#anyway it's a snippet
tomaytow · 2 years
i have seen your tags! so i must say: how about making that another time about jealous venti rn time? only if you're up for it though!
again i am very sorry for this late response but here’s a snippet from a fic (that’s actually all abt jealous venti in a modern setting LOL <3) said fic is 5/6 done so here’s a preview in case i won’t get it finished; 
cw: a lil suggestive. (i should calm down honestly.)
Drowning in your reviewers and notebooks, you bump your forehead on your study table. 
This. Is. Too. Much.
They can’t expect us to memorize this all! You glare at the piece of note card you made. You wrote acronyms for this stupid topic just so your brain can get familiar with it, but unfortunately, there are so many! And it’s not even a major subject!
“Hi, my Windblume,” There are arms that encircle your waist, and you take a deep breath. Venti’s voice during this time is able to calm your nerves. He presses his front to your backside. “You seem frustrated! Take a break—just for twenty minutes will suffice.”
You glance by your shoulder with a sly smirk. “You just want me to kiss you, don’t you?”
Venti lets out his signature giggle, “Bingo. Now come on—“ He yanks your hand forcefully, and you topple over with a shriek. Venti’s so strong, sometimes it scares (and amazes) you. For someone his own size, who knew that this delicate looking man can generate so much strength and power?
(Oh, isn’t he part of the archery team or whatever…?)
You return to reality when Venti pokes your waist, making you squeak. “Ah! Venti! Don’t do that!”
“Thinking about other people rather than me?” Venti pinches your cheeks, “I’m hurt~ aren’t I supposed to be your distraction?”
You remove his hands on your face, but you still keep holding it with yours. “I was not thinking of other people. I was thinking about you.” Then, you find out where you’re sitting now—on his lap. “Venti, aren’t I heavy? I should get off.”
Venti firmly squeezes your waist. The way his fingers dip on your skin makes you blush a little. He puffs his cheeks, “No, stay! I want you here. Please, love?”
How can you say no to his puppy eyes? With a defeated sigh, you forfeit. “Okay.”
“Yay!” Venti smiles joyfully. “Kiss me? I will be your stress–reliever! Let it all out to me, Windblume—your frustrations, your irritations, the whirlwind inside of you. Tell me all about it.”
You’re really thankful that you have Venti as a lover. He’s just so sweet, understanding, and supportive. He’s one of the main reasons why you can withstand college.
You’re not reluctant to tilt your head and latch your lips with his. It’s so soft. But instead of sweet candy, there’s a taste of the bitterness of the black coffee he consumed. “I hate my professors.” You kiss him again. He kisses you back this time. “I hate them so much—they’re giving us so many projects when they’re aware that it’s midterms week.”
Venti’s eyelids flutter in content. “Have you talked to your professors about it? Aah, mm—windblume...—“ He murmurs, “If… if there are any problems such as this, it’s better to talk it out with them…hmm…”
“I–It’s futile,” you say, and you kiss Venti again and again. “There’s nothing I— I can do anymore when they’ve already made up their mind…” 
You add with a small pant, “Even Albedo can’t negotiate with them…”
You continue your slow pace when Venti suddenly deepens the kiss. Your toes curl and your heart skips from the abruptness. When you detach away from him, you muster up the courage to say something. Your chest heaves up and down as you whisper a “V–Venti…?” 
He opens his eyelids midway.
What you are witnessing right now—it’s a flushed Venti.
And his eyes… they’re filled with want.
You feel like a prey under a predator’s gaze.
It takes him a while to respond. Both of you are catching your breaths. You’re not sure of what’s happening right now. The way Venti looked at you, surely, he’s not…
The room is so hot right now.
You’re disturbed from your thoughts when Venti buries his whole face on your chest. You can hear his muffled voice— Windblume… 
He sounds a little upset, you think as you feel his hold on you tightens.
“What’s wrong?” You dip your head down to thread your fingers on his hair. You scratch his scalp tenderly, “H-hey. What’s wrong, my needy distraction? Are you finally realizing that I’m stopping the circulation of your blood flow, and that I must get off?”
He makes a noise akin to a scoff. As if, he probably wants to say. Venti clutches you closer. “Stay.”
A demand?
“A–alright.” You smile. “I will. But only for like, sixteen minutes.”
Venti lifts his head a little to reveal his beautiful eyes. He still has his nose and lips dug to your sternum as he speaks. “Thirty minutes.” Though subdued, you manage to understand. 
“I have to study,” you gulp nervously. “Midterms will kill me.”
“But I’m your boyfriend,” Venti nuzzles into you. Archons, he is so needy. “And isn’t it your responsibility to cater my needs?”
You narrow your eyes at him. Very needy indeed. “Amazing. What should I do next, then?”
“Ahaha, kiss me.”
“You really are distracting me from my studies. Do you want me to fail?”
“Of course not. But kiss me. Please?”
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cubedmango · 3 months
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「安達が魔法使いにならなかった世界線の話」 + 「もしもの話」 — english translation
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whoviandoodler · 8 days
something I haven't really seen people mention or consider in relation to riz and jawbone and the whole 'what's up with you, come in and talk with me' thing is that riz legitimately cannot do that. he cannot get better because getting better means losing all the things he gains by pushing himself to a wildly unhealthy degree- the points from his extracurriculars and grades in general, the usefulness he still feels he owes to his friends, the ability to push through grief and loss time and again. it's so incredibly sad because like- he was the one who first offered jawbone the job that got his life turned around! he tries so hard at all that he does and has a huge heart and he deserves to live a life that doesn't run him into the ground, but that life would be one where he wouldn't get the education he wants, or at the very best a life where he loses the control that he is gripping onto white-knuckled and has to contend with a lot of things he could never bear to consider at present. getting better would mean stopping, and if he stops, riz is not getting up for a long, long time, and he just cannot afford that
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ominouspuff · 4 months
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Kote’s House
Kote’s first house is a pathetic thing, and he is incurably proud of it. The twi’lek he purchased it from very evidently could not make up his mind what to do with a man that grinned while he haggled, but it was the first time Kote had haggled over a purchase of his very own. He had thoroughly enjoyed it.
