#White ejection pins
gudmould · 2 months
Common causes and solutions for misjudgment of plastic product quality
As saying goes: “No one is perfect, no gold is pure, no one is a sage, no one can make mistakes!” Now, what we want to talk about is that this small ideological mistake has brought immeasurable losses to our work, our company, our department, and even ourselves. Plastics industry is no exception. After knowing stakes. Now, let’s analyze occurrence and reasons of misjudgment of plastic product…
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
Bleed For This // Bradley Bradshaw
Summary: It’s not Maverick that goes down in the Snowy Mountains, but you & Bradley Bradshaw. And someone doesn’t make it back.
Warnings: Character Death. F-18 crash. Bradley Bradshaw x best friend!reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Author Note: Day Fourteen of Whumptober. Prompt I chose: Bleeding through the bandage. Thank you to @ailesswhumptober for the prompt list.
Whumptober Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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It wasn't supposed to end like this, with you standing over the freshly laid dirt that covered your best friend's coffin. It wasn't supposed to end like this, the two of you. Your entire life you had been told over and over that you and Bradley Bradshaw were meant for each other. That the two of you were two peas in a pod, the light of each other's lives, the solace in each other's discomforts. Each other’s person. 
But yet here you were–standing over his freshly laid grave sight right next to the man who he strived every damn day to be every bit like. Nick ‘Goose’ Bradshaw and the woman whose heart was just as big as Bradleys, Carole Bradshaw. Bradley had always wanted to be every bit like his dad:
Now he was. 
“I should probably get you home.” It was Jake's hand on the small of your back that drew you out of your own little make believe world, where Bradley was still alive and you couldn't feel his blood on your hands. “Come on Kerner, let's get you home.” 
“Yeah–” You sighed in complete and utter defeat, it felt all too surreal to leave your best friend behind six feet under. “Do you think he's cold?”  You asked softly as Jake led you away from Bradleys fresh grave sight. The two of you were the last to leave as grey storm clouds loomed overhead just waiting for the perfect moment to pour down. “He shouldn’t have come for me Jake, if he had just gone back to the carrier, he’d be alive.” You still had your arm in a sling, your collarbone had been busted in your ejection. Your arm had been burned to pieces. “I should have brought him a blanket, it’s gonna be so cold tonight.” 
Jake couldn't begin to understand what it was like to lose someone you grew up with the way you and Bradley Bradshaw had. The two of you were the stuff of legend, the Nepotism duo, the lovers who were too blind, too stubborn, too focused on your careers to realise forever was standing right there. 
“I think he’s happy to be with his parents again.” Jake replied as he walked with you slowly, arm slung over your shoulder. He felt it was his duty to keep an eye on you. Your dad had asked that of him and who was Jake to deny the wishes of Commander Kerner. “You know Rooster, he groomed that stupid moustache every morning just to be a little like his dad.” That made you laugh, for all the times you teased Bradley for his moustache, you never did mean it. 
You were really going to miss that stupid moustache. Hell, you were really going to miss Rooster. You'd never stopped to think about a life without him earth side, and now you were living in it. 
In a world without Bradley Bradshaw. 
Two Weeks Prior:
Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. But from what you had tasted of desire you held with those who favour fire. But if you had to perish twice, you knew enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice.
The icy snow made your body shiver and shake. It stung like nothing you had ever experienced before. It made your entire body rigid, like tiny pins and needles were jabbing into every little part of you. But then there was a warmth completely unparalleled to the burn of the snow that you laid face first in. It was a burn so deep that it took your breath away as you pushed yourself up to your knees. 
“Oh, oh fuck.” You hissed as your vision took a second to kick in. Amongst the blanket of china white snow that rivalled that of pure cut heroin, there were burning pieces of fuselage that flickered orange and red embers of fire every which way the wind chose to take them. 
Then it hit you, you’d been hit by a surface to air missile after trying to save your best friend. Rooster didn't have enough time on his side nor the flares to back up his manoeuvres. So without thinking, without a second of hesitation, you covered him and ended up taking the hit. You’d die for him any day of the week. 
“Shit–” Everything hurt as you took off your flight helmet. Your arm was completely burnt to the point your flight suit had melted right into your skin. You didn't know if it had been a flare or a part of your F-18 that was the culprit. But regardless of what had caused the burn, it fucking hurt. 
As you looked around the snowy forest you never imagined that you’d see what you saw next. You thought for sure you were a goner when you’d been hit, that no one would come for you. No one would turn back for you, look for your fighter jet wreckage, look for you. 
“Oh god no—“ You saw him flying across the open field, Rooster, your beloved Bradley, your best friend. He was looking for you. “No no no no no.” And in doing so had a S.A.M right on his tail. “Rooster no—“ And he was hit and hit hard all because he came back for you. 
Your lungs felt like they were on fire as you ran towards where you’d see Bradley pull his chute. Your legs wanted to give in as your muscles threatened to tear right off the bone. Every step, every pain filled stride you took your heart threatened to explode inside your chest. But you wouldn’t stop running, not until you got to Rooster. 
“Bradley!” You shouted when you saw him lying in a debris field of his own F-18, completely blown to smithereens. “Oh no, no no no no Rooster!” You had never run so fast and so hard and with such desperation before. It didn’t matter how much you hurt, you needed to get to your best friend, the love of your life. 
Who the fuck chose the both of you for this mission? Why the fuck did it have to be you? Be him? 
“Roo?” You cooed as you dropped to your knees beside him, the blood was oozing through his flight suit. He’d been hit pretty bad, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out just how bad this really was. “Oh god Rooster why?” 
Bradley was looking at you with all the love in the world, those baby cow eyes, so deep and brown and full of tears, looked at you like you were the light of his life. Because you were. You really really were. 
“Drifter—“ It was a play on your fathers callsign. Slider. It made sense, Goose and Rooster, Slider and Drifter. “Hi, hey—you’re okay?” The utter relief in Rooster's voice was evident the seconds his eyes scanned you up and down. “I’m so glad you’re alright.” 
“Hey.” You cooed as you let a shaky hand push the sweaty blonde locks away from Roosters forehead. “What are you doing down here Roo? You should be back on the carrier by now.” There was a pregnant pause between your question and Bradley’s answer as you watched blood pool at his lips. He was bleeding out and bleeding fast. 
“I had to make sure you were okay.” He admitted as you tried to make a makeshift bandage with the leg of your flight suit. Ripping the material clean off your own body. “I couldn’t—“ The cough was bloody and deep and it made your heart sink, but you knew you could save him. You could save Rooster if you tried hard enough. If you committed every ounce of your life to it. “I couldn’t leave you behind.” 
“Well you’re an idiot alright, you shouldn’t have come for me.” You sighed as you worked with what you had. “I’m sorry, this might hurt but I have to try and stop the bleeding alright.” 
“AAAHHH!” Rooster couldn’t hold in his screams as you pressed your hands into his stomach. The blood seeped straight through the makeshift bandage right between your fingers. “Fuck!! It hurts!” 
“Shhh, shhh it’s alright, I’ve got you.” You tried to soothe Bradley as you felt your tears welling in your eyes. “You’re fine, you’re fine, Rooster, I'm here.” Panic, pure panic was rising in your veins as adrenaline kept you from processing the fact your best friend was lying in the snowy field before you bleeding out through the bandages you had made. “You’re going to be okay, I just need you to focus and stay with me alright? You can do that for me can’t you Roo?” 
