#and that scares me because i dont want to be liek them and i dont want themt o be like me and i dont want to be tricked by them
yellowhearther0 · 2 years
girls when they are trying their best but their best isnt good enough 😔😔
#sagittarius.txt#negative#stopped gaming and the horrors have returned#im just so fuciing pissed off. at the circumstances. in general#bc im stuck sittubg here with these shit ass feelings that no one can jack about until im either old enough to do something about it or#like. idek.#bc itsblike i cant say shit to my parents bc they wont take me seriously and lird knows i dont trust any of the adults at my fucking school#and im not going to make the handful of peiple i CAN talk to more worried about me when they already have atuff going on and they cant do#anything abt what im dealing with#but i dont even WANT to go to anyone because i dont wanna get mad at people when they tell me things i alreadybknow because i KNOW theyre#tryijg to help and they cant do much and its liek GRAH#im justvin such a shit plce bc i want to reach out but i have to do it of my own violition or else i'll just fucking shut down#im like a scared dog. in a cage. and he'll come to u if u just leave him be and let him do his own thing#but like. if im the svared little dog than everyone else is the big scary human who i slowly inch closer to and then suddenly the stick out#their hand right as im near them and then i run right back to where i was before and then we're back at square 1. does this make sense#and its litwrally no ones fault but my own#i just never know how to tell what other people are thinking so i think i project how i feel about myself onto what i thibk others rhing of#me and so i go into every potentially vulnerable conversation with my guard drawn high because im just expecting people to get sick of me#always complaining but never actually trying to better myself#idk man#im normal#i peomise
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dream-launch · 2 years
I better get a girlfriend at uni or what's the point
#the fact ive lived this long to be the only person i know personally who hasnt even had their first kiss yet#it's pathetic#because i do try#however i do not knwo how to flirt#fuck i dont even know hwo to talk to new people let alone flirt with them#its the clear mental illness that never got sorted cause my mum refused to let me see a doctor as a kid#cause she was scared id end up as mentally ill as my brother#which dude has an impressive list of issues#except it just means i have a full on breakdown and cant speak irl for a week if i have to make one phonecall#and breakdown crying when i find out somewhere cares at all about me#however i aint going to the doctor nwo abour my mental health consider how often i have to go jsut about my physical health#im at that point tho wher its liek im too old to have literally zero experience in anyone even liking ke#liek i dont think im ugly i think im actually quite pretty#so clearly I'm just that annoying that noone wants to date me#hopefully im irresistible to the English#cause being the only single person in your friend group#literal fucking hell#especially when your friends girlfriend tries to tell you the only reason you are single is cause you dont try hard enough#like dude its actually probably cause i physically cannot have a conversation with someone new without forgetting how to literally speak#so they always think there is something wrong with me#which there may well be but i dont knwo cause the closest i got to a diagnosis was the lady on camhs telling me the reason i couldn't sleep#was anxiety#but then i never went back cause my dad was too bsuy to be able to drive me to appointments#i domt mean to sound attention seeking when i say i genuinely think i am not mentally okay#but i cannot afford a therapist and its only free with the nhs if your suicidal and willing to wait 2 years
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mothslimes · 1 month
last post: if homophobic dads want their sons to toughen up and stop being into pansy shit, just send them to art school. nothing makes you hate art quicker than be around a bunch of pretentious artists
#mik talks#i have some conflict with the word pretentious because by definiton i am pretentious#but i do need that word kinda to deal with these feelings i haev towards other people in my field#this.... thought that they are so much more educated and jsut get it all better than me andthere is no way i can make good art#because i am so young and not experienced. and yes i guess that is true i dont think i make good art#but its so...here comes another tumblrized word: elitist#i cant afford to go to a shit ton of museums and i dont have the energy to do it anyway#and so many artists nowadays are just rich people with a lot of time on their hands#i miss when art was about being chaotic and just doing shit in between shifts at work and not just... a whole field you went into#i dont believe in the separation of humans into artists and non artists because i think fundamentally every human is an artist#and everything a human makes just for its own sake is art#or can be art. or maybe the category is broader. honestly what do i know im 19#and this is what bothers me because its that stupid ass smart people school that bragged about being top in our state i went to again#just that all over again. constantly being told what a chance you have and how much smarter than everyone you are. its tiring#and that is a privileged thing to say except they dont rlly tell me im smarter than others. they tell me i should be. i just dont meet the#expectations of the field i went to. i guess im burned out when it comes to art#everything has alrady been said and done#and if im completely honest i want to gatekeep art more which is entirely contradictory to what i just said because#once again here comes in my fear. i dont want people who are not humans or who i do not recognize as humans. people who i#recognize as wanting to hurt me. i dont want them to know about art. because if they do the things i do that means i could be like them#and that scares me because i dont want to be liek them and i dont want themt o be like me and i dont want to be tricked by them#god this sounds psychotic#when i say people who are not humans i am referrign to a specific kind of superficial person. the kind that bullies people#except i genuinely am sometimes convinced they do not experience human emotions#and there is no way to remind myself that they do because i just cant see it. anyway
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thesupernaturalhouse · 3 months
Damn yall are liking this Hazbins Fallen au- I'm glad!! Honestly I was hoping people would like it but like, still a shock you know-
Anywaysss, I am busy but figured I'd post some fact/headcanons of the au, aoke plot points, mostly surrounding Emily because she's the main change of the au
Emily has a pretty big sweet tooth, and when she does get sweets she always gets extra for Razzle and Dazzle
Again, I will say this, Vaggie, Charlie and Emily are wrangle and dazzles moms. Keekee is not counting as a child cause the seems more like. A ept while Razzle and Dazzle seem mroe sentient, at least to me
Charlie and Seviathans relationship, post break up ofc, is like Ron Swanson and Tammy 2s, no the uh- getting back together part but the '....she's here-' part, Charlie absolutely hates his guts and whenever he's near her more demon features come out as she looks around trying to spot him
Emily barely holds herself back from killing slaviathen, you'd think it'd be Vaggie, but no, it's Emily
Emily design resembles a succubus, it was by complete accident, she lieks the color of horns and didn't realize what it could resemble-
Emily absolutely hates Al but hides it ebhidn a cheerful smile, silent anger so to speak(she does end up snapping at Al and I am so excited to write that scene)
Husk is Emily's father figure I already have a whole chaoter planned surrounding how they bon, Emily calls him dad from that chaoter onwards
Angle constantly makes 'I fucked you dad' jokes, even if they aren't true, at Em cause he knows it pushes her buttons....she retaliated by buying water balloons and throwing them at him one day when he makes the same joke again
Husk just watches.
In the pilot, vaggie holds up her spear and Emily pushes it down like "...no, no..." the Katy says soemthing homophobic and she immediately moves her hand away and says "nevermind. Do what you want."
