#scratched defective products
gudmould · 1 month
Common causes and solutions for misjudgment of plastic product quality
As saying goes: “No one is perfect, no gold is pure, no one is a sage, no one can make mistakes!” Now, what we want to talk about is that this small ideological mistake has brought immeasurable losses to our work, our company, our department, and even ourselves. Plastics industry is no exception. After knowing stakes. Now, let’s analyze occurrence and reasons of misjudgment of plastic product…
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fastjewelryretouching · 2 months
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moo-blogging · 19 days
Being inspired by Levi's backstory in Bad Boy:
Levi said it so naturally about why he held cups at its brim with his fingers. Gabi and Falco were apologetic for asking such a sensitive question. Levi shrugged and sipped on his tea. You studies his face carefully, but finding no sadness or remorse in his face, just peacefulness.
It had been 2yrs since the war ended. You stayed in Marley with Levi, rebuilding the country together. Levi once told you that he found peace in rebuilding than destructing like he used to in the army. It was true that everything turned red when Levi swung by with his blades. And now his hands grew new life and hope.
You might have asked Levi why he held his cups the way he did when you were on Paradis Island, but you couldn't recall. Levi stared at you from the back of his palm, and you blushed. You felt as if there was more to Levi than you had uncovered, and you were embarrassed that you knew almost nothing about him. But the soft look that he gave you showed that he was ready to unveil himself to you.
That night he unloaded more about his life in the Underground to you than he ever did. You cried with heartache and Levi was comforting you. There were tears in his eyes as he spoke, but he felt lighter. You kissed him again and again, holding you in his arms. Levi stroke your hair lovingly, assuring you that he was alright now.
A couple of weeks later, you took a stroll with Levi down the new street in the evening. New shops showcasing attractive products on the window. Your fingers interlaced with Levi's as you walked, taking in what you had rebuilt together.
And you came to a pottery shop with a Closed sign on and signalled Levi to enter the shop. Puzzled, Levi pulled you gently, "Y/n, my love, it's closed. We can come back tomorrow morning."
You smiled at him and shook your head, "it's opened for us, Levi. Let's go." You led him onto the steps and into the shop. There was a dim light at the end of the shop and a young storekeeper greeted you. He shook your hands and thanked you for helping him rebuild his father's business after the war had ruined their lives. And he was thrilled to have these private tea set making sessions with you.
Levi's eyes widen and you nodded to assure him he could make his mother's tea set from scratch. The young storekeeper asked for a design. You looked at Levi expectedly. Instead, Levi signed and smiled gently. He said, "I think we'll make a new tea set for ourselves." He turned to look at you, "Y/n, I know you are trying to have me connect to my mother. I love you for that, but I would like to make this tea set for us. A new one with a new design." Tears were gleaming in his eyes as he looked into yours. You nodded and you pulled him in for a hug.
You spent the evening designing your very own tea set, adding yours and Lev's personal touches to it. For the next few days, you came back to the shop after it closed to work on the tea set. Your hands were cold with wet mud as you shaped the tea cups. Levi worked on the saucers. The young storekeeper guiding you here and there and helping to fix any defects.
A few weeks later, a box of beautifully glazed tea set were sent to your house. Gabi and Falco had come to swe the tea set you had been working on. They bought some new tea leaves from other countries. Levi brewed the tea in the tea pot and hot tea were shared.
You sat next to Levi, sipping on some foreign tea, listening to Gabi and Falco quarrelling about something you could hardly understand. You turned to watch Levi, and he was staring at the new tea pot. He noticed you staring and he stared back at you. Mirroring each other's soft smiles, you lean in for a kiss. Happiness filled your chest. You could feel the warmth radiating from your skin. What a beautiful you had started with Levi.
"How do you kiss like that?" Gabi asked loudly. You both turned toward her at the same time. Levi had one eyebrow raised. Gabi clarified, "I mean, how do you know when to kiss? Like you didn't even ask but you just moved your head together and MUAH you kissed!"
"Gabi, that's inappropriate to ask!" Falco tried to shut her up. You shared a look at Levi, you grinned as Levi smiled, and you leaned in for a kiss again.
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themagicbrew · 4 months
do utrom and cameo ever see eachother again?
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Yes actually! Cameo and Utrom end up meeting- more so than any other Kraang rebel. Their present-day dynamic is complicated, to say the least. (read more down below)
While the Kraang rebels went on their separate paths. Cameo and Utrom paths were inadvertently interconnected. Faith would always find some way to bring back together, in a cruel twisted manner. To us, The Earth is a wide vast open space of endless possibilities. our lives are short within the grander schemes. Earth for the krang, is a tight confide. the more you go on, the more things begin to overlap. Everything is changing yet stays the same. Every social interaction is forced, left with an unspoken tension that lingers within the room.
Utrom is all too aware of his mistakes. He now fully understands how horrible the kraang were but also- his own actions. It didn't matter that he was young at the time or how it was simply a part of their culture. Just because he was another product of their environment doesn't excuse his actions. He hurt Cameo and has never forgiven himself. He'll never forgive himself for any of his past crimes... all he can do is settle on earth and try to better himself. He wants to apologize but feels like he has no RIGHT- to turn around and even dare say it. to him, saying "I'm sorry" would imply he's seeking forgiveness for his actions- forgiveness he isn't deserving of.
