#and just keep playing it because I'm desperately hoping a better game comes along that plays similar
the-punforgiven · 1 year
Sometimes I am reminded that For Honor can be both the most fun shit in the world and also the most viscerally unfun thing to ever exist in the universe and it depends entirely on who you're fighting and how many of them there are
#Idk what they did to make my favourite event exhausting to play but I'm just grappling with that still#Every time Test your Metal has been around I've been SO excited#like it is without question my favourite event mode#but idk they brought it back again and it just feels so much worse to play now#and I really honestly genuinely have no idea why#because on paper it's basically no different than it used to be#so like#why is it just not fun to me anymore#am I just worse now? did my extended hiatuses from this game make me just bad? Like is it a skill issue?#Is my deep anger and disappointment at the devs' attempts to bleed every cent from people possible just venting through a different outlet?#Is this because of the balance changes they've made to every character in-between now and the last time this event happened#gradually homogenizing the cast into the same orange-or-blue 50/50 guessing game?#Am I realizing that idk if I even actually like playing For Honor most of the time anymore#and just keep playing it because I'm desperately hoping a better game comes along that plays similar#and am just imagining this theoretical other game whenever I play it thinking about the potential it had#that was wholly squandered by making it an always-online live service game that egregiously haggled you for cash at every turn?#I genuinely don't know#all I know is that I'm tired man#I'm just deeply painfully tired#and only partly because it is 6:30am and I haven't slept yet#lmao#Pun's text Posts#for honor
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ghouljams · 6 months
Normally I wouldn't be on anon, but I'm a little embarrassed about sending in this specific ask since it's a wee bit personal.
I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your portrayal of Moon and Soap's relationship! When I was a little younger, I went through a period of time (about 5-6 years?) where the men I was nearby would play a "fun" game where they would every week or so torment me by coming up to me and admitting they had feelings for me, or ask me on a date.
They, of course, had no intention of actually going out with me, nor did they like me at all, it was merely an enjoyable game to play with the feelings of the weird autistic woman who struggles with social interactions at the best of times. If I went along with it then I was taunted for being so stupid to think someone far better than myself would ever lower themselves far enough to ask me out, and if I denied them? Then I was a stuck-up bitch who thought too highly of herself.
After enduring this for years I've learned that when a man flirts with me my immediate course of action should be to push them away as fast and aggressively as possible. Don't bother trying to find out if there are any actual genuine feelings there, just chase them away. Snap at them. Ignore them. Cut them with words and actions. Don't ever trust that they're being honest.
I think this is why I see so much of myself in Moon. If a handsome beefcake like Soap approached me and started calling me pretty? Yeah, I would definitely try to get rid of him as fast as possible. I mean, a charismatic, gorgeous man like that showing interest? Nah, there must be something suspicious going on.
I like that Moon hisses and spits like a feral cat whenever she sees Soap, regardless of the way she does like him, because that behavior just hits so close to home. And the way that Soap sees through that and just keeps being determined to get through to her? What a man.
I love all your other darlings, it's fun to pretend to be some confident, sociable person in the lovely worlds you've build, but Moon and Soap just feel like home.
I hope this isn't too cringe, I just wanted you to know that your works really touch people <3
It's not cringe at all!! You're saying something true and beautiful, and nothing genuine should be considered cringe.
Moon is one of my favorite characters to write because she's such a delicate balancing act. She's brash and confident in her work, but her self confidence is false at best. She's learned to push people away before they get close enough to hurt her, but she desperately wants people close. In my mind Moon likely went through a similar experience of people asking her out or flirting with her as a joke. I see her as a very weird and lonely kid (interpret that as you will) that had one or two close friends and didn't really bloom until she went to college. I see her settling in the cowboy's town as her chance to reinvent herself, so she becomes the person she wished she'd been during those rough times: someone tough and take no shit, always speaking her mind, not being afraid to say "no" or tell someone to fuck off.
And Soap sees through that because he's the same way! Soap just went the opposite direction: charming, funny, lots of smiles and confidence to hide that he's sort of fucked up inside. Soap's deeply serious, he needs validation from the people around him, he's desperate to do good in the world, he's reckless and bull headed, and stubborn as shit, but people don't like that so he becomes someone else. Of course he'd want to chase down the one person that would understand that, that can see through his cocksure layers to the intelligent asshole underneath. In his mind there's no one else he could ever love, that would love him the way Moon can, wholly.
That's not to say they don't have their problems, but I don't think they ever have a genuine argument. They might bicker but it's never genuine, and the times when they hurt each other it's always quick to resolve. Soap trusts that Moon is only trying to protect herself, that she doesn't want to hurt him, she's just scared. Truthfully I think he's a little scared too, scared that his charm doesn't work on her, that she sees him for who he is and still treats him the same way she does everyone, that he feels so strongly about her. I think he's scared of how eagerly he keeps coming back, because he knows once she lets him in he'll never be able to let her go. (and I think Moon knows that too, that once Soap has her she'll never want to leave, and what is she supposed to do if he doesn't want her anymore?)
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bothoutsiders · 10 months
Bruce: You seem happy with Jason.
Tim: My husband is a better man then most would have him out to be.
Bruce: He's a dangerous man.
Tim: Bruce, you are a dangerous man. Superman, your best friend, is a dangerous man. As the late Ra's al Ghul will tell you, I am dangerous. Life is dangerous. Only death is free of risk. And I'm in no hurry to be safe.
hey, anon! thanks for the request and i apologize for taking so long. i was unsure of how to take this so i did something different and made it in third-person but bruce's pov. hope it's alright :)
It was true, all of them were indeed dangerous but that was not the point. Tim had done something he didn’t approve of. He dared to break the rules, to take control of his own life and make his own awful mistakes. He did something terrible, something that Bruce never planned out for him.
Perhaps it was all Bruce’s fault. He had failed as a mentor, as a role model but he had thought it was just a phase.
He had pretended he didn’t know what had been happening behind his back. That he didn’t notice when Tim didn’t come back home to sleep or that there was peace in the streets. No violent killings from Red Hood.
‘They might be getting along.’ A silly thought that crossed his mind a long time ago. ‘Tim might be good for Jason. Might convince him to stop killing.’ Or perhaps a way to have a leash on Jason.
One thing was to fix him, another one was to marry him. What was Tim even thinking?!
And the sole thought of it made his blood boil. The anger and frustration building up inside of him. His intention was to play nice, to not be so direct and harsh, but Tim wasn’t making things easy for him.
“He is still a criminal, Tim. He uses violence and he’s unstable. There is no bright future by his side.” His patience had run thin by now but it was very hard for Bruce to keep quiet. To not show how this bothered him.
“We all are criminals. We use violence and you in particular are very unstable. There’s no bright future for me here. I’m always under your rules, your opinions, your tricks. You’re always making decisions for me, even when I’m not looking. You placed people in my way for a purpose and you push away others if you don’t like them.” He shoved the last item inside his bag. “Once you couldn’t fix your relationship with Jason, once he stopped accepting your orders, you threw him away as if he meant nothing.”
No, no, no. Why couldn't he just accept things?! Why couldn't Tim just see things his way and stop trying to be something he was not?!
“That’s not true. You know I tried.”
“You never really tried. If you did, you would’ve done things differently. But you never did, Bruce.” He slung his backpack over one shoulder. “I’m done with you.”
Before Tim could walk out of his old bedroom at the mansion, Bruce hit the doorway with his fist, blocking the way. He was going mad and desperate. He might have wanted Tim to react, to get him angry and throw insults back at each other, to give Bruce a reason to hurt him, to make him feel bad. But nothing was going the way he wanted.
Tim wasn’t playing his game anymore. He was in control of his own feelings while Bruce wasn’t.
“You’re in my way.” His face was serious and even seemed to be already bored of this. Gritting his teeth, Bruce finally pulled away, letting Tim walk away.
He remembered the day that things got worse. Officially worse.
It was on the news, on the radio, printed on paper. It was everywhere and while Bruce wanted to ignore it, to pretend he knew nothing about it, it was simply impossible to run away from what the whole city was talking about.
It was not in his hands.
Bruce immediately left to the Watchtower, not wanting to hear or see more of it. He would rather focus on some international work than being reminded of what they have done.
When he arrived the first thing he saw was the huge screen on. Barry and Hal were already there, watching the news of Gotham city because of course they would use it for anything other than work.
“Care to turn that off?”
“I didn’t know little Tim got married, congrats!”
“Uhm… Hal– no–” Barry tried to interrupt while he turned the screen off immediately.
“I didn’t know he was marrying Jason though. Not judging, I’m just glad they are being a pain in the ass for you. I’ve heard about how Jason isn’t welcome at your place.” He sat down and rolled his chair toward Barry. “Not sure why he bans people who hate him though. Not like we are interested in going there.”
The thought of talking to Tim crossed his mind many times. He thought he still had time to nullify his marriage but his relationship with him wasn't that good anymore. Things happened and honestly Bruce never did much to fix what broke between them. He always thought Tim would see, eventually, that he meant good and he did care about him in his own way. He didn't know how to open up, how to be a proper mentor but he had good intentions and that should be more than enough.
Talking to Jason wasn’t in his options. He knew it wouldn't help at all. Jason was already broken and angry. While Bruce might see a glimpse in him of that small and good kid he used to be, Bruce knew it was impossible to make him understand. To convince him to make this right.
Jason was a lost case.
He could pay someone to invalidate the marriage, to make it disappear. He could do something and bring back Tim, to go back to the way things used to be. His mind was quick to make many different plans, to think about the outcome of every single one of them… But nothing seemed to have the ending he wanted.
Completely furious at this chain of events, Bruce took the clock on Tim’s bedside table and smashed it against the wall. While it had broken and there was no way of fixing it, it didn’t help. He didn’t feel any better. In a desperate need to take out his anger, he did the same with a book within reach. He threw it against the window and shattered the glass with it.
Nothing was going to change because of it, and he knew it, but he wanted to release his anger, show how upset it made him. How he wasn’t okay with what Tim and Jason had done. They had definitely done this to bother him.
He paused for a moment, mind going back to the options he had, because he wasn’t going to let this go that easy. Just then he heard the sound of some laughter and a bike.
Making sure no one from the outside would be able to see him, Bruce moved to the window, curious about what was going on downstairs. Just then, he saw them.
Both of them were there, smiling and laughing. Tim wrapped his arms around Jason, and once ready, they drove away.
The sight of them only left a bitter taste in his mouth.
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rosewould · 2 years
industry babies ; lmh, lyb, syj
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pairing; dom!reader x sub!mark lee, felix, & eric
words; 12.9k (what do I even say atp)
genre; idol!au, smut
warnings; dubcon! (eric's portion), unprotected sex, use of ma'am (eric) use of mommy (felix), lot's of handjobs, 69, dry humping, cunnilingus, piv, degradation, praise, use of baby boy, lots of saliva, this is very filthy, lemme know if I missed anything
preface; the sun's about to come up and shit. I love this dumb ass fic. Also this is so Felix focused like he's clearly the main character. Sorry about the weak Mark stuff. Let's see if I turn on this in the morning.
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Mark regards the two men that stand before him confused with a serious gaze. "Do you know why we're gathered here today?"
Felix and Eric glance at each other before staring back at Mark blankly. When he doesn't throw them a bone Felix sheepishly speaks up. "Well... you told us we were gonna play siege..." Felix's eyes narrow toward the dormant Xbox under Mark's TV before focusing again on the taller man. The intrepid look on Mark's face along with his... borderline authoritative aura made Felix think they were here for something other than video games.
"Forget siege," Mark says, in disbelief Felix was even thinking about games right now, "today is the first official meeting, gentleman!" He announces triumphantly, raising his arms into the air as if he expected confetti to rain down in celebration.
"No, this isn't a meeting because there isn't a club." Eric drones before pressing his lips into a thin line. Eric watches Mark with his hands pushed inside his pockets as he sputters in disbelief. "Besides, if there were a club, you sure as hell wouldn't be the leader."
"What? I'm the oldest."
"Nobody asked." Felix hurries to restrain Mark when he raises up his fist in pursuit of Eric. 
"Whether or not you believe in the club is not important," Mark speaks after collecting himself.
"No club to believe in." Eric sighs.
"because!" Mark yells over Eric before continuing, "I have good and bad news that I know you want to hear."
"Wait, what club?" Felix ponders, eyes wandering as he picks his brain. A light pink spreads across his cheeks as he gasps. "D-do you mean the..." Felix leans in closer and whispers, "Sub club?"
"Oh come on, don't be ashamed! There's nothing to be ashamed of! It's that kind of attitude that keeps the stigma alive." Mark's pat on Felix's shoulder does little to quell his embarrassment. "We need to be loud and proud so we can recruit more idols into the club."
"Mark, you've gotta let this go man." Eric presses, shaking his head at him with a look of incredulity. 
"If you're gonna insist the club isn't a thing, spare me." Mark seems sure of himself but falters when Eric starts walking away.
"If we're not playing siege then I'm gonna go play with Sunwoo."
"Fine! Leave! We don't need you anyway. I'm sure Kai would fill your place just fine."
"No one wants to join your imaginary club, Mark!" He shouts over his shoulder as he flings the door open. In desperation to save his already scarce club from becoming even more barren, he calls out your name. Eric stops, whipping around. 
"She's a femdom." A wide smile stretches across Mark's face as both Felix and Eric's faces light up. Felix swallows hard before peering over at Eric to gauge his reaction. His shocked expression melts into a pleased one.
"You better have proof." Eric smirks.
"This isn't proof, this is a fuckin' fan video." Eric gestures disinterestedly at Mark's desktop. Mark snaps his head toward Eric to shoot him a sharp glare. 
"Please don't tell me you don't have actual proof." Felix shuts his eyes with a disappointed sigh.
"Just trust me, okay? You guys didn't even give it a chance!" Mark shouts frantically, anxious about how fast the two of them were losing hope.
"I'm not gonna watch a video called "___ being a top for 10 minutes" and act like it's a credible source." Eric says flatly. 
"You know what? I'm being gracious here. I didn't have to tell you guys at all. I could've just kept her to myself without even giving you guys a chance!" Mark sounds more whiny than threatening but both men still give in.
"Let's just watch, okay?" Felix elbows Eric who rolls his eyes. Mark sighs, breathing a tiny "finally" before pressing play. 
After what felt like ten minutes of an intro alone, the video finally starts showing its "evidence" that you're a top. At first, it's just the regular fan service every idol is trained to provide. Claiming you were making your members "gay panic", even though that was probably planned too. 
"This is bullshit, I think." Says Eric in faux introspection. Mark swats at him before returning his eyes to the video. Felix is confused to find that Mark mouths every word spoken. He has it memorized. He shakes his head in bewilderment before tearing his eyes away to focus back on the video. 
The next section is about your supposed "sadistic nature". Felix can feel his face pinching with doubt until the clips start to play. They started off innocently enough, you reacting to your members getting hurt with a pout and faux sympathy. Sometimes the clip would end with a tiny smile gracing your features. Felix found it hard to ignore a strange sensation stirring in his belly.
"This is just her being cute, because that's who she is. As much as we want her to make us her bitch she's just not that kind of person." Eric inhales deeply before crossing his arms. "It's a shame, she really is my type."
"She's everyone's type. Why else do you think she gets so many sandwiches at Inkigayo?" Mark stops chewing his thumbnail momentarily to speak. 
"She's so pretty." Felix comments dreamily, resting his chin in his palm as he watches you. "If she is a femdom, it'll be too good to be true." 
"You know the saying. If it feels too good to be true, that means it probably is." 
Both Felix and Mark ignore Eric, completely consumed by the video. It progressed from a tiny smile when your members got a little hurt, to causing the pain yourself. And enjoying it. The three men gulp as they watch you playfight with different people and smile when they exclaimed in pain. 
"Does that hurt? Hm?" You laugh cruelly as Heechul recoils from your flick. The other hosts and your members burst into laughter but your eyes continue to linger on the pained man. You even maneuver your head to keep track of his reaction. You straighten your uniform jacket and join in on the laughter after Heechul recovers. 
"You know, you're kind of scary." Heechul laughs nervously before pulling his desk away from you. 
"Fuck, he's right." Eric breathes. He can feel saliva gathering on his tongue as he replays each of your reactions in his mind, inhaling a shuddering breath when he imagines it's him you're reacting to.
"See? And it only gets better." Mark quirks his brows at Eric. He's absolutely right, as the next section is about brat control. The video didn't label it as such, but it's all the boys perceived. You were very famous for being the perfect mom member. You did all the things it was stereotypical for a mother to do. You were the cleanliest, the best cook, the best at comforting your members, and so on. The side to your motherly nature that no one talked about, however, was one where you scolded your members for their wrongdoings. Even the one older than you. 
It ranged from a playful nudge and asking the member to cut something out, to being stern with your members, not a hint of playfulness detected. The way you cut your eyes toward them until the behavior ceased made each boy shiver. It's like that sickly sweet exterior melted away just for a second to give the boys a peek into their wildest dreams. 
The icing on the cake is during a game with your group, you come up with a punishment for the rampant cheating present in every game. 
"What if the cheater gets spanked?" Your suggestion is met with immediate disapproval. 
"Pervert ___ strikes again." One of the members snort before they all erupt. You look around in shock, stuttering and unable to come up with a rebuttal. 
To the untrained eye, this was an absurd accusation thrown at you to make you squirm, all in the name of comedy. But with everything they've seen thus far, the three feel inclined to believe them. 
"No, but I think it's a good idea. For the fans!" Another member pipes up earning shocked laughter and gasps from the rest of the girls. One of the members end up cheating, one you get shipped with a lot as Mark explained, and you look a little too happy to deliver the punishment. Your members point out as much but you vehemently deny it. The members chant for you to scold her before you start and you oblige.
"You're the main one cheating in every game. Why don't you just follow the rules, huh?" You're either an amazing actress or very used to scolding. The girls start singing a romantic song to tease the two of you, but you're focused on fixing the older member with a disappointed glare. You lay it on thick for the cameras, but it doesn't dull any of the boys' arousal. It was about to fill them to the brim, making the temperature in the room rise. 
You don't go easy on her, even the member gasps in surprise. You gasp as well and jump backward. "I'm so sorry!" The reaction is quickly proven to be fake once you spank her again with a mischievous look on your face. The other members are falling out of their seats at this point. Eric was dangerously close to pulling his suffocating member out of his jeans. Felix wasn't fairing so well either, eyes fluttering shut as he tries to calm down his breathing. Every slap brought him closer to breaking. Mark, however, was used to the video by now. 
Once the video ends, Eric and Felix are frozen in place. Mark chuckles. "You see what I mean now?" Eric opens his mouth, silently finding the words to organize his flurried thoughts. 
"I mean, this isn't concrete enough proof to just walk up to her and ask. We'll embarrass ourselves." Eric starts, trying and failing to soothe his dry throat. "But I think there's definitely a chance, and I'm willing to take it." Laced into Eric's words was a hint of a challenge. Both boys pick up on it as they exchange looks.
"Let's be civil, now. I was generous enough to share this knowledge with you, so be generous back. If one of us makes her our dom, we're doing it the proper way. Fair and square." Mark points his finger at both of them, widening his eyes for emphasis. 
"Fine. She's mine already anyway." Eric exhales slowly as he pushes himself up from Mark's bed. 
"I wouldn't be so confident if I were you." Mark smirks up at him. Felix looks between the two wordlessly. He tried to ignore the thoughts nagging at the back of his brain. You don't stand a chance. He sighs. 
All this excitement made both the boys forget about Mark's bad news.
"Milk!" You peek your head out of your dressing room with a giggle before running toward Mark with an excited look on your face. His face falls into disbelief just before you wrap your arms around him. Eric snorts and Felix turns his entire body to better hide his poorly concealed laughter.  
"Did Haechan tell you to call me that?" Mark asks with a pout. You pull away with a guilty look on your face, hissing apprehensively. 
"Yeah... yes he did." You admit with a goofy smile and shrug. "What're you guys doing here?" You ask, delivering a light smack to Mark's arm. "Well, I know why you're here, Chaebin fanboy." 
Mark blushes, looking away for a second. Felix seemed to be the only one who caught your facade waver for a moment as you watched Mark. You turn to him and Eric and he visibly flinches. "It's you two I'm surprised about."
"Well we're big fans too, ma'am." Eric smirks when surprise lights up your elegant features. 
"Oh please don't call me that. You're my senior." You insist earnestly, initiating your infamous "oblivious" skinship by clasping one of Eric's hands with yours. Both boys were getting so much more attention than Felix. The jealousy that lit the fire behind his cheeks made him embarrassed, but not enough to unfurrow his eyebrows. He lowers his eyes.
"It's fine by me. There's something about you that makes me feel like the junior." Eric points out, tilting his head slightly. You raise your eyebrows before blinking at him.
"No one's ever told me that before, actually. They usually say something about feeling protective over me or something like that." You shake your head, disappointment flashing on your face. Eric chuckles at how easy it is to read you now that Mark enlightened him. As he peers over at him he thinks about how foolish it was to equip Eric with this information. If he were the first to find out about this, he'd take full advantage. Walking around with you on his arm covered in your love marks while these two idiots watched with their jaws on the floor. That didn't matter because he's got you right where he wants you.
"Really? Because I don't get that vibe at all. I just get this overwhelming feeling that you could take care of me." Eric flutters his pretty lashes, flashing a sweet smile. Your aura shifts slowly into one more rigid. Less inviting, the men noted. It disappears as fast as it appeared when you giggle at Eric. 
"You're so silly. Did you guys enjoy the concert?" There's a slight patronizing nature to your speech and behavior. Almost as if you were speaking down to them. They each feel something growing inside them.
"O-of course! You guys always do amazing. You aren't called monster rookies for nothin'!" Mark pipes up when the other two are too entranced to speak. "Please tell Chaebin I thought she did amazing."
Felix and Eric were confused about why you and Mark kept bringing up Chaebin. Mark specifically buys your photocards off Etsy. This is their first time ever hearing him bring Chaebin up. 
"Chaebin, huh?" You ask, quirking your jaw. Your usual facade was quickly crumbling and none of the three knew how to react. "Should I go get her for you?" You point your thumb behind you, moving your feet toward your dressing room door down the hallway. 
"T-that would be amazing! I'd love to talk to her as well about the concert." Mark lies, not wanting you to leave at all.
"Is that so? Wait, so why didn't you request to see Chaebin first again?" You tap your index finger against your temple, pretending to process information that was already clear to you.
"I uh... well you see... y-you're actually these two's favorite! Yeah, I was planning to talk to Chaebin after." Mark looks at Eric as if to tap him in, an invitation Eric happily accepts.
"Oh of course! You're so talented and hard-working, I just had to come and sing my praises."
Your laughter causes all three men to look at each other confusedly. You hold your stomach before you gather yourself again. "You two are too much, you know that?" You blink, amusement draining completely from your face. When they fail to respond you continue. 
"I really can't understand why so many of you think you can try and manipulate me in your favor." You shake your head, looking between Eric and Mark. Mark's eyes blow wide.
"M-manipulate?! No-"
"Very rarely do people just come and tell me what they want. Guy after guy approaches me with this "genius plan", rubbing their hands together like a fuckin' supervillain. I guess that's what I get for branding myself as a ditz, I make for an easy target." You chuckle, crossing your arms. 
"Nice try, though. This was definitely entertaining." You sneer before walking away. 
"No, wait!" Mark reaches out toward you but you continue walking. 
"Just forget it, man. This attempt was a dud. Plain and simple." Eric grabs Mark's arm before he could chase after you. "And you, you're standing at attention." Eric gestures toward Felix's lower half before walking away. Felix looks down, stomach dropping when he notices the bulge. He felt like he had been mentally absent for the last five minutes and had finally come to his senses.
"Meeting number two has officially initiated!" Mark announces, trying to make up for the lost confidence in volume as he raises his arms to the air. "Sit, men. We have much to discuss. We need a plan B." 
Felix stops himself from sitting on Mark's bed with an annoyed sigh. "Dude, she literally told us to stop with the schemes."
"Besides, your last plan was trash. So we make her switch in public and then she fucks us in the hallway?" Eric raises his eyebrows at Mark. Mark groans.
"Okay fine, it was dumb, but I honestly just wanted to show you guys I wasn't lying."
"So now what?" Felix mumbles, finally settling on Mark's bed.
"Man, I'm honestly stumped. She won't even talk to me anymore. I try to ask her how her day's going and she tells me to just 'tell her what I want'."
"So then why don't we just do that?" Felix asks as if it's obvious. Both Eric and Mark laugh as he looks at them in bewilderment. "What?"
"No way." Mark says simply.
"Both of you are lost causes, but I'm here to help. You better be glad I haven't gone and made her mine already. If I win, I wanna win fair and square." Eric crosses his arms over his chest with a smirk.
"When did this turn into a game?" Felix whispers.
"If there's a game, I'm sorry to report that I'm in the lead." Mark quietly reveals, eyes trailing around the room as if he didn't say anything at all.
"What?" Eric spat. "You got with her?"
Mark could reveal how you shoved him in a janitor's closet and palmed him until he begged for you to jerk him off. And when you did? God, your soft hands, the degradation, your hand around his throat. 
