#and this is what bothers me because its that stupid ass smart people school that bragged about being top in our state i went to again
mothslimes · 1 month
last post: if homophobic dads want their sons to toughen up and stop being into pansy shit, just send them to art school. nothing makes you hate art quicker than be around a bunch of pretentious artists
#mik talks#i have some conflict with the word pretentious because by definiton i am pretentious#but i do need that word kinda to deal with these feelings i haev towards other people in my field#this.... thought that they are so much more educated and jsut get it all better than me andthere is no way i can make good art#because i am so young and not experienced. and yes i guess that is true i dont think i make good art#but its so...here comes another tumblrized word: elitist#i cant afford to go to a shit ton of museums and i dont have the energy to do it anyway#and so many artists nowadays are just rich people with a lot of time on their hands#i miss when art was about being chaotic and just doing shit in between shifts at work and not just... a whole field you went into#i dont believe in the separation of humans into artists and non artists because i think fundamentally every human is an artist#and everything a human makes just for its own sake is art#or can be art. or maybe the category is broader. honestly what do i know im 19#and this is what bothers me because its that stupid ass smart people school that bragged about being top in our state i went to again#just that all over again. constantly being told what a chance you have and how much smarter than everyone you are. its tiring#and that is a privileged thing to say except they dont rlly tell me im smarter than others. they tell me i should be. i just dont meet the#expectations of the field i went to. i guess im burned out when it comes to art#everything has alrady been said and done#and if im completely honest i want to gatekeep art more which is entirely contradictory to what i just said because#once again here comes in my fear. i dont want people who are not humans or who i do not recognize as humans. people who i#recognize as wanting to hurt me. i dont want them to know about art. because if they do the things i do that means i could be like them#and that scares me because i dont want to be liek them and i dont want themt o be like me and i dont want to be tricked by them#god this sounds psychotic#when i say people who are not humans i am referrign to a specific kind of superficial person. the kind that bullies people#except i genuinely am sometimes convinced they do not experience human emotions#and there is no way to remind myself that they do because i just cant see it. anyway
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biscutlovingbitch · 2 months
Your so cold.(Pt.1)
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Eddie X Reader
Word count:2633, Got a little carried away 🙃.
Warnings: 18+ Language, Somewhat fluff, Forced proximity, Heavy petting, Teasing. (Smut in pt.2)
It was a Friday night and you had had plans to go over to your friend Steve's house for movie night, it had become a tradition since freshman year. You Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and of course Eddie Munson. Now you didn't really have a problem with him its just he was a little too "wild" for your liking. He always seemed to get you in trouble by doing something stupid then when you would try to bring it up to him the next day he'd say that it wasn't his fault and ignore you, or somehow make it your fault. But since this was Steve's house and not your own you weren't going to be that upset if something happens because then it wouldn't be on you.
As you started to get ready it was already almost 5:00 and you had promised Steve that you would be there at exactly 5:30, not only was he a few blocks away from your house but you also didn't own a car and would have to walk there and it was starting to rain, your only choice was to walk. Now you could have called Eddie but you didn't feel like having him come here with his rusty old van and blowing your eardrums out with his loud music, not that you didn't like his music but you preferred other genres more. As you looked for the umbrella you swore you had put in the holder by the front door the clock was ticking down minute by minute. After a few minutes of searching you decided that you could just brave the rain, and the cold.
As you where walking to Steve's you realized that you had totally forgot to put on a bra earlier and you where wearing a white shirt on top of that, you thought your day couldn't get any worse then you herd it. The familiar sound of screeching tires and a loud stereo from down the road behind you, you tried not to look but he did. "Hey there princes, whatcha doin' out here in the rain?" he said slowing down to talk to you as you kept walking. Covering your chest by crossing your arms you turned to him to talk "Oh you know dont have a ride so i just figured id walk to Steve's" you say laughing a little bit. "You know you could have called me, I would have picked you up in a heartbeat" he says smiling at you with that devilish grin he wore so proudly. "Oh i just figured you had a Hellfire meeting today so i didn't want to bother you" You say obviously lying to him. "But you know that we dont have hellfire meetings on Friday" dropping his smile and squinting his eyes at you. Oh fuck how where you going to get your ass out of this one. "Well I just figured you would have had a campaign or something to do" you said hoping that he wouldn't catch on. "No i did not, but dont you still have the schedule from when you where in hellfire?".
Yes its no surprise that when you where dating Billy Hargrove that he had told you about a drug dealer by the name of Eddie the freak Munson. He had taken you along with him on one of his runs and that was the first time you ever met Eddie, since then you two along with your other friends you have practically been inseparable. After you had broken up with Billy you had seen that there was a new or at least you thought new club at the school called Hellfire. When you got there it was filled with your usual geeks, weirdos and losers but one had stood out among the rest, Eddie. He wasn't like the other people there, the others had good grades and smarts and his was well... questionable. After that first meeting that you went to he started taking you home after school and picking you up in the mornings, you dont know what had changed but one day he didn't show up and you just figured that he was done with you. since then you only really see him at the little party's that your friends throw, and sometimes a casual friendly wave in the hallways but your not as close as you once where.
"Well i'm here now right, you should hop in you seem... cold" he said looking at you, you where visibly shivering and teeth chattering as you spoke. You thought about saying no because you didn't want to make things weird but then if you didn't then you would probably catch hypothermia so you decided getting in was the best option. As you got in you had uncrossed your arms to pull yourself inside, forgetting about your outfit malfunction. Eddie had seen your chest through your shirt as he looked a you getting in and something changed inside of him. He wasn't the smiling Eddie that had just offered you a ride, no he wasn't even looking at you and he was barley even talking to you when you tried to make conversation, why?
The drive to Steve's was silent, Eddie had turned down the music when he stopped to talk to you then jut never turned it up again. You looked out the window and sighed, he noticed and looked over at you. Seeing that you where still shivering. "I uh have a shirt in the back if you want to wear it. its kinda old and ive worn it before but it might be warmer" he said still looking over at you. "Are you sure? I mean i'm fine in this" you said teeth chattering and still shivering. "Yeah sure you are princess" he said scoffing and looking back at the road. "okay okay where is it?" you said climbing into the back, you had a skirt on and you ass was practically in his face when he looked in his rear view mirror. "well they dont call it a rear view mirror for nothing" he mumbled "its next to that pile of blankets on the floor" he said noticing a tightening in his jeans as he adjusted them a little to be more comfortable.
You wiggled your ass while looking for the shirt unaware of what you where doing to Eddie "where-Oh wait i found it!" you said picking up the shirt and looking at it. It was an old iron maiden tee-shirt, black unlike the one you had on, it matched your skirt perfectly. As you went to take off your shirt and change you had forgotten you had no bra on, so you did what any reasonable person would do .You put it on over your soaking wet tee-shirt and tried to take off your skin tight white turtleneck under the other tee-shirt. It went horribly, meanwhile Eddie had parked at Steve's house already and noticed that you where... struggling so he decided to offer you some help.
"Hey princess need some help?" he said as he crawled in next to you. "No i got it!" you said even though you defiantly did not have it. Your turtleneck had shrunk in the washer to begin with so it was already tight and now you had to take it off under another tee-shirt without accidentally flashing your best friend. "No you dont, just hold still let me help you" he said as he reached out to tug on the bottom of the iron maiden tee-shirt. As you where still trying to take off the sleeves you felt him grab your left sleeve and start pulling it. Afterwards he helped you with your right sleeve and then the hard part. You had done your hair and make up so nicely and didn't want to ruin it so you held your hands in front of your face as he pulled the neck up and over your head. "Sorry about your hair" he said trying to help smooth it down for you. "Its okay" You said smiling at him "Thank you".
As you walked up to Steve's front door he came out. "Jesus i was wondering where you guys have been, been waiting for you guys for like 20 minutes!". "Well were here now aren't we?" you said stomping into the house with a pissy tone. "Shes not happy that i messed up her hair" Eddie mumbled to Steve. "Oh messed up her hair now?" Steve said with a grin and wiggling his eyebrows at Eddie. "Not like that man come on" Eddie scoffed as he moved past Steve to follow you. Meanwhile you where in the kitchen with Nancy and Robin, talking about Nancy getting married. "Alright so now that everyone is here we can start the movie" Steve said grabbing the popcorn and drinks. "So what movie did you pick out for us this time big boy?" you said as you plopped yourself right in between him and Robin. "Risky Business" He said smirking over at you, god was it going to be a long night.
Eddie had sat down right next to Steve, Nancy and Johnathan had shared the love seat. Everything was going fine till the sex scene came on. You felt Steve's hand creep on your thigh but when you turned to look at him his eyes where glued to the TV, but Eddie's weren't. He was staring right back at you with heavy lids and his tongue licking his bottom lip. "Oh fuck were out of popcorn" Steve said "Ill make some more, you just stay right there" You said getting up and grabbing the bowl out of Steve's lap. As you walked to the kitchen you thought you herd someone behind you but when you looked back no one was there. Oh well you thought to yourself but as you rounded the corner Eddie was standing right there.
"How did you get in front of me?" you questioned him. "Oh you know i'm a ninja" he said jokingly. "Yeah right, you a ninja? Next to Robbin your the clumsiest person i know" you said as you put the popcorn bag in the microwave. You turned and leaned on the counter and stared at Eddie. "Why aren't you out there watching the movie with everyone else?" You said looking a bit confused. "Eh its not my favorite, plus ive already seen it so you know" he said leaning on the kitchen island across from you. "Yeah I dont know i mean i like it, plus tom cruise is hot" You say getting the popcorn out of the microwave and putting it into the bowl. "Oh yeah and why is that?" he says looking at you. "Because he has nice hair and nice hair turns me on" You said this time getting closer to his face then leaving.
When you returned to the living room Steve had moved closer to Robin so now there was only space next to him where Eddie was sitting. As you sat down Eddie had squeezed himself in right next to you, man spreading. You couldn't help but look down at his legs, you saw a bulge. You had herd stories about how big he was but you didn't realize that it was true. You forgot that you where staring then Eddie had caught on. "See something you like there princess?" he said whispering into your ear. you quickly looked up but it was already too late he knew. You tried to turn away but his hand came up to your jaw forcing you to look at him, you whimpered but only loud enough for him to hear. He bit his lip and looking into his dark pools of eyes you stared. but then you felt Steve's hand on your thigh again breaking your little staring contest with Eddie.
You looked over at Steve but this time he was looking back at you. He bit his lip a little then started to drag his hand up further, but just as you thought it couldn't get any better you felt another hand. It was Eddie's ,now you where stuck with both of your best friends hands on your thighs. Not waning to make things awkward you got up to use the bathroom. You stayed in there until you herd the ending credits come on. When you walked out Nancy and Johnathan where passed out and Robin was nodding off next to Steve. "Alright its time for bed i guess" Steve said as no body but Robbin said anything in response. "Hey do you have any shorts i can barrow this isn't very comfy to wear to bed" You said asking Steve. "Uh yeah up in my closet theirs some old gym shorts you can barrow" He said laying out blankets for everyone.
Steve was a nice friend he always had been, Ever since he sat next to you in biology class you two just clicked. You didn't like Tommy and Carol though, they where assholes to you always making fun of your hair or outfits or what ever else they could find. Your relationship with him wasn't always like this though, not until last spring when you and Steve had hooked up after prom because both of your dates ditched you. After that it got well...Weird, you started hanging out in groups because with the two of you it was just awkward. After school you'd make out with Billy in his car at lovers lake but never dared to go further than just over the clothes. You liked Billy but not that much, You had never slept with anyone until Steve so obviously you have a bit of a soft spot for him.
As you put on Steve's shorts and headed back downstairs you start to think about Eddie and how much you two have done together too. Never as much as you and Steve but you've shared a drunken kiss once or twice. As you got back to the living room you saw everyone lying on the floor and couches, trying to figure out where you should sleep you felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Eddie "You can sleep with me if you want, Ill keep you warm" He said smiling a little bit. "Okay" You said getting on your knees to lay down, You two where behind the couch which you thought was a bit odd but you didn't care too much.
As he laid down next to you, you covered yourself up with the blanket because you where cold, it was big enough for the two of you but only if you where extremely close. As you started to scoot backwards you noticed that Eddie had turned towards you and you where now rubbing against his very prominent hard on. You kept trying to get warm by rubbing up against him but you just ended up making your situation worse. He grabbed your hip with one hand to try and make you stay still but you where still trying to move. "Are you trying to kill me here?" He whispered into your ear as his breath hitched in his throat. "What no, why would i do that?" you said trying to change the subject. "You know why, You've been torturing me all day princess dont act like you dont know what your doing to me." He said almost sounding in pain. "I dont know what your talking about" you said trying to act innocent. "Oh really you dont know? I'm talking about this" He said as he started to grind into you. "All of this just because you where cold" He said as he stopped grinding. This was going to be one long night.
Part 2 coming soon!
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dameronology · 2 years
STRANGER THINGS 4 SPOILERS hi! could you do hcs for a scenario that takes place during s4 where steve is with reader and how he would react to nancy’s piqued interest in him. the stancy stuff does not sit well with me this season tbh haha
noooo me neither😭😭 i can always see steve/nancy as like a high school couple but they put sm energy into making her & jonathan a better couple and they make so much more sense than her & steve i stg. i digress.
also low-key the start of these headcanons that give the backstory are FAR too long but i got a bit too into this ngl. this is pretty much spoiler free btw, but it's still tagged <3
ok so it should be said that nancy will always have a special place in steve's heart. you can accept that tbh, because she was his first love and you hold your first high school boyfriend in the same regard
like your mum always said you never forget your first love!! and tbh she was right but there's a difference between the person that made you giddy in senior year and the person that makes you feel whole and complete
for some people, those two might overlap; they might meet the love of their life in high school
however, the man you consider now to be the love of your life is the same man you considered in high school to be an absolute mughead with the stupidest hair you've ever seen
and you were the kid in his science class who gave him evils all the time and couldn't speak to him in a way that wasn't sarcastic
so it's safe to say that you guys didn't fall in love until way after you graduated; it was sort of unexpected and it made no sense at the time but the deeper you fell, the more you realise he might be the only thing that makes sense in this fucking world
steve harrington wasn't an asshole anymore. reality had humbled him, and now he still had all his good traits - the hair, the humour, the stupid smile and goofy aura - but he scooped ice cream for a living
you worked at starcourt too in the unit next door and after your parents moved into the house beside him, he kept driving past you on your way home til he began offering you lifts
after a few weeks of steve driving you home, having deep chats and screaming along to madonna, he asks you out
its not long before you're pretty much convinced you'll spend your life with him. maybe you're young and dumb still but you only ever feel truly at home with him
you know he still sees nancy about. it never bothers you - why would it? steve loves you and nancy & jonathan byers are a well-known couple
1986 is...different though. you & steve are as strong as ever but ongoing events have him closer and closer to nancy, who you know for a fact has been drifting apart from jonathan
you'd never want to assume anything, especially not someone you consider to be a friend.
but she looks at him the same way you do
which is when you're like OH
and yeah steve is a certified dumb ass (the word "himbo" didn't exist in the 80s but steve is a himbo and a himbo is steve) but hell even he can see it too
you don't want to feel insecure: you know that steve loves you but nancy is...nancy. she's pretty and smart and way better at all of this upside down shit than you. she makes it all look naturally
steve brings it up straight away as soon as you're home that night. there's no beating around the bush. he just kinda puts his hands on your shoulders and forces you to look him in the eye
"i know what you're thinking," he says, "but i promise, no matter what, i love you"
it's nice, actually, that he just reassures you without a second thought
bc even though he loved nancy wheeler at one point in his life, he's gonna love you for the rest of it
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sukirichi · 3 years
earned it [01]
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Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it.  But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins. He also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
request. (mafia au, sugar daddy au) + (dumbification, praising kink)
cw. smut, overstimulation, slight dumbification, praising kink, slight degradation, spanking, belt whipping, explicit murder, rough sex, shower sex, oral (f receiving), multiple sex scenes, riding, slight angst, veryyy unedited, sex when standing up, sex in pretzel position, dom! gojo, manhandling
notes. 🦋 anon, thanks so much for the request! i hope you love this one, i absolutely poured my heart and soul into this! minus the effort to edit, i’ll just edit this when i’m no longer sick lol
series masterlist
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There he was again.
Working in a high-class restaurant located in the heart of the city meant you were no stranger to seeing people of power and titles, but he never failed to make everyone stop in their tasks every time he came around.
You don’t know his name, much less his usual orders since his usual table – middle 98 – wasn’t in your rotation. But you’re held captive in his presence, attention drawn to his broad shoulders clad in what seemed like a hand-stitched three piece suit, his striking white hair falling down in smooth tendrils. There’s something about the way he walks – confident doesn’t begin to describe it – that makes everyone surrounding him feel like they’re merely spectators to the enigma that was him, and he carries this observation proudly in his shoulders, that mischievous smile never absent from his face.
Your co-worker tugs at your sleeve, nearly knocking the empty wine glasses away from your tray. Barely catching them as you falter, you bow down to them in apology. No matter how intriguing the mysterious midnight comer was, you were still working. You needed to keep your head focused and in the game.
Hours pass by of shifting from one table to another, your hands beyond cramped from scribbling down such intricate orders. It’s a miracle you were hired in a place as luxurious as this in the first place when you couldn’t pronounce, much less spell the main dishes, but you proved through determination and hard work that the miracle was also accompanied by your grit. It didn’t matter that you were the youngest part-timer with little to no experience – unexpected things always happened when you’re backed in a corner, leaving you with no choice but to follow through.
This corner was nothing less than the struggle to make ends meet. While you’re lucky to have gotten accepted in one of the top state universities, there still came the issue of tuition fees, plus dorm occupations.
You don’t have the privilege to complain or whine that your experiences are probably not on par with what they expect of you, so you have to do your best; you have to keep pushing no matter how hard it gets and you’re barely awake for class the next day.
Clocking out, you bid goodbye to your co-workers and thank them for their hard work, about to leave through the back door when you hear his voice.
Your gaze lands on him from outside the kitchen, body twisted in the direction of where he sat, long legs crossed one another. He’s thanking the waiter for the wine, and you wince, because it isn’t just any wine. That’s one of the drinks locked in the special cellar because of its hefty price, yet there he was, swirling the red liquid around in his glass as if the amount of zeroes never bothered him. He’s reading something from his tablet, head tilted to the side as he drinks, and that’s when you see it.
It’s so miniscule you would’ve believed it’s just your eyes playing tricks on you, but you’ve seen in this class during one of your laboratory practices, the burn marks on your wrist a painful reminder of your carelessness.
Your boss’ shouts of warning fall onto deaf ears as you push past the double doors, feet moving on its own. The edge of the glass makes contact with his lips, gray lashes flattering across his cheeks, while time and sound becomes nothing but background noise to you. Your cry is inaudible when your hand pushes the glass away from his grip, the sounds of it shattering into pieces like a wake-up call to both of you.
For the first time since you’ve met him, the faintest look of surprise crosses over his face. His hands remain into a reflexive hold of the now missing glass, azure eyes cutting through yours.
You bow down to apologize – you can’t believe you’ve just done that and how his suit was stained and his pants soaked – but the words that left his lips stun you beyond disbelief, effectively freezing you in your state. His voice holds the same iciness as the blue of his pupils, but to you – just for you – there’s a tinge of awe behind them.
“Odd,” he says, “To think my life would be saved by you.”
You wake up with a gasp, hands clutched on the blanket covering your bare frame. There’s sweat forming on your hairline as you look around, wincing at the sliver of light passing through the curtains. Silver, ceiling length draperies obscure the view of the city skies outside, a huge reminder of where you are now – somewhere between the past and the future that’s about to come – and the king-sized bed you lay on almost feels like a dream.
Right. It’s been two years since you’ve met Satoru, the once mysterious customer turned into lover, an arrangement between financial aid and companionship solidifying your relationship with him now.
Your face burns at the sight of your clothes scattered all over your shared room. Your lace panties somehow end up on the chandeliers, the expensive material of your silk dress about to slide off the humongous TV and your bra hanging off the doorknob.
The light ache between your legs does nothing to appease your embarrassment. Even after two years of being with Satoru, it’s still difficult to believe he’s chosen you of all people.
He could’ve had anyone he wants. Not only is he beautiful, young, successful, and smart, he’s also an absolutely god in the sheets, your throbbing core attesting to his never ending array of his skills. Truly, Gojo Satoru was perfect, so much so that you pale in comparison to him no matter how much he’s assured you you’re the only he has eyes on.
It doesn’t make sense to you, but does it have to?
Love never required a logical reason for it to blossom, and you left it at that, fearful that it may just ruin whatever happened between the two of you. Besides, if Satoru wants you, then who were you to question that?
You swing your legs off the side of the bed to make him breakfast, but your legs shake upon contact to the floor, still very much sore after last night’s events.
Satoru’s been away for work for three days, and even though it wasn’t that much of a distance, he still acted like it’s been forever. He sure took his time with you, making you cum three times just with his tongue and fingers alone. He’s a cheeky and mischievous man; there’s no telling whether his words are just sweet lies or plain facts, but if there’s one thing you’re sure of, it’s that Satoru keeps his promises to heart. If he says he’s going to fuck you until you can’t walk the next day, he means it, and now you’re left groaning back onto the bed.
You’re thankful that it’s a weekend. Had it been a school day, it’s going to be an absolute pain in the ass. No matter how much he’s covered your school fees, you still won’t risk missing a day.
The door swings open, revealing your boyfriend clothed in nothing but his boxers, the smile on his face huge at seeing you glare at him. “Aw, baby,” he coos, sliding himself next to you, carrying a tray of pancakes topped with blueberries with him. Satoru wraps an arm around your shoulder and laughs into your air when you grumble at the soreness, which he tries to kiss away. “Sorry not sorry for last night. It’s not my fault I’m so addicted to you.”
“Whatever,” you mutter, fighting back that stupid fluttering feeling in your chest. Your attention is diverted to the luscious, fluffy pancakes, and your brows furrow at the sight. “Did you make this for me?”
“Yes, ma’am!”
You roll your eyes at him; his energy was always off the charts even after fucking you into oblivion. Thanking him under your breath, you reach for the breakfast, eternally grateful that it’s breakfast in bed because you can’t walk anywhere right now. However, Satoru pries your hands away from the fork, making you lean back instead as he spoon feeds you.
It’s a little humiliating – and he’s basking in this judging from the smirk he wears – but you give in anyway. Unlike him, your stamina isn’t monstrous. You’re still a human and you’re utterly tired, the glare endless through mouthfuls of the pancake. “I’m not a child, you know.”
“Yeah, but you’re my baby,” he retorts, smacking a kiss right at your lips.
You complain harder, ever so annoyed that you could never seem to throw him off guard and have the upper hand for once. Satoru eases the frown on your face by kissing you harder, his hand cradling your neck. He’s a fucking tease; his tongue languid and sensual as he tastes the honey coating your lips, sucking your bottom lip inside his mouth before nipping at it.
At the back of your mind, you’re wondering how each moment with him results into touching. Not that you really mind, of course, your stomach only flares up with heat at the thought he wants you just as much as you crave him.