Cameo on the other hand, still holds disdain for Utrom (rightfully so) but never shows it. He hates how Utrom decided to become a pacifist- which to a kraang (even a defect like himself) would be inherently denying what you are. To Cameo, The true Utrom is a kraang, a killer- someone who's callous and cruel. All that talk of redemption is nonsense to him. He sees the current Utrom as a pathetic cowardly shell of a krang- but gleeful awaits for him to snap. He wants to watch him crash and burn more than any other kraang. They are forced to interact even MORE because of The E.P.F. I've forgotten to mention it in Cameo's bio (i think) but Cameo does interact with the E.P.F. since he is the founder of the Hidden city. they tend to have dubious dealings etc. A simple "you scratch my back and i might scratch yours" situation.
When Utrom moves into NYC, he ends up being the middleman for Cameo and the E.p.f. (Both Cameo and Utrom hate it.) Summary: Despite their past together, they only interact when it 'matters' or outta obligation. They don't discuss what transpired during their youth even though it weighs heavily on them.
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plastiquehaven · 4 months
Review: Barbie Looks #10 Simone and #11 Heide
After about a decade of not buying and playing with Barbies, I got back into the hobby as an adult. I'd always wished Barbies came with more articulation, so the fact that these dolls have the Made to Move bodies really played a large part in my decision to buy them.
❖ Comparison: old vs new
I've heard horror stories of the good ol' "pixel face" syndrome where dolls come with godawful, pixelated facial screening. Fortunately, both of my Looks dolls are ok. No pixelation and I don't think I noticed any serious wonkiness either.
Their facial screening is, however, a lot glossier compared to my older dolls. Flash photography is a little trickier and requires some post-production corrections.
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See Looks #10 Simone's eyeshadow reflecting the flash's light much more compared to Barbie Fashionista Girly first wave (2009).
❖ Overview
Each doll came with a stand and a certificate of authenticity, which got all wrinkled up in a plastic bag. The certificate was printed on regular, photocopier paper and not cardstock.
My Simone comes with a scratch on her chest and Heide has a loose ankle joint.
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Very faint when photographed and isn't too much of a hassle to photoshop out, but it is unfortunate that both of my dolls came with some sort of defects. But well, at least their face screenings are alright.
❖ Clothes & Accessories
Honestly, nothing groundbreaking in this category. The majority of the Looks line, much like the Barbie Basics, comes with a single clothed doll and no extra accessories. The clothes are simple but well-made and comes with a "Barbie Signature" tag inside.
I don't know how long the lamé material would last and have some doubt regarding the longevity of the PVC faux leather skirt that came with Looks #10, but for now, it's still alright.
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Their box art!
My doll clothes did not come with any defect, but I saw on Myfroggystuff's YouTube channel, her Looks #11 doll's jumpsuit has a missed stitch, and thus, a hole on the side of one leg.
❖ Hair
From what I've gathered online, all Looks doll have saran hair. It's both very soft to the touch and beautifully glossy. I have little to none shedding when brushing #10 Simone and some light shedding on #11 Heide.
The way #11 Heide was packaged squished her curly hair so bad. The middle patch of hair behind her head got it the worst. I used a bit of hair cream to gently fluff it out and she eventually did end up more or less resembles her box art than before.
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Before and after. Regrettably, I don't have any pictures of the back of her head, which would've shown the difference little better, but see how her curls goes taller than her head on the second pic. All of that were pressed flat against her head by the packaging before.
The packaging on #10 left some mark on her hair too, but nothing too serious. After a few brush, it was gone.
❖ Poseability
The poseability of the dolls, thanks to the Made to Move body, is unparalleled. The dolls can touch their own faces, bend their legs back due to their double-jointed knees, but cannot hold their knee like so.
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Perhaps customising the dolls by shaving their underwear/hip area a little smaller could possibly allow the joints to move closer, but I don't think I'll be doing doll surgery any time soon.
❖ Final thoughts
Overall, I'm really happy with my purchases. Looking forward to future release of this doll line. I wasn't too big on the colour block theme of last year's wave and the first wave has gotten too expensive to purchase where I'm from, so for now, I'm more than pleased with my two girls!
If you want to see more pictures of my dolls, including Looks #10 and #11, check out my #my pics tag.
Thanks for reading 💖
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psychangels · 3 months
feel like talking about my robot ocs (sort of? it's kind of complicated for two of them. you'll see), so here's some stuff about them! :]
angel (halo/ae/wing) (named after angel's food cake) (technically a self-insert, but also not really? not sure where the line is drawn in this case, honestly...)
halo is a defective va-ser that barely managed to escape from qa-1mil by pure chance. halo went into hiding afterwards, not wanting to get, y'know, Killed for just having fucked up pain processors.
wing's a yellow va-ser that's covered in chicken scratch. most of it is notes for wings various stories that wing wants to write someday. the scrolling text on wings midsection changes in accordance with whatever wing is currently doing (e.g. if wing is talking about something wing likes a lot, the text changes to something like, "rambling about bullshit").
