#and if that's too stressful then I'd personally rather just be told 'hey you should probably bring your own food'
bluesey-182 · 3 months
the amount of people I've encountered who think that "organic" and "gluten free" are the same thing would almost be funny, if i didn't have celiac and therefore have to worry that someone's good intentions were going to make me violently ill bc they made something with organic but not gluten free ingredients
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ayayabaroque · 1 year
Tears, Laughter, Sorrow.
corny, pero wla ako mapost e wla akong no choice last march pa 'to sa drafts CW: Angst? mostly none, corny writing, i hate writing esp since i cant think of anything good/this is why i dont post anymore ffs Spoilers for Lantern Rite '23, not sure if i mention anything but yk its just to be safe A/N: i love school, but i went from rank 1 to rank 3 and i absolutely hate everything and everyone im going to cry sorry for not posting anything recently(and ever), and as usual, English isn't my first language, so please don't have any high hopes for this piece. I might go back to completing the Slowly series but im not feeling well since i last went on here to write a serious fic Read utc!
*:・゚✧ Zhongli *:・゚✧ "Would you live to see Liyue's downfall, or always relive the one most painful moment you have felt in your lifetime?" You pause, thinking on an answer to your friend's question. "The latter. Liyue's downfall won't happen for another thousand years, I doubt that any of you would be attending my funeral any time soon." Your friend tears up at the thought. "Right... yeah probably right." "I'm kidding of course! An endless time loop would keep me stressed, I'd rather have you by my side." ... "I'm... relieved? Hey listen, it's getting late, you should be getting home. I'll see you tomorrow." It was unlikely for your friend to suggest to leave this early, but you don't mind, as long as you see them again tomorrow. Then again, it was too tiring to walk home just right now, maybe you could walk around the harbor, after all, you and your friend have been playing by the docks all day, without anything better to do. "I should be getting home back to Zhongli." you mutter. Although cold, the air in Liyue would always smell of various floral scents, specifically the Glaze Lily. You hated Glaze Lilies. There wasn't one word in the dictionary that could describe how much you loathe these cyan-petal, night-blooming lilies as much as you possibly could. Well, truth be told, you hated the person Zhongli associates with these blooms, and it drives you insane. Guizhong, Zhongli's late friend before the Archon War, used to be so close to him. He would return late from his ventures with his friend in tow that he forgets to come home to you every single time. You couldn't really argue with the reasoning he has, since he is more of your superior rather than a lover. It's been so long since he spent time with you without reminiscing about Guizhong, probably a little over your 429th birthday. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention you were old? The more Zhongli leaves you to mourn Guizhong's day of death on your day of birth, you resort to laughter every time he comes home instead. The false joy of seeing him return home after a mournful day which he marks Guizhong's passing, your laughter behind the façade you show for your lover. "How's Guizhong been? Any response yet?" you muse. "I prefer you not adding salt to my wound." "Oh yeah, you guys ended on rather good terms, it would be a shame if I were to slander her in front of her good friend." The statement always seems to make Zhongli seethe with fury, and it looks like he's had enough of your insults and remarks. "A true shame you did not get to know her, or were you busy burning away your lifetime serving false gods?" "You know well better than to bring my past stature into this conversation." It pains you to think about your past, when your parents sold you off to a minor god for wealth, leaving you to rot in the god's hands. "I'm tired, I do not wish to make this into a heated argument. Go to bed." ... "I honestly wish it was you instead of Guizhong, I miss her dearly." That was what made this memory painful, it was what made you cry in the eve, and sob in the morn. In the end, when you were asked the same question years ago, immortality seemed like a dream, now turned into a living nightmare. You only wish to awake from this horrible dream, again, and again, and again. "So... Would you live to see Liyue's downfall, or always relive the one most painful moment you have felt in your lifetime?" The question that would mark another day of the loop, spent in misery and sorrow. The days you've spent celebrating your birth over, and over again. "Happy 7,329th birthday, to me."
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sleepydreamybunny · 8 months
sometimes i don't like my birthday
I think I've realized that if I have to plan something for my birthday, I'd rather not do anything and I don't know how to verbalize this in a way that won't hurt people's feelings. I understand why people are like "Oh let's celebrate your birthday, we could do A, we could do B, what if we did C? And let's do it sometime this weekend! Just let me know when!" If it's someone's birthday, then it makes sense to get their input. If you want to celebrate them, then it should be in a way that they would enjoy.
I'm just so fucking exhausted. I have to plan and coordinate everything for work, and most things for my family because god forbid they communicate well. If something is for me, I don't want to have to deal with it. I want to just..show up and enjoy it. Which of course is no help to the other person who's trying to be thoughtful and considerate. And I can't just tell someone "I want to do something for my birthday but I don't really care what we do," because that would stress me the hell out if the tables were turned. If I could have limited options, that would be easier. Lunch or dinner? Restaurant A or restaurant B? is so much more manageable than coming up with an entire fucking plan from scratch. Especially when I'm not expecting it. It doesn't help that I'm the planner and the organizer for most of the people around me, which I do only because I have anxiety a lot of the time and I need to know what's going on. It's really gotten to the point where if I have to do any part of the coordinating, I feel like it's not for me anymore. It's for everyone else.
And that's not to say I won't help! If you can give me a list and a couple days' notice, sure I can get my own cake and candles and xyz ingredients. But when it's the night before and you've decided tomorrow we need to do dinner for all the month's birthdays so figure out what cake you want and where to get and get it for tomorrow but actually I need to call an aunt and a cousin so don't get anything until I text you, I'd rather we just not do anything. Then there's the texts (god I hate the texts) hey, just checking in. we need a few more things for tonight! and that's all I get? No list, no indication of what we need? since you're getting the cake, grab some extra stuff! I'm getting the cake? You never told me what aunt and cousin said, so not only am I getting a cake, I don't know how much cake to get and I don't know what extra things we need. All on top of rounding up gifts and cards so now I'm spending extra money I wasn't planning on.
And gifts. I don't know why my family makes it so difficult for gifts. It was always well, give me a list. So I would, and it would always be, you have too many books, I'm not getting you more. You already have craft stuff, you don't need more. None of this is anything you actually need. Oh? Your car needs an oil change? Well that's not really a good present so I won't get you that or just give you cash for it. No, a gift card is so impersonal, I can't just give you a gift card.
At the end of it, I usually just want a fucking break but that's not an option either.
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tin-umi · 8 months
Ah.. don't know how I want to start. Spending almost my entire year hanging, talking, laughing, crying, angry with you. Everything.. was the best thing in my life ever after my 12 years incident. Honestly, felt like you cured my past away and told me to just keep looking ahead and go brighter. I wished the same for you too and would always stick around watch you grow better and better with your decisions.
Every time you'd just catch me feeling upset and you'd always remind me to not think that way. Even when you're not around I can just imagine you're always beside me to remind me these things.
I messed up. I'm so insecure. I broken your trust, your heart. I always victimize myself. Every single day I blame myself. I still do and god knows how long I'll keep acting this way after what I've just done to you.
Why did I do it? It hurt seeing you with 'him' when I really thought it's okay and not think about it. I was so close to get through it but when I saw you guys it's just.. painful. The same 'guy' who did all those and ran away but I get the biggest hit. I couldn't take it anymore that I let dark side of me take over and just.. decide to ruin a life. I didn't tell your partner everything. I only told what I saw and how I was worried back in May. I also told him my behalf of my fuck ups. Honestly, if I were to mention anything to your partner it should've just been my fuck up only nothing else. Felt like I was the only friend that can actually befriend with him especially how low his reputation is around your friends.
I expected too much. Way too much. Giving space is what I'm really bad at. I tried my best to give space but I don't know how? I get frustrated when I hear nothing and just become dumber.
I sent a message to your friends. A was first. S was second. M was last and longest. The next person would've been you but rather leaving a message, it's more of let's talk. I mainly told them about my behaviour and my boundaries is beyond. I should've been more approachable rather relying on you all the time because I felt like I've just been throwing you more stress. On top of that is my apology and me understanding if I'm unforgiven for my actions.
I fucked up so hard I let my anger and sad emotions just take over me to repeatedly act more stupid. more and more. i just CANTT WITH MYSELF it hurts so much. this pain never goes away and i just lost a dearest friend again. this trauma is just coming back to me with a similar scenario. my self awareness is so shit. i have no trust in myself. i have no trust in friends. i hate myself. this is why she disappeared on me because of how immature i am and now ive lost you too. if i cant prove any better than why should i bother living.
..I don't know what to do. I'm overthinking but I'm also fucking myself over and over and over i just..
I treated you like an object and hearing that will always run in my head knowing i didn't make you happy at all.
I'm sorry.
I ruined my dream person's life.
I ruined someone I really loved in my life even though I'd always support their relationship.
I'll never be forgiven. I'll never be trusted. I'll never see the good side of me again.
there's so much more i want to say to you but my mental is so shit i cant think anymore.
This is all my fault. Not yours. And if you keep saying it's your mistake; it really isn't.
Please be okay from today onwards.
0 notes
soradragon · 3 years
I have a reauest if you have the time! Shinsou and Reader where Reader isn't scared of Shinsou's quirk and talks to him a lot and Shinsou is like "Nice person? Is this love?" (Tbh, I'd rather it end with just friends, but if you want romance then go for it) PS: Will you write for female characters if it isn't romantic?
Soup To Heal The Aches
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You were very odd in Shinso’s eyes. A transfer student who’s not even in his class keeps seeking him out to hang out. And you don’t seem to be afraid of him. After finding out you just want to be his friend, he has come to welcome your presence. Making his life brighter. Until one day you suddenly don’t show up.
Thank you for your request my dear @kawayuni !! I absolutely loved writing this fic!! And yes! I’ll write for female characters if it’s platonic like friendship! I also write for characters without reader like for example a fic about baku squad hanging out at the beach for example!
This is a platonic x reader fic but you can also see it as romantical however you wanna see it! ^^
Anyway! Come chat with me about fun things or story ideas! my box and dms are always open for you guys!
Warnings; angst with a happy end!
Shinso x gender neutral reader (in what way is for you to decide!^^)
Check out my main masterlist if you liked what you read!
If you want to be tagged in the next upcomming fic don’be afraid to ask me!^^
Please leave a little comment or reblog to let me know you liked it! I greatly appreciate it!^^
Anyway, enjoy^^
You were a mystery to him, an odd, peculiar student, you were so different from the rest, a big contrast to the other students.
Ever since you transferred to UA, you've been stuck to Shinso like glue, going to him with all your questions, sitting next to him in lunches etc. Which was quite strange since the two of you were not in the same class. You could have gone to any of your classmates, some even went up to you to offer their help. Yet you politely reclined most of them and went towards Shinso.
You weren't annoying him or crossing some boundaries of his - you've asked if what it was ok if you sat next to him or talked to him, he didn't mind - it just left him confused is all.
After all, you knew what he was capable of, knew that he could use his quirk on you any time he wanted. Yet still, you talked with him, running up to him when you found him admits the horde of students wandering through the hall only to chat and actually listen to his opinions. 
One day, he had asked you why you gravitated towards him when there are so many others you could be hanging out with.
Your response was quite unexpected: Your head had shot up from your lunch, staring at him as if he had just grown five separate heads.
"What..?" you had asked, thinking you hadn't heard him correctly Shinso repeated the question. After a moment of rapid blinking, you started to pout, frowning at your shoes you spoke, "is it so wrong that I just feel comfortable around you? You're nice and easy to talk to, can't that be enough reason to want to be your friend?"
Your words had surprised him, he had to admit. Your reasoning was simple and straightforward, leaving no room for doubt, it left him with a warm feeling. Not that cliche, warm, fluttery feeling characters out of a novel get when they fall in love. No, it didn't feel like that, it was the kind of warmth people get when they finally found someone who understands them, a friend who was trustworthy and wouldn't leave till the end of time. 
It was new... but a good kind of new. 
A couple of months passed, and he had started to accept the fact that you were his friend now. Hanging out most days when both of you were free. 
You sitting in the support class gave you more freedom then Shinso. Thus when he wasn't free because of the amounts of homework he had to do, you would come over to help him out, sitting on his bed while he sat at his desk, mulling over the questions. 
While your feet would dangle in a childlike enthusiasm, you gave him some good points and observations when Shinso was stuck, opening his eyes to different views he hadn't thought of before.
Shinso had become so accustomed of you being next to him that he couldn't think of a future without you by his side. Which is why he now was at such a loss. 
Normally, you would already sit at your usual table at lunch, waiting for him. But when Shinso arrived at the cafeteria, he couldn't find your excited self waving at him. He checked his phone; no messages from you.
Shinso had pushed it to the side though, thinking you were held up by your lecture and you couldn't message him because of reasons. That had to be it.
He convinced himself that it was nothing and took a seat at your usual table, deciding switch things up and wait for you instead.
Surely you would arrive shortly.
You didn't come...
Shinso was more than confused, a bit hurt even.
Why didn't you show up? Did he do something wrong? Didn't you want to be friends anymore?
His thoughts went immediately to the worst, frowning he pushed down. That couldn't be... Surely there was an explanation.
Slight dread pooled inside his stomach, yet he pushed on. Convincing himself you were just busy a-and forgot to tell him, yeah, that got to be it.
Shinsou ruffled his hair to shake him from his doubts.
A thing you used to do when you knew Shinso was getting stressed, doing it himself didn't soothe him like when you did it. It just felt empty.
Shinso shook his head, deciding to wait and see. You would probably meet him when school ends for your daily hangouts, apologizing a hundred times for missing lunch together.
Shinso smirked, thinking about how he could tease you for making him concerned wait.
But when the time came, you weren't there. 
Now worry really started to set in. 
Did he scare you off? Surely he didn't, you firmly told him you didn't mind him and his quirk.
Did he anger you in some way? That couldn't be it either, you were not one to avoid someone after a conflict, trying to resolve it instead.
So many thoughts flooded inside Shinso's mind, each one he had a counter for except one...
You didn't care for him anymore, you didn't want to be friends anymore...
That set his mind in a destructive path, all kind of emotions swirled inside of him, he wanted to cry, panic, scream, find you, run away, so many he couldn't keep up. 
It hurt.
His chest ached, his brain stopped working, it was just a blank space except for a couple words:
It was his fault.
He didn't notice it, but he had slumped down on a bench, staring at nothing while gripping his head. 
Where did he go wrong? Everywhere, of course, why else would you leave. He was broken, awkward and unsocial. You must have gotten sick of his angst, must have gotten sick of his quiet self. Stupid, of course, you left. You deserved friends so much better then he could ever be.
A sudden tap on Shinso's shoulder woke him up, he shot his head up only one word stumbling out of his mouth in the sudden awakening from his trance.
It was a student, one he didn't recognize though.
They panted while trying to form words.
"A-are you...called...Shinsu...?"
Shinso stared at the student for a moment, not fully grasping the situation before nodding slightly. The slip up of his name going unnoticed to Shinso.
The student let out a sigh of relief, "thank god, you have no idea how hard it is to find you, I've been searching for you the entire day."
He said after catching his breath, grinning victoriously to himself like he just won the lottery.
"Y/N told me you wouldn't be hard to miss, boy were they wrong! Doesn't matter, now I'll get free food for a week!"
The boy laughed to himself, but Shinso didn't pay him any attention, your name echoed inside his head.
Shinso asked hesitantly, looking up slightly unsure. 
The boy nodded vigorously, "yes! They asked me to find you and tell you They couldn't meet up today since they're sick! Aaand... their phone fell in the toilet...That phone still smells like the fish from last night..."
"Yeah, there was something wrong in Y/N's food."
"Where are they now?"
"In bed at the campus, dude - hey, where are you going?"
The boy called out with confusion laced in his voice as Shinso rushed towards the dorm without giving the boy a thank you.
His mind was somewhere else, concerned thoughts of you circled around his mind he had to go to you and see if you were ok.
You were rudely awakened from your sleep by a soft knock on the door. You groaned as you rubbed your heavy eyes, "mgnnn...come in..."
The door was slammed open not a second later - which was not good for your searing headache - a worried Shinso barged in afterwards. 
At least he had the mind to close the door softly before rushing to your side.
"Hey Y/N..." 
Shinso mumbled softly, brushing some damp hair out of your face.
You squinted up at him, he had a soft smile on his face and a paper bag in his other hand. 
"...Why do you look like you've run a marathon...?"
You slurred out weakly, making Shinso laugh, "well, I kinda did," he said, gesturing to the bag in his hand. "Had to get some necessary items to help fix you up. Want some soup?"
Your eyes slightly widened as you watched Shinso turn around towards your little kitchen. (It wasn't really a kitchen, it only had a sink, a small refrigerator and a microwave) 
"You don't have to do that...Don't you have homework to worry about...?"
You tried to call out to him, but your voice was too hoarse to make much sound. Luckily he heard you, turning his head to look over his shoulder. Shinso smirked, bringing a finger to his lips, "don't strain your voice Y/N, you should be resting."
Oh, he could be such a jerk sometimes.
