#apollo god of prophecy
nerdyydragon · 1 year
I no longer care about the witcher drama Joey and Madeline are working on something new AND there’s merch
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djdiamond18803 · 2 years
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After being gifted with the sun and moon domain, the twins soon found out that obtaining such gifts will make a part of their features change to represent each of their new domain.  While Artemis’s hair now resembles the night sky on a full moon, Apollo’s hair now has a orangey hue that resembles the sky when the sun rises on an early morning.  (just a small design of Apollo that I have been thinking about but never really properly drew it) 
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athenepromachos · 1 month
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The divine twins Artemis and Apollo 🏛🏹🏹☀️🌛🐕
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sunkissedbyapollo · 6 months
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You can’t escape the dodgeball of prophecy.
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johnconstantinesdick · 3 months
I get the criticism of the Hunters of Artemis from a narrative perspective—it sucks that it essentially boots interesting female characters out of the story—but it always baffles me when people viciously hate Artemis for *checks notes* doing damage control.
Like. Thalia explicitly goes with Artemis to avoid the prophecy, and I definitely think that’s the reason Artemis tried so hard to get her to join—hell, you can view the hunters trying to recruit Annabeth as a way to get Thalia to join. And Bianca? You can’t convince me that Artemis didn’t guess there was something up there and react accordingly.
If Percy or Nico were even a little bit girl-adjacent you bet your ass she would be all over them to join. No one actually wants to risk the Great Prophecy happening, and Artemis is doing a hell of a lot more to stop it than anyone else.
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forgemill · 2 months
Apollo is more relatable than I gave him credit for
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kermitthesog · 5 months
All the series combined, (pjo, hoo, toa) I think Trials of Apollo might be my favorite. I’ve said Heroes of Olympus for a while, but after finishing toa, I was actually really sad in a way that I wasn’t with the other series. This is my reasoning: *TOA SPOILERS AHEAD*
Lester/Apollo’s narration and character development was top notch. In The Hidden Oracle, at first I thought the book series was gonna be full of arrogance and whining. Oh, how it was the complete opposite. He went through stuff that no other god will ever go through. Pain, and grief. The empty feeling of not being yourself anymore. And he finally realized how the gods are, how clueless they have been about mortals and demigods. Everything that happened in toa was just building up to the perfect Apollo, the Apollo that’s not in fact perfect.
The characters. Like, these characters are so good? First of all, they are so fleshed out. Meg McCaffrey, who saw her own father dead and got mentally abused by the emperor who killed him. “The Beast,” was just himself, but Meg was too scared of him to stand up for herself. And like, how is an arrow kind of making me empathize with it? The arrow of Dodona was supposedly the worst piece of wood in the forest, and so Lester needed to prove the others wrong, and I think he did. Especially in that final battle against Python.
The amount of different stories and adventures. Obviously you would have sooo many adventures, because you need to get a different oracle in each one! In every single one, we’re introduced to a new character and new goal. It doesn’t really start in the first one, as it’s just introducing the main characters. In the second one, it’s Emmie, Jo, Calypso, and Leo. In the third one, it’s Piper, Jason, and Grover. In the fourth one, it’s Lavinia, Reyna, Hazel, and Frank (a lot of characters from SoN). In the last one, it’s just a lot of chb campers. Will, Nico, the Troglodytes, and more. See what I mean? There are so many different stories in just one series.
And lastly, how powerful it is. The fact that it could make me cry is impressive, because I don’t cry at much (book and movie wise). Jason’s death, Lester’s misery, Meg’s abuse, and so much more. It’s just so sad but powerful at the same time. If you prefer a different series, (PJO, HOO, TOA) then tell me why!
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whatsername94 · 6 months
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Another curly haired Apollo
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So, I've been thinking about the names in Dune. Specifically about the name Atreides. It means son of Atreus and is a reference to the Greek house of Atreus. They are cursed because Atreus grandfather Tantalos fed his own son to the gods. They noticed and revived his son (and that very same son would eventually become Atreus father) but because of that, the whole lineage was cursed. Atreus then had two sons named Menelaus (Helen's husband) and Agamemnon (the leader of the greek army in the Trojan war). Agamemnon now kills his daughter Iphigenia as a sacrifice for the gods so they can go to Troy. Because of that, when he returns he is immediately killed by his wife (who was Iphigenia's mother), Clytemnestra. However, they also have another daughter, Electra, and a son, Orestes. And it's him who I'd like to talk about. Because after the murder, Orestes is put in an impossible position: According to greek mythical law, you cannot kill your mother. Nonetheless, you're also obligated to avenge your father. Neither choice is the right one. Eventually, he chooses to kill his mother and avenge his father. And that is where I see a huge parallel between Paul and Orestes. Because Paul too is in a position where he can't really make the right choice. If he doesn't go to the south he won't be able to help the Freman and they may die, but if he does, he may (and does) cause a war that leads to the death of millions. Both are tragic protagonists in the sense of the greek tragedy. Both have to make a choice that at least seems to be impossible. They both choose to do what avenges their father. But the question is, did they really do it for the better good? Or are they just making a decision that brings them power? And while you can argue that Orestes at least in ancient tragedies doesn't have a choice due to his genre, is the same true for Paul? Or is he just hiding behind the idea of a tragic protagonist, denying his own responsibility?
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dat-physics-boi · 1 year
You know how the Gods in the Riordanverse have modern things incorporated into their beings as the culture around them changes? Like mount Olympus is now on the Empire State Building, Ares uses actual guns sometimes and so on?
What i am saying is, that Apollo absolutely would have a new item to add to his repository:
A red dodgeball.
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gotstabbedbyapen · 3 months
Apollo: You remember the prophecy about us getting married, but that never happened? It's missing a detail.
Persephone: What's missing?
Apollo: It's supposed to be "Persephone's mother" and "Apollo's mother" who are getting married to each other, not us.
Apollo & Persephone: *turns to look at Leto and Demeter being lovey-dovey in the distance*
Persephone: ... Damn, you're right.
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raineyraven · 4 months
honestly i love how when grace meets calliope, calliope is mellow, caring and concerned about grace. and then grace hears about calliope from other people and they just go oh yeah she was angry all the time she never stopped arguing.
the descriptors of argumentative and angry wouldn't make most people envision calliope's disposition, but i like how much sense it makes. the most caring people often have the most to be angry about. such a simple decision to make a character that much more multidimensional, especially for one that barely appears in three scenes.
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
no no because i'm reading the titan's curse and baby nico is babbling away excitedly to apollo who's laughing and ruffling his hair and answering all his questions and then it hit me-
this is nico and apollo! nico seems so much younger, more innocent, that it totally bypassed my brain (and we're not gonna think too long about the clear change in him because i will cry). but no wonder apollo took to him so quickly in the hidden oracle! and no i'm not getting emotional thinking about this at all 🥺
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bubblyernie · 4 months
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The Blood of Apollo - featuring Erril because it's all about wrath, light, prophecy and healing A huuuge banner I painted for fun!! I really love this, and everyone who was there with me knows the utter divide the colour scheme of this painting caused LOL
art tag // commission info // prints
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moodyseal · 1 year
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TOApril Day 15 - Soul-Made song
I think about this scene much more often than my sanity allows me
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mismaria · 2 years
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