ae likes to collect and wear button-up shirts. ae has to ruin most of them in the process (well, more than they were Already ruined, anyways, considering that ae finds them in the trash), though
at some point, angel meets the next oc(?) i'll be talking about, and the two have stuck together ever since. :]
dev (it/her) (named after devil's food cake) (technically not an oc, but also kind of an oc?)
it's...the decaf bot! in the metal! it's been hiding out ever since That Whole Thing.
she's a pgr-0101, but her appearance has been heavily (self) modified. she's blue instead of green, and the gold strips reminiscent of zanzo's coat have been torn off. her visor displays a pair of eyes when she has it on, rather than the regular squares. said eyes change to reflect her emotions.
similar to angel, it likes to wear clothes! specifically, it wears a torn up cloth lab coat that's covered in spray paint, alongside a fanny pack that's also covered in paint
gngr (he/she) nori's (the head of production in my au, escapism) assistant! he was built by xem a few years back for a school assignment. xe kept them around because xe needed someone that would always be there, looking out for them
since she was built to, essentially, be a caretaker, she knows how to cook, she cleans, is a shoulder to cry on...y'know, all that Stuff.
he has a screen for a face, which he displays emoticons (e.g. :D, :(, :P) on. he can also put text on it!
now, the next four aren't humanoid in any way. they're like the kem-0n0 and vu-t0r1. but i wanted to talk about them, and they Are robots that I Made, so! it's also important to note that they only exist within my au, escapism, because they were designed by the head of R&D in said au, sunny
LEO-031 the LEO-031 was designed to be the ultimate bodyguard. they're quick, strong, and practically unbreakable! well, unless you have fists of steel that are strong enough to break sunny's improved version of z-shielding, known as SP 100, which most people do not.
they're sold to the public, and the department heads and the ceo himself all have one of their own! the models sold to the public differ from those that were given to the heads and ceo by sunny, as theirs were designed to be specifically for them.
they look like a robotic lion with a small mane. their mane becomes more prominent when they feel they/their owner is being threatened
LEN-N31 the LEN-N31 is the smaller, friendlier sibling of the LEO-031. they are the ultimate companion! they're soft, lovable, and entirely non-lethal! however, that doesn't mean that they're weak! they're just as sturdy as their siblings, and are waterproof, so you can have fun in the pool and the rain!
they're very good at cohabitating with others, so if you have other pets, they'll get along swell! they even come equipped with emergency response systems in case you or any of your loved ones are in danger.
they're one of, if not the most popular unit sold by vandelay technologies!
they look like a robotic lion cub.
PACK-13 the PACK-13 was designed to be the ultimate tracker and is excellent at hunting down groups. this is because it itself is a group of robots, which all combine into one massive mech.
unlike its predecessors, the LEO-031 and LEN-N31, it's made entirely of solid steel. no soft fur or cutesy appearance here; just a mechanical machine built to hunt...and kill. its bite is strong enough to break through bone.
it is not intended for public use.
it looks like a giant mechanical wolf. the separate units look similar, just, well, smaller.
L0N3-WLF the L0N3-WLF was designed to be the second ultimate tracker and is excellent at hunting down singular targets. its a smaller, quicker, singular version of the PACK-13.
sent out less often compared to its siblings, but that doesn't mean it's not as capable. somewhat concerningly, there are some reports of L0N3-WLF units getting in the way of PACK-13s...but that's probably just some weird malfunction.
it is not intended for public use.
it looks almost the same as a single unit that makes up the PACK-13, but slimmer and sleeker.
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salanaii · 4 months
Learn Korean with me - Week 6/Day 1
Day 1: Let's Speak Korean Chapter 4 - Shopping (1 - 50)
어서오세요. Eo seo o se yo Welcome.
무엇을찾으시나요? Mu eos eur cha jeu sin a yo What are you looking for? 
혹시반바지있나요? Hog si ban ba ji iss na yo Do you have shorts by any chance?
모자�� / 신발을찾고있어요. Mu ja reur / sin bar eur chaj go iss eo yo I’m looking for hats/shoes.
찾으시는스타일이 / 브랜드가있나요? Chaj eu si neun seu ta ir I / beu raen deu ga iss na yo? Is there a style/brand you are looking for?
도와드릴까요? Do wa deu rir gga yo? May I help you?
사이즈가어떻게되시나요? Sa I jeu ga eo tteoh ge doe si a yo? What is (your) size?
입어봐도되나요? Ib eo bwa do doe na yo? Can I try (this) on?
이사이즈있나요? I sa I jeu iss nay o? Do you have this size?
제사이즈는30입니다. Je sa I jeu neun 30 ib ni da My size is 30. = I’m a 30.
조금큰 / 작은것같아요. Jo geum keun / jag eun geos gat a yo I think it’s a little small/big.
딱맞네요. Ttag maj ne yo It fits perfectly.
얼마예요? Eor ma ye yo How much is it?
세일하나요? Se ir ha na yo Is it on sale?
재고있나요? Jae go iss na yo Do you have (it) on stock?
확인해주시겠어요? Hwag in hae ju si gess eo yo Could you check, please?
반품가능한가요? Ban pum ga neung han ga yo Is it possible to return? = Is it returnable?
