#anti system exclusionist
starmeadowsystem · 1 year
I was going to join a cool looking smp i found on tumblr, but then:
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sirenium · 7 months
'Safequeer' mfers when people are queer in a way they don't like:
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[GIF ID: a toy decor skeleton getting absolutely eviscerated in a blue shredder with silver blades. Said skeleton looks like it's thrashing and flailing about as it slowly gets consumed. End ID]
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collective-stupidity · 5 months
I love seeing anti-good faith resources claiming to"explain" why good faith is bad, and then the resource is just
"It's contradictory!!!1!1!1! And it hurts the lgbt!!!!!!"
Like,, okay bro okay
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zootzbootz · 15 days
so many times after finding a cool looking flag and/or term for something I swear 😔
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Still locked out here. It's cold and dark. It hurts, da' hollow looks like gettin' bigger. Site fills up with clamor as you get deaf. Careless, desolated, forgotten entities sail away pretending not to fall down.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
Warning for the POSIC community: Watch out for @/yourfaveisobjectum
An anti-endo, following the trend started by #AEMOGAI, is trying to make #AEPOSIC a thing.
For those that don't know, AEMOGAI is a tag for anti-endo MOGAI. The tag devolved into hate and, as I recall, was eventually rejected by its own creator due to how toxic it became.
@/theskulksys is trying to take this hate into the POSIC community.
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After posting that, this same system started an exclusionist blog called @/yourfaveisobjectum
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One of their headmates also runs @/thebigcrow, a blog dedicated entirely to plagiarizing posts made by endogenic and pro-endo systems.
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The above "remaking" post is one of many they've done that is copying and pasting posts by endogenic and pro endo systems. They're also using the #plural and #pluralgang tags, which are intended to be safe for the inclusive plural community.
Given that many in the POSIC community are pro endo, or even endogenic themselves, I want everyone in the POSIC community to be aware of this user so they can block their blogs if they need to.
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funnier-as-a-system · 7 months
is this ok for anti-endos to interact? /genq
No. Anti-endos have repeatedly told me they want me dead. Some of them have gone so far as to threaten to maim and/or kill me themselves. I have received everything from petty insults to threats of violence to pictures of gore and literal shit in my DMs from anti-endos. And aside from that, anti-endos are hateful exclusionists who are against a group of people minding their own business and not harming them in any way just for an innate characteristic that they have, and their ways often harm other systems that they supposedly "accept". They are practically indistinguishable from all the other bigots I've had to interact with (not by my choice) on this site. I do not want them here. They can go be hateful in their own corner of the internet – they have plenty of copycat versions of this blog that will accept them.
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randomblognamego · 1 month
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A Blankqueer term where you are just a critter that doesn’t want to be involved in any form is discourse while still having your own boundaries.
Emoji code: 🎧🌈/🌈🎧
Why 🎧?: because you are blocking out all discourse!
This stance is anti:
- Harassment
- Discourse
- Boundary breaking
- Contact without consent
- Antis
- Syscource
- Radqueer discourse
- Zionists
- Ageism, speciesism, ableism, racism
- “paraphiles are harmful”
- Doxxing
- “TransID’s are harmful”
- Thinks narcissistic abuse is real
- Thinks borderline abuse is real
- Thinks sociopath abuse is real
- Cancel culture
- Typing quirk exclusionist (ie. “You can’t use this typing quirk”)
This stance is neutral/doesn’t care if you use it:
- anti contact
- Radqueer
- Paraphile
This stance is pro:
- ship
- Consent
- “Live and let live”
- Endo systems
- Tulpas
- Non traumagenic systems basically
- Traumagenic systems
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sirenium · 11 months
⚠️Tw Syscourse⚠️
Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I have headmates, and I'm pretty sure we're endogenic. By saying this, I know I'm signing up for more fuckin discourse, but honestly that's something I can't avoid. When there are people in your own communities that seek to exclude you, the choice of just standing down and watching it happen is just... absurd.
It's so hurtful to see a post about plurality that I relate to, just to see 'endos DNI' or some shit. Imagine, you see a post that provides comfort and solace for you and your headmates' experiences, just to have the rug pulled out from under your feet in the form of 'Endos DNI'. It's jarring to say the least.
This whole 'ah endos are just faking DID for attention' boils my blood to be honest, because we're not claiming to have DID! That's literally why we are fuckin ENDOgenic and not TRAUMAgenic. Plurality can happen for a multitude of reasons, and by stating otherwise is to invalidate CULTURAL EXPERIENCES such as tulpamancy!
Jesus Christ.
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just-antithings · 1 month
I'm genuinely scared that the next thing antis go after will be sex ed, making the puritan belief system go full circle. Like one day they'll find an adult talking about how they explained condom usage to a young teen and then they'll harass them/call them a pedophile for not telling them not to have sex until they turned 18 instead...
if that hasn’t already happened I’d be shocked
also anyone else remember when exclusionists decided sex ed was pedophilia?
