#and she told me about how when times were really tough her grandmother would give her $50 a week allowance to teach her about money
just-rogi · 2 years
#my roomate and I were talking earlier and I mentioned how hard it was growing up broke#bc it was just my mom rasing me on a teacher’s salary while paying off all the debt my dad left her in and all the lawyers#and how it really messed up my relationship to money bc my mom was always working and I was always aware of how much everything costed#and how we never went on vacation once or ever bought expensive things#or got new toys#and how even tho life was really hard for a lot of reasons growing up having no money was just kind of a slap in the face#and my roomate said ‘yeah but really would money have made it better?’#and like god wtf yes of COURSE it would have#like she was from this really rich white neighborhood growing up and we had similar childhoods#except her mom was lower middle class#and she told me about how when times were really tough her grandmother would give her $50 a week allowance to teach her about money#and I wanted to scream#bc I just finished telling her about how a few weeks ago my grandmother was on the brink of tears#and just kept telling me ‘I wish I could have done more i wish it was more I’d pay for every class at college if I could’#when she gave me $300 for my college graduation/move in gift#and i KNOW she had been saving that up for the whole time I was in college#‘would all those things have really made you happy as a child’ idk but it would have been nice to have had the option#my entertainment was drawing for hours bc I could do that on printer paper my mom got from work with a pencil#and I’m happy now I’m good and I’m really genuinely in a much better place#but man the level of entitlement rich white middle class kids have is frustrating#bc even tho our childhoods were so similar in a lot of ways money really made a massive difference#i like my roommates and this isn’t me shitting on them#but also tumblr is the only place no one follows me on so I can be bitchy#like I really love my roommates and they are my good friends I just wanted to vent and be a bitch
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skunkox · 2 months
Country Lovin Darlin and Rambles.
Is this gonna be self indulging? Very much so. I'm starting to realize no one can stop me, but hear me out real quick. Forgive me if you do decide to read all the way through. It's a lot. 🥲
Before moving to Dahlia, Darlin' used to spend half their summers with their grandparents in Texas. Sorta old money/ retired folk. Big land, but not too much on it. Plenty of room for the shiftsr grandchildgren to play. Passively still making money via whool sales. Yeah, there's other animals, but it's not a giant operation. They do have other empowereds working as ranch hands for them, though.
Anyways, a good moth or so out of each summer as a child, Darlin would help around the ranch, learn to cook and bake, and even participate in town events. (I'm telling you the fucker can cook. Just not for one person.)
Lazy Sunday mornings were spent in front of the TV with their grandfather watching old westerns or things like "The Andy Grifith Show," "Little House on the Prarie," and "Tales of Wells Fargo".
Not even halfway into they stay, they'll have developed a country accent. They still struggled to get be friends with most of the kids their age. Was it because they picked up a garden snake like it was just a piece of rope? Was it because they alegedly chased a kid girl with it that had been giving them hell? Who knows.
I wholeheartedly believe that Darlin was a pageant kid at some point in their life. Regardless of how ruff and tough they are, they were a cute kid. Don't pay the bandaid brand character bandaid any mind.
This is where I say this is really just my version of Darlin and a little bit of Sweetheart. It's Redunk Time.
Specifically for my version of Darlin (fem), "Southern Bell" like fair competitions are what her grandmother would enter the kids in. The one day out of the year she's happy to put on a frilly dress and bows. Not a whole lot of confidence for themselves on stage for the most part, though.
Diving more into the idea that Darlin and Sweetheart used to be friends before the move idea. Sweetheart has gone with them once or twice. Especially when the older cousins were visiting for less time, if at all. The old wolves like a full house, so they had no problem hosting another empowered child.
Sweetheart loved taking pictures and video of their adventures. Still currently holding footage to a misshap of sorts that they swore to never tell anyone about. They also have footage of competitions from the fairs. Including the pageants. Do they plan on telling the pack? Yes. (That's a post for another day)
The duo thought it was weird that the they would be leaving at separate times. They noticed the soured moods of the grandparents but the older wolves couldn't bring themselves to say anything on it in the days leading to their departures. Sweetheart took the flight home alone. Darlin was under the impression that the family was taking a short trip to California before summer ended.
Much to their distraught, their parents had either been moved and or found new jobs in Dahlia. The move was in the works for nearly half a year and they had no idea. Their older siblings knew, but they did everything their parents told them. They got no warning that they wouldn't see their friends anymore. That they wouldn't be attending school that fall with the same kids. That they wouldn't even get to say goodbye to their old house. No proper goodbye to Sweetheart.
Summer visits to Texas were just about haulted. Their parents wanted Darlin to better acquaint themselves with the other pack children. This was a struggle for years.
Sweetheart moving to work for the department and finding themselves with Milo was one thing. But the first time they happened to see each other in a pack meeting was rough. They knew almost instantly who each other were.
Sweetheart had seen a photo in Milo's living room. It was framed next to a lamp. The picture was of Christian and Amanda who awkwardly sat side by side. Hands just nearly touching. On one end of a log. David sat facing forward while Asher sat crooked with an arm thrown over David's shoulder. Both had been laughing. Milo and Darlin had been on the ground and back to back. Darlin had thrown up a rock sign with a small smile, attempting to no ruin the picture with their resting pitch face. Milo sat leaning on one knee, trying his best to look cool and composed.
To make a long story short. Both played dumb as to knowing each other for one reason or another. It wasn't till the Quinn situation, and Darlin coming back to the pack did the two start to speak. It took it all being over for them to finally become close again.
Back to the country thing
Hearing Sam speak for the first time really took them back especially at the end of their conversation with "Didn't your mama teach you not to talk to strange men in the dark, all alone?"
It felt familiar. It disarmed them and put then at ease. Sam's voice is something Darlin couldn't and still can't get enough of. They slip into an accent every once in a while. To them it feels right. Some slips happen in front of the pack and they've been teased for it. Sweetheart knows thr truth and is waiting eagerly to spill the beans on their country loving friend.
So... didn't mean for this to be as long as it is. Really putting a lot into Darlin's character cause it feels right. I like old TV. I mean sorta staticky box tv vibes. My grandfather was into a lot of it. My mom started me on LHOTP and I recently discovered a live channel for it and only it.
I really do apologize for how messy this all looks. It was an accident. Anyways, some bits and pieces of this will eventually be drawn out. Got weeks worth of stuff to do for this Fandom alone 😭
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Its ok!! take as long as you want to read the manga, I really didn't want to spoil any of the content for you so I asked first.
Well if I can request for something (without spoilers I swear)
How would Vash treat someone who appears tough and stoic on the outside but inside is actually a crybaby who usually cries for his safety and worries too much for him? I'm a person without much strong feelings but he makes me cry every time he does something stupid or just bc I love him. Feel free to delete if it makes you uncomfortable, though!
Concept based loosely on the post of Vash "if a man was a rubber chicken" this one kind of veered off the original idea I had, ending up being a bunch of little drabbles in one sort of coherent story. Please enjoy!
I also wanted to post this as a declaration that I've finished the manga! (And let me tell you I am screaming, crying, and throwing up in love and excitement.) You had an ask pertaining to the manga, and I wanted to be able to notify you that I can take requests from the manga with integrity now! Two birds and all that~
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Reading between the lines
Your grandmother had always told stories about items that her grandmother had when she lived on Earth. The one that always stuck in your mind was called "A Rubber Chicken." A flailing piece of rubber that made a loud screaming noise, apparently not sounding at all like a real chicken.
It was always something so bizarre about the planet your family, your species, came from. They hadn't found it necessary to make such an item on Gunsmoke, so you were left wondering what an item would be like. 
That was, until you met Vash the Stampede. You were walking home from a day shift at work when you heard gunshots a few blocks down. Crouching by a barrel, a loud thumping was heard in the hardened sand of an alley. A gunshot almost made your ears ring, but it was drowned out by the noise of a screaming, spiraling, red coat that flew past you.
The man inside it almost seemed to slow down in mid air as you took in his features of spiked blond hair, and amazing blue eyes. His mouth hung open as the sound from his mouth seemed to be slowed. He flailed around the corner, only to be caught by one of the Sheriff's boys, and he scrambled off in the opposite direction. Once they all passed yelling something about their six billion double dollars, the street became quiet. 
"…What just happened?" You couldn't tell if you had said those words out loud or not. 
You stood once again, and made your way home. Flicking on the lights of your living room, you found the red coated man sitting on your couch.
"Thanks for leaving your key in an easy place!" He smiled, "say, you're that pretty lady from the alleyway! Sorry for scaring ya! You'll let me crash here until tonight, right?" He was giving you puppy dog eyes that made your heart swell. Did you really have a choice? This was Vash the Stampede. It almost seemed as if there'd be less of a chance that the town would crumble to dust if you just let him be.
"Sure, do whatever, I'm gonna be making dinner soon." You shrugged.
It was that next morning you were run out of town for your one time association with Vash. Luckily he hadn't made it far when he scooped You up on the Tomas he'd gotten, and began dragging you along on his journey. 
You had obviously hated the fact that people were so unwilling to help Vash, that anyone who even associated with him was a target. But if there was anyone you'd be okay with being on the run with, you were happy it was Vash.  Not that you needed to tell him that.
Despite your inability to show your true feelings, a problem you'd had since your neglectful childhood, Vash seemed to be a master at sussing out your real feelings. He was always able to react based on what you wanted your words to mean, instead of how they sounded to everyone else. 
Stopping in a town, the two of you stopped at a restaurant.
"Hey, I'm short on cash until tomorrow, can you buy us dinner tonight, and I'll buy your drinks tomorrow night?" He pressed his hands together begging; his eyes sparkling as he peeked over little orange glasses.  You couldn't deny the grumbling in your stomach, and you didn't want him to go hungry either.
"Go ahead and order whatever, don't you think for a minute that I'll forget those drinks you're offering in return." You grimaced and scratched the back of your neck, trying to hide you reaction to his cute face.
"Thanks! Well drink and have fun tomorrow night! The bar in this town has the best prices, and quality booze!" He laughed as the waitress returned to take your order.
During your travels, you got to know the red coated man in ways you didn't think most people ever did. He wasn't some scary blood thirsty typhoon that everyone presumed he was. You remember trying to swat down one of the buzzard-flies, only to have Vash grab your arm at an inhuman speed. 
"Please don't kill it. It's just hungry, like we are." He slowly released your hand and broke off a piece of the cooked meat he had made. The fly buzzed off, content with its meal. The astonished gaze of his inhuman abilities stayed on your face, but your heart swelled at his kindness towards everything, and the fact he shared such a limited supply of food with such a small, seemingly insignificant creature. 
On a night you two had to share a room at an Inn, he finally showed you his scars. Your face couldn't emote the sheer curiosity, worry, and pity that stopped your heart, and strangled your throat. 
"I don't like to show them. It's the kind of thing I don't like pretty women like you to see." He blushed as he dug into his bag to retrieve a shirt from his bag. 
"Well. I don't think you'd be you without those lessons learned, and that would suck." You said harshly as you looked away to give him privacy, but the blush on your face told Vash all he needed to understand. You didn't see the reciprocal blush on his own face. As he slid the shirt onto his torso.
"Please, listen to me." Vash said, making you hunker down on The basement of a friend's house, "I need you to stay here. This is too dangerous this time. I'll come back for you, I promise." He explained as hastily as he could, curling a lock of hair behind your ear with the exposed finger of his right hand.
"Vash, let me help, I helped last time." You insisted.
"No. Not with my brother around. I… I can't let him get to you." His eyes conveyed such worry that you swore you could see tears pricking his eyes. 
"Make sure you come back to me. You still owe me that drink." Your voice shook for the first time since you were a kid as you felt a tear slide down your face. Vash's face raised in astonishment as he'd never seen you cry before. His face softened to a smile, eyes twinkling with something you could only describe as… love.
"We'll have that drink when I come back." He pressed a kiss to your forehead, "I love you." He whispered as he brushed another stray tear from your face and he slipped up the stairs of the basement and out of the house, leaving you alone.
You laid in the bed of the Inn, tangled up with Vash, your head on his chest. There wasn't a tense muscle In your body.
"Comfortable, Mayfly?" He asked, his hand rubbing small patterns into your back.
"My arm is asleep." You complained, but nodded as you ignored it and cuddled into him. 
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios Adventures
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“I’m not interested in becoming a duke or anything. Remy was just being stupid. I’m not going to try to date your sister or anything. She’s way too young anyway.”
Theo rocked back and forth on the Pleasantview castle’s swing set, mulling over his friend’s words. Remy and Victoriana were chasing down bugs for the princess’ bug collection while Adam and Theo sat awkwardly on the swings, avoiding eye contact. Adam had been rude earlier when Theo had embarrassed himself about the queen’s upcoming marriage and Theo hadn’t liked the quick way Adam had brushed aside his possible attraction to Theo because of his lack of rank. He’d never heard Adam mention titles before, not really. Standing in an imposing castle designed to remind people of their place and hearing his crush dismiss his heritage so easily was unsettling. 
It was true that Luciana would inherit her father’s title one day as the oldest twin, and the daughter not destined to walk the same spiritual path as their great-grandmother, but it didn’t really mean much. Theo wasn’t any different from his sister in that regard- not really. If anything, he was more interesting than a silly future duchess. He had incredibly strong demonic powers and was capable of magic far beyond some of his teachers. All Luciana had done was be born before her sister.
“She’s only two years younger than us,” Theo replied frostily. “It won’t matter in a few years and you can date her then. If she’ll have you that is. Aside from the council, I’m sure what else your family does that would be important.”
Adam winced a little at Theo's words and for a moment, Theo regretted saying them. He hadn't meant to be cruel, but at the same time, he wasn't going to be shamed for his family. If he went to the same boarding school his father had, maybe he'd be more concerned about rank and titles, but he attended an academy that valued him for what he could do, not who he knew. His parents had always taught him to be who he was and if Adam didn't value him for the right reasons, then he didn't deserve Theo. 
Or at least, that's what his brain told him. His heart was a different matter.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said anything, I was being stupid," Adam sighed. "It’s...It’s just been hard lately with the engagement. Everyone always whispers about my family and when the engagement is announced, people are just going to get worse. My dad’s got royal blood from distant ancestors who died a century ago and my mom...she’s just the witch who survived a toxic coven and then married for power. At least, that’s how people talk about us. Most people don't think that my dad is even qualified to be leader; you need a specific blood connection to the last leader of the coven and ours is…not as close as some people would like."
"Who would be better than your dad?" Theo asked incredulously. "He's pretty strong, and Miruna is a pretty tough opponent herself. I had my magical combat exam against her last term and nearly failed."
