#and the fucking compliments section??? how am i supposed 2 do that compliment me at all and i will be very happy no matter what it is
friendlessclown · 1 year
trying to make my pronouns.page better how tf am i supposed to do this
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hellowblush · 2 years
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✨pick a picture: your future partner✨.・゜for fun only !!
Hi! This is a pick a picture about your future partner. It was supposed to be short and simple but I got carried away and ended up making four sections + channelled song. The four sections include:
1. Clues
2. Looks
3. Personality
4. A yes or no question if you have meet them
✉ Appreciation and proper feedback make the readers want to continue making contents. It's one way to support us. If ever this p.a.p delights you in a way or resonated with you. Please drop some messages here. Thank you ^_^ : https://hellowblush.tumblr.com/ask
✉ I have a tip jar if ever you are called to tip me. It's here: https://paypal.me/doswonder. I'm saving up money for my college this year and even a small amount or a dollar can help me. May the universe bless you. Thank you very much ♡
• Order : Pile 1 - >> Pile 2 - >> Pile 3
┊pile one:
→ clues about your future partner:
Hangers. Clothes. Okay! I am receiving a cute download. Your future partner may like how you dress and they may compliment your outfits when you’re together. Expect to receive cute comments like “my baby looks so good at that outfit” They may plan their outfits before you go out because they want to keep up with your outfit game.
→ looks of your future partner:
I am sensing soft features like naturally soft eyebrows and they have this soft empathetic look in their eyes. they may dye their hair blonde or light. 
→ personality of your future partner: 
very graceful as a human being! if your partner is a color, they would be purple. elegant and royal. Your future spouse is a little shy and an introvert but has a few friends that they keep and trust. this person may reveal their feelings for you after you make the first move. This is the type of person who gets amazed when they see you because they really have a crush on you even though you guys are already dating.
→ Have you meet them: Nope but they are around the corner.
✉ Appreciation and proper feedback make the readers want to continue making contents. It's one way to support us. If ever this p.a.p delights you in a way or resonated with you. Please drop some messages here. Thank you ^_^ : https://hellowblush.tumblr.com/ask
✉ I have a tip jar if ever you are called to tip me. It's here: https://paypal.me/doswonder. I'm saving up money for my college this year and even a small amount or a dollar can help me. May the universe bless you. Thank you very much ♡
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀───◌┈┈───♡⃝───┈┈◌───
┊pile two:
→ clues about your future partner:
They like animals! They have this cowgirl/boy energy. blue may be significant about this person. Maybe this person will bring you calmness and relaxation. you’ll spend time in nature with your pets. while dating, both of you may get a cat and i am getting this download that you guys will take the pet for a forest walk. the pet, in my download, seem so sporty!!! Like let’s go fur parents and do nature walks 🌱
→ looks of your partner:
They may have sun kissed skin and pouty lips. I am getting that they may have straight silk long hair. Long arms, I am also getting. When they smile, their eyes smile too omg.
→ personality of your partner:
they’re funny as fuck. they always have loads of jokes for you and when you ask your partner to dance for you, they would not hesitate to do it. I am seeing that they could tease you and you’ll love their dirty jokes. I promise you, people will ask you “who got you smiling like that” and you’ll know this person is the reason why. please, this is not a personality but they may give you a great orgasm. they like pleasing you, i guess.
→ have you met this person: for some of you, i think yes :”>
✉ Appreciation and proper feedback make the readers want to continue making contents. It's one way to support us. If ever this p.a.p delights you in a way or resonated with you. Please drop some messages here. Thank you ^_^ : https://hellowblush.tumblr.com/ask
✉ I have a tip jar if ever you are called to tip me. It's here: https://paypal.me/doswonder. I'm saving up money for my college this year and even a small amount or a dollar can help me. May the universe bless you. Thank you very much ♡
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀───◌┈┈───♡⃝───┈┈◌───
┊pile three:
→ clues about your future spouse:
one night stand. you may had sex with this person before you go into a relationship. i think you may meet this person when you are exploring your sexuality.
i think you feel stronger when you’re with this person. you may suffer from issues with self-esteem but this person will kiss your insecurities away. plus, i think this person likes holding your hands everywhere!!!
→ looks of your partner:
they have a strong eye gaze. you’ll melt haha. they could be really tall but i think both of you are tall or the same height. they like to wear shorts/skirts and a plain black t-shirt is their go-to outfit. 
→ personality of your future partner:
I zoned out during your reading and scrolled at pinterest then i saw the word, querencia. the definition of it is a place where one’s strength is drawn. where one feels at home. the place where you are your most authentic self. That confirms what I said that your partner will embrace and accept who you are. I truly believe that when we can be our true selves, we get stronger and bolder because we are being appreciated by just simply being. This person may be your home and strength. They’re not the type of person who judges people right away. They do not do that. The prefer to see a person in a gentler and understanding light.
→ have you met this person: nope
✉ Appreciation and proper feedback make the readers want to continue making contents. It's one way to support us. If ever this p.a.p delights you in a way or resonated with you. Please drop some messages here. Thank you ^_^ : https://hellowblush.tumblr.com/ask
✉ I have a tip jar if ever you are called to tip me. It's here: https://paypal.me/doswonder. I'm saving up money for my college this year and even a small amount or a dollar can help me. May the universe bless you. Thank you very much ♡
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d0llpie · 3 years
hey can i request prompt 47 with tanaka also super angsty like i want to cry
tanaka x reader
Prompt: “i lost the baby”
Trigger warnings: miscarriage, heavy angst, like really a whole lot of painful angst just angst
a/n: thanks for the request, i hope you cry <3 I will be making a part 2 btw
wc: 2.6k part 2
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You were arguing with Tanaka, again. It started when he came home around an hour ago, three hours past when you planned a date with him. It had taken ages for you to convince him to go on a proper date since he was always ‘busy’. You needed to tell him you were pregnant, wanted to celebrate with him. Instead you were left with 50 unread messages and Tanaka waltzing in the house as if nothing was wrong. When he came and kissed you on the cheek “hey baby” like nothing had happened you snapped. “Where the fuck were you Ryu?” you stood up from the kitchen bench and begun throwing accusation after accusation at him while he just stood shocked, belittling you for ‘overreacting’ at his ‘simple mistake’.
“Oh you want me to apologize for being stood up? Hm?” You throat felt raw from the screaming, desperately just wanting him to apologize and tell him about the baby so you could make up and move on. Tanaka, stubborn as ever, wouldn’t let that happen. “I never said that, you’re working yourself up, stop stressing yourself out.” His calm tone only irked you even more, he could at least pretend to care. “What were you doing that had you so pre-occupied? Or should I ask who?” he snapped his head towards you, visibly annoyed, at least you finally caught his full attention. “What the fuck y/n? Are you seriously accusing me of cheating because I forgot about your stupid date? You know we can go on a date any other time why are you acting like such a bitch right now? Fuck sake you’re so dramatic.” You fought back the tears in your eyes, slamming your fist down on the table “When was the last time we went on a date- a real one? I wanted to spend some time with you ALONE for once to talk to you, but instead you can’t even tell me why you were soo busy to even send me a text cancelling.” A few stray tears slipped out in frustration, but you continued to glare at him, egging him on further. “I was out with some friends Jesus y/n, why do you have to bring your insecurities into everything.” You were hit with a wave of nostalgia, he’d said that line to you when you started dating in high school.
“Tanaka, hey baby, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my class to eat lunch today, I want to tell you something” You smiled up at your boyfriend as he smiled back “Of course baby! I gotta go to practice, want to come watch?” he pecked your cheek quickly, smiling widely at you proudly “Oh sorry, I have to study for a text next period but I’ll see you at lunch!” his face dropped but the bell rang, signaling your next class “Bye Tanaka!” you waved cheerily as he walked back towards the gym.
y/n: Hi, I’m in my class for lunch now :) see you soon <3
You frowned holding the homemade lunch you had wanted to give him. After around 15minutes you realized he wasn’t coming. You went to the gym to see if he was there with Noya, you entered the gym and found them both watching Kiyoko with lovesick expressions on their faces, spewing out compliments profusely. “Tanaka.. hey” he looked over to see you in the doorway “Y/N, hey! What’s up?” you stood there in shock for a minute before clearing your throat “Um can I talk to you?” he looked over at Kiyoko who was ignoring Nishinoya before reluctantly making his way over to you. “How come you didn’t come to lunch” you frowned lightly and he sighed “Its not like you came to my practice either, plus, I was hanging out with my friends, don’t bring your insecurities into this I told you Kiyoko doesn’t like me.” He pouted and you felt your heart clench. “Do you still like her?” you whispered and although he heard you, he pretended he didn’t. You plastered on a fake smile before retreating to the classroom, ignoring his texts and calls for the rest of the day until he brought you a bouquet of roses the next day. It was your first of multiple fights over his obvious crush on his manager. Eventually you got sick of the fighting and sappy make-ups so you just ignored it, knowing he could never have her and was with you because he loved you. Right?
“Fine. I’m sorry for accusing you, I’m not sorry for everything else, why won’t you just fucking talk to me!” The exhaustion from fighting was catching up with you and you began to feel light-headed. “Because it’s not a big deal y/n! Wait-what’s wrong?” you sighed, leaning against the wall “It’s the fucking baby and this stupid fight what do you think.” You spat at him and he stopped thinking for a moment. “Baby?” you looked up to see him smiling nervously at  you “Yeah you’d have known if you hadn’t stood me up.” He pinched the bridge of his nose “we’re having a baby, can you let this go?” you scoffed, done with this fight you stormed up to your shared bedroom, crawling into bed and staying as far from his side as possible. You placed a hand over your stomach, softly crying into the pillow while Tanaka stayed downstairs, opting to sleep on the couch.
Noya: Yoo how’d y/n take it?
Tanaka: she’s pregnant
Noya: oh shit, what’re you gonna do
Tanaka: what do you mean what am I gonna do? Raise a baby I guess, fuck idk man
Noya: that’s tough, Kiyoko is staying at mine😍 pray for me bro🙏🏼😩
Tanaka: lucky, i’m on the fucking couch
Noya: sucks🥶
He sighed before turning his phone off, fuck.
The next day you woke up to breakfast in bed and a very happy Tanaka smiling at you, “good morning, how are my babies feeling?” you wanted to roll your eyes and stay mad but you couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered when he referred to you and your child as his babies. “good morning ryu..what’s all this?” you were expecting an apology like usual, or at least for him to acknowledge what happened “You’re eating for two now I guess! When’s your next appointment?” he seemed really freaked out so you placed a hand over his “next week, are you feeling okay?” you pressed the back of your hand against his forehead, he felt fine just a little sweaty. “I’m good, want to go out for dinner after work?” you were hesitant but nodded “You’ll come right?” it’s like his mood did a 180 when you said that “What’s that supposed to mean” he spoke through gritted teeth, trying to remain calm and collected. “You know…yesterday?” he scoffed “still hung up on that huh? You gonna berate me for every mistake I make when this baby pops out of you?” you were wide awake now “woah wait, I didn’t say that-“ “you accuse me of stuff, why can’t I do the same?” his tone was growing angrier by each syllable he spoke. You looked down in your lap, feeling your eyes well up with tears again. “Tanaka please stop” you whispered and he snapped “Yeah doesn’t feel great when you just want to stop but they keep going huh?” you don’t even remember why he was getting worked up, because you didn’t want him to stand you up again? You fiddled with your fingers and zoned out while he continued yelling.
You finally looked up when you heard the bedroom door close, breathing in deeply before hunching over as a sharp pain in your abdomen stopped you from making any big or sudden movements. You groaned out in pain, stopping Tanka immediately. Tanaka ran a hand over his head stressfully “are you okay? Shit. Uh, I’m going to call an ambulance” you groaned again “Call Yachi, she can take me I think we need some-“ tears pricked your eyes and you started to sweat “space, I’ll call you when I’m there.” You could see his eyes well up with tears. His hands were opening and closing, wanting to hold you but knowing better than to do that.
Yachi came over shortly after and lead you to the car. Tanaka saw the blood on your shorts and held his breath, letting a few tears roll down his cheeks. You were silent in the car over, crying softly and groaning in pain every few minutes. Yachi looked over worriedly at you, holding your hand and letting you squeeze her hand for reassurance. “Y/n don’t move ill get a nurse to help you out.” You arrived through the emergency section of the hospital and texted Tanaka
y/n: I’m going into the emergency room now
tanaka: okay, let me know what’s happening
He shut off his phone with a shaky breath, deciding to call his friends over.
Tanaka: Noya?
Noya: hey bro what’s up
Tanaka: Y/n’s in the hospital, can you come over?
Noya: What happened? Kiyoko is here man..
Tanaka: Bring her here, I don’t know what happened she started bleeding and crying
Noya: wtf? Did you hit her?
Tanaka: You know I’d never do that. I think it’s the baby…
Noya: We’re on our way, we have whiskey
Tanaka heard knocking and made his way to the door, he opened it to see Noya and Kiyoko there. “Hey, thank you both for coming.” he stepped aside to let them enter “So how’d the break-up go, is she okay?” he looked quizzically at Noya “You didn’t tell her?” he shook his head “sorry, we were watching a movie..” Tanaka looked unamused by Noya before turning to Kiyoko “We started fighting about me hanging with you guys instead of our date and she told me she was pregnant” Kiyoko looked at him disappointedly “You left a pregnant girl?!” it was unusual for Kiyoko to raise her voice but she felt horrible your you, she knew how much you loved Tanaka and she always felt guilty in high school for what you had to put up with, because of her. “What? No! I didn’t break up with her because she’s pregnant but now...I don’t know, she was bleeding and in pain and she’s in the emergency room now..” Kiyoko was restraining from slapping him, digging her nails into her palms. “Why aren’t you with your pregnant girlfriend, it’s bad enough you don’t love her and now this? You know a baby requires actually raising a human?” He dropped his head down, “I know, I already feel horrible…what if something’s happening to the baby?” he sat down on the couch, taking the bottle from Noya’s hand and taking a swig. “You can still raise a baby and not be together…” Noya spoke up, sitting down next to him while Kiyoko turned the tv on. “It’s not fair on you guys or the baby if you stay together.” He knew he was right, he’d been putting this off for too long, he settled for you and got comfortable with the live you showed him that eventually he stopped showing it back. He can’t remember when he fell out of love but he didn’t want to leave you, he loved you still he just wasn’t in love with you. Deep down you knew, you never let yourself think that for long though. Afraid you’ll end up leaving him, Yachi had tried to get you to leave before but you could never stand the idea. Lately it was like you were already broken up, two awkward college roommates. The idea of raising a baby with him scared you, you were so stressed and sick of overthinking that you passed out in the hospital after a few hours, forgetting to call Tanaka.
You stepped out of the car, hesitating to close the door as you breathed in deeply. It was around 4pm the next day and you had just been discharged from the hospital. “Do you want me to wait here?” Yachi asked from the drivers seat, her eyes were red and puffy, she’d been up all night holding your hand and crying with you. “I think it’ll be okay…why is Kiyoko’s car here?” your eyes stuck to the black car in the driveway that you knew was Kiyoko’s “y/n, i’m gonna wait here you should go inside hes probably worried…” you nodded before approaching the front door. Your legs felt like lead as you stepped up to the door, taking your key out and unlocking the door.
“Ryu?” you moved further into the house, seeing a passed out Tanaka on the couch across from a passed out Kiyoko. “Tanaka.” You said a little louder, making him stir.
Noya came into the living room from behind you “hey y/n, how are you?” he looked hungover and that’s when you noticed the empty bottles on the floor. “Hi noya- Tanaka!” you yelled this time, waking up both Kiyoko and Tanaka. “Y/n? heyyy, how was the hospital?” he yawned and sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes. You wanted to run to him and hold him, but you stopped yourself, trying not to focus on how tight your chest felt and the tears building up in your eyes again. “Y/n?” you heard Kiyoko’s soft voice from beside you and you broke down into tears, she caught you before you fell and moved you to the couch, rubbing your back. “I lost the baby.” You continued to cry as the other three in the room sat frozen. “Y/n, i’m so sorry, i’m so so sorry, I’ll come back later but I think we should go…Noya?” Kiyoko hugged you tightly before grabbing Noya and exiting the house.
Tanaka was silent, tears rolling down his cheeks. “What happened y/n?” he avoided looking in your eyes “they said it was because of stress…Tanaka I can’t take this anymore..” you sniffled looking in your lap. He looked up to see how tired and broken you looked, feeling his heart clench. “Y/n, I swear Kiyoko and Noya came over to hang out, I don’t have feelings fo-“ “It’s not about your feelings for her, it’s about your feelings for me…I need you to be honest” he gripped your hand, his lip quivering “I don’t want to lose you y/n…” “You aren’t in love with me Tanaka, i’m not stupid” you chuckled softly, rubbing the rest of your tears away. His silence said enough and so you stood up. “Y/n, don’t go” you scoffed “you can’t keep doing this to me, making me stay with you like this” you commended yourself on the way your voice didn’t waver. “I know, I know, but I-“ he stopped himself, knowing he couldn’t stop you. “I still care about you, I always will.” You nodded, cupping his cheek softly “I know baby, I love you Ryu.”
You walked back outside and sat in the passenger seat of Yachi’s car. You put on some music and she looked over at you before driving away, not asking any questions.
Tanaka sat on the floor of his lounge room, staring into his hands and crying, you were really gone and he couldn’t fix it, it was him who pushed you away anyway. It was him who had to deal with it now.
   a/n: sorry for writing this, i might make a happy ending part 2, send me ideas if you would like to see that <3
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god-of-dust · 3 years
after much deliberation, i decided to post what i wrote of chapter 2 and 3 of Trick Me here. this will probably never end up on ao3 because of Reasons, but someone might enjoy reading it and i definitely enjoy the validation. (also, leaving this to rot in my folder seems like a waste.)
this is rated T, no particular warnings apply besides tom’s occasional murderous thoughts.
There’s no sign of Potter. Figures. Tom glares at the suit of armour as if it’s the one meant to carry the blame for this situation.
Disillusionment Charm firmly in place, he leans on the rough stone wall and resigns himself to wait.
“You’re early. Why am I not surprised?”
In a split second, Tom turns in the direction of the voice and points his wand towards... the empty corridor?
Then Potter’s head—only his head—emerges from thin air.
“Jumpy, too. Again, not surprised,” Potter says, smirking. Then he moves, revealing the rest of his body and the rippling fabric of a cloak.
An Invisibility Cloak. No wonder Potter can get wherever he wants without getting caught. “Where did you get that?” Tom asks, envy colouring every word. That kind of Cloak is worth thousands of Galleons, which is more money than Tom has ever possessed in his entire life.
The things Tom could do with one... he’d have no need for permission to slide beyond the wards of the forbidden section of the library. While certainly tame compared to what a collection from a Dark pureblood family would hold, there are also many old books there that Tom has been dying to get his hands on since he’s seen their titles and felt the power they contained.
“Family heirloom,” Potter says with a shrug.
Of course Potter has a family that provides for him, and of course he has the gall to shrug, like it’s absolutely normal to carry around an object this valuable and use it to go to the Quidditch pitch at night. It’s maddening, to witness this utter lack of ambition in someone who has so much at his disposal and wastes it so pitifully.
He reaches out to touch the fabric. It’s soft and perfect, spells woven so beautifully that it appears not to be enchanted at all. He refuses to believe that this Potter is the one who cast them. “What kind of spells does your family use to prevent the magic from fading? How frequently do you have to refresh them?”
Potter only smiles and shakes his head. “You and Hermione would be amazing together if you just stopped being an arse to her.”
Tom glares at him. His thoughts on that particular topic must be crystal clear, because Potter laughs that full-bellied laugh of his. “You haven’t answered my question,” Tom insists.
“Do you want to stand in the corridor all night discussing my cloak? I thought we had Quidditch to play.”
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Tom says: “Fine.”
“Get under here, then,” Potter beckons, holding a side of the cloak open for Tom to slip under and cover himself.
Sliding in the offered space, Tom instantly becomes very aware of how close they have to stay for them both to be concealed. Wonderful, he thinks, just wonderful. Just what I needed: more contact with him.
He lets Potter lead the way outside; after a bit of fumbling, they find a rhythm that allows them to walk in sync without constantly bumping into each other’s shoulder.
“Thank Merlin you’re shorter than Ron. His feet try to peek out all the time, it’s an absolute nightmare.”
Are his friends all he can talk about? Tom vaguely wonders, before noticing the route they’re taking. “The Quidditch pitch is the other way.”
“We’re not going to the pitch,” Potter replies.
Tom stops in his tracks, making the cloak tangle around Potter’s form; unsurprisingly, it only takes a moment for the miraculous Golden Boy to recover his balance. Tom, voice strained with the effort to keep it under control, hisses: “If you’re trying to trick me, Potter, I swear—”
“I’m not,” Potter interrupts. “The pitch is too open and couples go there to shag all the time, so the chances of someone seeing us are too high. I’m taking you to a place only I and my closest friends know about.”
Again with his friends. “Are you really so arrogant as to believe you’re the only one that knows anything about Hogwarts?”
This time, Potter is the one who stills abruptly. He turns to face Tom, noses almost touching under the cloak, eyes ablaze with an emotion that Tom has never seen on him: genuine, unfiltered anger. “Listen, Riddle. I offered my help, but what I didn’t offer was being target practice for your fucking abrasiveness. You want to learn Quidditch? I can teach you. You want to act like a bastard? Go do that somewhere else, because I’m not afraid to punch you in the face if you insist on constantly accusing me of imaginary crimes.”
“As if I’m not able to defend myself from your punches,” Tom snarls.
Potter’s eyes narrow. “Were you even listening to me?”
There’s nothing stopping Tom from hexing Potter into the next century; nothing, except for the fact that he’d be expelled and then the whole Potter clan would ensure that he’d rot in Azkaban for an indeterminate amount of years. Right now, it seems like a minor price to pay.
He keeps his twitching fingers away from his wand. He needs to hold himself in check if he wants to avoid Potter’s suspicion. After a steadying breath, he says evenly: “I was. My words were... out of line. I apologise.”
Silence stretches while Potter stares at him. Then he turns on his heels, facing away, and they resume their walking.
It takes them a few minutes to reach the boundary of looming trees that students are supposed to never cross. “Is this secret place of yours really inside the Forest?”
“Yeah. That’s why I’m reasonably sure that no one else has discovered it. A wrong turn would take them either into an Acromantula nest or in centaur territory,” Potter explains, navigating with sure steps amidst trunks and twigs and weeds and bushes as if he owns the place.
Both options are incredibly dangerous, for many different reasons. Not even the Headmaster has jurisdiction over the creatures in the Forest, and any reckless student who wanders too far is responsible for their own fate. Over the years, Tom has done a little exploring of his own to gather herbs, shed fur and other potion ingredients, but he never went as deep inside as wherever Potter is taking them now. “How did you discover it, then?” Tom asks while memorising the convoluted trail so that he’ll be able to return later. The potions he could brew with even a small vial of Acromantula venom, or some eggs... he has to find out more about those supposedly wrong turns.
