#and i still feel so mean and cold and unlikeable so often because of the people close to me!!
napping-sapphic · 6 months
God i’m thinking about how easily and unknowingly strangers can grant you salvation like i found it in how my old classmate told me once that i was a kind person and it was the first time i’d ever believed it
in how a coworker once said that i always seem so happy and have a nice smile and i cried about it when i got home since i’d always been told i seem too serious or mean
in how someone once told me i was good at comforting them when i’d always thought i was bad at it
Just god they’re out there somewhere and i barely remember what they looked like and we’ll never cross paths again but they changed me so deeply, they’re out there but they’ll never know how often i revisit those memories and think of myself even just a little more kindly they’re out there and i don’t know them but they’re the most important people in the world to me somehow
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yumeka-sxf · 1 month
Japanese Linguistic Observations in Spy x Family - part 1
This is a post series I've been planning for a while and I've finally had the time to complete part 1! 😃 I may have mentioned here before that I got my B.A. in Japanese/East Asian Studies, and even though I'm not fluent, I know the linguistics of the language fairly well. So I thought it would be fun to examine the interesting aspects of the Japanese version of the SxF manga that aren't reflected in the English translation. It might also be an informative experience for those who don't know any Japanese to learn a bit about the language through SxF! I'll try not to get too technical with the linguistics and keep my explanations at a beginner's level.
Part 1 - Twilight's "honne and tatemae"
One of the main themes in SxF is how many of the characters have secrets they want to hide, so they act a certain way in front of others in order to mask their true selves. Japanese has a word for this phenomena called 本音と建前 ("honne and tatemae").
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I remember learning about the concept of "honne and tatemae" during my Japanese college studies – a quick google search will yield a lot of publications on the topic and its relation to Japanese culture in particular. While the idea of hiding one's true intentions behind a fake facade can exist anywhere and is not something unique to Japan, it is enough of an occurrence in Japanese culture that there are specific words for it. The Wiki article has a basic but good definition of honne and tatemae, to quote:
A person's honne may be contrary to what is expected by society or what is required according to one's position and circumstances, and they are often kept hidden, except with one's closest friends. Tatemae is what is expected by society and required according to one's position and circumstances, and these may or may not match one's honne. In many cases, tatemae leads to outright telling of lies in order to avoid exposing the true inward feelings.
Sounds very much like the characters in SxF, doesn't it? Twilight especially, because unlike other characters like Yor and Anya, who simply have secrets they need to keep but don't create fake personas for themselves, Twilight does – the cheerful, friendly Loid Forger is a different person from the cold, calculating Twilight after all. Also unlike Yor and Anya, who speak the same way consistently no matter who they're talking to, Twilight uses different speech levels depending on which persona he's using and who he's talking to.
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There are many different levels of speech in Japanese, ranging from super formal to totally crude. These speech levels are distinguished mostly by the pronouns the speaker chooses to use for themselves and who they're speaking to, as well as how they choose to conjugate the words they use. For example, 座ってください (suwatte kudasai), 座って (suwatte,) and 座れ (suware) all mean "sit," as in, telling someone to sit down. But the tone being conveyed is different: the first one is polite, the second one is casual, and the last one could be seen as rude if you're not using it with a close friend/family member.
As Twilight, he uses casual speech with the masculine and less polite pronoun 俺 or オレ (ore). This is the speech he uses when talking to a fellow spy like Fiona, and for his own inner thoughts.
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As Loid Forger, he uses the polite 敬語 (keigo) speech, which is basically comprised of using the -ます (-masu) conjugation for verbs and the "to be" verb です (desu). He also uses the pronoun ボク or 僕 (boku), which is the standard male pronoun and more polite than "ore." He uses keigo to address pretty much everyone who doesn't know his true identity. When talking to a higher-up like Sylvia, he'll still use "ore" but will use polite speech instead of casual speech.
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Anya is an exception to this: with her, he uses his most casual speech, the same as he uses with Franky.
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I discussed a bit about this in part 24 of my Twiyor analysis posts, but this could be because Anya is a little kid, so he doesn't feel the need to put on any airs with her (same with Bond, whom he also uses casual speech with).
An interesting side note is that, as a child, Twilight used the pronoun "boku" but then changed to "ore" as soon as he became an adult/soldier.
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Another aspect of keigo, besides using the more polite forms of pronouns and verb conjugations, is putting the honorific さん (san) after people's names. Twilight does this all the time with Yor, as she does with him. However, he switches to casual speech and drops the "san" part in her name when addressing her in front of people who (supposedly) believe they're a real married couple, such as Yuri and Fiona – because it would be weird for a real couple who have been married for a year to address each other in such a formal way, especially the husband. In the below panel when Fiona visits them, he's calling her "Yor" instead of "Yor-san" and using casual speech instead of keigo.
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Oddly in these situations, while he uses just "Yor" when addressing her directly, he still calls her "Yor-san" when talking about her. During Yuri's first visit for example, he calls her "Yor-san" when telling Yuri how much Anya loves her (talking to someone about her) but then calls her just "Yor" a few moments later when telling her that he'll clean up the spill (talking to her directly). It's strange to me that he wouldn't just consistently use "Yor" whether he's talking to her or about her in these situations...I'm honestly not sure if he does this intentionally or if he just slips up since he's so used to using "Yor-san" in her presence.
*UPDATE* Thank you to @dentedintheworld-blog for enlightening me with the below reply about this!
"In Japanese, when speaking to your spouse's family about your spouse, you address her/him by attaching "san" her/his name out of respect for her/his family. This is also to show her/his family that you respect your spouse. That's why Loid calls Yor with san when he talks about how much he loves Yor to Yuri."
That definitely makes sense for why Twilight switches between "Yor" and "Yor-san" in these situations.
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Regardless, this is why the scene in chapter 86 is so significant – when Yor isn't present, there's no reason for him to refer to her as "Yor-san," especially in front of a fellow spy like Fiona who knows he (supposedly) shouldn't have any feelings for her. Yet, even after he just called Yuri by his full name "Yuri Briar" a moment before, he doesn't do the same for Yor and continues to call her "Yor-san" here, much to Fiona's dismay.
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In the same chapter, it's also significant that he uses "ore" when addressing Yor directly in his thoughts. Even though he's not speaking out loud, I believe this is the first time he's speaking directly "to" her as Twilight and/or his true self and not as Loid Forger.
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But despite all this, I think that both Loid Forger and Twilight are tatemae…they're both masks to hide the person he truly is. The person who fondly talked about his mother to Yor on the park bench, the person who genuinely expressed gratitude for her sacrifice when leaving the resort island, the person who refused to kill Yuri in a life-or-death struggle because he knew it would hurt her…that's his actual honne. But of course, the ongoing conflict of the series is that he has yet to realize this. He won't even show his honne to his closest friend, Franky. Seems like it mostly comes out in dribs and drabs during his interactions with Yor...no surprise there, lol. The man is certainly a work in progress. When he finally starts letting his "honne" show, I'm curious what form of speech he'll adopt.
Continue to Part 2 ->
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books-and-omens · 9 months
Okay okay, so I really want to talk about S2 Crowley.
I’ve been thinking about who Crowley is in the book and who he is in the show, and the gap is significant. (@tbutchaziraphale has fantastic meta over here which I think is spot on.)
Book!Crowley is an optimist, yes? I mean, we’re outright told this:
“Because, underneath it all, Crowley was an optimist. If there was one rock-hard certainty that had sustained him through the bad times—he thought briefly of the fourteenth century—then it was utter surety that he would come out on top; that the universe would look after him.”
Honestly, what a thing for a fallen angel to believe! And to me, it’s powerful, yes, but it never quite answers the question: where is he getting that certainty?
Tv!Crowley, in the meantime, is emphatically not this. He’s never been an optimist, not even in S1—although in S1, it might have been easier to look at A & C and consider them essentially similar to their book selves if a little out of sync.
In S1, Crowley gives the whole “don’t test them to destruction” speech. He cares about humanity deeply, even if he won’t admit it. He will try to stop the Apocalypse.
And there is still a moment when he feels helpless. When he has no innate optimism to carry him through, no deep belief in the universe looking after him or anyone. When his instincts tell him to run, and he tries to follow them. When he despairs. Aziraphale pulls him back out of that despair; they make a stand together. As we know, it works.
But the thing is, the thing is. I find tv!Crowley’s lack of optimism so very relatable.
I find despair so very relatable, too.
We live in an age of deep anxiety. (Climate change, anyone? Just for starters! The promise and wonder of the Moon landing and the end of the Cold War are far in the past; day to day, we deal with the effects of capitalism, of reactionism, of continued exclusionism. It’s far too easy to feel helpless.)
So in S2, Crowley is very much the same character as he was in S1, except we see it even clearer.
He is not an optimist. He wants to run; he wants to escape when faced with Gabriel’s arrival; he wants to protect Aziraphale and himself, and believes that the best—perhaps only—way to do that is by them retreating as far away from the problem as they can.
In Heaven, Crowley finds out about The Second Coming. His need to escape and to keep his angel safe become overwhelming. But he doesn’t tell Aziraphale about the Second Coming, does he? And his repeated offer to run away together doesn't even make sense to Aziraphale. (Not that Aziraphale would want to run if he knew. Quite the opposite, in fact, which Crowley must know.)
Anyway, Crowley already knows that the clock is ticking. Aziraphale is about to find it out. (Do you notice how often, in the last fifteen minutes of S2, we hear nothing in the background but the ticking of a clock?)
And just—the despair, the desire to retreat and escape when you are faced with overwhelming odds, with a fundamentally broken system, are so relatable.
And yet escape has never been the answer.
I hope, of course, that this is what we’ll see in S3 if there is a S3. Crowley deciding, emphatically, that running away is not the answer. 
We didn't get there yet. We were dropped out of the story at the darkest point.
But I think being at this point is precisely what makes Crowley’s confession at the end of S2 transcendent.
Because it’s the same conflict, isn’t it, except on a personal scale. Despair in the face of overwhelming odds, followed by the decision to not give up.
Crowley, who’d been ready to confess, sees what is likely to happen. He sees the way the deck is stacked against him, sees that he is unlikely to get through. He feels the coming loss. 
And then he does it anyway. 
He confesses anyway. He says what he has set out to say, gasping and clawing for every word. He does it at the point when everything appears lost.
And no, we don’t see the effects of it, not yet. We don’t see what he has launched, the hook that sank into Aziraphale, the change it has wrought in Crowley himself.
But his bravery won’t be lost.
We live in a dark timeline. I maintain that this is precisely what makes this story so compelling.
Be brave. Do the difficult thing anyway. Do it anyway. Do it anyway.
Even in the face of overwhelming odds. Especially in the face of overwhelming odds. While not being an optimist in the slightest.
This is what hope is.
This is what we have to do.
(And to all of us who’d lost a comfort story: I’m so sorry. I, too, am still grieving for it. I know, I know.
Emphatically: all is not lost.)
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Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
- it’s been a hot hot minute but i’m back (still got exams rip) but i just couldn’t help myself, i’m far too obsessed with Hotch atm. my tortured serious detective heart can’t take it. i deliberately made this so fucking long cause i love the tension before the smutty smut. love u guys i’ll be back more consistently soon xx
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The sky turned black and it felt like you lost yourself in the cool damp night, staring at nothing but a blaring white screen sitting at your desk praying for this unnerving blankness to end. Even when flying back and the case is successfully solved and profiled, the paperwork that you promised to Hotch earlier was calling to you and you didn't have the chance to call it a night like your fellow teammates. So you sat hollow-eyed at your desk, writing up the events of today. You did have a choice in the matter though- to smooth over the endless tension with Hotch, your boss. Every time you remember any sort of interaction with him, your eyes crease and your brows furrow involuntarily- it was as if there was a heavy feeling in your chest, not from sadness or insult but a tight frustration you couldn't seem to bury no matter how strong your intentions were.
It was only you here in the bullpen and only Hotch brooding in his office, your glassy eyes flicked every so often to see him through his blinds sitting at his desk. It was so late and your brain was turning to white noise and heavy thumps, your clear thinking was fleeing you every minute you sat at your desk. You pondered walking in and talking to him. Confronting him over the events that sent the frosty tension biting down your spine.
The group sat around, unfocused and loitering from desk to desk discussing anything other than the case at hand which wasn't a prudent choice considering you were the newest addition to the team and you couldn't afford to have a bad rap sheet, especially when your boss was the Aaron Hotchner who has a severe attitude and a nerve made of steel- so if you crossed him, he would make it apparent that your behavior would not be tolerated and if it repeats...the consequences far outweighed the risks. Even though you've been here for a year, the tension between you and Hotch hasn't eased, in fact, they froze over tenfold. But it didn't matter because you were just as bitter. You couldn't help it slip out sometimes, just because you were new it didn't mean that you were a people pleaser that was a doormat to anyone with $800 real Italian leather shoes, namely Hotch’
It was difficult to deny that he was…attractive. He moved in silence and it was deafening, he was cold and distant but your intrigue was impossible to quell- he was hot. And completely unlikeable.
