#another thing to add to the writing idea pile
lhazar · 8 months
The fact that we got to see Rhaenyra’s wedding and seeing her give birth while we never get to see Alicent on her wedding day, scared and alone without her best friend, being married to a king twice her senior, or see her give birth to a son who radically challenges the succession, giving Viserys the son he always wanted… all we get to see is her pregnant and as the queen and Rhaenyra upset over being squeezed out of the family during the hunt before the time skip. She goes from a girl to a mother in the blink of an eye, and then she’s Visery’s support and for her kids and it feels like such a robbed opportunity. Where’s alicent picking her fingernails raw before she’s forced to walk down the aisle. Where’s her terrified the moment her contractions hit because she fears her husband will cut her open like his last wife. Why doesn’t alicent get the same humanizing moments as Rhaenyra when it comes to carrying out the expected duties of womanhood, when they go through the exact same experiences. You’d expect these huge moments in each of their lives to be a great chance to parallel one another, show how Alicent was forced into her role, while Rhaenyra took as much control as she could with the circumstances she was given, but the narrative would rather set them up as parallels with the men in their lives and their (mostly male) children. it’s such a disservice to them both.
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my-cursed-brain · 3 months
Twst au where instead of moray eels, the twins are some kind of undiscovered deep sea eel. They're already terrifying to other students when they look completely normal, so imagine how scary they could be when they're something no one above the sea has ever seen.
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bam-stroker · 10 months
Ok, but idk in what AU or original work I might pursue this.
But like - chronic illness/disability experienced through a robot. Of like, woah sorry buddy rust has settled in to that coil in your leg and actually manufacturers don't make it anymore. So you're just going to have to deal with that or find an ill fitting coil that will cause issues with how you move around : /
And their human counterpart who has their own chronic illness/disability where they completely understand. Able bodied people will constantly be getting short tempered or annoyed at the setbacks the robot faces, but this person is like... Yeah, no worries take your time. Bodies? Am I right!
And the robot is just big old heart eyes at them and low key kind of falls so hard for them. And if they have a mobility aid tells them how cool it is and wants to like decorate it will little stickers or something (if said human is alright with it)
IDK people... robots with disabilities is kind of starting to scratch at something for me
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meeeeeeese · 10 months
So Teghror, as the cub of a dragon champion, gained some of Mordremoth's nature magic in addition to his talent as a guardian. Because of that I gave him Caladbolg as his greatsword skin. At first it was just because it's a naturey-looking greatsword but now I'm thinking what if Teg was the one to restore Treahearne's sword? Because Rugan never did and the two of them going on a trip across Tyria to fix it would be a great way for them to connect!
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foone · 1 year
I see a lot of people joking about the adhd thing of "I have a appointment/phone call at 3pm, guess I won't do anything all day!"
But no one seems to make the connection that it's a time blindness thing. One of the symptoms of ADHD is not having a good and accurate sense of time. And not doing stuff prior to an event with a hard deadline is an obvious coping mechanism for that.
Can I go to the store? It's 10am and the appointment is at 3pm. How long does going to the store take? An hour? Three hours? Five hours? I DON'T KNOW!
I get anxious trying to do things before appointments because I'm aware that I don't know how long those things take, and that if I think I do, I may be very wrong. Too often I've been like "hey I can walk to the corner store and grab a drink, that'll take like 15 minutes!" and then an hour later I get back and whoops my rice has burnt.
Plus there's also the fact that ADHD people know that motivation and focus is a two-edged sword.
Like, let's say you decide to play a video game. You've got time, you can pause/save whenever, so this should be a perfect fit to make good use of your waiting-time. So you start playing and WHOOPS you get really focused for some reason today (because people with ADHD do not get to pick when their brain decides to focus) and the next time you look at the clock it's 2:49 and you haven't showered or dressed and the appointment is 30 minutes away. Fuck. (you could have set an alarm, but now you're asking people with the forgetting-things-and-time-ignoring condition to remember it set alarms)
And with motivation, it can be almost worse. Instead of playing a game, you so something useful or creative. You clean your room or fix your plumbing or write a story or draw a picture. And suddenly it's great. Your brain is firing on all cylinders. You've got all the motivation you can ask for, and you are FLYING. the ideas are brilliant, your hands are nimble, you're getting stuff done you've been putting off for weeks or months. And then the alarm goes off. Time to go to your appointment. Fuck.
You drive there, your brain still full of ideas and plans. But by the time you get back, the motivation is gone. You may still have the ideas but you don't have the drive to write them down. You can't force yourself to do it. Your sink is still in pieces. Your room is half-cleaned, and you have to shove all the sorted clothes into one big bin just so you have somewhere to sleep. You've left things half finished again, in a cycle that has been repeating your whole fucking life. It seems sometimes that nothing ever gets finished.
So next time you don't even start. There's not time. You've been burnt too many times. Why add another half-completed project to your pile of shame?
My point is that people seem to be going "lol I can't do anything all day if I have an appointment at 3pm" like this is a quirky "oh I'm so scatterbrained!" weirdness they alone have, and not a major complication of a disabling mental illness.
(and that's not even getting into the secondary effects. If you know that having an appointment ruins your whole damn day, you're going to avoid them. Even when it's things like "going to that party" or "meeting your friends for a drink/game" or "going to a movie with that cute girl from your math class". Things you should enjoy. Things that'd help you be social. Things that make you feel human.)
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sunflower-lilac42 · 4 months
✧ 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐦 || flowers au ♔
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summary: when her brothers visit, they send her in a spiral ending in a panic attack and only one person could help her.
warnings: depression, offing of themselves, stress, feelings of not being good enough, toxic thoughts, the lot
notes: another sad one, this happens before rescue. slightly different but more perspective on how adam and luca feel about it. feel free to ask anything for the au because i love hearing from you guys and i hope to answer some questions if you have any. add yourself to the taglist ➵ taglist!
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They didn’t know what to do, they were pacing around her dorm room like madmen. Over the break, Luca and Adam decided to visit Violet since the three of them had missed each other. They had just been merely talking about school and how Luca was doing, playing NHL in the girl’s dorm room when Violet had dropped the controller. Her heart skipped a beat in nervousness and she looked at her desk that held the homework she needed to do. 
It was a hard time for Violet because even though she had the whole week off for break, she needed to stay back and work on her finals. She was majoring in four separate things, which she brought on herself but that wasn’t the point. Being close to finals she had so much work to do, in some classes, she had to write a paper, in others a final project, and in some a final exam and they still hadn’t finished learning all the material.
As much as she loved to be clean and organized, now wasn’t the time. If you walked into the freshman dorm room at this moment, you would not think it was Violet who lived there. Half of the projects she had to complete were on the desk, directions in a messy pile. Her notes for her exams and the study guide were all laid out in an unorganized manner, with her notes for her papers mixed in with them. 
Luca, being the big brother he was, kneeled in front of the girl, placing his hands on her knees, “Hey, V. I need you to breathe for me, alright?”
Telling her to breathe was not the most helpful. And not that it was their fault, but they weren’t the best at comforting her. Being the primary root of her anxiety and depression (unknowingly and unconsciously their fault and she knew that), it was hard for her to talk about these problems with her. She knew the two were inquisitive and they would ask what was wrong or if there was anything they could do to fix it, that’s all they wanted to do. They wanted to fix things without any prior knowledge of the things going on, they always thought they could when they couldn’t. 
That was the difference between them and Connor. Being able to open up to Connor was much easier when she didn’t have to worry about him knowing them. Of course, Connor knew Adam, he had met him a few times and got to know him during the draft but he didn’t know him know him. So any previous knowledge of the two disappeared when Violet started to open up. This meant that Connor knew what to do in this situation, and even if he didn’t he kept the conversation tame for both of them. 
When she shook her head at Luca’s words, he almost started crying too. He had never seen his baby sister look this broken before. He was trying to hold it together for both of them. He turned his head to see why the room was silent besides Violet’s hyperventilating breaths and choking sobs, Adam had almost started to hyperventilate himself, sitting on her bed and hand to his chest. 
“Adam, hey hey. It’s okay, bud. She's going to be fine, alright.” Luca knew how to handle Adam when he broke down, the two were inseparable. 
He glanced between his sister and his brother, his little siblings. How was he supposed to pick? Violet’s was more severe but he had no idea how to get her to calm down, while Adam could calm down in five minutes and then go back to her, so that’s what he did. He got up and walked over to his brother, bringing him into a hug, calming him. 
Adam’s breaths were shallow but evened out within seconds, meanwhile Violet’s had only gotten worse. Her mind was in overdrive, many thoughts popping into her head every second that only got worse when Luca appeared but worsened again when he left.
‘He doesn’t care.’ ‘He can’t handle me.’ ‘I’m only being a burden.’ ‘I’m annoying.’ ‘He’s leaving me, they’re leaving me.’ ‘They think I’m annoying.’
Luckily, at that moment, Ollie barged into the room getting ready to announce something when she saw the scene. Having this become almost second nature to her, she went through her tactics; holding Violet’s hand, the 5 senses method that only worked once in every 5 tries, and even tried talking about hockey to get her mind distracted from whatever she was currently thinking about, but her voice wasn’t the same as Connor’s and that’s what she needed. 
Ollie scrambled to take her phone out of her back pocket and Adam and Luca panicked once more, “Why wasn’t that helping?”
“Not the time.”
“What are you doing?”
“Are you done? Obviously, nothing you tried, if you even did try, fucking helped. Maybe if you paid more attention and were mentally aware of what’s happening to her you’d know how to handle this situation.”
It was a low blow, Ollie knew that Violet had a hard time talking to the boys, but all in all, it was partly true. If Violet felt more comfortable around them and their big personalities she could talk to them about it. Adam and Luca weren’t the type of people to deal with this stuff. Yes, it was her fault at some points and she acknowledged that and she acknowledged the fact that sometimes it wasn’t something either of them could control.
She tried to not make it worse for the girl but after everything she’d heard about her and her mental health coinciding with her brothers, the damage the two had unintentionally done, she couldn’t hold back. She heard her roommate's breathing pick up and finished finding the number to call, “Hello?”
“Hi, no time to talk. V’s having a panic attack.”
She could hear the boy on the other side swear profanities, “Put her on.”
Ollie handed her best friend the phone and Violet held it with two hands against her ear, “I can’t breathe.” 
She sobbed trying to contain everything that she was doing, “I know, honey, I know. I’m here, okay? Do you think you can try to take a deep breath?” As much as she tried, so couldn’t.
She merely shook her head, no answer was able to form, “Hey. Violet?”
His voice was smooth, calm, and steady and didn’t hold a single ounce of worry or unsureness in it, but if anyone were to see him right now, his eyes would be wide and forming tears, his forehead would be wrinkled and his eyebrows were pinched together. His body was tense, his fist clenching and unclenching. He bit his lip in silence and bounced his leg up and down, “V, what’s happening? Talk to me. Come on, pretty girl.”
“N-no. I can’t.”
Luca and Adam looked dumbfounded, in the matter of just knowing who was on the other line she was able to speak and form sane thoughts. They mentally kicked themselves in the ass for not being able to do that. They should know how to care for their sister. For all they knew there was some person on the other line that had barely known her for six months that was able to do things that they should’ve been able to do for the past 6 years. They exchanged glances in worry, Adam wiping off the tears from his face. 
“It’s okay,” his voice went silent, thinking through the list of tactics he had created for when she got like this. 
He had created it when she told him about her intense panic attacks, he needed to be prepared for when it happened. Talking about her brothers was out of the question as they were visiting and in the same room as her, telling her about practice also wasn’t an option because he hadn’t had practice that day. 
He tapped his foot hoping she couldn’t hear it but that fell short, “Are you okay?”
This wasn’t what she was supposed to be worrying about, but at least her mind was on something else, right?
No, her mind now plagued her with thoughts of how she was stressing out Connor, how she was just a burden to him as well, that he didn’t really want to be doing this right now it was just another chore for him, he had too much on his plate and shouldn’t have to deal with her. 
“Perfectly fine, no need to worry, sweet girl. I just have a song stuck in my head.”
“What song?”
“Steal my girl.”
“I like that song.”
“Oh you do?”
“Mhm. Um, I think it’s getting worse…”
“What do you mean it’s getting worse?” Luca’s voice was stern, wanting nothing more in the world for this to stop and for her to be okay.
The harshness of his voice made her jump and tears formed in her eyes again, “Don’t yell at her.”
“Who’s yelling, V?”
“Not Ollie.” Violet didn’t want to explicitly throw her brothers under the bus so that was the safest option was to say who it wasn’t.
“You want to tell me about some flowers?”
“What kind?’
“I love sunflowers.”
“Oh, really, why?” Connor knew the answer, Luke was one of her best friends so that was one of the first flowers she had told him about when it came up in conversation.
“They remind me of Luke.”
Her sentences were short which meant she was still trapped in her little mind bubble, “And why’s that sweetheart?”
“Because when I met him he made me laugh not even two minutes later. He makes me laugh a lot, every time I see him. When he walks into a room, everyone gets really excited and visibly gets happier. I like to call him a little ray of sunshine.”
Connor chuckled, “You excited to see him soon?”
“Yeah. I miss him.”
“You know what, I think I saw some sunflowers yesterday.”
“How and where? It’s the middle of November, C.” 
The name immediately alarmed him, a codename that they had set back when Violet had visited him in Chicago. She never called him that, she hated the name and so did he. For the two of them, it meant she felt like she couldn’t speak freely to him, like someone in the room didn’t know about them or they made her feel unsafe. Even if she was having a hard time but couldn’t say, “Your brothers still there?”
“You wanna give the phone to Ollie real quick? I promise you Violet I won’t be gone for more than a few seconds. You think you can do it?”
The way Connor said her name made her body un-tense, it was his way of reassuring her that whatever he said was true, that he was going to be back in a few seconds. She handed the girl her phone, causing confusion to rise on her face, “Hi?”
“Get Adam and Luca out of there now.”
She didn’t need another word, standing and walking up to them “I need you to leave.”
“What no! We need to make sure she’s okay.”
“You two being here, isn’t helping. Leave. I’m not asking again.”
The boys continued their protests which left Ollie with one final option. She grabbed both of their sleeves, harshly dragging the two hockey players out of her dorm room and shutting the door when they were in the hallway. 
“All better now?”
“Yeah, Connie.”
“Still feeling a little panicky?”
“A little.” Knowing that she could talk to Connor freely now without her brothers figuring out who he was or why she was acting like this made her breathe a little more. 
“That’s good. You want to talk more or you want me to?”
That was another and the main difference between her brothers and Connor. Connor offered the breath, he offered to talk about things, he offered for her to talk or for him to talk. He never made her do anything. Most people would demand things out of her when she was this riled up, for her to breathe or to calm down, they would shout at her to get through to her when all she needed was a soothing voice, a way to distract her thoughts from what initially caused this. 
“You, please.”
“Okay, well I’m excited to see you in a couple of days. We can walk around the city if you want, go Christmsa shopping. Ride around on some trains, because I know how much you like them. We can look to see what Christmas decorations they have up already. We can go see the Christkindl Market in Wrigleyville. I know you’ll probably want to go to Billy Goats, and maybe I have a present for you to open up….”
That seemed to calm her down a lot, the idea of getting to see Connor soon and do all of these things with him felt like a breath of fresh air. She hadn’t seen him in a couple weeks and even then it was only for two days and he had games both of those days. Before then they hadn’t seen each other in four months.
“A present, you say?”
Her usual sarcastic nature and tone were back, making the boy smile, “Oh yeah, I wrapped it all by myself.”
“That’s a scary thought.”
Connor gasped, “Offensive, Miss. Violet.”
“It’s the truth.”
Connor laughed causing her to as well, Connor calming her down was a success that would later have to be described to her brothers but that was a thought for another time.
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starlightdreaming · 2 months
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader!
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel!
Content Warning: Angst! (neglect, arguments and No comfort(?)) yeah no lol. and LONG chapter also, your name is Luna (for the plot) at first but it goes to Y/n on like the next chapter (trust)
Synopsis: You were Lucifers best friend! You were stuck together like glue until someone else came along…
Further note: I’d like to ramble on how excited i am to release this series I have like 66 pages written down in a notebook and it’s still going! this is also my first attempt at trying to ACTUALLY write something and angst specifically! so bare with me if its not good (i tried my best) Also this series is going to be called LuluLuna! I HOPE YOU ENJOYY!! :> - ✨Lolo💫
Chapters!: Chapter 1 (you are here) •<•)b ✧ Chapter 2 ✧ Chapter 3 ✧ Chapter 4 ✧ Chapter 5
(to further improve reading I recommend listening to Øneheart! (It helped me write this))
。・:*:・゚My Luna・゚:。*:・。
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To you, he was the sun.
