#and she was like 'ok since you find it tough to paint them yourself get a manicure. self care and preventative'
youremyonlyhope · 5 months
Living with Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Me: *Is super stressed over life.*
Trichotillomania: Time to pull some hair! C'mon. You won't even notice you're doing it. It'll make you feel better.
Me: NO. *Spends 4 days putting hair in a mini twist protective style* There.
Dermatillomania: Hey. Your hands are free. And restless. And dry... Pick your skin. Bleed. Bleed.
Me: Stop! *Starts up a new crochet project to keep hands busy.* Ok cool.
Onychophagia: Hi hi. Your nails are.... perfect biting length... you should do that.
Me: Noooooooooooo *Paints nails.*
Dermatillomania: Oh look, you got some nail polish on your skin. Pick it off... now pick some more...
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artfromsaturn · 4 months
Collection of Free Art Tutorials
I don't usually make text post on this blog, but a nice artist I know was asking for tutorials a while back and I forgot to send some to them while in school. So here's a post on it since it's easiest to grab and go this way. :)
This list focuses on the basics. I'm focusing on the foundations of art, so medium is generally irrelevant and you can use physical or digital with these. You'll have to google more specific tutorials on things like character design and such.
One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give to you is strangely, introduce things to yourself one at a time. In art class, we took whole topics week by week. For high school, we did a few exercises then spent a week drawing/painting and doing your piece(s). For basic art 1 & 2 in college, we did 1-2 exercises and then did 1-2 drawings, followed by HW (which we turned in next week) and sketchbook practice (which she'd check at midpoints). For basic art lessons with a tutor, we did practice then our own art. You can see the pattern here - the point is don't be distressed if you don't get everything at once, or the lesson in 2 weeks, or the lesson in 3 years - we practice and do a lot over time, and you'll pick up on things you need to improve naturally and through help with others. Take time to be proud of your art in mini steps too, even if it's not the best! You tried and attempting to climb an obstacle over and over again before finally leapfrogging it is still progress to it.
Overall tutorials:
DrawABox.com is a site that's dedicated to art exercises and practicing when you can. They talk about the basics of art as well as how practice is important. It can get tough at times and it's ok to stop and do a balance of say those practices and doodles if you choose to try and do all of it's stuff - but you don't have to either. It's just a nice basic education done by some art nerds who like going hard.
Ethering Brothers - these guys are famous for their 40billion tutorials. If you need help on a specific idea, search their gallery and you'll likely find something.
Thundercluck's Art Fundamentals - She did a good huge ass tutorials on how things work, and it's the least overwhelming of the 3 I got in this section, so I suggest it as one of the first to look at for digital stuff.
Art Instructions Blog - Another good & simpler website that goes great into fundamentals. They focus more on traditional art but if you're digital, you can replicate most of the techniques - art fundamentals and subjects cover all mediums. Very important
Drawsh - Particularly notes on Construction: construction is the basics of building an illusion of a 3D image on a page. Figuring out how to build shape gives depth to your work, and learning how to see in 3D lets you be able to draw an item then move it around in your head (sometimes, when you're good enough, don't be afraid to pull out a reference or use live subjects). Construction is how to figure out the foundation of your drawing, and good planning = better picture! This link starts at the back, hit newer post to go forward.
There's a lot on anatomy and other nitty gritty details for when you want to practice those as well.
Griz and Norm's Assorted tips - Long time artist talk about various tips and tricks they use in art and how to avoid certain pitfalls. It's eclectic but great to look through.
James Gurney's Blog - He's got a lot of thoughts, a lot of tips, and a lot of adventures he catalogues. It's the least organized out of these but fortunately he has plenty of tags and most post have something neat going on. He's fantastic!🥰
How to Make Your Art Look Nice: Mindset
There's a lot of artist with different perspectives on how to approach art and your mindset while doing it, but the general consensus is that it's a process and sometimes you have to remind yourself to enjoy art!
How to draw straight lines without a ruler. …but for the love of all that's good do NOT feel bad about using one! This talks about how to hold your pencil and how to do some good freehand stuff, some good practice.
5 grips for holding a Pencil for Drawing - This goes for pencil, pen, tablet, etc.. Get comfortable and figure out what's right for you and your pictures. I'd like to note that paintbrush holding will overlap, but some will differ.
A few line drawing exercises that help with line confidence.
Types of line drawings & what they are.
Contour Line & exercises with Mrs. Cook - Contour lines are one of the first art exercises I do in all the drawing classes I've taken. The good news is that they're surprisingly fun & look neat, even the blind contours!
Good deep thoughts on lines and how to use them.
Line Weight Tutorial
Lineart Weight Tips!
How to show variation in your line art: part 1 & part 2.
Some teacher's Drawing 1 & 2 lessons put online.
Light, Shadow, & Value
An introduction to tonal values.
Why values are important. The main reasons are that they give depth to a piece, and values literally shape our world.
Tonal Values: Everything you need to know
How does light work & the basics on Light
Light & Shadow in Art - much more in depth of the above! Highly recommended if you have time to spare.
Understanding grayscale/monochrome art. Great for shading & planning.
A guide to Cross Hatching (and hatching in general) - As a side note, crosshatching is one of the early things taught as it marries Line + Value into a nice neat package and helps add form with just a pen.
Crosshatching for Comics
Learn more about coloring by working in grayscale
How to Make Your Art Look Nice - Contrast!
Using lighting to make your art look nice.
Some light & shadow classifications.
Edges - notes on how they work in shading.
A side note - color theory doesn't differ much, but color MIXING will change between mediums. If you're doing traditional colored pencil, you're overlapping 2 or more pigments on top of each other. If you're doing traditional paint, you're mixing & creating a solution/emulsion (depends on the pigment and binding) of pigments with the particles reflecting light in different ways. In digital, overlapping colors & blending colors depend on how the program you use calculates it if you're not just putting 2 color side by side. This just means you have to adjust your mixing when you switch between them. :)
Slawek Fedorczuk's Light & Color Tips - also shows how to guide through a scene.
The Color Tutorial Part 1 & 2 by Sashas - A personal favorite.
Color Studies 1-6 by Sheri Doty Amazingly nice breakdown on how color works in simple terms.
Sarah Culture's Tips on Color
The value of underpainting
A few notes on reflective light.
Experimental color techniques with Alai Ganuza: first post, second, & third.
Color zones of the face charts
Good Tips on Composition
Here's an example of how you can search the Etherington Brothers' stuff and get like 10 tutorials and tips on one subject. Composition & Cover Design, Shadow Composition, Two Line Composition - plus more.
How to make your art look nice: Thumbnailing!
And don't be afraid to make silly thumbnails or sketches.
Composition Examples - charts like these are great when you can't think of something yourself. There's no shame in using them.
Flow and Rhythm
Formulas for landscape composition.
Perspective Drawing Tutorial by Julie Duell
Linear & Atmospheric Perspective Guide
One Point Perspective City Tut by Swingerzetta
Niso Explains Perspective - these are great for drawing figures in perspective!
Putting characters into scenes and drawing backgrounds
Backgrounds that make your character stand out!
Using background detail to guide the eye.
Odds and Ends
I shit you not, probably 1/3rd of my color, value, & structure knowledge comes from pixel art since I've done so much of it and it is all about challenging yourself to do the most you can with limitations. Check out lospec's tutorial database for fun and see how it compares to art techniques you're doing - even if you never try a medium, it's always interesting to see how it works. :D
How to Make Your Art Look Nice: Reference Images & Style, Pushing Proportions, and developing style.
Foervraengd talks about how he expanded his comfort zone with concept art & landscape drawing.
Luna Art talks about what they're thinking when doing concept art.
Repeating visual motifs in character design looks cool.
Eric's Thoughts on Drawing Backgrounds and Props.
Show vs. Tell: Why Visual is Not Optional in comics.
The Lost Vocabulary of Visual Story Telling Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, & Day 4.
Traditional Animation's 2 Digital Library books, The Know-How of Cartooning by Ken Hultgren & Advanced Animation by Preston Blair are two books from the golden age of animation they have up on their site for free viewing!
Animation resources dot org has a lot of cool stuff. Here's Nat Falk's How to Make Animated Cartoons (part 1). Their pages on Instruction & Theory are a good start.
Good news: the internet archive has a TON of resources. Make sure to check around and toggle filters, it's a bit weird with organization. For example, a book can be under art or drawing - techniques, depending on who catalogues it.
Andrew Loomis is someone artist tend to die-hard reccomend. His work is collected here & here on the internet archive (one is Andrew Loomis, the other is Loomis, Andrew - thanks). I own Figure Drawing for All It's Worth and I recommend checking all of his stuff out, especially if you're having trouble with bodies and hands.
The Animator's Survival Guide by Richard Williams is mandatory in animation classes for good reason - it's fantastic!
Perspective for Comic Book Artist by David Chelsea is great for any type of artist. So is Extreme Perspective & Perspective in Action.
Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics, Reinventing Comics, & Making Comics. The first one is on the internet archive, the second two are likely avaliable at your library or at a bookstore as they're pretty popular.
Speaking of comics, Drawing Comics the Marvel Way has been a favorite of comic artist for years no matter what comic book companies and artist you like, it's a good introduction.
Anything by or endorsed by James Gurney, Color and Light: A Guide for the Realistic Painter is one of my favorites (this is his official page but you can get them elsewhere for cheaper too).
Art resource blogs with good tagging systems: @artist-refs , @help-me-draw , @helpfulharrie , @art-res , @drawingden , & @how-to-art
Lastly, I suggest if you find something you like online for free, SAVE IT! Whether it is through the Wayback Machine, screenshotting a whole webpage, reblogging/retweeting something, or putting it on pinterest, digital media is fickle and tends to go up in smoke when you least expect it. I have a partially organized Pinterest board that helped me find most of the stuff I wanted to keep. Figure out what works for you and save what you can.
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breesays · 1 year
Des-cap 2022
Is this blog also a kind of baby book? Yes. This is record-keeping. I have a very full-to-the-brim physical baby book, but I frequently refer back to digital musings for milestones and such. 
SO, tonight he is happy-raging because he can write an upper case "R". A marvel to me that he even knows the difference between upper case and lower case because I didn't teach one or the other first and this fascination with writing letters and numbers came about after picking up a dry erase lettering book at a mom's club toy and clothing swap.
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We spent Christmas with The Dodges and I think maybe he finally knows Christmas is a day (a season?) a spirit, and not just a place in Mountain View. My brother in law asked me several times what I wanted to DO while I was there, and while I appreciated it, all my needs were being met. Someone else was deciding what to feed Des. Someone else was reading him the same book 6 times. Someone else was fielding his barrage of questions. That's it. That's all I wanted - a bit of the mom weight off so I could breathe. It was wonderful. We slept hard, ate hotel breakfast, approached festive inflatables with curiosity, jumped in massive puddles, had dance parties, painted, colored, told jokes, shared meals and even squeezed in a few christmas crafts. I long for the day that Sarah allows sequins in crafting, which she considers an insidious cousin of glitter.
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He's three and a half, we co-sleep. I'm OK with it, I feel like I sleep better with his little body huffing next to me, as opposed to being attuned to yelps and whimpers from a room away. It often means I don't get any extra time to myself after he goes to bed, except to read on my Kindle, but that's OK too. If I keep the same schedule as he does, I can match his energy, his brightness. He works as a barrier, too, since Tim and I are emotionally but not physically separated. I (maybe weirdly) like it a lot when I wake up in the inky blue light and see both of them stretched out on their backs, arms stretched over their heads, sleep noises puffing out of their mouths. I like what we made.
We are not a minimalist household. Sometimes we can't even see Desmond's bedroom floor because it's covered with balloons. It always looks like it was just someone's birthday. He does get screen time - Little P is his favorite YouTuber and Bluey is pretty much a free for all on weekends and vacations. I like that what he's watching inspires him, though - doesn't just trap him into a zombie consuming state. He wants to replicate what he sees, what he hears, what they play. I've found both Bluey and Daniel Tiger helpful in tough situations, or when I want to illustrate something. "Tactical wee" is a solid from Bingo.
We are approaching some big changes when Tim moves out, but I don't think it has to be traumatic. I like that in stories and cartoons and ~overall~ more than a traditional nuclear family is presented. I didn't know how much it meant to see yourself in media until I realized I couldn't find myself for DECADES. And we aren't warring, like my parents were when they split. Sometimes its hard for me to even understand WHY we are separating, if most of the parts are still moving, but I also realize that I can't assume that my experience is the same as Tim's. I respect that he needs space to figure that out.
We went to my sister's without Tim this year, but it was apparent upon our return that Desmond had missed Dada time. Even when he is playing with me he wants to "make presents" for Dada, to show Dada something. He wants to badly to capture his attention. To earn it? IDK. He can write both "mama" and "dada" and damn if that isn't impressive.
He likes to have a limb or two touching one of us when he sleeps. He asks me what I'm reading as he dozes off. One night I told him the book I was reading and he said, "I thought you were reading It Girl? How did he remember a vague title of something I was reading a month previous? 
I recently read a book about someone who was addicted to motherhood and being pregnant and my mind was almost totally blown. I'm glad I experienced it but I don't want to do it again. I want to pour all my work, my love, my answers into Des. I hope he never asks for a sibling, because with his impeccable manners, he often eventually gets what he asks for.
I like that he quickly adopts our words: Actually, consideration, gamut.
I love to watch him dance. From his mambo moves in his preschool’s Winter Show to his special invented “99 Red Balloons” dance, it’s incredible to witness How a little person without self consciousness chooses to occupy the space, to express their joy. It kind of makes you wonder about that line, “dance like no one is watching” -- when did you realize anyone was watching?
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
Just finished your Lizzie one and it was so good. So could you do "Wait!.. Don't go."Tough Time "Date night can wait, your health is what's important."Snuggles. Ik its a lot lol. With sick Lizzie please
A Change Of Plans
I’m glad you enjoyed! I hope you like this one too! Also I’m making my way through the requests I’ve gotten so if you’ve sent one, I will be doing it as I go down the list :) Feel free to keep sending them in though!
Summary: You and Lizzie are meant to be going out on a date but when one of you feels less then great, your plans change.
Being an actor was tough. The long hours and endless reading were just a factor of the job. You loved it though. However, dating was always a struggle, yet you and Lizzie seemed to make it look effortless. Behind the scenes, however, everything wasn't always so smooth. 
Both yourself and Lizzie had been wanting to go on a date for months now but neither one of you was able to get time off work at the same time due to your clashing schedules and this could lead to some heated conversations. However, by some miracle, you received a text from your managers saying that you would both be able to take the upcoming Friday off together. Finally. This was just what you needed. 
You and Lizzie spent that night planning what you would be doing for your date, after some thinking, the pair of you agreed that you would go to the fancy Italian restaurant that you knew Lizzie loved and then afterwards you would take the short walk to the cocktail bar where you had both first originally met.  
The week leading up to your date, you were finding it hard to mask your excitement, as each day passed. When you got home that Thursday night you noticed that Lizzie seemed more tired than usual. 
"You ok sweetheart?" You asked, sitting down next to her on your sofa, pulling a small blanket over the two of you.  
"Yeah, work was just a little rough today. The propmaster is an asshole." Lizzie replied, cuddling into your side. 
You rolled your eyes at the mention of the propmaster. He had been making comments about Lizzie ever since she started working on the production. "Sorry, that happened sweetie, at least we have our date tomorrow." You smiled, looking forward to it. 
"I can't wait," She smiled up at you for a moment before she quickly turned her head and stifled a sneeze towards her shoulder, "H'kxxnt!" 
She giggled slightly afterwards so you didn't think anything of her sneeze as you blessed her and offered, "Maybe we should head to bed early?" 
"That sounds nice actually." You were sure you heard her sniffle
slightly but pushed the thought away as you led her to the bedroom. 
You woke up that morning to the sun shining through your window, painting the room in a fresh orange haze. Feeling the bed empty beside you, you called out to your girlfriend. 
No answer. Huh, maybe she was in the kitchen? You slowly pulled yourself out of bed and made your way toward the kitchen. The house was strangely silent, the only sound was that of the birds singing to themselves outside. 
When you made it to the kitchen you were slightly taken aback when you saw it was empty. You were about to pull out your phone to call your girlfriend when you noticed a small plate filled with various pastries and a note on top of the countertop. Picking up the note, you read it aloud. 
I'm sorry Y/N. My manager rang and he needs me to come in for a few hours, I'll be home in time for our date. I promise. Love Lizzie. PS, I left you some croissants for your breakfast. She signed her note with a smiley face. Despite her kind gesture you couldn't help but feel slightly disheartened at the thought of sitting alone at home all day, but you understood that her work was important so you hastily made yourself a cup of coffee, grabbed a croissant and settled yourself on the sofa, ready for a day of Netflix. 
You hadn't realised you fell asleep until the rattle of your front door pulled you from your slumber. Checking your phone, the small digital time read; 17:35. You heard the small clatter of boots against your wooden floor as Lizzie quietly walked into the living room. You tried to keep your face natural as you saw her appearance. Lizzies' makeup was smeared around her watery eyes, her face drained of colour except for a small redness on her cheeks. 
"Hey." Her hoarse voice broke the silence as you rushed over to her, taking the bags from her hands. 
"Oh my god. Lizzie what's wrong? What happened sweetheart, come here." You led her to the sofa as you put her bags down. 
"Work was horrible." She started before quickly bringing her wrist to her nose, sneezing a harsh triple against it, "HhH'eh'tktoo! Hh'eh'cHIEW!.Hh.Hhah'HhCHIEW!" 
Oh. You realised immediately why she seemed so fatigued. She was sick. Lizzie only ever sneezed more than twice when she was sick. You would have to deal with this carefully though, there was no way you were taking her out tonight in her condition but there was no way she'd just give in. Watching your words, you hesitantly spoke, 
"Bless you sweetie... So, what happened at work then?" You massaged her shoulders gently as she began to tell her story. 
When she had finally finished recounting her day, you understood why she looked so tired. The guys working on set design had teamed with her propmaster to pull a rather horrible prank on Lizzie, humiliating her in front of the whole crew. Not only that, filming had gone terribly too. People constantly forgetting their lines and missing their cues would annoy anybody but after hours of this, it becomes infuriating.  
"That asshole," You muttered angrily, "You should report him Liz, what he did was cruel!" 
Lizzie shook her head slightly, "Its fine, I just wanna forget about it," She glanced up at the clock on the wall, "Do we need to start getting read.. rea-..Hehh..HknnxT!" Lizzies sentence was interrupted as she half-stifled against her wrist, sniffling afterwards. 
"Bless you. Lizzie, sweetheart, do you really think it's a good idea to go out, wouldn't you rather stay inside just for tonight?" You asked cautiously, reaching over for the tissue box next to you and placing it on the coffee table in front of you. You knew she would be needing them soon enough; Lizzie’s colds always seem to come on fast and hit her hard. Your thoughts went back to her sniffling the previous night and it finally clicked that it was then when she was getting sick and you had just failed to notice it. Just then Lizzie shifted positions and stared at you. 
She gave you a strange look and replied to your earlier question. "What? Why?" She raised her elbow and tried to muffle her cough. 
You sighed; this wasn't going to be easy. Her stubbornness could be so irritating sometimes, you were about to make your next argument when the sound of Lizzies breath hitching cut you off. 
You waited for Lizzie to finish before blessing her, she grabbed a tissue from the box and blew her nose. When she was done you finally said, "Sweetie, you're sick. We can go on a date another time." You reached over to feel her forehead but she abruptly pulled away from you and stood up just before you were able to make contact with her. 
"Look. I'm not sick, okay? Just drop it. We've been waiting ages to go out and we finally have the chance to-" She broke off into a fit of rather nasty coughing, resulting in you jumping up to hold her steady, rubbing circles on her back whilst you did so. 
It was only a few seconds before she finally soothed but it felt like hours to you, the sound of her harsh coughing breaking your heart. She sounded terrible and it hurt to see her like this. You instructed her to sit back down, not taking no for an answer before quickly going to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. 
You handed it to her as you sat back down next to her. "Lizzie, you can't do this. You're going to make yourself really ill if you carry on pushing yourself. Our date night can wait, your health is more important and I want to look after you," You held her hands in your own, keeping eye contact with her. "Please just let me look after you?" 
Lizzie sighed; she couldn't fight it any longer. The fatigue she was feeling was almost unbearable. She leant against you and finally gave in, "I guess I do feel kinda bad."
You felt Lizzie cuddle into you before murmuring, “I'm sorry I got sick at the worst time possible.”
You gently ran your fingers through her hair and kissed her temple, “It's not your fault. We’ve both been swarmed with work; it was bound to happen soon. You could do with taking some medicine though if you already feel this bad.”
As you stood up from the sofa, you were about to go and search your cabinets for any form of medicine that you owned, you looked back to the sofa, hearing Lizzie's tired voice calling out to you, “Wait! Don’t go...It’s cold without you”  
That did it. You felt a prickle of tears in your eyes as Lizzies words sunk in. All she wanted was to be held close and you promised to come straight back after getting what you needed. Luckily you managed to find a small packet of ‘Cold and Flu’ medicine, this would have to do. Before making your way back to the living room, you quickly ran up to your bedroom and grabbed a set of her fluffy pyjamas along with the duvet from your bed. 
You carefully draped the duvet over her and placed her pyjamas on the floor beside the sofa. You reattempted to place your hand back on her forehead, luckily this time she let you and you felt the slight heat radiating from her, “You're warm.” You noted out loud, clicking your tongue. 
“Really? I’ve been freezing all day.” Came her confused reply as she cocooned herself within the blanket, only moving over to make room for you. 
You placed the medicine next to the tissues and sank into the sofa to hold her close. You weren't going to let anything hurt her, Lizzie was yours. "I know sweetheart. It’ll be your fever making you feel funny." You sympathised, "How about we get changed into something comfy and have a snuggly movie night on the sofa? You have to promise to let me take care of you though.” You kissed her head as she considered your proposition and cuddled further into you. 
"You know what, that sounds amazing.”  
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mehphoobia · 3 years
You are beautiful
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pairing - Tom Holland (actor) x Reader (college girl)
summary - Y/n is visiting her parents for the first time to Rio, whom she doesn’t know properly because they left her with her aunt when she was young. She is insecure about meeting her parents but she finds comfort in a stranger.
word count- 2.9k or around 3k
warnings - mentions of insecurity and self doubt, no swearing(cause its like my first post so gotta stay ‘pure’)
“Get up Y/N and Claudia…its 8 am already. We are going to be late.” a faint alarm could be heard from the kitchen, two rooms away from your room.
Your parents had been looking forward this vacation for months. With your father working in Rio for the past 7 years and your mother being a full time nurse at a nearby hospital in Rio where your parents lived, you never got a chance to feel how it felt to be with your parents. So naturally with no one to your care, you grew up with your Aunt Cass and your cousin Claudia, around whom your entire world revolved for the past 20 years.
Grumpy, filled with laziness up to the brim Claudia dragged herself to your bed and tortured you to get up. “Just two more minutes. I swear”, you begged as if she was listening. Then came the final blow with a splash of water on your face and then well….its self-explanatory. You both got up, finished through the verbal fight which left Aunt Cass chuckling in the kitchen.
“Aren’t you a tad bit excited to go to Rio, it’s been years since your parents last spent time with you.” Asked Claudia looking at you expression-less face in the mirror while brushing your teeth. “I don’t know Cloud, it’s just that I don’t know how I should feel about it. I am nervous and scared and tired just thinking about how awkward it can get.”
Your parents had last seen you on your 16th birthday, when they showed up at your house. The 16th year where you are neither an adult nor a child, of all those years they could have shown up, it was that year. Your mother had gifted you a manicure set and your father had bought you a hair kit and you absolutely had no idea what to do with it. Little did they know that you were more interested in trekking and photography rather than painting your nails and dyeing your hair? Where other girls chose tight fitting dresses and expensive heels you chose the comfort of sweatshirts: pajamas or jeans and sneakers.
“You will be fine, it’s YOU after all. If I can tolerate you enough to share my room with you then trust me, anyone can put up with you” said Claudia boasting her patience and handing a comb from her dresser. “Why don’t you curse or compliment me one at a time” you snapped annoyingly. But you were grateful for supportive arms around you which calmed you down.
After getting ready, you greeted Aunt Cass with a smile on your face and a stretched good morning as you helped yourself with some toast and orange juice. “Eat well, it’s a long flight after all” said Aunt Cass followed by a “Yes ma’am.”
“Keep your phone charged at all times. Keep calling me after every two hours and did you pack enough clothes to last you a month. I don’t want to hear your mother complaining later about it. Should I pack some extra snacks for you, you will surely not take care for meals and if you skip any your meals throughout the day, I swear you have had it then.” It never ceased to amaze you how multitasking Aunt Cass could be. She is strict, tough and a woman of her words. There was not a single day when you and Claudia had not done your college assignments or homework with Aunt Cass being at home. But at the same time she would sit with you past midnight when both of you cousins stayed awake for you midterms. Maybe that’s why you never missed your parents because you never had a void in your life, Claudia and Aunt Cass had filled it lovingly.
That being said, before you knew it all three of you were in the car and already off for the airport. The entire ride was filled with constant chattering as to how famous and beautiful Rio is and as how will not be able to walk down a street without bumping into a celebrity. However you were lost in your thoughts about living with your parents for a month, about whom you knew nothing and neither did they about you.
After reaching the Leipzig Airport, you waved them goodbye, leaving the loving and proud embrace of Aunt Cass and a cute envious look on Claudia’s face you were all set for Rio.
During the flight:
It was a 15hr flight, with the overthinking and hyperactive person you were there was no possible way you could have had a simple excited flight journey, but there is no harm in wishing one for right? Or so you thought.
When you were boarding the plane you noticed an unusual number of bodyguards outside, literally engulfing the poor person standing in middle. What annoyed you the most was the people who were cheering, because at some point of time it wasn’t cheering anymore, it was a mob attack. After boarding, what greeted you were the over excited air-hostesses which was obviously because ‘the person’ as you painfully learnt through the mob attack. But all you could care at that moment was your seat being a window seat or not, and luckily it was. After putting your hand luggage in the upper compartment (you had three suitcases and one hand luggage) you finally asked a fellow passenger dressed in black hoodie with a mask on his face and skinny jeans as to what exactly was the commotion about and to brief you about the situation. The answer surprised you- it was none other than Tom Holland.
Your mouth was literally in the O shape and eyes wide open. It was the Tom Holland. It was your favorite actor travelling in the same flight with you. That explained the mob attack. The only person that came to you upper floor was your Claudia.
Y/N: TOM HOLLAND is in the flight right now!!!!!! Tom freaking Holland.
Claudia: wwwwhhhhaaatttt!!!???????, damn I knew I should have gone with you. How could you do this to me? Why?
Y/N: I am sorry ok I didn’t know or wait maybe I did. His visit to Leipzig was mentioned in his itinary on his twitter account how could we miss that? We just got lucky man and also I was squashed in the mob attack at the airport.
Claudia: Oh! You mean you got lucky dipshit!? Please tell me you got a picture!
Y/N: no I couldn’t, I hardly knew about him being on the plane I asked someone and I have been freaking out since.
*announcement for switching off electrical devices.*
Y/N: I have to switch off my phone for a while, the flight’s gonna take off.
Claudia: okay, I knew I should have come with you. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!text me soon..love you
Y/N: yeah you should have, I miss you. Love you too.
“Are you a fan too?” asked your neighbor. You look at him with suspicious eyes was he eying your texts? Because if he was, that’s not healthy and it creeped you out.  Even though, “well yes, me and my sister.” You said and hoped the conversation will die out there. He took the answer and you could imagine a small smirk curling upon his face by the wrinkling of his eyes which was adorable. By his physique and posture he looked no older than early twenties. “What about you, are you fan?” you asked, unknowingly and regretted it immediately. “He doesn’t bugger me, so you could say so. How long have you been a fan?” ,“My aunt happened to be watching ‘The Impossible’, when we were younger and we have been crazy about him since. My sister liked him like crazy as to how cute he was but I liked his acting in the movie but ended up liking him too.”
“Very interesting..” something about him was attracting you, maybe his aura, the charming vibes, you didn’t know, but you were just attracted. But something pinned you, his accent, he had a British accent. Unknowingly, when your eyes met, your heart skipped a beat. It’s him. He was sitting right here. He realized your surprised expression and said, ”You can take a picture now” he chuckled and looking directly at you. Your brain on the other hand was still processing the vital information and the very awesome physique with veiny and beautiful hands and captivating eyes. How could you miss his eyes, those beautiful passion filled dark brown eyes.
“uh..um..h hi, I mean hello nice to meet you, I am Y/N”, ”Tom Holland” he said extending a hand not taking his eyes off of you. It amazed you really, how could he despite being an actor maintain such a down to earth personality. The way he talks, listens to you, waits for your reply and him being in the economy class instead of comfortably sitting in the first class seating arrangements. Wait!?Why was he here?. As if he read your mind and a sudden change in your expression from being flustered to confused. “Too many people, I needed to get out of there and breathe by myself for once. No cameras, no media, no stylists….jus… just plain old me. By the way, my manager is my imposter”, he said with a smirk on his face.