The house is built for one being, and a compact being at that, but Kote doesn’t have much. Moving in is quick, and most of his efforts during the next few days after go into attempting ambitious repairs for things he doesn’t know the first thing about. 
His plumbing is an issue, he knows. Something is getting blocked up. Somehow while trying to fix the kitchen tumbler, his fresher spout explodes.
He hadn’t kept his new house a secret from anyone by any means, but it is still surprising when Fox barges in through his jamming front door. He finds Kote on the floor in his cramped kitchen while the fresher rains water in the adjacent room, laughing so hard and so crippled with delight that he can’t get up.
He tries to explain how wonderful it is —
“I-I have to fix my plumbing on my own, vod—”
—but judging by Fox’s single raised eyebrow he knows it doesn’t translate.
Fox, it turns out, is moving into the neighborhood. Kote doesn’t ask about the house Fox already has — the house he has visited, which is very nice and fancy — or point out that Fox’s contract there cannot possibly be up, which begs the question of why he’s here in Kote’s neighborhood — except that Kote already knows the answer to that question. So he doesn’t ask.
Fox doesn’t show him any grace or forbearance, though.
“Don’t even know how to fix a damn pipe, front lining show-off—” His brother snarls, but it is muffled; his top half had to go down beneath the floor they’d pried up to get at the plumbing issue.
“So that’s what they had you doing all these years.” Kote says, because he really is in a criminally good mood. He barely ducks the foot-long pipe Fox throws at his head, feeling giddy.
He makes dinner that night in thanks. Fox stays, ostensibly because now that he’s fixed the fresher he intends to use it, because his new house isn’t hooked up properly yet to all the supply lines and power grids. 
They choke on homemade tiingilar (vode-style; Kote can’t pretend at the real thing yet) so heavily spiced it’s got grit to it that sticks between the teeth. It’s disgusting, but Cody had bought fifteen different spices and while usually he likes to keep his approach to the unknown more cautious, more methodical, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted to do more than use them all at once for the first time. 
Wolffe joins them not long after; brings a few others along by recommending the apartment he picks out, so that soon most of the complex is taken up by vode, Kote hears, but he doesn’t visit yet. Everyone’s too busy coming over to his house, it seems; filling up his kitchen and asking why he hasn’t fixed the trash disposal yet, why he doesn’t have a couch, doesn’t he know they’re all the rage among civilized folk?
Kote fixes the trash disposal with Rex, who is better at it than he is but says it’s only due to Skywalker’s influence on managing all things mechanical. 
“How is Skywalker?” Kote asks, and gets more than he bargained for over the next hour. At first he’s a bit off-put, because he’s trying to get dinner sorted again and he’s not been very fond of Skywalker at the best of times, but Rex is snorting out a story and laughing and it’s contagious, so Kote just resigns himself and settles in to enjoy.
Skywalker has little ones, now. Obi-Wan is the only one that can get them to sleep. Ahsoka is distressed; she knows better, but every instinct in her is apparently in agony over the little ones’ inability to eat meat yet. She obsesses over nutrients in their diet — which, given what tiny natborn humans primarily ingest in the early stages, makes for some slightly awkward conversations.
Rex helps with dinner afterward, and they take turns being incredulous over natborn baby facts, shoving around one another in the tiny, uncomfortable kitchen.
“What’s your next project?” Rex asks at one point, glancing sidelong with a cheeky look, and Kote levels his vegetable knife at him (he’s got a vegetable knife. Specifically for vegetables. It’s a very new concept). 
“I make everyone’s dinner on Tuangsdays.” He says. “I’m productive.”
Rex’s sharp-toothed grin turns thoughtful. “Yeah” He says. “Everyone loves coming here, you know. You could be the new 79’s.”
Kote knows. He plans and plots, and puts more work into researching recipes than he’s put into any research whatsoever in months. It feels a bit like coming out of a shore leave; his thoughts quicken and his excitement grows. He hunts down a market. He brings a bag. He shops, bargains, and returns victorious.
He sends out a few comms., and can’t help but shake his head and grin at how different the responses are. 
What a marvelous idea, Cody. His general — ex-general — says.
Yus pls, Ahsoka sends back, with some sort of strange tooka vidclip that dances with wiggly gyrations Kote can only assume indicate excitement.
Where is your house, Anakin says, blunt and to the point, and Kote can appreciate that. 
He sends the address. He cooks all day. The sun sets, and Fox and Wolffe arrive, already bickering, Rex trailing behind with a long-suffering look sent to Kote, begging commiseration.
“Ugh, don’t you ever stop smiling, now?” He gripes when Kote just grins at him. 
“Nope,” Kote says, unrepentantly.
He leaves the soup on the stove, simmering, and takes his cup of caf to the window. He leans on it, breathing in cool air, and just listens — listens to the squabbling as Wolffe gets on Fox’s case for not washing Kote’s dishes correctly the last time they visited. Hears the soft thumps of Rex sneaking into the cramped room Kote has set aside for plants and the sole pet he has; a pastel goullian, fins swaying ever so gently, permanent scowl in place. Thinks he catches, distantly, the sound of his remaining three guests (Padme couldn’t attend, and had made him feel very awkward by how thoughtfully she apologized for it) plodding up the hill. 
“Cody!” Ahsoka cries, coming into view and waving. 
Kote’s cheeks have stopped aching from all the smiling he’s gotten used to, so it’s easy to let another through.
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futuristichedge · 3 months
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Disability headcanons
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hey-hey-j · 19 days
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I'm leaving you alone
You can tend the garden, it's yours
You know that thing where you take a single snippet of a song and force it to fit The Character? Yeah......