Bradley didn’t answer you as you applied previously against his wounds. You didn’t give up though, not for a second. 
“Bradshaw, I asked you a fucking question!” 
“I’ve been in love—“ It was a staggered confession as blood trickled out of Rooster mouth. Bloodstained teeth had never looked so good on a person. “I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, Kerner.” Bradley’s eyes never left you as he spoke. He couldn’t feel anything but the cold kiss of death. He saw the reaper over your shoulder coming for him. “You’re my best friend, I just—needed you to—to know that.” 
“No.” You refused to believe this was happening as you watched Bradley’s blood seep between your fingers, staining your skin to the point where you knew no matter how much you tried to scrub them clean they wouldn’t ever be clean. “No, stop talking! You’re fine Rooster, please don’t leave me here.”
“I’ve always wanted to love you.” He kept speaking though, through the pain and the tears and the blood, Rooster kept telling you his deepest secrets. His biggest regret would always be not telling you sooner. His biggest regret would be never getting off his perch. “You’re gonna be alright—“
“For fuck sake Rooster you aren’t dying!” It was pure denial as you tried to stop him bleeding. You knew if you could get the bleeding to stop then you could save your best friend. “You can’t die, I don’t know how to live without you, you’re my person, so please, for the love of god just shut up and focus on staying alive.” 
Rooster didn’t speak for a few minutes, all he did was breathe and try to keep his eyes open. He focused on you and your profile, how beautiful you truly were—even in a situation like this. He thought about what it would be like to marry you, watch you grow old like he had since he was three, what it would be like to spend the rest of his life with you. He hoped that whoever did get to be your person next would be able to handle you and all your fire. That they never tried to smother it. He hoped that they would at the very least, add some fuel to the fire that burned in your soul. He hoped that they’d take care of you and love you and let you know how much you bring to this life. 
“Kiss me.” Bradley whispered just above something audible. “Kiss me, please Kerner.” 
“Rooster?” It was at that moment you knew he was going. His face was all clammy and he was oh so cold to the touch. 
“Please kiss me so I can go.” He begged you softly as he placed his hand on top of where your hands were covered in his blood over his stomach. “My dads here.” 
“Well tell Goose you aren’t ready!” The tears that left your body were grief stricken. It was like nothing you had ever felt before. To mourn someone you loved so deeply, so fiercely and so much that to imagine a life without them it took a piece of you with them. “Tell him you can’t go because I need you here.” You cried as you leaned over to press your forehead to Bradley’s. “You don’t get to die, tell whoever’s here for you to fuck off—you’re not dying.” 
“Just kiss me.” Was all Bradley cooed before you leaned in to press your lips against his. It wasn’t the first time, but it would be the last. He was oh so pale and cold as the ice he laid bleeding out on. You felt his blood on your lips and god you’d never forget that feeling. Whatever had struck him had completely decimated his stomach. No amount of bandages could save him. 
You never stood a chance they would later tell you. No amount of first aid could have saved Bradley Bradshaw. 
“I love you, I love you.” It was like a mantra, Rooster kept saying it over and over until you heard him stop. That’s how you knew he was gone. Because the silence was far too loud and far too heartbreaking and the sound of his I love yous would haunt you forever. 
“Damn you Bradshaw, I love you too.” You cried as you laid beside him, curled up against his body for what felt like eternity. When help arrived you refused to leave his side. And you didn’t until someone had you sedated on the carrier—
“I'm so sorry.” Jake sat in the medical bay watching over you as you slept. “I'm so sorry Kerner.” He spoke to himself as he thought about all the times Bradley had told him in drunken bar conversations how much he loved you, his best friend. “But he did what he did to make sure you got out, that you would be alright.” 
“He left me.” You mumbled just loud enough for Jake to hear. He didn’t know you were awake. You weren’t supposed to be, or so he thought. “He told me he loved me, and then he died.” You would have cried if you weren’t so dehydrated. “I lost my person. How do I recover from that?” 
Jake didn’t know what to tell you, so he didn’t speak. He simply held back his own tears and kissed your forehead. 
“I don’t know Drifter, I really don’t know.” 
“We’re gonna head out for a drink, just you and me.” Jake explained as he pulled you in under his arm a little more. The two of you were both dressed in your formal wear. It wasn't exactly the attire for casual drinking. 
“Oh, I can't Hangman.” You denied the proposal almost immediately. “I have to head home and sort out a bunch of Roosters belongings.” Jake understood, but he also knew you needed a friend before anything else right now. And what kind of friend would Jake Seresin be if he let the love of Bradley Bradshaw's life drown in her own inner turmoil?
“Yeah, but before you go do that, I think you need to whine about it some more to me first.” Jake knew that the last thing you wanted to do was to have to pack away your best friend's belongings knowing he’d never need them again. He guessed it was the downfall of sharing an apartment off base with the guy. “I'd be pretty pissed off too if Bradshaw left his crap lying around and I had to clean up after him, so, you definitely need a drink or two.” 
You didn't reply straight away as you walked through the cemetery that now held three Bradshaws. But when you did, Jake's heart sank just a little more inside his chest for you. 
“What are you afraid of?” You asked softly as you stopped and turned to face the man who hadnt left your side since you were brought back to the carrier. Completely distraught and shell shocked. “That I’m gonna–” Before you could even finish your sentence Jake interrupted. 
“I'm afraid that you’re gonna keep crawling into my bed after busting into my apartment in the middle of the night.” That much was true, you had done that a handful of times. But to be fair, Jake never locked his door. He really needed to start doing that. “Look, Rooster left his Bronco to me.” Jake sighed as he looked up at the sky, watching as rain threatened to fall. “But he also left me you too.” He explained with a solemn smile. “It's just us now and I don't know, if you need someone to bitch to or just be–” It was your turn to interrupt.
“My person.” 
“I don't know what you mean?” Jake sighed as he looked back over his shoulder up to where Bradley's grave lay. He swore he could see him, watching Jake as he tried his best to comfort the love Bradley left behind. The love he hoped Jake would cherish as much as he did. 
“But you do.” You smiled softly before you pulled Jake in for a hug. You'd never see your best friend again in the land of the living, but you had a person in Jake Seresin. And he was determined to keep his promise to your dad, to watch over you always. He was going to be your person no matter what. 
“I've got you Kerner.” Jake rubbed his hand up and down your back to soothe your cries. He could feel you crying in his arms. You'd been through a lot, lost a lot too. But you weren't about to lose Jake. 
Not now, not ever. “I've got you.” 
Whumptober Tags 🏷️ @xoxabs88xox @oldermenaremyreligion @slut-f0r-u @emma-is-cool @armydrcamers @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt
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finn-m-corvex · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 5 - Pinned Down
Day 5! And this one is MOVIEVERSE! I REPEAT: MOVIEVERSE! I wanted a bit of a challenge so a few of these are going to be set within the movie! Also movie!Jay is an absolute bean but he swears like a sailor and I will die on this hill.
@splinnters fifth tag! You better be asleep by now good sir
Words: 2.2k
This wasn’t supposed to happen. 
Garmadon wasn’t supposed to strike during the middle of the school day, his plane wasn’t supposed to get shot down out of the sky, and he was not supposed to crash it directly into a building that was already crumbling from the attack. Jay had tried to hit the eject button only for it to fail, so he had no other choice than to sit tight and hope that the impact didn’t kill him.