얼마동안에반품할수있나요? Eor ma dong an e ban pum har har sui ss nay o (Literal) Within how long can I return? = How late can I return it?
환불가능한가요? Hwan bur ga neung han ga yo (Literal) Is a refund possible? = Can I get a refund?
반품하고싶습니다. Ban pum ha go sip seub ni da I’d like to return.
게품에문제가있나요? Ge pum e mun je ga iss na yo Was there a problem with the product?
아니요,사이즈가맞지않아요. A ni yo, sa I jeu ga maj ji anh a yo (Literal) No, the size isn’t right. = No, it doesn’t fit.
아니요,스타일이맞지않아요. A ni yo, seu ta ir i maj ji anh a yo (Literal) No, the style isn’t right. = No, I don’t like the style.
다른색상이있나요? Da reun saeg sang I iss na yo Do you have different colors?
이게마음에들어요. I ge ma eum e deur eo yo (Literal) This is to (my) liking. = I like this.
그냥둘러볼게요. Geu Nyang dur reo bur ge yo I’ll just look around.
구경해도되나요? Gu Gyeong hae do doe na yo May I look around?
탈의실이어디죠? Tar ui sir I eo di jyo Where is the fitting room?
남성용 / 여성용인가요? Nam seong yong/ yeo seong yong in ga yo Is (this) fir men/for women? = Is this men’s or women’s?
여기흠이있어요. Yeo gi heum I iss eo yo There is a scratch/nick/defect here.
원래이런가요? Won rae I reon ga yo Is this usually like this? = Is this normal?
할인해주실수있나요? Har in hae ju sir sui ss na yo (Literal) Can you discount it for me? = Can you give me a discount?
신상품있나요? Sin sang pum iss na yo Do you have the latest products?
정품맞나요? Jeong pum maj na yo Is this an authentic product?
매니저를만나고싶습니다. Mae ni jeo reur man na sip seub ni da I’d like the meet the manager.
계산해주세요. Gye san hae ju se yo (Literal) Please calculate (it) for me. = Please ring it up for me.
쇼핑백을주세요. Syo ping baeg eur ju se yo Please give me a shopping bag.
포장해주네요. Po jang hae ju ne yo (Literal) Please wrap (it) for me. = I’d like to have it wrapped.
영수증을백안에넣어주세요. Yeong su jeung eur baeg an e neoh eo ju se yo Please put the receipt in the bag.
영수증은저에게주세요. Yeong su jeung eun ge ju se yo Please give the receipt to me.
카드되나요? Ka du doe na yo Is (credit) card okay? = Do you take credit cards?
현금도되나요? Hyeon geum do doe na yo Is cash okay, too? = Can I pay with cash?
현금으로사면할인받나요? Hyeon geum eu ro sa myeon har in bad na yo Do I receive a discount if I buy with cash?
택스리펀드되나요? Taeg seu ri peon deu doe na yo Is it eligible for tax refund?
택스리펀드는어디에서하나요? Taeg seu ri peon deu neu neo di e seo ha na yo (From) where do I do (=file) tax refund?
이렇게작성하면되나요? I reoh ge jag seong ha myeon doe na yo (Literal) Is it right if I fill out like this?
배달도되나요? Bae dar do doe na yo Can it be delivered as well?
홀드해주실수있나요? Hor deu hae ju sir sui ss na yo Can you hold (it) for me?
다시찾으러올게요. Da sic haj eu reo or ge yo I’ll come again to pick it up.
수선가능한가요? Su seon ga neung han ga yo Is alteration possible?
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camelliagwerm · 1 year
Because I have Nyrissa brain fungus right now, I was thinking about Nyrissa’s nicknames for various characters that she views as tools – Tristan as the skylark; Irovetti as the peacock; Armag as the wolf and the MC as a faithful hound. And that got me thinking about Nyrissa referring to Linzi as her robin.  
Robins are bright, cheerful little birds and that definitely suits Linzi, but at least with my background, the cheerful narrator of Kingmaker – a story about mortals occupying the same space as the fey – being called ‘my robin’ is either a very much intended move on Owlcat’s part, or merely a happy coincidence that scratches my literature graduate brain.
In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the closest thing the play has to a narrator while the audience are caught up in the world of the fey is Puck — who is also known as Robin Goodfellow (from what I remember, some scripts have him labelled as Puck – this was the case in the production I was in back in school and university; others have him as Robin.)
Now Puck’s role is twofold – the first is to provide witty comments on the events that are unfolding within this midsummer night in the woods; the second is to help humiliate the fairy queen, Titania, at the behest of her husband Oberon through his own pranks and illusions – he is the one who turns Nick Bottom’s head into that of a donkey and ensures that once Titania wakes from her slumber, Nick is the one she falls in love with under the influence of a spell.
Linzi’s role is the same – she is the one who provides narration, even beyond death, for the events of Kingmaker and has comments in the journal and about each of the companions; and she also helps the Ruler beat Nyrissa - with both her Final Trick (pretending she has defected to Nyrissa) and by being one of the three NPCs who are working to resolve the attacks from the Bald Hilltop (alongside Tristian and the Storyteller) and the one who suggests that the Ruler enters Nyrissa’s dream in search of a clue for weaknesses. 
