#anyways yeah i think the most you'll get from my own stuff is <reference to beheading> <mentioned death> <abstract reds that might be blood
averlym · 1 year
4 on the angst list with Araleyn please I need them to suffer
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4 : "but it's my fault, right?" (prompt list here)
#<blinks> very gently implied angst i suppose. usually everyone makes anne suffer so for a change#here's catherine struggling with the idea that if she hadn't been so stubborn about divorce-#maybe it would have been more okay for henry to divorce anne instead of. yknow. chopping her head off.#gently implied angst with the. well. i hurt this person i care about. unintentionally. but still. hence also the historical counterparts bg#... i feel like this isn't suffering (italicised for emphasis) but unfortunately? i am in a more melancholy mood#and also coming to conclusion that whump isnt really my taste.. so quite literally you'd have to pay me to draw it .. dfdsghjkl comms open#anyways yeah i think the most you'll get from my own stuff is <reference to beheading> <mentioned death> <abstract reds that might be blood#six the musical#six the musical fanart#anne boleyn#catherine of aragon#pssst drew anne extra pretty bc coa pov. if you get what i mean.#oh that got off tangent. but also tldr; requests mean free art!! (also idm if you ask for specific things. like your own aus. just to put#that out there)#but also requests: 1. up to my creative freedom and discretion so you probs won't get exactly what you want + 2. no time limit so#can take literal years to reply to.#so ig ? if you have specific things in mind. that you want me to draw. commissions would be better for you if you'll pay!#but if you don't have the money i'm also. lowkey willing to draw for free.. stick it in the inbox .. there's just no guarantee you'll get it#within the next year.. or at all! but you may as well try your luck o.O#(this plan is terrible for business but because for a very long time i was unable to buy anything online. i sympathise greatly ig)
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twistedtummies2 · 5 months
We all know who you think can eat the most at NRC but I'm curious as to who you think can eat the LEAST. (Also love your work. Might actually write some stories based off of some of your headcannons/prompts if you don't mind)
First of all, by all means! I am happy to be an inspiration. It is most flattering. ^///^ Second of all, if you're referring to the main cast...well, if we disregard Ortho and the staff members, and we only stick to canon characters...ooooooh, that's still a REALLY hard one, for a LOT of reasons. 'XD I'm gonna saaaaay...Silver. Now, I know some people - I'm specifically looking at you, @belliesandburps, if you're reading this - will disagree, because Silver makes a very good "lazy eater," being the sleepy, deadpan, socially inept sort he is. And I do agree, that is a good headcanon and point. HOWEVER, there are two reasons I choose Silver. One: because I'm just not into him, really, myself. So, therefore, I have no guilt picking him and denying a lad I AM into, even though I doubt I would do so anyway. LOL But two, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY...I think that Silver is CANONICALLY the smallest eater of the bunch. What makes me say this? Well, here's the thing: to my recollection, Silver has almost never complained about being hungry in any Events, Vignettes, or parts of the Main Story. If he has AT ALL, indeed, then I can't remember them, so it's clearly not been very often. In fact, I looked at his Voice Lines, just for a start, and he never complains about being a hungry goober as far as I can tell: quite the opposite, in fact. He mentions that he's glad OTHERS are eating well, and he does mention he wants to learn to be a better cook, and he does bring up how bad Lilia's sense of haute cuisine is...but he never once complains or even considers getting food himself at any point, as far as I can find. IN-DOUBLE-FACT, there's literally a line for his Birthday Card where he expresses CONFUSION at people bringing him so many sweets and such, and wonders if they think he's "really that hungry." The only instance in the Voice Lines I could find where Silver mentions his own appetite is him offering a protein bar to the MC and saying he likes it, himself. That's literally it. Silver is also one of the few characters with no Cards that reference his appetite in any way at all. I looked at all the available Card Art so far, and aside from Culinary Crucible (which is more about cooking than eating, you'll recall), he is never shown with food ONCE. Now, I should immediately add, he is not alone in that: Malleus, for example, also has no Cards that visibly reference his appetite in any direct fashion. BUT, the difference there is that Malleus' appetite has been quite noticeably focused on a few times, and it's memorable when it happens: it's not just a passing mention of him being hungry that I may or may not have forgotten, it's stuff like him talking about swallowing several people whole, or references to him eating a lot of fast food (which I still find amusing, by the way), or him devouring (or at least trying to devour) a whole cake. So while the occasions may not be FREQUENT, they are NOTEWORTHY. Silver doesn't have any of those, as well as no visible art that I can find. One last thing to note, which I think is important, is that Silver is something of a foil for Sebek. Why is this important? Because while the pair are equally loyal to Malleus and Lilia, how they express that loyalty, and the kinds of personalities and traits they have, are deliberately meant to be opposites of each other. So, just based on that fact alone, in a lore-type of sense, if you will...since Sebek is a NOTORIOUSLY big eater (and possible canon pred), it stands to reason that Silver would not be just because he is the total opposite. In fact, that was one of the things I noticed about his Voice Lines: more than once he comments on Sebek's appetite, but he never brings up his own. Sooooo...yeah. While I get the appeal of Silver as a "lazy eater," I would venture to say that, just based on canon evidence, he is probably the "smallest eater" among the main cast of TW. And since I don't particularly favor him myself, either, I see no reason to disrupt this plausible headcanon.