“Oh sure, I can understand that, it can get tiring sometimes. The attention being forced on you that you were never used to it. My parents too, in that way, been out of my life since the very year I turned 1 and suddenly they want meet me and want me to stay with them for a month in Rio. I didn’t want to but my aunt convinced me and I couldn’t say no to her. ”, ”You stayed with your aunt your entire life? Didn’t you miss your parents?” his passionate eyes suddenly changed into concern and pity, “yeah, but she means a lot to me, she was there for all my dance ceremonies, each and every one of my birthday’s , my graduation, she means the world to me so does my sister, she is like my pillar, my support , an annoying one at that.” You said smiling on you lap, and you could feel his gaze softening upon yours. ”my parents, uhh…you can never miss something you never had.” You looked at him again, but this time you could feel and see his gaze on you, watching you and never leaving your eyes.
Both you were so lost in each other that you didn’t realize when the flight had taken off and the snacks table breaking your moment. “Oh it’s been so long already since the plane took off, I didn’t realize we even missed the safety instructions”, you both chuckled at that. “Oh man!, you are really beautiful, really” he said running his hand down his locks and realizing that his tone was a bit too loud, and he meant to keep the compliment to himself. “Sorry?” you asked, despite you pretty much heard it when he said it, you wanted to hear it again.
“uhh..i m..mean your teeth are beautiful.” He realized what he said and his expression was like ‘did I really just say that?’. “I mean your smile is beautiful, Not your teeth..oh wait..I mean your teeth are beautiful too but your smi…” you couldn’t hold you laugh anymore looking at him and his cute ‘war’ with himself. “Thank you, I guess, a lot of people say that about me after I got my braces removed.”
“Oh you had braces? Since when?” “around when I was 15, like every girl wanted to look pretty and wanted boys around her ,so me and my sister had braces for the sake of it, not that I cared about me getting a boyfriend, just for fun”. He seemed to have got stuck on one word, “so you got one?”…”got what?” , “a boyfriend I mean?”. His expression changed and yet again you could feel blood rushing to your cheeks, “I always wanted a crazy guy, who could have something similar to my interests, ‘cause I am not like every other girl in the town, I am into trekking and photography and outdoor activities, not just a girl who likes shopping and who always has to be around people so, my specifications are a bit particular, so I have never had a boyfriend.”
“So, no boyfriend, right?” he asked as if that being the only part he was interested in, or who knows may be he actually was.
After a few hours, you realized you had a lot of things in common and the internet was all wrong about his interests and all. It was like meeting a complete different person, a person whom you have known for the longest time as if you have always been together. You were attracted to him and so was he to you, and you could tell that.
“So what are you doing in Germany? Did you have a shoot here?” you didn’t mind asking because he already had mentioned a lot of stuff that he was not supposed to and also his eyes lit up when he was excited to tell you about some stuff anything at all. “uh..yeah we had to film a segment in Berlin and then we decided to take a break, so I around different places and now we are heading towards the Carnival.” “oh Carnival huh? My aunt says its pretty lively. That was like the main reason why I agreed to go Rio. ”
“so don’t mind me asking, but are you going to be awkward around your parents? Like I know you are not very close to them..” he asked you sincerely concerned with his hands slightly brushing off of yours on the handle of the seat. It’s like he wanted to hold your hand because he knew the weight of his question but he felt like you would disintegerate if he did so. You could feel the same pit around your stomach filled with nervousness that you had forgotten about a for couple hours. “I don’t know, it’s complicated, I don’t know anything about them and also they might have certain expectations about me and what do I do if I do not live up to it. I know we haven’t had a very comfortable story build around us but somehow I don’t wanna disappoint them from my side because they don’t know anything about me like the birthday incident I mentioned about. But I simply don’t want to disappoint because I don’t want my mother, who was never there for me, to question my aunt, who has always been there for me” It’s like you pour the entire timeline of your life in front of  Tom and you were scared if he would drift away. “I understand Y/N, but your parents were the ones who planned this trip right?” “yeah they were the ones.” “so that’s it, you know when I have too much on my plate, my manager asks me to take a break and let everything go for sometime. All my meetings and appointments are cancelled because I will ruin them anyway, so there is no point of it. Your situation is kind of similar too, you have had a lot in your life with you parents not being there and now you simply just have to take a break and forget everything for a while because that’s what your aunt wants to you to do.” His hand finally rested upon yours and none of you flinched. It’s as if it’s meant to be.
That being said, you have already arrived in Rio and a beautiful ocean greeted you with open arms and you accepted it with a fresh mind. Tom’s hand still resting over yours and his fingers brushing the upper part of your hand and you look at each other embracing each other’s warmth with your eyes. That’s when you realized that you have fallen for him, not Tom Holland but just him, just Tom.
After the plane landed he was still holding on to you, scared to let go. He was scared to let you go because he cared about you and some fact had gotten him attracted towards you and he was scared to show you his vulnerable side. On the other hand you were scared to let go because you might never see him again. As if he sensed it again, what you were thinking, “I will see you again for sure. Don’t worry.” With a tight squeeze on his hand you let go and say “thank you, I will wait for you.”
“me too.”
You didn’t see him again after departing the flight, he would steal glances out of every opportunity to see you ,lost between the flashes of cameras and cheering, till the last second. The last time you saw him was to murmur something to his manager pointing towards you and that was it, the escalator distanced him from you. But you would still wait..
Outside the gate you could see your parents waiting for you, with Tom’s words in your mind you greeted them with a smile and everything seemed normal, as if they were always with you.
Two weeks later, still no message from Tom.
Claudia bombarded you with messages, when you told her about the entire duration of the flight. You were kind of annoyed with messages cause they were literally somewhere is hundreds. So you decided to ignore her for sometime.
*Ting* some part of you wanted to check that message but the other part of you wanted to go eat pizza because you were really tired from messaging and explaining everything to Claudia over texts. But then you were like *screw it* and you checked the message and…
*unknown number*: I said you were really beautiful Y/N….
A/n- uh..first of all thank you for reading this, cause it like my first post and my first fanfiction so i was a bit skeptical about posting this but fuck it, here it is guys it took me around four hours to complete this and its worth it. 
also if you wanna be tagged in this just let me know!!! *uwu face*
lemme know if you want a part 2 of this, because I will gladly include it with improvement of course, love you ppl...
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
Going Home - Michael Gray
Main Masterlist // Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Summary: After his cousin and mother sent him to America Michael was angry with them but then he meet you. Then you guys go back to Birmingham with your kids and another on the way
AN: I haven’t seen season five but I know Michael isn’t the best character. And Gina doesn’t exist in this and John is alive. Also don’t judge me if i get anything wrong from the show.
Pairing: Michael Gray x Female!OC
Warnings: Pregnancy, Language, angst, alcohol
YOU and Michael met when he came to America. When he first arrived in America he was pretty pissed as his cousin and his mom sending him there. Plus he barely had no way to contact them and he knew they wouldn’t contact him either. He would probably stay there for the rest of his life he thought. He was bitter for the first weeks he was just angry and always mad at people. Until he met you.
You were working as a seamstress who makes suits and etc. in her own store. He ran into you on the streets and he was about to yell at you before he actually got a chance to look at you. He apologized for bumping into you and you waved it off and accepted his apology.
He suggested walking you back to the store you worked at. You blushed and nodded clearly smitten by him and everything he does and the way he spoke. He was smitten as well. On the way to the shop you almost tripped but he caught you. He thought how clumsy you were was very cute and the way you blushed when he caught you. As you were nearing your shop you said farewell to each other feeling sad he was leaving already.
But he came in the next day asking for a suit with a smirk on his face which made you get butterflies in your stomach like from the day before. You thought you’d never see this mad again in your life but apparently he wanted to see you again. You agreed on making him a suit and he asked you to dinner that night and you agreed feeling real giddy as you jumping around in your head.
You got your best dress and did your hair and make up real nice. You wanted to impress him but what you didn’t know you already made a great impression on him. He looked real nice as well as he put a different suit on but he looked real good. He took you to a nice restaurant and got you the best food there and it tasted good. You talked about your lives like how your father ran out on your mom and she became a single mother. And you always admired her. You weren’t that tough of a child to raise and you were a single child which made it easier.
He told you the story of him growing up in a village and that his name was Henry and then Tommy found him explaining his family wasn’t really his family. He moved to Birmingham and met his mom and cousins who got along until he came to America you didn’t ask why because it seemed like a sensitive topic.
After that night you guys were like glue, always at each other’s sides, going on dates every week. And two months later he asked you to move in with him and you were shocked but agreed with a smile and you already loved him so much.
Then not even a month later you were pregnant with your first child and you were scared to tell him. You hadn’t even told him you loved him. You didn’t even know if he wanted kids. but when you were about to tell him the big news he blurted out he loved you. You were shocked shocked but also very giddy and you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him happily saying you loved him as well.
You told him you were pregnant and hoped he wouldn’t be mad. And he wasn’t. He was a little surprised but happy nonetheless He asked you to marry him which you scoffed and rolled your eyes saying he only wanted to marry because you were pregnant. And you guys only knew each other for three months. But he told you that ‘you loved me and I love so why the hell not’. You thought about it for a few days and agreed wanting to do it as soon as possible so that you would be able to fit your wedding dress only being a months pregnant.
You got married a week after with your mom being the only one there. You gelt like the happiest girl alive.
Then months later you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. And Michael suggested the name Anna saying it was his sisters name. You agreed because a few months earlier he told you he never met his sister and she died. Plus you thought it was a good name.
You got pregnant about 6 months later. God it felt like your family was growing every day. When you told you felt happy but he was even happier
The midwife also told you it was twins which as an even bigger shock and you were a little scared since it was two instead of one. Not only pushing one kids out but two. You only went through it once and it hurt then. But now twice the pain. Michael reassured you that you were strong woman and you could do it.
Three months later you being eight months pregnant and looked like you were about to pop, Michael told you some news. You found out you were pregnant at four months. It surprised it took so long for you to find out.
“My mom wants me to go back to Birmingham,” He told you one night when you guys were cuddling. You only asked about his family a few times and he told you almost everything about them. That they were blinders and his mother and cousin sent him here. You were kind of angry but happy because you wouldn’t have met him if they didn’t send him here. He told you about the Italians and you didn’t blame him for any of it since he thought his mom was still mad at Tommy and that’s why he didn’t tell him. Plus it was in the past and he hadn’t done anything to you to prove he was a monster.
“Why does she want you to come now,” You asked as you looked up at him. You heard about his mom and she seemed like nice person and you didn’t want hold a grudge against for what happened. But you wanted to be on Michaels side as well. But it seemed he gotten over it as well. But he had a little anger in the pit of his stomach that he could ignore.
“She says that she wants to settle things between us,” Michael explains looking down at you with love in his eyes. You both layer in silence for a second.
“So what are you going to do,” You asked as you traced your fingers along his chest.
“I think I should go,” He replied. “Patch things up with the family.”
“Well if you’re going I’m going,” You beamed while looking up at him with a smile on your face.
“Nope,” He disapproved and you looked up at him with a shocked look on your face.
“What why not,” You pouted whole looking up at him.
“Sweetheart you look like you are about to pop and I don’t want you to get hurt,” He cooed you in a stern voice. You knew that he was worried about you.
“I know but I want to meet your family and I want to make sure your okay while you’re there as well,” You told him. He didn’t seem faltered by your words. “Okay how about this if I feel like somethings wrong tomorrow I’ll stay with Anna if not we both go with you. And I won’t put my self in stressful situations,” You offered. He let out a deep sigh before being his hand up to rub his eyes.
“Fine,” he grumbled but before you could cheer he put his hand up. “But we make sure not to put you in ANY stressful situations,” He approves with a stern tone in his voice.
“Ok yep agreed,” You agreed happily with a smile on your face. A wave of tiredness crossed over you. “Let’s get to bed,” You yawned before curling into Michael.
Before you fell you asleep you heard a soft voice “I love you,”
As You Michael and Anna got arrived in Birmingham you started to feel nervous wondering what his family was like in person.
Michael told you that they were dangerous but to not be afraid because they wouldn’t hurt you.
You guys were on the train on your way to Small Heath. As you promised you didn’t put yourself in stressful situations. You were starting to feel a bit uncomfortable on the train and hoped you would get there soon.
Once the train stopped Michael tapped you on the shoulder when he noticed you didn’t get up.
“Come one love we’re here,” Michael coos as he stands pulling his daughter up with him.
You let out a yawn and stood up and stretched. God you could barely move without taking everything out.
“Ok I’m ready,” You sighed and looked at your daughter sleeping in Michaels arms.
Even though she was a little past 1 years old and knew how to walk she loved being in her dads arms. You smile at the two them.
Anna stirred in her sleep and rubbed her eyes with her tiny hands.
“Hey Anna were here,” Michael whispered to his daughter with a smile painted his lips. Anna smile and let out a little giggle.
“Daddy,” Anna let out. She has been saying some words ever since she turned a year and would try to form sentences.
You and Michael shared smiles before walking out onto the platform. He put Anna down. You guys where nervous about letting her walk but Michael held to her hand. You stood to his side while Anna was on his other.
You could tell he was nervous about seeing his mother.
“It’ll be ok Michael,” You whispered in his ear wrapping your hand around his.
Michael nodded doubt running through his veins. He felt extremely nervous about seeings his family again. And about them seeing you and Anna as well.
Then you saw Michael stare at a women with dark hair and high cheek bones. You guessed that was his mother.
“Stay here,” Michael whispered to you and put Anna’s hand in your own. You nodded and watched him walk towards the woman.
You saw that they talked for a minute then a smile was spread across the woman’s face as she hugged him. You saw Michael relax and hug her back.
You let out a smile at the reunion.
“Up,” Anna raised her arms indicating she wanted to be held. You laughed a little and bent down being careful of your belly and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around you watching out for your belly. She let out a little smile and played with your hair.
You looked up and saw that Michael and Polly were walking over to you. You would say you were nervous but that would be an understatement. She looked like a very intimidating woman and you’ve heard a lot about her from Michael.
“Mom this Y/N my wife,” Michael introduced two of you and pointed to your daughter. “And this is our daughter Anna.”
Michaels mom, Polly, looked at your daughter who was resting her head on your shoulder feeling a tad tired. You noticed that Polly was getting a bit teary eyed.
“Nice to meet y-you I’ve heard good things about you,” You stuttered a bit feeling nervous about meeting your husbands mother. She looked like she could be very intimidating at some points but now she hasn’t done anything to make you feel like that.
You put your hand out to shake but she pulls you in for a hug which was kind of uncomfortable with your belly and your daughter in your arms but you tried to hug back anyways. You didn’t want to seem rude.
“Anna after,” Polly trailed off looking at Michael who nodded knowing who she was talking about after she retreated from your hug. She pulled Michael into her arms and whispered something in his ear. “Let’s get you two home you two must be tired from the the ride.
You, Michael, and Anna walked into Pollys house which wasn’t huge but wasn’t small either. You thought it looked really comfortable which you loved. Anna seemed to be getting a bit fussy so Michael took her from your arms into his. Anna put her head into his neck drowsing off.
“I’m going to go lay her down it’s been a long day for her,” Michael told you before going upstairs to one of the rooms.
After Michael left you stood there awkwardly waiting for him to return or Polly to come back from the kitchen.
“Come on in I don’t bite,” Polly called out to you when she noticed you didn’t follow her to the kitchen. You blushed a little before entering the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs. “So has my son been treating well,” She asked you as she got some tea ready.
“Yes he has been a complete gentleman,” You reassured while giving her a smile you put your hands on your belly and felt one of the babies kicking.
“I’m guessing 8 months along and with twins,” Polly asked before sitting down as she noticed you rubbing your belly.
“Yes did Michael tell you,” You ask curiosity painting your face.
“Nope intuition,” Polly gave you smile which you returned.
“I don’t want to sound rude but I’m hoping I give birth soon its been a lot of uncomfortable months for me,” You explain as you try to get situated in the chair.
“I’d assume it would be uncomfortable for twins,” Polly teases while giving you a smirk.
“I’m kind of scared though,” You admitted.
“What are you scared of darling,” Polly asked as she looked at you with a worried look on her face. Even though she didn’t know you for long she felt that you changed her sons life and would be a good addition to the family.
“Well it hurt with Anna so I assume it will hurt twice as much with the twins,” You explain to her. “Michael always reassures me though but it doesn’t help that fear in that back of my head.”
“You’ll be fine I can tell you’re a strong woman,” Polly acknowledged while taking a sip from her tea. “And plus we can get the best doctors to help you through it,” She reassures you.
“I hope so,” You mutter looking down at your huge belly.
“Have you and Michael thought of any baby names,” She tries to distract you.
“We’ve has a few but nothing that’s stuck,” You explained. You thought if it was two boys Henry and William and if it was two girls Rose or Luna. Michael just told you whatever you wanted. Before Polly could say something Michael came down into the kitchen.
“Didn’t have to much fun without me,” Michael joked and kissed your forehead then sat down next to you.
“We were just discussing baby names,” You explain while makes an oh face. Before he can respond Polly interrupts.
“We’re having the family over so that we can celebrate the new family members to the family and your arrival,” Polly surprises you and Michael.
Great a family reunion with the whole family.
As the family rolled into the house you were introduced to everyone. Michael seemed to be taking to his cousins while you were talking to Esme, Ada and Polly. Linda was sitting down reading a book. Anna was asleep upstairs. You woke her her up to feed her and then a few hours later everyone rolled in. So you put her to bed not wanting her to be stressed.
“So you and Michael happy for the baby,” Ada asked as you guys sat food down on the table.
“Yes but it’s going to be more stressful with Anna and it being twins will make it harder of course,” You explain while setting some silverware down after setting down the potatoes.
“Yeah it was hard when I married John he already had a lot kids when that happened,” Esme joked with you while nudging your arm.
“Plus with you getting pregnant every couple years,” Ada jokes while Esme rolls her eyes. It didn’t look like she took it to heart though.
“I don’t think it should be to long now,” Polly told you pointing to your belly.
“Well I hope so,” You laughed while leaning against the table. Before you could speak you felt some pain in your stomach which made you groan a bit.
“You okay Y/N,” Ada asked concern lacing her voice.
“Think it might be soon than later.”
Turns out you were in labor because not 5 minutes later you felt your water break which made you groan as another contraction hit you. Ada and Esme helped you upstairs to one of the rooms and laid you down.
You could hear Michael and Polly arguing. You knew Michael wanted to be with you when you gave birth since he was their for Anna’s birth. As another contraction hit you someone ran into the room and began to soothingly rub your back.
You looked and saw that it was Michael which made you sigh in relief.
“Michael you aren’t going to leave me are you,” You whimpered while some tears travelled down your face. Michael soothed you while wiping away you’re tears.
“Don’t worry love I’m not going anywhere,” Michael whispered in your ear.
You smile but let out a moan when you felt another contraction hit. You could feel them getting closer and closer.
Polly and Ada came up with some supplies and got you ready and when she said push you pushed with all your might.
It took about 5 minutes before one of your babies were out. You let out a breath before letting out a sigh but knowing it wasn’t over.
“It’s a girl,” Ada smile at you while Polly cut the cord. She wrapped the baby in a blanket while handing her to Michael. Michael started down at you’re daughter in awe.
It was broke as you felt another contraction hit you. Polly told you to push and Michael was by your side with your second daughter. Trying to comfort you while holding the baby. Ada took the baby from Michael knowing that you need some comfort.
“I can’t do it,” You sobbed as you leaned back on the bed and wiped the tears from your eyes.
“Don’t worry darling just a few more pushes and you’ll be done,” Michael cooed you.
You nodded before pushing again and only a few minutes later another baby was out you let out a happy sigh while leaning back on the pillow sweat coating your body.
“Another girl,” Polly whispered handing her to you after she cut the cord. Ada handed Michael the first baby and you looked at your babies in awe.
Ada and Polly left you alone for some privacy.
“They’re so beautiful,” You whispered while kissing your daughters nose.
Michael was about to respond before you guys heard someone say, “Mommy,” You looked up and and saw Anna standing there with a smile on her face.
“Come here sweet heart say hi to your sisters,” Michael smile as your first daughter came over to you and tried getting on the bed but failed a few times before succeeding. She went up to lay next to you staring at the new baby.
“What should we name them,” You ask while looking at Michael trying to wrap your arm around Anna with a baby in your arm.
“How ‘bout we both name one,” Michael suggested. You nodded and Michael whispered “Emily.”
“That’s a beautiful name Michael,” You whispered as Michael came and sat down next to you guys. “I’m thinking for this one Rose,” You suggested with a smile.
“I love it,” Michael pressed a small kiss to your lips.
You guys chuckled quietly when you heard Anna start to snore and you weren’t to far behind her.
Michael smiles warmly at all of you. His family.
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Eternal Love of Dream - Chapter Next 5
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(Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/131730357839252427/)
It was the most exciting time of the year in Quinqui. It was time for harvest festival. This was a 7 day long festival with parades, performances from acrobats and a grand fair. Every year anyone related to Quinqui, no matter how far from home he might be, would make it a point to come. Even visitors from all over would gather here.
Bai Xian, the crown prince Ye Hua and their little son Ah-Li had also come to the fox den for this celebration. Ah-Li and Gungun were both super excited to go to the fair. Chong Lin was trying to keep them interested in other things long enough so that they could go only after the sun would go down a little. Bai Xian was so not wanting to walk around in the hot sun and had tasked Chong Lin with this duty.
She herself had come to Xiaobai's room and was helping her bathe and get dressed. Xiaobai had recovered quite a lot, but her wound still hurt if she tried to move quickly or even tried to comb her long hair. So Bai Xian had taken it upon herself to look after her favorite niece.
Dijun had ventured to the kitchen asking his mother-in-law's help to cook something tasty and nutritious for his wife. His mother-in-law was only too happy to oblige. Finding not much else to do by himself Ye Hua had joined in too. They all chatted and cooked away a whole feast with sweet and sour fish, noodle soup, congee and various types of cakes. All of them were feeling very accomplished. Dijun and Ye Hua loaded two trays with all the food and decided to go to Xiaobai's room so they all could eat together.
When the two reached Xiaobai's room, she had finished bathing and getting dressed. Bai Xian was combing her hair and they were chatting. "Please don't tell whatever I am about to say, to Dijun. I don't want him to feel any more guilty than what he is already feeling.", Fengjiu was saying. Dijun signalled to Ye Hua to stop and not enter the room. They both placed the food trays on a nearby table and waited. Ye Hua signalled to Dijun that he will be back soon and left in search of their sons.
"Ye Hua is a true gentleman!", mused Dijun and continued to eavesdrop. His wife was about to tell something to her aunt that she thought would make him feel guilty. So? It wasn't going to be pretty. But he was quite thick skinned and he could handle it. At least that's what he told himself at that time.
Fengjiu continued reminiscing and talking to her aunt. She was talking about some of the hardest days of her life and it wasn't easy for her. But this was her aunt and she was one person Fengjiu did not mind being herself with.
"I waited for Dijun for 73 days. Each day was harder than the one before, but I waited. Everyone told me he had chosen to go to demon realm with Ji Heng. I chose not to believe them.  I went to demon realm with Chong Lin to look for Dijun. There they told me he had been with Ji Heng. I was heartbroken.
I returned home here and was crying inconsolably in my room when medicine god Zhe Yan walked in. He sensed something off with me, checked my pulse and told me that I was pregnant. That moment! It changed my whole life.
I remember that night I did not sleep at all. But by the time morning came, I had made up my mind. God Zhe Yan  had left me two pills - one that would abort and another that would preserve the baby. He also left a note saying he would support me no matter what I picked.
This was my baby. Mine and Dijun's. The only man I have ever loved. This baby was symbol of my unconditional love for Dijun. I knew he had loved me sincerely too. May be after seeing Ji Heng in trouble, he had decided to spend the rest of his life with her. But I knew when he had told me he loved me, he had meant it. I would keep this baby and live for the baby. This baby would be my whole universe from then on.  I ate the pill that would preserve my baby.
Then I packed a few clothes, supplies to hide my birthmark, dress up as a man etc and left Quinqui. First I went to Sky Kingdom. Something in my heart was still not ready to let him go. I hoped to see him one last time. If he wanted to be with Ji Heng, all he had to do was tell me. I would get out of his way. But I didn't find him there. I knew I needed to be strong  for this baby. Especially since I would be his only parent. So I let go of everything and left sky kingdom.
From there I went to Nether world, and checked up on Ye Quingti. I knew I would pay his debt no matter what. I left a trinket with Lord Xie Gu so he could reach me when he needed me to wake Quingti up. And then i went to mortal realm and stayed there until... "
"Why mortal realm? Didn't you know you would be all alone and you wouldn't be able to use your magic either? How could you have acted so foolishly, Fengjiu?", scolded Bai Xian.
"Aunt, I chose mortal realm because I did not want anyone to find me. I knew if any of you had learned that I was pregnant, you would confront Dijun and make him take responsibility for me and the baby. I knew what it was like, to stay away from the one I loved, I could never wish that for him.", Fengjiu explained.
Bai Xian rolled her eyes indignantly and continued with the questions. "How did you manage your pregnancy? Going into labor? The delivery? Did you take care of yourself properly at all?". She was seriously concerned.
"I did the best I could. I went to mortal realm and worked as a cook in a restaurant at that time. It was really hard work all day long. My body ached all the time and I was exhausted. But at least the owner who was an old lady, was kind to me. She let me eat leftovers  and also let me take breaks often in my last month of pregnancy. She even revived me when I passed out from 3 days of labor pains and she helped me deliver Gungun safely. I am so grateful to her.
I was really sad when her son showed up 3 months later and wanted to force himself on me. I fought him, made him unconscious and ran away with Gungun. I did suffer physically and I was also very sad to leave the old lady to look after herself. But, I had no choice, so I did what I could.", Fengju tried in vain to make light of it. Bai Xian was appalled at what she heard.
And so was Dijun. He felt he had been too naive in thinking he could handle whatever he heard about her days in mortal realm. He had really underestimated her hardships.
Her days had been hard. When she had given him up, she had also given up her family and friends. All because of him. He knew he could never repay her for the things he had put her through.
"You are a Princess of Quinqui. You are the Monarch of this kingdom. You are the Empress of one of the most prestigious, powerful and revered god in the Sky Kingdom. Yet you had to work in restaurant and pass out from labor pains with no one to look after you. That's just so ...... ", Bai Xian was so furious, so flabbergasted that she could not find the right words at all.
"How can you love someone so much? How can you love him so much?", she asked incredulously to Fengjiu.
"Love is mysterious in its ways.", Fengjiu replied with a faint smile.
She knew her aunt was very angry. So Fengjiu reached for her aunt's hand. She hugged her aunt and wiped her aunt’s tears smilingly. Bai Xian's anger melted away. No one could stay angry at Fengjiu for long. With more tears in her eyes, Bai Xian planted a kiss on Fengjiu's head and held her close.
Dijun decided it was about time the ladies were interrupted. He wasn't sure he could bear to know any more of the hardships this delicate woman had toughed out because of him. He wasn't that thick skinned after all. He picked up the tray of food that had gone cold and heated everything back up with magic. He saw Ye Hua return with both the kids and together they walked in.
They sat in a circle and ate together. Both guys were pretty happy seeing their wives eat and praise the food they had prepared.
Dijun kept stealing weird glances at Xiaobai. She could sense something off about him. Was he worried about something? Was he about to go away soon and leave her for long time again? That thought scared her and made her very sad. But watching him smile at Gungun, she reasoned with herself that that must not be the case. She would have to ask him later when they were alone, she decided.
And she did get a chance to be alone with him soon. After the food was all gobbled up, Ah-Li reminded everyone that they had to go to the fair after lunch. So Gungun, Ah-Li, Bai Xian and Ye Hua all got ready to go.
“I will bring you sugar paintings, mom. Tell me what kind you want?”, Gungun said.
“Bring me back one dragon and one fox.”, she replied and exchanged a meaningful look with Dijun. That did bring back fond memories and a smile to Dijun’s face. She was happy to see her trick had worked to lighten his mood.
After they were all gone, Dijun closed the door behind them. He came back to her and helped her walk to the window. Although it was quite bright and sunny outside, the glorious willow tree in the yard provided just enough shade on the window seat. They both sat there with Dijun wrapping his arms around Xiaobai.
“What’s going on, Dijun? What’s been worrying you? Please tell me. And please be completely honest with me, ok? No matter how bad whatever that is, I want to know. And I want to work together with you to make it better. So tell me why you are so sad, so worried?” Xiaobai said looking into his eyes with  sincerity.
“Xiaobai, I overheard what you were telling your aunt about the time of Gungun’s birth. I am feeling so guilty about that. As a husband I have failed you. Miserably failed you. I am so very sorry.”, Dijun’s voice cracked.
Xiaobai let out a long sigh and took his hands in hers. She looked at him, quite relieved that the worry wasn't anything about their future. She began to talk. “Dijun, what has passed is gone by. No matter what, we can never change it. So please let it all go. I do feel guilty about misunderstanding you, about talking to you coldly last time we met in the Sky Kingdom and keeping your son away from you for so long. But I am learning from it and learning to let it go. Let’s promise to always be completely honest with each other. Let’s start over, ok?”
A deep sigh left Dijun’s mouth as relief washed over him. His Xiaobai was still willing to give him another chance. She was asking to start afresh with him.
“When did my silly little fox become so wise?”, he chuckled and petted her nose. Hugging her, he let out a long sigh. She shifted to be more closer to him.
He pulled her close and said, “Are you tired, Xiaobai? Sleep a little if you are tired.” He planted a soft kiss on her hair, “Be a good girl and take rest for a while. We can take a small walk outside later if you feel better.”