“I followed my nose,” Potter says with a mischievous smirk, previous anger washed away like a leaf in a river. “And perhaps I had a bit of help.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Well, sorry, but I’m not going to divulge my secrets to anyone who asks... besides, you’re smart enough; perhaps with time you’ll figure it out on your own.”
Focus still firmly placed on their surroundings, Tom ignores the compliment. He has no use for Potter’s pretense.
A large clearing suddenly materialises before them, encircled by towering trees whose foliage forms a protective half-dome high over their heads. Ancient magic caresses Tom’s skin, making him shiver with anticipation. There’s a circular area in the center, large enough to hold a dozen people, empty of any grass or stone; Tom is certain that someone has built it that way on purpose. He steps closer, prudent and fascinated in equal measure. “What is this place?” he wonders, eyes wide and searching as he studies the stone while taking in the feeling of rightness and inspiration the space emanates.
“Somewhere where we can have all the privacy we want,” Potter says lightly as he slides off the cloak from their shoulders. To him, this secret spot humming with magic that vibrates in Tom’s blood and bones must be just another day, just another priceless thing dropped on his lap that he wields without a care.
After enchanting a few Lumos spheres to hover around them, Potter extracts a small object from his pocket, lays it on the even ground and enlarges it with a wave of his wand, revealing it to be a trunk. Then he points to a twisted root that peeks out from the soil and transfigures it into three Quidditch hoops, about three meters high.
“I assume you know about Quidditch roles and rules even if you’ve never played, correct?”
“Yes.” Tom’s skimmed through a Quidditch book, if only not to be completely unprepared when it came to playing his part in this charade. He will carry his plan forward and rip the rug from under Potter’s feet, even if it involves studying a few tedious rules of a tedious sport.
“So, you can probably imagine that every role requires different skills, which is why we’ll explore every one of them and gradually build up your stamina and reflexes while you discover what you’re naturally good at.” He scratches at his head contemplatively. “When was the last time you rode a broom?”
“First year flying classes. I was average at the basics and never tried anything more elaborate.” Tom isn’t eager to recall most of those memories because, in truth, it had been humiliating to realise how far behind his peers he was. Unlike them, he’d never had a broom of his own to practice and his confidence had faltered when he needed it the most. The broom’s magic had caught on his hesitation and thus his performance had been lukewarm at best.
“Yeah, I can imagine it wasn’t pleasing for you. Hermione was the same. You really can’t stand it when you don’t excel at something, huh?”
“I doubt anyone enjoys the feeling of being incompetent.”
“Good point,” Potter admits, “but that’s not the attitude you need right now. You always have to start from somewhere and build from there, even if that starting point isn’t as glorious as you’d like.” He squats to open the trunk; it contains a clearly well-loved yet also well-kept set of Quidditch balls.
Tom eyes suspiciously the Bludgers struggling against the chains holding them in place.
“Since we’re starting from the basics, tonight we’re both going to play Chasers, which means that we’ll pass the Quaffle between us and do our best to score through the goals. Of course, there’s more to being a Chaser than this, but it will be enough for now. Before that, though, I want to see you on a broom.”
“I don’t have one. I presumed we’d use one of the school brooms,” Tom says, crossing his arms, mild irritation colouring his tone.
Unbothered, Potter reaches again into his pocket to produce two shrunken brooms. “I brought my Nimbus. It’s very good, especially for a beginner, with quick responses and great stability.”
He holds out his hand and Tom takes the now appropriately sized broom. “...Thank you.”
“Wow, you’re really making an effort into being polite. I appreciate that,” Potter says, apparently pleased. “But now, Riddle, show me how you ride.”
There’s nothing in Potter’s smile and in that particular phrasing that Tom could possibly care for. He straddles the broom and pushes himself to hover in mid-air, one meter from the ground and then one more; feeling how precarious and uncertain his posture is, he does his best to correct it.
“Good. You don’t seem to be struggling much. Are you afraid of heights?”
Tom shoots him a venomous look. “No.”
“That’s one less thing we have to worry about, then.” Potter jumps on his broom and rises too, graceful as a phoenix. Bastard. “Let’s try some loops.”
Tom nods and watches as Potter demonstrates a few simple figures: circle, spiral, figure-eight. They seem easy enough, but when Tom tries to follow Potter’s directions his broom moves in shaky zig-zags instead of the smooth curves he expects it to perform.
“This broom isn’t working,” Tom snarls. He looks at Potter, who’s certainly dying to make fun of him... only to find no trace of sadistic glee on his expression.
Potter circles around him, examining him from head to toe with furrowed brows, almost hawk-like in his focus. “You’re clenching your thighs and hands too hard. The broom reads that as a sign for ‘straight line’ and ‘speed’, and right now that’s not your objective. For curves like these, you have to flow with the movement and lean into the direction you want without overbalancing.” His posture is relaxed, bordering on lazy, as he flies in a large, slow circle for Tom’s sake. “Like this.”
Tom imitates him as best as he can, loosening his grip. “What if I want to achieve a fast curve?”
“Fast curves are more advanced. We’ll try those later.”
Tom tries again with a figure-eight, and he’s surprised when he finds that the broom’s following the path he intended with increasing ease.
“See? Way better,” Potter beams. He looks like he’s genuinely enjoying this.
After a few minutes of loops, Tom’s acquired a mild amount of confidence in his form; at least the feeling that he’ll tip over every time he steers the broom has lessened until it’s nearly gone. Seemingly satisfied, Potter instructs him on how to repeat the same figures with a single-handed grip, then handless, as he explains: “You’ll need your hands free for the Quaffle.”
Even while going through boring drills at this insignificant height, there’s an undeniable thrill to flying, to acquiring control over something as elusive as air. “One day,” he declares, “I’m going to invent broomless flying.” Perhaps a variation of Wingardium Leviosa, combined with a Feather-Light Charm... yes, he’ll do it, and succeed.
“That would be amazing. And honestly, if anyone could do that it would be you.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere,” Tom scoffs, close to amused. Does Potter really think that compliments will have any effect on him? Tom’s too acquainted with the subtle art of manipulation to take any of Potter’s amateurish attempts seriously.
Potter rolls his eyes. “It’s not flattery, it’s me making an observation. Every single person in Hogwarts knows that your knowledge and control over magic are impressive.” Smoothly diving forwards, Potter reaches for the trunk and grabs the Quaffle inside it.
“Catch!” he says, and throws the ball at Tom.
Instincts rearing up before he can think, Tom steers sideways to dodge, but he’s too quick, too sudden, the broom refuses to cooperate—fuck, he’s lost his balance, he’s going to slip off and fall on his face like a bloody—
An arm slides around his torso, holding him up. A steady hand over the handle of his broom stops its lurching. Tom is barely breathing, his mind catching up to the fact that he’s not going to become one with the forest soil.
“Shit, Tom, I’m sorry, I thought you were ready, I should have warned you—”
Heart still finding the way back to its regular beat, Tom interrupts Potter’s rambling: “It’s fine. Nothing happened.”
“Well it was a stupid thing to do, and I won’t do it again,” Potter insists, wide eyes painfully green even in the dark.
“Just drop it, will you?” It’s embarrassing enough that he ran away from a Quaffle like it was the Killing Curse; Potter’s self-flagellation is just rubbing more salt on the wound. As if he hasn’t done it on purpose anyway, the fucking prick.
With a sigh, the arm around Tom tightens briefly before Potter releases him. “Do you want to stop? We’ve done a lot already. You’ve been great.”
More useless flattering.
“Let’s try again,” Tom orders. He wants to challenge Potter, confuse him, shock him, give him a lesson that he’ll never forget. The plan to ruin his reputation isn’t enough; the matter has become personal.
Uncertain, Potter nods. This time, when the Quaffle comes towards him Tom catches it, albeit unsteadily. A victorious glint in his eyes, he does his best to throw Potter off-balance by flinging the ball back at him.
The back-and-forth of the Quaffle between them slowly acquires a flow. Potter accepts Tom’s viciousness and in turn pushes Tom’s limits, building his reflexes with progressively more elaborate throws, flying around him in circles like an annoying snidget. Tom fumbles, stumbles, grumbles, but he manages to avoid another fall, and he even scores a few points through the unprotected goals.
By the end of the lesson they’re both sweating—disgusting—and Potter is positively radiating joy.
Tom can’t say the same about himself. His performance’s been nowhere near satisfactory, his dexterity and form nowhere near Potter’s. While he still holds no interest for Quidditch, he also can’t stand the thought that Potter can have this golden opportunity to gloat over him. There’s no way that Tom will accept being considered inferior to anyone.
“So, uh... how was it?” Potter asks once they’ve dismounted, self-consciously running a hand through his hair. It looks like a habit of his.
“You’ve been patient,” Tom concedes. It’s true, at least on the surface: Potter’s been nothing but helpful and tolerant of every mistake, adapting his teaching to Tom’s pace with flawless precision. “I could have done better.”
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake,” Potter says, “will you stop with the self-deprecation? You’re learning. It’s all part of the process. Believe me, I’ve seen worse.”
Tom hands the Nimbus back to Potter, who’s extinguishing the enchanted lights and reverting the goal posts back to their original shape. “You’ve also seen best, I reckon.”
Potter huffs in annoyance as he takes the broom and stores it away along with the rest of the equipment. “Yes, and it doesn’t matter. This isn’t a competition. The whole point of us being in the middle of the forest instead of the pitch is that you can be away from judgemental eyes, so could you please stop being your own worst critic?”
“We should go.” If Potter considers having standards the same as self-deprecation, then Tom has nothing else to say. “I can find my way back.” He turns to follow the hidden trail that led them here.
“Wait,” Potter says, interrupting Tom as he was about to cast a wordless Disillusionment Charm on himself. “Do you want to do this again? More lessons?”
Does Tom want to? Is the headache of spending time with Potter worth it?
Like a sharp edge, a thorn stuck in his side, Potter’s words echo in his head. This isn’t a competition. But it is, in a way—it’s Tom’s endurance against his desire to chalk up the whole plan as a failure and sweep it under the rug.
And Potter is still an issue—he still needs to go down in flames, and Tom is the one who has to ignite that fire.
He straightens his back. I won’t quit now. “Same time, next Saturday?”
“I’ll be here,” Potter says. It sounds like a promise.
[missing scene with Tom and snake-Harry]
At half past eleven on Saturday, Harry prepares to slip away from the Gryffindor dormitory under his Cloak.
“Ron, hey,” he whispers in the darkness of the dormitory, shaking his friend’s shoulder.
Still more than half-asleep, refusing to open his eyes, Ron mutters, “What?”
“I’m going out, will probably be late again. Don’t wait for me, okay?” He’s a little ashamed of taking advantage of Ron while he’s in this state, knowing that he won’t ask questions.
“Yeah, yeah—g’night, mate,” Ron says, words slurred as the dream world ensnares him again.
Then Harry leaves, sliding through the many corridors of the castle as if he were in his Animagus form, until he crosses the entrance; outside he can run, free, breathing in the cold wind that chills his face and lungs. He feels so light, like the world is full of exciting possibilities, like he’s on the hunt for something marvellous.
Yes, he hates hiding these nighttime escapades from his friends. However, he also loves the secret thrill of this undefined thing he and Tom have, this strange agreement that’s neither friendship nor rivalry, while not being neutral either. He knows, he can see that Tom—and how weird it is, that he already thinks of him as such—still despises him... yet he’s also invested in Harry in a way that goes beyond simple hatred or spite.
He could have used many excuses to get his hands on Harry’s Firebolt and sabotage it. He could have cursed Harry himself, especially with how close they’ve been, and Harry has no doubt that Tom possesses a sizable arsenal of slow-building, undetectable curses that would have sent Harry to his grave with no one the wiser.
But then, how absurd it is that Harry’s still not afraid to know that a part of Tom, a loud and powerful one, would rejoice in his pain and in having caused it?
He’s certain that Tom Riddle’s bite is deadly venomous, and he’s been thirsting for Harry’s blood for a long time. The bane of his existence, indeed.
Yet Harry saw something else during their time together: the fierce competitiveness, the stubbornness, the drive towards excellence, the desire to be greater than anyone... and also the insecurity, the self-loathing, the fear hidden behind harsh perfectionism, the sense of not being enough, of having to push himself harder, of not belonging anywhere, of being unloved and unlovable.
Tom Riddle is human and flawed. And he has bite, yes, but along with the venom comes a blazing fire that he keeps carefully concealed under his detached, polished façade. Harry wants to witness more of that fire, wants to bask in it, wants to revel in the privilege of being the one who can bring it out.
He knows what Tom could do, the potential of his cruelty. However, night after night, he discovers an inescapable curiosity for what Tom will do.
A laughter, full and thrilling, shakes Harry’s body as he skips through the forest, jumping over traitorous roots and avoiding thorn bushes intent on drawing blood.
Tom, of course, has already arrived.
Harry admires the transfigured goal posts, smoother and more symmetrical than how his own half-arsed magic would ever mold them, and thinks, This is going to be fun.
“Eager?” Harry can’t help but tease.
Tom gives him one of his looks. “I don’t like wasting time.”
“Of course. Let’s get to it, then.”
Like last time, Harry offers Tom his Nimbus; they warm up by playing with the Quaffle, letting Tom reacquaint himself with the feeling of flying by revisiting a few of the trickier turns. Tom’s control over the borrowed broomstick is still shaky and hesitant, which he clearly hates with a passion, but he’s also improved considerably in a small amount of time.
This may be the one thing in which Tom Riddle isn’t a natural. However, for some reason he’s actually putting in an effort to learn, which leaves Harry wondering why. Merlin knows Tom’s mind works in mysterious ways, and even after spending a few nights with him as a snake and witnessing his unfiltered rants Harry’s not closer to understanding his convoluted reasoning.
“Tonight I think you could try your hand at playing Keeper.”
Tom, always straight to the point, immediately flies towards the transfigured hoops and circles around them. “On a practical level, how is it different from playing Chaser, anyway? The ball is the same, it’s just a matter of catching it as we’ve already been doing.”
Harry feels an appraising smile rise on his lips. “Interesting question,” he replies, turning the Quaffle in his hands. “I believe the main difference is in the freedom of movement. As a Chaser, you can follow the trajectory and position of the Quaffle and other players in the way that’s most convenient for you, while as a Keeper you have to stay in a confined area, since leaving the goals unguarded equals failure. You need sharper eyes and quicker reflexes, which is why I considered it more advanced.”
“But the smaller area should make it easier, not harder,” Tom says with a small frown.
“Theory is theory, practice is practice. You’ll see by yourself.”
“Let’s begin, then.” He looks impatient, and Harry privately thinks that it’s kind of adorable. Perhaps my love for Quidditch is rubbing off on him. Or perhaps he’s just that competitive.
So Harry begins throwing and Tom begins to understand Harry’s point as the Quaffle slides under his guard and passes easily through the hoops time after time. With sweaty hair plastered to his forehead, eyes aflame and gritted teeth, Tom struggles to prevent Harry’s craftiness from allowing him to score yet another point. He’s only managed to catch five out of twenty-four throws.
“You have to keep in mind that I’m not an actual Chaser myself,” Harry says, immensely enjoying the murderous look on Tom’s face. “This could be way worse.”
Tom stills, holding the ball as if he wants to strangle it. “You do so love to make fun of me,” he snarls. “Idiot Tom Riddle, who’s never learned to play Quidditch, who can’t even catch a bloody Quaffle. Must be so nice to sit on your throne and laugh at my pathetic attempts.”
The aggressiveness in Tom’s tone makes Harry feel all kinds of ruffled, and perhaps he should be keeping his mouth shut, but when has he ever listened to reason? So he says, “I thought you had more spine than this, for someone who sits on his throne and laughs at others all the time.”
“What?” Tom says, eyes narrow and voice sharp as a potioneer’s blade.
“You heard me. Is it fun, being an arsehole to Hermione and who knows how many others? How does it feel when you are the one whose efforts feel inadequate, Tom?”
“It’s Riddle, to you.”
“Well then, Riddle: how does it feel? And mind you, I was teasing you as I would with a friend, but I could also be cruel and cutting like you. I could get on the same level of ‘polite bastard’ you seem to revel in.”
The look Tom gives him is utterly blank, which could be seen as an improvement over being murderous, or could also mean that he’s so much more murderous than usual that he’s already on the phase where he’s choosing how to dispose of Harry’s body.
Harry sighs. This is all pointless. Tom hates him, will always hate him, and they’re just dancing around each other waiting for the perfect opportunity to... what? Tom is most likely waiting for Harry to lower his guard enough for him to strike undetected, but what does Harry want? What’s his excuse for being here?
Perhaps this time his curiosity is better left alone.
“Forget what I just said. I’ve been an arsehole,” Harry says. “We don’t have to do this if you’re so frustrated it makes you miserable.”
“Is this what you think of me? That I go around lording my knowledge over people?” Tom doesn’t sound angry—he just stares at Harry like he’s speaking in a different language.
“From what I’ve seen of you... well, yes,” Harry says, uncertain. He feels like this whole conversation is balancing on a very delicate thread. “It’s not overt, but you do act superior and rub your grades on other people’s faces, with those condescending smirks and such... and I don’t believe that you don’t do that on purpose.”
“I—do that,” Tom admits quietly, almost disturbed by the revelation. Even more interesting, he appears to be honestly considering it. “Perhaps... it’s a bit excessive.”
“We all know you’re the most skilled student in this school anyway. It’s not just about grades—you clearly have a touch, a passion for magic that can’t be found in books and that most of us can’t hope to replicate.”
Tom’s eyes catch Harry’s then, a blazing intensity passing between them that makes Harry feel… funny. “You’re telling the truth. You do think that.”
“Yeah. I mean, it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?”
“Not coming from you.”
Harry frowns. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You—” Tom pauses, raking a hand through his already mussed-up hair. He looks more unbuttoned than Harry’s ever seen him. “I’m not sure.”
“That you wanted to murder me in my sleep, probably,” Harry says unthinkingly. He knows that Tom has never been confused on his opinion of Harry; he’s heard enough dramatics when Tom’s spoken to him as Ezra, long tales on how insufferable Harry is, and how much of an attention-seeker, how brainless and privileged, and so on.
Surprisingly, Tom laughs. It’s brief, blink-and-you’ll miss it, but it’s happened.
Tom Riddle has laughed.
“I might have considered it, yes,” Tom confesses, not even remotely apologetic.
Harry is shocked and more charmed than he’d like to admit. “I don’t know what to do with this sudden honesty.”
Tom shakes his head, and he’s still smiling—not smirking, but smiling—and he looks as unbalanced as Harry feels. “Neither do I.” He locks eyes with Harry, and for a few brief seconds there’s that intensity again; then he breaks the spell to Accio the Quaffle from where he’d dropped it. “Let me try again.”
“Sure,” Harry says, quietly thrilled.
[missing scene with Tom and snake-Harry]
The trunk containing Potter’s Quidditch equipment sits on the forest floor, lid open. Tom studies the set of chained Bludgers and lifts an eyebrow. “Last time you said that in this lesson I was supposed to ‘learn my way around a Beater’s bat’.” The unspoken question of why Potter hasn’t handed him any bat yet hangs in the air.
“Yeah, I said that, but then I realised that Bludgers might not be the best idea right now,” Potter admits, shrugging. “You’re probably already familiar with how they work from a spectator’s point of view, but this is another instance of theory being very different from practice.”
“In short, you believe I’m not able to undertake this particular task,” Tom says. Of course Potter wouldn’t consider him worthy enough for the scary, angry balls, not when Tom still struggles with inconsistent balance and shaky steering at the best of times. Furthermore, Potter’s famed superior abilities allow him to keenly judge the depth of Tom’s incompetency and find him wanting.
Unimpressed by Tom’s logic, Potter rolls his eyes. “Is it necessary for you to be so dramatic?”
“Don’t bother with lying. We both know it’s the truth,” Tom insists. He has no patience for this display of futile denial.
“It’s a distorted version of the truth, so you can beat yourself up for not being perfect enough, or some crap along those lines. Yes, it’s probably not safe for you to engage with Bludgers yet. No, it doesn’t mean that you’re useless of whatever you’re telling yourself.”
“You seem awfully confident in your ability to interpret my thoughts.” Out of ingrained habit, Tom reinforces his Occlumency shields. While it’s unlikely that Potter has the wits and finesse to master the delicate art of Legilimency, he’s also revealed himself to be unpredictable in many occasions. Better safe than sorry.
“Maybe you’re just obvious,” Potter says dismissively, before tapping his wand on the small set of chains that holds the Golden Snitch in place at the center of the trunk. The ball springs free, only for Potter to catch it immediately with practiced ease and a gleam in his eyes that promises nothing good for Tom. “Tonight we’re Seeking.”
“Will the Snitch’s movements be restricted to this clearing, or will we have to follow its path amongst the trees?”
“Only the clearing,” Potter confirms with a small smile.
Tom lets his gaze roam to evaluate the length and breadth of the space. The shiny surface of the ball would be easily discernible against the dark background. “Seems feasible.”
The smile on Potter’s face grows wider. “Let’s begin, then.”
What followed were blurred hours of Tom fumbling his way through sharp turns, desperately trying to keep himself from losing his grip, then losing it anyway at every attempt to catch the blasted ball, then trying to regain his balance, then remembering to loosen his posture, then failing at commanding his limbs to go on a single direction, thus dipping downwards at uncontrollable speed until he would have surely eaten grass if not for Potter’s steadying hand.
Once they finally touch the ground, Tom flings away Potter’s broom, rage painting his world in red. He doesn’t give a single fuck about the bloody stick of wood and the bloody Snitch, he’s bruised all over the place and he’s sick of this, he won’t stand a single second of humiliating himself any further, he’s utterly and completely done. “How do you fucking do this?” Tom roars. “Why would you willingly subject yourself to this torture?”
“Uh, T—Riddle—”
“I don’t know what I was thinking,” Tom goes on, ignoring him. “Why I even considered to accept this whole ordeal as if it deserves any of my time.”
“Riddle, I told you, this isn’t an obligation,” Potter says. “We can stop, it’s okay.” He’s dismounted too, and he stands there, slowly and cautiously inching towards Tom.
‘It’s okay’—as if Tom needs to be soothed or, worse, coddled. The infantilising undertones make Tom want to tear Potter to shreds. There’s a Cruciatus on the tip of his tongue, waiting to be unleashed, waiting for him to reap Potter’s pain for witnessing Tom making a fool of himself and daring to treat him like a volatile child. I doubt he’ll be so entertained when he’s contorting on the ground, screaming his lungs out, he thinks savagely, extracting his wand from its holster.
As the first syllable of the curse leaves Tom’s mouth, red light charging on the tip of his wand, Potter is fast—he crouches and rolls away from its trajectory, touching down over the stone in the middle of the clearing and drawing up a Shield Charm strong enough that Tom can hear it crackling like lightning. “What the fuck, Riddle?” he snaps, but there’s no surprise or fear on his face, only the sharp focus of a seasoned duellist.