"Don't give me that look Y/N, I came as fast as I could when I heard you were sick."
You frowned. "Didn't Taka tell you not to worry...?"
"Heh, he probably did, but I hurried here when he said the words 'sick' and 'you'. It was all I needed."
Shinso chuckled to himself as he put the canned soup in the microwave. Leaning against the counter to watch you. 
"And I'm not going until the fever breaks," he said before smirking. "Or when the teachers finally manage to drag me out of your room." 
You groaned, burying yourself deeper into the blankets, the only reasonable thing in this room apparently.
Shinso snorted at your antics before grabbing a bowl out of the cupboard when the microwave started to beep. He carefully grabbed the can out of the microwave, remembering all the times he burned his fingers because he wasn't careful enough. 
It was too many times for his taste. (You love to tease him about it every now and again.) 
Shinso moderately poured - to avoid spilling the hot substance onto the counter - the soup into the bowl, adding a spoon soon after. 
Shinso smiled at his creation, satisfied with his cooking skills he brought it to you. 
"Wakey, wakey sleepyhead. Got some food."
Shinso said, poking you softly to help wake you up. You groaned in response, sitting up you looked at him with a dazed expression and coloured cheeks.
"Huh...? Waa...?" You mumbled, Shinso snorted at your coherent speech.
"Got food," he said, holding up the bowl as proof. "Can you eat yourself, or do I need to feed you?" 
You glared at him, wishing you had enough strength to slap that smirk off his face. But alas, the revenge plan would need to come later. 
"...Could you be anymore blunt..." You mumbled under your breath, glaring at the bowl of soup in Shinso's hand.
The man in question just sniggered, offering you the bowl as he spoke, "well, not to fret, you've still got your snark." Your glare had become even fiercer. "That's some good news at the very least."
"...Go to the moon..." You replied after taking a spoonful of soup.
Shinso's smirk got even wider, "I would love to for you Y/N, but first I'm going to take care of you. Maybe try that request again later."
You grumbled under your breath as you continued eating, refusing to look at him. Your blanket was far more interesting than his stupid teasing smirk.
Shinso grabbed a stool to sit next to you, watching as you ate the soup in your hands, continuing to ignore him.
Shinso's smirk turned soft as he watched you. 
It felt good, the teasing and comfortable atmosphere hanging around the two of you, he wouldn't have it any other way. 
It just felt right. 
The dynamic you both have is something Shinso treasures dearly, a friend like you will only appear once in a lifetime. He's glad he's found you, his world has become a lot brighter thanks to your presence.
You looked up from your bowl, which startled Shinso out of his trance. He tilted his head when you glanced towards him with a calculating expression.
You smiled, "...oh, it's nothing...I was just thinking..."
"...Yeah...I think I'm just very grateful you came instead of going to your own dorm...I think...I would've been a bit lonely without you here, so...Thank you for not listening to my advice..."
Shinso's eyes widened considerably, gawking at your smile. Although you looked sick, Shinso thought your smile was radiant. 
Yeah, Shinso felt like the luckiest person in the world.
Thank you for reading! And keep soaring high!^^
Sora’s Rambles!
If you are on a tag list of a fandom or requested something you will get notified for Sora’s rambles. When I’m working on that fandom or request, i will post little ramblings about the story I’m working on, a sort of teaser if you will. If you don’t want to be notified on Sora’s rambles please let me know^^ ~~
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@vasharts-blog @an-adventureland @theincaprincess @strongholdinthedark @hannah-emily-zhang
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(look you don't have to like this, I'm not expecting anyone to, I just needed to write and if there's the possibility that even one person was hoping I'd write more and enjoys it then that's cool, just don't be a dick about it, it's more house mate au stuff, don't hope for continuity by that I mean it's just all over the place and nothing makes sense , just expect what ever came to my head at the time lol)
Walter was sat at his work table, fiddling with one of his new devices working on to perfect it, no I can't think of anything specific so I'll let you fill in that with your imagination.
The day had been long, his lab assistant Timothy Lawrence (Yea that Timothy if you know him because reasons) had been pretty quiet but done as told so at least that made it easier.
He was tired as the day had gone on his mood had sunk, what was he doing teasing Killian like that, honestly spanking him with the hair brush, he knew some of the things Killian had been up to.
But it was more likely a sign of marking territory or just because he had needs right and it was exciting to do things where you shouldn't.
The blade he was handling slipped and ran across the pad of his index finger, he hissed in pain, seeing the blood smear under the blue latex, pooling to drip, focusing on the red colour he hadn't even noticed Timothy running to fetch the first aid kit.
Pulling his gloves off he discarded them and popped open the box that had been set on the table.
"Thanks Timmy."
Walter smiled a little as he tended to his finger, he hated how the skin felt parting every time he flexed his finger.
Cleaning up and applying what was needed, thankful it wouldn't need stitches.
He wondered what Killian was up to, watching TV, reading maybe, did he eat, did he have enough to drink, was he in a depressive mood, was he mad that hed spanked him, he really should send a message.
Pulling his phone from his lab pocket he texted him.
'Hope you're day has been good, hope you're well, sorry if I upset you this morning.'
He shifted and rubbed a shoulder, he didn't realise how stiff his back had gone, being in charge of a division meant he'd somewhat lost track of self care making sure to do his stretches.
Timothy stood here watching his boss, lot better than the last one, this one was kind and genuine, always looking out for people, honestly Beckett made him feel safe and relaxed, he wasn't looking for anything serious but even he could see that furrowed bow and the lean that spelt hey I'm exhausted let me die.
Walking around and behind him he slowly massaged his shoulders, they were small and rather petite for someone Walter's age but it was more lean muscle and just body build, he just hadn't seen many men like Walter where he'd come from, he was rather pretty.
Walter had considered telling him to stop but when his fingers pressed into that one perfect spot in his shoulder blades he melted, ooooh that just felt so damn good and shit when was the last time he'd had contact, had someone be closer to him...he liked Killian...wondered if they could be more, but he didn't believe for one second that they could be lovers or bed fellows for one moment...not that he wouldn't be interested in finding out but Killian had been there a month, like he wasn't going to make him uncomfortable and feel like that the only way he could stay was if he dated him.
(I keep forgetting times or how many days set shrugs just don't expect like decent continuity, I write these because I need to just write things and moments)
Walter leaned forward arms folded and face buried in them
"Sorry sir, am I doing that badly?"
Timothy's enquired nervously, his hands going still.
"No, please don't stop, I literally didn't realise how stiff I was, you have good hands, I'm just so tired Timothy, I could really use it if you don't mind that is."
"Not at all sir."
Tim smiled happy to know he was helping, yes much nicer than his last boss, Walter was smart but he was also fragile, like him he loved his mother and when he'd heard Walters mother had died when he was small he wanted to scoop him up and just hug him.
A talk with Lance at one point and he'd learned that was a natural reaction for anyone with a heart around Walter who didn't have their head up their ass.
Which had practically been the last tech department Beckett had worked in, that totally wasn't cool that they'd done that to such a brilliant mind, it was so much fun working on items that didn't kill people and actually helped them!
Walter was imagining the fingers loosening the knots in his back were Killian, wondered what that would feel like with those pretty metal claws, but he never forgot it was Timothy, after all Timothy deserved more respect than that.
Looking over his shoulder at him, auburn hair flopping off to one side, Tim's hands on his waist he noticed the subtle blush.
"You wanna go grab some dinner or something in a minute there's a corner café I know, makes steak sandwiches and baked potatoes with a perfect crispy skin, a warm meal sounds pretty nice don't you think?"
Tim in the angle he was in was trying not to think about how suggestive this looked, he would absolutely lean down and kiss Walter if he thought it was an option, it really was a casual thing he felt, but Walter just looked so pretty and like he needed someone to carry him right now.
Continuing to rub his back Timothy nodded
"Yeah that sounds pretty nice actually."
At home Killian had found plenty to do, he'd read, watched tv, all in Walters bed of course, just to feel close to him as he could, he did wonder after handling himself, if Walter could see him as anything more than a friend, someone more than a few passing jokes between the other...turning his head and taking in his scent as he buried his face into a pillow again, looking forward to seeing those blue eyes...he should really get out of Walter's bed and get the covers washed.
Beckett brought comfort to his mind after his years of suffering, the sunrise after the storm.
He'd talked to Lovey, wondering if she could understand him, she was surprisingly responsive to his rambling as he worked on his arm, updating the tech and keeping up with maintenence.
Living here with Walter and slowly working past things with Lance and seeing he had genuinely started changes of his own, it made it easier with how Walter talked about him on the job, that he considered all options before violence and discussed the situations with him...it was good to know Beckett had helped Lance to.
He was glad to know Walter's field partner was a good one, though his lab partner, this Timothy Lawrence seemed to be pretty chummy didn't he, he'd seen a picture, thick brown hair, heterochromia eyes, blue and green to be exact and a chiseled jaw, in other words a damn pretty boy and he didn't want him around Walter.
He huffed folding his arms, yes he was jealous he was going to be pouty, before his injury he had thick black hair and had been known to be a very handsome man, now he looked like he'd been put through a grinder when he took off his holo mask and this Timothy Lawrence just had to be Walter's lab partner, he'd be around him alot and-
His phone buzzed, it'd been put on the side table and he read the text that'd come through and there was another one.
'Going out to dinner with Timothy, don't know what time I'll be back, have fun you probably need a break from me anyway lol 😂'
Killian's eye twitched, he nearly threw the damn phone, but how would he explain that, honestly he couldn't, Tristan sighed, shoulders drooping a little and answered his questions
'It's been a relaxing day, did work on the arm, Lovey' s surprisingly easy to talk to, watched a little television but perhaps you could suggest something to watch, it's rather hard deciding with all these options and no Walter you didn't upset me, though you left in a hurry, you do not need to avoid me. You're not a bother. Are you alright?'
'I'm so happy you're warming up to her! That's awesome! Also it's good you have time to relax, ten years of hectic stress you're more than overdue! I...well I was more embarrassed than anything, I reacted on instinct, last boyfriend liked that well that's probably more than you needed to know, but yeah I'll help you pick something to watch see you later!'
Last boyfriend? Spanking, Walter had, he had...Killian shifted well the blankets were starting to tent, the idea of being put over Walters petite lap and being told he was a very bad man came to mind.
He liked it.
A lot.
He looked at his phone as it pinged again.
'And god damn it, make sure you eat something for dinner, don't just go picking out the cupboard!'
Killian snickered and replied
'Yes Daddy, I'll make sure to eat something.'
After sending the text he realised what he'd written and wished he could take back that text, wincing as he managed to look at the response
'Behave, eat dinner or I'll put you over my knee young man.'
Killian stared and stared at that answer, he knew Walter was just teasing but, his cheeks were warm and he was...was he blushing.
"You all set to go Timothy?"
Walter smiled, his back was feeling a hundred times better after Timothy had dug into the knots, it wasn't a surprise that he was good with his hands, you had to have nimble ones to work with the tech they used here.
"Yeah, just coming boss!"
He pulled his satchel over his shoulder after pulling on his old brown leather jacket
"Please Timothy don't call me that, call me daddy."
Walter laughed at how silly that sounded
"I'm sorry, pfffft don't call me that god please, no, Walter's just fine."
Tim had paused a moment a slight fear he might have a streak like his last boss after all but that laugh was too warm and giggly and just shook his head with a smile
"Wouldn't dream of it Walter, you're more of a kitten anyway."
Timmy felt his insides tighten a little and there was that hint of Jack Dna surfacing.
"So shall we go?"
Beckett enquired looking up at him, huh he kinda looked like Killian, just a little.
"Ready when you are."
And with that they were off.
(Alright end of this ramble, Timothy has been thrown in because I needed the gasp drama of prolongation and shit and didn't have the energy to create an oc and honestly I'll mash anything from anywhere if it's convenient bleh)
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New Suits
Peter Parker x reader (but it's not a Peter x reader themed fic), Avengers x teen reader.
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: Y/n Stark and Peter Parker have planned the ultimate movie night together, but something gets in their way.
Warnings: body insecurities, angst I guess, mentions of weight and stretch marks, stuff like that. Both the reader and Peter are 18 years old.
A/n: Hello :) this is way more of an avengers x reader fic rather than a Peter x reader fic, but I needed the reader to be connected to Peter in a certain way so why not! Enjoy, my peeps - Honey
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The clock ticked menacingly as you twirled the pencil you were holding between your fingers; last period on a Friday was always history with Mr Smith, and you hated it. Peter sat on the desk next to you and you could tell he was just as bored as you were, tapping his fingers against the polished wood table, staring into space. There were only three minutes left of class, and you were going to stay at Peter and May's apartment overnight to have a movie marathon, you couldn't be any more excited. As soon as the analogue clock on the wall turned to 2:58, you felt a vibration in your pocket and heard Peter's phone 'ding' in his pocket next to you, causing your teacher to turn around with a stern expression.
"I shouldn't have to remind you all of the one classroom rule," Mr Smith barked towards the class, "phones off." Once he turned back to face the whiteboard behind him, Peter turned to you with a confused look. Sneakily taking your phone out of your pocket, you saw a message from Jarvis:
"Happy Hogan is waiting outside for Y/N Stark and Peter Parker."
You silently showed Peter your phone before putting it into your backpack. What could Tony, or the Avengers, possibly want that'd ruin your weekend with Peter?
The bell rang piercingly through the classroom, and you packed up your bag.
"I can't believe we leave school in four months, it's crazy!" Peter started, shoving his textbook into his beige backpack. "One thing I certainly will not miss is this dreadful class." Peter kept his voice quiet, making sure your professor hadn't heard his snarky comment. Laughing, you and Peter walked out of class and down the corridor, towards to main exit.
"Why do you think Tones sent a car for us?" You asked, walking through the large double doors and into the sunlight. Both of you spotted Happy stood next to his car and headed towards the car park. "I haven't got a clue. But I'm sure Mr Stark," Peter emphasized, slightly disapproving of the nickname you gave your dad, "has a perfectly good reason. Besides, we'll probably only be at the tower for a couple of hours, right?" Nodding, you both walked up to the grey Audi.
"Hey Happy." You exclaimed with a smile. Once you all got in and buckled up, you took Peter's hand, and Happy began to drive out of the school grounds. "D'you know why Mr Stark wants us, Happy?" Peter asked, looking out of the window. Sighing, Happy looked into the rearview mirror to see you both. "I don't know." He said, looking back at the busy New York traffic, "Something about a suit update? I've been instructed to drive you both back to May's house at 9pm, so it can't be anything too important." You clenched up at the mention of a suit update, dreading what you were in for tonight.
You thought back to last year, remembering what exactly happened last time you got a new suit. You were quite insecure about your body, always wearing baggy clothes to hide it, but you couldn't always escape the sight of your own figure. To get a new suit, you need to have measurements taken, and the measurements have to be done in your underwear. You weren't fussy about having your measurements taken, as it was usually your dad that did it, but you'd recently been quite stressed about your appearance and weren't in the mood to do anything of the sorts today. Just this once, it didn't help that it was your father taking the measurements, either: you worried that if you became too fat or ugly, he would hate you. Considering you all were one big family, you wouldn't mind Bruce or Natasha doing it instead, so you were ought to ask them if they'd do it this time, to save any unwanted embarrassment in front of your father.
Soon enough, you got to the Avengers tower and headed straight for the common area. There, everybody was sat, waiting for Tony to arrive; Nat, Clint, Bruce, Steve, Sam, Bucky, and Rhodey. Peter sat down on one of the sofas, greeting everyone as he did so, but you stood in the door frame placing your backpack on the floor. "Nat, do you mind if I talk to you for a second?" Everybody turned to you, and Nat nodded with a smile. "Sure." She replied, hopping out of her seat and walking towards you. Nobody else was really phased by you and Natasha always spending time with each other, as you both were the main female avengers, and you saw her as a badass aunt. You began to walk down the hall, Nat to your right, taking slow steps.
"What's the matter, Y/n?" She asked, tucking a stray strand of crimson hair behind her ear. Stopping in the middle of the hall, you turned to face Natasha, a slight blush making its way to your cheeks - there was no easy way to say what was on your mind.
"I know this sounds really odd, but I was wondering if you'd take my measurements later on?" She looked slightly puzzled, but nodded anyway. You knew she'd want to know why, so you explained before she could ask.
"I'm just a little...insecure, that's all. I don't really want Tony judging me or my body, that's all." Her expression turned from puzzled to sympathetic, a slight hint of disappointment in her eyes. Uncomfortable, you looked down and stared at your worn out red converse.
"Y/n, you know your dad would never judge you, for any reason." You looked up at her as she rested a hand on your shoulder. "I'd really like to help you out, but I'm not qualified to take any measurements or information for Tony's work. Bruce helps to make the suits as well, y'know, and I could ask him if he'd do yours?" She spoke gently, stroking the side of your bare shoulder. You nodded, giving Nat a small smile. "That would be really nice. Thank you." Both of turned around and walked back to the common area. Just before you walked through the door, Nat turned to you and spoke. "You'll have to talk to Tony about this, okay? He's the best person to help you on this, and it might be good for you to get it off your chest." Nodding, you walked back into the common area.
