#anyways the story that is bringing this on is actually nice i suppose but im exhausted so. let me just get into it and perhaps the dilemna
brightokyolights · 26 days
Why is being a living exisiting human being so very confusing 🙃
#my brain is genuinely the worst place on planet earth ahaha!!#anyways the story that is bringing this on is actually nice i suppose but im exhausted so. let me just get into it and perhaps the dilemna#will make itself more aparant.#basically i hate interacting with people. its exhausting. like genuinely just takes so much brain power and social battery from me. even for#simple things. anyways so im telling someone this in my usual jokey way “im being tortured and kept outside of my home where i could be#chilling with a book“ so the other person is like oh you cant stay inside forever and ever. but then goes on to say from interacting with me#theyd never have guessed that i have such a hard time with talking and hanging out with people. that i never make someone feel like im tired#them or dont wanna talk to them etc. and internally im screaming because like. that is something i stress out so much about because i strugg#le so much with my responses and tone etc etc. thats why its so exhausting for me because im just constantly focussed on what im Supposed to#be like. the other part of me was kind of pleased in a way because i feel so painfully awkward that it stresses me out that people can see#right through me and think that i hate them when its not that i just. hate human interaction because its so tiring. so hearing that was like#oh so no one can even tell and i am stressing. for nothing. dw though this info will not help my brain learn to stop stressing out though#lmao. anyways final point i suppose is that the person also says that even if i am 'awkward' i sort of use it to my advantage and it doesnt#come across in an unsavoury way. anyways idk what to do with all this info. because the way i feel on the inside is so. and i worry a lot#about people seeing that on the outside. but part of me sort of wants it too because i just feel like absolutely no one fucking knows me?#and while i guess that was maybe my goal i also hate it? i shall rb a quote after this. anyways. idk what im saying. i dont fucking know. im#just so tired. so fucking tired.#le text post
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absurdumsid · 4 months
The simplest ? explanation for it is Dust becomes Evil Ccino where his AU's Grillby's becomes Nightmare's "headquarters" but also other AU Hoppers' (like Error and um. one of my ocs) one stop bar. Dust is evil Ccino.... (I love putting characters in roles that theyre not supposed to have)
This takes place mostly in Dusttale and Farmtale with character focus shifting between the bad sanses. It was born from an extremely old fanfic I rediscovered (and never published, thank goodness) and built up from these two asks (Dust's tab, Dust's cooking/drinking) from the official ask-dusttale blog.
I've got some plot I'd like to hide for now so you can instead have a summary of the current state of the au !
Dust lives in an abandoned AU where the human has not come back. In order to pass time, he decides to take up bartending by himself (for himself). He finds some of Grillby's recipes at the back of the bar and "borrows" an apron while he fails time and again but keeps mixing drinks. Alcohol is alcohol after all.
Eventually, Nightmare stumbles into Dust's AU with an injured Killer who was shot by several of Dream's arrows. Dust confronts the two and initiates a fight, assuming that they were enemies and honestly a bit freaked out by them having his face. After a "scuffle," Killer almost dying, and a lot of negotiation from Nightmare, Dust allows them to stay at the inn.
Dust, after figuring out Nightmare and Killer are broke and probably starving, invites them to Grillby's (which surprises the two. Killer actually thought he was planning to poison them). But this eventually becomes somewhat routine-like, with Nightmare and Killer getting somewhat comfortable with Dust, though he still keeps his distance.
Some time later, Nightmare goes out to see if he can get some supplies to repay Dust, hopping through several AUs but unfortunately running into Dream in one of them. This starts a chase that ends with Nightmare in HorrorTale, where he kidnaps the Sans that just happened to see him and his brother. He immediately goes back to DustTale, which, because of the absence of positive emotions, Dream is unable to access.
Horror, startled by the new environment, two more doppelgangers, and the dust leaving him struggling for breath, attacks Nightmare and defends himself (justifiably so, the kidnapping was irrational, and now Nightmare can't bring Horror back to his AU). Nightmare once again negotiates a way for them to coexist and Dust offers to let Horror sleep at his house, saying that he usually sleeps at sentry stations anyway.
if u wanna read more um,,,, many of my saejun headcanons are actually canon in this AU,,,,,,, so u should go read those,,,,,,,,,,
ALSOO it's very VERY old but this is what the sillies look like in this AU ! I plan on revamping this for the site im making hehe (cross comes in at SOME POINT but we dont talk about that yet)
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and if u wanna see the older bs related posts (because i didnt.... tag them properly) heres a bunch of links for things that are canon in this
Main BS Posts: 1 2 3 4
Stuff abt that Old Fic: 1 2 3
Saejun Existing: 1 2
BS Horror: 1 2 3(blood tw)
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simpliao · 2 years
plz im so excited i found your blog!! if you feel like it, could you write something about him and the reader getting into a fight and the reader tries to storm out but he won't let them bc (not to be parasocial) he seems like the type to have a "never go to sleep angry" mentality and im a sucker for hurt/comfort :(((( thank you in advance, and if you dont get to it thank you anyways for the writing you've already done!!
growing pains ; (irl) schlatt x reader
summary : although schlatt is comically angry for entertaining purposes online, it doesn't mean his anger doesn't seep into his real life too. moving in is stressful, he does it enough to know. although when it's someone else moving into his space, the stress of the change puts a strain on the both of them.
info : swearing, angst turned fluff, she/her, afab reader.
a/n : happy to hear it, anon ! it's such a blessing to have you here, again, thanks for the support ! ♡ I'm not a hundred percent confident in this one shot, but hopefully you enjoy ! thank you so much for requesting !
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Budding romance was meant to be idyllic and sweet, right? Being with a newly found lover was supposed to be peaches and roses, the kind of happily ever after feeling foretold in every folk tale out there. That's what would have been figured by Schlatt, having a harboured love of sappy sweet love songs, being new to this kind of thing made actually being in a relationship throw him for a loop. Sure he's had his fair share of one night stands and school crushes, but it never extended to the level of which he's shared with Y/n.
She was this kind of ethereal perfection in his eyes, adoring her as if the woman hung the very stars and moon themselves. After a handful of months, of course he thought it would be logical to ask her to move in. She slept over at his place quite a number of times, she always seemed to at home anyways, what would be the difference of actually having her all the time?
A lot, actually. It started good, moving her in was actually fun. The pair seeing who could manage to carry the heaviest box up to his place, racing to see who could make it back down the building first, and of course hearing her little stories about every item she owned. Finding a place for everything took some creativity, but worked out in the end.
The first night also went swimmingly, having his woman all to himself was a nice change. That was until that following morning he awoke to his bathroom occupied and showing no signs of ever opening up. Just fifteen more minutes! Or so she said, it was never just fifteen minutes. He adored hearing her laugh, but not so much when he was demanding for her to open up so he could shit. It was easy in time to get fed up with the friends she'd bring home, having their little get together's while he was banished to the bedroom to sulk. Not even beginning to mention that one 'guy friend' he just wants to strangle.
Her nagging as he so lovingly referred to it to his friends, was also not appreciated. It's as since she moved in all he heard was complaints directed towards him, you're too loud, you never hang out with me anymore, could you put that in the sink? It was like living with his own mother and slowly he grew to loathe her presence.
It wasn't exactly the easiest for her either.
Being that the New Yorker didn't enjoy having many people over, he never really had a reason to keep his place clean. She'd been over, and being that she never used to stay over longer than a night and morning, it was easy enough to ignore. When it was that she lived with cluttered counters and dirty dishes that sat way longer than they should, she ended up taking upon the role of housewife (or glorified maid).
The mostly convenient-oriented, and occasional forgetful male had bought machines to do basic care for Jambo; and yet at times forgot to empty or refill said machines. That feeling of taking on all the home responsibility was suffocating, and yet she only mentioned it briefly in passing considering that it was his place. She felt more like a guest than a member in what was supposed to be their home.
And the lack of sleep from his irregular sleep habits causing him to be practically yelling into late hours of the night didn't help a bit. Despite knowing she loved this gentle giant, for his hidden away kind nature and charming personality, she grew sick of it all.
Life continued on, and despite inconveniences, the two pretended everything was okay for a while. It worked for the most part, but bottling feelings only caused them to pressurize until the whole thing blows up in their faces. Today was supposed to be another one of those days, unremarkable and really just another Tuesday. However, what they say about the straw that broke the camel's back is soundly true.
From the afternoon onwards, the pair hadn't stopped going at it; both parties forgetting what exactly started this fight in the first place. This shouting match being the only relief they'd had to voice out their issues, by the time the sun had sunk beneath the horizon and a blanket of Prussian blue long having been spread across the city skies, it had gotten far too personal. It was like every word was meant to attack the other person, it was only a matter of time before words were exchanged that weren't meant to be said.
"Have you ever considered the fact that I don't actually want you here?" Schlatt had been seeing nothing but scolding red, speaking lies with such conviction for just a minute he believed it was true. And yet as the moment settled, and rather than yell back something else, the woman he knew he still adored gave a stare of a completely crushed spirit. Mouth hung agape, shock and hurt evident from her complete silence. He could see tears begin to well up, and that's when his expression fell. He stumbled on his following words, although her name could be made out as she dashed past him.