And before you knew it, Hotch was right in front of you, with a discerning and severe look on his face that you couldn't seem to shake. All of a sudden, Prentiss and Reid had wandering eyes that looked around elsewhere as they walked away like children trying to hide. Shit.
‘’Agent, a word please.’’ He instructed in that soft yet firm voice of his, knowing that it wasn't friendly and it wasn't insulting- just so fucking polite. It was in this cool middle ground that was filled with grit and tender resentment- unconventionally paradoxical and entirely inconvenient. You shot Emily and Spencer a worried look and their eyes also mimicked your panic and uncertainty, giving a shrug back at you.
You stood proud, however, squaring your shoulders upright when you followed his lead back up to his office, your only view being the back of his tailored suit. Damn, his shoulders were…broad.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
A million self-referential questions flew through your head like a million comets in the sky.
Did you offend him?
Did you make a comment that messed up his view of you forever?
Does he think you can't do your job anymore?
Is he going to transfer you?
Replace you?
Like the polite asshole he was, Hotch left the door open for you and motioned you to take a seat before he was sitting behind his desk waiting to interrogate you and catch you out. You could handle this though, you weren't afraid of him. You sat cross-legged awaiting his charred words but he took a moment to study you.
Hotch wasn't a man that mixed business and his own personal opinion. Subjectivity was the downfall of many leaders of this team before him and he absolutely didn't want anything to change now. This was the sole reason he had been giving you a hard time through the guise of being mistrusting of the newest addition to his team...though it was easy to admit that he didn't trust you, he barely knew you- he glared at you through lifeless and surveying eyes.
‘’I wanted to inform you that your case reports for the previous case haven't been handed to me, the deadline for it was last night and I don't appreciate tardiness.’’ Hotch scolded you with a flatlined voice that was threatening if you listened to it right- you were a profiler, of course, you picked that up.
‘’I completely understand that sir, but I wanted my account to be more detailed and diligent.’’
‘’Why is that?’’ He was inspecting you further and you felt like you were under a microscope.
‘’Because I was the one that shot the unsub.’’ Your voice was heavy even though you knew this wasn't a good excuse. Reid and Morgan once used this excuse to delay the paperwork but it never worked, it only earned them a verbal tongue-lashing on how paperwork deadlines are important as it allows records and cases to be fully sealed, you couldn't move on without finishing them. You internally winced and your neck burned with regret at saying that. It wasn't like this was the first time you shot someone.
Hotch just stared at you, he should be down your throat about these things but he was finding it difficult to draw the line between being your boss and his own personal feelings he was beginning to harbor for you. This all started when you first started a year ago- when you first walked into his office he was taken aback by your hard-angled features and your tight lip, most people who join the BAU have a tendency to fall into two categories with Hotch: completely persistent and overbearing bootlickers that actually defy his orders or moody lone wolves that don't know how to work in a team. You didn't fit into either of those boxes. He couldn't help but align himself with you- as if you were like him. Although what surprised him was that you smiled and laughed in a way that he never did, when you finally were aware of the dynamics of the team, it teased out lightness and ease within you. He'd grown to be fond of your smile, he liked seeing it. Which was odd because when you were with him, your face went hard. Like you were challenging him and his authority.
‘’You're a very talented agent. And an incredibly smart and diligent profiler. You make a very good addition to this team for someone that I haven't worked with for very long but I can't work with people who don't place the same value on paperwork and fieldwork respectively. I'll give you leeway on this occasion but I need you to be good at paper trails as you are on the field.’’
You felt your mouth drop open slightly, like unloose hinges on a door that just got slammed. All the breath was knocked out of your lungs at his not-so-subtle compliment, your ears pricked with heat at the fact that you never heard anything this heartfelt come out of Hotch's mouth, especially regarding you.
‘’Thank you..I-‘’
‘’Please don't blush, the accolade is very much deserved.’’
Hotch was somehow keeping his cool which was a much-needed miracle from the universe. Even though the flush that stained your face somehow made it even more beautiful, he'd like to see that rose pink everywhere else...all over your body. You weren't challenging him now, you were like putty in his hands and it was incredibly jarring to see, but not unwelcome at all. He liked that the one small compliment affected you so, it didn't need to take a profiler to see it clear as day. It was apparent to see that your thoughts were affecting you physically, your thumb was incessantly rubbing the side of your pointer finger- your tell.
‘’I appreciate that Aaron-‘’
‘’-Sir.’’ He reinforced in a thick and heavy voice, correcting the term. You were always supposed to use 'sir' or 'Hotch', you'd never called him Aaron before and your lips curved slightly into a frown
Every time you were getting close to him, he cut you off and built up those walls again. It soured your mood and your brow furrowed again. You got up and leaned in slightly before standing upright.
‘’Sir.’’ You squared your shoulders and readjusted your posture before leaving.
‘’I'll get it finished by tonight.’’ You said huskily, annoyed and frustrated.
What was even odder is that your feet had a mind of their own, the silence was overwhelming you and it felt like you were about to smack your head against a brick wall when you stood outside of his office and knocked.
The tension was taking over you and you needed some form of clarity.
‘’Come in.’’ Hotch stated politely before looking up from his writing and letting go of his pen. You stood there, incredibly confident in your stance and he had to suppress raising an eyebrow.
‘’Y/N. What can I do for you?’’ His voice was low, heady and so damn sexy…almost suggestive.
Just looking at him made electricity shoot through your shoulder blades, his tie was slightly loosened, and his hair was a little more scuffed than usual. Hotch's gaze was scorching, to say the least, it was a complete 360 from the hard discerning eyes he gave you when you were in his office.
‘’Sir, I feel like my work is being compromised.’’ You said very matter-of-factly, arms crossed as you leaned against his door to prove that you mean business, that you were tired of this tap dance with death. Hotch paused to study your statement.
‘’How so?’’
'I'm having trouble handling this tension between you and me.’’ You breathed, finally finding the words that didn't completely reveal how badly you wanted him.
‘’Which kind of tension?’’
‘’You know which one, you're a profiler. Figure it out.’’ You snapped and Aaron was completely taken aback, this was absolutely the kind of attitude that he wouldn't put up with but on this occasion, you seemed desperate and he's never seen you like this before. It wasn't a wake-up call...it was a calling. Hotch just studied your purpose silently- you stood there so sure yet doe-eyed and needy for an answer you had doubts you were going to get from him. He wanted to be honest, so he was.
‘’The kind of tension that makes me want to bend you over my desk and fuck the attitude out of you?’’ Hotch asked you to clarify it for him, just to make you squirm a little more- and like clockwork, you did. He watched your chest swell as you breathed in and out, your eyes widened a little bit but you suppressed it in a second but they were dilating intensely, your brows raised, and your lips parted to let out a sharp breath. The telltale face for shock and arousal. ‘’I don't think you want me to come up with a suggestion on how to help you at all, you've got it all figured out for yourself.’’ Hotch saw right through you, your mind was buzzing with outlines of unfinished plans and outcomes of this entire situation. Right now you could only see one: him fucking you like an animal.
‘’You gonna profile me?’’ Your face was stern but your voice was sweet. Your eyes were begging for him to surprise you and leave you hanging for more.
‘’You want me to?’’ His tone. His voice. It was like pure sex.
‘’Come here then.’’ Hotch bit the bullet, he was drunk on this, and he wasn't thinking clearly- but why did it feel like the solution to his problems was becoming clearer and clearer?
Your legs turned to jelly and your knees started buckling in a fit of electric tingles but by some pure miracle, your feet found their way over to Hotch, ending up in front of him behind his desk, eyes locked in a perpetual battle between the tampered down tension and the heady desire
‘’I figured you've outlined a profile of me in your head already.’’ You breathed in an attempt to open up his head for him but like always, he was never revealing his thoughts- he just stared down at you
‘’You pretend you're not nervous around me.’’ He remarked coolly. ‘’You put on a facade that is actually convincing, it's probably an attempt to remain professional but the tension is getting to you, and you hate not having control. What I find interesting though is that you put on this facade but you so shamelessly give me fuck-me eyes when no one else is looking.’’
You remained tight-lipped at his deduction but internally you were losing your mind. ‘’I think I've been pretty good.’’
‘’You are good. But you can't take it anymore.’’ Hotch reaffirmed but then spun it back around on its head.
‘’I can't?’’
‘’You can't. You want me but you don't want to compromise anything, but now the idea of me fucking you is becoming less and less insane.’’ His face was completely serious and your heart was beginning to hammer.
‘’You seem sure of yourself.’’ Who were you kidding? Hotch could see right through you, your confidence was wearing away. He just gave you a small knowing smirk, you liked it when he was flirty (which was the rarest thing on Earth) but then, suddenly, he flipped back to being professional.
‘’So Agent, is there anything else you came to me for?’’. He tilted his head to the side.
He was acting fucking professional- as if you weren't just a few feet away from each other and like the palpable attraction wasn't swinging through the air. You scoffed at his face.
It was late, your inhibitions were fleeing you with every scattered moment. There were so many blips of weakness you were attempting to reign in but you took a deep breath so you didn't crumble under his hard gaze.
‘'I'd like to request a transfer.’’ You blurted without thinking it through. Hotch thought that your face looked defeated.
‘’Transfer? Why?’’ Hotch's brows furrowed and creased at your ask, his lips thinned. He hated the idea of it, but his personal feelings aside, you were an incredible addition to the team- you were bright, insightful, and a necessity. He feels that it would be a big mistake on your part.
But, isn't this right in the long run? This...tension...between you may affect your work in the field. The more you think about it, the less avoidable it becomes.
‘’Or would you prefer a resignation?’’ You joked, your pearly whites peeking through in the light of his office and he thought you looked beautiful under it- though he was slightly irked by your callousness
"Don't give me that.’’ He said curtly and it made your eyes narrow into his; his gaze darkened intensely, and those heady pools of brown were something you could drown in endlessly. You wouldn't mind at all.
‘’Well, I think I've already covered why I want to.’’
Hotch stood silent for a moment.
‘’Come home with me.’’
You hid your shocked face well but your pulse was thundering underneath your increasingly heated skin, you swallowed sharply and your eyes widened a little but still enough for Hotch to catch onto it. Those simple words he uttered made slick form between your thighs already, you couldn't even begin to imagine the physical things he could do to your body to make you feel good.
"Hotch...I-‘’ You breathed, you bit your lip to conceal your bashful expression but the blush and the light dancing in your eyes gave you away. You let out a sharp exhale in a fruitless attempt to attain some sense of dignity but when your gaze met his, you knew he was being perfectly serious and it made you gulp again.
His eyes were eager and you couldn't deny him any longer, even though the idea of him fucking you on his own desk in his own office was something out of a wet dream- you'd settle for some wine at his place. Maybe he could take it as a body shot, the idea made your legs tremble.
The next thing you knew is that his thumb and index finger were hooked under your chin so you could meet the intense stare that you would simply crack under.
‘’Please, baby.’’ Hotch whispered the pet name.
Fuck. That was enough to do you in, enough to make you give into any demand he asked of you. You were actually considering getting on your knees, right here, right now
‘’Okay.’’ Since you agreed, your nervousness seemed to dissipate.
Excited didn't even begin to cover it.
During the car ride back to his place, Hotch had to suppress the urge to let his hands glide over your thighs and clamp onto them. You were wearing a skirt. He could've just easily touched your skin, and let his fingers dance around your panties before slipping them in to see just how wet you really were. But he tampered down the pulsating urge, he kept stealing glances at you. You looked confident now, the woman he's grown to know and work with was here to stay- he'd get that changing in no time. He'd make this whole facade of being a tease shatter beneath your feet, the idea made him smirk and it temporarily occupied his mind while driving. Your air was simply intoxicating to Aaron and it was making him lose his focus on the road.
Neither of you spoke on the way there, and when you both arrived he offered you his hand. Your jaw wanted to fall straight to your feet, fucking Aaron Hothchner, your boss, was offering you his hand for you to hold.
Your tongue glazed over your lips as he lead you to his apartment, mouth salivating with every step. Hotch hadn't felt this strongly about anyone in so long, the tension between you two was just brewing and bubbling and now neither of you had the means to stop it- it was all just waiting to burst into an eruption of passion.
You were both experts in behavior. You both wanted each other, it was clear as fucking day. But you were both stubborn and unmoving. Unrelenting. Perfect.
Hotch opened his door and the ambient lights encompassed the entirety of the apartment, it was nicely furnished and it was apparent that he was a clean freak. It translated from work to home. Hm. Note taken. He closed the door and you both flung your bags into a dark corner, you didn't know what to say or do so you just flirted with him tirelessly.
‘’Wine?’’ Hotch offered, his face brightening just a little. He watched intently as you breathed and leaned in on his kitchen counter, discarding your jacket
"Hm. I drink red.’’ You lied.
‘’No, you don't.’’ His voice was low and gritty but it was evened out with a knowing smirk.