You were sat on the grey sofa talking to Bucky when Tony walked in. Natasha quickly told Bruce what was going on when you went back into the common area, and he was happy to help, but you still felt a sense of nervousness like you had betrayed your father. Tony carried a piece of paper and a cup of coffee with him when he walked into the common area, sitting down on a chair.
"As you all know, we're doing new suit measurements and prototypes this afternoon, so you all need to be in the tower until 9." He spoke, talking a long swig of his coffee. "We should get measurements done by 6, and from then I'll need you to stay and give me information about anything new you want in your suits and stuff like that." He waved the sheet of paper he held and looked down to read from it, "This is a schedule that I beg you all to stick by otherwise I will lose my sanity even more than I already have. Clint, you're first to get measurements done in the lab, then you'll be followed by Steve, Sam, Bucky, Rhodey, Pete, Natasha and Y/n last." You swallowed hard when you heard him say your name, and tried not to think about the conversation you'd be having with him later on.
"Bruce and I are gonna go down to the labs now and set up. Clint, we'll need you down in about 10, capiche?" Bruce gave you a small smile before they both headed down to the labs, and with that, they were gone.
You watched as your colleagues left and came back, all indifferent to everything that had happened to them. You sat next to Peter, playing rock paper scissors until he had to go and get his fittings, when you talked to Natasha for a bit. When she was sent down to get her measurements, a wave of anxiety washed over you. You were next, and although you knew your dad wasn't going to see you, you still felt butterflies. Suddenly, Jarvis made an announcement on the speakers. "Miss Stark, Tony and Bruce require your presence in the laboratory."
Sheepishly, you rose from the sofa and said goodbye to whoever had returned from the lab and sat next to you - you hadn't paid attention. Once you got to the lab and opened the door, the only person you saw was Bruce.
"Hey Bruce." He looked up from his computer and smiled at you, rising from his stool.
"Hi y/n. Everything is set up in the next room, go in there and follow what Jarvis says, call me in when you're ready." You didn't reply, but walked to the door on the other side of the lab.
You knew this room all too well; it was the 'personal study' lab. It was more of an empty office than a lab, as it was only double the size of an elevator, but it had a small desk with some stray sheets of paper and pencils on top of it. It was rarely used, but when it was, it was for measurements, fittings, trying on new suits, practically anything that would require privacy. In the centre of the room was a small stool about a foot high. Before you could think anything of it Jarvis piped up;
"Good evening, Miss Stark. Please remove all unnecessary clothing. Do not remove your underwear. Then step onto the stool and await instructions."
Hesitantly, you kicked off your shoes and socks. You pulled your red crop over your head and threw it into the corner of the room, and began unbuttoning your high waisted jeans. You slipped your feat out of the wide leg trousers, leaving yourself in a black t-shirt bra and pants. Sighing, you walked over and stood on the small grey stool, relaxing your shoulders. "Jarvis, tell Dr Banner that I'm ready." You could hear Jarvis speak to Bruce in the lab, and within 10 seconds you hear a knock on the door. You answered, and Bruce walked in, carrying a tape measure and a small piece of paper.
"Are you ready to get started?" He asked, looking up at you. Taking a deep breath, you tried to relax all of your muscles. "Ready as I'll ever be." Bruce set down the piece of paper on the desk and began by measuring your waist, hips, and bust. When he got to your arms, you began to wonder where Tony was.
"How did you convince Tony to let you do my measurements?" You asked, trying to stay as still as possible. Without looking up, Bruce answered.
"I knew he wouldn't buy it if I asked to do only yours, so I did everyone's." He moved the tape measure over to your other arm, briefly jotting down a note on the sheet of paper. "What? You've actually done everyone else's?" He nodded, walking behind you to measure your legs. "It would seem suspicious if I only wanted to take your measurements, and nobody else minded me doing it. I told Tony that he should stay in the lab and start preparing ideas for the suits. He's just gone to make more coffee, that's why he isn't here at the moment. He'll probably be back any minute, though." Nodding, you were plunged back into silence. You didn't mind the awkward silence between you both, as he was family, but you wish you could try and start a conversation to distract you from your worries. Unfortunately, your mind went blank.
Ten minutes later, you were finished, and Bruce told you that you could step down from the stool. Before he left to let you change back into your clothes, he turned around to look at you.
"I know things are tricky, and it's not easy to appreciate yourself, but I just want you to know...we're proud of you. All of us, we love you so much."
You smiled slightly and nodded, and Bruce left.
Once you had out all of your clothes back on, you slowly opened the door back to the lab. There, you saw Bruce typing away at his computer and Tony, sat down at one of the desks, sketching out a suit on a large piece of paper. Tony only noticed you when you were halfway through the lab, and he put down his pencil. "Hey honey, you alright?" He asked, turning his swivel chair to face you. Already uncomfortable by the sight of him, you gave him a quick hug and slowly walked to the exit. "I'm fine, thanks, but I've gotta go for a shower. Talk to you in a bit!" You quickly backed into the corridor and speed walked to the elevator, making your way to the penultimate floor.
The elevator music today was a mix between jazz and swing - a mix that you despised. You took after your father, favouring classic rock over nimby-pimby music like this. When you got to your floor, the doors opened, and you were greeted with your room. Fairy lights and polaroids were strung around your double bed, an array of CD's and books littered across your desks. You were thankful that your room had an en suite, walking into the large bathroom. You ran the water until it was scalding hot, changed out of your clothes, and got in.
You were in the shower for no longer than twenty minutes before you heard, yet again, Jarvis reciting a message to you.
"Miss Stark, Tony is waiting for you in your room."
Groaning, you stopped the water and dried yourself off with a light pink towel. You put on a pair of pyjamas that you had thrown into the bathroom with you, brushed your hair in the mirror, and went back into your room. There, you saw your dad sat on your bed, admiring a CD.
"I'm definitely borrowing this." Tony stated, chucking the Nirvana album he was holding onto the bed.
"What're you doing here?" You asked, plopping yourself on your bed next to him, admiring your father as he scratched at his chin. "Gingey told me you wanted to have a talk, right?" Laughing nervously at the nickname you had coined for Nat when you were only a few years old, you picked at the skin around your fingernails.
"Right. Well, I had a problem, but now it's solved so I'm all good! You should probably go back to the lab now and do some more work." You rushed your words, desperate to get rid of Tony as quick as you could. However, he merely sighed, and sat up straight. He looked at you with an expression that almost literally read "I'm so fucking done with your woke-ass bullshit", which made you feel inferior.
"If you think I'm buying that, then you're definitely not a Stark. Try again, Y/n."
Before he could say another word, you rose from where you were sat. "Y'know, I think I might go and talk to mom about this. It's kind of a girl problem, Pepper will get it. See ya!" You quickly walked to the elevator door, and just as the doors closed behind you, you heard Tony mutter something about Pepper being on a business trip.
From the elevator, you jogged down to the common area in hopes to find either Peter or Nat. However, when you arrived, the only person there was Sam, lounging on one of the sofas, scrolling through his phone. Groaning, you went to sit next to him, and rubbed your forehead.
"Hey honey, what's up?" He asked, sitting up straighter. Without looking at him, you shook your head, and replied. "I've had a pretty wild fucking day." Sam quietly laughed but tried to convince you that he was serious, pulling a stern expression.
"Ay, there's no need for that kind of language. Talk to me." He didn't turn his phone off, but placed it behind him on the arm of the sofa. You didn't bother to look and see what was on the screen.
Huffing, you turned around and sat criss-cross applesauce to face him.
"I don't like getting a new suit."
"...that's it?" He asked, frowning slightly. "Yes, that's it. I haven't been feeling like myself lately, and having to get a new suit fitted is just another reminder that my body will never be like every other girls. I'm ugly, I have a bit of stomach, stretch marks, there isn't a-"
"Ugly?" He interrupted, pulling a sour face. You nodded slightly, not knowing what else to say. "Y/n, you aren't ugly. And so what if you have stretch marks, or aren't a size zero? You aren't expected to look like a Victoria's secret model 24/7. Besides, you are beautiful in your own way. You were raised by a group of superheroes who save the world every week, you have the smarts of Tony Stark, the fierceness of Natasha and the morals of Captain America himself. Your body doesn't define your self worth, and it doesn't define who you are."
You were slightly taken aback by how good Sam was with words, but you gave him a small smile anyway.
"You should write poetry." You said, giggling slightly.
"Get your ass out of here before I push you out of the window, just for that comment." Laughing even more, you stood up and walked over to the door.
"And y/n," Sam added as you turned around, "go talk to Tony about this. He'll be pleased to hear it."
Pleased? Your dad would be pleased to hear that you're cripplingly self conscious of your body? Not focusing too much on the thought, you walked over to the elevator.
"Jarvis, where's Tony?" You asked, walking into the lift. Jarvis's voice was soon to reply.
"Tony is in Miss Stark's bedroom." Sighing, you pushed a button on the lift, and leaned back against the cool metal.
"Of course he is."
The elevator doors opened to reveal Tony on one side of your room, his back to you, admiring your shelf packed with books. He didn't have to turn around to know that it was you in the elevator.
"I find it slightly offensive that you can talk about it with Sam but not with me." You stalked over to your large white bed and threw yourself on it, staring at the plain ceiling above you.
"Talk about what?" You asked, looking over at your father. He walked over to the beanbag beside your bed and gently sat down on it. "Your feelings, opinions, thoughts, normal teenager stuff." He had a look on his face, as if he knew everything that was going on inside your head.
"How do you know what I talked to Sam about?" You questioned, sitting up on your shoulders.
"Jarvis picked the entire thing up, I was listening through my phone."
"Oh..." you couldn't be angry at Tony, he was your dad after all. You didn't mind him listening to what you had to say, but you wish you had the bravery to do it face-to-face.
"Listen, I know how it feels to be a teenager, and to have your parents expect too much from you. But your looks don't matter at all to Pep and I. They don't matter to anybody else, either. You have a great personality, and an even better mind, so don't feel like your looks are everything." Nodding, you stood up and walked to where Tony was sat on the beanbag. Offering a hand, you helped him up and stood directly in front of him.
"We love you, y/n. Peter loves you, I love you, Pepper loves you, all of the avengers love you. You just need to try and learn to love yourself." You saw a glint in his eye, recognizing the sincerity behind his words. He pulled you in for a hug and rubbed your back, letting you know that you were safe in his arms.
Maybe today wasn't as bad as you expected it to be.
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binnie-writes · 3 years
14/03/21 | Writing Prompt: "you always smile like you're about to cry."
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Paring: Michael & MC (Khai)
Summary: while relaxing after an intense study session together, Michael brings up how stressed Khai has looked lately, and a secret is told.
Content warning: Michael swears. Khai mentions not being close to God in terms of Christianity. Things get a little personal.
Author's Note: I wrote this all in one go at 1:30 in the morning in an attempt to break my writer's block and get my writing out there. (I had to fix so many spelling mistakes....) Enjoy!
I huffed while packing away my books, feeling his eyes burn the back of my head. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."
"I'd rather stare at the real thing right in front of me," Michael flirted back. I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Oh ha ha."
As I was finally finished with all my work, I flopped onto my bed and pulled out my phone, asking my dad when he'd be back home so I knew what time to make my way back. I smiled at the amount of emojis he sent as a greeting.
"You know, Khai, lately you always smile like you're about to cry," he says, grabbing one of the many stress balls I had on my desk and bouncing it against the wall. "It worries me."
I shifted my torso up onto my elbows and gave him a skeptical look. "What you do mean?"
He glanced at me over his shoulder. "Exactly that. You do this thing where to scoff and smile slightly, and look at people like you don't know exactly what they're talking about."
"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes and laid back down, continuing to scroll through my webcomic. "You've only known me for like... a year. How would you know any of this?"
He shrugged. "I pay attention. You've been stressed lately and I would ask what's wrong if I knew you were up for the conversation."
You're the one who brought it up in the first place, dumbass, I thought, slightly annoyed at how he wasn't being that direct with me.
"Oh? Enlighten me on how you know I don't want to have that conversation then."
"You would've gone full rant mode in response by now," he replied smugly. "Or even said something about not wanting to bring the mood down."
I paused. He's actually not wrong.
"Hey." He bounced the stress ball on my forehead, stopping my thoughts from spiralling. "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to. I know I'm not that high on your 'friendship pyramid' or whatever, but I'm here to listen to anything."
"Even if I told you I don't think I'm straight?" I said softly, eyes still on my phone.
Breathe, Khai. This is Michael you're talking to. He won't care.
He fiddled with the ball for a minute, then sighed. "Yes. Anything."
Should I tell him?
I sat up and looked him dead in the eye as I spoke, ready to risk it all. "Even if I told you I don't think I'm a girl?"
"Of course. I said anything, right?"
I let out a pitiful laugh. "How am I supposed to believe that, Michael?"
He walked over to my bed and sat down on the empty side, staring right at me. "I'm here to listen to absolutely anything you want to tell me, and anything you can't tell me just yet. I care about you, Khai."
When I looked away, he sighed. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
I shrugged shakily, trying to keep my breathing in check. When did it get so hot in here? "I don't know. I haven't really figured everything out and I'd rather not be shamed back into the closet again."
"Again? Have you told anyone else about this?"
I hummed. "I told my sister. She said it was just teenage hormones and phases, that I needed to focus on school and God and all that good stuff."
"Wow, that's an asshole move," he muttered, eyebrows furrowing.
I laughed softly, then inhaled for what felt like the first time in an hour. Okay. He's not freaking out. He's giving you space. Don't panic. You're okay.
I hugged his waist, trying not to let my emotions get to me too much. "Thanks for that," I mumbled, my voice breaking.
He rubbed my back. "Anytime. I'm here for you whenever you need me."
"Even if I call you at 3 a.m. because I'm having a gender crisis?" I joked, making him laugh.
"Okay, maybe not that, I still need my beauty sleep. But message me and we'll talk about it the second I wake up."
I frowned. "Are you sure? I know everyone isn't always open to things like this, so—"
"I'm not uncomfortable with you being yourself, and I don't mind helping you figure this out. I'm here for you," he repeated, voice deep and serious. "I promise."
I sniffled, allowing a few tears to drop. "Thanks."
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purplellamanator · 4 years
Hey are you still takimg prompts? I'd like Fantasy(6) for ShinRan plz!
A/N~ I hope this was okay but I put this in the same AU as the first Hero/Villain prompt I did with the red string/quirks! Thank you so much for the ask and I hope you enjoy the drabble :D As usual this one is extremely long LOL I’ll try to post the link for the first part here just in case anybody missed it! *magic link*  If it doesnt work Im sorry and if you look up in my tags you should be able to find it as well! Enjoy!
Hero/Villain~ Person A is a Hero. Person B is a villain. And both have an undeniable attraction to each other
Today was not a good day. Ran was not in a good mood, which she'd easily blame on a certain Villain that had stumbled into her life. He had added an extra kink into her already chaotic life that she did not need. Like him though, she agreed- or rather he wouldn't let her forget it. She could not ignore fate. She needed to at least acknowledge what her Quirk bestowed upon her.
A soulmate.
A criminal with a deadly Quirk that was wanted in three separate countries- but a soulmate no less.
But like she had to come to terms with who he was, he needed to do the same with her. Ran was a Hero. She was just as well-known but obviously for more honorable reasons. And because of that, they could never been seen together.
After probably about a hundred times of explaining this to him and why it was risky every single time he decided to break into her house, he finally listened. But it was with a cost. It was one that she didn't really like but she could agree on.
Jokingly he first said Love Hotels but the moment her fist went flying towards his face, he ducked with a nervous laugh.
A Love Hotel? Was he out of his mind? She had a feeling they would be noticed there far more easily than at her house. But when she suggested in all seriousness that they go to his house, the smirk quickly vanished and turned firm.
His curt response annoyed Ran. He didn't even think about it nor did he give a reason for why not. Thinking back to the first few times they met up, she was reminded of their first obstacle they struggled to overcome.
Trust. Neither trusted the other. Whereas she thought she'd be ambushed the moment she was alone with him, he thought she had plans to have him arrested at any moment. Ran thought they were past that now. But from the way they were both grumbling and readjusting on the uncomfortable chairs, she was second guessing that. When he made his complaints even more vocal about the hotel they were currently eating dinner in, she couldn't hold back her snappy retort.
"If we just went to your house, we wouldn't have to deal-"
She hadn't even been able to finish her sentence before his own sharp words rang out. "I said no!" he barked out. His tone was so hard, his voice even more deepened with his anger. It made her jolt in her seat; her heart stuttering with a brief second of fear that she didn't really feel but knew he had seen all the same.
Even not expecting him to give a valid reason for why his actual house wasn't an option, Ran was still furious all the same when he didn't offer one up. If anything, he looked more apologetic for making her flinch. She could tell because he was softening his tone more, using gentle words with her.