He hesitated going after her, she had just gone to the bedroom and he figured they needed some time to cool off before attempting to meld anything back together. It was only when he spotted her speeding out with a hastily packed suitcase that he bolted to apprehend her. "Y/n." "If that's how you really felt you should have just said so." He was quick to grab her wrists to prevent her from taking off, "there's a lot of things we both should have said." His accent being what it is, made his words sound unfairly harsh. "Schlatt, please, I get it. You don't want me here." "No! Listen, just..."
He could feel anger involuntarily rising from his chest. So knowing restraining her like this and ending up in another bout of hostile yelling, he made the decision he knew would at least calm him down enough to speak out what needed to be said. So tugging her closer, she practically fell into his arms. Although the first couple moments she tried to fight it again, uttering his name as a plea that made a diminuendo with every cry. All he did was stand there, chin resting upon the top of her head, his eyes closed and basking in the feeling of her held close, her overly scented shampoo filling his sinuses; a hit of dopamine rushing his brain. They stood like that for a while, the need for a timeout to the relentless fighting well needed. His thoughts cleared, for the first time today that was, and he began by squeezing her closer before letting much needed words escape him. "I'm sorry."
By this point, she had also given up trying to escape his embrace, blinking away tears as best as she could. "Listen to me, Y/n." He spoke in a tone she never expected to be so faint, delicate and airy as if should he speak above this hushed whisper the woman held in his arms would shatter. He took in a deep breath, buying time in an attempt to find a way to word this properly. "I'm just not used to this, used to us." Again, attempting to buy time to find a way to put his feelings into words, a hand slinked up to tangle his fingers into her hair. "But that doesn't mean I don't like us. It's..." He sucked in his lips, unsure of what to call it.
"Growing pains?" Her strained voice caught his ears, even if muffled against his shoulder. "Yeah, they're growing pains. And I'm not perfect... And no matter how in love I am with you, you're not perfect either. That's okay." Smaller arms slinked up his back, a small tug a weak return to the death grip he held her with. "I still love you too, Schlatt..." The way her face nuzzled into him made his heart melt and familiar butterflies fill his stomach, ones that had seemed to have gone missing for some time; and yet came back in full force. Dread at knowing of how poorly he spoke of her weighed in on him. "I'm willing to work on it if you are." He lessened his hold of her, pulling away to look down into her eyes.
Eyes that looked back up at him with the same kind of guilt he felt weighing his body down, those glass-like doe eyes tugging at strings of his heart he didn't even know he had. "I'm sorry too, I'm so sorry..." "Hey, we're both assholes, it's okay." The reassuring smile he flashed easing her own pressure, her own misconducts coming back to haunt her. Larger hands lovingly cupped her face as they had so many times before, wiping away those pesky tears for her. "I'm willing to go the distance with you." She assured, to answer his comment a short while earlier. The atmosphere of their home alleviated, and finally it felt breathable. "Let's unpack your suitcase then, and tomorrow morning we can talk more thoroughly about it." "Forget about the suitcase, we've been fighting all day. I just want to sleep."
With a grin that told her that everything would be okay, he slowly let his arms slide off her, one hand gently grabbing hold of hers in the lightest of holds. "Let's get some sleep then, sweetheart."
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rollercoasterwords · 2 months
I've heard of ppl complaining about ur writing speed and posting schedule but it's honestly ridiculous. like you actually write insanely fast. it is incredible that you have managed to write over 150,000 words (in very high quality writing might I add 🫶) in like 10 months !!
thank u lol honestly i feel like i’ve had relatively little bs 2 deal w compared 2 the flack i’ve seen some other fic writers get etc but i have def like. had conversations w some other fic writers abt how strange it feels 2 get people immediately commenting on chs like “when will the next ch be out?” or sending messages etc asking abt posting schedules…idk i have conflicted feelings bc on the one hand im like well maybe i just did this 2 myself by having unusually fast & consistent posting schedules at various points w past fics but on the other hand i do try 2 make it v clear when like. my posting is gonna slow down…& also i v much do not think it should be considered standard 4 people 2 be updating wips weekly or monthly etc like when i was writing a fic 4 a different fandom before i joined this one i took like a four month break in the middle of posting w no warning & no one complained abt it lol.
& it’s also like. i do understand that none of those comments/messages etc r ill intended & usually people will tack on a little ‘no pressure!’ but unfortunately i am going 2 pressure myself regardless…which i have had 2 actively work on bc i was like. i cannot keep stressing myself out over arbitrary deadlines i set for something that’s supposed 2 be a hobby!! so i might just be extra sensitive abt it now & if one of those messages catches me on a day where im stressed abt other stuff etc (frequent occurrence recently lol) then like. no matter how nicely it’s phrased it still doesn’t feel nice. & i understand wanting 2 know but i also don’t think u should read a wip unless ur actually prepared 2 a) deal w the story however it goes [separate complaint that i’ve been discussing w my fic writing friends lmao] and b) wait however long it takes 4 chs w no expectations abt regularly-scheduled posting. so!
anyway not sure 2 what extent this is like a new phenomenon or expectations have actually changed…one friend who’s been like. writing fic way longer than i have told me they do feel like there’s been a sort of shift across various fandoms w this new expectation that fic writers r posting regularly quickly & consistently. like maybe bc fic has become more ‘mainstream’ etc there are an influx of people who r bringing in new standards that sort of echo what they’d expect 4 other forms of media but like. when u take a step back & think abt it it’s a little wild 2 want or expect some random guy 2 be providing u w weekly entertainment for free…have seen a few people being like “ugh we need a new big wip that everyone’s reading & talking abt” & im like. oh so u want someone 2 kill themself lmao like everyone i know who’s had their fic treated like the fandom’s ~tv show~ that they tune in for every week has had a horrible horrible time lol
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wrathful-reptile · 1 month
Beamstalker re-emergence lore story under the cut
Long forgotten, Beamstalkers paced through the darkened city, no longer knowing why they were locked away, as their ancestors had long been too ashamed of their actions to pass down the tales.
"Now, now, Emblem. Don't get too close to the city or the big bad Beamstalkers will get you!"A male imperial chuckled to an energetic hatchling, looking over some research notes while trying to keep an eye on his younger sister.
"That's just a tale! You know they're not real, right? Gamgam's like a bajillion years old! Literally! Like she's got tales of Nocturnes being discovered! I think she made it up! No one else even's heard of a beamstalker!"
"I know, I know but Gamgam's parents passed down the tales to her, and their parents passed it to them. And she passed it to Grandma, and she passed it to Mom, and now we know it,"he chuckled, his tail swishing past the smaller imperial before using it to hold them in place as they went to run off."But seriously, don't get too close. I'm supposed to be watching you, and if you wreck anything, my work'll have my tail for bringing you with me and messing up research."
"Uhgggg fine! I won't break anything. But I am going to go explore. Not in the city, but you know…. just around it!"
"Be careful with that too. We're not too far off from Luminax territory. All that thing has to do is fall down the cliff and we'd be in its teeth!"
"I could take 'im!"
"Emblem, I'm serious. Emperors are dangerous."
"Psshhh, it's not gonna fall down here anyway. Gilden why are you so worried about everything?"Emblem gave a huff, scrambling free of the weight holding her in place and scurrying off.
Gilden shook his head with a laugh sigh, going back to the research papers, many being written copies of ancient documents.
Ancient… Ancients. The whole reason he was sent on this research job. With so many ancients re-emerging due to the change in energies, they wanted him to see if there'd be a possibility of discovering if there are any ancients in Light. After all, he seemed very interested in the tales told around the office of the new ones. He'd even chimed in with his great-grandmother's tales, gaining the interest. Though most had brushed it off as silly stories made to scare hatchlings, his boss's interest in the Hewn city had increased drastically. It was, after all, one of the only locations that a whole species could be hidden in for so many years.
Emblem was quickly bored, having escaped her older brother's line of sight. One solution? Well, the only reasonable choice, really, was to explore the one place everyone was so scared of. She stood a little taller, trotting into the darkened city, watching as the light that had been so bright became almost as if the area was under a permanent eclipse. The air was still and silent, and despite becoming unnerved, she walked onwards, her eyes always on the tops of the ruins and the sky, never on what was around her until she tripped.
"Ow!"She hissed, her ankle now scratched from… She stared at what looked to be a wildclaw for a moment. Or… a skydancer? It was Skydancer sized. At least adult skydancer sized.
"Pardon."It said."Are you alright? Tried to catch ya but it's a bit hard with hands like these. My ma's told me I need to dull 'em for now cause I keep scratching her and Da."
"You're not a skydancer or a wildclaw?"
"A whoosit-what-now?"The hatchling asked."Actually. What are ya?"
"I'm an imperial."She was trying to make sense of the dragon in front of her. He was such an odd hatchling, but he seemed nice.