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mordcore · 1 year
i want sysmeds to stop feeling comfortable coming out as anti-endogenic. i want to create a sitewide understanding that it was WRONG to harass, suicide bait, cyberbully and raid neurodivergent people and spaces for being neurodivergent in "the wrong way", or accepting others who were.
i want a general sentiment of "wtf is wrong with you people" to be normal @ exclusionists and i want their opinions to become more widely regarded as fringe and conspiracy theories (which they are!!!)
it's been good to see fewer plurals be terrified of being openly just themselves on here and we've been able to be too without getting hate anons but i want anti-endos to be less comfortable spouting their hateful nonsense and i want singlets to be comfortable being on our side.
"don't assume you can read someone elses mind (and then cyberbully them about your assumptions)" should be the default stance and idk why it is not.
oh yeah, and i would like some apologies as well about how me & my friends have been treated on here FOR YEARS for being a system in a way that doesn't fit into a narrow category or for standing up for others who are. i know it's unrealistic to get apologies and maybe the best we can hope for is less harassment but i would like it anyways.
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solarlunarstarz · 9 days
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HELLO, hello! please call us starry or solar ... any pronouns but they/them. thank you !
this is a request blog for icons, transparents, and names, pronouns, titles, and system name suggestions (SNPTs)! i do more things, so please feel free to ask if you aren't sure !!
★ please separate multiple requests into multiple asks! send as many as you want, i don't mind at all!!
★ requests take time, especially icons! feel free to send an ask checking if i got the req if it's not posted within a few days, but please don't badger me about it!!
★ i'm willing to do any medias, but please be wary that i'm not into many popular medias!! feel free to ask if i'm willing to do a certain one!
— DNI:
★ proshippers (including maps/"anti-antis"/etc)
★ queerphobes & queer exclusionists
★ bigots of any kind (racists, ableists, transphobes (including terfs), etc)
★ endogenic systems/endogenic supporters
★ vent blogs/discourse-heavy blogs
— PROMO? if you'd like to be removed, please let me know!
@nursesharkinfirmary, @chaggieschild, @battampria, @doveish, @sacrifesse ++anybody else!!
some credits under cut !!
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— ICON MASK: 3005 on bundles — BANNER MASK: @/necromii — DIVIDER: @saradika-graphics — (S)NPT GRAPHIC MASK: @noxeros
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imaginariancathouse · 4 months
duration: 2:36 !! about: i'm riding you so so so so good after teasing you all day!!~ <3333 audience: technically for all queers but was made for wlm, wlw & nblw in mind. disclaimer: this user is a d.isabled n.eurodivergent mixed i.ndigenous queer poc, t.ransmascfem i.ntersex g.enderfluid, t.wo s.pirit romance & sex ambivalent ambiamorous a.spec & is the host of a d.id system; we're collectively alright with any & all pronouns as long as it's not exclusively she/her but indigenous & plural pronouns are preferred. i will not have my genderfluidity, my intersexuality nor our plurality be disrespected. on some days i'm a man, others i'm a woman, other times i'm both & sometimes i'm neither or anywhere outside of the western gender binary; decolonize your spicy space. headphones recommended! do not interact: cishetallos, minors, anti-kink, anti-b.dsm, TERFs/SWERFs, blank blogs, ageless blogs, queerphobes, exclusionists of any kind, system littles & system middles, regressors, & sex repulsed individuals.
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
Today in Syscourse: An Anti-Endo Attacking Otherkins For Treating Kintypes Like Alters 🙄
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There's a lot that's wrong with this. Especially them essentially saying that otherkin are only valid if they just "feel close" to a character.
Personally though, I just want to remind any otherkin and alterhumans who support anti-endos that these are the types of people they're siding with. That exclusionists and bigots will hate you for bearing even the slightest similarity to other groups they hate.
I've seen exclusionists trying to infiltrate alterhuman spaces before. Just last Summer, I discussed the Alterhuman Things server being bullied into banning endogenic systems by anti-endos infiltrating these spaces.
There are a great many shared interests between the alterhuman and plural communities, and both are often the victims of the same type of hate and bigotry from the general public, and from exclusionists like these. It's integral, if we seek to make real progress for our communities, that we work together to achieve it and stand against exclusionism.
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weepingfireflies · 14 days
I feel like "leftist politics that descontruct the patriarchy and heteronormativity are not inherently anti-men" and "many LGBTQIA+ and feminist spaces exclude anyone masc-presenting, reconstructing a 'men bad, women & fem-presenting good' gender system under the form of 'protection'" are statements that can and should coexist. You can't argue you're not anti-man if you also refuse to stand in solidarity with them when they're oppressed (due to being non-white, trans, gay, bi, pan, etc.) simply because they're the ~evil~ man. You have to actually not be anti-man.
[Terfs & Exclusionists DNI. I hate you, and nothing you say will ever change my mind.]
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antirqlacey · 5 months
heya! we’re the funky system (if you know us yes that’s our public system name) we’re a system of 20+ and it’ll mainly be me, vinny posting but others may also join in,
we collectively use they/them but feel free to ask for pronouns.
dni; radqueers, proshippers, anti mogai, exclusionists.
we’re bodily a minor so keep that in mind when interacting
i am very anti radqueer and have atypical dysphoria and no you cannot bully me into being an rq.
we have npd autism + other things however thats all we feel comfortable sharing. we are low empathy and that may effect how we interact with others.
our asks are open to anti and former radqueers.
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