#and it would feel better if i knew that at least while he's in the hospital he's getting the proper care but no
wndaswife · 23 hours
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To your stepmother’s surprise, you come home from a Christmas party asking for her to care for you; it’s been months since her wedding to your father and months since you’ve paid her any attention at all.
Tags: angst, kiiinda fluffy, stepmom wanda loving you so so much, almost nearly unrequited love
drabble for matriarchal disturbance
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I forgot my keys. 
You texted Wanda some time during the evening once you realized you had forgotten them, and since she was the only one at home until tomorrow, she’d have to let you in. Or at least keep the door unlocked. 
Oh no. It’s okay, I have work to do so I can unlock the door when you come home. :)
It was Christmas break and you were home for just a little, so you were out drinking with some friends from high school and some of their new college friends. 
Wanda had texted you a week or two prior asking when you might be coming home. You didn’t answer — you didn’t ever feel in the mood to talk with your stepmother — but you knew it was still her curiosity talking through your father when he called a few days after you left her on read, asking the same question. 
They were both happy to have you home, but Wanda particularly, though you could tell she was trying not to be overbearing. 
She offered to make you tea or coffee once you were unpacking and offered to make you whatever you wanted for dinner that evening, and very subtly tried asking if you’d be home all break or if you might consider staying longer than when you planned to leave. 
Your holiday break ended much later than the day you were planning on leaving, but you didn’t want to stay around much longer than was necessary — you’d spend New Year’s at home, and then you’d leave. 
You weren’t really excited to be home, but you weren’t so cruel as to not come back for the holidays. 
Still, you weren’t really looking forward to having to deal with your stepmother’s longing, curious looks, always wanting to talk with you or bring something up but not knowing how to and not wanting to spoil her limited time with you. 
The feeling you got from seeing her look at you from the corner of your eye wasn’t necessarily all a form of annoyance, but some kinds of pity too, and perhaps some guilt. 
There was something about the Christmas party that sorta had you feeling down, and you weren’t quite sure what it was, though perhaps it was simply because there were many things that had bothered you and you just couldn't pin it down to one thing. 
It was something about meeting some of your friends’ other friends, and even some of their new partners. You hadn’t drunk anything, and perhaps it would’ve been worse for you if you did — you tended to get a bit more emotional while drunk. 
All in all, you just felt… left out. And like you were missing something, or like you never wanted to be there at all. 
You wanted to be somewhere you belonged and where your presence was not only enjoyed but needed — somewhere it was warm and loving and kind and soft. 
While seeing all your friends together with their new ones and their partners, you just kept thinking of Wanda.
And you really hated yourself for it. 
You wanted to go home to see her, and you knew you couldn’t stop it, because you’d been thinking of her all night. So you drank enough to feel just a little drunk — to get just enough confidence to make a bad decision — and went back home early. 
From the window facing the street, you could see through the curtains that the living room lamp was on.
Wanda opened the door when you knocked like she said she would. From the door, you could see a book laying on the couch. She smiled at the sight of you. 
“Did you have fun?” she asked immediately, stepping back a bit to allow you in. Then she said sympathetically after taking a better look at you, “You look a bit tired.”
You thanked the stars for having taken a few shots before you left. 
You stepped into the house and wrapped your arms around Wanda, feeling the warmth of her knitted sweater against your cheek, then against the tip of your nose when you turned your head to bury your face in the crook of her neck. Her hair tickled the space between your eyebrows. 
There was a split moment before she wrapped her arms around you that would have been indiscernible if you hadn’t felt how immediate her embraces were a million-and-one times before. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Wanda asked, having turned her head to look down at you so the breath of her soft whispered voice blew warm and gentle against your ear. 
“I wanna be your baby again,” you confessed — stupidly. 
Wanda tried to speak immediately for how she felt deep in her chest when you spoke the words she had only dreamt would come out of your mouth ever since the wedding, but found she could speak only in stutters. 
Then she finally said, “You’ll always be my baby, Y/N.”
You hugged her tighter and you knew that if you hadn’t been just a little bit drunk, you would’ve been angry at what she had just said. But now, it could nearly make you cry. 
“Can you bring me to bed?” you mumbled quietly into her neck, still seemingly a bit embarrassed through your drunken state. 
“Of course,” she answered, smiling down at you. This was the closest you’d been to her in months, and likely the longest you’ve spoken to her with undivided attention in that same span of time too. She almost didn’t want to move at all for how you’d unwrap your arms from around her once you headed up the stairs together. 
You unwrapped yourself from around her body and she closed and locked the front door; you’d literally just been standing embracing each other in the wide-open doorway for several moments. 
Then you swiped at your eyes when you pulled away in case you accidentally had cried. 
Wanda smiled at you sweetly, and a bit tiredly too, and you knew she must’ve finished her work a little bit ago and decided to stay up to wait for you. She took your hand and you walked up the stairs beside each other in silence. 
She squeezed your hand and you squeezed back, and Wanda looked over her shoulder at you shyly as you stared down at the steps of the staircase. 
“Can I help you get ready for bed?” she asked once you both arrived in front of the washroom. 
You nodded silently then looked up at her with a small smile. “I just have to get my stuff from my bags,” you told her. Then, a bit hesitantly, you let go of her hand and walked towards your bedroom. 
Wanda turned on the washroom light and paced around a little, playing with the knitted fabric of her sweater nervously and checking her hair a bit in the mirror, and even trying to repress a tiny smile as she couldn’t help but make comparisons to how it all used to be before the wedding. 
But she didn’t want to get ahead of herself — after all, every day after this would be different, and whatever had caused you to come seeking her comfort wasn’t guaranteed to happen again from tonight onwards. 
You came into the washroom with a little bag of your toiletries and started unpacking them, starting with makeup wipes and face wash then everything else. 
“Come lean against the counter,” Wanda said, and you did. She began removing your makeup with one of your makeup wipes, the fingers of her other hand delicately perched under your chin to keep your face in the light. 
She was gentle with how she swiped against your face, and thorough with taking all the makeup off. 
Wanda was always so nice and gentle. In taking care of you, and in treating you in any way, really, she always did it as if you were delicate, and special to her too. She never wanted to hurt you, never wanted to make you feel like you weren't the most important thing in the world to her. 
You felt like crying, but really didn’t want to ruin how casual you were trying to make everything seem. 
She must’ve noticed how your eyes were filling with tears because once she finished she set the makeup wipe down and held you to her chest wordlessly, running her hand down the side of your head soothingly with her other arm wrapped around your waist. 
She seemed to understand that you still had your reservations about being with her like this again, and that you weren’t trying not to get into things too quickly. 
Even so, she couldn’t help but… hope, even just a little, that the feeling of how she held you and brought you close might make you miss her enough to want to be her baby again for more than just an evening. 
“I’m gonna brush my teeth and stuff,” you mumbled and straightened out of her hold, swiping at your eyes again.
Wanda packed up your makeup wipes and slid it back into the toiletry bag you brought. 
Quietly, you asked, “Can I sleep with you?”
You weren’t really sure where to look when you asked, so you tried to keep busy getting your toothbrush ready. 
But when Wanda replied with a gentle, almost eager, ‘Of course,’ you couldn’t help but look over at her to see her smiling at you.
You looked away while she told you that she would also change and get ready while she waited for you — her shared bedroom had a washroom in it. 
Wanda felt ridiculous for how she felt in her stomach — a familiar fluttering feeling dancing around where it would when you were still together. Sometimes Wanda reasoned the memory of the feeling up to a fantasy, that perhaps she may have recalled it as differently as it had been for it’d been so long since she’d felt it. 
But it was exactly the same as she recalled. 
And it was only with you. 
She hadn’t realized she had been smiling until she heard you come into the bedroom, and she instinctively relaxed her face so as to not be overzealous and overwhelm you. 
“Are you ready for bed?” she asked, closing the door of the walk-in closet as she stood in her pajama shorts and tank. 
You nodded then looked away from her for how happy you felt to be asked that, to soon be adorned by Wanda’s kisses and touched by her gentle, loving hands and embraced by her arms the moment you got into bed. 
Wanda seemed to be hesitant at your reluctance for a moment. Her fingers twitched with the urge to walk over and embrace you, to kiss your lips and lead you to her bed. But instead, restraining herself, she went to bed first, getting under the covers and looking over at you encouragingly. 
Silently, you followed after closing the bedroom door. 
She turned off the lamp on her side and you hesitated for a moment before you reached over and did the same. 
Then you were blanketed in the darkness of the bedroom, and for a moment you couldn’t see Wanda in your peripheral vision at all; you could for a moment construe the feelings of blankets under your hands as being in your own bed instead of hers. 
For a moment you felt glad to imagine you had made it all up, but then you felt terribly disappointed and lonely again. 
Without Wanda, it was always just a little bit… lonely. 
But the burst of sudden feelings was contained only within a few moments’ time, for your eyes soon adjusted and you could see the shadow of your stepmother beside you. 
She reached out for you, her hand moving under the blankets and placing it on your bare thigh. She moved closer. 
“Don’t be nervous,” she said quietly. “It’s okay.”
You’d been here before — in Wanda’s bed without your dad being home, in her company, in the spotlight of her undivided attention, in the warm shower of all her heart could pour out for you and only you. 
It was was familiar with Wanda and you knew it for it was the closest thing you’d felt in a while to being somewhere you were certain you belonged in. 
Then she added, “I want you here, Y/N.”
Like you had asked her, Wanda babied you — she cared for you. Her other hand wrapped around your waist and she slowly urged your body to lay down beside her. 
She didn’t stop there; she moved herself onto her elbow only slightly to gain height over you, then cupped your furthest cheek with her hand. She kissed your face gently, tenderly, on your temple then on your cheekbone, and your chin. 
Not your lips — not unless it was you who made an advance towards her first. 
You turned and wrapped an arm around her torso securely, burying your face in her chest. She lowered herself back down and wrapped her arms around you immediately. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, you muttered against her, “I love you.”
In the morning when you arose before her, you carefully peeled yourself away from a soundly-sleeping Wanda. There was a pang in your chest as you sat at the edge of the bed, recalling how she held you close after you had told her you loved her.
She held you in a way that communicated desperation and longing; it wasn’t only sweet and tender like she always was, but pained, too. She had cradled the back of your head to her chest, rubbed your upper back and pressed her lips against the top of your head. 
She might’ve nearly said that she loved you a fourth time, though you presumed she had tried to contain the way she wanted to pour herself out for you right then and there. 
You turned and watched as she dozed, her body the very same that you were held against through the night, the same you had thrown yourself into her arms of and were accepted and loved and cared for like you wanted, like Wanda wanted. 
How at peace she seemed having gone to sleep with you in her arms, with all she had been longing for warm in her embrace and sleeping in the eternal comfort of her loving. 
If you were honest with yourself, and you tried to be for how often you lied to Wanda, you didn’t think it was a lie when you told her you loved her, for you still did. 
And you still could, inviting her over to your place and responding to her calls and texts when you were away, letting her care for you and at the very least not pretend she wasn’t always looking at you, waiting only for your eye contact as cue for her to bring up one of the dozens of questions and worries she had about the life that you no longer shared with her — which was to say, all of it. 
Wanda stirred and her fingers flexed outwards slightly, reflecting a slowly-rising sun’s beams against her wedding ring, before she relaxed again, still in deep sleep. 
Just under an hour later once Wanda woke up to find you gone, she texted asking where you were. 
When she texted, you knew that she must have looked first to see if you had moved to your own bed, for you had left and decided to go on a drive. 
She messaged: Have you gone out?
Sitting in a parking lot of a walking trail with the breakfast you picked up, the sun only just having fully risen, you texted back. 
Forgot something at Kate’s last night.
She asked if you were going to eat breakfast there or if you would be home to have breakfast with her; she’d make some now so it could be ready by the time you got back. 
You tried to keep eating after choosing to leave your stepmother on read, but soon lost your appetite. Instead, you went on a walk that lasted until the early afternoon when your dad got back home. 
As you had planned, you went back to your place on the second of January, and that evening wasn’t ever brought up. 
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bad268 · 2 days
Maybe an Ollie Bearman oneshot where he got DNF and reader is making Ollie feel better?
Love your writing, btw!
Concussed (Ollie Bearman X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (I feel like this brought me out of a slump. I was pretty close to calling it quits for writing but I love Ollie, I am on my knees begging for more Ollie reqs) (Also, thank you love <3)
Warnings: Concussion symptoms
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 1123
Summary: Why isn't Ollie answering you?
As always, my requests are OPEN
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It was never fun to not finish a race. Every opportunity to earn points was crucial when he needed to impress Ferrari. 
It wasn’t even his fault! He got rear-ended by Zane and somehow, he spun into a wall while Zane was able to keep racing. It was unfair honestly. Zane did get a significant penalty, but it was not nearly enough to make up for the lost opportunity. 
You knew Ollie would be upset about it before he even texted you. Because of final exams, you had to miss this race, so you had to watch the crash from your apartment in Italy. You immediately sent him a text asking if he was alright and saying you would stay awake for whenever he was ready to talk despite knowing he would not respond for a while. You would not be able to sleep until you heard his voice and he knew it. 
You did not want to finish watching the race after that. You would check the race results later, but your heart was still racing (pun intended). You did not need to be watching cars racing when you knew your boyfriend was not in it. You had taken to getting a headstart on one of your assignments. It was just a paper, so you could at least get an outline figured out before Ollie called you. You set up your papers and laptop on the couch as you started getting to work. 
When you finished the outline and still didn’t receive a call, you just started the draft.
When you finished the draft and still didn’t receive a call, you just started editing.
When you finished editing and still didn’t receive a call, you finished up the paper to turn in.
When you were ready to turn it in, it was almost 6 in the morning, and you were concerned. 
You checked your phone again, but there were no notifications from Ollie. Part of you wanted to call him. Another part wanted to call the team to see how he was doing. The last part of you wanted to pass out. You were not prepared to pull an all-nighter, but that’s what it turned out to be. 
You moved your laptop aside as you got more comfortable. You didn’t want to fall asleep, but you would be able to hear your phone go off if you did. You had a random show on the TV, and you thought that closing your eyes for a minute would be fine. 
You got maybe an hour or two before you heard kees at the front door. Again, you checked your phone and there was nothing from Ollie. However, there he was, walking through the door in a hoodie and sunglasses.  The hood was pulled up and he had his head down as he slowly walked into the apartment and set his bag down. He took his shoes off before approaching where you were still lying on the couch. 
He immediately laid on top of you, not bothering to take the glasses off or pull the hoodie down. You wrapped your arms cautiously around his shoulders as you placed a kiss on his head. Then you grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch to put over both of your bodies.
“Bear?” You whispered as you rubbed a hand up and down his back. Instead of an answer, you were met with a grunt from Ollie. “You feeling okay?”
“Concussion,” He groaned as he situated himself further into your chest. “It hurts.”
“I’ll take care of you, Bear,” You promised in a soft tone as you moved a hand into the hood to gently comb through his hair with your fingers. You looked over at the window and saw that your curtains were still open. The sun was going to be rising soon, so you gently moved to get Ollie to sit up. He protested immediately and tried to hold you tighter. You chuckled lightly, but whispered, “Bear, we should go to our room. It’ll be darker in there, and we can sleep the day away.”
“I don’t wanna move,” He groaned and tried to hide his face in your chest.
“I would carry you if I could, Bear,” You chuckled again as you pushed a piece of hair away from his forehead, “but trust me, you’ll appreciate being in the dark on our bed where your legs are not handing off the side.”
“You convinced me,” He let a small smile appear on his face before pushing himself up but stopping before standing up. “Can you help me? It’s spinning.”
