#When take a bit of my partners meal I don't take it with bare hands
coochiequeens · 10 months
Disabled men can know how to use their disability to be controlling
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brailsthesmolgurl · 2 months
1 YOU, 1 ME
This is a one-shot request by one of the lovely readers of mine, enjoy this one :) Although I must say, this brings me back to the days when I used to be suicidal, so the experiences of mine are translated into the form of reader's POV so that you would get to take a trip of what I had dealt with as well. Just as my other one-shot Delirious, I do not take mental health as to be a joke. I am here for you if you needed someone to talk to, just like how I know you would be supportive of my works. I would do my best to cater to you as well because YOU MATTER <3.
Warnings: Deals with HEAVY Topics, Depression Mentions, Heavy Angst but yes to fluff. Please please please refrain if you are easily influenced by such topics.
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When you had arrived at HQ today, Captain Jenna had approached you, handing you a file and informing you about the location of the wanderer as per usual. You studied the file, the wanderer looking like a saber-tooth, with fangs that could definitely pierced through skin like paper. "Good morning." You directed your head upwards and your partner stood by the side of your desk, a smile on his handsome features as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Good morning Xavier." You handed the blue file to him and he took it, opening up the page and started reading through the details just like you did. "This should be a relatively easy mission. You ready for it?" He gently placed the file onto your desk and he waited for you to get up, before walking at the same pace as you to get to the basement parking.
Xavier is wearing his white suit today, the silverish-blue garters an accessory that also serves as a tool. You can tell that he had a good sleep last night given that his blazer was pressed and there is barely a crease on it. Regardless, crumpling of clothings would be normal anyways given the dynamic range of movements hunters have to do to kill a wanderer.
The mission had ended early just like every other time. Your pairing is known to be the best due to the compatibility of Xavier's light evol and your Resonance evol, hence it is an added advantage when it comes to dealing with wanderers. Him dealing damage to one of the wanderers and your evol resonates the same act of his, inflicting damage upon other wanderers without you touching them.
"Shall we go and get something to eat?" Xavier asked you, readjusting his garter and wiping off some of the dried crusts of a wanderer's bodily fluids off of his shoulders.
You flicked your hand, your weapon disappearing on call and you looked over to him. "It's alright. I am a little tired. I'm just gonna head home for the night." You turned and started heading towards the direction of your parked motorcycle, the moonlight only being your source of lighting.
"Wait, don't wander around alone." His warned, footsteps catching up to yours effortlessly. "You might get lost in this forest you know."
Your lack of comeback made him ran his palm across the back of his neck out of embarassment. If only you are still interested in his facial features, then you might just be able to catch sight of him blushing bashfully. "My bike's here. I'm gonna head off. Enjoy your meal." You did not give him any time to revert the same to you. You just hiked up onto your bike and rode off into the night.
The same situation happened for a couple more times, till he got used to it. You would appear for missions, complete it and then you would leave. Just like how he did last time when you first met him but now the tables have seemingly turned. He watched you as you tried to control your breath after the wanderer was defeated. This time it was a huge creature, with a large tail lined with huge spikes that could kill with one swipe and it took the both of you a bit more time than usual to defeat it.
"Hey, y/n, do you---" He walked closer to you, leaning down to get a better view of your hidden face. The long hair of yours a brunette curtain.
"No Xavier, I am fine." You assumed he was going to ask you out for dinner but you were quick to reject, not wanting to add on to anymore complications. "I just needed some time to myself."
"I was meaning to ask, if you are okay?" He stopped for a tad bit. "Is everything alright?"
Your nod was curt but his frown is becoming more prominent by every added minute. "I can tell something is wrong y/n."
"Perhaps I have not been getting enough sleep recently." You dismissed him, walking towards your bike with him following behind you in quickened footsteps. "But I can assure you I am fine."
"But, you barely come to HQ and you have been excusing yourself from dinner with me after missions. Your reason for the past few times have only been 'I am fine' and 'I am tired' which is what's concerning me." He came up to you, obstructing you from getting onto your motorbike.
"Xavier." Your voice lowered. "I just want to go home and rest." With your tone, the blondie gave up, sighing and stepping aside to let you get onto your bike and he watched as you revved your engine and darted off into the embrace of the darkness.
┊ ┊ ┊ ˚✧
The rings of your doorbell beckoned you to get up and off of your couch, the drama on your television turning into white noise in the back. Not that you were actually watching it anyways, the screen was on but your mind was floating elsewhere. This time however, you did not falter into your state of guilt, rendering you a chance to actually sit in still silence. You are admittedly taken aback at the sound of your doorbell ringing as you do not have any visitors checking in anytime soon including Tara. You took your time to get to the door, not even bothering to check the peephole and you swung open your door.
Here he is now, in front of your door, looking down at you from his towering height, with a casual outfit and a pizza box in his hands. Yes, he did pretended he was the pizza man just to get you to open up the door for him. Now he also knows that the peephole is just a decoration for your door.