Ran didn't care for any of it. When they were going to part ways for the night and he had leaned in to brush his nose against hers, she sharply turned her face away. If he didn't even trust her, then he shouldn't be allowed to touch her.
He looked like he was about to force her to comply but her hand shot out to his chest and shoved him back firmly. "Next time be on time," she said brusquely and she slammed the door shut behind her.
Admittedly, after she left she felt extremely guilty. Though that wasn't the only emotion flowing through her. There was the fact she was furious at his refusal to explain anything to her and her annoyance that she even felt guilty in the first place. Anything she said or did to him before leaving, he deserved.
But almost like the world was telling her she was wrong and she needed to be punished, Ran was late for work the next morning. All it did was fuel her anger. She argued that if Shinichi had been on time and if they met at their agreed time of 9 and not midnight, this wouldn't of happened.
Unfortunately she didn't have a time Quirk and she was indeed very tardy. She was pretty sure her whole agency heard her get chewed out by her boss. And to add to it, as her punishment, she could do paperwork for the rest of her shift- not just her own. In all of this craziness and because she got reprimanded, Ran hadn't left the agency on time. She got out a little before 8 which most would think was enough time to meet up with her Villain but since said Villain would only meet up in the most abandoned part of the city, she worried she would be late- and after scolding Shinichi no less. She did not want to hear his mouth too when he would be on time and she was the one that was late. She'd never hear the end of it.
But of course that didn't happen. Because he wasn't there. He was late- again, for their meeting. Ran told him to be on time for once.
As usual, he was not. And it burned Ran up that she actually believed he would take her seriously and be there. She was done playing the fool though. She was done with strolling into work like the walking dead. She was stressed beyond belief. Between working a full time, life threatening job that was physically and mentally draining and then dealing with her moody counterpart, Ran was just too tired. He argued that they were soulmates. He was the one that fought for this even though she argued it was too difficult for the both of them. She had given in though. Yet . . . why did it feel like she was the only one making sacrifices? Why was she the only one trying to make it work?
She left. Normally she'd sit and wait for him but she just didn't have it in her. She wanted to lay in a bed that was actually comfortable; her bed. Ran wanted to get a full nights sleep for once. That and that part of her that was still simmering inside wanted to prove a point to that dunce. Her point being that he needed to take her seriously and that he was not the only thing going on in her life nor was he the priority.
Walking through her front door, a small part of her was afraid that he'd be there waiting for her. It was dumb and she couldn't believe herself for being this way, but she knew the paranoia stemmed from her guilt. Ran actually felt guilty for leaving because he had been late and technically stood her up for what felt like the hundredth time.
Ran's house was completely silent however. When it came to that Villain that meant absolutely nothing though and she made her way to her bedroom quietly. Something else to make her feel stupid! Sneaking around her own house as if she weren't supposed to be there! Stubbornly, she forced herself to be as loud as she could.
It made no difference though. Shinichi was not there and her heart ached with a disappointment that she did not want to acknowledge. If anything, she should be happy. She'd actually be able to go to sleep on time tonight. She'd get a full night's rest.
None of those thoughts did anything for her nerves. She kept expecting to walk into a room and find Shinichi sitting there with a scowl, waiting for her. They were still trying to figure each other out but she understood him well enough to know that he would be at least a little annoyed that she hadn't waited for him.
He was never there though and slowly, her paranoia turned into concern. Now she was worried that something actually happened to him. That maybe he tried to show up on time and he ran into trouble. He was a Villain after all. . .
Abruptly she shook her head. Her emotions were running crazy with all the stress she was going through. It wouldn't do her any good to worry about things she could not control nor situations that had not even happened yet. It was with those thoughts that she forced herself into bed.
She struggled to fall asleep that night. She had tossed back and forth the entire time. It was only when a sudden noise had her shooting up in her bed that she realized she had managed to fall asleep at some point. Looking at her bedside clock that read 1:47 in solid green numbers, she knew it had only been for a few hours.
A noise coming from the foot of her bed had her gaze flying over there again. Immediately, Ran was on the defensive. It was completely dark in her room but her eyes had been adjusted enough already. Being able to make out the form of someone standing near her bedroom window, she felt any sensation of sleep trying to draw her back recede as she prepared to make her move. The figure suddenly turned though and she froze.
"Shinichi?" It was sad how much she had lowered her guard around him. From the realization that it was Shinichi, all at once she felt completely relaxed.
And irritated.
Coming to her feet, she practically stomped towards him. She had finally lost her patience with him. How dare he yell at her for the mere suggestion of going to his house and he can just walk in here whenever he pleases. Why did they only need to follow his rules yet anything she said, he disregarded?
Not anymore. She wouldn't allow it. She was sick of it.
"Shinichi! I already told you- you can't just show up at my house whenever you-!"
Not another single word came out of her mouth as it was suddenly fused hotly to his. As soon as she had been in his vicinity- which she made it quicker for him since she had been storming towards him furiously, his arm had grappled around her waist and hoisted her into his chest.
Unable to think properly, Ran was struggling to comprehend what was currently happening. Shinichi hadn't given her a chance to do anything but comply. Not that she was fighting. She wasn't proud of it but she easily sagged in his arms before moving her lips just as roughly against his own. Her own arms that had been squashed uncomfortably between their chests when he grabbed her, forced some distance so that she could tangle them around his neck and yank him even closer.
Probably getting sick of leaning down to reach her height, her breath stuttered against his lips when he just as quickly picked her up. One of his hands that had been holding her against him had dropped to her thigh and from there he easily pulled her to reach his height where he pressed different parts of their bodies together.
This wasn't their first kiss. This wasn't even the first time they had done what this was quickly leading up to. They were not strangers to each other's bodies yet she couldn't help the small gasp of excitement when her weight was suddenly being picked up off the ground. In a matter of seconds her back was pressed roughly into the wall that was by the window he had likely just snuck into only moments prior. That elicited a completely different noise from her mouth that turned into another airy breath when his hurried movements suddenly found her sitting atop her dresser. Briefly she could hear some things being jostled or even falling over but again she couldn't be bothered.
Something was different though. From the abruptness of his . . . well . . attack; that had been her first hint. Shinichi always liked to take his time. It was always her that was worried or concerned that they were taking too long. That at any moment someone would suddenly bust in on them and catch them in the act- her and a Villain. Ran never wanted to be in the same area with him for long for fear of any of that whereas Shinichi was always lax and seemed like he didn't have a care in the world.
This Shinichi was not that same Villain she had come to known. His movements were hurried and rushed; desperate almost. He was all over her and surrounding her, his mouth not once leaving a part of her body.
Ran had no complaints as of now. As it was, her legs had already wrapped tightly around his waist, cinching at her ankles to make sure he didn't move. Since he was no longer having to brace her weight himself, it allowed him to free one of his hands where he had it sliding into the hair at her nape. His fingers dug in roughly, tightening around the strands but not to the point of causing her any pain. It was just enough pressure where he could easily direct her wherever he wanted. Like now where he seemed to want it tilted to the side so that he could leave love bites up and down her throat.
The break allowed her time to breathe.
And think.
The fog that had been slowly circling around her head receded some and dazedly her eyes tried to open before fluttering shut with a moan at his continued assault on her smooth skin. She was not one to back down easily though and before she could get completely taken over again, she said his name breathy but also with a hint of seriousness.
She wanted to ask him why he was there. Ran wanted to know what was wrong with him. Something was obviously bothering him for him to suddenly be there and practically smothering her like this.
He must've heard that she wanted to say something. And when he pulled back slightly to meet her groggy gaze, she also realized it wasn't the time. She knew it before he was tugging at her bed shirt a little roughly.
"Take this off."
When her and Shinichi had first agreed that they could not ignore this red ribbon that bound them together, it had taken her some time to get used to certain things about him. Like how every plea he made, he worded like a order. At first she had been annoyed, thinking he assumed that since he was a Villain he could just demand her to do what he pleased. Soon after though, she easily realized that was not the case at all. Often any of his requests would come out with that exact same no bullshit tone but she quickly adjusted to the fact that was just how he was. That and he didn't have many people in his life so he didn't exactly have the best social skills. Overtime, she grew to like that.
That didn't change in this moment though he must've taken her silence for annoyance because he threw out a small but firm, "Please."
He was really asking her politely to take her shirt off. That added to her reasoning that something was really wrong. She complied with his request but when he went to grab her again, she placed a hand against his chest. It wasn't rough or forceful. She wasn't even denying him because she had even taken her shirt off already. If anything it was gentle. But she knew it was firm enough to get her message across.
Ran gave him a moment. Most of the time she didn't even need to ask what was on her mind. He was usually pretty good at deducing that himself. Shinichi was like that; answering her questions before she even had to ask them.
This time his mouth stayed shut.
His hands were resting leisurely at her thighs. He had already gripped her there for when he had tugged her forward so that she sat on the edge of the dresser. His silence was upsetting her though. It was making her more concerned.
Unable to contain it because at this point she knew he would not be saying anything first, she swallowed nervously. "Is. . . Is everything okay?" Her question that had come out so shaky, she knew was a loaded one.
What's wrong? Are you okay? Are we okay? She knew he heard all of it but still, he said nothing. His gaze seemed to be focused on her lips but on closer inspection she realized he wasn't really seeing. His stare was solemn and avoiding.
Like he could read her, it was in moments like these where she could do the same. Shinichi did not want to talk right now. He was upset and he wanted comfort.
So he came to her.
Feeling the fluttery sensation within her chest, Ran decided that whatever they needed to talk about could wait. First off, she had to take care of that depressed expression that was quickly taking over his features.
Ran gave his shirt that he was still somehow wearing a single, firm tug.
"Take this off."
Shinichi hadn't left that night. Usually she was pretty quick to part ways but he didn't look like he wanted to go. Truthfully he never did but with the way he had been acting before, she didn't want him too either. So she said nothing when he settled himself almost on top of her. He had an arm loosely thrown over her waist but the weight of it gave her the impression that he didn't want to chance her trying to move. She didn't make a move to get up though. Instead she allowed her fingers to comb through his hair as his head laid against the smooth skin just under her breasts.
It was completely silent in her room. She couldn't even really hear his breathing and though it had to be into the early hours of night, Ran didn't want to go to sleep. She wanted to address what just happened. It was weighing too heavily on her mind that something was seriously wrong.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Her voice was whispered but she knew it probably sounded piercing with how quiet it was.
Shinichi didn't answer at first and she was about to assume he had fallen asleep. She knew he hadn't when his frame suddenly tensed. And she knew what that meant.
"Not really."
Ran's features pinched in annoyance. She knew he figured that out when she suddenly stopped brushing her fingers through his hair. She probably would've rolled over to give him her back if it wasn't for the fact he was laying on her. An iciness that she knew was pooling off of her though was quickly filling the space and he sat up to frown down at her.
He had pissed her off. He knew it too. And she knew he would quickly scramble for an excuse.
"You left." His tone had a hint of irritation and he was scowling to fit the part, but Ran wasn't buying it. Ran knew there was no way her not waiting for him had caused all of this. There was no way that Shinichi was that dramatic. It had to be something else- something bigger. Fixing him with a stony stare, she gave him a chance to correct himself.
"You should've waited."
So he was sticking with that?
Since his weight was still pressing her down, she did the only thing she could do. She turned her head to the side. "I have to work early tomorrow. You should probably go."
He did not appreciate her dismissal.
"Are you serious?" he said disbelieving. When she stayed quiet she could hear his huff of frustration. "Are you really just going to kick me out?"
Yes. Her refusal to acknowledge him practically screamed the answer.
He was as stubborn as she was though and he was not making it easy. The Villain made no move to leave and instead said her name warningly. His tone as well as his blatant disregard to tell her the truth finally set her off.
"If you don't trust me then stop coming to my house." Again, it was a loaded statement. If he didn't trust her, he could forget her entirely for all she cared because she would not want to see him otherwise.
Her words did nothing but set him off. His eyes narrowed. "Don't talk about things you don't understand." Ran knew what he was hinting at. He loved to throw the same argument in her face all the time. That if he didn't trust her, he probably would've gotten rid of her by now. The fact that he keeps coming back to her being that he trusts her more than he did anybody else.
It was all bullshit.
"Oh, you trust me?" she asked him daringly. It was a rhetorical question and though it made him simmer, he stayed silent. "You are allowed to come and go as you please; keep whatever secrets you want- yet you trust me? I don't know a damn thing about you. I don't know where you live, what you do during the day- nothing."
This explosion wasn't all just from his refusal to answer her question. It was a buildup that started the day they met. She gave him a moment to respond but he still sat silently still looking furious.
She didn't care.
"You're delusional, Shinichi."
Leaning back, his look of frustrated disbelief intensified. "If this is about me not taking you to my house-"
"It's not!" she snapped frustratedly. "It's everything and I-!" 
I don’t think I can do this anymore. 
Abruptly she cut herself off snapping her mouth shut. It would probably be for the best if she didn't finish her sentence. All it would do is piss him off and she didn't need to hear any more of his empty threats. A little nervous, she wouldn't meet his gaze afraid he'd be able to it in her eyes.
She should've known by now that wouldn't do anything. He was always able to read her like an open book. He was too smart for his own good; a genius even. So she braced herself for the, no doubt, angry retort.
"I had to meet up with an . . acquaintance."
Startled by his response, her eyes snapped back to his completely wide. He answered her question. He actually gave her a proper response to her question earlier. By the fact he wasn't looking at her as he spoke, she had a pretty good idea what kind of person this acquaintance was.
A Villain.
Ran stayed silent. She wanted to ask which Villain it was. As far as she knew, Shinichi never had a partner or anyone he worked closely with. Other Villains liked him about as much as the Heroes did. But Shinichi was being honest with her right now and she would not interrupt him. She especially did not want to push for too much. So instead, she continued to watch him patiently waiting for him to elaborate.
"They told me I was being monitored- someone's been following me." As he said the words his own brows furrowed in confusion and without him even explaining why, she already knew the answer.
On more than one occasion she had heard him boast that no one could ever sneak up on him. With his level of paranoia and brains- it just didn't happen. And with the Quirk he had, nobody wanted to anyway. The fact that someone had been able to tail him without his knowledge must've greatly disturbed him.
"Do you. . do you know who it is?" Her voice came out timidly, still unsure if it was okay for her to ask any questions yet.
Shinichi shook his head and she was left to stare at her hands deep in thought. Ran didn't know what to do with this information. Everything about this relationship she had with him was overwhelming. And to see that Shinichi, the Shinigami himself, was nervous- it scared her.
"I know it frustrates you and I don't want you angry with me, but I cannot let you anywhere near my personal life."
Head shooting up, she knew she looked every part offended.
It made him sigh. "It's likely a Villain. A Hero would've shown themselves by now."
So what, she wanted to say. Who did he think she was? She was a Hero. It was her job to detain Villains and he thought she should be nervous because of one?
"Ran," he said warningly. She hated when he did that because it actually made her nervous. She knew that it meant he was getting serious and he didn't want her arguing with him.
But she was never one to back down.
"I can help," she said slowly but confidently. He was always underestimating her and she hated it. She could take care of herself. She had been a Pro for five years by now. That and being a professional Hero, she was always being watched as well. Whether it be by fans, paparazzi, or her agency; Ran was always being monitored.
She knew she had made a mistake when his eyes hardened. They narrowed on her as if daring her to add anything else to that and it made her want to gulp. Them suddenly softening however was not what she was expecting.
When his hand gripped her chin gently to make her look at him, she jolted slightly. She thought he'd yell at her. . . Not this. He took it a step forward when he was leaning forward and suddenly his forehead was pressed against her own. While her eyes were widened, his were shut serenely.
He barely even let her start her sentence.
"I know it doesn't seem like it but I trust you with my life," he whispered and his admission made her heart speed up and a blush come to her face. But nothing could've ever prepared her mentally for what he was going to say next.
"And I know I'm a Villain and I shouldn't expect anything of you, but I'm asking you to trust me. Believe me when I tell you that nothing else matters to me but you." His eyes were still shut so she couldn't really gauge how he felt about the admission, but she reckoned it was his pride. It didn't matter though. His words were distracting enough.
"Please listen to me when I tell you me distancing you from my life is not because I don't trust you to be apart of it. I have people watching me too," he swallowed hard. "And these people won't arrest you."
His words made her eyes water and her lip tremble. They made her feel guilty. She was so dumb for jumping to conclusions. Here she was complaining he had no regard for her private life while she clearly assumed he didn't have one of his own. And his reasoning made a lot more sense.
Based off his tone and his actions though, it was clear he didn't hold any of that against her. All he did was ask, "Okay?" and she couldn’t help but get stuck on his tone. For once he was truly asking her. It didn’t sound like a demand and it told her just how worried this other Villain had made him. 
And though it was an odd sensation since her forehead was still pressed against his, she gave a slight nod. "Okay."
