#anti radshit
paa-official · 2 days
"Dear Makeup Artists: Blackface Is Never Okay"
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so funny how that one screenshot crops the original makeup artist, so you can't find the fact they got canceled for doing blackface.
"Blackface does not honor, celebrate, or pay homage to any cultures or ethnicities. Makeup artists can celebrate and honor cultures they admire and are inspired by through featuring more models of color."
"Rather than hiring a model of color, @paintdatface transformed a white woman into a woman of color and called it harmless. It is not harmless. It is, in fact, wholly harmful. Women of color cannot magically transform into white women. We live in a world where whiteness is endlessly promoted through dangerous and sometimes deadly procedures, including skin bleaching. What's more, being a woman of color is not just skin tone. Painting a white woman any shade of brown or black doesn't create anything but a white woman painted brown or black. It's not celebrating the culture it's imitating. It's holding a mirror up to whiteness and reflecting white beauty ideals with the contrast turned way up."
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antiradqueerguy · 1 day
Mild debunk
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(I don't believe that the coin listed is the original coin but i haven't found anything to confirm that so if you find anything earlier than NOV 11 2021 talking about radqueers send me a DM)
so going to this site
and clicking "Old Radqueer" you find the original coin that was archived a couple days after the one shown in the post above, scrolling down you find this wonderful post
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well what do those terms mean? glad i asked because scrolling down the coiner makes a post detailing what they mean.
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The (possible) original coiner believed that small children could consent to have sex, and full on admitted to it. right there! like right on their profile only maybe a day or two after they coined radqueer.
which is why i believe that tojiqueer (or whatever they go by now) thinks that the radqueer coiner is the same coiner as xenosatanism, which i couldn't find anything on but the original coiner of xenosatanism was a radqueer, (CW)Dec 4 2021 , like they even use the radqueer tags on their posts there's no denying it.
now this is basically a bunch on crap glued together with elmers and a dream, but if you find anything else reblog because i'd love to see.
Edit: fixed writing error
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inuette · 4 months
Official (Anti) RQ Archive
[PT: Official (Anti) Radqueer Archive. END PT. ]
 Last Updated (DD/MM/YY): 08/01/24. This archive will be updated over time, so make sure to check back regularly if you can! If you have anxiety regarding opening links, no worries! All these posts are archived under our "archived" & resources tags.
Anti-RQ Terms/Flags
'PRAT' meaning
'Fluffy Para'
'Atypical Dysphoria Awareness' (Creator Boundary)
Reclaimed Transage, Transracial (Adoptee), Transspecies and Transabled Flags
Reclaimed Transabled Flag 2 + Symbol
BIID Flag + Symbol
RQ Terms/Flags
'Faux Cult'/'Fult' and Flags
Other Terms
'Xenosatanism' and Xenosatanist Flags
The Angel's Web "Fult"
'Not All Radqueers'
Initial 'Fult' PSA
"The Ezra Files" (Content/Trigger Warning: (Pro-C) Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality, Zoosadism, Toddler/Baby Abuse, Grooming, CSEM Trading, Rape, Abduction, Admissions Of CSA, Admissions Of Incest, Admissions Of Bestiality…)
TransN*zi Symbols
Other Resources
What IS A Radqueer? Why Are They Bad?
RQ Original Coining Info
RQs are a Cult
RQs and Stochastic Terrorism
The Insult of 'Cisdisabled'
BIID and RQ Grooming
RQ '2024 Calendar'
Talk of Atypical Dysphoria
WHY Misuse of Transrace and the term 'Trace' are Bad
Talk of "Transautism"/being "Transautistic"
You Cannot 'Coin' A Medical Disorder/Talk of "MUDs"
Intrusive Thoughts About =/= Actually Believing in Them
'I have intrusive thoughts about ...' isn't a 'Valid' Excuse
Transitioning When It Comes To TransIDs and TransX Identities
Transethnic People Aren't Valid (Focuses on East Asians & Koreans)
There Are Better Ways to Cope with Atypical Dysphoria
Why Arissomei/Arissodic is its Own Term
Racial Hierarchy and Being "Trace"/"Transracial"
Blackface is Blackface — Your "Intent" Doesn't Matter
Alternative (Non-TERF Rhetoric) Anti-Radqueer Arguments
Suibaiting Radqueers ISN'T Okay
If You're Thinking of Leaving the RQ Community
'Cracker' is Not a Slur
Suibaiting RQs isn't Welcome Here
Radinclus does NOT Mean Radqueer
Misusage of Languages in RQ Spaces
Reporting a RQ for Inciting Violence
(Fighting Against) RQs Rebranding Terms as 'RQ Terms'
Coping with Atypical Dysphoria
Getting Out and Staying Out Of the Community
General Tips
Reaffirmation of Why RQs are Bad (TWs included in the post)
BIID (Body Integrity Identity Disorder) =/= Radqueer (Affirmation)
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 4 months
Shoutout to anti radqueers who struggle with intrusive/violent thoughts!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who sometimes want to identify as transid terms!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who used to be in the radqueer community!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who don't participate in discourse!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who identify as arissomei terms!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who don't like members of the anti radqueer community!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who have been harmed, indirectly and/or directly, by the radqueer community!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers!!