~~ (★my Ko-fi) | (★commission info)
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Lackadaisy Enrichment
#in our enclosures!!#video linked as source; which i'm glad to see already has a million views and is trending. That's Right#lackadaisy#WHICH i have been reading since at least '07 when i was thirteen my god b/c this animation is based on the ongoing webcomic#like does its influence show up Directly in some Discrete way i can point to in my art? not very easily probably. And Yet.#the inspiration....i wasn't able to be Regularly Only for at least another year / art done Nonprofessionally Online was novel to me#like wow ppl can make & post fanart of w/e they love huh....didn't know webcomics were a thing & i never really read that many since but.#good god the quality of Lackadaisy at its onset is like this is superb?? this person putting in all their talent and effort???#and Then you get years & years more art and i don't even know what superlatives to throw out abt its quality as it evolves. obsessed w/it..#if i see a new lackadaisy comic page i Will be acting out. obviously this animation is a delight & also stunning. and fascinating to also#juxtapose as a Translation / Interpretation of the comic in a different medium & standalone snippet of Story#and that we're not even quite there in the comic timeline; Taking Notes abt character info we get distilledly here....genuinely love like#take it back to '07 i'm like oh boy can't wait for the dream team to assemble. then a decade later when it did? Oh Boy. that is payoff lol#namely hooray for stitches and mudbug at the field office for every passing gangster. killing one marigold associate but not the other#which seems like a promising start to shootouts w/the other dream team triumvirate. i adore that in canon so far mordecai freckle & rocky#have met but only over a nice brunch. re: all intentions anyways. anyways i'm like Gifs Must Be Made while i'm also so riled afresh abt the#comic that i've been sooo hype for for over fifteen yrs now babeyyy Deservedly. i've done a couple of rereads & ought to do another....#For Interest it'd probably take a few sittings to catch up from the start but there is much to be engaged over....this ongoing story that's#historical fiction prohibition bootlegging cats with plenty of focus on characters & several Mysteries. which i'm better at parsing now lol#like one of the more recent rereads like Oh Of Course x (probably) accidentally killed his y & z took the fall & that's a binding secret...#Not [oh of course] abt the circumstances surrounding a's death & how b & c were involved. nor the ''what's marigold's damage'' mystery#which is great. love to not know things. love that we can readily follow all the emergent drama everyone's wading in nowadays. hell yeah#anyways admire my organized approach to gifs here. four shots each Expressions Atmosphere Action Groupshots#sure might've muddled through gifmaking for this anyways but fr being a huge lackadaisy comic enjoyer for now most of my life helps#and its very Overall Inspiration like. just really getting the [you can really just draw stuff out here] going. fr the art's detail & skill#and that enrichment like i'm gonna have a great time following this. And I Have#you don't expect a crowdfunded indie animation in the mix back then but hell yeah fellas#SIGH ok removing a 4th gif that's broken / not displayed despite reuploading then entirely remaking it. if it's a bug i'll try again later
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frownyalfred · 8 hours
“There will be times when you will feel fear. You will be afraid, or nervous, or uncertain. You will have instinctive reactions to stimuli that you cannot predict. The secret to helping people isn’t ignoring those reactions. It’s to acknowledge that fear, that pain, that knee-jerk response, and then rise above it.”
— Bruce Wayne’s introduction to resisting torture and enhanced interrogation
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cosmobrain00 · 6 months
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going back to my old ways
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Hello!! I would like to request a part 2 (or not? more like another POV) to the protective younger sibling!sidekick snippet if you’re okay with it ^^
This time it’s hero asking henchman to meet up and henchman just panics like “omg do they know who i am?? bro im going to get my ass beat and die 😭💀” and decides to spill everything from their real identity to their bar escapades with sidekick
but in reality hero was just really glad that their younger sibling finally got a special someone so they just wanted to get to know them more and all about their relationship😭 also ofc they knew who henchman was all along, duh (their villain lover tells them literally everything)
pt. 1
“I swear, I wasn’t trying to spy on them or anything like that — at first I didn’t even know it was them and I think they still don’t know it’s me. I just kind of met them a couple of times coincidentally and I don’t know, I like them a lot, I really do. They’re so smart and like, I don’t know, so quick? Like they can keep up with my mind and I wasn’t really trying anything at first, I didn’t even think they’d like me and I was just kind of—”
“Woah, I didn’t even get to accuse you of anything.” The hero played with their pen out of habit and studied the henchman. They were certainly panicking and the hero was not going to let something this small turn into this giant thing. “I wish all my interrogations would go that way. Would make my job certainly easier…”
“Please don’t kill me,” the henchman whispered.
“Jeez. Relax. I’m not gonna kill you for dating my sibling.” The hero rolled their eyes. What exactly was their lover telling the henchman about them? That they were some sort of monster?
They definitely needed to talk to the villain. They’d danced around this subject for a while now. When the hero had found out a few weeks ago, they had wanted to talk to the henchman immediately but the villain had urged them not to rush into anything.
And they supposed the villain was right about that.
Getting into other people’s business didn’t always turn out great for the hero.
And they simply really wanted to see their lover.
“Technically, we’re not dating…”
“Well, whatever you want to call it, I can’t tell you what to do and what not to do. You’re great, so I have nothing to fear. I just wanted to get to know you a little better.” The hero worried their lip between their teeth. Maybe they had enough time to visit the villain during lunch? They let the pen spin in their hand.
“Yeah, you’re old enough, I reckon. You can decide these things for yourself.” The hero took in a deep breath. Maybe they should review some cases first? For whatever reason, their mind kept jumping from one topic to another and they weren’t really sure if it was the coffee or them being a little more nervous than they wanted to admit.
This was their sibling’s first (potential) relationship. Clearly, they were old enough and the henchman was a great choice but the hero wondered if their sibling wanted to distance themselves now that they were older.
Whatever choice they’d make, the hero was going to support them, even if that meant they were the annoying older sibling. Maybe the villain had some advice for them.
They closed their eyes and took in a deep breath. Speculating wouldn’t get them far.
“I’m not really used to…responsibility, I guess?” The henchman stared at the hero’s desk as if they were trying to control it with their mind. Their nervousness had shifted to embarrassment and the hero didn’t want that in their office either.
“How so?”
The henchman thought about their words carefully, as if the hero was still an enemy they needed to be cautious around.
That was smart. But the hero doubted they still saw them as a threat. If they really wanted to date the hero’s sibling, they’d try everything to end up on the hero’s good side.
God, their mind was racing. They really needed to see the villain. They always managed to calm them down.
