#and like. we have Percy's guide to greek gods/heroes
aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
every once in awhile i remember that Percy Jackson et les Secrets de l'Olympe: Apollon et Artémis, Les Jumeaux Terribles exists. like yeah there's just a random French-only ghostwritten companion book. huh.
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crisisreading · 5 months
Now that we’ve reached the halfway point of the PJO TV series, I want to recap my thoughts so far (as someone who first read the books back in 2010 as a fifth grader)!
I will share another post with my dislikes soon.
- Having Sally tell the Greek myths to Percy throughout his life is SO smart. Sally has very little agency to protect her son, but this was the one way she could prepare him to be a hero.
- I love how Luke’s mentorship towards Percy is emphasized in the show. This is Percy’s first positive male role model and the first person to make Percy feel at home in the demigod world. This strong foundation really sets up these two boys to be dramatic foils.
- I like the fact that Percy is NOT the best fighter yet. We watch him stumble and struggle during his fights with Alecto, the Minotaur, and Clarisse. You can tell when his instincts kick in and even he is surprised at what he is doing.
- Having Echidna and the Chimera catch up to our heroes at the Arch because Athena ALLOWS it was brilliant!
- And the change from Percy jumping from the Arch and praying for his father’s help in the books, versus resigning himself to death and falling instead perfectly captures where Percy is in his hero’s journey. Why would he trust a god who he’s never met, and has done horrible things?
- Honestly, the contrast between Annabeth defending Athena and being forsaken versus Percy forsaking Poseidon and being rescued, is peak television!
- I am so so so relieved that the show has maintained the plotline of the gods being flawed and even cruel beings. I was certain that Disney would whitewash this aspect of the story, but I’m glad we see the heroes doubting their parents, and the gods acting weird at best or murderous at worst. After all, this is a family story and the entire Titan war is started because demigods felt abandoned by their parents.
- Finally, I was so impressed by the show’s adaptation of Grover! The way Grover was able to use his abilities as an empath and his people skills to read and manipulate Ares himself was genius! And it really shows why satyrs are trusted to guide demigods on quests.
Please let me know your likes!
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rayssion · 9 months
Guys, guys!!
Imagine like 4000 years later where human civilization developed or retreated I don't care it's not necessary.
Imagine if all sources of greek mythology vanished or died with the years, and as much as we depend on Homer's Iliad and Odyssey now people on the future find PERCY JACKSON and the other Rick Riordan serieses as the only source of mythological knowledge!!
They'd read the books and imagine that those are the gods we believe in now and they'd think that Percy and the other demigods are real,
And couple of millennia later, Rick Riordan's books were destroyed or lost so people only told the stories verbally for centuries,
And as stories go they got deformed!! Imagine people after so so many years thinking Percy and the other demigods are like super super heroes whom are like much stronger than your local demigods yet still below gods, and then further deformation happens!!
And people start to think that the demigods are the gods!!
Now please, imagine.... imagine!
Percy, god of the sea, water, storms, hurricanes, earthquakes and horses. (I can see him becoming the new king of the gods btw)
Jason, god of the sky, lightning and thunder, law and order.
Nico, god of death, shadows, ghosts and spirits. King of the underworld.
Annabeth, goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare.
Piper, goddess of love, pleasure, passion, procreation, fertility, beauty and desire.
Frank, god of war, violence, bloodshed and manly virtues.
Leo, god of fire, master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods; god of the forge, craftsmanship, invention and volcanoes.
Will, god of the sun, of light, prophecy, philosophy, archery, truth, inspiration, poetry, music, arts, manly beauty, medicine, healing, and plague.
Thalia, goddess of the hunt. the wilderness, virginity, the Moon, archery, childbirth, protection and plague.
And I'd like to add!!
Dakota, god of wine, the grapevine, fertility, festivity, ecstasy, madness and resurrection
Rachel, goddess of family and marriage, women and childbirth.
Hazel, goddess of earth and riches. Princess of the underworld and younger sister of Nico, King of the underworld.
Conner, god of traps, diplomacy, thieves, games and the guide of dead souls.
Travis, messenger of the gods; god of travel, commerce, communication, borders and eloquence.
Meg, Goddess of the harvest, fertility, agriculture, nature and the seasons.
Reyna, Goddess of the hearth, fire and of the right ordering of domesticity and the family, and also goddess of war.
Yes, they have 16 gods!!
I don't know what to name them but it has to be a cool name, like we got the Titans and the Olympians so it has to be cool.
Also imagine if like the Olympian gods we have now being translated to future generations as the bad guys (like how we have Kronos and Gaea now) and like the demigods gods (cuz I still don't know what to name them) are the forces of good that protect humanity, because they need humans to worship them of them to exist obviously.
So this generation of demigods gods are like nice gods for once!! They care for their children and the people under their wings!!
Best things as follows:
Percy, the god of the sea, is married to Annabeth, goddess of wisdom and war strategy.
Nico, god of death and the underworld, is married to Will, god of the sun and music.
Jason, god of the sky, is married to Leo, god of fire and crafts.
Frank, god of war, is married to Hazel, goddess of earth and riches.
Reyna, goddess of the hearth and war, is married to Thalia, goddess of the hunt.
Conner and Travis are the new twins and Rachel, goddess of family and marriage, is a sworn maiden because she wills her powers to maintain other relationships either between gods or between mortals.
Dakota on the other hand, doesn't like to be restrained as much as a mad person could go.
In this world there's nothing called being a maiden so as to be a hunter, bullshit I'm telling you, goddess Thalia herself is married.
Piper, the goddess of love and beauty knows best than to fall in love. Meg is one of the young gods, still closed in her bulb.
Also pffft, Thanatos who? I'm sure Nico can manage it all.
Another generation of demigods arise within no god is whoring around, the gods observe mortals and seek potential within them and when a god catches a mortal child leveling up to their preferences they claim them as a sort of blessing and take them under their wings.
The camps theme is surly still there, merged into one camp because one for some reason humans are less, and two because there's nothing called greek and roman gods anymore, only one version.
Demigods still go on quests, and as we know gods can't directly help them but they always make sure not to use mortals unless it's necessaity, and they try to help as much as they can.
I'd really love to live in a world like that! This post started off as a little imagine then quickly turned into world building, lol.
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ghosts-cyphera · 1 month
Hi! I hope you’re doing okay ♥️♥️ I saw in your bio that you’re interested in mythologies, witchcraft, and paganism. And I was wondering if you had any book recs for me?
I’ve been wanting to read more about them accurately but there is so many fake books out there and I want to make sure I’m learning about them respectfully ♥️♥️
Thank you so much ♥️
oh my goodness hi hey hello, yes 💗 !!
I think what you need to keep in mind when studying about these topics (especially witchcraft) is that books are always based on, and biased by, the interpretation of the author. information will always depend on the source and many practitioners or those simply interested in the topic(s) will have widely varying and different opinions on them.
the best we can do is study different sources as much as we can, until we feel ready to form our own path and interpretations based on everything that we’ve learned, all while staying true to ourselves. it can feel scary, but you’ll know when you’re ready. 💗
all that being said !! here’s a picture of (most of) my collection of books on paganism/witchcraft/mythologies, and under the cut are the titles I’d recommend:
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for studying witchcraft as a beginner:
- the modern guide to witchcraft by skye alexander: great basics !! I pick this one up super often just to quickly check the magical properties of an herb, or color, or to double-check ideas for a sabbath etc. it covers basically everything about modern witchcraft.
- magick by crafting witch: this one is a great one to have as one of the first books for your collection! very simple, and sweet and short. since it’s made by an independent artist, it is expensive, but she has an instagram with the same name that you can check out too! the book is basically just a collection of her posts there.
books for green witches (plants, nature, earth, animals):
the green witch and the witch’s book of self-care, both by murphy-hiscock, and circe by madeline miller (basically fictional, but circe’s connection to nature and the animals around her is incredible inspiring! one of my favorite witchy books ever).
books about black magic, for experienced practitioners:
the complete book of demonolatry by s. connolly & the black arts by richard cavendish. I don’t recommend checking these ones out at all before you have your basics covered and before you’ve gathered some experience from working with different deities than demons. not because they’re dangerous or because they’ll possess you, but because they’re very demanding and overwhelming in their presence. it’s a very, very different (though just as great) of an experience than for example worshipping the ancient greek gods. all that being said—dark magic and demonolatry might not be for you at all, at any point, and that’s so very valid.
and then, to different topics:
books about wicca:
wicca by harmony nice: very much for beginner practitioners of witchcraft and wicca. wicca: a guide for the solitary practitioner by gunningham: covers all the basics really, really well !! I don’t practice wicca but this was great when I was interested in the possibility of practicing it.
greek mythology:
books about the myths themselves:
mythos by stephen fry: I’ll never stop recommending this book to everyone and anyone who’s interested in greek mythology, no matter how familiar you are with it. it’s so fun and entertaining, captivating and inspiring. I need to re-read it once again, lol.
mythology: timeless tales of gods and heroes by edith hamilton: this one is dryer than stephen’s book, but it’s wonderful nevertheless. covers all the basic myths in a possibily more accurate way! I love it.
books inspired by the myths:
circe and the song of achilles by madeline miller, and a thousand ships by natalie haynes. percy jackson by rick riordan is also awesome if you feel like reading something lighter!
other recs:
warriors, witches, women by kate hodges: all about women! love it.
if you want to get into tarot, I recommend getting modern witch’s tarot by lisa sterle as your first deck! the illustrations are easy to interpret, and the guide book that comes with it offers wonderful explanations. I own… 5 decks? and still, this one is the one I always pick up for my daily readings.
what a wall of text, lmao. sorry about that. if you have any other questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask away. I love talking about my practice and these topics in general. it’s been a couple of years since I’ve actively practiced witchcraft and paganism, but (actually thanks to you) I’ve started to dip my toes back into it and it feels really, really good. :’) good luck on your journey, no matter if it’s simply by studying these topics, or by actually practicing them! sending you all the love 💗
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umbran6 · 1 year
What if... Leo Became a God?
Okay, but what if Leo literally burnt away his mortality during Blood of Olympus while fighting Gaea?
Now, before you go ahead and bring out the sledgehammers and pitchforks, or think I'm just doing it as a joke, this is a possibility that I'm being very sincere in considering this. And it is a possibility, because this isn't the first time this has happened in myth - Heracles did it first. So if burning himself alive in a freaking pyre was all Heracles needed to ascend to godhood, Leo literally burning himself alive using his own flames to kill a Primordial should be more than enough. Plus there's the whole Hera mimicking what Demeter did with Demophon, so we could say he's nearly there. Him burning himself alive is just that final push he needed to become a god, burning away his own mortality.
I mean, think about it. The prophecy always said, an oath to hold with a final breath, but it never meant Leo had to get close to perma-dead. Riordan did it just fine with the Physician's Cure, having Leo achieve apotheosis to do so would also be a way to circumvent the loophole in the prophecy. The phrasing is vague in that 'final breath' could be interpreted in multiple ways, such as 'one's final breath as a mortal.'
Oh the irony. We all thought Leo was going to die, then bam! Boy ends up with a permanent lease on life by literally burning himself alive, a lot more power than he could ever imagine getting, and a lot of freedom he never had as a mortal. He's lucky demigod #3 to ascend to godhood without divine patronage, right after Heracles and Dionysus. When he returns to Camp Half-Blood, it isn't on Festus, but him straight-up materializing in the middle of his funeral. Nearly every Greek and Roman but especially Nico mentally screams WTF as they realize that the funeral hasn't even ended, and Leo's shroud is basically his first offering.
His friends reactions to seeing him - and realizing the truth of what he has become. Jason and Piper are in shock, realizing that their friend is now going to stay young and will eventually watch them die and have to move on. Frank and Hazel are bewildered, because Leo's plan to burn himself alive to defeat Gaea had gone horribly right and now they have to deal with the fact that they had a hand in Leo's apotheosis. Percy and Annabeth are bewildered and shocked at the fact that Leo just straight up became a god - and the now very real reality that one of them may eventually do so (cough cough Percy).
When Leo goes to free Calypso, she literally has to process the fact that the boy she may have liked is now a god - the very beings she despises for imprisoning her in Ogygia. That eventually Leo may most likely move on to someone else and dump her. This crashes especially hard when she gets out of that island and realizes that she's become mortal. The dynamics between them have completely changed and Leo isn't aware of it, and Calypso doesn't know how to process that.
Hera is the one to explain exactly is going on to Leo, because she knows she had a hand in Leo becoming a god. She owes him at the very least to guide Leo in his new reality, and both the positive and negative benefits that are associated with ascension to godhood. Hephaestus doesn't know how to handle Leo now basically being just there forever, because none of his children ever became gods unless they were the children of him and a god. Nemesis marvels at the irony of Leo becoming a god while stealing Gaea's life, noting that this was a rather marvelous way that Leo rained his vengeance upon her. Apollo's just friendly because now he has a new friend to be with him in Olympus.
But this ending - for Heroes of Olympus as a whole - would be more poetic and a parallel to The Last Olympian. Percy was satisfied with who he was, protecting the world to save those he loves and he's happy with that. Leo is one who ascends to the heavens in his feat to avenge those he loves and destroying those who tried to destroy him.
But... there's one thing they have in common.
Leo's first act as a god isn't to rescue Calypso. It isn't to appear before the Seven and let them know he's alive. Leo appears in the Underworld and requests for only a single soul to be allowed a second chance at life. The single soul that he loves the most.
Esperanza Valdez is brought out of the underworld, and Leo freezes. The boy on fire who became a god turns back into a boy of eight years old as he finally gets back the mom he lost so long ago as he hugs her as best as he can. He hadn't expected to be a god. He didn't know what would happen next. But this - this is one of the few times things actually feel right. They've both been given a new lease on life - one longer than the other, but they can finally keep moving forward.
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Eight
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Della didn’t want to leave Leo, it reminds her too much of her first quest when Percy and Annabeth had to leave her and Grover with Aries. Although Della is sure that like that quest it would be fine.
As they climb the icy staircase, Zethes stays behind them, his blade drawn. The guy may look like a Village People reject, but there was nothing funny about his sword. Della figures one hit from that thing and she’ll have a Narnia: The Witch, The Lion, and The Wardrobe moment.
Then there’s their tour guide, the ice princess. Here and there she’ll turn her head at Jason and give a smile, but there was no warmth in her expression. She looks him up and down like he is a new exciting specimen.
If these are Boreas’s kids, Della isn’t sure they want to meet Dad. She remembers Annabeth told her Boreas was the easy-going wind god. Which is code for, he won’t try to kill you on the spot.
Warmth engulfs her hand. Della glances down to see Jason’s hand in her own. She gives him a reassuring smile.
“Hey,” she squeezes his hand. “It’ll be fine. Just a talk.”
Jason smiles back at her.
Gods, he’s gorgeous.
Suddenly Jason’s hand felt cold, burning cold. He let go, and their fingers were smoking with frost.
“Warmth is not a good idea,” the Ice Princess says, “Especially when I am your best chance of staying alive.
Piper shoots them a look. She keeps her face neutral, but her eyes give it all away. Hurt.
Della sighs and attempts to rub the frost off her hand. She knows that look all too well.
Zethes pokes Jason in the back, and they follow the Princess down the massive hallway.
Freezing winds blew back and forth. If they weren’t frozen, the tapestries on the wall would’ve followed the rhythm.
Della’s cheeks were starting to burn from how cold they were. Jason looks more nervous than before. Della wants to grab his hand again, but her fingers still haven’t recovered from the first attempt.
“Wonder Boy,” I whisper, “You still with me?”
“Yeah…yeah, sorry.”
At the end of the hallway, the trio finds themselves in front of a set of oaken doors engraved with a map of the world. In each corner was a man’s bearded face blowing wind. All the guys were winter, blowing ice and snow all around the world.