Emily hates waking up early, she's done it for YEARS in heaven she'll eb damned if she does it for more in hell (plus there's nobody on her about being on time to places)
You knwo that scene where Husk is calling everyone out? Well, he looks at Emily and goes "and SHES....well....I've got nothing on her, she's perfect" you can tell who his favorite is
Remember when angle brings them ti a bdsm club? Yeah, I've- I've got a FUN scene idea for that-
Screw shoes let charlie show her hooves- especially since I 70% sure that hoped animals have to walk on their hooves or else they risk a lot of different things so- yeah, I'm throwing away her shoes.
Also have her show sone more demon features, I love making designs so much- and of course their gonna be more animalistic, cause I love expanding on animal nosies and behaviors and stuff, it was always planned tho I didn't have a specfici bird in mind for vaggie until the hawk feather exorcists au, she also makes moth noises
I am going to have so much fun making their designs-
Also, Emily and Peter are best friends in this au, mlm and wlw solidarity when they go back up to heaven while Sera is tlaking Peter is jsut staring at her
'I know' she knows he knows....she silently promises to catch him up before the trial and he finally looks away satisfied
I feel liek while Emily would be very quick to accept husk is her father figure I think Husk would be a bit hesitant to accept that HE is a father figure
You know victor from lackadaisy? I dont knwo why but I kinda like to imagine husk as him- like I'm debating if I should make husk have had a daughter when he was alive who he didn't get to see cause of the divorce and turned to alcoholism slowly. And Em reminds him if her and that makes him SCARED
Fun little idea I had that I may or may not include, depends how I'm feeling honestly, I do wanna ta leats keep some things liek how 'gruff' he is and apply it to husk, idm I feel like their personalities are every similar, thoguh that might jsut be me-
Husk would teach Emily how to play Chess
Charlie knows Vaggie and Emily are angles and all that stuff, as I've said before. So I'm debating wether or not to keep Al's deal in, I think I will but tweak it a bit
I love Al, but he is an above avrage overlord at best, the only reason he was able to fight agaisnthe exrocists and Adam was due to them not being used to people attacking BACK and seeing it more as entertainment then actual hunting.
Anyways Em may or may not call him out casually on multiple occasions- 'he does realize if he fights Adam he'll die- oh, and there he goes called it!' She doesn't like him
Em was very much called 'lucifers replacement' by many angles, not Sera but even Sera soemtimes accidentally said lucis name instead of Ems at Keats a few times. Anyways she hates lucifer despite never meeting him and for soem reaosn never realized he was Charlie's father-
Al and Rosie are Charlie's uncle and aunt, foudn family my beloved
The reveal that Emily is Emily the seraphim....well, lets hsut say when revealing vaggie to be an exrocist doesn't work. lute notices how fimiliar Em looks..... it's gonna be a very interesting chaote rthats for certain
Speaking of the episode list- probably gonna alter them cut ep6 into 2 parts to, I'll make a diffeent post about it-
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
Fuck it I'm gonna blab about another crossover fic i'm working on once i'm done with two souls
I dont care if it takes me years or if this fandom dies out (which it won't, tmnt is timeless)
But anyway.
It's called Pink Puppets, a crossover AU with a similar concept to Dagger From the Mirror (although i havent read it yet cuz i am scared)
It's going to ve reversed this time, with the Rise brothers being older because it's set after the movie and the 2012 boys remaining 15 years old (so kinda the same age as Mikey in the movie)
I was gonna use Draxum but i fell in love with the idiot so now I'm gonna use an antagonist that i had in plan for Two Souls season 3, that's why I was gonna write it after I finish Two Souls.
Basically that antagonist wants to replicate Draxum's warriors themselves, but don't want to go through the lengths to actually start doing it. They idolize Draxu and his beliefs and was angry that Draxum threw it all away to play family.
Kraang Subprime of 2012 gets involved and they discover there's countless of universes out there he can pull tirtles from.
He chose 2012.
It's season 3, a few days or a week from the fourfold trap (Karai escapes and is never seen again) episode and the bous are still about 15. This antagonist sees the brainworm in action and takes some for themselves, takong it home and modifying it before they snatch the brothers right in front of 12 April and 12 Casey.
They get dragged into Rise.
The brothers were imprisoned and one by one, a brainworm is forced into their brains. This is where the AU gets its name, the worms are pink and made the brothers' eyes pink.
The new modified brainworms aren't like Shredder's. It slowly influences the victim, making them the worse versions of themselves and think the antagonist is liek their parent or something, using their emotions against them.
12 Mikey is toxicly positive and brutal. He acts as if everything was just a game, he uses his kusagirama a lot, enjoying maling people bleed. He's dangerous and doesn't realize what he's doing is wrong. He's the new leader of the brainwashed gang, bossing his brothers around and they can't say no because of his little brother charm. He knows to emotionally manipulate people with his looks, which gives him a big advantage.
12 Donnie is a complete wreck. He's a ticking timebomb, he doesn't stop talking, doesn't mind his volume, doesn't care about his own wellbeing. He's destroying himself, he literally ignores his injuries if he gets one. 12 Mikey goes for a playful kill, toying with his victims while 12 Donnie always keeps them alive so he could experiment with them. He also uses his hidden blade a lot. He's twitchy and explodes very easily, making him a hard unpredictable opponent.
Then there's 12 Leo.
In this AU, you would expect his "bossiness" is gonna be the trait that gets amplified to be the worse, no, its his obedience. He's more like a puppet than his brothers. He's silent, completely silent, he never talks under the influence of the modified brainworm and follows every single order his brothers tell him to do. Unlike his brothers that would prolong death as much as possible, he strikes for the neck, immediately. He's basically the trump card, only used when things don't go as planned. He's hollow, emotionless, just a shell of his former self. Dead to the world and control by invisible strings.
What's funny is that despite the fact that their worse traits are amplified, they still love and care for each other. They're fiercely overprotective, they will stop the battle if one of them gets gravely injured, they'll take care of each others injuries.
That overprotectiveness is one of the reasons they still haven't got out of the worm's control, it was used against them.
And don't worry, i didn't forget about 12 Raph.
He escapes.
Remember that Raph centric AU i posted about? Yeah, this is it.
It was supposed to be 12 Mikey in thus position, but he's already got experience with dealing with his brothers turning evil, same goes for 12 Donnie, and maybe 12 Leo but he's the one that's evil, but not 12 Raph as far as I know.
12 Raph hasn't fought his brothers alone before.
Plus he already got a taste of the brainworm, why not fight back against his own fear of it?
So he runs away, stumbles upon the Rise turtles and pushes away his pride, beghing for them to help him save his brothers, and of course they do.
While the 2012 brothers cause chaos for the humans in New York with a subplot of trying to get 12 Raph to their side, the Rise brothers and their friends now have to deal with teens Mikey's age wanting murder and their brother who just wants them back.
This time, the Rise brothers have to be the responsibile older guys and the 12 boys the chaotic little shits.
