#aro ace writing
ao3-shenanigans · 3 months
Hi, reminder to not infantilize autistic, asexual, or aromantic people and characters.
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ihhfhonao3 · 11 months
You know that smut you like? Y’know, the really, REALLY good one? You know that one? Yeah?
An asexual wrote that.
And that really good romantic fluff you like? The really cute one, the domestic fluff? Y’know that one?
An aromantic wrote that.
So before you go to sleep reading fanfiction tonight, be sure to thank all the asexuals and aromantics that are writing your favorite fics!
Because no, we are not the pure little children you think we are.
Everybody say thank you a-specs!
Thank you a-specs!
Alright, I’ll let you go now :3
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redysetdare · 2 months
enough stories about how someone learns to truely be happy through love. i want a story where someone is desperately seeking out love thinking it's the only way to be happy only for them to learn by the end that happiness is what they make of it and they don't need love at all to make it.
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the-great-kraken · 2 months
if you see a male character kiss a male character, you assume they are gay.
if you see a female character kiss a female character, you assume they are a lesbian.
if you hear a character say they don't feel like their gender, you assume they are trans.
so why do a-spec characters have to jump through so many loops?
a character saying they've never had a crush or don't want a relationship or that they don't understand romantic love is so often ignored or used as fodder for other queer or autistic headcanons (reinforcing stereotypes that aroace people are secretly gay or always autistic)
why is it that our stories are always "up to interpretation"? why do we have to wait for the words aromantic or asexual to be said to be taken seriously? why is it that even when characters say they don't want relationships, fans will scream and cry about sex/romance favourable aspecs and qprs?
when it comes to gay and trans characters, even the likes of bisexual lighting is often treated as though it canonises their sexuality. for aroace characters, even the most explicit coding possible is swept under the rug in favour of other "interpretations"
i'm so tired of fighting for representation just to have it ignored and minimised by fans. let characters be aroace. please.
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octolingplush · 3 months
accidentally made all my ocs aspec. oops
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evilgabe29 · 23 days
one of the perks of being Aroace is that now i can ask someone "what is love" as a genuine question. like as if im a space robot that's being harbored in a 12 year old girl's room. now that i think about it that premise is a bit fucked up eh? like the whole love is a part of being human type shit.
now I can't stop imagining one of those types of stories but the person is aroace like:
"what does love feel like?"
"fuck if i know"
I can't stop thinking about this, i need to write this, ill be right back
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found an old script i wrote where two characters meet and like each other so they decide to immediately get married and at the wedding when they’re about to kiss the bride says “wait, let’s have a dance party instead” and yet i had absolutely no idea i was on the aromantic spectrum and asexual
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tampire · 8 months
Boy Math? Girl Math? I'm NonBinary and out of the equation.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
someone not experiencing romantic attraction is not harmful. someone not wanting to be in relationships is not harmful. someone who does not want to have sex with others is not harmful. someone who does not experience sexual attraction but has sex is not harmful. someone who likes to date but doesn't want to cuddle and verbally express love is not harmful. someone who doesn't feel romantic love but enjoys making others happy in relationships is not harmful.
aromantic, asexual and other aspec experiences are not "bad" experiences, they are part of the gradient of ways in which all humans experience our complex social, romantic, familial, queerplatonic, and other relationships. someone is not harming others if they are choosing to engage, or not engage, in activities based around their individual needs in those relationships.
that is healthy, and to be embraced and celebrated, and above all else, we need to have our boundaries respected first and foremost, and not to be made to feel like we should change to benefit others.
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daybreaksys · 9 months
Aroace protagonist who is told only a true love kiss can revert the curse that is going to kill them and spend a myriad of adventures, never finding such true love kiss.
At the brink of their death, alone, they apologise for themself for always pushing themself so harshly, never caring for nor being gentle with themself and say to a mirror "I am sorry it took me this long to realise it, and I promise that for these last seconds, I finally love you"
They kiss themself on the arm and their learned self-love breaks the curse.
