#and c) literally he is hanging out with his BOYFRIEND of a YEAR and he is STILL PRICKLY AND CLOSED OFF AND SENSITIVE ABOUT THINGS WILL
wanderingandfound · 1 year
Okay so I haven't read the Apollo books but I did read the Magnus Chase books and like, not to sound defensive as someone who has been a Mark Oshiro fan for years, but uh, the writing was less bad and less cringe than the Percy Jackson books usually are. What are people talking about, saying The Sun and the Star is particularly cringe with particularly bad writing and particularly noticeable plot holes? Is this the first Percy Jackson-related book you've read as an adult? Because I hate to break it to you, but quality prose or lack of plot holes has never been these series' particular strengths.
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lucvly · 6 months
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— christmas headcannons with chris. ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: fluff, cursing, mentions of sex, not proofread as always.
a/n: this is soo self indulgent help !! i love christmas fr.
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— he’ll act like he literally doesn’t give a shit about christmas but on december 1 he’s already staying up late thinking about what he’s gonna give you.
— i don’t even wanna hear discourse about this but this man acts like a child around the holidays. he’ll enjoy december like he’s a 10 year old child who still thinks santa’s real.
— my man is quick to hang up those lights. it’ll deadass be mid november and he’s already asking you when you’re gonna decorate because he wants to help you.
— gingerbread house making is a must. he loves it. you do it at least three times in december because it’s by far one of his favorite traditions. of course he ends up building something that doesn’t look nearly close to a house but A for effort.
— you get matching ugly sweaters obviously. it’s your job to get them every year, and they progressively get worse. chris always complains about how itchy they are LMFAOO.
— baking christmas cookies with him is such a chore for real. you can’t even let him open the flour because it either ends up all on the floor, or on your face. don’t even ask him how to preheat the oven because those cookies will end up burnt.
— most times you have to make three or four batches of cookies because the first batch turns out awful, the second one: burnt.
— once your relationship gets really serious, you two make christmas cards and send them to your close family and relatives. it’s corny, sure, but you both love doing it.
— once every year, you go with him and his brothers for a late night drive just to see how people decorated around the neighborhood. chris always ends up falling asleep on your shoulder in the backseat while nick is yelling about how the lights should’ve been hung higher or how the reindeer is out of place.
— you best believe you’re writing letters to santa. it’s unserious but chris loves doing it, especially because he gets to write something along the lines of: “santa, all i want for christmas is my girlfriend under the tree. thx. — C” LMFAOOAOA sorry.
— you’re absolutely making matching ornaments. they have your initials on them it’s adorable. though decorating them is painful as hell because chris always ends up throwing glitter at you.
— takes elf on the shelf so serious like calm down!!! he better not catch anyone laying a finger on that dumbass elf or he’ll go absolutely insane.
— going christmas shopping with him is adorable. he gets so excited over what to get his brothers and his parents AWW, and he also gets a present for trevor obviously.
— you are never gonna know what that man gets you for christmas. he hides it so well it surprises you each year to be honest. you’re out here thinking he didn’t even get you a present and he’s already packing up at least three.
— definitely an expensive gift type of boyfriend, i’m talking tiffany necklaces, chanel bags, dior, ysl. and he doesn’t even care because seeing you happy makes him 10 times happier. (“baby, you didn’t have to– oh my god.” “i know, but i wanted to. you deserve it.”)
— of course you also get him cute and expensive gifts but you could seriously give him a rock and he’d cherish it as if you just gave him a gold bar.
— you two will absolutely watch christmas movies together, especially romcoms. he loves christmas romcoms LMFAOO. he’s the type to complain about the main character idc.
— he hangs up a mistletoe on his door just so he can tease you and give you a kiss every time you walk into his room. (“look, mistletoe, you gotta kiss me.” “chris i swear to god.”)
— christmas dinners are hilarious bye. he’ll deadass be eating 3 or 4 plates with no shame at all. you’re staring at him in disbelief and he just looks at you with his mouth full like “😊”. at least he’s happy LMFAOO.
— he gives you at least three presents. the first one is marked “from: santa, to: y/n” obviously you know it’s him LMFAO he thinks it’s cute and you just leave him be. second one is marked “from: chris, to: his girlfriend.” as if he wasn’t the one marking up those presents BYE. third one is “from: the best boyfriend ever, to: the prettiest girl.” he’s so cute somebody sedate me !!
— one hundred percent asks nick and matt to figure out what you got him for christmas. you’ve figured this out over the years so you don’t even give them hints anymore LMAOO.
— the worst jokes over the holidays seriously. (“hold on. babe, which cooking seasoning is the most festive?” “chris–” “christmas thyme.”) he needs to be stopped lord have mercy.
— secretly loves decorating. he’ll decorate with you all day fr. ornaments, mistletoes, the tree in general is his favorite. he cannot deal with putting up lights though. it pisses him off so badly– (only because he ends up tangled in them).
— i just know he makes hot chocolate with water. nuh uh. you had to teach him the correct way (with milk) because it was seriously getting on your nerves LMAO.
— he gets so lovey dovey over the holidays. he’s also horny 24/7 but that’s completely besides the point HELP. hands around your waist, arm around your shoulder, hand holding, everything.
— matching pjs YUP. he loves matching christmas outfits with you LMAO especially pjs. y’all have like four matching pj sets every year it’s so cute.
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141 + Graves x Male reader general relationship H/C’s
(Sergeant reader)
Warnings: Probably ooc, internalized homophobia
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Also sorry if the writing is weird, I wrote most of this a while ago and just finished it
(Also the writing gets a bit lazy near the end)
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John Price
- He knew your strength when he accepted you into the 141, you were highly liked by all of your past captains, but he wanted to check himself if you were a good fit
- Price watched you train your first few weeks in the team and damn was he impressed
- Even after he knew you were good enough to be in the team, he didn't stop watching you
- He was immersed in how you trained, your smooth body movements, the way you could take someone down within a few seconds during sparring
- You caught him staring a few times, and he immediately turned away, his cheeks flushing red from embarrassment
- After a while he figured out he probably had feelings for you but he dismissed them, after all he's your captain and he's atleast a few years older than you
- He tried to distance himself from you, only talking when necessary for a mission
- When you brought it up to him, he would just simply reply that he's busy with work or he's stressed or literally any other excuse he could come up with on the spot
- After a while it would become decently obvious that he likes you
- He would continue watching you train, but this time try to be more secretive, it was still very obvious
- He would probably wait for you to make the first move
- Once you talk to him about it, he would immediately tell you that there's better people out there than him, that he's probably too old for you, ext.
- You continue to insist that you like him, and he would eventually accept, since he does like you back
- He would not want to tell anyone that you're dating, atleast not for a bit while you're getting used to it, after a while he might be more open to telling the rest of the 141
- You would sneak into his office during times where he was working alone and just hang out with him, talking about your day and anything that your able to talk about
- During a mission, the two of you had to share a bed in a safe house, suffice to say that after the mission was completed Price could not fall asleep without you by him
- He would ask, embarrassed, if the two of you could share a bed and you would quickly agree
- He would be fine being big or little spoon, though he would enjoy little spoon more since after a whole day of leading he would just want someone to lean on
- He would enjoy any moment of time the two of you could spend together since he's very busy
- Whenever he could he would make breakfast for you and leave it out on the counter with a sticky note with your name on it
- Everyone was trying to figure out who left the food for you while you just enjoy it quietly, knowing it was your boyfriend
- Price wouldn't be a big movie fan but he would be fine with watching a movie if it made you happy
- He would end up getting really into it though, pointing out any mistakes, cheering on the characters
- Especially if it was a war movie, he would talk and talk about any strategies the characters could use and explain what they did wrong and how they could have fixed it
- He would also love listen you you read out loud, his head laying on your thighs as he drifts off to sleep
- He would tell the others that he doesn't have favorites but they would quickly see how he always chose you to go with him or how he gave you the easier punishments when you messed up
- I feel like the rest of the 141 would pick up on you guys relationship very quickly, but they wouldn't really say anything about it, just watching how everything goes and waiting for you guys to tell them yourselves
- Except for Soap, he would constantly be making comments
- He wouldn't be a big pet name guy but he would definitely be calling you love constantly
- He would also give the best massages, they would leave you walking away feeling like a new man
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John 'Soap' Mactavish
- When he first saw you he would immediately know he likes you
- He loves everything about your looks, how your uniform fits on you, your facial expressions, ext.