(Don't worry, everyone is looking for them back in 2012)
Tell me ya'lls thoughts about it. Is it good??
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hearts401 · 9 months
wait I forgor that the reason I was in your ask box was bc I wanted to say that your art is rlly cool and reminded me why I liked fnaf in the first place!! :]
(Also if you don't mind id love to hear some headcanons you have for the aftons ehe)
DSJDSFKJD TYYY OUHFUH Thats so sweet omg :(((
OOH BOY HEADCANONS FOR THE AFTONS (Not gonna include mrs.afton aside from vague mentions simply bc i dont care about the implied existence of a wife for william lmaoo)
-8 years old
-I am an intense ginger hair lizzie truther. SHE IS NOT BLONDE!!!! I REFUSE!!!
-She looooves circuses and would dress herself and her friends up as clowns a lot. her love for makeup sparked it and then it went on from there
-music stims galore!! humming, patting her legs, bouncing to the sound of music
-likes first person shooters!! not an a "cute girl likes edgy games" way but in the way that she genuinely enjoys them! shed rlly love shooting games. shed also likes games liek stardew and animal crossing bc shed like getting to know the villagers. (ik these games dont fit the timeline of the 80's but whatever idc) she'd like those gun games at amusement parks too
-lots of energy!!! you cannot stop her!!!!!
-her fav ice cream is mint chocolate chip
-shes not close with her brothers, much closer with her father. because of her fathers distance, however, this results in her feeling lonely a lot, but shes not willing to get involved in whatever her brothers are doing
-really likes animals and especially colorful birds. she has a collection of many things, one of them being colorful and pretty feathers (she has a peacock feather and its her pride)
-really likes bunnies just like her dad!
-likes to braid hair and do makeup. she used to do it with michael whenever he let her. him cutting that off kinda fucked their relationshipt. (and ofc then came the bite)
-She has a very orange room. orange red and pink r her favorite colors.
-thinks her eyes are super pretty
-if she's curious about an item, she'll sniff it and inspect it and feel it but not put it in her mouth bc thats gross ><
-sleeps on her side like a normal person
-likes dolls n stuff :333
-10 years old
-anxiety and autism
-very good at sewing (bc michael would break his plushies a lot)
-never let lizzie do his makeup bc it overstimulated him
-anxious stims. hand shakes, biting his nails, wringing his hands, shifting side to side, ect.
-enjoys crocheting but almost never has yarn. lizzie gave him an unused yarn ball once and he used it to make a bunch of stuff
-very picky eater, but he wont say it out loud.
-likes webkinz
-HATES HORROR MOVIES!! like this is a given but he will stay up all night thinking about it. its the one thing he stands up for himself on is not being forced to wathc horror movies (mostly because its the only thing both william and lizzie will back him up on)
-he likes yellow a lot. his room isnt hyellow but he wishes it was.
-doesn't have friends and is regarded as weird, but kids avoid him for the most part. most of his bullying comes from ppl who know michael.
-hed like racing games a lot
-scared of his dad and by association he was scared of henry too
-not super close with charlie but he knows her to be a good person. wishes he was closer with her
-ofc easily startled, freaked out, and made uncomfortable
-does NOT like being talked over
-gets frustrated rlly easily and often rants to his fredbear plush
-liked to draw!! he picked it up from mike when he was younger and continues to do it as an outlet
-wishes he had a bigger family
-definitely not flexible at all, but doesnt hurt himself much (hes not dumb, he learns what makes his bones break)
-will feel things over if hes curious about them. maybe sniff them too but he gets scared they'll kill him 😭
-dislikes amusement parks bc overstim but does enjoy the games and prizes
-he likes rice. idk. he just likes rice a lot.
-if he grew up, hed be taller than mike AND lizzie idc idc
-he tries his best to smile in family photos but he just looks so goddamn uncomfortable that eventually william just let him sit them out.
-definitely a peacemaker between lizzie amd mike
-if hes thinking hard he looks PISSED. RESTING BITCH FACE. He is GLARING AT HIS PLATE. "Evan? What's wrong?" and he just immediately is like 😠😯🙁
-he cares about michael a lot more than he should. he tells him to stop when hes fighting someone, he tries to calm him down when hes angry, he tries to talk to him. it makes him so frustrated, it makes him so mad when michael refuses him rudely, but he keeps doing it. its who he is.
-he got a golden freddy mask that creeped michael out and he jumpscared him with it once.
-cuts his own hair
-not a hugger but if EITHER of his siblings offer a hug he will NOT deny them (does not apply to william tho)
-i dont think he cared about william tbh lol
-sleeps on his back like a corpse.
-nonbinary he/they but doesnt realize it til hes 18
-gets mad when overstimulated
-Likes pirates a lot, watches lots of pirate shows.
-INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA it kicked in in like 2nd grade when someone made fun of him for letting lizzie do his makeup. (jeremy helps him get over it)
-forgets to eat a lot. not intentionally. hes just dumb.
-argues with his dad the most, and drives william nuts
-if hes curious about something, hes gonna bite it. what is it? idk. CHOMP
-loves skirts bc sensory issues are worse in his ankles. he compromises by wearing basketball shorts.
-canNOT wear things near his neck. hates things near his neck.
-close-ish with charlie. likes talking to her.
-favorite color is red. he puts it everywhere.
-likes pokemon.
-watches anime
-halloween is his fav holiday. ud think its bc he liked scaring evan (and it kinda is) but mostly he jsut likes dressing up and going trick or treating. he'll use his costume to scare evan later tho. william takes them away because of that, just bc he doesnt want michael ruining the costume (they reuse them sometimes)
-likes growing his hair out
-looks very soft when thinking. evan only talks to him when he looks calm and collected.
-stims by humming, tapping, slamming his fists, and making loud sounds (shouting, whining, UGH AAAGH ect.) which tend to overstimulate evan
-him and evan are adhd vs autism but if the adhd also had autism
-scared of the ocean but he'll never admit it (got bit by some small fish once and it freaked him out)
-mouth moves faster than his brain
-messy room with very little in it.
-punches holes in his walls as a stim :(
-likes sweaters in fall
-for someone who jumpscares his little brother, he gets jumpscared easily
-giggles a lot during hide and seek but thru hiding from evan he learned how to stop it. if he does giggle it means hes genuinely happy
-faints when SUPER freaked out. but it takes a lot
-probably gets queasy around blood
-lactose intolerant but he'll be damned if he doesnt eat that mac n cheese
-has SO MUCH FOXY MERCH. he convinces his dad to give him EVERYTHING HE LOVES FOXY SO MUCH
-would do awesome in school if he could get himself to try
-probably felt rlly hurt when he heard foxy was confined to a small area and not onstage. not because it mattered to him, but because the way william looks at foxy makes him think of the way he looks at him.
