tomaytow · 2 years
i have seen your tags! so i must say: how about making that another time about jealous venti rn time? only if you're up for it though!
again i am very sorry for this late response but here’s a snippet from a fic (that’s actually all abt jealous venti in a modern setting LOL <3) said fic is 5/6 done so here’s a preview in case i won’t get it finished; 
cw: a lil suggestive. (i should calm down honestly.)
Drowning in your reviewers and notebooks, you bump your forehead on your study table. 
This. Is. Too. Much.
They can’t expect us to memorize this all! You glare at the piece of note card you made. You wrote acronyms for this stupid topic just so your brain can get familiar with it, but unfortunately, there are so many! And it’s not even a major subject!
“Hi, my Windblume,” There are arms that encircle your waist, and you take a deep breath. Venti’s voice during this time is able to calm your nerves. He presses his front to your backside. “You seem frustrated! Take a break—just for twenty minutes will suffice.”
You glance by your shoulder with a sly smirk. “You just want me to kiss you, don’t you?”
Venti lets out his signature giggle, “Bingo. Now come on—“ He yanks your hand forcefully, and you topple over with a shriek. Venti’s so strong, sometimes it scares (and amazes) you. For someone his own size, who knew that this delicate looking man can generate so much strength and power?
(Oh, isn’t he part of the archery team or whatever…?)
You return to reality when Venti pokes your waist, making you squeak. “Ah! Venti! Don’t do that!”
“Thinking about other people rather than me?” Venti pinches your cheeks, “I’m hurt~ aren’t I supposed to be your distraction?”
You remove his hands on your face, but you still keep holding it with yours. “I was not thinking of other people. I was thinking about you.” Then, you find out where you’re sitting now—on his lap. “Venti, aren’t I heavy? I should get off.”
Venti firmly squeezes your waist. The way his fingers dip on your skin makes you blush a little. He puffs his cheeks, “No, stay! I want you here. Please, love?”
How can you say no to his puppy eyes? With a defeated sigh, you forfeit. “Okay.”
“Yay!” Venti smiles joyfully. “Kiss me? I will be your stress–reliever! Let it all out to me, Windblume—your frustrations, your irritations, the whirlwind inside of you. Tell me all about it.”
You’re really thankful that you have Venti as a lover. He’s just so sweet, understanding, and supportive. He’s one of the main reasons why you can withstand college.
You’re not reluctant to tilt your head and latch your lips with his. It’s so soft. But instead of sweet candy, there’s a taste of the bitterness of the black coffee he consumed. “I hate my professors.” You kiss him again. He kisses you back this time. “I hate them so much—they’re giving us so many projects when they’re aware that it’s midterms week.”
Venti’s eyelids flutter in content. “Have you talked to your professors about it? Aah, mm—windblume...—“ He murmurs, “If… if there are any problems such as this, it’s better to talk it out with them…hmm…”
“I–It’s futile,” you say, and you kiss Venti again and again. “There’s nothing I— I can do anymore when they’ve already made up their mind…” 
You add with a small pant, “Even Albedo can’t negotiate with them…”
You continue your slow pace when Venti suddenly deepens the kiss. Your toes curl and your heart skips from the abruptness. When you detach away from him, you muster up the courage to say something. Your chest heaves up and down as you whisper a “V–Venti…?” 
He opens his eyelids midway.
What you are witnessing right now—it’s a flushed Venti.
And his eyes… they’re filled with want.
You feel like a prey under a predator’s gaze.
It takes him a while to respond. Both of you are catching your breaths. You’re not sure of what’s happening right now. The way Venti looked at you, surely, he’s not…
The room is so hot right now.
You’re disturbed from your thoughts when Venti buries his whole face on your chest. You can hear his muffled voice— Windblume… 
He sounds a little upset, you think as you feel his hold on you tightens.
“What’s wrong?” You dip your head down to thread your fingers on his hair. You scratch his scalp tenderly, “H-hey. What’s wrong, my needy distraction? Are you finally realizing that I’m stopping the circulation of your blood flow, and that I must get off?”
