#also I did fox stuff on the bloody one but it didn’t seem to save and it glitched out so now I can’t do anything :
foxc0ven · 1 year
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Telling him how to clean roadkill, and it’s actually pretty easy!
I am very normal about my new dentist! 🦷
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Prey for You | Part 6
Genre: Smut, angst.
Word Count: 5.6k
Summary: As Chan gets closer to his heat and you get closer to Felix, things are bound to come to a head.
Warnings: super unhealthy relationship, dom!chan, sub!reader, spanking, exhibitionism, breeding kink, violence, big dick chan, fingering, enemies to lovers, wolf!hybrid chan, fox!hybrid reader
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(If you know the owner of this gif pls let me know so I can credit them)
You barely spend any time in the house anymore, only going back to sleep. Chan can’t seem to grasp the fact that it’s really over. He keeps trying to talk his way back into your life like last time, but you don’t give him the chance. You’re afraid if you listen to him, he’ll trick you again.
You end up spending more and more time with Felix, something that angers Chan greatly. He even tries to tell Felix to stay away from you, as the cat begrudgingly admitted to you one day, but he refused. And you’re ever so grateful for that. You don’t really have any friends and if you did, you’re such none of them could hold a candle to Felix.
He was such a sweetheart in a way that was almost too good to believe. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t been through the same sort of stuff you have, and cat hybrids in general are more favored and accepted than fox hybrids. Or maybe it’s because he found a group of friends that accepted him for who he was and never doubted him. But he seemed to have so much faith and trust in the world that you could never come close to. Still, just being in his positive presence rubbed off on you a little and gave you a smidge of happiness by proxy.
It was much needed, as the closer Chan got to his heat, the more explosive his temper became. Unfortunately for you, the mere fact that you were spending time with Felix fueled his anger, and he would fly into rage every time you’d come back home smelling like the cat. So any sense of cheerfulness you may have gotten from Felix was quickly smashed to the ground the moment you walked through the door.
It also wasn’t helping that he hasn’t hooked up with anyone ever since your last time together, and not satisfying what his body was literally demanding from him just made things ten times worse. But he persisted, trying till the end to convince you to spend his heat with him. You refused, of course.
Until finally, he informs you that you will have to leave the house for a few days as he will be bringing someone over to spend his heat with him. He wanted to rent a hotel room for you but you told him you already had a place to stay. He asks where you’ll stay, the grimace already on his face telling you that he knew the answer; you’ll be with Felix.
You pack your bag with the things you’ll be needing for the next few days under Chan’s watchful eyes. He stays silent until it’s time for you to leave. That’s when he takes your hand in his, proclaiming earnestly, “I really didn’t want to do this. I don’t want anyone else but you.”
“It doesn’t matter now.” You mumble, trying to move away but he grips your hand tighter, looking down at it intensely. "Please don't stay with Felix. I'll get you a five star hotel suite."
You wrench away from him. "Because I'll ruin him?"
"No." He shakes his head vehemently. "Just please. For me?"
You snort. "I don't owe you shit, Chan."
You can barely sit still. Just knowing that Chan was with another woman right now made you sick to your stomach, and once again, you find your traitorous heart wishing you had given in to him. This just hurts too much. 
Felix is concerned about you, and he does all he can think of to take your mind off of it. He talks to you. He bakes you cookies. He cuddles with you. He tries to distract you in any way, but nothing works. 
Finally, he brings out the alcohol, knowing that that’s what helped you last time. You throw yourself into it, downing glass after glass to snuff out your jealousy and pain, but all that accomplishes is getting you more disinhibited and loud. 
“I can’t take it, Felix. He’s with another woman right now when he should be with me.”
“No. You deserve so much better.” Felix insists, trying to contain you in his embrace but you’re fidgeting too much. “Chan didn’t treat you right.”
“But he can, right? I mean he loves you so much. Maybe if we just try--” You maniacally explain but Felix’s angelic face twists into a scowl. “Do you even know the kind of stuff he used to say about you? That was the first time that I’ve ever looked down on him--when he was being so unfair to you.” 
You gulp, heart wrenching at the thought of the kind of things he must’ve said to his friends that would anger Felix so much. “But...what can I do, Lixie? It hurts so bad.”
Felix cups your face, so soft and delicate, looking into your eyes adoringly. “Let me take your mind off it.” He whispers. 
“What?” The word barely leaves your lips before his own lips are on you, kissing you tenderly. 
 You freeze in shock as Felix’s lips move over yours, trying to get you to reciprocate, but you pull away. "Kitty… don't."
He doesn’t let you go. “Stop thinking about him, please. Focus on me.” He coaxes, pressing his lips to yours in light pecks, his gaze pulling you in. 
You give into the soft feeling of his lips on yours. So far nothing has worked to ease your mind. Maybe this will. It feels nice kissing him, he’s soft and malleable, working with you according to what you want, letting you lead the kiss when you’re ready. 
You get closer to each other by the second, and when you pull him onto your lap, his crotch rubs against your thigh, and he moans out. 
“Are you hard already, kitty?” You tug on his hair, pulling his head away and restricting his answering nod.
You slide your hands down his body and pull his pants down over his dick, freeing it. “What a cute little dick, Lixie.” You coo, seeing his small member red and twitching against his abdomen. 
He blushes, burying his face in your neck and moaning out as you wrap your hand around his dick. “Fits just right in my hand.” You jerk him, the boy easily whining.
“Does it feel good, kitty?” 
“Y-yeah.” He kisses your neck wetly, trailing down towards your chest and mouthing at your breast through your top. “So good. Been wanting this for so long.” 
“You did? And here I thought you’re an innocent kitty.” 
“I am. I’m a good kitty.” He moans, trying to kiss you again but you keep his head away.
“Do good kitties lust after their friend’s girl?” 
His face morphs with annoyance, surprising you. “Shut up about him.” The way he spoke threw you off. It was unlike him and you were annoyed by the unexpected change. Narrowing your eyes at him, you hiss warningly, “Felix...” 
“Chan is literally balls deep in another girl right now. Fuck him.” He huffs insolently, his hands going up to grope your chest. 
You slap him, the wetness of his precum sticking to his cheek. “Shut up.”
“Why do you still care about him after all he's done to you?” He asks angrily. 
“Because I love him!” You find yourself answering easily. You do love him, despite everything he put you through. 
“He doesn’t deserve your love. He’s a fucking asshole.”
“He’s your best friend. He thinks of you like a brother!” You know you shouldn't defend him but you also know that Chan would be absolutely devastated if he found out that's what Felix thinks of him. It was never your intention to drive a wedge between them.
Felix scoffs, getting off you and adjusting his clothes irritably. “Yeah and I have to forever follow his every word or I’ll be an ungrateful bastard, right? I thought you out of everyone else would understand!”
“Understand what?” You exclaim. 
“When Chan took me under his wing,” Felix begins, voice gruff with a bitterness you’re all too familiar with. “I was so blown away by how nice that is, that I basically worshipped him. And he liked that about me. I know he loves me but a big part of that is because I contribute to making him feel better about himself. Chan is so fucking obsessed with having people like and respect him. That’s the entire reason he’s so ashamed of you, because you don’t fit his perfect image.”
His words lash at you. You already knew very well that’s how Chan thinks but to hear it said out loud to you by Felix just makes it hurt more.
“So when I came in, all puppy eyed and full of praise, he was ecstatic to have me around--his own personal cheerleader. And I was happy to give that to him. Hell, the guys saved my life, right? But now I can’t get out of that role. I can’t disobey anything he says or go against his word or he’d take it as a betrayal because Chan is always fucking right. Chan always knows best.”
"Felix don't be stupid. I’m sure if you just talked to him, he’d understand.”
“Yeah, like he understood you?” 
You reel back, stung, and you quietly say, “You’re different. He loves you so much, Felix. He almost ripped my head off when he found out I had hung out with you. He was so worried about you.”
Felix laughs at that. “You got it all wrong. He wasn’t worried about me. He was jealous and afraid I’ll steal you from him.” 
“That doesn’t make any sense.” You exclaim, the entire conversation thrusting your brain in a confused daze, but you quickly quiet down as you hear the sounds of keys. You look at Felix in alarm, silently asking who could it be, and from the way his face pales, you already know the answer.
Your heart drops in your stomach and your throat closes up as the door swings open to reveal a distressed Chan. He lets out a little sigh of relief when he sees you, and he starts making his way towards you. "Oh, baby. I couldn't do it. Please come home."
Suddenly, he stops dead in his tracks, face turning to stone and eyes deadly as he takes in the scent of your and Felix's arousal in the air. You see nothing but bloody murder in his eyes as they regard you, and you think he might actually kill you this time. After all, it’s the peak of his heat, he apparently hasn’t slept with the woman he was supposed to, and you had just messed around with his best friend. He must be angry, riled up, and frantic. He’s capable of doing anything.
But instead of attacking you, he pounds towards Felix, screaming at him, “You fucking bastard!” He swings at Felix, the force of his punch throwing the smaller boy to the ground. He doesn’t stop there though, aiming kicks at the crumpled form of the cat on the floor. 
“Chan, no!” You scream, rushing towards them but Chan yanks you away, gritting out, “Don’t touch him.” 
“Chan, please--” You beg, hoping to stop him from assaulting Felix again, but then the boy on the ground sits up, spitting the blood out of his mouth, and regarding Chan with a dark look you've never even thought the cute cat was capable of. “What is it, hyung? The bitch’s pussy wasn’t tight enough for you?” 
Chan throws you to the side and jumps on Felix again, pummeling his face with punches. The cat can barely do anything to protect himself, let alone retaliate--the power difference just too great between them. 
You rush towards them again, trying to stop the wolf’s attacks. “Stop it, Chan! You’re gonna kill him!” 
He stops, and Felix slumps on the ground, groaning and bloody. You try to get closer to check on him but Chan grabs you by the hair and pulls your face close to his. “Is this what you wanted, baby? Am I predator enough for you now?” 
“Puppy, please, don’t do this.” You beseech, pulling at his arm. “Let’s go home. Let me take care of you.” 
“You can take care of me here.” He replies coldly.
“W-what?” You yelp as he gets off Felix and pushes you over his body instead. “Since he decided to touch what wasn’t his, I’m gonna fuck you right in front of his eyes.”
You and Felix stare at each other in horror as Chan’s hands rip your pants off. You quickly notice the malice in his eyes, and you grab his arms, your hands clenching down on them with all your might and your eyes silently begging him to stay down. He’d have no chance against Chan if he tried, and you really don’t think he can take any more punches. 
“Please.” You mouth, hoping the concern in your eyes would get through to him. He grits his teeth but stays down, and you let out a small sigh of relief that turns into a shocked squeak as you feel Chan’s hand coming down on your ass. 
“I am the one in heat and I couldn’t bear to sleep with someone else. But you were just gonna fuck my best friend that easily?” He growls, giving your ass another smack that makes you jolt. He doesn’t hold back, his fingers spread wide to strike as much of your cheek as he can. 
“No!” You shake your head forcefully, making up for your uncertainty. The truth is you aren’t sure if you would’ve gone through with it or not, and that made you feel ashamed of yourself. Yes, Chan had hurt you but you wouldn’t have gone so low as to fuck the guy he thought of as his brother, right?  “I wasn’t.” 
"But you let him touch you." He snarls, giving you another hard slap before soothing the skin again. "Tell me, did you let him touch you here?" He pulls your panties to the side and rubs his fingers lightly over your pussy.
"No!" You shake your head, feeling the heat pooling in your stomach and you find yourself pushing your ass back into his fingers. But instead of touching you, he smacks your ass once more. 
Soothing his hand over the punished skin, he drawls, "It doesn’t matter. When I'm done with you, no one will have any doubt who you belong to." Then he spanks you again. And again. And again. 
You’re surprised by how you don’t have any desire to stop his actions. On the contrary, it felt good to finally be claimed by him. You longed for him to love you openly and willingly, and with the effect of the heat, that is exactly what he was doing. You could smell how aroused he is, and how much he wanted to fuck you. And you wanted him to. Messing around with Felix only made you crave Chan more, and like a horny bitch you couldn’t wait for him to give it to you, even in front of Felix--especially in front of Felix. You wanted to prove to him as much as to yourself that you could be Chan’s. 
“Is this what you wished to have, Lixie?" He asks the boy under you. "She has such a pretty pussy, doesn’t she? So tight…” He nudges a finger in, curling it. “But it's all mine." 
The boy under you glares up at him and you dig your fingers into his biceps, once again begging him not to fight back. 
"Puppy, please. Let’s just go home" You coax, trying to get the two boys away from each other.
“No. He’s gonna sit there and watch me breed your little pussy.” Chan says, pulling his finger out then pushing it in again, his other hand continuing to spank you. 
You think you hear a low growl coming from Felix but it’s hard concentrated over the squelching sounds of Chan’s fingers pumping in and out of your drenched pussy at a rapid pace. Delighting in the way you are rocking yourself against his hand and clenching around his finger, Chan praises you. “Good girl. You know who you belong to, don’t you?” 
His finger curls inside of you and his hand falls on your ass harshly. “Don’t you, baby?” 
You know he’s not to be provoked right now. “Yes. I belong to you.” 
“That’s my good little fox.” He grunts, pushing another finger inside you. “Would he be able to make you lose it like this just from his fingers? Have you fucking back on his fingers like a bitch in heat?” 
“No, puppy. Only you can.”  You answer while looking Felix in the eye, and you’re turned on, you could feel your arousal leaking down your leg. 
“You like this, don’t you, little slut? Is this what you were waiting for?” 
“No… I-I” You stutter, feeling yourself getting close despite your denial. Chan can tell and he speeds up even more, causing the palm of the hand he is fingering you with to keep smacking against your pussy. As your walls start spasming around his fingers, he takes them out, leaving you clenching around nothing. But he doesn’t stop touching you, his fingers rubbing over your lips relentlessly, forcing you into a painful high and never letting you down. You shake in his grip, squealing and begging him to stop. “Chan---I can’t, please!”
You try to pull away but he snakes an arms around your waist and keeps your ass in the air, his fingers forcing you into another orgasm. Your hips jerk in his hold, trying to break away, and you beg. “It h-hurts, Chan...ahhhh---please, stop! Please!” 
Finally he stops, and your body goes limp, almost falling onto Felix if it weren’t from the arm Chan has around you. As you sit there, panting and held up by Chan, he brings his other hand to your face and pushes the fingers that were just inside you into your mouth. You can barely breathe around the intrusion, so short of breath already, but you do your best to suck on them like you know he wants. 
“Good girl.” He pushes your shirt over your breasts and palms one of them greedily.  "Want me to fuck your pussy, my pretty fox?" He purrs, pulling his fingers out of your mouth, and--wet with your saliva-- he rubs them over your other breast. Despite the agonizing orgams you just had, you find yourself arching into his touch and rubbing your thighs together.
“Yes, puppy. Need you to fuck me.” 
You let out a shaky breath as he pulls your panties to your knees. You hear the sound of pants unzipping before you feel the head of his cock pressing against your entrance and slowly nudging in. You briefly wonder how you were ever able to take him. Sensing your worry, he pushes in more of his dick. “No, no backing down now. You’re going to be a good fox and take my cock, won’t you, baby?” 
“Yes, Channie.” You grit. It’s been so long since you’ve taken him, and you know this is gonna hurt despite how drenched you were. Still, you were excited, having learnt to appreciate the painful stretch now. Maybe he was right all along--he’d ruined you for all your pretty boys, trained you to crave his dick only.
He holds you still to prevent you from wiggling away as he continues to inch his dick inside you. “Take it. You wanted me to claim you and now you’re going to be good and take it.” He leans over and mouths at your neck. Instead of kisses, he nibs at your skin, the sharp pain of his canines plucking at the skin taking your attention away from the dull pain of his dick breaching your pussy. 
Once he’s all the way in, he laps his tongue at your neck soothingly. “There. Good girl.” 
You wince as he pulls his hips back slowly then thrusts back in all at once, a yelp coming out of you as his dick hits deep inside you. He chuckles, his hips picking up speed. “I have so much cum for you, you’ll be dripping my seed for days.” 
You can do nothing but whimper, holding tightly onto Felix as Chan’s hips slap against your ass and his dick pistons in and out of you. It feels like it’s the first time fucking him for how much your pussy suffers. But for as much pain it gives you, it also gives pleasure, and you feel euphoric. 
"I'll make sure no one touches you ever again. Gonna breed you everyday and make you walk around with my cum dripping from your pussy so everyone knows who you belong to." He growls, and you know he’s staring down at Felix from the way the other boy was glaring at him. “Do you want that, baby?” 
You open your mouth to reply but all that cums out is an incomprehensible garble so you give up, mouth left hanging open. 
"Look at that, Felix. I’ve fucked her dumb." He gloats, pushing your shirt up and fondling your tits. “And you thought your little dick could ever please her. She wouldn’t have even felt it after getting fucked open by me. Isn’t that right, baby girl?” 
Chan’s voice is gruff as his hips drive into you even harder, and you know he’s close. You nod, pleading. “Yes---p-please puppy---ahh cum.” 
“You want me to cum inside you? Want me to make you mine?” He growls in your ear, and you whimper, your legs buckling under you. He holds your hips up, his dick drilling into you. “Ok, baby girl. There you go. Take it all.” His dick spasms inside of you, his hot cum quickly filling up your tight pussy.
You feel so satisfied filled up like this. It feels right, and you wish you could stay in this moment forever--his arms wrapped securely around you and his face nuzzling softly into your neck as he whispers soft praises into your ear. 
But of course it can’t, especially not with the hostile cat lying under you. 
Chan is not done taunting Felix though. Pulling out of you, he inserts two fingers into your pussy and curls them as he pulls out, making the cum inside you gush out. Then he leans over you and brushes his cum stained fingers over Felix’s bloody cheek. The cat tenses up, hissing threateningly, but you quickly intervene, croaking out, “Channie…Please, let’s go.”
Chan huffs, pulling your panties back on and zipping up his own pants before he scoops you up in his arms. He sits you down on the couch and helps you put your pants back on. As he starts getting dressed too. Felix sits up, looking worse for wear but hopefully not seriously injured. You’re worried that Felix would be stupid enough to attack him but to your relief, he stays seated where he was, the both of them just glaring at each other. 
Before it can escalate beyond the dirty looks, you put a hand to Chan’s back, pulling his attention towards you. “I want to go now.” You coax, “Please.” 
Chan sighs and nods, carrying you in his arms and walking out of the apartment. 
When you get back to his house, Chan sets you down on your bed. 
Cupping your cheeks, he asks softly, “Do you want to take a shower?” 
You shake your head, too tired to even stand up at this point. Nodding, he pulls your soiled clothes off your body, doing his best to wipe you off before he grabs one of his hoodies and pulls it over your head. 
When he’s done, he just stands there awkwardly like he wants to say something but is unsure how to start. 
You sigh, defeated. “Just say what you want to say, Chan.”
His gaze is set on you, suddenly resolute, and he states firmly. "I want you to give me a chance." 
You scoff in disbelief. "I've given you plenty of chances."
"No.” He insists, jaw set and tone unrelenting. “You never really did. You always had your mind made up about me from the beginning. I want a real chance this time." 
“You think you deserve it after all you’ve done? You've never even apologized for any of the shit you put me through, Chan!"
“I’m sorry." He apologizes at once, with no hesitation, and you’re taken aback. “Why suddenly? Did I have to ask you for it?”
"No. I was being an idiot and a coward. I cared more about my reputation than I did about you and that was wrong.” His jaw clenches and he looks at you intensely. “But I wasn’t the only one at fault. You were no angel either.”
You open your mouth to protest but he stops you. “Just shut up and listen for once.” He shouts, frustrated, and begins pacing around the room, one hand messing up his hair while the other gestures wildly as he explains. 
“I was scared to tell people I was with you when I wasn’t even sure you were going to stay. Any time I tried to get close to you, you would always reject me. You made me feel so worthless and unwanted. You never thought of me as a real predator, and you made sure to throw that in my face every chance you got. Tell me how could I trust you when you looked at me like I didn’t even deserve to be a predator? That my mere existence was a shame? Have you ever apologized to me for that?” He challenges, stopping his pacing and waiting for your answer, but you couldn’t give him one. You just stare down at your hands to avoid his condemning gaze. No, you never apologized. 
“I didn’t think so.” He scoffs sourly,  “You know what the worst thing is? I believed you. I’ve always doubted myself and wondered if I’m weak and inept, wondered if I could ever be enough. And there you were, so contemptuously telling me that I am not."
"So it's my own fault you treated me like I was something to be ashamed of?" You ask incredulously. “That you didn’t even stand up for me in front of your friends?”
"No! I just want you to see it from my perspective for once." He yells, frustrated at how you seemed to twist his words. “That night at the studio, I thought we were getting somewhere. I thought that for the first time you were starting to trust me and respect me. That you could maybe see me as something more than the impotent predator you always thought I was. But as soon as I attempted to confess to you, you pulled back like I disgusted you. You undid everything I was trying to build with that one look.”
“So yeah, I was fucking bitter about it, and when my friends showed up and realized you were there, they fucking laid it on me, asking me what the fuck I was doing and reminding me how hard I had been on Jisung because of you before, and I just felt fucking stupid and humiliated by them--by you!”
“Still, I wanted to apologize after I’d calmed down but by then you wouldn’t even listen to me. You’re so fucking stubborn you know?” He smiles wetly. 
He waits for you to say something but you just remain frozen, trying to make sense of everything that he said. You had always viewed Chan as the dangerous party here, the one who was most capable of hurt, that you never stopped to ask if you were hurting him. You guess, deep down, you never really believed he cared for you and so you didn’t consider the idea that your rejection would affect him. 
Coming close again, he sits on the bed next to you and props your chin up to make you look at him. “But I never lied to you, my pretty fox. You are special to me and I love you.” You can see the sincerity in his eyes, but something still nags at you. 
“What about what you said to me about Felix? How you actually care about him?” You chew on your lip, worried about his answer. 
Letting you go, he rubs a hand over his face and lets out a tired laugh. “I was fucking jealous for god’s sake--something you would've been able to tell easily if you had paid any attention to how I was feeling.”
You wrap your arms around yourself, feeling defensive. “But why would you assume I would go after Felix?” 
“Because you and him make way more sense than you and I. He’s much more your type than I ever was. He’s kind and compassionate and sweet. I was terrified that you’d fall right into his arms, and I’d never be able to compete. I would lose both my lover and my best friend.” 
“Okay.” You say slowly, trying to make sense of all this new information and relating them to your own emotions. “But all of that still doesn’t excuse the fact that you completely fucked with my already tennous sense of self worth, Chan. You made me feel that for once, someone might actually love me and want me despite what I am, only for you to then immediately pull the rug out from under my feet and try to distance yourself from me.” 
“I know, and I was wrong and I wish I could take it all back.” He laments sadly, “But I was hurt too. You never made it easy” 
“You’re right. I’m sorry too.” You finally apologize, and you mean it. You never even suspected the extent to which your actions and words have affected him. You thought you were the only one who truly cared and you did everything in your power to hide that from him so he wouldn’t hurt you with it. 
“But,” You take a deep breath, almost wishing you could stop here and just forgive him and take him back. But you know you can’t. You’d just come back here again. “I don’t if I can trust you.”
"Don't then.” He answers simply and you’re lost. “I'm not sure I trust you either.”
You frown, even more confused, and he continues. “Neither of us has really earned the other’s trust. But we can try." He pauses, brushing your hair out of your face and looking you deep in the eyes. "Do you love me still?"
"Yes." There is no use denying it, you do. 
"Then let's earn each other’s trust. I can't promise that I'll never hurt you again but I can promise that I'll do everything in my power not to. I'll never hide you again. I'll do all I can to fix the mistakes that I've made and try to be a boyfriend you'd be proud of. But I need your help. You need to try too."
"I'm scared." You say in a small voice, and he pulls you towards his body, resting his head against yours. "I am too. I'm fucking terrified. But I will never forgive myself if I don't give us another chance."
You take a long pause, the world seeming to hold its breath as you make up your mind. Chan certainly is. And just that, the fact that he looks to be hanging so much onto your decision as if his life depends on it, is what makes it easy for you to choose. He is giving you what you’ve been after all this time--he’s showing you that he wants you and that he cares. And that’s all you needed from him. 
“Okay. Let’s do it.” 
The smile that lights up his face is gorgeous, and you’re sorry to dim it before it has the chance to fully bloom. “But you have to promise me one thing first.” 
“Anything.” He answers confidently as if there wasn’t anything in the world he couldn’t do for you.
“You have to promise me that you’ll forgive Felix.” 
He clearly didn’t see that one coming from the way he pulls back and his smile disappears like it was never there. “I can’t do that. He's the only one I have told what you were to me. He’s the only one that knew. And he tried to take you away from me!” 
“He’s just misguided.” You try to explain. “He’s young and restless and he doesn’t know who he is because he was never allowed to explore himself or the world. You’ve always dictated to him what to do and how to feel.”
“So you’re on his side?” Chan asks incredulously, “He betrayed me!”
“I did too but you forgive me. He deserves forgiveness too. The only reason he got so upset about the way you were treating me is because he saw himself in me. He’s scared that you’d abandon him if he does anything you don’t approve of and so he freaked out and crossed the line.” 
You swing your legs over the edge of the bed and stand up, wobbling on your feet and Chan rushes to steady you. You take the chance to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him close, whispering gently to him, “He just needs some space, that’s all. And trust. Show him that you have a little faith in him, and he’ll come around. I know he will.” 
You kiss the corner of Chan’s mouth and he turns his head slightly so he can kiss you fully. You kiss him back passionately, helping him stay grounded as he takes his time to come to a decision. 
Finally, he pulls away, eyes still closed. “Okay.”