The sight of you however, made his jaw dropped mentally. Your arm was littered in cut marks, in different shapes and depth, but the crusting of the scabs tells him that this had happened a couple of days ago. You nervously pulled your sleeves down to hide your scars, making intense eye contact with the ground. It did not hit you for you to cover your scars as to a stranger, they would care less of what happens behind your doors. But maybe much of a dismay towards Xavier. He occupied himself within your door frame and you staggered backwards.
"What's wrong?" He placed the pizza box onto the shelf next to him and he gently took your arm, pushing the sleeve up. Your hiss made him halted his actions, eyeing you for a further reaction before he spoke. "Why did you do this?"
"I..." You could not make up any words, tears gathering at the back of your eyes. The guilt flowing its way through your system instantly. It was like you lost all of your control and succumbed to your emotions. The emotions that you were so scared of showing to anyone. Especially to Xavier. With him being your partner, and your crush. You did not want him to report this to the team, and you certainly do not want him to think differently about you. "I...I was scared..." Your fist tightening. "I didn't want to lose anyone else like how I lost Tara."
Ever since that day you found out about Tara's death, you got lost. Blaming yourself was the only viable way for you to forgive yourself. She was stuck with some rookie to go and defeat a wanderer on the day you had called in sick. It was that specific mission with the inexperience rookie that got both her and the rookie killed.
Yes, it has nothing to do with you but it also has EVERYTHING to do with you. What if you did not report in sick that day? Maybe things would have had a better turn? And maybe, just maybe Tara would be able to pull through till you arrived on the scene? You remembered, the way she stared at you as she laid on the battlefield, blood oozing out of all of her orifices. Her eyes a window to her soul, opened but lifeless. As if she died hoping you could have arrived on time.
Xavier said nothing, his breaths slow and steady. Approaching you, the blond haired man pulled you in by your waist, his grip solid. You had sunken into the hole of self-blame, rotating around a death circle and at this point, Xavier could do nothing but to tell you that he is here for you, through his actions. "It's not your fault that she lost her life, y/n. Please don't blame it on yourself. I am sure Tara would not want you to do this to yourself either." He slowly lifted your arm up, analysing the wounds. They are skin deep but not deep enough to damage your skin permanently but he had to wash this and wrap this up quickly before it evolves into a nasty infection.
"I just couldn't stop myself Xavier. It hurts so much in my head that physical pain is the only way to relief it." You croaked with your dry throat. "I just felt so sad you know. Like it really hurts my heart. I don't know what is this feeling." After the first few hours of you losing Tara, you experienced nausea and headaches. Then comes the crying and the grief and then to the self-blame. You had read up about mental pain being able to manifest itself into physical pain but you were too ignorant of how severe this may be. So severe to the point that you had to result to self-harm to remind yourself of the pain you had to go through because of your carelessness. Leading you towards the bathroom, the boy was careful in his words and steps. "I believe this is what one would call grief. It hurts so much mentally that it hurts you physically as well. In this case, you have to hurt yourself to relieve the pain and I think it is time for you to meet a psychiatrist y/n." He sat you down onto the toilet seat and took out the medical kit from your cabinet. His words gave you the confirmation of what you had read about being factual. Kneeling down, he seeked for your confirmation with an alcohol pad in his hand.
When you nodded, he dabbed the pad across your arm and you bit onto your lips harshly to stop yourself from screaming out in agony. You do not deserve to scream as you had done this to yourself. His pause made you look at him. "You do not have to hold back. If it hurts, you can scream. If it hurts, you can cry. If it hurts still, you can talk to me." His eyes were sincere, the cerulean orbs a vast ocean, inviting you to be within his embrace as he opened up his arms to you.
And you fell, straight onto your knees and you grabbed onto his shirt, the blood crusts on your sleeve staining his shirt in the progress but the both of you could care less. You needed a good cry while he knows that you needed comfort. "It's alright y/n, I am here for you. I will always be here for you." His fingers ran through your hair, tucking some stray strands behind your ear, your body shook with every sob you took. "I just need you to know that regardless what happens, you can always tell me. I will never leave you alone, I can't bear to see you in this state because I love you." His sudden confession halted your cries for a moment, staring up at him with the ugliest look you got.
At this moment, you really wished that you could take any other days to hear his confession rather than hearing it from him when you are in such a vulnerable state. Seriously, who would want to get a confession when they are having a break down and they have tears and snot streaked on their face as part of their 'makeup'?
"You are saying this because you pity me, don't you?" You were ready to pull back, a slither of embarassment passed your expressions. "I do not need your pity."
"I do not pity you, y/n. In fact, I had always been admiring you for the things you do. You had uphold yourself well despite you are struggling so much. I really do like you and no matter what I will always be here for you." He reinstated his point and you grabbed hold onto his neck, crying even louder, strained voice echoed through your bathroom.
"I thought, I really thought I would have to deal with this all by myself. I can't, I never know that I am this weak." Your cries a reflection of your sadness and your relief, knowing that you can finally put your heart at rest, not having to deal with the grief all alone like how you always done it to yourself. Xavier placed his hand under your chin again and you looked up into his eyes of blue, with him leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips. The death cycle shall come to an end.
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You tapped your feet onto the tiled floor impatiently. Clack, clack, clack. If anyone were to be within your vicinity now, your tapping against the floor would definitely be another added on frustration towards their state. Eyes darting everywhere, focusing on one thing to another. The door in front of you still remained tightly shut. The smell of antiseptic a constant fragrance within the hospital and you were about to get a headache.