"Are you gonna cum on my hand? Little fucking pervert."
He had never cum so fast in his life.
But those two didn't need to know the details, he thought. "I guess you could say that."
"What?!" Felix and Eric jump up from the bed. 
"W-when?" Says a dumbfounded Felix.
"You want me to be honest? It was before our first official meeting." Finally, Mark reveals his bad news from that day. Both men groan, having to reevaluate the whole situation. Mark knows he probably should have revealed this in the name of fairness, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. It would just rip the hope right out of their chests. That, and Mark hasn't been able to get you to do it again. Maybe he was a little embarrassed, the leader of the Sub Club™ couldn't nail down the dom whose fist he fucked? The dynamic would instantly shift and he'd lose any merit. That, and they'd probably be less willing to share their attempts with him and he clearly needed the assistance.
"Are you fucking serious?! That's important information, Milk!" Eric shouted exasperatedly.
"I didn't want to crush your dreams. And stop calling me that!"
"Whatever." Eric scoffs, readjusting his jacket before exiting the room.
"Wait where are you going?"
"Levelling the playing field, pretty boys." He flickers his eyes toward both men before smiling mischievously and shutting the door.
"Hey! He can't-"
"Just let it go. His ego is bruised." Felix mutters before huffing. What was he gonna do? If Eric succeeds, that leaves Felix in dead last. He didn't want to view this as a game, but objectively speaking, this had to say something about Felix's ability to court women. Would he ever find a dom, or would he be doomed to only pretend to be one?
"This is okay. This is fine. Two heads are still better than one." Mark mumbles to himself like a madman. He continues on like this until he gasps and snaps his fingers. "I have a plan."
"Eric." You regard him flatly before applying your lipstick. He regards you as well, but in his voice you could hear his shit-eating grin. 
"You here to tell me what you want, or is this plan B?" You glance over your shoulder with a patronizing smile. It fills Eric with fire. 
"Oh, baby. You think you have it all figured out, don't you?" Eric squints, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. It seemingly never left, adding to your overflowing annoyance. You clenched your teeth as you stood from your vanity.
"Who let you in, Valerie?" You grit, returning his squint.
"No, Mark's favorite." He whispers, knowing he hit a sore spot. Your face hardens, and you wished you could control it. There was just something about this one in particular that got under your skin.
"You know Eric, I don't like you very much."
"You don't have to like me to take my cock, princess." Eric laughed triumphantly as your expression grew wilder, breath hitching in your throat.
Take? Take his cock? Who the fuck does he think he is? "I wouldn't be taking you, Sohn. You'd be taking me. And that's if I'd ever give you the time of day. Turns out you've got the wrong bitch." 
"No, I've got the right one. Or do you not know how to put a brat in his place?" Boldly, Eric steps toward the raging fire emanating from you. It was like poking a tiger, the danger and thrill of it all made Eric want more. You laugh, throwing your head back.
"A better question would be could you handle it?"
"Most definitely." Eric says as if he's not phased by your threats. In fact, you can smell his excitement. An even wider smile kept flickering on his face as he struggled to keep it away.
"Something tells me you think you're gonna enjoy being tamed." Your hand flies to his neck, shoving him to sit on your bed. "I'm gonna put you through hell." You hiss, reveling in the way his adam's apple bobs under your hand. 
It occurs to you briefly that you're about to reward him for trying (and succeeding) to trick you into domming him. The brevity of your clarity is due to how good he is at making you tick. He knew exactly what would rile you up from one encounter. A part of you almost admired him for it. 
You dip your head lower, threatening him with a kiss. You smile as you pull back to watch his eyes flutter closed, before clenching your hand around his throat. 
"You look so fucking stupid, you know that?" You coo. His eyes fly open. In the blink of an eye, he's pulling your hips flush against his, grinding you against him with a lewd moan. An impish smile graces his chiseled features as he watches fury light up yours. He was absolutely, positively out of his mind. The sheer audacity made contempt churn in your stomach.
"You fucking-"
You grunt, pulling away from him completely. The loss of warmth makes him almost whimper, but he swallows it down. Again, he's got you right where he wants you. If anything, he was going to make this hell for you. You take your time walking to your dresser, making sure not to spare him a glance as you rummage through it. You lift a velvet drawstring pouch from the drawer into the air, grinning at it as you walk toward him. 
He watches as you dump the contents onto the bed next to him. There's a butt plug with some sort of ring attached to it. A small bottle of lube plops on the bed and rolls next to the toy. Eric tries to reach for it but you snap your hand against his.
Wordlessly, you grab the lube and pop it open, watching as the liquid pools into your palm.
"Take your pants and underwear off." You continue not looking at him as you bark the command. 
"What is that thing?"
"5. 4. 3-"
Once Eric realizes what's happening, he scrambles to free his cock. It was starting to ache, so he was happy to release it. He hisses as it meets the cool air before kicking his sweats and underwear away. 
Immense warmth spreads throughout his body as you cup the head of his cock. He tilts his head back and groans quietly. You were barely touching him and his breathing was already ragged. No amount of fantasizing could've prepared him for this. The way you clenched your jaw, still not looking into his eyes as you roll your palm around his head slowly. It was torturous, and exactly what he expected from an angered person. He prepped you well and was basking in the fruits of his labor. 
"Feels so good ma'am." Eric moans, watching you with his brows drawn together and mouth fallen open. That initial sensation of being stimulated... there are no words to quite describe it. It's even better when you have to work for it. Finally getting a taste of you after finding out who you really were made Eric indescribably aroused. This level of sensitivity despite the minutes that pass, however, strikes Eric as strange. He was approaching his climax alarmingly fast. 
"Oh god- fuck it feels-" He chokes out followed by a pathetic moan.
"Aw... what's the matter baby? Can't handle the pleasure?" You finally look up at him and his breath shudders.
Eric bucks uncontrollably into your fist, hands clenching your comforter. All of his words were illegible as he clenched his eyes shut. 
"You're a special kind of brat, so I decided to bust out my favorite pairing. This isn't regular lube baby boy." You laugh darkly as he pries his eyes open to gawk at you. You laugh before continuing, "No, this is my favorite sensitizing lube. I bet it feels so fucking good your legs are numb, huh?" 
Instead of an answer you get the whimpers and strangled moans you've grown accustomed to by now. You sigh before taking your hands away from his rock hard cock. The heat from it raised the temperature of your hands. You snort, this was working him up extremely well. He whines and protests, mumbling for you to touch him again. 
"Answer me. How good does it feel?"
Eric bites his lip before cursing under his breath. Giving up this easily was out of character for him. Maybe it was how attracted he was to you. There was no way sensitizing lube was making him this weak. Whatever it was didn't matter. A tingling sensation was crawling up and down his legs, and surely enough, a numb feeling was growing in his thighs. The need to cum was downright excruciating, yet exhilarating. 
"It feels so good ma'am. Your perfect hands are making my legs go numb." He breathes out. You roll your eyes.
"Just stop trying to butter me up already."
"What do you mean?" That smirk was back again and you weren't having it. You start working your hand over his dick again. The smirk was quickly replaced with the needy look from before, and you couldn't be more pleased. 
"My 'perfect hands' are making you numb?"
"What can I say?" Still, despite the immense sensitivity he was going through, he fought to work that wretched smirk into his response. "Everything about you is perfect."
"Ugh." You curl your lip in disgust. This wasn't going to work. Nothing about his teasing sat right with you. You itched to shut him up once and for all. What you were about to do was quite cruel, but the smile that crept onto your face exposed your true feelings on the matter. You quicken your pace, looking deeply into his eyes as you hastily milk his cock.
"You gonna cum for me baby boy?"
"M-mhm! Really, really soon." He warns raspily as his legs twitch. He didn't know whether to focus on the blurred motion of your hand or your lust-filled eyes. Knowing that this was turning you on aroused Eric endlessly. "Fuck- it's so, so good."
"Yeah?" You coo. He answers back quickly with an ardent nod as his hips started to jerk upward. "Cum for me baby. Cum all over my hand." You coax, watching his eyes roll back.
"'m cumming!" He whimpers embarrassingly loud. A pattern of short moans fall from his lips as his eyes develop a sheen. "F-fuck-"
Just before he makes it to the pinnacle of his climax, you pull away and grab the toy. Eric makes a noise in disbelief. "What the fuck?"
You ignore him, trying oh so hard not to smile at his distress in favor of appearing more stern. "Lay on your stomach."
"No! You're a fucking asshole!"
You exhale amusedly. "Fine. Guess you don't wanna cum."
With a loud groan, Eric turns over onto his hands and knees. You pour more lube into your hand before smoothing it over his asshole. He flinches as the cool liquid makes contact with his skin. "Fuck- that's cold." He mutters. He was clearly upset. You bite your lip to contain your glee. You couldn't wait to see his reaction to what this really was. 
"First, let's get this in order..." You slide the ring over his angry red cock head and over the shaft. He frantically investigates what going on.
"Hey, what is that?!"
You pull it all the way down until the smooth silicone is choking his cock right underneath his balls. He makes a strangled noise. "Is that tight, baby boy." You're not asking at all, knowing good and well how much it's restricting his blood flow.
"F-fuck! Oh my god- s-so tight!" He whimpers, voice shuddering. 
"We're not done, baby." You smooth the excess lube over the butt plug before pushing it into his anus. He lets out an extended, salacious moan, pushing his ass further into the air. "I bet that feels so good. One more thing..." You push a button at the very bottom of the plug, sending vibrations into his clenching hole. 
"Ngh! Oh fuck! Hah~" His legs quake as he processes everything happening to his lower half. He was so painfully hard that he genuinely thought his dick would burst if he didn't cum soon. "P-please do something! Touch me!"
"Okay," You agree with a grin before asking him to lay on his back. On shaky legs, he presents his red cock to you once again. You lick your lips before wrapping your hands around it again. 
"No! No no no... I wanna feel your cunt, please!" He whines, tossing his head into your pillows.
"That's more like it baby boy." You sigh, relaxing a bit as you squeeze his pulsing cock. "We say please for things we want."
"Please! Please sit on my cock I'll be a good boy for you ma'am!" He rushes the words out as if every second your pussy isn't gripping his cock is pure torture. 
"Aw..." You twist your hands around him vigorously and watch as slobber dribbles from the corner of his mouth. "I almost want to do that for you."
He gasps in alert, jerking his head forward to gauwk at you. "Ma'am-"
"Brats like you don't get rewarded, Eric." You coo mockingly, pouting your lips. When he starts to protest you grip him tighter.
So badly does Eric want to cum. Something about that ring around his cock was making it hard, like all the cum was backed up. It was upsetting because he was right there. He should be gushing everywhere, leaving a mess on your bed for you to clean up. But nothing.
"M-ma'am... wanna c-cum... I'll stop being a brat I promise." He breathes.
"Is that so? Well, if I take this off," You squeeze the base of his dick where the cock ring lies, making him grunt, "you'll be able to do just that."
"Please take it off ma'am!"
"I just don't think that's gonna happen. You tried to trick me and rope me in with a scheme. Then when I explicitly told you not to do that, you went and did it again. Plus, you're a real pain in my ass, Sohn."
"Argh! Fuck you! Let me cum already!" His plan to suck up to you until you gave him what you wanted collapsed as his patience finally ran thin. Just as you planned. Not many people can withstand edging without breaking at some point.
"There you are, the real Eric." You completely let go of his cock, kneeling before him with the smirk he once wore. 
"N-no! Please! Please touch me I-I'm sorry!" His voice cracks from his desperate pleas, but they're having the opposite effect. You don't pity him one bit. This was everything you wanted, and you could feel arousal burning you up. "Please please please! I'll be good! Let me cum!"
"Careful!" You bring your finger up to your lips, "Don't want to be too loud and show my girls how much of a pathetic slut you are." Your feigned worry quickly washes away as you laugh at the whimpering man before you. He doesn't let up, he continues pleading for your hands or anything you offer him. The toy shoved in his asshole wasn't enough. 
"Look at you. You know you're pathetic. Are you embarrassed baby boy? What happened to the brat from earlier?" You press your palms into your mattress as you lean closer to him. He looks away, proving your theory that you were embarrassing him right. He wasn't in control anymore. 
"Don't fucking hide your face, look at me." You roughly grab his face and make him face you. "Who's making you beg to cum? Who's making you act so pitiful, hm?"
As his sanity hangs by a thread and his drive to cum finally takes over, Eric swallows his immense pride.
"You are, ma'am."
"That's right. And you thought I'd be taking you. Know your fucking place." 
The shivers that run down Eric's spine are vicious, making him visibly shudder before you. The embarrassment made his cock throb with new vigor. This wasn't exactly what he imagined, he imagined giving you a much harder time, but this was better than he thought it'd be. After all, he did want you to make him your bitch.
"Yes ma'am."
"Good, good boy." You praise genuinely, basking in your power. "Now you're gonna stay good and cum all over my hands without any back talk."
"Yes ma'am."
"Good. Boy." You peck his lips after each word before pulling the toy out of his ass. He moans wantonly, squeezing his legs together. You go back to milking his cock and he bites his tongue. Anything is better than being left high and dry, and he knew you were capable of such cruelty. "Now cum. Make use of that useless cock of yours." You lower your voice as you lean closer, licking a stripe up his face. The things watching him pitifully buck into your hand did to you... you couldn't put them into words. You moan salaciously as you watch his face twist in pleasure. Another stupid boy successfully broken. 
He stutters out your name followed by a pathetic whine. He tosses his head back, writhing atop your white sheets. Finally, an eruption of his hot semen spurts from the tip and rains all over your fist. So elated from your success, your lap it up from your hand, chuckling as he whimpers from the sight. Little to nothing compared to the high you felt after dominating another person. 
"Good. Now get the fuck out." You stand from the bed, stripping off your shirt that now had cum on it. Eric swallowed thickly, ogling your half naked torso. As his eyes trailed up to your face, he realized how cocky you've become. It didn't sit right with him that you thought you won, more the fact that you probably looked down on him now.
"At the end of the day I still got what I wanted." His voice was less assertive than he intended. His cheeks heat up, confidence draining quickly. No matter what he tried, he couldn't build himself back to his usual level of fearlessness. Your snort, raising your shoulders before looking at him.
"Sure, but at what cost? All of your dignity? You whined like a little bitch and begged for me to touch you. And you were so loud, too. They probably heard you outside the building." You throw your shirt over your shoulder before heading toward the door. You pause to look back at him one last time. "And all that over a handjob." You wince, "Embarrassing."
With all his dignity nearly gone, he attempts one last swing. "W-well you clearly enjoyed it! I bet you're already thinking about getting with me again!" Eric frantically clothes himself.
"I do admit this was fun," You start, positively reflecting on what just transpired. When his cocky disposition returned, you didn't falter for a moment.
"So when can I see you again?"
You ponder for a moment, just to keep him on his toes. "How about this. I'll let you fuck me,"
Eric's face lights up, he couldn't hide his excitement even if he wanted to.
"if you agree to get on your knees in that very living room," You turn to point out the door, "and beg me to let you fuck me in front of all my members."
It felt like steam would come out of his ears from how hot his face had gotten. Just thinking about it filled him with embarrassment so potent that he gasped and shook the imagery away. "No! Fuck no!"
"Well, then I guess this is our first and last dance. See ya, Sohn."
You leave, shutting the door softly. Eric's face is utterly engulfed in flames, leaving him as red as a tomato.
"Why are you just telling me this now?!" Felix whisper-yells.
"Because if I told you earlier you would've said no!" Mark says, bracing for an earful.
"Yeah! Because this is a horrible idea! Why are we provoking her?!"
"Isn't that obvious? She'd have no choice but to put us in our place," Mark nudges Felix with his elbow, wiggling his eyebrows, "sexually."
"Or she could just tell us to fuck off and never speak to us again. You know, the normal response. You watch too much porn." 
"So you're really gonna bail?" Mark says defeatedly, making Felix sigh.
"Listen, you can do this yourself. I'm sure me being there isn't going to boost your chances."
"But can you imagine her face when she walks in on us, both our cocks stuffed inside Chaebin?" Mark raises his eyebrows as he lowers his volume even more. The explicit words Mark used forced Felix to imagine it, and he's not proud of the way his cock throbs in his pants. He'd cum just from the angry look on your face. Both men flinch as the door before them clicks open.
Valorie steps out with a confused look on her face. "Do... you two need something?"
"We're here to see Chaebin!" Mark pipes up. Behind Valorie is the very person he came to see, a bright smile on her face.
"Really?! I'm a huge fan!"
"So I've heard. Congrats on another comeback! The song is amazing." Mark's smile shifts to inquiry as he looks back at Valorie. "Can I come in?
"Of course. We're about to have drinks if you're interested." Valorie shrugs, stepping to the side.
"Oh, I'm fine."
"I don't drink either!" Chaebin announces excitedly before her gaze shifts to Felix. His eyes go wide, stammering as everyone starts to look at him. Mark gives him a pointed look that begs him to stay. Felix shakes his head with a sigh.
"I can't stay, I have things to do, I'm sorry." He says sorrowfully. Mark's shoulders drop as he clenches his eyes shut. Felix knows he's disappointed, but he still begins walking away.
"Wait!" Chaebin squeezes out of the doorway as Felix turns back around. She scratches the back of her head before continuing. "I'm sorry if this is annoying, it's just... I'm a huge stay... so I'm hoping you would, you know, stay?"
There was no way Felix would go through with this horrible plan. Good thing your members make for good conversation.
"I'm sorry about Chaebin. She's one of the oldest, but she's still a bit... excitable, you know?" Valorie sighs, finally saying what's been nagging at her. 
"It's totally fine! She's pretty sweet, actually." Felix frantically waves his hands in an attempt to dispel her worries.
"Oh, she'd die if she heard you say that."
"Well it's true." Felix laughs. For a second he was comfortable, then he remembered why he was here and froze. "Uh... w-where's ___?"
"She had to meet with our manager about something. I'm not sure when she'll be back."
Felix nods, chewing on his lip. It was just now dawning on him how horribly this could go. Just when he was making new friends. He was so close to forgetting about it and relaxing again when he heard the door knob twist. He whips his head around, eyes meeting a goddess. 
Your zip-up cardigan was open, revealing your toned stomach beneath brown cropped fabric. Very seldomly did your muscular build see the light of day, it clashed with the image you were branded with. Now Felix's mouth was dry as he tore his eyes away.
"Lee Yongbok?" You look tense, fighting back a sour expression as a result of whatever happened earlier. "Your friends here?" You ask, narrowing your eyes at him. Felix has no saliva left to swallow even though he felt the urge to. 
"U-um... W-we came here to uh..."
"We?" You laugh bitterly, peeling the cardigan off and tossing it on the hook by the door. "Great." 
"You mean Mark Lee? He's in me and Chaebin's room with Chaebin-"
"What?!" You shout angrily. "Alone?!"
The five women exchange worried looks with each other, rattled by your sudden increase in volume.
"Y-yeah, I mean they're just talking-"
You storm to the door and swing it open. Mark looks up from between Chaebin's legs, hair tousled from her hands gripping it. Your blood was absolutely boiling at the faux innocence in his eyes. You slam the door behind you and she flinches with a gasp. "Oh my god!" She jumps up from the bed, hurriedly pulling her clothes on. 
"Chaebin, I'm gonna need you to leave."
"I-I'm so sorry!" Chaebin hangs her head low in shame. 
"Hey," You walk toward her and rest your hand on her arm, "don't be sorry, I'm not angry at you. You did nothing wrong." You strip all the anger from your tone, meeting her eyes to reassure her. "I'm serious. I just need to talk to Mark."
When Chaebin scurries out of the room, face beet red with glassy eyes, Felix really started to worry. His brain kept flickering between stress from the situation to... well the heat growing between his legs. You raised your voice and none of the girls had spoken since, either watching tv or looking at their phones as if nothing ever happened. It was clear each one of them were still shaken by the possibility you were angry with them. You had the power to control them that easily. The things he'd do for you to dominate him like that.
When the door opened again everyone in the room jumped. You peek your head out, jaw clenched.
He must've looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "M-me?"
"Yup. I need to speak with you, now." 
Felix's heart rate had slowed down considerably the moment you spoke his name. His mind was in the middle of a full blown war. He just nods wordlessly, scurrying inside the room after you widen the door for him.
"Also, girls." You clear your throat, addressing your members after he was fully inside. "You can go back to what you were doing. I'm not angry with you. I'm just gonna hang with them for a sec, okay?"
The girls visibly and audibly relax before going back to their conversations. You try your best to close the door gently despite your shaking hands. You huff as you face the now closed door. "You really fucked up, you know that?"
Mark's heart leaped in his chest. This was working. In Eric and Felix's faces, he thought. "I'm sorry you had to see that. Chaebin and I were just doing what many humans do, as I'm sure you know." Mark could barely contain his glee enough to fake his obliviousness. 
"So, what? You're upset because you wanted another handjob so you string Chaebin along? That's what's happening here?" You turn, rubbing your temples. 
Mark scoffs. "Stringing her along? We are two consenting adults having a little fun."
"I just find it very convenient that as soon as I let it slip that Chaebin was a fan of yours, all of a sudden you're her number one fan? Right after I refused to touch you again too?"
"I think there's a misunderstanding." Mark shrugs. You quickly began to realize how control over this situation was slipping from your grasp. With Eric, you could resolve it privately and barely get anyone involved, other than making a show out of embarrassing him. Here, any wrong move could mean roping in Chaebin even more than she already is. Or even hurting her.
You could ignore Mark and kick him out of your dorm, but then he'd just fuck around with Chaebin again. Give him what he wants and he'll keep using her for more and more.
"What a little shit." You grumble.
"Are you angry? Oh, I never wanted to make you angry." 
You wish you could slap the fake concern off his face. 
"Has anyone ever told you how unbearably clingy you are? Is this really how you get whenever you don't get your way? Do your little boyfriends know you act like a toddler for a little pussy?" You knew you were being a bit harsh, but you needed to nip this in the bud. If that meant embarrassing him in front of his friend, then so be it. Plus, seeing him squirm and rush to protect his pride would be quite enticing.
"W-wha-" Mark's head whips toward Felix who was still standing near the door like any sudden movements would end the world. The way he looked at Mark with a hint of pity only hurt Mark's pride worse. His position as leader was hanging by a thread. He laughs, realizing what he could use.
"Yeah? Well at least I'm not jealous! You're the one that starts huffing as soon as I mention Chaebin!"
Of course that's what he thinks. Maybe it helps him cope with how pathetic he's being. You quirk your eyebrow at him, crossing your arms. "Did you seriously think I was jealous this whole time? I just don't appreciate you using one of my members as a tool to get to me. You guys are toying around with her."
Felix and Mark both gasp, albeit for two different reasons. Mark knows exactly what he's doing but needs to pretend he doesn't, Felix never intended to screw with anybody. 
"I-I had no part in this! I didn't know his plan until we got here, and I only stayed because Chaebin told me she was a stay-"
"Yeaahh I know. You don't seem like the plotting type." For a moment Felix relaxes, then you take your top off. Both boys tense up. "I'm talking about this idiot and Eric Sohn. You can take a seat there." You point at the chair across from the bed. Felix hurriedly sits, averting his gaze from your bare breasts. Were you out with no bra? His cock twitches, causing him to look down and witness his hardened member. How long he was hard for was an answer he didn't have. He wouldn't be surprised it was since you yelled earlier. He rests both his hands on his lap to conceal it. Fuck, this situation was getting strange. Felix laughs awkwardly.
"How can you tell I'm not the plotting type?"
"I can just tell. Plus, you haven't been participating really. Just standing in the background and twiddling your thumbs." You move in front of him, arousal flooding your veins as he shyly looks away from your half naked figure. "Take your pants off."
Felix's head snaps toward you.
"What?!" Both men exclaim in unison. You turn to look at Mark, who's settled on the bottom bunk.
"I know your type, you know. The ones that have their little clique they think worships them. I've been with plenty of subs, but your type always thinks you're unique and that you'll, like, wow me or something. Reminds me of Soobin."
Mark groans, throwing his head back. "Okay, fine! I'll stop the shenanigans. Just please touch me again? Please?" He begs, spreading his legs to better expose his bulge. You feel saliva pooling on your tongue at the sight. You gather yourself, remembering what has to be done.
"Listen, Chaebin's a bit naive. She's easily starstruck, and this isn't her first situation with an idol. I simply can't reward this behavior, this is not healthy for her." You slowly approach him, looking into his stupid, wet eyes. "You understand, right baby?" You caress his cheeks and he melts into it. He nods, pouting a bit when you pull away.
"If you even want a chance for me to touch you, you'll do what I say." You walk away to rummage through Valorie's dresser. You pull out a belt and tell Mark to put his hands behind his back. He whines as you use the leather strap to restrain his arms. "You disobey me, and I won't let you even breathe my air." You look back into his eyes, letting him know how serious you are. "Got it?"
He nods like the cute puppy he is and you pat his cheek. You return to Felix, enjoying just how hard he is and how red his face had gotten. "Didn't I tell you to take your pants off, baby boy?" You smile, tilting your head to the side.
Felix frantically rids himself of his jeans as quickly as he could. "And your underwear, too." Soon both garments were on the floor, and his member was standing at full attention.