“…sometimes I feel more like a burden to the villain. They barely take me out on missions or let me help them,” they eventually said and the hero couldn’t believe how far off the henchman was with an assumption like that.
Them? A burden to the villain who protected them, shielded them as if they were their own child?
“They’re terrified of losing you,” the hero said.
“I can take care of myself. I’m not dumb.”
“They don’t think you are.” The hero clicked their pen a couple of times and doodled some hearts onto paper. The henchman seemed to be a usually quiet person but right now, a lot of frustration was set free.
It wasn’t exactly anger; it was disappointment.
“Still, I would appreciate a little more trust. I am more than capable to help them. I don’t want to do just research. One time, they nearly died because they didn’t tell me they were injured.”
“They do trust you. They’re just trying to shield you from the bad things. Believe me, I’ve tried doing that and I’ve failed,” the hero said.
“Then what am I doing wrong? I’m not a child anymore. I know how to fight.”
The hero was quiet for a moment. Apparently those doubts had manifested throughout time. The henchman felt quite worthless and couldn’t really see how much the villain actually cared about them.
How the villain made sure they were eating and drinking enough. How they called them several times a day to make sure they were okay. How they researched schools and workplaces for them all the time.
“You’re an orphan, aren’t you?” they asked as gentle as possible.
The henchman nodded. “I barely talk about it.”
“Well, the villain is an orphan as well and they were robbed of their childhood. They don’t want you to grow up as quick as they had to. That’s why they let you do…well, office work instead of getting your hands dirty. It’s more of an excuse. They want you to study people instead of fighting them.”
“…but they need me. They’re a total idiot sometimes. Last week they were clearly outnumbered and almost got themselves killed. Again.”
“Well, thank God I am here now to help them. More or less.” The hero leaned back. Most of the time, they disagreed with the villain when it came to work. But they’d obviously break a few rules to save their lover every now and then. “You need them just as much as they need you, don’t you?”
The henchman didn’t meet their eyes, so the hero continued.
“You think they don’t care and you think they’re pushing you away but that’s not true. Truth is, this isn’t all fun and games. Seeing someone you love collapse is the worst thing in the world. Losing someone close to you is an indescribable grief. Let me do the saving and the nasty work. You can guide them. Do the research and make plans. Fight my sibling occasionally…”
Suddenly, the henchman blushed.
“Oh, I…uh…”
“You’re right. You aren’t a child anymore and you can decide what you want to do with your future. But there are people who care about you and they will try to shield you from danger, no matter how old you are.” The hero stretched their limbs and suppressed a yawn. They stared at the doodles they had drawn on a few sticky notes.
They had subconsciously written the first letter of the villain’s name into the hearts.
Now, they really wanted to see their villain. They knew their lover was calculated and smart and capable but the hero needed to see that stupid smirk more than anything. All this talk about danger and death…
“Don’t worry, okay?” they asked and the henchman nodded. “If you need anything, just ask me.”
“Thank you. Really, thank you.”
The hero stared at the doodles and smiled softly.
“Don’t you have a date to go on? Or is that tomorrow?” they asked.
“Tomorrow—” The henchman was still blushing when they stood up. “I should, uh, probably go. Again, you really helped me. Thank you.”
It was safe to say that the hero and the villain had lunch together.
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
"you are the only one who's ever broken me open."
"do not scream god's name, scream mine."
"please don't make me say it if you aren't going to say it back."
"your heart is beating so fast." "because i'm happy."
"i want to draw a map of your scars so i can always find my way back to your heart."
"i don't believe in such nonsense." "i'm not asking you to. i'm simply asking that you believe in me."
"is that good? that's all i want, to make you feel good."
"it reminded me of you. but then, sometimes i think everything reminds me of you."
"what a fragile thing, that love can so easily turn to violence."
"why are you doing this?" "because i love you."
"it didn’t feel right when I was always thinking of you."
"i would have felt like the luckiest person on the planet."
"are you gonna take that off or should i keep guessing?"
"i wanted this to be special."
"i can't believe... after all this time... i should have known it would be you."
"i want to be wildly, deliriously happy.  wildly, deliriously loved."
"i try always to be too much for you."
"the sooner i leave, the sooner i will return and we can begin again."
"i didn't die." "you were dead to me."
"i don't care if other people see us together, you do."
"and you say i'm the one who should be resting."
"i'm sorry." "for what?" "that you got stuck with me."
"what makes you happy?" "lots of things." "and what makes you unhappy?" "lots of other things and some of the same ones."
"i wish i could give you the world." "the world is not enough. but you are."
"i have never needed anything so much as i need you. and i hate you for it."
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the-broken-pen · 4 months
“You’re going to blow out your arms,” the villain observed. They watched as the hero merely grit their teeth, shoving themself through another pull-up. It looked painful, and if the sweat slicking the hero’s brow was any indication, it was.
They waited for the hero to let themself drop from the bar and accept the villain was stronger. But they didn’t.
Three more pull-ups, and the villain stepped in.
“Hero,” they said slowly. “You’re about to tear the ligaments in your arms. You need to stop.”
The hero blew out a shuddering breath. Struggled for purchase, fighting gravity—and let themself drop.
The hero’s hands were bleeding, calluses torn open by the bar. The hero didn’t seem bothered when their own hands shook so much that their blood began to splatter on the gym floor.
For a moment, the villain could only stare at them.
They didn’t know how to handle this. They knew the hero was dedicated. They knew the hero was strong, and perpetually trying to be stronger, but they hadn’t thought…
They hadn’t thought the hero would be so willing to tear apart their own body for success.
It was supposed to be fun, the villain thought. They felt a little sick as the hero pressed their palms together to soothe the bleeding, an action that was practiced and familiar. As if they had done this before.
The hero reached for something in their bag, smearing blood on the side, and pulled out a roll of blue electrical tape. The villain didn’t understand why, until the hero tore a strip off and made to wrap their hands with it.
The hero would be the death of them.
They crouched in front of the hero, plucking the electrical tape out of their hands.
“What are you doing with this?”
The hero blinked at the villain like they were the strange one in this situation.
“Wrapping my hands?”
The villain hissed in a breath.
“With electrical tape?”
The hero flushed slightly, looking down at their bloody hands. They looked close to tears.