But while Puck is the cause of all of the mayhem, he is also the one who undoes it all, sets things right for the conclusion – he is making amends for what has happened for the sake of fey entertainment, just as Linzi is focused on helping finding a conclusion to the struggle against Nyrissa and seeing the narrative resolved in a happy manner, even if she lost her life as a result of her one final trick.
It is definitely not a perfect 1 to 1 similarity, but it definitely felt like a nice little reference to an iconic play that depicts what happens when the mortal and fey worlds collide due to the meddling of a fey king who demands a certain thing from a fey queen (in AMND – Oberon demands that Titania gives him a young mortal boy that he wishes to be his new henchmen; in Kingmaker, the Lantern King demands an apology from Nyrissa) – and the narrator who is caught in-between.
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babysitterpng · 2 years
On your store, what does the small surface defect mean???
some of the charms with epoxy coating that makes the front rounded was touched before they fully hardened during production, which unfortunately left little dents or scratches in it. they're visible on inspection and touch, but doesnt ruin the design (which is sandwiched between 2 pieces of acrylic so it will never get scratched).
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deals2dayforme · 1 year
Samsonite Winfield Luggage (2 Hardside Expandable + 50% OFF)
Introduction: The Samsonite Winfield 2 Hardside Expandable Luggage is a popular choice for travelers who need durable and spacious luggage for their trips. This particular model is the Checked-Large 28-Inch size, which provides ample room for packing everything you need for extended trips. Its hardside exterior is made of lightweight and durable polycarbonate material that can withstand the rigors of travel. The deep blue color adds a touch of style to the luggage, making it stand out on the luggage carousel. The spinner wheels make it easy to maneuver through busy airports, and the expandable feature allows you to pack even more you needed. Overall, the Samsonite Winfield 2 Hardside Expandable Luggage is a reliable and stylish option for any traveler. About Samsonite Samsonite’s not just in the business of making luggage, we’re in the business of building confidence. The confidence that when you step off the curb, your luggage wheel isn’t going to pop off. Confidence that if you put your laptop in the bag in one piece, that’s the way it will come out. Samsonite has set an industry precedence by perfecting and innovating luggage, casual bags, backpacks, travel accessories, and now electronics carriers and laptop bags. Over one hundred years of reliability, durability, style and innovative functionality have made Samsonite’s iconic products, and brand, a global leader they are today. If you are going to head out the door, do it with peace of mind. Because, life has a way of coming at you fast. Be ready for anywhere. Some Important Information: 28 SPINNER LUGGAGE maximizes your packing power and is the ideal checked bag for longer trips PACKING Dimensions: 28.0 x 19.75 x 12.5, OVERALL Dimensions: 31.0 x 20.0 x 12.75, Weight: 11.5 lbs. 10 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY: Samsonite products are rigorously tested to ensure our products meet stringent standards. This bag comes with a 10-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. FOUR, MULTI-DIRECTIONAL SPINNER WHEELS for effortless mobility, re-engineered lightweight SIDE-MOUNTED TSA LOCKS act to deter theft, ensuring that only you or a TSA agent have easy access to your belongings when traveling 1.5 EXPANSION to allow you to pack more items and compression keeps clothing neatly pressed UNIFIED BRUSHED PATTERN CUSTOM DESIGN on front and back shells hide any potential scratches or scuffs from your journey. HANDSOME SLIDER in squared full-capacity design featuring oversized zipper and interior divider with organization pockets LIGHTWEIGHT locking telescopic handle. Read full Review to know Samsonite Winfield Luggage and its honest review Here>>>
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kissofcashmere · 1 year
Long story short (I won’t be able to type much since I hav fever n low pressure due to my wisdom tooth it’s unbearable) those same ppl who hammered my Bath set which I’d taken with a lot of enthusiasm for I always, always wanted that style since before we even had it in India, they also ruined my two extra tiles and wasted them including one additional highlighter tile, luckily we found one more tile, so the contractor who had come (we had only asked for a plumber) they’d already utilised those extra tiles and not only had they put the back component tilted but the tile was also cut slant (as per their stencil or outline) and so were the internal pipes, they were all tilted and for some reason they thought we’ll be very happy with their work, or a slant mixer 😡😡😡now we’ve used that one last tile which was missing and we’ve called someone from the company itself to fix the thermostat but when we tried to fit the bottom Bath set we realised that they had also messed with the lower area and we were told we’ll have to remove one more tile YET AGAIN after fitting the bathtub and door, we had already ordered 2 extra tiles luckily the shopkeeper charged us the same old price but since it’s already been a year the batch is completely different so they don’t look the same, they are lighter… and we had already fixed my tub 🛁 back in the same position cuz the exposed part has to be put after keeping the tub there, the bathtub has to fit first and then the spout (plus mixer, crutch, etc.) the plumber had to do his own scraping & cutting and it took almost an hour, we ended up having a gap so we did some more cutting phew 😮‍💨 I’m glad it’s done now… except for the thermostat, we’ll be calling someone from the company cuz plumbers are not able to align it and do the setting and all. The other plumbers were actually using the Panna or spanner 🔧 on my set, it had big teeth so it not only peeled off the coating but also left several scratches and dents, that too on the front part which had my fav hot and cold written on it (luckily only one side) I do feel blessed there are bloggers who are buying from Aliexpress also… they have a like “signature”/sign from which you can make out that it’s from there, if we still had it in India I would’ve also considered that because all this was not initially available here, they look cool they have cursive fonts which are very fancy and some also have a bigger lever not just a dongle but the front has a switch sign which looks like a pair of headphones at first glance haha that’s the only con other than the handshower shape. Buying from there is risky and if it’s only for the cursive part then I won’t recommend that i really don’t know why they are spending there cuz as long as I remember the prices are not that low… and it looks like a copy/knock off sometimes.