“I promised to take care of you, Bear,” You consoled as you stood and grabbed his forearms to help him stand slowly. Then, you put his arm over your shoulder and wrapped yours around his waist to help hold him up as you walked into our shared bedroom. You set Ollie on the bed against the headboard as you checked to make sure the curtains were closed. Then you moved to the closet to grab out a t-shirt and sweatpants for Ollie. “I’m gonna help you change. Is that okay?”
“Keep the hoodie on? Don’t wanna mess with my head,” he whispered as his head lolled to the side as he tried to open his eyes to look at you, but his head was still pounding. Ultimately, he just gave up.
“That’s fine, but those sunglasses are not gonna be fun to sleep in,” You replied as you helped Ollie change out of his jeans to the sweatpants. That’s when you remembered, “Wait, I have a sleep mask in my travel bag for flights. That’ll probably be more comfortable if you’re willing to take those off for me to switch it.”
“Those silk ones? Those are comfy,” Ollie chuckled lightheartedly as he let you slide the glasses off his face and pull the hood down carefully. Then you slowly stretched the mask to go over his head to make sure it would not snap anywhere. Once it was situated, you pulled the hood back up for Ollie. “Can we sleep now?”
“I would try to get you to brush your teeth, but I have a feeling that’ll hurt your brain more,” You joked lightly, but it went over his head. “Yes, Bear. We can go to sleep.”
You got situated under the blankets on your side after helping Ollie under the covers as well. He immediately gravitated toward you, placing his head back on your chest as he clung to you. You gently rubbed up and down his arm, encouraging him to go to sleep which happened in no time.
That’s when your heart finally stopped racing. Ollie was safe in your arms.
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edgeray · 9 hours
hi ray! for your requests, may i ask for arlecchino x gn!house of the hearth child reader where reader is feeling down for whatever reason, and tries their best not to alarm arlecchino or show signs, but she ends up finding out anyway and comforts them?
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Stitching Back Joy
(Platonic Arlecchino x GN! Child! Reader)
A/N - Sure! My first platonic request, nice! I've yet wrote platonic Arlecchino x Reader, but I've been meaning to for a while, so thanks for this request. Not exactly sure how old you wanted reader to be, but I had reader to be pretty young, probably a tween or younger. Hope this one turns out okay!  Content warnings / info - reader is a child, reader is gn!, arle may be ooc but at least she's a good father. no warnings :) i named reader's toy if you don't mind, 1.1k words
You should have known better than to be rough-housing with your lifelong companion and favorite toy. However, you were stupid, and your siblings were just a touch too rough, and then there was a loud rip, as the leg of your plush was torn right off, the stuffing escaping out of it. Your siblings all gasped and paused their playing already. 
You stood with the other half of Benny, their other, in-tact leg dangling from your tight grasp around it. Your tiny heart was broken like Benny, and the corner of your eyes burned, tears welling. 
Benny had been with you since you were eight, around the time of your arrival at the House of the Hearth. During your first night, you were restless, tossing and turning, anxious because of the new environment even though Father was generous and the other children were kind. The next morning, when Father noticed the signs of a fitful sleep, she decided that you would benefit from an outing with her. 
That day, she brought you to a toy store and prompted you to select one. As your eyes scanned the shelves, one beady eyed expression caught your attention–a plush boot weasel. The House of the Hearth welcomed another new member that day, that being Benny the weasel, who was fixedly snug in your arms as you returned to the orphanage, no longer feeling like the only new sibling. Your closest best friend who has been with you on all your adventures around the House was now missing an arm. Benny who helped you sneak into the kitchen past curfew (only for you to be caught by Lyney), Benny who helped you make friends with the other children, Benny who was the only one who could hug you when you were sick was hurt. And now Benny was hurt. 
The boy who was holding the other leg of Benny quickly returned it to you, a million apologies spilling from his lips. You knew he was sincere, you knew he didn't mean to, but all you could do was gaze at the spilt stuffing at your feet, each ‘sorry’ flying past your head. 
You sit hunched over one of the desks in the House's library, attempting to bandage Benny's leg back while you sniffle, rubbing the wetness out of your eyes for the nth time. You know you shouldn't be crying, this wasn't a big deal after all, it was just some toy, you tried to reason yourself to stop the tears. Inserting the stuffing into Benny for the third time you push in the leg and try again, but like the previous two times, the limb always falls out. 
Your sight goes blurry as an onset of frustrated tears trailed down your cheeks. 
Then, you hear the familiar bell, the sound signaling to everyone in the House that it was meal time. You hastily wipe away your tears. You can't be seen crying over some toy, you couldn't bring him because you didn't want anyone to see that you were upset over a plush. You give one more glance towards Benny, promising that you'll bring food to them, before you leave for dinner, without him in his arms for the first time. You sit at your assigned chair of the long table, your dozen or so other siblings scrambling by, and Father approaches, taking her seat at the head of the table. 
The table is rowdy as per usual, your siblings chatting eagerly among themselves. Nearly, you would join in as well, but you're too distraught over the missing company in your hands, feeling more lonely than ever before despite being surrounded by your entire family. 
Little did you know that Father's eyes were on you throughout the entire meal. 
As you got up to leave, you hear your name being called. 
“Can you stay behind? I'd like to discuss something with you,” Father says. You gulp nervously. Father rarely asks to talk to you alone. Were you in trouble? Or did Father notice your disquiet? Either way, you nod. As everyone else leaves the dining room, only you and Father remain. 
“Come here, my child,” she says, extending her arm out to gesture to the space beside her chair. You waddle your way towards her, your head down and you try to stifle your sniffling. She places a gentle clawed hand on your shoulder, and she urges you to look at her when her other hand tilts your head. You willed your eyes to not cry. 
“Is something bothering you?” 
You shake your head. “Nothing is bothering me, Father,” you assert, but your voice cracks, signaling an obvious lie to the Harbinger. 
“I will repeat again. What is bothering you? I do not see your friend with you,” Father notes, her tone becoming sterner, glancing down at your arms. 
You stay silent for a few moments, before you beak underneath her glare. “My friend… they got broken when I was playing earlier today. An-and, I can't…” Your lips trembled as you paused, attempting not to cry with the knowledge that Father does not appreciate tears. Still, the tears escape, and you cannot prevent them from flowing down your cheeks. You squeeze your eyes shut, bracing for her scolding as you stammer out the rest of your response. “I-I can't fix them.”  
Father goes silent, each second of quietude feeding into your anxiety, before she says, “Can I see them, my child?” 
You crack open an eye, your vision blurry from the tears but you can tell her piercing red gaze is still on you. “M-my friend?” 
You feebly nod and make your way to the library, Father following one step behind you. Guiding her to Benny, you showcase your maimed friend, their missing limb off to the side and stuffing bleeds out of them. Father reaches out and holds the delicate toy in her hand, turning it over and examining it. 
“Can you trust me with your friend, my child?” 
You sniffle. “A-are you going to f-fix him?” 
“Yes. Will you allow me to be with them for a little while? I will ensure that they will return to you before curfew.” 
Nodding away, with shaky hands, you place the leg and the stuffing you were able to salvage into her hands. 
“Go play with your siblings in the meanwhile. Run along.” 
You follow her orders, finding your siblings and distracting yourself from the absence of your best friend until the bell for curfew rings. Filing towards the bedroom with your siblings, you anxiously scamper to your bed. 
Benny awaits you on your pillow, his leg reattached, cleanly stitched back to his body. Besides him is a piece of paper and a few pieces of candy. You look closer at the note.
“Benny was especially brave during the operation. I gave them a few tokens for their courage. They learn well from you. -Father” 
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loserlvrss · 3 days
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summary : you had been having what seemed like the longest and worst shift, but once it was finally over everything got better
genre : fluff, jongho x afab!reader, slice of life tws : language, complaining, kissing, pet names, mentions of not eating (doesn’t have to do with a eating disorder) author notes : okay guys i gotta stop this fluff shit before i start actually going crazy dude word count : 0.8k
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your feet ached, and helping the customers were more taxing today than normal. you found yourself glancing at the clock anytime you got a chance to. you were counting down the minutes — since you punched in, truthfully — you couldn't wait for the shop to close.
it must've have been the month where the most people celebrate their birthdays because you swear it was busier than the holiday season.
you couldn't wait for the moment when you could close out the cash register and lock the glass door. you wanted so desperately to wash away the stress and put on your pajamas, curl up on your couch and distract yourself. you'd been so anxious the whole day that you skipped lunch, opting to hide for your break because you couldn't muster up enough strength within you to not go non-verbal. you could feel pain in your lower back, it getting more noticeable the more time in between customers. you, at least, wanted to sit down while you were slow, however there always seemed to be a task you needed to complete.
when you finally turned the lock, turning off the lights, and making your way to the back to gather your things, you found yourself checking your phone for notifications from your boyfriend.
jongho was supposed to be getting back from tour today, but you didn't have enough leisure time to check when he was landing. maybe that's why you felt like time had being moving in slow motion. but honestly, you wouldn't blame him for instantly going to bed, or dance practice. he was hardworking by nature, and that always inspired you to do your best despite being willed to do the opposite.
you knew him well enough to shoot you a quick message before his head hit the pillow though.
you pulled a grey hoodie — he had let you keep before leaving, per your request, wearing it over and over again so it smelled like him — over your head and slinging on your cross-body bag.
the outside air was crisp at almost nine at night, causing you to bunch the sleeves around your fingers as you locked the backdoor. you mentally prepared for the walk home, taking a deep breath.
usually, jongho would walk with you and stay over; of course, when he was available to. so, safe to say, you've been walking home alone for the past couple months — save for the few times your friends would show up with beer clutched within their hands.
of course, you were happy to see them, but it wasn't the same feeling you got when you saw him. he was comfort within a person; a living being you didn't physically posses, but emotionally. and, that was more than money could ever buy you.
"y/n," you swear you missed him so much that now you were hallucinating his voice, "y/n."
you blinked a couple times in disbelief of being face-to-face with your boyfriend, who has been away way too long, in your opinion. you almost had to do a double take, pinch yourself, maybe even slap yourself out of this dream state.
your head cocked to the side, and a chuckle rang through the air, "baby, don't make me wait any longer, please."
and you really didn't need to be told twice before you embodied usain bolt and jumped into his embrace. "w-when'd you get back?" you took him within your palms, kissing his face all over, "oh my gosh, i missed you so much. how was tour? i can't believe you're back, shit, this is the best ending to a bad day."
you rambled on about it being the best surprise ever, planting feather-light kisses to every inch of what you could reach. it might've overwhelmed him when you two first started dating, but it was something he now craved like air.
you made physical affection his love language. it’s like he was an addict, love being his fever and drug.
he unwrapped his arms from your waist, no longer holding you up to be face level, grabbing your cheeks and finally shutting you up by pressing his lips over yours almost desperately.
he knew you missed him, plainly spelled out through various texts and calls while he hid from his members. and he missed you just as much. he missed the lingering smell of your perfume, the melodic tune to your laugh, your soft skin and honest perfection. he missed your touch, your hand in his, body-to-body and heart-to-heart. he just missed your whole aura, simply put. you were the sun on a cloudy day, the voice of reason to his hardship, his warmth on a cold night.
you were everything. and, he only realized this the more time you spent apart because of his career. its safe to say that the heart does grow fonder with the distance.
“i missed you more, believe me.”
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holylulusworld · 19 hours
Come to heaven
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Title: Come to heaven
Written for @buckybarnesbingo (Round 6)
Card: B004
Square Filled: K5: handle with care
Ship/Main Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Ex!Reader
Rating: Mature
Major Tags/Triggers/Warnings: angst, jealousy, ex! sugar babe trope, drunkness, fluff, hopeful ending
Summary: Making amends is hard.
A/N: Lyrics in Italics taken from Bruno Mars' "Locked Out of Heaven"
Word Count: 1,7k+
BBB BuckyBarnesBingo 2024 masterlist
Catch up here: Go to hell
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Written in reader’s PoV
Bucky tries to slip his hand into your panties, but you wrap your hand around his wrist to stop him. This is how he always made you compliant and stopped any argument.
“No! Not this time.”
“No?” He sounds surprised. Of course, he’s surprised. You always gave in and let him seduce you. Pleasure and having his attention, even for a fleeting time, was better than thinking about the future, or your non-existent relationship.
“No!” You stiffen in his arms. “Let go of me. I won’t let you do this to me all over again. It’s always the same. You stop me from speaking my mind with your lips, hands, or cock. I’m done being a sexual object, a toy you can play with to you.”
“Doll, I…” Bucky reluctantly releases you from his embrace. He steps away to watch you turn around. “What do you mean?”
“This,” you press your hand to your heart, “was yours. I admitted my feelings and waited for you to at least tell me that I mean a little more to you than a set of holes you can fill. But…” you sniffle but put a brave face on, “you couldn’t even give me that.”
“So, you want to go back to that old man and his limp dick?” He scoffs in an attempt to hide the hurt.
“Even if I’m not in love with him, I know exactly what he wants from me. He won’t make promises of keeping me safe and happy only to turn his back on me the moment I tell him that I love him. With him, I know what I’ll get.”
You try to sidestep Bucky, but he blocks your path. “That’s it? You’ll leave me for that man without giving me the chance to make things up to you.”
“James,” you gently cup his face and look him in the eyes. “You can’t make things up to me with gifts or sex this time. I asked you if you can imagine having a relationship with me. You gave me your answer. It’s my turn to tell you that what you have to offer is not enough.”
“Not enough?” He’s confused. “But I…”
“Money and shiny things cannot replace what you are unwilling to give,” you give him a sad smile. “As much as I enjoyed our time together, it’s over. We both knew it’d end like this. This kind of arrangement is meant to end sooner or later. There is nothing we can do about it.”
You press your lips to his scruffy chin, ending what began as a passionate one-night stand with a soft kiss. “Goodbye, James. I hope, one day, you’ll find something worth being more than…” Your voice cracks and you drop your hands from his face.
“Y/N,” he tries to grab your hand but you step away the moment his fingertips brush your skin. If you give in to him now, you’re doomed to repeat history. “Wait, I can try to be better.”
You give him a weak smile. “No, you won’t, James. You never had to try, and that’s the problem. Your good looks and reputation made everything so much easier for you than for other men.”
He allows you to leave, watching you go to join your companion for the rest of the night. Bucky will sulk in a corner, drinking too much while wishing you’d stayed by his side instead of laughing about the things the old man by your side says.
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Bucky is close to losing his patience. He’d hoped scaring the man you chose over him would be enough. Much to his chagrin, your companion from last night is rather amused about Bucky’s presence.
Erik Lehnsherr lived long enough to fear nothing. Not that he ever feared anything else than his own mortality. But at his age, even that fear faded a long time ago.
“I don’t understand why you are here, Mr. Barnes,” Erik leans back in his chair, an amused smirk on his lips. “Do we have business to do? I don’t think so. I’m old, not forgetful.”
“If you release Y/N out of her contract with you, I’ll pay you any sum,” Bucky tries to get you out of your sugar girl arrangement with the old creep.
“A contract?” He quirks a brow. “The lovely lady accompanying me last night came with me to make sure I’m not alone. We don’t have an arrangement. She’s just a lovely young woman spending time with me to help me with my paperwork.”
“Paperwork?” Bucky eyes his concurrent warily. He’s a master at reading people and finding lies behind a friendly smile. “She’s your employee?”
“A freelancer, the young people call it these days,” Erik holds back a chuckle.
When you offered to join him at the party, you told him everything that happened with James Buchanan Barnes. The man breaking your heart. Erik promised he’d do anything to make the fool let you go see that he made a grave mistake.
“I’m old, not someone creeping on young women,” he adds after a long pause. “I had my fair share of lovely ladies and gentlemen when I was younger.” Erik eyes Bucky up and down. “You’d be on top of my list if only I was thirty years younger.”