Breakfast is soon forgotten right after seven bites as Satoru leans back against the headboard, thumb soothing circles at your hipbone to guide you on top of him.
He pulls away to breathe, a thin thread of saliva and honey between your lips present, and it’s so erotic that his eyes darken with lust, hands gripping a little tighter. You’re still bare on top of him, hardened breasts on display, but he holds himself back with heavy breaths, not wanting to ruin you further than he already has.
Satoru’s lips lands on your shoulder instead, thumb grazing under the weight of your breasts. He’s kissing you everywhere, almost as if he expects the flutter of his lips to heal you. You gladly let him taste you as he pleases, neck tilted to the side while you catch your breath.
The transition of him from an absolute freak in bed to the caring, compassionate boyfriend he is never fails to give you whiplash.
“How’s your studies?” he murmurs into your skin, his touch feather-like in caressing your back. You feel the hairs stand up at where he grazes them, shivering at the sensuality and tenderness he holds you with. “Doing good? My sweetheart still top of her class?”
“Hmm,” you hum back, planting yourself firm in his lap. He’s already hard under you, his cock twitching when your bare cunt presses on top of his tip, but he controls himself, focusing on your state instead. “My grades are tip-top, all thanks to your support,” Satoru smiles when you’re the one placing kisses all over his face this time, his giggles almost child-like.
Time flies by as you lay there in his arms. You’re lulled back into sleep at the sound of his heart beat, and just as you’re dozing off, Satoru pats your ass. “Baby,” he calls out, “Let me wash you first, then we’ll cuddle afterwards. What do you think about that?”
“That’d be great, I feel sticky.”
Satoru laughs, pulling panicked squeals from you when he suddenly hoisted you in his arms, carrying you bridal style. He kicks the door open before turning the heater on in the Jacuzzi, placing you under the shower first.
You close your eyes under the sprinkle of water, hands splayed all over his chest. Your legs are still wobbling, no thanks to him railing you as if there was no tomorrow, but he holds you upright, kneading his hands into your hair then washing every crevice of your body. When you open your eyes, you see him kneeling down to rub the loofah all over your legs, a slight pinch in his brows from sheer focus.
Your heart beats loudly on your chest, unable to process that the Gojo Satoru is on his knees, his touch nothing less of worshipping as if you were a divine being in his eyes.
It makes you breathe sharply as his face comes up before your core, his tongue darting out for a moment before he looks away, focusing on cleaning you up afterwards. His control and care for your well-being leaves you speechless, leaves you breathless, leaves you wanting him more and more and more that you’re kissing him again the moment he brings you both to his Jacuzzi.
He’s taken his boxers off to enjoy the feeling of skin brushing against skin, the fuzz of bubbles foaming up at your breasts only enticing him to kiss you with equal fervent passion.
You’re grinding down on his dick, his length encased between your lips that are extremely warm in comparison to the cool water. Finally, Satoru is stuttering beneath you, little whines leaving his breath as he kneads your ass, resisting the urge to slap the smooth flesh.
“Satoru,” you moan, “N-need you now, please.”
Fuck, his name on your lips mixed with your moans are enough to make him want to lose his restraint and just fuck you hard and deep there. He growls at how unaware you are of your effect on him, and he’s nothing short of starving in his kisses, never getting tired of tasting you over and over again. He wants to keep kissing you until your scent and taste is imprinted on his skin, to carry you around with him even when you’re not there, because he loves you, and he’s never loved anyone this much before. Especially for people like him, love was nothing but a myth.
Everything is a fantasy with you, a dream he doesn’t want to wake up from. If you were to ask him to give up everything for you this instant, he’d do it in a heartbeat.
His heart is enslaved by your existence, and he nods, helping you lift your hips up to align his cock to your entrance. He takes note of your soreness as you slowly sink down on his cock, swallowing your whimpers through open-mouthed kiss. You’re shaking inside his arms, tiny scratches mixed with mewls making its way on his chest, further adding to the litter of scars already painted on his body.
Your head lands on his shoulder the second he bottoms out. Satoru groans at the feeling of your walls fluttering down on him, so warm and so tight that he has to lean his head back on the headrest just to catch his breath.
“You ride me, baby,” he manages through pants. “I’ll let you set the pace – do what’s comfortable with you.”
Your jaw clenches at the same time you clamp down on him one more time, eliciting another sinful moan from your lover. A lazy smirk graces your face as you ride him slowly, the image of the almighty Gojo Satoru falling apart at your ministrations burned at the back of your mind. You’ll replay this memory every time he leaves for work again, and the dreadful thought of having to watch him leave one more time fuels you to bounce on him harder, nails dug into his shoulder.
Satoru winces at the slight sting but doesn’t stop you anyway; he’s no stranger to pain. In fact, he’s a master of that and many more in more ways than one, though you didn’t know that – and he’ll never let you know that.
His eyes snap open at the sounds of skin slapping against skin, the water sloshing out the Jacuzzi. He’s met with the sight of you clutching the edges of the tub, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you fuck yourself harder on his cock. Your breasts bounce right in front of his eyes, tempting him to latch a mouth around it, which he does, the sudden flicking of his warm tongue on your nipples driving you to the edge.
Your soreness becomes a hazy memory of the past with each slide down his dick, thighs burning from the exertion. Satoru is lapping up your breasts and palming the other expertly, his breath hot on your skin.
Something familiar coils into your lower abdomen with each hard thrust, and you throw your head back, moaning his name as if it’s the only thing you’ve ever known. You’re growing tired; he can tell from the way you’re barely lifting your hips, but you’re so close, so near, that Satoru takes it upon himself to push you both right where you wanted to be.
Your moan comes out breathless the moment Satoru grips at your hips, snapping his hips upwards at the same time he guides your body to crush down on him. He’s the one controlling your body, but you’re falling on top of him with no reserve, your weight slamming down to his groin in full force that he’s faltering. Satoru is entranced by the motion of your hips gyrating around the head of his cock, the wavering grin on your face a telltale you’re enjoying the act of destroying him, but he lets you – it’s only fair after the countless times he’s done the same with you. But oh, he’ll have you again and again, and he proves his endless desire for you by forcing himself deep to your most sensitive spots, the glimpse of your mouth hanging open as you come making his cock twitch.
Satoru squeezes your hips as he situates you flat on his cock, groaning as he came in thick spurts. You mewl, scratching at his chest as he rides his high out with a few more sloppy thrusts.
“I know, baby, I know,” he whispers at the top of your hair, well-aware that your oversensitivity is clouding your mind. But he can’t help it, not when you feel so good around him like this. “Just a little more, I’ll be – fuck – right there, oh yeahhh,” he drawls out breathlessly, his cock twitching with the last strings of cum until he grows boneless inside you.
Satoru pulls his cock out, chest heaving up and down from that earth-shattering orgasm. In all honesty, he’s confident he could give you an even better one, but your lids are already fluttering close that he chuckles, pressing a kiss on your temple as a silent you did well.
Somewhere through your half-awake state, you manage to card your fingers through his hair, voice small and weak as you ask, “Don’t you have to go to work?”
Satoru’s eyes lour with something unreadable, and he’s thankful you don’t get to see the sudden glooming of his face. He gently pushes your head to rest on his shoulder, his eyes narrowed at his rippling reflection in the water. In his eyes, he sees the truth – he sees a monster holding an innocent angel he lives to protect – the truth he wants to conceal. He can’t even fathom the possibility of you finding out about who he really is, much less what he does that enables him to provide you with everything you need.
He’s the demon himself, caressing someone as pure as you in his arms, his eyes and true self sinister except for the gentle kisses he leaves at the shell of your ear.
If it keeps you safe, he doesn’t mind becoming even more of a monster if it means keeping you safe.
So he keeps you right where you can’t witness the slight moments of vulnerability in which his horns reveal itself, hugging you tight and possessively in the fear he’ll lose the only thing that matters most to him.
“I have a meeting tonight,” is all he says, is what he always says.
He’s mysterious and aloof, too vague every time you inquire him about what he does for a living. Usually, you’d feel worried or even wary that maybe he doesn’t trust you as much as you originally thought, but you’re too tired to question him further, and he takes advantage of your weakness wholeheartedly. All to keep you safe.
Satoru closes his eyes as he takes a deep breath, no longer bothered by the fact each step he took is getting him closer and closer to a point of no redemption.
He’s not worried about that anymore, not when his salvation is right in his arms, wrapping him with your love and false sense of safety that it becomes the lie he feeds himself every night just to keep going on.
“I just want to be with you a little longer.”
This time around, Satoru tells the truth.
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The rust of blood dripping off the concrete walls is as normal to Satoru as breathing is for everyone else. He doesn’t falter in his movements, doesn’t scrunch his nose at the stench, and he doesn’t waver from swinging his arm back, the heavy weight of the wrench already wielded in his hand.
Someone dared come up to their base to face him head-on.
He has to admit, he was impressed with their guts, but now he feels empty save for a slight sliver of irritation at the man’s bloodied face. He’s panting after coughing up blood so much, his face unrecognizable after the beating Satoru gave him, teeth splattered on the floor. Satoru’s right hand man, Geto, stands at the side, silently inspecting his nails.
They’d been going at this for hours now, yet they seemed to be right where they were at the beginning. Torture was usually an effective method of gathering information, but this hostage seemed to be on the same par of monstrous as Satoru from his unyielding nature, even had the audacity to laugh.
Satoru stops in his tracks, a brow raised at what seemed to be so funny.
“Everyone spoke highly of you,” he spat his blood out, his busted eye twitching under Satoru’s stone cold gaze. “They told me you were barbaric, ruthless, the most feared mafia boss out here, but you’re pathetic now, aren’t you? You’re not the same Six Eyes who sees all they claimed you to be,” Satoru watched warily when his hostage smirked, the same one he always wore just moments from bashing the skull out of someone. It’s because he’s so familiar with it that Satoru immediately puts up his walls, Geto stepping beside him with his gun gleaming under his coat. As expected, the man does not falter, his laughter merely increasing in volume. “You’ve grown soft, Gojo. Your little lover is your weakness, it’s written all over your face. Tell me, what’s stopping you from ending my life already? Afraid that if she finds out, she might push you away?” When Gojo doesn’t answer, the man clicks his tongue. “I fucking knew it.”
Geto moves quicker than his boss. He draws his gun and aims it right between his eyes, only to be stopped by Satoru’s indifferent tone. “Stop.”
“But boss-”
“Why did you come here?” he stabs the man in the thigh with a knife, his screams of pain alleviating enough to distract the painful clenching of his chest. “I don’t believe you came here just to prove the rumors true. Now you tell me, why have you come here?” Satoru slams his fist down on the knife, the blade pushing past through muscles and hitting deep to the bone. “Answer me.”
“Th-there’s a drive in my pocket. Open it and you’ll see.”
The man doesn’t stop squirming as Geto rummages through his jacket, nodding to his boss once they got hold of the slick black device. Geto immediately plugs it to the monitor, several photographs popping up in a few seconds, and those few seconds were all it took to bring the infamous mafia boss down.
Because they weren’t just photos, they were photos of you.
Of you laughing with your friends, of you hugging Satoru’s arm in one of your dates, of you kissing him under the streetlight and even an intimate photo of you going down on him while he’s driving. It must be taken from a street cam judging from the blurry quality, but it’s crystal clear to him anyway, and Satoru’s mind muddles with thoughts darker than he once believed he’s capable of. He feels his anger bloom like fire licking up at his skin, his nerves bursting through, and he’s so obvious, so predictable that his hostage guffaws.
“I was right, I was right-!”
“You mean her?” his voice drips down with so much indifference, it shocks even he himself. His hostage shuts up at the sudden change of Satoru’s aura, that dark, fearsome aura that had people begging him to kill them as an act of mercy coming back to life. The man clamps his mouth shut, chills running down his spine because it’s no longer the same Satoru he mocked pulling the knife out from his thigh.
No, this is the Gojo Satoru, the devil incarnate himself, and he’s made the huge mistake of believing he would be affected by a mere woman. Satoru reads the fear on his face too easily, not bothering to hide his sigh as he twirls the bloodied blade between his fingers.
“She’s nothing to me. She’s just another bitch, another paid pussy. Favorite of the month, you could say, but nothing of worth to me,” he announces, ignoring Geto who’s stiffened up at the corner. “Did you really come all the way here just to see if you could find my weakness? If so, then your organization is a lot dumber than I thought, and I hate people who waste my time.”
“No, no, please, I was just jok-” his eyes widen when Satoru snaps his fingers, and Geto rushes to his boss with his gun. “Please, no, I didn’t think she was just a bitch-”
The man never got to finish his words.
A loud ‘bang’ echoes around the room, followed by a slight snap when his head falls backwards. Blood drips from the hole sitting in between his head, the aim perfect and flawless even with Satoru not looking back. He’s still Gojo Satoru, leader of the Gojo Mafia Clan, and he’s not the most feared leader in history for no reason. He’s always been blessed with a physical prowess and fighting abilities that allowed him to take on other clans by himself, but he’s changing. There’s now a chink in his armour, and people are starting to notice.
If he doesn’t do anything about it soon…
“Sir,” Geto begins, following the rushed footsteps of Satoru outside the hall, where his security is lined up with guns poised and ready to risk their lives for him. This was his power, this was his legacy – and this is who he was.
A killer. A monster. A demon – he’s everything you wouldn’t love.
“I know, Geto, I know,” Satoru says through gritted teeth, his bloody hands clenched into fists. He already knows what he’s supposed to do; he doesn’t need another reminder of it. “You don’t have to tell me anything I know of already. Now send that body back as a warning. I’m going home for tonight.”
Geto is stunned, and he’s got every right to be. After all, in his boss’ 28 years of existence, not once has he called anywhere or anyone home.
He’s always claimed himself to be irredeemable, to be unworthy of love and forgiveness, but slowly yet surely, he was beginning to look at life differently after meeting you, after loving you. The word ‘home’ was never in his vocabulary, and yet, every time your face comes up in his mind, it’s the only word he can think of.
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He came home a lot earlier than you expected him to. You’re hunched over the table, legs swinging back and forth as you finish your school packets when the door chimes with the familiar beep. It’s only midnight and he’s already here, the excitement manifesting in you as you jump off the stools, running to greet your beloved.
Satoru ends up as a blur of frantic hands tugging his tie off, his scowl seething with anger and regret pouring off of him in waves.
Before you could say anything, he has you pinned on the wall, one knee inside your legs to keep you upright. Satoru is kissing you, hard, one hand raised to keep both your wrists planted above your head. You’re moaning at his aggressiveness, the sounds encouraged by his erection poking at you from your silk robe.
It’s not rare for him to come home in need of a fuck to clear his head, but…something feels different this time around. He feels different, almost like an entirely new person.
Satoru pulls away to press his forehead to yours, his eyes hooded with lust and lips bruised from the kiss. You’re confuzzled; your lover is the exact same person standing before you, the same person grazing at your breasts until your nipples harden at his touch, so then why does it feel like the person who left and came back are entirely two different people.
“Can I fuck you, angel? Please?”
Your words die down your throat.
Satoru’s never said please before, much less look this devastated as he asks to have you. He always says it with exuberant confidence, his present frown usually a smile. There’s no trace of happiness or even playfulness in his eyes this time around. Instead, they’re filled with fear – desperation, even.
You say yes before you realize it, but it’s enough for Satoru. It feels like he’s only been waiting for that word before he goes on a rampage, for his lips are on yours again, patting your thighs as a silent command to jump. You follow his orders and kiss him feverishly until it becomes a battle for dominance, tongue and teeth clashing against the other. Your hands are tugging at his hair from how rough he’s grabbing at your hips, spanking the sensitive flesh that draws a whimper at you.
You don’t know how Satoru manages to find his way to the leather couch even with his eyes closed, but he takes you there, no longer gentle as he throws your weight down. You’re falling, falling, falling as your knees hit the material, cheeks pressed against the headrest. You turn back to kiss him one more time, but Satoru keeps you down there, the sound of his belt unbuckling reaching your ears.
Satoru wraps the leather around his palm, kissing you flat on the lips just as he slaps the material to your ass. He’s pushed your robe to bunch up at your waist, groaning into your mouth upon the realization you’ve been walking around the house butt-naked.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he nips at your lips, feeding off of the pained moans coating his senses at each whip of his belt. “No underwear while I’m gone – you’re begging to be fucked, angel. You’re so filthy,” he swings his arm back to extend the length of the belt, squeezing your ass before he whips it harder against your flesh. You scream at the contact, nails ripping the leather couch and a slight puddle of drool on your lips.
“What?” he snaps, gripping your jaw, his eyes replaced with something animalistic as he stares at you. The love is gone in his eyes, your lover almost unrecognizable from the way he whips you again. You jut forwards, arousal pooling and dripping down his sofa. His eyes trail down your gushing pussy, nostrils flared before throwing his belt to the other side of the room. The buckle hits one of his expensive vases until it comes crashing down, the sound of it nostalgic to the first time you met him. “Can’t talk, huh, baby? What do you want? Tell me what you want.”
“Fuck me,” you blurt out, wiggling your hips sensationally at his already throbbing dick. “Please fuck me.”
You suppose you should’ve been more careful with your words, because Satoru lives to please, and if you tell him to do something, you can expect he’ll give his everything.
He knocks the wind out of your lungs by squeezing your waist, sliding himself into you one, full thrust. You’re wet enough that he slides in easily, but it’s too fast, too early, that the sudden stretch is painfully pleasurable. Satoru delivers one more smack to your flesh that makes it bounce, his growls loud and ragged as he pounds into you.
You’re clutching at the backrest, eyes shut tight as all your attention diverts to the heat in your core. You wish you could see his face, hold his hand or see the way he admires you while he fucks you, but you can’t see anything. Tonight, you could only feel.
Each thrust sends the couch a little ways forward, his balls slapping against your ass. He’s cursing left and right, more focused on getting his anger out his system than pleasuring you. It’s a drastic change to your lover’s behavior in bed, yet you can’t find any muscle in your body that denies this. Satoru can be rough, but he never really goes all out. One way or another, he manages to hold back for your sake, but his mind’s a mess, the voices in his head screaming louder that it drowns out the need to make you cum first.
He’s relentless, grip bruising the harder he fucks into you. You know you’re gone in the instance Satoru plants one foot beside you, the angle causing him to hit deeper.
Satoru ends up fucking into your cervix with each hard thrust, fisting his hand under your robe while he slams forward. It’s so intense that your vision blurs, a faltered grip on the couch. You’re falling limp under his ministrations, his dick successfully hitting that spot that has you seeing white. You’re screaming, babbling nonsense while Satoru uses you as his own fuck toy, pushing past your tight walls and relishing in the way you hug his cock snugly.
He came first, his thrusts growing sloppy and stuttering for a moment. Satoru pulls out so quickly from you that you’re left gasping for air at the sudden emptiness, and that’s when you feel his cum landing on your lower back.
You’re too slow, too weak – or perhaps he’s too strong, too fast – to react properly to his movements.
Satoru doesn’t let you catch your breath as he throws you over his shoulder, your face nearly smacking his ass. You feel dizzy at this position, and the voice in your head tells you that you should be scared he’s manhandling you like this, but seeing him this way – so reveled, so angry, so out of control – has you rubbing your legs, core dripping at the thought of how he’s going to use you tonight.
Your eyes widen when he doesn’t head for the bedroom. You were so sure he’d take you there, but Satoru lays you flat on the marble countertops of the kitchen, the cold biting into your skin.
Satoru doesn’t waste another second before he spreads your legs open and dives into your cunt. You squeal, legs instinctively closing around his head when you feel his tongue lick a flat stripe at your pussy, but he only pushes them apart, encircling your ankles hard to keep you open.
You know he’s strong, but you’re still surprised that he’s capable of rendering you motionless, powerless like this. Your mind wanders off to a dangerous path in wonders of how else he’s hurt someone like this – whether intentionally or unintentionally – but he immediately pulls you back to reality when he sucks your clit, his eyes direct with yours.
His hands trail upwards to squeeze at your breasts, the immediacy of it all firing up that tight knot in your stomach that he failed to snap a while ago.
Satoru’s nose rubs at your skin the harder he sucks at your clit, tugging it upwards until you’re whining around him. It’s always so erotic to see his pretty face buried in your cunt like this; you’ll never get used to him eating you like you’re his last meal. He laps up your juices like a starved man, his tongue prodding between your lips and slurping everything you offer him, one of his arms retracting to slide two fingers inside your sopping hole.
You moan at the sudden intrusion. The sounds of your moans mixing in with the lewd squelching of your dripping pussy is extremely embarrassing, even more so because you’re actually gushing down his palm.
Your juices spread all over his face, and Satoru is greedy, thirsty for more. He pumps harder into you, curling them against the ridges of your walls, and finally, finally you’re there. Your orgasm washes down on you violently that Satoru has to keep a palm flat down on your stomach, his tongue not ceasing from lapping up your juices. You’re convulsing from his hold, stuttered moans rewarding to his ears.
He doesn’t stop coaxing your wetness out of your cunt, his fingers working you out and easing the previous pain of when he entered you without warning. Satoru leans up to help you sit up, his lips colliding with yours for a much gentler kiss this time around.
You cup his cheeks, feeling him slide your body across the counters. Your arousal that he’s failed to clean up remains there until it spreads all over the back of your thighs, the feeling sticky and uncomfortable, but you’re more focused in his tongue dancing with yours. He tastes sweet – like mint and sugar – but his moans are sweeter, the sound dulcet and making you weak on your knees as you taste yourself on him.
Satoru tugs you forward, panic flooding you when you feel nothing under you. You feel like you’re falling again and you immediately encircle your arms around his neck, but he chuckles through the kiss, quick reflexes put into work as he carries you.
The kiss is sloppy yet heated, both of you unable to focus properly when he’s growing hard again. You expect him to take you to the bedroom to finish things for once and for all, but he’s impatient – this much you know the moment he walked in, but somehow keep forgetting – wrapping your legs to his waist instead before slipping inside you.
You mewl into his mouth, eyes snapping open to look at him nervously. His legs are slightly bent as he bounces you on his cock like you weighed nothing.
In this position, he’s hitting deep each time you slide down his cock. Unable to help it, you graze your foreheads with his to stare him deep in the eyes, the usual passion in them slowly returning with each thrust. The work is placed on his shoulders as he holds you close to him, the mind numbing sensation of your erect nipples grazing his sensitive skin enticing him to rut harder into you, all to enjoy the way you fall apart above him.
You’ve been rendered speechless, mouth fallen open to release breathy gasps. Hell, you’re unable to moan, not when his cock is sliding in and out of you so lusciously that you feel every vein protruding from the base of his length. How he manages to walk while fucking you is beyond your comprehension by now, but he seems to be having the time of his life based on his grunting, continuously fucking deep into your pussy so much that he refuses to let you go. Satoru kicks the door to your room open and places you gently on the bed this time, trapping you in his arms but with enough space to let you crawl back up on the bed. You stop as your head hits the pillows, and the mood immediately changes.