The thermostat is pending, the new plumber was not that skilled but he managed the mixer really well inspite of the fact that the tiles were not cut properly and everything had gone wrong in that area, he had a smaller spanner he said these brands make products which are more delicate so you can’t use those bigger ones, he wrapped it in plastic and then used a cloth to tighten the set to protect the coating, he also wiped it clean to remove all the finger prints. I love the functioning and all so I’m happy with this but you’ll have to check before buying from here cuz my stop cock had a minor defect, the threading was not proper so the cold insert kept falling out, they’ll have to strictly ask the dealers to keep these products in a good condition they just dump everything one on top of the other and secondly there’s availability issue too, they’ll also have to make sure they do proper quality checks before the final supply cuz that threading part comes under manufacturing. We somehow worked a way around and glued the insert. In India there are many people including me who want these English designs, don’t underestimate your own fellow citizens. I’m very happy with my IKEA faucet which also has white inserts and red and blue bands for hot and cold, I didn’t face any problem there, it came with a pipe, tape, overflow cap and drain (both) everything which was required for you to instantly put it together.
I do like this other brand but they will have to work on all those points. I’m glad my Bath set has been fixed now, the tub 🛁 looks better with this mixer because it has a European design too. This spout’s flow is way better compared to the previous one (from Kohler, they’ve fixed the health faucet but the hand showers, overhead showers and the spout are still lagging) our previous plumber had put the 2-3 way diverter valve extremely high because he had a shower column in mind even though we had told him about the bathtub and it was impossible for my hand to reach there after putting the tub (both the drop in as well as the new one) luckily since I have long hands 🙌🏻 I was able to reach the tip of the valve and I would adjust from there but it would require a lot of stretching and I would sprain my hand easily cuz I’m not even keeping well (since long) if you’ll go through the older pics on my tumblr or insta then you’ll see how high it was, next there were more issues, the diverter button would not work properly, and because there was no thermostat the water would come very hot burning hot even after switching to cold which was quite unusual it shouldn’t have been that hot… it was impossible to adjust the temperature several times while sitting in the tub and most importantly this was also full of hassles - the spout or filler, the pull and twist knob would not turn completely and even if we would gain some success the water would still keep dripping from the other outlet, the flow was poor, I would regret switching from one outlet to another cuz it would get really difficult to turn or pull or push it around… when you are in a bathtub you have to switch between the spout and the handshower if you want to use it during a bubble bath and it would take ages to fill my bathtub cuz the pressure like I said was too low & you wouldn’t get enough water, nothing was stuck inside we had asked our old plumber to clean everything and even check it after putting the bathtub, I have taken a single flow for top for the overhead shower with a thermostat (I wanted the other normal one cuz thermostats are more expensive but it had been discontinued and they didn’t have any without a diverter except for this one which is okay because as a “designer” I knew that a vertical plate would look better there) the head shower’s pressure is also very low someone told us it’s faulty and we should get it changed, they weren’t aware that even Kylie Jenner’s shower console had this issue cuz it’s from the same brand… changing the overhead shower would have incurred more expenses and I don’t even have much ceiling height cuz there’s a tank up there, all matching Victorian Bell showers/rainforest require more height and I’m a fan of those gooseneck ones but you don’t get them here, they do have a hook rail which looks similar but that would’ve required more 3-5 inches. I anyway get migraine and dry hair so I’m okay with this slower version lol and I’ll be using the tub and handshower more.
- Zara Sauleh
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serenityscribes · 1 year
Defective (2023)
I somehow feel like he’s still there But doesn’t know how to be I beyond get the need for space I too needed to block out all the sound Couldn’t breathe, think, or hear Over the roaring in my head Words the circled, stabbed, tore pieces An uncontrolled self flagellation Including the greatest hits of derision That had nothing to do with us And everything to do with my belief That I’d become completely Defective Tossed in a bin like we had at the store Amongst the scratched discs And dented dreams My plans, my goals, my being Wiped clean Mind being so kind as to rewind “I thought you were stronger than this” “How can you not be going back?” “I feel like you can’t do anything anymore” External voices that echoed The internal maelstrom of self derision He was there in spaces when I wasn’t Holding room for me to be Whatever I needed to be Finding ways to make me smile When I didn’t believe I had the right To even use those muscles I cause chasms and pauses Unforgivable and yet Time and again, He chose to meet me where I was Seeing the human behind the pieces The me I had always been
E. Ecker, January 2023
**for context I used to work at a video rental store, and we had a “defective bin” for all the product that could no longer be sold or rented out.