“Hhmm..”, she said. Then she  sunk her head on his chest and closed her eyes contentedly.
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pressedinthepages · 3 years
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Jaskier/Reader
Rating: E
a/n:  Reader Request: [Hi! What about Jaskier saving the female reader but getting hurt in the process. So she takes care of him after. One day she's helping him to take a bath and Jaskiers body is reacting a bit too excited. But she doesn't mind and decides to extend her help a little bit …]  ok so here’s the tea, i totally forgot about the jaskier saving the day part...so i wrote this instead XD
also thanks to @sometimesiwrite​ for being 10/10.
(There is a link on my page where you can be added to my taglist :D)
Warnings: language, smut, fluff, blood
Jaskier stumbles into a tavern and finds a friendly face.
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    Your chin rests in your hands as your eyelids grow heavier with each passing moment. It’s late, and there hasn’t been a guest in your tavern since the snow started falling when the sun set. Everyone headed home, leaving you here to watch the hours tick by. 
    Now, the moon hangs high in the sky and the snow falls steadily outside, blanketing the world in silent tranquility. That is, until the heavy door to the tavern bursts open with a flurry of snow and icy air, and quickly shut once more. But there was not only a light dusting of snow on the floor now.
    A young man, seemingly deposited straight from the pages of a maiden’s storybook, leans against the door. His cloak hangs askew on his shoulders and he is clutching an expensive-looking doublet in long, pale fingers. He looks up at you and you can’t help the gasp that escapes your lips. His cheeks and nose are pink with chill, making his eyes look like they are glowing in the dim light of your tavern.
    Oh, and those eyes. Bluer than the clearest sea, and you can see that they hold depths beneath them that could turn even the most experienced sailor dizzy.
    “Ah, well met,” the man breathes, his chest heaving as he catches his breath in the warm room. He stands to his full height now, several inches taller than you, and slides his cloak off of his frame. You gasp when his chemise is revealed, the shoulder torn and stained with blood the color of rich wine. 
    You rush to his side, taking the cloak and his doublet from him and tossing them onto a nearby hook for travelers. Quickly throwing the lock down for the door, you usher him towards the rear of the tavern where your living quarters rest. “By the Gods, are you alright…?”
    “Jaskier, my name is Jaskier, dear,” he smiles, but you can see the twinge of pain now that you are a bit closer. “And while I have been better, I have certainly been in nastier scraps. Nothing to be worried about.”
    You give him your name in return before you turn to stoke the fire that had been warming water for your own bath that night. “Well forgive me, Jaskier, but I think that it may be a good idea for me to worry enough for the both of us.”
    He genuinely laughs at that, leaning carefully against the wall. Fuck, his voice drips like honey from a pot. Your cheeks warm a bit as you lift the pot, pouring the warm water into your tub on the floor. “We need to get you cleaned up so I can take a look at that.”
    Jaskier quirks a brow, mischief painting his features in broad strokes. “What, the local tavern owner is the healer too?”
    You shake your head good-naturedly, gesturing to him to join you. “The closest healer is in the next town over, but I have seen my fair share of injuries.”
    “Then I should count myself lucky that it was your tavern I found myself in.” Jaskier moves quickly, reaching up to pull at the already loose strings to his shirt. He undoes them and it falls open and off of him, cascading to the ground in a pool of creamy fabric streaked with crimson.
    His chest is broader than it originally seemed, and, Melitele help you, covered in dark hair. You can see the strength that his body carries covered by a gentle layer of softness, almost certainly from a good diet of wine and good company. 
    And then he flinches as his fingers drift to the laces of his trousers, his shoulder twitching in pain. “C-could you?” He looks up sheepishly, and your hands reach out before you can think twice about it.
    Your hands shake as the laces fall open and you look up and away to try and preserve at least some of his modesty, but you can feel how warm and solid his legs are as you push the pants down to the ground.
    “Thank you, sweet girl,” Jaskier says, holding his hand out to help you up. You lead him towards the warm bath you’ve prepared and help him settle in before pulling up a stool behind him.
    The moan that he lets out, though, when he reclines back in the bath, would make a priestess blush. The heat from the water flushes his chest and his head thunks against the rim of the tub and his blue, blue eyes blink open at you.
    You swallow in an attempt to quell the redness creeping across your cheeks, but it's no good. The best you can hope for is that your professionalism won't let you down. 
"We should get that wound clean and bandaged before you lose blood into the hot water," you say, having dealt with your fair share of injuries from tavern brawls and travelers. Even a witcher once came through with a bloody brow... took some convincing to let you clean him up, but he eventually conceded. He was nice, you thought as you got your med kit from behind the bar. Nicer than you'd've expected when he first came in, scowling and bloody and asking for vodka. You hum to yourself as you look for the right bottle.
“Do you sing?” Jaskier asks, seemingly unperturbed by his injury. You turn back to him with the bottle of clear alcohol in hand, your skirt swirling around on the floor. “Not typically, no,” you reply, sitting back down on the stool and uncorking the bottle. Your free hand finds his uninjured shoulder and rubs soothing circles over the tan skin. “This will sting.”
He inhales sharply and grits out a moan as the everclear wicks into his open wound, “Vayopatis that smarts!!” 
“I’m sorry. A bit of tough love, I’m afraid. Hold still.” Your words are firm but your touch is gentle and caring as you continue.
“So,” you ask lightly as you dip a clean cloth into the water, lifting it to the wound, “just how did you find yourself with this?” 
“Ah, nothing far out of sorts,” Jaskier replies, his voice thin and pained. “Heard someone speaking poorly of a dear friend of mine, so I gave them a piece of my mind. As I turned to walk away, they threw a knife at me! A KNIFE! Coward.”
“Seems you got lucky, looks like it just grazed the skin.” The wound has stopped bleeding now, and Jaskier seems to be melting a bit under your hands. “You still with me?” 
“Oh, very much so,” Jaskiers voice is thick and strained, and his neck has flushed a pretty pink.
“Would you like me to help, ah...wash?” Your voice trembles a bit as you reach down next to you for the soap.
Jaskier smiles, his shoulders relaxing and his knees poking up above the water as he gets comfortable. “I’ll never say no to a bath from a lovely lady.”
You roll your eyes and laugh a little, the tension easing away like suds in the water. You add some soap to the cloth and drag it across his back, over the lines of muscle and down his spine. You are careful around the tender skin of his injured shoulder, but he seems content to lay and let you wash him. 
The air turns thick in the room with the warmth of the water and you can feel sweat bead at the nape of your neck. You unlace the neck of your shirt and let it fall open, the soft skin of your breasts just peeking out into the night. You stand and bring the stool around to sit at Jaskiers side facing him, and you don’t miss when his eyes linger on your exposed bosom.
You hold out your hand expectantly and Jaskier’s gaze falls to your fingers. He stares for a moment, his mind drawing a blank as the air around him feels tighter and tighter. You clear your throat and wiggle your fingers, and Jaskier finally gets the hint. He slides his hand into yours and you hold up his arm, running the soapy cloth down from his shoulder to his wrist. The grime of travel is washed away with every stroke, and Jaskier swallows thickly with each passing moment, warmth blossoming low in his belly. 
You can’t claim to be unaffected either, for you can feel his gaze burning into your skin like a brand. But not in an unwelcome, perverse way. No, Jaskier’s eyes watching your every move feel curious, searching for an answer to a yet unasked question.
Once both arms are clean you lean in, pressing the cloth to the broad expanse of his chest. You drag it lazily over the crook of his collarbone and down through the soft smattering of hair on his skin. His breath hitches and his cheeks turn pink when you brush over his nipple, and you bite the inside of your cheek in an effort to stifle your own moan at the noise.
Your hand drifts lower over his stomach and you can feel it rise and fall with each of his breaths. You are just about to dip below the line of the water when Jaskier’s hand suddenly darts out and catches your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. You instantly retreat, cheeks growing warm with the ideas of what exactly you were about to do.
“Ah, darling, wait,” Jaskier breathes, keeping your hand tight in his. “I just-I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea...y-you’ve been so wonderful and I-uh, my body is ah, well. Very appreciative...” 
You blink as your heart does flips in your chest and you only barely resist the urge to glance down to the water between his legs. “Well, if you wanted...I coul-I could help?”
And then, Jaskier’s face does something truly remarkable. It turns from the soft, apologetic young man to something darker, more primal. His eyes dilate and he grins toothily, and he tips his chin up, exposing the graceful line of his neck. “If you’re certain, darling, be my guest.”
His grip on your hand loosens, though he keeps you well within his grasp. Your hand goes back to his stomach and your fingers drift lower and lower, teasing at the edge of the water before plunging in. Jaskier’s eyes flutter closed and his breath catches when you find his arousal between his legs, hard and straining just past where the eye could see. 
You carefully wrap your hand around the base, feeling the coarse hairs tickle your fingers. His cock throbs at your touch and you move your hand slowly, tugging gently up and back down. “Gods, woman,” Jaskier rasps, his fingers flexing where they now grip the rim of the tub, “h-how are your hands s-so soft?”
“Softer somewhere else,” you whisper, smirking with a wink when his eyes shoot open and grip yours with fervor. Your hand moves faster, just a bit, but enough to have his hips rocking up to meet you. 
“Fuck,” Jaskier’s chest rises high and falls far with every gulping breath that is pulled from him. You lean in and press your lips to his skin, hot and wet and by the Gods so are you. Warmth pools low in your belly as you watch Jaskier fall apart under your hand, and for a fleeting moment, you think about what it may be like to have this in your bed.
“C’mon, Jaskier,” you murmur against his skin, twisting your wrist and squeezing lightly around him, “let me take care of you.”
Jaskier nods and swallows thickly, his hips thrusting harder and harder, chasing a quickly approaching high. Water sloshes out onto the floor and he gasps for air as he grows closer and closer under your watchful eye. “P-please, holy hells, I ju-”
“Go on, Jaskier,” you murmur into the hollow of his throat, “give me your pleasure.”
And then, seemingly quite surprisingly to him, he does.
A ragged gasp tears from his throat as he throws his head back, stuttering up into your hand. Warmth coats your fingers and you slow, still intent on wringing every last drop from him. Jaskier in the throes of climax is a glorious sight, his cheeks pink and muscles tensed, teeth bared with every breath he pulls. His stomach tenses and you move your hand away, not wanting to push too far. You press your lips to his neck one last time before standing, crossing over to the drying cloth that hangs on the back of your door. 
“J-just give me a moment, darling,” Jaskier breathes, slowly blinking his eyes open. “I’ll gladly return the favor.” 
You bring your washing jug over to the bath and set it on the stool along with the cloth. “Don’t worry about me, Jaskier,” you murmur as you help him to stand in the bath, “I just wanted to make you feel good.”
You find the washing cloth and dip it into the jug, wiping Jaskier down from the now-soiled bathwater. Now that he’s standing and you feel a bit more comfortable, you are able to truly appreciate just how pretty his cock is. Long and just thick enough, with dark hair around the base between his legs. And, Gods be good, half-hard against his thigh. You look up at him through your lashes and find him reaching for you, fitting his finger under your chin and bringing you to close the gap. 
“And now,” he whispers darkly, danger dripping with honey, “I’d like to make you feel good.”
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holykillercake · 3 years
Hazy Justice - 02
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pairing: Cop!Smoker x MilitaryDoctor!Reader
word count: 2k
summary: After eight years serving your country in a war, you returned to your hometown as the new head of Trauma Surgery in one of the best hospitals in the country. You were expecting a calmer life now, but suddenly you see yourself choosing between your brain and your heart, light and dark, justice and evil.
notes: I guess you saw the gif already! We have the introduction of a new character!
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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Stiff neck and a headache. This is what you get for sleeping on your living room floor. 
You took a quick shower and some painkillers before heading for another day of work. On your silent drive towards the hospital, your mind ran through various things. 
The first being the list of your patients, the ones you had to check upon first, their conditions, and find out the attending who took care of them during the night, ask them about possible complications and current situation. 
The second subject hovered your head as more of a question, though. Had you finally met your neighbor, or was it just a dream, the result of your exhausted state? 
You spotted a cute restaurant when you stopped at the red light, perhaps you´d have lunch there today, it was near the hospital, and the place gave you a ¨good food¨ vibe. 
The image of the man you dreamed about wandered its way back into your thoughts, despite your difficulty of seeing a perfect picture. His hair was actually the only thing you were sure about. White, a single lock was falling on his forehead, but it didn´t look like it was meant to be there. Maybe it was just ¨end of the day¨ hairstyle. 
You parked your car on your designated spot and looked around the parking lot. It was the first time you´ve seen it so crowded. It made sense, though. 
A yellow Jaguar drove in a couple of minutes after you did, and since that was the only yellow car you had seen so far, and you spot the small white stuffed bear hanging on the mirror, you knew it was Law. 
He left his car and walked over to you with a strange expression.
¨Y/N-ya, what are you doing here?¨ always so straight to the point.
¨Well, good morning, Law. How are you?¨ the man rolled his eyes, but you refused to answer until he learned how to talk to people properly. 
¨Morning, Y/N-ya. I´m good. What are you doing here?¨
¨What do you mean? I work here.¨ you gave him a duh face. 
¨Yeah, but not today.¨ your head tilted to the side ¨Today is your day off.¨
¨My day off?¨ you were so used to not having days off that it didn´t even cross your mind. You asked the HR person everything but days off. ¨What am I supposed to do on my day off?¨
¨I don´t know, Y/N-ya. Go explore the city or have some rest. Today you only get inside this hospital wounded or dead.¨ he said bitterly, patted your shoulder, and entered the building. 
The only thing besides work you had planned for the day was paying a visit to that cute restaurant, so it took you some good thinking to come up with a plan. Maybe Tashigi was free, and you two could do something together. 
<Mornin´ Tashigi! U free today?>
<Morning, Y/N-san! I just need to take somethings to the office then I´m free!>
<Do u mind if we meet there?>
<Of course not! Smoker-san will be there too I think. You said you wanted to meet him.>
<Perfect then! See you in a bit ~>
<See you, Y/N-san!>
Tashigi´s station was inside the Justice District, so it didn´t take long for you to reach it. The journey was peaceful, and the view was something to take note of. Beautiful leafy trees were strategically planted on the sidewalks, offering shadows for those who preferred to walk, no scratched paint in any house, store, or building. They all looked recently finished. The asphalt was shiny and without bumps or holes, making every car trip smooth.
You entered the Police Department and couldn´t help but feel a bit lost.
¨The new Commissioner made quite a few changes in the place.¨ you mumbled to yourself. 
Back in the day when Sengoku was the Chief of the Police Headquarters, the halls were lighter and brighter, the furniture was softer, and it smelled like spring - if that is possible. After he retired, a man named Sakazuki took his place, and to be honest, he seemed pretty decent, but he deals with justice differently, and the place shows. 
First, it was damn cold; the AC was making his money worth it; the smell was the second thing that hit you. The strong odor of bleach, the freezing temperature, and the morbid LEDs on the bleak grey ceiling made you feel like you were in a morgue. Everything else was made out of either leather or metal. 
This Sakazuki guy was definitely on the list of the people you didn´t want to meet. 
¨Hi, can you help me? I´m looking for-¨
¨Y/N-san!¨ Tashigi yelled, almost losing balance and falling on her face. 
¨Hey, careful there!¨ you hugged her. ¨You´re good to go?¨
¨Yeah, I just...¨ she turned her head around a couple of times, looking for something. She smiled and waved at someone ¨Smoker-san! Here!¨
The man was getting out of a room, sunglasses on and a cigar on his mouth. He was tall and seemed muscular under the leather jacket, but what caught your attention was his hair, the same white hair you remembered from last night. Only this time it was completely put back, no loose locks. 
The change in his expression made you think he had recognized you as well, and the thought of Tashigi´s boss being your front-door neighbor made you chuckle. 
¨That´s what I call a coincidence.¨ he said and took off the shades. You struggled not to gasp when his light-brown eyes met yours.
¨Right? I was so tired last night that I thought you were a dream.¨ you giggled, and he broke a smile. 
¨You know each other?¨ Tashigi asked.
¨We´re neighbors! It took a while for us to meet, though.¨ 
¨Tough week.¨ he touched the nape of his neck. 
¨Yeah, it was. We even saw you yesterday, Y/N-san!¨ the young officer said, confusing you ¨The Sora park, we were there too! But since you looked so busy, I didn´t want to interrupt.¨
So much happened, but you couldn´t recall anything. 
You just focused on starting the triage process. Determining the severity of the patient´s condition, assign a priority level, taking care of those who could be assisted in the local, and having the severely injured ones being sent to the hospital where you knew Marco would take good care of them. 
You were immensely wrong when you guessed that the triage process would be easier, thinking that the majority of the victims were fatalities.
 Apparently, the park was celebrating its 5th anniversary, so people from not only the different districts but other cities were all gathered in the park. 
¨Sorry, I didn´t... see you guys.¨ you said a little apologetic and lost. 
¨No apologies needed.¨ Smoker said ¨It was pretty intense. Although we were not supposed to spread knowledge of our presence in the scene.¨ he gave her a disguised rebuke, and you watched your friend get redder than a bell pepper, apologizing. 
You stared at each other for two seconds before you burst into laughter.
¨You´re still as clumsy as I remember, Tashigi.¨ you wiped a few tears ¨But don´t worry, this information dies with me.¨ you turned to Smoker, and he nodded, trusting you as a military. 
¨S-Should we go, Y/N-san?¨ 
¨Yes, of course! Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Smoker.¨ 
¨Pleasure is all mine, Y/N.¨ you shook hands again, staring each other in the eyes. 
His eyes slowly traveled to your lips, and you noticed that you were biting it, blushing more than Tashigi. 
¨Well, see you, then!¨ you let go of his hand and rushed to the door. 
¨Y/N,¨ you turned with an audible hm? and raised brows ¨knock if you need anything.¨ you nodded and smiled. 
¨Will do.¨ 
¨I´ll have the Kenafa, please.¨ Tashigi told the waiter with so much of a look in the menu. 
The cute restaurant you drove by earlier was called Terracota, and it was specialized in foreign cuisine. Even with the names and ingredients, you couldn´t figure out something you´d like, so you decided to order the same thing as the officer. 
¨That´s what eight years of ration do to you.¨ you joked.  
¨What have you been eating these days?¨ 
¨Whatever they have on the menu at the hospital. Sandwiches, pasta, sandwiches, sandwiches, chocolate bars, sandwiches...¨ you laughed ¨Haven´t had time to think about cooking yet.¨
¨Take outs are simpler, right?¨ you nodded ¨So, what do you think about Smoker-san?¨ 
¨Looks decent, polite, hard worker-¨
¨Aw, come on, Y/N-san! That´s not what I asked!¨ she gave you a suggestive look ¨He´s not taken, you know.¨
You open and closed your mouth a couple of times, words refusing to come out.
¨What? Tashigi!¨
¨I´m just saying!¨ she held her hands up, defending herself in the middle of giggles ¨But seriously, Y/N-san, I think he liked you too.¨
¨Ok, first, I never said I liked him, and second, I just got here. Can´t really think about this stuff.¨ 
¨Well, you should consider, at least. He doesn´t go out a lot, so...¨ she prolonged the last word ¨...maybe it was fate that put you two as neighbors.¨ you scoffed.
¨You believe in this stuff?¨
¨I do. Sometimes we see some crazy things...¨ her expression frowned ¨...it helps if I believe in fate. And the reason behind things... you know?¨ you nodded when she looked at you, even though you didn´t.
For your salvation, the waiter came back with the amuse-bouche, breaking the uncomfortable moment.
 You didn´t want to tell her that you stopped believing that everything happens for a reason a long time ago.
¨But you said you have a brother here, right? Have you seen him already?¨
¨Unfortunately, no. He´s out of town now, so I´ll have to wait. God, I miss him so much!¨ a smile grew on your lips with the idea of seeing him again. 
¨Oh yeah, you told me he runs businesses. Do you know the names? Maybe I know or visited before, or even know him!¨
¨Of course! There´s the Casino Verde, the Hotel Verde and a restaurant called Suna. I´ve never be-¨ 
The girl in front of you turned purple as she choked on her food, a raucous cough called everyone´s attention while one hand covered her mouth and the other smacked her chest. 
¨Y-Your brother is C-Crocodile?¨ she asked with a hushed voice, still trying to fight her food from coming out. 
You were expecting her to know him, but the explosive noodle reaction caught you a little off guard. 
¨Yeah... are you ok?¨ you offered her a napkin which she gladly accepted.
¨I´m sorry about this, it´s just...¨ she paused a bit, brows furrowing while her fingers tore the napkin you gave her. Then she took a deep breath and recomposed herself ¨... he´s very famous, you know? He basically runs the Light District!¨
You knew he was rich and powerful, but to say that he ran the most extravagant district was a surprise. A good one, though. You couldn't help but feel proud of him. 
You remember all the sacrifices he made when you were two just kids lost in this world. All the humiliating jobs he´d work at to buy you food. The pain of having his childhood taken from him at such young age. 
He became a man to protect you. He never let anything or anyone hurt you, he never let you starve even if that meant he´d be going to sleep with nothing but a glass of tap water in his stomach.
You felt a burning sensation on your nose, and your eyes started to water, bringing a genuine smile to rise on your lips and tears roll down your cheeks. You didn´t mind it, though. You were too happy.
¨Yeah... he is my brother.¨ 
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thepointoftheneedle · 3 years
I’m really enjoying the fragments (and I freaked myself out with that word count thing so I’m taking some time off from writing....note to self -NEVER look at the stats page.). Anyway I keep trying to write this little soulmate thing but, without me intending it, it always becomes an academic paper on the philosophy of colour perception.  And I can’t imagine anybody but me is interested in that!
Below the cut anyway....(I guess this should have been for Friday but what the heck...)
His eyes fluttered open as he awakened but, feeling the warmth of the sleeping girl by his side, he closed them tightly.  He wanted them to have this experience together.  Nothing would ever be the same for them again.  It was a special moment for a couple and he wanted it to be perfect.  He had installed the app on his phone so he fumbled for it, knocking some loose papers from the nightstand and cursing gently.  She mumbled and stirred so he put his hand over her eyes.  “What the hell J?  What’re you doing?”  
“I’m opening up ‘Soul Truth.’  We can look together.”
“Oh J, no, don’t do that,” she moaned softly, beseechingly.
“Ssh, don’t worry.  It’ll be great.”  He kissed her gently, voice-activated the app and removed his hand from her eyes.  She was looking at him, not the screen so he gently turned her head and looked down as she did.  The screen was a uniform blue.  His stomach lurched.  It must be a glitch.  “Wait, wait a second,” he muttered, clicking the app closed and reopening it.  Solid blue.  He looked at her and saw the sadness in her beautiful dark eyes.  Sadness but not surprise.  
She reached out a hand and stroked his cheek softly, “Hey, I’m sorry J.  I didn’t want to disappoint you but I already knew.  I just didn’t feel it last night.”
“Jeez Rox, I’m so sorry.  I can do better, you just have to tell me what I did wrong.  I know I can be what you want. I thought you’d…I thought I felt you...”
“I did, Jughead, of course I did.  Listen.  It was great.  You were great.  So tender and kind.  It was beautiful and I really had a good time but it wasn’t…I don’t know.  It wasn’t whatever soul mates have.  You’ve heard Fangs talk about it.  It’s next level.  Transcendent.  What we had was great sex, but it was just great sex.  No angelic chorus.  You had to feel that?” She was normally tough and streetwise but now her voice was gentle, trying not to hurt him.  There was a painful lump in his throat.
“I thought it was transcendent, you were anyway. I think I’m falling in love with you Roxie.”  His voice was quavering.  He was ashamed of his weakness.  “It has to be a mistake. It’s the app.  It has to be.”  Abruptly he was up and heading down the hallway before she could say another word.  “Fangs, “ he yelled.  “You in there?” He stood waiting, shivering, in his boxers, while disgruntled groaning emanated from the room, until eventually the door opened a crack and Fangs peered out at him.
“Jones, the building better be on fire.  We didn’t get in til four.  What time is it?”
“Just after eight.  Look, is this broken?”
Fangs looked at the proffered screen blearily then a small smile appeared on his face.  “Aww cute bunny.”  Jughead snatched the screen back and swiped up.  An image appeared in his visible spectrum of a cartoon bunny rabbit holding out a carrot.  The legend underneath read “I wuv you.” 
“Uggh, why don’t they have something with a bit of gravitas?  Shit.  Fuck it!”  Jug turned around just as Fangs understood the situation.  
“Oh my god Jughead!  Did you and Rosaline finally do the do? Oh shit…you can’t see that can you? Oh Christ man, I’m so sorry.” 
Jug swallowed down his disappointment, just like he had been swallowing down his anger and sorrow and guilt and sadness for most of his life and shrugged at Fangs.  “No biggie.  Apparently I’m destined to die alone.  Whatever.”  He stalked off back to his own room only to find Roxie already getting dressed. “Roz, shit, can’t we talk about this?  Don’t go. Maybe it’ll happen later, perhaps it’s not always instant?”
Her voice was low and mournful when she spoke. “J I really care about you, you’re my good friend, but we’re both searching for something that we’re never going to be able to give each other. Let’s just take some time apart.  Maybe in a few months we’ll be able to go back to being pals again.  I’m really sorry that you’re disappointed.”  With that she was gone in a whisk of magenta hair and Cabotine perfume.
He sat on his bed and stared into space.  He’d been so sure.  She was a dear friend, she understood him, laughing at the same things, enjoying the same movies.  There was never any stress or conflict with her.  It was easy. She indulged his bad moods and cajoled him out of sulks with food and silly jokes.  He knew enough to leave her well alone when she was getting into one of her rages.  Then gradually, as they worked together on the documentary project, he found himself wanting to touch her hair, wanting to hold her tiny body against his in a protective embrace, wanting to make her feel good with his touches.  She’d seemed uncertain but he’d persevered, wooed her really.  Then finally, excited and giddy after the showcase where their documentary project had taken first place she’d kissed him and whispered, “Do you want to go back to your place?”  He’d been so happy as they’d crunched back to his apartment through the first snow of the winter.  He’d wondered if it might happen when they finished the film.  While sex tended to be the main way that a soul bond was revealed, a lot of soul mates actually bonded on completion of some other kind of shared project.  It hadn’t happened then but he’d been so sure that, if they made love, it would click and the missing shade would be revealed to them.  And then it hadn’t happened.
The app was pretty new.  Before the advent of the smart phone, folks would have a painting or a poster in their homes.  To those who were not matched it would look like an ordinary scene but once a soul bond was formed, the missing colour in the spectrum was revealed, and the soul mates could read the message in the image.  It was a little like a magic eye poster.  You looked at it for a moment or two and then the missing colour reconciled itself into words or an image.  Originally they had some gnomic inspirational quotation.   The one in the trailer he grew up in had, his mom said, had the Rolling Stone’s lyric, “You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you find you get what you need.” Ironically FP and Gladys had been neither what the other wanted nor what they needed.  Later it would turn out that FP had lied when he stood in front of that poster and told the innocent, love-struck young girl, wrapped in the sheet from his bed, that he saw it  for the first time too. Actually he’d already bonded with someone else, someone who had no intention of getting tied up with a guy in a gang from the wrong side of the tracks.  He must have thought it was his lucky day, a second chance for happiness, when the beautiful girl he’d been romancing excitedly admitted that she could see the colour for the first time.  He’d nodded enthusiastically, said, “Yeah, me too,” and whisked her away to a world of damp trailers, drunken arguments and angry guys repossessing their truck, or the tv, or the kids’ toys.  She’d stayed because she believed he was her soul mate.  She thought she had no other options until, in a drunken rage, he’d revealed that it had always been a lie. She snatched up her daughter and left him.  And left the boy too, unwilling to take a kid who looked so much like the man she had been fool enough to trust and who had ruined her life with his lies.
The fact that scumbags with no moral scruples lied about this shit had led to the development of checking apps like Soul Truth, “the truth, the soul truth and nothing but the truth” according to the tag line.  You both looked at the screen and noted down what you saw, then swiped up and the image was revealed in ordinary unbonded colours.  It made it harder for predators and perverts to take advantage of young innocents while their good sense was overwhelmed by romantic dreams.  It also revealed that about ten percent of bonds were unreciprocated like Jughead’s parents, one of the couple bonded and the other didn’t.  Those couples had to decide if they would make that work, aware that one was more invested than the other, or if it was better to simply part, the bonded still feeling that desperate pull to their mate even decades later. Jug guessed he should be relieved that he hadn’t seen the colour that morning since, clearly, Roz was just not that into him.
He’d been sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the rug like that for thirty minutes when Fangs tapped softly on the door.  “Not now,” he snapped but Fangs ignored him and pushed open the door.
“Ok Jug.  I know you’re upset but it just means you haven’t found her yet.  She’s still out there and if you go into one of your epic sulks you’ve got less chance of meeting her.  What classes have you got today?”
“Nothing I can’t cancel.  Everyone’s cramming for Finals.  I was supposed to meet the princess to go over the final layout for the literary magazine.  She can do it on her own.  She’ll like that better anyway.” 
Now Kevin joined his boyfriend in the room, both of them making him feel self indulgent and guilty with their solicitousness.  “You shouldn’t shut yourself away and mope, Jughead.  Go and edit like a champ and then come by the theatre for us and we’ll go for burgers. We’re striking the set but we can take a break.  Our treat.  What do you say?”
