#and sure if you can barely feed yourselves you probably can’t offer MUCH
scorpi-0 · 2 years
Everyone who doesn’t offer food to guests unfollow me right now
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courtlyharlequin · 3 years
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Summary: [ Modern AU ] Cater, Vil, Epel, and Silver, Sebek take you on a date to Disneyland! It’s the happiest place in the world, right?
A/N: Happy birthday @poisonepel​ !!! Marzi, I love you so much. Thank you for all that you do for me and the twst fandom in general. You’re such a hard worker and I don’t think people say that enough. You’re one of my closest friends. I’m glad I’ve found someone who loves twst as much as I do. I’m so grateful to know you, to be able to rot with you, to be able to over share with you. You’re sweet and very down to earth. You’re so funny too! Your react pics always send me over the moon. I always have a blast when I talk to you and Taku. I hope you have an amazing day— one that’s on par with your own amazingness ehe~ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
Cater Diamond:
He thought it would be a cute and Magicam-able date idea
There wouldn’t be a single moment where he isn’t snapping a picture of you two
Or perhaps he might vlog the entire experience
Cater would wait for a good hour to get a picture with Mickey Mouse
He would also buy those Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream bars, take a bite for the Magicam post and then hand it off to you because, well, it’s a bit too sweet for him
Matching ears and outfits are a must for this date
Cater opts for the classical ears. You know, the black ones that are clean and simple
Once he’s done with the pictures, he’ll let his online persona drop
He’s still peppy and flirty, but he’s not faking a smile
He’s genuinely enjoying himself after all the staging. Quite frankly, the slower rides bore him but they’re much more viable for pictures
He prefers the faster paced rides. He likes the thrill, the rush of adrenaline albeit he can’t always snap a picture because of the fast pace
His favorite rides are the ones with long lines like Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, or Indiana Jones.
Not to worry though, Cater will hold your hand while you wait. He’s surprisingly very good at small talk~
Vil Schoenheit:
He is fond of the idea of going on a date to Disneyland. Read: the idea of
To be honest, amusement parks are not his ideal date. It leaves room for paparazzi and unwanted attention. Moreover, he’s never been to an amusement park before
Constantly being in the sun irks him, but he does eventually loosen up
Complaining all day would ruin the mood and that’s simply uncouth of him so it’s best to make the most out of the situation
Vil’s makeup is light for the day. He’s going for a more natural look today.  He doesn’t want to constantly touch it up every few hours. He sports shoes similar to the ones in his PE card. They’re light, easy for walking yet still stylish
His whole ensemble is a functional yet fashionable piece. He puts his hair up into a ponytail too~
He’ll make sure your ensemble is just as comfortable as his too. He’ll even do your makeup if you wake up early enough
He carries a mini backpack with all of his essentials too. Maybe yours too if you don’t like carrying bags with you. He’s not going to carry everything as he’s not your servant, but an extra makeup pouch wouldn’t hurt
Vil is a total mom at Disneyland. He brings his own food as he won’t tolerate putting junk into his body. He’ll also do hydration checks while you wait in line
He unironically likes Fantasyland. It reminds him of the stories he read as a child. There’s a certain wonder and awe in his eyes when he rides the carousel or the Peter Pan ride. We can’t forget the Snow White ride either. They’re very “chill rides”. They won’t cause neck strain or get anyone wet. He honestly needs them after all the stress from work
You can bet that he finds himself in the gift shop for a good hour, browsing for the perfect ears for you both
Going on a date to Disneyland with Vil, seems like a handful, and it really is, but seeing him loosen up on a day off brings you both much joy. Albeit, his pride is a little wounded because he actually enjoyed himself after telling you he wouldn’t
Epel Felmier:
He’s also never been to an amusement park before, but not because he didn’t want to. No, the idea just never crossed his mind
His eyes light up. They sparkle. This place is huge and there’s horses too?
He’s honestly underpacked, but that’s fine with him! You don’t need a whole lot to have fun
Epel is a fast walker. If you aren’t then, he’ll make sure to hold your hand so as to not lose you in a crowd
He rushes to the first ride he sees
The attraction that caught his attention the most would be Autopia. Racing? Bring it on!
He also volunteers for the Jedi Training Academy, wielding his lightsaber with such prowess. Sure, he might be the oldest of the bunch, but he didn’t mind– especially with you cheering him on in the crowd
While those two attractions are in Tomorrowland, his favorite place is New Orleans Square and Critter Country
Epel is really fond of Splash Mountain and Pirates of the Caribbean. He’s not afraid to get wet. Hell, he wants to
Although, he prefers the attractions where you explore more than sit down for a ride. He climbs up Tarzan’s Treehouse without a sweat and walks across those unstable  wooden bridges like it’s nothing
If you’re scared, he’ll grab your wrist and run straight across ♡
He likes the Winnie the Pooh ride, but don’t mention it to him. Seeing him buy matching Winne the Pooh and Piglet Mickey ears for you in the gift shop next to the ride was enough to know
And yes, he likes Dole Whip
This sleeping beauty is a little dazed, having to wake up early and all, but he’ll make do. He gathered all of his things the night before, laying out his clothes the night before on the hotel’s couch and setting his bags by the door
He’s dressed very comfortably. He’s most likely in sweats
He also prefers a cap instead of the standard Mickey Mouse ears. The headband makes the back of his own ears hurt if he wears them for so long so he’d rather not wear them altogether
Silver falls asleep on your shoulder during the bus ride to the park itself. His snores are barely audible. You can’t help but admire his long lashes
He’ll give you this perplexed look as he catches you staring. Your eyes meet his brilliant aurora orbs and he smiles at you
As for the date itself, you two find yourselves wandering around the park. Silver has no preference so he’s willing to go on any rides if it as you wish
But from how he dozes off in Small World’s, you could assume that’s his favorite ride
Honestly, Silver likes to hang around the pond near Sleep Beauty’s castle and feed the ducks. He has an affinity for the park’s animals and they adore him as well
While you two do linger around the castle and Fantasyland for most of your day, one of Silver’s favorite places is Main Street because there’s horse drawn carriages
He likes to nuzzle his head on your shoulder and watch others hustle about. There’s a certain tranquility that comes with watching others enjoy themselves. He may or may not doze off here
The day ends with you two settling down by the lake in New Orleans Square the fireworks from afar. There was already a crowd at the area but Silver made do. If you’re short, might offer to carry you on his back
He blushes when you mentioned that some of the fireworks remind you of his multicolored eyes
Sebek Zigvolt:
He did a lot of research when you suggested that you two should go on a date here. So when you reached the front gate, he rambled on about the history of the park
This continues for almost very ride which leads you to question how much he looked into Disneyland. When you compliment him, he beams with pride. Of course, he knows about the architecture of Sleeping Beauty’s castle!
That being said, Sebek is actually a good partner to take to an amusement park. He’s so prepared. He knows the best routes and got fast passes
He personally has no preferences for rides, but from how his eyes light up when he races you in Autopia and how much he laughs in Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, those are probably his favorites. Sebek likes the rides that are more hands-on and require some skill. Sure, rides where you just sit still and enjoy the scenery is nice, but he’d rather show off his talents to you
He’s a tad ashamed that he asked to go on another round of Autopia since that threw off his schedule, but he couldn’t help it. It’s so fun!
He has a certain plan for the day as he asked you what you liked a few weeks before so he also gets a little annoyed when you take detours to buy churros and ice cream. He didn’t really take snacks into account, just main meals. He sincerely apologizes for being underprepared, but is taken back when you giggle and wave it off as nothing
If he had puppy ears, then you could imagine them perking right up after you affirm that you aren’t disappointed in him, taking his hand and all
It all works out for the better because it turns out that Sebek likes the turkey legs! He would probably get into a fight for the last one. It wasn’t intentional; he just came off as vociferous to the other person which in turn led to some bickering. Needless to say, he got the last turkey leg
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lunar-girl-fic · 3 years
Against All Odds- Week 1
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Warning: Harrassment/assault, language, suggestive, threats
Word Count: 2530
A/N: As mentioned before this is based on my personal life. Even though not everything in this story happened, some of the more serious topics actually did. So a quick warning, there is content in here than can make the reader uncomfortable, specifically se**** harassment/assault. My intention in mentioning this in the series is to make people aware that this kind of stuff does actually happen in places you might not think it happens in. Also I try write relatable content. In my opinion Y/N reaction was kind of realistic. I reacted like that as well but instead of telling a boyfriend I told my close friend who worked with me and his reaction was the same as Eunwoo’s. Soooo in conclusion I hope you don’t think I’m writing this to be insensitive. I’m just trying to be as realistic as possible since it is based off my life.
A/N 2: I am a brown (If ya wanna know my exact ethnicity you could ask and I'll gladly tell :)), curly hair girl and since this is based on my personal life/experience I'm gonna write this series with those details in mind.
*Beep beep beep beep*
Your turned to your side to turn your alarm clock off. When you turned it off you gently pried the hands that were on your waist off. Even though your boyfriend was going to school the same time and place as you, you wanted to get ready first so you could make breakfast.
You took a quick shower and put on some home clothes because you didn't want to mess up your new uniform. After dressing you woke up Eunwoo.
"Eunwoo wake up" You said while shaking his shoulder.
He lifted his head towards you and barely opened his eyes, "Mmmh 5 more minutes", he mumbled dropping his head back onto the pillow.
You understood why he was so tired. You guys had stayed up late finishing the homework assignment that was due today. Had you guys known it was going to take so long you would've done it a week before but there's no point in dwelling on the past.
You shook him again, "Eunwoo, you have to get up. Class starts in an hour." He turned onto his back and whined.
"Morning sleepy head."
"You should start getting ready. We don't know how this man handles lateness."
"But I'm soooo tired." He said as he grabbed you and pulled you back onto the bed.
"I know, so am I."
"I can think of a couple ways to help us feel more energized." He said while caressing your thigh.
"So can I and it's called a shower and breakfast." You said while slapping his hand away.
He pouted, "You're no fun."
"I'll be sure to remind you of that next time you wanna have se-"
"Okay okay you win."
"I always do, now hurry up and get ready. You have about 15 minutes to shower and eat."
"Hmph, unlike you I don't take an hour just to shower."
"Wh-what?!? I don't take an hour!"
"How would you know if you've never timed yourself?"
"My point exactly." He said with a smirk as he closed the bathroom door.
You scoffed in disbelief but then thought about it. Maybe you did take an hour to shower but who cares. At least you were thorough when you cleaned yourself. You put your school uniform on and packed you and Eunwoo's lunch. Even though your school was close to fast food places, you guys needed to save up to pay for necessities. Plus who knows if your professor is actually going to give you a long enough break to buy food in those dreadfully long lines.
Just as you finished packing lunch Eunwoo walked out of your shared room fully dressed. You looked down at your watch and realized it was time to go if you guys wanted a seat close to the front.
As Eunwoo went to take a bite of his breakfast you snatched it out of his hand and bagged it.
"Hey! I was about to eat that."
"I don't think so, you took too long to get ready so now you have to eat it on the way."
"Sounds like too much work." He said as he tried to grab his food out of your hand. Of course since you were smaller than him you were able to escape and quickly ran to your bookbag to put his food in it.
After you zipped up your bag, you turned to look at your pouting boyfriend.
"As I said before your going to eat on the way there but since you'll be driving I'll feed you. How does that sound?"
His face beamed at your offer, "Let's get going then."
As you promised you fed him on the way there. By the time you arrived you had about 5 minutes to spare. Before you guys entered the gym you saw one of your classmates you made friends with when you took Pharmacology.
"Hey Laura!"
Laura turned around to see who was calling her name. When she saw who it was she instantly smiled. "Y/N! How are you?"
"I'm good, how have you been?"
"Pretty good, can't really complain." She said but then looked at Eunwoo who was just standing there looking like a teen whose mom just saw an old friend. You wouldn't have mind at first since this would be the first time she ever saw him. But the look she was giving him ignited a fire in you that only happens when you get jealous and that doesn't happen often. So you just stood there and tried your best to keep smiling and act like nothing was wrong.
"Who's your friend?"
"This is Eunwoo, my boyfriend." You said making sure to put emphasis on the boyfriend.
"It's nice to meet you." He said sticking his hand out for a handshake. She shook his hand. An action that is generally an innocent and friendly greeting seemed so wrong in that moment that you couldn't take it anymore.
"Ohh would you look at the time, we should probably go find a seat before all the good ones are taken." You said while pulling on Eunwoo's arm.
"Maybe we can sit together." Laura said as she tried to catch up to you guys.
"Mmmm I don't think we'll be able to." You said while you scanned the room for a row with only two seats available.
Bingo you thought when you saw row 3 only had 2 seats. You quickly pulled Eunwoo to the spot. You looked back to see what Laura was going to do and saw the look of defeat on her face. Which of course brought a smile to your face but quickly dropped it for a look of remorse.
Once you both pushed your chairs closer to each other you sat down and pulled out your syllabus, textbook and notebooks. You didn't even have a chance to talk to Eunwoo because it just turned 8 o'clock.
"Okay, Let's get started." The class immediately got quiet. "Welcome to Process 1, this is where you will learn the fundamental skills of nursing. I covered most questions in our previous zoom meeting so I will not be answering any today unless it has to do with the material. As I said before you must abide by the rules because this is Nursing and we need to shape you into future nurses. I will NOT baby you because this is college and if your looking for an easy class then you can go do Business Administration."
Oh great, another smart a**, you thought.
"Now let's get down to business. Today we're going to be watching videos of what you are going to do for your head-to-toe assessments. But before we do that I am going to let the other clinical instructors introduce themselves."
After they introduced themselves your professor started the videos. At first they seemed interesting but then after a while you started to get sleepy. And you weren't the only one. You looked over at Eunwoo and he was already sleeping. You gently pushed his shoulder and he woke confused about his surrounding until he realized he was still in school. Thankfully your professor finally gave you guys a break from watching videos.
"Okay now we are going to practice what you just saw. I want you to take a finger and find the 1st intercostal space and then the 2nd and don't stop until you get to the 5th one. You will do this on yourselves first and in a few minutes on your partner. But when you are with your partner you will only go to the 2nd one. "
That shouldn't be too hard, it's literally just the space between your ribs, you thought. But boy were you wrong. You couldn't tell if what you were touching was a space or something else and it started to hurt because you were putting a good amount of pressure. You looked over at Eunwoo and surprisingly he seemed to know what he was doing.
The few minutes were up and your professor told you to find a partner and find their intercostal spaces. Obviously you chose Eunwoo as your partner.
"Did you find it on yourself yet?"
"Yepp, it was actually pretty easy to find."
"Can you help me please?"
"Are you sure you want me to touch there?" He said with a smirk.
You narrowed your eyes at him, "Fine. I'll ask someone else. Maybe that guy by the projector... "
"No don't do that."
"Then help me and don't you dare try to do anything."
"Yes ma'am."
He took his pointing finger and started in the upper middle of your chest and dragged it side to side. In a non sexual way of course. He found it to be bit difficult to find it because of the fat in your boobs. However he finally found it.
"Ah, there it is."
"You found it?"
"I found two of them. The other 4 are a bit difficult to find since they’re underneath your top. The only way I can find it is if I stick my hand in your top."
"Eunwoo." You warned.
"What? I was just saying. I never said I was actually going to." He said feigning innocence.
"Could of fooled me."
He just shrug his shoulders, "Give me your finger so I can help you locate it."
It took a minute before he was able to locate it again but when you finally felt it you let out a breath of relief. You knew you needed to find this for your finals and if you weren't able to you surely would fail the class.
"Do you feel it?"
"Good, now find mine"
Since Eunwoo had a flatter chest than you it was easier to find despite him laughing from being ticklish. Before you had a chance to tell him your finding, your professor interrupted you.
"Fooling around isn't going to get you to pass my class."
"But we-" You said.
"Aa! Talking back isn't going to help you pass either. Now go find another partner. You need to practice on your other classmates because your not going to know who you'll be testing with until testing day."
You felt your insides boiling. You had to deal with this crap in high school and now your dealing with this in college. When he left you let out a strained sigh and Eunwoo instantly rubbed circles in your back to calm you down. Normally you would welcome this but you didn't want the professor coming back over to scold you so you pushed his hand off. He looked at you clearly hurt by your actions but you brushed it off and went to find a new partner. Unfortunately the only person available was actually the guy by the projector but at this point you didn't care.
You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, "Excuse me, do you uh have a partner?"
He turned around to see who tapped his shoulder. You expected him to answer but then he started to check you out with a smirk on his face. "Well hello there, what can I help you with beautiful?"
You rolled your eyes, "I asked do you have a partner?"
"Oooo sassy too, I like"
You narrowed your eyes and turned to walk away, "I don't have time for this."
"Wait! I'm sorry I was just surprised you asked me when you have your boyfriend."
"Not trying to be mean or anything but I wouldn't had asked you if I wasn't forced to choose another partner."
He looked at you slightly deflated by your confession, "Ah... I see but since you need a new partner I'll gladly take the spot for now." He said as he got up to make his chest more accessible.
"...okay... thanks I guess."
At first it started off fine., You were able to find it on him rather quickly. However when it was his turn that's when it turned into a problem. He found the first one and gradually went lower until he reached the beginning of hem of your scrub top. You expected him to stop there but when he started to put his hand lower in your top you instantly jumped back.
"Wh-what are you doing?!?!?!"
"Just doing what we were told to do."
"You were supposed to stop at 2."
"Was I? Must've misheard, my bad." If you weren't paying attention to his tone you would've thought he was being sincere just by his facial expression.  
Not wanting to cause a scene the first ay of class you excused yourself and went  back tp your seat to think about what just happened. Was this something you would need to report or were you over exaggerating? Should you tell Eunwoo? What if the guy was right and made you get in trouble for not listening to instructions? All those questions raced through your mind until Eunwoo saw your troubled face and left his partner to comfort.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked as he placed a comforting hand on your back not caring if the professor saw.
"Yea... actually no."
"What happened?"
"I was working with that guy over and he was about to put his fingers down my shirt before I stopped him."
Eunwoo's gaze instantly hardened and if looks could kill that guy would no more. But you couldn't have your boyfriend fighting your battles for you. You gently cupped his face with your hands and made him look at you.
"Promise me your not going to do anything."
"I don't know..."
"Promise me."
"I can't promise I won't do anything but I do promise to not intervene over something you can handle."
"I guess I can take that."
"You'll have to because I am not about to just let some guy touch you like that without your permission. He's lucky I wasn't there because he surely would've been picking his teeth off the floor."
"You know, I never took you as the violent type."
"I can promise you I'm not but this is a different story."
That was the end of the conversation because your professor continued on with the rest of the lesson which was fairly easy. He dismissed the class an hour earlier since it was the first day. However when you guys went home instead of relaxing you started your clinical homework because you didn't want a repeat of what happened last night.
It was about 11 o'clock when you finished half of the assignments. Eunwoo was starting to lose focus so you decided it was time to go to bed. After you finished putting on his t-shirt and your curls in a bun, you went to join him in bed. He pulled you closer to him so that there was barely any space between the two of you. You knew this was his way of silently comforting you. He wasn’t going to lie. He was looking forward to having sex with you but after todays events he knew you probably weren't going to be in the mood and just want to sleep off the days problem. You were thankful but deep down you knew you weren't going to get much sleep that night...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photo’s used. I got them off of Google.
A/N: Soooo sorry for the long wait. I had so much to write that Ii realized I couldn’t put everything in this one post. On that note I’m hoping I can have the next post up by next week. :)
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
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Hey there y’all, this is my first ever post and it was a request from a friend (idk their tumblr yet, I’ll probably just share it with them on Instagram lmao.) anyways it is a multiple part, Echo x Fem!Reader and you’ve landed on the first part! I will be linking the second part below after I make it. You can message me request too, and I’ll get to them before or after I finish this, I may do some prompt lists 😏 This is post and then Pre-Citadel. Reader has a daughter from a previous relationship and I promise it’ll get more interesting. I’ve never actually wrote and posted a story of any of the clones and I feel like I don’t do Echo any justice, but enough talk here ye be.
(P.S. c/n means child’s name. My friend was very specific with this request)
Part One - Part 2
Echo sat up at the bar. A drink in hand that he was slowly milking. His mind was everywhere but there. He was thinking about the war, sleep, his brothers he’s lost, who he could have and didn’t save. It was all a nightmare and a half. He’d honestly pay for just a simple hug from someone who wasn’t his brothers. Even from Ahsoka. Someone who he knew cared about him, but wasn’t part of him. If that made any sense?