Bucky backpaddles. He eyes Erik warily before clearing his throat.
”What exactly is Y/N doing for you?”
“I already told you that she does my paperwork. I believed I was the old man here. Maybe you should get your memory checked, young man,” Erik chuckles. “If you’d excuse me now. I’m waiting for a massage therapist. A pretty boy getting this old man going…”
‘Old creep’, Bucky thinks to himself before leaving without saying goodbye. “At least he doesn’t creep on Y/N. That’s a pro.”
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Bucky drove to his best friend to release some steam. He told Steve everything about you and the stunt you pulled to make him jealous.
“She tricked you,” Steve can’t help but laugh. “Man, you’ve got yourself a smart little cookie. I bet she tried to wrap you around her finger.”
“I fell for her lie so easily,” Bucky huffs. “I believed she’s riding that creep’s dick. Now I know, she put on a show to get my attention, not to rub it under my nose. My sweet doll is missing me.”
“Well, if she’s your sweet doll try to treat her better. She deserves someone to take good care of her.”
“No, Buck. You need to handle her with care,” Steve won’t let his friend get away with a false excuse. “Y/N got hurt by you once, Buck. I don’t want you to make the same mistake twice.”
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You walk a little faster to outrun Bucky. He’s following you around town, a bouquet of roses in his hands.
He tried to convince you to move in with him, promising the world to you.
“Go away,” you huff. “I don’t know what kind of game you are playing, but I won’t participate. Just leave me alone.”
“You know that you can’t run away from me in those shoes, right?” Bucky smirks when you stop in your tracks to look at the colorful thongs you’re wearing. “I never understood how you can walk in these…”
“I like to feel the sunshine and air on my feet,” you point out. “Not everyone wants to run around in polished leather shoes all the time.”
“Ouch,” he snickers. “Come on, baby doll. Let’s have lunch together. Give me the chance to show you that I can change.”
“Bucky,” you sigh. “You don’t get that I can’t go back to what we had.”
“Y/N,” he drops the roses to cup your face. “I don’t want to go back to what we had. Baby doll, let your Bucky treat you like a queen.”
“I don’t want you to treat me like a queen,” you wrap your hands around his wrists to pull his hands off of your face, “only like someone you respect and love. I want you to treat me like your girlfriend. But you can’t give me that.”
You look on the ground. “Please pick the roses up and give them to someone who wants to become your next sugar babe. I’m out of this for good.”
Again, you walk away. You’re holding your head high and ignore the ache in your heart as you leave Bucky behind.
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'Cause you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long Yeah, you make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven For too long, for too long, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh) Oh, yeah, yeah Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ooh) You bring me to my knees, you make me testify (ooh) You can make a sinner change his ways (ooh) Open up your gates 'cause I can't wait to see the light (ooh) And right there is where I wanna stay (ooh)
“What the fuck!” You yell out of your window. Bucky parked his car in front of your apartment complex. He’s singing along to a song, begging you to take him back. “It’s 2 am Bucky! What is wrong with you?”
He turns the volume down and kills the engine before waving at you.
“Baby doll,” he slurs. “I came here to bring you home. ‘m missing you, doll…Please come home.”
“SHUT UP!” one of your neighbors yells out of their window. “Do you know how late it is?”
“It’s 2 am,” Bucky yells back. “Stop yelling so loud. You’ll wake the neighbors!”
“BUCKY! Stop being so loud!”
“Baby…can I come up and cuddle you?” He grins dopily when you slam the window shut. “She loves me!”
“SHUT UP!” Your neighbor yells.
“Shut up!” Bucky yells back. “OH…there you are…” He stumbles toward the door when you get out. “BABY DOLL!”
“Bucky,” you hiss and grab his hand. “Stop yelling and come with me.”
“You look pretty in your pajamas,” he purrs your name and wraps himself around you. Bucky nuzzles his face in your neck and sighs. “Without you, I’m in hell, doll. Forget about that old creep and go for Bucky.” He mutters against you.
You sigh deeply. “Fine, come with me to heaven. You can bunker on my couch. In the morning, we will talk about impulse control and not yelling in the middle of the night.”
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youcouldmakealife · 3 days
Sven/Gérard/Yvette; almost home
Another of the Kickstarter fills, for a request for some OG OT3.
“You know,” Blair says. “As a single dude, when your friends start getting married and have kids, usually you start to drift apart.”
Sven blinks at him, feeling slow, as he so often has lately. Blair’s speaking to him, but obviously he’s the married friend with kids in this equation, in which case the single dude is — ah.
“I don’t think we’ve drifted apart,” Sven says, looking over at Gérard. Gérard smiles back, small.
He doesn’t think they’ve drifted apart at all.
“Well, no, you’ve done the exact opposite,” Blair says. “That’s kind of my point.”
“I don’t understand what your point is meant to be,” Sven says.
“Leo?” Blair says. “You want to do that English to Olsen translation for me?”
Gérard smiles again. It looks tired. Sven sympathizes. Empathizes. Whatever the word is.
Usually he’s much better at this, but he hasn’t had an undisturbed night of sleep since little Gerard was born. Well, except on the road, but that’s exhausting in its own way — his first night away from Yvette and the baby, he spent half the night texting her for updates until she told him to sleep so at least someone would.
Sven is a champion sleeper. He’s renowned for it. Or, he was. He misses it. Sleeping in. Lazy mornings in bed. Napping just for the pleasure of it, rather than because it’s the only sleep he can snatch. He knew what he was giving up, but — well, he didn’t know.
“Too tired for translation,” Gérard says.
“Me or you?” Sven asks.
“Both, probably,” Gérard says.
“Okay,” Blair says. “Uh, usually people, you know, quit having shit in common? Instead of uh, literally moving in so they can help take care of the baby? Typically?”
“Well,” Sven says. “Have they considered it? Because I do have to say, it’s significantly easier to handle childcare when you outnumber the baby three to one.”
“Neither of you look like it’s even remotely easy,” Blair says. “Did you sleep at all last night, Cap?”
“I slept six hours,” Sven says. They weren’t all consecutive, but even so, he thinks those are solid numbers for a newborn. “As did Yvette.”
Hers were consecutive, thanks to an eye mask, ear plugs, and a noise machine. He can’t begrudge her any of it; she’s the one at home taking care of little Gerard while they’re here enduring their teammates’ busybodying because the coaching staff is running late. And not just one or two, but all of them. Sven would like to think that implies something scandalous, but most likely they’re in a meeting. He’s glad they don’t have meetings. He doesn’t think he could handle meetings on six hours of sleep. Frankly he doesn’t think he could handle meetings on eight.
Or perhaps they’ve all been fired. Sven hopes that isn’t the case. He likes them, but more importantly, he thinks if he had to adjust strategies right now he might malfunction. He’s learning something new every minute, it feels like. There is no room in his brain.
“That seems like a lot for a baby?” Bowie says. “Sleep,” he adds, when Sven blinks at him. He’s lost the thread again.
“Oh,” Sven says. “Yes. That’s my point.”
“Wait,” Dan says. “How many did Gérard sleep?”
“Seven,” Gérard yawns. His were also not consecutive. He’s an unfortunately light sleeper. He’s managed to adjust on the road, so Sven hopes he’ll be able to adjust to the baby too, but it hasn’t happened yet. But it’s only been a month. It feels much, much longer than that.
“Okay,” Scott says, leaning in, his eyes a little wild. His wife’s due any day, so Sven isn’t surprised. “I don’t know if my wife would agree, but you know what? For six hours of sleep, I’m in. Gérard, what do you charge?”
“You have to name your child after him,” Cary says. “Obviously.”
“I would genuinely consider doing that,” Scott says.
“Aren’t you guys having a girl?” Bowie asks.
“Gerardina,” Scott says. “What do you say, G?”
“That sounds like an STD,” Cary says. “You’d do that to your poor kid?”
“For six hours of sleep a night?” Scott says. “Absolutely.”
“Too bad,” Sven says, reaching a hand out. Gérard’s sitting too far away for him to reach, so he lets his hand hover in the air, hoping Gérard knows that Sven’s wrapped a telepathic arm around his shoulders. He might. Gérard is an exceptional individual. “He’s mine.”
“My wife’s a good cook,” Scott says. “Those two don’t cook, do they?”
Sven stands up, walking over to Gérard’s stall so he can not so telepathically wrap a possessive arm around his shoulders. Gérard leans back into him.
“I cook,” Gérard says.
“Free meals, and I’ll name two kids after you,” Scott says. “First name, middle name, everything.”
Sven tightens his grip.
“I don’t think Sven would be willing to give me up,” Gérard says.
Sven’s glad he knows this.
The coaching staff come in then — not fired en masse, Sven is thankful to see — and everyone jumps up, the few who haven’t changed into their gear hurriedly devoting themselves to the task.
Practice is harder than usual, but easier than conversation. There’s muscle memory to it, the literal practice of hockey, broken down into its bare components. Conversation flows, it changes, he has to adapt. That’s true of hockey too, but moreso during games than in practice. He’s only scored two goals in the past six weeks, but practice, that he can do. It’s almost nice, getting to use his body, to know that everything’s still there, that it still knows what to do, especially after he found his phone in the fridge this morning. He hadn’t even realised it was missing.
“I’ve never been more popular in my life,” Gérard says on the drive back. Sven isn’t a fan of driving at the best of times, so they’ve mutually agreed Gérard should be the one behind the wheel. “Everybody wants to name their kid after me.”
Sven grunts.
“Don’t worry,” Gérard says. “I won’t take Scottie up on his offer. I know you wouldn’t know what to do without me.”
Yvette might — she’s very capable, far more comfortable with everything. She’s tired, but not totally at sea. But Sven?
“I wouldn’t have the first idea,” Sven says honestly.
“Sleep for the rest of the drive,” Gérard says.
“It’s only ten minutes,” Sven says, but he closes his eyes, and doesn’t open them again until Gérard’s gently shaking his shoulder, telling him to come inside.
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reidrum · 3 days
carry the weight of you | s.r
A/N: i had this posted on an old blog but here's this, idk if i like it but it's also one of my first fics so if lemme know if you have thoughts <3
cw: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, reader is sad, depression ?, spencer is a cutie who just wants to love, can be read as gn!reader
wc: 1.8k
it was supposed to be a routine case. well, not a routine case. those don’t really exist in the bau, but one that had a clear MO and decent enough leads that garcia could easily use to find the unsub. it wasn’t even a case that was especially creepy in nature, lord knows those give the whole bureau nightmares for days.
so why did you feel this way?
you were relatively new to the team—having one year under your belt to your near decades experienced colleagues. but you had rightfully earned your spot in the bau, and you deserved to be there.
but right now you had no energy to believe that. the ache in your chest was ever present from your younger days, courtesy of the circumstances from your upbringing, and you should’ve expected that joining the fbi would’ve only made it heavier. you bared it nonetheless because that’s what you were taught to do. you felt beaten down by the last few days, and just couldn’t wait to get back home and crawl into your bed.
the team had wrapped up the case, and you all were on the jet flying back home to the district. sat next to the ever observant dr. reid, he noticed your glazed eyes and distant aura exuding from you.
“you okay?” he bumps your shoulder bringing you out of your trance.
“i’m fine, don’t worry about me.” you replied curtly and tried to fold into the crevice between the seat and the walls of the plane.
“bold of you to lie to a profiler while on a plane full of profiles,” he chuckled lightly, “seriously, you look troubled. are you sure you don’t wanna play honesty hour right now?”
“spence, i’m okay, I promise.” you tried your best at a genuine smile that was as see through as a windexed window. he returned it with his own thin lipped smile and left you be. 
were you okay? you don’t even know how long you’ve felt like this. small, insignificant, nothing. you do great work at your job, tarnishing evil and saving lives. but you can’t help but find it ironic that it’s your own mind working against you that seems to be your demise. 
the jet landed around midnight and the team shuffled through the bullpen to gather their belongings before going home. everyone offered their goodbyes and goodnights and spencer was waiting for you by the door. you both lived in the same apartment building, only because when you first moved to quantico you had no one and knew no one. spencer took it upon himself to help you out, being the newest young rookie on the team, a position he was all too familiar with. his next door neighbor had moved out for an immediate job offer and was looking for a subletter and lo and behold, spencer had become your best friend.
in the few months that you were getting accustomed to the area spencer invited you over for nightly chess games and doctor who marathons. morgan always teased the two of you saying you should be going out on the town having fun only young people can have, and spencer would blush and stammer something out but you would have the brightest smile and look at him saying they were the most fun you’ve had.
so he was surprised to say the least when those nights started to become far and few. you would politely decline and spencer would assume you’d finally listened to morgan and got better plans. but he could hear the patter of your footsteps and the occasional expletive from when you’d hit a table corner and wondered what he did to make you recluse yourself again.
spencer was a profiler after all, mix that with being your closest friend and he could pinpoint the moments you started to change. you’d started making less jokes, even during moments where the team would pause and wait for a little quip from you but hear nothing. you were harder to gain attention from, usually needing three or four calls to get you to even look up. and he just saw you distancing yourself, almost like you didn’t want anyone to perceive you.
spencer loved you. he wouldn’t say it out loud or admit to anyone but point blank he loved you. he felt understood in a way that no one else made him feel. you were kind, smart, funny, and the empathy you held for others was enough to make him tear up. you were there for him when maeve died, letting him cry on your shoulder, and as fucked up as it sounds he realized he loved you in those moments leaking tears onto the stomach of your sweater.
so here stood spencer in front of your desk, “you heading home?” you nodded, “mind if i ride with you? i don’t feel like taking the metro this late.”
“okay, let’s go.”
the walk to your car was silent, and somehow the ride back to your apartment complex was even more silent. walking up the stairs to your apartment doors, you turn the key and step in when spencer goes, “hey actually i think i left my book at your place do you mind if i just look for it really quick?”
you stared at him blankly. you just wanted to be alone and he wants to get his book now? unbeknownst to you spencer was desperate to get to the bottom of your melancholia, and needed any in he could find right now to get there.
nonetheless you nodded your head and left the door open behind you so he could walk in. you dropped your bags and shoes at the front door and trudged through your apartment to your kitchen to put tea on the kettle. you softly called out to him, “do you want a cup of tea?”
“i’d love a cup.” he says sitting on your couch.
you’re fussing around the kitchen getting two mugs out— one doctor who and one snoopy mug. you fill the doctor who one up and add a lemon slice and turn around grabbing your snoopy mug. when you turn back towards the kettle you hit the corner of the island table and watch as your favorite mug drops and shatters into millions of pieces.
when they say a straw is what breaks the camel’s back you fully understand what they mean now because how are you about to lose all your shit over a snoopy mug. you don’t even make an effort to move, just staring at the broken pieces on the floor, trying to make sense of them like a kid pointing out cloud shapes. it’s like you can see the pieces molding into the demons that keep you up at night, the thoughts of uselessness and lethargy personifying in front of you.
spencer has to call your name three times before you finally move your eyes to meet his. you can see his lips moving but you can’t hear him, his hands are out as if he’s telling you to stay put oh wait he is. you wait as he finds your dustpan and broom and brushes up the remains into the trashcan. he slowly approaches you and maneuvers you towards the living room where you sit still glossy eyed and trembling.
he sits down next to you and places a hand on your bouncing knee to soothe it, “why won’t you talk to me?”
you shake your head, “it’s nothing spence, it’s not a big deal i can buy a new mug.” push it down.