It didn’t, but Jay could still feel the whiplash that hit his neck as his head slammed against the console, his helmet the only thing saving him from certain doom. He had been knocked out almost instantly, and when he finally came around there were voices screaming at him over the still-functioning radio and blood trickling down from his forehead.
“Jay!” Cole yelled, and Jay could hear the sounds of missiles detonating over the comms. “What the hell happened?!”
He must’ve been talking for some time, so Jay fumbled to press the button and activate his mic. “Cole? I’m here.”
‘Oh thank the First Master,” Lloyd sighed, and Jay winced from his volume. His mask must’ve gotten shoved up closer to his mouth. “Did anyone see where he went down?”
“He is near the corner of Main and Fourth,” Zane chimed in, and Jay’s heart started sinking. Nobody was patrolling in that direction, which meant that there was no one nearby and they were all still fighting a battle. He was on his own.
Which immediately posed a problem when he tried to move his leg.
A short scream escaped his lips when he tried to pull his leg out, and Jay felt the tears sting at the corners of his eyes. Glancing down, the sight of mangled metal buried in his leg almost made him sick. White-hot pain shot up his thigh from his calf, and Jay bit down on his hand to keep from screaming again as his head hit the back of his seat.
He was trapped.
The others must’ve heard him, because Nya was hurriedly clicking onto the channel. “What the hell was that?”
“I’m stuck,” Jay said, “m-my leg’s pinned. I can’t get it out.”
“How stuck?” Kai asked, and Jay heard the screeching of metal on metal through the comms before Kai’s flamethrower ignited, the whoosh familiar as well as the yells of whoever Kai was fighting against.
Jay really did not want to look at it again, but he did have to assess the injury. His leg was burning with pain, his nerves alight with the sensation as he leaned down to try and get a better look at what had happened. Of course, it looked like one of the pylons had gone straight through his leg; not enough to take it off, but definitely enough to pin him in place and start to cause problems.
Why was he so calm about almost having his leg forcibly amputated?
“It’s gone through my leg,” Jay said lightly, his voice betrayed absolutely none of his inner turmoil, “so I can’t move. I also can’t remove it because I don’t know what’ll happen or if it’s structurally sound.”
Silence rang over the comms, and Jay waited patiently for his team to respond. It wasn’t like he was going anywhere. “Buddy, are you okay?” Cole asked hesitantly.
“Oh yes, Cole, I’m just peachy! I’m stuck in this stupid fucking cockpit and there’s a metal rod stuck in my leg and I dunno how to fix it and there’s enemies everywhere and you guys are across the city and I’m going to flip my shit because what if I lose my fucking leg?!” and there it was. Everything was falling apart around him, literally and metaphorically, and Jay’s vision started to tunnel as he struggled to take a deep breath. He wanted to pull his knees up into his chest and bury his face in them, but any movement of his leg only brought more tears to his eyes.
“Breathe,” Nya tried to say, but Jay only took a harsh inhale through his nose in panic-fuelled rage.
“My jet is fucked! My leg is fucked! I’M fucked!” Jay yelled. “So what do you mean ‘breathe’?!”
“It’s not going to get better if you keep panicking, so I need you to calm down,” Nya said soothingly; the others stayed quiet, trusting her to take control of the situation. “I’m on my way, okay? Just hang tight, we’ll get you out of there.”
He couldn’t calm down. The rod shifted, making him see stars as his head knocked against the side of the cockpit. All it took was one sob to open the floodgates, and suddenly he couldn’t stop. “I’m scared, Nya, I’m scared and it hurts and I don’t know what to do-”
“I know,” Nya said, “I know, that’s why I need you to breathe for me, Jay. In for three, hold for four, out for seven, can you do that for me?”
“Yeah,” and Jay tried, he really did, but the sight of Garmadon’s forces flying high over his head, twisting and turning through the air as they made a beeline for where the others were already fighting, drowned out any common sense that may have stuck around at the beginning of his panic attack.
If they saw him, he was as good as dead.
And they were getting pretty damn close.
“Fuck!” Jay cursed, pushing hard at his shattered windshield. “Come on, come on!”
“What happened?” Lloyd asked, alarmed. Jay kept banging at the windshield, ignoring the shards of glass cutting through his gloves and the pain radiating from his wrists.
“Garmadon’s army is coming!” he said, and he could hear the sharp intake of breath from the rest of the group. “I’m pinned down, and I can’t get out!”
“Cole, Nya, get to him now,” Lloyd ordered, and Jay felt his heart lift when he saw the green ninja’s mech shoot across the sky, already tearing through the hordes of planes flying through the city. “Kai and Zane, we’re running defense. Don’t let them get close until Jay is clear.”
“On it, boss,” Kai said, and Zane confirmed as well. Cole grunted, and Nya was silent, but Jay knew that she was just thinking of a way to get him out of here. Probably. Hopefully.
There had to be something he could do. His brain was racing a mile a minute as he looked around the cockpit for anything that he could use to pry open the canopy, or even something to help him start to free his leg. Adrenaline poured through his veins, dulling any pain radiating from the wound and making him shake with repressed stims. Finally he tore off a control panel on the side, steadying his hands long enough to start fiddling with the wires. Maybe he could get his jet’s cloaking ability to start working; that would buy him some time until Nya got there.
It only took a minute for the wires to start sparking, small arcs racing up his fingers and Jay quickly dropped said wires, but the damage was already done. The tips of his fingers were slightly singed, as Cole would so gracefully put it, and Jay quickly put them into his mouth one by one to soothe the burns. Hopefully someone was still on the line, he thought as he pressed the button to open the comm channel, his finger throbbing in protest.
“Uh, team?” Jay said, flinching when one of the planes flew a little too close for his liking, “I can’t activate the cloaking thing and I think I burnt my fingers.”
“Seriously?” Cole said angrily, and Jay’s heart dropped at his tone. “Don’t worry, Jay, Nya and I are almost there?”
“Can you turn your ‘almost here’ into actually being here, please?”
“Working on it, Blue,” Nya grunted, and Jay could hear the sounds of crabs hitting her windshield with dull thunks. “Hang in there, you’re doing great. How’s that injury looking?”
“Let me check,” Jay leaned down to look again and nearly lost his lunch for the fourth time since he had gotten stuck in this predicament. Nothing had changed, but it suddenly looked a lot more red than it did before. His boot squelched on the floorplates, and something was soaking into it and through his socks. Dizzy, Jay realized that he was sole-deep in a puddle of crimson red, of his own blood.
That…wasn’t very comforting. “There’s a lot of blood.”
“How much blood?” Nya asked.
Jay swallowed thickly, pressing the back of his head to his seat and shutting his eyes. “T-There’s a puddle, and it’s soaking into my shoes.”
An explosion, and Nya’s voice came over the speakers again. “These guys are not making it easy. Is there any way that you can staunch it? Or pull the thing out?”
It warmed his heart that in literally any other situation Nya would be flipping her shit, but she was keeping her cool; Jay liked to think that it was because of him rather than anything else. “I can’t move it. The pylon is attached to the main engine and I’m not nearly strong enough. Plus, this thing is already falling apart; I don’t know what’ll happen if I move too much.”