Jughead pondered for a moment.  Nothing was going to change if he sat here, the princess would  be unbearable if he blew her off, and burgers on someone else’s tab were his favourite kind of burgers, so he grudgingly allowed himself to be persuaded.  
An hour later he was in the midst of a heated argument with the princess about his perfectly legitimate decision to kill a terrible poem about the fall which she, inexplicably, had marked for an already overcrowded page four.  “You can’t just take things out without consultation Forsythe.  We’re an editorial committee, we make decisions together.  It’s supposed to be a collaboration.”
“What, you want to keep this pile of third grade horseshit do you? And you’re just calling me that to make me mad. Don’t think I don’t know.”
“I didn’t say that.  It’s terrible.  It obviously has to go.  But you can’t just do it unilaterally. And you can’t call me Princess and not expect me to retaliate.  You know my name.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake Princess... sorry, my humblest apologies, for fuck’s sake Betty.  What the hell are we arguing about if we both think it’s bad and needs to go? And why is it even in here in the first place?”
“It’s in there because we were waiting on your egregiously late piece of sub Lovecraftian geek porn.  I was filling space.  Since you finally got your ass in gear we don’t need it anymore. So spike it.”  She had this way of making him feel like he lost, even when he won an argument.  It was infuriating.
They worked on pagination for another couple of hours with surprisingly little conflict, and then he wrote kickers for a few of the longer submissions, hoping to tempt the reader to give a story a chance.  She made sure the submissions were correctly attributed and that the running heads and page numbers and folios were in place.  Finally it seemed that they were done.  He clicked back to the front page, checked the position of the artwork and the masthead and looked over at her with a questioning expression to see if she was satisfied. She nodded her approval and, at last, under the words “Joint Editors”, he typed "Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones.”    As he clicked ‘save’ something shifted in his field of vision.  He was alarmed, pushing back from the desk and looking around, meeting her startled eyes.  Her green eyes, which weren’t green anymore.  He couldn’t describe what colour they were, there were no words.
“What just happened?” she whispered, obviously badly frightened.  
“Does…does anything look different to you?” he replied, hesitantly, reaching for his phone.
“Yes, everything.  What’s going on?”
“I’m not sure. Look at this.” He pulled up the app.  On the screen he could see, without difficulty, a cartoon cat, Pusheen maybe, its paws deep in some dough.  The caption read “I knead you.” As he read the words in his head, she said them aloud. “Fuuuuck,” he murmured.  “I think we’re soulmates, Princess.”
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iwillhaveamoonbase · 3 years
Operation Cool Guy
Callum tries to be a cool guy to get new student Rayla to agree to a date with him.
Inspired by a scene in Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.   Rated M because of sexual references made, but not sandwiches were made.
Callum stared at the new girl, Rayla, out of the corner of his eye.  She looked good in their school uniform, long legs on full display, though she complained often about how the school wouldn’t let her wear tights underneath. It was hard not to notice her, with her almost pure white hair and striking purple eyes as well as a Scottish accent that was very much out of place in their California private school. She’d transferred for her final year after her parents moved to the States for work.  At least, that was the rumor.  Callum didn’t actually know.
He fidgeted with his jacket a bit.  Rayla was instantly popular and surrounded by people almost 24/7.  The star quarterback had asked her out who knew how many times, the last time resulting in Rayla twisting his arm behind his back and demanding he leave her alone.  Due to Rayla being a senior while Callum was a junior, they only shared a mixed-level science class together.  She always sounded so smart when she was called on in class.
A loud slam from Rayla’s direction caused him and everyone around him to jump.  “Just leave me alone, you dick.”  Her voice rang loud and clear as she refused to turn to look at the soccer captain who had, apparently, asked her out yet again.
“Rayla, I can show you a good time.  The best time.”
“Please,” she scoffed. “I’ve heard your exes talking in the locker room.  You expect a girl to suck on your dick and refuse to lick pussy in return.  No thanks.”
“It’s not sanitary,” he groused.
Callum watched as Rayla turned on him, staring at the soccer captain for a moment before laughing.  “The American education system has completely failed your ass, hasn’t it?  It’s self-cleaning, you idiot, and women tend to know how to find info to keep themselves clean.  Also, there’s no way you’d want me because I’ve licked pussy and if it’s so unsanitary, I must also be unclean.”
“Are you…are you gay?”
Rayla rolled her eyes. “I’m Bi, thanks for asking.  And you sounded really hesitant there, so let’s make something clear: I have two dads. Two GAY dads.  I have zero interest in dating someone who has homophobic tendencies, so you can stop hitting on me.”  
“I’m not-”
“Don’t care.  Wasn’t interested in your ignorant ass anyways.” Rayla turned back to her locker, effectively dismissing the soccer captain.  Everyone watched as he stared at her, mouth agape, before huffing and walking away, grumbling under his breath.  
Callum looked down at his phone.  A text from Soren had just come in, telling Callum to go with the plan and act like a tough guy with Rayla.  He’d had a crush on her ever since he had first heard her introduce herself, but there was no way someone has cool and interesting as her would like him.  Soren had insisted he could coach Callum and to act uninterested and all that.
Callum sighed, running a hand through his hair and closing his locker before walking over to her. He leaned against the lockers and tilted his chin to try to show-off his jawline.  “Hey.”
Rayla didn’t stop going through her locker nor did she even glance at him.  “What do you want?”
“Your number.”
Callum internally winced. “I wasn’t that interested anyways.”
“Cool.  We done here?”  Callum didn’t have time to respond before Rayla closed her locker again and walked away. Several girls started trailing behind her, their chatter carrying through the halls.  
Callum sighed.  ‘Strike one.’
Callum groaned as he thought about Soren’s latest text in his plan to get Rayla to agree to go on a date with him.  He’d acted uninterested, like he had an interest in typical masculine things like cars and bikes, and had even gotten detention for telling a teacher off. Rayla was still not responding to him or anyone else.  Maybe Soren was wrong; maybe all girls didn’t like bad boys.
The school was almost completely empty and Callum and Rayla were sitting in detention.  Callum for the teacher incident and Rayla for refusing to take off her tights and follow the uniform guidelines.  She’d loudly complained in class that she didn’t think a simple pair of black tights were a problem when the girls already had to wear knee socks but it had fallen on deaf ears.  Rayla rolled her eyes when she saw him there and turned away from Callum, focusing on her homework.
The teacher got up from his desk, glaring at them both.  “You two better be here when I get back.  I have to go talk to Ms. Smith about another one of your classmates.  Delinquents, the lot of you.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be an educator if you think so poorly of us,” Rayla grumbled.  Callum stifled a laugh as the teacher glared at her.
“You are an intelligent, respectable young woman, Ms. Burrows.  Why are you so determined to question authority?”
“I’m Scottish and Irish. It’s what we do.  People try to impose their authority and superiority on us all the time.  I question stupid rules and people believing they can tell me what to do without having good reasoning beyond ‘because I said so’ or ‘that’s how it is’ and, in the case of the uniform ‘because that’s how it’s always been.’  Change is good sometimes.”
The teacher pinched the bridge of their nose and loudly exhaled.  “I’ll be calling your fathers about this.”
“Ask to speak to Ethari. He’s nicer.  Runaan will tear you a new one.”  The teacher shook his head and left, grumbling about students refusing to behave and follow the rules.  
Callum turned to look at her.  “So-”
“I’m tired of people telling me what to do.  That good a enough reason for you?”
Callum shrank a bit at her blunt phrasing, looking down at his hands.  “I was going to ask you out-”
“I…I mean-”
Rayla turned her head away, scoffing.  “No, thanks.”
Callum gulped and thought back to Soren’s plan.  There was no way it would work.  Callum remembered his mother telling him to just be honest with others and he would be happier in the long run than if he tried to change himself to make someone else happy.  “Look, I’m just trying to tell you I want to be with you.”
Rayla turned her head and glared at him.  “OK?  Why? Why do you want to be with me?”
“Because you’re smart and cool and really pretty but not in a glamor way, but a ‘I’ll run through the woods and get dirty after climbing a tree but have fun doing it way’.  You’re tough and it was awesome when you twisted the quarterback’s arm behind his back and when you flipped John for putting his arm around your shoulders.  And I’m not this…cool guy who is unaffected by things.  I like to draw and paint and study different cultures and languages. I know I’m not cool enough for you, but I still really like you.  Your laugh makes my heart feel full and my day is a thousand times better when I get to see you or hear your voice and now I sound creepy and I’m going to shut up now.”
Callum turned away and fidgeted with his jacket.  Rayla was quiet for a few moments, before finally muttering a soft ‘hey’.  Callum turned back to see a strong flush on her cheeks going all the way up to her ears.  “That’s the first honest thing anyone has said to me since I got here.  I like you, too.  You’re pretty cute and you care about people around you.  When you did the ‘cool guy’ act, I thought I had misread you and I was really disappointed.”
“Really?”  Callum couldn’t believe his ears.  She liked him?  Him?      
“Yeah.  I’ve never seen cheekbones like your’s in person.  I’ve also got a thing for green eyes, maybe.”
“So, can I get your number?”
Rayla shook her head. “You haven’t earned it yet.  I’m still not happy that you pretended to be someone you aren’t just to get in my pants.”
“I didn’t-”
“OK.  I believe you.  That’s not what it was.  But…”, Rayla bit her lip, “you still have to earn it.  Keep showing me who you really are and then we’ll talk.”
“OK.  Deal?”  Callum held out his hand; shocked when Rayla shook it.
Four weeks later, Callum was the proud, sole person in their school who had Rayla’s private cell phone number and a week after that, they were holding hands down the hall and he was kissing her in the alcoves between classes.  Soren had freaked out that honesty and being yourself had even worked but Callum was not going to question it.  The most amazing girl he had ever met was giving him a chance and he had never been happier.  
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personasintro · 5 years
Sleepover [oneshot]
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⏤𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴; Jungkook is your best friend’s little brother who invites you to have a sleepover at his place. Nothing can happen, right?
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: oral sex [female receiving], strong language, light spanking, penetrative sex, protected sex
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: fluff, smut
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 10.4k
request: “Would it be ok for it to be smut? And oc is going over to jk house to have a sleepover with his older sister, only that his sister is working late and will be home later on in the night so it’s just oc and jk?” 
A/N: This one is inspired by one of mine requests. I made a little twist to it I hope you’ll like it x
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You don’t think you’ve ever seen so many boxes in one room. The room is already filled with so many boxes and you put another one on top of it. 
How can one person have so much stuff? 
You turn back to repeat the same process of putting boxes from the huge van to inside. You’ve been doing it for the past thirty minutes and even if you’re holding boxes which aren’t that heavy, you still feel the little ache in your arms. You should probably start working out but you’re too lazy for doing any of it. Plus, being an adult while trying to survive in this awful world — nah, you don’t have time for that. 
“Jungkook, why the hell have you so much stuff?!” you hear your best friend’s — Jina’s — loud voice, seeing her already wiping the sweat off her forehead.
 You chuckle at her furrowed eyebrows, probably mentally cursing at her younger brother. You come up to the van he rented for today seeing your best friend fuming with her hands on her hips. He hops out of the vehicle, his boots hitting the floor while wiping his own forehead. His hair is curly and raven and even though he is probably the most tired person here, he still looks effortlessly beautiful and you’re trying not to stare too much. He smiles at his sister in teasing manner while his eyes crinkles at the end. 
“I’m an adult, I’ve a lot of stuff.” he explains but his sister only scoffs loudly.
“Just because you’re twenty doesn’t mean you’re suddenly an adult. You’ve to take care of yourself now, no mom’s homemade food.” Jina says but not in rude tone. 
She talks to him softly thinking her younger brother doesn’t realize what it takes to live on your own. Moving out from your parents’ house — your home — is a new and big step. You and Jina have been already through that and it was way harder than it seems.
“I know, I can perfectly take care of myself,” Jungkook states confidently, while taking one of the lightest box in his hands. He looks up at you, those big doe eyes looking at you softly. 
It’s your best friend’s brother, Y/N. Don’t be so effected by him. And what? You can still think he’s attractive because well... he is and there’s that. It doesn’t mean you’ll jump on him. You’ve some self control and besides, it’s like best friend’s code — no dating with each others’ siblings. As much as you and Jina get along, since high school, you know she wouldn’t be able to get through it if you and Jungkook would be somehow involved. Also, he’s five year younger than you starting with a college. You both are completely at different places. 
Not that you’re thinking how it’d be dating him. 
“Can you please take this, Noona? It’s one of the last ones,” he asks you kindly and you quickly scurry to him taking the box from him. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, no problem.” you nod with a smile, taking the box to his new home. His new apartment looks like some storage space but it’s understandable when he’s just moving in. There’s no personal touches to his new home yet — the apartment isn’t that big but still looks amazing. The bathroom and kitchen looks modern and even the walls he got painted look amazing. It looks like he’s got a great taste. 
You put the last one box down turning around to see Jina and Jungkook coming in.
“Thank you so much for helping.” he says to his sister as soon as he closes the front door.
“Of course, I told you I’d help you. I’m your big sister,” she says slinging her arm around his frame but it looks rather funny. 
Even though he’s younger — he’s obviously a man now. He’s taller than her at least for good thirty centimeters and his whole body is perfectly fit and manly. The dark khaki long sleeve T-shirt he’s wearing shows his broad shoulders and chest perfectly. Jina getting emotional for her brother who’s not affected by it that much like she is, she quickly gasps wiping her eyes which got watery. 
“I’m thirsty, I’ll be right back.” she says trying to get to the kitchen through boxes. 
After she’s out of your sight, Jungkook looks at you with his soft brown eyes. You almost visibly gulp but you stand there simply staring back at him. What is this kid doing?
“Thank you Noona for helping me. I really appreciate it.” he thanks you with a soft smile playing on his small plump lips revealing his bunny teeth.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to thank me. I’m glad I could help. Moving out is a huge step for you,” you tell him sitting down on the side of his sofa still covered in huge plastic cover. He leans against the wall next to him ruffling his hair which got into his eyes.
“I know, my mom is freaking out since I told her I’m thinking about moving out,” he chuckles. “She thinks I’ll die from hunger but I can cook something. Besides the convenience store is just around the corner.” he shrugs. 
You simply stare at him seeing him differently. He’s not a little kid anymore like he used to be with his ball cut wearing extremely edgy clothes for his age trying to look tough. His skin acne free now, looking smoothly and velvety which you’re secretly jealous of.
“I live just a few blocks away. If you ever feel hungry I’ve got enough food for you,” you laugh but you’re serious. 
He’s like a little brother to you as well. Whenever the Jeon’s family went camping, organized some family gathering — you’ve always been there. You’ve known their family well for about six years know. You’ve met him when he was only sixteen, remembering the first time he shyly greeted you with a bow. You’re a part of their family — as they like to claim.
“Good to know,” he laughs while pulling his sleeves up to his elbow. His gold skin almost blinding you, the little veins decorating his skin. He definitely grew up real fast. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks suddenly cocking his head to the side.
“You just... grew up. You’re not that sixteen year old kid I met anymore,” you let out a laugh watching his eyes staring at you.
“I can assure that I’m definitely not,” he says lowly and your eyes widen a little bit at his tone. You cough smiling at him awkwardly.
“I think I know how Jina feels now,” you tell him and his brows scrunch is confusion. “You’ve been like a little brother to me and now you’re living on your own. It’s just emotional a little bit.” you laugh in amusement but he doesn’t laugh with you. 
His jaw clenches while he watches you darkly. Your laugh freezes and you think you’ve somehow crossed the line. Maybe he doesn’t feel like you’re that close for you to call him your little brother. But you’ve been there. Since his rebellious period to now.
“Yeah, it kind of is.” he mumbles smiling at you but it doesn’t look real.
Thankfully, your best friend comes to the room with smudged mascara under her eyes sighing dramatically. “I wasn’t crying!” she quickly says, putting her hand in front of her like in defence when both of you look at her with raised brows.
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Checking yourself in the mirror for the last time you make sure that you look decent. Satisfied with your look you lock your car walking inside trying to find Jina. Once you spot her pink sweater you walk up to them. 
Jina, Jungkook and his friends invited you to hang out with them. What is better way than spending your Saturday playing bowling? Even though you’re absolutely awful at playing it but you don’t mind. 
Everyone greeted you with cheerful greetings, Jina hugging you so hard you could barely breathe. But one particular pair of doe eyes looking at you while he sits on a leather couch. 
“Hi, Noona.” he greets you with little wave and you smile at him greeting him back. When you said you’re awful at playing bowling — you were right. 
Your name being the last one on the big board with the lowest score is the proof of it. Even Taehyung and Jimin are better at it and they were fooling around the whole time. 
“We’re going to order some drinks, do you guys want any?” Taehyung asks when the game ends, everyone ready for another one but decided on taking a break. 
Jungkook reserved the bowling alley for the whole night. Everyone says their order when Jina’s phone starts to beeping ending up with her going outside for a while to talk with her boyfriend. It’s just you and Jungkook — and it feels awkward. You haven’t seen him since he moved in and it’s already been two months. It wouldn’t be even that awkward but the silence between you two is. The sounds of a bowling ball hitting pins, music and people talking could be only heard. Jungkook feels the weird and awkward atmosphere so he coughs loudly catching your attention. 
“So,” he starts giving you a soft smile. “How have you been?”
His body is slouched on the leather couch, arm stretched around the couch’s seatback. He wears an oversized khaki hoodie with matching pants and those favorite black boots of his. He looks stunning. He looks completely different from the all men with suit and ties in your work, maybe that’s why you always find his fashion sense interesting. His forehead could be seen making him look somehow different than with his usual fringe covering it. 
“Noona,” he speaks when you don’t give him any answer and you quickly gave him your awkward smile. You hope he doesn’t catch you checking him out — that would be too embarrassing.
“O-oh, I’ve been great. Just too busy with my job and everything... but besides that I’m great. How’s living on your own?” he smiles at your question looking happy.
“It’s been great. I definitely miss my mom’s homemade food but other than that, it’s been great.” he answers while you nod at him making sure he knows you’re listening. “I haven’t seen you for awhile.” he adds reaching for a bottle glass of cola and drinking from the straw. 
You eye the movement of his lips puckering around the thin yellow straw seeing him sucking and drinking from it.
“Yeah...” you mumble just watching him simply drinking his cola like some lunatic. Get yourself together, Y/N! “So why bowling? Other than you’re perfect at it.”
He chuckles while shaking his head. “Perfect? Barely.” he scoffs while smiling putting the cola back on the little table.
“Come on, you’ve won for third time with biggest score. We weren’t even close to your score,” you laugh pointing to the big screen above your bowling alley which shows the old score.
“Okay, I’m good at it. I’ll admit that,” he puts his hands in surrender and you tsk at him. “And why bowling? I guess I wanted to thank all of you who helped me with moving out. I already payed for everyone’s dinner but you couldn’t come so...” 
It’s true. 
After a week or so Jungkook moved in, he invited everyone who helped him — which included you and Jina helping him the first day and Taehyung and Jimin the next day — but unfortunately you couldn’t come due to your work schedule.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I wish I could’ve come,” you apologized with small pout and he finds you adorable. Adorable even though you’re five years older than him.
“Oh, no don’t apologize. I get it. I’m just glad you’ve made it this time,” he smiles looking at you deeply in the eyes. 
You could see the honesty and spark in his big doe eyes and you feel your heart beating faster. You���re not supposed to feel like this about him. The attraction towards him is pulling you to him but you’ve to stop yourself. Wanting nothing more than to sit on his lap and— no you can’t think about that. It’s Jina’s younger brother. He’s simply just a... kid. Even if he definitely doesn’t look like one with his toned body. 
“So do you want to learn how to play bowling?” he asks suddenly and you blink couple of time quickly nodding before processing his words properly. This is what an handsome boy does to you.
He walks to the bowling alley before turning around to finding you sitting there watching him. He quirks a brow at you chuckling to himself. “You’ve to come here, Noona.”
Idiot! You want to slap yourself for making this even more awkward than it already was. You just hope he doesn’t find you weird. You never thought you’d ever care what a twenty year old thinks about you. But now it’s like the only thing you’re thinking about. Does he think I’m weird? Does he find me awkward and annoying?
“Alright, but I suck at this.” you announce hand in surrender while walking up to him. Maybe coming to the bowling in your work attire which consist of pencil skirt and high heels wasn’t the best choice, but you’d come even later if you would go home just to change yourself to better and more appropriate clothes. Thankfully they insist on wearing a bowling shoes which they borrow for everyone at the counter.
“I know,” he shrugs and you slap his shoulder with offended ‘hey’. “That’s why I’m helping you with this.” he adds with cheeky smile and you shake your head at him while laughing. 
He clicks something on the little side board setting up the pins before choosing from the bowling balls. 
“This is the lightest one and best for you,” he says handing you the neon green ball. “Put your fingers here,” he says showing you while he puts his fingers into the little holes on the ball and you gulp. This is rather awkward seeing his long fingers disappearing in the hole. 
“Okay, your go,” he says and you do exactly what he done. “Perfect.” he muses.
He walks to the balls arranged in the line choosing the black one. It seems way heavier than yours, the way his biceps bulge out. “Now watch me.” he says walking back to the front of the lane.
I am, you don’t have to worry about that.
He shoots the ball giving you a good view of his ass. You watch him intensely as he releases the ball. It glides smoothly in the middle of the lane. He hits all the pins, the sound echoing loudly. He turns around a proud smirk on his lips when he hits the strike. He walks to you proudly with cocky grin. “And this is how you do it.” he points out and you roll your eyes.
“Okay, Mr. Jeon. Enough with the bragging,” you tease him trying to mimic the posture he showed you just a few seconds ago. 
You’re focusing scrunching your brows in concentration when you hear his loud laugh. You turn around seeing him holding his stomach while laughing at you.
“What the hell are you doing, Noona?” he asks through his laugh and you frown at him.
“I’m bowling, obviously.” you mumble watching him calm down from his laughter. “And stop laughing at me, I’m older than you.” you huff at him while pouting without realizing it. He bites his lips while looking at you.
“Let me help you,” he says walking towards you, standing behind you. 
You can feel his presence behind you, the masculine smell mixed with his cologne filled your scents and you hold yourself from humming. He smells nice. You always had a weak spot for men who smells nice. He places his hand over yours, which is way larger than yours. 
“Don’t throw the ball, simply just let it glide.” he explains quietly his lips too close to your right ear. 
You can feel the little breaths from his lips on your skin and it tickles. Closing your eyes you try to control your beating. Jungkook continues talking about your posture and more professional stuff about bowling but you’re not really paying any attention. You just nod like you do but you could care less about it now. He steps away from you gesturing to the lane. 
“Try it.” he says while you blink at him for awhile. He raises a brow in confusion before you quickly smile.
“Yeah, I got it.” you say trying to glide the ball — just like Jungguk advised to you — trying to hit all the pins. It’s not that easy as it looks, the ball sliding towards more left side but you still manage to hit four pins. You squeal happily clapping to yourself even though you weren’t so good as Jungkook.
“Great job, Noona.” he comments you with cute smile while scrunching his nose a little bit.
“Hey, did you start without us?” Jimin asks as he and Taehyung walks to you with hands full of your drinks. You quickly walk to them and help them placing the drinks onto the table.
“No, I was just showing to Noona how to play a bowling.” he answers while Taehyung arches a brow at him but you don’t see that.
“Okay, can we start? I’m ready to kick your ass, Jeon.” Jimin teases Jungkook pretending to stretching up.
“We still have to wait for Jina.” Jungkook says still slight smile playing on his lips at Jimin’s little show.
“I’m here!” Jina yells little bit louder causing to some people look at her with annoyed expressions but she could care less. 
She runs to your lane with grin plastered on her face. The similarity between her and Jungguk can be seen when they’re doing similar mimics. 
“Guys, we have to kick Jungkook’s ass.” she says causing everyone in the group laugh including Jungkook who stares at you with sparks in his eyes. Maybe it’s the lighting or he really has those sparks in his eyes.
As expected, Jungkook beats all of your asses without even trying. You all go return the shoes they borrowed to you, standing at the counter where young male is standing. He looks very young he’s probably still in college. 
“Did you have fun?” he asks everyone seeing the good mood between all of you. You spent at least three hours here playing bowling.
“We did, this place is amazing.” Taehyung, the social butterfly, answers with his boxy smile already telling Jimin how better he was than him at playing bowling. They both were miserable so you don’t see any difference in that, but you still find them funny.
“And what about you? Did you have fun?” The guy asks with little cockiness in his voice. You’re surprised when you look up at him finding him looking straight at you, grinning at you like some teenager. He probably still is. He takes the shoes away from you touching your hand slightly before pulling away.
“Yeah, she did have fun. Can you take my shoes?” Jungkook interfers all of a sudden, tossing his shoes on the counter leaving everyone speechless. The guy visibly gulps before quickly taking all of yours shoes before saying goodbye and rehearsed ‘thank you for coming to our place’.
“Damn, girl that boy was after you.” Jina says teasingly, slouching her hand around your shoulder grinning at you widely while Jimin walks next to you laughing at your sour expression.
“He is too young.” you scrunch your nose leaving the building with Jina teasing your ass off about how you should go back and take his number.
Jungkook pays for everyone, Taehyung waiting for him with his arched brows. Jungguk puts hit wallet into the back pocket of his pants before looking at Taehyung in confusion. “What?” he asks.
“What was that?” Taehyung asks looking at Jungguk with his big knowing eyes. He narrows his eyes at him while Jungkook looks even more confused.
“What was what?” he asks before walking towards the direction all of you went. Taehyung catches up to him quickly walking beside his friend.
“Come on, you know exactly what I’m talking about.” he says seriously causing Jungkook to stop, an annoyed expression visible on his face.
“No, actually I don’t.” he says somehow bitterly. But Taehyung knows better — Jungguk knows exactly what Taehyung’s aiming at.
“Y/N is too old for you. What are you trying to do, Jungkook?” he asks straight ahead. Jungguk isn’t really a type to play around, although girls are practically falling for him everywhere. It’s just — he’s too picky with girls. And Taehyung knows his friend really well and he’s sure Jungguk is somehow interested in you. But you’re unavailable. He doesn’t want him to start something which may hurt everyone including his sister.
Jungguk bites the inside of his cheek in annoyance. “I’m not doing anything, hyung.” he shrugs before walking away from his friend who only sighs following him.
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Ramen. Do you need it? Yes, you do! You toss it into your little shopping basket grabbing couple of packages of chicken, vegetable and shrimp ramen. It’s necessary to have these at home plus they’re quick to cook. 
Coming to home from your work to finding out that your fridge is indeed empty wasn’t a good end of your day. There was nothing in it expect one bottle of soju — you won’t probably eat that for your very late dinner. The most annoying is, that you took a shower and changed yourself into pajamas excited for some food. But then you had to dress up to come to the nearest convenience store. Putting the most ugly sweatpants you have with nasty oil stain that even your wash machine can’t wash out anymore. You don’t care, it’s late and you’re in convenience store. Not on fashion show.
“Noona?” Soft voice calls at you and your eyes widen when you turn around to look at Jungkook. 
The same shopping basket in his hands, he scans your figure and you want to freaking dig yourself into the floor. Why the hell did I have to meet him? You nervously smile at him feeling your cheeks red. When you said you don’t care wearing this, well you do now. And it annoys you that he has such an impact over you. You shouldn’t care that your face is makeup free and he can see that one spot on your forehead you desperately trying to hide for the third day. Even the hoodie you’re wearing is massive and it’s hiding your whole figure. How did he even recognize you? You look like a piece of shit.
“Hi, Jungkook.” you greet him brightly acting confident while he walks up to you looking like some model. 
All he's wearing are sweatpants with a baggy T-shirt, his outfit similar to yours, but he can definitely pull it off. You look like som beggar compare to him. He probably thinks that as well but he just doesn’t say anything.
“What are you doing here so late?” he asks with his bright smile, fingers gently moving the fringe which covers his eyes.
“I was hungry when I came home and had nothing in the fridge, so...” you trail off awkwardly pointing at your basket. His eyes follows your movement looking at the ramen packages in it. 
“That’s not very healthy, Noona.” he scrunches his nose disapprovingly. You look at his basket — vegetables, fruit and some pasta in it.
“I know, but I’m really craving ramen, okay?” you exclaim jokingly and he laughs with you. “And it’s quick to cook.” you mumble.
“You’re right about that.” he agrees moving the vegetables revealing two packages of ramen and you gasp.
“You hid it really well,” you laugh looking down for a moment before looking back at him seeing him staring at you. You stop laughing nervously shifting. “I know, I look like a piece of shit.” Wait, did you just say it out loud? Yes you did.
He scans your outfit before looking back at you. 
“What are you talking about? You look beautiful, Noona.” he says, the spark in his eyes once again and you gulp. Biting the inside of your cheek you awkwardly stand there while gripping the handle of the basket.
“You’re right, I do. With these ugliest sweatpants I own with a stain on it.” you roll your eyes hiding the embarrassment.
“Really? I thought it’s suppose to be there,” he says lightly touching his chin gesturing that he’s thinking. You stare at him when he looks at you with cheeky grin and you lightly slap his shoulder. He was just messing with you. “No, but really. You look fine.” he says his eyes serious although friendly smile on his face.