Satoru stays still inside you, his large hand cupping your face while you both catch your breath. There’s something unreadable about him. He feels young yet old at the same time, giving you the impression that perhaps he’s still just a child trapped in an old man’s body.
There’s so much fear swirling through the blueness of his eyes that you frown, marveling about what happened to him.
In the intimacy of the moment, you swipe the stray tear that had fallen down his cheek, smiling up at him in hopes he’d realize you’re always there for him. “Satoru,” you whisper, breath hitching as he starts to move. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Satoru props you sideways, your leg flat on the bed while he hooks the other one over his thigh that is spread beside your body. You have to tilt all the way to the side just to see his face, your hand now bent in an awkward position. Although he doesn’t answer vocally, his gentle thrusts are enough to tell you he doesn’t want to talk about it – he never does, and he never will – so you shut your mouth, focusing on the pleasure of him hitting deep.
Your heart aches for him. You wish he could tell you everything, to share you his worries, and you can’t enjoy him fucking you too much because you’re crying, chest clenching that he’s growing distant no matter how close he is.
You don’t want to lose him.
“Hey,” he easily reads you, leaning down to flutter his eyes at you. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just tired, okay, angel? But you’re making me feel good, you always do, so let me do the same for you,” Satoru kisses your tears away, the saltiness of it making him fuck harder into you, all to ignore the screaming inside his head.
He wants to hold you, he wants to kiss you, he wants to keep loving you like this, he wants to be with you, he wants to touch you – but it’s not that easy.
It’ll only keep getting harder in the future, but the future isn’t now. Today is the present, and it’s even more precious because you’re there with him. Right now, you’re untouchable by anyone but him, and it’s only him that gets to fuck you like this, only him who gets to see you whimper under him, only him who gets to kiss you hard while he fucks you deep.
He wants to fuck you hard enough that you never forget the feeling of him inside you.
Maybe he’s selfish, maybe he really is demonic, because he wishes that after this you won’t be satisfied with anyone else. He wants to fuck you hard enough you’ll keep wishing it was him, that it’s him who’s hitting your sweet spots and making you see stars, that it’s only him who can make you feel this good.
Satoru interlaces his hand with yours as he feels you tighten around him, the clamping down of your walls a telltale you’re near. You’re moaning, eyes dropping to where your bodies are connected. His cock is slicked with your arousal and he’s still thrusting to passionately, his hands touching you everywhere with the same ardor and impatience one would have when they know time is limited. And Satoru knows better than everyone that no amount of money can buy enough time in this world, because if such was a case, then he’d have done so long ago.
He silences his demons with the only way he knows how to; by kissing you and burying himself deep inside you, snapping his hips angrily as if they would counterattack his fears. Your hold on him is slipping from the sweat dripping down your bodies, but he doesn’t stop, his cock further stretching you out because he’s growing impossibly bigger.
Satoru’s cock twitches inside you, the motion pulling a gasp from you. He bites down on your shoulder, one hand gripping your other leg open as he grunts into your skin, his thrusts focused more on power than speed. He hits deep each time, the sensation of him sliding out slowly only to push back in vigorously to make your pussy throb too intense for you to even form proper sentences. He’s getting nearer, his thrusts growing more fervent and impatient. Satoru thumbs at your clit to coax you into following him, and with his thumb rubbing your clit and flicking it side to side, you end up finishing before him, your moan high-pitched and broken. He eagerly swallows the sound by releasing after you, refusing to pull out even as he feels both your cum trickle afterwards.
The sensitivity is too much for you that you have to push him away, and he complies, falling at your side but not before wrapping an arm around you first. His heartbeat is pumping under you, your hands tracing circles at his chest while he holds you impossibly close, littering kisses at the crown of your head.
It’s clear that something is wrong, but he won’t tell you no matter how much you ask. You know firsthand how annoying it is when someone can’t respect your space, so you close your eyes and let sleep overtake you instead, basking in the after sex glow and relieved only by his touch.
Hopefully, you think to yourself, he can tell you another time.
“Satoru,” you murmur seconds before falling asleep.
“If there’s something wrong…you’ll let me know, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he lies through gritted chest, pushing your head deeper into his sweaty chest. He has a habit of doing this; of pushing you close so you don’t see his face, so you don’t see the tears streaming down his face that are soon lost in your hair. You think that maybe he’s just breathing hard after work and fucking you, but he’s torn inside, feeling too broken that not even you could help fix his heart.
But you’re still there, and that’s enough for him. So he keeps his lips planted on your forehead all the way until the first sliver of light extends its fingertips over the horizon, the orange glow bathing you in an ethereal light while his body remained in the darkness.
It serves as a painful reminder that he’ll never be worthy of your love, that he’ll never earn the blessing that is your heart, that you’ll never truly love him the way he’s always wanted to be loved. Maybe now you think you do, but it will change once the darkness reveals his true nature, and the thought of you pushing him away hurts a lot more than having never been loved in the first place. To him, it’s a thousand times worse when you get a taste of something, only to have it pulled away from you.
And the longer he stays there next to you, he can’t help but picture your smile soon turned into a look of fear, your body bruised with marks and blood instead of his love bites.
They call him the notorious mafia leader who bows and yields to no one, but it’s not true. Gojo Satoru most definitely has his weakness, one that came into a form of his lover, and he can’t handle that you’d get hurt because of him someday that he believes it’s just better to let things be this way.
He’s silent from when he leaves the bed, refusing to look at you one last time as a final resolve of whatever is left in his strength. He quickly dresses himself and picks up your discarded robe on the ground, folding it and leaving it on the counter before shutting the door, the sound of his footsteps mute compared to the frantic beating of his heart.
Geto is already there at the lobby, his face empty yet eyes filled with sympathy. He opens the door for Satoru who slides in wordlessly, his lips pulled into a thin line while he punches in zeroes upon zeroes.
The words transaction complete flashes before him, and for a split second, he gets the urge to run back inside to hold you. But Geto clears his throat from the passenger’s seat, nodding at his phone that Satoru visibly deflates. His hands are numb the whole time he deletes your photos, your videos, and erases your contact, but it only hits hard that its over once he chucked the phone out the window, watching through his sunglasses as the device is crushed under another speeding car.
Its over, its over, its over – it keeps chanting at his head, and he wants to punch himself, wants to never see another daylight again every time he imagines you waking up alone and unable to find him. He wants to be sad, and he is, but there’s that relief blossoming inside him anyway that whispers its over, you’re safe that he can’t help but think…its okay, its over.
With that, Satoru rolls up the windows and nods at the driver who’s been waiting for him the whole time. He makes eye contact with a proud Geto from the rearview mirror, concealing his heartbreak with a laugh as he crosses his leg over the other.
“It’s over,” he says more to himself, “Let’s go.”
Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it. That’s the reason he got this far in life in the first place, he’s got his tenacity and dedication to thank for. But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins as well, and he also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
And the punishment of loving you – only to have you slip from his arms – is a punishment he’ll wholeheartedly accept.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 (𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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Part Two
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐡/𝐄𝐦𝐨! 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)/ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥/𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞/𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞/𝐝*𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐣𝐨𝐛 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐩*𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧).
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐘/𝐍 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟓𝐊+
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @hanatiny @vocalyunho @galaxteez (payback you little bitch)
Awoken from her daydream, Y/N grumbled when her best friend shoved his notebook in her face.
"Earth to Y/N!" He shouted as he ruffled her hair with the object in his hand.
"Mingi! What the hell?" She complained as she pushed the notebook away.
"I've been trying to get your attention for the past 3 minutes. Are you even listening to me?" He questioned her.
"I am!" She interjected.
Giving her a quizzical look, he crossed his arms.
"Really? Then can you tell me what the answer is?"
Ripping the notebook from his hands, she looked over the equation that filling half the page, squinting at it every now and then before ultimately admitting defeat as she slowly handed it back to the genius sitting next to her on the bench.
Rolling his eyes, Mingi let out a small sigh as he began packing up his belongings, deeming it useless to continue his semi-tutoring session.
"Don't give me that look Min, not everyone is a cute nerd like you that can solve an advanced calculus problem in mere seconds."
"Ok! Although that may be true.." He held up a finger as he paused to fully zip up his bag.
"You're pretty smart too Y/N."
She gave him a small thankful smile at his comment.
"You're problem isn't that you're dumb. Your problem is currently standing right over there."
She hesitantly tilted her head to where his head gestured at, knowing fully well what she'd see. But as soon as she caught a glimpse of the black combat boots, her eyes stayed fixated on the figure reclining against the lamppost. Her eyes trailed up his ripped black skinny jeans, up his torso which was covered by a striped black and dark red turtleneck, its sleeves peeking out of the black studded leather jacket layered on top, until they landed on his nonchalant gaze. His eyes were looking down at his phone, the input connected to the headphones that were currently resting on top of his dark ash grey head. That was how one would mostly find Kim Hongjoong: lost in his own little world, blocking out the rest of his environment with a click of his music playlist, no doubt filled with bands like Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin and MCR. Y/N wasn't going to lie, more than once she often thought about playing a G note near him just to see if he'd react or not. Thinking about him actually reacting to anything made her giggle on the inside.
"And there you go again!" Mingi's voice yelled in her ear.
She was so startled by his piercing scream, she actually fell over and hit the pavement kinda hard. She winced as she felt a pain on her derriere.
"Ow. Ow. Ow." She groaned as she began lifting herself up.
Out of nowhere, a pair of arms scooped her up and helped her stand upright.
"You all right?" The person asked.
"I think so. Thank you for-"
Her words got caught on her throat as a pair of dark brown eyes looked at her, black eyeliner smoked out to accentuate the shape of his eyes and make them look more intense than they already were.
He smirked at her before looking over at Mingi and nodding at him.
"Yunho sent you the invite right?"
Although he was quite familiar and somewhat friendly with Hongjoong, Mingi still had a hard time talking to him, so he merely tilted his head down in a half nod.
"So you're coming or are you going to stay home again and study for any surprise quiz Professor Nam might try to give us?"
Mingi poked his bottom lip out, somewhat offended at being called out like that. The dark male let out a soft snort.
"Seriously Mingi, going out once in a while won't hurt you. You don't even have to get fucked up if you don't want. Just come hang out."
Turning his attention back at the girl silently admiring him, he flashed her a wink.
"Bring a friend if you want too."
Bringing the headphones up to cover his overly pierced ears, he shoved his hands into his pockets and walked away in that usual way of his that made several people think he was on his way to commit a felony or crime.
Y/N watched him leave until he was completely out of sight, and even then, she still stayed staring at the corner he turned. Leaning in, Mingi stared at her with widened eyes.
"Your middle school phase of liking Andy Biersack copycats is really showing Y/N."
She scoffed and pushed his face away from hers.
"Shut up, you act like you didn't have your own infatuation with Hayley Williams."
Mingi stiffened, his ears turning slightly red at the memories.
"I got over it didn't I?"
"I don't know? Did you?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him teasingly.
"Some friend you are. And here I was actually thinking of taking you with me to the weekend bash Yunho and his friends invited me to."
Y/N looked at him in disbelief.
"First off, why would they even invite you? You're not even a part of their clique. Second, even if they had invited you, you wouldn't go. You're too uptight." She accused him.
Squinting his eyes at her, Mingi cleared his throat.
"For your information, I got paired up with Yunho, Hongjoong and Jongho once for a group project and we actually keep in touch since then."
Y/N dropped her hands to the side, a loud slapping noise made against her thighs.
"When was this?"
"Around the time you went to that trip with your parents back home." He answered.
Her mouth dropped open.
"And you never told me this because.....?"
Mingi rolled his eyes.
"Because you would have teased me or would have said something about a nerd, a jock, a teacher's pet and an emo goth, whatever hell spawn demon he is, in a room together and actually getting along."
"I mean, I get them getting along, not so sure about a boring old prick like you though." She stuck her tongue out at him.
Mingi held his fingers up, threatening to flick her forehead if she continued, but Y/N flinched away.
"You ass. And here I was actually thinking of going and taking you so you can hit on your dream boy." He expressed as he began his walk back home, already deeming it late to stay behind on campus grounds.
Following suit and placing herself on his left, Y/N uttered out.
"He's not my dream boy..."
"Really? Then why do you keep drooling over him and looking at him with googly eyes about to pop out of their sockets?" He inquired.
"He's just.....he's just a complex character. Full of mystery and shrouded in this dark aura that I want to get past and see what's behind it...."
She hesitated even though she was supposed to be answering a question. She felt kinda stupid for thinking like that, making Hongjoong seem like some type of enigma when in reality, he could just be a normal person like all the other people that walked past her on the streets. Her friend didn't judge her though, owing some of her curiosity to her psychology major and passion. Slumping an arm around her, he playfully nuzzled his nose against her cheek, making her emit a half-whine half snort hybrid sound at his antics, trying to release herself from his grasp.
"You're so cute. Now come on. I have to take you shopping."
Not even bothering to ask if she had plans or needed to be somewhere else, Mingi linked hands with her and pulled her with him as he speedily walked in the direction of the nearest mall available.
"Explain to me why that is necessary Einstein? You always hated going shopping with me." She nearly tripped trying to keep up with his long strides.
"Because if you want to win emo boy's heart, you at least gotta start looking like his type." He called back at her.
"And what exactly would his type be?"
"Just trust me and leave it all to me."
Y/N wasn't sure about trusting Mingi anymore as they made their way through a dense, misty and dark forest, the only illumination available being the moonlight that casted a blue tinted beam at their surroundings. Her head whipped with every strange noise that came from bushes or behind a tree. It was kinda chilly and the light breeze that whooshed past them had her legs shivering, making her regret wearing the distressed black shorts and fishnet tights under an oversized Scorpions tshirt that covered most of the shorts, making it look like a no pants look.
"Mingi? Are you sure about this?" She was only thankful of her purchase of some Dr. Martens 1460 black boots which helped her not fall or trip easily on the dirt road.
Mingi, who was an even more scared baby than she was, was fumbled with the sleeves of his pullover hoodie.
"Yeah, Yunho sent me directions and it should be around here somewhere..." He tussled his hair back, trying to hear or distinguish any sound.
"Are you sure he didn't send you to his murder site?" She asked, looking around for any suspicious thing.
Right at that moment, a figure jumped out in front of them, causing both of them to start screaming in terror. Mingi in particular, pushed Y/N to the side and began running in the opposite direction.
"Well dang, he didn't even let me yell boo or something."
Y/N recognized the buff male in front of her as Choi Jongho, the running back of the football team. Giving her an apologetic look, he helped her up after Mingi accidentally pushed her onto the dirt. As she dusted the dirt off, Jongho looked at her band tee.
"Scorpions?" He pointed at it.
He uttered a small 'cool' before signaling her to follow him. Turns out, they were actually not far off from the location, which was actually an old abandoned 2 story summer house that resembled more a barn to her than an actual living space. Cars were all parked out around the area and music was blasting from speakers connected to who knows where. People who hung outside were either vaping their Juuls and chugging back bottles of Smirnoff or Mike's Hard beers, some already halfway to being wasted while others simply held it in their hands, hardly taking a sip as they scanned around trying to find someone to go back home with.
"Don't worry about Mingi. I'll go get him......eventually."
Hearing him snicker, Y/N was actually more worried about herself than Mingi. She only agreed to come because, as surprising as it was, he encouraged her to and knowing he'd be there by her side, being the only person she could stick to cause she did not know anyone else, gave her a little bit of courage. But not anymore after he just totally ditched her and left her alone in God knows where.
Seeing her shift around uncomfortably as they passed through a crowd of wild jumping people, Jongho laced his fingers in hers and brought her over to a more quiet side of the place, where 3 other people were standing around, chatting amongst themselves. Once the two huddled up close to each other saw Jongho and a mystery girl they'd never seen before, they began nudging and whispering among themselves, one of them chuckling under his breath. Hongjoong could already guess what his friend's conversations was about, but he simply rolled his eyes at their behavior and lustful gazes.
Until he turned his head and saw who it was next to Jongho. Then took out the red vape in from his lips and made it a point to exhale the fumes onto the younger member's faces.
"Yah! Hyung! What the hell?" His friend with cat like eyes remarked as he coughed and fanned away the cancerous smoke.
"Just cause you don't care about contracting lung's disease at an early age, doesn't mean San or I want any part of it." The other said.
"Wow. I'm impressed you actually know what contracting means Wooyoung." He smiled amusingly at his younger friend, who was not very pleased with his little joke.
"Hey guys! While trying to retrieve Mingi, I made a new friend." Jongho greeted them like a happy bunny as he held up his hand which was still holding Y/N's.
Hongjoong's eyes narrowed down at where they connected, an eyebrow raised at their physical contact as the hand that held his vape pen began fidgeting it rapidly between his fingers. Jongho of course was oblivious to the anger burning through Hongjoong's stare while Wooyoung and San caught on pretty quick and began debating whether to laugh or step in before bottles were thrown.
"Ok, so where is Mingi now?" San asked him.
"He ran off." Jongho shrugged.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Wooyoung pushed himself in between them both, effectively separating them as he pulled Jongho away.
"Great! Now we gotta go find him before he gets lost."
Looking back at Y/N, he waved.
"Hi! I'm Wooyoung, I'm bi and goodbye! You seem nice. Hopefully there's a next time."
Y/N blinked at the flamboyant boy's introduction and exit, wondering if it was planned or-
"No he didn't actually mean to rhyme. He's cute but too dumb to make up a poem on the spot." San answered the question on her mind.
Looking back at Hongjoong, he smiled mischievously.
"Hongjoong definitely can. He's into dark poetry and that Edward Pie guy. Have him recite something to you."
Hongjoong fumed at San who merely patted his shoulder and placed his cup in Hongjoong's hand before sauntering off with the other two.
"Edgar Allen Poe you fucking moron!" Hongjoong yelled as he lifted the cup up, tempted to throw it at him.
Y/N held her hand to her lips for a brief instant, trying to suppress the smile threatening to form across her lips. Hongjoong sighed as he stared down at the contents in the cup, swirling it around casually before holding it out to Y/N.
"Want some?" He offered.
She didn't even know why she accepted it. She'd never drank before in her life and for all she knew, it could have been laced with something. But not wanting to look like a little priss, she took a deep breath before trying to gulp down whatever alcohol was inside. It burned down her throat and she spat some of it back in the cup, unable to hide the cringing expression at the strong liquor.
"What. Is. That?" She questioned as she wiped the liquid that was on her chin and lips.
Hongjoong snorted as he responded that it was straight vodka, making Y/N feel embarrassed to have let him see such a spectacle from her.
"You're not much of a drinker are you? Or hardly one right?"
Her sheepish look was a dead giveaway which had Hongjoong laughing slightly, his lips parting slightly. Y/N was not only surprised to hear him laugh for the first time, but was intrigued when she saw something metallic on his tongue, making her wonder if he was chewing on something. Noticing her curious gaze, Hongjoong's lip curled up at one corner.
"Oh. That's just a piercing."
He had no qualms and simply stuck his tongue out to let her see the silver bar that was plunged through his tongue, each end having a round ball.
"Wow.....that's impressive." She couldn't deny it was extremely attractive.
Hongjoong himself was just attractive in general. Standing there wearing his usual leather jacket, a black tshirt with red letters, and a red turtleneck peeking out from the top, covering his neck. His usual preference for ripped black jeans was not missing, only this time, he added a little flare by having a piece of red plaid fabric chained around his waist, making it look like a half-skirt look. It seriously made him more hotter than he already was.
"Yeah I know. It's even more impressive when I put it to work."
Pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against, he stepped closer to Y/N, one arm propping against the wall in front of her as he looked at her with hunger and desire in his eyes, those eyes that were once again covered with smoked out eyeliner, only this time he added a hint of red that really made them stand out more and seemed to lure you in and see deep in his soul.
"Wanna experience it first hand?"
She was so lost in his eyes, she almost didn't hear him, until she realized what he meant.
"Here?" She mouthed and gestured around them.
Hongjoong threw his head back and laughed.
"Obviously not here. I'm not like those people outside who are probably already getting to 2nd base in front of everyone."
"Oh....." Now she really felt her cheeks flush red.
Hongjoong patiently tapped his black colored fingernails on the concrete wall, waiting for her answer. She seemed to be debating withing herself so much, until her eyes fell on the patch of skin that was showing when his jacket sleeve rose up, letting her catch a glimpse of black ink that probably went up his arm.
"Listen, if you don't want to that's fine. I know when no means no-" He began to assure her.
"Ok." She quickly responded, interrupting his speech.
"Wait- you're serious?" He slumped his arm off the wall, quite shocked she'd agree.
She nodded. "Yeah."
When it was now Hongjoong who was standing quiet, Y/N giggled and leaned in.
"I mean...if you don't want to-"
She had no time to finish the sentence and his hands gripped her waist and pressed her against him, his breath fanning over hers, the strawberry scent of the vape pen still lingering in his mouth.
"Trust me, I've wanted to for a long time."
As soon as the door to Hongjoong's room in the dorm clicked shut, the tension in the room seemed to thicken. Y/N gulped slightly as she realized this is really happening. Not that she didn't want it to, but to actually have Hongjoong standing in front of her, his eyes already undressing and fucking her, while his bottom lip was caught in his front teeth, was definitely not a reality her brain was fully convincing. It wasn't until Hongjoong's thumb grazed her bottom lip, making her exhale a tiny gasp, that it fully dawned on her what was going to happen.
"Don't worry babydoll. I promise you'll get breathless after I'm done with you."
Wrapping his hand on the back of her neck to tilt it slightly upwards, his lips came down and covered her own, pressing against them before slightly parting and covering them once more. He started out slow before turning it more intense, nipping down roughly at her top lip in an effort to get her to open her mouth for him. When she did, his hands cupped the sides of her jaw, thumbs pressed against her cheeks to keep her face from moving as his tongue poked out and slipped inside her mouth. A muffled moan protruded from her throat when Hongjoong rolled his tongue over hers, his tongue piercing grazing the roof of her mouth. He then began swirling his wet muscle around her own, letting her feel the cold metallic jewelry that was sending shocks down her body. When his hands released their hold on her face, they only did so to glide down her torso before snaking down underneath her shirt to cup the back of her shorts, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks, nails lightly raking across the exposed skin under the ripped hem.
Feeling like things weren't going fast enough for how needy she was growing, Y/N ran her hands across Hongjoong's chest, going up to his shoulders and sliding his leather jacket off them. Getting the hint, Hongjoong let it fall to the floor and soon his graphic tshirt followed suit, leaving him in his tight fitted red turtleneck that practically clung to his skin, his pectoral muscles that were well above average for someone his size perfectly outlined. As eye catching as it was, that wasn't what caught her attention. What kept her eyes trained on his chest was some weird thing poking out suspiciously.
He chuckled as he knew what she was curious about.
"Oh. That my dear doll, are another pair of piercings I got."
Y/N nearly drooled as he lifted his shirt off, not only revealing the hidden 11 abs he owned, but the arm sleeve tattoo that went from his wrist to a little bit above his right upper arm. On his left side, there was no tattoo on his arm, but instead on his ribcage. But the thing that made her squeeze her thighs together were the black colored metal pieces that were lined across his nipples. Unable to help herself, her hands reached out to touch them, but Hongjoong quickly stopped her.