"Now, I'm gonna make Felix cum and you're gonna watch. I better not hear a peep out of you." You sink to your knees before peering over your shoulder at the sulking boy behind you.
"Ah ah! No back talk, or else you could kiss any interaction goodbye." You grin as he goes back to sulking. As you watch Mark silently writhe, you trail your hands up Felix's smooth thighs. You can't see him, but you feel him shudder from your touch. Mark clenches his jaw and your smile grows wider. Finally, you turn your attention back to Felix. You watch him, examining each twitch in his face. 
When your warm hands meet his member, Felix can't help but wonder how things shifted so quickly. He had already come to terms that he may never experience you. When it came to meeting new people and making friends, Felix thrived. As soon as it was about sex, he started to choke. He was doomed to fail, especially with so many people looking to court you. So how and why were your hands wrapped tightly around his cock while you dropped spit onto the tip of his cock?
He kicks his head back, his thighs tingling intensely as you stimulated him. 
"Feel good?" You giggle, getting lost in his reactions. He was so cute, so soft. Eric and Mark were both pretty loud. Eric was unapologetic with his moaning and yabbering. Mark seemed physically unable to restrain any noises, filling the air with desperate moans. Felix, however, preemptively quieted himself. He let out soft whimpers and mewls, biting his lip when he knew he was going to be loud. It was mesmerizing. Just watching him struggle to cope with the pleasure threatened to push you over the edge.
Gaining more enthusiasm by the moment, you tighten your grip and speed up. 
"F-fuck! It feels so good!" His legs twitch. He was clearly trying to restrain himself. It was so intriguing to watch.
"Why are you stopping yourself from cumming?" You asked, amused.
"I can't! N-not yet!"
You frown a bit. Was he embarrassed about cumming fast? Little did he know, you liked when it happened. "Why not?"
"You didn't tell me to..." He rested his head against his shoulder, fighting every atom in his body to keep himself sturdy. You blink, motions slowing down. First the automatic volume control, now he's stopping himself from cumming because... you hadn't given the command? 
You didn't notice you were lost in thought until he whimpered. You whispered a sorry before speeding up again. "Don't worry baby boy. Today is just about making you feel good. There's always next time."
Mark chewed on the inside of his cheek. He should've prepared for these two getting in the way. No matter how much he tried, the attention you were giving to Felix continued to make his blood boil. He thought the height of his problems would be not touching himself, and although that was torturous, you were a genius for thinking of this. He fools around with Chaebin, you fool around with Felix. And now he's finding out you're not even jealous. He's been bested. 
Unfortunately, yet undeniably, Mark couldn't bring himself to dislike this arrangement. The wet sounds of your saliva sloshing up and down Felix's cock while you moaned as if you were getting touched shot right to his cock. He couldn't believe it, he was trying to force friction against his pants. He was moaning. It felt so good.
"You enjoying yourself?"
Mark pries his eyes open to watch you peer at him over your shoulder. You gawk at him in amusement as he thrusts at nothing. It was hard to make Mark feel shame, but you managed to do so. Stubborn, maybe, but he still decided to shake his head. Even with his flushed cheeks and painfully hard cock. Each brush against the fabric brewed heat deeper in his bottom half. 
"No? Are you jealous, Minhyungie?" 
Mark bit his lip, shaking his head with more fervor. The longer his dick received very little stimulation, the more he wanted to scream about how much he wanted you. He's had doms before, none of them make him feel as vulnerable as you do. Like he was powerless to the pleasure you gave him. It was intoxicating. It was cruel that you gave him a taste and ripped it away. And now you were waving it in front of him, giving it to someone else. 
"I deserve it." Mark grits out. His words surprise you, so much that you're completely stopping to look at him. 
"Hm? But I thought you weren't jealous?"
"I'm not." Through clenched teeth, he fights to defend his pride, even while he fucks the air.
"Oh yeah? So you won't mind if I do this?" You move on your knees to Felix's right, grabbing his throbbing cock. Mark watches in awe as you drop open your mouth and engulf his member inside it. Mark couldn't feel how wet and warm it was, nor the pleasure so strong Felix thought he'd pass out. You look so turned on, sucking his dick like a popsicle in the sweltering summer heat. Suddenly Mark was louder than he had ever been, strained groans crawling their way out of his throat.
"That should be me, dammit!" Mark whined, followed by a whimper that could be mistaken for that of a sad puppy. 
"Aw. Poor Minhyungie." You pull away momentarily to pout, lips shiny with spit. The following moment you're shoving his cock all the way down your throat. 
"A-ah! 'm gonna- I'm cumming!" Felix breathes out in a high-pitched voice. You pop your mouth off his cock before jerking it vigorously while looking into his eyes.
"Cum baby boy. Cum down my throat so I can swallow it all." You let out a filthy moan before bobbing your head on his cock. Felix's thighs tremble, signifying that the orgasm that was approaching would be a strong one. He inhales a shuddering breath, broken and weak moans trickling from his lips. The second his tip hit the back of your throat he was shooting his load down it. 
"F-fuck!" Felix keens, hips jumping up as waves of pleasure ripple through his body. He takes in your face, the way your eyes flutter closed as you take all his cum. It was too much, the sight was too dirty. There was so much cum ribboning from this tip that it started to spill from your mouth. "M-mommy! Mommy yes!" He presses his hips against your face as the last of his cum floods your mouth and throat. 
You pull back, looking at him in awe. Felix is completely oblivious until Mark starts laughing. 
"Did you just say mommy? You're joking right?" Mark gawks at Felix in disbelief as he snorts at him. 
In normal circumstances, the name was one you briefed your subs not to use beforehand. You found it gross and didn't understand the appeal, but there was something about how desperately Felix moaned the name. Something about how his cock twitched in your mouth while he said it. The name turning him on in a way did the same for you. 
So when Felix's cheeks turned pink and he looked to the side in shame, the stern look you shot Mark felt involuntary. 
"Hey, big mouth." You stand up, surprised by the dizziness you didn't notice until now. "I'm guessing you wanna cum."
 Mark groans pathetically. "Please?"
"Sure thing." You release him from his restraints as he watches warily.
"I don't like the way you said that."
You shrug. "You asked, now you shall receive."
When you start taking off his pants and underwear, Mark starts to get excited.
"Okay. Now jerk yourself off."
And just like that, all his hopes were crushed. 
Just as he starts to protest, you shut him up with a finger to his lips. "Don't you want to paint these with your cum?" You hold up your breasts with your palms, chest heaving. Mark had almost forgotten that your chest was bare for his viewing pleasure. He bites his lip and starts tugging on his member. You almost feel bad for him when his eyes get glassy.
Weakly, he whispers so only you can hear. "B-but I want you to touch me..."
Fuck. Felix was the cutest by far, but Mark had his moments. You swallow thickly. "I don't reward bad behavior, but I'll do this." You hoist your index and middle finger to his lips and he gladly accepts them. He swirls his tongue around the digits and you watch hazily. "Good boy." 
"Thank you, thank you." He slurs, movements becoming more rapid. He could tell just how turned on you were. Your slack jaw and hooded eyes left little to theorize. More than anything else, that's what got him going. Knowing that you loved seeing him like this. 
"You gonna cum all over my tits like the horny pervert you are? Hm?"
"Yes," He moans, eyes fluttering shut as he feels the coils in his stomach compress. "I'm your slutty boy."
"Yes, you are." You breathe. Back to back, you experienced some of the most titillating encounters ever. Going into this, you expected to be unimpressed. It was written all over them. But for some reason, you can't get any of them off your mind. You look back at Felix who was closely watching the ordeal. The one who intrigued you the most.
"Please look at me. I'm gonna-" 
You listen, watching as he screws his eyes shut tightly. Warm semen is sprayed all over your breast, wanton noises filling your ears to accompany it.
You were in trouble. Big trouble. You guessed as much when Mark left and you used your fingers coated in his spit to get yourself off. It was an electric orgasm. You tried to convince yourself it was because you were really horny and hadn't cum. However a week had passed and now you were looking at your phone, deliberating. 
Who to call?
Eric was too much of a handful to give in to. He would have to do what you asked of him for this to ever work. You couldn't have someone so snarky and with so little hubris with his ego inflated.
Mark had been proving your assessment about him being clingy. The two of you talked every day, through text, on facetime, and face to face. You tell him you're holding out because of his stunt, but it's really because you're conflicted. 
Finally, Felix. You loved a good brat, gets the blood pumping. There's something about a sub who loves to submit and lives and dies by your rules. Brats were unpredictable, even sly at times it seemed, but subs like Felix provide you with a sense of power that you can't get enough of.
"Hello?" His deep, gravelly voice gives you chills.
"Oh! H-hello. Is there something wrong?"
"No- well... yeah."
"Oh no..." Felix's voice sounds quieter.
"It's just that I've been..." This was a strange feeling. It had been a while since you were the one asking for sex. You sigh frustratedly and bite the bullet. "I've been thinking about... you since that day." You chew on your lip, becoming more anxious the longer he's quiet.
"Please say something, I'm going crazy here."
"Sorry! I'm just- to be honest, I'm really shocked to hear that. I've been thinking about you as well." If he were to tell the entire truth, he's been having these fantasies since he first saw you. Now they're just more vivid since he knows how you moan, feel, and how your beautiful breasts look. But he'd be a fool to admit that when he's gotten this far.
"Since we're both on the same page, perhaps we could meet up at my dorm?"
"Sounds great!" The way he stammers after agreeing makes it obvious he's embarrassed by how quickly he responded. You, however, were getting excited by how much he wanted you.
"Wow, your room's a lot bigger." Felix steps inside your room and immediately takes it in. You had a double bed and double the space.
"Yeah, we played rock paper scissors for it. I guess I got lucky." You shut the door behind you. The click makes Felix realize this is really happening. 
"Let's do this properly this time around, be open and clear with each other." You step closer to Felix and he stares at you with his big round eyes. He nods before swallowing hard. "Tell me what you like, Yongbok." You smile.
Felix clears his throat. "First, I-I like it when you call me that."
"Yongbok?" You say, tilting your head to the side and making his breath hitch. He nods again. "And what else?"
"I like when you boss me around..." He averts his gaze, picking at his cuticles. 
"In that case, look at me." You step closer again and his heart begins to race. Still, he obeys, feeling the nervousness melt away when his eyes meet yours. Instead, he felt exhilaration. He was ready for this. 
"Good boy. Now take your pants off."
The rush he felt was similar to the first time he realized you were gonna touch him. His eyes linger on yours as he unbuckles his belt. He looks away, focusing on pushing them down and stepping out of them. When he peers back up he catches you biting your lip. He reaches for the waistband of his underwear, but you stop him. "Not yet, leave those on." He freezes for a moment before nodding.
"If you don't mind me asking, what do you like?"
"I don't mind at all." You press your hands against his chest and lightly push him to sit on your bed. "I like to see men so horny and desperate to cum that they'll do anything." You look deeply into his eyes and his heart thumps.
"Will you do anything to cum, Yongbok?" You lift his chin with the pads of your fingertips. He gulps before nodding.
"Yes ma'am."
"Oh no... that's not what you like to say, is it?" You whisper before tsking. Felix's face starts to turn red, eyes widening. "Don't be embarrassed. Say what you really want to."
Felix hesitates, opening his mouth for nothing but inhaling a shuddering breath. He clenches his eyes shut when he says it. "Y-yes mommy..."
He must really love the name. Despite being embarrassed, you notice his member growing rapidly. You couldn't wait to see him become insatiable.
"Good, good." You purr. "Eyes open, remember?" You gently remind him, smiling softly when he listens. "Lay flat on your belly for me."
Each time he eagerly carries out a command you feel arousal flowing through you more intensely. You watch with bated breath as his bottom half sinks into your soft, plush comforter. Weeks prior, the most interaction you'd had with Felix was a bow when passing by each other, him being one of many men who gawked at you like you were a mythical creature. Now he was engulfed in your scent, half naked on your bed. And it was everything he's ever dreamed of.
He was on cloud 9, hips naturally sinking lower to grind into the firm mattress. You inhale shakily. "Just like that baby. Hump my bed for me." You draw closer, kneeling on the bed as you watch him. It was like he read your mind. So hassle-free, so horny.
"You like that? Like smelling me while you get off?"
"Mhm." He whines before dropping his mouth back open, his bottom lip dragging against the white fabric. You had just started, there was no way this gave him nearly enough stimulation. Yet small mewls still floated from his lips as his eyes slowly shut. So unabashedly filled with lust.
"Look at you, humping my covers like a little pervert." You lace your fingers through his locks and pull his head back. He clenches his eyes tight, furrowing his eyebrows.
"M-mommy," He presses his hips in with more enthusiasm in response to the pain. You pull him back more and he whimpers. His hips stutter, experiencing a deep ache in his crotch. He could feel it growing despite how he worked toward his orgasm. This wasn't enough. He had been good enough, right?
"Please... let me taste you." He whispers followed by a grunt.  
You don't usually let subs experience your pussy unless they're tied up with a cock ring on. However, Felix was in no position to be punished. "Okay baby." You let go of his hair and take off your shorts. You situate yourself in front of his panting mouth and spread your legs. His chest heaves as he takes in your clothed pussy. Your underwear were so tight and thin that he could see the outline of your lips. His eyes dip lower, noticing the patch of wetness that only grew under his gaze. He shut his mouth, swallowing the saliva that began to build up. "Go ahead. Don't be shy." You scoot closer until his nose bumps your clit. The nub was more sensitive than you thought it'd be, the tiny bit of contact almost made you shut your legs around his head.
You can feel his warm breath fanning on your core and you clench around nothing. He only hesitates for a moment, shortly after immediately getting to work lapping at your clothed pussy. Felix was happy with anything he was offered, eagerly licking your pussy even with a piece of fabric in the way. You moan softly, leaning further onto your elbows. You could already feel your core burning hotter. This was the most someone's touched you in a while. Watching men squirm and beg was amazing, hence why you did it so often, but being on the receiving end was euphoric. Especially with someone eager to please. Boy was Felix just that.
He lapped at your heat like he was starved for months. You couldn't help the noises that lept from your throat. "Fuck Yongbok-" You moan before humming in approval. His saliva further dampened your panties, making it hard to tell where your wetness ends and his begins. 
"Fucking suffocate me with your pussy, please." He slurs, sending vibrations into your cunt. You gasp, pushing his face further into your pussy. Your eyes had rolled back by now, but you could hear how fast Felix was grinding against your mattress. He moans with so much passion, making someone feel good made him just as horny as it made you.
Felix lapped between your folds before flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. Electricity shoots up your legs as you yelp, knees jumping upward. He didn't falter one moment, continuing his rapid assault on your clit. You writhe underneath him, tossing your head down into your covers. "Yes, yes, yes!" You moan salaciously. He hums against your pussy and it sends you over the edge. "I'm coming Yongbok-ah-" You whimpers are cut off by a loud groan as heat began boiling in your lower abdomen. It continued to get hotter and hotter when he didn't stop. 
"Mommy..." He whined pitifully against you as his hips jerked against the covers. "Cumming for you mommy-" He ground his hips harshly against the bed as a trail of loud grunts left his lips. But, no, he still didn't stop. Not licking your cunt, which was soaking wet by now, nor humping the covers fervently. You take quick and short inhales, finding it hard to breathe from the overstimulation. 
"You taste so good." He moans loudly as he happily laps at your poor pussy. Your eyes roll back as another orgasm approaches quicker than the last. All you can manage to get out was his name and profanities. Your hips jerked against his face but he remained steady, working you into an intense orgasm that makes you moan louder than you intended. You slap your hand over your mouth, continuing your drawn out moan as your hips and legs tremble.
"Yongbok, Yongbok!" 
He pulls back, eyes wet along with the lower half of his face. "I love tasting you mommy." He mumbles mindlessly. 
"Yeah?" You push him so his back is flat on the bed. His underwear had a large wet spot, mirroring yours. Holy shit did you want to taste it. In due time, first you needed to reward your good boy. You slide your panties off, making sure to take your time as his dazed eyes watch you. With his jaw slack, his eyes burn into bare pussy squishes between your thighs as you raise your legs into the air. The soiled underwear finally slide off your ankles and you toss them behind you. "Open your mouth, pretty boy." He drops his mouth open, tongue sliding out and resting against his chin. You settle your knees on either side of his head before pushing your ass backward, looking back at him as you sit on his face. You moan in unison as you both ascend to heaven. His nose and tongue provide unthinkable pleasure as you start to rock back and forth.
"Fuck yes, you feel so good." You reach down and shove his underwear down enough to free his cock. "Jerk that dick while I ride your face." Felix's hands quickly find his cock before feverishly tugging on it. He moans against your folds and you shiver. "Attaboy."
You work your hips against his face, already feeling heat build back up. He keeps his tongue firm and it dips into your soaked hole. You swear each time, clenching around the muscle. His hand sloshes back and forth on his rock hard dick, his cum acting as a proper lubricant. Wet sounds fill the air from the blurred motion of his fist. It looked so inviting, you licked your lips at the sight. "Let me taste you again." You lean over and pull away his hand, replacing it with your greedy mouth. You bob your head up and down and smile each time his thighs twitch. 
Once your hips were stilled, he took the opportunity to fuck his tongue in and out of your hole. You moan around his cock before suckling on the head. Both of you were a moaning mess as you rushed very close to the edge. The two of you seemed to be in a contest of who could be sloppier. Bubbles of saliva slide to his balls and you massage it in. Felix has spit trailing down both sides of his face. You were making a mess and couldn't care less. Both of you were engulfed in wet heat right where you needed it. 
It wasn't long until Felix was cumming again, finally shooting his load inside your mouth with desperate moans for the second time. It dripped back down onto his dick and you sucked up as much as you could before sitting back on his face. He wraps both his arms around your waist and pulls you tighter against him. His chin rested firmly against your clit as he rapidly fucked your puckered hole with his tongue. You moan shakily, falling forward and resting your hands on his thighs.
His tongue continues to delve into your pussy until your dissolve into pleasure, filling the room with pleading whimpers as you tremble against him. "So fucking good!" You sob. He cleans you up, driving you into overstimulation again. You pull away and his arms fall from around your waist. He licks his lips, savoring the remnants of your taste. When you notice his dick starting to get hard again, you smirk, grabbing it with both hands. 
"Please... I wanna be inside you, mommy."
"You greedy boy. Eating my pussy made you that horny?"
"Yes, I love tasting you... I love when you moan and cum for me." He moans softly as you jerk him off. "Want you to cum on my cock. "
"Anything for my good boy." You strip your shirt off before turning to face him, sitting on his lap. Your dripping pussy pushes his member against his stomach, grinding against it as you bite your lip and unclip your bra. "Ready for me to ride you baby boy?" Felix nods, tongue darting out to wet his lips. His freckles dusted along his cheeks, his pretty eyelashes accenting his narrowed gaze, he looked so ready to take you. 
You slide forward until your hole catches his tip. Using your hand, you adjust until he sinks inside your hot, wet cunt. Both of you sigh blissfully. You immediately pick up speed, this being the first cock inside you in a long time. Something about doing this with Felix made you burn up inside. He looked at you like he absolutely adored you, like you were the most precious thing to him. He plummeted deep inside you, sloshing in your tight, sopping hole.
Watching you bounce on his cock with your tits jiggling freely made him worry about finishing too early. This was all too good to be true, but with the way your pussy was wrapped around him, he knew he wasn't dreaming. You lean forward and slide one of your hands up his chest. You keep going until it was resting against his neck. Felix sucked his bottom lip into his mouth as you wrapped your fingers around his neck. 
"You feel so good inside me. Gonna make me cum quick."
Your confession made Felix dizzy. You were gonna cum soon too? Because of him. Felix grunts, hands shooting forward to grip your hips as he thrusts up to meet each bounce. The feeling of your hips slapping against his egged him on.
Gradually, your body leans closer and closer and your breasts are dangerously close to his face.
"C-can I please play with your tits?"
You gasp when he flicks your nipple with his tongue. Your arousal must have been dripping down to his thighs at this point. He had you utterly overcome with pleasure that your tongue was hanging out of your mouth. A line of saliva dribbles down from it and lands on your breasts. Felix happily laps it up before nibbling your nipples. You whimper loudly. "F-fuck!"
Felix kneads the flesh of your ass as he goes from boob to boob, sucking and nipping until you're a quivering mess. "You're fucking me so good Yongbok." You barely mumble out as his thunderous hips slam into you, muddling your brain. He bites down on one of your nipples before pulling his back and releasing. Your hot pussy clenched around him before something loomed over you.
Like lightning striking, your orgasm crashes over you. "Yes!" You fall forward and moan against his jaw as he fucks you through your orgasm. "Such a fucking good boy."
"Mm-" Felix rapidly flips the two of you over before snapping his hips into you at an ungodly pace. He sits up, fondling the breasts he just coated with his saliva. "I love your pussy so much, mommy. It's tight, so wet-" He mumbles, spurred closer to his orgasm by your broken moans. 
"'m cumming!"
He adds to your flooded pussy with his hot cum. He collapses forward, hips still jerking against you as he fills your hole. "Thank you." He whispers next to your ear, making you giggle with the little energy you could muster. 
"No problem, Yongbok.
The girls offer diverse reactions to the man on his knees in your living room, but they all illustrate their shock. Eric is nearly glowing from how red it was. 
'P-please fuck me, ma'am." He hangs his head. You have to hold back a laugh. The smallest provocation might send him barrelling out the door.
A chorus of gasps erupt around you as you raise your eyebrow. You would stand there and pretend to ponder for a cruel amount of time, but it still hurt to walk after last night. Oh, right.
To say you had a bond would be an understatement. You've been meeting up ever since that night he fucked you. He continued to sleep with you, his horny levels were unmatched.
"It's because you're... you're just amazing."
Your cheeks grew hotter at the thought of his words. In a way, you felt bad for considering hooking up with Eric again. And why? Felix isn't your boyfriend, and he even said he didn't care if you fucked other men.
So the reason was something you didn't want to consider.
"Since you asked so nicely..." You say with a smile before extending your hand toward him.
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gt-ridel · 8 months
Okay, okay... So I know the entity in episode three of The Sounds of Nightmares likely isn't connected to Mono at all. There are too many plot holes and it perhaps has better parallels elsewhere. But I don't think it was entirely by accident that so many of us latched onto the idea.
For starters, Noone begins her recounting of the dream in this way. "In the dark... A hand let go of mine." This statement doesn't seem to connect to anything that was happening before or anything that follows. Hand-holding was a pretty significant aspect of Little Nightmares II. Mono and Six would give each other boosts to reach high places, catch each other when making a long jump, or if you were so inclined (and I was because it was cute) just hold hands as they walked along. Until of course that last scene. You know the one. In the dark. When she let go of his hand.
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The second major connection is the Mall itself. A living structure, able to bend space and time, and give you exactly what you want if it means you won't try to leave. I believe that's what happened to Six in LN2. It gave her back her music box. How would it have known about that? Perhaps it saw into her mind. Saw something she wanted. After all, when we first find her she's sitting alone in the Hunter's basement just playing with it. Not trying to escape or anything. perhaps it would be enough to pacify her? (It's my theory that Six has been in Nowhere longer than Mono, and is, therefore, closer to the monstrous than he is.)
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In the case of Noone, if we imagine it's the same entity, it seems its tactics and vocabulary have improved since Six's imprisonment. The illusions are more complete, less dreamlike. Perhaps as a side effect of being able to keep Mono. Learn from him. (Total headcanon here, but I like to believe that eventually Mono and the Tower begin to work as one.) It's also the only non-hostile entity (not counting the Nomes) we have met in Nowhere. It's just lonely. So terribly lonely. And who can blame it? If it grew from one little boy, abandoned in a deep pit by his only friend. (Maybe that's why his purpose as the Thin Man was simply to abduct children and bring them back to the tower. But I digress) But let's get back to Noone. Once she enters the projection booth, she comes face to face with the true nature of the building. A giant eye working as a projector, and a pulsating mass of flesh. The building is literally alive, and the image is instantly familiar to the listener.
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The illusion even begins to tear itself apart at the seams when she tries to run. The same as it did for us in the game. Anyway, I'm not sure to what end these similarities exist. I don't think it was the intention of the showrunner that Noone meet Mono. But hey, I think we all felt like we'd gotten socked in the gut when we finished Little Nightmares II. So is it any surprise that we're desperate to see him again, in any form? To hope that he finds some kind of solace, even if only for a short time? I mean, I do. So even though it's not strictly true (unless stated otherwise by the developers) this is a headcanon that I hold near and dear to my heart. Like a beloved bootleg plushie. This is not to say that I disagree with, or even dislike other interpretations. Basically, It's just that Mono is my poor sweet baby child and I wuv him. 🥺
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skinnyravs · 1 year
Always venting
It seems when I feel like coming here I just complain. lol. But that's because there is too many people on my FB and Twitter that will just say shit to others if I rant there. haha.
So what do I have to complain about this time?
Well my last post I think I was talking about how you think you have friends in game but they eventually just fizzle out or leave etc. The more I look at it the more it makes sense of why I feel that way about it. Every day that I play Destiny i see a common thing.