The Ice Princess turns. Her brown eyes glitter with excitement as though she was about to open a Christmas present.
“This is the throne room,” she says, “Be on your best behavior Jason Grace. My father can be…chilly. I will translate for you and try to encourage him to hear you out. I do hope he spares you. We could have so much fun.”
Della narrows her eyes. Something is off. If Boreas needs a translator…how could they trust Elsa here to speak on their behalf? She opens her mouth–
“Um, okay,” Jason says, “We’re just here for a talk. We’ll be leaving right afterward.”
She smiles. “Ah, I love heroes so blissfully ignorant.”
Della reaches for Leda. She sees Piper has her dagger close as well.
“Well, how about you enlighten us,” Piper says, “You say you are going to translate for us. We don’t even know your name.”
The girl sniffs in distaste. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised you don’t recognize me. Even in ancient Greek times, the Greeks did not know me well. Their island homes were too warm, too far from my domain. I am Khione, daughter of Boreas, Goddess of Snow.”
She stirs the air with her finger creating a flurry of snow around her.
“Now come,” says Khione. The doors blow open, and a cool blue light filters out of the room. “Hopefully, you survive your talk.”
If the entry hall had been cold, the throne room was a meat locker. Mist hung in the air. Along the walls purple tapestries depict snowy forests, barren mountains, and glaciers. High above, ribbons of light–the Aurora Borealis pulses along the ceiling.
Della shivers at the violent change in temperature. Her breath pans out like hot steam.
All around them stood life-sized sculptures–all in different eras of armor. Some wore Greek, others Medevil, and the most unsettling were the ones in modern camoflague They all were frozen with their weapons locked and loaded.
Why would they have military sculptures–
Jason tries to move between two Greek spearmen, and they all move with alarming speed, joints cracking and spraying icicles as they cross their javelins to block their path.
Della pulls Jason back by his collar and places a hand to keep Piper in place.
“What the–”
From the far end of the hall, a man’s voice rings out, he sounds…French. Due to the mist, Della doesn’t see him. Whatever he said the ice guards uncrossed their javelins.
“It’s fine,” Khione says, “My father ordered them not to kill you yet.”
Yet, the keyword in that sentence.
“Super,” Jason mutters.
The trio shuffle closer to each other.
“Keep moving Jason Junior,” Zethes says. He prods him in the back with his sword.
“Please don’t call me that.”
“My father is not a patient man,” Zethes warns, “And the beautiful Piper, sadly, is losing her magic hairdo very fast. Perhaps later I can lend her something from my wide assortment of hair products.”
“Thanks,” Piper grumbles.
They move through the mist. Suddenly, the mist parts and reveals a man on a throne made of ice. A sturdy man in a white suit and purple wings smiles at their arrival.
“Bienvenu,” the King says, “Je suis Boread le Roid. Et vous?”
Khione opens her mouth to speak when Piper steps forward.
“Votre Majesté,” Piper says, “he suis Piper McLean. Est c’est Della fille de Poseidon, and et Jason fil de Zeus.”
The King smiles with pleasant surprise. “Vous parlez francias? Trés bien!”
“Piper, you speak French?” Jason and Dell ask at the same time.
“No. Why?” Piper frowns.
“You just did,” Della tells her.
“I did?”
The king says something else in French.
Piper nods, “Oui, Vorte Majesté”
The king laughs and claps his hands, obviously delighted. He says a few more things and then motions to his daughter as if shooing a bird.
Khione looks miffed. “The king says–”
“He says I’m the daughter of Aphrodite,” Piper interjects, “So naturally I can speak French, which is the language of love. I had no idea. His majesty says Khione won’t have to translate now.”
Thank the gods.
Behind them, Zethes snorts. Khione sends him a death glare and takes a step back.
The king sizes up Jason, who decides to bow.
“Your Majesty, I am Jason Grace. Thank you, for umm, not killing us. May I ask why does a Greek God speak French?”
Piper has another exchange with the king.
“He speaks the language of his host country,” Piper says, “He says all gods do this. Most gods speak English, as they now reside in the United States, but Boreas was never welcomed in their realm. These days he likes Quebec, so he likes to speak French.”
Boreas says something else, and Piper turns pale.
“The king says…he says–”
“Allow me,” Khione says, “My father says he has orders to kill you. Did I not mention that earlier?”
Della tenses. She glances at Jason who moves closer to her and Piper just as tense.
The king looks pleased with himself and his proclamation.
“Kill us? Why?” Jason asks.
“Because,” the king says, in heavily accented English, “my lord Aeolus has commanded it.”
Boreas rose from his throne. He furls his wings back and approaches them.
Khione and Zethes bow. Della, Jason, and Piper follow their example.
“I shall deign to speak your language,” Boreas says, as Piper McLean has honored me in mine. Toujours. I have always held a fondness for the children of Aphrodite. And I must say, a daughter of Poseidon is a rare sight indeed. At least, a human one. As for you, Jason Grace, my master would not expect me to kill a son of Zeus…at least without hearing him out first.”
Della does not like the odds of this possible fight. Sure, she could handle most of the guards and Zethes with Jason’s help. Khione would be a problem as well. Goddess of snow also meant the ability of ice…ice is water so it’d be somewhat fair. Even if they got through them they’d still have to fight a god.
“Aeolus is the master of the winds, right?” Jason asks. “Why would he want us dead?”
“You are demigods,” Boreas says as if that explains everything. “Aeolus’ job is to maintain the winds, and demigods have always caused him headaches. They ask him for favors. They unleash the winds and cause chaos,” Boreas pauses. He looks directly at Della. “The final insult was last summer the battle with Typhon last summer.”
Della tenses. She tries to forget about Mount St. Helens as much as she can. That was the first time Della and Percy’s powers forged together properly and they released a Titan.
Boreas waves his hand and a sheet of ice like a flat-screen TV appears in the air. Images of a battle flicker across the screen–a giant wrapped in storm clouds wading across a river toward the Manhatten skyline. Tiny glowing figures–the gods–swarm around him like angry wasps, pounding the monster with lightning and fire. Finally, the river erupts in a massive whirlpool and the smoky form sank beneath the waves.
“The storm giant, Typhon,” Boreas explains. “The gods defeated him, eons ago, he did not die quietly. His death released a host of storm spirits–wild winds that answered to no one. It was Aeolus’s job to track them all down and imprison them in his fortress. The other gods–they did not help. They didn’t even apologize for the inconvenience. It took Aeolus centuries to track them all down, and that naturally irritated him. Then last summer when he was defeated–”
“And his death released another wave of venti,” Jason guesses. “Which made Aeolus even angrier.”
“C’est vrai,” Boreas agrees.
“But Your Majesty,” Piper says, “the gods had no choice but to battle Typhon, or else Olympus would have been destroyed. Why punish–”
“Because it was demigods who released him,” Della interrupts.
Boreas looks at her, “And one of them stands before me.”
Jason and Piper’s heads snap towards Della.
She looks down at her feet. Damn, her past actions were kicking her in the ass right now.
“Aeolus cannot take his anger out on the gods,” Boreas shrugs, “They are his bosses, and very powerful. So he gets even with their heroes from the war. He’d be very pleased to see your demise, Adella Jackson. He gave the orders that any demigods who ask for help are to be,” Boreas waves his hands dramatically, “destroyed.”
“That seems extreme,” Jason says. “I’m sure Della didn’t mean to unleash Typhon. Please don’t destroy us. Once you hear about our quest–”
“Yes Aeolus mentioned mentioned a son of Zeus would seek my aid and if this should happen I should listen before terminating you–as you might–how did he put it? Make our lives more interesting. I am only obligated to listen. After that, I am free to pass judgment how I see fit. But I will listen first. Khione wishes this also. It may be that we will not kill you.”
Della sighs a little in relief. There’s a catch she knows it.
“Great. Thanks,” Jason says.
“Don’t thank me yet,” Boreas says, “There are many ways you could make our lives interesting. Sometimes we keep demigods for our amusement, as you can see.”
He gestures to the frozen guards in the room.
Della sighs, some demigods met a fate worse than death. This was one of those fates.
Piper makes a strangled noise,“You mean–they’re all demigods? Frozen demigods? They’re alive?”
“An interesting question,” Boreas conceded as though he’s never really thought about it. “They do not move unless they're obeying my orders. The rest of the time, they are frozen in place. Unless they were to melt, I suppose, which would be very messy.”
Khione steps up behind Jason and caresses the back of his neck. “My father gives me such lovely presents,” she murmurs in his ear. Della wants to cut her to pieces with her sword. “Join our court. Perhaps I’ll let your friends go.”
“What?” Zethes booms, “If Khione gets to keep the boy, I should get to keep the girls. Khione always gets more presents!”
“Now children,” Boreas says sternly, “Our guests will think you are spoiled! Besides, you moved too fast. We have not even heard the demigod’s story yet. Then we will decide what to do with them. Please, Jason Grace, entertain us.”
Khione purs and strokes the back of Jason’s neck again. Suddenly electricity sparks against his skin. There’s a loud pop, and Khione flies backward, skidding on the floor.
Della smiles amused that she doesn’t need to make Khione fish food.
Zethes laughs, “That is good! I’m glad you did that, even though I have to kill you now.”
Khione looks stunned. When she got her bearings back the air around her began to swirl in a micro-blizzard. “You dare–”
“Stop,” Jason orders. “You’re not going to kill us. And you’re not going to keep us either. We’re on a quest for the Queen of the Gods herself, so unless you want Hera busting down your doors, you are going to let us go.”
He sounds more confident than he probably feels. Something Della is sure he has experience in. Sound braver than you are. The first lesson every demigod learns. And it did the trick. Khione’s blizzard swirls to a stop, and Zethes lowers his sword. They look uncertainly at their father.
“Hmmm,” Boreas says. His eyes twinkle, but Della is not sure if he’s actually amused or pissed off. “A son of Zeus favored by Hera? This is definitely a first. Tell us your story.”
Jason hesitates, he opens his mouth but doesn’t speak. He did not expect to make it this far.
Della jumps in, “Your Majesty.”
All eyes are on her.
Della cursties before the wind god. She tells Boreas the entire story. From her missing brother to the venti in the Grand Canyon, to the prophecy. Jason and Piper gape at her story-telling skills. She is calm and collected for a woman whose life is on the line. This wasn’t her first rodeo.
“All we ask for is guidance,” Della concludes, “The storm spirits that attacked Jason and Piper, are working for an evil mistress. If we find them maybe, just maybe we can find Hera.”
Boreas strokes his beard. Outside the windows night had fallen, and the only light came from the Aurora Borealis above casting the room in shades of red and blue.
“You had no idea what you unleashed that day did you girl? Boreas asks. His eyes bore into Della.
“No,” Della sighs, “My brother and I had no idea what the repercussions of that day would bring.”
“I see,” Boreas says, “I do know of these spirits. I know where they are kept, and the prisoner they took.”
“You mean Coach Hedge?” Jason asks, “He’s alive?”
Boreas waves aside the question, “For now. But the one who controls the storm winds…it is madness to oppose her. You’d be better off staying as statues.”
“Hera’s in trouble,” Jason says, “In three days she’s going to be–I don't know consumed, destroyed, something. And a giant will rise.”
“Yes,” Boreas agrees. He sends an angry look to his daughter. “Many horrible things are awakening. Even my children do not tell me the news they should be. The great stirring of monsters began with Kronos–your father Zeus foolishly believed it would end when the Titans were defeated. But just as it was before, so it is now. The final battle is yet to come, and the one who will wake is more terrible than any Titan. Storm spirits–this is only the beginning. The earth has more horrors to yield up. When monsters no longer stay in Tarturus and souls confined to Hades…Olympus has good reason to fear.”
What does he mean just as it was before? They were repeating history…
Khione off to the side is smiling widely like this was her definition of fun.
“So you’ll help us?” Jason asks.
“I did not say that,” Boreas scowls.
“Please, Your Majesty,” Piper says. Her voice has that..richness again..so… compelling..a true blessing of Aphrodite. “If you tell us where the storm spirits are, we can capture them and bring them to Aeolus. You’d get to look good in front of your boss. Aeolus may pardon us and future demigods. We could even rescue Gleeson Hedge, everyone wins.”
“She’s pretty,” Zethes mumbles, “I mean, she’s right.”
“Father don’t listen to her,” Khione says, “She’s a child of Aphrodite. She dares to charmspeak a god? Freeze her now!”
Charmspeak? Oh…yeah, a rare gift from Aphrodite.
Boreas considers it. Jason reaches into his pocket for his coin. Della hesitates as she reaches for Leda.
The movement caught Boreas’ eye. “What is on your forearm demigod?”
Reluctantly Jason shows the god his arm.
The god’s eyes actually widen. Khione hisses like a snake and slithers away.
Then Boreas does something very unexpected, an icicle cracks from the ceiling right next to his throne. The god’s form begins to flicker. His beard disappeared. He grew taller and thinner, and he’d changed into a Roman toga, lined with purple. He wore a frosty laurel wreath, and a gladius–a Roman sword like Jason’s hung at his side.
“Aquilion,” Jason says.
The god inclines his head. “You recognize better in this form, yes? And yet you say you came from Camp Halfblood?”
Jason shifts his feet. “Umm…yes, Your Majesty.”
“And Hera sent you there…” the god’s eyes glitter with mirth. “I understand now. Oh, she plays a dangerous game. Bold, but dangerous! No wonder Olympus is closed. They must be trembling at the gamble she has taken.”
Gamble…that’s what Circe called Della. She called her Hera’s gamble.
“Jason,” Piper says nervously. She moves closer to Jason and Della. “Why did Boreas change form? The toga…the wreath. What’s going on?”
“It’s his Roman form,” Jason says. “But what’s going on…I have no clue.”
Aquilion laughs. “I’m sure you don’t this should be interesting to watch.”
“Does this mean you’ll let us go?” Piper asks.
“My Dear,” the god says, “There is no need for me to kill you. If Hera’s plan fails, and I do believe it shall, you’ll tear each other apart for me. Aeolus will never have to worry about demigods ever again.”
Suddenly it felt like the room had gone down at least twenty degrees. Something else wrong was happening, something far bigger than Boreas letting them go or not.
“I don’t suppose you could explain?” Della asks. Though she’s starting to piece some of this together.
“Oh, perish the thought! It is not for I to interfere with Hera’s plan. No wonder she took the boy’s memory,” He laughs. He’s having a wondrous time imagining demigods tearing each other to shreds. “You know, I have a reputation as the helpful wind god. Unlike my brethren, I’ve been known to fall in love with mortals. Why my sons Zethes and Calais started as demigods–”
“Which explains why they are idiots,” Khione grumbles.
“Stop it!” Zethes bites. “Just because you were born a full goddess–”
“Both of you freeze,” Boreas says. He’d switched back to his Greek form.
Just like that the two siblings froze.
“Now as I was saying, I have a good reputation. It is rare that Boreas plays an important role in the affairs of the gods. I sit here at my palace, at the edge of civilization, and so rarely have amusements. Why even that fool Notus, the South Wind, gets spring break in Cancún. What do I get? A winter festival with naked Qúebécios in the snow!”
“I like the winter festival,” Zethes mutters.
“My point is,” Boreas snaps, “is I have not had the chance to be the center. Oh, yes, I will let you go on this quest. You will find the storm spirits in the Windy City–Chicago of course–”
“Father!” Khione protests.
Boreas ignores her. “If you capture the storm spirits, you may be able to gain entrance to the court of Aeolus. If by some miracle you succeed, be sure to tell him you captured the winds on my orders.”
“Of course Your Majesty,” Della says, “we’d be honored to comply.”
Boreas smiles at Della.
“So Chicago is where we’ll find the lady who’s controlling the winds? She’s the one who trapped Hera?” Jason asks.
“Ah, those are two different questions, Son of Jupiter,” Boreas says.