‘’Perceptive.’’ You stated impassively, not trying to indicate that you were affected by the fact he noticed your habits as if it wasn't his job to do so. Hotch poured out white wine for you and fixed himself a bourbon.
You watched and surveyed him with a certain and unmissable fixation. He shrugged off his blazer and started loosening up his tie and undid the first button but he didn't fully take it off. Lord. He was fit as fuck, his broad shoulders...his arms...his fucking hands. You felt so safe with him, it's not like you needed his protection but while you were in his presence, you felt secure and looked out for. The thought made you bite your lip.
Hotch sauntered back over to you with an aura of confidence, a ghost of a smile playing at his lips. He stood leaning opposite you after he handed you your glass. The ambient light made his hard features even more chiseled, it was almost romantic.
‘’So, did you want me here to ply me with alcohol just to make me change my mind?’’ You flirted as you took a scarce sip.
‘’No, just wanted you to be mine for a night.’’ He said honestly and it made your thighs clamp together but your expression was still that of smugness
‘’Hm. Since we're being honest now…’’ You started brusquely. ‘’I think I've wanted you to fuck me since I first walked into your office.’’
Hotch raised a discerning brow at you due to such a brash statement, it was unexpected by not surprising. ‘’Well, each of my thoughts about you…have been improper.’’ He said truthfully, his lips curling slightly.
You always seemed to have a knack for disarming him and he'd be a bold-faced liar if he said he didn't enjoy it. But his mind was wandering.
He was distracted with the last case the team took, he was concerned with the idea of you at the center of it- obviously. You partook in the role of pretending to act like the unsub's preferred victim, using the good old tactic of flirtation during the interrogation in which Hotch stood outside looking in through the glass. You hated appealing to this sadistic prick's preferences but you really didn't have a choice, you could practically feel Hotch's glare intensify even when you couldn't see him. He stood outside with Rossi watching in on the interrogation you were conducting.
‘’I don't like her being in the same room as him.’’ Hotch stated tight-lipped and impassive as always.
Rossi just turned his head and regarded him with a knowing look on his face, he scoffed at Aaron.
‘’What?’’ Hotch questioned, his brows furrowing as always
‘'You've been distracted recently, now I know why.’’
Hotch contemplated you in your presence, you were feeling playful and flirty whereas he was focused and hypervigilant. He couldn't help but be...worried about you. Even though the unsub fit the profile indefinitely, the team had no physical proof that warranted his arrest so you had to let him go. You had to stay later than everyone else to fill out the interrogation report at the P.D. After you were finished, you took your SUV and went back to the hotel you were staying at and parked your car. Although you were aware and diligent, you didn't expect to be blitzed from behind as you got out of the car. It was the same guy you took into custody- but thank God you got out of his aggressive hold and shot him in the kneecaps. You were bound to be shaken up and Hotch just wanted to make sure that you were doing okay. He was yanked out of his thoughts and tethered back to reality as your hand shot up to loosen up his tie, just to be closer to him, to feel his air.
‘'Hm- I always liked these-.’m You mumbled playfully, your face inching closer to his. But suddenly, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you even closer to him, his callous apathetic hand gripping your skin. You couldn't help but let out a sigh, your breath sweet like honey on the vine.
You felt exposed when he stared deeply into your alluring eyes, they provoked such a visceral reaction from him, it was making him feel helpless but he was a master of not showing it.
‘’What is it, Hotch?’’ Your free hand went to his should to assert a hold on him, like he you.
‘'The suspect that tried to attack you...I should've stayed and left with you.’’ His voice was confined with regret and a fit of bubbling anger, and his eyes darted away as if he was too ashamed to look at you considering what he could've prevented. His grip on your wrist loosened as you softly grabbed his face to look at you again. ‘’I don't know why I-‘’
‘’Hey, hey. Look at me...’’You breathed. ‘’I appreciate the chivalry of you being worried about me...but I feel safe with you. And I've spent a lot of time wanting you from a distance and I can deal with that during the day...but at night- I can't help but need you.’’
Although you didn't want to admit it, he was right to be worried. With this job danger was a welcome guest, lives are lost and wills are constantly battled and challenged but within that, the danger makes you realize how precious life is, how waiting does more harm than good, and how trusting your gut is key. The danger makes everyone on the team aggressive, especially you and Hotch. You've lost count of how many rows you've gotten into between each other because of this, within that there have been far too many moments where you've been this close to kissing the lips off of him in an argument. He's hot either way but that attitude is something else- and you reveled in it. Hotch examined your tantalizing face that was etched with a certain sincerity he hadn't seen in a long time, he hadn't felt this sort of desire in lightyears. It was a spark he was sure he was missing before you came into his life.
‘’Aaron. Call me Aaron.’’
It's like his eyes were talking, but you didn't know what they were saying.
‘’I'm special now?’’ You mumbled with a determined passivity. His glower was hard and you could practically hear his brain buzzing.
‘’I'm not a toy.’’ He enunciated in that enticing low and heavy tone of his, you were afraid you were going to lose your inhibitions already, he let go of your wrist and gripped your cheeks, jutting your face upwards. ‘’Stop playing with me as if I am.’’
You didn't let him finish his delicious threat, you captured your lips with his in a searing kiss, one that didn't even make you feel guilty for breaking procedure. You were playing God with Hotch and he knew it perfectly well but he had no objections, he'll be so careless to say he'll deal with the repercussions in the morning. He knew after this one taste of you, he had to have you for the night, even if it was just for one singular, holy night. His massive hands flew into your hair, raking through thick strands as your mouth seeks to find his - you tasted like a fiery embrace in the dead of night. Sweet like sandy beaches with that strong sting of a lemon being dripped onto a blood wound. Hotch, in all his serious purpose, reminded you of a stiff drink in general. He tasted like heady bourbon too.
Hotch started getting impatient now, he intertwined his fingers with your as and dragged you to his room. It was like a hot flash and then you were suddenly there, too possessed by your need for him to profile his fucking room. You were too flustered by a dire lust. He unexpectedly, stilled you both by his bed and grabbed you by the jaw, and jutted it upwards, his grip was ironlike.
‘’Take off your clothes.’’Hotch's tone was much different than his actions, it was polite yet dark, calm yet brutal. He was a walking paradox, and you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your days trying to figure him out. His eyes were scorching and burning into yours
‘'I was hoping you would do it.'’ You whispered against his lips, his nails biting into your skin a little more.
He took your tease as a challenge. Aaron's hands meandered slowly to your tight button-down, slowly undoing each button and staring you in the eyes exactly until you peeled it off.
His callous hands reached behind you to tug down the zipper of your skirt and you had to tamper down the urge to just blitz him right but no, you knew he wanted to take his time with this. Drag it out. Make you needy. Make you weak. You just watched him.
‘’You're all I can think about.’’ He whispered against your lips, the admission of honesty was making your heart pound in your chest.
Your hands were definitely not idle in the slightest, they were itching to get his clothes off- you made quick work of shrugging off his blazer and quickly loosened up his tie and got it off of him, but he caught onto the fabric.
‘’No, no. I wanna keep it for later.’’ Hotch mumbled playfully and it was the kind of sound that made your ears prick up.
You didn't speak, you just smirked as you pressed your lips to his again and sunk your teeth into his bottom lip. Hotch didn't let a single moment pass before he gripped you by the waist and flung you onto the bed.
Your mind was racing and dulling to a blur, you were left in only your underwear and bra- thank God you wore a pretty set today, you had no idea what a day this would pan out to be. You. In your boss's bed. Waiting desperately to be fucked by him, you didn't know how it got to this but it did. You weren't complaining but you did have to wonder how any of this came to be, it was straight out of a dream. Too absolved in your own thoughts, you were yanked out of your thoughts when you felt his hands on your skin. He was shirtless And damn him, he had been hiding such a figure for the entirety of this...thing...you had with him. Hotch's palms outlined the frame of your body and your breath was immediately knocked out of you when he nestled between your thighs. Your hands flew to tug on his hair.
‘’You're not playing fair.’’ You moaned drunkenly, his mouth planting chaste kisses on your collarbone- you just wanted him to get you naked underneath him but he was too busy making you squirm.
‘’I never have.’’ he replied cooly. ‘’Shh. Stay still.’’ He taunted huskily, you could practically hear him smile into your skin.
‘’No.’’ You shot back almost immediately, your legs had a mind of their own.
You mustered up the strength, rolled over, and now you were on top instead. Your mouth latched onto his neck and you began suckling and kissing down, you melted at the sound of him breathless. Fuck, that sound was like heaven. Who knew Hotch had the ability to get like this? His eyes flitted shut as he savored your touch, your feel. His hands went to grip your sides and his palms felt at the skin of your hips.
‘’I like you better beneath me, Hotch.’’ You said all honeyed as you bit his earlobe. He really couldn't take your teasing anymore.
His temper began to bubble and he quickly got out of your hold and flipped you so he was on top of you again, his preferred place to stay.
‘’I said call me Aaron, sweetheart. Don't get dumb on me now, we both know you're not.’’
‘’Now you're the one that's acting as if I'm a toy, Aaron.’’ You bit back. ‘’Can't you feel how much I need you?’’ lYou were practicallywhining at him but you knew he didn't care. Hotch pulled his face back from your neck to stare into those lust-clouded eyes.
‘’Then beg for me.’’ He demanded
‘’Get me naked first.’’ You flirted. His face turned hard and his brows furrowed again and he gripped your wrists again and pinned them down on the bed. Your body was heating up and begging to be touched by him again, you felt far too clothed.
Hotch let go and ducked down between the sweet valley of your thighs to shimmy off your underwear, your scent was divine, and he couldn't wait until he had the chance to taste you but right now you were agonizing over him barely touching you- you were possessed with the need of feeling him inside you. Your underwear and bra were now just a mere pile of scraps on his bedroom floor. You reached for his belt and unbuckled it but before you could go any further he grabbed your arm again
‘’No, no. None of that.’’ He reassured with a soft voice.
‘’Beg for me.’’
Hotch trailed his lips down your jaw to stun you into obliging his commands. To his pleasure. it was working like a dream. His kisses were brutal and vour desperation was radiating off of you, the battle of wills was palpable.
‘’I said beg.’’ He warned, the eye contact between you manifesting into a wild and untameable tension that neither of you was willing to bridle.
‘’I want you to take me, don't be gentle...please...just tell me how you want me and make me yours. I've been begging for you all this time, don't make me repeat and parrot back the thoughts I've had for you.’’ You whimpered, goosebumps trailing your skin as his fingertips traced down your stomach and to the place where you needed his attention.
It felt as though Hotch's world had just stopped spinning like it had been tipped off its axis. Your breath was sweet and your eyes were wide and guileless, sparkling with need and lust that only he could satiate. He watched you stiff-eyed and earnestly as his fingers slipped into your heat, teasingly at first but then curling upwards, your moan was unconcealable and broken up.
‘’You'll be my undoing, you know that?’’ He groaned before biting your lip, you whimpered into his mouth. His fingers were feeling at you with an expertise you had never experienced before, they were literally working magic. It was rough and soft at the same time-just like him. They were moving rhythmically, tenderly and then his thumb began sending sparks through your body when he toyed with your clit
‘’Oh God...’’ You couldn't bite back your moans.
‘'Don't scream his name, scream mine. It sounds better, don't you think?’’ He knew you couldn't answer him coherently but you proved him wrong when you grabbed at his belt buckle.
‘’In me...please.’’ It was like you were drunk on him.
Hotch could withstand anything you had on a normal day during work I hours but when he got you begging like this, he just loved your whines but he felt bad for dragging it out- it looked like you were on the verge of crying, tears of pleasure were pricking in your eyes. He had to give into such a polite demand. You didn't even have the time to look down but you felt him, pulsating and huge. He pushed inside of you with no prior warning.
‘’Aaron...I can't take it.’’ You grunted, eyes unable to stray away from his as your nails dug into his broad shoulders.
"Yes, you can. You'll take it.’’
You quite literally had to accommodate to his massive size, he was fucking massive- not that you had any doubts, but the thought has crossed your mind on many occasions and you hated it. Now you were taking it from him.
‘’How do you feel now?’’ He questioned, the back of your head was dug into the pillow, your chin jutted up.
‘’What?’’ You sounded frazzled and it made him want to laugh.
‘’The tension...between us...’’ He panted, his thrusts pumping into you, your bodies colliding violently.
‘’We're not on your desk, are we?’’
Hotch didn't respond, he just sunk his teeth into your jaw and it made you cry out. Your nails were digging into his skin and he was completely absorbed into this outlet, he definitely didn't mind this happening over and over again. Your moans became louder and louder, you couldn't help yourself, he was eliciting all of these reactions out of you. He never pulled his punches and this isn't an exception- he was just so damn skilled, it was all so intricate, like he knew exactly what buttons to push to make you go fucking insane. He was quite the profiler indeed, the thought made you smirk.
‘’I don't know if I can keep going.’’ You whined, brows tenseing enough to make your head pulsate. ‘’Fuck….’’