I have always talked about people I used to know, people I used to play with etc etc. And when you see them on and you don't get a reply or an invite but they will do shit with other people it brings about a feeling of dejection, abandonment, and rejection. And it makes you question why. Why should you make an effort anymore.
It gets tiresome when you feel like you are always making the effort and people just sort of fob you off. Be it in the obvious way or in the subtle way. And when it keeps happening you start to lose faith in people and you sort of retreat to yourself and you want to spend more time alone. Then when you say something because of how you feel, people will just say oh your being too sensitive, your nit picking your not getting along with people your burning bridges with them. When in fact that isn't it. The feeling of disappointment becomes so overpowering you just can't take it anymore and you lose yourself in anger and you can never shake it and when you see it in front of you on the screen / in a game it actually gets worse. Nobody but yourself will understand it.
I see my friends list on the game and i sit there thinking. "What more can I do?" And the only answer is: Nothing, just do it yourself. Nobody wants to play with you so just find a way to do it yourself. I have messaged people in the past, I've tried to talk to them but all it ever leads to is silence and at first its fine but the longer it goes on it makes me question why I have even bothered. And yes I know the whole that's just life etc etc speech but the end story is I'm sick of always trying. For once why can't others take the lead?? Why can't both sides do it? Nobody seem to be doing it, and in the end I'm the one that gets kind of pushed aside. I'm sick of that. I'm sick of trying to be better trying to be open when that's not a natural thing to do for me. For damn once I'd like the people in this game to come to me and go: hey come join this and this and this. Not me asking people for once it be nice for others to do that and not just because they desperately need help with a quest, an exotic, a mission etc. I mean, there was only ONE person recently that did that and it wasn't even in the same clan I didn't even know who they were. It was someone that was following one of my streams and ended up talking to me and stuff and it was fun. That is the kind of thing I need, not me constantly having to reach out to people.
So ugh frustrating to handle no wonder I get snappy because i am god damn tired of it.
But you know what wishing / hoping for that will never happen clearly I am just dreaming. So again I will always have to start stuff and hope i get a yes not silence. But believe me I know its always silence I receive or no i'm busy type thing.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
hi! sorry for disappearing, i was feeling a bit down and then i 🫠 for a little while after that. yes, nfsw is a massive no but like you said there are other topics that shouldn't be discuss about. it actually is but a person will either get upset or find it rude, depending on their mindset but i suppose it's both like a double edged sword. those relationships def are treated as inferior but the friendships that turn into relationships are probably criticise most esp if the parties been friends for years but you can't force feelings to come out at an acceptable time if it ever happens 🤷‍♀️ that's true, a relationship need to be stable before progressing more.
it is a bit unfair esp if the newer users become massive fans, there are playthroughs on youtube but from what i've seen, it is a bit jumbled up and all over the place. i'm assuming you must have a lot of weapons then? oh i see, are they both mobile based? fans want a nintendo switch port for GI. it is a bit of a random topic lol. that's true and it would be super hard too, the spellings for my mum and her siblings overlaps a lot, they have double e in all their names. it's been a cool topic to talk about but it's finished now 🤣 that sound like an awkward situation to be in, i hope your teachers never thought that for like signed permissions slips for school's trips 😭 did you guys ever have problem with telling which one is your mail/posted package considering the initials thing. ah my dad and my names spelling are very similar (we have the same letters expect for one that isn't in mine) along with the initials so someone accidentally gave my option of voting to my dad because they skimmed through our names 😂 i did asked my dad if this was planned regarding our names and he said no.
also, i saw a short animated of koko accidentally confessing to inupi and it made me wonder what happened to inupi in the bonten timeline and his relationship with koko.
oh don’t worry, i’m glad that you’re back & feeling better again! <3
yup, agreed
yep. my ex & i tried to love each other romantically and force the feelings, aaand it did not work out lol. in hindsight i’m amazed we managed to go 8 months lmao. funny story too bc we’re both aroace now so it was double stupid. we also didn’t talk at all for 2 years (bc i had them blocked afhjfhg) but we started talking again last week and it’s going great now that we’ve both grown and realised that we’re way better off as friends so i’m not too upset abt our past mistakes anymore lol. anyway, lesson learnt, forcing relationships or love does NOT work out, no matter how desperately you want it to. also agreed, relationships definitely need to be stable to move on bc if they’re not it just keeps getting harder to somehow make them stable (again).
yeah, true. i mean yes.. to be fair i’ve been playing for a really long time and for most of that i’ve been playing it daily so,, hoyoverse (i think i called the company mihoyo in my last reply? they used to be called mihoyo but changed their name to hoyoverse idk a year or so ago but i keep forgetting adhjf) now releases all of their games for both mobile & pc, and i think gi, hi3rd, and hsr are for ps4 & ps5 too? honestly not sure, i play them all on pc. ah yes, the switch port... i used to be kinda excited for it but i’ve lost hope for getting one soon (if ever) bc we were promised one two and a half years ago and nothing’s been done ever since 💀
funny thing my dad is a teacher at my school so he knows some of my teachers a bit & even is friends with one lol so i never really had any problems with our signatures after explaining why they’re so similar. idk abt other places but on the post here there’s always your full name so we never had problems with that. tho i’ve had a bunch of other teachers from my school text me on teams thinking they were texting my father bc our usernames on there (bc school) are almost the same afhjgfjshd
ah lol, that seems annoying
oh i think i know which animation that was bc i think i’ve seen it too! i personally hc that they went no contact or at least barely have any contact even if they’re both not really happy with that (especially koko) but they think it’s for the best. i just think inupi wouldn’t want any associations with criminals and koko wouldn’t want inupi to have associations with criminals bc of him either, so... tho that’s pretty sad afhjggfh but imo the most realistic version of them in bonten
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rcksmith · 3 years
Rules — Kaz Brekker
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Requests: “Your works is incredibly good, masterpiece. Can you please smut with Kaz Brekker and prompts 34, 37, 47? Using your rules, they are wonderful. I will really wait))”
“could u do #39 with kaz???ignore if ur not comfortable with this!!”
“Hello, just binge read your kaz brekker smuts and they are amazing! Was wondering if you could do something with smut prompts 34,84,&72?”
Smut prompts:
34. “You’d better watch your fucking mouth.”
37. “I’m so sick of your voice. Why don’t you come over here and put your mouth to better use?”
“39. “You keep acting like a little brat and I’ll take you over my knee right here, I don’t care how many people are watching.”
47. “You look so good on your knees like that.”
72. “Fuck you.” 1. “I’m up for it if you are.”
84. “Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, NSFW,explicit heavy smut, dirty talk, dom!Kaz.
Word count: 2k.
A/N: All smut requests for Kaz must follow these rules.
Thank you so much for the requests and for all affection 💖 I decided to compile these requests, since they were the same central plot. I added all the elements that were asked for individually, and made sure that all ideas were respected and written down. I hope you like it and good reading.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are closed. Love you❤️
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There were two types of people in the world. The dangerous ones, with whom shouldn't play or challenge, people who are able to see and set your soul on fire with a single look, who exude power and domination with the way they walk. And there were people who loved to play with danger, with fire. People who felt the adrenaline pump in their veins and loved the feeling of being messing with something forbidden. Overcoming limits, challenging people on power.
Kaz Brekker was the first type of person. And you were second.
He was intimidating, dark and dangerous. An aura of mystery adored him like an underworld selvedge, and his caustic and intense gaze could very well be bought from what Lucifer cast around the world after The Fall. It was amazing how he hadn't left a trail of rubble where that gaze passed. People feared him, obeyed him, responded to his orders with astonishing precision. Everyone, but not you.
The surest comparison to define you would be to buy Jesper. Both with social personality, adrenaline addiction and seduction in their eyes. But you were a little more than that. More impulsive, more reckless, and more provocative. While Jesper knew all too well when to step back and keep your mouth shut, you refused to bow to Dirty Hands. Not because it was proud, but because it was fun, thought-provoking. Addictive. Every cell in your body felt extremely alive when you are under Kaz Brekker's dominant, angry, and dangerous gaze. He giving you a clear warning that you were swimming in turbulent water, but you were just plunging deeper into his waves.
You wanted to push him to the edge, the exasperation, to see what was really underneath that cold face and serious. Kaz could very well be the boss of the famous gang you were part of, but his rank wasn't enough to stop you. Never would be.
"Frankly, I just don't care." You told Jesper and Nina in one night, downing a shot of vodka.
"What?!" She looked at you dumbfounded. "Kaz is your boss and you argued with him about his plan!"
Nina looked alarmed, but all you felt was adrenaline and pleasure.
“Because it was a nonsense plan and…”
“What nonsense plan?”
And there was Kaz. With his height and his black underworld clothes, with his Lucifer gaze and mouth made for sin. You wanted him to sin. But you wanted l him sin with you.
Jesper and Nina soon stuttered trying to make up an excuse, but you weren't given to lies.
“Yours, in this morning.” Jesper looked like he wanted to stick his head in the dirt after your comment.
Then, once again, that fervent gaze was upon you, and every pulse in your body frantically pumped blood through your veins.
“Don't think I didn't notice your inability to follow rules, Y/n.” It was a warning.
“Oh I don't have a problem following rules “You rested your chin in your palm, with your elbow on the table, and held his fervent gaze, “,but only when they make sense. So that's the only way I can be very obedient, Sir.”
You heard Nina gasp, but your eyes didn't leave Kaz's. There was much more to that look than met the world could see. There was war for control, battles and ferocity. Kaz Brekker wanted to break you in half in that eye contact, but you wouldn't budge because a look. If he wanted you on your knees, you would be very happy to do it, but it would have to be the right way.
Kaz leaned toward you, closer enough for no one else to hear what he was going to say but far enough away that his mouth wouldn't touch your ear.
"You keep acting like a little brat and I'll take you over my knee right here, I don't care how many people are watching."
After that, the sexual tension between the two of you was suffocating, so thick it could have been cut with a knife. But nobody did anything to placate it, and you two just let it get bigger. Bigger and bigger. Until it's too late.
And in one night, it was too late.
"I won't do this just because you want to!" You crossed your arms over your chest.
Kaz wanted you to kidnap one of a mobster's kids to act as security when making a deal, but you wasn't going to kidnap anyone.
“You work for me.”
“No, I work with you.” It was a lie, but you didn't budge. “Don't think I'm here for lack of choice, Brekker. You need me as a vital member of this team and don't forget we're on an equal footing.”
His blue eyes turned almost black. Kaz Brekker rose from his office desk.
“Do you really think you're going to tell me how to act? Think you're gonna boss me around? Well, I don't think so.” His speech was slow and hot and dangerous, like that of a hunter prowling his prey and contemplating how pathetic you attempts to fight were.
“I don't give a damn what you think.” Your whole body was throbbing with life in that moment, as if fireworks had exploded in your chest. “But I won't do what you're ordering.”
"Fuck you." His voice was a growl.
A spot between your legs vibrated, and you gripped the taunt tightly. "I'm up for it if you are."
That seemed to be the pinnacle. The air crackled, the world shuddered, and Kaz's eyes roared with the flames of hell. He walked towards your with three long, purposeful strides, grabbed your chin in his gloved hand and brought you close to his mouth like you were just a rag doll.
Your breath burned in lungs, your unrestrained heart grew stronger and your entire body shivered. A low moan caught in your throat, but you could feel the warm, pulsing liquid stain your panties.
"You’d better watch your fucking mouth." Kaz's voice was husky, strong and gruff, like a boss. Your boss.
Pleasure invaded your body like waves of electricity, stealing your breath and making your blood burn in veins like scalding lava. Your whole body vibrated, screamed, begged. You wanted to disobey and be dominated. You wanted to fight and be defeated. You wanted to play rebellious and be demoted to a good girl.
And your desires must have been very explicit and pleading in your eyes, because Kaz let his lips curve into a cocky, smug smile. The smile of someone who knows he has power.
"You are such a hypocrite." He brought his body close to your. "Saying you're not easily obedient, likes others to think you're provocative and rebellious, but you're just a needy kid wanting my attention."
You moaned this time. A broken and delivered sound that gave away your entire game.
"I'm not one of the men you can challenge and get along with."
"I didn't think you was." You tried to rescue the last spark of provocation, your last fire of insolence.
“And yet you test me. Because you know what I can do with you.”
His husky words hit your skin, and Kaz pulled your chin more closer, until your lips were able to swallow his words. “Because you know I can break you.”
The moan came loud this time, desperate and needy. Kaz hadn't even touched you properly and you already felt ready to combust.
“Y-yes.” But if you were desperate, Kaz was burning with dangerous fury.
“I'm so sick of your voice. Why don’t you come over here and put your mouth to better use?”
Then his hand slipped from your jaw and stuck to the silky hairs on the back of your neck, closing his fingers there and bringing you with him to the armchair Kaz had been sitting in seconds ago.
They weren't sweet, affectionate, or kind touches, but that wasn't what you were looking for. You wanted roughness, fury, raw and strength. You wanted something wild, wanted had marks on your body the other day to tell a story. You weren't a woman who settled for the basics and wanted someone able to show you what a real fuck was. You wanted to be broken. And Kaz Brekker could give you that.
He sat down in the leather armchair and pulled you to the floor, settling you on your knees on the floor between his long, masculine legs. The awareness of what was to come filled your mouth with water, with desire, with lust, and you found yourself already leaning your mouth closer and... Kaz pulled your hair back, not hard, but firmly, keeping you away from his dick. For a while.
“Are you so eager to get my dick yet?” His free hand, now ungloved, glided to your face, running his thumb across your cheek in a firm, possessive touch. “Of course you are. Greedy slut."
Then came a slap. It wasn't aggressive, but you could feel the heat on your cheek. Your panties have never been so wet as they are now.
“S-Sir f-fuck.”
It was a plea, a whimper or a moan, you didn't know anymore. All you could feel was your pussy throbbing, mouth salivating and the overwhelming desire to put his cock in your mouth. It all hit you so hard that you wanted to cry with the wait.
Kaz lowered his mouth to your, slamming their lips together in a rough, brutal, dictating kiss. He invaded with his tongue and conquered everything you had, rubbing the hot flesh of your tongue in an erotic, maddening dance.
"Let me show you what happens to little brats who don't follow the rules." It was his sentence after back away his lips from your.
Unbuttoning his black pants with one hand and pulling the waistband down along with the boxers, he released the throbbing cock that sprang out with glory and grandeur. Thick, streaked with veins and with a pink head swollen and leaking with pre-cum. Everything about Kaz Brekker was delicious. Your moan at the sight was an opportunity that wasn't passed up. Kaz pulled your head by the back of your neck toward his dick, sinking into the velvety, warm, wet cavity of your mouth.
You accepted it readily, almost in desperation, tasting its taste with his tongue and sucking on his head like your favorite lollipop. Kaz moaned loudly, letting his head fall back and loosening his grip on your hair. Your eyes lifted to him, and the sight made you clench your thighs to ease the arousal.
His broad chest covered by the black button-down shirt rose and fell faster, his smooth white neck was exposed, and his firm jaw was clenched with fury. Brekker looked like the god of the underworld. And you loved it.
Your mouth suck to his cock better, increasing the back and forth movements and leaving a trail of hot sage. One hand rested on Kaz's thigh while the other aided the movements, spreading all the saliva down the length of his cock.
“You look so good on your knees like that.” His voice was more of a growl, and his grip on your hair went back to being firm.
You brought your eyes up to his once more, batting your lashes gracefully as you let out a few broken moans, sliding your tongue across every inch of his warm skin you could reach. Kaz gritted his teeth with your puppy dog ​​eyes. Losing all control and letting out a loud growl mixed with an aggressive curse, he thrust your head at him, sinking his entire dick into your hot mouth and hitting the glans at the beginning of your throat.
You gasped and he moaned loudly, increasing the back and forth and building with the movements of his own hips, fucking your mouth like it was the most delicious thing in the world.
"Fucking hell, what a velvet mouth!" He locked his teeth into his lower lip, using his free hand to slide his thumb across your cheek and give you a reward in the form of a small caress. "That's right, good girl."
You moaned, squinting your eyes and relaxing your throat. His compliment has done wonders for your feminine ego and your vanity, you've sunk your mouth down to touch the tip of your nose to his pelvis, and the grip on your hair has become rough as Kaz moaned loudly in a session of swearing and gasping.
He held you in that position, his whole body shaking with pleasure and despair, blood pumping like boiling lava through his saturated veins. With one last moan mixed with growl, he cum in your throat. In hot, strong jets, making sure you take every last drop. He tasted like salt, man and lust. And it was a miracle you didn't cum right away. The best liquid you've ever had.
Kaz released your hair with a hot gasp, and the hand on your cheek gently pulled you back. His dick came out of your mouth with a 'pop', saliva and tears mingled in your chin, your lips swollen and as red as roses at their apex.
You've never been so fucking delicious as you are now.
Brekker pulled you into his lap, settling you on his thigh and locking their mouths in a kiss permeated with lust and desire. You whimpered, body sensitive, pussy throbbing and throbbing. Your hands went to his hair as Brekker pulled the hem of your skirt up.
"Now, you're going to keep showing me how much you regret being insolent."
You smiled with teasing and malice. The night was just beginning.
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
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↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
SUMMARY: reader and blaise are partners in potions class and he lets something slip about a certain friend of his.
WARNINGS: none i think!
A/N: this is my entry for @simpology 's writing challenge with the prompt "Oh, and he's wretchedly in love with you"... hope this is good :)) the plot is kind of confusing but just go along with it
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"Do you have the instructions?" asked a nonchalant Blaise Zabini as he settled next to you, letting his bag fall down next to his chair.
"Of course, yes. We'll need-"
"I know, i've already picked everything." he said hurriedly as he placed several bottles and containers on the table, surrounding the boiling cauldron at the center of it.
"Oh! Ok... we can start then, we'll have to add-" you interrupted your reading as you noticed Blaise already pouring a non-specified quantity of some green liquid into the cauldron.
You eyed him curiously as he continued the potion-making on his own.
"Why did you ask me about the instructions if-" he raised his index finger in front of your face, successfully shutting you up and irritating you at the same time.
He poured another range of ingredients in the cauldron and began mixing, finally raising his eyes at you.
"Now we can talk about important things." he stated, not stopping his movements.
"You just interrupted me twice in the span of 5 minutes, what could be possibly more important than the potion that Snape is going to grade today?" you asked with annoyance audible in your voice as you crossed your arms in front of you.
"Don't worry about the potion, it's going splendid. We have far more important matters to discuss." his calm voice was doing nothing to soothe you, instead doing just the opposite.
"And what is that?"
"You." he announced, remaining as stoic as a statue.
Your eyes widened at the mere syllable that had just left his mouth.
"Me? And what about me?"
"Not exactly you, more like your current situation." his eyes bored into yours with such coolness you wondered whether you were the daft one there.
"My situation? And what-"
"Your sentimental situation." he cut you off. Again.
"It's the third time you do that."
"And you keep on posing questions but i'm the one that should be asking and we don't have a lot of time. Do you know Draco Malfoy?"
"What does that even mean?!" he raised an eyebrow at you, unimpressed, and you simply scoffed. "I'm not interested in whatever game you are playing right now, Zabini."
"Just answer my questions, y/l/n, i swear there is a point." he continued stirring the concoction, eventually dropping new ingredients. You sighed but decided to play his game.
"Yes, yes i know him."
"How would you describe him?"
"Zabini, i swear, this isn't making any sense, can you-"
"What did i say about asking questions?" he scolded you. You rolled your eyes and narrowed them at the boy in front of you.
"Fine. He's blond, tall-"
"Not physically, you idiot." he scoffed and you smiled to yourself, which made him eventually soften his gaze.
"He's a slytherin and..." you didn't know what to say. You obviously knew about his past actions, he wasn't exactly well-seen at hogwarts.
"And?" he asked expectantly.
"And i don't know, he's not the nicest person around, i think."
"Interesting." he muttered, almost to himself as he got lost in his own thoughts. "What do you think about me then?"
"You? You are like him, aren't you?" you asked, smirking as you did so.
"I don't know, i'm asking you." he said, returning the smile with playful eyes. You scoffed and returned to your potions book but Blaise snatched it our of your hands. "We were talking, weren't we?"
"We were supposed to brew a potion, weren't we?" you asked, mimicking his previous sentence while taking back your book.
"I got that under control." he added other ingredients and at this point you were wondering whether he knew what he was doing or whether he was improvising just to talk to you. "So, me and Draco are the same, correct?"
"Actually," you said while trying to find the passage in your book, "i hope he has half the patience i have or he should have hexed you ages ago."
You skimmed through the pages but you couldn't find the right ones. Blaise grasped it again and hid it behind his back, earning the most choleric stare you could muster.
"Or maybe i don't. I'd love to see him hex you. Know what? I might do it myself."
"Now that's a wonderful idea." your eyes widened again and, furrowing your eyebrows, you just stared at the boy i front of you, wondering what had happened to him. "But i had something else in mind. Why don't you go take your book back, we might need it."
You switched your gaze from his own eyes to his hands and noticed that he had no longer the book, instead his wand, pointed towards one of the other tables of the class. A table you noticed had two copies of the same book on it, meaning one had to be yours.
"What game are you playing, Zabini? Do you even know what you're doing there?" you asked, pointing to the concoction.
"I don't, so you better get your book back if you want to fix this." he said and you could feel anger boiling in your chest at the smugness of the slytherin.
You marched towards the table, exasperated.
"Oh, and y/n?" you turned around while walking, eyes still flaming with annoyance, "he's wretchedly in love with you."
You couldn't process the new cryptical information as you bumped into someone. You immediately returned your eyes to the front of you, finding a tall blond there, holding your book in between your bodies.
"Is this yours?" he lifted slightly the book but you were speechless. What had Blaise just said? "Cat got your tongue? I'm asking if this is yours..."
Your eyes darted from his to the book several times before settling on the latter.
"Yes! Yes, it is." you finally spoke and heard chuckling coming from behind you. Blaise.
Draco handed you the book and you took it slowly, still unsure of what your next move should have been.
"Wait!" you said, a little louder than you intended to but enough to catch his attention as he was returning to his own workplace. "Do you- uhm..."
He stared at you, waiting for you to finish your sentence but it was not as easy as it sounded.
"Do you want to switch partners?" you managed to let out, visibly confusing him.
"You want to be with Nott?"
"With you actually... Blaise said-"
"Blaise said what?" he suddenly got more serious, his irises darkening as if you had just created a storm.
"He said-"
"I said you are the best at potions and she needs help. Desperately." Blaise came up from behind you, laying his hands on your shoulder, still stiff from the embarrassment but it immediately vanished as you heard the voice, leaving its place to irritation.
"I do not need help and most certainly not desperately." you stated indignantly and the blond in front of you let out a small chuckle, earning himself an angry look from you too.
"I'll leave you to it then." he said smirking and you quickly grabbed his arm to prevent him from leaving you with Blaise.
"Please no, i can't bear another minute with him." you pleaded, which made the blond suppress a chuckle and his friend roll his eyes, clearly annoyed.
You stared at him for a moment longer as he did the same, almost as if time had frozen.
"Well... i'll leave you two to it" Blaise began to make his way to Draco's previous working table, "maybe you'll finally be able to tell her about your crush on her, huh?"
Draco's head whipped towards Blaise as fast as lightning, a panicked look ruling over his features. His best friend kept going, leaving the two of you alone, speechless.
You stared at him and he stared at you.
"I like you too-"
"He was kidding-"
"Oh." you both said in unison.
He stared at you and you stared at him. No more words were exchanged, just looks.
"You like me?" he asked tentatively.
"He was kidding?" you retorted, slightly hurt and embarrassed now.
"That depends."
"On what? On how ridiculous i must look right now?" you continued, the embarrassment turning quickly into annoyance.
"On whether you really like me or not." you were still unconvinced, his face unreadable as you tried to look for an ounce of sincerity in his silvery eyes, "Because i do like you, y/l/n."
Your brows still furrowed, you stared at him inquisitively.
"Were you the one kidding?" he asked now, suddenly self-conscious, letting out a single dry nervous chuckle.
You scrutinized him a little longer, noticing his confidence wavering and his patience thinning from the way he was looking at you.
"I wasn't." you finally stated, smirking at the blond boy in front of you.
He furrowed his brows too, the corners of his mouth hinting at a slight smile. But the sharp hit on both of your heads delivered by professor Snape made you both hurry back to your table.
"Get back to work."
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juyeoniemyhoney · 3 years
make you feel my love
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Losing means nothing to Ishikawa when he has you.
pairing: ishikawa yuki x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
warnings: i don’t think there’s any!
word count: 2074 words
A/N: i honestly dont know who wants to read this but im just gonna post it anyways HAHA so here all you ishikawa simps pls enjoy<3
It all happens at once.
The noise— screams of all pitches and encouragements of all sorts, forming a raucous cacophony in the large gymnasium— halts almost immediately; like a vacuum has sucked it all up and the only thing that is left is an eerie stillness as everyone waits in antsy anticipation for the player to serve.
And then he is running up, throwing the ball great lengths into the air and jumping to meet it halfway, hitting the ball with such force and determination you can almost feel the impact yourself. The ball hurtles through the air and crosses the net with such speed you almost don't see it.
