#and they both have been through hell and back from fans and/or antis
I think if they sat down to chat Dan and Dream would understand each other .
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whywoulditho · 23 days
I'm glad, that DC writers are changing constantly and therefore the characters are protected from the Bat-family. The Bats are the cancer of DC comics. There wouln't be any independant characters anymore if they could gez their grubby hands on the other DC families
That's another way to look at it.. I agree that they're trying a bit too hard to connect every character to the bats' storyline. so you might have a point there. maybe it would create more bad than good if they let batfam authors interfere with the other storylines... but i still wouldn't call the bats the cancer of DC. I think if you took the bats out of DC, it would lose like half of its charm and quality.
with all that being said though, i still think the biggest problem of DC romances (or comic book romance in general) lies in each run having separate authors. think about why harley x ivy worked. it's because both of those characters already existed before they got together. both of them were loved villains and later anti-heroes, they both have their own story, their own past and their own redemption arcs. they're both INTERESTING. and when DC made the risky choice of making them a couple, it worked.
i'm not saying it would work with any other characters, or that they should make all their major characters date each other. but if you want to explore romance in your comics you have to give the readers an actual relationship, involving two realistically written and interesting people. not a major character and their accessory love interest. that's my issue with tim x bernard, or jon x jay. no one will get attached to, or even invested in, these relationships because we don't know anything about the love interests. they're just some random people. even if you try to give them personalities they will still not have a story outside of their relationship with the major character. bernard and jay were only created so tim and jon would have someone to kiss. it's hard to care about them, and therefore their relationship. they're just boring romance side plots.
you can introduce a character with the sole purpose of making them a couple with one of your major characters and still make it work, like batman and catwoman. you can create chemistry with a new character just as well as you can with already existing ones. but i think we need more of the first option. less last minute love interests and more people falling in love. i think what makes DC special is that they show us so many different versions of their major characters, we get to see them grow and change (take notes, marvel) so it wouldn't be off-brand to see already existing major characters, like superboy and robin, ending up together. not when it's DC. to be honest i think it would be like super iconic of them to do that. and i also think that DC fans would much rather have their favorite characters end up with the kind of person they went through hell and back with instead of like, a random citizen. tim and kon have so many parallels. they're both people who didn't have to be heroes at all, but still chose to do it. they both struggle with carrying a mantle too big and the fact that they were not chosen for it makes them even more insecure. they also have a past together, they're close friends, they would take a bullet for each other. so much potential. dont even get me started on damian and jon. those two are like, literal mirrors of their fathers. they have huge legacies on their shoulders and they're like quite literally the only people that could understand one another. again, so. much. potential. i'm not saying they have to be together, but if DC was gonna write romance for these characters I wish it could have been with each other.
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lightwing-s · 1 year
the batboys' favorite male marvel heroes
Our golden boy, Dick, is a massive Spiderman fan. He’s not embarrassed in the least to admit it, and he’s also not worried people will think of him as just liking something popular. He has pretty good reasons to like Peter Parker and he’ll defend it to hell and back. He’s young, fun, and lighthearted. Heroic and smart and handsome and sweet and Dick can go on for hours and hours on that topic. At a young age, he sympathized with Peter for a number of reasons: they were both orphans, taken in by someone after this loss; even after all that pain they still grew up to be happy and joyful people to be around; both are very smart. As he grew into his super hero persona, they started sharing a whole lot more, like their flexible fighting style, the way they both deal with villains. And you’d often tell him they share the same bubbly personality. Also, Bruce used to spoil him rotten with spidey gifts. Comics, action figures, school supplies, spiderman shampoo and conditioner, towels… You name it, Dick has had it at home. Truly a spidey fanboy through and through. He also has a costume at home waiting for the day he can go on patrol wearing it.
Let's be honest here, we all know Jason would live for the anti-hero trope. Growing up, he’d always been drawn to more heroic types of antiheroes, like Wolverine for example, who’s hell bent on fulfilling his duty but does not live by the hero standards as some others do.  But after a certain incident with a crowbar and a clown, he saw refuge in the spirit of vengeance himself, the Ghost Rider. C'mon, a motorcycling maniac, whose body is completely covered in fire and who fights for justice no matter what? *side eyes a certain somebody* there's no way it isn't up to his alley. He’s in the comic store right after patrol, in the early mornings, to buy whatever issue was released next and reads it like it’s a Jane Austen novel. He also buys older issues, and keeps them wrapped and well stored like his precious babies and he ain’t letting anyone touch them. Perhaps with one dear exception, you.  Jay is into the classics though, if he had to pick between one out of all the riders he would have to choose the very first rider, Johnny Blaze. When riding his own bike, he’d pretend to be a rider, spitting lines he remembers from the comics and using them on random robbers he stops on the streets. Don’t talk to him about the movie though, that’s off topic.
Tim Drake is not one to pick “silly” heroes like his older brothers do. Or he at least pretends to do. He’s into the smart supes, with admirable brains and capacities well beyond imaginable. But he’s also a bit of a contrarian, so he won’t go for easy picks like Dick Iron Man. So when he sees a powerful AI turn into a nearly unstoppable android he instantly becomes a fan. Even before living with Bruce and becoming Robin, he would ask his parents to get him the new Avengers issue with Vision in it. However, unlike his brothers he’s very chill about it, he doesn’t feel like he needs to explain why his favorite is the best, or why they're a token of justice or a mad warrior. He knows Vision is good and that no one can fight him about it. He also wishes he could stay awake without the need for rest like he does, but he’d definitely miss the coffee.
Don’t really let anyone know it, but Damian’s favorite hero is his dad. But Batman is a real, flesh and bone man, so it won’t count here. He struggled to have a favorite hero, reading comics is “for children” and he’s too mature for that. He’s an adult. But when he caught a glimpse of Dick sleeping watching the new Moon Knight tv show, this boy got hooked. Not only is he a cool,  merciless fighter, he is also intelligent and has a cultural impact on him like no other. Marc’s internal conflict with all of his personalities feels like a reflection of Damian’s own troubles with his families’ contrasting ideals: is he supposed to be a deadly weapon just like his grandfather would want, much like Jake Lockely, or is he a nicer warrior-esque hero like Marc and his father? Anyway, that cape, Dami loves the hooded cape *see that, bats? much cooler!*
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fandomhype · 2 months
Plagiarism Somerton
I obviously didn't watch the new James Somerton apology video ON his channel because I did not want to give that man the views and you shouldn't either! It has been re-uploaded and summarised elsewhere so that he doesn't benefit if anyone wants to see it.
The original hbomberguy video was wild to me because of all the stealing, I found it highly entertaining, loved all the Memes and it honestly did my imposter syndrome wonders! but then I watched the Todd in the shadows video and it really upset me.
He didn't just steal from other LGBT creators he lied to his mostly young LGBT audiance who were looking to an elder gay for guidance and to learn about their history.
Todd's video starts with a clip of James lies being spread by another person on a podcast, there's clips of people discussing his made up gay nazi fanfic he has presented as hard facts. He actively harmed his own community for cash! There are young gay men bringing that subject up in conversation being laughed at for falling for it and that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.
Now I'm not a part of that community but a lot of people I love are so that angered me a lot.
...and then he comes back with another apology video, conveniently within the three months he would have had to post something on his channel to retain his monetisation status weirdly?! In which he blames both a head injury and his ADHD for his theft - at no point does he address the lying in either apology video or any of the apology posts he made that I could find.
I have combined ADHD, when I was first diagnosed the NHS referred to it as ADD with Hyperactivity element but everyone seems to have gone back to calling it ADHD and that is the term used most commonly online so that is what I refer to it is as.
I am medicated but there has been a world wide shortage of my medication and I was without it for some time over winter, which was HELL! I got nothing done.
I am in no way a big creator, Youtube for me is a fun wee hobby that will hopefully grow and allow me to collaborate with other people with similar interests but ADHD is for sure a large part of my journey as a creator.
I've published like 7 videos and currently have around 10 being worked on because, you know... ADHD! *siren noises*
I know that I am forgetful sometimes, just for the record I also had several head injuries and concussions as a child because Lil undiagnosed at the time me truly had no fear of climbing or other dangerous activities so I have my script (because free talking a subject with this brain would be nearly impossible) open in one google doc and my research open in another. It's not hard.
That's the way it was at school, college and Uni too. James claims he went to Uni to do business. Every university uses anti-plagerism software for essays and has done since like the mid 2000's? so he knows not to copy pasta. He's straight up lying there.
Another thing he's lying about is his ADHD making him forget he copied things. Now if you tell me a joke that I like it'll stick in my head and I will straight up tell it as my own later, I've been called out for this many times! But entire articles? whole sections of other peoples videos? (he also flipped a fan Vid he had ripped off of another YouTube to avoid detection and tried to pass it off as his own) No that's not something you can accidentally do even with a swiss cheese brain like mine.
Weirdly all the the paragraphs James claims he accidentally copied were also edited to remove aspects of the Trans, Bi and Ace experiences that James markedly does not believe exist. Strange considering he accidentally copied them and assumed they were his own words? Imagine going back through a paragraph you think you wrote yesterday in the edit the next day and finding swarths of things you don't agree with there?!
Why am I telling you all this? Well because I wanted to put my two cents in as a creator with this condition, partly because I felt it was somewhat of an attack on us!? He's put it out there that ADHD creators are liable to steal from others and that's not ok by me. Also I just really like the sound of my own typing!
TL;DR : James Sommerton is a suck ass liar and he doesn't get to use his disability as an excuse for what he did! and...
Also watch Todd's Vid, everyone saw the Hbomberguy one but this one goes deeper:
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signedjehanne · 11 months
dear white bandom tumblr, what the hell do you want us to say?
i’m tired. i’m really, really tired. 
look, what do you want us to say at this point? this was supposed to be a safe space, for the freaks and the outcasts, but we’ve long established that it is very much not safe. it’s crystal fucking clear.
and honestly, pretty much every white user on here is actively contributing to the hostility here. whether you like it or not, it’s not good to only reblog empty reassurances of anti-racism that do more service to yourself than to others. it’s not good to see poc on the dash trying to educate the white majority and doing everything possible to educate you, and either A) ignore it, B) like it, but don’t reblog it, because god forbid you sit with your discomfort for more than five seconds, or C) send racist anon hate to the original poster, or try to deflect their points. it’s not good to see something racist and let it slide. let me get this straight: none of these fans of color owe you anything. fans of color don’t owe you the time of day, fans of color don’t owe you education, and fans of color don’t owe you the dignity of a levelheaded reply in response to your racist comments. 
often times, we try to educate because we want this space to change. i mean, i didn’t have to write a five paragraph essay dissecting anti asian racism in mcr’s content. i did it because i was angry, and tired, and frustrated, and wanted the space to change. the same reason that every other ignored dissection and analysis that spent blood, sweat, tears, and emotional labor to make was created. a lot of the time you guys just don’t understand how much effort things like that take. and to be clear, this is not just the usual “oh my post didn’t go viral and i’m not a celebrity i’m so sad,” this is “i poured all of myself into trying to educate people that turned out to never care. i have been blatantly shown that the people around me aren’t interested in changing, no matter how much they claim to be.” 
and like, do you want me and countless other users to go in depth again? do you want us to jump from racist incident to racist incident? to hold your hand through explaining why making art of ray being arrested is bad, why gerard’s fetishization of asian people is bad, why making rising sun art and designs is bad, why reducing all of pete wentz’s work to being about mikey way is bad, why shaming people with non-european features for “not looking emo enough” is bad, why insulting and degrading pete and ray for their natural features is bad, why cropping ray out of tour videos is bad, why calling people slurs in their askboxes is bad? (and so much more that i didn’t add.) do you want us to go over the history of racism in alternative spaces as a whole? do you expect us to do all of those things for you on a whim, to make it palatable to you, as if we weren’t real people with real feelings behind the screen and as if we had infinite time and emotional energy? really? when there are many resources already out there, both online and offline? 
what all this tells me is you don’t see us as human. simple as that. you expect us to be able to take the abuse, to be able to silently let your racism pass, and if we ever speak up, you ignore the work we give to you and demand inhuman feats of patience and generosity, answering your every question and responding to your every debate and coddling you as you refuse to sit with the reality of the space you’ve helped to create. and that’s only if you claim to be on our side. 
it’s insane hearing you try to placate yourselves. trying to mindlessly agree without looking inward. i know this sounds harsh, but i know that most of you need to hear it. i just want this space to actually change, like i was begging for back in january and february. of course, i was foolish to believe that it ever would. and i’m foolish now, writing this as if people are ever going to pay attention. even if it does break a few hundred notes, it’s not like the message is going to stick around. sure, you’re “doing the work”, “listening and learning”, but how am i supposed to know that when your responses never change, and this scene stays the same as it ever was?