“not that, something’s not right. and i want to help. will you let me help you?”
you feel the tears making their way up your face to make their grand exit, and you hold on to last bit of resolve you can as you shakily breathe, “i-, i can’t, it’s stupid and we see so much worse stuff so i have to keep it together and i am but today was just-“ you abruptly got up to get water from the kitchen before finishing your sentence. grabbing a glass from the cupboard, filling it up at the sink, and gulping it down with shaky hands. you set the glass down and placed your hands on the cool counter in an attempt to tether yourself to some string of reality that was left. you couldn’t burden him. you wouldn’t.
spencer gives you a minute alone before rising from the couch and walking into the kitchen. he approaches you slowly from behind, mirroring his hands on top of yours, entrapping you in his warm embrace. “i think you’re carrying so much,” he whispers gently in your ear, “you don’t have to do it by yourself. it’s okay to not be okay.”
the tears win and start streaming down your face silently. spencer continues, “what we do, it’s hard. we all have ways of not letting it get to us. rossi and his cigars, hotch and jack, garcia and her tchotchkes, i mean even emily with her sin city weekends.” you let out a wet laugh in response.
spencer doubles down and intertwines his fingers with yours, “my point is, you are not alone. i am here. let me carry some of it for you, please.”
letting out a soft sob you twist in his arms and burrow yourself into his sweatered chest. this was a new feeling for you, letting someone in to see the horrors that you worked so hard to suppress. why would anyone want to brave that journey? surely you weren’t worth the effort.
but as spencer tightened his arms around you, rubbing his hands soothingly down your back and placing a kiss at the crown of your head, you felt that even if the walls of your resolve came crumbling down that spencer would be there to catch as much as he could. and that was enough.
“thank you,” you mumbled tearily incoherent.
“i will always be here for you, no need to thank me sweetheart.”
his kindness overwhelmed you. how could someone who sees so much darkness and been through so much still hold the level of kindness he does?
you lifted your head slightly as his hand came up to cradle the back of your head, “so, what do you have?”
he hummed quizzically in response. you continued, “you said everyone has ways of getting through it, what’s yours?”
“it’s you,” spencer softly says with the most tender loving look in his eyes, smoothing your hair back as he looks down at you in his arms, “it’s always been you.”
your eyes welled up even more and squeezed him tighter if it were even possible. spencer had you. and now you had spencer.
the next day you show up to work, a snoopy mug with a gift bow sits on your desk. 
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lovebittenbyevans · 3 days
We Can’t Live In The Past
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Summary: In your heart and mind you knew you was not getting the old Gojo Satoru before the fame got to you
Pairing: Actor! Gojo Satoru x Wife!Female Reader
Warnings: fame au, flashbacks, social media au
Author note: Follow along Behind Closed Doors and same AU set Life In The Spotlight. Enjoy reading!!
You looked down at your glass of red wine which was almost empty. You looked through the pictures of you and Gojo together in a box that Gojo kept hidden in his drawer.
You had happy times with him a lot but the bad times were there as well. You placed the pictures back in the box and closed it. You pour yourself another glass of wine as you lean back against his office chair.
This was the first time in a long time you came into his office and sat down alone. You put the box back into his drawer and then scroll through your phone looking at more old pictures of you two on social media.
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y/nofficial Thank you for always making me happy baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️@gojosatoru
You both were always so happy together. You two could not get enough of each other. Everybody around the world would call you and Gojo the power couple.
You lifted the glass up towards your lips and took a sip feeling the sweetness on your tongue. As your eyes focused on the picture of you and gojo from years back, memories started to flood your mind just thinking about it.
You can’t believe your friend Miwa Kasumi set you up on a date. She was one of your good friends who always invited you to these celebrity parties. You were not a girl who was crazy about celebrities at all.
“I’m only doing this for you.” You said sitting down at the table while talking on the phone.
Miwa chuckled a bit. “I know but at least I don’t have to hear you cry anymore about Mahito.” You rolled your eyes and took off your jacket.
You understand where she was coming from but you couldn’t see yourself getting over Mahito just yet. You felt like a date was kind of too soon for you.
“Look, I love that man ok.” You explained to her. “This date better be worth it.”
Miwa let out another chuckle. “I promise it will be. Bye.” She hung up before you could respond.
You pull your AirPod from your ear and put it in your purse. The waiter came by pouring sparkling water in your glass while you looked at the menu. You can’t believe how expensive this restaurant is and the prices.
You hear a voice when you are trying to decide what to eat. “Y/N?” Glancing up, you noticed a handsome man with white hair. “Yeah, hi.”
“I’m Gojo Satoru.” He introduced himself to you as he pulled out the chair across from you.
Your eyes widen when you hear him tell you who he is.
No fucking way!
“Uh..Hi.” You stammer feeling shocked. “I didn’t know Miwa would set me up with another celebrity.”
He slowly took off his jacket and hung his jacket over his chair. “So, you know who I am?” He moved the chair up a little as he looked at you.
You nodded. “Yeah, you are always in the headlines sometimes.”
“So, you keep with me?” Gojo smirked.
You let out a chuckle. “Uh, no.” At least you were being honest. “I barely have time to keep up with people in my own life as often nowadays.”
“Hm, I think I might like you already.” He jokes, making you laugh.
You shake your head as you look at the menu again. The waiter came fifteen minutes later to take both orders while gojo and you talked to each other.
“Wait, Mahito was your boyfriend?” Gojo sounded surprised. “What happened between you two?”
You sighed. “Yeah, it’s too soon to say.”
Gojo leaned forward resting his chin on his hand. “Ah, so you are his music muse?” It didn’t surprise you that he asked that because Mahito always made it clear in his songs who they are about.
The waiter came back with two drinks before walking away to other tables. “Yeah.” You said, quietly.
You haven’t thought about Mahito music for a while. The last song you listened to was See You Again before you and him broke up for good this time.
“You like dating singers, huh?” Gojo asked.
You take a sip of your drink while you lean back in your chair. “Oh no. I’m done being with a famous person.”
He gasped. “Well, I guess this date is over.” He pretended to get up when you reached toward him and grabbed his hand. “No, No. Don’t go yet.”
Gojo stayed seated while staring at you. “Change your mind already?” You notice he likes to joke a lot and ask questions.
As the waiter finally came back with the food, you were laughing at some of his jokes of what it was like being an actor and how it is in the industry. You continue to eat your food while listening to him. “Three months I’ll be in San Francisco filming this movie but I haven’t got the script yet.”
You pushed your plate away from you after taking one more taste of your steak. “Do you at least know what it’s going to be about?” You question him.
Gojo gorgeous blue eyes fixed on you. “It’s a romance that’s all they told me so far.”
You didn’t want this date to end just yet. The way gojo spoke you can see yourself never getting tired of hearing his voice.
“Check please.” He said to the waiter.
You finish the last of your drink before you slung your jacket over your shoulder. “I’m sure Miwa is expecting money from you.” You got up from the chair after grabbing your purse.
He laughed while leaving money in the checkbook. “That girl stays trying to bet against something.” He got up from the chair and took his jacket from behind the chair.
You shrugged. “She loves matchmaking.” Gojo made his way out of the restaurant with you behind him. You almost blinked from the brightness of flashing lights.
Gojo was unaware paparazzi were going to show up tonight. They always find out where he is almost all the time. At times he got used to it and didn’t let them bother him.
“Stay close and don’t say a word.” He whispers to you.
You hide your face using your purse so the paparazzi couldn’t identify who you were. You kept speed walking with Gojo while the paparazzi asked him questions nonstop. “Gojo, who is she?”
“Is she your new girlfriend?” Another one asked.
Quickly you opened the door to your car and got inside, closing the door shut. You didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to him because he told you to drive off.
Eventually you parked your car for a minute with a smile on your face. You were feeling a lot of emotions all at once. You take your phone out of your purse and notice an unknown number along with a notification from your social media.
Unknown: Hey, it’s Gojo. I got your number from Miwa since I couldn’t ask you because of the paparazzi. I wanted to say I had a good time and I wanted to see you again
You grin reading his text message one more time. A part of you thought this date would have been a disaster but it wasn’t. You checked your social media notifications immediately and you were stunned to speak.
Gojo Satoru followed you on instagram
You clicked on his profile icon in your notification that took you to his profile page. You were not surprised he posted a lot on his page. You noticed he posted a new picture that got a lot of likes and comments.
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liked by 10,556 others
gojosatoru First date with this beauty went amazing
What the fuck!?
You can’t believe this is happening to you right now. You cover your mouth trying not to smile so much. You exited the app when your phone started buzzing. You looked at the screen as you began to drive your car again.
You pressed the green button once you heard her voice on the phone. “Bitch! You're famous now.”
“Miwa, the gojo satoru? Seriously!?” You raise your voice a little.
She giggled. “I knew you would like him. When is the second date?”
You thought about a second date already but you didn’t want to push too soon. “Let’s not move too fast now.” You tell her.
“I’m just saying. You can use him to get over Mahito.”
Here she goes again
You stayed quiet for a minute while she was trying to give you some advice. You parked your car in front of your apartment and sat there telling her how your date went on the phone.
You snapped out of your thoughts not realizing a tear prickle onto your cheeks. You wipe your tears away putting the picture back into the drawer. You sat there thinking Gojo was not coming back to you. A part of him was gone forever.
You just wanted to find that piece of him again but you realized it is already too late for that. Another tear falls down your cheeks when you grab the bottle of Zinfandel and throw it against the bookshelf.
You sat there feeling your heart break into a million pieces. You don’t recognize yourself anymore. You don’t recognize your husband either. Your husband who you've been in love with for so many years is gone.
“Fuck! Fuck!” You felt warm arms around you as you sobbed. “Honey.” You tried to block his voice out.
“Honey.” He said again. You find it difficult to look at him.
Gojo squatted down and looked at you. “Baby, look at me.” He grabs your chin making you look at him.
Tears dwell in your eyes as you stare at him. “G–Gojo.” Your voice breaks.
He cupped your face with his hands. “What’s wrong? I’m here.”
You sniffs. “N–No you are not.” He frowned looking at you. “You were gone a long time ago.” You sniffled getting up from the chair when Gojo held onto your waist.
“Baby, Baby, I’m right here.” He tells you again. You didn’t look away from him.
Those blue eyes you once loved are gone. Tears swelled up in his eyes while he held onto you. “I am not leaving you.” He sniffles.
You run your hand through his hair and then push him off of you. “You left me!” You raised your voice at him.
Gojo wanted to believe what you were saying wasn't a lie. He knew he would never leave you. He knew you were here to stay with him. In his head that is exactly what he thought all these years.
Opening his office door, you stopped for a second telling him. “I hope all the partying was worth it and not paying me any mind. I want a divorce.” You walked out the door.
Gojo sat on the floor crying his eyes out.
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amongemeraldclouds · 18 hours
so high school
you know how to ball, I know Aristotle
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Mattheo Riddle x f!Reader (Modern AU)
Warning: fluff, no use of y/n
Author's note: I can't think of a good summary for this, but it's all about going on a motorcycle ride with Mattheo because he aced the test you tutored him for.
✿ Masterlist | TTPD Masterlist | 643 words
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“Come on, pretty girl,” Mattheo said, handing you his spare helmet. You eyed it suspiciously, but held your hand out anyway, accepting it.
Your plan worked a little too well. Tutoring Mattheo was anything but easy, so to motivate him, you agreed he could get a reward each time he scored well on a test.
He said he would show you how to have fun. You smacked his arm and he promised he would be an honorable gentleman and keep things wholesome, unless you wanted more. To which you insisted, you did not.
Never mind the way your stomach fluttered when you were near him, or how your thoughts would get derailed when his arm brushed accidentally against yours. You knew better than to get involved with the resident troublemaker at your school.
You countered instead that fun looked like different things to different people. So if he showed you something he found fun, you’d also get to show him something you enjoyed. He shrugged his shoulders and agreed. Besides, if he got top marks in class, you’d receive a hefty bonus, which was more than enough of your savings goal for university.
That was how you found yourself rock climbing, racing cars, and now, your arms were tightly wrapped around his torso, hair flying in the wind, as he whisked you both away in his motorcycle.
After a while, you found yourself relaxing as you got used to the speed and found you enjoyed the rush as you cut through the air, cars and buildings blurring past you. There was something freeing about it and it certainly did not hurt to feel his toned body snug against yours.
You almost complained when he slowed down as you approached the beach. “So?” He asked, grinning as he took off his helmet. You were tempted to fix his helmet hair and run your fingers through his luscious locks, but held yourself back.
You couldn’t, however, stop yourself from mirroring his grin, adrenaline pumping through your veins. “Not bad, Riddle.”
He laid out a blanket he packed and you both settled in, listening to the waves, as the sun painted the sky a blend of red, orange, and yellow. You took a moment to breathe it all in, the salt air and the warmth of Mattheo beside you.
It was your turn to tell him all about the book you were reading about. You showed him how fun could also exist in far away realms with magic and dragons. How books were portals to these worlds where mysteries get solved and people find happy endings. Despite his initial eye roll weeks earlier, you found he was a great listener who seemed genuinely enthralled by your stories.
Little did you know it was because of you. Mattheo loved watching you come to life, the spark twinkling in your eye when you showed him something you thought was fun. You were a captivating storyteller. He could listen to you for hours and it would only feel like minutes. You always left him wanting more.
Your eyes could rival the sun and he wanted to kiss you then and there, but stopped himself. He watched your feelings bloom slowly with the way you had to pause when his arm ‘accidentally’ brushed yours. How you always seemed to have his favorite pack of candy around and you always leaned into him when you laughed.
He loved your laugh, and everything else about you. He was going to wait until your feelings grew to the point where you could no longer deny them. Then he would be honest. It had been a few weeks since he fell for you with the exact same approach he took with everything else in his life - fully and unapologetically.
When it was your turn to fall, he was ready to be a safe place to land.
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✿ Masterlist | TTPD Masterlist
A/N: This is one of the least literal interpretation out of all my TTPD fics so far, but the song ‘So High School’ is just PERFECT for this vibe.
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seramilla · 1 day
More angst for the Homophobic Heaven AU:
The Exterminations, and therefore the Exorcists, didn't exist until thousands of years after Carmilla's fall. When they DID begin Carmilla and a few other Fallen Angels tried to fight back, only to be stopped and teleported away by Lucifer. He told them that the Exterminations were to cut down the sinner population, and while some of them questioned this decision, most accepted it.
Carmilla, on the other hand, was furious. And after the other Fallen have left, demanded to know which idiotic Elder decided that EXTERMINATION was a good idea. Only for Lucifer to tell her that SERA was the one who signed off on it. Carmilla refused to belive this, the Sera she knew and loved WOULD NEVER. Maybe she was just the one that the Elders put forth to negotiate the term? Yeah that MUST be it. Because if not... NO, her Sera would never agree to something this barbaric.
For Clara and Odette in this AU, I was thinking maybe they're Zestial's. After a couple of Beetlejuice Carmilla and Zestial get "acquainted" which results in the twins. They don't get together but they still remain good friends. Like an amicably divorced couple. He knows Carmilla is still in love with Sera and while he fills in the Father role for the girls, he makes sure to tell them stories that Carmilla told him of Sera, their other Mama.
"What do you mean Sera is responsible? She would never do this! I refuse to believe it!"
Carmilla stands before Lucifer Morningstar, king of Hell, embodiment of Pride, who is sitting on his throne, looking toward him as if he doesn't have the power to rip her asunder with a mere twitch of his claws. The amount of rage and anguish she feels at his words, the sense of outright betrayal and disbelief coursing through her body, give her a sense of bravery and defiance that any of the other embodiments of Sin simply wouldn't tolerate from their subjects.
But this is Lucifer. Her friend, her former comrade in arms, her brother, allowing her to show this much insubordination. Because he knows how she must feel, and it's not like he can fault her for it. Not one bit. Not when this news is so personal.
"Carmilla. I know this may be difficult to hear. But this information comes directly from the Elders. While someone may not be telling me the entire truth...until I hear otherwise, I have to work under the assumption that it's true."