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emma-what-son · 3 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson has stalkers and a bodyguard
Posted on March 23 2014
From dailymail.co.uk March 2014, "Harry Potter star Emma Watson has hired a former NYPD officer as  a bodyguard to protect her from obsessed stalkers. The actress – thought to be worth £23  million – is believed to be paying the female officer £90,000 a year after a number of incidents of threatening behaviour towards her. The latest came as Emma, 23, right, was working on her new movie Noah, when an over-zealous ‘fan’ duped studio security staff and got on to the set. Emma, was left screaming, believing she was in danger, and filming had to stop. The British actress, who played Hermione Granger in the Potter films, is now constantly shadowed by blonde former New York Police Department officer Denise Morrone. A source said: ‘The  one person Emma is never without is Denise. 'Emma has had problems with stalkers in the past and, because of her wealth, there is always the threat of kidnap. 'She pays for her bodyguard out of her own pocket and Denise accompanies her everywhere, even when Emma is out for dinner. Denise is always there, making sure she is safe.’ Another source said: ‘Denise is on high alert for one particular stalker who tracked Emma down on the set of her latest film. ‘She is very discreet and very good at her job. She is always there looking after Emma, but you wouldn’t know. ‘She makes sure Emma has plenty of space and freedom. If they are at dinner, Denise is part of the gathering, but is always on duty.’ The new arrangement marks a departure for Emma, who has seemed determined to try to live a low-key, normal private life unencumbered by a security detail. Post-Potter she went to Brown University in Rhode Island, New England, and Worcester College, Oxford, to study for a degree. When she has appeared in public she has had no visible entourage. A spokesman for Miss Watson, who has homes in  London and New York, declined to comment." ^That's what the dailymail says but here below is what Emma said at the time.
From fansshare.com October 2012, "There was a lot of fuss made recently about the fact that a man who has been stalking Emma Watson managed to get onto her set before being chased off into the woods. It was claimed that Emma was terrified by the incident and feared for her safety.  However, it appears that the claims were not true, as Emma has spoken out about the “incident” stating that nothing of the sort happened. Emma felt that she needed to let everybody know what’s what and hoped to clear up any confusion about the stalker situation. Watson took to her official Twitter account to say, “Ok. Few things to clear up. I was not terrified by a stalker in the woods. And he was not fought off by martial arts experts.#whowrotethisstory”. I don't get this DM article because Emma has had this bodyguard for ten years. I think this might be a great big dose of media sensationalism or maybe a planted story so everyone will go, "Aww poor Emma" because she has said some really dumb things lately. I've seen photos of Denise (the older blonde lady we always see her with) with Emma as far back as 2005 Here they are outside the Regis and Kelly show (USA) in 2005 and to the right currently in 2014
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^She still looks 15 doesn't she? I've seen one or two candids of Denise with Emma at Brown. I've read an article from a Brown website (thank anonymous for tipping me off) where they were talking about her bodyguards on campus that followed her around. Here's Emma, some guy and Denise at Brown in the fall of 2010 (I can't find the others)
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Here she is talking about stalkers in her GQ interview from last year From gq-magazine.co.uk May 2013, "Did you have stalkers? 'Yes. I do have people who show up from time to time in different parts of the world. I've never really known how to respond; I've never really known if I should be afraid or not. This is how I put it into perspective: thousands of women all over the world have to deal with feeling afraid when they walk home from the Tube, on their way to work, when they go out for a drink. Feeling not safe isn't something that is singular to me or my experience as a woman, and I don't think any of these people mean me any harm. They just tend to be people caught up, who don't really realise what they are doing, and I think it is very important that I don't allow it to isolate me further, to be another reason why I shouldn't go out and meet people or walk down the street. Weird guys sometimes take it too far, and that is it. I just keep a friend with me. I don't have a full-time security guard or anything like that. Even at university I went everywhere completely alone, which looking back was probably a pretty ambitious thing that I tried to do there, but somehow I got away with it. There were times when I did feel stressed and anxious and could probably have done with a bit more support. At the same time I would rather make my own mistakes and learn what I need. I think it is so easy when you get famous to just disengage from having a life and that can make some things really dangerous.'" Remember she told rookie magazine she used to lie about walking to places but had a car waiting for her? She was trying to make it seem she has this normal life. I reckon this could be another little white lie about not having a full-time guard because we've seen Denise with her for years. She's the woman that pushes people away and pulls her from signing autographs and even refuses people. How about other instances like Glastonbury where that big muscular man tailed her everywhere. At airports when Denise is not there she has men which looks to be bodyguards to me. When she went to the Box Night Club she had a bodyguard. They're rare shots because most candids are just of Emma and Denise or Emma and a friend or boyfriend. You really think Emma travels alone? For example
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Last photo from 2011: Check this out and seethe altercation You rarely catch her bodyguards photographed other than Denise who looks more than just a bodyguard. I think she's more like a bodyguard/assistant. I bet they are always around but you wouldn't know it. I'd go as far as saying they probably follow her from a distance to make it seem like she's really by herself. Here's something she said in 2009 and it was really stupid From wonderwall.msn.com July 2009 (interview with Dan, Rupert and Emma. she started brown in Sept 09) In this film, Ron has sort of a stalker girlfriend. Has it ever gotten strange where you're dating people who are more interested in dating Harry, Ron or Hermione rather than yourselves? Emma Watson: "I'm dating my stalker, actually." It's dumb to even give a stalker the time or day in a magazine discussing them. It will probably embolden them by fueling whatever twisted fantasies they have in their head. If it were me I would not even mention it. In 2010 she said this From digitalspy.com November 2010, "Emma Watson has revealed that she and her Harry Potter co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint used to hide from their security guards. The actress admitted that she "hates" having bodyguards and prefers to deal with the attention she receives on her own. Watson explained: "I hate having bodyguards and when we were younger, Dan, Rupert and I used to try to hide from the people trying to keep an eye on us." The 20-year-old went on to say that she now feels comfortable traveling on public transport by herself. She added: "Now it's like, 'Really, I'm fine'. I take the train and the bus and, if I don't dress up too much, I'm usually fine. Occasionally people stop me but I'd rather deal with that than not go out at all. That'd be really tragic." In her most recent interview for Elle she said this From snitchseeker.com March 2014, “So while Radcliffe reportedly rarely leaves his house without a bodyguard, Watson memorably began her college career by moving into the freshman dorm-the very definition of exposed. She lopped off her hair, appeared in a student production of Chekhov. There were moment, she says, when she thought, “I don’t know if I can do this. Or if this is sensible anymore.” But she held firm, turning down high-profile work that would interfere with her studies. “I just don’t want a life where I can’t have a life, “she says. “And so I’ve been just unbelievably stubborn about it.” ^Peculiar and then this article comes out about her hired bodyguard. Could it have been Radcliffe's people saying, "Hey, wait a minute" and then ratted Emma out? That last quote, the newer one, is of course a total contradiction from what she said about Brown before. I don't know it's that's the truth or this is some rouse to plant the idea she was heckled out of college life. I don't know but one thing is for sure I don't believe most of what comes out of this girls mouth. I'm like those towns people that had it with the games of the little boy that cried wolf. As for the stalking it's the only thing I'll give her sympathy for. I think it would suck. If it's an over zealous stan or a weirdo I don't think it's cool. If you like or even dislike her there are still lines you should never cross and that includes invading her space. She's just one fake ass actress that lives in her own head that plays make believe and makes millions off it. Then of course she complains about it and manipulates the media and her fan base to cover up "the real Emma Watson". She's a prettily weaved illusion designed to trick you. There is no such thing as the perfect person and just because she is pretty it does not make her perfect girlfriend material. Stans and weirdos please understand this.
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Janis & Grace
Janis: [Let us say that some boys on the bus were going hard with being dicks because duh, shit always goes down on the bus] Janis: 3 of those lads have sent me dick pics Janis: say the word, like Grace: only 3? 💔 Janis: What can I say? Janis: Not got the pull I used to, obvs Grace: yeah same Janis: Yeah Janis: well, there's comfort in knowing you're always one #scandal away from being old news at this school, yeah Grace: mhmm I'm like so comforted rn Janis: Not my forte Janis: I'll work on getting the remaining 2 dicks Janis: revenge porn, I could do Grace: 🤞💜🙏 Janis: I hope the rest of the insults you've heard today have been more creative than that poor showing at least Grace: Duh of course they haven't 🙄 Janis: Gutting Janis: should've paid more attention in English, lads Grace: [sends her some of the quality content] Grace: that'll be easier when I'm not there to be like TOTALLY distracting obvs Janis: 😑 Janis: How dry Janis: 💀 or 👻 Grace: I mean like catch them at 20 still trying to pass Grace: much as I wanna kms Janis: True that Janis: only here past junior cert to get more fingering experience Grace: ugh Janis: I know Janis: romance is dead Janis: is there anything I can actually do though? Grace: get that as a matching tattoo with barista boy? no 👌👌 Grace: idk cos idk what I can even do soooo Grace: my life is just over Janis: I'll float the idea Janis: might be a bit mainstream Janis: yeah but is that such a bad thing Janis: was pretty tragic, right? Grace: can you not Janis: I'm not taking the piss Janis: I'm being real Grace: & I'm not in the mood for a life revamp atm Grace: or your advice Janis: I'm not trying to be a guru either Grace: well you don't know what you're talking about so that's a relief Janis: Alright Janis: not said I do either Janis: sorry I don't, if I knew how to avoid scandals, I could sell that shit for a high price Grace: just stop Grace: I could care less that I'm #cancelled Grace: it's not even Janis: Go on then Janis: I know you aren't upset over that idiot Grace: Duh Grace: he's the WORST but I knew that already Janis: and give a shit about everyone talking shit, apparently Janis: so, what is it? Grace: it's real if I say it Janis: Is that why you're not saying anything Janis: I know it doesn't stop the talk but some people might listen Janis: what don't you want to make real? Grace: I don't want people to listen, I literally don't want anyone to know Grace: I don't even wanna know, I wish I didn't Janis: Grace Janis: what are you talking about? Grace: I'm literally the worst person, I didn't wanna have his baby & now god has like cursed me forever Janis: Babe, God is NOT a subscriber Janis: tell me Grace: if you make me 😂 I will 😭 Janis: That would make things feel more normal Janis: but I'll calm my comedy genius Janis: you haven't grown another head and I don't think our animal have been slaughtered Grace: thanks babes Grace: but I'd rather have another head than this Janis: More to contour, I get it Janis: Kinda Janis: so it must be bad Grace: Yeah Grace: like I said, my life is over Grace: it's not even started & it's done Janis: Did you want the baby Janis: I know you said not HIS but like Janis: it'd be understandable to be in two minds, even after making a decision about it Grace: not now but I didn't know that'd mean not ever Janis: What? Grace: it's not just that I wasn't pregnant this time Grace: I can't be Janis: Ever? Janis: The Doctor told you? Grace: Ever Grace: the doctor said I'm going through the fucking menopause, like is nan even?! Janis: the menopause Janis: is that even possible Janis: fuck Grace: I don't think the doctor is allowed to drop fake news on me Grace: like maybe there's another storytime coming Janis: When did you find this out? Grace: I went to the doctors right after I delivered my fake news to him Janis: Jesus, Grace Janis: How are you in School Janis: why? Grace: I told you, I don't want this to be happening Grace: I'm freaking out, the symptoms are crazy Janis: Is it just pure bad luck Janis: it can't be like..reversed Grace: there's like no way to undo it Janis: Shit Janis: I'm sorry Janis: that is huge Grace: yeah me too Grace: the pity party this fam would throw would be huge Grace: along with the guestlist of all their accidental babies Janis: and we have enough birthdays with all those accidental kids so Janis: Obviously, no need to explain why you're keeping it to yourself Grace: I can't do this Grace: be this Janis: I don't think you have a choice Janis: well, you don't Grace: is it my fault though? all the binging I used to do Grace: Ro got to have a kid Janis: Of course it ain't your fault Janis: this shit is unfair and random Grace: Yeah Janis: and it'll always be shit and unfair Janis: but you can still live your life, just different to how you've imagined Grace: I don't wanna live this life Janis: There's not an alternative Janis: but I can guarantee it's not gonna be as bad as you feel right now Grace: I was just starting to get my shit together, for god's sake Janis: I know Janis: but you still have the rest together Grace: HE'S the last boy that's ever gonna come near me, that alone makes me wanna die Janis: that's bollocks Janis: you've not got the plague Janis: socially, right now Janis: but who gives a fuck, yeah, the lads 'round here are not the be all in any way Grace: I literally live here Grace: what else am I gonna do go online and find boys who are into 👵? Janis: Boys that don't go to our school, would be a start Janis: ones that aren't likely to be fans of that prick, shouldn't be hard Janis: you're not going for 12 year olds, like Grace: I said don't make me 😂 Janis: It can't hurt Janis: except literally, maybe Grace: I've gotta get used to all the fucking aches and pains anyway ugh Janis: Any excuse for a spa day, you Grace: I'll lose your invite, don't even worry Janis: 💔😏 Janis: you should though Janis: do something that doesn't make you feel like 👵 Grace: casual infertility party Janis: not exactly what I was thinking but Janis: interesting take on the baby shower epidemic Janis: I'd come Grace: oh god don't, Rio's gonna have another one soon Janis: It'll be nice to not have to snatch it back from an OTT gay this time Janis: more chill Grace: unless I snatch it cos I go fully mental Janis: I'd recommend a less baby crazy target Grace: maybe I'll start pushing all the 🐈s around in a pram like oh hey this is my new vibe Janis: if you want your face clawed off Janis: they're pretty unsympathetic little bastards Grace: I literally didn't wanna be in this fam before what am I meant to do now?! ugh Janis: As much as it would be a laugh to ask Ri to surrogate again Janis: let's think of something a little less drastic for the time being Grace: like? Janis: like Janis: you can't disown us all, it'd take to long Janis: but you could not be around for a while Grace: 👌👌 except I have nowhere to go Grace: not trying to have a Q&A with my friends about this Janis: You're so lucky I'm the twin with brains Grace: rude Janis: what about going to see Ava for a hot sec Janis: she's not the barrage-you-with-questions type Grace: it's lowkey very unlikely her mum & dad would want me there though Janis: yeah but it's as unlikely they'll be about enough to notice you that hard Janis: everyone knows you're going through it right now, even if they don't actually know what IT really is Grace: okay yeah Grace: mum does, she'd let me go Janis: exactly, who actually gives a shit if you miss a week or so of school Janis: Ava could still go if she so desperately needs, you just need to chill Janis: away from here Grace: not me, school was the worst even before this Janis: One thing we can agree on Grace: don't like tell anyone, okay? Janis: No shit Janis: 'course I won't Grace: Even your boyfriend who you're so 💖😍😘 for & have no secrets from Janis: Even though you're being purposefully antagonizing rn Janis: I won't tell no one Grace: thanks Janis: It ain't even an ask Janis: so don't mention it Grace: 👌💜 Janis: I'll hook it up with her, no stress Grace: I'll handle mum Janis: and your packing Grace: at least I don't have to serve a look as hard when there's only 1 person there I'm avoiding as opposed to like ALL of Dublin Janis: safe to say you can give the #ootds a break too Janis: strictly loungewear, like Grace: mhmmm Janis: bit rude to avoid Ava though Janis: do I need to tell her you're getting in the guestroom and not coming out, like? Grace: oh please, I would never Janis: Who are you avoiding then? Grace: just a boy Janis: unlike you Grace: excuse you Janis: You'd have your exes all back 'round like a family reunion Janis: who's this boy, did you shit in his bed, what's the story Grace: 😱😱😱 Grace: I WOULD NOT Janis: 👌👌 you love a repeat Grace: I'm a hoe reformed 😇🙏 Janis: so that's why you're avoiding Janis: get a wimple, join a convent Grace: literally can't 💍 anyone but god now anyway so Grace: obvs that's what he wanted when he cursed me Janis: #whenbaeisposessive 😍 Janis: and don't talk shit, you don't have to promise you'll have your firstborn within the year when you get married, like Janis: not necessary Grace: whatever we're so off topic rn Janis: the topic of you shitting in some London lad's bed, 'cos you did not deny it Janis: let's get back on that Grace: OMG no! Grace: I'm 👵 not 🤢💀🤒😓💀 Grace: he's just a hookup, no drama Janis: just gonna run for cover if you 👀 him Janis: standard Janis: probably not lurking about her gaff unless you've really one-upped everyone and fucked your uncle 🤢 Grace: EW! Grace: I'm not even gonna 👀 him cos he's her bfs brother but like I didn't know that so Janis: that's funny Janis: soz Janis: 😂 when the incestuousness of it all happens without you even trying Grace: 🙄🙄 Janis: okay 🤐 Janis: but deffo avoid him Grace: duh Grace: the state of me & my life rn Janis: more like the state of that whole situation Janis: getting involved in that is not anyone's idea of relaxing Grace: obvs but that's not anything to do with him Grace: just like none of this #scandal involves you Janis: Think people know better than to imply it was a threesome, yeah Grace: Gross! & you know what I mean, babes Janis: yeah, it's beyond #obvs you don't wanna avoid this boy mhmm Grace: like that matters, he's not gonna hit me up & same Janis: well okay Janis: arranging that goes beyond sisterly duties into pimp territory so Janis: focus on what you're actually gonna do whilst you're there then Grace: 😭😭💀💀😭 then yeah? Grace: 👌💜 Janis: you could do that here Janis: at least go somewhere instagrammable to die Grace: well duh Grace: final livestream for the haters Janis: 🙄😏 Janis: wonder if anyone's killed themselves on stream yet Janis: must've Grace: obvs Grace: but I literally couldn't even if it was original content cos they'd all think it was about him & I'm sooo 💔💔💔 Janis: No one wants that as their legacy Grace: exactly Janis: even if the race to #1 most subscribed when he gets #cancelled would be just riveting Grace: he won't even though his fans are just Janis: sweaty virgins Janis: yeah, figures Grace: 😂 Grace: I'd tell him to hit them with a Q&A but like he's got no answers Grace: literally should've known I wasn't pregnant Janis: thank fuck you ain't Janis: this time anyway Janis: obvs the whole thing is a little more complex but Christ Janis: having to parent with that Janis: and knowing your child was the product of a really shit shag Janis: 💔 Grace: IKR Grace: at least he doesn't know he could blame the menopause for how shit it was Janis: I highly doubt he knows what the menopause is Janis: nevermind the concept of it coming early Janis: though that shouldn't be that unfamiliar Grace: who knew it could come this early though Grace: not his defence squad but like wtf Janis: I hadn't heard of it before, really Janis: like I knew people like Ro and Mia and co can stop getting their period and it might not come back, even if you sort yourself Janis: it's shit luck Grace: yeah Janis: Did you not get your period Janis: on whatever contraception you're on Grace: loads of people don't on the implant so I wasn't freaking out Janis: yeah Janis: s'what I thought Janis: you don't think, I mean that's not why, is it Grace: I'd hope someone would have floated that as a side effect before I got it put in but it's not like I can ask my former squad if they're also going through it Grace: they might've moved on by now anyways it only lasts 3 years Grace: hence my 👶 panic Janis: I don't think even doctors and scientists know what it does to our bodies Janis: we're still guineapigs for all this shit Janis: I know loads of people get fucked up from all the hormones they add to your body, and the ones they take away Janis: again, just bad luck it happened to be permanent, I guess Janis: fun times Grace: at least I won't have to do any of that shit any more Janis: that's true Janis: it's not like there aren't any perks Janis: or that the losses can't be filled with other potentials in the future, when you actually wanna think about all that shit Grace: unless I go bald then I will kms obvs Janis: If you go bald, you can just go for it and superglue a wig on Grace: find me one that doesn't make me look like a weird cartoon character & sure Janis: no 💗 or 💙 Janis: got it Grace: ty 💜 Janis: failing that, you could make Ri transplant you some of hers Janis: like so you won't give me a baby, okay Grace: 😂😂 coming at her with ✂ Grace: I love that you didn't volunteer yourself bitch Grace: 💇 or 👶 tbh Janis: Full horror movie moment that Janis: selfish to a fault me Janis: and final girl, so you can pry 'em off my cold dead head or outta my cold dead womb Grace: my 📽🎞😱 moment is that this is gonna change my skin type to dry so it'll take me at least a full week to find replacements for all my makeup faves Janis: yeah, but think about how hard your spots should disappear Janis: get yourself a decent moisturizer and you won't even need to bother barely Grace: !!! Grace: I didn't even think of that OMG Janis: mhmm 👵 don't get acne Grace: 🙏🙏 Janis: and you can try a new facial over there, yeah Grace: as long as Ava isn't like no thanks bitch Janis: won't give her an option tbh Grace: 📽🎞😱 Janis: 😏 you know I'm scary bitch Grace: oh please Janis: 👊 Grace: 😘
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blueberryrock · 4 years
Here is chapter 7, I will post this newest one after this, enjoy!