-gators r his second fav animal
-draws as a way of venting, but it rarely works. he likes it tho
-moves in his sleep
-NEUTRAL "I'm uncomfortable and idk what to do rn" SHOULDER PUNCH GO!!!
-giggles evilly
-like evan hes not very flexible but hes much more likely to hurt himsel fand sprains his ankles a lot
-Do not misspell his last name he will get unbelievably pissed
-probably nd too bc all his kids are but he doesnt gaf abt that 😭
-has kissed a man before as an experiment. did not get anything from it unfortunately
-met henry in college for robotics and became friends
-when his wife left/died he was just like "oh. i have three kids now. fuck." and then avoided them
-doesnt care about his kids but them dying causes problems for him so he tries his best to keep them alive (unsuccessfully. this is the afton family after all)
-just like mike, he sings and taps a lot, but its more humming and tapping.
-also lactose intolerant but he actually cares about it
-likes bunnies a lot.
-allergic to pollen. severely. he walks outside in spring and is already sneezing and rubbing his eyes
-Frustrated easily
-Looks pissed when hes not, looks pissed when he is. looks pissed when hes sad. looks pissed when hes thinking. the only time he doesnt looks pissed is when he looks happy and that is very rare (and never happens around his kids, only henry)
-Buys his kids gifts but its always stuff they either dont like anymore or didnt like int he first place. he doesnt care
-secretly likes thanksgiving a lot. hes a foodie what can i say
-lizzie is his favorite but that only means he is occasionally gentle with her in a way he'll never be with his sons
-likes dressing up fancy but als freaky he just likes dressing up
-poses in the mirror to check his outfit. michael walked in on him once and william has never yelled at him so muhc in his life. michael acted upset but he was giggling to himself
-does not and will never care about whatever michael and evan have goin on. he does NOT have time for them.
-drops and breaks his phone ALL THE TIME.
-likes stress balls a lot.
-springbonnie is his BABY. he LOVES HER.
-grabs his kids by their heads a lot. like if michael is in his way he'll just put a hand on his head and move him off to the side. the only one he cant do it to is evan because he just moves out of the way
-has a bunch of tiny robots of his own. he likes to make silly bunny robots taht r tiny
-thinks hes smooth wiht flirting and could grab a girl (he cant henry knows he cant)
-sticks his tongue out like a cartoon character when hes thinking SUPER hard
-pats michael on the back a lot to lighten a tense situation but it just makes michael tense up and makes it worse
-giggles evilly
-used to be queasy with blood and spent an hour in front of a mirror post-killing charlie telling himself to man up and somehow that worked
-not a hugger. only hugs his kids in public to lighten the mood. except mike. mike u get awkward back pats
-doesnt like being touched (he WILL smack your hand)
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antiendovents · 2 months
Endos are genuinly so fucking frustrating and EVERYWHERE. One of my utomost favorite artists turned out to be pro-endo (and they are a system themselves so it makes me a lil scared) and I was never so devstated. I flat out started sobbing because I looked up to them so much, their art inspires me to such an amount I cannot imagine character outside of their designs and chosen personalities. I still have a hard time accepting it because I jst weant to forget and just love their art and share it with my friends like I use to. Liek. I'd ahve these [Artists nickname] Posting thingies at least two times a day of a specific character they drew masspost because I loved their art and wanted to show it off. But they are PRO ENDO which makes everything worse to me as I had been so excited to also have learned they were a system themselves. Like HELLO?? MY IDOL??? LIKE MEEEE!!?!?!?!?! I was so excited. And now? I.. I just dont know how to feel. I just cant accept theyre pro endo. I dont want to seperate from the artist because I love their work deeply, but at the same time theyre harmful and I should. I just dont knooow what to do.
awh, I'm so sorry about that. It sucks when people you look up to end up supporting endos or just being a bad person in general. Honestly, it's up to you on what to do. If you think seeing their stuff might be a bad reminder for you then blocking them might be the best, but if you're genuinely unable to let go and you feel like blocking them might be too much then ((as long as anti endos aren't in their DNI)) you could probably still view and interact with their art. I guess it really depends how vocal they are with their pro endo belief and what they think of anti endos. Just do what you think is best. I really hope you're feeling okay, this situation really sucks :(
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mari2akary · 3 months
Hhhhh, ok so I’m liek, hella shy abt even asking this so bear with me
I’d like to request a Laughing Jack x gender neutral!reader (platonic ofc)
and uhh- id like it if it has like, a lot of teasing 🧎🏻. And if it mainly focuses on the legs and stomach (but no feet stuff pls 🆘) I’d also like to have an already established friendship with him if possible
I think I have an idea, I'll see what I can do.
fear and friendship
Y/N was visiting the scare house in the abandoned park in her city, why? you will wonder. The answer is easy to answer, she was visiting her friend Laughing Jack. They both had a lot in common. They liked to play, eat sweets, black humor and they couldn't tolerate people who claimed to be your friends and then forgot you.
and although Y/N did not approve of her friend killing believing it was just a game, she did understand where such an idea came from. She knew how much it pained Laughing Jack to remember her first friend Issac, so she tried never to mention that name or ask about her past with that boy.
However, this day, she was not having as much fun as other times. She had recently seen a horror movie without her parents' permission and it had scared her a lot. It didn't help that the movie was set in an abandoned park like the one she was visiting.
"Jack, why do we always meet here?" Y/N asked with fear in her voice.
the colorless clown let out a creepy laugh, before responding. "because this place is perfect to play together, my little friend. Besides, I love scaring visitors who dare to enter my domain"
"Does this place never scare you?"
"I'm hardly scared of anything, I'm an expert in terror after all, are you afraid of this place?"
Y/N thought about it for a few moments, she knew that her response could hurt him and that was what she wanted the least. "I don't know, I saw a scary movie set in a place just like this. And I can't help but feel like the killer in that movie is following me."
Understanding that his friend was like this because of a scary movie, the clown looked at her with disbelief full of hope.
"That's all, really?" He asked her with a smile that spread across her face, revealing her sharp teeth. "Are you afraid of a horror movie? Isn't there another reason?"
"Is that too little?" Y/N asked confused.
Then out of nowhere the colorless clown started laughing.
"Laughing jack, this is not funny" her friend defended herself.
"Of course, of course," he admitted without stopping laughing. She walked over and wrapped her long arms around him giving him a big hug, "Be honest, aren't you really scared that I'm a monster?"
"No Jack, I'm not scared that you're a powerful entity. I know that if they don't bother you, you don't do anything to them. But the monster in the movie I saw even looked for people who didn't know about him."
"Y/N, would you like to see a fun trick?"
"Of course," her friend responded enthusiastically.
then Laughing Jack disappeared in a cloud of smoke and black confetti. then the lights of the abandoned house began to flicker, creating an even creepier atmosphere.
Y/N looked around feeling how her fear was growing more and more, and she began to feel that at any moment something would jump on her. Then out of nowhere she felt claws graze her back and when she turned around Laughing Jack caught her and started tickling her stomach mercilessly.