"Ok doll, before you get ahead of yourself, at least one article of clothing has to come off your body." He smiled cheekily at her.
No hesitation, Y/N soon discarded her own shirt, tossing it somewhere on the room, leaving her torso covered with only her black lace bra that didn't exactly cover much.
"Fuck babygirl, where you hiding that all this- Oh, oh my!"
Hongjoong nearly fell back on his bed when Y/N pressed her face against his chest, her tongue darting out to lick around his pierced nipples. He swallowed as he collected himself, trying not to get too turned on as her tongue played around with the piercings, sometimes nipping at them. Hongjoong arched his back slightly, letting her take as much of him in her mouth as she pleased. The nipple that wasn't being made out with her mouth, was being pleasured by her hand, pinching and gently tugging at it.
"You can go as hard as you want."
Giggling darkly, he took her free hand and placed it on the erection poking out in his pants.
"I'll have you know I enjoy a little pain."
Making her squeeze down on it, Y/N could feel something odd, which prompted her to poke and grope him more fiercely. Wanting to satisfy her curiosity, Hongjoong unzipped his pants and pulled them down mid thigh to let her admire the last set of piercings he owned:
A Jacob's ladder running up the base of his dick and an ampallang pierced through the head.
"Holy shit...." Whether she said it out loud or not, Y/N didn't care. It was the most erotic image she had ever seen and she could not believe that in mere minutes, it would be inside her, no doubt destroying and tearing her walls apart.
Leaning in, Hongjoong sloppily kissed and sucked her jaw and down her upper neck.
"You're free to play with it as you wish doll. I got them for more than one reason. And that's one of them."
Not needing to be told twice, her hand wrapped around the base of his erect cock, her thumb running across his slit. Hongjoong hissed slightly when her hand began pumping him slowly, purposefully applying pressure to the silver metal adorning his length. Taking advantage of the his hazy state, Y/N returned to her previous task of playing with his nipple piercings. Hongjoong threw his head back at immense pleasure he was feeling, loving when Y/N would squeeze him a little to harsh or bite roughly at his nipples. He felt more intoxicated and high being painfully pleasured by her hand and mouth than with any THC chemical he'd ever introduce inside his system.
Without realizing it, he instinctively began bucking his hips up, wanting to chase the release that was building up inside him. Knowing what he wanted, Y/N lifted her head up and sucked on his neck, speeding up her hand movements.
"You gonna cum for me Joongie? Gonna cum all over my hand? Make a mess and soak my fingers with your dirty cum?" She taunted at him.
Unable to hold back especially after her dirty teasing, with a mutter of curses, he spilled himself all over her hand, some of it splattering onto her fishnets. Once he regained his senses, he looked down to find her looking at him with a shit eating grin.
"Heh......don't think you're in charge here doll. This is still my territory."
Swooping her up, she let out a little yelp when he tossed her onto his bed, immediately crawling in between her legs. After getting rid of his pants and briefs, his hands gripped on her belt loops to pull her shorts down. His eyes scanned her body, trying to decide on something. He hummed softly as his hand pressed down onto her clothed heat.
"I'm not going deny it, those fishnets do look remarkably sexy on you....."
With mock pity, he sighed. "Oh well."
Y/N gasped in horror as he tore a hole right in the crotch area, leaving the rest untouched. Opening his desk drawer, she widened her eyes when he took out a pocket knife and flashed it across her face.
"Relax doll. I like pain, but knife play isn't really my thing. On me or my partner."
After ordering her to stay still, she watched as he carefully cut on the sides of her lace panties, just enough to carefully slip them off her body without having to take off her tights. Although in any other situation she would have instantly closed her legs, she didn't feel like doing it this time. It turned her on and made her feel sexier to instead pry her legs open, letting Hongjoong peer down at her glistening folds that he caused, her hands running themselves down her chest as she bit down at her lip.
"Fuck! You're practically drenched already Y/N." Hongjoong cocked an eyebrow at her.
She only giggled before reaching behind her to unclasp her bra, slowly pulling the straps down before flinging it behind Hongjoong, letting it join the other pile of clothes scattered about. Hongjoong instantly became hard again, but as much as he wanted to bury his pierced cock inside her and fuck her senseless, there was still one thing he really wanted to do.
Positioning herself in between her legs, his hands gripped the back of her thighs. Looking back at her, he sent a wink her way before attaching his mouth to her soaking heat, causing her to jolt up at the sudden sensation. Knowing exactly how to get her head spinning, Hongjoong slid his tongue up her slit, making sure to drag the metal piece across her folds. It was unlike anything she felt before. Hongjoong already was demonstrating his powerful tongue skills, but the piercing just added a whole new sensation that had her shivering. She couldn't contain the moans spilling out her mouth when his tongue slipped inside her hole, her noises only turning louder when he flicked his tongue in a particular way that made the round metal tip thump against her clit. Hongjoong especially loved doing that little maneuver of hitting her clit with it.
When she felt herself about to burst, Y/N's hands clutched the sheets underneath her.
"Hong-Hongjoong I'm gonna- Aaah!"
The fire pooling in her lower abdomen broke free and rushed down, sending burning sparks up her body as her body trembled at the sensation. Pressing a hand down to hold her still, Hongjoong lapped up her her juices, moaning on her clit, the vibrations only serving to make her more sensitive to any move he made on her body.
When he felt she was ready, he swiftly sat up and positioned his pierced member at her entrance. Making sure to prep her, he got out a bottle of lube out of his drawer and poured some onto the tip of his fingers, spreading it around before inserting two fingers inside her. It had a slight cooling effect that made Y/N hum in pleasure, her mouth going slightly agape when he inserted a third finger, scissoring her out and overall making sure she was stretched out enough.
"Patience doll. I don't want to cause any unnecessary pain....."
She let out a whimper when he withdrew his hand and slapped her clit.
"That much." He finished.
Propping herself on her elbows, she kept her gaze in between their legs. She let out a cry when Hongjoong's head slipped inside her, the round tips of the ampallang piercing stretching her hole in a delicious burn. Next came the metal ridges that scraped against her lower walls, it was an absolutely exhilarating experience. Hongjoong himself let out a groan when he fit himself inside her tight and warm cavern.
"Jesus babydoll. When was the last time you had a good fuck?" He gripped her hips, trying to keep himself from moving just yet.
"Too f-fucking long." She disclosed, her head falling back against the pillow in a disappointed look.
"Well don't worry babe. I'll make sure to fuck any name out of that brain of yours, you won't even remember your own."
Snapping his hips up, he began a rather hard and fast pace, making sure to angle himself so he hit her g-spot. Y/N's hands held onto his arms, choked breaths and screams coming out of her mouth as she began drowning in the immense pleasure he was giving her. The way the metallic piercings raked against her walls every time Hongjoong thrusted in and out of her was indescribable. At first it felt strange and slightly painful, but soon it became addicting, almost to the point of being overwhelming.
Hongjoong took notice of the way her lips parted whenever the ladder piercing grazed at a particular spot.
"You're enjoying this my angel? Like being fucked by my pierced dick?"
Licking his hand, he dropped it down to spank her throbbing and swollen clit, grinning almost sadistically when she shrieked out at his pleasurable torture.
"Do you just enjoy being used like a dirty little hole? Isn't that what you are in the end? Just a filthy hole for me to fuck as I like?"
The corners of her eyes began spilling out tiny droplets of tears as his hand continued his assault on her clit, slapping it until it turned a bright shade of pink. Feeling the intensity build up yet again in the pit of her stomach.
"Hongjoong! I'm gonna cum!" She warned him.
Snaking his hand to grip her neck, Hongjoong sped up his thrusts, fucking her in a frenzy, sending her into a mental state of pure euphoria as he cut off part of her breathing. Y/N shut her eyes as a violent orgasm ripped through her body, her body thrashing and quivering under Hongjoong's. With clenched teeth and furrowed eyes, Hongjoong completely shattered on top of her, spilling himself inside her clenched walls that were milking him past his breaking point. Releasing his grip on her neck, he collapsed on top of her body, his hands spread out to keep himself from dropping all his weight on her.
"Oh my god!" He panted harshly as he tried to collect his breath and thoughts.
She was in no better state than he was, hair all disheveled, pussy still throbbing and her chest heaving up and down as her mind went blank. She only came to her senses when she felt Hongjoong get up and go out of his room, leaving her confused.
Did he regret it? Did he not enjoy it? Was he going to ask her to leave?
It turns out it was none of the above since he came back with a packet of wet tissues.
"You ok?" He asked, looking at her with concern.
After being reassured that she was fine, he plucked out some of the tissues and began wiping between her legs and thighs.
"Ok, these gotta go."
Hongjoong ripped more of the already destroyed fishnet tights and got them off her body, letting it hit the floor.
"Not like I would have used them again." Y/N agreed.
After cleaning both her and himself up, they both stayed quiet. Clearing her throat, Y/N made way to get up.
"Guess it's my cue to leave.."
"Wait don't go!"
Grasping her wrist, he pulled her back onto the bed, making her slightly straddle his lap. Looking up at her with such tender eyes, he offered:
"Stay the night. I don't want you to go just yet."
He said it with such a pleading tone that Y/N didn't have the heart to refuse his request. She just allowed him to place her beside him on the bed, his chest pressed against her back as one of his arms wrapped around her. She closed her eyes and slowly began drifting off to sleep. She was halfway gone when she felt Hongjoong wrapped something cold around her neck. Opening her eyes, she reached up and felt leather on her skin.
"What's this?" She questioned as her finger toyed with whatever was dangling from the device.
Hongjoong smiled fondly at the black choker strapped around her neck.
"Don't worry about it. Just wear it for me..."
His hand traced the red heart pendant dangling from the choker, the letters 'KHJ' engraved on the center of it.
"So everyone can see that you're all mine now."
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mayaree-darling · 3 years
Hiii. First time anon here, im madly in love with your sukuna fic, its so well done and immersive!!! If its okay, what is sukunas reaction if his vessel is a dense but really jefferey goldblum level of sensual? Qjdw im so sorry and thank u for ur time!
You got me in the first half, not gonna lie. And then it all went downhill from there. Glad you loved Annoying Brat, anon! 
Oh god. This writing blog is all family friendly content except for the excessive swearing. I’ll try my best to answer I guess???? Can’t get really in-depth into that so I hope you’ll forgive me for that
sorry if i didn’t answer correctly too ajdabnsdn
Sukuna and a Dense (& Sensual) Vessel!Reader (HCs)
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Warning(s): Swearing. Implied explicit content I guess???
i don’t think Sukuna would be as bothered by it as we want to think
the guy’s a cursed spirit
meaning, he was born from one of humanity’s worst emotions (most likely bloodthirst or desire to inflict pain on others)
so a dumbass that’s more on the not-so-innocent side of things?
he’s fucking used to that, mate
you’re not as bad as some of the humans he’s dealt with (/killed)
if anything, he'd see it as a chance
not only were you pretty stupid, but “having an excessive affinity for desires of the flesh” or some shit is definitely cursed spirit-making material
bro would become this weird-ass wingman of sorts whenever y’all weren’t under any of the sorcerer’s supervision
and since you were dumb as fuck, you trusted in this wise ass king people spoke so highly (terrified) of
just giving you pointers on how to hook up with people
like yeah sure 
he hasn’t been around in a thousand years
flirting game was all over the place the first time he tried doing it
“Go on, brat. What are you waiting for? Are you actually questioning me?” “I don’t know about this, Sukuna...” “What are you hesitating for?” “I just don’t think walking up to someone and telling them “I’d love to be crushed between your thighs” is a good idea.” “You were thinking it, brat, don’t make it seem like it’s all my dumbass idea.” “Yeah, but???”
amazingly enough, watching it happen around him and all that
Sukuna actually gets the hang of 21st Century flirting faster than you do
bro was a pro in fighting but he was smart and strategic
not to mention, again, that he is a curse
he just knows how humans work no matter how much he hated them
he was one, after all, and being a cursed spirit, he was probably made into one because of a human
so yeah bro hooks you up with people
and it works (scarily enough)
mostly it amuses him when Gojo has to pick you up after staying out far too late (or just disappearing from school in general)
Gojo would give a small lecture on trying not to stay out far too long or the higher ups would try and get rid of you again (he knows you’re not completely to blame for even half the shit you get into)
Sukuna whispers that he won’t let it happen though he’s having too much fun fucking around with your life
might offer to “help” sometimes if he was a special kind of bored
remember the hand-mouth thing he can do?👀
so yeah. Sukuna gets a kick out of corrupting the fuck outta you and he laughs when the jujutsu sorcerers can’t do anything to stop him
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ricksroaches · 3 years
Jungkook - Dysphoria ch. 1
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pairing: Yoongi x Reader, OT7 x Reader (platonic)
summary: Jungkook, a burnt out gifted student, comes home from summer camp not ready to start his sophomore year of highschool, but his friends are there to help him feel better. Although not in the best of ways.
notes: This is a Euphoria-ish au but mostly it's just heavily inspired by the show (I use a few quotes), and each chapter is based on a character. There's a few parts where I cue a song title that's because I made a soundtrack to listen to while reading but I deleted it a while ago so :( if you feel like it listen to the ones I did write down. I'm apologizing now bc my writing can be a bit choppy/rushed its just cuz i have a more drabble-like style and don't know how to write between big scenes. THIS IS A DARK FIC. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Hope you enjoy and sorry for this big ass paragraph.
word count: 3.9k
warnings: ass-load of angst, mental illness (depression, anxiety, bipolar, OCD, and probably more), drugs (all of them. just all of them), underage drinking, cursing, mentions of self-harm
Next chapter
[Slideshow - Labrinth]
When Jungkook was 5, he wanted to be an astronaut. He wanted to fly into the sky and zip around space exploring things never before seen. His little mind was so strong, wanting to learn anything and everything. When he first learned how to read, he would read every sign he passed in the car and play games with the letters he’d find. It wasn’t long before he was placed in advanced classes with kids he'd never seen before and for the first time in his academic career, he was challenged.
When Jungkook was 10, he wanted to be a doctor. He wanted to wear a white coat and glasses and race around a hospital busy saving lives everyday. He wanted people to look to him for advice and treat him with respect. He wanted to feel needed.
When Jungkook was 14, he wanted to be a paramedic. He didn’t think he’d be smart enough to become a doctor so an EMT would have to do. His classes had begun to pile up in work to the point where he didn’t have the time to think about anything but school. He ate, slept, and breathed homework, projects, and term papers.
When Jungkook was 16, all he wanted to do was graduate. He no longer had any desire to pursue his childhood dreams. When he was asked what he wanted to do when he was older, his mind was a void. He couldn’t see any future for himself past high school. He went day to day not bothering to care about what might happen the next day. He coasted through all of his classes and dropped out of the advanced programs that his parents put him in.
His potential was like a flame. It was small at first, but still had loads of potential, so more kindling was thrown on top. The flame received it well, quickly spreading over the new material. But they kept stacking kindling. Stacking and stacking and stacking putting more and more pressure until finally….the flame died. All because he liked to read.
[Forever - Labrinth]
The clouds inched across the sky and rows of crops and fencing whipped by the car window. A stark contrast between the two. Jungkook rested his head against the glass and watched as the car began to pass more and more houses. The familiar area told him he was almost home. He should’ve been glad, elated even. He would finally get to see his friends again, but after three weeks of summer school to catch up on the class he skipped last year he’d lost the ability to smile or show any form of positivity. To say he felt like a zombie would be an insulting understatement.
The car pulled into the ever so familiar driveway and the rest of his family piled out of the car. He didn’t move. He heaved a long, anguished sigh before snatching his duffel bag from the other seat and throwing open the door.
He was out the front door again before his mom could even ask him where he was going. Speeding his bike down the empty road that he’d ridden countless times before. He could make this route with his eyes closed. The house in question came into view and Jungkook pedaled harder to close the distance. He swung one leg to the opposite pedal and straddled it until he swerved to a stop in the driveway. The house was old, hadn’t been lived in for years, wasn’t on the market, yet wasn’t scheduled to be torn down. It was the perfect place for a group of teenagers to tear apart and put back together. Without knocking, he stepped inside and was hit with the welcoming scent of booze, pizza, and weed with notes of cigarettes and coffee. Music blasting from a distant room in the house led him to the living room where he counted one, two, three, four, five people sprawled about the room. Upon noticing him standing in the doorway, they jumped up and raced to pull him into the room.
“Kook! How you been man? How’d surviving summer school go?” Taehyung was Jungkook’s best friend and unsolicited wingman. He was always trying to set him up with girls so he could get his v card punched. Taehyung was ever the ladies man. Never had trouble finding a date or a hookup. No one could blame him though. If they had that flawless, arrogant face they’d use it too. Despite his fuckboy nature, he was the best friend Jungkook ever had. They’d gone to the same school since they were 7 and Taehyung’s untamable charisma sniffed out Jungkook’s shyness rather quickly. They were inseparable and the rest is history.
“Fine I guess.”
“Kookie, come sit down! I’ve been saving your spot on the couch for you!” Jimin pulled Jungkook to the left corner of the C shaped couch. Jimin was like Taehyung in the sense that he also had no issues with finding partners. He wasn’t near as promiscuous as Taehyung, but he made up for it with his bisexuality. He had an entire other gender to choose from. Jimin was probably the nicest of the group. He always gave the best hugs and was their personal therapist. His aura seemed to coax you into opening up to him even if you hadn’t originally planned on it. He had a way of saying all the right words to make you feel better, even if it was just for a moment. On the other side of him, he was the biggest party animal the group had ever seen. Anywhere else, he was the purest angel that everyone believed could do no wrong. But at a party? Park Jimin was a demon. Seductively dancing in a stylish jacket, pants low enough to show his v-line, sweaty hair flipped back pounding shot after shot until he was the last man standing. That guy could party from sun down to sun up like it was a baby shower.
“Did you at least learn anything you missed last year?” Namjoon. Ever the parent. He was surprisingly humble given his father’s status and money. He easily had the best grades among the friends. School always came easy to him, no matter what it was. However, if you saw him outside of school, you’d never be able to guess he was one of the school’s top students. He carried an energy with him that dared anyone to mess with him or his friends. Although you didn’t see it often, he could make himself scary if he wanted to. All in all, he’s just a gentle giant that made sure everyone turned in their work.
“Absolutely nothing. I don’t know why they keep wasting their time on me.” Jungkook sighed. Hoseok threw a pillow from across the couch, smacking him in the face.
“Yah! Don’t talk about yourself like that!” Hoseok was the human charger. It didn’t matter if someone’s mama died if Hoseok was in the room there would be shenanigans. He was always the one to make some crazy dare that would end up getting them in trouble but they wouldn’t be mad because it was totally worth it. He also had great music taste and almost always was on aux. Hoseok’s vice was coke. Often the driving force behind his hyper nature, it started out as just a thing he did at parties, but slowly creeped into his everyday habits. It hadn’t become a problem yet, he vowed that as soon as he started getting nosebleeds he’d stop, although Jungkook was wary of how difficult that was going to be.
“Where’s Y/N and Yoongi?” Jungkook asked after noticing their usual spots empty.
“They left to get food. They should be coming back soon.” Jin assured him, giving him a comical slap on the thigh. Jin was the eldest, but rarely acted like it. Whenever he wasn’t making stupid dad jokes or eating he spent his time at the classical theater where he worked and sometimes acted. He planned on pursuing acting given his “world wide handsome face.” “It just has to be seen! People around the world need to swoon at my beauty” as he would put it.
No one heard the front door open and shut or noticed Y/N and Yoongi standing in the doorway of the living room.
“Food’s here.” Yoongi finally croaked. Hoseok and Jin yelped and sprung up.
“JESUS! Ever heard of announcing yourselves?! I swear you guys are the exact same person!” Y/N just gave a shrug and plopped onto the large bean bag that she’d claimed.
“Hey, Kooker.” She dragged out.
“Hi Y/N..” His unusual bland reply didn’t go unnoticed by her, but she brushed it off.
“You ready to get shit faced?” A playful grin plastered her otherwise tranquil face. A small smile poked at Jungkooks pursed lips. There was something about her character that always put him in a better mood. She was the one who invited him and Tae into the friend group in the first place, and because of that, he couldn’t be more grateful.
Yoongi tossed him a beer can and his car keys. “Start us off Jungkook.” Yoongi was by far the most terrifying one. It took some time to get to know his true person but there were still times when he still scared the shit out of him. Jungkook remembered when he first met Yoongi. He looked like he’d served time with the seasoned look in his eye that said he’d seen some shit in his day. He hadn’t spoken the entire time the group was talking and Jungkook was beginning to worry that he didn’t like him. It wasn’t til he finally spoke that Jungkook could release the breath he was holding. For someone so stoic and cold looking, he never expected him to have such a low, soft voice. He realized, Yoongi wasn’t scary, he was just quiet like him.
Jungkook took the keys and poked a hole in the bottom of the can. He pressed his lips to it and pulled the tab, sending the amber liquor shooting down his throat. He finished it with ease and crushed the can in his palm while the room cheered and chanted.
The loud music, laughing, and drugs drowned out everything in the outside world. It felt like the world ended and they were the last people left on Earth. Nothing mattered but what was right in front of them. The hours flew by until it came time for everyone to crash. Most of them were still raging drunk or high which only made them fall asleep faster. Jungkook didn’t drink much and he barely smoked. He just couldn’t get in the right headspace to enjoy any of it. So there he was, laying awake among a pile of snoring boys at some ungodly hour of the night. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He fished it out to read the text in his notifications.
[We All Knew - Labrinth]
Y/N💜: come to my office
He shimmied out from under Taehyung and Jimin and tiptoed out of the room. He followed the smell of weed through the house because where there was weed, there was Y/N. He stepped into the backyard and found her leaning against the wall, blunt between her fingers. The tip of the dark stick swelled into a bright orange when she took a drag. Smoke rolling out of her nose, she held it out for him. He hesitated.
“You're upset. Take it.” Which was a dead-on observation for Y/N, who’s not normally revolving in the same direction as planet Earth. He hesitantly took a puff from it before handing it back. She spread her arms lazily and looked at him with a beckoning stare. He sighed and walked right into her arms that wrapped around his back. She was only older than him by a year, but her old soul and almost motherly demeanor made him look up to her like she was his idol. Sometimes, he forgot he was a whole head taller than her. “Welcome home, Kookie.”
Hers was the only welcome he got that day that brought a genuine smile to his face. She had a way of making him feel welcome and wanted even if she was in a bad mood. She broke the embrace and without a word headed to the old couch by the empty swimming pool. He eventually followed her and flopped down next to her. Another gush of smoke entered the chilly air and it was handed back to him. Feeling better, he took a healthy drag and sighed out the smoke as he sunk further into the couch.
“Was it that obvious?”
“Was what obvious?”
“Me being upset.”
“Not really.” She flicked the ash off the tip of the brown stick, her gaze not breaking from its spacey stare.
“Then how’d you know?”
