#You'd have to train A LIFE to succeed in that.
jasscheeks · 2 days
the emperor-to-be ; oikawa tooru
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pls pls plssss don’t flop its cute y’all i promise drop a like or a repost ty 🙏🏽😞
pairings: crown prince!oikawa x princess!reader
late at night, you’re visited by the crown prince, aka your husband-to-be
idk if this accurate but this is in honor of the new bridgerton season <3 and i tried my hardest not to make the ages weird ✅
my ao3 saw this before tumblr did so this is a repost
m.list | ao3
thank you for reading!
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"good lord your highness, have you gone mad?" she whisper screamed into the night, her frantic eyes scanning behind her for any signs of movement from her chamber doors. but she was quick to rest her attention back on the boy who was scaling the palace walls to her window. "you cannot be serious right now!"
for as long as she could remember, he'd always been rough around the edges, smart and calculating as such, and always out training or playing sports with his kingdom's knights. he knew how to have fun, and how to make his royal life a bit more interesting than usual. as the emperor's son, his rambunctious and outgoing behavior caught her off guard. if anyone was to imagine the emperor's son, to imagine the lineage of the cutthroat and remarkably powerful emperor of aoba johsai, they were to think of the spitting image of the emperor himself, someone who is as distinguished and capable as him.
the prince only scoffs stifling back a grunt as he struggles to lift himself up and over onto her balcony's railing. nevertheless, he succeeds, his eyes finally at the same level with hers. "i suppose if i've gone mad, surely it's because of your presence," he cooed in that sly voice she said she despised so much, yet her knees still buckled beneath her. "for i'd only go mad for someone as mind-boggling as you, (y/n)." but oh, did he have a way with words. even after all these years of bantering about with him, he still somehow made her yearn for his affections, even if he was as insufferable as when she first became acquainted with him, if not more.
he grunted, struggling to hold his body weight up. "now princess i am in dire need of your assistance, i fear i'll plummet to my death in the next second or so," with his hasty word and breathless tongue, "a little help?" the princess was quick to help him up onto her balcony, afraid he'd fall and turn into crown prince mush in the palace gardens tens of feet beneath them.
still her questions only piled up now that he stood in her chamber, catching his breath as though he hadn't breathed in hours. as winded as he is, what business could he possibly have in here? she asked herself.
during her stay at the imperial palace, he was always planning masterful pranks, his devious plans always seeming to grow bigger and well-executed when his cousins came around. as soon as her family finalized her engagement to the prince, in a month's time she was moving to reside into the neighboring kingdom. as the weeks went by, she'd seen and daresay partook in some of the crown prince's tricks. nothing too bad but always contrasting based on the person.
"your highness, if someone were to catch you here, you'd be done for, we'd both be involved in a scandal," she stated sternly, her arms crossing over her chest as she scanned him from head to toe. in his current state, he didn't look like he was to be emperor in a few weeks with his tattered trousers and his grass stained button-up. as she walked away from her balcony and into her room, he followed closely behind her, as if her mere presence was his life source. "and by the looks of it, you didn't come from your room either. where exactly have you been?"
"please (y/n), i've told you before, call me by my given name in private settings," he chuckled as he inspected himself, dusting off whatever dirt he could as he walked. "and can't a gentleman such as i partake in...a nightly jog?" so when she finally turned to look at him he paused before he looked up at her, flashing that same cheeky look she's seen all her life. he expressed himself in many ways and one of those consisted of getting on her very last nerve. "and why, never mind scandal, are we not to be wed in mere weeks? you already worry for me as a married couple should." a smile curved its way onto his lips, the looks of it twisting and turning her insides into knots. she'd always found him rather attractive, even when he was teasing her like this, she never ceased the feeling of butterflies in her stomach.
once again, she turned away from him, clutching onto the silky soft fabric of her nightgown, her back growing hot knowing he was watching her every move. "but we are not married, yet, now are we? i am still the princess and you, your highness, are still the crown prince." she moved farther into the room until she stood at the edge of her bed, her lack of manners others would deem as disrespectful. "and i know better than to address the crown prince by his name, it would be unjust of me, no matter my status," she knew she should be looking him in the eyes as she utters these words, she knows her mother would reprimand her for such behavior if she were in this very room. although, in this moment, she can't seem to meet his gaze.
"but (y/n), you are just as much as my fiancé as you will be my wife," the warmth from his body loomed over her semi-exposed back, his presence sending chills down her spine as she felt him graze his hands over her hips. his large, strong hands, the callouses gained from climbing the wall shown on his palms, placed upon her waist and held her steady against his chest. "the same applies to myself as well, you are mine as much as i am yours," his breath fanned across her shoulder, his lips just merely grazing her skin. almost as if she was put under a spell, her whole body set ablaze from the outside in.
prince tooru oikawa, the future emperor of japan, and her future husband. it was hard to fathom that this boy she'd grown up with, was to become the emperor and her husband all in one day. and the mere fact that she would become empress alongside him, none of it felt real.
she casted her eyes to the ground, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to contain the ever growing yearn inside for more. because she knew that's exactly what he wanted, for her to call for him, ask for more of him. "am i not, my lady?" there, his lips pressed into her skin, the patch where he laid soft yet blazing kisses with a desire left untold.
with knees weakened under his mere touch, she was melting for him like always. "your highness, this is unbecoming of the future emperor," she uttered through a shaky breath. no matter how much she denied his advances, there was no room for her excuses in the way she reacted to his touch. "y-you must retire to your chamber, we cannot continue any further than this." turning her head away from his, he could have sworn his heart wilted watching her shy away from him.
as gently as he could manage, containing a desire he knew he couldn't control for long, he hooked a finger underneath her chin guiding her to meet his eyes. "princess, can't you look at me when you're addressing me? it's wounding my heart not being able to see your eyes," and finally now she could see the look on his face, her heart pounded against her chest. for once, she could sense the pain in his curved eyebrows and sad eyes. had she really caused him so much trouble from avoiding his gaze? "now, can you explain to me why it is unbecoming of me to spend the night with my fiancé? what is troubling you so that you evade my touch?”
she grew quiet, as she drew in a shallow breath. already she was assuming the worst when the words "spend the night" fell from those lips of his. she'd only ever heard of one type of night spent between a man and a woman, and quite frankly the ones before marriage usually ended in misfortune. "surely you don't mean to consummate our engagement do you, your highness?" her voice dimmed, suddenly feeling the embarrassment that followed her question. despite the warmth in her cheeks, she could see a tinge of something different on his face when the honorific slipped so smoothly from her lips, but before she could say anything, it was swiftly concealed with a smile as he snickered.
"only if my lady so desires to as well, then we shall, i suppose the night of our wedding does seem far..." he jested, the sarcastic lilt in his voice brought a smile to her features. before she knew it his arms were wrapped fondly around her, hugging her close to his chest. yet she didn't say a word, nor did she realize. the feeling was so familiar, so warm and inviting, she felt no need to acknowledge it with hostility. instead, she found herself cuddling back into his strong arms, placing her hands atop his.
"i pray you're only teasing me," she pleaded, her eyes shining with that hint of mischief he distilled in her every time she was in his presence. his influence on her was strong, he was most likely the only one who could make her come out of that perfect princess act by just a glance.
his laughter filled the air around her, her heart swelling with adoration for the sound. "i would never do anything my lady advises me to abstain from." he snuggled closer to her, his lips once again pressing into her skin, spreading his affections over her neck and cheeks. "now if only she would confide in me over what ails her so..." he murmured against her cheek, his kisses reaching her other cheek, her forehead, and chin now as she turned in his arms now.
"tooru, you're still dirty!" she giggled out loud, her hands clutching onto his larger ones that held her firmly against him. as much as she squirmed and squealed, he ceased to stop until he deemed his work satisfactory. "it's nothing, nothing is bothering me!" she squealed once more before he backed away, his playful gaze meeting hers.
he stared on for a few beats, looking as if he was scanning her each and every feature. and what felt like an eternity of staring he finally pulled a smile on his face. "it seems she's also a terrible liar." he mused.
she can never remember exactly when her relationship with the prince became so physical. perhaps it was the night of her 18th birthday, when he'd teased her for being a late bloomer despite having turned 18 a month prior. she does remember that was the same night he confessed to her for maybe the billionth time, leaving her with a kiss goodnight, or rather a few kisses goodnight. she can still remember the sweet words he whispered to her, wishing her a happy, happy birthday as his lips met hers. that night she finally realized how much he'd grown up, how mature he really was. nonetheless how well he was filling his clothes, he stood taller than her with his broad shoulders that she found herself daydreaming about running her hands over. that was the first time she finally recognized him as a man and not the pesky prince who loved to annoy her.
his first time confessing to her was at none other than at her debut into society once she'd turned 16. a grand ball was held in her family's countryside manor, the hall was completely transformed into something that reflected that of a perfect princess. bouquets of yellow jasmines, camellias, and white magnolias sat prettily in every pot, giving off the impression of pure perfections. her mother's plan of society perceiving her as such was finally put into motion, and by the end of the night her mother had compiled a long list of suitors for the two of them to look over. well, for her mother to look over, considering she didn't have much interest in the boys of the gentry. but of course, her mother still pulled her every which way to introduce herself to every single guest, to mingle about and acquaint herself with the ton, she almost believed she wouldn't see the crown prince because of how busy her mother kept her.
but just before the night ended, he was able to whisk her away from everyone's prying and judging eyes giving her the chance to finally breathe and let loose. it seemed with oikawa she could finally relax, she didn't have to play some role in front of him because he'd known her since the day they were declared royalty as tiny babies. everyday he continued to be her breath of fresh air, her taste of something real, someone real. that night he somehow snuck in how beautiful she looked, how jealous he felt watching every possible suitor fawn over her, and how he wished she would choose him over them all. although startled, her answer has been made up in her mind for years, she just hadn't come to terms with the truth yet.
just by her reaction to his confession, it set off his need to remind her of how strong his feelings were every time he saw her. so now that she looks at him, youthfully aged 23, in just a few weeks she'd be there with him, she can't believe how long she's waited to tell him how she felt. maybe she hadn't loved the prince for as long as he has loved her, but from 18 to 22, the most crucial years in coming to terms with her feelings for that pesky boy. the moons light cascaded over his handsome, princely features, revealing the love he held in his gaze towards her. those same eyes were glancing at her lips, longing for that soft feeling against his.
with a touch that was as light as a feather, he caressed her cheek, his fingers gliding over her skin. "do you trust me, princess?" he whispered, his arm that wrapped around her waist tightened as he brought her closer. as he moved his touch further away, she found herself following him all the way up until the point where she held his hand to her cheek, smiling at the laugh he let out.
titling her head, she recalled every instance where he has gained her trust. in fact, he might've had her trust from the very beginning, from the moment they both began to think for themselves she'd always declared him as a trust worthy person. "how could i not trust you?" she murmured in that same soft tone he used as he pressed his warm palm against her skin.
"if that's so, then may i...?" he whispered before he leant in, his eyes cast down to her lips as his eyelids nearly shut. she didn't have to answer as the two of them met in the middle, sharing a kiss as delicate as the night sky. butterflies blossomed in her heart and insides as she pressed deeper into him, yearning for more of him. even as his lips curled into a sneaky smile, neither of them stopped for a second.
her chest finally met his as she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as he could possibly be. kissing his majesty always transformed her into a different woman, it had always felt like she was bewitched by his presence. "my lady..." he breathed out, his long and slender fingers finding the bow that kept her nightgown together and wrapped around her body, "you're so sweet..." he sighed as he basked in your whimpers and small moans to the hot kisses he left along her neck. he itched to undo the flimsy thing, show her how sweet she really was, but he knew she wouldn't want that, not now at least.
"tooru," she stuttered, awakening something below for him. his breath hitched hearing her call his name in such a manner, his lips pressing a kiss under her jaw. her sweet voice rang through his ears and he knew this is where the night needed to end before he couldn't contain himself any longer. "please, i—,"
"i like when you say my name, princess," he smiled, knowing exactly what you wanted to say. but it's too soon, the wedding is in mere weeks, they'd both get to have each other then but damn nobody told him it'd be this hard to resist. "in 3 weeks time, we'll have the whole night to ourselves, my love," he lifted her chin so her pouty lips could reach his once more, "and don't think i'll let you sleep for even a second of it..." he gave her a sly smirk before pressing one last kiss onto her plump lips.
but that wasn't enough for her, even as he backed away she wasn't satisfied. "how do you expect for me to be happy waiting when you've left me all high and dry?" she muttered, possessed by the lustrous presence the two of them left lingering in the air.
just by the way he snickered, she knew he wasn't going to comply to her wishes, not this time at least. "my, where has my sweet and innocent (y/n) gone?" he shook his head, "like this my lady," he angled her head down to press a loving kiss to her forehead. meeting her eyes once more he chuckled, the look in them insatiably sharp but she still couldn't resist him. "surely you don't mean to consummate our engagement tonight, my love?" he whispered to her, earning a grunt in return.
"i despise you," she mumbled, as she crossed her arms but he only smiled in return, understanding her bitterness all too well.
"and i love you,"
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knight!iwaizumi x princess!reader is on the way 😈
thank you for reading! happy pride!
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sskk-manifesto · 4 months
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It always makes me crack how Kyouka carrying Atsushi's sensless body just launches herself for several meters straight into the sea, and Kunikida somehow manages to catch them exactly on the fly. How are they still alive
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thestoryofella · 1 month
summary: after a breakup with Sirius, allowing him to make a move to pursue his music dreams, you find yourself in an exciting game of telephone with his best mates, desperate to find out details of his new life. Unbeknownst to you, there are others involved in this game of telephone. 
warnings: slight angst (happy ending), fluff, miscommunication, two idiots, sfw mentions of sex, swearing
sirius black x reader ✿ 6016 words
Three weeks. That's how long Sirius and you had been broken up. And yet, every day still felt torturous. Your girlfriends had suggested that you try dating again, but you didn't think it was fair to the poor bloke on the other end for you to be so desperately hung up on your ex-boyfriend.
You still remember the day you two had broken up. Sirius had been pursuing music for a few years after graduation as a lead singer and had failed to succeed. It wasn't until a month ago that he'd come bursting through the doors of your shared apartment, saying, "I finally got a gig! Isn't that great?" At that moment, he'd hugged you so hard, peppering your faces with kisses, leaving you both blushing, giggly messes. That was the happiest you'd ever seen him after typically grueling auditions and gigs with low attendance.
It was great, honestly. You were so happy Sirius finally had the opportunity to pursue his dreams. However, what wasn't great was that the gig was in Scotland, with a well-known, but anonymous to you, rock band in Glasgow as their lead singer. You didn't want to ruin his initial excitement, so you'd kept your worries and fears about the location to yourself. When Sirius realized a seven-hour drive to Glasgow from your apartment and a full-time job in London was an issue, you two finally sat down to talk a week after he received the offer. 
He sat with you on your sofa, with cups of tea for you both. Your eyes were red and puffy, as you'd anticipated a breakup as soon as you two had agreed to discuss the upcoming move. After a two-hour-long discussion where Sirius had desperately tried to arrange to come on the weekends and subsequently realized the band schedule was unpredictable–not to mention he didn't have enough money to visit every weekend anyway–and you had realized you couldn't hold back the man you love from his dreams, you two tearfully agreed to call it quits for the sake of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Today was also the day that Sirius was leaving for Glasgow. Despite being broken up and not talking regularly, he had asked you to come to say goodbye to him at the train station. So, here you were, head buried in the crook of his neck, both his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, inhaling his scent of cigarettes, amber, and cedarwood as you said goodbye to the man you loved. You figured the level of this embrace wasn't appropriate for people who were "just friends" now, but who knows when you'd hug each other again. You hoped this wouldn't be the last time you'd inhale his scent or feel his embrace; you desperately wanted him to stay. You hoped he didn't see the tears on your cheeks as you waved goodbye from the train platform. 