He had always had a smile on his face, his demeanor was always so bright and he was so full of hope and dreams.
He was such a troublemaker and that’s why you exist.
from the cosmic and star dust, a little bit of the universe was made and into the Heavens, a new being was formed, you are the first and the last of your kind, it was an accidental creation they had made while creating the universe and they tried making more after such beauty you withheld, They decided to call you ‘Luna.’ Named after the moon, because you came along after they created the moon. After many failed attempts to try and make more of your kind, they gave up and moved on, focusing more on their project of creating life.
Not knowing what to do with you, they left you with the wild child of Heaven, Lucifer. After training and teaching you the ways and laws of Heaven, they tasked you to watch over and take care of Lucifer.
Lucifer was light in your eyes, he showed you all his bright ideas and dreams, his beliefs and creations, it was all so amazing to you but was also too much as your little mind couldn’t wrap much around his ideals, it was a little overwhelming to you.
“this one is named quackers! he was my first ever duck I had ever made,” He says, showing you a duck that looks a little.. unique, “So, y’know he looks a little ehhh, uhhh… deformed- but! I promise they get a LOT better.” he smiles, giving you the duck to hold as he digs in his room full of ducks in containers and chests, you just stared at the duck before squeezing it slightly as it quacks that didn’t sound like it what it should have but it made you smile nonetheless!
“So!” Lucifer says, jumping out of his duck pile, showing you his next duck, “After him, we have count ‘quack’ula or should I say, ‘qount’ ‘quack’ula,” Lucifer puns, making you giggle a little, “I made him based off my idea of a holiday called ‘Halloween!’ and I was hoping maybe they could add that in the universe of creation they’re making!” he rambles, you looked at him with your starry eyes as you listened, not a thought behind your big ol’ eyes.
“Can I maek one?” you asked, stumbling on your new language that you were trying to adjust to, “Of course! i’ll show you!” He smiled, using his alluring magic to help you begin.
all throughout both your childhood, you had both grown together and were always together through thick and thin, when he was in trouble, you were always there by his side, when he got into arguments, you were always there to comfort him and when he was in the dark, you were always there to light his way. His dreams were always seen as dangerous but to you, you thought that was what made they them more beautiful, a splash of color on a blank slate, when no one believed in his dreams, you did. Eventually, one thing led to another, his dreams were now yours too, you added onto his dreams, setting the flame all the more significantly bigger.
in your teenage years, your friendship grew into something more… you couldn’t place your finger on it but whenever you were together it all just felt… right. When you both smile at each other, there’s just something in the air that just couldn’t be explained, it was so full and warm, a fuzzy feeling that you craved more when you both held hands in the garden you both had spent time together in everything you both did. There was a tree you both napped together under, full of stars and ducks you and Lucifer had both made over the years, created for birthdays and events of such that had taken place in Heaven, even apology gifts from when you both have argued and bickers over small nontrivial matters that were long in the past.
You both had done everything you could together as kids up to your age as a young adult, centuries or eons, you never grew apart, you both were stuck to each other like glue. Now when you both brushed fingers under that same tree, admiring the scenery and the wind that rustled the leaves in the bushes and trees, you looked at each other and there was just something in both your eyes that only you both could see, you both looked away from each other, turning slightly red, there was a feeling in your stomach, like butterflies. You didn’t know what that feeling was but he did, he knew what he was feeling and he knew what he had to do.
You both shared touches and hugs that seemingly got more clingier, more intimate, that sparkle in your eyes that you both shared together made you feel so fuzzy and light, you were overwhelmed with feelings you couldn’t understand until one day by yourself, you saw into a distance, a couple sharing the same things you had with Lucifer, hand holding and close cuddles, after watching them for a while, they shared a kiss, ‘but kisses are only shared with lovers?’ you thought and that was your ticket, you were in love with Lucifer. That further proved itself when you thought of brushing your lips against his own, your face turning completely red as you scrambled and flew away to the garden. The Garden of Eden.
“Lucifer? Lucifer!” You called out to him, wanting to tell him what you had discovered from within your own heart. “I’m over here Luna!” He answered as he waved to you, signaling for you to come over, you flew towards him and landed gracefully on your feet, “Luci, I have something to tell you-“ you say brightly before being cut off, “Just wait- I have someone you should meet!” Lucifer says before he gestures a woman to come out from hiding behind a tree, her beauty was graceful and perfect, “Oh, hello.” You say more calmly. Lucifer smiled to you, “This is Lilith,” He says as he reaches his hand out for her to take, and she did, “She’s the first woman on Earth!” He says as she waves to you, you waving back with a warm smile. “The first woman?” you ask, “meaning that they finally began divine creations on Earth??” you smiled in excitement, Lucifer nodded, still holding her hand in his, “It’s so nice to meet you Lilith, my name is Luna!” You jumped as you shook her hand enthusiastically as she smiled at you awkwardly. You completely forgot about your confession when it came to meeting a new person.
You three spent so much time together, as a trio, you were more of the energetic part of the group, Lilith the calm one and Lucifer as the air-head. It was amazing at first, to finally have a new person to share interests and ideas with, you all shared laughs together under that same tree you and Lucifer had grown with, showing Lilith your stellar abilities, making stars and sentient ones too, they all danced around you as you watch Lilith’s smile grow in awe, Lucifer also showing his ideas and dreams in which you and Lucifer grew up fully believing in, Lilith now joining the same boat as you both, you all laid on the grass as you looked at the starry night sky, pointing at constellations and lining them up for Lucifer and Lilith to see them better, You all fell asleep together under that oak tree of memories.
You awaken to see both Lucifer and Lilith were gone, you got up to find them as they giggled and laughed in a distance, you yawn and rubbed your eye, “Good morning.” you say with a groggy smile, Lucifer and Lilith were leaning towards each other before facing you, “Good morning, Luna.” Lucifer says with a smile before facing Lilith again, ‘huh, usually he says mornings with hugs,’ you thought but you shrugged it off as you joined them.
Today.. was different. Usually as the three, they included you in everything but lately, you felt like you were being excluded, when you walked from place to place, Lucifer would take you by the hand but instead of you, it was Lilith, it made you feel a pit in your stomach, not one that was pleasant at all, you were always trying to catch up to them as they ran together, watching animals from the distance and giggling together, they were sharing whispers and always ignored you when you tried talking to them in your usual energetic mood, this kept happening more and more often as you felt more and more of a burden than a friend. ‘What happened to never growing apart?’ You thought as you leaned on the oak tree that held so many memories. You looked up to see Lucifer holding Lilith as he flew in the air, throwing her up gently and catching her gracefully with adoration in his eyes, the same eyes he used to look at you with, you sigh as you watch, losing motivation to try and follow along anymore, you hugged yourself as you looked at your surroundings, the tree was surrounded with stars you made and the ducks Lucifer made, now growing with flowers that blossomed pure white lilies.
Whenever you tried to invite Lucifer to hangout, he would at first but then the entire time he would just talk about Lilith, asking if she’d like this or whatnot but sooner comes to later when you would invite him to hangout and make more silly ducks with you, he declined, he actually declined for once and that- bothered you. You were dumbfounded but you got your answer when, “I’m hanging out with Lilith today.” He says with a smile before waving you off and flying away, it was always her, he chose her and never you anymore and that made you so upset, it filled you with spite and envy but, none of that mattered since you smiled at your birthday coming around the corner, he would definitely have his attention on you then! the thought made you smile as you awaited the day, sitting under the oak tree, seeing it grow more with vines and lilies, your stars seemed to have fallen on the ground as you saw the ducks were placed on the vines, your smile falling again, you didn’t bother to pick then up as you sat alone under the tree once again, waiting for the days to come and go.
You jumped out of bed after your alarm had went off, you were so excited you accidentally threw your alarm out the window, no one knows why you did that so don’t ask. Today was the day! It was your birthday but more importantly, Lucifer would finally spend time with you! You tidied yourself up with a smile plastered on your face before leaving your home, you waved and smiled at other people down the streets of Heaven, flying to the bakery to get you a cake you were eagerly waiting to share with Luci, after you had gotten everything you needed, you warped to the oak tree, setting down a picnic, hoping he would be away from Lilith for once, when you finished your set up, you could hear Luci and Lilith approaching with laughter, you turned to see them as Lucifer turned from looking at Lilith to see you, “woah is this for us?” Lucifer questioned before walking up to you, Lilith following, “yes, it’s for-“ you say trying to point out it was your birthday, “This is awesome Luna! Hey, wait! Lilith, have you ever tried cake?” He says, ignoring what you were trying to say, “oh..” you say rather quietly, thinking for a moment, ‘did he forget what was today..?’
When you pulled out the cake, he took it from you, you looked up to see neither of then facing you, you felt hurt from his actions but it looked like he didn’t seem to bother or care, you sat quietly as you watched him open the box, giving Lilith a piece of the cake to feed her with a spoon he used his ability to make it appear, you watched her eat it with a joyous smile as he spoke to her with such brightness, you couldn’t bare to watch this anymore, you snapped after you saw the sparkle in his eyes that showed so much love toward her, you stood up angrily with your wings stretched out, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” You cursed at him as they both looked at you with shock, “Do you even know what today is?” you say more saddened and hurt after he gave you a confused look, “uh, no? why?” Lucifer said, tilting his head, looking at you like you were going crazy.
“You’re so!- You’re such a-!” you stumbled upon words as you basked in anger, before flying away- away from both of them, crying your way back home, “Luna wait!” he shouted to you but hesitated to catch up to you because of Lilith.
Usually when you flew away from him after an argument or small bicker, he would have caught up to you and held you close but seeing as he didn’t for once, it showed how much he didn’t love you anymore, you cried as you hugged yourself that night, leaning against your door, the hurt you bottled up pouring and crashing out of you like the high tides of the oceans you had seen before on Earth.
You awoke late in the night, your eyes felt heavy as you sat up. You looked at your surroundings and tried to process where you were, you cried yourself to sleep on the floor… on your door. that’s new.
Seeing that it was dark, meaning that you had slept the day away, Lucifer didn’t even try to come over and see if you’re okay and that hurt. You felt so lonely and neglected you just couldn’t stand it anymore, so if he wasn’t going to go to you, then you were going to go to him, you were going to make yourself feel seen.
You got up, not even bothering to tidy yourself, you immediately warped to the garden, at the oak tree and too be expected, they were there together, smiling and ogling one another, it made you sick at this point, when saw the empty box that used to be where the cake once was, you felt rage rile up within you, THIS was supposed to be YOUR day and once again, she took it away.
“So, did you talk to your friend? is she okay?” Lilith asked, “I didn’t talk to her, this happens all the time, she will be okay, she’ll be back tomorrow,” Lucifer waved the topic off, “I’ll apologize tomorrow, i’m just letting her cool off.” He says while you stood in the distance, listening to him as you wallowed in anger the more he spoke, you walked up to both him and Lilith, “Lucifer,” You say in a upset tone, “We need to talk,” you say standing in front of him, “now.” You finished while crossing your arms as he started blankly at you, “Of course, what is it?” He asks, standing up, trying to gesture his hand to help Lilith up but you slapped his hand away, glaring at him, “Alone.” You incensed, walking away to a distance.
Lucifer looked at Lilith as she nodded in understanding, letting Lucifer follow you to a far distance, after you were far enough, you turned to him with your arms crossed again, “Could you tell me what’s wrong, Luna?” Lucifer asked before you could say anything, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong,” You spoke rather aggressively, “Today was supposed to be about me! It was supposed to MY day!” “How is today yours? you don’t have any day unless- ohhh.” Lucifer trailed off, realizing it was none other than your birthday, “Luna, I-“ He tries to speak again, “Shut it,” You say unenthusiastically, “Ever since we met Lilith, it’s all been about her! you forgot about me! do I not matter to you anymore?” You rambled, “Guess so cause you didn’t even bother to remember my birthday,” you say as you waved your hands in the air, “and on top of that, you ate my fucking cake! in front of me!? great job Lucifer, you’re the universe’s greatest friend!” You snarked, gritting your teeth.
Lucifer, who had felt pity at first, began to feel upset as well, “Well, sorry,” he waved his hands back at you sarcastically, “maybe you should have told me, Instead of being such an attention seeker.” Lucifer imputed, “Attention seeker?!” You shouted fully offended, “Ever since that Lilith bitch came along, you threw me to the side! Sorry I wanted to see my friend for one fucking day, specifically- My Birthday!” You fumed. Lucifer was angry, rolling his eyes, “First of all Lilith isn’t the bitch, YOU are being a bitch right now,” He shouted, pointing at you as your face flashed from hurt to more anger, “and besides, birthdays aren’t even special,” he said crossing his arms, “So get over yourself.” He finished before beginning to walking away, “So you’re walking away just like that?!” You laughed in pain, seeing that he wasn’t going to bother fixing the problem, “What’s next? you never see me again?” You taunted.
“Maybe I don’t want to!” Lucifer turned to you angrily, taking your words rather personally, “All you have ever been was just a fucking nuisance on my back,” he snarled, pointing angelic spears at you as he marched toward you, “so why don’t you go and fucking disappear yeah? save us both the trouble.” He says behind blinded rage, “Lilith has and will always be better than you.” he finished, adding the finishing touch to your broken heart, you looked at him with tears in your eyes, making him lose his aggressive demeanor, “Hey.. I didn’t mean that-“ he tried to explain but you pushed him down as you flew away quickly before he could process, “Luna wait! I’m sorry!” he now quickly tried to apologize, chasing after you.
‘Since it seems you meant nothing, guess that means all the memories you shared were meant nothing right? so what happens if it just all… burned. What would happen if it was all just gone??’ You thought in blind rage, flying towards the oak tree, seeing Lilith there, you pushed Lilith away from the tree, not wanting her to get her from the biggest mistake you were ever going to make, with little to no power, you used your power and blasted the tree to bits, smiling slightly with tears, all the memories and flowers, scattered everywhere, broken or burned.
“Luna! what the fuck is wrong with you?” Lucifer shouted, tending to Lilith’s aid, making sure she wasn’t hurt. “What the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck do you think? If I don’t matter to you, then why bother having this?!” You pointed to the destroyed tree, “I did you a favor, say goodbye to our friendship you pathetic bastard!” You shouted, not caring Lilith was listening, Lucifer picked up Lilith before facing you, “Good, I never wanted you as a fucking friend anyway, you were only ordered to.” Lucifer stated before marching toward you, “I never want to see you again,” He snapped, “And I fucking mean it.” He says as he looked at you with pure hatred in his eyes, the eyes that used to hold so much love and adoration for you, turned into spite and detestation, his eyes made you at a loss from all the built up anger, seeing that you destroyed everything behind blind rage, you cowered in guilt but that didn’t stop Lucifer from pushing you down, “disappear from my sight, Luna.” He glared at you one last time before walking away, leaving you alone with you, yourself and the mistake you had made.
Lucifer picked up Lilith, not even batting a second glance, all you wanted was for him to look your way, just one last time.. You sat in front of the oak tree in guilt, trying to use your stellar energy to fix your mistake but to no avail, nothing worked, you cried in heartbreak and frustration, betrayal and guilt, all those years, centuries and eons, they all meant nothing now. Nothing but a burning memory. You used stars to keep the tree connected from falling apart, using every bit of power you could to make it back to what it originally used to be, with little to no experience, it took hours to fix it, you did the best you could before leaning against the tree, hoping to find comfort in it but all you felt was emptiness, Lucifer never tried to contact you again and neither had you, you didn’t want him to look at you with those eyes ever again, you couldn’t bare it.