“It…sticks to skin, really well. And it doesn’t move, either, when you move your hands or wherever else, even if you’re fighting. Plus, blood doesn’t make it come off, at least, not for a while.”
The villain blinked at them.”
“Blood doesn’t make it come off,” the villain repeated, processing. The hero nodded, reaching for the electrical tape. The villain settled it out of reach.
“Not if you wrap it right.”
Dimly, the villain realized that meant the hero had done this enough times to have it down to a science.
“And you couldn’t use a bandaid?” The villain asked incredulously. The hero shrugged a shoulder, then winced at the motion.
Yeah, the hero had absolutely blown out their arms.
“Bandaids move—“
The villain hushed them.
“Be quiet for a second.”
The hero, wisely, went quiet.
The villain rubbed a hand over their face, then studied the hero for a moment. They took one of the hero’s hands into their own, studying the damage.
“Why did you do this to yourself,” the villain murmured.
“What do you mean, why,” the hero snapped. “It’s my job.”
“Your job is to save people,” the villain corrected. “Not destroy yourself.”
“I’m not destroying myself—“
“You are.”
“Shut up—“
“I need to be better,” the hero snapped. Their voice rang out across the gym, echoing into the rafters, and they both froze. After a moment, the hero spoke again, voice soft. “I need to be better.”
They said it like they needed the villain to understand. The villain wondered who they were really saying it to—the villain, or themself.
“Better than who?”
“Everyone.” It was hushed, like a secret.
The villain watched them, waiting.
The hero took a shaky breath
“My whole thing is being the best. I have always been the best. That’s the only reason I matter. If I’m not strong enough, then I am nothing, so I need. to be. better.”
The hero had started crying, very quietly, like they were afraid to take up too much space.
The villain was not equipped to handle gifted kid burnout.
“There’s more to you than just being a good athlete,” the villain said hesitantly, and the hero shook their head.
“No. There isn’t.”
“Can you give me back my electrical tape?” They hiccuped to contain a sob.
“No,” the villain said firmly, and then the hero really was sobbing.
“You don’t understand—“
The villain didn’t. Not really. They had never been the kind of talented that the hero was.
They wondered now if maybe that was a blessing.
“I don’t,” the villain agreed. “But I do understand that you’ve saved half the city, and you give everything you have to give, and you always do your best.”
“But I-“
“No.” The villain stopped them. “You are doing your best.” They tipped the hero’s chin up until they met the villain’s eyes. “And it is enough.”
The hero froze, eyes darting over the villain’s face. They wondered if anyone had ever said that to the hero, if whatever mentor they had was giving them anything other than orders to be stronger. Be better. Be more.
The villain had some new targets to take care of, it would seem.
For now, though, they had to take care of hero.
“We’re going to go wrap your hands,” they said softly. “And then we’re going to take care of your arms, and you’re going to take a nap.”
The hero nodded, watching them like they were some kind of good, selfless person.
“And if I ever catch you using electrical tape again, so help me, I will put you six feet under.”
That startled a laugh out of the hero, and they let the villain guide them to their feet.
The villain turned to them. “Okay?”
Are you going to be alright?
The hero seemed to understand.
“Okay,” the hero agreed.
And so, it was.
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 (these make one big story, you won't understand this part without the others)
day 07: free space a happy ending
Wakefulness embraces him so slowly and gently that Steve’s not entirely sure he isn’t dreaming when he sees Eddie lying next to him, watching him with an easy smile as his fingers tap out a slow beat on his pillow. Steve looks at him, blinking away the remnants of sleep, not quite daring to do anything more than that for fear of it being a dream after all, scared that Eddie would disappear if Steve reached out to touch. 
But then Eddie’s smile widens. “Good morning, sunshine.” 
Steve gasps a little and moves his hand to Eddie’s cheek, tucking a few strands of hair behind his ear, his breath hitching when Eddie leans into the touch. 
“You’re here,” he whispers, his gaze wandering over Eddie’s features, taking it all in and looking for any indication that this is a dream. 
Eddie hums. “And you’re pretty.” 
It hits him out of nowhere, the open sincerity in Eddie’s voice, the fondness in his eyes, the honesty in everything about him. The love, open and free now — or getting there, at least. It’s still so raw, though, so new, that Steve doesn’t know how to handle it yet. 
“Shut up,” he huffs once he’s caught his breath, rolling over to hide his face and the way his cheeks are heating up. He rolls right into Eddie's chest, though, and he's so warm, so close, smells so good that Steve wants nothing more than to bury his face in his neck and stay there for the rest of the morning. Or maybe the rest of his life.
The reflex to pull away is there. The urge to run and hide, to laugh it off, to freeze up and find something else to do, something to occupy his hands and stop them from reaching for Eddie. Years and years of muscle memory telling Steve to leave. 
But Eddie's arms come around him, holding him close and pulling him even closer. And Steve breathes him in, remembering that it can be okay. Remembering that they get a chance now. 
Remembering the words. 
What are you doing? 
Changing the world. 
So he tries that, too. Changing the world. He tries by winding his arms around Eddie, too, and breathing in again and again, learning that Eddie won't disappear if he does. 
Slowly, he dares to move his arms, stroking along Eddie's back in slow, gentle patterns, lulling himself into a safety he hasn't felt in a while. Maybe ever. At some point Eddie begins to hum, and Steve thinks that it's just another one of his audible smiles, inviting Steve and the rest of the world to join in if they're so inclined. But then he detects a familiar melody in the vibrations of Eddie's neck against his skin, and he holds his breath to find out what it is. 
His heart jumps when he recognises the song as one he used to listen to on repeat like a lovesick fool around the time his feelings for Eddie turned into something more, something better, something infinitely worse. 
It skips and he forgets how to breathe as he lets his hands travel over Eddie's back, slowly and tentatively daring to slip underneath his shirt and touch his skin. 
Eddie begins to sing, then, and Steve wonders if he's even been in love with him before, because nothing of what he's ever felt compares to Eddie's gentle, hoarse, sleep-rough voice as he sings Somebody to Steve, to their little bubble, or to the world outside. 