♡ ♡ ♡ 
It had now been a month since Sirius left for Glasgow. You'd been doing okay, better than you initially thought possible. Your heart was still recovering from the heartbreak of a breakup, but you'd been going to work regularly and hanging out with your girlfriends to make up for the loneliness that came with being recently single. You were still sad deep down, but having good friends and a hectic, time-consuming job was a great distraction from heartbreak.
Tonight, you and your friends planned to go to a local bar that you used to frequent with Sirius for drinks and darts. You got ready quickly, picked out an outfit suitable for a bar, and styled your hair hurriedly. Just before you were about to leave, you felt a ding in your back pocket and read a text from your friends telling you that they had to cancel.
Sighing, you shoved your phone back into your pocket. "Just my luck," you muttered. You were excited to see your friends and have a few drinks, but it doesn't seem that will happen. Unless… you were already ready anyway, why not go to the bar to have fun alone? You quickly decided that was a great idea and left in a hurry to walk to the bar. You made haste and walked to the bar quickly, excited to have fun and admittedly get a little tipsy after a long week.
Although the bar was only six blocks away–relatively short for London standards–walking in heels left you with blisters when you reached the door. When you entered the bar, you sat on one of the stools near the bartender and ordered an old-fashioned, planning to get buzzed quickly.
After downing approximately four old-fashioned drinks–though you'd truthfully lost count–you were solidly tipsy and ready to socialize with the nearest human. You had probably looked a bit odd hunched over at the bar hammering drinks alone, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, and you'd consider a recent breakup and friend cancellation desperate times. At this point, you could feel the effects of alcohol buzzing through your system. You were warm, admittedly just slightly sloppy, delighted, and ready to socialize with some people.
Spinning around on your bar stool to face the crowd, you peered among people's faces, looking for fun, friendly girls and playing a game that made it easy to join. Scanning left to right, you stopped once you saw two familiar faces: James and Remus. Usually, one would think you'd hightail it out of the bar after seeing your recent ex's two best friends–perhaps it was liquid courage or sheer stupidity–but you decided to waltz over to their high-top table and plop down next to them as they played a game of cards.
Startled by your non-stealthy, loud, and frankly drunk movements, Remus and James looked up simultaneously to meet your loopy, dazed grin and an embarrassing spot of red lipstick on your teeth you were unaware of. "Hi Remus, hi James," you spoke excitedly, any ounce of social anxiety smothered with whiskey.
"Hi, Y/N, having a fun night?" James spoke first, quickly noticing your inebriated state. He sported a friendly smile but looked a bit shocked by your entrance. You knew Remus and James well. The possibility of them not being your friends after the breakup had been difficult and saddening. Remus and James frequently accompanied you to Sirius' smaller gigs in London, and all four of you often got drinks after the show ended. By the time you and Sirius had broken up, you had considered Remus and James good friends and assumed they felt the same way about you. 
"I'm having so much fun," you near-shouted excitedly, a broad smile overtaking your features. Remus and James laughed in response, eyes crinkling as they observed your enthusiastic state.
Pausing for a second, figuring out how to phrase his next question, Remus asked, "How are you doing? Especially after everything that happened, if you don't mind me being intrusive." He wore a smile, but as his eyes scanned your face and figure, you could tell he was trying to analyze how you'd been coping with the breakup outside the bar.
You sucked in a breath, the feeling of air expanding your lungs dulled from the liquor but grounding you nonetheless. Not expecting the sincere question, you pondered on it for a moment. You had been doing okay with the band-aid of your job and your friends keeping you busy. However, you weren't sure if you were doing okay because you felt okay about the breakup or hadn't given yourself enough time to process it.
After digging deep down to address the wound in your heart, you decided it was the latter. "I've been doing okay. I've kept myself busy with work and friends, but I miss him a lot," you answered truthfully. Before Sirius got the gig in Glasgow, your relationship was almost perfect. Aside from the typical small arguments here and there, you two were infatuated with each other. Your breakup was necessary, but it wasn't wanted from either side.
Remus nodded, understanding what you meant and probably even the context of it all due to his proximity to Sirius. James interrupted the heartfelt moment with his typically cheerful attitude. "Well, if you're looking for more distractions, you could join us for a round of cards!" Although enthusiastic, his offer came out unsure, wondering if you wanted distraction or comfort.
You laughed in response, touched by his effort to comfort you even though you and Sirius were no longer together. "I think that sounds nice," you answered with a soft smile.
And so, over a few hours, you, Remus, and James drank multiple beers, played numerous card games, and divulged in far too many details regarding your feelings about your and Sirius' recent breakup. You told them you didn't know when you'd be ready to start dating again, that you missed the social connection and physical intimacy from a romantic relationship, and that you didn't know how much longer you could ignore the feelings of a brutal breakup with work and friends. They listened empathetically despite the inappropriate nature of you divulging these details with your ex's closest friends.
The excellent news is that alcohol hadn't just loosened up your filter but also James' and Remus' filters. Sirius was notoriously private, so his social media was no help finding details about his new life in Glasgow. Most of his posts were for marketing purposes. However, Remus and James were evidently mouthy drunks, and throughout the evening, you'd find out that although Sirius had tried going on dates, he stopped because the heartbreak was still too raw. Serves him right. When James shared that with you, Remus kicked him a bit too obviously, James flinching from his foot hidden under the tabletop, but the damage was done, and the information was stored in your mind.
"How is the gig going?" you asked. Although you had been craving details of Sirius' dating life, you also wanted to know how he was doing after years of hard work and sought-out gigs.
"I think he's doing okay. He took over for a lead singer who had a baby and listed his leave as indefinite, though he said it's weird being the new one in a band who has been together and known each other for years." Remus answered, James, nodding along. You hadn't thought about the social awkwardness associated with joining a band so late after its formation, but it seemed Sirius was adjusting well.
Staring at the somewhat blurry clock on the wall, you realize it is almost 3 a.m. and far past your bedtime. Gathering your coat to brave the cold weather, you leaped up from the bar stool and stretched your sore limbs. "Well, I have to get going, but thanks for keeping me company tonight," you offered your thanks with a small smile.
Remus and James looked at the clock in response, gathering their jackets and cards after seeing the time. "No problem, we're glad to hear that you're doing well," James smiled at you, his eyes crinkling up. He was always so friendly.
Walking out of the bar alone in the frigid night air reminded you of your loneliness again. Perhaps the cold air was sobering, or maybe it reminded you how nice it was to hold Sirius' warm hand on frigid nights like this and how his constant teasing always made warm, boisterous laughs escape your mouth.
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When you woke up in your apartment the following day, you still had on your clothes from the night before, recalling how you stumbled into the door and promptly passed out on the bed. Remembering the events from before with James and Remus–although delighted by the information you received–you expected them to never talk to you again, and even worse, you expected Sirius to hear about your nosiness and subsequently block you too.
So that's why you were surprised to see a text in a brand new group chat with Remus and James that read, "Cards and beer again next weekend?"
And so it began. 
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The next time you met up with Remus and James, you had a lot of life updates. For one, after reminiscing about Sirius and you walking home from the bar, you decided to go on a date to get him off your mind. It went terribly wrong. You went out for dinner with one of your coworkers, Charles. You two had sat awkwardly together while you devoured a steak, barely making any conversation outside of eating noises and sipping drinks in an attempt to get rid of anxiety. When he walked you home, he very unsubtly tried to get you to invite him upstairs, and by the end of his efforts, you were convinced the only reason he went out with you was to end the night in your bedroom. Now, things are awkward at work, and you've decided you can never speak to him again.
Trying to date again only made you want to get back together with Sirius more; you wished that was possible. You missed the comfort of being in a relationship with someone who knew you like the back of their hand. It never felt like an effort to converse with Sirius, even when it took you too long to come up with a comeback to his constant banter. It also never felt nerve-wracking or scary to initiate hand-holding, embraces, or kisses, only sometimes when he looked exceptionally handsome.
You were also incredibly frustrated. You'd resorted to looking at one of Sirius' few fan pages as a more minor artist and had discovered he'd been on a date. You had no idea how it went, but it dampened your mood nonetheless. Hypocritical? Yes. True? Also yes.
When you found yourself sitting across from Remus and James with the same beer as last time, lazily playing cards and more focused on conversation, you told them just that. Most people probably would feel stupid indulging in such personal endeavors to their ex-boyfriend's friends–you probably should feel more stupid doing so–but your friends are so busy, and you can't keep your tragic dating life to yourself anymore.
"And get this, after practically ignoring me the entire date and asking me to split the bill, he asked if he could come upstairs with me when we reached my apartment building! Isn't that ridiculous?" You rant to James and Remus about your date with Charles, feeling new waves of anger and frustration as you remembered the events. Although less wasted than last time, drinking multiple rounds of beer made you more loose-lipped than usual.
Remus' face crinkled in poorly concealed disgust. "Men like him have no shame. You would think he'd try to set things right as your coworker, but the fact he hasn't talked to you says a lot about him." James nodded in silent agreement.
Grumbling and propping your head into your arms on the table, you mumbled, "Ugh, I know. I wish dating wasn't so hard." Frustration sank deep into your veins. Being in a relationship with Sirius felt like one in a million. He was handsome, kind, thoughtful, respected boundaries, and made you so comfortable. Now, the first time you were thrown back into the ring, you happened to go on a date with someone who was Sirius's antithesis.
James patted your back in what was supposed to be a comforting rub. Then suddenly, he chortled. "You know, Sirius also has had trouble dating. He tried going out again with this girl he met at a bar. She went to the restroom and never returned after he told her he was a musician." Remus elbowed James in the ribs, likely for telling you something Sirius would not want you to know. You internally cheered; now you knew the answer to your looming question.
You shoot up almost immediately at the information, a bright light of warm, comfortable, purely selfish happiness burrowing itself in your chest. "Really!?" You ask excitedly, which both Remus and James laugh at.
"Hey, try not to look too excited! He's still one of my best mates," James laughs at your response, clearly bemused by your immediate shift in mood. A small smile graces Remus' lips, and a shiny, mischievous glint overtakes his eyes.
You try to tone it down a bit. "I know, I'm sorry. I know I'm being selfish. I just can't help but wish Sirius was still hanging up on me, too," you admit, letting a bit of sadness come to the surface of your emotions.
"You're still hung up on him?" Remus asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. You knew it was embarrassing to admit, but years of feelings don't go away after a couple of months. Of course, you were still hung up on Sirius. He had been your best friend, too, which James and Remus may have forgotten.
"Isn't that obvious? Of course, I'm still hung up on him. He was my best friend," you admitted quietly, eyes glazing over. You knew this was definitely something you shouldn't be sharing with James and Remus. But the smooth flush of alcohol in your system and feelings of nostalgia quickly overwhelmed your senses.
Remus and James noticed your heightened emotions, side-eyeing each other very clearly. You did not appreciate that. "If you tell him that, I will hurt you two," you threatened, narrowing your eyes.
Remus and James simply laughed but nodded at your empty threat, resuming your game of cards. "Scout's honor," James swore, swearing himself to secrecy.
By the night's end, you'd heard much about Sirius' gig, dating life, and adjustment to Glasgow. It sounded like it was going well, which you were conflicted about. On the one hand, you want the best for him. On the other hand, you're a selfish monster who wants nothing more than for him to come running back home to you. Not that you'd be the first person he would see anyway.
Over the next month, you had to travel to Paris for a work trip, severely restricting your scheduled beer and card games with Remus and James. This was highly displeasing; you wanted nothing more than to hound them for updates. The travel may be for the good, but it would help you move on quickly. And also help me seem less like a deranged stalker, you thought to yourself. Nonetheless, when you were back in a month, you, Remus, and James had beer, cards, and gossip planned again. 
♡ ♡ ♡
Paris was more fun than you could've ever imagined. Although you still had to work there, and this was the most extended work trip you'd ever been on, your boss was accommodating and perhaps lazy, allowing you to take most of the day to lounge around and explore the city.
And that's how you met Jean. Jean was a handsome Parisian man who did a fantastic job taking your mind off Sirius. You had met him at a nightclub about two weeks into your trip, at approximately 3 a.m.—who knew Parisians partied so late and so hard? When he slipped his number into your back pocket, it almost felt like fate. You weren't entirely convinced he was your soulmate, but you were getting close. 
You two weren't exclusive, but you found solace in spending the night intertwined, allowing you to escape the hotel and find romance after a long, painful, dry spell. Although a secret, tumultuous romance sounded quite appealing and much like a romance novel—which made you feel like a cool protagonist—you knew you had to talk to someone about your new fling.
The issue was that your girlfriends would be too nosy. They would want to know everything about Jean, including his social media, which could be disastrous. You need to talk to someone who would know, but they wouldn't grill you for information, so you decided on Remus and James.
You were hoping their oath to secrecy wasn't a lie because when you sent a text to your group chat that read, "Guess who can say she's been with a Parisian man?" it felt perilous. You were hoping you could unpack the details of your fling when you saw them again, not wanting to send a long text explaining everything.
However, when James replied, "I see you're going worldwide," with a winky face, your doubts eased a bit. It felt good having your secret fling off your chest, even if you knew telling James and Remus was an idiotic, terrible, but oh-so-relieving idea.
That night, you spent the night at Jean's again. You never really had much conversation with him. Your French was shoddy at best, and when he kissed the skin under your ear lobe after sharing a bottle of wine, it felt almost as good as a meaningful conversation. It was nearly enough to push away the memories of Sirius and you talking until your conversation ended with bellies and lungs tight from laughter, your faces wet from happy tears.
♡ ♡ ♡
It had been another week since you'd been in Paris. Things had slowed down significantly with Jean, especially after you'd realized that he could not cure your heartache. You both knew your arrangement, or whatever it was, was only short-term. He was handsome and into you, but he also lived in Paris and, hence, was not a viable option for you. He kissed you on the cheek when you parted, but it felt surface-level. Which it was, considering you had seen each other for only a week. 
Thinking of Sirius also still wanted to make you violent, to make you bang your head against the wall. When you'd shared that with James and Remus, they said he missed you and that things were tough in Glasgow, but you couldn't tell if they were saying it just to be excellent. Given the new low levels they'd observed you at, they had reason to. 
Today, you were walking to a coffee shop for remote work. If you'd consider staring at an empty Excel spreadsheet, work. When you said your boss was relaxed, you meant it. He'd posted a photo of himself at the Eiffel Tower eight times over the three weeks you'd been in Paris. 
You ordered yourself a cappuccino and sat down at a booth to lock in and watch TV shows on your computer while you pretended to be doing work. That was until you saw a familiar head of jaw-length black hair walk into the coffee shop: Sirius. 
No fucking way. You had to fight the urge to gasp out loud, bolt out of the shop, and abandon your electronics to escape the feelings of gut-wrenching heartbreak that reappeared upon seeing his face. He honestly looked a lot worse than when you'd seen him last. His face needed a good shave, he had heavy eye-bags, and he looked like he'd lost a concerning amount of weight since moving to Glasgow. You frowned at the thought of him suffering there. 
