#ada barba imagine
sej2020 · 1 year
I hate Valentines
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‘Bloody Valentines’ you huffed, brushing the glittery heart confetti off your desk.
‘Oh come on Y/N it’s a day to celebrate the people that you love’ grinned Carisi with a bunch of brightly coloured flowers in his arms.
‘Come anywhere near my desk with those infernal flowers Carisi, and so help me I will shove them so far up your……’
‘Such language detective’ came a voice from behind you.
‘Councillor, what can we do for you? said Rollins, turning to the smirking ADA who had wondered into the squad room.
‘You lot nothing, I’m here to see your Sergeant’ said Barba sauntering into the office.
‘Peacock’ you commented pushing to your feet to get a coffee, Finn snorting at your comment.
‘Don’t even think about it Carisi’ you called over your shoulder making the young man pout as he went to place some flowers on your desk.
‘You are coming out to the bar tonight though right Y/N?’ asked Carisi with an edge to his voice, and eager look when you returned to your desk.
‘No I am not’ you said smiling behind your coffee mug as his face changed to one of disappointment.
‘Oh why not?’ said Carisi batting his eyes.
‘Because she knows about your and Rollins plan to set her up’ snorted Finn.
‘How’d you find out?’ asked a disappointed Carisi.
‘For detectives you’re not very subtle’ said Olivia stepping out the office with her coat bag, along with Barba.
‘Hot date Serg?’ you asked smirking, ignoring Barba as he rolled over a chair and sat back with his feet on top your desk.
‘None of your business, clear out the rest of you, you sure you want to cover the squad room?’ asked Olivia as the others practically scrambled for their things.
‘I’m sure Liv, enjoy your date’ you called after her retreating back, along with the rest of the squad.
‘So….’ You said turning to Barba finding him now with a single rose, his feet now on the floor.
‘Happy Valentines’ smirked Barba handing it over to you.
‘I thought we said no to valentines’ you grumbled clutching the rose to your chest with a small smile.
‘We did’ shrugged Barba smiling at you.
‘Well then I suppose you won’t want these’ you said opening the bottom of your desk draws bringing out a sharing box of chocolates.
‘I don’t know about that’ smiled Barba grabbing the box, opening it up and popping a piece of chocolate into his mouth, humming happily.
‘You going to share?’ You grinned as the man’s cheeks bulged slightly.
‘Hmm, sorry’ blushed Barba swallowing and handing over the box.
Giggling you placed it back on your desk, turning back to the man who you noticed had chocolate on his lips slightly.
‘Come here’ you grinned, kissing the man lightly on the lips, running your tongue over them to wipe the chocolate.
As you went to pull back, Barba pulled you into a heated kiss, his tongue begging for entrance. Unfortunately what could have been a steamy make out session you were disturbed.
‘You’re kidding!’ exclaimed Carisi when he walked in on you.
‘I hate Valentines’ you groaned when you jumped apart, shoving your face into Barba’s neck, the man chuckling as his arms embraced you.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 6 months
Could you do a crash into me part 2? Something along the lines of Barba says you're cute or that and she is surprise. He tries to apologize, and they admit their feelings to one another, and have office sex?
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He was perfect. That was just the end of the story. Rafael was absolutely, flawlessly perfect. Well, you were aware that some may have been able to find some flaws in him, but you couldn’t. You never had. Even the things about him you typically found obnoxious, you thought were perfect because they were just so perfectly him. From the moment you stepped foot onto the sixth floor — the floor where ADAs went to become rockstars — and saw him talking to the woman just outside his office, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
Dark, perfectly coiffed hair, intense eyes though their color escaped you, and an air of sophistication you normally found pretentious, but somehow he carried it with so much grace that you wondered if he was perhaps a prince that had renounced his throne to come work in the office of the Manhattan District Attorney. His confidence was palpable, and when he moved it was like he was doing so to the sounds of a solo violin playing a majestic composition.
He looked up as you passed by and gave you a polite nod, which you promptly returned, adding a smile just for the hell of it.
Then, he spoke. And while his voice was quite appealing, his words were not so much.
“'That must be the new ‘rockstar.’”
You had already made it past his office, towards your shoe-box that had been labeled an office when the words were spoken. And in truth, had it not been for his tone, you might’ve taken the words as a compliment. But alas, you heard snark beneath the syllables and your jaw had clenched though you weren’t about to make your remarkable hearing known just yet. In fact, as you walked into the small, square room with only a desk and a bookshelf near the sole, tiny window, you vowed to make his life hell.
Why? Because you had clearly had a chip on your shoulder. Sure, you were the youngest ADA to ever make the sixth floor and yes, your experience in the courtroom amounted to the equivalent of a pile of shaved parmesan cheese — thin but bold — but that didn’t mean that you couldn’t hold your own with the big boys. And Rafael Barba had certainly revealed himself as a ‘big boy’ that day.
Especially when, at lunch, he came sauntering into his office with sushi — again passing you in the hall and again bestowing upon you a polite nod — and another lawyer from across the hall asked, “I heard you nailed that bastard Tomlin in cross. Is there any case you can’t handle?”
“None,” had been his answer.
If he was the best, then you would take care to measure up to his stature.
That first day of observing Rafael Barba had been eight months ago, and you had more than proven your worth. You’d always been talented — the fact that your work reflected such was of no shock to you. What did come as a surprise, however, was that the man you’d initially found annoying with his expensive and colorful three-piece-suits and his undeniable wit would become the star of all your fantasies.
It began with finally noting the color of his eyes — a warm and enticing green that you could’ve stared into for hours and in which you could often see a glimpse of sadness beneath the bravado. Then his hands became a fascination of yours, large with thick, prominent veins running over in just the right places and long fingers that you often imagine buried in the depths of your core. That stupid smirk that was often more condescending than playful and yet still managed to be charming regardless of its context.
How did he do that? How was he able to make you feel foolish and horny at the very same time?
A vow to make his life hell had quickly become an adolescent form of flirting where you would do or say things that you knew got under his skin. It had quickly become a pass time for you, and you had found amusement in ruffling his feathers, especially when he would express his aggravation by shooting a glare in your direction. The fire in his eyes would set your skin ablaze, making a shiver trickle down your form and a tickle bloom in your stomach.
When you had been tasked to sit second chair on a big case he was trying, you had taken the opportunity to double down on your efforts to be taken seriously. He seemed to be somewhat receptive to your assistance, but had mainly relegated you to the role of secretary, which had irked you beyond belief. Convinced he hated you, you had all but given up your flirting tactics. It wasn’t until yesterday afternoon, while you were reorganizing your bookshelf, that your hope had been reignited.
There you were, in your joke of an office, moving books here and there with Dave Matthews Band playing from your IPod when you glimpsed his reflection in the window beside the bookshelf. You half-expected him to announce his presence, but when all he did was stare, you decided to show off a bit. At most you expected him to make a quick getaway once you started taking the advice of Dave Matthews to ‘hike up your skirt a little more’ but instead he stayed. He stared. And from what you could tell from his reflection in the window, he had frozen. The only thing was that you had no idea if it was because he was interested or that he had simply been caught off-guard.
“Y/N?” you heard from your doorway, and turned to see none other than the man himself, a resigned expression on his face. “Great job this morning. I never would’ve thought to ask about his fantasy football team.” He inhaled slowly and deeply, his chest inflating noticeably. “It won us the case,” he said in his exhale.
You arched a brow, unable to help yourself. “Did that hurt?”
He squinted at you. “I’m trying to pay you a compliment.”
“I know, I’m only asking if it hurt,” you replied, the corner of your lips curling into an amused smirk.
He snorted, tilting his head down to look at his shoes for a moment before looking back up at you. “Maybe a little.”
“Well, thank you for the compliment. Maybe now you’ll acknowledge that I can do this job just as well as any of you.”
His brows knitted for a moment as he answered, “I was never under the impression that you couldn’t.”
“Weren’t you?”
He shook his head. “No. I just find you a little insufferable at times.”
“Oh-Em-Gee,” you replied with a feigned offense.
“See — that right there, that’s obnoxious, and I think you know how I hate it, which is why you do it.”
“I’m sure I have no clue what you even mean, Barba,” you answered in a gentle laugh.
He narrowed his eyes, but you clocked the way he was trying to suppress a smile, and your cheeks grew hot.
“Okay, fine. Maybe I find it amusing that you get all bent out of shape over an acronym.”
“Several,” he replied. “Not just one, and not just every once in a while either.”
“You’ll stop?” he asked hopefully.
“Sure.” There were plenty of other ways you had identified to get under his skin, you could afford to lose one.
“And the humming? You’ll stop humming obscure songs in the halls that later get stuck in my head?”
“Oh no,” you replied, shaking your head. “Absolutely-the-hell-not. I like my taste in music too much not to share it with the entire office.”
He snorted, shaking his head as his arms crossed in front of his chest.
You bobbed your shoulders. “Sorry.”
“Man, you’re lucky you’re so cute,” he replied. His face froze immediately after, his eyes the only changing feature as they widened in surprise.
He wasn’t the only one taken aback by his slip. Your heart, apparently finding hope in the remark, began to beat wildly against your chest. A thrill flourished in the pit of your stomach and your mouth went dry as you waited for him to speak again.
Cute. He thought you were cute!
He thought you were cute? Suddenly his starring the day before came into sharp focus. He wasn’t merely frozen in place from getting a glimpse of what you were like outside the context of legal work, he was interested. In you!
“You think I’m cute?” you asked, needing to hear it again from him, and in much clearer language.
“I…” He seemed at a loss, and you began to taper your expectations yet again. “Yes. I think you’re attractive.”
You licked your dry lips, teeth catching your bottom lip.
“Does that, um…” He cleared his throat and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Does that bother you?”
The smile that bloomed on your face seemed to put him at ease, even more so when you replied, “No.” You ran a hand through your hair nervously. “Actually, I think you’re attractive too.”
He blinked, taking a few steps forward into your office. “Wait, really?”
Whether it was a surge of energy from hearing that your attraction was reciprocated or merely a result of how sexy he looked standing in the doorway with that hopeful look in his eyes, you couldn’t be sure. Whatever it was had you taking long strides to throw the door closed behind him as your lips pressed firmly against his.
