#thatd probably be helpful
friendlessclown · 1 year
trying to make my pronouns.page better how tf am i supposed to do this
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Eggman Bowser’s come to make an announcement. Particularly to shut down any premonitions Mario may be holding onto a little too tightly. Bowser and Mario are able to set aside their differences (for now, at least) so that they can work together on a common goal-- figuring out where the hell Luigi is.
(A/N under cut)
believe me when i say i really wanted to link all the pages together in a neat, practical way so that everything would appear more organized than it actually is, but tumblr hates me and won’t let my posts show up in the tags if i include a hyperlink of any kind. :D
i read somewhere that tumblr only disallows posts from showing up in tags if it includes an external link (vs an internal/link to another tumblr page), which, in theory, shouldnt be an issue since the pages i’d be linking to are also on tumblr but regardless it’s not cooperating with me anyway. i’ve been on tumblr for what feels like a million years but this is the first time ive tried to make my posts cohesive like this so if anyone knows how to fix this issue im all ears 🙃 for the record, everything related to this au will be going into the following tags on my blog: #my art, and #evil luigi au. we’ll just have to sort things that way for now, i guess 😭
i start work tomorrow so can’t say when there will be a new page but i do have a lot planned out already. so hopefully i’ll be able to continue what ive started for at least a handful of more pages 🤠 next page will be fun to work on. for a bowuigi-centered story, where’s the luigi?! he’ll show up soon. just in the form of a flashback for now though 👀
also sorry if my handwriting is evil. it’s just personally easier/faster to write out everything by hand than type everything out but i may try to type the next page’s dialogue to see how it goes and to see if it makes things look ✨cleaner✨
(also also i spent so much time trying to figure out how to draw them doing a handshake for the “truce” panel. i ultimately failed. therefore.... fist bumps LMAO)
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okay yes I'm making *another* ship of Theseus Icarus post, but. I wanna point a very specific detail out - because maybe it answers the question of if Icarus is still really Icarus even after everything quixis has changed and made *not them.*
Because. You can change the ship - different colors (the wood never exactly the same as before), different name, slightly different shape - but people who knew what the ship was before might, at quick glance, mistake it for what it was before - for something it is not but that it mirrors still even now.
And, despite everything that Quixis has changed - has man *not them*, has made someone else, and has broken and shattered - and despite how little Icarus still looks like the child they were and the parent they mirror, people have still mistaken them for Fable. Despite looking nothing like him anymore - and, I do suppose by proxy, not like themself - people still mistake them for the person they mirror, even now.
You can change and replace and shatter and break all their pieces, but at their core they still mirror the same person they did as a child - despite fable and Icarus being nothing alike, in a way, they'd end up mirroring themself.
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just-call-mefr1es · 2 months
“_____ isn’t asian, she’s from the Philippines.”
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royaltea000 · 8 days
How (if at all) has Temp changed after the whole "being burned at the stake because the french were salty" deal
Well for one I think he has a big fear of fire now naturally and (I forget to draw this constantly but) burn scars over half of his body not just on his face. He’s kinda self conscious about em and has his bad confidence days but he’s learning how to love himself more these days and it’s getting better :)
I also wanna go the really angsty route and say that because of the smoke inhalation damage to his lungs - he can’t sing beautifully like he used to and even his speaking voice is raspier and a bit quiet now
He and France are very cold and barely civil to each other now - everyone knows not to leave those two in a room together alone. More often than not Gil ends up being the default mediator between em lol
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itsafternoonpast5 · 2 months
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when was the original advertisement even made LOL jasper is still alive here
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
having a lot of trouble focusing while writing these days. I desperately WANT to write, I have so many stories whirling around my head, but the second I sit down my brain seeps through my fingers like water, I feel like I'm dying
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rgbfall · 1 year
Realised why I think Alan Becker's AvM stands out from other similar (i.e. any stickman plus game animation). I mean. Outside of the amazing animation and storytelling of Alan Becker, there was something else that stood out to me as different from them and I've finally figured it out.
In a lot of animations, things happen to the characters, while in AvM the characters are the ones doing something.
Let me explain that:
In other animations, the stick figures are put in a situation. They don't discover whatever game, they just get tossed into it and have to figure out the mechanics by trial and error. Like. I'm currently thinking of a terraria series, the episodes are more along the lines of "they're chilling and then something attacks them"
Now compare this to AvM. Sure things are happening to them, but that's because the characters are actively seeking them out. Like in ep6, Command Blocks, bad things happen, but it's because Yellow was curious about what else minecraft had to offer rather than things just started happening. Then, for the season 1 "finale" (aka the episodes with a connecting story), they could have very easily had none of that happen! When Blue and Green found that portal it would not have been hard to just destroy it and carry on! But they were curious, and this led them to discovering the Nether, meeting Purple, and going to the End. And this is the same with season 3! The whole thing started because Blue wanted more Nether warts, and so went and did something!