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hrokkall · 10 months
Saw the little nightmares 3 trailer got released and wanted to hear your thoughts on it. Is there anything in particular that you're excited for or just generally hyped about?
Also sorry if this question comes across weird I have no clue about the series but remembered you enjoyed it and drew some stuff for it so I thought it'd be fun to talk about it if that makes sense?
- 🥊
Oh I have so many thoughts on it. So many that I'm going to put them below the cut so this post doesn't take up anyone's entire dash.
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First of all, damn my copious amounts of coursework for the fact that I couldn't sit down and start drawing fanart immediately the moment I finished watching the trailer once… or twice… maybe three times. Mark my words though these kids WILL be getting some day 2 (actual) art, even if it's just a little sketch.
…Point being, I was pretty excited right out of the gate. Admittedly, I was a little nervous that the studio changeover would mean that any (potential) future Little Nightmares content would mean a massive tonal shift, but based on the trailer alone + the additional guides related to the game, it nails the atmosphere of the previous games pretty damn well. Hell, the giant baby enemy even resembles some of the concept art from the flesh walls!
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Already, Nowhere is combining some of my favorite things (notably locations that seem/are "alive", steampunk motifs, and copious amounts of birds… also reminds me a little bit of Zone 3 from OFF, but that's probably just me), but most notably is the fact that it actually seems to resemble some of the locations seen in the (tragically cancelled) 2017 comics. This is particularly notable in the first issue, which features two children taking shelter in a barn from a monster known as the North Wind (who is made of/"sees through" the eyes of black birds, presumably crows), but the second issue is about a monster that lives within mirrors, which are shown a lot in the trailer as well. Either way, I'm cautiously hoping for some references to the comics, especially because we never got to learn what happened to the rest of the Maw kids there (the answer is probably "they died horribly" but I mean hey. You never know).
The designs of the two protagonists are, of course, adorable. I love the plague doctor/gas mask duo (especially because having face coverings makes sense in such a dusty place) and the bit where they both glide down using feather umbrellas is genuinely so fun—absolutely no complaints there.
…Actually, one complaint: I have no idea which one is Low and which one is Alone. None of the official sources have clarified that. Please LN3… I need to know the names of my new kids before they get put into the meat grinder like every other protagonist in these games. (Given the series' track record, I'm not too optimistic about their fates—sorry little guys! I'll be rooting for you anyway). EDIT: It seems like Low is the bird mask kid and Alone is the hazard suit kid
Mechanically… I don't think we've seen enough of the game for me to make any hasty judgements. I know everyone wanted LN2 to be multiplayer (and LN3 appears to have a singleplayer option), but I'm unsure of how that will work. Will it be Spiritfarer style multiplayer where only one player has to own LN3? Will it be online? Will it be splitscreen? Will me inevitably ditching the main campaign to screw around with my friend ruin the atmosphere? No idea. The way I see it, it's too soon to tell.
While we're on the topic though, I did also listen to the first episode of the audio drama! Without spoiling anything… yeah I can definitely recommend it. It's very reminiscent of The Magnus Archives and/or The Bright Sessions, so if you like either of those podcasts you'll probably like The Sounds of Nightmares. Even if you know absolutely nothing about Little Nightmares, I'd honestly recommend it. Voice mixing is a little off in places (though there's a decent chance it was just my headphones being fucky), but the podcast MORE than makes up for it in terms of imagery and phenomenal sound design. No word on the lore implications though; I'll listen to episode 2 when I get the time and THEN deliver the verdict there. I also hope they release an official transcript for it—there isn't one right now afaik, but that would be really helpful for a multitude of reasons.
But yeah, that's about it! TL;DR hell yeah I'm excited for this game, but I'm trying not to fill in the blanks with too much supposition while there's still so little info available
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Your post about Shiv made me think for a long while bc it's true that Shiv's trauma and specifically her trauma around sex is largely misinterpreted/outright ignored by the fandom but now I'm confused bc 1. when did Tom pressure Shiv to have sex??? I mostly remember her pushing Tom to do stuff he didn't want, even while he was clearly uncomfortable, but every time he tries to initiate something and she doesn't want it he backs off right away and doesn't push. The period tracking WAS creepy and I will definitely not be defending that, but Shiv would actually make annoyed faces if Tom didn't want to do what she had planned, and insist or ask "no?" in a mocking tone when he wasn't particularly enthusiastic about it. If he ever did that to her everyone would be calling it "rapey" but bc Shiv does it it's... Girlboss I guess. Idk.