‘’It's okay...just stay with me. You can do that for me, can't you?’’ He cooed at you and it sent shockwaves down your body, you nodded and poulled him into a searing kiss.
You couldn't say no to him, no matter how hard you tried. The collision was forceful, passionate, completely and utterly tangible through every cell in your body. Hotch could feel you tightening up around him, suffocating his cock perfectly and setting a high dose of adrenaline in his aching veins. You couldn't hold out anymore, it was becoming infuriating. A scream ripped from your throat, broken plea, a frazzled response that you could no longer contain. You reached your high far quicker than you had hoped for but, how could you hold out? It was Aaron fucking Hotchner. Your release felt incredible to the point where your eyes screwed shut, Hotch was entirely pleased to have you in such a state. He wished he could frame that expression and put it on his desk. While he finished, he kissed your lips and then kissed the bridge of your nose up to your forehead. Fuck, this switch up from roughness to tenderness was...nice. For the first time in a long time, you felt wanted. Hotch rolled over and you held onto him, your head perched on his chest.
You both stayed silent for a while. Breathing in and out. Watching the rise and fall of his chest. His arm enveloped you and his fingers began desperately tracing unintelligable patterns on your bare skin.
Breathing in and out.
Eyes fanning shut.
‘’Hm. I like fraternzing.’’ You said softly and you could hear Hotch's subtle chuckle, he was so clearly amused by your blatant rule breaking. Only you would be so callous.
‘’Funny.’’ He replied with a raise eyebrow.
‘’Tension leading to this is so fucking cliche.’’ You groaned, rolling your eyes at the idea but what could you say...you secretly found yourself enjoying it.
‘'How many times have you thought about rugby tackling me during an argument?’’ He smiled, gazing wantonly into the dark catalysts of your eyes when you hung your head up.
‘’Many ...but I wouldn't say rugby tackle. I'd say directly punch in the face.’’
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ladyelissarose · 9 months
—————————— ☠️
You had just sunk down to the ground, against the wall as your tried to breathe. The usual bright eyes you always wore, searching for his dark ones, are now locked on the ground as you sat across your superior, Lieutenant Simon Riley... other known as the ‘Ghost’. His callsign or sorta nickname didn’t scare you, he wasn’t the cold man every one knew him to be, instead he had grown easy around you, making his personal space your little safe haven. He was still quiet and sometimes distant, but he still was a safe place.
But right now you felt as if everything around you was too close, you couldn’t catch your breath and we’re growing anxious because of it. Panic and desperation were clawing out of you at this point, but they had no chance in escaping.
Loud ringing sounds could be heard in your ears, causing your head to pound, but above that noise in your head you heard the calm voice, call out to you in the distance,
“You alright kid?”
Your eyes still didn’t meet his, but you nonetheless replied with a small voice, unlike the loud but firm one you often used,
“I don’t k-know...”
It cracked in the end, showing Simon you were at the verge of breaking, but he could also tell you were trying to keep it together- be strong.
But it didn’t look like it was working, your breathing’s pace was picking up and there was a slight shake to you too, you were trembling.
This reaction from you was new to Simon, but he was quick to detect what it was nonetheless. Personally he’s met this kind of feeling before- he wasn’t new to it at all.
But It would be the first time he’s ever attempted to do something so deep and connecting, but he knew it would help you.
He didn’t have to force the words out of you to know what was happening or how to address it, he knew what had happened a few minutes ago was the closest thing ever to taking your life, and what didn’t help was when you ran back in the falling building anyways, barely making it out with the two kids before it fully collapsed.
Fear didn’t come close to how you were feeling, but for the past seconds to minutes you haven’t been able to feel anything, or let your mind register the trauma your body went through. Making sure everything was ok and in order, meaning you unfortunately didn’t come first when you had so many responsibilities ahead of you.
But Simon’s large hand engulfed your face, and the other got both of your hands and stopped the fidgeting, tightening the hold as he pulled you closer, bringing your head against his chest. Breaking the panic you were developing.
Slowly your eyes met his as you looked up at him, and you couldn’t help the heavy stone weighing down in your throat, blocking out the words that wanted to come out, and tell him you needed help.
Tears began to well in your eyes as Simon’s softened, the realization that you were alive and well took a toll on you, as you had barely escaped the jaws of death that day, and finally you were able to calm down and take it all in.
You looked behind you to see the building in flames and totally wrecked, Simon locked eyes with what you were beholding, and he felt how scared you were. Panic wanted to settle in you more, as you recalled the thoughts that ran through your head as you dodged the falling ceiling, hoping that it wouldn’t fall on you or the kids you were holding.
‘Don’t die don’t die- OH SHIT- that was close!! Oh! Hold the kids tighter they’ll fall and the younger one can’t walk- they’re depending on you, come on make it- please don’t fall on me-‘
Thoughts spiraling like a hurricane, until a gentle tug was felt on your hands. And a deep voice with a softness to it called out,
“C’mere sweetheart.”
His free hand beckoned you towards him, and when you got close enough it wrapped around your waist and pulled you into his lap, and took your place against the wall. Instinctively you got comfortable and laid your palm over his chest, where his heart was. He had discarded his vest so you could feel closer, and hoodie he wore was was thin enough where you could still make out his heartbeat and even feel it’s steady thuds.
Your teary face was mere inches from his masked up one, and ever so gently Simon used the pad of his thumb to wipe them all away, while his hand held your cheek.
You were like a little angel in the arms of a monster, seeking comfort in his darkness as your light had dimmed. His eyes were dark shades of brown, but they held a honey ring around it’s making them unique and him- Simon Riley.
The arm that was around your waist now slid to your bottom, holding you up closer so you wouldn’t slide off his lap. Your face was then guided by his hand to lay your head on his shoulder, your face resting against his neck, inhaling his scent which was musky yet warm and woody.. a hint of citrus could be detected too.
Simon placed his head on yours, and with the softest voice he could possibly muster with his deep Manchester accent, he cooed,
“It’s alright sweet girl.. I’m righ’ here.”
You nodded against him as you tried to breathe slowly, sniffles coming out here and there, although you tried matching your erratic breathing to his calm one, hoping to synchronize it.
A little rumble could be felt coming from his chest, a low chuckle came out of Ghost’s mask, not in a mocking way, but to ease the heavy tension.
“That gave you quite the scare eh? I’s alright... Johnny would’ve shit his pants for sure, not you though.. you’re a brave one huh sweetheart?”
A small giggle released your once trembling lips at what Ghost said about Soap, and it comforted him to know you’re cheering up a bit. You snuggled into him closer, finding comfort in his embrace as he made you feel easy and alive- even with the smallest gestures.
His hands never left as he cradled you, rubbing your back, squeezing your side, caressing your head or holding your fidgeting fingers... he never stopped letting you know he hadn’t let you go.
His soft breaths being heard, the calm beating of his heart as he made sure your ear was over it, the little hums he’d do when he felt it was too quiet, kissing your head through his mask here and there... it was his way of telling you, you were just as alive as he was.
Simon’s hold on you never faltered, as he poured his unsaid affection for you in heart-full and true actions. From now on he’d keep you an arm’s length away- if not in his arms better yet.
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priniya · 4 months
hii can i request jameson hawthorne x fem reader who is kind of like his aunts or grandfathers intern? ans j like them w a super flirty relationship and tension. ty!!
˗ˏ` INTERNSHIP! 🎞️ ´ˎ˗
pairing. jameson hawthorne x intern!reader
summary. jameson’s life seems to get undeniably more boring than ever and alisa comes with a rescue.
author’s note. i LOVE jameson hawthorne. i felt like i needed to say that. idk if this is flirty enough but i hope u like it <3 thank u so much for the req, i love my boyfriend 🫶 not proofread! i wrote it at night so might be lots of typos or grammar mistakes 👎👎
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EVERYTHING WAS BORING, college was boring, annoying grayson was boring, which truthfully made jameson feel as boring as ever. it almost felt as if his life lost its true meaning. it reached the point, where avery would poke fun at him, saying things like nana probably threw a spell on you, or look at that, jameson hawthorne has nothing to do, the world is ending, which was, well… amusing, although he couldn’t admit it.
jameson’s life was getting more and more monotonous each day and for the first time, he didn’t know what to do with it. there was no thrill, no adrenaline rushing through his veins, nothing — and as a certified middle child, he was going absolutely crazy, becoming almost insufferable. xander thought it was funny, seeing him all worked up, but not at all at the same time.
it would go on until alisa brought an intern, who — as it turned out later — was the girl he met on a trip to tuscany during his gap year. someone he had an incredible connection with, but back then, jameson didn’t want any strings attached, which… resulted in a wave of regret, because he couldn’t let himself get your name.
hawthorne could feel his throat getting dry as his eyes scanned your outfit. the light beige shirt with the top button undone, so it wouldn’t suffocate you, the pencil skirt hugging your hips and thighs, exposing your legs almost perfectly. if he was even more unhinged than he usually is, he would probably had his mouth full of foam.
what was even worse than the outfit, which made him extremely feral, was that you didn’t even flinch when alisa introduced you and your eyes fell upon him. maybe he was wrong and mistook you for the tuscany girl? maybe you were just a random girl, who looked incredibly attractive in her work attire, that looked extremely similar to other girl he met in italy? so many questions, yet so little answers.
a long sigh has left your lips, the second you ran your face with cold water. of course, your luck had to bring you to the house of the guy you spent the best month of your life with. how was that even possible? neither of you had ever believed in the ‘we’ll meet again if we’re meant to be’ type of thing. you always said that life is made by coincidences, nothing is ever planned for you beforehand and as long as you’ve the money, no one will care what you’re doing. but here you were, in his house, wearing pieces of clothing you wouldn’t wear if you knew, feeling like a crap from pulling an all nighter the night before.
jameson winchester hawthorne has looked as good as you remembered him. dark, velvet dress shirt embracing his toned stomach and muscular arms that once (or twice) were wrapped around you. though, after all this time, he still wore the rings you bought him, which made your heart race.
you genuinely thought that the racing of your heart would stop after some time, especially since the internship at mcnamara, oren and jones had you spending an excruciating amount of time in the hawthorne house with jameson always being somewhere around. he’d often find you in the hallway, hardly ever exchanging more than few words, though always making sure to brush against your skin slightly.
“you’re agitating.” you muttered, when his back leaned against the counter, while you were fixing yourself a coffee, which unlike at the company, was truly amazing. “don’t have anything better to do?”
“c’mon, yn.” he sighed almost playfully, rolling his eyes at you. “can’t even crack a smile for me?” jameson’s tone coated your mind, sending a warm wave to your cheeks. it was the most thrilling thing to him these last couple weeks. seeing you get so flustered over the smallest act gave him the same feeling like when he cliff dived.
“i’m working, jameson.” the way his name rolled off your tongue made him smile. “it’s not tuscany. i need to get stuff done.”
“you remember tuscany, huh?”
this man was driving you insane. the way he smirked at you, the way his words had such an effect on you, the way he always knew what to say to make you flustered. “you’re such an idiot.” was all you said about his last comment, rolling your eyes at him as you noticed the red lipstick stain on the white mug.
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YOU COULDN’T REALLY PINPOINT THE MOMENT when the strictly–formal conversations with the hawthorne brothers and grambs sisters became so casual. you couldn’t wait for the hawthorne days as you called them, when you could leave the bureau and the paperwork to join alisa with whatever she was doing there. most of the time, xander would steal you away to ask you the stupidest questions about law enforcement and law in general just to leave you fifteen minutes later.
as much as you tried to push jameson away to not raise any suspicions of the history you had, he was irresistible. always making sure to tease you in some kind of way. unfortunately or not, you started caving in, just like he predicted.
before you know it, your thighs were met with the cold surface of the bathroom counter in some fancy restaurant, the fabric of your emerald silky dress has ridden up as jameson pushed his right hand up your thigh, the left one squeezed your waist. his lips were pressed against yours, moving with a rough, possessive manner. some would say it was the tense atmosphere building up, when he couldn’t get you where he wanted.
and in that exact day, exact moment, jameson had you right when he wanted. it was a casual hangout, just him, his brothers, libby, avery and her friend, who also happened to be soon to–be–girlfriend of his youngest brother. but to jameson’s pleasure, everyone grew so fond of you that avery suggested you should go with them.
the theme was comfort, but elegant. so, the outfit of your choice was the silky dress that was accompanied by the necklace you got back in italy. the first words that came out of jameson’s mouth was a stutter. the sight of you made him stumble over the sentence he tried to make.
“you look — so amazing.” he groaned as his lips made a trail down your neck, sending a shiver down your spine, when his teeth had bitten the sweet spot right above your collarbone. “so fucking gorgeous.” the chain of praises was never ending.
your hands got on the collar of his shirt, gripping it as he continued to leave marks on your collarbones and shoulders. as much as you enjoyed his actions, you missed the feeling of his lips on yours. you pulled him up, hungrily crashing your mouth into his.
fifteen minutes later, the red lipstick was nowhere to be found on your face. on the other hand, there were lots of it on jameson. you were still sitting on the marble counter, legs wrapped around hawthorne’s hips. his mood was definitely better as he was zipping up your dress.