“Thanks.” you mumble still thinking he’s bluffing. There’s no way you look fine. You kind of thought you wouldn’t meet anyone you know and you don’t care about strangers’ opinions about you. But then you had to meet Jungguk just like that. It’s okay, Y/N. Just think about his awful fashion sense when he was sixteen.
“So... I’m planning this sleepover with Jina and you’re more than welcome to come. I told her to invite you as well since you’re hanging out more often, but I guess she still didn’t ask you.”
“No, she didn’t.” you confirm his thoughts while thinking about it. “Will Jimin And Taehyung be there?” you ask slowly walking to the next aisle while he trails after you.
“Hell, no. We already had our gaming night while Jimin spilled beer all over my new couch and Taehyung vomited all over my bathroom,” he says with horrific face at the memory. 
He had to scrub and wash all Taehyung’s vomits all by himself because Taehyung wasn’t able to — even the next day. And Jimin? Jimin simply ran away as soon as he woke up not wanting to smell those vomits any longer. 
“So, what are you saying? Will you come?” he asks with hopeful eyes. You’re ready to decline since your attraction towards Jungkook has been all over the place and you don’t like how much he attracts you. But he does that cute thing with his eyes — or it’s simply just his doe eyes — when he looks at you with hope and hopeful smile.
“When is it?” you ask and you swear you can see him grin in your peripheral sight.
“This Friday.” he answers. It’s tomorrow. You stop in your track turning around while biting your lip. You don’t know what posses you, but the next words in your mouth are much quicker than they should be. 
“Okay, I’ll be there.”
Jungkook smiles or smirks — something in between you can’t exactly define it but it makes your heart beat faster — and says; “Okay. See you tomorrow, Noona. I can’t wait.” And just like that he walks away from you while you’re standing there dumbfounded.
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Jungkook walks to his home with two bags full of food finding his dearest and only sister slouched on his couch — clean from the beer Jimin spilled there. 
“Don’t you have to go, I don’t know... home?” he asks her as he puts the bags on his kitchen counter. She averts her eyes from the big television their parents gave him as a welcoming gift, before scrunching her brows in response.
“Yah! I’m older than you!” she exclaims threateningly but he only rolls his eyes off. 
Since he moved in, she’s been more at his place than at hers. At first, he thought she’s just being the protective and caring older sister, but now it seems like she’s using benefits of his new home. New home which he got rented, but it’s still his home.
“Doesn’t seem lIke it sometimes,” he mumbles under his breath knowing if she’d heard him she’d probably throw her slipper at him — it wouldn’t be the first time. He puts all the groceries to the fridge and cabinets — where it belongs. He sits next to her exhaling but even then she doesn’t pay much attention to him. “I met Y/N at the convenience store.” he speaks.
“Oh, really?” Is all she says, her eyes still stucked to the television. He sighs looking at James Franco on the screen while his sister has literal heart eyes. Is this what women like?
“I invited her to our sleepover since you forgot.” he tells her little bit annoyed that she forgot. She looks up at him for a moment before continuing watching the movie.
“Yeah, sorry. I completely forgot,” she apologizes. “Did you buy a popcorn?”
“I did. I also bought some nachos and snacks. I thought about cooking a kimchi stew for dinner.” He says watching how James Franco appears shirtless. Jina looks at her younger brother with scrunched brows.
“You barely cook for me,” she remarks suspiciously looking at her brother. “Are you doing this for Y/N?” she asks with louder tone and it causes Jungguk to flinch.
“What? No? I can’t really invite someone for sleepover without any food.” he justifies but she doesn’t believe him.
“Jungkook,” He looks up at her curiously not liking the way she looks at him. She looks intimidating. “Do you like Y/N?”
“Of course, she’s a part of our family.” he answers diplomatically hoping she’d just let it go. But knowing his stubborn sister, she won’t. And that’s exactly what happens.
“I don’t mean it that way.” she almost snaps at him knowing he’s playing his little game right now. Jungkook is completely smart and sly at the same time.
“And what way do you mean it?” he asks her with fire in his eyes. The staring contest between Jeon siblings starts. Nobody says even a word before Jina groans leaving Jungkook smirking little bit.
“The bowling night... when that guy was flirting with her. You snapped at him. Why did you do that?” she asks with her jaw locked. But Jungguk doesn’t seem phased. He simply chuckles at that not letting that memory annoy him.
“I found it disrespectful for him to flirting with her. He was way too young and Y/N is like a second sister to me. I was just protecting her.” he explains and Jina’s eyes soften. 
She knows how protective Jungkook is. Once he and Jina went for a family dinner with their parents at this nice Korean restaurant in the center of Busan. There was this one waiter who was shamelessly flirting with her. Jungkook ignored it with his balls fisted under the table but when he tried to sneakily sneak his phone number to Jina that’s when he bursted. Let’s just say... that guy stopped working there. Probably too embarrassed and scared of Jungkook.
“Good, because she’s my best friend, Jungkook. I can’t imagine if something happens between you two. She’s like my sister as well, I hope you know that and respect that.” she says already vomiting at the thought of you and Jungkook. 
She hasn’t seen anything suspicious between you two but the way he reacted at the bowling made her wonder if he likes you somehow... different. Plus, she has never seen anyone with Jungkook recently and she doesn’t really get that. She’s pretty aware of her brother’s looks and the way all girls are drooling over him. But now she sees he doesn’t see you like that.
“I know, I won’t touch her.” he says and she pats his head which he annoyingly flinches away from her touch.
“Promise?” she raises her brow and he sighs while rolling his eyes.
“Promise.” he mumbles with a fake smile while those words leave a bitter taste in his mouth.
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You knock on the door shifting your weight. Was this a good idea? Well, why not? They’re like siblings to you. Yeah, siblings. Exactly that. The door opens and Jungguk stands there with bunny smile. 
“Noona, you came.” he says happily letting you in.
“I told you I would, remember?” you laugh, taking your shoes off while he closes the door after you.
“Come in,” he says leading you into his living room and you gasp at the amazing interior. 
There’s a no sign of boxes and everything looks so good. This apartment has Jungguk’s personality in it. You can see his three cameras on the shelf, one of them you bought him for his eighteenth’s birthday. You like he kept it, you were scared you bought some bad camera even thought the price wasn’t that low. But you’ve no knowledge about cameras so you had to go with seller’s opinion. 
“Jina is still not here. I guess she’s late as usual.” he explains when he leads you to his kitchen, which is combined with colors of white and beige. You love the kitchen the most — you can imagine yourself cooking in that pretty kitchen. You put your bags on the table already showing what you brought.
“I bought some strawberries and whip cream, me and Jina loves it as a snack.” You explain when you see his surprised look. “I bought some soju, I didn’t know if you’d like to drink but I still bought it because I know Jina will.”
“You didn’t have to bother with buying anything. I already bought a lot of stuff.”
“Did you buy a strawberries with whip cream?” you ask with raised brow. Silence. He stays silent looking at you dumbfounded. “Exactly.” 
He only sighs feeling like he messed up. He should’ve ask you what would you like. Maybe he should’ve bought more ramen since you obviously love it.
“Do you want to try it?” you ask pointing to the strawberries. “It’s really good.” It’s not exactly healthy with the whip cream but you don’t care and neither should he, because it’s delicious.
“I’m not sure...” he mumbles not really convinced by you.
“Let’s try it, you’ll love it.” you say happily clapping while he smiles already pulling out some bowl you can put the strawberries in it. 
You hand him strawberries and he washes them with cold water before putting them in a bowl. He leads you to his living room when his phone rings. He puts the bowl on the coffee table while he reaches for his phone. Jina’s name is flashing on his screen and he accepts the call.
“Hey, I’m sorry. I’ll be late a little bit I have to work a overtime. I should be at yours by ten.” Jina says, the disappointment clear in her voice.
“Don’t worry about it.” Jungkook says kindly giving you a look. You look at him with puzzled look wondering who’s calling and he mouths ‘Jina’ at you. You only nod reaching for one of the strawberries quickly putting it into your mouth.
“Is Y/N already there?” she asks. 
“Yeah, she just came.”
“Okay, wait up for me. Shit, my boss is coming I’ve to go. Don’t watch that movie with Chris Hemsworth without me, bye!” And just like that she hangs up leaving Jungguk chuckle at his sister’s behavior.
“What was she saying? Is she on her way?” you ask when he puts his phone back to its place.
“She’ll be late. She has to work overtime.” he answers and you only nod.
“Okay, let’s try this.” you say almost too happily causing Jungkook chuckle at you. You’re cute. “This is the way we do it.” you explain, shaking the whip cream before spraying it at the big plump and red strawberry.
He stares at every motion you do with your lips — sucking the whip cream before gently biting into it. But that’s not all. On top of it all you moan at the amazing taste while rolling your eyes off. You don’t think about it too much, simply eating and enjoying the strawberry. But he quickly covers his crotch while biting his lip. He can’t believe such a stupid thing just turned him on.
“Do you want to try it?” you turn to him when you swallow. 
“Huh?” he asks and you chuckle at him. 
“The strawberry... do you want to try it?” you look at him seeing him acting weird.
“Yeah, sure.” he says quickly popping a strawberry to his mouth without the whip cream.
“You forgot the whip cream.” you comment and he rolls his eyes before spraying it right into his mouth. 
His neck stretched you eye the glowing skin there as his Adam apple bobs as he swallows. You want nothing more than to kiss it. Wait what?! You quickly advert your eyes away from the pleasuring sight.
“Noona,” he speaks and you shut your eyes for a moment. 
His soft voice calling you like that makes your heart tumble. You look at him before spotting some of the whip cream in the corner of his lips. You reach out for him wiping it off with your thumb. You put your thumb to your mouth cleaning it while swallowing the whip cream. You haven’t realized how bad and inappropriate this looked as Jungkook’s eyes widen. He reaches out for you, pulling a strand of hair behind you hair. You sit there frozen feeling the light touch on your cheek. He bites his lip before leaning in. His lips are becoming too close and you put a hand on his chest stopping him.
“Jungkook...” you murmur softly but he only puts his hand over yours pulling you in and kissing you.
 He holds you in place kissing you softly like he’s afraid he’d break you. The little kiss is innocent as he pulls away while biting his lip. You breathe out opening your eyes. 
“What...” you trail off shocked from what has just happened.
“God, I wanted to do that for so long.” he admits shamelessly and you open your mouth in shock.
“Why would you do that?” you somehow manage to say as he chuckles. It’s not that you didn’t like it, you did. And you’re scared of that feeling because you want more.
“You didn’t like it?” he asks innocently but his eyes sparkles with cockiness. He enjoys this and you scoff.
“No,” you cross your arms over your chest making your breasts peek out from your top. Jungkook’s eyes follows the movement and he shamelessly stares at them. “Yah!” you scold him covering your chest.
“Oh, come on! We just kissed!” he exclaims laughing at you. You can’t believe you kissed him. Well, you can’t believe he kissed you. Whatever, you both kissed each other.
“You kissed me!” you exclaim this time frowning at him.
“And you liked it!”
“No, I didn’t—“ You’re cut off by his lips being pressed roughly on yours. He moves his lips skillfully and damn, this boy can kiss so good. He rummages your mouth with his tongue pulling you more to him. His hand gripping your neck as he hold you in your place. You move your lips against his enjoying the sweet taste of his lips. He stops leaning his forehead against yourself trying to calm down his breathing. 
“Did you like it, Noona? Hm?” he whispers and you almost whimper at the seductive tone he has. You push him away slightly with a scowl on your lips and he almost pouts wanting to pull you closer to him.
“Jungguk, stop playing around.” you scold him feeling embarrassed you just kissed with Jungkook. The same Jungkook you watched growing up into an adult.
“Do you think I’m playing around?” he asks serious, any sign of playfulness long gone. “Oh, I’m serious, Noona.” he smirks at you. 
You visibly gulp sitting there frozen while your lips are tingling. He grabs your hips putting you onto his hip while you screech.
“I like this much better,” he says looking up at you while you’re peering at him surprisingly. 
But you don’t pull away simply enjoying how good it feels to sit on his lap. You shamelessly feel the slight bulge above your entrance. He burrows his face into your breasts inhaling your scent while you’re sitting on him all dumbfounded. 
“Umm, Jungguk—“ you try to speak but he cuts you off. 
“Shhh, let’s enjoy this.” he says his voice muffled by your skin. 
You feel his hot breath on your skin and you hold his figure closer to you. You feel the little smirk on his lips against your skin before he starts pecking it making his way from your breasts to your neck. Blushing, you bit your lip when you feel him getting harder in his pants. He feels getting harder but he doesn’t do anything even though he needs to feel some friction between your bodies — he wants you to do the next move and luckily enough, you do. Without too much thinking you buckle your hips, brushing against his bulge and both of you moan immediately.
“Oh, shit I didn’t—“ you whimper as he thrust his hips upwards, your crotches colliding together. “Oh my god,” you moan out throwing you head back at the amazing feeling. 
He starts moving your body so your crotches brushes against each other. But it’s not enough — the slight pleasure you’re feeling is not enough. 
“I need more.” you breathe out and Jungguk slightly pulls away to look at your face.
“Are you sure?” he asks scanning your face but you quickly nod.
 He chuckles at you massaging your hips. You feel your arousal between your legs, the way it’s slowly dripping damping your underwear. 
“What do you want, Noona?” he asks looking at you innocently before cocky grin makes appearance on his face.
“I want you to touch me,” you answer quietly and he hums in acknowledgment. He grabs your T-shirt silently asking for your permission. You nod and in one swift movement he takes off your T-shirt leaving you in your bra and leggings covering your legs. 
“Jungkook,” you whine in anticipation and he chuckles.
“You’re not very patient, Noona.” he comments with cocky tone and you roll your eyes. He slaps your ass making you jerk away gaping at him. “Stop rolling your eyes at me.”
It’s your turn to chuckle at him in amusement. “I think you’re forgetting that I’m older than you.” you say with authoritative tone. His hands caressing your naked skin on your hips stops.
“Who cares about the age? I certainly don’t.” he remarks bitterly kissing one of your breasts. 
You feel your nipples hard against the material of your bra and you want nothing more than to take it off. So you do. You reach back slowly taking it off surprising Jungguk. His eyes immediately spots your naked breasts and he doesn’t wait a second, simply dipping his head taking one of your nipples into his mouth. You gasp at the way his tongue swirles against it before he starts sucking your nipples.
“Should I continue?” he asks breathlessly and you’re quick to nod. 
“Tell me.” he insists and you obey. 
“Yes, please continue.” he smiles putting you on his couch as you lay down. 
He takes off your leggings leaving you only in your panties. You look down, your eyes widening at sight. Your unmatching underwear is nowhere attractive and you blush in embarrassment.
“I didn’t know this would happened, so my underwear—“ Jungkook laughs pulling your feet up, bringing his lips to kiss your knee.
“I don’t care about your underwear,” he speaks glancing at your for a moment. 
You can’t believe this is happening. 
You, almost all naked at front of Jungkook. 
But you’ve no regrets simply anticipating his next move. “Can I take these off?” he says pulling your panties before letting it go. It slaps against your wet entrance and you bite into your lip.
“Yes,” you breathe out and that’s all he needs for him to start pulling it against your legs slowly revealing your wet entrance.
“Beautiful,” he says looking between your legs before giving you a quick glance. You freaking blush at his words wanting to close your legs but he holds them in place before you could. “So pink,” he mumbles kissing your ankle. “Can I taste you, Noona? Will you allow me to?” God, this boy is playing with you and you’re so up for it.
“Fuck,” you shiver at the feeling of his fingers tracing random patterns on your ankle. “Yes, taste me.” 
But he stands up and you immediately lean against your elbows to look at him. He takes off his T-shirt revealing his abs and you drool at the sight. This boy keeps working out and it definitely pays off.
“It’s fucking hot in here,” he grumbles annoyed and you giggle.
It’s true, it was really warm when you came in and now it’s definitely getting hotter in here. You watch him as he shifts the hem of his sweatpants. You can see the outline of his hard length and you clench your legs together. He smirks and you embarrassingly look away. This kid will kill you, that’s for sure. He reaches for something on the table and your curious self can’t hold yourself, watching what he’s doing. He grabs the whip cream shaking it wilth little smirk on his lips.
“What are you doing?” you ask unsurely watching him as he comes back to his place. In one hand holding the whip cream, he uses the other one to pull your legs apart. He watches your entrance glisten and he feels himself twitch in his boxers.
“You’re driving me crazy, fuck.” he rasps out as he shakes the whip cream. “Do you trust me?” he suddenly asks and you widen your eyes.
“Huh?” you lay there dumbfounded looking as Jungguk sits on his knees in front of you.
“Do you trust me, Noona?” you gulp as he caress your ankles with light touch. 
His eyes glisten in the light — those same eyes which looked shy when you first met him. He barely looked at you. That shy kid who was avoiding you to that point you thought he’s scared of you. You were there — his first heartbreak when he locked himself in the room not letting in anyone. You knocked on his door as he yelled ‘I don’t want to talk’ without knowing who’s behind the door. Not that he’d opened the door because you’re there — he was angry at everyone but mostly hurt from his first heartbreak. That day, you’ve talked to him through the door trying to take his mind off by talking nonsense. Both of you sitting against the door with your backs.
“I do.” you answer confidently and he smiles at you. 
Not a smirk in the hottest way like he's able to do, he just genuinely smiles at you. Happy by your words. He sprays the whip cream on your heat as you squirm when you feel the cold substance on your most sensitive part. He lays down between your legs quickly dipping his head and latching his lips on you. You gasp out loudly rolling your eyes back when you feel him sucking the whip cream. He eats it like he’s been hungry for days while you’re gasping for air. You clutch your hands around Jungkook’s expensive couch. Thrusting into his mouth he moans at the feeling. His whole nose and chin stained by your wetness and whip cream but he doesn’t care. The heat pooling in your stomach is enough for you to star clenching uncomfortably.
“Come on, Noona. Cum for me.” he says with raspy voice and that’s all it takes for you to let go. 
Your thighs shake while Jungkook tries to swallow all of your cum. He moans at the taste of you on his tastebuds. He gives your clit small kiss causing you to flinch at the overstimulate feeling. He rises to his knees simply watching you fucked out state looking so vulnerable and sexy at the same time — laying there naked just for him to see.
“Where did you learn that?” you pant out breathlessly slowly sitting up covering your naked breasts which causes Jungkook to frown. He doesn’t like that you’re hiding from him. “That was... amazing.” you admit which he smirks at.
“I told you, Noona. I’m not a little boy anymore,” he smirks at you standing up revealing his huge bulge in his sweatpants. 
You bit your lip at the sight. You don’t even see him exposed and you’re already drooling. You’re surprised when he lays beside you cuddling you to his side. He grabs one of your breasts holding it in his big palm.
“What are you doing?” you ask quietly feeling his breath on the back of your neck. It tickles but you don’t move away. Enjoying his naked chest on your back.
“Let’s cuddle.” he mumbles into your hair and you scowl. 
That’s what he wants to do? To... cuddle? 
You can feel his length digging into your lower back waiting for attention. But he doesn’t say nor do anything, simply holding you in his arms while inhaling your scent.
“But you’re—“ you try to say, not feeling like it’s fair. You’ve reached your orgasm while Jungguk is painfully hard. 
“Shhh, forget it. I’m fine.” he shushes you but you don’t let it go. You pull away from him sitting up ignoring his mischievous eyes on your breasts.
“At least let me...” you trail off not really knowing what to propose. ‘Let me blow you?’ he smirks at you seeing you struggling. “Or we could just...” His eyes snap to yours eyes widening little bit at your suggestion.
“Are you sure? Because... there’s no turning back once we’ve sex.” he tells you waiting for your final answer. He lays there watching you with curious eyes half naked. You should take this opportunity because damn, this guy is a piece of art.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Fuck me, Jungkook.” you tell him loudly and he growls at how sexy you sound. He sits up pulling you onto his lap. 
He leans against the seat back kissing your breasts.
“You really love them, right?” you chuckle humorously but quickly groan when he bites your nipple.
“They’re fucking amazing.” he says amazed and it warms your heart. 
You’ve always been little bit self conscious about your breasts. It’s not like you are not comfortable with their size or anything, more like what would other guys think about them. It’s stupid thing to even think about this, but you can’t help it. You stand up on your knees ready to pull his sweatpants down when he grips your wrist stopping you. Thinking he’s stopping all of this you’re ready to feel embarrassed. But he quickly searches your face before smiling. 
“Are you sure?” he asks one last time and you nod not ready to wait any longer. 
He leans back slowly caressing your thighs letting you know you can continue. You pull down his sweatpants just enough to let his length spring free.
“You aren’t wearing your boxers?” you question him and he laughs at you shaking his head. 
“No, I forgot to put them on. You came little bit earlier.” 
Really? You didn’t realize you’ve come earlier. 
You chuckle averting your gaze to his length. It’s slightly curled making it a perfect angle. His size isn’t that huge like you can find on porn sites staring with men with abnormally huge cocks. But it’s still big and thick in width. He lets you to curiously look at him almost like you’ve never seen one in your life.
“You aren’t virgin, right?” he asks just to be sure, since you’re looking at him that way. 
You look at him bewildered by his question and he awkwardly scratches himself on the back of his head. 
“It’s not a problem, if you’re. I just don’t know if I’d like to take your virginity, it should be someone you love and...” you actually laugh at his little ramble while his blushed cheeks contrasts with his creamy tan skin.
“Jungkook,” you say making him hum. “Shut up. I’m not a virgin.” Laughing you shake your head at him. 
It’s not that you should be ashamed even if you were one. You’re twenty five but that doesn’t mean you necessarily had to have your virginity taken. He breathes out almost like he’d be afraid you are. Even if he wanted to be the one to take your possible but not existing virginity, he’s much more of a man than that. He’d stop even if he doesn’t want you because he never really craved for someone like you.
“So why’re you looking at it like you have never seen one?” he asks with his mouth open eyes adverting to his length wondering if something’s wrong with it. No one ever complained about it so...
“I did,” you shrug. “I just have never seen one like yours.” you answer shamelessly and he blushes. Jeon Jungkook blushes at you hating the feel of his red cheeks. 
“Are you?”
”Am I what?” he asks confused and kind of tired of this conversation. 
He’s too needy for you and he wants to feel you warmth wrapped around him. There’s already pre-cum on his cock, that’s how desperate he is for you.
“Are you a virgin?” you ask feeling the same thing like Jungkook. 
You wouldn’t want to take something like that from him, even if it isn’t that precious to men. You feel like they don’t care for that kind of stuff. But the way Jungkook ate you out — using the whip cream and you can’t help but blush at the memory — you’re sure he has to have some experience at least.
“Hell no.” he scoffs at you and you slap his chest. 
“I just wanted to be sure.” you mumble and he puts away some hair strands from your face.
“Can I fuck you now?” he asks and this time you’re the one who scoffs. 
“Wow, such a gentleman.”
“I can be,” he shrugs. “But I just want to really fuck you.” he says honestly and you chuckle at him. 
“Then fuck me.” His eyes sparks at your words already lining himself against your entrance but you stop him.
“Wait,” he almost rolls his eyes at you. He was so close to finally feel you. You’re annoyingly cute, he’ll admit that. “Condom?” he almost whines at you throwing his head back. 
But he doesn’t move he looks at you with hopeful eyes and you shake your head. 
Even though you want nothing more than to feel him bare — just like Jungkook wants you to — you don’t want to risk anything. And it’s not like you don’t trust him, because stupidly to say, you do. You just want to be careful and he gets that. He groans setting you on the couch before awkwardly scurrying away in his sweatpants. He doesn’t pull them down nor he pulls them up; quickly heading to his bedroom. He comes back with a condom in his hand showing it to you with raised brow and you give him thumbs up. He puts it on and you don’t waste one single second, quickly sitting on his lap. You raise yourself as he slowly guides his tip to your entrance. You both moan as he coats himself with your arousal and previous cum. You slowly slide down on him taking his entire length in one go making you gasp out. He entwines his fingers into your soft hair pulling you to his lips. He kisses you in praise how good you take him. 
“You feel so fucking good,” he groans as you slowly lift yourself before dropping onto his length. 
He can’t believe he’s fucking inside of you, feeling your velvet walls welcoming him in warmth. You’re balancing yourself while holding his broad shoulders which you’re digging your nails into but you don’t care. You pick up your pace — the sound of your ass slapping against his thighs echoes through the room. It turns you on even more and you clench around him making him gasp into your mouth. He’s fiddling with your clit causing you to see starts. You lean your forehead against his feeling his cock hitting all the right places.
“Oh my god,” you moan out when he pinches your clit. He chuckles darkly looking up at you. 
“You like that, hmm? Your cunt wrapped around my cock?” You never thought you’re a fan of dirty talk but the way he says it with his dark voice and lust filled eyes cuases you to clench around him tight.
“Yes!” you pant shutting your eyes off suddenly feeling as he tucks his fingers under your chin. 
“Look at me, Noona. Look at me while you’re fucking yourself on me.” he pleads and you slowly open your eyes, looking at him with hooded eyes. 
He freaking smile at you with his bunny boyish grin. That similar grin. The one your best friend has.
You suddenly stop, the guilt slowly creeping its way out. She’s going to fucking kill you — the both of you if she ever founds out. You can’t believe you’re fucking her little brother. The one she helped to raise and here you’re, having him inside of you.
“Y/N?” you hear him say but you’re too deep in your thought. 
“Noona? Are you okay? Why would you stop?” he asks a hurt flashing through his eyes wondering if he hurt you somehow.
“Jina...” you mumble and his eyes widen at hearing his sister’s name. “We can’t do this.” you mumble but not moving away from him. 
He can feel how much you want him, your arousal slowly dripping down Jungkook’s balls. He scoffs thrusting up causing you to jerk and moan out loud.
“We can,” he says sternly thrusting his hips slowly at you. You grip his shoulder thighly while enjoying the feel of his cock slowly hitting your g-spot. “We both want this.” he picks up his pace and you become a moaning mess.
“But Jina—“ you try to talk but he thrusts harshly into you. You’re hot and cute, but he really wants to tape your mouth right now.
“Fuck Jina, I don’t care about her.” he says breathlessly feeling his balls tighten. You clench around him uncontrollably feeling your second orgasm approaching you.
“You. Talk. Too. Fucking. Much.” he says with each thrust pinching your clit and that’s all it takes for you to come down. 
You clench around him cumming while he keeps thrusting into you. He chases his climax grunting through gritted teeth gripping your hips so hard you’re sure it’s going to bruise later on. You flinch from the overstimulation quietly begging Jungguk to stop, but he doesn’t listen. He’s hitting your g-spot again and just like that, you’re cumming again. He groans his thrusts getting sloppy. Jungguk let’s out low moan emptying himself into the condom and you wish you could feel him bare, but it had to be like this. He thrusts one last time before throwing his head back breathing heavily. 
“You’re fucking amazing.” he praises you with his closed eyes and you smile.
 You lift yourself, his now soft cock sliding off of you. He removes the condom with scrunched nose quickly tying it down while you chuckle at him. He stands up pulling his sweatpants up before throwing out the condom in the nearest bin. When he comes back, you’re putting your clothes back on and he pouts.
“I can’t believe I just fucked you.” he mumbles in realization but cocky grin making its appearance on his lips.
You glare at him. “Have some manners, boy.”
This time he glares at you with a cocky scoff. “Boy, I think I showed you I’m not a boy anymore.”
“Yeah, yeah.” you wave him off with teasing grin and he growls.
“I can show you again. Just give me a few minutes, baby.”
“I’m older than you!” you exclaim with a laugh. His eyes crinkles at the end laughing with you.
“I’m aware, Noona.” he says with soft smile and you blush masking it with a laugh. He comes closer kissing you once last time before there’s a loud knock on the door. 
“Is that...?” You question out quietly causing him to pull away slightly.
You can hear her rustling with a keys and Jungkook’s eyes widen before throwing your pants at you. “You gave her keys?” you whisper shout at him quickly putting your pants off.
“I didn’t think she would ever use them!” he whispers at you quickly putting his T-shirt.
“Fuck!” you whisper in anger when you can’t seem to get the little button into the little hole on your pants. 
Your fingers are fidgeting nervously and Jungkook kneels in front of you quickly doing it for you. He stands up giving you a quick kiss before you hear the front door open. You both jump onto the couch, the both of you on each side of it.
“Hey, you didn’t hear me knock?” Jina says coming into the living room, still wearing her working attire. 
She looks at you the both of you when none of you answer her and you glance at Jungkook in panic. Luckily, he gets the message right away.
“Oh sorry, we’re watching movie.” he smiles at his sister innocently and you almost want to laugh at his great act.
“What’s whip cream doing here?” she asks pointing to the can of whipped cream thrown on his coffee table. The color of your face drains and you gulp but Jungkook’s already got you.
“Y/N brought it here, she claimed it’s really good so I had to try it.” he tells his sister and she nods in approval.
“It’s really good, right? It tastes like heaven!” she exclaims remembering all the times you both ate only strawberries with whip cream.
Jungkook looks at you with mischievous grin before saying to his sister; “It really does, indeed.” You gulp looking at him with wide eyes, his sister and your best friend completely obvious to your stares.
But Jungkook isn’t done. He stares at you deadly looking into your eyes as he smirks at you.
“I wouldn’t mind trying it again.”
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softforcal · 5 years
Band Baby : Dad!Cal
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Summary: When Luke's roommate gets out of an abusive relationship and is newly pregnant, all the guys, especially Calum are there for her and as Calum takes her to ultrasounds and hangs out with her and grabs 2am junk food cravings, he falls more and more in love with her.