And 2. I also think there needs to be a conversation about this definitely bc yeah the ear flick was weird and the way Shiv's face FALLS and she even steps back a little??? Holy shit. Literally what I did, gasped in shock and recoiled. HOWEVER. Putting my "this is a tv show and not reality" goggles on, to me context is important I mean she's kicking dirt over his shoes to humilliate him in public (nothing new there) and getting all up in his space and the flick read like Tom just needing to do something to get her to back the fuck up and leave him alone. I've seen people dismissing Shiv's abuse of Tom completely, through the years but especially this season. And I get it, Shiv is in a vulnerable state both bc of her father passing and bc she's pregnant and conflicted about it, but none of it justifies the way she has treated Tom and keeps treating him. He did not hit her, or push her, or even start commenting on her body the way she does to him constantly. He flicked her on the damn ear lol and I GET IT, I was lowkey horrified by it at first but looking at it from Tom's pov, I have been in a situation where someone kept coming at me and getting in my face so I get that reaction. Anyway. Yeah it was a weird scene Idk where the writers are going with this!!! If they make either of them start hitting the other I'm gonna be furious tho like that'd be the last straw of bad tomshiv plot points. Like if this is them trying to Logan-ify Tom more I'm gonna be so fucking pissed lol
god there's so much of this i disagree with, and it's so long... honestly i wasn't gonna answer i was gonna say something like "i ain't reading all that" with a shiv fancam or some shit. plus you just said you randomly saw my post so you don't follow me you'll probably not read this
but the notes on that post have been bothering me all day to the point where i'm seriously thinking of shutting the fuck up about succession, and i don't want to cause it's my fav show so i'm gonna answer at least to a few things
first of all, to your question "when did tom pressure shiv to have sex?" i simply recommend rewatching retired janitors of idaho as it has one of what i consider the most disgusting scenes of the show and if you don't agree with me in that that's him pressuring her then i simply don't think we'll be able to reach any mutual understanding here, which is okay i guess.
secondly, i don't think there's any scenes in the show where shiv pressures tom to have sex or do stuff he's not comfortable with in any way that i would deem "rapey" if shiv were a man. maybe you're referring to stuff like opening the relationship? or the threesome from 2x10? both of which i would call asshole moves AT WORST.
about the "this is a tv show not reality" thing i can only say that it was a post for my mutuals that i honestly didn't expect to win traction, in fact, it was a response to another post from a mutual i had just reblogged, so it wasn't even supposed to be read on its own. obviously you don't know me, but if you did you'd probably see why it's funny you'd say that. i don't think it's a bad thing that they included this scene of tom flicking shiv's ear, i don't think its wrong to keep having tom as your favorite character, or tomshiv as your favorite relationship. i think it's a very interesting scene that adds a lot of depth to his character and their relationship and i think liking complex characters who do bad shit is so incredibly fun.
also the way you said "hey he hit her but just a little bit not like he hit her for real" is exactly what i was criticising people saying in my original post so maybe next time when you read a post you don't agree with in such a fundamental level just move on it's not that deep. block me, even, if you see it more than once and it bothers you
to wrap this up i'll just say that i HOPE they keep loganifying tom, as the parallels with him and logan have been there since the beginning, it makes him 10 times more interesting and if you took that away he wouldn't be much of a character. i HOPE tomshiv never get a divorce, as i'm rooting for the cycle of abuse to never end and keep repeating itself, i consider succession a show that runs in circles (complimentary) and would be really disappointed if there was a sudden catharsis moment where anyone at all makes it out. if i had to bet, out of the two of us, i don't think i'm gonna be the one who ends up disappointed here
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icharchivist · 1 year
i haven't started summer troupe act 2 yet (come to think of it, i actually need to get to one day princess first!) but. ive been periodically listening to a3 music lately and i swear every time i check the music page on the wiki to see song credits im reminded that i can literally never stray too far away from my vocaloid roots haha... i mean ig it makes sense its like. people who make music also work on. other music. but its still sooo funn to see! like wow. yuyoyuppe's done some of my favorite tracks on a3 and produces for babymetal AND is the originator of some of my fav vocaloid tracks... sasakure.uk worked on hisoka's character song! (that one i didnt even have to look up, i heard the first five seconds and went oh this is so much like little cry of the abyss aka one of my favorite songs of all time. highly recommend if u liked traumerei and void) anyways. its just. its nice. i was reminiscing abt the music i liked today and wanted to check the lyrics of MKDR since it's one of my fav deco27 songs and then boom credited for arrangement is emon(tes.) chikage and homare's chara songs are written by the guy who did the gsnk opening. hes credited on other a3 stuff too. i think what i'm realizing by this is just like. ...huh, i listen to a lot of j-music. still! every time i recognize another name or something clicks its so fun for me. like im carrying my own secret web of music
