#and in later years it would be the same song you two would slow dance to on the gramophone in the kitchen of the house he built you
bnuyy · 2 years
🪴. . .
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criminalamnesia · 4 months
so after comparing price/simon to tolerate it, I’ve been wondering what song to compare gaz/johnny to
may I present: Johnny and Gaz giving lover vibes
(also I am working on ending 2 for tolerate it!)
he’s obsessed with you. the first time he saw you, in some dingy little bar he couldn’t believe someone as beautiful as you would be in— he was hooked. hopelessly in love, already throwing back a shot and sauntering over.
you’re alone at the bar, and he thinks that’s a damn shame. tells you that in those words. you laugh, and he cracks a smile— and the conversation starts to flow.
has he known you twenty seconds, or twenty years? there’s a natural spark between the two of you, something that makes it feel as though you hadn’t just met.
he buys you a drink, and before you know it, the two of you are on the dance floor. a slow song is playing, and you smile as his hands find your waist. his grip is gentle, reassuring.
he spins you around and you laugh, throwing your head back as he nearly drops you. by the time the song ends, the two of you are flushed and laughing like newlyweds.
an older woman comes up to you and tells you that you two are the cutest couple she’d ever seen. you play into it, giggling and pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek while he slings an arm around your shoulders.
needless to say, he goes home with you that night.
and when you wake up in the morning, he’s still there. standing in his boxers in your tiny apartment kitchen, cooking eggs and brewing coffee.
you swear you fall in love right then and there.
the two of you eat, and the conversation is easy. you almost don’t want him to leave— you have to fight the urge to ask him to stay.
you think it’s a little ridiculous— you don’t know him! but it feels like you do. and you think he feels the same way, because he taps his number into your phone and tells you to call him later to talk about a proper date.
you’re fucking done for.
the first date is perfect. he brings you flowers when he comes to pick you up, and you roll your eyes but can’t hide the blush that rushes to your cheeks.
you swear you’ve never met a man this nice. never gone on a date with someone so kind, so charming. sure, he’s a flirt— but it’s not distasteful. he’s a people person, that’s what he tells you. you believe him.
he pays for dinner, of course, even when you try to pay for your half. he walks you home afterwards, and gives you a kiss goodnight, and you feel like you’re living in a fucking movie.
all your friends think you’re crazy. they start to talk some sense into you— he’s just luring you in! just trying to get in your pants! he’s hiding something!
their words creep into your brain, and the next date you have with him, you’re quieter. more detached, more calculating. and fuck, if your friends weren’t completely wrong.
you go on date after date, and before you know it, you’ve been with him for a year. you’re moving into his flat, and although you know you’ll be home more often than he will, you don’t mind.
when he gets deployed for the first time during your relationship, the honeymoon phase starts to crack. you try to cope with the loneliness; with the boredom that his being away brings. you didn’t realize how much time you spent together until he left.
you call when you can— but it’s not often. he’s somewhere he can’t say, and the cell reception isn’t exactly spectacular. you send letters, and receive a few back, but communication is few and far between.
and then he surprises you one day by bursting through the door, nearly giving you a heart attack as you jumped off the couch.
you scold him as you jump into his arms, complaining “I thought you were a robber! I was prepared to kill you!”
and he just laughed and gave you a kiss.
your life together isn’t perfect. you have fights and disagreements. you refuse to let him meet your friends for the longest time because “they still think you’re playing the long game of deception.”
but you make up because you can never stay mad at each other for long. you finally get your friends to come around to the idea of him, and they instantly hit it off with him once you force them into the same room.
he wrangles his squad into meeting you, and they make sure to embarrass him. (they also love you, and when you excuse yourself to the bathroom, they tell him how happy they are for him.)
“so, you’re the one he never shuts up about, aye?”
he proposes after three years. it seems short to some, but you don’t care. you’ve loved him three summers now, and you sure as hell want all the rest of them, too.
so you get married and it’s nothing huge. an intimate ceremony with family and close friends. his teammates are his groomsmen. they each takes turns spinning you around the dance floor later that night, and they tell you that if he ever breaks your heart, they’ll kick his ass. you throw your head back and laugh.
at the end of the night, after all the guests have gone, he asks you for one last dance.
it’s to the slow song you’d danced to the first night you met so long ago, in that dingy little bar. he spins you around, and you step on his toes because of all the wine, but neither of you care. all you care about is each other.
he’s deployed a week after your wedding, and you hate to see him go, but you’d never put yourself between him and his work. his team promises you they’ll get him back to you safely. you trust them with all your heart.
when he returns months later, he’s sporting new scars and stitches. he’s the most beat up you’d ever seen him, and you hold back tears as you patch him up. only when he’s soundly asleep do you let the tears fall.
but life continues. you make the most of his time on leave, and anxiously await his return on deployment.
and although you would never dare utter the words, you know that the day he doesn’t come back to you is the day a piece of you dies, too.
you didn’t believe in soulmates until you met him.
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how things worked out
Bucky Barnes x Reader
a/n: this is a prequel to a mini series I will be writing called Invisible String.
summary: looking back at your past relationship with steve rogers and how it led to finding the love of your life - life is funny, isn't it?
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The post office was packed, no surprise there. People carrying packages that range from hefty to manageable in their arms. The air was stuffy but that was to be expected inside a government facility. The slow shuffling of the line would have been a nightmare for an impatient person, but you were fine just waiting in line. You needed to get the small package out as soon as possible and if that meant waiting eons, then that was that.
The package in your arm wasn’t the usual boring brown; you had opted for one of the festive boxes that the post office offered. It was blue with colored polka dots with a printed faux light blue ribbon around it. It was cute and the contents inside of it was even more adorable – three pairs of onesies in various colors, a small blue beanie and the cherry on top, a toddler sized newspaper boy cap. Oh, it was precious when you saw it at the baby boutique and knew Steve would die when he laid is eyes upon it.
Steve Rogers.
Damn that man for being so wonderful.
The thought of him made you smile, when for a long time, it crushed you. The mere thought of his existence in the world, knowing he was off being great without you at his side, paralyzed you. When all the years you spent with him didn’t matter in the end, at least that’s how you felt. Now, ten years older and so much wiser, thinking of Steve made you realize how great life was. How grateful you were to have had the time with him, even though the relationship ended badly. It was all over the tabloids of your mind; the memories and tears, the fighting and the loving…
“Come dance with me.”
“Everyone will see,” you laughed, fully aware of the crowd of people. The two of you were at a farmer’s market and a band was playing near the food stands. Lights were hung over the trees, illuminating the night with its softness. Steve, so boyish in the face, just smiled and held out his hand. He didn’t care and if he didn’t care, why should you? So, you took his hand and shyly allowed him to bring you to the dance floor. No one else was dancing, but he pulled you into his body as if in a bedroom; one hand around your waist, while the other held your hand against his chest. Your head rested against his shoulder; hand slipped up his back as the music swirled in the air.  In that moment, the people staring felt insignificant. You felt exceptional – the star of the show, with Steve at your side, kissing you on the forehead and both of you wishing the song would never end.
It did though.
“You can’t be serious, Steve…”
His eyes lifted from the ground. “We both know this isn’t working anymore. Bucky’s driving down to help me move out, I want you to have the apartment.”
Hand on heart, you feigned a smile. “Oh, my hero. Always a gentleman.”
“Don’t be like that, come on…. we…” his words drifted, as you two did. It had been six months of really trying to get back to that place of love but falling short at every attempt. “…I can’t live like this anymore, I’m sorry.”
The line moved a person forward and you moved along. Staring down at the package once more, you laughed at the thought of sending your ex a baby shower gift. Who would have thought? After all the years of hating Steve, you grew to appreciate him. Growing older had made you learn some civility and you were able to understand that the two of you were never a happy ending match. The same could be said for him, he was compassionate enough to understand how you felt. He understood that the pair of you were just too young, hadn’t experienced life. That breaking up had been the best thing to do, and you thanked him for his graciousness. That same graciousness allowed him to understand and approve of what would conspire years later between you and his…
“This line is insane.”
The familiar voice, warm and low, brightened the room as you gazed over to man who appeared next to you. Bucky stood there in a thin black dress shirt and dark jeans; he handed over a takeaway coffee cup and leaned in for a kiss. He kissed you twice and took the package out of your hand, so you could take a sip. The coffee was delicious, and you thanked him, nodding to the line ahead.
“We’re going to be here for a while.”
“You sure we need to send this to Steve?”
Bucky was teasing, but you insisted that it be sent today. “We’re already missing the baby shower next week; we need to get this out today.”
“Not our fault they decided to have the baby shower the same week we leave for Europe.”
You smacked his arm with a quiet laugh, and he beamed, wanting to kiss you a dozen more times but the line moved. He settled for staring lovingly at your face as you took another drink of coffee, and he felt his body warm. His eyes flickered down to the package in his arms, and he couldn’t help but wonder how everything ended up this way – not that he was complaining. The breakup between his best friend and you were not amicable, he could never forget how hurt and angry you looked when he showed up at the apartment. It looked like you hadn’t eaten in weeks, eyes red from crying – he wanted to get out of the situation, but he loved Steve like a brother. He also liked you, thought Steve had made a great choice when he brought you around as his girlfriend. Bucky was placing bets that his friend would propose, especially after you two moved into the apartment.
Bucky was sure of it all.
Then he found himself moving Steve’s belongings into a rental truck and driving him back to New York. After that, it had been almost eight years since he last seen you. Until a trip to visit friends in Los Angeles changed his whole world. He never, in his damn life, would have expected you to show up to his friend’s apartment.
Walking in with a friend, wearing professional attire; pleated black pants, half tucked in white blouse. High heels that you quickly took off, leaving them at the door – it was clear you were familiar with the apartment. Hair swept in a low bun, strands framing your face. He watched from the couch, standing up as you moved to the kitchen not even noticing him.
Sam, whose apartment it was, had called for you from the kitchen and that’s why you hadn’t noticed everyone who was over. You grinned at the handsome man when he offered up a beer from his fridge. The two of you had met a few years back when you first moved to LA for a job; he had been a co-worker but eventually left the company. Your friendship continued and now, you were a constant at his apartment.
“I have to introduce to my buddy from New York, picked him up from the airport today.”
Sipping from the beer, your shoulders relaxed after a long day at the office. “James, right?”
“I go by Bucky, actually.”
The familiar voice shook the apartment and when you turned, you hadn’t expected to see Bucky standing in front of you. He stood there sheepishly, not knowing what your reaction would be, but when you placed the beer down and laughed, he relaxed. The two of you approached each other and hugged, a little awkward, but it was nice. Sam, confused, asked if you knew Bucky and you laughed, pulling from the man. You stared up at him and his eyes softened in a way you had never noticed before.
“Yeah, I know him…”
“I hope they like the clothes….”