"I want somebody to share, share the rest of my lifeShare my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details."
He closes his eyes as he listens, focusing on the vibrations, on the warmth, on the closeness, on how this moment is everything he's never even dared to want. Everything so perfect that he couldn't even dream it up. 
Everything. You're everything. 
He needs to be closer still, so be buries his nose in Eddie's neck and breathes him in, tangling their legs, filled with a breathless kind of joyful bliss when Eddie's breath hitches, too, and he stumbles over the words of the second verse as Steve tries to climb into his skin. 
"I want somebody who cares for me passionatelyWith every thought and with every breath."
You have me, Steve thinks, pressing his lips to Eddie's pulse point. It's not a kiss, not quite. It's something deeper. It's a promise. 
Eddie's hands come up to hold him there even as his voice carries through the drumbeat of Steve's heart in his throat, running fingers through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp, making him purr along to the melody. 
"But when I'm asleep I want somebodyWho will put their arms around me and kiss me tenderlyThough things like this make me sickIn a case like this, I'll get away with it."
When the song ends, Eddie's words faded out, replaced once again by the gentlest silence, Steve feels raw. Vulnerable. Open and exposed. But he also feels safe, and loved, buried in Eddie's skin and held there, as though Eddie is just as scared of fading away as Steve is. 
He lifts his head just slightly, enough to meet Eddie's eyes – only to find that they're closed, an expression so serene like Steve has never seen before. Mesmerised and overflowing with affection, he reaches out to trace the line of his brows, down to his cheeks and all the way to his lips, where his eyes are glued for a second. 
The thought of kissing Eddie is right there. The opportunity is, too. But he doesn't. He barely dares to move as it is. But he does roll them over the rest of the way until he lies comfortably on top of Eddie, and tucks his head underneath his chin, finding one of his hands and lacing their fingers. 
"You've got him," he breathes eventually. "That somebody. If you—“ 
"Yes," Eddie says, his other hand finding its way to the nape of Steve's neck to play with his hair again. "I want."
"Good." It's lame; far from what he wants to say. From what he has already said last night. It feels like they're doing this backwards, starting with the I love you and catching up with the slow build-up afterwards. "Good. Me, too." 
"Good," Eddie hums, and there's that smile again that Steve can't help but mirror. 
They fall asleep again like that even though it’s already late in the morning; cuddling and holding and cradling each other, still trembling slightly. Maybe that's what changing the world will do to you. Maybe that's the bravery more than the love. 
Or maybe it's just Steve and Eddie. Steve and Eddie. SteveandEddie. 
I love you. 
It takes a bit for Steve to relearn loving Eddie. To not associate it with tragedy and sadness and a bone-deep loneliness that'll leave him breathless even on the best of days. 
It takes a while for Steve to learn a whole new kind of breathlessness, a whole new kind of aching when it comes to Eddie. 
And Eddie's not much better than Steve, pulling away when Steve wants him closer, swallowing his words and needing a second, third, fourth try until he learns that he gets to love Steve now. 
Years of unrequited love, or feelings unreturned, of words put out into the universe with no one to receive them, are not easily or quickly unwritten. But every time Steve's breath gets lodged in his throat and he wants to run away, Eddie is right there to remind him of what they can have now. Every time Steve tries to be a little less of who he really is, Eddie is right there to coax him out of his head with gentle touch and a lot of hugs. 
Every time Eddie starts to doubt himself and all the ways he makes Steve the happiest person on the planet, Steve is right there with the words he only has for Eddie. Words that don't get stuck anymore. Words that finally get a recipient. 
Their first kiss, the first real kiss, doesn't happen that first morning. They spend the first week only holding each other, barely wanting to let go, hiding their vulnerabilities within each other. 
Steve is worried about it at first, seeing Eddie so quiet, so reverent, lacking his usual cheer, his energy and snarky comments. He asks about it one night, ready to prove right that he isn't and can never be enough for him, that all he will do is steal the things that make him Eddie. 
Eddie stops then, lifting Steve's chin with a finger when he's too scared, too ashamed, too vulnerable to meet his eyes on his own accord. 
"Stevie," Eddie says, his voice so gentle that Steve immediately feels stupid for doubting. "I have loved you for ten years. I've had you for three days. Let me bask in it. Let me be unable to be myself with how absolutely and utterly overcome I am with the knowledge that I have you now. That I get to hold you. That I get to kiss you and keep you and... God. I'm not unhappy. I'm so much the opposite of that that I'm not sure there's a word for it. Other than devoted. Smitten. Bewitched, body and soul."
Steve wants to kiss him then. Almost does, with the way they're just staring at each other, breathing the same air —air that smells like Eddie now. In the end, Eddie just holds him, brushing a kiss to his cheek, his forehead, his temple, and whispers, "Let me bask in it." 
And so they do. 
Wayne called Eddie not long after with the words, "Chrissy just told me the wedding's off. Please tell me that means what I think it means." 
Eddie just blushed, reaching for Steve, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. "Yeah, I, uh. I finally talked to Steve."
There was a very loud cheer on the other end that made Steve laugh, falling into Eddie's side, holding him tight, a weight falling off his shoulders knowing that Wayne was okay with them. 
You know, I always figured it would be you. 
No matter what happens, you'll always be a son to me.
It made his eyes sting again, but he basked in the moment and in the knowledge that Wayne was on their side. Always has been, always will be. 
"You better come here on Sunday, and bring Robin and Chrissy, too." 
"Robs and Chrissy?" Eddie asked. 
"Oh, you're in for a treat. I'll see your asses on Sunday, boys." 
And with that, he hung up. Steve immediately went to call Robin, hopeful and giddy with Wayne's implication, knowing that Chrissy was Robin's person just like Eddie was his. 
"She loves me," Robin said, on the verge of tears, and Steve joined here right then and there. "She's– Steve. She's so– She... God!" 
"Yeah," Steve laughed at the ceiling above his bed, grinning because Robin sounded so happy, not even caring that she didn't have the right words for it, because he could hear Chrissy laughing in the background, too. Laughing and saying hi to him and interrupting Robin's ramblings and groans and giggles with kisses that always left her dumbstruck for a good two seconds each time. 