Apparently, he could feel your eyes on him because his gaze fell on you when he turned his head to scan the coffee shop. Internally screaming, you had to fight the urge to sink underneath the table and pretend you didn't exist. You should've run when you had the opportunity. 
His mouth opened in recognition and shock, a small smile curving upon his lips. Fighting the urge to pretend you didn't know him and run, you offered him a small smile and wave, gesturing at him to join you. This was such a bad idea that you internally face-palmed yourself at your unbelievable stupidity. You have been pining over your ex-boyfriend for months, and what do you do? Invite him to join you at a coffee shop and talk. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
He approached your table, pulling out the chair on the opposite end of the booth to sit down in. "Hi Sirius," you spoke first, quiet, maybe timid, but friendly nonetheless. Your heart felt like it could explode out of your chest, and levels of heartbreak, sadness, and longing flooded to the surface, seeing him so close to you. Not to mention, he looked unwell, and you wanted nothing more than to embrace him like you would've done in the past. 
"Hi, Y/N," Sirius said, too. You both looked at each other for a second, a cloud of awkwardness and heartbreak in the air. He inhaled deeply, "How are you?" he offered up, breaking the silence. 
"I'm doing okay," you answered truthfully. "I've been busy with work and seeing my friends a lot," and there's the lie. You stared at a spreadsheet all day, and the only friends you'd seen frequently were Remus and James, who were Sirius's more friends than yours. 
"I'm happy to hear that," Sirius responded with a small smile. He paused for a second, thinking about his following words. "I heard from James that you've been dating again; I'm glad you're doing well," He spoke again, a forlorn look glazing over his brown eyes. His lips wore a neutral smile, but his eyes told a different story. Upon hearing these words, your heart dropped into your lower stomach. I'm going to kill him, you thought. James was so in for it. The worst part was you weren't even dating Jean anymore. You weren't ever dating him; he was just a fling and a distraction. 
You needed to figure out how to correct this vital error. Clearly, Sirius had gotten the wrong impression about your dating life from James, that bastard. Despite your frustration, after thinking about it, you didn't know there was a use in correcting the error. After all, despite how pathetic and in love you were with Sirius, he was still in Glasgow. "Thanks, Sirius, I appreciate it," you opted to respond to his comment after thinking about your situation. "How are you?" you asked. Despite his interesting appearance, you had hoped he wasn't terrible. 
"I'm okay. I'm moving back to London soon, though," he smiled. Oh no. You swore you felt your heart drop on the floor. When you convinced yourself that this relationship was forever out of your grasp, he dropped this bomb on you.
"Oh! Really?" You ask with an empty, fake smile, though you were admittedly surprised by this confession. "I suppose it will be nice to be closer to James and Remus again!" You added. You hoped he thought it would be nice to be closer to you again, too, but he officially thought you were dating someone else, and it felt too late into the conversation to reverse back on the error. It would be both confusing and humiliating to admit you had gone on with the lie. 
He nodded. "The lead singer was on leave because he had a baby; even though he listed it as indefinite, he decided to start working again," Sirius answered honestly, explaining the situation to you. You swear you could feel your heart snap into a million little pieces. You and Sirius had broken up believing this job arrangement was permanent, but now it felt like all your heartbreak was for nothing. 
"I see. What are you gonna do in London?" you asked, trying to convince yourself he might get tied down to another band. That way, the heartbreak would feel a lot less awful. 
"I'm going solo," Sirius told you. His typical confident demeanor was shredded; he was excited, but his words left enough room for you to tell he was looking for your approval. 
"Congratulations, Sirius. I'm really happy for you," you said. You were happy for him; this had always been his dream, but it was easier to break into the music scene in a group. However, this was probably the worst situation for mending your heart. If Sirius was solo, he wasn't tied to a band or their touring schedule. If he didn't think you were dating Jean, it would be entirely possible for you guys to rekindle your relationship. You felt like going to the Eiffel Tower solely to climb it and throw yourself off. 
You took a deep breath, desperately needing to escape the situation and think. "I have to get going," you blurted awkwardly and rashly. "I have to go back to the office; my lunch break is over," you added in a quieter, more normal-sounding voice. You hoped Sirius would ignore that it was 10 a.m. and nowhere near lunchtime. It was a pathetic, poorly thought-out lie in an attempt to escape. 
"Oh, well, it was nice talking to you. See you around!" Sirius responded, clearly taken aback by your sudden departure. If you didn't feel like you were going to vomit up your breakfast, you would've felt bad, as he clearly thought you were desperate to ditch him. You were, not because you hated him, but because you still loved him. 
You nodded, quickly packed up your belongings, waved goodbye, and bolted out of the coffee shop, nearly tripping over your shoes on the way out. It was so embarrassing. You opened your group chat with Remus and James, sending a single text, "Traitors!" 
James' reply was a single emoji with their tongue sticking out.
♡ ♡ ♡
You had been back in London for a week, and after multiple texts from now-apologetic James and Remus, who had been apologetic from the start, you agreed to meet them again at the bar to talk. You were honestly still a bit upset. Knowing that there was now a possibility of getting back together with Sirius, which you had subsequently squashed, had reopened deep sadness. 
You entered the bar, immediately spotting James and Remus at your usual table. You sat down with a small smile; they were still your friends, and you waited for an explanation. 
Immediately as you sat down in the booth, James blurted out, "I'm sorry!" You nodded but raised your eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. "Please forgive me. I promise I thought you were dating Jean, and Sirius asked about you. I couldn't leave him hanging; he's my best friend." James blurted out the information rapidly, clearly apologetic and anxious.
However, there was only one piece of information that you immediately narrowed down on. "Wait, Sirius was asking about me?" you asked, shocked and slightly shaken. Here, you thought you were the pathetic ex-girlfriend hounding details out of James and Remus, but maybe, just maybe, Sirius was the pathetic ex-boyfriend, too. 
Remus responded with a snort, "Please, Sirius has been asking us about you nearly every day for the past three months!" James nods hurriedly, clearly trying to appease your worries. 
"And you didn't tell me?" you ask, a twinge frustrated—scratch that, a lot frustrated. You'd been ranting to them for months about how heartbroken and sad you were, only to discover that Sirius was equally upset.
"Well, we didn't know if he'd be returning either. We thought we were being good friends hearing you guys out. We didn't want either of you to know about the other in case Sirius stayed in Glasgow," Remus explained, his words coming out quickly. 
You nodded in response. Although you were frustrated, Remus's and James's explanations made sense. Honestly, you felt terrible dumping all that responsibility on them. 
"Well, we have to go. Bye!" James said, grabbing Remus' arm and running out of the bar. You gaped in response, shocked by how quickly they tried to run off. Their mannerisms made no sense until you saw a familiar face for the first time since Paris: Sirius. 
He looked shocked to see you approaching the table you sat at. "Hey, Y/N, what are you doing here?" That seemed like something you should ask him. 
"I just met up with James and Remus," you replied sheepishly. You didn't know if he knew about your continued meetings. And you hoped he didn't know that you had been milking them for information about his life in Glasgow. 
"Oh, they told me to meet them here," Sirius said. "I wonder if they decided to switch locations. I can go to meet them," he continued, using his thumbs to point towards the door and indicate his departure. 
You think you both knew that James and Remus had planned this. However, you also knew that Sirius was likely being nice and didn't want to make you uncomfortable since he was under the impression that you were dating Jean. 
When Sirius started to retreat, you saw his broad, tall figure walk out the bar's doors, a bell dinging as he left, and you knew you couldn't sit back. You couldn't let the man you love get away from you again. Knowing you could've done something to stop it, you couldn't deal with another heartbreak. 
You hopped up from the bar stool, running after Sirius's figure until you reached him two blocks away, in front of a brick alleyway. "Sirius, wait!" you nearly pant, clearly out of shape, reaching out to clutch his wrist. He turned around to face you, looking dejected. "I'm not seeing Jean," you blurted out–still out of breath–a rare moment of vulnerability. You wanted to smack your hand over your mouth. "He was just someone, something, to get my mind off you for a while." You felt like you needed a muzzle right now. 
His expression shifted from sadness to surprise but then again to emotions you couldn't put your finger on. “Y/N…” He began, but you quickly cut him off. 
"Please, I know I messed up," you admitted quietly. You were embarrassed. "I should've been honest with you. I should've told you I missed you and had been honest with you, but I didn't know if you would ever return. So I resorted to playing a game of telephone with James and Remus. I should've just asked you how you were doing." 
He looked bashful for a second, an emotion you didn't usually see on Sirius. "Well, you weren't the only one playing the game telephone. I kind of, maybe, told James and Remus to continue meeting with you so I knew what was happening in your life." He pauses for a second, trying to figure out how to continue. "And for the record, you didn't mess up seeing Jean; we were broken up, and you had every right to move on. I just selfishly wished you had been waiting for me."
You laugh at his confession. You should've known James, and Remus wouldn't have continued to update you without telling Sirius information, too. After all, he was their friend first. "I should've known they would sell me out to you and that they wouldn't be the most reliable relayers of my life." You sucked in a quick breath, "I wish I had waited for you, too; I just didn't know if you were ever coming home." If you weren't embarrassing yourself enough, you suddenly said, "I never stopped loving you."
A vast silence washed over the two of you for a moment, your sudden confession hanging over your heads like a ripe fruit from a tree, desperate to be desired. Then, Sirius reached out to cup your cheeks, both rosy from the cold air and the heat of your confession. His eyes searched yours before he spoke. "I never stopped loving you either," he admitted. 
A surge of relief flooded your system, along with bone-deep golden joy. You didn't let another moment pass before you wrapped him in a tight embrace, your head falling under his chin. He allowed a burst of happy, surprised laughter to escape his lips before wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. When you held each other, all the misunderstandings and doubts between you two melted away, replaced by love and closeness. You never wanted to let go of him again. 
After a moment, he pulled away, "You could've just told me you missed me, dollface." Although you felt touched, he had so quickly re-adopted your old nickname, you punched his arm nonetheless. 
"Shut up," you murmured, leaning upwards to envelop his lips in a gentle, soft kiss. When he smiled against your lips, you hoped you two could stay like that forever. 
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httpswritings · 6 months
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@alexiaps94 has liked your profile — Alexia Putellas x Reader
Word count: around 648
Warnings: none
Summary: You and Alexia match on an exclusive dating app.
“@alexiaps94 has liked your profile”
That was first notification you saw when you first checked your phone in the morning, still half asleep.
Some days ago, you signed up on Like.ly, an app similar to Tinder but extremely exclusive. The app was directed to wealthy people and reputed celebrities. You had to e-mail the company and wait if they accepted you on the company. If you were, you had to go through an interview where they'll ask you all types of questions, as the company itself would look for some potential matches to get you started. They did not succeed to your liking. They matched you with all sort of celebrities, but nobody properly caught your eye. 
You weren't a football fan, but you knew who Alexia was because of the expectation she woke up when she won her second Ballon D'Or and when Spain won the World Cup, as the press talked non-stop about the different problems with the federation, especially about the incident during the final. 
You clicked on her profile. Her profile pic was a picture with her dog, Nala. She had more pictures uploaded; you could see her with her family, her friends, her team and by herself. You scrolled down to the “About Me” paragraph.
“Hi! My name is Alexia. I like playing football, spending time with my family and learning new things. 😃”
“Cute”, you thought. You hesitated about what your next move should be. You liked her profile but decided to not write her yet. 
“Hi. I saw your profile some days ago and you seem lovely. I'd love to hear from you”. You hated the way you wrote that text. “Y/N, you want to get to know her as a friend, maybe as something more, this is not a business meeting”, you said to yourself. Your text was fine, you were only overreacting. If you knew they way Alexia reacted to your text, you'd feel more than accomplished with yourself.
“Hi, Y/N. Thank you! You seem really lovely too. I'm seeing that you have four cats! Wow, that's some good company. I think a get along better with dogs because I've been around them my whole life, but the cat life sounds fun too. 😸”
You chuckled as you read her message. “She's indeed very lovely”, you thought. 
“Yeah, so damn crazy, but it's quite fun😸😹” You had never used those emojis. Weird. Adorable but weird.
As you kept talking during the week with Alexia, you got to know her better. She told you about the passing of her dog, Nala, and how bad that affected her. You told each other about your life: family, friends, place of work. She even taught you a little bit of football, and you were so entertained you couldn't quite believe it, as you never showed any interested in football except for some random matches of the men's world cup. You started to educate yourself in women's football.
“Can I call you?”, was the message you received from her on a Saturday night. You had spent the whole day rotting on your sofa and talking to Alexia until your eyes started to feel really heavy. As she called you, and you responded, you started to breath uncontrollably rapid but at the same time, you felt so comfortable listening to her. Alexia's voice was soft, and her laugh sounded so delicate, you felt butterflies in your stomach every time you made her laugh.
“It was nice talking to you, Ale, but we both need some rest, especially you. You have training tomorrow.”
“... I liked hearing you calling me Ale”
“I like hearing you, Ale.”
“God, are you always this flirty?”
“Not in person. I'll have to be a little bit tougher when I'll have you in front of me.”
“No, don't be. I'm pretty sure I'd love the timid version of you. I can't wait to see it.”
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tosahobi-if · 6 months
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Misfortune begets misfortune; evil will prey upon itself. Just as how the fox cannot live without the rabbit, the predator must understand what rises will fall.
Long before you were born, the Great Calamity, a calculated effort by Magyo cultists nearly wiped out the entirety of the Jungpa sects. If not for the noble sacrifice of the peerless Sword Saint of the Mount Hua Sect: the Divine Blade, Yeo Jinhu, demonic forces would have rent the heavens and the earth asunder.
Despite his triumph, nothing would ever be the same – the losses were staggering, the task of rebuilding the sects to their former glory seemed to prove an insurmountable challenge. Yet nearly two decades after his death, peace returned to the land once more.
After the death of your parents, you lead an ordinary, if not monotonous, life as the playmate of the spoiled young master of the Mount Hua Sect. However, all is not what it seems. Following the mysterious arrival of an amnesiac with strange abilities, whispers of a plot brewing in the shadows start to surface, and the world as you know it begins to fall apart around your feet.
Suddenly confronted with the uncertainty of the future, you must unravel the tragedy of what truly conspired all those years ago before you risk losing all you hold dear.
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tosahobi (18+) is a muhyeop choose-your-own adventure game centered around elements of korean folklore and taoism in a tale of family, grief, and heritage.
play as a customizable main character: choose their physical appearance, gender, pronouns, sexuality, and more.
explore different relationships: from platonic to romantic to familial, build a variety of relationships with the cast (and hopefully make more friends than you do enemies.)
choose from different skill sets: pick between medicine, weaponry, tactics, and hand-to-hand combat. each field comes with its own advantages and disadvantages that affect multiple scenarios as the story progresses.
choice-driven story: with several routes and (many) choices, fail or succeed and find your way to an ending (whether it be happy or not.)
something is incredibly wrong: can you feel it too?
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Yeo Jinwol of the Mount Hua Sect, is the youngest son of the sect leader. Contrary to his charming public demeanor, he has a childish side and can be extraordinarily stubborn. Having grown up in the shadow of his elder brothers he is fiercely protective of those he considers precious to him and struggles to measure up to the expectations placed on his shoulders. Assigned his playmate at a young age, whether you consider it fortuitous or not the two of you have been stuck together for years.