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imptwins · 3 months
Why making any concessions to puritan rhetoric is a bad idea
(note for the uninitiated: 'anti' is short for 'anti-shipper', 'anti-ship', or 'anti-fan'; in this context it refers to people who get very vocally militant about opposing dark kinks/problematic ships in media, especially creative fandom spaces. Proship is simply the opposite, people who vocally believe people should be free to make/indulge in whatever as long as a line is drawn between fiction and reality.)
(note 2: this was written for cohost, i cbf rewording it lol)
I very often see people - both websites and individuals - making a concession to the people who come up to them yelling about problematic kinks and guilt by association and 'why didn't you block this person' blah blah blah. It's happened with a few BNFs (big-name fans) in the UTDR scene lately, I've seen it from artists I respect, from friends, hell I used to be in this camp myself. And, of course, it happened to this website about a year back, and the conversation has come up again recently due yet another tumblr exodus.
It makes sense. The most common stuff that antis go after is stuff very few people are into: lolisho/cub, ferals, heavy gore, heavy noncon. It's niche, the real-world applications are unquestionably vile, it's very easy to just say 'I also find this icky regardless of whether I really believe that all people into it are secret criminals, so, I'll just block the people who they say are bad and move on.' I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen someone respond to proship/antiship discourse with "I'm an adult with a job." Going to bat for this content is high risk, low reward. You're not going to make friends, you're going to lose them. YOU WILL LOSE SUBSCRIBER, etc. As a result of all this it's very easy to assume that anyone defending it must be into it.
But I'm not. I'm a writer who often deals with darker subjects, but most of the first-on-the-list anti stuff, I'm not into at all. I'm not into ferals or gore period, noncon I like purely as character exploration, lolisho I can enjoy from the perspective of what I call 'trauma repair.' There's probably a proper term for it. But the tl;dr is I've never been actively aroused by any of these things, not in fantasy and especially not otherwise. Whenever I write them, it's just fascination or character analysis. Whenever I have a 'this character can be any age you want' fic, in my head, they're 18+. Writing noncon is a weird challenge for me because I'm constantly battling with the alternate ending in my head where the victim breaks free, beats the shit out of their captor, etc. This isn't me trying to claim virtue through this, just stating my position.
So… Why do I go to bat for these things? Why do I get annoyed when websites block lolisho, when artists have 'proship DNI' in their bio, etc? It's lost me a couple friends, it's certainly cost me followers and general reach, it's gotten me blocked by countless people I respected the work of. It's earned me a few callout posts, multiple with 1k+ followers, and one particular obsessed stalker who tells anyone who will listen that I actually groomed a child (despite all evidence otherwise). It's caused me a really significant amount of trouble. Why die on this hill?
The answer's kind of simple, when you boil it down: fictional fantasies either affect reality, or they don't. This is why I go to bat for things I'm not into, but it's also why whenever you see someone making concessions to antis, it's never enough. Cohost banned lolisho last year (I believe it's still banned?? Unclear), but the antis still make constant callout posts about this site and its owners. Some of the team have even gone out of their way to state very firmly that they're against these things, they've gone above and beyond just 'ban the bad thing' and broadcast their views about the morality of it. You'll frequently see artists write some huge apology or clarification when a callout post hits, usually involving some variation of 'I do not condone x y z and think it's disgusting.'
It's never enough.
But it makes sense, when you think about it. By drawing a line, you have essentially agreed with the core angle of the people screaming at you: that a fictional fantasy affects reality. That it's dangerous. You will, by necessity, now have people start to work down the list. Incest, ferals, gore, noncon, sure. Any relationship with any kind of skewed power dynamic. Sibling-coded, minor-coded, postminor nonsense. All of these things are less easily agreed to than lolisho, I've seen countless porn artists concede with the core idea that lolisho is immoral, then they act like it's unreasonable that people just keep going until they're being told that a knot on a furry is bestiality, or a 23 year old dating an autistic 21 year old is pedophilia. These are genuine examples of things I've seen people dogpiled for. Seriously look up "postminor" if you want to see how bad this can get, on top of being absurd it's one-for-one the kind of gross ableist shit that Autism Speaks gets into.
But YOU AGREED TO THEM. You agreed with the core concept, that the fantasy must reflect reality. Of course they're going to keep demanding more; by the logic you used to agree with them, you are doing immoral things. If fictional lolisho is immoral, so are the rest of them. It's way easier to look at your average pic on baraag or inkbunny and go 'oh, eugh, vile,' but at the end of the day the cutesy played-for-laughs sleeping kiss, the dubcon bondage that you don't call dubcon, or the meet-cute where they're a bit too drunk, they're all immoral fantasies.
That's not even to get into non-sexual stuff. If the lolisho fantasy is wrong, so is running down civilians in GTA. Suddenly your notifs are full of 16 year-old Jack Thompsons with rainbow flags in their bios.
This really is an all-or-nothing debate. If fictional fantasies affect reality, then even the immoral fantasies that you're personally comfortable with, the cutesy coy playful ones, must be immoral. If fictional fantasies don't affect reality, then even the ones that make you uncomfortable, the ones that have you scrambling to close your browser in case the feds are looking, must be fine.
It should have become very obvious over the last decade that you cannot fence-sit on this. There's a huge internal disagreement going on among progressive/queer/compassion-minded people, on whether these kind of things affect reality, or whether they don't. You can learn to apathetically dismiss stuff that squicks you, or you can learn to sanitize everything you ever make so there's not a trace of contentious theming left. Immoral fantasies are immoral, or only immoral actions are immoral.
You're going to have to pick one.
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thekinkyleopard · 7 months
(Insane Clown Sneezing)
A Non-Canon Halloween Snz Fic Starring:
Alistar x Draeko x Kanai
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Drae Snz, 3-Sum, light Degradation
Tumblr media
Description: ICP is holding a concert on Halloween night, requirements are all attendees must be in full Clown makeup. Alistar is beyond excited to drag his two roommates with him. Although, Drae is feeling under the weather, he doesn’t wanna disappoint the joyful demon, so he tries to hide it. Which goes poorly….for him.
Author’s Notes: The season of OC Halloween fics, CONTINUES! You’re in for a treat this round 🤤 @aller-geez owns Draeko & Kanai and did the art!
Practically zipping around the house with great fervor, the red headed demon gathered anything and everything he would need. Since he bought 3 tickets to ICP, three months prior, he has been collecting all kinds of great makeup to fit the part. The band explicitly said every attendee must be dressed in clown makeup as the concert was taking place Halloween night! Al was stoked, beyond stoked, he first of all, loved Halloween. A holiday where everyone acts scary and creepy? Sign him up for everyday. However, his favorite band on his favorite holiday? It’s like he didn’t even care what happened the rest of the year! “Nai! Ko! Get in here!” He called out to his roommates from the bathroom as he set up his entire station.
“Yes, Donnie?” Kanai asked curiously as he stepped into the room. Draeko following close behind, but much, slower. Alistar noted there was a slight pink flush across the smaller’s face but thought maybe nothing of it.
“Concert time!!” He held up the palettes of white foundation with a waggle of his brows.
“But it’s not for another 4 hours?” Kanai tilted his head with slight confusion. Why would they get ready so far ahead of the event itself?
“Yeah and makeup takes a while soooo let’s get cracking!” The anti-Christ insisted, rolling his eyes and setting the stuff down onto the counter now.
“Al…I….” Draeko tried to interject, not necessarily feeling all to up to any sort of makeup. Hoping maybe he could just nap before the concert. He was feeling a tad warmer than usual.
“Nope! It’s mandatory! Don’t be a bunch of fucking squares okay?” Alistar glared now turning sharply to point an index at the both of them.
“Fine,” Draeko muttered under his breath, feeling pretty defeated by the whole day. Waking up feeling like shit on a holiday is never anyone’s favorite. Except, maybe Al.
“Okay,” The hell hound spoke flatly, shrugging his shoulders knowing it was pointless to disagree with the redhead.
“Awesome” shining a sparkling grin across his now smug face he began to blat carelessly at the white makeup onto a sponge.
Draeko quickly lifts his hands up into the air in front of him. “No worries! I can do my own,” his time at the circus proving useful as he very much was a master of a good clown look. However, he was mostly insisting because if Al go too close to his face, he’d notice for SURE he was sick. So instead he quietly painted his face as Alistar struggled to get Kanai to be still.
All in all it took the group a good few hours to get the right look they were going for. Alistar having had ti redo his own three different times trying to get it perfectly like every other fan would.
“Damn, we look fucking GOOD!” Finishing up the final touches, the Ruby eyes glaring over everyone through the mirror he slid his shirt over his head and look at himself back and forth.
“This looks fairly strange,” Kanai admitted while staring blankly at himself in the mirror.
“I think I look kind of cute,” the mutt chimed in with a softened smile, looking himself over and even adding a bit of glitter to the corners of his mouth.
“Alright let’s get on the road then shall we?” Alistar asked, walking out of the bathroom and grabbing his keys and wallet. They’d all adorned one of Al’s ICP shirts, and slicked their hair appropriately, there wasn’t much more to do.
“The venue is 20 minutes out, shouldn’t we wait til it’s closer til?” Nai chimed in yet again with a curious tone laced between his words.
“Kanai, concerts require some extra time for parking and getting wasted before the show…’Mon now,” Al had to inform his friend, shaking his head back and forth with a smirk. Almost like this was supposed to somehow be common sense to the other.
“Alright then, are you ready to go Draeko?” The hound realized the debate was worth less than the win, so he simply let it go before turning to their pet.
“Y-yeah I’m good to go,” but he was in fact not good to go. Since this morning he woke up, there’s been a terrible terrible storm brewing within his head. Like he’d slammed it into a wall several times the night before. His sinuses were stuffed, but not at the stage of leaking. Just discomfort in breathing. Truthfully on the outside, you couldn’t necessarily tell he was coming down with something soon to take him out of commission. However, he also wasn’t going to alert either of his mates, it would go one of two ways. Either A: Al would immediately want to induce his sneezing and have his way and miss the concert or B: Al gets grumpy and decides to stay home, making a mess of him later anyway when he’s not so mad. Or maybe hate fuck him. Either way, it usually ended with a dick in his ass. Willingly. He did love when either male decided to take advantage of his vulnerability.
Yet, he wasn’t willing to throw away a good experience for the Anti-Christ, knowing well how much he loved ICP. Least he hear about it for the rest of eternity. Alistar narrowed his eyes and looked the other up and down. Something was off. Definitely off.
“Mmkay…s’go!” Alistar swiftly turned on his heels and waved them to follow as he stomped his way out the door and out to his obnoxious 1977 Pontiac Firebird, black with flames all around the vehicle. The other two shuffled behind him at a medium pace before stopping a few feet from the car. He had painted ICP album covers over his windows for the concert. “Doesn’t the transportation device look great?!” He turned to look at his roommates.
“It does, Alistar, I wasn’t aware you could produce art so well,” the hound complimented his friend as he analyzed over the pieces of art work over the car now. Draeko nodded in agreement.
“I love it!” Mustering up his best fake brilliant smile he could. He wasn’t not excited about the car. Or concert. Or experience! He just wanted to lay in bed. He wanted to feel better. His body only got hotter, and heavier the more he dragged it out.
“Thank you thank you, alright, now let’s get on the road!” Alistar unlocked the vehicle and hopped into the passenger allowing Kanai to help pull the seat up to allow Draeko into the back while he road shotgun. Shutting the door behind him he looked over at Alistar.
“Are you going to get drunk tonight?” The mutt asked curiously, looking through to the red head from the rear view mirror.
“Oh, absolutely” the anti-Christ snickered, on hand on the wheel, the other fishing for his pack of cigarettes.
“Hm…what’s that like?” Kanai asked curiously, looking over at his best friend and watching him struggle to dig the pack out of his pocket.
“It’s like…I don’t know man, it depends on the person but it makes, the unhinged version of someone come out of their brain…you know? Like normally I wouldn’t fuck a human sober, but drunk? I might if I’m desperate enough,” he chuckled loudly watching the road loosely while successfully fishing his pack of cigarettes out. Kanai simply hums lowly to himself as he considers what the feeling must be like.
“So, it’s a good feeling?” He asked cautiously, almost like he doesn’t believe that what Al described, could have a positive outcome. While the demon was lighting the stoge he pulled out and hung on his lips, he shrugged.
“Yeah, man, you can try it out tonight at the show it’ll be a good holiday to break in Nai’s first time being drunk!” Alistar cheered by holding his lit fag into the air in a fist pump before bringing it back down to his mouth.
“Drunk Kanai? That should be interesting,” Draeko giggled from the backseat, Al shining a gaze back to grin at the mutt. Their eyes locking for a moment before the demon went back to watching the road.