Bucky guaranteed they would, and you relaxed. He smiled – he did that a lot when you were around. Although, it took some time for him to reconcile with his feelings for you and the fact that you were his best friend’s ex-girlfriend. He had hated the feelings he had, the instant attraction and want that surged through him the moment you walked into Sam’s apartment. Hated that he could feel himself drifting towards you that night at the apartment or how you came around nearly every day he was in town for those two weeks. The first few times, it was group outings; Sam, the others, Bucky, and you. Showing him around the city and then when the others were busy with work, you offered to take him around.
Bookshops, lunches, people watching.
It had been the best two weeks of his life and he knew he was in trouble.
Yet, somehow, it all worked out.
Bucky said your name as the line moved up, he took your free hand and walked forward. You looked at him and he could only grin. “I love you.”
How strange life was; time moving forward – that was all that was certain. Squeezing Bucky’s hand, you smiled back at him. Fascinating, how things worked out. Bucky holding your hand, keeping your heart safe – knowing if it hadn’t been for Steve, the two of you would have never found each other.
 “I love you too.”
want to be tagged in Invisible String mini-series? Leave comment!
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nostalgiccrystalic · 5 months
Can you write pen15 characters and their first kiss with the reader
Sure!! Im so sorry that this took so long to write, but i had school and christmas + new years eve preparations. I wrote it as a one shot (it also includes them already having a crush on you, because I never wrote anything similar and it's my first ever " x reader" that im publishing). I included Maya, Anna, Sam, Brandt, and Alex, I wanted to write for Dustin and Shuji but I completely didnt have an idea how to write it with them (but if I do I will also publish it someday).
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You, Maya and Anna were friends since the beginning of seventh grade, so it's not really a long time, but you two quickly learned that you have crushes on each other. Anna was torn apart between you two, because you both kept telling her about eachother, she was silent, but eventually she revealed to you both at the same time that you two are crazy for eachother, and you definitely should be together. You started dating a couple of days before the big dance that everyone was so obsessed about, you two were once again separately telling Anna that you really wanted to kiss eachother at the dance. Well, Anna obviously kept her mouth shut about the kiss in front of you two, so that you could surprise eachother with it.
After the fight that Anna and Maya went through, you didnt left Maya for one second at the dance, so she wouldnt feel lonely and abandoned, and also you still wanted to accomplish your goal. When the music became less jumpy, and more romantic, you quickly pulled Maya on the dancefloor, and started slow dancing with her, hoping it would light up her mood a little. It was really awkward because it was your both first times dancing with someone like that. Halfway through the song, you started to lean in closer to Mayas face, you saw that she was kinda taken aback by that, but she didnt backed away from you. You took it as a perfect moment to kiss her, and you did.
You did it rather quickly and as a little peck, because of the embarassment that has taken over you. But it didnt stop Maya from also kissing you, she did it a lot better than you have imagined, she was slow and careful to not hurt you with her braces, after the kiss that felt like forever, she looked you in the eyes.
- You have no idea how much time I practiced this kiss on Anna's bed knob... - she said after a while and you both started to laugh at her comment, that made her smile goofily. You both now had a silly memory of your first kiss, and after Maya and Anna made up, you both told her about it with details.
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You were friends with Anna and Maya since you were like 8 years old, so going into seventh grade with them, meant a lot to you. But what was more important to you was Anna. You were crushing on her a long time before seventh grade. Naturally, you started to get jealous when Brendan started to look at Anna during your school band practices, and when he started to pass her cute little notes. You didnt like it, you hated it. You told yourself that you had to do something, before Brendan asks Anna out. You were thinking really hard, and during final practice before the show, you got an idea. You will kiss Anna after the show.
You told Sam and Maya about it, they started to crack silly little jokes in front of Anna, but luckily she didnt really understand what they were talking about so you were safe. During Anna's opening solo, you looked a bit dreamy at her, that's what Sam and Maya will probably make fun of later but you didnt really care about it. After the show, you hurriedly jumped off the stage and went straight to Anna, she was talking with her dad, but when he saw you he immediately went somewhere else telling Anna that "he has to talk to someone". When he left, and you two were alone (well, not really because it was like half of your school in there), you looked up at Anna (she was taller than you, at least in this particular situation), and you kissed her tenderly but also really long on her lips, she started kissing you back, so right now you were sure that Brendan didnt stand a chance with you. After the kiss, she looked at you and smiled widely.
- I thought that I had to make my first move, but you finally did it. -
You smiled too, and took Anna by her hand, going straight to Maya and Sam to tell them that you're together now.
All of this happening in front of Brendan, who was now mad at himself that he didnt thought about doing something similar as you did.
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You and Sam weren't really close with eachother, but that didnt stop you two from feeling something for one another.
You were almost always paired up with eachother for projects in different classes, so you were kinda forced to talk and spend time at yours or his house.
One time, while sitting in your garden and discussing something for your physics project, you two developed a strange conversation in the process.
- Do you have like, an eye on someone Y/N? - Sam asked while dribbling something in his notebook.
You were kinda taken aback by that, and you didnt really thought before saying your answer.
- Yeah, I do... - you told while looking down at a pile of dirt.
Sam got visibly surprised with your answer, but not visible to you, because you were looking down.
- Well, who is it? Is it someone that I know? - he got interested in your answer, and he was mentally chanting to himself, that you will call out his name.
When you were just about to lie to him, that he didnt know this person, you suddenly heard a car honking in front of your house, it was Sam's mom. You two said goodbye to eachother, but you saw Sam's cute smile while he was waving to you, driving away with his mom. After you closed the door, you sprinted to your room, and thought about something slightly absurd. Does Sam like you too? You were left alone with this thought for the night. The next day, you wanted to look extra pretty for Sam, you knew that it was dumb, because he probably wasnt talking about you, but you had nothing to lose. So you put on some light makeup, with the help of your mom, because she was better at putting it than you. After your mom drove you to school, you went to your first lesson, and you sat at your assigned seat, next to Sam.
- Hi, Sam - you said while looking at him, smiling lightly.
- Whoa, Hi Y/N, you look pretty today, I mean you always look pretty but today you look like... extra pretty - he got visibly embarassed, and Maya who was sitting before you and was laughing at Sam's attempt to compliment you, didnt help him out. You just smiled at him and directed your attention at your teacher, who was just about to start the lesson.
After some classes, you had some time for lunch, so you entered the cafeteria as always, and you saw Sam waving at you to come sit by him. It was weird for you that he was sitting afar from his friends.
You sat next to him.
- Why are you sitting alone? - you asked him, visibly confused.
- Oh, I just wanted to talk with you... - he looked at you, and got closer to you.
You were looking at eachother for what felt like eternity, but finally Sam kissed you by surprise. He kissed you really long, and kinda messily, probably because he didnt thought about it before actually doing it. After he backed away from you, he just looked at you, scared that you will run away from him.
- You know, yesterday I was talking about you, Sam... - you looked at him and smiled.
He smiled too, and took your hand in his.
- So are we like, boyfriend and girlfriend now?
- I guess so... - you both smiled and went to sit with Sam's friends who were howling at you both mockingly.
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You and Brandt were like totally opposite, he was one of the most popular guys in school, and you were just a normal student, almost invisible to others, but not to him. He secretly liked you, and behind every rude comment about you, in the back of his mind he thought about your pretty features, how you're so nice to everyone that are nice to you, and how you always replied to his rude comments with such creativity. So, when it came to the big dance, he decided that he will kiss you that night, and then he will see if you like him back, if not, then he can find another girl in a blink of an eye (at least, that's how he thought so). You were a loner, you didnt really had any close friends in school, of course you talked with some of them like for example; Sam, Gabe and even Dustin if he wasnt an ass to you, but you didnt had any close relationships with anyone, you were once again just there, just someone, not really outstanding.
You still wanted to look pretty, you picked your best outfit, you asked your mom to do your hair and help you with your makeup, maybe someone would dance with you? Of course you didnt want to exaggerate your look, so you kept it simple, just added some things that you normally wouldnt (like light lipstick, or colorful eyeshadow).
Your mom drove you to school, and told you to have fun. Brandt was standing in front of school with his friends, and Heather's "gang", you quickly walked past them, not paying attention to things they were saying (just Heather and her band gossiping about your outfit, but who are they to judge?). When you finally walked inside the school, and the hall that the dance was taking place, you were kinda impressed by how the place looks, and how everyone is dressed up (for example Brendan's new look), but you decided to just have fun and not really look at anyone else. You were chatting with anyone that wanted to talk to you, you had a great conversation with Sam, Gabe and Jafeer. After talking with them, you kinda stood under the wall next to the table with drinks and snacks, then you saw Brandt going up to you with his friends, but they stood a little far away from you. You looked at Brandt, who had his infamous smirk on his face.
- Nice look, wanna dance? - he asked with his bored tone in his voice, you were surprised that he didnt insult you in anyway. That made you think he was making fun of you, but his face right now was deadly serious.
- Is this some kind of trap? We'll go dance and one of your friends will pour something on me? - you asked cracking up a smile, but you were kinda nervous that you guessed it right, and he would make a fool of you as soon as you'll go dance with him.
- Promise it's not... - he said smiling a bit, it wasnt his smirk, it was a normal, sweet smile, you never saw him smiling like that and you thought that he was being serious. So you went to dance with him, as soon as you both stood on the dancefloor, the jumpy and fun music faded, and now the more slow and romantic one played in the background. Brandt took your hands and put them on the back of his neck, his arms went to your back, his grip was strong but also careful to not hurt you. You both started sway to the music, you desperately tried to avoid Brandt's gaze, but it was nearly impossible cause he was kinda burning a hole in you with his eyes.
- You know, I really like you Y/N... - He said while looking into your eyes, you were kinda confused by his words, but then he went straight for your lips with his, and started to kiss you really strongly and passionately. You didnt know what to do, you wanted to kiss him back but he was way more invented in it than you, so you just kinda stood there in shock, he finally backed away from your face, but still held you.
- You want to be my girlfriend? - he asked and looked at you, you didnt feel it but he was nervous that you will tell him "no". But luckily to him you didnt.
- Sure - you nodded lightly, and smiled.
You wouldnt thought this morning that you will suddenly be with Brandt, but now you were, and you liked it.
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You and Heather were once inseparable, that was until she started dating Alex. Their relationship was rather awkward, because Heather was really jealous and posessive of Alex, their relationship was on and off. You stopped talking with Heather, because she also started accusing you of trying to steal her boyfriend (which was really dumb, because you rarely spoke with him). But anyway, after cutting off contacts with Heather, you started to notice something weird. Alex was always by your side, I mean like literally. He was always sitting close to you (not like directly next to you, but close enough for you to notice it). He was always looking at your direction (not saying he was looking directly at you, because you never caught him doing that, but it was still weird). Sometimes you thought that he was telling Brandt or Dustin about you, because they were whispering to eachother while you were walking past them, or when you were looking at them occasionally in class.