"Eh? Never heard of it! My name's Rug."
"Yep! Like Ruggy, rough, rugged!"
"Oh, I'm Emblem!"
"Nice to meet ya Emblem! Sorry I scratched ya up. C'mon, can you follow me? My ma can patch ya up!"
"Yeah! Okay! What sort of dragon are you anyway?"Emblem asked, following Rug with curiosity.
"I'm a Beamstalker! Least that's what we all say, so I suppose it's true, wouldn't ya reckon?"
"A beamstalker? My Gamgam, or great grandma tells tales of Beamstalkers. Everyone says you're not real. But you're a lot smaller than I thought. AND, and? You're not as scary at all!"Emblem held her head high. She'd found the secret! The terrible monsters her family was sooooo scared of! And they weren't scary at all! Her grin was only growing at the thoughts of showing everyone back home her new friend.
"Scary? I can be scary!"Rug said, fluffing out his back feathers to make himself look larger, only causing Emblem to laugh because he really looked like a baby bird.
"I don't think so! But it's not a bad thing!"She said. Rug gave a laugh and smoothed his feathers down, leading her into a den. The entry seemed only a bit larger than she was and the dragon inside stared at her in silence.
"Rug? Who's your friend here?"The grown beamstalker asked in shock.
"Ma, this is Emblem! I accidentally scratched her up. D'ya think you could patch her up?"Rug asked, a wide smile on his face.
"Oh, of course! She's as tall as me, though. What sort of dragon is she?"
"An imperial she says!"He seemed thrilled. Rug's mother nodded, heading out of the den and coming back with some odd plants and fabric scraps, wrapping Emblem's leg.
"Well, we'll have to see her to the edge, hm? I'm sure her parents are looking for her."
"We get to go to the edge?"Rug asked with excitement."Does that mean I get to see the sun? My friends'll be jealous!"
"Afraid not. The edge stops before the light starts."Rug's mother sighed."No one's seen the sun in millennia.
"Aww shucks. I was hopin I'd get to be the first."
"But hey! Maybe you all will meet my brother! His name's Gilden!"She said, her tail thudding the ground."He'll be so confused! Or maybe even scared? OR! OR! He'll be super duper excited and proud of me cause I did something super cool!"
"Oh, maybe. Maybe."Rug's mother hummed thoughtfully."Come on now, you're all patched up. Time to get you out, alright?"
"When Emblem leaves, she can come back and play, right? And next time we'll have dinner?"
"Of course, Rug."His mother hummed, now leading the two children along."If I wasn't worried about her getting home, she could have stayed for dinner tonight. Your father is out catching it."She looked over at Emblem."Now, dear, what was your brother's name again?"
"Ah. My name is Vel. Such as the Velvet on antlers."
"Oh! So there's Rug, and Miss Vel…
"Yes. Your name is interesting, though. It is Emblem? Not Emb? And Gilden. Not Gil?"She hummed.
"No?"Emblem seemed confused."Is that bad?"
"Oh! Not at all, dear, just a curiosity. You imperials seem to have such silly names."
"Yeah. My friends think so too. James thinks it's silly that my parents named us after light things."
"No, no, being named for nature is fine. James?"Vel tilted her head with a bit of concern before shaking it."It is just unusual for such long names within the squadron."
"What's a squadron?"Emblem asked.
"Ah, it's what we call our grouping."
"Oh! Like a pack of wildclaws or mirrors, or a flock of skydancers. Okay!"Emblem seemed happy with that explanation.
The beamstalkers had been so distracted by Emblem that they hadn't noticed their scenery, though still darkened, was a different sort of dark.
"Oh, it's cloudy! Looks like it'll storm soon."Emblem chirped out.
"Emblem?!"A voice called. Booming footsteps. Gilden soon came into view. "I've been looking for you! Mom would have killed me if I told her I lost you in… the…"Gilden's words slowed to a stop, staring at the Beamstalkers.
"Woah… You're so tall!"Rug was staring up at Gilden in awe, eyes wide.
"Excuse me for asking, but what sort of dragons are you?"Gilden asked, looking at the two. He got no response from the two as Vel was looking at the open scenery before them and Rug was still in awe of how tall imperials were.
"They're Beamstalkers!"Emblem chirped, realizing the two weren't answering.
"I've got to report this to my job."
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kafus · 6 months
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i finally cleared out iron island with riley, grabbed the riolu egg, and beat byron by using earthquake four times with my hippowdon LMAO
anyways after leaving the gym the story progresses, i am dragged to the library by barry to meet up with rowan and lucas and talk about catching the lake trio to try to learn more about pokemon evolution (or lack thereof) or whatever, and uhh. the Big Explosion happens
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this whole bit of the game always kinda freaks me out. like i'm fine, it's just fairly startling for a pokemon game and like... specifically the bit about barry desperately turning to the TV to find out what happened.
i have been in an earthquake once in my life, and we don't get earthquakes here ever so it was pretty shocking and my family had no idea what to do in the situation, so we foolishly ran outside during the earthquake which you aren't supposed to do. thankfully we were all unharmed, it was actually a pretty small earthquake, but shocking nonetheless. after it was over we all went back inside and i remember being very upset and confused while my mom was yelling at the TV like, "THERE WAS JUST AN EARTHQUAKE!! REPORT ON IT!!" because yknow it takes a few minutes for the breaking news to hit the air. so it just really hits a spot tbh it's a decently realistic scene. i remember being very frightened to navigate my house for a couple weeks, like anything could be a hazard or start shaking under me, including stairs... idk it's just kind of a wild scene to have in a pokemon game it brings up feelings LOL (btw that pixel art of the TV broadcast is SUPER nice i wish my picture of it was clearer)
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the denial of anything serious going on is also nuts??? is team galactic trying to spread the false information that everything is fine?? y'all SAW the smoke!! and also ROWAN im like 10 or whatever but OKAY!!! SURE
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bro ur literally asking me to be the hero pretty much idk what u expect to happen when i get there but it's not gonna be good LOL
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reneetje · 2 years
Y'all. I wrote this first chapter of a fanfic a while ago but it didnt do well on ao3. Im gonna drop it here because the story is still stuck in my head and i need to know if anyone is interested in reading it at all.
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Chapter 1: Bringing on the heartache
Listen to: Def Leppard - Bringing on the heartache
You sat in your car looking at the building in front of you. Must’ve been one of the few buildings that wasn’t damaged in ’86, because it looked exactly the same. You’d been here before when your grandma had gotten sick, but that was a long time ago.
Today was your first day at Hawkins memorial nursing home. The word “memorial” was new on the building. They must’ve been very short staffed because you were hired on credentials and a phone call alone: ‘when can you start’? You had replied that you could start this week, if they’d have you. Truth was, you didn’t want to sit at home right now, because being alone would only make you think about everything that happened.
Your family was one of those who high-tailed out of Hawkins in ’86 after the string of weird accidents, murders and a shattering earthquake. The adults had talked about satanic worshipping and ritual sacrificing, but the truth was the Devil had come to Hawkins without anyone asking. Among the youth of Hawkins there had been talk about “what really happened”. A lot of those kids had come of worse and after the earthquake, which had left Hawkins full of death and despair, many parents had picked up their families and left for good.
You never thought you would ever go back here, there were so many memories, good and bad. You always thought going back would be too painful. But now you are hurting anyway and going back to Hawkins feels more safe than staying in California, so here you are. Breathing in through your nose you rummage in your bag for an elastic. With practiced hands you move all yiur hair together in a bun and tie it together. You exhale as you open the car door. “Here we go”.
Your new colleagues are very nice to you and welcome you to the unit. You’re paired with Brenda for two mornings, so she can show you the ropes. You and Brenda have 5 people to get ready, she shows you the list. The whole floor is occupied by patients with some form of dementia, in different stages. Together with your new team you spend the morning bathing, dressing and feeding the patients. During coffee break you chat with your colleagues about the weather, sports, the mornings activities and then Brenda asks you where you’re from. Ofcourse this was inevitable, they would find out eventually.
‘I’m actually from here’, you tell them. ‘I was born and raised in Hawkins but we left after.. you know..in ‘86’.
They look at you knowingly, but there’s something else, resentment?
‘So you might know some of our patients then’ Brenda says, and she smiles.
‘I suppose I may recognize some of the names’ you agree. The topic is quickly changes back to sports. It can’t have been easy for the people who stayed in Hawkins after everything. Not everyone had the opportunity to pack up and leave.
In the afternoon Brenda shows you were the patient files are. 'Will you be OK to spend some time getting familiar with the files, I have a meeting this afternoon? She asks. With a shrug you tell her you’ll be fine. ‘
And tomorrow we’ll pick 5 other patients, so then you already know 10’.
'Yeah that’s great, thank you Brenda’, you smile at her. She leaves and your eyes move back to the files.
On the sides there are names, some familiar ones: Kline, L; Driscoll, M; Callahan, B. Some you don’t know. And then it’s there: Munson, W. Your heart skips a beat, could it be? There weren’t many Munsons anyway, so it must be. Wayne Munson, uncle Wayne.