Word Count: 13.7k
Warnings: so this does future an abusive ex, mentions of the abusive relationship, but it does have the OC as a strong abuse survivor. pregnancy, smut, mentions of breeding kinks
Calum looked up when he heard Luke’s front door open. Luke’s eyes remained on the tv screen, used to hearing his room mate coming and going. Claire didn’t even acknowledge the two boys, darting up the stairs, a few moments later the sound of a door closing made Calum look back at the TV.
“What’s up with your roommate?” he asked.
“Who knows.” Luke said, too focused on the new season of Stranger Things to care much about his roommate, who probably didn’t need his help anyways. Between Luke and Claire, Luke was the one who needed help. Claire had her shit together as far as Luke was concerned, which is why he’d invited her to move in, so she could help out with Petunia and other things when he was a mess.
Something about the way she’d entered, not even saying hi to the boys, made Calum sit on the edge of his seat. He knew Claire a little from seeing her around, or brief interactions at Luke’s place, but she always said hi. She always attempted to make small talk for a few minutes before ditching.
Calum tried to focus on the TV, but he just couldn't. Finally he sighed, “I’m going to go check on her.”
“She’s fine.” Luke assured him, pausing the show.
Calum hummed in response, going to the stairs that led to the second floor and taking them two at a time.
Claire’s skin was hot. Wet tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at the stick in her hands. She struggled to keep in the sobs that threatened to spill over.
It had been one mistake. One time. And things had been bad that day. It had been heat of the moment-
A knock at the door startled Claire and she jumped up, quickly making sure the door was locked.
“Yeah?” she managed to call, voice shaky.
“It’s-uh, it’s Cal,” there was a pause, “Are you okay?”
Claire rubbed at her face with the sleeves of her hoodie, “yeah,” her voice cracked, “I'm fine.”
There was silence for a few moments, and Claire waited, eager for the man to just leave, to let her cry in peace. She desperately wanted to turn on the shower, sit down, and just let the water wash away her tears so she could pretend they didn’t exist, but she couldn’t do that with Calum hovering.
“Ok.” he said finally, “uh, let us know if you need anything.”
The offer made Claire smile, more tears spilling because his words betrayed the fact that he knew something was up with her.
“Thanks.” she said meekly.
“Don’t worry about it.”
After a second she could hear his footsteps retreating, and Claire wiped her face, looking in the mirror. Her eyes were puffy and red.
Her ex had always said she was pretty when she cried, big baby blues all glistening, her usually milky complexion flushed pink, lower lip quivering as she attempted not to cry harder. Perhaps that had been the reason he’d made her cry so much.
Claire pushed the thought aside. Placing blame on herself was not correct, something her therapist had told her over and over again.
Lower lip trembling, Claire tilted her chin up as if to defy… something, she wasn’t sure what, but she needed to prove she was strong, to herself, to anything watching. She went to the shower and turned it on.
As the steam filled the room and the hot water washed over her she could almost forget about the stick in the sink that had just told her she was pregnant.
There was a knock on the front door and Claire left her cooking to go answer it. She wasn’t surprised to see Calum standing there. His dark hair was still wet from a shower she assumed he’d just had, the strands curling a little in a boyish way. He was wearing a black shirt that was fitted across his strong shoulders, and grey joggers that Claire had to fight taking a peak at.
It wasn’t uncommon for members of Luke’s band to just show up, and Claire held the door open for him, “Luke’s upstairs.” she said.
“I’ll wait.” Calum answered, following her a few steps back as she went to the kitchen, “it smells good, what are you cooking?”
He’d never really talked to her before, and Claire knew this was unusual. She guessed he was on edge, perhaps he had seen her crying as she’d entered the day before and run up to the bathroom.
There was something about the tall, dark, handsome, usually quiet guy trying to nonchalantly check up on her that was endearing.
But it hurt.
It reminded her that she was like a wounded animal, and this strong man felt some - for lack of a better explanation - animalistic, protective, natural instinct over her.
Claire was a small girl, and she’d always guessed that's what drew the big alpha men to her. It was just an unhappy coincidence that most big dominant men turned out to be abusive assholes as well.
“Cooking eggs.” she answered, returning to her position with her spatula in hand at the stove. Calum leaned against the kitchen counter, arms crossed over his broad chest.
“Are you making some for Luke? Looks like you’re cooking enough for two or three people.” Calum mused.
“Two.” Claire mumbled under her breath before realizing she’d spoken out loud.
Calum watched her, saying nothing.
Claire could feel her skin heating up again and she cursed herself for being a bit of a ‘crybaby’ or so she’d been called by her ex. Thinking of her ex just made it worse, and a tear rolled down her cheek.
Embarrassment flooded over her and she turned to Calum to explain herself, the quick motion making the spatula slip from her hand. Calum caught it easily and looked up at her, Claire’s lower lip wobbled as a sob grew in her chest.
Calum quickly set down the spatula and reached out, grabbing Claire by the shoulders as he looked at her, asking if she was alright was a stupid question because she obviously wasn’t, so Calum struggled to find the right words.
“I-” Calum began.
“It’s fine I’m being stupid.” Claire said, taking in a harsh breath as more tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Calum asked awkwardly.
“Nah.” Claire waved her hand but she was full on crying now, and Calum wondered if hugging her would be a good idea, “help yourself to the eggs.” she said between choking back sobs. Then she left the room in a hurry, and Calum watched her disappear up the stairs.
The sound of a door closing reminded Calum of the day before and he frowned, looking at the eggs.
She hadn’t explicitly stated she was pregnant, he knew that, but she had said she was cooking for two, and then started crying. Calum was a smart guy, he could connect the dots.
He picked up the spatula and stood where she had been standing, watching the eggs. When they were done, he put them on a plate and grabbed a fork. Going up the stairs, Calum wondered if he was doing the right thing as he set the food down on the ground in front of her bedroom door.
He knocked once, “your eggs are ready. I’ll head downstairs but- you should eat something.” he frowned at himself, wondering if he sounded like an ass or a knowitall.
With a sigh, Calum went back downstairs to wait for Luke.
It had been a few days since he’d been to Luke’s house, Luke had been busy and not at home, and Calum wasn’t about to just show up without a reason… well, without a reason other than to check up on Claire.
He was worried, which was unusual for him because Calum liked to think of himself as a pretty laid back guy. He tried to continue his life, but he couldn’t get the thought of her out of his head. He hadn’t mentioned the ‘maybe pregnancy’ thing to Luke, it wasn’t his place and he knew that.
Calum was worried about Claire because he’d heard from Luke that her ex had been an ass. Luke had been the one to initially suggest the young poet go to a therapist after seeing some of her poems about the guy she was with. Calum didn’t know all the specifics, he didn’t want to, but he knew that the guy had taken a chunk out of the girls self esteem, and now it appeared he’d knocked her up as well.
Although Calum grew up with both parents in the picture, he knew about people who had single moms or single dads. He knew it was tough. He’d heard stories from Ashton. The thought of Claire going through that alone made his chest tight as he stood in the vegetable aisle at the grocery store.
Everything was so expensive. LA in general was expensive. Claire got by because Luke covered housing costs since Claire helped out so much with Petunia and taking care of the place when he was on tour. But Calum began to wonder what would happen if she had a baby.
“Hey.” came a voice, and it dragged Calum out of his thoughts as he turned to look down at Claire.
She looked adorable as usual, her shoulder length blonde hair was pulled up into a tiny little ponytail that was oddly endearing. A large grey hoodie covered her body like a dress, and her pink flip flops showed off toenails painted in every colour of the rainbow.
Her skin was clear, makeup free, and there was something about it that Calum appreciated. He liked the fact that her cheeks weren’t red, her eyes not puffy. She looked okay, and Calum’s shoulders relaxed immediately.
“Hey.” he said.
Claire turned to look at the apples Calum had been staring at intently, “are you a green or red kind of guy?” she asked.
He was a red kind of guy, but he knew she liked green. He’d noticed the green apples in a drawer of Luke’s fridge, there always seemed to be some on hand, and he knew Luke thought green were too sour.
“Red.” he answered.
“Don’t like sour things?” she asked, reaching past him to grab a Grannysmith, its bright green matching her thumb nail on her right hand, just that nail.
Calum smiled, “depends.”
Claire sneaked a look at the tall man and then looked away quickly, “I just wanted to thank you- for uh, for not telling Luke about the baby thing.”
Calum was quiet for a moment, “it’s not my place to say anything.”
“Yeah, but I know what it’s like to have information and feel like it’s a secret, it can be hard not to tell the people closest to you.” Claire frowned and Calum wondered what she was thinking about. Calum stayed silent and Claire looked at him again, “I like that you don’t ask questions.”
“Don’t want to pressure you. You’re in a tough situation.”
Claire thought about it, “yeah, I guess. I’m going to tell Luke soon.”
“So are you-” Calum cut himself off, “sorry.”
“I am. Keeping the baby.” Claire clarified.
Again, Calum took a long time to think about what she’d said, “we’re here for you.” he said finally, “I know you don’t know me that well, but Luke is a good guy, and Ashton’s supportive, Michael’s a good shoulder to cry on-”
“And what about you? What do you bring to the table?” Claire teased, “other than egg cooking skills.”
Calum smiled down at her, glad she was able to tease, glad she was in the mindset to find humour, “lots of hoodies.”
“I could always use more hoodies.” Claire said in an animated voice, then she frowned.
“Are you okay?” Calum asked quickly.
“Yeah I just… hoodies remind me of my ex. I know I’m lame. It’s been a month or so since I broke up with him but.. You know, I mean, it’s his baby so it’s hard not to think about him.” she gnawed at her lip, “I have to tell him im pregnant, I have to tell him I'm keeping the baby.”
Calum studied her, it was obvious to the both of them that her ex was not going to react well. “So what are you going to do? If you don't mind me asking.”
“I think-” she sighed, “I think I might text him?”
It was a tough situation, and there was no easy answer as to how to approach it, they both knew that. One option was going to see the guy, but Calum, without knowing much about her ex, knew that was not a good plan, and he was not comfortable letting her do that. Not that it was his choice… but, he didn’t like it. A text was okay. A call meant the guy could yell at her, and that might not go well.
Yes. A text was probably the best way to go.
“A text is a good idea.” he said, “Listen, I don’t know much about the guy, but Luke mentioned he wasn’t good to you. So if you want, when you message him, I can take your phone and if he sends back anything bad I can… curiate it or something.”
“Would you really?” Claire looked up at him with those gorgeous blue eyes and Calum licked his lips before nodding.
“Want to come back to the house with me?” Claire asked. She could see the brief confusion in Calum’s eyes, “I just… what if he shows up and tries to get in?”
Calum’s heart sank in his chest, knowing she had to deal with that, “yeah, of course I'll come.” he assured her.
“Don’t worry about it.” he offered her a smile.
“So… need anything else?” Claire asked, motioning to the store around them.
“Today feels like an ice cream day don't you think?” Calum asked, hoping the mention of ice cream would cheer up the pregnant girl next to him.
Her eyes lit up immediately and Calum’s chest felt warm, “I like the way you think Hood.” she said, “now, moment of truth, chocolate or vanilla?”
Sat between Calum and Luke with a Disney film on the TV, Claire felt safe, she felt at home. She could forget about her phone, turned off and on the table. Could almost forget about the text she’d sent. Or she could try at least.
Telling Luke about the baby hadn’t been as hard as she’d thought it would be. She wondered why she’d ever felt worried. Luke had been quick to congratulate her and ask how far along she was. He’d suggested they spend the day doing what she wanted… after she’d sent the text, which is how they’d ended up watching Disney.
Calum heard something and turned, looking out the window. He stood immediately and Luke paused the movie, everyone on high alert.
Claire’s heart froze in her chest and she hugged the pillow closer to her body, grabbing Luke’s arm. He looked between her and Calum, waiting for Calum to explain, even though it was obvious to everyone what he was reacting to.
“I’ll deal with it.” Calum said, moving towards the door. He paused, “unless, Claire, do you want to-”
“I should.” Claire said, “if you guys are with me.” she looked at Luke who nodded. Then the two stood and approached the door. The knocks were loud, and her ex, Justin, screamed, “I know you’re in there Claire!”
“Step away from the door!” Calum called back, moving to look through the peak hole and make sure the guy had followed his command.
After a moment he looked to Claire, “are you ready?”
She nodded, grabbing Luke’s arm tighter, “I can do this.” she said, trying to sound certain.
The door opened and Claire was face to face with her ex for the first time in a month. It hurt to see him. She didn’t miss him, it wasn’t that. It just hurt to look at the man whom she’d allowed to cause so much pain.
“You’re fucking pregnant?!” he screamed, taking a step forward.
Calum was there in an instant, holding his hand out to block the guy. Calum said nothing, but the look Calum gave Justin could have killed the guy, and Justin’s skin got redder as he looked between Luke and Calum, “so you have two new guys now huh?” he screamed, “this is why you dumped me?!”
“I dumped you because you’re an abuser.” Claire spat, startling both Luke and Calum as she stepped forward.
“Selfish bitch-”
“Breaking up with you was the only selfish thing I ever did in our entire relationship.” Claire stated.
Calum was still holding the guy back, but his other hand was clenched at his side, jaw set. He was not happy that the guy had called Claire a bitch, but one look at the small girl showed it hadn’t hurt her. She was tougher than she looked, and it filled his heart with pride.
“You’re aborting it.” Justin said.
“I am not.” Claire said firmly.
“Do I have to make you-” Justin took a step forward and the crack of Calum’s fist connecting with his jaw made his stop. He would have staggered back and fallen down the stairs if it weren’t for Calum’s grip on the front of his shirt.
“Don’t ever speak to her like that again.” Calum growled. Part of him wanted to let the guy go, to watch him fall down the stairs, but he didn’t want a lawsuit on his hands, and he could only claim self defense so much before it was obvious he had it out for the guy.
“I don’t want to see you again.” Claire said, “I don't want to hear from you. You will have no part in this baby's life, seeing as you don’t want them anyways.” Claire’s hands were on her stomach protectively even though there was not even bump showing yet.
Calum looked from Claire to her ex. Justin spat some blood on the ground and pushed away Calum’s hand, finally able to stand by himself, “get off of me.” he shot at Calum before looking at Claire, “fuck you-”
Calum grabbed Justin’s shirt again and dragged him down the front steps until they were on the grass, “you’re trespassing.” Calum said.
“Fuck you-” Justin said again.
Calum couldn't help himself anymore and his fist connected with Justin’s jaw a second time. Without the stairs as a hazard, Calum had no reason to hold the guy up, so he allowed Justin to fall to the grass, groaning and spitting blood.
“Don’t ever come back here.” Calum said, looking down at the guy who stared up at him with anger. Justin managed to stumble to his feet, taking one last hateful look at Claire before leaving the property.
Calum made sure Justin was gone before walking up to the house. He rubbed his bloody knuckles on his dark jeans, eyeing Claire, “Are you okay?” he asked.
She nodded, looking a little frazzled, “yeah, thanks.”
Luke bit his lip anxiously, “Claire, you should go talk to your therapist about this. It’s not good for you if Justin can still contact you-”
“I’ll get a restraining order or something, i just… I’m too tired right now.” Claire said, looking down and playing with the long sleeves of her hoodie.
The boys exchanged a glance before agreeing and escorting her back into the house. They all sat down but Calum was on edge. Meeting Justin had pissed him off. He hadn’t been that angry in a long time. After an hour he stood up, “I should be going, gotta walk Duke.”
Instead he went to a gym, finding a punching bag and some gloves. As he pulled the material over his hands he looked at his knuckles, a few last specks of blood reminding him of what he’d done. What he felt no remorse for.
Calum spent an embarrassingly long amount of time looking up pregnancy. A few days after his altercation with Justin, Calum had been up at two AM, unable to sleep. All he could think about was Claire and the baby growing inside of her.
He’d scoured the internet for information, eager to learn so he could help in any way possible.
Luke had told him that Claire spent most of her time in her room working on a book of poems. She’d just finished university the year before and was putting all of her time into getting her writing out. Calum had heard that she did poetry readings, and part of him wondered what that would be like.
Claire was often on his mind, as much as he’d hate to admit it to anyone else.
He couldn't get the image of her out of his head, especially the determined look in her eyes when she’d shut down her ex. He played the scene over in his head again and again.
He was at Luke’s place with the boys when she came downstairs to grab some food, smiling at the boys in the living room, “Hey guys! Long time no see!” she said, opening her arms as all the boys stood to greet her.
All four aussies towered over the small girl, standing at a meager five foot three. Ashton bent down to hug her, but Michael didn’t bother, lifting her off the ground a little. When it was Calum’s turn it felt weird but as he bent down, pulling Claire to his chest, suddenly it felt right. Their hug lasted a few moments then she pulled away, “I'm gonna check the fridge for food, anyone want anything?” she asked.
“We’re ordering pizza soon if you want some.” Luke suggested.
“Ooooh, vegetarian?” she asked.
All the boys looked at each other, none of them had been planning on getting a veggie exclusive pizza and that much was obvious. “I’m down for veggie.” Calum said.
“When have you ever been down for veggie?” Ashton asked in shock.
“Yeah, the number of times you’ve been drunk and begging for pepperoni-”
“Trying something new.” Calum said, shoving at Michael’s shoulder.
Claire laughed, “I’m also good with cheese.”
“Are you vegetarian?” Michael asked.
“No, just like veggies.” she stated, “anyways, I'm still going to grab an apple, but it was nice seeing you guys.”
They watched her walk to the kitchen and the boys sat down, but Calum remained standing, “I'll be back.” he said before going to follow the blonde.
In the kitchen he watched her leaning over to look in the fridge before pulling out a green apple, “hey.” she smiled at him.
“How’s uh, how’s your book or poetry thing going?” he asked.
“It’s… going.” she laughed.
“Good.” Calum nodded, taking a breath, “are you uh… do you need someone to take you to the ultrasound? I mean you’re coming up at six weeks sometime right?”
Claire looked at him, “I can drive myself.” she said, it wasn’t rude, it was just a fact, and she was looking at him with eyes full of curiosity.
“I know, I just, some things don’t have to be done alone.”
She smiled softly at him, “you’d really go with me?”
“Okay, I’ll uh… call and book the appointment then text you?”
“Sure.” Calum offered a small smile.
“Okay.” she said, beaming at him.
He turned to go but her voice stopped him, “hey Cal, thanks.”
“No problem.”
“Well I’ll be out here.” Calum said, giving Claire a comforting look before his gaze flickered to the room she’d been called into.
“Do… do you wanna come in?” Claire asked awkwardly.
Calum’s heart jumped, “uh…”
They both spoke at once, “I’m being stupid it’s fine.” “I can come in.”
A moment of silence, then Claire smiled, going to the room and looking over her shoulder to make sure Calum was following her.
Calum zoned out of most of it, overwhelmbed by the way the room looked and all the equipment. Then the nurse was warning Claire the gel that would be going on her stomach would be cold.
Claire hissed at the contact of the gell on her skin, grabbing Calum’s hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Calum’s heart skipped a beat in his chest and he looked at her, then the nurse’s voice caught his attention.
“So there it is.” the nurse said, “congratulations.”
It felt to both of them like she was pairing them together, assuming they were a couple, but neither Calum nor Claire corrected her, eyes too transfixed by the small… thing on the screen.
“So we can’t tell the gender for sure yet.” the nurse warned them.
“That’s fine.” Claire breathed, “that’s a baby.”
“It is a baby.” the nurse laughed.
“I had a dream the other night that I'd eaten a tapeworm.” Claire said whimsically before snapping out of her trance as she tore her eyes from the monitor, “I guess I was scared it wasn’t real.”
“Dreams about a growing baby are normal for mothers.” the nurse assured her.
Claire let out a sigh of relief, giving Calum’s hand a small squeeze.
“So when can I come in to find out the gender?” Claire asked.
“Usually at about sixteen to twenty weeks, so you have a long road ahead.” the nurse said.
“Can I get a picture of my baby now?” Claire asked.
The nurse smiled, “of course.”
She was staring at the photo and Calum couldn’t blame her. He’d seen her beam when the baby came up on the monitor. It was small, but it was there. There was a life growing inside of her, something to call her own, a tiny human.
They came to a stop light and Calum snuck a glance at the blonde in his passenger seat. She must have noticed because she finally looked up, “I've always wanted to be a mom.” she said, “always loved kids.”
Calum hummed in response. He knew what that was like. Kids had always been drawn to him too, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t picture his future without a few little Hoods running around in it.
“I just… I want to cook for them. Bake cookies on cold nights when it’s dark outside. Make them chicken noodle soup when they have the sniffles and it’s flu season.” Claire laughed to herself, eyes going back to the photo in her hands, “make personalized mac and cheese for each kid.”
Then she paused. She’d always wanted multiple kids, but until that moment she hadn’t really thought about what it meant to be having a kid with an ex. To be a single mom. To be dating afterwards with the possibility of a toddler she’d have to manage on top of that.
Calum noticed and he immediately knew her dilemma, so he made an effort to distract her, “what types of mac and cheese?”
“Well.” Claire took a deep breath, “Denny likes bacon-”
“Denny?” Calum laughed.
“Yeah, Denny. Denny likes bacon.” she said again, “April likes broccoli.”
“A kid who likes broccoli?” Calum smiled, “you’re dreaming.”
“Oh yeah? And what would your future kids want on their mac and cheese?” Claire countered, turning to look at Calum as he drove.
“Uh…” Calum laughed, “Alfie likes regular mac and cheese, like kraft dinner type shit, the bad stuff from the box, because he has no class, but Charlotte, well she’s a princess, so she likes the mac and cheese with as many different cheeses as possible in it, the full experience. Got some cheddar, mozzarella, havarti, maybe some sharper aged cheddars to spice it up a bit-”
“And you’re going to make this magical mac and cheese for her because she’s your princess?” Claire smiled fondly.
“Of course. I’d do anything for my hypothetical children, besides, you’re making bacon mac and cheese, that’s even harder.”
“Well Denny is a classy kid.” Claire crossed her arms over her chest then let out a giggle.
“I’m sure he will be Claire.” Calum said, smiling softly as they came to another red light.
He looked at her and she looked at him.
Calum was excited the second he saw her contact flash on his screen. Luke had been out of his house again, and Calum still hadn’t felt comfortable inviting himself over or asking to come see Claire, he didn’t want to put pressure on her. Didn’t want to let his little crush get the better of him and make her uncomfortable. He needed to be there for her as a friend, and he wasn’t about to ruin that by putting his own feelings first.
“Hey Claire.” Calum greated as he put the phone on speaker.
“Calum, I need you to come over,” Calum would have smiled if it weren’t for the anxious tone in her voice, before he could ask any questions she continued, “please Calum, my ex showed up and he’s drunk, and I don’t know what to do-”
“I’ll be right over.” Calum assured her, “stay in the house, lock yourself in Luke’s bed room and then go in the bathroom and lock that too, don't come out until I call you and ask you to let me in okay?”
Calum’s knuckles were turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. He knew he’d done the right thing by calling the police, knew this evidence would help any restraining order Claire wanted to get on Justin. He also knew that if he had shown up without the police there already, he would have done something he would have regretted.
As he pulled up to Luke’s house his eyes landed on the two cops trying to calm Justin down. As soon as Justin saw Calum pull into the driveway he got visibly angrier, fists clenching at his sides.
“Of course it was this fucking asshole!” Justin screamed, “did you call the cops on me?!”
“This is private property.” Calum said as he exited his car, “you were told not to come here.”
“My girlfriend is in there and she is pregnant-” Justin screamed.
“She broke up with you because you were an abusive asshole!” Calum yelled back.
The cops took a look between Calum and Justin who were sizing each other up and pulled out handcuffs, “sir, I need you to remove yourself from the property.” one said to Justin.
“I’m not leaving!” Justin stated.
Calum took a deep breath, looking at the cops, “his ex broke up with him six weeks ago because he was abusive. He showed up here a few weeks ago and was told not to come back. His ex is trying to get a restraining order-”
“A restraining order!” Justin screamed.
“Sir, I need you to calm down.” one of the cops said to Justin.
Justin took one look between Calum and the cops and made a beeline for Calum. Calum held his posture, letting Justin punch him square in the mouth. Assault in front of police officers on private property… Calum knew how beneficial this would be in Claire’s case.
One of the cops tackled Justin to the ground while reading his rights and cuffing him. The other cop approached Calum who spat blood onto the grass, rubbing at his busted lip.
“I’ll need to get a statement from you.” the cop told him.
“Yeah,” Calum watched Justin get dragged to the cop car kicking and screaming, “anything that can help.”
Claire’s hands were shaking as she unlocked the door. Calum was standing there. His lip was busted and a bruise was forming along his jaw. “Oh my god!” Claire gasped, “Are you okay?!”
“Yeah, I'm fine.” Calum assured her, “are you alright?”
“Calum please, come, let me put a wet towel on your lip or something.” Claire pleaded, grabbing his forearm and dragging him into the bathroom. Calum leaned against the sink while Claire rushed around, bringing a cloth to hold to his lip. She pressed it against his face, on her tiptoes to get closer to the man that always seemed to tower over her.
Their eyes met.
“Thank you for being here for me.” Claire said.
“I told you I would be.”
“I know but… other than Luke, I’ve never really met a guy who keeps his promises.”
Calum frowned, “you don’t know the right guys.”
She laughed, breaking their eye contact to look down, “you’re probably right about that.”
Calum said nothing.
“Uh… do you mind staying for a bit? At least until Luke gets back? I don’t… I don't feel safe here right now.”
“Of course I will.” Calum assured her, “look, lets go get a movie or something yeah?”
She smiled at him, “yeah.”
Luke arrived home the next morning, not expecting to find Claire and Calum asleep on the couch. Claire was tucked against Calum’s chest and the Aussie had an arm around her protectively. Luke took a moment to just look at them before clearing his throat.
Claire woke up first, noticing her position on Calum she sat up quickly which woke up the brunette. Calum rubbed his eyes, “shit, what time is it?” he groaned.
“Noon.” Luke said, tossing his keys down.
“I need to go.” Calum said, “Duke-”
“Yeah go.” Claire nodded, “thanks, I get it.”
They both stood up from the couch and Luke watched the awkward way they moved. Claire hugged Calum first and after a second Calum hugged her back. “Again, thanks for coming last night.”
“No problem.” Calum answered.
She let go of him and Calum went to the door which Luke held open for him before following his friend outside, “so this is why you said you had it handled last night and I didn't have to rush home.” he said teasingly.
Calum rolled his eyes, “piss off.”
Calum looked down at his iced coffee, waiting for Ashton to say what he wanted to say. Although no one had said anything to Calum about it, he knew why he was there. Luke had probably called the guys and told them about what had happened the day before, and Ashton was taking Calum out to be the voice of reason so Luke could hang back at the house with Claire while she sorted out her ex drama.
“Nice weather.” Ashton said, squinting at the sunshine.
“We’re in LA, it’s always nice weather.” Calum said, running a hand through his dark curls, “look Ashton, just say what you want to say.”
Ashton sighed, ring clad fingers tapping against the coffee table, “Claire’s pregnant.”
“Uh huh.”
“And that’s great for her, but… we- I’m worried about what would happen if you get involved with her.”
“Involved?” Calum laughed, “Claire just needs someone right now-”
“She has Luke-”
“You know that’s not what I mean, besides… I mean, I've always liked kids- and who’s to say it's even going to get that far? The girl needed help, her ex is a cunt, and being there for her is the right thing to do.”
Ashton sighed, “you and your big heart.”
“It’s why you love me.” Calum teased.
Ashton rolled his eyes, “Claire is really cute-”
“Uh huh.” Calum took a sip from his drink, hiding a grin.
“Okay,” Ashton said in defeat, “well it looks like you know what you’re doing.”
Time seemed to move quickly after the altercation with Justin. Claire made it obvious she was intent on getting a restraining order, and she had multiple witnesses, including two police officers, that would make getting the restraining order easy.
Calum was relieved when Justin said she wouldn’t need one. He was moving out of state, back home to his family. Apparently LA had too many bad memories, and he had nothing left to stay for.
He knew his harsh words had hurt Claire a little, even though she’d kept her head held high through the phone call while Luke and Calum stood by, ready to grab the phone and hang up if Justin got too aggressive.
But Claire’s bump had been growing, a few weeks had gone by, and she was almost due to get her sixteen week ultrasound. It was odd to Calum that ten weeks had passed so fast, but between Claire getting the forms to get a restraining order, and filling them out, and Justin backing off, and Claire working on her poetry while the boys worked on new music- well, they’d all been busy.
Calum arrived at Luke’s house to find Claire sitting on the front steps. She was in pink joggers and a lime green tank top that showed off her growing belly. Her hair was in a little bun and she jumped to her feet when Calum’s car pulled up, getting in quickly, she was practically buzzing, “you look excited.” Calum mused, pointing out the obvious.
Claire rolled her eyes, “aren't you?”
Calum cracked a smile, he had to admit he was excited, for her, or for himself, he wasn’t sure.
They didn’t talk much, both too overwhelmed by the fact that it was all real. Then, Claire was in the chair and gel was being put onto her stomach. The monitor showed her baby and Claire audibly gasped. She still had nightmares that the whole thing wasn’t real, and every time she got to see her baby on the monitor it was like being woken from a dream with ice water.