You spent weeks, months and years in your bed, unmotivated to get out and do something, you covered your room with sentient stars, finding only comfort in the little creations you had made, they did everything for you when you couldn’t do anything for yourself, your room was just full of piles and piles of stars, they were becoming too much that you threw some out your window so you could just make more, so it was just a daily routine to make many stars and just throw them out the window and everything had consequences but you didn’t care anymore, everything just felt so hopeless now after the only friend you had, never wanted to see you again.
after repetitively doing your routine, there was a knock at your door, you grumbled to get up, weak in your legs as you stumbled to open the door, your hair a mess and clothes wrinkled, you opened your door with unenthusiastically, expecting a cherub to send you your daily mail or something but when you saw a higher up seraphim at your door, your eyes widened in shock, “Greetings daughter of the universe,” the seraphim began, “My name is Sera and this is my sister, Emily.” she says before the Emily girl bounced and waved, “Hiii, we just wanted to ask some questions!” she piqued before walking closer to you before getting something out her pocket, “are these yours?” She asks, showing you a sentient star that began bouncing around in front of you both, ‘oh shit…’ you thought, seeing as your bed-rotting seemed to have affected life outside that made THE SERAPHIMS come after you, “Oh, sorry yeah those are mine.” you try to say calmly, “did something happen?” you asked, worriedly.
Emily smiled to you, “Those stars have been wandering all around Halo city! They actually have been helping around a lot, they are really useful and we tracked them where they came from to here!” Emily chimed, Sera speaking after, “We found them quite useful and we decided to come and ask if you wanted to work with us? Your stars can help our people live more at ease and even the Heaven born.” she says leaning closer to you, “Oh!” You seemed to been shocked, “well I- I dunno, this is so sudden, I-“ you stuttered, thinking, “Don’t worry, we don’t need an answer now,” Emily comforted with a smile, “We have a lot to offer, you know,” Sera informed, “If you join us, you can become one of the higher seraphim’s because your stars would be helping our people,” she says with a comforting smile as well, “and thats what we are all about.” she finishes with caring eyes, you thought for a moment, you could use your potential to help others? and not only that, this could probably distract you from the very thing you were trying to forget, Lucifer.
“Yeah, maybe.. maybe I will take you up on that offer, Seraphim.” You smiled, “please, call me Sera.” she smiled, “And call me Emily or Emmy!” she smiled more brightly as she took your hand, “Woah, wait I haven’t showered or cleaned myself!-“ you stumbled, “Don’t worry, we’ll get that covered!” Emily says as she drags you out your house gently and soothingly, Sera teleporting you three to the sanctuary of their home, you could barely process as you frog blinked as your only reaction with shock.
Maybe this was a good thing though, a new world had awaited you for once and that alone, made you smile for once in decades.
imma stop here cause its already WAY too long, lmk if you want pt. 2! (it motivates me to write more)
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ange1princess · 2 years
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Summary❕Watching p0rn with the demon brothers and what you'd watch.
Characters❕ Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor
CW❕ Mutual masturbation, general NSFW, blowjobs, mentions of afab genitalia but no pronouns used, the word daddy used like once, thigh riding, blowjobs, male masturbation, semi-public sex (fucking at a party in a bathroom), tbh more suggestive than anything because i got so tired with this piece T_T probably grammar and spelling mistakes, let me know if i missed anything.
A/N ❕ This has taken almost a Month to write GOD ITS FINALLY DONE update ! It took over a month jfc T_T
Masterlist ❕
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🧷 Age gap porn kinda guy, dilf shit, and thigh riding
❝ He pretends that it isn't his idea, tries to pass it off as yours so that it's less embarassing for him, with a sighs he says "Well if you really want to try it out." Gets the idea from asmo because they were talking one day and he said something along the lines of "It'll add spice in your life~" and Lucifer hopes that's true.
❝ The two of you sit down at his desk, even when he wants a break he can't get one. He has you sitting on his lap as he tries to sign papers, telling you to give him just another minute and how this is the "last" document. You're bored so you go ahead and set up your phone, going to your chats and clicking on one of the many links he's sent you for your special night.
❝ That seems to get his attention as you prop it up against the pile of papers he's been looking over. Soft moans and whispers of "daddy please" and "more" mixed with muffled sobs make you wetter than they should.
❝ Without realising it, you start grinding down on his thigh, as much as he tries to continue working he can't once he sees your face contorted in pleasure as you try to get some relief, clutching onto Lucifers shirt in your balled up fists.
❝ He guides your hips against his thigh, ocassionally moving it to match the rhythm you've set. His eyes are full of lust, focused on the movement of your hips as he leans back on his chair, palming himself through his slacks, a guttural moan escaping his lips.
❝ The videos been long over now, and the only sound is of Lucifer calling you a good human and asking you to please him for the rest of the night.
🧷 POV blowjob vids and dry humping <3
❝ Suggests it while stuttering and blushing, ssaying that it's an honour for you that the great mammon wants to share such an intimate thing with you, but secretly he just wants to make you more comfortable with sharing your interests with him in the process.
❝ When you agree to it, he just asks you if you're free by texting you and if you say yes, he's there barging right in with his DDD in hand and a pillow for some bizarre reason (he's going to spend the night 100%).
❝ He sets up the device against a stack of pillows and gets comfortable, inching closer to you till there's no space left, swinging an arm around your waist as he mindlessly draws circles on the soft skin of your waist. The videos start and although you don't feel too aroused especially at the start, when you see mammon squirm and try to adjust himself "discreetly" you start shifting in your seat, a warmth blooming in the pit of your stomach.
❝ As the people on screen grind against each other fully clothed and you see mammon strain against his jeans, he tries to hide his little pants and sighs, but you being the observant one, you notice.
❝ You take the chance and straddle his lap, doing just as you saw in the video as he straightens his back to help you move your hips as the layers of clothes between you two only add to the friction as you speed up chasing your high, mammon telling you to go faster, his head thrown back and his hair a mess as you grab at it pushing his head to your chest.
❝ He helps you take off your top and leaves marks on your chest as he sucks on your nipples making you cry out in pleasure. It's not long before the both of you are cumming hard and you fall against his chest trying to catch your breath as you hear him say, "Fuck, well that sure made me feel younger."
🧷 Ik people want me to say some cosplay stuff, but i truly wholeheartedly believe it's student x teacher roleplay and temperature play for some reason
❝ OKAY SO HEAR ME OUT, initially you'll walk in on him trying to roleplay with an AI bot or a brand new game he purchased from Akuzon, while the p0rn would be playing in the background. He'd just be sitting there, dick out, not even realising that you've been standing there for at least 3 minutes now before you clear your throat, causing him to fall off his chair and scramble to cover himself up.
❝ He'd be convinced that you hate him now, that you think he's gross and pervy, and wouldn't want to be around him anymore, he might cry a little ngl. But before he knows it, you're texting him, asking him to come to your room with whatever device he was watching the videos on and he's more than happy to oblige, almost falls off of his chair but saves himself this time.
❝ When he enters your room, you ask if you can watch with him and he almost passes out because of how red he gets but he agrees almost too enthusiastically. The two of you sit there watching as you move your hand up his thigh and feel him stiffen under you, you turn to him giving him a seductive gaze and he gets where you're going with this, flipping you on your back, towering over you.
❝ He'd look bigger like this, towering over you now, not slouching anymore as he slowly kisses down your jaw, leaving marks down the side of your neck as he asks you to call him "professor" or the likes. He'd want to take control here, his desire as a demon overpowering his shy nature.
❝ He'd be quick to rid himself if his clothes as you underess yourself, bending you over the edge of your bed and asking you why you've been "naughty in his class", the next time he'll remember to bring some candles and ice for the two of you to try~
❝ You cannot tell me that he doesn't come up to you asking you seductively if it would be okay to film the two of you the next time you have sex, he'd promise it's not for anyone but the two of you and he's able to convince you.
❝ Suggests the two of you watch home videos or amateur ones together to get a "how to" (he just wants to watch them with you, and he'd say it but this is easier and faster).
❝ When he plays the videos initially, the intimacy and passion, the closeness of the people on screen makes you look away. It feels as if you're interrupting or watching something that's not meant for you, but asmo brings you back, his fingers gently guiding your eyes back to the screen as he whispers in your ear to, "watch and learn".
❝ Shows you solo vids too, and you can recognise instantly that one of them is asmo, as he plays with himself, moving his fist along his length at an excruciatingly slow pace, letting out his pretty moans as he keeps edging himself, bringing himself to the precipice of pleasure but not letting himself orgasm.
❝ You turn to him, asking him if the two of you can try to recreate something like that right now and he's more than happy to oblige.
🧷 Pet play, and sex toys
❝ He loves calling you kitten or puppy (it's rare but it happens) and you know he has a thing for pet play even if he doesn't tell you, secretly bought a collar for you with his name on it and is too shy to give it to you, so his next best idea is to suggest the two of you watch some of his favourite p0rn together!
❝ Probably says that he read an article that says it increases intimacy and just wants to try it out with his beloved kitten, and so you agree, not that it takes a lot of convincing.
❝ It starts out with someone on their knees in a cage, as the person on the other side of the camera unlocks it's door, allowing them to crawl out. You hear coos of "good kitty" and "such a good pet" being uttered and it makes your palms sweaty with anticipation.
❝ Satan has a pillow on his lap, a feeble attempt to hide the imprint of his dick that's hard against his pants as he shifts around to try and get more comfortable as the scenes on the screen change and when you look back, you're greeted with the sight of a person tied to the bed with a vibrator against their clit as they try to struggle out of the binds.
❝ Turns to you and asks you how you're feeling, and all you can do is take his hand in yours and move them between your legs as he feels you getting wet, he runs his fingers up and down the soaked patch on your panties as you try to pull away, embarassed.
❝ He turns away for a moment, ruffling through something's in his bedside drawer and pulls out a collar with his name on it, dangling it in front of you, as your eyes widen and you life move closer to him, signalling him to collar you and he does.
❝ He gives it an experimental tug as a whimper tumbles out of you, heat rises to his cheeks but he chuckles nonetheless, you look so sweet like this, he thinks to himself as he leans forward, his fingers sliding your underwear aside, playing with you as he kisses your pretty lips with fervor.
🧷 Loves oral vids obviously, but also a big fan of wall sex vids, mirror sex and exhibitionism
❝ The both of you have extremely open conversations, Beel never keeps anything from you in terms of his desires and you do the same, the trust the both of you have in each other is what helps him grow bolder with his advances as time goes on.
❝ Comes up to you and tells you he wants to try something out, and you nod without even knowing what it is because of your faith in beel, he'd never do anything that would hurt you and would stop the second you want to.
❝ The two of you enter your room as he sits on the bed with you in his lap, holding his phone for the two of you to watch the video he puts on as both his arms are wrapped around you.
❝ But before you can go further as the guy in the video tries to muffle their partners moan, so that they don't attract any attention in the tiny bathroom stall, a quick knock at the door startled the two of you, causing the both of you two cover yourselves up, keeping the phone aside, faces hot and palms sweaty.
❝ After that little interruption, the both of you got caught up in helping with the preparation of another one of Diavolos balls. It had been 2 weeks since then and you still thought about it, wanting to touch beel and wanting him to show you stars.
❝ You couldn't help but gawk and him as he descended the stairs in his suit, looking like he came right out of a romcom. You waited with baited breath as he whispered, "You look beautiful as always," addressing you, before you linked your arm with his, wanting the night to end so that you can finally have some alone time with your love.
❝ Turns out, for someone extremely patient, Beel was starting to get jittery seeing you in your revealing outfit, he kept stealing glances, letting his hands linger on your waist, pulling you closer everytime someone asked you to dance with them.
❝ Before long, the both of you snuck out to one of Diavolos lavish bathrooms as he bent you over the marbel platform in front of the mirror. The loud music penetrated through the unlocked door, but the thrill of anyone finding you (even though you knew that you were in a more secluded part of the castle), made a shiver run down your spine.
❝ It didn't take long before your clothes were pulled aside as beel kissed you with a ferocity you'd rarely seen before, his hands hot on your skin as he slowly entered you making you squeal, only for your loud moans being swallowed by his lips that danced against yours.
❝ It wouldn't have been your first choice to continue the evening with cum leaking out of you, but fuck was it worth it.
🧷 ik everyone will say somnophilia ! So i will not, mutual masturbation, cockwarming and heavy degradation
❝ Man started watching porn in bed next to you when he thought you're asleep, but you weren't as you peeked over his shoulder, his cock in his hand as a low sigh escaped his red lips to the filthy words being muttered on screen.
❝ "You're such a fucking slut for me aren't you?" He said to nobody in particular, but you knew it was you in his mind. You cleared your throat, breaking him out of his trance, but he didn't care enough to cover up , instead letting out a humorless chuckle.
❝ "Aren't you naughty? If you wanted watch, you could've asked sweetheart~", he said, turning over, giving you a better view as your lips watered, you were about to bend over, moving your lips to his head, wanting to lick at the precum coating it but he tutted.
❝ "No touching whore," he said before instructing you to sit back, "It's a bit unfair how you get to see me hot and bothered, but I don't, isn't it? Maybe you can help me out here and play with your pretty self," he suggested and you could no longer ignore the wetness between your thighs as you peeled off your panties.
❝ He let out a moan at the sight, his hand moving faster as you started touching yourself too. It didn't take long before both of you came, trying to chase your own high, you didn't notice when he came mere inches from your face, kissing you gently, pushing your body back onto the bed.
❝ "I need to be inside you right now," he said, his breathing still heavy as you nodded, letting him, it didn't take him long to slip into you, your wetness being enough to let him in without much restriction. The two of you sighed in unison, as he held you close to him, just wanting to go back to bed with the feeling of you around him.
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© All rights reserved to ange1princess. Do not repost or take credit for any of my writings.
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tallymonster · 3 months
Careless Whisper ❤️ AO3 link ❤️‍🔥
Summary: Zesstra is a stripper and she just got off work. She turns on her computer and watches a very steamy streamer.
THIS IS PURE SMUT TRASH, IT IS NOT SERIOUS. If you come to my asks being an asshole, your ass will get BLOCKED.
A/N: there's a lot of emojis and out of character speak going on here. Do not take anything written here seriously, this was done for fun. Consider this a love letter to my friends on the Astarion Brainrot discord and to the ones who let me use their Tavs in this wild idea I had one day when I got too stoned and started to write on Google docs. Might be a one off, might be a thing, who knows?? Either way, enjoy! Happy Valentine's Day 😘💕
@cursedhaglette who let me use Halia (goldengalhal)
@tragedybunny who let me use Sera (SeraQueen)
@micropoe10 who let me use Colette (EcoGirl)
@just-a-refrigerator who let me use Elora (slutty_songstress)
And @bhaalbaaby who let me use Penelope
Thanks guys, I love love love you all 💕
Zesstra flops onto her bed with her laptop and a giant glass of wine in her hand. Another shitty day at work, but what's new? Being a dancer at the Fae Cabaret wasn't the ideal thing, but fuck, if the money wasn't worth getting her ass slapped for 10$ extra dollars in her tip pile.
Today though, was the last straw. The creepy rich dude who comes by every once in a while came by tonight, and did his same bullshit. She could practically recite his opening line “Hey gorgeous, why the sour face?” followed by a stupid smarmy laugh.
Zesstra smiled, put on the fake giggle, and slapped his shoulder. Next, he buys her the cheapest mixed drink, and of course, he gets himself an expensive glass of whiskey he never finishes.
She tries her hardest not to roll her eyes after he makes some degrading comment about her coworker, grimacing while he rants about some meeting with important people she doesn't give two fucks about.
Whatever, that's all in the past now. Tonight was about Zesstra, of course. It's her blessed time off and she was going to spend it the only way she could truly enjoy it.
Zesstra turned on her computer and went through her socials. The public one for family and close friends, some messages from the girls at work, nothing too exciting.
Then she flips to the slutty socials, the ones where she can post pictures from work. She answers some messages on her pay per post site, adds more lewd photos from her various shopping sprees, and scrolls for a few minutes. Messages pour in offering her the world for a few seconds of her attention, but there's really only one place she wishes to be.
Zesstra thinks back on the one bright spot in her nights. A regular she only knows as “The Lawyer”. He's a good looking elf, perfect silver hair, gorgeous face, dazzling red eyes that lock onto her as she walks the floor of the club.
He usually doesn't say much, but when he does Zesstra swears she’s heard that silky voice somewhere before. She put that thought to the back of her mind. Tonight was about seeking her own pleasure.
Clicking through the streaming sites she visits on nights when the images of him won't leave, she finds that her favorite creator, an asmr streamer called ProfaneDelight, just began his stream. Zesstra clicks on his name and pops her headphones on. She drinks more of the wine, and closes her eyes as his voice begins to fill her ears.
“Good evening, darlings.” She watches as he enters the frame of the video, his tight red shirt and black pants hug his body. The camera is at the most unfortunate angle, since it won't allow her to see his whole face which she assumes matches the delicious sound of his voice.