Yul is your sajae, a disciple under the same master as you. Despite their amnesia, they're preternaturally talented at whatever they set their mind to. With strange yet unexplainable abilities that seem to stretch far beyond the scope of their powers, their missing memories may be the key to unlocking the answers you seek. Reclusive yet dedicated you'd almost think they were far, far older than their age if not for their intense sweet tooth and their tendency to follow you around like a very clingy second shadow.
Baek Iseul, the Frozen Blade, is the rising star Emei Sect and has long been hailed as the next Sword Saint. Contrary to her cheerful personality you've never met anyone with a sharper gaze before. Hailing from obscurity, her power rivals even those who have trained for years and years, and has amassed an ever-growing collection of heroic feats under her belt. Popular and well-liked with a mischievous streak, you're really not sure why someone with such a promising future has taken a liking to you.
if to transcend means to leave the world behind, bind me to the soil so even long after my death, long after my body has turned to dust, i can find you once more.
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beomgyw · 2 months
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PAIRINGS: guitarist!beomgyu x afab!reader, surfer!yeonjun x afab!reader
GENRE: love triangle, multichoice, fluff / smut (all depending on the paths you choose) plot heavy.
WARNINGS: your choices matter for the outcome!! you can choose not to engage in nsfw. IMPORTANT!! FOLLOW THE LINKED POSTS CAREFULLY and if you get lost, click back to the beginning to retrace your choices. (praying you won’t get lost.)
FEAT: le sserafim yunjin, le sserafim chaewon
SUMMARY: after a college-induced mental breakdown, you convince your parents to let you go back to your hometown and stay at your grandma's beach house for the summer. you used to be the ugly girl growing up, but not anymore. it´s your choice to opt for flirty and charismatic surf coach yeonjun (your childhood crush who had never noticed you until now) or gentle and romantic beomgyu (the boy who's always had a secret crush on you)
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poor naive you had always wanted to be a writer, and poor naive you thought that a literature degree would help you become one.
you worked your whole life to get into a good university, thinking that it would be different from high school. that you would learn critical thinking instead of soulless arbitrary facts and trivia, that classes would be passionate and that exams wouldn't consist of just throwing up memorised material to be forgotten the next day.
poor you. after a year of linguistics and syntax courses you realised you hadn't been able to read a single book or write a single paragraph. was that really it? was college also gonna be a competitive hell of always studying but never really learning?
sick and tired of uni, you tell your parents that you need to get out of the city. you need time to think and make decisions about your future. however, and rather strategically, you don't specify which decisions. you don't mention that you´re thinking about quitting school, or that you'd like to become a full-time writer. you don't want to worry your parents as much as you don't want them to kill you.
after some hard negotiations, you succeed in getting them to let you spend the summer at your grandmother's beach house, back in the town where you grew up.
after a few phone calls and arrangements, your grandmother is not only delighted with your visit but has even offered to find you a part-time job. she says she knows of a small book shop in town where they could use some help. that's perfect! a bookshop sounds like a dream job! now all you have to do is pack your bags!
after you're done packing your essentials, you still have space to pack one more thing. choose one! (note, some are more important than others. also, remember your choice!):
books. are they really that necessary though? i mean, you got a job at a book shop. what could go wrong?
an extra swimsuit. trust me, you don’t wanna borrow a bikini from chaewon. 
camera. remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. 
besides your bag, you're allowed to carry one more piece of luggage on the train ride. which are you choosing?
yoga mat. after all, the concept of this retreat is to ponder, decide on your future and better your mental health. yoga and meditation are definitely the way to go. many people think that the beach is the perfect place to meditate.
guitar. that poor guitar that has been sitting in a corner of your room untouched for the past three years. now that you’re gonna have free time for the first time in your life, why not give it a try? you're probably gonna need someone to teach you tho.
please !! as you go on, don't be shy to comment the choices you make so i get to know your tastes better!! pretty please :)
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and monopoly
how seventeen would play monopoly w/ each other
notes: im woozi. every single game i play, i always end up being woozi.
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most competitive when it comes to monopoly. calls out jeonghan's cheating whenever possible, can never figure out how or when shua cheats, but is also totally down to cheating himself to win. has once engaged poor dokyeom in a bid for a train station that he raised way too high before suddenly pulling out, leaving dokyeom with -769 when he originally had 980. poor thing looked at his leader with the utmost betrayal in his eyes for over a week. also has totally owned almost the whole board before, calls it one of his biggest achievements in life
the Biggest cheater (1). steals everyone's 50s when they're not looking. somehow manages to empty the bank of all the 500s, even though dino's been watching it like a hawk the entire time. has also definitely upturned the board during a game when it wasn't going the way he wanted, and has also definitely been nearly strangled by seungkwan because of it. asks if he can do aegyo or offers to do a dare instead of paying rent when he lands on someone's property, succeeds in making a deal 50% of the time
the Biggest cheater (2). takes the little hotel buildings and puts them over properties that he doesn't even own, demands that people pay him anyway. has mastered the skill of looking all innocent while lying through his teeth and pinning the blame on a totally different member (jihoon or mingyu). gets extremely competitive when it looks like he has the slightest chance of winning and starts bending the rules like crazy, but if he's losing then he loses interest really quickly and gives up all his money and property to whoever looks like they're most likely to drop out any second
makes up rules that sound really weird but also really plausible so the members don't know if they should trust him or not. has managed to convince mingyu that landing on the jail square when you roll means that you're in jail permanently unless you let the other players give you a dare to do. is somehow also passing Go every other turn of his. never wins, but never loses either: is always one of the last players still playing the game
attempts to be a cheater, is terrible at it. wants to win so badly, but he has such bad luck that he always lands on other people's properties and has to pay up. once spent the majority of the game in jail, bc he kept paying to get out only to end up back in there again, and didn't have money left to bail himself out or the 'get out of jail free' card. was the most upset when he had to play using a pawn from a chess set they had lying around somewhere (monopoly never comes with enough pieces for all 13 of them to play. weird, right? you'd think they'd make 13 pieces) and complained that even being the hat would be better than this. was then hit on the head by seungkwan, who was playing with the hat piece
before they start playing he's constantly preaching that monopoly is basically based on luck and luck alone but as soon as it looks even the littlest like he's winning, he's telling them that monopoly is all about strategizing and budgeting and really the members could learn a thing or two from him—. only plays if he's in the mood to deal with all of their yelling tho, n normally says no thanks to the game when offered
loses the most terribly all the time. 70% of the time, is the first one to give up on the game bc he's basically 100,000,000 in debt and he doesn't even know why. gets so angry this one time that he steals all of mingyu's money bc the dumb fool was stupid enough not to take it with him when he went to the bathroom. ended up losing all of it before mingyu even came back from peeing. tells them after every game that he'll never play monopoly with them ever, always ends up joining in the next time someone busts it out during game night
always starts the game looking like -__- but as the game goes on and he keeps on gaining money, he slowly gets more and more excited and soon he's giggling every other minute bc people keep landing on his properties or he keeps getting good chance cards. the fates love him. has never gone into debt before. was so close to winning that one time that jeonghan flipped the playing board, wouldn't talk to him for five whole days after that. once owned both of the 'get out of jail free' cards in one round, refused to give them out to the people in jail unless they promised to do him any favour he asked for
never loses, but still loses. had jihoon steal all his money from him when he needed the bathroom one time, and came back to find out he'd pathetically lost it all. somehow always ends up playing the ship. doesn't know why he needs to mortgage his property, or how he even does it. asks the bank for loans, and chan refuses, saying he won't give him a loan unless he does aegyo. ends up still not getting the loan. has knocked over people's houses dozens of times while moving his ship round the board. ends up dropping out of the game halfway through bc jihan keep cheating too much for him to keep up and besides, seungcheol owns half the board and he doesn't even have any money left :(
managed to almost win out of pure luck one time. has no idea what he's doing, asks his hyungs for help on every go. wants jeonghan to give him advice on whether he should buy a property or not: jeonghan either advises him genuinely or says the complete opposite of what would benefit dokyeom, depending on how he feels at that moment. has lost all his money bidding for a property before. finds it super unfair when jihan cheat him, starts whining and pouting so badly and throws his cards down in frustration. rarely sticks around till the end of the game, giving up and just watching the others battle it out across the board
competitive. could almost be as competitive as seungcheol, but since he's competitive about every game they play it kind of cancels out so he's placed under him. fights any member who so much as looks at the dog piece, because that is his thank you very much. spent the entire game in a foul mood one time when he lost the dog piece to joshua. always ends up throwing something at someone during the game. never lasts until the end, throws his money in the air in exasperation and dramatically flings himself down onto the couch to watch the rest of them fight over the game
monopoly is one of the few things that vernon can get truly competitive at. loves yelling at jeonghan every time he cheats, has also had to dodge flying pawns before as seungkwan threw them at him in anger when he landed on his ridiculously expensive property. always owns only a few streets, but manages to upgrade them so high that he's raking in money if ever anyone lands on them. almost lasted a whole game one time, before hoshi physically wrestled his cards out of his hands. he still doesn't know why he did that, or even why he let his hyung do that. 
is the banker. knows that he's terrible at games involving money, especially if it's against yoon jeonghan, so decides, for his sanity and his mental health, he'll never play a monopoly game against him. is also a great banker, apart from the times that money mysteriously disappears from the box. likes to sit back and enjoy the chaos that happens, knowing full well that their entire game could descend into even further catastrophe if he decided to withdraw the bank from them. 
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reactions tags: @jeonghanis ,, @magicaltonaru ,, @milkbreadnotmilkcoffee ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @minhui896 ,, @turningcarat ,, @nakedgrapes ,, @bunnyiix ,, @slytherinshua ,, @haowrld ,, @belladaises ,, @iheartyujin ,, @summery-bat ,, @newgirlygirl ,, @moonlitskiiies ,, @interludezjk ,, @ejspencer14 ,, @cinnamoroxie ,, @wonranghaeee ,, @saythename-chess ,, @yonabutnotyuna ,, @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou ,, @crackedpumpkin ,, @wqnwoos ,, @butiluvu ,, @sunshinekyeom-sang ,, @ocyeanicc ,, @uramarica ,, @zozojella ,, @thesmellofcoffeeandrain ,, @kthstrawberryshortcake-main ,, @kawennote09 ,, @a-wandering-stay
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fluff-n-cookies · 14 days
I saw your post for more platonic Dabi and I was wondering how you think Dabi would comfort a reader who had a panic attack and or is extremely socially anxious and always seeks him out for comfort. Whenever reader is anxious in public they hold onto the corner of his shirt or sleeve and tend to follow him or stick close to his side. If reader didn’t have the best home life then they’re probably constantly afraid Dabi is going to hate them or leave them. Reader is the kind of person who will let people talk down to them, mistreat them but heaven forbid anyone so much as looks at Dabi in distain/disgust. Reader will defend him with their life and is constantly defending him from other people’s opinions. Basically just reader and Dabi being each other’s found family
Okay, for starters I would like to apologize from the deepest depths of my heart. I am not right the head (obviously.) and I would like to give you the right to owning my soul, for I have been putting off your kind request for so long, and I genuinely am so sorry for the delay.
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Now I actually think that this is very interesting especially form an analytical stand point.
Because Dabi does not like weak people. both physically and mentally. It's primarily rooted form his turbulent relationship with his father where he constantly tried to get stronger and better through training and pushing himself to be a strong as possible to please his father. his idol.
from that I think he would despise those weaker than him, not because he actually hates them, but more so because he needs to put other people down to rise himself up. it's more so "it's not that I should succeed, others should fail." it makes him feel better about himself, gives him that feeling of accomplishment that he would normally get from his father saying "good job." but eh rather gets it from bullying.
You'd have to do something truly spectacular to catch his eye for him to not put you down like he does everyone else.
I don't think it could be kindness, since when Rei persuades him to stop training an pushing himself so hard, he instead takes it as her trying to stop him. I'm not saying that that exact senario would play out as in
reader : Dabi! I got you flowers.
I'm saying he has a hard time accepting kindness, I'm saying he might not know what is someone trying to help him and what is someone trying to hurt him. like Rei does. this might actually draw him away.
I think what might actually work is the relationship he had with Fuyumi and Natsuo. because all three were heavily affected by their father's neglect and violence and I think that this may be evidence of sympathy or a ledge to protect them one day as a hero.
(of course, he doesn't become a hero, rather going partially insane as I would say and focusing on getting revenge on Enji, most likely to avenge himself and his brother and sister.)
what may lead him to you is the shared sympathy the both of you have when it comes to bad origins. it's the same sympathy he had with this siblings (minus Shoto) I'm thinking he walks in at the wrong time while you're in the middle of crying your heart out I do that way to often and while he doesn't interfere right at that moment, he will talk to you as best as his unsocial ass can. things like "sorry that happened to you." "you're not alone, that happened to me too." undercover of sarcastic remarks like "you're such a crybaby."
or something easier where the both of you reveal more and about your pasts forming a close relationship. details like "my dad would be pissed about that." or "ugh! that's something mom would say!" after a cruel insult. it would be an unspoken bond but a bond nonetheless.
this gives him an undying sympathy for you that he can't properly express. trust me he has so many things to say.
"I love you."
"thank you for being there for me."
"I would give you the world if asked."
"you're the reason I get up in the morning."
but for a child of an abusive and unloving relationship, the words are just not there. no seriously. there's only this feeling of warmth with you and nothing else. no words, only a flurry of pinkish love.
He'll let you come to him like the little ball of fear and sadness you are at times, he'll let you cuddle up you him as much as you want. he'll push you off when calm down a bit though, he'll leave with a grumble about how needy you can be.
note though, that he would probably never push you off immediately. it's not that he hates you, he thinks you're disgusting and the worst thing to ever exist.
it's just that he doesn't know how to respond. and I don't blame him.
it takes a while to get used to, get used to being loved and having something to love. but once he does you are SO in for it.
I'm talking flowers from the grocery store, free stolen popsicles, the right to murder anybody and have him help you clean it all up.
because he genuinely loves you, he really does, and when he understands after a couple years of knowing each other how to receiprocate your love, it suddenly all become to easy to be human, to be alive, to be happy.
he also does doesn't like you being talked down to. it comes from the depths of his childhood dream of being a hero and protecting people. especially loved ones like he does for Fuyumi and Natsuo. this also transforms into a need to provide for his loved ones, this can take form in helping you put together furniture, helping you with groceries, and talking to you when you're lonely. things you would do with your dad, which he basically is at this point.
on the same boat, he doesn't like you to fight for him. in his mind, it's HIS job to protect you not vice versa. he's seen you cry, talked you through your panic attacks, been there through those nights. you've already fought so much with yourself, you should not be fighting for him.
it's beautiful really. how much this one thing can change Dabi. it's just that you'll have to stick with him through the sarcasm and the insults and the roasts. but in the end.
he loves you. he'll protect you. maybe not Japan as a hero, but this one little thing. this one little perfect thing, he'll die for.
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char-chats · 1 year
SFW (gender neutral)
CW: slightly hateful words
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You've always doubted yourself when it came to most things you felt weak, useless, and like an outcast. You just felt like every time you tried to help you made it worse.
When you told your parents that you were thinking about joining the demon slayer corpse they laughed In your face telling you , you'd die within a couple seconds.
This didn't stop you! Sure at times you've thought about giving up, but proving everyone wrong and seeing the look on there faces to see that you've succeed in your goal kept you going
When you met Genya you almost immediately fell for him. You really also really admired Genya.