So he stepped away from the bar with a sharp sigh. Patting Fives back. Gloved hand slapping against the others armor. “I’m gunna head for a walk,” “Want me to join ya?” Fives asked in a slur. He was obviously not milking his drinks like Echo was. Causing him to smile with a chuckle, “no, I’ll be fine, you.. Keep an eye on Rex.” He teased and Fives grinned. “You got it, vod.” He spoke and spun in his chair to face the other clones.
The moment Echo stepped out the door he felt a bit better. It wasn’t as stuffy and loud out as it was back in 79’s. Starting his little stroll with a small hum. He wasn’t even sure what he was humming. Just a ramble of tunes he had heard. “Mama, look!” He heard a voice shout. A little one. “C/N! Get back here!”a woman shouted and before Echo could turn around there was someone tapping on the back of his leg. “Mister, are you a clone?” Echo turned, raising an arm and looking down to the child. Brows furrowed, a small smile rising to his face. “Hello to you too, little one, yeah, yeah I am..” he murmured and the little girl squealed. “Mama it is a clone trooper! Are you one of the boys in blue? You have to be! I see you on the holo- Mama!” She rambled, and then shouted when you pulled her from Echo. “I am so so sorry about her.” You spoke. Bags of fruit and other groceries in one hand and stuffed under your arm. Your other hand now holding your daughters hand.
Echo was amazed by how much the kid knew. Smiling softly in amusement. Though he was even more amused when you came into view. You were breath taking, really. Running up behind her and pulling her back from him. Apologizing for the incident. Though he didn’t really mind. “Oh, no need to apologize ma’am, feels nice to be recognized by someone,” he joked, c/n whining a bit. “Mama, he’s part of the five oh first, I know it, I do. I was just asking him questions.” “Well baby, you can’t go running off like that,” “but mama-“ Echo kneeled and caught the girls attention, both of you actually. “You know, good soldiers follow orders, you need to listen to your mama, she just wants you safe,” he spoke. Smiling at the kid and she stared at him in awe. You watching Echo with an intrigued expression. “Yes, mr. clone sir.” She piped and Echo giggled at that. Nudging the girls shoulder. “At ease, solder, I’m an Arc Trooper, not a Captain or Commander, names Echo.” “Echo..” she whispered, “I’m c/n, and this is my mama, and she loves the 501st, and-“ you grew a bit flustered, laughing a bit nervously. “Okay hun, that’s enough. We should probably let him be now.”
Echo stood from where he was crouched, looking you in the face for a moment. “Can I at least help you with your bags,” “y/n,” he smiled as you said your name. “Y/n, it’s the least I could do.” He spoke and you smiled a bit sheepishly. Glancing down to the bags and then back to him. “Sure,” you gave in. You couldn’t say no. His eyes pleaded with you and you lost the battle. Though it wasn’t hard to convince you when help was offered. You handed him some of the bags and he took them. You stuck with less now since he took most of the heavy things. Giving you a look when you went to tell him it was fine. That you could carry them. “Least I can do for a supporter,” he added with a smile that had you smiling black and even blushing a little.
The three of you got to the apartment you lived at. You pulling out your key as your daughter rambled, somethings incoherent. Pushing the door open, your daughter running in, and you following. Turning to motion for echo to follow with a small grin. “C’mon, Arc Trooper,” you added with a grin, snickering slightly as he stumbled a bit through the door.
Echo sat the things down, looking around the house slightly before they landed back onto you. “Would you like to stay for supper?” You asked, putting away some of the groceries. “Nah, I don’t want to intrude.” You smiled, turning as you shut the fridge. “Please? It’s the least I could do, for a helper. Plus you’d make my daughters day, you guys are her hero’s.” You added and he smiled, “Alright, alright, you got me.” He added. Though he was going to say yes even if you would have just said please. He was hungry, and something other than rations sounded like an absolute blessing. Not only that, but he wanted to get to know you more. You intrigued him, you were beautiful and kind. Yet he barely knew you and already wanted to make this a normal thing.
While you fixed up supper Echo ended up wandering off with your daughter. The five year old grabbing his hand and dragging him back into her room to show him her toys. It made you a little nervous, even if he was a clone. You knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but you rarely left anyone alone with her. She was really all you had left. Her father leaving the both of you behind shortly after she was born. So you ventured back while you let some of the meat cook. Seasonings already filling the air and your senses. Peaking into the bedroom to see Echo sitting on the floor with her.. Playing. The sight shocked you more than it did him really. Standing, watching for a moment with a small smile on your face.
Echo was using the toy ship she had, flying it around and imitating noises as your daughter did the same. Brows knitted together just the slightest bit in concentration. “Ahhhh, your ships been hit!” She exclaimed and Echo gasped. “Oh no, Crash landing, or as General Skywalker would say.” “Surprise landing!” The two exclaimed at the same time. Causing the, to break into a fit of giggles. You bringing a hand up to your mouth as you leaned against the door way. Giggling a bit yourself.
Your little laugh made Echos head turn to face the door. “Ma- er- y/n,” “is the food ready mama?” Your daughter interrupted him, and you could swear he was blushing. “It nearly is, go get washed up honey,” you added and your daughter shot up. Tapping Echos shoulder, “C’mon, we have to wash our hands before we eat, Echo.” She stated with a grin and you chuckled as the two passed you to the bathroom. Catching Echos glance and shrug. Which cause you to giggle again. Catching him smile even more before he turned away,
The two came back, your daughter on his shoulders and you were dishing out food for the three of you. “Mama look! I’m big!” She was in a fit of laughter, and he was too. You hadn’t seen her so happy in what felt like forever. “You are, aren’t you?” You cooed a bit and watched as he pulled her off and placed her into a chair. Sitting in his own. “No, mama sits there,” she spoke and you furrowed your brows. “Oh sorry,” “I’m joking,” your daughter blurted with a snicker and you sighed. “She’s full of those.” You rolled your eyes as you sat and Echo seated himself again. Smiling at you as he sat across from you. “Does she get the sense of humor from you?” He asked with a brow raised. You meeting his gaze with a bit of a smirk. “Maybe she does,” causing you both to laugh a bit.
The three of you ate, but it wasn’t without conversation. You had your fair share of questions. Asking about the hand print on his armor. Why he was on Corusant and wandering. Instead of at 79’s like you noticed most other clones were. Which he has an answer for each question. Though he did seem a bit nervous almost. Once finished you instructed your daughter to get ready for bed. Though she was hesitant, she finally did shuffle off to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then her room to get dressed. Leaving you and Echo in the kitchen by yourselves.
You collected all the dishes and placed them in the sink, deciding to do them after he left. “Let me help you,” “You’ve done enough helping today, soldier.” You told him with a grin. “Sit back down, it’s fine.” You added, and he smiled. Doing as told, “yes sir,” he added and you let out a titter. He was so formal and cute.
You sat back down across from him, and he was staring at his hands. “Thank you,” you spoke. He looked up with his brows raised. “For helping, and making my daughters world.” You spoke and he shrugged. “It’s my pleasure, y/n.” You pressed your lips together. Watching him for a moment or two. “I’d love to have you back,” you words shocked him. Watching as your cheeks tinted pink and your eyes darted down to your hands folded on the table. “I mean, if you’re ever on Corusant again, I really enjoyed your company. Don’t find a lot of nice people anymore.” People. The word was vague, meaningless to most, but the fact you didn’t call him a clone made his day. You included him as someone, not what he was. “Plus it’d make c/n’s day.” He smiled and nodded. “I’d love to, I don’t find a lot of people willing to feed, let alone hang out with clones like me.” You scoffed a bit and chuckled. “You’re kidding right?” His smile faded a bit. “No?” “Echo, you’re absolutely wonderful, and I don’t see why People wouldn’t want to hang around you. What? Just because you share the same face with a million other people? That’s ridiculous and people are obviously missing out.”
Your words weren’t much. It wouldn’t mean much to a lot, but to him it was like poetry. Without the rhyming. “Thank you,” he nearly whispered. Staring at you in awe, and you smiled back. Reaching a hand out to place on top of his. It made him jump a bit, causing you to retract your hand. “No no-“ he blurted, clearing his throat. Eyes darting around. “I mean, it’s fine, you’re fine, I just don’t get touched often.” He spoke, voice light and faint. Looking up to you with tinted cheeks. You wanted to pull him over to the couch and just hug on him. He was so sweet, so unloved by those who weren’t his brothers and you could tell. Frowning a bit and you placed your hand back onto him. Watching as his expression changed a bit. Softened even more, if that were even possible. He seemed relaxed. You barely knew him and you wanted him to be as comfortable as possible.
A few moments passed. The two of you sharing glances and unspoken words. Which was soon interrupted by Echos com link. “Echo, we’re heading back, I hope you’re not getting laid right now.” Fives spoke over, drunken giggles following after. Echos tanned face flushed red. Eyes widening and his eyes darting down. “Kriff, I better get going, thank you so much for the food.” He spoke in a near ramble and you couldn’t help but smile. A small giggle following after. “Of course, you should come see me next time you’re in Corusant.” You added, walking him to the door. Both of you smiling like idiots. “Sure thing, how could I not?” He added and you directed your gaze down at the floor. Smiling a bit more. “I’ll be expecting to see you again, then.” And those words were enough to keep Echo fighting hard during the war. The two of you exchanging good byes. Echo making his way back to 79’s. Hoping Fives didn’t just up and leave him.
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gojos-sidepiece-69 · 3 years
Tokyo Tech Training- Chapter 4
How was it only Tuesday? You groaned and put your hands over your eyes, slowly sitting up in your bed. You had just had a nice, dreamless sleep: no blindfolds, no stupid jokes, no stupidly moisturized lips (that belonged to a certain man whore) anywhere to be seen. You racked your brain trying to figure out how any of this could have possibly happened within the span of your first four days in the Jujutsu world. The whiplash from the most eventful weekend of your life started to kick in, heavily.
Your feet dangled over the edge of your bed, and you sighed deeply, touching at the bruised flesh on your hips. You pulled the band of your pajama pants down slightly, gaping at the state of your thighs. You couldn’t tell whether the crescent-shaped indents and the violent branding of love bites were from Gojo or...Sukuna. You let out a small laugh at the insanity of the situation.
To your luck and great relief, the higher-ups had ordered a restful “team-bonding” day. From what you had heard, Megumi and Nobara had taken quite the beating as well. Their mission with Nanami to exorcise a certain high-grade curse with patchwork skin proved to be unsuccessful, as the evil thing escaped without a trace into the sewer systems. You pushed your door open and joined your fellow first-years in the hallway. There was a certain comfort in seeing the four of you together, all tired and scarred and bruised, but still smiling nonetheless (except for the ever-deadpanned Megumi). “Hey, I know what we can do today!” Nobara suggested excitedly. “Let’s go movie-hopping!”
Yuji started jumping up and down quickly. “Yes, yes, let’s do it! What movies are they showing today?! Hopefully something with Jennifer Lawrence in it,” he drooled. Megumi rolled his eyes, but nodded. “If I see any curses, though, I’m going to be upset. This was our day to recover.” You agreed with the movie-hopping idea, glad that you could have just one more day to yourselves, doing normal teenager things.
Half an hour later, you met up with your classmates at the front gates of Tokyo Tech, and started on your stroll downtown. “Hey, Y/n, what’s with the limp?” Nobara chuckled as she took in your pathetic attempt to walk straight. “The curse get you that badly?” You nodded at her, sheepishly thinking about how the damage from that curse was the least of your concerns. Yuji immediately patted himself. “Hop on,” he told you, signaling you to jump onto his back. “You want to give me a piggy back ride?” You smiled and teased him; his sincerity and concern was genuine, and it made your heart warmer.
You climbed onto his back and he continued walking as though he was weightless. Damn, you thought enviously. How did he recover so quickly? Yuji animatedly and dramatically described yesterday’s encounter to his friends. He was talking so fast you could barely keep up: “...and there were spikes, and the finger was caged between the teeth, and ... and, then I had to switch with Sukuna or we would’ve died! !! !!! And I can’t remember a thing after that. Oh, did you guys like your Mickey Mouse keychains?” Nobara gushed about how cute the souvenir was, and the two of you discussed how much you loved being in Tokyo. You took in the street vendors around you, the big flashing, neon lights, and the vibrant storefronts. Everything you laid your eyes on was so interesting and new, but couldn’t help but find yourself thinking about the view from above...38 floors above.
You shook your head and tried to forget about him. Why did your mind always have to wander back to him? No, you still didn’t care. “We’re here!!” Yuji shook you out of your intrusive thoughts as he announced your arrival in front of the Toho Cinema. You gaped at the marvelous glass building, serotonin boosting by the minute. “What are we watching?” You asked after you all pushed inside. Of course, it only took a second for the three get into a heated argument about which movie they would see first.
“We’re watching the showing of Back to the Future!” Yuji pouted, and Nobara was quick to yell, “Hell no! The freaky old man scares me!” Then Megumi suggested, “How about Fight Club?” and Nobara stamped her foot. “No violence today. I don’t need to see a skinny Brad Pitt with blood spurting out of his nostrils for two hours straight,” and you nodded in accord. After two more minutes of heated debate, you settled on Fast and Furious, because of its perfect blend of early-2000s tomfoolery, corny dialogue, and sexy (but ridiculous) car chases.
You sat sandwiched between Nobara and Itadori, and made the regrettable decision of holding the food tray in your lap. You could barely hear the furious engines revving over the sound of Yuji and Nobara greedily scooping popcorn and dropping sour gummy worms everywhere. Yuji repeatedly slurped his coke (which he for some reason preferred watered down) at maximum volume. Megumi was intently staring at the screen, and you made eye contact with him a few times and exchanged friendly eye rolls. The four of you exited the theater after the movie, and were about to commence your second round of argument for the next choice when your eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Sukuna’s devilish mouth made an appearance on Yuji’s right cheek. This couldn’t be good.
Before Yuji could slap it away, it spoke. “Y/n has a little secret to tell you guys. Go on, tell them,” he provoked you. The three turned to you, looking slightly confused. “Huh? I-I have no idea what he’s talking about,” you rushed. “Come on, you don’t want them to know how much fun we had together yesterday? Oh, maybe your friends don’t know that side of you yet; surprising, because I could tell just from the redness of your cheeks how much you enjoyed being called a slut. Anyways, if you don’t tell them, I will,” Sukuna’s mouth continued in a bored tone. You went to sharply slap your hand right across Yuji’s face, but his reflexes were too fast.
“He’s talking nonsense, guys,” you pleaded with their eyes. Before any of them could speak, Sukuna laughed and yelled, “I fucked her! And she was screaming and arching her back for me like she’d been deprived of dick her whole life! Don’t let her innocence fool you, she’s nothing but a whore!” He laughed once more and retreated back into Yuji’s skin.
You were so shocked that you couldn’t move. “What the fuck,” Megumi said, his usually half-lidded eyes widening. “Is it true?” Nobara asked. “Is that why you could barely walk today? Was it that big?” While those two were quietly asking questions in shock and utter disbelief, your pink-haired companion went completely ballistic. “I CAN’T REMEMBER ANY OF THIS. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?!!! I DON’T UNDERSTAND...I’M NEVER SWITCHING WITH THAT IDIOT AGAIN!” He continued to have a system malfunction and babble, but your shame and embarrassment grew. You felt a slight pinch of anger forming as you realized that Gojo hadn’t explained anything to Yuji yet, even though he said he would. Yuji didn’t know about Sukuna’s deal yet.
“Was it...did you want to do it? I have to make sure. Because if you didn’t, I’ll kill that bastard right now with my own two hands” Nobara said. You swallowed the growing lump in your throat and nodded shamefully. “I wanted to.” “He’s taken so many innocent lives,” Megumi said quietly, and looked away. “Who’s side are you on?” Your shoes began to look really interesting, and you managed a weak, “I...didn’t want you guys to find out. It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about me. It’s extremely hard to explain, but I-you’re just going to have to trust me when I say I’ll be okay. There’s a...a reason I’m doing it.” Even saying it out loud sounded ridiculous. You had no guarantee that you would leave this arrangement unscathed, no guarantee except for...whatever Gojo’s protection had to offer.
There was no guarantee, either, that keeping up your end of the bargain would even save lives. “DID HE HURT YOU? DID I HURT YOU?” Yuji grabbed your shoulders and forced you to look up. “No, no. I’m good,” you answered. You were glad that your friends had your back, but extremely ashamed that you had let all of them down for your own selfish reasons. To play a game and keep a certain person jealous. What made you feel even worse, though, was the fact that you secretly didn’t want that game to end.
Yuji, sensing the tension, broke the silence. “All right, no more arguing. We’re going to go watch World War Z and forget that ever happened.” You were so grateful when him and Nobara took you by the arms and dragged you into another theater, Megumi following behind. Even if it was a zombie apocalypse movie, you needed the escape. “And more popcorn!” Yuji enthusiastically suggested, bolting to get another large bucket and then coming back within two seconds.
You tried, again, to focus on the movie but this time you weren’t distracted by you’re friends’ prodding elbows and crunching noises. It was the looming fear of what Sukuna was going to do to you day after tomorrow. The thought of his evil grin and sheer strength sent chills down your spine, and you sat up straight. You looked at Yuji for a minute, wondering if the king of curses was watching you writhe with nervousness right now. He was probably enjoying feeding off of your fear, you thought. And you were right. He was.
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Universe: BBC Sherlock
Character: Mycroft Holmes
Type: F!Reader insert (I, me, we)
Words: 2,011
Warnings: Swearing.
Note: Jesus lads... This was quite cathartic to write in a way. Took some interesting turns... I won’t lie it almost took a different turn towards the end with cheekiness ;)
Mycroft joins you on a walk after you get angry with him and his brother. Awkward angsty fluffiness ensues.
“Deduce me again Mycroft Holmes and I’ll see to it that you suffer.” I spoke without lifting my eyes from my reading material. He immediately averted his gaze and idly rolled his palm over the handle of his umbrella. “And tell your shit of a brother he can stop fucking trying too.” My voice did not waver once and remained low in tone- perhaps making it more sinister.
“I am right here.” The brother muttered from his arm chair and I raised my brow, peaking over the top of the newspaper for one moment just to reiterate, “Personally.”
“Well we can’t help it can we, it’s something we’ve always done, it’s not our fault that you’re more fun to try. “ Sherlock never knew when to shut up which was one trait Mycroft at least had the decency to inhabit.
“You CAN help by not turning me into a game.” Mycroft looked rather offended as did his brother, “Don’t look at me like that. You’re hardly sneaky about it, seeing who can get a deduction first and just how much fucking money have you both put into this hm? Acting shocked as if you were being so fucking sneaky, you haven’t fooled anybody... Dickheads.”
“I’m sorry, you turned someone’s trauma into a game?” John piped up emerging from the kitchen , my eyes narrowed at him.
“You boys should be ashamed of yourselves. Such an awful thing to do.” Mrs. Hudson followed from the kitchen who was met with a direct glare and with that, I folded the paper up neatly and rose to my feet.
“I rather despise this household sometimes. I’m going for a walk.” I’d had quite enough of this nonsense and had thrown my coat on and shut the front door behind me before anyone could speak up.
“Rather foul mouthed isn’t she?” Sherlock commented.
“Hot blooded.” John hummed in agreement.
“I find it rather endearing, oddly.” Mycroft mused as the room openly stared at him which he took as his cue to also leave.
“I’ll scream.” Mr. Government had caught up to me and I just couldn’t be hassled to deal with him and yet, he persisted.
“I don’t doubt that. Bare in mind however, that we are in London. Nobody would even flinch if you screamed.” He reasoned.
“What if I screamed 'bomb' and threw something?” Highly insensitive yes but I was angry.
“I stand corrected.”
“Yes and what a lovely mess that’ll leave you to deal with.”
“I’d rather you didn’t.” His voice a little grave.
“Then perhaps you should bugger off hm?”
“Perhaps.” Yet he remained by my side even as my pace quickened, the swearing had subsided a little so I couldn’t be quite as angry right?
“Where exactly are you walking to?” I suppose my route made no sense to him, then again, made no sense to me either.
“Why do you want to know? Just follow.”
“So I can follow you now? No need to ‘bugger off'?” He was amused, but not at his comment, rather at the fact I would let him tag along. Not amusement, elation.
“You would be following me regardless and by that standard all you need to know is which way I am pointing and that will be where you’re going too.”
“I see. So we are just wandering aimlessly?”
“I am wandering aimlessly. YOU are wandering after me.” Why did that make him feel stupid? Perhaps it made him think too much into why he liked to stay around me as long as he could.
“Yes, sir.” He was making it seem like my fault, as if I’m ordering him to follow me. Can’t say I minded it.
We made it to Whitehall gardens and ambled through, staring at the flora that had started to turn with the autumnal weather. I was hungry now as I walked through the park and down to the embankment so I bought a pretzel from a little hut whilst Mycroft trailed behind on the phone about something so I expected him to leave soon.
