Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank/Minerva McGonagall // 68k, E. Queer Awakening, Stone Butch, Coming Out, Families of Choice, Drag King, Self-Discovery
Rosmerta's Special Brew by @lumosatnight // Rosmerta/Andromeda // 6k, T. Queer Themes, Queer Characters (so many), 5+1 Things, Coming Out, Fluff
burning brightly by malapropism // Rolfluna // 15k, NR. Parent-Child Relationship, Family Dynamics, Character Study, Aromantic Luna Lovegood
Knotweed by @turanga4 // Poppy/Pomona // 2.3k, T. Canon compliant, missing moment, older lesbians, past relationship
Dating the System Isn't Very Punk Rock by flibbertygigget // Kingsley/Snape // 7k, M. post-DH canon divergence, Community Organizing, Anarchism, Punk, Transfem Snape, Genderfluid Kingsley
Smoke and Mirrors by RuinsPlume // Remadora, endgame Tonks/Ginny // 38k, E. Butch Tonks, nonbinary Tonks, bisexual Remus, polyamory negotiations, Remadora raising Teddy, queer het
The Bent by @ebparentheses // Wolfstar & F/F Jily // 40k, E. No-Voldemort canon divergence, Friends to Lovers, Queer History, Queer Art, obscenity laws, queer solidarity
The Mirror Lied by tryslora // F/F Draco/Hermione // 1.8k, M. Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Transfem Draco Malfoy, Gender Exploration
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