"Claudia. If she weren't queen, she'd be a shoo in for our coven leader," Adam replied solemnly. "You can imagine why the coven approves of her marrying Miruna. Claudia is of the 'proper' bloodline and their kids hopefully won't ever see the throne. Everything goes to Victoriana, including the throne, but Miruna's kids could lead the coven one day."
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Theo mulled that over in his brain, seeing where the priorities of Pleasantview were. 
"Does no one here ever marry for love? Wouldn't you want to marry for love?"
Adam grinned shyly, running his fingers through his hair.
"Yeah, I think I probably will," he answered. "I'd like to anyway. Miruna's the one social climbing with this marriage, and we don't have any other available monarchs to get engaged to, so I think I'm free to marry who I love."
"Me too. I mean, I'm heir to the Bellamy estate in Arkhelios, but I can always give that to Rien if it becomes a problem. I want to be happy with my spouse, whoever they are."
"I think my parents were happy when we were first born," Adam said quietly. "Somewhere along the way they just stopped loving each other. Maybe they never loved each other at all and only married so that we wouldn’t be illegitimate. I’m afraid to ask them; I’m not sure how to feel if I don’t like the answer. My mom remarried my stepdad pretty much as soon as the divorce was finalized. She seems happy, but she's also a duchess now so who knows if that factored into her decision?"
“I think I get what you mean. Some days I wonder if I had never been born, would my parents still even be together? I never really know how to answer that, aside from time travel, so I try not to think about it." 
Theo thought about his many siblings and where his parents would be in their lives if he didn't exist. Honestly, he had his doubts that they would still be married in some alternate world. At times they seemed happy together, but fidelity had never been their strong point. Aunt Maura had once told him about how Roman had once dated Queen Claudia as a teen, and obviously he had been married to Adrian too. Was there a universe where Roman was king of Pleasantview or still married to Adrian? 
"Well, hypotheticals won't get us anywhere," Adam declared, interrupting Theo from his thoughts. "I don't think I'm getting married any time soon. Miruna can have all that attention for herself."
"Yeah, me neither. Unless the right person came along."
"Who can tell the right person at thirteen?" Adam laughed, assuming that his friend was joking. "Honestly Theo, I'll never understand Arkhelian humour. With the potential lifespan of warlocks, I'll take my time and find the right spouse. I saw my parents divorce and it got ugly."
"Ha, yeah, me too. I wouldn’t rush into anything. For sure."
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"Have you ever seen one of these bugs?"
Princess Victoriana stood beside Theo, holding something green in her hands for him to see. Theo wasn't a huge fan of bugs, but he didn't want to offend the future monarch.
"No, but it looks rare," he replied, trying not to look too hard at the gross insect.
"That's what I thought too!"
The princess looked as shy as Theo sometimes felt and he felt bad for her, knowing that she would one day be queen of a country that rewarded the bold and confident. Theo was only the heir of a wealthy family in a tiny nation and even that was sometimes too difficult to deal with. He couldn't imagine the amount of people who watched Victoriana's every move, looking for weaknesses to exploit. 
"Adam, Dad's looking for you! Stop making out with Theo and come here!"
"Theo and I are friends, Remy, something I know you don't have! I'm coming, geez!"
Adam stood up from the swing, gesturing for Victoriana to take his place.
"Sorry Theo, apparently duty calls. I'll be right back."
Theo smiled, but his heart wasn't in it. Every time Adam called him his friend, a hopeful part of him died. Would Adam ever see him as a person worthy to marry? If not, Theo supposed that he would also accept a physical relationship with him, one that he would work diligently to upgrade to a spouse over time.
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"I think he likes you back. It's all over his face."
Theo snapped out of his thoughts to find Victoriana staring at him curiously.
"Adam? No, I doubt it. Really? How old are you anyway that you're so wise about love?" Theo paused, remembering his manners. "Sorry, Your Highness. I'm sure you're right."
I'll just Google your age and pretend you know what you're talking about now. A kid can’t know about how to tell if a guy is interested in me. It’s still nice to hear that someone else thinks Adam could be interested in me.
"I'm eleven, Apprentice Bellamy," the girl replied haughtily. "Same as your sisters, Lady Luciana and Lady Adrienne Bellamy. Older still than your full siblings, Saturnia and Abraham the third Bellamy."
Theo raised an eyebrow at the formal recitation of his family tree.
Okay, well, she knows who I am. I'm not sure if that was a threat or not. Can an eleven year old be threatening? Is she scary like her mother, or just reminding me of my place in her kingdom?
"Do you want to play on the jungle gym over there?" he suggested, hoping that Adam would be back soon and he wouldn’t be left alone long with the future queen of Pleasantview.
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geminiamethyst · 1 year
Running. Chapter 34: Promises Made
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 33: click HERE
Chapter 35: 
Before proceeding with the chapter, please be aware that I might be on an on and off hiatus as I’ll be doing revision for exams that I have later on this month (I am writing this between revision breaks)
Thank you for being patient with me in advance.
Enjoy the chapter.
Kaito was laying patiently on the bed, phone clutched in his hand. The first time that he needed to call his family, Miu needed a few minutes to make sure that the signal would be secure enough. No doubt that she was doing it again. Kaito didn’t mind. He planned out what he needed to say, but he felt like it might go awry anyway. Every time he planned the talks that he had with his grandparents, they seemed to be forgotten. Things were often made up as the conversations went along. However, this time, he really needed to make sure that he got the points that he needed to say get across. He just hopes that he doesn’t worry them too much. Kaito was snapped out of his thoughts when the door opened gently. He sat up, spotting Maki standing at the door.
“Miu says that you should be able to make the call now.” She patiently smiled at Kaito.
“Thanks.” Kaito smiled back. Maki was about to leave to give Kaito some privacy but his voice stopped her movements. “Could you stay? I think that they want to make sure you’re alright anyway.” Maki shrugged a little out of affection. She closed the door completely and sat down next to Kaito. He dialled the number and put the phone on speaker as soon as he heard the ringing.
One ring.
Please be okay…
Two rings.
Please be safe…
Three rings.
Please don’t have let anything happen to them…
“Hello?” A familiar voice spoke out. Good. It’s still like clockwork and everything is still okay.
“Hey Grandma.” Kaito greeted as cheerfully as he could.
“Hello Mrs Momota.” Maki added on, making her presence known for the first time in a while.
“Oh! It’s so good to hear you both! And Maki, how many times have I told you to call me “Grandma” sweetheart?” Kaito’s grandmother smiled, fussing a little at the end. Maki rolled her eyes a little, but didn’t say anything to counter it. She just smiled affectionately. The voice of Kaito’s grandfather was heard faintly in the background. “One moment, dears.”
Kaito and Maki couldn’t stop smiling as they heard the elders. They were working out how to put the phone on speaker again. Neither teenager rushed them in telling them how. They both wanted to make these moments last a little longer. For all they knew, it could be a while before they hear the elders like this. They wanted to make this as lighthearted as possible for now before they bring out the serious news.
“Sorry about this you two. No matter how many times we do this, we’re hopeless at this speaker nonsense.” Kaito’s grandfather chuckled hopelessly as the phone was switched to speaker.
“It’s okay Gramps. We don’t mind.” Kaito laughed along with his family, just more than glad to hear their voices. Just hearing them gave him more reassurance than he needed about their safety.
“How are you both?” Maki asked, equally as glad as Kaito was.
“Don’t worry about us, dearie.” Kaito’s grandmother smiled doing her best to quell any worries that the teenagers might have. Kaito didn’t like that there were no other details, but he wasn’t going to complain. He just needed to hear his family and that was more than enough to know that they’re safe.
“Do you have any news for us?” Kaito’s grandfather asked, getting straight to the point. No avoiding it now. With Maki’s help, Kaito was able to explain everything. Again, no details were hidden. Just the pure and honest truth. He expressed the excitement that he had when he explained about this hidden camp and potential allies. He also expressed the seriousness about how they were going to this area to find this new sanctuary. He thought it would be emotionally tough to explain the fact that they were moving on again, but with Maki there, it actually felt easier. The elders hadn’t spoken at all during the whole explanation. They just waited patiently until it was time to say something. By time it was all over, it felt like another weight had been lifted, but at the same time, it still lingered.
“You’re sure that this is a good idea?” Kaito’s grandfather asked after being silent for so long.
“I know the risks Gramps. We both do.” Kaito ensured, gently grabbing Maki’s hand. She squeezed it slightly in response to his actions. “But if there’s a chance to keep other Limitless safe from Orochi, maybe even fight against him, we’re going to need all the help that we can get.”
“But you’re still safe in Tokyo, right?” Kaito’s grandmother asked with uncertainty.
“We haven’t heard anything from the Underground.” Maki explained, trying to keep everyone as calm as possible. “We’re going to wait for a few more days just in case. Chances are that they’re on the outskirts of the city. There’s more than one way to leave Tokyo, they can’t cover every single exit if we’re careful enough.”
“I really wish that you could come back.” Kaito’s grandmother responded, longing in her voice. Kaito really wished that he had the power to teleport right at this moment. He would give anything to hug his family and reassure them even more that he was perfectly safe.
“Dear…they can’t…” Kaito’s grandfather tried to reason, but even he sounded like he needed convincing himself.
“Grandma, trust me, there’s nothing more that I want than to come home, but it’s still too risky right now.” Kaito added, squeezing Maki’s hand. Though it was more for his own reassurance than anything else.
“I understand…” the older woman’s voice hauntingly muttered. It broke Kaito’s heart to hear this. He can’t think of how many times he wanted to go home since lol of this had started. But he was glad that he never went through with it. After the whole worry about being bugged with a tracker, his family would’ve been in more danger than when Junko attacked. And now he needs to go further away just to keep them safe. Can’t he just have one day where he could spend more time with his relatives without putting them in danger?!
Kaito was snapped out of his inner torment when the door had suddenly opened. The action made him jump out of his skin a little. Maki glared a little at whoever was interrupting but it dwindled a little bit. Mondo stood in the open doorway, looking somewhat apologetic.
“Sorry you two, but we need to start prepping a few things.” He said, looking like he wished to be somewhere else right now.
“We’ll be right there.” Maki spoke up, pointing at Kaito’s phone. Seeing as they were still talking, Mondo nodded sharply and was about to back away to leave the conversation to continue.
“Hold on! Is that one of the Limitless that you’re travelling with?” Kaito’s grandfather suddenly shouted. Mondo stood still until Kaito gestured for him to come closer.
“Yeah. The name’s Mondo Owada.” Mondo introduced himself as he stepped forward. Kaito was glad that didn’t introduce himself the same way he did when they first met. If he swore, his grandmother would threaten Mondo to wash his mouth with soap, literally.
“Is the second one there?” Kaito’s grandfather asked again.
“Ishimaru? Not at the moment, but I can grab him.” Mondo answered, getting ready to find Taka if he needed to.
“Ishimaru? Wasn’t he…” Kaito’s grandfather echoed before there was a bit of muttering that no one else could pick up. Maybe his wife could hear him or was maybe even talking to him, but no one could say for certain. It made the air shift in an almost uncomfortable direction. Was there something about Taka that no one else knew about? Granted he hadn’t spoken much about himself other than his father, but nothing other than that.
“Grandpa? How do you know Taka?” Kaito asked, wanting to find out what had brought on this odd behaviour.
“He…never mind! Owada!” His grandfather started before his tone became more serious and authoritative. He spoke so straight forward, that even Mondo suddenly stood up straight as if he were in that of military drills. “Owada, no matter what happens, you must keep our kids safe. They BOTH mean more to us than you realise. Promise me that!” Kaito can’t remember the last time he had heard his grandfather talk like that. It was like hit took all the strength that the old man had just to make sure a vow was being kept. It was quite impressive.
“I promise!” Mondo vowed, his tone just as serious. “And if there’s one thing that I never break willingly, is a promise. You can bet my life on it.”
Kaito smiled upon hearing that. He already trusted Mondo, but hearing that made him feel better and more reassured. Maki seemed to feel the same as she shared a small smile with him. Mondo was beaming from ear to ear as well, determined to keep his word no matter what.
“Thank you. You have no idea how that makes me feel hearing that.” Kaito’s grandfather sighed in relief, no doubt that the emotion was weighing down on him. Kaito’s smile went wider. Now he’s got his family on board to trust the biker. Despite his grandfather’s behaviour towards Taka, he hopes to get the same results. It does still feel strange at how his grandfather dodged the question but maybe he should ask about it another time.
Mondo had forgotten to close the door. So, Taka didn’t mean to hear the conversation, but he couldn’t help it. He had heard his name being said, but he had stopped himself before he could step forward. After hearing the elder speak his name like that and completely dismiss Kaito’s question, he felt like it wasn’t his place. It didn’t feel right to say anything. Nonetheless, he couldn’t stop himself from hearing Mondo’s vow. He found it admirable, he had to admit. Despite the possible distrust that was thrown towards him, Taka wasn’t going to stop making a promise of his own.
“I promise to look out for them too.” He said to no one in particular. He kept as quiet as he could so that no one could hear him before walking away.
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space-feminist · 8 months
15 questions, 15 people
tagged by @rembrandtswife
1. Are you named after anyone? yeah, my great-grandmother. i never met her but my mom talks about her as a very loving grandmother, basically another parent to her. she and her family fled lithuania during the 40s as russia began to invade and while i don't know much about that experience i have to imagine my great-grandma was a pretty tough lady, to get her family across europe during the middle of a war. i'm proud to be named after her.
2. When was the last time you cried? a few hours ago, i got teary reading a really good fic
3. Do you have kids? god no
4. What sports do you play/have played? i am not athletic. just a thoroughly uncoordinated person. i like taking walks. going swimming when i can. that's about it.
5. Do you use sarcasm? yeah
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? hair, i think. if someone changes their hair i have trouble recognizing them tbh
7. What’s your eye color? brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings? i was a really sensitive kid so i wasn't interested in watching scary movies for a while and i haven't really bothered to catch up and watch horror movies. honestly i don't watch as many movies as i'd like. there is so much media. i guess happy endings by default but i'm not opposed to darker stories, they all have their place
9. Any talents? i don't feel like i should be assessing this. i'm good at crossword puzzles? idk. i feel like everything i'm good at is stuff i practiced
10. Where were you born? in a hospital. i was told not to give revealing info to strangers on the internet
11. What are your hobbies? i never know how to answer this question on tumblr bc like. this is my hobby space. i write fanfic i read fanfic i make fanart i edit fanvids i make playlists. it's like asking your knitting club friend their hobbies. their hobby is knitting. you know this on account of being in knitting club
12. Do you have any pets? no :(
13. How tall are you? 5' 5", which is exactly average and not short even though my younger sister is taller than me
14. Favorite subject in school? shockingly (sarcasm) i liked english. but also science and history. basically anything but math and gym
15. Dream job? i'd love to be a professional critic but writing tv/music/film criticism isn't exactly steady work and i think having my livelihood depend on my hot takes would stress me out. i'll stick to posting them on tumblr.edu
not tagging anybody i hate tagging people for shit like this
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Notes From Book 6 Explorer
October the 2 of this year
Okay so done one was able to let me beable to read the book on libby. Also I notices that for some reason on the libby pages are around 652 in this book while it says the book has 408 pages. Could it be a way to move mire words onto a page or something?