You always got that weird gut feeling while looking or thinking about Alex, that's when you realized you started to develop feelings for him. It was really infuriating for you, you felt uncomfortable in your own body while getting that feeling. You finally decided to talk to Alex of your assumptions (not that you love him, but you wanted to confront him about his sneaky glances at you and gosipping about you with his dumb friends). So you did, you lured him to janitors closet, and you stood before the door, so he wouldnt try to escape. You looked at him, and saw that he was kinda scared, I guess you couldnt really blame him, you would be scared too if someone locked you up with them in janitors closet.
- Alex, why are you like staring at me all the time? - you looked at him seriously, he looked at you with his big eyes.
- I dont know what are you talking about? - he started to get visibly nervous, something that you never thought you will see, because he was always calm and he sometimes looked really bored.
- I dont know if you are lying to me right now, or if im going crazy, because I always see you next to me, I always see you looking in my direction and I see you whispering to Brandt or Dustin while you're looking at me! - After you said this, a long silence came afterwards, you were looking directly into Alex's eyes, and almost as you were hypnotized you started to kiss him, which he almost immediately returned back, you were both kissing eachother messily, as if someone would pull one of you away from eachother. And that's how it all started with Alex And you, Heather wasnt pleased by that, but, who cares?
I hope that you liked it! I tried to write gender neutral reader (which was easy to do with Maya and Anna), but with the guys i kinda forgot about it, but you can still imagine reader as a male or a female.
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aetheternity · 2 years
Such a good big brother. (+ S.Heizou)
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Synopsis: Your new step brother had been nothing but friendly to you since you'd met. Perhaps he'd had an ulterior motive. (Part one?? Idk we'll see how this does)
CW: MDNI, Step siblings in sexual situations, reader is afab but no pronouns other than you/your are used for reader (use of the word girl).
At fifteen you'd first met Shikanoin Heizou over a prepared meal at his house from the man who would soon be your stepfather. And you'd described him in your mind as: gentlemanly.
From the way he'd rushed between you and your mother to get to the table first so he could pull your seats out for the two of you. To the warmth of his smile. You'd remembered it all. Couldn't find a way to forget with how many times your mother had commented on what a, "handsome young man" he was and even, "how well he'd been raised". Her compliments of him stopping only when she was questioning him on his dating life. And with each question he'd give that same cordial grin sometimes even laughing at her inquiries.
"I simply focus on my schoolwork." He'd stated at the time. "No need to rush into dating I am still young after all."
You even remember your mother's response at the time, "So mature for his age. Teenagers are never like him anymore." As she jabbed your shoulder with her elbow, a hearty chuckle flying from her throat.
"What about you, Name." Suddenly that comfortable expression was on you. Dark almost in its appearance. So intense as though it were looking down on you, almost stripping you where you sat. "Dating anyone?"
You remember your response so firmly as well, "No one in particular." You'd slid your fork around collecting peas among your plate as you tried to hold eye contact.
"Hm?" He'd hummed and when you didn't elaborate he pushed forward. "Sorry, I had assumed a girl as beautiful as you would be with someone, perhaps you and I are in a similar boat."
That was your first meeting until the actual wedding only three years later you hadn't seen much of each other. When you were seventeen and he'd been a barely changed eighteen. Your only strong memory of that day having been your mother's loud and drunken behavior and your dance with your brand new step brother.
He'd gently tapped your shoulder and when you turned to him he tugged your waist in close, making sure to move his hands higher up your back. Your fingers slid around his neck and as the music slowed its course you slowly began to indulge him in conversation.
"I heard you got into your first pick for college." You'd said simply.
"Mhm." His smile was bright. "Though I decided not to go."
"Huh? But you worked so hard didn't you? And that college seems promising for anyone that gets in."
"To be honest, I had never wanted to enroll there. I was simply taking my guidance counselor's advice. It's actually too far away for my liking."
You slid a little closer to him, swaying in time with his hips. "Oh, you'll miss your dad and your bedroom, huh?"
"Well.. you'll be moving in soon and if I moved away I'd miss all the amazing things we'll get to do together.." He dips you and during this period your heart might have very well been in your throat. "As a family." He chuckles as though the stunned expression you know you're wearing is amusing.
"Yeah.. yeah.. sure." You'd replied as the next song soon began.
After this your mindset of Heizou had changed to: wary.
On the day of the move in you'd barely seen Heizou and your new step father soon explained that it was due to the shifts Heizou had taken up to help pay for college. To which your mother had grown far too excitable over. Droning on her usual compliments about Heizou. As though he could simply do no wrong.
You'd mostly begun to tune her out that is until she'd asked for the location of said store. "That's not far away at all!" She gasped, rushing over to grab her keys shaking them as she turned back to the open room. "Don't you wanna pay, Heizou a quick visit hun? I bet he'd be excited to see you!"
"I really just want to finish unpacking.." You explained "He's gonna come home tonight no? We'll all see each other then."
Your mother dismissed your claims with a wave of her hand and your father soon chuckled. Deep and hardy so unlike your mother's laugh.
"Teenagers." She scoffed before taking off.
With only two people in the house the workload had felt surprisingly easier and by nightfall you found yourself with only two boxes remaining. Both of which belonged in your room. The room itself being much smaller than you'd even realized. While yes the boxes being mostly gone had alleviated the clutter slightly. It was still fairly cramped.
As you'd begun digging out the last of your stuff to hang on the shelve above your head the noise level downstairs increased. It suddenly dawned on you properly that your mom had actually left for the entire day. You cleared away one box shifting around to the desk beside your bed as the creaks of floorboards just down the hall focused your attention to a new target.
"Man alive, sorry I wasn't here to help out today but you and dad seemed to handle well enough on your own." Heizou sighed with fatigue.
"I'm more sorry for you. Mom stayed the entire day in the store with you?"
"She definitely enjoyed herself. That reminds me we're having chips and salsa for dinner." He tapped your bed frame before plopping down on the firm mattress. "You know when me and dad were clearing this place out for you we noticed just how small it is."
"I thought it was just the boxes making it look that way." Your eyes widened
Heizou shook his head, "This spot used to be a closet. Don't tell dad I told you." He slipped a white looking object into his mouth. Which you soon assumed was candy. "Though it's still the best room in the house."
You fold your arms, "You can't try to sell me on it now. It's mine till I move out."
"No I mean it. Best room in the house because it's right. next. to mine." His feet make a creak against the hardwood with every word at the end of his sentence. He stalks closer and closer like a lion hunting its prey and once again you're feeling that deeply intense look. "I specifically asked dad if we could clear this space out for you. He wanted you downstairs but I wanted you closer to me."
He keeps your hips boxed in. His fingers balancing on the desk behind you as he leans in. The warmth of his breath and the twitch of his lips so incredibly close.
"What are you doing, they're-"
"I'm well aware but knowing your mom for the amount of time I have has lead me to two conclusions, one very high sex drive." You grimace but Heizou simply laughs nibbling on the candy he'd popped into his mouth earlier. "And two very ditzy. Perfect to keep my dad distracted while we have-"
"Sibling bonding time." His grin is no longer warm. Far more cunning in fact.
"Why do you have to make everything you say so flirtatious! Why are your eyes so creepy, I always feel like you're looking into my soul and I hate it!" You shove his shoulder and step aside towards your bed allowing yourself a chance to breathe without Heizou's scent clogging your nose.
"Do you think I only made it my mission to learn about my new mom? I know things about you as well."
You narrow your eyes, "Things?"
"You have this sort of brightness when you talk to dad that you just don't offer mom because she embarrasses you but not only that you also find her mildly unbearable. At the wedding when mom said you'd both be moving in here you glanced at me then quickly glanced away. Now what could that mean?" He places his foot on the bed beside your thigh. "Did a part of you go home that night and think about what living with me would be like? Wall to Wall. Every snore, breath and.. moan I make right. up. against. your. ear?"
"Get out, Heizou."
He lifts his hands in defeat chuckling airly. He stops in the doorway. "I'll make sure to make extra noise tonight." He gestures with one hand up and down in a repeated motion and with that he's gone.
You nearly slam your door shut but you know how much you don't want your mom to come upstairs. Especially not when you're nearly melting into the floor. Your entire body might as well have been set aflame with the way you're sweating. How could he even think like that?? And for a while by the sounds of it. Did he not care that your parents just married each other??
Current feelings on Heizou: conflicted
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unclewaynemunson · 9 months
Jeff is one of my favorite characters and I think we should start a post of all our favorite Jeff headcanons. He and Freak get left out in almost every Eddie-centric fic I read, with his "best friend" being either Gareth or Chrissy, and I'm tired of it. Jeff is wonderful. Here's my hc's:
- Jeff and Eddie have been best friends since middle school. They started CC and Hellfire together.
- they went to the Snowball together and rigged the bubble machine to spew bubbles during the slow dance songs. The dance had to end early and Jeff and Eddie never got caught
- Jeff's parents loves Eddie. They used to have sleepovers at each other's place almost every weekend.
- Jeff was the first person Eddie came out to. Jeff tried to be surprised and "that's great, man, thanks for telling me!" But Eddie saw right through that.
- Eddie is afraid of geese and spiders. Jeff thinks this is fucking hilarious.
- post-Vecna, Jeff is the one Eddie reconnects with first. Eddie tells him everything, despite the NDAs and Steve's warnings. Jeff believes him, because he knows there's wacky shit going on in Hawkins, and he's seen Eddie's wounds.
- they have that kind of friendship that nothing can break. Even if they don't see or talk to each other for years, because Life Happens and people lose touch, they'll always have part of themselves carved out for their best friend.
Ok, that's all I got for now, and sorry for the long ask! I just love Jeff so much and he (and Freak, too, because Freak gets ignored because of fatphobia) deserves just as much love and attention as Gareth gets.
What are your Jeff and Eddie headcanons?
I am loving this Jeff love and your headcanons, thank you so much for sending this to me!!! <3
I think with Unnamed Freak things are a bit different bc, yaknow, he doesn't have a name. For me at least that makes me hesitant to write about him so I don't wanna go as far as to say it's all bc he's fat (even though I'm not gonna deny that that probably also plays a part in how popular he is in this fandom urgh). Anyway, yes this fandom certainly does Jeff dirty. I think it's this gross combination of racism and people copying a lot from already existing stories, characterizations and headcanons without much critical thinking of their own (which baffles me, if you're creative enough to write a story please use that creativity for some originality ffs). Anyway, this is gonna turn into a rant again can you tell I'm still annoyed? so let's turn to something more positive now, like my headcanons for our beloved Jeff:
He was the first person in Hawkins (after Wayne obviously) that Eddie got close to. For Jeff it was kinda the same, being a black, nerdy boy in this town had been very isolating for him and Eddie was his first real friend.