Unfortunately for Potter, a mere Shield Charm isn’t enough to deter Tom; many Dark curses are designed to eat through them like a parchment set aflame. He smiles, all teeth, and Potter seems to sense his intentions, eyes narrowing.
Then the unthinkable happens.
Potter casts non-verbally at the same time Tom’s spell almost strikes home; the jets of their magic meet in midair and twine together in a single stream of pure gold light. Birdsong erupts, filling the space with an otherworldly melody, while luminous threads of magic are birthed from the stream like a spiderweb, surrounding Tom and Harry in a dome until the forest disappears beyond the shimmering brilliance.
What in Salazar’s name is this?
The entirety of Tom’s world is reduced to this moment in time, to Potter’s green eyes reflecting the light. Mesmerised, Tom watches as beads of light appear in the stream of their magic. His wand vibrates and he clutches it harder; the beads gets closer and closer to its tip, and Tom feels the light whispering at him to accept sanctuary in its song, to let it wash away his anger, to cease fighting, to surrender, and his whole body becomes weightless, being gently lifted from the ground by this invisible, absurd, liminal force—
And suddenly it ends.
The light disappears, leaving them to adjust to the night again: the link has been broken. Tom aches for it, deep in his bones. He can already tell how the echoes of that melody will haunt him for many nights to come.
He and Potter stare at each other, feet back on the ground, eyes wide, breathless and at a loss for words.
“What was that?” Tom breathes. “What did you do?”
Potter shakes his head, bewildered. “I have no clue. I just—stopped it.”
“You stopped it?”
“I think so.” Potter crawls towards a point to his side, scanning the grass back and forth until he recovers his wand from where he must have lost it when he interrupted the contact.
“Why?” Tom asks, unable to keep the word inside his still pounding chest. Why would you commit such a blasphemous act?
“Because—whatever it was, I’m not sure either of us was prepared for it.” He’s holding Tom’s gaze, straight on, in a way that reaches deep under his skin.
Unnerved, Tom skims the surface of Potter’s mind and finds a confusing jumble of... something. Too many somethings, all swirling in dizzying patterns. Wonder, doubt, curiosity, wariness, joy—all underlined by the same pure bliss that has enveloped Tom under the dome.
This magic is messing with my senses. “Don’t speak to me ever again. We’re done,” Tom says, with as much vicious strength as he can muster, rising on wobbly legs.
Potter sits in the grass and says nothing, making no move to stop him.
Tom can feel the weight of his gaze all the way to the castle. Once he reaches the dungeons, the Slytherin common room and finally his own bed, he realises how not a single part of his plan has worked out as expected.
His wand, who’s been a faithful companion since he was eleven, has acted in a way that was absolutely mystifying. Still shivering with the residue of that golden magic that doesn’t let go of his limbs, Tom performs a series of spells only to have the proof of what he already expected: the wand responds as usual and nothing is out of the ordinary—not now, not anymore. But if that unreal... thing wasn’t a malfunction, or caused by a curse, then what was it? He’s never heard of anything like it.
For the first time in what feels like forever, Tom’s out of his depth.
He thought he’d ruin Potter’s reputation, only to end up tired, bruised, with his magic acting up unpredictably and his thoughts scrambled beyond recognition. He thought he would teach Potter a lesson, and yet he lost himself in birdsong and light, giving away his power like an utter fool, until Potter was the one to separate them. And isn’t it funny that the reckless Gryffindor poster boy was the one who acted appropriately, while Tom has been too weak, too compromised? Weak, his mind provides.
How could it all have gone so wrong? How could Tom have lost the guidance of his own compass so completely?
For the briefest of moments, he wishes for Ezra’s presence; the snake has no interest in what he calls ‘complicated human affairs’, and his snark would help to keep Tom grounded. And isn’t this another sign of Tom’s weakness, to need another—an animal—to recover his balance?
He rubs his eyes, feeling both keyed-up and drained to the bone. A restless night awaits him.
However, he refuses to surrender to the hold of these thoughts. It’s completely useless to wallow in defeat and waste any more time contemplating this utter failure. Whatever happens next, whatever stunt Potter pulls that could interfere with Tom’s position in Slytherin, he’ll deal with it. Tom is cunning and capable enough to adapt to what fate has in store for him, as he’s always done.
He digs into his potion stash for a vial of Dreamless Sleep.
Potter can rot.
Harry crosses for the millionth time the opening sentence of his Potions essay. His parchment has turned into a blot of ink and he sighs, his wand to vanish the black stain. Then, he stares at the blank scroll, mind empty of coherent thoughts, unable to string together the meaning of a single line in the open book before him.
“I need help,” he finally says to Hermione, almost begging. They’re sitting, along with Ron, in their usual corner of the library. “I know, I know, I should write my own essay, but this isn’t—Hermione?” Harry hesitates, as he sees her casting a sturdy Muffliato around their table, the usual sign that a serious conversation was about to happen. Harry shoots a questioning look at Ron, but for once his friend appears to be on the same page as Hermione, leaving Harry out of the loop.
“Harry,” Hermione begins, with a concerned tone and furrowed eyebrows, “what’s going on? You’ve been distracted and spacing out for days, like you can’t focus on anything. It’s the third time you’ve asked for my help this week—even with difficult assignments, it’s not usually that bad.” She’s studying Harry’s face like she would a particularly complex Arithmancy equation, looking for the familiar tells that will betray his secrets.
Even though he knows perfectly well that she’s right, and that he did in fact intend to have one of those conversations, Harry protests on principle: “It’s Potions, you know how much I struggle with it! These essays are an absolute nightmare!”
“Yeah, mate, but maybe it would help if you read from the Potions book, instead of the Defense one,” Ron suggests, tapping his index finger on Harry’s book.
Harry stares at him, mild horror creeping up on his face, before letting his eyes fall on the book. He closes it and, sure enough, the battered cover doesn’t lie. “Fuck,” he says, defeated. He pushes up his glasses to rub at his face. “No wonder it didn’t make sense.”
Unlike Hermione, Ron doesn’t seem bothered by Harry’s behaviour; he shakes his head in playful disbelief, but he seems more curious than worried, which is relieving.
“So, what is it?” Hermione says.
Here it is, the moment Harry’s been dreading since this whole ordeal with Tom has started: telling the truth to his friends.
Like many other times, he doesn’t have a proper explanation for acting the way he does; in true Marauder fashion, he’d just acted on impulse, following the trail of fun. Unlike those other times, however, an explanation will be needed at some point.
This doesn’t mean that he isn’t also feeling quite defensive about this particular issue. After all, it’s not just about him; this is Tom’s business as much as it’s Harry’s, and Hermione won’t be happy to discover that her rival is involved. Harry still isn’t prepared for the fuss she will undoubtedly kick up.
And of course, predictable as the sunrise, Ron asks: “Is this because of whatever you’ve been doing when you sneak out at night?”
“Why are you being so secretive, Harry?” Hermione questions, leaning forwards and lowering her voice even though the Muffling Charm protects them from eavesdroppers. “Are you doing something that could get you expelled?”
“Hermione, I do things that could get me thrown in Azkaban on the regular.” Like being an unregistered Animagus, for instance.
And isn’t that another guilt-flavoured train of thought? The list of people that will need an explanation does include Tom himself. He’s warming up to Ezra in a way that he would have never allowed if he were aware of who hid behind the snake’s form. Yeah, Harry can’t say he’s looking forward to confessing that particular secret to Tom. After all, how can Harry admit to him that’s listened to his unfiltered rants and musings without Tom murdering him in cold blood? The Slytherin is already mistrustful enough, and lying by omission is one of the most dangerous things Harry could do, especially considering that Tom is a Legilimens.
Hermione waves an impatient hand to dismiss Harry’s point, snapping his attention back to the conversation. “You know what I mean, and you’re deflecting.”
Harry begins to open his mouth, but before he’s figured out what he’s going to say Hermione interrupts him again, voice gone soft: “Did you break up with your partner?”
“My what?” Again, Harry looks at Ron and finds none of the confusion he expects on his face.
“You have been disappearing a lot,” Ron offers with an half-shrug. “It was the most obvious conclusion.”
Harry gapes, stunned by the turn the conversation has taken. “Did you two really think that I have a secret lover? Why in the name of Merlin would I hide that?” If only they knew who my supposed ‘lover’ is. And isn’t that a thought, Tom being anyone’s lover, and Harry’s lover to boot? It’s too absurd, too unthinkable to even consider.
Yes, Harry can admit that Tom is handsome, and that he certainly doesn’t lack admirers; even with his poor eyesight, he’s not that ignorant of the Slytherin’s charms. However, Tom’s usual regal demeanour creates a distance between him and the rest of the world. Like a marble statue, Tom Riddle is meant to be admired while staying unreachable, and Harry can’t imagine him letting his shields down for anyone.
Except he did with me. Harry has been a witness to Tom’s temper, his cruelty, his smile. As obstinate as Tom has been with his will to drag Harry into the mud and his constant misinterpretation of Harry’s motives, he’s also let Harry see unflattering, vulnerable sides of him that many others would kill for.
How did that happen? What does this say about us?
“You’re spacing out again,” Hermione sighs. “But if it’s not a secret lover, then what is this all about?”
“I’ve been seeing someone. Not in that way,” he adds, before they can say anything. “But we kind of, uh, had a disagreement, and our magic reacted strangely and I was wondering if you knew something about it that I don’t.”
At the mention of an intellectual debate Hermione perks up, her posture instantly straightening. Harry tells them an abridged version of what happened in the clearing, glossing over the more incriminating details that could reveal Tom’s identity or the reason behind their fight.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve read about something like this before,” Hermione says, tapping her index finger to her lips. She bends to the side to rummage inside her magically expanded bag where she keeps a ridiculous amount of books—though Harry has to admit that, on occasions like this, having a portable library does come in handy. “I believe it was on a wandlore book I got last year. It’s hard to find any useful information on the subject because wandmaking is passed on through apprenticeship and very few masters have bothered writing down their knowledge, but I lucked on this tome that was gathering dust on a corner at Flourish and Blott’s, I’m fairly sure they didn’t even remember having it—ah, here it is!” she exclaims, showing them an ancient leatherbound volume whose title has faded completely. After a few minutes of leafing through the yellowed pages, she says: “I was right! Priori Incantatem, an extremely rare phenomenon that manifests when two practitioners bearing twin wands—that is, wands with the twin cores—attempt a duel.”
“So my... acquaintance’s wand has a phoenix feather core like mine?”
Hermione studies the book again. “Not just any phoenix feather, apparently. It has to be a feather from the same phoenix as yours, which I guess is why most wands don’t have a twin at all, or never meet their twin.” She lifts her gaze from the page to meet Harry’s eyes with her bright ones. “Harry, who is this person? This could be an amazing opportunity to study something that—”
“I can’t tell you, and they made it very clear that they don’t want me to speak to them ever again,” Harry says. Classes with the Slytherins have been... something. While outwardly nothing had changed between them, as they’d never interacted in the first place, Harry could feel the spiky coldness radiating from Tom as if it were alive and ready for him to try and cross it.
“But mate,” Ron interjects, gesturing vaguely at Harry, “wouldn’t they like to know about this? If my wand started shooting weird golden light during a duel, I’d be freaking out and thinking that my magic isn’t working or something like that.”
“I think they’re perfectly capable of researching this on their own.” Maybe that’s the reason behind their odd connection. Their wands... attract them to each other, or something.
Would Tom even want to know? The truth is... Ron is right. Someone like Tom, who prides himself on knowing everything and always being in control, must have been utterly shaken by his magic going haywire all of a sudden.
Harry’s choice is made.
A week after the last encounter with Potter, Ezra reappears in the dungeons just as Tom’s Prefect rounds come to an end.
Tom wonders at the snake’s ability to be so precise about his routine. Ready to cage his wayward almost-but-not-quite familiar again, this time with no intention of letting go, Tom lifts his wand in lieu of a greeting.
“Put that away, human,” Ezra hisses, and his tone is enough to still Tom’s tongue. He sounds stiff, his muscles tight and struggling against his obvious distress.
Eyes narrowing, Tom asks: “What happened to you?” If someone had dared to hurt his snake...
“Too many questions.”
“That was one question.”
“Pointless details. Follow me,” Ezra commands, before slithering down the dimly lit corridor, wasting no time to check if Tom is going after him.
Tom curses under his breath. Disrespectful, disobedient creature. He casts a silent Disillusionment Charm over himself and trails behind the sinuous shadow; the snake avoids the treacherous staircases, leading Tom behind faded tapestries and secret passages that he’s never encountered before. Spelling away the cobwebs to prevent them from sticking to his skin and hair, Tom finds himself thinking that not even Potter would have discovered these places—then banishes the reminder of Potter’s existence from his head entirely. The bastard doesn’t deserve a single crumb of his attention.
At this point he’s also wondering if Ezra is trying to get him in trouble on purpose. While the snake has never been particularly talkative and often acts oddly even by reptile standards, this mysterious demeanour is unusual and bordering on suspicious.
Ezra halts in front of a familiar, half-open bathroom door, flicking his tongue at the air; then, apparently satisfied, he slides inside.
More and more confused by this bizarre pseudo-adventure, Tom follows.
Once they’re under the greenish, dim light of the Chamber of Secrets, surrounded by snake-decorated pillars that hold up the vast ceiling, Ezra melts into the shadows and disappears from sight. The last shreds of Tom’s patience evaporate. “Ezra, what is going on?” he barely refrains from shouting.
He hears rustling from behind him, and when he turns in the direction of the sound his eyes fall on the pavement. There’s a book in front of him that hadn’t been there before. The cover is clearly old, black and unassuming, but it means very little for Tom. Wary, he extracts his wand. The Chamber is not a place in which one can trust random books appearing out of thin air.
It’s enough to distract him.
“Incarcerous,” a voice says—a treacherous, insufferable voice—and Tom is bound and constricted by ropes of warm magic that bring him to his knees. As if the humiliation wasn’t enough, he watches, powerless, as Potter waltzes in his field of vision and oh-so-casually disarms him.
“You utter bastard,” Tom snarls, like a flesh-eating curse, “release me.” The spell holds strong against his attempts to free himself wandlessly.
With a grin that shows too many teeth, Potter replies airily, “I don’t think I will. We have a lot of things to discuss, you see, and I don’t fancy being hexed.” His gaze turns sharp and he crouches in front of Tom, mockingly. “Besides, you deserve a little taste of your own medicine. Going around caging random snakes? Very rude, Tom.”
“What have you done to my snake?” No ropes will protect Potter from Tom’s ire. His magic is beginning to flare up, warming his skin, ready to set ablaze everything on its path.
Potter feels it, but all he does is sit cross-legged before Tom, unbothered. “Your snake?” he laughs.
“I caught him. He’s mine.”
“Putting me in a glass case and having a few one-sided conversations about how much you hate me is hardly enough to call me yours.”
Tom’s thoughts screech to a halt. The implication behind Potter’s words dawns on him, like curtains closing at the end of a play. It can’t be true, can it? Tom couldn’t have been so foolish—but wasn’t he the one who’s compared Ezra to Potter more than once? Oh, the irony. The cruelty of his misplaced belief that he could be himself with anyone, even an animal.
And then, Potter’s face opens, and his expression morphs into a genuine smile. Something travels down Tom’s spine at the sight. “You’re surprisingly warm, though. And you smell good under that posh cologne,” he says.
“You knew,” Tom says. “You knew all along that I wanted to sabotage you. That I despise you.”
“You had no right.”
“You put me in a difficult position, Tom. On one hand, I was very aware of the fact that I was taking advantage of you; on the other hand, however... what was I supposed to do? Let you harm me out of the goodness of my heart? I’m not that self-sacrificing.”
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wehatejulietsimms · 3 years
A/N: i'm gonna respond to this in sections bc it's quite long so bare with me.
Howdy y’all, 🤠 again. Yes, I didn’t in fact die. I’m sorry though that I kept getting sidetracked and couldn’t submit this until now, my boss decided to keep dumping her work into my lap. So I just wanna preface this by stating that I’m going to try and say what I want to as coherent as possible, but I have pretty severe ADHD so I’m not always as easy to understand as I think I am in my head, and I often go off on tangents, over explain things and circle back to topics randomly without realizing. Im basically going to go over their relationship over the years as I said previously (I’m not gonna go into detail about every single scandal and shitty thing Juliet did over the years, because we’d be here all year. so I figure I won’t cover them here, but rather let people ask specific questions if they want to. Remember, I was present for pretty much everything so feel free to ask.😊), but I’m also going to do kind of a mini deep dive into Andy’s behavior and actions (because although the snakes will hit you with every excuse in the book, and tell you that you’re looking too far into things and that it doesn’t matter, it does. The way a person acts in general and towards people around them is very relevant when talking about someone’s health, happiness, and well-being.) To start off, let’s take it all the way back to the time before Juliet’s reign of terror, when Andy and Scout were still together. In all honesty from what I saw of them together (and I saw pretty much everything they posted, I’m only a year younger than Andy, and I was quite into him when he was on MySpace and such, and I always watched anything with him and Scout together because they were fucking adorable lol) they had a really healthy relationship. Not once did I get weird vibes from them. The way Andy acted toward and with Scout, you could tell they really loved each other and were happy together. They had nothing to prove. It just was normal. (For any of you who are younger, or didn’t come into the picture until Andy was already post-scout and would like to see some videos of them together, you could generally search on YouTube for it, but also there’s a specific channel on there called like bring the milk tea or something that has videos of old Andy blogs and also Andy and scout on stickam and such. Worth a look if you’re curious) They weren’t constantly all over each other like possessive pack dogs *ahem Juliet ahem* and whenever Andy mentioned scout he didn’t need to shower her in compliments. They both seemed very secure in both themselves and the relationship. Super cute. Initially when they broke up it seemed quite odd. I didn’t really expect it. It got even weirder when he states that he and Juliet are together. It didn’t feel like they fit together at all (and no I’m not talking about from a fame or success perspective. At least not yet lol) As I’ve said I got bad vibes from Juliet right from the get go. Andy already seemed to be acting not like himself. (Also snakeys have argued that it’s just that he’s more mature now and that’s why he acts nervous and constantly looks Ike he wants to die. 🙄 maturity doesn’t mean losing your fucking personality and being unhappy most of the time. Jesus Christ.) it seemed like they got possessive of each other and constantly needed to show people how in love they were. Pictures, videos, and fucking public love paragraphs to show they are, in fact, in a super real relationship and they love each other. It also felt like Andy’s family was in on this whole weird charade.They (Chris honestly) started to defend her degenerate behavior and attack anyone who had even a whisper of negative things to say about her or their relationship. It was like watching a group of awkward, pretty mediocre actors put on a play about them being together. (I’ve hit the text limit now, but there will be more that I will write just after I submit this one though, fear not haha. N, you can either post this now or wait until I submit the rest, it’s up to you.) 1 / ? -🤠
A/N: i was here for a lot of it as well so i do remember some of this. although i did join the fandom shortly after him and juliet got together (i joined like around the time she was on the voice) i literally remember hoping that him and scout would get back together bc juliet just rubbed me the wrong way and i didn't know why at the time. & side note i actually do recommend people go look at old videos of andy and scout they were really adorable. there is this one video of them singing (i think a carrie underwood song lol) in the car and it's really cute. but yeah just bc he's older doesn't mean his whole entire personality changes. you can be any age and act however you want. i could even use jenna marbles & julien solomita (a youtube couple) as an example, they've been together for i think like 8 or 9 years and are about the same age as A&J (julien being around andy's age & jenna around juliet's age) & although they can have mature adult conversations and all of that, they still act like idiots and joke around together. neither of them look uncomfortable or are afraid of saying certain things like andy is around juliet. so andy aging doesn't mean shit in regards to his personality doing a 180.
🤠okay, so part two here we go. (Also I apologize if I get the chronological order of anything I talk about incorrect, I’m a bit scattered sometimes and the next ask I make will be the one where I talk about the domestic abuse and I tend to get quite heated, which only makes my brain function worse lol) so the point at which Andy was trying to get fans to go vote for/ support Juliet when she was on the voice seemed really fishy. I’m all for supporting the work of the people you love, but it’s kinda strange how hard Andy was pushing this at the time. Too hard in my opinion. I’m obviously aware that it was helpful in the end and he more or less got what he was asking for. But it was like he absolutely needed people to vote for her. As if he would get in trouble if they didn’t. So around 2012 or 2013 it felt like things really went down the shitter from there and just got progressively worse. (I never knew why for the longest time, but after they revealed that Vegas wedding that happened in about that time frame, it made a lot of sense.) Andy’s behavior began to change towards his fans. There are a lot of accounts of this happening from fans themselves and a lot of people said that 1. It was worse with Juliet around, and 2. a lot of the time it would happen towards females especially. ( I think more towards the “pretty” fans but don’t count me on that, I don’t know for sure.) This was completely night and day. Especially coming from the same man who used to always defend his fans and once stated something along the lines of he would never have a crazy or awkward fan story because he loves and is grateful for all of his fans and he won’t get upset if they’re just really excited. I would understand if these fans crossed the line in some way (like the later incident of fans finding his address and harassing them, which is unacceptable no matter who the people are) but from most if not all of the fan stories I’ve heard, they didn’t. They were being respectful and didn’t do anything to warrant this happening to them besides showing up. Which brings me to my next point, a lot of these negative experiences were caused by Juliet. Either she was the one being mean to people, she was causing Andy to be mean to people on her behalf, or her presence was upsetting Andy to the point that he was angry and started being rude and irritable. What scares me the most are the accounts of Andy having a whole Jekyll and Hyde thing, depending on weather or not Juliet was present. Happy when he’s free of her and miserable when he isn’t. In videos of him where Juliet is behind the camera he always seems nervous and strange. Like he’s afraid to mess up. That’s fucking alarming to say the least. You would think that the last thing one would want to do if another person brings them this much anger, stress, and anxiety, the LAST thing they would want to do is fucking marry them. Right? He literally started barely smiling at one point and really doesn’t anymore. I mean for Christ’s sake look at his wedding photos. What’s suppose to be one of the happiest moments of your life and to quote another anon with a different ask, he looks like he’s being dragged to the gallows. (And I get really fucking Angry honestly when snakeys tries to pass it off as “oh he’s awkward he doesn’t know how to smile” or “omg he’s being dramatic for the aesthetics” in some pictures, yes. But why the fuck would you look like that in pictures with the “love of your life” who you now regularly write cringy paragraphs publicly professing your love and complete adoration for? Andy knows how to smile genuinely. Ffs he used to. He smiled genuinely when he was a kid, he smiled genuinely with scout, and he smiled genuinely when Juliet wasn’t around. He doesn’t smile when she is there, and if he does, it is pretty much always visibly fake.) So I may backtrack a little later, but right now I want to talk about the fact that Juliet IS an abuser. More specifically, the plane incident. (Word limit. TBC.) 2 / ? -🤠
A/N: yes. 100%. when it comes to the wedding photos i will never understand people (specifically snakeys) writing off his behavior as him "just being dramatic for the aesthetics". is that something he would do in photoshoots? yeah. is it something he may do on stage? sure. something he would do in an interview? maybe. but candid shots of him on one of the "happiest days of his life"? wtf no. & idk why people think that.