"NO! It's not true! It can't be true! She's not that cruel!"
He's never seen so much anger in Carmilla's eyes before. Never so much raw grief and lack of composure; not from one of his oldest and closest friends. He can tell this is eating her up inside. Whether it's true or not, he can't say, but the news is having the likely intended effect on Carmilla. Heaven had wanted to wear them all down. What better way to do that, than for the source of the misery to be coming from the one Carmilla loves most?
Carmilla's companion, the demon spider Zestial, places a large, gangly black claw on the woman's shoulder. He's been standing behind her the entire time, trying not to get in the way of official angel business. He's only a Sinner, but Carmilla will rarely go anywhere without him, these days. Lucifer has permitted his presence, for her sake. He's quiet, studious, and well-behaved enough, for a Sinner. It's the least he can do.
Unfortunately, the ancient Sinner's attempt to comfort her doesn't work as well as he'd probably hoped. Carmilla steps forward, away from Zestial and closer to Lucifer. Getting up in his face. Breathing hard; pupils blown wide; for all the world like she wants to slap him.
She doesn't. It's not his fault. What good would it do, anyway? Squabbles among siblings is so beneath her. It would lead to nothing except more pain and anger between the two of them. It would accomplish nothing and make her feel even worse than she does right now.
She steps back again, her claws clenching even tighter together, and turns around to face away from him.
"I have some business I need to attend to," Lucifer says, looking up at her back that is now facing him, trying to distill the tension by offering himself a way out. "Again, I'm so sorry, Carmilla. You can stay here as long as you need to, to...compose yourself. I'll keep the others away."
Lucifer is gone in the time it takes to blink. He's teleported himself away from Carmilla's presence, not even bothering to use the door to his throne room. He likely doesn't want the others to catch a glimpse of Carmilla in her moment of weakness. She mentally thanks him for that, at the very least. Carmilla knows the way she's acting is very unbecoming. It's not like her at all.
But how is she supposed to act. When he...when Lucifer had...when he'd told her that news?
Without the presence of her king forcing her to keep it together, Carmilla's composure quite literally shatters. The woman can almost feel her heart being torn in two, as easily as someone might rip a piece of paper. With a sob of anguish, she falls apart, in every sense that a person can. Instead of collapsing onto the floor, which would be easier, she rushes toward Zestial, his arms already open and bringing her in to be sheltered by his heated embrace.
Carmilla cries, she wails, into the obsidian of his robes. He just holds her there, stroking her hair comfortingly, letting the long, loose strands flow through his claws like water.
Carmilla hadn't even had time to fix her hair this morning. That's how little she'd cared about the usual decorum of these angelic meetings. She'd told him she needed to talk to Lucifer right now, it couldn't wait, and he'd dropped everything, and teleported her right into the throne room with the seven Deadly Sins. Her and Zestial's presence hadn't exactly been...expected, but Lucifer had tolerated it. For her.
Now, as Carmilla's tears begin to soak into his robe, she grasps into the dark material with her claws, pulling a little too hard, until the fabric starts to rip. Zestial doesn't stop her, though. His robes have been through worse, and he's rather talented with a spinning wheel, so he'll just deal with it later. This is so much more important.
"How could she?" Carmilla weeps into his chest. "How could she, Zestial?"
"My dearest Carmilla," the old spider says, holding her closer to him with both arms. The hand on the back of her head strokes her neck. "We know not yet if the king spake truth, or if Heaven doth but jest with thee. Have faith, Carmilla."
"How?" Carmilla asks, bluntly. "How do I have faith in anything anymore?"
"When we are lost, and all doth seem hopeless, faith is all that remains. Heaven shall employ any wiles to make all appear for naught. Believe them not now."
Carmilla starts to calm. The familiar smell of him, the smoke and ash wafting off the Sinner's body, is both familiar and comforting. She knows he speaks truth; Heaven cannot be trusted. It is not without precedent for them to say anything to drive a wedge between the fallen angels, or make it seem so hopeless, there's no use in fighting back. Carmilla is so embarrassed of herself. Like a child, she'd lashed out, and taken it out on Lucifer. Leave it to her oldest, dearest friend and companion to have more logic than herself.
Ever since she'd manifested down here, after Heaven had pushed her out, Zestial had been one of the few non-angels she's trusted. He's always been so different, more human, for lack of a better comparison, than any of her comrades that had fallen before her. They had changed too much, too drastically, for her to even recognize them at first. They'd lost their spark, their will to fight back...
Zestial, however, is a soul with as much wisdom as some of the angels in Heaven. He'd never lost his will to fight. In fact, it's one of the reasons he's lasted so long down here, and become such a powerful overlord. He knows when to show his hand, and also when to take a step back and assess. When to scheme, when to plan, and when to retreat. That's part of what she likes about him.
The fact that he's kind, patient, and loyal to a fault, is another reason. As well as the fact that he loves her so thoroughly, so passionately, and shows it, is yet another. She tries not to compare him to Sera, because they are absolutely not even remotely the same, but the way he holds her, kisses, her, makes love to her...it reminds her of her lost love, and the way she felt around Sera back in Heaven. But not quite. He is his own person, and had known going into this that there is still baggage there, that Carmilla still loves Sera, and yet...
He still holds her. Comforts her. Gives everything to the children they brought into the world together. Helps her keep that memory of Sera, a woman he's never met, alive for them, through his stories and fanciful tales. He doesn't have to do any of that. Gets absolutely nothing out of it except for Carmilla's endless gratitude and satisfaction. But maybe that's why he does it... Helping her and being there for her makes him happy. Carmilla doesn't think she'll ever be able to repay him.
Once Carmilla is calm, and she can look up at him with minimal new tears falling from her eyes, she can see his face is sad. But for her benefit, he smiles, ever so slightly, in that crooked, adorable way that he does. He pushes her hair behind her ear, away from her face, and then holds her cheek in his hand, to stroke it lightly.
"Fret not, Carmilla. All will become clear. Let us return to Odette and Clara. They are likely concerned for thee."
Carmilla nods. Once again, he's most likely correct. They'd left in such a hurry that morning, they hadn't had time to let the girls know where they were going.
"Okay," Carmilla says. "You're right. Let's go back."
Zestial nods in return, and then bends down, placing a final kiss to her forehead. It's not...romantic, per se, or platonic, either. It's somewhere in between. Or on a different plane entirely. It's hard to put a word to what their relationship is. But that's fine. They don't need a name for it. They are exactly what they need to be for each other, at this particular moment in time.
Pulling away, Carmilla wipes the remaining tears from her eyes. Then Zestial re-opens the portal, so they can go home to their girls, and rest off the stress of the day.
(Edit: Tagging @tanema123 cuz I know they love these two goobers, and who knows when I’ll dip my toe into Zestmilla again, Lmao)
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dilrmma · 6 hours
⠀⠀ til’ death do us part ━━━ yjw. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ syn .. death felt so far away until you were almost faced with it in the form of your husband, and only you could help him
disclaimer(s) ★ blood, wounds, hints at shady business and my very bad knowledge on injuries
wc 1146 (1.1k) ✶ series masterlist
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Death felt like a superstition, some relished in it and others didn’t. It felt so vague, so dark and almost untouchable. At least, that’s what you believed until your husband was scrambling into your shared home, disheveled and searching for you.
Yang Jungwon had been your enemy for years, you hated his guts for no particular reason except for the fact that he was better than you in every single aspect of life. Your family compared his accomplishments to yours, and it was clear you fell short.
So, what better way than to marry you two? Keep your friends close but enemies closer. In your case you shared a blanket with each other.
For the most part, he stayed out of your way and you stayed out of his. Only finding one another at dinner time when you’d place a plate before him and sit at the other end of the table—in silence.
Nothing would’ve prepared you for the night your entire relationship changed.
Jungwon stumbled through the door holding his stomach, blood stained his fair skin easily and you could feel the food in your stomach from earlier churning.
His eyebrows furrowed in unspeakable pain, his mouth forming your name but he couldn’t get it out of his throat, instead opting for a whine that had you clutching onto him tighter.
You’ve never been close to experiencing death, but here, right now in the same vicinity as the smell of blood and the open wound of your husband, you just might.
“I’m gonna-I’m gonna take off your shirt,” you quickly unbutton his top, kneeling before him as he sat on the toilet seat. His head fell back onto the wall, lip quivering.
You weren’t a doctor, hell you didn’t even know what vitamins you were supposed to take. You have no idea why Jungwon came to you of all people.
“Please, please yn,” he mumbled incoherently, his hands gripping your arms.
That was your signal to do whatever you could. Opening packets of gauze, applying pressure, disinfecting his wound with alcohol to which Jungwon cried out to.
The required first aid class you took in school helped, for the most part.
“You’re gonna need to see a doctor in the morning, Jungwon.” your nose scrunched up at the mix of blood and alcohol, wishing this was a mere dream, but Jungwon’s pinches on your exposed skin was a reminder this was real.
“What did you even do?” your brain hadn’t racked around to the idea of what caused this accident, and maybe you didn’t want to know.
Not when the image of Yang Jungwon was blank, you knew nothing of his personal life or what he did for a living. Perhaps it’d be best to keep that way. He was just a contract.
Jungwon licked his lips, his abdomen heaving up and down. The sound of squeaking from the gauze and the bandage you wrapped around him filled the tense air.
“Your dad, he asked me to do a job for him. I didn’t know what i was getting myself in to.” his jaw clenched and you could feel disgust and anger boiling your blood.
Your father was so selfish he had someone else do a job for him—a dangerous one at that. A part of you wanted go console Jungwon, hold him and apologize for him, while another part of you wanted to scold him for being so naive as to who your father was.
“Why would you agree to that?” you placed your palms on his shaking thighs, your knees digging into the cold floor. The warmth of your body cascaded off you to him, like a hug.
“I just did it in the moment,” Jungwon said shortly, raising his head up to look down at you. His body relaxed at your touch, despite it being so new. It felt natural.
Strands of his hair covered his eyes as he blinked them away, fingers shaking terribly. He reached out for yours, wanting to feel human again after being treated like rubbish. Dirt on someone’s shoe, paint chipping off a fresh wall, a bag flowing in the wind.
He felt so out of place.
But, in the proximity of your gentleness and tender affection—the glow that escaped his body found it’s way back in, in the form of you.
“I don’t want you ever taking something from him ever again.” of course if it were anyone else in his situation, you’d say the same, right?
“Then I’d have to give you back.” his voice was quiet, his body leaning towards you as he groaned in pain. His eyes held a thousand words that his mouth wouldn’t dare to say.
His breaths slowly began to pick up once again, his chest moving abnormally fast. “Jungwon,” you reached towards his heart, placing your hand against his skin as his heartbeat thumped rapidly.
“Let me lay you down.” you began to stand up to take him to your bed, but he held you by your wrists, forcing you back down between his thighs.
“Don’t leave me, not yet.”
In more ways than one his words spoke volumes. The days of wondering when he’d be home or if he had eaten what you packed him for lunch wasn’t because you were a thoughtful wife, it was because you cared. You cared that his stomach was full and that he was in one piece.
The hatred you learned to give along the way was just love that couldn’t find a way to be expressed, as it suppressed in the depths of your heart, it went bitter. But, Jungwon was your one true love, if you liked it or not.
He leaned his forehead on your shoulder, arms loosely around your waist. You moved your palms up and down his back hesitantly.
Your realization deciding to hit you like a truck in the middle of this fiasco wasn’t the best timing, or maybe it was.
“We promised ‘till death do us part’ and I’m far from death, baby.” Jungwon backed away from your shoulder, looking at your eyes and cupping the sides of your face.
The blood one his hands transferred onto your own skin, imprinting a stain of forever that connected you to him.
Jungwon’s lips found yours in a delicate, scared manner—afraid you’d stop him. However, your body reacted before your brain and you were returning the kiss.
The longing nights you shared in bed, staring at him, hoping that one day you’d enjoy waking up to his voice were worth it because now, you might just enjoy him coming home with flowers instead of a wound for you to fix.
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winstonsns · 12 hours
may i request the gang w a reader who has bpd? like, frequent mood swings, etc etc? tysm 💕
the gang with bpd!reader (request)
authors note: bpd stands for borderline personality disorder, in which the person has long patterns of unstable emotions. could last for weeks or even months, basically episodes. i’m not that educated on this subject, so sorry if this is offensive. enjoy 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 2.1k
warnings: depression, fights, slightly suggestive
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you haven’t been in the right headspace for the past few weeks, so your grades started to slip
ponyboy would try and help you do your homework, even doing your homework for you but you wouldn’t have the energy to even try
but then, you had a test and you tried real hard to get a good grade, studying and stressing all over it for days
after you took the test and got your grade back, seeing it was an A, you suddenly felt better
at the end of the day, you and pony decided to go back to your house to study
he noticed you were talking more and laughing, so he asked you what happened
you smiled and told him you got a good grade on your test, for the first time in a while
you switched the topic and continued smiling, and pony looked at you with love
he was glad that you were feeling better, and he suspected you’d stay happy for weeks
he sometimes gets confused when you randomly switch but doesn’t say much about it
he’ll ask you about it later but not in the moment, especially if other people are there too
he knows you like it when he reads to you, so when you’re feeling upset, he’ll read to you so maybe you’ll feel better
he doesn’t want you to get frustrated if you’re not included in things, so he’ll always invite you to his track meets and will tell you about all the drama that happens if you don’t know about it
when you’re in a depressive state, he’ll help you plan things and start a routine
he just wants you to feel in control so you know what to do and have a sense of purpose
he also asks soda and darry for advice since they know you’re going through stuff, so occasionally they’ll help you out too
his parents were yelling at him so he went to your house, he knew his parents wouldn’t care
the only thing he was worried about was the fact that you were still in a depressive state, and he didn’t want you to feel more sad because of what he was going through
so when he knocked on your door and you answered, your eyes lit up and you smiled widely
he was shocked and didn’t know why you were so happy, but smiled back at you
you told him you were happy to see him unannounced, but asked why he came by
he told about what happened, so you invited him in and made cupcakes together
he knows what it’s like to be in a depressive state, so he’ll always try and help you feel in touch with the world
he tried to help you focus on things more and really take in information while paying attention
like focusing on how things move or sound, how strong smells are and how loud things are, how specific tastes are sweet, salty, hot, etc
when you’re happy, he tries to keep you like that by randomly checking up on you to see how you’re doing
he’ll also offer to do things for you like carrying or cleaning things for you
he just wants to make things easier for you, but of course that doesn’t always works
johnny loves you and makes sure you know it, always telling you you’re amazing and beautiful, that he appreciates everything you do, etc
you were at soda’s house, waiting for him to come back from work
you weren’t feeling that great but were trying your best to make him think you were at least feeling ok
when you hear the door opening and a creak, you look over to see soda with a dairy queen bag and two drinks
seeing his smile and the fact that he thought about you enough to bring you food made you switch
you got up from the chair and walked over to him, he put down the food
you put your hands and cradled his face while giving him a long kiss, then tracing your hand down his chest
after the two of you pulled away from the kiss, he looked down at you with a smile and said “glad you’re feeling better, sweetheart”
he’s naturally a very bubbly person and is a romantic at heart, you cannot change my mind
he literally worships the ground you walk on and will do that no matter how you’re feeling
if you’re feeling extra bad and hardly have the energy to get out of bed, he’ll take some days off work to spend more time with you
he just wants you to feel good but doesn’t always know how to handle it
he knows what it’s like to feel unheard, so he checks up on you a lot no matter how you’re feeling
when you’re happy, the two of you will go on cute little dates together
he’ll buy you a pretty necklace for your date and it’s an S for his name
when you’re angry, he’ll always try and calm you down without yelling
you try your best to not yell either since both of you know it doesn’t get you anywhere
you weren’t feeling that good for the past couple weeks ever since pony and johnny ran away
you stayed at darry’s house for a while, he was worried sick about the two boys
then you heard the phone ring, so you looked at darry, and he motioned you to go answer it
you got up off the counter and into the living room, where the phone was ringing loudly
picking up the phone, you said, “y/n l/n, what do you need?”