You smile happily, eyes getting a little misty at the extent of emotions filling up your chest. And for the first time in a while, they’re mostly good. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
A/N: I will literally die if you don’t tell me what you think of the ending
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Hi! There's a headcannon that has been circulating that I never saw fully written, and I love how you characterize the foxes! Basically, Andrew living the setbacks of being short (either privately or publicly), getting frustrated, and Neil comforting him
THIS IS SO FUNNY SKDJFHK also i have always wanted to write a 5+1 so tyvm for this (again, this ended up so goddamn long but. what else is new.)
read "shortcomings (honestly, fuck you tilda)" on ao3 hereeeee
Andrew gripped the edges of the counter. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Eye on the prize.
He squinted at the offensively orange mixing bowl that Kevin had placed far too high on the shelf earlier that day. He had planned on baking cookies (for no reason other than that he was bored), and that bowl was his lucky one: every baked good he made using it always rose perfectly.
Andrew had tried everything — stretching as far as he could, trying to move things with his mind, even going as far as going on his toes (after a cursory glance that no one was around).
He eyed the step-stool on the other side of the kitchen. He could always use that and put it back and no one would be the wiser. But no. Andrew was a fully capable adult with a reputation to uphold and he would get that bowl down by himself, dammit.
Andrew had been through hell and back, and then some. He would not be bested by cabinetry.
He rubbed his hands against his shirt before placing them back on the counter and took a running crouch. Andrew bounced lightly on his toes, mentally counted to three, and leapt up, hand reaching forward to grip at the bowl.
For one glorious moment, it really seemed like it would work.
Then the counter whacked Andrew in the gut, he smacked his head against the cabinet, and he slowly slid down to the floor, no bowl in hand.
Hmm. That wasn't supposed to happen.
He jerked his head up to glare at the stupid bowl and promptly felt extremely dizzy, slipping even further until he was collapsed entirely on the floor, limbs splayed.
That wasn't supposed to happen either.
Oh well. If he couldn't ruin his health with cookies, he might as well do it by laying on the most unhygienic piece of property he had ever seen. He supposed this was an acceptable way to go.
Andrew lay there on the dorm floor for a solid 15 minutes, willing the bowl to come down, until he heard the dorm room unlock and the sound of Neil's quiet humming filled the room. He didn't have the energy to get up though, so he flopped his legs around as Neil passed the kitchen to catch his attention.
"Oh, hey Drew," Neil shuffled further into the dorm after giving Andrew a quick glance and smile. A few seconds later, the humming stopped and Andrew saw the outline of Neil's body slowly move back into the kitchen doorway. "Um. Can I ask why you're starfished on the floor?"
Andrew sluggishly pointed upwards. "Bowl. High. Jumped. Fell."
Neil nodded knowingly. Andrew stared at him purposefully. Neil blinked.
"Get it for me," Andrew scowled with a well-aimed kick at Neil's ankles. Neil's eyes widened before filling with mirth. He walked forward and sat down next to Andrew's side, running a hand through his blond hair. Andrew hated himself for leaning into the touch.
"Aww, what's wrong?" Neil cooed. "Can't reach it?"
What a fucking asshole.
Andrew shot Neil a glare — he could admit that it probably wasn't super effective considering that he was on the floor with his not-boyfriend carding his fingers through his hair, but it was the thought that counted, okay! — and Neil gave him an amused look before pushing himself off the ground.
He shuffled around Andrew's limp body before giving an exasperated sigh.
"There is a stepstool right here."
"You didn't use it."
"... Why?"
Andrew shrugged in response.
He heard Neil grumbling under his breath and, a few seconds later, was rewarded with Neil's gross socks in front of his face as he went on the tips of his toes to grab at the bowl. Andrew glanced up and noticed that Neil's shorts were delightfully loose around his thighs.
He indulged himself in the view until Neil dropped back down on the balls of his feet, holding the bowl proudly.
"Got it!" he grinned down at Andrew and flopped back down on the floor, pulling Andrew into a sitting position. Neil pressed up against him after a quick 'yes or no?' and handed over the bowl so Andrew.
"That was not fair," Andrew grumbled after a few minutes of calm silence. "You did that so easily. You're barely taller than me."
Neil nudged his shoulder and planted a kiss to the side of his head. "It's okay," he gave an annoyingly soft look. "I'll always be there to help you, whenever you need it."
Andrew huffed. "I did not ask for sentimentality, Josten. Just a bowl."
Irritatingly, this caused Neil to laugh a bit. "Okay, okay, I'll leave you with your precious bowl." He moved to get up and pressed a chaste kiss to Andrew's lips. "But for what it's worth, I think your size is perfect."
He left Andrew missing the warmth of Neil's body beside him before his brain caught up to what Neil just said.
"Josten. Josten! Was that a fucking dick joke?"
There were moments where Andrew desperately wanted to burn Neil's clothing. He understood that they were remnants of past habits that were hard to break, but surely having this many gray and brown shirts had to be criminal.
Andrew refused to be seen kissing such a heathen in public but he really only knew how to put Neil in hot club clothes rather than hot casual clothes. And so, for the sake of humanity (and his dignity), he swallowed his pride and met up with Allison Fucking Reynolds.
Their plan to snatch up Neil from the Exy court to take him shopping at the mall appeared to be going well. So far, they'd bought him some shirts, artfully ripped jeans, denim jackets, and an actually functional pair of shoes. Neil, for all his stamina, looked like he was about to collapse from the weight of the bags, so Allison and Andrew took pity on him and decided to take a lunch break.
The three of them reached the food court and made their way to a noodle shop (after Andrew extracted a promise that he could get some ice cream afterwards). He and Allison sat Neil down on a bench to guard their massive pile of bags before going up to order.
By the time they were at the front of the line, Andrew was fully prepared to stab Reynolds in the middle of the mall. In a span of five minutes, she had managed to ask him about his and Neil's sex life, when they got together, what Neil's exact sexuality was, and had Andrew ever painted his nails?
He resolutely refused to answer any of those questions, on the principle that she didn't need more money from bets than she already had.
They ordered quickly, Andrew eager to get away from Reynolds, when the cashier said something that made him stop in his tracks.
"We actually have a discount right now for kids under 12!" she said smiling. "Is that something you'd be interested in?"
Andrew squinted. Why the hell would they—
Oh. Oh no, no, no.
Allison seemed to come to the same realization that he did, because she smiled wide and tapped her nails against the counter.
"Oh, that's just perfect!" she exclaimed. "Aaron here just turned 11 a few months ago. We'll take the discount."
Andrew was going to kill her.
He was still planning bloody murder as Reynolds brought their tray of food to the table. He sat down with a scowl, and though Neil shot him a curious glance, he didn't push it.
Stupid considerate junkie.
Andrew muttered a percentage under his breath and proceeded to poke Neil in the cheek with his chopsticks. After a few moments of this, Neil turned to him with a scowl.
"Andrew," he grumbled. "What are you doing?"
Andrew glared at Reynolds.
Neil gave a resigned sigh and turned to her. "Allison. What happened?"
Reynolds smirked. "Oh, nothing much. Just that the cashier thought that your boy was a literal child and gave us a discount for kids 12 and under. I told her that it was great because Aaron over there," she jabbed a finger towards Andrew. "just turned 11."
Neil looked like he was biting back a laugh but then frowned. "Okay, but arms."
"True," Reynolds conceded. "However, consider this: tiny."
The two idiots nodded like they'd figured out some indispensable secret of the universe.
Frustrated, Andrew went back to poking Neil's face; when he finally glanced back, Andrew nudged his arms and shuffled a bit closer. Thankfully, Neil actually got the hint for once and scraped featherlight fingers into Andrew's hair.
"It's okay," Neil tried. "I mean, at the end of the day, all of us are just broke college kids—"
"I'm not," Allison interrupted.
Neil rolled his stupid, pretty eyes. "Okay, most of us are broke college kids—"
"Don't you have a bunch of mafia blood money and stuff?" Reynolds asked.
"Beside the point," Neil huffed. "Fine, Andrew, you are a broke college kid—" "Gee, thanks." "— and so you should be grateful that your height is saving you some money."
"That is dumb."
"You're dumb."
"How creative."
Neil scowled and tugged on Andrew's hair. "Shut up. Drama queen."
Andrew stabbed a piece of stir fry into Neil's mouth to close that damn mouth and resolutely ignored the click of Allison's phone camera.
This was proving to be a problem.
Andrew stared at his $150 jeans, the bottom of the legs frayed and pale. He had just bought these two weeks ago. What a waste of money.
There really was only one thing left to do.
Minutes later, Andrew slammed open the door to his brother's dorm and dragged him out with Aaron demanding to know where they were going. By the time he had wrestled his idiot doppelganger to the car, Andrew was reaching. his. fucking. limit.
"Andrew, if you don't tell me where we're going, I swear I'll bite you. I'll push Neil off a treadmill and dump a bucket of mud on him. I'll throw all your ice cream in the trash. I'll—"
That last one was simply too far. He'd have to give Aaron some ground.
"Get in, loser," Andrew glared. "We're going shopping."
Thankfully, he managed to keep Aaron quiet until they reached the mall by letting him pick the music (it was country! Southern heathen). What a child.
Rich coming from you, a voice told him snidely. You can't even buy clothes for yourself properly.
Shut up, he scolded himself.
"Andrew," Aaron sighed exasperatedly when they reached the parking lot. "Can you finally tell me what we're shopping for?"
They got out of the car and Andrew raised an eyebrow as he faced Aaron. "Sex toys."
Andrew watched his brother's face turn red as he sputtered, before noticing the amusement in his face.
Aaron deflated. "Asshole," he grumped.
"Yeah, that is generally where the dildo goes."
"Shut up. I'm begging you."
Andrew decided to take pity on him and stabbed a finger towards Aaron's legs. "When did you buy those."
Aaron squinted. "My jeans?" At Andrew's nod, he looked confused. "Uh, like three or four months ago maybe. Why?"
Three or four months?! That was simply unacceptable.
"They are still in good quality," Andrew said slowly.
"...Yes?" Aaron looked lost for a few moments before his face brightened with pure, evil glee. Andrew hated the world more in that moment than he ever had before. "Oh my God. Oh my God. Are your jeans too long for you?"
"Be quiet," he snapped. "You just need to show me where you buy yours and never mention this to anyone or I'll stab you."
Aaron didn't seem as concerned as he should have been. "I don't need to do anything, dumbass. Why don't you just cuff them like me?"
"I refuse to look like a bisexual disaster."
"Hey," Aaron looked mildly offended. "That's not a bisexual thing. Right?" At Andrew's blank look, his eyes widened. "No. Oh shit. Is that why guys keep hitting on me at Eden's?"
Andrew actually blinked at that. He had not realized that his brother was really that stupid. "Aaron. Eden's is a gay bar. Obviously men will hit on you."
"Wait, it's a what— "
"Be quiet. You are coming with me now." He dragged his brother to the mall entrance as Aaron bumbled along behind him, swearing incoherently.
They weaved their way through what seemed like a million stores until Andrew walked out hours later, finally satisfied with his new haul of jeans that Aaron had oh-so-considerately helped to pick out, a few hundred dollars poorer, and two churros and an iced coffee fuller.
Andrew trudged up the stairs to his floor (perhaps this was a workout he should regularly implement in his exercise regime) while Aaron split off to find some study group or other.
By the time he reached his dorm, Andrew felt far more exhausted than the situation warranted and he blindly chucked the bags on the sofa, belatedly realizing that Neil was already sitting where the bags would land. Oops.
He sat down by Neil like the throw was entirely intentional as Neil sputtered when the plastic smacked him in the face.
"What's all this?" the junkie questioned. For fuck's sake, why did his eyes have to be so blue?
Andrew just gestured for him to take the clothes out and saw as Neil's face grew confused when he saw what he was holding.
"Jeans? Didn't you literally buy some like a week ago?"
"Two," Andrew corrected, because he was a petty bitch if nothing else. Neil rolled his stupid eyes at that but waited for Andrew to provide an explanation. Andrew heaved a regretful sigh. "The bottom of them are all frayed now"
"Frayed?" the striker's brows furrowed before his face cleared and a shit-eating smirk crossed his face. "Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying you were too short for your jeans?"
Andrew nearly stabbed him right then and there.
"Shut. Up."
"Oh my gosh. Andrew. Andrew."
When Andrew got up (not grumpily. never grumpily. (okay, maybe a little grumpily)), Neil tugged on his shirt sleeve with an apologetic grin. "Sorry, sorry, I'll stop making fun," but his eyes were squinted as he tried not to laugh and his face was flushed and his lips were red as he bit on them, and honestly, how was Andrew expected to stay annoyed after seeing that?
"I mean," Neil continued. "You're paying with whatever you have left of Tilda's life insurance, right? And it's technically her fault you're so, uh... vertically challenged because of the drugs and shit. So you buying all these jeans are like a big "fuck you" to her!"
Andrew blinked slowly at his not-boyfriend's not-cute not-endearing hand-waving and decided he could take a hit to his reputation if it kept Neil glowing like this. "Josten. Are you saying that being short is literally in my jeans?"
"Holy shit, yes."
To be fair, he had been warned. This was probably his own fault. Which he would never admit, but whatever.
It had started fine enough.
Andrew had been smoking by the windowsill as he waited for Neil to come back from his class. It was raining heavily and he felt a comfortable laze settle in his bones, so he didn't bother to open the window, despite Kevin's complaints.
"Andrew, stop smoking in here. If you want to destroy your lungs, at least do it away from me."
"Shut up and watch your damn Exy, Day."
He shut up and watched his damn Exy.
Andrew let the sounds of the game wash over him as he let his eyes droop (when did Exy become... relaxing to him? That was moderately concerning), so by the time he realized that there was an incessant beeping sound in the background, everything was too far gone to not have gone to shit.
His body finally jolted into action when he finally registered that the smoke alarm was blaring in their dorm and he heard yells coming from outside in the hallway, which probably meant an RA or some other Foxes were about to burst in and see him smoking where he wasn't supposed to. For the third time this month.
"Day. Day! Get off your fucking computer and turn off the alarm," he hissed as he (gracefully) scrambled to the kitchen to find a towel.
"Hmm?" Kevin hummed blearily. "Oh. That. Well, I told you so."
Andrew simply could not believe it. (Well, maybe he could a bit. Kevin was just that kind of asshole frie— person.)
By the time he dampened a towel (wow, they really needed to do the dishes sometime soon), the shouts were right outside the door and he heard keys jingling in the lock. Quickly he scrambled up the table, but in his haste, kicked over a glass of water (vodka? Sprite? whatever).
He tripped over slightly and his foot splashed into the puddle on the table, causing him to cringe internally. His sock felt horribly wet and tingly, and it was nearly enough to distract him from the creaking of the door opening. Quickly, he reached up, flapping the towel near the smoke alarm to turn it off.
It wasn't enough. He couldn't reach the alarm.
In a split-second, he decided to just fuck it and leapt up to see if that would work. However, the uncomfortable feeling in his feet and the stupid smoke alarm and the fucking banging of the door made him severely misjudge his strength.
Andrew jumped a lot further forward than he expected. He flew through the air, one foot catching on the top of a chair, the other stabbed by the edge of the table. In a futile attempt to gain his balance, Andrew flailed his arms around, but that just caused the towel to smack him in the face.
Eventually, gravity took hold of him and he (and the chair) crashed into the floor, the towel mockingly flopping on his hair. Blearily, he raised his head up and saw Neil and their RA staring at him concernedly from the doorway.
Well, this was awkward. At least the beeping had stopped.
Their RA, an unfortunately attractive tennis player named Richard Addams (Nicky found it hilarious that their RA's initials were R.A.. Andrew called him 'Certified Dick™'), stepped in cautiously. "Andrew, everything okay?"
"Just peachy," he grumbled.
Neil ran to Andrew's side at the sound of his voice and pushed his blond hair out of his face. "Why peaches? They're honestly not even that good; I can only stand the really big and thick and juicy ones."
Andrew froze and even Kevin closed his laptop that. "Neil," Certified Dick™ said slowly. "Do you know what peaches are?"
"Duh," he rolled his eyes. "Fruit. That's why Nicky has a peach next to my name in his contacts. Because I like fruits."
"It means 'ass,' " Andrew informed him. Neil gaped.
"It means wha— "
"Okay," Certified Dick™ exclaimed cheerfully. "I'm gonna leave y'all here. Andrew, I'll assume you weren't doing anything against the rules because you are a kind person who always listens to what I say."
"Of course," Andrew said blandly. "I am a wonderful student." He fingered the edges of his armbands.
Certified Dick™ slowly backed out of the room.
Neil let out a breath and blew his hair out of his eyes. "Okay," he started. "We'll talk about the ass thing later. But first, what the hell just happened?"
Andrew pointed up at the smoke alarm.
"Well, yes, I got that, but why were you jumping around like an absolute idiot?"
"Kevin is useless," Andrew announced.
"Not true!" Kevin protested immediately. "You just never listen to me. It's not my fault that I'm always right."
Andrew glared at him and turned back to Neil. "I couldn't reach the stupid smoke alarm," he finally gritted out, bracing for someone to mock him.
It never came.
Instead, Neil gave him a cheeky grin and a wink (at least, Andrew assumed it was a wink) and turned to Kevin with a faux-annoyed stare. "Seriously, Kev? You didn't help him?"
"He got himself into his own mess," Kevin shrugged.
"Okay, and what if someone had caught him? They might have not allowed him to play Exy for a bit! Or maybe while he was trying to shut off the alarm, he could have really hurt himself!" Neil was really laying it heavy on the dramatics, brandishing his arms wildly.
Kevin's eyes widened in horror at his words. "Shit."
"Yeah," Neil nodded graveley. "Us Exy players have got to look out for each other. How else will we live to our potentials?"
Kevin looked like he was going to be sick. Quickly, he whipped open his laptop and began muttering questions on how to secretly disable smoke alarms.
"Junkie," Andrew muttered to Neil. Neil just hummed and pressed a kiss to the crook of his neck.
"Yeah," he whispered a few moments later. "Only for you."
Hmm. This was nice.
Andrew never could have imagined he would be the kind of guy to stumble over furniture while kissing his way through a room, and yet, here he was, crashing into tables and upturning chairs and tripping over bags.
He had Neil's fingers intertwined with his and was dragging him through the dorm, the kisses constantly pausing because Neil kept breaking off into small smiles and laughing into his neck. Every few steps, Andrew would take a look at his flushed junkie and absolutely forget about his plan to reach the bedroom, choosing instead to kiss him ferociously right there.
They were lucky that no one else was in the dorm.
When Andrew realized that it had taken them a solid seven minutes to walk about 15 feet past the door, he realized they would probably never reach an actual bed at the rate they were going. He told Neil as much and was rewarded with a shrug.
"I literally don't care where we end up," Neil said breathlessly before pulling him into another heated kiss. "I just wanna kiss you."
Andrew nearly snorted at that. How predictable. "I got that" he muttered. "But what do you want?"
Neil raised an eyebrow and deepened his voice mockingly. "I want nothing."
"You are actually so insufferable."
"Yeah, yeah," Neil waved him off and latched his mouth on Andrew's neck. Fuck. "Hmm," he said a few moments later. "Carry me?"
Andrew resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Ever since the junkie had seen how much he lifted at the gym a few weeks ago, this had become one of his favorite requests (and really, who was Andrew to deny him?).
Nevertheless, he leaned down and grabbed both of Neil's thighs, pushing him up until his legs were secured around Andrew's waist and Andrew could comfortably hold him up, his body flush against Andrew's.
Yeah, he got why Neil liked this so much.
He wasn't sure how long he'd be able to hold Neil up for though, considering that they actually had a game tomorrow and he didn't want to put up with Kevin's annoying complaints if he didn't try at least a bit. Andrew glanced around for a second before his eyes caught on the perfect place.
He adjusted his grip on Neil, causing him to let out an oof in surprise and carefully made his way to the kitchen (with only a slight amount of kissing in the middle). Andrew messily deposited Neil on the island counter and was promptly faced with another problem.
Neil was up there. Andrew was down here. How the hell were they supposed to make out now?
Andrew frowned slightly and tugged at Neil's collar. "Lean down," he commanded.
Neil complied and pressed a searing kiss to his lips, tugging at Andrew's hair, but too soon he pulled back.
At Andrew's 'yes or no?' Neil smiled down sheepishly. "It's a yes, but this angle's going to end up destroying my back."
That made no sense — whenever Andrew sat on the counter, he never had to lean down that much. He reasoned that the weight of being an Exy junkie was finally catching up to Neil's spine, though.
"Well," Andrew huffed. "I'm not going up on my toes."
"Why would you need to go on your toes?" Neil looked genuinely confused as Andrew frustratedly gestured at the air between them. "Wait, wait. Can you not reach me if I'm sitting up here?"
Andrew's thoughts came to a halt.
He pulled back (well, as much as he could while still staying in Neil's arms) and squinted suspiciously at his not-boyfriend. "Can you normally reach me when I sit up?"
"Well, yeah," Neil blinked. "I mean, I have to stretch a little bit but it's usually fine."
Unceremoniously, Andrew yanked Neil off the counter and sat himself up (he pretended not to notice the stare that Neil gave when he flexed his arms). He hooked his ankles around Neil and dragged him closer, coming nearly forehead-to-forehead.
Forehead-to-forehead. Neil could reach him.
Andrew let out an uncharacteristic groan and dropped his head on Neil's surprisingly comfy shoulder. Neil snorted quietly and patted his head.
"It's okay, Drew," he said, his voice muffled but teasing as he pressed a kiss to the top of Andrew's head. "Maybe next time we can get you a stool or something. That'll be real attractive."
Andrew scowled and kicked him in the leg.
Neil's voice softened as he lowered his arms to rub soft circles on his back. "But I'm serious Andrew, it's okay." He pressed a soft kiss to Andrew's collarbone, the underside of his jaw, the corner of his lips. "Does this feel good?"
Andrew swallowed. Hiding from Neil was a fight he knew he'd lose, and there was no point prolonging the inevitable. "Yes."
"Then that's all I need. Making you feel good makes me feel good," he whispered. "I really like this, what we do right now. And if you want, we can still find more positions that feel really good. Don't stress, we have time."
"Hmm," Andrew said a few moments later. "That is all fine and well, but actually, we now only have about 20 minutes until Kevin comes back from class, and I would highly appreciate it if you could get me off sometime soon."
"Asshole. We were totally having a moment."
"Next to a bowl of apples."
"Rude. I bet those apples appreciated the conversation."
Andrew rolled his eyes at Neil's idiocy, but kissed him hard to convey everything he felt: you care, you listen, you are okay with me, you are safe for me. Neil seemed to get the message, because his body softened under Andrew's grip as he kissed him back eagerly.
When they finally pulled apart, Andrew felt heavy and sated and secure in the way he only associated with Neil. He looked into Neil's blown-out pupils, the blue peeking brightly at the edges of his eyes as he slowly brought Neil's hand to the waistband of his jeans.
"Right," Andrew tried for a nonchalant tone. The slight voice-crack may have betrayed him, but whatever. "Take off my pants now?"
South Carolina winters were shit.
Growing up in Oakland meant that he was pretty used to cold winters and hot summers, but usually things only got unbearably chilly at night, when he could pile tons of blankets on himself. Unfortunately, winters in the South brought biting wind and snow. All day long.
Andrew hated the cold (sure, he could walk around with a blanket draped over him like a cape in his dorm (he did. occasionally), but alas, he actually had a reputation to uphold)
And yet, when Nicky and Dan enthusiastically told Neil about their stupid plan and Neil had sent a stupid questioning gaze to Andrew's stupid face, he sure as fuck couldn't use "the cold" as an excuse to deny those eyes.
So he bundled up into a turtleneck, a sweater, a thin jacket and a snow one, a beanie, a pair of gloves, leggings and then sweatpants, and his warmest socks (Andrew decidedly ignored Neil's snickers, who was annoying dressed in just a long-sleeved shirt and jeans. how rude.)
The so-called Monsters trampled down to the parking lot outside the Tower, boots sinking deep into the snow. Andrew shivered at the sudden wind and if he walked a little closer to Neil's hot warm body — well, no one needed to know.
Within seconds of their arrival, Andrew was regretting coming out.
A massive snowball soared through the air and slammed into Aaron's face, who promptly fell on his ass from the force of it.
"What the fuck?" he sputtered, wiping snow out of his eyes.
"HA!" Reynolds hollered. "Take that!"
"Oh dear," Neil muttered. "I didn't expect this much violence from the start."
"We are Foxes," Andrew scoffed. "Violence is the whole point."
"Actually, there's this one piece of shit in my Stats class and he tried to tell me I was wrong — I wasn't, by the way — and instead of punching him, I just very mathematically proved how incompetent he was and I told him that his parents' miscalculation when it came to conceiving him evidently got passed on to him in the form of his nonexistent math skills. So. No violence."
Andrew wasn't sure if he should kiss Neil or smack him. "Right. Because verbal annihilation is a very tame response."
"Since when have you been such a peacemaker?"
"You two literally beat the shit out of each other every week."
Andrew shrugged. "Semantics."
"I really don't think— "
Their conversation was rudely interrupted by Matt throwing a snowball mere inches away from Andrew's face. At his glare, Matt promptly ran behind a car.
"Neil," Andrew sighed. "I hate you."
"I didn't force you to be here," Neil pointed out. "Could've said no. What did Nicky call you? 'Whipped.' So ha." With that profound statement, Neil ducked and dumped a handful of snow down the back of Andrew's shirt.
"Ha," Andrew said back smugly. "Layers." Neil looked betrayed.
"Layers. I forgot."
"I didn't."
Neil scowled and kicked at Andrew's highly sturdy snow boots petulantly. Andrew refrained from rolling his eyes turned towards him. "Yes or no?"