Case in point, the loud whine of falling metal as a section collapsed behind him, making Jay jump in surprise and stare with wide eyes. “You guys might wanna hurry, I don’t know how much longer this is going to stay up!”
“Going as fast as we can,” Cole assured, and Jay could tell that his best friend was starting to grow frustrated with the situation. He slumped in his chair, trying in vain to keep his anxiety at bay as the planes flew closer and closer. Rationally, he knew that Cole wasn’t mad at him, per se, but it sure as hell felt like it. Honestly, It was a miracle that he hadn’t been spotted yet.
He should’ve never thought about it.
Screaming through the air as they descended, Jay watched as the planes focused on his location with a plummeting heart. Their crab cannons swiveled to face him, and Jay was suddenly very aware of just how cracked his canopy was and the fragility of the cockpit protecting him. It wouldn’t last for very long at all.
“Lloyd!” he yelled, throwing his arms up and over his head as the crabs started raining down on top of him. “I’m in trouble here!”
“On my way!” and Jay saw the green dragon mech zigzag across the sky, tearing through the planes with its mechanical claws and firing missle after missle. “Guys, does anyone have eyes on Garmadon? I can’t see him from here.”
“I do,” Kai ground out, and Jay could tell that the fire ninja was not happy. “He’s on the south side, I’m gonna need all hands on deck to take care of him. He’s got a new barracuda mech? I think?”
“Zane, get to Kai,” Lloyd said, and for First Master’s sake they had to stop sending Jay on these emotional rollercoastsers. He could not function under these conditions! “I’m right behind you.”
“Wait!” Jay exclaimed, because even though there may have been no more planes attacking, there were definitely people on the ground that would be trying to make their way towards him. For the first time he noticed that his weapon was gone; it must’ve gotten lost as he went down. “I don’t have anything to defend myself with, you know! They find me up here and I’m fucked!”
“You’re fucked anyway if we don’t defeat Garmadon,” Kai said harshly, and Jay flinched even though no one could see him. “Cole and Nya are almost there.”
“About that,” Cole said, and for the sake of the First Master could they please stop delivering bad news?! “I’m a bit stuck too.”
“Stuck? How are you stuck?” Nya asked, concerned. “Do I need to go back-”
“No, get to Jay,” Cole insisted, flicking a few switches near the mic and slapping a new record into his turntable. “I can handle it. I’m with you, girl, so lead the way.”
Jay knew that above all else, he trusted his best friend with his life; if he said he was with someone, Cole was going with them. Sighing in relief, the adrenaline finally started to fizzle out, and Jay sobbed as the pain started to set in again. It was blinding; the pool of blood had risen to his ankle and Jay was starting to feel the effects. Woozy, he tried to open up the comm channel, forgetting that he never closed it.
“Please hurry,” he slurred, and the fire racing up his leg made him yelp in pain. Vision blurred with tears, Jay let his head rest against his seat again, shutting his eyes and hoping that the world would stop spinning.
Until a shadow was finally cast over him. He cracked his eyes open, smiling at the sight of the battered water strider mech, the love of his life (even if she didn’t know it yet) giving him the world’s brightest grin as she grabbed her spear and saluted him. “You called, Blue?”
“I did,” he said softly, a chuckle bubbling out of him despite the grimness of his situation, “and they couldn’t have gotten anyone more gorgeous to answer it.”
Later, he would blame the flirting on the blood loss, but only he knew how much of a lie that really was.
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cirrus-grey · 5 months
Got a tape recorder for Christmas and I finally recorded my Magnus Archives playlist in time for Protocol to come out tomorrow :)
[Video description: A black tape recorder sits on a white tabletop in the sun. The tape that's loaded is labeled, in small handwriting, "Magnus Archives Playlist: S1 - Postcanon". A hand comes into view and presses down the "play" button. The tape starts to spin, and a song starts. The lyrics are:
"He'll laugh and say that he can't sleep/And he don't know the reason why/Maybe it's the evil eye/Oh, that awful evil eye/Remember how he used to hold you close/Now in the middle of the night/Oh, the evil eye/Oh, that awful evil eye/Someone must really have it in for him/The way they're stickin' him with pins..."
The song goes into an instrumental section, and the hand returns and presses the "stop/eject" button.]
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eoieopda · 1 year
What about a morning-after drabble for Stay? 👈🏻👈🏻 (finger guns)
oh damn, do you have a permit for those?? 👀
also tysm for this request! i loved thinking about what would’ve happened next if i’d kept writing! ✨ this is in jungkook’s pov since “stay” was in reader’s!
anon is referring to this one-shot.
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Jungkook had pinched himself four separate times.
There was a red mark, likely to bruise, where the knuckle of his index finger trapped that poor bit of forearm against the side of his thumb. No matter how many times he did it, no matter how angry his skin got, he wasn’t convinced.
He had to be dreaming. He had to be; it was the only logical explanation. His subconscious had projected this scene onto the screen behind his eyes a thousand times: waking up next to you, feeling the warmth emanating from your body so near to his. And as soon as he reached out to pull you closer, it would be over. He’d wake up wishing he hadn’t.
The waking world didn’t work this way, not for him. His friends believed him to be outgoing, but Jungkook was shy. Painfully so. Whoever had driven to your house in the wee hours of the morning - without an invitation, unannounced - wasn’t the Jungkook he knew.
That person - the one who pinned you against your bedroom door, teased you, confessed to you, carried you to bed, put his lips and his tongue and his hands everywhere on your lithe body - was a stranger.
The real Jungkook - the one who pined after you consistently from kindergarten to present - spent the better part of two decades on the sidelines. The real Jungkook had fumbled the moment so many times, he’d ejected himself from the game.
Whoever he’d been the night before - well, shit, Jungkook owed him a beer.
Reinforcing his self-proclaimed status as a coward, he nearly jumped through the ceiling he’d been staring at when your startled yelp hit his ear. Heart in his throat, he cranked his neck to the side. He expected there to be a spider in the bed - you hated those - or perhaps a ghost on the other side of the room - you loved those - but your wide eyes were fixated solely on him.
Your eyebrows shot up on your forehead, though they were heavily obscured by the messy waves falling with a mind of their own. Fuck - did you wake up this beautiful every day?
“You!” Your gasp barely made it out of your mouth with how kiss-bitten your lips still seemed to be.
To get your message across, you punctuated that shocked sound with your hand, reaching out and gently placing it over his face. You picked it up just to move it elsewhere, as if you were studying his features and would be quizzed on them later. Or maybe you were charting a topographic map and simultaneously committing every plane to memory.
He couldn’t help but chuckle, though his words were muffled against your soft touch, “Do I have something on my face?”
Quickly, you retracted your arm. Your hand curled inward and came to rest against your sternum, “Just me, apparently. Sorry, I just - I had to check.”
Your cheeks turned their signature pink. As that blush crept across your cheekbones, you bit your bottom lip the way you always did when you got embarrassed. He tried so hard to fight off a grin, but his failure tugged the corners of his mouth upward.
“What, that I wasn’t replaced by a body double?” He snickered, “A wax figure?”
Your brows furrowed as your rose petal lips poked out. Oh, god, not the pout! He was far too weak a man to withstand it. His heart had just barely survived your little jump scare. But then you hid your face where his bare shoulder met your sheets and you nestled in until your shyness was securely out of view.
If he had been standing, he would’ve dropped to his knees.