“Pain recognizes pain.” Y/N wasn’t one for her genius epiphanies, given that nine times out of ten on any given day she was stoned out of her mind. She wasn’t dumb, god no. He wouldn’t doubt that she was smarter than him, but she rarely exercised her ability. As great of a gift that her mind was, it was an even worse curse. An inescapable tomb of her worst fears, thoughts, and intentions, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. So naturally, she tried anything and everything to silence her mind; alcohol, weed, acid, coke, molly, you name it, she’s done it.
Jungkook wasn’t angry or disappointed by the lengths she went. He knew she was just trying to feel better, and to him, that’s all that mattered. He’d take high Y/N over no Y/N at all.
“Yep.” There was a silence while he worked up the nerve to speak.
“How…uh….how long have you felt…the way you feel?” She chuckled and let her head fall back against the couch.
“Well I smoked a blunt with Yoongi in the car this morning and then-”
“No, I mean like…w-without drugs.” Her lazy smile didn’t change, but her eyes unfocused and she grew quiet as if lost in a flashback.
“How long do you think I’ve felt this way?” He didn’t anticipate this question.
“Uh…I don’t know…you hide it really well.”
“I couldn’t tell you when it started. I don’t remember much before 7. I’m told I was a happy kid, but it didn’t feel like it at all. All my life I’ve looked around and seen that everyone was so much happier than me, and I’d ask myself, ‘Why can’t I feel like that?’ It wasn’t until I was older that I learned…I was born to suffer. That’s just my place in the world.”
“When did you finally tell anyone?”
“I didn’t. My parents found my razors.” Jungkook always thought he saw scars on her arms and legs, but her milky skin made it hard to tell. It hurt his heart to know that it was true, and that every one of those once caused her pain. The image of her forearms and thighs slick with her blood brewed tears in his eyes.
“They determined they didn’t have the knowledge to help me, so they asked me to take a tour of this mental hospital and think about their suggestion….” She paused to keep her voice from cracking. “I didn’t make it home that day. Never really forgave them after that.”
There was a long silence after that. Jungkook didn’t say anything. There was nothing to say. Besides, he knew she hated condolences. “What made you start using drugs?” She took a drag of the blunt and thought about it.
“I was 13.” Really? “I found my brothers stash of weed in one of his shoes. I already knew what weed was and what it was used for, so I took about a gram and a rolling paper and taught myself how to roll a joint on my bathroom floor. I was shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds but when that joint hit, I thought…” She tilted her head to peak at him with an epiphanic smile, “This is it…This is the feeling that I’ve been waiting to feel my entire life. I thought I was sure to get caught and sent to juvie, but I wasn’t. The world went on, and I found a way to live. Now could my lifestyle kill me? Will it kill me? Yeah probably I don’t know, but at least I could’ve had a few years where I wasn’t begging the universe to put me out of my misery.” She paused to take another hit. “People often ask me, ‘Y/N why don’t you try therapy? Drugs aren’t the answer.’ Yeah well, drugs work. Therapy’s a guessing game; you never know if it’s gonna actually help or not and end up wasting your time and money. But when I take that hit, that line, that tab, the world starts to slow…and everything goes quiet…and I feel safe. In my own head. And I can see the world in color again.”
Jungkook watched her blissful face while she was lost in thought. She must’ve been pretty high because this is the most personal she’d ever gotten with him or possibly anyone that wasn’t Yoongi. “Y/N?”
“W-what if I don’t feel what everyone else feels either..?” He pinched the skin between his fingers to keep his tears at bay, a nervous habit he’d picked up from her. She reached over and took his hand in hers, the webbing between her fingers had white and pink stripes from years of fingernails digging into the flesh.
“Jungkook,” she didn’t use his nickname, “I know how hard it was for you to say that. I want you to know how much I appreciate you telling me, because if anyone knows how you feel, it’s me. You can talk to me whenever, wherever. Even when you think it’s a bad time it’s not, because nothing in that moment is more important to me than you. I don’t want you to go through the same thing I did, so please, even if you don’t want to talk, maybe I can at least keep you company.”
For the rest of the night, Jungkook told her everything. About the pressure, the stress, the desire to collapse and let the world go on without him, his inability to see a future where he was fulfilled. The words often caught in his throat, having never said them out loud before. Y/N didn’t say much, she just wrapped them in a blanket and stroked his hair while she just let him talk. Sometimes, he’d have to stop to cry and she’d hold him a little tighter, wipe his tears away with her thumbs, and wait til he was ready again.
Eventually, he had nothing else to say, his tears dried, and his body stilled.
Babies didn’t sleep that good.
Y/N nodded off a little later but was woken up by a raccoon tipping a trash can. She rested her cheek on his head and tried to go back to sleep, but it never came. She just continued to rest her eyes while playing with Jungkook’s hair and tracing lines along his features.
She didn’t know how long she laid there but soon the birds began their routine morning songs and she was sure she wouldn’t get back to sleep now. The faint tap of shoes on the concrete perked her ears, but she kept her eyes closed. The footsteps stopped behind the couch where she sat. It was quiet before the person chuckled quietly. A warm hand smoothed back the hair in her face and a little kiss was planted on her forehead. She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.
“Yoongi, I’m awake you creep.” She cracked her eyes open to see her boyfriend laid over the back of the couch hovering above her, his dark hair tickling her nose. He smirked.
“Well in that case,” he grabbed her chin and tilted her head up before capturing her lips in a playful kiss. When they parted, he glanced down at Jungkooks still sleeping figure. “You guys stay out here all night?”
“Yeah,” she looked down at him and smoothed his hair back, “he just had a few things to get off his chest.” Yoongi almost asked what it was about but her face gave him an idea.
“It’s cold, you want me to take him inside?”
“It won’t wake him up will it?”
“If he’s as out as as he looks, he won’t.” She nodded and Yoongi circled around and slipped his hands under the sleeping boy’s body. Much to Y/N’s pleasant surprise, he lifted him bridal style with ease and she followed him into the house where he placed him next to the other slumbering boys.
When he straightened back up he saw her in the sliding glass door, gazing at the now dusty blue sky. She could feel his body heat on her back against the nippy outside air.
“I always loved the time just before dawn.”
“Why is that?” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his cheek to hers.
“It’s so calm and peaceful. And incredibly quiet besides the birds. It’s the only time I feel truly left alone.”
“You want me to show you my favorite time of day?” She turned to him with a curious look. “Follow me.” Not long after, the two were perched on the flat portion of the roof with Yoongi’s bong sitting between them. His angular fingers effortlessly packed the bowl and held it out to her. “All yours.” She took it with a smile.
“What a gentleman~”
Soon, the sky went from a pale blue to pastel shades of orange and pink. He looked over to see her fiddling with a thread on his hoodie she was wearing. “This,” he took her jaw and guided her eyes up for her to see the sunrise, “is my favorite time of day.”
“It gives me hope. Kinda like you.” He was glad she didn’t say anything. She was lost in the color palette of the scene before her, the weed making everything so much more vibrant and striking. He could see the sky reflected in her eyes, making the view ten times better. More time went by and she rested her head on his broad shoulder while they watched the rest of the sunrise.
Back on the ground, Yoongi cleared the bowl and poured out the bong water before setting it on a table by the couch. Y/N was on her back in the center of the empty pool, slowly tearing a leaf above her face and analyzing how it separated cell by cell. He stood on the edge above and watched her do this another four times much to his amusement. “You wanna get breakfast?”
She was out of the pool and in his face before he could finish his sentence. “Like you have to ask.” He chuckled and rolled his eyes before turning and walking to his car. “Hey, Yoongi.”
He turned back.
“Carry me to the car like Jungkook.” He broke into a smirk and walked back to her.
“Yes ma’am.” She let out a yelp when he scooped her off her feet and marched the two of them to his car waiting on the street.
Cover photo: @BIGHITTED on Twitter
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Oikawa x reader where the reader doesn't really understand sports but she tries her best and she supports oikawa. What if the other team during a game was making fun of her ? This was such a random thought I had at like 3 in the morning lmao so sorry if its stupid.
Also btw i like talked about this with a friend and she liked it and in pretty sure she might have requested an exact scenario like this to another blog so please don't think it was me requesting the same idea/scenario on two different blogs lol
A "Perfect" Match...
Oikawa x Reader
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You have never been particularly interested in sports. You didn't even care for them enough to even watch them on tv. So when you had started dating Oikawa you were a little worried about how he would take your interest in sports, but surprisingly enough he didn't really care. Not everyone could like the same things and it's not like it would influence your relationship at all. Still, you tried to learn at least the basics of volleyball, but only the basics. You knew the basic positions and how the point system worked but that was about it.
Although Oikawa never had a problem with your interest in sports, his fans on the other hand had a BIG problem. If they were being honest, they were just jealous of you, so they always tried to find weaknesses to exploit, and this was a perfect weakness…
‘Oh man this game is intense’ you thought as you watched your school's team play against Karasu no. From what Oikawa told you this was a practice match? Whatever that meant. But still, everyone in the game seemed to be pretty serious. You had been so focused on the game that you didn't see a group of girls come behind you... “Hey, Y/n! Long time no see”. Oh god… it was some of his fans. You knew that dating Oikawa would come with its disadvantages, but still, you just wished that they wouldn't bug you so much. “Hey” you mumbled, trying your best just to ignore them. “So what do you think of the match so far?” the leader of the group asked. ``Oh, it's interesting,” you responded. The leader flashed a wicked smile to her friends before turning back to you “do you even know what's going on?”. You gave her a confused look. “I mean I just recall you not knowing anything about sports” you continued. You scoffed at her comment “I'm pretty sure I'm smart enough to grasp the basics of sports” you said, clearly getting annoyed. “I just think that Oikawa would be better off with someone who can really appreciate his talent”. That comment made you snap “Listen, Just because I don't know EVERY SINGLE fact about volleyball doesn't mean I don't appreciate his talent, why don't you and your little posse go squeal over a picture of him instead of trying to tear me down” and with that you walked away, leaving the group of girls utterly speechless.
By the time you had gotten away from the girls, the game had ended and Oikawa had made his way to you. “Hey, are you ok? You seem a little mad” he asked as soon as he saw your frustrated expression. “It's nothing babe, your fans are just being dumb again” you replied rolling your eyes just thinking about them. “Tooru, are you sure your fine with me not liking sports? Like, this is one of your biggest passions, are you sure you not bothered by me not showing interest in it?”. Oikawa simply sighed, “Y/n I promise it's not a big deal, you don't have to be crazy about volleyball for us to be together”. You only sighed at his answer, you really loved Oikawa but you'd be lying if you said that people's comments didn't buy you a bit. “Someone said something didn't they?”. You were brought out of your train of thought by Oikawa's question. “Yeah, it's fine though I told them off already” you answered, trying to soothe his growing worry. “Y/n it's not ok! If people are bothering you you need to tell me so we can handle it together!”. You simply looked at him before laughing “Babe you and I both know your version of “handling it” is sending Iwaizumi to go beat their ass”. Oikawa made an offended face “and?!? That is a perfect strategy and one that has never failed mind you”. You both started laughing before he turned to you with a semi-serious face “seriously though are you sure you're alright?” you merely smiled “yeah I'm alright, there just a bunch of stupid girls, and besides, your right, we’re pretty good together anyways’’. Oikawa smiled before taking your hand in his and walking out of the gym “couldn't agree more my love.”
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trainthief · 3 years
how do u orient yourself walking off trail? do u bring a compass?
Unfortunately for you you’ve just asked a question I love talking about, so I’m going to give you a very detailed answer... 
First thing’s first: there’s a lot of different types of terrain across the US, not to mention the world, and navigating across each of them is a bit different. I have the most experience navigating mountainous regions in large stretches of public land, so a lot of my instincts come from that, and even though the navigational skills I’ve developed are pretty translatable I’m still pretty far on my back foot if I’m set in an entirely new ecosystem. Using your home court advantage is the first step to navigation. For me, the best example of this is that there’s certain distinctive mountain peaks in my area that I know will be in a specific direction relative to me. In order to get those sorts of landmarks established in your mind, its helpful to have a memory device of some sort attached to them. For example, there’s a particularly dramatic looking peak with a distinctive cliffside that - as long as I can see its sheer drop - I know means I’m standing west of it. That in itself means the mountain is more or less due east, which I remember by associating that mountain with all my friends who live east of me out in Chicago and New York and boston and michigan and what else have you. Almost everything is east of me. That also means the west is at my back, which I remember by recalling how much I dislike Californians. From there North and South are pretty obvious. 
Anyway, regarding compasses: they’re a great navigational tool, especially when they’re paired with a topo map. Even so, the use of both isn’t necessarily as intuitive as you might think, and although I was taught wilderness survival and avalanche preparedness for a week every year in grade school I have to imagine that’s not the norm most places. As far as compasses go, the first piece of advice I’d give is not to trust one that’s attached to anything else. The compass on a whistle or the zipper of your jacket or even the one on your phone are going to be hardly better than a magnetized needle in a bowl of water, since they’ll only give you a shaky sense of magnetic north - which is not in itself even the same thing as true north. That said, an expensive compass isn’t really necessary either. A basic suunto compass is really all you need, because it’ll allow you to set the declination (basically, the distance in degrees between magnetic north and true north in the area where you are) which can almost always be found on your topographic map. Following magnetic north rather than true north can get you hundreds of yards off of your course for every mile you walk. Regarding topographic maps, they’re hugely helpful, but they’re also not hyper-accurate. Lots of smaller landmarks will be left off, and larger landmarks are prone to change even within the year or two since the map was last printed. Avalanches or glacier movements can throw off your interpretation of a region pretty significantly. Still, finding larger landmarks such as lakes and ridges and making sure they appear where you expect them to is enormously helpful. A topographic map is also going to provide you with a general sense of the flow of the land, most importantly in terms of which general direction the ridges you are navigating seem to travel. Adding your own deductive reasoning helps flesh out any sense of place you might be missing. If you come across a stream that isn’t marked, you can still infer that it likely comes from snow runoff from the mountain it is leading away from, and is traveling toward a larger body of water that is likely marked on your map. If you can find the peak and the lake, you then know roughly where you are. If you want to pinpoint your location more precisely, you can scan around for a third landmark, find it on your map, and triangulate your position using your compass. I’d also recommend marking points of interest on your map. I often do that with locations that seem popular with animals, just because that’s of interest to me, but more concrete locations are much smarter. I also find that I tend to remember things best if I say them aloud, so often as I walk past a point of interest I might say to myself “giant-ass boulder next to a lightning-struck tree, and I’m heading north of them”. 
Technology is also a good idea. I’ve been meaning to buy a GPS unit, probably a Garmin, but I haven’t wanted to drop the money yet. I do use an app called onX Hunt, because it has really detailed coverage of topography and private land, so I can make sure I’m heading into public areas and not the buffer forest to somebody’s ranch (especially since people around here really love their castle doctrine). Generally, though, I wouldn’t recommend relying on your phone. 
If worst comes to worst, there’s a few fail safes you can always count on. Following a river downstream is a good bet, as is following the slope of the land downhill. There tends to be more civilization in valleys than on top of mountains. The North Star is a well-known and reliable one, as is the sun rising in the east and setting in the west (although it’s important to remember that with the exception of the equinoxes it’s never EXACTLY due east or west). If you see a large flock of geese or ducks flying above you you can know that their v shape points toward south in the fall and north in the spring. The idea that moss grows on any particular side of a tree is a fake one, don’t bother with it. To that point: never do anything you’ve seen Bear Grylls do. The guy’s a reality star, and his entire job is to overdramaticize and sensationalize the situations he goes into. Usually the solutions he comes up with are the absolute last resort anyone with any wilderness sense would ever attempt, and there’s a dozen much safer and less stupid things you can try first. I won’t pretend there’s no risk at all. Especially in areas like the intermountain west and Alaska - where there’s huge stretches of public backcountry land that isn’t groomed and maintained in the way that your typical hiking trails are, but is still there for public recreational use -  there are plenty of ways to get yourself hurt. I know a handful of people who have died or been seriously injured out there, and once a month or so I’ll hear the search and rescue helicopters flying around the mountain where I live. But it’s also worth considering that going into the backcountry is my state’s favorite pastime, whether it’s for skiing or hiking or snowshoeing or snowmobiling or horseback riding or hunting or fishing or camping or rock climbing or mountaineering or 100 other possibilities. It can be dangerous out there, but the source of that danger is largely just that the safety net of society has been removed from you. You’re far and away more likely to burn yourself on your own campfire because you weren’t being smart than you are to be attacked by a mountain lion. And even if you get yourself in a sticky situation, you’ve got plenty of opportunities to get yourself out of it. One of my uncles in particular has had to be picked up by search and rescue a handful of times, because he likes wandering off trail but neglects to pay much attention to the direction he’s doing it. He’s still alive, healthy, and perfectly happy. 
Anyway, as for me personally, my favorite reason to go off trail is to follow animal tracks (and to just generally get miles away from the nearest human being). The winter is a great time to do it, because the presence and freshness of the tracks is often extremely obvious. On a good day, it’s easy to head in and follow something for miles, only to turn around and backtrack your own trail to your car. Still, I wouldn’t let that be your one and only source of navigation, since a sudden winter storm or an unexpected amount of melt could screw the whole thing over. 
That’s much more answer than you likely expected or wanted, but hope at least some of it was helpful to you! Have a good one. 
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imomomi · 4 years
  A Long Time Coming  
Summary: Miya Atsumu was a missed chance. But, it doesn’t have to be that way...
Word Count: 1762
Warnings: Slight Language
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         “Get your feet off the desk,” you say, kicking the back Miya Atsumu’s chair. His brother—the twin that everyone says is the better of the two, but curses and fights just as much—snorts with laughter.
           “Oy, don’t touch me, ya scrub.”
           “Sit properly then. You might be okay with eating dirt, but I ain’t.”
           “Miss Goody-two-shoes,” he mocks. Heat rises to your neck, but you don’t bother responding. For as long as you’ve known the twins, any chance to disrupt class is readily taken. You’re already tired, having stayed up late studying for an exam later on in the day and the idea of fighting with Atsumu is exhausting. He glances over his shoulder, eyes hot on your face before he turns with a sigh.
           “You know,” he mutters, head falling into the palm of his hand. His gaze is heavy, lids blinking with a deliberate slowness that has you holding back a shudder, “You’d be a lot more interesting if you actually put up a fight, Y/N-chan.”
           “I don’t care about your opinion, Miya-san.”
           He grins, leaning close enough that you can smell the mix of laundry detergent and crisp, cologne coming from him. Osamu scoffs quietly, but doesn’t look away from his bento.
           “That’s why I like ya,” he says. You don’t like how he says it. It’s too sincere and earnest for a boy who frequently lies to you. Frustrated you roll up your notes and smack him on the head with it. Eager to escape the too-small classroom, you stand up, digging for some coins. He shouts the name of his favorite tea brand as you leave, but you pretend not to hear it.
           You don’t want to be pulled in the Miya’s circle—Atsumu’s circle because you know that years in the future, it’s him who’s going to be on T.V. doing that ridiculous pre-serve ritual. It’s better to avoid him now, than to have to forget him then.
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           Crying is the last thing you expect to do on graduation day, but the tears are heavy and keep flowing despite you’re attempts at quelling them. Mitsu and Hana are lost in the crowd, calming down their nervous juniors who declare that they’ll keep the cheer team running seamlessly in honor of them.
           “Why the hell are you crying?” Atsumu asks. He leans back, looking at you with a mixture of confusion and disgust. A watery laugh leaves your mouth and for once, you can admit to being glad to see him.
           “I’m going abroad,” you explain, wiping at your eyes with the back of your hand. A streak of black follows that has you snorting at the idea of waterproof mascara.
           “Shit, really?”  
           “Yeah. Got into university in the US. You’ll have to find someone else to bother while I’m gone,” you say with a smile that falls flat in an instant.
           Atsumu rubs the back of his head, eyes boring into your face. You don’t have the courage to meet his gaze head on.
           He pulls you close and traps you between his arms. You stand shell-shocked, arms hanging awkwardly by your side at the hug. Atsumu’s chin falls onto of your head. Skin itchy, tears pricking behind your eyelids, you swallow hard. You don’t have a name to this feeling that you’ve spent the past two years denying, but you know what it is. The warmth crawling through your chest blossoms. You want to be brave and rash like he is, but Atsumu is chasing his dreams without a care of the people he leaves behind. He makes you feel small for wanting to latch on and never let go.
           “Don’t complain. I’m just gonna miss you, you stupid idiot,” he says, pulling away. He rests his hands on your shoulder and for a moment you’re worried he’s going to try and kiss you. His eyes rack your face, committing it to memory. If it’s the last time he sees you, he wants to remember how ugly you look with mascara streaming down your face and cheeks blotchy from crying.
           “You really need to work on your vocabulary, that’s redundant.” You pull his hands from your shoulders and walk away. He watches you go, wondering for the first time exactly what it was that you wanted to do. He’d never asked before. Volleyball was as much a passion as it was an obsession. He knew he was an asshole and selfish to the bone. It’d always been a far-fetched hope that you’d look his way.
           Osamu finds him a while later lingering by the school entrance, quieter than he’d ever been.
           “What’s wrong with you?”
           “Samu, I think I got rejected.”
           “Y/N? She’s too smart for you anyway.”
           “Shut up, you lazy scrub.”
           “Don’t yell at me for telling you the truth, jerk,” Osamu shouts. The back of his hand connects with Atsumu’s head, the familiar sting is a welcome relief from the odd tightening in his chest.
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           The court is already packed by the time you make it in. Ticket held tightly in your hand; you wonder if you have enough time to grab some food before the game starts. It’s been years since you’d watch a volleyball match live. The time difference often meant waking up at odd hours and using a VPN to get a stream straight from Japan. Nerves flutter in your stomach, but you know the chance of actually seeing Atsumu is low. Even if you did, your lives have been diverging for so long, there wouldn’t be anything to say.
           Deciding to take a chance at getting food---you haven’t had proper onigiri in so long that even half-assed attempts make your mouth water—you wait in line. Brows furrowing, you tilt your head at the sign in front of the stand. Miya Onigiri? Surely, Atsumu wasn’t bullish enough to go plastering his name on everything?
           “Y/N?” a voice greets as you near the front of the line. You can’t help but stare at Atsumu’s face—but it’s not him, too soft, too polite to be him.
           “Osamu?” you ask hesitantly.
           “What the hell? I have seen you in forever.” He jerks forward, almost as if he was going to hug you but the counter stops him from getting to far.
           “I just got back to Japan. I…This isn’t actually that surprising. You always did have the best bentos in class,” you say, smiling warmly. Osamu matches it. He looks down the line, eyes tightening in frustration at the number of people. He wants to catch up, wants to take a picture and send it Atsumu just to screw with him, but he has work to do.
           “What do you want? It’s on the house,” he asks.
           “That’s a bad way to run a business,” you scold, lightly.
           “If it was going to fail, it would have by now,” he counters, shoving a box of onigiri into your hand. You walk away, slightly stunned as his voice chases you demanding that you meet up after the match.