Well shits got to be intense if him getting a shower in this book 
Bren going into a mental nite if the back round to the series
Bindanda helps him get dressed for the day. Kind of have to remember that the atevi can make a adult human look like a ten year old in height
He really wants his old job back . He already hates being the lord of the heavens.
Kaplan is there to meet them and jago out side his office on the ship.
Bren has a photo of jase catching a fish from the planet
Holy shit sabin should not have pissed off ilisidi or she would not have been food poisoned.
Bren and jase are trying to look through the records to try to find proof that there might be more things about the situation.
Bren is now paranoid about potential treachery. 
Jase is like currently 30 years old. Holy hell he has daddy issues / what was i made for? Around his dad figure ramirez. 
For some reason jase and Yolanda was taught culture and history from earth 
Seems like sabin and ogun were in a currently unknown relationship of ship politics.
Nine years so the station may have repaired itself.  
Thry plan on confronting sabin about the whole shit show they are in.
Bren asks banichi to tell the staff that everything is under control.
Kaplan makes some tea for the meeting with sabin.  From what happened last time I don't blame her for taking it at first.
Bren explains to her knowing that ramirez faked the monitor output before seeing the survivor's. 
Damn bren is trying his attempt at diplomacy with a roughly tough old lady.
So ramirez may have had contact with something that the guild known about.
Well shit it looked like they ship folk like tamun were planing to help the humans try to take over the atevi continent. That would not have worked due to mostly those humans hatting doing what the ship folk told em too. Luckily sabin kind of gained acceptance of the atevi. 
The situation was a success, they got alot of info and keeping an eye on sabin for anything new.
         Bren talks with banichi and jago about sabin and the situation.
god damn it caljeiri you scared me, thought an attack was happening. even jago is a little done with the bull shit. caljeiri please do not tick her off.
caljeiri tells bren that ilisidi asked for him to visit her at breakfast but that time kind of passed for obvious reason.
currently the kid is seven so its been kind of a while.
bren gives a little word about how aijiin have the security defend them instead of gun's , bows and arrows. also the kid is in brens man'chi
he gose to ilisidis study to visist her with cenedi being by her side as always.  its kind of funny how she has the vibes of a disaproving grandmother twords bren being kind to caljeiri.
they discuses what has been going on and the deception of what has been happening. as well as the contrasting theory's of why ramirez was trying to consider doing what he did.
ilisidi says that its gonna be funny when she gets back to grigiji and rub in his face about all the stars she has seen.
bren kind of feels like that sabin is rather unpredictable and kind of reminds him of tatiseigi , ilisidis maybe old lover and  tabini's wifes uncle.
after talking with her theory on why sabin acts the way she dose , he decided to go to gin or ginny kroger who is on the ship.
ginny is maybe sixty years old by this point.
she is damn worried about all of this shit for good reason. deception is definitely something she is understandable pissed about. happy sabin was able to agree to the idea. 
ginny discusses home and the seasons that are probably going on. bren thinks about the fortress of ilisidi's home with the mecheita .  offers to get him dinner when they get back.
god damn it she knows about jago's and his relationships with each other. ginny is learning ragi and compliments bindanadi cooking.
they have pizza being made for dinner. from what I remember I think the pizza is green instead of red.
bren praises whos been along for the voyage and Ginny practices ragi to praise the dinner. bren is so happy that this has been a social success .
he is hoping that jase gotten to bed.
after going to bed after looking through notes he made of the day, he and jago did the deed of darkness or as the mospheirans say make love.
damn this feels like a love confession even though it technically is not.
oh shit there is a "oh-god" in the morning news of ship moving in one hour. he thinks of his brother and the world and screwed up the family he left behind.
if kind of cajeiri to make racing wheel cars he learned from the archives.
they are looking through the tapes for anything new and cajeiri is viewed wonderfully by ginny's engineers and mechanics
he writes a letter to toby as a way to try to talk about how he feels about everything.
His mom is described as " was one of those women who defined herself by her children. And who consequently cannibalized their growing live until,  ultimately,  the campaign drove the family apart " 
He even writes to tabini about everything. And the work of his son.
Knowing the ship has a gymnasium and he works it off the food.
Oh my god the idea of bren translating the games on the archive to let the staff and the kid use is so damn wholesome. I hope some one gets the idea to maybe make a fanfic something like that. Cajeiri making the planes as well.
whist is brens favorite game.
They just adore godzilla . Hamlet was like, confused by Romeo and juliet and horrified and gratified by oedipus.
He wants to join the atevi and feels he is unable to. He is also desperate for answers.
He talks with cajeiri who wants ginnys crew to help him fix his car. Bren only agrees if cenedi wants to. 
Caljeiri I think accurately behaves like a 7 year old. 
It's funny that he has to avoid showing anything to caljeiri that defys authorities like a parent avoiding things with sex in them. The three musketeers is chosen.
Banichi and jago are playing chess and the staff are placing bets.
Bren writes a letter to toby about his moments of homesickness. 
Bren is done and says fuck it he is talking to sabin with the log. Banichi joins him.
He dose get a copy of a log of the encounter of ramirez of the aliens near planet gamma .
he falls asleep trying to find more information and is advised by narani to get a shower, he falls asleep in there as well.
he thinks for a bit about ramirez actions but even ilisidi thinks he should as the parody book gose "Go The Fuck To Sleep"
he talks with jago about the actions of ramirez but unfortunetly even she wants him to rest as well. but then he falls of the bed when jase tells tells him that they might finnaly have something in sight.
he gets the news to jago and ilisidi and everyone else who may need to know.
he is told that sabin is now in charge and warning the poeple of the voyage to take hold as they start to drop . 
bren is so scared that he starts having flash backs to pre and during book one of this time with tabini and ilisidi
bren and his group go to the bridge to see what is happening
bren tells all that are with them that they may have arrived at the destination that they have been trying to get to.
ilisidi talks to sabin and jase about what is going on and it seems like they are close but not there.
Ginny comes up to visit with moral support and advice as she put it.
ilisidi got a bit snappy with caljeiri about wanting to see the screens of the ship with her cane.
this whole book up at this point is just me adoring ilisidi and caljeiri. 
they got a connection to the station , bren is considering maybe trying to give sabin advice. she just loves calling him bitch or bastard doesn't she?
oh crap something else just caught a signal for them, and its not from the station they are trying to get to.
he suggests to use lights on the ship to try to send a patter response to who ever it may be.
something may have happened and the lights may have worked enough so that they may have to be cautious around what just contacted them . 
bren is gonna try to contact them and not ghost them like ramirez did before. bren is impressed that a phoenix caption actully told the truth. 
ilisidi wants to join the action as well as ginny. also for some reason the station has not even answered any of there questions.
okay so a dude called guild-master Braddock answers them with maybe not get close to where they are trying to go towards.
the aliens flashed more lights that are more better of a message then braddock's.
sabin is complaining about how bren , her , cenedi , banichi , jago , gin and jerry are in the same room as her , saying it ain't a tour. 
bren is still tired as hell but still trying to do what he dose.
sabin is doubting his hope for cooperation with the aliens. 
"works in downtown jackson traffic" such a funny line when you plan to use lights to try to communicate with aliens.
banichi and jago being able to sandwich him between them to keep him from shivering is so funny.
he is able to rea sure banichi about the situation 
hey station , maybe take sabins instructions if you want her to take yours. they say fuck it lets take the aliens route instead
 the aliens are coming to them.
ilisidi gets some tea for bren to talk about the situation at hand. they think it might be a robot or aliens.
the alien ship mimics there ships actions so that it migh be good. 
to not lose more fuel they use beeps from radio to make sounds and images to communicate with the aliens. 
they realize the delays may be because these are aliens instead of organic.
oh shit the aliens are innovating the images they got. they are trying to communicate what happened 10 years ago with ramirez . they drew a little stick figure of themselves.
well shit the guild might be hiding bullshit, great. welp blowing up a random due is one way to piss off an alien and vow vengence.
banichi gives some advice to maybe keep communicating.
yep the guild might have stolen a body or dude. great job guys
bren is goona try to negotiate the body back from the guild.  and is worried that they may be getting over there heads. 
ilisidi is hopeing he is goona sleep.
lies , lies everywhere, here there be lies.
he is awoken by ginny who is telling them that sabin is not telling the guild anything by giving them the silent treatment.
the station is pissed with there current actions. and they are gonna try to get on board. 
sabin warns everon on the speaker that the stations situation in unknowable so to be cautious.
Its so funny that jase hats the situation that he wants yolandas current job and bren wholeheartedly agrees
jase is corrected by bren the word is eavesdroppers instead of bureaucrats.
ilisidi calling caljeiri a blood thirsty child is so damn funny to me. 
and now things are suspicious , damn it station master Louis Baynes Braddock.
baraddock is already lying , fantastic . sabin is not taking the red tape shit.  they are threatening them with a bomb.
sabin is ignoring his advice and he gets pretty sad a bit.
sabin tells them if they have her they can atleast escape with akers , one of the captions and jase. 
ilisidi is adviced to go below deck. she and almost all of the atevi come along with her.
banichi is also explained about the situation.
they get bren dressed and even give him a gun to protect himself from what ever could happen. 
he wakes care of somethings before exiting the ship. he really hates how lonley he is with out those he cares about. 
he realises that some one in his office could see the photo of jase with the fish and realize more stuff was going on then what they though.
he encounters a bunch of humans in the gallery and asks for some basket of sandwiches to take back up to the bridge of the ship. he also warns them that the station might try to take the ship by force and to be carfuel.
well one of the damn station guards is here and jase is trying to keep him from getting mad. its funny seeing bren act like a low ranking , cheery crew member . 
jase is being so damn cool , there is gose off to being damn cool.
hey guild maybe being lying little shits can't help you know.
the gaurd might be suspecting everything. oh shit dose one of the crew members esan might have something contagious.
holy hell bren , kaplan and jase lock the intruder in jases office.
they don't care, whats stopping them from from collectivly beating the shit out of the security from the station is sabin isn't answering?
kaplan , polano and press men with also a few others dragged out the neeted men with out armors or weapons.
jase gose out to tell everyone that they got control of the ship back and to get sabin back. ilisidi also aproves
they call jase taylors son, the man who sacrificed himself long ago to save others and is the source of jase's existence . 
jase is worried that sabin might be a traitor. 
he goes back to the atevi who are pretty happy to see him back. cenedi and cajeiri go to him to congragulate him for his sucess by ilisidi. even ilisidi her self praised him.
bren explains to ilisidi about the little hostage situation for sadin if the guild master tries shit with also the pissed crew.
bren hopefully tries to get to bed.  and thanks ilisidi and cenedi for the advice. 
banichi suggests to take over the station as they help him to bed . thank goodness the gets the rest he needs.
jago is sad to have to wake him up. jase wants to tell him to to try to interrogate there guests.
he tells jago to hide while he deals with this with there guards they have with the ship crew. he also tells her to please sleep. 
jase is waiting for him and bren has given him food to eat and also  the prisoners.
he has the little hard fruit candies and give them to kaplan . polano and jase in a way to calm down.
oh shit they have ave got some sick crew members. from the archives in maybe origins.
he is taken to where the prisoners are , in the medial bay. bren tries  to tempt them with food. they do not want to take it.
he is rubbing in their face about how much things are better are back at the phoenix.
damn bren knows how to guilt trip these guys.  he is also just getting to them. 
he dumps the bomb about what is happening to the whole thing that happened those thousend years ago.
becker may not have budged but bren might keep trying.
he is getting dressed to plan to see what is going on with jago and banichi to see what could be.
I need to count when ilisidi hits caljeiri with the cane in this book, cuse it happens a bunch.
ilisidi is a hundred percent done with the stations bullshit and says fuck it we are going to tell the prisoners to stop getting in her way.
its so funny that kaplan calls ilisidi gran sidi . he is also worried they are not gonna be polite as he puts it.
those poor bastards have no idea what they are dealing with. and the crew are fucking cheering for her to beat their ass. 
turns out the guild members are looking for the log and they may have found it.
holy hell one of them named coroia who has kids and kind of admit they need help. becker do no fucking shout in front of ilisidi , the fucking atevi hate that when superiors are shouted at.
polano you doing amazing sweetie. go crew go!
becker is shocked that cajeriji is a 7 year old kid . 
one of the prisoners dropped a bomb shell that there was no dead alien , because the humans managed to get on and hold them prisoner.
they give them a deal to get the families a chance to get on the ship so that they get the fuel and the alien prisoner. hell even becker says fuck it he is helping these poeple to not have there loved ones not be on that damn station anymore.
okay ilisidi wacked cajeriji with her finger this time.
ren comes up with a plan to carry out to invate the ship.
bren admits to jase he took the photo from his office to protect them when the thing would happen. also to tell jase to get some rest.
they talk about the nightmare fuel of senarios that could be dealing with the situation. he also asks jase to get a sleeping pill to rest better.
he tells narani to try to make a bunch of written paper for jase idea on how to get the atevi to not be seen as a threat.
jase sleeps , thank goodness 
he talks with jago to explain to her the disappearance of sabin. 
banichi is so insist on to taking the station. he suggests to use the access to get control of the ship and seek out the location of the prisoner.  banichi is at first weirded our by the plan but he gos around to it.
he suggests to go with banichi to help with the who thing. they also get help from gin and cenedi. 
gin is upset about the robots being used and the translating for robot is roboti
to annoy the gaurds.
he writes a letter to both tabini , toby , his staff and jase about this plan if it gose to shit.
jase Aproved of the plan and warns him of the fact that ramirez's key maybe with ogun or sabin.
the fucking brochures look like travel brochures except for a planet.
 he gets anxious when the numbers are not an odd number. gin , the atevi and him go through. with barnhart with them. 
there is a damaged station waiting for them while they are in a pod. and a shoot out happens.  jago grabs him to shield him from harm.
they slowly make there way to the place . bren Give a brochure to a guy in a man at a desk. stop the guy from trying to call security and get him to find the prisoner. 
is funny how he get some one to look at the brocure befor seeing a scated bren aming a gun to the guys head.
they get to the prisoner then get the hell out with them. seems to blow gas out. they succeed but something might have happened and jase wants to speak with them.
oh shit jenrette is there and hurt with kaplan. esentually the robot plan helped jenrette to get back to the ship to try to help get a message from sabin.