You are up for your monthly routine check-up and meeting Zayne has always been nerve-wrecking, not because your heart is desperately trying to jump its way out of your chest and to give Zayne a hug, but it is also because you would like him to examine your brain as well. You figured something has been wrong with you mentally recently, after Tara's death to be exact. You get hot flashes at night, waking up at ungodly hours and sometimes, just sometimes, you would just want to lie in bed all day and not wanting to do anything, let alone eating.
You could not pinpoint exactly what was going wrong until the day you woke up from a nightmare, your chest tightened in a way you had never experienced before. Your breaths short and rushed, but no air was going into your lungs. Your throat had constricted airflow as well, choking you till your tears are being squeezed out of your eye sockets. It was until you had to scratch your arm till you bleed then you only regained consciousness, your breathing slowed, airways opening to welcome the fresh breaths of air that you were restrained from. You thought it was an allergy reaction for a moment but you were sure none of the allergies would get you to paw through your arm, breaking the skin barrier and seeing crimson red to replace the pain you had felt a while ago. Something is clearly wrong.
You had chose to wear a loose sweater today, not wanting to reveal your so-called battle scar to random strangers. Not wanting them to judge you for 'Im so emo, I hurt myself to be cool and I preach that battle scars are a sign for me fighting for my life in everyday society'. You can hear that in your own head, slowly succumbing into a state of blurred vision as you lowered your head, your vision darkening. "It's your turn." The familiar voice brought you out of your own reverie. Another shadow loomed over your hunched body, with straight shoulders and what seemed to be an outline of a long coat, you knew it was Zayne.
"Yeah." You stood up slowly and followed behind the cardiologist into his room. As usual, you took a seat next to his desk, the padded seat warm to your bum. A knob twisting, in suit with a locking sound, it marks the start for your checkup session. The room was filled with tension, as Zayne ran his stethoscope down your back, listening cautiously to your heartbeat as you took in deep breaths. The man's eyebrows were furrowed, eyes narrowed as if your heartbeat had an arrythmia. "What is it?" You asked, noticing that the listening session of his is unusually longer then usual.
"It seems like your heartbeat is slower. And there were slight staggers of arrhythmia on your right atrium. I should run some bloodtests and perhaps get an MRI scan on your heart as well." He retracted the stethoscope away from your back and walked to the front of you, fingers scooped your chin up and you looked at the man in front of you now. Standing tall, with broad shoulders that could be spotted underneath the bulky medical coat of his. He is in his blue scrubs today, perhaps a surgery aligned earlier on and he did not have much time to change out of it.
He took a small flashlight the shape of a pen out of his coat and he leaned down, a waft of his cologne hitting your nose. Minty fresh with a mix of antiseptic, that is what he smells like on the days he has a full schedule ahead. You peeled open you eyes wider and he flashed the light into your pupils, his hazel green orbs in an uncalled staring competition with you. "Pupils are functioning well as usual, but I do realise some redness at your whites. Have you been getting enough sleep?" A slight hint of him caring for your quality of sleep went away as fast as it arrived.
"I...Actually..." Your lips froze, words forming at the tip of your tongue but you could not roll out any of them. It was like your brain was subconsciously begging you not to tell Zayne, in order to not ruin his impressions of you being a healthy individual. He is a doctor, what harm would that cause if you were to tell him that you had been experiencing some mental issues these past few days? Perhaps he would just throw you some medical facts, ask you to drink more water and you should feel better in a day or two.
Then you recalled when your grandmother had passed, he did not show any bits of sympathy towards you other than passing on the box that was left behind by your late grandmother. He did not even ask if you were doing alright when you sat right here in his office, trying so hard to hold those choked sobs back. The thought of him not showing any sympathy towards you during the loss of your grandmother gave you the ultimate decision that you will not reveal anything to him. "I had been sleeping late these days because of paperwork."
The doctor sighed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, the glasses sat comfortably at the bump he has on his nose. "If its so, try not to procrastinate in the afternoon and actually do your paperwork instead of rushing them all at once in the middle of the night." His sound advice not a bit helpful to your fib. "You wearing a long sleeved sweater in the middle of summer would cause you to get a heat stroke, which would directly affect your heart as well. So I would advice you to keep cool whenever you can." He sat down in his chair, picking up a pen and started scribbling away on the prescription tab. "As for now, take these medications for your arrhythmia. Once the MRI is scheduled I will get the nurse to contact you to come in for the scan."
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"Y/n." Tap tap tap. "Y/n wake up." An oddly familiar voice drowned your hearing, your body lifted off of the floor by a force. "Y/n. Please wake up." The smell of antiseptic filled your nose and your eyes slowly opened up, the blinding lights above made it hard for you to adjust to your surroundings. Your name was called out again and you turned your head a little, catching sight of Zayne, his eyes slightly widened. He was staring at you as if he had seen a ghost. You could barely remember what happened. Ringing in your heads made you winced and the man pulled you tighter within his arms. Your face now against his hard torso. "What happened?"