"Oh," Neil perked up. Junkie. "Yes, yes."
Andrew jabbed him in the stomach and when Neil keeled over groaning, he pressed a kiss to his lips and shoved his head under Neil's chin.
"Personal heater," Andrew explained. Then he grabbed Neil's arms and tucked them around his waist. This was good.
"Right," Neil snorted. "Naturally. I can't wait until someone throws a snowball at your face and you get all cold and wet."
Andrew scowled. How rude.
"Oi, Minyard!" Dan called and Andrew sighed before wiggling around until he was facing her, back flush against Neil's front. "This is for drawing mustaches all over the pictures in the Court!"
Andrew raised an eyebrow. "You have no proof— "
His protests were cut off with the sight of a snowball hurtling full speed at him. He made to jump out of the way (maybe Exy was good for something after all), but Neil's arms around him proved to be a real hindrance.
As it was, he got jerked back into place, the snowball inches in front of him. Andrew shut his eyes, hoping he could use this as an excuse to drag Neil into the dorm to warm up, when he heard an "oof" from behind him.
Andrew twisted around to find Neil's face covered in an explosion of snow, water dripping down his shocked expression.
His eyelashes were nice. Hmm.
"Wh- What?" he shivered. "How is there snow on my face? Wasn't it supposed to land on you?"
Andrew brushed off some snow that had settled on his cheekbones before stepping back a bit (still in Neil's arms. that was necessary). And Neil was right, it was odd, the snowball was supposed to hit him and instead, it had smashed itself on Neil.
"I believe," Andrew said slowly. "My height has proved to be advantageous."
"Advan— you mean you were so short the snowball literally missed you and hit me?!"
"Yup," Andrew felt extremely self-satisfied. "See, had you been shorter, this wouldn't have happened. Alas, there's just more of you to hit when you're tall."
"That— I— Andrew!"
"That's my name."
"Ugh. I am cold and wet and very much not liking this," Neil grumbled.
"Bet you wish you had as many jackets as me, huh?" Andrew crowed.
"You could always give one of them to me," Neil said as he yanked Andrew back against him.
"I could. Not feeling it, though."
"Just a little," Andrew agreed. He tilted his head up to look at Neil and oh, that angle was good, his lips were right there, how did Andrew never notice that Neil's eyelashes framed his eyes so nicely?
Hmm. If this was the view, maybe his height had some... unforeseen perks that extended beyond snowball fighting.
"I win," Andrew told Neil seriously. At his confused expression, Andrew was forced to sigh out an explanation. "You are very pretty from down here."
"Shut up."
"I think you're pretty too."
"Kiss me?"
"Ugh, if you insist."
Andrew leaned up to press his lips to Neil, dutifully ignoring the cheers from behind him, as Neil placed a hand under his chin to tilt him up further, which felt very nice.
Yeah, Andrew was living the good life. He had a maybe-boyfriend who was the perfect height and a brother and cousin who might actually stay, and he was content and safe and— really fucking cold because there was a ball of snow sliding down his neck what the fuck what the fuck what the fu— .
"Shit. Sorry!"
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
ralvez abo hcs ?
Yes yes yes!!!
Luke is a kind and loving Alpha <3 He’s the kind of Alpha who dotes on his Omega/Pack to the point of annoyance hehe.
He’s also old fashioned, so he went out of his way to ask Diana for permission to court Spencer. Once the whole “saving her life from Cat Adams” debacle was over, of course.
His courting consists of surprising Reid with coffee and pastries while on cases, in the office, and kind of just randomly when they’re at home lol. He always seems to know when the Omega needs something to eat, so he gives him small snacks that are easy to digest when on stressful cases. (Proving he can take care of the Omega in so many ways <3)
Spencer is floored when he finally realizes what Luke is doing (it might have taken him 2 months.. he won’t admit it took that long). He was just so busy doing his Spencer thing he didn’t even notice that Luke was outright courting him. Suddenly all the little comments and gifts make sense.
As all courting Alphas do, Luke did have to fight off another Alpha at least once. Spencer’s used to be flirted with and hit on, so half the time he doesn’t even notice when it’s happening. But this one time, the other Alpha was pushing into his personal space and making him uncomfortable. Long story short, Luke ended up with a bloody nose but the other guy ended up on a stretcher.
Spencer sat on his knees with a wet cloth and wiped away the blood from Luke’s nose. Luke was so enamored with Spencer (total heart eyes) he stuttered out a thank you, even tho the Omega was in the middle of chastising him. “You dumb Alphas are always throwing your weight around- what?”
Luke just gave him that cute puppy-dog lopsided grin after the bleeding stopped. “I said thank you. For tending to me. You’re an amazing Omega, Spencer. Very kind.”
Spencer is now bright red and trying to avoid eye contact.
Luke leans forward a little, but refuses to touch Spencer without permission. “May I kiss you?”
Spencer hesitates a moment. But only a moment, before he’s nodding with a small shy smile. And Luke kisses him, tenderly with his own smile.
Luke has won the Omega over <3
Tagging: @foggyblues-ralvez because I felt like you’d like this! <3 @tobias-hankel @ssa-noa @thaddeusly @sparklinspence @goobzoop @physics-magic @fox-trot17 @brillianthijinx @multixfandomwriter @anxious-enby @marvel-ous-m
Let me know if you wanna be tagged for A/B/O stuff!
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missskzbiased · 4 years
Getting a Roommate (2)
Okay, So I’m back! I got a suggestion about the roommate so I wrote it. I’m really glad people read it kkk I honestly thought this wasn’t going to go anywhere.
Anyway, I think I should put a “Language” warn(?) since I write a lot of “fuc-”... And This one has a lot of dialogue. I guess all of them will have it, but this one is basically talking. Felix and IN are here this time~
Word Count: ~3,9K Female lead I hope you guys like it. I’m all ears for suggestions! Also, I hope you guys suggest a Love Triangle pair you prefer :3
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Final) ---------------------------------------/////------------------------------------------
    You were heading out Jisung’s and Changbin’s place, making a decision You thought would be the best-case scenario: Seungmin would be a perfect choice. He was sweet, quiet, clean and kinda funny too with the old hag stuff. You should have just stayed there. When you finally got to his place, walking a lot, since you didn’t want to spend money on a bus if you could just walk for 20 minutes, you knocked all happy.
   “Y/N!” He said smiling as he opened the door.
   “Hey, old hag, I’m back” You smiled back, but your smile soon dropped from your face.
   In the middle of his living room were some boxes and a really cute guy wiping his sweat with the back of his hand from his forehead. He looked like a fox and you felt He was one at that moment.
   “Oh boy…” You whined “Am I too late?”
   Seungmin looked at you sympathetically and tapped your shoulder twice.
   “I’m sorry, but He’s an old hag too” He said, grimacing at you.
   Great… Now your best option was going back to Jisung’s and Changbin’s place and get the bloody room… Why had you had to walk all the way here for nothing?! Seungmin seemed to notice your moody self and gesticulated to his new roommate. That could have been you, You thought devastated.
   “Hey, Jeongin, come meet my not-hag friend! She came right before you” He said and the boy came smiling to you.
   You wished you could call him a sly fox, but He was so cute! He could be a baby fox, tough… His smile made him look like a child and He extended his hand to you really excitedly, shaking it like He was really hyped to meet you.
   “So my little Seungmo have a friend beside me?! I am: CHOCKED” He laughed, getting a slap on the back from Seungmin.
   “I’m older than you, you little shit” Seungmin retorted, smiling, and both of them laughed.
   You wanted to laugh too, but you were feeling too dumb to do it at the moment.
   “He’s a sly fox and didn’t even say it was him, so I thought it would be just like anyone to see the place, but then He just dropped his stuff on my floor!” He said excitedly.
   Good News: Seungmin was hyped, so He could warm up with time, just like you thought.
   Bad News: You were homeless.
   You were about to say goodbye to them and bring your sorry ass back to your last place, but Jeongin looked at you with a bright smile and gestured for you to come inside.
   “Do you have any manners, Seungmo?” He rolled his eyes “How can you let a friend hanging by the door?” and He grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside gently, closing the door.
  “He’s bringing people home!” You accused jokingly “Did you really betrayed me for him?” You faked a hurt expression and made both of them laugh.
   “And you called me a sly fox?” Jeongin arched his brows, chuckling.
   “Can I sit down a little bit?” You asked, tired, and Seungmin promptly gestured to the couch.
   “Of course!” He rushed, going to the couch and fluffing it “Where are my manners?” He apologized and you chuckled.
   “Thank god!” You said as soon as your butt reached the cushion “I’m so tired!” You whined, looking at them sitting down across you, Seungmin on the couch and Jeongin on the armchair.
   “Is it that hard to find a roommate better than me?” He said smugly joking and you rolled your eyes.
   “I came on foot, under this bloody summer sun at midday, Seungmin… But yeah, it’s also hard to find a good roommate” You complained “And now I have to walk back to where I just came because my best shot is to live with two loud, but really nice, musicians” You sighed “What a day”
   “Why the hell didn’t you message me?” Seungmin asked surprised “It would have saved you from walking under the bloody sun” He mocked you.
  “That’s because I thought we had a connection, you snake!” You accused and he cackled.
   “Yeah, We have! It’s called Wi-fi and it would save you from walking” Jeongin snorted at that and you giggled.
   “I’m dumb, for god sakes, forgive me this once, you supreme intelligent life form on Earth” You pleaded mockingly and They chuckled.
   “That’s a whole new way of calling Seungmin a knows-all! I like her, Hyung” Jeongin said happily.
   “But then again you took him from me” You sniffled, wiping fake tears from your eyes and then laughed.
   It was all going too well, you happily talking to the guys that wouldn’t be your roommates, but could be your new friends, before your stomach made a loud grumbling sound. You widened your eyes in chock and the boys cackled at you.
   “Should we have lunch?” Seungmin offered.
   “No! I can’t bother you that much, I’m heading out to Jisung’s place and I can eat something around there” You refused.
   “Did you message him?”Seungmin asked narrowing his eyes.
   “That couldn’t even be possible” You laughed like He was crazy “What are the chances that both of my best choices would find another roommate?” You giggled at the thought.
   You got up and thanked them for being nice enough to let you crash on their couch for a little, and happily got all the way back to Jisung’s and Changbin’s place. 20 minutes walk wasn’t really much and the sun was almost bearable now, so you were feeling better. You should know you are an unlucky bitch, tough.
   When Jisung opened the door, confused, You saw a big backpack on the floor and a skinny boy right next to it.
   “What are the chances that both of my best choices would find another roommate?” Your voice echoed on your head. Yeah, right! The chances of you being screwed were 100% because you were the subject, of course. You could only be angry with yourself for not taking Seungmin’s advice.
   “Oh, Y/N!” Jisung said, smiling at you “Did you forget something?”
   Well, yeah! You forgot you have the most rotten luck in the world!
   “Y/N?” You heard a familiar voice and you looked up to the new boy in the place.
   You couldn’t believe it.
   “Felix, you little piece of shit!” You beamed.
   “What are you doing here?!” He asked surprised, coming to the door and hugging you “Are you stalking me, you creep?” He asked alarmed, laughing right after.
  “As if” You snorted “Why didn’t you say you were looking for a place?! We could be living together and I wouldn’t be so screwed up right now!” You whined and he laughed.
  “How would I know you needed a new place too?! My roommate got caught in the hallways, apparently having sex with someone while they were really high” He explained “So we got expelled and here I am”
  “I can’t believe it! Was the boy your roommate?! The girl was mine!” You groaned “We totally should have lived together! But your mom was all like ‘You can’t live with a girl, Do you want to be a father?’” You mimicked her tone and Felix laughed.
   “As if all the sleepovers wouldn’t be enough to get you pregnant” He chuckled and You laughed, remembering all the sleepovers you had with him, playing Uno until morning, and watching Horror movies just to be scared and asking him to go to the bathroom with you.
   Jisung looked abashed, eyeing you both.
   “So… I’m going to head back… Make yourself home, Y/N” Jisung said, turning around, embarrassed.
   You couldn’t understand why he looked so ashamed, but you decided to ignore it, sitting on the couch with Felix.
   “Are you hungry?” He asked you, his eyes shining while He smiled at you.
   “I’m starving” You groaned “Have been hungry since before coming back here… Felix, why couldn’t We be smart for once and talk to each other about moving out?” You whined, looking at him with puppy eyes “I just have two more places to go now… I can live with a guy that would like me to hear him having sex” Felix shot up a brow at that “Or I can live with two fuckboys”
   “What the hell?” He uttered “Don’t you have anywhere better to go?”
   “I had a great chance to move in with a really sweet guy, but I thought maybe I could find a better place, so I ran into a Dom guy and then I came here” You explained “So I went back to the sweet guy and He found a roommate, a friend of his, and then I came here again… And here you are” You sighed “And now I’m hungry and homeless all over again”
   “What will you choose? Dom guy or Fuckboys?” He asked curiously.
   “I don’t know… Dom guy seemed nice enough, but do I want to hear him being called Daddy?” You wondered “Not really…”
   “Fuckboys are creep guys? Or just… Free souls?” He asked unsurely and you chuckled.
   “One of them is really nice, He was almost a gentleman, Maybe a little bit… Crude on his words. The other one tough…” You groaned “He’s an asshole!”
   “Okay, but the asshole one is that unbearable? Did He try to make a move on you or something?” Felix asked worriedly.
   “No! He said I wasn’t fuckable enough! Can you believe it? He said I would have to beg him to fuck me” You rolled your eyes “Where in the world would I beg to be fucked by a dumbass?” You complained, getting angry.
   “Well that’s good, actually” Felix shrugged “If dumbass don’t want to fuck you, You will have a peaceful home, won’t you? They can fuck whoever they want and you can sleep in peace without listening to anything… It sounds like a win-win situation to me” He advised.
   “I can’t believe I am considering living with that douche” You sighed again “Well, I better call Minho before another random roommate gets my place”
   “I’m not a random roommate! I was thinking of giving you these, you ungrateful brat” He uttered, searching for something on his backpack and showing you a box full of brownies.
   “Did I say a random roommate? I meant a perfect friend that I could never badmouth!” You said, picking a brownie and feeling all your soul screaming in happy language “Oh god! This is so good!” You said while picking another one before he could close de box.
  He laughed at you.
   “You’re a snake, did you know that?” He looked at you playfully.
   “And you are the biologist guy that feeds me and makes me happy” You answered, feeling a lot better after eating something.
   You searched Minho’s number on your phone and called him.
   “Hey” You said after he answered “Yeah, It’s Y/N… Make a room for me, I’m staying there” You sighed “Yeah, totally great… Yeah, I’ll be there later, I just need to get my stuff. What? Oh… Well, yeah… It would help me a lot, actually. Okay! Goodbye!”
   Felix looked at you curiously.
   “What?” He asked “You sound happy to live with a fuckboy”
   “He will help me bring my stuff!” You beamed “He has a car… Finally, something went right!” You couldn’t believe your luck. You messaged him your old address.
   “Want a helping hand?” He asked, but you denied, thanking him for the offer and the food.
   “I’m out, Felix!” You waved him goodbye and decided to finally take a cab to your place. No more walking for you, little lady!
   When you got there, Minho was already waiting, his arms crossed and his face emotionless while He looked at the passersby. You waved a ‘Hi’ and His eyes lighted up when He finally found you.
   “Thank god! I was beginning to wonder if you were pranking me because of Hyunjin” He confessed and you chuckled.
   “I’m not that bad and you were nice enough” You tapped his shoulder “So let’s go, dude, We have a lot of things to pick up”
   “I’m really sorry for you having to put up with him” He said suddenly and you looked at him. He really seemed sorry and you let a smile crack on your face.
   “It’s his fault, not yours” You shrugged “And I will have to put up with him anyway now that I don’t have anywhere else do go, so this is it. Moving on”
   He smiled and then followed you around, helping you pick up all your things and get the boxes to the car. When you finally sat down on the passenger’s seat and buckled up, He whistled.
   “That was a lot of stuff” He states.
   “Imagine doing this all by myself” You agreed “I own you one”
   “Own me enough to buy me some food?” He asked grinning
   “It hasn’t even been a day and you already extorting me” You accused and He laughed “Unfortunately I’m starving so I will have to accept that offer”
   “That makes two of us. Where should we go?” He asked.
   “Anywhere you want, but remember I’m poor” You shrugged and He snorted.
   “Fast Food is good enough for you, my poor lady?” He said jokingly.
   “Is that how you flirt?” You cackled “It’s good enough, I can afford it” You agreed and He drived you guys to eat some unhealthy food.
   “Get your lazy ass off the couch and help us with the boxes” Minho yelled at Hyunjin, Who just stood there looking at him.
   “What took you so long? I was waiting for you” He whined and Minho arched a brow at him, putting the box down.
  “What is it?” He asked.
  “Let’s order some food” He pleaded and Minho snorted.
   “Do I look like your father?” Minho rolled his eyes “Pay for your own food for once, man”
   You finally got there with your box and put it on the floor.
   “Oh, look at him!” You said, giggling “I could say that to you, sir” and Minho smiled sheepishly at you.
   “What?!” Hyunjin groaned “You ate with her?” He rolled his eyes “Not even a day and you’re already disturbing me” He looked at you, pouting.
   “Didn’t know you had a child” You said looking at Minho “When baby boy stops crying help me out with the boxes, please?” You asked, heading back to the car and ignoring Hyunjin’s tantrum.
   Hyunjin looked pissed at the door and Minho cackled up.
   “Hey, baby boy” Minho called, mocking him.
   “Fuck off” He uttered, getting up from the couch.
   “Are you going to cry on bed now?” Minho asked, still laughing.
   “You’re so annoying!” Hyunjin groaned “Did you left any food for me?” He asked.
   “Yeah, but Y/N was the one who paid for it, so I do think it’s better for you to help with the boxes, so you can eat because I won’t cook for you” He warned, heading back to the car.
   You were surprised to see Hyunjin coming with Minho, his hands on his pockets, like He didn’t give a fuck, but coming to help anyway.
   “What did you tell him?” You whispered on Minho’s ears and He chuckled.
   “I said you were only giving him food if he helped” He answered, whispering to you.
   “We don’t have any food left” You said amused, eyeing Hyunjin getting the box to the elevator.
   “Well, I figured He deserved a little prank” He grinned and you laughed out loud.
   “Oh my god! I love you” You said amused and He smiled.
   “Now I think We’re even” He said, ruffling your hair and picking up two boxes. “Let this one there, so He come back to pick it up” He advised.
  You giggled. Making Hyunjin unhappy was really making your day.
   “Give me this” You pointed to one of the boxes, and He shrugged it off, heading towards the elevator and you followed him.
   Hyunjin went back for the last box when both of you came inside the house, this time you were holding the box that Minho rushedly put on your hands. When He put the last box on the floor, he looked at you.
  “I would like the food now” He said politely.
   “What food?” You asked slyly.
   He eyed you and scoffed.
   “The food you bought to me” He said “Please? I helped with two boxes” He made puppy eyes and you wheezed.
   “Sorry, but I didn’t buy you any food” You admitted “What made you think that I did?” You asked innocently and Minho scoffed at that.
   “You son of a bitch” Hyunjin pointed at Minho “I can’t believe I helped her for nothing” He whined “I thought you were my buddy” He faked hurt and Minho arched a brow and chuckled.
   “You are, but She’s my buddy now too” He shrugged “And you were an asshole this morning, You could have screwed us up, dude, I won’t have it”
   “And here was I thinking it was all for me” You joked.
   “Don’t get ahead of yourself, darling” Minho grimaced at you, and you both laughed.
   “Ok… I guess I deserved it” Hyunjin rolled his eyes “We can’t do anything now, She’s already here anyway” He sighed “We should make some rules” He suggested.
   “Oh, please!” You agreed eagerly and both boys looked at you confused.
   “Please! Please don’t be too loud” You pleaded “I want to sleep at night without hearing you guys having sex”
  “Well, you should say it to the girls we’re gonna bring” Hyunjin snorted “But our walls are thick, We choose it so we didn’t need to hear each other having sex” He admitted “So I guess this one is fine”
  “Thank god” You said, smiling, sitting down, waiting for them to do the same.
  “ We have to schedule things” Minho brought up “Who will be cooking, cleaning and doing laundry, buy groceries” He remembered “Hyunjin is fine by cleaning everything up, He likes to have a tidy place and brag about it”
   “Well, you did brag about it tough” You reminded him and He smiled sheepishly.
   “I would say anything for you to stay” He admitted and you laughed.
   “Ew, It sounds like you guys are dating, stop it” Hyunjin made a gagging sound and Minho laughed “Which bring us to the third rule: No dating or fucking?”
   “What are you? Six?” Minho scoffed “Why should it be a rule? If someone gets jealous, It would be way better to have a rule saying that if anything comes up the person will have to help us find a new roommate” He made his point.
   “I don’t mind at all” You shrugged “It’s not like I intend to hook up with one of you anyway, but Minho’s idea is way more mature like expected” You stated.
   “Fine, so if you guys hook up you will help us to find a roommate” Hyunjin agreed and you scoffed.
   “Why me?” You complained “Maybe it’s you who will be getting jealous because I will steal your buddy” You reasoned.
   “Great, She already thinks she can steal you from me, Minho, put her in her place, please” He joked and you grinned.
   “Anything else?’ Minho wondered “Well, obviously you can bring anyone you want here too” Minho said looking at you “We just warn one another when we coming with someone, so it won’t be uncomfortable for anyone… Imagine if I break into the room taking off someone’s clothes and you are watching TV with a friend… Not the best way to set up the mood. We try to stay in our rooms too, so We don’t run into naked people on the corridor” You laughed at that.
   “That seems ok for me” You agreed “What about the bathroom?”
   “What about the bathroom?” Minho asked
   “Do you guys have it scheduled? Do you lock the door? I don’t want to run into you showering” You explained.
   “I wouldn’t be so sure about that” He joked and you rolled your eyes “But no, we don’t… We just enter the bathroom when the other is there, but I guess we can’t do that anymore”
   “Well, obviously” You agreed.
   “You can just lock it” Hyunjin suggested “And you will only need to check if He or I am not inside it before you come”
   “Good enough for me” You stated “Maybe a little bit of schedule would be good, though, like know who has classes first and this kind of thing”
   “ We can see this later, I don’t think it will be necessary… We’re both really quick to bath and get ready, so you should have a lot of time to do it anyway”
   “I guess that is it?” You shrugged “We’re roomies now”
   “Great” Hyunjin mocked, raising his hands like he was celebrating and you rolled your eyes.
   “Do you wanna do the laundry so we don’t see your stuff?” Minho asked suddenly.
   “I got the impression you guys already saw a lot of underwear in your like, I don’t really mind it” You scoffed and Minho laughed.
   “Fair enough, so we can schedule it. You can help me buy the groceries since Hyunjin will be cleaning  and wash the dishes, so we split the house chores”
   “Perfect” You smiled “Now I’m going to get my room ready” You said excitedly.
   “Oh! Actually…” Minho looked at you nervously and scratched the back of his neck “Your room isn’t ready yet” He admitted “We have bought a new bed, but it probably will come just by the end of the week” He explained.
   “I can’t believe it” You sighed “I knew I should choose the Dom guy” You complained “Well, I will just hang my clothes then…”
   “Yeah…” He started and you eyed him suspiciously “You don’t have a closet yet” He stated.
   “Oh, lord” You groaned “Why did you announce this shit if you hadn’t a room ready?!” You whined.
   “I thought we would have more time!” He apologized “Sorry, you can take my bed”
   “No way in hell!” You fake gagged “I’m sleeping on the couch” You assured.
   “What? Why?” He asked surprised.
   “That’s no way I will just sleep where you have sex every day!” You answered outraged.
   “Hey, I change the sheets!” He defended himself.
   “No way, I’m sleeping on the couch” You shushed him.
   “Well, I don’t know…” Hyunjin started talking, But Minho cut him off.
   “No, let her sleep here” He grinned “When she gets her back hurting She will come to me crying”
   “Yeah, right, Hyunjin’s father” You rolled your eyes.
   “I wasn’t even doing anything now!” Hyunjin protested, but you only laughed at him.
   “Well, I’m just gonna put my clothes on random piles on the floor then”
   You picked up the boxes one by one, heading to your new room. It was big enough for you, it already had a writing-desk waiting there and a lot of empty space. You could start decorating and leaving your style here, hanging some posters, photos and putting your books on the desk… It would be good enough for you. Your classes were going to start in three days, so you had enough time to do all that and go sleep on the damn couch.
   You should really have chosen Seungmin when you had the chance…
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Odi et Amo II
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Odi et amo. Quare id faciam fortasse requiris? nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior  
Catullus, 85
After a few years of working in the USA for Disney and playing the role of The White Fox in Marvel Cinematic Universe you came back to your motherland - Korea only to be greeted with hatred and contempt. To make things harder for you the universe sends you the most irritating neighbour ™. Will you be able to find your happiness and  accomplish your dream of becoming loved actress in Korea without complying with standards of patriarchal society?
pairing: Park Jinyoung x reader
genre: actor au
warnings: angst, foul language (please don’t read it if you’re not old enough)
words: 5764
A/N: It was supposed to be published last week, but I was unhappy with it and ended up rewriting it/adding some things. Sorry! (*_ _)人 P.S Sorry for my grammatical errors! Enjoy!
Chapter I
Currently sitting in front of your manager you eyed him. He seemed tired and you felt a pang of conscience it was probably because of your tweets last night and you wouldn’t even think of meeting him if you weren’t in dire need of getaway from the uncomfortable conversation with your neighbor. You didn’t meet in your agency’s building since both of you despised the place even though it was a new and flashy building made out of something that looked like a white marble. Both of you agreed on meeting outside it, so you were sitting in the café nearby while wondering how did your shitty boss manage to rent it. Last time you’ve been here, it was a few rooms in shabby, old building. You shivered while imagining going in, that place had an evil aura even from across the street.