When the call ended, he went right back to the living room, where he and Eddie started watching Pride and Prejudice before, and fell right on top of him with a happy, happy smile. 
It happens at Wayne's, exactly one week after Eddie showed up at Steve's in the middle of the night. One week after the phone call. One week after I love you. 
It happens in the soft glow of the fairy lights Steve and Eddie helped him put up years ago. I happens after Wayne hugged him tight once more, after he pulled Chrissy to the side and promised her that she's still his kid, that he still loves her, and that he's happy to see her smile like that. After he promised the same to Robin.
It happens when Wayne's inside to refill their drinks and Chrissy and Robin are caught up in each other that they're blind and deaf to the rest of the world. When Steve turns to find Eddie looking at him with the softest, gentlest expression. 
"Eddie," he whispers, leaning in to rest their heads together, lacing their fingers and stroking his thumb along Eddie's palm.
"Yeah, baby?" 
Baby. It fills him with butterflies, with the urge to scream, to shout from all the rooftops that he loves Eddie, and more importantly, that Eddie loves him back! Baby. Baby.
"I love you." 
"Hmm. I love you more." 
No, you don't. Just longer. "Can I kiss you?" 
He can feel Eddie's little gasp before he leans in even closer, rubbing their noses together, cradling Steve's face with his free hand. "Please," he whispers. 
And Steve does. He captures Eddie's lips, pouring into it everything he feels and more. Sealing the promises he's made and all the ones he's yet to make. The promises to love and cherish Eddie. To be brave. To be there. To stay and keep and bask. 
It's nothing like their first kiss all those years ago. There is no question behind it this time. Only declarations, only promises, only the beginning of a shared future. 
And there are many, many more after this one.
🌷🤍🌷 THE END 🌷🤍🌷
tagging: @sexymothmanincarnate @mcneen @livsters @eddiemunchondeeznuts @abstractnaturaldisaster @steddie-as-they-go @hyperfixationgoddess @goodolefashionedloverboi @stxrcrossed186 @eddiemunsonswife @bidisastersworld @ghost-ly-s @romanticdestruction @walkingaftermidnight07 @anaibis @rainydays35 @mightbeasleep @sunfloweringstories @korixae @tuesdaycats @totoroinatardis @ilovebookshowboutyou @musical-theatre-gay @theluckyalien @copingmechanizm @srra @changelingbaby @sassygoop @obsessivelyme @r0binscript @hardboiledleggs @estrellami-1 @bisexualdisastersworld @space-invading-pigeon @swimmingbirdrunningrock @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @oxidantdreamboat @spilled-jar @phirex22 @littlemsterious @captaingigglyguinea @animecookie95 @sharingisntkaren @haluton @littlemsterious @animecookie95 @suddenlyinlove @bisexual-bilingual-biped @jinx-nanami @makewavesandwar @scheodingers-muppet @morcantinon @hexdbog @homosexualhomocide13
god i can't believe it's over. i thank you, every one of you, who cheered for me, cried with me, screamed and yelled at me, and stayed with me throughout this past week. i have no words right now other than thank you 🤍🌷 and i hope this is okay
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neptunesailing · 8 months
Tumblr media
we'll be okay
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transvampireboyfriend · 9 months
Here's a little snippet from a tattoo shop/bakery au that i got kinda stuck on and i dont know if ill ever finish.
some context: Chrissy and Eddie are best friends that live in different states, Eds is taking two weeks off work for Chris' visit, he won't be at his tattoo shop which means he won't see the cute baker from next door
Chrissy's in the middle of answering and he's stretching his arms above his head when they hear the front door opening and the little bell above it chiming.
Eddie left the sign up front switched to "CLOSED", which can only mean-
"Eds?" Steve calls into the studio
Eddie immediately gets up from his seat and goes to meet him at the lobby, missing Chrissy's surprised look.
"Hiya, Stevie." he greets, bumping his knuckles against the front counter where Steve is standing just to the side of it.
He's secretly been hoping Steve would stop by just so he could see him. Just so he could hear his voice one last time before he has to go on for days without it.
Steve looks good too, in a plain white shirt, his blue apron and the absolute best pair of lightwash jeans in the whole entire world (if you're asking Eddie).
"I thought I saw you come in" Steve says, "You've been here for hours and you didn't come by to get breakfast, so i brought you this" he lifts the tray in his hands.
There's a mug with coffee, several sugar packets and two chocolate croissants.
"Aw, Steve, you didn't have to" Eddie says, genuinely touched. His heart flutters even though this is typical of Steve. He's just the sweetest.
"Oh, stop it," Steve protests, sounding bashful "these are from yesterday, I can't sell them" he says, placing the tray on the counter. A blush colors his cheeks and Eddie smiles, he looks so pretty.
Eddie knows by now how a pastry looks when it's fresh. He can't be fooled anymore.
It's been so long of them doing this dance though, and Eddie knows if he mentions it Steve will just get embarrassed, so he keeps his mouth shut about it.
"Well, they look really good." Eddie says instead "Thank you, sweetheart" he adds softly, his eyes drawn to the pink blooming on Steve's cheeks and focusing on the flour smeared across Steve's nose. He wants to kiss it and get flour all over his lips.
Eddie leans towards the tray and breaks away a piece of croissant, taking a bite.
Yep. Either Steve made these this morning or he's got magic abilities.
" 'M sure gonna miss these" Eddie says around his mouthful, gesturing with the bit of pastry still in his hand.
"Ugh, don't remind me," Steve groans "the shop already feels dull today"
Eddie laughs softly "You flatterer" he accuses
"Just trying to get you to visit" Steve defends, leaning against the counter and into Eddie's personal space to tap the rim of Eddie's reading glasses.
"Like I could stay away from your shop" Eddie says, tries his best not to sound breathless. He thinks he fails, and he must be blushing too, judging by how Steve's eyes are roaming his face.
"Good. Cause we need the business this month" Steve jokes.
That makes Eddie snort and laugh, Steve's shop is filled to the brim with costumers at least twice a day, five days a week.
Steve smiles at him again and then he peers around Eddie.