🤠 Just before I start, again, with the pictures, I really don’t think that Andy is enough of a self absorbed egotistical dick that he would actually sit there and put on the whole “miserable tough guy” act in every fucking photo he takes. Ah yes, the infamous plane incident. So straight up, Juliet exposed herself as an abuser, and brought out every bullshit excuse in the book (and made Andy go along with them) to try to cover it up. 1. She was drunk. Honestly this is total bullshit. I say this same thing when people defend cheating or any other degenerate behavior with the excuse of intoxication and I will say it now. Being drunk does not make you a different fucking person. It does not change the thoughts in your head. What it does do is impair your ability to make decisions and judgement skills in general. It’s the same reason why people drive drunk. It’s routine. Its what they would normally do. And because they’re drunk, they can’t see any reason why they shouldn’t do that. Juliet gets drunk, she and Andy fight, she wants to hit him, and because she’s drunk she doesn’t think that she shouldn’t fucking put her hands on him. 2. She hit him in “self defense” and he broke her ribs.(There’s several points I have debunking this) first of all let’s get this out of the way, no one on that plane (including the very real witness who just so happened to be an adult film actress (I think?) who you so love to discount because of it) saw him strike her or even touch her at any time. Two, you are in fucking airplane seats sitting right the fuck next to each other with an armrest in between. It would be pretty fucking hard to break your ribs unless they were made of actual glass, or Andy’s real name is Bruce fucking banner. Bones are surprisingly strong and I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that it’d be damn near impossible for him to do that to you, which brings me to three, if he had broken your ribs you would not be fucking standing up, thrashing around, whining like a little bitch, and oh by the way, continuing to abuse your husband for the second time on that flight. Four, you had a miscarriage. (When I was trying to conceive with my husband it was very difficult. I had two miscarriages before I finally had my son. I’m fully aware of how devastating having one is.) which is why if you are not lying (which I fully believe that Juliet would stoop that low just to get sympathy, especially with this big of a scandal. But I don’t actually have proof of this so I will say that it is just speculation on my part) I don’t fucking care. I am not unsympathetic to her if this did actually happen as I said, however, You do not get to make any excuse for putting your hands on another person out of anger. Ever. I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what kind of stress you are under, I don’t care if you are inebriated in any way and I sure as hell don’t care what the fuck you have between your legs. You do not hurt anyone. Point blank period. Five. You are a woman, you can’t hurt him. This one, actually enrages me. We all know your crusty ass pulled this one out (and threw around trump supporters a few times for good measure) because you know damn well how society and the media views and deals with abusive women. Women can abuse. Women who are shorter or weaker than their target can abuse. The fact that there are people who either don’t know that or don’t agree with that is absolutely baffling. Six. The same (I believe) porn actress. Literally saw you beating your own face with the restraints you had to be put in (which by the way flight attendants only ever use restraints as an absolute last resort when someone becomes a danger to the others on board, so she had to be acting absolutely deranged) to give yourself a bloody nose to claim Andy hit you. Then you proceed to act like a child and tell Andy to call your fucking dad. (Which kinda proves that whole Scientology thing honestly) what in the hell. I stg as long as I am breathing I will never let this go. This is actual fucking domestic abuse. (Word limit TBC.) 3 / ? -🤠
A/N: yeah her hitting him "bc she was drunk" was never a good excuse not only for the reasons you mentioned but, also bc let's be real at no point are you ever going to get served enough alcohol on a plane to make you that drunk i don't care what anyone says. also when it comes to the excuse of him "breaking her ribs" does she forget that andy actually did break his ribs a while ago? i think she even visited him when he was recovering so she should know what kind of pain he was in. & if he actually broke her ribs, there's no way she would have even been able to stand bc i know andy sure wasn't able to. he said it was one of the most painful things he's experienced. (i don't think i need to comment on the rest of this. it would just be redundant. you hit the nail on the head with that.)
🤠 I don’t care if it happened just that one time ore more likely is an everyday occurrence. Abuse is abuse and should never be tolerated. Kind of getting away from the plane thing. Andy always seems, as it’s been said on here before, afraid to mess up. Like he might mess up, and make her mad. A common behavioral pattern in abuse victims. He also at this point and for a decent amount of time before, doesn’t seem like he loves her anymore. Like he keeps up appearances and pretends, but it’s like it’s a job he’s forced to do. He’s tired and burnt out but was probably manipulated into staying and juliet is probably clinging for dear life. Also I don’t know if I’m the only one who thinks this, but I swear, the veganism and sobering up was just a cover up, most likely formed by either Juliet herself or her fucked up family, after the plane incident to hide their tracks and regain some public favor (because you know, if you advocate for animal rights then you can’t abuse your husband 🙃) Andy never gave a shit before though. Even though it was unhealthy he loved to drink and smoke and was very outspoken about that. And he used to never give a fuck about eating meat or consuming animal products like leather. I mean they’re still selling leather goods ffs. I would get having minor fuck ups because you don’t know any better, but it’s fucking leather. And now Andy is unhealthy and miserable as ever, but the culprit is malnourishment and Juliet rather than cigs, alcohol, and Juliet. My final thoughts: I do definitely believe in the Scientology theory, but if not that than I definitely believe that Andy was and is being manipulated for his fame. On several occasions it really looked like they broke up, including the time when they did, and then said it was a joke. It really doesn’t feel normal. Also, Juliet doesn’t really care about Andy that much. She never wears her wedding ring, she sells all their shit, including sentimental items, and now that she’s gained more popularity from being with him, suddenly doesn’t want to put him in her bio or write him the same creepy ass paragraphs or anything. It’s fucked up how shes so keen to say she did it all herself when really she’s been riding dick for fame since before she even met Andy. It also always kinda seemed to me that Amy was kind of uncomfortable around Juliet. We all know that Chris loves to kiss her ass night and day (most likely to do with the Scientology thing “if” it’s true), but Juliet and Amy always seemed to have a weird relationship like it was tense and forced. Also I just want to mention the time that Juliet talked about screaming at the woman over what I believe was a game night and brushed it off as being competitive and no one gave damn. Fucked up. To finish off this already way too long little series, I think Andy is a very vulnerable insecure person who got manipulated by several people (not just Juliet) some of whom he probably really trusted, and they helped to get him in Juliet’s (equally if not more insecure) hands so she could hurt him as she pleases. I truly hope that even now both he, and his parents (even though Chris really grinds my gears) can get out of this whole shit show, relatively unscathed. I know this is probably pretty unlikely, but hope springs eternal I guess. As I said feel free to ask any questions you may have and I will try to answer them best I can. Thank you for reading. 4 / 4 -🤠
A/N: yet again you hit the nail on the head with this part so i don't need to comment too much. other than the fact that i do agree that juliet and amy's relationship does seem weird.
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honesthammie · 3 years
Te amo
I am working on a few of the other prompts and a part 2 to prompt 4 the soulmate au I just recently got another puppy and I still have uni work to do so I'm a bit behind schedule with these and I'm so sorry. Hopefully this little kinda songfic makes up for it.
13th doctor x female reader
Warnings: swearing as usual, fluffy, sad thoughts, twist the original songs meaning, long as fuck.
Probably terrible as its my first songfic
I don't know much Spanish so some of the examples later on are Google translated and I know it can be wrong so I do apologise for any mistranslations
This is based off Rhiannas song Te Amo but I'm switching it up a little. I dont why 13th doctor came into my head when I was listening to it but it gave me this lil oneshot idea so enjoy! The picture is not mine but the rainbow effect added is done by me! Same for the picture later on.
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I've been travelling with this amazing alien for a whole year now. The adventures are always amazing if she's there! The others sometimes complain and say its boring, especially on a junk planet but to see her face light up with excitement makes my day and it well worth the dirt we cover ourselves on by the time we are done. And when she finds something that she thought was useful and it turns out, it's not her scrunch is amazing.
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm in love with this alien. I know, weird, a human and an alien together? But I can't help it! I'm completely besotted with her. If she even looks in my direction, my legs go to jelly and I get butterflies. I know, cheesy. But thats exactly how I feel around her. I barely want to touch her because I nearly fainted the last few times. And I fear she may pick up on how I'm distancing myself from her. I don't want to break her heart and leave, the thought of her look kills me as is so I'm trying to get her to kick me off.
It doesn't seem to be working though. I've been distancing myself since I found out about how I feel, which is now 6 months ago and she's trying to get me to be as close as I was with her.
I'll tell her. On one of our amazing adventures but I can't do it straight forward, it's making me sick with anxiety just thinking about it. I'll fancy it up, make her work it out. Whenever we are next to each other and the moment is right, I'll tell her in another language!
I finally get out of bed after I finished writing in my diary. I slip some comfy clothes on and head out to the TARDIS library and hope no one is there, especially her. I'll be distracted and right now, I need to concentrate. I wonder the warm halls, grateful that the TARDIS had considered my preferences. I think the TARDIS likes me more than the others because I talk to her and show her gratefulness for taking us somewhere amazing and I chat to her regularly and I try to involve her in my conversations. The others find it weird, except for the Doctor, she just smiles and joins in with me. Im still learning how to translate her but I think I've sort of got it.
I reach my hand forward and grab the aged bronze doorknob and open to the giant room. There were so many floors that an elevator had to be used to access some of them as the Doctor said "walking would literally take weeks to reach some floors". Thankfully the TARDIS organises them to make them easier to find. I looked forward and saw an interactive map in front of me. My hands touched the screen and many subjects and categories came up. Anything ranging from kiddie tales to straight up smut, I have a feeling either River or Missy are to blame for that addition.
I've never met them but the TARDIS showed me videos from her database and brought books to my attention about them. They both seem very dirty minded people so I'm not surprised those are there. I wonder if the Doctor has ever stumbled upon this section or is it for none Doctor eyes only? If she does know about them, has she ever read one? No, don't go there you stupid brain! She probably doesn't know!
I quickly stop that train of thought and catch my breath. I've never thought about those kinds of things about anyone before. Stupid Timelord, making me go all weird and think dirty things. Now my face is all red, I really hope I'm alone in here. I quickly focus back to the task at hand, finding a new language to learn. The TARDIS seemed to know where to go and blue arrows appeared, guiding me to the right section in what could be a maze.
As I walking, I felt excitement rise within me. What if she felt the same way? What if she was impressed by how far I wanted to go just to say those 3 words? Would her hazel honey eyes sparkle with delight? Would she scronch her nose in amazement?
Before I knew it, I'd arrived at the language learning section and there were many alien languages but the TARDIS seemed to have a better idea of what would be perfect for me as a white hardback book fell off the 4th shelf onto the wooden floor. I picked it up and noticed how smooth the cover was and how old yet unused it looked. The white was a little off, almost a dull cream from ageing which made the gold writing harder to read. The title was simple:
Spanish basics and need to knows.
I did always find Spanish in school fun to learn, more than French or German anyway and I don't wanna stereotype this into a typical French is the language of romance. I never really found it romantic sounding compared to Spanish.
I picked up the book and quickly flicked through to the right page and took a note on my phone as to what the translation was and put the worn book away. I quietly thanked the TARDIS and rushed out of the library and back into my room where I could practice without getting caught.
A few weeks have passed since I picked up the new words and practiced them until I was confident and had the TARDIS' approval that I was saying it right. Today the Doctor wanted to take us to this party in the 18th century and we all decided to dress for the part once we landed.
Yaz was wearing a beautiful black and red ballroom gown, accented with little bows around the bottom and lace cuffs. She had her black hair curled into a ponytail. It was simple and cute, much like her style normally. Graham and Ryan wore similar suits but Graham wore green accents and Ryan wore yellow accents.
I let the TARDIS pick my dress. She picked a black and dark blue ballroom gown with blue roses on the bottom. It had black lace underneath and blue lace as the cuffs. The gown also seemed to glitter slightly in the light making me sparkle very subtly. I put my comfy boots on as you couldn't see my shoes as I walked anyway so why did it matter? With all the running we do, I'm not risking my ankles with heels, thank you very much. I had my (h/c) hair in (fave style). It suited my dress perfectly.
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I nearly choked on oxygen when I saw how hot the Doctor looked in her suit. It took me a few moments to realise we match. We both blushed at the realisation. Of course the TARDIS makes us match! No wonder why she was more than eager to help me pick an outfit! Stupid sentient ship, shipping us already!
I quickly cleared my throat and complimented everyone on how amazing they looked but I just couldn't take my eyes off the Doctor for long. She was like a magnet for my eyes. Someone help before she realises!
"Don't we all look brilliant? Perfect for the party! 18th century Yorkshire to be exact! What a great century for you guys. Now then, this party is for Nobles and higher, as per usual in these times. Ryan, I suggest you keep in mind about any racist comments that may come out. But as long as you say your Graham's personal butler, you should be welcomed with little resistance. And Yaz, I want you to be (y/n)'s personal maid. That does mean you'll have to follow your so called "masters" around and do anything they ask unfortunately and Graham, (y/n), please act like the others around you and use them. Unfortunately this is the only way all 5 of us can join the party. You'll be fine as long as you bite your tongues. Now the Noble Edward Collins is the host so be sure to thank him for inviting you, even though you technically weren't. And try not to get too drunk, I know what you humans are like! Now follow me." The Doctor explained. I was going to tell the Doctor today, but I guess, I'll have to wait.
The Doctor opened the doors and we were in a cupboard under some gorgeous marble stairs. As we walked towards the party I noticed some family portraits along the walls. They were a very beautiful looking family. The mother had long blonde hair and pale blue eyes. The father was buff, long brown hair and daring brown eyes. There were two children, a girl and a boy. The girl had long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, whilst the son had blonde hair and brown eyes. They also had a brown greyhound dog laying by the sons feet. The son must be the host, Edward. He looked not much older than 10 in the last painting but the daughter was no where to be found in the portrait and theu all looked mournful. Is she dead and is that the picture capturing the moment of grief? Why would anyone want that? It's so strange, even for this time period.
The Doctor held me and Yaz close, stopping us in our tracks. My heart was racing at the simple touch. But as soon as the touch was there, it was gone. "I hope its okay with you (y/n) but you're going to have to be married to someone."
My heart stopped for a moment and I nearly choked on air. "What? Why?"
"Because women like yourself would have been married as young as 13 or 14. Now your only choices are me and Graham. You can't choose Ryan as he's supposed to be a butler and you can't choose Yaz as she's your maid. The choice is yours, I just need to know wether or not I should refer to you as my darling wife or not?"
What. The. Fuck.
Why did her even calling me that l, turn me on? Obviously, I'm going to choose her but I'm going to have to perfect my reasoning here.
"As much as I love Graham, it's going to be awkward if I have to kiss him or anything because he's like my grandad! I guess you'll do Timelord. Come on then husband, we don't want to be late to the dancefloor!" I spoke clearly hoping she didn't notice how excited I actually was to have even a hint of a relationship with her. It may be fake but ill take anything when it comes to her.
We arrived at the welcome committee and handed our cards over, aka the psychic paper. We were going as Mr and Mrs (last name). The Doctor was holding my hand this entire time and it's driving me insane. I don't know if she can feel my racing pulse under her fingers but if she can I hope she puts it down to excitement! We walked down the most grandest staircase you would ever lay your eyes on.
First we walked around, greeting everyone as they came up to us or if she dragged me to someone she knew, but not personally. She was cute when she was fangirling over these people. Yaz found it annoying as she just wanted to party but I couldn't help it. The way her eyes shimmer with recognition was more beautiful than any galaxy she could ever take us. Sometimes her eyes flickered with admiration and it did make me have jealousy for just a moment before I remembered, I'm staying with her and they aren't .
As the party moved on we met the host Edward. He looked a lot different than in his paintings. He was around 20 years old now and his blonde hair was below his shoulders. He looked a lot like his father with his muscley build. And he was very charismatic which I did not like as he poured all his charm into the Doctor. Does everyone here know that he's gay or does he see through the Doctors disguise? Either way, it was rubbing me the wrong way. I quickly excused myself with Yaz and walked into the bathroom.
"I did not like him. I do not like this Edward guy. Something about him rubs me completely wrong. He's handsome but something is telling me he knows the Doctor isn't a man."
"I felt the same way. He knows something we don't. Before we go out there again, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Yaz asked. My mind was racing a hundred miles an hour. She knows. The jig is up with Yaz. "How do you feel about her, honestly? One minute you 2 are inseparable, then you distance yourself and now you are a nervous wreck around her! I won't judge but I just want to make sure my theory is correct."
Shit. I guess I really was obvious. Does she know?
"If your theory is about me falling hopelessly in love with the Doctor then you'd be correct. I can't help it. I'm going to tell her how I feel without being completely stupid. I just need a right moment to say it." I spoke with a heavy sigh. Hopefully, Yaz can help create that moment thay I need. She nods her head and opens the door. We walk back to the Doctor and notice Edward has gone to other guests and she was talking to Graham. I looked around and saw Ryan flirting with a pretty lady near the food table. Why am I not surprised?
A few hours had passed and the Doctor seemed bored with standing and talking so I made a plan in my head. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dancefloor as the next song came on. I didn't quite know how to dance properly but I knew the basics if it. She has to lead and I simply follow suit. It took a few moments but I got the hang of it with the Doctors help. Soon we were dancing so gracefully underneath the most beautiful candelabra that lit up her face perfectly.
Her hair swayed to our perfect dance ever so gently. Her eyes sparkled with amusement and her lips were in a permanent smile. She even laughed a couple of times. Then as the music slowed down to a pace that was perfect, I grabbed her waist and looked her. My heart was going crazy and my legs were about to buckle but I had rehearsed my lines. I can do this.
"Hey Doc. Its been an amazing time with you but I can't continue this without being honest with you. But everytime I get close, I back down in fear. So I'm going to let you figure it out. Doctora te amo. Entiendo que si no sientes lo mismo y me iré si quieres. (Doctor i love you. i understand if you don't feel the same way and i'll leave if you want.)" I spoke with as much passion and intention as I could. I looked into her eyes and saw her confused and trying to work out what I said. I would find it cute if my heart was beating right out of my chest. "Well, I've had a great time but I'm fucking knackered. I'm calling it night. I'll be heading to the TARDIS if you need me."
"I'll come with ya. I'm knackered as well and we both need each other to undo the corsets and mine is starting to hurt a little bit. How we used to do this for a full day, everyday, is beyond my understanding. As beautiful as we look, I don't think its worth the pain this will bring in the morning." Yaz spoke with a slight mumble as proof of her mental state and finishing with a yawn. I chuckled at her state and walked back to the TARDIS with a small amount of chat along the way.
She is right though. These corsets really do hurt you after a while, I'm glad I chose not to wear heels or else I'll be fucked for in the morning. I would literally scream. I think the Doctor had the right idea in wearing a suit, no pain. I do feel bad for leaving her but I just need some space after basically admitting everything that's been built up within me for too damn long. Maybe I should tell Yaz how it went and maybe she can help determine if the Doctor is happy or not.
We walked back into the wardrobe room and I helped Yaz out of her corset. She immediately sighed in relief. She finished getting herself into comfy clothes and started to untie my ribbon.
"So did you tell her?"
"Sort of. I basically told her everything but in Spanish. I just hope it doesn't change anything, except in a positive way, of course! If she wants me gone, I've told her that it's fine and I understand. She's very socially awkward and as cute as I find it, it may not help me in this situation. Do you have any clues on how she may react once she figures it out?"
Yaz stopped untying my corset for a moment and placed 1 finger upon her chin in thought. Her eyes were almost shut and seemed almost completely black in the light. After what seemed like forever, she took her finger off her chin and beamed a toothy smile. Her eyes sparkled as she remembered something and seemed to gleam slightly menacingly. A smirk replaced her smile soon after.
"There's a few times she's shown affection towards you. And I mean romantic affection. She always chooses to hold your hand over anyone else's if given the choice. She always steps I'm front of you when an enemy threatens to kill us all or hurt us in anyway. When you go wandering around on your own, she's terrified thats she's lost you forever to an enemy we don't even know of!" Yaz starts explaining carefully as if she's worried on how to word it.
"Those are just friendly affec-"
"I wasn't done. I was warming up." Yaz interrupts me as I was about to go into a self deprecating speech on how I'm just a friend to everyone and never a lover. "She always looks to see your face on adventures because she secretly loves your reactions, bad or good. When the Master revealed himself, she looked straight at you for support on how she should react. When she came back from the Kasavin, she ran straight to you and made sure you were ok first before any of us. When we were in the Tsungra medical ship, the first person she asked for was you! Whilst she was unconscious on board the ship, she kept mumbling your name, over and over again. When she saw how gorgeous you looked today, I thought she'd take you right there on the spot! She fucking loves you (y/n)! You're just so unbelievably blind to it all!"
Yaz was almost red with rage. Did she really do all that, for me? The TARDIS mustve read my mind and seemed to hum positively in reply. If everything Yaz said is true then she'll be so happy about it and maybe we can be a thing! But then again, maybe losing so many in a similar position as me will turn her away. Maybe her soul is awry and she's asking why right now.
Once I had gotten changed I went to sleep almost straight away, I suppose all that dancing and social ques having tired me out more than I thought.
I woke up to a soft knock on my door. I rubbed my (e/c) eyes and told them I'd be a few minutes as I've only just woken up. It wasn't until I finished brushing my (h/c) hair that I remembered what happened yesterday. All the panic rushed within me at once and I nearly threw up. I took several deep breaths and opened the door.
"GRAHAM THANK FUCK ITS YOU!" I almost shouted at him. He looked a little bewildered for a moment before he seemed to remember what brought him here in the first place.
"Hello Love, I'm here because Doc wanted to speak with you privately in the library. She says that the TARDIS will guide you to her location. She seemed a little off after you and Yaz left. Did something happen? Is everything ok?" Graham asked cautiously. He must be so confused.
"Sort of. I'll explain more when I get back but what do you mean by "a little off"?"
"Well she seemed lost in all sense of the word. She kept muttering "Te Amo" all the time. She was all over the place aswell. She got me and Ryan back here not long after you guys. Something about not trusting Ryan to not get alcohol poisoning without her around. She hasn't really left the library since if I'm honest. She's been in there for 12 hours. I only know she wants you because she whattsapped me on my phone. Whatever is going on, please sort it out, she's starting to really worry me. She hasn't been the same since that Master guy came around." Graham spoke clearly, albeit confused. I nodded my head and walked in the opposite direction to him and hoped the TARDIS would take me there quicker than normal. I want to treat this like a plaster, rip it off in one go.
Sooner than I realised, I grabbed the all too familiar door knob of the library. I took a deep breath and walked in. A blue line appeared towards the interactive map. I awakened the console and I saw a black screen with a few words on it. It looked like a message with how it was presented.
Hello (y/n)! Don't walk until you calm. Breath deeply and try not to panic. I promise you, all will work out in the end. I see more than you realise and I know my thief better than anyone whoever stepped foot into my being. I know of her main problem about the situation. If she loves you, drink this. It won't hurt, she'll know what it is.