He makes a noise akin to a scoff. As if, he probably wants to say. Venti clutches you closer. “Stay.”
A demand?
“A–alright.” You smile. “I will. But only for like, sixteen minutes.”
Venti lifts his head a little to reveal his beautiful eyes. He still has his nose and lips dug to your sternum as he speaks. “Thirty minutes.” Though subdued, you manage to understand. 
“I have to study,” you gulp nervously. “Midterms will kill me.”
“But I’m your boyfriend,” Venti nuzzles into you. Archons, he is so needy. “And isn’t it your responsibility to cater my needs?”
You narrow your eyes at him. Very needy indeed. “Amazing. What should I do next, then?”
“Ahaha, kiss me.”
“You really are distracting me from my studies. Do you want me to fail?”
“Of course not. But kiss me. Please?”
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tomaytow · 1 year
ok so i got like a very insane idea some days ago, i was just studying and out of nowhere i'm like "hold on.. How would venti react to a scholar from the academia slaping reader right infront of him" and honestly my mind was blown, like imagine reader just wants to visit the traveler to see how he/she is doing and they end up going in the academia to get books related to machines, khaenri'ah machines specifficaly since nobody studies about them nowadays and like they get a pass from cyno and get allowed to go in, sounds great so far right? not until the reader just looks at some books searching for what she wants and a scholar comes out of nowhere starting a scene and slaping reader right there infront of venti🖐️😭, i finished my thought of this scenerio there because i'm never good at guessing how venti would react to anything honestly💔
oh hello!! you’re the one who replied to my recent post earlier JDHDJ thank the archons you sent me an ask because i can’t reply since it’ll be my main tumblr acct replying to you - this venti blog is just a side acct after all!
ANYWAY i’m answering this around 3am (edit: it’s 10pm because i fell asleep and now i’m editing at this point) so i hope i’m making enough sense but here we go
man honestly it’s so hard to know how venti will react! in my concepts or fics, there’ll be moments where i’m like huh… is this venti at all? and i’m just. so clueless. because even tho i love him sm, i feel like i don’t really know HIM that well—which is very disappointing—even tho i’ve already ate the venti crumbs hoyo had to offer me
also, i just love how a scenario strikes when you’re doing something because that’s me sometimes.
in response to your ask! here’s what i think,
venti, of course, will get very angry at that person because it’s so unnecessary. there’s no need for violence at all! like you’re just there, minding their own business, snoopin’ around the shelves for your research materials and then this person just straight up slaps you on the face??? then proceeds on making a scene??? what the???
this will be even worse if you and venti are together. it’s sweet that he joins you for your book searching in the akademiya even though we know how much he prefers noisy and fun places instead of the tedious and boring ones, but hey. he’s venti. your best boyfriend ever. everything is fun for him when he’s with you.
though, i’m sure venti won’t resort to violence. (as much as i want him to go crazy stupid, i remember that his citizens—his children—have told the traveler that barbatos is a benevolent and gentle god. he won’t harm mortals — maybe. not sure. unless it’s necessary.)
he won’t stoop so low, and if he does attack the person back, well—venti won’t be any different from the assaulter!
there are some holes to your ask, though, because first of all, what is the reason for said assaulter abruptly slapping you on the face? did windblume do something? did you do something? so i’m not sure how this will end.
but what i do know for certain is that again, venti will be very angry. at first, he’ll be stunned, and then he’ll be fuming in the inside because the audacity of this lad / lass to lay a hand on my windblume’s pretty face! and yes, he’ll be showing his real distaste and anger. it’ll be damn evident on his face.
his anger will increase tenfold if he notices that you’re mortified from the events, he’ll step closer to you and perhaps hold your hand for comfort. people are watching and people are whispering. archons, this is humiliating.