‘Eddie.. ‘ Your voice a whisper. Your fingers move over the name on the file as your heart squeezes painfully.
You can still clearly see him before you. The first time you saw Eddie was at English. It was your first day of your senior year at Hawkins High. Eddie had strolled into the classroom and sat down in the back row. He had had to repeat his senior year and he looked bored as hell. With curiosity you had peered at this new boy. He was tall and slim and he looked so cool with his long curly big hair, band shirt and rings. When he looked at you, you had felt a vibrant blush rising to your cheeks. He had chuckled and mouthed ‘Hi’ at you.
Back then you had found life so hard, but thinking back you laugh at yourself. You didn’t even know what pain was. You had never experienced real pain at that age, you were just an angsty teenager trying to rebel against your parents. Life had actually been quite easy on you before then. But you did know loneliness and it made you crave for attention. Eddie had given you attention.
But Eddie had died, that much you knew. Dustin had told you Eddie was dead. So when your mom said you were leaving, you went with them. Too heartbroken and filled with guilt to put up a fight. You had tried to forget and go on with your life, and eventually you did.
But now you’re back.
You sigh deeply. Better get back to work. You lift a few files of the shelf and put them down on the table, Wayne’s file on the bottom. Better get some actual work done instead of reminiscing about those days. They were long gone and there’s no use ripping that wound back open. You open the top file and start reading. When you reach Mr Munson you try to be professional and read the file like any other patients’, shoving your feelings about the past in a neat little drawer in the back of your mind.
You manage to finish your shift without memories about you-know-who and drive the car home to your new apartment. You really don’t want to think about anything so you turn up the music really loud until your ears hurt. Corey Taylors scream and the drums and guitar block out all thought. The people you pass on the street all look up as you drive by, the music probably very audible outside of the car too. Hawkins is a small town and they don’t recognize your car, so you must be new. It’s easier for now if they think you are new.
You open your door and walk into your empty apartment. There’s a small kitchenette with a bar and some stools, a sitting room with a big couch and a tv and to the left a bed- and bathroom. Both rooms still have stacks of boxes and you really can’t be bothered to unpack. You heat two leftover pizza slices from yesterday in your oven and promise yourself to really go to the supermarket tomorrow after work. With the pizza and a bottle of coke you install yourself on the couch.
Heading back to Hawkins had seemed like a good idea after your breakup with Eric. You really didn’t know where else to go. You couldn’t stay in California, there was nothing for you there anymore. Your mom had died 2 years ago and you hadn’t really spoken to your father in over 5 years. Heartbroken, alone and desperate for a safe place you had thought of Hawkins. It was the only other place you had ever called home. So here you were, lonelier than you had ever felt in your life, in the very place you had fled from when you were 18.
It’s time to go to bed. You take a quick shower and slam a sleeping pill down. There’s no way you’re gonna spend the next few hours staring at the ceiling. Curling yourself up in your bed
you turn on some music to drown out your thoughts.
You’re walking through a forest of some kind. It’s a warm summer evening, the sun is going down turning everything a shade of orange. In front of you the threes are thinning out, you can see a lake. Lovers lake? A Chevy van is parked next to the water and from behind it walks Eddie. You walk up to him and he holds you in his arms. Eddie smells of cigarettes and cinnamon and some earthy smell you can’t quite place.
‘Hey baby girl’, he mutters in your hair, ‘I missed you’.
His hands are warm on your skin as he slips them under your shirt on your back. You tilt your head back and look up in his brown eyes.
‘I missed you too, Eddie’.
You touch his hair to move it behind his ear and rest your hand on his jaw. His lips are slightly parted as he looks at you intently. You stand up on your toes to reach for his lips, at first a gentle brush against his. He moves into your kiss with more force and your breath chokes. His lips are so soft and feel perfect on yours. You open your mouth a little and feel for his tongue. The kiss deepens and your hands are in his hair.
Eddie pushes you with your back against the van, his body pressed up against yours. The force pushes a soft moan from you. Now he’s kissing your neck and whispering in between kisses.
‘those sounds....you make.....turn me on...so much’.
It must be true because you can feel his erection through his jeans as he stands pressed against your body. You move your hands to push his leather jacket off his shoulders, onto the ground. Eddies hands are all over you, one hand holding your butt, the other moving over your back, your side, you breasts.
The kissing on your neck is making you so wet, you can feel the burning between your legs.
‘Eddie’ you pant.
He chuckles in your neck. You need to feel him on you. You move and pull him with you to the ground. There’s a blanket on the ground, it wasn’t there before but it’s there now. You lie down on your back and grab eddies shirt front to pull him over you. His face over yours, his chest pressed to yours, his body between your legs. His pupils are blown out, eyes dark and full of lust. He pulls your shirt off and now you want to feel his bare skin on yours so you do the same with his. He’s warm and heavy on you, moving his body against you, rubbing his crotch against yours.
Your kissing again, hungrier this time. It’s all tongue and teeth. Your hands in his hair and on his back and on his ass, you need to feel him. Eddie is squeezing your breasts through your bra. He breaks the kiss to unclasp the back and rip it off. He edges down a bit and kisses your breasts, first one, then the other. His tongue grazes your nipple, he takes it in his mouth and sucks it. Your head is in your neck, your breath quickening. He’s kissing you all over your breasts, down your belly, licking and kissing and it’s driving you mad.
You wake up in the dark with your hand already rubbing your pussy. Your eyes fly open. Shit, it was a dream. The disappointment flows through your body, but you’re also still horny. The wetness between your legs is prove of how real the dream had felt. You close your eyes to try and grasp some of that feeling back. Eddies lips on yours, his hands on your body. You put your hand down your panties and start circling your fingers over your clitoris. Eddie rocking his body against yours. His lovely smell and warmth. You imagine his hand is down there rubbing you while he kisses you, while he bites your neck. It doesn’t take long before you feel the heat rising up from your toes and you come undone. Eddies beautiful face etched in your mind.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
Im the hater anon omg i didnt mean to lead u astray but i haven't finished it i'm just over half done. i probably will finish just so i can coherently say why i don't like it bc rn my thoughts are all over the place but  u hit all the major points im like nodding and taking notes rn.  Its very shallow lore wise like its all overly complex exposition that barely effects the plot. I could write about this for 100 years but basically it was boring and i just feel like it has nothing to say like theres no purpose or message and i think speculative stuff should have SOME weight behind it idk.  That paired w how the writing itself is like..not pretty or artful or anything………………….
And on top of that its not even actually funny. Instead of real jokes its just 100 million mcu quips awkwardly inserted so that no situation is ever treated genuinely or seriously or with depth. For example. My personal least favorite part beyond general quality so far is how often they bring up gideon being inappropriately horny… idk how else to word it.. Its one of her 3 personality traits. they mention her porn collection i swear every couple of pages. its played 4 jokes but like the rest of it its literally unfunny and feels so out of place. Like this is right when they just discovered an incinerated body → ”she looked troubled, which made Gideon sad, but she was also soaked right through to the skin, which made Gideon need a lie-down.” Its like if someone whose only point of reference was tiktok during that era where every vaguely masc woman got made fun of for being a quote hey mamas lesbian unquote tried to write a masc woman.  Reading it as a masc lesbian myself is just sort of embarrassing idk if other ppl feel differently but it just feels overplayed and goofy. 
Anyways… this is all very long and incoherent but thank u for complaining and vindicating me… i started reading it a couple days ago on a whim bc ive been seeing ppl talk abt it a lot lately and i was instantly SOOOOO disappointed. Part of it was definitely that i was expecting something very different because of how people talk about it but also its just like bad. Its insane. I also had no idea abt the roachpatrol thing so ummmmmm :(
hiiiiiiiiii omg so your suffering isn't even over yet my condolences.
the worldbuilding exposition industrial complex needs to end im so serious. I just had such a nice conversation with some writer friends about soft vs hard magic systems and world-building and how frustratingly common the assumption that more complex lore you dump the more sophisticated your story is at the moment. in reality many more sophisticated stories deliberately utilise abstraction and whimsy for thematic statements. v happy for brandon sanderson fans but again, a lot of those stories are basically like mystery novels except the magic is the mystery, whereas the speculative fiction authors who... actually speculate...are often using it as a tool to speculate about our own existence.
and the writing is so ugly like I've read a couple of chapters and I feel like i could get through a mid story if it's at least well written but it wasn't even inoffensive it was actively offputting like that prose was stinkyyyyyyyyy..... and the quips exactlyyy like who is laughing at none pizza with left beef anymore and the fact a lot of it isn't even the author being witty but just like. a reference to a meme? it's literally supposed to be like gritty but then everyone is memeing and quipping all the time how are you meant to take that seriously?