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pink-devolve · 2 months
RadQueer Blocklist
This is a long list of every radqueer account I could find under the basic RQ tags. If there’s an account that’s not on this list, please message me with the account name and I will add it.
Not every account on here is inherently extremely harmful. If a person called themself radqueer, I added them to the list. Some of this is based on opinion, like if a person says they’re anti-contact but is doing things the show otherwise, I tagged them as pro contact. And if a person doesn’t identify as trans-race/trans-disabled but is being a bigot, I tagged them as such.
Don’t harass anyone on this list. And for legal reasons, if I’m labeling someone as predatory, that is just an accusation.
List under cut
‼️- Predatory
🛑- Pro-C
⚠️- Trans-abuser
🔱- Trans-abused
☢️- Trans-disabled
🚫- Trans-race
❎- Rq, other
- Kangalpuppy, pro-c for everything, says minors, animals and d3ad ppl can consent ‼️🛑
- Radmutt, pro-c for everything, says minors, animals, and d3ad ppl can consent ‼️🛑
- Mommytransid, 25/yo dating a minor ‼️🛑⚠️
- Sootdazai, claims to abuse and “program” its partners. Claims to have r4p3d one of his partners ‼️🛑⚠️🔱🚫
- Here-4-vibez, pro-r4p3, pro-c, transCSA, claims to have “plural obsessive disorder” ‼️🛑⚠️🔱
- Arsynnotarson, pro-c zoo, makes posts about dating animals, transabused ‼️🛑🔱
- Hobiesbrokenguitar, pro-c zoo, trans-race ‼️🛑🚫
- Office-vampire, trans-abuser, talks about jacking off to trauma narratives, adult and asked young teenagers to send their trauma narratives ‼️🛑⚠️
- Shotamania, pro-c MAP, trans-abuser/harmful, says “they’re pro everything” ‼️🛑⚠️
- 88-arachnids-grip-88, threatened to send SH pics to someone in order to try and manipulate them, told someone how to kts, threatened to kill animals, “trans-groomer” ‼️🛑⚠️
- Lobotomizuki, dating Ciel, claims to be trans-abuser, trans-disabled, trans-r4p1st 🛑🔱☢️
- Paraluvs, transabused, posts self harm art on their page, pro-c, minor in kink 🛑🔱
- Predqueer, pro-c, complains about not knowing what programming is while talking about transramcoa. Coins terms🛑🔱
- Val-loves-rqs, trans-ramcoa/abused, pro-c 🛑🔱
- Radicalclues, trans-disabled, trans-race, trans-abused, adult para account that interacts with young teen para accounts, “”mirrored-contact”” 🛑🚫🔱☣️
- Deer-mageikan, pro-c 🛑
- Cakechaser, pro-contact, says all furries are zoos, compares being transgender to being transrace, trans-abused(asks people to abuse them) 🛑🔱🚫
- Transillusionisms, trans-abused/er, trans-ramcoa, pro-romantic contact zoo 🛑⚠️🔱
- Foliage-446, transdisabled, minor owned para acc, xeno-satanist🛑☢️
- Deucey-deuce, pro-c, trans-abused/er 🛑⚠️🔱
- Transhcdid, trans-abused/er, pro-c, claims transramcoa terms. Makes extremely offensive flags for said terms(like graphics depicting abuse) Transdisabled 🛑⚠️🔱☢️
- Jamesbuchananbarness, transn@z1, doesn’t state contact stance⚠️🚫☢️
- Ziziscampsite, trans-n@z1, has n@z1-fan art as their pfp, says they were a n@z1 in a past life ⚠️☢️🚫
- Bloodydelusional, trans-disabled, transabused/er, says they will coin anything and have no DNI ☢️⚠️🔱
- h0lyl0l1, transtbmc /other abuse, transdisabled, transrace, transabuser ⚠️🔱☢️🚫
- Toxicpilled, transabuser, transabused, trans-slave ⚠️🔱🚫
- Radumbrella, minor owned para acc, trans-race, trans-drugaddict, trans-cannibal, transabused ⚠️🔞🔱🚫☢️
