tallmantall · 7 days
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I'm on this fine line where I'm wondering if i'd rather hang by a thread or from a rope
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Remember telling me you were here for me? Remember having my trust? Remember how you betrayed me in the worst way and left me completely and utterly alone with literally nothing left? I remember. I was so stupid for believing your lies in the first place. You were never here for me. You have always been selfish, uncaring, not having the time to deal with me. I guess you'll get what you wanted. Cuz you aren't gonna have to deal with me anymore
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healinghernow · 2 years
Hello there!
I am Jupiter, and I'm on a journey to heal myself after years of repeated trauma, untreated bipolar depression type 2, and severe generalized anxiety.
While I have multiple therapists, a psychiatrist, and an entire medical team behind making me physically & mentally healthy, I am also taking steps to share my journey. After being hospitalized for suicidal ideation this year, I learned how important journaling is for my mental health.
In this blog I'll be sharing parts of my journey as well as some weekly journaling prompts that I complete with my sister. The prompts are collected from various sources or I may have come up with them.
If you're reading this, welcome, and I'm glad you're here.
Remember to stay.
Tomorrow still needs you.
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Trigger warning: Su*cidal ideation, and other stuff
Not to be Ns//fW on main but like....
no. seriously..... ~I’ve been dissociating and feeling extremely numb for like a week straight, but last night, I finally couldn’t keep it together. Almost did hurt myself, but then I decided to lightly scratch red lines across my wrists with my fingernails instead.  Cried all night and some of the morning. Then...get this. ~When I finally did doze off and get some sleep, I had the best wet dream I’ve had in a long fuckin time. I was in bed with two guys (with no particular intention of doing anything s*xual, I think?) But then they both took turns touching me and body-worshipping me. Like.....godDAMN it was so surreal and felt so good. so....what the fuck does that even mean? Why would I be trying my damndest not to k*ll myself for most of the night, and then have such a wonderful dream for most of the morning? I really don’t understand my fuckin brain.......
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edeldoro · 3 months
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a138 · 3 months
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Here's another one of young Geoffrey.
Obviously he didn't do it but it's never good having those thoughts.
I don't really know what to say. I've always felt it condescending and sickening when people would say "You are loved" and "We are here for you!" and all that shit. Maybe some people want to hear that from strangers, but when I think someone barely knows me, I suspect ulterior motives behind compassion.
It's easy to get caught in a trap of accountability. Where some things out of your control, or things you were destined to fail at some point, become the justification to why you should kill yourself.
One day I'll expound upon why Geoffrey ever has or ever might feel that way again. For now, enjoy the nadir of his life.
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treatnow · 5 months
NYT: Friendly Fire Leads to Brain wounding
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Pentagon researchers say weapons like shoulder-fired rockets expose troops who fire them to blast waves far above safety limits, but they remain in wide use. As we have reported for years, BLAST injury does not respect your nationality, gender, origin of the weapon, or your intention. As Dave Philipps of the New York Times reports, U.S. Troops are still training on weapons with known risks of delivering brain wounds. As Phillips reports, studies by the Navy, the Center for New American Security, the Swedish military, DoD, SEALs, DARPA, Johns Hopkins, and UHUHS all warn of real damage inflicted by "friendly fire". The search, research, measurements, data bases, added budgets, and periodic expressions of concern from DoD leadership can be viewed in one of two lights: they know and they don't care; or, they know and they dont' know what to do in the interim. Modern warfare, as Ukraine proves daily, requires more and more destructive firepower just to defend territory, let alone regain strategic and tactical advantage. So, what can done in the interim? "For generations, the military assumed that this kind of blast exposure was safe, even as evidence mounted that repetitive blasts may do serious and lasting harm. . . . Top leaders talk of the importance of protecting troops’ brains, but the military fails to take practical steps to ensure safety." Literature on BLAST injuries over the past decade overwhelmingly tends in the direction of Recommendations to find ways to protect soldiers with new and improved helmets, reduced weapon firings, education, more research, more funding, and, over time, resort to robots to do the heavy firing. Sadly for the soldier, for 100 years we've known that BLAST causes brain wounds. Even though a century of research has not definitively "proved" the Mechanisms of Action involved in causing physical, mental, behavioral, cognitive, and moral damage, we do know that the net effects of only palliating symptoms won't lead back to a normal, healthy brain. So here's a list of helpful suggestions to DoD/VA to help Warriors, Veterans, indeed anyone exposed to BLAST injury or brain wounding. Let all the research continue on mitigating the potential and actual damage caused by exposure to BLAST. Add more drugs and hallucinogenics and psychotropics to the list of possible "solutions." But let's focus some of our work on healing the wounds to the brain and body caused by BLAST exposure. An estimated 877,000 Veterans and active duty service members -- probably many more as we learn about the pervasiveness of self-inflicted BLAST injury -- are already suffering with some degree of brain wounding. Let's focus on HEALING THEIR BRAIN WOUNDS as we work the prevention side of the equation. Here's a modest proposal: Daily suicide rates, accumulating suffering, and impacts on families demand that we deal with brain wounds. We cannot continue to ignore treatments that work are safe, scientifically validated, and readily available. We cannot hide this information from the wounded. Informed consent and medical ethics demand that DOD/VA tell the wounded what is available, even though it is "off-label." Every treatment, drug, process, procedure, device and protocol currently used by DoD/VA is off-label and not approved by the FDA for treating TBI/PTSD. Keep doing what you're doing. But hold open the possibility that alternative therapies exist that are scientifically valid, clinically proven, widely available, cost effective and demonstrated safe and effective. Fund them. Rethink a Suicide Prevention Strategy that is void of any options to treat brain wounds. Too may Veterans commit suicide -- over 109,000 -- perhaps falling into depression from undiagnosed and untreated brain wounds. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is one such therapy, backed by decades of research, acceptance by the FDA for wound healing, and proven in multiple scientific studies to reduce or eliminate symptoms caused by TBI/PTSD/Concussion/BLAST. HBOT is proven to reduce and/or eliminate suicidal ideation in tens of thousands of uses . Read, really read, the current scientific literature on the validity of objective research conducted over the past fifteen years. Notice that the UHMS and the overwhelming number of real HBOT researchers know that HBOT works to help heal TBI/PTSD. Even government researchers, a few of whom still cling to the canard that "HBOT does not work," accept that patients in their studies got better . If necessary, take 10% of the VA drug budget and use it to fund HBOT treatments in private clinics where the cost is miniscule compared to current standards of care. It is a well-known fact that fully treated HBOT patients get off almost all their drugs, many of which warn of "ideation of suicide." There will be a net return of billions of dollars to the VA bottomline due to reduced need for prescriptions. Redo your cost analyses when considering where to spend dollars on rehabilitation of brain wounded combat Veterans. It has been calculated that the cost of NOT treating brain wounded Veterans will exceed $4Trillion over their 40-year lifespan. That's a degraded life, for the Veteran and the family, living with symptoms that plague far too many Veterans. For less than 1/2 of 1% of that cost, all 877,450 brain-wounded Veterans can be fully treated with HBOT. DoD and the VA should insure and reimburse HBOT-for-TBI treatments. Start with Informed Consent: let every Veterans know that HBOT can help heal their brain wound. And consider the following: service members returning from combat suffer from polytrauma unlike ever before. Knowing what we know now about the prevalence of BLAST injury, Burn Pit toxins, unreported brain trauma, the sustained pace of combat for Special Operations warriors, we need to provide functional medicine approaches to whole body wellness, starting with but not limited to brain wounds. All body systems are negatively affected by BLAST. HBOT works to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, speed healing, restore function, promote the growth of new stem cells, and allow battle-weary warriors to return to peak performance more quickly. Part of the history of HBOT is that the history of HBOT safety and efficacy is ignored or forgotten. This is a page out of the Textbook of Military Medicine, updated in 2006. This same algorithm is in the textbook in the 1980s. The “definitive therapy” then and is HBOT treatment for TBI resulting from BLAST Exposure.
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The TreatNOW Mission is ending service member suicides. Along the way, we have learned that we can end suicidal ideation, help heal the effects of BLAST injury, TBI/PTSD, and acute concussion. Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW Information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made. Read the full article
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beetlebeetleblack · 6 months
Ophelia of Powderhorn
I walked out to the park, I believed
For a full three minutes
That I could walk out on the water
Of the lake
I stood at the edge, I wavered
Imagining the high of it, the bend under
My feet, I stood
And stared out at the geese
At the island, at the lemon yellow
I could walk out to the island and
Leave the shores of my body behind
Ophelia of Powderhorn. 
I cradled my head in my hands
like one would
Hold a broken egg
I believe, I believe
That I could step out there
I wish that I could see
The shape of the world moving
Around my fingers
I wish I could be plucked like
A string,
a part of everything
Unbroken in the motion
Of the gray season, blending
With every living thing moving
Through the dying grasses.
But I moved on. Belief must be
More fragile than what could
be termed hope
The inertia of my body on the
Paths of the park
Carried me away.
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tallmantall · 21 days
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Very specific question : if someone is about to kill themself by jumping from a building but doesn't (because they are scared or they just hesitate), is it a suicide attempt ?
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jadamarquis · 1 year
It's crazy how you link everything to dying after a while. I see a steamroller go by, and I want to lay under it and be crushed. I see a train, I want to jump in front of it. I see chemicals in the bathroom, I want to mix them until they rot my brain. Isn't life so beautiful?
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makkuuu · 1 year
I don't understand why I exist still.
Against all odds for some fucking reason I haven't off'd myself yet and I'm so close to the fucking edge constantly. I spent so much time hiding it and I don't understand when people want to spend time with me. I'm not a good person. I'm not anything special. I shouldn't even exist in the first place. what the fuck is the point of anything.
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fallenwish · 1 year
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TW: Suicide
Base https://deviantart.com/winx-base/art/Base-004-321042074… Base maker https://deviantart.com/winx-base
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sineadshinelight · 1 year
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Yes @divawdep It’s common that people are quick to judge and distance themselves when people are acting ‘differently’ or are miserable yet shout about support people experiencing mental health difficulties Mental health difficulties come in many forms and when someone is suicidal they may be behaving ‘differently’ or in a way it makes it hard for you to be around People need your understanding every day Be there for your people ❤️ Repost from @divawdep • Next week the fake outrage and the "check on your people" will be over. It happens every time a suicide is public. Here's the thing: us "regular" folks with mental illnesses are still here. We're still sick. We're still having suicidal thoughts and urges. We're still fucking struggling to stay above ground. If you really cared you'd be an advocate EVERYDAY. You'd check on your people CONSTANTLY. You'd show that you're listening and you're understanding EVERYDAY. Until you do that, it's all just a performance that we'd rather not attend. 😔 Sidebar: I don't remember where I got this so sorry. #sundaymood☀️ #sundaythoughts #sunday #sundaynight #suicideawareness #suicidalthoughts #suicidalideation https://www.instagram.com/p/CmZgOk0Mp_R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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