“a quickie in the bathroom, when did you turn so naughty, hm?” a chuckle escaped mouth as he watched you wipe the excess of your lipstick off his chin and bottom lip. “i met this cute guy during my vacation in europe. a real charmer.” you replied with a smirk, fixing the lacy strings of the dress as you jumped off the counter.
your chest was touching his, but neither of you moved away. you were still a little breathless from the unexpected activity and to be completely honest, it wasn’t enough — just looking at his stupid, handsome face made you crave him even more. you weren’t the only one though, considering that hawthorne couldn’t take his hands off of you as he brought one to your chin, tilting it upwards to have an easy access to kiss you again.
an involuntary grin hovered over your lips as his fingers brushed your cheek in a tender manner, before fixing his messy hair and leaving the bathroom. he closed the door just to open it again to wink at you and leave to get back to his siblings.
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YOU COULD TELL that everyone already knew about the tiny thing going on between you and jameson. nevertheless, pretending like it wasn’t true was easier than admitting it. as long as alisa wasn’t asking any questions or forbidding you from showing up to the hawthorne house, you didn’t really care.
it was early, maybe even too early for your liking, when the alarm in your phone went off, earning a hoarse, incoherent groan from jameson, whose arm only tightened around your naked body. the only things covering you from flashing someone accidentally were the white sheets that kept you warm at night.
“turn it off.” another groan escaped his throat. he knew what this meant, it was five o’clock and you had to get to your dorm to get ready for the bureaucratic nightmare, as he liked to call it, at the law firm, which always handled all his familial issues. “gorgeous, there are lots of your stuff here, just go back to sleep. you can get ready here.”
“i can’t.” you replied, planting a few sweet kisses on his bare shoulder. “everyone will know i was here if i left later.” you added, your voice soft. your fingernails gently scratching the back of his neck.
“you act like they don’t know already.” you could swear he just laughed, his sleepy demeanour made him even more attractice at this point. “sorry to break it to you, gorg, but once you start, you forget all about quietness.” ironically, this shut you up immediately, red already spreading all over your cheeks.
“you know what’s funny?” a question rolled off his tongue, catching your interest, even though you couldn’t quite make out his words as his face was buried in the white pillow. “xander texted me to ask you to moan a few decibels less.”
“oh god, i am never leaving this room again.” you said embarrassed, hiding your face in hawthorne’s arm.
“i like that idea.” he laughed, pulling you even closer, shifting a little to shut your phone off completely. “make it my early christmas gift.”
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toastermoth · 4 months
Hello! I saw your requests are open! I’m actually a fem reader, but I don’t mind a gender neutral one! I’d like to know your headcanons on Solomon when he becomes romantically interested with the mc. Like if he’ll do anything for them or does he get jealous whenever mc spends so much time with the demon brothers. Anything that you think about, it’s up to you. 😊 It’s been a very long time that I haven’t played Obey Me and I just miss them. Thanks!
Hell yeah!! I got OM after almost a year of not playing so ik what you mean when you say you miss them! (I missed Satan </3) one batch of Solomon hcs coming right up! APOLOGIES FOR THIS BEING LONG I HAD FUN WRITING THING
This man, he's old. Old man. So obviously he knows a few things about love.
Usually it's other people swooning for him but when he met you this man was DOWN MFING BAD.
He started to come up to talk to you inbetween classes more and more often. In a way he seemed awkward?
Hm, maybe he's just trying to be kind? Until he started walking you home everyday which always made you happy because unlike the brothers, he wouldn't abandon you on your walks.
Casually helping you carry books to eventually racing you playfully, to holding your hand and making you run with him all the way to the house of Lamination.
You found yourself falling for the white haired wizard and went to Asmo for advice.
"Sweetie, just say your feelings! I'm more than sure his feelings are intertwined with yours! And if you're too scared work up to it! Spend more time with him and only him!"
Taking Asmo's advice over timeyou found yourself at the purgatory hall. Everyday it seemed like a routine, get up, go to school, go home with Solomon and do whatever two oblivious people who have a crush on each other do!
The lust demon however thought you two were still taking too long and decided to take matters into his own hands.
Next thing you knew, Asmodeus was suddenly all over you, asking to shop, asking to try on some new makeup with him and then soon all the brothers caught on and had their own requests.
"Y/n I require you assistance for this paperwork. Surely you won't disappoint me."
"YO! Y/N! I need ya to help me with some uh.. uh.. LISTEN I JUST NEED YOUR HELP ALRIGHT?!"
"Hey normie, get on Mononoke Land! There's a new event going on!"
"Y/n I need you for helping me find this human book, it's about this boy-"
"Y/n dear! I found this color changing nail polish and it's to DIE FOR! Cmon I need to test it on you!"
"Y/n I'm hungry.. can you make me something? We can share if you want too if I don't eat it all."
"Mnn.. y/n come nap with me... m cold and you're nice and warm.."
Once Solomon noticed you were canceling your plans with him, he started to get suspicious and a little insecure. (He'd never say that out loud however.)
Finally after some debating, he decided to personally take you home with him and find ways to keep you both busy.
The demons take notice (especially Lucifer after you didn't answer his texts after 5 minutes) and sneaked around (Simeon let them in) and noticed you and Solomon laughing together?
"HEY WHAT TH-" "SHHHHH Love is happening."
You hear the demon brothers' bickering but pay no attention as you resume your tickle fight with Solomon.
"You're the person I'd let tickle me and that's saying something, you're the only person I'd let do a lot of things." he said inbetween laughs.
You look at him so full of love as he grabs both your hands and starts tickling you!
"Let the lovebirds be, cmon out out!" Asmo yelled, you both stopped and started laughing at his antics.
God he was in love.
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youremyheaven · 5 months
The Dark Side of Jupiter💀🚬🍾🎊
There is a lot of discussion around Jupiter's abundance, its boundless energy, its expansiveness. But what about the dark side of Jupiter?
Being so giving can be so tiring. To simply never run out of fuel or feel depleted can mean that you have no sense of boundaries. You simply don't know whether you've pushed yourself too hard. Being burnt out for a Jupiter native just means that the endless energy they give to others/everything in their life is not reciprocated in the same way because very few people can return the same energy. This results in a kind of emptiness that cannot be appropriately described.
It's part of their nature to give but to always be pouring to others and to soak everything up means there is very little exchange of energies. You always feel like you're "too much for others"; you have too much energy or you don't have the appropriate channels for it.
The Jupiter need for constant stimulation is seldom addressed, without it, a native feels spaced out and "dry on the inside". Jupiter natives when they're out of balance can be prone to substance abuse, hypersexual behaviour and everything else. Virtue is an innate part of a Jupiter native, so they naturally do not possess a taste or preference for these things but that is not to say they are incapable of it. But they still possess the ability to quit things cold turkey unlike say Ketu or Rahu (Nodal people and their tendency to be prone to addictions is a topic for discussion for another day) because they don't inherently have a shadow-y nature that makes them dependant. They just need a direction to channel their energies and they will tire of it/grow bored of it pretty quickly.
Boredom is the most dangerous feeling. It can make people do things that love, hatred and anger can't. Imagine what this is like for Jupiter natives who are already too intense and too prone to feeling the depths of every emotion.
Jupiter natives are often described as "too much to handle" for many people. Especially for certain Mercurial natives, typically Ashlesha since Revati's boundless in its own way and Jyeshta natives come from a place of lack so they're endlessly projecting outwards. Ashlesha natives are the most energetically conservative of all Mercury naks and is in general, one of the most inwardly drawn naks and they feel easily drained by Jupiter natives, especially Jupiter women.
Idk if its ever been described this way but this is how I see it. Jupiter is a masculine planet but its ever expansive nature is supremely Yin. Therefore it manifests differently for men and women. Obviously there is a tendency to be people pleasers but it does not come from a place of negativity or desire to suck up to people, others just can't fathom what its like to process and contain information the way Jupiter natives do, they just naturally absorb the energies of others and project it back on to them. This is also another reason why they are so polarising. They're easy targets because if someone reflected back everything you hated about yourself, you'd be bound to hate them. They're mirrors.
The Pisces urge to dissociate has been covered extensively but no one ever talks about the exhilarating highs and crushing lows of being a Jupiter native. They feel so consumed by stimulation. They're the type of people who after spending time with others or partying or whatever, they come back home and they simply can't chill, they're so restless and manic and hyped up, they can't sit still; they don't feel drained by all that social interaction, they get high off of it, its hard to describe what that's like to someone who feels easily drained by others and needs to remain self contained to avoid feeling burnt out.
Punarvasu & Ashlesha both have Cat yoni which is a very restrictive yoni but since Punarvasu is Jupiter ruled, they have this capacity to be very expansive even if there are external limits placed on them. Ashlesha in addition to having a cat yoni is also Mercury ruled; mercury is the smallest planet, this adds to the restriction and limitations and makes them inwardly drawn and unable to give at all.
Punarvasu is the most grounded of Jupiter naks for this reason; there is a limit or some kind of grounding to their energies meanwhile with Vishaka and Purvabhadrapada, they fully embrace the darkness and intensity of Jupiter. Its interesting how Punarvasu is the only deva gana nakshatra among Jupiter naks. Vishaka is the height of Jupiter and is a rakshasa gana nak which represents how the extremes of anything, even a so-called abundant planet can manifest as villainy. All power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely. Purvabhadrapada is the final Jupiter nak and a manushya gana nak because the culmination of Jupiter's energies is to integrate the evil with the divine and thats what makes us fully human.
Jupiter natives are prone to manic behaviour but when it comes crashing down, simply because others around them probably don't have a good threshold for this sort of hyperactivity, they feel "too out of control" but also "too out of touch" since they truly are in a different sort of reality; Punarvasu delulu behaviour require its own post; its wild that a lot of people interpret that as "innocence" when what it really is this is urge to expand endlessly and consume everything within reach- it may seem like a childlike curiosity to explore and try things but there is a scary and dark side to it.
I've noticed how many Jupiter natives exhibit bipolar- adjacent behaviour (TW!!!!) they are most prone to the manic highs and crushing lows and swinging back and forth between it from day to day.
Obviously I'm not saying all Jupiter natives are like this but I'm talking about ways in which the dark side of Jupiter manifests. Its almost similar to that of Rahuvian people.
If you look at the charts of famous people who've struggled with addiction and/or bipolar disorder, majority of them have Ketu influence but there are numerous examples of Jupiter natives as well since Jupiter natives are not dependent on it in the same way (remember they're not bound to anything, they can quit things cold turkey if they choose to, they just like the mania and the high and only boredom will make them stop).
Here's a small list of celebs who've struggled with bipolar disorder:
Vivien Leigh- Swati Sun, Mars in Punarvasu atmakaraka
Mariah Carey- Punarvasu Moon
Sinead O'Connor- Jyeshta Sun & Venus along with a Vishaka stellium (rising, mercury and ketu)
Mel Gibson- Punarvasu Rising, Mars in Vishaka atmakaraka, Rahu in Jyeshta
Chyler Leigh- Vishaka Moon
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She interestingly played a drug addict in the alternate reality episode of Grey's Anatomy and suffered from addiction as a teenager.
Regarding her bipolar disorder she has said, “I was experiencing such a high version of mania and irritability that I couldn’t sleep or eat, and I was angry and reckless,” Leigh says. “I would go to work and use that adrenaline and expend my energy and feelings there, and then I would come home exhausted.”
Halsey, who is Punarvasu Moon (Swati stellium) has been open about her struggles with bipolar disorder and here are some quotes from some of her interviews that I feel like explain Jupiter nature quite well;
“That’s why I tour so much. I release endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. Like, it’s literally a drug response,” said Halsey
Part of the reason why some Jupiter natives who are more balanced, tend to stay off of drugs or partying or other indulgences entirely is because they don't really need substances to feel high, they experience the highs, lows, relapses, resistance, withdrawal symptoms of drugs just by feeling emotions in the massive, expansive Jupiterean way that they do. I really don't know if I'm driving home this point enough, but really, this biggest goddamn planet, imagine containing that much space and energy within yourself, you're like a defenceless sponge, you pick up on everything whether you want to or not. There's a reason why some of the biggest pop stars, celebrities and people of all time have been Jupiter natives; some people can be in the public eye, facing the projections of millions of people and only go slightly insane and those are Jupiter natives; in fact they need an outlet of that capacity; something that's large enough to contain them.
Here's some more quotes:
 “Nobody wants to be my friend. They’re scared I’m gonna pop off about something. I’m drama by association. I put myself out there with my peers; I don’t know if people really ever wanted to do the same with me. So I stopped wasting my energy.”
Other people not meeting you on your level is a big issue with Jupiter natives; few people can match their pace and its vvv easy for them to feel "too much" for others.