Your moan buzzed against his lips when his hands pulled you flush against him by the waist, and you both stumbled for a few steps until he had you pressed against the wall. His tongue flicked against your lips, seeking entrance while one hand cupped your jaw as his head tilted. As his lips ventured to the pulse point in your neck, your hands made work of loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.
“Wait! Wait!” he exclaimed between kisses. “Maybe we shouldn’t. Not here, we’re at work.”
You knitted your brows. “Seriously? I’ve thought about doing it specifically here at least seven times.”
“Lucky number, I’d never think about it more than seven times,” you answered, kissing him again.
“That’s a little weird,” he whispered in a chuckle, his lips taking yours again as the hand on your waist fell to your hip.
“It’s not that weird.”
“What if someone walks in?” he asked, though, like you, he hadn’t moved in the slightest, his body still propping yours against the wall.
“That’s kinda kinky,” you replied, taking his lips again.
He groaned. “We should lock the door.”
“Yeah, we should,” you whispered, fingers resuming their task of unbuttoning his shirt while his lips found your neck again. “Or not.”
You stopped unbuttoning his shirt. “I mean, we can just keep most of the clothes on, that way if someone walks in, we can say we’re…” You couldn’t think of a valid excuse that would explain why you were both pressed up against the wall.
Looking up at you, he furrowed his brows as a smirk grew on his lips. “Yeah, I don’t think that’ll fly.”
“Probably not,” you mumbled. “Okay, you lock the door, I’ll bend over the desk.”
He stared at you for a moment, as though he was wondering if he’d heard you correctly. When you nodded is when he moved, going straight to the door to lock it as you made good and bent over your desk, lifting your skirt in the process.
“Fuck,” he groaned when he turned around and walked up beind you. “You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this.”
“Hopefully no more than seven,” you said, wiggling your ass enticingly.
“No, no more than seven,” he muttered as he got to his knees behind you and bit down on one ass cheek while his hand swiftly came down on the other.
You yelped and moved your hands to grip the other side of the desk, biting down on your lip as he moved your soaked panties to one side. Rolling your eyes to the back of your head, you shuddered when his tongue slipped through your folds, teasing your entrance.
Arching your hips to give him better access, you let a moan fall from your lips as your muscles clamped, trying to trap his hot tongue with no success. Cool air touched your pussy as he moved back to pull your panties down your legs, and you wiggled your legs anxiously.
He didn’t leave you waiting long, licking you with the flat of his tongue in broad strokes from your clit to your asshole. Pulling your labia between his lips, one at a time, he took his time licking and sucking on every inch of your vulva before dipping his tongue between your folds, flicking against your opening. He moaned against you and lowered his tongue to play with your clit.
“Oh fuck!” you exclaimed, gasping, pushing yourself back against his face. “Oh my god, that’s so good!”
Rafael moaned, sucking your clit deeply, both hands grasping your ass, holding you open for him. “You might wanna keep it down, a locked door doesn’t mean a soundproof room.”
You whined and pressed your lips together, bringing one of your hands down to cover your mouth. A gasp caught in your throat as one of his fingers sank into you, his head tilting to make room. Bucking back against him, you rode his finger, needing more but afraid that your please would alert your office mates elsewhere in the building. As another finger joined the first, your fist came down hard on the desk, shoving your files and phone right off the smooth surface.
“Please,” you managed to squeak, a moan stopped short at the back of your tongue when his fingers curled and began to massage your g spot. The pressure deep inside you quickly tightened until you were holding your breath, anticipating the release that inched closer… closer…
He stood suddenly, and you nearly sobbed when one of his large hands pressed down on your back. The clinking sound his belt made as he loosened it made your muscles flutter urgently, the promise of him filling you sending a fresh wave of energy through your body all the way down to your core. You suddenly became incredibly aware of how empty you were and widened your stance slightly, eager to feel him inside you. Your muscles twitched desperately, seeking out something to grip when he pressed himself against your entrance. Reflexively, your hips arched again, the small of your back dipping to present yourself fully to him. A moan caught in the back of your throat as he slid past your opening, and in one long, leisure stroke was buried to the hilt inside you.
Your muscles hugged him, as if to never let him go and it pulled a satisfied groan from him, keeping him still. He stayed that way until you began to squirm again, needing him to move.
Rafael pulled out just as slowly as he’d entered until just the tip of him remained before he surged forward again, his hips pressing mercilessly against your ass.
“Oh God, you feel amazing,” he groaned, repeating the acting again, his hands moving to gently hold your hips in place. After a few slow yet firm thrusts, he started moving faster, harder until his hips created a beat that cracked over your skin. The sting of it on your ass kept you present, feeling every ridge and vein along his thick, long cock.
“Oh fuck, that’s so good,” you sighed, resting your head against the desk and letting him use you for his pleasure. The tickles between your thighs were so delicious and intoxicating that it was as if he had always been this way with you. As if he knew every inch and quirk and need of your body, and had fine-tuned himself to be perfectly in sync with you.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this,” he mumbled, one hand stroking over your spine while the other kept hold on your hip, pulling you back into him.
“I-Is it as g-good as you imagined?” you asked between shuddered breaths.
“So much better,” he groaned.
Your muscles clenched around him, and you began to move back against him, looking over your shoulder, meeting his eyes.
“Fuck!” He pulled out.
“No!” God dammit, you were so close!
“Hang on, I just wanna look at you,” he replied, turning you around and pushing you back down onto the desk with a kiss as he slid back into you.
Whimpering against his mouth, you wrapped your legs tightly around him, your heels digging into his ass and using the leverage to drive him harder into you. From this angle, his cock dragged over your gs pot again and again, building the tickles in your pussy until it was all that existed for you. You looked up at him, hoping the look in your eyes was enough to convey your need to come.
He didn’t disappoint; with a smirk, he snapped his hips and reached between you with one hand circling your clit while the other hand clamped over your opened mouth. Your screams were muffled as the orgasm rushed over you like a tidal wave finally reaching land, drowning you in pleasure and all things Rafael. A moment later, he throbbed inside you, heat spurting against your insides and his cock flexing with each burst of his release. Body trembling, you undulated beneath him, savoring each after shock as it hit as a sting fell in your eyes, your skin on fire.
When you began to come back to Earth, you realized that your hair was stuck to your forehead, sweat had fallen into the corners of our eyes, and your body was ultra sensitive, even responding to his fingertips as they dragged over your ribs. His weight felt so good on top of you, keeping you present with him as he slowly lifted his upper body to look down at you.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” he groaned, kissing you deeply and moving your hair off your forhead with one hand.
“Better than amazing,” you answered, kissing him again, your fingers sliding through his soft, damp hair. “Question,” you said as he carefully pulled out of you, and helped you sit up. “Is this a one time, get-it-out-of-our-system kinda thing or is this a let’s-give-this-a-go kinda thing?”
He blushed a bit, fixing his pants while you pulled your panties on, muscles clenched to keep any of his essence from dripping onto the floor. “I mean, I’d like it if it was a let’s-give-this-a-go kinda thing. Are you alright with that or…?”
You grinned, biting your bottom lip as he started to drip out of you and onto the seat of your panties. “I am definitely okay with that.”
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 2 years
Master List
Prompt list!
Walking Dead
- Daryl
Join Me?
- Rick
Hot N Heavy
Hot N Heavy 2
- Tara
- Michonne
- Rosita
- Sasha
- Gabriel 
- Glenn
- Abraham
- Maggie
- Daryl
Warm Winter Night
- Rick
- Tara
- Michonne
- Rosita
- Sasha
- Gabriel 
- Glenn
- Abraham
- Maggie
- Daryl
- Rick
- Tara
- Michonne
- Rosita
- Sasha
- Gabriel 
- Glenn
- Abraham
- Maggie
Random Works
Criminal Minds
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- Hotch
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- JJ
- Emily
- Luke
- Garcia
- Reid
- Hotch
- Morgan
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- Reid
- Hotch
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- JJ
- Emily
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- Garcia
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- Anders
- Isabella
- Hawke
- Fenris
- Anders
- Isabella
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Dragon Age Inquistion
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- Cullen
- Cassandra
- Iron Bull
- Dorian
- Blackwall
- Varric
- Sera
- Josephine
- Cullen
- Cassandra
- Iron Bull
- Dorian
- Blackwall
- Varric
- Sera
- Josephine
Random Works
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Prologue
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter One
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter Two
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter Three
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter Four
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter Five
Random Works
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Prologue
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter One
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter Two
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter Three
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter Four
DOVahkiiN Inquisitor Chapter Five
Law and Order SVU
- Olivia Benson
- Rafael Barba
The Desk
Slow and Hard
If It Pleases Your Honor
- Elliot Stabler
- Amanda Rollins
- Carisi
- Nick Amaro
- Alex Cabot
- Casey Novak
- Olivia Benson
Caramel Latte
- Rafael Barba
Please be more careful
- Elliot Stabler
- Amanda Rollins
Some Sugar
- Carisi
- Nick Amaro
- Alex Cabot
- Casey Novak
- Fin
- Olivia Benson
Time Apart
Startling Revelation 
Honey, I’ll Handle It
- Rafael Barba
Mr Fancy Pants
Our Family
Forever and Always - Our Family part 2
Really Detective?