first of all, take your time as always, there's no rush, the archive isn't going anywhere ;D you'll get there
But as for the music, first of all, i feel you, bc the music is banger, which i don't need to tell you since you know it in way better details than i do
it's incredible that you could find this much references to things you've been into in the discography holy shit. Like yeah sure it makes sense music maker also made for good music producers but it's still two words that collide!! that's wild. I listened to a few Vocaloid when i was younger but their songs has always been good!! and it's funny bc when i was younger, saying of any J-music "it reminds me of Vocaloid" used to get you the stinky eye on the assumption people would make that just "yeah so you just think J-music is the same", which is! absolutely never what i would mean by that, but therefore i've kept for myself all this time "Hisoka's first solo really sounds like a Vocaloid's song" and the fact you, a pro, comes and tell me not only exactly that it's because it was composed by a Vocaloid composer, but that their musical style is shining through, is really gratifying. I'll definitely need to check out the Vocaloid songs he worked on, i really love traumerei and i would love to hear more by this artist.
And i'm losing my mind over the fact Chikage and Homare's songs were written by the guy who did the gnsk's opening???? I LOVE this song, it's been in my banger playlists in forever, and you're telling me the guy went to a3 and decided to write two others bangers? (two of my most listened solos at that??) that's so damn cool, worlds collide hard but in such a fun way.
Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your little secret with me, it was like opening the door to a whole lot of possibilities. It's one thing to know that most of the composers/arrangers worked on Vocaloid or various songs, it's another to point out to those specific songs and get a blast once you connect the two, and i appreciate you sharing that with me.
It's really so nice, thank you so much for sharing <33
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retphienix · 3 months
Anyways now that it's been long enough to fully sit on my first playthroughs of FFTA and FFTA2 as a longtime mega fan of FFT I can (maybe) more coherently say my opinions.
FFT fucking rules.
War of the Lions is like 51% an improvement and 49% "This dialogue is lesser now, actually and this new thing is meh" and fucking rules.
FFTA kinda chugs, not a fan, but I think it's a solid "entry to trpg gameplay" game, I just disagree that FFT was the universe to cannibalize and repurpose for that.
It doesn't even benefit from name recognition due to having an entirely different customer demographic (FFT aimed for more mature TRPG fans, FFTA aimed at children who were new to TRPGs).
Kinda just feels like they chose FFT because they didn't want to come up with a new name to express that it was "FF but TRPG" but then because they chose FFT as the name they decided to also steal the name Ivalice for entirely meaningless reference bait.
I still think the story is meh but in the context of "Game meant for kids to play at recess / after school for short bursts" I think it's actually entirely alright and has recognizable characters to follow through a narrative that would likely be diced up on a billion play sessions in its hayday. In the context of that it makes a lot of sense that so many characters are gratuitously one note or do rash things that even a child would think is ridiculous- they needed to stand out so you remember who "pink hair girl" is etc.
So I think it's poo poo but I think it's decent poo poo, it's "Good enough for the gameplay it is meant to carry and for the audience it was built for (both in terms of demographic and in terms of expected playstyle (recess in short bursts etc))" and also, I think that intended fit of being recognizable and memorable for a playthrough that might take a hundred short sessions to complete- can be really beneficial for giving players really positive feelings towards the characters and events as you'll hold onto their mental image and apply your own assumptions and the like to things in between sessions etc.
Also gameplay is not great in my opinion, but it IS simple which makes it a good entry point.
FFTA2 is just FFTA but better in my opinion lmao. Mostly.
The story isn't as "heavy" as FFTA in general tone (TA has some health issues going and some 'I gotta convince my friends to go home!' stuff going on), but in my opinion it takes the tone it aims for (silly adventure with minor stakes) and kinda runs with it.... mostly.
Like 70% of it felt nice, then it slowed down a bit too much, then it picked up really nicely. I enjoyed it.
Also gameplay felt much better, perhaps due to more items being showered on the player to learn more interesting skills more often, not sure. They also stepped back from judges quite a bit which I genuinely believe was entirely the correct decision. Judges are stupid.
The "mostly" is mostly in reference to how differently they played the progression structure, the whole questing thing and "Let's do jobs for the heck of it!" and the emphasis on having 100 (or so) quests that you can do was both really good for pick up and play and also meant there wasn't much meaningful going on through most of the game lol
So it played to its own strengths, but it also meant most of your playtime was like "I'm gonna go kill some plant monsters for some pocket change!" except that's a MAIN quest objective and getting the pocket change and then deciding to do yet another meaningless quest is the main story narrative most of the time lol
So yeah.