and okay the like sexualisation of Gideon had kind of been my suspicion but I hadn't read enough to make that claim for certain so. that's disappointing to have it confirmed. given that the author is a fem woman who calls herself a lesbian whilst being homestuck married to a guy, it really brings up some kind of discomfort in me to be using masc women that way and making a joke out of them and their sexuality and calling them himbos and shit like. it really doesn't seem like she actually knows any masc women??? and when that was a huge part of the marketing for the book it comes to feel exploitative.
one thing to be aware is that tor like. pushed it really hard marketing-wise for whatever reason. I guess they feel it symbolises a new era of sci-fi and like were using it as an outreach effort to engage the generation that mostly only reads fan fiction or whatever which I guess cheers if it achieves that. but the majority of negative reviews are specifically that it was nothing like what they expected it to be, because of the.... super gimmicky marketing.
the tagline being sword necromancer lesbians in space or something so lame 😭 and it really seems like the elements came first and the justification came second so it's never really explained why they use swords instead of more technologically advanced weapons (bc the answer is 'it sounds cool') or really why it needs to be in space at all (because the answer is 'it sounds cool'). even the necromancy is supposedly fairly tangential and ive seen people be underwhelmed how much actual lesbianism is involved too 💀
9mbut yeah the r0ach patr0l thing I wish people were more aware of because honestly above anything else, I've seen people who were fans and then found this out and felt super uncomfortable so I think people deserve to know what kind of background she has, and this is literally where she developed her writing and her name as a BNF so it's directly connected to her current career not just like a celebrity who tweeted something dumb when they were 14. like I think it's fair to take that into account + idk it's INTERESTING to me that she went from that to debuting with a masc lesbian whom she projects like comic hypersexuality onto it really is all much to think about truly
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joviepog · 2 years
Warnings: None!
Pronouns: She/They
Tommy x reader
Request: @gaytoadwithapopsicle
Fluff (i think)
Songs: So this is love -? Its been a long,long, time -Kitty Kallen
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You sat down on the grass, placing your basket down. The wind blowing your hair onto your face, the sun lightly touching your skin, and the sound of birds made you smile. Everything was calm, it was lovely. You opened your basket and pulled out a book, some bread to feed the birds, and a pillow to lie your head on. You placed the pillow on the grass and then, you grabbed your book and placed it on your lap, closing you eyes to just, breathe.
You opened your eyes and moved your dress to a comfortable position.
Dress options:
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You opened your book to the first page, nothing like starting a new book, you thought.
“Excuse me?”
You turned to look at a handsome, lets say, boy. He was tall, had fluffy blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes. He was carrying a picnic blanket with him. What a lovely character.
“May i sit with you?”
“Of course!”
He smiled and sat the blanket down.
“I was trying to meet a friend here but he was a no show.” He sighed “Oh! Would you like to sit on the blanket with me?”
You nodded, a bit embarrassed that you didn’t bring your own. You grabbed your pillow and placed it beside him, lying down as you started to read your book. …. You read a couple of pages before you started to feel a pair of eyes watching you. You looked up and saw the boy looking at your book. Was he reading along with you?
You started to look at him closely, the way his eyelashes touched his cheeks when he blinked. The way his head moved a-bit as he breathed. Oh and those eyes, how you could swim in them all day.
“I’m Tomas, but im more known for Tommy.”
You had been caught, you didnt even realize him looking back at you. Your cheeks went hot, and you could bet that they were red.
“R-Right! Im YN”
“Nice to meet you YN”
You were about to say something until you saw him turn back to the book. Right, he was probably done with the pages already. You turned the page and started to read. You flipped more and more pages until you finally decided to look up. And when you did you smiled. There was a cute little bird. A dove in fact! You slowly grabbed your bread, careful not to scare it, and opened it up. You took a piece out and threw it to the bird. He picked it up and more birds started to come. You started to sit up, putting your knees on the blanket. You started to toss more and more bread until there was none left. You sighed, sad to disappoint the doves, until you heard a small chuckle. You had completely forgotten about Tommy!
“Sorry! Did you want to feed some? I am so sorry! I should have asked you!”
“No its fine. Im quite scared of birds actually.”
“Oh Im Sorry!”
He again said that there was no reason to apologize then he took out his phone. You opened your book again and continued reading. After some time, your eyes started to feel tired and your head couldn’t keep itself up anymore. You started to fall asleep on the blanket, a little bit cold, but you still fell asleep. You didn’t know it, but slowly, you started to cuddle into Tommy. To the point were there was no space between you two. Tommy didn’t mind. He put his sweater on top of you to make sure you were warm. Smiling as you started to loosen your body. He then lied down next to you, cuddling you. He was happy there, next to you, taking up your heat. The only problem was, how was he supposed to wake you up?
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There you go @gaytoadwithapopsicle ! I hope you guys enjoyed the story!!! Its a little messy, but i think it will do the trick! I am also writing on my phone and I usually write on my laptop so yeah. Anyway-
Have a lovely day or night -Jovie :]
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devilbombers · 2 years
Claymore review
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An extremely overlooked cult classic. It's probably the butch lesbian fantasy of all time.
For a good time for the most part I still think everyone should read it!
The Anime
this is probably the first time ive preffered watching the anime than the manga. Personally i found the beginning of the manga drawn too plain and thought the story telling was illustrated in a rather boring way and honestly i dont think the Norihiro Yagi was at the level he needed to be with choreographing fight scenes in a comprehensive way at the time and i just had to go ahead and watch the anime instead mostly because i could finally understand what was happening in scenes.
I really liked the anime however in the i am always inevitably a manga over the anime fan til the bitter end. It actually made me really angry to find out they had to drastically change a bunch of major plot elements and even make up a bunch of shit just so they could wrap up the anime in a nice way. Like i kind of understand why but it was actually such a corny and confusing ending it actually made me really angry lmao (ESPECIALLY HOW THEY REPLACED THE SCENE WITH JEAN SAVING CLARE WITH RAKI INSTEAD)
The Characters
For the most part I really liked everyone but of course I absolutely despised Raki. I do not blame anyone who couldnt bring themselves to continue or even start the series because of him because it took so much out of me to continue regardless of his almost pointless presence.
Like I kind of understand its because hes sort of supposed to expose and ground Claire's humanity but i really think it was still possible to do that without him even existing. hes kind of really a walking character device isnt he? Like im pretty sure Jean's existence was enough.
So anyways i think everyone else was really cool.
I really dont know how to start with how much i admired everything. I really liked the legion of really cool/scary/pretty butch lesbian warriors, the concept of youma/awakened beings is so interesting and i love how horrifyingly beautiful they all are, I was super into how little i fucking knew about the organization.
In general everything is so unique and fresh I like everything about it. It pains me to no avail acknowledging that this is the only series asides from berserk thats a dark fantasy and even worse understanding both of them are technically over and its extremely maddening knowing nobody wants to draw dark fantasy manga anymore
creature design
i fucking love monsters so of course I have to discuss the unique appeal of the creature design in this series. One of the greatest things i absolutely adore from Yagis designs for the awakened beings is the stark contrast of a creature that is frightfully elegant.
I have to praise Yagi for also being the only other artist asides from Kentaro Miura whos considerate about exploring different shapes and forms for the overall silhouette of his creature designs.
Another specific aspect I greatly admire from his designs is that hes probably the first artist ive come across whos capable of mixing mostly scaled/armorlike textures on a monster while still retaining an air of tension and an organic looking design.
from my own personal art and observation from other creature designs from all sorts of artists I find it almost impossible to have these textures while retaining said elements of design because i think it gives it more of a "cool" vibe than a scary one.
Up until this point I was quite convinced its only feasible to have scales/armor-like textures on a monster if you balance it with a fleshy texture (approximately 70-80% fleshy and hard textured for the 20-30%) but Yagi truly is a genius or something because hes the only artist i know whos capable of making designs that are like 90% armor but its still somehow gives you chills.
So anyways heres a list breaking down my deepest feelings about my favorite awakened being designs:
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1. The destroyer
I actually havent ever seen a monster design so grand it took my breath away. Theres too much to love about it. Out of all the awakened beings nothing radiates such a thick aura of radiance and absolute terror than this design alone.
The whole idea of two sisters lovingly trapped together to become a greater and unstoppable creature is so overwhelming it really makes me shiver with delight and terror. Ive never felt so strongly about a design before so I really think nothing else will outdo this unique sensation.
Its just so fucking cool!!!!!!! I'm obsessed with religious iconography so i really adored how it was shaped like an angel and devil at the same time. i thought it was super fascinating how it would relentlessly and indiscriminately shoot everything and everyone in its radius with pieces of itself warped into more awful abyssal creatures that could even manipulate and transform anyone it stabs itself into. its all just so coollllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!
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2: Isley
i thought isley was a really weird guy and i probably hated him but i cannot deny how I think his awakened form was soooo cool. Isley is the prime example of what i was talking about with balancing textures on a monster. Super cool design i like it a lot
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3: the awakened girl that showed up during ophelias first appearance
god i really wish i could properly admire her with knowing her fucking name. Quite an ephemeral appearance but she had such a unique look to her despite everything I've seen throughout the series i could never forget her. She's probably the defines the general features and theme of what awakened beings should look like. A trend setter dare i say.