“Would you like to know the gender?” the nurse asked.
“Yes please.” Claire said, trying to hide her eagerness.
“So it looks like it’s a boy.” the nurse readjusted the ultrasound, “definitely a little baby boy.”
Claire’s eyes welled with tears, a massive smile on her face, “a boy?” she croaked. Then she turned to Calum, grabbing his hand, “it’s a boy!” she squealed.
Calum smiled at her, “congratulations Claire.” his heart was racing in his chest and his body felt warm all over, as Claire looked back at the monitor he continued to look at her, wondering when he’d fallen so deep for her.
“So are you really going to go for Denny?” Calum asked.
Claire hummed in response, her fingers gliding over the ultrasound picture, “I don't know. There’s still time, I have other things I have to figure out first.”
“Like what?”
“well... “ Claire sighed, '' I'll have to find a new place.”
“What?” Calum looked between her and the road, “did Luke-”
“No, Luke hasn’t said anything but… I mean, he barely gets much sleep as it is because of your job, so adding a baby to that isn’t great.”
Calum’s grip tightened on the wheel as his mind began to flip through all the hardships Claire would face as a single mom in LA, and a poet no less. He couldn’t help but feel immense sadness pulling at his heart, he wanted so badly to fix it all for her, to offer his own house to her, but he knew a decision like that had to be made with a level head, which is not what he had in that moment.
“I’m sure it will work out.” he said, offering her a smile.
Claire returned the grin.
They pulled up to the house and Claire looked at Calum, “do… do you want one of the ultrasound pictures?”
Calum’s heart melted in his chest, “yeah, I'd love one.” he said, accepting the photo she offered him, “thanks.”
Claire beamed, “well, I need to get back to writing.” she opened the car door and is snapped Calum out of his daze, his eyes looking up from the photo.
“I uh… need to talk to Luke about something.”
“Okay.” the two went into the house and Claire said goodbye before heading up to her room.
Calum found Luke in the kitchen, attempting to make Ramen.
“Oh hey.” Luke looked up.
“Hey, so are you going to kick Claire out when she has the baby? Because maybe I should offer her my place-” Calum rambled, wanting to get to the point as fast as possible.
Luke held up his hands, “okay, first, I'm not kicking her out, and second… I can't believe you’re thinking about offering her your spare room.”
“Well if she needed a place-” Calum began to defend himself, but he knew how lame it sounded, he knew he’d betrayed how much he cared for Luke’s roommate.
“She can stay here.” Luke said, “besides, Petunia would love a sibling… so… boy or girl.”
Calum held out the ultrasound photo, “boy.”
Luke beamed, taking the picture, “there’s going to be a little boy running around here.” he said softly.
Calum smiled, “I know.” Luke went to put the ultrasound picture on the fridge but Calum grabbed it back, “this is mine, get your own.”
Every week, every day, felt like a new milestone to Claire. She insisted that a pregnant woman at seventeen weeks could still walk a dog, and Luke made sure she went out with a large sunhat, sunscreen and water, just in case.
Walking down the streets, Claire felt a little loony, the woven hat all flappy and her flip flops smacking against the hot pavement. Petunia stayed close to her, never tugging, always right there, Claire sometimes wondered if the dog knew she was pregnant.
While she walked, her mind wandered, transfixed on the conversation she and Luke had had the day before. Luke, always the shit starter, had mentioned Calum might be into Claire, and Claire had been quick to shoot it down, insisting that a rock star was not falling for a single, pregnant, poet.
But she wondered if Luke was right, after all, Calum had been a massive help for the past four months… four months, had it really been that long already?
Claire’s hand went over her bump and she smiled, only five more until she got to meet her baby boy.
Her eyes went up and she noticed a man walking towards her with a dog. It was easy to see it was Calum, in black shorts and a muscle shirt. He looked great, as always.
“Hey!” she said as they got closer.
“Hey.” he smiled back as Petunia and Duke said hello to each other.
“It’s such a nice day for a walk.” Claire said.
“It is, glad to see you have water and a hat.”
“Luke wouldn’t let me leave without them.” Claire laughed, “hey, don’t you live semi far away? What are you doing out here?”
“Uh…” Calum rubbed the back of his neck, “just got lost in thought I guess.”
“Thinking about me?” Claire teased, poking his shin with her flip flop.
Calum laughed, “maybe.”
Claire looked up at him, enjoying his presence, then she frowned, “you know, you don’t have to do so much for me, I’m not your responsibility.”
Calum studied her for a moment.
“I mean, I know I’m a burden-” Claire continued.
“You’re not.” Calum cut her off quickly, “I like you, you’re a nice girl, you just need some support right now.” he assured her.
Claire smiled softly at him, not sure what to say.
“So, how’s your book coming?” Calum asked, hoping to change the subject.
“It’s almost done.”
“That’s good!” Calum said, “one of these days you’ll have to invite us to a reading or something.”
“In your dreams.” Claire stated.
“At least I dream of poetry and not about a tape worm in my stomach as a baby.” Calum joked.
Claire elbowed him in the ribs and Calum laughed. “I told you that in confidence!” Claire said in exasperation but even she was giggling.
“I’m just glad we both know it’s not a tapeworm.”
Claire had called him a few days after the ultrasound, she was excited about her poems, apparently she’d almost finished the book and had sent it in, waiting to hear back while completing the final poem. Calum had been excited for her, asking if she could read him one, but once again she’d said no, insisting he’d get to see them all with a ‘signed copy’ when it came out.
He liked the confidence. It was nice seeing her with her head held high, knowing what she was worth. He knew what she was worth, or, what she was worth to him anyways.
She stayed in her room working on the final poem for two weeks, and Calum heard from her on and off. Sometimes she’d call him during a break. One night she called just as Calum was going to bed to tell him that the baby had moved.
He was excited for her, but it was odd for him, not being there, as if he was meant to be. As if he was missing a milestone he should have experienced.
Every night Calum thought about her. Every day she was constantly on his mind. It was as if everywhere he looked he saw Claire.
He was at the grocery store one day and found himself in the baby aisle, staring at baby food while Arcade Fire’s ‘The Suburbs’ played in his head phones, the lyrics ‘I want a daughter while I'm still young, want to hold her hand, show her some beauty before this damage is done’ ringing through his head like a mantra.  
When a knock at Calum’s door took him from his couch, he wasn’t expecting to find the five foot three blonde standing there.
“My publisher says its good!” she screamed before Calum could say anything, “my poetry is getting published!”
Calum was hugging her before he could stop himself, careful of her belly, but still holding her tight enough to congratulate her. “That’s great!” he said, eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of having her in his arms.
When they pulled away, they both moved slowly. Claire looked up at him, her eyes flickering to his lips.
It was the only signal Calum needed, one hand moving to cup her face while he bent down to press his lips against hers.
Claire’s arms went behind Calum’s neck as she went on her tiptoes, eager to taste him. She hadn’t thought much about it, but it had been over twenty weeks since she’d broken up with her ex, and Calum had been there for most of them. He’d always been there for her, and she’d never been able to admit to herself how she truly felt.
His tongue brushed her lower lip and Claire smiled, pulling away so she could press her forehead against his chest while his arms wrapped around her again.
Claire let out a little laugh, shocked at herself, shocked at him.
“I’m so proud of you.” Calum breathed which only made her smile widen as she hid her face in his shirt even more, “I want to take you out to celebrate.”
“it almost sounds like you’re asking me out on a date, Hood.” Claire teased, finally pulling away to look up at him.
He smiled softly, “that’s because I am.”
She’d had a craving for pizza, and they’d gone to a little diner, ordering three pizzas since Claire was ‘eating for two’ as Calum teased her.
He got a pepperoni pizza, and Claire got a cheese and a vegetarian. Forcing Calum to have a bite of her pizza, Claire insisted that the mushrooms were magical even if they weren’t getting high from them, and Calum could only laugh as he looked at her with eyes full of adoration.
The girl could hold her own in an eating contest, but they still ended up having enough left over to take home. Calum insisted on paying, and the waiter looked at pregnant Claire and Calum and decided to take Calum’s money.
Calum held the takeout bag as they left, walking back to the car. He could usually get away with being incognito, but since someone had found out that Luke’s roommate was pregnant, it made it harder for him to go out with her and not get recognized.
As they walked to the car, he could hear the pictures being taken, and Claire adjusted the pink ball cap on her head, covering her face while one hand sat protectively on her tummy.
“Come on man, have some class.” Calum groaned at one pap who simply yelled back in response “is the baby yours Calum?”
Calum sighed as the two of them entered the car. “It’s ok Cal,” Claire assured him, “don’t let them bug you.”
Calum couldn’t help it though. He felt protective over her, part of him always had. He wanted, no, he needed to protect her from his world, from his way of life.
He dropped her off home and she kissed him on the cheek to say goodbye, the press of her lips against his skin gave him flutters.
When he arrived home, the first thing Calum did was go on Twitter to see what people were saying. The general consensus was the fandom was torn on whos baby Claire was having. Some claimed it was Luke’s since they were roommates, while others said it was obviously Calum’s. A few rare users pointed out that Claire had been dating someone around the start of the pregnancy timeline.
It made Calum frustrated, and he spent an hour scrolling and thinking about what he could do to shut all the gossip down.
With a final sigh, Calum typed out ‘can ya’ll like… not’
Things blew up again, and it set Calum on edge until the notification popped up and signalled the official 5sos twitter had posted something. His eyes scanned over the tweet, reading “as a band we support women. We support their right to all things, especially their own bodies. Being a single mom is still difficult, and we ask our fans to be compassionate to the struggles of women everywhere, especially our friends.”
Calum smiled, knowing Ashton had stepped in. it helped to have the support of the band, it helped to have someone like Ashton able to articulate his thoughts in such an eloquent way.
With a sigh, Calum turned off his phone, hoping everything would blow over.
The first time Claire called and said she was craving peanut butter and pickles, Calum thought she was joking. Then he heard the persistence in her voice and realized she was being honest. At only twenty two weeks into her pregnancy, she could technically still drive, but both Luke and Calum were apprehensive about that.
So at one AM, Calum got off the couch, threw on some joggers and a hoodie, and went to pick up Claire and take her to get pickles and peanut butter.
There was something about her that excited him, he never knew what she was going to do next. When Claire insisted on sitting in the cart, saying “it’s one AM, no one is going to see me, and if they do they won't care.” Calum just shrugged and helped the pregnant girl into the shopping cart.
She was right. They were lucky that the store was open until 2 am, and no one was around to see Claire riding in the cart. They went up and down aisles that weren’t even necessary, looking at everything and talking about food.
When Calum tossed some oreos into the cart for himself, Claire looked at him and asked him to get two more packages with extra stuffing. Calum laughed, tossing those in too, and they landed on Claire’s lap as she looked down at them and licked her lips.
“Baby loves oreos.” she informed him, hands on her tummy.
“So we’re not calling him Denny anymore?” Calum asked, handing her the peanut butter from the shelf. He was surprised at his use of the word ‘we’ but it felt natural, and Claire didn’t even notice.
Claire thought it over for a second then shook her head, “he doesn’t feel like a Denny.”
Calum smiled at her words, “doesn’t feel like a Denny.” he repeated them back to her, “I like that.”
Claire grinned, “I think I’ll know his name when I see him.”
Calum said nothing, going over to the aisle with toys he picked up a fluffy teddy bear, holding it out to Claire, “can I buy this for baby?” he asked.
Claire looked up at him with wonder, a smile on her face, “yeah.” she nodded, smile widening even more as Calum set it down gently into the cart.
The smile remained on Claire’s face the rest of the shop.
At the checkout Claire made grabby hands at some chocolate bars so Calum threw those in too and they ended up leaving with a variety of treats. Pickles, peanut butter, oreos, chocolate, gummy bears- Claire looked excited, seated in his passenger seat, holding everything like a kid in a candy store.
“Now lets drive some place quiet and look at the stars.” she said.
“It’s late-”
“Are you busy tomorrow?” Claire asked.
“Me neither. So lets do it Cal, please?”
Calum sighed as his engine roared to life, “okay, I know a place.”
Claire clapped with excitement, leaning over and kissing Calum’s cheek which sent electric shocks running through his body as they drove through LA. He took them to a dusty parking lot a little ways out of town, where he usually parked to go on hikes on hot days with Duke.
At nearly 2 am, the parking lot was empty, and as his car rolled to a stop, he opened his door and let the cool night air engulf them.
“Oreos first.” Claire announced, opening a package, “what do you want?”
“Gummy bears.” Calum said, accepting them as she handed the bag to him a moment later.
“So…” Claire licked her oreo, then she turned to look at him a little, “what makes you want to take a fat, pregnant, single mom, on dates?”
Calum nearly choked on his gummy bear, swallowing thickly as he looked at her, “what?”
“You heard me Hood. I just don't get it.” she said.
Calum thought about it for a moment, “first, you’re not fat, you’re pregnant-” Claire rolled her eyes in exasperation and Calum laughed, “it’s true.” he insisted, “and second, just because you have a kid doesn’t mean you shouldnt be a dating option.”
“A dating option?” Claire laughed at his words.
Calum sighed, “you know what I mean. Look Claire, you’re a nice girl. You’re funny, you’re smart, you’re cute-”
“Even with my huge tummy?” she asked.
Calum sighed, “especially with your huge tummy.”
“So you have a breeding kink?” Claire teased, “maybe you’re a kinky creep and I shouldn't be dating you.”
“Oh my god.” Calum rested his forehead against the steering wheel, laughing, “you’re wild.”
“You love-” then Claire paused, eyes widening, “Calum, baby moved!” she squealed.
“Really?” Calum sat up again.
“Yeah!” she grabbed his hand, putting it on her tummy, “can you feel that?”
He could definitely feel the baby shifting and his eyes widened too, “holy fuck!”
Claire laughed, “I told you baby likes oreos.” then she paused, “or maybe he likes your voice.”
Calum’s skin heated up immediately at the thought and he pulled his hand away from Claire’s tummy, “nah-”
“I like your voice.” Claire stated.
Calum looked at her, eyes going down to her lips before moving back up.
“Kiss me Calum?” Claire asked.
Calum’s hand reached out, cupping her face as his thumb brushed her cheekbone, “you’re amazing Claire.” he whispered, leaning in and pressing his lips against hers gently.
She kissed him back, softly, testing, as if she was worried about something. Calum realized just how insecure being pregnant probably meant to her. Realized how much of a hurdle she saw it as, whereas he just saw it as part of Claire, part of the girl he was falling for faster than he could catch himself.
She tasted sweet and Calum wasn’t surprised.
Calum pulled back, “I get that you think being pregnant is an obstacle or whatever, but it’s not. You’re growing a person Claire.” Calum cracked a smile and Claire giggled, “I’m never going to judge you for that.”
Claire studied his face, the sincerity behind his words. She’d always dated assholes, she wasn’t used to a guy like Calum. Wasn’t used to feeling like she was on cloud nine, wasn’t used to feeling… cherished.
She’d thought she’d known love before, but sitting in that car with him, mulling over Calum’s words, she realized she hadn’t. Not really. She didn’t love Calum, not yet, and she knew that, she wasn’t naive, but… she could feel the capacity her heart had for him, and she was excited to see where that lead her.
Claire was cooking when Luke came home, he was practically buzzing out of his skin and the sight made Claire smile, “good news?” she asked.
“The tour’s planned.” Luke beamed, running over and dipping his finger into the mushroom sauce she was making before Claire could swat his hand away.
“Oh.” Claire’s smile dropped. She’d been so enveloped by her own pregnancy and own issues that she’d almost forgotten both Luke and Calum worked. That they were musicians. That a tour was an inevitability. “When?”
“In two months.”
“That's so soon.”
“Yeah, and there’s a super long reason for it, but I can't even remember it right now, I’m just excited.” Luke said, still buzzing. Then he noticed the rigidity of Claire’s shoulders and let out a long breath, “shit.”
Claire laughed sadly, “yeah, shit. How long will tour be?”
Luke swallowed thickly, “a few months, three or four I think.”
Neither Claire nor Luke said it but they were both thinking it. They’d leave when she was seven months pregnant and her baby would be two months old when they returned.
“We’ll have a mid tour break.” Luke said quickly, “take a week off around your due date-”
“You don’t have to, really-”
“Claire.” Luke said sternly, “we will.”
Claire offered him a small smile as his arm went over her shoulders, tucking her in close to his side, “I’m sorry.” Luke said.
“It’s your job.” Claire brushed it off but her heart was hurting. She hadn’t even truly thought about it, but part of her had always assumed the boys - Calum - would be there through it all.
She’d been stupid. And she hated herself for it.
“You have every right to be mad.” Calum said, following Claire through the house as she dusted things, trying to come up with any job to feel useful.
“I’m not.” Claire stated, still not looking at him.
Calum sighed, biting his tongue.
“It’s your job Calum. It’s no worries.” Claire continued, “you’re going to go on tour, and have a great time, and you should honestly just forget about me.”
“Forget about you?” Calum’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched the petite blonde dust the TV.
“Yeah. I mean it’s tour Cal, you’ll have girls throwing themselves at you every night, it’s going to be great.” Claire forced a smile but she still couldn’t look at him.
Calum stared at her, unable to even think of a response. Then he rubbed the back of his neck, “you really think I want to go fuck a bunch of random girls on tour?”
Claire shrugged, “why wouldn’t you?”
She could hear Calum’s footsteps retreating, could hear him pick up his leather jacket and leave, the front door shutting behind him.
Claire’s skin heated and her eyes prickled, a hot tear rolling down her cheek. She bit her lip. Letting him go had been a kindness and she knew it.
Luke sat next to Calum, looking out the airplane window. Calum said nothing and Luke frowned, “so…” Luke wondered what to say to him, “the baby is good. Doctors say he’s strong-”
“Luke-” Calum sighed.
“You haven't talked to her in two months Cal.” Luke said harshly, “neither of you will tell me what happened, but I’m not stupid, it’s because of the tour. I know you care about her, but you’re too fucking proud to ask about her, so I’m telling you!”
Calum looked out the window and Luke crossed his arms over his chest angrily, “we’re going to be there when that baby is born, and you’re going to be nice to Claire, and it will all blow over.”
“Band baby?” came Michael’s hopeful voice from the seats behind them and Luke lifted himself a little to look at the guitarist with a smile.
“Band baby.” Luke stated.
“Lucky kid’s gonna have four dads.” Michael laughed.
Calum continued staring out the window, “something about that feels unlucky to me.”
There’d only been one person Calum wanted to talk to after he’d gotten off stage at their first show: Claire. He wanted to hug her, wanted to smell her familiar scent of mangos, wanted to tell her all about it and look into her blue eyes, always attentive when he told her stories. He wanted to hold her close, and feed her oreos, and show her the stage setup. Wanted to drag her into the small tour bus bed even if she tried to tell him she was too big for it.
He wanted… Claire.
As the tour progressed it just became more apparent. With every girl Calum rejected or took to his hotel only to not invite her in and buy her a taxi, sending her on her way unfucked and with a half assed apology.
He found himself looking at pictures of her on his phone, scrolling through her instagram.
Eight months was quickly approaching nine, and Calum was getting more and more anxious by the day, always aware of exactly how many days it was until the boys would fly home for the mid tour break and, hopefully, the birth of Claire’s baby.
Calum knew he could pick up his phone and fix everything. He could tell her he realized he loved her. But he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
It had to be in person or he wouldn’t be able to find the right words.
Even in person he’d probably have difficulties.
Calum endured it, knowing that it was just a matter of time before he’d be home and he’d fix things.
Luke was nervous as the plane landed in LAX. Claire hadn’t face timed him all week, and the messages she sent were short and cryptic. Waiting for luggage seemed to take forever, and it wasn't obvious who was more on edge, Luke or Calum.
As soon as their suitcases came into view Calum was pushing through people to retrieve them, Michael following close behind and apologizing to anyone who Calum had bumped into.
Michael and Ashton got separate rides home, and Calum and Luke shared a car. The ride was silent, both men anxiously tapping their knees and looking out the window.
It was all either guy could do to pay and grab their luggage before running up to the house, Luke fumbling with his keys. He’d expected Claire to be there waiting, and the fact that she wasn’t… made him even more nervous.
“Claire?!” Luke called as soon as the door was open.
She appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed in an oversized hoodie and kneesocks. She looked like a mess, and most importantly… she looked not pregnant.
Both guys stared at her in shock as she held a finger to her lips, “shhhh, he’s sleeping.” she whispered, coming down the stairs carefully and quietly.
“You’re not-” Luke began to stutter.
“I had the baby.” Claire nodded, resting her hand on his forearm to steady him.
She hadn’t even looked at Calum, but he wasn’t looking at her either, his eyes were on the stairs where she’d been standing.
“The baby was a week early, I didn't want to ruin your tour-” Claire began to explain, anxious that neither man had hugged her yet.
“We would have come-” Luke insisted, eyes wild and full of hurt.
Claire frowned, “I didn't want you to cancel a bunch of shows-”
Luke wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest. It hurt, but he understood.
“Where’s Petunia?” Luke asked.
“She sleeps with Arlo so she’s in his room now.” Claire explained.
“Arlo?” Calum said, turning to look at Claire as his voice cracked, “his name is Arlo?”
She looked at Calum, staying quiet for a moment then she nodded, smiling softly, “yeah.”
“Can… can we-” Calum struggled to find the right words.
“Yeah, you can meet him.” Claire said.
She went up the stairs first, footsteps quiet, Luke and Calum followed close behind. She carefully opened the door to her room.
The crib Luke had been looking forward to building was already set up in the corner. Petunia sat on the rug and she stood up and ran to Luke, tail wagging. He smiled, picking her up and kissing her, saying hello softly while Claire and Calum approached the crib.
The baby was tiny, almost smaller than the teddy bear laying next to him. Calum’s heart clenched as he recognized it as the bear he’d bought for the baby back that first night she’d had cravings and they’d looked at the stars.
Calum rubbed at his eyes and Claire looked at him, concern on her face, “Calum-”
He left the room and Luke set Petunia down, “go talk to him.” he whispered, “I'll take care of Arlo.”
Claire thanked him and followed Calum. He was outside, staring at the bright blue LA sky, his hands in his hair.
“Calum are you okay-” Claire began and he whipped around to face her.
“I’m not okay.” he stated.
“Look, don’t feel bad you weren’t there for the birth, you’re not Arlo’s dad, you don’t have to hold yourself to that standard-”
“Well what if I want to do everything a dad would do?” Calum asked angrily, taking a step towards Claire, “What if I love you, and I love this baby already, and I want to be this person for you if you let me?” he paused, voice softening, “stop thinking you’re trapping me into this, I want to be here.”
Claire’s lower lip wobbled and Calum took a step closer, cupping her face as he looked down at her, waiting to hear her response.
Instead of saying anything, she kissed him. She grabbed the back of his head and it was the most aggressive she’d ever been with him, but he didn’t mind, he could feel how eager she was, could feel the words ‘I love you too’ on her lips even if she didn’t speak them. She didn’t need to say them out loud. He knew she felt the same.
He wasn't sure how long they kissed but when he lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist, she pulled away from his lips and groaned. “I’m such a nuisance.”
“You’re not.” Calum sighed, kissing her cheek.
“I just want to fuck you.” Claire laughed, tugging a little at his dark curls, “but I can't, not for a few weeks-”
“Then I’ll count down the days, and when I can finally fuck you, I’ll make you cum until you can’t walk to make up for all our missed time.” Calum promised.
Claire beamed at him, brushing his face, “I love you Calum Hood.”
He’d spent the entire week with Claire and Arlo doing domestic things that made them both feel like a married couple who’d been in love for years. Luke didn’t mind having Calum around, seeing Claire and Calum happy with their little baby made Luke want a baby and a love of his own.
Arlo wasn’t fussy, staying mostly quiet and willing to latch onto the shoulder of anyone who wanted to pick him up.
Michael and Ashton both adored the little baby, bringing gifts. One day Michael had shown up, picked up Arlo and hadn’t sat him down until hours later when he’d finally left, only after pretending to kidnap the baby first.
It was a week of pleasantry, a week showing Calum a glimpse into his future. A future he wanted more than anything. A future with kids, a future with Claire.
This time when the boys left again, Claire and Arlo showed them off. Calum kissed Claire in the airport, not caring who saw, and promised to call her every day.
He kept his promise, and for two months he counted down the days until he would be home again.
As Luke left the house, holding baby Arlo close to his chest, he knew how huge of a favour he was doing for Calum and Claire. The door was shut behind him before he’d even gone down one step and Luke sighed, petting the baby in his arms, “looks like your mommy and daddy are gonna get it on huh?”
It took a moment for Luke to realize he’d referred to Calum as Arlo’s dad. But… that’s just how it was. Sure, the Kiwi wasn’t related to the baby in Luke’s arms by blood, but it was clear to everyone that Calum was Arlo’s dad.
Arlo let out a grumble sound and Luke grinned, “so should we go to the park for an hour? Or do you think we might as well just go to Ash’s place and stay there until I get a call to come home?”
Arlo hiccupped and Luke rubbed his back, laughing, “you’re right, it’s uncle Mikey who I should call, one of these days he’s going to kidnap you and I’m going to let him.”
Calum had Claire pressed against the door before she could even think, kissing her as if Luke and her baby weren’t a few feet away and being practically kicked out of the house so Calum could keep his promise and make Claire cum over and over again.
His lips were passionate, taking the right amount of time as they moved down her neck. Calum got tired of bending down to Claire’s height and gave up, simply lifting the petite blonde up and pressing her against the door as she screamed from the motion, grabbing his shoulders.
Calum could feel his pulse all over his body. He’d never needed anyone as much as he needed her but…. He had looked up an article or two about post baby sex, and he was determined to get her comfortable, especially since it would be their first time.
It meant something to him, which was odd because normally the first time he fucked someone, he never really thought about it being the first time. But with Claire it mattered, and that was how Calum knew he was completely in love with her.
Calum took his lips away from Claire’s neck, kissing her face all over to make her giggle as she let out a contented sigh, staring into Calum’s beautiful brown eyes.
“You’re so beautiful.” he breathed, meaning it with every fibre of his being.
Claire’s skin flushed immediately and it just added to her splendor. Calum had to fight the urge to kiss her again, torn between wanting to enjoy her with his eyes or his lips.
He pulled away from the door and Claire tightened her grip on him, “where are we going?” she asked, “sofa? Kitchen?”
Calum laughed, “bedroom.”
“Wow, what a gentleman.” Claire giggled.
Calum rolled his eyes, carrying her up the stairs to her room. He set her down on the bed and Claire tried to pull him down with her but he resisted, “just want to look at you.” he said.
Claire immediately posed, looking at him with mock seductive eyes, “draw me like one of your french girls.” she proclaimed, rolling over and putting her hand on her hip.
Calum smiled, taking in every inch of her body with his eyes. The small details, the ones he adored, stood out to him and he couldn’t help but appreciate them: the way her finger nails were painted every colour, as if she’d needed to test her nail polish collection. her knee high socks, the left one just a little below the knee, it always seemed to slide down, just the left one, Calum wasn’t sure why. The small birthmark on her right thigh, so small and neutral coloured that most people would miss it on her skin, but not Calum, no, he loved it because it was part of her.
God, he loved her so much.
He reached out and grabbed one of her feet, pulling the knee sock down and throwing it across the room while she watched him with curious interest. Then he grabbed her other foot and got rid of that sock too, gently pulling her to the edge of the bed. Her hoodie rode up a little, exposing her delicate thighs and just the hint of the cheeky blue and white striped lace panties she was wearing.
He knew Claire was a little self conscious about the stretch marks on her tummy. Calum adored them too, because it was a sign that she had been pregnant, something that made his heart swell with pride because he knew it had been tough on her and she’d still come out on the other side as a better person, and an amazing mother. But, because of this, he opted to leave the hoodie on, instead he hooked his fingers under the lace and dragged her panties down her thighs slowly.
Then he got on his knees, pulling her closer so her thighs were over his shoulders. He turned his head, studying the birth mark on her thigh, pressing a delicate kiss to the mark that made Claire shiver, her hands going down to grab at his hair.
“So pretty.” he whispered, rubbing his nose against her skin lovingly.
Claire laughed, “Calum-”
Before she could urge him to just get on with it, he turned his attention to her core, diving in with his tongue as her grip tightened on his hair. A soft moan left her lips and Calum smiled against her, lips wrapping around her clit as he tested her tolerance.
Claire’s hips buckled up against him and Calum brought his hands up to settle on her stomach, keeping her down. A breathy moan was music to his ears as he ate her out like a lazy king taking his time to eat a meal.
Every drag of his tongue was deliberate, every suck that made her legs shiver on his shoulders, Calum was experienced and he knew what he was doing. He was taking his time, building her orgasm slowly so it would hit her harder, but he was getting impatient and he knew it. It was one of his faults but Calum couldn’t bring himself to care as he focused more on her clit, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.
“Calum.” she whimpered, tugging more at his hair which only made him more eager to make her cum.
Small ‘oh my god’s left her lips and when her hips moved upwards again, Calum knew he had pushed her over the edge so he sucked on her clit harder, holding her down with his hands, drawing out her orgasm as long as he could. She deserved it.
When she stopped shaking he pulled away, looking up at her as he licked his lips. Her skin was flushed, eyes closed, chest heaving under her UCLA hoodie. He traced her hip bone with a finger that moved down to her thighs then back up, testing her entrance.