FFT great
FFT War of the lions great
FFTA fine
FFTA 2 pretty good actually
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nekomarubiomic · 4 months
I'll come see you here, it will be easier. Apologies in advance for the errors and the slowness of the responses because English is not my mother tongue. But I do my best, fortunately dictionaries and translators exist otherwise I would be lost.
I understand you on Star Wars because since Disney, it's horrible. It destroyed me because it was such an important world to me. Even what he created, Disney is not even capable of understanding it. It's just been horrible for so many years.
For Burton, it's the same. I like his work but indeed for a long time it has been aimless and sparkling. And I won't talk about Wesnesday. This could have been a masterclass but no, just a trick and the worst thing is that it doesn't work. It's even called as a cult series now.
I don't know what to think of this system.The world of American cinema has been lost for almost 20 years now. This is so sad.
Hey, it's alright, I do think your English is pretty good, and regardless of whether or not you're from France or a French-speaking nation, I'm confident you'll keep up with me, no problem there.
Incidentally, I stumbled upon a bit of plot summary for Beetlejuice 2, in case you're wondering, so here it goes:
"After an unexpected family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz family return to the small Vermont town of Winter River. Paranormal empath, Lydia Deetz, begins to see the lecherous demon Beetlejuice, who haunted her as a teenager. His plans to finally marry Lydia are given extra urgency when his dead wife comes to life and begins to stalk the Afterlife hunting for him. Meanwhile, Lydia’s teenage daughter embarks on a romance with a local teen."
Personally, I'm not sure what to expect of it, just mildly curious st best. Again, my expectations are so low at this point, I'm afraid of seeing all the usual Hollywood cliché in the mix, but time will tell if it ends up being crap or not. I know they're working off a story idea by the Dark Shadows writer, hence why my expectations are relatively low at this point.
Yeah, Wednesday is not a real cult TV show in my eyes as well. I think it's an overhyped Harry Potter clone, with some decent acting and atmosphere, but writing-wise, it's a whole different story, let's out it this way. Speaking of which, what were some of the things that made you cringe about the show? Is it the Gen-Z style humour at places randomly, or just story and execution?
If by American cinema you refer to Hollywood and not just independent work, then yeah, it lost me for over 15 years now, by this point in time. Most of it comes from the corporate-instituted ESG and DEI mantra that's harming the industry to the core, and if election season turns sour for certain people, there will a crap tone of stuff that will be forced down towards audiences, and I highly doubt they'll recover from those blunders. Good for them, as they deserved it, it's all their own fault.
I hope you're talking about the Walt Disney Company there, not the man himself, namely Walt Disney. The Disney corporation, under Bob Iger's leadership, the entire company and its subsidiaries have been run into the ground. That's mostly the result of ESG bring implemented there, and in other Hollywood studios as well. It's only going to get potentially worst after this year's elections in the United States, but I don't care and won't bother with most of that crap either way.
So anyway, would you tell me how did you find Beetlejuice, and what made you become a fan of the Beetlejuice/Lydia pairing in the first place? Was it their cartoon and then the movie, how did this happen?
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Helluuu! New Hermitcraft watcher here. Speaking of Watchers, would you be so kind as to explain what they are, and what they have to do with Grian? I keep seeing this word in fanfics, and it thoroughly confuses me. Love and thanks!
don't worry about not knowing what watchers are! they are - and this is key - not remotely canon to hermitcraft. they're popular in fanon but they are not at all canon to hermitcraft and not a requirement to know in order to enjoy hermitcraft and grian in general.
but, okay - the watchers come from an old series grian was in, called evo. i have not watched evo so take my statements with a grain of salt. in evo, the watchers were a few things. they were ambiguous figures who would challenge the players, punish them when they were being bad (grian was often a target here), and left cryptic angel-looking statues places. at the end of grian's own run of evo, the evolutionists fought the ender dragon. grian ended up alone, fighting the dragon, and at the end of the fight, became a watcher himself.
this is where the important fact of "watchers were intended in many ways to be an audience stand-in, and grian leaving the series and becoming a watcher is a very on-the-nose statement about the fact that he was no longer a part of evo, and was joining the audience" comes in. (you'll note that when i do stuff with watchers i mostly play with this meta aspect, because that's the part i personally find interesting.)
there is some further thing about the listeners, which appear to be some faction in rebellion against the watchers i think, that happens in jimmy's evo series.