"ahahahaha But whahahahat?" Y/N started laughing and trying to get away.
Laughing Jack continued tickling her, enjoying her friend's laughter. "right now you can't escape."
"It's hahaha not fahahahair" Y/N protested without managing to get out of the creepypasta's firm grip.
"Life isn't fair, little one," Jack reminded her.
The clown continued tickling her until Y/N began to lose her balance and her legs ended up giving way, which the creepypasta took advantage of to start tickling her behind her knees.
After a few more minutes Laughing Jack stopped and responded "because we are friends and I like to see you smile."
"Thank you, Jack."
Y/N sensed that that was only half the truth, but she wouldn't put pressure on his friend, she knew that he would be more open as time went by. Maybe she would even regain her lost colors one day, but until that happened she would continue doing her best to understand him and support him as much as possible.
(the tickling scene is short, I know. Apologies for that, this was my first published fanfic, I know I will improve over time. I accept suggestions on how to improve my fics)
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tu-es-gegg · 3 months
28 , 32 and 1!
28. Favorite animation(s)
(i have so fuckign much holy shit)
32. Drop a lore hot take🔥 (Or cold take🧊 who cares)
i can try to name a few
idk if this is a hot take, lmao i think the presidential elections arc were kinda mid in retrospect (this one is kinda hard to discuss because of yknow) but like, at the time it was ok it was enjoyable and there were some good additions to the server because of the end result, but like idk the election debates themselves weren't really fun for me to watch because theres a lot of yelling and ofc irl political theories and influences got roped in because thats just kinda what happens, and thus people there also fought abt it, also like half the candidates say outright they hate the federation and are running for president to WORK with teh federation so like that's not going to go great so idk what was going on, its weird because dsmp elections i liked but ig at the time theyre weren't taken as much seriously, and the stakes in the elections were not focused on politcal bureaucratic gains and more of personal stakes for a nation itself. idk when i look back at the elections and try to watch back then in 2023, even from gegg perspective i only could stand to rewatch the dinner and everyone hanging out, the actual presidential debates i couldnt BEAR at all. also elq wtf were you going to do with charlie please explain
also i dont understand why doied exists like the only other precursor to that is abuleoier somehow on the island and also having a past with being in prison adn such, but like i was so confused when he appeared like what. i love roier's lore i loved the tape streams, i just wish there was more prep to that, the namemc spoilering and the messages were really clever but i wanted at least SOME hints before doied jsut.... appeared.
uhhh the bobby death should not have been counted its obvious there was lag at the time and other egg deaths because of lag was also not counted, i cant rememebr exactly what happened for them to come to the conclusion of the death but god bobby did not deserve to die, damn you telmex
AND ALSO I WILL SAY THIS, QSLIME WAS AT LEAST A GOOD ENOUGH FATHER TO FLIPPA, MAYBE NOT A GREAT INFLUENCE, he wasn't the best at first is the thing, like yes he did instigate fights and cause a bit of an unstable household because of his very temperamental attitude but when nearing the later parts, he learned the swing of things of being a good enough parent, like he paid attention to flippa's needs, the difficult part of it was communication because at the time they couldnt communicate without the preset signs, instead of the free use of jsut text, it was only later she started using sign for slime, she did with mariana but not yet charlie as much at that point, plus i think there were some issues of flippa understanding charlie just generally (which is fair even i dont understand him), ITS THE THING OF LIKE, he kinda was fumbling at first but flippa genuinely was happy and taken care of by both parents. its was unfortunate that was cut short because of the thing. most part is jsut a bad influence in terms of being selfish and possibly spreading that to flippa but honestly i wish she stuck aroudn logner so i could see that happen GOD;;;; it frustrates me because qslime's path to being a good parent IS RIGHT THERE but when trying to try again he's scared of fuckign up liek everyone tells him and liek that reminder of his mistakes isnt helping him in the slightest to actually trying again, GOD GOD:;;;;
1. Favorite theory and least favorite theory (If you have one)
ok i like the theory that the federation made the codes in teh first place and then tried to cover up but they came back to get the islanders out any which way they can, then leading to my theory that codeflippa was a real egg at one point because of how the resistance describe her in that one report, not a faulty vode but a faulty egg , so i have reason to beieve she was an egg merged with a code in order to have a stable form the way she is. also that theory that at some point the eye guy started to corrupt codes themselves which is why some codes went rogue against orders from the resistance.
uhhhhh least favourite, idk i dont have any theories i dont like much, mostly because they are kinda convincing, i think i saw maybe a theory abt ll the islanders were experiments from the federation, maybe some select few have fistory but i dont think ALL of them
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selfshipseaside · 11 months
omg i totally agree with the “dnis are just a way of trying to prove you arent a bad person” thing (DEFINITELY not the exact quote sorry lol) and thats definitely the reason why i dont have one… theyre just so stupid to me :P like whats stopping someone from just. lying to you yknow? i just block and move on… but also i have this irrational fear that bc i DONT have a dni ppl will assume the worst of me… its really silly… and dumb… and i dont really believe it but it does scare me!!! also considering the fact i have a bit of a problematic f/o im terrified every day that bc i dont explicitly say in every post of mine that I DONT CONDONE ANY OF THEIR ACTIONSSSSSSSS that someones gonna come in my inbox and tell me im the scum of the earth for shipping with them 😭 they arent even THAT bad. kind of went on a tangent a bit there but i compleeeeeetely agree dnis are SO performative !!! i think all discourse labels are performative honestly liek. i dont know. i just think its all really stupid and im just like you i choose not to associate myself or my blogs with shipping discourse… of course i have opinions but i think my followers and mutuals know what to expect from me… i really went on a tangent here 😭😭 sorry… you can ignore this i wont mind :P i hope youre having a lovely day/night :)
I completely understand! The age-old rule of don't trust strangers on the internet, unsurprisingly, still applies today! People can lie, even if they're a "good person". People can tell the truth and seem completely unproblematic, even if they're a "bad person". We simply do not know anyone's true self or intentions. We cannot know those things by simply sharing fictional people and gushing over them or telling people who we do or don't want interacting. It's not that simple. People will tell you who they are, and sure, believe them. But know that their actions will speak louder, surely. Being performative is a huge issue in our community, and people who genuinely are affected by performative activism and this whole new genre of being a "good" person...it's impossible. There's far more nuance in these social inter-community spaces and issues than anyone wants to admit. But you see, being a "good person" should be second nature right? That's what everyone wants to say. But, that's incorrect. We all go through enough turmoil as it is, and we have to continue to be as good as we can despite that. It's easy to be an asshole. That's why we have the problems in this community that we do, because simple respect and being kind is more expensive than it ever has been. Out-casting people and finding identity in hatred is the new gig, apparently. Often times, we are not what we believe in, we are what we do. If you believe in protecting children, and then go and tell a child to off themselves...well that's just plain ol' hypocrisy. Anon, you're really cool in my mind! You and your f/o are extremely valid! Keep on shipping! Problematic f/os are cool, and I think it's safe to say that most of us with problematic f/os don't condone their actions. Hopefully, at least.