Transramcoa, identifies as trans-ramcoa and creates terms centered around ramcoa. Usually the flags are extremely offensive, trans-race, trans-disabled ⚠️🚫🔱☢️
- Wwwjunocom, trans-disabled, trans-abusive, trans-sch001-sh00t3r ☢️⚠️
- Leyleypsychotic, “”fult””(faux cult) leader, trans-abused, trans-disabled ⚠️🔱☢️
- Transdhampir, trans-disabled, trans-abuser, trans-abused, coins RQ terms ⚠️☢️🔱
- Doctors-littlehelper, trans-harmed, trans-harmful ⚠️🔱
- Wocatana2, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Narcissistic-gremlin, co-owner of RQ server, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Toxic-debris, coins trans-abuse/r terms 🔱⚠️
- Alastor-my-love, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Luci-st4r, trans-abused, trans-abuser ⚠️🔱
- Abuserprince, says they’re complex-contact, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Rqplushie, “”fult”” leader, minor ran para acc, trans-race ⚠️🚫
- Dreamingchu2, trans-abused, trans-abuser, trans-plural, trans-race, trans-disabled (it goes on but I got lazy)⚠️🔱🚫☢️
- Trulycupid, racist, created a term called “winter-punk”, not trans-race afaik but they get the emoji 🚫
- Radiumqueer, claims gender=sex and therefore trans-race is just as valid as transgender 🚫
- Thatparablog, transrace 🚫
- Wadeystabs, trans-race, RQ 🚫
- Astrolective, RQ, trans-race 🚫
- Uwameshi, says being trans-race ””phobic”” is the same thing as being transphobic 🚫
- Mistymeow69, RQ, trans-race 🚫
- Anothertransidblog, trans-race 🚫
- Transrace, “trans-race activism blog” 🚫
- Tr4nsr4c14lj4p4n3s3g1rl, trans-race 🚫
- Transidveronica, trans-race 🚫
- 4ndr0m3da, trans-disabled, trans-race ☢️🚫
- Forgedesires, trans-disabled, trans-race ☢️🚫
- The-catwithin, trans-native, trans-disabled ☢️🚫
- Plushie-ina-big-sweater, trans-race, trans-disabled ☢️🚫
- Sqrmsh, trans-race and transdisabled ☢️🚫
- Brainlessspuppy, trans-disabled, coins terms ☢️
- Lucifer-radqueer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Loatheticbeast, transplural ☢️
- Hearts4romeii, transplural, talks graphically about how she wants to khs ☢️
- Littlemelonberry, trans-addict, supportive of abusive identities ☢️
- Iotaisradqueer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Radicalnpdisms, RQ, trans-disabled ☢️
- Thecodakkeeffectt, coins medically-unrecognized-disorders ☢️
- Radqueer-fanboy, transplural ☢️
- Emopack, trans-autistic ☢️
- Radqueerstars, trans-disabled ☢️
- Toxic-exes, trans-disabled ☢️
- Haventhing, trans-severesh, uses flags that have drawings of SH and blades ☢️
- Needygirlonline, trans-disabled, trans-plural ☢️
- Transx-mogai-cafe, coins terms, trans-disabled ☢️
- Lolinawinii, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transabled-archive, archives all “trans-abled” terms ☢️
- Snowlovesyourq, trans-autistic ☢️
- Transagestuffuwu, trans-disabled, cross-tags ☢️
- Gay-we1rdo, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transpluralunite, trans-plural, trans-disabled ☢️
- Toransuneko, trans-disabled ☢️
- Arctic-fox-queer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Maned-wolfe, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transshells, trans-disabled, term coiner ☢️
- Dyspunktional-raven, gets mad when people say autistic instead of cis-autistic(etc) ☢️
- E4t-fl3sh, trans-disabled, trans-autistic ☢️
- Wuskie-woof-meom, trans-disabled ☢️
- Cloudytransx, trans-didfaker(?), trans-disabled 🔱☢️