for a while, that's what the fandom had. a fic got very popular in 2019-ish called "and the universe shifts", which played with the watcher concept, and invented a lot of the fanon the fandom uses. in that fic, grian escaped the watchers, who are explicitly evil, and the watchers come back to get him. that's also where the common fanon design of "purple wings and the mask with the evo symbol on it" comes from. it's also where the most common incarnation of "the watchers are evil and grian had to escape from them and is very traumatized" comes from. the fandom has since expanded and iterated on that a lot, and not every version of this has its roots in atus! but a lot of common watcher fanon comes from there.
then for a while watchers were still just fanon, until the end of last life. in third life and last life, martyn's series featured a mysterious, malicious voice that was trying to help him win/get him to do things that were wrong. at the end, it was revealed that, in martyn's canon, this voice was some kind of watcher. it made reference to grian being a watcher, as well as martyn and jimmy's listener thing. it also stated that third life/last life was basically a trap, so that the watchers could feed off the suffering of the players. (i think, this is another thing i haven't actually watched in full yet. i mained joel and cleo in last life i mostly just heard about martyn's whole thing second hand,)
its worth noting, however, that martyn did this on his own, and the hermits have long had a history of "what is canon for one of us isn't necessarily canon for all of us". see, that clip of cleo basically saying "yeah the hermatrix stuff isn't canon for me" (not in those words but that was the intent). so it's kind of mostly... semi-canon to last life/third life?
and this is where i remind everyone that last life/third life is also only semi-canon to hermitcraft - they've made references but no really strong ones and not everyone has made references to it.
so, yes, anyway: that's what watchers are and how they relate to grian! here's my final statement that this is fanon, not canon (although, rather like a lot of the hels hermits stuff, people treat it as fully canon in a way it is not). which isn't like, a way to say its bad, i like doing stuff with the watcher stuff too, i just like drawing that line because sometimes i very much DON'T want to do stuff with the watcher stuff, so clarifying that its fanon is helpful to me in that regard.
i hope this helps!
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megthemewlingquim · 4 years
loki deciding you'll make a perfect queen--and mother to his heir
Be My Queen
Summary: You and Loki think about starting a family.
Pairing: Loki x fem!Reader
Warnings: talk of a recent marriage, spur of the moment talk of starting a family, smut, a tiny bit of a breeding kink
A/N: Day 11 of Kinktober! I myself do not have a breeding kink so I really hope I got this right. The smut part here is, like some of the other shots I’ve posted recently, kind of short. I promise, after today I will have more time to work on these.
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"I've had a thought," Loki says.
"Oh no," you say sarcastically.
"Oh, stop, you know you like my ideas," Loki says with a chuckle. "What I meant to say is that... you are my wife. And I am a Prince, even a King. And that means that you are my Queen."
Your smile drops a little, replaced by blush. "Ahem," you laugh. "Ah, really?" It's an overwhelming thought.
He notices your change of mood. "Well, not by royal standards. But, if we were royally married, and if we were actually part of a royal family on Asgard or something, then, yeah."
His words ease your mind. "Good," you breathe. "We just married. I don't think I'm ready to be a queen just yet."
"Well, love, you're a queen to me anyways, which means that I get to adorn you with everything your heart could ever desire." He grins. "You'd look absolutely beautiful in a crown, I must admit."
He cups your head in his hands, smoothing out your hair. "I can see it now: a thin, silver crown with tiny little silver leaves on it, circling your pretty head like a halo." He kisses your forehead, drawing you close to him.
"You'd be a wonderful queen."
"I remember, when I was a little girl we would play pretend. We'd be kings and queens, and knights and dragons and princesses in towers. I was... admittedly, I was the queen quite a lot. I ordered for the beheading of pretty much everyone around me." Your amused tone turns into little chuckles of laughter.
"What?" he asks, surprised. "I don't really think beheading anybody is particularly funny."
"No, it's not — " you laugh. "It's a reference to something.
"But we used to make believe that we were powerful beings. Ones that could control the people around us, ones that could be merciful and forgiving, or harsh and cruel. It depended on the day."
"Did you have any... experience... with childbearing then?"
You pretty much choke on your own spit. "What?"
"I mean in the game you played. Historically, queens had the job of — "
"Bearing children, preferably sons," you say. "No, Loki. We didn't even know where babies came from back then. We never knew about the whole 'bearing sons' thing until high school."
"I see," he says, his eyes growing a little darker and a little more mischievous. "So, say that one time, you pretended to be a queen. This queen has just recently married to a king... Say that this marriage is actually loving and beautiful, not arranged. What if the king says that he would like to bring an heir into this world? What would the queen say?"
"You — you mean back then, or... or now?"
His eyes glint. "Now," he says.
"Are you saying..." you manage, your heartbeat quickening. "Are you saying that you want to start — start a family?"