Jupiter…hmmm interesting
“The one who controls the winds,” Boreas says, “yes, you will find her in Chicago. But she is only a servant–a servant who is very likely to kill you. If you succeed against her and take the winds, then you may go to Aeolus. Only he has knowledge of all the winds of the Earth. All secrets come to his fortress eventually. If anyone can tell you where Hera is imprisoned it’s Aeolus. As for you’ll meet when you finally find Hera’s cage–trust me you’ll wish I froze you.”
“Father,” Khione protests, “You can’t just let them–”
“I can do what I like,” Boreas booms, “I am still the master here, aren’t I?”
The look he gives her it is clear there is an unspoken argument. Khione’s eyes flash with anger, she clenches her teeth.
“As you wish father.”
“Now go, demigods,” Boreas says, “before I change my mind. Zehtes escort them out safely.”
They all bow as the God of the North Wind dissolves into the mist.
Back in the entry hall, Cal and Leo stand waiting for them. Leo appears cold but unharmed. He’s even cleaned up, his clothes look newly washed as though he’d used the hotel’s valet service. Festus was once again in dragon form.
As Khione leads them down the stairs, Della notices Leo’s eyes follow the goddess. Leo starts combing his hair back with his hands. Della rolls her eyes. Boys.
At the bottom step, Khione turns to glare at Piper and Della who stand side by side. “You may have fooled my father girls, but not me. We are not done. And you, Jason Grace, I will see you as a statue in the throne room soon enough.”
“Boreas is right,” Jason says, “You are a spoiled brat. See you around, ice princess.”
Khione’s eyes flash pure white. She’s about to respond when–
“Enough you two,” Della says, “We need to go. Now.”
Khione forms ice in her hands which turns into water freezing her hands. Khione startles and looks up at Della.
Jason and Piper stare in amazement as Khione storms upstairs.
“Did you just–” Piper laughs.
“Manipulate water? Yeah, Daughter of Poseidon remember?” Della laughs.
“Be careful she never forgets an insult,” Zethes warns.
“Bad sister,” Cal agrees.
Leo looks devastated. “What happened up there? You made her mad? Is she mad at me too? Guys, that was my prom date!”
“We’ll explain later,” Piper says. The Daughter of Aphrodite looks at Jason.
Della had an idea of what happened in the throne room with Boreas shifting forms. If she was right how had they not known about all this sooner? Is this what Chiron swore on the River of Styx for?
The fact that Jason had been sent to camp amused him, and Boreas/Aquilion had not let them leave out of kindness. No, cruel amusement danced through his eyes like he’d placed a bet on a dogfight.
If Hera’s plan fails, and I do believe it shall, you’ll tear each other apart for me. Aeolus will never have to worry about demigods ever again.
Jason looks away from Piper. He’s got that look similar to when Della took him to Chiron. The look of I shouldn’t be here.
“Yeah,” he says, “we’ll explain later.”
“Be careful pretty girls,” Zethes warns, “The winds between here and Chicago are bad-tempered. Many other evil things are stirring. I’m sorry you will not be staying. You would make lovely ice statues, in which I could check my reflection.”
“Thanks,” Piper says, “But I’d sooner play hockey with Cal.”
“Hockey?” Cal’s eyes lit up.
“She’s joking,” Della says, “Those storm spirits aren’t the worst of our problems are they?”
“Oh no,” Zethes says, “Something else. Something worse.”
‘Of course it is.”
“Can you tell me?” Piper tries.
The purple-winged Boreads shook their heads. The hangar opened onto a freezing starry night sky. Festus stomps his feet anxious to fly out of there.
“Thanks anyways,” Della says.
“Aeolus knows what is worse Adella Jackson,” Zethes says darkly, “Good luck.”
If Della didn’t know better she’s say he cared about the fates they may meet. If she had to guess empathy from when he was a demigod.
Cal pats Leo on the shoulder. “Don’t get destroyed.” The longest sentence by far. “Next time hockey. Pizza.”
“Aww, see Leo this wasn’t so bad you made a friend!” Della laughs.
“Shut up Katara!”
“Come on you guys,” Jason says, “Let’s go to Chicago and not get destroyed.” 
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spiritual-entries · 2 months
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𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎!
I wanted to try and start a little series to provide information. It’ll include the greek gods as well as the saints. For the greek gods I want to try and do as many gods as I can before I get burnt out with this. 
First I wanted to post about Lord Hermes. He’s been a part of my practice the longest and I feel the most connected to him. I really do hope that this post can be of use to anyone who needs. I certainly do hope that this post and this series can help me grow closer to my practice. So we will see! 
Who is Hermes?
Family Tree
Symbols & Associations
Offerings & Devotions
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Hermes is the Olympian god of herds and flocks, travelers and hospitality, roads and trade, thievery and cunning, heralds and diplomacy, language and writing, athletic contests and gymnasiums, astronomy, and astrology. He is the messenger of Zeus as well as a guide of the souls, aka a psychopomp. 
Greeks depicted Hermes as either a handsome and athletic, beardless youth or as an older, bearded man, with winged boots and a herald's wand. However, Hermes can appear to you in any way that fits. For me personally, he doesn’t completely fit the typical description, although I guess it does fit the handsome, athletic, beardless youth depiction. 
Pop Culture
You may have seen Hermes around in your daily life. The caduceus is often used as a symbol in the medical world. Although not because Hermes is tied to medicine in any way. The use of the caduceus is simply due to many mistaking it for the rod of Asclepius. What’s the difference? Hermes’s staff depicts two snakes while Asclepius’s rod only depicts one. 
Hermes himself appears in various pieces of media. Stories like Disney’s Hercules or Percy Jackson. He also appears in the Supergiant Games’s Hades as a god that can help you in your journey, or as a boss in God of War III.
You may have also heard of the luxury brand Hermès, which doesn’t seem to be related to the god at all but it pops up when you search him so I’m adding it anyway. I don’t actually know if this is a good brand or not but they seem to keep sustainability in mind so there’s that at least.
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There are many different epithets for Hermes. While there isn’t as many as other gods, there’s still a decent amount of epithets for him. What are epithets? Well, they are essentially surnames for the gods to describe their different aspects. If you wish to call upon a specific aspect of a god you would use their epithet when talking with them.
Now for the different epithets of Hermes. I will be including the transliteration version of the names as the Greek names use special characters that I am unsure if they’ll even show up. So we’re getting close enough.
𝙲𝚞𝚕𝚝 𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚜
Of Aepytus (hero Arcadia)
Of the Market-Place
Of Acacesium (Arcadia)
Of Crafts, Of Wiles
Of the Games
Keeper of the Flocks
Interpreter, Translator
Of Mt Cyllene (Arcadia)
Of the Fore-Temple
Of the Gateway
Three-Headed (Of Road-Intersections)
𝙿𝚘𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚜
Guileless, Gracious
Splendid, Bright, Glorious
Angelos Athanatôn
Messenger of the Gods
Angelos Makarôn
Messenger of the Blessed
Athanatos Diaktoros
Immortal Guide
Slayer of Argos
Arkhos Phêlêteôn
Leader of Robbers, Thieves
Slayer of Oxen
Dais Hetairos
Comrade of the Feast
Guide, Messenger
Dôtor Eaôn
Giver of Good Things
Famous, Glorious, Splendid
Luck-Bringing, Ready-Helper
Keen-Sighted, Watchful
Giver of Joy
Glad-Hearted, Heart-Delighting
Of the Golden Wand
Deceiver, Dissembler
Strong, Mighty
Strong, Mighty
Of Mt Cyllene
Maiados Huios
Son of Maia
Of Searchers
Trickster, Contriver
Sheep-Tending, Shepherd
Thief, Robber, Rustler
Full of Various Wiles
Wily, Many-Turning
The Guide
Busy One
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FATHER ; Zeus - King of the Gods
MOTHER ; Maia - daughter of the Titanes Atlas and Pleione
𝙳𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜
Lady Artemis (half sister by Zeus)
Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt, Wild Animals & Wilderness, & Virginity
Lord Apollon (half brother by Zeus)
God of the Sun, Prophecy, Truth, Music & Poetry, Archery, Healing, & Light
Lord Ares (half brother by Zeus)
God of War
Lady Athena (half sister by Zeus)
Goddess of War, Wisdom, & Arts & Crafts
Lady Aphrodite (half sister by Zeus)
Goddess of Love, Beauty, Desire, & Fertility
Lord Hephaestus (half brother by Zeus)
God of Fire, the Forge, Metalworking & Sculpting, Craftsmen, & Technology
Lord Dionysus (half brother by Zeus)
God of Wine, Fertility, & Theatre
𝙳𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚗
ANGELIA - goddess of messages Daughter of Hermes
ELEUSIS - goddess of the Eleusinian Mysteries. daughter of Hermes and Daeira
HERMAPHRODITOS (Hermaphroditus) - The hermaphroditic daimon son of Hermes and Aphrodite.
OREIADES (Oreads) Depends on the myth ; Many of the Oreiades were said to be the daughters of Hermes and other Oreaides Nymphai.
PALAISTRA (Palaestra) - goddess of wrestling Daughter of Hermes
PAN - the goat-footed god of shepherds son of Hermes and the Nymphe Penelopeia.
PANES Agreus ; son of Hermes and Nymphe Sose ; Nomios ; son of Hermes and Nymphe Penelopeia
PRIAPOS (Priapus) - god of garden fertility depends on the myth ; son of Hermes (most sources say this god was the son of Dionysus and Aphrodite).
SATYROI (Satyrs) Pherespondos, Lykos and Pronomos ; sons of Hermes and the Nymphe Iphthime
𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚗
ABDEROS (Abderus) - prince of Opous who was loved by Herakles. son of Hermes
AITHALIDES (Aethalides) - A lord of Phthiotis who joined the expedition of the Argonauts. son of Hermes and Eupolemeia.
ARABOS (Arabus) - The first king of Arabia son of Hermes and Thronia.
AUTOLYKOS (Autolycus) - A thievish prince of Phokis son of Hermes and Khione.
BOUNOS (Bunus) - A king of Korinthos son of Hermes and Alkidameia.
DAPHNIS - A bard of Sikelia who invented pastoral or bucolic poetry son of Hermes and a Sikelian Nymphe
EKHION (Echion) - A lord of Alope in Malis who joined the expedition of the Argonauts son of Hermes and Antianeira.
ELEUSIS - A king and eponym of the town of Eleusis son of Hermes and Daeira
EUANDROS (Evander) - founded the city of Pallantium son of Hermes and the Naiad Karmentis.
EUDOROS (Eudorus) - A lord of Phthiotis son of Hermes and Polymele.
EURESTOS (Eurestus) son of Hermes and Aptale.
EURYTOS (Eurytus) - A lord of Alope in Malis who joined the expedition of the Argonauts. son of Hermes and Antianeira.
KAIKOS (Caecus) - A lord of Teuthrania son of Hermes and the Naias Nymphe Okyrrhoe.
KEPHALOS (Cephalus) - A lord and hunter of Attika son of Hermes and Herse (aka Kreusa)
KERYX (Ceryx) - A lord of Attika, first Herald of the Eleusinian Mysteries. son of Hermes and Agraulos (or Thrakian King Eumolpos)
KYDON (Cydon) - A lord of Kydonia in Krete son of Hermes and the Kretan princess Akalle
LIBYS A king of Libya son of Hermes and the princess Libya
MYRTILOS (Myrtilus) - The herald and charioteer of King Oinomaos of Pisa son of Hermes and Theoboula
NORAX - A prince of Iberia son of Hermes and Erytheia
ORION - A giant who was born in answer to the prayers of the childless Boiotian King Hyrieus son to Hermes, Poseidon and Zeus
PHARIS - A lord who founded the city of Pharai son of Hermes and the Danaid Phylodameia
PHAUNOS (Phaunus) - A barbaric Italian king who sacrificed strangers to his father ; slain by Herakles. Son of Hermes
POLYBOS (Polybus) - A king of Sikyonia son of Hermes and Queen Khthonophyle
SAON - The first king of the island of Samothrake son of Hermes and the Nymphe Rhene (OR Zeus and a Nymphe).
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Hermai (Stones that marked roads and boundaries, often with the carved head of Hermes)
Petasos (Travellers’ Cap)
𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜, 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚜, 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚝
Greek Strawberry-Tree
Palm Tree
Almond Tree
Yellow topaz
Red Marble
𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜
Can really be any card that you decide to use as an identifier between you and Lord Hermes. These are just some suggestions.
The Magician
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These are just suggestions! You can always find a different offering or devotional act based on your own personal associations and practice. And if you can’t provide any physical offerings, that’s okay. Devotional acts or digital offerings are just as good.
This list consists of UPG and SPG suggestions.
Travel Tickets
Imagry of his associations
Foods & Drinks
Foreign Foods
Red Wine
Olive Oil
Coffee/Energy drinks
Devotional Acts
Learn a new language
Play a sport
Learn Astrology
Practice public speaking
Do *harmless* pranks (Confuse, don’t abuse)
Write to him
Donate to homeless shelters, to local sports teams, or relief charities
Make a devotional playlist and listen to it
Prayer to Hermes
I call to Hermes, son of thundering Zeus
and gracious Maia, fair of face and kind of heart;
father of Tyche, granter of serendipity.
In rugged Arcadia, land of your birth,
were you well known and praised by one and all; in all
the ancient world did you receive honors. Throughout
the land stood herms and mounded stones, at crossroads
and at boundaries, in all the far-flung provinces,
marking the path and holding your gift of fortune,
Far-journeying Hermes, guide of the traveler,
fleet-footed god of merchants, god of gamblers and thieves
and all who live by wit and wile and clever words,
master of discretion and finesse. Hermes,
protector of the home, provider of .feast and frolic,
courier of dreams, kind Hermes, I call to you.
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The festival dedicated to Hermes celebrated in several parts of Greece. The boys were on this occasion dressed in their best, offered sacrifices to the god, and amused themselves with various games and sports.
Theoi Summary
Timeless Myths
A Guide to Worship
Greek Gods Cheat Sheet
Prayers to Hermes
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puranpolianidoodh · 2 years
Books I have read. Like ever. You can talk to me about these
because there’s a lot of books there. I’m sure i’ve missed some but this is it for now. not that i remember what happened in many of theses books but still. i will remember something anyways
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - 5
Heroes of Olympus  - 5
Percy Jackson and the Greek gods  
Magnus Chase - 3
Kane chronicles - 3
Trials of Apollo - 5  
Game of thrones - 5
Grisha trilogy - 3
Six of crows - 2
King of Scars - 2
Looking for Alaska
Angels and demons
The Da Vinci code
P.S. I love you
Sam and Isla's last hurrah
Red Queen - 3
Can you keep a secret?