- Francislikeseverybeing, trans-disabled, trans-abused, trans-ramcoa 🔱☢️
- Adxmmu88xy, trans-autistic, trans-plural, trans-ch1lds3xw0rk3r 🔱☢️
- Radicallysoup, trans-ramcoa, trans-disabled, interacts with and reblogs posts made by predatory/abusive people, trans-plural🔱☢️
- Ur-local-goldfish, transabused, transdisabled, alt account of gorgeous-rq-girlies🔱☢️
- Transharmed, trans abused, term coiner, trans-disabled 🔱☢️
- Transharmedbutsillier, transharmed alt acc, posts nsfw trans-harmed stuff 🔱☢️
- Dwlliennwurse, uses a typing quirk without translations, coins terms, trans-abused, trans-autistic 🔱☢️
- Npdblythe, trans-hcdid 🔱☢️
- Rq-selfship-fun, trans-abused 🔱
- Radqueerdogboy, trans-abused 🔱
- Fish-of-fanqia, trans-abused, claims to be in a “”fult””(faux-cult) 🔱
- Rqcrimeboyz, trans-abused, RQ 🔱
- A-system-in-a-system, trans-abused, trans-ramcoa 🔱
- Radicalbunny, trans-abused, uses several transid labels for extreme abuse, uses stutter quirk without translations 🔱
- R4dqu33r-g1nny-w34sl3y, trans-abused, trans-programmed 🔱
- Maxrqstuff, trans-hcdid 🔱
- Voidformed, coins trans-harmed terms 🔱
- Catsang, transramcoa 🔱
Selfsanguinamory, catsangs alt acc 🔱
- Vivziequeer, talks about wanting to be used by people, RQ 🔱
- Wortha-prettypenny, coins radqueer labels ❎
- Colorsof-therainbow, wortha-prettypenny’s other acc ❎
- Xxbl00d-st4rxx, RQ, has requested that people send them trauma-dumps for fetish reasons ❎
- Radqueer-takes, just posts pro rad-queer discourse ❎
- Berrytasticdeer, RQ ❎
- Pricklymuffinzzzzz, RQ ❎
- Randobitchyasscoiningshite, RQ ❎
- Digitallyadored, RQ ❎
- Gorgeous-rq-girlies, RQ coining blog ❎
- Cr1ng3yl0z3r, RQ ❎
- Gnarpcotics, RQ ❎
- Waitercore, RQ ❎
- Radqueer-empire, blog for a radqueer discord server ❎
- Blissfuloverdose7, RQ ❎
- Varii-corvid, coins terms ❎
- Minecraftenthusiast2882, coins terms ❎
- Rotnik-tmblr, RQ ❎
- Incestoophilia, wrote an article on incest called “keeping it in the family” 31 y/o that consistently interacts with young teenagers ❎
- Rq-boxes, RQ ❎
- Radqueerfluff, RQ ❎
- Wayofthefunkmaster, RQ ❎
- Weirdness-is-good, wayofthefunkmasters alt acc ❎
- Thedigitalwave, compares antis to transphobes, RQ ❎
- Radqueerpfps, makes flag pfps ❎
- Rq-term-search, RQ ❎
- Gluestrawbz, coins terms ❎
- Animal-creature, RQ ❎
- Sleepyeepyvoidcat, uses paid ads to promote their account(I got one on my dashboard), RQ ❎
- Dexxxma, RQ, partner of radicalclues ❎
- Sincerestkisses, RQ ❎
- Little—beetle, RQ ❎
- Qu33rjude, RQ ❎
- Russetfur1128, RQ ❎
- Rinlencoins, coining account ❎
- Jesterrq, RQ ❎
- Honeydew-wecantwo, RQ ❎
- Hunter-fox, coins RQ terms ❎
- Gamezee420, RQ ❎
- Cherishyne, RQ ❎
- R0tsm4z3, RQ ❎
- Morachivist, coins trans-race terms, refuses to say their contact stance ❎
- Hellelaplace, RQ ❎
- Luckas-rockz, RQ ❎
- Rqheadcanons, headcanons characters as harmful labels ❎
- Curiouscattohours, RQ ❎
- Rainbowfam, RQ ❎
- Acidic-nebula-raincloud, RQ ❎
- Satanlovesradqueers, term coiner ❎
- Peppermint-bloodshed92, coins terms ❎
- Spookrq, RQ ❎
- Radqueer-headspace, makes RQ content and coins terms, “”complex-contact”” ❎
- Gearbox-dollhouse, calls themself a yandere, RQ ❎
- Gearbox-dolls, alt account for gearbox-dollhouse ❎
- Bloodydollies, nsfw RQ alt account for gearbox-dollhouse ❎
- Anyolovez, RQ ❎
- Pastel-golden, RQ ❎
- Transthehorrors, coins terms, RQ ❎
- Lostbhappy, owner of RQ discord server ❎
- Rqmoodboards, RQ ❎
- Alexidentitiescoiningblog, coins terms ❎