"Absolutely." For once, Loki is not one to beat around the bush. "As you'd be a wonderful queen, you'd also be an amazing mother, if I know anything about you.
“You don’t think it would be nice?” he asks. “To be filled with me, to grow and feel this child stirring inside you, to give it all good things and then have me by your side as you bring it here? To watch him grow, and to teach him all of the things that life has to offer?”
“The second half does sound nice...” you muse. But as you think on it, you seem to grow anxious.
“Loki - ” you stammer, “I — I — I don’t know if I’m ready to start a family yet.” You’re actually nervous, truthful. The thoughts of it all - the pain, sickness, birthing - come crashing down into your mind and it scares you. What scares you the most is the thought of bringing a new life into the world, and the intimidation of it . Not that you’d never want to, but you know it’s not the best time for you.
He seems to understand. He nods, but you can still see a flicker of sadness in his eyes.
“Hey,” you say softly, reaching up to caress his cheek. “This doesn’t mean I’m not going to ever have children with you. I know I can be ready at some point, just... not now.”
“Alright, love, it’s up to the both of us, not just me,” he says, smiling a little. “I understand.”
You pause. “We could... we could pretend, though.”
Now, he’s the one to almost choke. He inhales sharply. “You - you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into, even if — even if this isn’t the real thing.”
You glance down. “Yes, I do.” You can see that his cock has become visible through his pants. “You seemed very excited about the whole ‘fill me up’ part about this. So, why don’t you?”
He growls, then, like a beast. “You’re in for it.”
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Five minutes later, you both are on the bed. You are beneath Loki, but he is behind you, ramming into you in a frenzy.
You had never thought that a rough fucking like this would feel as good as it does. You’re gripping the bedsheets, your knees already sore from the weight of supporting both yourself and Loki’s enormous thrusts.
Loki himself is having the time of his life, gripping your hips and thrusting into you with a very deep angle. 
“I can’t wait — ” he pants, “to see my release leaking out of you. I’ll — I’ll stuff you till you’re full, and then I might just come again. Need — need to make sure you’re filled to the brim with my seed.”
You don’t even understand how words like that could turn you on further, but they do, and you moan shamelessly.
“You like that thought?” he asks. “Yeah? You like the idea of yourself being filled with my come, having it grow into a new life within you? Good. Because, very soon, that’s what I’m going to do.”
He actually does come twice, and by that time you’re limp, a whimpering mess. You have already come in this time. After he pulls out, you can feel his come seeping down your thighs. 
“That...” Loki pants. “That is beautiful.”
He flops down beside you, stroking your cheek, your shoulders, your back. “Thank you for letting me do that... I can’t wait until we do it for real...”
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smileytiger28 · 3 years
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. - Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. - Wonder what it'll be like? - A little scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! - That girl was hot. - She's my cousin! - She is? - Yes, we're all cousins. - Right. You're right. - At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. - What do you think he makes? - Not enough. Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman. - What does that do? - Oatches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions. Oan anyone work on the Krelman? Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones. But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot. But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life. The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that. What's the difference? You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years. So you'll just work us to death? We'll sure try. Wow! That blew my mind! "What's the difference?" How can you say that? One job forever? That's an insane choice to have to make. I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life. But, Adam, how could they never have told us that? Why would you question anything? We're bees. We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth. You ever think maybe things work a little too well here? Like what? Give me one example. I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about. Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. Wait a second. Oheck it out. - Hey, those are Pollen Jocks! - Wow. I've never seen them this close. They know what it's like outside the hive. Yeah, but some don't come back. - Hey, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! You gu
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
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emachinescat · 3 years
This is part of an ongoing series of vignettes where Mac is crashing in Loft 4D. This collection of stories is going to eventually be a part of a larger series of crossovers where characters from different fandoms crash at the loft for a short time. (Nick calls them "crashers.") These stories take place right after the Sandbox for MacGyver, and a few months before Jess moves in for New Girl. :)
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Title: Moments with Mac: The Coach | Series: The Tenants of Loft 4D | Fandoms: MacGyver & New Girl
Summary: Mac and Coach have a conversation about their mutual, overprotective friend, Jack, and the army, all while trying their best not to completely succumb to the awkwardness of their situation.
Characters: Mac, Coach, Jack is a major point of discussion, Winston is also mentioned
Words: 1,021
TW: Light references to PTSD
AO3 Tags: Crossover, Humor, Friendship, Pre-Season/Series 01, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Loft Antics
Full chapter here or on AO3!
"So," said Coach.
"So..." agreed Mac.