- Elliot Stabler
- Amanda Rollins
- Carisi
- Nick Amaro
Run down
Mistaken Shirt
What Could Have Been
- Alex Cabot
- Casey Novak
- Fin
Random Works
Rafael Barba Series: Grumpy ADA and the Detecive
- Chapter One: The Dective
- Chapter two: Viper
-Chapter three: Take Two and Something More
- Chapter Four: Morning After
- Chapter Five: Shit, Dealt With
-Chapter Six: Looks and Wine
Rafael Barba Series: Dating App
- Chapter One: The Beginning
- Chapter Two: First Date
- Chapter Three -  Not What Was Expected
- Chapter Four - Acting Like Teenagers
- Chapter Five - Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
- Chapter Six - I’ll Be Gentle Sweetheart
- Thorin
Covered In Steam
- Fili
- Kili
- Dwalin
- Bilbo
- Nori
- Bofur
- Thorin
My Arkenstone
Dance at a Feast
- Fili
- Kili
My Compass
- Dwalin
- Bilbo
- Nori
- Bofur
- Thorin
- Fili
- Kili
- Dwalin
- Bilbo
Familia Cuddles
- Nori
- Bofur
Random Works
Tik Tok
My Hero Academia
All Might
Tik Tok
Moriarty the Patriot
- William Moriarty
- Albert Moriarty
- Louis Moriarty
- Sebastian Moran
- Sherlock Holmes
- John Watson
- James Bonde
- Mycroft Holmes
- William Moriarty
- Albert Moriarty
- Louis Moriarty
- Sebastian Moran
- Sherlock Holmes
- John Watson
- James Bonde
- Mycroft Holmes
- William Moriarty
- Albert Moriarty
- Louis Moriarty
- Sebastian Moran
- Sherlock Holmes
- John Watson
- James Bonde
- Mycroft Holmes
- William Moriarty
- Albert Moriarty
- Louis Moriarty
- Sebastian Moran
- Sherlock Holmes
- John Watson
- James Bonde
- Mycroft Holmes
The Conjuring Universe
- Ed Warren/Lorraine Warren/ Reader Series - Teachers Pet
- Chapter One - The Teachers
- Chapter Two - Hands On learning
Fullmetal Alchemist 
Mass Effect Trilogy
Mass Effect Andromeda
Lord of the Rings
The Kingsman
Black Clover
Musketeers (BBC)
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maggie32432 · 11 months
Rafael Barba Imagine - Wrong Place Wrong Time (Part 4)
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 You are a detective for NYPD’s SVU under lieutenant Olivia Benson. In Season 17 Episode 10 you are abducted as a hostage with Olivia and Rafael is outside the scene. 
Kailyn falls into Rafael, hardly able to stand on her own at this point. The paramedics try to get to her, but she shoves them off as Rafael holds her tighter than ever before. One of his arms is around her shoulders and the other is against the back of her head. "I've got you, I've got you," He repeats as he helps her back toward the van.
"Rafa," She mumbles against his clothes.
"You're staying with me tonight," He says and I just nod, glancing around his apartment, though feeling incredibly numb throughout my entire body. "I-" That's when I feel myself crumble for the first time since it all happened. Tears run from my eyes as Rafa holds me close to him, helping me to sit down on the bed. "Why were you at the scene? You're normally just needed after," I joke, though my voice incredibly small and weak, and he smiles, wiping the tears from my cheeks but then looks away, "I knew you were in there. I couldn't not be there," He says and my heart softens.
"H-he had the gun against my head the entire time," "I know," he says, voice as soft as butter at this point, "All I could think of was that I would never have gotten to tell you how I feel...I have wasted so much time being afraid of my own feelings," I whisper and he looks at me, now his eyes softening too.
"Well now we have all the time in the world. You wanna use the bathroom to wash your hair?" He says and I smile, for a lawyer he sure is not direct right now. "Yes," "I'll run you a bath," he says, kissing my temple before walking into the bathroom as I take off my jacket and kick off my shoes. I hear him come back into the room and even the sound of his footsteps made my heart skip a beat. "Breathe, you're safe now," He says, coming back to me and I feel my heart racing now, but for a different reason. He takes my hand and I feel my body shaking again as he leads me into the bathroom.
I walk into his large bathroom and see the tub filling up with bubbles and warm water. My body feels weak. Weaker than I care to admit as I feel Rafa behind me. "Would like me to wait outside?" He asks breath against my shoulder, but I shake my head, "Stay," "Te cuidaré" he whispers as I hesitantly pull my top off. I did not think that the first time Rafael would see me naked is him helping me wash blood out of my hair. I pull the rest of my clothes off before stepping into the warm water, still not quite feeling like myself.
The water surrounds my skin as I sit down, wasting no time to curl into a ball. Rafael sits beside the tub, ready to wash my hair and be careful to not touch my stitches. I glance up at him to see him staring at me with a more loving look than I've ever seen before. "I wish he didn't die. I wanted him to suffer the consequences," I mumble against my knee and Rafa nods, "I know, I'm sorry," He says and I just continue to look down at the water.
His hands massage my head and I lay back contently, now feeling slightly more comfortable to show my breasts. The water quickly turns pink, but Rafa never stops. After letting me sit for a while, he helps me out of the tub, letting me borrow some of his clothes.
Rafael holds her as she stumbles from the tub. The towel is wrapped around her body loosely, but even for the experienced ADA it's hard to watch her in such a rough shape. The stitches in her forehead ache as she looks more exhausted than he thought possible. After having a gun held to anyone's head for hours that entails therapy and a psychologist note in order to go back to work, but he's sure that Kailyn knows all of that.
"Come to bed, cariño," he says as he helps her lay in his sheets. "Rafa, why have we spent all those nights going over notes in my apartment when you live in a place like this?" she asks, eyes already closed against the pillow, He chuckles to himself, "I'll go to the guest room," "No!" she exclaims, eyes opening and perking up as she grabs his hand. He realizes through this how traumatized she really is, "Okay, okay. I'll stay," He whispers and she nods, body relaxing back against the mattress.
Barba's phone buzzes with a text from Carisi, Sonny: How's McCann doin? Have you talked to her? Barba: She's fine. Staying with me for a while. Sonny: Take good care of our girl for us
Rafa turns his phone off to look back at Kailyn. "I was thinking the same thing today," "Hm?" She asks as he crawls into bed on the other side, laying beside her. "I thought that-well, if I lost you then I never-I never would've been able to tell you," He says, "Tell me?" She asks, now opening her beautiful blue eyes, "Te amo," He whispers and her eyes widen, "I love you," she whispers back, putting her hand on the side of his face.
His eyes close at her touch, "I thought I was going to lose you today," "I'm here," His eyes shut as he holds back the tears he didn't know where coming.
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megalony · 2 years
Reliving the dream
This is a Rafael Barba imagine that I am hoping to make into a small series, I hope you will all like it, feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout​ @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez-blog​ @jonesyaddiction​ @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy​ @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​ @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod​ @ceres27​ @thereisa8ella​ @qardasngan​​
Part 2
Summary: (Y/n) and Rafael had to recover from losing their baby 2 years ago, but their lives start to change again when (Y/n) finds out she’s pregnant again.
Warning: Brief mention of misscarriage.
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"Clocking out?"
(Y/n)'s head turned to the right, the distant look in her eyes washing away as she focused on Carisi approaching her with a smile. She hated to admit it but throughout the day, a lot of what Carisi had talked about hadn't reached (Y/n)'s ears. Her mind had been running away without her for a while and she knew he was starting to notice.
"Are you ready to go home?"
A tired but still bright smile formed on Carisi's lips as he moved to perch himself on the corner of (Y/n)'s desk, his jacket slung in the crook of his elbow and his bag now resting by his feet on the floor.
Carisi was a talker, he was big on chatting and having the air full of noise rather than silence. Usually he could have a chat with (Y/n) since she was a talker too and now that they were partners, it seemed like a perfect fit. They could talk about anything and everything but not be distracted from their work. But he knew there was something playing on (Y/n)'s mind today.
"Yeah, it's been a long few days."
(Y/n) did want to go home, she wanted to see her ADA who hopefully would be home by now too since he didn't have to prep a witness until tomorrow afternoon. But the thoughts playing on her mind were easier to have when she was at work than when she was at home where the thoughts seemed to get louder.
"Ain't that the truth... you okay, something worrying you?" Carisi tried to look at (Y/n) but she wouldn't meet his gaze, her eyes focused on her desk before she opened her bottom drawer which was essentially a nicnac drawer.
"Just family stuff, I'm okay. So what's on your agenda for tonight?" It was only fair that (Y/n) kept up the small conversation considering her mind had been elsewhere all day. She didn't want to be rude to Carisi when they got along and there wasn't anything he had said or done to upset her or make her practically mute like this. It wasn't his fault that her mind was drifting somewhere else completely and he was always there to listen, (Y/n) had to do the same.
Carisi's words about possibly hitting a bar before heading home for a quiet night seemed to drown out once again in (Y/n)'s ears when her eyes set on something in her drawer.
She couldn't help herself, her fingers felt like magnets as they latched gently around the small square of paper she forgot was tucked away there.
(Y/n) could feel the anger and pain swelling up in her chest and filling up her lungs. Her eyes started to burn, desperate to shed at least one tear to rid herself of some emotion but she couldn't. Not here, not now. But her eyes wouldn't look away from the paper that was making her want to curl up in a corner and disappear. The black and white picture of pain and lost potential was all (Y/n) could see.
"Oh wow, I didn't realise you had a kid- oh, or should I be saying congratulations? That's a neat photo."
(Y/n)'s eyes finally managed to look up at Carisi as he babbled away, his lips curving into another signature smile that made his eyes crease at the corners and small lines appear on his cheeks. He knew he could babble and talk nonsense until the sun went down and that wasn't a fault in him, but right now it was something (Y/n) found painful.
Couldn't he of just gone home without talking to her?
"No... uh, no congratulations required." Throwing the picture back down into the drawer, (Y/n) slammed it shut before she stood up far too quickly. Her glossing eyes looking at Carisi as she tried to compose herself. "That was just, a bad dream."
She couldn't bring herself to say goodbye or goodnight, she just wanted to go home.
"I didn't... I didn't mean-"
Carisi cut himself off, smoothing his hand over his mouth and jaw, his other hand clamping down on his hip as he turned his head to look across at Amanda and Fin. His eyes narrowed when he noticed the way they were looking at one another, sadness and apprehension in their eyes while they stopped in their preparations to go home. It was clear they had heard the conversation as well as noticed the change in (Y/n)'s attitude before she left in a hurry.
"I wasn't trying to be rude." His voice was quiet and his eyes locked with Amanda when she took a few steps towards him, shrugging her jacket on whilst biting her lip. Her nose crinkled up and her eyes squinted in a look that told Carisi he had stepped into no mans land.
"(Y/n) had a miscarriage two years ago, Barba dropped three open cases to look after her." Scratching her head, Amanda gave Carisi a small smile. "Goodnight, Carisi."