“I spent a lot of time being the most exciting thing in everybody else’s life. When they didn’t need me any more, they would thank me then leave. That is the trope of the manic pixie dream girl. This album is about her. Her traumas don’t exist to benefit some other person.”
People are initially excited and intrigued by the explosive energy and enthusiasm of Jupiter natives but they will tire of it quickly if they don't have the same internal space to hold it. This can be very crushing for the Jupiter natives who feel used. Everybody loves a one week vacation in Hawaii but nobody wants to stay in Hawaii forever, they really want to get back to their boring desk job because that gives them a sense of stability and normalcy.
As for being a “bitch,” Halsey doesn’t actually think she is one, although she knows that it can seem that way when she’s been on a manic spree for a week, made everyone around fall in love with her, and then shut them out with little more than a check-you-later as soon as she came crashing down. She can be demanding. She writes her own music. She does her own makeup. She helps design her own costumes, merchandise and album covers. She micromanages. No one can book a flight until she approves it. She will not be “handled."
The hot & cold nature of Jupiter aka "their duality" is what makes them so interesting to others, to the public etc but its also what makes them so polarising because we're all trained to think of things as this or that, therefore their kind of contradictory nature is confusing, alluring and yes, maddening.
Many famous party animals have prominent Jupiter placements but they usually clean up at some point.
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Prince William has Rahu in Punarvasu and Kate is Punarvasu Moon; the Moon conjunct Rahu synastry in PUNARVASU makes their relationship a very "theyre doing things you havent even heard of" type one. Kate's party girl era is very well documented.
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Ranveer Singh- Punarvasu Sun
In Indian media, Ranveer is quite a character, the man is always acting like he's on a cocktail of several substances and is known for her hyper manic media persona. He's known for being a party animal.
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Drew Barrymore is a Punarvasu Moon
She was known for being a wild child in the 90s.
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Cameron Diaz is Punarvasu Rising & Drew is Punarvasu Moon
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The Weeknd- Vishaka Moon, Punarvasu Rising
Literally all he does is sing about the crushing highs and lows of the party, sex and drugs lifestyle he lives. Take any of his songs, he describes the emptiness of Jupiter better than anybody else.
These are lyrics from his song Gasoline:
"It's five AM, my time again
I've soakin' up the moon, can't sleep
It's five AM, my time again
I'm calling and you know it's me
I'm pushing myself further
I'm just tryna feel my heartbeat beat (beat)
I wrap my hands around your neck
You love it when I always squeeze
It's five AM, I'm high again
And you can see that I'm in pain
I've fallen into emptiness
I want you 'cause we're both insane
I'm staring into the abyss
I'm looking at myself again
I'm dozing off to R.E.M.
I'm trying not to lose my faith
And I love it when you watch me sleep
You spin me 'round so I can breathe
It's only safe for you and me
I know you won't let me OD
And if I finally die in peace
Just wrap my body in these sheets
And pour out the gasoline
It don't mean much to me
It's five AM, I'm nihilist
I know there's nothing after this (after this)
Obsessing over aftermaths
Apocalypse and hopelessness (hopelessness)
The only thing I understand
Is zero sum of tenderness (tenderness)
Oh, baby, please just hold me close
Make me believe there's more to live
Around, around, around, around we go
In this game called life, we are not free"
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Scarlett Johansson- Vishaka stellium
She's talked about being a party girl and how much she enjoys clubbing.
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Miley Cyrus- Vishaka Moon & Mercury, Mars in Punarvasu
Miley's wild stoner years are well documented and I think her mania during those years post-Liam are reflective of how devastating it is for Jupiter natives to feel abandoned by someone because they can't "handle" you anymore. There's a reason why she was so out of control in that era.
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Lana Del Rey- Vishaka Stellium (inc her Rising)
she may be a Cancer Sun who makes melancholy music but the devastation and emptiness and trippiness comes from that Vishaka energy
choice lyrics include:
“And you try to see the bright side when each new day begins But you're not satisfied at the rainbows end”
“You're scared to win, scared to lose I've heard the war was over if you really choose; The one in and around you”
“it’s nice to love and be loved but id rather know what god knows”
“Happiness is a butterfly. Try to catch it like every night. It escapes from my hands into moonlight”.
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Leonardo Dicaprio- Vishaka Sun & Venus
this man has been yachting for decades now, i have nothing to add, he's typical of Jupiter's boundless energy gone wrong.
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Jennie, Vishaka Moon
in recent years, Jennie's party habits have become mainstay media news.
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Katy Perry- Vishaka Moon, Rising and Saturn
Lets just say she knows a thing or two about partying
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Asap Rocky- Punarvasu Moon
my king who sings/raps of being faded in every song<3 the loneliness/emptiness of the high life is Jupiter culture af
I will update this post and add more to it but I wanted to publish it rn as it is. Here's some of my thoughts on Jupiter's nature and I hope you find it interesting
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mango-bango-bby · 9 months
hi, mango how are you? although it is highly unlikely, what if todoroki used his fire quirk to injure them but he didnt mean to and they're scared of fire? hope you have a great day<33
♡ Nightmares ♡
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, characters are aged up, injuries and burns, injury comfort, mostly fluffy comfort, Shoto has nightmares 🥺
Summary: Shoto has frequent nightmares, but tonight he accidentally hurts you in his sleep while having one of these nightmares (Yan!Todoroki x GN!reader)
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Shoto would never hurt you, he never wanted to hurt you. You were precious to him. You deserved to be treasured. That was always his mentality when it came to you.
Shoto was subject to nightmares often, often times he would wake up and be able to calm himself down before going back to sleep. Most of them consisted of his childhood but the worst nightmares always had to do with you. His worst nightmares dealt with you falling out of love with him, or you getting hurt in some way.
You hum a bit at the movement beside you. Shoto slept with his arms around you, so it was strange that he had migrated so far away from you.
You sit up in the dark, turning to Shoto. You squint a bit, trying to adjust your eyes to the dark. You can hear Shoto muttering in his sleep, most of it is nonsense but the one thing you do hear is your name, he was having one of his nightmares again.
“Hmm, Shoto…” you mutter, softly placing your hand on his arm. “Shoto…” you mumble louder, shaking his arm a bit to hopefully wake him up. You could tell that his nightmare was escalating, his muttering was louder, he was sweating, his breath was even picking up.
“Wake up you’re dreaming” you say louder, shaking him so that he would hopefully wake up. “Sho-” you start, being cut off by a shriek. Shoto jumps up at your scream immediately turning to you, seeing tears in your eyes and you holding onto your arm with he had clearly burned in his sleep while having his nightmare.
“Darling, let me see it” Shoto says, watching you cry, trembling as you hold out your arm to him. God, he hated himself, how could he want to protect you from the world if he couldn’t protect you from himself!? Luckily it wasn’t to bad of a burn, but he could see you were shaken up.
“Fuck…” Shoto mutters, bringing his right hand up to your burn. He gently runs his hand over your skin, using his quirk to help sooth the burn. You hiss slightly at the feeling but it’s helping, the icy air feels like a cool blanket over your new burn. Shoto sighs, keeping his hand over your burn and cooling it off, you could practically see the pain in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry, my love…” He whispers, looking into your eyes while still soothing your new burn. An injury that he caused, if he meant to or not.
“It’s okay, Shoto…” you whispered back, your eyes were kind and gentle despite the accidental pain he had caused you. “It was an accident” you whispered, a gentle smile on your face as you look into his teary eyes.
“I’m going to be okay, I know you wouldn’t hurt me…” you whispered, letting out a small sigh at the cold air he still puts on your burn. He looks at you, a look of adoration in his tearful eyes. He truly loved you, he would never hurt you.
“I love you so much, darling…”
Thank you for reading, darling!!
(A/N: I can totally see him having nightmares 😭😭 Also I’ve been working on a lot of Miguel fics lately so I hope you guys like those because I have A LOT in the drafts)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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linphd · 1 year
Their S/O is a bimbo | Headcanons
female reader
-> Makeup, long nails, extravagant personality and fashionable outfits. Yep, here you are. Maybe you’re just a little bit dumb, but if you got into U.A you’re clearly very clever !
-> Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Fumikage Tokoyami.
warning : a little big suggestive but it’s barely there!!! except for Tokoyami it’s rather suggestive overall hihi
Shoto Todoroki
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how you started dating :
Didn’t realize he thought you were the prettiest person ever because he never really socialized outside of his house. He also only talked to you because your quirk was very strong and he saw you as some sort of rival.
Once he got socialized enough, and thus hung out with everyone, he realized -with the help of his friends- that he liked you. Would often catch fire when he saw you wearing other clothes than the school uniform. You found it adorable.
Straight up confessed to you when you had asked him to help with your training. « Midoriya told me it was the right thing to do. », « He’s right. I like you too. And I think you’re really hot. » He blinked. « Oh, am I not cold enough ? » and it sounded very funny to you.
while dating :
You teasing a lot and him going with the flow. Suddenly making out at a party at the dorms because you got randomly horny after Denki and Mina pranked everyone by sneaking in alcohol ? Sure, he will kiss you back. Would even caress your back how you like it so you can hug him all happy afterwards.
« Shotooooo ! Very hot today. Love your tank tops. » you would say, standing next to him. « Hi, love. You’re very pretty too. » cue to you kissing his cheek -he liked it a lot so you were used to little pecks not to make him uncomfortable, even though he never really minded following your flow.
Yet, sometimes you felt as if he was only doing so because he had no idea about social cues, and you didn’t want him to feel awkward once he learned about them. But when he got used to it, you liked to tease him a lot, even though he knew now when you were joking and when you weren’t.
Obviously, his family knows about you but only his siblings have met you. You’re not personally ready to meet his mom that seemed very traumatized to you and his dad, well… wouldn’t like someone distracting his son from hero work. Even less someone like you. You were… very distracting to say the least. Shoto learned it fast.
Katsuki Bakugou
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how you started dating :
Actually, Katsuki never really cared about your looks. Sure, you were good-looking, but such as Momo, for instance, it didn’t matter to him. He liked your quirk. And you were often directly fighting him and bragging about your strength. As confident as him !
Never really realized he liked you before the boys pointed it out while they were talking about the girls in 1A. He would always get mad when someone would comment something about you, without even noticing. But still, it’s how he understood that he only saw you as his rival cause you could be a distraction from being number one.
It was at a party at the dorms to celebrate his rescue -that you took part of- that he confessed. He actually only started with : « Have you seen how short that dress is ? Do you want everyone seeing your panties ? ». You would pout a bit and pull them down. « Only saying that cause I don’t want pervs to try something. Me, personally, I don’t mind it. » and you started talking more.
while dating :
What first stroke you was the fact that quickly, Katsuki realized how pretty you were and how you two looked together for other people, and became rather insecure. Always drying his hands on his jeans before holding yours so you wouldn’t get sweat on your rings. Watching if his pants weren’t too low.
He would also remember how he never got any Valentine’s Day card in middle school, unlike Izuku. « Snap out of it. You’re hot af. Literally if I see you around with your hero costume I can’t focus. » you said. He arched an eyebrow. « What do you mean ? » he asked.
« It’s the face you do before fixing something on you. I don’t like it. I dated you for how you were and how you looked. » you said, poking his skin with the tip of your nail to make him stop -cause he didn’t like how it felt. « You’re smart for a dumb girl. » he only replied, rolling his eyes and holding your hand -without drying his before.
Overall just him showing his parents are fashion designers. « Got you those rings, they match that pink top you put on with the long sleeves. ». He would never say anything about how you dress but he would make everyone else understand that it’s not for them. « Stop putting your boobs in my face. », « It’s you laying on me to fall asleep. Also, you always put your damn pecs in mine and they’re just like boobs. Fuck off. »
Fumikage Tokoyami
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how you started dating :
Well… opposites attract. He never really got any girl’s attention so he was flustered when you would casually tell him he was handsome and all. Thought it was a friendly joke. It really wasn’t. Even when you were straightforward he thought it was just your personality.
Sure, you were beautiful. But he never bothered being attracted to someone or even trying to pursue a relationship. He was very insecure about the fact that he had a bird face, and he thought he was too discreet for flirting anyways.
Well, maybe he was discreet, but you weren’t. Faced him to tell him you really weren’t joking and you really liked him. Proceeded to make a list of why you liked him. Made Dark Shadow emotional and applaud the speech. Also made you and Fumikage date after that.
while dating :
You think it’s so funny that he never really cared about girls and all because now he gets flustered at anything rather suggestive. Took off his cape during a training ? « Damn, Fumi, that was hot. », « (Y/N), we’re on the same team, don’t distract me ! How can we win if you do that ?! » leaving you giggling.
You knew he found you already attractive with the baggiest and ugliest clothes you could find. Cause « It’s not only your looks that are attractive, you know. I’m attracted to your personality and soul. » So it was very entertaining for you to go on a date with him with a rather nice view on your breasts without warning him beforehand.