You blinked your eyes a couple more times and you looked down. Blood pooled on your wooden floors, the wax layered on top of it preventing the liquid from seeping through. Your arms were streaked in red, the evidence clear as daylight underneath your fingernails. It probably happened again, did it? "I...I don't know." You responded weakly, your lips equivalent to sandpaper. "I don't know what happened."
Zayne pushed you back a little and he held your arm up by your wrist, eyeing over all of the bloody and deep scratches to search for a sign of infection. Perhaps, a sign for why would you do this to yourself as well. Zayne decided to come by your abode when you had missed out on your MRI appointment, him knowing that you would not purposely miss out on any medical appointments and even if you have to, you would at least have the decency to make a call to inform.
That day when you left the room, he noticed your charm was lacking, your retorts were non-existent, and your face was ghoulish. You struggling to tell him a piece of your mind, only to retract back and say that you fell asleep late due to paper work caught the doctor off-guard as well. But he is not the type to intrude, to ask you questions that you would not want to answer.
He came by, searching under your potted plants for the key and it was slotted right beneath the jasmine pot that he had given you as a congratulatory present when you got accepted into Unicorn. His heart inexplicably felt warm at the thought of you still caring for the jasmine till this day. He twisted the key into the doorknob and it clicked open, slotting himself right into your doorway and he looked through your apartment. It looked neat, but the lights were not turned on. He heard a loud thud and his footsteps reacted to it, carrying him across your living room and towards your bedroom.
Another thud, this time louder, echoed through your room and he opened the door hastily, immediately catching sight of your body, laying on the floor, jolting as if you were shocked by an invisible electric current. You are having a seizure, in a pool of blood that he could only assume belonging to you. He took three long strides and he was shocked to his core. Your arms were littered with long and narrow open wounds, the culprit being your blood stained fingers. Your eyes were flipped to the back of your head, veins popped out of your neck as one of your hand latched itself onto your forearm and yo dug deeper into your wounds. "Y/n!" He shouted, unbuttoning his sleeves and pushing them up his forearm and he dived down onto his knees to heave you towards him, away from the wall.
He immediately started doing CPR, going according to the beat as he switched between pumping your chest and blowing air into your mouth. The effectivity of the CPR started kicking in when your convulsions started to calm down, your body going from tensing to limp and you laid unmoving on the floor. He leaned down to get a good hearing of your heart. It is beating in a normal rhythm, a good sign that you are still alive. The arrhythmia is gone now but the soon-to-be scars on your arms is the next thing he worries about.
He did not understand, none of the theories he had studied about one's physicality applied. The heart arrhythmia, the sight of you convulsing on the floor, the hearings of your choked breaths as he watched you, the skin deep lacerations inflicted upon yourself only with the use of your fingernails. None of the symptoms matched any of his medical theories. i am not a doctor, pls dont chew me on this :,)
Unless it has something to do out of his field, which is the mental aspect. Zayne being a doctor, although succeeded at a relatively young age, but his expertise has always been within the field of cardiology. Of course he has friends within the psychological field, but it never struck him that you would end up with a mental illness. You had always been fit as a fiddle in his eyes, both mentally and physically. But all it takes is for two accidents in a row to trigger the mental illness for you. If its so, why did you not tell him anything about it? Why did you keep it all to yourself? He knew he should have said something, he should have stayed by your side when he found out about Tara's death. It was too short of a timeframe for you to be dealing with two deaths within a few months' gap.
"It's alright, you will be okay. Everything will be alright." He only remembered during one of the mental illness campaigns he was asked to attend, they taught of ways to identify individuals experiencing mental illness and very little was talked about how can one deal with someone who is having an episode. The speaker said something about acceptance, comfort and validation. And that is to the extent of what Zayne knows.
"Y/n, I need you to take in deep breaths, I need you to calm down." He could not treat her just like any other patient in this damn moment. This vulnerability of hers is new territory for him, but it shows that she is not as strong as she portrays herself to be and this part of her provoked him to want to be there for her even more than before.
"I don't know...I don't know why I am like this." You trembled in his arms, your head spinning and you felt like you were about to taste bile anytime.
"And it is not your fault, y/n." His voice is calm, soothing to your ears. You could feel his hot breath against the shell of your ear and you looked up at him, the lights above him forming an angelic halo. "It shall never be your fault." He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I am sorry that I was never there for you. From now on, let me be there for you." Other than the kiss on your forehead being a shock factor, the fact he wanted to be involved in your life and your 'journey-to-recovery' made your heart skipped an extra beat. "I promise you, from now on, I will always be by your side, only when you want me to."
You lifted your hand up to touch his cheeks, your palm cold to the touch on his warm face. You swore you saw him blushed for a mere second. "Of course I would want you to be by my side Zayne." And he gave you a comforting smile. The man then slowly inched down, eyes looking between your eyes and lips. When you tilt your head upwards, he took it as your consent and you both shared the first kiss.
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"Do you want that?" Rafayel asked you, index finger pointed right at a banana boat plushie. Two 'flavours' to be picked from, one with the usual chocolate, vanilla and strawberry theme while the other has a caramel, vanilla and banana theme. You were about to pick for the latter but the man standing beside you was quicker in calling out shots. "I think the original one would fit you better. The colour theme just looks more harmonious than the other."