I sat myself down on the wall with one leg tucked underneath myself so that my body was turned slightly and I could gaze through the bars my back rested against and watch the river.
Moments later Mycroft came and sat next to me, mirroring my pose only with his leg crossed over the other instead and he watched me for a moment until I looked at him.
“You can go. I’m quite happy sat here.” Not that he needed my permission to go but it felt as if I needed to remind myself that he could go, that I didn’t need him with me.
“I’ve got nowhere to be.” He raised a brow when he saw me relax, a wave of relief washing over me then the lamposts all turned on, what with the shorter autumnal days. I glanced around at the red leaves now lit up in this strange new light then back to Mycroft who had an amused smile fringing on his lips.
“Good,” I smiled, feeling an odd new confidence, “Do you mind if I stay here a bit longer?”
“Not at all.” He leaned back on the rails slightly as I took a bite of my pretzel, still warm from the vendor.
“Here.” I noticed Mycroft pull the sleeves of his coat down a little from the cold so I tore the pretzel in half and offered him a piece. ‘Does he even like common food?’ I thought and laughed internally at how odd that sounded. “It’s warm” I added still holding it to him. He thought about it as if it was a big decision but eventually took it.
“Thank you.” He smiled, thankful for the bit of warmth it provided him.
“It won’t kill you. Probably.” I looked out across the river feigning being suspicious.
“I’ll take my chances.” He chuckled and took a bite, humming at how surprisingly nice it was as I took the last bite of my own half and shook the crumbs of my hands then tucked them between my thighs to keep them warm.
Once he finished his half he turned further towards me and leaned in slightly.
“I apologise for earlier. It was uncouth of me.” He cleared his throat nervously but looked directly into my eyes where I saw the sincerity in his apology.
“It’s alright, You can’t help it. Besides,” I sighed, “I know you do it often- both of you. I suppose today I wasn’t in the best of moods to put up with it.” Truth be told I’d had a shit day. The sort of day where everyone I encountered decided to make my day worse than the last person had.
“Did anything happen?” He asked and I looked at my hands for a moment before furrowing my brows and looking back up to him.
“I’m not traumatised you know? That’s just John’s theory on me.” I wasn’t sure why I started with that but I suppose it did feed into why my day was crap but more than anything really, I felt the need to explain myself to Mycroft. Maybe explain why I was so difficult and rude. He sensed I had more to say and let me finish.
“Truthfully I'm not really sure what’s wrong with me. I just can’t seem to figure out how to figure out what I feel or what to do. Some things I understand but then I just get overwhelmed to point where I just numb down. I can’t quite explain it but I it just makes me cold and it scares me. I never used to be like this and I don’t mean to be cold but I just am. Then when people point it out it makes me feel like shit and I get agitated but with the wrong people.” I started to choke up, “So I don’t know. I don’t mean to be that way.” I looked down at my hands and started fidgeting to distract myself.
“You’re not cold. I’m sure anyone that knows you can tell you that. You’re perfectly fine the way you are.” He made no great speech just a simple reassurance and it was that- reassuring. “I've never understood people. They are idiots.” He summarised and I laughed.
“That is true. Yes. Mycroft I-“ I looked at him and he leaned in expectantly, “I didn’t mean to unload all that on you.” I shot him an apologetic look.
“It’s quite alright. I’m glad you felt you could say it though. That and it’s my job to make people talk sometimes.” He joked.
“Don’t pull that crap. I did it because I needed to not because you made me. I'd never crack in an interrogation.” I teased.
“We shall see.” He lifted his brow and watched me carefully.
“Did I not say that you would suffer if I caught you deducing me again?” You narrowed your eyes at him with a smile threatening to escape.
“You did.” Though he didn’t stop watching and even cocked his brow playfully which surprised me. Was he flirting? A sadistic smile slowly crept up my face.
“Are you flirting with me?” I returned the scrutinising look and he was taken aback.
“Excuse me?” He recoiled.
“You heard me. Are you flirting with me?” I demanded now, leaning in to catch his eyes until he finally looked at me. “You are flirting.” I could see it in his eyes and I was surprised by my own realisation and honestly elated though I tried to conceal it. Though now I had no idea what to say.
“I’m sorry if I was inappropriate.” He finally spoke, breaking my train of racing thoughts then he stood up. My heart skipped a beat, I didn’t want him to leave. He turned to me and I looked up at him with my brows furrowed, unsure how to proceed. “Perhaps I should l-.“ I pushed myself into my knees, grabbing the lapels of his coat and kissed him. I knew what he was going to say and leaving was not an option so I panicked. I pulled away and searched his shocked expression.
“There.” I took a deep breath and sank back to sit on the feels of my feet, “Now we’ve both done something inappropriate.” I laughed nervously under my breath, drowning in my own awkwardness and searching for any words to say to make this moment go away. I definitely misread the situation, he was definitely not flirting. My head flopped into my hands and I groaned.
“I fucked up... I’m sorry.” I mumbled through my fingers. I only wanted to tease him, make him suffer a little, but now we were both suffering for the wrong reasons.
“You didn’t fuck up.” Mycroft’s voice was gentle as his palm rested between my shoulder blades, pulling me forward until my head rested against his stomach. I really hoped he would forgive me for this cock up but I couldn’t bring myself to show my face, now or ever. However, we couldn’t stay like this forever so he grabbed my hand that was still glued to my face in shame and he urged me to stand up. My legs felt like they barely worked but I managed to sort of flop to my feet in front of him , dropping my other hand to my side and just stared at his chest. He let go of my hand and if my heart could drop any further it would have but instead, it shot up into my throat when he grabbed my waist with both hands. I looked up to see him smile then pull me into him as he lowered his lips to my own.
He pulled back to look at me fluttering my eyes open and staring slack jawed.
“You didn’t fuck up.” He repeated and squeezed my waist reassuringly which snapped me out of my daze. I bit my lip trying to stop the smile they crept onto my lips.
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Fake dating au w Leon plsss
alrighty confession time even though i write fanfics almost for a living now i’ve never actually read a fake dating au hurk so hopefully this fits the bill of what you want?? mayhaps a fresh set of eyes into the dating au world will be refreshing to you, dear anon. OR maybe it’s just like all the rest?? you decide 😎
Should We Kiss? (LeonxReader)
“Should we hold hands?” you whisper to Leon. 
He nods quickly, brushes his fingers against yours, between yours, hesitates for a second, then laces them together. Your fingers are barely hooked together, loose enough so your palms bump as you walk. You try to discreetly clear your throat, as if to expel these strange feelings inside you, as you walk hand-in-hand with your best mate through downtown Wyndon.
This isn’t a normal occurance for you, not in the slightest, you holding hands with Leon. You had never in your life thought about it until he came to you a few days ago with the strangest request. He had barged into your apartment as he usually does (despite your insistence that he knocks like a normal person), but his frazzled expression left no room for scolding.
“I need your help,” Leon had spluttered as he raced to you on your couch. He didn’t even close the door, but he was talking too quickly for you to even get a word in about it. “You know that magazine in Sinnoh, the one that’s raunchy but is super popular with that editor in chief who’s also that photographer and also that column writer and also that designer?”
“Uh,” you had grunted. “Maybe?”
“You know the one who does all of those risque photoshoots with Pokemon and gym leaders in Sinnoh but recently they’ve been expanding to other regions to try and get suggestive photos of all the leaders and people in the league and stuff?”
“I… I guess?”
“Well she keeps contacting my agent and won’t take no for an answer but I don’t want to do any suggestive photos for her rubbish magazine because I’ve got a good reputation of being family friendly and I don’t want Hop or my mum to see me in pictures like that but she somehow got my number and keeps calling and leaving weird voicemails and I think she actually wants me beyond like just for photoshoots and stuff but I don’t want to talk to her and I don’t know how to get her to stop.”
You blinked a few times. You opened your mouth, closed it, opened it again, and when it seemed Leon had finished his explanation, you motioned for him to sit on the couch. He sat beside you, but his wide eyes were still searching yours, as if by staring hard enough, the strange and uncomfortable Sinnoh editor-in-chief designer lady would stop propositioning him.
“What can I do?” you asked, since that’s all you could think of to ask at the time.
And that is what led you to where you are now: holding hands with Leon in downtown Wyndon. You’re not sure why something is pulling in your stomach as he bumps shoulders with you - you’ve bumped shoulders before. You’ve walked closely before. You’ve never held hands before, though, and it seems your body doesn’t know how to respond.
He had mentioned that Sinnoh designer would leave him alone if he were dating someone, you asked who he’d even want to date, he said he didn’t know, so you, being the good friend you are, had offered your services. Leon had perked right back up - no one would suspect a thing! You’re together all the time anyway, and if Leon were romantically involved with someone, perhaps that lady would back off.
It was working, so far, and it only took one post on his social media with him kissing your cheek for her risque voicemails to stop.
It also meant, however, that a blast of texts, calls, and comments from his family, friends, and Rose himself started pouring in.
You and Leon had explained yourselves well enough to everyone, and it mostly took a few sentences of clarification. It seemed everyone was already aware of the Sinnoh designer, and after getting your insurance that it was all just pretend and you’d ‘break up’ soon anyway, everyone went happily on their way. There were a few bumps in the road (particularly when you both told Sonia and Raihan), since they both glanced at each other, raised an eyebrow, then for some reason Leon couldn’t stop stuttering. 
“Maybe we could get lunch,” Leon offers, and you nod vigorously. “At a public place, so everyone sees.”
“Good idea,” you say, and you begin scanning the shopfronts. Leon is already pulling you along somewhere, and before you know it, you’re stepping into your favorite restaurant. How did he know that? Perhaps just because you’re best mates.
You pick a booth that’s public enough, yet private enough, and Leon doesn’t bother looking at the menu. He mentions you should share your meal since that’s a thing that couples do, and you agree. He mentions he should feed you a bite, and after a bit of blushing on your end, you let him. It makes you squirm, how he stares into your eyes, how he rests his cheek on his fist when he holds the fork out to you. He’s definitely a good actor - anyone passing by would probably say he’s even in love with you.
That’d be silly though, since this is all just a favor, just pretend.
He tries to pay, you insist you pay, and you bicker while the waitress awkwardly waits for you both to decide. Leon insists that since it was his idea for a date, he gets to pay. You pout for a moment and let him, just like a partner would. While he chats with the waitress, you wonder why your heart flutters at the word ‘date,’ and why you can’t get that image of Leon’s eyes out of your brain.
After being out in public enough, you and Leon head back to your apartment. He’s holding your hand again, though instead of loosely tangled fingers, your hand is secure in his, and he even rubs his thumb over yours.
You wonder why you like that motion so much.
When you make it to your apartment you flop onto your couch. Leon is chatting with you again, just as you normally would as friends since you’re not in public, but you can’t get an itch out of your mind. If that designer comes back, she might want more ‘proof’... You bite your lip anxiously.
“What’s up?” Leon asks. Why are you now so much more aware of the color of his eyes? “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter. “It’s… it’s nothing, it’s stupid.”
“C’mon,” he teases. “We’re dating now, you can tell your boyfriend anything. Well, I mean you could tell me anything before too, but even more so now.”
You wring your hands together. It’s a stupid request, much too embarrassing, too. Leon pokes and he prods, until you swat his hand away.
“Okay,” you huff. “I was just…. Thinking…. We should practice… you know…”
Leon raises an eyebrow.
Leon raises both eyebrows.
“J-just so it looks natural if we have to in public!” you splutter. “I don’t think people would buy it if you were the type of guy to only kiss in private, s-so I was just… thinking…”
Leon is still staring.
“We don’t have to!” you blurt again. His silent shock is making your heart thump - augh, you knew you shouldn’t have said anything. Nonetheless, you try to save yourself from the hole you’re digging. “I just thought if that designer lady comes back she wouldn’t believe we were dating until we kissed in public at some point! But we can’t make it look like an awkward first kiss!”
Leon is frozen in place, staring at you, and you bite your lip when he finally breathes a response.
“Yeah,” he whispers. He seems a little dazed, for some reason. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
“Okay,” you say. “Okay, yeah… so… um.”
“Right, right,” Leon says as he shakes his head into focus. He adjusts how he’s sitting on the couch, you stand, then straddle his hips. You settle yourself into his lap, and Leon’s eyebrows raise again. You quickly jerk back.
“I-I, sorry!” you stutter. “You just, you moved so I… I um…”
“No, no this is fine!” Leon blurts in return. When you motion to slide off his lap he quickly grabs your hips to pull you back. “This is fine, it’s more realistic.”
“Yeah,” you say. His hands are resting on your hips, though it seems he’s not sure where to put them. He trails to your thighs, just for his fingers to twitch, and he curves around your hips again. “Yeah that’s true.”
“So, um,” Leon whispers. His brow is furrowed as he scans your face, and he’s still trying to figure out where to put his hands.
“Right,” you say. “Let’s… yeah, okay.”
Your conversation isn’t much of a conversation anymore, but rather awkward and embarrassed half-statements as you both adjust to you being on his lap. He’s finally settled his hands, and you lean in and inch. He leans in an inch, you lean in an inch, until you’re both a nose bump away. The tension in the air forces an awkward smile out of you, and the sight of your smile draws out a breathy laugh from Leon too.
“Okay,” you whisper. “So…”
“Yeah, yeah,” Leon breathes. “I’ll just…”
“Right,” you whisper, again unimpressed by this lack-of-conversation.
Leon’s eyes flick to yours, then down to your lips, and he leans in another inch. He gently presses his lips against yours, soft and sweet, and pulls back. It was a simple kiss, something small, closed-mouth and devoid of any heat, and yet it makes you giggle again. You can’t hide your awkward laugh, so you thunk your head onto Leon’s shoulder.
“What?” Leon asks, but now he’s laughing too because of how you can’t hide your embarrassment. “Was it bad?”
“No!” you say into his shirt. “It was weird! Kissing you is weird!”
“Weird how?” Leon retorts. “I’m a good kisser!”
“I don’t know,” you laugh again, and your groan is muffled by his shirt. “It was just weird.”
“Do you not want to practice again then?”
“Well no,” you mumble. “We still should because I can’t giggle like mad if we have to kiss in public.”
“Get it together,” Leon says, though his laugh is rumbling through you. He pulls your head off his shoulder and squishes your cheeks. “We can do this.”
“Yemphswecan,” you say with a serious nod, and Leon snorts. He pushes you off his lap and you slump to the couch like you were a bundle of laundry, and Leon crawls over to you. He’s laughing just as much as you are, and now his hair is draping over you as he threatens to squish your cheeks again. “Okay okay, I’m done, come kiss me.”
You’re not sure why your request shifts something in the air, but Leon’s giddy grin shifts into something softer, thoughtful almost, but definitely still bashful. Your eyes zigzag over his face, at how the corners of his mouth twitch, as if he’s still deciding on what this position means to him. 
He cups your face this time, leans in again, and still pauses. There’s less giggling, none at all, actually, as your eyes stay trained on his lips.
You’re not sure why he so gently brushes his thumb over your cheek, or why it blooms something deep in your stomach.
He kisses you again, a little longer this time, enough for you both to figure out how to move your lips in tandem. Soft sounds waft when he kisses you again, then again after that, as he adjusts himself on top of you. He’s pressing his chest against yours, and his weight is strangely soothing, though you can’t focus on it much when Leon opens his mouth just a sliver, just enough of an invitation for you to do the same.
Your single, chaste, closed-mouth kiss is shifting, growing longer and warmer as each second passes. Leon is curling closer, shifting his other hand to your waist, curving it under your back. You adjust slowly, arch your back to give his hand room between you and the couch cushion beneath you, and Leon almost melts against you. 
You’re not sure how long you’ve been practicing, but it’s gotten to the point where it’s hard to breathe. Leon is strangely in-sync with you, and you break off at the same time.
“A little longer?” he breathes, and you nod.
His next kiss is harder, tinged with heat, and you try to match it. His tongue slides across your bottom lip, and a squeak of shock slips out of your throat. Your cheeks are heating up, as is the rest of your body, when Leon starts kissing you harder, faster, and a little more desperately. You practice and you practice and you practice, long enough to where you’re both breathing hard, long enough to know exactly how to kiss Leon in a way that makes a moan slip.
He moves to your cheek, to your jaw, to your throat, kissing and sucking in a way that makes your heart pound. It isn’t until you let out a sigh, furrow your brow, and whisper his name, that he pauses.
“Leon,” you breathe.
He freezes, and after a second, he lifts his head to meet your gaze. His cheeks are flushed, his pupils dilated, then his expression melts into something bashful. He quickly crawls off of you and you both sit up, trying to discreetly catch your breath, but neither of you do a good job of hiding how dazed you are.
“Sorry,” Leon says as he breathes out a laugh. “I… uh… might’ve gotten carried away there at the end.”
“Yeah, yeah that’s okay. But did we… did we just…” you whisper. “...snog?”
“I think so,” Leon replies.
“We probably could again,” you whisper. “Just to be sure we’re good at it.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Leon whispers in return. “Just in case that Sinnoh lady gets suspicious.”
The Sinnoh designer never called back, but you and Leon figured you could ‘pretend’ date just a bit longer, just in case. You pretended to kiss each other in public, and you definitely pretended to kiss each other in private. You picked a few different spots to practice - your couch, his couch, on the floor, on your kitchen table, in his bed - you both certainly got much better at it, too. No one would ever suspect a thing.
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mickeymouse-moshpit · 3 years
street lights, people
A/N: WOO I got it done on time! I’m so excited to share the second installment in my biker!Fennec x pediatrician!reader story. I appreciate how kind everyone has been and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thanks again to maybege for letting me tell my story in this universe. I promise that we’ll get more into Fennec’s past and why she does what she does, it just isn’t time yet. 
Rating: T
Warnings: References to child abuse with NO descriptions except that the child was admitted and seen by the trauma surgery service, I don’t think there’s anything else except for some tooth rotting fluff/flirting/smooching. 
Word count: 2.5k
Chapter Two: January 11th
“Would you just text her already? You have her number; I don’t see what the holdup is.” Boba tossed the socket wrench back into the open drawer and closed it. He wiped at the grease on his hands with a blue paper towel. “Besides, you need to take her to a BACA meeting anyway. She hasn’t partnered with us officially and needs to know more if this judge is sticking around.”
“You don’t mean—” Fennec looked up from the email she was writing.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. Get your ass up, get your phone, and tell her she should come tonight.”
“But she’s probably going to be too tired.”
“Just. Ask. Her.” He picked her phone up from where she had left it when she set up her work area for the day and held it in front of her face to unlock it. “Or do I need to call her office and pretend to be you?”
She snatched the phone away from him and opened up the conversation with you.  
Got home safe, thank you
Good. Sweet dreams, Doc -fs
Those two messages had haunted her since she sent hers. She wondered if she should have said less, or said hi in the meantime? Either way, she typed out the message.
What are you doing tonight? -fs
She set the phone down, went back to her work.
You picked at the sad chicken in your bowl. You really needed to do a better job of anticipating what you would want to eat through the week when you cooked on Sundays. Rolling your eyes at it, you scraped it into the trash can. You were washing the dish and its lid when you felt your phone vibrate for what seemed like the 80th time that day. Sighing, you dried it off and put it in your lunchbox and sat back down at the communal table in the breakroom. It was empty for now, the students and residents off getting work done in the hopes of not staying past sign out. You pulled your phone out and opened up the message without looking at the sender.
What are you doing tonight? -fs
It took you by surprise to be sure. You felt badly about not replying to her since Friday, but if you were honest with yourself, you knew that you hadn’t been ignoring her intentionally. The days had been long as you transitioned to your week covering this service and you barely had time to feed and bathe yourself.
Same thing I always do, try and take over the world.
And by take over the world I mean go to bed
Do you have time to come to a BACA meeting? It starts at 5:30 -fs
You considered for a moment. You had a few more patients to round on, but otherwise your job was done for the day. You looked at the time, 12:30. You could make it.
I can make that happen. Where do you meet?
The reply was almost immediate.
Boba’s Garage. There’s a makeshift conference room. -fs
Sounds good. I’ll see you there.
You walked back into the kitchen area and started a fresh pot of coffee. You wondered what they could possibly want with you; you weren’t a biker. Sure, you were stern when you were advocating for your kids, but you weren’t even close to being on their level. Well, you thought to yourself, at least you can see her in her element this time, learn what they did in more detail.
You hurried up the expanse of concrete to the open garage, trying not to fall but also trying not to be late. A last-minute admission had turned your plenty-of-time-to-maybe-shower-and-then-get-there afternoon into a oh-no-I’m-going-to-be-late-and-they’re-going-to-be-mad evening. You saw the open door, heard voices coming from it and hurried to it. You took a deep breath and tried to slink in unnoticed. But of course, it was a conference room. There were people seated all around it, all talking amongst themselves still. Whew.