Unnamed Freak made their duo into a trio a bit later. All the others in the group (including Gareth) were Eddie's "lost little sheepies" who he sought out to protect. This means that Jeff and Unnamed Freak are the only people who don't borderline worship Eddie but see him (and love him) for who he is including all his flaws. They're also the only ones not afraid to call him out on his bullshit.
Jeff's mom is really cool. Her name is Pauline and she's not like Jeff at all (she was a cheerleader in high school). Despite their differences they love each other a lot. (Jeff's mom is actually heavily featured in one of the fics I wrote so I got her all fleshed out lmao)
He has two little twin sisters. They're friends with Erica, one of them is one of her friends we meet in the mall in s3. He has this typical hate-love relationship with his sisters: they fight a lot, but at the end of the day, he would die for them.
While he can't wait to get out of Hawkins and to a place that'll be more accepting of him, he doesn't want to move too far away from his family.
He's the most loyal friend in the world, 100% a ride-or-die kinda guy
While he does love metal a lot, his guilty pleasure is Tina Turner
Tell me all your Jeff headcanons i wanna hear more about him!
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writtingsomestuff · 1 year
Before you start reading I just wanted to say that this is the first time I ever write for a “public”, we could call it like that. Also, English is my fifth or sixth language, in case you find an error or various. 
This is any footballer x fem!reader (I hope it’s right) 
- I hope you enjoy it and any type of comment is welcome 
- It is weird because I just thought about it and wrote it down 
- Any footballer but Piqué, it would be weird if you did
[I am not trying to own or appropriate any of Shakira's songs (or her teams'). "Whenever, Wherever" is not my song and neither did I write the lyrics.]
He was coming down the stairs when he heard the music that you were playing out loud. It felt weird when he woke up and could not feel you between his arms and that is why he started to search for you. 
He quickly knew where you were as soon as he was able to hear properly and his brain started to function. That song was very familiar to him, to both of you actually, but maybe it meant more to him.
He saw you there, dancing with the spatula on your right hand and your left arm up, following the rhythm of the song. 
Two years ago
You both were having the fun of your life, especially you. You just finished uni finals two weeks ago and both of you started to date a few months ago, none of you said “I love you” yet, it was a relationship between two adults who liked each other.
You were looking at him, in his eyes, smiling and moving your body shyly to Shakira’s song. Your chairs were touching as he held his glass that was right next to yours. The ambiance was perfect to define a late summer night, everyone was happy and enjoying life the best way they knew, your friends were dancing on the floor, while you decided to sit down and  enjoy the party more calmly with your boyfriend. “Boyfriend”, pretty weird for you, right? First time having a partner and him being a well known footballer, that is something that you never expected, a real plot twist in your life. You have not changed since you met him but he surely showered you with affection, you blushed every time he called you “beautiful” and you felt a whole zoo in your stomach every time he held your hand, you could melt just by seeing him trying to make you laugh with a bad joke, and you could cry because he truly took care of you.
That night you looked very beautiful, not just because he told you so but because you felt happier and you truly liked the outfit and the make up.
He was directly looking at your lips, without shame, while you were lip syncing Shakira’s “Whenever, wherever”, ‘Think out loud, say it again’ you followed the song word by word, without any mistake, you could prove that you probably learned all of her songs by heart. He gave you a small smirk, he truly felt happy, seeing you finally relaxed and for being able to spend more time with you. It was a very loud party, but you were in your small bubble, enjoying each other’s company. You laughed a bit as you could not follow her famous 'Le-ro-lo-le-lo-le' and kept lip syncing the song, and when you followed her words: 'Tell me one more time that you'll live lost in my eyes' he knew it, it hit him. He was completely and entirely lost in your eyes, not just your eyes, he was lost in the whole of you, he was mesmerized by you, almost as if you put a spell on him that attached him to you for the rest of your existence. He was in love with you, entirely in love with you.
You were there singing that exact same song that told him that he was in love with you. It was not a calm, relaxing or slow romantic song, however, it told him.
He hugged you from behind, sliding his warm arms on your cold belly, he almost swore that you were wearing the same top you did that night, it was not but it was quite similar. It surprised him that two years later he remembered every single detail and every second of that night. He thought about writing it down as he was scared about ever forgetting even a millisecond of that night.
He kissed your cheek as you gave him a smile, one of sincerity and love. He then, whispering, told you, “I do, I live lost in your eyes.” 
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violettev4lentine · 1 year
broken promises 🥀 d.m
pairing: d.m x y/n
summary: draco and reader have been dating ever since they became childhood bestfriends. acting cold and distant, reader suspects that her lover and the new girl have been getting cozy. confirming her suspicions, draco ends it on a heartbreaking note.
word count: 1.1k
cw: angst, no happy ending, harsh words, curse words, implications of cheating
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these past few days your boyfriend has been...off. you noticed it started happening ever since that new girl, astoria greengrass, transferred with her sister daphne. you weren’t daft. if anything you were far from stupid. you saw the longing stars and the sneaky looks they gave each other. every glance you could feel strings in your heart being tugged. you tried playing it off as your imagination, but draco’s personality these past few days contradicted everything you stood for.
“draco?” you said, shaking his shoulder lightly to snap him from his daydream. coincidentally, his daydreaming has led his eyes to fall directly onto astoria from across the table. “are you incapable of eating by yourself or something? can you stop disturbing me.” he said in a cold voice, making you flinch and the others on the table stare at the two of you. “yo mate. you alright? don’t tell me the slytherin queen and king are breaking up.” blaise said while chuckling lightly. draco shot him a glare making blaise’s laughter quiet down. pansy gave you a solemn look from beside you. you sigh inwardly, knowing that she’ll want to talk with you later.
“this isn’t healthy (y/n). you have to admit it. i think everyone notices how he basically undresses her with his eyes.” pansy said laying on your bed and looking at the red tapestry hanging on the frame. you felt a knot in your throat as you spoke, “i trust him pansy. he’s probably just curious because she’s new.” the phrase seeming to try and convince yourself more then pansy. she looked at you and sighed sadly before getting up and leaving the room. you looked at the door as it closed, feeling empty once again. a wave of determination filled you as you decided that you were going to demand an answer from your boyfriend. 
draco stared at you lovingly as you danced across the daisy filled field, your hair and white sundress flowing in the wind and a slow song playing in the background. “draco dance with me!” you giggle as you offer him your hand. he takes your hand and holds your waist while looking into your eyes. swaying to the music and your head buried in the nook of his neck you asked, “do you think life will be this perfect once we graduate? what if you don’t love me the same way.” you pouted. “any life with you no matter how long is going to be perfect darling.” he kissed your forehead and chuckled at your childish antics. “okay then promise me that we’ll never hurt each other!” you furrowed your eyebrows, exclaiming childishly. he rolled his eyes playfully before sighing, “really my love? i promise i’ll love you till this damned earth burns.”  ________________________________________________________________
you rushed out of your room, sweating dripping from your forehead from anxiety. what if it turned out he really was inlove with her and wanted to break up with you after you confront him? your 4 year relationship with your childhood lover would end simply because you weren’t enough for him. meanwhile, draco and astoria were snogging in a broom closet, unbeknownst to you.
“dray baby, when will you break up with her. i hate sneaking around with you and seeing her being able to love you in public hurts me.” the brunette said, looking at him with her doe eyes. “wait a little more dove. you know my parents won’t be happy if i break her heart. i’m only keeping her around for the money and to please my parents.” draco said while cupping astoria’s cheek before gripping her waist and pulling her into another kiss.
you were frantic, looking for any sign of draco anywhere. it was like he disappeared out of thin air. you asked his bestfriends and all you got was a shrug with guilt in their eyes. it was like they knew. your stomach dropped when you realized astoria was missing as well. you knew this when you passed by daphne seeming to look for someone as well. you turned around a dark corner giving up hope when you heard it. a soft moan of draco’s name stopped you in your tracks. your eyes brimming with tears threatening to fall and your heart was in your throat. you turned around and spotted a small broom cupboard, big enough to fit at least 2 people. 
your hands were shaking as you gripped the door handle and swung it open, a loud gasp leaving your mouth and a shaky hand comes to cover it. to your horror, you find draco and astoria in the middle of something forbidden.
“(y/n) i can explain-” draco’s eyes widened as he reached his hand out. you backed away and scoffed. “and here i was, finding you to fix things in our relationship.” astoria ran away shyly, her knuckles fisting her unbuttoned blouse. draco stepped out of the broom closet and looked at the ground in shame. “really? after 4 years, you throw me away for a girl you just met?” “yet i loved her more then i ever loved you.” his reply made you lose your balance for a split moment as you choked back a sob. “what did she have to offer that i couldn’t? was i not pretty enough? were you getting sick of my affection?” you rambled as your voice started getting louder. draco looked to the side, a cold and inattentive look on his face. “i was just bored. i needed something new. it’s not that deep. get over it.” you snapped and all you could see was red.
“bored really?! that’s your lame excuse? didn’t we promise we would never hurt each other?”
“we were dumb and immature back then. grow up gosh.” 
“wasn’t i ever good enough for you draco?”
“you never were.”
you stared at him, feeling the tears streaming down your face. each sentence being like a dagger stabbing you repeatedly. you felt bitter and a hole was left in your heart. without saying another word, you left him there, staring at your fading figure. 
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Matty taking you home for Christmas for the first time. Meeting the parents and his brother. A nice huge family dinner where she feel so welcomed and when everyone goes to bed, Matty puts on a oldies record and slow dances with you in the living room with all the Christmas lights and the Christmas tree. After a couple songs he leans downs to gently whisper "Merry Christmas, my dear."
flash forward to when you tell him you're pregnant with your first baby. it's the same scene but you tell him while everyone is fast asleep
ok not to be dramatic but why is this about to make me sob rn like. i’m fragile. but yes let’s discuss this. you’re a nervous wreck before the first family christmas with the healys, despite matty’s constant reassurance that they’ll all adore you. more than once, matty walks in on you in the bedroom just frantically digging through the closet, trying to find an outfit you deem suitable. he has to physically pull you away, set you down on the bed, and talk you down from the brink of full blown panic. but then you’re at the front door, matty leads you inside, and you’re just engulfed in hugs and welcomes and the anxiety dissipates just as quickly as it had arrived. it really is a picture-perfect holiday. matty’s brother is lovely and you swear you feel your heart swell each time you see matty hug him or tease him the way any older brother would. his parents are just as wonderful too. after dinner, denise takes you aside. “really, this is the happiest i’ve ever seen him,” she tells you. “he’s been treating you well, dear?” you nod, having to quickly blink away a few tears. “he’s better than i ever knew was possible.”
and when everyone has gone to their bedrooms, you stay with matty on the couch in the living room. he’s wearing a soft and fuzzy christmas sweater (cutie!!) and the only time he breaks from your side is to flip the vinyl he has playing. you waste absolutely no time taking his hand when he offers it to you, slowly waltzing around the room. the christmas tree lights make his face glow (although his wide smile certainly helps with that too), and his curls fall perfectly around his face. hell, you feel half inclined to place a christmas bow on top of his head given that he’s the most perfect gift you could’ve dreamed of. you rest your head against his chest as you dance, breathing him in. matty kisses the top of your head, and when you look up at him he places another kiss to your nose, then your mouth. “merry christmas, my love,” he whispers, his lips just an inch from yours.