You watched as he picked up the dart and aimed it towards the target. He pulled his wrist back and with a flick, the dart landed onto the target's bullseye. The stall owner did not look a bit amused, probably thinking that he could scam Rafayel enough money for a meal. Walking over to the banana boat plushie, the guy took it down and handed it to Rafayel over the counter. "Thanks." You smiled, hugging the plushie when he gave it to you.
"Where is my hug?" Rafayel looked betrayed, the signature pout of his surfacing. "I was the one who scored you Mr.Babana here." Yes, he called it Babana. Smiling, you went over to him, arms opened wide and you hugged him, your head settling right into his chest. He smelled of grapefruit and white wood, with a splash of peach as the base. You thought he only used one perfume for all types of events as he has voiced his dislike for strong smelling scents but you were clearly wrong. Musky smelling ones for when he attends interviews, fresh smelling ones for when he attends events, and sweet smelling ones are only reserved for his outings with you.
His chin was propped right above the top of your head, and he smells fresh shampoo. You nagging him about how sakura composites are good for the hair recently is enough for him to know what shampoo you are currently using. To Rafayel, you are not that hard to decipher. In fact, you may be one of the most uncomplicated character he had ever met in his life. Your genuine emotions and expressions a direct reflection to your conscience and that is exactly why he likes you.
"Thank you for the Mr.Babana." You chuckled, pulling away from the hug but his arms remained on your shoulder, he would have opted to hold your waist but he wanted to make sure that you would not be uncomfortable in this situation.
"My pleasure of course." He mimicked your smile and this time, the both of you took a step back from each other and then walked down the path together. The cobblestones beneath your shoe reflecting the lights from the parade, painting them in all sorts of colours that offers more variety than a rainbow. "Y/n, I have to travel abroad tomorrow to attend one of my exhibitions. So, I was wondering once I am back from my business trip, would you like to go out with me again?"
Him informing you about the business trip made you hesitant to answer him. Not because you did not want to go out on a date with him again. You just did not want to be alone. Not when you had just lost a friend to a wanderer. All of the smiles you had presented today are genuine, but deep down, you were worried your remorse would eat you up and ruin the whole date for today. The last thing you want is for Rafayel to be on the receiving end for your breakdowns.
"I am waiting for a yes." You jolted at how close he is to your face, you could practically feel his breath against your skin. He smirked, taking a step back to give you some breathing space, hands tucked into the pockets of his black jeans. The young man today adorned a fitted black tshirt with a pair of jeans, pairing over it is a jean jacket. Simple outfit but definitely looks amazing on him.
"Y...yeah, of course we can Rafayel." You looked down, nervously trying to calm your hyped heartbeats. With that, the date between you two came to an end, with Rafayel fetching you home safely and making sure you got into your home before he drove off.
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Rafayel had left for his business trip for the past two days. And for the past two days, it can only be described as hellish for you. Jerking yourself off of your bed, you sat straight, eyes widened as cold sweat trickled down the back of your neck. Yet another nightmare, the same one every night. With the sight of Tara laying on the traylike bed in the morgue, awaiting for you to identify her. She was as pale as the walls surrounding her, her body laid rigid, and her eyes closed. It almost seemed like she was asleep but you knew right then and there, she would not be able to open her eyes anymore.
She had a wound the size of a bullet in between her eyebrows. They called it a fatality spot as anything that is sharp enough to penetrate that area and passing the skull would be guaranteed an instant death. Just like what Tara had gone through. The wound however, according to autopsy, was inflicted by something biological, so bullets are out of the question and the only answer you could think of is the act of a berserk wanderer. You kept trying to blink, assuming that if you blinked hard enough, Tara would be able to rise again and everything would be back to how it was like. But, that's not the case most of the time.
Instead of accepting her death, you chose to deny it. Ironic, your identification process of Tara in the morgue is validated but you yourself chose to not accept the reality of her death. You even refused to go to her funeral the day after tomorrow, claiming to yourself that it would only make you hate yourself more than anything else. You were not there when it happened as you were sent onto another mission, a much tougher one that involves civillians. So, Tara was assigned this mission, just to deal with a bunch of wanderers. Or so you heard, but her wound says otherwise. Whatever wanderer she had been dealing with is certainly way beyond what she could handle.
The date between you and Rafayel took place the day after her funeral so the wounds of your grief still remained fresh. With that stated analogy, the first few days of your denial marks the start of your wounds, freshly cut opened, breaking off the surface of the skin barrier but still not deep enough to leave a scar. Now you are in phase two, where blood starts seeping through the wound as it has broken through the skin barrier, cutting deeper. This is where the nightmares become more and more revolting, more and more realistic that you have a hard time differentiating between your trance and reality.
You buried your face into Mr.Babana and you cried like there is no tomorrow. You had to get it out somehow, and the best way you could think of is to cry yourself to sleep again and pray hard so that you would not have a continuation of the nauseating nightmare. When you opened your eyes again, you were met with the warmth of the sunlight peeking in through your window. Sunlight in general, is known to promote energy boosting for one's body but right now, it only did the opposite for you.