But the Japanese team does. Their libero, Yamamoto, crosses the court in a flash and bumps the ball up so high up it gives his teammates half a second to breathe before they are rushing to connect it, the setter, Sekita, tossing the ball higher in the air for Ishikawa to hit it.
The tall Brazilians loom over him like a curse, like bad karma, as determined as the Japanese are, but not nearly as desperate. Ishikawa does not mind them and he bravely hits the ball with as much strength as his worn out body allows him, sending every last bit of energy into this spike, hoping, praying, practically begging for it to work, for the ball to hit the other side of the court with such violence that the Brazilians would not be able to even react before it hits the floor.
The next thing you know, the ball hits the hands of the Brazilians and is spindling down towards the floor at breakneck speed. Yamamoto, Sekita and Ishikawa (when he lands), all throw themselves to the floor in a desperate bid to save it, to not let it touch the floor, to not let all their hard work be washed down into a drain. But to no avail.
The ball hits the floor with a resounding thud. The whistle blows and all at once, the Brazilian supporters leap from their seats and yell and scream and shout with unadulterated joy. Because they have won! They have won the game! And the Japanese have lost. The Japanese team and their supporters are quiet in the wake of their loss. You do not move, almost as if if you did, the bleachers would crack open, the earth beneath the gymnasium would cave in and you would be falling to the floor, through the soil and to the core of the earth.
The three men lift themselves up from the floor with the weight of defeat on their shoulders and their teammates pat their backs silently, looking solemn but trying to be as encouraging as possible. The team gathers at the end line of the court and another whistle blows, signalling both teams to bow. When Ishikawa's eyes hit the floor, so do the tears.
He cries in silent agony, somehow feeling like it is all his fault. He is the captain, he should have led them better than this. He is the ace, he should have been able to hit pass those blocks. He knew hitting hard was risky, he should have been more careful. He should have moved faster, reacted faster, gotten to the ball faster. He should have been sharper, more alert, better. He should have been better.
His teammates shed a few tears too, but not quite nearly as much as Ishikawa. It's unrelenting— his tears. It doesn't want to stop, even when Ishikawa roughly wipes at his eyes in frustration, desperately wanting the raw showing of emotion to stop. Everyone can see him cry in this moment and he hates it.
When Ishikawa and his team begin to move off the court, is when you break from your stunned daze. Quite frankly, you were shocked speechless. You knew Brazil was a tough opponent but your faith in your boys would always trump any form of doubt. You knew they could do it. You knew they would be able to do it. Until they didn't.
You do not see the tears from quite so far away, but when you do, you are ripping yourself from your seat with such great speed, the people around you jump in surprise. You do not care, you do not even really notice before you are sprinting down the stairs, leaping from each flight, ignoring the desperate calls of your best friend and the shocked expressions directed at you as you race to the exit of the court.
"Ishikawa Yuki!" you yell just in case you don't catch them in time. You know you could just call him or meet him at his house but you came as a surprise, and though you'd wish you could surprise him after his victory, you think that surprising him and being able to comfort him in his loss will mean just as much.
At the sound of your voice, his head whips around, eyes wide in shock as he desperately searches the people for your face, eyes glassy with unshed tears and vision slightly blurry. You jump off the rest of the stairs, running to him with flailing arms. And when Ishikawa sees you, you swear you see his lips pout, eyes glossing over as tears run down his face.
You grin and run to him and he drops everything, his water bottle, his towel, his jacket, everything, so that he can hold his arms open for you to run into and give him a big hug. And you do exactly that. You run straight into his arms, wrapping your arms around his torso and shoving your face into his chest, not caring at all that he is drenched in sweat (and possibly tears), not caring at all that almost the whole gymnasium full of people can see the two of you have such an intimate moment, not caring at all because Ishikawa Yuki, the love of your life, is in tears and you have to do everything in your power to stop that.
Ishikawa's arms wrap around you too, holding you so tight and dear to him, you swear the both of you stop breathing. And with you in his arms, he finally crumbles to the floor, tears spilling from his eyes and sobs escaping his throat in ugly, high-pitched hiccups. But he doesn't care, you don't care, he's safe as long as you're here.
"When did you get here? I thought you were only going to touchdown tomorrow," he whispers in between sobs, his shaking, swollen hand coming up to your hair and entangling his fingers with the strands messily. You pull away slightly and pull Ishikawa down so that your chin rests on his shoulder and he can bury his face into your neck, your hand coming up to his sweaty hair to run your fingers through the corse, tangled strands as Ishikawa continues to cry in your arms. This position is so incredibly uncomfortable. After all, Ishikawa is insanely tall and the top of your head doesn't even really reach his neck, and you're sure Ishikawa's back is going to hurt a little later but he doesn't seem to mind at all at the position change, indulging in you as he shoves his face into the crook of your neck, hot breaths that tickle your skin, coming out in pants as he struggles to control his sobs.
"I wanted to surprise you," you say with a fond smile, the hand that was idle on his back coming up to send a wave to his teammates when your eyes meet, even sending one to his coach, who just smiles bitterly at you. His teammates send you rueful smiles and thumbs-ups of approval before they make their way back to the locker rooms, leaving you and Ishikawa to continue embracing at the exit of the court.
Ishikawa lets out a tearful laugh, saying, "Well, I'm surprised alright. I was just thinking about you when you called my name. I almost thought I was seeing things.".
You laugh but do not reply, allowing a comfortable silence to take over as Ishikawa lets all his emotions out in the form of hot, regretful tears. Your hand continues to soothe him with pats and strokes to his back and your hand remains in his hair. Ishikawa's large hands fist your shirt at your waist as his tears and sweat seep into your shirt. You don't mind. Of course, if this were anyone else you would. But this is Ishikawa Yuki, and you love him more than anything else in this world.
"You played so well," you whisper after a while of silence. You can feel Ishikawa wanting to pull away from you but you do not allow him, knowing full well that he wants to pull away to argue with you, to debunk your words with his incessant humility, so you do not allow him. You do not allow him to deny himself the praise he very much deserves because he's worked hard for this, no matter the outcome, he and his teammates have worked his ass off for this, and the least you can do is praise him.
"Yuki, you played very well. Don't try and deny it," you say with a firm voice, hand on his head keeping his chin to your shoulder. At this, he finally laughs and you loosen your grip, allowing him to pull out of your embrace just enough for him to see your face.
His cheeks are tear-stained and his eyes are beginning to puff up with all his crying, red beginning to bloom at the corner of his eyes, slowly taking over the white. His smile is nothing short of breathtaking, swollen eyes and red lips curled up brilliantly, smile lines and the corners of his eyes creasing sweetly. You can't help but grin back when you see his smile, nose souring with endearment.
"You know me so well," he comments, fingers coming up to tuck strands of your hair behind your ear, fingers trailing down your jaw to your chin, tilting your face up just a little bit more. His fingers guide your head just slightly forward before he is meeting you halfway in a sweet kiss, grinning immediately after your lips meet his.
Ishikawa's eyes trace over your every feature, observing, remembering, ingraining; tracing over the curve of your eyes, the slope of your nose, the perk of your lips, the peak of your eyebrows, and the line of your jaw, fingers ghosting over each feature along with his eyes, all the while maintaining the smile on his lips.
Then, he is giving your forehead a sweet kiss before pulling out of your embrace fully, turning around to pick up the things he had dropped when you came running into his arms. He brushes off his jacket and drapes it across your shoulders, holding open the jacket for you to slip your arms into the sleeves, to which you do, before he is hooking the zip and zipping it all the way up to your chin.
In his mind, he laughs at the way you are dwarfed by his jacket. Your hands can barely be seen, only the tips of your fingers peeking out from the sleeves, and the jacket, where it usually ends at his hip, ends almost at your knees. Unconsciously, he smiles and has to physically restrain himself from pinching your cheeks.
After he zips up his jacket, he bends down to pick up his towel, draping it over his shoulder before he is bending down once again to pick up his water bottle, having set them down to help you put on his jacket. Then, without a word but with the largest, goofiest grin, he takes your hand in his and leads you out of the court and to the locker rooms in a comfortable silence, fingers intertwined with yours.
For a second there, he almost forgets that they lost the game and are not able to proceed to the quarter-finals. For a second there, he almost completely forgets about his regrets and anger and frustration. And it's all because of you. And of course, he is eternally grateful to you. After all, what on earth would he do without you? He would still be crying his ass off, that's what, though he would never admit it out loud. And it is because of this reason— though he would do it without a reason at all— that he kisses you a little longer, hugs you a little tighter, loves you a little more.
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Claire...may I request a lil' writing? I'm thinking of Javi maybe post Columbia and he builds up a routine. He goes to the same coffee shop every morning on his way to work and of course picks up the same order. You're a barista at the coffee shop and eventually, you can pin down his arrival to the minute so one day, you make his drink for the exact moment when he gets there, with your number written on the cup cause screw it, he's damn hot. What would happen? <3
Oh Maia, this was FUN to write for you!!! I hope you enjoy it! :D
Exciting update!!! GIF and media genius @nicolethered made an amazing video for me to go with this fic!! Go give her big love!!
Second exciting update! I was challenged by @quica-quica-quica to play the POV game for this piece (where someone Asks you to rewrite a piece from a different character's POV). So now there is a companion piece to this from Javier's POV, called: "Coffee Shop Girl". Enjoy!
For Now
Word count: 3900+
Rating: explicit, 18+ only
Outline: Javier Peña x “You” (Austin coffee shop barista; cis/het female reader; “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: slow-burn; oral sex/F receiving; vaginal fingering; protected P/V sex; cigarette smoking
Ten days. It took ten days between the first arrival of the handsome stranger and you ending up in his bed. A new personal record for you, given how reserved you normally were. But it was nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you were careful. It was the 90s now after all, there was zero reason to have to keep your knees closed until marriage, as long as you used condoms and got tested regularly.
You liked the coffee shop well enough, situated on the southern end of downtown near the warehouses and a few clubs. It drew a full spectrum of Austinites: college kids closing out their club nights with breakfast tacos and pastries before going home to crash; early morning construction workers, employees from the big post office around the corner; and the usual boring lawyers and office staff who started streaming in around 7:30 every weekday morning. You could do the job well enough, even considering the odd hours: waking up early enough to open the doors at 5:30, serve the slow trickle of early morning customers with patience and ease until a co-worker joined at 7:00 for the morning rush. And the barista and food service parts of the job were physically but not mentally demanding. It was a job, and certainly less hassle than your bartending gig some weekends. At least here you only had to throw drunks out once a month.
And then one Tuesday in early June, at 7:47 a.m., he appeared. Tall, neatly groomed mustache, dark eyes, a sheaf of bangs swept to the side over his forehead. His navy blue blazer and tie said ‘accountant’ or maybe ‘state employee’ and his sideburns were just a little out of date. You pegged him at about 40, probably one of those men who visited the same barber their whole lives, not bothering to keep up with fashion trends as long as they looked neat and clean. When he reached to take his to-go cup of black coffee from you, you noticed that his ring finger was bare, and you liked that his fingernails were clean and trimmed. He offered you a nod in thanks, and you smiled at him a little more warmly than you had with your other customers so far. He held the door on his way out, pausing just a moment to let two women enter… and then he was gone, out into the bright sunlight and foot traffic and morning rush. You hoped you would see him again.
On Wednesday he came back again, a repeat of Tuesday except with a different tie, deep red today instead of navy. Black coffee to go, leather portfolio tucked under one arm, clean hands, eyes as dark as the coffee you handed him. This time rewarding you with a gruff and gravelly, “Thanks,” instead of just a nod. You relished the accidental brush of his fingers on yours as you handed the cup over, another flash of him imprinted on you, along with yesterday’s vision of him going golden as he stepped out into the morning sun. This time you watched him through the big glass window until he was out of sight, admiring his strong nose in profile, the curve of it perched over that mustache. Two extra seconds of handsomeness poured into your morning before you had to turn back to rinsing mugs and making change. You hoped that he’d come again on Thursday, making it three visits, a genuine pattern instead of a fluke.
On Thursday he reappeared, same time as the previous two days, waiting patiently in line behind two wake-and-bake potheads who were taking their sweet time staring up at the food menu. Today he was dark gray instead of navy, wearing a charcoal blazer and a sharp black tie. You waved him over with a smile, letting it melt all the way up to your eyes instead of flashing the tight, brief, closed-mouth thing you used on most customers.
“Black coffee, right?” You watched his face, taking in the dark eyes, the hair, the brief smile that made a surprise dimple appear in his cheek.
He nodded, “That’s right. Thank you.” He slid a rumpled bill across the counter. “Keep the change.”
You bit your lip as you turned away, preening at his thanks and seven whole words as if they were genuine praise. His voice was deep and rich, landing with a rumble in your own chest, like the remnants of thudding bass from a passing car. You poured the coffee and secured the lid, brain scrambling desperately for something clever to say. To make him come back, to talk to you more.
You turned and handed him the cup, and as he reached for it you again let your hand be in just the right spot to feel the brush of his fingers. Your eyes locked on one another, and for the briefest moment you forgot to let go of the cup. You wanted to swim in those brown eyes forever, get lost and let him drown you whole. He paused, and you thought you saw the briefest twitch of his mustache, a pinprick in his calm exterior before you drew your hand back. He inclined his head, a single nod, and then he turned to leave and your attention was swept back to the register and the next customers.
Friday he arrived “on time” and you met his eyes as soon as he opened the door. Today he was warm earth tones, a dark red shirt under a brown tweed blazer and no tie, a nod to casual Friday. You turned and prepared his coffee, tightening the lid and then holding it up to him across the room, smiling and tossing your chin up in a friendly greeting. He walked up and slid a few bills over the counter to you.
“Thanks.” He winked at you and something in your pelvis fluttered. “See you next week.”
You watched him go, stepping out again into a halo of golden sun, pulling a pair of aviator sunglasses from his pocket and putting them on before striding away. You suddenly felt lost, facing the many hours between now and Monday.
Your weekend passed in a blur of extra bartending shifts and catching up on sleep. You were forever napping at odd hours, trying to reconcile the slightly staggered rhythms of early morning coffee shop hours and late-night bartending. It wasn’t the hardest you’d ever worked or the worst schedule, but it wasn’t fun. At least, it hadn’t been fun until now. Now you had something to look forward to.
Monday morning you opened the shop and kept an eye on the clock. At 7:46 you poured black coffee into a to-go cup. Thirty seconds later, he appeared on the other side of the plate glass window, the navy suit and tie again, blowing out a long stream of cigarette smoke before dropping the butt and giving it a quick twist under his foot. He took off his amber-lensed aviators and tucked them into the pocket of his blazer, then pulled out his wallet. At 7:47 on the dot, he opened the door, met your eyes, and saw you holding up his coffee. And there went that smile again, the dimple, the wink.
You smiled as he approached the counter. “You psychic or something? Or am I just that predictable?”
“Both, maybe.” You grinned and wiggled your eyebrows.
He opened his wallet and passed a bill across the counter, larger than what was strictly necessary for a to-go coffee and a reasonable tip. “Great service, keep the change.”
You thanked him, giving him the full-watt smile and wishing him a good day as you opened and closed the register, putting the change into the tip jar. Thankfully there was no one else in line right now, so you could give his handsome figure your full attention as he left, watching how the navy blazer hugged his shoulders.
He went out the door, turned right like he always did, and then he turned his head and his eyes met yours through the glass. You should have felt embarrassed that he caught you staring, but you didn’t. Mostly because you realized that he had stopped to look back, too, which meant you weren’t the only one hoping for more. He nodded and lifted his cup in a gesture of thanks. Then he was gone.
Tuesday was the same, only with the charcoal blazer and the dark red tie this time. The wink, the flutter in your gut, the over-tipping. The glance across the counter as his fingers brushed yours around the cup. The aviators slung on as soon as he stepped out the door.
Wednesday, again, the navy suit and tie, another brush of the fingers, a smaller tip but a bigger smile, gracing you with that dimple again. Another gravelly, “Thank you,” that sounded warmer than he had to date. The handsome profile and a quick meeting of the eyes through the glass as he left again.
Thursday was the same, only better. You used a permanent marker to write something on his paper cup before you poured it precisely at 7:46 a.m., watching, waiting. He did not disappoint. At 7:47, precisely on time, you caught a glimpse of his profile as he came into view through the plate glass window. Charcoal again. He turned and saw you inside, then opened the door, holding it again for a woman exiting. You pointed at his to-go cup on the counter and smiled.
“You trying to get rid of me? In and out so quickly?” He smiled and twitched an eyebrow at you.
You smiled back, “Depends on how long you were planning to stay. We close at 1:00 a.m. after open mic tonight. After that you gotta go somewhere else.”
The handsome man chuckled and pursed his lips. “And what time do you get off, after the morning shift?”
“Depends on who’s asking.” You winked and immediately regretted it, it felt too bold, it wasn’t your normal mode.
He met your eyes and said simply, “I am.”
You felt your face split into a wide smile. “I finish at 1:00, after the lunch rush.”
He nodded. “Good to know. I’m Javier, by the way.” He stuck his hand out and shook yours. You gave him your name and a warm shake of the hand.
He fished a few bills out of his wallet. “Can I maybe stop by after your shift, take you to lunch sometime?”
“You can do me one better than that.” You rotated the paper cup so that the writing was facing him. “My phone number’s on the cup.”
His eyebrows popped up, and then he gave you an appraising glance, like he was impressed. You saw his tongue shift up under his lip to suck a tooth and you suddenly wanted nothing more than to see how that tongue felt on you. You flushed hot, tingling with desire.
He arched an eyebrow at you. “You do that for all your customers?”
“Just the best tippers.” You winked at him and laughed.
He stuck his hand out once more and you gave him yours. He lifted it and kissed the back of your hand, mustache sweeping ever so briefly over your knuckles before he gently released it.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” his voice was low and something in it went straight to your groin, making your pelvic muscles clench. You watched him pick up the cup and go, smiling at you with that dimple through the glass as he left. You stood for just a moment, hoping, hoping, hoping. Maybe he would call you after work?
At 1:00 you finished your shift and handed the register off to Mike. You were just untying your apron and hanging it up when you saw a familiar profile sweep into view outside the window. Javier. Your stomach flipped over and a million little butterflies flew out.
He ducked inside the door and searched the shop for a moment, smiling when he saw you coming out from behind the counter with your bag slung over your shoulder.
“Hey,” you stood for a moment and hesitated, suddenly shy.
Javier slipped his sunglasses off and tucked them into his pocket. “Hey, I’m glad I caught you. Are you busy, or can I take you to lunch today?”
“No, I’m not busy. I’d love to go.” You smiled. “There’s a sandwich place around the corner, and a park we can go sit in.”
He smiled, wider than you’d seen him do so far. “That’s perfect.”
He let you lead, walking him across the street and around the corner to the sub shop. You made small-talk on the way there, finding out that he was from Laredo but new to Austin, a former DEA agent consulting for the state. You picked up your food and walked a block over to the small city park, where you told him about your roommates, your cat, your wish to go back to school and finish your degree. By the end of lunch you were both smiling, feeling that spark, the little magnetic pull that had started over his coffee orders. At 2:00 Javier said he had to get back to his office.
“... but I’d really like to see you again. Can I take you to dinner? Tonight if that’s okay, since you’re working tomorrow night.” He stood close to you, looking warmly into your eyes.
“Yeah, that would be great.” You felt that flutter again, that twitch of interest from looking into his warm brown eyes, seeing the way they crinkled when he smiled. You were so busy looking at his eyes that you didn’t see him reach his hand out, sweeping it around to circle your shoulders and pull you in for a kiss. You kissed him back, as urgently as was proper for the time of day and the public setting. When he pulled away to walk back up the few blocks to his office, you stood there dazed. Wow.
You went home and napped, then showered and changed into datewear. Javier picked you up at 7:30, and you were relieved that the little spark was still there. You had half-worried that it would wear off in the few hours between your lunch date and now, or that it was a localized feeling limited to a small radius around the coffee shop. But dinner was fun and warm, and by the end of dessert and coffee you didn’t want to leave him yet. You decided that you would be bolder than you normally were.
“Listen, my roommates are home, but do you want to go back to your place?”
Javier looked surprised for only a moment and then smiled, “Yes, let’s go.”
You kissed all the way back to the car, ran your hands lightly over the back of Javier’s neck as he drove, kissed all the way from the car to his apartment door, and tumbled inside together, feeling for buttons and zippers and helping each other out of your clothes. His erection felt warm and solid against your hip, and when he finally got naked you were nearly moaning at the expanse of his broad shoulders and golden skin. He was beautiful.
Javier walked you backwards to the bedroom and paused only to pull a wrapped condom out of a drawer and turn on the bedside lamp to chase away the dark. You lay back and watched him as he tossed the foil packet onto the quilt next to you and then knelt beside your legs. He looked at you as he ran his hands up and down your naked thighs. Then he butterflied your legs slowly apart and ran one warm hand up to your pussy, teasing you with his fingers, dipping them in and out between your labia and running them up to tickle your clit.
“Can I eat you out?” He asked almost shyly.
You nodded, a breathy “Yeah,” issuing from your lips. Javier dove down and licked into you with a rush. You gasped and threw your head back, clawing your fingers down into the blankets. Javier worked you open on three fingers and used the tip of his stiffened tongue to flick your clit rapidly from side to side while his fingers slipped slowly in and out. You moaned and fought the urge to close your legs while he curled and stroked inside of you, finding the spots you could never quite reach yourself. Within a few minutes you were cresting the wave of release.
“Oh God, I’m gonna come! Keep- keep going,” you gasped, “Just like that!” Javier kept his pace steady, working you along as you huffed and breathed faster. He curled his fingers just right and you sped off the edge into oblivion, gulping and grunting and making noises that were almost embarrassing, that didn’t sound like you, but you felt too good to even care. Javier stopped licking and slowed his fingers as you clenched around him, using the broad flat of his tongue to swipe a long, comforting stripe up the outside of your labia. When you were finished coming, he pulled his fingers out slowly and sat up on his haunches, smiling like a prizewinner.
He wiped one broad, flat hand down his mouth and chin, and then crawled up the bed to lay next to you, stroking you from hip to breast with his thick fingers. “Was that okay, cariño?”
You groaned out a chuckle, “Oh yeah, that was good.” You rolled onto your side to face him, and drew him in for a deep kiss. You loved the mix of how he smelled and tasted, your own salty musk blending with his spicy cologne and the smoky phantoms of cigarettes past and his after-dinner coffee. As you kissed, his hand came up to stroke a trail of goosebumps on your shoulder, and you reached yours down to stroke his cock to attention. The heft of him was thick and warm in your hand, and within seconds he was hard and throbbing. You ran the pad of your thumb up the bottom of his head and over his slit gently, and you giggled as he shuddered and reached down to pull your hand away.
“You keep going like that and I’m not going to last long.” His thick fingers wrapped around yours, and he pulled your hand up to place a long kiss to the inside of your wrist, blowing warm air out through his nose, the feel of it on your skin sending a thrill up your spine. He reached for the condom and opened it, rolling it down his proud length. He put his hand down and stroked your thigh before hooking one hand behind your knee to pull your leg up and over his hip. He held himself so that his tip was buried just at your entrance, then he thrust up and into you in one swift motion. You inhaled sharply and hooked your leg tighter around him, letting him set the pace. He nudged your jaw, nosing up into the crook of your neck and kissing you from ear to chin and back again.
His hot words sent chills down your neck and your nipples stiffened into sensitive buds. “Baby, you feel so fucking good, so hot and wet. Fuck, you’re amazing.”
You kissed him and shushed him, then you pressed an open palm to his chest, “Wait. Roll over. I wanna get on top.”
Javier grinned in the dim light of his bedroom, then he wrapped his big hand around your lower back and pulled you over with him. You shifted and settled into place, and the feeling of being speared on him, of his cock hitting deep inside, of his coarse curls rubbing against your clit was almost to the point of overstimulation. You whined and fell face down into the crook of his neck, smelling his warm spiced fragrance and going limp at the ‘too much’ of it all. He planted his feet flat on the bed and kept his arms wrapped around you, thrusting up, up, up into you over and over. He made the most delicious noises, sounds that might have been words or not, but which conveyed all of his pleasure in little grunts and groans.
You decided you wanted to watch his face, so you sat back up and braced yourself on your knees, rolling your hips in rhythm with his and helping him chase his high.
“God, you look so fucking good on my cock, cariño. So beautiful.” He started to turn glossy with sweat, tiny golden beads reflecting the single lamp beside the bed and making him look surreal. You followed a drip of sweat as it appeared on his neck and then ran down to pool in the hollow at the base of his throat. You tipped forward once more to lick at it, to taste the salt and the smoke of him and nip one tiny bite into his neck before moving up to lick and nibble at his earlobe.
Javier suddenly tensed his legs, giving one big thrust and then hissing out a “Fffff-” between his lips as he came. He thrust again and then stilled, relaxing back into the bed, but keeping you close against him. You let him hold you, your breaths slowing together until you were back, calm again, heartbeats back to center. He released you and held the base of the condom as you lifted off and rolled onto your back. He went to the bathroom, and you heard him run water before he returned with a wrung-out washcloth. He offered it to you, and you declined with a weak wave. He turned and tossed it into the bathroom sink and then motioned for you to scoot off the bed so he could turn the covers down.