venti will probably confront the assaulter, and man, remember this: the anemo archon is downright terrifying if he isn’t smiling. there will be words exchanged in a tense, uncomfy atmosphere—venti will ask the assaulter if there’s anything wrong, and he’ll ask demand the reason for the slap. if it’s not valid, venti’s glare will send shivers down to anyone’s spine. because how can such delicate face be so ominous? if it’s valid—ugh, forget about that.
the rule is: don’t just hurt anybody, and talk it out! violence is still unacceptable to venti!
afterward, i imagine that the assaulter will be taken away by the mahamata for a questioning. then venti will take you to a secluded place and console you. it’s what you deserve!
he’ll sit you down and ask if everything’s okay. if he sees you lowkey traumatized, he’ll instantly shower you with affection and leave kisses on your red cheek. he’ll whisper that it’s all over, and that there is nothing to worry about now that the assaulter is gone.
+ also, venti will prolly have a conversation about this with the lesser lord kusanali later. but for now, his main priority is staying by your side and bring solace to your startled, anxious self.
his poor windblume, who only wants to study… venti will stay by your side for a while, surely.
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tomaytow · 2 years
can i request a continuation of "we do not mess with the Gods"?? it's so good
the first fic that i posted??? you thought it was good?
i’m very flattered. thank you!!!
but i originally planned to leave it as it is because i’d like the readers to make their own interpretations of what happened next. it’s a “just for fun fic” and i didn’t really have any intentions of continuing it
though, since you’ve requested, i’ll just tell you what i think prolly ensued after
windblume in that fic is a brazen, foul-mouthed individual who is very protective of her best friend. you can seriously imagine what she’ll do after she finds out that this strange mf possessed the physically weak, lithe himmel’s body so windblume will probably fight venti LMAO
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tomaytow · 2 years
im strawberry :3 AND I LOVE VENTI SM TOOOO!!!
your last piece with the supar long detailing on venti as a house husband… im on my knees </333 IT WAS SO GOOD! so good. i feel so spoiled WAAAA!!! your writing is so so cute i love it so much!! i love coming across venti lover blogs…. <333 always makes my day!!
- 🍓
omg!!!! HI STRAWBERRY!! i'm so sorry it took me a few days to reply, i had uni stuff to prepare, but anyways!!!
thank you for loving the house husband venti guide, i'm so glad you enjoyed it!!! and you're so real for that, i love coming across venti lover blogs too! :D let us venti likers unite and continue on loving the anemo archon or mondstadt's beloved bard!!!
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tomaytow · 2 years
I really love the new writing style! It's really unique and cool! (Sorry if this came out as rude:D)
omg, hi! is this about my new post? thank you~ i really had fun writing it so i’m glad you love it! thank you thank you so much ✨ and don’t worry, it didn’t come out as rude!
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tomaytow · 2 years
Tumblr media
- a venti-centric blog.
- my blog may contain suggestive content but not explicit NSFW. reader’s pronouns in fics or ideas may only be she/her or gender neutral.
#tomato.writes - my venti fics!
#tomato.thoughts - my venti concepts/ideas
#tomato.things - miscellaneous venti posting 
#tomato.approved - reblogged venti recommendations
#tomato.replies - responses to ask/s
🍃 happy venti simping 🍃
LAST EDIT: 05/27/22 | 06/18/22 | 06/25/22 | 08/17/22 | 12/08/22 | 12/25/22| 01/02/23
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tomaytow · 2 years
i'm glad you liked my fic 😭😭✋ you're so sweet OMG I was smiling like an idiot when i read your tags, i'm glad I was able to capture him well!! 💚💚💚
HELLO OMG!!!! i was surprised to receive this message from you skhdkdjdkbdn i squealed sm until i was being silly and was like. wait, which fic??? I’VE READ SO MANY VENTI/READER FICS UNTIL BAM. you were the one who wrote the masterpiece.
anyways i’m glad my tags made you happy cuz i just cannot contain my love for your 3k word fic it was the absolute best (also please write more i’m begging you haha jk unless…)
bless you and your venti characterization!
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