Since you've been gone
Beautiful disaster
The problem with forever
Emergency contact
Everything, everything
The Mahabharata secret
One of us is lying
A tragic kind of wonderful
Anything could happen
Something like summer
Carry on - 3
The Infernal Devices
The Mortal Instruments - 6
The Eldest Curses - 2
Tales from Shadowhunter Academy
After the bridge
Ghosts of the Shadow Market
The Dark Artifices - 3
Bane chronicles
The Last Hours - 2  
And then there were none
The Kiss Quotient
A taxonomy of love
The architect's apprentice
Dash and Lily's book of dares
Naomi and Ely's no kiss list
My heart and other black holes
Prisoner of birth
Love letters to the dead
Love and gelato
Five Little pigs
The thirteen problems
Girl in pieces
Matchmaking for beginners
Inheritance cycle - 4
The fork, the witch, the worm  
Are we there yet
All the bright places
The cruel prince
The unexpected everything
All the light we cannot see
A study in Charlotte
By the book
Alex, approximately
Chaos of standing still
Save the date
Raavanputr meghnad
A boy worth knowing
Hush hush
The past and other things that should stay buried
The love interest
Know not why
Not your sidekick
A Darker Shade of Magic - 3
What if its us
The geography of lost things
When life gives you lemons instead of lattes
A hundred lies of Lizzie Lovett
Definitions of indefinable things
Because you'll never meet me
What I like about you
Song of Achilles
If we were villains
Ember quartet - 4
A curse so dark and lonely - 2
Seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Fence comics - 3
Fence - striking distance  
All for the game - 3
The Lost and found
A Court of Thorns and Roses - 5
Throne of glass series - 7
Ayesha at last
Darius the great is not okay
I wish you all the best
Love from A to Z
Saints and misfits
Serpent and dove
A gentleman's guide to vice and virtue
The raven boys
Like us - 3
Spoiler alert
Red white and royal blue
Simone vs the home sapiens agenda
This is where it ends
Yes no maybe so
The invisible life of Addie la rue
How not to ask a boy to prom
Gilded wolves
Timekeeper - 3
We hunt the flame
In 27 days
Today, tonight, tomorrow
A constellation of Roses
The lost apothecary
The wish granter
Heartstopper - 4
Lifestyle of gods and monsters
Shatter me - 10
Make a scene
We set the dark on fire - 2
Boyfriend material
The spanish love deception
Her royal highness
Captive prince - 3
A touch of darkness
Charm offensive
You've reached Sam
The love hypothesis
It ends with us
Addicted to you
They both die at the end
Shiva trilogy - 3
The millennium trilogy- 3
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lifeofroos · 3 years
Masterlist of retellings/fanworks:
This list is seperated by category, with a short summary of each story beneath the title. The older the story, the higher it is listed in the category. So for the newest, probably best stories, look at the very end! 
Greek Mythology:
Much too lovely a night for commitment: 
Apollo got himself drunk (Or, as he calls it, ‘a little tipsy’). Dionysus decides its time for him to take a break and they end up talking.  
I am not necesserialy asking for your blessing (But I'd love to get it):
Artemis' afternoon rest is disrupted by Ariadne, who has something to say. Artemis doesn't necessarily disagree, but...
The Night:
Ariadne wandered far into the forest at night. It makes Dionysus nervous, but she can't help but feel calm and in love.
Vultures, Athena called them. Enyo and Ares take a break from battle in the encampment. They have to kindly disagree with their sister.
Ghost Story:
Ariadne is awoken one night by a ghost girl named Cora. They keep meeting again and again, through different stages in their lives.
The girl who likes dogs: 
Hades needs someone to walk his dog a few days per week. He asks Persephone to do it, as she walks more people's dogs. Yet, that might not be the only reason he asked her...
Dionysus thought it would be impossible to get his beloved Ariadne back. When she is there again, in front of him, he thinks it can't be real. There is no way he can just hold her now, and love her again...
The Queenly Ghost:
Ariadne raises the spirit of Pasiphae, her mother. Although she isn't sure exactly what to say, she knows she has to say something.
I Hope For The Future:
Hades comes to the surface for a moment to have a chat with Demeter. They are still new to their domains and it is unsure who their allies will be. They hope it'll be each other.
The Story Of Tonight:
They should have held back Artemis, Apollo and Hermes before they climbed onto the buffet table. Now that they are already drunkenly singing, it is a little too late, don't you think?
I’ve Got A Proposal:
Usually, Dionysus tends to be quite smooth. Not when asking the woman he finds the best if she wants to marry him, though.
Test Of Courage: 
Dionysus and Hephaestus are nearing Olympus, meaning the end of their quest is in sight. Hephaestus wonders whether he'll dare to complete the mission when the time is there. Dionysus tries to show him he probably will.
I Told Him To Try A Little Harder:
Zeus wants Hera as his queen. Hera wants Zeus to prove he really thinks she is worth his efforts, with something big. Something unexpected.
Hide (Just a little longer):
Hera will be the queen of the universe, with her husband Zeus as the king. There is no denying it. Yet, she would like to keep it under the covers for a little longer - until she knows she finds the courage to tell her mother.
Give Me Anything But The Giraffes:
During his meanderings, Dionysus came to Africa, too. Without his army, he trecks further south into the country. A guide helps him over the savanah, where they meet some creatures Dionysus hopes he'll never encounter again.
The Walk: 
Aglaia loves Hephaestus and the other way around. Yet, so shortly after Aphrodite left, they don't know what to do about it. Maybe it's better that way. It means they can slowly discover their love instead of crashing into it.
Right Hand Men:
In order to create a destructive power the world has never seen before, Ares and Enyo decide to get married. Right now, at this very moment.
Kiss Me Not (Yet):
Ariadne wants to kiss Dionysus, she really does. Yet when she tries, all she can do is recoil. All Dionysus wants is for her to feel comfortable.
Mind and Matter:
Hephaestus never expected Athena to show up to his forge ever again. When she is there anyway, it takes little for the tears to come out.
For I Am Not A Weapon To Be Wielded:
Phaedra can hardly accept the feelings she got for Hippolytus. She starts to wonder why she has them and soon enough, she decides she doesn't want to be a weapon of the gods anymore. A retelling of Phaedra's story. Because I stuck to the source material, I can only advise viewer discression. Contains themes of suicide.
Mom Isn’t That Angry:
After Dionysus hasn't been seen on Olympus for a long time, Athena is send out to find him. She does, in a sleeping bag somewhere in the middle of nowhere, healing from injury. She decides to sit by and hold his hand until he feels better. Sometimes, it's the wisest thing a person can do.
I wish I could keep him:
Due to the danger on Olympus, Zeus gives Dionysus to Persephone, so she can raise him in secret for some time. When spring comes, he needs to come with her. She can't help but hope that she can keep him, just slightly longer, even though she knows the danger makes her hope idle.
Egyptian Mythology:
Set killed Osiris. When Isis left to search for him, she left her son Horus drifting down the Nile. How big is the chance that Sets' wife Nephthys finds him? She takes him in, but whenever Sets' with her, she can't tell: Does he know, or not? And what does this mean for the baby, or more importantly, for them?
Hotel Walhalla’s weird activities to the death:
We all know of sword-fighting, spear-throwing, and yoga to the death. Yet, what other weird, totally peaceful activities have they managed to make dangerous in hotel Valhalla?
Percy Jackson one-shots: 
In this book, I write Percy Jackson one-shots. Most of them were previously uploaded on my FanFiction and Wattpad account, but I decided to transfer them here as well! ! I write romance, random headcannons and ideas, cute stuff and funny ideas (No angst, very bloody stuff or anything like that). The One-shots get better in quality further in the book. The first ones are not amazing, but I added them to be complete. Update: I have decided to stop writig one-shots, but all of these stay right where they are!
At Least He Got The Minotaur:
Percy has just arrived in camp. A camper runs to Chiron and Dionysus to tell them. The camp directors are more than a little surprised at the news that a new, young camper could defeat a minotaur. It couldn't be the prophecy, could it?
There are always reasons: 
Percy is in camp to meet with some friends. He seizes a chance to ask Dionysus about why the god released him from the Chrysler building, all those years ago. He gets a more profound answer than expected.
This Might Be Crazy:
Nico has some issues and needs help - even he agrees. He is just not really sure if Dionysus of all people will be able to help him. Or: A fic in which Nico gets therapy from Dionysus, learns to live again and regains control of his life, inspired by what was said in Tower of Nero. Updates every three days! This fic was nominated for the Solangelo awards 2021.
Elevators and Boys keep me awake:
Nico is going through a tough time. Luckily, he has his upstairs neighbour Dionysus to help him. Or: A Nico-gets-therapy-from-Dionysus-story, but in a mortal AU.
The Biters:
Short stories about Clarisse, told via those around her, ranging from when she was a little girl to getting claimed to getting a boyfriend and becoming a hero.
A Question:
Nico figures out Will went to Dionysus a couple of times, with questions about how to make his boyfriend feel more comfortable. Nico finds it adorable, really.
 Loki (2021):
Loki notices Mobius carrying a bag with a sweet scent coming off of it. Perhaps he would like to try some of that, too.
See You later, Alligator: 
Loki is bored on Asgard. On a wim, he decided to transform a few things in his room into animals. After all, what can come from that except for some harmless fun?
Bohemian Rhapsody, or: Misschief on ice
Finding out that Loki can figure skate is one. Finding out that he has qualified himself for a world championship is in a whole other ballpark. Still, Mobius and Sylvie support him to the best of their abilities. Even when Loki decides to skate by his own rules.
Whoever you are:
Loki is gender fluid. Before they knew Mobius, they casually slipped in and out of different looks, whatever felt right at the moment. When they began dating, it suddenly felt so weird. Mobius tells them he'll love them, no matter who they are.
Rangers’ Apprentice:
High school could go many ways:  
 For a group of five orphans, the time for high school has come. Will is determined to get onto a sports team. Yet, is that truly what he wants, or has he been putting up an act for himself?
During all of this I have one question: 
Crowley has an idea and plays a prank on Gilan and Halt. They handle the situation quite well, I would say.
KoFi - AO3 
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader -Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
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I was cold and drenched. An arm was wrapped around me. "Y/N oh my gosh!" Mom cried. I couldn't see what was happening. All I know is it's not either of my parents. "Y/N are you okay?" I could feel a total of 5 hands on me and I was rested against a figure too small to be my parents. "Are you okay?" A familiar pant came. It wasn't a coincidence. He is the one to find you. "Y/N?" "Percy Jackson..." I said before loosing my consciousness. The hero to cause our monarch. The hero who started all. ~ My eyes slowly fluttered open, I was at an unfamiliar place. Where am I? "So, I guess these weird this really wasn't coincidence..." A voice from beside me said. It was Percy. "I guess not... Where are my parents?" "Mom's talking to them..." "About what?" "I don't know but I heard something about gods and goddesses." "My parents adores Greek Mythology. They spent years teaching me about it." Ask him About what? "Do you want to ask me something? You're kinda talking out loud." He laughed. "I said something? Oh uhm... Anything weird happening lately?" "Well aside from the old ladies snipping yarns that caused Grover to freak out, nothing I guess." "Grover? Why'd he freak out?" "I don't know but he gave me a card and thing to a place called Half blood hill or something." Find me. You belong with me. Follow our hero. He will bring us together. "Huh?" A kinda flushed Percy took my attention. "You're kinda red, you okay?" "Is that normal? You're talking randomly and you don't seem to be aware of it." I'll stop when it comes. When what comes? The prophecy. My prophecy. The prophecy of our power. "Y/N! What are you talking about?" "I'm not talking...?" "You're saying something about your prophecy. Are you okay?" "I-I think so..." "We should rest. You must be tired. Maybe you're just tired..." "I sleep with D/N..." "He's with your parents. Come on you should just rest." "Are you going to sleep beside me?" He looked at me dumbfounded. "N-No. I-I--" "Sleep beside me. I don't have D/N." "Pretty sure a dog's and a person's presence are different." I scoot over to make room for Percy and patted the space. Percy Jackson is our hero. He's ours. Okay... He will guide us. Follow him to the depths of underworld. And he'll help you come to me. Okay... Percy was asleep. I don't know when he drifted to sleep but he was. He will open our eyes Make us see in a different way He is our hero. The crowned one to find us The one to guide me to you ~ I was woken up with noises from outside. It was storming, the kind that could blow away houses. False daylight from lightning, loud pounding of waves. It was scaring me. I turned to Percy only to see him half awake as if he was looking for something. "I'm scared." Water and lightning doesn't like you They'll try to hurt us. "It won't hurt you." He took my hand. "Don't worry." Don't let the hero go. Follow him "I'm thirsty..." I gripped him tighter. He looked at our linked hand and sighed. "Let's go out." Standing up he guided me out of the room, in the living room were my half awake mom and dad on their phone and Percy's mom sleeping on the couch. With the next thunderclap, all the adults shot up and looked at each other, eyes wide, and said, "Hurricane." I knew that was crazy. Long Island never sees hurricanes this early in the summer. But the ocean seemed to have forgotten. Over the roar of the wind, I heard a distant bellow, an angry, tortured sound that made my hair stand on end. "I don't like this." This is part of the story I don't like the story. I'm scared Hold onto the hero. Don't worry, he is our hero. They can't hurt you. "Y/N!!" They were all looking at me. D/N whimpered at my foot. "Y/N, sweetie, please come over here..." Dad called. He found us. It's too late. I subconsciously gripped tighter and slowly hid behind Percy. He will protect us outside of our domain. "I don't want to." Then a much closer noise, like mallets in the sand. A desperate voice—someone yelling, pounding on our cabin door. We flinched and looked at each other. My mother sprang out of the couch in her nightgown and threw open the lock. Grover stood framed in the doorway against a backdrop of pouring rain. But he wasn't... he wasn't exactly Grover. "Searching all night," he gasped. "What were you thinking?" Percy's mom looked at him in terror. "Percy," she said, shouting to be heard over the rain. "What happened at school? What didn't you tell me?" I was frozen, looking at Grover. I couldn't understand what I was seeing. "O Zeu kai alloi theoi!" he yelled. "It's right behind me! Didn't you tell her?" I was too shocked to register that he'd just cursed in Ancient Greek, and I'd understood him perfectly. I was too shocked to wonder how Grover had gotten here by himself in the middle of the night. Because Grover didn't have his pants on—and where his legs should be ... where his legs should be ... "There's a Satyr! Why did you bring a satyr here!? She will not come!" My parents yelled. "Y/N? W-What?" "She will not go to the camp! I refuse! You won't be able to protect her!" Dad yanked me from Percy. Percy's mom was asking him about what happened in school. "She's a halfblood? I don't smell anything from her...?" "Because we're doing well hiding her! She doesn't need to go with you! We're leaving!" No! You have to stay with the crowned hero! I didn't know why, but I thrashed around my dad's grip. "Let me go!!" I screeched. "I'm going with Percy!" Pushing him away with all my strength, I ran to Percy. Percy's mom gave a reluctant look on my parents, she grabbed her purse, tossed me and Percy rain jackets, and said, "Get to the car. All of you. Go!" Grover ran for the Camaro—but he wasn't running, exactly. He was trotting, shaking his shaggy hindquarters, and suddenly his story about a muscular disorder in his legs made sense to me. I understood how he could run so fast and still limp when he walked. Because where his feet should be, there were no feet. There were cloven hooves. Percy took my hand and looked at me. "I won't leave you. Don't worry." Percy cradled D/N with his free hand and ran.
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Taglist? @gayer-than-the-gayest-gay
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
My unpopular opinion: Chiron is a horrible teacher, protector, whatever. He’s as bad dumbledor. He often manipulates children and put them in danger? Also is RR really trying to tell me not one single demigod from before percy’s generation made it to adulthood? Not even demigods of minor gods? If not then why haven’t we heard from them, why weren’t they called to fight in the war so that literal children didn’t have to? I have more but I’m not brave enough to post them lol
Fuck, I gotta check my asks more often. Too much stuff laying around and oh please people! Send your stuff in! Don’t be shy! It’s so interesting to see what’s on your mind! Let’s have that conversation and ask me!! :D I mean a bunch of people agreed and disagreed with my stances (Part 1/Part 2), let’s see how I feel about yours!
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Chiron is clearly a self insert from Riordan. I mean come on…
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That’s a solid Chiron if I see one. Which is pretty ironic as Chiron’s the shitty teacher who we all know and love. Got something to admit, Riordan? You as a former teacher? HMM?
Hiding incompetence under the disguise of the gentle old wise teacher is definitely something that Dumbledore and Chiron share. Chiron is the old centaur who lived for aeons and helped out the most famous heroes of their times, so shouldn’t modern times be considered to be an easier job for him? He’s barely present, highkey vague and has absolutely no problems with tossing children literally out into the open across the entire fucking US and A to clean the gods’ bathroom messes.