Nuzzled so close to his bicep, that soft little whine was all but inaudible: “No, and it’s too early to make fun of me. These are soft hours!”
“Fine, fine,” he sighed with a fond smile as he lifted his hands in defeat. You, of course, couldn’t see the white flag waving from where you were buried. “Then what were you checking?”
“That I’m awake.”
Oh, his stupid, stupid heart. It was sprinting a marathon, and the finish line was nowhere in sight. He’d simply never recover from you and your soft hours.
He glanced down where your face might have been. Your eyes cracked open just in time to lock with his, and they were twinkling. Fairy lights, delicate and warm. He only looked away to draw your attention to his other arm, which he lifted from his side and held in view.
Gently, you reached out. The tip of your index finger was a whisper against his screaming skin, and he would’ve believed it without question if that stopped his bruise from forming. He answered before you could ask: “I spent the last fifteen minutes pinching myself.”
“And? What’s your conclusion?” You asked, resetting your sleepy sights on his face.
Brave, for once, he interlocked his fingers with yours. A perfect fit - if only it hadn’t taken him so goddamn long to test his hypothesis. He sighed thoughtfully and directed his admission more to himself than to you, “Most awake I’ve ever been, I think.”
It was feather-light, your chaste kiss on his shoulder, but it packed a punch nonetheless. Instinctively, his head tilted so that he could rest his cheek against the top of your head. From there, he mumbled:
“Dreaming or not, I’m staying in this bed with you all damn day.”
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its-stimsca · 8 months
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Stimtober day 18
Stimboard of Dr Clef from the Scp foundation
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ID below cut
[Image ID:
Gif 1: A hand painting a green ukelele with white flowers.
Gif 2: A hand in front of a canopy of ferns, covered in three brown moths. The moths have eye patterns on them, and each one is about the size of a palm. The hand rotates, showing the moths off.
Gif 3: A green snake with a mottled, black pattern hangs on a vine. It’s head moves to the side as it looks around.
Gif 4: A shot of legs wearing brown pants and black, dusty boots. One of the boots is tapping the ground, as if waiting for something. The ground they stand on is gravel slightly overgrown with moss.
Gif 5: An animated gif of Dr Clef from the SCP Foundation, drawn in a black and white pixel-art style. He has a wide brimmed hat, and shaggy, short hair, with bangs that cast a shadow over his eyes. He has a lab coat draped over his shoulders, and a black shirt with a tie. A shotgun is slung over his right shoulder, and a name tag is pinned to his coat that has a music signature written on it, an alto clef. He’s smiling at the camera with teeth sharper than normal, his hands behind his back.
Gif 6: A brown cowboy hat rotates on a pedestal.
Gif 7: A scientist walks past in a white lab coat with a hand in their pocket. They wear a navy tie and pants, with a light blue shirt.
Gif 8: A slo-mo of a shotgun being fired. The shells eject with a brief burst of flame.
Gif 9: A jumping spider crawls onto the lens of a pair of glasses. Jumping spiders are small, about the size of a fingernail. They’re very fuzzy, with thick legs, big mouth parts, and very small eyes that sit on top of their head. They look much friendlier than regular spiders, since they’re fuzzy, small, and have soft mouth parts instead of pointy ones. Can you tell I’m biased I like these little guys!!!!
End ID.]
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The Madness in the Dark
The cold water slipping down inch by inch on her skin felt like glory. The sound of water spurting out of the shower soon hitting the floor made her company. The long day is about to be replaced by dusk, and so, she took a shower to ready herself for bed. It became her routine. Wake up in the morning, read, write, or paint throughout the day, then take a shower before light disappears.
This day was to no extraordinary. She witnessed dawn, maintain her proper hygiene, gather books she'll read from the library inside the castle, and now she's taking a shower. See? Like always.
After rinsing foams of the products and fragrances she lathered on her body and hair, she stepped out of the shower, her figure wrapped in a clean white towel. She then strolled to her bedroom.
Upon arrival, she saw a book spread open to a specific page on the floor. The content depicts sexual pleasures. She admits to herself that she searched for it in the library earlier, but knowing the book would center intimacy, she is beyond certain that she secured the book in a proper storage before she went on to take a bath. She knew too well that she would never be careless enough as to make such thing vulnerable.
But if she settled it in a proper placement earlier, then who could've dragged it on the floor? It's triggering her curiosity. Nevertheless, she picked up the book and placed it near the lampshade beside her bed. She got too carried away by the books' sudden displacement that she wasn't able to notice the heavy deluge of rain.
She walked to the window. The pane was occupied by plenty of droplets. The mist outside making the forest an aesthetic. The sky was gray and dark, a warning of continuous downpour. No wonder it was colder than the usual. Thanks to the book, though, that she forgot the overwhelming temperature for a while. But now, clothes would be better and more efficient than the skimpy towel.
She headed to her closet and gathered her chosen pieces of clothings and garments. She took her lotions, beauty creams, and oils next before she made her way to the edge of the bed to apply and wear the things in her grasp.
The towel dropped leaving her form naked. She turned around to sit on the bed. Upon settling, she was startled as a tall figure stood in front of her.
His eyes roamed every centimeter of her body. His vision engulfed in the curve of her sides, the roundness of her hips, the slope of her breasts and the smoothness of her skin. As his sight reached down her feminity, the glow of his eyes was accentuated by the synchronous loss of power.
Everything around her was dark, but two narrowed eyes above made no exceptions of still glowing in the dark with enticement and sadistic intentions. It horrified her. She attempted to run but he caught her arm and tossed her harshly onto the mattress. Due to the force he exerted, the mattress ejected her slightly.
Carla made swift motions to hover above her and pinned her wrists above her head. He lowered his face as near that he could feel her breath embracing his lips.
She raised her voice as he tilted his head to have a better access to the inside of her mouth. His tongue was long and slender, much to her surprise. The tip was pointed that it traced the walls of her mouth, and it was incredibly strong that hers got dominated even in its own cavern.
Carla explored her curves with his free hand. It glided down and down—dangerously getting close to her womanhood— her velvety skin. She squeezed her eyes tighter as well as her thighs.
He left her lips to proceed to her neck. Her collarbones gave more emphasis to the perfection of her neck. It made Carla thought of other sensitive spots in her body. Oh, how he loved how her face twists with fighting over dominance pain and pleasure. He may never admit that, but he'll—whenever he pleases—seek that.
He bit on her collarbone harshly, almost crunching it with his teeth. His fangs dove deep down her flesh. She arched her back and was unable to suppress a gasp. He gulped the blood that exited the pierce his fangs penetrated.
"Stop!" She whined.
He kept drinking. He looked for another spot and bit there. Her tears subconsciously flowed from her eyes. His bites were extremely painful yet good. Carla bit every sensitive spot he could ever imagine—her collarbones, her cleavage, her chest, her waist, above her navel, her wrists, and even the tip of her fingers. He drank too much, her eyes are puffy and her nose was clogged from crying.
Yet, it wasn't enough to offer him satisfaction. He backed a bit and and pushed her further up the bed. He crawled and spread her legs wide.
Her beauty is ethereal.
She flinched and shrank. She's whimpering and it amused the male. She's fighting the sensation without thinking what will happen if he ever leaves her unattended. Her essence is dripping from her entrance it pooled on the mattress.