It was something that still plagued all of SVU despite everything having to ignore it and keep the memories in the past. The subject of children was something that was fine to talk about as long as none of it was directed towards (Y/n). She would chip in conversations but didn't want to have full blown conversations. Instead of stepping on eggshells around (Y/n), she preferred everyone just pretend it never happened.
Amanda still remembered it vividly.
(Y/n) crippled in pain, Barba arguing with the judge to the point he could of gotten disbarred. Following the ambulance to the hospital, then the weeks afterwards where the couple weren't seen barely at all. Three SVU cases were abandoned by Barba and a replacement ADA had to be brought in to take over. Setting the cases back because the new ADA had to go over evidence, talk to witnesses and be walked through the entire cases.
None of them had ever seen that side of Barba before.
"Carino, I'm home." Rafael placed his briefcase down next to his shoes, shrugging off his blazer before he padded into the apartment. His eyes scanned around to try and find his beloved and his hands loosened the tie around his neck so he could feel less restricted and formal now he was home.
As he padded over the fluffy grey rug beneath his feet, Rafael looked around the living room. The tv wasn't on which showed him that (Y/n) had a late night at work, she never watched tv in the living room late at night after work.
Figuring his wife was in their bedroom, Rafael tiredly made his way down the hallway past the kitchen but his brows furrowed when he saw that the door to his office was open. (Y/n) didn't usually go in there unless he was home and working, there was no reason for her to go in his office when she didn't do her work in there.
He peeked his head round the door, wondering what (Y/n) was doing but his eyes widened and a shiver ran down his spine when he took two steps into his office.
It wasn't a large space, just big enough for Rafael to have his desk up against the wall on the left, a bookcase next to it, a few shelves with his papers and folders on the wall to the right, and a large window at the end of the room. Tears welled up in the corner of Rafael's eyes and when he tried to swallow, his throat was too dry and started to rub causing a small cough to leave his lips.
The candles was lit.
On the windowsill at the end of the office, there were two long white candles stood in either corner. On the left side next to the candle there was a small cream coloured frame containing the last scan photo Rafael had of his baby girl before they lost her.
But on the right there was a medium sized silver picture frame containing a photo of their girl swaddled in Rafael's arms. It was one of the only photos Rafael could bare to look at because the original photo showed him sat holding her, his face blotched red and soaked with tears. But this photo was zoomed in, focusing on the babe in his arms that was born sleeping. Seeing the other photo of (Y/n) cradling her was just too unbearable for Rafael.
At the bottom of the frame it was engraved Seguro en mi corazón meaning safe in my heart.
The small memory corner was something for Rafael to take comfort in and something he could look at when his emotions were getting the better of him.
But (Y/n) had lit the candles. That was a tell-tale sign that the memories were getting to her and she wasn't coping. If ever Rafael found the candles lit and he hadn't done it, he always found (Y/n) on the verge of breaking point.
"(Y/n)? Carino, are you okay?" The croaky words left Rafael's lips before he spun on his heels and left the office, leaving the candles burning because his heart wouldn't let him blow them out yet.
With a deep breath, Rafael rubbed at his eyes and scratched his jaw as he hurried down to their shared bedroom, scanning all around the room but he couldn't see his wife there. Knowing she wouldn't be in the spare room at the back of the apartment, Rafael lightly stepped towards the bathroom and leaned his side against the door. His temple rested against the wood, hearing the soft, quiet sound of piano music playing and the lapping sound of the water in the bath.
"Carino, can I come in please?" His knuckles rasped on the door very gently before he headed in when he didn't get an answer.
(Y/n)'s eyes slowly opened when she felt those familiar, soft fingers slowly and methodically running through her hair that was resting on the edge of the bath so it didn't get wet. The top of her neck and base of her head was beginning to ache from how long she had been leaning back in the bath but she didn't care, she held no will to get out.
She could feel her chest bubbling with love and air when she looked at her ADA. He was kneeling beside the tub, his arm folded on the side of the tub and his chin resting on his arm. There was a softness to his eyes that looked like caramel about to melt and his hair was pushed back making (Y/n) want to card her fingers through it and ruffle the hairs.
"How are you doing, Mi Amor? I saw the candles are lit tonight."
Rafael's hand started to tingle when (Y/n) leaned her cheek against his palm so he would brush his thumb up and down her skin.
"Carisi saw the scan photo, I forgot it was still in my desk drawer. I've been thinking about her a lot..." (Y/n) didn't know what else to say, she knew what she should say but it was hard to find the words or the effort for the conversation that would surely follow.
Rafael wasn't sure what he was supposed to say in response to that. He could say that he had been thinking of her too, but that wasn't much comfort or help or release. He could say that it was normal and it wasn't a bad thing, but they had both heard that too many times so it wasn't effective anymore.
He wanted to go on a tangent about Carisi, something about him always seemed to rub Rafael up the wrong way. How quick he jumped from one idea to the next, his constant off the topic rants, how he attached himself straight away to (Y/n). And now this proved to Rafael that Carisi didn't have a filter or a thought process before he spoke when he wasn't speaking to victims. He knew just by (Y/n)'s voice that Carisi had asked about the scan photo.
A comfortable silence wrapped around them both and when (Y/n) slowly moved to get up, knowing the water was cooler than lukewarm now, she felt Rafael's arms smoothing around her dripping frame to help her out. He didn't care he was still in his dress shirt and trousers and when he had a towel around (Y/n), he engulfed her to his chest.
"Come on, mi amor."
When in their bedroom, Rafael leaned his head to the side and let his eyes watch his wife curiously but with adoration pooling in his orbs. He found it strange when she put her underwear on when getting changed for bed but then she suddenly stopped. Realisation soon hit him when he watched her fingers delicately smooth over the small, varying stretch marks around her lower stomach and the few on her hips.
(Y/n) hadn't thought about stretch marks staying present on her skin, she thought after the pregnancy abruptly ended and when her figure went back to much how it was before, the stretch marks would disappear too. But they stayed, trying to be a small reminder to show (Y/n) that it wasn't all just a dream.
A small sigh escaped her lips but her breath then caught in her throat when Rafael took her hand and lead her over to the bed. He sat down on the end of the bed and rested his hands on her hips, tugging her closer until she sat down on his lap. Her arms hooked around the back of his neck with her fingers playing with the short strands of hair at the back of his head and neck.
"These feelings come and go, Carino, they may feel strong but they won't last forever."
"What if they get worse?"
(Y/n) closed her eyes when she pressed their foreheads together, wishing she could transfer her thoughts and feelings over to him so she didn't actually have to say anything. He knew her inside out, back to front and there were hundreds of times where he knew what she was thinking or feeling without her needing to say a word. Sometimes she wished it could always be like that between them so it wasn't so hard like this.
"Then we deal with it together-"
"Rafi, I... I'm pregnant."
There was no chance for Rafael to look at (Y/n) and see her emotions or expression. As soon as the words hit his ears and he had a second to process them, (Y/n)'s face was buried in the crook of his neck and her arms were tightening around him until he was sure his throat would pop.
His arms moved from cradling her hips to ensnared around her waist as her legs hooked around his hips.
He could remember the first time he'd heard those words. He remembered it like it was yesterday, being woken up by (Y/n) clinging to his back in bed, her chin perched on his shoulder as she told him that very soon there would be someone else here to call him Papi. Rafael needed her to say the words to know she wasn't joking but when she did it was the best day of his life.
Marriage and family wasn't something Rafael thought he would get in this life. His primary focus had been his family and his career, love and marriage hadn't come into the scene and he had been perfectly fine with that right up until (Y/n) walked into his life. He knew then that she was the one for him.
Rafael had been on the edge of forty when they met and (Y/n) was younger than him but she made his life complete. He had all he wanted in life, he could support his family, he had the job he strived for and had proved himself worth something. He had a wife and then he was about to have a baby.
When they lost her, the subject or even the thought of kids had been on hold. Now they didn't have a choice but to talk about it.
"Mi amor, what happened was a one in a million chance. It will be different this time-"
"What if it's not? I'm not- I can't lose another baby Rafi I can't-"
"Shh, you think like that and you'll make yourself sick. We will get you checked out, Liv can put you on desk duty again and we take it one day at a time."
Rafael's hands moved to cradle (Y/n)'s face in his hands so he could gently move her so their foreheads were touching again. If she thought the worst she would expect it and make herself sick thinking like that. Rafael knew that (Y/n) was entitled to more checkups during this pregnancy since she had a miscarriage before. They would do all they could to make sure this time, they got their baby.
"Rafi, we wanted her so bad but we lost her." When they found out they were having a girl everything had seemed more real, set in stone and the anticipation soon set in. Losing her broke the world they were in and sent them down to a Hell made of depression. They hadn't done anything to deserve that pain.
"No. No la perdimos, está a salvo en nuestros corazones, mi amor." Rafael's words were stern and they made (Y/n)'s stomach flutter and her fears melted against his burning passion and love.
We didn't lose her, she's safe in our hearts.
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melk917 · 2 years
Weird writer questions (randomized)
Ahhh this took me a bit because I had to think through all the quotes I wanted to include, haha.
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
To be most successful I feel like I have to do it first thing in the morning on just coffee. Some times yes to music (but it has to be the perfect vibe for the story), other times silent. And I really need to turn off all sorts of chat type things.
That like.... middle of the night clarity sort of writing when the rest of the world is asleep and you just hit a flow.
They're all cursed because I am 1. not a morning person, so wtf how does that work??? and 2. hitting a flow is great but then its 4am and I have a 9am meeting I have to be human for, lolol.
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
Ohhhh.... I would enjoy both, but dialogue I think? And just all filth, lol. Straight up dirty talk porn, I think.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
The ability to mind dump the images and flow and dialogue and movie scenes I see in my head straight to the page without needing to type anything out.
The mental fortitude to finish things
Motivation. LOL
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Ohhhhh, who is entirely mine???
Ok, well fanfic-wise, Ava, Rafa's cousin in the Full Ratchet universe, who no one has met yet because she's only in stuff I've planned. She's a ton of fun. And Mike McKinnon, the other ADA from The Full Ratchet, that she normally works with.