“Al, please open the window if you’re going to smoke…it smells horrible,” the hellion griped as he dramatically wafted the oncoming smoke back from wence it came.
“My bad,” cracking open his driver side window to redirect the fumes out the side of the car.
“Hey so, who’s opening for ICP?” Draeko asked curiously peaking through between the seats of Kanai and Alistar.
“No idea I planned to skip it at the alcohol station,” the demon snickered as his foot pressed harder on the gas. Impatient to get where they were going.
“Oh…WELL, I guess I’ll just look it up then,” Draeko rolled his duo colored eyes with a giggle.
“What is an opener, Draeko?” Kanai looked back at the mutt through the rear view mirror, who was scrolling through the Ticketmaster website on his phone.
“It’s the band that plays before the main band, sometimes there’s one or a few !” He explained with a gentle smile before he got very quiet. The motion within the car and looking at his phone made the hybrid all too aware of how god awful he felt. His stomach churned and he blinked a few times ahead of him, looking away from the screen. Kanai cocked a brow as he was still observing the smaller.
“Are you okay, Draeko?” The hound asked cautiously, curiously.
“Y-Yeah just a…” he clears his throat gently from behind a closed fist. “Car sick is all,” trying his best to shake it off.
“I have hydration up here if you would like some?” Already leaning forward to try and grab one of the many bottle littering the floor of Al’s vehicle.
“Has that bottle of water been sitting in the car for multiple days?” Drae asked almost unamused as he was sure of the answer.
“It’s quite possible,” the hound mulled over the truth of the answer, trying his best to present all the facts he was aware of about said bottle, to the mutt.
“No thanks,” he responded almost as flatly as Kanai usually would.
“Oh, okay, hopefully we will be at the venue soon, then you can have fresh hydration,” the hellion nodded simply. Alistar chuckled taking the last drag of his cigarette and tossing it out the window like a grade A dick.
“Yeah, we’ll be there in about 8 minutes,” his words came out sharply as he exhaled the last cloud of smoke from within his lungs and reached over for the volume on his radio. He has it plugged in to his phone using a cassette tape convertor. “For now let’s pre game!” The red head grinned turning the music up loudly, singing along while he drove through, switching lanes almost recklessly now that the music flowed.
“My Axe, is my buddy…I bring him when I walk…me and my axe will leave your head outlined in chalk!” Alistar now slapping to the beat on his steering wheel while the other two in the car made a quick exchange through the mirror. Glancing back at each other with their multicolored orbs, and a slight smirk on Draeko’s heated face.
“Their music is very violent!” Kanai tried to speak over the volume to which Al looked over and cocked a brow.
“What??” shouting out back towards his friend before the hound reached forward to turn the knob and decrease the volume. “Hey!” He frowned over at the other now.
“I said, their music is very violent,” repeating himself, as he was instructed by the /what?/ response from his friend.
“Duh! Humans are violent, ICP is the only REAL band out there speaking on true human impulse, sure there’s other artists that bite the brand, but THEM?” He exhaled sharply through pursed lips. “That’s real, I respect that. Humans being honest about what they are….vile, violent creatures of selfish nature,” smirking with a cocky laugh to follow before reaching the venue parking lot line. “Fuck there’s hella people…” he grumbled.
“I wouldn’t say all humans are like that by nature, Alistar,” Kanai chimed in, returning back to the previous conversation.
“Yeah, okay,” he scoffed back at the other while focusing on where the hell to even park in this shit storm of vehicles and walking attendees in full clown attire. “Oh man everyone looks so good,” the excitement rising within his voice as Draeko watched the demon practically light up like a Christmas tree.
“There’s a sufficient parking space, Al,” the hound pointed toward an empty spot, the red head spotting it quickly and making his way in, aligning the vehicle before tossing it in park.
“Good eye, Nai! Alright let’s get fuckin stupid!” Al flung open his door and hopped out the car, pushing his seat up for Draeko to get out. Now that they were finally here, the mutt was finding it harder and harder to ignore the shitty feeling that was burning inside of his body. He wobbled getting out of the car and tagging slowly behind the two demons as they made their way through the lot and into the venue entrance, standing in line. He felt woozy and his nose was starting to feel familiarly uncomfortable. God, why today? Why did this have to happen today of all days?
Kanai was quietly observing the other attendees of the concert, obviously and shamelessly looking them up and down, despite the weird looks he got. Alistar was busy eyeing down the security, and the line to get inside while Draeko continued to try and avoid facing either, behind them. He felt his nose starting to unleash a downpour, and this was already going to cause a huge issue.
If his nose leaked, his makeup would run. However, if he rubbed his nose, his makeup would get smudged. It was a double edged sword he wasn’t sure how to approach. They got closer and closer to the front of the line and he was teetering on the edge of release. “Okay almost there, I got our tickets,” Al said taking his cell phone out and pulling up the proof as they got up to the scanner.
“K,” the guard said after checking the validity of Al’s QR code. The three of them slid past and the red head immediately eyed the bar. “Time to get fucking wastedddddd,” he cheered throwing his hands up into the air as he grabbed both Drae and Kanai’s wrists.
“Oh…uh..Al, I’ll meet you guys there I have to pee,” he lied through his teeth and the demon could have easily sussed that out but amongst the fellow clowns, juggalos and decorated venue it was hard for him to spend even a second paying attention.
“Alright cub…sounds good,” releasing the smaller’s wrist, bobbing his head back and forth to see the assortment of beverages and whether or not there would be, event particular specific drinks available. You know like an ‘ICP’ drink; Ice, Cognac, Pineapple. Or something clever at the least. Draeko sniffled lowly under the many sounds echoing within the building, the sound muffled in space as the mutt slunk away to the bathroom, yes, but not to pee. The little mutt slammed into a stall and began to blow through his nose, and mouth in a pixie like fit.
“Ihh’gxxnt’iiew! Hh’NDK! K’GNSH!” He tried to reserve himself at the very slightest, covering his mouth with his open palms only finding smears of white makeup and saliva left behind when he looked down. “Hhnnn…” he groaned with discomfort. “Hihhh’GXXT!” Another lurching the base of his core, spraying across the bathroom stall, a sheen layer of saliva glossing his lips. He wiped at them subconsciously.
“Bless you!” Someone called out from within the space of the bathroom. Not a voice he’d ever heard, so he assumed just a stranger trying to be empathetic. However, it made him blush none the less.
“Th-thank you!” He called back with a slight smile on his face, happy to see that humanity wasnt all bad. Suddenly, he reached in his back pocket for his cell. Turning on the front facing camera he looked over his makeup and frowned as half the white foundation used around his lips and chin had been smeared off now. Hm. This is exactly what he was afraid of. Worse yet, it looks like he’s been just going around sucking dick or something. This wouldn’t do. He couldn’t let them see him like this.
He stuffed his phone back in his pocket, grabbed a few handfuls of toilet paper, also shoved them in his pocket and walked out of the bathroom. Looking around he saw the merch table which was a steady way across from the bar, it would be perfect. He could already see the back of their heads, slamming down shots. Draeko skittered into the merch line, trying to see if by chance, they were selling face paint. His orbs scanning over the many items available he saw it. A cheap clown makeup set for sale…$30?! Jesus…how do these people sleep at night. Regardless of the ridiculously inflated price, he would just have to pay it if he wanted to keep his secret under wraps. His eyes heavy as he swayed in the line, trying to keep himself from blacking out under the pressure pounding inside his head.
On the other side of the venue was Alistar, and Kanai, with a round of 15 shots in front of them both. They were 5 shots each in, already.
“I don’t understand why humans make those movements and faces when they drink these? They’re quite delightful..” the hound spoke while holding one up to the other in a cheers, before knocking it back without a flinch.
“No, cause seriously, I fucking love rotten veggies and fruits, Alcohol is ours right? Dad did that? My dad…not yours…” chuckling with a slight slur to his inflection and Kanai cranked an eyebrow and thought about it.
“Logically you would think, however, wasn’t your uncle the one who could turn water into wine? Is that not alcohol?” Back to this age old question; is alcohol of the devil? Or God’s creation. A question they’d had for a long time since coming to earth.
“Yeah but that’s pussy alcohol, Uncle J couldn’t turn water into fuckin Jack Daniels,” pointing to his best friend with a very serious index finger.
“You make a point,” tipping his head, Kanai considered this before throwing back, another shot. “I think this should be my last then,” he spoke easily after swallowing down the mess of liquor.
“There’s…1,2…345678….1011…14 shots left!” The red head exclaimed before pounding another back himself. “13 shots left!” He corrected himself immediately with a side smirk.
“Okay, Al, but I won’t be held responsible for who or what I may do with that much alcohol in my vessel tonight,” shrugging his shoulders, the demon divided the rest in half. Swiftly without much hesitation, both of them began to toss each one into their mouths.
“Oh I’m counting on it, buddy, Sincerely am,” the crimson eyed demon grinned ear to ear, the makeup only making him look more sinister as he did so. Al followed swiftly behind, drinking each shot back with ease before there was nothing more than a graveyard of empty glass. “Shall we find our pet then? Get a good spot in the crowd?” Kanai began to slowly feel the dawn of alcohol dusting over him and he nodded, in a quiet response while following behind the red head. Alistar was adamantly searching for the smaller, a bit different in this dark and crowded setting.
Draeko was purposefully stuffed behind a corner trying to replace the makeup he smudged before he could be seen again. Luckily, as cheap as the set looked, it didn’t take much product to get him covered up again. He slammed the compact shut and stuffed it in his pocket before looking himself over in his camera. “Okay…everything is fine,” sighing with slight relief but that was far and few in between, because the heat of the added bodies against his own feverish one was starting to make him weak in the knees. Fighting back against the slow deterioration of his skeletal structure and well being, Draeko stepped out from his cover and began his own search for the two men he came with.
It was only a few moments before he saw the tall demons, scanning the packed crowd for, presumably, him. Locking eyes with Kanai, he smiled and waved his hand weakly, flagging them over, Drae was already in the middle of the crowd by the time they made it to each other. “Hey squirt,” Al ruffled the smaller’s already messy with thick gel, hair. Slightly regretting having done so.
“Hey, get your drink on?” Trying to remain casual, collected while speaking to the two demons.
“Yuuuuup, can already feel it, ‘hat bout you Nai?” The hound was looking very intently at the small mutt, studying, analyzing his face. Something was up, he could tell by just how casual the other was trying to be, it more or less made it obvious.
“JUGGALOOOSSSS AND JUGGALETTES! NOW PRESENTING OUR MAIN COURSE, INSANE. CLOWN. POSSEE!” And as the crowd began to shove and push at the three of them, it broke their conversation and caused Al to wobble aimlessly back and forth. “Whoa fuck, let’s try to get to the front,” gripping both of his mates by their wrists again he shoveled them through the crowd so the demon could get as close as possible, managing to get them to the barricade. “Fuck yes,” his hands clasped the metal as his bright eyes stared with amazement up ahead.
Draeko started to sniffle and snub quietly, trying to hide behind the tall red head in secret. He could tell Kanai was on to him but he wasn’t able to hold back his worsening symptoms. As the lights dimmed, and gave him a slight advantage, he rubbed his throbbing nose on the back of his hand, impatiently throwing it in tight, rough circles and once again, smudging his makeup. As the music began to blare and the intro started to play, Al watched closely for Violent J, and Shaggy to run up on stage.
Kanai was not paying any sort of attention to the stage set, or even the excitement in his friend’s face. No he was much more intrigued by the little mutt stuffed between them, trying to keep his face from hidden few. Reaching downward, slowly with alcohol oozing past his usually respectful demeanor, the hound gripped Draeko’s chin and slowly turned his head. Now facing each other, he could see the dripping line of snot reflect off the flashing lights of the stage, which seemed to fuel something deadly inside of him. He cocked an eyebrow.
Draeko looked up at Kanai with an essence of innocence, though he was taken by surprise when the hound lifted his face. “Don’t tell…” he mouthed and pleaded with watering eyes, before he realized there was something sinister living behind Nai’s gaze. Drae swallowed. Sniffling weakly. Kanai smirked simply, his index finger now traveling down the other’s chin to his chest before gripping his shirt tightly and pulling him into his chest. Leaning his large body he whispered into the back of Alistar’s ear.
“Our pet has been hiding a secret from us,” and even though, his favorite band was finally playing, the music was bumping and the vibes were almost immaculate enough to immerse the red head. He slowly, eerily, turned on his heels and looked directly downward to see the sniveling male tucked into Kanai’s chest. He looked up now at his friend with a smirk.
“Oh?” He mouthed unable to be heard. Without much movement from either of the two larger, Kanai simply continued to hold that slanted grin across his normally stoic face. With a sharp, almost violent twist, he turned the small mutt to face Al, and with an aggressive grasp of his open hand, turned Draeko’s jaw upward to expose him.