Carla aligned his face on her womanhood. He inhaled in her scent and gently massaged her devil's doorbell with his thumb. Her moan was but a startled gasp. Too silent for his liking. It never rubbed his ego as much as her existence fueled his arousal.
He put pressure on his thumb and moved it faster. She cried yet covered her mouth with her released hands. Carla grew impatient. Her volume was not the problem, it was her attempts to conceal her reactions. 'Well, let's see if those tiny hands of yours be able to suppress your melody if I do this', Carla thought.
He spread her labia open, exposing her throbbing nodule. She was a falls whose essence Carla would pridefully coat himself with. Carla licked her opening, starting from the bottom to the top then kissed her knob before sucking it like he's helping himself to an oyster.
She screamed out of delight. Carla repeated his ministrations till she was arching her back and moaning his name nonstop. He picked up a much faster pace. He pushed and pulled his fingers in a swift rhythm. Not long, the knot that formed in her abdomen set her free to ecstasy. Her orgasm ripped through her, its intoxicating pleasure making her guilty.
Carla watched close as her release gushed out of her clenching opening. It was plenty. A mixture of his saliva, her essence, and the outcome of his actions and her pleasure.
He felt as though he was selfish to himself. Carla backed off and kneeled above her in front. He observed how she squirmed, he adored how her expression is difficult to explain yet a masterpiece amongst the finest of arts.
Her form trembling, panting, and sweating. Despite that, she lifted herself with the support of her elbows.
"Ah?!" She gasped.
Carla kneeled in front of her. His organ—long, thick, hard and erect—was freed from his pants. Carla was now, like her, naked. His body a sculpted figure of muscles. His curves are exquisite, and his beauty an erotic facade behind royal appearance.
She froze as she realized that his manhood is pointing at her. The darkness was now but an overcast.
"Carla! Please, no!" She cried as he leaned down on her. He payed no attention. However, the thunder roared. He must've got pissed by her relentless resistance.
He kissed her. The kiss was feverish. It was wild, harsh, and hungry. His greed is consuming him till he's no longer concerned of her mortality. And that's because, he isn't.
Carla coiled his hand on her throat. The other making its way to pin again her wrists above her head. She felt helpless. As much as she would want to escape, its a waste of attempt that adds fire to Carla's rising temper. While it is not time to mind his temper, it will really will make her situation hell if she'll completely ignore it. After all, she's all alone and everything is in his favor.
She grew lightheaded. Must've been because of the loss of blood and anxiety. However, her eyes went wide when she felt his tip at the entrance of her canal.
"NO!!!" She shrieked weakly.
He continued as if not regarding her protest. That night, mixture of cries, moans, and grunts from her and Carla could be heard all throughout the mansion. The mattress was soiled with sweat, tears, and release. The thunder roared even more, the rain poured harder, and lightning striked more frequently—illuminating everything its light could reach.——————————————————————
I once heard from my mother that silence is the loudest sound that you can ever hear in this world. When I was young, we would have a banter about that. I used to believe that silence is...well, the most silent sound there is. We often end up with her telling me that I'll understand it when I grow up. Understanding it was the worst thing I could ever comprehend.
Clicks and clanks are the only sounds I heard as Carla and I ate in the dining room. He had his usual dry-cured ham and the castle's cooks served me a steak. It was delicious. However, being alone with him made me uncomfortable. I heard that Shin went out to some place he had told the young one to.
I can sense him occasionally taking a glance at me. And, so I am to him and his...ham. It's not like I want to have some, the fact that I would want to tell him something made me cautious of this moment.
"Woman." Carla's call was short yet dangerous. My fork fell to my plate out of fright.
"Y-yes?" I stuttered. I shouldn't have.
His gaze on me intensified. It is as if my response rekindled some sort of fire inside him. Carla was never easy to read. His eyes were always stern, and his lips never held any emotion.
"What is it?" I added. That was the only interrogation I could ever muster.
"Say it." He spoke, it wasn't a question. It was more of a command. I always try to make my intentions hidden but he always succeeds on making it seem like I am an open book to him. He reads my thoughts like they were written.
I remained silent. How did he ever knew? After all of that, I realized that I really don't want to tell him anymore. That way, I could've avoided it to prolong. I thought of hiding it as impossible, and now I am certain.
"I don't have all night, yet you as well. Delay more, and I will assure you do not last long, woman." He warned.
The worst that could happen to me was this. As much as I would want it to end, but I am not sure of what Carla meant. I feared how he chooses and plays with his choice of words. How I interpret it might not what he really meant it.
"You got me pregnant."
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kalevalakryze · 7 months
A Clone And A Jedi
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars - The Clone Wars ( 2008 - All Media Types) Pairings: Original Jedi Character & Original Clone Trooper Character, Original Jedi Character & Mace Windu Characters: Chessaf're'krudo, CC-5571 | Buzz, CT-4320 | Pine, CT-5319 | Pack, CT-6996 | Haz, Mace Windu Warnings:Injury, Blood and Violence, force healing, Notes: For Whumptober Day  30  This is going to be small, and I'm rusty with Chess, without Pathfinders, I probably wouldn't be putting more work into her dajndvf so she's rusty, but I'm gonna put a lot more work into her to catch up Prompt: Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | “Not much longer...” Word Count: 1,374 AO3 Link: Here!
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“S’alright, General,” Buzz grunted close to her ear; 
Her vision swam uncomfortably, jagged and torn tips of her fingers clinging to the lips of dirty white plastoid, searching blindly for the warmth of the man under all the armor. “I’m okay,” The young Jedi grumbled, even as blood streaked from the corner of her mouth. “Commander, really,” She rasped as his arms tightened in their hold around her body. 
It was with great reluctance that the clone finally lowered the Jedi to the ground, setting them both behind the cover of the smouldering debris of a blown out TX-130. 
Back pressing firmly into the cooling and warped metal, Chess’s hands plucked and pulled at the drying, bloodsoaked cloth of the jagged metal protruding from her abdomen, the plastoid of her own armor buckling under the exerted pressure of each breath with the B2’s hull sinking further into her gut with each breath.
“Man, these droids love me,” She joked as shaking hands moved to the metal, frowning to herself at the memory of the last time a B2 made a surprise appearance inside of her body; the scar on her face itched at the reminder. 
“Very funny, General,” Buzz pulled the bucket from his head, allowing it to drop heavily into cobbled stone as he knelt in front of her. “Clot, I’m sending you my location, the general needs help,” He called, raising the communicator on his wrist closer to his ear as the warbled static of war screeched from the other end. 
“No can do, Commander! We’re pinned down!” The near-identical voice of the One Forty First’s medic called out through the distortion, voice strained as blaster cut his transmission’s clarity, turning to a loud static that the commander shut down quickly. 
“We’re on our own, Buzz,” Chess pointed out, nose twitching as she adjusted the way she leaned against the metal support. The force thrummed around her, calling out with the cries of battle, with the lights of her men being gunned down across the battlefield. 
“General-” A pause, as he settled himself down beside his Jedi. “Chess,” He corrected, bringing a smile to her lips. “Do we have time for this… force osik?”
“If it’s important enough, we make time.” The Keshiri’s breathing evened out as they tuned into the cosmic force, past the bright light of the soldier beside her, and the lights of her vode fighting on the front line. 
Buzz watched with a mix of fascination on fear as the metal started to eject itself from her abdomen, the force slowly weaving pieces of her abdomen back together. Sweat pooled at her temples, though the Jedi Knight was too far to care much as it cut through the dirt caked on her cheeks. 