and then it’s a year later and !!!!!! you’re tucked into the couch with him, all christmas sweaters and pjs. and while you watch the fire crackle and let matty idly let your head, you just know that you made the right choice with him. and before you’ve really registered the words yourself, you’ve taken his hand in yours and you tell him. you two could have a baby together, this could happen, this could be real, this could be your life. i think matty would have a feeling that this was coming, so the tears are already coming before the words are all the way out of your mouth. his hands travel down to rest upon your stomach. of course there’s no bump yet, but god there will be one eventually and he will love it with every fiber of his being. and while you sit together, christmas lights and fire and warmth, all you can think is that this is just so good
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moodymisty · 10 months
Hello. I'd like to leave a request. So recently I was listening to "River" by Bishop Briggs so I thought, what if someone danced to this song for Crosshair? The idea is, reader is Batch's doctor and enjoying a few days on land she goes out with some friends to 79. The boys arrive later and they all sit together. It's happening live performances at 79, singers, dancers, but none can really rock the bar, you know? Reader's friends comment on her dancing skills, making Crosshair laugh and daring her to get up on stage and dance. Pissed with him, the reader accepts the challenge and during the performance comes to dance exclusively for him, teasing him. I would be the happiest girl if you could finish it with a smut. xoxo
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Author's note: I find it so funny when people come into my asks with such specific prompts, I feel like I'm trying to make someone's daydream come true XD I hope you enjoy kind anon. I'm not a going out night type of person, but I hope I captured that fun confident energy this prompt has :3
Relationships: Crosshair/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, dancing, Mentions of alcohol, Sex in a bathroom, Slightly rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, Porn with just enough plot i can barely saw it's not pwp
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Sometimes you wonder if there's a specific word for how you feel whenever you get back to Coruscant after a long while away.
Time feels like it passes so fast, but yet so, excruciatingly, slow.
It's been roughly two months since you've been back on solid Coruscanti ferrocrete, and it feels like you've been gone for two years. When you'd once joked about it, Hunter mentioned that it was how they'd all felt shortly after graduating from cadets and being send out into the field, so maybe it had something to do with light speed travel. Or something of the sort.
Either way, unimportant. There's drinks that need to be drank.
Some are just water while some are varying degrees of hard liquor, all spread across the table in a lazy, unorganized fashion.
You'd first told your friends about 79's after the Batch had invited you here for the first time, and you were eager to share. It's a nice place all and all, you enjoy the energy. Some of the other dive bars around the nearby districts, at least the ones that don't charge half a fortune for every sip, tend to attract not so friendly people.
79's is cheap, easy going, and the troopers are flirty- but keep their hands mostly to themselves.
Before you'd left Hunter had mentioned that they might be coming close behind to get a bit of a rare break as well, gods know they probably need it just as much as you do. So you've been glancing at the doors every now and again, looking for that brushed black armor for the past hour.
"Are they even still coming?"
You'd casually mentioned their potential coming a few minutes ago; And one of your friends, the one with a real penchant for bad boys and not the best decision making skills when five or more drinks deep, is very eager to meet them.
They know which one to avoid flirting up, anyways.
"They'll be here. They're usually pretty late anyways. If something came up, I'd be getting the same call as them." You are in their squad after all, so if they have to go out on a sudden mission, it would be extremely doubtful they'd even consider leaving without you.
But speaking of them...
Not minutes later you finally see them enter, easily spotted by their dark palette contrasting with the sea of white plastoid. They always stand out, and at least in this particular setting, they enjoy it readily. Quickly you all move to find a spot where you can all sit together, making sure to bring your drinks, both new and already half down, with.
Needless to say the Batch livens up the party significantly, which was a much needed boost given the slow state of the night so far.
For awhile the live music and show had largely been existing in the background; A good show, but nothing worth maintaining your entire attention. Especially since now that your favorite troopers are here, it's even less so important.
But now that it's currently between acts, it seems one of your friends has gotten herself a devious idea.
"Why don't you get up there and show them how it's done? Like at that one bar on-" You quickly shush her before she manages to regale a tale you don't exactly want retold in this state, rolling your eyes. But it seems the mention of a story has already caught particularly Crosshair's interest, and she quickly goes about spilling the memory once you no longer stop her.
"There was a open mic night at this one bar, and she killed it. Everyone thought she was a paid performer." Quickly she gestures to the stage, which is surrounded by tipsy, flushed faced clone troopers. They're awaiting the next performance, if there's even going to be one. Your friend speaks up again, pleading with you while Crosshair and the rest of the Batch look on curiously.
"Come on! It's open! Go up there!"
You're not exactly opposed to the idea, but you also don't feel like leaving the party behind so to speak. You're just about to shake your head and refuse again, when Crosshair speaks up at your side. He's been leaning back in the seat the whole time, one of his arms lazily against the back of the seat elbow close to your shoulder and forearm dangling down.
"Oh come on, gonna leave everyone guessing now that we know your little secret?"
Crosshair has his eyebrows raised, watching you. It's clearly bait as he sets it out like this all the time, but you're in the mood for taking a bite.
"Maybe I will. The mystery will make me seem even better than I am."
He rolls his eyes, and with a distinctly sarcastic flavor to his voice, responds.
"Whatever makes you feel better, Doll."
Now a little miffed despite you are the one who bit his fishhook, you scrunch your face and look at him, while he seems almost overwhelmingly smug. When you ask why, he responds with:
"Mystery?" A scoff. "Why don't you just say you're too scared?"
Well now he just wants a fight.
You don't know what comes over you at that point; Maybe it's the vibe, the drinks, something else or all of it combined, because it feels like a blink from being there under Crosshair's arm, to convincing the bouncer to let you at the mic.
Thankfully it doesn't require much, as it seem all the rehearsed performances were finished for the night, and now the mic was pretty much open to anyone willing and able to give it a shot.
Considering you that person, you take it into your hands and decide to give it 110, hoping to at least shut Crosshair's fat mouth.
The rest of it is all a blur; A series of sung words and perhaps some dancing that might not of been entirely appropriate, had the crowd not absolutely ate it up.
Whats the point in singing and not dancing anyhow? You think, hips shaking from side to side in a slow but perfect pace with the beat of the music. Once the first song finishes, you feel enough of a high that you decide to do another, and it doesn't seem anyone is going to complain at you for doing so. It's a bit of a slower one, so you can't exactly help the way your body sways unconsciously back and forth with the music.
Mid-song however you take a look upward and spot the Batch far in the back, Hunter, Wrecker and Tech turned at the waist an arm over the back of the seat to watch. Crosshair however as you eyes locked right on you while you sing-
And he is fucking furious.
At least it seems like he's fuming, it's sometimes hard to tell. Though it's pretty safe to say he's more affected by this little stunt, to say the least.
You don't go back to the booth once you finally manage to sneak off stage through demands for more, as by the time you enter the hall to go wash up in the bathroom quick, you find Crosshair is leaning by the wall waiting. When he spots you, his body rises off the way in a way that gives away how tense his body is, shoulders straight.
He must've come back here the moment you left the stage, intent to cut you off and steal a moment with you alone.
"You looked like you were having fun up there." His tone is tense, but you respond to it with your usual quips.
"I did. And did you like the show?"
Normally saying those sorts of things is how you try to disarm his attitude, but it only serves to make it worse this time, as you smile at him with the confident smirk of a job well done. You feel positively bubbly now after having that much fun, and seeing Crosshair stewing over what you assume is his failed dare.
The show had all been for him, so he better have enjoyed it. Not to say you didn't enjoy preforming. Maybe your friend didn't have such a bad idea after all; You wouldn't be so resistant to doing so again if the opportunity arose.
You take a few steps closer to Crosshair, anymore and you'd be brushing chests, seeing his pursed lips.
You barely have a chance to say anything else before he grabs you shoulder and kisses you, his other hand reaching for the handle of the refresher door. It's empty, and so he pushes you in, locking it behind him near instantly. By the time he does his mouth is already back against your own, teeth brushing against your bottom lip.
There isn't much room to maneuver at all in here; It's so tight being really only meant for one person. As such in order to get a bit of breathing room you end up on the countertop, knees parted to let him in the moment you're able.
You'd originally come with a coat, but having long since shed it before going up on stage, Crosshair has unimpeded access to the soft skin of your neck.
"Cross!" You say when his hands grip your thighs tight, squeezing the soft flesh beneath his gloved palms.
"Everyone's gonna wonder where we are..." Your sentence fades off, feeling his lips on your skin and the coldness of the mirror on your back. The hem of your skirt has already gotten pushed up nearly to your hips from sitting in this position, and it only takes one tug from Crosshair to fully send it there and reveal your underwear.
"I don't care."
You didn't really expect him to, but his strained comment is still amusing none the less.
His lips roughly trap yours again in a kiss as he fumbles to remove the one piece of armor he needs to, throwing it aside with a loud thunk as it hits the ground. There's not a care in the galaxy for it right now, as all of his attention is on you.
You can't help the soft sigh that leaves your lips as you feel his hand brush over the heat of your cunt, as he tries to tear away your panties. When he realizes you have stockings on over them, he lets out something you can only describe as a growl in frustration.
"How many fuckin' things you got on under there?" You can't hold back the small giggle you let out.
"In a hurry?"
It'll be easier- and faster, if you kick off your heels, doing so before Crosshair loses his patience and just tears runs all the way through the razor thin fabric. The heat of his fingers is palpable through it, as he pulls your stockings and underwear in one bunch down to your hips. You have to rise up on your palms a bit to try and help, before they get yanked down enough that they dangle around one ankle.
Swearing that you can feel his nails make little dents in the skin of your ass even through his gloves, he grasps your hips tight and yanks you to the edge of the countertop and even a bit over, legs dangling precariously before they wrap around his hips. In that moment you can feel his hips grind against your almost of their own accord, and the feeling sends a jolt right to your clit.
The fabric of your dress is a deep red, perfectly matching the splash of worn red paint that adorns his armor; Exactly what you'd thought when you'd bought it. You're glad it's served you so well so far.
"I'm pleased you liked my little dance so much,"
You say with a laugh, feeling him fumble with the fabric of his body glove just out of view. One arm wraps around his neck, fingers playing with the short grey hair at his nape, while the other tries to keep you steady and on top of the countertop. Not as if Crosshair would let you fall, anyhow. But it still is in the back of your mind, within the tight confines of the refresher this isn't much room at all and if you stretched your legs out fully, you'd just be able to touch the opposing wall.
"Everyone did. They couldn't look away from you."
Oh, so he's a little jealous, you think. Never thought you'd hear him near admit he was fuming over some drooling shinies, but there's a first time for everything.