His makeup was smeared around his nose and mouth, nostrils exposed and visibly chapped, his lips quivered as tear stained, white cheeks bursted into flames of embarrassment. How could Kanai expose him like this ? He felt more than vulnerable in this current state, but as his head was turned into an upward position to look up at Al, it also opened him up to the photic pressure of stage lights. The flashing of the stage decor proving to be too much, and his small frame shook before he finally lost control. “Ehh’Gxxtch! GSH’IEw!” It hit Alistar across the neck by surprise, the other not quite tall enough to decorate his perfectly dressed face.
“Oh Ho? Good eye,” The red head spoke out loud, though it seemed to be eaten by the sounds of ‘In My Room’ playing loudly amongst them, Kanai could read lip his best friend, loud and clear. “Shall we?” Raising a mischievously red brow. He was met with a hungry, almost darkened gaze from the other’s heterochromiatic orbs. Wasting no time the two each took one of Draeko’s sweating palms and rushed him through the side of the crowd, crimson eyes scanning every and any venue available to turn their pet inside out.
“Backstage?” Kanai pointed toward the far left area, guarded by two large men but Al smirked devilishly before nodding back behind to his friend.
“Got it,” the three approached and immediately the guards were ready to stand their ground, but one heated look from the red head and a few moments in time, Al was synced in.
“We have VIP, we are allowed back here, no one else is permitted to follow or open the dressing room lounge,” he stated the following as if the red head had been working there this whole night, and almost to confirm he had, the security both nodded their heads, stepped aside and allowed the three to pass through the curtain. Once behind the stage, there were many people buzzing about, and otherwise not paying much mind to the group. They slid their way past the hall to the dressing room with a very large star plastered on the wood of the door.
“Eh?” Raising a cocky, yet satisfied brow back at his best friend, Kanai, raised his own back in confirmation. The three of them slid inside the room, locking it closed behind as it was almost immediate that the atmosphere changed. Each demon turned to face the mutt who’s cover was now, incredibly blown.
“Ok…HGNXT! Wait…” he tried stifling the incoming brew, while also giving himself adequate time to explain himself and his disposition.
“See? Keeping secrets,” Kanai shook his head, folding his arms across his chest as the alcohol within his system began to outweigh this normally stoic, and calm demeanor. He was almost, hungry, glaring Draeko down as the mutt snuffled loudly.
“No! K’GNSH! ehh’Gxxtchh! It’d nod lig thad!” Waving his hands about himself frantically in front of his body, as he was backed into a wall by the hovering men he swallowed nervously, wiping at his nose with his sleeve.
“I don’t know….Nai…it looks like there was malice behind this decision, what do you think?” The darkness only spreading between the two, feeding off each other now. A dangerous position to be in.
“Definitely, what good was he providing by holding back on you? He knows what a delightful treat this is…” Kanai’s tone was so different, it brought chills down the hybrid’s spine, the hairs on his arms raised as the hound stepped into him. “Why would you withhold a treat from Donnie, hm? Pet?” The hellion rarely reduced him down to an owned vessel, but something about it now…was making his already reddened face hotter than before. Kanai lifted Drae’s chin with his index and thumb, pinching him with a tender squeeze as he forced his eyes up into the ceiling light.
“I-…d-didn’t— hihh’GXXTsh’iiew! H’GXTSH’ue!” It ached and itched, staring into the brightness only forced the sneezes out faster.
“Oh but you did,” Al clicked his tongue, slowly undoing his belt now with an echoing clank that bounced off the walls of the dressing room.
“Nai? Present him,” he looked over at the other, almost with boredom behind his eyes, but a much darker hint of mischief hiding within.
“Rightfully so, Donnie,” the man responded before swiftly, his hand let go of Draeko’s chin only to grip him in one swoop by the neck. His fingers tightened before forcibly dragging the mutt to his knees, turned around now so he was facing Alistar, Kanai standing behind as he forced the smaller’s face up to look at the red head.
“K’GNSH’iiew! Wait I— ehh’GXTTCH!” An assault of fine drizzle dusting the air and spaces between he and the demon. Alistar grunted like a feral animal, only wishing to have been closer to the casualty of spit.
“That’s gonna feel real good on my dick…no covering… make your hands useful,” his head nodded in the direction of the hell hound watching intently behind Draeko’s kneeling body. The pink and mint haired sniffling mess nodded, wiping his hands off at his thighs. “AHT, you can’t rub my mans dry like that…come on,” Drae whimpered with slight embarrassment, being used for their pleasure and entertainment, he wriggled helplessly for friction where he kneeled.
Cupping his hands in front of his mouth, the mutt blinked a few times, before directly looking into the light above Al. It felt like static trickling from the inside of his brain down the center of his nostrils. “H’h…”
“That’s right cub, go on,” Al bit his lower lip with anticipation, Kanai working his own belt and zipper while they waited for Draeko to blow.
“Hh’NDKT’ih! H’GXXTsh’uh! Plead….” The mutt whimpered for mercy as his eyes wept and his nose reddened. The spray came out in a quick explosion, moistening his hands, but when Al looked down he shook his head.
“More,” now the navy haired man spoke, his voice sending a chill down the center of Draeko’s spine.
“But I— Ihh’gxxnt’IIEW! Ehh’gxxtch’IEW! K’GNSH! HN’GSH!” This time a wave of messy saliva came ricocheting off his lips and into the fleshy pit of his cupped hands. Now as they glistened under the harsh lighting, the red head smirked with satisfaction.
“Much better,” Al looked up to meet his gaze to Kanai, they both grinned at each other, something Kanai never does unless…he’s being mischievous.
“Excellent work, Ko…” the hound praised the male kneeling in the middle of them. The alcohol burning in his veins as it only made him thirstier for more, dying to hear the other squealing in a puddle of his own miserable symptoms. Draeko nodded as his nose dribbled slightly, the red head reaching down to wipe it away with the back of his thumb then across the fabric of his jeans.
“There you go, cub,” smirking before he began to fully unsheathe himself from his pants and boxer briefs to expose his hard length to Draeko’s pouting and swollen mouth. His hands already reaching one to grip Kanai’s also now freed length, and Alistar’s. Twisting his body just slightly to get the right position. He started slowly slicking his salvia covered hands over each cock, squeezing as his fingers pressed tenderly into their veins.
“Hnn..hh’…” trying to fight it off as his focus was trying to make the two men feel good, though his head was forcibly shoved back, reunited with the breaking overhead light and a rough voice.
“Out with it,” Kanai licked his teeth impatiently, hips very slightly meeting each motion. His fingers tightening with the other soft strands of hair.
“H’GXTSH’ue! Hihh’GXXTsh’iiew! Hh’NDKT’ih!” Draeko sprayed a mess of saliva all over the brunt of Alistar’s well kept red bush. Droplets of spit living within the soft hairs there. The demon groaned, they both did, watching the mutt’s wet mouth pout up at them.
“You’re so god damn sexy,” Alistar growled low from within the base of his chest. “Nai? Assistance?” His gaze switched up casually to meet with the other’s equally lust filled gaze.
“My pleasure,” he responded before directly forcing Draeko’s gawked mouth forward toward Al’s twitching length. Taking the scene in at hand, Drae knew what was being demanded of him.
“H’gxNT!” Draeko ate the sneeze, stifling to keep it at bay as he then was faced with Al’s waiting length.
“Nah, give your Master a good one before you suck…go on,” he licked his lips while red orbs gazed down at him hungrily. The pink and mint haired male nodded with tears welling in his eyes while the tickling sensation of torment prickled up his sinuses, and his reddened face could hold fast no longer.
“K’GNSH’iiew!!” It blew out all over the male, and before he could even shut his lips and wipe his face clean, the demon shoved his cock clear down the hybrid’s throat, making him gag slightly at the sudden pressure.
“Gooood…don’t forget Nai…” his words came out staggered as he tried not to be selfish in this. Kanai’s thrusts getting faster as he watched the scene unfold.
“Hmm impossibly he’s doing very well…however the hand is getting almost, boring,” he considered the options as he stepped back. Drae looked up at Al, over at Kanai but inevitably his eyes rolled backward when the large hound grabbed him by his haunches and properly propped him on his knees. “I’m very interested in being inside that warm little entrance of his,” almost like a salivating dog, Kanai could no longer find the right threshold for responsibility. Ripping the male’s jeans down his ass and pooled at the ankle.
“Hnn~…” Drae moaned, but as he felt Alistar’s length slipping in and out of his throat, he found it was not a solution for the consistent itch. For the never ending boiling prickle that fought its way to the surface. “Ggg…” he gargled around the anti-Christ’s cock, whimpering when he felt Kanai push both his cheeks apart and a very warm, wet object was tickling at his hole. The hound’s mouth closing around it, sucking, and penetrating the puckered space with his tongue.
“Look at you, sicker than a dog, but still happily taking cock from your owners…..you’re such a good slut,” Al nearly purred with the words dripping off his lips, a bead of sweat trailing down the side of his makeup. The white foundation starting to crack and break through the other’s furrowed brows. Draeko’s makeup long smeared a while back, but as snot and tears trickled down leaving clear streaks across patches of misused white, both the hellions found a very interestingly new Fetish on board.
“Maybe we should put Drae in makeup more often,” Al laughed. Kanai pulled back from the smaller’s ass if only to respond and align his own length as he looked up with a darkened grin.
“I like that idea…it looks…delicious while it melts off his face,” there was something behind the grey hellion’s tone. It wasn’t the usual monotonous sound, void of emotion. This was something scarier, like a creature that had been living inside him all along. Void of any consideration as he usually held, this was the sound of something sinister. Alistar chuckled, grinning deeply at the other.
“Good to see he’s still in there,” referring to the natural demon within them both. The hound nodded with an ominous grin displayed over his features, and with a quick spit into his hand, he rubbed it over his length, and without a second to consider, shoved his way past the tightened ringlet. Draeko felt himself filled to the brim, trying to keep his concentration, but he could only press his forehead to Al’s hip bone. His hand worked, and pumped, his tongue lapping and licking desperately but he was so full. His nose. His ass. His mouth. So full. He whimpered weakly and both the hellions chuckled through breathless grunts.
“H’GXTS—!” But as it was flying out mid sneeze, the demon shot his cock back down his throat to feel the tightened contraction and choking struggle of Drae’s throat around him. “G-STXH!” Gagging behind the red head’s length, drool trailing down the sides of his mouth, eyes blood shot as he rocked back and forth between his mouth and ass being filled by either demon.
“Oh this was a great idea, Nai, I’m so glad you caught on….” the anti-Christ grunted through his tense jaw, they both lifted their arms and clasped their hands together. Now both of them using the force of Drae’s holes like a seesaw as they made eye contact.
“It’s even more incredible after the beverages…” Kanai chuckled breathlessly, before grabbing his best friend by the back of the neck and pulling him in for a long heated kiss. It was a tangle, a collection of bodies, tongues and sweat. Whoever was to come in here later was going to be displeased with the musky, hot scent of sex drenching the air.
Draeko’s body trembled, and fought against the natural instinct to collapse under these two larger men but he wasn’t raised a bitch. Instead he only planted his knees harder and worked to bob his head at an increasingly noticeable speed that caused the red head to moan deeply into the navy haired man’s mouth. “H—ah…” Kanai separated their kiss only to lean back and put a ton more force behind his thrusts. Kanai’s hands gripping tightly to the mutt’s hips, digging into the flesh with possession, while Al’s hands were buried and tightly gripped to the smaller’s sweating strands of hair.
“Im gonna fucking …..bust…fuck…” Alistar grunted as his back arched, his thrusts getting desperate while Draeko’s wet face looked up with pleasing green and grey eyes. Almost begging to be filled up like a Twinkie from both ends.
“Alistar….Im…” the hound trying to get his own warning in, but at the time both demons struggled to keep their orgasms at bay, Drae, too, found himself in a particularly demanding obstacle. He needed to sneeze, again. His throat was shoved to the brim with cock, he would choke, surely. His brows folded inward and he did his best to fight against the forcible hand that just kept shoving him back down. Alistar pushed himself until no more could physically go in, and he bursted hot seed straight down the mutt’s mouth. As his orgasm rocked him, his grip loosened which gave the hybrid the perfect opportunity. He pulled his head back and out it went.
“ehh’Gxxtchh’iew!!!” There was a mixture of cum, and saliva that came out in a mistral cloud in front of him, spraying across Al’s slowly draining length, and as he watched Drae suffer with his nut leaking out his sneezing nostrils. He couldn’t help but smirk in satisfaction as well as starting to notice Kanai getting more erratic. Watching closely as well to the other’s weakened disposition. It was enough to send him over his own edge.
“Ha…hhh—…” the hell hound stammered before his ecstasy consumed him, spilling deep within Draeko’s hole, he nearly slumped over, had he not forgotten where they were.