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paradigm2024 · 11 hours
The Ultimate 2023 Flooring Selection Handbook
Bamboo is an eco-friendly flooring option that offers a unique aesthetic and durability similar to hardwood. Bamboo is renewable, durable, and resistant to moisture and insects. It provides a modern look and can be refinished if needed. However, bamboo can be prone to scratches and may not be suitable for high-humidity environments. Quality can vary, so it’s essential to choose a reputable manufacturer. Cork is another eco-friendly option known for its comfort, warmth, and unique appearance. Cork is soft, comfortable, and provides excellent sound insulation. It is also hypoallergenic, resistant to mold and mildew, and renewable. However, cork can be susceptible to damage from sharp objects and heavy furniture. It requires regular sealing to maintain its appearance and durability.
Quality is a crucial factor in ensuring your flooring’s longevity and performance. Ensure you choose high-quality materials that meet industry standards. For example, hardwood should have a clear and consistent grain pattern, while laminate should have a thick wear layer for durability. Reputable manufacturers follow strict quality control processes to produce reliable and consistent flooring products. Look for certifications from organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for hardwood or the North American Laminate Flooring Association (NALFA) for laminate. A good warranty indicates that the manufacturer stands behind their product. Look for flooring with a comprehensive warranty that covers defects, wear, and damage. Professional installation ensures your flooring is laid correctly and performs as expected. Poor installation can lead to issues like uneven surfaces, gaps, and premature wear.
Surface Flooring
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thoaleho · 5 days
Crafting Perfection Fine-Tuning Woodwork for Flawless Finish Essential Steps in Product Preparation
Crafting Perfection: Fine-Tuning Woodwork for a Flawless Finish | Essential Steps in Product Preparation
Welcome to a comprehensive guide on crafting perfection in woodworking. In this video, we will walk you through the essential steps to fine-tune your woodwork for a flawless finish. From initial preparation to the final touches, discover the techniques that will elevate your woodworking projects to a professional level. Listen to the soothing sounds of sanding, planing, and polishing as we transform raw wood into a beautifully finished product.
The Importance of Fine-Tuning
Achieving a flawless finish in woodworking is crucial for both aesthetic appeal and structural integrity. Proper preparation and attention to detail ensure that your final product is not only visually stunning but also durable and long-lasting. Each step in the preparation process contributes to the overall quality of the piece.
Tools and Materials
For this tutorial, we’ll be using the following tools and materials:
Hand Plane: For smoothing and flattening the wood surface.
Sanding Blocks and Sandpaper: Various grits for progressive smoothing.
Tack Cloth: To remove dust and debris between sanding stages.
Wood Conditioner: Prepares the wood for staining by promoting even absorption.
Stain and Finish: Adds color and protection to the wood.
Brushes and Rags: For applying stains and finishes.
Essential Steps in Product Preparation
Initial Inspection and Repair:
Examine the wood for any defects, such as cracks or knots. Fill any holes or gaps with wood filler.
Allow the filler to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.
Planing and Flattening:
Use a hand plane to smooth and flatten the wood surface. This step removes any high spots and ensures an even surface.
The gentle shaving sound of the plane gliding over the wood creates a soothing rhythm.
Start with coarse grit sandpaper to remove roughness and gradually move to finer grits for a smooth finish.
Sand in the direction of the wood grain to avoid scratches and achieve a uniform surface.
Wipe the surface with a tack cloth between sanding stages to remove dust and ensure a clean working area.
Applying Wood Conditioner:
Apply a wood conditioner to the surface to promote even stain absorption, especially on porous woods.
The light, consistent application with a brush or cloth adds a layer of depth to the preparation process.
Apply the wood stain evenly with a brush or rag, working in the direction of the grain.
Allow the stain to penetrate for the recommended time before wiping off any excess.
The rich, deepening colors of the wood are revealed during this step, adding to the visual appeal.
Once the stain is dry, apply a protective finish such as polyurethane, varnish, or shellac.
Use light, even strokes to avoid bubbles and ensure a smooth coat. Multiple coats may be needed, with light sanding between each coat.
The final finish brings out the wood’s natural beauty and provides a durable protective layer.
The ASMR Experience
As you follow these steps, let the meticulous process of fine-tuning woodwork immerse you in tranquility. The combination of tactile sounds—sanding, planing, and brushing—and the visual transformation of the wood surface offers a unique sensory experience. Allow the repetitive motions and careful craftsmanship to bring you a sense of peace and accomplishment.
Thank you for joining us on this journey to crafting perfection in woodworking. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and techniques to achieve a flawless finish in your projects. Stay tuned for more tutorials and tips that continue to explore the art and craft of woodworking, where every step brings us closer to mastery and beauty.
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usedstore-blog · 10 days
Advantages and Customization Of Refurbished Laptops
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In today’s active world of technology, the demand for refurbished laptops has grown remark  ably.These devices offer a Profitable and maintainable solution for both individual customers and business looking to upgrade their measuring capabilities without breaking the bank.
This global mentor explores the advantages of refurbished laptops and the various customization options to suit different needs of the consumer.
Advantages of Refurbished Laptops:
Refurbished laptops present several key advantages throughout their brand new parallel:
One of the most strong reasons to prefer refurbished laptop is  affordable price.Refurbished laptop models are typically estimate outstandingly lower than new ones, making them within the budget ,consumers without compromising on quality or performance.