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whatmyface · 1 year
Chapter 4
no picture this time bc i dont feel like it deal with it!!!
- WHAT ARE ATERMIS AND PERSEPHONE TALKIGN ABOUT??? i wish we could actually see their convo bc we barely see them interacting. i dont rlly like Artemis tho so i dont care that much
-why does Artemis hate hades? my optimistic side thinks "oh hades has a bad reputation because ruler of dead blah blah blah" but like... everyone hates him?? tbh at this point it just feelings like a hades thing.
-also that kinda makes me think of the Olympus relationship with UW, like are gods scared of UW and look down because they dont know death and death is scary?? and wow im really making up meta for LO, bc ik she didnt think of any of this while constructing the story but whatevss
-Poseidon actually seems a lot less silly?? in the earlier chapters, hes a darker shade and in the later chapters his scar just disappears.. i always how greek myth retellings ignore Poseidon its so annoying
-their plan is actually sooo well i have thoughts
-on 1 side they seem like evil, liek these creepy ass 2000 yr old man is distracting this girls friend so he could talk to her alone
-but also tbh it seems liek something me and my friends would do
-so tbh its just a matter of perspective but given the situation and hades behavior in general its just yikes dude
-what story is Artemis telling? she just punched him??? more Artemis being a cool glamourous girl
-bro nothings happened at this party its so shit -why is Persephone having that weird side eye?? is she annoyed at zeus for interrupting their convo? hmm
-"hey kiddo" OMG UGHH SHES SO YOUNG PLZZ PROTECT HER -whys he so mad about not being able to find her? what would he even do if he found her? just hook up or sm? hes so pissed off, its kinda insta lovey but thats literally all my fav romances so i can excuse it lol
-looking at Persephones thoughts it just seems a lot more complex?? like she has clear desires
-she doesnt want to be seen as clingy, shes the new girl, "I thought meeting all these new people would make me happy" omg I never bought into p being a cinnamon roll but geeez ;-; -and ik this is supposed to be parelled with hades making her happy but i just want to scoop up early Persephone and protect her
-tbh i wish Aphrodite was a lot bigger of a rival/villain and had more of an important role
-something i find interesting is how Persephone constantly talks to herself and its something that makes her different from minthe and hades where Persephone talks to herself because she's always HAD companionship, and shes used to sharing everything with everyone and now it just shows how alone she is -and it also parallels her to minthe and minthes bf
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curiouskurona · 2 years
vil not knowing that deuce and epel are dating ( bc they are actively hiding it from him lol ) so he sets epel up with some famous and / or high class guy . maybe a fellow model or actor he met on set thats epel's age , or someone from a nobel / important family
obviously epel refuses , but vil insists
" you always dig your heels , but you end up having a good time , no ? just give it a chance , you might end up surprising yourself with how much you like him . if you dont want to go on a second date i wont push you " he reasons
epel doesnt know wether or not he should tell deuce about it , especially since he doesnt plan on this going past a first date anyways , however he decides that being honest and straightforward is best
deuce isnt ,, thrilled about it . but epel promises that itll only be one date , and it doesnt mean anything , and he'll be thinking of deuce tha whole tiem
deuce doesnt liek seeing epel being forced into an uncomfortable situation , but its not liek they can tell vil about them , so he kisses epels knuckles and looks him in tha eyes and says " i trust you "
" and if he tries anything funny , just call me and i'll come running " he does his Delinquient Pose™ . if it was anyone else epel would have been annoyed-- he can handle himself thank you very much-- but he knows that coming from deuce its out of comradery and care
they kiss , and epel has to go back to his dorm to get ready
the date goes well enough , but only because epel knows word will get back to vil if he's outright rude to tha guy . and its not liek tha guy has done anything wrong [yet?] , so really he shouldn't be too hard on tha poor sod . plus he probably doesnt want to make such an influential enemy
deuce is worried all evening , pacing back and forth in his room . he told epel that he trusted him , and he does . but he cant help but worry ,,
ace and grim convince him that its for tha best to go check up on epel , just to maek sure he's okay ( wether or not they know tha situation , i'll leave up to you . they purrobably figure deuce has a crush on epel , at least )
tha guy totally isnt epels type . hes snooty and self-absorbed , and epel just about threw his drink in his face wen he saw him roll his eyes at tha waitstaff ( theyre at some fancy restaurant , of course ) , but he bit his tongue and stayed in his seat . just maek it through tha night , epel ,,
tha guy lieks epel though . he mistook epel biting his tongue as being cutely shy , or perhaps elegant and demure , what a quiet and enigmatic beauty ,,
adeuce and grim can only watch from outside through a window ( lbr they arent getting in lol with what money . plus they didn't maek a reservation ) . ace n grim want to do some sitcom-y shenanagins liek pretending to be waiters to spy on tha date , but deuce holds them back
eventually tha meal is finished , and tha pair leave tha restaurant , adeuce + grim frantically scrambling out of sight . tha guy walks epel home , and tha trailing trio keep a respectable distance , popping up from bushes and trashcans liek in a cartoon
wen they get back to [ campus ? tha dorms ?? or if u want this to be an AU just back at vil n epels apartment or something . or mansion . insert location here ] tha guy tries to snag a kiss , but epel leans back and turns his face away
guy : " ah , of course-- i shouldnt rush things . i hope i didnt scare you , my delicate flower " * brushes epels hair behind his ear *
epel : * excalibur cringe *
epel has to break it to him that this was just a one tiem thing . honestly itd be easier to just ghost him but epel isnt that type . " listen , i appreciate your tiem , but i really dont think we should keep seeing eachother . get home safe , goodnight "
deuce is secretly relieved and also is watching intently . if this guy tries to give epel shit bc he got rejected ,,
theres an awkward silence but thankfully tha guy is just liek " well . i seem to have misread tha situation . good day " and speedwalks outta there w a strained smile , purrobably embarrassed . hes kind of a prick but i feel a lil bad 4 him lol awkwaaaaard
idk it was kinda hard to figure out how i wanted to end this , i could see this going many different ways and towards tha end i could feel myself spinning my wheels . id be fine if this ended @ tha 7th bullet point honestly but i wanted 2 do moar ,, im not entirely satisfied but ive got nothin bettr atm lol . i didnt rlly focus on tha concept of deuce n epel hiding their relationship from vil enough , i think
anyways . maybe tha guy cant stop thinking about epel and keeps trying for another date , sending flowers and chocolates and stuff , much to deuces displeasure . vil immediately enters protective mode n tells tha guy to back off lol . epel isnt interested so bye
or maybe tha tabloids caught pics of them and now epel is on a bunch of magazine covers . mystery date makes [ popular guy ] swoon ? vil schoenheit's protege entering tha showbiz world as a charming young bachelor ? does bruno mars is gay ?