“Fuck…we should probably clean up and get the fuck out of here before…” a jiggle of the handle, and swift knock on the door.
“Hey who the fuck is in here?” The familiar voice of Violent J could be heard by them all from outside the door.
“Holyshit…It’s J…” the redhead whispered nervously as he fixed himself, looked in the mirror and started fixing his hair as well.
“Do you plan to fuck J as well?” Kanai asked curiously, wondering why there was a sudden need to impress as he slowly pulled himself out of Draeko and began to tuck himself away.
“No….I mean….you think he would?” He turned around suddenly, almost, a little too hopeful.
“Uh…guys dod’t mead to be a bubber but we godda go home,” Draeko snuffled softly as he finally wiped at his nose, and mouth with his sleeve, though staining it with the blackened marks of makeup.
“Correct, we should get the fuck outta here,” Alistar nodded before doing a double check that everyone seemed….as decent as they could. It was pretty damn clear Draeko got his entire body defouled but Al and Kanai looked relatively normal…despite the smeared makeup from when they kissed. Regardless, Al opened the door and opened his arms wide as if he knew the two artists standing behind it.
“J! Shaggy! Nice to meet you! Big fan!” The demon winked trying to distract from the fact the other two were trying to shuffle their way out of the room.
“Who the fuck are these clowns?” Shaggy asked his musical counterpart with almost a look of pure annoyance.
“Fans?” J looked back just as confused z
“Excuse me gentlemen, sorry to bother, my friend is a big fan, but realistically we just wanted to fuck our pet back here, all is well now,” Kanai clasped his hands around each wrist of his roommates and quickly pulled them out of the dressing room, down the hall, and out the back exit toward the parking lot.
“Did they just….say..?” Shaggy turned to J both of them bewildered and confused as the three misfits made their way from the scene of the crime.
“I missed the concert….but I love cumming,” the demon shrugged. “Plus I get to hear those cute kitten sneezes all night and possibly all week, BONUS, I met the band, so how can I even be mad?” Al snorted before slinging an arm around his best friend’s shoulders. “Good game in there,”
“Agreed…however, my head is starting to hurt rather badly now…I think the alcohol may be turning sour on me,” his grey hand came up to fondle and massage at his aching temples.
“We will just stop and get another bottle, you’ll be fine…we gotta pass out candy and scare the kids anyway,” Alistar started fishing through his jeans again to find the car keys. Quickly pulling them out in order to get the vehicle unlocked.
“Al…snddfff…cad you aldo picg me ub some chiggen noodle soub?” Draeko being the first to climb back into the car, he lazily flopped against the side of the backseat, curling his legs up to his chest.
“Yeah, I can pick you up some soup, kid,” Al responded simply, getting into the driver’s seat and looking behind at the mutt through the mirror.
“Danks…” he sniffles again before they all pile their way back into the car and make way for the rest of their, sickly Halloween.
The End
Author’s Notes: I’m sorry I’m laaaaaaate! Truthfully I didn’t wanna post without the cover :T Geez is my bread and butter. Hope you guys enjoyed a bit of a feral Kanai 🥵
23 notes · View notes
genericpuff · 1 year
Dude…You.. are truly a mean spirited person by the way you attack Rachel and her comic. I was hoping to see actual valid criticism on this blog that are good takes and respectful…but all I see is a savage, hate-mongering being; projecting your own personal fears on fictional Greek gods, with loads of malice; accusing RS of so many things that’s not even an issue in the slightest.. like bro are we reading the same story?? Bc I’d assume you’d dislocate your shoulders from all the reaching you do, to just cherry and nitpick the comic so much; at this point I think you’re dedicating your life’s work to shitting on this comic with asinine accusations?? hell, I get the comic aint perfect but the way y’all shit on it damn near has the same level of hate you’d normally have for a fucked up, white supremacist manifesto…. have you ever sought inner peace or?? what’s the problem,,,
Your views are truly horrid and y’all are why ppl are scared to come out with their own series bc of malicious people like you getting kicks of punching down an author and mocking them instead of being more civil with your views. Probably haven’t considered creators like RS with ADHD have RSD too huh… maybe haven’t considered how ppl with RSD got symptoms where it’s pretty difficult to take criticism…lmao.. aaaaand yet you antis are just as barbaric as obsessive LO stans and y’all just won’t leave well alone smfdh
Heaven help you fr. Hope you cease your obsessive hate for a fictional story and seek actual help than pouring all this hate on a book and pointing fingers at issues that’s nonexistent in the series.😒
Ooh yay it's been a while since I've gotten an ask calling me out. Love to see it :3
So here's the fun thing - I do have way less "spicy" takes on the comic (because let's face it, the definition of "valid" in this context is often... very subjective, I've seen people call the most respectful criticisms and reviews of LO "hate" plenty of times before) but I also just enjoy dunking on it because it's fun and it's how I engage with this comic that, believe it or not, I did genuinely used to love. I don't talk this much shit about comics I've never cared about. Boyfriends and Let's Play are also both godawful but I never loved them quite as much as I loved LO back when I used to read it religiously, so I just don't feel like talking about them as much as I do LO. Saturday nights used to be my favorite night of the week but they became dreadful after a while as my love for the series' drained relative to its decline. Now I have to find other things to look forward to on Saturdays, so I've gone ahead and made my own things, things that have rejuvenated the feelings I used to feel reading LO.
Here's another fun fact, in case you're new to Tumblr and don't know how it works - this is just my account that's dedicated solely to LO stuff. There are other things that I do besides shit-talking this comic and using it as fuel to create my own interpretations of it, but you don't see that here because this blog is, again, purely for my LO related stuff. I also have a day job that's completely unrelated to webcomics, and draw webcomics that aren't related to LO. I spent like.... 6 hours playing Slime Rancher today. I know it doesn't look like I have a life outside of this when you sift through my anti-LO-themed blog of queued posts all in one go, but I do lmao
Sorry I don't have a more satisfying response than "it's fun!" I have a great time in this community, everyone in it has been genuinely sweet and caring and accepting. Many of the people in this community are genuine friends now, who I go to for things outside of LO, from comic discussion to real life talk.
You know which community doesn't make me feel safe or welcome? The core LO community that's come at me in my inbox, snuck into our fan groups to spy, and even outright made bots to breach our privacy. As soon as I had even the slightest bit of criticism for the comic, back during the trial arc, they decided I wasn't "one of them" and I realized I was terrified of being an "anti" because I knew how anti's were treated by the community. I had to find ways to accept my own feelings as they were changing and having the antiLO/UnpopularLO community accept me the way they did... really changed my perspective on the whole "fandom" thing. I can take part in both sides in the anti/unpopular community - praise and criticism. Maybe consider for a second the only reason the criticism is so loud... has to do with the fact the comic itself isn't worth praising anymore.
All that aside, it's fine if you don't like my takes or don't agree with how I choose to spend my time! There are both better and even worse takes out there from other people just as pissed as I am about the turn LO has taken. None of those people, myself included, do what we do to "make" others hate the comic or hate on Rachel. None of us are encouraging outright bullying directly at Rachel, we're literally just curating our own space for discussion and memes and art and writing surrounding this dumb little comic that many of us did find enjoyment in back when it first started. And I don't think any of us are saying that because we don't like this comic, that means we're gonna automatically trash on anyone else's just for existing? Because, again, none of us encourage direct bullying, and if anything, all these accounts have inspired more people to take up comic creating through AU and fanfic content of the source material that they wish could have been better. If anyone's legitimately "scared" to go into webcomics because of a few strangers' opinions on the Internet about a massive commercial comic that's completely unrelated to their own work and far above what most creators will ever make... well, I don't know how to fix that or help with that. Maybe apply your own advice that you're giving me in your ask and stop caring so much? I'm just a person engaging in one of their many hyperfixations on the Internet and there are others who happen to share in my interests and enjoy my takes, whether or not that includes the saltier ones. There's nothing special enough about me to warrant any sort of finger-pointing like what you're doing. I'm not a monolith nor am I the end-all-be-all to webcomic creation or discussion lmao
It's honorable you want to defend Rachel, or people with ADHD/RSD. I can't shame you for that. But coming onto my blog that's themed around antiLO/unpopularLO content and doing the same thing you're claiming I'm doing (which I'm not because again, it's not like I'm going directly at Rachel with any of the things I say or do and I would never encourage anyone else do that either lol) is a little... hypocritical, don't you think?
But - sass time - what do I know. I'm just someone who's also ADHD. Autistic with RSD too! Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, as none of us can speak on behalf of the entire neurodivergent community.
Appreciate the crit though, thank you for taking the time to write <3 Sorry to hear my blog didn't turn out to be what you expected but... I don't recall ever setting those expectations in the first place. At least not when I started. Now that Rekindled's a thing I suppose people aren't gonna expect blatant trashing when they find it but that's why I'm also trying to move away from purely trashing on LO so that I can put my time and energy into more productive stuff (even if that "productive stuff" is making a comic that started as an LO-spite project LOL)
But at the same time... I mean, is it really that surprising? Like I guess this can serve as a general "heads up" to anyone else who's new here, but I do not go easy on LO and have a lot to say about it (and I'm very loud and disgruntled about it) but I figured most people would realize that's the amount of spite needed to redraw the whole thing as I'm doing right now LMAO Like c'mon, you think someone who only dislikes LO mildly would really put in all this work? 🤣 I do it because I can't stand to see where it's gone, and I want to give myself and others who were disappointed alongside me the closure we all deserve. Trying my best, at least (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
That's all for now! Have a good one :' )
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Y’all will be your own undoing the fact none of you have not even the slightest bit of doubt is rather worrying. what happens if neither is endgame and let’s say Mike is killed off? You can’t say that won’t happen either because you don’t know the same way you can’t say byler is endgame because you don’t know hell even milevens can’t say they’re ship is endgame because they don’t know. Ego is ruining both sides and neither side is correct and shouldn’t proclaim to be.
I'm sorry anon, but I'm not all bylers. While there are a great deal of bylers like myself who have less doubts these days, there are plenty that have mostly doubts. PLENTY. Arguably the vast majority. And for good reason, ie. history.
To be completely honest anon, I don't think you're worried about bylers and their lack of doubts. I think their lack of doubt scares you bc it's caused you to go from confident to having doubts yourself. Why else would you be here on anon all condescending otherwise?
Personally, I'm not even here bc I want to believe byler's endgame. And no offense to those that have went through it, because the whole point of queer-baiting is to basically mock queer fans and lead them on with no intention of following through, but I have never been queer-baited before.
I did however, like many milkvans, go into Stranger Things loving Mike and El under the assumption they were peak romance. I literally skipped all of s2 during my first rewatch to get to their reunion! But genuinely, do we think the show is supposed to be watched that way?? Hell no.
If you're having to skip all of s2, most of s3, most of s4 in rewatches, bc Mike and El are separated, fighting, or broken up, what does that tell you?
If you're having resentments for characters like Max and Lucas and Will and Hopper bc the story has made points to have those characters interfere with your confidence in Mike and El romantically, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're probably watching the show wrong. To be clear, if you have resentment for ANY of the main characters, you are missing something!!!
And that was my problem back then when I subscribed to these assumptions, because I WANTED to believe Mike and El were the pinnacle of romance, despite the signs incoming that went against it. And what that meant is I had to hold resentments for all the characters, including Mike and El themselves and even the Duffer Brothers for ruining what I WANTED to believe.
After s3, me, my friends, family and quite honestly anyone I spoke to about the show, said that it went downhill since the previous two seasons. And I do think a big part of the reason why, is because of the Mike and El conflict conflating everything. It felt regressive. And s4 repeating that exact storyline????
It took me a while to even consider byler as an idea. It's not like I latch onto every non-canon mlm ship and just ship for nothing (very few bylers do this, no matter how much anti's need to convince themselves this is the case as an excuse to be homophobic).
I am a hopeless romantic. Doesn't matter if it's queer or straight, I only ship stuff that I feel confident is endgame bc why would I put myself through scenes of something that doesn't feel right to me, merely bc I want to believe it and despite everything pointing against it??
Full serious, IF I was confident in milkvan endgame as a possibility, I would probably just convince myself to like them and provide evidence supporting it, bc I would honestly rather be right? Who tf wants to be wrong?
The problem was it didn't matter if I was initially convinced Mike and El were the pinnacle of romance (I was a child okay, give me a break...). Once I let go of that assumption because of all the doubts I had of them piling up, and took off my heteronormative goggles, I went woah... Holy shit. This show is actually fucking epic. Doubts gone. And the rest is history.
So, what happens if neither is endgame and Mike's killed off? I guess I would be confused, especially because the Duffer's specifically mentioned not being able to kill off Mike in a podcast last year. They gave their reasoning as to why, being that they take deaths on their show very seriously, needing 1+ seasons for them to show the characters mourning the loss. And so ending the show on that exact note, would be kind of a spoiler since they brought it up specifically? Therefore kind of redundant?