Claire laughed, in a daze, “are you serious?” she asked as he pushed his digit inside of her and she immediately bit her lip, moaning.
“Told you I’d make you cum a few times didn’t I?” Calum asked, eyes raking over her form.
She was so wet and Calum added another finger, crooking them up and making Claire grab at his hands, “Calum-” she whimpered, “please-”
“Please what?”
“I just want you-” Claire pouted.
“Well I want to make you cum with my fingers.”
Claire sighed, knowing there was no arguing with him. She settled down on the bed, getting comfortable, enjoying the sensation of his fingers sliding in and out, searching for the spot that finally made her body tense and a whine leave her lips.
Calum leaned down, lips wrapping around her clit again as he pumped his fingers in faster. She grabbed at his hair and Calum moaned as she tugged harder, the vibrations making her hips move up towards him.
She was still sensitive from the first orgasm and the combination of his mouth on her clit and his fingers hitting her g-spot made her see stars within seconds, whole body tensing as she came again, whispering his name over and over.
Calum made sure to lick his fingers clean before he stood up, taking his shirt off first as he looked down at her. He adored the way she looked after an orgasm, adored the way she simply stayed on the bed, eyes closed as she enjoyed the aftershocks, lips parted slightly.
He pushed down his jeans, “can I get your hoodie off baby?” he asked.
Claire’s eyes opened and she looked at him thoughtfully, swallowing before nodding. Calum got onto the bed, kneeling between Claire’s legs as she allowed him to pull the hoodie off before she settled back down on the bed. She’d not been wearing a bra, but that wasn’t a shock because she was a new mom.
Calum had read that some women had way more sensitive breasts after having a baby so he was careful when he moved down so he was holding himself over her, forehead pressed against hers. “If anything hurts, we can stop-” he said but Claire moved her hand between them, grabbing his hard cock that was straining against his briefs.
“Just fuck me.” Claire said, looking into his eyes before kissing him gently.
Calum laughed, nuzzling his face against her cheek and breathing in her scent. One hand moved up her waist, trailing around her breast, avoiding the nipple, Claire was already pushing up against his hand, eyes closed. “That feels good.” she whispered, breath catching as his fingers brushed her nipple, “fuck.” her legs tightened around his waist and Calum groaned, pressing down against her.
Her hands pushed at his briefs, eager to get them down. Calum didn’t even have the strength to get off of her to get his briefs completely off, instead he opted for them to just be down his thighs, his cock springing free. Claire grabbed it and Calum kissed her roughly as she pumped him before lining him up with her entrance, trying to push up so he would slip inside.
Calum moved his hips forward, just the tip going inside and they both moaned. Calum’s lips moved down to Claire’s neck, knowing she was sensitive there. Her fingers tangled in his dark curls and her legs tightened around him again, pushing him deeper.
“Does-” Calum almost choked at how good it felt, “does that feel okay?” he asked.
“Feels so good.” Claire moaned, bringing his face back up to hers so she could look into his eyes, smiling softly, “I love you.”
Calum beamed, “love you too.”
He kissed her gently, tongue gliding over her lip as he pulled almost all the way out before pushing back in. Claire’s rainbow nails dug into his shoulders and he paused, waiting to see if she was okay, “so good.” Claire mumbled against his lips and Calum moved again.
He found a slow rhythm at first but soon Claire was all but panting against his mouth, “faster.” she moaned, kissing down his jaw as her teeth nipped at his neck. Calum did as she asked, adjusting himself a little as their chests pressed against each others, his hand bringing her thigh higher on his waist. The press of her breasts against his strong chest made Claire gasp, throbbing around Calum as he stopped, moaning and trying not to cum just from the way she was wrapped around him, so warm and amazing.
“I’m not going to last-” Claire breathed, her breath hot against Calum’s neck as she sought out his lips again.
Calum laughed, “me neither.”
She smiled against his lips and Calum began moving again, finding a fast rhythm that had Claire practically shaking under him, whimpers leaving her lips with every thrust. She pulled at his hair and the pain made Calum’s skin prickle, his whole body practically pulsing with need.
“Fuck.” he cursed, bringing a hand up to cup her breast which made Claire arch her back, cumming immediately. As she pulsed around him, Calum fell over the edge too, groaning into Claire’s neck as his hips thrust a few more times before stilling.
They were both breathing heavily as Calum stopped. He wanted to stay on top of her but he didn’t want to hurt her so he rolled off, Claire immediately curling into his side.
In a daze, Calum remembered their chat about breeding kinks that they’d had back in the car all those months ago, “you know, you were right about the breeding kink.” he said.
Claire hummed in response, wanting to hear what he had to say but too exhausted to form words.
“I wanted to fuck you so bad when you were pregnant. Wanted to just be inside of you.” Calum breathed, running a hand through his hair.
Claire moaned at his words, smiling against his shoulder, “well… I've always wanted multiple kids.”
Calum laughed, heart leaping in his chest, “yeah?”
“Uh huh.” she said, “I know we’re new and everything but… you know, down the line… if we want…”
Calum smiled, whole body warm as he held the girl he loved close to him, “as long as we don’t name any of them Denny.”
This fic also comes with an accompany video explaining from start to finish how i made the plot, the fic, edited, moodboard and posted.
you can find the video here on my patreon and it is my COMPLETE guide to fic making :)
taglist: @irwinkitten - @glitterprincelu - @wildhearthood - @24kcalum - @angelbabylu - @ohhmuke - @fratcalum - @hereforlukescruff - @cakesunflower - @spoopycalum - @calsjackets - @sweetcherrymike - @calteahood - @flannelpunkcalum - @calthesensation - @poppedpins - @singt0mecalum - @boybandsanddeanwinchester - @dammitbands - @drummerboy794  - @alwaysashton - @calumsmermaid - @createdbyfracturedaddiction - @smileybeanlu  - @quintodosuniversos - @andtheytoldustotellyouhello - @palliddark - @5secsofsomewhere - @mycoffeeandstudy - @imgonnaregretthisusername - @talkfastcthood - @deviantnines - @raabiac  - @oceaneyeshood - @bethxhopkins - @dorkyfangirlandco - @honeyboyharry - @seedless-vascular  -  @musiclover1263 - @fairyintheglass  - @monsteramongmikey - @eternal-langdon - @cal-pal-cuddles - @converse-luke - @c-sainthood - @findingliam-o - @only-got-one-dimple - @calinthewatermelonshirt - @snapback-irwie - @cathartichaoss - @old-zeppelin-shirt  - @astroashtonio - @wanderlust-mikey - @randompeopleifindattractive - @calashmikeluke0 - @caswinchester2000 - @imadontstopacoustic - @post-traumatic-mess - @spookymashton - @blahehblah - @toolazymyguy - @quintodosuniversos - @easiercake - @youngblood199456 - @surgarplumbeech - @snapback-irwie - @girlwiththepizzabackpack - @buc-kybarn-es - @gorgeouslygrace - @harryforvogue - @babylon-corgis - @txrran 
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simsadventures · 5 years
Better Like This- Chapter 1: The Squad
Chapter Summary: Reader is on her way to her new department, the SVU, or as people like to call them, the Avengers. She thinks back to her previous department and is introduced to the squad. Nothing can happen, right? 
Warnings: I used one swear word, sue me, other than that: none, it is a police AU, beware
Pairing (in this chapter): Alpha!Tony x Omega!Bruce, Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader, 
Word Count: 2121 
A/N: This is really just an introductory chapter to get this thing going. Bear with me please, it will get better, I promise. More action coming soon! x
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
Your feet carried you along the hallway. This was it, you were finally here. The one place you’ve dreamed about, the ones towards which all of your hopes were inclining. The special victims unit of New York’s police. Most people, however, called them the Avengers for the dedication to avenging the unfortunate victims’ souls and lives. You knew you couldn’t work for this team unless someone put a good word for you and your well-done job. 
So you kept your head down, and after the police academy went to work for the missing persons unit to prove you were a more than capable of handling the job. One thing that stood in your way, and not only in the police work was your presentation. Ever since you presented as Omega when you were 17, your life changed dramatically. You were used to the stereotypes and aggressive and touchy Alphas by now, and with your training, you could take on most of them. 
You could, however, see that most Alphas in the police academy and then later in your previous unit weren’t trusting your skills and they were undermining your every step of the way. But you came back stronger, more determined and definitely more than ready to show all those assholes that you were more than a womb for their seed or a pretty face. You were tough! And you were about to prove it! 
The team of the SVU was a big one, the whole police department knowing that these were the crimes most common in NY and in this case, the more, the merrier. The unit was run by an Alpha, naturally, but from what you heard, he was one of the good ones. 
His name was Captain Rogers, and from the photos you’ve seen from the numerous arrests you saw, he was really handsome, with that big bulky arms and enchanting eyes. Not really your type if you were honest with yourself, he looked like too much of a goody-goody, but, who knows, right? But looks aside, all departments knew that this Captain was fair, doing his job so well some people wanted to see him in a chair of a Commissioner, even though he was only 30-35, who could tell, right? You were actually really excited to work for/with him and most importantly, to learn from him. Hopefully, you’d get the chance.
Other than him, however, you didn’t really know anyone from the team. You could maybe tell one or two names, but that was it. You really hoped these people, even though most probably mostly Alphas, were not as horrible as your previous team. You didn’t mean to offend anybody, but they really were just bunch of knot-headed idiots… 
All except the only Beta on the team, and your rock for the past two years. His name is Vision or short Vis, and he really was one of the main reasons why you stayed on the team and didn’t give up on your dream. It was him telling you almost every day that you were good enough and that you could do big things, if only you wanted and were determined enough to actually start doing them. Soon after you guys met, he introduced you to his fiancé, Wanda, also a Beta, who is an artist- she does everything from oil painting to creating sculptures from old washing machines (yup, she’s done that!). 
Sure, you did have some friends from college, but you mostly lost touch with them, never really feeling as if you fitted between them. The Alphas really only saw you as a piece of meat, and the Omegas… well, they were friendly, and all but you could see that their only aspiration in life was to get mated, give their Alphas as many pups as they could and.. that was it. 
However, there still was one exception (there always was, right?) and you were thanking whatever God was sitting upstairs for bringing her into your life. Her name was Gamora and, just like you, she wanted to prove to everyone that Omegas were as valuable in the society as any Alpha. She was now part of the fire department in NY, the only Omega in the whole unit, and you couldn’t have been more proud of her. 
You stopped before the door to the office. You shouldn’t be thinking about your whole life right before you’re starting a new job. You cleared your throat, took three calming breaths and opened the door. 
What you could already tell from just the one step you took into the open-office, was the lighter air that surrounded you. You could smell all three presentations mingling in the air, and the atmosphere could only be described as calm. Which is definitely not the word you would use to describe your previous job. Sure, stressful, constricted, too-much-testosterone, those words you could use, but calm? Friendly? Never.
Few people looked up from their works, slightly nodded their heads and smiled, but nothing really more than that as you continued on your way to the Captain’s personal office. 
 Knock, knock. “Come in,” you heard from the inside of the room. “Ah, detective Y/L/N. You are a little early, I like that!” He smiled, warmly at you as you shook his hand. “Captain Rogers, I’m really thankful for this opportunity and-“you couldn’t finish your sentence as he raised his hand and smiled again. “Don’t thank me, detective. It was your hard work and so many successful arrests and finding of the missing people that got you this job. We are thrilled to have you here.” 
You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. When he raised the hand, you really expected him to shut you up by saying that he had to employ you, or that he doesn’t expect you to last so you shouldn’t really be thankful. But the warmth which radiated from him, his friendly smile, those were not the things you were prepared for.  
“So, to get to the work, I’ll pair you up with one of our senior detectives, Scott Lang. Give me a sec.” He went around you, opened the door and yelled: “Hey, Lang, your new partner’s here.” 
Which was followed by a loud laughing howl by what you thought was Scott. “Excuse him, he is just a big child sometimes, but somehow, he is really good at his job.” Steve looked at you, half amused. “’s ok. I’m really used to pretty much anything, sir.” You smiled at him as you smelt an Alpha coming to the office. 
“You must be Y/L/N! I’m so excited to meet you! I mean, sheesh, your stats? Unbelievable, you gotta show me all your secrets, dude!” He then grabbed you and pulled you into a bear hug. What the fuck is happening? 
“I mean when I heard I was gonna be paired up with you? Man, I almost fainted! You are like a fracking legend thanks to that Rumlow arrest!” He was literally beaming. You couldn’t help your own smile as you watched the Alpha ramble on and on. 
You giggled when Captain stopped Scott from going on with his outburst. “Alright, you can fangirl over your partner later, Lang,” he turned to you with an apologetic shrug, to which you just smiled and rolled your eyes playfully. “Let me introduce you to the rest of the squad, and after that, we got a job to do. Come on.”
“Listen up, squad. This is detective Y/N Y/L/N. Detective, this is your new squad, your new family. Detective Tony Stark,” he showed you a smaller Alpha, with a smirk on his face, obviously full of himself but he didn’t look at you like you were a piece of meat. Just amused look seeing a newbie, really. 
“He is also like our IT genius, so whenever you have a problem, he is your person.” The Captain continued. You both just nodded at each other, and the introduction continued. “This is his Omega, doctor Bruce Banner, he is our forensic guy and pretty much anything science-going on, it goes through him.” Bruce hugged you, “It is so nice to meet you, it must be overwhelming to come to such big new squad, but these idiots are really fine.” He smirked at you, and you laughed. “Hey, who you calling an idiot, huh? We’ll talk about it at home, LOVE!” Tony’s voice beamed behind Bruce. He just rolled his eyes and shrugged, “Yeah, whatever you say, my big bad Alpha.” 
You really laughed out loud and even snorted a little, which caused little laughs all around the squad. “With a laugh like that? You’ll be just fine here, sweetheart.” Said the only female voice on the team, a Beta who introduced herself as Natasha. You liked her immediately. “I haven’t heard such teasing between Alphas and Omegas in a long time, that’s all.” “Well, sweetie, get used to it because the teasing here? That’s a daily tea!” She smiled and winked. “Oh I can’t wait, bring it!” You all laughed when suddenly, the front door opened.
Before you could actually notice who was coming in, you could smell them. Two Alphas. One’s smell was very regular, and due to your suppressants (which you were really taking as a precaution in your line of work), all Alphas smell more or less the same to you. You can smell the testosterone and the “strength” if you could call it that. 
But the other Alpha was different. You took another whiff of air, and it suddenly hit you like a tidal wave. This Alpha (you couldn’t yet see if it was a man or a woman, due to the squad surrounding you) smelled like heaven to you. It was a combination of sandalwood, the smell of forest shortly after rain and something else, like a spice which you weren’t able to identify. But you didn’t really care. 
The only thing running through your mind was one word: MATE! MATE! MATE! Was it possible? 
Not that you didn’t believe in true mates, your heart was romantic enough to keep that hope alive. But as you were growing older, and none of the Alphas you met ignited any fire in you, you started to slowly give up. 
But now you were sure. He or she was here and though you would never say it out loud, the Omega in you started purring contently. You could remotely hear the team talking about something, a joke maybe? You weren’t sure as you went on your tip-toes to try and see who walked through that door. You could see 4 eyes looking your way, one pair brown and you felt that those weren’t those eyes you were looking for. 
The second pair was icy blue and when you looked into them, you felt as if the Alpha could see right into your soul. You wanted to look away, tried not to be the stereotypical Omega, but you just couldn’t make yourself let go. 
There was a scenario in your head, for when you’d meet your Alpha. You tried not to think of it, but it was there, in the back of your mind. You would look at each other, walk towards each other, touch each other’s cheek and smile and just be happy. You didn’t need a fairytale, just this little act of future love and affection. 
Your feet, therefore, carried you towards this Adonis of an Alpha, still looking into his eyes. What you didn’t expect, however, was the Alphas loud growl. It stopped you in your tracks. You wanted to whine but stopped yourself. You were an adult with some self-control. Even if you could feel this control slipping away each second you were in the Alpha’s presence. 
He snarled, shook his head and turned around to run out of the open-office and, probably, outside of the building too. 
The whine escaped your lips however hard you tried to suppress it. What was this Alpha’s problem? You immediately started to blame yourself, for probably not being his type, or not being pretty enough, but you stopped yourself. You used to blame yourself for every little misstep, for every bad mood of your father’s, Christ, even for the rain pouring down too hard when you had to do something outside. But the longer you spent with good friends like Gamora or Vis you realised, other people’s issues had mostly nothing to do with you.
So you knew that this wasn’t your fault! He just left without even getting to know you, touching you… What was this Alpha’s problem?
Next chapter>
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themarriageplace321 · 3 years
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Do you know how to hear feedback with grace?
There was a time when I couldn’t hear criticism.
I was easily offended and very defensive.
When someone tried to tell me I was wrong or had hurt them in some way, I would immediately justify my actions, minimize them or dispute the facts.
It wasn’t that I didn’t believe I had flaws. I would frequently admit to being very flawed. You can sound very noble as you paint yourself with broad strokes of imperfection but the grit is in the details.
I could put someone else under a microscope but wanted to keep my own specific transgressions at a distance. Even just writing this makes me feel, well, yuck.
I was so defensive because I had a very fragile sense of my own worth.
When someone gave me tough criticism, I sank into despair.
I easily dropped into toxic shame-that place where I felt worthless and broken. To avoid feeling so badly, I avoided honest feedback.
I didn’t realize then how self-indulgent it is to go to toxic shame.
Think about it: if someone tells you something about yourself you don’t like, and you sink into despair, you still aren’t holding yourself accountable. You are beating yourself up but not changing anything.
In essence, you are sending out the message that you are too fragile for the truth. You are either expecting those around you to soothe you and minimize your actions or enabling them to avoid confronting you. Or both.
Married couples who can’t take criticism land in my office all the time.
Couples dance these same steps over and over. I see it in my office. Charles and Mindy are a particular couple I have in mind. (Names have been changed to maintain confidentiality.)
Charles is a bully. He is big and loud.
When something doesn’t go the way he thinks it should, he yells and curses until his family caves.
Mindy is scared of Charles. Not physically-as far as I know, he has never raised his hand to anyone. But his yelling is just as intimidating to his family.
Charles is like a lot of bullies. He is very charming and playful when he isn’t raging. He comes across like a big, lovable teddy bear-until he shows his claws.
And this is how he justifies his bad behavior. Since only his family sees this other side of him, he is well liked by everyone. He often reasons that his family is overly sensitive because he has no problems with anyone else.
Standing up to a bully
After working with Mindy, she was finally able to stand up to Charles. She stopped letting him have his way and when he would yell, she would set limits on how much she was exposed to that behavior. This infuriated Charles even more. He said he felt attacked and that Mindy was controlling him!
When Mindy told him he was a bully and why, instead of looking at his behavior and feeling remorse, he pouted. He moped around the house for days. He gave everyone the silent treatment.
He took every opportunity to let everyone know that he was apparently a big, bad ogre. Sometimes he appeared to get it and would cry and ask her why she stayed with him if he was so bad. He did everything but actually change his actions.
See the self-indulgence? When you wrong someone, true remorse says, “I’m so sorry. What can I do to make you feel better?” Charles is saying “If what you say is true, I’m a terrible person. What can you do to make me feel better?”
Defensiveness breeds shamelessness.
Giving and receiving feedback increases intimacy in such a powerful way. I cannot underestimate the importance.
Charles and Mindy will never have a truly intimate relationship until Charles can hear what Mindy is trying to tell him AND he holds himself accountable for it.
Right now, Mindy is willing to wait and see if Charles can let go of his defense mechanisms and allow himself to be vulnerable, and if he will accept her vulnerability. I don’t know how long she will wait in this holding pattern.
Charles is on borrowed time but it doesn’t have to be that way. He is risking losing everything he holds dear just because he will not hear the truth.
Are you married to someone who can’t take criticism?
If you are married to someone who cannot hear the truth, I feel particularly bad for you. That’s a tough situation. But you aren’t stuck. Mindy is learning how to set limits on bad behavior.
There is more conflict, but Mindy is getting stronger each day. One day, I believe Charles will have to face the truth or face living alone. But Mindy is more at peace today than any other time in her marriage. Only she can decide if that is good enough.
You need to be able to hear feedback to keep you grounded. Otherwise, you will become shameless.
Shameless people are obnoxious, intrusive, immature people.
The first person who comes to mind when I think of shameless is Donald Trump. He offends in outrageous ways. Whether you love or hate him, you know he is offensive. He needs someone in his life who is willing to tell him the truth and set loving limits on his outrageous behavior.
How a therapist learned to receive criticism and feedback
I learned how to hear criticism and it completely changed my life. It taught me how to be more relational to others, including towards my husband. It also taught me how to be more relational to myself! I no longer dip into toxic shame on a regular basis. I have learned to accept that I am imperfect and it is ok to be imperfect.
I learned how to give feedback in my therapy training, but I didn’t learn how to receive it until a therapist confronted me. It was ugly. But it was also life-changing.
How to give feedback well
When giving feedback, always ask if someone is willing and ready to hear your opinion. Never force your feedback on anyone.
Once they are ready for it, state your feedback without a lot of emotion. It’s so much easier to hear tough criticism if you aren’t angry when you speak your truth. Just state the facts and do so without judgement.
And no name calling, please! Not if you want to give the person on the receiving end even a remote chance of hearing you.
How to receive feedback well
When receiving feedback, fight the urge to defend, minimize or rationalize. Just hear them.
Then run it through 3 filters:
Is it true?
Is it untrue?
Is it questionable?
If it is questionable, find out more information. Ask for examples. Once I have more information, I then have ask myself again if it is true or untrue.
If it is true, make amends if you can and be gentle with yourself. You are human and you are going to mess up.
If it is untrue, step back emotionally. Do not try and convince the feedback giver they are mistaken. They are allowed their perspective. When I experience this, I detach my emotions and I also detach from convincing the other person it is untrue. They are allowed their own opinion and perspective. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree.
If the person giving the feedback has been hurt by your actions or attitude because they misunderstood or misinterpreted the situation, gently let them know you had no intention to hurt them.
Staying accountable with new skills
I never want to go back to the self-indulged ducking and dodging that kept me blind to how others saw me. To make sure I don’t go back, I have people in my life who hold me accountable.
When I hear, “Are you open to some feedback?” I view it as a gift. Even though what I’m about to hear may be painful, seeing how someone else is viewing me is priceless. When I hear feedback, I go through the process I described above. I ask myself, “Is it true? Is it untrue? Is it questionable?”
Instead of being defensive, I brace myself and hang on for the deep dive in the intimacy pool. I listen for the truth in what they are telling me, and I remind myself it is ok to be imperfect.
I make amends when and where I can and I resolve to do it better next time. Then I thank God for putting people in my life who will tell me the truth.
This process keeps me grounded. It keeps me from being shameless. It keeps me relational so that the people in my life feel closer to me. I’m willing to hear their truth.
As a result, I feel stronger and more secure. My relationships are closer and more intimate. And now, I am very adept at appropriately giving honest feedback to others. And that’s a gift too! Because I am no longer putting up with bad behavior or building resentment toward others.
Are you defensive when it comes to criticism?
If you are the person who is defensive, I know how you feel. It can be scary to admit you have an ugly side. But guess what? Everyone has an ugly side. Not looking at it only allows your ugly to get uglier.
Be brave. Clean yourself up. Wash off the shamelessness. When your family sees who you really are, chances are they will love you more not less.
They may stay where they are now because they are afraid or intimidated, but that isn’t love and intimacy. And somewhere inside of you, you know that. It feels cheap because it is​ cheap.
Come out from behind your wall and see if they love you more. It is possible you will be rejected. But that’s why intimacy is so messy and scary and real. It is unpredictable and involves other flawed human beings. All you can do is show up as your best self. But the reward is worth the risk.
I promise.
There’s help for learning how to manage criticism and grow intimacy in relationships
We can help if you or someone you are in relationship with can’t hear the truth.
Our coaches and counselors are trained in telling you the things about yourself that others see but don’t feel safe to tell you. We do this with compassion and without judgment-and then we will hold you accountable. That’s our gift to you.
Learn more at https://themarriageplace.com
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m0chisenpai · 4 years
Beetlejuice’s fiancé comes back to Lydia and the Maitland’s who ask to hear how she ended up with the chaotic demon
Y/N had her legs draped across Beetlejuice’s legs nibbling on a cocoa beetle. His hands massaged her bare feet as she had a hard day of work. She was paging through a Netherworld wedding catalog looking at dresses of all styles.
“Hmm how bout black? It’ll go well with my horns but I could always paint them a different color,” she looked at Beetlejuice who looked up in thought.
“I think black and white sounds nice. You could get one of those strapless fitted corset dresses. With the nice little slit up the leg~” he purred walking his fingers up her thighs.
“Mmm should I?” She purred back leaning forward to kiss him. She planted a big kiss on what she thought was her lovers lips but when she opened her eyes she was kissing Barbra Maitland’s cheek.
“Barbara! I’m sorry I thought you were BJ,” she wiped the blushing woman’s cheek “did you summon me?”
“No I did” Lydia waved from the couch. The four were downstairs in the living together.
“Oh well what can I help you with?” Y/N crossed her legs looking over at the teen.
“How did you and Beej meet?” Y/N giggled looking up in thought.
“Hundreds of years ago. Literally hundreds. It was during the black plague.” Y/N shrugged.
“Ok and?” Lydia waved her hand.
“Oh you want the full story! Ok so it wasn’t too long after I died. Long before I got my horns actually in this very home.”
- - - - - 
The Black plague had swept the nation. And with the illness came delusions as well. That made it even twice was easy to scare breathers.
Y/N had died a couple years back from the illness and aimlessly wandered the old home.Her family moved not too long after her death leaving her alone. And according to the rules until she came into her power she couldn’t leave.
She glared out the window at the breathers walking up and down the street. Some couples sharing a kiss which broke her heart.
“Come here often?”
“AH” She swung her fist which collided with the ghost who yelped holding his cheek.
“Damn baby that is some swing you got. I suppose it’s my own fault.”
“You can see me!” She exclaimed helping him up.
“Yeah I can see you. So what brings you here in this old stuffy home?”
“Trapped here. I died not too long ago, and my families long since moved away. They all ignore me I’m so damn tired of being invisible.” She mumbled looking down
“You and me both babe” he placed his hand on her shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze “and it’s only get get more tough unless you find a release.”
“How do you deal with it?” She sniffled looking up at the green haired ghost.
“Well let me show you” he held a hand out to her “may I?” She let her hand slip in his and he snapped his fingers making them appear in the houses parlor. In the rocking chair was the lady of the house was knitting. 
Beetlejuice slowly floated over to the fireplace and knocked over a vase. Once it made impact she hopped looking around.
“They can’t see us but you can effect everything around them, now you try.” Slowly Y/N floated behind her. She leaned forward and blew against her ear making the woman lurch out her chair.
“Christopher! I think there’s a draft...” When she went to stand up Y/N stepped on her dress making the woman trip and scream. Y/N cackled silently as she waved a hand shutting the doors to the room.
“Damn babes you are a natural” Beetlejuice popped next to her.
“Shall we?”
“We shall.” The two cupped their hands over their mouth.
“Martha~ Martha~” their voices bounced around the room making the woman scream even more. When the doors flew open Beetlejuice snapped his fingers quickly sending the vase back in it’s place.
“Martha darling what was all that banging and screaming?”
“It was-” when she looked back the room was still and the vase unbroken.
“But but it and I-“
“Come lie down darling I think you’ve been working yourself too hard.” Once upstairs Y/N let out a loud laugh sitting in the couch with Beetlejuice.
“What’d you say your name was?” 
“I didn’t. Y/N” she held her hand out and the ghost brought it to his face pecking it gently. 
“And mine.” He held a card for her,
“Beetlejuice.” She grinned “Looks like this is the start of something nice, Beetlejuice.”
- - - - - 
Y/N smiled fondly at the memory. 
“And a couple decades of endless flirting, scaring and countless dates he finally proposed. He actually proposed right at this spot. A couple of mormons were passing by and Beej possessed them to do this little routine it was the sweetest” Y/N cooed folding her hands
“Aw how..how sweet” Barbra smiled.
“Yeah. He may be extremely vulgar, and mischievous, and a bit of a creep, but he filled a emptiness in me that I thought could never go away.” Y/N explained twisting the ring around her finger. 
“Oh I love this story.” Beetlejuice popped up on the army rest blowing loudly into a tissue. His hair a soft pink.
“When are you not creeping up on people!” Adam exclaimed throwing a pillow at him.
“Scaring is in my blood Adam you know this by now” Beetlejuice rolled his eyes “I came to scoop up my lovebug cause I got cakes to be tasting and I can’t eat them all on my own.” He twirled Y/N into his arms.
“Aw wedding cakes” Barbra cooed “can I help with the bridesmaid dresses?”
“Of course Babs you’re one of them including Lyds and Delia’s officiating don’t ask how though.” Y/N giggled waving at the family “I’ll send you some ideas tomorrow. Bye bye~” Beetlejuice snapped his fingers and the two were back home.
“Aw beej were you listening the entire time?” Y/N cooed now sitting on his lap stroking a hand down his scruff.
“Of course. I love the part when that handsome young ghost comes in. Favorite part.” He did a chefs kiss making her giggle
“I’m so glad you said yes.” Beetlejuice whispered leaning up to kiss her softly. her eyes fluttered closed as she cupped his cheek returning it. 
“And I can’t wait to say I do.”
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