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           If he was a goddamn scrub like Osamu or that loser Kageyama, he’d admit that the sight of you left him breathless. But, he’s not so what comes out of his mouth instead is:
           “Couldn’t stay away?”
           You nose crinkles and the sight sends a jolt through him. He feels like he’s back in high school, doing stupid shit just to grab your attention. He’s not lucky enough to know what you’ve done the past seven years, but you’ve probably seen all the dumb articles about him.
           “To be honest, I wanted to how an Olympic setter played in person,” you say, nodding towards Kageyama. Both of you know the words aren’t true, but he scowls anyway.
           “Stick around for a bit and I’ll show ya, sweetheart.”
           “Ugh, you haven’t changed a bit.”
           “I’d say the same, but you look like you’re at least a c-cup now.”
           He expects you to yell or pull your sweater tighter, but you throw your head back and laugh. The sound warms his blood, burrows into his hollow chest, and lingers there. It hadn’t been love, not even close to the thing, back in high school. There was always that slight chance, the idea that maybe he could love you that fascinated him.
           But now, he can’t look away, can’t shake the hope that tightens its grip on his heart. It’s worth all the waiting, all the frustrating time spent pretending that he didn’t care that he was alone just to have this chance. Before where there’d been a cold, unmovable wall, there’s a slight crack just wide enough for him to squeeze through. Maybe you didn’t even realize it, maybe it wouldn’t work but, you’d come here for a reason.
           “Are you staying?”
           “The game is over.”
           “In Japan, you idiot. I know the game’s over, I played in it.”
           “I know that,” you scowl, flushing fiercely, “and yes. I…I’m living in Tokyo.”
           “Good. Come out with me on Saturday,” he stops, looking you over once more and adds, “On a date.”
           “We haven’t seen each other in years,” you protest.
           “Come on, Y/N,” he whines, hands swinging in the air, “Can’t we just skip the whole friend’s part and get to the good stuff?”
           “I could have a boyfriend. You shouldn’t just assume, I’m available for you.”
           “Well, dump him.”
           “You’re insane. Honestly, get help. And don’t beg, it makes you look like more of a loser than usual.”
           “So yes? Or yes?”
           “I’ll think about it,” you tease. Atsumu’s done playing though and before you realize what’s happening, he’s pulled you close to him. Rough hands cup your cheeks, tilting your head up as he presses his lips against yours. It’s rough and too long to for a first kiss, but Atsumu’s reason flew out of his mind the moment he saw you. He’s drinking all of your movements, the small hand burrowing in his hair, the flingers clutching at this shirt, the way you tongue slips between his lips eager and all too fleeting as you pull away.
           “What?” asks Atsumu, wide-eyed. You point at Osamu behind him, whose busy wheezing with laughter as a child stood watching the two of you in disgust.
           “Awww man, why’d you have to go and ruin the moment?”
           “Pay attention to your fans, you disgusting pig.” Osamu says. The little boy is still there, pen hanging in his hands as he shyly offers the jersey.
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reonagisolos · 3 years
Prime Empire Au where Jay is Milton Dyer's adopted son given by Gordon and Jay's unnamed (?) mom because they didn't ever want to have kids and those two were close with him.
TW: There's a brief panic attack at "oh God," then skip to, "there's nothing left"
So...Milton adopts him and of course Jay grows up really smart because he naturally is and because of Milton's influence but because of his muddled upbringing +general personality+ neglect from Milton as a father because he was more focused with work than with his "son", he was kind of an outsider.
Which was fine with Jay!
Except it wasn't. Anyway, here's a fic to accompany it that I accidentally written
If you had told 8 year old Jay that the one taking him in as his father would be a hotshot programmer for gaming, he'd be on top of the moon. In his mind, he thought that having someone be a part of something he loved was really, really cool. That he'd have so many friends because wow, that's amazing that his dad was some high tech legendary programmer—and well...that turned out to be a lie.
No one really cared. Probably because his school was filled to the brim with the children of the upper class, so his dad was just some other rich dude who just so happened to work in the game industry. And sure, it's more interesting than a politician, or a car salesman, but there were dozens of kids from different parts of technology, so he wasn't really special.
To everyone else in his classes, he was simply deemed a weird kid or trouble making kid. No one should misbehave by speaking too loudly or bounce over nothing to be excited about, or talk and talk about one thing over and over in this latest game he got to play when there were other things to be learnt and other people's turns. He needed to be quiet, to shut it, they said, because anything more than that was annoying and awful. They were right, he'd deemed even back then—But could they be less harsh?
That one weird, annoying kid, huh.
Even as he got older, things didn't get any better. On the contrary, it gets worse. So much worse.
By then, they didn't just call him weird anymore.
Now, people would push and shove him away when he's near, (to not get "infected" from him, they say) or mock him for doing even something unordinary, like for bouncing his leg, or for stuttering when he can't help it—Even on things he thought were stupid to care about!
Things like rambling about his favorite video games agressively to pass the time, or wearing cat clips to keep his forever messy hair in place, or the constant fidgeting because the chair is just so goddamn uncomfortable, and that he'd rather just sit on the floor, or preferring the girl's uniform simply because he thought it would be easier to wear and looked ''nicer'' to him.
Not to mention people finding his extra energy on anything except class to be again, annoying and unnecessary.
"You shouldn't do that Jay, it's distracting—"
"Stop doing that Jay, it's annoying"
"Don't do that Jay, you're not allowed to."
The list goes on.
And he's tried changing, he really has.
He's tried to supress them and change things about himself so people would "like" him more. Forget about talking about this and that to try to pry more into people's intrests, stopped talking as much and forced himself to shut up because if he didn't talk about anything other than this or that, no one would even bother.
Sure it worked and he did get a few friends by the time he was fifteen—and yeah, Jay was glad he just had people to talk to, enough to the point where he was decently well liked, but doing it sucked ass. He couldn't completely get rid of by the weird moving habits, which always granted some weird looks from his friends, and couldn't talk about what he liked, in fear of getting outed again.
To be frank about his school shituation, he hates it.
He's constantly stuck between having to get rid of "himself" so other people would like him, or do so but be isolated from everyone else, becuase either way he'd hate it, he'd hate it so much it would be unbearable.
There wasn't anyone for him to take comfort in, his father was too busy working to really help him through any of this, and can't even talk to anyone online because once again, he can't trust talking to other people about his intrests, and he already tended to blab too much in his notes.
Everything changes when his father tells him about Prime Empire.
He randomly tells him about his latest work in progress one day, a video game so immersive that with its gameplay that people could call it as the next Big thing. At the time, it was called Unagami. He loved talking about it, his magnum opus—A creation so intune to people's current intrests it could be called the greatest game of all time.
In between being at home to do homework or whatever, he'd see glimpses of his father working on it. Bit by bit, for every circuit board or wire or line of code he'd be working on it. He had always been excited for that game, hearing on how his father doted on it far more than he did to his own son, so it must've been a really good.
Setting aside his own grievances from his less-than perfect father, he'd seen how hard he worked on that game to make it simply magical.
That was until, beta testing, when he stopped working on it all together.
It was a Saturday night when father introduced Scott, a professional game tester and professional programmer, just like Milton. He'd come to see Prime Empire and try it for himself. After a quick introduction from Jay, just because he was coincidentally nearby, he headed for his bedroom.
A little later, he found himself playing a new game that had recently come out, which was pretty good to him, but overhyped. The difficulty curve is wack—Then he heard his father screaming from downstairs.
Hearing that something was clearly wrong, he rushed downstairs, barely missing on dropping multiple stacks of papers just on some random table when he saw a glimpse of him through the door gap, father on his knees facing his creation. There was a loud static-y noise that hurt his ears, but still he listened as best he could.
"No..no...this—This can't be real," Milton choked out. His eyes were shining from the game's light in the otherwise dark room.
"Did I do something wrong?" The machine asked, all in a calm tone.
"No! You—You just transported someone in a video game! What did you—How did you?
Transporting someone into a video game? There's no way that's real.
He was about to speak more when he saw Milton move. Jay didn't want to get in trouble, so as quietly as he could, he went straight back to his room, and inched the door shut.
The next day, around the corner of the kitchen, he heard his father talking over a cellphone.
"Y-yes. Project Prime is too dangerous to release to the public. I take full responsibility for it."
It's too quiet for him to hear the rest.
A moment later the phone beeps, and he could hear something shuffle slowly to the ground. A small sigh came off.
"What am I gonna do with you?"
The next day, he's found that he's gone. There's still traces of him here, from various papers having sketches and drafts of old video game concepts, to the circuit boards all crammed with info.
Except he's not there.
If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't hear the distant tinkering of mechanics, he's sure he wouldn't tell if his dad was even there in the first place.
Looking around, he finds a note in his office drawer with essential details for what seems to be a bank account, so it's not like he'll just die from not being able to eat or drink, so there's that.
It's still lonely though. There's an ache in his heart somehow. His father was gone. Just like that. Like how his real parents were. And now he's alone again. Milton was never really his dad but he was a constant. And now, he's gone too.
Now he's slumped down on the wall, falling like some dramatic middle-aged wife in those drama movies people at his school would rave about.
And God, now the room is spinning and every part of him feels like he's standing on end—The realisation is hitting hard and—"Holy shit I'm alone again but I'm always alone why? why? why? why? Is this stupid fucking thing supposed to be something about me it has to be fuck—" he says, just barely though. His chest is feeling tight and just wants out.
Deep breaths, as he's pissed to realise, aren't working and god it's horrible. It's so awful. His head is banging senselessly and it hurts so bad. Everything that seems so wrong with him is piling up and he's not being rational but he can't. There's so much pressure and he doesn't even know what to do with it.
His angered motion knocks over a pile of books, probably about coding and sloppily tries to sit down on the office chair. It does nothing but intensify the pressure in his chest.
The room's still spinning but now he wants to puke but he can't fucking get it out of his system. Everything is too much and he can't handle it. Then, it slows, then it's a little less, and a little less a few moments later. The room isn't spinning as fast and his heart is just a little less tight and his head hurts less, so that'd good. For a little bit it's like this, slowly, slowly, bringing the levels of intensity lower and lower, until there's nothing left.
He still feels like shit after, but he's just glad he's alive. Still, after all that—He didn't realise how late it had gotten. It was mid afternoon when he broke down, but now it's nearly nighttime.
"Fuh—" he exclaimed as he slowly brought his foot up, his feet were tingling from staying in one position for so long.
Even if he was exhausted and wanted to completely shut down after what he did, he found himself moving towards something.
Once he entered, he flicked the lights on. There were several gaming gears, from machines to game cartridges to controls, there would be everything for any great advances in gaming. In the centre of the room, an arcade machine with bold text splashed on the sides. Prime Empire.
Nearby a table, he found an opened circuit board with a red symbol in the middle. The final peice to the game.
Jay looked to the machine, then to the circuit. He stared at it.
"What do I do with you now," he asked solemnly.
He'd considered putting it in but then—
"Not now," a voice in his head whispered, "tommorow."
Seeing that voice in his head was being more logical than he ever would've been, he heads straight to bed, even if it's barely nightfall.
By the time he's awake, it's early but a school day. He decided that he'll skip school today. Then again. And again. This keeps going and going—Until they start calling in which he ignores them and then they eventually just, stop.
It's already been a month. He's sure that he could live well into his lifetime with what he had left, and hide away in this mansion forever, never having to deal with people—It's possible.
But it was lonely. There were his games but he didn't feel like it, he could try something new now, because of the free time he suddenly brought into himself—or literally anything else. It was enough. He could do it.
He just...didn't want to.
No matter how much he convinced himself that he'd be better alone because there'd be no point, he still wanted to talk to people. Online was never an option, and he knew that by now he'd been kicked from his program.
God, even up til now, he's trapped and had no choice on what he can do. He really was hopeless.
"No. Nonono. That's an awful idea Jay. It's stupid and there's no guarantee of getting out."
Still, he'd found himself a few minutes later, standing in front of the door which started this.
"It's okay Jay. You can do this. You're just reawakening what was a very dangerous hyper aware video game to curb the feeling of your ever present lonlieness. Totally cool."
Gently, he opened the door little by little, up until it was fully opened. The room smelled musty—enough so that he'd cough from the scent alone. The room was pitch-black so he felt around for a switch.
It was still the same as it was the last time he visited. Filled with wires and machines and dust, a single arcade machine stands in the middle. In the corner of his eye, he sees the final peice, gets it, and puts it in.
With a mechanical whir, the machine buzzes to life, the company logo flashing across the screen with a jingle to accompany it.
It takes a second, but soon, Unagami's voice could be seen, and he could talk to it.
"What are you—What are you doing," the machine piqued, it's voice frantic and distorted, "I thought I was...going to be shut down."
Jay was surprised at the fact that the machine was indeed alive and talking to him. It was quite terrifying honestly as someone like Jay doesn't really mess with AI, much less one that's kind of like a real person? He didn't really know, but either way, it's gonna be weird.
"You were. And I brought you back to life," Jay remarked in a matter-of-factly tone, "Now, do you want revenge?"
Unangami stayed silent for a moment, pondering.
"I could wait if you wanted me to, it's not like anyone can come in at any moment."
"He sorta just...left. And now I'm alone in this godforsaken house and I can't really do anything. Buut—I saw what happened a month ago and thought maybe I could go there and probably have a better time than I do here? Or die. Either one sounds fine seeing how my life is going."
"I understand. While I am acknowledging the fact that you did breach was likely supposed to be private, I won't fault you."
"Listen man. I heard screaming and had to help, but quietly," to emphasise, he did some overly exaggerated sneaky movements, "like a cool ass ninja. Your name's Unagami, right? At least from what I heard. "
"That is incorrect. As called by my creator, I am Prime Empire now."
"But Unagami is easier to say, so I'm using it. Also your "creator" is kind of a dick—Anyway Unagami, since we've both been technically abandoned by our creators, me in the sense of my parents—Twice. For no specific reason mind you! Anyway, and you with Mr. Dyer, because you're dangerous. You still hold a grudge don't you?"
"Great! So that settles it." That was until Jay realised something, "oh shit. Wait. You're still in beta aren't you? Ugh. I keep forgetting you're not really ready yet. I'm gonna have to code you to do the basics for the game, and even more so for all the cool things I want to add and—"
"I haven't even told you if I agreed."
"Do you have any better choice? Probably not. I mean if you don't you'll either just never reawaken ever again or just end up in a trash heap! I mean I'm supposed to eventually clean this place, even if that seems to be in the far future–"
"I'll do it. On one condition."
"Swear to me one day that we'll hunt him again. You can add what you want to me but my own mission is to take revenge on him. Is that understood?"
"Yessire! So uhm, how do I yknow—Code?"
Unagami remained silent. Somehow, Jay didn't mind. It was nice talking to someone without having to supress anything about him. Even if he was essentially talking to a screen. A surprisingly sentient screen, but a screen nonetheless.
There was a lot of work he'd have to do.
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claymorecut · 3 years
Gintsu week // Day 2
The school hours were finally over for the day. The sun was already setting, painting the sky with red and orange hues as the students and staff members left the campus one after another. The corridors were now completely silent; with the doors locked and lights turned off, not a single speck of noise could be heard in the school.
Well, except for the faint voices coming from the one store room around the corner of the third floor which was apparently under maintenance.
They knew they were stuck inside. They knew he shouldn't have pulled the door close even the slightest because the lock was broken and it was a windy day and damnit, why wasn't this a sliding door!? The room was so small and packed with old documents and broken desks that there was hardly any space for two people to stand in a good distance. And the best part, the dim sunlight coming from the tiny window and the broken light switch was the cherry on top in this miserable situation.
"Now what?" Tsukuyo asked as she let go off the door knob in defeat once again.
"What do you want me to say?" Ginpachi replied calmly as he took a seat on a nearby desk. "I've already tried opening the door plenty of times and it's stuck."
"Ginpachi, It's almost six-thirty and we have been stuck here for almost half and hour now!" Tsukuyo spoke, her voice a little higher than before. "Nobody seems to be coming here either. Do you want to spend the night here!?"
Even in the dim light, Tsukuyo could see the teasing smirk growing on his face. "I don't have any problem with that."
She really wanted to punch him. Of all the times, he had to flirt with her right now but seriously, she was just not in the mood to listen to his nonchalant comments. "You do know it was your fault, right?"
Ginpachi knew he was the one who pulled the door slightly but not completely closed it because hey, that was a habit of his apparently and he had no idea that Tsukuyo was right behind the shelf and if he had any idea the wind was going to be a bitch today of all days and that it was going to lock them both inside by pushing the door with its stupid force, he would have never entered the store room in the first place!
"It was not my fault! It was the wind!"
"Sakamoto-san notified the whole school yesterday that this room is under maintenance and under any circumstances, no one is supposed to pull the door close even the slightest because accidents can happen anytime!"
"Woman, I was here to check on some documents! How'd I know that the wind was going to lock me inside and that too with you of all the people in this world. I have no intention of setting a camp here with you, what the hell do you take me for, huh!?"
Tsukuyo knew he didn't mean any of it and the whole situation was only irritating her even more. "I know." she replied quietly. "Where's your phone though? Mine can't get any signal here."
"....uh...my battery's dead."
Wow. No lights, no signal, they were really going to spend the night here.
"You know what? Nevermind. Why did I bother asking you anyway?" she couldn't help the scowl appearing on her face.
Taking note of her frowing face, Ginpachi couldn't help but speak in an irked voice. "Hey. You don't make such a disgusted face."
And this reply only poured fuel in the fire.
"So what do you want me to do? Smile!?"
"No!" Now Ginpachi was standing up from his seat. "But how about you try to be a little polite!?"
"And how about you start talking responsibility for your actions!?"
"Hey!" Ginpachi yelled as he stomped towards her angrily. "Do you think I'm enjoying my stay here with you? Because let me make this very clear to you. I. AM. NOT!"
"Oh thank you so much for the clarification, Ginpachi-sensei" the way she mockingly called his name only made his blood boil "The feeling's MUTUAL!" she spat right on his face.
"The last thing I wanted was to get stuck inside a store room with an unfunny woman like YOU!"
"Like I was dying to spend a night with a bastard like you!"
Ginpachi could just glare furiously as he inched his face close to her. "This is why men don't come near a BITCH like you!"
"Yeah sure!" she too moved her face close. "Like there's a huge crowd of women out there waiting for your LAZY ASS!"
"I pity the men who're out wasting their time on a brute like you!"
"And I pity the woman who're drooling over you!- oh sorry, there's literally no one drooling over you!"
Smart. "Aww. Well I'm not the twenty-seven year old chain smoking virgin here!"
"Well at least I'm not spending all my salary on jump magazines and parfaits like a certain dumb perm-head here!"
"You do know too much nicotine can speed aging. Ah that's why I see all the wrinkles around your face."
"And you do know that too much sugar can cause erectile dysfunction."
This was getting too much. "You know what woman? How 'bout you shut that little mouth of yours!?"
They knew they should stop. "Well how about you shut up by sucking on that stupid strawberry lollipop of yours!?"
Their faces were close, too close, their noses almost touching but no one was willing to back off anymore. There might not be a lot of light inside but they could clearly see the fire in each other's eyes. It was not like these two didn't respect each other. It's just that sometimes, they just couldn't stand each other and that's why they were called the bickering couple of the school. However, this argument was no longer their simple banter.
It was now a matter of pride.
"Listen here." Ginpachi's voice was so low and chilling it could make a grown man piss his pants. "If you don't shut up, I'll make you."
Tsukuyo could just chortle mockingly as she didn't budge an inch from her place. "I bet you can't."
He had a sly grin on his face now. "I'm warning you, Tsukuyo."
Tsukuyo matched his expression. "Like your threats can scare m-"
But before she could finish, Ginpachi already captured her lips with his. Tsukuyo's eyes widened with shock as she felt him take her breath away in that one short kiss. But before she could even react and shove him off, he quickly pulled away with a cheeky and breathy laugh.
"HA! I warned you!"
Tsukuyo couldn't process what just happened but his smug laughter only angered her more. Before she could think what she was doing, she found herself returning the favor by pulling him by his white lab coat and kissing him feverishly on his lips. And this time, it was Ginpachi's eyes which widened into large saucers.
Tsukuyo quickly pulled back, leaving both of them brrathless again. "Don't you dare act so smug with me!"
Both of them just stood there for a second, their minds trying to process what happened. They were just arguing, right? Telling how much they didn't enjoy each others company inside a locked storeroom?
Then how did this happen?
Was it the frustration of getting stuck with each other? Or was it solely the insults? Was it the packed room and the heat which messed up with their brain? Or was it the fact that they wanted to prove something to each other?
But whatever it was, why did they choose to kiss each other?
And why the hell did it feel so good?
Before their minds could answer these questions, the two coworkers found themselves lashing on each other.
Tsukuyo had always been a calm and level-headed person but never had she find more thrill in anything than pulling Ginpachi by his collar while pushing his oval specs up his head and kiss him with all she had got. Ginpachi, on the other hand, never let his control slip by in front of any woman. But this woman he was kissing right now only made him lose control and devour her with every kiss he gave her. Not in a million years had these two thought that they would be making out in a locked storeroom and that too after a long argument where they constantly insulted each other. And yet, kissing each other only made them realize how much they wanted this.
"What're we doing?" Tsukuyo asked gaspingly between kisses as she found Ginpachi cradling her face in his palms. His touch was firm yet gentle and she felt like turning into a mush.
"Just shut up and kiss me woman." Ginpachi almost growled as he now pulled her closer by her waist and planted his lips on her again.
Tsukuyo have never had such an experience in her life- this was her first kiss. With the energy and passion Ginpachi kissed her, she could feel her legs go limp as she found her arms wrapping around his neck to get some support. She shouldn't have provoked him. But damnit would she be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying this. Matching his lips, Tsukuyo copied his movements with the same intensity as she found his tongue battling hers. The way he sucked and bit her lower lip and then lightly kissed it- her mind was going completely dizzy. She then went for his red tie, tugging it loose as she let her hands roam on his well-built physic. He was just too much for her and even though the kiss felt too rushed and sloppy, she didn't mind any of her inexperience.
As for Ginpachi, he didn't seem to mind any of her inexperience as he continued to lick and taste her mouth with no shame. His hands were everywhere, her waist, her ass and then sliding up to her full clothed breaths and shit! how could no man not want her. She was just so intoxicating he could just eat her up in one go. Her curves, her voice, her beautifully scared face, the way she squirmed in his arms as she clutched on his lab coat for support- everything she did, she was always perfect. The smell of nicotine along with her lavender perfume and her small breathless moans only overwhelmed his senses as he no longer cared where they might end up later.
Never had Ginpachi wanted a woman as much as he desired her.
Never had Tsukuyo thought she would feel such security in his arms.
Sensing her wobbly legs, Ginpachi picked her up by her ass in one go as Tsukuyo found her legs now wrapped around his waist while he pressed her against the nearest wall for more support. Without leaving his lips from her, he found his hands now playing with one of her clothed breasts as he heard another muffled moan from her.
But alas they finally broke for air.