“Chess,” He called with an urgency that echoed inside her head, his worry pulling her from the threads of the force, bringing her back to her physical self. The metal was fully displaced now, and while she hadn’t been able to put herself back together entirely, she did enough to stop herself from bleeding out. “That’s enough, Genera;, let me take it from here,”
When he reached out, she allowed herself to slump into his arms, force exhaustion and an unfortunate lack of blood darkening the corners of her vision. Everything swam as the commander lifted his bucket, dusting out the inside before slipping it over the woman’s face. “Just in case,” He’d promised, the helmet sealing to give her the advantage of the built-in respirator. 
Plastoid clanked against plastoid as he lifted her back into his arms, helmeted head pressed against the stiff edge of his pauldron as the trek back to camp was resumed. They had a comm tower set up there, the Jedi council wouldn’t be able to deny aid, not with the desire to win the conquest on Kooriva. The least they could do was evacuate the general… He just needed to get her back, somewhere safe, then he could worry about the rest.
“Not much longer,” He called to the unconscious form in his arms, pushing past the brush as he found the trail, beaten into the dirt by marching feet as the battalion forged into the territory. “Just hold out, General…”
“Pine!” He called as soon as he breached the treeline, perimeter alarms beeping around the tents. “Pack! Haz!” He shouted, stirring the Jedi in his arms as purple and red painted troopers began ducking out of the tents. “They need reinforcements on the south ridge, Clot and Osk Squadron are under heavy fire.”
“Right away, sir!” 
“The General,” Pine pointed out, weight shifting unsteady between his feet as  he took in the sight of blood, damp on jedi robes and staining white plastoid. 
“She’ll be alright, hang back and help me comm the Republic. She’s got General Windu’s line, right?” 
“I believe so, sir,” Pine helped Buzz get the Jedi to the med-tent and down on a cot. Really, after her Force stunt, the wound wasn’t as bad as it could have been, a couple inches long, but her jetti osik handled the worst of it. 
“These jetti sure are something else, aren’t they, commander?” Pine questioned as he cleaned the surrounding area, giving the Commander a clear view of where he would need to stitch as he cleaned up. 
“No, Corporal, our jetti is something else,” He corrected, a smile tugging on his lips as he readied the sutures. “Get that bucket off and get her a proper oxygen line.”
“Right away, sir!”
“You did good to call me, Commander.” Mace’s voice swam in the back of her mind, pulling her to consciousness slowly. 
“It’s my duty, sir.”
“To the Republic?”
She could hear the shifting of armor and the hiss of a helmet releasing. When Buzz spoke next, his voice sounded strained. “To my General, sir.”
“ ‘m damn good at my job,” The Keshiri croaked out at last, mouth dry as she forced her hand to raise. 
“Sure, sir. If that job is getting your ass handed to you.” Buzz was at her side in an instant, waiting for the moment dathomirian eyes opened to meet his own and allow him proper relief. 
“I’d never be able to one up Master Kenobi,” 
“You’re getting close, Krudo,” Her old Master pointed out, standing on her other side. “You did well in your healing classes. I’m proud that you’ve held onto that knowledge.”
“We’re at war, Master. I need to know how to heal just as much as I need to know how to take a life.”
“Perhaps, while you’re recovering, the one forty first can be deployed with the medcorp for a rotation or two,” 
Blinking tiredly at him, the woman glanced toward Buzz for air. “We would be delighted to take you up on that assignment, General.” 
“I’ll see to it, and I’ll see you once you’re feeling better, Chess,” With a touch of his hand to the top of her knee, the Councilmember was gone to arrange their next assignments, leaving the clone and the Jedi alone. 
“You scared me-”
“So about-” 
Chuckling, Chess waved her hand to allow him to continue, head falling back against the pillows and eyes blinking shut against too much light as the commander perched back into a seat that had obviously been there a while. 
“The next time a droid is about to blow up, you need to jump away from it,” He continued, reaching to hold her hand in both of his, clasping tight and with an emotion that her code would not allow her to recognize. “Not towards it!”
“Buzz-” Her hand turned to link their fingers together. “If I have to jump in front of a thousand ticking time bombs, or bullets, or sith, to save any of you, I will. And do not give me the expendable line. Not today. Not to me. Not ever.” 
Shaking his head, Chess did not miss the wetness in his voice when he spoke next. “I’m glad you’re feeling yourself, General.”
“What would you do without me?”
The chair creaked as the clone stood once more, warm forehead pressing against hers in something they’d once called a keldabe kiss. “I don’t want to have to find out, ner Jetti.”
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puppyluver256 · 1 year
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[Image Description: A young Octoling (octopus people from Splatoon) man with light skin slightly tinged green, blue tentacle "hair" in an undercut-eqsue arrangement that fades into a green gradient near the tips, and black circle markings around his closed eyes. He is wearing a grey filter mask, a grey shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a dark grey hexagonal logo on the chest, off-white garden gloves with yellow accents, and blue pants. He is holding something resembling a hand-rolled joint or blunt (I am unfamiliar with weed terms), the tip giving off a blueish-purple smoke that is also being ejected from the filter in his mask, swirling above his head as he appears content. The background is a hazy radial gradient of blue, purple, and green. End ID.]
Friendly reminder that Hachiro's not sanitized, he's just stained from drug use and likes the color blue. ...Smoking can stain your skin, right? Or otherwise cause something where one of the symptoms are skin discoloration? Like I don't think weed on its own does, but iirc tobacco use can and this is kinda meant to be a weird combination of those in terms of short-term damage at least. Because obviously Nintendo's not gonna worldbuild in a way that reveals what kind of illicit substances are available in the Mollusc Era XD
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~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Splatoon and related concepts © Nintendo Hachiro Nakajima and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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spectronicuk · 4 months
Buy a Nothing Phone 1 5G 128GB/8 GB from Spectronic UK at a Reasonable Price
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Spectronic UK is the best online store that offers the latest brands of smartphones. We provide smartphones to our customers with the latest technologies at highly competitive prices and multiple options for our customers. You can easily order the Nothing Phone 1 5G 128GB/8 GB phone online and gain superfast delivery from us.
The following specifications are mentioned below:
Internal memory - 128GB 8GB RAM
📷Main Camera: 
Dual : 50 MP, f/1.9, 24mm (wide), 1/1.56″, 1.0µm, PDAF, OIS
50 MP, f/2.2, 114˚ (ultrawide), 1/2.76″, 0.64µm, AF
Features: LED flash, panorama, HDR
Video: 4K@30fps, 1080p@30/60fps, gyro-EIS, live HDR
📷Selfie Camera: 
Single:16 MP, f/2.5, (wide), 1/3.1″, 1.0µm 
Video: 1080p@30fps
Type: Li-Ion 4500 mAh, non-removable (17.42 Wh)
Charging: 33W wired, PD3.0, QC4, 50% in 30 min, 100% in 70 min 15W wireless, 5W reverse wireless
Color - White
In The Box: Phone, USB (Type-C to Type-C), SIM Eject pin, and Documentation.
Buy now from us to get Nothing Phone 1 5G 128GB/8 GB at its best price.
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spectronicsblog · 10 months
Buy Nothing Smartphone Online
Spectronic AU is an affordable online e-commerce store selling the latest nothing smartphones in Australia. To get the discount, buy nothing smartphone online from Spectronic AU and get it delivered to your door steps as early as possible.