I should have been surprised by this new knowledge that she could speak to me, in a way, but I've seen so much and I am so tender hooks so I didn't take much notice of it. I quickly sat down and tried to control my breathing. After about 5 or so minutes, I felt calm enough to finally meet up with her and hear what she has to say.
I followed the blue line carefully until I spotted her in a comfy room. She mustve gotten changed at some point as she was wearing her usual rainbow outfit, minus the jacket. She was sat on a deep purple sofa, legs curled into her body. Her shoes were on the carpeted floor underneath her, seemingly forgotten for the moment. There were many books surrounding us from many cultures and spieces. One wall had a cozy wood burning fireplace crackling within the silence that surrounded us.
Her face was scrunched within deep thought. Her eyes sparkling with an emotion that I couldn't quite put my finger on; hope, sorrow or excitement? Her lips had a small smirk gracing them and her teeth had bitten a small part of it. Her hands were holding a book in a way where I couldn't quite see what it was.
I didn't want to disturb her as she looked so ethereal with the warm glow of the fire highlighting her in the perfect way. Unfortunately, it's plaster time and I wanted this sorted sooner rather than later. I took a deep breath took in the picture for memory.
"Hey, Graham said you wanted to talk to me? Is everything ok?" I asked gently and as softly as I could so she was carefully brought out of her little world. I didn't want to scare her. She raised her eyes from her book for a moment and bookmarked the page she was at with a little TARDIS paperclip. She placed the book on the table at the side of her and patted the seat next to her.
As I sat down my nerves were through the roof. She gave nothing away as she stared at me for a minute, as if assessing something about me.
"Why are you so nervous? Calm down. You are right, It is to do with last night. You left pretty abruptly after basically confessing your feelings to me. I was so confused, not just about what you said but about myself and what I wanted to do about you." The Doctor spoke monotonously. Did she mean get rid of me? "I had to first of all, find out what you said, well done on learning a new language by the way, one even I'm not fluent at. I'm guessing the old girl had something to do with that idea. Not that, you aren't smart enough but you don't know what languages I do or don't know."
The Tardis seemed to chuckled at the accusation and I simply nodded my head. "I wanted to buy myself time and to impress you."
"You impressed me a long time ago Miss (l/n). That is just a cherry on top. After I figured out what you said, no thanks to my old friend here, I went through a lot of thinking. I've not been in many relationships and you know my history regarding the ones I have been in. You know, River and Missy? And I have such a bad past with it ending in nothing but tears for me. I always lose those I care for deeply." She spoke with tears spilling from her gorgeous eyes. I grabbed her face gently and wiped away the stray tears that managed to escape their home.
"That was when you were a man. You're a woman now, everything is so different. Relationships can be heartbreaking. I know what you're main problem is and the TARDIS has a solution to that. I just need you to tell me the truth. How do you feel about me? Do you want me to stay or not?" I stated holding the small shot glassed amount of liquid in my hand. The liquid was golden and sparkled slightly in the light. There were specks of orange and silver within it and it was as hot as a nice cup of (hot drink). Her eyes sparkled with hope and shock. Her lips were smiling wide. And she seemed to giggle at the sight of it. She held it for a moment as if examining it like a rare artefact, maybe it was. Either way, I trust her judgement and if she's happy about it, then so am I. Once she had analysed the drink, she practically leapt into my arms and pushed me down on my back. She smelled of custard creams and the TARDIS which was odd but completely her and I couldn't imagine her smelling any other way.
"That does solve our problem! What she has just given you is the rarest liquid in the universe seeing as only one thing in the entirety of space can produce it. That drink is known as the nectar of the chosen ones. It's rare as the race that used to make them has practically gone extinct. There's only 3 left in the known universe and you're living in one. That drink is the blood of the TARDIS. It grants you immortality if you drink it. It is said to resemble your favourite beverage no matter who you are. However, it only lasts 100 years and you must drink it every century or else your body clock will kick in and you will age and be as mortal as you are now." She speaks with a warning as we sit up holding holds.
"I have no problem with that. I would sacrifice everything if it meant I got to call you mine. Just please tell me and I'll drink it." I told her with adoration in my eyes.
She held me close and planted a soft and gentle kiss to my lips. It was short but it sent more fireworks than you can imagine through my body. I knew I had found her. She grabbed my waist and whispered next to my ear:
"Te Amo"
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assembletheimagines · 4 years
Be the One
Steve x Reader
Request: @bubblybrianna​  Hi I read o e of your works and I was  super impressed. I was wondering if you could do a Steve Rogers x reader based on the song Be the One by Jason Derulo. 
A/N: I didn’t write lyrics with each section of the request just as an fyi.
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"Rogers, the place is going to blow." Sam's voice rang through the com and your heart raced. Fuck.
You pushed yourself harder and climbed the stairs to the roof. The exit plans were limited and you were clearly running out of time.
You slammed against the door bursting through from the stairwell, now what. You looked around for anything that would grant you safety.
"Where are you?" You heard Steve ask through the com and you felt a vibration under your feet.
"Cap on your left!" Sam answered and you figured you were going to die because you didn't know where either boy was at. You were losing hope, time was running out, and you were stuck on the roof.
"Look up," Steve's voice ordered and you looked up and relief flooded your senses. Sam was piloting a hydra helicopter with Steve hanging on the side door.
Your relief changed to dread though when you saw Steve hold his hand to you. You'd have to jump and that, that was just as scary as the place crumbling in like twenty seconds. "You need to jump!" He ordered you again and you couldn't hesitate as you heard a rumble. You turned around to see a hole begin to form in the middle of the roof top. The building began to crumble.
"Fuck," you cursed and took off, getting a running start you kept your eyes onto Steve and his hand. You will not admit that some sort of squeal came out of your mouth as you leaped off the roof. Sam moved the plane in an angle and you fell into Steve's arms both of you almost rolling out through the other side door of the helicopter.
Your heart hammered against your chest as you clung onto Steve's biceps, the facility now a pile of rubble on the ground as Sam took off. You looked up, both you and Steve laying on the floor of the helicopter, and caught eyes with Steve. Fuck.
- -
Steve gripped your hand firmly as you both sped walked out of the casino. You were dressed in a dress that hug your body beautifully while Steve was dressed in a suit. It was a typical mission, not high risked like aliens trying to destroy Earth, just a weapons dealer selling info. You and Steve were ordered to infiltrate the casino where everyone was suppose to meet, steal the file, and get out.
Everything was going great, you were able to slide into the private party by being on the arm of someone random but important. Steve had to try a different tactic since he wasn't the type to blend in as easily for being a known figure in the world he had to sneak through the back entrance.
You were able to learn a few tricks from Natasha in training, and had picked up a few good habits of distraction that allowed you to get close to the target. It was almost too easy to fake a few laughs and act interested. Your hand rubbing the guy's chest and moving to his breast pocket. You grabbed the flash drive, and the guy grabbed your wrist. "And what do you think you're doing, Missy?" The guy growled.
I said it was almost too easy.
"Give me the keys," You yelled and Steve didn't hesitate to throw you the key. You clicked the button and the lambo beeped, the doors lifting as you jumped into the driver's seat. You had lost your heels when you had kicked a guy in the chest escaping so your bare foot pressed the clutch as your other foot went to the brake.
The car purred to life and you shifted the gear to first and let go of the brake slowly gaining speed to shift into second as you both took off the road and onto sand shifting into the next gear as you accelerated.
Cabo's water was illuminated by the moon as you drove across the beach, trying to avoid getting caught. You almost didn't notice Steve's hand on your thigh as you drove.
- -
"I don't see why you two won't just date already," Natasha hummed as you and her walked down the halls of the compound. You could see her sly smirk and you shook your head in response, rolling your eyes.
"Nat, it's Steve!" You pointed out like that explained everything. "Captain America, the golden boy." You continued and sighed looking across the room you two entered to see him leaning against the kitchen counter laughing with Bucky and Sam.
"So?" She laughed, "you're going to friend zone Captain America."
"No, I mean yes, I mean-" you fumbled over your words as you looked down. You would be lying if you said you didn't think Steve was attractive. And you did get along with Cap really well, but it was Steve. He was good, like a heart of gold good, and you were not. You made mistakes in your life and you had issues, and Steve could have anyone so why would he like you as more than friend even if you did.
"I'm just saying," Natasha said quietly, getting you to come back from your internal thoughts. You two passed the boys, catching eyes with Steve before moving on. "You don't see the way he looks at you when you aren't looking."
- -
"Steve-" you were speechless when Steve stumbled into your room. He was still in the Captain America suit. He had been on a mission and you didn't even know he was back until he staggered into your room.
You looked over at your phone reading that it was 2:32 am
"What are you-" you began to ask as you took the covers off of you. You then realized how beat up he looked.
He had a cut from his cheek down to his jaw. His bottom lip was busted, and you finally noticed him holding his side. Blood had darkened his suit around the area his hand was pressing against.
You didn't hesitate as you pulled him to you, leading him to your bathroom you shoved him to sit on top of the toilet as you began to play nurse. Fumbling over the first aid kit you had under the sink.
"Why didn't you go to med?" You asked as you helped Steve take off the top of his suit. He was slumped against the toilet. His eyes lidded as you worked on his side. Cleaning it. He was lucky it was a bullet graze.
"I wanted to see you," he mumbled. He was out of it.
"You could have seen me after you were bandage," you retorted kneeling between his legs and giving him a stern look. His lips twitched to smile but he grimaced because of his busted lip.
"I wanted to tell you something," he sighed, cringing as you moved and started cleaning the cut on his cheek.
"And it couldn't wait?" You asked and he gave you a look.
Every mission you go on, there isn't a guarantee of coming back. And the look he gave you. It silenced you.
"What did you want to tell me?" You then asked quietly. Looking away from him as you began to work on his bottom lip. But he moved his head back.
"You're beautiful." And you blushed, a smile growing on your face as you shook your head, trying to dismiss his compliment.
"Is that what couldn't wait?" You asked trying to play it off as a joke, "that I am beautiful."
"Yes." He answered seriously. "I can't hold back anymore." Your smile faded. "You're beautiful, you're amazing, you light up every room you walk into." His words were soft and your blush darkened as he didn't break eye contact with you.
"Anyone would be lucky to just be a part of your life." He continued and you finally realized he was holding both of your hands. "I'm lucky to be a part of your life." He mumbled. "And since getting to know you-"
You were cut off by his lips on yours.
"Let me finish." He said once you two pulled away. You were now straddling his lap, resting your forehead against his. "I like you," he confessed, "and if you let me, I will be there for you, I will love you, I'll treat you right." He said as he held your hand still. "Just let me be the one."
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erensnubs · 3 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒐𝒖
Colt Grice x F! Reader Dystopian AU
Chapter 2
Word Count: 1.6k
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"[NAME]! AHHHH YOU'RE HERE!!" Hange screamed across the room. Your head was turning all around the bright, marble like room as you tried to find the familiar auburn head.
You whipped your head around after talking to Dr. Pyxis.
Dr. Pyxis smiled at you as he acknowledged Hange's presence and walked away. Hange was running, their hair flying with Moblit behind her muttering "sorry" and "excuse us" to the victims of their running.
They flung their arms over your shoulders and squeezed ever so tightly. Your breath hitched and reluctantly patted Hange's arms.
"My god! How have you been? You look stressed. Is Levi bothering you too much? You know you could just stay at HQ! You can live with me and it's cheaper!!" Hange muttered, burying your body into theirs.
You try to pry yourself from Hange's grasp, but they keep holding on.
"You know Levi never tells me anything right? I mean we've known each other for a while through us, I mean for God's sakes we dated! And then you're so busy writing up papers and meeting with people so it's just like I-"
Moblit grabs Hange's shoulders and pushes them away from you. He audibly sighed and buried his face with his hands.
You couldn't help but chuckle at the stark contrasts of their faces as they looked at each other.
"Hange I'm doing fine alright? And Levi's coming to the after party there's nothing wrong with him. By the way, you look ravishing," you said pretentiously with a little smirk.
Hange's face lit up, "Oh [Name], you are getting flirty. But yes thank you for the compliment."
Hange started sliding back and forth on the polished floor, posing in their velvet red suit, the coat tails swishing behind them. Their hair was down and curled at the ends, with the ends fringed with a brighter red from previous hair dyes. Hange's eyes and lips were tinted red, her overall theme and it looked messy, and rushed. Exactly the way you liked it.
Moblit smiled tiredly at you and you patted him on the back, "Moblit how are you besides sighing so much?"
"Oh fine, I just don't know how I'm going to survive this ball and the after party. I spent a good 5 hours of our evening last night, experimenting with some new tools for missions," he said nervously.
"Oh Moblit, don't stress yourself out so much. Your inventions and experiments are insightful and they truly contribute to the research. Take a break sometime," you say reassuringly, as you lecture him.
"That's exactly what I told him! I caught him doing experiments when I told him not to!" Hange said. "Lighten up for once Moblit!"
You nodded, "I agree. This ball isn't a job, it's a break for people who work their asses off like you to help save us."
"I guess…. But heyyy… aren't you and Erwin acting as dates when you're actually just pushing an agenda?" He inquired playfully.
You smirk at him, "The ball is my work time, the after party is when I loosen up."
Hange spoke up, "Speaking of which, CAN SOMEONE GET ME SOME ALCOHOL FOR ALL 3 OF US. 2 FOR ME AND 2 FOR THEM!"
You grabbed Hange by the shoulder and laughed into it, "I swear Hange you are so scary to be in public with."
They looked at you with a questioning gaze, "Well how the hell am I supposed to get wine when all the waiters and people are over there where all the rich people are? They'll come to me, not the other way around."
A dark-haired boy with green-blue eyes trudged over to Hange. Eren Yeager. Stupid little shit, you had to teach him for a while when you were training soldiers but a passionate one. Beside him was Armin Artlet, the blonde boy who was arguably one of the smartest children you've ever met.
"Here you go. The other waiters just told us to bring these to you," Eren murmured.
"Hey speak up, Yeager," you tell him.
You looked at him again, "I'm just playing kid come here and give me a hug,"
He looked at you surprisingly and passed the glasses of champagne to Moblit and Hange before tightening his arms around you.
Eren and particularly his classmates were the only teenagers you have ever liked in your life. They were smart, determined, and knew how to goof off, and have fun. You developed a sort of parenting attitude towards them, as you watched them rise in the ranks.
Armin hesitantly wrapped your arms around you, but you pulled him closer and kissed the tops of their foreheads.
"My god how the hell did you grow? You're up to my neck now Yeager and Artlert too! What are they feeding you", you say sipping your champagne flute.
"The same thing they've been serving since we went to training camp," Eren said, snickering.
You raised your eyebrows at them, "So how's life going for you? Don't you have your special Survey Corps dance thing coming up soon? You guys excited for that?"
"Not me," Armin said reluctantly. "I don't have a date."
Eren started laughing at him, "Pffft… lame."
Armin threw a dirty look at him, "Oh shut the fuck up, you don't either."
You cross your arms and look at both of them, "The government parties aren’t all about relationships you know. It's about hanging out with your friends as well. If you really feel bad about it just go in a group together."
Armin spoke up, his mood lightening immediately, "Did you go in a group? Are you all still friends?"
You waved your hand nonchalantly, "My 1st time I didn't go, I snuck over to the underground area in the city I lived in and watched street racing with some friends. Got in trouble of course, but I got lots of money from bets. The next 2 times I did go with friends but the last time I went with-"
"Oh, we shouldn't have brought that up Dr. [Name]," Eren said apologetically.
"Oh no no no, don't feel bad I can't just keep my fiance's memory buried." You gulped at the choice of words but went on.
"He would have loved to share these stories with you. But for now, you should be hanging out with your other friends not with an old person like me. And try drinking a little," you smiled with a hint of sadness that was quickly upturned while you flashed your teeth.
Eren interjected, "You're not THAT old Dr."
"Sweetheart I am old all right. Now go I think Mikasa is waiting for you," you shoo them along with your hands and usher them back to the middle. The two boys quickly walked away back to their friends. You sighed and looked around you and realized Moblit and Hange were out of sight and Erwin was nowhere to be seen.
"Oh my god, Erwin! You can't just sneak up on me like that!" You say as the blonde was literally looming over from behind you.
"Sorry but I was wondering how the papers are going. I was chatting with Mr. Zachary over there and he said he would love to sign our papers," Erwin tilted his head to the old man with the white beard and glasses.
"Doesn't he monitor the 3 parts of the government?" You asked Erwin.
He nodded, "Having him on our side would help us out a lot. Any progress for you?"
"Dr. Pyxis said he would sign. I just have to convince Nick and Nile," you rolled your eyes.
Nick believed that all the funding should go to the military police, to help protect the citizens. You have argued and counterattacked that one day there might be no people to protect, no military police to defend because the funding was put all into one place.
Nile rolled his eyes, "Sorry to say this but the public might not agree. They don't care about your little missions."
"Well the PUBLIC Nile, is full of cowards who want to be protected by another set of cowards because the goddamn government doesn't know that the best place to put their money is in the Scout Regiment. They're the ones that's actually doing something," you say.
You stepped forward, "The public doesn't have an MD. The public has not spent a good chunk of their lives researching this. The public is not head of the government's esteemed research section. The public doesn't have knowledge that I do.
"Really cowards? What are you some self-righteous wannabe?"
"Oh shut the fuck up, Nile. All of you in this room are fucking cowards. People's lives have been lost just because we didn't have enough supplies and food for a group of 100 soldiers," you say and left the room.
That was 2 weeks ago and Hange and Erwin were present, and that's when you 3 decided to convince everybody to sign these papers.
Erwin nodded,"You can take a break for now, Nick and Nile are chatting up with some women."
You nodded at Erwin and parted ways. You grabbed a piece of dessert from the long dining table and leaned your back against the wall and drank more champagne. You lifted your head and tried to think of ways to convince them.
Nick was a religious man, and was one of the people who believed that the Warning was a sign from God. Maybe you could throw in a little religion, say that the money could help find out of it is really God. For Nile, just threaten the man. He was a coward at heart so that would be easy. But what if he backed out on the papers? Didn't actually mean it? What would you do then?
You hummed to yourself the possibilities, not even noticing the man standing in front of you.
"Uh, hey? You seem lost in thought."
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bloody-bee-tea · 4 years
Come with us
So, technically, this could be what happens right before “This feels a lot like home” so you can all find a link to that story at the end of this one, so everyone knows what I’m talking about.
But this is also for @ruensroad who 1) encouraged me to make my original Xicheng story Mingxicheng and 2) who I promised I’ll write some Jiang Cheng being saved from unwanted attention a while back.
Jiang Cheng’s face hurts. He is pretty sure that if he has to keep this stupid smile on his face for even a minute longer his face will break in half. Or get permanently stuck like that. He doesn’t know what would be worse.
Su She keeps talking on and on, and Madame Yu has made it pretty clear that Jiang Cheng is under no circumstances allowed to even make him frown.
Jiang Cheng is reasonably sure that Madame Yu has her eyes on Su She’s company, but Jiang Cheng isn’t yet sure if it’s for a friendly co-operation or a hostile takeover.
With every second Su She is talking Jiang Cheng’s hopes for a hostile takeover grow, though, and if his mother is aiming for anything else, he’ll probably have to quit.
Jiang Cheng takes a deep breath, keeping the smile plastered to his face, but he allows himself to let his eyes stray, just for a moment.
Predictably, they land on Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue, a little to the side, keeping out of all the schmoozing and socializing, just talking quietly amongst themselves.
It gets incredibly harder to keep the smile on his face, because all Jiang Cheng wants to do is join them—in more than just the talking—but he knows he doesn’t have a chance.
They are friendly to him, usually, because they have to be, Jiang Cheng is under no illusions there, and while they usually never go further than friendly and polite, Jiang Cheng can’t help but want for more.
Lan Xichen must have said something funny, because Lan Xichen throws his head back in laughter, causing a soft smile to appear on Nie Mingjue’s face and Jiang Cheng aches, they are so beautiful.
He snaps his eyes back to Su She, who is still talking and Jiang Cheng almost feels part of his brain die at the continuous garbage that leaves his mouth.
Still, he smiles and nods, even though he’s going through all the different ways he wishes he could tell Su She to shut the fuck up—a noticeable few underlined with his fists to really drive the point home—and prays that Su She finds a new victim soon.
Jiang Cheng spaces out again, lets his eyes wander one more time, and he’s sad to find that Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue have abandoned their post. They aren’t in direct line of sight anymore, and Jiang Cheng can’t just turn around and search for them.
It would be rude, and Jiang Cheng can feel his mother’s eyes at the back of his neck at all times.
She’s going to kill him if he’s rude, so he keeps his head turned towards Su She.
“You’re really beautiful,” Su She suddenly says and Jiang Cheng freezes up as a cold shudder runs down his back.
“Excuse me,” he presses out, because he was under the impression that they were having a talk about Su She’s doomed-for-failure company.
“I said you’re really beautiful,” Su She repeats and Jiang Cheng stares in open horror at him, before he slowly turns around to catch his mother’s eyes.
She makes an encouraging gesture, clearly urging him to go on, and Jiang Cheng feels dirty like he never has before.
If his mother hopes he’s going to sleep with Su She for the company, she’s mistaken.
But still, Jiang Cheng doesn’t turn around and leave, because maybe he can somehow keep this talk strictly in the business section and doesn’t have to feel like a cheap whore.
“So, you said you are thinking about expanding?” Jiang Cheng asks, because he’d rather hear about Su She’s ludicrous ideas than hear another compliment from his mouth, but Su She is very much not receptive for Jiang Cheng’s attempted subject change.
“It’s a crime you are not in a relationship,” Su She says and he has the audacity to rest his hand low on Jiang Cheng’s waist. “Maybe I could change that,” Su She goes on, stepping forwards and dropping his voice, and the hairs at the back of Jiang Cheng’s neck are all standing up, he’s so disgusted.
“I’m not looking for a relationship,” he coldly gives back and takes a step away from Su She, hoping to dislodge his hand, but Su She follows him, keeping his hand where it is. “And I do not appreciate this, so let go” Jiang Cheng then tacks on, voice biting, but Su She only smiles indulgingly at him.
“Ah, I forgot your temper. Of course you don’t have a partner,” he says as if his temper could be the only reason Jiang Cheng is single, and Jiang Cheng works his jaw.
He frantically looks around, tries to spot Wei Wuxian or Jiang Yanli so he can motion for them to save him, but they are nowhere to be found.
And Su She is stepping closer.
Jiang Cheng is about to lose it—business relations and wrath of his mother be damned—when suddenly an arm encircles him from behind, effectively pushing Su She’s hand off and pulling him close into another body in the same move.
“I think Jiang Cheng told you to let go of him,” Nie Mingjue says and Jiang Cheng freezes against him.
Nie Mingjue must notice it, because he briefly squeezes his hand on Jiang Cheng’s waist, and Jiang Cheng relaxes against him, making it look like he enjoys being held by Nie Mingjue.