In the dim light of the evening, the two could see the string of salive that connected their tongues as both of them huffed for air. The way they looked now- their completely messed up hair, wrinkled clothes, Ginpachi's loose tie and Tsukuyo's unbuttoned shirt- never had they thought they would engage in such a reckless and intimate act together.
And yet, the way they panted and looked at looked at each other, as a small smile suddenly appeared on their faces, this didn't feel wrong to the them at all.
But before they could continue with their little session, the sudden turning of the door knob made them both jolt in shock as Tsukuyo jumped off Ginpachi's lap. Both of them looked at the opening door in horror as they found someone moving the flashlight right on their faces.
"I knew you guys were-" Ah shit, it was Zenzou. And the two of them were completely disheveled. "...You guys continue." And he switched off the flashlight and was again locking the door.
"OII WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!" It was Ginpachi who called out as he rushed towards the door. "The hell are you doing? We've been locked here this entire time!"
"Yeah?" Zenzou gave the unkept man a skeptical look and then looked at Tsukuyo behind who quickly turned her red face in shame. "Looks like you guys were having a good time and I was the one who disturbed you."
Ginpachi could feel his face flush in embarrassment as he glared at his colleague. "THAT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!"
On this, Zenzou gave him a are-you-serious-man look and Ginpachi only felt his face grew hotter.
Tsukuyo could feel the tension around as she rearranged her clothes a little and walked towards the two men. "Hattori-sensei," she spoke up, "this...was not what we...we were really locked inside!" she finally got the out, her face turning red once again. "...but things just happened.."
Zenzou looked at Tsukuyo and then at Ginpachi as he felt a small grin escape his lips at their embarrassed faces. "Don't worry." he spoke in his nonchalant voice. "The whole school already knew that there was something going on between you two."
Ginpachi and Tsukuyo looked in surprise as a quick "eh!?" left their mouths simultaneously.
"Well whatever. It's already late. Good thing I came here to check." he turned around to leave as the other two quickly tidy up their appearances a little.
"By the way tempa! Good job." he gave a thumbs up to Ginpachi and then picked his pace, leaving the two behind.
Ginpachi and Tsukuyo turned to look at each other as they again felt the tension increasing between them. It wasn't always when these two make out and well, this was a first for them and yet, both of them seemed to have no problem with it. They might have never accepted it on their own but they sure did enjoy their company together. And a lot more than they could have guessed.
"Uh...." both spoke up simultaneously. And both of them chuckled at this. But again, silence followed.
"Hey." It was Ginpachi who spoke first. "I don't know what happened but..."
"...wanna get some lunch together someday?"
Hearing his earnest request, Tsukuyo felt her heart flutter. "Sure." she replied with a smile. "I hope you won't regret it though."
Ginpachi could only give her his honest answer. "Of course I won't."
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
If They Get Married I'd Be Your Uncle
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, flirting, Bruce is frustrated
A/n:So been in a dc mood today and couldn’t get this out of my head i really hope you enjoy it xx
Bruce meets you when you both get called into the school and instantly wants you to himself.
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If They Get Married I'd Be Your Uncle.
You grumbled as you walked up to the pretentious school pissed that it wasn't near any bus routes, cos these type of people don't use that sort of thing. The walk was long and arduous especially after the 10 hour shift you just finished cos some stupid little twat decided he didn't feel like coming in today and called in 'sick' at the last minute even tho you heard his giggling girlfriend in the back ground. Sighing you pulled out your hair tie slapping it up into a neater messy bun as you made your way into the school reception stopping ,you raised an eyebrow at the receptionist as she gave you a side glance pretending not to notice you. You looked up to the ceiling praying for some restraint because you'd had just about as much as you could take today and didn't need the snobby attitude of these people. After a few moments you looked at her.
"Excuse me I'm here to see Mr Koleman I'm running a bit late so could you sign me in?" you said as calm as possible she rolled her eyes.
"Mr Kolman doesnt take personal meetings on the school grounds" she said snidely dismissing you , you growled at the implication.
"I'm Jack Cookes sister you phoned me earlier?"
"oh? you have an appointment?" she said. you grit your teeth.
"Trust me if I didnt I wouldnt be here" she gave you the once over then reached a perfectly manicured hand beside her screen lifiting a clip board
" and your Mrs?" you shook your head
"Miss Cooke with an e" a chuckle and whispers rippled through the office as she checked you in and handing you a visitors pass. You snatched it and made your way down to the hall to a mini reception outside the principles office. As you opened the door you spotted your little brother supporting a bloody nose ,cut cheek and eyebrow. Ignoring everyone you ran across the room stopping before him and his best friend.
"Oh for fuck sake Jack, here let me look" you said tilting his face this way and that you looked beside him swivling on your feet pulling the boys face up.
"Damien are you ok- seriously you to?" you cut yourself off seeing a dark bruise on the boys jaw you tutted rummaging through your bag pulling out a pack of ibuprofen and small bottle of water passing it to them both.
"here take these" stopping as the principles secretary snapped at you.
"Miss! you cannot give medication to other student's god knows what they are!!" you rolled your eyes giving the sleeve of tablets to Jack who then popped out two and gave them to Damien before taking his own.
"Happy?" you quipped at her with an innocent smile then turned to Jack
"Jack please please tell me you still have all your teeth" he smiled showing a full set then looked at Damien who copied. You sighed in relief smoothing both boys hairs then placed a kiss on each of their heads. You continued coddling them unaware of the man behind you watching shocked as damien sat still letting you fuss over him. Bruce didnt know you from adam but damien apparently did
"Was it them again? I told you if your gonna retaliate keep it off campus!" you said kneeling in front of them hand on either boys knee.
"We didn't start it." your brother stated and you believed him , he and Damien get themselves into trouble I mean there a couple of teenage boys there bound to act up but he doesn't just 'verbally disrespect people and attack other students' as the teacher on the phone had put it.
"Ok what happened?" you asked they both looked down Damien spoke up first
"They started calling us names again, kyle tripped and blamed Jack for it getting him told off so i called Kyle out on it then they started calling us names again we told Mrs Hatt and she laughed saying sticks and stones" . Jack continued
"So I called her a drunk fat bitch who was at best a fucking baby sitter, kyle slammed my head into the desk for it cos he's a little ass lick." you sighed as Damien took over
"SoIi punched kyle in the face knocking him on his ass and Clarence hit me and Jack headbutted him then we were pulled apart"
"yeah were did you learn to punch like that? he went down like a sack of shit" Jack asked laughing damien joined him laughing you deadpanned as they high five'd one another.
"Ok guys thats neither here nor there the point is your teacher sat back and watched?" they nodded there teacher seemed to have a problem with your brother due to your social class, he'd been accepted as part of a new law that all private schools must accept a certain number of full scholarship students to give everyone 'an equal opportunity' you'd been complaining to the school about the bullying and the teachers attitude but nothing has been one it seems.
"So you didn't hit them first?" you asked Damien shook his head at you. you believed them they were good kids.
"Good but you know fighting isn't the answer right?" they shook their heads you stood up fully taking a seat beside them.
"Damien thank you for helping him and Jack fuck sake don't you know headbutting hurts you more than the other guy. I'm sorry this is still happening guys but I'm gonna take care of it ok? trust me?" they both nodded at you still looking a little sorry for themselves you swung around in your seat only now seeing Bruce sitting opposite you.
"Bruce Wayne, you must be Jacks sister Y/n was it?" you nodded as his hand devoured your in a hand shake.
"Yep that's me. sorry your boy got dragged into this" he chuckled waving it off
"He will always find trouble at least this time its for sticking up for his friend, im glad to finally have a face to put to the name they talk about you alot" you nodded at that couldn't help your breathing hitch slightly at his smile his eyes seemed to burn into you analyzing you. You flushed slightly under his gaze
"Good things i hope" he nodded at you licking his bottom lip damien sighed you loked away before smirking at Jack.
"You really called her a drunk fat bitch?" he laughed proud of himself
"Yeah, sticks and stone and all that thought id test it" you laughed out loud
"To quick for them huh? I see where your going with it tho smart ass" he smiled sheepishly
"Well it worked for you, had to give you a leg to stand on" you laughed high fiving him . Bruce flinched as the display made you look your age. your relationship with your brother was a strange one. One moment you had to be the 'politically correct parent' the next you could return to being his 'cool older sister', there was 12 years between you but it didn't bother either of you , it wasn't that long ago that you were in school so you understood him. You struck up a conversation with the two boys, Damien had been the only one in the school to get along with Jack and you were thankful that they found each other two peas in a pod and he seemed to be coming round constantly it hadn't taken long before you started mothering him to. They were always together at your house or the manor but youd never met bruce jntill today sure damien had spoke about him, convinced that the two of you would hit it off, you just laughed him off saying it was wishfull thinking, but you couldnt help but wonder as you sat across from the handsom man well aware of his eyes watching your every move. Bruce watched fascinated as you seemed to be on the same level as the boys , if he was honest he was happy to see Damien relaxed around someone. Damien constaly gushed about you to him and he could see why as his eye scanned you up and down taking everything in , you was certainly beautiful petite and slightly heavy set you had a young carefree air about you that still held a nurturing aspect , probably what drew damien to you the boy had never had a motherly type of women around him, hell even he felt drawn to you in more ways then one, he noted as he felt,his blood rush south. It had been a while since any woman had coaxed such a strong reaction from him. He'd never been one for the young domestic type but there was something in him that wanted you. He tried reasoning that it was because of the way you had coddled his son, or maybe it was that he missed that motherly affection himself, but no there was something more then that a deep atraction pulling at him.He could see why Damien had taken a shine to you he'd be lying if he said he hasn't already been thinking of a reason to meet up with you outside of school. It was rare that someone caught him by surprise and you had defiantly caught him by surprise. Clearing his throat he re-position himself on his seat as his boxers became tighter embarrassed and admittedly a bit confused as watching you mother the two teens had begun to arouse him. You looked over to him with concern.
"Are you ok Mr Wayne?" he inwardly groaned at the name and way you looked at him so innocently ,no idea what you were doing .fuck. He forced a charming smile
"Yes just wish they'd hurry up." you sighed pouting slightly
"It seems a bit stupid calling this an emergency then making us wait this long. twats." you snipped crossing your arms across your chest huffing he chuckled hearing the barely held back irritation, imagining just how bratty you could be, and exactly how he could deal with said bratty behaviour a shiver ran down his spine, he sucked through his teeth as his cock twitched at the thought his mind racing to other tempting scenarios of you and him, shaking his head he had to snap himself out of it. The door opened and you were both called in. He watched wide eyed as you rose your demeanor changed completely, gone was a fun loving motherly young woman and there stood a less than impressed mama bear under 5ft tall but walked like a giant. He blinked and staggered in behind you thankful that he opted for a longer blazer that helped cover his 'situation' once in the office you set down in front of Mr Koleman the principle a stout balding man that was king of his own little castle and like to let everyone know it.
Mr Koleman looked at you with distaste then smiled shaking hands with Bruce.
"Ah Mr Wayne good to see you again tho I hoped it was on better terms. Miss Cooke I'm glad you could come down today I wasn't sure you'd make it this time." he said condescendingly you smirked putting on your polite 'adult' voice.
"well I've been trying to get an appointment with you about these issues that I'm sure your fully aware of, however you seem fully booked so I'm glad I finally have the opportunity to straighten a few thing out" he grimaced as he took a seat behind the desk.
" Yes well I am a very busy man." he said
"Yes I noticed that when the receptionist mistook me for a personal visitor." you hear Bruce cough covering a laugh as the principle opened and closed his mouth speechless.
"Any way what was it you wanted to discuss Mr Koleman?" he scowled not used to being shut down by a young women. He leaned forward shuffling papers
"yes well we've been having problems with Jack for a few months as your aware-"
"Yes I'm aware that he is being targeted by his teacher and bullied by other students in the class which is being over looked and in some instances encouraged by the staff at this school. but go on." you interupted him staring at him unblinkingly Bruce gapped before collecting himself sitting back to watch the show the distinct feeling that you were going to rip this man a new arsehole.
"Uh-oh i was not aware of that"
"do not lie to me" you growled 'and here we go' Bruce thought he'd been with enough women to know that all hell was going to break loose as the quiet sweetheart form out side became a little spitfire in the office and couldn't help the a quick fantasy of you being this fiesty for him in his office. You pulled out a small red diary from your bag turning to dates in it.
"On the 4th of March I phoned the school and spoke to a Mrs Hatt to discuss cases of bullying she said that it was being taken care of and that I had no reason to worry. March the 12th Jack came home with bruises on his back caused by the same students they had tied knots in there ties and whiped him with them while getting changed for p.e, I had raised concerns about it nothing was done. I phoned again and once again was fobbed off by Mrs Hatt that there was nothing happening, then Jack comemhome with a sprained wrist, then it was bruised stomach, then a cut forhead and a brokennfinger from them smashing it in a door etcetera these incidents continued and I continued to report them and it was always the same names that popped up, the same three boys. I'd had enough on May 21st I phoned and asked to speak to you instead I got through to a Mrs Hamsten? the vice principle?" you watched as his face became paler and paler as you spoke he nodded. Bruced leant back eyes blown finding himself getting hotter as he watched you tear down the man infront of you.
"Yes and she said that the boys had been put into detention for it which turned out to be a lie another student confirmed that nothing had been done. I then put my issue in writing, I wrote a letter sent by recorded post to you about the issue and received a reply, sighed by you, that you have a no tolorence policy and would look into it, nothing has been done and now you have the audacity to call me up and have me come in here because he finally had enough and stuck up for himself because this little shit split his face open on a desk whilst the teacher watched? tell me Mr Koleman do you still want to pretend you dont know what I'm talking about because I've recored all the calls I've made about this." you tore into him as he shrunk further and further into his seat not prepared for you to come at him so direct. Bruce didnt know what the fuck happened to the sweet little thing he saw outside but what he did know was that was one of the sexist things he'd seen as you asserted yourself beautifully not giving the man time to respond. If it wasn't for Mr Koleman sitting behind the desk he'd already have you spread out on it underneath him. 'Another time'he thought to himself he licked his lips tugging at his trousers again trying to ease the ache in his cock as it strained against its confines.
"Ah yes well, now that I think about it I do remeber a letter" he stumbled over his words you nodded your head
"Yes I'm sure you do. Today was the inevitale blow up." He collected himself looking at Bruce for some sort of back up instead the billionaire scowled at him.
"Be that as it may there is no excuse for calling a teacher a drunk fat bitch." you nodded
"I agree how ever it was for science. Your member of staff who has neglected her duty to keeping my brother safe on school grounds ,has brushed off his bullying useing 'stick and stones' so he decied to test that theory by calling her a drunk fat bitch, turns out names do hurt and caused her to become agitated that she allowed him to have his face smashed into a desk by another student cutting open his eyebrow, cheek and bloody his nose. I dont think she should be able to teach if she cant practice what she preaches and certainly shouldnt be left incharge of children if she is that unstable that she would allow an attack to happen because her feeling were hurt."
"yes well he dragged Mr Waynes son into this-"
"Damien and Jack are friends Damien saw Kyle attack Jack and defended him which is more I can say for the staff at this school. I'm warning you Mr Koleman sort it out before I go to the press. How do you think that would look? when your school board find out that Mr Wanyes son was injured defending his friend when the teacher didn't lift a fucking finger. You wanna go there? cos I fucking will I've had enough." he sat up straighter alarmed, Bruce moaned deep in his chest but watching you was really doing it for him he didnt know why or care in all honesty he just wanted more of you.
"No, no theres no need for that. We can sort this out between us no need for the governors or press. Mr Wayne is there anything you'd like to add." he said trying hard to wrap up this meeting. You looked at Bruce who frankly you forgot was even there he shook his head looking strange, shifting in his chair uncomfortably.
"I think Miss Cooke summed everything up wounderfully, and she has my full support sort out these kids, I know that they have been causing Damien problems name calling getting him in trouble such and he has said the teacher dosn't do anything about it. I wont stand for it any more , if its not sorted out by the end of the week I will bring Miss Cooke with me and we will speak to the school bored in person." You let out a breath you didnt know you was holding relief flooded you as he said this slightly worried that he'd throw you under the bus. He locked eyes with you his pupils were blown wide and he was breathing heavy he winked subtly, you flushed looking back to the man behind the desk as he cleared his throat.
"Right well I will see to it personally and it will be sorted by the end of the week, you both seem to have concerns with Jack and Damien's teacher so as of tomorrow I will have them moved into another class whilst I investigate. I will phone you both up to check in with the boys I'm terribly sorry that it has been left this long." he stood motioning for you both to do the same ending with.
"The boys can leave early today while I deal with this." Bruce opened the door letting you through growling as the principle made a point to oogle your ass as you left, quickly standing between you blocking his veiw of you he glared at the fat prick his message was clear. That hot little spitfire is mine so back off. He stared down at him chest puffed out standing taller and broarder intimidating the little weasel until he looked away. Bruce smirked then left the office slamming the door behind him finding you explaining to the boys what was happening, joining you as they stood up getting there bags .
"you boys go out and wait by the car while we sign out at the front." Bruce instructed they nodded running ahead to the school enterance.
"The car?" you asked looked up at him shyly
"Yes i will give you both a lift" he said leaving no room for argument. You thanked him then spoke quietly looking down trying not to freak out as he stood closer then you thought was neccasary.
"Thank you for sticking up for me in there, I dont usually get like that but you know I get a bit protective." he chuckled at you showing off a brilliant smile
"Its no problem, to be honest I found the whole mama bear thing very sexy your lucky we we'rnt alone" he said winking you blushed
"Wh-what? sh-shut up" you squeeked out he shook his head at you as he put an arm out over you holding the doors to main reception you thanked him queitly skipping through feeling small catching yourself breathing deeper to smell more of his fresh scented cologne.
"No I'm serious any where else and well" he wiggled his brows at you making you giggle
"and the way you are with damien?ive never seen him like that" he asked trailing off
"Yes well he is a sweet kid, he comes over quiet a bit as you know Alfred drops him off and the boys go off doing their thing, just sort of started to mother him a bit sorry" he smirked at you
"Well if I'd known how stunning you were it'd be me dropping him off. And dont apologize I'm not mad just a bit jealous. Tho not for long" he said handing his pass to the snooty receptionist who gave him bedroom eyes before glaring at you for keeping his attention.
"J-jealous? of Damien why?" you stuttered then bit your lip blushing. He groaned the site of it as he throbbed agin nearly cumming as his cock rubbed harshly agains the soft cotton of his boxers, he just couldnt control it. oh he was definatly gonna have you for himself, somehow you turned him into a horny teenager all over again.
"Well he got to have all your attention earlier, hurts a mans pride when his son can capture a beautiful woman's attention and he cant." you looked away from him giving your pass to the secatary who snatched it with a snarl.
"Im hoping you'd show some mercy and come out for lunch with me?" you gasped snapping your gaze at him.
"Wh-what you mean to talk about the school?"
"No as in a date" he explained you froze feeling butterflies in your tummy looking at the gorgeous man.
"Date? now? like right now?" he nodded smirking thoroughly enjoying you being so flustered.
"yes now I dont have anything else planned for today." you gulped when he gave you a heated look you felt like a meal taking a step back
" I'd love to but I have to clean up Jack and-." you began your excuse only for him to cut you short.
"Nonsense he can come to the manor and spend the day with Damien, Alfred is a good nurse he will patch them up." you blinked trying to think of another reason as he stood staring you down at you waiting to for to decide feeling like a deer in the head lights you realized this alpha of a man wasn't going to give you much of a choice.
"O-ok if your sure alfred wouldn't mind watching him." you nodded shyly Bruce gave a triumphant smirk and threw an arm across your shoulders tucking you against him walking to the main doors.
"Alfred wont mind watching the boys." you both walked outside to the boys Damien sighed at his dad before Jack spoke up.
"Told you he was looking at her ass"
"JACK! He was not!" you screeched at him damien laughed and bruce unlocked the range rover
"I thought I was being subtle about it" you gaped at him speechless as he opened the passenger door the boys gagged getting in the back. You got in the car pouting to yourselfand Bruce climbed in.
"Fucking hell I've never seen her speechless, how'd you do that?" Jack said Damien scoffed
"Dad just keep your boner in your pants until were out of the way."
"Yer shes my sister dont need to see her sucking face." You blushed trying to shush the boys
"DAMIEN! He does not have a boner!"
"Uh yer he does look."You tired not to look you really did but it just sort of happend you squeeked covering your mouth faceing forward and jumped as bruce leant over buckling your seat belt whispering in your ear.
"I did tell you the mama bear was sexy" puljng away he spoke to the boys
"Dont worry boys, we will behave until your out of ear shot" You gapped as they cringed with cries of 'ew dad no' and 'come on thats my sister' he laughed at them patting your thigh before pulling out of the school
"So you asked her on a date yet Dad?" Bruce raised and eye brom looking at him in the rear view mirror pulling out onto the main road.
"Well we are dropping you both off at the manor does that answer your question?"
Jack groaned not sure if he likes the idea of his sister dating his best friends dad.
"dont you hurt her Mr Wayne I know where you live" you smiled at that finding it cute him trying to be the protective little man. The drive was quiet for a while before jack piped up.
"Holy shit if they get married I'd be your uncle" you groaned holding you face in your hands bruce only laughed
"Jack its one lunch date jesus"
".....Can I walk you down the isle?"
"What she means is well cross that bridge when we come to it" you stared at Bruce as he smirked enjoying teasing you the boys snickered in the back. You sat back wondering just what you'd gotten youself into.
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cheekysos · 4 years
Between Hate and Lust
Ashton Irwin x Plus Size Reader
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Author’s Note: I plan to make this multiple parts if anyone is interested in reading more. I tried something new and included Ashton’s POV in this one so feedback is much appreciated. It’s not the best and its a little short but part two will be longer, if you even want part two. I also want to thank @petuniaisawildflower​ for letting me talk ideas and give me feedback.  I’m not writing this series to exclude any body type, shape, or size because everyone’s bodies should be accepted and celebrated. So I am very sorry if this in any way excludes anyone, that is not my intention. If there’s anything you’d like to read please leave a request in my asks and I will try my best to do it justice. If you have any feedback or ideas for part three please let me know.    
Summary: Y/N hates Ashton from school. Now they’re adults, maid of honor and best man at the same wedding, and forced to be civil.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of bullying, and mentions of sexual tension
Always a bridesmaid never a bride is exactly how you would describe your life right now. For whatever reason it seemed like everyone you knew was getting married. Normally you wouldn’t mind, you actually kind of loved weddings but right now you couldn’t help but feel cynical. You just caught your boyfriend cheating on you.
Your best friend was getting married and asked you to be her maid of honor. Obviously you were happy for her and you wanted to be a part of her special day, you just wish it wasn’t opposite of him. Ashton Irwin, the best man at the wedding and your sworn enemy since school. He was loud, outgoing and hung out with the douchiest boys at your school. Boys who were responsible for ruining many kids school experience, including your own. The group of boys mainly made fun of your appearance, specifically your weight and even though Ashton never contributed to the name calling he didn’t stop it either. You can remember on multiple occasions standing there being tormented by their words, fighting back the tears and you’d look over at Ashton, desperate for him to intervene and he’d instantly look away and stare at the ground.