(There is some smut at the end)
(Yellow's pov)
It has been a few rotations since I sent a message Blue, she didn't try to send another message to me, but that's probably cause she heard the rebels attempting to blow up the base and everyone in it.
They managed to poof m-Yellow Pearl and a few others, they also managed to stab me in the shoulder a few times. Luckily, their little weapons were too small and weak to actually poof me.
But Blue won't be happy about that...but she will be happy to know that I'm coming to homeworld a rotation early.
I just hope she doesn't hear my ship landing. I quickly switch position in my golden throne, instead of having both feet on the ground, I rest my left leg on my other one.
I maneuver my big golden hand ship as carefully and silently as possible on the brownish-gold landing pad. I put yellow pearl's small gem in one of my many secret pockets in my armor.
I quickly stand up from my throne and I make my way through big yellow doors, to a long barren gold hallway, to another set of yellow doors that leads outside.
I hit the panel and the big yellow doors open, the warm familiar air of outside hits me. I take a deep breath in, then I slowly exhale. A small smile creeps onto my face as thoughts of how happy Blue is going to be, races through my mind.
I make my way from the landing pad to the main indoor hallway of the palace, I stop to talk to a topaz that was patrolling the hallways. "Topaz" I say to get her attention, she looks up at me and salutes me "yes my diamond" she responds.
"At ease" I say, she immediately drops her salute "have you seen Blue diamond leave her room since I left?" I ask.
"I saw her and White Diamond leave the library, but that's the last I've seen her" Topaz replies.
I nod "thank you Topaz" I continue my way in my part of the palace, soon the yellow walls slowly morph into white ones as I pass White Diamond's personal chambers.
I stop in front of her door, maybe I should talk to her? I should at least say hello.
I hit the panel and the big white doors in front of me open with a SWOOSH, I walk into White's chambers. It's not much different than Blue's.
White has a somewhat smaller white canopy bed, a big white circle rug in the middle of the room. Instead of a vanity, white has a big dresser that goes from almost touching the ceiling to the floor.
White is sitting at her desk that is right next to her bed. She turns around to look at me "ah Yellow, you're here early" she says.
"Well I wanted to surprise Blue, but a Topaz said that she hasn't left since you took her from the library" I say as I cross my arms.
"Well me and her had a little...disagreement I guess, so I haven't heard anything from her" White gets up from her chair and she sits on her bed to face me "but some of the kitchen gems said that they've been bringing her food and water"
"Well that's good, I should probably go and check on her" I turn around and I head to the door.
"Ok tell her I tried to do my part of the reports" she calls after me.
I nod, I open the door and turn left, I continue on my way to Blue's chambers. Excitement builds inside me again as the white walls slowly change to blue ones.
I put my gloved hands in my pockets, Yellow Pearl's gem brushes against my hand, I freak out and I immediately pull out my hand. Oh yeah I still have her gem. I stop walking and I pull out her tiny pale yellow gem.
I gently put her gem back in my pocket and I keep going, but I head to the medical wing and I drop off her gem.
"Please let me know when she reforms" I say as I carefully hand Pearl's gem to the Secretary peridot.
"Yes Yellow Diamond" the peridot hands pearl's gem to another peridot. I turn on my boot heel and I quickly leave.
I exit the medical wing and I head to the big doors that lead outside then blue's chambers. A big smile creeps on my face and I close the doors and quickly walk across the blue bridge.
I open the doors and the familiar scent of water and lilac hits me, I close the doors behind me and I turn in the light.
"Blue, I'm back" I call out. I glance around the room, I notice the blankets are halfway in the floor, there is a tray of old fruit and vegetables on her vanity, and a few almost empty glasses of water in her nightstand.
"Blue?" I nervously call out. The faint sound of running water catches my attention. I beeline straight towards her extraction chambers.
I hit the now raised panel and the doors open quietly for once. A bunch of steam comes pouring out of the door and into the bedroom.
Blue's back is facing me, perfect, she is going to be so happy. I slowly walk closer, trying not to make a sound, but I hear sniffling so I instantly drop the act and walk towards her.
"Blue? Are you okay?" I worriedly ask. Blue springs forward and turns around "y-yellow? You scared me" she says sort of out of breath, she places her hand over where an organic's heart would be, I notice a few tears roll down her face.
"Wait" she says "YELLOW I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK" Blue yells.
She swims as fast as she can and tries to hug me, but she can only wrap her arms around my neck. I jump into the water and I sink down onto the seat beside her.
She wraps her arms around me and buries her wet face into my neck. "I'm so glad you're home" she says into my neck, she pulls back to look at me "i-i was so worried, when I got your message I was scared that I'd lose you" Blue starts weeping.
Tears start forming in my eyes "hey, shh it's okay" I wipe her tears "I'm here now, and I don't need to be anywhere but here"
Her watery cerulean blue eyes stare into mine, I gently grab her chin and pull her in for a much-needed kiss. Blue let's out a happy hum, I slide my free hand down into the water and onto her baby bump.
Blue breaks the kiss and puts her hand on top of mine. I give her a smile and she gives me a half-smile "so when is the next appointment" I ask cheerfully
"Oh, it's in two rotations" Blue responds dryly.
My smile falters a but "are they checking for anything big?" I turn to face her again but she doesn't meet my eyes, she just staring at the water.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Blue snaps her head to look at me "y-yes I'm fine, no I don't think they're going to look for anything important" her grip tightens on my hand.
I cock my eyebrow "are you sure?"
"Yes" she says harshly.
I flinch back a little from the harshness of her tone, and she seems to notice "I-I'm sorry, it's just" she starts "tired, I'm tired and a bit stressed, all the reports I had to read and reply back wa-is very tiring"
"Well I told White to help you with that" I move my hand from her belly and I wrap it around her shoulders, she moves in and rests her head on my shoulder and her hand below my gem.
"We both know how White is with being diplomatic" Blue rests her other hand on my knee.
I smile at a fond memory when White and Steven were trying to deal with a race of intelligent organics that somehow didn't die, Steven had to stop White from killing their leader.
"She's not that bad" I sorta lie.
Blue moves out of my arms and sits facing me "she literally almost wiped out another race just by stepping on them".
I chuckle "ok ok you're right, I'm no better". Blue slides back to her original position on me, she lets out a tired yawn "I should probably get to bed" she tiredly says "will you be joining me?" She looks up at me with those almost glowing cerulean eyes.
"Of course, I will need to take my armor off though" I say, Blue moves so I can get out of the water. I stand up and pull myself out of the water. I take my soaking wet gloves off and I offer my hand to Blue.
She grabs my hand and uses her other one to push herself up. Once she's standing she instantly starts to go to the door, she opens it and leaves me to drain the water.
I hit a button that's is near the door, I stay there to make sure it's draining then I go in the bedroom. Blue is already getting ready by brushing her hair.
"Do you have to do that every night?" I close the door behind then I throw myself onto the plush blue bed.
"Well, I want my hair to be as healthy as it can" Blue spins her chair around to face me "and you should do it too, you're hair is so coarse" she continues to brush her hair, I cross my arms on my chest.
"It's not that bad" I half-lie, although she is sort of right.
Blue sets down her hairbrush and slowly makes her way to the bed, she gently lays down beside me on her back. She takes my helmet off and puts it in her lap.
She tries to run her fingers through my short golden hair, but her fingers get caught in knots. "See, I can't even run my hand fully through your hair"
I smile as Blue tries to carefully retract her hand from my hair, she rests her back against the headboard. I gently put my head on her shoulder, I run my ungloved fingers through her soft hair.
Blue shuts that down quickly, she grabs my hand and pulls it away from her hair "if I can't enjoy your hair, you can't enjoy mine" she huffs. Blue drops my hand and crosses her arms.
A bad idea hits me. "I know something that you will enjoy" I smirk. Blue looks at me confused then she gets it "well you did leave me with a shit ton of work to do, so I think I deserve it"
"Fine, tonight is all about you, my diamond" I push me and her sideways, blue's head and hair is hanging off the bed. I scootch back and I pull her towards me so we're almost in the middle of the bed, my helmet falls off the bed.
"Please try to make it quick, I am rather tired" her eyelids drooping.
"If you're not up to it, we can do it tomo-" Blue cuts me off "I am up to it, but I think doing this will make me fall asleep faster"
I nod, I climb back on top of her, my arms where her head is and my legs are firmly on the floor. Blue wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a rough, yet passionate kiss.
I break the kiss and nibble on her lip, I leave I trail of small kisses from her jawline to her neck. I leave a big mark on her neck, Blue groans in annoyment and pleasure. "Really yellow?" She mumbles, I just smirk into her now bruised neck.
"Blue, if I am going to continue, I need you to strip" I purr into her ear.
Blue understands what I need and complies. She let's go of my neck and phases away her dress, now all she's in is a matching plain blue bra and panties.
I push off the bed and stand up "absolutely beautiful" I half mutter to myself. Blue blushes from being bare and complemented. I lean back down onto the bed, and I start an attack of kisses and loves bites from blues now dark mark, to her glistening blue diamond.
Blue lets out a low moan as I press a gentle kiss on her gem. I slowly drag my tongue across each of her facets, with each and every one of her moans I gradually go faster than slower.
I shove my hands underneath her to unfasten her bra, once it's undone I waste no time throwing it across the room. Without hesitation I quickly start kissing and sucking on one of blue's breasts.
I grab her other breast and I squeeze her already rock hard nipple, blue let's out a husky moan.
"P-please yellow, keep going lower" Blue whines.
"As you wish, my diamond"
I leave love bites as I gradually got lower and lower, I leave a single kiss on Blue's small baby bump. I stop once I get to the seam of blue's panties, I lean back a little and pull her wet panties up and over her glorious legs.
I dive right into Blue's legs, not bothering to tease her. I begin to lick and kiss Blue's clit, she cries out with each swish of my tongue. I thrust two fingers into her wet slit, her walls clench around them as I move them in and out of her.
"Y-yellow, keep g-going" Blue cries. I smile as I continue to swish my tongue around her sensitive nub.
One of her hands buries itself in my short hair, she grasps it tightly in her hand, as I fasten my pace Blue pulls harder on my hair.
"Y-yellow I'm about to" Blue cuts herself off as she comes. Her walls are crushing my fingers as I pull them out. I lap up any and all of her juices.
I stand back up and wipe my mouth, Blue moves so she can lay down correctly, I phase away my armor and keep on a thin loose shirt and shorts.
I pull the blankets back and lay down facing her "so did that satisfy you" I ask.
"Yes my love, that was exactly what I needed, sorry I can't return the favor" Blue yawns.
"It's quite alright, just go to sleep, I'll be right here if you need me" I brush a few strands of her hair out of her face.
Blue shifts onto her other side, I move so I can be on my back. Thank the stars she didn't see any of my wounds, they are on my left shoulder so I won't be laying on the side for some time.
I look back at Blue's bareback, I watch her breath in and out, her quiet snoring tells me she fell asleep. I smile and she mumbles to herself. I sigh and summon a screen, time to get some work done.
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hildagirl99 · 5 years
Volume 4: The tribe of heaven
Chapter 2: Oswald Wind and Linda
The next day, Hilda got up very early not to miss the arrival of this Oswald. She did not know what time he would arrive. Sunia and Flora had noticed that their mother was very stressed and anxious. Someone knocked on the door. It was him? She stepped forward, dusted herself off a bit and opened the door softly. But to his surprise, it was just Loan.
"Are you all right, Hilda? You're pale! "Said Loan, who had noticed her concern.
"Oh no, just that I was waiting for a visit from someone very important ..."
"Someone who knew my parents ..."
As soon as she closed the door, someone knocked again.
There was no doubt, it was him. She opened the door. She saw a man a little taller than her, dark blue hair was falling to her shoulders, a very discreet black mustache and a long nose like her.
"Hel... hello," stammered Hilda.
"Hello Miss Berg," he said in a clean, closed tone.
"Is it you ... Mr. Oswald Wind?"
"Myself," he said, bowing a little. Hilda did not understand why he was doing this, maybe it was a mark of politeness.
"Miss Berg, rest assured, I don't want you any harm, my dark appearance may have scared you."
"Um ... a little, Hehehe," she said, laughing nervously.
"As you know, I was a close friend of your parents, recently we made a discovery that ... you are not the only descendant of your parents. And I was able to find you again thanks to our leader. "
"Huh? What do you mean ?"
"I know it'll be painful and surprising when you see it."
"But who ?"
"Stay here ..." and took a step to the right and stretching out his arm.
"Linda, you can come, hang on to my hand."
Hilda's heart sped up as the mysterious people showed up. She raised her head and stared at a girl. She was wearing a green dress, her hair was half long, the same color as hers, her bangs on her head forming two half-moon circles. The girl was staring into the void, almost the ground, her eyes were yellow with a small white circle in the middle of the pupil.
"If you ever wonder, I'd rather warn you: she's blind," Oswald said suddenly.
"Oh ... I would have thought ..." Hilda said feeling terribly embarrassed.
"Hello Hilda!" Said the girl with a small smile, still looking at the void.
"My name is Linda ... Linda Berg ... and ... I'm your little sister," she said shyly and quickly.
Hilda's heart stopped, stunned by this revelation.