"Where did you get all that money to rent it?" you asked.
"We actually bought it." 
"Well, business goes well then."
"Actually we are only able thanks to your movies. Don’t tell Kim Pd-nim I told you, he thinks you'll become arrogant."
"I already am." You smiled coldly.
"That's what I told him."
Your manager had a sarcastic smirk on. Both of you and hated your CEO and even mentioning him would bring up unpleasant memories. Kim Sanghoon was one of those bosses who wouldn't even think about trying to help idols and stars that were bringing him money. No matter what it was — crazy fans destroying your life, death threats, your collapsing mental health he didn’t care. Once you were attacked by media and netizens you were on your own and if it was too much for the company your contract was terminated. You often wondered when would you become too much for them to handle.
"How do you feel?" Your manager caught you off guard, even though you had known each other for a long time there was an unspoken rule between you not to talk about other things than work.
"Honesty..I'm fine I don't understand why everyone asks me that." You huffed a bit irritated and run fingers through your hair. 
"Well it's just.. I know it was important to you and you worked hard to earn the hearts of your Korean fa..."
"I'm fine." you didn't manage to hide irritation in your voice. You were not used to talking about it and you didn't like it one bit. Besides what were you supposed to say anyway? No one else was as hated as you. Of course there were idols and stars that were occasionally criticized but not one of them was constantly a target of such hatred. Even when you left there were still death threats send from your motherland to you, nothing changed. Not to mention no one else got such welcoming on the day of return to their home. It was unfair, stupid, infuriating and saddening. And yet you couldn’t understand what people were expecting of you? Both Mark and your manager knew you, or so you thought. What were you supposed to do? Cry? You wouldn't cry, that was what weak people do, that would show you actually care about what those assholes think about you. You were just fine. Ok. Neither sad nor happy. You'd endure whatever you had to but you won't conform to their image of idol and woman nor will you show any sign of weakness. You'd rather stay hated than do that. Your manager sighed and it pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Well then. If you're okay then I'm glad. So just as I told you I have this drama for you if you're interested." You weren't the slightest bit. Frankly you'd rather stay in bed for the next three months jobless than play some crazy villain or villainous second female lead. Then again you felt bad about the amount of work he probably had because of you. You looked him in the eyes and answered with a sigh.
"I can't promise anything but I can at least listen what it’s about.." Your manager seemed surprised, but he didn't wait long, perhaps in case you'd change your mind. He took out some papers and handed them to you. You cringed on the sole title "Love is your destiny" — it sounded sappy. 
"So it's a love story between fallen angel and this human..." he started.
"Angels...so who do they want me to play? Satan? Devil? Succubus?" You browsed through pages to find the villain.
"You'd know if you'd let me finish." You sent him a small apologetic smile. "They want you to play the main role." You stared at him confused before you burst with laughter.
"They want me to play cute girl in love with the angel?" The idea of you playing the sweet female lead was absurd, not that you weren’t able to do it, you were a good actress it wouldn’t be a problem for you, if anything it would most likely be a challenge for the audience.
"No, no! You'd play the angel. See this is drama with strong female lead. The origin of your character is fascinating. You had to watch the mistreatment of a woman extremely devoted to god. The lady prayed, but she still got beaten, almost killed even. Moreover, you had to be the guardian angel of her torturer — the aggressive husband. You pleaded to god, you asked him to let you guard her instead, but he didn’t agree and forbade you from intervening. One night when the husband got drunk, he beat her unconscious and you were sure he’d kill her. You decided to save her, you kill her husband and this is the moment when you fell. That's when you became deviant and promised yourself you'd help those who were denied it. You’d protect them and avenge them. Fast-forward a thousand years, and we are in Seoul and you meet a man, a painter..." He was so excited you almost didn't understand some words because of the speed. He was waiting for your response but you were too occupied with reading what he handed you. Once you finished it you looked at him with a mix of surprise and excitement.
"It's like it was made for me.." you said with bewildered tone.
"That's because it was made for you. The screenwriter wrote it with you in mind." You looked like a cartoon character, eyes wide, mouth in a shape of letter "o", once you heard him.
"Yes. She is apparently a big fan."
"And tvN is ok with that?" You furrowed your brows confused.
"Perhaps they aren't. But it is co-production with Netflix, and they pushed for you since you’re popular worldwide." 
Your heart fluttered and the tips of your fingers tingled from excitement as you rummaged through the pages once again, not only it would be showed in TV during the prime-time but also streamed on Netflix weekly.
"The screenwriter and producer kept calling me since yesterday as soon as it was known you came back. They almost cast someone else. They were sure you're staying in the USA. Isn't it amazing?" He was as excited as you were and you felt some remorse for being so rude to him before. You gave him your warmest smile, one you usually used only around Mark and your family.
"It really is. Thank you and I'm sorry for being rude earlier." He was clearly uncomfortable with your apology, red spreading on his cheeks as he waved his hand dismissively.
"Ah don't mention it. Does that mean I can call them and say you are interested." You looked at the pages in front of you once again and smiled broadly before simply saying.
Jinyoung was still amused you threatened him in his own café. He couldn't focus on the book he had in his hands anymore as he chuckled replying your angered and irritated expressions in his head. It was fun to tease you because you reacted so well. He could tell you could be great friends if you'd let him. He smiled to himself mouthing your own words "bloody Y/N". He was truly shocked that he met you here of all places and found it rather amusing when you yelled in English and caught his attention. He felt some disappointment upon seeing a half naked man talking to you from the screen of your phone but the feeling disappeared as quickly as it came up once your friend ended the call. Jinyoung wouldn't call himself a noisy person, but he found you interesting, and he wanted to know who it was and what kind of relationship you had although he rarely cared for stuff like this... His thoughts were interrupted by his ring-tone, BamBam's face illuminated the screen. He sighed but answered it anyway.
"Skrrrt, skrrt!"
"Ah yes, good morning to you to Bam." Jinyoung said in amused tone.
"Oh, hyung you seem in good mood. What you're up to?"
"Reading, thinking."
"Sounds boring wanna hang out?"
"Actually I wanted to ask you about something." Jinyoung ignored his question once he remembered how obsessed with celebrities and their styles Bam was.
"Do you know any celebrities under the name Y/N." BamBam laughed wholeheartedly.
"That's very funny hyung."
"What do you mean?"
"OMG you're not joking! Are you living under a rock, hyung? Y/N is like the hottest actress ever. Her style is chic and comfy and artsy it's really cool, and she actually doesn't have a stylist, she does it on her ow..."
"She is an actress?"
"She is the actress! She played the White Fox in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Lol, you call yourself an actor and you don't know the most popular Korean actress abroad."
"You know I don't like those superheroes movies. Besides why didn't I hear about her Korean career if she's so good?"
"You are so old it scares me sometimes. Well you should know her from internet. I think it's national sport to hate her or something. She just came back, and they're already frying her online not to mention the media and dating rumors."
"Dating rumors?"
"Yeah she dated few actors. I think Seojoon hyung dated her and Changwook hyung even almost proposed. The media made her to look like heartless vixen though. I mean they never liked her but her last ex gave a very unfavorable interview to dispatch and after that she became villain number one. She left shortly after."
"Mmmm... I see." Jinyoung only started his career four years ago so it shouldn't be weird you've never met before. He was also the type of person who couldn't care less about internet gossip and gutter press or dispatch. He sighed. Suddenly your angry reaction made much more sense and Jinyoung didn't feel as good about it as he did before. He scolded himself for being too frivolous and selfish. He just wanted to see your reactions - it was cute and funny...
"Why did you ask? OMG you've met her didn't you. I'm so jealous. What was she wearing? Was it Gucci? I heard she likes it."
"Ok Bam. I have to go. Thanks for the talk."
"Wait, so you wanna hang out?"
"Last time when you asked me to hang out I had to shop for 4 hours with you."
"Well... I am your stylist. Besides, it was fun, come on." 
"I think we have different definitions of "fun""
You woke up to no noise pleasantly surprised. It seems that Sunday's were free from renovation and thanks to that you could sleep in. You stretched out and grabbed the phone to check the time. It was already past eleven. You smiled to yourself and fell to bed lazily. Soon you wouldn't have time for lazy days like this as the production team was supposed to finish up casting for the drama by the end of the next week. You thought about picking some groceries, maybe cooking yourself some food and enjoying the day with a book or perhaps some video games. You took shower and put on some comfortable clothes — beige cardigan you stole from Mark clearly too big for you and some black trousers pairing it up with brown coat. You left the apartment and as soon as you did the irritating voice in your head reminded you about your debt. Hesitant at first you shook off the feeling quickly and knocked on the door. This time you were prepared for teasing, you were expecting it even so you wouldn't be caught off guard. At least that's what you were telling yourself. Your neighbor, however, didn't act the way you expected him to. Instead of smirking at you and teasing you or straight up mocking you, he seemed nervous. He had deep purple bags under his usually sparkling eyes. Perhaps he didn’t feel well... you wondered whether you should ask him if he needed some help. You decided it would be extremely awkward and so you cleared your throat and spoke up — softness now somewhere in your voice.
"Is that bad time? I can come later I just wanted to give you back your money.."
"N-No." He started nervously "I mean no. It's fine. I'm actually glad you're here. Would you come in?"
You didn't want to come in and it must have shown on your face since he continued.
"Come on. I don't bite." He smiled warmly and it seemed much more normal than the timid self he showed you seconds ago. And so you came in curiously looking around his own apartment. It was a mirror image of your own in terms of room placements — a hallway leading to living room with opened kitchen. You came into the living room and Jinyoung rushed after you quickly turning the TV off. You didn't pay it any mind since you were looking around and taking in how different was his home compared to yours. It was very modern and yet it kept the homey feeling. Yours on the other hand, well it was raw yet full of stuff? Mark would probably call it unfinished and cluttered. Your neighbor sat on the other side of the couch leaving quite a lot of space between the two of you and run a hand through his hair. He wore a cardigan very similar to yours both in color and style in fact it could be the very same brand and style it’s just neither of you noticed it.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
"I wanted to apologize." He responded quickly and gained a surprised look from you.
"Yes about yesterday…I shouldn't have said those things in public I could say I just didn't know about your situation but it’s no excuse. I’m truly sorry." he paused. "You don't have to be stressed about press or rumors though. It is my café and my staff, so they won't talk about it with anyone I took care of it." You took back everything you said, you weren’t prepared for meeting him, especially not getting apologies from him. On top of that he was the owner of your favorite café...
"I… it's fine." You said confused and tried to act as normal as possible while being very aware of your palms spread on your thighs. They were unnaturally clammy. It was a surprise to you, you rarely got any apologies and you were expecting some more teasing not something like that. Your eyes were everywhere except on him and you were screaming at yourself internally to say something, anything, but nothing was coming to your mind. Once again you lost your ability for forming witty sentences around him or in that case any sentences. There was awkward silence between you and you immensely regretted coming to see him today. You weren’t used to this. Somewhere in your belly you could feel as if butterflies - or rather moths — yes, moths of anxiety were fluttering their wings desperately trying to get into your chest. You never felt like this before. You tried to avoid looking at him but your own eyes betrayed you and fell on Jinyoung only to find out he was enjoying your anguish. His brown eyes were glimmering and his lips formed half smirk that he tried to cover with his left hand in a gesture of propping his head up. Immediately irritation came to you burning all the fluttering wings in the pits of your stomach. A frown formed on your face and you send him a glare. Wondering how could you be so stupid and fall for his act.
"You're really cute when you're shy or embarrassed." He chuckled now mocking you openly.
"I can't believe I took your apologies as sincere." He chuckled again clearly pleased with how you responded.
"They were sincere. I just enjoy teasing you."
"Could you stop? That's inappropriate you don't even know me."
"What do you mean we are neighbors and soon to be friends." He smiled broadly and for a second your mind travelled somewhere else simply admiring his beauty. You cursed his handsome face it could blind and charm everyone really. You wanted to leave, no you needed to leave. It was stuffy in here.
"I'm here for a reason." You reminded him, he was watching you with amusement. It felt almost as if a cat was observing you.
"Ah right... money." his tone seemed inattentive somehow. "I don't need it. Let's say it was a part of my apology."
"Just give me your account number and take the money."
"I don't remember it." You were getting more irritated every minute you talked to him.
"You don't remember your account number?" This man was unbelievable. He shrugged.
"You can send it to me through KakaoTalk if you really want." He smiled and took out the phone from the pocket of his pants. 
"Fine. Just give it." Not wanting to spend any second longer here with him, you scanned his qr to add him quickly and transferred the money.
"Done. Now if you excuse me."
"Of course." He smiled again and you felt mocked by the sole action of his lips shooting upwards. He walked you to the door and watched as you slipped on your shoes. You tried to look as cold and dignified as possible but still tripped over the doorstep. He caught your arm firmly and straightened you. Your heart was beating so fast and hard all you could hear was blood pumping in your ears in fact you were sure he could hear it as well. On the other hand whose heart wouldn't when you almost fell face first, right…? Right? It surely wasn't because of his warm breath now tickling the crown of your head, nor the dangerously beautiful eyes... you absolutely regretted coming here today. It was foolish of you to think your cursed neighbor wouldn't shake you up today. And he was still holding you — how awkward is that; and you felt fine with being hold like that — what on earth was wrong with you? You started to think that maybe it would be better if you'd actually fell and hit that stupid head of yours.
Jinyoung was having very dangerous thoughts. The kind he didn't have in a very long time. He wasn't prepared for this kind of proximity. He was already shaken up yesterday by your touch and closeness he only held your hand for a second or two. Maybe he didn't show it but he was. Honestly he wasn't even into PDA or flirting with someone or even thinking of flirting with someone. Yes, he liked teasing, and he teased you but it was in a FRIENDLY manner. Well it was safe to say he didn't have friendshippy type of thoughts right now. Jinyoung reacted automatically upon seeing you fall he just grabbed your arm and pulled you his way. He was still holding your now tensed muscles, but he couldn't let go of you. He was in trance. Your warmth radiating onto him, the way the smell of your shampoo was tingling his nose, your huge doe-like shocked eyes, parted lips, soft pink on the apples of your cheeks. He was wondering how badly would you kill him if he asked to kiss you right now. He was seriously considering it worthy asking even if you were to pull out his tongue like you threatened yesterday. He didn't ask though, the rational part of his brain finally letting go of you. His own feeling were mess, but he did what he knew best — he masked his emotional disarray with some more teasing hoping you wouldn’t notice.
"Falling for me already?" He smirked even though internally he was screaming and already thinking of confiding in Jackson to get himself calmed. He was clearly the one falling and he was panicked. You rolled your eyes on him seemingly gaining the composure while he was getting stunned even by such simple gesture like this.
"You're way below my standards." You seemed annoyed. He smiled again although he wanted you to leave quickly and leave him alone with his feelings, so he can sort this out. Your eyes narrowed at him even more.
"I need to go now."
"Well, have a great day."
"Right, you too." You were so cold Jinyoung almost chuckled at it because it almost wounded him, and yet he liked it. He enjoyed teasing you too much. You were already walking to the elevator, but he couldn't help himself.
"Oh, and try not to fall when I'm not around to catch you, Y/N." He laughed and you were already frowning at him absolutely mad which made his heart skip a beat, you were really too cute when you frowned. Jinyoung closed the door before you could say anything or worse before he did. He realized he was in deep shit. He tried to think reasonably. He probably just had a crush because he spent a whole night watching movies and dramas you were starring in, he might have also accidentally watched all of your interviews and went to sleep at 6 still smiling to himself from that interview where you had to answer questions about your body in preparation for your role in that Marvel movie. The reporter wouldn't stop asking about your body and making comments on it even though you were clearly uninterested in the topic which you finally cut with your own questions. "Are you looking for some weight loss tips? You look great. Seriously what is it about? Are you trying to fit in my suit?" The last question was asked with whole whisper theatrics and Jinyoung laughed at loud at five am hoping he didn't wake you up through the wall. The suit in question was extremely fitting white leather catsuit. It wasn't the only interview in which you showed off your wits, eloquence and badassness, or how Bam would call it "swag". You were also the most attractive actress he had seen. Of course, you were also attractive when you weren't acting but on the screen... you were amazing. So Jinyoung tried to calm himself down rationalizing his earlier thoughts as simply being starstrucked. That’s what fans felt towards their idols, he was simply charmed by his own new idol. Yes that was it — that’s exactly the type of thoughts some fanboys or fangirls would have. He called Jackson anyway, he knew the designer was the right person to talk to in situations like this. 
Twenty minutes later Jinyoung regretted ever calling his best friend.
"OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO IN LOVE WITH HER!" Jackson basically yelled to the phone. Jinyoung groaned and massaged the space between his brows. 
"Were you even listening? I'm just a big fan."
"Yeah, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night man. I’m a big fan of Christian Dior and all I can think of is making out with him." 
"Don’t compare it, he is dead!" Jinyoung yelled and his friend filled his ear in response.
 You were regretting not taking the car for shopping. The walk did help with your racing heart, and helped ease off your mind but it turned out the supermarket isn't that close any more when you have to drag home ten bags of food and products. Thankfully a convenience store was on your way so you could make a stop there maybe you'd be lucky enough to see Seoyun, buy her coffee and have a chat. You knew it was stupid, because she could've just feel obliged to say she is your fan but you still wanted to tell her about your new upcoming role. Sadly she wasn't there and so you just made a stop and sat on one of nearby benches. Massaging your palms that had those harsh red lines imprinted in them now thanks to the bags. You could swear you heard the sound of released shutter and so now alarmed you looked around but it seemed you were the only person here. You sighed, how paranoid have you become that you started hearing the cameras when there was none. Then again you were extremely lucky dispatch and paparazzi haven't found you yet. Just before you left to the USA, your ex gave this interview and your life became hell. You didn't have a day without paparazzi running after you or spying on you. The memories came to you not without acrimony and hurt. Your ex, an actor just like you, used you to create scandal and gain some popularity. You could remember how enraged and morose it made you. You didn't date anyone since then even when Mark tried to introduce you to some people. You intended on staying that way. You didn't need anyone, you had Mark, and he was enough for you. Just you and your best friend. You weren't sure how long you stayed like this, deep in your thoughts. You moved only after you fingers became stiff from cold. Somehow you managed to carry the groceries back home. You were so tired that you just counted it as your training today. You checked the time and it was one PM, perfect time to call your bestie.
"Markiee!!" You whined as soon as his face appeared on your screen.
"Y/N-ah. I miss you." He was wearing some blue hoodie this time.
"That's my line. Do you have time to talk?"
"Bruh, for you? Always. What's up?" 
"I am going to star in a drama!"
"What? I thought you hate those." He was genuinely shocked.
"I know, I do. But this one is different. I'm not playing the villain I got female lead, and she isn't some damsel in distress she is a badass character!" You almost screamed and he chuckled.
"Woah. Someone's excited. I'm so proud of you. So who is getting the privilege to be cast with you?"
"I don't know yet. I'm supposed to meet the cast next week." He nodded his head and smiled. "Anyway what are you up to?"
"I was actually thinking of playing Among Us and streaming wanna join?" He grinned.
"Absolutely, prepare to get wrecked Tuan." You used to play together at least once a week when you were in the USA, his fans loved you and shipped you even though you both told them you were just friends — it is some rule in the internet though, to ship close friends.
Few hours later you were once again killed as the first person, this time by Mark.
"YOU GONNA REGRET IT WHEN WE’LL MEET TUAN. I SWEAR I’M GONNA WHOOP YO ASS..." You screamed on top of your lungs and Mark laughed wholeheartedly, while his chat filled up with hundreds of LOL’s and LUL’s.
"You guys she threatens me. Someone make a clip and send it to the police once they find my dead body." He kept laughing and you couldn’t help but laugh as well. His smile and laugh were just too contagious.
"You really put our friendship to test lately Tuan, here I was foolishly trusting you when you killed me in cold blood. " You stretched and your stomach rumbled reminding you that you haven’t eaten yet and it was already around four pm.
" Hey don’t hate the player, hate the game. "   He shrugged and winked, while you rolled your eyes.
"Okay Mark, I gotta go and eat. It’s already afternoon here."
"Sure, chat say bye to Y/N." They did as he asked and it was soon filled with many hearts and goodbyes. "Love you Y/N! Call me soon." He grinned and you smiled warmly.
"Love you too Mark. Bye guys!" With that you logged off the discord, and switched off his stream. You make your way to the kitchen and took out the ingredients for kimchi jjigae you bought before. You carefully read the recipe opened on your phone and began cooking. You had to make anchovy stock first so you grabbed some dried anchovies, kelp and slashed the daikon in cubicles — it looked quite awkward as each cubicle was different size but hey it was you eating it not some kind of culinary critic. You added water and left it to boil deciding to take care of the rest of ingredients. You cut some kimchi and ate some as a snack and reward for not ordering food today, sliced some green onions, cut the pork and the tofu as well. By the time you were done it was time to strain the broth and add the rest of ingredients. It had to cook so you decided to watch some TV in the meantime. You turned it on, it was some kind of reality show where idols were supposed to camp in the wild for a few days. The idols clearly didn’t feel like being there and the fact you knew neither of them didn’t help. You dozed off before you noticed, your eyelids getting as heavy as iron. The smell of burning woke you up. You shot upwards from your couch and rushed to the kitchen, bumping into a coffee table on your way there.
"FFFFFF-UUCK." you hissed, when your shin pulsed with pain. You quickly grabbed the pot with stew to get it off the fire, forgetting it would be hot as well. You hissed in pain and let id drop on your marble floor which was now covered in burned kimchi and some other things. "Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fucking shit." You cursed as you tried to navigate to the sink to ease off the burn with some cold water. The cold water did help and you sighed with relief only to later follow it with a sigh of resignation. You had to clean up this mess. It was when your phone barked — a new message. You checked it.
From Unknown number: Are you trying to burn down the whole building?
You furrowed your brows confused, wondering if it was one of those jokes or spam messages you heard about.
To Unknown number: Who’s this?
From Unknown number: Guess.
You huffed in disbelief.
To Unknown number: Ok, enjoy being blocked.
From Unknown number: Wait!
From Unknown number: It’s Jinyoung.
To Unknown number: How did you get my number? Never mind I’m blocking you I’m too busy to deal with you.
With that you put the phone back in your pocket and began cleaning up. You finished in no time now tired out by scrubbing. You sat on the floor and took out your phone to check it out. From Unknown number: Don’t block me what if you need my help one day.
To Unknown number: With what exactly?
From Unknown number: What if you get stuck in your bathroom and need someone to let you out?
You rolled your eyes and saved his contact
To Devil: There is at least 7 billion more people I’d rather ask to help me
From Devil: Ok then what if I get stuck in the bathroom and need your help.
To Devil: I’d leave you there
From Devil: Heartless
To Devil: Better tell me how did you get my phone number
From Devil: You gave it to me when you scanned my kakao code
You were bewildered, was that his plan from the very beginning or were you just paranoid? You were either prejudiced or he was in fact the devil with angel's face.
To Devil: Did you lie about not remembering your account number?
From Devil: Maybe
You couldn’t believe it, the audacity, the smugness. You could feel irritation building inside you but you decide to let it go when your stomach rumbled at you aggressively. After eating you took shower, read a few chapters of The Vegetarian and fell asleep.
Next week passed quickly but in the feeling of anticipation as you were supposed to meet the rest of the cast as well as the scriptwriter and director at the meeting on Friday. You kept calling your manager throughout the week trying to find out who could they be, but he didn’t know anything or didn’t want to tell you. And so you spent the week on training, running, reading and occasionally calling Mark to express your impatience and excitement. You didn’t meet your irritating neighbor even once this week — something you counted as blessing or perhaps a sign that the universe finally turned your karma around. It was finally Friday and you were already sitting in the meeting room waiting for everyone to come in. You smiled at the young man sitting next to you, he was really cute and had this mole under his right eye it added to his charm. He was about to introduce himself, when someone came through the door and greeted everyone cheerfully. You couldn’t believe it. You were cursed, actually cursed.
"YOU?!" was all that left your mouth upon seeing him entering the room.
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365days365movies · 3 years
January 24, 2021: Speed Racer (2008) (Part 1)
Car Action Weekend Concludes!
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Anime! As I’m sure Tumblr is aware, Japan’s most famous television format has spread far and wide, especially in the United States. It started on American TV with Astro Boy in 1963. A few series premiered after that, but one of the series that made the biggest splash was a little show about a boy, his girlfriend, his friend, his father, his little brother, and his little brother’s chimpanzee.
Oh, also cars or something.
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Mach GoGoGo, AKA Speed Racer in the USA, was a classic series about car racing, with wacky enemies, crazy cars, and about a year’s worth of runtime. Still, it lasted for YEARS, to the extent that I remember watching it at some point in the early 2000s! But I didn’t grow up with it. The Wachowskis, however, might have.
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Oh yeah, it’s THESE gals. Directors and creators of the Matrix, the Wachowskis were looking to direct a more family-friendly movie, and hopped onto a Speed Racer adaptation that’d been in development for years. Since 1992, Warner Bros had been trying to bring the enigmatic racecar driver to life, with Johnny Depp as the lead...in 1995. 
He left, though, and actors Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shia LaBeouf, and Zac Efron would be considered over the years. For the director, Julien Temple, Gus Van Sant, Alfonso Cuaron, and Hype Williams were recommended. Eventually, though, the Wachowskis would accept the job, and Emile Hirsch was brought into the project, alongside a surprising cast. But, we’ll get there. 