I guess, sue me for thinking the Duffers care about the show and put a lot of meaning into it. All of my analysis and theories are based on that assumption. No one's going to change how I think about that, so trust me, not worth getting worked up over it, anon.
If your evidence is all based on the assumption that the Duffers are not that good of writers, that almost everything on the show is coincidental and there's no deeper meaning beyond surface level, why are you even watching it in the first place? You do you I guess, but I just don't know why you wouldn't want to watch something that is more worth your time?
People being confident in their theories wont hurt you. If it bothers you so much, maybe find a way to be confident with your theories after looking at all the evidence from both sides. All sides. Any sides. If you still come up completely indifferent, then don't work yourself up by going on anon and making it other peoples' problem.
If it turns out everything meant nothing, and I was wrong about everything or most of what I interpreted, I will be okay! Because the show went from being about what I wanted to believe, to just what I genuinely believed.
Would I be disappointed? Sure. But lets hope I'm right bc in my scenario the show is epic and everything means something... not sure why anyone would root for the alt...
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 years
Whats up with shippey and hosstetter? I know i didn’t spell that right, sorry :( I’m extrapolating from your posts that shippey is a racist but Ive never encountered his academic works so I’m like, who is he and why was he associated with trop? And isnt hosstetter one of the guys who put together NOME? the other two incidences of eowyn scholarship you described are ludicrously awful btw. Thinking I need to do some more tolkien scholarship reading simply so that I’m in the loop on the terrible academic takes
Tom Shippey is one of the most well known 'Tolkien Academics' there are. He was incredibly present for the Jackson films and featured on the BTS footage for the extended editions quite a bit. He is also one of the guys who SO insists on comparing Sam and Frodo to 'officer and batman' rather than allowing any queer interpretation. In this paper I just read, Melissa cited Tom Shippey's pushing for the rohirrim to be viewed as a barbaric culture. His academia is as bland and traditionalist as you can find, he works tirelessly to reinforce the most narrow minded catholic-nationalistic ways of reading Tolkien and really the reason he is known so well and cited so widely is because he does indeed have an academic background and can write fairly cogent arguments (not that that's saying much, and memorably he stated that Denethor killed himself because he saw the corsair ships coming up the river, when Beregond says they've been aware of the corsairs for days). Tom Shippey insists on propping up this culture of Tolkien idealism and is a major part of the problem with Tolkien academia.
He's associated with RoP because he was originally a part of the project but left after a while. There is a rumour he was fired, which had the whole goddamn anti-rop mob frothing at the mouth, but Tom Shippey himself stated his leaving was unrelated to the project itself or it's runners and that he'd not been fired. Secretly I still hope they fired him though.
Carl Hostetter is indeed the author and compiler of Nature of Middle Earth. And after that book's publication he went onto reddit and facebook and wrote reams in disgust at 'The Left having to make everything about sex' when some fans were excitedly interpreting the melotorni/meletheldi (love brothers and love sisters) new notes that were in NoME as canonising queer relationships between elves. Carl Hostetter was also involved with RoP, in particular the translations and linguistics of the show, so hopefully not the plot itself. But hell will freeze over before a show set in middle earth gives us a canonically queer character so I doubt he had much impact on that front. In general he is also one of the traditionalists who idolise Tolkien and hold academia back from any interesting directions.
If you want to be more involved with tolkien academia I recommend actually starting with the tolkien society seminars on youtube, specifically the 2021 diversity seminar found HERE. It's both an easier way to get into tolkien academia than just trawling through all the disparate platforms of tolkien academic work in search of something worth reading, whilst also giving you an excellent snapshot of, essentially THE UPPER LIMITS of Tolkien academic progressiveness. I am not kidding when I say the works within are the furthest into feminist/queerfriendly/antiracist/disability-minded academia the tolkien community has ever gotten. So it's good to set your expectations, it's all downhill from here. Dimitra Fimi's work is still considered and often cited as THE best published work to do with Tolkien and racism and she STILL in that work has to devote pages to reassuring people Tolkien himself wasn't racist.
'Dwarves are not heroes: Antisemitism and the Dwarves in Tolkien's Writing' is an excellent piece (the only goddamn mythlore paper that's readable) and really does dig down into the clear issues, but the author, again, has to devote time to reassuring people that Tolkien himself was not anti-semetic. The culture of treating Tolkien like an un-impeachable religious figure is hardwired into the community.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
"Deconstructing" the Dark Lord
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There's a lot of things to be said about this character.
The most i usually say is "it's a mix of things that could have been seperate" and there's a good reason: He's a character almost made special by the ingredients combined that define him.
And each idea that represents him lead to fans expect anything but the final result and i believe even id themselves have second thoughts about this character (You've probably heard the idea that he was supposed to have a dragon phase).
So this post of mine is both me explaining why some fans didn't like the Dark Lord, while also thinking out ideas that could've worked or appealed more to fans.
Even if some of these ideas don't make a lot of sense or "contradict lore", it's more about Doom "being epic" and how some concepts rank in a "cool factor" for a series like Doom (At least considering some fans).
MAJOR SPOILERS, even if this is Doom.
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People expected a 1v1 style duel where you fight a "mirror/copy" of Doomguy and not a "retouched Marauder" (This specifically feels wrong in the era of the series where lore matters a bit more and there's a special focus around Doomguy's current state as the ultimate demon killer).
The explenation of him looking like Doomguy may not help: I forgot but i think it's a weird context that means Doomguy IS the actual copy even if not intentional (To fans, Doomguy's appeal is that he was a random guy that got into a whole mess and wasn't always special).
And i guess how Doomguy's face isn't faithfull enough in 3D yet, but i mentioned that in a previous post of mine.
Ideally, "Evil Doomguy" could be like this:
Make the armor like the Immora/Skullface/Cultist skins where it's a demonic version of the Praetor suit.
Give him an arsenal of different weapons that are bound to phases.
The phase weapon system means he could start with a weak pistol and shotgun, like he's growing his arsenal by phases.
His weapons (Shotguns, chaingun, rifle, rocket launcher, plasma rifle, Gauss/Ballista equivalent etc) would have somewhat unique/different alt fires/mods even if their primary fires are the same as the player's.
At the last phase, he'd obviously have a BFG9000 and a Crucible with its own melee attacks.
Even his Chainsaw has melee attacks.
He can also double jump and dash, while also having his own equipment launcher cannon.
He can glory kill nearby fodder enemies for resources: THIS right here is his weakness, because he can run out of resources and has to fight for them like Doomguy does, so it's like a window of opportunity to hit him back.
His health bar has his own animated face on the HUD, just to show how much of a Doomguy clone he is.
At some point, his helmet falls during combat and he shows his face.
Lore: Make him a creation by Hell that exists as a mix of both fear and hatred Hell has toward Doomguy.
Alt lore idea: Remember Doomguy's boss that was mentioned in the D1 manual? Maybe he ended up going through his own journey through Hell and became an "Anti-Slayer" (And then his shoulder equip launcher is like a snake creature).
Stage? Maybe something like a "deathmatch arena" you'd expect out of Quake 3 or something, since a simple large circular area won't be good enough.
The idea of a rival for Doomguy seems special when you consider factors like how the Marauder still had a limited arsenal, when D3 has a boss that was Doomguy's boss turned into a monster with the BFG9000, zombie soldiers always carrying familiar/ingame weapons etc.
Plus, "evil version of the protagonist" is popular in some other games as well, so it's like Doom lied about its own version of it.
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(Scythe 2 screenshot taken from Doomwiki, since the wad includes an "evil marine" that the player faces; Speaking of which, Colorfull Hell had a boss called "Player 9" that replaces the Zombieman and it's a fake deathmatch player invading your game)
Also, remember “voodoo dolls” from the Doom engine? Imagine if Doomguy saw these strange copies of him before facing an “anti-Doomguy” and the player even had to avoid shooting these Doomguy clones because they’d cost Doomguy’s health as well (Because that’s technically why they’re called “voodoo dolls” to begin with and are how some WADs get to do weird things not even id themselves considered).
Because if it's not the Icon of Sin, maybe "the Devil" could have been a bigger creature, almost like planet size or even "Hell itself" if you assume that an infinite, reality defying, evil dimension can be its own living entity.
A “planet sized demon” could easily be Doom’s version of Junji Ito’s Remina, like something as a follow up to “Doomguy shoots the BFG10K on Mars to make a hole” and even a nod to TNT Revilution’s first skybox, but with for example an Icon of Sin head attached to Jupiter or something.
So depending on how "eldritch" and giant the "CEO of Hell" would be implied to be, i thought of a boss fight where you're "inside the beast" and combines level puzzle elements with combat.
Visually, it has a weird surreal aesthetic like all the weirdest parts of Hell combined and some new weird elements.
But there's a variety of weak points (Some shootable, others punchable, even some where you jump on top of them like that "Jumpable" enemy idea i wrote before) where the Player fights the beast they're inside in, while avoiding hazards and traps to stay alive.
Maybe there's special artifacts or items (Some unique to this fight) to keep the player closer to their goal.
In general, this idea is inspired by stuff like the classic IOS and Quake's Chthon and Shub fights where the level design is part of defeating the boss (Along with D2RPG having the VIOS or something).
Then there's the seemingly unused "6 archdemons".
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Maybe we could even go with the idea that Hell has a lot more "dark lords" because humans will never truly comprehend who rules Hell, as if it was meant to confuse humans.
Meanwhile, John Romero's SIGIL ending text had the phrase "Baphomet was only doing Satan's bidding" and the episode made use of Christopher Lovell's pre-existing "Satanic" artwork.
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Also, the “real Devil of Doom” could involve a “ultimate endgame” style level where reality is falling apart and you see different assets of Hell/Earth/Mars/Sentinel Prime/Urdak/etc fused and mixed, while the level has non-euclidean geometry and gravity attached to different surfaces and even the skybox shows different backgrounds fused, to indicate Hell messing up with reality.
I think people were already fine with The Father, even if not with the twist of him also being VEGA.
But to think Doomguy technically "kills God" because him and "Satan" were the same thing seems odd.
Maybe this also depends on how people feel about Urdak and whether or not Doom is getting "less Christian" even if the series never tapped that much into "accurate" Biblical references.
It's something that could have been a super heavy enemy at best, like if Immora's army had mech guys or even if 2016's Hell Guard made a comeback with a tech aesthetic (Yet again, something i wrote in a previous post).
Davoth wearing this armor doesn't really give the idea of being "on pair" with Doomguy.
It's weird because the mech itself makes him bigger than Doomguy but he only has few attacks.
The use of the name “Davoth” and one of the concept art knight designs of the Dark Lord could inspire a tall humanoid Immoran knight that references Goliath; So imagine if Immora had a 12 feet tall knight named Davoth and he could be a miniboss or something.
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The name itself isn't bad and neither is that "metal heart" thing on his chest, even if it sounds like i'm talking about reusing them for something else.
Might be getting it wrong, but wasn't he mad that he didn't found immortality or something and that lead to him being betrayed by his own servants?
Because when you think of the idea of Hell, you'd think he could have been "Evil for the sake of it".
May seem weird for a series whose appeal is "badass space marine destroys the ultimate place of evil".
Also something i talked about before but:
The idea of "Hell's heart" being a city with humans seems weird for, again, the place of evil where bad people go where they die.
And the sci-fi aesthetic seems weird, not just because "they painted Urdak red" but because the original games already had an idea of "Hell tech".
(Again, flesh walls with stabbing metal pipes and giant skull with computers inside the sockets)
When you think about it, it's as if Hell only ever had technology just to mock humans; Something in a "God creates, Satan imitates" way.
Even the Cultist Base aesthetic could've worked to suit the "evil technology" idea.
It's part of why i thought 2016 making it that the UAC created cybernetic demons is weird: It might weaken Hell a bit and take away the weirdness that the classic games already presented.
Because even if Hell had armies and stuff that almost put them on the same level as UAC/Sentinel soldiers, it should still have a touch of "evil magic" or as if something was created from a spiteful nature.
Indicating that Hell has a 100% evil "personality" that cannot be reasoned with.
And also, like i said: D2016's multiplayer had cooler demonic armor sets and the Reaper weapon was done dirty when used by the Demonic Troopers.
I thought Immora would work more if it was a "paradise for sinners" where its soldiers were sinners and evil former humans that were more competent than other former humans because they were "rewarded".
Maybe a legit Satanic cult paradise, where its humans are those that betrayed mankind?
And the fact that there's "humans" in Immora could justify them as "evil copies/parodies", so you could make demons that look "humanoid" but are still weird.
It's easy to see that The Ancient Gods shouldn't have been made under a year one season pass release contract.