Which is not even a lie, but Jiang Cheng knows it’s not his place. Still, he has to sale this for Su She.
“Nie Mingjue,” Su She greets him and he’s still laughing. “I don’t know what this little display is supposed to prove, but everyone knows you’re with Lan Xichen, so it’s not as effective as you might think.”
Jiang Cheng’s stomach sinks, because for a second he almost got his hopes up, but of course Su She would be hard to shake off. 
Jiang Cheng tries to step away from Nie Mingjue, wants to tell him he appreciates the effort, even though it was futile, but Nie Mingjue keeps him right were he is.
Jiang Cheng startles when another hand is lightly put on the small of his back.
“But what not everyone knows is that Jiang Cheng is with us,” Lan Xichen says from Jiang Cheng’s other side and leans in to brush a kiss over Jiang Cheng’s cheek.
“And we do not appreciate you hitting on our boyfriend,” Nie Mingjue tacks on.
Jiang Cheng would laugh at the face Su She makes, but his heart is beating wildly in his chest, exhilaration and hope fuelling it, even though Jiang Cheng knows it’s stupid.
They are just saying this to save him. They must have seen his predicament and taken pity on him. It’s an obvious lie, and for all that Jiang Cheng wishes it was true, he knows it won’t happen.
Su She gapes at them, his eyes darting between Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng cannot deny that he thoroughly enjoys the look on his face.
“So, if you could please leave our boyfriend alone now,” Lan Xichen finally says when Su She hasn’t moved in the longest time and Su She goes all red in the face before he storms off.
Jiang Cheng lets out a relieved breath but when he wants to step away from Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen they won’t let him.
“You can let go now,” Jiang Cheng tries, his heart in his throat, but still neither of them move.
“I don’t think we can,” Lan Xichen easily says and Jiang Cheng sees Nie Mingjue shake his head as well.
“Not now that we finally have you where we want you,” he adds and Jiang Cheng’s stomach sinks.
“He’s gone. There’s no need to pretend anymore,” he says, and he tries to keep his voice even, so he doesn’t sound too bitter about it.
“We’re not,” Nie Mingjue says and Jiang Cheng scoffs at that.
Of course they are. Jiang Cheng doesn’t even know why they would lie over something as obvious as this.
“We’ve seen you looking,” Lan Xichen lowly says and Jiang Cheng feels a lot like running away.
He wonders if he could make it to the restroom, so he can lock a door behind him.
“I am sorry for that,” Jiang Cheng forces himself to say. “I didn’t mean to.”
It’s a big fat lie because he can’t help himself from staring at them, and he doesn’t even really try to stop, but they don’t need to know that right now.
“We’re not accusing you of something,” Nie Mingjue says lowly, and he’s still pressed to Jiang Cheng’s side. 
“And we don’t want you to stop,” Lan Xichen adds and Jiang Cheng turns big eyes on him.
“What?” he asks, because Lan Xichen cannot be implying what Jiang Cheng thinks he’s implying.
“Why don’t you join us at Mo Xuanyu’s party?” Nie Mingjue asks and finally moves away from Jiang Cheng, but only so far that he can take his hand in his.
Ah, so this is why Wei Wuxian has ditched Jiang Cheng here. The party. Jiang Cheng briefly wonders if Jiang Yanli went there, too, but then he remembers that Jin Zixuan is Mo Xuanyu’s half-brother, so of course his sister will be there.
“I don’t—,” Jiang Cheng starts and looks around for Madame Yu. 
His mother will have his hide if he ditches this dinner party.
“She saw us approach you, I doubt she’s going to be angry if you leave with us,” Lan Xichen says, and Jiang Cheng remembers that his mother talked about getting an in with either of their companies.
He wonders if this will always be what his worth comes down to: schmoozing potential business partners.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t want that to be all he’s good for.
“Fine,” he says because if this happens away from his mother’s eyes, he’ll feel a lot better. “I’ll come with you,” he decides and he is absolutely not prepared for the way Lan Xichen’s and Nie Mingjue’s faces light up at that.
“Wonderful,” Lan Xichen breathes out and Nie Mingjue raises Jiang Cheng’s hand to press a kiss to the back of it.
“I can’t wait to have you between us,” Nie Mingjue mumbles against his skin and Jiang Cheng flushes bright red, but he stumbles along when Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen start to walk.
He wonders if he really knows what he’s getting himself into, but he is definitely not strong enough to tell both of them no.
Jiang Cheng has wanted them for too long to do that, and with how this is going, he can only hope that he’ll get out of this with his heart intact.
This feels a lot like home
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chemiste · 4 years
Foresight ~ ch. 9
a/n : cool cool, heres ch 9, ALSO i will be posting y/n’s assignment when it’s all finished so that’ll be a couple chapters later, that’s why you’re not seeing certain pics rn. love y’all, please talk to me if you want id love to hear what y’all have to say, any thoughts theories about the story? whats going on in your life? tell meeeeeeeeee!!!!!
mah masterlist
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“Guys, we’ve got a problem.” 
Mitch said from the main section of the tour bus. You had been trying to get a few more hours asleep, but the soft rumble of the tour bus was changed to screams from outside the bus. 
You moved your curtain back and stepped out into the bedroom compartment, rubbing the sleep from your eye. 
“What is that…” 
The words died on your tongue as you looked through the blackout veils in the living room. It was crazy. It was like all of Denmark was there, crowding around the Royal Arena, excitedly anticipating Harry’s arrival.
“So this is what 10,000 people looks like huh.” 
You said, still a bit gobsmacked. You looked around at who was in the main compartment and saw Harry sitting on the left couch. 
You plopped down beside him and threw your legs up onto the remaining part of the couch, leaning arm again his chest. With his right hand, the poster had been scrolling through Instagram, looking at all the postings from fans for tonight. 
On the other couch, Jeff was on a call chatting with someone about the new people barrier they’d need to get through. 
He ended the call, “The good news is our other buses were able to get here early enough and unload in the back before the crowd started. The problem now is getting us through the crowd, I called ahead and we’re gonna turn around and take an SUV in to try and be more inconspicuous. Everyone, what you need for the show cause we wont be able to get back to the tour bus till afterwards.”
The group complied and went into the back rooms as the tour bus exited the Arena parking, heading to the secret location where you all would switch vehicles for attempt number two. 
You straighten your duvet out, having not pulled out anything during the drive so you didn’t have anything to pack. You glanced over to Harry who was shoving a stray piece of paper that had scribbles all over them into a journal that seemed overstuffed. “
Are those lyrics?” You asked, slinging your backpack onto your shoulder. His eyes looked up at you briefly and then he nodded. 
“Yeah, uh, just writin’ whenever I can yeh know?” 
You put your shoes back on and headed into the living compartment. 
“Alright everyone off and into the SUV pronto so any fans that decided to follow the tour bus don’t intercept our exit.” 
Jeff said, taking the keys from the rental man who handed them to him. 
You all piled into the SUV, you and Clare in the very back, then Hélène, Harry squished in the middle, Sarah, and then Mitch with Jeff in the front. 
“I’m a big boy why I’m I the one sitting ‘ere in the middle!” 
He whined as the SUV pulled out onto the road, making his knees hit the console. 
You laughed and pulled out your phone for a quick picture, but you weren’t fast enough as Harry snatched your mobile device out of your hand. 
“Hey! Give that back you, thief!” 
“Nope! I think we need som’ pictures of you know junebug,” the poster cackled, turning the flash on and leaning into Sarah’s lap to take a bunch of snaps of you crawling from the backseats. 
You groaned and put your hand up to block the flash dots that had been clouding your eyes. 
“Come on! Do better than that Y/N!”
 He teased, you responded by changing you hand briefly to flip him off and then to a rocker hand sign. Satisfied, the boy handed you your phone back, that stupid smirk donned on his face.
Cute stupid smirk…
Huh? Psh, yeah whatever.
“Okay crouch everyone, we’re pulling in.” 
Jeff called as he pulled into the Arena parking lot again. You watched as the SUV got through easier than last time. You could see from your crouched position some of the fans lined up, or walking together to the doors. 
Some were holding signs, others had matching t-shirts. They all seemed so elated to be here, and it made you proud of Harry. 
You looked up and saw Harry doing what you had been, watching his fans. A small smile grew on his face and you could see how truly appreciative he was of his fans.
Finally the SUV got to the back gate where the other tour buses had been stationed, Jeff rolled down his window and gave the man at the booth his pass. After it had been approved, the gate opened and allowed the SUV in, closing immediately as some fans tried to slip through but to no avail.
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“One more time everyone, 3, 2, 1.” 
The beats for Carolina started to play, and the band started up again, Harry standing in the middle of the stage still in sweats, hanging not changed yet.
 It had been a few hours since they were able to get and now were just adjusting a few things for the performance like always. 
You were sitting on the stage off to the side, laptop in lap. Those assignments didn’t do themselves. You were going through your photos, trying to see if any recent pictures matched some of the words you needed for your last assignment.
After that you head back to the dressing room, having time to kill as the band gets dressed and pampered. You decide to check in with Maggie and give her an update.
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It was March 30th now, you were in Barcelona sprinting through the aisles as Harry performed Kiwi. 
The concerts had been going well, Norway and Germany were beautiful but it all went by so fast that your memories seemed blurry. 
But you remembered your off day yesterday with crystal-like perspective.
“Harry, look at this field oh my god have you seen anything more beautiful!?!” 
You and Harry had taken the day off to find something of nature since the only thing y’all had been around the previous week were cement walls. 
The both of you stumbled along a lovely meadow in a hill dip about an hour away from Barcelona, where he would be performing tomorrow night. The grass was tall and vivacious, little purple and pink flowers sprang up in between the stems. 
H turned to you with a smile that resembled a kid on Christmas Day. He looked absolutely soft and sweet, wearing that blue and white striped hoodie. You matched him slightly, wearing a white sweater and blue skirt complemented by thigh-high boots to keep your legs warm. 
 He yelled as he ran straight into the flowery abyss and flopped into the ground. You trotted over to him, laughing and snapping photos of the hill line and the fluffy white clouds. 
He giggled and you looked down to the boy underneath you. You took a picture of him and smiled. 
Scanning back through the photos on the small screen, you think if you’d been a least a foot farther from him you wouldn’t have heard what he said quietly.
“You’re very pretty yeh know.”
You snapped up to look at him, a bit surprised from the compliment.
“Oh, thank you. You are too.”
 He crinkled his nose at your response, groaning and then sitting up enough to wrap an arm around your was it and drag you down to his level. 
You scream, sorta laughing as your fall was buffered by the flower bed. The sky was lovely, a bright blue. Clouds were scattered around and the wind slightly pickup, making you shiver. 
“Come ‘ere.”
 He said softly, pulling you rest your head don his chest. You held your camera up to his face, showing him a picture. 
“This one is gonna be for ‘silly’.” You said. 
“It’s perfect.” 
You thought so too.
A cheer shook you out of your trip down memory lane.
Right, the concert.
You gripped you camera in your hand and scanned the stage to find the boy you were suppose to be taking shots over.
Or off of…
Stop it Y/N!
He looked good, decked out in the black and white patterned suit.
 “ ‘ve ripped man trousers!” You heard him say with a laugh.
You rolled your eyes, this boy. After a few more songs, he starts up Anna and you laugh. Oh this song.
You’re taking photos, bopping slightly to it, hey it’s a catchy song!
But then he turns to you and gives you a smile.
Oh no.
The lights shining off his suit and hair make him seem like he’s sparkling, and that smile just made your heart stop. 
It’s like you’re fully seeing him in a different light and it’s breathtaking.
Oh, fuck, maybe I do like him.
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You’re pacing in your hotel room.
Slightly freaking out.
“I like him! I can’t believe it, Maggie was right I’ve got a stupid crush! I can’t— this, how?” 
You talk to yourself, trying to figure out when it all added up for you. The little touches, him saving you from the crowd that one time, sneaking out and touring Amsterdam, even the way you interacted with each other was different from the rest of the band. 
“I’m—I’m totally overthinking this right? There’s no way…”
 You’ve never felt this way before, the heart races when he smiles, the look he gives you after a laugh, when you hug or snuggle into him on the couch, how his cologne smells making you feel at home and loved.
You stopped pacing.
“Oh my god, am I in love with Harry Styles?!”
Yes, yes I am.
You turn, gobsmacked and flop onto your bed.
What am I gonna do…
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You’re in the terminal in at 5am, waiting for the flight to Milan.
It’s dead quiet sans the occasional custodian worker of business group getting off an all-night flight. 
You’re standing at a sunglass kiosk, trying on different pairs in the little round mirror set up. The band is across the wide walkway sitting on various chairs waiting for the flight. 
Maybe or maybe not you’d been slightly avoiding Harry since the night of your little proclamation. During the Madrid show, you’d opted out of taking photos, instead going out to look around the city and maybe pick up enough stupid tourist gifts to make you forget. 
Thankfully Harry didn’t seem to notice your sudden change in moods, unfortunately it meant he was coming over to you right now and you couldn’t stop it.
“Like any of the sunnies?” 
He asked, grabbing a pair and popping them on and making a funny face at. You shrugged, not answering. 
Oh great, now he seemed to have picked up on your inner turmoil when you didn’t speak, taking the glasses off and putting them back in their rightful place. 
“You okay?” 
He asked quietly, concern coating the edge of his words. 
You nodded, pushing back some of you hair behind your ear and turning to the small mirror to look at your reflection. 
“ ‘m just a bit tired.” You answered, hoping that would be enough for him. 
He nodded, thinking for a moment then holding up his phone. 
You smiled, “H it’s 5am I don’t look the nicest for a picture right now” 
“Oh come on Y/N you’re gorgeous any time of day.”
Not helping.
“Fine fine, but I don’t want to be seen.” 
He opened the camera and pointed it into the mirror, “Okay then how are we gonna take this picture love?” 
You wrapped you hands around his head to cover his eyes, “Like this goofball.”
 He smiled, “You’re the goofball right now.” 
After throwing up a peace sign with his spare hand, he snapped the picture and then checked to see if it was good. 
“I like, ‘m gonna post it.” 
You yawned and nodded to his statement.
Guess I wasn’t fully lying, I am pretty tired.
“H, we’re ready to go.” 
Mitch called, you both grabbed your suitcases and rejoined the group, following the flight attendant into the small plane. 
You were first in line down the aisle and quickly found a seat in the back of the plane, hoping Harry would opt to sit with someone else a few seats in front of you, after all there were only about 20 seats in the plane, hopefully he’d pick not pick the one right next to you.
I’ve got too much to think about, I might burst into flames if I have to smell his vanilla spice cologne for the next two hours.
“Mind if I sit here?”
“Yeah sure.” 
He slid into the seat with ease, tucking his bag under the chair. You curled into the corner of your seat, trying to put a small bit of distance between you but not too much to make him worried. 
Harry turned to look at you, propping his left elbow up on the squishy armrest between the two of you. 
“I remember the first tour we did fo’ 1D, got ’t was hectic. Stupid, teenagers on the road wit’ too much money an’ not enough discipline. The first month was crazy, all of us high on the feelin’ of performing once we’d gotten over the stage fright, then immediately going t’ a new town, meetin all these people, ’t was a dream. But then a couple months later we could feel the toll, I don’t think I really realized how exhausted I was from touring until the last night where instead o' celebratin, I went to sleep right when we entered the hotel an’ didn’t wake up till 3pm the next day.” 
Harry’s little heart spill didn’t help you too much with your dilemma, might’ve just made you fall for him even more, but you appreciated the fact that he was trying to let you know he knew the feeling. 
“Thanks H.” 
You mumbled, face squished into the headrest of your seat. 
He patted his shoulder, “Come ‘ere, yeh can fall asleep on me.” 
Your eyes widen, “Oh, don’t worry about it, I’m fine—“ 
“Nonsense, come on, you’ll wake up without a creak in yo’r neck yea?”
Fuck it.
You scooched over and nestled into the British heart-throb, soaking in that damn vanilla cologne you’d sworn to avoid.
He laid his head on top of yours and you made yourself relax, cause you couldn’t deny it, it was pretty comfy like this with him.
Pretty comfy indeed.
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During the concert, all you can think about while taking pictures is how the Styles boy might be sweeping you right off your feet. 
The little dance moves he makes, so erotic but beautiful in the same way, like he’s in another room dancing on his own in the dark. The way he throws he head back during certain parts of a song, caught up in the moment—
She’s such a good girl,
“Be professional! You’re on job for gods sake,” You muttered to yourself, raising the camera again.
She feels so good,
She feels so good,
But then you lower the camera again to watch as he rocked his hips with the beat, jaw-dropping at the sight. You looked up to his face as he turns, that was now looking at you.
He started to strut on the stage, slowing making his way to you, eye contact unwavering.
“I met her once and wrote a song about her
I wanna scream, yeah
I wanna shout it out
And I know she hears me now.”
Hold on, knows?!
He finally let his eyes drift back to the crowd, singing la la las with the rest of the band. 
You on the other hand, were having a miniature heat attack.
The gesture was so raw, so real, too real. It’s like he was talking to your soul, reaching out to tell you—
Does this mean he likes me too?
telephone hour for this chapter!
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baldwin-montclair · 4 years
The Unlikely Advocate - Part 5
Just a little more backstory to how this little family of a vampire and two witches formed
Tagged: @sylverdeclermont @christi14 @fanficqueen306 @holamor
“You look ravishing.” Baldwin admired when Eileen joined him in the foyer.
“Then why dinner? I already gave you my consent to order me around for a few hours.”
He gave a half smile.
“I suppose you took that to mean I planned to tie you to my bed and have my way with you?”
“Doesn’t it?” She challenged.
“Do you like the dress?” He switched subjects.
She did, from first she saw it, hanging on the outside of her wardrobe. It was a beautiful deep red sculpture and contour dress with a risqué slash reaching from the hem to halfway up her thigh.
“It’s beautiful, thank you,” she regarded him in his suit and tie, “where are we going for dinner?”
“Dinner will be served on my plane.”
“Where are we going?”
“You will see.”
“I don’t have my passport.”
“You won’t need it.”
“Do I hear dissent, so soon?”
“No, it’s just-“
“Come here.” He ordered, keeping his gaze on her as she approached.
“We need a penalty system,” he decided “if we’re to do this properly, you will have to behave, do not challenge, question or lie to me as I will be keeping count of every transgression and you will be punished accordingly.”
“Are you gonna put me over your knee?” She taunted, placing her hands on his broad chest and leaning forward for a kiss.
“Do not enter into a battle of wills with me, I will win each time,” he warned, “but if my terms were unclear, I’ll happily repeat them?”
“I’m curious, what is my penance?”
“Why do you need to know?”
“I need to know if it’s worth misbehaving.”
“It isn’t.”
“Are you sure?” She grinned.
With a quiet growl, he pressed her against the wall, capturing her lips in a hard kiss and she was unable to suppress the satisfied smile from her ability to evoke a reaction.
“Is this what you want,” he asked gruffly, “I know you were close before,” I could sense it, smell it, practically taste it. You want nothing more than to be taken hard right here.”
He slid his hand inside the long slit in the side of the dress, running almost the length of her leg, and his fingers slipped inside the delicate lace of her underwear.
“Yes,” she gasped as he toyed with her, barely touching her clit to instead slide a finger up and down her slick entrance, the obvious coolness of his skin against her heat made his touch feel more erotic than all the warmbloods she’d been with.
“However,” he pulled away, “you misbehaved.
As if to underscore his point, he gently kissed her neck, just over her pulse.
“I gave you instructions, they were not followed. Assuming that I failed to make them clear enough, I repeated them. The failure to comply from now on will be treated the same.
He framed her face in his hands tenderly.
“This is not about giving you what you think you want.”
“Then what is it?” She mewled in frustration as the friction he’d created within her dissipated.
“I’m giving you what you need.”
“Which is?”
“Responsibility, fear of failure. You’ve been white knuckling for a year, and you have managed because of your strength, and courage. Tonight you will do as I say because you have the safety of knowing that I will not drop the plates you started spinning. I will not let you take control over what happens at any point tonight, it defeats the purpose. Is that clear?”
“Good,” he kissed he lightly on the temple and released her, “if I’m unable to discipline you immediately at any point in the evening I will do so when we are alone. I just hope the sun doesn’t rise before your penance is paid. Best let this be the last defiance or it will be a very unsatisfying evening for you.”
She let the protest die in her mouth, internally cursing his ability to find the one thing he could most easily control her with.
A denied climax was annoying at the best of times. Right then, it was the last thing she wanted.
“Stop pouting,” he rolled his eyes with amusement, “I guarantee a wonderful evening.”
“Oh. My God!” Eileen moaned involuntary as the softest, richest chocolate cake she had ever tasted played on her tongue.
After two and a half hours of carefully spaced dishes and conversation, she had already forgiven his harsh denial.
“Good?” He asked.
She nodded with enthusiasm and offered him a forkful.
“No thank you, it would be wasted on me.”
“Am I allowed to ask you questions?”
“Of course.”
“Can you not taste human food?”
“Not in the same way you do,” he shrugged, “Matthew has a theory to explain why it is different,” she nodded for him to continue, “which I did not care to have him explain.”
“You don’t want to know more about your fundamental nature?”
“I know everything I need to, I have not much use for the meaning behind it.”
“But you’ve never tasted chocolate, I cannot even imagine that.”
“Well you needn’t imagine because I have.”
“But you’re so much older than-“ she stopped, “I’m sorry that was disrespectful.”
“And if you were going to say the cultivation of ‘xocoatl’ then it would also be untrue.”
She chuckled, expecting him to admit the joke and stopped when he did not.
“I know that the Romans were not in the America’s two thousand years ago.”
“That’s true,” he agreed, “but we were in Africa, and many from there did travel and trade with the people’s they found in Central America. It was nothing like that confection you are eating now, no sugar, or milk, just a bitter drink that did wake you up. I was lucky to be present for a demonstration.”
“Do you have any idea how big a discovery that is? Not only was it not fucking Columbus, it wasn’t even Leif Erickson who was the first European to ‘discover’ America.”
“Progress is not linear, humans forget much more than they discover, then, when the need arises they ‘invent’ it anew. It’s the way of things.”
“That’s a very kind appraisal.”
“Unlike you, I was not always what I am now, I once shared more in common with humans than creatures.”
“Hard to picture you as a soft squishy human.”
“I could disembowel a man from the age of ten, we did not do soft and squishy in those times.”
“What was Rome like back then?”
“Brutal, beautiful. Have you ever been there in our civilised era?”
“Once, with my family. Sophia and I slipped away as often as we could, we walked around, enjoyed the sun, I found an undiscovered bath-house.”
“Really?” He chuckled.
“Yeah, it was under a space mapped out for luxury apartments. The guy who‘d bought the land was not happy when I uncovered it in front of the police he’d called to have me removed. Turns out he knew and kept it a secret, completely willing to destroy important artefacts to make money.”
“Is that how you know Diana, you find things for her?”
“She doesn’t need my help but I’m happy to give it.”
“You have a talent for finding things.”