You saw an empty chair along the wall and sat down, trying to blend in with the wall as best you could. The scrubs you wore were wrinkled and your baby hairs were sticking straight up from the day you had had. You tried to smooth them down as best you could, swearing you would have a wash day tomorrow when you had the afternoon to work from home on things for CPS. You had no idea why Fennec wanted you here, but you hoped your appearance wouldn’t take away from whatever it was.
You sat in silence as you heard her call the meeting to order. Silence fell. She controlled the room. You crossed your legs as you listened to her.
You listened to them discuss financial matters, an upcoming meeting with another chapter. Then the attention turned to the reason the club existed: the kids.
“As you all know, we’ve heard some rumors about certain kids around town. Today I got confirmation that one of them was hospitalized this afternoon.” Fennec went on to describe what the story was without naming names and your eyes went wide as you realized she was talking about the toddler you had admitted this afternoon for the trauma service. How did she know? Your team was diligent about patient privacy and none of them would ever violate that, so how did she know? “…I worked with Peli all afternoon coming up with a plan and we decided that BACA needed to get involved once this little one gets out of the hospital.”
Peli? Social work? You started putting the pieces together. That was how she knew. You listened as they discussed plans for various outcomes: if they went home, if they went to temporary placement, if there would be a hearing before they were discharged. You listened, still not sure what you were doing here but appreciating that you got to hear what they were discussing, got to know what you offered when you gave the contact card disguised as a business card for a medical supply company.
They wrapped up their discussions, started gathering their things and dispersing. You would go to Fennec, but you had no desire to interrupt her in her space. So, you sat and waited as the room started emptying and engines started kicking to life outside.  As the last person left, you stood up carefully.
“You came.”
“Of course I came, I said I would. Sorry I was late.”
“What are you talking about? You weren’t late. And I figured you would be cutting it close when Peli told me you were the one admitting the little one. I know these things take time.” You walked closer to her, perching on the conference room table to her right.
“Uh, thanks. Do you mind if I ask how you know Peli?” She had worked with you since you had started your contract.
“I don’t mind. I’m a social worker there too, I just usually work on the adult side of things. I only started getting introduced to the peds side when I got this gig.” You nodded as she spoke.
“Thank you for inviting me. I appreciate everything you all do, and I can’t tell you what it means to me that I got to learn a little more about what’s behind those cards behind the desk at the office.”
“It was Boba’s idea.” She readjusted the already perfectly stacked papers in front of her. “He threatened to call your office and pretend to be me if I didn’t invite you myself.”
You huffed out a laugh as you bumped your knee against hers.
“Then I’m grateful to the both of you. Thank him for me, would you? I—” Your eyes went wide as your stomach growled and interrupted your thought.”
“Damn, Doc don’t they teach you all to take care of yourselves? Did you eat today?”
“You know, they claim to, but it’s more ‘here’s how you can be more efficient about selfcare so that you can work more and not actually do anything about your quality of life’ and less ‘we genuinely care about you not passing out in a patient’s room or dropping dead of exhaustion.’ I hated what I brought today and had coffee and swore I was going to go to the café to get a snack but that didn’t happen, got too busy.”
She grabbed your hand and gave it a tug to get you to stand up.
“Come on, I’m buying you dinner from this little diner we all go to. You can thank Boba yourself and I can make sure you get a decent meal.”
You nodded, gave her hand a squeeze in thanks.
“Do you want me to drive?”
“Nah, it’s only a couple blocks away and besides, you’re not fit to drive right now.”
You rolled your eyes at that.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
“I know you think you are but come with me anyway.”
You nodded and she led you out of the conference room and then the garage out into the cold night air.
“I need to get my coat since we’re walking.” She just nodded and kept your hand in hers until you reached your car. You unlocked in, pulled the door open and grabbed the same wool coat you had been wearing when she rescued you, pulled it on. As you locked up and turned back to her, she took your hand again.
You walked in silence, which gave you plenty of time to sneak glances at her face, illuminated in the orange streetlights as you walked. The glow and the crunch of salt under your feet was hypnotic. As you got to the diner, light snow started again, making you grateful you were at your destination. She opened the door for you and dropped your hand again so you could pull the coat off and hang it up by the door.
“Hey, Fennec! You guys sit wherever you like,” the waitress called from behind the counter. “I’ll be over in just a sec.”
“Come on, you can thank him then we’ll sit as far away from him as we can.” She laughed. You thought you were going to swoon from her laugh.
“Sounds good, lead the way.”
“Boba, this is her.”
You held out your hand and introduced yourself.
“Ah, the famous Doc. We’ve all heard so much about you from Shand here.” He chuckled and gave Fennec a knowing grin as she groaned quietly.
“All good things, I hope? I just wanted to thank you for having Fennec invite me to the meeting tonight.”
“It’s no problem. And if that judge is going to keep handling abuse cases, we’re going to need you to know what we do, how we operate. I heard from a buddy from the last district they worked that they want all depositions given on the stand in front of them.”
You groaned internally at that. Your scheduling was going to get a lot more complicated.
“Thanks again,” you said as Fennec led you, true to her word, to a booth as far away from Boba and his line of sight as she could get you the two of you. You slid into the seat and she sat down across from you. You folded your hands on the table, then in your lap. “So, um, hi. I just want to say I’m really sorry for not replying the last few days. It’s been hectic and I haven’t had a lot of time to do anything for pleasure or leisure.”
“It’s okay. You’re a busy person, your job demands a lot of you and contrary to what a lot of people think, I know you’re not some all-powerful hero. You’re a person, doing what you need to do.”
You could have kissed her.
“You have no idea what it means to hear you say that. But enough about work and my inability to take care of myself some days. How have you been?”
You used the last bit of ketchup on your last fry as you listened to her tell you her story, about where she grew up, where she went to school, how she landed in this town and met Boba. How the two of them started the MC and that it had started as the two of them plus Din and Paz who you had yet to meet. When you were finished, you kept listening, you could listen to her all night. But it wasn’t long before you had to stifle a yawn.
“Come on, you need to go to sleep.” She slid the bill over to her, pulling out her wallet and wrapping a few bills up in it before you could get a word in of protest. “Boba will make sure no one takes it, let’s get out of here.” She stood and held out a hand to you, which you took. The two of you made your way over to where your coat hung and walked out as you shimmied into it. You tucked your hands into your pockets and squeezed the pocket warmers before you let her take your hand again, threading her fingers through yours.
The two of you walked in comfortable silence. The snow was still coming down, just flurries now, but with the promise of more to come. When you could see your car again, you both slowed your steps, neither of you quite ready to say goodnight, but you knew you had to, or you would be just that much more tired tomorrow, more on edge. She squeezed your hand once, twice as you got to it, now dusted with the white powder. You turned to face her.
“Thank you, for dinner, for talking, for inviting me, for everything.”
“No problem, Doc, really.”
You glanced back and forth between her eyes and her lips. You took a half-step toward her, tilted your head just to the right.
She brought her other hand up, cupped your cheek before brushing your hair out of your face. Her smirk made a brief appearance before she pressed her lips to yours. You kissed her back, letting yourself get lost as she brought her arms around your waist under your coat. Yours wrapped around her shoulders in response. She deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue along your lips briefly before you let your own brush against it. She tightened her grip on you, one hand sliding down into the back pocket of your scrubs.
When the two of you came up for air, you rested your forehead against hers, letting your breathing stay in sync. She made a small noise of displeasure as she leaned back, untangling from you and your coat.
“Fuck, I don’t want you to leave. But you need to. Go get some sleep, Doc. Let me know when you get home.”
“Fine, but I want you to do the same or I might just have to worry about you.”
“I can do that. Night,” she whispered in your ear before kissing your cheek and stepping back to let you drive away in the orange glow.
Tags: @maybege @phoenixhalliwell 
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sierraraeck · 3 years
Ancient History and Open Wounds (Pt.1)
BAU x OC Aundreya
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Summary: In an effort to save Aundreya, the BAU has to turn to some unlikely allies before it’s too late. Story twenty.
Category: Angst.
Warnings: Cussing. Kidnapping. I don’t explicitly talk about torture, but it happens. Someone gets shot. Quick mention of previous sexual abuse and drug abuse.
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: I’m very proud of how this story went, it’s kinda chaotic, but hopefully worth it. Also, prepare yourselves. A lot is about to go down.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
We planned for a lot, Niko, Mateo, Roman, Deen, and I. We ran through as many scenarios we could come up with and our next steps for each one. This, though. This we did not plan for.
I was always waking up with some sort of physical pain now-a-days, but this pain felt different. My head hurt, and my nose and throat burned. Not to mention, I started with a jolt, like the panic I felt right before passing out was just put on hold, and was rushing back to me all at once.
I rapidly blinked my eyes open, scanning my surroundings. There was something about it that seemed familiar, even though I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. There was dust everywhere and the room was warm, like we were over a giant boiler. There were two windows to my right that didn’t look very functional with newspapers covering them, but the rest of the room looked actually kinda cozy. If I hadn’t known better, I would have said it looked like a mini nursing home for one.
I moved my fingers around a little, then my toes, waking my body up little by little. I was bound to a pole, chains clasped to something above my head and on the other side. My legs were useless as well, multiple rows of chains holding them to the pole. That really only left my midsection stretched and exposed, like a pig about to be roasted above a fire.
“Morning.” Hot breath scraped across my ear, and I hadn’t even heard the person come in. “I was starting to worry that your ability to resist drugs and such was starting to wear off, but I was wrong.” He finally turned to face me and my stomach fell to my feet.
It was those same grey eyes, those same tattoos on his neck. His hair had changed, gotten a bit longer than his usual buzzcut, but his face was the same. A little stubble along his jaw as well, but it was like I was transported back in time to my first day after initiation with the Cloaks.
I knew this was coming, I did, and I tried to prepare myself, but there was no way in hell I felt remotely prepared to see him again. I wanted to kick myself for my initial reaction to do whatever he said and get out of this as quickly as possible. But I knew that couldn’t be how this time went. No, it couldn’t be, because I’d angered him much more than I ever had before. Not only that, but I was above him now. I took his gang, had my own ring, escaped a supermax, joined the FBI, and killed his love. I was supposed to be stronger than him. Fiercer. But I felt none of that at the moment. I was fucking terrified.
But I’d rather die than show him I was still scared, “DeLeon.” I spat his name like the shit it was.
“We were close once,” he mused, “You know, you can still call me Jamar.”
“We aren’t close now, DeLeon,” I hissed, making sure he got the point.
“Come on, Aundreya-”
“Chambers,” I raised my eyebrows, “You can call me Chambers.”
“You don’t make the demands around here,” he almost sang. Before I could make a smart comment back, he cut me off with a ‘tsk.’ “I’d stop talking if I were you.”
“I will never take your orders.” I immediately shot back.
“You know, this could all go away if you just stop fighting,” he replied smugly, knowing very well what my answer would be.
“I will never get on my knees for you.”
He grinned, “Oh, I know you wouldn’t do it for me, but that’s why I didn’t come empty handed. You see, I’ve heard that you have a weakness.”
“Oh, uh-huh, and what’s that?” I probed.
Without answering, he disappeared behind me. He gloated, “That little team of yours.” I heard some clanking and maneuvering, and then he reappeared lugging a massive cart.
“Trust me, that is not my team.”
“Sure, you say that, but let’s test that theory shall we?” On the cart were three different television screens. He gave me a smile before turning them on one by one. When they buzzed to life, whatever I was supposed to be seeing was dark and indecipherable. “Thanks to Doctor Madden’s lovely hospitality, and loaded bank account,” he gestured at the three tvs, “This was a successful and brilliant set up.”
That’s when I figured out why this place was so familiar. We were in Doctor Madden’s attic. When her mom was sick a few years back, she transformed the attic into her own little care facility, which I only ever visited once. Oh fuck. “What did you do with Doctor Madden?”
He completely ignored me, instead, reaching for a small remote that he aimed over to my left side. I turned that way and saw a small camera blink to life, the faint red light letting me know it was on and recording. He turned back to the tvs, his back facing me, and I heard him whisper into what I assumed was his phone. The moment he turned back around, all three of the pictures on the tvs panned out, showing me a perfect view of the outside of Spencer, Rossi, and JJ’s house.
“What is this?” I asked, the words barely making it out.
“Now, you said you’d never get on your knees for me, and I believe you, but would you get on your knees for them?” He was speaking very calmly, which was drastically different from the hot-headed DeLeon I once knew. Which scared me even more.
We waited in silence while we watched the tv screens. Rossi was having another house party, it appeared, with himself, Aaron, Derek, Emily, Penelope and Tara all drinking and laughing, JJ was at her house with Will and the boys, and Spencer was at his apartment. The curtains were still open, and he looked like he was alone for a moment before I saw someone’s head peek out of his bedroom. Maeve. He was with Maeve. At his apartment, in his bedroom, probably sharing the same experience I once did on the same goddamn mattress. I saw his eyes light up when she coaxed him into the bedroom, and I turned my attention back to the other two screens.
“In a few seconds, the live feed of the two of us will be transmitted to the BAU’s network. They’ll get to watch and hear everything that goes on,” DeLeon assured. I waited for what had to be at least a minute without any change.
But then I saw Penelope running out to the rest of the group, iPad in hand. She pulled Hotch and Derek aside first, frantically showed them what was on it, and then they called out to the rest of the group. They all grabbed their stuff in an instant, and made their way out of the backyard. The camera angle changed then, showing the front of Rossi’s mansion as they all piled into their respective cars, driving the same way. I turned to JJ’s screen, where I saw her rush out of the house on her phone. She kissed Will on the cheek, then got in her car and sped away. At the same time, I saw Spencer emerge from the bedroom, readjust his clothes, then run to his car. Each person had multiple camera angles on them, and then, all three of them changed to show the BAU.
And then the full force of dread came crashing down on me. DeLeon noticed it too, and started chuckling. “Figured it out yet?”
I swallowed, and looked at him, mouth agape. “You put snipers on them.”
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
~2 months earlier~
“Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys,” Penelope rushed into the round table room, stopping all conversations. They’d just gotten a new case, and were confused why she was back already, and so startled. “Stop what you are doing.”
Everyone had already stopped what they were doing, and waited for her to get whatever it was up on the big screen.
“Meet Xena Adaland,” Penelope said, gesturing to the crime scene photos.
“You mean…?” Derek trailed off.
“Xena as in Xena from Aundreya’s list? Yes,” her eyes grew about three sizes. It was a miracle they didn’t just fall right out of her head.
“How’d you pull that off? Isn’t her identity completely untraceable?” Derek questioned.
“Uh, it doesn’t really matter, and yes,” she quickly answered the other question, “But trust me, it’s her.”
“Where is this?” Hotch asked.
“This is just outside of Chicago in an old MMA gym that’s been closed for over three years,” Penelope informed.
“In Chicago?” Emily confirmed, “If Chambers is running, isn’t that too obvious a place for her to hide?”
“Yes, but if she didn’t want Xena knowing any of the other places she’d been staying at, going to where they first met wouldn’t be a bad idea,” Derek chimed in.
“Plus, she’s smart. We’d obviously think she’d go somewhere that can’t be connected to her, so going someplace too easy might be overlooked,” Rossi added.
“Do we think this was just her? I mean, if this girl was one of Chambers’ biggest rivals, she’s got to be smart, right? There’s no way she would have let herself be lured into a trap that obvious without other people being involved,” JJ offered.
“I’m not so sure,” Rossi mused. “I think there is a lot about Chambers we don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did that all on her own.”
“And come on. She had all that time in prison to plan something like this,” Derek said. “Plus, she used to be, and obviously still is, one of the highest profile criminals ever.”
“Prentiss, Rossi, I want you two to fly out to Chicago and check this out. As for the rest of us, we will be working the other case,” Hotch commanded.
The two of them headed toward the door, but stopped shy. They’d all been thinking this, but Rossi was the one who voiced it, “And the kid?”
‘The Kid’ in question was not currently in the room. He had one more day left of vacation, and would be flying out to the team the next day. Spencer hadn’t been handling things well, and just started to round the corner with the team, and Maeve’s, helps. This was not the kind of information he needed right now. Not to say that the team thought he was fragile and incapable of handling this information, he’d dealt with much worse and still been able to do his job, but why give him information they don’t know for sure was relevant?
“He’ll be working with us,” is all Hotch offered, but it was enough to relay the message to the rest of the team: Do not mention this to him. Let me handle the excuses.
Prentiss and Rossi landed a couple of hours later and immediately drove to the crime scene. Garcia told them that she’d called the police chief and he’d be waiting for them there.
“Hello agents,” he greeted, extending his hand.
“Agent Prentiss, this is agent Rossi,” Emily took his hand then gestured to Rossi who followed suit.
“Chief Welter. This way,” he led them inside the abandoned gym which they could see pretty well in the daytime, despite all the dust and boarded up windows. “It’s pretty bad, but I’ve got to ask. Why’re the Feds interested in some one-off?”
“Might be connected to something else,” was all Prentiss offered. The man just nodded, giving her a slight side eye, but her full attention was already on the scene. There was a lot of blood, nearly dried, that left only a small oval shaped area that was uncovered. There were obvious signs of a struggle, but overall, things felt too clean. I mean, there was a little dribbled blood here, and a small splatter there that could have occurred from the fight, but something about it felt off. It didn’t seem staged, and there was no obvious evidence that the scene had been tampered with, but it just felt wrong. Maybe it was just because they already knew who did it, and they had a very complicated relationship with her.
But whatever the reason, they continued on as planned. They evaluated the scene, then went to the station to make sure they had all of the pictures and all of the evidence available. The next stop was the ME.
On the car ride there, Emily asked, “Did something feel off to you?”
“Expand,” Rossi said.
“Like, did something about that scene feel wrong to you? I don’t really know how to describe it, but something about it seemed so perfectly ordinary and perfectly random that it couldn’t have been random? I don’t know if that’s making any sense but-”
“I get what you’re saying. Like everything seemed so staged yet not staged at the same time?” Rossi looked over at Emily and she nodded. They parked the car and headed toward the ME’s office.
“Do you think we should tell the rest of the team about when we saw her?”
Rossi sighed and pushed open the front door, “Let’s wait and see how this pans out, and then we’ll figure out if we need to tell the rest of the team.”
“Tell the rest of the team what?” The moment they heard those harsh words, they didn’t even have to look at him to know they were in deep. Spencer just looked at them expectantly. “Tell us what?”
“Spence, look-”
“Don’t, Emily. What the hell, guys! Does no one tell me anything anymore?” he spat.
“We were going to tell you-” Rossi tried.
“Were you? Then why’d I have to profile it out of Penelope?” Neither one had a good answer for that. “So what else are you not telling me, hm?”
Prentiss exchanged a look with Rossi and sighed. “We saw her.”
Reid seemed speechless for a moment before whispering with wild eyes, “What?”
“At the hospital. She came to visit Morgan, Hotch, and JJ after … you know. It was like two am but she was there. Just watching them. And we saw her,” Prentiss finished.
Reid was frozen for a few seconds before asking, “How was she?” All the anger seemed to seep out of his voice.
“Fine. We didn’t talk but she looked okay,” she tacked on, “Physically, at least.”
“So she’s alive?” Reid confirmed.
“Sure is, kid,” Rossi assured.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this,” Reid accused, venom returning just as quickly as it had left, “You know this has been driving me crazy for months now, how could you not tell me? You were just going to let me lose sleep and struggle to figure this out and spin out of control and then solve it behind my back? I can help, so why won’t you let me? You know how important she-” he rapidly stopped himself. He slowly released a breath and brought his volume back under control, not having fully realized he was yelling, “how important this is to me.”
Rossi and Prentiss shared yet another look, then Rossi said, “Okay Reid. Then help us.”
That was all he needed to hear before turning to enter the office.
They were all relieved to find out that, as far as evidence could tell, Aundreya was fine. Actually, she should be more than fine. Not even a single drop of her blood was at the scene. It was like Xena was fighting a ghost, a very vengeful one at that.
But they all knew that if Aundreya was so worried about this girl that she must be good. And if she was good, there was no way that she walked away without a scratch.
Emily realized that’s what felt off about the scene. It was incredible, actually, if she thought about it. An entire fight and murder took place that they were sure Chambers was involved in, yet, evidence of anyone else being there didn’t exist. Somehow the scene had been set up and cleaned without even a shred of evidence to show that it had been set up or cleaned.