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viviennevermillion · 4 months
Seeing people only use "but some asexuals have sex!!!" and "some aromantics are in romantic relationships!!!" so they can sexualize & ship the little representation we get makes me hope someone explicitly establishes a popular character as sex-repulsed so we can see the shippers get cooked online for it
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starredwrites · 4 months
i'm having thoughts about amatonormativity and why it sucks and they're long-winded and hard to properly express bc it's late at night but i wanted to share them so i summarized them with a meme
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this realization brought to you by the realization that a lot of people who say acephobic shit without actively denying asexuality exists just mentally swapped "virgin" for "asexual" and carried on with their lives. this best evidenced by people being "accepting" of asexual women but ignoring/erasing asexual men.
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No, love. Not every single character has to have a romantic partner to be interesting. It is okay for characters to end up alone. Or not have romantic experiences at all. No matter their sexuality. Aromantic and Asexual characters can exist and be a good representation of the queer community. Not only gay couples represent queer struggle.
That's all. Thanks.
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drchucktingle · 2 years
do you have any tingler suggestions for an asexual and aromantic buckaroo?
YES BUD all preferred pounds are valid including NO POUND AT ALL and this is very important, as i am sure my aromantic and asexual buds know.
as a buckaroo who spends a lot of time fighting against gatekeeping i will use this as opportunity to say yet again ALL ARE WELCOME IN THE TINGLEVERSE ESPECIALLY MY ACE AND ARO BUCKAROOS.
in fact, after chucks upcoming horror novel CAMP DAMASCUS i have another horror novel coming out next year from same publisher called BURY YOUR GAYS (i am being secret about plot of for now but trust me tumblr buds will like this one) but one of the MAIN LEADS of 'bury your gays' is an asexual aromantic bud and she is such a fun character REALLY enjoyed writing her and i am excited for everyone to meet her.
ALRIGHT as far as tinglers go i have written MANY pound free books that you can enjoy, some are about an ace or aro way and some are about consent or saying NO THANKS BUD but they all do not have sex in them. the favorite of most buckaroos is probably ABSOLUTELY NO THOUGHTS OF POUNDING DURING MY FUN DAY WITH THIS KIND T-REX BECAUSE I'M AROMANTIC AND ASEXUAL AND THAT'S A WONDERFULLY VALID WAY OF PROVING LOVE IS REAL
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if you are interested in whole collections there are paperbacks name of NOT POUNDED BY ANYTHING that you would probably enjoy. this series has three whole volumes just keep in mind not all characters in these bundle are ace and aro but MANY are. others just dont feel like a pound.
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examples of stories that are more about consent and importance of HOLDING BOUNDARIES would be something like JUST KIND OF IGNORING THIS SAD LONESOME T-REX WHO IS SCREAMING "DEBATE ME" FROM HIS FOLDING CHAIR which is about how sometimes best way to deal with goofball conservative 'commentators' is just ignore their scoundrel whining as they moan their lonesome ways in the dark. so there are no pounds in that one just ignores. it is available as audiobook and so is ace aro story above too.
anyway buckaroo hope that helps. if you want to see full list you can look on chuck website and trot down to section of tinglers that says NO SEX
thank you for proving love is real in your own way i am SO GLAD our timelines have crossed it is an honor and i appreciate it very much. had fun time revisiting these books today and look forward to writing more for my asexual and aromantic buds. LOVE IS REAL
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bloggingboutburgers · 9 months
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...Maybe queerbaiting can only ever mean homobaiting or transspecbaiting
Idk don't kill me those are just cans of worms
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short-wooloo · 6 months
The Jedi are an aro/ace culture that live happy and fulfilling lives and people hate them for it
People steeped in amatanormativity can't stand the idea that people don't want/need romance and can not only be content without it, but in fact very happy without romance
And thus they hate the Jedi, because an entire culture (even a fictional one) that is aro/ace-normative is an affront to them
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