epel and deuce spend tha next few days lounging around reading headlines to eachother and laughing about it
also cuddling a lot . bc deuce loves epel and he didnt liek seeing him w someone else and he just wants 2 b close to him
unfortunately for both of them , vil might find som other ppl to set epel up with . why lose this momentum ? epel could be tha next big thing , and there's certainly a lot of interest / suitors now
gl @ nearly everyone in this situation LOL
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its really still a problem. i am reading mark aurel which is all about focusing on urself and pracising kind hearted not comparing urself too others not envy and so on and then this stunning stunning stunning young woman comes, dark hair teint skin beuatifuk mouth beuatofuk smile suoer young oerfect akin very beautifuk body but akk in a very subtle way. she smiles to me i smile bavk i admire her but and this sistrubs me i still envy her. i wish i had her beauty and her eaziness soorit the effortless sex appeal. next to her i feek old, wasted and kind of trying to be ridicule. i need to wear rhose toght things to he recognized I need to really ahoe my hody but she is not doing anything kf jt and still glowing. but it ahoukd he omay and i ahoukd not feek bad aboht mysekf just because she js suoer stunning. why am i doing it. its all just to put myself down. but i knkw irs a fact a fact i just oainky should accept and mkve on. be grateguk for the bidy i am in as i an prraching everyday and saying hoe much i love myself now. apparently i am not there yet. hiw can i get over it and just recognize and cherish her beuaty fulk stop. i dont hate her fir being behaitfuk i just wish it coukd be me instead. i think my kifr woukd be so much better if i looked like that but what woukd be better? i know she is a beautifuk kind soul the way she smiles gives jt off. its not like i would be taking this beautiful body and losing a beautiful character bc she clearly has it all…so what am i scared for. the man or woman I like, likes her better fir her beauty and her character? so it be, then it simply means they are a better match. if she is oreferred for something like getting into a club I am not, so it be. it is not my oath to be in this club as it is not my path to be with this person. but then how to jot feel sorry for urself as it all just seems unfair. and i think this is the crucial part. everythingabout us is beautiful if we are doing it with a compass liek mark aurek out of honesty purity and kind hearted ness every little thought ( it is okay to be jealous I am not there yet) but I am really trying. I might bit get into the club, i should say c’est la vie, and might go hoke with a fresh mind crrating something amazing. it has the same value. or does it not? therr is no such thing as objectively speaking thats why POV became such a thing i guess but yes. lets try to oretend objectively which means a lot kf opinions gathered she is getting into the club meeting tons of amazing oeiple and sancing to incredibke music. over girl going home and chilking thwre no ine cates aboht her. but it is also with what aurek says caring about what ithers think and do its espeically the problem!! I inky have my now and here out if my eyes and my heart and it is supposed to be like that. and ofc im thinkinf hundert peopke consider it to he better like this or like that basically this is how democracy works, how can I vakidate my own opinion as much as them 100 if it comes to, it is the same good to be rejected and go hike than be in the club? its the same old same okd question about. which opinion values how can i crrate my value without the measurements of others. i am always coming to this. i sint want peiple to think i am a narcisisit egoman if i dont give a fuck aboht theyre opinions amd weigh mine way higher. it is trucky to maneuver in that mindest without becomung ignorant. but at the same time i dont want to live through grow through prosper thorigh affirmation hell no that aounds like hell. i want to affirm mysekf. it is maybe because ut is the sustainabke way. when we think about rivers and flyids which i cam to visualize when we had a saying about einfluss neglej und beeinflussen which also inckudes the river interesntinfky and aurel is talking alout aboht the stream and i think it is pary of live as blood is streaming through our veines and we need ghe water and the fluids, the circulation is life. bht coming back to the asoect of sustainabikty. listen imagine your own body giving ur own body ur own bacteria ur own blood cells when we tal
lol my paragrpah was maxed oht i do too much bla bla. but yes if we i somt want to go into biologism to much i never want to dsocirmante bodies espeicalky when it comes to genetics we always have to he carefuk to not get into any natuonalism discimnating fucked up shit. but I think my own body loves theri own system the most and it csn get a lot of her own system. its a little bit maybe kets talk about skin its better. my dahrer always refused to wash us too much as babies and in general he as this pladoyer: ur own bidy crrates fat that oeitect the skin, washing it away sith oerfumed shampoo gel to then out chemical body lotion sossnt seem to be an enhancement for the skin seems pretty ligicak to me. I mean everyone has their own bekiefs and ways but I kove to appreciate what my vody creates and what my body does. I know i am talking aboht an abled healthy skin ans i know some peiple just love to smeell like thousand rose leafs. byt i find that metaphor pretty good for also souk stuff. what my own body gives to my body is because it is healthy important disclaimer sensefull and good for me. it pribably matches my needs better than any artificial or natural product which fits affirmation from outside. of course fhe cream snells nice i feek fresh but then, my bidy get used to this crram wnats more of this crram and stips crrating its own fat to protect the skin maybe. I always have to buy this cream and its exterior, it will never last. i need it nee alk the time
i need rhat affirmation it feeks good but it wont last, my own afformation whereby comes naturally fits my needs and it is independent on any outer things. and this is why the value for me of my own affirmation wighs heavier than any of other people. i feel free and i feel good avoht jt but ifc still i am here comoaring mayelf to a maybe 19 year old woman that i wikk never be and never was. and its okay like fhaf but i need ti remind myself and i am disappointed inmyself still that it affects me so much and my head us gilled aitb it instead kf kther thints. but at the same time i lay down write this down and reflect on it so i hope i pray but i also
know that the next time i get inti a situation like that ill feel differently. I see feel hear taste the world thourgh my eyes and I love that I appreciate so many good food so much so many nice music ao many beuatofuk animals buidlings chikdrens families situations ( sometimes i dont of course madness, sexism, racism exploitation hatred and injsutice of the workd) but Its all meant for me. and i need tk accept and allrecate this. trhough my mind baby through my mind and love ur mind, it diesnt mean you think her mind sucks, it is beautifuk for sure, but its her mind her life her feelings hers and its good to see ssomeone havinf it like that its just an insoiratuon and a joy if beuaty and smiles which is for free and contagious( but Its all meant for me. and i need tk accept and allrecate this.