It made them wonder, though. They knew Chambers had a network of people she was in charge of, a group only referred to as ‘the ring,’ but they didn’t know anything else about them. Now, however, seeing that crime scene, all they knew was that they were fantastic at their jobs. And it was terrifying. Not to mention, if she was the leader of this group, what did that say about her?
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
The team rushed into the bullpen just after the 10 o’clock hour completely in a panic, but all trying to control it. Penelope already had the live feed up on the big screen.
It was Aundreya, there was no doubt about that, but she looked like a wreck. She was chained to a pole, bruises everywhere and her stitches visible.
“Those should be healed by now,” Spencer pointed out. No one had anything to say about that, all their minds coming to the same conclusion that it was either the man in front of her or Xena that had opened them back up. How she got them sewn shut again was a whole different matter.
The man Penelope still couldn’t identify was talking to her, “I started to worry that this wouldn’t even work, considering the tension between you and the team. I mean, maybe they don’t care enough to look for you, and maybe you don’t care enough about them to make your decisions interesting.”
“What decisions?” Aundreya spat.
The man continued on as if she hadn’t spoken, “But then I remember that I know something they don’t. Something you aren’t even willing to admit to yourself.” He flashed a hateful smile.
“Which is?” she sounded bored more than anything, but their profiler ears could hear the slight panic in her voice.
“You. Care,” the man said it like it was an insult, “You care so deeply, actually, that it physically pains you. And it’s true that you don’t care about much, but when you do, you care about it more than anything else and no matter how many times it hurts you or betrays you, you can’t help but care. That’s why this will work.”
“What will?” Aundreya sounded like she was fed up with his games.
“I’m glad you asked, and you’ll figure it out in due time. But why don’t you tell your friends over there,” he waved to the camera, “how you got here.”
“A lot has happened, you might want to narrow that time frame down.”
“Think of the biggest reason for me to have you here, like this,” he hissed, gesturing to her form. Aundreya just smirked at him. “Say it!”
“Look, if they’re actually watching this, which maybe they aren’t,” she shrugged, “they either already know what I did, or are about to put it together within the next thirty seconds, so there’s really no need for either of us to waste out breath.”
Penelope was the first to comment. “Does she really think that we wouldn’t care enough to watch this?”
A couple heads turned toward her, but it was Hotch that spoke, “I’m not sure there is much either of them is going to say that we can weigh too heavily on.” As much as Spencer, or Emily, or Rossi wanted to protest that statement, defending her character, they couldn’t. He was right. They knew her to lie. Plus, it was in Penelope’s best interest (who were they kidding, all of their interest) to hear that as well.
Their attention was brought back to the screen when the man spoke again, “Well then I hope they see this.” He walked out of frame only to come back with a small dagger. He reached up and carved an ‘X’ into one of her palms. Aundreya squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw, but other than that, she didn’t flinch.
“You think that’s going to do it?” she spat, “That’s not anywhere near what you’ve done to-”
Her words were cut off by the sudden sound of skin on skin, head whipping to the side.
“Oh, that?” the man asked, gesturing toward the large scar down her chest, “I’ve got more in store for you than that. Just taking my time. So I won’t ask again. Tell them. You know what else is on the line.”
“Son of a bitch,” Spencer froze in his spot. This is the man that gave her that? That bastard, I swear to god, I’ll-
“Spencer, what?” JJ asked, looked at him startled.
He was careful not to say anything she wouldn’t want them knowing, but rushed, “She once told me about some guy from the gang who, uh, hurt her while she was there. He gave her that scar before he left and she took over. That’s him.” The rest of the team turned back to the screen with a new understanding.
Aundreya dropped eye contact with the man before admitting, “What? That I killed Xena, ‘your love’ or whatever.”
“Don’t mock her!”
Aundreya’s voice was surprisingly level when she replied, “She was keeping things from you, DeLeon.”
“DeLeon?” Emily breathed, “That’s him?”
“No wonder he’s the last name on her list,” Derek chimed in. He followed what Reid was implying even though it seemed like no one else did, and he could understand the amount of rage coursing through her and why, even though she was the one chained up, she still talked to him like it was the other way around.
Their attention was pulled back to the screen at Aundreya’s next words, “You think, you both thought, that the other was perfect and aligned with your goals and wants, but guess what? That’s not true.”
“You don’t have a right to talk about us,” DeLeon hissed, but they could see him falter just slightly.
She continued, “You were working together out of necessity, you were both broken, and you thought you loved each other, but you didn’t. She was lying to you and going behind your back and just because you helped each other through a tough time, and supposedly were in love, doesn’t mean that you were on the same team. It doesn’t mean you wanted the same things and it certainly doesn’t mean you’re right for each other. A mutual hate for someone or a mutual goal to ‘get the bad guy’ does not make you compatible, that’s not how it works!” Aundreya’s voice quieted as she took a deep breath, some sort of understanding in her eyes. She looked at the camera for the first time and repeated, “That’s not how it works.”
“Don’t try to send them messages!” DeLeon marched over and shut off the camera, but not before promising, “We’ll be back.”
The team was silent. They were sure she was sending them a message, but they didn’t think it was quite in the way that DeLeon thought. Slowly, all eyes drifted over to Reid, who hadn’t reacted at all since the camera had been shut off.
Is that what she thinks happened between us? That we were broken and transferring and not on the same team and-
“Garcia could you get a trace on that?” Hotch asked, pulling him from his thoughts.
“I’m trying, sir, but he’s really good,” Garcia’s voice sounded watery.
“Okay, the rest of us need to start on a profile,” Hotch commanded, and they all started moving toward the round table room. Reid stayed cemented in his spot. “Reid?”
“Yeah, um, you guys start that, I’ll be right back,” he rushed, now frantically moving to grab his jacket, without his satchel, and headed out the door.
“Where are you going?” Derek called after him.
“I think I know someone who can help,” Spencer shouted back, then continued his path out the door. They watched him out, but then quickly got to work.
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purplelurkinghini · 4 years
Switching Gears
I promise I never planned on writing 3k+ words of Arkham Knight Riddler X AFAB!Reader fanfiction. He’s not even my favorite version of The Riddler, but he is the one that inspired this tall order of hurt/comfort, fluff and smut.
If you’re an adult and enjoy the idea of Edward Nigma being a switch as much as I do, check out what’s been collecting dust in my Notes for the past month under the cut!
"Boys, could you give us a moment?"
"Sure thing, boss," the hired knucklehead nodded towards you before even addressing his actual employer. "Hey, boss, think you can stand?"
"What are you implying, you meathead?"
The fact remains that it was these meatheads who caught him when he fell off the malfunctioning assembly line. He’d been a sleepwalker’s step away from being dismembered and reassembled into one of his riddlebots. It stung like salt sprinkled in his wounded pride, but he could ignore the sting.
What he couldn't ignore were his own men (he doesn't employ boys, thank you very much) taking orders from you. Who do you think you are talking over him? Nobody talks over Edward Nigma! 
"I can stand just fine, thank you," he sneered even as he struggled to straighten himself. He was on his own two feet again and he'd be damned if he'd depend on anybody to walk on them. "Some privacy, please." It was him they should be following, not you. When they exited the restroom, it was his order they were following, not yours.
"When's the last time you ate?"
The man with all the answers was perplexed by your question. He knitted his brows closer, one of them even twitching as his eyes (more bloodshot red than brilliant blue) watched you approach him with no regard for the rage that was boiling just underneath his frown. 
"Or slept? Or took a goddamn break?" 
You bellowed and it bounced off of the tile walls to beat against his eardrums. Each step you took closer made each word ring louder. And, as if the volume of your voice alone knocked the wind out of him, he sunk back against the sink, holding himself up with one hand while the other rubbed at his temples.
"Could you talk any louder?" He grunted out, gathering his thoughts. Eating? Resting? Sleeping? None of those are on his schedule and they haven't been for a while now. Halloween was only weeks away. Everyone was expected to make sacrifices, but was he really ready to lay down his own life? He almost did just that tonight. He was at a loss for words, but he found enough of them to speak a full sentence: "I can’t hear myself think."
"Edward," he hardly heard you huff out his name. And, once he removed his grimy glove from over his eyes, he barely saw your face and how it contorted with concern. "You're tired." 
A warm hand of yours on a cold cheek of his had him slumping his head forward in defeat. You were right, of course. He was tired. Beat. Drained. Bone-deep.
"I finally got the boiler running." You needed both hands to hold up his head, so you cupped his scruffy chin. "You're not getting into bed with me while smelling like an abandoned auto repair shop."
That should've stung like the dash of salt that it was. It was soothing instead, much like the circular motion of your thumbs against his sunken, unshaven cheeks. He could do little more than scoff. "I already bathed."
"Yeah, but that was before you took a tour of the sewer system," you smiled and he mirrored you, just as broken as the actual mirror behind him. You took his gloved hands into yours and he held onto them like his life depended on you. Given his sorry state, it was highly probable that it did. "Everything’s set up in the locker room. I bought new towels and everything."
"Green?" Edward learned to walk again as he followed you.
"How did you know?" You gladly guided him, never letting go of his hands.
"Just a guess."
"Boss, the food's here! Where should I-"
The boss cut him off while almost cutting into the other boss' cheek: "In the office, please." 
You were in the middle of shaving him and Edward must have been exhausted to trust anybody wielding a sharp object that close to his throat. And he was exhausted. Beat. Drained. Bone-deep. It was a good thing he had your bare legs wrapped around his waist (about as snug as the towel covering it) keeping him up on his feet.
He couldn't see through the walls, but his employee sounded embarrassed from behind the one he was hiding. "Sorry, boss and...boss. I didn't mean to-"
"Wallace, is that takeout?"
"Thank you, Wally! In the office, okay?" You shouted from atop the sink, running the straight razor under the tap."It's sushi from that place you like. There should be some orange juice and waffles in those bags, too."
"You sent him grocery shopping and he...went shopping for groceries?" He wrecked through the wrinkles in his brain for another answer, a less obvious one. "Why?" Playing the fool never put anyone in a flattering light and it sure didn't make The Riddler seem any smarter.
"They need to eat and so do we."
For once, he'd been asking the wrong questions. He had to work on rephrasing it as you worked some aftershave into his sore skin. "Why did you send my men to do your bidding?"
Not even your hands could massage the wrinkles out of his morose face. "Who else was I supposed to send?" You combed back his damp hair (you had to get under the makeshift shower to shampoo it yourself) with your blunt nails and looked down into his eyes. "There! Handsome again!"
Vanity and curiosity made up the cocktail that sloshed around in his stomach as he looked over your damp shoulder and into the steamed mirror. With one hand clearing it for view and the other still secured on your thigh, he scrutinized his sour expression. His eyes were encircled by dark rings where they laid inside his sunken sockets and his hair, slicked back and shiny, was turning grey just above his ears. He'd never admit it, not even to himself, but Edward Nigma has seen better days. 
"I told you, didn't I?" You tore his attention away from himself by bringing the two of you that much closer together, your towel-covered chest pressed against his bare one. "The scruff had to go." You threw your arms around his neck, prompting his hand to return on your thigh. You breathed the words so close to his lips, it felt like you were feeding him air.
"You didn't cut me twice," he moved his lips against yours, but his own didn't catch. He moved his mouth again, this time to stretch it into a grin."I'm sure to recover from the one time that you did." 
"Asshole," you huffed, as if you'd been holding your breath for a kiss. "Stop playing."
"You forget who you're talking to, boss," Edward enunciated the last word by squeezing your side. "You forget who's in charge."
"Wasn't it you?"
His smug smile was all but slapped off his face when you tightened your thighs around him. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as he was faced with a challenge: you. You were always a challenge.
There was more merriment than malice in his words, yet he still snarled them: "You shouldn't talk while on your high horse," There was more pride than playfulness in the act, yet he still slid both of his hands under your thighs and snatched you up. "You never know when it's going to throw you off."
"Edward," you shrieked, startled. "Put me down!" Securing your arms around his neck and squeezing your legs around his middle, you braced yourself to be bucked off your high horse. "You're gonna drop me! Put me down!"
There was something almost soothing to be found in your screams. The sound of your sudden surrender was better than the pity party you'd been throwing him. "When have I ever let you down?" It was a rhetorical question. He had been literally leaning on you just a shower ago. He was tired of feeling helpless, control slipping from his fidgeting fingers. He was tired of being held like some invalid, thoughts slipping his mind. 
Yes, he was tired, so it was about time he retired. And, since his office was as good as any bedroom and the cot he'd build in the back could accommodate two, you were joining him.
"I think it was just an hour ago that you let yourself down."
"But not you." Edward was elated by the return of the roaring fire in your belly, and by the lingering looks of his men (yes, they were his) as he passed them. You had towels (and each other) to cover yourselves with, but that was enough to give them ideas. Ideas only he alone was allowed put into practice. 
The computer screen displayed the time in neon green. 4 AM was mere minutes away when he tossed you onto the cot's cold covers and collapsed on top. His head wanted nothing more than to be laid on a pillow, but his other head was restless. You ended up rolling a sleep-humping Edward off of you. 
"And you called me a tease." He didn't have time to whine or wrestle you into submission. His stomach was doing both of those things to him. 
"You're literally starving and so am I," you had to leave him and his makeshift bed in order to grab the takeout Wally had dropped off on the desk. 
By the time you fed him his first sushi roll, it was 4 AM.
"This might just be the best meal I've had in weeks." He sucked the tips of each of your fingers clean after inhaling his last roll. "Remind me to talk to Crane about sparing the old and his business." 
"The doctor owes you one." You returned the favor by licking the length of the two fingers offering the last spring roll to you. "He owes me one, too. If I hadn’t fished him out of the harbor-"
“He never would've gotten his first."
"It was mouth-to-mouth, Edward."
"It was the closest he ever got to being kissed," he laughed, but the bitter taste of it lingered for longer than he would've liked. He let his fingers linger against your sweet mouth, just to balance out the flavor. "He wanted to get closer still."
"What are you talking about?"
"He'd asked about you as soon as he could use his jaw again."
You grinned behind the digits you'd drooled all over. "Jealous?"
"Don't be ridiculous-"
The digital watch on his wrist started beeping at 4:30 AM.
"What's that?"
"It's time to wake up."
"Wrong. It's bedtime." Then, like the tease that you are, you wrapped your hand around his wrist to turn off the alarm just as your lips wrapped around his middle finger. You sucked him into your mouth, all the way down your throat and up to his knuckle.
Once his hunger had been satiated, he could tame his tiredness. Edward felt like he had enough energy to play. And he wanted to play with you
"Your mouth is saying one thing," he tipped your chin up with his wet fingers for a closer look at your salacious smile. "And acting out another. Double-meanings and double-entendres. Is that a riddle of your own? You're adorable!"
He was pleased with the pout he made you put on. He even chuckled as he chased your mouth with his own. You were being quite childish by moving your head from side to side, but he's sure you'd say the same thing about him and his games. 
"Don't patronize me," you spit fire at him, but he didn't even flinch. He was feeling up your scorching skin under his shirt's (he was wearing the matching pants) collar. The grip he had on your throat was weak, yet it knocked the air out of your lungs.
He'd finally caught your lips with his and you tasted as sweet as the victory you surrendered to him and as intoxicating as the sake you shared. 
"Patronize you? I wouldn't dare," he followed you down once the back of your head hit the pillows. "Why, you'd swallow me whole before I opened my mouth."
"Maybe I will," you held onto his hand that lay resting instead of flexing around your neck.
So confident he was in his coercion of you, he took his hand along with your own off of your throat. He pushed the both of them against his clothed crotch and the burgeoning bulge it covered. 
"Oh, I know you will, little sphinx." 
Edward enjoyed the sound of surprise that almost slipped out if you, even as he suppressed it with a kiss. He enjoyed the feeling of your fingers on his erection even more. He should've expected his watch going off for the second time and you immediately taking advantage of the distraction it provided. He didn't anticipate either.
He huffed as he was pushed off of you and back into the pillows "Did you press the snooze instead on the off button on purpose?" 
It was your turn to tease again, so you didn't hold back. Pressing your palms against his bare and breathless chest, you picked at the scabs of his wounded pride. "You're the Riddler. You figure it out." You didn't give him enough time to figure it out, however. You went straight to straddling his hips and squeezing your thighs around them.
His old pajama pants weren't enough to protect his crotch from being set on fire. With no bottoms getting in its way (you were wearing nothing but his top), the searing heat sipping through your slit had soaked all the way through the flimsy fabric. 
"Well, aren't you clever?" His voice was strained as he spoke. He was straining himself trying to stand still. How long would that last?
There was nothing logical about that little cunt of yours collapsing the colossus that was his reason. And that was just it, wasn't it? This had nothing to do with logic - it was all about instinct. 
When he bared his teeth and sunk his claws into your sides like some animal, it was all about instinct. 
"Enough games," Edward erupted. He didn't even sound like himself anymore, but rather a snarling beast. "Because of you," his growl was low as he pushed his pants down his pelvis. "I can't even think straight." 
His cock sprung up and slapped your pussy. Oh, it stung so sweet!
The sooner he emptied his balls, the faster the blood would come rushing back to his brain where it belonged. 
"I'm not done playing," you hissed as Edward's erection hit you. And, before he could grab it himself, you flattened it against his stomach by slotting it in between your slit. "I don't think you are either."
"Why, you little-" He gasped like a dying man. Your labia moving up and down his length had him gulping on all the air he lost. "I knew you'd be the death of me." His hands weren't his own after being cuffed by your own on either side of his face. "I knew you'd...you'd swallow me whole."
"Only if you ask nicely," your moaning was marred with mockery.
He'd give you a piece of his mind, if he had anything left to give. He'd lost it between your legs, between your second pair of lips and that inebriating liquor you were drooling all over his dick.
"Ask me to fuck you, Edward."
"You. Ask. Me." His hips couldn't stop moving, snapping against his will, like he was trying to buck you off. "Nicely."
"Eh-Edward," you warbled your words above him, your hold on his hands weakening. "Ed-OH!"
And, when he thought all his brains had already been blown away, you made them explode (and his other head almost do the same) all over again.
It all happened in a blink of a neon light. Your thighs tightened around him and your spine arched all the way back, taking your torso with it. You whipped your hair back as you fell on your hunches. Finally, your chest expanded and contracted, your skin shining with sweat (he had a peak of your puckered nipple once his shirt slipped off your shoulder) in the green glow of the monitors. 
He'd only halted his hips out of fear of disrupting the dreamlike image. He might've stopped breathing altogether.
"Edward," you sighed, slumping your head forward. 
He hissed your name, sucking some much-needed air through his clenched teeth. 
With your knees now up and your hands spreading them further apart, he got a front-row view of your red slit, his purple hard-on, and the slick that spread out between the two like spiderwebs. "Do you want to come?" 
"Trick question," he growled as he gathered himself. "A valiant effort." Yet, he still fell. He was on his hunches and threatening to overthrow you when you pushed him back into his place.
"An honest question." You had a hold on him, one hand pressing down on one pectoral as the other squeezed his shaft.
"N-naturally," he inhaled through his nose, eyes blown into two black holes and his lips chewed red. 
"Ask me to fuck you," you grinned, the grip on his cock loosening to move up and down the length of it. 
How many times did he have to remind you who is in charge? At least one more time? So be it! Wrapping his hand around your smaller one, he started stroking in a hurry. Oh, but you couldn't let him, could you? You just had to smack his hand away and secure your own around his wet and spongy head. 
"What are you-"
"You said I could swallow you whole if I wanted to," you licked your lips as you slid down his body, slowly stroking him again. "Don't you want me to?" When you were eye level with it, you spit in your other hand before wrapping it around the base. 
"Rhetorical question," he swallowed, tasting the last of your saliva on his tongue. Your last kiss was just a memory on his lips. Your next one would be tainted with his own taste, he'll make sure of it. "Of course I do."
"Say it," you demanded, his entire dick and life in your hands. "Say 'please'."
"Let me come," he ordered, your entire head of hair in his hands. 
"You didn't use the magic word." You held him still, stroking no more. And, with your cool and calculating tone, you spoke searing words against his shaft. "Please let me come."
"Puh-please," Edward endured the sound of his own submission, that pathetic plea of his. He could no longer endure his own erection. "Please swallow me whole."
"Good boy," you praised him, finally (oh, finally) pressing your pursed lips against his penis. "Such a good boy." You peppered him with kisses as you climbed all the way up to his painful, purple cockhead. 
"Please," he pulled your hair with one hand and pushed it away from your face with the other. "Please let me come."
Edward Nigma himself couldn't tell you what did the trick. If he were to guess, he'd say it wasn't just one thing. Your loving praise, your talented mouth, and your playful teasing were all contributing factors. Therefore, when he came down your throat as you finally (oh, finally) swallowed him whole, it was you in your entirety that had made him come.