the person on the other end asked, “is darry curtis there? his brother and friend are in the hospital.”
your eyes went wide and you felt happy that the boys were back, but scared as to why they were in the hospital
you put the phone down without answering back, and ran to darry to tell him what had happened
he yelled for soda to come down since they had to go see pony and johnny in the hospital
he immediately went out the door and drove you two to the hospital, and you went to the floor where pony and johnny were
when you saw pony sitting on the chair, you smiled widely
darry was happy to see you feeling good again, but was still worried about why pony and johnny where there
he can get really impatient and frustrated with you at times but tries to stay calm because you can’t control how you act sometimes
most of the time, he knows when you’re struggling and tries to help you
so sometimes he’ll schedule an emergency therapy if you’re in a really bad mental state for whatever reason
he really cares about you but doesn’t always have the time or patience to try and reason with you
when you’re happy and feeling good, he’ll take you out to different places
sometimes it’s a restaurant and sometimes it’s just a little activity for you two to do together
he really likes cooking, so he’ll make food for you and will try new recipes
he’ll ask you to help him out with cooking since he knows you like to be a part of things
when you’re feeling sad, he tries to get you out of that mindset as soon as possible
he’ll still include you in hangouts in hope that you’ll feel better
you were in one of your episodes, specifically one where you were mad all the time, which lasted for a few weeks
you knew you couldn’t do much about it, but dally would always try to get you out of the pissed off mindset
he always tried to make you feel better, even though most of the time, it wouldn’t do anything
he still wanted you to know he loves you, even if you wouldn’t appreciate it in the moment, you would appreciate it later when you were feeling better
today was your birthday, however, so dally took you out for dinner and actually paid
that got you out of your mad mindset, and he saw the moment you switched over to being happy
seeing that might’ve made him the happiest he’s ever been, knowing that he was the one to get you to switch over
you smiled and apologized for how you acted a few days ago, the two of you got into an argument
he brushed it off and said it was okay, and the two of you continued your dinner
when you were in your depressive episodes, he would help you shower, eat and go on walks since you hardly had the energy to get up
he would bathe you and buy you meals so you could eat
making you go outside at least every few days, the two of you would go on walks since he wanted you to get fresh air
when you were feeling mad, and you would feel that way for weeks, he would mostly stay away even though it was difficult for him
you were feeling happy and told him that if you were being all pissy at him, he should just not talk to you
you didn’t want to ruin your relationship or say something you didn’t mean, so you don’t him not to interact with you at those times
he still would, though, he would do little check ups on you to see if you were feeling okay, or if you wanted anything
if you were happy, he tried to keep you in that state for as long as he could
he thought you would stay happier if he gave you things, a lot of attention, and was overall with you more
it did work for a bit, until you randomly switched over, but he didn’t understand why
he would get impatient and frustrated with you at some points, but always managed to push through since he cared about you so much
feeling bad the past couple weeks, two-bit decided to invite you to hang out with the gang
he just wants you to get some fresh air and to socialize with others, since you hadn’t in a few weeks
all of you were getting milkshakes at a diner and were talking
you drank a bit of your milkshake when two-bit started talking
then he made a joke about someone at another table, and of course everyone laughed, including you
he looked to you and smiled, weirdly proud of himself for getting you to feel better
he’d always try to make jokes even if you weren’t feeling the best
when you aren’t feeling that well, he’ll bring you to the drive-in so you can spend time together and just to try to help you feel better
the two of you were randomly talking while he was on his break at work, you decided to visit him at the DX
both of you were sitting down in the back, eating burgers and drinking soda
he asked you how school was going for you, and your eyes lit up
you started moving your hands around a lot and kicking your feet, talking about a fun project you were working on with your friends
he listened and continued asking questions in order to lengthen the conversation since you seemed excited
you didn’t think much about how you were down and now you were happy, so you started talking about some drama between a boy and girl in your class
he was normally the one to talk, but enjoyed hearing you talk more than you normally did
when you’re not feeling the best, he’ll bring you into the DX so you can help him fix up cars
it’s just a new thing for you to learn and to hang out with each other
he’s weirdly smart in some ways, so he’ll occasionally help you with history, since he was always into that
when you were feeling really happy, he’d invite you to hang out with the gang
he knew you appreciated it and would invite you whenever he could
(if you can’t tell, i never have ideas for steve so sorry)
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authors note: sorry i’m posting this late! i hope you guys enjoyed reading, sorry if this was offensive or really unrealistic. i’m making a chocolate cake so maybe ill show you guys when im done :3💗
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nalyra-dreaming · 22 hours
"Romeo?" reminds me of "No Peleas, no Melisande"
In both Louis through dreamstat expressing his doubt that he and Armand could ever be some grandiose iconic love story.
Which heartbreakingly ties with revelation that Armand did not see lestat. He felt him but he didn't knew details and didn't knew for sure how Louis viewed and still views their relationship. This episode solidified my theory that "love of my life" wasn't even delusion, but more put upon mask. OR it is what Louis believes in but I think it started after some...tinkering in San Francisco
Assad acting is insanely good, I understood why Rolin said he felt for Armand while filming. That moment of realization, that hurt and shock he experiences and tries to mask immediately because Daniel is there. Assad's interviews are very insightful and interesting and I got from them that Armand truly viewed this relationship better than they actually were, even though deep down I think he knew.
I have a theory that he was aware that things were not good to say the least at first but something happened in San Francisco. Something that made Armand believe things will be better. (Some memories were changed perhaps) And so they lived after this their stable life under sword of Damocles, because once memories returned? Peace is gone. Raglan mentioned other people trying to interview Louis (or at least that's how I interpretated this) and it ended poorly for them. Armand definitely took care of them.
So Louis definitely knows that something isn't right. We established it in ep1 s2. He also 90% knows that Armand is responsible at least partially for this. Or at least can restore memories. He knows interview will help him. He knows Armand doesn't want interview. He knows Armand kills(?) people who interview him. He knows that Armand spared Daniel (we don't know if anything else happened but we don't have to. It's enough already). He knows that there's something about Daniel that makes Armand intrigued and he can't kill him. He probably feels guilty about Daniel's memories as well. He invites Daniel so they both can remember.
Okay, so the "love of my life"... was more or less debunked already after the last episode of s1, in interviews. It was a play on "The Graduate", here is a great discussion on that (also this is from November 22, for context^^):
This isn't their great love story. It's being sold as such, for reasons.
And yes, Assad is insanely good, and he understands his character so well! Ultimately Armand wants love... and to be loved. (The problem is the way he goes about it...)
Armand canonically believes that "Louis would get over it". Not kidding. "It" being Claudia's and Lestat's (supposed) deaths. There is a whole speech in IWTV about that. And that was a misconception in the book, and it will be one in the show.
And yes, I have also theorized that Louis invited Daniel specifically because he is the one tool to crack Armand... and to remember. Because he knows things do not add up. And now Daniel knows, too. And Daniel... Daniel is the one mortal Armand won't just kill.
For... reasons which have a lot to do with San Francisco :)
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percyjavksongf · 3 days
June on the East Coast.•☆
➤Parings: Book!Percy Jackson x reader
➤Word count: 5’324
➤Warnings: very fluffy, one mention of death
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“But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it”
It was well known in camp that you had been blessed with a green thumb by your mother, you could grow anything no matter how bazzar and it would be the most wonderful thing to exist in the Demeter cabin garden. The only thing your hands were useless for was writing, you could spell and had neat enough handwriting of course but what use was that when you couldn’t put them to good use? You knew people kept diaries, journals, whatever the writer preferred to call them. You have no one to blame really for your frustrations but yourself since you’re the one who had the brilliant idea of starting a journal, you had overheard one of the Apollo kids raving about how useful they were, writing down all your emotions or even simply explaining your day, the point was that it was yours, you could write down whatever you wanted and no one ever needed to know.
That’s why you were currently tucked into the corner of your bunk, journal resting snugly on your lap as anxiously you chewed on the end of your pencil, why was it so difficult to write something down? You could think in your head of all the things you wanted to say but why was it so damn hard to put into words? You had managed to get the date down at least. You knew what you wanted to write about but the idea of having your most raw thoughts become materialised felt so nerve wracking, it would be better if you could write them down and then throw it away, maybe toss them into the firepit while no one was looking. You had expressed all this to Mitchell last night during dinner, making sure to be quiet enough that no one could listen in on such delicate information, after playfully smacking him for laughing too loudly at your fear of someone finding your journal and pinning it up on the camp notice board (dramatic but a totally rational fear) you downed the rest of your cherry cola.
“what if you send your writings away!” he beamed, an idea that received an unimpressed stare in returned
“don’t give me that look! I’m being serious. Listen, obviously you won’t be sending away all your personal stuff but even just talking to someone about your day can help make you feel more comfortable opening up to people, just do it bit by bit” you pondered his words for a moment, you supposed that some sort of penpal could be nice, you wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of stumbling over your words because you start to overthink and panic yourself, you just write down some simple stuff and send it away.
“a penpal wouldn’t be too bad” you said, still not fully convinced on the idea
“it would be great! I also already know who your penpal could be” his sing-song tone earned an eye roll
“oh do you?” you say sarcastically
“yes I do” he replied matter of factly “and I’m sure Percy-”
“absolutely not” you spew out instantly “I am not tellingPercyof all people my secrets-”
“it doesn’t have to be secrets remember? Just writing to him about your day and how things are going at Camp” he protested and you pulled a face, he was always so convincing, probably another one of his mother Aphrodite’s gifts.
“Percy probably won’t want to write letters of all things, he’ll probably be too busy with mortal things” you say weakly, you however, did not possess the skill of producing a good argument.
“you know he’d ditch any mortal things to talk to you, doesn’t he call you with Iris every Saturday afternoon?” you had forgotten you’d told him that
“he does but-”
“but what? If he has no issues taking time out of his day to call you every weekend religiously then he won’t mind taking another ten minutes to write you a letter” Mitchell said finally and you rested your head on your hand.
“fine, I’ll ask him” you rolled your eyes playfully at his triumphant grin. You sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments, scoffing down more of your dinner before you’d have to head to the camp fire. “so..” Mitchell drew out, you glance over at him while still chewing, “what do you and Percy talk about when he calls? Does he tell you how much he misses you? I bet you two stare into each others eyes and-” you stand quickly from your seat and brush your hands against your shorts, hoping that your embarrassment isn’t evident on your face “ok conversation over-”
“I was just kidding!” he laughed, jumping up to join you quickly in your decent to the camp fire “but like does he actually say that or-”
“yeah he totally does!” you said with fake excitement “and he also tells me that he thinks your so nosy”
“I am not nosy! Simply curious” he said with a gasp as you finally catch up with the rest of the campers.
You stared at the paper for what felt like eternity, you had mentioned to Percy during your last call about the letters but quickly followed up that he didn’t have to do it if he didn’t want to, but of course being the selfless person he naturally is Percy agreed to it no problem, you didn’t mention why you wanted to start writing letters but he didn’t pry. Thats why you’re currently stuck in this situation, staring down at a page for at least half an hour while you think of how to start a letter, something most kids your age already know how to do. Writing ‘Dear Percy’ sounded far too formal and made you cringe, so you stuck with the casual and classic ‘To Percy’, good enough.
Eventually you decided that you should just ask Percy all the questions, you didn’t really know what to write about yourself. It was around half a page and probably contained a good few spelling mistakes but you decided to wake up early and send it off anyways, the only other people who could be wandering around this early would be the Apollo kids so it was the perfect way to get rid of the letter without all the curious questions. You had continued with your routine for the next couple of days with the letter glued to your thoughts, what if Percy thought it was stupid? What if it had gone missing in the post? What if he didn’t write back.
It arrived early the next morning, you ran frantically towards the big house to where Chiron had said it landed, snatching it quickly off the polished wood flooring you sprinted back to your cabin, ignoring your siblings protests of how early it was when you slammed the cabin door open and practically jumped into bed to read the letter. You stared at the smooth brown envelope for a moment, running the pads of your fingers of Percy’s name, you could tell he had taken the time to make it look neat and the thought made your heart flutter. You peeled the letter open as carefully as your eager hands would let you and let your eyes soak in Percy’s words, he asked about what was going on at camp and that it felt so old fashioned to be writing you letters, you couldn’t stop the grin on your face as you read through him explaining his days at school and how Sally had attempted to make blue pasta for dinner the day before. The letter ended with Percy mentioning that he accidentally made the water fountain explode and that Paul was trying to convince the school that he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your eyes travelled to the end of his letter that simply stated ‘miss you’ before signing his name, you sucked in a quiet gasp of air and thanked the gods that your siblings were fast asleep, giving you the privacy you needed to dramatically fall back against your sheets and hug the letter to your chest.
Maybe Mitchell's idea wasn’t too bad after all.
It took a couple more letters but you found that writing to Percy started to come naturally, you opened up about how you were doing at camp and that your archery skills were starting to improve, you ranted about your garden but criticised yourself after posting it because why would Percy want to read about your gardening skills? You were surprised to see how positively Percy responded to your ramblings about how successful your patch of radishes were that he was excited to see your work when he returned to camp that summer.
It was early Friday morning when you sat in the strawberry field, Apollo was making his beaming appearance across the sky and the daylight shined a golden hue against the plump red berries, you had taken to writing your letters to Percy away from your cabin, your siblings had become curious to who you were writing all those notes too and you felt this was the best way to insure your privacy. You twirled the pen around in your hands and stared down at the paper on your lap, it had been a month now since you and Percy had started exchanging letters and you felt more confident writing to him about your day truthfully, your feelings about certain things happening around camp and how you missed him. You swear you had never felt so many butterflies in your stomach when you sent off that letter, telling him that you wished he was here with you, or you with him, too be honest it frightened you because it sounded so sweet, so...couple-y. You weren’t really sure what you and Percy were, Mitchell said that it was obvious you both liked each other and that you just needed to bite the bullet and confess, which you reminded him was much easier said than done, but you knew he was right.
Well, you knew he was right on your part, you did like Percy, a lot. You only really grew close last summer at camp, both getting yourselves into a bit of trouble and being sent to clean the stables every other day together, surprisingly you managed to bond over those gross chores and become inseparable until Percy had to leave for school, you had never minded too much about being a year rounder up until that point. During that summer together you discovered a side of yourself you had never known, you felt more daring, willing to take risks and you took everything less seriously, being with Percy felt freeing. You had a habit of sneaking off in the middle of the night and meeting Percy down at the lake, he’d bring you around and show you what life looked like down there, it frightened you at first but once Percy promised theres no way you could drown with his air bubble you took the risk, and you were so glad you did. You spent ages down there with Percy, lounging in the calm air bubble and watching all the different fish swim by, Percy talked about home and how he’d be looking into the New Rome college for next year, something you were equally interested in. it wasn’t till you saw the streaks of light dance through the water that you and Percy resurfaced and swam back to shore, your mixed laughter filling the air as you quickly grabbed your sandy shoes and ran back to your cabins before someone spotted you.
You never realised how hard it could be to say goodbye, standing at the top of the hill in late August watching Percy double check that he had all his bags before turning to you, he stared at your form as if drinking the sight of you in, you felt your eyes sting with emotion and you looked down at Percy’s bags, you didn’t want him to see you cry.
“do you have everything?” you asked, clearing your throat after and looking back to Percy.