(Do dogs count? Because then also Junior & Socks from the Lawyer Club Sandwich w/Italian Sausage universe with @lannister-slings-and-arrows, too LOL)
From my own personal work? (stuff no one has ever seen and only lives in my head, LOL), Gustav, who pretends to be the main character's uncle in this fantasy trilogy I have planned out. He takes her in after she just lands in the world and brings her with him to her life in the palace. But it turns out he is actually also from our world, he's just been there long enough that no one questions him. He's fun. He's a bit wild, throws huge parties, plays chess with the main male character/love interest.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
This is by no means the only quote from literature that I love, but one I think of often when I need to pump myself up is from Henry V: "We'll bend them to our awe, or break them all to pieces."
From fanfic? Listen. I can not even begin to say how obsessed I am with 29 Songs. I re-read it ALL the fucking time. The storytelling, and the incredibly well crafted emotions and build up. But there's two quotes I think about a lot:
From Chapter 11:
Sonny was about to push himself up into a sitting position to seize that smirking mouth once more, but Barba surprised him by swinging a leg over him and straddling high on his thighs. Sonny drank in the sight of him, beautiful in the dappled morning light, soft and naked and sumptuously formed. He wanted to touch him, to drag his hands along his body and take in the shape of him, to spit in his hand and palm their dicks together, to feel the slide of Barba's thick cock against his own. He wanted to grip his firm thighs and sink into his round, luscious ass. More than anything, he wanted to spend several sunlit days pressed against him, kissing him.
Like -- "soft and naked and sumptuously formed" GAHHH. And then after all that filth: "More than anything, he wanted to spend several sunlit days pressed against him, kissing him."
The contrast and the language. Fuck yes.
And from Chapter 15:
He had the absurd thought that fucking Rafael Barba was what Plato had imagined when he described leaving the cave.
I... I just. GOD can I not even tell you how much I fucking love this line. Like, the reference? It's just so good???? And then to use it like this in this context? God.
Like FUCK ME I wish I wrote like this. So big, massive shout out to that fic & it's author. They're a genius. Any Barisi fans who haven't read it need to immediately.
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wildflowerswildhorses · 11 months
If Stabler had stayed, imagine his relationship with Barba would have been like instead? 😮 Or even Stone? Or the whole Rob Miller arc?
I still think Stabler and Barba may have butted heads a little bit - but like Stabler's pretty much butted heads with most of their ADAs - and I can just imagine Barba sassing the fuck out of him.
Rob Miller would have been quaking if Stabler had been there.
Like the possibilities are fucking endless. And I think this is exactly why I love AUs so much - they're just so fun to think about
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Time to change.
This little dribble is for @beccabarba​ 
Warnings: none really, just Nick and Rafi being themselves.
WC:  548
Enjoy x
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You loathed change, it was something that you had always felt nervous to deal with, but it was time and naturally it wasn’t just a small change, it was a huge massive change. It was only by chance that you had crossed Liv’s path at a crimes conference. You were shocked when your Captain came to your desk and asked if you wanted to transfer. It took you a while to think about it, but with a push from your family and friends you packed your small apartment in Texas and made the move to Manhattan. It couldn’t have come at a better time, you still getting treated like a rookie cop by the old boys club, that still and always would look at you like you were a little girl that didn’t know what you were talking about.
As you walked through the glass doors, your body filled with excitement until you saw two grown men standing almost toe to toe and you wondered if you were in the right place. You jumped slightly when the dark haired one of the two slammed down a file on a desk they were standing next too,
“Your not taking the case cause I’ve brought it too you” the darker haired man roared.
“Amaro, don’t flatter yourself” the other man crossed his arms across his body “It has to be bullet proof, you know that”
It was like watching a tennis match as the two men continued to argue between themselves. You felt your cheeks heat up as the better dressed man of the two, in a grey 3-piece suit looked away from the other man and locked eyes with you. You had never seen eyes that colour green before, they were almost calming. The other man whipped his head around following the others eye line, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes then locking with yours and you felt your knees start to tremble.
“Can we help you?” the green-eyed man gave you a small smile.
“Ah yeah Hi, I’m Y/N, the new detective”
You saw both men give each a dirty look before the green-eyed man walked around the other man and started to walk towards you,
“Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m Rafael Barba, SVU’s ADA. Welcome to Manhattan and the squad”
Rafael reached his big long fingered hand out to yours; you copied his actions. Your breathing hitched as the warmth of his hand covered yours. Your eyes met again and he gifted you a small wink. You smiled slightly and cleared your throat,
“Nice to you meet you Mr Barba”
“Like wise” he grinned at you.
“I’ am Nick Amaro. Welcome Y/N” Nick gave you a big smile and also reached his hand out to you.
You let go of Rafael’s hand and reached it over to Nick’s. You had the same reaction touching his hand as you did touching Rafael’s, looking up into Nick’s eyes and he also gave you wink.
“Nice to meet you Nick”
It was at that point that maybe change wasn’t as bad as you thought, this change anyway. Only time would tell, but if these were the men you were going to be working with, you were excited to see how the friendships would grow and blossom.
Tags:  @detective-giggles @beccabarba  @witches-unruly-heart @dianilaws @scarletsoldierrr @lv7867  @permanentlydizzy @averyhotchner @infiniteoddball @fandom-princess-forevermore @madamsnape921 @annabelleb49 @alwaysachorusgirl @thatesqcrush @yourdearest-love @amorestevens @ben-c-group-therapy @jemmakates​ @gillysoldlady​
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uncpanda · 3 years
Prompt 20: bandaging/stitching up an injury
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and surrogacy. 
AN: I saw a chance to include ADA Isaiah Holmes and I took it. Because I think he’s a fabulous character and I love Wentworth Miller. 
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“I am so sorry.” 
Rafael gives you a funny look as you try to avoid looking at his hand which is currently bleeding. Normally, the blood wouldn’t affect you, but pregnancy hormones had apparently made you a little squeamish. “It’s not your fault.” 
You sigh, before turning to dig through the medicine cabinet to get what you need, “Yes it is. I’m the one who dropped the glass. I’m the one that’s so huge that I couldn’t pick up the glass.” 
Rafael snorts, “You’re eight months pregnant, and your back is killing you all the time. You didn’t need to pick it up. Plus the only reason you dropped the glass is because I bumped into you.” 
You turn to face him, tears brimming in the corners of your eyes, “But you got hurt.” 
With his good hand, he takes your free hand and gives it a squeeze, “I’m okay. I promise.” 
He’s the one who diseinfects the wound, so that you can bandage it. When it’s all done he holds it up for you to inspect, “See. I’m perfectly fine.” 
You let out a little sigh of relief, knowing you panic wasn’t exactly reasonable. And because he always seems to know what you’re thinking, Rafael pulls you into his arms for a quick cuddle.You snuggle into his body. He isn’t wearing aftershave, something that’s become the norm since you realized how sensitive to smells the pregnancy had made you. 
His hand rubs up and down your back, and places a kiss on your forehead. “I love you. You know that, right?” 
“I know. I love you too.” 
“And this thing you’re doing? I think it’s incredibly kind and loving of you.” 
You smile, and try to bury it in Rafa’s shoulder, “It’s not a big deal.” 
“It’s a very big deal, and I know for a fact that Isaiah and his husband are so grateful for it.” 
You take a step back and rub a hand over your belly. ADA Isaiah Holmes was your best friend. At one point he’d been your mentor at the ADA’s office, and from there a friendship had bloomed. He’d gone through some of the toughest moments of your life with you, and you had stood by him no matter what. In some ways, he was more like a brother. 
So when he and his husband James had been ready to start a family, they had approached you about being a surrogate. You had stared at them for several minutes, more than a little nervous. You and Rafael had been together for a year, and while the two of you lived together you had both decided you weren’t ready for kids or marriage yet. 
The two of you had talked about it extensively, before you had both decided you were okay to move forward. Isaiah had been thrilled, and to your surprise the insemination had taken the first time. You’d been warned it might take a few rounds. And now, here you were, eight months later and an emotional mess. You were really happy that you’d be done soon. 
A knock on the door breaks you out of your thoughts, and Rafa goes to answer the door. Isaiah and James are there. Not missing a thing, Isaiah takes in Rafael’s hand and then looks at you. His lips quirk into a smile, before walking over to you, a bag of your favorite bagels in hand, “Craving delivery.” 
You perk up and quickly take the bag from him, and start heading towards the couch. You ease yourself down with a little bit of help, and Isaiah settles on your left side. And as has become habit, you reach over and take his hand before placing it on your belly, where one of the twins is kicking. Rafa smiles as he takes a seat in an armchair, allowing James to take the seat on your other side and also place his hand on your belly. 
And while the two dads get to feel their babies kick you, chow down and smile at your wounded boyfriend. He shoots you a wink, and you can’t help but think you’re the luckiest girl in the world because you have the best boyfriend and the best friends a girl can ask for. 
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sej2020 · 1 year
Better Me, Better You
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Chapter 3
Chapter 2
‘Y/N!’ shouted Olivia, finding you with a knife sticking out your side.
‘I… I got…. A shot’ you gasped the pain taking effect.
‘Ok, it’s ok save your strength, paramedics are here’ said Olivia.
You got lost in the pain and blood. Groaning as you were shifted from foot to gurney, an oxygen mask pressed to your face, floating in and out, the alleyway and faces of the team all becoming a blur.
You were rushed into surgery as soon as you arrived at the hospital. What you didn’t know was the waiting room being filled up by all your brothers and sisters in blue, even Tucker from IAB showed up.
‘Councillor’ said Olivia surprised, as the man weaved through the many people over to waiting squad.
‘I heard what happened, any news?’ said Barba.
‘Nothing still in surgery’ grunted Finn.
‘Right…. IAB sniffing round already?’ asked Barba critically watching Tucker.
‘Vultures’ said Rollins.
‘Will she need representation?’ asked Barba.
‘No, Tucker is just here as a colleague’ said Olivia referring to the two of having worked cases closely together in the past when you were a rookie.
‘Right’ snorted Barba.