"Who cares about them; It was all for you." You didn't care that anyone else had been looking at you but him, even beyond the stupid dare.
Freeing his cock from his body glove you feel the heat against your bare thigh, stealing a quick kiss and feeling the tiny bit of stubble dotting his jawline. It'll be gone tomorrow so it's military appropriate, but for now you can enjoy the rough feeling on your skin as his fingers brush against your cunt.
You have to inch even closer, more precariously so his cock can press up against you, teasing your entrance as as your cunt drips. Your legs are lazily wrapped around his hips, and only tighten as he slips inside of you, the rough edges of his armor stiff against your skin.
He doesn't really have much else to wear beside it, not that you mind its being on.
"You're the one that dared me,"
He hears you whisper his name under your breath as he pushes his way into your cunt, over the sounds of more random music outside the door. Though you can't hear it for much longer; As it's drowned out by the sound of rough panting and clothed skin on skin, muffled by the fabric of his body glove. It quickly becomes stained a darker black from where your cunt drips onto it.
"I dared you to go up there and sing," He grits his teeth in a rare lapse of stoicism, hissing through. "Not do that." A rough jerk of his hips cause you to gasp, as he feels like he's going to drive right into your stomach. The angle makes everything tighter, so much closer, and your cunt flutters around him.
"So I can't do that again?" You sound breathless, but the mirth in your voice still shines through.
He scoffs, lips on the corner of your mouth.
"Just do it where only I can see you."
The air between you both is thick with hot breath and flushed skin, and you'd love nothing more than to rip this dress off if not for the fact that you aren't at your apartment- you're instead getting railed in the bathroom at 79's.
Your chest feels like it's going to bounce out of your bra from the way he's fucking you; Having to adjust top of your dress to avoid it spilling out. It's not back in presentable fashion and would be quite easy to tell how your evening's been going, but right now you could barely care.
You just want to cum fast and hard, eager to chase that peak as Crosshair tries to drive you into the mirror at your back.
You're going to feel it in the morning if he keeps this up, feeling the way his cock grinds against your already battered, oversensitive nerves. Hell, you're already feeling it right now; Your muscles ache tight, fingers prying at the edges of his plastoid armor. If he didn't have it on, he'd surely have nail marks on his shoulder blades.
"Gods, fuck Crosshair, I'm so close,"
Your stomach is tight and twisting in knots, and your swear you can feel your heartbeat in your cunt your thighs shiver and shake. Your head lolls back hitting the mirror as you moan, legs tightening around him as your orgasm wracks your entire body.
He keeps fucking you through it even if slowly, driving his cock as deep as he can given the position. But even if he did slow, there's still an aggressiveness, a desperation to it all. Everything is in the heat of the moment, even his almost incomprehensible mumblings, some that are your name, and others praises that he'd feel to open saying out loud without an aura of cockiness.
His hand grips the back of your dress enough to leave wrinkles and probably be close to busting one of the seams, pulling you bottom close as he fully bottoms out inside of you. His hips slow to an inconsistent, shallow movements as he finishes inside of you, some of his own cum leaking out around his cock as he slows to deeper, longer thrusts while his body ratchets down.
When he finally stills, body now far loosen and relaxed than he'd been minutes ago, you still feel the way your cunt flutters as your muscles ache from use.
"Let's go back to your apartment." He suddenly utters out, still slightly out of breath. Your head rests against his shoulder, the cold plastoid cool against your flushed skin.
"Can I get my coat and say goodbye to my friends before you usher me into a taxi?" Crosshair rolls his eyes and the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. You don't disagree that perhaps somewhere more private is a better place to be, and you slowly attempt to pull up your stockings and underwear enough to hop off the counter; Crosshair not helping, but ready in case you stumble. Once on the ground you're slipping up your underwear, feeling the slickness of your cunt dampen them ever so slightly.
"Was that dance not good enough farewell?" You roll your eyes. Your one heel is easy to find, the other takes a moment to slip on sounding strained as you bend over to put it on.
"Like I said; That was just for you." Crosshair doesn't respond, looking away as his pursed lips twitch in thought. It takes a moment to adjust the hem of your dress, before you feel ready enough to reach for the door.
You quickly rush to grab your things and say goodnight to everyone, attempting to defuse any curious questions as to your absence post performance. Tech tries to inquire as to Crosshair's absence, but the sniper quickly snips the conversation stating he just needed to tell you something, before saying he needs to grab a taxi and removes himself from the firing line for anymore questions.
And now he needs to bring you home, conveniently enough.
Wrecker seems disappointed that two members of the party are leaving, but once more food and drinks arrive in front of him he quickly gets over it. He'll probably be too drunk to remember most of the night anyways, and Hunter will end up the same if Tech doesn't cut him off.
After getting a 'stay safe' from Hunter it's a quick jaunt outside into the cool evening air, when Crosshair is standing with a hailed Taxi stopped right behind him. He's looking right at you, leaning against the outside as you come closer.
"All finished?" He says, arms crossed. You watch as he moves to the side to let you in, and you just look up at him and smile as you slip in, saying:
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daydreamingyuta · 1 year
Jaehyun Finally Admits his Feelings
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You and Jaehyun have been friends for what feels like forever. You two have always felt very comfortable around each other and over time you two have become inseparable. You guys were always together and when you finally stopped to think about it one day, it really shocked you. You weren’t the type to spend too much time with anyone for too long, you really valued your alone time. But being with Jaehyun was different then being with anyone else. 
Being friends with Jaehyun meant that you were also friends with his friends. You were the closest to Johnny and considered him one of your best friends along with Jaehyun. Johnny always made little comments towards you and Jaehyun, insinuating that he was just waiting for you guys to finally admit your feelings for each other. Every time Johnny did this, you just laughed it off. You had no clue that every time you did that, Jaehyun’s heart would break a little. 
You had no idea that Jaehyun liked you, and you had never thought of him in that way. This was not because you were oblivious, you were actually really good at picking up on hints, but Jaehyun did absolutely everything to ensure that you never found out about his crush. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin his precious friendship with you. He really cherished it because it is so rare that you find someone you are so comfortable with. Someone who you can be your true self around no matter what. Johnny didn’t even know about Jaehyun’s feelings, Johnny just says those things to mess with you guys. 
Two nights ago Jaehyun had a dream while he was sleeping. It was one of those dreams that feels so real and a part of him wasn’t even sure that it was a dream at first. He had dreamt that you and him were slow dancing in the living room to a song that you both loved. That’s all he could remember when he woke up but the thought of it filled his heart so much love and joy. 
This dream was in the back of his mind all day long. Every time it popped back up in his mind he couldn’t help but have the biggest smile on his face. He made the mistake of doing this around Johnny.
“Why are you so smiley?” Johnny asked
Jaehyun came back to reality. “huh?”
“Your walking around with huge grin on you face. You look like a weirdo”
“I’m not allowed to be happy?”
“No, you are, but I want to know why your so happy.”
Usually Jaehyun would just divert the conversation, but for the first time he actually really wanted to tell Johnny everything. So he did. 
Johnny stared at Jaehyun with a shocked smile on his face.
“I don’t know why you are so shocked Johnny, your the one that’s always saying that we should just admit out feelings for each other!”
He laughs, taken aback, “I was just joking! I would have never said those things if I knew this! Does y/n feel the same way?”
“No, and she probably never will.”
“Woah wait don’t say that. Your a great guy and she clearly loves you, she’s been your friend for years now.”
“Yeah but I’ve spent the last 3 of those years trying everything I can to make sure she never found out about my feelings towards her.” 
“3 years?! No wonder a dream made you break. You have it bad for her dude. You have to tell her.”
“I know.” Jaehyun says unsure of how he could possibly tell you his true feelings. 
Two days later you are getting ready at your place to go out to dinner with Jaehyun. You two tried to have dinner together at least twice a week. This was getting harder because of Jaehyun’s busy schedule but he always made time for you. He came to pick you up and drive you guys to the restaurant. Immediately you could tell something was off. It was almost as if he was nervous. You figured it was something to do with work and he would probably tell you once you get in the restaurant so you didn’t say anything to him just yet. 
At dinner was still acting strange and refusing to say anything about it. He was dropping his silverware and fumbling with his words. Jaehyun never acted like this. What was even stranger was that he wasn’t telling you what was wrong. When he spills his water for the second time tonight you couldn’t wait any longer, you had to ask him what was wrong. 
“Jaehyun, are you okay?”
He starts to nod his head yes but stops himself.
“I’m just a little nervous.”
“Nervous? Are you anxious about something going on with work?”
“No I jus- You look really pretty tonight y/n” Jaehyun admits. 
You were wearing an outfit you wear all the time. You hair was the same it always was and you didn’t do anything new with you makeup.
“Well If I look pretty right now, you must always think I look pretty because this is how I always look.” You joked. 
You gave him the same laugh you give when Johnny suggests that you and Jaehyun should be a couple. You watch as Jaehyun’s smile fades. Before you can say anything to him the waitress brings the check and you can tell that he is trying to distract himself by taking a unusually long time looking in his wallet for his card. 
You realize then that Jaehyun was trying to compliment you and you just brushed off his nice words without even a thank you. You weren’t trying to be rude, it was just rare to get a compliment from him so you weren’t used to it. 
“Jae, I’m sorry I didn’t realize that you were trying to compliment me. It was nice what you said. Your my friend, I would never try to laugh at you on purpose. I’m just confused why, you thinking I look pretty tonight, would make you nervous.”
He gives you a small smile and gets up. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah, sure” You respond confused. 
On the car ride back to his place, Jaehyun was mentally kicking himself. Nothing had gone to plan. If he just hadn’t been so nervous everything would have been perfect. He had planned to tell you everything. perfectly explaining how he felt and hoping that you would feel the same way back. But all he did was make himself feel stupid and make you confused. 
When you get to his place, you go to your usual place on his couch. Jaehyun wanted to go change into more comfy clothes. While he was gone, you couldn’t stop thinking about how weird dinner and the car ride was. Alone with your thoughts, you came to the conclusion that Jaehyun must have feelings for you. That was the only way to explain how he was acting. But each time you came to that conclusion you shut it down. People didn’t develop feelings overnight and you were absolutely positive that he didn’t have feelings for you before. Right? I mean it’s not like you would be apposed to the ideal, Jaehyun is such an amazing person, you just never allowed your self to think about anything romantic happening between you two because you never thought that it was a possibility. 
While Jaehyun was in his room changing, he also decided to give himself a little pep talk. “Stop being so weird. Just act normal, you have gone three years hiding your feelings towards her, you can go one more day. Considering how everything has been going it’s probably best that I don’t tell her anything today.”