He picked up a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, gesturing at you with a raised eyebrow. You put a hand up, “Not a whole one, but I’ll take a drag off yours if that’s ok.”
“Sure thing.” He lit one and passed it to you, and you took a deep drag before handing it back.
“Thanks.” You blew the smoke out in a blue stream.
He crawled into bed and patted the mattress next to him. “Stay,” he looked at you with a smile. “If you want to.” He parked the cigarette back between his plush lips.
You smiled warmly and crawled in next to him. “Okay, just for a little while.” You checked the digital clock beside the bed. “I gotta go home and change, and then get to the coffee shop at 5:00. Can you set the alarm for 4:00?”
He nodded and picked up the clock, pressed a few buttons and slid a switch into place. Then he raised his arm and settled it around your shoulders, and turned off the lamp. You watched the cherry of his cigarette glow and then turn faint, bobbing in the dark as he moved to flick ash into the ashtray on the nightstand.
He murmured low, into the quiet room, “You know, I’m only here for the summer. The consulting job ends in August.” He paused to take the final pull of his cigarette, then stubbed it out in the ashtray. “After that, I gotta go back to D.C.”
You yawned and nodded. “No problem. We can have fun this summer. I’ll take you to Barton Springs and Mount Bonnell, give you the real Austin tour. We can just have fun for now.”
He kissed your forehead, moving down your nose to land soft kisses on your lips. “Okay, summer girl. I’m all yours… for now.”
Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
The only tag list I have: @quica-quica-quica @anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001 @deadhumourist @mandoalorian @javierpinme
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mossybank · 3 years
Forbidden Fruit — K. W.
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Based on this post — @kitwalker02 @undeadcortez
Warnings: smut with like zero plot, office sex, spanking, nun reader, ooc kit?, fingering, unprotected sex, getting caught
A/N: this is my first smut one shot! Of course it had to be for my beloved Kit! I hope you guys like, I had fun writing it 💕
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Y/N honestly couldn't explain the string of events that lead her to her current position, one of Sister Judes most favoured workers—rivaling the lovely Sister Mary Eunice— she had been entrusted to administer a punishment to Kit whilst Jude dealt with another problem in the asylum, something to do with the bakery, but that decision was poorly made.
It was no secret that Y/N spent a lot of time with Kit, many chalked it up to her just being the only employee in this place he'd listen to, but it ran much deeper than that. The two conversed in detail, growing close, and a thick tension always surrounded them; fleeting touches lasting longer than they should and words a little too intimate at times.
And so Y/N though about her current predicament, habit of veil and coif thrown across the room into some dark corner and skirt lifted to reveal her legs, hair messed up from a make out session. Truthfully, Y/N had never been devout, only really becoming a nun for the free housing when she fell on tough times, but that didn't stop a slight guilt from over taking her as she became more aware of her position and location.
"Have you ever..." Kit paused for a second, stood between Y/N's legs, which she had wrapped around his waist, holding a cane, "Had this used on you?" He wouldn't be suprised if Jude punished her own staff alongside the patients.
"Me? Never, but I've seen a few newbies at the receiving end of Jude's wrath."
The girl moved her hands from her sides and placed them upon Kit's, "But.. I've always wondered what it felt like." She said, a sly smile as she looked up at the suspected murderer, something she often forgot he was and quite frankly refused to believe was true, through her lashes.
Kit chuckled, raising a brow at Y/N, "You're a bad girl, sista'." He comments, giving her a peck on the lips, but of course she already knew that.
Y/N bit her lip and leant back, "Well, what are you going to do about that, Mr Walker?" She turned around, elbows leaning on the desk, and shook her hips teasingly, "Spank me?" She winked.
For second, Kit faltered, he was out of practise, but he quickly picked himself back up, playing along with Y/N's game. He placed a hand on her shoulder blades, pushing her down onto the table, leaning some of his weight against her, crotch rubbing against her ass. He leant down, hot breath fanning on Y/N's ear,
"You'd like that, huh, Suga'?" He says lowly, almost a growl, before straightening back up.
The rooms stills for a second, Y/N waiting in anticipation. There's a split second where she doubts that Kit is actually going to do anything, thinking that she'd perhaps gone too far and made the man uncomfortable. Then, it happened—
It echoed slightly in the room, and Y/N flinched with a gasp, there was a hesitance behind the whip, a feeling of unsurity, but that was to be expected when thrashing someone for the first time.
Kit placed a hand over where he'd spanked Y/N with the cane, cool hands making her squirm, she still had underwear on so he couldn't be sure if it'd left a mark,
"Can I..?" He trailed off, fingers dipping into the waistline of the underwear before slipping it off at Y/N's enthusiastic nods.
Kit's hand trailed over where the cane had made contact with Y/N's skin, there wasn't really a mark, though compared to the bloodied and bruised lines Jude left people with of course anything would look miniscule in comparison. He expected to feel bad about marking the girls skin, but strangely enough he didn't.. In fact, he liked it.
Y/N looked over her shoulder at Kit and tilted her head, "C'mon, I know you can do better than that." Perhaps it wasn't wise to mock the man with a cane, men were often unpredictable and she didn't actually know Kit as well as this situation would lead someone to think, but maybe that thrill was part of the fun for Y/N. She didn't know how he'd react to her taunts, and that was something she relished in.
Kit's brows raised, a look of amusement washing over his face, "I thought you nuns were meant to abstain?"
"Maybe I'm just not like all those other nuns.."
"And I'm the one who's meant to be punished?" Though given Kit's position, it was clearly decided long before now that he wasn't in trouble, "What's the punishment for a slutty little doll like you?"
"Twenty lashes," Y/N could feel Kit's confidence growing steadily with every word between them and bit her lip, "At least."
If she couldn't sit tomorrow, not that the opportunity to do so presented itself often in this job, Y/N would know she only brought it upon herself and it turned her on. God, she'd been a nun for just over a year at this point and not being able to have sex was absolutely killing her. Of course there was a chance Kit would just spank her, leaving Y/N high and dry on her bosses desk, but seeing how worked up Kit was she could tell he wouldn't be leaving without getting his dick wet.
"Twenty? You keep count for me, alright suga'?" Kit shifted his stance slightly, "and look just straight ahead for me."
Ah, look straight ahead, Y/N liked the sound of that. She complied, suprisingly, not being able to see when Kit was going to touch her added to her excitement.
Kit's next spanks were harder, ego improved from his first hit, and Y/N couldn't be happier. The sultry sting that came from each lash only arousing her further, coupling with Kit's words as he worked like a fine wine and steak. Her arousal must've been visible to the eye by now, Kit stopping and putting the cane down, producing a satisfying clink against the wood of the table.
His hands first went for Y/N's ass, caressing over the marks he'd made and soothing them temporarily, before one made its way towards her pussy.
"All this and I haven't even touched you properly." He comments, fingers running across her lips and coating them with her slick.
They were only at thirteen, but that was enough, the two were clearly desperate for more.
Y/N whined at Kit's touch, it wasn't much but it was the most she'd felt in months, and tried to grind against his hand. At this, Kit moved it away, tutting at her.
He mutters out a 'behave' and Y/N hears the metallic jangling of his belt being unbuckled, the sound bringing heat to the tips of her ears and the corners of her lips to twitch upwards.
His hand goes back to her pussy, rubbing it and finding her clit, repeating small circles around it. Y/N moans and bucks her hips, resting her head against the desk she was bent over.
"You're so needy, Doll, all for me." Kit watches her writh on his fingers, one hand working on her clit and the other now going towards her entrance.
The way she pulled him in mesmerised him, her sounds a sweet overture, and he bit his bottom lip in concentration.
"Fuck me," Y/N says airily, letting out a gasp as Kit curled his fingers inside her, "Please, I need it."
Kit was already hard, but if he wasn't Y/N's pleas would have him up in an instant, "I don't have any rubbers, are you sure?" He stops fingering her, Y/N whining at the loss of contact.
Even as far gone as the two were now, Kit wanted to make sure Y/N was comfortable every step of the way.
Nodding, Y/N lifted her head and looked towards Kit, "Just pull out." She says, reassuringly, because everyone knew the pull out method was 100% effective.
That was enough for Kit, he took a deep breath in, "I want to see you," He mutters, pulling Y/N up from her bend over position upon the desk to instead sit on the edge facing him.
Sitting on the hard surface stung but the wood offered a cooling effect alongside it, but eitherway she'd forget the pain soon enough, moulding it to pleasure.
Y/N pulled Kit in for a kiss, hand delving into his hair; it was open mouthed and desperate, teeth clashing a few times without a care from the couple. Glancing at the clock, Y/N knew she should be conscious of time, Sister Jude could return any minute, but she neglected voicing this concern to Kit.
Kit's hand trailed under Y/N's dress, trailing across her stomach before resting on her left boob. In a joint effort, the two managed to get it off, leaving Y/N now in only a bra.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." She says jokingly, with a wink, hand going behind her back to unclasp the bra, wanting Kit to take his shirt of.
Maybe being completely naked was unnecessary, scratch that, it absolutely was completely unnecessary, and was bound to make getting caught worse but that thought didn't cross the minds of Kit and Y/N right now. If it had however, it merely would have been more motivation.
Rejoining to kiss, after a second Kit moves from Y/N's lips to her jaw, trailing kisses down her neck.
"I'm going in." He tells her in advance, the head of his cock teasingly stroking her pussy lips before finally he pushes in.
Kit allows Y/N time to adjust, sliding his length in slowly before bottoming out and waiting for her instruction to continue. At her command he moved, setting a steady pace thrusting in and out.
Y/N leant her head against Kit's shoulder, trying to suppress any sounds knowing the walls of the asylum could be awfully thin when you didn't want them to be.
One of Kit's hands snuck from Y/N's waist to her cunt, going back to play with her clit, and the other venturing to her breast to toy with her nipples, resulting in a sharp gasp from the girl.
Digging her nails into Kit's back, his cock hitting just the right spot, Y/N brings herself to say something she's been holding back
"God, Kit, I think Jude's going to come back soon..—" She manages to force out between laboured breaths and whimpered moans.
"Well, we better make this quick then Suga'." Kit sped up his pace, Y/N arching her back.
She bucked her hips to matched his thrusts, throwing her head back.
Within the next few minutes the office was filled with the sound of skin hitting skin, sweat humidifying the air and stifled moans of pleasure.
Kit let out a groan, "Doll, I'm close—" His hips juddered, pace becoming somewhat erratic.
Y/N hummed, going in to kiss Kit, moaning a soft 'me too' into his mouth.
As Kit pulled out to have his own release, his hands never left Y/N, fingers replacing his cock as his cum coated her stomach. Y/N let out a shuddered gasp, letting out one final moan as the coil deep inside her finally snapped, reaching her high. Kit continued to pleasure her through it, only stopping when she fell slack in his arms and tried to steady her breathing.
She clung onto Kit and slowly regained herself, glancing at the clock, "Shit, we need to clean up before—"
Speak of the devil and he should appear, or rather she in this case, Y/N's mother had always said, for once in her life the saying proved true.
The door opening loudly, Y/N and Kit froze, giving eachother a look of worry before slowly turning and meeting eyes with a livid Sister Jude.
Dear God, there was no saving them today.
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imthatchishiyasimp · 3 years
I'm freaking out this is my first post, like the first one shot I post and write about AIB and Chishiya.
I really hope you all like it, please please please tell me what you think about it and whatever you want to tell me.
It's long (4444 words), I know, but I hate small things because I get upset. It's very close to the story and it doesn't have lot's of changes, I wanted to try first to write about something I know. In the future I will write more original and new stuff. Also, I wanted to get used to the universe and to the characters first.
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The sign flashes all around the city. I slowly walk towards the Toei Sendagaya block apartment, focused on the cube in my hands. Due to having no electricity, I’ve gotten used to pick random things from stores to entertain myself.
It’s still shocking to feel the city so silent and calm, and at the same time it feels terrifying. One would think that being that people die every day, the streets would be forgiving. You can’t even lower your guard now. Even since the first day, I’ve liked walking around the streets, checking out shops and random apartments. I kinda feel powerful, but it’s something that deep inside I know it’s just fake and limited. And I’m not giving up, but at least I’m going to enjoy now that I can, until ‘they’ decide that I’m not needed around anymore.
The tall complex shines between the bushes and buildings, its lights on every floor lighted on. I place myself a few meters hidden behind the stairs leading to the central lobby. From there, I sit and watch people climb the stairs. A couple of them look pretty scared and lost, showing signs of this being their first game. The rest all look shaken up but used to this. When it looks like no one else will come, I get up and get to the crowd around the phones.
There’s thirteen people waiting and all of them look at me while I pick the phone from the table. When the facial recognition is finished I can see that there’s only a few seconds left for the game to start. Almost didn’t make it. Would have been stupid to die because I was daydreaming.
‘Move aside’ I say to Chishiya, elbowing him after not having a response. He looks at me annoyed and slips off his earphones. He finally moves to let me place my back at the wall and get my hair in a bun.
It’s so easy to point out who the newcomers are and the ones that are sick of playing. You can also name who’s going to be willing to put themselves first and who’s going to scary run the whole game.
I start rolling the sleeves of my sweatshirt up when a boy with a cap starts talking to some guys. They look lost, but not new to this. Might be the first week here. I eye them from my spot, not saying a thing but listening to the whole exchange.
“Excuse me, do you know what this is?” He asks a black haired boy. Honestly, he looks a mess, like he has just gotten up from bed and hasn't changed in a few days. “I ended up here and I have no idea what’s going on”.
“It’s a game” He answers. At the same time, the blonde man next to him, probably his friend, tells him to stop it. I chuckle and cover it up with a cough, earning myself a glare from both Chishiya and Aguni. I might be prone to get in trouble with people and they won’t be happy if I screw a game up. Better be quiet.
The blonde guy whispers to his friend and I try to pick something up from the conversation. Not get close to the new ones and something else.
The card flashes on our phones, telling us the kind of game and the level of difficulty. I was so curious about the card when I got to my first game, I didn’t know what it meant and what I was supposed to do with it. I’m a bit ashamed to admit that I admire the cleverness behind the rules and the method of the games. It’s the work of both a psycho and a genius.
A sporty girl starts to stretch just after the card shows, so she must know what it means. She’s calm and collected and I bet she’s willing to put all of us on the killing zone before she goes down. We could be friends, I think.
I hear a sigh next to me and I catch a glimpse of Chishiya rolling his eyes. He doesn’t exactly hate physical games, but they sometimes mean having to run or climb and he’s not a fan of working out. And, even though he won’t admit it, he doesn’t like having his white hoodie dirty. Not going to judge, I don’t love spades games either, but I will choose them over the hearts ones a million times.
I get down to tie my shoes tighter just in case. I would hate tripping like the clown I really am in front of all these people. Some guy in a hat starts explaining to the two friends from before what it means a spades game. Club games are hard if there are more newcomers than experienced people. I mean, if it's a game where team work means everything, you bet you prefer working with someone who knows the way around the games. Diamond ones are a bit weird: being clever will get you through them, but sometimes the answer is so straightforward that you get lost looking for the catch. Heart games are the worst. They will kill you even if you survive, and pray that you don’t get to play with a friend or someone you know.
I turn around to face Chishiya, grinning like a mad girl. He doesn’t even flinch when he stops me from talking. “No, I’m not racing you to the top.”
“But…” I sigh and watch as everyone starts running to the stairs like lost puppies. “You are so mean”. I punch him in the shoulder and cross my arms, walking towards the lift. No need running seven floors up and wasting energy if I’m not even going to be able to brag about having won a race.
Chishiya follows closely behind, probably guessing I’m going to try and leave him there.
We get inside the lift and silently wait until we get to the seventh floor. It’s been a long time since I used one, not everyday you get to play in a building apartment. Feels nice, and like we’re back to normal.
Once we get to the top, we both choose a position that lets us have a good look at the whole complex. He goes to one wing while I leave for the other one. No point leaving a flank unseen. I take my cube out and restart it, keeping an eye on the people looking around scattered through the floors. I don’t get why someone would choose saying in the lower ground when a tagger is supposed to chase you through the whole building. Dude, that’s the most critical place to start.
“Hey, don’t get distracted with those games of yours.”
“Don’t be mean, Chishiya. You know I’m paying attention.” Anyway, once I finish the cube, I keep it in my pocket and rest my arms on the banister.
Aguni and his new friend get to the seventh floor and both of us wave towards him. Like always, he completely ignores us and keeps walking towards another high point.
“That’s nasty” Chishiya says and I nod along. Aguni is always so serious during games, it’s boring.
“I place my bet on those two guys and the sporty girl surviving”. I firmly say. They look like they will make it, but not without having a rough time.
He has the audacity to snort and laugh at me and I look at him surprised. “You’re joking. Everyone looks like they’re about to die, as usual. Just look at them, they don’t know shit about what to do”.
“Were you this calm in your first games? Don’t be mean, they are trying their best. No one wants to die.”
“But, where you that stupid?” He says while pointing to a couple of girls on the second floor who are touching their phones desperately. “I’m not saying you gotta be a genius from the start, but if you don’t collect yourself quickly, you are already dead.”
“Well, my majesty, not all of us are like you, and some people need a little more time, and a little more help.”
Chishiya looks at me and, as if I had imagined, a caring and sorry look crosses his eyes. He probably remembers the first time he saw me get through the games and how I completely lost it once. It wasn’t easy.
He nudges my arm with his elbow and I look at him.
“Hey” He says with a soft voice.
“Don’t die this time.”
“Wasn't planning to.”
As if we all had planned it, the whole complex goes silent, trying to locate this said tagger. A trumpet goes off and everyone looks scared, ready to bolt to wherever they can.
The sound of the lift’s doors can be heard from our position, so the tagger is probably on the sixth or fifth floor.
Not a penny drop can be heard. Not a breath.
Some people start walking and try to open doors. The rest are all watching closely until something happens.
And it does.
Gunshots run through the dense air that surrounds us. I try to see where they come from and I finally catch sight of the tagger. Probably a man, judging for the height, with a horse head and a really mean gun. He’s on the sixth floor, just in front of the stairs.
I point at him and nudge Chishiya, but I already know that he has seen him.
There’s now thirteen of us.
And then shots are fired again and we can see the two friends and the one with the hat running down the stairs, away from the tagger.
“Told you, they are gonna get killed.” Chishiya says with a smirk.
“Oh shut up, this is not a TV show we are talking about. And I have faith in them”.
They split up on the third floor, the hat man keeps going down while the other two try to hide in the hallway. Not long after, on the ground floor that the tagger chases and shots the first one and finds another man freaking out. I don’t know if it’s better that he died because he went off the game zone instead of being shot by the tagger. Anyway, he’s also dead. And that makes three dead players.
Eleven participants left.
“See, they are smart. At least the cute one”. I say smiling.
Chishiya looks at me and raises an eyebrow, silently questioning just what I said.
“What? It’s not like I’m lying; he is cute, and smart.” I laugh and wink at him, cutting eye contact with him. If we are going to have an awkward moment, please don’t be while we are playing for our lives.
The killing spree of the tagger continues with the pretty and lost two girls. They sure are on their first game, because they look so freaking scared and unprepared. I mean, who would have come with heels and handbags. I scoff and shake my head watching how one of them falls dead and the other one wastes an incredible opportunity of getting away while the tagger reloads. Well, not all of us are strong enough to leave our friend and not panic at the same time. Shame she has to die, anyway.
So now we are nine players still alive.
Looks like everything’s gone silent again, until shouts break the silence and we all look for the source. It’s the cute guy and I laugh when I understand what he’s saying.
“Everyone! The tagger is currently at the second level of the central area! The tagger has bad vision because of his mask! Let’s inform each other of the tagger’s location and search for the safezone together!”
“Oh my god, did he seriously turn a spades game into a club’s one?” I laugh again and Chishiya scoffs under his hood. “I want to be best friends with him”.
“Don’t be stupid.” Chishiya says. We move a bit to see where they are going now that they are all running. “It’s a good idea, not going to lie, but no one will answer him.”
He mutters something else, but I don’t really catch it. I think I saw the tagger doubt his step when he heard the guy shouting, but he definitely looks annoyed when the sporty girl shouts back.
“The tagger is moving from the fourth level of the central area! Anyone nearby, run!”
I celebrate and raise my hands, clapping and laughing in Chishiya’s face. He looks surprised and tells me to shut it.
The girl runs from the tagger and finds an elderly woman in the hallway. With the tagger on their back, they are probably going to get killed. I grip the banister and hold my breath. She seems friendly and clever, I’m internally rooting for her.
Suddenly she jumps off the balcony and starts climbing the pipes up to the next floor. The other woman dies behind her, and the tagger tries to catch the girl but fails.
“She’s pretty good.” Chishiya mutters. “You just wish you could do that. It’s called envy”.
“As if you could do that too. You are just as weak as me.”
“Hey! Don’t throw me in the same casket!”
Already? We should start moving.
I look at Chishiya under my hair and he frowns at something. I follow his gaze and see the tagger looking at the cap boy from an upside floor. What’s shocking it’s him starting to shoot from there. He has been killing just people he casually finds while walking around, not shooting from that distance.
The boy goes down, but looks unharmed. The two friends are on the same floor and get to him, running away from the door he was trying to open.
Not bothering to ask Chishiya if he got that, I start jumping on the place and keep my phone in my pockets. He slides off the hood and shoves me towards the stairs.
“Shall we, ma’am?”
From the corner of my eye I catch Aguni intercepting the boys and I make a face. It doesn’t always go well when he does that, he tends to let them die in order to have his way. The sporty girl stops to talk to them and she starts jumping from floor to floor.
“Do you think someone’s going to get it too?” I ask out loud. Chishiya shrugs and keeps on walking. I tsk and stay behind him when we get to the hallway. I turn around and watch my back, even though I heard a fight somewhere near. Probably Aguni, who are we kidding.
Just when we are arriving at the safezone apartment, the cute boy appears from the other side.
“Cute boy! I’m glad you realized it!” I happily say without thinking. I mouth a silent sorry when he looks at me a bit perplexed. Chishiya elbows me, hard, and I whine a bit. That’s mean.
He picks the doorknob first, but doesn’t open it. The three of us are watching closely, and honestly I’m a bit nervous about the time. I don’t like risking it as much as Chishiya.
“Aren’t you going to open it?” he asks.
The boy answers a couple of seconds after, lost in his thoughts “Why did the tagger chase us? He could have just waited here.”
He is onto something. Now, I’m not liking this at all.
“Seems like there’s something else we don’t know.” Chishiya says, keeping his calm exterior. He’s going to use this poor boy in case he has any doubt of a risk. “However,” he adds, taking his phone out “if you don’t open it…”
There are three minutes left.
Sweat starts running down my back, making me shiver and hold my breath while I watch the boy start turning the doorknob. All our phones beep announcing the time left until we all die with the bomb.
Slowly, he opens the door with caution. We all walk inside, in silence and with darkness surrounding us. It 's empty. No furniture, neither personal objects nor some leftovers of someone’s life. A few steps in we notice a door at the end of the room and we all walk towards it.
It’s not until we are too far inside that another tagger walks out behind the door.
“Look out!” the boy screams and pushes us out of the shot range.
Gunshots fly around the apartment and I duck behind the bathroom door. Chishiya uses the taser and the tagger goes down, but recovers quickly and starts shooting again. I scream when a bullet gazes at my arm. It fucking hurts, but at least the bullet didn’t got me completely.
I can hear the apartment door being shut and the other door at the end closing too. They must have gotten through them. I hope they aren’t harmed.
I wait, trying not to make any sound in case the tagger comes to finish me off. I search through the room, but nothing seems lethal enough to use like a weapon. I hate bringing weapons to games, I don’t really want to kill anyone if I can help it.
Gunshots are fired and I cover myself up, even though they are not directed towards me. Fighting blade weapons? I’m okay with that. Fighting people? Not against it. But, I have nothing towards a gun. I mean, it can take me from a long distance! No point.
“Everyone! The safezone is in apartment 406! It’s impossible to clear the game alone! We need two people to do this!”
Are you kidding? This is so mean. What if you were the only survivor? Not fair, not at all.
Well, it seems like I should get moving and try to do something useful in this game. I haven’t done shit, now that I think about it.
Slowly, I open the door just in time to see the tagger shoot the door and break the safelock. I take small steps following it, ready to throw myself to placate it. Just when the gun is going up I jump and kick the tagger in the knee, managing to bring it to the floor.
I hear a scream coming from the tagger and a lady cursing from behind the mask. She starts shooting and I scream trying to cover myself without being hit. The guy bolts and tries to help me get her off the gun, but she keeps fighting like a mad person.
We both go down before she gets us with the bullets and I catch a glimpse of Chishiya at the door, trying to help but having to cover himself because of the lost shots.
The phones all inform us of the ten seconds remaining at the same time that the sporty girl jumps through the glass of the balcony. The tagger kicks me and gets the gun pointing at my face and I panic just a bit before I push back. The other guy tries to help me, but with no help.
“Hey!” Chishiya shouts.