“Have you been waiting all day for me?” He huffs softly, a small laugh follows, “What a good audience you are…” His breathy tone sends shivers down her spine.
Zesstra kept her eyes on the screen as his hands come up to the desk he stands behind. She notices the black leather gloves with red piping along the edges that cover his hands.
“You know I can't stand to be away from you.”, his voice drips, seductively. “I bet you think of me while you do the most boring things.”
Zesstra can't help keeping her eyes locked on his hands, she tries not to, but her mind starts to imagine The Lawyer’s hands there instead.
“Do you get excited when you see time passing by as I get closer to coming back to you?”
His right hand comes up to the top of his shirt, slowly undoing a couple of buttons. A breathy sigh followed his hand as it lowered itself down his torso. Zesstra bites her lip in anticipation, taking another slow sip from her wine.
Her eyes follow his hand as it comes to a stop at the waistline of his pants. The heat rises to her cheeks when she sees the outline of his cock as the gloved hand cups it.
A strained groan escapes his lips, she can already feel the effects of his seduction working on her body. Her cheeks are heating up just by watching these slow teases.
Zesstra swallows more wine, watching as he opens his shirt more. The pale skin of his core seemed to shine in what appears to be candlelight. The soft yellows of the light bathe his body, the shadows cast highlight the muscles that are slowly exposed.
“Ah ah aaahh” he teases, “if you want more…you know what to do, darlings.”
Zesstra smirks mischievously, the money she earned tonight would be put to great use right now. She types a quick message and before she could type it she hears the ping of a donation from someone called goldengalhal.
goldengalhal sent 20$ “Starting off right, love. There's more where that came from 😘”
Zesstra rolls her eyes and sends her 25$ donation, 5 more than whomever that is. Back on the screen she sees her name and message pop up.
TestyZesty sent 25$ “couldn't wait to come home, looks like I got here just in time…”
He laughs and begins to slide one of the gloves off near the microphone. The soft scratching sound of the fabric rubbing against his pale hand sent more shivers through Zesstra’s skin.
As the glove comes completely off his hand, he taps on the mic, Zesstra sighs contentedly and licks the wine off her lip. She notices his fingers, and does a double take. They look familiar? She pours the last bit of this bottle into her glass and leans back to watch more before jumping to conclusions.
“Looks like we have someone who came by at the right time…little TestyZesty…my dear, what are you so testy about? Anything I can help with?” His lips curl into a little smirk, “I hear I give wonderful stress relief…”
Zesstra shoots up on her bed, her wine swivels in the glass and almost spills due to her abrupt reaction. “No fuckin’ way.” her jaw drops and she begins to type her response. Suddenly, another donation pings, this time from a SeraQueen.
SeraQueen sent 50$ “I had a bad day at work, can I get a little love too 🥺”
“Of course, dear. Hope your day can improve now that you're here, my Queen.” he responds with all the sweet words they all love.
Zesstra scoffs, “Biiiiitttttch, please.” she giggles and sends her message. As soon as it pops up on screen, she hears his melodic voice begin to read it.
“Work, irl shit. Life sucks, then you die. You make it better though.” she sees a small smirk on his lips, Gods, she would kill to suck on those lips. “Oh, don't be so nice to me, Zesty…you make me want to be nice back..” He draws out the last bit of that sentence, making the hairs on her arms stand on end.
The second hand comes up and begins the same languid dance of slipping the matching glove off. Bit by bit he takes the glove off each finger, a soft moan flows out of those pretty pink lips when he finally releases his hand from the offending accessory.
He strokes the microphone with his fingers as more soft, breathy moans leave his lips. “You're all so eager to get me exposed aren't you? All these adorable messages just for me?”
“You have no idea…” Zesstra grabs the second bottle of wine that sat on her nightstand, she unscrews the top and drinks straight from the bottle. More images of her Lawyer pop into her head, but her mind decides to think of the way he ran his hands all over her when she took him into the private rooms at the back of the club a couple of nights ago.
No matter how many times she's been told not to let people touch her, she can't help letting him do it every time they're alone. He was paying for the whole experience, of course, but sometimes she wonders what they would get away with if she were the one paying him.
She snaps out of it the moment she hears another donation ping from an EcoGirl.
EcoGirl sent 150$ “do you like to garden? Because I have a hedge that needs tending 😏”
“Oh no, little love. I can't mess up these immaculate hands…then how would I be able to make these streams?” He giggles a bit and stands to remove his belt. It's like a little game of back and forth comments and donations from different people.
Among the many she notices a comment from a slutty_songstress “how do I get you to sing for me? bet you make wonderful sounds 👀”. He apparently noticed that one as well, he reads it out and huffs into the microphone.
“I don't usually do private performances…most of the time I’m the one getting the dance done for me…” A skewed smirk grows on his face, as if he's trying to play coy.
Zesstra’s mind begins to fire off with unhinged horny thoughts. She would do anything to give this man a dance he would never forget. People do love her aloof drow attitude, who’s to say he wouldn't?
Before she could stop herself, she drops another donation.
TestyZesty sent 100$ “what kind of dancing? Are you going to the ballet or stopping by the Cabaret? maybe I'll see you there? 😘”
Another cheeky comment, sure to get his attention. He laughs again, and bites his lip. “Well, I do enjoy both, but I do hold a special place in my heart for the girls at the Fae…have a few in mind actually.”
Within seconds the chat is flooded with questions on who the girls could be. Zesstra sees a few of her coworker’s names flash up on the screen, most notably, Penelope, the pink tiefling with a huge fan base, and Nym the other drow girl who worked part time at the strip club.
Some even mentioned Nym’s brother Sorm, but he had given up the cabaret after finding himself a job as a model after one of his regulars hit it big during Faerun Fashion Week.
Penelope and Nym are Zesstra’s friends and friendly competition. Most nights where the three of them work, they'll place bets on which one of them will get hit on first (Penelope), which one will get a four figure tip (Nym), and who can get the client the most drunk within 30 minutes (Zesstra).
She giggles as the comments keep flying, eventually, one commenter names her!
“Have you seen Zesstra?? She's kind of a bitch but total dommy mommy energy 🥵”
Zesstra cackles like a banshee, “That's right, babes, fear me!” She takes a long drink from the bottle, amused that someone out there thought of her.
Back on stream, the delightful treat in front of her sucks his lip and releases it with a pop, “Darlings, I will never kiss and tell, but I do know one of my little friends is here right now.”
Zesstra sputters into her wine glass, she cannot believe what she just heard! Is he trying to imply that he's a possible client of the Fae??? There's no way, he's probably talking about the ballet that her cousin Octavia is a part of. But then again, how many of those girls sit in their room after a performance and flick their bean to this shit?
She chuckles the thought out of her head, and focuses her attention on the screen. She starts to type a message when a donation pops up.
goldengalhal sent 200$ “I do ballet, maybe you’ve seen one of our performances? I'm the prima ballerina at the Gate’s Performance Hall.”
“Good for you, goldengal. I do appreciate the arts, and I do love dressing up for the occasion, but….there's just something about the girls at the Fae that gets me going…”
Zesstra’s brain short-circuits. “OH MY FUCKING GODS.” Could he be one of her regulars????
Another donation. EcoGirl sent 50$ “CAN WE GET BACK TO THE MATTERS AT HAND?? our boyfriend is still wearing a shirt. 👀”
Zesstra laughs and sends her donation, TestyZesty sent 69$ “i agree with EcoGirl, can we get back to these pressing matters? In particular, the rest of those buttons 😏” An amused chuckle comes out of his lips, he stands and Zesstra could see him lean in closer to the microphone.
His hand slides down his chest, following along the line of buttons at the front of his shirt. The almost hushed sounds flowed from his lips. A strained groan here and a breathy moan there. Zesstra’s skin prickles under his teases.
His hands linger on the buttons that hold his shirt closed, one by one he begins to slide his fingers over the closures, his pale skin becoming more visible by the second. More soft whines and moans fill Zesstra’s ears, the vibrations pooling down in her core.
He leans over and speaks directly into the camera “I hope you all are pleased with yourselves, I don't usually let you all have this much power over me, but I figured with it being Lover’s Night, I would give my little pets a treat.”
He blows a kiss to the camera and begins running his hand down his neck, slowly trailing his hand down his now exposed chest. A low groan, almost a growly noise flutters out of his throat as he pulls the rest of his shirt open. The red silky looking fabric hung off his shoulders as his hand lingered on his waistband.
“Shall I keep going, lovelies? What do you think?”
The messages fly on the left hand side of Zesstra’s laptop screen. One after the other they compete for his attention until another high donation drops.
Slutty_songstress sent 200$ “off with the shirt, please (respectfully)”
“Well, my songstress, since you asked so politely…” The last word is drawn out, he lets his shirt drop from his shoulders, his hand throws it off and palms his cock again. He sucks his lip into his mouth, Zesstra could see what looked like a fang pop out the right side.
More breathy moans fill her ears as she begins to remember earlier in her night, when her bright spot waltzed into the club. She watched as the Lawyer walked up to the bar, he leaned on the counter and began to text furiously. Zesstra didn't usually feel so flustered because of a client, but the way he looked at her was not usual of the other patrons.
When she walked up to him he looked straight at her eyes and smiled. “Hello, beautiful.” She smiles back and leans over the bar, letting her shoulders drop, pressing her upper arms together to puff out her chest. The little game of playing it cool failed under his gaze.
They talk for a while before she hears her name being called, at the same time he checks his watch and notices the time. “I’m late to a very important meeting. Looks like we have to part ways, gorgeous. Maybe next time, we can have some time together? Perhaps away from these prying eyes?”
Zesstra could never properly hear him, no thanks to the loud ass music Alfira played behind the DJ booth, but she was pretty good at reading lips by now.
He slips her a note and winks as she bends down seductively to shove the little scrap of paper inside her platform boot. The moment ruined by Nym, who comes to pull her up on stage. Soon after she finishes her set, she pulls the little note out and reads it.
Zesstra’s jaw drops and sees that it's a business card for one of the most elite law firms in Faerun. It was a plain white card with his name, Astarion, and number written on it. On the back there was a note that read “I helped you once before, don't hesitate to ask again.”
She had given him her landlord’s number when they were trying to pull some shady shit and not fix her leaky shower. One call from “her lawyer” and it was done.
Seems like this was her chance, and given the amount of alcohol she's drunk so far, Zesstra decides to text the number.
“Hey, Astarion. It's Zesstra. Pretty bold of you to give me a business card.” She hits send and throws her phone on the nightstand. She'll check it later, he was probably busy at that meeting he mentioned.
Back in her room, she snaps back to reality yet again when she hears the sound of hundreds of messages scrolling past. Apparently in the time that she was in her daydream, her streamer had already undone his pants! She scoffs and types out a message.
TestyZesty sent 123$ “Holy shit, I looked away for five seconds and you sluts got his pants open??”
Zesstra hears the sultry voice reading her message out loud with a little wince at the end, “I guess if you were paying attention, you wouldn't be surprised.”
Her throat feels dry, she clenches and swallows. “You're all so sweet, letting me ramble like this…I wish I could see your face when you let me do whatever I want to you.”
Zesstra was already extremely turned on from seeing her crush earlier and the way she could feel his eyes studying her reactions.
“Touch yourself. I know you want to.”
As if she was being compelled to, her hand begins to trail down her center, slipping into her tiny shorts. She feels her wetness coating her fingers, her body opening up under his commands.
“Be good for me, I could be really good for you…” he slips his pants down, and she hears them hit the ground. His hand moves up to his waist, pulling at the fabric of his skin tight boxers, his cock very clearly hardened by this point.
“Oh fuck…” she slips her shorts completely off, spreading her legs on both sides of the laptop sitting on her bed. Her left hand goes back to work herself open while the right is tugging her bra up to play with her nipple.
“Give me what I want and I'll give you what you want, darlings.”
Another flood of donations and messages ring out, Zesstra wishes they would all just shut up and enjoy the show, but it's all part of the game.
EcoGirl sent 100$ “pleeease, I need to see this man cuuuuummmmmmm 🥵”
“As you wish, dear. Any particular way? Or is it the dealer's choice?” his voice drops as a sharp exhale escapes with a pout, his muscles tense and release as he runs his hand over his cock.
“Tell me how you want me to.” a sigh, and a moan, “I really wanna come for you all, you've been so good to me tonight..”
Two donations come in at the same time, each opposes the other.
SeraQueen sent 350$ “love the teasing, keep going, we love anything you give us”
goldengalhal sent 420$ “fuck your hand. Let us see your cock leak.”
“Ooh, the war begins…So direct, goldengal, and sooo generous…thank you, love. I do like what SeraQueen adds though, maybe I can give both of my generous beauties a compromise?’
He runs his left hand down the front of his boxers more, his breath hitches and stutters. His fingers teasing the length of his cock. He pulls the camera and the microphone down a bit and flops into the chair behind him.
TestyZesty sent 422$ “you look comfy, just how I imagined when I think of riding you when I touch myself.”
Zesstra had to take her hand off her tit to type that, but she could tell it had an effect on him. As a stripper, she could pretty much tell when any of the patrons got too excited by the dance. This guy clearly loved the attention he got doing these streams in more ways than one.
He begins to pull his boxers down, teasing them all with how slowly he was inching the fabric off. As soon as his cock is freed, it bounces back, bobbing with a twitch. “Is this what you think about, Zesty?”
TestyZesty sent 100$ “ fuck yes. I want to milk you, you drive me crazy.”
A pleased hum that turns into a moan follows as he runs his hands up his thighs, digging his nails into his skin. Zesstra can see the red scratch marks grow bright against his pale skin. Gods, she would love to bite down and see how pretty he would look bruised with little love bites all over.
He wraps one hand around his cock, the other continues to work his way up his toned chest, tweaking a nipple as he begins to lazily stroke his cock.
TestyZesty sent 100$ “get yourself nice and hard, I wanna have a good image of you underneath me.”
“Let me give you a better image then, darling Zesty…”
Zesstra is rewarded with a louder moan, he strokes himself a little more, grabbing a bottle off camera with his other hand. He flips the top and drizzles what looks like lube all over his cock.
EcoGirl sent 50$ “yesyesyesyes get it nice and slick, daddy. I would suck you all day if you let me.”
SeraQueen sent 240$ “you have the prettiest cock, so thick too”
“Oh EcoGirl, you like it when daddy fucks his hand? Would you like it to be your cunt instead? Maybe you and Sera can share?”
Zesstra clenches around nothing, she can't take it anymore and reaches down to fully indulge in herself. She begins to circle her clit, stroking slowly, trying to imitate the movements of his hand on screen.
His hand now coated in a combination of lube and precum slides up and down his hardened length, the muscles on his thighs flex and he lets out more breathy moans. “Let's see who can get me to come all over their beautiful tits, I do love it when they're covered with my come, bouncing in my face.”
Zesstra strokes down her pussy, her slick entrance is so desperate to be filled by him, to be the only one bringing him pleasure. She lets herself wander to the place in her mind where Astarion is the one making her mewl underneath him.
goldengalhal sent 300$ “faster, I love it when you can tell how desperate you are to come.”
He huffs and does as he's told, his hands find their places on his cock and on his balls, both working in tandem to ruin him for the audience. With one hand he strokes himself more, building up speed. His other cups his balls as his fingers spread, moving down towards his frenulum. He arches his back, thrusting into his hand more desperately.
Zesstra wants him to cry out for her like this, she wants to be the one to make him feel as good as he does for her, all she can bare to think of is his cock sliding inside her, splitting her open and taking what he wanted.
Waves of pleasure crash into Zesstra as she watches him stroking his cock faster, she can see how everyone's words affect him. The way his chest stutters as he's getting closer to his own high. His hips thrust up into his soaked hand, seeking release, his breaths growing more ragged and strained.
Zesstra's fingering herself in time with his thrusts, she lets the images of Astarion flood back into her head, his hands all over her as she grinds herself onto him during her dances. She rubs the heel of her palm into her clit faster as she feels herself getting closer, the moans and breaths in her ears pushing her closer to the edge.
“That's right, come for me…let me fill you with my come, get you nice and full for me. Have my seed drip down your legs as you go about your day…” a stutter followed by a strained groan “fuck yourself faster, I want to feel you come for me.”
Zesstra feels herself winding up more, the tension ready to snap at any moment, when she hears his moans grow louder and more primal. He's desperate to come and she would do anything to get that to happen. She keeps her eyes locked into his hands.