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4: Cassandra
VERY interesting silhouette. its not often you get to see a humanoid like body be treated like somewhat of a quadruped. Its interesting how its something vaguely erotic and terrifying at the same time. The multiple heada that snaps its jaws on anything that gets near it is a fantastic touch.
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5: Riful
overall a relatively simple design but its the simple things that are always the most fascinating isnt it? I really like tangled looking monsters. Not much to say except slay honestly lmao
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6: Jean
She was only in this form for such a brief moment but it was such a striking design I couldn't forget it. If find the most unforgettable things are usually the most fascinating things in turn. Such a gorgeous yet terrifying thing. I hope i dont sound like a psychopath saying this but the visible helplessness being trapped in an awful and radiant body is very beautiful to me.
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7: Miata
quite a short appearance but i really liked the silhouette of her awakened form. I wish there were more panels showing more closer details of it. not much to say about this other than i think its really neat!
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8: europa
literally just a ball with several spines attached to it and i could say its a bit lazy in comparison to everyone else but theres sm attention to the finer details of the spines i cant get mad at it. I know you're supposed to focus on the arms with this design but i actually like this design the most for just the face. The upside down doubled face is really interesting to me and i admire it a lot for some reason.
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9: the abyssal eaters
probably one of the most terrifying creatures in the whole series and maybe somewhere up there in my hierarchy of the most scariest monsters in a manga. i LOVE LOVE LOVE the whole idea of them so much bc theyre so fucking scary!!!!!! Very simple design but i never get to see stitches ENOUGH in media (which is a huge shame because its one of my favorite features to draw with body horror) so it makes me happy that all of their faces is just stitches.
THE STORY and the series as a whole
i really wish i could say i loved everything about it but everything I loved about it in the beginning basically disipated in the end. I think the main issue lies in the fact it all started in a very simple but effective manner but yagi ended up over complicating everything by adding too much. I don't scorn Yagi at all for the almost sudden and utter collapse in quality writing because its sort of an inevitability with titles that go on for a very long time. But I still think it's important and valid to explain my fascination with it in the first place.
I really liked the overall simplicity it had with everything. The plot at the start was very simple and straightforward: a woman who gives up her humanity to avenge the death of her only family. Not a unique plot of course but it obviously was the main character herself and companions (excluding raki ofc lmao) who really makes up the story.
I really liked how Claire was never the strongest. She really appeared to be but comparatively speaking to her fellow warriors she pales immensely. And I think its that remaining humanity I really liked the most about Claire. I REALLY liked how cohesive her group was and I was so impressed with the storytelling and character building in the beginning because at the time I thought this was the only other series I like I could think of other than Dorohedoro where theres a lot of characters that show up but you actually manage to sincerely remember them because they all have meaning. Too many times i run into series who introduce too many characters solely just to keep the story fresh; but none of them have any real purpose to them.
I also was obsessed with how well Yagi was with building tension throughout the story. To me I think its really hard to find series who are able to capture their readers with a good sense of tension.
The characters in this series are quite overpowered, but In the beginning I found it extremely admirable how Yagi was still able to make the reader feel anxious about whether or not the protagonist or their companions would persevere againt their adversaries. Yagi had a very good sense at balancing everyones strengths and flaws in a very balanced way.
But again with the sands of time it couldn't stay this good forever. To be completely honest it took a lot out of me to read the rest of it. It came to the point where i was so lost and frusturated about how confusing everything got i was just trying to read it just so i could be done with it?
I think my main problem with the series as it ended was how unfocussed it got with the plot. I feel like everything immediately got so muddled after the fight with Rigardo. Maybe it's just me but I honestly was ok with never understanding the organization I was mostly just interested in what was going to happen with the main cast with the abyssal ones and such. It actually made me really angry how the battle scenes got so stupid overtime with how it became one of those series where they overexplain the characters' tactics for a very long time. I initially really liked the battle scenes because they dont talk too much and they just simply fight, i really really hate it when anime/manga does the latter actually.
I don't really know how i feel about the ending honestly. I don't know if im satisfied with how claire somehow turned into teresa and she killed priscilla instead but i guess it was nice? I don't know how i thought it was all going to end but i would have never expected it to be like this and i dont say that in a good way but more of a confused way if anything. I wouldn't say it was a bad ending? but I guess thats okay???
anyways, despite all my criticisms i still think its worth the read and the credit it deserves in the end. It's really weird how it went on for so long but no one ever seemed to care? that makes me quite upset actually.
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narsicen · 2 years
One Americano and One Caramel Macchiato
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Part 2/2
Pairing: Bang Chan (Skz) x GN!Y/N
Genre: slice of life, college!au, lab partners!au, loving from afar, angst, fluff, bittersweet, Popular!Y/n, Quiet kid!Chan, first loves, meet cute,
Warnings: none? Please tell me if I missed some or one though !!
A/n: HELLO omg stop I’m so sorry I- stop I swear I was DONE WITH THIS EARLIER BUT I——— 😔 my beta readers were so slow OMF but like I do hope you understand that, I’m so sorry also bc I already edited the last one which was part one and dude…… I FORG,OT THAT ???? THIS WAS A TWO PART STORY OMFFFF??? i tell u i cried lmao, but like PLS IM SO SORRY THIS IS THE ENDING 😔😔 ILY GUYS TY FOR UNDERSTANDING
Part 1
Your door made a soft creak as you opened it to enter your room. Wiping your hands on your sweater, you’ve always hated how your fingers turned into prunes after washing the dishes from dinner. Sitting down on your bed, the mattress dipped which let the letters that you had left, slide near your lap. 
Picking the nearest to fall off your mattress as it slid dangerously near the edge. You sighed heavily, your chest has never felt heavier with regret? Probably the lack of responsibility that you couldn’t figure out why was digging a pit in your stomach. 
You stood up to walk over to your desk. Find some old, barely-used pad paper and some pen in your pen holder. You find your fingers fidgeting with the pen you subconsciously picked, it’s been a while since you’ve actually sat at your desk with nothing to worry about, maybe you still had two things to worry about but there hasn’t been a recent memory of you writing in your diary without a care in the world. Just you in your little world.
Before you knew it something in your chest took over. It wouldn’t hurt to be careless again. If this ever haunts you again in the future just like what the movies portray it to be. You brushed the feeling of worry off as you blew a piece of hair that hell over your eyes. You hadn’t even past your 30’s and you’re worried about your future so much, this was supposed to be the time of your life, no one your age cared about how a simple letter would affect you in the future, hell, if Chan could do it, would that mean you’re worse than him? You’d be considered a coward even if you’ve taken a lot of risky turns in your life. Even if those turns weren’t your choice, you took them anyway. 
What’s one more risky turn going to do to you?