- imborredandwanttolookatthings
- And when he begins to talk to you he would love your personality too
- He would use every excuse possible to talk to you
- When your on base he would come up to you constantly and start making crappy jokes just to get a reaction out of you
- When on a mission he would talk to you on coms while things are going slow
- Though his dumb banter though, he would try to find out things about you like your past or even your favorite food
- And he would remember every bit of information you give him
- He would confess to you while you were out drinking with the 141
- It would just be some off handed remark about how hot he thinks you are and that he likes you and then he would just move on to the next thing he wants to say
- It would leave you and the rest of the 141 shocked
- You would tell him about it the next morning, him having completely forgotten about it, but he wouldn't try to deny anything, he would just agree with what he said the previous night, albeit a bit embarrassed that he just let it slip
- imborredandwanttolookatthings
- And once you tell him that you like him back he would be so happy
- Like picking you up and spinning you around happy, no matter how tall you are or how much you weigh
- He would immediately begin to brag to everyone about how the two of you are dating
- He would immediately shut up if you don't like it though
- Soap would try to spend even more time with you now that you're officially dating
- The guy would be following you around constantly like a lost puppy
- Unless he has something to do, if so he would be whining and complaining the whole time until he can see you again
- When on missions he would beg for Price to let the two of you go together anywhere
- He would be decently protective of you on missions, like he knows you can 100% defend yourself and kill anyone in your way but he's just worried
- If you got hurt during a mission he would immediately take you to get patched up after you finish all the important stuff
- He would then cling to you somehow even more
- until you fully recover
- He would loveee to cuddle, like Price he would be fine with being either the big or little spoon but prefer little
- In the end it's whatever you want though
- He would do anything for you
- If anyone tried to flirt with you he would simply just glare at them until they leave
- Either that or he would purposefully come over and hug you, calling you all sorts of cute nicknames hoping for the person to get the fact that the two of you are dating
- Would love pet names
- Sugar, Sweetheart, Love, Punpkin, you name it, he will call you by it
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
- Would just view you as another member of the team at first
- He wouldn't really notice anything special about you until the two of you begin to talk
- You two go on a mission together, at some point you just have to wait for who knows how long for people to arrive
- The two of you begin to talk and get to know each other
- This is when he starts liking you
- After the mission ends, he begins to hang out with you more
- Whenever he sees you on base he's come up to you and start a conversation
- He enjoys watching you train the new recruits
- He'll be standing off to the side of the field watching you, when you notice him he'll just wave to you cans continue shamelessly watching
- He's a very easy person to get along with, since he's very calm and chill most of the time
- He'd confess to you by getting you flowers and asking you out on some sort of romantic date
- When vou accent. he'll be ecstatic but try his best to
- When you accept, he'll be ecstatic but try his best to seem calm about the answer, though his insane happiness is very obvious
- He'll dress his best for the date, wanting it to turn out good
- When he sees you, in your fancy clothes, he immediately gets flustered but tries his best to hide it
- He will treat you like a king the whole time you guys are out on the date, opening doors for you, pulling out your chair, ext. Even if you tell him he doesn't have to, he enjoys treating you well
- He will listen to you talk patiently, not speaking up unless you tell him to or to let you know he's listening, he just enjoys hearing you talk
- But if you don't like talking very much, he'll take complete lead of the conversation, but still ask you thinks to get to know you better
- For the next few days after the date, he'll immediately start blushing whenever he sees you
- He would warm up to physical affection quickly, giving you hugs randomly
- He would also be fine with big or little spoon but prefer being the big spoon
- He'll run his fingers through your hair when the two of you are hugging or lying together
- If you have long hair he would loosely braid it, finding the repeated motions calming
- Overall a very calming presence
- Usually
- Sometimes he can get out of hand, if he ever does just kiss him and he'll shut up immediately
- When on missions he wouldn't really protect you, he would look out for you definitely but he trusts you to protect yourself
- If you ever tell him you need help though he'll do anything he can to help you
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley
- When you're first introduced to the team, Ghost doesn't really care about you
- He'll make no effort to talk to you unless needed, it takes a while for him to warm up to new people
- He will only really get close to you after a few months of you being on the team and a few missions together
- Then he'll begin to talk to you once in a while
- He'd admire your work and how well you are able to get the enemy down and taken care of
- He wouldn't know that he's developed a crush on you until someone points it out to him
- Like he'll be talking to Soap about how good you are at your job and stuff and Soap will literally have to yell at him that he has a crush on you and even then he'll deny it
- But he'll be thinking about what Soap said and after a week or two he'll realize that he does actually have a crush on you
- But he won't act on it, atleast not for a while
- Like Price, I think he would wait for you to tell him you like him
- When you do he would seem very calm, but under the mask he's a blushing mess, very happy
- When the wrong of you start dating, he doesn't outwardly tell people but at the same time doesn't mind if people find out
- He isn't a big physical touch person but if you like it he'll learn to be okay with it
- He would be the big spoon, hugging you with a firm grasp
- It would take a while for him to feel comfortable enough to take his balaclava off in front of you, but when he does it means he truly trusts you
- If you compliment his face or even say something remotely positive about it he will melt
- He loves putting his face into your hair while the two of you are snuggled up together
- Not really a pet name guy
-But he would make a nickname for you from your name
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Phillip Graves
- At first Graves didn’t really notice you, you were just another rookie in the shadows
- But as you moved up the ranks, becoming a Sargent, he began to recognize you
- He watches you train often, but plays it off as just him watching the team as a whole practice
- But everyone knows he’s just there for you
- You know that he liked you when he begins to banter with you over comms (playfully)
- He’ll make jokes and play fight back and forth
- And he’ll also try to hang out with you more at base
- But he refuses to acknowledge or admit to himself that he likes you
- I mean he’s a guy, and he would like another guy that’s gay, and he’s not gay
- Or atleast he refuses to believe it
- He was raised religious so he doesn’t have a good view of the lgbtq+ community
- He finally confesses when he’s drunk as hell at a party after a successful mission
- You accept the confession, also being drunk, and it leads to the two of you sharing a bed for the night
- When he wakes up in the morning he’s completely mortified
- You have to try and calm him down or he will freak out
- He tries to run for the door but you stop him
- After a while of talking, he finally admits to you, and to himself, that he likes you
- After that he feels like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulder
- He’s much more relaxed and focused on his work
- He often calls you to his office just to have you there
- He’s very touchy and physically affectionate
- Says he hates being the little spoon but that’s a complete lie
- He loves it
- He loves being able to relax in your arms, not having to be big or having to be the one in charge
- After you two get together he would probably trust you even more on the field
- Though he would like having you near him
- He likes taking baths with you, it calms him down
-LOVES pet names
-He calls you any and every pet name imaginable
-Mostly like foods and stuff like pumpkin, sugar, etc.
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ink4blotches · 1 year
https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/spiderman/images/c/cb/Spider-Woman_Vol_7_1_Variante_Chew_Sin_texto.png/revision/latest?cb=20200722230535&path-prefix=es Sorry if this request is kinda long but could I please request a Pavitr Prabhakar dating shy reader who’s from the same dimension as Miles, even best friends with Gwen Stacy & is (blonde) Peter Parker & Mj adopted daughter, well known superhero spider person who had a blood transfusion along with venom blasts from her dad, maybe showing him her dad base or hanging out one of their dimensions, just fluff
YOU ALREADY KNOW IT!!!! I gotchu anon ;))
Word Ct.:898
Without further ado...
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JEALOUS?(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
"So, did you really make all this stuff?" He asks as he continues to walk around.
"Yeah...I did." I smile a bit at Pav's amazement. He's way smarter than me, yet he's so amazed by the simplest stuff..
"This is seriously cool, Y/N. These web grenades..." He picks one up and before I can warn him it explodes in his face.
Yeah, those were still in progress.
"....are awesome. I need some of these in my life!" Pav excitedly yells, shaking the webbing off his face.
"They're not THAT impressive..." I voice to him as I walk over, rubbing off some of the web that he missed.
He suddenly grabs my hand.