With her free hand she sends the last donation she thinks she can type before the lust fully takes her.
TestyZesty sent 69$ “come for me, gorgeous. Let me see you come and coat your beautiful skin.”
“Yes darling… gods, I'm so close… are you gonna come too, Zesty? Come with me, sweet girl.”
As if on command, Zesstra can feel herself crossing over the precipice, her body writhes and clenches as her cunt squeezes down on her fingers. She rides her orgasm out as she hears him panting and whining.
“Yes yes fuck you're so tight and wet, I can't take it anymore, fuuuuck…” he twists his hand on the rise of his hand, giving the head a bit of a squeeze. He thrusts into his hand with little shallow movements, his fingers from his other hand grip on his balls as he fucks his hand.
His body is clenching, tensing up more and more as he pushes himself over the edge, his cock twitches as he comes. The thick liquid coats his hand as it drips down. His body shudders as he keeps fucking his hand through his climax.
His moans stutter and his hips tremble. His waist and stomach are coated with his come, an obscene display for such a composed subject.
“Looks like I gotta clean up here, darlings.” he pants with a small laugh, his breath shallow and chest heaving. “For my little messenger, I hope you liked it. Expect a response from me soon, pet. Good night, loves.”
The stream ends, Zesstra thinks that little sign off was strange, but everyone has their thing. As she's coming down from one of the best orgasms she's had, she hears her phone ring and notices that Astarion has actually texted back! His meeting must've just ended, perfect timing.
When she opens the message, she nearly dropped her phone from the whiplash from throwing her head back. As plain as her own red eyes could see, was a short text. “You were pretty bold tonight, yourself, testyzesty…” Zesstra gasps, her eyes are as wide as dinner plates. “OH MY FUCKING GODS?!?!”
She immediately feels her hands trembling wildly. All she could think about was him, and it turns out that it was. Zesstra’s brain immediately blanks out when her phone rings again. “Did you mean what you said? Do you really want me like that?”
She quickly types a response and sent it back “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Come now, dear. Don't play coy.” his response reads, “Pretty easy to figure out it was you, not many girls mention seeing me at the Cabaret. Thought you were trying to drop a hint? Figured you recognized my voice from earlier?
Zesstra didn't even think about it, the club is so fucking loud, her mind races at the fact that now she knows that he definitely got off to her watching him. “Did you always know?”
“No.” he replies.
“So then…you meant to give me your phone number tonight?”
“Yes. Let's just say, you intrigued me. Besides, you're not the only one who has a public and private life. I was hoping to let you in on my little secret eventually, but it seems life had other plans for us.”
Zesstra cannot believe what's going on right now, her mind is racing through the hundreds of times he's come through the club. The sudden departures and strange late night meetings, it all makes sense now. There were never any meetings…well, not with other lawyers at least.
“So….what happens now? I know who you are, you know who I am…do we keep going down this path or do we split ways?”
“I think you're a rather curious little kitten, why don't we see how far down the rabbit hole we can go? I'll send you my address. Let me know what you decide on.”
Zesstra bolts out of bed, she puts on the skimpy dress that hangs on the bathroom door. She slips it on and gathers some things before running to the door. As she makes her way down the stairwell of her building, she gets his address. She bites her lip and replies “I’m on my way, see you soon.”
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hughesurdaddy43 · 4 months
hello lovely🫶🏼 if ur requests are open and whenever you have time could you write something absolutely gut wrenchingly heartbreaking that ends with some fluff w Q and somehow add in the brothers being involved too? Like they are on your side or whatever! Just in an angst mood😮‍💨
This sucksssssss, I had this whole thing planned out and then forgot about it butttttttt ngl i kind of love it, it's just not as heart breaking as I wanted it. also i was gonna make quinn and jacl fight over her bc we love that but we also love soft boy jack whos just worried.
tw?// attempt to d&d??
also trevor zegras scares me
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Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you watched Quinn on the other side of the fire, slow dancing with another girl.
You knew coming to this bonfire would be a bad idea, your friends were his friends first. Of course he'd be here.
Jack, in the chair right beside you leans over. "Don't even pay attention to him, Ash. He's a dick for bringing another girl, he knew you were coming." Your heart crumbles, he knew you were coming and still brought another girl.
"It's barely been two months, how could he have moved on that fast?" Luke, from the other side of you chuckles, causing both you and Jack to look over at him. "You think he's moved on? She's definitely a rebound, Ash. I mean, look at her."
You bring the drink in your hand up to your lips, taking another sip as you look back at Quinn. You've been watching him all night, hoping he'd come up to you. "Why is it so easy for him?" You mumble to yourself. Since your breakup, you've been a wreck. Life without Quinn wasn’t something you were used to, something you hated.
"I think I should go." Your legs feel like jello when you stand up and it takes you a moment to balance yourself.
Jack stands up beside you, grabbing your arm. "You can't drive Ash, you’re drunk." He tries to grab your keys from your hand but you pull away.
"I'm fine, Jack. I can't be here."
You start to walk to your car that's parked amongst all the other vehicles that have piled in over the last couple of hours. Your head is spinning and your thoughts are all over the place. Luke and Jack are calling your name from behind you, and a lot of heads are turning your way, but there's one thing only that's on your mind. Get away from Quinn, as far as possible.
When you reach your car and get the door open, Jack slams it shut. "I'm not letting you drive, Ash. You're drunk, and I can't drive you because I'm drunk. Just give it a few hours, will you?"
The tears that we're threatening to spill from your eyes finally fall.
"Listen, I know he's being a piece of shit right now, but it's not worth risking your life over."
"I already risked my life for him, Jack! I moved countries for him, and I quit my job, I left my friends. I left everything I knew and loved! And for what? For him to break my heart?"
Your back slides against the side of your car as you let your body fall to the ground. Sober you would be completely embarrassed with how you're acting, but with all the alcohol in your system you don't really care. Your face is buried into your hands as you cry your heart out, until you hear a voice. His voice.
"Ash? What's going on"
Quinn walks towards you with worry filled eyes, and he kneels down until the two of you are face to face. "Baby, what's wrong?" And with the use of the pet name that you had been so used to hearing, your heart aches.
"I want to go home." You cry out.
Quinn doesn’t hesitate, standing up and pulling you with him. He starts leading you to the passenger side of the car.
The car ride is quiet. The road ahead of you is long and dark, and you can't remember the last time you've seen another car.
Quinn starts messing with the radio, but club mixes and jazz aren't his vibe for tonight, so he settles with nothing.
"We weren’t supposed to end up like this." You mumble, mostly to yourself but it's loud enough for him to hear.
Quinn laughs, running his hand through his hair. "I didn’t have much of a choice, Ash."
You look at him, trying to decipher whether or not he's kidding. It's clear he isn’t.
"I'm not drunk enough for you to gaslight me into thinking I'm the reason we broke up."
"You’re kidding me, right? Ash, you're the one who left!"
Now it's your turn to laugh. "I didn’t just leave, Quinn. You pushed me away."
The car comes to a stop, the smell of burnt rubber fills your nose.
"I pushed you away? You left! I watched you leave! You took your fucking house key off the chain and dropped it on the table, and then you left!"
You feel like a small child with how Quinn is yelling in your face. You can't remember a time where he's ever been so angry with you.
In one swift move, you open the car door and get out. "I'm walking home!"
Quinn rolls the window down and begins shouting for you, but you’re already quite a distance away. He follows right beside you, begging for you to get back into the car.
"Baby, please get in the car."
You slow down, whipping your head to face him "Don’t you dare! Don't call me that."
At this point, Quinn puts the car in park and walks over to grab you.
You pull your arm out of his grasp and try to walk away, but he doesn’t let you.
"Stop being so stubborn, Ash! Just get in the damn car!."
With your back towards him, you let your shoulders drop. You can't fight back with out the fear of crying again, and you’re so tired of crying over him.
"Why didn’t you tell me that you love me?"
You finally ask the million dollar question and it takes both of you by surprise.
Quinn sighs, and even though you aren’t looking at him, you know that he's running his hand through his hair. His signature move that you know all too well.
"You didn’t give me time to think." He says, and you scoff. " You shouldn’t have needed time, Quinn. When you know, you know."
You can hear his footsteps approaching you until he's pressed up against your back.
"No, I didn’t need to know if I loved you or not. Fuck.
I just, I couldn’t just say 'I love you' back. You deserved more than that, and I just, God. I'm speechless here, Ash. Of course I loved you, I still love you. You think you're worth only three words? I think you’re worth everything and more. You wanted me to tell you that I love you yet you didn’t even give me a chance!"
Once again, you’re crying. Quinn takes this as his chance to come around you and pull you into a hug.
"I love you, okay? And I don't want to fight anymore so will you please get in the car?"
You look up at Quinn, nodding your head, ready to forget about tonight.
Quinn gently raises his hand up to your face, wiping away your stray tears.
"I love you Quinn, so much. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, baby. Lets get you home."
Quinn walks you back to your car, haphazardly parked on the side of the road. Once the two of you are in the car, Quinn in the driver seat, you in the passenger, he reaches his right hand across the center console and grabs your hand that's resting on your thigh.
You look over at him. His left hand is on the steering wheel and his eyes are focused on the road.
"Will you stay over? I don't think I can go another night without you."
Quinns eyes dart to you before settling back on the road, he brings your hand up to his lips and leaves a kiss.
"I'm all yours, baby."
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pink-amethyst-tarot · 5 months
What to expect in love in 2024
take a deep breath, chose one of the images (or more than one, if you feel called), and go to your pile
You know what is best for you, only you can truly decide your future
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P I L E 1 ~ P I L E 2 ~ P I L E 3
Pile 1
Death, Nine of Wands, Queen of Pentacles (Reversed), The Hanged One, Page of Wands
Bottom of the Deck: Seven of Cups
There is a relationship that you have been in that has caused you a lot of distress for a very long time (for some, it may have been years), but I am seeing that relationship coming to an end. I think that it may be because of someone's infidelity and not feeling like you are yourself when in this relationship. I kind of feel myself letting out a sigh of relief. I've been there, I was at a point where, I had already mentally and emotionally checked out of the relationship, so when it was over and I finally got away, I just felt relieved. It's like you have felt trapped with this person for so long, feeling trapped, but now you are on a journey to a new life, with bigger and better things for you. You have a so many opportunities now that this relationship is over. This is your year to find who you are again and get to know yourself. I'm rooting for you, and I think it's going to be such a healing year for you.
If you would like to know more about your own personal situation, you can see this post on how to book a reading with me.
If you feel called to tip, you can on c@sh@pp at $oddlycozycottage or on p@yp@l at @oddlycozycottage
Pile 2
Six of Swords, Eight of Cups, The Emperor, The Hanged One, Page of Wands
Bottom of The Deck: Two of Cups
I wrote a song that I love very much because I know it's a song that I wrote for my soulmate (I haven't met them yet but hopefully soon). "I walked a long road, not knowing it lead to you". That's the line of my song that comes to mind when I look at your cards. You both have done so much to become better for yourselves and for each other, whether that was a conscious effort or not. You have had to leave so many things and people behind and you have your heart broken over and over again. In the coming year, you are going to meet your person and all of that will have been worth it. When you meet your person, you will see that everything that you have been through, every lesson that you have had to learn, was for a reason and you will see that it was all worth it. This person is mature and understanding so you don't have to worry about them not seeing you; not understanding you. This person gets you more than you can comprehend. You will let go of your old ideas of what love is and what love can be when it comes to yourself. This person wants to make long-term plans with you. They want to write letters to you and spend hours talking to you on the phone. This person can't wait to fall in love with you. Please know that this person wants to marry you and after like the third date, they will have the ring picked out! I hope that doesn't scare you. I'm just so sure that it's you. It couldn't be anyone else because no one else could be this perfect.
Channeled Song: my song isn't uploaded anywhere so I can't post it but another song I can add is Dear Soulmate by Laufey
Dear, Soulmate, do you think of me cause I do // Do you have blue eyes? Or are they brown like mine? // Do you have a sister, too? // Dear Soulmate, one day I'll give this song to you // Dear Soulmate, I can't wait to fall in love with you //
If you would like to know more about your own personal situation, you can see this post on how to book a reading with me.
If you feel called to tip, you can on c@sh@pp at $oddlycozycottage or on p@yp@l at @oddlycozycottage
Pile 3
Queen of Wands, Nine of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, Seven of Wands, Six of Pentacles
Bottom of the Deck: Two of Pentacles
I'm getting that you are so happy being single and independent! You do well on your own and you like what you have accomplished since you have been single. You're worried that if you get into something serious, you will fall out of balance in your life. I think that may come from a past relationship that was not fulfilling to you and that person may have weighed you down in a lot of ways. There is someone who is coming in (and they are coming in fast, might I say) and they aren't what you are afraid of. They will actually help you maintain that balance that you've cultivated in your life as they mold your life with theirs. You're being called to not fight this or to push this person away. This person is very giving and they just want to give you all of their love.
Channeled Song: Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac
time cast its spell on you // but you won't forget me // I know I could have love you // but you would not let me// I'll follow you down to the sound of my voice will haunts you // you'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you//
I feel like this song is an omen, pretty much saying to not mess this up. Don't be such a guarded person that you keep the good ones out, too.
If you would like to know more about your own personal situation, you can see this post on how to book a reading with me.
If you feel called to tip, you can on c@sh@pp at $oddlycozycottage or on p@yp@l at @oddlycozycottage
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THESE READINGS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. no guarantees are implied. These readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
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padfootagain · 5 months
Home for Christmas
Hi everyone! Here is a cute fic for Christmas! I hope all of you who celebrate have a great time <3
Hope you like this silly little fic! Tell me what you think of it!
Pairing: Hozier x reader
Warnings: none! It’s just cute fluff!!
Summary: Andrew is touring at the moment, and his busy schedule will keep him away for the Christmas season. Or at least, that’s what you thought would happen. That was without counting on how much he missed you.
Word Count: 2390
Hozier's Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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24 December.
It’s midday and it’s raining. Against the window panes, the rain falls in a patted rhythm, adding to the soft voice of Ella Fitzgerald, a warmth that lulls you into a gentle sway. Around you, dispersed across the carpet, are a set of gifts, wrapping paper, some tape and glitter. You’re wrapping up presents for Christmas, ready to be delivered on Christmas morning throughout your relatives and friends. It makes for a rather tall pile, as you look at all the work you have left. You’re about half-way through, so you gather your courage in a sigh and get back to work, grabbing a box and some paper and trying your best at turning the whole thing into what vaguely resembles a gift.
On your left, you have set the presents that are already wrapped in red and golden paper. Three of these are for Andrew, and you’re quite proud of what you’ve found for him this year. Your gaze lingers on the items, the ghost of a smile lingering on your lips as you think of him… but you end up looking away in a hurry.
He won’t be home for Christmas this year. His touring schedule won’t allow it. If he’s in Europe, he’s currently trying to catch a few hours of sleep in a hotel room in Vienna.
You’ve thought about joining him on tour for a few days, but you wanted to see your family at Christmas. Besides, the look your mother gave you when you mentioned the idea was enough to make you abandon the thought altogether. She looked too sad for you to go ahead with it. You guessed you would simply have to miss your boyfriend this year.
You aren’t angry or bitter about it, though. It comes with dating a musician. There are moments when he isn’t around, and that’s alright. He makes up for it when he comes home, or when you can join him for a few days. Still, as you glance over at his gifts, knowing that they will remain unopened until mid-January, you can’t help the tug at your heart that thought brings.
You grab your phone as an act of revenge, snapping a pic of the three gifts, and sending them to Andrew.
Your gifts are ready! And as I’m an awful girlfriend, you won’t get any clue to guess what they are until you open them in a month!
You add a few emojis to tease him some more, and wait for the phone to buzz while you go back to work. You’ve got glitter on your fingers, it’s all over the beige carpet too. You don’t mind so much, though.
Your Christmas tree is glimmering on the right side of the room, you’ve turned its lights on to get into a festive mood. You have a cocoa on the coffee table, and a bag of marshmallows as a snack. But despite the music, you can’t help but notice how silent the house is.
No humming, no guitar, no voice lost in conversation with you about the most random topic. No padding steps going back and forth across the living room, no curses after hitting the angle of a table, no clutter made in the kitchen to make something as simple as tea. There’s nothing but Ella’s singing, the rain, and the sharp sound of your scissors cutting the wrapping paper, the quick tug at tapes…
Your phone buzzes, and you drop everything to reach for it. A laughing emoji appears under the name Andy, followed by a short text.