- Radicaalkirby, RQ ❎
- Rosiesdelights, coins terms, RQ ❎
- Userboxmachine, makes RQ userboxes ❎
- Yourlocaledgysnake, RQ ❎
- Ur-transx-favs, creates RQ headcanons ❎
- Radqueerstim, makes RQ stim boards ❎
- Freaksboards, RQ stimboard acc ❎
- Internalcondom, RQ ❎
- Antirq-blocklist, RQ ❎
- Yourfaveis-transid-coded, transid head canons ❎
- Transstimland, makes RQ stimboards ❎
- Princesse-du-rose, RQ ❎
- Fungus-ID, RQ, term coiner ❎
- Theradroom, RQ confessionals ❎
- Adamssafeheaven, RQ ❎
If you notice a mistake, dm me and I’ll fix it. And again if there is someone not on here that needs to be added, please dm me. Better yet, write a brief description of them and add the emojis.
Ik they’re probably going to throw a fit about this and out themselves. So I’ll update the list in a few days.
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sourisking · 5 months
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[image ID: The “Don’t make me tap the sign” meme from the Simpsons, the sign changed to say “being neutral is just as bad as accepting it”]
Feel free to ask me to explain, I can’t say it’ll be comprehensive tho
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antirqvamp · 1 month
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𝜗𝜚 —⁠ why children can't consent .
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𝜗𝜚 —⁠ a common theme I see , especially in radqueer and xenosatanism spaces is the debate on which if children can or cannot consent .
𝜗𝜚 —⁠ the simple answer is : no . children cannot consent .
𝜗𝜚 —⁠ now , you may be asking yourself , " why can't they consent ? they can obviously agree or disagree to things . " and that you'd be correct ! children have the mental capacity to agree and disagree with things , however , for starters , children do not have the mental capacity to fully understand the consequences of their actions and they do not have the full mental capacity to truly agree or disagree to something so big as sexual activity , and second , consent is so much more than just a yes or no .
𝜗𝜚 —⁠ " Based on age and development, children – even adolescents – cannot fully appreciate the nature and consequences of serious decisions, which is why many areas of law (general medical care, contracts, military service) do not ordinarily allow children to consent. " <- direct quote from harvard university .
𝜗𝜚 —⁠ " The law recognizes that children are developmentally not able to make decisions about some things, including when to engage in sexual behaviors. " <- direct quote from stopitnow.org
𝜗𝜚 —⁠ further more , for children , it's harder for them to distinguish the difference between consent and cooperation .
𝜗𝜚 —⁠ " Additionally, it is easy to confuse cooperation with consent. Cortney Fisher, a criminology and criminal justice professor at the University of Maryland, explains in her book: “Sexual activity that is prohibited by age or relationship is prohibited regardless of the force used against the child or the cooperation of the adolescent or child. Because of the nature of the crime, there is no legal scenario in which a child can “consent” to the activities. However, due to the nature of sexual abuse and sexual assault, some children may appear cooperative. Cooperation, or the appearance of cooperation, may never equal legal consent.” " <- direct quote from the innocent lives foundation .