"Edward," you whispered into his ear. "Are you asleep?"
"What is the only question you can't answer yes to?" With his weary eyes closed, he used his trembling fingertips to locate your lips. He kissed them, suckled them, tasting the tang of his own come on them. "I'm not, but I will be soon."
"Fucking finally," you sighed into the side of his neck. 
You must've been tired yourself after all the trouble you went through cleaning his cock. He'd almost fallen asleep to the feeling of your kitten licks. Now, with a leg and an arm swung over his side, you started snoring against his spine.
It was 5 AM when his alarm went off for the third time. 
"What the fuck is that?"
"It's bedtime," he ripped the watch off of his wrist and buried it under the pillow.
"Good night," you kissed him between his wing bones and he felt like he might fly away with the Sandman, if only for one tonight.
"Good night."
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jabbajambler · 3 years
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x f!OC
Word Count: 2,422
*GIF by @ansonmount​*
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         I sat up, finding myself alone in the plush bed. This situation felt oddly familiar, but somehow weirder. I didn't peg Din as someone who would voluntarily get up and socialize with people he didn't know too well, but I guess I was wrong.
         I got up and stretched before I left the room, finding everyone gathered at the large dining table. Din sat next to the child, feeding him small pieces of cooked meat. I laughed quietly at the domestic scene, alerting everyone of my presence.
         Ana rushed over and smoothed out my hair with a bright smile. "Sorry, Myrah. Mando said he didn't want to wake you and neither did I." She giggled and led me over to the table where a tall, brunette man sat with a little girl at his side. I assumed that was Shira.
         She had her mother's brown eyes and her father's hair. She was absolutely adorable. The energy she radiated was impeccable as well. It was clear that like her mother, she had a great tie to the Force.
         Ana placed a small plate of fruit and eggs in front of me, hurrying to the seat next to mine. "How did you sleep?" She asked with a beaming grin.
         "It was amazing. I haven't slept that good since-" I stopped and glanced up at Din, a slight blush coating my cheeks. "Well, for a while."
         "I'm glad to hear it! So, do you know what you're going to do today?"
         I shrugged and began shoveling the food into my mouth. The food was also some of the best I've had in a long time. Some of the travel food that Din packed had expired long ago and became nearly unbearable to eat.
         "Not much. We still have to take care of the baby after all."
         Ana gasped and looked over at the child who cooed with a mouth full of food, causing Shira to burst into a fit of giggles.
         "Nonsense! You guys need to go enjoy yourselves. There is so much to do in here, you shouldn't waste this time." She paused, her eyes lighting up. "Didn't you agree to give him a tour of the city?"
         "Ana, no. There's way too much to do and we just got here."
         "Come on! You love this city so much. We'll even watch the baby!" She looked over at her husband for approval. He gave a big smile and nodded as well. I see how they found each other.
         "I don't know... We don't really like to go out much. Besides, with Mando being- well- a Mandalorian, we may catch some unwanted attention."
         "I think it's a great idea."
         We all turned towards the muffled voice that spoke up, hiding behind the shiny beskar helmet.
         "What? You love the city and I don't mind going with you."
         "Then it's settled!" Ana stood and clasped her hands together. "I can even help you with a change of clothes!" She squealed and ran out of the room, stopping to press a quick peck to her husband's cheek.
         I looked up at Din while he cocked his head to the side. He had something planned and I wasn't sure I liked where this was going.
         I stood in front of the long mirror in a pair of tight gray pants and a wine-colored tunic that was cinched at the waist with a tight, black belt. The neckline dipped in a slight v-shape but nothing too scandalous and the sleeves fell from my shoulders. Apparently that was how it was supposed to be.
         I'm not sure if it was intentional, but it reminded me of what we would wear as children when we trained.
         Ana worked on braiding two strands on the sides of my head, setting them free to intertwine and dangle with my natural waves.
         "Aw, Myrah. You look beautiful." She smiled and fluffed my hair.
         "You did this on purpose."
         "Maybe. I couldn't help myself!" She sighed and threw her hands up in defeat. "You know, it's one of my mom's old outfits. You're probably always covered head to toe in black, I had to switch it up just a little."
         I knew she had good intentions, she always does. Maybe it wasn't too big of a deal. It was just an outfit. It was nice to pretend like everything was normal. Like nothing had ever changed.
         "Oh! Would you look at the time?" She glanced out the window at the barely setting sun. "Time for you to get going!"
         She pulled me with her as we ran out the door, finding Din standing in the corridor, his relaxed form leaning against the wall.
         "Alright, you two. Have fun! Don't worry about a thing, we have everything under control here." She delivered a quick kiss to my cheek before taking off. I never knew how she had so much energy all the time. Neither one of her parents ever acted the way she did.
        "Ready to go?" I smiled shyly at Din, offering my hand to him as I shifted closer to the door.
         His gaze followed me ever since I stepped in front of him. I almost felt a little insecure. He nodded and instead of taking my hand, hooked his arm beneath mine and led me out the door.
         We didn't say much as we walked, except for when I pointed out a few of the spots where Ana and I got into trouble as teens. We didn't live together in Coruscant very long, but we knew how to make some serious messes.
         "You really love this place." He mumbled. He almost sounded sad.
         "I do." I spoke with a laugh. "We only lived here for a few weeks and while it was nearly hell, we had each other."
         "You fit in well."
         "Do I? I always thought I stuck out around here. It's not what it used to be. The stories Ana's parents told us painted it as something magical."
         "Who were they by the way?" He questioned with a gentle tilt of his head.
         I snickered. "Oh, I can't say their names out here. But they were more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
         The sun set quickly as we walked around a bit longer, leaving us with the sparkling night sky of Coruscant. I couldn't tell what was a speeder and what was a star at this point.
         "I bet we could sneak back into the apartment. We can always see more tomorrow when Ana won't try to play dress up with me."
         "I think you look..." He paused. "Nice."
         I let out a laugh at his nervous compliment. He never seemed to struggle with those before. Coruscant was bringing out a new side of Din that I never expected to see.
         It certainly wasn't the longest night out, but that didn't matter. The walk back was comfortable and as the cool breeze picked up, Din had pulled me even closer to his body. We were lucky to sneak back inside without Ana noticing and quickly made our way to the guest room.
         If she had found out that we had returned so quickly, I was sure she would have thrown a fit. Or she would have just been really sad. Either one.
         I flopped backwards on the bed in the dark room, choosing to keep the lights off to avoid alerting Ana of our presence. Din chuckled and watched, having the lucky night vision feature of his helmet to actually see anything around us.
         "I forgot how much I missed Ana. I know she can be a pain in the ass, but she's all I have left of a family." I whispered with a sigh and slipped off my shoes.
         I felt the bed dip next to me as Din sat down. "All you have left?"
         I nodded and sat up, finding the shadow of his helmet in the dark. "My parents left me when I was a little older than Shira. Her family found me, took me in, trained me and loved me like I was their own. I'll never be able to tell them how much they meant to me."
         A silence settled around us as I searched for his hand, grasping it tightly once I found it.
         "What about you?"
         I knew the question was stupid as soon as it rolled out of my mouth, but it was too late.
         "My family?"
         I hummed, waiting for him to tell me that it was none of my business and that I was being incredibly intrusive. But that didn't happen.
         "They were killed when I was young. I vaguely remember their faces and sometimes I fear that I'm starting to forget." His grip on my hand tightened. "The Mandalorians saved me, they gave me a safe place, a home. I owe them everything."
         "Din..." I whispered and raised his hand to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on the leather. "Thank you for telling me."
         He fidgeted around for a moment before I felt his body face towards me. "Myrah?" He asked quietly.
         "Do you trust me?"
         I felt like that was sort of a silly question. Of course I trusted him. Who else would I tell about my life and pour all of my secrets too? Those aren't the sort of things you tell just anyone.
         "With my life."
         I could feel him stand from the bed and walk towards the other side of the room, searching for something before coming back to stand over me. It was a few awkward seconds before I felt something pull over my eyes, shielding me from even the subtle shadows in the dark room. It was soft, almost silky. It took me a few moments before I realized that he had blindfolded me.
         But for what?
         "What's this for?" I giggled quietly, trying to keep my voice low. "I could hardly see anything as is."
         "I know..." He paused. There was a familiar hiss and the clink of metal resting on the wooden end tables. My heart suddenly felt like it could beat from my chest. He heard it thumping against my ribs, I was sure. I know that I could. "I just wanted to make sure."
         "Sure of-"
         "I don't trust often." He interrupted. I heard another piece of metal softly land on the floor, followed by another. His voice was addictive and I hadn't realized how much I missed it.
         "Or at all." He continued, his hands grasping mine and pulling me close to the edge of the bed where he stood.
         "But you-" He chuckled. "You came in my life swinging- literally." He dropped his gloves to the ground and brought his hand to my face. They were soft, just like I remembered. I took a deep breath, the smell of pine and leather filling my senses just as it had on Sorgan.
         "And you're strong and brave and compassionate... You're a true mystery, Princess, and you've got me hooked."
         I could hardly breathe. It felt like I was dreaming, I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I had to pinch my leg to convince myself I hadn't just passed out.
         "And I trust you more than I ever thought possible." His thumb grazed over my lips as he spoke, igniting a spark in my stomach that warmed my body.
         "Din?" I'm surprised I managed to get the word out with my trembling.
          "What is it?" He asked quietly. I didn't even know his voice could be so quiet.
         "Would you shut up and just kiss me?"
         It felt like it hit me like a truck. Not Din, no, he was actually so slow that it was almost teasing. But all of the feelings that I had tried to bury deep inside hit me hard.
         And I loved it.
         His lips slowly clashed with mine. It was so unbelievably gentle that I couldn't understand how this same man had wiped out tens of bounty hunters, stormtroopers, droids, you name it. His kiss was nothing like that.
         His lips were soft, actually, albeit a bit chapped, but he hardly takes off the helmet so I couldn't blame him for that.
         After a blissful moment that I wished would last forever, he pulled away. For what, I wasn't sure. All I truly remember is that he started to say my name and then I didn't give him the chance to finish it.
         I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled his face back towards mine in a fervorous kiss that gradually slowed as his body moved over mine. The sensation was like nothing I had ever felt before. It made me delirious and needy.
         His hands trailed from my waist to my hair, leaving a fiery wake in their path. When he tugged on the strands, I failed to keep back the gentle gasp that escaped my mouth. An embarrassed blush filled my face, but once I felt his lips tug into a smile against mine, I knew that he didn't mind. In fact, he liked it.
         I gripped his shoulders as I tried desperately to pull him closer to me. My teeth dragged against his bottom lip, tugging it back ever so slightly and earning a low groan from him before he captured my lips with his once again. The blissful noise brought goosebumps to my skin.
         His mouth began to journey down my jaw, but a gentle knock on the door froze us in place.
         Then there was another.
         Once I knew Din had hidden himself in the shadows somewhere within the room, I pulled the blindfold down to rest on my collarbone. I swung the door open, desperately hoping that I didn't look as disheveled as I felt.
         "Hey, Ana, what's up?" I tried to sound nonchalant and leaned against the doorway.
         Her eyes shifted over me, a smirk pulling up the corners of her mouth. "Oh... I was just checking. Didn't know you two came back and we thought we heard something."
         "Oh, that was uh- um-"
         "You'll try to keep it down?"
         Of course she knew.
          I nodded and quickly shut the door, letting out a sigh of relief. A pair of hands rested on my shoulders, raising the blindfold back over my eyes dauntingly.
         I felt his lips near my ear, leaving a soft kiss before whispering.
         "Where were we?"
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jonghoshoe · 4 years
Dearest, holiest, softest, beanest. Mtl to give long eye contacts during a mutual crying session before pulling you into a comforting kiss and embrace? 🙏
I can’t tell if you mean you BOTH cry so I’m just gonna interpret it as just you crying, correct me if I’m wrong tho!
1. Seonghwa
2. Hongjoong.
3. Yunho
4. San
5. Mingi
6. Jongho
7. Wooyoung
8. Yeosang
1. He’s the mom of the group ok, if anyone is gonna let you just lay everything bare and then give you the most tender kiss and embrace you? It’s gotta be Seonghwa. He definitely holds your face while you kiss in the most gentle way possible and he most certainly is content to just sit there and hold you, running his fingers through your hair (if you have any) and giving you little smooches every so often to remind you that he’s here and present.
2. Joong 10/10 gets you both to lay down afterwards, crying is pretty intense after all! He’ll quite happily cuddle into the night and he refuses to sleep until you do. In the morning he’ll make sure you’re hydrated and take some medicine (crying can lead to some pretty killer headaches) but for now he’ll just cuddle you and hope the warmth can lull you to sleep so you don’t have to worry about whatever’s made you cry.
3. Yunho can and will try and kiss it better. He somehow manages to tenderly make out with you, don’t ask how. He’ll let you sit in his lap and just curl up (or the other way around if you’d prefer to be able to hold him), rubbing little soothing circles on your back, hips, thighs, wherever. Cute little neck kisses aren’t at all ruled out, they’re so different from regular kisses but he does them so tenderly that if you don’t giggle or laugh, he isn't doing his job right.
4.Much the same as Yunho probably, a somehow tender makeout session but with added cuddles. San can and will cling to you like a backpack but after he gets a lil sore from being scrunched up, he’ll try and intertwine your legs like in all those cute stock photos of couples in bed. Back rubs GALORE and of course, the occasional lil cheek kiss to remind you ‘hey! i’m stll here and very much love you!’.
5. Giant, empathetic, man baby. Probably cried with you. Now you’re BOTH trying to take care of each other. You’ll probably both sit and cuddle for a while until you’ve calmed down, exchanging little kisses every so often and just gazing into each others eyes like the sappy little shits you probably are. He’ll probably offer after a while that you both get up and eat something while watching a shitty movie to cheer yourselves up. (You’re likely already doing better but nobody in their right mind passes up cuddling on a couch with Mingi while laughing at a dumb movie)
6. Cuddle king, I said it here first folks. He isn’t really sure how to help, and certiantly won’t kiss you on the lips because crying isn't romantic so why should he? But he will kiss you elsewhere. Jongho will sit and cuddle you and give you little kisses all over. Your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, your shoulders, your jaw, Everywhere. He probably gets so content holding you that he’s the one to fall asleep first, not that you mind. He looks so peaceful while he’s sleeping, it's impossible to feel anything but near bursting with love when you see him like that. 
7. Again, probably cries with you like Mingi did. Wooyoung has a lot of feelings about stuff so you also crying about your own? Sad bitch club I guess. Doesn’t really know how to comfort you though, just kinda sits there and hugs you, maybe rubbing your back occasionally. He’s likely the first to suggest doing something else to get your mind off it (Which granted, does work) and he definitley makes you some nice snacks because that’s a very feel-good thing right?
8. Probably also cries with you, but gets you both ice cream while he does it. You and Yeosang basically just have a cry fest, sobbing into each others arms (and sadly, the ice cream too) and eventually just feeling too drained to keep crying. He tries to get your morale back up by feeding you some of his ice cream, but he accidentally knocks the half melted tubs over while doing so. Luckily the comedy of having to clean up the mess does cheer you both up, and you go right back to the kitchen for something else because now you couldn't eat all your ice cream :/ He’s not insensitive, he just figures that it’s best you BOTH get everything out so you can go on with your lives without it all building up. Ice cream and crying nights are a monthly thing now, usually accompanied by a sad movie.
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “ Nobody” Part 1
After not feeling well for months, The Joker finally found out why: the life threatening condition is so serious there’s only a 50/50 chance of survival.  Dealing with a brain tumor is not going to be easy, that’s why The King of Gotham asked his half-brother Arthur to help Y/N while he’ll undergo treatment.
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The Joker yawns, repositioning his head in your lap.
“You want a small pillow?” you pause the movie you’re both watching and he refuses.
“No,” J stretches on the couch. “These are soft enough,” he pokes your thighs and you squirm, ticklish to his touch.
Suddenly, the cell phone chimes and J reaches his hand to grab it from the table.
“Arthur is here,” he announces. “He wasn’t in a hurry, hm?” The Joker mumbles while getting up.
You decline to comment and do the same because you can hear the elevator going up to the Penthouse. You could say the anticipation is making you a little bit nervous: you’ve been with J for about 10 months but you’ve never met Arthur. Probably it’s safe to assume they are not very close yet soon after finding out about the illness, The Joker contacted his sibling to let him know and sure enough he agreed to come over and help.
Although Mr. Fleck is three  hours late, it doesn’t mean he is trying to back out on his promise.
The elevator opens and Arthur emerges dressed in one of his red suits, anxiously passing his fingers through his curls. J wants to criticize and his brother is in no mood for a lecture:
“Before you lash out, I was delayed by an unexpected issue!” he keeps talking and walking in your direction. “My apologies.”
“What issue?” J growls and Arthur extends the palm of his hand, firmly shaking yours, definitely not waiting for an introduction: “Hello there,” he smiles. “I’m the older, smarter, funnier and more charming version; you must be the better half.”
“Riiiiiight…” The Joker rolls his eyes, annoyed.
“Y/N,” you smirk at the man’s remark and he lets go of your hand, explaining his delayed arrival:
“Don’t get worked up, kid. One of my projects required immediate attention and I had to sort it out.”
You expect The Joker to protest the nickname but he doesn’t mention anything: Arthur always called him that since they were teenagers and your boyfriend is used to it. Doesn’t bother him at all.
“Do you want a drink? Are you hungry?” you offer and he nods a no.
“I’m good; thanks,” he takes a sit on the nearest armchair and the couple reprises their position on the sofa.
A few moments of silence before Arthur decides to talk about the reason why he’s at the Penthouse.
“Sooo… What did the doctors find out? How bad is it?” he inquires and you unconsciously cling to J’s arm, not willing to hear about it again.
“The brain tumor is too big, I can’t have surgery yet. I already started with lower doses of medication 20 days ago, I have to gradually build up to the higher doses so my body can handle it. Soon I’ll have chemo every 3 weeks, then every 2 we…”
A low chuckle and Arthur covers his mouth in horror.
“Sorry…” he has a chance to whisper before bursting out laughing.
“Here we go…” The Joker crosses his legs, patiently waiting for his brother to finish his outburst. The King of Gotham may not be an accommodating individual, but his sibling’s condition is something he has always tolerated without any problem.
“I’m very…” Arthur tries to speak but the strenuous sounds he makes at the end of each cackle prove how much he’s struggling to control his inappropriate amusement. “…s-sorry,” he continues to snicker while digging in his pocket for a small piece of laminated paper. He finds the item and hands it over to you; you curiously inspect the writing: it basically explains his neurological disorder in a few words.
“It’s fine, J told me,” you return the information to its owner.
“I can’t believe you still have that,” The Clown Prince of Crime huffs as Arthur is slowly regaining his composure.
“I’m very sorry,” he emphasizes his regrettable outpour. “You were saying?”
J deeply inhales and reprises the briefing:
“I’ll have to do chemo every 3 weeks, then every 14 days until the tumor shrinks enough to be operable. I guess I have a 50/50 chance of surviving the whole thing, that’s why I asked for your cooperation in helping Y/N oversee my affairs. I will get worse before I might get better, thus here we are.”
Arthur pulls tissues out of the box next to him and gives them to the devastated Y/N: The Joker didn’t notice you are quietly sobbing by his side.
“Please stop crying,” he kisses your temple, avoiding your emotions like he regularly does. The best option is to divert the gathering towards another topic. “We got ready one of the bedrooms upstairs for you; I hope that’s up to your standards.”
“My standards are normal,” the truth is blurred out. “You’re the fancy one, kid. That’s why you’re The Joker and I’m Joker; I don’t need any glorification. Plus, I didn’t oppose when you picked this half of town and left me the other.”
“You’re an idiot!” the green haired man stands up from his spot, wanting nothing more than to retreat to the master bedroom after an exhausting day.
“Runs in the family,” Arthur nonchalantly hints and you snort, blowing your nose in a tissue.
“Keep your mouth shut!” J advices and you have no clue he’s referring to more than just the constant bickering going on between them. “I’m calling it quits, are you coming?”
“I’ll have a smoke on the terrace first, “Arthur searches for his pack of cigarettes and you believe this is the perfect chance to chat with him:
“I’ll stay with our guest, alright?”
“Suit yourselves,” The Joker grumbles and you follow his brother outside on the huge patio.
“I forgot how nice this is from the 30th floor,” Arthur stirs the conversation while lighting up a cigarette.
“Yes, it’s a lovely view,” you wipe your tears and he resentfully mutters:
“I fucking hate this town…”
You sigh, not wishing to interrupt in case he has more to add and the plain inquiry catches you off guard.
“How are you holding up?”