Your phone rang, drowning out the sounds of your ugly cries. Shimmying towards you bedside, you held up your phone and you saw the contact name 'Your Favourite Fishie'. You specifically recalled that you had saved his name under Rafayel, but when did it got changed? Maybe it was during that time when he was playing on your phone while his was charging and he seized the opportunity to change his name into something so ridiculous like this. You sniffled, trying to calm your breathing the best possible and you answered the call. "Hello." You croaked out. Shit.
"Hey, y/n. Did I happen to wake you up?" His voice came through the other side of the call. He sounded borderline concern.
"No, you didn't don't worry. I woke up to use the washroom." You spoke, if he were to be in front of you right now, he would be nagging you to speak up but thank goodness your phone has a good microphone to pick up your small volume. "How is your exhibition going?"
"Boooring." You can tell he was rolling his eyes to the back of his head. "That's why I am already on my way back. I will arrive in probably half an hour. So would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
Contemplating, you knew that if you were to meet him in 30 minutes, your puffy face would lead to a telltale sign that you had just cried. Then, you assumed that Rafayel would be disappointed with you. You see, Rafayel had never been the type to submit towards pressure, instead, he is a notorious rebel towards it. It is like he has something personal against stress. With your current status, you immediately felt like you are not worthy to be spending your time with him. Let alone having to have a huge crush on him. What makes you think that he would like you back if he found out about your current state of distress? He would definitely not want to deal with such an issue.
"Actually, today I am not free. I have stuffs to do." You gnawed onto your lip.
Pouting, the purple haired man crossed his legs nonchalantly, sitting himself comfortably in his luxurious car as Thomas drove it. "Like what stuffs?"
You panicked, eyes watery and you sniffled. "I have to go to the doctors. I am having a flu and I don't want to infect you."
Rafayel heard that sniffle of yours and he immediately replied. "Oh, alright. Then you rest well okay? There will always be some other day that I can bring you out for a nice dinner so you owe me that alright?"
"Yeah okay." And the call ended with him saying 'bye and take care'. Hanging up the phone, your lips quivered, chills ran down your spine as you started hesitating about whether you should still stay in contact with Rafayel. You could not possibly land him to be your boyfriend, where did the confidence come from? "I am just not worth it." Your cries then came back.
The next hour went by and you were laying in your bed the whole time, no will to move, no appetite, no will to even meet anyone. You just wanted to succumb to your loneliness, the sound of the fan is the only voice you can hear. The only company you have for now. You had just calmed down from your break down, your eyes full on puffy now and you are experiencing after-cries hiccups. Your mind had a constant voice, reminding you of just how useless you are not only at your job, but also your incapability to keep your emotions in check. Feeling overwhelmed, you curled into a ball and just allow the tears to flow.
The door to your room creaked open but it did not faze you. You were too caught up with the voices in your head but Rafayel's voice made you covered your ears. You are delusional now, great. Until a hand touched your shoulder then you snapped your head towards the source, met with purplish-blue eyes that were filled with utmost concern for you. "Hey, hey what happened?" He climbed onto your bed and sat right in front of you, his large hands cupping your small face, his thumb drew over your cheeks, dismissing your tears. "Why are you crying y/n? Did someone hurt you?"
Your silence marks the end of his questioning and he pulled you into his chest. His solid torso cushioning your head as he laid down with you in his arms, on top of him. "Shh, it's alright." Rafayel held you close to him. "I know things have been tough for you."
"We should stop meeting." Your desolating suggestion made him pulled back in shock, his eyes scanning your face for any smiles or hints of it being a joke but he did not find any at all. "I like you Rafayel, and I think this is not healthy for you."
"Who are you? The moral police? Who are you to determine what is healthy or not for me?" His eyebrows are furrowed in frustration. "Even if you want to push me away, you can't because I am in love with you y/n. I am so madly in love with you that I kept thinking about you everyday, everything that I see reminds me of you, every artwork that I inspect at the exhibition only related to you. So, you can't push me away, no matter how hard you try."
"But, whatever I am experiencing now, it makes me think I am not worth---" His finger silenced you, pressing it against your lips to ask you to shut up politely.
"Do not speak for me y/n. As much as I like to hear your voice, I do not want to hear such unflattering ideas from your pretty head okay?" He ran his hand down the sides of your cheek, his gaze loving. "I want you to know that, I will never let you cry alone, ever again. Do not worry about me being stressed out or anything about you not being able to be in control of your emotions. I am sure I can handle anything when it comes to you, for I had waited a long time for someone like you y/n. Annnnd I will not let something as simple as you going through a period of depression push me away. So, why don't you do me a favour and tell me what is going on in that pretty head of yours?"
His confession surely warmed your heart, with you staring at him in disbelief. You know he had always been showing signs of him being interested in you, but you never thought you would be able to catch sight of him being empathetic towards you. Your sobs came again, this time much more stronger and you leaned into him, spending the day telling him about everything that you had went through and ended up sleeping next to him. Rafayel propped himself up on his elbow and he watched your features, puffy and reddish but you did not lack your beauty amidst all of the chaos you have to go through. He leaned down to press a kiss to your lips, a promise to you that he would stay with you forever.