𝜗𝜚 —⁠ " but children can consent ! they can consent to be given hugs and kisses and they can make choices ! " there's a difference between something small like giving your mother consent to hug you , and having sex . it's stupid to compare small things , like normal affection , to something as serious as sex . Yes , children can consent to more minor decisions , but sex is not a minor decision . there's a reason everyone makes such a big deal about " losing your virginity " , it's because sex is such a giant thing in both maturity and social settings .
𝜗𝜚 —⁠ tl dr : kids brains are too undevelped to fully understand the consequences of their actions , and therefore , cannot consent .
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killr-o-radqueers · 21 days
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how bro felt typing that
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me: yea im a (anti-c) paraphile with atypical dysphoria and i hate prats
least hypocritical prat: OH you POOR CLOSETED TRANSID!!! are those HORRIBLE ANTIRQS FORCING you to say that??? WE can SAVE you from them!!!!!! god it must be AWFUL to be ISOLATED and FORCED to be an antirq. also kys but WE CAN SAVE YOU!!!
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The radqueer fandom is dying. Reblog to make it die faster :3
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you're radqueer? no.. no no no. no you arent. i dont like radqueers so that means you cant be one, not on my watch. heh... these radqueers dont know who theyre messing with..
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(this is all sarcastic btw im a radqueer)
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antihbki · 17 days
Hi. I am here to discuss the tumblr users @/kotocest, known mainly in the radqueer community as Ciel, and his girlfriend @/radikyuu, who is known mainly as Kyuumi or Opphie.
Potentially triggering content ahead. Please read forward with caution.
I met Ciel and Kyuumi in September of 2023. I met Kyuumi first in a syscord/system discord server (which I will not be naming for the safety and privacy of the staff and server members), and was later introduced to Ciel.
From the start, it was obvious things were a little off. Kyuumi would often vent in the previously mentioned server about feeling gross or horrible about doing things or behaving a certain way and included that she doesn't think she could change because "he" wouldn't like her anymore. A little down the line, I found out that "he" was referring to Ciel.
Her vents weren't the only concerning aspect, though. It was clear how unstable she was when Ciel wasn't around or when someone said something about him that ticked him off. Anytime someone pointed out his toxic behavior towards her, Kyuumi would get super upset and would eventually spiral and break down because of it. Ciel would use this to his advantage and claim that she experienced such strong feelings regarding him because she was a "part of him" or because she was a "clone" of him, which would only serve as a way for Ciel to strengthen the leash he already had on Kyuumi. These are still things Kyuumi still seemingly believes, which only leads me to assume that he is still pushing this belief onto her.
There would be numerous occasions of Kyuumi coming to panic to me in DMs about these things, too. One time was especially alarming, and I am only comfortable talking about this because she herself has publicly admitted to this situation taking place. Kyuumi messaged me around 2 in the morning, telling me that she thought she was going to die. Her messages were vague and barely readable, but from what I could understand, she had injured herself in some way and was losing a lot of blood. I told her to call an ambulance, to which she responded that she couldn't. After asking why, I was blocked. After hours of staying awake, waiting for her to tell me that she was okay, I received a message from Ciel at around 10 pm. He informed me that Kyuumi was in the hospital but claimed he didn't know what happened. I asked why she blocked me, but he told me he didn't know. The next day, he admitted to encouraging her to harm herself, saying that he never intended for her to be harmed so bad, but said he didn't know why she said she couldn't call an ambulance.
Fast forward to Kyuumi coming out of the hospital, I approached her about the topic and told her what I knew, and this was when she told me about Ciel threatening her into not calling an ambulance. According to Kyuumi, the two of them were in a vc when he encouraged her to do it. Here is a screenshot of what she said to me.
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While I am going to try to be neutral for most of this post, I fully believe that he was trying to kill her. This is not the only time something like this has happened.
As you can see in that last message, Kyuumi had told me before about the fact that she had sent pictures to him. She came to me after she sent them to him and told me about what she did, and said it made her feel disgusting and horrible about her body. When I tried to comfort her, she broke down and told me the things he said about her after he saw the pictures of her. She also told me about some transphobic behavior he was displaying. Here is a screenshot of her explaining that to me.
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I point this part out because Kyuumi is a trans girl. She mentions in the screenshot that she asked him to avoid making comments about that specific part of her, and he disrespected that boundary and made those comments anyway. After this, she was left feeling very dysphoric and did not speak to me much.