‘Sergeant’ said the surgeon making his way over.
‘Yes’ said Olivia.
‘Your detective pulled through the surgery, but she’s lost a lot of blood, she’s going to have a long recovery, we will be keeping her in the ICU overnight, so right now she can’t have any visitors’ said the surgeon.
‘Ok, ok, thank you so much’ said Olivia in relief.
The entire room deflated, some clapping more in relief than anything else. One by one everyone began to leave, returning the next morning was just your squad sergeant. Finding your room, Olivia was shocked to find Barba already there, you sat up in bed slightly, pale looking while Barba sat with a case file in his lap, coffee in one hand along with his feet settled on the bed, brightly coloured socks on display as his shoes were on the floor.
‘Asshole’ you chuckled at whatever Barba had said.
‘Well I’m not the one who got themselves stabbed’ said Barba smirking taking a sip of his coffee.
‘So you choose torture?’ You asked, a smile on your face.
‘Yes’ said Barba simply.
‘Thanks….. hi’ you smiled at the squad who were stood quiet shocked in the doorway.
‘Y/N’ smiled Olivia.
‘I’m ok Liv’ you smiled at the women who had become a fierce friend.
‘Good, gave us all a right scare’ sighed Olivia.
‘Where are we with getting this bastard?’ you asked, ignoring Barba poking your leg with his toe.
‘That’s what I wanted to know’ said Barba narrowing his gaze on the sergeant.
‘Squads on their way to pick him up now’ said Olivia.
‘Good, I’ll come with you back to the precinct’ said Barba righting himself, packing away his file.
‘Rafael do me a favour’ you said before the two made it out the door.
‘What’s that?’ asked Barba.
‘Go after the bastard’ you said settling down with groan.
‘You got it’
Chapter 4
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
Rafael Barba One Shot
💕 = VDay Bingo | 🌶 = Holiday Bingo | 🔥 = Kink Bingo | 🐭 = Disney Bingo | 🎭 = Musical Bingo | 🌹 = WiPs request
South of the Border (NSFW) 💕
Papi (NSFW) 🔥
A Silent Buzz (NSFW) 🔥
Cure My Ache (NSFW) 🔥
Family Man
All Mine 💕
Exam Prep Destress (NSFW) 💕
A Sentimental Gift 🌶
Shakespeare and a Snowstorm 🌶
Jul (NSFW) 🌶
Snowed In 🌶
Wrong Gift (NSFW) 🌶
Fireside (NSFW) 🌶
Not College Material
Meeting the Squad (daughter!reader)
Welcome Home (Amaro!reader)
"I love you. But you already know that"
Dusk till Dawn (tw: substance abuse, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: attempted suicide) (feat. Sonny Carisi, (Y/N) and (Y/N)’s daughter)
🖼 Moodboards 🖼
Princess and the Frog 🐭
The Little Mermaid 🐭
Rocky Horror Picture Show 🎭
Evita 🎭
Cabaret 🎭
West Side Story (Barisi) 🎭
📝 WiPs 📝
South of the Border 🌹
Murder at the Opera 🌹
Headcanons 💻
Plus Size!reader
Volunteering at an animal shelter
Bad ass s/o
Favorite position (feat the other bois)
covering their mouth (NSFW-ish)
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sinsiriuslyemo · 7 months
So I heard you're opening requests again, but there's no rush on this. I read the imagine where Frederick's patient was a sketch artist who told him her feelings for him but he respectfully turned her down to which she accepted. Do you think you could write one for Rafa but the reader is left jilted and heartbroken? The person is also a secret admirer who leaves gifts for him
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“Who is that from?” Olivia asked as she eyed the clear box of what appeared to be chocolate covered almonds with a neatly fastened purple ribbon around it. You lowered your eyes in an attempt to hide the pink that was surely making its way quickly to your cheeks as your boss — ADA Rafael Barba — shrugged his shoulders and picked the gift up.
You hailed a cab, went straight home, changed into your pajamas, and put on your go-to pick-me-up movie before sinking onto your sofa. With a blanket over your lap, and your heart broken and bleeding in your chest, you reached for the chocolate-covered almonds, finally opening them.
“I honestly have no idea,” he replied, examining the box for the fourth time that day. “Nor do I know how whoever sent them knew that chocolate covered almonds are one of my favorites.”
“You got a secret admirer, Rafael?” Sonny inquired, dimpled smirk taking over his face as he sat in one of the seats in front of the ADA’s desk.
“That or someone’s trying to kill me, I suppose,” Rafael mumbled, setting the box down once more and beginning to listen to Olivia’s briefing on their most recent case while you set his long-awaited coffee down on his desk. “Thank you,” he said softly to you, glancing in your direction with a smile before he gave the Lieutenant his attention again.
You’d been working at the DA’s office for nearly two years as a paralegal, and had always seen the illustrious ADA in the hallways as he made his way to or from the courthouse downstairs. At first, you’d been content just to admire him from afar — even sometimes volunteering to work on one of his cases or sneaking down to the courthouse to watch him in action, though you always stayed near the back and ducked out immediately after the verdict was read. You grew to not only admire him, but begin to wonder what he might be like outside of the DA’s office. Night after night you would find yourself wondering various things about him. If he had a ritual when he arrived home from a long day. Whether he enjoyed leisurely reading the paper on Sunday mornings or preferred to immerse himself in a book. Did he prefer scotch or bourbon after a tough case? You always guessed the former.
Once you’d even followed him to Forlini’s and “bumped into him,” hoping he would invite you to join him for a drink, and he had, gesturing to the stool beside his and signalling the bartender for you to order yourself a drink. It was the first time you’d gotten to know him as Rafael, and not ADA Barba or Counselor as you so often called him. Though the majority of what the two of you had talked about was work-related, the few times you exchanged personal tidbits or anecdotes was enough to make him all the more intriguing to you.
Later that month, after you’d chastised yourself for being a borderline stalker and vowed never to follow him to a bar again, he — unprompted — asked you to stay late with him one night to work on a case. He’d been perfectly professional, and so had you… except for the fact that you fell in love with Rafael Barba that night.
"Y/N!" The sound of his voice, even partially muffled by the walls between his office and yours across the hall, made the downy hairs on your arm stand as the skin beneath developed tiny bumps. Inhaling deeply, you let out the air as you stood and walked past your fellow interns in the tiny, shared office that you all occupied to cross the hall and peek into his much larger office.
"Yes, Mr Barba?" You found him in the same manner you normally did, reclined in his chair with his feet kicked up on his desk and an open file in his hand. One hand held the manilla folder up in front of him while the free one squeezed and smooshed the stress ball he kept in his drawer.
"Would you do me a favor and dig out the files from the Kellerman case?" he asked, eyes still moving over the file in his hand.
"The one from last month?"
"That's the one," he answered, still not looking up from his reading material.
"Absolutely," you said, dutifully going to the file room down the hall and filling out a request slip. You chewed on your bottom lip, wringing your hands in front of you as you paced from one side of the hallway to the other, waiting for the case file. Taking a deep breath, you let it blow past your lips in a shudder, trying to calm your nerves.
In the two years with the DA's office, your crush on ADA Barba had never made it difficult to work with him. Sure, your heart would pound until your entire body thrummed with your pulse. Yes, your skin would often grow so hot that you were convinced it would sizzle should you splash water on it. But that didn't mean that you couldn't be just as professional as you'd always been. Even if one look into his green eyes would send you into a tailspin, making you feel as though you were in the middle of a tornado, with the entire world spinning around you.
"Y/N?" you heard from the clerk and blinked as you gave him a thankful smile before you took the file and made your way back down the hall. Knocking on ADA Barba's door, you carefully opened it and poked your head inside.
He still sat at his desk, but his feet had found the floor once more and his elbows and forearms pressed against the end of the desk as one hand scribbled notes on a legal pad. His lips were perfectly puckered in concentration and the little wrinkle between his brows prompted the corner of your own lips to curl upward.
"Mr Barba? I have the file you requested," you said, ignoring the flapping wings in your belly as you crossed the threshold and held out the file.
"Thank you. Would you mind staying and looking over that file for any similarities to the Efferman case?"
The sound of his voice rolled over your skin like a river of feathers that had been warmed by the blazing sun, raising goosebumps over your flesh. You licked your dry lips, wiping your free hand against your skirt. Your eyes fell on the hand not moving over the legal pad, following the thick vein that started as two blue lines below his knuckles then merged into one and ran down the center of his hand, disappearing again at his wrist.
You blinked, shaking your head and planting a smile on your face. "Yes, I'm so sorry. Absolutely, Mr Barba, I can do that."
"Let's set up on the couch, I could use a change of scenery," he said, dropping his pen on the yellow pad and standing.
His chest swelled with a deep inhale, eyes still on the yellow notepad as the air came out in a huff, his cheeks puffing outward with the noise. Taking up both the pad he'd been writing on and the file he'd been referencing, he made his way to the couch on the other side of the door and sat down. Glancing up at you as you sat next to him, he offered a brief smirk before putting his attention on the notepad on the coffee table.
Sitting so close to him allowed his musky cologne to surround you, overwhelming your senses until your head was swimming. Blinking several times, you cleared your throat and crossed your legs, opening the file and beginning to read. You tried to concentrate on the words in the file, but damn it if his scent wasn't driving you insane. Biting the inside of your cheek, you curled your toes inside your shoes and clenched your jaw. You could feel your shirt beginning to stick to your back as a light sheen of sweat built up there.
You could hear his breathing, slow and steady as you cast a sideways glance, trying not to stare at the peppering of grey he had beneath his temples. Why did he have to be so handsome?
"How are you doing in law school?" he asked, eyes still on his work as he annotated in the margin of his notes.
Your mouth fell open as you tried to articulate an answer, when your voice refused to come out, you cleared your throat. "Pretty good. I'm actually supposed to be taking the bar this weekend."
"Good for you," he mumbled absently, underlining a sentence before he turned to look at you. "You nervous?"
You blinked again, the only seamless thing you could manage to do. "Very."
"Don't be," he answered with a gentle smirk. "I'm sure you'll do just fine."
"T-thank you."
He knitted his brows. "Are you okay?" Your mouth fell open again, eyes widening slightly as you nodded.