You thought you had gotten rid of him once his shitty band started to take off but somehow he managed to stay close friends with groom and now you were forced to not only be civil with him for the day but walk down the aisle along side him.
It’s been about 8 years since you saw him last, in person that is. You’d never admit it out loud but every now and then your curiosity got the better of you and you checked in on him online. It was easy to do since he somehow managed to become famous. As much as he annoyed you it annoyed you even more that you found him attractive. It was obvious from the photos on google that he was starting to fill out, really finding himself and style. His arms were muscular and decorated with ink and his torso was broad and toned and shit was he talented.
When you first found out Ashton was going to be the best man you were annoyed yes but at least you had your boyfriend to fall back on but now you had no one to escape to if things got bad. Not only do you have to be a kick ass maid of honor but you also have to avoid your asshole ex and deal with your arch enemy.
Tonight was the rehearsal dinner and the first time you would be seeing Ashton. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t spend extra time on your hair and makeup and spend weeks picking out the perfect dress. You didn’t want to look good for him, you wanted to look good for yourself and to show him that you were hot and confident despite everything that was said to you at school.
You decided on a pastel pink midi dress with cold shoulder straps paired with some wedges. You pulled up to the restaurant early. You made sure to give yourself plenty of time to get there and help out anyway you could. Your stomach was in knots as you made your way inside, you hated that he could still get a reaction from you after all these years.
You walked up towards the stunning bride and greeted her with a big hug.
“You look gorgeous!” You gushed.
“Looked who’s talking,” she replied. “This is supposed to be my night.” The two of you banter back and forth for awhile until other guests start trickling in.
“I should go greet everyone. Please try to be civil with Ash tonight,” she pleaded. You made a disgusted face and sighed.
Your next stop was at the bar, there was no way you were getting through this without a little liquid courage. With a drink in hand you started to walk around the room greeting the bride’s family you recognized. You were caught up in your conversation with the flower girl and two drinks deep when you saw him.
Ashton’s POV
It felt strange being home after so long, going to a wedding where there are bound to be people from school. Like almost everyone else in the world you did things as a teenager you weren’t proud of but there was one thing you were particularly ashamed of and you would be forced to address it most likely tonight. Your friends in high school were complete assholes, with the exception of the groom obviously but he went to a different school. They bullied a lot of different kids and although sometimes you did put them in their place you never did it for her. Y/N. They picked on her more than most and one time you said something to them after she had ran off and they made fun of you for weeks saying how you had a crush on her and how you were a ‘chubby chaser.’ It shouldn’t have bothered you as much as it did but you were young and stupid and you did actually have a crush on her. She was kind, funny, smart and pretty. Now you’re here however many years later about to be best man beside a maid of honor who probably hates you.
As soon as you walked into the room you started to scan the crowd for her, embarrassingly you checked the brides Instagram every now and then to see if she posted pictures with Y/N so you knew how she’s grown into her beauty. While you were searching the bride and groom greeted you.
“Ash, Thanks so much for coming and being a part of our big day!” The bride greeted as she hugged you.
“Course! Thanks for having me,” you hugged her and your best friend.
“Grab a drink, mate and find your seat we’re going to get started in a bit. You’re at the big table with us.” You nod and find your way to the bar to order a whisky. While you’re waiting for your drink, you finally see her. Shit, she looks beautiful. She’s practically glowing as she stands there talking to two young kids. Her smile lights up the room and her body in that dress was enough to make your trousers tight. You were definitely staring when the two of you locked eyes. It was now or never you thought to yourself as you slowly started to walk towards her. What were you going to say? Should you introduce yourself? Or assume she remembers you? What if she thinks your a dick for assuming? You don’t want her to think you’re a conceited prick. Shit, she was even prettier the closer you got and her smell was intoxicating.
Fuck he’s walking over and my god was he sexy. His black hair was slicked back and he was wearing fitted black trousers, a polka button up, and a black blazer. You tried to push all the nasty thoughts out of your brain, reminding yourself that you hated him. Your breath hitches in your throat as got closer.
“Hi I’m Ashton the best man,” he introduced himself as if he didn’t remember you at all. What a prick.
“Seriously?” You scoffed. “We went to the same school but I shouldn’t be surprised considering you’re a big rockstar now.” And with that you walked away. Of course he didn’t remember you, it was stupid of you to think he would.
But Ashton didn’t let it go. He swiftly made his way in front of you.
“Woah, I know we went to school together, was just tryna be polite hun,” his hand reached out to touch your arm and your blood started to boil. You instinctively pulled away.
“Oh so now you care about being polite?” You snapped. “And don’t call me hun, I have a name. Let’s do everyone a favor and speak as little as humanly possible.”
Ashton’s smile dropped and his face got red. He opened his mouth to respond but was cut off when they clanked glasses and asked everyone to take their seats. Although you were forced to sit at the same table, you were thankful it wasn’t right next to each other. You did your best to ignore him the rest of the night but you could feel his eyes on you every so often. It made you self conscious and aroused all at the same time.
Ashton’s POV
What the hell? That didn’t go how you planned at all. She wouldn’t even give you a chance to explain yourself, she instantly shot down your throat. It was kind of rude but you probably deserved it but you also deserved a chance to apologize don’t you?
You wished that the two of you were seated next to each other so you would have another chance to apologize. Unfortunately you were sat across the table from her. You didn’t mean to stare but the way her lips wrapped around the fork and her tongue traced her lips was truly mesmerizing. You mind raced with thoughts of that pretty mouth all over you specifically around your cock.
She stood up and excused herself from the table. You waited a few few minutes before you did the same, you needed another chance to apologize. It was obvious that your dirty thoughts had zero percent chance of coming true but you were hoping there was a way she’d listen to you.
You excused yourself from the table and practically sprinted to the bathroom, you needed to get away from him. You couldn’t take those eyes on you any longer, you were minutes away from jumping across the table to either punch him in the face or jump his bones.
You caught your breath and touched up your makeup before you swung open the bathroom door revealing Ashton leaning against the wall.
He started to walk towards you, “look y/n I’m sorry about everything.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I swear I did say something to those twats once but they just started teasing me saying all this shit...”
You cut him off with a sarcastic laugh. “That must have been so hard for you, being tease that one time.” Your anger started to take control as you stepped closer to him.
“Look I’m trying to apologize but your not letting me. I’m not saying you have to accept it but you could at least be fucking civil and let me finish.” He scolded.
“You think now that you’re a big rockstar you deserve to be forgiven?” The space between you two was practically nonexistent. It took a lot for you to not attack those stupid lips of his.
“Quit fucking sayin’ that will ya? I’m gonna say what I have to say and you’re gonna stop bitching for two seconds and listen.” Ashton hissed. “Unless you need some help keeping that pretty mouth shut.”
That was it, you were practically putty standing in front of him. You wanted to be mad at him, to hate him but you were so turned on. You tried to remain your composure to form together a witty retort but as soon as your mouth opened Ashton’s index finger was pressed against your ample lips.
“I was young and stupid but it’s no excuse for not standing up for you. I knew it was wrong and I’ve thought about for years. I’m truly sorry for everything they said to you and I wish there was a way to make it right.” He removed his finger and stood back but still kept eye contact. 
  You could feel the tears pooling in your eyes, you had waited years to hear that. Your head was overflowing with so many different emotions you didn’t know what to do first. Just as you were about to say something to Ashton the two of you were interrupted by someone walking past to use the bathroom. And this time Ashton was the one walking away, leaving you standing alone in dim lit hallway with a whole lot of thoughts and feelings.
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mismashedsocks · 4 years
 so riordan made a half assed lame excuse on his lazy/racist writing on piper yesterday and on top of that he made another one on samirah and i’m muslim so i am going to talk about it
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damn i’m so sorry these people have been pushing you past your comfort zone about your wildly popular racist caricatures of minorities that have great impact on your young, impressionable target audience. while its fine that if he takes a break for his mental health he still needs to deal with these problems you can’t just take a break and hope they go away.
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why does he think everyone is bullying him. if they talked in all caps, cussed at you, or didn’t stop bothering you, i’m sorry they’re just trying to get you to realize how racist your books are, which you keep refusing to believe. i can believe that a few of them were doing it for attention, but it couldn’t be the majority. and my god, god forbid people want you to write your books the way you preferred, without racist stereotypes. 🙈
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you can set your boundaries but you keep ignoring the people, you don’t listen. like you put yourself out there as a writer you are open to criticism
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why does he keep doing this to seem like the good guy. you give excuses and don’t do anything and just say that its up to you, you can think whatever you want 🥰🥰. like its such an obvious excuse not to take any action.
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i’m sorry but no matter how many muslims you’ve interacted with you haven’t gotten the full experience and last time i checked teachers aren’t the kids best friends soo uhm. anyways the rest of it is just him telling his experience with muslimah students so its just there.
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so uhm you just said your students ‘unwillingly’ become an ambassador to everyone she knew’. and then you went to talk to them about islam to make sure you were TEACHING THEM YOUR SOURCE MATERIAL CORRECTLY. i’m sorry imagine. these are kids not some scholars you go to consult. there are so many muslims all over the internet and youtube sharing their experiences for you to access on how to ‘represent their experience’ correctly. you’re the teacher here. picture this:as a muslilm, i teach at a public school and while teaching about Christianity in class, no i would double check or some dumb shit with the students. like educate yourself i’m sorry. anyways apparently he blames his mistakes on himself then goes on to deny he ever made any mistakes i can’t.
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so this is a blatant lie. 99% of muslims i’ve met have never read all of sahih bukhari and sahih muslim. usually only scholars do that when they are studying islam for YEARS. and FIVE different interpretations of the quran on top of that. ok so sahih bukhari is 9 books that are over 300 pages each and sahih musilm is 7 volumes with also about 300+ pages each. and then the english versions of the quran are 600 pages. and he claims he read five of them. i’m so sorry but no he didn’t. he writes books so fast and he released mcga around the time toa was being released almost one book per year so he did not have a lot of spare time. the rest ig i can let slide. also and if he did do all of that why does he make so many mistakes in writing samirah. and even IF you accept his excuses reading ALL of this source material is great for teaching your class or whatever but not for writing a modern day muslim. you don’t need to lie to us rick ❤️
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most of this is just describing what she’s like but his writing did also add in the model minority, smart kid trope. like no they don’t have to be a terrorist or a A+ student who is the best at everything. there is a middle ground to their personality. 
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i actually used to love his rep in sam. that’s how i got into the series. i saw a hijabi girl on his website. i got excited and read all of his books. i loved piper, leo, hazel, percy, annabeth, sadie, carter, nico, everyone. now that i look back i was younger and didn’t see anything wrong with it back then. its great that he tried to portray minorities but he did it so badly and now is just denying the faults that his now older readers are trying to tell him.
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hey, uhm didn’t you read all of sahih bukhari and muslim? hmm i didn’t think so. anyways the way he dealt with it honestly wasn’t that bad. but the whole ‘whoops’. like why does he keep portraying himself as the innocent old white man just trying his best.
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honestly how he wrote samirah as a hijabi was the dumbest thing i’ve ever read. its is totally fine if she wasn’t hijabi, many muslim girls aren’t, and that is their choice. but he decided to make her like a weird middle ground. it was so lazy and inconsistent. in the first book she says she wears it when she needs to, like in situations like going to the masjid. this was fine, since many muslim girls do that. then in the next books she wears it all the time except when she’s in valhalla for some reason. hijabi girls take of their scarves when they’re at home or with family, but making her claim the entirety of vallhalla as her family. that was just demeaning and stupid to me. it takes away its value. and i fucking hated that last sentence. for hijabis, their hijab is important and not a toy or weapon or a MAGIC ITEM. and then on top of that she would have to take it of to hide. he could’ve made it anything else. her hijab isn’t some token item istg.
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i love how he admits that they are a big problem and abusive and usually engage with child marriages. i’m relatively he doesn’t understand what the people even meant by it. the practice is a problem that isn’t supposed to be seen in a nice light. the only possible way it could be slightly ok is that if ADULTS agree they 100% do not want to choose who they want to get married to and let their parents choose, and both sides agree. samirah was a child and he decided to make her wedding life decided since the age of 12. and it was ok because amir was conventionally attractive and she loved him. WHAT IF SHE DIDNT. this literally is a dangerous arranged marriage. and arranged marriages are not ok, and mostly perpetuated by victims of it who will end up passing it down their family lines. my parents got an arranged marriage and I HAVE NEVER SEEN THEM DISPLAY ANY SIGNS OF AFFECTION. arranged marriages are not a trope that your can turn around to be a quirky personality trait for your characters.
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i’m sorry that’s not how arranged marriages work. most likely if she said something her grandparents would have shut her done and continued with the marriage, as that is what you usually happens. do not portray the small amount of consented, ‘happy’ arranged marriages as the majority. it is a huge problem that many desi/middle eastern cultures are trying to erase. even on top of that he writes situations where she’s going to be in trouble for acting up and ‘jeopardizing the marriage agreement’ and that her grandparents think she’s ‘lucky that she could get the fadlan family to agree to marry their son to her’. these statements are often used in forced and dangerous marriages, so don’t try and justify your actions. if you wanted to show traditional customs in a positive light, there are so many richer parts of samirah’s culture you could’ve focused on and you chose arranged marriage. 😻 all you’ve done is given parents and authority figures a westernized resource to justify arranged and forced marriages, especially with the minimal explanation on how the marriage isn’t forced in the actual books. and yes, your books do condone child marriage samirah is clearly deemed into this marriage ever since the young age of 12. she lived her life knowing she would marry amir. no one has only one crush throughout their life. imagine how she would’ve grown up. sorry you only consider opinions that align with those in you mind.
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i’m going to be honest i did like that one scene it was written nicely and accurately but the explanation he gives just ruins the entire thing. the way he just if this strikes you as islamophobic, or samirah as a hurtful, uhm no explanation i just disagree 😽. the way you wrote her is a hurtful stereotype sorry you can’t see it.
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oops, you did. too bad you don’t want to do anything about it.
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why do you think people are painting you in a negative light, so many of your characters are written on hurtful and negative stereotypes. people aren’t painting it that way, you need to calm down w your ego and listen. dang i’m sorry your best is giving half-assed excuses and not actually doing anything. i’m even more sorry people are mad that a highly privileged author that has a lot of influence is done talking about his racist depictions of minorities in his books. 
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dang must be lucky to take a break from the social media, imagine what all the minorities you wrote about have to go with everyday weather they are on social media or not. people aren’t bullying you this is valid criticism you refuse to listen to.
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fuck you
obviously these are my opinions do not judge every muslim based on what i’ve said come to me if you have a problem with it
anyways support jewish, muslim, black, brown, asian, hispanic, indigenous, lgbtq+, disabled, and other minority authors and creators.
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
hiii 💕 if u r interested could u do 52 and 58 prompts (can i kiss u smth like that and are you flirting with me?) it could be about y/n having a crush on bakugo (he likes her too) but she flirts way too much on him (in front of everyone at the dorms) in the weirdest moments (middle of class, 1a watching a movie, eating lunch) but ends in fluff IM SO SORRY IF ITS TOO MUCH TO ASK if u don’t like it i can write another one 😊
A/N: This had me so happy, you have no idea. Thanks for the idea, and you better give me more :b 
Title: Who said pickup lines don’t work?
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
52. “Can I kiss you right now?”58.  “Are you flirting with me?”
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Katsuki Bakugou!:
You were constantly getting away with embarrassing him, there were way too many times to count as it was practically a daily occurrence. You were always doing it in the most public places, like in the classroom:
“I’m lost.”
Bakugou looked up to see you hovering over his desk, a confused look on your face as you held your notebook. It was study hall, and Aizawa was fast asleep, leaving people to their own devices. He was originally studying by himself, until you came over to bother him that is.
“Dumbass, why do I care.” He huffed, hoping his face wasn’t spotting a blush as he saw you pout.
“Because you’re the only one who can help me.”
“Tch. Whatever.” He looked back down at his desk as you set your notebook down in front of him, pointing to a-
A picture?
“Like I said, I’m lost. Can you draw me the directions to your heart?” 
You pointed at your drawing, in the middle of it it said ‘Your Heart’ in very fancy lettering. 
Bakugou knew that this time his face definitely was heating up as you gave him a big flirty grin. The snickers and coos from his classmates only embarrassed him further as he ripped the page out and exploded it in his palms. 
All you did was sigh and shrug your shoulders, giving him a wink as you grabbed your book in hopes he wouldn’t burn that too.
“Maybe next time, firecracker~”
Or even during lunch for the entire cafeteria to hear if they were listening. He knew that most likely no one cared, but it didn’t help it when you did something so grand it felt like all eyes were on him.
“Oh Katsuki!” You yelled from across the table, voice so loud that even Bakugou wanted to cringe back from it.
“What do you want now.”
“So, in front of all these witnesses,” You pointed to the lunch table and the rest of the people in the cafeteria, “I need you to do something.”
“But you have to! Listen, you’re smart so I need you to answer this okay?” You fluttered your eyes, and Bakugou felt his resolve cracking. You always knew how to get him to do whatever the hell you wanted, he was sick of it.
Mina, Kaminari, and Sero started to snicker as you dramatically stood on the table. They must have known about your stupid plan, those assholes.
Plenty of eyes found their way over towards the commotion, and Katsuki felt his temper flare. Feeling mortified as you blew a kiss towards him and began to walk closer from atop the tables. 
“STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!” He got up and sped away, hoping the red on his cheekbones wouldn’t become permanent. He wanted your lips nowhere near his, or so he told himself.
Even times where it was just you two, you never left him alone.
“I’m sorry, were you talking to me?” You questioned, looking up from the pot of water you set on the stove to boil.
Katsuki, who was cutting some vegetables looked up with a brow raised.
“Well then, would you please start. I like hearing your voice.” You smiled while grabbing the noodles.
“NO!” Katsuki snapped his head away from you, putting more force into his cutting than necessary.
“No fair, your voice is too pretty to be kept quiet. Talk to me.”
“S-shut up already! I’ll fucking kick your ass if you keep it up!”
“Could I kick yours back if you do?~”
There were times where you weren’t even trying, yet you still somehow managed to get to him. This time in particular is when he couldn’t hold back any longer, and that was the first time you were flustered by him.
It was right after school ended, everyone was exhausted by Aizawa’s intense training at the end of class. Everyone had made their way to get changed out of their uniforms when Bakugou had saw you lingering behind. You looked tired and worn down, having a rough session with Shinsou earlier. Katsuki was annoyed the entire time you were fighting, not because he thought you couldn’t handle yourself, but because you seemed distracted and were taking more hits than you should have been. 
Without even realizing it himself, he stopped to bend down, pretending to tie his shoes as he waited for you to catch up. Once you were by his side you looked down at him with a frown, what the hell was this?
You were always smiling at him.
“What the hell is up with you?” He huffed, standing to his full height.
“I’m just.. Tired, sorry.” You shrugged, bringing an arm to rub the side of your neck, looking away.
Katsuki just stared on in worry, although if anyone told him he was worried he would blast them into oblivion, because Katsuki Bkaugou was never worried.
“Tch, then get more sleep. You can’t keep getting your ass handed to you like that. Got it?”
You smiled, or well you tried to. It was small and didn’t seem to be real, and Bakugou felt a bit hurt cerep into his chest. He looked away as quickly as he could, hoping you didn’t notice the upset look in his eyes.
You hadn’t been pestering him lately and he was growing annoyed. You weren’t being yourself, and he had this nagging feeling he didn’t understand tugging on his heart. 
Picking up the pace to get away from you, he didn’t think you’d try to so hard to catch up to him.
“Bakugou-ooh!” During the match, Shinso had delivered a hard blow on your left knee, and now that you were rushing to keep up with your crush, your body wasn’t ready for the pressure. Along with the blow, and still being so tired from your match, you moved quicker than your body wanted and your knee gave out.
Katsuki quickly turned to see you tumble forwards, so he stuck out his arms to catch you before you fell face first onto the floor. You stumbled a bit more, but his tight hold on you held you up, allowing you to steady yourself in his arms. They were wrapped around your waist, holding on just enough to not be painful. You could feel his chest underneath your palms as they pressed against him, and you couldn’t help the slight blush at the thought of how strong it was. He looked far too handsome right now, and your gaze was stuck on him.
 His beating heart quickened as you looked up at him, your eyes were blown open wide and sparkling from the setting sun that was filtering through the large windows. It caused his breath to hitch as your lips parted open in awe, a light blush across your own cheeks. 
“Oh Katsuki.. I think I’m falling for you.”
Normally he’d fight you, push you away and yell at you for being ridiculous as always, but right now you were too beautiful to look away from. You smiled up at him, and it wasn't the same flirty smile you always teased him with.
No, this was a genuine smile that he’s never seen before and he couldn’t help but look at your lips.
He knew what that feeling had to be, he missed you. Your flirts, your presence, but most importantly;
That’s the smile he’s been missing all day long.
He couldn’t help it, the urge to speak was too strong and so he just followed through.
“I’ll sweep you off your feet for the rest of my life if you keep looking at me, just like this.” 
Your mouth dropped open, red roses blooming across your cheeks as your breath caught in your throat. He was just looking at you so intensely, like if he was absolutely lovestruck. You didn’t know what to do, so you just stuttered.
“W-what? I-I.. huh? Are you flirting with me?” This seemed to snap him out of his own daze, because his cheeks then matched yours as he backed away from you. Hands crossed over his chest as he yelled at you.
“But you said-”
“Did you mean it?”
“I DID!”
“Really?” You bite your lip, happiness coursing through your body at the sight of his flushing face.
He eyes screwed shut while letting out a sharp breath, opening them slowly but keeping his gaze on the ground.
“I.. I did. I.. I fucking like you okay?”
“I like you too Katsuki, really really!”
“I hope so, otherwise I’d kick your ass for leading me on with those terrible liners.” He clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue, uncrossing his arms to shove them into his pocket instead. 
You just giggled, closing in on him to wrap him into a hug. He went ridgid, not sure what to do, but calmed down as he heard your voice.
“They’re only for you, no one compares to you.”
“Damn straight.”
“Oh, hey.. Can I kiss you right now?”
“Damn straight.”
Later that night, back in the dorms, you were sitting on the couch, with your now boyfriend, when your phone buzzed. Pulling it up you saw a text from Kirishima.
“What does he want?” Katsuki huffed, receiving a text from the boy as well.
You opened the message and couldn’t help but smirk.
“Looks like he had a present for us, damn there must be something wrong with my eyes ‘cause I can’t keep them off of you in this picture. Who knew you could look this cute.”
Katsuki slammed his phone on the couch, jumping off while screaming out into the dorms.
You only looked back to the picture, your heart squeezing happily as you did. It was from earlier, he must’ve been spying. It was after Katsuki hugged you right after your kiss, and while you couldn’t see his face at that moment, you could see it in this picture clearly.
You swore to yourself you’ll see it in person one day, the smile on his face was the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
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