How mean! An awful girlfriend indeed.
A pause, some little dots appearing as he writes another message.
I’m worse though.
You shake your head as you type.
Nah! You’re all good. It will only take some extra chocolate to make me forgive you, that’s all. The worst is being abandoned for gift-wrapping. I’m terrible at it.
You’re too focused on the screen to notice any sound coming from outside, like a car-door closing.
I don’t have chocolate. Opted for flowers instead. Hope that works too.
You giggle at that, failing to hear footsteps before your door.
You still have a month to get the right thing.
You jump as you hear keys unlocking the front door. Frowning, you finally stand. Andrew’s parents have a set of keys, just in case, but they’ve never used them. And why would they when you’re here?
You’ve barely reached the hallway that the door opens… on a very tall figure you recognise in an instant. You gasp at the sight, hands flying up to your mouth.
Andrew, on his part, is grinning like an idiot, soaked despite the small distance he had to cross from the cab to the front door. The rain is still heavy, falling on the bouquet of flowers he’s carrying.
He barely has time to step in, throw a travel bag across the hall, and find shelter in your home that you’re jumping into his arms, and he laughs as he catches you with ease. He hasn’t closed the door yet, the air is cold as it sips into the hallway, but you pay no attention to it. You don’t care either about the fact that your clothes are getting wet against his drenched coat, that your fingers run through wet locks as you pull him closer, that his face is cold as you kiss, at long last, for what seems like forever. But then again, you’ve been waiting to see him for weeks, months even… you can’t be blamed for being eager to catch up on lost time.
“Hey,” he breathes as you finally pull away, although he keeps you in his arms.
Rubbing his nose against yours, your eyes are still closed. His voice is a bit deeper than usual in this whispered tone, and it makes shivers travel up your spine, makes your heart melt in a puddle.
“Hi,” you grin against his lips, stealing pecks there. “What are you doing here?!”
“You didn’t think I would really miss Christmas, did you?”
“But your shows…”
“I have nothing until the 26th. I’m not staying here long, just a couple of days. But I’m home for Christmas, at least.”
You hug him as close as you can, still too much in shock to truly believe that he is here, that this is happening, that he truly is home…
“I thought you couldn’t travel back here, that the flights didn’t fit the schedule.”
“I haven’t slept in 27 hours, but aside from that, it all went well,” he laughed, but you frowned at his statement.
“You couldn’t sleep on the plane?”
He blushes a little, averts his eyes for a second, before looking at you again.
“No, no…” he shakes his head, sounding a little embarrassed but smiling all the same. “I just… I was too excited to see you. Couldn’t fall asleep.”
You coo at him, making him wince as he finally puts you down.
“Oh, don’t start…” he warns you, but you love teasing him too much for that.
“You wanted to see me too much! You’re so cute!”
“I did fly all the way across Europe to see you, remember?”
“That’s what I’m saying. You’re hooked, buddy!”
You both laugh at that, but his smile grows tender as he reaches to brush his thumb across your cheek.
“Don’t I know that already…” he states, and again, the warm feeling spreads across your entire form, a perfect balance of happiness, fondness, and love.
He finally hands you the bouquet, and you breathe in the perfect scent: sweet and addictive, making you dizzy for a moment.
“So… no chocolate,” you tease, and Andrew struggles not to laugh, his smile tugging at his lips.
“No, I’m afraid not. The flowers will have to do.”
You hum, as if pondering.
“You’re lucky they’re so pretty,” you add, and he breaks into a cheeky grin.
“Not as pretty as you, though.”
You laugh, walking to the kitchen to give your flowers a vase and some water.
“Lousy line!”
“It was a masterpiece, are you kidding? That timing! Delivery!”
“And he pretends he’s a poet…”
You both laugh, Andrew has followed you after leaving his coat, scarf and shoes by the door. He wraps his arms around your waist, unwilling to be parted from you even for a minute, chasing after your warmth like a moth to a flame.
He drops a kiss to the top of your head.
“I pretend to be a musician, not a poet.”
“Considering your lyrics, you are a poet.”
You feel him grinning into your hair.
“Thanks,” he mumbles, and you know he’s blushing without seeing his coloured cheeks.
“Thank you for the flowers, I love them.”
“Next time, I’ll get you chocolate. I promise.”
“I was just joking. You didn’t have to get me anything. I was happy enough to simply have you here.”
You turn in his arms to face him, gently pull on the collar of his green cardigan until his lips meet yours, and that’s the best feeling in the world, really, to be there in his arms, to feel his heart against your palm…
But as you look up at him again, you notice the dark traces under his eyes, the heaviness in his eyelids. He looks exhausted, and if he always does when he’s touring, he seems to be barely being able to stand. For proof, he’s leaning more and more against you as he hugs you tight.
Gently, soothingly, you rub his back, and you don’t fail to notice the sigh he lets out, his body relaxing under your hands.
“We still have a few hours before heading to your parents’ house for the evening. Want to take a nap?”
“Only if you come with me.”
“I have to finish preparing all the gifts…”
“We can do that in the morning. We can even just hand them without any wrapping…”
“No! We’re doing this properly!”
“Tomorrow then.”
You yield easily, nodding.
“Alright. You go and dry your hair while I prepare some hot chocolate, and then we cuddle and take a nap. Deal?”
He grins.
He kisses you again, passionate and overwhelming and leaving you dizzily blinking; before he disappears upstairs to change out of his wet clothes and get dry.
Meanwhile, you’ve prepared some warm beverage for him and go grab your own mug in the living room. You abandon the gifts for now, climb upstairs and under the covers to wait for Andrew.
You’re grinning at the thought of him joining you, and your smile only brightens when he actually does, clumsily hurrying to the bed.
He slips under the covers, on his side of the bed, the one you’ve been staring at for entire nights, feeling the empty space of his absence. He’s barely settled in that you’re already reaching for him. He takes the hand you’re holding out, kissing your knuckles before placing it against his heart.
He takes a few sips of his warm beverage, complimenting your creation before lying down fully with you, tucking you both in, making sure you’re both fully covered by the heavy blankets. You lie there together for a long time, legs tangled to the point that borders between his body and yours disappear, on your sides so you can stare at each other, bathe in the presence of the person you love most in the world, in the warmth of this home you share, this bed that feels empty when you’re not both here.
A few minutes are all that’s needed for the bed to be filled with the warmth of your entwined bodies, and you relax as you shuffle even closer, arms wrapped around his torso. He holds you close, his large palm rubbing circles into your back that make you close your eyes. He rests his forehead against yours, closes his eyes as well.
“God, I’ve missed you so fucking much,” he whispers, his voice quiet and soft in the gentle air of the room, the one disturbed only by your shared breaths, the tapping of the rain, and the occasional movements of your limbs under the covers. “I needed this. Needed to hold you close… you can’t imagine how much I needed this.”
You tighten your hold on him, an attempt to silently tell him that you understand, that you need him too, just as much.
“I’ve missed you too, honey,” you breath, your tone matching his. “So much. I’m so happy you’re home.”
“Only for a couple of days…”
“I don’t care. You’re here, now. That’s all I care about. I might not think the same in a couple of days when I cry my eyes out at the airport but…”
You chuckle together, and he kisses the tip of your nose as a reward.
“Same here,” he mumbles as he buries his head into the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply your scent, the one he tries to get drunk on, to commit to memory so he can reminisce later, once he’s alone again at night in some hotel room.
“Thank you. For coming home to me. Thank you, Andy.”
But he chuckles, shaking his head ever so slightly.
“I did it for myself as much a I’ve done this for you, you know.”
“I bet everyone in the band was tired of you complaining all the time,” you laugh, and he does the same.
“Alex was this close from kicking me out of the bus.”
You double with laughter, and yet keep on holding onto each other just as tightly, unwilling to ever let go again.
“I bet he was!”
He nuzzles into your neck, kisses the skin at the base of your shoulder, making your heart skip beats and your breathing stutter. His beard tickles your skin, and you’re certain you’ve been transported to heaven.
“I love you,” you whisper into his hair, kissing every inch you can reach. You feel his grin against your neck.
“I love you, too. So much, darling.”
You forget to set up an alarm, and when you both fall asleep a few minutes later, you’re too comfortable to wake up. You arrive late at Andrew’s parents’, but they can’t pretend to be mad. They’re too happy to have their son for Christmas, and you feel the same.
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gaiathemexicanbeauty · 6 months
Imagine: Mike is back at his mall security guard job, and reader works at the support desk, but more specifically; is in charge of the lost and found.
1st time was because he found an forgotten phone (or something), and was told to take it to the lost and found, where he first met reader.
Then he starts being extra vigilent when walking around, looking for any item that looks misplaced or lost, no matter how unimportant, just as an excuse to go to the lost and found to talk to reader
(Ive never done this before, so sorry if i did anything wrong!)
lost and found | mike schmidt x reader
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word count: 1.2k
warnings: none! just a nice little fluffy piece about a sad sad man lol <3
to the asker, i hope you know that i saw this in my inbox and literally squealed, i was waiting for someone to drop a mike request
i hope that this is to your liking, i was going back and forth trying to decide how to start this off and coming up with tiny little ideas to add
also this probably goes without saying, but i have never worked at a mall nor interacted with mall staff if i can help it so if anything sounds off, feel free to correct me
to anyone who also writes on tumblr, pls tell me how you avoid using y/n, i tried to work around it as much as possible but some times just called for it
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you hold your polite (albeit strained) smile to the blubbering woman walking away, unsure what to do with yourself as whoever she stands with rubs her back in comfortable circles. another lost wedding ring, gone to the test of time as long as the mall shall live: it's not that you didn't feel bad but after wedding ring #120, you kind of start to get used to the routine of things. lost and found wasn't your first choice when you first started working here but as long as you were getting a paycheck, you weren't going to complain. your side of the mall was rarely visited anyway, giving you the opportunity to do plenty of people watching when you weren't rummaging through piles of lost sweaters and purses.
you let out a quiet sigh once the customers are gone, sitting back in your seat and picking up the book you had once been reading; not like there was anything better to do. fully immersed in your book, you don't even notice the footsteps coming up to the counter. "um, hey." you jolt a bit at the sound of a voice, your gaze snapping from your book to whoever is standing only a few feet away. you have to hold back your reaction when you meet his eyes, tired but trying their best to look interested; it takes you a second to realize this is security and not another customer. "shoot, sorry." you mumble with an awkward smile as you sit up, resting your book in your lap to give the man in front of you your full attention. "how can i help you?" with a thin-lipped smile, he holds up a purse; from the looks of the logo on it, it's obvious this is designer.
you whistle as you take the purse from him, examining it with raised eyebrows. "well, you don't see this everyday. someone should come back for it, thanks." you say, flashing a grin at the security guard as he gives you a much more genuine smile. "no problem. if i had known lost and found got to see stuff like this, i would have put in to work over here instead." he says with a chuckle, folding his hands in front of him as he leans on the counter. "oh, we don't get interesting stuff that often, i promise you." you say with a roll of your eyes, putting the purse behind the counter; anyone in their right mind would come back for this thing. "enlighten me." before you can say something, the security guard outstretches a hand to you with a smile. "i'm mike, by the way. i work security." he says as you shake his hand, raising your eyebrows at him playfully. "(y/n). to give you some insight into how very little happens here, try and guess how many gachapon toys i have behind this counter."
and just like that, you've made a friend; not that you'd admit that mike wasn't sore on the eyes this soon. you just found it easy to talk to him considering you had never seen him around up until this point. after your first meeting, mike would regularly stop by whether he had something lost to leave with you or not: if you were lucky, he would even join you for lunch or walk you out at the end of a shift. little by little, you couldn't help but anticipate his arrival, the same relaxed smile always on his face much unlike the first time he'd approached you.
it's been almost a month by this point, you've had so many lost items deposited to you that after a while, throwing things away or reselling them (specific orders from your boss who was rather shocked at how many items you had in the back room) was required after a certain amount of time: not like anyone came back for them anyway. today was no different than the rest, the sounds of buzzing conversation in the distance from the more crowded areas of the mall. you pop the gum in your mouth as you paint your thumbnail a light-yellow color, scrunching your nose a bit at the smell of the nail polish. you blow softly on it, your eyes glancing up to scan your surroundings. what you see nearly makes you laugh. mike is walking over, seemingly at his normal pace before something catches his attention; whatever it is, you most definitely can't see it. when he stoops down to inspect it, he makes a face that you can only decipher as him being slightly annoyed. he catches you looking at him, an embarrassed smile on his face as he makes the rest of the walk of shame over to you when he realizes he's been caught.
"well, what is it this time? a broken watch? some cap with an unexplainable stain on it?" "what kind of person do you take me for? i'm just a faithful employee trying to do my job." mike says as he extends his arms with a playful smile, making you role your eyes as you abandon your nail polish to look up at the man in front of you. you close your eyes as you hold out your hand to him expectantly, waiting for him to drop something into your palm; after how often he came around, you made it something of a guessing game as to what mike was going to bring out. surprisingly, it's small, definitely plastic from the muted sound it makes when it lands in your hand. "it's a toy." "warm enough. you can open your eyes." you start to say something, opening your eyes and inspecting the item in your hand before you pause.
a small, plastic cat sits on a swing, it's paws holding on to the small chains attached to a brightly colored tab; it's obvious you could hang this off a shelf. your cheeks redden a bit as a sheepish smile grows on your face, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear as your other hand holds it up to inspect it further. you'd never actually stopped at the capsule toy machines yourself, starting your collection only a few weeks after starting your job when they popped up so frequently at the counter. "you like it?" you blink at mike as he smiles fondly at you, one hand propping his chin up; you swear you can see a hint of smugness in his gaze. "it's..yeah. it's cute." you say, unable to help the way you giggle a bit as you hang the toy on the edge of the counter. "good. better hope no one come's looking for it." he chuckles softly, his eyes dropping from yours for a moment as you stare in delight at the newest addition to your collection. "i wouldn't give it to them anyway. not knowing you got it for me." mike's lips part a bit in shock, a scoff of disbelief leaving him despite the smile on his face as you smile up at him knowingly. he tries to defend himself, stuttering to say something before you're called by one of your coworkers. "duty calls." you giggle as you rise from your seat, pretending not to notice the way mike is still trying to recover from being caught as you make your way over to your coworker, a smile tugging at your lips.
SECOND ONE SHOT IN A WEEK HOLY MOLY THIS IS NEW to the asker, i hope you enjoyed this, i tried to add my own little spin to things just to give it that little extra romantic flair lol BUTTT i hope that all of you are having a good rest of your day/night/afternoon and stay safe! :D
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Hey! I have a request. Could you write something where Wanda has been a bit stressed with work, and R had the flu. R doesn't want to add to Wanda's stress, so R hides their sickness. R has to go and do something outside for whatever reason (even though Wanda protests) and when R comes back in, their so delirious and out of it, they tell Wanda they feel sick, even though they don't really know what's going on. Thank you for your time!
Don't You Worry About Me
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〚 Notes  - Hey! Just another lil piece to fill the gap as I work on the AU :) Oh, please lmk what yall think about the new lil colours for the titles and stuff. I think it looks pretty cool! Also my amazing @lyak12 helped me out with the main idea for this too!〛
〚 Pairing- Wanda Maximoff x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - Wanda's been swamped with work lately and the last thing you wanted to was to add to her stress. Even if it means hiding the truth from her. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 3140 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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Wanda had spent the last few days battling a nasty case of the flu. She had been feeling weak and achy and was fighting a fever which just wouldn't break, no matter how hard you tried. But she was finally starting to feel better and had even managed to drag herself into her online work that morning. Unfortunately, she’d quickly realised that she was behind schedule on her reports. For some dumb reason Fury had decided to shorten the deadline and now she was quickly running out of time to complete them all. 
She tried to focus on her work, but her head was still a bit fuzzy from the fever. She kept having to stop and reread things, and it was taking her twice as long as it should have. She could feel her stress levels rising as the clock ticked on and her to-do list seemed to be getting longer rather than shorter. And despite your best efforts to keep her calm, every little thing only seemed to add to the growing pile of stress pressing down on her. That was probably why you hadn't even registered the aching feeling in your bones, you were far too busy.  
But as the day went on, you couldn't ignore the sick feeling that was slowly creeping up on you. Your head was starting to throb, and your throat was beginning to feel scratchy. You tried to push through it, but every time you stood up to grab something, you found yourself feeling dizzy and disoriented.  