But i wonder if even without those limitations, things would change that much.
Because Doom was never a "lore bound" series, which is why i think there's an "easy" solution to "bad lore ideas": Just having a new game do things differently, even if they "break lore".
Perhaps the fact we even think of "how to fix the Dark Lord" means there's a somewhat positive impact on the DL existing in general: A reminder that Doom is fun to reinterpret.
Whether it's for fun or because some fans weren't happy with certain things.
One can also see thing as "fans making Doom more epic than it actually is", even if it's not new/caused by new fans when older fans were always doing that too.
"What about the dragon idea?" Maybe make that a seperate monster/boss, even with some homage to the D3 Maledict or even Quake and Hexen or something.
FooSarr did an interesting video about a demonic Wintherin, but i already posted it before.
And semi-related but Bethesda artist Jonah Lobe drew a "demonic" version of the Doomslayer.
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Perhaps a criticism is that it factors too much into certain D2016 aspects that made the demons "even more alien than in D3", though this is a prespective worth mentioning in a different post.
Honestly, it feels like there's a lot of ways you can go with "evil Doomguy"; Again, me talking about Doom's "true versatility" even if it's too easy to talk about it than anything actually being made.
At least the idea of Doomguy being put to rest after defeating the main bad guy isn't so bad and i guess his theme song wasn't bad either.
Could have said something about the "final fight" starring the Sentinel army and how Doomguy needed to go to Earth to use the gate to Divum or something but maybe for another post.
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The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom. They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood.
I love this part so much because my mind instantly goes "Bolton looks" and my Theon x& Cersei (interpretative dynamic I like ships when they are unclear) au involves a Tywin who didn't die and sent Cersei to be married off to Roose and everyone is miserable. She would be horrible to Theon, but I think it would be hilarious to witness this terrible contrast in the way both of them deal with public humiliation and overall distaste for life.
This is a dumb concept of course but I'm still fond of it. I know the theoncersei ship is mostly a joke but I read that one fanfic on life journal and I think it could actually be so interesting if it were taken as a serious idea. Especially if we have a Theon who has been at the hands of Ramsay, but not enough to be so visibly changed as to not be recognised anymore. The idea of him being suddenly trusted back into society with people expecting him to act like nothing has happened because there would be no visual evidence is so interesting and painful to me. It has the type of trauma one develops after a failed suicide attempt, but even more complicated. An AU where he is expected to be functional (or as functional as he was during agot-acok) while internally dealing with everything that has happened to him...
I think there is something liberating about the Reek persona in the sense that there is no one who expects anything from him anymore (Alexa, play Bob Dylan's "Like a rolling stone"). He was so indignant when Jeyne asked for his help and to me that was entertaining because there was anger and rage at his internal treatment of her (What had she been thinking, that he would whistle up a winged horse and fly her out of here, like some hero in the stories she and Sansa used to love?) How dare she demand something from him? And then there is even more of that during TWOW when he is mentally raging at her for not remembering Mikken's name (Really Theon? Are YOU going to get mad at someone for hesitating at names?). Anyways there is so much anger in Theon during and after his torture, but it is always purely internal. From the outside, he is every whump fan's perfect protagonist. Poor little soggy meow meow who has been rivalling Dante's concept in Journey through Hell. From the inside it's a completely different thing (I like both of them. He is a reversible sweater and you can find beauty on both options); The way he refers to his torturers as "The Bastard's boys" (a nickname he doesn't dare to speak out loud but has given them himself. He indirectly refers to Ramsay as "Bastard" even if he is terrified of him) , the snark, the "she'll pray for you to march, Reek thought, and she'll pray that you never come back to her bed.", the way he thinks about the spearwives.
And yet all of that has to be repressed in order to keep himself alive and (considering the circumstances) safe. He has to swallow his pride and fury and his defiance and endure and I love that. Swallow your pride, my friend, it's not the worse thing you could swallow.
Cersei is different. Cersei almost always openly shows her disdain and fury at everything and everyone surrounding her and even after going through the cruellest humiliation she has suffered (Alexa, play Bob Dylan's "Like a rolling stone" again but this time the live version where people are booing him and he is sarcastically telling them how wonderful they are) she still keeps her head high, or as high as she can.
I don't know, both of them are on my top 5 pov characters and I would like them to interact beyond comedic relief type of dynamics (although I like those too) and I think there could be interesting explorations. I think in this weird nonsensical scenario where she becomes Cersei Bolton she would probably act like an anti-Jeyne in the sense that she too would demand for him to act more according to her notions of Theon Greyjoy but replacing Jeyne's soft and tender pleads for help with unjustified harshness and cruelty and a mocking type of defiance. Jeyne pets the dog, Barbrey taunts the dog, Cersei just straight up kicks it. I like imagining she would steal him from Ramsay as to have something mildly diverting in her boring Northerner lifestyle and that could be fun to explore.
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ultraericthered · 1 year
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So, uh... Lazytown was a thing during my adolescent years, but for me, only a thing I was aware of rather than a thing I was into. Even years later as I was becoming an adult and it had a revival, I only knew it through The Memes(TM). But late last year, partially on a whim and partially because August this year will mark the fifth anniversary of when a truly special, wonderful, and irreplaceable human being named Stefan Karl Stefansson tragically left this world, I decided to give Magnus Scheving’s original Icelandic stage play Áfram Latibær! and its direct sequel Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ (which introduced Stefansson as Glanni/Robbie) a watch. The first one was unironically fun but also super hokey and cheap in a lot of ways. The sequel was superior in almost all ways. Both of them got me in the mood to give a look to the TV show and see what I’d slept on (ha ha) for so long.
After having watched a few episodes here and there, I can say that this show...is basic. That’s really the best word for it. Worse childrens shows have been made, but better ones exist as well. Sometimes the writing is solid and will get a laugh out of me, other times it’s just dumb and eyeroll-inducing. I’m not a fan of the puppet characters and kind of check out when the focus is on them, the song and dance numbers can be hit or miss, Stephanie’s pretty cool when played by Julianna Rose Mauriello rather than Chloe Lang (more the material’s fault than Lang’s, she was a better Stephanie in her TikTok videos), and on that note I’m not even touching the Cartoonito Era of the show beyond the meme-worthy Robbie Rotten content it gave us. Also, how dare the show leave out Officer Obtuse, that is a crime!
But none of that matters because this post is really about the two characters pictured above - Robbie Rotten, played by the late and great Stefan Karl Stefansson, and Sportacus, played by Magnus Scheving himself. These two are what make the series for me. In the plays and the show, they’re the strongest elements. The actors’ portrayal of them is obviously a huge part of it (seriously, how the Hell was I sleeping on Robbie for so long? The guy’s legit hilarious!), but there’s something deeper that strikes me about them - they’re the best example of a Role Model VS an Anti Role Model I’ve ever seen.
What I mean by that is that Sportacus is the guy you like, you root for, and want to emulate in life. He’s there to make kids want to get more active, eat healthier, and make wiser life choices. Hell, he makes me want to get more active, eat healthier, and make wiser life choices! His athleticism and acrobatic abilities are like I’ve not seen since John Stork AKA Hyper-Strike on Who Wants To Be A Super Hero?, and his positive attitude and affable personality marks him as the Good Guy, the one you wish you could be like. ...But there’s always that awareness in the back of your mind that unless you are a very dedicated and talented pro gymnast like Magnus is, you will never be anywhere near as cool. You can follow in Sportacus’ footsteps but you cannot actually walk in them, it’s beyond you. Meanwhile, you’ve got Robbie Rotten, the guy you boo and hiss and enjoy watching as he gets thwarted, ridiculed, and bested every time he gets up to no good. You like him because he’s funny and not all that evil or dangerous (in the show, I mean - OG Glanni Glæpur was quite a different story), but do NOT want to emulate him and his lifestyle because it’s not at all subtle that he’s in the wrong, that sloth and gluttony are sins not to be encouraged in children. ...And yet, if you’re to be honest with yourself, you either know this guy or are this guy. You identify more with Robbie than with Sportacus because aside from the Jim Carrey-esque cartooniness and villainy, he’s more feasible. Any child could prefer to live more like how he does, and carry those preferences well into adulthood. It may not be healthy, but it’s easy, relaxing, self-gratifying and comfortably routine. Even if you’re better adjusted, you can’t help but find Robbie to be relatable in various ways at various points. Your want to not be like him is in part because you recognize in yourself qualities that he displays.
Yeah so basically I stan. These are iconic and immortal characters for a damn good reason.  
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lemonhemlock · 10 months
IMHO the shipping wars will continue as usual, no matter what happens on screen next season. Why? Because some people just can't accept that other people genuinely like a different ship and lash out using the usual arguments - accusations of self-inserting into the female character, liking incest, misogyny, etc. - things which are bound to get reactions from the opposite side and keep the conflict going. If anything, things have gotten a little bit worse since you "left", at least with Helaemond vs others, like most of the new Helaegon shippers have turned out to be just antis who've joined their Alysmond friends into constantly bashing them. It's also a bit funny considering that, in the beginning, most of the first Helaegons were also Helaemonds, but since then, the ship has been taken over by antis, which made it unpalatable, at least for me. I think though that you did receive some complaints about this new wave of Helaegon shippers just before you closed off your inbox for anons, if I remember correctly. Other than that, I guess there have been some Daemyra vs Alysmond conflicts, at least on Twitter from what I've seen, which involved the former piling on the latter simply because they disliked some theory or interpretation on the text. This is obviously unhinged behavior, but I still support the Daemyras doing this considering that Alysmonds and other green antis have done the exact thing, or worse actually, to fellow greens like Helaemonds so it's a bit hypocritical for them to complain when team black stans give them a taste of their own medicine. Sorry, this got a bit too long lmao, I guess you can take it as an update of how things stand when in comes to the shipping wars.
Hey there, anon, thanks for this very comprehensive recap on the state of the fandom. That's, um, a lot. 😅 I don't know what to say about the helaegon v helaemond thing - for me that is just beyond, bc I also remember people used to ship both with absolutely no issue a couple of months back. I, for one, also ship both + helaegond, so I really don't have any desire to engage with any of that, wow. 🤖
And that is the same advice I would give to anyone else - just stop bothering with the antis and do your own thing. As a general observation, I think that people get sucked into bickering way too often instead of just talking about the things they enjoy & making content for that. I get that, on some level, everyone feels the need to defend themselves when they encounter hate and nasty attitudes, so some level of that is perfectly understandable, but I don't think it's really worth it to let it take up the majority of your fandom experience. As someone who's literally been through hell & back these past months, I can promise you, it's not that serious. ☠️
There is something happening in fandoms of all kinds with the breakdown in communication and just general social norms and manners, where, upon encountering even a slightly different take from their own, people will start losing their shit and engaging in petty fights. They're just some ships, lol. None of these people are real! You can imagine scenarios in which even crackships can make sense. Fans are forming parasocial relationships with fictional characters nowadays - I've lost count of how many "MY Aemond would never do that" I used to see. Girl, what? I mean, it's fine as a joke, but then again you see them getting really belligerent with others, so you really have to question how much of it is truly horsing around and how much is just unhealthy investment and compensation for something else.
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alligatorjesie · 2 years
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Aww shit. I’m sorry this took so long to reply to, I live my life outside fucking tumblr and this was all I was able to type out in between water and snack breaks from fucking @makemebehavelikeananimal ‘s mother.
It’s rich being told by a chucklefuck who can’t seem to shit out two sentences without a spelling or grammatical error that I’m not using the English language correctly. Are you a fucking grammar police? Are you going to shoot me because I told you fanfiction isn’t fucking new, that police kill people, and you’re a fucking moron? 
How ironic.
Meow I do admit what I type out is filled to the brim with expletives and a few run-ons but I think I’m getting my point across. I do understand when you have shit for brains and the attention span as long lived as a snowflakes drifting into the fucking hell shit nuggets like you all must crawl out of it’s tricky for you to do something as simple as fucking read, so let’s hold hands and take a walk through what I typed out just for you since you seem like you need the fucking  help.
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 As you can see at this point of the conversation I’m talking about the entirely un-unique ideal of people taking things that were already known media having fans write fiction about it.
There’s a fucking word for that.
It’s called ‘Fanfiction’
And it’s been around since at least the 14th century. It’s not fucking new.
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Now this point here I’m very clearly speaking to the point of ‘If you don’t like the thing it’s as simple as not interacting with it.’
Anti logic fucking baffles me. Why the fuck are you spending time on shit you don’t like? If you don’t enjoy, say, the new Game of Thrones series, then don’t interact with it. 
It‘s just that fucking simple.
I know I sure as flying fuck don’t after that absofuckinglutly disgusting pile of wet dog shit series finally.