Had the heroes been in their 20s like in the original myths (or even older) it would’ve made more sense to let them find their own ways. It would be rude,  but somewhat okay. You could expect adults to find the way and connect the dots. But this is just messing with a bunch of 12 year olds because you can at this point.
Chiron is that supposed sweet teacher that just fucks up. We all had one, you know the one. Seems gentle and nice and but has clearly chosen the wrong job. Don’t know if that’s the trauma of living that long and/or seeing kids dying constantly that’s hitting him in the back of the head.
I have the feeling that people are projecting their teacher fantasies on to him just like step-father fantasies that include Paul. Because we want a guide who is trustworthy, we want an authoritative figure that we can share our concerns with and who guides us to solid solutions without betraying our trust.
But like I said, he’s essentially sending out kids to deathly missions and encouraging deep traumas. Yes, we can partially blame Chiron, but most of the blame goes to the gods who enable and encourage this weird dynamic. Would all of them straight up cut the bullshit and mostly resolve their own issues without using their children as pawns, it would’ve been easier for everyone involved. Additionally, there are many kids in camp to keep busy, look after and care for. I don’t know how many there were pre-TLO but I’d assume the number was in the hundreds? Of course, in larger cabins are camp counsellors that help out and guide next to camp schedules. But since Percy’s the only kid in the Poseidon cabin I guess that thought went south? Percy being the special kid would actually mean that there should be a focus on him unless you’re going for the “I’m neutral” spiel. Chiron knew from day one that Percy was walking Poseidon seed, come on.
Also like I somewhat implied, seeing people die left and right might have impacted Chiron to make him feel indifferent/despressed (could also be a stretch, who knows). Which isn’t an excuse, but might explain some takes. Explaining the same stuff for millennia in its essentials is probably getting tiring.
I think this is the third time that I mentioned it on my blog but showing and telling are the most powerful story telling concepts/fundamentals and you see Rowling and Riordan constantly failing at that which is concerning. Instead of Chiron (or Dumbledore) just simply getting down to the point and telling and explaining stuff briefly, he only eludes, vaguely formulates and it is simply confusing especially for a child in a brand new environment who just lost his mother (if we’re speaking about TLT). This does nothing but add more stress in such a fragile situation especially when a new and bigger threat makes its way.
There’s also the discussion on how much of Greek myth Percy actually gets. He has the basic/ obvious knowledge which many tend to forget. He doesn’t come in with no knowledge. He had Latin classes back at the academy, he studies with Annabeth, he knows some of the monsters. What he simply doesn’t know, is the magic of it all. That is the most confusing part for him.
The actual magic is not explained, which it doesn’t have to be in all of its entirety, but needs to be addressed somehow and gradually.
Percy asking a simple question like how the camp stays sunny and covered 24/7 and how the wardens work and Chiron casually sitting here like you a stoopid one
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doesn’t help.
What many people forget: Magic doesn’t erase logic. Even in a magical setting, unless clearly stated, there has to be some kind of logic to connect the dots. It doesn’t need to be a clear cut A to B, but it should be comprehensible for both the readers and the characters in a particular situation. And that’s just not happening for Percy as the character. This also sets up the premise of Percy being ”stupid” which he isn’t. He is surrounded by incompetent teachers and staff that don’t bother telling him how things work and assume that he’ll just manage.
Yeah. Both Dumbledore and Chiron are awfulness in a sweet calm disguise.
Onto part two of the ask. I have had so many talks with people on that exact problem. It simply boils down to one issue:
Rick Riordan‘s inconsistency in world building and setting. The story telling doesn’t make any sense.
So kids are dying like flies before 18 but many are also super famous and in powerful positions? Many are historical figures that made it well over 18? Make that make sense. Also was WW2 supposed to be kicked off by some 12 year olds with that logic? The biggest man made catastrophe of the modern era boiled down to a bunch of fighting kids? No. We all know it. Just simply no. I actually don’t mind the WW2 background but Riordan should’ve given it another thought and be a bit more sensitive…? Like the whole fascist gang being team Hades? Uhh… sure…. nope.
Also the same logic applies to Civil War? You’re telling me a bunch of kids were supposed to have started this stance? Who was for and who was against slavery then? What in the actual fuck? Using children as child soldiers to stand in for these large complex historical issues that stretch over years and show many of humanity’s horrifying sides is just….eh.
No. This whole thing about campers dying as soon as they reach the magic number of 18 are either bedtime stories to scare the kids or toughen them up orrrr my guess, Riordan actually managed yet again to fuck up his own lore.
It’s the same logic with New Rome. You have a whole city full of adults but have a few kids run that bitch? You did your ten years of service as a child soldier and then do one of these?
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As if adults magically exit this world. Like is that the reason why Percy’s been 17 for a whole damn decade? Because otherwise he gotta hand riptide in and all of the boys scout medals he has collected so far? Adults would’ve had the experience and expertise to win those fights but it would break the magic and charm of the books that a bunch of kids are saving the world for the younger demographic. Let’s do not forget that the targeted audience of the books are middle schoolers. Makes somewhat sense with PJO but with HOO Riordan really shot himself in the leg. He should’ve matured the OG characters at least.
(Also speaking about the actual myths again. A good chunk of them died in their 20s/30s/40s. Odysseus guided as an old man. The heroes weren’t twelve and dipping by the age of 16. The Trojan war went on for 10 years for example. So whereas the real Perseus lived a longer life and had a somewhat happy ending in comparison to his peers, he wasn’t the only one that made it into adulthood.)
Riordan mixing up his own lore is just a shame. Yes, it’s human and he already gets a lot of flag for other stuff. I also get it as a writer with my fanfic where I really have to scroll up to search tiny details that I’ve embedded and not noted down. Perhaps it’s my inner capitalist speaking, but for I’m way more forgiving towards a free product, a gift like a fanfic, rather than something I’ve paid actual money for when it comes to this. The process of publishing a book is large. You mean to tell me that there was no editor at Disney that bothered to fact check? Riordan got a check from us all and doesn’t even bother looking up his own stuff. A little bit more effort, Ricardo. Please. You have an entire damn wiki you could use to check for free if you’re too lazy to read your own books/don’t use authors softwares. Like what?
It’s stupid. You know it, I know it. And as you can see, I fully agree with you.
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elysianswoo · 5 years
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"Come stargazing with me" best friend!Renjun says while grabbing your hand in his. "There are these constellations that I read up on, and I want to see if I can find them" he started pulling you out off the bed you guys had spent the last couple of hours on. ‘’whyy, we were just getting to the good part of the movie?’’ you whined even though you knew you could never win against Renjun. He was the most stubborn person when he wanted something. So before you knew any better you were out of bed and seated in the car. Renjun was driving while humming along to whatever was playing on the radio. You always found his soft voice calming, and having that added to the fact that you were still awake in the middle of the night, you started to doze off.
When you arrived at your destination, Renjun realised that you had completely fallen asleep by his side; chuckling a bit to himself, he carefully woke you up. Resulting in you whining, but giving in easily you follow the boy out the car.
Renjun had taken you to a big open field far away from the lights of the city. The sky was clear and the stars shone brightly down on where you stood, that being the only source of light in addition to the moon.
The moment you had started walking on the grass, Renjun started his search. “They’re supposed to be out now“ he says while looking up. “I just have to find them real quick” he looks at you for a brief moment, smiling. You can the twinkle in his eyes as brightly as you can see the stars. Your heart skips a beat with adoration for the boy.
Laughing, you reach out for his arm, pulling him down to sit beside you on the grass. “Well, you can find them while sitting. You’re going to end up falling on your face if you keep on walking while looking up" he gives you a sheepish look, and rubs his neck. "I just really want to find them” he says, making you smile at the way he looks up at the sky again.
Renjun keeps muttering bitterly under his breath about how he keeps finding the wrong constellations, making you laugh. “You’re like a little kid oh my god” you bump your shoulder against his, making him look down from where his eyes were plastered on the sky, to look at you with a fond smile.
“Well, there’s this story about that constellation that I just really want to tell you” He confesses with a chuckle and a shrug of his shoulders.
After some time passes you can hear him loudly exclaim “hell yeah, there they are” while fist bumping the air in celebration. You let out a laugh at his excitement, adoring the way he shares his love for the stars with you. He points them out, and you have to admit finding them was not easy.
You look up at the stars for a bit before you face him “there was a story right? Are you gonna tell it to me now?” You question the boy. Renjun almost loses his breath from how the stars seem to have fallen from the sky, and into the glint in your eyes. Snapping out of his trance, he clears his throat, his cheeks already tinted red. “uhm yeahh, so it’s the story about Orion and the Pleiades”
He pauses to look at your reaction, you smile at him and urge him to go on with a nod of your head. “well, Orion is a hunter and the Pleiades are seven sisters, they’re also the companions of Artemis” you place your head on his shoulder and let out a hum to tell him you were listening. He takes a deep breath and keeps on going.
“Orion, he falls in love with them and chases after them for about seven years, ruining the sisters every hunt to the point Artemis had enough, and goes to Zeus for help” Renjun lets out a chuckle at that part, obviously finding it amusing. You didn’t really know what was funny, but you don’t question it. “Zeus ended up turning the sisters into doves so that they could escape Orion, and then later on turned all of them into stars. Orion will keep chasing the sisters for all eternity, without ever being able to catch up.”
Renjun shakes his shoulder a bit, signalling to you that the story was over. You raise your head and face him. Renjun laughs when he sees the frown on your face, knowing it wasn’t the ending you were hoping for. You were about to say something when he interrupts you.
“I would say I have loved you for seven years now y/n” he says with a tiny smile, but it’s a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. In his eyes, all the emotions that he has tried so hard to hide, comes reaching towards the surface. The atmosphere completely changed, making you give him a quizzical look.
“Well, I do hope so, we have been friends for 10 years now” you laugh awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood. Instead of getting a laugh from the boy as you had hoped, Renjun looks at you with almost tired eyes. “okay fine y/n” he looks down at the grass chuckling a bit to himself.
“I’ve loved you for a whole 10 years now, but for the past seven months, I’ve started to fall in love with you” he looks at you for a brief moment before sighing and looking up at the sky. He lets out a tiny chuckle, but there’s no happiness in it. “renju-“
“Fuck I know it’s stupid y/n, falling in love with your best friend, but god you make it so difficult not to” he interrupts you, and you want to speak up, but you can tell it’s not the time yet. “I know I haven’t chased you these past seven months, like how Orion chased the sisters. Which I don’t know, is probably a good thing” at this he lets out a laugh again, but you can’t find it in yourself to follow his league. “I’m not as strong, or I guess confident as Orion. But I am confident in my love for you” he takes a deep breath. “I’ve tried to suppress my feelings, but I can’t take it anymore. Because every time I look in your eyes, see your smile, hear your laugh, or fuck even when your snot is all over my shirt when we watch big hero 6. I end up falling even more in love with you, and I don’t know how much more of that I can take. But y/n, I am willing to chase after you, or even fucking follow you to the end of the world if you want me too. I know that sounds cheesy as fuck, but it’s true. You don’t have to feel the same way now, but,,but please-” You can hear his voice crack as he looks at you, eyes glossy, filled with unshed tears. You move closer to him and reach out to caress his cheek, as if telling him it’s okay. He closes his eyes for a moment, while taking in a deep breath.
“Please tell me I’ll be able to catch up to you someday”
His voice barely comes out as a whisper, but you hear every word clearly. While smiling you nod your head. Your own eyes now brimming with tears. Not trusting your voice, or even knowing what to say after his speech, you just pull him closer to you, until your lips meet. The kiss was sweet and soft, mixed with a faint taste of salt. If it’s from the popcorn you shared during your movie marathon, or the tears you now share during your stargazing adventure, you don’t know. But what you do know is how much you love the boy in front of you, and the billion stars above that guided you together.
When you pull apart, you look him in the eyes, and whisper a sentence only for him, the moon and the stars above to hear.
"Huang Renjun, you caught up to me a long time ago"
A/n: i don’t really know that much about Greek mythology in details, the only thing I know is from Percy Jackson which I read about 5 years ago, so if i messed up the story pls don’t come @ me lmao I’m sensitive
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linipik · 5 years
Ooo, whats Nyxs plans for Adam? How do the others feel about their Roman counterparts (and whats Lances reaction to Alluras bf)? Do the romans tell Allura about Lotor?
Voltron x PJO AUpart 1 | part 2 | part 3 | Part 4
As always, i am sorry for my writing, i am no writer. and sorry for taking so long in updating this AU.It is written the same way I narrate to myself but the general of the story is all there! (and I think this is the longest part to date)
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Shiro, Keith, Lance, Pidge and Hun are Greek demigods, Allura is a Roman Demigod. Their quest is about finding Matt and getting to Mount Othrys  since it is appearing because rough demigods *cough* Lotor guiding the Romans *cough* are siding with Kronos because the Gods have gone radio silent for WAY too long. Reah helped Allura to get to Camp Half Blood and meet the Greeks because she doesn’t want his husband to pit demigods against the gods anymore  but she made Allura promise to not reveal the the thing about camp Jupiter existing… They parted on their quest, had a couple of bonding moments *WINK*  and when they got to the Gods Junkyard they met some roman demigods who were scrapping for weapons and who attacked team voltron only to be saved by MATT (accompanied with other demigods  surviving away from any of the camps). 
Under the cut is how it all follows
FIRSTLY lets move to Tartarus:Adam FELL…into tartarus only to be found by Nyx on her flying chariot and Adam convinced her that he was more valuable alive. 
Nyx took Adam as errand boy in tartarus in exchange of the death mist thing and you know, not dying. Doing that he found the hermes shrine and he tried to contact his father or anyone without much success for MONTHS but at least there he got some food, so…yeah, it wasn’t all that bad. But of course the more he tried to contact his father , and after not getting an answer, it really seemed the gods couldn’t care less about their half human children and it can make anyone feel angry and unimportant.
Every single soul on tartarus has a thing against zeus and demigods and he always said like “ im just the messenger i dont care”, but since everyone is so bored they kept asking him about what got him there. But he had to be careful af bc telling dangerous ancient souls about how much he missed his bf a son of zeus (or ex boyfriend he is not sure) was SO not an option. BUT was by meeting these ppl that he met one of those kings that have escaped tartarus in the past and BOI did that gave him faith. It was possible. The thing is  being in tartarus is weakening for a demigod, repeating yourself enough times that you are NOT dead is not enough to believe.. you are not dead. He rly wants a way out and, after all, Adam is the son of Hermes, god of travellers and the only god to be able to travel from the land of the dead to….anywhere so he had to channel he had that in himself, he only needed a way to get OUT. One of the days he is in the Hermes shrine he gets a dream on how to get out there: One of the non guarded, full of monster, secret doors to the mortal world through the labyrinth.
That is when he sets on that journey and finds in the entrance to the labyrinth/ exit from tartarus. He also finds in that exact point a adamantine sword: perseus sword (not percy riptide. Perseus,) a harpe giving to the olden hero by hermes, (The harpē  was a type of sword or sickle; a sword with a sickle protrusion along one edge near the tip of the blade made of the indestructible metal adamantine , check it out it is pretty cool). The sword is cool and all but as always with demigods, when something good happens it only means something worse it’s on its way. And finding a weapon is bad news and everyone knows it.AND THAT is how Adam got out of tartarus. By then a year or so has passed and it is basically in the same moment hour 6 heroes start their own quest.
NOW..There are romans demigods with Matt, they recognise Allura  and don’t really trust her because they kind of think she is with Lotor, but Matt is like, NAH she is with MY friends , with MY sister and they trust she so, she is alright and while they are camping in some safe part of the junkyard Matt explains to Voltron team about how camp half blood is not the only camp, and that there are…more ways a demigod can survive away from camp, there are the amazons and the hunters and all kind of side places created by demigods for demigods where they can feel safe. 