“yeah” he said with a small smile, he still hadn’t looked away from you, something you were hyper aware of, you nodded and picked at the end of your sleeve, not trusting your voice to hide the feelings you felt bubbling in your throat.
Percy’s quick steps towards you took you by surprise but you welcomed his embrace gratefully, melting into his arms and revelling in how snugly they wrapped around you, tight and secure.
“I wish I could stay” he said, voice muffled into your camp shirt, your arms snaked around his shoulders and you let your fingers run through the dark curls at the nape of his neck,
“I wish I could go” you replied honestly, you felt the imprint of Percys smile against your skin and your eyes squeezed shut at the feeling. “I’ll call you, ok? I promise” he said sternly, pulling away but keeping his arms wrapped around you and your heart stuttered at the position you were in, he was so close. You nodded and gave him a quick smile “you better” you said and pulled away from Percy, noting his small frown from the action. He grabbed his bags and gave you a wave before walking towards the camp boarder, your eyes welled with tears and you couldn’t look away from his retreating frame. He gave you one last look before leaving the camp, you let yourself cry then, you knew he was coming back, you knew this wasn’t goodbye forever, but why did it hurt so badly?
“it’s hard to watch someone you love leave you” your mothers voice spoke from beside you, you didn’t look at her though, you didn’t want her to see your tears.
“when will I get used to it?” you asked, deciding not to argue against her observation of your feelings.
“never” she replied honestly “it gets some what easier, but your heart will always feel the ache of their absence” you turned to look at her then, she out of anyone would understand to have someone taken away from her due to circumstance, you wiped your face self consciously.
You’re surprised when you feel her hand press against your cheek for a moment, it was warm and rough but held the gentleness of a mothers touch. The feeling is gone soon after and you left standing alone in the green waves, you turned to look back at camp half blood bathed in the evening light.
Breaking away from the memories of your mind you looked away from your page and back towards camp, people would wake soon so you’d better get writing before your private writing nook was private no more. You had decided to write two letters, you usually one that consisted of day to day life and questions on how his exams were going. You stilled you pen when you went to start your second, this one you knew was never to be seen by Percy, ever. Mitchell had said that the whole reason to write letters was to give your whirling mind a break and to spill all your feelings onto a page, something you had struggled with greatly so far, but it would be fine right? You write this letter and tuck it away safely in your pillow case never to be seen by eyes other than yours. You decided to write about the day Percy left, what you wish you had said instead of asking about his bags, his stupid bags. You wrote how you missed him being the first person you spoke to over breakfast in the mornings and how he was always the last person you’d wave goodnight to before going to bed, you missed his messy hair and perfectly green eyes, you missed how his face flushed red after laughing for so long, you missed talking about your future lives together in New Rome and how exciting it’ll be to be able to exist like mortals. You wrote how you wanted to go to New York and walk around times square with him, you’d never been before and Percy had promised to take you someday. You apologised that the only thing you could think to say when he left was if he had all his bags, because you didn’t care about the bags, selfishly you had hoped he left something important enough behind to come back, you told him you hated saying goodbye and you never wanted him to leave you for this long ever again. You finished by saying that you were sorry that you never knew the right words to say, and that if you could go back in time you would’ve just blurted out that you liked him, and that you would miss him more than any words could describe because maybe if your heart didn’t long for him so much you’d be able to write down how you felt.
You stared at the page in shock when you finished, Mitchell was right, it did feel a bit better to have all your thoughts slapped down on a page and away from the cage of your mind. Shouts of delight from camp made you quickly shove the letters into their respective envelopes and tucked into your jacket pocket, you ran quickly towards the dining area and sat down next to Mitchell, who by the side glances he was giving you could tell you had been up to something.
The day had been wonderfully warm, something you and Mitchell made good use of by sunbathing lazily on the lakeshore, lunch time and quickly come and gone and before you knew it your siblings and yourself had retreated to your cabins for the night, giggling away about the days events and trying to decide who was on cleaning duty tomorrow
“oh! You left your jacket down at the lake earlier” your sister Billie said before throwing the jacket over to you, you stared at it in shock, shit, how could you have left that around knowing what was in there? You hands raced to the pockets of your jacket but grasped nothing, oh the fates were cruel to you. You breath quickened and you turned back to Billie “did you find anything in the pockets?” you ask, trying to keep your voice steady. She nodded absent mindedly and flopped down on her bed “yeah your letters to Jackson, don’t worry I threw them in the post for you already”
if the world could’ve burst into flames then and there you would’ve welcomed the warmth with open arms.
Percy was going to read the letter. He was going to read the letter and think you were some sort of love sick freak, he was going to read the letter and never write one back, would he even talk to you when he came back this summer? He’ll probably just walk right past you as if you meant nothing to him. You dragged your eyes away from Billie’s curious gaze and walked back over to your bed, laying down against the sheets with your back turned to your siblings, who thankfully had already retreated to their own bunks. The bundle of primroses sitting in the lopsided vase you made in the camp’s pottery class made you frown, being a child Demeter meant being an encyclopedia for all the unique flora around camp and those stupid primroses were currently teasing your already fragile heart. The primrose was a flower representing young affections and unrequited love. You flung the curtain shut, feeling sick to your stomach.
You spent the next day hiding away in your bunk, no one knew what that letter said but you felt like everyone would be able to see the shame painting all over your face, your siblings had already caught on that something was wrong but you waved them off with a fake cough, claiming you just felt a bit under the weather and you’d be back to normal in no time. The cabin was quiet, maybe staying inside was a bad idea. Your mind was racing with scenarios of Percy’s possible reaction to your letter, one that made a sob escape your throat was the thought of him laughing at it, what if he thought your letter was hilarious and showed other people? Pointing out particular parts that you poured your heart into. You knew it was silly, Percy’s one of the kindest guys at camp and you already know he’s been confessed to by loads of people over the years, and they all still speak positively of him so he must’ve let them down easy. The idea of it still eats away at you, you wouldn’t be able to handle it, him being laughing at your words probably to hide the embarrassment your confession brings him. A knock at your door tears you from your darkening mind and you yell out a weak come in, Mitchell cracks the door open hesitantly, swiping at vines that tangle in his styled curls, the motion brings a small smile to your face.
“I heard you’re diseased, being a good friend I came to make fun of you- are you alright?” his sarcastic tone was quick to change, no longer caring for the plants that drew towards him curiously as he crossed the room towards you. You nodded and wiped your cheek self consciously
“yeah I’m good” you said, Mitchell took a seat next to you on the bed with an unimpressed look
“if you’re so good then why do the plants next to your bed look like they’re about to disintegrate? Your green thumb gives you away”
the yellow tulips on your bedside table did look like they’d seen better days.
You give Mitchells comment a weak laugh, wincing slightly when you noticed his frown
“what’s going on with you? And don’t say your sick because thats bullshit, you don’t always have to put on a brave face you know, you’ve literally watched me vomit from crying after watching ‘When Harry Met Sally’” you nodded at that, the memory made stomach queazy, it was really hard to wash that out of the Aphrodite cabin’s faux silk carpet.
“you remember how you told me to write letters to Percy?” you said, picking nervously at the loose seam of your sweatpants
“you did it? Are you worried about how he’ll react? I’m sure it’ll be fine don’t worry about it”
“we’ve been sending each other letter’s for the last two months” you confess, the shocked look on Mitchells face makes you roll your eyes
“you little liar-”
“I haven’t lied about anything! I just didn’t explicitly state that I did it” your justification earns a small shove from Mitchell, the grin on his face lets you know that he isn’t truly mad at you. Mitchell opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off quickly “I accidentally sent Percy a letter that confessed my feelings for him”
If Mitchell looked shocked before he now looked like you’d grown two heads “no fucking way”
“I know, I’m an idiot” you sighed, Mitchells hand grabbing yours shifts your gaze back to him, were surprisingly, he looks the most serious you’ve ever seen him.
“you’re not an idiot, maybe this is a good thing” you’re the one to now look like he’s grown two heads
“are you crazy? This is horrible, Percy’s never going to speak to me again” you argued, how on earth could this be a good thing? Mitchell scoffed at your words
“he’d never ignore you and you know that, I think you’re just scared that this could become a real thing, it’s alright to be scared you know?” Mitchell spoke soberly, but his words made you feel defensive
“I’m not scared Mitchell, I just know Percy doesn’t feel the same-”
“stop it. it’s obvious he cares a lot about you” Mitchell retorts earnestly, but you shake your head much to his dismay and annoyance
“no it isn’t” you said while moving off the bed, Mitchell’s quick to follow
“look, we could argue about this fort hours cus’ gods know we’re both stubborn. But mark my words there will be a letter from that boy waiting for you in the big house tomorrow” Mitchell sighed
“just remember that it’s not just your feelings that are involved in this, I know things like this scare you but sometimes running away can cause more hurt than just facing it” with that Mitchell left you standing alone in cabin once more.
There was a letter waiting for you in the big house the next morning.
There was another one waiting for you a couple of days later, a week later you had a very annoyed Mr D banging on your cabin door, throwing the letters at you and mumbling about how he was going to start blocking Johnson’s letters soon. You gathered the letters as quickly as you could before throwing them into your bag as if they burned to the touch, before you could zip your bag closed your eyes found the letter dated two days after you had sent your last letter, you wondered if some sort of magic had been laced into it with how drawn to it you were. You reached into your bag and grabbed the letter, your hands felt heavy holding the letter. The sounds of your siblings shouts made you quickly shove the letter under your pillow.
“I heard your pen pal pissed off Mr D, now I wonder what he has to say that could be so important that he’s sending you multiply letters” Mitchells sarcasm is met with a kick to the leg under the dining area table, one he swiftly returns
“you do realise he’s gonna be here tomorrow, you can ignore those letters but you can’t ignore him”
“I know” you sigh, to be frank you’ve been trying to forget the fact that you’ll have to face the consequences of misplacing your jacket sooner than you’re comfortable with.
“your cabin will probably be the first place he goes when he gets here”
“you’re such a stress reliever you know that?” you said sarcastically, earning another kick to the leg.
You decided to skip the campfire tonight, making your way back to the Demeter cabin and grabbing the letter, you’ve been doing this for a few days now, staring at the letter as if it’s just going to start talking to you, you kept imaging Percy’s voice flowing from the pages to tell you how you were ‘such a good friend but definitely not girlfriend material’. You flipped the letter over and eyed the back, Percy was going to be here tomorrow morning whether you liked it or not, at least if you open this letter you can take his rejection in private instead of having to look him in the eye, the thought made you feel sick. The cabin was too risky to open it in, anyone of your siblings could decide to retire from the fire early and walk in on you sobbing into your pillow, with that embarrassing image in mind you grab the letter tightly and made your way over to the strawberry fields. Sitting among the berries helped calm your nerves slightly but your teeth still chewed worriedly at your bottom lip
“it’s just like taking a band aid off, quicker so it hurts only for a second” you mumble to yourself while fiddling with the letter, you ripped the envelope open and made out the beginning of Percy’s messy handwriting.
“you got my letters” the voice made you halt all movement, maybe you had gone crazy and the letters were actually talking to you.
Percy stood in front of you, he was dressed in his freshly ironed camp shirt and a pair of baggy blue jeans, his hair had grown out slightly since you’d last seen him and framed his face delicately. You watched as his eyes drifted across your body before landing back on your face, you hoped he couldn’t see the way your hands shook.
“what’re you doing here?” you finally managed to get out, gods you weren’t prepared for this
“did you read it?” he asked instantly, his voice steady in a way that didn’t help your nerves. You shook your head.
“Percy I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to send it”
Percy frowned, he walked towards you and gently took his letter from your shaking hands, sitting down beside you and unfolding the page. A crimson hue had bloomed across Percy’s face making his tan skin look even more gorgeous, you mentally noted how his freckles had already started to darken on his face. You sat in silence looking out towards camp, the fire was visible from the field and you could make out the other campers sitting around it. For once Percy had no witty comment, no sarcastic comeback to lighten the ever dulling mood that suffocated you terribly, was this a punishment of some kind? What god or goddess had you pissed off so badly that they decided your heart needed to be crushed in return?.
“Since I was twelve I’ve ben tasked with saving the world, and surprising I did it, twice. I’ve lost a lot of people I’ve cared about through the years. I can’t help but think of Charlie whenever I walk past the Hephaestus Cabin. I get lost in my head and imagine the life he could’ve had if I never existed to take it away from him” Percy’s voice was soft, the choked emotions of everything he’s ever felt.
“don’t say that” you whispered back sternly, chest hurting at the thought of Percy feeling so guilty for the actions of the gods, their actions took Charlie away, not him. Your hand reached for his and he was quick to accept it, the touch wasn’t uncommon between the two of you. His hand held yours firm and vulnerably, an unsaid plea to not let go just yet.
“I see you in everything” he laughed weakly, “I see you everywhere, whenever I see your favourite colour I see you. It’s been really windy in the city the past few weeks, Mom has these flowers growing out on the fire escape that sway around with the wind and I can’t help thinking of your hair and- gods that was embarrassing to say out loud” the sound of your joined gentle laughter was music to your ears. Your eyes meet properly since Percy sat down next to you, he looked tired and the thought made you frown. Had your silence done that? You felt a pit of guilt in your stomach.
Percy’s hand squeezing yours breaks you free from your mind.
“I can’t lose you” you whispered “I’m sorry if I ruined everything”
“you’ve ruined nothing. You could never ruin anything.” Percy countered, “I couldn’t sleep last night, I kept thinking of my life without you in it, and you know what’s crazy? I realised that I could never get over you if you left, I told you, I see you everywhere” Percy’s thumb had started to draw circles lazily on your night chilled skin, he was nervous. “can I hold you?”
you nodded instantly, the feel of his arms which were toned and scarred for years of training and battle fit snugly around you, his touch spreading a warmth through out your body that you missed. You head rested against his shoulder, nose brushing the side of his throat slightly. “I don’t want to just be friends anymore” Percy’s voice broke the silence and accompanied your pounding heart.
“me neither” you admitted
“let’s be best friends” his words earn him a bucket of laughter from you, you missed the way you felt when you were with him.
“best friends forever?” you replied jokingly, looking up at him and trying not to focus on how close your faces were
his lips press gently against yours and it only lasts a second, he pulls away slightly before you push up and kiss him again, his smile against your lips melts away all the months of insecurity that had plagued you.
a/n: so ik i lied and said i had this ready like 3 months ago but yall school really kicked my ass so i literally haven't written in MONTHS, also this is not proof read so if it makes no sense then damn. hope yous have been keeping well!! so happy to finally have the summer to write more.
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tickly-tufts · 22 hours
Once Bitten, Twice Teased
finally letting miguel be a ler after four whole fics dedicated to wrecking him
ft. lee!peter cuz he’s earned it, and ler!mj cuz i love that for her <3
“You paralyzed my husband.”
“He deserved it.”
“Probably, but I’d like an explanation anyway.”
“He was annoying me…” Miguel paused. “…and said I had fangs like a kitty cat.”
It took everything in MJ not to laugh. The mental image was simply too good. Miraculously, she managed to hold back, though she did smile at Miguel’s pout.
“So, you bit him to prove a point?”
“The fangs are no joke,” Miguel defended. Then, sounding just a bit sheepish… “The venom will wear off in an hour.”
Whatever he expected MJ to say next, it wasn’t what she actually asked.
“How much can he feel while he’s stuck like this? Does the venom cause any numbness?”
“He can still feel everything… but this is a punishment. If you’re planning to-“
“That’s not what I mean.” Leaning in with a conspiratorial glint in her eye, MJ made her proposition. “How’d you like to help me get some payback?”
Peter’s face lit up when MJ entered the room, and if he’d been able, she knew he would’ve rushed her. Beyond the change in expression, however, he didn’t move a single muscle. Miguel had placed him in the center of their bed, arms laid neatly at his sides. Noticing the pillow under Peter’s head, MJ smiled. What a softie.