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So why Speed Racer for this month? Why not save this for Sports November? Or, better yet, why watch this at all? Honestly...I wanted to do this one. Mostly because in recent years, it’s become controversial with reviewers and critics. Why? Well, lets get into it, rather than explain here! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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Speed Racer - yes, Speed Racer (Emile Hersch), that is his ACTUAL NAME - is awaiting an upcoming race, when we get a glimpse into his past. A distracted kid at school, much to the dismay of his mother, Mom (Susan Sarandon), he’s not doing great at school, thinking only about races and his brother, Rex (Scott Porter).
In a legitimately neat touch, he daydreams being in a race, with the original Speed Racer theme song playing in the background. His daydream is bright and colorful, and looks like it’s drawn by a little kid. Which is funny, because the entire movie has a cartoon aesthetic, it turns out.
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We’ll see if I get used to THAT. He gets in the car with Rex, and they go to the RIDICULOUS racetrack, holy shit. It’s like Mario Kart in here. From the track, we transition to the modern day. The world is watching, as Speed Racer tears up the track, and also as I GET A SEIZURE GAAAAAAAAH. This is an insanely colorful world with some very confusing and complicated visuals. This movie is...something, that’s for sure.
During the race, we find out that something happened to Rex 8 years ago, during which Rex set the track record. We also meet his girlfriend, Trixie (Christina Ricci), father, Pops (John Goodman), brother Spritle (Pauline Litt), and...chimpanzee, Chim Chim (Willy and Kenzie, interchangeably, YES I CREDITED THE CHIMPS). Speed Racer. I keep forgetting that this is Speed Racer.
More flashbacks to the past show us how Trixie and Speed met, as well as a STRAIGHT UP MURDER ATTEMPT WHAT
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Whoof; cutthroat business, that racing stuff. Rex leaves Racer Motors as a result, and leaves Speed his car, apparently turning to the dark side by taking out other racers with increasingly dirty tactics. This lasted until a brutal crash that apparently killed him. But, if you know your Speed Racer mythos even a little...
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Back to the race, where Speed is about to beat his brother’s record, but purposely slows down just enough. In any case, he wins the race, as a shadowy figure that totally isn’t his alive brother watches on.
The next morning, the family, Trixie, and road manager Sparky (Kick Gurry) are having breakfast. They’re interrupted by E.P. Arnold Royalton, esq. (Roger Allam), an executive who’s come to recruit Speed, proposing to act as a sponsor for not just Speed, but for Racer Motors. While Pops isn’t inclined to sign up with a big company, Royalton’s offer is intriguing enough for them to go to MY EYES!!!!
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OK, look, this film is gorgeous, and also looks like Robert Rodriguez’s imagination vomited all over the screen. Seriously, I appreciate the artistry here, but...OW. And this ENTIRE SEQUENCE is an exercise in my visual tolerance for 2008-era graphics and ridiculously bright colors.
The Racers are taken for a dizzying journey through Royalton Industries, and my entire brain is melting, God. After the tour, Pops tells Royalton that, while his money intimidates him, he’s open to an alliance between RI and Racer Motors. And then, we transition from the bright and poppy world of Royalton Industries, to - 
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YO WHAT??? Talk about a complete opposite tone! This crime boss, Cruncher Block (John Benfield), is beating and torturing a driver, Taejo (Rain), and he’s pretty obviously bloodied. Before feeding Taejo’s hands to his pet CGI piranhas (yes, really), they’re interrupted. Also, did I mention that this office is INSIDE OF A MOVING TRUCK WHAT.
The intruder is the mysterious Racer X (Matthew Fox), who takes down their battle truck with his car’s weaponry. And I gotta say, this is a neat, if extremely wacky, battle sequence. Cruncher throws Taejo out of the truck, only for Racer X to save him and try to recruit him to stop Cruncher. He might be a bit of a vigilante, it would seem.
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While Speed and Trixie have a romantic getaway - which is spoiled by an intruding Spritle and Chim Chim - a shady deal between Royalton and a competitor is taking place, revealing that he isn’t entirely on the up-and-up. The next day, Speed meets with Royalton, thinking on signing the contracts. He decides not to, citing an interaction with his father from shortly after Rex’s death, and stating that he couldn’t abandon his family like that.
Royalton’s not very happy about that, though, and taps into his inner Tim Curry something FIERCE. He monologues on the invention of the modern racing league, as well as the financial implications of races through history. In other words, racing’s about power and money, and he reveals that races like the Grand Prix are rigged from the get-go. And SMACK-DAB in the middle of that villain monologue:
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A sugar high. The editing of this film is hyperactive, I swear. Forgot to mention that Spritle and Chim Chim snuck into RI with Speed to steal candy - yes, really - and discover that the cars being built by RI have dirty tricks literally built in. Speed turns Royalton down, and Royalton tells him that Speed won’t win or even place in the next race, which we cut to immediately.
Taejo from earlier is racing, and gets in a crash that he somehow survives? Speed also crashes and loses, as predicted by Royalton, which destroys the Mach 6. This leads to Racer Motors being sued for copyright infringement, disgracing them in the media. He also speaks to Ben Burns (Richard Roundtree), one of his racing heroes, and finds out that his classic race was indeed rigged in his failure. This, of course, breaks Speed’s racing spirit.
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After a pep talk from Mom, Racer Motors gets a visit from Racer X and Inspector Detector (Benny Furmann), who ask Speed for help. Taejo’s asked them for help, but only if Racer X and Speed help. Unfortunately, the race is on the same dangerous track that Rex died on. However, if they win, it will cause trouble for the crime boss Crusher and his secret ally, Royalton. While Pops fiercely objects, Speed goes in secret, with Trixie as support.
Speed finally wears the classic Speed Race outfit while in the classic car, they go to the race track, and I STROKE OUT AGAIN GODDAMIVWHBROVQJQ
And somehow THIS IS ONLY HALF OF THE GODDAMN MOVIE. See you in Part 2!
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Snow Queen - Sleigh Bells - day six
Somewhere in the Arctic -  1855
Crowley stomped across the frozen waste, bundled in so many layers he most look round from the outside.  It was dark, but that was hardly new, it had been dark for at least several days.  Why in Satan's name they would send him to this frozen wilderness he didn't know.  He did his best work abid the teeming crowds of cities, where all it took was a push on the right  person to set off a cascade that could run for years.  Besides with was no place for a reptile, they should have sent a Legion, they are warmblooded, and if one of them died out here they'd just make another.
He thought he heard a sound, something out of place, bright and cheerful.  He looked around but couldn't see anything but the featureless white world.  He resumed walking.  He wasn't even entirely sure where he was, of where he was going. He'd come up from a meeting below straight into the nothingness.  He was going north, he knew that much.  He'd never be completely lost when under the stars.  But north From where and To where he wasn't sure.  They just said get out and head north.
The sounds came again, like laughter or water.  He strained his eyes but still couldn't find the source.  The correscationg lights that danced across the sky were beautiful, but the odd illumination they left wasn't the best for distance viewing.  They created shadows where none should be, that moved like living things.  He knew he was more menacing than any umbral haunt, but they did make it blessed hard to see.  He could barely trace the line of his own footprints, disappearing into the night.
A third time he heard it, echoing through the still night.  He'd hear an owl hoot maybe an hour ago.  Sometime before that he'd heard an arctic fox digging in the snow.  He was too far inland, wherever he was for any of the more abundant life of the coasts.  No bloody bears at least, they were all sleeping nice and warm in their dens like sensible creatures.  He wished he were too.
  When the sound came this time he finally saw something.  Flashes of light from behind him.  He strained his eyes to see more.  At least if he could see what it looked like he'd know a bit more about where he was.  The chiming sounded metallic, which was less helpful than it would have been a few hundred years ago.  Whole place was getting smaller all the time these days.  People finding other people, which was going a whole lot better for the finders than the found.  Missionaries were as bad as (most) angels.  High and mighty words about "saving people" but let someone say they are quite happy as they are, no saving needed thanks, and oh don't the whips and knives come out.  Makes sense they work for Heaven, act just like them.
The lights and sounds were getting closer, and the sounds finally resolved into bells.  What sort of benighted fool would be all the way out here and still bothering with sleigh bells.  Not bloody likely to have to stop short.  If there was another pedestrian within 50 miles he'd eat his hat.  Whoever this fool was it strained credulity for them not to be Crowley's objective out here, which made him dislike them on principle.  He still had no idea what he was meant to do to the idiot that they hadn't done to themselves just by being out here.  
As the vehicle got closer, the animals pulling it became more distinct.  Once he'd realized he was hearing sleigh bells and not harnesses jingling he'd ruled out dogs.  At that point he'd expected horses.  Bringing horses up here seemed like the kind of move that would go with the sleigh bells.  He was wrong.  What he did see were a matched pair of reindeer as white as the barren landscape.  Their harnesses must have also been white, since he couldn't see them, excerpt for the spots where they were gleaming with the golden bells he had been hearing.  Their antlers were wrapped in greenery, though they weren't close enough yet for him to say what, other than some sort of vine.  If he knew a blessed thing about reindeer they might tell him something about where he was, to bad he didn't.
Once he could finally see the sleigh that didn't help much either.  It looked like a fantasy of a sleigh and not like any particular type he'd ever seen.  It was made of something shimmering and translucent, like glass or ice.  He was beginning to feel distinctly odd about this.  The winter fairytale vision began to slow as it approached.  He noticed no driver sat up front, the reins lay loose, the reindeer seeking to know where to go.
        Crowley felt his heart seize up.  His strange assignment coming into focused, and if he was right, this was a test, and not one he knew how to pass.  He could see the passenger now, and for a moment, even though his fears had just been completely confirmed, he clean forgot them.  She was breathtaking, as in he forgot to breath for a solid minute.  For one thing she was a "she" which was unusual enough.  Aziraphale rarely took on a female shape, but when she did she was glorious.  
Her hair was long, as it almost never was, a starlight spill down her back and shoulders, crowned by a spiky coronet that looked like shards of ice. Her throat was defined by a choker of the pale blue stones and depended lower in an elaborate necklace.  She was all in white velvet with traceries of the same gems glittering across the bodice.  The soft, pleasant curves she always had were magnified now, he could see her magnificent bosom and could imagine the extra fullness in her hips, currently hidden beneath the white furs that blanketed her lap.  He wanted nothing more, in that moment, than to wrap himself around her and hold her tight.  He  stood rooted to the spot as she pulled to a stop next to him.
"Crowley, what on earth are you doing all the way out here.  There can't be much tempting to do here?"  At the angel's words, the reality of the situation came crashing back to him.  
"I think you are the reason I'm here," he replied.  "They just said go up here, go north, you'll know it when you see it.  And the first thing I saw was you in this stunning fairytale rig.  What are you up to in this get up?"     
"Oh, I'm supposed to be a vision, they think the arctic needs a saint, but the people here don't seem to go in for that sort of thing.  Lot of stuff and bother if you ask me.  But it was rather a direct order my dear, I'm afraid I can't can't just let it drop."
"Nah, best you don't, think I'm going to have to be seen 'doing something' about it." He turned back to the snow. 
"Cowley," Aziraphale called, "I can at least let you ride along a bit of the way.  Not too far, mind, but it's dreadfully cold."
Crowley considered the danger they were being watched already, but if they were, they'd already been seen talking.  He climbed in and Aziraphale budged over to make room, but the sleigh really was built for one so it was a tight fit.  Crowley didn't mind at all.  He leaned as far into the angel as he thought he could get away with and lost himself for a time in the warmth against his side, and the chiming of the bells.
Eventually they stopped.  "The village is just a few hours north on foot," Aziraphale looked over sadly, "it's probably best you go on alone from here."
Crowley got up reluctantly, "You're right, Angel, thanks for the lift anyway.  If say good luck, but well…"
"Yes, well, I'll see you after?"
"I hope so, my lot didn't arrange transport home either."  With that he stepped out of the sleigh and began to walk.  The reindeer started moving again and quickly the entire conveyance disappeared again into the white world.  The last thing to go was the sound of bells.
Crowley walked the rest of the way into the town, which hardly warranted the name.  He hid himself and set about dropping some eves.  His luck was apparently back, as he overhead the most fascinating bed time story.  He left the town and came back in, openly and carrying a great pack.  He told the curious people that he was a scholar there to collect stories, especially fairytales.  He proceed to sit in the warm Central meeting house, and copy down every story told.  Hey was quickly joined by every child, and no few of the adults.  
He had only been at it a few days when the children started telling their own stories.  They had seen the Snow Queen in the woods.  Most of the adults laughed then off, but Crowley, the kind scholar, listened quite seriously and wrote down their stories with the rest.  He told them how clever and brave they were to remember their old stories and get away from the dangerous fairy. 
After a couple of weeks the children stop having new stories of the Snow Queen in the woods, and the old folks have finished telling all their tales.  Crowley promises to send them copies of the book he will make, and put the name of each teller with the tale. (And he actually does.) He leaves the town with a pack of provisions an skis he now knows how to not fall down on.  He goes much faster than when he was on foot.
He's gone half a day when he hears the bells again.  The reindeer are their normal dun now.  The sleigh is wood, painted blue and silver.  The occupant looks as he usually does, in a long white coat, his gloved hands on the reins, his short white blonde curls peeking out from under his hat.  The sleigh comes to a stop nearby, and Crowley skis up.
"Need a lift again?" Aziraphale asks.  Crowley grins.
"I won't say no to one, at least as far as a town if regular routes south, or a port." He climbed in. Stowing his skis and pack on the back.  With a flick of the reins they were off again.
"So, you going to tell me how you thwarted me this time?" The angel was smiling as he asked.
"Me?  I didn't really do anything.  Just sat in the village and let them tell me stories.  Gonna make a book of it so their traditional beliefs don't disappear." He gave his best guileless grin.  Aziraphale looked unimpressed.
"Pull the other one, it's got bells on."
Crowley laughed.  "No, really, this is all on your bosses.  They sent you out rigged up as a local fairytale who steals children.  Once I get it printed, you can take them the book."
"They get more and more out of touch every century."  Aziraphale said with a grimace.  "Most likely they were hoping a child would try to 'banish' me, which is basically a fake miracle and would make a fake saint.  How does that even help?"
"I can't say, almost sounds like one of our sort of schemes.  If I didn't know better, I'd think someone in our chains of command was sharing notes."  As soon as the words were out of Crowley's mouth his spin felt even more icy than the clime could account for.  If Heaven and Hell were comparing notes, it would only be a matter of time before the Arrangement was found out.  He realized he needed a plan for when that day came.  He could see similar trepidation on the angel's face.
"You know what, I think that route downstairs was somewhere near here.  Might be best if I went back that way."  The sleigh immediately began to slow.
"Yes, that might be a good idea, my dear," Aziraphale agreed.  "Do mind how you go, though."
"Course I will, Angel, just got some thinking to do."  Crowley replied.  He retrieved his pack and skis and headed off.  He needed to think of some kind of insurance against Hell.
For @drawlight‘s 31 days of ineffables --  hoooo  boy am I behind!  Work Conference sorry!
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ashleyswrittenwords · 5 years
How To Be A Queen [Part 12]
Summary: Princess Zelda is at a loss. Her handed royal responsibilities have begun to weigh heavily on her and she is eventually backed into a corner. Live a life she loathes or run away from everything she’s ever known? Navigating life is hard, and Link forces her to learn that she doesn’t have to do it alone.
Warning: Blood. Slight scary like stuff. Lmk if you think I should add more.
Part 1 Here
How To Be A Queen
No, it wasn’t Link.
A shout was already in my throat, but it quickly died to the sight of a horse’s snout staring straight at me. My eyes drifted up to the rider and my breath froze in my lungs. The man from the festival. The older gentlemen, except his eyes weren’t as soft; instead he looked like he had just heard a joke.
“It’s her alright,” he was grinning wryly, exposing his teeth.
I needed to run.
Link was too far; I couldn’t scream and hope he’d hear. It had to be me to save myself.
I turned to do just that. Adrenaline coursed through me, making my fear more intense. The only sound I could hear was of hooves on dirt. More than one? I can’t outrun a horse. I can barely outrun a tortoise. He was toying with me. Right over left and for the love of Hylia don’t trip.
My mind raced with what they could possibly want to do with me. Ransom was what first came to my mind. Father had many enemies that masqueraded as allies; I wasn’t blind to see truth in that. My family had volumes of meaningless bloodshed commanded by their hand. If anything, it could just be a group that hated the monarchy and simply wanted to see me hanged from a tree. My eyes flickered to the forest. It was dense, not exactly too dense for a horse, but I didn’t have a choice. I was going to be run down. I put all my weight onto my left foot and took a sharp left into the woods. Twigs snapped past me and I heard a female shouting not far behind. The air felt like sharp knives in my lungs. It hurt and I wanted desperately to stop. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t.
The snow was thicker here and my boots felt like weights. I was panicking. Goddesses, no. The horses behind me didn’t seem to be hindered much. There was a steady stream of shouts and clickings that guided them. New tears pricked my eyes. With every fiber of my being I felt pure fear resonating. In this moment, I understood what it felt to be a fox being chased by hunting dogs. Branches raced past and I knew I was being scraped to pieces. Somehow, I couldn’t feel anything. My throat felt numb and my muscles struggled to get the oxygen they needed. A pasture opened before me and I didn’t stop.
A sharp sound flew through the air and I felt sudden pressure around my arms and neck. Then, I couldn’t breathe and I saw the stars above. Their beauty felt mocking. My head hit the ground before the rest of my body and I couldn’t move. My arms were paralyzed to my sides.
“Nerissa!” The man screamed, “Don’t kill her!”
I can’t breathe.
“She’s fine.”
Crunching snow.
A woman came into view above me, replacing the stars. My mouth gaped like a fish for air. She was glaring at me but crouched to released the tight knot. My breath came it small gasps, but it didn’t last long. Her foot hit my stomach and the little breath I had left once more. I turned to my side, squeezing my eyes shut and waited for another blow. I was yanked upward and hit the ground again. My backpack was cut off at the straps.
Then, she took to binding my arms and legs.
“Who are you?” My voice wasn’t my own.
She snickered. “Oh, you don’t recognize me?” Her face came into view fully now. The woman from the fire. The same woman from the bridge. I didn’t say anything, but the shock showed on my face by the looks of her satisfied smile. I shouldn’t be surprised at this point.
I was thrown over her shoulder rather roughly and then over a horse’s back. Thick tears were caught in my eyelashes. The horses began moving back to the path.
“What if she screams?”
Nerissa made a noise akin to a chuckle, “She won’t.”
I felt every bit of movement and I was jostled around quite a bit. Every now and again one of them would ask if I was still breathing. Which was pointless, I refused to talk to them. It had gotten to the point where she had pushed me off the horse and listened to my pained grunts as I hit the cold dirt.
“Leave me alone,” he mocked with a squeaky voice, “Go away, Link.” My brow creased and I felt my throat close painfully. I choked on my sob.
“Don’t say that name,” Nerissa hissed.
“Can’t you at least agree how pathetic that is? We surprised her on horses. The princess-”
“Shut up! The job isn’t done,” she sounded pissed, “Don’t get cocky.”
The rest of the ride was spent in an uncomfortable silence. My restraints hurt terribly and by the time we reached the destination my skin was rubbed raw. I stayed silent as the man pulled me off the horse. A large Goron man stood in front of the house’s door, shock flickering on his face. Several other odd people stood around, staring at me as if I were a piece of meat and they were starving wolves. I tried keeping my head high retaining what bit of dignity I had left. That was hard to do when you’ve been tossed to the ground like rubbish.
Nerissa wasn’t afraid to drag me inside without another word being said to our audience. She was taller than most of them and by the looks of it was regarded with respect as well. I was taken past the main room and into a side room. It was windowless and I assumed they were using the abandoned house as a temporary headquarters. The house was stripped other than the bare furniture, trash that littered the floor, and the windows boarded up. A bright lantern offered some light and I was able to finally make out the state I was in. As she untied my wrists, bloody rashes lined my skin. The glimpse didn’t last long because she pulled my arms behind the chair and retied them. I cried out, one of my wrists flared with pain. She also made sure to gag me with a long piece of cloth as if now I would think this is the optimal time to start screaming. The coat was ripped, and my pants weren’t in any better shape – probably worse. My face was wet with tears and mud. I felt disgusting.
Nerissa didn’t say anything as she rummaged through my bag. I thought she had to at least be partially Gerudo. Her skin was pale, but her stature was not anything Hylian. A man, not the older one from before, walked in. He had stark black hair and his eyes just as dark. I hoped I didn’t react, but his gaze made me freeze. He was smiling.
“Well,” he started, “I’m pleasantly surprised, Nerissa.” He sounded as such. I decided that I despised him.
“You shouldn’t be,” she responded lamely, throwing my pouch of gold coins on the table.
“Princess,” the man addressed me now. His voice disturbed me. It was silky and deceptive.  He strode closer. “We are so humbled to have you under this roof.”
He expected me to reply because he removed that cloth in my mouth. His rough fingers grazed my skin. When I did not speak, he knelt and looked at me with falsely kind eyes. His hand traced my jaw gently like he was savoring the moment. “Don’t fret, Highness. We’re heading to a nicer quarters soon enough.” I gathered the saliva in my mouth and spit in his face. The smile wavered, if not a little and it gave me a sick satisfaction. He stood, turned away from me and towards Nerissa who was staring hatred at me. So much so, that I looked away.
“Crow told me it went smoothly, yes?”
She looked bored, “Like you asked, sir. He wasn’t necessary.”
He made a gesture, glancing back at me, and they both left the room. Whether it was the pain that brought me to tears again or the suddenness of being alone, I broke down. My body heaved with sobs and even that hurt. Each tug at the ropes was pointless, it did more damage than good. I felt a deep pit of regret growing. I should never have left Hateno like that. I shouldn’t have left Anju nor her family. Most of all, I shouldn’t have left Link. If I was already useless on my own, how was I supposed to trek across Hyrule alone? I sat in solitude with my thoughts for a long while. Whatever they stepped out to talk about must have been heated because I could vaguely hear shouts reverberate into the room. The dry wall was cracked and decaying and I shivered at the thought of bugs creeping beyond the lantern’s flame.
The door opened again, revealing Nerissa. She looked agitated, even more so when her eyes laid on me. Regardless she pulled up a chair with the small side table along with it. “You looked like a snot nosed, brat.”
I swallowed another sob that threatened to surface and met her gaze. It was full of distain and I wondered what I did to deserve it. She opened her mouth, “I knew it was you when you got to that stable.” The woman flipped a switchblade in her hand and smacked the hilt on the table. I winced at the sudden clank. She reached over and yanked the gag from my mouth and over my chin, letting it hang uselessly like a necklace.
“I knew beforehand too. I was going to try to take you that night if you were alone,” she twisted my hair in her finger. “Would have,” she pulled at it, forcing my head forward and I yelped, “yanked you by your pretty yellow hair all the way here and we would have been done with it.” She hummed, “And if I had it my way, scalped it off you as a trophy. But no.”
Nerissa let go, letting the lock fall back in front of my eyes. “Of course not. You had to bring someone with you. Had to… make everything more difficult for me, huh Zelda?” She said my name as if it were a hot knife.
I sounded scratchy, “Why do you hate me?”
There was a pause and she laughed boisterously. I breathed inward, suddenly hit with the alarm of how afraid I was of this woman. “What don’t I hate you for? Your entire family has given my people and I nothing but anguish,” Nerissa flat-lined, “I hate you because of who you’re destined to become. Don’t take it personally, puppet. It’s a professional hatred.”
“Besides!” She waved off her last comment, “I love hunting you Hylians for sport. Makes it much more exciting when I’m being paid by these idiots to hunt down a princess. You made it fun, too. Gave a chase. Albeit not a very long one, but a chase nonetheless.” She unknotted the rope to my hands, freeing one, and laid my injured wrist onto the table. The woman acknowledged my pained whimpers and spread my fingers out delicately, surely not to relieve the pain but to prolong whatever she planned. My hand was shaking.
“However, you’re not the one I want. The Yiga love you for other reasons. I want another,” she took her time and made sure each digit was equally apart. My wrist throbbed. “I want you to tell me about everything you know about him. His family, his lovers, his friends. Everything you know. And while you keep that information from me, we will play a little game I call the Knife Game.” Nerissa smiled to herself as she picked up the knife already laying on the table and looked at me expectantly. “You may begin.”
I stared dumbly at her, “Who are you talking about?”
The knife’s sharp blade embedded itself into the wood between my thumb and point finger. I had screamed, thinking she was going to take a stab at my hand.
“Wrong question. You shouldn’t ask things you know that answer to,” she finally looked down at where the blade landed, “Oh, you got lucky. Worse luck next time. Surely.”
“I-I don’t,” I started hyperventilating as she yanked the knife from the wood again, “The King? Why would-“
“I don’t give a shit about your dad. Stop playing stupid.”
The knife nicked the skin of my middle finger’s knuckled and I cried out. It wasn’t a deep pain, but it was sharp. She wouldn’t let that man say Link’s name. Is that who she’s talking about?
“Link?” I asked it more as a question to myself, but the name made her look up sharply. Her knife stayed imbedded in the wood. She offered a thin-lipped smile, “So, I wasn’t wrong. Such delicate little fingers, not a callous mars them. I bet you’ve never seen a day of work in your life. It would be a shame if you lost one for careless reasons. Come on, puppet, explain who he is to you.”
I didn’t want to. Whoever she was, this Nerissa was filled with malice. A deep seeded hatred that shook me. I couldn’t expose the people I had come to love to her, right? Whatever she was doing to me in this moment, I didn’t want them to go through. They did nothing to deserve that. Link didn’t deserve that.
“I don’t know anything about him,” I squeaked. My heart leapt as the stab missed again.
“We can do this all night,” Nerissa growled.