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This is the end of this one-shot and sorry my lovelies, this will not be getting an extra episode or anything. It shall only be ending here :,)
P.S: These are part and parcel of my actual experiences, hence I do not downplay or look down on anyone who are struggling with mental illness. As I know it is very tough to get over it. The part where Rafayel had spoken to reader, where he would be by his side blah blah, was actually what my boyfriend told me when I was having a terrible panic attack. So please my girlies, do not settle for the bare minimum and lower your standards for a guy/gurl who could not be better for you. Because you all deserve happiness oki.
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oepionie · 1 year
—"🍳KITCHEN BLUES"various
💭masterlist | 💬ao3 link
sypnosis: you wouldn't really call yourself a chef. at most, your culinary abilities were barely above average. even so, when your boyfriend becomes overworked, you take your chances and cook something up for him. here's to hoping you don't burn down the entire dorm!
⊹ [ cw ] — slight mentions of injuries, ramshackle's oven is set on fire◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFF.GN! READER | protective jade, lighthearted mentions of marriage in ruggie's part, leona's back muscles whsg, jamil calls you قلبي 'Albi' (My Heart)◞
⊹ [ character/s ] — trey, leona, ruggie, jade, & jamil
⊹ [ w.c ] — 1.5k+◞
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You stare blankly at the ingredients set out before you. The words on the recipe you printed seemed to blur together. Rice noodles, honey, smoked paprika, roasted almonds—you had your job cut out for you, huh?
You turn to face your partner who was dozing off on the rickety couch at Ramshackle, a thin blanket haphazardly thrown atop his body. He looked to be in deep sleep, not minding the worn-out scratchy leather texture of the couch one bit.
Tensed shoulders and fatigue laced his muscles; both evidence of the strain he's been putting on himself as of late. With an ache in your heart, you return your focus to the sizzling pan. Making him lunch was the least you could do to help.
Halfway through preparing the bento, you heard the old couch creak. Your boyfriend finally wakes, he calls for you with bleary eyes and a hoarse voice.
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"Oh, you're awake?" You rush over to him, dropping the lunch box onto the counter. Concern laced your features as you pressed a palm against his flushed forehead. Trey sat up, the blanket slipping off his torso and pooling around his hips.
"Mhm. Is something wrong?" Trey chuckled, resting his forehead on your shoulder.
"Yeah. This fever of yours is worrying me." You grumbled as you reached for his glasses on the adjoining coffee table. You slipped it onto him and gave him a quick kiss on the nose.
"The unbirthday party is coming up, and you know I have to work extra hard." Trey sighed, rolling his stiff shoulders. Nodding, you silently slipped back into the kitchen to retrieve the bento box. Once you returned, you handed it over to him.
"I know, but I hope you still take the time to rest every now and again." Trey tucked the box under his arm and drew you into a hug. You melted into his embrace, savouring the warmth you'd been missing these past few weeks. He's been so busy that the only affection you've received from him was the ocassional peck on the cheek.
Ten seconds into your little respite from the world, Trey pushed you away with a hand on your shoulder. He sniffed the air, brows pinched.
"Is something on fire?"
"Sevens-! The tarts!"
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You clutch a plate of charred black tarts in your hands, head bowed down in shame. Trey chuckled and took a piece of the inedible lump, turning it around in his hand.
"This reminds me of Lillia's cooking."
"You're not helping!"
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Leona sat on the couch, tail swishing lazily in the air while he watched you work around the kitchen. His emerald gaze swept over your apron-clad body, noticing the honey smeared on your cheek.
Once you finished, you walked over to him with the meal on a tray.
"How was the spelldrive training with the freshmen?" You asked, taking a seat on the floor beside him. He raised his arm to use his elbow to remove the honey off your cheek.
"It was shit." Growling, Leona pushed himself off the couch. He stretched his arms, groaning as his muscles ached from the burn. He was turned away from you, giving you full view of his back muscles straining against the fabric of the tight black shirt he had on; you averted your eyes, suddenly feeling very warm.
"See anything you like?" He grinned and flexed his arms. You squeaked and jumped back, embarrassment written all over your face. "Leona!"
He chuckled as he pulled you off the floor and onto the couch next to him.
"A-Anyways…Epel told me you stormed out in the middle of the game?" You stammered, avoiding his gaze and changing the subject. You scooped some food from the containter and fed it to him. Leona took the spoon in his mouth, chewing it throughly.
"Damn right. None of those idiots could fly straight if their life depended on it." Leona scoffed. You lifted the tray up so he could slip his head onto your lap, face tucked into your stomach.
"I see. I guess they couldn't keep up with you, huh?" You mused, running your hands through his hair whilst feeding him a bite of food.
The flavours and spices melted across his mouth, each ingredient flawlessly blending together. Leona relaxed against your form, satisfied, your food and pampering making him feel like a king.
"Who can?"
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"Is that food?" Ruggie piped up, wrapping himself in the thin blanket. He was shaped like a taco roll, with only his head sticking out from under the cover. You chuckled and nodded, taking the food you prepared into your arms.
As you brought out a platter of doughnuts along with the bento box, his tail began to wag. You approached him carefully, taking care not to drop the stacks of chocolate doughnuts. Unbeknownst to you, Ruggie was debating whether or not to marry you on the spot.