They all then look at Allura who is relieved she can come clean to her quest mates, but then then she is confused by why Romans are attacking them, and some of the demigods who are with Matt say it is Lotor (who..it really is but Allura didn’t know is siding with kronos) and Allura is like “No no, it can’t be, Lotor is thoughtful and charming and a great leader who will always have his reasons and wants the best for Camp Jupiter and he is a real Hero “ half flustered and Lance sees that Allura actually...like-like this Lotor. Who seems to be La creme de la creme in the Roman camp while Lance is a rookie demigod, not really a fighter, on his first quest and he has been about to die most times than all of the others together in the past like 3 days.. 
And Lance just goes by…oh because he wanted Allura to like him because he was really liking her and the way she seems a full flagged fighter and leader. BUT still in a very Lance way he sides with Allura in front of everyone including the demigods who are not trusting her, “ of course she is not doing this to harm other kids, she has risked her life for us and she could enter camp halfblood so she is good and full of good intentions and Reah herself guided her to us so she is great”. AND Keith is like….oh because it seems Lance really likes Allura  and even if they were hitting it off with the Pegasi maybe it was all in his head and Lance would like more someone like Allura who is actually thoughtful and not him who doesn’t know where his head is half the time :’)So..how to get from Arizona to Mount Othrys without being spotted by rough demigods, the romans AND all kind of monsters ON TIME? The only answer they find is The Labyrinth that is equally dangerous but could keep them away from revealing their position and their plan to the Romans. The idea is that Allura gets to camp Jupiter and confront Lotor …without being detected so she cant be stopped by Lotor….right handsMatt navigated trough it enough to suggest it is possible to get everywhere from there, Shiro is having a mental breakdown because he doesn’t want to get inside it again but he is good at hiding his feelings and be a Good Leader ™ But Matt is gonna keep with the demigods trying to slow down the romans and monsters while mount ostrys just gets more powerful and to distract them from the real quest with team voltron.
…And Pidge. Pidge is like NOUP I promised Athena I will bring you back alive and I found you and I wont Let You Go Again, We are heading back to camp because that is the only logical solution. Nothing says WE have to keep in this quest and we can go back regroup in camp half blood and live to fight another day with a better plan.But Matt has changed a lot since he went out on his quest with Shiro and Adam and he has met these amazing demigods and  he tells her there are many things worth fighting for that thinking with her heart is equally important, and that they will meet again in camp Jupiter.In the Labyrinth!So yeah everyone kind of say their good byes and goes separate ways entering the labyrinth, technically they were set on following monsters (brilliant plan) because they are being kind of called by mount Othrys. As you know, the labyrinth is a fucking mess and without a real way to navigate it it is impossible to be completely sure what is going on, It changes and it seemed it was fuckin with them. After an incident with some flesh eating horses and trying to get away from rough demigods and monster trying to get them to the gladiator arena, a big attack from a Kampe it all goes to hell. 
They found themselves in a REALLY  small passage where SHiro is having a problem with his mechanical arm and hunk is trying to see what made it high-wire so much ,Lance started to get on his own, because he is brave and he could get them out of there and maybe he just have to knock on that weird rock door with a strange painting. That is when the painting in the wall started to look more than real and the Kampe spotted Lance first of course, and while he froze at the giant horrible monster who was destroying the walls and the floor and everything in the small passage materialising in front of him, Allura saved his sorry ass (again) controlling the mist as well as she could, but since she has been more worried about the entire Lotor siding with Kronos thing, it is not…as effective as it should. Pidge is trying to REALLY work up  an exit, and thinking quick she tells allura to distract the Kampe with copies of them while they escape from the roof. BUT the Kampe is not fooled and When Allura and Pidge  are the closest to the improve exit on the roof, Shiro and Hunk are about to get decked, Lance in one of his hero complex things gets the full attention of the monster again and Keith goes by OH No. Not. Again. and gets Lance out of the way. Lance is getting really furious with Keith bc it is the zillion time Keith takes him out of the way  of a fight, as if he was not able to do things himself. The beast is attacking Keith now, frustrated that his precious prey got away and makes the floor crumble with Shiro and Hunk sliding further down, Allura Pidge and Lance got into the way of the roof and keith is channelling all that energy, the one that made him get to shiro back in his first quest, and he is able to step on the rock doorway disappearing from the monster. 
Shiro and Hunk end up together in one of the most ancient parts of the labyrinth, dark, smelling like wet earth and little breathing space….,and poor shiro who was trying so hard to keep calm is 5 minutes into losing it completely , he, a son of zeus is underground, feels trapped and thinking they can end up in the gladiator arena again is driving him a bit too insane. Hunk is seeing this and does what he does best, try to get how the current problem works, bu this time is not some piece of metal but it is Shiro’s entire existence. ANd for all that is worth, Hunk is really good at coming trough for others in pinch moments.
Lance Pidge and Allura end up together navigating the most tedious part of the labyrinth. dumb monsters marching to the same place  and they cant do anything but follow them with the help of allura’s mist to disguise them and praying Lance natural monster magnetism doesn’t get them killed…and the only door they find ends up in the middle of a GIANT field, so no help. It is tedious af and it just gets MORE tedious by their current situation: Allura is  trying to get the mist to work for her but she is having a hard time concentrating after learning her family, the romans and…Lotor are behind Kronos getting stronger. 
Lance is  trying his best on keeping not only alive but showing he has everything to be a hero, but honestly he is debuting everything he knew about himself, He has been about to drown, he froze in front of a monster, he never knows what is going on. He has no quest experience like shiro and keith, he is not good at solving puzzles like Pidge or repairing stuff like Hunk, not to mention he had no idea about the romans or any of the problems Allura is having but he still tries hard to be the charming demigod who is no afraid of anything and is there to support her every move. Even tho he knows…it has been Keith the whole time who has been taking him away of fights the entire time, even fixing his mess of waking the Kampe, probably for the best because maybe…just maybe…Aphrodite kids where not mean to be on quests after all.)
Pidge, is just looking at the horizon like she is in the office. Matt might be her beloved brother, but seeing how they all are thinking with their hearts and that is making them terrible for this quest is another level. And Lance,…lance is ranting to her how he could totally go against Kampe if Keith did not interfere again and again. BUT Pidge knows that Keitth has a problem with Lance being in danger and it is not because Lance is not capable exactly and more with Keith crushing hard on Lance, So she yeah, she is trying to side with Keith here out of solidarity and convince Lance that Keith is not trying to sabotage him or any of those things. That maybe Lance could learn from keith and spend more time with him maybe (wingman pidge ftw)
Keith ended up alone in the labyrinth and after being able to use again his  doorway powers he finds himself in a room with two doors and a doorman in the middle of them. The two faced doorman is Janus himself ask him which is the door he is gonna go, which decision is the correct one since he will have to make The Choice of His Life in the future….and inpatient Keith start asking Janus ALL the questions at once starting by “what was that?”, “what does his coin means?”,”what was his mother relationship with Janus?”, “that he knows about the romans and that it is unfair he didn’t knew before” and blablabla. And janus is like,one of this doors give you all answers, the other takes him to certain death and Keith goes by coin flipping decision time in hopes he could trick Janus into revealing the correct one since he figure out Janus is just trying to fuck with his head. And surprise! the moment he flipped the coin it transformed into an imperial gold gladius and keith basically surprises janus, Keith goes to stab him and janus just disappears through one door and keith in a moment of good judgement goes to the other because Janus of course went trough the door that would kill Keith. SO…he gets to the door with the answers BIG GASPSO
Back to Hunk and Shiro are in one of the ancient marts of the maze and they start walking thanks to Hunk who was prepared to go into a really dark place and has scraps from Hephaestus Junkyard. And in one of those rm=emote parts of the Maze, they start hearing talking, HUMANS talking, to be precise demigods and it means it is the same kind of demigods that are working with monsters and trying to get Kronos back and Shiro is like protector mode ACTIVATE and is ready to fight them as soon as the turn one corner but the  demigods sound like they are..discussing between them SO they end up getting as close as they want to hear what they are talking about and SHiro just stops dead on his trail as he recognises one of the demigods….it is Adam.
and Shiro NOW stops breathing. So hunk resolves that the best approach is NO fighting so he kind of goes in making himself appear he is on their side  playing innocent and that some leader needs them BUT Adam recognises him from camp and Adam gets Hunk is Lying. He is about to knock Hunk out and… shiro interferes. So you know this is the first time they see each other after their fight back before Shiro was captured and made a champion, before Adam went to tartarus and Back. (their fight was about how shiro is always playing the hero and getting himself and everyone around him into dangerous shit and how Adam was playing it safe and never wanting to risk more than he should. BOth were correct) Adam: I thought you were dead Shiro: I thought YOU were deadAnd it ends up being the Most Awkward Reunion in the world. like Hunk thought they were gonna be fireworks and tears and a kiss but it  is nothing like that. They fall directly into quest mode because talking about their feelings is recognising their previous fight and that they separated.Adam stares at shiro new scar/arm/hair all the time and Shiro stares at adam new sword/dark circles under his eyes and he is always On Edge. Both look tired and terrible. .Hunk is like, OKAY good the update but we should be thinking on getting to the others!! and Adam tells them that the baddies have a way to navigate the Labyrinth accurately : clear eyed mortals who are in danger and shiro is all like, we HAVE TO go for them. And it is actually the only plan they have. Anyway, Adam has been with the rogue demigods for some time now and knows a weird lot about their plan, he is totally aware that those are demigods tired of being the pawns of the gods and after his field trip to tartarus he honestly sees why.  of course shiro and hunk tell him , about the Romans and about mt othrys  and how Kronos is gaining power from the rogue demigods and more monsters and titans and everything is marching destroying any minor deity or nature spirit who is on the God’s side and how even then…the god’s have been silent. surprising no one.
Allura Lance and Pige arrive to the place the monster are marching to inside the labyrinth: It is an Arena and they recognise it as Shiro’s gladiator arena and MMMM they are starting to also see rogue demigods and minor deities and things are starting to get dangerous but they can’t turn back or they get more attention than they want so they go inside the arena where everyone is  reuniting for something and trusting the mist to do its job BUT before getting in they get spotted by a girl in a cell: She tells them how weird is to see a purple shirt (Allura) with two orange shirts (Lance and Pidge) and even more that they are disguising themselves. The girl looks like she has been in the cell for LONG time: Surprise it is Shay, (a clear eyed mortal) but they couldn’t open it at all so they moving inside the arena for what seems a BIG meeting promising her they are coming back for her.
MEANWHILE, Keith finds himself in the door with the answers. He is now in a warehouse in the middle of a meeting. Of several romans. Who are now looking at him like he just insulted them and their mothers. And They are all “noooo this cant be that door was enchanted” and keith is all “YOU ARE MY ANSWER? WHO THE F ARE YOU ALL? WHERE IS JANUS?” They are seeing a young demigods with a CHB shirt  wielding an imperial gold clearly roman sword ready to fight. Not Normal at all. And a clearly old guy with a scar in one eye and the BOSS  is all “kid, you are a roman” . Things start computing in his head the coin, the weird way he was able to find SHiro, his past encounter with Janus… but keith goes “I am a son of Ares” From the group of romans a woman calls his name: “…Keith?” and… that is when Krolia appears.
Reunion Time! Krolia is a Janus Legacy and went to Camp Jupiter back in the day, this group is an Olden Elite Roman Secret Group part of the old Preatorian Guard, who never ceased to exist and that has been moving parallel to Camp Jupiter for centuries. They are the Speculatores Augusti, dedicated mostly to avoid the secret of the existence of the romans demigods to go out there  and keeping the roman problems…roman, it is like a legend inside camp jupiter but they still exist in the shadows. and right now they are trying to calm this nonsense. They Know about Lotor, and they know that the plan is to turn demigods away from the gods and that it would revive Kronos.
Some Backstory:
Krolia is not a demigod directly, she is a Legacy but an incredible good fighter and then she got with Ares. Krolia met Texas after being pregnant with Keith. (insert here an incident Texas going all, wow pregnant lady you alright?) And wao, they hit it off really, enough to Krolia consider to have a mortal normal life…normal as it could be. And Keith was born and they were a family for little time but then rumors started about Kronos awakening slowly  and that Keith would be in the middle of the THAT war and that the Romans where starting to not hear from the gods and suddenly it all started to be more than rumors so she decided to leave them and try to stop whatever was happening from inside. And she left them with  a janus coin so he could know something about his roots and , making texas promise he wouldn’t let keith go to any of the camps and Texas was like OKAY but he died when Keith was 10 or something and Keith ended up in camp Half blood anyway…. And she didn’t know until this moment when her son was in front of her and now she knows texas is dead and everything is a little bit too sad.
Keith tells them what he knows from his quest, about shiro about the arena about allura about the rogue demigods and about the other good demigods working with Matt he is basically full of good info and it gave them the ultimate details to do finish their STRIKE the  that has to be ASAP before that whole army marches to mt Othrys  and puts in danger the entire world. And Keith is like….but for Kronos to gain all his power he will need more time…that is what Matt said. And they explain that the one danger in Mount Ostrys is no other than Atlas himself and if someone takes the sky from him The General of Kronos would be Free and that would mean The End. 
And that is how the entire secret roman group Keith is now part of goes to the place where the big army is reuniting: The Arena (btw this is the group that has Ariadne’s String and that’s how they can use the Labyrinth )
We have the three groups all reuniting in the same place.Adam Hunk and Shiro want to rescue the innocent mortals Allura Lance and Pidge are there to know what the in the hades is going onKeith is there with the Speculatores to stop the armyThe monsters are all ready to  part and in the podium there are Titans are guiding the army and some demigods allura recognises as ex- roman campers, and they say the found a way to navigate the labyrinth and that they are going to san francisco immediately to liberate their general and to meet with the Romans who are also tired of the god’s nonsense, between the horrible noises monsters did in agreement. Allura is seeing how this only could be possible with the help of someone INSIDE camp Jupiter but she doesnt want it to be Lotor. and asks herself why Reah didn’t say anything when she send Allura to CHB. Lance and Pidge see that the mist is really wearing off and that Allura is tired to the bone so they start to head to the exit but it is cramped with monsters, and a random demigod spots Lance and they are in REAL problems now that the baddies are have seen him, but not…them SO…..Lance does the sensible thing and tells Pidge that it is important to get Allura to Camp Jupiter and he directs the attention to himself. 
 Adam Shiro and Hunk are using a moment when all the baddies are distracted with something to open the cells of the mortals (thanks lock picking  Adam abilities via hermes) and they get to Shay, she tells them that Allura Lance and Pidge are there..NOw the monsters being distracted and furious make sense and it is horrifying . SHiro jumps to go to look for them despise Adam telling him to wait that he feels something is Not Right and he is getting really frustrated with shiro because of his hero complex and there is when HUnk tells Adam that probably is because Shiro  has more of a survivors complex since the moment he arrived to camp half blood without them, that probably even when he was in the arena he felt more lucky than matt and  him since he was alive. Adam is like, damn him, and HUnk is like MAYHAPS if you too talked you could get somewhere YOU KNOW, being under heavy circumstances can really make anyone  have a crooked perspective and that it is what always happens with old machines that often people dont know it but they work like that too. and you just have to be kind and  work with that new perspective to be able to see the present and what is happening and not what it is supposed to be happening. 