“He’s a captain in the Royal Guard,” I cried out and there was another slash to my pinky. I prayed it wasn’t bad. The new wound seered. “That’s all I know! That’s it!”
“Bullshit!” She was livid, her voice screeching. “You know more than that. Stop playing stupid. I’m not blind, Princess. I’ve seen you galivanting across Hyrule with that monster from the start! Tell my where,” She started puncturing backwards now without waiting for me to talk, “he is.” She kept going like the ticking of a clock.
“I don’t know,” I stared in horror as my fingers reddened with my own blood. I pleaded and begged but it didn’t matter. She wouldn’t stop. But I wasn’t going to tell her that his family lived in the town they were just at. It would be too easy for them. What if Link had already left for the capital? There would be no one in that house except Aryll and her aunt.
“God damn it, Nerissa!” The dark-haired Hylian man shouted as he burst into the room, “You said you weren’t followed!” The door smacked against the wall behind it.
He growled a curse and Nerissa scowled. I almost cried in relief when she paused her stabbing. The aftermath bled onto the table and I couldn’t look away.
“I wasn’t. You know I should at least be able to manage that. What are you on about?” She set down the switchblade and stood from her chair, annoyed that our exchange was interrupted. As an afterthought, she roughly yanked the gag back into place.
“Crow just told me the fucking mercenary was found behind a tree half alive. Of course, you were followed. You had to have been.”
She looked bewildered and spared a glare at me. “He’s a Goron. Probably just drunk himself under the table.”
“Yeah, with a dented skull.” He flung his hands behind his head and paced the floor. “Makes sense. We only kidnapped the high fucking princess of Hyrule, Nerissa,” he shoved a dagger into a scabbard hidden in his boot. “It’s fine,” she said, “Probably just a straggler that saw us.”
The man looked me up and down. I squirmed under his gaze and tried shouting a curse at him through my restraints. “Or it’s her fuckin’ guard dog.”
Laura shook her head, “Impossible. They split at the last village. I saw it.”
“Maybe you should reevaluate. No one else would be able to take down that meat head without us hearing. I’m surprised you of all people could overlook that.” He shouted orders outside the door, hearing muffled voices back.
The man shook his head, stepping from the doorway. “They found another one. Tie her back to the chair. We can’t have her try to leave.” She did, ignoring my muffled cries.
“We’ll search the perimeter then, station someone at every angle in pairs,” Nerissa was interrupted by her counterpart.
“I’m the one making order here. Not you.” He looked at her hard, then they left.
The door was left ajar and I with my bleeding hand. I tried listening in on their conversations to get a gauge on what was happening, but they were too far away at this point. I tried tugging at the ropes again, but my wrist was in too much pain. My hand, as well, for that matter. It was still bleeding, and I could feel it drip onto the left as I attempted to add pressure to the cuts.
There was a weird smell. Smoke?
My heart raced. They were coming back for me, right? Something crashed loudly outside, splintering. Then, I heard it. Flames licking up walls. There was a lot of yelling and then nothing. I yelled out, forgetting the cloth in my mouth and hoped desperately for help.
“Hello?” It came out smudged and I felt frantic, squirming in my chair. I tried anything to make me mobile again. The chair tilted and eventually I toppled over. The smell was more intense now, distinctly smoke. I screamed, praying someone will hear me. Anyone. There was no chance now to get out of this chair.
My throat felt raw and it hurt with each scream.
The door flew open and a pair of boots stepped into my vision almost soundlessly. An arrow was pointed in my general direction but was loosened. Smoke billowed in and I kept yelling. My feet kept kicking.
I stopped my flailing at the movement of the ties being cut. First my wrists and then my ankles. I watched as the ropes at my feet were being pulled. I almost didn’t recognize him. His hair was matted and he moved with a measure of preciseness and purpose. Link’s face scared me. He didn’t look like himself. I yelled his name through the gag. He kept mumbling and finally untangled them from my feet. There was a lot of smoke now that came into the room and the sound of fire was outside the door. Link looked at the wall behind us and went to it, tugging on the boards harshly. I tried to come to my feet and gasped at the added pressure on my injured hand. My knees didn’t feel normal either. He pulled the boards off the open window and tossed them to the side.
Link came back to me and untied the gag. “Can you walk?”
My legs were shaking, and I had to grab onto him in case they gave out. Either he got the message or I took too long to answer, because he held onto me and carefully picked me up. We went threw the window and immediately in the forest. He kept looking back every now and again. Link took long strides. Anything to get as far as we could from that house or what was left of it. He looked at me occasionally, taking small assessments and his eyes reminded me of blue fire. Link was guarded and it was hard to read him, not that it was easy before – but now it was somehow different. Blood was soaked into his shirt and he gripped me as if I’d slip through his fingers.
Eventually, he seemed to be comfortable putting me down. There was a large rock he sat me on and knealt in front of me, giving me a hard look. Link was angry. He studied my face and his brows creased in concentration. “I’m sorry,” he said.
I felt a deep sense of anguish hit me. Tears welled up in my eyes and I cradled my hand in my coat. The bruises marred my skin in more places than I could see. Because if I couldn’t see them, I could feel them and I felt broken. I felt utterly and truly broken.
“I’m sorry,” he said again. Then another time. He went to apologize once more, but I interrupted by saying his name. He looked at me in shock at the sound of my voice. It sounded like I went through Hell and back. Link looked worried; his eyes softer than what I had seen at the house. As if finally out of energy, his forehead touched my knees and he leaned forward into me. The tenseness in his body slipped away.
“I thought I lost you,” Link spoke.
The bow and quiver came into view. I brought a hand to his blond locks. He became rigid to the touch for a moment but eased as I combed through his hair. Despite my aching body, I felt suddenly at peace. The fear and anxiety of but an hour earlier dissipated slowly. Link was warm and familiar.
“I’m sorry,” I said softly, echoing his earlier sentiments. His eyes met mine. I wasn’t sure exactly what I was apologizing for. Everything from leaving without telling him to simply dragging him from his place in the castle filled me with regret.
“I left you,” he was touching my side of my calf now with a hand. Even in the state I was in, his touch sent a light flush to my cheeks. “I,” Link faltered, seeming to search for words, “I thought that you’d be okay if I left you for a little bit. I went to grab some things and see if you’d understand.” He looked frantic as he thought it through. The hand on my leg tightened its grip. “It didn’t matter how far I ran to catch up. You weren’t there.”
He shook his head and let out a shaky breath.
“…but I’m here now,” I voiced. A faint ghost of a smile crossed his face and he only nodded, then drew his eyes to my right hand. He held his own out, gesturing me to release it from my side. I swallowed and gingerly put it in his hand. As he took it, he watched my pained reaction at the movement. The cuts had stopped bleeding, but it was an ugly sight. My wrist was blue and bruising up. His face was hard. “Who did this?”
“The woman from the stable.” The semblance of a sob bubbled in my throat. Looking back at it made the cuts more sore as if they were still fresh. “She wanted me to… to talk about you.”
Link’s brow furrowed, “About me? They were Yiga weren’t they?”
Were? I frowned, “She didn’t seem to be. I think she was hired.”
“Mercenary,” he mumbled, annoyed. Link seemed to want to ask more, but relented by noticing the tears in my eyes. Instead, he dropped my hand in my lap for a moment and shuffled over to behind the rock. Our bag was there. Apparently, this stop wasn’t as coincidental as I thought it was.
He came back with white bandages. “I think your wrist is broken. Did she do that too?”
I shrugged, “Probably when she threw me off the horse.”
His brows creased. “She threw you off a-!” Link was yelling but stopped himself and closed his eyes. He took a moment to collect himself, “Okay! We’ll have to see someone for that.”
I tilted my head to the side as he started wrapping a bandage around my index finger. The cuts bled slightly at the added pressure. A realization hit me, “Wait, you’re not taking me back to the castle?”
He looked up, confused. “Do you want to go back to the castle?”
“No. I just. I thought that-” One of my shoulders shrugged and hope caught aflame in my chest.
“If you want to we can. It might be safer,” he said, paying my attention to the bandages.
“Safer?” I would think it would be the safest. Link sighed as he secured the finger and examined the nest, “I don’t suppose that they’ll let me be your personal guard anymore if we went back. I think that you’d be safest with me.”
A smile played on my lips, “Is that an ego, I hear?”
He scoffed, “No, I’m just saying I’ve never lost in a dual and I’m not planning on starting that streak anytime soon. Plus, it’s not like we’re heading to any rebel territory.”
“Well, I was going to Gerudo Town,” I said and his eyes darted to mine. “Do you really want to go there?” His fingers stopped rolling the bandages.
I shrugged, “If I’m going to be queen one day, I want to understand different cultures. Father has a difficult enough time talking to the Gerudo. It seems like a good opportunity to learn.”
“You know they don’t let men inside the city walls, right?”
“Oh, yes, that was a big motivator actually.”
He grew quiet for a moment and ran a hand through his hair.
“I want you to know that I do want to be here. With you and following you and being here with you,” Link paused to read my expression. My heart felt like it stopped and my lips clumsily communicated that, “What about… what about what you said to-”
He looked down at our hands and shook his head, “I-I don’t know! I was tired of the questions, I guess.”
“Listen,” he breathed in deeply, “I don’t know what I think of you, Zelda!”
My brow creased and I went to voice my question, but he continued with exasperation in his words. “When I first saw you it was in a portrait when I was 15. It was at the castle right after I enlisted. You weren’t smiling or anything so my first thought was, ‘Wow she looks stuck up.’ And then before we deployed, the King did his speech during a military parade and you were there. I had never seen you in person until then. You looked calm and even and you didn’t look as stuck up as in the portrait.
“Then during my knighting, you looked just every bit of a princess. Everything everyone said about you was in front of me. I didn’t believe them and, goddesses, I hoped you didn’t see right through me in that moment. I thought you were holy. Like you had just stopped by from heaven and for some reason decided to give me the time of day.” He took a breath, his eyes flickering to mine for a moment and his cheeks reddened in embarrassment. “And two years ago after when I was promoted, I didn’t know what to expect. A part of me told me to turn down the offer. But when I met you and you smiled at me. And when you tried to get me to laugh or when you tried scaring me. When you laughed at your own jokes instead and when you looked disappointed at my lack of fear… everything I had ever thought of you was turned upside down again.”
Link’s hand gripped my own just enough that I noticed. “The night that we first stepped into Castle Town and you stopped to see everything,” he smiled, “It was like seeing that town for the first time all over again. It was when I knew I had made the right choice not only with joining you but with this whole personal guard thing. Even if I don’t know, you make me want to know. I want to keep seeing the world through your eyes, so wherever you decide to go I’ll come with you.”
He focused his eyes on me again and I felt my heart beating fast at his closeness. Link wanted to be with me. “So,” I started, my face feeling redder by the second, “So, you’re not doing it for the money?”
“Zel,” he laughed lightly, “I haven’t seen one rupee since the day I enlisted. The majority goes straight to my aunt and sister. No, I’m not doing this for the money.”
“I’m not a job to you?”
“If you were, I wouldn’t have let you out of your room that first night.”
I smiled widely and he smiled back.
“Gerudo Town, right?” He asked, starting again at my injuries. I nodded, feeling happier than I’ve been in a long time.
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vigilante-cafe · 5 years
Vigilante cafe
Chapter 5: Vigilante safe haven?
Warning: gore
Izuku is once again forced to endure the horrible choking he had experienced before. Izuku was trying desperately to stop it. He was clawing and twisting. All he wanted was to escape the horrible drowning feeling. Thankfully the sludge separated and Izuku fell to the floor gagging and coughing like before. 
“Deku what the f*ck was that?” Kacchans voice had lost its edge. Kacchan wanted to say more but waited for Izuku to answer. After a bit, the greenette got up.
“I told you it's my quirk.” at that Izuku went inside his house locking the door. Looking at Kiseki.
“You can’t just do that. It hurts you know.” Kiseki looked down. “Just don’t do it again.” at that the greenette walked to his room and passed out on his bed. 
~a month later~
Izuku was hungry. He had tried to ignore it but now it was too much to bear. He put on a black mask with white lines around it making it look like a fox. He changed into long black sweat pants and an oversized black hoodie. It was his usual vigilante “costume”. He had started acting as one two weeks ago so he could get extra practice with controlling his quirk. Running out of his house he made his way to the poverty-stricken part of town. That’s where villains usually were hiding out. If Izuku was gonna eat then he would eat a villain. No more innocents would die by his hand. 
When he finally made it to the destitute part of town, he immediately climbed a fire escape and sat at the top waiting for his second victim. There wasn’t a soul out tonight which was expected. It was dangerous to go out at night and with the police putting this place at the bottom of their priority list it was worse. It made Izuku sick that even the police were corrupted. 
After a while, he hears a scream and climbs down the fire escape running towards the sound. Coming to a halt in front of an ally way. There was a blonde girl around his age pushed against a wall by a tall man with an extremely long tongue. 
“Come on pretty girl why don’t ya show me the goods?” the man reached for the blondes shirt licking his lips.
“Hey, you! Get away from that girl!” at that, the villain turned around and took a good look at Izuku. His stomach growled and he let instincts take over.
“Heh, why should I? What are you gonna do about it?”
“This.” Izuku ran at the villain creating two thin spikes from his back. Sprinting forward the greenette grabs the villain and uses a spike to throw him in the air and stabs him mid-flight. Screams rang out through the streets only to fall on deaf ears. Izuku kept stabbing and stabbing until the screams stopped completely. Completely forgetting the girl he pounces on the fresh corpse taking off his mask and sinking his teeth into the warm flesh. Sickening cracks come from the boy as he eats. Once again Izuku tasted something you would think would be a delicacy just from the taste. After he finished he looks over and sees the girl he had forgotten about. The greenette went pale. Izuku had been seen eating. It was over for him. Except something was off about the girl he had saved. She hadn’t screamed when he had killed that villain. She wasn’t trembling or crying no she was grinning madly.
“You saved me!” The blonde yelled and bounced in place. “Thank you!” This girl was insane. Izuku had just eaten someone in front of her yet she didn’t even seem to care. 
“A-ah um you’re w-welcome… um, p-please don’t tell the police about me…” 
“You got it!” the girl winked and gave him a thumbs up. Izuku nodded and ran away.
When Izuku got home he freaked out. Someone saw his face, saw him eat, saw him kill. He shouldn’t have let her go so easily. The greenettes stomach churned and hands rush up to cover his mouth. Sprinting to the bathroom he just barely makes it to the toilet before emptying the contents of his stomach. Except it wasn’t what he had eaten. He had puked some black substance. 
“Eeewwwwww… Why am I stuck with such weird quirk mutations?” After flushing, Izuku looked back at Kiseki who was… sleeping? It was weird seeing his own quirk sleeping since his quirk is also himself. (that's not confusing at all) At that, he goes to bed and passes out. Forgetting that he still had bloody clothes on. 
“Vigilantes? Yeah, I’ve heard about them. Illegal heroes right?” Izuku had been helping to feed the many cats at the cafe when Kanjo had asked about Vigilantes. “What about it?”
“Well, there's this rumor going around about safe haven for them to stay or something.” At that Izuku paused. Since he was now a vigilante finding such a place could prove useful.
“It’s also rumored to be around here. Isn’t that cool? We could be living near a safe place for illegal Heroes! It could be right next to us and we wouldn’t even know.” Kanjos hands waved around for a dramatic effect. 
“Well in theory at least. I mean they are criminals.” The greenette decided that he will look for this safe haven tonight. It could turn into a learning experience if he finds it. Meeting other Vigilantes and learning new fighting styles and how to not get caught. Kanjo struck the back of his head and pouted. 
“I can sense your feelings idiot! Don’t try and act cool and all high and mighty. I know you feel the same about it!” Izuku had forgotten about Kanjos quirk. She could sense people she was close withs feelings making it impossible for them to lie to her. 
“Ah alright, you got me. I’ll admit it is a little exciting.” Izuku started rubbing where Kanjo and hit him. 
Waking up Izuku realized his sheats are now stained with blood. Letting out an annoyed hum he makes his way to the shower. He felt sticky and gross but he felt no hunger pains so that was a plus. 
After peeling off his blood-stained clothes and putting them in his sink to soak he also puts some baking soda in the water since the blood was now dry. With a long sigh, Izuku finally gets in the shower turning the water to its hottest. After “his quirk” had “manifested” he started hating cold water. Spending hours in the sludge bubble forced to choke out gallons worth of it had almost given him hypothermia. Now, whenever he’s hit with cold water he starts gagging. 
After the shower, the greenette went back to his room and brought his stained sheets to soak in the kitchen sink doing the same thing he did with his vigilante “costume”. When he’s done with that he sits down in his living room to watch some tv switching to the news. The top story that day was that All Might saved a bunch of people from a villain… again.
“All Might the number one hero he saves people every day but if you ask if you can be a hero he’ll shut you down real fast… What did I even see in him he’s just a major ass with big muscles” Izuku was still pissed about what his ex hero had said on one of the worst days of his life. You can’t be a hero. The hero had crushed all his dreams in a single sentence. But now Izuku can be one. He has a quirk and enough anger to keep him going. Oh, how he will relish the look on All Might's face when they see each other again. Izukus thoughts suddenly got interrupted by some light knocks on his door. 
“That better not be someone trying to sell me stuff again.” the greenette mumbles as he makes his way to the door. When he opens it there are two men standing on the other side. One looks like a detective that Izuku swears he’s seen before. The other is none other than the number one hero, grinning smugly or at least that what he interprets it as. Glaring at All Might for a few seconds he shuts the door, or at least he almost does. Looking down Izuku sees a foot wedged in the door. The detective had stopped the door. Letting out a small growl Izuku glares at the detective.
“What the hell do you want?” at that both of the men seem a little taken aback, after all, a small child just swore at them. The detective coughs a bit before responding.
“Hello, I’m detective Naomasa. I'm here to ask you some questions regarding the kidnapping of Inko Midoriya.” the detective gives a small smile as if he’s trying to reassure Izuku. 
“I'm not going to the police station.”
“That’s fine we can do it in your house if you’ll allow us inside.” with that the greenette slowly opens the door more. His glare was back at the number one hero. 
“Alright come in we can talk in the living room.” at that Izuku walks down the hall into the room he was watching tv in turning it off. Hearing the door shut the greenette sits on a cushioned chair next to the couch. Hearing footsteps from down the hall Izuku stands up remembering what he left in the kitchen. If they saw that he would be dead in a flash. Quickly making his way to the entrance of the room Izuku pokes his head out. 
“Over here and sorry about the smell I accidentally left out some meat.” giving an awkward laugh Izuku walks back to the chair he was sitting at followed by the two men that sat on the couch. 
“Izuku Midoriya in your records you're registered as quirkless is that corrects?” Naomasa watched Kiseki move around Izuku energetically. 
“Yeah, that’s right… I guess I forgot to update it… sorry.” rubbing the back of his head the greenette gives smiles looking at All Might waiting for his reaction but gets none. The hero doesn't even look surprised.
“Update it soon then. It's important we know these things.” the detective flips through some papers that were in his hands. “Where and when did you last see your mother?” 
“I think around a month ago and I saw her here last.” 
“In the report, it says she was taken by villains were you there when it happened?”
“I was I think.”
“You think?” All Might was the one to speak this time. The greenette glared at the hero. Though the hero didn’t seem at all fazed by it.
“My memory is a bit hazy. One moment I’m hugging her the next I’m alone. I have a blurry image of a villain I had never seen before so I know it was one.” fake tears fell from his face after that. Izuku had to make it look as convincing as possible or else he’ll get caught.
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Pairing: James Conrad x reader  Part 1 · Part 2  · Part 3 · Part 4 · Part 5 · Part 6 ·
Synopsis: After having left thing uncompleted and unresolved with James Conrad 3 years ago, you two find yourself again in the kong island. What happened three years ago with you two? How is it that you got to make part of an expeditionary mission?
Song: LP - No Witness
Warnings: it’s a six part mini-series.
A/N: I love the movie Kong and Tom Hiddleston playing Captain James Conrad has a lot to do with it. I out a lot of time to this, most of it editing.
Words:  2418
   “ Dear Billie, you’ve ever looked inside a hurricane and decide, maybe I should fly straight to it,” said mills over the coms “ Cause that's what’s about to happen”
   You were sure these people had something missing in their head. Up ahead was nothing pretty and as much as you trusted your abilities as a pilot, you didn’t trust the bolts of lightning that were happening inside the storm. You knew Randa and he was right, the timing for that low-pressure pocket could be over in any time. Which would ruin the chance you've got for this expedition.
   “ you know what? I want to meet Billie,” You said, as you heard them laugh.
   “ Oh, Oh, Oh,” said Packard, “ Queen fox it’s in formation”
   That was you, named that way as an internal joke that you were sure had already stuck with you. Packard had been the one to teach you to fly after your father had requested him to. He was like the cool uncle outside the family.
    You weren’t a soldier or anything like it, however, you were known for being a great pilot.“ In position, fox leader” mostly because he himself had taught you.
    “ Dear Billie, you may wanna hang on” added Cole, as you and all helicopter entered the cloud. The sound of the lightning so close made you want to scream.
   “ How are you queen fox?” that was Chapman mocking you over the coms, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
   As best as you could you tried to maintain control of the helicopter, every lightning seemed to be closer, so much that the static could be felt in the air. Every second was a miracle, air pulling the helicopter from one direction to the next; up and then down in a blink of an eye. You notice how the helicopter were all being pulled just as you were and how close they got from one another.
   Every muscle in your body tense, your jaw clenched and your breaths became quick. Your heart was hammering like a drum against your ribs, cold sweat forming on your forehead and your knuckles were white of how strong you were holding the joystick.
   Packard was telling the story of Icarus, of how he flew closer to the sun and melted his wings, not a nice story to tell if your in a machine with what was technically wings.
   The moment you saw the sun, it was like you had gone blind. The storm had been left behind and with it, the lightings. The sun was straight ahead and it was shining as you had never seen it.
   Once your vision went to normal you felt like the air you’ve been holding left your body in a long sigh. Hearing people laugh and cheer made you even relax.
   You knew some special details of the expedition to the island, so even if you were happy that the storm had passed, they were alarms sounding in your head to keep yourself focus. If doctor Randa was right, it would be a lot more difficult to leave the island that it was to enter it.
   It was impossible to deny the beauty of the island, the green grass looked almost unreal and the blue of the water did show that it hadn’t had any human intervention. Mountains as tall as a building, and looking down you could see what looked like small dots of different colours. There was a small chance of maybe even finding a new species of flower or animal and that accelerated you.
Goodness grace.
   You were snap back into reality by the dropping of the seismic ‘charges’, the sight was awful, every boom made an even horrendous sound than the previous one. Sadly as your orders were to observe and report back to Monarch, it couldn’t be stopped. Being the second in command after Randa, your orders deviated from him quite a lot.
   Unlike him, you were supposed to fly over the island with the helicopters, see the team is set up and once they were ready you were to leave and come back three days later with the rescue party.
   “ INCOMING “ shouted someone over the coms, making you flinch. As you were far in the back surveying, all you could see was one of the helicopter crash to the ground and a big shadow of a mountain move. Move?
   “ Fox eight is down, fox four is down, respond fox three”
   You didn’t comprehend what they were saying, all talking at the same time so fast that it didn’t make sense. Now from close as you were, you had identified the form moving in front of you; it was a giant ape.
   “ Fox leader to fox group, form a perimeter”
   Unbelievable, you were right, it was an ape. For the seconds on which you were right in front of it, it was as if time had stopped. Al helicopters in formation begun shooting at the giant creature. Then it seemed to have snapped, the creature jumped and brought down multiple helicopters. The ones still on the air continue shooting and you found yourself unable to help.
   Once on the ground Conrad couldn’t do much but observe as the gigantic ape moves from where he had slaughtered a great proportion of the group. In all the chaos he swore he saw you on a helicopter, almost as if his regrets were coming for him. Now that he was on the ground, he rationalizes the idea that what he saw, was all but what he wanted to see.
   He observed as Slivko tried to reach the rest of his group before he told the news.
   “ They are all down, every one of them; Were on the south side of the island” Signaling to his right “ There’s a river a couple of feet from here”    
   Looking at all there faces, James was sure that they hadn’t yet processed what had happened, as many of them had barely said a word.
   After reassuring that they were all to get to the north part of the island so they could take the rescue team and get back to the boat, he looked back at the Weaver to make sure she was all right.
   Slivko on the other side as James expected, was the first one to catch on what had happened. After all, he was a soldier. However, as good as that was, if he continues as he had, he could scare people.
   “ All that money that they paid you, I hope your worth it,” Said Weaver before heading towards where he had signalled.  
    James sighed, he didn’t doubt that he was worth it, but his mind keep going back to your face. He couldn’t lie even if he tried, knowing that a part of him wanted to see you before he died, make him want to scream. All odds were that you were nowhere near this island, which made him at the same time grateful. The last time you had seen each other, everything had been formal and friendly. He had pushed his feeling so far down that he had not catch how your eyes yearned for any indication that he wanted more just as you did.
   “ the next time you are here, come to visit” You smile at him, the same polite smile that he had learned to love; “The doors are always open”
   After lying and saying that he would, he hugs you and left. Seeing you had become something he yearned to do, but after years it hadn’t caused more than pain for him every time he went back to England.
   “ STUFF LIKE THAT DOESN’T JUST HAPPENED” Conrad came back from his thoughts and turned towards Slivko who was screaming.
   “ No, they don’t”
   Getting of the forest you found yourself before what looked like a lake. Putting the bag down you stared at the wound on your left shoulder. While falling, a metal tube had perforated your shoulder and as you got down from the helicopter you fell on it, making it even worse.