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
aaa hey!!! its me i requested haruk with a s/o who has pots i just want to tell you how much i appreciate u <33 idk if u did any research but it definitely looks like you did you wrote it very nicely!!!!! i wouldbt wanna change anything at all you represented it rlly well!! but could i request one more if its ok? (i understand u have a lot of requests so if not you can always decline this or if its out of your comfort zone)
but if you are ok with writing one more could you do maybe smth about what she’d do if the reader fainted? like for me personally (pots is different for a lot of people, some people need walking sticks im so sorry i forgot the name my brain isnt braining today some ppl dont like me thankfully when i do gymnastics i just have to pace myself and take a lot of breaks because if not my heartrate gets too fast and i could faint lol) sorry i got off topic ahah but badically for me sometimes my episodes r really bad and i faint back to back but i can tell when an episofd is about to happen bc i get dizzy and i start sweating/feeling rlly hot and shaky and my heartrate gets waaay too fast which theb i know to sit down n stuff but even then i faint anyways and sometimes its back to back liek once i wake up i could go iut again and it can happen a few times so could you maybe do hcs of what she’d do if the reader was having an episode like that and the reader maybe feels kind of scared bc honestly no matter how many times it happens its always scary but 🤗 tysm one last thing DONT OVERWORK URSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF WE KNOW U LOVE US BUT WE LOVE U TOO AND WANT THE BEST FOR U anyways god this paragraph is long
awww, well ty!! i did do research, id hate to write smth and get it completely wrong- im glad you think so!! and ofc it's ok!! but ahhh I see I see,, well I am making sure to take care of myself, i appreciate you all and I hope yall are also taking care of yourself!!!! idm the paragraph at all, but I do hope you like this!! <3
♧ FAINTING - Haruka Kiritani x Reader
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As I mentioned, Haruka gets really good at noticing your symptoms, so when she picks up on them, she'll rush to your side
During the ones where you end up fainting, she'll help you to either sit or lay down, either way keeping you leaned against her
She'll rub your shoulders even while you're passed out, her touch as gentle as can be
Once you wake up and you don't faint again, she'll hold out her bag to you. She doesn't know what exactly you need after fainting, but she's pretty certain that her bag has everything that you would ask her for anyway
If you wake up and promptly faint again, she continues to support you and keep you safe until you eventually wake up again
She's aware that those episodes are scary, she'd honestly be surprised if you weren't scared, so afterwards, she's very gentle with you
"Hey, dear? You're okay, you're safe. I'll always be right here for you." She'll always make sure to say something like that to you after an episode, she just cares about you a ton <3
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star-firework · 2 years
if twit is gone, i will have to use a blog like a real blog.
so anyway,
im a warehouse manager now and i got an employee who i feel like im in an abusive relationship with
he out of nowhere said "so some fat, ugly Samoan man won a miss america pagent and he identifies as a woman and you KNOW no one believes that shit!" and that caught my ear and made me stop and ask him why he brought that up cuz there was just no relation to what we were doing
he got defensive and when i asked him to not talk about things like that (cuz we just hired a new guy we dont know his opinions and also its not allowed int he work place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) the moterhfucker yelled at me and told me that IM "the problem and silencing" his opinions
i asked him to not use combative language and then he said "YOURE using combative language!!!" like a toddler yelling at his mom
i felt like i was on fox news or something, dude listened to so much joe rogan, he just melted in front of my eyes?
i was especially 'triggered' because my recently viral-on-reddit-infamous-homeless-attacking-ex-boss deany boy used to go on long, endless, anti trans rants when i was the only one working with him and i waslike what the fuck!!!!!!!!!! the fuck you care so cuking much about trans people in everything, shut up you old bastard dean
your donuts made my stomach hurt and you keep cream cheese in the fridge so long it turns green and when i went to throw it out, you told me to wipe off the green mold and put it back. you also keep the raw bacon on the top of the fridge of everything definitely not raw. you reuse gravy for days on end to the point i think theres weeks old gravy still being eaten. your wife broke 3 crock pots out of anger for some mundane thing and acted like a high school mean girl when she was in charge and made us remop a floor up to like 4 times because she didnt like how there was a "sheen" on the floor.
my employee just fucuking blew up at me and then he walked out and didnt return for 3 hours, i was at the point of thinking "well ok, guess he actually just quit?"
He returned and didnt talk to me and left without a word. The next day he called out and only said: "Sick. Out. Indefinitely."
What the hell does indefinitely mean after a blow up?
Poor choice of words or a bad way to vaguely quit?
i told HR and made them call him after he didnt text or show up the next day
i was ready to move on and already got an interview set up to fill in when we are already in crisis mode at work lol
then the bastard texts me at 5 when im about to go home and he is furious that HR was calling him. he said "if you have a problem you say it to my face, im coming in tomorrow sick or not"
i felt threatened and scared because when he gets mad, he gets mad and testosterone fueled rage and i dont know if he would get physical
he also was like "am i supposed to be looking for another job!?"
i was so scared of his reaction i was thankfully able to call hr and have her walk me thru how to text this maniac back
i really dont want to work with him ESPECIALLY now
but somehow the company wont fire anyone so this behavior is still cool and no one has balls, i dont have balls and guess i have to continue workingand managing a manchild who is going to be set off at anything
i also have to somehow figure out how to get a meeting with him, me and HR without it sounding liek an interogation because he is so easily defensive
we were cool and i have even been to his house and met his wife and had beers with him and another manager and then it felt like in one instance it just got all washed away because he wanted to rant about trans people?????????
i am so confused!
i also have thrown up soooooooo much this past year from stress, jfc. im finally losing weight but from a very very bad reason and very very unhealthy way that is painful aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
still dont know whats gonna happen since this dude is planning on coming back tomorrow and i have an interview w someone we meant to replace him after he was MIA
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echoesofadream · 2 months
i probably have endometriosis but i wonder if its gonna like really break out at some point or if i have experienced the worst of it. i have a feeling its going to get worse. its so weird though because i had the worst period pains that led to me going on birth control and like that is a story on its own but after going off them i havent (so far, knocking on wood) had any of those worse period pain experiences, and like sometimes on my period i dont even need to take pain killers? which i absolutely needed before i went on bc. so thats weird but also my period lately has been a little weird like it absolutely skipped a cycle month, then it came like a tiny tiny amount, and i was like is this it? and then it went like two weeks or something and it was liek noooo that was just a prank here is the real deal and i was kind of revealed i was worried about like iron deficiency (even tho i recently took blood tests and i did not have iron deficiency – fake vegan W) because i hadnt really bled for a good two months or something but yeah so now i had a real period. normal cramps, didnt need painkillers. only then, two nights ago, period had been over for like two days, and my stomach started hurting quite brutally, luckily no nausea or throwing up or fainting this time or other things that must not be described. but it was really bad and it was similar pain to the kind i had when i was on birth control. i took painkillers and like then they didnt help as much as they do for normal period pain. it was a very low pain.
anyways so i wonder if this (endometriosis or otherwise) has anything to do with the pain i feel from penetration um disgusting word i do not want to be penetrated stay away from me but i have been rescheduling my pap smear like four times by now because i am so scared to go. i have had very little success and quite a bit of pain whenever i had tried to have an inspection or whatever down there. i wish i could just avoid it forever..
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