Now having said that, lemme show you something:
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This is my tumblr. As you can tell even though I have a strong opinion about GOT, I don’t post mindlessly hateful shit about it like it’s a fucking keystone personality trait in the Game of Thrones tag of all fucking places. I’ve never fucking posted in it once in fact, well I have now bit it’s more to make a point. 
Because I’m not a needlessly hateful fucking cunt.
I’m just a regular justified cunt. Because I’ve been in two fandoms now that have been consistently shit on by everyone around them for my entire lifespan. If we’re not dealing with actual nazis
In the Star Wars fandom to the point it’s a fucking trope
AND in the Furry Fandom.
And even though every single person I know in both of these fandoms is shouting at the top of their lungs for everyone to, you know, just stop and listen to the fact there are
And actual racists
in these fandoms
and we’re dealing with actual attempts on our lives from these shit stains
the overall news media seems quite content to just sorta laugh like it’s fun.
It’s not fucking fun.
I don't fucking like you but I like you fucking less now that I see you dramatically flinging yourself over a fainting couch screaming about your incorrectly perceived racism and uhh transphobia? IDK were the fuck you’re even pulling that shit from but that’s an ass chewing for another time, because I mentioned that cops kill people and that you’re so fucking stupid you don’t understand that fanfiction has been a thing since humans could fucking write and just mind ya own fuckin’ business when I was actually awaken that faithful day in December back in 2014 while attending that very con at about 1 in the morning by hotel alarms and banging on our door that shit was going down right the fuck now and we need to GTFO. 
Only to learn the sick fuck set the bombs off in the stairwells, the only way to get out of the hotel because the elevators were disabled. So there was lots of people just sorta trapped.
Not the ones who did try to use the stairwell in all the confusion by the way,
those ones breathed in chlorine which isn’t fucking healthy surprise surprise.
Because we were just told to leave the hotel. No one said a fucking thing about the chlorine bomb set off in the fucking stairwells.
19 living breathing humans got sick from that attack. 
Many are still dealing with real life long term effects of what happened to them psychologically.
Some of them are dealing with real life long term effects of what happened to them Physically. Not to mention that this shit happened in the middle of December in Chicago. Everyone was evacuated outside, you know the ones who could actually get outside.
 At 1 in the morning. 
And told they couldn’t go back inside for many hours.
You know, just standing outside in their pajamas in the freezing Chicago winter. Only to be laughed at the next morning by almost every other fucking news channel out there.
You know, at the con that was chlorine bombed by a hateful fuck. 
Someone kinda like you.
I have literally been closer to death in that instance and every single fucking day just by living were I do and being in the fandoms I’m in. My heart doesn't exactly fucking bleed for you because you got upsetty that cops in a country you don’t even fucking live in kill a lot of people and that statement is fucking triggering to you.
I don’t give a fucking shit.
Be fucking mad about it, but don’t be mad at Me about it. I’m not a fucking cop. I’m not even a racist POS like you want me to be. I’m just a furry and a reylo who wants you to leave the fucking reylo tag if you’re gonna be a prick about it.
We were chlorine bombed at a furry con because people like you hate people like me.
You know what’s triggering to me? 
Assholes in my fandom spaces.
I fucking tired of assholes.
I’m fucking tired of anti shit stains who think it’s alright to hate the shit I love and think they can just openly mock fandom they don’t like to the point people in it have killed themselves from y’all’s harassment.
I’m going to happily spend every moment I’m alive telling you fucking pricks you’re not fucking welcome and to fuck off. And if I have to write a fucking mini novel to do it I fucking will.
I’m excited to watch that high horse you’re sitting on buck you off.
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So the next thing I talk about here is how Tumblr’s ‘based on your likes’ algorithm works against you because you’re so fucking stupid you can’t figure out why reylo shit keeps showing up on your fucking feed. This one is actually pretty straight forward, but I’ll explain it simpler just for you:
Don’t want fandom shit you don’t like showing up on your dashboard?
Don’t interact with the fandom.
It’s just that fucking easy.
I don’t like the Naruto fandom and I don’t want to see the content show up on my dash. It’s just as easy for me to fucking avoid it.
Now this next part! My favorite part!
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The part were I watched a whole person take their head and ram it so thoroughly up their own anus they’ve created a singularity that is now wildly spinning out of control, sucking every fuckwad who thinks it’s alright to send ‘kill yourself’ anons to fucking anyone at fucking all in close proximity right into it. So lemme ask what part here you read that implied I was sending you a death threat? Was it this part?
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Naw probably not. I don’t see anywhere I typed something like ‘I hope’ or ‘I wish’ In fact I believe the wording is ‘You Could’
The line ’You could die tomorrow’ isn’t a fucking death threat you daffy fuck. ‘Could’ is an implication that life is fucking fleeting and it can all get taken away tofuckingmorrow. Learn to fucking read for fuck’s sake how do you even use this site? You COULD walk out your door and get plastered by a drunk driver. You COULD sit down to enjoy a nice dinner and choke to death. You COULD walk down the street and find a black bear riding a unicycle handing out candy. But probably not. 
None of these are fucking death threats. It’s not my fucking fault you can’t read one single sentence and fucking understand it, that shit don’t make me a racist that makes you a fucking moron.
‘Could’ isn’t a fucking wish or desire. ‘Could’ is a fucking probability.
 I don’t want anyone to be shot by a cop. Like I don’t want anyone to be chlorine bombed at their own con.
But my talking about either of these things dose not fucking automatically imply I wish them on people, how the ever loving fuck does your warped fucking mind work? 
Do you fly off the handle like this every time someone plays ‘What if’ with you?
Do you throw yourself in to a diaper shitting baby tantrum every time someone tells you something you don’t wanna hear? Is this your fucking life? 
How fucking tiring living with you must be.
Life isn’t a fucking guarantee. That shit can get taken away from you any fucking second, not by my fucking hands that for fucking sure. I just want you to fuck off out of a fandom tag you’re being a useless fucking prick in. I don’t want to fucking see you ever again.
But since you wanna make a big fucking deal about police brutality, let’s check something out here real quick @makemebehavelikeananimal
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Oh, so you’re in the UK?
Well I’m glad reading literacy is just as fucking bad there as it is in America. Maybe the reason all these fanfictions getting turned into movies is so frightful to you is because you can’t fucking read and just assumed the movies have to be read too? Because you understand that’s not how that fucking works right?
Hey, lets check something out here:
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Oh my sweet mother of fucking Christ sailing across the fucking Nile. You’re making 10 shades of shit out of someone pointing out one of the over 1,000 deaths by cops in the US alone in 2021 and turning that shit into some kinda race dig when YOU live in a country that saw 3 fucking deaths by cops in that same year?
What in the Kentucky Fried Fuck.
I have been to a furry con that was Chlorine bombed and live in a country that has had over one fucking thousand police killings in 2021 alone and I’m less of a fucking brainless preachy twat about death than you. I literally have higher odds of dying by cop and I make less a fucking stink about this shit when someone brings it up. I want people to bring this shit up. This shit is fucking appalling, like your reading comprehension.
I’m not fucking sure how you hear someone mention police brutality and the ever fucking fleeting fragility of life and automatically go ‘well they must be being racist at me’ like I ain’t the one actually living this horseshit every fucking day. What kind of special moron are you? You’re going to be spending more time being dead than you ever will alive. You’re just going to have to come to fucking terms with that goddamn shit however someone as fucking stupid as you can, but boy fuckin’ howdy I ain’t gonna sit here and let some ignorant fuck like you tell me I’m racist for simply bringing up death.
Death is a part of life. We all gonna die one fuckin’ day ya dumb slut.
You’re not immune, I’m not immune, your dear sweet mother whom I have been fucking with a healthy vigor every single waking moment since I met you isn’t immune.
I don’t fucking have to wish death on people. Death is just standing aside waiting for one of us to twist an ankle while walking down the non-fucking-exsistant sidewalks we have here in the US because some dicks for brains decided back in the 40s/50s that everyone should have cars and fuck pedestrians which will cause us to inevitably get stuck by a car traveling over 60 miles per hour next to us. Death is just waiting for you to stand too close unmasked to someone with Covid. Death is just vibrating with excitement as some stupid pricks light another gender reveal explosive in a field that hasn't seen rain in 4 months.
I don’t wish death on people. I make a point of that. I’ve been being told to go fuck off and die because I draw furries since I was a child. I know what it’s like to be told to go die. It’s not fucking fun.
I don’t send death threats on this shit stain site, not when I have useless fucking bell ends like ya’ll sending them to me all the time. We’re past the count of 18 by the way, 4 of them have been from your crew. Congratulations, your online friends are just as fucking trash humans as you are. I’ll be honest with you, I want you to live a long miserable life. I want you to survive until you’re a practically immobile shriveled festering lump of bitter old fuck that is just as dead on the inside as your cold fucking heart. I want you to die at an impossibly long age an old bitter cunt surrounded by people you hate and who hate you in kind since you’ve made every personal slight into issues that don’t even fucking involve you because that’s all your myopic world view can work with. I hope one day very far from now you die a very old lonely miserable person because you’re a fucking cunt who never made a single ounce of meaningful human contact in all your long lived years since you’re such a cantankerous stupid fuck who’s physically and emotionally repulsed any person that might have loved and cared for you in your last long moments. Fuck you OP. I don’t give a shit that your a POC. I care that you’re a fucking tasteless cunt spewing needlessly mean shit in a tag you don’t fucking like.
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Now dick off.
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goetialiker · 2 years
Quick Thoughts on Season 2 Episode 2
Spoilers if you haven't watched btw
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Also for those unfamiliar with my blog, I'm not an anti, these are my genuine feelings on a show that is incredibly important to me.
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I'm just gonna touch on a couple points rather than review everything since I'm very busy today, but I am pretty mixed on the episode which is extremely unfortunate given how I thought episode 1 was absolutely fantastic this season, and it has to do with how they treated information from previous episodes in this one.
Before we go on: love the Stolas human design. He's handsome. This is not surprising coming from a Stolas stan. Also, animation is still good. Not as good as some of the previous few episodes but it's still good!
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Let's start with the bad. This very nearly completely ruined the episode for me: Stolas and Blitz. What the hell happened between now and the last episode that apparently completely wiped their relational conflict away? We are right back to episode 7 where Stolas is upset with Blitz for something but is nonetheless smitten over him. Before, that completely made sense for their characters. And you know what: if we were in a timeline where this episode happened before s1e7 I would've been fine. Yet, Stolas's anguish from last episode? Gone. Just, forgotten. We get *one* hint from last episode that doesn't even seem to fully address what happened.
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"Well, he seems to like you sir!"
"Okay, my dick is good, but it is not that good, Moxxie."
Subjectively funny line, not enough to save my opinion on how they handled this. I get that Blitz and Stolas are demons who make bad decisions but even with that it just feels like there is so much discarding of previous material. I still think we're gonna have some conflict between the two, we are MORE than set up for that. This episode, however, worries me that they (Spindlehorse) are taking it way too casually, and when we reach a climax between the imp and the Goetia, we're either running into tonal whiplash or a dismissal of previous information. I'm worried, I won't lie. I don't like that tonal whiplash is the best option. I personally related to so much of what Blitz and Stolas were like with each other and if it's thrown out the window I'll be crushed. The plot here with Blitz being mistaken for a celebrity also felt weak to me. I mostly liked it for when Blitz had a crisis about Loona which I describe as a highlight below.
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Next, the handling of the setting. It felt like a whirlwind of all the stereotypes I've heard of Los Angeles growing up in the Bay Area of California. It just wasn't very appealing to me comedy-wise. I don't think all the jokes landed as they usually have for me in the show. I liked Loona searching everywhere through Sinstagram and recognizing some of those landmarks I'm familiar with.
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On to the good! Speaking of Loona!! Holy shit! Huge highlight for me was Octavia and Loona talking. It's clear that fans wanted this, and while it's difficult for Loona to relate to Octavia on a royal level, Loona analyzing her own relationship with Blitz to relate to Octavia was a wonderful writing decision. Using that as a way to relate to Octavia while knowing so little about what's going on was great development for both Via and Loona. Some great shots during this scene as well. Loona's adoption was heartbreaking but also good development for her and Blitz. Love the moment after the Observatory with Stolas and Via as well.
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Lastly, M&M doing cute shit and Moxxie trying to be a patron of the arts is adorable. I love that gremlin. Good B (C?) plot this episode.
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You can probably tell that I'm mostly disappointed with Stolitz. And yeah. That really did affect my enjoyment of the episode. I'm worried about what we're gonna see in the future. I don't plan on dropping the show *at all*, this has been a comfort show for me and I'm just rolling through these waves of disappointment. You'll absolutely catch me rb'ing shit about Loona and Octavia hanging out, they're perfect best friend material. For Stolitz, it's gonna have to prove itself to me a little better going forward.
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