This part is especially upsetting because Kyuumi was closeted about being a trans woman at the time. She was going by he/him pronouns and was almost exclusively using masculine terms and publicly claimed to be a trans man, but Ciel and I (as well as one other mutual friend) were aware of Kyuumi's identity. Despite Kyuumi trusting Ciel with such an important part of her identity, he went out of his way to upset her and make her uncomfortable.
She forgave him for this situation very quickly, but this behavior from Ciel continued and went unaddressed.
I witnessed Ciel manipulate her on many different occasions, and he was comfortable doing it with me present. Oftentimes, when they would argue, he would briefly mention the argument to their mutual friends, but he would always paint her out to be the one in the wrong. This led to many of our mutual friends hating Kyuumi for a while, and we even had a group chat made for the purpose of discussing what we thought was Kyuumi being an abuser. After a while, and after multiple friends cut Kyuumi off due to her supposed abusive behavior, Ciel confirmed himself on a call with me that he had been portraying her like that with the goal of isolating her. I tried to speak up and tell him how wrong that is, but I was threatened with never hearing from either of them again.
I didn't believe that he would make her stop talking to me, but I didn't take any chances and instead spoke to a friend who went on to confront him. After xe confronted Ciel, xe was blocked by both of them and removed from all of their group chats and servers. As far as I can tell, this is still something he has her do (cutting off people who call him out or who he doesn't like).
Ciel's emotional and physical mistreatment and abuse of Kyuumi is something that I have kept my mouth shut about due to the fear of being cut out of Kyuumi's life, but that ended up happening about a month ago anyways. I no longer have contact with her or Ciel, but given some of the things I have heard about their relationship, this abuse is still going on, and Kyuumi has begun to claim it is consensual.
I am not expecting this to be spread or have much attention paid to it, but I made this because I am tired of being quiet.
Thank you for your time.
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hey so uhhhh this isnt meant to be a 'callout' or anything but just. be aware
anti-rq-vriska is ran by electrasp8der who reblogged a minor's post with a graphic underage incest smut fic
electrasp8der also ran 3 radqueer blogs before deleting them, including mindf-8-ng which is now deleted
i think this should be known so people can distance themselves from her if theyre uncomfortable with any of these things. dont harass her just block
hey guys Please look at my reblog of this post
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entity56 · 4 months
Today on Anti-Radqueer News Flash:
Breaking News: A famously known anti-radqueer Tumblr user dubbed @burningradqueers has recently deleted their Tumblr account, apologized to radqueers and is now a self-proclaimed radqueer, befriending and fraternizing with pro-contact 'cult leaders' in the radqueer community. The cause of this sudden shift is unknown-- perhaps they've been manipulated into this sudden behavior shift, perhaps their account has been nerfed and this 'behavior shift' is a fake pretending to be them, or perhaps they were a closeted radqueer the entire time. In any case, we've lost a major anti. I would highly suggest avoiding doomscrolling the radqueer/rq tag. Although what they are doing is highly unethical and immoral (and just plain disgusting), they are shockingly convincing. Make no mistake, though, the radqueer community behaves like a cult, as so seen using the BITE model below:
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(Click for better quality) Thank you for tuning in.
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inuette · 4 months
Radinclus does NOT mean Radqueer
[PT: Radinclus does not mean Radqueer. END PT.]
 🦴🎀 — proof read by the boyfie & ⛪️ — unedited
essay under the cut due to length
Well, to start with, what do either of these terms even mean? We have an explanation of radqueers (and why the community is flawed) here! If the post is too long for you to read, a basis is: They steal terms from others, support transitioning for terms that never supported it in the first place or that are impossible to transition to (i.e. transracial and/or transage) and their community is full of entirely pro-contact beings (people who support paraphiles, all of them, acting on their paraphilias) and groomers whether a "good radqueer" or not.
But then, what's a radinclus? It's a term that's commonly associated with and mixed up with the term radqueer. Radinclus is short for "radically inclusive," the term generally means one is in support of identities like gaybians, lesboys & veldigirls/turigirls and mspec monos (pan lesbians, bi gays, etc.) All of these terms are known as "contradictory" and/or good faith terms.