“Private Investigator, professional finder of things. I don’t follow people having affairs or being people, I specialise in books, artworks, genealogy.”
“You created your own niche, commendable but dangerous.”
“How so,” she noticed his eyebrow quirk, “it’s not a challenge, I’m genuinely interested in your opinion.”
“Very well,” he seemed satisfied, “it’s a disparate skill set, might raise attention as to how you come by the knowledge.”
“Good point,” she relented, “I chalk it down to my superior research skills.”
“Thank you,” she replied politely, trying to ignore the flush of endorphins his approving look gave her with respect to her manners, “and for dinner, it was delicious.”
“I will pass your compliments to the chef,” he checked his watch, “landing should be around twenty minutes.”
“The helicopter is ready for you at the airport sir,” a steward advised him and received a curt nod before removing her empty plate and disappearing into the front section of the private plane.
“Exciting,” she watched him carefully, hoping for an indication, “wonder where we can get to in three hours. Not Paris, it wouldn’t take that long.”
“The helicopter will add twenty minutes if it is of any help.”
“May I please open a window blind to see outside?” He silently shook his head.
She opened her mouth to protest and the slight head tilt told her he was waiting for it.
“As you command.” She answered instead.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“I can hear the cogs turning, speak your mind.”
“Okay, I still don’t understand why.”
It was his turn to give her a confused look.
“I mean,” she continued, “I have been nothing but a pain in your backside. I yelled at you in front of your staff, you’ve been dealing with my family, why do this for me?”
“Is it not fairly obvious?”
“Not to me,” she admitted, “if we hadn’t met at the Congregation hearing or even Christopher’s baptism, you wouldn’t have to deal with all my baggage.”
“I don’t have to. I’m sure my sister would make sure both you and Izzy were well protected. I choose to help because I care for the both of you.”
“She seems to really like you.”
“Very smart child and an excellent judge of character.”
“Yes she is, but-“
“She needs me,” Eileen admitted, “and I can’t get involved with someone while I’m trying to be there for her. I want to trust but-“
“You don’t have to explain, I understand,” he reached out and placed his hand over hers as the overhead lights came on.
“We are coming into land,” he got up, approached and buckled her seatbelt before taking his seat and doing the same.
The landing was very smooth, surprisingly so, and she waited until the all clear was given before trying to stand up.
“Oh no,” he grinned, a hand firmly on her shoulder, “not without this.”
He showed her a black eye mask blindfold.
“This goes on until we reach our destination.”
“But I want to see outside the helicopter.”
“You will, on the way back.”
She nodded and went to take it from him to put it on.
“Allow me?”
“I’m at your command.”
“You learn quickly.”
Baldwin could shield her eyes but could not hide the sound of waves crashing or the scent of sea air as soon as he got her out of the helicopter.
He led her safely away from the propellers and stopped.
“What’s happening?” She asked with a thrill of excitement.
“Patience,” the smile in his voice was evident and he picked her up into a princess lift, she was more than happy to clasp her hands behind his neck as he carried her to god knows where.
“Are you ready?” He asked after ascending three flights of stairs without even a sigh of strain.
“Desperately,” she admitted as he set her down carefully, a gust of seaside air whipping her hair back and catching her breath.
“I’m going to take this off now, but you have to keep your eyes closed until I tell you otherwise, clear?”
“Crystal.” She confirmed with a definite nod and felt him untie the material.
“Remember, keep them closed,” he warned and placed a glass in her hand.
“What’s this?” She asked before scenting the wine.
“I’m afraid if I tell you that, you will know where we are.”
“Okay, I already know we’re on an island, facing the water. It took twenty minutes from the airport to here, and this’ the Mediterranean, Italy I think?”
“That’s incredible so far.”
“I think, somewhere in the bay of Naples.”
“How on earth-“
“I told you, I’m good at finding things.”
“Using your magic is cheating.”
“I’m using my powers of deduction, for example, humidity is high, without the sea air it would feel warmer so Italy instead of Greece. The wind seems to fan in around like we’re facing a bowl, so bay of Naples.”
“We’re on Capri?” She asked and he hesitated for a moment.
“You were so close to being correct, open your eyes.”
The vista before her was like a moving painting, the night illuminated up by so many lights from Naples, reflected in the water. Waves crashing against the cliffs below at high tide created mesmerising sound.
“We are on Ischia, that,” he pointed to a nearby island, “is Capri.”
“Take your time.” He kissed her shoulder and left her to take a nearby chair with his wine to enjoy the view. Rather, he was enjoying the view of Eileen enjoying the view.
“Um-“ she spoke after five minutes of silence.
“Yes?” Baldwin responded, now that she had emerged from the stare herself.
“You live here?”
“I live a lot of places, but my favourite vineyard is here.”
“Oh, this is your bachelor pad, impress and bed some supermodels from Milan.” She teased before taking a sip of wine.
“No-one save myself has been here, until now.” He admitted, offering his hand.
She took it and let him pull her onto his lap.
“It’s very beautiful,” she snuggled against his shirt.
“Don’t get too comfortable, we have a party to attend.”
“Really?” She grinned widely.
“A festival, to celebrate the harvest,” he murmured, running his fingers through her hair, “fair warning, you will probably get fairly messy.”
“Have you tried ever grape treading?”
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excindrela · 4 years
12 Days of Demon Ayno- Day 7
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Supernatural AU
Pairing: demon! Ayno (Noh YoonHo) VAV / Female reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: foul language
Word Count: 2228
AU: Look we made it to day 7! (Only 10 days after Christmas) Today is fluffy, but there’s smut ahead in the forecast! To everyone reading this series- I’m so glad you’re here- thank you for reading ( especially to those who have re-blogged!). I love feedback- so if there’s something you like, or something you want to see- tell me!! Interesting fact: Tenley, Katricia & Cassidy are people I actually know! I love giving irl people cameos! LOL
Demon Ayno: Summoned | Thanksgiving | 12 Days: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9
On the 7th Day of Christmas: Ayno Experienced the True Spirit of the Season 
You strolled out of the bedroom still brushing your hair to find Ayno in the kitchen making your breakfast as usual. He poured and doctored your coffee and turned around to hand it to you but stopped with eyes wide at your appearance. He slowly handed you the coffee cup, while looking you up and down. You knew he wanted to say something but was clearly having trouble deciding on exactly what to say. He opened his mouth, and then stopped and closed it- rethinking whatever it was that had come to mind. You waited. Finally, he seemed to have settled on a way to broach what he had decided was going to be a delicate subject.
“You know that I find you beautiful, right? Have I told you today that you are beautiful?”
You struggled to hide your amusement. “Not today, but you have often told me this, yes. I believe based on your record of that particular compliment you find me most attractive when I am flushed and sweaty and looking totally fucked-out laying underneath you.”
He grinned. “True!” Then he muttered under his breath “I am not sure even that would help right now.”
You struggled to keep your face neutral.  “Is there something wrong with the way I look today?”  you asked innocently.
“Um...I know you said we are going somewhere today…would you not be more comfortable in the soft sweater with the big neck? It is a good color on you and looks nice with your jeans….”
“Oh…do you not like this one?” you asked strolling over to the floor mirror and admiring yourself.
Ayno, rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, struggling to find something nice to say. “Well…it will be easy to keep track of you…”
Privately you thought he had done very well in finding anything good to say about the knit catastrophe that adorned the upper half of your body. It was made of cheap chunky cream yarn, the whole front covered with a Christmas present made from 4 different red calico prints appliqued on the front, and a giant gold glitter ribbon bow that sat at the shoulder. There were green holly leaves embroidered around the cuffs and on the center back just below the collar.
“Agreed!” you said, “but not as easy as it will be to keep track of you!” you giggled as you ran to the bedroom closet and returned with a larger sweater that made yours look positively tame. Ayno looked with utter horror at the nightmare conceived in polyester yarn you held in your hands. The bottom was knit to look like a rooftop, and the top 2/3 was supposed to be the night sky in royal blue with little silver metallic yarn stars sprinkled on it. The center of the front was dominated by an appliqued reindeer complete with a googly eye, sparkly red pom-pom nose and a harness with actual jingle bells.
“Oh. Yes. You will not lose me.” he said in a small voice.
“Yep! No chance of that! Check this out!” you said as you pushed the hidden button and the tiny lights on all the stars began blinking.
Temporarily robbed of speech by the twinkling atrocity he was expected to put on his body, poor Ayno just stood there, mouth hanging slightly open.
“That…that is very…special.” he finally choked out. Then, hoping for an out, he tried a different tack. “But I thought we agreed that it would be best not to call attention to me. Perhaps the lights…or the whole sweater…are too much? We do not want people to notice me.” he finished hopefully.
You couldn’t take it anymore. The sad pathetic look on his face was too much, and you burst out laughing. “It’s awful right?! I can’t believe I was lucky enough to find something this bad in your size!!”
“Lucky? Uh-huh.” he said, looking very confused.
You needed to explain. “Ayno, today we’re volunteering with Project Reach Out. We’ll spend the morning sorting the food and present donations, wrapping presents for the kids, and preparing a meal. Then in the evening, we’re hosting a Christmas party, and families will come to eat and play games and then the children will pick a present, and we’ll send the families home with a box of food so they will be able to prepare a nice Christmas dinner. All the volunteers are wearing ugly Christmas sweaters today.”
“Oh! So we are supposed to look embarrassing? I will blend in wearing this?”
“Yep! And everyone will know you’re a volunteer.”
“So I am not being punished. Ok. I will trust your judgement” he said as he took the Rudolph sweater from you, “but I still think this should be condemned to the fires of hell.”
*          *          *
You arrived at the community center and went straight to the check in table. You waved happily to Tenley, Katricia and Cassidy who were already there.
“Whoa! That’s quite the bow there!” Tenley laughed.
You laughed “Its huge, right? Nice tree you’ve got.” You said, admiring her red sweater with a green Christmas tree knit into the front that was decorated with pom-poms, fake lights on thread, and plastic charms.
“Yeah, this tree’s gay green dress isn’t going to delight anyone. But check out Trish’s ghetto snowman.” Tenley said jerking her thumb in Katricia’s direction.
Katricia walked forward proudly gesturing at the snowman sweater that had seen better days. One button eye was thisclose to falling off, too many washings had caused the carrot nose to droop like a flaccid penis, one button on the mid-section was unironically totally different than the other two, and someone had attempted to fix one of the cross-stitched twig hands- but had used the wrong color of brown thread. “Yeah, I don’t know what kinda shit Frosty has seen, but I’m pretty sure he’s a crack hoe straight out the hood.” Katricia laughed.
You all laughed with her, shaking your head at the unfortunate sweater, when Cassidy caught sight of Ayno. “Oh damn. Girl, is that your boyfriend? What did you do to this poor man?!” she cried looking in awe at the awful sweater.
“Isn’t it hideous?!” you cried with glee.
“Yes. That is just terrible.” Katricia said hi-fiving you. “Where did you find that?”
“The Assistance League thrift store in The Heights!”
Poor Ayno stood there looking concerned: he couldn’t decide if he was being complimented or made fun of. You felt his fingers fumble for yours and you took his hand and squeezed it for reassurance. “Yes, the extremely good sport stuffed in the sweater from hell is my boyfriend, Ayno. Ayno, this is Tenley, Katricia and Cassidy.” The girls all smiled and shook hands with him, Cassidy mouthing “He’s so cute!” and Tenley fanning her face and mouthing “HOT!” when he was distracted by someone else.  
You had no sooner finished introductions when Jayden, who had gotten roped into coordinating the event this year, breezed over with nametags and clipboard in hand. “Ok ladies…and gentleman, what are we doing today?” she said as she handed out the name tags. “Ayno- we’ll start with you. Do you have a preference on what you’d like to do today?”
Ayno looked at you wide eyed and shrugged. “Ayno loves to cook Jay. He’s good in the kitchen- why don’t we put him there?” you suggested.
“Perfect! Ayno, I’m sending you and Trish to help sort canned goods for the take-home boxes, and then to the kitchen for dinner prep! You already know what you’re doing, right?” she said to you.
“I believe I’m sorting toys and wrapping presents?” you said.
“Yes ma’am!” Jayden said as she moved on with Ten and Cass in tow.
“You will not be with me?” Ayno asked nervously.
“No. But you’ll be fine, and you’ll be much happier in the kitchen.”
“But what if people talk to me? What do I say?”
“Well I’d advise not mentioning you’re a demon.” You said dryly. Ayno gave you a look. “You know what to say. My best advice is to deflect: you want to learn about humans- well lesson number one is that people love to talk about themselves. Just ask them questions.”
Ayno nodded, still looking a little unsure. “Ok.”
“Don’t worry- Katricia will be with you, and she is so much fun. I’m sure she’ll take good care of you”, you promised him.
“Mmmm-hmmm. Yes ma’am, Imma take gooood care of this fine man!” Katricia said looking Ayno up & down and winking at you. “C’mon Ayno, we are gonna go get biz-zee in the kitchen!” she said taking him by the arm and dragging him off.
And that was the last contact you had with Ayno for the next eight hours.  You saw him singing Christmas carols while happily sorting canned goods and carrying loaded dinner boxes to the area where fresh produce, dairy & a turkey would be added at pick up. Later you passed by the kitchen and saw him peeling a giant pile of potatoes listening intently to whatever the others doing prep were talking about. You almost dropped the cranberry sauce you were bringing around during the dinner when he snuck up behind you and kissed your cheek as he went on his way refilling coffee.  As you cleared dinner dishes, you saw him lifting little ones up to choose an ornament off the tree, and then later being taught how to play “Go Fish” by some elementary age kids.
It was while you were drying baking pans and putting them away in the kitchen that he came up to you waving an envelope.
“Look I won a prize? I do not know what it is...”, he said curiously looking at two pieces of paper inside.
You looked in the envelope, “Oh those are movie tickets! So you can go to the cinema to see a movie... and there is a coupon for popcorn and snacks too! What did you win a prize for?”
“Apparently others think my sweater is very, very bad too. It was bad enough to win the number 3 envelope. I did not think it was possible to wear a sweater that was worse than mine but apparently two people did. I think the number 1 envelope was given to the man who had the Demon of Sahjoolh coming out of a box on the front of his sweater... I am told it is actually a ‘jack in the box’ with a ‘clown’ -whatever that is- but it looks like the Demon of Sahjoolh. It was very frightening, and I could not figure out why anyone would want to make a sweater with the Demon of Sahjoolh on it, so I suppose he deserved to win just for being brave enough to wear it.”
You laughed, “Well, I have never seen the Demon of Sahjoolh, but that does sound frightening. Congratulations!”
His face suddenly brightened as a thought occurred to him. “I have two tickets! You could go with me to the cinema- I could take you on a date! Will you go to see a movie with me?”
You smiled, “Yes, Ayno, I would love to go to the movies with you…but right now, I want to go home, because my feet hurt.”
*          *          *
Later that night you sat in your usual position stretched out across the couch from Ayno. He was rubbing your sore feet while you watched whatever the insipid Hallmark movie of the day was. You were looking at him and you could see the wheels in his head turning.
“Our life is charmed, isn’t it?”, he said suddenly.
“What do you mean?”, you asked.
“Our home is nice- it is warm and safe…we always have hot water, and there is always food here- you do not ever seem concerned about getting food…your car is big and shiny and seems to work well... and when I want something you get it for me... you give me money every week and let me buy iced coffees without worry. The people today… it is not the same for them is it?”
You shook your head sadly, “No, it’s not. That’s why we do what we did today. To help them. To try to make things better. We helped lift some of their burdens for today: they knew they were going to have a hot dinner for themselves and their families, they knew their children were going to get a Christmas present and they knew that they were going to get food to prepare a nice dinner on Christmas. These are small things to you and me but very big ones to them. We don’t have these worries, so yes- we are privileged. We are lucky.”
He looked thoughtful. “We should do this again. Is this like Thanksgiving where it only happens once in a year? Do we have to wait for next Christmas?”
“Well, Christmas only happens once a year; but there are lots of opportunities to volunteer all year long.”
“Good. More of this then. I like small humans. We should do things for them.” He said as he crawled across the couch to lay his head on your chest.
“Good plan.” You said, wrapping your arms around him and silently marveling at the humanity of your demon.
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dark-infatuation · 4 years
*Xanthias shoves Samuel forward, who rolls his eyes.* ...Xanthias would like you to answer them all, if you'd be so inclined. He's far too shy to say it himself.
Awww, don’t be shy, my dear! I don’t bite! ...Unless you want me to.
1. How do they respond to having a song stuck in their head? Does that happen to them often?
I usually end up humming it for quite some time, but it doesn’t happen often, no
2. How do they feel about confronting their friends when issues arise?
I will. Celine in particular is unafraid of confrontation.
3. When speaking to themselves in their mind, how do they refer to themselves?
......That greatly depends. Usually it’s...a conversation, simply put.
4. Do they enjoy wearing socks/stockings when they aren’t wearing shoes?
I wouldn’t say I enjoy it, but I don’t mind.
5. Do they have any unappealing habits (ex: picking their nose, hawking loogies)?
I’m not sure it’s classified as a habit considering it’s mostly involuntary, but I’m sure vomiting up mutated maggots the size of my fist isn’t exactly appealing
6. How do they cope with losing a game?
Celine is a sore loser, and I -- you pout, Damien
7. How do they cope with losing an argument?
Depends on what the argument was about. We both tend to be bitter about it, though not for every long
8. How do they cope with losing a friend?
...It happens. People grow apart. You just have to find new friends.
9. How do they cope with losing a lover?
Much the same, though it does hurt. Love happens again, if you let yourself move on.
10. Do they enjoy sitting on countertops?
11. How expressive is their face? Are they easy to read?
I think I’m fairly expressive, yes.
12. How do they deal with experiencing physical pain?
I’m always experiencing physical pain, dear. I’ve learned to tune it out
13. Are they easily insulted?
14. Would they prefer to act or react?
15. How would they respond to performing on stage?
I used to be a politician, dear, and a damn good one. That is performing on a stage.
16. Would they ever wear perfume or cologne? When? What would the scent be?
I’ve worn both in the past, for particularly formal events. I don’t like to, though. The chemicals always hurt our heads. We both preferred ‘natural’ scents though
17. Could their personality or interests be considered “flighty?” Do they change their mind/interests often?
I wouldn’t same I’m flighty, no
18. Do they daydream? Of what?
Not often
19. What is the most inappropriate thing they have ever done in public?
I don’t know, Xanthias, I’d say you getting on your knees for me in a mall dressing room and drugging you with aphrodisiac while I drag you around on a leash was pretty damn inappropriate, don’t you think~?
20. What was their favorite toy as a child?
......Neither of us ever really had toys as children. We were left to our own devices a lot.
21. What was their favorite way to play as a child (ex: playing pretend, playing games with rules like tag,)?
I was always fond of pretend, though Celine preferred games with rules, so she could be in charge.
22. How do the sneeze (ex: loudly, quietly, openly, into their elbow, hold the sneeze in)?
......I don’t think my sneezes are too loud, and I try to always do it into my elbow
23. When engaged in an irritating conversation, how to they conduct themselves?
My irritation is always plain, and I try to get away from the conversation
24. What words make them cringe?
...Ah. I don’t think it’s ever the words themselves that bother me, but rather...the context.
25. How do they feel in large crowds?
Fine, as long as I have a little space that I’m not constantly being touched.
26. Would they ever spend an afternoon in a library? What section would they spend the most time in?
Absolutely. I do love a good murder mystery.
27. Do they find it difficult to try new foods?
28. If a friend asked them to taste something and it turned out to be unpleasant, how would they handle it?
I’d be polite, but inform them, and possible help repair the dish
29. Do they wear underwear?
30. Can they pee in front of other people?
......What the fuck kind of question --
31. What story gave them nightmares as a child?
The Brothers Grimm fairytales gave both of us nightmares as children.
32. How would they respond to being handed an infant?
I’d hold the child until the parent took them back, it’s not that hard.
33. How would they respond to being asked to watch over a child for an afternoon?
I wouldn’t mind, provided I’m given a little instruction on how to handle the child.
34. Do they enjoy climbing trees?
I used to.
35. In which of their own skill sets do they have the most confidence? Why?
I’m quite confident with my magical skill. One of the perks of living in a near-sentient manor with an ancient entity sharing your body.
36. Do they enjoy receiving compliments? How do they respond to it?
I do enjoy it, and it depends on the context of how I react.
37. How often are they the one to initiate physical contact?
Most of the time, I’d wager
38. Do they prefer salty or sweet things?
39. Do they get the urge to jump from high places?
No? Is that an urge people have?
40. Have they ever written a dirty letter and actually sent it?
Back in the day, I used to write like that to my husband, yes
41. How would they describe their love life?
I...am not sure. Previously, my love life has been...dark, to say the least, but my time spent with you, Xanthias, has been...beautiful. I was married for sixteen years, and the week or so I’ve been with you has been far more rewarding
42. How would they describe their sex life?
Between you and Samuel’s mating season, I’d certainly describe it as active.
43. Do they hide objects? What and where?
I hide many things, most I’d rather not reveal, nor where they are hidden. Some...I don’t think would sit well with either of you.
44. What are their reasons for getting up in the morning (outside of achieving their main goal)?
For the longest time, I didn’t have a reason. I’d given up on sleep altogether, really. But...now I have you two, and our future child.
45. Who is their greatest confidant? Who confides in them?
I -- suppose you, Xanthias.
46. What is something they’ve always wanted to do, but know they shouldn’t?
Morally, I shouldn’t kill my husband. But I gave up on morals a long time ago. And if I ever see him again, I will not hesitate
47. Is there someone whose laugh makes them laugh as well?
......An old friend used to have that effect on us.
48. How festive are they on holidays?
We used to be very festive. Then -- things happened, and the enthusiasm faded. I certainly wouldn’t mind doing something in the future, though
49. How would they respond to their ears ringing for an extended period of time?
My ears are almost always ringing, dear. It whether others can hear it or not that tends to be the issue.
50. How likely is it that they would be the first to point out a full moon or a beautiful sunset?
I’d say fairly likely. I’ve stared at the sky for a long time. I know what a bright moon or a beautiful sunset looks like.