bren suspects that ramirez wanted to go back to take the station from the guild .  he also supects that jenrette may have killed ramirez and is fucking lying. 
wow jase is not having it with jenrette shit. deskbound is a new one. it may have hitted jenrette . holy hell jentrette is one back stabby bastard. wow as a traitor deserves as they say, making him go out to spy again for a parden.
they plan to try to talk to the alien in what way they could.  
bren meets back and finds that his staff got clothes that do not look like shit.
the laine tried to bite poeple. gin is also grieving her robot who heroicly was destroyed to help them. 
sigaiji . a work for a leader who could not get more followers. or  a rouge
poor bindanda having to make new clothes quickly.
cajeiri wants to see the alien but cenedi looks at him to say no.
the aliens name may be prakuyo. its kind of sad and funny that prakuyo just says "Damn Dumb Shit". also brings up Madison 
they get Prakuyo to go to the the dinner and serve the guest tea cakes. they get him some more stuff to eat. 
they use stuff to illustrate and try to explain what happened. ilisidi joins and trys to help in what she can
jases comes up and tells them that he needs bren because the ship is back.
there is a little of a bit of chaos and jase is haveing to explain to braddock to deal with the ship.
during the argument sabin Finnaly is heard. and tries to get the situation for braddock but jase is not taking it.
prakuyo seems okay in ilisidi company . 
braddock is a little pissy that jase gave him the hand in a way. jase and bren try to fidue out what could have happened to cause the situation.
welp a bunch of the poeple are boarding the ship because fuck the guild master. gin says fuck it she is getting the suit to try to fix the shit herself.
bren gets his security and himself to help go with gin. 
it takes a good minute to explain how this mob of umans may have come to the ship's door. 
banichi , jago , bren , barnhart and three of ilisidi's men desabi , anaro and kasari are in a lift to see the humans.
getting poeple to evecuate the station is a fucking night mare.
they get into a nasty as hell pelleting of the gaurds and thankfully bren is protected  by his gaurds and still tries to act politely . they are tool that braddock is in his office .
yeah fuck you baraddock fuck you. jag thank you for getting him. barnhart gets the speaker in the office to announce to everyone to start getting of the station.
while he is around he heard sabin and finds jenrette . thay also kind of do not know where gin is. and jenrette is already in everyone's shit list so no one mourns his death
sabins okay and helped them get the fuel for the ship. says hato . word for good in ragi. she just wants her wounded crew aboard the ship.
they kind of startle the refugees but they do make it to the medial. 
the situations a bit chaotic and bren explains what is currently happening and seems like they are still talking to the alien ship.
banichi got a minor cut that bren got a bit worried of. banichi tells branhart that he owes him a drink for the help.
oh my gosh ilisidi , cajeiri , parakuyo and ilisidi and brens staff are watching black and white cartoons.
he finds out jago and banichi with held injuries to keep him from worrying about them 
he explains the situation to ilisidi and what they need to do for parakuyo. parakuyo is a fast ish ragi learner. ilisidi says fuck it lets call up the alien ship for parakuyo. 
bren theories that ragi is easier for patakuyo then english .  jase is a little worried about ilisidi and cajeiri and bren to visit the ship.
they get ready for they whole shit show on the alien ship.
parakuyo Poeple are called the kyo . seems to not want to be included or maybe assimilated .
the ships here to take them abroad to try to settle the 6 year bullshit once and for all.  cenedi , ilisidi , cajeiri and bren are with parakuyo . 
is in a bit of an argument with the ship owners who probably have a long ass grievance with the humans .
the aliens offer the group  a drink to chill the fuck out.
after explaining that the humans and atevi are gonna fuck off back to their solor system cajeiri gives parakuyo his toy car . 
they explain the good news the jase. 
Bren writes a letter to toby and tabini explaining the good news that . the assimilation part is due to the kyo being poeple who have a tendency of assimilating others into there nation. 
he fell asleep at his desk writing it for tabini's letter . he gose back to meet with jase , sabin and ilisidi. 
he gets into the seat to get ready to travel back to earth and carejiri got in trobule with dice fron what jago told him. 
0 notes
tsurumi-tetsuko · 1 year
Scenario Prompt: Home is Where Your Nose is
Momma said to be careful today, so I am. I sit quietly in a warm basket of webs etched to the wall. I think we are quite blessed to have warm webs to sleep in, because during the reunion with our "corners of the wall" web cousins, they always lament that their webs are cold and preys are getting smarter. I feel bad for them. Our webs are warmed by the very pulsing walls around us, and our food is supplied fresh every day. Our hunters would expertly dig them out and roll them up to the storage web for later consumption.
Not to mention, our food has different consistencies. Depending on the weather, sometimes they are crispy and crunchy, other times they turn up chewy and have a sticky-web-like consistency. I'm a crispy-enjoyer though dad prefers the chewy-kind. Where others have to wait for their prey to entrap themselves in their web with boundless patience, our family gets their nourishment from fresh produce that never run around. I wasn't born at the time, but my siblings love to tell stories about the 'Great Slog'. The name is as it suggests, the walls are covered in this sticky, white slog and we lost many webs during the disaster. We had no choice but to migrate towards the inner, warmer depths to hide out. It's forbidden to venture too far in the tunnel, becuase the temperature gets hotter and hotter the further you go.
"Ah!” I couldn't help but scream when the wall above me caved in.
I was too distracted in my memories that I almost died.
One unpredictable thing about our cave is the structure of the walls. In regular occasions, these walls were as tough as steel. Othertimes they give way and smoosh against one another like they were newborns. We only get a small warning before it happens, but usually, it's from the rumbling. Our bodies shiver unconsciously, and we have to hide immediately. My strong uncles have dug holes in the bottom of the tunnels for us to hide in instead of having to estimate which way the wall would cave in and then run in the opposite direction. It increases our chances of survival, but these caving ins happen much regularly.
Then, the walls revert to normal and the rumbling stops. I take a deep breath before warily pulling myself out of the warm webs. I lock eyes with Momma who was hiding near the back, and she gives me a warm smile.
“Well done," Momma praised.
Then, the slowly manuvered to the front of the tunnel, where she sat in a crater of sorts.
Momma said my siblings are coming soon, and this family will get bigger, but she gets tired really often. She rarely helps out with the hunting anymore.
As I approach her, she says, "Look."
She points her pincer, and I obediently glance over. The Outside is always a marvel to see, but today, it was bright. The yellow-beam of the sun dances across the pale background that stretches from the opening of the tunnel until it is hidden by a folded-white skeleton of some sorts. I know the tunnel is mobile, and it changes from time to time, but the tunnels remain our home.
"Do you see it, dear?" she prompted.
I squinted my eight eyes, but I don't know what she wants me to look at, so I ask, "What momma?"
"That, do you see how it's so vast and so rich in colour?" Her voice was full of wonder as she explained, "That's grass."
I take it in, and I am in awe. The 'grass' enveloped the tunnel's limbs completely with their sharp tentacles.
"What colour is that, momma?'
"That is green, your grandmother told me."
"Green," I say. It's beautiful.
"When you have a chance, tell your siblings that too. Grass is green, and it's beautiful."
I smile and rub my head against my mother's. "Of course. and remember mom, I get to name one of them!'
She chuckles. "There'll be thousands to choose from, and I promise to let you name one."
My momma is the heart of our tunnel, and soon, she'll be giving birth to thousands more of us. I can't wait to show them my favourite nook!
0 notes
elavita · 2 years
11/20/2022 - Intro
TW - many triggering topics discussed (Self harm, abuse, etc)
Hi! My name is Finnegan Felix MacPherson, but you can just call me Finn. I am 20 years old, and I am from Buffalo, New York. I enjoy nature and long walks on the beach. I have 2 parents, and a sister. I am fascinated by anything. My passions include sailing and learning new languages. I go to school for engineering, and I love everything about it.
I am gay.
Growing up in the Midwest was not always easy. I have lots of trauma as most 20-year-olds do now. As you may know, it's not always easy being, well... different.
My family is quite loving, yet dysfunctional. We all have our issues, and we all don't know how to deal with them. I personally have body dysmorphia, depression, and anxiety. My sister has OCD. And my parents don't know how to deal with those situations.
School was tough, but I got through it. I came out when I was 15, but I've had issues regarding my sexuality before then. I was 14 when I was sexually assaulted, and it had me all sorts of messed up. It spiraled me down into a dark valley, filled with dead Ash trees and decrepit gargoyles and castles. This is what lead me into a my 'gay panic' phase. An aside - I am not saying that the sexual assault, is what caused me to be gay, but it definitely made me feel inferior as a human. This contributed to my body dysmorphia, and hypersexuality later in life.
Upon entering high school, I was constantly made fun of for how I look, talk, and act. I wasn't like the other guys. I loved sports, and still do don't get me wrong, but I also was very musical and a nerd. I got called many slurs, such as 'fag', 'queer', you name it. I hadn't even realized I was gay, yet all my classmates made this decision for me.
Eventually I did come out, slowly but surely. I told friend after friend. I initially came out as Bi, but I began to come to terms with only liking boys. However, someone who I thought was my friend had outed me to most of the school. I decided to come out publicly at school. I had no other choice.
I began to develop anxiety and depression. I started to slit my wrists.
I hated myself.
I told my sister and parents about my revelation, and they also had found out about my cutting habit.
They were terrified.
Not because I was gay, they were super accepting, but they were afraid I was going to kill myself. They sent me off to therapy, but it never really has helped until recently.
I spent my teen years crushing on straight guys, something quite unproductive. This lead me further into an even more sinister state of mind. Despite being clean for a couple of years, I started to cut again.
On Christmas Eve during my senior year, I tried to kill myself. I was sent to the hospital, and I felt so guilty for making my parents stay in a hospital during Christmas. How perfect, the happiest time of the year, and I wanted to kill myself.
Eventually, I got "healthy", and graduated in the top five percent of my class. I decided to start school in Florida, where I would live with my aunt and commute. That really didn't work out though.
See, my aunt wasn't the most agreeable person on the face of the planet. She bullied me and my grandmother, who was living down there at the time, quite profusely. I also got involved with people. I had met someone who I thought I could trust. I ended up giving away my virginity to this person, because he said it was going to develop into a relationship. This sunk me back into a horrible state of mind despite being ok for the past half of a year. Things only got worse when conflict arose with my aunt. The constant fighting with her got so bad, I had to drive my grandmother and I all the way back to Buffalo the day my semester ended.
I was lonely, scared, angry, and sad. I had lost friends, and a family member.
Upon returning home, I had learned that my father had lost his job. This crushed me, and I began to self-harm again. I attended school virtually the following semester, and then I transferred back to a local school.
Things were much tougher, which lead to my anxiety spiking to all-time highs. Eventually, I went back to therapy, and I have been dealing with my mental illnesses ever since.
I also started to have horrible body perception issues after leaving Florida, and still continue to do. I go to the gym now every day. I'm told I look great; however, I still see the same fat kid in the mirror every single day.
Now here today arises. Instead of being a year and a half clean from self-harm, I am only two days clean.
My dog passed two days ago. He was my soul, my best friend.
I've also been going back to church quite frequently as I am again struggling to accept my identity, and I feel so lost in regard to my sexuality. I hear that what I feel is wrong, and that I am able to control my urges, yet I feel like I am going to explode if I don't express my true identity.
This all has coalesced in yet again me trying to kill myself two days ago and slitting my wrists. I am no longer feeling like I want to end my life, but I am still so lost and depressed. I feel like the weight of a million suns are pushing down on my chest, while I gasp for a breath.
I have actively been trying to hide my left wrist, but it's hard to do that especially when you live with parents who worry as much as mine do about my well-being.
I also was sending pictures of myself to people I had met on various dating apps. I hated doing that, but my past relationships with people had made me feel like I had to do that to get a boy's attention, and that is the only way I'd be wanted. I hated degrading myself, but I thought I wasn't worth anything to begin with.
This is ultimately what lead me back to church; where I have only felt more confused.
I haven't had sex in nearly two-and-a-half-years now, and I quit self-pleasure. I feel hopeless when it come to love. I feel like I'll never find 'the one', like they always say in TV.
But that all could change.
I have been hanging around this boy. He is in a class of mine. I actually think he may be gay too, and that's not just wishful thinking.
His name is Jacob, and he is just like me.
He loves engineering, and he is passionate about it like me. He is so easy to have and hold a conversation with. He is so smart, and funny.
He is gorgeous too. He has sandy hair and brown eyes. Kind of lanky, but in a cute way. His smile beams like the Las Vegas Strip, and he is so handsome. He has great style.
His scent is what really gets me. I am not sure what cologne he wears, but he smells like the breeze coming off the warm Mediterranean. I desperately want to steal one of his sweatshirts, and just wear it. I want to be surrounded by his aroma. I am usually allergic to such perfumes, but his is so ambrosial.
He looks so cuddly and cozy now that it is winter. He dresses in sweats or jeans, but he wears a big heavy parka every day to school.
Hearing his voice makes me want to jump into his arms. It is so melodic, and deep.
His lips... his lips are so plump and red, like a ripe Gala apple. I want to kiss them so bad. I want to taste his saliva, and caress his face, as he holds me.
But I don't know if he feels the same.
I think I have a crush.
~ Finn
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purple-goo-writes · 3 years
Where on Earth is MDC?
Chapter 1 
Richard “Dick” Grayson with all his 10 year old intelligence and circus know how was pretty sure of one thing and one thing only- there was no way his guardian, Bruce Wayne, was married. He may have grown up in a circus as an acrobat and wasn’t schooled the way kids were normally, after all most kids don’t have a circus clown teaching them math or a Lion Tamer teaching science- But he was not an idiot! Plus he was Robin! He helped Bats solve some pretty tough cases. He wasn’t letting Bruce try and pull the wool over his eyes! There was no way that Bruce Wayne was married-except maybe married to his work as a vigilante.
For one, Dick has never seen or heard evidence that Bruce was married or seeing someone in the whole two years he has been living in Wayne Manor as Bruce’s ward. Sure, Bruce claimed that his lovely wife was a globe trotter like her grandmother and rarely came home to roost due to how busy her schedule was... Dick called elephant-dung on that. There is no way some socialite would be out exploring the world when they could be hanging off Bruce’s arm gossiping at all the galas and parties Bruce had to hold for his business. Though he is only guessing that this is how high society women act due to only seeing this behavior from Bruce’s investor’s wives, dates and daughters. 
He does find it odd that no one comments on Bruce never bringing a date to his own galas or other social functions. And that everyone when meeting Bruce glance at the odd silver ring Bruce always wears in place of a wedding band before giving those weird sympathy looks and subtle glances amongst themselves. Adults seemed to have their own language when it comes to greeting each other that Dick hasn’t been able to decipher yet. Though the Not-Wedding Ring doesn’t always detour the newer social climbing women from flirting with his guardian or trying to seduce him. Dick has been used many times as a human shield against said women and has come to accept/resent his fate.