The following specifications are mentioned below:
Body: Glass front (Gorilla Glass 5), glass back (Gorilla Glass 5), aluminum frame
Internal memory: 128GB 8GB RAM, 256GB 8GB RAM, 256GB 12GB RAM
Chipset: Qualcomm SM7325-AE Snapdragon 778G+ 5G (6 nm)
📷 Main Camera: 50-megapixel
📷 Selfie Camera: 16-megapixel
🔋 Battery Type: Li-Ion 4500 mAh
Colors:  White, Black
In The Box: Phone, USB (Type-C to Type-C), Sim Eject pin, and Documentations.
For more details visit the website and place an order today!
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Electric Hand Egg Beater Coffee Milk Frother Cream Foamer Cappuccino Latte Maker Hand Mixer This Hand Mixer has got you covered. With different speeds to choose from on the mixer, you will have more control than ever to prepare your dish with precision, without wearing out your arm muscles as with traditional hand-mixing. The unit comes in white to suit all design styles and color palettes with two durable chrome-plated beaters for reliable, long-term use. After you’re done mixing, simply press the eject to release the beaters and toss them in the dishwasher for stress-free clean-up. Regardless of your culinary experience and confidence, you’ll find that This Speed Hand Mixer is easy to use. Bring it home today, get out the cookbooks and prepare to whip up something fabulous! It s is sure to become your new best friend in the kitchen. Ergonomic handle for better grip Air vents to avoid clogging from batters and other mixtures, 1 meter long 2 pin power cord for flexible usage Premium stainless steel finish 7 speed and turbo setting for multiple applications high quality plastic material [ad_2]
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techchrome · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Apple iPhone X - Silver - 256GB Fully Unlocked GSM+CDMA Smartphone.
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cxnvicts · 1 year
[ DISPLAY ] : during the process of an undercover mission/a situation where their identities need to be protected, sender holds receiver's hand to give the impression that they're in a romantic relationship. ( rock candy www )
-  ̗̀ะ໒⋮━ take my hand prompts // open
      ❝ Act natural, Cinnabar. ❞
ー is quite the tall order, Cinnabar thinks. How can she ever act natural when she’s pinned against the wall like this, Chelsea’s breath warm against the skin of her neck? 
❝ Just follow my lead. ❞ She hears Chelsea whisper too close to her ear, and Cinnabar can only hope that the trembling of her hand isn’t too obvious when the countess takes it in her own, guiding it to rest on her hip.
      Adjutant Nightingale was right. 
Chelsea was, indeed, the perfect Sinner for today’s mission, already fitting right in with the rest as soon as they arrive at the venueーthe both of them fancily dressed with Cinnabar in a white suit and Chelsea in an elegant red dress. 
And Cinnabar couldn’t be any more grateful for it, really. While the both of them were provided with well-crafted identities so they wouldn’t stand out from the crowd, it was still the countess’ amazing social skills that completely sold their disguises, her silky smooth laughter and talks only enamoring the guesses all the more to the point that they never even noticed when Cinnabar had slipped away from Chelsea’s side. 
The rest of the mission should have gone smoothly. 
With Chelsea’s wonderful distraction, Cinnabar was free to roam around the rest of the building undetected. And It would have been perfect. Should have been perfect. Were it not for her rookie mistake of leaving the camera’s flash on as she took photos of the men in black exchanging a briefcase. 
She was quick to eject the memory stick from the camera so she could toss the gadget away while running from the security, but while she may have managed to return to the crowd to blend in once more, it was still clear from the way they entered the halls with pursed lips and squared shoulders that they were there to look for her.
Adjutant Nightingale was right. It’s thanks to Chelsea that they were able to slip away from the dance hall like this. It’s thanks to Chelsea that they could make at least a little bit of distance between herself and the security butー
The lump in Cinnabar’s throat only continued to grow the closer the footsteps got, a hint of panic settling in her heart all the more.
❝ Ugh, ❞ her heart freezes as soon as she hears the disgruntled groan, footsteps halting for a moment, before continuing. ❝ They’re not here. Check the other side of the building. ❞
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creationsofparanoia · 2 years
☭ for em both
𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙚𝙡, 𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙡
BATTLE INTRO: "don't you dare take it easy on me"
VICTORY: *pulls bolt back on rifle, catching the ejected shell and handing it to him* "nice try"
DEFEAT: *panting* "good round, lets do it again sometime"
ASSIST: "I'll take it from here."
TAUNT: *"come at me" wave*
REACTING TO TAUNT: "you cant get under my skin"
FLEE: "next time, you're mine"
REACTING TO FLEE: *firing one last shot over his head* "no man can best me it seems."
TIE: "hehe, you're as good as you are handsome."
PERFECT VICTORY: *shaking head in disappointment* "so much for the all-powerful demon"
FINISH MOVE: *hacking tendril around throat* "yield, now!"
𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙚𝙡, 𝙇𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙡
BATTLE INTRO: *rifle cocking*
VICTORY: "target down, moving onto next."
DEFEAT: *blank stare* "are you going to finish me or what?"
ASSIST: *rapid volley of shots striking enemy in critical spots* "next time, be more carefull"
TAUNT: *narrowly missed shit that scrapes fur off*
REACTING TO TAUNT: *lines up scope* "keep talking, prey."
FLEE: "emergency evac requested" *is beamed up*
REACTING TO FLEE: "target got away, will pursue."
TIE: *shouldering gun, retracting tendrils* "next time."
PERFECT VICTORY: "there was a bounty for this?!"
FINISH MOVE: "gotchya." *unsilenced gunshot that reduces him to paste*/ "had to get close" *injects him with nanobots, puppeteering him*
𝙋𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙖, 𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙡
BATTLE INTRO: *smiling seductively and purring* "ready for some fun, sexy?"
VICTORY: *pinning him* "looks like I'm on top, but you don't seem to mind~"
DEFEAT: *deeper purring* "oooo, someone's stronger than he looks...what prize do you want?~"
ASSIST: *speeds by, kissing him on the lips before unleashing a scream that yeets the enemy*
TAUNT: *running her hands down her curves* "come and get me~"
REACTING TO TAUNT: "someone loves pillowtalk~"
FLEE: "try not to enjoy the view too much~"
REACTING TO FLEE: "awww, just when things were getting fun..."
TIE: *leans against him* "best 2 outta 3?"
PERFECT VICTORY: *smug smile* "come on, I'll tend to your....ego..."
FINISH MOVE: *tackles him and ties him up* "looky what I caught..."
𝙋𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙖, 𝘼𝙢𝙤𝙠
BATTLE INTRO: *loud, ethereal, piercing scream*
VICTORY: *collapsing* "its...over..."
DEFEAT: "you got me...what now?"
ASSIST: *sonic boom followed by vibrant ted streaks* "they're all yours."
TAUNT: *lashing whips on the ground*
FLEE: *bluff rush towards him, leaping over and past instead* "you're lucky..."
REACTING TO FLEE: *tries to pursue* "get back here."
TIE: *falls into his arms and calms down* "hehe...that was fun.."
PERFECT VICTORY: *holding his remains like a trophy* "but at what cost?"
FINISH MOVE: *God of War-level amounts of shredding* "its done."
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cas-sales-uk · 2 years
Tumblr media
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