Feeling like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, he walks out feeling much better. When he gets to the living room he sees you messing with his record player. You decided to play some music. But It wasn’t just any song that you decided to play, it was the same song in the dream he had. You of course had no idea about the dream that he had, but hearing this song stopped Jaehyun in his tracks. The song choice wasn’t completely shocking because this was actually a song that you both loved but he couldn’t help but feel like this was a sign. 
Sitting down on the couch, he could feel his nerves coming back. You come and sit right next to him. 
“I missed this song, I feel like I haven’t heard it in forever.” You say.
“Yeah me too. Well- no, I actually had a dream about this song the other night.”
“Oh really! Tell me about it.” You say excited. Dreams were one of your favorite topics to talk about with Jaehyun. 
“Orrr I could show you instead.” He says getting up. 
“Show me?”
Jaehyun smiles down at you and holds out his hand. You look at him confused for a second. He extends his hand out a little further trying to get you to take it. You do this time, and you get up off the couch. 
He brings his other hand to your waist and you two start gently swaying to the song. 
“This was your dream?” you ask unable to hid your smile and the blush that is making your cheeks red. The butterflies in your stomach going crazy. 
Jaehyun nods and smiles. He then wraps his arms arounds you and pulls you close to him. Your face is against his soft hoodie and you can smell his cologne. You two sway until the song is finished. 
When the song ends, unsure if you wanted to even be dancing with him in the first place, he starts to step away. You pull him back in as the next song starts. 
“I don’t want to stop just yet Jae.”
He smiles into your hair, unable to contain his joy. 
“I don’t want to stop either.” 
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sevcasejay1chicago · 10 months
sweetheart if you don't mind ofc Whould you write me a imagine of me and Will Halstead pliss
Refrigerator Light- Will Halstead
Summary: After locking eyes at Molly’s three years ago, you find yourself slow dancing in the refrigerator light with your husband, Will Halstead.
Warnings: none really. Hints to drinking and morning sickness, but nothing blatantly obvious.
Authors note: Writing for Will is a bit out of my wheelhouse, but I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the wait!
The first time you met Will Halstead was across the bar at Molly’s. It was karaoke night, so Stella and Brett forced you onto the small stage after a few drinks to help convince you a bit easier. You sang “Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Elvis, but in a female key. Will had barely been paying attention to the karaoke as everyone that got up there was pretty mediocre and couldn’t catch his attention. However, as soon as you started singing, Will stopped talking mid sentence and turned his back to Jay and some of the other intelligence unit in favor of watching you. He was so mesmerized that he missed the way Jay and some of the other occupants at the table started joking about love at first sight and what not. They were right.
You had your eyes closed as you sang until you felt a pair of eyes burning into you. You slowly slipped your eyes open and scanned the crowded bar until you locked eyes with Will Halstead. You had heard of him and passed by him in the ED when you and Brett dropped off patients, but Brett was more of a talker and normally filled the docs in while you stocked the ambo. You recognized him immediately and he recognized you. You felt an emotion that you haven’t felt before. Like you finally found your home, your answer to living. Something clicked when you finally locked eyes and there was no denying the fact that you found love at first sight.
Anyone in the bar that was paying a bit of attention noticed the change in the atmosphere. The song went from you just singing it to having meaning to you for someone in that bar. The emotions in your voice gave it away to those who were paying attention, but what you did once you finished singing sealed it for those that were pretty oblivious. Once you finished, you put the microphone back on its stand and pushed your way through the crowd, Will doing the same. When you finally reached each other, you noticed he was just slightly taller than you as you peered up at him with a grin.
“Hi.” You whispered, letting Will take you by the waist and pull you closer as someone else got up and followed your love song with another slow one.
“Hey.” Will whispered back, bringing his face closer to yours.
The connection was palpable. A warmth was spreading from the two of you as you danced, your arms wrapped around his neck as his wrapped around your waist. For the majority of the song, you guys slow danced and stared into each other’s eyes. Unknown to the two if you, Stella, Brett, Jay, and Kim were all snapping pictures of the two of you. They knew this was going to be a forever thing. Luckily, they believed it because now, a picture of the first kiss you shared at the end of that song is on the mantle next to your wedding picture.
Now, 3 years later, Will finds his pregnant wife standing in the dark kitchen at 3 am. The only light on is coming from the refrigerator in an attempt to not wake your sleeping husband, but the baby wanted pickles, peanut butter, and vanilla ice cream. So, here you were, eating while illuminated by the refrigerator light, knowing you would regret falling for the craving, but you couldn’t sleep until you fulfilled it.
Will walks up behind you and slides his arms around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder. “Now, Mrs. Halstead, why are we eating like a little gremlin at 3am and not in bed?” He teases, lightly rubbing the slight bump under one of his shirts you slipped on.
You didn’t even bother turning around when you answered, instead you leaned into your husband. “Well, Mr. Halstead, your little gremlin child wanted this and I wasn’t going to be able to sleep until I fed the peanut.” You said, matter of factly around a bite of your concoction.
Will chuckled and kissed your cheek. “First of all, it’s DOCTOR Halstead. Second of all, that’s disgusting.” Will said, finally getting a good look at what you were eating.
You shrugged, putting another spoonful in your mouth before replying. “Not my idea. The gremlin. It’s the gremlin.” You said, shaking your head. “It’s actually not bad.”
Will grunted as he watched you finish what you had left. “Your gonna be saying something different in the morning.” Will commented, inwardly cringing as he thought about the start you would have to your morning in a few hours.
You shrugged, resigned to your fate. “You’ll be there. I’ll hate it and I’ll panic, but you’ll be there and it’s all worth it for this little munchkin.” You replied, glancing through the kitchen doorway as you leaned fully into Will, catching the pictures on the mantle. “For now, dance with me.” You said, turning around and looking up at your husband.
Will chuckled, looking at the time and then back to you. “Baby. It’s 3am and we have no music.” Will pointed out, pulling you into his chest anyways, mostly out of instinct. It was weird to feel that slight divide between the two of you from baby Halstead showing up some, but Will held you as close as possible anyways.
You thought for a moment before giving Will a small, almost bashful grin. Then, you started singing the song that you fell in love to. Will pulled you as close as possible as you rested your head on his chest. Will swayed you both around the kitchen until the song was over, then he leaned down to kiss you. He didn’t comment on the taste of your lips after the little snack you just finished. He just held you and kissed you like he did when you first clicked that night. All in the light from the refrigerator.
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xleeleeboox · 2 years
gareth headcannons :)
Idk i dont think there are any warnings really, gn!reader, eddie steals something, a lot of fluffy stuff and random stuff please tell me how to spell headcannon thanks PLEASE read my note at the end too :) 
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815 words 
I fully agree with the headcannon of his having anger issues, but he can control it much better now in his later years of highschool since I believe he uses his drums as an outlet
I also headcannon (is it two n’s or one?? Is there a space??) that he has sisters, but one older and one younger
Spends time with the little sister much more often and fights with the older one
Has both parents but the dad is literally always gone working and mom is just always somewhere in the house or out
I think Gareth gets flustered easily
I also think he cries more than any of the other boys in hellfire 
Like he’s not gonna cry at just anything but if something hurts, he’s gonna cry, when this happens he just wants to hide his face because he thinks that it’s embarrassing
Calls you over when he is having a bad day just so he can bury his head somewhere on your body, your neck, shoulder, chest, back, stomach, thighs, oh god the thighs make him stop crying every single time
You will be sitting on the edge of his bed or smth and he pushes your knees together and then buries his head there, sure he can’t breath but that’s what helps slow it down right lol
Would get a bumper sticker that says “thick thighs saves lives” but never puts it anywhere
Eddie finds it and puts it on Gareth’s car, or takes it for his own van
Probably has a few pins on his cut off flannel that eddie got for him as a gift 
He didn’t buy them he stole them but Gareth doesn’t know that
Gareth likes all kinds of music and slow dances to 60’s love songs with you in his kitchen at night
One day his family was out to dinner and a movie and Gareth wanted you over, his parents said yes, but they haven’t met you yet and when his family came home you two were dancing in the kitchen, holding each other with your foreheads against each other smiling with your eyes closed and his mom looked into the window from afar seeing you two, back handed his dad on the chest and said “hun look, i think we gotta meet this person” 
Gareth is so in love with you and will show it he does not care
He pulls you onto his lap all the time
You cling onto his forearm and upper arm aaallllll the time and he is such a sucker, he literally melts especially if you are at the lunch table tired and gripping on his arm while laying your head on his shoulder, he moves to tangle his fingers with yours and kisses the top of your head
The rest of the table makes grossed out noises and you just smile with your eyes closed 
Anything you do that shows you are comfortable with him he melts
Sing around him please even if you can’t sing well, he’s still gonna think that it was good because you are literally perfect in his eyes
I feel like Gareth got some connection with hippies, either his mom/dad is one, or you are, oh if you are a hippie or have that style just know that he planned your wedding already
Probably has baby names picked out already because he does want kids and he does want to get married, but only if it is you
Probably slept with a nightlight for the longest time and is still lowkey creeped out by the dark (same bby)
When you spend the night and need something that’s not already in his room, he will go walking through the rest of the dark house just for you 
Tries not to look into the darkness because he’s convinced he will see something 
Every time you come over or hang out with Gareth, you pull through a drive through for some fast food and a Dr. Pepper because yes i do firmly believe he loves Dr. Pepper
He likes cream soda, cherry and grape flavored candy,
hates lemon scented cleaning products because his mom always disinfected everything with it when he or his sisters were sick, not fun times,
Doesn’t like watermelon :/ 
Broken his arm and had a red and black cast, he insisted on the two colors rather than just the one, cried when they had to saw it off like they do with casts, kept it in his closet and has like two signatures on it, he was 11 probably 
Does not sing in the shower, a psychopath 
He only kind of likes scary movies, if they are actually good, does not like comedy movies, but likes action and adventure and all that 
He would be a fan of marvel i know it
Uses pens but carries pencils just in case 
Let me know if you want more because im sure i have tons more random headcannons on gareth, do we want other characters? Hmu and let me know who you want headcannons like this for, will do
Hellfire as a group
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lovebombs4life · 8 months
would love to see something from calum’s pov, maybe how he feels being in love with y/n? how it is for him do to daily things with her, holding her…
paper rings - c.t.h.
requested: yes!! i’m in a very soft mood thinking of calum - this is a bit of a blurb :)
a/n: this is from calum’s pov :))
calum is so babygirl
cw: none that i can tell :)
eleven years ago, i met my best friend, and light of my life, y/n y/l/n. she was so incredibly kind, and her smile was so bright. i knew right then and there i never wanted to let her go.
we started dating a month later, entranced in each other. she told me all her secrets, and i told her all mine. we picked up on each others habits, almost becoming the same people.
as we’ve grown together, i admired her more and more every second of the day. the way her cheeks would get rosy, her hair falling so perfectly, the shining look in her eyes after we’d kiss, how she’d always scream every word to her favorite songs.
when i went on tour, i always brought her with. i never wanted to leave y/n’s side for that long. i got custom made outfits for her so we’d match.