   You doubted for a couple of minutes if you should even touch it, but the threat of it getting infected was bigger than you bleeding out to death after all the tube had a small diameter and also seemed to have gone through the flesh clean.
   Blood could be stopped with pressure but bacteria, bacteria could only be stopped with antibiotics that could not be found in the middle of the bloody jungle. With a long sight, the choice had already been made.
   Grabbing the long end of the metal tube you started to pull it out of your flesh. Your body was still emitting adrenaline from what had just happened so you had to made it quick so that it could overshadow the pain.
   “ One, Two” three, your eyes filled with tears and no matter how much adrenaline was in your body, you felt the metal move through the flesh, a sob scape you. Seeing the piece on the floor, it looked small. Kneeling down close to the lake you took water from the surface and just like a band-aid you applied the water on the wound, on a quick swift motion.  
   You hissed in response to the sharp pain, trying to normalize your breathing seem useless so you kept on panting. The arm felt numb but the shoulder, oh the shoulder make you clench your teeth. Opening the bag you searched for the first aid kit that was inside, It was pretty basic but it still had a bandage. You got out of your jacket as slow and careful as possible and put it on the ground next to you and near your helmet.
   Evening out your breading you pressed a part of the bandage to the wound and then started bandaging all the shoulder. You felt dizzy, not for the loss of blood but for the fall you had just taken. You knew you hadn’t lost enough blood to feel dizzy.
   You sat back, at the edge of the lake and assumed an almost fetal-like position, putting your arms on your knees and your head between them. Apart from your heavy breathing, the other sounds were of occasional birds. Too tired to care but taking precaution you took your gun and hold it on your right hand.
   While walking through the jungle Slivko kept trying to reach the rest of his group, something that proves to be useless.
   “ Save it for when we get closer to the group” advice Conrad. It had been around an hour when they finally left the jungle for a more open like area.
   Conrad was surveying the perimeter when a small figure a couple of meters ahead catch his attention.
   “ Slivko, I think that's a man of your group,” Said he signalling to the figure sitting at the edge of the river.
   “ That's not a man,” said Slivko running towards the figure, the rest of the group running behind him.
   “ That's a woman” informed Slivko up ahead.
   “San that's Y/n” scream Brooks in short breaths.
   Conrad head analyzed the figure on the ground while still running, it couldn’t be you. You were miles away, on England, Your job could n’t have brought you to hell on earth.
   You raised your head fast, making the dizziness come back. However, it was worth it to see at least one person you knew running towards you. Raising from where you were while ignoring the pain, a wildly smile spread on your face at the sight of Slivko and some people behind him, who you couldn’t see clear just yet for how fast you’ve raised your head, the sun blinding you momentarily.
   “ I can't believe you’re alive,” Said him before you, you opened your arm to hug him which he did, with a little to much force making you yelp and end the Hug sharply.   “ That docent look too good” he pointed out.
   “ It feels even worse,” you said smiling.
   Now that the other forms were near and your head had stopped spinning around their faces appeared clear. Brook was the next person you hugged while avoiding putting your left shoulder to close to him. Then was San who thankfully was way more delicate with you.
   “ Thank god you’re Ok… - Alive” said San seeing your left shoulder.
   Looking past the three of them you saw an all too familiar face, but he seemed almost lost on his own thought’s so you decide to greet the woman at his side, who you had met on the ship.
   “ its good to see you, Mason” you greeted with a smile.
   “ it’s good to see you too” she answered while smiling.  
   “ Viktor”
   “ Y/n,” Said the man in the blue jacket.
   It hadn’t been a dream or illusion or ghost from his past Christmases. You were right before him, breathing. He analyzed you as you greeted Slivko, brooks, San and then Weaver. When you turned to him, he was lost on what to do.
   Almost as if fate was dumping a giant bucket of cold water on him, something caught his attention past your face. Almost automatically he stepped in front of you, blocking you from anything that came from the direction of the river.
   Slivko had his weapon raised and as understanding settles on Conrad's head, he made Slivko put down the weapon. It was anything dangerous, just an enormous animal, which seemed to be a common occurrence in this island. Once the animal was out of there he turned around searching for you, but you were no longer behind him. Looking around he found your small frame gathering your things from the ground.
   Walking towards you he took your bag and put it on his back.
   He saw how you searched his face, almost analyzing if he remembered you, if he recognized you.
   “ Y/n,” he said once he realizes he hadn’t greeted you. “ Its good to see you once again, though not in this conditions”
   “ James,” You said, your voice always welcoming, accompanied by a smile “ it good to see you too”
You moved so he could hug you, which he did as if you were a porcelain doll about to break. The hug was, for Conrad's dislike, broken too quickly as you move to answer a question from Brooks, that Conrad had not heard. You were one of the few people to call him by his name and not Conrad, he even presented himself as Conrad.
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi thoughts
There are spoilers in this post, so I’m putting all of it under a cut!!!
In no particular order: 
-I loved Rose! What a great addition! What a great character! She’s such a beautiful person in every way, from her touching belief in Finn to her lack of fear in calling him out, to her joy in setting the racing animal free, to her heartrending grief over her sister, her unhesitating giving up of the pendant for the sake of the mission, her heroic saving of Finn, that kiss! I want to hug her for ten years and tell her that she’s incredible
-I love Poe Dameron just so much. He’s loyal and edgy and has 4,000 fucktons of flair to every single thing he does and he’s just tremendous. LOVE him! I was so happy that there was so much more of him in this one, and his “phone call” with Hux at the beginning was hysterically funny
-that said, I also kind of loved the way the two strong, older women in here didn’t hesitate to sit him down on his ass when it needed to happen. Laura Dern’s Vice-Admiral Holdo was surprisingly moving with her kickass, self-sacrificing move in the end. I loved her interactions with Leia, and of course I loved everything about Leia. I’ll even forgive that bizarre, unprecedented space walk thingy. I loved her costuming in this, plus her gentle humour and fantastic leadership, and that her connection to Luke was as strong as ever, once Luke decided to check back into the Force
-Luke was... interesting in this. When we got to the milking scene and then the catching of the giant fish, I was just like... okay, dude has gotten DECIDEDLY weird in his isolation, but then he was everything in the end. Then again, maybe that stuff is the same thing as Aunt Beru’s blue milk?? Coming back when Leia needed him the most, when the Resistance needed him the most? Beautiful. His entire projection thing was just incredible, and the dusting off his shoulders thing? Amazing! Plus the “see you around, kid” - that was golden! I loved him! 
-this will probably make some of you hate me, but I’m not that fussed about Finn. I like that he left the First Order, but he’s mostly comic relief and he’s a bloody coward. I thought he’d gotten over his running away thing in the first movie, jeez! I was so disgusted by that. I get that he was thinking of Rey, too, but it wasn’t only that. He also got on my nerves in the first one with constantly thinking he needed to save Rey or take her hand to “help” her or ask if she was okay when she was always seventeen steps ahead of him and way more okay than he ever was. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t hate him or anything; he’s just not my top favourite
-ship-wise, this is interesting! After the first one, I was shipping Finn/Poe quite a bit, but would have settled for Finn/Rey as a decent second choice. Now I find myself very drawn to Kylo (Ben)/Rey - they were just so magnetic in every scene they had together! Finn/Rose would be nice for Rose, but he doesn’t deserve her. I’d still ship Finn/Poe any day, and this movie didn’t crush that possibility, which I like. It will be very interesting to see how that turns out! Rey closing the Falcon’s door in Kylo’s face was powerful. Intense. 
-Kylo: wow. He struck me mostly as a whiny kid in the first one and now I find myself much more invested in him! Having Han’s heart - wow. That’s powerful and beautiful and I feel that love will save him in the end. I loved the moment where he took his thumb off the trigger and deliberately did NOT kill his mother. Still sucks that he let other people do it, but baby steps, I guess? I guess Hux is his bitch now, too. Ha!
-Rey: interesting! I don’t really have a lot to say about her, interestingly. I like her. She was good. I also don’t think for a second that it was Snoke who connected their minds. Seems like that just happened naturally, but what do I know. 
-Yoda: loved!! He was perfect! I honestly did not know that Frank Oz was still alive, but how delightful that he is! Yoda was the perfect mix of quirky and wise and I love that Luke never stopped learning from him, even at this point
-Benicio del Toro’s character was interesting, too. I rather wonder if we’ll see him again
-all the reviews I read called the porgs annoying, but I genuinely found them cute, and the crystal foxes were beautiful! The fish nuns were very odd, though
-speaking of reviews, all the claims that this movie has “plot holes” is frankly ridiculous! It’s part 2 of a 3-part series, you idiots - of COURSE there are “holes”; the story isn’t over! smh, seriously
In short, I liked it! I need to see it about 10 more times now! 
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fidgetheart · 7 years
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here’s my 100% self-indulgent canon related, canon insert wc oc
this will most likely be uploaded onto my dA account which is why I’m using that username rather than this one it is now on my dA account and I ended up changing my username on there so I needed to edit my watermark
also this is 100% an AU - I also don’t really remember much of the plots in Po3 and OotS, so I’m probably gonna be skipping/missing important stuff like the three going to the mountains - I also haven’t really thought out her role in OotS, so that part’s gonna be pretty vague tbh, and there’s not going to be anything relating to AVoS just yet since I haven’t thought that out either
and I forgot about BS as well so that’s not gonna be mentioned
also this turned out longer than I had planned whoops
more info under the cut:
Name(s): Redkit, Redpaw, Redthroat Clan: ThunderClan Rank: Medicine cat Father: Bramblestar Mother: Squirrelflight Brother(s): Lionblaze (foster), Jaytalon (foster), Alderheart, Juniperkit Sister(s): Hollyleaf (foster), Sparkfang, Dandelionkit Mate(s): N/A Kit(s): N/A Mentor(s): Sorreltail, Leafpool Apprentice(s): Alderheart Book-esque description: dark brown-and-ginger she-cat with odd colored eyes Detailed description: scarred, dark brown-and-ginger she-cat with a plumy tail, one white paw, and odd colored eyes (one amber, one green) Name meaning: Red- for her ginger patches, -throat for the distinctive ginger patch on her throat Nickname(s): Batty (called that specifically by Hollyleaf, due to her ears being slightly larger than average)
okay, so Squirrelflight is actually pregnant the same time Leafpool is, and the two leave the Clan for about two moons (shortly after Leaf discovers she’s pregnant), with Leaf claiming StarClan willed her to do so so she can reconnect with them after running off with Crowfeather, and that Squirrel needed to tag along to protect her. the only one who knew what was happening was Brambleclaw
Leafpool gave birth to Lionkit, Jaykit, and Hollykit, and a day or so later, Squirrel gave birth to Redkit. Squirrel was able to start nursing Leaf’s kits almost immediately since she was producing milk, though struggled with feeding four kits, when she herself only had one
when they returned to the Clan, everyone believed the four kits to be Squirrel’s, though Bramble knew that Lion, Jay, and Holly were actually Leaf’s. Ferncloud still helped nurse the kits, since Squirrel was struggling to feed four of them, though Squirrel spends more time in the nursery than in canon
around the time the four are about to me made apprentices, they hear about the fox cubs lurking somewhere on ThunderClan territory, and Holly, Lion, and Jay decide that they should go out and kill the foxes themselves to prove themselves to their Clan. Red disagrees with their idea, being the more skittish sibling of the four, and tries to persuade them to stay. the three don’t listen and leave without her, though Red keeps their mission a secret, not wanting to get them in trouble, and ends up hiding behind the nursery to keep from being questioned about their whereabouts 
Red ends up sneaking out of her hiding space in time to see Jay falling into camp, and she immediately runs to his side, obviously distressed and panicked, and is comforted by Bramble and Squirrel as Leaf immediately begins to look over Jay
although Red didn’t leave the camp, she still gets in trouble alongside her siblings since she didn’t tell anyone of their plan, but none of them are punished, since it’s agreed that they’ve been through enough
Red is later apprenticed to Sorreltail, Holly to Brackenfur, Lion to Ashfur, and Jay to Brightheart - unlike canon, Holly doesn’t briefly train as a med cat, and Jay doesn’t end up training as a med cat
despite her skittish nature, Red proves herself to be a fine apprentice, and with the help of Sorrel, she begins to come out of her shell, becoming more adventurous and outgoing. she does her best to help Jay with his training, and often practices with her siblings in general whenever she’s not doing her chores or out of the camp with her mentor
when Jay reveals the kin of your kin prophecy to his siblings, proudly noting it’s about them, Red immediately hopes that she’s not one of the three, feeling intimidated by the idea of being involved with a prophecy, but promises her siblings she’ll do anything she can to help them with said prophecy
it’s during their apprenticeship that Red starts crushing hard on Honeypaw, despite the other she-cat mooning over Berrynose, though does her best to hide it. she doesn’t hide it very well, leading to her siblings constantly teasing her about it
when Sol arrived to the Clans, Red, alongside her siblings and most of the Clan, was captivated by him, curious to where he was from and how he seemed to know so much about everything despite being an outsider. later on, however, she begins to grow more wary of him, feeling he would bring nothing but trouble, but stays quiet, unsure of how to talk to her siblings about it when they clearly looked to him for answers
when Honey is killed saving Briarkit from an adder, Red is devastated, since the two were actually close friends, and her siblings do their best to comfort her. she’s able to move on from Honey’s death despite the loss, and finds comfort in the shared grief she has with her mentor
during the battle against WindClan and RiverClan, Red received a nasty wound to her left side leading down to her underbelly, but she pushed on despite the pain, refusing to give up. once the battle was over, she went to Leaf for treatment, but found her mother seriously wounded. ignoring her own wound, she stayed by Squirrel’s side with her siblings, terrified that her mother wouldn’t make it. Leaf was able to finally coax her away to treat her wound, though by then, she warned the apprentice that, more than likely, her wound would scar
soon after the battle, when Squirrel was able to get back on her feet, the four were made warriors alongside Cinderpaw, with the five being named Cinderheart, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Jaytalon, and Redthroat
some time later, Redthroat was out hunting alone when a lightning strike started a fire in ThunderClan territory. panicked, she rushed back to camp, only to find that her Clanmates had fled - however, she spotted her mother and siblings struggling to get out, and saw her siblings trapped in a ring of fire
she rushed to help, though had to go around to get up to where they were at, since it was much to dangerous to go through the camp to get to them. by the time she reached them, she spotted Ashfur blocking her mother’s way to her siblings, and she overheard him telling her she was going to pay for what she had done
Squirrel attacked him, but due to being weakened from her wound, he easily threw her off and pinned her. before he could hurt her, however, Red bowled into Ash, knocking him off her mother, and began to fight him. she was in better health than her mother, but she still healing from her own wounds, and was no match against the healthier warrior. still, their fight was vicious and bloody, and Red was successful in stalling him long enough to allow her siblings to escape the ring of fire and flee with their mother
Red was able to pushed Ash off of her and was about to race after them when he attacked her once more, clawing at her right eye before slashing at her throat. before he could kill her, Holly came rushing back and lunged at Ash, grabbing his throat in her jaws and killing him
with the help of Lion, Holly was able to carry Red back to Jay and Squirrel, where the four made their way down to their Clanmates, Red struggling to remain conscious. Leaf was able to save Red despite the lack of herbs, and when the other three were questioned, they were reluctant to say what happened, shocked by the sudden turn in events. however, Squirrel was finally able to explain to the Clan what had happened, and was about to lie and say Ash’s death was accidentally, but Holly interrupted and admitted she had killed him before Squirrel could, weakly defending her actions that she had to save her sister
the Clan was shocked and horrified about what happened, especially Ferncloud, but no one blamed Holly for killing Ash, as she did what she had to do. however, Holly blamed herself, and was unsettled by what she had done. 
once the fire went out, the Clan returned back to camp, relieved to find it relatively undamaged, but they were quiet, still reeling but the sudden events. Red stayed in Leaf’s den, spending most of the time sleeping and recovering from her injuries, though was frequently visited by her parents and siblings
soon, Fern ends up visiting her, mortified at her brother’s actions, and apologizes to the kit she helped raised profusely, blaming herself for not seeing what Ash was capable of. Red assures her she doesn’t blame her, and tells her she shouldn’t blame herself either, since Ash was more than capable of making his own decisions
as Red recovered, Jay started receiving dreams from Spottedleaf and Yellowfang, both of them telling him that the secret can be kept no longer, and soon telling him that Squirrel and Bramble are not his parents. confused, but also feeling angry, he confronts Squirrel and Bramble alone, where they finally tell him the truth: he, Holly, and Lion are not their actual kits
hurt, confused, and angry, Jay confides in Holly and Lion about the sudden revelation, and the three began to distance themselves from Squirrel, Bramble, and Red - unsure of how to handle the news. it isn’t long until Leaf comes clean with them, admitting to them that they were her kits, and their father was Crowfeather
this sends the three reeling with shock, and they distance themselves completely from Squirrel, Bramble, Leaf, and Red. it isn’t long until Holly, shocked with the revelation and still struggling to cope with killing Ash, revels the secret to the rest of her Clan, shocking her brothers
the Clan is shocked by the announcement, but Bramble and Leaf are permitted to keep their positions despite what had happened, though Leaf reluctantly promises to step down once she has someone to take her place. Red is also stunned by the announcement, and is uncertain how to react - she’s hurt about the lie her parents told, but at the same time, she understands why they did what they did, and remains close to them
however, she’s unsure how to approach the cats she once called her siblings, since they’re adamant on avoiding her, so she gives them their space, spending her days alone in the medicine den with Leaf keeping her company. shortly after Holly’s announcement, she ends up disappearing into the tunnels despite Jay’s and Lion’s pleading to stay, and is believed to be dead when the opening collapses. her brothers claim she had been chasing a rabbit when it happened, and the Clan believes it
Red is devastated by the news of Holly’s death, and she finally confronts Lion and Jay about their separation, telling them that they may not actually be her brothers, but she will always see them as such, and she misses Holly just as much as they do. the three slowly reconnect once more, but it isn’t until Red is able to move back into the warriors’ den that they truly reconnect
however, Ash’s attack has hurt her mentally as well as physically, and although she’s still able to serve her Clan as a warrior, she finds herself struggling when it comes to physical conflict, and begins to pull into herself, losing her bubbly personality. this worries her family, but they are unsure of how to help her
a few moons later, Red approaches Leaf and asks her to take her on as her apprentice. Leaf is startled and asks her why, and Red admits that she’s lost the will to serve her Clan as a warrior, but during her stay in the medicine cat den, she gained an interest in healing. Leaf agrees, and Firestar soon announces Red as the new medicine cat apprentice
Jay and Lion are shocked that she has no quarrel against Leaf (or Squirrel and Bramble for that matter) after what happened, and she finally snaps at them, telling them that while the lies were hard for them to deal with, it didn’t mean she needed to reject them like they had. she also adds that she understands why Squirrel did what she did, and says that she would do anything to protect them (Lion and Jay), even if it meant lying to the Clan like that
despite their argument, the three remain close, though it doesn’t change Lion’s and Jay’s views on their kin
moons go by, and the Clan seems to have forgotten the fire and the revelations that came from it. Red earns her place as full medicine cat, and Leaf upholds her promise, stepping down from her position. Red, however, tries to persuade her to remain a medicine cat, having grown close to her aunt over those many moons, but Leaf assures her she’ll be alright
Red finds herself alone in the medicine cat den, and finds herself growing rather lonely without anyone there with her. she begins to sleep outside of the den rather than inside of it under the stars in an attempt to feel closer to her Clanmates, but despite that, she begins to open up once more
she soon adjusts to sleeping alone, but she notices that Leaf is struggling to adapt to being a warrior. feeling bad for her aunt, she begins to occasional bring Leaf back into the med den, asking her questions about herbs despite knowing the answers to them. Leaf knows fully well what Red is doing, but doesn’t say anything, grateful that she’s trying to help
when Dovekit and Ivykit are born, Jay and Lion confide in Red, telling her that they believe that one of them is the third cat to the prophecy, since it had been ruled out long ago that Red was most definitely not the third cat. Red reminds them of the promise she made to them moons prior, that she would do anything to help them fulfill the prophecy, and assures them she’ll do her best to continue to uphold that promise
when Dove begins to express confusion as to why no one was doing anything about the weird large animals causing the drought, Red immediately knows she’s part of the prophecy, and warns her brothers that, while Dove is involved, they need to remember she’s still just an apprentice
as moons go by, Red begins to notice that multiple warriors are waking with mysterious wounds, and begins to grow worried. she confides in the other medicine cats, who admit that they’re noticing the same in their respective Clans, and her worry grows. she ends up telling this to Lion and Jay, fearing it may have something to do with the prophecy, and they promise her they’ll do everything they can to figure things out
Ivypool ends up confiding in Red about the Dark Forest, after being encouraged by the three to do so, and Red is alarmed. she asks if Ivy can leave, and Ivy admits that she’s promised the three she would stay as their spy. Red’s alarm grows, but she knows there’s nothing she can do to persuade them otherwise, and wishes Ivy the best, knowing she would face a difficult path
a moon later, when Red is out gathering herbs alone, she’s startled by a voice behind her saying, “Hey, Batty”. she instantly recognizes the voice and her nickname, and she’s ecstatic when she finds Holly alive and well. eagerly, she brings her back to the Clan, thrilled to be united once more with her sister. she, Lion, and Jay catch Holly up on everything that’s happened, and when Holly learns about the situation between them and Leaf, Squirrel, and Bramble, she asks her brothers to be kinder to their kin. Lion and Jay are surprised, but Red supports Holly’s decision, relieved that Holly had time to collect herself
when Red and the other medicine cats are told that each Clan must stand as their own, and that even StarClan has borders, Red fights against that, mortified at the idea. she tries to convince the others that the four Clans need each other to survive, that they can’t if even one Clan falls, but the others refuse to side with her, and she reluctantly explains StarClan’s decision to her own Clan
 Red is out walking with Jay when Flametail falls through the ice, and when Jay dives into the water after him, she’s terrified she’s going to lose him. however, Jay is able to bring Flame back to the surface, and Red immediately begins to do her best to try and save the tom, helping Dawnpelt carry him back into ShadowClan while Jay goes back to ThunderClan to explain what happened. however, despite Littlecloud’s and Red’s attempt at saving him, Flame ends up dying later that night
Red mourns the loss of Flame, and comforts Little the best she can before being escorted back to her territory
however, Flame is able to reunite StarClan shortly before the Dark Forest attacks, and the med cats are able to convince their leaders to meet the others at the Gathering island to plan a way to handle the impending battle
when the battle finally comes, Red has Leaf stay inside the med den with Briarlight, knowing she would need all the help she could get to treat the wounded, and guards the den, horrified at the ferocity of the battle
it’s during the second wave of attacks that she spots Ash fighting on the side of the Dark Forest, and it doesn’t take long for him to see her as well. he goes after her, determined to finish what he had started, but Red’s fury brings back her warrior training, and the fight between them is vicious. she’s able to kill him, and feels no remorse for doing so, and continues to stand guard over the med den, helping bring any cat that needs immediate medical attention to the den 
at one point, she’s ganged up on by two Dark Forest warriors, and she struggles to fight both at once. however, Jay quickly comes to her rescue, and the two are able to drive them off
when the battle is finally over, Red is devastated by how many cats were killed, but is able to push aside her grief to help treat the wounded. she’s relieved to see that her parents and siblings are still alive, however, and finds comfort in that small victory
Leaf helps her with treating the wounded, and later helps her prepare the bodies for burial. when Bramble announces Squirrel as his deputy before he and Red travel to the Moonpool, Red makes an announcement of her own, asking Leaf if she would like to become a med cat once again. Leaf agrees with the support of the Clan, even support from her own kits, and Red is more than happy to share her role with Leaf once again
aCK okay so this wasn’t gonna be this long but I got carried away haha 
idk I just really love Red?? idk if I’ll actually do anything with her outside of this, but, yeah, I thought I’d share anyway  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and as for AVoS she primarily trains Alderheart, though she technically shares that duty with Leaf, and she’s thrilled to be able to train her little brother
also Sorrel and Fern don’t die in the Dark Forest battle bc the reasons for their deaths are absolutely stupid (I mean... c’mon, Sorrel dies bc she was too happy?? Fern dies bc fans wanted her to die?? really?? like I get killing off characters bc that battle was intense but going out of the way to explain those reasons as to why those two died is dumb smh)
and I figured that, if the Erins are gonna have Ash snap, might as well go all the way and make him an actual antagonist rather than just a cat that ~”loved too much”~ and gets into StarClan
oh yeah! originally Red was gonna be a tortie, but then I decided just to go with brown-and-ginger rather than black-and-ginger, and decided she was gonna be a great mix of Bramble and Squirrel (hence the different eye colors - also I think she’s a chimera but I haven’t decided yet on that tbh). she was gonna be a tabby, but I didn’t like how the tabby markings were turning out so I just went without ‘em haha. she’s also not blind in her right eye, btw, but her vision is impaired :o
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kittynightterrors · 5 years
Hello, since I’m about to drop a story with this bastard it’s time I introduce an OC! You’ll find him and another look like Dylan. It’s left over from RP days. Sue me.
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Before I get into the fun stuff I should probably give a bit of backstory. I was/am a very big RPer, and often times I would take who I was RPing at the time and just bend them into an AU. So Talib is born from the idea of Stiles being a villain in the Nolanverse. He’s not a genderbend of Talia, but rather a replacement of her? She exists, but almost like a mother to him than anything. So for this, he was the child in the Pit. If that makes sense. Anyway, who needs canon?