It is lovely seeing you both outside, you all pastel and extravagant and him in all black, trying to seem invisible. On another note, you guys would share jewelry. He wouldn’t wear those little butterflies of yours or whatever, but you had some matching simple rings or necklaces. Which made you think about piercings -cause you had some, which he really liked.
« … So we both know you like my piercings. And we joked about how you could take them off with your beak. » you started. « That was very weird. But I wonder where you’re going with this ? » so you smiled and continued. « I wanna get my nipple pierced cause it’s pretty. Soooooo, you knoooooow… » you giggled. « Love, I…. don’t know what to do with that you just said…. »
tag list : @xnorthstar3x
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What's One Night With A Different Knight
Pairing: Jake Lockley x Reader & Marc Spector x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: very brief mention of abuse; not towards the reader just as an idea but besides that I think it's safe here- there's some bickering at the end but otherwise a... relatively cute fic
Genre: very much fluff
Summary: When Marc coincidentally overhears you telling your friend you might dump Jake he steps in to help
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Jake Lockley. He's been your boyfriend for about 3 months now although at this point you're not too sure he'll keep that title much longer. It's not that Jake mistreats you or anything but, he can be cold, distant. Sometimes it feels as if he's not there even when he's with you, which honestly isn't saying much because these days he's hardly with you anyway. This thing between you, it's new, and you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he's going through something he's not ready to share with you because of how new things are. That you can understand, and you don't necessarily want to give up on your relationship if all of this is because he's having a hard time, especially because he was so kind and charming when you met. Although, 'he was so kind when we met' is the beginning of too many stories that end with bruises, restraining orders, arrests, death. So you won't put too much weight in 'he was kind and charming when you met'. You don't want to believe that Jake would ever hurt you but you still don't know him well, and you can only ignore so many warning signs. The more you mull it over the more you think it's time to end things. You just want to figure out the best way to do so.
"El I think I'm gonna break up with him." You mutter to your friend as you walk back from dinner together, the summer nights being perfect for it.
"Jake? I thought you really liked him!"
"I do. Or- I did. These days there's not enough of him around to like. That's the problem." You sigh. "I know he has a life, I mean, so do I but the bottom line is that Lockley isn't putting in effort and I refuse to be the only one that cares in this relationship."
"Maybe you should talk to him about it?"
"Maybe. It's just that it's only been a couple of months, if he's already falling off like this so soon I mean, it seems like he can't be bothered." You shrug.
"I think you should talk to him if you see a future with him in any capacity. But I know you don't have patience for being treated like an option."
"Correct, I don't. I won't prioritize someone who won't prioritize me. I'll think about it though. I just- I'm not going to beg him to be invested in our relationship that's all."
You had no way of knowing that, coincidentally, not Jake but one who shares his body heard a good bit of this conversation. While Jake hadn't told you about his secrets, between Moonknight and his fractured mind, it didn't take Marc and Steven long to find out about you. Considering how little he fronts, it was easy for them to solve the mystery that had him showing up more often. You. They obviously didn't know you personally but they knew enough about you. Marc had particularly taken an interest in you and while Steven would never admit it, because you weren't his girlfriend, part of him liked you a little bit too. They'd both like you to stick around but Marc, unlike Steven, is willing to cross lines if it means keeping you around. Which is why the night after hearing you vent to your dear friend, he's strolling coolly to your apartment with a bouquet of flowers. He knocks on the door with all the confidence in the world, smiling kindly when you open the door, even when he sees the confused look on your face.
"Jake? What are you doing here?" You ask. Marc reveals the flowers from behind his back.
"Now I would've got your favorites but forgive me I'm not sure what they are. I do however know flowers and put together some that show what I feel about you. Blue salvias, morning glories, forget me nots, and a collection of carnations and camellias." Marc says.
"I'm not personally well versed in flowers so I'm not sure what any of them mean but thank you." You chuckle. "And what's up with your voice?"
"I thought it'd be fun to do an accent." He shrugs.
"Oh? Should I do one too?"
"Nah, I love your voice too much." He winks.
"How cute. Did you, really come all this way just to drop off some flowers though?" You ask.
"No. So you'll have to look up their meanings later, I'm actually hoping you can spare a couple hours of your evening for a date. I thought I'd surprise you."
"A date? I'm hardly dressed for a date."
"Well you could wear a paper bag and still be the most gorgeous person in any room we entered, but I'm a patient man, go ahead and get ready. I'll wait."
"Give me 15 minutes." You say ushering him into your apartment.
"Take your time mi amor." Marc says, throwing the endearment in to appear more like Jake.
Marc??? Where are we? Marc sighs at the voice in his head, he'd hoped that both alters would be blocked for most of the evening.
"Jake babe, where are we going?" You call down the hall.
"It's a surprise princessa!" 
"I mean I know, I really just need the dress code."
"Casual is fine, although you'd look perfect in anything."
"So charming this evening." You muse.
Marc rushes into the bathroom and turns on the faucet, glaring at the mirror.
"Yes I know who it is Steven thank you."
"I'm thinking that Jake is about to lose her and I have no interest in letting that happen."
So what's your plan?! To tell her the truth about us?
"No! At least, not tonight. Tonight is just about showing her what she deserves."
That is absolutely mad. Not to mention a betrayal of trust, both hers and Jake's. She thinks you're someone else Marc.
"Yeah, that's kind of the point."
So you're just going to pretend to be him indefinitely?
"No, she's this close to breaking up with Jake so- I'm proving he's not a shit partner."
Right, so that when he fails to deliver after this she'll dump him quicker.
"I'm trying to save their relationship not ruin it!"
You realize if Jake ever tells her about us and she finds out about this she will probably be pissed off
"That's fine because if I don't do this they probably won't even last long enough for Jake to tell her about us."
You've lost your mind Marc, you cannot pretend to be Jake anymore than you could pretend to be me or I could pretend to be either of you
"For a couple of hours, I absolutely can actually."
"Jake? Where'd you go?" Your voice halts their conversation and Marc turns off the sink, swinging open the bathroom door to greet you with a smile.
"Apologies hermosa, I'm here." He says.
"Well, let's go on this surprise date of yours." You say  You've put on a pair of jeans and a mesh sweater over a crop top for the evening, something comfortable but cute since you still don't know where you're going.
"Yes, let's." Marc offers his arm to you and you loop yours through it as you exit your apartment.
"Will you tell me where we're heading now?" You ask him while he leads you through the streets of town.
"I will not, but I'm sure you'll guess before we get there." He says.
"How on earth would I be able to guess before we get there?" You frown.
"Listen closely amor." He says and you allow yourself to take in the sounds of summer evenings. There are people talking, and walking, everywhere, but after a moment you hear faint music, not like the kind playing in restaurants that you pass. It's- carnival music? You can hear the sounds of laughter and screams and the almost obnoxious chimes carnival games are known for and just as you piece it together you just barely pick up the smell of overpriced fair food.
"Are we going to a carnival?" You ask with an excited gasp and though Marc doesn't answer he smiles in a way that tells you you've guessed correctly. Just then you turn a corner and are suddenly met with so many bright lights you're tempted to close your eyes for a moment.
"Surprise." Marc says quietly as you approach.
"I didn't even know there was a carnival in town! This is so cool!" You say beaming at him.
"I thought you'd like it." He smiles softly.
"I love it. Thank you." You tell him.
"Anything for you." He says and he means that. He's not sure Jake would say it but- he feels that way. In this moment, watching you take in the carnival with childlike wonder. He would do anything for you. He's sure of it.
"What should we do first?!" You ask him excitedly.
"Whatever you want, it's your surprise. We can do it all, ride every ride, play every game, eat everything from every stall, win every prize they've got, we can just walk around, we can ride the same ride a hundred times if you want. I'll do whatever makes you happiest." Marc says and you smile so sweetly he's sure his heart is fit to fly out of his chest and into your hands.
"Let's start with the swing carousel." You say pointing out the ride.
"Of course." He nods leading you both to the line. He's quiet as you make your way to the front and onto the ride but he holds your hand even after you're sat in your swings waiting for the ride to start. After a few moments, the ride lifts into the air and begins spinning in large circles, taking all of you with it. Marc watches you as you happily look around at the rest of the carnival from the vantage point this ride gives you. There's a childlike wonder to your happiness that when he's looking at you he feels at peace like every problem he's ever had is dissolving. It's a feeling he wants to hold onto. When the ride ends you and Marc take turns picking what order to hit the others in. Honestly, he'd let you decide every step he takes if you wanted to, but you insist that he have some say in the evening.
"I didn't take you for the carnival type Jake." You say after you've ridden most everything there is to ride here. The use of Jake's name is like a bucket of cold water in Marc's face and he has to remind himself not to react outwardly.
"I don't know that I'd say I am actually but I am the make you happy type, cariño." Marc says kissing your cheek.
"You're so cute tonight." You giggle. "We have to ride the ferris wheel before we go." You point at the large brightly lit up wheel.
"Alright but before that let's play one of these games, yeah? Tell me what prize you want and I'll win it for you." Marc says.
"You don't have to do that Jake." You shake your head.
"I want to. Go on, pick a prize." Marc tells you. You look at the different games around the carnival and your eyes eventually catch on a stuffed raccoon. It's big with blue eyes and paws and ears and feet and it's hanging over one of those impossible ringtoss games.
"Do you think you could win one of those raccoon toys?" You ask, pointing at it.
"Easy." He nods.
"Well the bottle ring toss is notoriously hard usually. Don't take it too seriously." You tell him as he walks up to the booth with you.
"Trust me princessa, I've got this." Marc winks at you before buying his rings from the attendant who looks extremely bored.
"Alright." You laugh.
"Watch this." He turns slightly to the side and tosses the rings in rapid succession, making every throw with surprising accuracy.
"Wow." You say.
"Told you it'd be easy." Marc says throwing his arm around you. He points at the stuffed raccoon you wanted and the game attendant pulls it down with a shocked congratulations.
"Thank you Jake." You say kissing his cheek.
"Of course amor. To the Ferris wheel now, yes?"
"Yes! Let's go!" You smile, clutching the raccoon closely. Your Ferris wheel ride is peacefully quiet and when you eventually return to the ground, Marc walks you back to your apartment. You chat idly as you walk, catching up about how you've been since you last saw each other and before you know it, you're at your apartment door.
"I had an amazing time tonight." Marc says.
"Me too. I dunno what's up with you tonight but, I like you like this." You say with a small smile.
"Yeah? Me too." He smiles. You place a hand on his shoulder to lean up and kiss his cheek shyly.
"Text when you get home, okay?" You say.
"Of course amor." He nods.
"Goodnight Jake." You say softly.
"Goodnight mi vida." He breathes out as you step into your apartment. You almost don't want to close your door because it means the night is over but you do and Marc leaves, whistling happily to himself as he was back to their flat. It's not until he makes it all the way back that a voice rings in his head.
If we didn't share a body hermano I would kill you right now.
Marc looks at the nearest reflective surface to see Jake glaring at him.
That was my girlfriend! What the hell are you doing?!
"Hey, if not for what I did tonight she'd probably be your ex girlfriend by morning. She was ready to dump you just the other night. You should be thanking me." Marc says.
Marc, that's Jake's life. It's not your place to meddle, we agreed to let each other have our things. You overstepped seriously. 
This time it's Steven who steps in, gentle but scolding.
"I just saved his relationship. That girl deserves better, all I did was show it to her."
Not only have you fundamentally destroyed the trust of their relationship but you've set an expectation you don't even know if Jake can maintain! At best you've strung her along and at worst you have to maintain this lie which can only lead to a million other problems because when you eventually start to care for her and hearing her call you Jake starts driving you crazy and you're tempted to tell her the truth you won't be able to because at that point you'll be in so deep that she'll never speak to either of you again if you do tell her.
"I gave her exactly what kind of relationship she should have, now Jake either has to step up or lose her for good."
And when he doesn't fill this weird bar you've set up because he's not you, then what? Because she was about to dump him until you stepped in, right? 
First of all who said I couldn't fill it?!
"If you can be that for her why haven't you?"
It's none of your business Marc
Case in point. He's not gonna do what you did. You've just created this unnecessary contradicting person for her and there was literally no reason for that.
"Whatever, she deserved a nice night."
You're ignoring the part where she is MY girlfriend and you had no right to take her out! Just because she doesn't know there's more than one of us doesn't mean it's okay to take advantage of that!
"If she's your girlfriend. Treat her well and we won't have this problem."
The only problem is you meddling
"God you two are such nags. I saved your relationship tonight Jake. I won't apologize for it because you're lucky you can still call her your girlfriend right now." Marc rolls his eyes and walks away from the mirror and their conversation. Yeah maybe he should've left well enough alone but you deserve nice things and even if it means you leave Jake for not being enough, at least you should know that someone will give you everything you deserve.
Meanwhile, after you've showered and changed you look up the meaning of those flowers he brought you, the blue salvias mean 'I think of you', and morning glories mean 'affection', forget me nots are self explanatory, the different colored carnations mean everything from my heart aches to I'll never forget you and the various camellias have meanings of longing and other dramatic declarations of love, at least according to a website you found. It's a very thoughtful collection of flowers, more emotionally expressive than Jake has been for most of your relationship but it's something that warms your heart as you lay in bed thinking about your date. An absolutely perfect date.