Around noon you'd decided to make some tea and that's when you'd first noticed it, the weakness in your arm as you went to lift the kettle. That’s when it really clicked for you that you were getting sick, and you had to stifle an annoyed groan. Of course you’d caught it from her. Just great... But it wasn't exactly like you had the time to dwell on it – if you did you’d only end up alerting Wanda to your condition, which was the last thing you wanted, especially when she was already so stressed with her work, so instead you finished up the tea and came to sit beside Wanda in the living room, attempting to clear a space on the coffee table between the piles of paperwork and files to place her mug down. 
You could see the frustration and exhaustion written all over her face as she loudly tapped on the laptop settled on her knees. It made your heart ache. You knew that she was the type of person who hated falling behind on her work, especially when deadlines were involved. 
Wanda looked up from her laptop and smiled weakly as you placed the mug of tea in front of her. "Thank you," she murmured before turning her attention back to her work. You settled down beside her, trying to ignore the growing ache in your bones. You really didn't want to worry Wanda, especially since she was already stressed enough as it was. "How's your day going?" She asked casually, her voice still a little hoarse from days of coughing. 
You shrugged. "Busy, but nothing I can't handle," You replied, trying to sound optimistic, “Can I do anything else for you though sweetheart?” you offered sweetly as you reached out to gently squeeze her thigh. 
“Is there any way you could help me with these?” She motioned to the stacks of paper littering the coffee table, “I know it wasn’t your mission but I’m so far behind and Fury’s going to have my head chopped off and hung up for public display if I don’t get this all done.” 
You nodded, Fury was known for being strict with deadlines, “Okay baby, do you want me to look over these?” You asked, picking up one of the denser files. 
“That’d be amazing.” Wanda sighed in relief as she leant over to kiss your cheek, “You’re doing me such a huge favour baby.” 
As you both started working on the reports, you could feel your own weakness and fatigue growing with every passing minute, not to mention the constant feeling like your nose was running leading you to sniffle quietly every so often. But you pushed through it, determined to help Wanda get her work done. Much to your annoyance, over the next few hours, your sniffles only increased, and you were frequently having to take breaks to go and discreetly blow your nose in another room. On a normal occasion you would’ve told Wanda the second you began to feel like something was off, but you knew that telling her would only stress her out further and there was no way you wanted to do that. So, you stayed painfully silent about the growing pressure in your sinuses and continued to diligently help Wanda with her work. 
As the day wore on, you could feel the exhaustion starting to take its toll on you. Your body felt heavy, and your mind was starting to feel foggy. You knew you should probably take a break and rest, but you didn't want to let her down so when Wanda suggested taking a break, you instantly jumped on the opportunity. 
By the time the two of you were going to bed, you felt thoroughly exhausted. Even just moving felt like a monumental task and you had to fight to stay awake as you brushed your teeth. By some miracle, you managed to finish getting ready for bed without falling asleep, it was just as you were giving yourself a final look over in the mirror when you felt the annoying itch in your sinuses. 
“Hh'ishu! Ish'chu! HeH’TSHiew!” Despite your best efforts to stay quiet, your last sneeze ended up being on the louder side prompting Wanda to call out a ‘bless you!’ from the bedroom. You waited hesitantly to see whether she’d say anything else, but it seemed her poor mind was too preoccupied with the looming work of tomorrow for her to connect the dots, so you took the opportunity to thoroughly blow your nose before padding back into your bedroom. 
“You tired my love?” Wanda asked, as you sank into the bed, welcoming the warmth of your blankets, “Thanks for helping me out so much today.” 
“A little.” You mumbled – ‘a little’ was a huge understatement, “and you don’t need to thank me darling, I just want you to be able to get all this work done.” 
“You helped a lot. I'm really thankful.” Wanda murmured quietly as she yawned widely before nuzzling against you, “Goodnight baby.” 
“Goodnight Wands.” 
When you woke up the next morning the bed was cold. Painfully cold. You rolled over into the spot where Wanda would usually be led, only to be met with an empty bed. You felt awful, you’d barely opened your eyes when you were struck with a harsh, painful headache nestled deep behind them. Groaning, you tried to sit up, though admittedly it did numerous attempts, and you began slowly massaging temples in a feeble attempt of getting some form of relief. 
Pulling your aching body out of bed seemed almost impossible but you did it anyway, trying to take a deep breath as the room span around you. There was no way you were getting properly dressed today, instead you opted to pull on one of Wanda’s fuzzy cardigans instead before heading over to the bathroom. 
You really should’ve prepared yourself better for the reflection staring back at you in the mirror. You looked awful. Thick purple bags hung beneath your red, tired eyes, only extenuated further by your sickly, white skin. You hadn’t even had the chance to criticise your fever flushed cheeks before your sinuses reared their complaints and sent you bending at the waist with two strong sneezes only to be followed by a harsh bout of thick coughing which left you trembling and breathless. 
After the coughing fit subsided, you stumbled over to the sink and splashed some water on your face. The cool liquid brought a small measure of relief to your pounding head, but it wasn't enough to stop the dizziness from overwhelming you. You leaned heavily against the counter, willing the room to stop spinning. Humouring yourself, you decided to take your own temperature and even that was a huge task, especially when you weren’t able to breathe out of your overly stuffy nose. 
However, you managed to hold your breath long enough for the small device to beep loudly, announcing its verdict. 
“Oh shit...” You mumbled to yourself, looking down at the numbers on the slightly blurry electronic screen. 39.1 - that really wasn’t good, truthfully it wasn’t just the screen that was blurry, everything around you seemed to be muffled by a thick wall of cotton and you only found yourself cursing again when you opened the bathroom cupboard to see an almost-empty bottle of Flu medicine sitting on the shelf. 
Wanda had used the last of it. 
Speaking of. You wished Wanda was here. You needed her more than ever, you craved her comfort and longed for her to tuck you up into bed but no, you were stuck here staring at your pitiful reflection, feeling like death warmed over. Just as you were about to call out for her something stopped you.  
She still had her work to do, calling out for her now would only distract her. Muffling another round of harsh, chesty coughs into your sleeve only made tears well up in your eyes. But you didn't cry. You only sniffled and reminded yourself that you were an Avenger too. You might not have powers, but you had resilience and determination, and you weren't going to let the flu defeat you. You just had to toughen up. How far even was the shop anyway? All you needed to do was go out and by yourself some medicine. That’s all you needed to do. 
Taking a deep breath, you pulled yourself away from the bathroom counter and slowly made your way to the door. The room spun as you tried to focus on the hallway in front of you. Every step felt like a marathon, your body ached and shivered with every move. But you pushed on, driven by the desire to get better and not let this illness get the better of you. 
Ignoring Wanda’s call of ‘goodmorning’ from the kitchen, you reached the front door, opening to only be blinded by the intense light beaming down from the blue sky. It was a beautiful day, the kind of day you would usually spend outside, enjoying the warmth and taking in the sights of the city. But today, all you could think of was getting to the pharmacy and getting back to bed. 
With shaky hands, you stepped outside, continuing to ignore Wanda’s calls of confusion. The cool air hit you instantly, and you shuddered, pulling the cardigan tighter around yourself. The pharmacy was only a few blocks away, but each step felt like an eternity. You could feel your temperature rising, your head pounding, and your breathing becoming more and more laboured. 
You didn’t know how long you were walking for before you decided to turn back, everything was too much, the light, your wheezing exhausted breathing, everything. Hell, you could barely make out your own hand in front of your pale face as the world spun around you. It was a miracle you’d even made it this far without collapsing. 
And so, by the time you’d stumbled back into the safety of your home, all your energy had been thoroughly drained, and you clutched the wall for support, knowing it was the only thing keeping you upright. 
“Sweetie? Where did you go?” Wanda called out as the sound of the door closing echoed through your home, hearing no answer, the witch stood up from the table and slowly padded over to peek round the corner only to frantically rush to your side when she saw you leaning weakly against the wall for support, “Oh my god, Y/N?! Holy shit, you’re on fire, why on earth were you outside? When did you get this sick? Fuck Y/N-” 
Truthfully, you were only hearing about half of the worried words frantically spilling from her, you were too busy on attempting to keep yourself lucid which was proving to be a very difficult task when the room around you wouldn’t stop spinning, “We need’d med’cine.” Your words came out in a jumbled mess as Wanda pulled you into her arms, cradling your trembling body. 
“No, no baby you need to be in bed. Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling sick? When did you even get sick? This can’t be new.” Her anxious tone was impossible to miss as you felt yourself being lifted up into her arms as she carried you in the direction of your bedroom, “Why didn’t I notice this...” 
“Yo’ were busy wit’ work.” Your slurred word were barely decipherable and you soon felt yourself being lowered down onto the familiar softness of your bed; a thick blanket being tucked over your shaking body.   
Wanda’s face was etched with worry as she looked down at you, “No, I should have noticed. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. My work is nowhere near as important as your health is.” She pressed a cool hand to your sweat-soaked forehead, “You’re beyond burning up...” 
Your response was only a mutter of unaudiable words as Wanda quickly rushed out of the room. It felt like she was gone for hours, but in reality, it was only probably a few minutes. But when she returned, she was tightly clutching a small bottle in her hands, “I got this from the neighbours, it isn’t too strong but it’s the only thing we have on hand.” 
“Mm?” you tried sitting up, but a firm hand kept you in place. 
“No baby, lay down. I just need you to drink this, okay?” Wanda’s words soothed you as she poured out a dose of the medicine and held it to your lips, rubbing your back as you sipped it weakly.  
The medicine was bitter and made you scrunch up your face, but you were too weak to protest. Wanda continued to stroke your hair and hum a gentle tune, trying to calm you down as the medicine began to take effect. Gradually, you felt the heat in your body subside a little and your breathing became easier. 
“Poor baby, I'm so sorry that I got caught up in all that work.” She whispered quietly, reaching over to grab some tissues when you began fussing with your running nose. 
She must’ve been physic or something because only seconds later, you felt your nose burn with that pestering itch again and you only had to energy to turn your head away in the opposite direction to her before...  
““Ihsheiueww! Hih...hihhEHHHSHIEW!” 
“Awh my poor baby, bless you.” Wanda sighed, taking another handful of tissues to wipe your face before running her hand through your slightly-damp hair, “This bug’s really doing a number on you, isn’t it?” 
You could only manage a weak nod in response, feeling utterly drained and exhausted. But as Wanda continued to care for you, you couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence. Her gentle touch and soothing words were the only things keeping you grounded in reality. 
As the medicine began to take full effect, you felt your eyes start to droop and your body relax into the mattress. Wanda must have noticed because she leaned down to press a soft kiss to your forehead before whispering, "Get some rest, my love. I'll be right here with you." 
And with those words, you allowed yourself to drift off into a peaceful slumber, feeling safe and comforted in Wanda's loving embrace. 
The next time you opened your eyes, the room was dark, and you could see the faint outline of Wanda sitting in a chair beside you, still keeping a watchful eye. She must have fallen asleep at some point because her head was resting against the back of the chair, her breathing slow and steady. You didn't want to wake her, but your throat was parched, and you needed water. 
You mustered up all your strength to croak out her name, "Wanda?" 
She stirred slightly and opened her eyes, rubbing them to adjust to the dim light. "Hey there, how are you feeling?" she asked softly. 
"Thirsty," you managed to say, your gravelly voice barely above a whisper. 
Wanda immediately stood up and grabbed a glass of water from the bedside table. She helped you sit up and slowly raised the glass to your lips, supporting your head with her other hand. The cool water felt heavenly on your parched throat, and you gulped it down greedily. 
"Thanks," you said, your voice a bit stronger now. 
Wanda smiled, "Anything for you, my love." 
You settled back down into the bed, feeling a bit more comfortable now that you had some water in your system. Wanda pulled the covers up to your chin and tucked you in, her hand lingering on your forehead to check your temperature. 
"You're still warm," she noted. "But your fever has gone down a little, I was seriously debating taking you to hospital earlier y’know.” 
The next few days were a blur of fever dreams and fits of coughing, but Wanda remained by your side throughout it all. She made sure you were always comfortable, bringing you hot soup and a cool washcloth to soothe your burning forehead. 
Despite the pain and discomfort, there was something oddly comforting about being so vulnerable around Wanda. She never judged you or made you feel weak for being sick. Instead, she loved and cared for you even more, making you feel truly cherished. 
As the days passed, your symptoms gradually began to subside, and you started to feel more like yourself again. Wanda was always at your side, encouraging you to take it slow and rest as much as possible. 
Finally, the day came when you felt strong enough to get out of bed and move around a little. You stumbled into the living room, feeling a little unsteady on your feet, but Wanda was there to catch you. 
"Easy there," she said, smiling gently. "How are you feeling?" 
"Better," you replied, your voice still a little raspy from all the constant coughing. "Thanks to you." 
Wanda's smile widened, and she pulled you into a warm embrace. "I'm just glad you're feeling better," she whispered. "I was so worried about you." 
You hugged her back, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over you. Despite the illness, it had brought you even closer to Wanda, and you knew that you would always have her by your side, no matter what. 
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wyn-n-tonic · 8 months
What Lovers Do
Pairing: Bob Floyd x f!reader Word Count: 3.6k Warnings: Awkward first time sex. Blood. Author's Note: I was talking with my friends about what sleeping with Bob might be like as a first time after it's been a LONG TIME since sex and this happened. You're welcome. Or I'm sorry. Whichever one you find the most fitting for you.
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A new letter to add to the pile, every single one saved since you first started sending them. 
Everybody called it old fashioned and silly. Told us we have computers and cellphones now and that the Navy isn’t prison, he’d have access. But there’s something that’s just stuck about it, about the joke that you’d write him every day until he sent one saying he was coming home
On one of the phone calls taken through timezones and half closed eyes, he said he liked it. He looks forward to mail call each day and he looks forward to coming back to base to find so many waiting for him that he gets to read like a book. He thinks, you think, that it tempered the hormones and the newness of it all.
A United States Postal Service version of courtship.
And now he’s coming home.
The boy you crushed over as a child on the swings while your mothers sipped coffee on the deck. The first boy you ever kissed with no knowledge of what kissing was or what it meant. In one of those letters, he brought it up.
Remember that time I kissed you when we were four?
You did, you do. He said it was what people who loved each other did, mommies and daddies. You were playing house, it made sense and, yes, you loved him. In the way that children understand love that is.
You understood this was a person in your life, you saw him all the time. For you, that made sense. He made sense and when he wasn’t there anymore, it didn’t make sense why you and your parents couldn’t go with him and his. Why they couldn’t stay.
And now he’s coming home. Three months after you started talking again. Three months after you walked into a dinner, a small party, thrown by your parents to welcome his back and found a grown up version of that very same boy from before.
He accompanied you to the store to get more wine and then out the door back out to those swings that were never taken down. Then in a walk around the neighborhood that turned into a drive around town that turned into talking on the phone and letters. 
When the letters started, you weren’t even a thing. Truthfully, really, you don’t even know if you’re a thing now. It was there on the tip of both of your tongues, the idea was present. The letter he sent asking if you remembered the kiss is the same one where he confessed that he’d been harboring a crush his whole life. He said it was easier to tell you that way because, if you didn’t feel the same, you didn’t have to answer and he could suffer the rejection on a delayed timeframe instead of hearing the click of the phone as you hung it up. 
The letter says today, which is not what he said on the phone last night. Today, at five, on a plane coming from San Diego. Except it’s six and you just read it and there’s no chance you can get to the airport and he’s not answering his phone. So all you can do is pace and check your make up over and over again attempting to have control over something. Sure, you could clean but you’ve already told him how messy you are and these are not cleaning nerves. 
Truthfully, these aren’t even nerves you’ve had since prom night with another guy you didn’t particularly like in the back of a car you didn’t particularly feel comfortable in.
Three knocks then and one more glance in the mirror checking for a run in black tights, a stain on the white sweater or a rip in the skirt. Maybe smudged lipstick. Just anything to prolong answering the door if it can get these nerves down.
Because this is Bob, the one who makes sense. The one who, really, has always made sense. These nerves shouldn’t be here, there’s nothing about him to be nervous over.
Except you haven’t kissed him since you were four and the letter he sent said he couldn’t wait to do just that, that he felt like there was so much lost time to make up for.
Another knock and then the phone rings, both of them him.
Him, at the door, the lip pulled between his teeth quickly released as he drops the hand holding the phone up to his ear. “I'm sorry I didn’t come sooner, I needed to”—he swallows—“grow a pair.”