"Are you kidding?! I mean, web grenades with rainbow webs?! What have we been doing all these years!" He shakes my hand in both of his as he smiles.
"Yeah...those were actually Miles' idea. Couldn't have done it without him." I say, and it's true. Despite Pav being my literal boyfriend, the boy that's been in my lab the most is actually Miles.
Crazy, right? "Okay, but seriously. How come you didn't show me any of this sooner?!" Pav fanboys over a bunch of the stuff in my lab.
"Uh...I dunno, it's not that cool." I say, living at nothing on the ground. I invited him here so we could hang out, free of..prying eyes.(she means Miles).
But the entire time he's been here, all he's done is fanboy over stupid spider gadgets.
Maybe I should just venom strike him-
"You okay Y/N? You're quiet..." Pav raises an eyebrow at me, setting down one of my prototypes and walking over.
"Huh? Oh- no I'm fine- I'm okay!" I mentally slap myself for being so awkward. He stares at me for a second while I try to hide my panic.
"Ohhhh, I get it. You're jealous!" Pav wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Um, what?" I ask with the most blank face I've ever mustered.
"I've been spending too much time worshipping your inventions and not enough time worshipping you!" Pav concludes.
I bring a hand up to cover my face.
"Jealous?" I ask with a sigh, knowing he's right but not wanting to straight up admit it.
"I mean, I would be jealous too if I was you. Don't worry, I'll leave your stuff alone!" He smiles at me, taking one of my hands in his.
"Thanks!" I try not to look like a complete idiot in front of him.
"Pft, I'm sorry. It's just so obvious that you're trying not to freak out and it's so cute!" He exclaims, laughing lightly.
Once he stops, we just stand next to each other in awkward silence.
"You know, it's nice being with you." Pav admits. I swear my heart is literally about to explode. But don't freak, it's cool. Say something cool Y/N.
"Really?" Totally blew it.
"Yeah, really. You're like a breath of fresh air from my universe. I love Mumbattan, but there's always..." He trails off, seemingly searching for a word.
"Traffic?" I guess. He lets out a laugh. "Yeah, traffic. But spending time with you takes my mind off the...traffic." Pav shrugs, hiding a small grin that plays onto his face.
"Uh....spending time with you makes my traffic go away too." I mumble.
I want to jump off a building without my web shooters.
"...I'll take it." Pav laughs with a little shake of his head.
After another moment of silence, we both try to speak at once.
"Sorry fo-/I love y-."
"Wait what did you say?" I ask, my eyebrows almost shooting off my face.
"Huh? Nothing. What did you say?" Pav asks, looking equally shocked.
There's a brief silence before we both start laughing.
"You don't have to say it back or anything, I just thought I should tell you." Pav finally says as we're seated next to each other on a blanket.
"I...loveyoutoo." I blurt out. He sits up, looking at me with comically large eyes.
It's almost like he's a fictional character sometimes with those wonky expressions..
"What was that? Didn't hear you!" Pav smiles, urging me to say it again.
"...nope." I shake my head at him while he begs me to say it again.
Suddenly, he places his hand on my cheek lightly and I almost have a whole heart attack.
"You had...your earring almost fell off-." Pav stutters a bit, handing me the earring I was wearing. Meanwhile, his other hand is still resting with no rent on my cheek.
"Yeah, okay." I smile at him, putting my hand on top of his. He leans in slightly and panic mode instantly reactivates.
No, that's crazy! We've only been dating fr 7 months- or do couples usually kiss within the first 7 months?!
This is some marriage type behavior!
But do I want to kiss Pav? Yes! Obviously, is that even a question?! I mean seriously- but what if I'm bad at kissing?
Does my breath smell?
I realize he's getting closer, a little bit TOO close.
Suddenly I hear a loud knock before the door to my lab flies open.
Pav and I back away from each other at lightning speed.
MJ stands there with a hand on her hip.
"Well...dinners ready..."
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whinlatter · 9 months
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reading | listening | writing | summer '23
sulking in bed with tonsillitis - never had it before, thought i was built different, crushed to discover i am, in fact, built the same (sickly). so thought was overdue a share of some of the fics i have loved that i've read these past few months (even though my TBR remains colossal), as well as some tune/travel updates, a lil writing check in, and a lil sneak peek of chapter eight of Beasts because the ex boyfriends are back, baby!!!
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Bookbinding by @saintsenara (Myrtle/Tom Riddle, AU, 35k, multi-chapter, completed)
look. this is how it's going to go. i'm going to say myrtle/tom riddle AU, you're going to say 'are you right in the head you're a canon compliant girlie kindly get a grip on yourself'. but then you're going to click the link, and read it, and then you'll be chuckling and filled with boundless delight and want to read this stonkingly well-written properly funny rich magical little fic all over again as soon as you've finished and you'll have me to thank for it. it's a rom-com, people. dare you not to be enchanted. their ship name is literally tyrtle? the tag is 'she said: I can fix him! and she's right'. (and then you're going to read this hinny one, also by @saintsenara as a gift to me as a delectable chaser and lose your mind!)
everything i am is yours by @brightlybound (Hinny, AU, 4k, oneshot)
remember when i was like, AUs, not my bag! and then i read a load of AUs and realised i was talking out of my arse? weird. anyway, here is a lovely little hinny AU that i've gone back to a bunch because it's just really beautifully written and deeply charming and actually does something a lot of muggle AUs don't always do, which is play with harry's characterisation ever so deftly to say, hey, harry is harry, but if nothing bad had happened to him and james and lily lived, he'd be a little bit different, wouldn't he? this harry is our harry, but he's just that bit more confident, that bit more capable of digging an active flirt out of his back pocket. and that makes me happy!
The Last Something That Meant Anything by anonymous (Percy POV, Percy/Audrey and Percy/Oliver, short multichapter, 21k, completed)
i have a lot of percy thoughts these days. fanon percy, steeped in weasley bashing, doesn't do very much for me, so i really loved this belter of a percy character study that considers him both within and apart from his family in a way that attends to his trauma and inner life, but also shows the truth: he's not doing well, he does fuck up with a big moral lapse, and then he has work to do - interesting, deep, personal work - to make it right. please check the tags with this one, as it does contain reference to SA, but really do recommend a read if you feel able.
haunted mansion by @bronzeagepizzeria (Sirius-POV, 1.5k, oneshot)
this brilliant short fic really left me with so many sirius feelings: it just gets the claustrophobia and the grief of sirius' last year alive exactly right, and it just has these fabulous cameos that have detonated a thousand deep sirius thought bombs in my head forever. l o v e d it
perpendicular by akissinacrisis (Hinny, AU, 4.5k, oneshot)
harry/ginny AU, where harry goes to stonewall high and meets ginny at a party. it's so tender and beautiful and stiff and sad and understated, and it's really stayed with me. also it does what all good hinny fics must do (have them chatting. just talking, hanging out, shooting the shit together. they just love to chat, those two lil magnets snapping to each other).
empire builders by she-crow (Prongsfoot, possibly canon-compliant but technically AU I guess, 25k oneshot)
i read this laid out beside a lake and needed at least four more days of lying by a lake to think about it. it's a) one of the most beautiful fics i've ever read b) rip your heart out and staple it heart-wrenching and good and c) some of the best sirius and james characterisations i've read that really serves as a manifesto for playing around with marauders multiships to really different characters in such different lights. the other beauty of it is that it could be canon-compliant? like it could be read as a fabulous doomed tragic love affair between two boys completely infatuated with each other and not sure where to put it. and i think that's kind of gorgeous. so yeah uhh big fan
Notes from the Ravenclaw Bulletin Board by lostrobin (Gen, 11k, completed)
this is a fic told through (very funny) little notes on the ravenclaw bulletin board. been thinking a lot about different house dynamics atm and this a) made me laugh out loud and b) really think, you know who is really sound? those ravenclaw kids. love those bookworms. the crookshanks and fred and george cameos really make this, too. you'll zip through it and you'll giggle. there's nothing more to it!
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Listening (while out and about)
i went outside and it looked like this (i like lakes):
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and i listened to things like this:
pink light by muna (saw em live, lost my mind!) | space invader by the national (anthemic) | mountain by the joy (they're too good) | the greater wings (album) by julie byrne (literally stunning) | gorilla by lil simz (best beanie man sample of all time?)