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it’s time for ~a year in review~
ya bitch went to paris and became like good, like REALLY good friends with my current roommates!!! we got to see some really beautiful sights, do some STRANGE things like watch a french indie movie and get fucked up at a french gay party club in the basement of our hostel. i apparently shaved my head again (per the use lets be real)
accidentally started my Com capstone like a total moron but took it like a mf champ. got to party at a friends place and watch all of “dont hug me im scared”. made a friend try a grap for the first time (he was a sophomore in college). studied a lot with kelli -- and by studying i mean we mostly bullied each other. WENT TO SEE WATSKY with a super dope friend (sad we fell out of touch but she’s living her best life and im happy for her). also like got to meet george watsky uhm WHAT wild. bullied my college in the snow and also manically shoveled the walk. was a bootlicker for the college and dressed in a taco suit
WOOF i got pretty fucked up for capstones cast party and this is where the beginning of the end was for some of my friendships. however, other friendships were being built so im grateful for that. ran lights for a really awesome slam poet. FOUND THE KEY THAT WAS MISSING FROM THE THEATRE (turns out it was Sab whoops). spent a lot of time with someone who is no longer a friend -- her choice, certainly not mine. went home for spring break and took so many pictures of my cat. got selected as stage manager for comedy of errors which was a nightmare of a production but certainly not the worst.
became a vegetarian!!!! joined/started the flat earth cult because of comedy. helped randi film her weird videos, which was so much fun! the bat came back to the theatre and Basil and I both saw them. comedy of errors opened and it was intense and i really hated every second. ranted about being in a scene for directing, which means i’d been in it for a second. that shit sucked bros oh my god????? he was never on time, he was so disorganized and didn’t understand his own character. organized a dinner for the cast because they had missed a campus dinner for the show. celebrated my best friends birthday!!!! “I can read!” was on the news with two others for comedy. also presented my capstone research for academic showcase day (i still can’t believe people listened to me rant about birth order)
more videos! this one was zak bagel bites with again my best friends. was elected president for APO and i couldn’t be more grateful. did a research proposal with a friend and i cannot BELIEVE we’re still friends after it because we really could have killed each other. physically fought the MONSTER that is jess (didn’t actually, really should have). helped two friends fall in love on accident/purpose. was elected as KPY president (damn) and forcibly elected as parliamentarian for LPH. ended my junior year. started work immediately after going home for my dad. mostly answered phones, worked 7:30-5 every day for the whole summer yikes. managed to pass junior year with a 4.0!!!
 learned a lil how to quote and did NOT enjoy it. went to PRIDE with my wife and bought my first ace flag. it was actually petrifying to buy and wear, but i have one now which is awesome. holy shit got my first tattoo!!! it has faded a bit now but still looked awesome. it was the beginning of an addiction. picked up an internship at my old theatre company and... deeply regretted it as it pushed my 12 hour days to almost 18 hours. literally fell in love with the music director. 
a random woman complimented me??? so that was fun. watched after my old band directors kids (they were a nightmare i literally never want kids). got to hike and do all that fun stuff. went to the local county fair
my mom admitted to loving brooke more than me on her birthday (fair). got a card from my office team to celebrate my 21st a lil early. went back for SENIOR YEAR BOYS. got drunk at an old friends place. did marching band. moved in with two of my BEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. took improv with friends which was lit. we even did a whole performance. met a new friend! my other roommate brought in a new kitten (which became a whole thing holy shit). used school sanctioned ipads to dick around. shaved my head againnnn. was sober at a party (woof why). got the drunkest i have ever been and puked everywhere and passed out on the stairs. have not ever reached that level again. also cracked my phone. fully assumed position as president of two clubs. started rhetoric (yucky) and theatre and diversity (also ick but for different reasons)
became NOT sober literally the next day nice. started the MASH group i think??? which is like the only thing im proud of. it was around here. had to pick up a friend whos car broke down. went to pride in a local town with friends!!! that was fun. turned 21!! couldn’t celebrate bc school and stage management, but my two roommates still made sure i had a good time. marching band boys! we did a LONG ASS parade with my cute lil section. did mixers for KPY and APO! had our first football game. held a band rehearsal in the dark because the lights didn’t work which was funny and SO weird. walked to the trains with some really awesome friends. broke into the cemetery and stole a traffic cone and put it on a statue on campus bc mania. went to a friends musical career takeoff and ran her merch table bc the person who was supposed to run it showed up almost an hour late. someone showed up at the lib while i was closing with a friend asking for a place to stay. i hope hes good now. tried omegle again for whatever reason. tried to go to a local diner and was DENIED bc they went from 24 hours to closing at 10pm so i had a mental breakdown in my car at 2am in a McDonalds parking lot. FINALLY got to celebrate my birthday and go to the bars!!! well bar singular. but had a really good time even if those people aren’t really my friends any more
homecoming boysssss!!!! also ace pride. worked the WORST thing I have ever had to operate in the chapel but the people were nice about it so i was kinda okay. also got to be a part of the dopest percussion show and ran lights and sound for it. rhetoric ended thank christ and i never want to talk about anti-war messages in MASH ever again. finally learned that my best friend has a partner and was ECSTATIC. worked a haunted house which literally sucked so hard but we made bank on it so im okay with it. were robbed (i still have suspicions who did it but ill keep my mouth shut). dressed up as a newsie for halloween, and my roommates and i all took pictures which was awesome. started my internship and movement and stage
LAST FOOTBALL GAME got drunk too often probably lol. got an impulse tattoo with my roommates. went to a soccer game. went to the trains drunk and also olive garden. did trauma training so i got to act hysterical (act?). did some KPY bonding. had a hella long saturday with a concert and everything. shot my shot and MISSED. did greek thanksgiving. played DD for someones birthday bc expired license. got my NEW license. had a horrible time driving to and from thanksgiving break. got to hang with my WIFE
made it home somehow?? did box office for the children’s show as well as publicity which was a lot of work tbh. went on a double date with my roommates and their partner. did the filming for the college christmas card. had an awesome party at our place and i regret nothing. celebrated the moving out of our 4th roommate. worked my last gig at the museum. managed to scrape by again with a 4.0. threw a great party at my place for like 5 days straight (jesus christ). did a horrible puzzle. tried an edible (suffered for it). hiked in the mountains a lil. caught up with high school friends by drinking which was AWESOME. saw Frozen 2. went out with my fam bam. had a great christmas. also threw a new years party (what??? that just got over) and felt like a pretty good hostess (i just provided alcohol lol but it worked) and got to catch up with some great great awesome friends and keep people safe and off the roads for new years. 
all in all a damn good year. its crazy how quickly things change, but im grateful for the place that i am in. can’t wait to graduate this year and see what happens next!!!
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Saturday at GalaxyCon Raleigh
I was too exhausted to post on Saturday, so I will try to recount everything now.
My cousin Alexis and I left out at a little after 7 am, making a few stops (atm, gas, Starbucks).  We took back roads instead of taking the interstate.  Still a roughly two hour drive, but it was scenic and low traffic.  We talked about favorite Tim Curry movies and horror movies (good vs. bad, remakes) and listened to some of her favorite podcasts during the long drive.  Parking wasn’t a problem and we ended up arriving like fifteen minutes before the doors were meant to open.  There was a huge line that we had to wait in because there were so many attending on Saturday and they weren’t opening doors for anyone unless you were con staff or a vendor.  The waiting in line wasn’t too bad; it was mostly the people with VIP or 4 Day badges who were whining that they couldn’t get in yet.  As our line got closer to the building, I spotted @boxofficequeen2416 and said hello.  Thankfully, it wasn’t too hard to find the pre-registration desk or a bathroom.
Our first stop was the Exhibition Room.  We decided to walk the outside first and work our way in before trying to find the celebrities and Tim Curry photo op line.  God, it was so fucking crowded and suffocating.  We saw how long Curry’s line was and decided to wait a few hours, checking out out other celebrities.
Our first stop was Chris Sarandon, as he was on the end and was a main draw for my cousin.  She had planned to do just an autograph, but decided to do the combo.  Alexis got her Jack Skellington Funko Pop figure signed.  When he asked her name,  Chris mentioned that he has a daughter named Alexis.  He also asked if he could put his arm around her in the table photo.
My first stop was Barry Bostwick, as he had hardly anyone in his line.  I did the autograph/table photo combo.  I brought something to be signed by him.  It was an oversized movie postcard that came with my Cult Films textbook from college.  Barry hadn’t seen anything like it and had to take a picture of it with his phone.  He signed it “Dammit Kristi, I llove you!”  He took two selfies with me.  He was super sweet.  He had asked me what I went to college for (Media Studies).  When I told him that I didn’t get a job in that field mostly because I didn’t know what I wanted to do, he was very kind and told me that it was okay and that I would find something that I was suited for.
My next stop was Daphne Zuniga.  Out of all the photos for her to sign, there was only one for Melrose Place.  Can you believe that?  One of the two roles she is most famous for and only one photo for it!  Naturally, I had to get that autographed.  I also told her that I was currently watching the show and had just watched an episode that morning.  She asked what season I was on.  I told her that it was the third season and I think it was maybe the nineteenth episode of the season.  Daphne couldn’t even remember what had happened in that season.  That struck me as a bit odd, since she was only in the first four seasons.  I told her that Jo was pregnant that season.
Next up was selfies with Kristy Swanson.  She was really sweet and patient while I tried to get my phone ready.  She took four pictures with me.  I told her that we shared the same name, but one letter different.
After the panel was over, I met boxofficequeen2416 again.  I really wanted to join her for the Anthony Michael Hall Q&A.  But I knew my cousin was waiting for me.  We were going to try and get into the Tim Curry line.  No go, the staffer said try again at 2:45.  So, I got in line to get an autograph from Jonathan Frakes.  It didn’t look so bad, compared to how it was earlier in the day.  OMG, I was in line for a fucking hour!  My cousin tried calling me three times and texted twice while I was in line and I was worried that con staff would freak out because I had a phone out.  It honestly wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t for VIPs and their “fast lane”.  Damn line jumpers, ugh.  But Frakes is such a sweetie who loves to talk to everyone getting an autograph and/or selfie.  Sadly, that also makes things take longer.  I got my DVD cover of Star Trek: First Contact signed by Frakes.  He starred in and directed that film.  He told me that it was is favorite movie.
I went over to Anthony Michael Hall’s booth, as there was hardly anyone there.  I had my DVD cover for The Breakfast Club signed.  He was really nice.  He shook my hand and thanked me for coming. When he was about to sign, he asked how I spell my name, as there are about twenty different ways.  I got compliments on my shirt, which I told him I wore just because I found out he was coming and that it has been my favorite movie for years.
We walked around a little more.  Alexis bought some things for herself and a Bucky print for a friend.  I found the Bard’s Tower booth and immediately spotted Timothy Zahn.  They did free signings!  I had Heir to the Empire signed by him.  I also had a promotional Decipher card depicting him as Talon Karrde, Michael A. Stackpole as Corran Horn, and Shannon McRandle as Mara Jade signed.  I received that card eight years ago at StellarCon 36 after I told Mike Stackpole that Tim Zahn was my favorite author.  Stackpole signed it and hand it to me, telling me to hold onto it until I had the chance to get Tim to sign it.  About 11:45 or so, we headed over to buy food.  I got a pepperoni pizza from Papa John’s.  She got some macaroni and pork, as well as a bottle of tea.  The food was so good, but she felt hers wasn’t worth the $14 she paid.
Nearly four o’clock, we decided we were exhausted and ready to start our two hour journey home.  There were several people that I missed out on seeing, but we had a great time.  I hope to be back next year.
Then we decided to take a break from the Exhibition Room.  I unfortunately missed out on Catherine Tate’s Q&A.  But I knew Jason David Frank’s would start soon.  Alexis went out to the video gaming section and watched a few games being played.  JDF was nearly twenty minutes late to his own panel.  When he finally showed up, he apologized.  That man looked damn good in a suit.  I wish I could have gotten a clearer picture of him.  He is such a nice, down-to-earth guy.  He even stated that it is perfectly okay for fans to try and take a picture of him, despite the con rules.  He told us how he got into acting, how he received his role on Power Rangers, his cameo in the 2017 movie, and showed us the trailer for The Legend of the White Dragon, a Power Rangers fan film that he and Johnny Yong Bosch are trying to film with other ranger actors for the fans.  OMG!  We need this so badly!  I’ve never donated money online or done anything with Kickstarter, but I am so tempted to do it for this.
After that, I think I went to see Christopher Daniel Barnes.  I was originally just going to get an autograph, but his handler talked me into the combo since his prices were so cheap ($40 for both).  Poor guy barely had anyone at his table, compared to his costar (Barnes voiced Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid and the mermaid herself Jodi Benson was always swarmed by fans).  Of the potential photos to be signed were mostly Prince Eric, at least four different 1994 Spider-Man: The Animated Series prints, one which I didn’t recognize but also had Robert Hays (which I have since learned is Starman), and only one Greg Brady from The Brady Bunch Movie/A Very Brady Sequel.  Naturally, I chose Greg Brady.  Barnes is definitely a nice guy.
I believe our final venture was the Tim Curry photo op.  The line was considerably shorter, thankfully.  I knew that Curry had a stroke a while back and was in a wheelchair.  But as soon as we went behind the curtain, I wanted to cry when I laid eyes on him.  I am aware that he is in his 70s, but it appears that his stroke has definitely taken a toll.  And the hours of exhausting photo ops probably hadn’t helped (he started at 11 am and was supposed to go until 5 pm).
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volleydorkscentral · 5 years
First of all: 
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Second, questions under the cut: 
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? - Spotify! all the way. i hoarse my bf’s account so he can never listen but i don’t care it’s mine now it’s full of my music and my playlists and whenever i’m listening to it and it suddenly changes cause he tries to use it on his phone I call him, “are you using spotify?” “oh. i mean i can listen to something else?” “cool, thanks!” and i get my music back. :D
is your room messy or clean? - it’s somewhere in between. my actual ROOM (bed room, i assume) is pretty clean, except i never make the bed. but the house is .. a work in progress. it’s not dirty but it’s cluttered so my bf and I are having to work together to clear that and build shelves and stuff for more storage space.
what color are your eyes? - dark brown! (with little green flecks when I cry)
do you like your name? why? - Not really? i don’t hate it. My mom wanted to name me Savannah but they had her sign the certificate while she was still drugged from her c-section so it ended up as Crystal?? Idk. She named her dolls Crystal when she was a kid.
what is your relationship status? - dating for almost six years. 
how many times a week do you shower? uhhh idk. I don’t shower every day (unless i get gross). AT LEAST four times… but I don’t wash my hair every time cause that’s bad for my hair. I SHOWER WHEN I AM DIRTY.
favorite tv show? does Haikyuu!! count? that’s probably a given. HM. Well, we don’t have cable so I don’t watch a lot of NEW shows? …. OH. Duh. Fuckin me I’m a dumbass. Bob’s Burgers. I literally have it on ALL THE TIME. I don’t like silence so it’s ALWAYS on in the background if i’m not listening to music. I’ve seen every episode a zillion times. I can usually pinpoint every scene and the major lines/jokes.
shoe size? most brands it’s 5 1/2 
how tall are you? SHORTER THAN NISHINOYA BUT TALLER THAN YACHI. I’m like… 5ft-5’1 depending on how much my back hurts. (i used that earlier and someone said it was funny and i’m trash so i’ll repeat it here!)
sandals or sneakers? i wear Bobs LOL. (knock off toms) and i’ve got one pair of sneakers and sometimes I wear my ballet flats around even though my bf says they look dumb fuck u they’re comfy.
do you go to the gym? No. I used to, but where I live now it’d be like a 45 min drive. I don’t really LIKE gyms though? working out is boring to me. No matter how hard I try. I’d love to start dancing again for real.
describe your dream date - April 25th because it’s not too cold and not too hot. Okay but jk that’s a lie where I live it’s balls hot in april. Idk. I’d like to go hiking when it’s not very hot? Take my dog, let her run around. Take a picnic. Sit in a grassy field and talk about dumb shit cause we know each other’s dreams and hopes by now.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? UHM. fuck like…. $27? i know there’s a twenty and a handful of ones. And a handful of change.
what color socks are you wearing? - NONE. MY FEET ARE COLD. FOREVER COLD.
how many pillows do you sleep with? - pft like 6.
do you have a job? what do you do? - No; I quit after being over worked, under appreciated, cheated out of my paychecks a few times, and no job still due to lingering health issues.
how many friends do you have? answered this already!
whats the worst thing you have ever done? - UHM. Idk i haven’t murdered anyone. I don’t like this question cause if i really try to answer it i’ll spiral into a frustrated, furious depression and self-hatred so… NOPE.
whats your favorite candle scent? i’ve got this candle i got from etsy that’s like… Scottish Highlands? It’s grassy and kinda MAGICY.
3 favorite boy names - i don’t really have favorite names?
3 favorite girl names - answered already
favorite actor? god idk. i’m so bad with names and celebrities. uhm. I really like don’t have a favorite. I LIKE a bunch. Benedict Cumberbatch; Freddie Highmore… uhm. uh. Hugh Laurie? 
favorite actress? IDK OKAY?? I LIKE a bunch but i don’t favorite?? I really like Gwendoline Christie. Uhm. Anne Hathaway makes me laugh. MAGGIE SMITH. how could i forget!??!
who is your celebrity crush? I LEGIT don’t have one.
favorite movie? CLUE takes the top spot most days.
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I used to read a lot more. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
money or brains?  personality, bitch.
do you have a nickname? what is it? not *really* but people online used to call me Chrys. My bf calls me ‘sweetie’ sometimes but he also calls the dog that so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how many times have you been to the hospital? - uhm. like the er? Once when I broke my arm. Doc in the box? Not since 2017.
top 10 favorite songs - PFT. Uhm. Jesus just let me die a little. Excluding all Disney; Not in any order:
No One - Biometrix
Danser - Lisandro Cuxi
A Single Moment of Sincerity (E) - Asking Alexandria (the band I was listening to when I designed my rockstar MC that I love so much)
The Annabel Trilogy (a series of 3 albums) - Alesana. Can’t pick a single song because they’re all a part of a huge story. Listen to them.
Chucky vs. The Giant Tortoise - Dance Gavin Dance
Anticoagulant - Sianvar
Ohioisonfire - Of Mice & Men
Coincidance - Handsome Dancer (Watch the Video for the love of god. THANKS ASH FOR THIS GEM)
Devil’s Backbone - The Civil Wars
Still Here - Digital Daggers (i’ve been listening it to a lot for inspiration for a new AU so… yup. That’s gonna be fun and painful)
do you take any medications daily? - yup
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) - i got dry ass skin it sucks
what is your biggest fear? - uhm… physical fear? idk. Heights is a big one that I developed? I used to not care but a while ago I was walking on a bridge and I just… looked over and got FUCKING DIZZZY with nausea and fear that I was gonna fall and almost fainted. 
how many kids do you want? - HONESTLY… one or two.
whats your go to hair style? - tried to brush but gave up so just threw it in a claw clip
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) - moderate? one story, four bedrooms. big ass yard though for the dog
who is your role model? - I don’t really have one.
what was the last compliment you received? - answered already
what was the last text you sent? - actual TEXT message? ‘as long as there’s someone with her overnight she’ll be okay during the day cause of the dog door and stuff. just play with her before you go to work and maybe hide some treats around the house for her to hunt for’ - texting my friend that’s gonna house sit while we go on a family vacation soon.
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? - UH idk the age? i know I saw my mom writing scavenger cards though. My fam has never had a lot of money so to make Christmas more interesting my mom/grandparents (we lived with them till I was in 3rd grade) would make these elaborate scavenger hunts for me and my cousins to do to find our presents around the house or out in the barn or, on one memorable occasion, at the bottom of our pool! Good memories. 
what is your dream car? - one that RUNS and has badass AC and speakers
opinion on smoking? - hate it. please don’t do it around me. my bf’s family alllllll smoke all the time and i get so sick when i have to go on vacation with them and be around it for a long time. 
do you go to college? - i DID. I went to Culinary school and majored in Baking & Pastry
what is your dream job? - Author or Dog Trainer
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? - rural as all hell. give me trees, cows, and horses. 
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Not usually? but usually the people i’m with do. 
do you have freckles? Not on my face (except one) but i’ve got more like… on my arms and just randomly all over but i dont think ‘freckles’ would be what anyone thinks of when they think of me
do you smile for pictures? - only if i’m forced to be in them
how many pictures do you have on your phone?  - HAHAHAHAHAHA. Well. Before I got my new phone it was over 10k. Now though its only about 2k. 
have you ever peed in the woods? - Only when I was camping. 
do you still watch cartoons? - ALL THE GODDAMN TIME
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? - neither. but i HATE WENDYS and can tolerate McD’s fries and they’ve got ballin’ sweet tea so I guess McD.
Favorite dipping sauce? this honey dijon creamy thing at my favorite French restaurant but idk what is is.
what do you wear to bed? - t-shirt 
have you ever won a spelling bee? - YUP. 2nd grade.  
what are your hobbies? - writing, crocheting, photography, reading, uh… i forget what else
can you draw? when i was doing it all the time i did ok? but i’m WAY TOO IMPATIENT now a days to do it. 
do you play an instrument? - no but i wish i did :(
what was the last concert you saw? - i’ve never been to a concert. crowds are icky
tea or coffee? - tea!
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? - already answered this
do you want to get married? - Yes pls
what is your crush’s first and last initial? - (bf, but I suppose i still have a crush on him? is love considered a crush?) J. Y. 
are you going to change your last name when you get married? god yes. my current last name is my shitbag of a sperm doner and i hate it. my mom kept it after they divorced only cause she thought her maiden name would be too hard for me to spell but i would give anything to have that name instead
what color looks best on you? - idk. i prefer black but i’ve been told green and certain shades of pink/yellow. 
do you miss anyone right now? - not until i thought about it, thanks
do you sleep with your door open or closed? open so my pupper can go in and out
do you believe in ghosts? not until i’m faced with darkness and creepy things 
what is your biggest pet peeve? people chewing their food loud. people not picking up after themselves. people interrupting me (but not in the excited, OMG way. that we can work though) but in the ‘i don’t care what you’re saying i’m going to talk now’ way
last person you called` - my bf to discuss plans for his brother’s bday
favorite ice cream flavor? cookies n’ cream!
regular oreos or golden oreos? DOUBLE STUFF OF EITHER
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? FUCK SPRINKLES
what shirt are you wearing? a shirt that has my dog’s face on it :D
what is your phone background? - the art that Ash drew of Bokuto from my fic Just a Taste!!
are you outgoing or shy? - i hate talking to strangers but with my friends i’m pretty fucking loud and chatty
do you like it when people play with your hair? only people i know
do you like your neighbors? nope. he’s an asshole who neglected his dog and i wanna skin him alive
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? i do my best to remember to do it at night but i always do it when i shower
have you ever been high? yup. 
have you ever been drunk? yup
last thing you ate? BIRTHDAY CAKE
favorite lyrics right now - idk? i guess the first lyrics that came to mind, even though they’re not my favorite, just ones that i like and were stuck in my head for a while: “All of the handsome fiction / will melt away / and when the flame burns brighter / Evaporate” Evaporate - Dance Gavin Dance
day or night? both have their merits
dark, milk, or white chocolate? - all chocolate but i prefer white to just EAT. 
favorite month? uhm. uhh. November maybe? for NaNoWriMo. 
what is your zodiac sign - pftt.. i think i used to be a Gemini? i don’t believe in all that stuff 
who was the last person you cried in front of? - ….. my dog? but probably my mom and Grandmother when my GM basically said my bf didn’t love me and was a shit human being and i was a shit granddaughter for loving him. i was both upset and furious and i walked away from them. (my mom called and apologized, but i haven’t spoken to my GM since)
THERE ASH ARE YOU GODDAMN HAPPY. that took so long LOL (I hope the formatting came through I had to redo it on this tumblr page UGH)
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