Shiro finds Pidge and Allura first and send them to where adam and hunk are close to the cells, and Pidge tells him that Lance did probably the most stupid thing ever  but there is a WALL of monsters and is being really difficult to get to where Lance is and curses his entire existence for being underground and not having the space for flying or lightening or nothing and he feels USELESS AF
Keith is with his new roman secret organisation intending to work again from the shadows, after hearing the plan or the army heading to mt othrys the plan to take as many monsters down right there right then is the best. They plan to blow the  arena and send the majority of monsters direct to tartarus or some pit deep down. But then, there is the shift in the monsters attention and when Keith and others go to investigate from one of the upper levels of the tribune before, you know, blowing the whole thing up. From there…He sees is mother fucking Lance and his heart stops or beats faster…Lance is alone  surrounded by so many monsters that it is ridiculous and holding a number lance is in “who wants to go against ME first uh? maybe this is the lucky day any of you get to kill a beautiful son of Aphrodite OR maybe I could kill you?? who knows!!”and “That telekhine thinks he is better than all the empousai look at him! he is gonna strike first! are the empousai so weak they are gonna let him win? really?”and pinning the  monsters against each other and it is ridiculous and charming  but over all dangerous because it is obvious to Keith Lance could not go if 3 or more of the monster decided to attack together. So he tells the other speculators to wait 5 minutes so he can save Lance, they say 1 or they might miss the opportunity to blow the most important titans.  So that is the best he can get. Keith starts going down to the arena where Lance is, resolved to his bones to WIN and pulverise anything that dares harm his… friend
Lance has been streaking of with his bow any monster who is falling for his taunt and pinning some of them against each other but arrows are limited and he lost his sword back with the Kampe. Monsters seem to be picking up that too because the circle is getting tighter and there is no way out but if he is going down he is going down fighting. Keith gets to him 
-queue to some serious Ares Blessing Moment-
 Lance shoots his last  two arrows and starts hitting monsters with his bow …and then Keith is in front of him , red glow around him and practically…invincible. Lance is half jealous, but also half in awe. Keith is more than a natural wielding not one but two swords (his spatha and a new golden gladius) (was that even possible??) The monsters who were all focused in Lance didn’t see Keith coming at them Keith passed him his spatha in the middle of the fight and it was even better than when they were sparring at camp. They didn’t need words to know what to do and they were holding it well against the monsters and it felt that, at that rhythm two demigods did had an opportunity to come out alive. A second later shiro’s metal arm appeared harming  a monster, and Keith just yells at shiro “The floor!” and takes lance, holds on to shiro and BAM-
There is no more floor! the explosion takes half of the Arena , many monsters start falling and shiro is concentrating the entire power he is channelling from the very deep of his gut into not letting these two demigods and himself fall with the rest of the confused monsters. The explosion gave him enough wind to fly a bit and it is the best he has felt since entering the damned labyrinth. And soon gets them to their even larger group.
- NOW they are all reunited!
They are all happy to be reunited again, but it is Big Awkward tm. Lance was SO close of dying so many times it stopped making sense, Keith  is a roman Legacy,Adam is alive but spend a weird amount of time on tartarus and then with the baddies and that mess up any demigod,  shiro and him have a silent treatment going (weighted by all  the things they want to say to to each other that have been accumulating for they time apart) Allura is a bit heartbroken and confused because everything she knows is going down, Pidge literally let Lance distract the monsters because it was the only logical thing to do but he is also her friend and it was…not a good decision and she knows it. And Hunk, the Hephaestus child is trying his hardest in keeping them going somewhere. while taking the rescued mortals out of the labyrinth.So they head to the next exit they find to regroup and think what they are going to do.
Allura met the boss speculators augusti, Kolivan , and she is shocked something so secret has been running alongside her camp for so long…but she is relieved not all romans are on the bad side and gives her hope that camp jupiter has survived so many things They tell her to not open suspicion to lotor when they get to san francisco…so they have more of an element of surprise to defeat him.The Roman BoM is down to closing any doors from inside the labyrinth, rescue any other mortal that could be helping the army and Get to camp mt othrys, after all they have ariadne;s string to navigate that hellhole.
Lance is decided to follow Pidge advice and reallt talk to Keith, after all they were working well together, it has been a life or death situation but somehow it felt just right , being with keith, fighting side by side, it felt like they could do anything.
“Hey man…Thanks for saving m- “and keith interrupts him angry and welp, that is so not what lance was expecting “are you insane? WHAT? what the fuck where you thinking, are you a martyr? do you have a death wish? if you ever get in some stupid situation like that again I….” and keith shuts up but Lance follows anyway, “you what? UH KEITH? you WHAT!? “Keith: “just get out of the way and let the others do their job” and thats is the last drop for lance,”am i in the way? YOU are on mine. you are always on my way. I know you think i cant do this , you think so low of me that i cant survive on my own, we all know you are so good , a Natural, well, you are not the only capable hero-” Keith :”ï dont care about being a stupid hero! “ Lance: “WELL, I DO” lance is about to cry and is when  keith knows he cant keep being around lance, he doesn’t want him in danger and Lance will only keep heading first to complete that damned quest. Keith  knows lance is good he is what heroes are made of and honesty that scares him. Heroes don’t have happy endings, right?.  Lance just stands up and goes. It all was a mistake, going to Keith was a mistake and he was a fool for believe he and keith were even playing on the same field because every time it seems they have something going it ends up even worse.
and keith is not even surprised it all ended up badly he knows the demigod way and it is that for every good thing that happens, something worse is coming: adam is alive - he seems like he’s seen death, he found the truth about himself - the romans are this close on bringing Kronos back, he gets close to lance fighting side by side - apparently lance hates him, SO…ketith decides to go with his mom , “after all adma is here, you are six now for the quest , and…we will find each other again at mt othrys or camp jupiter”  he tells them 
And the guy just…LEAVES. everyone is a like “don’t be a stranger, see yah soon,  BYEEEE” well, Keith found his family his entire legacy thing so…they  show all the support they can . BUt Lance, he cant believe Keith is quitting! now that is betrayal even so…he was the one who tell Keith to leave(him alone).
Keith disappears through the labyrinth with his mom and the Speculatores and the rest of the team is left to get to camp Jupiter and try to stop Lotor  before Kronos Army gets to Mount Othrys and free the titan Atlas.
BONUS DOODLE because you made till the end!
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THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR READING! you all deserve another golden star!!
Hope you are enjoying this story, also I think there is only one update left!!
and if you have ANY question, i am Happy to solve anything
and consider donating to my KO-FI, maybe???
Also, another pull through for @monthlyklance in their Klance AU Month
SO YOU KNOW, the speculatores Augusti  existed and were distinguished by special secret boots, all is super secret and i thought it fitted perfectly to the Blade of Marmora.
I use Kronos even when referring to Romans because changing names too much confuses me :T
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rayssion · 8 months
Reading updates, which turned into a quick chat!
Finished reading Rick's books!
So here are the new books I finished lately:
Percy Jackson's greek gods.
Percy Jackson's greek heroes.
Camp half-blood confidential.
Camp Jupiter classified.
9 from the nine worlds.
I have to say that there was a lot of information in greek gods and greek heroes (considering I never read the illiad or the odyssey) that I felt like my brain might explode, BUT the books were so much fun and the writing knows how to keep you hooked that I couldn't put them down!
Pjo greek gods took me a day to finish (because I already had enough base on them) and greek heroes took me two days (because my knowledge here is not even a scratch, only what I learned reading pjo and hoo about Dedalus and Hercules, and I had a general idea of Psyche) also it had a bunch of weird names that I can't pronounce nor remember. The greek heroes one had a lot of crossovers, now, if I had an exam on them I'd pretty much write down these crossovers to remember them later, and I'd do other things like revising the hero's journey from memory after I finish.
But I did none of that. You don't understand, once you finish a hero's story there would be a moment of silence to admire them or to grief for them before launching onto the next. I was devastated when I finished Jason's and I was like, that's it? Did I really read the whole book?
To which a sane person will probably respond "go read Homer's books then!" But not yet, I'm not ready for big books yet ;-;.
Good stuff, good stuff. Highly recommended.
Now, I enjoyed camp Jupiter classified more than camp half-blood confidential (not because of Apollo, I swear). But a consistent story is really more fun than story chops that can also be two paragraphs.
Also camp half-blood confidential was focused on the lands and how to introduce them, their use and other things. On the other hand, camp Jupiter classified was literally "a probatio's journey" it was really fun reading about Claudia, although the plot was meh in my opinion, and I just hated how she didn't confront any authority from the beginning.
I read camp half-blood confidential in the same day I read Percy Jackson's greek gods. And I read camp Jupiter classified after reading Percy Jackson's greek heroes, like in the second day, aka like I finished it three hours ago.
And I read 9 from the nine worlds after and finished it like 15 minutes ago? Idk it was a packed day.
For 9 from the nine worlds, it hurts me to say I didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the mcga series. Like the stories where fun but I only felt the same way the pjo fans felt while reading the lost hero, I was like,
Until I reached Alex's part and I was like,
In conclusion, I felt like I was robbed. I pretty much highlighted every line his name was mentioned because I'm that petty and I just miss him so much ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.
Anyways, this pretty much concludes my journey with Ricks books, I still have like 10 books left? to read them all, but they seem pretty boring ngl, guides and whatnot (not that I actually read them, I only judged by the title, lol).
And this also leaves the demigods and magicians crossover, which I might read in the future, emphasis on might.
But for now, I'm pretty contented with 30 books by Rick Riordan (ooof 30?? Damn I really got carried away) and just so you know, I started like by the end of July/beginning of August so they took me almost three months (I'm blaming tsats for the two weeks long reading slumber).
But yeah, only the rankings are left now! See you soon, hopefully!!
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The Trials of Apollo #3: The Burning Maze Book Review
By Rick Riordan
5/5 stars
Summary: After waking up as a mere mortal, Apollo must navigate Zeus’ punishment as he and his demigod companion/master Meg travel to San Francisco to rescue a third oracle from the clutches of yet another Roman emperor that is not quite dead. With the help of some familiar faces and friendly nature spirits, Apollo continues to understand the hardships of the demigods and must learn the stakes are much higher than the loss of his seat on Olympus.
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Apollo’s Character Development
In the previous books of the Trials of Apollo series, Apollo’s character was more of a means to an end for me. He provided a good laugh, but he wasn’t a hero. Not in the way that I was used to at least. Going into the series, I expected a Percy Jackson type or even Percy himself. Does anyone else have that problem? In every series written by Riordan, whether Greek mythology or other, I always want Percy to jump in and save the day. I live and breathe Percy Jackson, and I would totally be okay if every book just turned into another PJO novel. But alas, that cannot be.
Back to Apollo though: In fight scenes, he normally doesn’t get in on the action until the final blow must be struck or until he remembers something helpful from his years as a god. In that way, he’s sort of a looking glass for the reader; he sees and interacts with characters I care more about. It wasn’t until this book did I finally find a connection to Apollo. It takes some work and certain demigods to bring his pompous ass back to the mortal realm but it happens. Because of this shift in him, The Burning Maze becomes more than just another journey to secure another oracle. I foresee the book as a turning point in the series, one that Riordan can never go back from.
Plot Structure
Rick Riordan has a unique way of structuring his books that has become apparent to me over the years. A classic Riordan book normally includes a beginning chapter that plants the reader right in the middle of the action (and this books does not lack that) along with a few chapters to decompress, all the while learning new information that may aid the main characters in their journeys, a sprinkle of character development, and maybe a hint of a good ole plot twist. The pattern continues like this: a few chapters where action-packed battle scenes filled with heroism entice the reader, and then, as the fighting winds down, a few chapters follow as the characters gather to strategize, impart some wisdom and whatnot as the sequence replays once again. 
 As I’ve grown older, I’ve found it harder to remain focused while reading Riordan’s novels, which is a given considering they’re aimed at a middle grade audience. However, The Burning Maze was a delightful surprise in regards to my attention span. I couldn’t seem to put it down despite how hard I tried. Yes, it may be cliché to say that, but there is some truth in clichés. Riordan’s new novel followed, well, a plot that wasn’t predictable at all in terms of structure. The storyline felt more nuanced as not one but two major conflicts drove the characters forward. The chapters didn’t lead up to an epic Riordan-esque final battle. Without spoiling, the plot for me hastened towards two pivotal moments, each a hundred pages apart. One was completely expected and one was not.
The Side Characters! (minor spoilers in this section)
First of all, I never really cared about Meg, but this book really changed my perception of both her and Apollo. They make a strange duo, and yet it somehow works. As Meg and Apollo search for the third oracle, they find a group of nature spirits that need their help and are somehow connected to their quest. The interactions between Meg and these nature spirits as well as revelations about her past turn a once prickly character into someone more tolerable, even enjoyable. The care that both Meg and Apollo have towards each other along with their funny banter really makes their relationship more relatable.
As soon as I read the end of the preceding book, I couldn’t wait to see what our good friend Grover had been up to since the original PJO series. His role as a guide brought back some major feels, especially as he helped the mains navigate the Labyrinth. I enjoyed reading about this character again, and I’m glad he wasn’t anything more than their guide. Riordan perfectly balanced his role and appearances in the book.
Piper has grown so much as a character, and it’s really noticeable in this book. What’s interesting about The Trials of Apollo is that the series shows us characters we know and love through the perspective of a fresh face. Seeing Piper take on more responsibility and aid Apollo on a quest instead of being the demigod on the quest was extremely different but quite enjoyable. It was such a bittersweet moment for me to read about her again. For those who might have found her annoying in the HoO series, I think you may like her better as a side character. Apollo somewhat idolizes everyone because they are more capable than him and that makes them more admirable. 
WOW, Piper and Jason?! Two mains from previous books in more than just a few scenes? I am truly living life here. Thanks Uncle Rick. I’ll be honest, I never liked Jason Grace. At one point, I truly despised him. He annoyed me. But now that he’s not constantly pitted against my fav Percy, I have developed a newfound respect and fondness for his character. Once again, it’s truly amazing to see these characters from my childhood grow up. They’re figuring out their lives and going to school. It made my eyes water a little at the bittersweetness of it all. 
I don’t want to spoil too much but Coach, Mellie, and their kid are adorable. That is all.
Thanks for reading! We hoped you enjoyed our non-spoilery review! Come back later for the spoilery stuff, or keep reading at your own risk! Check out our other reviews here.
The Death of Jason Grace
Jason dies wtf
nothing else matters
LIKE WHAT i am still shooketh how can this possible be?!
Okay I avoided writing this review for a few weeks because of Jason Grace. It honestly shocked me. At first, I didn’t know how to react. I cried a little. My childhood character, despite my past hatred for him, had been killed. Then I was furious. How could Rick Riordan do this to me? To the fandom? All we want is for our precious babies to be happy. THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY! And yet a hero never gets what he deserves.
After reflecting on it, I now understand the necessity of Jason’s death. Before this book, I didn’t really take this series seriously, and gurl, was that a big mistake. After reading The Hidden Oracle, I considered Apollo’s adventures as a joyride down memory lane. Oh look, over there, is that Percy in Camp Half-Blood? Leo and Calypso riding Festus? Piper and Jason living in San Fran? I loved it. The nostalgia was overwhelming and I couldn’t read them fast enough. But that soon ended with the murder of both Jason Grace and my soul. Now, the stakes are raised and I’ve learned from my mistakes. Riordan knows how to draw in the readers. I should have seen this coming, and yet, like that unforgettable drop into Tartarus, these characters and I will never be the same.
Another thing about Jason’s death: it really hurt. I just needed to reiterate that I felt physical pain in my chest while reading that scene, almost like I was the one being impaled instead of Jason. And to make it worse, Caligula didn’t just impale Jason and then leave. Oh no, Rick just had to make Caligula stab him again for good measure. Rub in the finality of his death with each jab of his golden spear. Jason was the perfect hero to die and that made everything a hundred times worse. He followed the rules. He was truly good. Which made it all the more heartbreaking when his adherence to the rules wasn’t enough to save his life.
ANOTHER thing: the fuck you mean Piper and Jason broke up? Yeah, not everyone can be Percabeth but really? I found myself shipping them more while they were separated than when they were actually dating. Damn, this book was pretty good. And Piper never had a final goodbye? AND LEO?! HE LITERALLY FLEW TO MEET THEM ONLY TO FIND JASON DEAD? I had to reread some of HoO because of this terrible nostalgia, and it just made me think: was that the last time they were all together? During the battle against Gaea? And now that will be the very last time, because Jason Grace is dead. And like I said before, there’s just no going back.