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other than this birthday microfic for mr potter, a bit of tinkering and dawdling with other misc projects that i pick up and put down over and over again, and my usual meta nonsense, i've just been writing Beasts! put four chapters out since last check-in, and am hard at work on chapter eight, which has some of my favourite scenes in the fic so far. we're gearing up for some chapters away from the castle (writing the winter break chapters in august. what am i like!) and some scenes i've been sat on for ages and some others that i'm having so so so much fun writing. i'm a michael corner stan now? who knew?
She lugs the trunk off the bus at the final stop and traipses around the warren of streets in Soho for a while, looking for the address written on the piece of parchment clutched in her hand. Finally, she finds the building, battered door with the doorbell hanging half off, and stands awkwardly in the street, catching her breath, until the machine crackles and a familiar deep voice says: ‘Hello?’ 'Hi, it’s me.’ She clears her throat. ‘It’s Ginny, I mean.’  ‘Oh, hi. Come on up.’  The hallway has an unmistakably damp, squat-like feel about it. Loud laughter spills out of the flat on the first floor, and a group of uni students, squabbling amicably among themselves, parade past her on the second floor staircase as she rings the doorbell and loiters in the corridor, feeling hopelessly out of place. ‘Your hair’s so nice!’ one girl with thick black boots and a face full of piercings says admiringly as she passes by, just as the door to the flat swings open.  ‘Oh, good, you found it. I wasn’t sure you’d be able to.’ ‘Why wouldn’t I be able to?’ Michael rolls his eyes. ‘You know, Ginny, seen as it's Christmas, maybe we could try not to argue before you’ve even set foot in my flat.'
okay, one more 🕺
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girlybelle · 1 year
PERFECT — 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐀. ⋅ fem reader
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❧summary: just one of you and armin's most precious memories. (this is a repost from my old account).
❧warnings: just pure fluff <3.
❧word c.: 822
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armin would often nudge you in the early morning hours, asking softly if you were already awake. when you answered him an unsaid yes through a smile and a hum, although with your closed eyes, you could literally feel him silently beaming excitedly at your side of the bed.
“c’mon baby...” you can hear the smile in his perfect voice and feel his ever so soft lips against your eyelids. you immediately smiled upon opening your eyes to the sight of him in the clear dim-grey dawn light, your very own angel made flesh.
“let's go.” he whispered against your cheek. “yeah...” you imediately remembered your little plans for today when you saw his sweet smile, slowly getting up and stretching. “just gonna put on some warmer clothes.” you rasped between tiny kisses to his jaw, making him softly squirm playfully at your touch.
and that was exactly what you did, lazily throwing on a hoodie over your pajama and not really caring about your appearance, because after all, you were hanging with your boyfriend. the one person that had seen you in every emotional state there was, from happy to absolutely depressed. the one person that was there for you all the time, every time.
and the moment you put on your shoes and beanie, you already heard the quiet crack on the door of your shared room. smiling, you silently opened the door; and you were greeted again by the soft smile of your beloved boyfriend, armin. like you, he was still wearing his pajamas with a hoodie thrown over and was waiting for you outside.
“you ready?”, he asked as if you weren’t already closing the door behind you. as an answer, you turned around and took his warm hand in yours which immediately held onto you tightly. when looking at his face, you could make out a light dust of pink on his cheeks. you chuckled quietly. almost one year dating and he still became flustered by the smallest things.
“you’re cute”, you said, more to yourself than to the boy standing in front of you. “i am?”, he asked confused. “let’s go pretty boy, you wanna see the sunrise or not?”, you ignored his question and began walking down the floor, pulling the now even more flustered armin with you.
the way to your destination was comfortable. there wasn’t much talking which was completely fine with you. just being, existing next to each other was enough. the wind was cold, smelling like fresh snow. in the distance, you could hear the soft waves of the ocean. even though it still was dark outside, you could make out the angelic features of your boyfriend.
his blue eyes, beaming with excitement, his sweet little nose, taking deep breaths, savoring every ounce of the fresh morning air, and his beautiful lips, forming a content smile.
noticing you staring at him, armin squeezed your hand gently: “everything alright?” he asked. “yes, everything’s perfect”, you answered, smiling at him, eyes full of love.
a few minutes later, you were already running through the sand, both holding your sneakers in your hands, not caring about the coldness, about the birds you were scaring with your loud laughter. any outsider would smilingly shake their head at you both, childishly running to the water, hand in hand and seemingly forgetting that there was a whole world existing outside your little bubble.
coming to a halt just a bit before the waves could actually touch your naked feet, you just stayed there. looking at the sky colored in different shades of orange, listening to the calming sounds of the water.
but the beautiful sunset wasn’t the only thing you were admiring, no you were also looking at your boyfriend. especially the way he smiled widely, the way his eyes were shining so brightly, with pure admiration for the beauty of nature.
for the second time this day, armin noticed your gaze fixated on him. “what’s wrong?”, his wide smile got softer, more gentle as he looked you directly in the eyes. “nothing, just looking at you”, you answered truthfully while silently pulling him into a warm hug.
“i love you.” the boy chuckled softly. it was a pure, quiet laugh, not the one you did over a bad joke or to tease somebody. no, it was an honest and pure and gentle chuckle full of love and admiration. “i love you too.” it was barely a whisper, as soft as the cold breeze ruffling through your hair, only meant for you.
it was moments like this, where you just wanted to stay for the rest of your life. your boyfriend, your pretty boy, holding you tightly, head resting on your shoulder and arms laying around your waist, gently squeezing you to himself.
it was moments like this where you felt complete. moments like this where everything was perfect.
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love, belle.
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cherienymphe · 10 days
I’ve always been an unconditional support friend for multiple reasons (one of those being that I’m really bad at confrontation so if I had a friend that did something I didn’t condone I wouldn’t know how to tell them without having the fear that they would get mad at me) and I’ll never forget the time when my longest and best friend had a thing for one of her closest friends that was a guy who had a girlfriend. Which would be fine if that’s where it stopped because you can’t really control who you like except she basically ended up being part of the reason they broke up. She continued to hang out with him even after his girlfriend asked them to stop since their closeness was making her uncomfortable and I had to pretend like she didn’t do anything wrong because as I said that’s how I am. I mean I know I didn’t need to “pretend” and any decent person would’ve just told her that she kinda fucked up but I was also sixteen and worried that I’d lose one of my best friends. Although it was just as much his fault as it was hers
You were 16. Most of us were not navigating these toxic situations maturely. I'll do you one better
Freshman year I had two friends who had basically become best friends. Friend A is someone we were friends with since middle school and Friend B is someone we met freshman year. Friend B gets a bf. Sometime later friend A gathers me, Friend C, and a Friend D to show us texts in which Friend B's boyfriend told her he never liked Friend B and only dated her to get closer to Friend A. Naturally we're all like that's fucked up but Friend A was actually asking us for advice on what to do. We obviously told her uh don't pursue this and expose his ass. She did not do that. Come Monday, Friend B and boyfriend were over and he was dating Friend A.
I'm saying all of this to say that at the time, we remained friends with both. We were vocal of the fact that we didn't approve of what Friend A did and did not like her and the boyfriend together. It's just at the time, we were 15 and had classes and many mutual friends with both friends and it seemed simpler to remain friends with both even though Friend B did voluntarily distance herself a bit as expected. Of course if I went through a situation like that now I'd drop Friend A with a quickness 😭 but I didn't have a low tolerance for bullshit then like I do now.
I don't believe in beating ourselves up for how we handled situations when we were literal children with no real world experience and lacking rational thought processes
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Star Wars Rebels + Star Trek: Voyager AU Part 2
So just some random things for this AU:
Kallus only leaves the aeroponics bay for the purposes of betting on relationships. Biggest J/C shipper on the ship, just beating Chakotay himself. He absolutely uses Zeb’s replicator rations for his bets, which Zeb allows because he’s a) not using them and b) glad that something is getting his boyfriend away from the fertilizer fumes for a few hours. Plus Zeb ships it too, it kinda reminds him of his first few weeks on the Ghost when Hera and Kanan tried to hide their relationship.
When Resolutions happens Kallus is absolutely insufferable. Imagine being a J/C shipper and only knowing that the Captain and Commander spent several days alone on a planet and came back with even more romantic tension. What happened on the planet Captain? Commander? I’m not saying that if Kallus found out about the bathtub that he’d have a stroke, but I’m also not not saying it.