I could probably give some more examples of people want, but I feel like this is long enough already lmao. Also idk if any of this makes sense words are hard lmao
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nintendont2502 · 18 days
sometimes you just gotta accept that you'll never be normal and move on with your life. unfortunately that's Incredibly Fucking Hard to do
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vagueiish · 4 months
genuine question: how do i know if my oc is actually good or not?
or, maybe, 'well-developed and well-designed' rather than 'good'?
esp without feedback from others, lol, because it's hard enough putting snippets out there for funsies, im hesitant to put more out there if i'm just gonna be bringing a shitty stick figure glued to a popsicle stick to show and tell while everyone else is bringing like....meticulously crafted ball-joint dolls and lovingly made amigurumi and so on (/end crappy metaphor)
#everyone's ocs and tavs and such are lovely. it's kinda fun watching yall play#i wanna play too :(((#but not if my guy sucks#but i dont know if he actually sucks or if there's something there and im right to love him the way i do#idk man#im the worst at self-evaluation with this stuff#the default is to assume im failing at what i set out to do#(well my default is to assume I Suck at Everything but that mindset isnt helpful right?#so what am i setting out to do with this? and am i hitting it? or am i getting there? or am i failing? is probably more useful. idk)#(tho maybe 'am i missing the mark and how can i get there' is even more useful than 'am i failing?' but this isnt the point)#people have told me in the past that no. he doesnt suck. they liked reading about him#but if that were actually true then more people would like him. obviously.#but its actually a general question because if i can ever get out of my head and into my creative endeavors....#i'll need to create and design a lot of characters right? like.... i wanna do comics#i want to make my villain knitting circle dating sim#and if i cant even be sure the little guy i made for shits and giggles is any good#how can i expect to do something more in-depth???#i know the general answer is practice. but then if it turns out i am bad at Characters....#then i'll just practice the bad things#feedback is the answer but then that swings back around to i dont wanna just shove garbage in people's faces because thatd be cruel#so i dont know what to do. and all the while i'm just not doing anything and it's not productive and i'm aware#i know part of it is also 'feel the fear. show him off anyway' but i am!!!!!!#nobody is biting!!! and its because they hate hiiiiimmmmm/whiny baby mode#i mean. yall might see more of him bc i might actually write some things but god. nobody will probably bite with those either#ughh....#to the void with love
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ranpd · 2 months
ithink im just . going to cry
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Every day I mourn the fact that none of my family and friends give a single shit abt oni lore, I don't wanna keep repeating shit I've already said before on here but every now and then I just remember the horrors™ and nearly explode not being able to scream abt it again
#rat rambles#oni posting#just everytime I think abt olivia's 1500 cycle onwards logs I want to start biting things#shes soooo fucked up and tragic and she doesnt get any closure and she never will and I LOVE it#I fucking love her so much she rewired my brain so hard shes like one of The blorbos of all time#damn you klei you rly know how to make characters that destroy me beyond repair (hi carter twins)#I still find it fun imagining olivia and jackie interacting with the dont starve cast even if they wouldn't like most of them#I have lightly changed my mind on one dynamic tho#I still think that jackie would be stressed out by all the kiddos and would at least dislike them. but.#I do think she could end up kind of getting along with walter#like look at me. she was probably just like him as a kid. she would hate him for it but they could also talk for hours.#hed start sharing fun facts abt his bug collection and jackie would start lecturing him abt ants or whatever and hed think shes so cool#I think olivia still wouldn't like him tho but that's purely because hed probably stress her out#same with the rest of the kiddos I think if you put webber in the room with the two of them theyd both have a breakdown#not because hes a spider solely because hes a little boy who probably just asked them if he can have icecream#and wendy and abby would just be a situation of them not knowing how to talk to kids let alone depressed kids#oh and theyd probably also be stressed out by wurt for basic they dont know how to deal with kids reasons#rly the two would just hang out with wickerbottom and no one else if they could help it#except wanda they'd bother her non stop to the point shed start avoiding them lol#you see Im sure plenty of the cast wouldnt like olivia and jackie either because of just how much they wouldn't take magic as an answer#not that theyd be like no that cant be real cause thatd be magic theyd more likely start sciencing out the mechanics of all the magic stuff#in practical terms while also refusing to call it magic#and worst of all knowing them theyd probably get results because fuck man they brute forced their way into time travel (sort of) so why not#so itd just be maxwell being soooo pissed as the two somehow manage to replicate his spells without the codex#dont let them meet wagstaff then itd rly be jover
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toytulini · 3 months
i bet i could keep a fern alive if i was just growing it emersed in a tank, but i cant exactly take cuttings of ferns to root in water, and im Extremely Hesitant to try just Washing Off The Roots bc ive yet to get all the dirt off that way and i Really dont want dirt with god only knows what in it in my fish tank
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nezzling · 4 months
*posts ass*
Anyway I've been experiencing really intense thunderclap migraines every time I smoke green after I went cold turkey on soda, bc really I went cold turkey on caffeine since I was downing like 4 or more cans of Pepsi every day for months, and suddenly nothing but a morning coffee has my body in an uproar. There are too many fucking rules to being alive and staying alive, hate this
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hikineet-trash · 6 months
Anyways if you see me being horny about spacebats at 7-godforsaken-A.M....(Tone: uptalk, false suspense, setup to a punchline.)
No you didn't. (Tone: Flat delivery, faux-severity, punchline.)
Mind your own business. (Tone: Ineffectual non-serious threat.)
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tamaharu · 7 months
im just really fucking tired of feeling like im always scrambling against the edge of shit, and not knowing whether its because of brain issues or what fucking ever or behavior i can fix if i just commit to fixing it. god. fuck. i really fucking need adderall.
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