The question resonates in the awkward stillness and Y/N elects to bring him up to date.
“I’m doing the best I can under the circumstances. He’s not doing well…” you sniffle and Arthur pays attention to your confession. “The medications may be in low amount, but they are strong; they make him very confused at times, plus the side effects of the tumor… he forgets things, he has no idea where he is or… or… who I am. The doctors advised that when it happens we have to go with the flow and not push for him to recall details. His brain is under a lot of pressure and this is only the beginning.”
Arthur blows smoke up in the air, displeased with the news about his younger sibling.
“Shit, that’s rough…”
That’s surely the understatement of the year for the heartbroken Y/N.
“When he doesn’t recognize me, I tell him I’m nobody, just a person taking care of the place and he doesn’t even know the difference. I suggest you avoid any type of confrontation while he’s like that; please generalize everything you articulate and don’t complicate the situation.”
“Of course… Yeah, yeah, of course,” he is fast to agree with your guidance.
“Thank you,” you sincerely show your gratitude because you appreciate his presence. “I think I’ll join him upstairs; tonight he’s beginning higher dosage on his pills and he might have a reaction.”
“I’ll stay and finish my cigarette,” Arthur scratches the scar above his lip. “Which bedroom is mine?”
“Fourth one on the left.”
“Perfect, I’ll find it,” he waves as you return inside, eager to check up on The Clown Prince of Crime.
“What the … t-the hell?” The Joker stutters, groggy from the strong medications swallowed a few hours ago.
You barely distinguish his wobbly silhouette standing by the bed.
“What’s wrong?” you turn on the lamp on the nightstand, instantly aware of his wet boxers.
“I d-didn’t make it to… to the bathroom,” J seems out of it, yet at least he realizes that much.
“Oh, it’s totally fine,” you maintain your cool and jump off the sheets, rushing to help him. “The doctors warned accidents could happen since the drugs are making you dizzy and super drowsy. Let’s step in the bathtub, shall we?”
You take his hand and lead a compliant boyfriend to the master bathroom; sometimes it’s easy to deal with him in this state, sometimes it’s not.
Luckily tonight he’s obedient.
You turn on the water and he tightly holds his boxers while you attempt to yank them off him.
“Who…who are you?” The Joker sulks, unhappy with your movement.
“I’m nobody,” you reply and manage not to cry at his disorientation. “I’m here to help you, ok?” you calmly try to reason with his baffled mind.
“I… I… I don’t want you to see me naked,” he complains and Y/N has an easy solution for the apparent controversy.
“I’ll close my eyes, deal?”
You do as vowed and J lets you undress him, finally ending up in the bathtub for a quick, relaxing soak.
“You want bubbles?�� you glance at him once the body is submerged under the warm water.
“No…” he yawns and you fold a towel, placing it under his head in case he’ll pass out.
“Where… where am I?...”
A faint knock at the door and Arthur talks in a low tone:
“Everything good?”
“Yes, we’re fine,” he distinguishes your reply; he just returned from the underground garage with his suitcase and discerned the commotion: made him wonder if his assistance was necessary.
“Who was that?” The Joker enjoys being pampered by the stranger he doesn’t recognize for the moment; apparently forgot about shyness also because he has no objection to the sponge bath now.
“The maintenance guy,” you lie without blinking while pouring more shampoo over J’s toxic green locks.
10 am
Arthur joined you and The Joker in the kitchen less than 5 minutes ago; he positioned himself against the counter, this way he has a broad perspective of the whole space. He sips on the fresh coffee, observing the scene unfolding at the table:
J is reading a magazine and you feed him breakfast, caressing his hair every few seconds. You didn’t mention anything about last night; he woke up feeling a bit better and it’s safe not to agitate him with useless facts.
“Are you hungry?” you address Arthur and he lifts his shoulders up, undecided.
“Maybe… I’ll munch on something shortly.”
“Hurry up before it gets cold,” you encourage him and The Joker is already as crabby as he can be.
“Stop bugging him! If he wants to eat, he’ll eat!”
“I’m not bugging him,” you defend your action, upset at J’s feisty attitude.
“She’s not bugging me,” Arthur tucks a rebel curl behind his ear, disapproving of his brother’s assumption.
“I’m not,” you sweetly smile and The Joker slaps your fingers away from his hair.
The cheerfulness dies on your face and you get up, kicking the chair in the process.
“I’ll bring your morning meds,” you enunciate and leave the kitchen in a hurry.
“Goddamn irritating,” J hisses at your behavior and Arthur can’t zip it.
“Are you stupid?” he sucks on his cheeks and that definitely gets your boyfriend’s attention.
“What did you say?!”
“I’ve been here for minutes and she didn’t take a single bite out of anything, too preoccupied with making sure you eat. Do you even notice how she looks at you?” he raises his voice. “So I’m asking you again: are you stupid?”
“Excuse me?!” J abandons his seat and the threatening demeanor queues Arthur about the imminent scuffle, not that he’s willing to avoid it.
“I wasn’t clear enough?” the latest provokes his sibling. “ARE. YOU. STUUUUPID?” he repeats, cracking his neck with anticipation.
You are coming downstairs with the meds and the ruckus happening in the kitchen makes you speed up.
You are certainly not disappointed at the show: J and Arthur are wrestling on the floor, relentlessly hitting one another.
“Stop it!!” you shout and your plea is ignored. “Stop it!” you insist when you detect Arthur’s bloody nose and J’s busted lip. “Are you deaf?! Stop it!!”
This is the last drop: after another shitty night and the stuff you endured recently, you are completely lacking any kind of patience for anybody’s nonsense.
You toss the vial with The Joker’s tablets on the counter, snatch the ice bucket from the freezer and fill it out with water. The ice cubes float in the clear liquid: the 8 gallons metal container is pretty large since it’s used for J’s grape juice cans.
You thud on the marble floor and dump the freezing concoction on top of the two heated fighters, the sudden shock from the unexpected impact being enough to halt the brawl.
“Ugg!!” J rolls on his back while Arthur crawls by the stove. “What are you doing, Y/N?!” he yells and you storm out, firmly squeezing the ice bucket to your chest without realizing.
The loud bang of a shut door bears witness of your justified rage concerning the altercation; how can you not get mad at such crap?!
Arthur seeks for his beloved cigarettes in the interior of his orange vest, triumphantly lightening one after failing the first trials.
“I like her,” he puffs the fumes out, leaning towards his brother because J is gesturing for the bud.
The Joker takes a deep drag, admitting for once:
“Me too.”
“I thought you quit,” Arthur points out.
“I did,” his brother answers, glaring at the ceiling. “Clean up this mess!” he orders and continues to smoke.
“Nope, we should let fate determine,” the older sibling suggests and J falls into the little trap.
“Rock, paper, scissors?”
“Ready?” Arthur smirks and counts. “1…2…3!”
“… … … Dammit!” The King of Gotham cusses.
“Have fun, kid!” the winner plucks the cig away from J. “Gimme, these are bad for your health!”
“Are you in here?” The Joker sneaks in his office and watches you patrol around the desk, still vigorously attached to the infamous ice bucket.
The lack of reply makes him approach the distressed woman; you avoid gazing his way at all costs.
“I need my pitcher,” he sniffles and Y/N disregards his sentence. “You’re aware I like to use grape juice on ice for those bitter capsules. There’s no bucket and no ice in the freezer so… what am I supposed to do? Skip my morning remedy?”
A hint of lowered resistance and he’s taking advantage of it.
“My lip hurts,” he rubs the swollen, red spot. “I need ice for this too.”
You place your precious bucket on top of some folders, cautiously examining the superficial cut.
“Stitches won’t be necessary,” the obvious result updates a pouting J.
“Are you sure?” he plays dumb and wraps his arms around your waist. “Take a closer look, I can’t afford to walk around with chipped dignity.”
You peck the unharmed corner of his mouth, mad you’re giving into such cheap amendments.
“I’m positive…”
The Joker grins and kisses you, entirely convinced it wasn’t hard to get under your skin.
“You’re not going to leave, are you?” he rests his forehead on yours and Y/N is speechless at the question. “This is the tumor talking, obviously,” J fixes the tiny mistake when he sees your reaction.
“Obviously…” you whisper, sadly reckoning he purposely avoids any type of sensitive debate about your future together.
The Joker though is carefully listening to Arthur mumbling on the hallway, suspicious at the meaning.
“Is he eavesdropping?!” you focus on the faint words also and it clicks for J.
“Cut it out!!!” he screams while Mister Fleck is not phased, joyfully concluding the ceremony the couple didn’t agree to.
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Nobody and Joker!”
“What was that?!” you crinkle your nose, puzzled.
“He has a minister license and never used it; he tried to hitch me with my ex too,” J clarifies his brother’s odd conduct.
“You may now kiss the bride!” Arthur shouts and The Joker had enough:
“Shut the fuck up!!!”
“What am I supposed to do with my license then?!” the wavy hair pops in the door frame.
“I don’t care!” J snarls, fed up with his sibling’s persistence. “Go pester someone else!” the door is slammed in Arthur’s face; fortunately the 42 years old is not the type of man to be easily offended.
He adjusts the pieces of tissue sticking out of his bloody nose, proudly holding the minister accreditation at eye level.
“I got myself a sister-in-law,” Arthur chuckles at his achievement, impatiently searching for a pack of cigarettes in the pocket of his red jacket.
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can also follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho. 
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overdrivels · 6 years
The Way to a Heart (12)
<<Chapter 11
Hanzo, despite his less-than-stellar display of maturity, was surprisingly granted a mission, and he had taken it with such speed, there was no time for anyone to protest (or for you to have made an appropriate lunchbox). It was merely surveillance around Gibraltar, but that must have been more appealing than remaining in the incredible awkwardness at the base.
His absence, however, did little to alleviate the oppressive air in the sparsely occupied Watchpoint. Genji had made himself scarce, and when he was available, was noticeably more distant. Zenyatta’s presence probably did a lot to ease the uncertainty that weighs on the cyborg.
Though, McCree did not know who he felt worse for: Genji or you.
The others had a lot of say about the matter, but McCree cannot consider himself so morally superior that he allowed himself to gripe. The feelings of the Shimada brothers’ are sticky in ways that even those on moral high ground should not comment on—the deed was done and over with, the main thing now is how they feel now and how they’re going to go about handling it. It’s one thing if it’s between themselves, it’s another if they’re going to drag innocent people in their cautious yet reckless game of feelings and painful memories.
You, especially.
After that fiasco, you confined yourself to the kitchens, making quick work of small talk and any attempts to coax you to come out.
McCree tsk’s to himself. You had made such good progress, too. Ana, if she hadn't been away on a mission, would’ve been proud.
It’d be a lie to say the kitchen is the most welcoming place on base. Head Chef Richard was quite generous and lavish in his own way, feeding people just the right amount (neither left wanting nor bursting) with just the right foods—but despite his creed for serving and loving his customers, his priority would always fall on the chefs he kept under his wing. Through his numerous escapades, McCree had long suspected the kitchens were built in such a way that the entire place was both a fortress and a prison, keeping out intruders and holding them in to be dealt with when the time came even without chefs inside. In some ways, this place was better safeguarded than other places in the Watchpoint.
If you really wanted to lock yourself in there, you could and no one would be able to get you out. Similarly, if you truly wanted to keep people out, the kitchen could be on lockdown faster than most would be able to react. The reason for it was assumed to be because of the ‘treasure’, but McCree isn’t so sure.
“Ain’t like you t’ be standin’ still, Chef,” McCree says as he walks into the darkened mess hall and toward the service window where you stood. If he wasn’t expecting it, it would be a creepy sight to behold: a single, unmoving figure in the middle of the brightest light in the entire cafeteria, finer features obscured by shadows. “Head Chef would throw a fit if he saw you doin’ nothin’.”
Instead of the flustered outburst he expects, you remain quiet, hands folded neatly on the counter as though waiting for something. He could fathom a guess for what—or whom.
He drags a stool to the window and sits. From this spot, he can almost see the washing station and a shocking amount of dishes stacked. They don’t seem dirty, but it just looks like they were left there after being cleaned. A troubling sign.
Gently, he tries again. “Hour’s late, Chef. Whatcha doin’ up?”
“...I’m just thinking,” you reply slowly, voice lacking in any energy or enthusiasm.
He makes a noise in his throat. “That so?”
The silence settles uncomfortably between you both. He sighs internally and decides to cut to—what he believes to be—the chase. “He doesn’t hate you.”
Your fingers twitch and your hands curl into fists before unfurling and curling again. “...how are you so sure?”
Because you’re obvious and Hanzo is not as unreadable as he believes himself to be.
“Callin’ me a liar now? Mighty bold of ya.”
Jesse expects a laugh or some sort of reaction, not the deafening silence that sounds of guilt and something all too familiar.
“It’s between him and Genji. It ain’t your fault you got caught up in it.”
“If I didn’t decide to make a group meal then…”
“It wasn’t about your cookin’ or how you did it.” It was a fine set-up and wonderfully alive. If it weren’t for the Shimadas’ issues, it would have been an excellent affair that was reminiscent of the old, old Overwatch. The stew was spicy and if McCree was being honest, he’d really rather eat that combination that reminds him of his time on the road rather than the neatly arranged meals you normally make. (Not that they’re not delicious, but there’s just something charming about eating food that is more...appropriate for his person.)
“But he didn’t even take a lunchbox when he left.” Despite how distressed you sound, he couldn’t help a smile.
“Bet you cried yourself to sleep over that.”
“Did not.”
He raises an eyebrow and the silence, a little more bearable, seems to unnerve you and eventually you concede with a huff, “I didn’t cry.”
“...but you’re still feelin’ responsible.”
You throw up your hands and begin to pace as though you’ve meant to do it for a long time. “I should have known! I—”
“Known what? That everyone was goin’ to leave that seat open? That Hanzo would react like that? That we’d have to practically tackle Genji to the ground? You almost got clocked in th’ head with a flyin’ bottle and you still feel like it’s your fault?” He scoffs. “You ain’t psychic and it ain’t your responsibility to keep track of all that.”
“But it is,” you insist. “It’s the least I can do.”
He wants to groan and slap his face and barely manages to resist doing either. “Not this again.”
“It’s true!” You stop right in front of him, slamming your hands somewhere above the partition. “I'm not a hero like you!”
“Ain't never claimed t’be one neither.”
“But you're out there”—and you gesture wide toward some unseen horizon or an imagined place that McCree is sure does not exist—“fighting and risking yourselves and I'm…”
Your hands and your whole body just slumps.  
“And I'm in here.”
The silence that follows is almost damning.
There’s always been some sense of self-imposed responsibility from the support-type staff. Well, he can’t say that he was innocent in the matter—long ago, he loathed the easy-going pace of the desk-job people and paper-pushers and those who work with Overwatch but never ever see battle. Why did they get to complain when he’s out risking his hide? Why should people get to live because they’ve got money? Why do those people get to boss them around? (It’s one of the reasons why he liked Reyes so much more than Jack. The former got his hands dirty with the rest of his crew, the latter locked himself up in his offices and meetings. Jesse didn’t care about the heroic stories he was told, he just knows what he saw and what he saw was Jack being a damn sellout.)
But meeting people like you, who are too attached to the idea of ‘responsibility’, he can’t bring himself to be upset. Everyone has their own role to fill, their own troubles, and McCree learned after several years here that people like you probably take it harder than them. He can lose himself in the adrenaline and the missions, but you can only do your best, cooking for agents who are too strung out to appreciate the power of a decent meal and fling it back in your face. It’s too easy to think of the agents’ problems as your fault when it’s their fault for not managing themselves properly.
“It ain’t like you t’ get so worked up over one person. Other people lost their minds over the food before and you didn’t act like this.”
“But that was…”
That was long ago, when you weren’t alone to bear the burden of a discarded meal, when you did not feel so directly responsible, when you had the Head Chef to buffer you. Or is it because of something else?
He knows, vaguely, what you had been doing before you came back to Overwatch. He would have guessed that your skin would’ve been thicker after your ordeals. But for a single person to rattle your cage—
“If it’ll make y’feel better, I’ll hunt him down for you, make ‘im apologize,” he offers.
You snort like you don’t think he is serious—oh, but he’s very serious, no matter how nonchalant he had tried to make the offer seem. It’d be interesting to get Hanzo speaking heartfelt apologies with Peacekeeper against his temple. It wouldn’t have been the first time he’s contemplated it (but for different reasons). Jesse wonders if Genji would help, but banishes the idea quick. That might just make things more grisly than it had to.
“I think you should be the one apologizing, too.”
He starts and tries to look at you through the wall. “Me? What’d I ever do?”
“You told Agent Hanzo about the Cellar!”
“And who told you I told him?”
“Agent Genji, of course.”
That son of a—
Jesse smacks himself in the back of the neck and rubs it twice. Well, it wasn’t that much of a secret anyway. He supposes it’s his just deserts—or in this case, just desserts?  
“Guess I have two Shimadas to go after,” he says wryly, leaning against his palm, directing a smile up at you that he forgets that you cannot see. “Gotta get justice for the both of us.”
“I don’t think it’s really getting ‘justice’, Jesse.”
He shrugs. “Someone wronged you, so it’s only proper t’get even, ain’t it?”
“I don’t—That’s not right.”
“It ain’t like it’s the first time you’ve got into a tiff with somebody. ‘Member the first time you ‘nd I fought? You kicked me and threw the whole tray at me.”
“You slapped it out of my hands!”
“And we both got a helluva lecture from your boss for wastin’ food.”
He gets something like a cross between a choked laugh and a noise of anguish. It’s not what he’s aiming for, but the night’s young.
“You don’t know it, but Reyes chewed my ass out after.”
“And Head Chef put my on cleaning duty for a week since the extra food was unauthorized.”
“Hey, I put it in the terminal all good and proper. It was one of you messin’ with me that caused all of that.”
“That’s because you tried to disguise yourself as a chef!”
The cowboy pulls out his pack of cigarillos and lights one, much to your horror. He grins to himself. Good.
“Good times.”
“Don’t smoke,” you chide with no real malice. “You’ll ruin your tastebuds.”
“Ain’t nothin’ that can ruin how I taste your cookin’, it’s just that good,” he quips, taking a loud and overly obnoxious drag just to hear you groan in frustration and embarrassment. He smirks to himself. That’s a better reaction.
You wave your hand at the smoke, trying to push it back in his direction to very little avail. For good measure, he even blows a stream in your direction, delighting in the way you swat at it. “Stop that. It’ll get into the kitchen.”
“I’ll help you clean it.”
“Oh? That’s very generous.”
“What can I say?” He shrugs and tips his hat with a grin. “I’m a gentleman.”
Grumbling, you ask to yourself, “What sort of gentleman smokes in a kitchen?” You cross your arms and he can swear you are looking down at him. “I remember when you used to use that trick to try to get in here.”
“Did I now? Can’t remember. Old age must be gettin’ to me.” Even though he clearly recalls having offered his help just so he could get one step closer to the phantasmal treasure that the members of Blackwatch kept conspiring about. It did not succeed, of course.
You make some noise of disbelief and pull out an ashtray from somewhere below the window, slipping it onto the table with a loud ‘clack’. Your message is clear, but he just waits.
And waits, and waits.
Until you cave. “I’m going to make Meatloaf Surprise,” you warn sternly. “And I’ll have Gen—Captain Amari help me.”
He can’t contain his grimace. “Please don’t.” The meatloaf is enough of a threat, but throwing Ana into the mix was just unfair even if she isn’t on base. Taking in one last delicious pull, he snuffs out the end. (Though he can’t say he’s completely displeased with the results—you are coming back out of your imposed silence.)
Seemingly satisfied with his actions, you say, “Thank you.”
He stares  forlornly at his snuffed-out cigarillo, itching to put it back between his lips now that he’s had a taste. He's sure you would actually serve him meatloaf if he did. And he would eat it.
“Chef, can I get some coffee then?”
“Use the terminal, please.” But even as you say that, you’re already moving around inside the kitchen. He grumbles a bit as he leans over the length of the counter to punch in his order. “Let me guess, a red-eye for this late hour?”
His finger hovers over the submit button. “Nah.” Beep. “‘s a dead-eye kind of night.”
You choke on a laugh, and already, the kitchen seems a little brighter with the echo of it. “Did you just—”
Then the laughter pours out as though it’s been waiting to come out this whole time.
As long as you were feeling better, he could honestly say he’s done his good deed for the day. (The day’s still early, too.) 
The days pass by in a haze. Jesse drops by often, insisting on talking with you and being a general nuisance. (Though, you can’t say you’re upset about it. The former Blackwatch agent always had a way of making you talk.)
Jesse was right, regardless. You have other priorities to worry about—you’ve never worried so much about another agent before.