Quality Assurance
Different to popular belief,Refurbished laptops go through strict testing and inspection processes to establish their high quality standards.
Respectable refurbishers conduct through the features,or repair any defects,and replace not functioning components,resulting in a refurbished laptop that functions as well as new laptop.
Environmental Sustainability
Picking out a refurbished laptop supplies environmental support by expand the life process of electronic devices.
Refurbished laptops decreases electronic waste,preserve resources,and cut down the environmental impact connected with manufacturing new electronics.
Warranty and Support.
A lot of refurbished laptops come with warranties that provide happiness to customers.With a good reputation refurbished laptop sellers offer customer support and technical assistance will proportional to that provided new laptops, make a sure with a positive user experience.
Customization Options for Refurbished Laptops
Customizing a refurbished laptop grant the permission to customers to modify their specific needs and preferences.Here some small group of options are available:
Operating System Choice
Refurbished laptops frequently offer flexibility in terms of the operating system installed .Users can select between windows,macOS, or large number of linux distributions on the basis of their experience and requirements.
Hardware UpgradesImprove hardware elements such as RAM,storage,and graphic card can importantly increase a refurbished laptop performance.This customization option is extremely flavourable for the customers whom ever require highest processing power for gaming ,video and other resource through the tasks.
Exterior Customization
You can customize the look of your refurbished laptop with multiple skins and stickers. This not only allows you to show your deferent style and taste but also it depends on how you protect your laptop from scratches making it more pleasant to use.
Software Installation
Customizing software by installing a specific application or productivity tools that can change the laptop or specialized tasks such as industry specific requirements. This type of flexibility makes your refurbished laptops a great choice for both personal and professional use.
In the conclusion, refurbished laptops offer a actual, supportable, and money saving alternative new devices. They provide guarantee quality, environmental benefits, and a lot of customization options that provide to a wide range of customer needs. whether you are a student, a professional, or an office-going person a refurbished laptop can meet your quantity of requirements without compromising on performance or responsibility.
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Tips to use home decor items to decorate a modern home
The modern home is more than just a place to live in today's fast-paced society; it's also a haven, a showcase for one's particular style, and the centre of modern living. A contemporary home's decor should embrace simplicity, clean lines, and practical design while adding warmth and character. Adding handmade home decor items and wall décor options online for your space can be the best option.
Here are some ideas to help you create a contemporary and welcoming ambience, whether beginning from scratch or giving your home a makeover.
Types of modern home décor items to decorate and design your home
Spice up your living room, bedroom, and home corners with a few choice pieces that reflect your style.
Modern Colourful Horse Bust by Satgurus: Handmade goods frequently have slight variances, inconsistencies, and defects that are testaments to the artistry of their makers. Accept these distinctive qualities as a part of their innate beauty rather than defects. This colourful, trendy horse statue gives any room a pop of colour and modern flair.
It is a unique piece with a distinctive design and vibrant colour scheme, and its delicate craftsmanship guarantees a long-lasting display. Ideal for anyone looking for a chic and striking piece of home décor.
Ambari Elephant with Stone Work By Satgurus: Presenting the magnificent Ambari Elephant statue skillfully carved by Satguru’s using stone craftsmanship. This item, which was expertly crafted, features beautiful stonework that would elevate any area. A distinctive and striking touch can be added to a modern home by decorating it with an elephant statue.  
When adding a statue like this, consider positioning it to command attention as a focal point, like a console or side table.  This is a stunning addition for anyone who appreciates exquisite art.
Shivaji Maharaj On Singhasan in Black by Satgurus: In the sixteenth century BC, Shivaji Maharaj, a courageous Maratha monarch, defended the western regions of India against the Mughal invasion. Introducing the Shivaji statue on Singhasan. 
This bold Maratha king statue is made of resin and has a sleek black finish, giving it a regal appearance for home decor. This exquisite piece represents caution and pride. Show respect for Shivaji Maharaj while giving your interior design a refined touch.
The Namaskaram - Yoga Series 2022 by Satgurus: One excellent would be to add calm and awareness to your home is by decorating it with a Namaskar yoga statue. These exquisite sculptures, which frequently show someone in the classic namaste stance, can be arranged throughout the house to create a relaxing atmosphere. To give your area a unique touch, try your hand at some of the specially crafted, hand-painted ceramic statues.
Show off your passion for exercise and yoga with this lovely statue of a yoga asana. One common location for the statue is on a bookshelf or side table, which can be a beautiful addition to your yoga room. To further improve the contemplative atmosphere, consider arranging the statue creatively with other natural objects like plants, candles, or crystals.
Winding Up
Achieving the ideal balance between form and function, sophistication and simplicity, minimalism, and personality is crucial when decorating a modern home. There are several home decor shops in Mumbai, but decorating your home with decor items from Satguru's is the best option. You can also shop online and get your items home-delivered.
Satguru's is your one-stop shop for home décor and ideas on what to give your loved ones as gifts. This online store prioritises quality above all else, so you can be sure you'll receive the best. Visit Satguru's and check out some of its excellent home decor collections online.
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