He was so strong, polite, kind and tough, so when he confessed to you all nervous and blushy, you where excited, confused, happy , so many emotions all at once. He was yours and you where his.
Genya took care for you, you loved it and hated it. It made you feel weak, at some point in the day you and Genya were walking through the town when Genya stopped to buy something from this mini store.
As you where waiting outside you over heard a group of women and men talking about how Genya looks to good to be with you, to strong, tall to better to be with someone like you, weak
You felt all lump in your throat form and your eyes blur as tears form. That's when Genya stepped out smiling but quickly changed when he saw your sad expression.
"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly you shook your head and looked away "let's talk at home" he nodded his head and grabbed your hand running his callous thumb over your hand. So you two walk home in silence.
The walk home seems so long but when you finally arrived at your shared home and sat down on your bed ...and finally letting it all out
You broke down letting all the years of built of sadness out Genya was shocked and quickly went to comfort you, sitting next to you and wrapping his arms around you.
"What's wrong?! Did someone say something to you? " you shook your head taking a deep breath in and looking down.
"I.. I feel so useless all the fucking time.. Like I'm this little weak thing that can't do anything right... Your so much better than me, your stronger, tougher, just ... Better.. I look fucking pathetic standing next to you"
Genya cupped his hands on your red cheeks and looked at your teary eyes " [Name] I love you so much, you're not useless at all... How could you think that. Being useful doesn't always mean being strong or strength in general. It could mean mentality, you are so sweet and give amazing advice.
You listen to me and the others and really help us get through our issues.I admire you so much... I don't know what we'd do without you." Hearing those words were all you need to hear, that's all you wanted to hear, and you finally got to hear it.
You looked at Genya and hugged him tightly crying even harder soaking his shirt. Genya gently hugged you resting his chin on your head, rocking you back and forth slowly.
When finally the tears stopped Genya lifted his chin off your head, cupping your cheeks and kissing your forehead "come on let's go make some food, I'm hungry" you chuckled and nodded your head taking your hand into his.
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You grew up in a household where you had to be the highest achiever. You've always felt as if you where nothing as if you have achieved nothing in your life.
You had to be the best at everything, not good but the best of the best. You didn't even want to join the demon slayer corpse, in fact you where scared shitless. You just wanted your parents to be proud of you ,so you joined anyway.
And when you came back home from your training, all you got was "so when are you going to become a Hashira?" That's okay you could do better and you would! You could do it! So you pushed your self.
You first met Muichiro because you applied to be his Tsuguko and he accepted. You and him would often talk, well mostly you. Laying down on the grass and staring up at the fluffy clouds. He would listen and put his thoughts here and there, and sometimes would laugh. He enjoyed spending time with you and so did you.
He was so hard working, logical and a genius he became a Hashira within two months at 14, you felt like such an idiot for taking a year to finish your training then another year to become an official Hashira.
So when you gathered up the courage to confess to him you thought he would look at you blankly and walk away. But instead he smiled and the took your hand into his and said "I feel the same way [Name]". It seemed like time had stopped and you felt so many emotions all at once. Mainly happiness
You and Muichiro where sitting in the estates garden, you where talking about how you thought how beautiful the flowers where and all the different types of flowers, while Muichiro nodded and smiled.
That's when you spotted two demon slayers not to faraway looking at you. "Hey [Name] I'm gonna go get a snack I'm a little hungry, would you like anything?" you shook your head no "okay, I won't be to long" he smiled.
You looked down at your hands still feeling the gaze of the two slayers. "Hey, you're [Name] the new Hashira, aren't you ?"You looked up to see the two demon slayers now standing in front of you.
"Oh, um yeah" they both looked at each other and laughed, you furrowed your eye brows "Is something wrong? Er-". "Oh come on, do you really think Muichiro actually likes you?"," Yeah, he only said yes because he feels bad for you, I mean look at him he's better looking and he became a Hashira in two months. Then there's you.. Two years it's fucking pathetic, you'll never be up to his level".
Then they walked away, you where at a lost for words what the fuck just happened.. I mean what the fuck...I mean they were just demon slayers not Hashiras..But..Maybe they where right.. You'll never be good enough, never be up to his standards. It was all to much and you let the tears fall.
"[Name?....] You looked up quickly whipping away your tears, "what happened?" He sat beside you gently taking your hands into his. Oh no you felt tears at the brim of your eyes again "come on talk to me... I'm listening"
You took in a deep breath "I will never be up to your level no matter how hard I try.. You're just so good looking.. And a genius over all I mean, you became a Hashira in two months and it took me two years!
You looked down in shame not wanting to see his reaction to this. What if he thought you were stupid for saying all this. Where you too much for him? Did you say too much? There were such "what if's" going through your mind.
Bu your thoughts where all silenced when he lifted your chin to make you look and him. And took your hands into his and said "Honestly.. I thought you where the one too good for me, I admire your resilience, I don't know how you do it sometimes. Me taking two months while it took you two years doesn't mean anything. Just because you took longer then me doesn't mean your lesser than me. It's okay to take longer then someone else, I can be good at fighting but you can be way better at it, we all have different strengths and weaknesses. "
Yeah. All you needed was words of kindness, caring words. He cared and it showed he loved you he truly did. He thought no less of you in fact he thought more of you. You then leaned in and kissed his left cheek "thank you, Mui" you said with a smile
Muichiro cheeks turned bright pink and looks away "yeah no problem.. " he trailed off. "W-well, I tried to learn some origami want to come and see?..." You shook your head yes happily and he got up and held out his hand, so you took his hand walking to his place.
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When you touch me, I am where love is born
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Young!Mihawk x reader.
Prequel of the short series that began with Built a haven for your love (until I let you fall apart). Title taken from yet another song by Beast in Black, One night in Tokyo.
The man is attractive, if you like the burly type, with rough features and a full beard - which you occasionally do, even though you are slightly put off by the fact that your would-be victim, a former pirate who is now working solo as a robber, has killed twelve people, all of them but one defenseless civilians and including four children, to steal their valuables. Your grandfather, who put your first gun in your hand when you were only nine and taught you to use it, and a number of other firearms, to perfection, told you emotions are often a shooter's worst enemy, a cause of confusion and inaccuracy and worst of all hesitation, especially when the target you are shooting at has a weapon of their own; still, in your heart you feel satisfaction, even joy, and not guilt, at the thought that you will rid the world of this lowlife and protect his future potential victims.
Your target has no permanent residence and is notoriously proficient at putting pursuers off his tracks, but you were able to track down an accomplice of his who, for a small price, told you he would be in a certain island, on a particular day.
He is, and you are as well, having reached the island yesterday by ferry under the guise of a normal, innocuous tourist eager to enjoy the island's luxurious beaches and night-life. The truth couldn't be more different, and as you check for the twelfth time your gun is loaded and ready to shoot, you order yourself to keep your cool and stop your heart from beating twice as fast as normal. Yes, this is your first assignment as a mercenary; yes, you are still very young, and a woman, which would lead many of your fellow killers for hire to look down on you and doubt your ability; yes, you have never killed anyone before, which could make you hesitate once you will have to actually pull the trigger, not at a clay pigeon or another target prepared by your grandfather for your training, but at a living, real person.
But you can do it. You want to do it, because you have trained so much and so long for this, and that man does deserve to pay for what he has done, and you want to prove, to the world and more importantly to yourself, what you are worth, how strong and clever and resilient you are, beyond the family you were born in and the role you will take on one day. Your grandfather, an excellent gunslinger who had been a mercenary himself in his youth, expects you to put to good use everything he taught you and succeed, and your mother, while naturally worried for your safety, raised no objections and allowed you to begin a career as a killer for hire, knowing you felt the need to put yourself to the test beyond the comfortable, tranquil borders of your island. They both count on you, and you'd rather eat glass than disappoint them… and yourself, the harshest, least forgiving judge of all.
Also, if I don't kill that guy, he will probably kill me. That's also something I should keep in mind.
Having kept watch on the old barn, in the middle of the countryside, your target had spent the night in, you have seen him leave soon after dawn, the long sword he used to kill most of his victims as usual by his side, and set out towards an uninhabited corner of the island. You followed closely, careful not to lose him and, at the same time, not to be spotted, and three miles later you saw him reach an old abandoned mine; there is no sign of life for miles all around, which makes you suspect that, more than preparing an heist in a bank or a shop, or to attack an unsuspecting traveller to rob and then kill them, the man is meeting with an accomplice to organize an hit, or perhaps he has chosen the mine as his new hideout, to lay low for a while.
But all things being equal, the reason that has brought him here doesn't really matter; he might be looking for a safe place to store his stamp collection, or planning to transform the place in an ice cream shop for all you care. The only thing that counts is that you will kill him today, provide justice for all the people he has murdered, and begin making a name for yourself as a mercenary. You don't care about the bounty money, that you plan to donate to the less affluent families of your island (after, perhaps, you have treated yourself to a good dinner) and even becoming famous as a killer for hire is a side issue; you only want to do what is right, and prove yourself you are more than a privileged young woman, born with a silver spoon in her mouth and destined to a life of tranquility and power.
Even if it means risking your life.
Your target has reached the entrance of the mine, securely boarded up and surmounted by a large KEEP OUT sign; he walks back and forth, clearly nervous as he smokes a cigarette, fingering the hilt of his sword. Hidden in a small ramshackle building, perhaps the old foreman's office, no more than ten paces away, you look at him through a crack in the door, kneeling on the dirty floor; your heart is pounding, a feeling of tightness constricting your stomach, the hand grasping your gun (a good, reliable and lethal model; not the derringer you will one day receive as a gift from your father and that you will treasure for the rest of your days, but still perfectly up to the task) sweating. Despite all the time and effort you dedicated to prepare for this moment, you are a nervous wreck, which is not completely a bad thing, since the last thing you should do is underestimate the danger you are in. Your target is still alone, busy smoking and apparently unaware of your presence, but any moment you waste could be the one he decides to leave, or he is joined by someone else; after all he does look as if he is waiting for someone. You can't hesitate any longer.
You stand slowly, grimacing at the pain in your knees, retrieve a second gun from the bag you have left on the floor, to use should the first one jam, and slide it in the holster hanging from your waist; you have chosen comfortable clothing, for obvious reason, and soft-soled boots, that allow you to walk as noiselessly as possible… and, in turn, to make it harder for your target to hear you approach.
The man has turned his back to the shack, busy lighting another cigarette after the one he has just put out under his foot; it's your moment, you decide, and you waste no time in slipping out of the splintered door and take one step, and then another, towards him.
Years and even decades later, as the list of your victims grows longer and you get used to the tension and the danger your job entails, you will still remember this moment as clear and vivid as if it had taken place yesterday, down to the smallest detail. The glowing yellow-red of the sun barely raised above the horizon; the natural vegetation rustling in the gentle wind; the russet colour of the unsown earth under your feet; the expectant, charged silence broken only by the distant call of a carrion crow. You are only partially aware of your actions, your instinct and training taking over, as you take a third step, which brings you at maybe six from your target - more than close enough for a clean shot. Your gun is aimed, your finger already brushing against the trigger. You are about to talk, but the man, still turned the other way, anticipates you.
"I was waiting for you." he says, tense but calm, and the shock is almost enough to make the gun slip from your hand; you have been very careful to remain hidden, making sure he had no idea you were keeping a close eye on him, and you were absolutely sure you had succeeded, and would easily sneak up on your target. Apparently the truth is different… or at least so it seems for a moment, before the man finally turns, sees you, and goggles.
"What the… who the hell are you?!"
"Where is Mihawk?" he insists, which is a question you have no answer for, but that at the same time is enough to dispel your doubts: he had no idea you were coming, and was actually waiting for someone else - perhaps an ally or an accomplice.
It takes your target half a second to notice the gun you are aiming at him. "What the…?!" he exclaims, letting his second cigarette fall to the floor and grabbing his sword.
It is already a full second to late.
"Jack 'The Tiger' Vespertine." you begin, mimicking the formal tone you heard your mother use so many times; you will decide to do away with the declaration of intents by your third assignment, like virtually all World Government-sanctioned mercenaries and killers for hire do, especially when the target is already aware of the danger they are in and armed, but since this is your first time you deem appropriate to follow the rules to the letter "You have been found guilty of twelve counts of murder…"
Vespertine's sword is drawn with a movement too fast for your eyes to follow, but thank all the Gods you are fast as well, and ready; a battle-cry fills the air, and half a second later, when the man has barely had the time to raise his blade above his head, your finger pulls the trigger, and the bullet explodes out of the gun's barrel, opening a hole in the middle of his forehead.
Vespertine is not an heavy man, but the thud of his body hitting the ground is deafening, the ground shaking under your feet. He doesn't move, and for a full minute you don't either; you stare at the body in front of you, your gun still pointed at him even though you know he is most likely already dead, as you push his sword away with your boot. You can't see his face, since he has fallen on his belly, so, for safety's sake, you shoot him again, in the back; the man doesn't move, which is proof enough for you.
Somewhere in the distance, the carrion crow cries again, a sound vaguely similar to an acid laugh; you glance all around you, making sure you are still alone and no one witnessed your actions, and then cautiously crouch down, using your free hand to turn the body on his back and look at it -at him- in the face.
This moment is the reason why you decided to do it like this. Up close, looking at him in the face and making sure he saw you and, within reason, knew you were going to kill him, instead of finding a safer way, hidden among the shrubs or from a moving vehicle or even at the third floor of a building, so that your target would have no way to know what was going to happen, and to defend himself. You had to let him know; not because you owed him (he was a killer, scum like that was entitled to nothing) but because you needed it.
"There is nothing wrong with aiming from a distance, and shooting at someone who doesn't expect it, at least if you're a mercenary and chasing a certain sort of people; in a fair duel, or when the person you are shooting at deserves to know what is going to happen to them, different rules apply." your grandfather told you one day, as you walked together in the fortress' gardens, at the end of yet another training session; he was an honourable man, your grandfather, but he was also smart and pragmatic, and he knew honour was something a person could not always afford to care for, and that when you didn't leave someone else to pay for your actions there was nothing wrong with running away to fight another day "We are not swordfighters; we don't duel for supremacy, for a grandiose title or so that everyone in the world knows our name. The gun is a weapon; if you want to kill someone, use it and it will do its work. It's not your friend, or a talisman that endows you with some arcane power; it is a tool that you need to learn to use, otherwise you will be the one getting hurt. It is a bloody business, a raw and practical one, devoid of heroics and ethics, but it can protect you and help you make your way in the world. It all depends on you. Just..."
Your grandfather had stopped, contemplating the rose bushes your mother tended to personally, and that ran all around a tiny plot of grass, where your family had enjoyed so many outdoor breakfasts.
"What I'm trying to say is that using firearms, especially for a deadly purpose like you mean to, is something you mustn't take lightly." he continued as he looked at you; he loved you dearly, but in that moment there was sternness in him, as if he were warning you against a terrible danger, or a grave crime you were about to commit. You liked it; he was the first person to treat you like an adult, years before you could even vaguely call yourself that "It... goes to your head; the power to kill with a simple press of your finger can make even the most rational and moderate person feel all-powerful. And the risk of forgetting it is people you are shooting at and killing, not clay pigeons or game to serve at dinner, is high."
You looked at him; he was probably the person you loved the most in the world behind your mother, and he was wiser than even her. You trusted him completely, and you knew he only wanted what was best for you; had he said bathing every day in olive oil would make you immortal, you would have believed him.