Kallus also spends his time trying to get various crew members together. The Delaney sisters and their forays into the dating world are always entertaining. Tom and B'Elanna have that will they won't they tension that is just so delicious. Ensigns Bennet and Macormak though, they're his second favorite. He loves those oblivious idiots so much. Especially after Macormak keeps Zeb from running off ahead during a fight with the Kazon. So when Bennet dies, well, it shatters Kallus a little.
Hera and Samantha Wildman occasionally have girls nights. Those nights either Kanan takes all parenting duties (like Hera does when Kanan wants to hang out with his dad friends) or Zeb or Neelix watch both Jacen and Naomi Wildman so Kanan can also get some time away. Less often Ezra and Sabine watch the youngest Spectre, because they’re helpless in the face of Jacen’s lothpuppy eyes. One time Captain Janeway watched both kids and long story short both children came back with tiny command uniforms and breathe that smelled suspiciously like coffee.
Sabine and Ezra are both younger than the rest of the Voyager crew (Harry’s only older than Sabine by about a year but he’s clinging to that like a child clutching their safety blanket) excluding the literal infants. They’re basically the babies of the Voyager family, and the crew talks about them accordingly. More than once they've gotten separated from their fellow crew on shore leave causing Tom to run up to the local authorities and put out a missing child alert. No one (openly) finds this amusing except Tom.
Sabine figures out how to replicate beskar right before they encounter the Borg. Sabine hates the Borg. She hates them as a concept, hates them as a reality, just hates them. There's just something about an enemy that's able to so completely strip you of your personality, your individuality, that activates the primal fear part of her brain. Her brief mental debate if she should use her knowledge of beskar replication for the crew (it's sacred and not meant for outsiders) ends the first time she sees a crew member breakdown remembering Wolf 359 (I am making one of the background crew a Wolf 359 survivor, sue me). Voyager's crew has become family and what is beskar for if not to protect family?
Voyager gets beskar hull plates and bulkheads.
Tuvok, Ayala, and Joe Carey give Kanan advice on how to be a good dad. Naturally, it's all correct, yet they also all contradict each other. Tuvok's advice (based on what to do with telepathic Vulcan babies) actually works really well, which strengthens the friend part of his and Kanan's frenemies dynamic.
Ezra and Kanan (and to a lesser extent baby Jacen) set Q’s teeth on edge whenever he shows up. Unfortunately, this just seems to make Q show up more often. The Q Continuum has a love-hate relationship with Force sensitives because they’re living reminders of three Q who ran off to a Galaxy Far Far Away, decided to live as a creepy family, and gave some mortals phenomenal powers. No one wants to be reminded of their weird relatives.
I just want to say that at one point thanks to Q Hondo Ohnaka and Lwaxana Troi are on the ship at the same time. There is a considerable amount of chaos, fire, and firey chaos.
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master-k0hga · 3 months
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| M A L I C E C I L |
[ Category: Misc OCs ]
| Another non related OC, think I showed him off last time but I re-drew him recently again cuz I didn't like the one before...
Anyways super awesome demon bf Mali, who, another OC I previously introduced, is dating Winston for like... Idk years- Winnie didn't believe he was an actual demon for like a whole year, people were telling him but he would've just shrugged it off... Til he finally believed Mali one day that the horns were not a headpiece-
But anyways, a wild ride their relationship first started out with, but funnily enough it never got worse.. It actually got better, Mali is usually the type of Demon to have fun, go out drinking, one night stands, groupies; All that, but Winston was an exception for him, like yeah he'll do his basic normal demon things, but he'll always be willing and happily come back to Winston, even plans one day to propose to him... Which he'll need to get a job for himself if he were to do that as a surprise.. Anyways-
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Malicecil Species: Demon General Personality: Perverted, cocky, confident, easy going, flirtatious, playful, funny, overall very welcoming, very chill Height: 9ft Relationship Status: In a relationship
Extra Info:
His age doesn't seem to be very easy to tell as he looks roughly in his late 20's/ early 30's all the time, but it's not a surprise that he is well older than that. Winnie himself was in complete shock when Mali just randomly walked up to him one morning and just whispered how old he was in his ear; Whether it was to sound impressive or just to see his reaction is of course another question however
As mentioned, he has in fact gotten arrested one time for driving while under the influence of alcohol. Apparently despite being a demon who could potential wreck havoc to the world one day if he snapped; He's so chill to the point where authorities can still get him done for human related crimes
Has an underworld form for whenever he ventures in and out of hell, or as most demons decide to call it; "The Underrealm", how he looks on the surface is the best he can ever get to looking more "human", despite him not looking THAT much different to his real look. He's literally only slightly taller and more brute built in his Underworld form
There are other demons who have socialised along with humans just like him, he even hangs out with them in clubs, going out for drinks and so forth while keeping it buddy-buddy; Humans aren't excluded from joining them if they ask, no discriminating here after all
Has gotten romantical with quite a few humans at LEAST dating back to the late 60's, unsure whether he has lived longer than that is unclear however as he refuses to acknowledge his life before that era
Has many forged ID's for every country; Why wouldn't he, he's a demon after all. Winston sometimes wonders how he manages to get himself into trouble before the problem is "seemingly forgotten"
Acts as Winston's personal mannequin when it comes to stylizing and tailoring; Mali enjoys it believe it or not, anything that makes his boyfriend smile is good enough for him
Despite being green, he actually likes the colour brown more
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
That's all I believe, didn't really have much for him at all honestly so with this was definitely a good time to delve a little deeper into his character... Most of my OCs are mainly just made because I've thought of them either for a purpose of another OC or just because my brain decides to go "I dreamt this" (kinda like the "I made this")
Anyways, I don't really have much to talk about this besides just the usual so I guess that's it really....? I'll just get on with trying to get on with my other OCs in the meantime and take a break from it with fan art from time to time.. I'll just hopefully get more refs done for the OC spam, since I know I won't be really doing much online these days so I'd rather not work on a drawing then post it immediately... And then having nothing else to post, especially when it takes me ages just to be happy with a sketch and finish it off..
... Oh well, whatever.
. Malicecil, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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starsnsparkles · 17 days
i really, really dislike the current trend of romanticising being stupid as this quirky, just a “little guy” thing. being actually stupid is damn dangerous and very infuriating. storyy time!
my then friend, who i will call C, has a female friend J who entered a relationship with a 16 year old boy, while she was in her mid 20s. i found that out when C ranted to me about how childish and clingy the boy was in voice channel to J. i was appalled at this information??! of course he was childish, he IS a child, i said that to her in those exact words, and i could literally see them pass over her head as she dismissed it and continued her rant.
i’ve told her, do you not see how wrong this is? he is literally a minor. the excuse i’m met with is, well! J had a rough childhood… and he was the one who pursued her!! and so, we really have no right to comment on their life… also, they got engaged and his parents are supportive! and she had a 26 year old boyfriend before! i can’t even describe the sheer chill that froze me up whenever she’d reply like that. i was simply dumbfounded at how casual and dismissive C was about the whole thing… it’s like, she just couldn’t wrap her head around what i was saying AT ALL.
C doesn’t understand that minors can’t consent, that her friend, even if “chased” by a child, is an adult and a responsibility to reject him, no matter how much i try to explain on countless occasions, it’s like her brain just can’t process what i’m saying at all and thus, dismisses it. she continues to engage with J because “she’s nice to her” and “she knows her”. i told asked her if you knew your friend was a rapist but they were nice to you, would you still be friends with them? C would say that’s not the same thing… except… it definitely is. i’ve voiced my disgust with J every time she’d bring her up, yet now she’s calling me to meet up at the bus station where she will meet J at, so they can go back to C’s house and hang around for a few days.
safe to say, i will be distancing myself from C slowly, but surely. aside from having flimsy ethics and morals, she also throws out “but i love you and miss you” every time i try to talk to her about things that i’d like for her to improve on, only to then continue on exactly as before. let’s not even talk about how she only consistently texts me only when she needs a place to stay, and our time together is mostly spent with her ranting about her life. it’s funny how i know inside and out of her boyfriend’s friend group that she attached herself to, yet she doesn’t know the name of any of my friends. there are other things too, but this is already getting too long.
anyway, i hope that boy is okay, i’ve heard they’ve broken up now, but to know that nobody ever tried to help him, and his parents even encouraged it, i can only hope. i know damn well if their genders were reversed more people would raise their eyebrows at the situation. but it’s simply culture where i’m from that such cases are dismissed or not thought about. hell, my pretty well adjusted guy best friend was at first nonchalant about it too, but when i explained to him how malicious it is, he figured it out.
and maybe, C and J do deserve each other. birds of a feather flock together, right? hopefully now, those birds can stay away from me, because i’m definitely not gonna eat up their shit like they love to do!