"What ?? But ... you must be wrong! I am the only daughter of Luna and Ventarus! I lived alone for years with my mother before she died! "She said, out of her.
But Linda just smiled.
"I know the truth is hard to accept, Miss Berg, but we did DNA testing and it's formal, science is not wrong: you're sisters! From the same mother and the same father! "
Hilda was frustrated but also desperate. Why would her mother have hidden her from having a little sister?
"Can I touch you?" Linda said, still smiling.
Hilda pulled back. Surprised by this proposal.
"Miss Berg ... she wants to know what you look like by touching your face. Let it go. "
Linda stepped forward cautiously so as not to fall. Hilda grabbed her hands reflexively. Linda lifted her hands and touched Hilda's face, who closed her eyes. She feels her nose.
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"Hihi! You have the same nose as me! "Then she continued and touched her hair, caressing the shape of her bangs.
"Oh ! You have the half-moon bangs! Like me! "She said, super enthusiastic.
"And you have short hair!" She said before moving back.
"I'm so happy to see you ... uh ... well ... to meet you, even if I don't see," she said a little confused that she could not see.
"She is blind from birth ..." Oswald had said.
"Does that mean ... she never saw the light of day?" Hilda said, taking a pity and sadness for Linda.
"Exact. It makes sense when you are born blind and you will never see the light of day, "Oswald said coldly.
"It seems to me that ... you wanted to talk to me in more detail," Hilda said, remembering the words of the letter.
"Yes of course, can I enter?"
"Yes, go ahead ..." Hilda said, moving away.
Oswald returned. He stared at Sunia, Flora and Loan who were staring at him with wide eyes.
"Are these your children?" He asked.
"Sunia and Flora yes but ... not Loan, it's Sunia's boyfriend.
"Very well. May I ask you to leave us alone? "He said, looking at Sunia, Flora and Loan.
"Yes ... right now," said Sunia. And they all went up to their rooms.
"With your permission sir, I would like to stay with my wife, we have always told each other and I have learned a lot about her family and I would like to participate!" Cagney said, appearing next to Hilda holding her hand.
"I had no intention of asking you to leave, it concerns you too," Oswald had said.
"But ... do you know who I am then?"
"Yes, Mr. Cagney Carnation, Miss Berg's husband."
He was surprised that he knew his name and surname. How did he know?
"Oh are you married?" Linda asked, lining the walls, guiding her to Hilda's voice.
"Oh yes !"
She stepped forward and stopped.
"Hello sir!" She said smiling
"Cagney ... it's Linda, my little sister."
So it was true, Hilda had a little sister and he met her in real life.
"Can I touch you?"
"Huh?" Recula Cagney.
"Cagney ... Linda is blind, to identify you, she must touch your face," Hilda had said. He let himself go. Linda palpates her face.
"You have a long nose too!" But down, the texture of his face was not the same as for a human.
"Hey? ... "Then she touched her petals.
"But are you a flower?" Linda asked.
"Oh yes ?"
"Choss too strong !!" Linda exclaimed, hopping on the spot.
"And you smell sweet orange! It's the nectar! "
Cagney was a little uncomfortable meeting this person who did not seem terrified to know it was a flower.
"My brother-in-law is a flower!" She said with a laugh.
"Linda ... there is more urgent to do," Oswald said, resting his hand on his shoulder. She stopped and lowered her head.
Once in the kitchen, Oswald spoke:
"So ... for starters, you come from far away, Miss Berg, from far away: The tribe of heaven. Your parents were chiefs but they were considered a king and a queen. What makes you a princess or successor. "
a princess ?
"Rest assured, I did not come to fetch you to fulfill your destiny and take back the throne, we already have a leader," he said nervously. And he continued:
"So that you find your origins, the chef invites you and your husband to spend a week with the tribe. And the departure is tomorrow morning, at the right time, you will be treated as it should be. "
Hilda looks at Cagney, looking questioning. They thought of the children they will leave here. A week without them. But Hilda wanted to discover her homeland, perhaps during this stay she would find the answers she was looking for.
"I let you think ..." Oswald said, turning on his heels.
"I ... we'll talk with our kids for a moment," Hilda said. So they go up to the room where Sunia, Flora and Loan were.
"Children, do we talk ..."
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After 30 minutes of explanations, they go down again.
"Mr. Wind ... we thought about it, and ... we accept your invitation," said Hilda, determined.
"Very good," Oswald said, showing a slight smile of satisfaction.
"Take all necessary for a week, the departure will be tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. I will take you and your husband there. "
"I can't wait!" Linda said, hopping again.
"I'm going to leave you, Miss Berg tomorrow," he said, bowing.
"See you tomorrow, sister!" Linda said jumping into Hilda's arms. She was terribly embarrassed.
"Um ... yes ..." she said, pushing her a little.
And they come out calmly from their house.
Hilda remained frozen for 5 minutes. She was finally going to discover where she came from, her origins ... everything had come at once. Cagney, meanwhile, also asked questions but compared to children leaving them alone. Will Sunia be doing her role as a big sister? Will the devil come back during their absence? He was afraid for them but he had no choice. The same evening, Hilda and Cagney prepare their things for a week, and especially, the list that Sunia could do during their absences. Once in bed, Hilda tried in vain to find sleep. Several questions came in her head, she was stressing a lot, would it be a trap? the truth ? But curiosity was stronger than fear.
Chapter 3: The departure
The next day everything was ready. The suitcases were in front of the door, Hilda and Cagney were saying goodbye to their children and Loan.
"Don't forget Flora! You listen well to your sister and you water the flowers once every two days! "Cagney said anxiously.
"Yes p'pa! I'll be wise and I'll listen to Sunia ... "said Flora, making her head.
"Watch over each other," Hilda was saying, hugging Sunia.
"And you Loan, take care of Sunia and no nonsense!" Cagney said looking at this one.
"Yes, don't worry ... I've been taking care of her for a long time," said Loan holding Sunia's hand.
"We'll find something to take care of," she said with a smile and clinging to Loan.
"But be careful ..."
"OUIIII !!" cried Flora, Sunia and Loan at the same time.
At the same moment, Oswald arrived and was standing on a large cloud.
"Are you ready?" He said.
Cagney and Hilda took their children one last time.
"I'll tell you everything when we come back." Hilda promises.
"Let me take care of your suitcases." Oswald took their bags and put them in the back of the cloud. Hilda goes up first and settles down. She looks one last time at her house and her children for a week. Cagney joins the cloud as well.
"Goodbye ! See you in a week! "He said, waving his hand.
"See you soon ! Come back soon! "Said Sunia and Flora.
And the cloud suddenly began to rise very high and go at full speed.
"How long are you going to steal?" Hilda asks.
"It depends if you hit a storm ..." Oswald snapped.
"But we left for an hour and a half of travel ..." and they fly far away.
"I will miss them," said Sunia, looking away.
"At least we can be quiet," Loan said, holding his shoulders and leaning on his head.
"Hihi ~ yes!"
"Well, I'm going back to see my Floral Porn myself, see if there's anything new!" Flora said with a big smile.
"Flora, go water the flowers already like dad said, then you can do what you want!" Said Sunia, raising her voice.
"Okay ..." said Flora dragging her feet.
To be continued ~
Merci à @yonnichan-art pour les colos ~
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vegalocity · 5 years
So I was thinking about your BnHA/magical girl crossovers,and two ideas popped in my head. Izuku/Hinagiku,and Todoroki/Yuri. They haven't really gone anywhere yet,but I thought I'd run them by you anyway.
Damn Hinagiku just snatchin up every nerd.
I wanted to do a doodle for either of these because those arehella ideas,  I personally want to keep Takuhinastrong in my own fic, but I sure as hell can appreciate that Izuhina,and i’ve yet to decided on whether Yuri and Yanagiba should remaintogether or not granted how Sir Limone’s being portrayed,  buthere’s a drabble instead because my hand isn’t obeying me.
His mother was the first relative Todoroki introduced her to.They’d been meeting for a couple of weeks now, mostly in secret dueto his relative fame compared to her need to stay in the shadows, butin preperation for the inevitable outing of their relationship,they’d decided to be the first people to tell their respectivefamilies.
Yuri had offered for his visit to the Tanimia household to befirst, since from what he’d told her, his family was a stressfulbunch, but he’d insisted. 
More as a comforting mechanism than any sense of threat, Yuriclenched her Sacred Liner in her hand, the rapidly warming goldenwand a comforting presence. Shouto nodded at her when the nursebefore the two of them began to lead them in the direction ofTodoroki Rei’s room in the psych ward.
Yuri felt severely underdressed. Shouto had shown up outside thenews room at Gondor—conspicuously close to yet not standing withBakugou as he waited for Momoko to come out of the darkroom—and hadannounced that they were visiting his mother on this day. Needless tosay Yuri didn’t even have time to go home and put on something morepresentable, so her checkered black uniform felt completely againstwhat she should have worn to such an occasion.
Shouto was watching her from the corner of his eye, the electricblue surrounded by dark scar tissue of a wound of a decade previouspeering into her as she began to fuss with her hair with her freehand. She wasn’t sure if he thought she couldn’t see him in her ownperipheral or not, but it wasn’t really helping her anxieties.
“Your shoulders are shaking.” he noted, blunt as ever. Yuriyelped and glanced back at him fully then. At the loosening of herhand, the strands of blonde hair she’d been fussing with fell back tothe side of her head.
“Sorry… I’m rather nervous, you see.”
“Well… She’s your mother! I want to make a good impression,yet I’m woefully underprepared. I haven’t brought a gift of somekind, nor am I in proper attire for meeting one’s parents, and…”She paused, eyes darting back to the linolieum floor as they came toa stop before her room.
“What if she doesn’t like me?”
Shouto thought for a moment, turning to face her fully then. Hisexpression unchanged, but something brewing in his eyes that Yuricouldn’t quite name.
“She will.” He stated simply. Then, before she could protest,reached upward and straightened her headband. Another small lock ofhair fell from its usual place, adding to the bits along the sides ofher head.
Yuri took his hand while it was still near her, and Shouto gaveher one of those rare, lovely grins, before opening the door beforethem.
“Does your family know?” Angel Daisy glanced at him only amoment before her gaze returned to the skyline.
“Of course they do.” She looked uncomfortable, but sheanswered all the same. “After Magi and the magical underbelly ofthe world became known, I had to tell them. It was the only way Iwouldn’t get transferred to Shiketsu or UA or any of the Hero Schoolsthat started ‘opening their doors’ to Magi.” she used airquotes toemphasise her point and Deku felt his hackles raise a little at hisown former highschool being referenced with such derision.
“Hey, that was pretty big of UA, after all the stuff that hadhappened to their hero classes that year–”
“I know what school your from Deku, you think Magi don’t watchthe UA Sports Festival when there’s nothing else on?” Her eyes werecovered by a sort of green winged visor that otherwise matched herhair, but somehow he could feel the teasing in her tone. “I didn’twant to wear those stupid red armbands and get my passion derided asbloodsucking muckraking tabloid bait.”
Those words weren’t pulled from thin air, Kaminari had been on PutYour Hands Up recently and said something of the same vein. It hadgotten him into some trouble back home if his whining texts about howunfair Scarlet was being was any indication.
“You’re a Journalist?”
“I wanted to be. Then we had to go public and the only placethat would hire me was the place where my parents were the bosses.”
He never knew what to say to any Magi he ran into on patrol. Theyalways seemed so sad when he ran into them. So tired. Most of themhad never wanted to be heroes. They had aspirations and dreams thatthey had to give up to fight the good fight. Deku, Uravity, Ingenium,Combust, they all got to be heroes. Sailor Moon, Mew Cinnamon, CureBright, Wedding Peach, they had to be soldiers.
“I’m sorry.” he settled on. “People don’t respect otherpassions like they used to. I mean, I’ve loved hero work since I wasa child, but one of my friends married a woman who loves photography.Like, old school darkrooms and shutter lenses and film cannistersphotography.” Daisy began to smile, and Deku honestly didn’tunderstand why, but he kept going. “Her and her friends used to doa school newspaper when they were all teenagers, and they actuallyhelped advertise our classes shows every cultural festival. But theyweren’t well respected anywhere outside their own school. Kids fromother classes would call them some pretty mean things behind theirbacks because of how the press tended to be viewed in our school.They were great girls. I even had a crush on one of them.” Daisy’shead darted up again to stare at him. “But because they were lookeddown upon just because their lives didn’t revolve around some part ofHero Culture.”
“Which one did you like?” She chuckled, her hand covering hermouth “Don’t tell me you liked your friend’s wife before they evengot together, that’s some real sappy shit.”
Deku could at least laugh at that. “No, no, it was her friend.She had hair kind of like mine, but lighter green. She was theirarticle writer, and she was just…” She was something else, thatwas for sure. “She was fun.”
Angel Daisy stood straighter then, her mask keeping her unreadablebut her stance seeming almost, defensive.
“Have a nice night, Hopeful hero Deku.” a flurry of feathersand flowerpetals wipped through the air, and when it cleared AngelDaisy had sprouted a pair of large wings.
“You too, Angel Daisy.”
She jumped from the side of the building and was gone.
Funny, Hero work had been a bit of a whirlwind for him, he’d kindof stopped thinking about his former crush for the past three yearssince his debut.
He wondered what she was doing now. Was she still working in herfamily’s flowershop?
Actually speaking of flowers he still needed to get some forUraraka’s birthday tomorrow. Maybe he’d drop by Tamano Florists andsee for himself tomorrow morning.
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
19 - Clean Canvas
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This chapters songs:
Here She Comes; Slowdive
Dog Cuddles; Dad Sports
Dream Girl; Crisaunt
- Y. L. Perspective
I tapped my chin with the pen, frustrated that you weren't able to come up with anything. "Ah! Koshi, that hurt!" I yell at him as he softens his hands upon my shoulders. He was giving me a gentle back massage while I tried writing my first lyrics, but I was struggling to find the right words to say.
"Sorry!" He then stops squeezing my shoulders, letting his hands slide down my torso, and pull me into a hug from behind. His head nuzzled into my neck as he spoke. "What is the song about?"
I shrug. "I don't even know yet. Maybe I should just write about how much of an untalented and wasteful girl I am!" I scoff, rolling my eyes back. Now, out of all moments, my feelings decide to disappear.
Both Koshi and I say criss-cross on his bed with one single lamp on in his room. His room was not at all what I was expecting. I'd perceived it to be much messier in my head, the way an average teenage boys' room would be. But no! It was spotless and quite basic. Still, I felt very comfortable in his arms as I attempted to write down some ideas. Feeling his heartbeat on my back was enough to make me feel at home.
"Why don't you write about us, Y/n?" He asks me as he pulls me back and forth in a sway motion. The suggestion had already popped into my mind before. But if I could write about it, what would I say? How I'm in love with someone who won't tie the knot between us?
'What am I doing at his house if he's not even my boyfriend? I've got to gain some self-respect.'
Perhaps bringing it up wouldn't be as bad as I thought. So, I pull myself away from his arms and sit in front of him, fully staring at his confused face.
"What is it?" His fair voice questions, one of his fingers attempting to fiddle with my oversized t-shirt.
There was so much to say. Why arent you my boyfriend yet? Why won't you tell me what's on your mind for once? Aren't you excited about the training camp? But I decide to pick the first question. "Koshi, what's there to write about? I...I know that we both like each other very much, but what does it matter if you won't call me your girlfriend?" I look down at the grey shorts I wore, afraid that he would be disappointed in me for wanting more from him.
"I didn't know you felt that way. I guess...I guess I just wanted you to feel comfortable around me, not forced to be with me," Koshi mutters under his breath, ashamed he underestimated my love for him.
"Well of course I want to be with you!" I exclaim, leaning my head onto his chest. It worries me that he felt insecure about his love. It wasn't as if he could be giving me too much affection. So why didn't he trust that I loved him?
I sigh while he rubs my back in a circular motion, wishing he would tell me things that bothered him like this. "So you wouldn't mind being my girlfriend, Y/n?" The man's words are clear to me when he said them, not lagged like all the other times.
I nod my head. "Of course not."
"Hm, okay. Then for our first memory of being a couple, I wanna hold you," Koshi says, laying us both down onto his mattress. He leans over me, stretching to grab one of the blankets on his shelf, and unfolding it over us.
"But it's so cold. Why don't we just go under your comforter?" I ask him, pulling slightly at the corner of the thick bed sheet. But he denies my request and pulls my wrist back.
He says, "Uh-Uh-Uh! I prefer it to be cold. When we go to your house, we can use the comforter. If you're that cold then you're gonna have to hug me tighter."
I'm surprised at how stubborn Koshi was being with me but glad he was becoming more comfortable with sharing his opinion. He treated me like a princess most of the time instead of asking for what he really wants. Even if it was just the matter of a blanket.
"Do you wanna help me try and think of something to write about?" I ask him in the most delicate voice.