Thanks for reading! We hoped you enjoyed both our non-spoilery and spoilery reviews! Check out our other reviews here!
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rainagainstmywindow · 6 years
Fallen Heroes
So...I had to. Obvious SPOILER ALERT for THAT spoiler in TBM. This is the Greeks finding out about Jason. I know the timeline is murky but bear with me.
Percy was having the first normal day at camp in months when the nereids brought everything to a screeching halt. Most campers knew better than to pay much attention to the beautiful women that lived in Camp Half-Blood’s canoe lake. They loved to take advantage of those unfortunate souls who didn’t know about their tendency to flirt until they got you close enough to dump you inside of the lake. The naiads had always paid special attention to Percy, him being the son of the sea god and all, but these weren’t regular water spirits. Nereids lived strictly in salt water, the fact that they were in the lake caught Percy’s attention right away. That and the utter look of devastation in their beautiful faces. They were definitely not there to flirt with him.
Percy didn’t pay much attention to the questions from the Stolls brothers and Clarisse as he deviated from their way to the dining pavilion. He walked up to the nereids, already fearing for the worst. He tried to calm his nerves by reminding himself that Annabeth was probably already waiting for him in the Athena table; he’d seen her not two hours ago. She was fine. “My Lord,” started the nereid. Percy didn’t know her. Something was definitely wrong. “We’ve been looking for you. Something’s happened. My sisters in the Pacific tell me a hero has fallen.” Annabeth is fine. It’s not her. You just saw her. Through his nerves he made sense of what the nereid was saying. Pacific? She probably meant California.
“Is it Camp Jupiter?”
The woman submerged herself for a moment. Through the water Percy could see her consulting another nereid he’d never seen before. She looked younger, shaken. She finally came back up, nodding. “The boy bore the mark of the Romans, but it doesn’t appear to be the other Camp. He wasn’t alone, though.”
Piper. Jason. A hero has fallen. The boy. “What happened? Who else was there?”
“The others are alive but the boy perished. I’m sorry, my Lord. We can’t sustain ourselves in these waters much longer.”
“Wait!” Percy reached out and caught her wrist before she could fully submerge herself again. “Are you certain? Are you sure?”
Her dark blue eyes softened, looking up at him sadly. “Yes, my Lord. My sisters made sure to at least retrieve the body. There was nothing left to do.” Percy’s hand went slack and she swam away quickly.
Maybe it’s not him. It can’t be him. Not Jason.
“Jackson!” Clarisse’s voice zapped him out of his panic. “You done getting your fill of gossip? We’re gonna be late for dinner!” She walked to where he was kneeling and pulled on his arm. Whatever she was going to say died away when she caught his expression. “What happened?”
“Where’s Nico?” The son of Hades had confirmed his fears when Beckendork died. He’d know. Especially if it was Jason. He’d know.
“What? I dunno probably sucking face with Solace. Why-”
“I need to find him.” He got up and started heading towards the cabins but Clarisse caught his arm. He turned towards her. She was looking at his hands, which Percy just now noticed were shaking. He balled them into fist and shrugged her hand away. “I’m fine,” his friends had seen him and Annabeth struggle to more than a couple panic attacks since coming back from Greece. “Something’s happened. Something...I just need to make sure first.”
Clarisse looked like she wanted to say more and now she was definitely getting worried, but Percy’s sense of urgency was obvious and she let him go. She nodded and called for Travis and Connor, who had observed the whole interaction from a few feet away, to follow her back to the dining pavilion.
Percy’s brain felt sluggish. He tried to recall Nico’s schedule but his panic had turned to dread and his heart was beating so loudly it was impossible to listen to his thoughts. His feet instinctively took him back to Nico’s cabin. His eyes fell on his hunched from right away. His back was to Percy and he was sitting on the ledge of the bed. He walked towards him and almost tripped over his sword and shield. Clearly, he’d rushed into the cabin. “Nico.” He didn’t jump at the sound of his name. He’d heard Percy come in.
“He’s gone, Percy. “ He turned the slightest bit towards Percy so only half his face was visible. But Percy could see the shine of tears in his eyes. “Jason’s dead.”
Percy didn’t feel anything. His mind wa still reeling with dread and panic. What Nico was saying just made no sense. Jason couldn’t be dead. He’d killed a Titan with his hands. They’d just won a war. This didn’t happen now.
He didn’t say any of this to Nico, though. Because, through the noise of his thoughts and furious heartbeat, he’d caught the utter devastation in his voice. He rushed to him, seating beside him so he could see his pale, tear-stained face. With a jolt, Percy remembered how he looked when they’d rescued him from Ephialtes. He wore that same empty look in his eyes. Percy couldn’t bear it. “Nico.”
“I felt him go...I wanted to call his- his spirit but,” his voice finally broke. Percy hugged him, something awful hurting his chest at the sound of sobs racking through the younger boy. Percy knew that Jason had managed to connect with Nico in a way that everyone else had failed in the past. He was his friend, a good friend. Percy clung to that feeling of numbness. He couldn’t allow himself to lose it. Nico got to lose it. Nico deserved it.
Percy held him for what felt like an hour. It could’ve been ten minutes. His brain was still sluggish. Eventually, Nico calmed down enough to wipe his face. Percy knew him well enough now to know he’d want to do something erratic. He couldn’t blame him, but Percy also knew he’d just end up hurting himself more. “You can’t go looking for him, Nico. Not now at least.” Percy expected him to be angry, almost welcomed it. He needed to know he’d be okay before he did anything else. “Just let me figure everything out.”
“It doesn’t make sense for me not to look for him, Percy. How else are we supposed to know what happened? If someone else is hurt?”
He wasn’t alone. A new wave of worry for Piper, Reyna, Dakota, all the romans, stirred in Percy. Tyson! Nico made a lot of sense, but Percy didn’t want to let him.
“You’d think the gods would break their radio silence for something like this…”
“Did you try to contact your Dad?” Nico nodded, clearly he hadn’t gotten through to him. “Can you even go to the Underworld right now?”
“Probably not. But I could summon...him.”
Percy shook his head. That would just tangle Nico more and more into whatever was happening. Percy suspected it was probably linked to Apollo and whatever he’d been doing these past months. “You didn’t feel anyone else?” Last time Percy had seen Apollo he’d been with Leo. He was certain Piper wouldn’t have let Jason go on any quests alone, even after whatever had happened between them.
Percy pushed his brain to go into overdrive, grasping at any possible course of action. Their silence was interrupted by someone opening the door. Will looked from Percy to Nico, panic turning into worry. “What happened?” He too rushed towards Nico, who took his hand but said nothing.
Percy looked past Will to the other person that had followed him in. Annabeth was asking him a million questions with her eyes. Are you okay? What happened? It was getting harder and harder for Percy to cling to his initial shock. “Jason’s dead.” Annabeth froze in her tracks, he felt Will do the same besides Nico. “We don’t really know what happened yet. But he’s definitely gone. Nico...felt him go.”
Annabeth’s gray eyes grew wide, still asking him, confused. She turned towards Nico, looked back at Percy. Is it true?
Percy needed to do something. He needed a plan, needed to know what to do, how to fix it. You can’t fix this. He got up, avoiding Annabeth’s pleading stare. Will looked at him. “Stay with Nico,” he told him. Don’t let him do anything rash. Will nodded and Percy moved towards the door, taking Annabeth’s hand and guiding her outside.
Percy tried to think of anything he could do. I’ll just go to California myself. “Percy,” Annabeth said somewhere behind him. He hadn’t let go of her hand, he couldn’t let go. I have to find Apollo and Meg. “Percy.” Annabeth’s voice was firmer this time. She stopped and he was forced to stop as well. He only then realized he was standing right in front of the Zeus cabin. Maybe he’d been heading to his own. Either way, he stepped back when he saw the familiar marble door. Annabeth seemed to share his trepidation and guided them to her own cabin instead. It was thankfully empty since everyone was at dinner. She pushed him down onto her bed. “Tell me what happened.”
Percy recounted everything that had happened in the last hour robotically. Annabeth never interrupted him until he was finished. She looked as shocked as he felt but finally managed to say. “Do we know if the rest are okay? Piper?”
“Nico didn’t feel anyone else go. The nereids didn’t say much either, but I’m sure it has something to do with Apollo and Meg’s quest. Leo might’ve been with them.”
Percy heard Annabeth curse beside him. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. It didn’t feel real. Everytime Percy had a nightmare about losing his friends, he was always there. He’d always been there, one way or another. It was the only way it felt real. Besides, Jason was one of the most powerful demigods he’d ever met. It just didn’t make sense.
Percy. Through his sluggish thoughts he made out the sound of his name. He was sure Annabeth hadn’t said a word in a while. This was something different. Percy.
Grover? He hadn’t heard from his best friend in months, hadn’t used their empathy link since before Hera kidnapped him. Grover is that you? A rush of excitement, immediately accompanied by despair overcame him. Percy saw a brief glimpse of Grover’s dirty high tops as he walked through what looked like a forest.
Percy something awful happened. Jason…
I heard something from a nereid here at camp. Where are you?
I’m in California. He’s really gone, Percy. I’m sorry. Hedge and Mellie went with Piper.
What happened? His vision suddenly flashed with images of a weird assembly of people. They had to be the strangest collection of nymphs he’d ever seen. As he looked closer he noticed Meg McCaffrey’s bruised face, Hedge, Mellie, and of course, the one and only Lester Papadopoulos. He couldn’t catch everything he said and his voice got frailer and frailer as he recounted what happened. But Percy got the gist of it. Another Roman Emperor, Caligula, had surfaced. Medea had helped him. They almost didn’t make it out. Jason sacrificed himself.
Afterwards, I went with Meg and Apollo to the burning maze. Medea was there. We wouldn’t have made it out in time but Piper killed her just in time. They got a new prophecy, Perce. Something about Reyna. Caligula’s on his way to Camp Jupiter.
The words ‘Piper killed her’ rang in Percy’s brain. Are you with them? Are you going to Camp Jupiter?
No. I’m heading home, Percy. Piper left for Oklahoma with Leo and the Hedges.
Good, Percy thought. At least Piper wasn’t alone, he would get to see Grover. How are you getting here? The gods have us on radio silence and none of our communications work.
I’ll try out the labyrinth and find local nymphs or satyrs. I have to go now, whatever’s affecting our communications isn’t doing wonders for our empathy link. I’m sorry about Jason.
Just be safe. Keep in touch.
We need to tell Thalia, Percy. Last I heard, the hunters were in Indianapolis. With that, the connection finally gave out.
This morning his biggest worry had been school, college, his SAT results. He was back to being normal for the briefest of moments. Now, one of his friends was dead and the other Camp was about to be attacked. War never seemed to stop. It followed him everywhere he went. “That was Grover in the empathy link,” he told Annabeth. She immediately perked up. He recounted what he’d told him.
“No.” She shook her head in disbelief, letting go of his hand and pacing around the cabin. “I should’ve been there. Piper-”
“She’s got Leo and Hedge and Mellie. She’s walking away from it, Annabeth.” Angry tears had started running down her face. She didn’t even bother wiping them away, imagining what her friend was going through while she was all the way on the other side of the country, with no way of reaching her. “Annabeth, Thalia doesn’t know.”
That got her to stop pacing. The look she gave him mirrored exactly what he felt. No, not her. She doesn’t deserve this. “Grover said she might be in Indianapolis.”
They had both immediately seemed to have come to the agreement to put everything else on hold. Whatever attempts at not getting involved before were out of the question now. There was always going to be something to be done. They’d both always prefer to do it themselves than to have it fall onto someone else’s shoulders.
Annabeth hadn’t stopped crying, but she steeled her expression, nodding. “We need to call a head counselor meeting. Tell Chiron. Burn his shroud.” Like Percy, she was already grasping for a plan.
They didn’t waste any time delivering the news. Everyone in the rec room of the Big House had lost someone before. Half of the counselors had gotten there because their sibling had died. Percy didn’t fail to notice that half of the faces there were different than the ones a year prior. Beckendorf, Silena, Michael, now Jason. It still stunned everyone into silence. The death of a child of the Big Three, a child of Jupiter, changed everything.
“Nico and I,” said Will after a few moments, “we’ll design the shroud.” No one objected.
“What about my sister?” Whispered Drew. It was all too familiar to her. “She can’t be alone right now.”
“She isn’t,” Percy assured her. She nodded, wiping away at her face, oblivious to her makeup. “Grover also told me Caligula was on his way to Camp Jupiter.”
“We can’t even warn them,” said Clarisse bitterly. “Or send back up. It won’t make it in time.”
“Meg and Apollo are on their way. Besides, Caligula is travelling through water, right?” Chiron was about to protest from his place at the other end of the ping-pong table, but Percy held up a pleading hand, the other was once again secured around Annabeth’s. “Tyson is there, Chiron. We can’t leave the Romans alone” Annabeth had insisted on going with him. They’d have to leave right away, tomorrow at the latest. Percy hoped Grover got to Camp before then. They’d have better intel and he just hadn’t seen him in so long. No one liked it, but the only one that looked like she wanted to object was Clarisse. It was just the only way less people got involved. Percy and Annabeth were the most powerful demigods, their leaders. They were the best backup they could send. “Someone’ll have to tell Thalia too.”
“I’ll go,” said Nico. It was the first time he’d spoken during the whole meeting. “I can move around fast and can get the hunters to Camp Jupiter if I find them in time.”
It was Percy’s turn to protest but Annabeth pulled on his hand. She gave Will a look and he said: “I’ll go with him.”
Percy looked at Nico. Before, he would’ve defied him. I’m not a child! You’re not the boss of me! But he’d grown up so much since then, been through so much. The war chased him as much as it did Percy. He didn’t object, a small agreement passing between him and Nico. Percy trusted him. He knew why he needed to do this. He couldn’t protect him because he knew how to defend himself, could hold his own. “That’s settled then,” he said.
After everyone started shuffling away, Clarisse came up to Percy and Annabeth. “I’ll go with you guys,” her voice sounded strange. “You shouldn’t even be going. I can’t believe Chiron would let you.”
“We didn’t ask him, Clarisse,” Annabeth told her. “We’re not asking you to go either.”
“Just walk away. You’ve earned it, both of you. No one has done more. I get that you want to do something about Jason, but he’s gone. It’s just the way it is. Let someone else...” She was pleading, her brown eyes uncharacteristically tearful. They both knew how much Clarisse didn’t want to go. She finally had a good, stable life. She was only at camp now because her and Chris got some unexpected time off from college in Arizona. They’d just gone through a war, no one deserved to go.
Percy thought back to his first weeks of camp, when Clarisse was ready to zap him with his electrical spear, her anger towards him after defeating her father. Then, that time with her godly brothers, showing her her deepest fears: her friends perishing around her, among them Percy. They’d come a long way, fought wars together. He’d gladly fight another if it meant she got the life she was starting now. “You’re not going with us Clarisse. That’s final.” She immediately bristled at the sound of being given an order from Percy, because she was Clarisse. “You’re going to go back to Arizona with Chris, and you’re going to live your life.” She looked to Annabeth, as if begging her to make him see sense. But her mind was as made up as his. “Go Clarisse. I need you to go.”
She looked like she was going to punch Percy. He braced himself, but instead she hugged him, pulling Annabeth in with her other huge arm. “Damn you! Damn you both!” She squeezed them so hard Percy felt his ribs protest, but he hugged her back just as hard. She’d made it, is all he could think. While some heros fell, sacrificed themselves, others got to see the other side. That’s why he fought, not for the gods, Roman or Greek, but for his family. For those who were good, who deserved the happiness that others sought to tarnish. If he had to, he would fight for the rest of his life for them.
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