"And you think this could happen to me?" you asked, afraid of hearing his answer; evening was approaching, flames of red and purple painting the darkening sky above your heads "I... I don't want it to, grandfather; I only want to kill bad people, like you did. I don't want to become bad myself."
Suddenly he smiled, as he took your hand in his like he did when you were still so young you needed to be guided as you walked. "I have faith in you, (name); I know there is no kinder girl in all the four seas, and I am sure you will one day rule over our island with justice and mercy." he told you "But if you really want to become a gunslinger... you have to promise me something: when you kill a man, you have to look at him in the eyes; not necessarily before, as I told you, but at least after. Take responsibility for what you have done, and face the consequence of your actions. Especially the first time."
A sudden gust of wind passed over you; the evening was warm, but you suddenly felt chilled.
"Promise me, (name)."
"I promise, grandfather. I will do as you said."
And you do, contemplating the body of the man in front of you, now truly alone in that isolated corner of the world. You feel no guilt; rather, you are proud of yourself, and you know your grandfather will be as well, when you'll call home to reassure him and your mother you are all right. You have proved yourself, punished a vicious murderer, and given justice to his victims. All in all, a good day... even though you do feel a bit upset, even if you couldn't exactly say why.
You can't tear your eyes away from Vespertine -or rather, from his mortal remains- even longer than what your grandfather would deem necessary. The bullet you have killed him with went right through his cranium, but the hole it created is no bigger than a bean at the centre of his forehead, and his face is still perfectly recognizable... which is good, since you wouldn't be able to collect the bounty if you can't prove you killed the right man. You saw another body once, an inexperienced guard on your island, who had shot himself in the face with his service pistol as he cleaned it, and the bullet had completely erased his features, so much that even his parents couldn't formally recognize him...
Vespertine's old bounty poster, from the time he was still part of his old pirate crew, is folded in the inside pocket of your jacket; you take it out, open it, observe it carefully comparing the man in the picture with the one lying on the ground in front of you, and finally sigh, relieved. You had already checked it for the third time twenty minutes ago, as you waited for the right moment in the foreman's office, to make sure you had actually found the right man and were not about to kill an innocent who simply resembled him, but this is obviously the first time you can examine him up close and yes, this is undoubtedly Vespertine himself. You killed him... but your work is not over yet.
Still, you can't stop looking at him. His eyes, of the same colour of your mother's, are still open, a single drop of blood that slid down from the wound leaving a tiny blood trail along the side of his nose. He had had time to realize you were attempting to kill him, but his expression betrays neither fear, nor rage, nor the pain he must have felt as he died; rather, he seems... surprised, as if he really hadn't expected to see you, to be attacked, and that that quiet, still morning would be the last of his life.
I'm doing it, grandfather, you think; you will make sure to tell him in person once you're back home, to let him know you haven't forgotten what he had taught you, but for now, mentally addressing him is the best you can do. Just like you told me to. And now I know what you meant; I feel exactly as you thought I would. I killed him; and all it took was pulling a trigger. He wasn't a good man, and he deserved this and even more. But still... But still...
It is sudden and violent, like a punch (or a bullet) to the stomach; the bounty poster falls from your fingers, and you fall to your knees, your legs unable to support you. Your head swims; your heart beats fast enough to hurt; cold sweat covers your back, your arms, your whole body...
A disgusting sound (bleeeaarrggghh) escapes your lips, followed by everything you had eaten in the last twelve hours.
You start feeling a little better fifteen minutes later, and thank all the Gods you have water and paper towels in your bag, which allows you to clean yourself at least a little bit.
After a brief rest, you get to work, retrieving other tools from your bag: a knife, a sturdy sack, the sort you use to store grain or flour, and a tinderbox. You bit your lip, ordering yourself not to feel sick again, as you cut Vespertine's head, sawing through skin and tendons and bone and separating it from his body; consequently, you put it in the sack. Collecting wood takes you only a few minutes, since the countryside abounds with fallen branches and twigs; lighting a fire is equally easy, since you have been taught to use flint and steel since you were a little girl. Dragging your victim's body over the (still unlit) pyre is the hardest part, since he must be twice as heavy as you, but in the end you succeed, and soon Vespertine's remains are burning and then reduced to ashes, leaving no trace of his passing that an eventual friend or ally could trace back to you. Unsure of what to do with it, you finally bury the man's sword near the entrance of the mine, digging with your bare hands since you don't have a shovel at hand and making sure it cannot be found.
You then place the sack containing your victim's head in your bag; the idea of carrying that thing around is more than a little disgusting, but doing the same with the entire body would be much more tiring, and your grandfather said it will be more than enough to claim the bounty, since a severed head is clear proof of a person's death.
Soon after, you set off. You haven't lowered your guard yet, in case Vespertine hadn't come alone or had friends and allies nearby, not to mention that watching your back will now have to become the norm, but you feel relieved you have completed your task, and you can't wait to reward yourself with a good meal, cash the bounty and return home to tell your mother and grandfather about your first success as a mercenary.
You have started whistling a popular song of your island, the warmth of the blooming day kissing your skin, when suddenly you are not alone on the road anymore; a tall man is walking purposefully towards you, and towards the mine... a man with a large sword hanging from his belt.
Shit. Vespertine did say he was expecting someone, and while you cannot be sure this guy is (was) a friend of your victim and would want to avenge his death, the best, safest thing you can do is to get away as quickly as you can, before he realizes what has happened and that you must be responsible for it. Is it cowardly? Perhaps - no, it surely is, and your grandfather did tell you the honourable man is very often the dead man as well, and you are a mercenary, not a warrior, you are not bound by a code of conduct and it would be very stupid to risk your life when you have nothing to gain from it, but...
"Excuse me." you call to the man who has by now walked five or six steps behind you, turning to look at him and thinking back to your brief conversation with Vespertine "Is your name... Mihawk?"
The man turns, clearly surprised to hear a stranger mention his name. He is very tall, slim but strong, dark-haired, practically but elegantly dressed.
"Do I know you?" he asks after a moment he has spent observing you.
"No, but perhaps we have a mutual acquaintance. Did you know Jack "The Tiger" Vespertine? Were you meant to meet him today?"
You grimace, realizing you have used the past tense when this man -Mihawk- still has no idea Vespertine is dead. This is probably the stupidest, most dangerous thing you have ever done, a leap in the dark, because your gun is still charged and nothing would stop you from at least trying to kill your second swordsman of the day, but you could simply keep walking, and he would have no way to know what has happened, since there is no trace of Vespertine's remains and by the time Mihawk may suspect he had been killed, you would be long gone.
Still. Something in your heart tells you you are doing the right thing, because you are not a coward, and because this man will not prove to be a danger for you. You don't know why, but you are sure.
"Is he a friend of yours?"
Mihawk brings his arms to his chest; he is still staring, and there is something in his gaze that makes you squirm - in his gaze, or perhaps in his eyes, which are of a very unusual colour...
"Why should I tell you?" he asks in the end.
"No reason, actually." you admit "It's just... well, I hope you were not close friends, or related, because he is dead."
Silence. You tense, ready for whatever his reaction will be, but the man lets his arms fall to his sides, without touching his sword - a good blade, he will tell you in time, but still largely inferior to Yoru, that will not come into his possession for a few years still.
"You killed him?"
"I did. Less than an hour ago, at the mine he was waiting for you at."
"Are you a pirate?"
No, just the daughter of one, you are for a moment about to answer, before quickly stopping yourself. You have been sworn to silence regarding the identity of your father, for the safety of your family and your own, and you have never been tempted to break that promise until now. What is happening to you?, you wonder, feeling strangely numbed all of a sudden, why do you instinctively feel able, or even eager, to share your secrets with a man you had never met before...?
(You will understand it; in time. And you will be happy of it.)
"No; I'm a mercenary working for the World Government." you answer in the end, trying to pull yourself together; it is technically not the truth, at least until you cash your first bounty, but the Marines do have a number of killers for hire on call, and who knows, perhaps one day you will be part of that selected circle... "Vespertine left a long list of victims behind him, there is a bounty on his head."
"I see."
You wait for him to elaborate, to express rage or regret or joy at the news of Vespertine's death, but Mihawk is clearly not the loquacious sort, because he keeps his emotions for himself, and "Thanks for telling me." he simply says.
"No problem. Why was he waiting for you?" you ask again, cocking your head; you have no idea of how dangerous he is, even now that he is little more than a boy, but even if you knew, you wouldn't be deterred. You are curious... and fascinated, somehow, by this stern and hermetic young man.
Mihawk looks at you, clearly disapproving of your curiosity, but in the end he sighs, and finally gives you the explanation you wanted. "We were meant to duel, Vespertine and I. He had challenged me a month ago, and we were meant to meet this morning at the mine. I... am running late, unfortunately, because the ship I took to reach this island clashed against a larger one and for a while it seemed it would go under."
"Oh, that's... scary."
He shrugs, clearly unconcerned. "I would have managed, I am a capable swimmer. I was just afraid Vespertine thought I had decided not to meet him because I was afraid."
"He... was a capable swordsman?" you ask again, still eager to learn more; the only bladed weapon you have ever handled is the knife you use at the table and, now, the larger one you took with you from home to separate your victim's head from his body, but you have always been fascinated by the world of the swordfighters, bound by a strict code of behaviour, who often have to prove themselves before a more experienced fighter accepts to train them and among whom most serious duels end with the death of one of the two opponents. For them, the weapon is not a tool, of defense and offense; it is... an art. A cult, almost.
"Above average, from what I saw, which is not saying much. But he had challenged me, and refusing would have been a stain upon my honour."
Just like you expected. "I see. Well." you add, suddenly embarrassed "I'm sorry I took your opponent away from you."
Mihawk shrugs, marginally more inclined to chat. "If he let you kill him, it means he wasn't a worthy opponent." he reasons; he has no facial hair, but his sideburns are long and neatly trimmed, and while already tall he's still a few inches away from his full stature "I should thank you for saving me a futile effort."
You cock your head, an eyebrow raised. "Are you saying I am less capable a markswoman than you are a swordsman?" you inquire; you don't care if Mihawk will propose to see for yourselves and challenge you, forgotten is the guilt you felt for ruining his morning. Who the hell this smart-ass thinks he is, especially considering you must be the same age? You don't care how actually powerful he is, you wouldn't even care if he were the world's strongest swordsman, no one can insult you and get away with it "Is it because I am a woman? Or because I use a gun and not a sword?"
"No, I..."
"I'll have you know I've been trained by one of the most capable former mercenaries of the four seas, and that Vespertine didn't even have the time to attack me before I put a bullet through his head."
"I'm sure you are more than capable." Mihawk says, clearly aiming to pacify you but, fortunately, without sounding patronizing "Forgive me; I meant no disrespect."
He seems sincere - he is, he will confess to you years later, and deeply embarrassed for the gaffe he just made; it is rare for him to admit he had erred... but, he will confide you with the shadow of a smile, he is happy those words didn't make you hate him, then and in the years to come. Because of this you decide to forgive him, and
"If you want we can split the bounty." you propose, feeling generous; you intended to donate the money to someone who needed it on your island, but you can take another assignment soon "Or, you know, there is Verspertine's sword, I can tell you where I buried it..."
Mihawk shakes his head. "I can only take another swordsman's blade if I am the one who bested them; in any case, I doubt a man like Vespertine owned a blade I could be interested in." he points out "And I don't need compensation; you killed him, you deserve to keep the money. Well, I... I suppose I should go back."
Silently, you both set off once more, walking side by side along the only path towards the nearest village. You are still on edge, both happy for your first success and shaken by the fact that you have, after all, just killed a man, but soon you find yourself focusing on something else... namely, on the young man walking next to you. He is undoubtedly handsome, but it's something else that piques your curiosity... a depth, and complexity, unusual for one so young, and that you can perceive behind his apparently impassible façade.
"So." you begin conversationally after a while; you have almost a mile to walk to the village, and maybe chatting will make you reach your destination faster "Are you any good with that sword?"
Mihawk grunts, the tiniest hint of amusement in his voice. "I like to think I am more than good."
"Really? Are you famous?"
"I am... becoming famous. This is why Vespertine wanted to duel me."
"And you think you would have beaten him?"
"I know I would have."
He speaks matter-of-factly, as if describing an undeniable truth and without the slightest hint of arrogance or overconfidence; you usually appreciate humility, and you have no way to know whether he is as good as he thinks he is, but you like the self-assurance he carries himself with.
"So this is what you do? Go around, duel other swordsmen so that you make a name for yourself as a powerful fighter?"
"I do." Mihawk easily acknowledges "When I'm not too busy fighting the Marines and looking for a loot or another."
"You're a pirate."
"I am. A wanted one, in case you were thinking of claiming my bounty as well."
You smile, aware you are both involved in a game whose rules are still undecided. "Is that a challenge?" you inquire, and Mihawk shrugs, looking straight in front of him.
"If you want to consider it as such."
"I see. Luckily for you, I intend to cash Vespertine's bounty before looking for another assignment, so I will not challenge you today."
"Luckily for me..."
Silence falls between you, an unexpectedly companionable one considering you have known each other only for a few minutes. As you glance sideways at Mihawk, you can't help noticing his eyes, yellow like the ones of a hawk; you have never seen anything of the sort, but there is beauty in his gaze.
"What about you?" Mihawk asks "What has brought you to become a mercenary?"
"Are you surprised?"
"Women are a minority in the trade, those as young as you even more so. You are wearing clothes of good quality, which means you are probably not doing it for the money. Am I right?"
"You are."
Mihawk grins. "As I thought. So what? Are you following in a relative's footsteps? Or were you simply bored?"
"Both things, in a sense." you admit, walking leisurely along the mud-smeared path; the fact that a virtual stranger is able to read you so easily should upset you, but it doesn't, maybe because you can perceive Mihawk poses no danger to you, or maybe not "I... simply needed to test myself. Growing up, I never had to worry about money, or fear for my safety; I'm not saying I was spoiled, or that I spend my days idling without duties and responsibilities, but I feared letting things go like they were meant to, I would become indolent, content with what I had but unable to aim higher. I never needed to prove I was strong, and clever, and capable of taking care of myself; but I wanted to make sure I was anyway."
You are not sure your reasoning makes sense, especially to someone who barely knows you, but Mihawk nods in understanding - in approval, even. "That was brave of you. And clever."
"I just wanted to do what I thought was right."
Twenty minutes of sporadic but pleasant conversation later, you have reached the village, actually little more than a handful of houses and little shops and a tiny harbour, connected by a regular ferry service to a larger island from where you can easily catch another boat to return home. Perhaps, you reflect, you should think about buying a small ship of your own; experienced sailors are not lacking on your island, and you could ask someone to teach you...
"You want to join me for a meal?" you propose as you walk past a tavern; you know you and Mihawk are destined to part soon anyway and will probably never meet again, but he is the most interesting person you have met in a long while, and you like talking to him "After all it's breakfast time..."
Mihawk hesitates for a moment, taken aback by your offer. "I'd... like that." he answers, and you could swear that surprises him as well "But I need to depart soon."
"I see. Well..."
You are both standing in the village's tiny, almost empty square. This is good-bye, then, you're about to say, but impulsively you step closer to the man in front of you, who tenses. "What...?"
"Your eyes." you murmur without realizing. You were right, they are yellow, their gaze piercing and deep, intense albeit not necessarily cruel "They are... beautiful."
"... you think?"
"Of course; I had never seen anyone with eyes like yours! They make you look like a bird of prey. Like an hawk."
