gedxnkxnchxos · 3 months
Wenn es deine Stimmung beeinflusst, kannst du dir sicher sein das du bereits verloren hast.
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ehplsdontask · 2 years
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am I a thinspo now????
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stellalyn · 2 months
God I just want to eat what I want without having to worry about weight that feeling ah I'm tired!...
I feel like shit
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My anxiety is at its peakI just want to eat and gobble down everything I can, I hate this.
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rynblu3k · 1 year
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One year ago vs. Today. It CAN get better. You CAN beat it
So many people struggle with it in silence because we feel like it's shameful. I have learned that there is no harm in having a healthy weight. There is no harm in eating. You are okay 👍 👌 It's going to be okay ♡♡
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anxiousocdturtle93 · 8 months
Day 5 Morning: Is it really true?
Trigger warning. OCD, Anxiety, PTSD, ED, Depression Venting
I didn’t decide to do this blog until late last night and even then I guess I’ve been feeling alone with grief and anger. It only was confirmed Friday morning though there were talks Thursday night. So I guess I could say 4, but I was made aware of this before hand. I have a horrible urge to redo everything, scrub away germs, panic, keep work going, and try and calm the anxiety, depression, PTSD, and OCD.
Now it’s in the stage of “What’s our next step?” “Are you going to be okay if I let you go home?” “Please try this.” “We are going to meet to see what to do.” “You’re homework is to research this.” “Call your insurance to see if these places will let you do outpatient treatment.”
Did you guess what it is?
For me, the new diagnosis is Anorexia Nervosa—restrictive calories and purge workouts.
My team behind me started the process. A new system for my therapist had me redoing some questionnaires, which then had ED. Dietitian got involved and the endocrinologist did the testing to see where my numbers were. Well shit. TS3 was high but that was because of the birth control. Most all numbers were good. A1C was going up slowly, BUN was the lowest it’s been from where it usually is.
I never thought of it—I thought it was normal to not be hungry sometimes. You know, be turned off by food sometimes. Plus, with my OCD, well there’s the compulsive side hoping the food is safe and not contaminated. And that could be eating at a new place or bring food from home an hour away in a bag that is safe but it’s still not enough. At the time I can have it, it’s not fresh. It’s wrong. That’s where OCD can be hand in hand with this. Lucky me, right?
Woah. Rewind. How did you not know this was happening? And where is the purge workouts coming in?
When the pandemic hit, I picked up running. I started at a mile and then hit the runners high. I could do 5K a year later without stopping and soon was doing 10K. I lost so much weight and was so proud. 220 down to 190. I wasn’t stuck in a car driving back and forth.
Don’t get me wrong, I love teaching my piano and flute students. What I don’t like is the drive. Times like that, I wish I can just teleport.
Fast forward to today. I realize I’m finding ways around the “you can do this for only so long.” Well then I will bike for 2 miles. I’ll walk for 2 miles. And keep going with using a push lawn mower and lifting things. We’re good with that, right? And that was this summer. I figure if I don’t workout during the time I’m teaching restricting the calories is smart.
Oh and don’t forget the food portion. Eating between 300-500 calories (usually 300-350). And that’s unintentional I think mostly. Why? Because when I drive. I take a granola bar, a ginger ale in case I get sick, and a pack of saltines. I don’t usually drink the ginger ale, and have half a pack of saltines. I always have mints with me. And if I don’t miss Panera, then it’s just the 100 calories soup, mostly.
So, yes. I have an ED and will start out patient treatment soon since I still have to make a living and can’t take time off. Got to love the cost of living. I have an ED as a person who weighs 235lbs. And then I get angry at those who can lose weight and I can’t. I did the diets too. I have the right food. But I don’t cook for me anymore. I don’t want too.
Why start a blog? Because I need to vent. I need a place to just….come to terms with it. And see the progress. Loads of things come to my mind that I didn’t know or that I could have. Finally, to share a story I suppose. Even if you don’t read it.
You’re not alone. Even though that voice makes you feel like you are. You aren’t. Get the help you need. Reach out.
If you are in a crisis and need help immediately, call 988 or continue to contact Crisis Text Line by texting “NEDA” to 741741 to be connected with a trained volunteer at Crisis Text Line. Crisis Text Line is a separate organization staffed by volunteers who provide free, 24/7 support via text message to individuals who are struggling with mental health, including eating disorders, and are experiencing crisis situations.
And here’s the website if you need more resources. Good luck.
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themoonknows31 · 2 years
weight: 57.8
calories eaten: around 340 cals (or maybe more but not more than 400 cals)
lunch: salad + fish
dinner: rice cakes + chicken breast (like ham? idk the name) + cottage cheese.
green tea
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yadavhewrote · 1 year
Breaking Free from the Burden: A Journey Through Eating Disorders
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Eating disorders are a complex and serious issue that affects millions of individuals around the world. They can take many forms, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Regardless of the type, all eating disorders involve distorted thoughts and behaviors around food, weight, and body image.
The journey through an eating disorder is a difficult one, and it can be especially challenging to break free from the burden and start a path to recovery. However, it is possible to overcome these struggles and reclaim your life.
Here are some steps that may help you or a loved one begin the journey towards recovery from an eating disorder:
Seek professional help: This is one of the most important steps in the journey towards recovery. A mental health professional can provide you with the support, guidance, and tools you need to overcome your eating disorder.
Educate yourself: Understanding the root causes of your eating disorder and how it has affected your life can be empowering. Read books, talk to others in recovery, and attend support groups to gain knowledge and perspective.
Practice self-care: Taking care of your physical and emotional needs is crucial for recovery. This can include engaging in physical activity, getting enough sleep, and finding healthy ways to manage stress.