Two, the young Robin has never seen so much as a tiny photo of the so called Mrs. Wayne! There are no portraits or photos in the manor that he has seen. While Alfred assures him that Bruce carries on with him every where, Dick hasn’t ever seen it not even after slipping away with Bruce’s wallet, just like Jackie taught him to do with the really rude patrons that came to the circus when he was younger. He made sure to return the wallet! He just wanted to see if maybe Bruce had a tiny photo in there like he had seen other men do, like how The Strong Man carried pictures of his husband and children around in his wallet. But, there was no picture in the wallet except for the one of him, Alfred and Bruce together in a family photo. When he saw the photo, Dick had teared up cause this meant Bruce did see him as family and not as an charity case like everyone at the Academy liked to say he was. Alfred claimed that the Misses was simply too busy to pose for a portrait to be painted and always preferred to be the one taking the photos anyway. While Alfred has never lied to him, Dick is still not convinced.
And three, Dick couldn’t find any mention of a Mrs. Marinette Wayne anywhere! Not even with the Batcomputer! All he could ever find was the latest travel logs of some woman named Marinette Dupain-Cheng, also known as the fashion designer MDC. Sure there were odd newspaper clippings now and then speculating when Mrs. Wayne would be returning from abroad. But those were not concrete evidence of her so-called existence! Honestly, it was starting to drive Dick up the wall with not being able to find anything about or on his guardian’s absent wife! 
The ten year old was this close to throwing a tantrum like no other in demand to get answers. How was everyone convinced that Bruce was married? If he was, then where in the world was Mrs. Wayne?! Cause, Dick would really like to meet her. If only to shut up the voice in his head that was worried that if She was real that she would have Bruce send him away. After all a Circus Freak didn’t belong in High Society. Though Dick was starting to worry if Bruce was really a widower and his way of coping with the grief was to pretend that his wife was still alive and just on an extended road trip...
Though if that was the case then why would Alfred go along with it? Maybe Dick needed to go take a look in the Wayne Family Cemetery just to make sure...
Dick was broken from his musings by Alfred coming into the Manor’s library and clearing his throat, “Master Richard, Master Bruce wishes to see you in the Family Parlor Room. There is someone here he wishes for you to meet.”
That puzzled the child sidekick, but he simply shrugged and nodded, “Alright, Alfie!” Before hopping up from his chair and leaving the book he had been reading in the seat as Dick darted out of the room excited to meet someone new. Maybe it was one of Bruce’s lawyer friends again! Like Dent, who was nice and for some reason liked to comment on how much Dick looks just like Bruce in that odd teasing tone all of Bruce’s actual friends use when they learn he took Richard in. Honestly, Dick isn’t sure what is so funny about the fact that he looks like Bruce. Genetics are weird and he still refuses to try and understand them. 
When Dick skidded into the Family Parlor Room, he was not expecting what happened next. Not at all. Because before Dick could even ask Bruce who was there, the ten year old was being swept up in a flurry of chiffon and lace as a lovely French accented voice started cooing over the tiny child in her arms. Dick would forever deny the startled squeak he let out and the fact that he blushed as red as his uniform top when he managed to get a good look at his captor. The person holding him could only be described as a heavenly beauty with long silky black-nearly blue hair and bright expressive blue eyes that exuded motherly love whilst she held him close in a gentle hug. Her smile made Dick think of the sun shining out from the clouds after weeks of rain and it radiated love, love that he could tell was aimed at him even though they had just meet. It reminded him so much of his own mother’s smile that Dick had started to tear up.
“Hello, ma petite colombe, it’s so lovely to finally meet you,” the heavenly being cooed at him, gently cradling the child closer with a gentle smile, “Bruce has told me so much about you. I’m so glad I can finally welcome you to the family.”
Marinette simply held her son, yes her son because even if he was not adopted yet Marinette already loved him like her own, close as the little boy broke down and started crying as he clung to Marinette returning the hug. She could tell he was relieved that she accepted him, honestly she warned her silly husband that Dick may be worried about her not liking him. Really, her silly love was just as silly as her Papa at times. She shook her head and tugged Bruce into the hug as well, so that he could reassure their little dove that they loved him and he was welcome in their family and home. Mari loved Bruce, but he was sometimes slow on how to approach emotional situations.
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eunoiaflow3r · 3 years
hard 2 face reality // spencer reid x fem!reader
spencer reid x reader
aaron hotchner x reader
part one - part three
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a/n: a lot of people asked for part 2 to “not ur friend.” omg i didn’t expect it to blow up like it did. sorry this isnt the fluff conclusion you guys wanted...but i’m willing to make this a series maybe? idk it’s up to you guys. thank you for your feedback and support. (see notes at end)
also i tagged all the people who commented on part one.
warning(s): language. angst. not proofread. will be mistakes.
word count: 2.9k wow.
request(ed): yes. very requested. thank you @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks for this idea.
summary: after hearing something she shouldn’t have, she has to deal with explanations and tough decisions.
hard 2 face reality by poo bear ft. justin beiber and jay electronics.
sometimes it’s hard to face reality...even though you might get mad at me.
It’s ironic sometimes.
The twists and turns of life and the paths it puts you down. Sometimes you believed in fate but right now it only felt like a pain in the ass. Whoever was controlling your strings you hoped they would just give you a break, but no. There was always something more.
Last night, you had a dream. There was a memory within the dream. You and Spencer were cuddling on the couch watching a movie and his fingers were combing through your hair. From where you were, it was more like you were witnessing it instead of actually living it. You were just watching yourself fall harder for the man behind you. You were content. Happy even. You forgot all about your issues and problems and conflicts. You forgot about what Spencer said and the things he had done. You just forgot.
You watched as he took his fingers out of your hair and pushed you away. The you that you were watching was confused and so were you. Why would he do that? What was wrong with him? This wasn’t the memory.
Dream Spencer got up, put his shoes on, grabbed his bag, and was halfway out the door. Before he left completely he said, “We’re just friends. You’re not enough for me. You never will be.”
Dream you just sat there and stared blankly.
Your eyes opened and you stared up at your ceiling in sorrow. The tears just kept coming and you tried to keep yourself quiet but it was so hard, and you were so tired. You hated to admit it but you were in love with him. You were in love with a man who didn’t feel the same way. A man who did nothing but play you and pretend you were nothing. A man who lied.
How did this happen?
How did you end up in a position where you were in a cold bed crying about a man who was unphased? Someone who didn’t find anything wrong with their actions? How could you love someone who would never find the way to love you back and treat you right no matter how hard you wished? No matter how hard you hoped?
How could you do this to yourself?
And to think - in a few hours you’d have to wake up and see him again. After everything you realized and have come to terms with you’d have to see the man who was responsible for the ache in your heart.
When Spencer woke up the first thing he thought about was work. How he didn’t really want to go but he knows he has to. He thought about how heart wrenching the case he’s been on for the last week has been. He thought about how today he might actually be able to solve it...and then he thought about you.
He’d be seeing you.
Hotch invited you to help with the case. He figured your skill set would be exactly what they needed to solve it.
And yeah, you there definitely was for the better of the case but was it for the better of him?
He had no idea what to do. You were mad at him. You weren’t answering his phone calls or his texts and he figured out that you heard the conversation and he gets that maybe calling you a grandmother was wrong, but really what did he do?
He knew he missed you. He missed being able to rant to you, and you consoling him. He missed the movie days you guys had...but he could watch them on his own...right? He could figure out his own problems...he didn’t need anyone to help him. Especially not you. Not someone getting upset about the smallest of things.
That was so rude of you. Why would you ignore him? Why wouldn’t you reply to his texts are calls?
He thought that that was pretty selfish of you.
And yeah sure, maybe calling you clingy was a lie but was that really something to ignore him over? To throw it all away for?
Should've been adjusted to my life, had the opportunity to stay away for the last time...now you’re standin’ right in front of me. It hurts me to know that I lied. Tryna protect your feelings... you read in between the lines
Hope your heart has started healing
You arrived.
He saw you, bag over your shoulder, going straight towards Hotch’s office and ignoring him.
Not even a hello? Not a good morning? You hadn’t even looked at Emily or Morgan either. What had they done? What had he done?
From what he could tell you had been crying, but you covered it well. If it was anyone but him they wouldn’t have been able to tell but he could. Did you miss him too? Were you hurting?
“Is something going on between you and Reid?”
Hotch was looking at you expecting an answer but you didn’t know what to tell him. According to Reid nothing had ever been going on.
“No. I’m really just trying to focus here.”
Hotch nodded. “Good.”
Truth is, it was very hard to ignore Spencer. He seemed so oblivious that it made you feel sorry for him. But you couldn’t. You wouldn’t feel sorry for him. He wasn’t the one crying his eyes out at night and cussing out rom coms when they came on the television.
And you could tell he didn’t feel the same. He didn’t look how you felt. He looked conflicted, but he didn’t look sorry or hurt. His normalcy pained you. Had you really meant that little? Maybe you were over exaggerating things. No. You deserved an explanation - but you weren’t ready to hear it.
A while ago...
“Okay Y/N cover your eyes!”
You giggled. “No, Spencer why?”
“Just do it! I promise you’ll like it.”
You were sat criss crossed on the couch and Spencer was behind you with something in his hands. Before you could look at it he told you to close your eyes and he hid it behind his back. You smiled and closed your eyes waiting for whatever the surprise was.
You felt his fingers move your hair out of the way and you felt a coolness along your neck.
A necklace.
“Okay open.”
You could feel him grinning. You opened your eyes and looked down at your chest. You nearly gasped. On the end of the necklace was a miniature glass sculpture. When you met at the museum you told him that they were your favorite.
He remembered.
You held it in your hand and turned around to kiss him. He was a bit surprised but held your face in his hands and kissed you back.
“L/N!” You were snapped out of your head. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry.”
The necklace. You can’t believe you were still wearing it. It felt like the only thing holding you together which was strange since glass was so fragile. The metal necklace part felt like it was burning you. The happy memory burned you. You took the necklace from under your sweater and ripped it off your neck. You couldn’t wear it anymore. It hurt you, but you couldn’t hold on.
Reality is kinda hard to face, like actual facts is for flat-earthers. Rains a requirement for flowers to grow, and pains a requirement for power to grow. It’s a miracle how one can change, from one what was just hours ago.
When you got home that day you were happy and running on adrenaline. Yeah, you had to see Spencer...but you helped solve a case. You helped save someone. It was tiring, and gruesome just like what Spencer said but the feeling you get after helping someone? Unexplainable.
After changing out of your work clothes and into some jeans and a shirt, you’d thought you’d treat yourself to dinner. Maybe that would help you forget. Forget and move on. Besides, it was a nice little diner and you used to be a regular. You had wanted to bring Spencer but he never wanted to go. He never wanted to go out.
His loss.
When you got there the familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon wafted through. You had missed this. When everything was so simple and uncomplicated. When you could be you. Not wondering if today was the day Spencer would decide to come over or not. Or to even call. You could finally breathe. You weren’t in your stuffy apartment. You weren’t in a Spence filled work place. You were where you considered home in a city away from it.
“Y/N, hey!” Em the waitress called you over. You would consider her a friend. You two had always talked when you came through.
“Hey!” She went in for a hug and you hugged her back.
“Where have you been?”
You sighed. “Busy.”
She nodded. She understood. From there she asked you where you wanted to sit. You were just going to request the counter since you were alone, but when a little boy came up to you yelling your name, and wrapped his arms around you...you didn’t have the time to answer. It was little Jack.
“Hey buddy!” You hugged him back.
You looked around for Hotch. What a coincidence. He smiled and waved you over. You and Jack walked over to the booth and Hotch stood and hugged you. “I’m so sorry about Jack.”
“Oh no, it’s fine!”
About two years ago Hotch hired you to babysit Jack every once in a while. You needed the money. You were making enough from the paintings you sold but you needed more to finish college and save up. You weren’t going to some big expensive college or anything but still.
A little while later you met Spencer and it just became and inside joke.
“Would you like to eat with us?” Hotch asked.
“I don’t want to intrude Hotch...”
“Aaron.” He corrected while smiling. “Please, join us.”
And you did. You ate dinner with Aaron and Jack and you were having fun. This past month you had been moping around feeling sorry for yourself but you were actually happy. There was still that pain in your chest, and a part of you that longed to call Spencer and talk to him - but you wouldn’t. You couldn’t.
After dinner Em invited you to go clubbing with her on Saturday. At first you were going to turn her down but you thought...why not? You didn’t have to stay up waiting for Spencer to call anymore. You didn’t have to cook or plan to order in in case Spencer decided to stop by. You didn’t have any plans.
“Sure Em, I’ll be there.”
She walked behind the counter and looked from you to Hotch. Like a suggestive look. Like a “ask him too!” look. And you weren’t ready for anything, and wasn’t even sure if you liked Aaron that way, and you still were in a gray area with Spencer...but you thought it’d be rude not to ask.
He nodded, urging you to go on.
“Do you want to go with me Saturday? I mean...I don’t really want to be alone..Em has a girlfriend and it might be fun.”
He laughs and scratches the back of his neck. “Yes Y/N I’ll go.”
When you got home and ready for bed you had this weight in your stomach. There was a lump in your throat, and your fingers tensed. You thought about Hotch and it made you feel like you were cheating on Spencer. But you weren’t. You and Spencer weren’t together. There was no need to feel guilty.
He didn’t.
That Saturday came soon enough and you weren’t sure if you were ready. Physically yeah, you showered and got ready...but emotionally? Mentally? Was this a date? Had you asked Aaron out? Were you ready for that? Had you moved on from Spencer? No, of course not. But Aaron wasn’t a distraction either. You could never do that to him no matter how bad you felt. Never.
Your doorbell rang and when you opened it you were surprised to see Hotch...not in a suit. It fit him and you could admit it...he looked...really good.
“You clean up nice.” You said laughing a bit to yourself.
He looked you up and down. “So do you.”
He looked a bit taken aback and you could see he was a bit flushed and that made you a bit happy. You liked giving people that kind of reaction. It gave you just a bit of confidence you needed. Especially tonight, where you’d try not to think about Spencer.
When you got there you were glad it wasn’t too busy. The music wasn’t that loud either and you were glad because then you got to dance without immediately getting a headache. Your first dance was with Hotch but then he saw one of his friends from college (he’s a lawyer now) and then started talking to him. You didn’t mind. You actually kind of liked being alone. It gave you you time to think. But not about Spencer.
No. Not tonight you wouldn’t.