"What's something that saddens you, Y/n? Something that you're worried will cause you despair towards the future?" Koshi asks me. I genuinely hadn't thought about it yet. "Love is more than just feelings. I think it comes with a lot of pain. Has there ever been any pain that you've encountered during being in love?"
"Not really." My words couldn't be more honest. With Toruku, I felt sick that I had a crush on my best friend's boyfriend. And when she passed, those feelings for him weren't nearly as strong as the ones I felt about her death. As for Koshi, I've only been scared of the pain. But I hadn't endured it yet. At least that was what I thought. Truth is that every lasting second I spent with him could only cause me more and more pain in the future. "Maybe when I find what to write about, I shouldn't tell you. I should let you figure it out when I'm done with it."
"Planning something behind my back?! How evil of you." Koshi jokes, leaning on one of his elbows to hold himself up as he looked at me. With the pale moonlight shining down on him and the lamp lighting the room up slightly, he looked more beautiful than ever. I was glad that I was the one to be able I witness such an ethereal moment with him. Especially since he held me in a special place. I was his first love, after all. That's more important than any relationship he could have had with previous girls.
Attempting to obtain reassurance, I grow curious and begin to play with my new boyfriend, asking small questions. "So...what does it feel like to have sex with a girl, Kou? I've never done that before... do they smell nice? Are they soft?" It was obvious that I'd caught him off guard, for he stuttered and looked at me strangely. "I promise I won't get jealous if you tell me. I only want to know what it's like. It may help me with writing if you tell me about passionate moments like that."
Given that I'd never done anything that was borderline sexual with anyone else, I was curious about how it felt. Both physically and mentally.
"Uhm—stressful. And I haven't done it as much as you might think, so I haven't ever enjoyed it." It comes to me as a shock that he didn't have a slightly good experience that he could tell me about.
"Wh-really?! But...I thought all guys liked it! You're saying it didn't even feel good?" I waft my hand into the cold air, confused.
"No, silly. Of course it felt good, but it wasn't as passionate as you think. I wasn't ever in love with any of those girls, so it only made me feel worse. Sex isn't good for those who aren't ready for it," he explains to me.
I nod, understanding a bit more of what he meant. "Does that mean you weren't ready?"
"Mhm. I wasn't," he says. Deciding to switch up the question, he asks me, "So, what is it like to have sex with a guy? I bet they aren't very good-smelling, are they?"
I blink a few times. "Uhm, I dunno," I say, growing shy at the question. "I haven't ever...you know...had sex."
Too scared to look at Koshi, I stuff my head into a pillow and sigh obnoxiously. Though I knew he wouldn't make that much of a big deal out of it, I didn't want him thinking I was a prude. A lot of people that knew I was a virgin made fun of me for it. Truth was, I'd never found someone worthy of taking my virginity. Many told me that it was horrible for your mental health, especially for younger people like me. Not to mention how scared I was that whoever took my virginity would be rough with me and it would hurt like hell.
"Hey, hey...don't get all embarrassed on me. A lot of people haven't. That's nothing to be ashamed about. Being a virgin doesn't make you any less of a woman. If it were up to me, I'd go back and stay a virgin until the right time," Koshi states. His attempts to cheer me up were sweet, but not working all that much.
"What do you think, Kou? Do you like me better that way? You know, as a virgin?" I ask him, slightly peeking up at his lost expression.
Yes, it was something very awkward to ask. But I did want to know what he preferred. Not that I would be able to change last second if he didn't like me as I was.
"Th—that isn't something I have power over, so I don't think about it. But...you could say I prefer it."
I'm happy with his answer. Still, I was curious about the reason, so I ask, "and why is that?"
"Well...um...I'm not too sure. Not to jump to any conclusions, but think it's because...if you weren't a virgin, then our first time together wouldn't be as memorable. It's sure is selfish of me to say, but I would rather you remember me as someone who shared that moment with you. That's why I wish I would have waited until I met you," Koshi began to grow flustered towards the end of his explanation.
"And if you wanna put it into a metaphor then you could say that being a virgin is like being a blank canvas. You can only hope that someone will make something lovely of you by the time they're finished."
I haven't ever heard someone describe being a virgin in such a beautiful way. And he was right— the first time is always something you remember. That is if it's enjoyable for you. I could only hope that I would lose my virginity to someone as gentle as him.
"Then when the time comes, could you please be that person, Koshi?" I spoke, laying a hand on his chest. My nervous nature was far too obvious for me to hide. But thankfully, Koshi didn't mind it. He knew asking something like that took courage. Such profound questions weren't something to joke about.
My heart race died down when I hear him tell me, "Of course, love."
Koshi quickly gets up to turn off the lamp and I make myself more comfortable under the thin blankets and many pillows he had on his bed. When he comes back, he wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close near him.
It was no wonder that he didn't like to talk about his previous experiences with girls. He hadn't enjoyed them. But I was sure of it: and day, I'll make it up to Koshi.
"Goodnight, love. Maybe tomorrow you'll come up with something to write about, hm?"
"Yeah, goodnight." With one last kiss on the cheek, Koshi and I doze off to sleep.
Hey everyone!! Just so you know, I have a special playlist on my Spotify that I made just for this fanfiction. I always add the songs that I include in the chapters, so please go check that out in case you'd like to listen while reading!!
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I love you always!! Thank you for reading I do appreciate it <3 make sure to take care of yourself
- estrxlar
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mikelogan · 6 years
hey!! so i recently followed + i'm in love with your blog + writing so i was gonna send a prompt + if you're busy or not taking them it's totally cool i just thought i'd send it your way cause i'd love to read this in your style!!! so i thought maybe jd and dr cox have been together for a few months + one day carla + turk are looking for jd + he's nowhere to be found + he left his pager at the hospital so they page dr cox when they get home + the sound goes off in jd's bedroom - cue confessions!
first of all, thank you SO much!! and i’m so sorry this took so long, but thank you again for sending it! it turned out a lot longer than i planned (and a touch more dramatic) but that’s all right by me :)
             It hadbeen so long since the two of them had had an afternoon off together and Perryhad wanted to make the most of it.  He’dshown up at JD’s apartment with some takeout and a movie he’d rented; both werestill sitting out on the coffee table in the living room as they’d quicklygotten distracted with each other and moved into JD’s bedroom.  And now JD was fast asleep with his head onPerry’s chest while Perry slowly drew his fingers through JD’s hair, a softsmile on his face.  How it had only beenthree and a half months was beyond Perry. He felt as though he and JD had been together for ages, and yet itsomehow felt like it was only yesterday that they’d begun all this.  
             It wasn’tthat they were trying to sneak around, but they both felt that there’d be toomuch talk, too much gossip, especially at the hospital, if they were to gopublic with their relationship.  Perryhad, in fact, offered to let JD tell Turk and Carla, but the younger doctor hadbrushed the idea off, saying they’d never let him live it down.  Perry had a sneaking suspicion that JD wasactually afraid to tell his friends, but he left the subject alone, notentirely minding having JD all to himself.
             JD mumbledsomething in his sleep and rolled over, his head leaving Perry’s chest, andPerry smiled fondly as he watched the other man.  Perry was head over heels – and he knew it,too.  And instead of running from it, hefound himself embracing this new, but very rewarding way of honesty andcommunication.  Content to spend the restof the afternoon in bed alongside his lover, Perry settled down next to JD,intending to pull him back into his arms – right where he belonged – but hispager had other ideas.  Sighing, Perryhurriedly left the bed, not wanting the sound to disturb JD.  Wearing only his boxers and the t-shirt he’dhad under his lab coat, he fished his pager out of his scrubs pocket and backedout into the living room, carefully closing JD’s bedroom door as he went.  He looked down at his pager and read theshort message:  911 – JD missing!
             His browfurrowing, Perry looked up from his pager only to find two pairs of astonishedeyes already on him.  It wasn’t like him,but Perry couldn’t help but blush ever-so-slightly as Turk and Carla gaped athim.  Given his state of undress and theroom he’d just left, it was quite obvious what had transpired before the two ofthem had come home, and Perry couldn’t deny it. And a small voice in the back of his head reminded him that he didn’t want to deny it, not anymore.  
             “Ghandi,”Perry said gruffly as he straightened up. “Carla.”
             “What in the hell is going on?” Turk cried, hisvoice much higher than normal.  Carlaelbowed him, though she looked quite shocked herself.
             Perryopened his mouth to speak, but then the three of them turned back toward JD’sdoor, where they could make out his tired voice.
             “Perry?”he called, his voice scratchy like it always was when he’d just woken up.  “Come back to bed.”
             “Perry?” Turk screeched, looking asthough he was seconds away from a massive coronary.
             Perrycringed when he heard a loud thud from inside the bedroom, and moments later,JD was stumbling out the door, trying desperately to finish pulling on a pairof sweatpants.  His hair was sticking upin every direction and it was clear he’d just woken up, though his eyes werewide.  Without thinking, Perry tucked JDunder his arm, pulling him against his side.
             Turkopened and closed his mouth several times, his eyes bugging out, but he seemedto be beyond words.  
             “Turk,”JD said slowly, watching Turk with great caution, “if you’d just let meexplain…”
             “Pleasetell me this is some kind of joke,” Turk said weakly just as he spotted thetakeout and the DVD on the coffee table. He groaned and sank down onto the couch.
             Carlaseemed to recover more quickly and she rolled her eyes at Turk, but JD shrankfurther into Perry’s side when she turned to glare at him.  “How long has this been going on?” she asked,and JD couldn’t tell if she was angry or not. “And why didn’t you tell us?”
             JDglanced up at Perry and bit his lip nervously. “A-almost four months,” he mumbled. “And I didn’t want to tell you, not yet anyway.  I didn’t want anyone to know because no onewould understand.  And I’d much rather have Perry to myself thanhave to worry about how wrong everyone thinks this is or how stupid they thinkI am.  Look, Carla, these few months havebeen… well, they’ve been incredible.”  JDpaused and looked up at Perry again, the nervousness in his expressionlessening just slightly.  “And of coursewe would have told you eventually, but Perry and I… we have such a good thinggoing that it was hard to imagine having to deal with unnecessary drama.”
             At that,Turk whipped his head around to stare at JD. “Unnecessary drama?” he asked incredulously.  “This is Dr. Cox we’re talking about!”
             JD’s jawtightened and he curled a protective arm around Perry’s waist.  “He’s standing right here, Turk.”
             “I don’thave a problem telling him to his face that he’s a jackass who’s never even pretended to care about you and has madeyour life a living hell for the last two years.”
             “Allright, Turk, that’s enough,” Carla said firmly, shooting an apologetic glancePerry’s way.
             “What, Ican’t say what needs to be said?” Turk asked, rising up off the couch.  “You’re a bully,” he said, addressing Perrydirectly.  “And I want to know whatexactly you said that brainwashed JD so much that he’d actually get into bedwith you.”
             “I didn’thave to say anything,” Perry said simply. “And I sure as hell don’t see a need to explain myself to you, gumball, but let me ask you this:what really bothers you about this?  Isit that Newbie has found someone else to occupy his time instead of you?”
             “Perry,stop it,” JD said under his breath.
             “No, JD,I want to know what the real problem is,” Perry pressed, still looking directlyat Turk.  “Is it that we’re bothmen?  We all know nothing makes you moreuncomfortable than a little guy-on-guy action –”
             JD nudgedPerry, looking up at him in disbelief. “That’s enough, Perry,” he said rather harshly.
             Perrytook a step forward, closer to Turk. “I’m betting that it’s a little bit of both,” he maintained, ignoringJD.  “Am I right?”
             “You sonof a bitch,” Turk said, his voice dripping with resentment.  “This iswhy I’m pissed.  Because you get yourjollies from shit like this when JD is the kindest, most compassionate personI’ve ever met.  You couldn’t be morewrong for him and I think deep down you know that.  You know that someday soon, he’s going to gettired of you and where will that leave you? Sitting alone in your big apartment with nothing to keep you company butyour damn scotch.”
             “You hadbetter shut your mouth before I do something I’ll really regret,” Perry said ina low voice, taking another step toward Turk.
             “Will youtwo knock it off?” JD nearly shouted, stepping between the two of them.  ���Turk, this is exactly why I didn’t tell youthat Perry and I were together because I knewyou would overreact and pull something like this!  And Perry, Turk is my best friend and I needyou two to get along!  You’re both actinglike children right now and I’m tired of it! I would expect both of you tohave my back and respect mydecisions!”
             Perrystepped back and relaxed slightly.  “I’msorry,” he said genuinely, looking JD in the eyes.  “You’re right.”
             Turk, onthe other hand, did not have the same reaction. “JD, can’t you see this is just some sick, twisted game he’s playingwith you?  He doesn’t actually care –”
             “Turk,shut up!” JD cried, throwing his arms up in exasperation.  “I am in love with Perry, he’s in love withme, and you’re just going to have to deal with it.  You’re my best friend and I need yousupporting me, not trying to ruin my relationship!”
             “I’m justtrying to protect you,” Turk insisted as Carla put her hand to her forehead andshook her head.  “I know you can’t seethat right now because he’s gotten inside your head, but you’ll thank mesoon.  I don’t care what I have to do toget you to realize that this is a bad idea. As your best friend, I’ll do whatever it takes.”
             “You’re unbelievable,”JD sighed, turning back toward his bedroom. He flung the door open and grabbed the duffel bag he stored under hisbed.  
             “What areyou doing?” Turk asked, pushing past Perry and following JD into his room.
             “Packingmy stuff,” JD said flatly.  
             Turksighed.  “Come on, dude, you don’t haveto go.  I’m just trying to –”
             “You’retrying to break Perry and me up,” JD interrupted, shoving several changes ofclothes into his bag and picking Perry’s clothes up off the floor.  “And while that’s the case, I’m not stayinghere.”  He stormed back out into theliving room and tossed Perry’s clothes at him. “I want to leave.”
             “I thinkmaybe you should stay, Newbie,” Perry said gently, catching JD’s hand as hecrossed the room.  
             “What areyou talking about?”
             “I don’twant to be the reason that you and Turk are fighting,” Perry saidseriously.  “And I think that if youleave angry, things might not work themselves out.  Differences aside, there is one thing he andI have in common, and that’s that we both love you and care about you.  So I think we should stay, sit down, and talkabout this like adults instead of just getting angry.”
             “Perry’sright,” Carla interjected, looking stressed out.  “The two of you are just stubborn enough todrag this out much longer than it should be, so let’s get everything out on thetable now so we can start working through it.”
             JD lookedfrustrated, but eventually dropped his bag beside the couch and flopped downonto it.  “Fine,” he said, crossing hisarms as Perry sat down beside him.  “Let’stalk, then.  Let’s talk about why itseems like my judgement and my decisions aren’t good enough for you, Turk.  Last time I checked, this is my life and I should be allowed to bewith whoever I want.  The fact that youthink Perry has somehow brainwashed me means you think I’m not strong enough tomake my own decisions about who I love.”
             “It’s notlike that, man,” Turk said, sitting down in the arm chair next to thecouch.  “You know I’ve always trustedyou.  It’s him I don’t trust.”
             “I haven’tgiven you much reason to,” Perry said frankly. JD tried to protest, but Perry continued.  “It’s true. You and I have never gotten along and I’m thinking it’s because we’reboth so hard-headed.  But the fact of thematter is that I don’t work with you. You see tiny little glimpses into what I’m like and it’s true that thoseglimpses aren’t typically of my, let’s say, softer side.  But I have worked alongside JD nearly everyday for two years now, so wouldn’t you say that he’d be a little more qualifiedto judge my motives than you are?”
             Turkfloundered for a moment.  “That may betrue,” he conceded, “but that doesn’t change the fact that the side of you I’veseen is not a nice guy.  Forgive me forwanting better for JD.”
             “Don’tyou think that Perry and I have talked about this stuff already?” JDasked.  “It’s been almost four months,Turk, which leaves a lot of time for conversation.  Perry has changed a lot – not that I askedhim to.  Tell Turk what you said to meafter our first night together.”
             “Newbie,I –”
             “Perry,please,” JD said softly, squeezing Perry’s hand.
             Perryheld JD’s gaze for a moment longer before looking back at Turk.  “I told JD I wanted to be better for him,because of him.  There are plenty ofthings that I’ve said and done that I now regret and I wish I could take themback.  But JD’s helped me to see thatpeople can change when they really want to. And he makes me want to.”
             “I thinkyou’d have to be blind not to see the connection between the two of you,” Carlasaid quietly.  “And for the record, I’mhappy for both of you.  It’s about timeyou were both happy.”
             Turk wassilent for a long moment after that, just looking at Perry and JD.  They weren’t trying to show off or tone downanything about their relationship and instead sat together on the couch the waythey usually did when they were alone, pressed right up against each other,exuding love and silent devotion.
             “Well,”JD finally said, breaking the silence, “what’s the verdict?”
             “I’m notsaying I like it,” Turk sighed, “but I’ll respect it.  But I swear to god, if you ever hurt him, you’ll have me to answerto.”
             Perryactually smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of JD’s head.  “Sounds good to me,” he agreed.
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