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bunnisdumbbrain · 3 months
Dear diary,
There’s so much to talk about here and I have no clue where to start. I’ve never been the best at journaling (only because if there was ever an error on the paper I’d want to rip the page out and start all over) so this seems to be the best option LOL. I think I just want to use this as a place to vent frustrations or keep up with myself, quite literally as a diary. I’m still debating on whether I want to mention this on my main blog only because this is definitely more personal haha. We’ll see.
Anyways, 2023 was such a shit year for me omfg. Let’s see: got into a huge argument with my boyfriend on my graduation day, birthday bonfire was ruined, had to put down my rescue dog due to his aggression :(, boyfriend gave me a relationship ultimatum, spent months wondering why I wasn’t enough, and then ended the 7 year relationship. Sounds like a sob story HAHA, but fuck that year sucked.
My friends have been my biggest support system though. I love them so so much and they are amazing for putting up with me constantly. Also they always agree to go traveling with me <3 I have never traveled as much as I have within the past two months than the past 3 years. I’ve somehow managed to talk my best friends into traveling to New York with me soon so I’m super excited for that. Hopefully I can meet the cute mustache man of my dreams there LOL.
Also, being single is so new to me still!! I was dating my ex since I was 15 so being single at 22 feels so strange! I know for sure I’m not emotionally ready for another relationship at the moment, nor am I looking for one, but I do miss the aspects of a relationship. Like the causal hanging out and kissing LOL. (Maybe I need a friend who I can kiss occasionally) For some reason in January, I ended up downloading bumble (dumbass alert!!) and boy was that shit a doozy. Some are of the guys on there were cute [especially if they had a mustache] but it just was not for me. I also felt like if I did end up meeting anyone in person for a date it be awkward to mention that I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. My bumble account lasted 1 1/2 weeks.
Moving on, I think I like talking to people online atm just because nothing comes of it. I can be flirty and no harm done, but boy is it hard to find people I’m genuinely interested in talking to. It gives me such an ick if someone is overly sexual all the time. I get it’s fun occasionally but if I can’t have a casual conversation with you then no thank you!!! I was talking to this one guy on here (which was dumb on my part because this is tumblr) and we had good conversations (plus he was hot) but it would turn me off as soon as he’d ask for pics, especially after I’ve said no. Ended up blocking him </3 (rest in peace).
I’m in no shape or form wanting to send pics OF ANY KIND (unless they’re cute lil selfies) at the moment anyways. I do not feel good in my body and I’d rather rip my eyeballs out then let someone see me naked (a little extreme but my point stands).
Speaking about my body though, I’m wanting to focus on bettering myself this year! I think there’s definitely a lot of things I’ve been slacking on this year and am wanting to change. My weight is my biggest obstacle at the moment. All I can do is workout and eat better though to fix that (have I been doing it? kind of). I just need better accountability!!! Also I need to stop eating out so often. I’m on the fence about not watching porn though LOL. I think I’ve watched it like every other day for the past few months. Maybe it’s bad for me but idk I just like to c*m.
I think I’ll be updating this every week or every other week? I’m terrible at keeping a routine so who knows. I’m planning on going to the gym tomorrow so, fingers crossed.
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An Unhelpful Guide to Star Beam's Lovelife (2024 Edition) - RYUKUN 🐻🐢
It's January 1 and for the Hallyu world, it's time to reveal the Dispatch couple. With this, I'm inspired to reintroduce SeuBim and their equally lovely boyfriends, who happened to be in the same boy band. I'm redoing these for the new followers who has a limited knowledge about SeuBim's lovelife
Without further ado, let's get to know, Ryuna and Kun!
🐻 - Kun 🐢 - Ryuna
TW: brief NSFW
1. Who fell for the other one first?
- 🐻 in mid-2018 (to be specific, the Dream Concert 2018 a.k.a the rainy Dream Concert). SeuBim did a quick first aid on NCT by giving them cold water bottles to treat their bruises. 🐢 is the one who helped Kun
- During the pandemic, 🐻🐢 became closer to the point that they started to hang out alone
- 🐢 realized that she also likes 🐻 after she contemplating a post-pandemic life once WayV returns to China for C-pop activities (like how would they hang out)
2. Who made the first move?
- 🐻 during 2020 after Jaehyun reported that 🐢 eats ramen everyday during the first week of "Dear.M" filming. So he started to cook meals for her occasionally
3. Describe their first date.
- 🐻🐢 were secretly hang out in a cafe (together with Saeyoon & Jaehyun) during breaks
4. What’s a perfect date for them?
- 🐻 is an adrenaline junkie (sky diving, drifting, ziplining) while 🐢 prefers chill dates (museum dates, record shops and eating out)
5. What do physical trait do they love the most about each other?
- 🐢➡️🐻 his dimples and his eyes (for her, he has a great physique for his height)
- 🐻➡️🐢 her smile (again, he found her HOT thanks to her baby face and glamorous body)
6. What personality trait do they love the most about each other?
- 🐻➡️🐢 her emotional intelligence plus her loyalty
- 🐢➡️🐻 his sense of adventure and levelheadedness
7. What’s one way their personalities complement one another? (Is it opposites attract or are they pretty similar?)
- 🐢 is short tempered while 🐻 is calm and patient
- They are both great leaders
8. What are some things they don’t agree on?
- Schedules (sometimes)
9. What is each member’s love language?
- 🐻 Giving gifts & Acts of Service
- 🐢 Quality Time
10. What’s each member flirting style?
- 🐻 claims that he doesn't have rizz but he literally got 🐢 wrapped in their fingers
- 🐢 would just stare at 🐻 for a long time
11. Who’s the bigger tease?
- 🐻
12. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
- 🐻 ➡️🐢 forehead, cheeks, lips, nose
- 🐢➡️🐻 cheek, lips, nose
13. What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?
- 🐢 can't cook while 🐻 is kinda messy and dirty minded
14. Do they like public display of affection?
- They claimed that they hate PDA but they are always spotted holding hands (unknowingly)
15. Are they jealous/possessive of each other?
- No. With 🐢's work as an actress, 🐻 is already used to it
16. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
- No. They claimed that they hate PDA but they are always clingy
17. How do they comfort each other?
- 🐻 would cook 🐢
- 🐢 would listen to 🐻's rants and offer beer/wine
18. Who’s the primary protector of the two?
- Both
19. Who is more sentimental?
- 🐻
20. Who worries more?
- 🐢
21. What articles of clothing do they "borrow" from one another?
- 🐢 would wear 🐻's old clothes that don't fit
- 🐻 would wear 🐢's jewelry or hair accesories
22. Who is the big/little spoon?
- 🐻 big spoon
- 🐢 little spoon
23. What reminds each of their partner?
- 🐢➡️🐻 teddy bear, airplanes, oranges, new year, first sunrise of the year, Hong Doosik, recording studio
- 🐻➡️🐢 SQUIRTLE, Monica (FRIENDS), pin up girls, bagel, transition from summer to autumn, half-sunny half-rainy weather, filming set
24. Are they sentimental about gifts they’ve received from each other?
- 🐻➡️🐢 necklace
- 🐢➡️🐻 bag
25. What holidays do they like?
- 🐢 New Year's Day, Chuseok, Christmas
- 🐻 New Year's Day, Christmas
26. What happens if one of them gets sick?
- 🐢 immediately buys medicine for 🐻
- 🐻 cooks for 🐢
- they will binge watch series and movies
27. Can they stay up all night just talking?
28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
- Yes
- Bonus: there are some NCTzens don't like 🐻🐢 as a couple because they think that 🐢 is too good for 🐻
29. How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
- 100%. Both of them fave pets (& take turns in pet sitting)