Something in your words makes the man in front of you smile; he is flattered, and still not as good at hiding his emotions as he will be in twenty years. "I've been told that before."
"Is it hereditary? Do you have a particularly sharp vision or...?"
"I... don't think so; no one I have ever met has them, and I see normally."
Silence again; you face each other, both still so young, full of dreams and ambition, unaware of what the future has in store for you - individually and not. Neither has any idea you will meet again, and how your relationship will change and grow, but in that moment, both of you are sure, a sort of quiet, clear certitude: you will remember that brief encounter forever.
In the end Mihawk takes a step back, both literally and metaphorically. "I should go." he softly points out nodding in the direction of the village's harbour "So... good-bye."
"Good-bye, Mihawk." you answer, intimately saddened for reasons you can't fully explain even to yourself; it is not like you to get attached to people you barely know, but there is something interesting in this young swordsman, something special, and you wouldn't mind having the time to discover exactly what...
A nod, the hint of a smile, and he's walking away. You look at his retreating figure for a minute, his dark hair gently swaying in the breeze, his hand elegantly resting on the hilt of his sword.
"Maybe one day we'll meet again." you call out to him, making Mihawk turn "Maybe I'll be asked to bring you in to the Marines."
He smiles; once again, amused, but not patronizing. "I look forward to it." he answers, raising an hand in farewell "What is your name?"
"It's (name). (full name)."
"I'll be seeing you then, (full name)."
A minute later he has disappeared, hidden by the buildings across the square. You smile to yourself; something tells you Mihawk is destined to make a name for himself, as a pirate and even more as a swordsman, and you can only hope that, by your next meeting, you will have done the same.
Still, that could take years, and in the meantime you have a couple of more pressing matters to attend to: breakfast, since your stomach has started growling, and calling both your family, to let her know you're all right, and the Marines.
You decide to take care of that first, to get it over with. You glance once more at the tavern, hoping the coffee they offer is better than the one you drank on the ferry, retrieve your transponder snail from a side pocket of your bag, and dial the number you had learnt by heart before setting off from home. You could technically cash Vespertine's bounty in any Marine base of the world, but you decided to do it at their HQ, especially since it's your first time; you hope it will be easier to get noticed, and make a name for yourself as a capable mercenary.
"Good morning. Who do I have to talk to in order to claim a bounty? Vice-Admiral Garp? Yes, put me through to him, please..."
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digenerate-trash · 4 months
hey its the anon who had the scenario i wanted to ask about. Ok so what if PC managed to skip town. Like ok let me break it down. PC when they got this deal was at the police station for their crimes and was about to be sent to prison and they were just thinking about how their life managed to lead up to this point. And they start crying you know cause they didnt want to steal but they had to to get enough money for robin and themself. And now because of Baileys stupid demands they are now being sent to prison for their crimes. But then the guard opened up their waiting cell thing and this woman came in offering a job. One that according to her needed the expertise of someone like them. When PC asks if the job includes them being a criminal the woman just laughs and says the job isnt anything like that. Its a job that helps people. Helps people that are in the sex trafficking ring get out and live life again. And that they needed someone that is good at gettibg away wihtout leaving evidence and has fighting skills in them. The woman offers PC a place to live as well and a ticket to leave this town should they choose to accept. So of course PC accepts it.
Now the thing is PC doesnt tell anyone this. Not even Robin and especially not Bailey. They know Bailey wouldnt want to let go of his best moneymaker and it would just break poor Robins heart if PC told him they were skipping town. So they simply plan to escape the orphanage duribg midnight and meet the woman at pub street at the train station. The only people that knows PC would be leaving is Jordan and Leighton. Jordan because PC is a temple initiate so of course they have to tell him should they be leaving town permanently. Leighton so he could write in his records that PC would be transferribg to another school. 
And the plan succeeds. PC managed to successfully escape town without any of the yanderes foiling their plan! So how do the YAN DOL cast react? I know the School Li would know of this from their teachers telling them PC transferred. Who would find out first besides the people I have already mentioned? Would they try to get to PC or just wait in Rapechester?
Wow ok so that was a doozy. Would love to see your thoughts on this tho! Take care of yourself and have a nice day.
(I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to take this long promie. I was out of it and everything got away from me)
Absolutely ruined, he's got no clue why you'd leave him high and dry like this especially after he claimed you as his. He's not having a good time and he's fucking sick of not having you around anymore. As soon as school is over he's hunting you down with nothing but brass knuckles and spite. 
You escaped and that's not how things work around here. You should know that. He's made sure to drill it into your thick skull and yet you left without so much as a goodbye. He's tracking you down and dragging you home. Not to the orphanage. You are staying with him. 
He absolutely can't handle it himself he's crying every day and can't eat or sleep or handle himself at all. He calls around he can't find you. He wants things to work out but he can't see it happening. Robin is trying his best to keep it together but he becomes a terrible shut-in. would probably die in the orphanage alone. 
Coming after you no exceptions. He's looking through everything he's going through hospital records school records he's digging through baileys stuff and intimidating students. The man is hysterical and panicking. He packs up a bag and promises his parents he'll be back soon before he hits the road. When he does finally track you down he's so happy to see you he's crying. You haven't changed a bit! That's what hell insists on before he knocks you out and drags you back to his home. Youre never getting out of the basement now. (he took your legs)
Pure Sydney is regretfully relieved. Though sad. You were too tempting. You were a lot to handle and he's thankful that youre no longer distracting him and causing issues but he misses you. And he waits for you to come back. He plans on marrying you still. 
Corrupt Sydney is a bit worse. He bothers people in town about where they think you went he causes problems he tries to track you down but doesn't get very far. He's sent back to therapy by Sirris… 
Let's be fair. You never escaped Eden. He's on high alert all the time. Even if you did manage to get away from his grasp he found you first and dragged you to the cabin. He keeps you held down and in the cage every time you mention leaving. He's not great with letting things go. And he's even worse when you mention needing space. 
Avery thinks this is fine. And it is fine. Youre just an aid date after all he can always get another one. But it still bothers him. Thinking yore out there somewhere. Indulging someone else probably. He says he is okay. He thinks he is even when he drags other orphans who look exactly like you on dates. He makes them respond to your name. He chokes them when they slip up. He is much less patient with them. After a little while he pays a private investigator to find you. 
It only takes a couple of months for Avery to show up to your new job. In person. 
Black Wolf
Devastated puppy dog eyes. 
Can't handle it constantly looking for you can't even track your scent anymore. Can't even go into town. 
Blackwolf just has to wait for you back at the cave. He hopes you come back home soon
Great Hawk
Same as black wolf but with more bird sounds. 
Has a pile of jewelry waiting for you. 
Absolutely wrecked. He thinks he's the one whos done something wrong to drive you away. He asks around and finds out youre gone from town and no one can find you. He feels sick all the time can't even take care of the farm anymore
He doesn't track you down. He can't even think about you without feeling sick and angry with himself
He's tracking you down instantly. Don't get comfy in your new life because you won't be there for long. He's dragging you back home within days of your disappearance and hes pulling no punches. 
Youre chained and locked away forever now. He's never letting you go and for the next few weeks, he refuses to talk to you. He treats you terribly and can't even look at you. Pissed off that you would ever even think of leaving
Good luck escaping this fuck :)
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uraniawrites · 11 months
𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐫 𝐫𝐞-𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨
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Hi there, I'm Ale (she/her) and I'm making my re intro again because I was struggling so bad with uni and I couldn't be here so much. Now I'm trying to be active again to post my writing and repost other people's writings. I'll try to explain my wips and update regularly. Please interact with this post if you'd like to be mutuals and reblog our writings as well!
𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
I'll try to explain them because they're a mess, but stick with me. It'll be worth it. I promise. My native tongue is Spanish, so, sorry in advance if there's any mistake, lol. Also, I'll create/post tags, pages in these days because I had to remake everything from scratch.
𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
-Science fiction, fantasy (urban, paranormal, high, epic), historical fiction.
-Found family. Because I'm a sucker for this trope. Also, I have siblings dynamics, trauma, death, action, etc.
-Both, character and plot development.
-Morally grey, ambiguous characters who don't think of themselves of heroes for all the bad things they've done, but still, they try.
𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐩𝐬.
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𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬 (𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧).
Sci-fi NA series (6 books) about superhumans (people with superpowers). Due to an accident, hundreds of super end up in jail. The altered are human creations that are getting out of control and threat to break the order. A group of superhumans are selected for their powers to try to stop the altered and the experiments that humans are making with them and creating new drugs. The only problem? These kids are in prison for being super. Will they succeed or will they kill each other before the fun begins? (This is my main wip)
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧).
This is a prequel trilogy of Hidden Heroes. Sci-fi NA. Set during The Cold War (with some historical changes, just because, lol), a group of superhumans discover that humans are experimenting with them to create a super soldier, someone who can fight their wars and stop them before they even begin. They will have to risk their lives and hearts trying to stop something that seems impossible. First generation.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐲.
Standalone sequel after the events of the Second Generation. Sci-fi NA. Vasilisa Azarova (orphan since 7 years-old) has been trained since she was young to become a lethal spy, trained to kill and torture, and to blend to get information, by a Russian organization that specializes in training humans and superhumans to create the best European spies. During a mission, Vasilisa discovers that the things she's been told all her life, may be lies. Vasilisa and her team will try to scape and destroy the organization that once raised them and trained them. Will she succed, or will she lose everything again?
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𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬.
Paranormal urban fantasy YA trilogy. Isabelle Jones is a witch that wants nothing but greatness and to become the greatest witch the world has ever seen. But first, she must understand that the world doesn't revolve around her and that some alliances and friends from her new paranormal school, Ashckerton Academy, are important to defeat the evil that is looming on them.
Thanks for reading! Please interact, I'll try to follow back. If you're interested on being in the taglist, please let me know! <3
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sankta-starkova · 2 months
008 | garden gnome emporium
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previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
summary: the one where daisy returns to camp from college and is blinded by her love for him, even as the world ends
wordcount: 2k
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It was too early in the morning. She was called into a meeting about the quest, all of the eligible campers being offered up for the quest.
"The oracle has said what we predicted. That this quest will proceed towards the underworld where you will confront Hades," Chiron announced.
She looked at him and Mr D as they stood in a circle around the room. Percy seemed nervous about the situation, about choosing.
Daisy remembered standing here two years ago, hands behind her back, a nervous smile on her face as Luke stood in the exact same spot as Percy did now.
"The entrance to his domain is in Los Angeles, this is where you will journey to. Time is short," he explained.
She looked to her side at Luke. His eyes were trained forward, hands behind his back.
She was more calm. She didn't need to go on the quest, she had enough glory. Actually, her life was pretty perfect and she'd rather not go on the quest.
Luke did, she could see it in that determined look in his eyes. He really wanted to help Percy on that quest.
Deep inside, Daisy hoped that it wasn't going to be her or Luke, especially not him.
He had gone through so much over the years and she knew that if there was one more quest than he would get pushed over the end.
"I have picked many candidates to make sure that you succeed on your quest," Chiron said, gesturing to the others.
Percy took one scan of the room, eyes lingering on Luke and Daisy for a second.
He didn't hesitate before looking across the room, "Annabeth. I want Annabeth,"
She seemed shocked by it but also excited about it all. Daisy looked at her, shooting her a smile
Chiron looked down at Percy, "Customarily, one waits to at least hear a name or two before choosing," he whispered, "Are you sure you don't want to hear more?"
"It's going to be hard to get? Yes?" Percy questioned.
"Extraordinarily," the centaur said, looking at the boy confused. He didn't know where he was going with this.
"If the mission required someone to push me down a flight of stairs, you'd want someone who won't hesitate when they go it," he said, eyes trained on Annabeth.
Daisy smiled to herself. She could see the looks shared between Percy and Annabeth, there was something going on between them.
Chiron looked at the couple as well. He could see the same look shared between them as there was between Daisy and Luke when they first met.
"The first quest mate shall be Annabeth chase," Chiron said, trying to hide the smile on her face.
"Now on to the next candidate," Chiron said and before he could even say all of their names, percy spoke again.
"I want Grover," he said. 
Mr D groaned. He was tired of this biy and his choices, "He's not here,"
"Grover will be my next quest mate," he said with a firm voice.
Chiron looked out at the group and then down at the young boy. He was the one that the camp had been waiting for and they weren't going to refuse him.
He accepted the decision and the rest of the campers were let go and Luke and Daisy walked away.
She took a sigh of relief, a heavy burden on her chest being set free.
"You okay?" Luke asked, reaching down and lacing his fingers with hers.
She looked at him, all of her fears washing away. They were going to be safe here at camp together.
She nodded, feeling shy for some reason, "I'm just glad we weren't picked,"
Luke cocked his head to the side. He didn't understand why she wouldn't want to go on another quest.
After their quest was such a disaster, Chiron had banned all other minor quests and Daisy had seen that as a good thing. Luke enjoyed the chance to prove himself.
She could see the confusion on his face and she just shook her head. Daisy stopped in the middle of the path before stepping to the side.
"Our quest, it ruined me Luke. I couldn't sleep, I had constant nightmares. I feared for my life. I don't think I can do that again," she explained.
He could see the fear in her eyes at the ides of going on another quest and anger flared in his stomach.
This was what the Gods did. They destroyed good people for their selfish games and Luke was tired of it. He was tired of good people getting hurt.
Without any hesitation, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him.
"I won't let them hurt you again," he promised, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, "You know I'll protect you from anything,"
She looked up at him and she couldn't resist the urge to get onto her tip toes and press a kiss to her lips, his eyes fluttering closed.
"Though I know you don't need protecting," he said, pressing another kiss to her lips.
"Thank you," she muttered and he tilted his head to the side again in confusion like he always did.
She never told Luke the extent of her nightmares, of the amount of trauma that she went though on that quest.
"You saved me Luke. Not only did you save my life, you stopped me from going insane," his eyes softened as he heard how much he had helped her.
He remembered seeing the vacant look in her eyes after the quest as she would sit in the cabin. The way she wouldn't speak to anyone and just lie there, silent..
It reminded him of his mother.
There was that seed of pride again, at the idea that he had saved her life, not that she owed something to him.
"I'll always save you," he promised. And he meant it, "I love you Desdemona Valance,"
He looked at her and all she saw was love in her eyes. She always knew of the fates, knowing that they hovered around but as she looked at him in that moment, not only did she fall more in love with him, but she finally understood.
Fate was always there. Luke was her soulmate no mater what happened. Even if the Gods pulled them apart he would always be hers and she would be his.
"I love you Luke Castellan," she leaned up, pressing another kiss to his lips.
Her hand fell to his neck and she could feel his pulse quicken against her hand. She smirked into the kiss, knowing he was telling the truth.
He loved her with every fibre of his being.
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Luke and Daisy knew how difficult quests were and they wanted to contribute something to try and make it a little bit easier for the three teenagers.
"How much money did they give you?" Luke asked as they stood in front of the Poseidon cabin.
Percy looked up at the two of them as they stood in the doorframe. He was so caught in his own thought that he didn't  hear them coming.
He looked down at the bag that he had been given, pulling out a little bag of money.
"200 dollars in cash and a bag of these. They might be Canadian, or from chuck e cheese," he said.
He looked at the golden coins and Daisy stepped forward, coming to stand in front of him.
"They're golden drachma. Dollars for human world, drachmas for mythic world. Don't mix them up," Luke said.