it was one of our last shows in europe, and i was wearing my green star tank, and a pair of black cargos. she wore the same thing, only in her size. we even had matching shoes.
her tank was cropped and hugged her body perfectly. i stole glances at her any chance i got when performing. my heart soared when o saw her singing along, looking up at me the whole time.
the fans loved her, and she would go out of her way to get security and take pictures with them. i admired the way that she was so loving towards everyone.
when tour was done, we flew home, finally relaxing with each other. i loved holding her small frame close to me, and the way she held onto my arms.
she would trace my tattoos, and always told my she wanted to get my initials tattooed on her wrist. i talked her out of it, and instead drew her a flower, with ‘i love you’ in my handwriting.
the instant she saw it, she got it tattooed. she’d done the same for me, drawing little stars instead of a flower.
for her birthday, we took a trip back to her hometown. we had a picnic in the park, and watched the stars from her parents backyard. i had brought out a speaker, playing music as we slow danced in the glow of the moonlight.
i hasn’t even planned to do it yet, but the moment felt so perfect. i proposed to her right then and there. she said yes, jumping into my arms and crying. when we had gone back inside, we discovered her parents watched the whole thing.
when the wedding came around, y/n was terrified something would go wrong. i told her it was all in her head, and even if something went wrong, we still had each other in the end.
three days before the wedding, she found out she was pregnant. we kept it a secret, and tried not to seem suspicious that she wasn’t drinking.
y/n was so scared that her dress would end up being too tight, but i told her she’d look beautiful either way, not to mention when we took the ultrasound, they told us she was only two weeks pregnant.
we spent our honeymoon in milan, relaxing for a week. neither of us drank, but we didn’t need to. we were drunk on each others presence. i admired how she glowed each and every day, looking even more beautiful somehow.
it seemed crazy, but i truly worshipped the ground she walked on. i loved everything she did. her eyes were so beautiful, and her nose was so perfect. her smile made me melt, always making me feel like the first day we started dating.
when our daughter was born, i fell in love with y/n even more. she had motherly instincts instantly. i adored the little girl that was my daughter.
y/n was such a perfect mother. late at night when she would cry, thinking she wasn’t doing enough, i’d hold her, reassuring her. she was such a perfect woman.
i’ve never loved a person more than i love y/n, and our beautiful daughter.
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cherryblossomlion · 2 months
Toxic Yuri Drabble, part 2
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This is my version of a meet cute...
First part here:
It’s almost morning when Akemi sees the murder.
She’d left everyone behind at the club hours ago and ignored all the texts and calls that come after. Too much time in a crowd and something starts to build in her, something that needs to get out. The same thing that builds in her when she's been in the same place too long, the reason this is her third university in as many years.
Ise hates when Akemi does this, says one of these days she's going to get herself killed, but she does it anyway. Besides, she likes it at night. Likes being by herself in a crowd, or when it thins out, in the darkest part of it. If she does get herself killed, maybe that would be interesting. 
She took some pills from the guy Ise's been pushing on her, her boyfriend's friend Taigen. It just turns out to be Adderall, so she just gets kind of overly clear and grinds her teeth as she walks and walks and walks– Akemi never really wears heels. They might keep her from going.
Someone follows her for a little while, but loses interest when Akemi stops and turns to face him. He’s just a middle aged white man. She pulls a switchblade from the pocket of her hoodie and flips it open. She thinks about it a lot, how someone small like her could kill someone bigger. Hasn’t had any practice. 
Ise’s probably right. But maybe one of these days Akemi will kill someone.
The man turns away after considering her for a bit. Akemi knows it's not because she's a threat, just too much trouble.
She doesn't see anyone for an hour after that. Birds start to sing, even though the sky hasn't started to brighten yet. It's the only time you can hear them in the city.
Her shadow slides into sharper relief as it spills from ambient light into the brightness of a streetlamp, which flickers off as she passes through it. A moment later it flickers back on, picking out an overturned garbage can, spilling its contents into the street. She has an urge to kick it, empty it completely, but it seems wrong to violate the silence. Instead, she steps around it, until a movement in her periphery draws her attention.
There are people in the alley.
They look like they're dancing, the two figures, a strange dance in which they both face the same direction. Everything else about them is reversed. The taller one, the one whose face was hooked into the other’s shoulder, is a woman, the man small relative to her. She holds him like a puppet, elbows held out akimbo– then it comes together. She’s strangling him.
There's no sound at all. Even the birds have paused their song. The man who’s being strangled can't even get out enough air to choke. His limbs stutter, he struggles to make contact with the figure behind him, and the woman circles him around. All of the sudden Akemi is facing them both. 
Her eyes are blue. Akemi can tell that even from here, the color is so bright. 
When she manages to drag her eyes away from them she notices the man looks like the one that had followed her.
Akemi's not hiding, and she doesn't try to. Even though everything is bright and clear and slow, she's not afraid. Akemi watches the killer watch her as she finishes killing her victim. Watches the color in the victim's face fade. He reaches out to her, once. The killer is still watching when the body slides to the ground.
The killer steps whole, tall and long-boned, into the spill of streetlight. Her hair is gathered in a low bun, and she's wearing loose, dark clothing. Not black, Akemi realizes, when the killer gets closer. Indigo.
There's still no sound as the killer approaches Akemi, her movements muscular, intent written into them. She's going to kill me, Akemi thinks with fascination. It’s only now that she spots the knife in the killer’s hand.
It gets slower, and clearer. Akemi takes her switchblade out of her pocket again, but all the tension breaks when she pushes the button and it flourishes open, the tinny sound echoing down the alley. 
Akemi laughs. It's so stupid. There’s no way she could take this person.
The killer stops a foot away from her, inclines her head. Akemi has to look up. She must be six feet tall. 
“Twins,” says Akemi, gesturing with her knife, towards the killer’s, because it's already stupid.
All of the sudden the woman is standing over her, and Akemi’s face is in her grip– her hand is hot, almost fevered. She’s closer than ever to her face, diamond-shaped and clear and young. Not quite androgynous. Those eyes, that unnatural blue.
She feels the killer's blade against her neck.
“Beautiful,” Akemi whispers, even though the killer is as close to handsome as she is to beautiful, her dark brows like crow's wings, her mouth more carved than soft.
Akemi feels more alive than she maybe ever has before, every nerve and cell in her lit up. More in the spirit of reciprocity than anything, She takes her silly little switchblade and presses it to the killer's own neck, which is long and golden and swan-like.
She leans into her grip, into the thin kiss of steel. This is what she'd been looking for, all this time. This is a good ending. Turns out Ise was right.
It doesn’t end, though.
The killer just studies her face for a long, long moment, and releases it, and lets her go. Leaves her alone in the alley, hidden from the morning’s creeping light, with the afterglow of blue floating in her eyes.
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jwonsociety · 2 years
lovestruck // chapter 2
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pairing ➼ brother's best friend!niki x fem!reader
genre ➼ strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, kind of crack because y/n's internal narration is very silly, sunoo is y/n's older brother
word count ➼ 0.7k
warnings ➼ profanity, y/n is an idiot
synopsis ➼ As the younger sister of the smart and popular Kim Sunoo, you’ve gotten used to living life as a background character. You mostly keep to yourself, you don't go to parties, and you most certainly do not have a boyfriend. One day, Sunoo brings home one of his friends and encourages you two to get to know each other… the fact that said friend is extremely cute definitely won’t be an issue, right?
taglist!! ➼ @kaal-ee @naexity @sd211 @yenqa
a/n ➼ here's chapter 2!! this one is a short one but I promise chapter 3 will come quickly~ hope u guys enjoy!!
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After Niki went home later that night, you made it your personal mission to learn every possible thing about him. From your brief encounter with him in the kitchen earlier (which you may or may not have replayed in your head on an endless loop for the rest of the night), you were able to discern three things: First, he has two sisters, ages unknown. You immediately decided that this was a green flag -- he was probably able to get along with women well. Seeing as you were, in fact, a woman, it all aligned perfectly. Second, dancing was his ultimate passion in life. Seriously, thirteen years of his life devoted to one thing? That’s pretty fucking passionate. You liked passion, and dancers (apparently). Third and finally, he was super cute. Okay, to be fair, that’s something you could gauge just by looking at him for more than half a second, but it was still an important aspect to you.
You had also spent a considerable amount of time that night staring at your ceiling trying to convince yourself that you did not have a crush on your brother’s friend, you just really appreciated his talent. And his face. You know, the minutiae of it didn’t really matter.
You grabbed your phone from your nightstand and unlocked it. You opened Instagram, figuring that you would probably be able to find him on there. Once you type his name into the search bar, his account popped up immediately -- @nishimura.niki. Simple. Effective. You approved.
You clicked on his profile. Unsurprisingly, you were greeted with a plethora of dancing videos, most of them taken in the same black dance studio. That must be his family’s studio, you thought to yourself. You clicked on the most recent post.
In this video, Niki was wearing a plain white tee and classic gray sweatpants. You turned up the volume of your phone and you instantly recognized the opening notes of “MOVE” by Taemin. When he began to dance, you were done for.
It was like the music breathed life into Niki’s body. Every movement he made was crisp and confident, as if he were not a dancer, but merely an extension of the song itself. You could now understand why people described dance as an art form. Niki was a breathing Renaissance painting. The choreography was slow and sultry, and every motion was like a brush striking a canvas. You could tell that this was what the boy was born to do.
You were so absorbed by Niki’s technique that you hadn’t realized you had let the video loop multiple times. You scrolled down, determined to watch more of his dancing. You discovered that Niki’s abilities were very versatile; he had covered everything from BTS to Big Bang to Twice (the latter of which you found very entertaining). You had managed to scroll all the way to a video posted in 2019 when your finger slipped and you liked it by accident.
“Oh God. No no no no no no,” you hissed, scrambling to unlike it. You threw your phone onto the bed beside you and stared at it wide-eyed. 
“Maybe he didn’t see it,” you whispered aloud to yourself. “Maybe he’s asleep.”
What kind of high schooler is asleep at eight-thirty? You had to be honest with yourself. The damage was done and you knew that. But still, under the guise of your own delusion, you repeated the thought over and again, as if it would somehow make it true. Maybe he was asleep. Maybe he was asleep. Maybe he--
Tentatively, you reached over and picked up your phone. It was probably just another IOS update notification. Those were the majority of notifications that you got, anyways. You typed in your password and silently prayed.
[Instagram] @nishimura.niki wants to message you.
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By the time you typed and sent that last message, your heart was pounding. Niki was fully aware of the fact that you were creepily stalking him only a few hours after meeting each other. God, you were so embarrassed. An anxious knot formed in your gut, yet… Niki didn’t seem put off by what you did. In fact, he seemed happy. You couldn’t help but smile into the darkness of your room as you were going to sleep.
You hadn’t figured Niki out yet, but you were excited to try.
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