In truth, your mind was still reeling from the conversation you'd overheard him having with Lieutenant Benson and Detective Carisi. Sure, he hadn't necessarily said anything bad about the chocolate covered almonds that you had snuck onto his desk. But it was the fact that they sat just as you'd left them that worried you, unopened. Swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat, you gestured to the clear, plastic box with the purple bow with your chin.
"I thought you liked chocolate covered almonds," you blurted out.
He furrowed his brows, turning his head slightly as his eyelids slid down suspiciously. "How did you know that was what they were?"
"Um…" Shit. Shit. Shitshitshitshitshit! "I overheard you talking to Lieutenant Benson earlier."
He seemed to only then remember that, yes, you had been in the room. In fact, it was not five seconds after he commented on the anonymous gift that you'd brought him his coffee. "That's right."
Well, him clearly not remembering your presence certainly bodes well for you. Bowing your head to hide your frown, you began to read the file in front of you while trying to calm the tears welling in your eyes. A heat settled on your cheeks and spread to your neck as you tried desperately not to blink so as not to ruin the case file in your hands with your tears.
"Sorry, I've been kind of in my own world today," he said, apparently oblivious to your efforts to not cry all over the Kellerman case. "Haven't been much use to anyone, trust me — hey…"
Oh great.
You flinched away from his touch when the backs of his fingers came to wipe on your cheek. "I'm sorry, did I… did something happen? Are you alright?"
You shook your head, holding a hand up towards him. A laugh escaped you as the water in your lower lids finally poured over, and you quickly wiped them away. "I'm fine."
"Yeah, you look completely fine," he replied.
You laughed again, unable to help it. You must've looked like a lunatic and kept your eyes averted so that you wouldn't have to see him see you like that.
"Come on, what's wrong? Something is clearly bothering you." His hand patted your shoulder before settling on the back of the couch.
"It's stupid, really." You tried to convince yourself that there was no one to blame except yourself. You had been the one that indulged in the fantasy of him feeling the same way that you did. You had allowed yourself to sink deeper into the feelings you had for him. You were the hopeless fool here, not him. "I'm in love with someone who apparently doesn't even know I exist."
You hadn't meant to tell him what was actually wrong, and judging by the surprised look on his face, he hadn't expected you to be so candid. Still, he cleared his throat and offered a sympathetic smile. "I don't know what to say."
You bobbed your shoulders, keeping your eyes on the file in your hands. "You don't have to say anything."
"I mean, even if I did, it would hardly be appropriate," he mumbled.
“I’m sorry if I crossed a line with the chocolates, I just wanted to do something nice for you and —”
“Oh…” His eyes went from you to the plastic box of chocolate, back to you. “You mean you… those are…”
You closed your eyes, wishing the floor would open up so that you could happily sink into the depths of hell and be done with it. The fact that he was clearly at a loss for words to the point of not even completing a single sentence was enough to make you wish you could just throw yourself from the window.
“Y/N, I’m your boss,” he said after a moment. “I’m so sorry, and I’m flattered, I —”
“It’s fine, can we just forget I said anything?” You were practically begging for a reset of the last ten minutes, but the look on his face indicated that it wouldn’t be so easy.
“I wish we could, but…” He gave a sympathetic smile and somehow that made you feel ever worse. “I’m sorry, I wish it were different, but it would be completely unethical for us to be anything other than colleagues.”
You nodded, ignoring for now the way your vision blurred. “Of course, I completely understand.”
He hesitated for a moment, as though there was something else he wanted to say. “And I’m so very sorry to have to do this, but I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to accept those now that I know where they came from.” He gestured to the box of chocolates. “I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, truly. I think you’re lovely, really I do, I just —”
“You don’t…” You chuckled pathetically through the tears that had finally begun streaming down your face. “You don’t have to explain yourself. I get it, it’s fine.”
Except it wasn’t fine. In fact, it was pretty far from fine. It was all you could do to keep yourself from sobbing out loud, relegating your tears to slow, silent streaks down each of your cheeks. It shouldn’t have come as such a surprise; why would someone as cultured and sophisticated as Rafael ever be interested in someone like you?
“Would it be okay if I went home?” You tried to keep the desperation from your voice, but it was about as useful as the chocolate almonds.
“Yes, of course. Go ahead, I can finish up here,” he replied. You were sure he thought he hid it well, but you could see the slightest touch of irritation in his eyes at having to go over the casefile himself.
Good, you found yourself thinking as you set both files down on the coffee table. If you had to face being rejected, the least he could do was finish researching his current case himself. The strange satisfaction was gone the moment you picked up the unopened box of chocolate covered almonds, and walked out of his office. You had managed to get all the way to the elevator before letting yourself break down completely, thankful for the late hour so that you could spend the entire ride down to the lobby alone with your tears. When the doors slid open again, you were just wiping under your eyes, sniffing hard and opening your mouth to exhale.
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altsvu · 3 years
one true love
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pairing: rafael barba x gn!reader
wc: 361
requested by @itsjustmyfantasyroom: Hey lovely, for fluffy words promts! May I please have 7. My mother adroes you & 10 Did you just kiss me with Rafael pretty pretty please 🥰
tw: none, just fluff!
a/n: hey love, i hope you enjoy! ❤️
law and order svu masterlist! ✯ taglist!
Rafael wanted you to meet his mother for a long time now.
He thought it was too early but at the same time it wouldn’t matter because he loved you so much.
But you didn’t know that.
“Rafael, are you sure you want me to meet your mother?” You ask one night while you’re working at the precinct.
“Of course, I’m very sure! My mother adores you!” Rafael gushes.
“Wait. You talk about me to your mom?”
“Yeah.” He says sheepishly.
You found it super cute that Rafael talked about you to his mom, but why?
Maybe he thought you were his one true love? You’d probably never know.
“Plus, I’m not asking you to meet her now, but probably a bit later.”
That calms you down a bit.
Life went on as normal, Rafael never mentioned you having to meet his mother for a little.
One day you’re at his office getting ready for court - you know the usual stuff, you going over your testimony, Rafael making last minute changes to his opening and closing statements.
He was stressed, you of all people could tell.
Since Rafael was more of a reserved person, he tended to bottle up his feelings instead of talking to someone about them, it was easy for most people to not notice when he was stressing out about something.
But not you. That’s how close you were to Rafael.
“Raf, what’s going on? Anything I can do to help?”
“I- It’s nothing, I just need to make sure these compel the jury. We have to win this case.”
“It’s not nothing. Raf, please calm down. Sit next to me.” You pleaded. You hated seeing Rafael like this, even though it came with the job.
He was reluctant at first, but he finally gave in.
You listened to him as he talked about the case, and why it was frustrating him.
Then you did the unexpected.
You kissed him on the lips.
“Did you just kiss me?” Rafael asks, clearly flustered at your sudden gesture.
“Yes. You looked like you needed it.”
“Then it looks like you’re gonna be giving me a lot more kisses than that.”
taglist: @detective-giggles @lapaquerette @storiesofsvu @averyhotchner @ssaic-jareau @redlipstickandplaid
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crowfootwrites · 3 years
The Bath [Rafael Barba x Reader]
Hi all! This is my first attempt at writing one-shots, to keep me sane while I work on a v long Barba x OC fanfic. Also, DISCLAIMER: I'm still getting used to Tumblr as a platform, so please excuse any weird formatting or me just generally not knowing what the fuck I'm doing.
Also, I would greatly appreciate any feedback or engagement with my writing! This fic was created based on a prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting, who I adore.
It had been an incredibly long day by the time you made it back to your apartment that night. You checked your phone as you made it to your front door. 10:03 pm. You sighed. Today had been Rafael’s day off and when you had arrived at work this morning, you had actually hoped to be finished early so you could head home and spend some time with him. But then your boss had dropped a stack of overdue needs assessments on your desk and told you they needed to be up to date by end of day. You had slogged through all of them, even working through lunch, but it had still taken you until 7:30 to finish them. And then all of the assessments needed to be charted. And then you had to answer all the emails you had been avoiding all day in favor of finishing the assessments. You had finally dragged your ass out of the office at 9:30, and all you could think about was sinking into a warm bath with a glass of wine and the company of your very handsome boyfriend.
As you shoved your key grumpily in the lock, mad at the world for taking away your time with Rafael, you hoped he wasn’t upset. You had, of course, messaged him right away to let him know how your day was shaping up, apologizing that it might be a late one. He had, of course, been completely understanding and kind about it. It would have been hypocritical for him to react in any other way, given the work hours he traditionally kept. But you silently hoped that there wasn’t actually some little seed of resentment growing there. Both of you had such busy lives, such hectic schedules, and it wasn’t entirely uncommon for both of you to have to apologize to one another for work getting in the way.
As you stepped into the apartment, you breathed in the warm scent of corn tortillas. Music was coming from the living room, a swell of soft piano carrying through the apartment. You dropped your bag on the entry table and shucked off your heels, padding to the kitchen to find Rafael standing in front of the stove, his back to you. You had just a moment to gaze at him before he noticed you, and you smiled in pleasure at the way his t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, at the streaks of silver in his hair. When he turned around to greet you, his smile was genuine, his eyes clear and content. You crossed the kitchen in two long strides to wrap yourself in his arms.
He chuckled, a low sound rumbling in his chest against your ear. “Hola, preciosa.” He placed a kiss on the crown of your head, breathing in the smell of your lavender shampoo. “How was your day?”
You look up at him with a pout, partly playful, but partly serious. “Long and bad.”
Rafael smirked, his hand coming to cup your cheek. “Lo siento, baby… How about this? I’m finishing up dinner. Let’s eat, and then we’ll get you in the bath, huh?”
You nodded. He knew you well.
After the two of you had finished dinner – incredible roast pork tacos with fresh pico de gallo – you padded to the master bathroom to start running the bath. You lit the candles perched around the edge of the bathtub and tossed in a lavender scented bath bomb, hoping to ease some of the stress from your muscles and your mind. You could hear Rafael clanging around in the kitchen, washing pots and loading the dishwasher. You thought about going back out to insist on doing that for him, considering that he had cooked, but you knew you didn’t have the energy. You’d have to make it up to him. Maybe you’d get up early in the morning and pack him a lunch.