Daisy laughed a little bit, a memory hitting her, "Luke learnt his lesson when a very angry cab driver punched him in the face for giving him the wrong money,"
They looked at each other with a knowing look, a smile on their faces as they remembered the quest.
Whilst it had its issues and it had caused them a lot of pain over the years, that was when she really fell in love with him.
"Noted," Percy said, a half hearted smile on his face
He seems nervous, and rightfully so. She was nervous on her quest and she was older than him then, she didn't know how a twelve year old would undertake the more harrowing quest the camp had seen in years.
"We come baring gifts," Daisy said to try and cheer him up a little bit.
She dug into her satchel and pulled out a few things that she thought he might need, placing them in his open palms.
"So I have an extra ambrosia square because they never give you enough, twenty dollars and some snacks for the way there," she said, placing the bag of snacks next to him.
There were so many things she wished she had when she went on the quest with Luke and that was advice.
There weren't many quests given in camp and at the time, hers and Lukes was the most important for years.
She sat down next to him and he looked over at her, a smile on his face of gratitude for the gifts.
"Lukes present trumps mine," she said, leaning in like they had a secret that Luke didn't know about.
Luke handed him the box and Percy looked down at it. He pulled the lid off to see a pair of red converse.
"I don't think shoes are better than crisps," He said, looking at Daisy, "Sorry Luke,"
The older boy smiled, waiting to see what the boy thought about the shoes.
He sat down on the opposite side of Percy before he pulled out one of the shoes from the box.
He held it in his hand, holding eye contact with Percy, "Maia," he whispers to the shoes.
They sprouted wings and Percy looked at them in awe, excited to have two friends who cared about him so much.
"Those are better than crisps," He said, the biggest smile on his fave.
"Theyre a gift. From my dad," he stated, almost bitterly but Percy didn't pick up on that tone.
He whispered the same word to the shoes again and the wings went inside. He placed the shoe back in the box and Percy closed the lid.
"I thought about choosing one of you before choosing Grover," he stated, almost seeming nervous.
Daisy shrugged it off, she didnt mind not being picked, "Grover is a lot stronger than people think,"
"I was afraid," he admitted before he began to ramble, "I have a chance to rescue my mum and I can't let anything stop me. I'm afraid if it gets in the way of the quest then Annabeth will stop it a-"
Luke cut him off, standing up and pulling Percy up with him.
"It's okay. We get it, we went on a quest once too. Just take care of each other out there," he said.
Luke loved Annabeth like a little sister. He couldn't lose her out there, not like he nearly lost Daisy. Not like he lost Thalia.
Daisy stood up as well, standing in front of Percy. He looked so tiny, so young to go on such a dangerous quest.
Her heart was pounding in her chest. She didn't know what she would do if any of these children got hurt because of the Gods.
"Remember what we taught you about sword fighting. Hold fast Percy, you'll make it through this one," she said, pulling him in for a hug.
He held her tight, remembering the last words that his mother said to him. He may not have her anymore, and Daisy was in no way a replacement, but it was nice to have someone to look out for him.
When she pulled back, Percy stepped back as well. Luke placed a hand on the boys shoulder, giving him an encouraging smile.
They were both worried about him and doubted the Gods choice for three preteens to go on such a dangerous quest, but they had to let it happen.
As they walked out of the room, Percy left standing in the cabin alone, he could almost hear his mother's voice.
Hold fast. Brave the storm.
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ahqkas · 2 years
𝐨𝐨𝐨. MOMENTS WE SHARE ; anakin skywalker
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pairing! anakin skywalker x gn!reader
synopsis! it's anakin's turn to keep you grounded, to be your anchor, after a rough day full of negative emotions
warnings! fluff, no proofread, use of 'angel, sweetheart, my love' for reader, based on this request tysm for the request lovely <3 lmk if i missed smth !!
word count! 0.9k
note! i pledge allegiance to the flag of anakin skywalker the united states of america 🫡🫡 (its a tiktok audio someone get it pls 😞) PLEASE I NEED HIM SB ,, liking, reblogging & commenting is deeply appreciated <3
© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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The feeling of failure haunted you with every step you took, clinging into you like a young youngling's attention would to master's movements and sentences during a lesson. Everywhere you went, it followed to remind you how things could turn out and you despised it to the very core.
There were lot of things you didn't like but when it came to disappointing others and failing them, that was something entirely different. The feeling a heavy weight of someone's disappointed glance being put on your shoulders made you anxious, even thinking about it was bad enough. So you tried your best, always putting their feelings and life ahead of yours, just like Jedi were taught to do.
You basically weren't allowed to make any mistakes and you did good on that part, there was barely a mission you didn't succeed in. But some days just weren't make for victories and words couldn't express enough how much you dreaded them.
You were afraid to fail your master. She was the first person in the entire Jedi Temple who saw enough potential in your being to take you under her wings and train you like her own. Both of you knew about the attachments and why they weren't allowed to be formed, but she took the risk for her, for you and made your special childhood as normal (for a Jedi child) as she could. Master Floren understood the future she had written for both of you if the Council found out but she took her chances and you'd grateful until your last moment in the galaxy.
You were afraid to fail your Padawan. Cal Kestis was a sweet child, unusually wise for his age with strong determination to learn and that made him such a pleasure to have as your student. At first you were a bit uptight about being assigned a Padawan learner but the more time you spend with Cal, the more you realized you don't have to be scared of such a responsibility.
And you were more than afraid to fail Anakin. Anakin, who stood at your side since the beginning of your training as a Padawan learner and kept you a welcoming company when your friends turned their backs to you. Anakin, who tried his hardest and succeeded in making you laugh when you felt like crying, watching the sad tears turn into ones of happiness. Anakin, whose future was devoted to you and you only.
They were the closest people to you, people who ignored a big part of the Jedi code and if you failed any of them, if anything happened to them because you weren't able to protect them like you swore to yourself you would, you didn't think you could live with that.
A shift beside you and the rustle of your sheets bought you back to the reality, making your negative thoughts disappear just for a while. "You alright, my love?"
Your back was turned to Anakin and you found yourself being relieved by it, the position making it impossible for him to see your face expression. You knew he had his own problems and things to worry about ─ he wouldn't make you feel any less important and act as if your problems weren't valid ─ but if he saw you in your anxious state, you would not bear it. Having your worry added to Anakin's shoulders was something you didn't want to do in the slightest.
"I'm okay, Ani. Go back to sleep."
A beat of silence, then Anakin's hand sneaked to rest comfortably on the curve of your waist, three fingers tapping the skin in nonexistent rythm. "You know I won't go to sleep if you don't." That was true. He often took his time getting ready to bed, always laying down under the blankets after you. It brought some strange way of comfort to his mind, knowing you made it next to him whole and well. "I couldn't sleep anyway." That was the truth as well.
You turned to face him, his light eyes now resembled the dark sky like the old ink in the way older books you'd spent time reading together as younglings and you found yourself drowning in the blue of them. "I'm just ... anxious again. With the war raging at it's fullest, I'm scared for Cal. He's so young, Anakin. And Master Floren? I can't lose her, she's the only family I have left." Besides you.
Anakin's palm made a contact with your cheek, his thumb caressing the skin under your eye with such care you thought you had imagined it. "It's okay to think like that, sweetheart. You are allowed to feel emotions. You're scared and that's normal. I'm worried for Ahsoka as well, but they are smart for their age, not to mention the training they are going through. They're going to be safe, okay, angel? Both of them."
You leaned into the comfort of Anakin's touch, slightly relaxing in his presence. He was right, all of them are going to be fine. Master Floren. Cal and Ahsoka. Anakin.
His hand went to the back of your head, pushing it lightly to rest on his chest, your ears registering the sound of his gentle heartbeat which was slowly lulling you into a much needed sleep. Anakin knew what you needed and Force help him if he didn't do exactly what was productive for your well being. Your head heaved with every breath he took and you could feel the kisses of his cold lips being pressed into your hairline with his arms tightening around your frame, making you finally feel at ease that day.
"Everything will be alright, love. I'll make sure of it."
And as a whole war was raging out there, you felt at peace in the arms of your beloved lover.
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TAGLIST ━ @liviawritesthings
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sundered-souls · 2 months
Aïcha Bedi
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Name: Aïcha Bedi
Nicknames: none
Age: In her thirties
Nameday: 28th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (which she probably shares with a bunch of my characters)
Race: Midlander hyur
Gender: Cis woman
Orientation: Mostly straight
Profession: Adventurer, formerly a contract killer
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Long and curly. She takes great care of it and regularly despair at what Inge does with hers.
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Fair, but tan easily. Considering how much time she spends outside, people tend to assume her skin is darker than it actually is (on this point the screenshots aren't very accurate since they don't show her tan but that'd be a nightmare to represent accurately XD)
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos whatsoever. She's got plenty of scars, most aren't really remarkable, but there are two that are special: one from Zenos' blade when he stabbed her in Rhalgr's Reach (it's not just her ego who got bruised that day, sorry MSQ), and one from her cesarean section while she was on the First. Don't worry: nothing creepy happened while she was unconscious, G'raha just had the worst timing ever.
Parents: Her father lives peacefully in Tural. She has no idea where her mother is, if she's still alive or even who she was since she left when Aïcha was still an infant.
Edmont de Fortemps also counts (haha) as a paternal figure in her life.
Siblings: None by blood. She does consider Alisaie and Alphinaud like her siblings, however. Artoirel and Emmanellain are more like extended family.
Grandparents: Long dead of her father's side. No idea on her mother's.
In-laws and Other: Well, she's in a relationship with Estinien so I suppose Alberic counts as her father in-law. The moment both realized that their respective father would have to meet eventually was glorious, because the dad jokes will be neverending and mostly at their expense.
Officially, they also have a kid together born during her time on the First.
Officially, because Estinien offered to adopt the kid and pretend he was the biological dad. Only three people know who said bio dad truly is, none of them is the man in question, and Aïcha would rather die than say it out loud. It's one thing to make dubious life choices, another one to let the world know about it...
(I haven't decided on the name or gender yet, but we can thank @gatheredfates for the prompt she sent me. It got completely out of hand but I'm having a lot of fun with the idea it gave me.)
Pets: None
Abilities: Excellent shooter, although her mechanical skills don't go much further than what she needed to maintain her guns. She hasn't touched one in years and has no intention to change that.
Excellent dancer given that she's trained since childhood. She dances about as much for the artistry of it as for the self-expression it allows without having to speak her feelings out.
She also went through the GLD/PLD quests in Ul'dah, and that's mainly how she's been fighting since then.
She's also a surprisingly good poet and singer, albeit that's not known to many people.
Hobbies: Writing or reading poetry, singing, dancing and trying out new food (including the kind of food that even the most adventurous people hesitate to put in their mouth). She's pretty receptive to art in general to be honest and will gladly watch plays or go to concerts if she can.
Most Positive Trait: Open-minded
Most Negative Trait: her competitiveness. You'd think someone who succeeds as well as her would be graceful when she loses but fuck no! Every Scions and most people who played even a card game against her once know that she's a sore loser and will use every loophole under the sun to try to win lmao
Colors: carmine and gold
Smells: campfires, incense, fresh flowers, the ocean
Textures: Soft fabrics (silk and satin especially), the sand under her feet, the breeze against her skin (yeah it counts as a texture)
Drinks: the main thing that matters is how much caffeine there's in it and how much sugar she can add to it
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No
Drinks: Alcohol sometimes, but never a lot and only very, very occasionally since the banquet and then the drugged beverage in Falcon's Nest. For the most part, she runs on water as well as coffee and tea if available.
Drugs: No, she hates not feeling in control of herself
Mount Issuance: Aïcha didn't join any free company. That'd mean taking orders and she's no soldier, so she didn't have a mount until Haurchefant offered her her black chocobo. As you can guess, it's been her mount ever since.
I'm not entirely clear on the timeline in StB yet for her, but if she got her yol, she left it with the Mols.
Been Arrested: no but she should have.
Tagged by: @lilbittymonster (ty again! I'm probably not gonna tag you every time because you'll get tired of it at some point I think XD)
Tagging @xsummoner-kuro @hinganskies @briar-ffxiv @confusedtia @paintedscales @fair-fae @mrlarkstin @thatonediviner @fatewalker @otherworldseekers @saeta @airis-ray @mymistymornings @riftdancing @sailor-artemis @starforger and anyone else interested. Feel free to ignore the tag if that's not your thing, and I'll do that template for more characters during the week so I'll tag new people then!
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morgana-ren · 5 months
What do you think Asatrion was like before he was turned? Much different?
Also kinda unrelated but Cazador supposedly taught his spawn to be all seductive etc. Like really?? Cazador did?? Have u met him?? It was Astarion for sure. I think he was always a playful teasing whore and Cazador ruined it like everythong else and made him teach the other spawn. Because cazador being seductive and teaching it to Astarion?? I know we only really get a glimpse of him in game but I can't imagine it!
Ultimately, we do not know. We don't have much of an idea of who he was before, or why, or where, or how. We do not know his family life, his thoughts, or his feelings. It is never mentioned, and I'm sure that's deliberate in a sense. He doesn't remember. It isn't pertinent to his story. It is who he is now that matters. But it is fun to speculate.
People have different ideas about what he was like, and all are valid. All are fair. Some are more likely than others, but at the end of the day, we do not know.
I went into a deep whiny post about that a few days ago about what I think he was like. But that's my idea with my experience, and I might ultimately be wrong.
I do not think that Cazador 'taught' them to be seductive. He expected. He grabbed people he knew had the capability. The charisma. The beauty. He grabbed those who already had the capability. He took them and he said "Bring to me or you will be punished." And after a few times of being punished, they fucking learned. That's how survival works.
Cazador had a type of person he took. Astarion was one of the ones to define it because he was attractive and charismatic. But relying solely on Astarion, who is described as 'defiant and bratty' a multitude of times to 'train' your other spawn probably isn't a good idea. It's a recipe for failure.
I suppose it's entirely possible that Cazador had Astarion try, but if you've ever tried to teach someone something like this, you would know why that's likely not a huge possibility.
The art of seduction isn't something easily taught. You pick it up through interacting with people and being very good at reading them. By having confidence and being desirable. By, in ways, being manipulative and using their own weaknesses against them. It is a game, and you don't start out even knowing the rules most times. 'Teaching' it is hard. It is why pickup artists and those ridiculous 'teachers' almost always fail. They can teach you tricks, but it is you and you interact with people that defines failure or success-- along with the other person. You need to do it to people who are open, and that is the trick: Knowing who is open to it. What they like. Who is vulnerable and who is a waste of time. And he did it professionally.
It's entirely possible Astarion was flirtatious beforehand. I do not think he was a sex god like he had to become under Cazador, but he was an attractive young man. I'm sure he had dalliances. Or maybe he didn't. Maybe he was too busy focusing on other things. I don't think Cazador instrumented his downfall. I don't think he necessarily 'watched' him enough to know that Astarion was good. I think he was a good judge of character and knew he would be adept at learning and already had the tools to succeed.
Ultimately, many of these details are deliberately left to our imaginations. Larian has faith in their players and leaves it to you to deduce. There is also the matter of respecting Astarion and should he ever wish to tell you these things, he might. But that's not something people like us like to talk about to people we don't know or care about. You'd have to earn that privileged information. It's not important to his story, so it is not given to us.
He would have to want to talk about it for you to truly know.
I don't think I would ever call him a whore, given his backstory, however. It's something that might cause more damage than make a point. Especially when he didn't want any of it.
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