But it’s also the first time—second time after a younger Jesse—you were able to be so close with your customers. Back in the day, you would be taking the orders and making them without truly knowing the faces of the people you served. You’d see their name, look them up in the kitchen’s database if you did not know their habits, and cook. There was still that gap that never truly allowed you to connect with them.   
Now, it’s different. You could actually ask them, talk to them, see their reactions, share their joy.
It’s not something you really ever thought of before, but it’s truly a truly precious feeling to have someone’s eyes and face light up when they take that very first bite. Even more so when they finish everything and ask for seconds.
—“We chefs exist for them.”—
It always sounded a little asinine, but with each day here, you think you’re getting closer to what the Head Chef once meant. You’re sure that if you never saw their expressions or received their thanks, you’d still think of food and cooking more shallowly.
Seeing Agent Junkrat lose his mind over something simple like fruit salad—or any fruit in general—was beyond endearing. You couldn’t help but indulge him if only just to see him happy (even if it did eat at your limited inventory). Agent Roadhog, as silent as he was, always seemed to take special care to eat everything clean, thanking you. Mock arguing with Agent Reinhardt about his diet was also fun. He always insisted on bratwurst and fatty substances for his physique only to concede and laugh the exchange off after a few words, leaving with less than you would’ve expected.
Agent Hanzo, though unexpected, definitely caught your attention the most. His sharp features softening into something warmer, younger when eating sweets. It was comforting to watch, strange as it sounds, to see him enjoy himself especially when he always seemed to hold the world at arm’s length.
The nights where Agent Hanzo comes down to drink tea or to eat really puts into perspective the Head Chef’s words. Just by serving him and seeing him eat so earnestly really makes you think that perhaps being a chef was a worthy cause in life if only to help these heroes through the day.
Long ago, the Head Chef would lecture about the agents. How the food you (and every other chef makes) becomes a part of them and that their bodies are made from the food you made. As such, all that they eat must be filled with love. For these agents—these heroes—miles away from home and fighting a war that most people only see through a holoscreen, can easily lose faith and forget the feeling of humanity, and therefore must be loved and nurtured lest they become nothing more than beasts.
—“Love them with all our being.”—
Though, you couldn’t say that you loved every agent.
Deadpan, you stare at the tray Agent Soldier: 76 dropped off. Even from this distance, you can see the food piled up on it, scarcely touched as always. You scrub at your face with your sleeve.
He likes nothing. Indian, Mediterranean, Chinese, French, German, Italian—none of those cuisines have ever caught his fancy, none of those foods have ever received anything more than a nibble despite having one of the highest calorie requirements among all of the agents here. How can you give anyone love if they refuse to have it? What use was pouring in effort if it’s rebuffed?
What does he even eat?
You bite back a groan of frustration even as it claws at you, begging you to voice you discontent and perhaps find Agent Soldier: 76 and give him a good shake or a whack with a ladle or maybe (as unlikely as it is) knock him out and shove food down his throat.
The thought is waved away just as quickly as it comes. No, it's likely not any fault of his own. Maybe he just doesn't like your cooking.
It’s a painful reality to admit, but it’s a humbling one.
It'd be wonderful if he could give a critique or just let you know what he likes—you can't take requests immediately, but the next shipment can be tailored to accommodate him—yet the radio silence he gives you is woefully inadequate in helping you move forward. Each week produces different types of food, but each time produces nothing but a barely touched tray. It’s past the point of being a challenge and stepping dangerously into the realm of making you throw down your apron and leaving the Watchpoint for good.
It was a dangerous balancing act where even the greatest thanks from all agents could be negated simply by Agent Soldier: 76’s apparent refusal to eat anything you make. You cannot give up just because of one person. Your mission is more than just cooking for one person, more than just cooking for a group of agents, and so you remind yourself that you must remain strong.
Resigning yourself to life’s occasional hiccups, you pick up the tray when you pause.
Curiously enough, one plate remained among the different dishes. It’s rectangular, a little smaller and half-hidden among the others, but even more striking is that it’s the only empty plate among other partially eaten dishes.
Hastily, you pick up it up, looking it over, turning it in your hands.
Just what did you…?
Apple pie. There was apple pie on this plate. A few crumbs of flaky crust left behind, but the pie itself is nowhere to be found, a clearing through a dollop of sauce that looks suspiciously like someone wiped a finger through it.
A happiness you haven’t felt in a while bubbles up rapidly inside you, pressing up against your chest, blooming, warming everything in its path until it reaches your face.
“Are you kidding me?” you ask no one, half-hysterical.
He ate something you made. Completely.
You press a hand to your mouth, choking on emotion and a victory hard won, breath stuttering and your eyes entirely too warm.
He ate the pie.
You should make more.
Abandoning cleaning duty, you rush across the kitchen and tear into the walk-in freezer, the crisp and chilly air does nothing to dampen your newfound spirits. How many more pies can you make? Should you adjust the recipe? Oh, but you don’t know his preferences, what about the pie did he like? The flakiness? The way the apples were sliced? The types of apples that were used?
Just what did he like so much about the pie?
The fruit make their way into your arms as your mind furiously burns through the options.
If even Agent Soldier: 76 liked these, then this would surely please Agent Hanzo—
The thought of the archer makes you stop in your tracks.
Agent Hanzo would have enjoyed this, would have taken a bite that’s almost too big for his mouth and maybe smiled that secretive smile when he tastes something he enjoys, may have even closed his eyes and breathed in and sighed a little. A bitter smile crosses your face. If only he were here. You’re sure he would’ve loved this.
You shake your head. No, you have other customers to focus on.
What expression did Agent Soldier: 76 make when he ate this? Was it just as soft? Did he smile? Would he have taken a pause to savor it after the first bite?
You couldn’t help but smile wide, shouldering your way back into the kitchen with ingredients nearly spilling out of your arms. It wouldn’t hurt to make more or to go astray from your menu. Just once.
Just this once.
Nothing could bring down your mood as you began to measure your ingredients, all else forgotten.
You’re in the middle of putting the rolled out crusts into the freezer when your communicator rings. It takes a moment until your hands are free, but you light up when you see who’s calling.
“Asim, good to hear from—”
“Boss.” His tone, cold and curt, makes you stop in your tracks. “We need you back here.”
Your breath comes up short and the dread seeps into your bones, freezing them with full-bodied fear, and your previous elation comes crashing down.
Auditors? From what organization? And why now? The fiscal year isn’t even over yet and you’re sure that last year’s documents were submitted properly—
“They’re asking for all our documents, our ledgers, our—” He takes a shuddering breath. “Boss, you have to come back.”
Without even thinking, you utter, “Asim, don’t—don’t let them take more than they already have. Tell Argus—hold them off while I…”
You brain struggles to form words as plans and concerns flying through them at rapid-fire speed.
You need to go to them—what about your data—how long have they been there—no, you need to let Winston know—but it could be too late—you need to—but Overwatch—but the auditors—how did—
Your feet sway and you cannot decide what you need to do first.
Asim hisses, loud and insistent in your ear, “Boss! We don’t have time! We need you. Now!”
You suck a hard breath through your teeth.
“I’ll be right over.”
And the communications cut off.
The freezer door rattles loudly as you slam it shut, and you almost jam your wrist trying to get the Cellar door open. The door opens then closes after you, lights flickering on automatically after you have already ran past them.
It’s irresponsible to leave Overwatch hanging, but this took precedence. You must see the extent of what the auditors have seen, what they have. If they find out about your operations, Overwatch would be in terrible danger and everything you would have done—all your sacrifices—would have been for nothing.
You could only hope that you’re not too late.
Chapter 13>>
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sofhyuck · 6 years
Terrace House!AU Yuta
Tumblr media
Genre: fluff, bullet point scenario
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N Please read the introduction before reading!
when you first received the email that Terrace House wanted you to audition for their new show
you were obvi sketch as hell because your friends hadn’t actually told you they signed you up yet???
but when you texted the gc they were like oh yea we signed your single ass up for that so you’d stop complaining and make!! New!! Friends!!
and tbh you’re not completely against the idea 
and you figure you won’t be cast anyways
so you go ‘what the hell’ ad audition
but what you did not expect...
was to be cast...
and even more unexpectedly...
was to find out on the way to the house that  a member
of hecking NCT 127 was going to be on the show with you???
so now you’re hella freaking out in the car and the driver is like u good 
and you’re just like no how am i going to live with NCT my favs askjdhj
you get to the house and there’s one other person there
and she’s really nice and pretty and dammit competition
more people are arriving and finally there's one more left 
obvi the NCT member
and you’re sitting there at the dining room table the entire time sWEaTiNg 
luckily no one notices, or they just don’t say anything
the doorbell rings and by this time your anxiety is through the roof
the first contestant you met gets up and answers the door and you’re suddenly blinded bc holy shit mister healing smile Yuta Nakamoto himself walked through the doors
and everyone is busy greeting him and you just let out a small “hello” for fear of literally fainting
and lucky you the only seat available is across from you
so he sits down and smiles and you just,,,mELt
you’re face goes so red and he probably thinks you’re insane bc all you can do in return is let out a weak grimace
he notices your blush and grins at you so cheekily
you are so terrified he’s gonna call you out but,,,
he has the aUDaCITy to WINK at you and turn back to talk with the other members
and now your face is on fiRE someone call a firetruck
you all talk about yourselves, families, jobs, past relationships, etc
and eventually your face cools down and you can enjoy the conversation
but yuta continues to give you teasing looks and you want to sLaP him but also kiss him he’s too cute
another member (they cast a professional chef thank god) offers to make dinner but you guys need to buy groceries
and you volunteer to go and guess who FUckINg oFFeRS to go wITH YOU?????
yuta ofc but another girl around your age offers too
and you’re like oh no she’s been making eyes at him fsss but you can’t exactly tell her not to come,,,you all just met and you’re here to make friends not enemies!! sure reader tell yourself that
so you all get in the car and luckily you can drive and yuta sits up front with you 
and you plug your phone in to play some music and ThE FIrsT SoNG that comes on is Back 2 U my fav don’t @ me and he’s just like
“oh I’ve got a fan I see” and he WINkS agAIN and you blush and you’re trying to stutter out a reply
when girl in the back just goes “I’m a huuuuge fan!” and tries to sing along but homegirl doesn’t even know the words LMAO 
and while she’s off claiming to be the biggest fan (she doesn’t even know the fandom name smh) you and yuta make eye contact 
and start laughing but like you don’t want to hurt her feelings so try and keep it on the dl
finally you pull up to the supermarket and you have a list of what to buy so you decide to divvy up who gets what for efficiency
but in reality 5 seconds after you split up yuta automatically comes back to you 
and you’re like ????? this wasn’t the plan
but he just shrugs like
“the other girl probably would have found me and done the same. Besides, I like you”
and guess who becomes a tomato again yep that’s right it’s you
and so you go around the store
yuta trying to make a cheesy pick up line with every. fucking. fruit.
no matter how amusing it was you have dinner to make!
so now you’re yelling at yuta bc
and he just laughs at your second hand embarrassment but he puts the peaches down anyways 
and you collect all your ingredients just in time for the other girl to some storming up to you guys
and you and yuta are like ‘oh shit what she gonna do’
and she opens her mouth but then realizes there are cameras,,,everywhere
so she just “got the ingredients hehe ^^”
and you’re both like ‘sounds fake but ok’ 
and you buy the ingredients and head home and the car ride is almost awkward if it weren’t for yuta just,,,not being able to shut up LMAO
you get back to the house and sit at the table bc you’re exempt from cooking since you bought the groceries
half expecting him to hang out with the other guys you’re startled to see yuta sit down across from you
he continues the conversation you had going on in the grocery store, asking about your family and occupation
occasionally opening the conversation up to the other people in the room but his main focus is you
and you get to ask him some, but not many, questions about nct, dorm life, etc
and a few days pass by, you’ve grown friendly with the rest of the cast but you and yuta always seem to gravitate together
and ofc everyone else notices and they’re always like,,,what’s up with you two...
and obviously you have feelings for him but,,,
he’s an idol,,,
and while most fans wouldn’t mind you are wary of those who would rip your head off for how close you’ve already become with yuta
he’s barely in the house half the time due to his schedules but he always manages to spend time with you
so one day you’re both chilling watching nct life inn osaka bc he high key wants to show off how responsible and funny he is
and when the takoyak scene comes up you make some off hand comment about how you’ve never had any and he just!!
“HoW??? OMG wE nEEd tO GO gET sOmE NOW!!!”
and you’re like yuta no it’s almost midnight asjkdh
so he takes the oppurtunity to be like,,,
“we have some free time on thursday,,,if you’re not busy i can take you to this takoyaki place,,,not as good as ones you can get in Japan but it’s great none the less”
you’re high key bouta faint but you manage to nonchalantly be like ‘yea i’m free that day’
and you both settle back and continue watching and making funny commentary but on the inside you’re both
thursday comes and yuta had to leave early for rehearsal but he’ll have the rest of the day off
so you and the other girls are getting your pretty self ready
the other girl who liked yuta left the show for...reasons so now he’s all yours hehe
yuta comes back and takes a shower bc no one wants to be sweaty and smelly on their first date
you’re just waiting in the dining room chatting with someone else
and  he finally comes out and you’re just kind of frozen in awe bc when is the boy not beautiful it’s not fair
little do you know he’s also in shock bc ‘wow you’ve always looked beautiful didn’t think it was possible to look even more beautiful but here y/n is proving me wrong’
the person you were talking with stands up and breaks the spell and you both get all blushy 
yuta offers to drive and you’re like yes pls do i’d probably crash us with how nervous i am
the drive to the takoyaki place is filled with your usual conversation and yuta’s flirting
you get to the restaurant and yuta insists on making the takoyaki bc he iS the tAKoYaKi PRiNCe
and you let him do his thing bc a) you’ve never made this before and b) he looks so cute concentrating and trying to show off
finally they’re done and, you guessed it
boi has to feed you 
and your whole face lights up like holy shit this is delicious you are the prince of takoyaki
and he just smiles so wide askjdh
when you’re both all done he insists on paying
when you’re like ‘i feel bad making you pay for everything’
he just ‘well i’d feel bad having you pay for our first date’ 
and you just,,,
“so this is a date?”
he get s a lil blushy and is just like,,,yea
and you smile and he smiles and on the way back he just casually asks you out again and ofc you say yes
you guys just...go on a lot of dates and all the other cast members are high key jealous but also ship you guys so much bc so cute young love
one day after your fifth date yuta just...
“I like you a lot y/n, and i know i can be hard dating an idol, but i was wondering if,,,you’d be my girlfriend?”
and you’re like asjkhkjhf ofc??? why would i not??? you are the takoyaki prince
and he’s all fake offended
“you only like me for my takoyaki :(”
he’s all pouty so you just giggle and give him a lil peck on the lips
and now yuta’s all blushy bc asjkdhkjhd they kissed me???? what is life??
the show eventually comes to an end, but you and yuta still hang out all the fucking time
and tbh fans aren’t even that mad bc they were able to see your relationship grow and develop on the show
you guys go on lots of takoyaki dates
fans dub you guys the takoyaki prince and princess so cute askjdhh
overall good experience 10/10 would recommend thank your friendos for signing you up for that show
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funnydove-blog · 4 years
The Greatest Show on Earth: Decision-Making Processes 2
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This occurs around the age of 30. This is the time you consider whether or not to have children and to be a parent for the rest of your life.
Please note that I say ‘you consider’ whether or not to have children. This implies that you have a conversation, first with yourself and then with your partner, about being a parent. You think about it. You discuss it. You weigh the advantages and disadvantages. You search the midnight of your soul, as the poets say. Then you decide. Then you plan.
Let’s say you have spent ages 18 to 23 getting an education, and ages 24 to 30 working and experiencing life as an independent adult. You have found a partner in life. You are in a committed relationship or married. You are financially stable, if not financially independent or wealthy. Now, you feel that you may be ready for children.
Much undue social pressure can be bought to bear on young women during this time. They are often expected to get married and have children, even in this quoteunquote modern age. Be aware of this pressure and have the courage to make up your own mind about when, if, and with whom you start a family. There is no stigma, and often much more freedom and many more options in life, love, and work, for women who do not have children.
To have the most choices in life, it’s important to avoid so-called ‘accidents’ that can disrupt or destroy your plans, hopes, and dreams for the future. With regards to pregnancy, there are no ‘accidents’. Unplanned pregnancy is a consequence of ignorance, carelessness, bad decision-making, or a combination of the three. Sperm plus egg equals pregnancy. It’s that simple and, for the unprepared, a harsh reality.
In charting your own course as a modern woman, it is important to understand that the responsibility of birth control should be shared. However, the harsh reality in most instances is that it is completely your responsibility. Unless you want to be a parent, make sure you take precautions yourself. When a pregnancy occurs and you decide to be a parent, the responsibility of raising that child will be primarily yours, regardless of what your partner says or how well-intentioned he is.
Unfair? You betcha. Inaccurate? Hardly. Likely to change in your lifetime? Doubtful. Best to know it and plan accordingly? Bingo, Ringo. Understand that the planet is overpopulated as it is. If you want to live your life for yourself and/or your partner, don’t have children. I’ve heard it’s very thrilling to be pregnant, exhilarating to give birth, and joyful to care for a newborn. Family members and friends offer congratulations, celebrations, and support. You, as a new mother, are the center of attention.
Then, not long after that, family and friends all go on with their lives and you get to wake up at 3 a.m. and change a diaper, feed the growing child, and comfort it when it cries. Don’t be resentful if this life shock puts the brakes on some of your goals and plans, hobbies, and interests. Don’t be surprised if you dream of just sleeping 8 hours in a row, forget starting a new business.
The decision to become a parent is so critically important that I must take a little extra time and ask you to do something for me, and for yourself, at this tentpole. Do a little research. Assess statistics that correlate teen pregnancy with limited economic and educational opportunities for women, with poverty, with complications involved in childbirth, and with childhood diseases.
Ask women you know who are parents to confide in you: of course they love their children, but, if they had it to do all over again, would they still be a parent? Would they have had children as early as they did? Would they have the same number of children? Ask women with infants. Ask women in high school who have children. Ask women with adult children. Listen carefully to what they say. Listen even more carefully to what they don’t say. And be sure to ask the women, the mothers. The men may or may not have their careers and lives impacted by the birth and raising of children. The woman certainly will. The women certainly do. Be honest with yourself and be honest with your partner before you get married. The question is not: do you want to have children one day? The question is: do you want to be a parent for the rest of your life?
Don’t think that when a child turns 18 or 21 years of age that your job is done. They will turn to you when they are 30, when they are 50, and even when you are 90. They will need your emotional support, your guidance, and may even need your financial assistance. They may have children of their own. You may help them parent. You will be a grandparent, but it is possible that you may become a parent to your grandchildren, willingly or not.
I know couples that absolutely love being parents. They are loving and fully engaged raising their children, committing time and money, prioritizing and planning. Other couples don’t have the energy and commitment to be really good parents. Some start off overwhelmed, but then grow into it, finding the discipline to meet their responsibilities. Others, disinterested, unprepared, and soon defeated by the demands, do the bare minimum or not even that.
It’s perfectly fine to be the barista at the neighborhood coffee shop while you’re studying and working toward your goals. It’s much more challenging to be the barista who’s working and trying to figure out how to afford day care, orthodontics, and soccer uniforms for your child. A happy, healthy, and productive life requires a plan. A plan is to have a career, probably two, and some money in the bank that will be sufficient to care for yourselves and address the needs of your child. A plan acknowledges that somebody’s career is going to have to take a backseat while raising the child for a period of time, and you never know how long that’s going to be. A plan is realistic: if you look at your situation as a couple and don’t see how you could afford a pet, how the hell do you think you can afford a child? If you can’t afford to raise a child, don’t have a child. ‘We’ll figure it out when the time comes’ is not a plan.
Being a parent has always been challenging. Children’s access to the internet and social media makes the job even more demanding today. The world is a minefield. Children are miracles. Know this. Consider this. This period, ages 24 to 30, can be a great time in life, full of opportunities to travel, have a career, enjoy financial freedom and great relationships. Keep your options open, your possibilities growing. You have choices. I’m not telling you what to do, but I am telling you what to think: think about everything, over a lifetime, before you make this decision. It is irreversible.
By waiting to approximately the age of 30 to consider having children, you have given yourself several advantages. Here are just a few:
You’ve given yourself time to grow up.
You’ve given yourself time to get an education.
You’ve given yourself time to get on your feet financially.
You’ve given yourself time to enjoy life as an adult, on your own.
You’ve given yourself time to meet and develop a solid relationship with another person who will, most likely, share the joy and challenges of raising a child.
You want, and probably need, all of these advantages.
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