So, what's the difference? Radqueers have outright stolen terms and are misusing them, whether using the terms in good faith or because they think it's "cute" or "fun" in some way, they're still being misused and causing harm. These terms belonged to different groups that weren't necessarily queer, but are being taken to mean something they never meant in the first place. Terms that those who are radinclus support have history in queer culture and have existed long before radqueers ever decided to appropriate other groups' terms.
The terms lesboy and veldigirl/turigirl are typically used by systems, those who are multigender or those who are trans and still feel a queer attraction towards women or men. These terms were never meant to be used by solely cisgender heterosexual men or solely cisgender heterosexual women. To say that multigender people who may identify as a man and a woman don't belong in either gay nor lesbian communities IS discrimination. You can be a minority and a marginalized group and discriminate against other marginalized groups, excluding multigender people from these spaces is discrimination. By letting them into your spaces, no, we aren't forcing you to date them. But acknowledge that they exist — acknowledge that gender is different for everyone and because of that, so is sexuality.
For those who are trans and still feel a queer attraction towards the opposite gender, that is entirely valid! The NWLNW (Non-Women Loving Non-Women) and NMLNM (Non-Men Loving Non-Men) terms were historically used by TERFs to discriminate against trans men and women and imply that they were not 'actual men' or 'actual women'. Alternative terms to NWLNW and NMLNM are QLM & QLW (Queer Loving Men and Queer Loving Women). A cisgender heterosexual man would never understand the queer attraction that a trans man might feel towards women, nor would a cisgender heterosexual woman be able to understand the queer attraction towards men that a trans woman may hold. And no, a trans man using the term lesbian or a trans woman using the term gay isn't misgendering themselves — if one label fits them more than another & they're using it in good faith, let them!
Now, what's a 'gaybian'? Or a 'lesgay'? Or a 'straightbian'!? Someone who identifies as both gay & a lesbian (or straight and a lesbian, but we'll be focusing on what a gaybian because the same explanation can be used for other variations). You might be thinking now, well if the definition for lesbian and gay are queer loving men and queer loving women, how can you experience queer attraction to both if you're not both genders? Well, for one, most people who are gaybian are multigender — the way they view their attraction to both genders may be different because of that. They may view themself as both a gay man and a lesbian woman, and that's perfectly valid! If you believe that one or both of their identities as such are invalid or that they need to make their own community, that just means you have internalized biases against multigendered people. Others who may use this term are systems due to the varying genders and orientations between the alters.
Finally, mspec monos, also known as mspec gays or lesbians. Firstly, what does 'mspec' mean? Mspec is short for multispec, which is the umbrella term for identities in which one is attracted to multiple genders — i.e. pansexual, bisexual, omnisexual, etc. How can one be both multispec and lesbian? The most common explanation are those who use SAM, the split-attraction model. Many use the argument that SAM was made for aspecs by aspecs, and therefore mspecs cannot use it, but the first example of the SAM was in 1879 by Karl Heinrich Ulrich who used the example of heteroromantic homosexual in his writings. While romantic and sexual attraction may not be as separate and more intertwined for others, that isn't the case for everyone. Not everyone has to use the split attraction model, but it does work for those who's sexuality and romantic orientations are aimed towards separate genders.
Some people just ARE multispec and gay/lesbian — not understanding an identity isn't an excuse to shit on or discriminate against it. That's not to say blindly accept it, but there is proof and recorded history of these identities existing in the queer community for years. You cannot brush them off as "just a new fad" or "trend" when they've existed since before you did. Most radqueers support harmful beliefs and encourage them, radinclus is the inclusion of identities that have always been apart of our community — but have been thrown to the side for more 'easy to understand' ones. Whether you think they're 'the reason people aren't willing to understand' or not, don't fight against people who're in the same community fighting the same fight as you. There will be people who will hate you whether you're the most 'normal', 'straight-person-looking' lesbian ever or the people that you hate in your own community — the only difference is that when they're driving YOU out, there'll be no one left to help you.
Other Good Faith Identity Resources : Lesboys Carrd , Good Faith Resources Hub , Bi Gay / Lesbian Masterdoc
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wildd-prats · 1 month
why in the ever-loving fuck would you want all the shit that comes with being intersex? the day perisex radqueefs learn that intersex is a spectrum, and not all of us follow the typical "male and female body parts", is the day i'll stop crapping on them. ya'll want to be apart of a group so badly..
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