You wasted too many tears on him to be thinking of him while you were supposed to be having fun. He didn’t deserve your thoughts. He didn’t deserve your tears. He didn’t deserve movie nights, or cuddles, or sex, or kisses, or waiting, he didn’t deserve -
Spencer Reid.
You thought you were dreaming, but you weren’t. He was just a little bit away from you with JJ on his arm. “Just coworkers.” You wanted to say it didn’t hurt you, you did, but your heart broke. In a million little pieces. Had he not want to get serious with you because he was in love with her. It makes sense, everything about that makes sense but it didn’t hurt any less. It didn’t make the tears in your eyes stop, it didn’t make the ache in your chest dim but at least it made sense.
Know it hurts to see the truth in your face, circumstances bring you down to your knees. Go on and cry an ocean, but don’t drown in it. Enough to put your heart at ease. Oh don’t lose your self esteem. I apologize for being a man. It’s way harder than what it seems.
You grabbed your bag from Hotch and told him you needed to go outside for a minute. He asked you if you wanted him to go with you but you needed to be alone. You wanted to be by yourself to fight these tears. You couldn’t cry in front of him.
He gave you his coat which was much too big but still appreciated.
Once you were outside you took your phone out to check your face. Your nose was red but the few tears hadn’t ruined anything. You were fine. You were going to be okay. Everything was alright.
Until it wasn’t .
Fucking Spencer.
You turned around to see Spencer Reid walking towards you with a confused look on his face.
“Hey.” he said. Hey? Hey?? What the hell were you supposed to say to that? Hey?
He cleared his throat. “Things are weird, right?”
“Weird?” you scoffed.
“Y/N, it’s been a month! I don’t understand what I did! You just stopped talking to me even after I tried to apologize! What more can I do?”
He stopped for a second, “Is that Hotch’s jacket?” He stepped forward to take a look at it but you flinched away. “Don’t tell me that’s Hotch’s -“
“You were hiding me Spencer. You said the equivalent to hanging out with me was of visiting a grandmother. You never wanted to hang out unless it was on your terms and you called me clingy and suffocating when I NEVER asked you for more. I NEVER went out of my way to ask you for anything and you treat me like this? Like I’m replaceable? After everything we’ve been through? After all we’ve talked about and experienced? What’s your excuse for that Spencer? What could you possibly have to say that would explain that?”
He opened his mouth and closed it again.
“If I were to have called you and said ‘Yup, everything is fine Spence we can go back to normal.’ It would have gone back to normal! YOUR normal! A normal where I’m hidden like a side chick but you get to be in public with JJ on your arm! Fucking JJ! And yeah, we never put a label on it but YOU made it clear that we weren’t to fuck other people. That was YOUR decision! She was the girl you said I didn’t have to worry about and here we are.”
Spencer was silent. He looked to the floor, and said nothing. His fingers ran through his disheveled hair and his lip was quivering.
“So this is because of JJ?” he asked.
“Fuck you.”
He watched as you walked into the club and back out again with Hotch. Before you went in his car though you walked over to Spencer and put the necklace into his hand. Silently you walked over to Hotch and got in the passenger seat.
Spencer didn’t know what to do.
This was your necklace. He gave it to you. It was yours to keep. Yours to wear, cherish, and hold. Why would you give it back? It was supposed to make you happy and help you remember him. Instead it was in his hands unworn but the girl he had hurt. What was he supposed to do?
JJ found him outside but he said nothing to her the whole ride when he took her home. He was thinking about you. He was thinking about what you said. You were right.
When he got home he looked at the box of things you gave him. There were polaroid pictures of the two of you and he started shaking as he cried. What had he done? How could he have been so selfish?
You were right.
You were right.
Truth was he did like JJ, and he had been hiding you. He had been treating you unfairly. He had been a jerk and he had done every single thing you said he did.
He was all of the names you were calling him in your head.
Every single one.
He held the glass sculpture necklace in his hands and could feel his tears running down his face falling on it.
Even though he fucked up, and had something weird with JJ, he realized...he was in love with you.
Sometimes it's hard to face reality.
literally wtf is this. what in the love triangles - anyway. ik you guys wanted fluff so...part 3? idk. should reader have a thing with hotch? should she choose hotch or reid?
feedback always appreciated. it pushed me to write this.
taglist: @hotchsbabygirl @pinkdiamond1016 @thefemalestorywriter @sizzlingclamturtlesludge @samyilf123
comment tag list: @peculiarinsomniac @mgg-theprettiestboy @187-reid @realalpacorn @wooya1224 @minami97 @studywithrosie01 @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks @meowiemari @thedaughterofhotchniss @reniescarlett @lovelyspencerreid @ashwarren32 @fantastic-fans @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @psych0crybaby @drreidsconverse @castbyfox
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Cas&Dean VS Claire&Jack
So I wrote [a small little theory] a while ago as to why I think Claire and Jack wouldn’t have been shown on screen together/have any connection throughout the show on-screen/off-screen at all. And so here I will some points as to why I think that is. 
AKA here’s the long awaited essay/conspiracy theory y’all have been asking for.
First of all; let me start off by saying this is 100% meant as a joke (no it’s not) and it’s not to be taken seriously (yes it is) as it’s literally just a dumb theory (it definitely isn’t). And second; fuck the C*W for contributing to every little bit of tinhatting this fandom (especially us hellers) has succumbed to.
Now; for this theory we have to understand a few things:
How Dean and Cas work as individuals
How Claire and Jack work as individuals
How Dean and Cas work as a duo
Let’s start with the first two things.
How Dean and Cas work as individuals
Dean Winchester is a masculine, tough but loving hunter. He cultivates a “bad-boy personality”, and makes sarcastic jokes at even the most morbid times. Underneath, though, he's become hardened by life as a warrior (as Daddy’s blunt instrument, if you will). He’s been taught to fight his father’s battles, and protect the ones he loves and cares for. But soon began to see that neither of his parents (especially his dad) did the job they were given when they had children. He didn’t just have to be a brother; he had to be a father and mother. He’s had to grow walls around him to stay strong for his little brother, but over time, after making a family for himself, it became easier to tear those walls down. However, he has his weak spots and is an emotional and loving human being through and through.
Castiel, the Angel of Thursday, is an angel of the Lord. He’s lived for aeons, and as an angel has (just like Dean) been taught to fight the battles of his creator and father. He’s a warrior, and he’s been given the job to follow the orders of said creator. Only for those orders to be thrown out the window once he meets Dean Winchester. The man who showed him that hate and anger isn’t always the true answer and that you can choose to be good. Everything that he has been taught slowly breaks away as his hard exterior crumbles, and he develops into a being with emotions, as he slowly but eventually learns to love and care for this man, and with that; humanity.
How Claire and Jack work as individuals
Claire Novak, a woman who has lead a tragic life, where she lost both her parents early on. Her father said yes to be the (permanent) vessel of an Angel, and her mother just disappeared after dropping her off to her Grandmother. After the grandmother had passed away, she was left alone. She had to fight through the world on her own, as she put a wall around herself to make herself stronger for the people around her. It took a while before she found her place in a loving family filled with strong women, who didn’t just help bring her walls down, but build a home instead.
Jack Kline is an innocent, naive but loving Nephilim. The son of the human Kelly Kline and the archangel Lucifer. He was destined for evil, as a Nephilim is one of the most powerful creatures in existence. But, with the help of his three Godfathers (heh), he learns that he doesn’t have to be evil. He can be whatever he wants to be. Controlling his powers has been hard, but no matter what happened, his mindset never changed as he grew to love the people and love the things around him. His biological father saw his power, but his chosen father saw his kind soul. Castiel believed he could create paradise, and he did, as he became the God that the universe deserved.
There are alot of parallels between Dean/Claire and Jack/Cas that can be compared to here. Let me show you a few:
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So we’ve established that with Claire being Dean-coded, and Jack being Cas-coded, there could’ve definitely been potential for a cute Claire/Jack dynamic in the show. Why wouldn’t they have done that, you think? Perhaps this question can be answered when we look at thing number 3:
How Dean and Cas work as a duo
Destiel is the relationship between the hunter Dean and the angel Castiel. Castiel was ordered by God to free him from Hell, and afterwards he was supposed to do as he was told while Dean was supposed to figure out how to “stop the apocalypse” which happened to be a bunch of garbo afterwards knowing what we know now. Nonetheless, Castiel didn’t listen, as he quickly grew fond of the hunter and, because of him, developed a sense of emotion and free will. This lead to Castiel helping Dean throughout the Apocalypse, and beyond, and they’ve been best friends ever since.
There have been MULTIPLE essays on Tumblr about how this relationship works, and it would be silly of me to try and summarize stuff that hasn’t been said a million times already. But basically; What they have is quite a bit more than best friendship. It has been confirmed in 15x18, Despair, that Castiel has been in love with Dean for quite some time, as Dean’s own feelings are kind of all over the place. Nothing has been confirmed, yet nothing has been denied. But, seeing as all the insane things Dean has done for/because of/regarding Castiel... for instance:
defended his behavior to his brother and father when neither trusted him in season 6
kept his trenchcoat when he “died” in season 7, and keeping it with him in the trunk of his car(s) for the entirety of Castiel’s absence.
absolutely despises angels, and hates praying, yet he only ever prays to Castiel when he needs anything because he’s the only one he trusts
couldn’t get his mind of of him when he was possessed by Lucifer, and later taken by Amara in season 11
Has Castiel being referred to as his Colette by Cain (subtext but not really subtext because it was so incredibly obvious)
was supposed to be completely enamored by Amara and was supposed to be so hypnotizingly attracted to her that he couldn’t focus on anything else, yet he called out for Castiel’s name when it came down to it (aka the equivalent of calling out someone else’s name during sex) 
keeps looking at him like that
acted like a grieving widow when Castiel died in season 13
gets down on his knees to pray to, cry for and apologize to Castiel in Purgatory when there’s millions of creatures hunting his ass
...it’s easy to say that this is more than just a “brotherly friendship” between the two. There is dialogue that would NOT have worked between Sam/Cas because it would’ve felt weird. I wonder why.
So now to get back on topic; why is it that we’ve never seen Claire and Jack on screen together?
Is it because the writers didn’t have time to put them together in any given scenario whatsoever? Is it because the writers didn’t care enough for Claire to give her some more airtime with the boys? 
Or is it perhaps that if there was a possibility that they’d be on screen together, that they’d have a very similar (if not the same) connection to one another as Dean and Cas, only written as an actual little brother/big sister friendship dynamic?
So yes, TL;DR: the actual reason that Claire and Jack never met is because they would’ve had the exact same dynamic as Dean and Cas, but in this case platonic. Which would’ve meant that the audience would’ve seen a clear difference between the Dean/Cas dynamic and Claire/Jack dynamic, and it would’ve shown that the way they’ve been writing and directing the Dean/Cas scenes is romantic.
thank you very much, and I bid thee a very good night. <3
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starglow-xx · 3 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada & port mafia (part 1)
platonic! edogawa ranpo x f! reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting these fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them! but only at the cost of your peace and sanity. 
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
author’s notes: this will be a multiple part series of head canons and this is only part one! this series will include both the agency and port mafia members, and then something special for the end. maybe i’ll even write a real one shot/scenario for it. if there’s enough interest, i might open up a tag list for this! i hope you all enjoy!! <33
also, ranpo is 25 in this part; kenji, atushi, kyouka, and the tanizaki siblings aren’t part of the agency yet, only yosano, kunikida, and dazai are, but in the next couple parts, it will be established that the tanizakis are
and (n/n) means nickname :)
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meeting the greatest detective
your bakery, Sakura’s, which you named after your late grandmother (who was also your guardian), went into business when you were 18 right after graduating high school
who needed a culinary course when you were trained by dear ol grandma?
your grandmother died when you were 16, just as you started your second year of high school
you were devastated of course, but you knew she wouldn’t want you to wallow over it too long
so in those last two hard years of high school, you took part time jobs at other bakeries and saved lots and lots of money
by graduation, using your life savings, the money your grandmother had left for you, and all the money you earned working, you were able to buy the small building—with a reasonable amount of money left over to survive— you and your grandmother had been eyeing back in her hometown, yokohama, to start your bakery
the building was a bit run down, but you were planning to give it a makeover anyways
it was a bit smaller compared to other buildings around, only having two stories, but on the plus side, the second floor had taller ceilings and was an apartment
is that realistic? probably not but bare with me here 
you finished putting your bakery up in about 4 months, then finished up your apartment 2 more after
you opened Sakura’s at 7 in the morning then closed at 8 in the evening
when you first started, you did quite well!!
especially with those who went to work on early mornings and families
the time when you first opened was the most peaceful, but you admitted that it was a bit boring, and you wished for a bit more excitement
and boy, the day edogawa ranpo stepped into your bakery was the catalyst for the chaos and excitement that was soon to come
not that you knew that
if you did you would’ve never let him in
you were 19 when ranpo discovered Sakura’s, and it was completely accidental
he finished solving a case and was on the way back to the agency, and he—not surprisingly—got lost and then it started to rain really hard
it was pouring; there was even the cliche thunder strike and everything
you saw the brown clad man across the street and you ran out with two umbrellas (almost getting hit by a car mind you) handed one to him and practically dragged him inside
with the heavy rain on the forecast, Sakura’s was empty, so you gently pushed him down on a chair and you rushed away to find towels
even though the two of you had umbrellas, the two of you were still soaked 
finding said towels, you quickly dried yourself the best you could then you draped your towel over your back and rushed over to give him his as well as a warm pastry and your special hot honey lemon tea
ranpo laughed as you placed down the refreshment and snack, thinking that you knew who he was and was giving him special treatment
poor bby blinked and went :0 when you said you didn’t
“you don’t know who i am?”
“no. am i supposed to?”
the 25 year old blanked and you worried that you broke him and started to apologize profusely 
he cut you off claiming that he got over it he didnt but seeing as the bakery was empty and it was pouring pretty badly, he demanded you give him all your attention sit with him so he could tell you all about himself and what he’s done
the two of you got along quite well
you were amazed with all the stories he’s told you 
you honestly acted like a cute little kid listening to fairytales
he told you that and in response you threw a napkin at him
“wow ranpo-san! that’s amazing!!”
“you look like a little kid”
cue the napkin
he was happy with all the attention, praise, and sweets you gave him
the agency gave him praise sure, and made sure he had a lot of snacks but it was refreshing to have someone give him this much and your treats were the best he’s ever had
after he told you all his most interesting cases, the two of you just rambled about the most randomest things; going from the best desserts and snacks to the stupidest things his coworkers have done
you guys were on that last topic for a while
you two talked and rambled for hours, and when it hit hour two and the rain was still pouring, you just went ahead and slipped the “we’re open” sign to “closed” even though it was only 2 o’clock
you thought that this was probably the loving goofy older brother relationship that you missed out on
“ranpo-san, you’re kind of like the brother i’ve never had”
“and you’re still like that little kid”
cue another napkin to the face
don’t worry, he already adores you <3 
he just likes to make fun of you </3
*cuts you off as you’re talking to squish your cheeks* “(y/n) you still have a lot of baby fat and you’re pretty short...are you sure you’re still not in high school or smth??”