I’m on the floor fighting the tagger with the gun under my chin, trying to get it off my face, but I see him throwing the taser to the girl and she quickly gets the tagger down.
I let out a sigh before I heard the time almost coming to an end. My eyes search for him and we lock our gazes. I can feel the breath we are both holding and the silent words running through our minds. My fingers clench and I swallow, accepting death like a forgotten friend, saying goodbye with a blink.
But, just like that, with a blink, it all finishes. The buttons are pressed on the last second and we all hear the beeps from our phones.
In that same moment, the tagger gets the mask off and we can see an old lady crying looking at us. The collar in her neck starts beeping faster and faster and I scramble to get away from her. Chishiya grabs both my arms and I scream at the touch in the bullet gaze from before, but he doesn’t let go and gets me away at the same time that the collar explodes, killing the lady.
My whole back is covered in blood and I roughly grab Chishiya’s hoodie. I don’t want to look at her and see what we did, even though it was unintended. She was also playing, and she died because we won.
Chishiya and I are left in the room with the dead tagger, and he grips my hand and makes me let go of him. He starts checking the pockets of the lady and gets something out, but I don’t register exactly what.
I get out of the apartment to breathe. I hate this part where we really think about what went down here. Lots of people died, and we got a few days to live just to have to risk it again in the next game. Could have we saved someone? Not really, I know that. But it doesn’t make it easier anyway.
“I’m Arisu.” Someone says beside me. I turn and the cute boy is there, watching me from a distance. “I wanted to thank you, for risking yourself back there. We are alive thanks to all of you.” He sticks out his hand to me and waits.
I’m speechless. No one has thanked me like this in any game. I didn’t really do a thing, but he’s thanking me. I should be the one doing it, he cooperated with the other girl and they stopped the bomb. We could have died there.
I let out a small laugh and shake his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Arisu. And thanks to you, you did the dirty work inside the room.”
I look back inside and watch Chishiya stick the paper in his hoodie and walk towards us.
“I look forward to meeting you somewhere else, hopefully not dead in a game. Be careful and enjoy the warm water in the ocean now that we are all alone in the city.”
With a wink, I walk out of the apartment building with Chishiya not too far behind. I think he heard me talking to Arisu, but he doesn’t comment on it.
We walk, and we walk, and we walk. Neither of us likes to go back to the Beach in the cars, so we always take a stroll through the streets, enjoying the silence and the stars shining above us.
“Does it hurt?” he asks.
“Mmh?” I look at him questioning and he nods to my bleeding arm. “Oh, yes, like a bitch. But I’ll have to wait until we get there.”
He tsks and grabs my arm, leading us to a pharmacy around the corner. I don’t say anything, knowing he will shut me up and will only be a waste of time. We get inside and he starts looking for some disinfectant and bandages.
He knows his stuff. I was surprised at first to discover he knows his way around the medical grounds; and I’m glad he does. It doesn't hurt having someone nearby capable of dealing with nasty wounds.
He silently works and I watch him closely. He’s handsome. And he knows it, that’s why he smirks feeling my gaze on his face. I trace his features taking my time. His eyes are the most scary thing I’ve ever met. They hold so much knowledge and feelings. I always feel like he could take me apart just with his eyes. He mostly covers his emotions, so even though you search for micro expressions, you will come empty handed almost always.
I bring my free hand up and run my fingers through his hair. I love it, it’s so smooth and soft. And the fact that he always wears white to match his hair makes me smile like an idiot.
Chishiya clears his throat and starts covering up the wound. My hand drops and rests in his arm, basking in the heat he’s making.
Once he’s done, he brings down my sleeves and looks me in the eye, silently checking if I’m okay. I nod and take his hand, quickly gripping and, just as fast, letting go. I can hear him sigh behind me, and he follows behind.
“You know, I’m glad I met you here, but I would have prefered meeting you in the real world.”
“Because I know I will be safer here with you, but I also know the probability of us having a happy ending is minimal while we are here.”
“You are not wrong.” A couple of minutes goes by until he adds: “But that doesn’t mean you can’t try and make the most of it while you are alive. It will hurt more, but at this point, who cares?”
I let out a breathy laugh and turn around to hug him. Hard. He stops and lets me hug him, finally giving in and hugging me back. I hide my face in his neck, breathing deep and closing my eyes. I can feel his pulse and his chin coming down on my head, his hand running through my back.
“You are an idiot.”
“And you are mean. Deal with it.”
I swear I can feel his lips kissing the top of my head, but it’s so fast I can’t be sure. He starts walking again and I run to catch him before I lose him.
We may have a complicated relationship, if you can call it that. We are there for each other, not sure of what to do, what to give, what to take. But we do not give up. I’m just glad I’m not alone, and thankful that I have someone looking out for me.
I smile all the way to the Beach.
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samadiw · 3 years
Knickers - Part 03 - Yellow Knickers 💛
Fucking yellow?
She didnt have yellow knickers, she didnt have yellow anything and it wasnt like she could stroll into Hogsmeade and buy a pair.
Hermione pulls out her drawer of knickers, for a girl who didnt get it on much, she had a drawer full of colourful undies, one must always feel good in what covers your twat.
She gingerly picks up a scanty almost see through black pair of knickers, well, they would have to do.
Placing the pair on the bed, she reaches for her wand and waves it over the undergarment, the colour instantly changes from black to dark yellow.
Hermione grins, it looks better than she expected.
H : "Not bad..."
She flops down on the bed and thinks of Malfoy's cock for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.
The fucker had no shame in just whipping it out in front of her, his crass boldness turned her on, he didn't care to tip toe around her as if she would shatter into a million pieces.
Her toes curl with wanting, he would widen her nicely, she had always been told she was tight.
Damn that bloody Malfoy cock.
T : "The fuck man."
B : "Don't you get sick of losing?"
T : "You're cheating, I know it."
B : "Its wizards chess, you just suck."
T : "I have to meet Luna but once I'm back, I want a bloody rematch."
B : "Let's make it interesting, care to place a bet?"
T : "10 Galleons?"
B : "My house elf makes 10 times that, you bloody cheapskate."
T : "Later."
B : "Use protection, we don't want crummy chess players being added to the population."
T : "Fuck you, Zabini."
Draco walks in towelling his hair
B : "Ah, want to grab a butter beer?"
D : "Sure, mate."
Throws a bottle at Draco and he catches it expertly.
D : "So, whats the name of the new broad?"
B : "Patil..."
D : "Nice."
B : "Is Weasley still banging Granger?"
D : "Haven't a clue."
B : "She's looking rather fine this year."
Draco tightens his hold on the bottle and takes a long swig.
Blaise didnt know the half of it.
The next morning
T : "Fuck, are you ready to leave?"
D : "Yeah, I've got some, unm...work to do."
What he wanted to do was claim his seat in the Great Hall before someone else did.
B : "Well, I'm ready, I'll come with you, Theo, do hurry up bitch."
T : "Yeah, yeah, I'm hurrying."
They walk into the Great Hall and find it half full.
A bunch of 3rd years are sitting in Draco's usual place.
The blonde towers over the younger students and hisses darkly.
D : "Move, now!"
The adolescent boys trip over themselves in their haste to get up.
"Yes, Mr Malfoy, sir."
"Right away."
"So sorry."
Blaise and Draco slide into the seat.
B : "I think the tall one wet his pants."
D : "Respect, Blaise, must be taught when young."
B : "Theres a fine line between respect and bullying."
D : "Potato, potahto."
B : "Why the fuck do you keep looking at the entrance?"
D : "For Nott, ofcourse."
Blaise raises a brow and grins.
B : "Sure you are..."
Hermione links her arm through Ron's and he whispers a funny joke into her ear, she throws her head back in laughter.
From across the hall she can feel steely grey eyes watching her every movement.
She locks eyes with the ice blonde and bites her lip.
Settling down in her usual spot, Hermione looks at Draco through hooded eyes and challenges him.
Draco smirks, fucking showtime.
He's about to drop something when a voice cuts into his train of thought.
PS : "Mr Malfoy."
D : "Yes, Professor Slughorn?"
PS : "Come with me, boy, I need your rather unique potion making skills."
Come on, no, no...
D : "Now?"
Slughorn raises a brow.
PS : "Yes, now..."
Draco glances at Hermione desperately.
Did the old codger have to fuck up his morning?
Draco weakly protests
D : "But sir, I'm um..hungry."
Hungry for Grangers cunt.
PS : "Now! Before I start deducting points off Slytherin."
The bloody bastard.
Draco gets to his feet
D : "Fine."
Hermione looks on in disappointment, brings her legs together and watches Malfoy trail after Slughorn miserably.
The fuming Slytherin throws a look of annoyance her way before exiting the hall after the potions master.
Draco misses his first two lessons because of Slughorn's potions emergency, he is still at it when his year piles into the classroom.
He wipes his brow and looks up, Hermione grins and pats the seat next to her suggestively.
It wouldn't do to openly sit next to the Gryffindor without a bunch of questions being asked.
Draco coughs to distract everyone else and shakes his head, Hermione frowns, rolls her eyes and pulls out her books.
PS : "Good job, Mr Malfoy."
Draco replies in frustration.
D : "Yeah, no problem, Professor."
He gathers this things and sits next to Theo.
The class drones on and by the end of it Draco has dozed off more than once.
Theo nudges him and hisses.
T : "For fuck sake, get up."
The class ends and the exhausted students leave the dungeons and make their way to lunch before the next round of classes start.
Hermione studiously avoids Draco, she wouldn't go to him, let him come to her.
Refusing to sit with her, who the bloody hell did he think he was?
She steps into the abandoned girls bathroom to fix her hair and wash the tiredness off her face.
It takes but a second.
The door opens, closes with a bang and a heavy firm body presses up against her back.
Shocked at first, Hermione reaches for her wand but she looks up to see Draco grinning smugly at her.
She turns around and shoves him
H : "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
D : "Isn't it obvious?"
H : "This is the girls lavatory."
D : "I'm aware."
H : "Get away from me, you pervert."
D : "I haven't seen your knickers today, Granger."
H : "And you're not going to see them now."
D : "Oh, I beg to differ."
He places firm hands on her waist, lifts her and settles her on the counter.
Hermione lashes out
H : "Have you lost your damn mind?"
Draco winks.
D : "Possibly."
Hermione tries to hop down.
H : "I'm not playing this bloody game."
Draco holds her in place, his long fingers brush gently along her skin and edge upwards.
He pushes up the school skirt so it bunches around her waist and stares at the bright yellow undie hugging her pussy lips, outlining every dip and curve.
Draco swallows hard, up close she looks absolutely breathtaking.
H : "There, you saw them, are you satisfied?"
D : "Immensely, yellow might be my new favourite colour."
H : "Very funny, now let me go."
D : "Not so fast, pet."
He runs a long finger down her material covered slit.
Hermione gasps and a involuntary moan escapes her full lips.
She comes back to her senses and scolds.
H : "Stop it, anyone could walk in."
Draco rolls his eye, waves his wand and distinctive click echoes through the quiet bathroom.
He grins mischievously.
D : "Problem solved."
He continues to rub enticing circles around the flesh of her inner thighs.
D : "I wonder if you taste as good as you look."
H : "You wouldn't..."
D : "Oh, I would and you will love it."
He peels down her panties, leaving a trail of fire where his fingers touch her skin.
Draco puts Hermione smooth legs over his shoulders and bends to give her exposed cunt a quick lick.
Hermione gasps as he delves inside her with the tip of his tongue.
He gives her clit a quick flick and proceeds to eat her out generously.
Holy fuck, was Malfoy licking her cunt?
Oh, so good, so bloody good.
D : "You taste divine, let's see what makes you come."
Hermione's breathing elevates, she surrenders to the blonde licking her to glory.
The noises he makes as he moves his tongue echo in her head and fuel her pending release.
H : "Malfoy...."
D : "Wet, so fucking wet."
They have 4 minutes and 26 seconds before their next class.
Draco figures he needs 3 minutes tops to fuck her with his talented tongue and feel her orgasm on it.
D : "You taste fucking amazing."
He parts her pussy lips with his tongue again and begins to lap at her eager wetness.
Moving slowly, he uses the tip of his tongue to circle her ever receptive bud.
His tongue slips and he's rewarded with a loud moan.
Ah, so that's the spot.
Draco relentlessly tongues Hermione till she squirms.
He wants to look at her, keeping up his ministrations he braved a look at the witch whispering his name.
She was shuddering above him, her body wracked in pleasure.
Head thrown back, wild curls around her face, fuck...she looked stunning.
Her eyes closed, thighs spread wide and hands massaging her breasts and pinching her nipples.
This was a sight he could get used to.
H : "There, oh fuck...don't stop..."
H : "Oh...mm...I'm going to come."
Music to his ears, he takes her swollen bud between his lips and sucks hard.
D : "Let go, baby."
Hermione lets out a cry, grabs a fistful of Draco's hair and comes crashing down around him.
Only after she rode her high and stilled did he wipe her dripping juices off his chin and get to his feet.
H : "Well, that was..."
She hopes off the counter and attempts to stand on wobbly legs.
Draco licks his cum stained lips and grins.
D : "Something else."
H : Yes, something else.
Draco muses .
D: "And we havent even kissed yet."
Post orgasm bliss aside, Hermione asks.
H : "Why didn't you sit next to me? Do you still think me dirty?"
Dirty, was the woman mad? She fucking came in his mouth and he couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.
Draco pulls Hermione close and kisses her.
The kiss is no gentle exchange between lovers, its hard, fast and demanding
He pries her stubborn lips open with his tongue and slips it in to seek the inner sweetness, they grab onto each other fighting for dominance, until, she breaks free and surfaces for air.
Draco nibbles on the heated flesh of her neck and whispers.
D : "That's your cum you taste on my tongue, do you honestly believe your blood status means fuck all to me?"
He places a tender kiss to her lips
D : Actually, I wanted to spare you the embarrassment of mingling with an ex Death Eater.
Hermione shoves him playfully.
H : "Sod it, sit with me tomorrow."
D : "You dig your own grave, Granger."
A distinctive tent decorated Draco's trousers, he cups the bulge and adjusts his painfully hard erection.
H : "Oh, you're still hard, let me..."
D : "We don't have time."
Hermione's face falls in disappointment and Draco smirks.
D : "Don't worry about it, you can make up for it tomorrow."
Draco picks up the discarded yellow knickers and pockets them.
D : "I'm keeping these by the way."
H : "You cant be serious?"
D : "I rather enjoy the thought of you walking about the castle knickerless."
H : "You fucking smug prat."
D : "Blue is my favourite colour, Granger."
Draco lifts the spell and walks out.
Funny, she would've bet her left tit that it was black.
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twatshag · 3 years
Warnings: SMUT, DADDY KINK, edging, established relationship with !TIMESKIP! Suna rintaro
[11:30 PM]
You sighed while rolling your eyes as you put your phone down by the night stand. "Stupid fucking bet." You hissed.
If you were going to see another glimpse of a half assed 'good luck 🤭" message from your groupchat you might as well just throw your phone out your window.
I mean why were you doing it anyway? paying up to 360¥ per person Just because your best friends all made love with their boyfriends and you don't, doesn't make your sex life with Suna any less intimate and loving.
He knew what you liked and what you didn't like and that was enough proof right ?
No you wanted to shut their faces up and shock your boyfriend by just letting him relax and show you his love physically.
As funny as it is to say but Suna isn't the one who keeps fucking you shitless because, god does he try to take it slow with you. To show you his love through physical intimacy but you 'always want to be a damn brat' as he always says.
Always telling him that you need more of him, you beg him to go faster, to show you stars. For him to have his way with you. But sometimes he wishes to just kiss you deeply while giving you slow strokes for hours, appreciating your beautiful face and the way it shifts when he glides against your g-spot. He wants to be the only one who sees you like this.
But he didn't mind he was grateful for your beautiful fucked out face. The way you moaned his name was enough to make your wishes his command.
He'd always describe it as "bribing" or "straight up black magic" with the way you had him wrapped around your little finger.
Sometimes he would huff and pout after sex and tell you how he was excited to make love to you but you had to use "your black magic/bribing" mechanisms and ruin a sappy loving moment.
What a dork you smiled as you thought about him. Speaking of the devil there he was. The man responsible for you limping to your idiotic best friends when you all agreed to hang out, going to his games, going out of his games. The man responsible for you limping in general really.
Everyone thought he was the mean dom who just won't accept to fuck you less rough because he wants to have you corrupted but you both knew who really was the one responsible for your limping.
Suna smiled as he walked into your shared room locking eyes with you as his own laced with worry. Drying his hair from his shower. Abs on full display only wearing boxers.
Thank the gods for such a sexy boyfriend you thought.
"You wanted to talk princess ?" The bed dipped down as he sat next to your figure and he opened his arms for you so that he got a head start that you wanting to talk wasn't you breaking up with him.
Humming in response you snuggled closer to the 193 cm man and kissed his neck burying your face against his chest.
"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something." His hand now in your hair scratching your scalp and kissing the top of your head responding with a small "Hm?" Against your soft hair.
You looked up at him pulling away softly while biting your lip. he looked down at you, love and adoration lacing his eyes as he stared in yours smiling while still scratching your scalp softly. "Do you want to..well, make love to me?"
With that said his movement comes to a halt with wide eyes. last time you said something like this it ended up with him breaking the bed with you and he gave you the silent treatment for 5 hours because "you were a damn brat and had to fuck it up last minute." As he stated.
He rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead and pushed you off him softly. "Not falling for this again y/n."
As he got up and decided to finish getting dressed or he might just give in to your little games again.
"Rinnnnn I'm serious! I really want you to make love to me !!" You pouted following him like a lost puppy into the open closet.
He sighed as he searched for his sweats. "No, I am not going to do this again." Brushing past you to look in the other collection. You groaned mentally cursing yourself for always ruining a beautiful moment.
You whined as you hugged his bare back "But daddy-" oh at that ? He was listening he turned his head and body to face you faster than the speed of light. Because last time you did this you didn't call him daddy and you totally didn't sound as whiney as you do now.
He smirked at you "mm?" He leaned forward a bit just so you were at kissing height. "Daddy what? Princess?" You gulped already wet at the way his eyes sparkled with lust.
"I..want you to make love to me..daddy." suna loved seeing you like this. He loved seeing you beg for him. But there was something about fucking you so painfully slow for your own pace and stopping just when you finally feel that you're cumming made him harder than iron.
Smirking smugly he closed the 2 cm gap between the two of you, kissing you softly. Resting his forehead against yours.
"Okay, I'll play with you bunny. But are you sure you can take it?" You nodded against him "Yeah, I've taken worse before" he chuckled yeah that was your causing though he thought.
"Alright then lead the way pretty girl." Smiling sheepishly you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers with his and pushed him in the bed as you stripped.
He smirked at the sight of your skin becoming exposed by the mili-second. Wow you really wanted him to do it huh? He thought.
You got on top of him as he grabbed your waist settling you nicely on his hard member.
You moaned at the contact and kissed him hungrily as he smiled against your devouring.
Pulling away just as you were enjoying yourself, whimpering at the loss of his warmth. "You know that, when you want to attempt to make love you're supposed to kiss slowly and not try to eat my face up right?" He chuckled flipping you as you're now under him as he kissed you slowly and lovingly shutting you up from any comeback you had to throw at his statement.
You moaned as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth letting it explore the oh so familiar wetness and warmth.
His hand rested on your thighs squeezing it , moving his hand up slowly to the hem of your knickers letting it slide under the fabric where it rested on your hips.
He groaned against you as you grabbed his hand to show him your wet core through the fabric. Silently begging him to do something about your gushing cunt. But suna had no interest in rushing things.
Pulling away slightly to breathe and hearing you pant under him to move to your neck and give it the appreciation it deserves.
He moved his hand to knead your breast in between his beautiful strong veiny hands softly appreciating its warmth and softness sliding your bra down to pinch and play with your nipples while his tongue dragged against your neck.
You bucked your hips up at his hard member allowing the male ontop of you to groan as he pushed your hips down into the mattress so that you don't ruin his moment of pure body worship.
"Ahgnn- Rinnn" you whined as you desperately clung to his wet hair for grounding. As he sucked and nibbled on your neck making every shade against it.
Leaning in to kiss your earlobe as he whispered against it "shh let me love you pretty girl, I'll give you what you want, greedy baby." He cooed.
His hand reached to unclapse your bra and toss it to the side of the room. He buried his face in to your breast as he sucked and ran his tongue on it. Nibbling on your nipple to ignite the fire in you even more.
At that point you could've sworn you're a burning hungry for more-bonfire.
Moaning at the sudden contact your grip on his hair tightened throwing your head back a bit as he glided his tongue all the way to your earlobe biting softly at the skin and kissing it.
"Tell me what to do bunny hm? Where do you want me ?" His voice so raspy like that you wanted to scream for him to just fuck you right now but that meant losing the promise you made to yourself and your friends or rather the bet. You wanted to do something for him just like he always gives in to your greedy slut needs.
"Whatever you want to do to me daddy I'd accept it I just want to feel loved by you." was suna dreaming ? No he can't be right?
Just how long are you willing to keep this act up? But he didnt care even if it was an act he wants to enjoy it as much as he can while it lasts.
He pulled away as he stared wide eyed at your flushed face and panting figure. "Is that what you want bunny?" You nodded "Are you sure ?" You giggled at his concern as you wrapped your arms around his neck "mhm, one-hundred percent positive" he smirked kissing your lips innocently one last time before he decided to play along.
Oh how you wished it was as innocent as it seemed.
Suna dipped his head as he began to kiss your body down to the upper hem of your knickers biting it down to reveal your wet cunt and let it go as he kissed your clit through the fabric.
Moaning at the warmth against your throbbing core he looked up at you.
Savouring this memory of you in his head forever he decided that it's time to give you what you want.
He is making love to you after all.
He pulled your knickers off you slowly kissing each and every inch of your thighs, inner and outer, your knees, your ankles all the way until you were completely bare under him.
He smiled at your figure silently appreciating it.
"Hey, stop staring its embarrassing." You pouted at him deep shade of pink on the apples of your cheek the sight of you leaving the brunette chuckling as he lowered himself to kiss your lips as he hummed against your lips.
"You know this isn't the first time I see you naked right? And I sure hope it'll never be the last" he smiled as he leaned against you placing a sloppy kiss against your lips. The way he explored your mouth was hungry and full of lust.
He reached to pull your leg up so he had better access to your folds. Playing with your wet core as you let out a whimper against his lips.
"So wet for me, and I barely touched you bunny." Without warning he slipped a finger inside your throbbing hole allowing you to moan at the sudden contact.
It's been so long since you've seen Rintaro, with him on away games all the time your hole shrunk without his thick, long cock stretching you out.
And boy did he love the tightness of your small cunt against his finger. His cock swelled so badly at the feel of your hole clenching on his finger.
But of course suna was in no rush he pumped his finger into you slowly staring at the way your cunt kept swallowing and spitting out his finger.
Lewd sounds coming from your cunt at the action. You grinded against his hand wanting him to do more as he smirked.
"Will you ever let me enjoy one moment of appreciating your sexy body bunny? Why are you so greedy?" Pouting at you he leaned into your cunt as his hot breathe hit your clit.
You wanted to kick him. He was trying to break you so bad he wanted you to beg for him. But you wanted him to enjoy this. Oh boy was he enjoying this. Maybe too much even.
Silently begging for him to do something as if he could read your mind he licked your slit as he fingered you, hitting your spot flat with his finger tip.
Oh did he love tasting you, after all suna is human and even he is greedy sometimes. He wants to always, always taste more of you.
That's exactly what he did. Sucking and licking your clit leaving you a whimpering mess under him.
It boosted his ego so bad. "R-ahhgn-Rin please, god ye-s." You moaned against your orally gifted boyfriend.
Curling your toes as you felt you could literally die from the way he was hungrily handling you right now. He looked up at you, his snake like eyes staring you down enjoying the way your face would shift to various emotions pulling away to harshly spit against your clit perfectly.
As you jolted at the sudden wet 'slap' on your clit he attacked you hungrily adding another finger and curling them both so that they hit your spot perfectly as his tongue swirled onto your throbbing core. He moved your clit around and sucked on it while his fingers stretched you.
Feeling your high already approaching from the over stimulation of his actions you buckled your hips upwards moaning loudly.
"G-ah f-fuck i-m gonna cum Rin d-dont st-op." He was now aggressively thrusting his fingers into you and licking harder against your clit as you felt the knot in your stomach began to loosen the brunette decided to play a little game.
What was it? Oh to edge you. He pulled away as you moaned loudly in irration. "RINNNN.." you whined clearly annoyed at this. He chuckled as he shoved his fingers back into your wet cunt and curled them hitting your spot just like he was doing earlier.
"Shh bunny, be a good girl. Let me play with you." He smirked as you groaned at his statement. continuing to reach your high as he licked your pussy hungrily searching for something. God knows what exactly was he looking for with his tongue attached to your gushing cunt like that.
"Aaahgnn- y-es o-h god y-es Rin y-ehes ahh fuck mhmm, please let me cum ah!" You felt your high approaching once again as if your body was upset too that it didn't release its arousal, this time your body demanded to cum.