Dear Chan,
I know you said to throw the letters away once I’m done reading, but I think I’ll hold onto them for a while. Thank you for writing these, really, it may seem unbelievable but no one’s ever written me a letter in my time being here. To be honest, I thought the letters were endearing actually, it’s nice to know what you’ve been up to on those days, it felt like I was actually talking to you. Today was our graduation day and to be frank, ever since I got home, I just flopped onto my bed and it felt weird knowing I had nothing else to do, you know without my extracurricular activities to worry about or the people to reply to. I know you said to read your letters at least a week after, but I was really curious to see what you wrote, and I thought your letters were incredible despite you admitting you find languages and literature arts unbearable. You sounded like a professional writer, it brings my “editor-in-chief” label to shame. Jokes aside, I thought your latest letter was meaningful, I mean all your letters were meaningful, I just thought the last one was like the cherry on top. This might never reach you because I just know you’re probably already done with moving out of the dorms, and you seem to have a bright future ahead of you, and we’d probably never get the chance to meet again, but I’d like to say that, I, too, was intrigued by how you treated me. I must have fallen in love with you as well because of how you, in comparison to everyone else around me, were normal. Chan, you were a breath of fresh air. exactly what I needed within the elite school we attended. Maybe fallen in love as a friend? Or romantically? I will never know because these feelings were something that never even reached the top of my stomach, it never ached my lungs nor tore my heart into shreds. It’s funny because you would have thought I have been in a relationship or even felt these types of feelings towards people, especially with the “exceptionally special” people I was surrounded with. I have felt similar before, but I knew it was nothing more than peer pressure. Do you know that saying? Being the normal one in a group of unique people makes you equally as special? It’s not a widely known saying, Heck I don’t even remember where I had heard it, but I know you made me feel that way, I felt so indifferent but with you by my side? I felt like I was living a normal life, I felt like a student for a moment in my life, and that’s thanks to you. I wouldn’t say this is a love letter to you, but it’s a letter with feelings I don’t usually talk about to just anyone. Does it matter if it’s a love letter? I think letters store a certain feeling in them, whether it is fondness over someone or curiosity or hatred, that’s what makes it a letter right? I don’t think it’s bad to consider this a love letter, and I don’t feel any hatred or disgust for your letters either, yes it can be unsettling sometimes, but your letters didn’t hint at that at all, it was like talking to you and if anything? I’m rather fond of the fact that I got the honor of receiving letters. You may not know this, perhaps no one actually knows this, but I love arts, I love artworks of artists and I love written works from authors, a major reason as to why I wanted to join the school’s paper team. The reason why I’ve never taken up any arts classes or courses was because no one finds that intriguing anymore. No one really appreciates the arts with awe and stars in their eyes. And it's clear that not a lot find it enjoyable, even though you went out of your way and for some reason you resorted to writing letters and not just texting me or catching my attention in class. It has always been a dream of mine to get letters just like in fairytales. How’d you know that I always wanted to be the subject of a letter? I think writing letters to someone or writing a letter in general is one of the most romantic gestures someone could do. I don’t mean romantic as in a courting way, or a declaration of love, at least I don’t see it that way. We do have something called the “Romantic period”
don’t we? It had nothing to do with a plague of lovesick couples and a ton of love letters and unrequited love. It was just the literature of romanticism, it’s all about subjectivity and an emphasis on individualism; freedom from rules; solitary life rather than life in society and the beliefs that imagination is superior to reason and devotion to beauty. You get what I mean. It’s just known for its intense energy and passion, and never was about romance, not the kind of romance you’d find in the way couples kiss or hold hands. It’s just beautiful to write a letter, to receive one, and to address one. It's a nice change of pace from the odd confessions from a random guy I spoke to once, and suddenly he thinks we’re on our 3rd year of dating. I feel that writing a letter is one of the purest forms of declaration(?)Whatever you put into words on a piece of paper is hard to remove, especially with how much you could have written. It’s just whatever is burdening your heart or pushing you to write about. Nothing can compare to the thought that someone writing that letter was just everything that they couldn’t say to your face. Or it could be everything that they’ve been meaning to explain or say, and the fact that it’s addressed to you, has to be one of the many butterfly-filled stomach experiences one can encounter in their life. Who knows if this is my last letter to you like you said yourself, I don’t know if I’ll keep writing to you, or I’ll forget in the process, or if I’ll ever show this to you when I meet you again. Also, Chan, I’ve always wondered who gave you your nickname. I hear Jisung say your nickname a lot so I also guessed this was something your friend group calls you. Wow, writing a letter makes you realize how empty a conversation is. All I can think of talking about is about my day, and I’m sure you already know how our graduation day went.
Are you mad at me? You should be. The social divide between us was very apparent even from the start and I appreciate that you regardless tried your best to befriend me. I also wanted to be your friend, so very badly. I want you to know that I didn’t and I never wanted to lose you as a friend either, I was just scared. I know it must have hurt for me to just draw away so quickly, and only for me to realize how you never looked at me with hate and spite, but you genuinely thought I was a good person. I’m telling you this now as a way to make up for all the unsaid feelings of yours that I never got to read. Chan, I really do thank you. For the short time, we were friends, you taught me so much knowledge that I value, but if there's one most crucial lesson that you taught me it would be that nothing and no one is perfect in this world. Especially myself. Since then I felt free. You didn’t tell me that, you made me feel, and after 4 years of people telling me these things, actions always seemed to be more meaningful to me. I wish I knew this sooner, I wish I knew better too. In regret, I want to promise you that with the new people I’m going to meet, with the new people I’m going to surround myself with, I’ll know my place and I’ll know better. I know you won't even know of this promise, and I know I might break this promise in the future somehow, intentionally or accidentally, I just want to confide this promise in you, know it’s safely tucked away in this letter makes me feel safe, comfortable, and this feels like something I missed out on in the years of my youth. Regardless, I’m happy to be able to experience it just as we are to part our separate ways. If a miracle happens, and we end up seeing each other again, I hope you won’t look at me any different, and I’ll be sure to ask you to be my friend again.
Oh, and before I forget, my favorite color is yellow. And people meeting each other for the first time ask that question too, I would’ve told you the answer if you asked and if you weren’t so focused on telling me that americanos are just “superior.”
Goodbye Chan. I, too, hope to see you soon.
Sincerely yours,
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bringing you excoriating persuasion reviews 🙏
you have to be my favourite person. thank god my mutuals are not running away from my english canon era, i promise it will pass soon and i will NOT be discussing tristam shandy or anything..................... i will spare all of u that pain.
also thank u for this review it made me think a lot ngl. lithub always does really nice contextualisations of any text, but yeah, this one was particularly interesting because i don't see why self awareness and fourth wall breaking has to happen from fleabag-esque characters also. i don't actually fault the method of fourth wall breaking, you know... i know it would work better with something like Northanger Abbey. many have argued this, and i totally agree, but i have so many reservations at hollywood being able to pull it off. because catherine moreland is once again not a fleabag-esque heroine, and if she was looking at the camera, she'd be excited that she found a stash of secret letters that turn out to be linen inventory, if you know what i mean?? i think it could work, if she looked at the camera in happiness and thrill, and then found that no, she isn't in a gothic story. but that would require hollywood to know that self-awareness does not go hand in hand with messy heroines, that girls who are aware of tropes and cameras and everything else can also be happy people, angry people, sad people, and most of all, sweet people.
anne was supposed to be a kind person, someone who was very perceptive. can't an introvert with a generous heart look at the camera every once in a while? does self awareness always come with bitterness?? arguably, anne elliot's character was the most painfully self aware of all of austen's heroines, she was so able to pierce through her own faults and still recognise what made her a worthwhile person. she was so kind despite her circumstances, and her only mistake was in not learning soon enough how to prioritise herself.
i think most of all,,,, rom coms have become too aware that women like rom coms, and if a woman likes something, the thing itself will go out of its way to assure you that We're Cool Actually. even the trailer for that movie - Honor Society, i thought it was fun and cool, and i liked the ruthless main heroine even though i am yet to watch the movie - but it's just,,,, so conscious, it doesn't even try to be sincere. everyone's winking at the camera, aware that it exists, promising you that we're better than the camera. that the camera is in on the secret, that we need not be sincere. no one is looking at the camera and being truthful - being earnest, being conscious. i don't think anne would look at the camera in judgement. she would look at the camera in compassion. thats who she is - despite her loneliness and isolation, that's who she would try to be. i still don't think persuasion is the best story for this technique, but if you wanted to try doing it, you could. and this movie just didn't.
anyway im sorry for this i just had a lot of feelings and i had to put them somewhere. thank u for giving me this opportunity <3
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ocean-anchored · 6 months
Dear future self... December 13, 2023
It's been a week. I don't fully remember where I left off, if I talked about going for bunch with Daniel last last sunday but starting last week - I went over to Annerieke's again for dinner which wasn't too bad, I kept it light and tight, didn't stay too long but it's been nice to see J. Tuesday I didn't do anything, just relaxed which was good, wednesday went out for wing night with Shane, ugh that's when my instagram got hacked. Seriously still so frustrated about it. I was trying to make peace that I lost everything but then a few days later when talking to Cass my hair dresser she said the process she went through and it took a week to get back but she got it, I had randomly tried friday night to get into it which allowed me to go through the steps of verifying and taking a selfie of myself so I had hopes, but been trying again and still nothing. I'm more just mad I lost everything, like all my stories and highlights which finally I was happy with, I lost all the accounts I was following that was good, I had 740 followers which took years like ugh and all my saved things... like man so so frustrating. Im still holding a bit of hope that it might come back by the end of the week but I guess I have to carry on. I mean its kind of nice because now I've literally barley been on it because there's nothing to look at, I think I follow like 70 people and there's not much to scroll so I'm not inclined to be on it so maybe it's a blessing in disguise... anyways, then Shane came over & we watched some Harry potter. Thursday I did nothing, Friday I got my hair done, my once a year annual time, it didn't turn out how I actually wanted it but thats ok I still like it and it'll be really easy to grow out. I was supposed to go for a xmax pub crawl with Sasha and Shruti that night but they cancelled due to weather, I still tried to see if they want to go for drinks or hang out but they said no which was fine but then I found out later that they hung out together so that was kind of annoying. Saturday I went for santa photos with Nova and then it was Shane's christmas party with 24/7. It was good, I was nervous at first cause I didn't know too many people but it was fun overall. Buffet, comedy was funny and then we played pool for the night which Shane & I won against Tera & Chloe. Shane came over, nothing happened though but it was alright. Kept my boundaries, I'm glad he respects them at least. Sunday afternoon I went to amber & naythan's to dog sit and house sit. Nova did so so good, they all were great for most of the time, only the next morning Rue got grumpy with Nova but ultimately it was great. It was nice to stay there and chill. They came home sunday evening and bought me dinner & we just chatted & hung out for a while. We were talking about NYE and Amber wants to do a murder mystery & asked who I'd bring, I jokingly said Troy and we talked about it more, she said I should invite him but I was nervous cause we really haven't ever talked outside the twice Ive seen him this year in a group setting. I ended up msging him later that night on FB messenger (literally out of nowhere mind you) and invited him & he responded pretty quick & said yes to my surprise.