It had been decided by the other two that it was going to be Coach's job to "take care of" Mac while he was there. Nick and Schmidt claimed no responsibility whatsoever for showing him to his room, putting themselves into any avoidable awkward conversations, giving him a tour of the loft, or - and Nick was very insistent about this - letting him know where the towels and washcloths lived. "It's just not right," he'd insisted, "a strange man using another man's towels. I want no part in it. It's an abomination." Coach had known there was no use in arguing the point, but he had anyway, and it had gotten him absolutely nowhere.
So now here he was, standing in their extra bedroom with a tiny little white dude he didn't know at all at the request of a scary family friend who he barely knew. At least he could take a little comfort in the fact that Mac seemed just as awkward as Coach himself did.
"Okay so-"
"Look man-"
They both started talking at the exact same time. Mac ducked his head and grinned and motioned for Coach to go first.
"I was just going to apologize for Nick. He can be…"
"Loud?" Mac supplied when Coach hesitated.
"And he has no filter. Obviously."
Mac laughed, and it sounded genuine. Coach found himself thinking that maybe this kid might not be too much of a hassle to have around after all. He seemed pretty easy going, especially for someone who'd just gotten out of the army. But still, there was something in his eyes, a flicker of something he'd seen in his dad's eyes a couple of times as a kid… He pushed that aside as Mac rebutted, "I spend most of my time with Jack, remember? You look up 'loud' and 'no filter' in the dictionary, and you'll find a picture of Jack!"
Sniggering, Coach agreed, "I don't know him that well, but I do think I remember that about him from when he and my dad cooked out every other weekend back in Texas. I think that's what Dad likes about him. He speaks his mind."
"Sometimes too much," Mac agreed. Coach noticed with relief that picking on Jack and Nick had lessened the tension in the room considerably.
"Hey, uh, Coach?" Mac asked, his voice turning serious. "Speaking of Jack, I just wanted to thank you for what you're doing. He had no right to ask you to let me stay with you; he did it without me even knowing about it. I tried to back out when he told me, but he insisted that you all were looking for someone to help pay rent while your normal roommate is in Latvia."
"Yeah, you'd like Winston," said Coach, then made a face and retracted, "Eeeh, maybe not. Not a lot of people like Winston. He's an acquired taste."
"I'm sure he's great."
More awkward silence.
"Well," said Coach. "I should go, 'cuz this is getting awkward as hell and I've got a training session with a hot client." His eyes glazed over momentarily. "Vanessa."
Mac cleared his throat. Coach shook himself out of his reverie before backing slowly toward the door. "On that note, I'ma bounce now…"
Mac watched him go, amusement and uncertainty warring for dominance in his mind. They seemed nice enough… if a bit - a lot - weird, but still. Mac knew that nightmares were no respecter of people or places; they would come wherever he was, and they were usually much worse after moving to a new place. He sure hoped this job Jack had picked up on was worth it, because Mac had the nasty feeling that he'd wear out his welcome (whatever welcome he had, that is) very quickly once the nightmares started up again.
He sighed and started to unpack his things.
"One more thing!" Mac jolted in surprise, spinning around and grabbing the closest thing to his right hand to use as a weapon - an alarm clock. Coach's eyes widened, his hands held up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry, dude. Didn't mean to startle you there." His eyes held a softness that Mac hadn't expected as he regarded the younger man. "You okay?"
Mac felt the embarrassment wash down his body like an icy rain. He felt his face burn and set the alarm clock gently on the side table. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry. I just-"
"Hey, say no more, man," Coach cut in. "Army brat, remember? This ain't my first rodeo." Despite Coach sounding nothing like Jack in the slightest, his words reminded Mac of exactly something his best friend would say and he gave a half smile.
"Thanks." Coach stood in the doorway, and awkward was still the word of the hour.
"Uhh… did you need something?"
"Oh, right. I forgot I was supposed to remind you of the loft rules. Don't touch the fancy shampoo in the shower, the half a pastrami sandwich in the fridge is off-limits, even if it is a week old, make sure you buy your own towels because sharing towels with a stranger is an abomination, apparently."
Mac nodded slowly. "...Noted."
"The first rule is Schmidt's," Coach clarified, fingers tapping nervously on the doorframe. He wasn't good at this hosting stuff, especially when everything was so.. Awkward. "And the last is Nick's. The second is mine."
"Good to know. I'll make sure to follow them."
Coach grinned. "Right. The pastrami sandwich is mine," he clarified once more. "And I'm really looking forward to it when I get home."
Furrowing his brow, Mac assured the taller man, "I promise, I have no intention of eating your week-old pastrami sandwich. Scout's honor."
Of course he'd be a boy scout, Coach thought. "Thanks, little man!" Coach threw over his shoulder as he turned to leave once more. "Welcome to the Loft!"
Running a hand through his hair, Mac half-grinned and spoke to the empty room. "Thanks." Recalling his roller coaster of an adventure just since breaching the doorway, he added a wry, "I think."
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