Full Name: Talib al Ghul
Reason for name: Talib means student so combined with his last name he’s the Student of the Ghoul. NGL, always figured that ... uh R’as would name his kid some stupid shit. Nickname: Genim “Stiles” Stilinski Reason for nickname: Talib could not intern under Mr. Fox with his given name, so when his paper work for forged he came up with an American name. One that wasn’t too terribly fake sounding. Age: He has no idea, but he would guess early to mid twenties. Sex: Male Place of Birth: The Pit Birthday: Unknown. Currently living in: Gotham, specifically Wayne Enterprises Occupation: Former intern at Wayne Enterprises, current prince of Gotham Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Social Status: Feared Relationship Status: Bedding the Masked Man
Body Build: Lean muscular Height: 5′11″ Weight: 150 lbs Skin color: Pale Distinguishing Features: Moles and freckles everywhere
Mental/Emotional State
Archetype: Villain I guess, if that’s an archetype Act before thinking/Think before acting?: A mixture of both, when someone actually gets under his skin he will act before thinking. Emotion-wise, generally: Generally, Talib is very level headed, but can air on the side of manic a lot of the time. The longer he stays in power over Gotham, however, the more his mental state starts to degrade.
Swears?: Not really. Cussing had only been used to establish dominance among henchmen when he first came to Gotham. Now that he’s in the position he’s in, he has all but dropped them from his vocabulary.
Strengths: Talib is skilled in hand to hand combat as well as small fire arms. 
Weakness: Hard to say, he’s not the most trusting person in the world. If that’s a weakness or not, only time will tell.
If he was honest with himself, he’d like to imagine a world where he could live a normal life. He’s seen the movies and books, seen what a teenager is supposed to do. There’s supposed to be romance and heartbreak, school and not.. not this. Not murder and running Gotham. It’s nice, but is this really a life? He didn’t think it was, but it made his father happy, it made Bane and Barsad happy. So, it must make him happy, right?
Revolt. He knows it’ll happen, whether it’s from Gotham’s citizens, from his own henchmen, or the other nut bags lurking the streets beneath Wayne Tower. His time is running out, and he knows it’ll end bloody. 
He’s surpassed his goal of killing Batman and controlling Gotham. It was easier than he had expected honestly. Once Gotham’s symbol of Justice was gone the whole city seemed to crumble. Even when John Blake had tried to step up and take his place it was easy to clip the Bird’s wings.
R’as al Ghul - His father, his teacher. Their relationship was strained for many years after the rescue from the Pit, having only had Bane in his life for his whole life. It took some coercion, but finally they started to get along; to a point. R’as would push Bane out of the League of Shadows, too concerned with his own mistakes to see how much Talib needed Bane in his life. When the man died trying desperately to kill off Batman, Talib wouldn’t so much as shed a tear; though he’s convinced his father watches his every move.
Talia al Ghul - Somewhere between a mother and a sister, Talia would be at Talib’s side when R’as would go to hard on the boy’s training. She would patch his wounds and hold the boy when he couldn’t sleep at night. After Bane’s banishment Talia took over the role of “parental” figure. It made her own abandonment of the League that much harder. To this day, Talib harbors no ill will towards Talia. He hopes she’s happy and safe, and he wonders if he should have left with her.
Love interest:
Bane - The time of Bane’s banishment was a living hell for Talib, and the young boy had never realized how much he depended on the large man. When R’as died and the League was given to a Talib, he did everything he could to find Bane. This time, it would be his turn to protect him!  Somehow in Talib’s fucked up life, Bane went from being a parental figure to being a lover. He didn’t know when it happened or how. He knew it should be disgusting, but it was right to them. No one really knew Talib like Bane did. It had been them for so long, and even after the Pit it still felt mostly like them.
Barsad -  The man with the red scarf. Barsad entered into Talib’s life under interesting circumstances; from his understanding he was a mercenary who owed the wrong people money.  He wanted to pay off his debts as quickly as possible and return to a normal life. Normally, Barsad would not bite the hand that feeds him, but when he saw how the League, specifically R’as, would just wallop on Talib he had to speak up. For all intents and purposes, Talib was still just a child, and training him to the point of vomiting would do him no good. He would dote on the boy, often smuggling in books and movies for him to be as much of a child as possible. The time between Talia leaving and Bane being found Barsad would be another proxy parent to Talib.
John Blake - The little bird. After the fall of Batman, John tried his hardest to take down The Masked Man. He had not been prepared for, what looked like, a kid to be running Gotham. A kid who had infiltrated Wayne Enterprises from the inside, posing as a bright eyed intern, just wanting to learn from the best company in the world! It was laughable really, that John had tried so hard, and got absolutely nowhere in his pathetic attempt to save Gotham. It took some time, but John was able to be molded into a pretty little lap dog for Talib.
Batman - Bruce Wayne, billionaire, playboy, Batman. He was what was keeping the criminals of Gotham at bay. Talib wasn’t quite sure why they needed Batman dead, but his brief stint as Wayne Enterprises intern made Talib want their tech. So, why not just kill Bruce and rob them blind? The fanatical obsession with taking over Gotham never really stuck with Talib, not like it had with his father. Something about greed being the root of evil or something. Still, he played his part, and took down the Batman with surprising ease. Bruce had been so surprised to see his little intern had been in control of The Masked Man. It was a little sad to see, really. Millions of people had faith in some hero that was too stupid to see the enemy in his face, and once that hero fell everything else fell with it. 
The Joker - Something about the Clown is just unsettling. After the fall of Gotham, most of the villains had at least tried to kiss Talib’s ass one way or another, but the Joker had just disappeared from Arkham without a trace. He’s still around, lurking in the shadows, though. His calling card has been left on the corpses of Talib’s men.
Unnamed Vigilante - Someone’s gunning for Talib, but no one knows if he’s a villain, a hero, someone with a death wish, or what. All they know is he’s strapped with one too many guns and runs around in a red mask like an idiot. 
Fun fact, my stories will Talib will be released backwards??? Since he’s from an RP I’ll basically be transcribing old RPs into a fic format and making it more palatable, if that’s hunky dory with my partner. If not then you guys will get new content that’s completely out of order :D
The secret stems from my RP partner and I having a like “human” au, where like Gotham is just a normal city and Bruce is just a billionaire. They get to live “normal” lives where murder isn’t.... as involved, at least not on Talib’s end. It is on Bane and R’as end. 
This is also the most thought I’ve actually put into Talib, and wow he has feelings. what is this???
This is the result of people letting me do fuckin’ crossovers.
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xladymalice · 7 years
Guys, respect is a two way street. If an artist shares their art with you with the only rule being "please do not use/repost/etc" those are pretty simple requests. Ones that you really don't have to do anything extra to RESPECT. The artist doesn't have to share with you, doesn't have to produce for you. They do things because they enjoy it and they want to. Just like with musical artists. When you pirate their music, you hurt them, some of them have to stop creating because they can't keep 1/2
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Last big talk about Art Theft and “Minor/Hater/Whatever thiefs stuff”
I’d say most of them are minor thought. They’ve never learned about copyright nor the idea of creative property.
Take a good look at the reasoning of my follower and friend. This explains everything I tried to explain in the previous posts but it seems that many still don’t understand it.
It’s not hard. It’s easy.
Here have an example:
Imagine I tell you to show me your money.
Since you’re a good guy, you show me your money because you want to share your happiness. (You are happy to have some money).But I take away the money, because you SHOWED it to me. Why? It’s not your anymore, right? I can take it. You showed it, so it’s mine. 
The idea of money isn’t yours right? You didn’t create money, but you decided to make money. Also, you decided to show me that money you made (by work, got gifted etc). That money is because of that mine. It’s not yours.
Now I have money. We all know, people with money are fame. So I take money of others and become famous.
Do you see the reasoning that happened all the time? It’s absolute bullshit.
You take away other’s goods because you are pathetic. There is no good intention, if you hurt the artist with that. It’s so much worse because you disrepect this artist (clamin
I am explicitly talking about repost or other use of art/stories/whatever WITHOUT PERMISSION of the RIGHTFUL OWNER.
More stuff below.
So. I am thankful for everyone who supports me and understands me. It’s not like I am desperately trying to get attention, on contrary. I am just stating my point of view and refuse to accept the dump reasoning of some people here in tumblr.
I faced so many posts where artists suffer because of art thefts. People who repost and even SELL their art. (sometimes even stories of writers get reposts or rewritten and claimed as theirs. It’s awful).
Why would I stay quiet about this fact? People will never learn if they don’t face this. And a single person cannot do much, but if we fight together, we might change some things and make the world a better place. Little by little.
Honestly, I am amazed that my first “haters” are actually about my statement and view of Art Theft. I was positive, it would be about my personality or art: no, it’s about this hot topic that shouldn’t be even a problem.
I mean: I’ve never pointed out who exactly I was talking about, until the person srsly started a war with me. I tolerate a lot but there is a fucking line that one shouldn’t cross.
Don’t call yourself “a follower” who “loves me” but “cannot accept my opinion on art theft”. I didn’t say YOU are the thief. But if you feel like this post is directed at you, I would wonder about that if I was you.
So Mali seems aggressive and stressed. I will tell you why.
I’ve been in trouble for a while now. This considers RL. As you noticed, I’m having tons of job interviews because after studying Computer Science I found no good company to work for.
I am working part time, but this is no solution for the future. I decided that I will move back to my hometown near Hamburg. That’s why I am trying to find a good company there.
And I did. I have high hopes that the second interview will solve their decision and make them choose me.
This involves me moving and me having more work and less free time. This is not that bad, I can finally push away SOME of my sorrows and worries. Maybe I will draw even more with being less depressed and worried about life.
There are huge changes awaiting me and my future. (And I have troubles with my family too, but this is personal stuff I don’t talk about.)
Usually tumblr is my little home with my friends. I don’t see the most of my followers as strangers but friends. That’s why I want you to call me Mali. We’re on the same level, ok? I am no better than you and vice versa.
But it seems every time I leave the save ground and state my opinion people just don’t get the point or feel offended. Actually 2 came along and told me “I’m crying, I hope you’re happy!”
Sorry, but... why? Just because I tell you the truth? How old are you?
Back to the point: I’ve been stressed. My parttime job is sometimes a pain in the ass too. I want to have fun... reading negative stuff like I’ve been facing the last days were really draining my mood.
That’s why I didn’t put of the nice mask, but answered straight foward and aggressive.
Sure, I am not always in the right. But why would I hide my true thoughts about a topic like this one? Especially by the use of my own stuff.
Luckily, I am not alone with this. That’s why I want to thank all of you who understood me and know what I was trying to do, even by being “the bad” or “the jerk”.
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Anon*takes everything and purrs* I tried tot ake breaks, especially with my sickness. I am finally getting better and recovering. Also... life’s not that bad at the moment. Just annoying peepz D: Aah, a blue flower
@skeletalegastertalevoidtaleThis is sympathy. You feel, what I feel. You understand it. They don’t. They are probably kids with their own issues and attention deseases meanly said. If they understood the work and the time we invest into projects like these, they wouldn’t just abuse it. This is the idea of creative property. Swapfell Dawn is my story. My interpretation of the original idea of the term “Swapfell”. Toby Fox created Undertale, but he enhanced the possibility of creating AUs. There were many people before me who did this. So I don’t get the point for this being even an argument against me?
Look at my “money” example. That’s the same reasoning.
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AnonThank you for understanding. But thank you even more for stating that I am doing good things too. I wanted to find friends and motivate others. I know how hard it is to motivate yourself to draw... to keep going... not to give up.I want to show that it’s possible to reach unbelievable heights as long as you fight and don’t give up! So I’m really happy for you!
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AnonThat’s life. Nothing new to be honest. Everyone loves me as long as I keep quite and do not say my opinion out loud. Once I did, I am the bad guy.You know what? I’m fine with that. I like being bad anyways.
Anon:Aw, thanks for worrying. I accept the hug this time!
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@adorable-lil-shitWonderful sarcasm there. -10/10
AnonThat lady is unfortunately not the only one. I met some of these bitches (sorry) and the most are minor. What’s even worse. They shouldn’t be on my fucking blog. The thing is, these people destroy my view of others. I am so frustrated with the russian fandom, that I don’t allow anyone to do anything with my art except I know them. And even that is too much. I don’t want to see my art somewhere else. It’s mine.I took my time to read some of the comments below my images and srsly, people don’t get the point. Why? Because they don’t get answers by ME. The dudes who upload my stuff have no idea... they are just dumb farts.
@dragoonmaster1212Thank you. But I am not that well at handling things like that. I do vent and I can vent alot about it. Somehow the steam needs to get out. You see, I had a very shit time at school being the number one dude to get bullied. I know how it’s like to shut up and just take whatever bullies give you. But I learned to stand up and stand my ground. No fucking kids will tell me what to do and take away what’s mine. Even if it means acting radical and punishing all. There are no easy ways to solve a serious topic like art theft.
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AnonIt’s totally fine to go on Anon. I don’t want you to get in trouble just because I am not hiding myself. Totally fine. Thank you for saying this. I truly cherish people who say they respect me.
I treat people like I want to be treated. If they hurt this rule by hurting me, I will hurt them.
That’s how I work. Involving Toby Fox is a desperate attempt and trying to make me feel bad for their mistakes. They don’t know how to argue, so they use the idea of “Toby Fox has the copyright”.Yes, but Toby Fox has not the copyright of the story and design of Swapfell Dawn. They don’t get this obviously.
@flamefiendsYeah, sounds good to me. So you will offer yourself to me?
AnonYeah, absolute kids in my view. I am positive, they are not adults. Thank you for supporting me.
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AnonThanks :) I am happy that I am not only the bad guy. But I am, I guess.
@babypizzawonderlandI won’t give up. These freaks won’t bloody win over me. I won’t shut up. If it’s annoying people, feel free to leave. This topic is a serious one. I won’t back down.
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@buttergriffin332Yeah, that’s life again. But I won’t surrender. Thanks for staying with me.
@aussieevyWell, I lost my patience somewhere along the way too. I think these people think I am bad because I am telling them off like their moms did?Besides, I am trying to exlain shit.... and they still don’t get it. So I think they are stupid or kids. I don’t know any other reason why they don’t get it’s bad. (Ok, there are egoistic attention whores too, but ye... still kids).Thanks for saying that thought. I appreciate that.
@al-surfaceThank you, cookie Q.Q It’s hard not to get worked up. After all they attack my as a person in the end too. It seems hard to face the truth about thievery and what they do is wrong. They don’t worry about consequences... so many great people leave because of this bullshit. I won’t do that.
AnonYeah, totally my rage inside my mind there.That’s what I was thinking when I tried to talk some sanity into them. Helpless cases. I had to block the ones I know and move on. They don’t accept the fact it’s mine: even worse! They say my comics wouldn’t be that popular without them. YEAH OF COURSE; BITCH.
AnonThanks. I am happy that I am not the only one who thinks this. Glad to have you on my side. You get the point... so it can’t be that hard to understand right?
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@loutoblogYeah... *sighs* Humanity’s stupidity is endless. It seems like it’s a crime to demand fairness and respect. It’s fun. They would cry and rage even louder, if I took their personal pictures and posted them on CumWhoreDotCom.Thanks, sweetie... it’s a bit hard, but I’m a fighter.
@fairytail78foreverI think you could say it’s jealousy. I think also attention whores who are mad they don’t get any likes. So they take away other’s goods and become fame. Low. Super low. I despise people like that.
Anon“Fans”. Yeah. Sadly. I will be bad in their eyes forever. Because I “hurt” them for being rude and selfish shits. Exactly. So I won’t just allow them to see my shit like that. There will be a fucking way to punish and I will find it. Until then I will be in war with them. But okay... I think argueing with idiots is truly an endless circle.
AnonI won’t do that. They know who they are, if they ever come to read this. I am not the type to make my friends attack others. Instead, I want everyone to state their opinion so others MIGHT LEARN from it.Thank you for your kind words. I just hope this will end anytime soon, so we all can enjoy the stuff we love the most!
Respect Artists. Be fair. Don’t be a rude, selfish fuck.
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@angrywolflandThanks.... that’s what I hoped for.
AnonThis is a very good example. Take your time reading it. It explains why it’s wrong too. It’s just sadly funny how stupid people are.
@emilys-fandom-trashbinThat’s what I am saying all the time. But they ignore this fact? That it’s my property? That they cannot use it? I mean, I could take their money too. It’s not their property. Money is not their idea.Thank you for the compliments and your sympathy. This helps.
@pizzataleauPlease call me Mali. I am on the same level as you.That’s a nice offer, but I think it won’t help? These two are kids probably. They use Google Translator, misunderstand things because of the language barrier and blame me for being a “mean person”. Both of them are liars and selfish fucks. I hope karma will settle this for me. Thank you very much. Especially for worrying for me >///chuchuchuuuu*
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@dearestdanger I know that the most understand... they are writers and artists themselves. It’s just weird how they try to justify their actions. If I would take away their stuff, they would cry the loudest.But they also cry, because I showed them, they did something bad. Geez, it’s so annoying.Thanks for the support! I won’t give up!
@silver-is-hereOhh, sweetheart. You’re sure doing the right things in the right time Q//QThanks... my day was okay. Work’s been hard and troubling, but I survived it. I will make myself some hot chocolate, get some cookies and play some league of legends. Or I will watch a movie... mmhmmm... I haven’t watched animes in ages... D:I love you too
AnonThank you... reading an ask like this makes me feel better a lot of times. I do worry about my other fans... how they will react to my personality and stuff. But... I don’t consider art thiefs as friends? Nor do I want them to be as my followers? I don’t need them? Since they harm me and my friends?Thank you :) That’s the way it should be. It’s my right, not theirs.
Some older asks considering the russian fandom:
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I will as strong as possible. I don’t give up... I enjoy being here and sharing my stories and ideas. Some fucks won’t make me stop doing that.  However, I will really stop publishing stuff, if they don’t back down. Last time they understood because of a friend. I hope this won’t be in vain.
Thanks @cinnamon4wolfy. I appreciate your worry and will take a good rest later
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@pandorica101Yeah. That will be probably a hard topic for a while. People forgot how to respect... how to treat each other well. It’s sad. Thanks for being with me tho... I also hope it won’t repeat so much anymore.
To the rest of the Anons. Thank you for your support and worry. I was happy you wrote me because it helped me to stay determined.
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My wrath is limitless.
And Thank you.... here is my request to all russian watchers:
If you see my or other people’s art reposted, please... just please... tell them not to do that. Especially on VK. I will stop uploading Swapfell Dawn, if anybody uploads and translates it there. Please spread a good message. Please tell them to visit the original websites for the pictures.... don’t spread hate, spread love and respect.
Last AnonYeah... thanks. I think it is annoying to reblog “do not repost” thing.... or just post so much vent and negativity....
I will not stop being myself, tho.
Deal with it.
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gamesoffate · 7 years
The Darker Grey: Arc1 Ses4
[Watch P1 Here] | [Watch P2 Here] | [Watch P3 Here]
Games of Fate Session Four Report: Percy
Report for mission 3 (Continued): By Percy. (since apparently Naz was too tired to finish it?)
Alright, so after getting into the bank, failing horribly, and then beating up some bank security, we finally got to where we needed to be and Nazeem found the fancy spear that we were sent to get. Great. Good for him. Then, all of the sudden, we hear this thumping from the ceiling and two random guys break through and fall from the vents. Looks like that they were after the same spear that we had just gotten, oh boy. While they went to find the spear, not knowing that we already had it, we decided to leave. After some struggles of moving bodies that were in the elevator’s way(blood is slippery, okay?) Hazel somehow manages to kick a body across the room and through the wall, onto the street below. What the fuck. Pretty sure she’s on steroids or something, just saying. From the hole in the wall we could hear sirens on their way. And by sirens, I definitely mean some annoying sounding guy saying “wee-woo wee-woo” repeatedly. So we got into the elevator and left.
We did, of course, go back to the third floor to get Yunam, but he was already gone. Typical Yunam. As he later attempted to explain to me, apparently he was already outside, and in fact, witnessed the body fly through the wall. And before returning to the first floor, Hazel borrowed Nazeem’s bandana to cover her face, because just our luck, she recognized the “wee-woo” guy’s voice. Apparently his name is Florence.
When we got to the first floor, we could see from the elevator that Yunam was outside with some police and a juggler. One of the police folks stole his rat apparently. Man, you can’t just steal a boy’s rat, y’know? Jeez. After getting his rat, Yunam just left. Gotta love that teamwork. Speaking of teamwork, Hazel, Nazeem and I used that time to actually make a sort of plan(for once). Despite formerly wanting to try to hide her identity, Hazel figures she can actually use her past career as a cop as an advantage in this situation. The head cop(?), Samira, totally believed her. It was a bit weird though when Nazeem tried to say something about us being random bystanders who decided to get involved because we didn’t think Hazel could handle herself (as if). Nazeem is a weird liar. But then I told Samira that I was Hazel’s cousin, which totally saved it. We also convinced her that I was a green spirit mage, so Hazel didn’t need any of their healers. And then we left! Just like that. Amazing.
Naturally, we can’t get back to the Quick Brown Fox peacefully. Instead, while in a narrow dim alleyway(typical) Yunam figures out that we’re being followed! So we prepare for the worst. Some people emerge from one side of the alley, and then a few more on the other side. We were surrounded.
Some guy (who seemed vaguely important) was angry about us taking the spear I think and wanted to fight Nazeem, while Hazel and I were left to fight the dude’s goons. Boss dude immediately came over and just decked Nazeem, knocking him to the ground. Then two goons tried attacking me. It was a painful experience. By the looks of it, Hazel was having even worse luck than me. She was getting slashed at left and right. I managed to blow the guys away with some wind magic, so things were going alright for me. I saw Yunam try to run away, but he ended up getting pinned by some goon. Apparently he was able to stab the guy with a poison dart though. Good for him. Then I was able to get out my crowbar and make a few swings. While the rest of us were trying to get rid of the goons, Nazeem was dealing with the big bad boss dude, who was somehow able to wrestle the spear away from him and almost stab him with it. Before he had a chance to though, Nazeem pulled out his shotgun and made a hole through his stomach. Never bring a spear to a gunfight, I suppose. All of the sudden, people just start leaving? Yunam somehow wiggled his way out of the fight and began to run, being chased by some guy.. And then some other man who just watched his boss get shot in the chest was out of there. Hazel nearly got hit with an axe but dodged it, kicking the guy so hard that he fell on his own axe, which was his end. This one girl was still trying to stab me, but it was easy to dodge, and then a crowbar swing to the neck finished her. Finally, the only one left was the one who was chasing Yunam, and Nazeem finished him off easily with his pistol.
From the bodies, we mostly found just weapons and some money. Yunam found a note saying something about someone working for the Grays. I don’t know, it was vague. Nazeem has the note I think. We began to get rid of the bodies, putting them in a nearby dumpster, but Hazel remained by one of the corpses, kicking and stomping on it angrily. I guess Nazeem convinced her to stop so we could go back to the QBF, so I set the corpses on fire for good measure and we headed back.
So when we get back, there’s a small polar bear? I don’t understand. My chair was broken and there was a bunch of blood on the floor too. And then this guy was sitting in Nazeem’s chair, so Nazeem threatened him with his shotgun and the guy left, I guess. I just went up and took a shower, because I had enough of this ridiculousness for one day. Apparently while I was in the shower, the mean guy got mad at the polar bear and kicked it? Hazel decked the chair-thief/polar-bear-owner and the man and bear left, so that worked out well I guess. Sincere didn’t really like that but it’s okay because Hazel gives no fucks. I guess not much else happened while I was gone, Hun tried snooping around asking Nazeem questions but he just went and took a shower, and then she just bothered the already-pissed Hazel for a while.
When Nazeem and I returned from our showers, I had a chair again, and all the blood was cleaned up, so he and I ordered some tomato soup and cider. Yunam came and sat with us and then Hun came over and tried to get chatty, even pulling Yunam aside to talk for a bit. It didn’t last very long, as one would expect. We got our food, Yunam tried and failed to order some cranberries, and that’s when good ol’ Anakah finally came on down.
I know you’re probably reading this, but I just wanted to make sure that this situation was recorded. So after we discussed a bit about our mission, Nazeem gives Anakah the spear, fun stuff, lecturing, and then, horrible nausea. Suddenly Nazeem speaks up, saying something about poison, and goes to the kitchen to go be angry at people. Naturally, he isn’t affected by the poison at all. Nice. Just me. Anakah proceeded to drag me onto the floor and attempt to force me to throw up.Totally how I wanted my night to go after a long tiring mission. Apparently during the horrible pain that was coming over me, Nazeem was interrogating the cooks.
As if my suffering wasn’t bad enough, Anakah said something about needing an antidote or something to slow the poison and Nazeem just comes over and injects me with some drug bullshit to slow it down. And then Hazel, who was drunk as hell, comes over and decides that they need to use a spell that includes stabbing me. Great. I was dying and y’all thought the solution is to fucking stab me. And they do it! They fucking stab me in the stomach! It fucking hurt! And the dagger didn’t leave a mark, because weird-ass traditional magic bullshit. Bullshit that didn’t even do anything. Then, of course, Yunam figures out that they have to have me bleed into the fucking soup, so they cut my wrist open and do so. And apparently some sort of incantation is required, as we figure out, after cutting my fucking wrist open, and Yunam can’t talk, so isn’t that helpful! After a few minutes we finally figure out that we can have Yunam point to letters to spell out the incantation. Which obviously takes a while. From a class at VMA, I vaguely remembered the first part, so it went a bit quicker. And then, finally, Hazel says the incantation, during which I have to drink my fucking bloody soup, and it’s all over.
It took Anakah trying to make me throw up, Nazeem drugging me, Hazel having me stabbed in the stomach, and Yunam having my wrist cut open and making me drink tomato soup with my blood in it, but I survived! Was it worth having to go through all that bullshit? Probably not! From there I went to bed. I don’t know what everyone else did afterwards, but I also don’t give a fuck and it probably isn’t relevant. End of report.
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