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cynical-demon · 10 months
Alex: Would you still love me if I were a worm
Royce: What kind of worm
Alex: Does it matter?
Royce: It absolutely matters
Alex: How
Royce: Not all worms are equal
Alex: That’s worm-ist
Royce: What if you were a tapeworm?
Alex: …shit
Royce: What if you were a ringworm on my ass
Alex: Ringworm isn’t actually a worm it’s a fungus
Royce: But it has worm in the name
Alex: So does gummyworm
Royce: I’d still love you if you were a gummy worm
Alex: …I’ll take it
Royce: I’d put you on a nice fruit plate
Alex: You’d eat me?!?
Royce: What are you suppose to do with gummy worms
Alex: :(
Royce: I’d be gentle
Alex: What’s for dinner
Royce: I didn’t make dinner for a worm
Alex: I’m done being a worm!!!
Royce: I liked you better that way
Alex: Chicken Alfredo or Spaghetti?
Royce: Chicken Alfredo
Alex: I thought you were more a spaghetti guy ngl
Royce: I’m in the mood for Alfredo tonight
Alex: Can you make din din
Royce: Don’t say din din
Alex: Why not
Royce: It’s childish
Alex: You’re childish
Royce: I’m the oldest one here
Alex: Age is just a number
Royce: Then go date a retiree
Alex: WHAT
Royce: You heard me
Alex: You want me dating a wrinkly man?
Royce: If they’re rich enough
Alex: You’re onto smth
Royce: Get yourself a sugar grandpa
Alex: I got you tho pookie
Royce: Are you calling me your sugar grandpa
Alex: …no
Royce: And don’t call me pookie either
Alex: You DO have some grey hairs
Royce: They’re silver
Alex: Dw I know they’re from stress
Royce: Yeah, YOU
Alex: HEY
Royce: Anyway, chicken Alfredo
Alex: Oh yeah im bringing home garlic bread
Royce: Oooh garlic bread
Alex: I knew you’d like that
Royce: We love garlic bread in this house
Alex: Im tired
Royce: Do you want a bedtime story?
Alex: Yes yes yes
Royce: Once upon a time there was a beautiful prince and then one day he got turned into a worm and the prince he was suppose to marry found someone else
Alex: DUDE
Royce: And then he lived as a gross worm in the dirt forever the end
Royce: Yes
Alex: Now I’m tired AND sad
Royce: The worm should get some sleep then
Alex: the bed is cold
Royce: You’re suppose to sleep in the dirt
Alex: Gonna take a dirt nap
Royce: Don’t die
Alex: Would that give you more grey hairs?
Royce: Yeah definitely
Alex: You’d make a good silver fox
Royce: IM ONLY 40smth
Alex: REALLY?!?!
Alex: UHM
Alex: MID 50S?!?
Royce: WHAT?!? WHY
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c0smiccom3t · 11 months
Ryonna Tag team racing quotes part 2!
Missions [Costume] - "Could you get one for me too? If i wanna show off im a master of stealth business, i want to look like i am that, too!" - "Yeah i'm sure it won't be too big when you put in on, sir." - "AGAIN, BRAT-ICOOT?!" - "This is getting us nowhere. Sir, perhaps would it be better if i went to fetched those things myself?" - "Oh-kay..." - "JUST GET ON WITH IT, OR YOU'RE GONNA SAY HI TO STARGAZER, TOO!" - "Finally." - "Yeah, keep it for yourself, you deserved it." [Mission 1] - "Yeah, could you? That'd really pay off and your sister would be impressed, if you ask me." - "Good luck! ...and make it quick." - "Master, calm down!! Maybe he just needed some clues to where that set is! ...Please hurry before he has another tantrum, he skipped his beauty sleep today." [nervous laugh] - "Yeah, you don't want to be known as 'the worst big brother in the world' now, do you?" - "We told you, brat-icoot, just BRING THAT GEAR!" - "Congrats, you played yourself. Hope you enjoy your demise! See you on the race track! Heheheheh, sucker." [Mission 2] - "Dont you mean 'weapon of mass de-- OW!" - "Okay, okay, you're right, sir!" - "That'd be so helpful, indeed! ...No pun intended, by the way. Now get moving!" - "Yeah, come back to us once you did get those crystals, bucko!" - "Yeah. Things take time. But honestly, you got to hurry. so get a move on!" - "These gamers are such a predictable bother nowadays, it's exhausting really." - "See you there, brat-icoot. C'mon m'lord, let's show him!" [When Cortex is interacting with Crash] - "Sir, he doesn't play with train tra--... F-forget what I said." - "Ooo-hohohoho! This is gonna be fun to watch, sorry brat-icoot.... not!" - "Oh and please. be careful with that. I heard wood chippers are a little... Spiky." *deep giggles* - "Not as good as when i hit the gym though. I got THAT superstrenght, baby! ...Though the actual egocentrist here is my boss, anyway." - "Yes, now how about you get lo-- I mean... explore around and have a good time?" - "I'm telling you sir, maybe you should get your mind off him with a nice, delicious churro-- OH HI BRAT-ICOOT, WHATS UP!" - "Get lost twerp, we're busy!" - "Yeah, it's best served cold too. Or is it served hot...? Whatever." - "Ugh, you Brat-icoots are so annoying... Just let us have some peace, for my boss' sake!" [When interacting with Crash] "What do you want, Brat-icoot? Im trying to reflect on my life's mistakes here." "You may ask... How did I become Cortex's racing partner...? Well uh.. It's a funny story. But i think it was after i asked you if i could join you since i didn't have a car and Von Clutch says I 'Can't drive vell'. The nerve!" "God, i hate my life-- Oh, Crash! Didn't see you there! Now get lost before I PUNT YOU!" "I wish Dingodile was in this game... Ooh! Maybe he's in the crowd?? I bet he loves the way i roll..." [sighs dreamily] "Huh? ...AGHH!! FORGET WHAT I SAID, BRAT-ICOOT!" "Yes sir, i got it, foot massage at half-past thirty right after dinner, and bedtime storytime at 9 o'clock sharp, noted. Later." [Hungs up the phone and then Notices crash infront of her] "Uhh... You heard nothing. I was just having a chitchat on the phone." "Crash, I know i'm not supposed to say this. But thank god my boss isn't here so... Keep this between us for a minute before he finds out..." [Inhale] "He sucks his thumb in his sleep and apparently when stressed he uses my tail as a security blankie while HE STILL HAS HIS OWN IN HIS POCKET! Even though sometimes it's in the wash... There, just keep this between us. And his snoring, UGH! Okay... I said too much. Go on with your little tralala trip now." "Don't mind me, i'm just getting churros for me, Nina, N. Gin and the boss. You know just because i'm a villain, that doesn't mean i dont share my food with my coworker, godchild and partner in crime." "Oh Crash, I need your help. Boss left his stuffed bear in those gears. Mind getting it for me before he goes on a tantrum during bedtime?" "Go away before i punch you through your skull, brat-icoot. I'm really busy here."
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penny-anna · 2 years
ANYWAY actual thoughts on the Batman:
stuff i didn't like so much
- it was like. really dark? i don't mean thematically i mean visually. im there like, i would like to be able to see what is going on. please.
- listen i got no problem w Batman films being thematically dark (actually prefer it) but i wish people wouldn't insist on making Batman so like. grounded?? like it's about a man who dresses as a bat stop trying to make serious thrillers and accept that this is a story that's fundamentally campy & weird.
- like it was less Like That than the Nolan films but also can we please just have a Catwoman who's actually consciously cat themed please it's like her entire thing
- my fav Batman film is Batman Returns can u tell
- i'd need to watch it again to consider this properly but like. another issue w more Grounded Batman media is that it'll bring up the question of whether Batman existing is a Good Idea which then makes the whole story just kind of ideologically confused bcos if you're going to be realistic fundamentally the answer to that question is a hard no (Batman is a terrible idea!!) but he's the hero of the story so it has to end on a note of 'Batman good'
- OVERALL had a really good time
- Battinson's Batman. VERY cool. i especially liked the scene at the end w the smoke bombs. hehe nice. & the batmobile chase!! fuck yes.
- Battinson's Bruce Wayne is like a sad drowned rat and i love him
- he's so awkward when he's Batman too!! loved that
- LISTEN i know some ppl aren't into this take on the Riddler but i enjoyed it a lot, i actually found him very endearing. when his meeting w Battinson didn't go to plan and he just started screaming. very relatable. big mood.
- also like i know the Riddler copy cats showing up at the end was supposed to be scary but i was just like dljfkghdfgkh awww they're all friends!! they are his Babies.
- wish she was like. more cat-themed but i liked Catwoman's little ears a lot, i want to tweak them.
- i also liked how much of the film was about finding & then avenging her best friend (girlfriend?? maybe) that was Good
- AND i really enjoyed commissioner gordon, he had a very comforting presence, very nice
- i will probably have more Coherent positive thoughts eventually fgjkfhgdfkjh
- anyway i liked it
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