“How ya feelin’, Tiger?” She sauntered over, taking a seat right beside her husband.
“Migs is mean,” Peter pouted. “I can’t believe he actually bit me.”
“Well, you did make fun of his fangs. Not your brightest idea,” MJ countered lightly. Peering at his neck, she soon spotted the bite marks. “Want me to kiss it better?” she offered sweetly.
Peter couldn’t nod but his gaze turned hopeful, and MJ leaned down to hover over the marks. Her breath puffed against them, and Peter would’ve shivered, but his muscles simply refused to respond. He smiled when he felt MJ’s lips, soft and warm against his skin. Then she began peppering small kisses along his neck, and he instantly remembered that kisses could tickle.
“Hmph!” Peter stifled the urge to giggle. The situation was already embarrassing enough. At least MJ would be pulling back soon. He just needed to control himself until-
“AH!” he yelped when kissing became nibbling, right where Miguel had bitten him before. “W-Wait, Em- Nohoho!” he cracked when he realized her true intentions.
MJ paused a few seconds later, shifting to whisper in his ear. “Do you remember that time you strung me up in the living room, then decided to tease me until the webs dissolved?”
Oh. Oh no. Peter did remember. He remembered that evening quite fondly, actually. MJ had collapsed into his arms afterwards, thoroughly flushed and swearing revenge. Of course, Peter had laughed it off at the time, doubting she’d ever catch him that compromised. It would be another decade before Miguel found them… and now, he’d served Peter right up for MJ.
“You’ve got to tell me the full story later,” Miguel interjected, done hiding his presence. Peter gawked as MJ patted the other side of the bed, giving Miguel a peck once he was close enough.
“Have you two been plotting against me?!”
“No, I specifically bit you for being a nuisance. The plan was to leave you in here alone… but MJ came up with a better idea.”
MJ beamed at Miguel, then focused her attention back on Peter. “Now, let’s find out where you’re most sensitive…” Peter cringed as his past words were echoed back at him.
Her fingers grazed across his ribs first, nails easily felt even through his shirt. It really wasn’t that bad a spot, but Peter’s breath still hitched at the touch. He had no chance of resistance, mouth curling up as nails dragged down. The fact he couldn’t even try to turn away made him overly aware of his own nerves.
MJ went from his uppermost left rib all the way to the bottom, then wiggled her fingers on the way back up. It was ticklish enough to earn a few snickers, but nothing too dramatic yet. That was until Peter felt a dig on his right, squawking when the tickling crept between his ribs.
“Wait- Wahahait!”
Miguel did not wait, fingers burrowing in without hesitation.
Peter’s mind demanded he move, but all he could physically do was laugh. It only spiraled when MJ switched spots, pinching at his much more ticklish side. The squeal he couldn’t quite suppress didn’t escape either tormentor’s notice.
“Shitshitshit! Thahat’s sohoho unfahahahair!” Peter swore when Miguel’s claws traced down his other side.
Claws and nails… it was a deadly combination. Peter couldn’t say which side was worse. If he’d been able, he would’ve been wriggling from one to the other, indecisive and frenzied. Unfortunately, as things stood, he had no choice but to endure both together. Miguel scratched carefully along his right flank, while MJ raked ruthlessly at his left.
“Mehehean! You’re bohohoth so mehean!”
“Pobrecito,” Miguel replied.
“Oh, babe, you think this is mean? Just you wait,” MJ promised.
A nervous thrill shot straight through him. How wrecked would he be by the end of this? He’d never felt so uniquely defenseless, safe from real harm, but not from this. His sides were bad, but not terrible. What would happen when they found his actual weakness?
All these thoughts were quickly halted by MJ poking around his waist.
“Nonono- Dohohon’t!” Peter giggled uncontrollably.
“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re helpless,” MJ cooed, kneading his love handles. Her hands slipped under the hem of his shirt, bypassing his only means of defense. It tickled so much that Peter’s laughter pitched higher, which didn’t escape Miguel’s notice.
“Que precioso,” Miguel teased, knowing it was a phrase Peter would understand. Right on cue, Peter blushed, and Miguel smirked in satisfaction. It was the exact reaction he’d been seeking, after so many instances of Peter flustering him.
Revenge garnished with extra affection, easily shared among three.
Peter flushed even further when MJ proceeded to lift his shirt. She pushed the hem all the way to his chest, exposing his pale abdomen. Just like that, he was on display for his equally gorgeous wife and boyfriend… and then insecurity reared its head, reminding him of his current physique.
Objectively, it was absurd. They'd both seen his gut before, and he was hardly one for bashfulness nowadays… but still, to have all their attention focused right there, while he couldn’t even cover his face? Apparently that was just a bit too much. Peter didn’t tense up, mainly because he couldn’t, yet his partners still noticed the shift in his mood. Of course they did... observant as ever. He shut his eyes to avoid examining their expressions.
There was a beat, then finally movement, but not from the direction he'd been expecting. Instead of MJ, sweet and familiar... it was Miguel whose lips brushed bare skin first. Peter's eyes shot back open and MJ caught his gaze, understanding reflected in her own. Then she glanced at Miguel, her lips quirking, and Peter’s attention jumped to him.
His heart skipped when he found Miguel staring, intense and analytical. Then it dropped as Miguel inhaled deeply, before blowing the most devastatingly ticklish of raspberries.
Peter screeched, barely calming when Miguel ultimately switched to nibbling. The tips of Miguel’s fangs grazed against his belly, pressing down too gently to break any skin. That was when MJ joined back in, too, peppering tickly kisses wherever Miguel wasn't. Peter giggled, then released a squeak when she poked at the softest part of his stomach.
If Peter had been a luckier man, the pair might've concluded around there. He rarely was, though, so of course they weren't done. MJ's next statement sealed his fate.
"We should lift his arms," she suggested to Miguel, and Peter nearly broke into a cold sweat. He didn't say a word as they guided his limbs. Miguel raised an eyebrow at the uncharacteristic silence.
"Hold on, are you nervous?" he had to ask, curious amusement coloring his tone.
"Wha- No! I'm just... getting tired?" Not entirely false, but not convincing either.
Indirectly calling his bluff, MJ reached out a hand, watching Peter's eyes. He anxiously tracked her slow approach, worsening the suspense for himself. Abruptly, Miguel inched forward, and Peter would've flinched if he'd been able. There was no way to track both of them.
Not that it mattered, once the tickling restarted.
"NOHOT THEHEHERE!" Peter screeched after a swear unbecoming of the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman. MJ's nails scribbled at his left underarm, while Miguel's thumb massaged his right hollow. “DOHON'T- I CAHAHAN’T!" He wanted to thrash, but he couldn't even manage a twitch. "PLEHEHEHEASE!” It was a maddening experience. Being tied up had nothing on this.
If only he could lower his arms, or twist away, or struggle at all. It didn't help that he was just too damn ticklish in that spot. Miguel and MJ exploited his weakness in distinctly different ways, and thus it didn't take long at all for the contrasting sensations to overwhelm him.
As soon as tears rolled down Peter’s cheeks, they both pulled back to let him breathe.
“Alright there, Tiger?” MJ pet his hair, a hint of worry entering her voice.
“…Could I get some water?”
His partners relaxed, and Miguel nodded. “Be right back.” He returned a minute later with a bottle and towel, first wiping Peter’s face, then sitting him up on the pillows, then carefully lifting the bottle to his lips.
“Thanks,” Peter said after a long drink. “You two are weirdly diabolical.” He glanced at MJ. “Especially you.”
“Just means you have a type,” MJ countered smoothly.
"Hot and sadistic?"
"You said it, not me~"
And then before his brain could stop his mouth-
"Just as ticklish, too." Why would he say that.
Miguel's eyes narrowed dangerously.
“You know, we’ve still got time before the venom wears off.”
“Doesn’t seemed like he’s really learned his lesson, huh?”
Peter squeaked when something soft caressed his ear. MJ had a feather… no, make that two.
“W-When did you get those?!” He watched helplessly as she handed the second feather to Miguel.
“Aww, did you think I came unprepared? I knew you’d talk back enough to earn this~”
And then both feathers were twirling inside his ears, and he could only squeal for mercy.
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slytherinshua · 19 hours
genre. fluff. small misunderstanding so ig a tiny bit of angst? warnings. making out (first time i've ever written it properly so i hope it's okay) but not rly suggestive. misunderstanding bcuz junhan is introverted to the extreme. fairly new relationship. pairing. junhan x fem!reader. wc. 1.6k. request. requested by anon: can i req a junhan angst/fluff where the reader feels upset bc junhan doesn't show much affection so he makes up for it to her? a/n. wrote all of this in the car and half of it was while i was literally falling asleep BUT NONETHELESS I THINK IT SLAYED AT LEAST I HOPE IT DID AND SOSOSOOOO EXCITED TO BE WRITING MORE FOR XDH HEHE <3
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No one had prepared you for this. Not Gunil, not Jooyeon, not even Hyungjun’s own mom. You had thought you knew Hyungjun pretty well, though you were still fairly early in the relationship. You were familiar with all of his habits and behaviours; the way he liked his coffee, what time he woke up and went to sleep, his night time routine and the sort. You were just getting to the point where you were staying over at the dorms a bit more regularly, enough to call it your second home by now. You enjoyed hanging out with the members and took pride in the fact that Hyungjun would always pick you in a room full of his best friends. 
But in all your time, you had never seen Hyungjun completely shut himself in his room all day. You saw him briefly in the kitchen at breakfast, but only when he was on his way to take his food back to his room. He ate alone for all 3 meals yesterday, and this morning seemed to be following the same trend. You were shocked, and even starting to wonder if you had done something. What had him needing to spend so much time in his room? Did he not want to hang out with you? 
Hyungjun had always been extremely introverted; you knew that. It was one of the things you liked about him, enjoying his patience and calmness compared to past horrific dating experiences. You felt that when you two were together, you didn’t have to worry too much about the future, but just stay in the moment together. He helped get your mind off of things.
But the space and silence that you usually enjoyed was starting to make you overthink. It was too much space and too much silence, and you were almost certain that if you went another day without seeing, talking to, hugging, and kissing your boyfriend you would go insane. Unlike yesterday when you hadn’t tried to get his attention, you had been trying to get his attention to make plans for the weekend all day. Given how all of your efforts had been unsuccessful so far, you were starting to think that he just didn’t want to talk to you at all for some reason. 
Every time you tried to strike a conversation with him, it would end as fast as it started. That was if you could even find Hyungjun in the first place. Once he disappeared from your sight, you had no idea where he went. He left the dorms several times without telling you, and you had gotten disappointed every time you thought he would be in his room, only to find it utterly empty. 
Whatever was on his mind, he seemed extremely busy with avoiding your very existence, and to be honest, it hurt. 
You decided that you had finally had enough. You were going to get his attention no matter what, even if you had to drag him away from a task. And weekend plans aside, you just frankly missed Hyungjun at this point. After dinner, you followed him on his way back to his room. As he flopped on his bed, you stood in the doorway, a small frown etched on your face. You weren’t even sure how to bring it up. You had never really had to talk about anything like this with Hyungjun before. What if it really was something you did? 
You knew how your exes would react; probably by calling you entitled and needy, or that you were making it all up entirely. But Hyungjun wasn’t like your exes— he was better than all of them combined, and was far more considerate than they could ever dream to be. You had no reason to be scared— as long as you hadn’t done something you weren’t aware of, Hyungjun wouldn’t make up excuses to ignore you. He would always tell you the truth, right?
“Did I do something?” You asked quietly. You didn’t sound mad at all, just confused, hoping that Hyungjun would catch onto what you were talking about in case you really did do something.
He looked up at you, blinking those curious eyes a few times before his eyebrows furrowed, “Did you?” You couldn’t see his facial expression too well thanks to his long bangs concealing most of his face. You sucked in a breath at the non-answer and hoped that he wasn’t glaring at you.
“I’m just confused because you’ve seemed kind of… distant lately. Today and yesterday too…” You trailed off, walking a bit further into the room to try to see his reaction better, hoping you’d be able to gauge whether this topic was worth pursuing further or if it would just end with both of you upset at each other.
“Oh… Did I?”
You nodded, “I know we aren’t the most affectionate couple, but… you haven’t hugged or kissed me for days... And every time I tried to get your attention today, you kept switching the subject. I barely saw you after this morning because you shut yourself in your room or were mysteriously out of the house. Is- Is everything okay?” You asked carefully, trying your best to not make it come off as if you were blaming him. 
“Did I really do… all that?” He sounded genuinely shocked, “Shit I’m so sorry, Y/n. I didn’t even think about how much I’d talked to you today or yesterday, my brain was so overloaded...” You felt a weight lift off your shoulders at his response. So it wasn’t either of your fault.
“Jun!” You scolded and smacked his arm lightly, “You really got me overthinking everything I did today. I thought I upset you somehow— you’ve never ignored me that much in a day.” You confessed, a lot more at ease now that he had cleared your worries.
“I’m sorry! I think I was just preoccupied with comeback preparations… The new songs are fun, but also hard. I keep thinking about my riff and- I don’t know, I just want the performance to be perfect, you know? But… Can I make it up to you?” He asked sweetly and you raised an eyebrow, wondering what he had in mind. 
When he reached over to tug you down onto the bed, you gasped. Hyungjun was rarely bold with physical affection. Most of his hugs and kisses were delivered at predictable times, and only lasted for a few seconds due to his own shy demeanour. You adored how flustered he got around you— found it adorable— but this Hyungjun was completely different; one you had never seen before. Not only had he pulled you onto his lap, but his lips were on your neck before you even had time to say anything.
You had only made out with him once since you had started dating, and neck kisses were far bolder of a move than you expected from him. They were sweet pecks placed to whatever skin he could reach, and once he had you situated so that you were facing him, he dove in to taste your lips as well. You closed your eyes and eagerly kissed him back. If this was the Hyungjun that you got from expressing your disappointment that he had been ignoring you, you would gladly take it every day.
He held your waist, one hand squeezing your hip as he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue tentatively past your lips. Though the action was bold, you could tell how nervous he was trying something new like that. It felt good, though. Really good. Your tongues intertwined softly, and you could taste all of Hyungjun. You had always been addicted to the taste of his lips since you shared your first kiss, but this was completely different, and one hundred times more addicting. 
You were breathless by the time you pulled away, unsure of how long you had been kissing him, but absolutely certain that you wanted more. Your boyfriend seemed to share the same sentiment, as his lips lingered on the side of your lips, pressing gentle kisses there while he caught his breath as well.
“I didn’t know you had that in you…” You commented, still breathing a bit heavier. As soon as your boyfriend heard your words, he buried his head in your neck and you giggled. There was your shy Hyungjun back.
“I didn’t either… Just felt so bad… Didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you…” He mumbled cutely, and you cooed. Your fingers were still tangled in his hair, but you let one drop from his locks and pushed his chin up so he was looking at you.
“Did I ever tell you… that you’re a really good kisser?” You whispered with a giggle. Hyungjun grinned, though his cheeks were bright red; whether from your compliment or leftover from the heated kiss— you weren’t sure.
“You too.” He said back, leaning forward to taste your lips again. You could tell there was barely any nervousness this time, as he didn’t waste time in pulling you closer to him and pouring all his passion into the kiss. 
You had yet to say those 3 precious words to him, but you were absolutely positive that after tonight there were no other words to encapsulate your feelings towards Hyungjun. You were in love with him, and your heart was practically shouting that he was the only one for you… for the rest of your life.
↳ xdinary heroes taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @haecien,, @weird-bookworm,, @blossominghunnie,,
@seunghancore,, @heavenfilm,, @sobun1est,, @talkingsaxy
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