Challenge negative thoughts: Eating disorders often involve negative and distorted thoughts about food, weight, and body image. It's important to challenge these thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.
Build a support network: Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people can help you stay on track and overcome setbacks. This can include family, friends, and support groups.
Find new sources of fulfillment: Eating disorders can often become a source of identity and fulfillment. It's important to find new and healthy ways to feel good about yourself, such as pursuing hobbies or interests.
Breaking free from the burden of an eating disorder is a journey, but with the right support and resources, it is possible to recover and live a fulfilling life. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself, and take it one day at a time.
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edresearchcdf · 1 year
RESEARCH STUDY [Part 1] Ways of Coping with the Anorexic Voice.
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looking for participants to take part in research on eating disorders - if you have an anorexic voice we are interested in your ways of coping! please see poster for more information & click here to participate in part 1  - https://cardiffunipsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2fuszCv2OuszcPQ
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littlebirdy2 · 2 years
If you want some meanspo and thinspo you should really follow @dietyun on TikTok. It’s my favorite account!
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quierovolver-h · 2 years
it took me so long to realize that i can’t just say i’ll eat little snacks through out the day. my snacks consist of fruits and then something like chocolate or so. yk what on days i don’t have school i won’t snack at all and on schooldays i’ll take a fruit, like an apple or banana, and that’s my only snack. if this is the only fast way to lose 6kg i’ll do it idc what happens atp i just want to feel skinny.
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latinaabish-blog · 1 month
Seit Montag habe ich nichts mehr gegessen und ich musste mich so zusammenreißen. Auf der Arbeit in der Gastronomie vor allem, ist es alles andere als einfach. Man hat schon gemerkt, dass ich abgenommen habe. Ich musste mich so zusammenreißen. Mal geht das Hungergefühl bisschen weg, aber jetzt ist es wieder da. Wir haben Freitag und ich könnte gerade alles essen. Ich habe mir mindestens eine Woche vorgenommen. Ich will das durchziehen, damit ich stolz auf mich bin. Ich bin diese Woche schon so weit. Ich will echt nicht aufgeben. Es ist nichts desto trotz eine enorm psychische Belastung.
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cebozcom · 2 months
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TikTok's Influence: The Rise of 'Bigorexia' and Its Mental Health Consequences | CeBoz.com
The impact of TikTok on men's mental health: 'Bigorexia,' or muscle dysmorphia, is on the rise due to social media.
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tallmantall · 3 months
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themoonknows31 · 2 years
so i started this challenge but skipped the first because i can’t fast without binging and i didn’t want to risk it!
CW: 57.9kg 17/8/2022
day 2 calories limit: 200
calories eaten:190
just had a plumcake of chocolate!
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anxiousocdturtle93 · 8 months
Day 8: Stressors and ED
I don’t matter.
I don’t matter if I am here or to work.
Those thoughts that I’ve had for years creep up. The depression that is waiting it’s turn for me to lose it finally shows up. And the PTSD is heightened as the new year is here. Of course, don’t forget the anxiety. That’s where things make an appearance. It’s like your favorite singer or that popular person who just enters down a grand staircase and everyone is in awe. Think Heathers: The Musical. That’s how the anxiety feels.
And why do I say that?
I am a person who works for most of my bosses who just uses me for money. And, what it feels like, will throw my position to the new teacher. And it probably was my fault for telling her I wasn’t a certified music teacher. But I didn’t feel comfortable teaching a whole bunch of kids like that. That’s a disservice to them. Group classes for piano, I can do that no problem.
“Why isn’t it the same as teaching regular kids?” Some kids want to be there for piano lessons. Some want to learn. When you have a big group, well I hope you enjoy it. Sincerely I hope you do. Because I don’t. I like 5 kids at max so I can focus on them and help enrich them to the best potential I can. Because I know they can.
I regret being a music teacher. I teach privately but I have to find contract work. And that’s where 4 schools have me as a contract worker (not all are horrible with the directors). Performing makes me so nervous, so that’s out. I’m not saying teaching is easy, but I should have rethought things. But maybe that’s because it felt impossible back in high school.
“So why can’t you go back to school?” I am dumber than bricks. I can’t do math at all. Science would be cool but that’s years to complete. Being a lawyer I would fail. I can never make it in the world now. Going back to school is near impossible. I barely have enough money to be safe. Summer is the worst part and trying to make it through the summer before you MIGHT get some money.
I will be working 7 days now. I have to. Which means there is that ED that is now prevalent even more. It already comes out when I’m stressed/anxious. I feel like hurting myself this time but that ended so well. Sswsse And I just figured that out this week. As I’m trying to type this, I remember that tomorrow I have a faculty meeting in a new school. And I don’t know how to feel about it. I can tell you my stomach is in knots and I feel like I’m going to be sick.
How pathetic. And all the food I had today, I feel the need not to. I made progress since Tuesday and now I’m back pedaling. And I don’t completely want too. But I would like to not feel shitty. And there’s the restrictive behavior but it’s also mental. I’m trying what my therapist said to do when I’m spiraling this week.
Where is it bothering you? Check other parts of the body? Neck, jaw because I clench, deep breath and focus where it’s going. Relax the shoulders. Remember to sit up don’t focus on the trigger. Just listen to the body.
And I guess that’s where I’m going to leave this tonight. Listen to your body. If needs to be fed and watered, so I’m going to do my best at the moment.
Good luck, lovelies.
If you are in a crisis and need help immediately, call 988 or continue to contact Crisis Text Line by texting “NEDA” to 741741 to be connected with a trained volunteer at Crisis Text Line.
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missalliesthoughts · 8 months
anorexia nervosaa,, yayy . ive been fasting for so long now omgggggg
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