- WayV dorm has lots of pets
30. Are they interested in marriage? Why or why not?
- YES (but they are still discussing on how they divide time between China and Korea plus LDR)
31. Are they interested in having children? Why or why not?
- The furbabies are already taxing at the moment so it will take some time for them to have a human baby
32. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
- When one of them have revealing outfits or complimenting their figures
33. What is their sex life like?
- It was WILD plus they occasionally sleep together when they don't have schedules (I might as well explain their sex lives on another post or in tumblr 😬)
- They make out A LOT
34. Do you have other ships that resemble your OTP?
- Hong Dusik & Yoon Hyejin (Hometown Cha Cha Cha)
- Monica & Chandler (Friends)
35. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
🔗 Lifted from: https://www.deviantart.com/the-moon-witch/journal/35-OTP-Questions-923483546
✅️ Jan 1 - RyuKun (Ryuna x Kun)
🔜 Feb 1 - DoChae (Doyoung x Chaehee)
🔜 Feb 9 - JohnJia (Johnny x Yujia)
🔜 Feb 14 - SaeJae (Saeyoon x Jaehyun)
🔜 Apr 23 - JeoJen (Jeonah x Jeno)
🔜 Aug 8 - XiaoHyo (Xiaojun x Hyoshin)
🔜 Sep 28 - HenKkeu (Hendery x Chloe)
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dbphantom · 1 year
[H2O s2 spoilers] Charlotte has literally done nothing wrong up until now and yet the show STILL paints her as such a bad person in Pressure Cooker.
She admits if she knew Don was Cleo's dad she wouldn't have shown up and looks visibly uncomfortable (but still trying to be polite) when she realizes it's Cleo's house and has to sit there and watch Cleo openly be rude to her mother by giving away a gift bought as a gesture of goodwill.
Charlotte KNOWS Lewis and Cleo are talking about her and instead of being rude and nasty about it (LIKE CLEO WAS IN EPISODE 3 WHEN SHE MADE ASSUMPTIONS) is just like "yeah, your dad is really struggling right now, you probably wanna go back in there and help him..?" like OMG that was so sweet of her. Yeah she interrupted their conversation, but come on she was trying to be nice. Characters interrupt each other all the time on this show- it's a teen drama, that's how it works. Despite everything Cleo had already done to her, Charlotte was still looking out for her dad.
Then Charlotte accidentally knocks a thing of flour into Cleo and goes up to her room after Cleo storms off to personally apologize for even BEING THERE because she can tell Cleo is Absolutely Furious about her showing up, and openly asks her if she can spend time with/date Lewis because she understands the two of them were together and she SEES how Cleo is reacting, and CLEO GIVES HER THE GO-AHEAD, BUT STILL TREATS HER AWFULLY ANYWAY. She didn't HAVE to ask for permission, but she does anyway!! AFTER APOLOGIZING FOR SIMPLY SHOWING UP TO HER MOM'S WORK EVENT.
and THEN at the end of the episode Cleo is like "even if it IS Charlotte (who I hate for literally no reason other than she stood up for herself when I tried to shame her in public for hanging out with my ex-boyfriend who I broke up with), it's Lewis's choice" but then gives her an actual death glare at the very end of the episode when Charlotte is literally just looking at her and evil music swells all because Charlotte smiles. WHAT!!!!!
anyway brb making a list of all the times the girls openly use their powers or are just straight-up reckless in public SOLELY IN SEASON 2 so i can compare it to them getting really mad at Charlotte and holding her to a huge double-standard because she used her powers to mess with Nate a little bit because HUUUUUUH??? if you have any examples hit me up because im currently doing a rewatch and im on ep 6 and already have a few... most notably Emma using her powers during the soccer game to dunk on a seven-year-old, but also Cleo using her powers at school to [checks notes] take a shortcut across a field with a sprinkler instead of just walking around. I have a few from memory as well that i just haven't gotten up to yet (like Emma and Rikki harassing Lewis at his job and almost getting him arrested because they left the gate open)
>>>>>oh i see... tumblr desktop does not warn you if you have over 30 tags. noted... rip my essay on how Lewis also isn't 100% in the right here [with Charlotte. with Cleo he did nothing wrong (being overbearing... ok i get it, but she could have sat him down and talked to him abt how she was feeling before immediately jumping to breaking up) and even took her aside more than once to ask her if she was okay, if this is what she really wanted, and where he stands with her- to which she lies to his face during and says everything's fine, she's just protecting the secret, she isn't jealous At All, she doesn't want to get back together] because he unintentionally is leading Charlotte on bc he's not communicating the best, and then when they DO get together he's clearly not as invested in their relationship as she is, or how Charlotte was kinda jumping the gun a little but while their relationship is kinda messy in itself, it just doesn't compare to how annoyed Cleo makes me this season, i won't lie. also i did rant about the marine park incident again. it still really bothers me lolol
#H2O: Just Add Water#H2O Just Add Water#H2O JAW#maybe im just not picking up on subtle facial cues but Charlotte is literally just a sweetheart in the first 90% of#this season. a sweetheart who also doesn't take shit from Cleo trying to embarrass her publicly and reading her diary.#you'd think Cleo would know how shitty it is to do that to a person given Kim did it to her but NO! SHE DOES IT ANYWAY!!#cleo is so immature in s2 it is SO embarrassing... especially the fishing rod bit... girl that is like 100 dollars at the cheapest!!!#i get she's the main character so she gets to get away with everything ever but MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN...!#i don't think she ever actually apologizes to lewis or charlotte for the way she acted in this episode. solely to annette so she could get#the business deal for her dad... it's so SO shitty of her. like oh my god charlotte apologizes and you can't even give her the same grace#also THE ROD THING!! you unspooled his entire line (sending this massive bout of fishing line into the ocean) and dragged it into the#water where he likely wouldn't be able to get it back. and he's still SOMEHOW willing to show up to your house to speak in person and u#don't even give him the time of day to Actually Listen because you are being SO IMMATURE about EVERYTHING#Cleo you literally did ALL OF THIS TO YOURSELF!!!! PLEASE GET A GRIP GIRL!!!!#YOU broke up with Lewis. YOU embarrassed yourself trying to call Charlotte out and she stood up for herself. YOU threw a total fit over#Lewis and Charlotte fishing together to the point he felt it was necessary to talk to you in person. WTF!!!!!! <- angry#aaaAAAAAAAAA-#this is what i MEANT when i said I CAN'T WATCH SEASON 2 WITHOUT GETTING ANGRY!!! I C A N ' T#also minor thing but Emma being so OOC in this episode she doesn't try to stop them from harassing Annette and Charlotte with their magic#THAT IS OBSCENE EMMA WOULD'VE PUT A STOP TO THAT BEHAVIOR IMMEDIATELY!!! INSTEAD SHE JUST GOES ALONG WITH IT#as if Emma wouldn't be very willing to give Charlotte a chance after everything she saw Cleo do like 3 episodes ago reading her diary and#snooping on her life because she's 'sus' when she literally isn't she just has a crush on Cleo's ex-boyfriend#who. and i cannot emphasize this enough. CLEO BROKE UP WITH IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!#why does it take until EPISODE <S I X> FOR CLEO TO REALIZE *SHE* BROKE UP WITH LEWIS SO SHE'S TREATING HIM UNFAIRLY???#SDKJGHKAFJGHAKLJHGKLJH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#im fine im fine.#spoilers#H2O spoilers#H2O JAW spoilers#H2O Just Add Water spoilers
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bagerfluff · 1 year
This is a one-shot with my OC Wyatt for Stranger Things. If you need to see the OC go to my page
Today was not a good day for Will. Why because a couple years ago today Will’s life got turned upside down. Literally he was taken into the Upside Down and trapped there for a week and then a lot of other stuff happened. So right now he was having a panic attack in his bedroom. No one was there to help him. His mom was out at work and Jonathan was hanging out with some of his friends so Will was handling this panic attack by himself and he was doing a shit job when he got an idea. He ran out of his room and to the phone and dilled in the number to his boyfriend's house. Will stood there crying with the phone to his ear as he heard the ringing. “Ring ring ri- Jones house” After the rings he heard his boyfriends voice “W-Wyatt” He stuttered, still crying and breathing heavily. “Will are you okay?'' Wyatt said quickly and worried “c-c-can y-you c-c-come o-over” Will stuttered worse than before. “Yes I can just hold on”. That was the last thing Wyatt said before he hung up the phone and ran out of his house, got on his skateboard, and rode it all the way to the byers house. Meanwhile Will was so tired that he fell to the ground below his phone. He pulled his knees up to his chest, put his head on them and started to cry into them. He was crying so much that he didn’t realize that the door was opened or that someone was calling his name or that he was being pulled into someone's lap. Will looked up from the person's chest to see it was Wyatt who was holding him in his lap. Will just started crying and buried his head back in Wyatt’s chest. Wyatt held Will in his arms till he looked down and saw that Will had fallen asleep. Wyatt knew that Will probably had a panic attack and Will had told Wyatt that for him panic attacks are triering. So Wyatt picked Will up, walked over to the couch, and sat on it with Will in his lap still asleep. Peacefully and happy.