*incoherent talking due to pressure on cheeks* “ranpo-san you have 3 seconds before i kick you out”
at around 6, the rain came to a stop and by then, the both of you were all dried up
before he left, you gave him a map so that he hopefully wouldn’t get lost again and gave him a couple boxes of treats for him to have and to share with his coworkers
you closed early so you had to give away at least some of the remaining treats somehow
he wanted you to go to agency with him so he didn’t have to carry everything but you declined saying that you didn’t want to bc you wanted to rest
and for payback for calling you a little kid
you were 19 goddamnit
you already placed everything neatly into two bags so it was easy to carry but this bitch still had the audacity to pout and whine at you
and he calls you the little kid, jeez
you never told him but, you almost gave in
you never told him. but he probably already knows
ranpo san knows all after all; even you knew that by now
the two of you had also exchanged phone numbers and when the two of you showed each other what you each put for a contact name along with the note below, the two of you broke out into grins
you named him “the greatest detective <33″ & put the note “new nii-san <33 & bully </3″ and he named you “cute bakery girl” with the note “best follower, sweets supply & annoying little kid”
when he left, you properly closed the bakery and taped a sign to the door saying that you closed early for personal reasons
when everything was cleaned up, you marched up into your bedroom, plopped on your bed, and took a nap
you deserved it
at the agency not too long after that, ranpo had arrived and when he opened the door, everyone rushed towards him in concern asking if he was okay
he waved them off and walked towards his desk and plopped down in his seat
he placed the two bags in front of him and took out a box of cream puffs and started to snack on them
his coworkers watched him blankly as his scarfed down one after another
after finishing that box, he rummaged through the bags to look through the different kinds of pastries you’ve given him 
noticing that there were people still staring at him he paused before sighing in exasperation
he began to whine at his coworkers saying that no one told him it was gonna rain and that they were lucky that he happened to be in front of Sakura’s
“why did no one tell me?! it was pouring and i was soaked! you guys are lucky that (n/n)-chan’s bakery was right there! you would’ve probably lost me! how would the agency even function without me here?!”
no one wanted to be the one to tell him that they had no idea who he was talking about and that they did in fact tell him that it was gonna pour
they can save that, and their questions for another time
next >>
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dienamights · 3 years
Ellipsism | K.Bakugou
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Ellipsism: A sadness that you’ll never be able to know how history will turn out.
» Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader.
» Word count: 1.9K
» Genre: Angst 
» Summary: In a world where everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle, and every time they fall in love with someone, their tattoo appears somewhere else on the body of the person they love. You come to the realization that it might not be as simple as that, and all your childhood dreams would come and bite you in the ass.
» Warning(s): ANGST, mentions of self-harm.
» Author’s notes: Listen, I don’t particularly like angst, but I love the way it hurts, y’know? Not sure if I want this to have a happy ending or not (in a second part) and honestly I’m leaning towards the latter, I love pain and I have no idea what would happen. Also, peep the “tattoo” in the header its relevant to the story ahaha
Thank you everyone for the support and love, it means the world to me that people enjoyed my Kacchan representation! Lemme give you smooches.
Big smooches to @tteokdoroki and @sightoru for making me feel good about hurting them🤧❤️
» Masterlist | Requests
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The sun had awakened and was promptly emerging through the hazy sky. The cloudy layer created a gloomy blanket from the sun. You jolted awake, your neck aching from your sleeping position and you twisted your head side to side to relieve some of the pain, before reaching for your phone and holding the bright screen to your face to check the time. Alas, the screen was turned off without registering the time nor how long were you asleep for.
You lifted your eyes to see the grey out the window in front of you. With that fog, the trees and buildings never ended, they floated upwards, seemingly as endless as beanstalks. Reaching your head back, it met the wooden counter. You were in the kitchen, fell asleep on the floor and slumped against the counters, the empty bottle laying across from you a reminder of the event that transpired the previous night - maybe morning? You didn't really know.
You lazily extended your legs in front of you, eyeing your sock-clad feet and the tattoo that peaked from the clothing. Blooming lilacs that danced and branched out, the stem wrapping around your ankle oh so loosely, almost teasingly. Lilacs that represented happiness and tranquility, which you have never felt more far from. 
Remembering the old days, the better days, you with your poofy dress, so blindingly pink it demanded everyone's attention, giggling with your friends that adorned similar attire to yours, showing each other the tattoos that hugged your ankles, in endless shapes and sizes, dreaming about who the lucky person you’ll share your tattoo with would be, who was lucky enough to capture your heart and claim it as their own, and offering theirs in return.
Bedtime stories were your favorite quality time with your mother, where you’d both forget about the story cradled in her hands and you’d spend your night tracing the few tattoos that scattered across her arms. Asking her how could she love so many people and have them love her in return before loving her husband - your father - the only person she was meant to be with, only to wait with bated breath for an answer you already heard so many times you probably memorized it by now. You’d be entranced at the way her eyes always softened, a light gleaming in them as she would explain to you, again and again, with no sign of ever getting bored, how she have never and would never regret the people she loved, because in some twisted way of the universe, it led her to the father of her beautiful child, that snuggled her in her princess bed. 
Alas, asking her how you came to the world received a totally different reaction, and you refrained from asking her that again until later on in life.
Whenever your grandma visited, you’d run to hug her old and withered body, apologizing when she would howl about her aching back and dragging her to sit with the excuse to help her rest, but you both knew you wanted to hear stories, your teenage self was so ready to fall in love, so excited to have a piece of someone you adored with all your heart decorating your skin, inking it in the most beautiful forms of promise.
She always made her past lovers sound like prince charmings right out of a novel, the kind of guys with the power and confidence that seemed perfect in every way. The kind of guys schoolgirls woke up and went to school for in the morning. The kind of guys that hit women of all ages right between the eyes every time they were seen and stirred up their fantasies.
And by God, did you not realize that your grandmother wasn't spewing bullshit after all these years, because there he was, a storm in each step he took, fire in his knuckles erupting and seething with fierceness. He was an explosion of bare, raw, real mystery. A soft caress of the wind, warm sand, and pure silence. He was colors and textures and shapes and designs, all combined together in an artistic canvas that thrived for attention but wouldn't stoop to admitting it. 
You remembered the day your lilacs embellished his shoulder, shyly peeking through his hero suit, claiming everyone’s attention on their petals as they swayed on his skin, the attention of the media as the shoulder of the hero, Dynamight, was showcased on social media, people envying whoever was able to capture the exploding hero’s heart.
As if he wasn’t capable of love, they didn't see what you saw, they will never have the privilege, because when he dropped the façade of the hero, he’d come home to you, knock on your apartment door and you’d flee to open it to him to lay your eyes on him, a tired laugh, sore muscles, a teasing glint in crimson eyes, golden hair tasseled after a sleepless night. He was secure embraces oozing with warmth. He was toughness and hardness, perfectly mixed in with trust and care.
It was at that day it happened, in the middle of the living room while the newsman was talking nonsense about the hero, the warmth wrapped around your wrist, gripping it like a vice with no intention of letting go; yes it burned, you remembered the sting, it just paled in comparison to the warmth in your chest, the warmth of the tears escaping your eyes as you held your wrist close to your chest, happily whispering about how this was what love felt like. You also recalled that it was at that exact moment the hero, your hero, walked into your apartment, dropping everything and running the small distance to your hunched body to grab at your wrist to inspect the damage he thought was done to it.
Only for his eyes to meet that one wretched inking he loathed all his life, the - meaningless doodles, he’d call them - that blemished his skin, he remembered the remarks, how no one would be able to share that blotch of his with him because who could ever love him? Who could ever endure him, with all of that ego and all of that anger? And as time passed, he believed it, he believed them, that he wasn’t worthy to be loved, that he was only meant to save, not be saved as well, not even from himself.
But there you were, there you fucking were, crying and laughing and struggling to breath as you repeated the words you’ve been dying to confess, 
“I love you, Katsuki.”
Suddenly, that speckle that was always hidden under his socks brought him happiness, brought him love, and damn did he deserve it, because he fought for it, he endured hell for it, and there you were, wrapped around his arm and repeating those three words against his lips between heated kisses.
He was pleasure and lust. Rough groans and mutual needs. A burning touch. Your name hanging by his lips, breathless kisses and hair-tugging and hot flesh against hot flesh.
He was an illusion you thought it'll never materialize, and yet here he was. 
Here he was, all highs and lows, smiles and frowns, softness and roughness, carefulness and danger. Here he was, a tiny spark of thunder, sparkling with passion, loyalty and dedication, protection, satisfaction, confidence and love.
Here he was…
Where was he?
The inking you used to spend hours admiring now haunts you, the design that used to whirl and twirl across your wrist as you hummed while tracing it now felt like shackles, squeezing so tight against you as you tried to break free. The black almost shrouded by the coats of metallic red that spilled from your attempts of escape. The dark crimson that matches his eyes, the eyes you know you won't forget, you know you don't want to forget, no matter how you’ll feel better if you do.
The girl staring right at you through the distorted reflection created by the dishwasher judged you, all mangled and blurry, yet the tear stains and numb eyes are hard to ignore, easily cutting through the deformed reflection.
You and the girl in front of you envied your friend, the aromantic that was never interested to fall in love, only possessing their own tattoo that graced their ankle, with no one else's accompanying it, sure it looked lonely on some days, but who were you to judge?
You remembered what they always told you, that it wasn't always the fairy tales your family fed you. They told you about their mother, who had an affair and fell in love, spending almost a year hiding the tattoo of her fling from her husband before being caught, they told you how their father was broken beyond repair, he who also was so drunk on the idea of falling in love and being loved in return, just like you were for all those years. They told you of the heart break that you might have to face when your partner’s inking is embedded into you, but not the other way around, how you had to decide whether to wait for your own personal design to mark its location onto them or leave, always being haunted by the part of them that you can't get rid of, no matter what you do.
They never told you about this kind of heartbreak though, the one where you’re both so in love, so happy, destined to be together forever, because what could possibly go wrong?
You never got the answer to that, you remembered asking him as he dragged his suitcase out of the apartment, the tears cascading down his face never answered you as he apologized again and again, mumbled how you deserved to be loved by someone that wasn’t him, babbled about him not deserving you. About how he won’t ever love someone besides you when he caught your eye scanning whatever was visible of his arms, in fear of finding out a piece of someone that wasn't yourself.
You finally got up, legs numb and steps wobbly from sitting on the floor for so long, you eyed the door, still unlocked after his leave a couple of hours ago - maybe more it's still unclear - no urge of yours strong enough to get you up to lock it again. You moved slowly, as if the shuffle of your feet is causing you pain, and in a way, it did, because you know when you reach the living room couch, there won't be the warm arms that engulfed you, because what else did you have other than the warmth you surrounded yourself with when you told him to hold you close to him?
That's right, nothing. 
As you laid down on the couch and allowed yourself to be suffocated by the scent of caramel, you cursed at all the fantasies and dreams that clouded your mind day and night, you frowned and scrunched your nose at the scent that used to mean love and warmth, but now only burnt your nose and teared up your eyes.
A constant reminder, just like the defaced wrist you brought closer to inspect and hissing when the cold air bit at it. You recalled the lilacs and swore at them, the same lilacs that symbolized love and passion, but looking more withered and torn the more you looked at them.
Good, guess they know how I feel.
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Borrowers (taglist):
if you want to be tagged with for any of my fics let me know ♡
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attemptinghaikyuu · 3 years
Fake Dating: Kita
A/n: the way I want this man to give me a hug and softly kiss my forehead is unreal
G/n reader
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Kita Shinsuke
Kita’s literally the nicest, you meet when you’re looking for your phone at the park and he helps you out
You had lost it and were frantically searching the place where you were almost sure was where you last had it
He spotted you running around like a maniac and his captain instinct to put things in order when they’re out of control, kicked in
Jogging over, he calmly asked what was wrong, you were hesitant at first but after realizing he genuinely just wanted to lend a hand, you relaxed and told him what had you in such a panic
He nodded and started searching, finding it five minutes later like the perfect person he is
You give him a hug to show your gratitude and exchange numbers
After that you both fall into each other’s daily lives
You actually go to the same school so you ended up seeing him more then you could’ve ever anticipated, it led to you becoming incredibly close
A friendship that you both grow to value blooms haha grow, blooms,,,like plants? Like the kind farmer Kita grows? I’ll stop now
Being friends with Kita does come with its challenges though
His whole group of friends is extremely popular, both for their looks and skills in volleyball
And being friends with him somehow ended up pushing you into a spotlight, in which people were now confessing left and right to you
You weren’t really used to it, the influx of people garnering for your attention was a lot to take in so suddenly
It was also hard to reject people, you hated the look of disappointment that people had when you turned them down
Kita, being the ever perceptive person that he is, notices your feelings about the sudden spotlight and realizes that in a sense it’s his fault please no, you’re fine, we all love you ;-;
He decides he should try and amend this, he doesn’t want you staying uncomfortable and at the very least he wants to take away some of the weight on your shoulders
That being said, he’s not sure what to do at first
It’s a tough thing because he doesn’t want to stop being friends, that’s not even an option he considers, but he knows that the people garnering for your attention won’t give up easily
Then he realizes that people would stop, if they thought it was a hopeless endeavor
And that’s how you find yourself taking a bouquet of purple flowers, as one of your closest friends pretends to ask you out in the front of the school
People are slowing down outside of the gates to watch, and even with the whole thing being staged, you find the way Kita was going about doing it all very sweet
And when you tell him yes, he gives you a smile and promises to do his best in making you happy for as long as you’re with him
Fake dating Kita is quite the experience, and it’s not something you ever thought would happen to you
Some things he does are the same as before; taking some of what your carrying if you’re having a hard time, checking to make sure you’re taking breaks when you need them, and forcing you into breaks when you refuse
However, some things are definitely different now
He walks you to all of your classes while holding your hand, after a stressful day he gives you a forehead kiss, he always shares his food if he notices you eyeing something, he’s taken to calling you nicknames, and he lets you have as many hugs from him as you want
He also smiles around you more and wow, what a blessing
Honestly, the list of sweet things he does for you now that you’re pretending to be together, is incredibly long
It rubs off on you and you instinctively start doing similar things as well!!!