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dsireland86 · 3 months
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The Best Kind of Danger
Nick Folio + Cassie
Warnings: Language and sexual content
Part 2
The way her body moved made him weak in the knees. He watched her when she wasn't looking; studied her body, her curves, and outlined every part about her that he loved before turning away as soon as she would catch him staring. She was the sweetness that his soul needed, the very essence of kindness and beauty, and the way she carried herself was unlike anything he'd ever seen in a woman before. She was intoxicating, beautiful, and passionate, but of everything she was, there was just one thing she wasn't. His.
"Holy fuck, dude if you say one more word about the stupid box of pens, Nicholas, I'm going to lose it! It's been two whole days and all I've heard since the last show we played back in Michigan, has been about a fucking box of pens. I don't know where they are!" 
Folio threw himself down on the couch in the makeshift kitchen area of the bus, rubbing his hands down his face. A gentle hand slithered its way up his back and rested on his shoulder. 
"Easy, Folio, he didn't mean anything by it," Cassie said scooting forward and resting her chin on his shoulder. Folio took a deep breath at the feeling of her hand on him and her body so close. It was just the thing he needed at the moment, and she knew it. 
"I know," he nodded, looking over his shoulder at her and smiling. Cassie returned the smile and gently caressed his back before getting up. 
"I'm going to help Nicholas look for those pens."
"Thank you!" Matt shouted, walking past her, toward the driver's compartment of the bus. "I'm so close to throwing him out."
Cassie chuckled, taking Folio's hand he held out to her.
"You won't do that, and you know it; shit Nicholas even knows it. That's why he's still bitching." 
Noah stood up and removed his earbuds only to grab a bottle of water from the fridge as Matt continued to scowl. Cassie planted her attention, avoiding the spat that was about to happen between Matt and Noah, on Folio as he rubbed circles over the back of her hand with his calloused thumb. His touch sent shivers over her body, creating a longing for more. She wanted him all over her; taking, grabbing, pulling whatever it was he needed from her to satisfy him. The thoughts made Cassie's core clench, a strong desire instantly spreading over her, and when Folio looked up at her through his soft yet mischievous brown eyes, she could do nothing else but grin. 
But Cassie had a secret about herself that always made her pull back from getting too close to Folio. It was a secret she wasn't willing to share with him because of what it meant and if he ever found out he probably wouldn't want her anyway. She could never live with that type of rejection. So she kept her feelings for Nick to herself. No matter how bad it hurt; no matter how bad she wanted him.
 Folio often tried to work up the courage to tell Cassie how he felt about her. How he needed her to know that he was falling for her and couldn't slow down, how she made him feel alive more than anything else around him, but when he'd get her attention, he'd choke on his words and make excuses to avoid telling her the truth, always leaving him frustrated and flustered. It left him with a craving he knew only she could satisfy.
Cassie began to notice the little things. She noticed Nick's stares and the way he lingered a little longer around her, even though he had a lot of work to do before and after the shows. She noticed how her body reacted and betrayed her hard resistance every time she saw him. But most of all she noticed his smile and that it was always the widest when he looked at her or teased her when messing around for fun. Folio had her heart and she didn't want anyone else to have it. Just Nick and only Nick.
The Tennessee air was warm, yet when the cool breeze blew in from the Great Smokey Mountains, it was enough to send chill bumps over Cassie's skin.
"You're cold. You should put my hoodie on, it'll keep you warm." 
Folio came up beside her in the green room, noticing the way Cassie was holding her arms around herself for extra warmth. She smiled at him, making his heart flutter, and thanked him. Returning with it, Folio handed over the black hoodie to her, watching as she gracefully filled one of his favorite pieces of clothing. It was a little big on her, but the way Cassie looked in black gave Folio a dirty vision of her wearing nothing but that hoodie and what it would feel like to have his hands sliding up her thighs and over her small, perky ass that he loved looking at. He was getting hard at just the thought.
"What?" She looked up at him through narrow eyes.
"What?" He asked, licking his lips and then taking the top one in between his teeth. 
"You're staring." Cassie lightly grinned.
"Am I?"
"Yeah just a little," she said softly. 
Nick moved in closer, filling Cassie's personal space, and letting his eyes wander over her, soaking in her features as the scent of flowers protruded from beneath his hoodie.
"Well, you're making it a little hard not to." His eyes met hers and he saw the surprise in them. 
"What? You don't think so?"
Cassie shook her head. "You know what I think about myself, Nick, so let's not go there." Her eyes drifted away from Folio's, looking elsewhere other than him. 
"Yeah I know, and I hate that you think about yourself that way," he sighed, fixing his inear piece.  
Cassie shrugged her shoulders. "It is what it is."
"It doesn't have to be," he replied giving her a look that instantly took her breath away. Was Nick hitting on her?
Folio pulled his drumsticks from his back pockets, twirling one of them between his fingers. 
"Wish me luck," he said, still within Cassie's personal space.
A smile lit up her face, finally wiping away the sadness that was there a second ago. 
"I don't need to. You're already amazing. You'll do great; just like always."
Cassie reached over and laid her hand on Nick's bare arm, rubbing the tattoo of the virgin Mary he'd gotten years ago.
Folio leaned in and kissed her cheek, sending shockwaves of emotion throughout her entire body. He'd made her instantly wet, and she could feel herself blushing as the emotions ran straight down into her sex. It was a feeling she'd never felt before and it made her clench her thighs together. Nick ran off toward the stage before Cassie could even react, but he turned back around and gave her a wink and that goofy smile of his that always made her laugh. Reaching up to her cheek, she placed her fingertips over the spot where Nick had laid his lips and grinned, embracing the schoolgirl feeling it gave her.
It was clear to Cassie that something serious was happening between her Folio, and as she stood next to Bryan, watching Nick do what he always did best, she knew, without a doubt, that she had one hundred percent fallen for him. It was dangerous, she knew it, but what had just happened between the two of them, gave her all the confidence she needed. Cassie's entire heart and soul really did belong to Nick Folio; even if he didn't know it yet. 
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messycunt · 1 year
everyone fawns over hucow!Epel, calling him cute and doting over him... it makes him so mad!! he wants everyone to see him as a big, strong, manly man! he gets all huffy with his handlers and starts nipping when they call him cute. imagine: Crowley assigns him a new handler because the other ones are sick of getting headbutted and nipped. in comes his cute new handler, and they're so perfect! they treat him well without being condescending and he really thinks he's finally gotten the perfect handler! then... he gets called cute again. Epel decides to show them how manly he is and make sure he never gets called cute again.
fun epel facts: there's concept art that was displayed at an exhibition showing epel fully cross dressed, it's p cute actually 
his final design also looks almost exactly the way his grandma did when she was younger
cw: josou seme, afab reader, dubcon(reader kinda lets Epel get away w it even though they're not feeling it tbh), hybrids(hucows), male lactation, doggie style, name calling(stupid mutt, bitch, slut etc), slapping, hair pulling, blackmail,
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Having been warned that your assigned cow was extremely difficult to work with, that he had run through almost a dozen handlers and that you'd probably quit in a few days had you high strung on your first meeting.
After meeting him you were confused to say the least. 
Epel was polite, soft spoken, and aloof at times. It seemed to be an intentional attempt at distancing himself from you.
But he opens up to you in due time.
You see him as an equal. Unlike his past handlers you don't patronize him. He loves that.
He tries showing off for your attention often but even if his attempts aren't successful he's still going to try. He wants you to think he's cool!
Maybe the stars just aligned at the right time or Vil just trusts you enough to take care of Epel the same way he would but he's less helicoptermom-y now that you're around, much to Epels delight.
Vil will be Vil but at least he's not forcing his way into almost every facet of Epel's life anymore.
Still, not much else has changed.
It's not that he doesn’t like doing shows, he tells you. It's that they treat him more like a heifer than a bull.
He's forced to wear those stupid frilly outfits for shows, all lacey and tight, just to put on performances for venues full of older men. He hates the way they look at him.
He can't wait until his growth spurt finally kicks in, then he'll finally be taken seriously as a bull.
Milking him is easy.
The machines tickle him on good days and make him a little sore on bad ones. depending on which type of day it is he will be either staring into space blankly or blinking away frustrated tears from overstimulation hoping you don't notice.
His milk has a subtly sweet taste.
Unlike with his past handlers Epel doesn't mind taking baths with you, especially if it means getting to spend more time with you in the main house. 
It means alot to him when it's you. Leaning up against your neck while basically feeling him up while washing him is almost like heaven for the boy, almost. 
He wants more but you must not see how frustrated and wanting it leaves him.
It makes him so angry with you truthfully. He wants you so bad and you wouldn't even consider him in a million years.
"See! I ain't some precious lil' calf that needs protectin' so stop treatin' me like one ya bitch!" Epel shouted from behind you, yanking your head back by the hair he held in his balled up fist. 
Droplets of water falling from his still damp lavender pelt onto your back in time with his thrusts.
His movements are frantic and unskilled. Too worried about clumsily chasing his own pleasure to care about much else.
The cold tile of the bathroom floor was uncomfortable to kneel on to say the least, and the hard marble of the tub pushed up against your chest uncomfortably. 
The constant jostling of your body didn't make it easier to ignore.
But you didn't say as much. Trying your best to keep quiet, you don't say much of anything.
Maybe this was your fault? you had no way of knowing a quick compliment would set him off the wrong way but… maybe you should have?
Maybe letting off some steam would be good for him? the poor boy must be so pent up right? maybe it's best to let him go at it till he tires himself out.
Epel's slender hands moved from gripping your hair to desperately tugging at your hair to gripping at the fat of your hips in an attempt to keep his frantic pace.
"I really did think it would be different this time. But y'er no better. Patronizin' me just like the others" he said between pants.
A harsh slap against your thigh echoed in the bathroom before he went back to pulling at your hips.
His continued attempts at pushing his dick as far into the back of your cunt as physically possible became even more frantic, if that was even possible, he was close.
 "But maybe ya' are different. I never had one of those pretty ladies let me mount them so easy before! Y'er jus' like a stupid mutt in heat."
That comment did earn a defeated whimper in reaction from you
With that Epel's petite body stiffened up and he emptied himself of all he had inside of you. White filling your insides in excess and leaking down onto the bathroom floor to form conjoined puddles. 
You didn't even bother to try sitting up.
Not that you could easily with his wet warm body laid out against your back. You took this time to catch your breath while you had the chance.
His softening cock still lay nestled inside of you
"Don' fall asleep on me" he slurred " You still gotta clean me up okay? It'd be a shame if Crowley and Vil found out that the sweet new girl they trusted so quickly was a good for nothing slut that couldn't control herself around even the smallest bulls wouldn't it?"
Sitting up and pulling back enough to slip himself out of you Epel stretched.
The high pitched whine he let out as he did was cute, not that you'd verbalize that, you learned your lesson.
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I’m sorry to be a bother but it’s been a while since I’ve read the books… you say in many of your answers that Bella’s body was changed as soon as she got pregnant? Where in text did you read this part that supports this? I don’t recall any mention of Bella’s insides turning to stone in Breaking Dawn. I know Carlisle said the placenta was hard like their skin and they couldn’t see anything on the ultrasound but Edward seemed pretty convinced they could perform the procedure and still save Bella. How do the hybrids tear their way out of the womb if their mothers insides are made of stone?
Anon, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong blog, "Edward seemed pretty convinced" is a statement that bears no weight here and is often, in fact, taken as evidence of the opposite being true.
Edward was also pretty convinced that the Volturi would completely forget about Bella's human lifespan when only a few weeks after New Moon had taken place, Jane asks "Why no Bella turned?" and Alice then sends a wedding invitation to the Volturi specifically to stall them from showing up and asking "Why no Bella turned?" only a few weeks after that. Edward still believes.
"Edward seemed pretty convinced" indeed.
I mean, you mention it yourself, the ultrasound doesn't work and when Bella feels her abdomen (when she gets nudges) she notices that not only does she have a baby bump but the skin there is incredibly cold to the touch and much more solid than human skin, e.g. like a vampire's.
Not to mention that as of two weeks Bella is unable to digest human food (it's just that they don't realize this, so it takes until Jacob shows up to realize she needs human blood that for... some... reason... works...)
Then of course add that they knew human instruments wouldn't work and that the plan was always, from the beginning, to have to cut Bella open with their teeth because nothing else would work and we're looking at "there's been a bad change here and I don't think she's coming back from it".
As for how the hybrid tears its way out, they seem to be born with functional teeth (unlike humans) and that those teeth are those of a vampire's which means that just like Edward's teeth can cut through the womb, so can the hybrid's from the other direction.
It's just that Edward really really really really really really wanted Bella to stay human, as does Jacob, and Jacob doesn't quite realize the severity of what he's seeing and what it means.
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