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notyobabygirl · 2 years
hey lizz!!! so i met this guy at my friends church & he likes me back & we’re kind of going on a double date with my friend and her bf tomorrow? he’s really cute and exactly my type but ive been hesitant because he lives 40 minutes away from me. & like where theres barely nothing in between us so theres not fun places to hang out to meet in the middle.
i just have a few doubts about starting a relationship w him (i really feel like this could lead to one) because a.) i hate driving & dont have a car rn that i enjoy driving (my other one got totaled) b.) i’m not living at a house rn where he can come hang out. not a great living situation right now. c.) im not sure if i want my first boyfriend to live far?? i mean my love language is quality time so idk :/
but i really really like him and he actually likes me BACK which has literally never happened. i honestly sometimes feel like it’ll never happen again. idk. anyway. if u have any advice for me or just reassuring words id be so so grateful. im 18 so i havent gone to college yet but i will be going in the fall & its gonna be the same distance :/ he’s taking a gap year so he’ll still be where he is
hi sweet girl! yay!! I am so happy for you this is so cute and fun :) I say dont look too much into the future! one thing that I sometimes struggle with is wanting to have my life planned out and looking too much into the future. the thing is no body knows what the future is going to be literally no body. so why stress about something you can't control? just because he lives 40 minutes away shouldn't hold you back from anything. take it day by day with him. lmk how the date went!!
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ptergwen · 2 years
looking respectfully
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w/c: 1,155
warnings: swearing, peter being a bi disaster, and a lil bit of angst
summary: peter questions his sexuality and what it means for your relationship, debating whether or not he should come out to you
a/n: you know what time it is! happy pride my loves :) i wasn’t planning on writing anything for pride this year cause i’ve been busy with can’t get close but i ended up having some time and i wanted to do a little something for y’all! so it’s a bit rushed but forgive me <3 anyways i’m so extremely proud of you all and i love you to pieces, pls enjoy
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that stupid movie.
you’re making peter watch that stupid movie again, the one where he literally drools whenever heath ledger comes onscreen. and joseph gordon-levitt. and… the list goes on.
it was your turn to pick for movie night, and you chose 10 things i hate about you. it’s one of your go-to’s. who doesn’t love a good old enemies to lovers rom com? peter clearly enjoys it too because he foams at the mouth every time you watch it. you think it’s because of julia stiles, and it is, but it’s also because of heath ledger and joseph gordon-levitt.
he could call it his bisexual awakening. only, you don’t know that yet.
“hey, pete? mj just texted. she’s inviting us to pride.”
you peer up at your boyfriend from your phone with a smile. peter takes his eyes off the tv momentarily to glance over at you. he draws you in closer with the arm he has around you, a small smile stretching across his lips.
“tell her we’ll be there. can’t break tradition.”
you peck peter’s shoulder and text your friend back on behalf of both of you.
mj has been out as a lesbian since high school, and you’re now well into college. your friend group goes with her to the city’s pride parade every year in honor of pride month. peter always feels welcome at pride. he feels at home, even. you’re there as allies, to support mj and the community. you’ve all been accepting of her from the very second she came out to you, embracing her with open arms.
the more pride parades peter attends, the more he finds his heart skipping a beat when he locks eyes with a cute guy or makes small talk, the more he watches that damn movie, the more he finds himself questioning his sexuality.
“damn, julia stiles has got you all hot and bothered,” you tease. “i don’t think you’ve blinked once during this whole movie.”
peter zoned out in the midst of his sexuality crisis, and he happened to be looking at the tv.
“reminds me of the time we watched the wolf of wall street and you kept staring at margot robbie’s-“
“c’mon, i was not. i was looking respectfully.”
“i’m not judging. there’s a reason men worship that movie, y’know.”
“babe, be serious.”
“i am being serious. shit, i was looking, too.”
peter buries his face in the side of your neck and groans.
should he break it to you that he was really staring at leonardo dicaprio? okay, and margot robbie. but, still.
“it’s okay to admit you have a crush, pete. i won’t take it personally,” you thread your fingers through his curls. “we’ve been together a long time now, yeah? i’m secure in us.”
you toy with peter’s hair. your free arm wraps around him. peter hugs your middle, his nose rubbing against the skin of your neck as he shakes his head.
“i talk about how much i love timothée chalamet all the time. you don’t mind.”
“everyone loves him. besides, it’s… it’s not that.”
“then what is it?”
you push peter back gently by his shoulder so he comes out of his hiding place in your neck. he holds you tighter. his lips form a line, brows knitting together.
this is about more than just some silly crush.
you pause the movie.
“i know that face, peter. what’s bothering you?”
he lets go of you, head hanging.
peter wants to tell you, he really does, but he’s scared. he’s scared and confused. he’s not sure what his attraction to guys means for him, or for either of you. how could you understand when he doesn’t understand himself?
the one thing peter is certain about is that he loves you. nothing could change that. you two are attached at the hip, you fucking live together. you’re his girlfriend, and his best friend.
but, what if he really is bisexual? how would you take it?
“i was looking at leonardo dicaprio, too”
you don’t quite hear peter because he mumbles.
“when we watched the wolf of wall street. i was looking at leonardo dicaprio, too.”
this time you hear him. you just don’t understand.
“i’m not sure what you mean, baby.”
you shift to face peter, scooting towards him on the couch. your eyes flick between his.
this is it. this is peter’s chance to say it, but he can’t get the words out. he doesn’t have them.
it’s not a matter of if you’ll accept him; he knows you will. he has no worries about that. you’re completely accepting of mj and the entire lgbtq+ community, so why would it be any different with your own boyfriend? what peter worries about is what’s going to happen to the two of you. you might not love him anymore. you might want to break up.
he’ll never know if he doesn’t try you, though.
“i was looking at margot robbie and leonardo dicaprio. do you get what i’m trying to say?”
he meets your eyes.
“kind of. could you say more?”
you grab ahold of his biceps, thumbs caressing his arms.
“i, uh, well… i’ve been thinking about it a lot. like, for a really long time. i’m not sure yet, still questioning and all, but i think i’m…”
he inhales a sharp breath.
“i’m bisexual.”
your features hold shock as you process this information. peter automatically assumes the worst and panics, going off on one of his nervous tangents.
“but this doesn’t change us at all. i still love you, y/n. i’m so, so in love with you. i just like guys, too. guys and girls. or… men and women, i should say,” he rambles. “definitely you, though. always you.”
he cringes at himself.
“do you still love me?”
your hands move up to his cheeks, squishing them from how passionately you cup them.
“of course i do.”
peter nods repeatedly, willing himself to take that in. you grin.
“that’s what bisexuality is, liking more than one gender. that includes the opposite,” you reassure. “i’ll always love you, peter benjamin parker, and you’re right. you being bisexual doesn’t change us one bit.”
you kiss peter’s forehead, letting your lips linger there.
“it doesn’t change you, either.”
peter captures your lips with his. you smile into the kiss, lips slotting softly with peter’s. he has a smile that mirrors yours when you both pull back.
that couldn’t have gone any better. he’s so happy he decided to come out to you, and you’re just as glad he felt that he could.
“does this mean i can finally talk about how hot heath ledger is when we watch this movie?”
“absolutely. be loud and proud.”
peter chuckles and pecks your lips. you play the movie, looping your arms around his neck.
“speaking of pride, looks like we’ll be celebrating you at the pride parade this year, too.”
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