You felt yourself shake under suna. He knew what that mean. You were going to squirt and he loved watching you squirt for him but not when he's like this. Not when hes trying to break you first. Just as your wetness interrupted the cream on his fingers he pulled away immediately and looked up at you with his hungry eyes to see your reaction.
[12:10 AM]
Suna edged you as if you were his little pocket pussy for the next forty minutes. You cringed at yet another sign of yet another edge as suna decided to keep playing this dangerous no cumming game.
You let out a whimper and a sob. "F-for fuck's sake st-op edging m-me !" You spat at him as he smirked and got on top of you now face to face with the professional athlete.
"Then tell me what you want, bunny." Suna could do this for hours breaking your walls one by one because he was a sadist. He loved not letting you cum, edging you and frustrating you to point of begging.
You stared into his dark eyes they were gushing out lust. He wanted to fuck you, slow strokes and neck kisses maybe pick up his pace and let you cum on his cock but not today. Nootttttt todayyyyy he thought he wanted you to beg for him. To beg him to ruin you. Just like you always do.
You shifted your gaze blushing deeply at his gaze. "To make love to me suna." You rolled your eyes at him trying to hide your desire for him to just rail you.
He smirked at you "oh yeah? Okay I guess I'll keep eating you out then." He lowered himself but was deemed unsuccessful as you grabbed his face making him look up at you.
"N-no i want you to be inside me.." he smirked at you happy he broke two walls by now. One more to go he thought.
He lowered himself to give you a sloppy kiss, his tongue already on your lips and then your own as he rubbed your swollen clit. Harshly pulling out all the air your lungs saved with his kiss he decided to finally let you breathe again.
"I'll give you what you want bunny." He smirked, sitting up straight, grabbing you by the thighs to pull you closer to him or his swollen cock really.
You whimpered while biting your lip as he brought his cock along side your slit teasing you as if it was asking for entrance.
"Pl-ease j-just put it in- AHGN!" Suna decided to surprise you and push it deep into you without waiting.
Arching your back as his cock hit your cervix perfectly. He always filled you up to the brim.
As you finally thanked the gods for getting the thrusting you deserved suna had other plans.
He was in no rush so he began to kiss you. The lewd sounds of the way he groaned against your lips and tongue swirling aimlessly.
You clenched so roughly around him begging to be fucked and he knew that. But he wanted to hear it from you.
He wanted to edge and tease you as long as it took for you to beg for friction.
"R-in please.." he hummed in response as he sucked on your neck and massaged your breast and adjusted himself so he was in the perfect position to cockwarm you.
"Stop teasing m-ah-Me." He smiled against your breast "hmm? if i recall correctly you said you wanted me to do anything i wanted to do to you bunny. Isn't that right?" he said between kisses and licks you whimpered as he bit your nipples and tugged the sensitive bud between his teeth rolling his hips to tease your spot.
"P-please j-just f-ah f-uck me." you whisper moaned. Ah there it is, suna thought.
truth is you gave up trying to make love with suna along time ago because it never worked out suna was an edger and a teaser. only giving in when you begged him to. And well, you were like putty in his hands and you hated not finishing.
"hmm? i can't hear you princess." he smirked as he contiued rolling his hips sitting up as he stared at your flushed frustrated face. this was gonna end in two ways he told himself.
one> you were going to keep this act up for another 15 minutes until breaking
two> you were going to break right about...
he widened his eyes at the desperation lacing your tone but he smirked because that's exactly where he wanted you. he lowered his face staring intensely into your eyes "I thought you'd never ask." and at that he was thrusting sharply into you.
you yelped at the sudden rush of adrenaline his dick had runting into you. Pain mixing in with pleasure.
Suna was big..Bigger than the average person and if it was possible for him to rip you apart he was doing just that.
you moaned loudly as he grabbed your hips roughly, thrusting into you as if he wanted to kill you with his dick.
"F-fuck you're so tight-ah shit. You damn brat, Always begging me to fuck you like a whore." he knew just how slutty you were for him, for his cock.
he loved to break you, salvoured every moment he got as he broke you. you moaned at his pace and the way his cock was banging against your cervix making you roll your eyes backwards, mouth drooling from the overstimulation.
"God look at your whore face so fucked out already. I love it, No I'm obsessed with it." he leaned in to kiss you deeply. Even though suna's thrusts were the exact opposite of loving his kiss was truly something else.
you panted trying to escape his runting and sharp circles being drawn on the sensitive bundle of nerves by attempting to push him as your hand weakly rested on his toned stomach.
"Sl-ow D-down R-Rin." you whined against his hips.
Suna loves when you tell him to slow down because that is his green card. He had you exactly where he wanted you . He now has full access to fuck you into oblivion.
And that's excatly what he did. He runted into you hungerly making you scream and cling onto him for balance.
nails digging deeply into his back as you threw your head back and he sucked and bit harshly at your neck.
"You take my cock so well princess mhm, you're so good for me. you like that huh ? you like when i fuck you like this huh ? Such a dirty whore for me bunny." sitting up straight to have better access to your spot to thrust into as he wrapped his defined hand around your throat.
"A-h a- oh my - god Ye-s D-daddy Y-es pLea-se yES!" You moaned loudly as he kept his bone crushing pace up. His stamina was insane. For such a lazy person he'd always have enough energy to fuck the hell out of you.
Feeling your hole clench hardly around him he smirked knowing you were going to be cumming soon so he grabbed both of your thighs pushing them against your chest and keeping you in that position.
you laid perfectly for his eyes to see the way your cunt swallowed him whole. "I-m g-on-naaahh- mhhmm - I'm cumming daddy P-lease." your legs were shaking violenty because of the position you were in and the easy access he got to hit your gspot and the spot to allow you to squirt in one go. groaning at the way you clenched and how your walls were like heaven against his cock.
"F-fuck, agnh- You're clenching so hard around me, bunny. Let daddy see you squirt. I wanna see you cum and squirt for me baby." he sucked his bottom lip in as he felt his high approaching the harder you clenched.
he reached to your clit letting your throat go and he began to rub circles as fast as he could and pounded faster in you.
throwing your head back. You saw stars, eyes crossed completely fucked out of your brain moaning loudly as you unraveled and dug your nails deeper into his skin. the knot in your stomach finally broken. as his thrusts got sloppier pulling out to cum on your stomach.
As Suna pulled out once you both came, he shoved two of his fingers inside you curling them and thrusting into your sweet spot mercilessly giving you no room for coming down off your high.
making you shake and try to escape from his fingers he grabbed your hip with one hand silently telling you to take it.
"R-IN AAA-hhhhh P--l-e-aseee S-s-st-AAAAAHHHH" you shaked as you squirted all over his body. he kept shoving his fingers into you trying to rob every little drop of water inside of you.
"Thaaaaat's it baby, that's it let me see you squirt." he finally pulled his fingers out of your poor weak hole after the bed sheets were drenched and so was he.
you panted as your legs were shaking violently bringing your hands to your face to try to come off your high and to process what you just felt.
Suna moved your hands out of the way as your eyes shot open and he smiled at you. "Well? Have we learned our lesson?" you rolled your eyes at him and hit his chest "Shut up, it was your fault that i was so needy!" he chuckled kissing your lips as he said in between kisses "I wasn't the one who said ruin me." "I said shut up".
He pulled your blushing figure into his chest as he cuddled you and lifted your chin up to look at him.
"I love you, pretty baby." making you blush even more he decided that teasing you can be done at anytime just not now. Kissing you deeply as he enjoyed the warmth you raidiated for him.
cuddling you closer as you drifted off to sleep in his arms, vowing to himself that he'll always be the one to make you moan like you did.
[ 12:30 PM]
you groaned at the sharp pain in your legs as you tried to drag yourself out of your bed to the kitchen.
Suna thought you needed all the rest you could take because he knew this would happen.
he smiled at your grumpy figure walking around mumbling curses under your breath as you literally dragged your self around clutching any surface for support as you entered the kitchen.
You felt Suna's gaze on you ignoring his smug stupid smirk that you saw from the corner of your eyes.
"Wow and what happened to you there bunny?" you had about enough of his shit you were limping because of HIM and he had the nerve to ask you about it!
"I really don't want to talk to you right now Suna. You broke my hip."
He chuckled standing up and walking over to your leaning figure against the counter and wrapped his hands around your waist kissing your shoulder and pulling your ass towards his hard cock as your breath hitched.
he brought his lips to your ears letting his breath shiver down your spine. "You know..i think i can readjust your broken hip for you bunny.."
Suna Rintarō was going to be the death of you. But you didn't mind. at least you had him even though each of your friends were now 360¥ richer.
It still didn't matter because he was here and that is all you needed.
A/N: Heyyy sorry yall i've been so busy with exams :( this was inspired by my irl friends LMFAOOO they aint shit i do be freaky but they ain't have to say it like dat..💔 hope you guys enjoyed!!-kira
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severelytalentless · 3 years
History Part 1
Jealous!Gojo x F!Reader x BadBoy!Getou
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I got tangled up with this yarn ball of a love triangle for a hot second. It's long and a little angsty, I'm not completely sure I like it.
But here it is. Hope it hits well.
18+ content: sexual scenarios & strong language, exhibitionism, dubcon, public fingering, semi-public sex, dirty talk, angst
(don't leave - (throttle remix) snakehips x MO)
"Oh shit, I'm so late.."
The sound of your alarm clock melded with your dream and failed to wake you up. Instant panic jolts through you when you see the time, you rush to fling yourself out of bed.
You yelp as a strong arm wraps around your waist, yanking you back. You collapse on top of him and proceed to smack and pry at his forearm to let you go. His mischievous giggle under the covers only makes you more frustrated.
“I swear to God! Satoru! Let me go, I am so late!”
He squeezes harder and begins dragging you under.
“Late for what? Makin’ me breakfast in bed? Oh bunny, you're so thoughtful!”
You try to hide your giggle with an aggravated groan and an elbow thrown somewhere near his ribs.
“You're such a shit! I'm serious let me go, NOW!”
You don't have time for this. It's like he's been on a mission to make you late in one way or another to every class these days. Trapping you in bed all morning, kidnapping you for lunch, holding you hostage between classes, keeping you up way too late for extracurricular activities. You really can't complain, you have so much fun with him, but your grades are starting to catch up with you.
He'll try to convince you it's no big deal; that slacking off is what seniors are meant to do. But it's all gotten really stressful. Especially the History test you've spent zero time studying for. It's all fun and games until you have to answer for late assignments and failing marks.
You tumble off the bed as he groans in dramatic agony and releases you. You flail around the room collecting your things and dressing all at once.
“You're no fun..who needs History anyway? The past is boring, you should be living in the present..with me..in this bed..” you roll your eyes at his wiggling brows and his attempt at a sexy pose. In all honesty, it's not a bad attempt. His messy bed head and half-covered naked body are very easy on the eyes. But damn it, if you miss one more class because of this handsome fucker, your GPA is completely screwed.
“Toru, I have to go to class...where are my glasses?”
You button your shirt and pull your hair into the best bun you can. He sighs and points to your dresser. You snatch them and run for the door, hopping as you pull your shoes on.
“Call me when you're done being teacher's pet.” You shake your head and squint at him as he winks and blows you a kiss. You rush out the door leaving him to flop down on your bed alone. He frowns at the ceiling.
Why do you have to be so perfect and responsible? Why do you have to take such early classes? Why can't he have you all to himself? And when the hell did he get so tightly wrapped around your finger like this?
Something changed at the party. After he saw the effect Suguru had on you. He's felt this need to keep you closer. To somehow win you over. If he just stays present in your life. Maybe you'll want to stay a little longer. Maybe you won't choose him instead...
(you get me so high - the neighbourhood)
The bell rings as you're halfway up the stairs. Shit, you hate walking into class late. Especially since it's become your new habit. You get so flustered when everyone turns to look. You straighten your outfit and fuss with your hair before opening the door.
All eyes are on you. Deep breath. You quickly scan for an open seat and try to look casual. Fuck. Usually, there are a few to choose from but since the test is next week all seats are taken, except for one. And it's in the back...next to him.
You try not to make eye contact but it's unavoidable. He's already looking at you with a smirk and pats the seat before you take it. You quickly pull out your notes and get down to business, pretending he doesn't exist. He snaps his gum and leans on the table, turning his head to obviously look at your averted gaze.
“Do you mind?” you whisper sharply, jotting down a note.
“Not at all, I like the view..” he snaps his gum again. You huff and keep writing. He leans over, looking down at your notebook. You look up and furrow your brows at him. He raises an eyebrow and your cheeks flush immediately, mind flashing back to what he did the last time you scowled at him. How firmly he yanked on that leash...
His grin pulls wider and you turn away quickly.
“Please..I really need to focu-”
“You missed a button..” he slips his finger between where your shirt is parted and your hand flies up to stop him, tossing your pen in the process. He hums as he reaches down to retrieve it. You rush to secure your shirt closed and huff a sigh. You really really need to focus.
He taps your pen on your notebook and mutters in your ear.
“You really shouldn't let him keep you up so late. You're gonna fail the test..” he drops the pen and looks forward to the lecture. You snatch it back.
He's not wrong. He leans sideways to your ear again.
“But we both know you can't get enough, can you..” his words bring the vivid image of his heavy cock laying hard on his abs to the front of your mind and you shift in your seat to try and ignore the sudden throb in your core.
Fuck. This is exactly why you've been avoiding him since the party.
Gojo is enough of a distraction for you. Throwing Getou into the mix would be completely disastrous.
You can't deny what the thought of him does to your insides.
You had always been into the dark intellectual guys before Gojo fucked his way into your heart.
But Gojo had been adamant that he didn't want anything serious between you from the start of your fling.
So perhaps getting to know Getou a little more wouldn't be-
Holy Fuck.
His hand is on your thigh...
(champagne & sunshine - PLVTINUM)
You stifle a gasp, train of thought being forcefully derailed by his touch. Your heartbeat pulses in your cheeks at the intrusion, and it only gets worse as he starts to tease the hem of your skirt up your leg.
Panic sets in and freezes you to your seat, eyes darting around faster than your racing heart, just waiting for someone to take notice. But all you see are the backs of heads, and your professor is busy writing on the board. You're fairly secluded in the back of the room, the tables are all two seated. He's got you right where he wants you. He keeps his eyes forward and whispers to you.
“Shh..settle sweetheart..don't fuss...they'll know..” you clutch the top of your notebook, keeping your heavy breaths as quiet as you possibly can while he feels his way to the heat beneath your skirt. He leans his elbow on the desk and rests his chin in his palm, examining the fluster in your eyes. He hums and rubs his middle finger along your clothed slit. Your teeth dig into your lip to trap a whimper.
“You’d better pay attention..I bet this’ll be on the test..” an evil smirk crawls across his face. He watches your brows furrow, desperate eyes begging him to stop. He shakes his head and rubs in on your clit. Pleasure spurs your core, helping to release your jaw and the hot breath that follows. You drop your head to suppress your arousal. It doesn't work.
“Open your legs..” his gentle voice is laced with some kind of poison, something that just makes you weak. You hum a little moan and stare at your notebook, shaking your head as subtly as possible.
“Suguru...please..” your whispered plea is met with a low chuckle, his fingers push in harder, you whimper.
“Spread. Your. Legs.” he growls through his teeth, the pressure is just too much, you exhale and slowly widen your knees under the table. Your cheeks are so hot you must be glowing at this point. He can feel your slick wetting your panties.
“Good girl. Now. Keep taking notes..” he smiles and nods to the lecture as his fingers pull aside your panties and gently touch on the soft skin beneath. He taps your pen on your notebook and raises an eyebrow.
“Fuck..” it's so hard to keep your composure, or your legs spread like this. How does he expect you to take fucking notes?!
“Oh, don't worry, I'm gonna fuck you later..but right now you need to focus..” the words make your walls clench and you hide your moan with a little cough. He lays your pen into your hand and helps you position it on the paper, all the while teasing his fingers around in your slick, just playing with your arousal.
This is all just a fun little game for Getou. Watching you struggle to contain yourself is really turning him on. Even more so since you could get caught. You've been playing so hard to get since the party. But the cat is out of the bag, he knows there's a kinky little freak underneath this teacher's pet facade you've got on. He saw the lust on your face when he and Gojo fucked you raw, relished how you sank to your knees and swallowed his cock. You're a good obedient slut and he intends to treat you as such, regardless of how Gojo feels about it.
You manage to spell out a few words before he starts rolling your exposed clit around under his finger.
"Oh my god!" The hushed moan comes out a bit louder than you thought it would. You grip the pen while your other hand flies over your mouth. You lean on the table and try to hold still, but your flinching hips give you away. You hear your professor stop talking and clear his throat.
"Excuse me, Ms. L/N, is there a problem?"
Fuck fuck fuck...his fingers are pressing harder.
Adrenaline mainlines through your system and your stomach twists up into a sickening knot. You smack the table and look up in a panic. Getou gives your poor clit no relief as you force out a response.
"NO! No..I'm..fine..just need to go to-unh-the restroom..please.."
You squeeze your knees back together just as everyone turns to look at you. He finally removes himself from between your legs, leaning back in his seat, smiling while he watches you quickly stand and flatten your skirt back down. You hurry down the aisle past the curious faces of your classmates, escaping into the hallway.
You fall back against the door and pant. You've never been so flustered. You take a deep breath and walk to the bathroom where you splash some water on your face and look hard at yourself in the mirror.
What the fuck was he doing? Why were you letting him do it? What the fuck has gotten into you?!
Who are you fucking kidding?
You liked it.
For all your protesting and fear of being caught, that made you so fucking wet, made you feel dangerous and naughty. You reach down and smirk, feeling how damp you are, rolling your eyes at yourself. Damn it, he's so bad.
You walk back into the classroom and try to ignore the prying eyes that follow you to your seat. You stare him down as you approach. That smirk pulls onto his mouth again and he pulls out your seat. You huff a breath and get back to your notes.
"That was close, huh?" he whispers after a few minutes. You keep your eyes on your notebook, surprising him with your little smile. He knew you fucking liked it.
You both sit through the remainder of class, sexual tension bristling between you, thick up to your necks. You look up at the clock, the bell is about to ring. You have a free period before your next class. You place your finger on his notebook and drag it away from him. He tilts his head and gives you an amused curious look as you jot something down. The bell announces the end of class and chairs begin to scrap on the floor, books rustling into backpacks. You slide it back to him and stand up quickly with your notebook in hand. He watches you saunter down the aisle and out the door without another glance his way. He huffs a laugh and looks down at what you wrote.
west wing hall closet. right now.
(over - honors)
“Does Satoru know how bad you want me?” he growls the question into your neck. His hand catches your throat, and he thumps you back against the door. You bite into your grin, shaking your head.
"You're so fucking naughty.." he squeezes a little harder, he leans into you, licking up your neck. Your head falls back and you giggle.
"He doesn't need to know." you hear him groan and he bucks his hips against you, his other hand tugs your skirt up. You help him by hooking your fingers into your panties, pulling them down, smile still plastered on your blushing face. He lets go of your throat.
"That's my girl.." the purr in his low voice tickles your throbbing core, you moan and run your fingers up into his hair while he kisses down to your collarbone. He quickly undoes his belt and you land a kiss on his neck, sucking and biting down a little, making him grumble as his buckle hit the floor.
Suddenly, you hear your phone ring in your bag on the floor. You pull your mouth off him and realize immediately who's calling. So does he.
"Answer it.." he smirks, stepping back and nodding down at the bag. You drop and pull it out. You hesitate, settling your breath before opening the call.
"Hi Toru," Getou palms his bulging erection. You try to keep your voice calm and natural, but you're immediately distracted by the heavy cock that falls from his briefs before you.
"Hey bunny, are you done with class?" Getou strokes it, staring at your reaction.
"Uh..yep, all done.." his cock is so hard and swollen, precum is already leaking from the tip. Your walls tighten inside and you absent-mindedly lick your lips.
"Come meet me at the cafe, I owe you coffee after keeping you up so late..” you can hear the playful smile in his voice as Getou starts to close the distance between you. He grabs your leg and lifts it up to his hip. You grip his shoulder to steady yourself. You feel the tip of his cock prod at your slippery entrance and gasp.
“...hello? Y/N, what's wrong?” Getou’s grin widens, hearing Gojo’s voice through the phone. He pauses to let you come up with a reply.
“Nothing, I just..left something in the classroom, I'll meet you for coffee in-” your knees go weak as Getou cuts you off by driving his cock up inside you with no warning. Your head thumps back into the door and you cuss at him silently, shuddering as your unprepared cunt struggles to adjust to his abrupt entrance. He just grins and leans his hips into you harder, pinning you to the door with his cock.
“Hey I think you're breaking up..when will you be here?” you're too focused on the sweet stretch to answer and Getou plucks the phone from your hand.
“She’ll be there when I'm done with her..”
Your heart drops to the floor, your phone quickly follows. The look on his face is far too satisfied. He pulls back and ruts into you, punching your cervix and rattling the door, you let out a helpless mewl. Guilt and anger curdle with the arousal inside you and make you feel sick.
“What the fuck Sugu-oh!” he fucks into you harder, not giving you permission to admonish him.
“Shut the fuck up...don’t act like you don't want this...you fucking asked for it.” the door shakes on its hinges as he rails up into you, fucking you off the floor. You can't help but wrap your legs around his waist and claw at his shoulders as you sink down around him.
You wanna be mad, wanna tell him to fuck off and leave you alone. That was totally uncalled for. But the way he's plunging into you, fucking you absolutely senseless has you exchanging all your protests for moans. Everything about this is wrong, you just don't have the will to stop it. You feel your gears shift up closer to your orgasm and groan as he pummels you against the door.
“You like being a bad girl..It's written all over your fucking face..” he takes a mental picture of how the stain on your cheeks compliments your gaping drooling mouth and rolling eyes. He feels your cunt squeeze his cock, willing him to give you more.
“Admit it, you're bored of his dick, he can't stretch you like this..” he throws his weight into you forcing you to squeal and nod, you can't deny it.
"Sugu-ru..I-I..'m gonna..oh fuck I'm-ha!" your hair comes loose from the bun and tumbles down around your shoulders.
He rocks his hips and stirs your insides, pressing his pelvis tight against your clit. The pressure makes you weak. Fuck, you're close. Your nails dig into his skin through his shirt. He leans in, breathing heavily over your ear.
“I know you're about to cum..I can feel it” that growl just makes you want to scream, but you've gotta keep quiet, who knows who might pass by the other side of this door. He keeps grinding into your clit, digging the head of his cock deep against your cervix. You slap your hand across your mouth for the second time today, muffling your own lusty noises. You're so fucking close.
“Should I let you..” he stops moving and you whimper, moving your hand off your mouth, squirming to continue the friction. He runs his fingers through your hair and grips tight at the back of your neck. Your strained desperate little sounds are so cute. He clicks his tongue.
“No..I think I'll keep this one for later..” your cunt clings to him as he pulls out his still hard cock, leaving you needy and vacant. He drops your legs from his hips and you're left panting against the door, watching him casually buckle his belt and tuck in his shirt. You don't know what to do. You feel a rush of shame. He doesn't care about you. He never cared about you. He just likes playing with you.
“Better pull yourself together...Satoru is waiting for you.” his wicked grin sends heat to your face and you pull your panties back on, straightening your skirt. He picks up your bag and you scowl at him, snatching it back and turning in a huff to leave.
This was a huge mistake, and now you have to come up with something to tell Gojo. Your heart sinks like a rock in your chest as you open the door. Getou reaches from behind you, pushing the door closed and leaning over your shoulder. He curls your hair behind your ear and you flinch away.
"Fix your hair.." you hastily spin the bun back on your head.
"Fuck you.." you curse him under your breath and storm out of the room.
(woman - harry styles)
"Toru..I-" he scoffs into his coffee cup before you can even start your sentence. He leans back in his chair and avoids your eyes. You stand clutching your notebook, heart racing, palms sweating. You hate this so much.
"No, it's cool..Did you have fun with him? I bet he had fun with you.." the sharp sarcasm stabs at your heart, but more than that, it makes you prickle with anger.
"How dare you.." you're seething mad, but he can see the tears welling up in your eyes.
"I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I want with whomever I choose! This isn't a relationship, so don't act like I'm yours!"
You've never seen him blush before. Never seen pain in his eyes like you're seeing now. You just saw the sparkle go out. He remains silent, choking on the hard but honest truth of it all. You're not his, as much as he's been pretending you are.
The seconds pass like hours. Your breath gets heavy trying to hold back the tears. The guilt is eating you alive. Being with Suguru made you realize that your feelings for Satoru are so much different than you thought. So much stronger. And you just threw it all away for some stupid little thrill in the hall closet.
He stands from his seat. Your heart feels crushed and you huff a whimper. You shut your eyes, pushing tears over your lashes. This is it, he's gonna walk away. You don't wanna see it happen.
You pull in a sharp breath at the feeling of his arms around you. He sets his head down in the crook of your neck and squeezes you into his chest. Tears stream down your face, you can't stifle your cry.
You hear him take a deep breath...
"Then I'll make you mine.."
@himiko-omikami @darkrose1989 @angelalje @ambiguous-something
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