“Grow a pair?”
He shrugs, shoulder dropping just as fast as it was raised. “Couldn’t figure out if I should bring you flowers or be prepared to finally get that rejection.”
“So where are the flowers?”
He looks down at his hands and then back up, light catching his glasses and then his crooked smile. “None of them were good enough for you.”
“I’m not going to reject you,” you tell him, leaning against the door. “And I think that anything you brought me would’ve been good enough.”
“Well, I brought myself. How’s that?” His eyes squint a little on that, flicking up and down your body and not for the first time since you opened the door.
Which makes you realize that you’re still just standing there.
And it’s cold.
And he’s pretty.
And he’s looking at you like he wants to devour you; like he’s had this low simmering hunger growing in his belly for God knows how long. “Do you want to come in?”
“You didn’t answer me.”
“You're perfect,” you tell him, stepping aside to give room for his body to come through the door. “How was your flight? Have you eaten? Do you want—“ 
It didn’t really hit, at the dinner, how tall he was. You were just so excited to see him and to know that he was excited to see you, his height didn’t even register but he’s big. Big and leaning over you with his lips pressed softly against yours.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked,” he whispers when he pulls away. “I just needed to do it because I would’ve been too nervous otherwise.”
Everything feels almost on fire with how close he is, the heat in the house suddenly becoming too much. You wish he’d done that in the open door instead of waiting for it to close.
“I only just got your letter today,” you tell him, ignoring his nerves in some kind of ploy to ignore your own. “I didn’t have time to clean or shop, I don’t have anything to cook for you.”
That makes him laugh, lips stretching across your cheek to let the noise tumble out against you. “Gorgeous girl, let me take you out to dinner the way I’ve been imagining I’d get to all this time.” 
“You want to take me out?” Thank god you read the letter before you washed your face.
“Want to do a lot more than take you out to dinner.” He looks like he wants you to be his dinner. “But I’m trying to behave myself, I already know I’m coming off really strong.”
He’s not coming off strong at all, you’re just not really comprehending it. Not when he holds your hands so gently.
Not in the car, where he insists he’ll drive.
Not when he’s staring at you across the table.
It just makes sense and it’s fine. It’s good, actually. It’s comforting to sit beside him, his eyes roaming every inch that he can, and know that you don’t have to spill all your secrets because all the talking and the catching up you did all these months, through phone lines and fancy stationery, took care of that for you.
But it’s also still nerve shaking, the way he looks at you with so much reverence. It’s a respect that’s enduring even back inside your apartment, where he’s dropped his bags with an apology that he didn’t mean to be presumptuous but he also didn’t want to be caught with his dick in his hands, completely unprepared, if it turned out it wasn’t presumptuous at all.
“This is weird,” you finally tell him, pulling as far back as you can from where he’s pinning you to the mattress.
“Too strong?” He’s set his glasses to the side, on the table by your bed next to your book and the letters. You’ve been beneath him for the better part of an hour, kissing like teenagers in the back of a car.
Your head shakes. “I’ve just never slept with a guy on the first date.”
Bob’s chest is heaving, smooth skin stretched over lean muscle and he runs a hand through his hair (which really shouldn’t be as sexy as it is but—holy shit) and smiles. “We don’t have to do anything.”
“I want to.”
“Are you sure?” 
He said once, in one of the letters, how people look at him and assume things about him. He looks scrawny in his uniform, geeky in his glasses; he’s got a consistent haircut and a baby face that always makes him look like it’s school picture day.
To everybody else, Bob is green—inexperienced.
And he uses that to his advantage with his quiet demeanor and his big hands and his capability.
Robert Floyd is very capable at what he’s doing as he unhooks the bra stretched tight across your back.
“You have a lot of sex, do you?” You ask, pulling away from him again. 
His face is red, a blush that splashes out in random patterns across his face and chest, and he shrugs. “I’ve had my fair share,” he says, “the uniform does a majority of the work.”
“You're doing a lot of work right now.”
That makes a smile spread across his face. “A beautiful woman like you, everybody would be a fool not to put in work for you.”
“That's very sweet of you, Bob.” All that confidence you felt in the phone calls and the letters has long faded to make room for the heat running up your own cheeks. “Nobody’s ever really worked for me.” 
His smile falters. “Is that self deprecating, sweetheart?” He doesn’t like the self deprecating, he hasn’t liked learning all the ways you pulled in on yourself over the years.
The look he gives you is a weight in the pit of your stomach, warm and blooming but also cold like steel. You can feel yourself pulling in on yourself and away from him the way you’ve feared you would. “Just a fact,” you tell him, trying to shrug it off the way you’re trying to shrug beneath his hold. “It’s been a while for me, I don’t really…” Your head shakes. “I haven’t been with anybody since college.” 
“Really?” How anybody could suggest the man pulling away to sit up completely is inexperienced is beyond you. “I mean, if that’s what you wanted.”
It was but it isn’t like you didn’t have the chance. Which is what you tell him but what turned you off is how people reacted to it—just like him now. Separating himself with assurances that it’s okay. Of course it’s okay but it doesn’t make you less than or untouchable. 
“You act like my grown back virginity is contagious, Bob.” 
He huffs a laugh. “You can’t grow it back and, besides, it can’t have been that long ago. College was not that long ago.” 
As subtly as you can, you attempt to put your bra back into place while reminding him you’re both closer to thirty than not. “It’s been quite a few years.”
“Not even one?” 
Briefly, you consider asking him to go, to pick up his bags and come back tomorrow after you’ve both slept and showered. Instead, you say, “I lost my mind once or… you know, that’s what I call it. I downloaded one of those apps and swiped until something stuck.”
“Until something stuck?” He asks. He’s asking a lot, you’ve asked practically nothing. “What does that mean?”
“It means that”—you’ve given up on the bra, pulling it off and through your sleeve instead—“I swiped until I found a guy who looked kind of like the pictures my mom showed me from your mom’s Facebook and I…thought of you.”
His eyes don’t even follow the bra as you toss it to the side, breathing deep beneath his gaze as he puts it together with crimson brushing all the way up to the tips of his ears. 
A beat.
Maybe two.
He’s still staring you down but not saying much else and that weight drops again, like a strong man game at the carnival. It went up with the hit to ring the bell in the middle of your chest before it slammed back to start with the same force you gave it. “Say something, Bobby.” 
“I-uh—“ He clears his throat and runs his thumb along his bottom lip before taking a deep breath. “I visited once just to see if I’d maybe run into you and, you know, I did… kinda. You were with some guy and I”—he clears his throat again—“may or may not have jerked off so hard my dick hurt for two weeks straight about it.” 
“What did the guy look like?”
“Well”—he leans forward, voice dropped low—“he kinda looked like me.” 
It’s amazing how black his eyes can be when it looks like he’s got a trick or five up his sleeve. Only he’s shirtless and doesn’t leave you waiting for long, body launching across the distance between you to push you over and down again.
And it’s not quite like a weight in your belly now so much as a weight on your belly, heat radiating through his rough palms as they sneak higher and higher up your torso. 
“I'm kind of scared to have sex with you,” he whispers against your lips, answering the question before you can even why, saying, “I'm afraid I won’t live up to your fantasies.”
“I'm afraid I won’t live up to yours.”
It’s not even a sentence he fully lets you finish, lips dragging across your jaw and hips pushing down against yours and the bunched up skirt. Bob Floyd is so not inexperienced.
He’s just subtle and private, even going so far as to close the bedroom door despite the fact that you live alone. This unassuming, private, quiet man who closes doors and says please and thank you as he’s asking for your shirt to go and pulling your tights down and off.
No bra, no shirts and no glances down your body because that would mean taking his lips off of you. But when he does dip low next to your ear to ask if he can look at you, it’s the easiest yes of your life. 
It’s not nervous, you don’t want to cover yourself back up. It feels as good to be looked at him as it feels to have him on you. And, again, you have no idea how anybody could ever see this man as inexperienced or—what did he say?—Baby on Board is so beyond you.
“You're still really dressed,” you tell him, poking the belt buckle that looks close to snapping with the tip of your big toe. “You should take this off.” 
His eyes fall to the space between your legs again and he smiles. “You're still wearing your skirt.” And the panties he didn’t take with the tights. “If we’re being completely fair here.”
“This is weird,” you say for the second time tonight. “We used to play in sandboxes together and now—“
“Now I’m trying to make good on my promise that kissing is what people who love each other do, sweetheart,” he says, hooking his fingers into the elastic waistband, “so ladies first on this one.”
Ladies first, another thing to add to all his manners. All his manners and the dirtiest mouth. Because you can hand it to his colleagues on one front—he does not look like a man who knows the word cunt and he certainly doesn’t look like he’s ever used it.
And it’s working but it’s not enough to combat the nerves. Especially when he lifts himself up enough again to undo his belt, it’s like your whole body tightens up again.
“We don’t have to, “ he says for what feels like the seventeenth time. “We can just snuggle”—he laughs and shrugs—“or I could fuck off.”
“I don’t want you to fuck off,” you tell him. “I very much would not be naked if I did.” 
Not even an hour ago, he was saying he didn’t want to be caught with his dick in his hands and now that’s exactly where it is. Dick in his hands, smile on his face. He’s beautiful.
“Can you even see me right now?” You ask him, grasping for something to cover the nerves.
He affirms that he can as he pushes himself back down against you, mouthing opening against yours and every muscle in your body tensing up beneath him. It’s some combination of nerves for how much you like him and nerves over how long it’s been.
It always hurt before and you know it’s not supposed to but it hurts now, too. He hurts but you tell him it doesn’t after you try your best for some air in the space between your bodies—your lips. It’ll get better, you promise him that it will and that you’re just nervous every time. 
Really, it should. It does. Performance anxiety or not, it’s easy to relax around his presence and his gentle hands and the soft press of his lips as he gives into the way you grab at him.
Grasp at him, pull at him.
All of him and any little bit of him. There’s so much time and so many feelings to make up for. So many songs he could’ve broken your heart to already every time he had to say goodbye. 
“What are these?” He asks, the drag of his knuckles against the heat of your face. “Am I hurting you?”
“Baby.” All his worry in one word as he pulls away and out to sit up and pull you with him. 
“Am I bleeding?” You ask, afraid to look down but aware of what every other experience has held thus far and exactly what the partner at the time sounded like when they pointed it out.
It makes you want to run when he looks down and nods. “I did hurt you.”
Your head shakes and he pulls you even closer, large hands grabbing to hold on as you’re shaking and cold until you’re close enough for just little whispered words. So quiet and warm as he tells you over and over again that it’s okay.
Of course it is, it’s Bob. The one who makes sense—who’s always made sense.
You tell him it happens sometimes—it happens every time—but that doesn’t seem to calm the guilt he’s feeling. 
“You want me to kiss it better?” He asks, voice somehow even lower like you’re not the only two people in the apartment. 
“I don’t want to.”
Bob brushes his fingertips along the swell of your cheek and asks, “do you really not want to or are you afraid that I’m afraid of a little blood?”
“Both,” you tell him, fairly certain the smile across your face is the reason he even asked that question to begin with. “It was a long day before I got your letter, I think that maybe I-I need sleep and”—you laugh—“maybe a fucking muscle relaxer or a Xanax. I hate to think I’ve made you feel unattractive o-or not good.”
“You didn’t,” he confirms and his hair is so messy with how many times you’ve run your fingers through it. “I could’ve been slower—“
“It wasn’t fast.”
“Still,” he says before offering to change the sheets. “Tell me where they are and you can go shower, I’ll join you in there.”
Parting leaves you pacing again, back and forth in the bathroom. Only, this time, you’re naked and ignoring the ache between your legs as you wash the make up off instead of fixing what was there over and over again.
In the reflection, you watch as he strips the bed. It may have been years but so many nights have ended like this but only for you. And it was usually tear soaked and lonely as you stripped the bed yourself and made it back up again. 
Now, though, he’s here. He’s stayed here instead of leaving, whether by your own insistence or his—he didn’t leave.
His smile is the kind you could get used to, the comfort he has in this space around you already to be naked and open. This comes from all those letters and long, sleepless nights on your of the line, yeah. But it also comes from the childhood you spent together and the years that you didn’t.
In the shower, you pull him down and to your lips before he can even think about leaning over. The first one to kiss him this time, void of all nerves you’ve carried for hours up to just minutes ago.
He said it years ago, beneath the swings in your backyard. “This is what people who love each other do.” 
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quinncupine · 7 months
Pumpkin Pranks
I thought it would be fun to write a little silly fic featuring teen Eri! and her Halloween pranks.
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Word Count: 800
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"Hey Honey," Izuku walked through the door and lazily slipped off his shoes. "I'm home."
Silence greeted him, but he knew that couldn't be the case. You said you'd be home all afternoon, getting everything ready for tonight's party. He could still smell the lingering sweet scent of whatever you had decided to bake.
"Y/N?" He ventured into the kitchen, eyeing the plate of steaming pumpkin cookies that just begged to be eaten. "Hello?"
Still no response. Maybe you stepped out to get some supplies?
His stomach rumbled as he neared the plate. There was no time to eat lunch today because some villain thought it would be a good idea to rob the bank just down the street from his agency. Needless to say, things were handled quickly, but he still had to fill out paperwork over the event during his lunch break.
Those cookies sat there, mocking him, in all their pumpkin spicy glory, just waiting to be eaten by one rather hungry hero. Surely you wouldn't miss just one cookie? A quick glance around the empty apartment and he grabbed one off the top.
A warty goblin's face popped out from behind the cookies with a loud "BOO!"
Startled, Izuku dropped the cookie with a yelp and crashed into the counter behind him.
On the other side of the island was someone wearing a little gremlin mask, cackling. She removed the mask and nearly doubled over as she tried to catch her breath. You popped up next to her, hand over your mouth as you giggled through your fingers.
"Eri!" Izuku sputtered, face red as he tried to compose himself. "When did you get here?"
"Y/N picked me up from school." Eri finally managed to taper down her chortles and grabbed a cookie. "You should've seen the look on your face! And I got it on film! Kota's gonna love that."
As she laughed, you plucked the cookie from her hand. "Ah-ah, no sweets before dinner. Now, go wash up. Mirio and Aizawa are going to be here soon."
Eri pouted but set down the mask and headed for the bathroom. When she passed Izuku, she tackled him in a quick hug and then sprinted down the hallway.
You took a bite out of the cookie with a wink and sauntered around the island where your husband smirked at you.
"So, you picked up Eri?" He grabbed the cookie from your hand, or tried to anyway.
You pulled it out of his reach with a giggle and instead gave a sneaky kiss in its place. His hand snaked around your waist to pull you close and deepen the kiss.
"What happened to no sweets before dinner?" He asked once he pulled away, tasting the slightest bit of pumpkin on his lips.
"Ah, you're right," you sighed, hovering just above his lips and turned away. "No sweets then."
He only tightened his grip on you and tucked you firmly into his arms with a grin. "I suppose I can make an exception." He laughed and kissed you sweetly.
"Hey, is that a cookie!" Eri said behind you, hands on her hips.
Surprised, you both jumped away from each other. She smirked as you both blushed pink from being caught by the teen.
"It is!" She marched over and crossed her arms. "And what exactly were you two getting up to,hmm? In front of a poor innocent child, I might add."
"Innocent my butt," you muttered, not able to hide your exasperated chuckle. "Fine. One cookie. Don't tell Aizawa." You locked your pinky with hers.
She snatched a cookie off the pile and took a large bite. "Bribery? Not very heroic, Y/N."
"Says the one who's eating said bribe. What's with all this hero talk, huh? I thought you wanted to be a doctor or an awesome nurse like me?"
"I haven't decided yet," she chewed thoughtfully. "But maybe if I get another cookie, I could see the possibility of looking into medical school."
"She's been hanging out with you too much," Izuku tittered, glancing between the two of you. "She's turning into a mini you."
You crossed your arms, "And what's so wrong with that?"
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Eri mimicked, a mock scowl on her face.
He froze as he stared at the double glare leveled at him and raised his hands slowly. "…This is a trap. I'm just gonna go take my shower now."
Izuku escaped before he incurred any more wrath, and as soon as he disappeared, you both broke into laughter.
"Hey, do you think we can scare Mirio when he walks in? Oh, what about Dad?" She picked up the mask with a menacing grin.
"If you can manage to scare Aizawa, then I'll give you twenty bucks."
"You're on!"
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