Grabbing his hand when you’re walking is an automatic and you’ve started to visit his grandmother, who absolutely adores you and knows it’s staged
Except grandma Kita sees your adorable interactions and even though your fake boyfriend says he’s just doing it for your sake, she can’t help but ship it😌✌️
She tells Kita this every time he brings you up, and he tells her the same things every time
“Y/n is a wonderful person, and I’m glad you think so too. But I don’t feel that way and this is to make sure they are comfortable, me asking them on a genuine date will only ruin that, as that was the cause of their discomfort to begin with.”
And he really doesn’t have feelings for you, so it really wouldn’t make sense to try anything
Haha… or he didn’t 😳
Because maybe he had fallen into this deeper then expected
It was a small interaction, one that had happened between the two of you a couple times, so he’s not completely sure why it was so different this time
But you were laughing and had given his hand a small squeeze, assuring him all of the teasing you were doing was a joke, it was an interaction he shouldn’t have felt so warm from considering the previous times it had occurred
Yet he did, and the smile that was on his face wasn’t stopping anytime soon because all of a sudden he was so lost in that laugh and the silly smile you gave him so freely
He thinks people should be charged for every smile you give them when it’s that warm and bright and all around perfect
He wants to hear you call out “Shin!” when you spot him in the halls and when you jog over, he wants to wrap you in a hug and hold you for however long you’ll let him
He wasn’t aware he wanted to kiss you until you leaned over him to grab a pencil while studying together, and he found he was inches away from your face, stuck staring at your lips
You were going to kill him
Of course he doesn’t want to throw his feelings at you and make it seem like he had asked you to fake date him just for his own selfish desires, but he also knew it wasn’t fair to himself to hold the way he was now feeling inside
It wouldn’t be good for him or you if he kept it a secret
You’re walking to a cafe, hand in hand, when he decides to talk about the way he’s been feeling
He asks you to stop and reluctantly let’s go of your hand, giving you space just in case you needed it
“I need to be honest.” He’s prepared for any answer you might give him, but he selfishly hopes you give him one answer in particular
“I would like to date you. Not pretend or act like what I’m doing means nothing to me. You mean more to me than I can express and I need you to know that.”
“If you don’t feel the same, please know it’s alright. Don’t feel guilty about not returning my feelings, I’m lucky to be your friend and I don’t want anything to ruin that.”
Kita watches your shocked face, looking calm on the outside, feeling nervous like he’s rarely ever felt before on the inside
He’s glad it goes from surprise to excitement
“Well the only thing I’m gonna feel guilty about, now that you’re my boyfriend~ is keeping your grandma waiting so long.”
He finds himself exasperated and endeared at that and he wouldn’t have it any other way
Smile spreading as you grab his hand, he tells you one last thing
“I love you, goofball.”
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janetbrown711 · 3 years
Can you write how Wakko’s birth and the fact that he even exists effects this AU
“Just one more push, your highness, then this’ll all be over,” the doctor instructed the exhausted princess. 
“Why did we ever agree to have a second child,” Lena panted and lamented her husband. 
“C’mon Lena, you’re almost done. You’re doing wonderfully,” William kissed her head. 
“Easy for you to say, you’re just the observer,” Lena rolled her eyes, but as she felt another contraction crash over her, she did as she was told, and gave one more final push, instantly collapsing back onto her pillows once she was done. 
“Good job, my love,” William smiled and kissed her again, but a deathly silence filled the room. 
“Wh-what’s the matter? Wh-why aren’t they crying? A-are they even breathing?” Lena asked as she saw the doctor rush the baby away. “W-william, what’s happening?” She looked up at him, but he looked just as frightened as she was. He cautiously wrapped an arm around her. 
“A-are they alright? A-answer me, dammit,” she demanded, tears falling down her face. She heard the doctor and nurses whisper a few things as they attempted to fix whatever issue it was (as they clearly weren’t willing to clarify).
This couldn’t be happening. 
“Please...” she whispered aloud. 
There was another long stretch of silence, and then-
The baby cried. 
Everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief, and in a few moments, the new royal baby was in the arms of the princess, now sobbing tears of joy instead. 
“Congratulations, your highnesses. It’s a boy,” the doctor said with a smile, but William and Lena were too happy and crying to really notice what he had said. 
“He’s okay,” Lena said, and William squeezed her a little, and touched the new baby’s face softly. 
“He’s perfect, Lena,” He smiled.  
“I’m never, ever going to let go of him,” She declared. “I’m simply going to hold him for forever and ever and ever and ever.” Nobody argued. 
“I’ll never let anything bad happen to him... he’ll be safe, and with me,” she swore. William nodded, silently taking the vow himself. 
“Do you have a name for the prince?” One of the nurses asked. Lena and William looked at each other. 
“Wakkorotti, like the performer- but we’d call him Wakko for short,” Lena said. 
“With the middle name Alan, like my father,” William added. 
“A perfect name for a perfect prince,” She smiled, and kissed her baby’s forehead. 
However, Lena and William didn’t have too long to themselves, before none other than Angelina and Yakko entered the room, with Yakko immediately running onto the bed. 
“Is that my baby brother?” He asked cheerfully. Lena giggled and nodded. 
“Do be quiet though, he is a baby,” She reminded the four-and-a-half-year-old. 
“He’s a rather tiny thing, isn’t he?” The queen observed. 
“Why are you here, mother?” Lena didn’t have the patience for her mother’s games. 
“Why do you act like my grandchildren aren’t important to me?” she said, placing a hand on Yakko’s shoulder. Yakko didn’t mind, utterly entranced at the sight of his new sibling. William rolled his eyes. 
“Well, it was nice of you to come by,” He wiped his eyes. “You can go now, though.”
“I will do as I please, thank you very much,” Angelina glared at him.  
“He seems weak,” she remarked once more. 
“If all you’re going to do is criticize a newborn, I suggest you leave,” Lena growled. 
“You know I’ve always said it’s good to have backups, but I’m not quite sure this one would even be adequate enough to qualify,” Angelina didn’t stop. 
“That’s enough, mother,” Lena said. 
“I’m just-”
“I said enough,” She snapped. Angelina paused. 
“You’re lucky I feel pity for you and the weakling,” She said, before turning and exiting. 
“Is he okay, mommy?” Yakko asked. 
“He’s perfect,” Lena smiled once more, and looked back at Wakko. 
“Why is he so tiny?” He asked again. 
“All babies are tiny, Yakko. You were once that small too,” William explained. Yakko “ooh”ed in fascination. 
“That’s cool,” he gave his dad a toothy grin. He continued to stare at him for a moment, before pausing and frowning. 
“Are you gonna forget about me?” he asked softly. 
“Of course not honey,” Lena reassured. “We would never forget about you just because we have a baby now.”
“We love you very much Yakko,” William placed a hand on his elder son’s shoulder. Yakko nuzzled his face on it. 
“And it’ll be part of your responsibilities to watch and care for him too, you know,” Lena said with a soft smile. 
“Really?” Yakko gasped. 
“Yep! As big brother, you have to make sure to always have his back and keep him safe when we aren’t around,” William explained. 
“Cool,” Yakko accepted the new responsibility. 
“He’s not a weakling, right?” He asked. 
“Of course not, honey. Your grandmother is wrong about that,” Lena quickly said. That was not something she was going to let her plant into his brain. 
“Okay,” He happily agreed, but Lena and William shared a look, knowing it wouldn’t be too long before he started his lessons and well- if ideas were already starting to take root...
No. Yakko would be fine. He was better than that. He was very sweet, he’d never be outright cruel or mean like his grandmother likely wanted him to be. When the time came, he’d make the right decisions. 
And so the family carried on, and Yakko did eventually start up his lessons with his grandmother, and Lena and William did their best to counteract them as they could, but it wasn’t easy. Angelina was tricky like that. 
And in the meantime, Wakkorotti (or just Wakko) was growing up into quite the wild child. He loved to run around- sometimes on all fours. He loved to chew on things, make mud pies, many other “improper behaviors” according to his grandmother. However, for the most part, Lena and William were good at keeping him away from her, being more protective over him than they were with Yakko. 
Still. That never stopped the little prince from getting into trouble anyway. 
“Wakko, what are you chewing on?” Lena looked up from her book, her maternal instincts kicking in. Wakko didn’t respond. 
“Wakko...” She said in a warning tone, looking at him, before gasping and realizing he was chewing on a book from her mother’s study she had given to Yakko for her or William to read to him. 
“Wakko, drop that now.” she ordered, panicked. Confused at her urgency, he dropped it immediately, and Lena quickly bent over and took the papers from him. 
“Remember what I said? We don’t chew on books. You can chew on your toys instead,” Lena reminded him softly. 
“Sorry mummy,” he apologized. Lena sighed tiredly. 
“It’ll be alright, let’s just get it fixed before-”
A knock on the nursery door interrupted her sentence, and before she knew it, her mother entered the room. 
“Angelina, it turns out I need-” The queen stopped midthought when she noticed Lena was holding the book, which was covered in teeth marks and slobber. 
“You let him get to it?” She gave a look of disgust at her grandson. 
“Wakko, get behind me,” Lena stood from her rocking chair, and Wakko obeyed, scurrying behind the safety of his mother. 
“That ‘son’ of yours is no better than a goat in a barn,” Angelina shook her head. “Though even a lowly goat is more intelligent than him.”
“He’s four, mother, have some mercy,” Lena responded. 
“Mercy is for those who deserve it, not for stupid, filthy animals,” Angelina rolled her eyes. 
“That book was supposed to be for Yakko’s lessons.” she looked at Wakko. “He’s going to be important one day, unlike you. Your job is to simply sit on the sidelines and be civilized, but you can’t even do that, can you?” she glared. 
“That’s enough, mother,” Lena warned, stepping in front of Wakko to block his vision. 
“Don’t act like you’re so tough, Angelina,” she warned. “I know your weaknesses too. The Tower is still plenty functional.” 
Lena didn’t break. 
“Well now... seeing as you’ve ruined a perfectly good book of mine, I suppose I’ll just be leaving this here then,” Angelina rolled her eyes and pulled out a toy bunny from her dress pocket. “I think one of them left it in my study, and I can’t fathom as to why.”
“That’s- that’s Yakko’s bunny. I haven’t seen that in years... why did you have it? He missed it so,” Lena took the toy from her. 
“Toys are for fools, of which Yakko is not,” She remarked. 
“Toys are for children, of which Yakko is,” Lena replied coldly. 
“Of course you’d think that,” The queen sighed. 
“Well... seeing as I have no more use of the two of you, I’ll be taking my leave now,” She nodded and left. Lena rolled her eyes before turning around. 
“Are you alright dear?” Lena asked Wakko. Wakko sniffled, holding back tears. 
“M’fine,” he said. Lena wrapped him in a quick hug. 
“I’m going to give this to Yakko- his sword lesson with his father should be done soon,” Lena looked at the clock in the room. “Will you be okay waiting in here a moment?”
Wakko nodded. 
“Good,” she kissed his forehead. “Yakko will be right here in a moment. I’m afraid I have to go- I’m not feeling well. You’ll stay right in here though, right?” She asked with a soft smile. 
Wakko nodded once more.
“Good,” she gave him another hug. 
“I love you,” She said, and left the playroom in a rush. Wakko didn’t have the slightest clue as to why, but he was fine with waiting in the playroom. It was his favorite place to be. 
However, his grandmother’s words played on repeat in his head, and for some reason, he couldn’t get it out. 
She said he was a wild and filthy animal. That wasn’t true. He took baths, though he did have a tendency to get dirty at times... but that was because it was fun. Fun things aren’t bad... right?
Wakko wasn’t any more an animal than his grandmother was, that’s what Daddo would say. 
Still... Grandmum was scary. She was mean and old and wrinkly and her stares were mean. He didn’t like how it felt when she looked at him. 
Thinking about it made his eyes fill with tears, and before he knew it, he crawled under the playroom table and began to cry. 
He wasn’t stupid... was he?
He had been told several times not to chew on books or things that weren’t his, especially if they were his grandmother’s. He should’ve paid more attention. Stupid people don’t pay attention...
“Wakko? Where are you?” Without Wakko realizing, Yakko had entered the room. Still, Wakko was in the middle of crying and wasn’t going to stop now. 
“Wakko? Are you crying?” Yakko asked, looking around for him, until he eventually found him under the table. 
“Hey... it’s okay,” Yakko said, crawling under the table and joining him, giving him a tight hug. 
“I-I’m not stupid, r-right?” Wakko sniffled. 
“Of course not, Wak,” Yakko reassured. “You’re smart.”
“B-but I don’t read o-or talk like you,” he pouted. 
“Dad said being slow isn’t stupid, so you aren’t stupid,” Yakko let go and pointed out. 
“Did Grandma tell you that?” He asked. Wakko nodded sadly. 
“Grandma is wrong about you,” He said. “She doesn’t like you for no reason, but she should like you. You’re really fun.”
“I am?” Wakko perked up a little. Yakko nodded. 
“You make up the best games and stories,” He grinned. “Plus, you’re pretty cute too. I don’t know many people who can refuse those puppy dog eyes.”
“Thanks Yakko!” Wakko beamed and gave his brother a hug. “You’re a good older sib.”
“No problem, Wak,” he chuckled. “Let’s play now, I have to go to my lesson in a half-hour.”
“But that’s so sooooooooon. I’ll die of boredommmmmm,” He pouted.
“I know, but you know you can’t sit in. I don’t need to remind you of last time...” Yakko said, and Wakko looked at the floor. 
“Okay...” he sighed. Yakko bit his lip. 
“Oh! I have an idea!” He snapped his fingers. Quickly, he crawled out under the table and grabbed his toy bunny and crawled back under. 
“While I’m at my lessons you can have this,” he said, handing it to him. 
“But mum said it’s yours,” Wakko frowned. 
“I don’t mind parting with Bugs if it’ll make you feel better,” Yakko smiled.
“You mean it?” Wakko’s face lit up. 
“Of course. Bugs has brought me a lot of comfort, I’m sure he can do the same for you,” Yakko said. “Plus, Grandma doesn’t like him much, so he’ll need someone to watch over him too. Are you up to the challenge?” 
“Yeah!” Wakko agreed enthusiastically, and Yakko handed him the stuffed bunny. 
“I’ll protect him with my life,” he promised. Yakko snorted. 
“I know you will,” he elbowed him lightly. 
“Now... can we crawl out of here and get to playing? I’m a lot taller than you and it is cramped under here,” he joked. 
Wakko nodded, and together the brothers crawled out from under the table, and began to properly play their silly little games to the fullest they could, and when their thirty minutes was over, Wakko was happy waiting and watching over Yakko’s bunny, Bugs, promising to make sure the bunny didn’t feel lonely and that he always had someone to watch over and protect him, like how he had Yakko. 
Wakko was the luckiest little brother in the world.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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