You stripped your satin tank top and dress pants off, kicking them towards the hamper in the corner. You flipped the lights off and immediately felt your headache ease a little. Slipping out your bra and underwear, you felt your body finally relax. You turned off the water and stepped slowly into the tub, letting the heat caress your skin, sinking beneath the surface of the pale purple water. Your eyes closed automatically, heavy after such a long day, as you laid your head back against the edge of the tub.
When you and Rafael had gone apartment hunting after deciding to move in together, you had told him that your only demand was a good tub. Baths were your favorite form of self-care and you usually indulged in more than one per week. So, he had spoiled you by finding an apartment with a large, deep, garden tub and the night you moved in, you had made him soak and given him a massage, to show him what he had been missing out on as more of a shower-type man.
A quiet knock on the door pulled you out of your reverie as Rafael came into the dim room carrying a glass of wine for you and a scotch for himself. He handed you the wine and you breathed a heavy sigh, so glad to be home. The light from the candles flickered, bouncing off the shiny white subway tiles around you. Rafael settled on the edge of the tub, his gentle fingers running long your shoulder and up your neck. Your head lolled towards him, eager for his touch. You raised a wet hand from under the water and gripped his fingers, placing a kiss on his palm. He sighed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. You looked so peaceful, the shimmering purple water like magic around you, and suddenly Rafael wanted nothing more than to have you in his arms. He leaned over you in the tub and placed a kiss on the crown of your head. As he pulled away, you heard his low voice murmuring, “Is there some space left in that bathtub?”
You grinned. The only thing that could make this bath better was enjoying it with Rafael.
“Always, mi amor. Come join me,” you hummed softly.
Rafael stripped down and helped you sit forward in the tub, sliding down behind you. You leaned back, sinking into the soft embrace of his body, his chest and arms solid around you. He placed a soft kiss to your shoulder, the busy thoughts that were always in his mind suddenly quieting. His tan knees bracketed around your ribs, and you ran your fingers over his thighs, feeling complete. Silence reigned in the bathroom and you focused on the rise and fall of Rafael’s chest against your back, counting his heartbeats like the very best sound of home.
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Hi babe! I was wondering if I could request an imagine with Barba, where reader finds out she’s pregnant a couple weeks after he got her drunk in his office and raped her. So she goes to the DA’s office to tell him that she’s going to tell the SVU, but he says that no one is going to believe her against the best ADA in New York, and says that he’s excited to be a father, and his mom & the SVU squad are going to be so happy. Thank you so much, Rafael is so underrated & there needs to be more dark stuff abt him :))
Oh. Babes. I love you so much for this, I just realized I've never done a dark!Rafa before and I am on it
got almost 1k words already >:)
0 notes
hannya-writes · 3 years
Wanna see a Trick?
Title: Wanna see a Trick? Fandom: Law and Order: SVU/Marvel: Daredevil Pairing: none Other characters: Nick Amaro, Sonny Carisi, Amanda Rollins, Olivia Benson, Rafael Barba, Matt Murdok Category: Action, humor maybe?, No-romance I think? Warnings: this may be not perfect! Author's note: This was just an idea I got while watching Law and Order: SVU, since lawyers always got their clients out of the interrogation rooms and I love Matt Murdock  •  •  •
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Y/n was a private investigator, a counselor to the police when in need and in her free time she was a vigilante. Not a superhero, there was nothing super in her strange abilitys to get herself in trouble.
She called it a "danger compass", sometimes there were places were things were supposed to happen and she just casually appeared there in the right moment to stop it. In other ocassions there was people who got this heavy aura. The darker it became, the most dangerous it was. And the dangerous it got, the stronger her "magic" become. She could make herself intangible, she could teleport to places, hear people when they were talking about her, live the experience of dying, see the past. But it all depended on the level of danger of places an people. If someone wasn't a dangerous they were practically inexistent for her. That night, as she was walking home she heard the footsteps getting closer. She felt the danger in her every breathe, and saw it. Y/n was taken hostage, the police yelled and a woman with the last name "Benson" told him to calm down, then he pulled the trigger and shot to a policeman to the head, then at the woman, killing her. It was a mess, and she wasn't going to allow that to happen. She stopped and took a sideway step, leaving space for the running man to pass. In the last second, she got her foot in his way making him stumble and fall to the sidewalk. — Hello, there — she said with a smile, the man turned on the floor and saw her above him. Y/n felt it or saw it, before it happened: the man taking out a gun. In a second, her own gun was out and pointing at him — You are so predictable — she wailed in exasperation, kicking him in the ribs and then leaning to take out the gun from his pants — Police, hands in the air — someone demanded and y/n turned to see a tall man with blond and silver hair. — Put the gun down — someone else yelled and Y/n saw a second man, hispanic, dark hair, frowning while pointing a gun at her, that took her by surprise. She looked down to the perp the policemen were following, then at the police, trying to understand what did he mean, she had his gun, he was harmless. — Oh, ohhh, you are talking to me — y/n realized as she put her gun down and back to her holster — Usually your kind don't yell at me — admited with a huff — you usually thank me — — Thank you? — the blond said as you stepped back, hands in the air. —  Yeah, I mean —  y/n pointed at the man that was still in the ground. — I got the bad guy — As she said that Benson got there  — Rude —   added a second before the woman said the words that would get her in trouble: "Cuff them both".
... Y/n took a sit in the interrogation room, the two men who had caught her were across the table. Her hands were still handcuffed, and they were asking questions as she played with the chain, making noises with it, trying to suffocate their voices and the oppressing feeling the room give her. "Who paid you to kill him? Who where you waiting for?" "If you have nothing to hide then speak, we only want to help you" Good cop and bad cop, y/n knew the drill. She had been a cop before going "freelancer". — wanna see a trick? — she asked after a long moment of awkward silence — one, two, three —  she counted and pulled at the handcuffs to the sides. Nick Amaro and Sonny Carisi saw the handcuffs pass through her wrists, as if it was a hologram. But the handcuffs weren't holograms! —  What...? —  was Sonny stupified word at the trick, not believing what his eyes had witnessed. Nick extended a hand and took the handcuffs noticing that yes, they were tangible and no, she hadn't opened them. — look — she finally said putting her hands back inside the handcuffs, Nick looked at her hands and then at her face. — I wasn't going to kill Mr. Rapist-murder-to-go, I was waiting for the police who was running after him who turned to be you two — she pointed at them with hand guns — I'm Y/n Y/l/n, I'm a private investigator and a police counselor, I have help to solve some crimes of Hell's kitchen and Harlem, — — why didn't ya' said this before? — Sonny asked somehow relieved that y/n had decided to talk since he didn't had ideas to force her. — You weren't ready — y/n said in a defensive tone — and the D.A is here which means I don't have to repeat myself — she pointed to the one sided mirror and smiled — and since Rollins has my file, and they have corroborated my story, I guess I'm free to go — Nick looked at Sonny with doubt. And saw her once again get out of her handcuffs with no difficulty. — wait here — Nick said as he got out to talk to Sargent Olivia Benson, deciding to ignore what he had witnessed, it was a trick of the light that was it. — Look, I'll like to leave before my lawyer gets here — y/n pushed at Sonny as Nick was out, greeting Barba. — how is your lawyer going to know you are here? — he asked amused by her worry — He got super powers, and he's going to get mad at me for getting in the middle of police busyness, I also have superpowers, the superpower to feel danger, that's how I knew I had to stop the man who was running away— y/n confeased sounding like a crazy to Sonny and the D.A. — Mr. Barba, I'm not mentally unstable — — how did she knew? — Rafael Barba muttered behind the mirror — what is she? a Bruja? — he added sarcastic. Y/n inside the interrogation room scoffed. — Maybe a psychic — Rollins said smirking, Amaro frowned. — Maybe she just had a good hearing — said Amaro unhappy of how the conversation has developed — A witch, A psychic or good hearing? — she asked from her sit making the fourth people outside the interrogation room to look at her surprised — nice try — Sonny felt lost, not understanding what was happening, he was only hearing one side of the conversation and it didn't have a sense. — Miss Y/l/n, in what area do you give advise to the police? — the Half Italian asked making her focus on him rather than the D.A. outside the room — eh... It depends, I can go into details about the way of dying, I can find lost people and corpse — she counted putting fingers down in a hand — I can reveal the deepest desire of a murderer, find ways to crack said murderer, can make them snap and show the worst of them— — how do you do that? — Sonny was sincerely curious and Y/n smiled. — Well, I'm kind of like a witch, only I don't make potions— she stated with a smile — I have a great luck, I read auras, sometimes I even got to read people mind if I focus really hard and... — — wait you can read minds? — Sonny seemed horrified. — what...?— — are you thinking? — she completed the question and grinned— you think I...— she blushed and left the sentence incomplete, because the man had used a corny pickup line that had worked wonderfully on her — Detective, that's some serious accusations — she said in a flirty tone, making Sonny blush making him realize that she had "hear" him. — how is this possible? — he asked and she laughed amused by the question. — well it all started...— Y/n was cut short as a man entered the room, cane in a hand, red lenses, black tie, gray suit. — That's enough, Y/n — the blind man said with a friendly voice. — Murdock don't be mean, we are in the middle of something... — Y/n said with a polite tone, the attorney walked towards her an put a hand in her shoulder. — we're leaving, they have nothing on you — he explained and Y/n pulled at the handcuffs, making them rattle, Matt almost smiled. — Detective, would you mind? — Matt Murdock asked with a nod towards the handcuffs, Sonny released her without questioning. As they left, the D.A. recognized Matt. — Murdock — he greeted him coldly, but somehow with a splash of respect. — Barba — Matt answered in the same tone as he took Y/n arm, so she could lead him out. — Here — Y/n said offering her business card to the D.A. — I feel like you'll need me in a couple of months — she claimed with certainty — by the way, the man I caught has all the corpses under his basement, good luck — were his last words before Matt sighed in defeat and shook his head. — you can't just shut up, can you? — he wondered as they walked away, Y/n laughed and held the blind man's hand in hers.
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