#metal health
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heavymetal · 5 months
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This week in 1983, Quiet Riot learned that METAL HEALTH had officially hit #1 on the US album charts. It was the first heavy metal album in history to achieve that level of success, and it is widely thought to be responsible for bringing the L.A. music scene into the national spotlight.
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Alright, my name's Dan, I hit things for You Me At Six, I have a dog and a clothing line, and I was far too tempted to intro with a photo where all you can see is my eyes
@ imbouttohaveafxxkinbreakdown
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the-cactus-taco · 13 days
It should go without saying, but just to make my stance very clear: I support the Gaza and Palestine relief efforts and so should you!! I’ve actually put the link to the ESRB click for Palestine page in my bio, and will continue to share as many resources as possible.
Also Note: my main priority at the moment is keeping myself alive while handling some extreme mental health issues that have been getting worse as of late. So, despite my efforts, if you ever see me engaging in a piece of media created by a company that supports the Israel government (including even being on this website. Fuck you Tumblr staff) please remember: I am unfortunately an American citizen, and there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. And there are numerous ways to enjoy a piece of media without supporting bigoted companies:
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Here are some helpful resources, and don’t forget to click for Palestine!
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boldblossom · 2 months
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adulthoodisokay · 8 months
me: I’ve been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately
therapist: how’s that manifesting?
me: oh, ya know, ~just ocd things~
therapist: are you padding your actual mental health issues in an early 2010s tumblr reference in order to try to negate its impact?
me: 👀
therapist: 👀
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axelwolf8109 · 2 months
Metal Health (Bang Your Head) had come out in '83 and I just KNOW Eddie would have gotten the words Metal Health tattooed on him
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isoart · 3 months
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Quiet Riot
Metal Health
I just finished my first semester of uni! But now I don’t know what to do tbh
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blackholemojis · 4 months
Can we get a "narc crash" emoji?/nf. You can stylise it as much as you want btw
Sure, I just did this in the default style so it’ll be easy to read, but I included a dark mode friendly version as well :) hopefully I’ll be doing that with all emoji posts in the future
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[ID: “narc crash,” written in purple bubble letters. Four first has dark purple letters with light purple outline, the second has light purple letters with dark purple outline. /End ID]
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thefloatingstone · 11 months
You know what's a big problem that i have never seen ANYBODY talk about??
There are so many posts about needing to accommodate people in public who, due to a condition or mental health problem they have, might act out of the ordinary. People who talk to themselves or who have physical ticks etc etc. And the thing is I FULLY agree with this.
The PROBLEM is people who say this always seem to think any kind of nervous or fearful behaviour is ableist. That if you are unnerved and become afraid or just stressed while around them in public then the only reason for doing so is because you are being ableist.
But here's the thing;
I have a generalised anxiety disorder. It is a splinter skill caused by my ADHD. I can function but it is a constant in my every day life that manifests at different levels of intensity depending on what I'm doing. I am extremely lucky that I am not strongly affected by being in large crowds of people.
But you know what DOES raise my anxiety? Interacting one on one with people I am not super familiar with. Hell even people I AM super familiar with, I can be an anxious mess in my head even if I don't show it. Everything I say or how I react is measured in my head to see if I have done so "correctly" and I am constantly watching and analysing the other person's reactions to see how they respond to make sure I have not done something wrong that they might object to.
Now imagine taking THAT level of anxiety that is already amplified by FAMILIAR interaction with people i KNOW and picture how that anxiety responds to interacting or speaking to someone who, due to their own mental health or otherwise condition, behaves in a way my anxiety doesn't know how to respond to "correctly".
My anxiety has a full blown MELTDOWN.
I have had shaking adrenaline reactions to hanging out with someone who has autism who I don't know but am speaking to because they are part of a group I am hanging out with. And because their autism manifests in difficult social interaction, my OWN anxiety has no idea how to interpret how they behave to make sure I am "interacting properly".
It's not because I consciously have a stigma against people with behaviours or ticks. It is literally my own condition clashing with the other person's condition. So even though I may mentally be well aware that this person is not harmful, it doesn't stop the anxiety from just freaking the fuck out because it has no idea how to navigate the social interaction.
As a result, if I am on a public bus and a person sitting near me is talking to themselves or having a tick or anything like that, I may get off the bus and wait for another one. Not to be a dick or because I have some sort of hatred for this person, but because I have an anxiety disorder that is getting triggered hardcore.
I never see this mentioned EVER in discussions about being accommodating towards other people's conditions. And it sucks because it makes me feel like I am a bad person for, IRONICALLY, having a condition that causes me to behave a certain way.
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lemonemenom · 10 months
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So mental health is wild.
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the80s · 2 months
On March 11th, 1983, Quiet Riot released “Metal Health,” their 3rd studio and only #1 album. It also spawned the band's signature songs "Cum On Feel the Noize" (a Slade cover) and "Metal Health".
“Metal Health” is the first ever heavy metal album to reach the top spot on the Billboard 200.
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honeybunniii333 · 1 year
One of the most painful things ever is loving someone so so so much. So much it physically hurts, spending years with this person in your life and them being so very dear to your heart. ( Platonically or Romantically doesn't matter. ) and then things fall apart and you feel horrible without them. But when you see them around it's like they don't miss you at all...
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ayelensito · 1 year
¿Cómo es que pasé de querer manifestar una pareja a querer estar completamente sola?
No tengo ganas de verme ni hablar con nadie. No acepto salidas. Nadie me llama la atención ni me parece lo suficientemente bueno. Me aburro. Me siento bien sola con mi compañía. No tengo ganas de hablar sobre mi día. No me interesa ghostear ni mucho menos ser la ghosteada.
Después de tantas veces siendo espectadora, hoy soy yo la emocionalmente no disponible.
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dreamdropsystem · 1 month
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i'd go outside for you
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