"Oh, hi!" Steve greets, straightens up and waves a little.
Eddie turns to see Chrissy leaning against the lobby partition, observing with her arms crossed.
"Chriiisssyyyy!" Eddie draws, and she narrows her eyes suspiciously "C'mere!" Eddie soldiers on,
Chrissy eyes him warily but walks to the counter and smiles sweetly at Steve, "Hi!" she greets "I'm Chrissy."
Steve's eyes widen "Of course! Eddie was picking you up today! I'm Steve, it's nice meeting you!"
He's such an angel, Eddie wants to cry.
"Likewise, Steve. I'm so sorry, I don't think Eddie's mentioned you yet" Chris says, but directs it to Eddie, glaring at him.
Eddie's about to answer, offended, but gets stuck on Steve's crestfallen expression for a split second and then Steve beats him to it.
"Oh, it's okay" Steve says, his smile reappearing, "I own the bakery next door" he supplies.
"He brought croissants!" Eddie tries to redirect "The best croissants in the state I'd say" he offers, succeeding in lightening Steve's mood again, judging by the twinkle in his eye.
Satisfied, Eddie asks Chris "D'you want one?"
Chrissy looks at him weird but mutters "sure" and grabs the one still whole.
"Well!" Steve exclaims, softly clapping his hands against his sides,
"I was just dropping these by, I won't take up any more of your time." Steve says "Chrissy it was really nice meeting you, I hope you have a great time in our town."
He turns to Eddie then and reaches out to squeeze his arm "And Eds, I hope you get lots of rest during your break. And visit us." he adds, moving his hand up to softly pull on a stray bit of hair that fell off Eddie's bun "The place won't be the same without you"
Eddie deflects so he doesn't melt under his gaze.
"I'm not dying, Stevie." he says, grabbing him by the shoulders and bodily turning him around as Steve softly laughs.
Judging by how his own cheeks are burning, Eddie's sure that he's the exact shade of a ripe tomato.
"I'll be back before you know it." Eddie adds, and with that, he gets Steve out the door.
Steve turns to say "You better" to Eddie. And once again, he peers around him to wave his fingers at Chrissy "Bye!" he says.
Eddie forces himself to not watch him walk the few steps between their shops.
When he turns back to his best friend he's relieved to see she's not glaring at him anymore.
She's got chocolate in the corner of her mouth and she's nodding.
"These are really good" Chrissy says, lulling Eddie into a false sense of safety.
He walks towards her to pick up and continue eating his own croissant, but as soon as he's within reach, Chris smacks the back of her hand against his bicep.
"OW!" Eddie protests, leaning against the counter and rubbing his arm.
She's been an athlete ever since they were in middle school together and she's never pulled her punches with him, it's a big part of why he loves her so much.
"You never told me you had a boyfriend!" she accuses, her mouth still full.
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sensitiveheartless · 2 months
Teleporting nonsense? 👀 (where are they going)
Oh gosh, this one is almost aggressively goofy — Chuuya gets hit with an ability which keeps teleporting him to Dazai every single time that Chuuya thinks about him. Which, according to the laws of "trying not to think of a pink elephant", immediately becomes nearly impossible for Chuuya to avoid (also they are Weird about each other which doesn't help askdfjskdjf)
Here's a snippet from towards the beginning:
Suddenly, without warning, Dazai heard an odd popping noise, and something—or rather, someone—materialized out of thin air, dropping on top of Dazai with a yelp.
…Of course, since Dazai was in the midst of tipping his chair back, he had no chance to brace himself, and he and the newcomer both went tumbling down backwards onto the floor, the chair producing a loud crash that echoed throughout the agency.
“Dazai!” Kunikida exclaimed, jumping to his feet and reaching for his notebook, prepared to fight the intruder. “Are you alright?!”
Atsushi jolted up as well, backing away from the chaotic jumble of limbs beside his chair. “Wait,” he said, squinting. “Isn’t that…?”
The newcomer struggled up from Dazai’s chest, his cheeks flaring redder than his disheveled hair, opening and closing his mouth wordlessly with an expression of utter fury.
Dazai wheezed, dazed from being so abruptly crushed, and propped himself up on his elbows. “Chibi is so heavy,” he complained automatically, peering up at his old partner. “…Chuuya? How did you get here?”
Chuuya flushed somehow even darker than before, the red spreading to the tips of his ears and down his neck beneath his choker. Before anyone could say another word, however, he jumped up from Dazai’s lap to storm over to the nearest window and wrench it open. “Stupid—fucking—ability user!” he shrieked as he launched himself over the sill. “Forget this ever happened!”
Then he glowed dark crimson with his ability and leapt away into the sky, vanishing over the rooftops of Yokohama.
In the aftermath, Dazai cautiously picked himself up from the floor, dusting off his waistcoat with an expression of disdain. “Such a messy slug, leaving without so much as an explanation,” he sniffed, and wrangled his chair back upright so he could sit once again. Before long, a sly look crossed his face. “Say, Kunikida-kun, since I’ve just been injured in an altercation with the Port Mafia, surely I don’t have to work anymore today—?”
“You’re perfectly fine!” Kunikida snapped, though not before checking over Dazai’s condition carefully. “…Still, that was peculiar. What do you suppose happened to him?”
Dazai shrugged, kicking his feet back up onto the desk once more. “Who knows?” he sighed. “The Port Mafia comes across all sorts of abilities in the course of their dealings. I expect the slug found himself up against some manner of teleportation-type gifted, that’s all. Though why he would wind up teleporting here specifically, I don’t kn—”
Before Dazai could finish his sentence, they heard another loud POP, and Chuuya once more appeared out of nowhere to drop straight down onto Dazai’s lap. This time, though still caught off guard, Dazai managed to remain upright in his chair by grabbing hold of Chuuya’s waist to steady him.
The pair stared at each other for a long, stunned moment, both equally nonplussed.
Chuuya broke out of it first and buried his face in his hands, letting out a low hiss of frustration. “Are you fucking serious,” he said into his palms, slightly muffled. “Every single time?”
Dazai grinned, sensing blood in the water. “Gotten yourself into a fix, have you hatrack?” he said innocently.
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