"Of course. You just looked so exhausted yesterday, I wanted to help." You said, frowning and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Ruggie gulped, his cheeks flushing at your sweet gesture.
"What did I say about slowing down every now and then?" You grumbled, frowning at him.
"W-Well, I kinda lost track yesterday; I swear I won't do it again," Ruggie replied sheepishly, folding his arms behind his head. In truth, you were kinda right. His limbs were killing him with how sore they were right now.
"You better! I can't keep scolding you about this again and again!" You shook your head and sighed. After giving him the platter of doughnuts, you began slipping off the apron you were wearing.
"Shishishi. You sound like a worried spouse." Ruggie snickered, shoving two doughnuts into his mouth. You dropped the apron in your hand, eyes wide at the implications of what Ruggie just said. Snorting at your flustered state, he continued teasing you.
"Spare me! I'm sure you'll have plenty of time in the future to scold me." Ruggie's voice suddenly lowered to a whisper, the playful edge to it gone. "I should prolly start putting off money up for a ring now…"
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"What might this be?" Jade appeared behind you, his towering form pressing itself against your back. An arm wrapped around you, pulling you snug against him. His hair remained dishevelled and out of place, his physique still sluggish and lethargic. Jade, contrary to popular belief, was not a morning person.
"It's just a simple little bento I'm preparing…Azul told me you skipped out on dinner last night so I um-" Feeling flushed under his intense yet drowsy gaze, you struggled to finish your sentence. "…decided to cook something up for you."
Jade hums, grasping your hands in his own. He instantly pauses as he feels the texture of scratchy woven fabric beneath his skin. The eel looked down to see your hands covered with sloppily placed bandages and bandaids.
He stared down at your damaged hands for a minute, an unsettling smile creeping up his face.
"Who did this." Jade stated firmly, a dark, pointed expression on his face. His fingers rubbed soothing circles over your palm, patiently waiting for your response. "I need names, my pearl."
You fiddled with one of the bandages wrapped around your finger.
"No one did this. I'm just not really the best person to put near a kitchen knife or a pan with boiling oil." You laughed sheepishly, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. Jade chuckled alongside you. All previous apprehension from him seemed to fade away.
"I see. I appreciate the gesture however I wish you were more careful." Jade leaned down next to your ear, his voice dropping to a low whisper.
"Allow me to take care of you first, these bandages are in dire need of a change."
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"Albi?" Jamil groaned, raising his arms to shield his eyes from the glaring sun. He sat up and instantly regretted his decision when his head started spinning; he could already feel the start of a migraine. You rushed over and shushed him, pushing him to sit back down on the couch.
"Are you okay?" Frowning, you plopped the box open and scooped up some food for him to eat. Jamil leaned forward to take it into his mouth, humming at the taste.
Yesterday's events began to resurface in his mind. He was given a potionology assignment to complete alongside Kalim.
Everything was going smoothly until Kalim made the decision to add some sugar to the cauldron for unknown reasons. The cauldron exploded and Jamil ended up getting hit with the fumes, breathing it in. Which was probably the reason why his head felt like it was being split open.
"A bit. If my memory serves me well, the effects of this potion should wear off in a few hours." He mumbled, allowing himself to get fed by and spoiled by you. You smiled and reached for a napkin to wipe down the corners of his lips. "That's good. Is the food to your liking?"
"It tastes great." Jamil compliments, taking the box into his own hands. "Thank you for looking after me; is there anything you want me to make for you?"
"That curry you gave me the other day! It tasted so good!"
"Of course." Jamil smiled at you. Regardless of the numerous hijinks he has to deal with as Kalim's retainer and Scarabia's vice dorm leader, you've always been an anchor of support for him; holding him firm when everything appears to be sweeping him away.
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A/N: This was a request! Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
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cannellee · 8 months
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୨୧ alpha! Kazutora x omega! Reader (smut)
— alpha kazutora's out of jail and he only wants one thing from his omega<3 (basically just sex)
cw: rough sex, blowjob (m!receiving), facefuck, cum swallow, light face slapping, name calling...
(I hesitated a lot before posting. it's my first time writing full smut, I read a lot of it but I'm not necessarily confident in writing it as it feels a bit awkward😭 but I had this idea and thought I had to share it! feedback is greatly appreciated! I hope you'll like it!!🫶🏼)
my masterlist : ☆
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imagine a fresh out of prison kazutora, who doesn't expect anything when he crosses the border of the prison.
he'll probably go to his place, it's been a long time since he's been there, he should do a lot of cleaning first.
but then you appear like an angel, wide smile and innocent puppy eyes, welcoming your criminal of an alpha. but you don't care what kazutora is, you've been waiting for him for so long, and you missed him and his touch so bad.
you're so desperate for him you couldn't even cum on your own without thinking about him. his absence felt heavy all this time and you're so happy he's finally here.
now you're bringing him to his place that you've been cleaning and maintaining like a good partner would. you already prepared a warm meal beforehand for him and kazutora has a hard time keeping a poker face.
of course he didn't forget you all this time, he's only been thinking about the day when he could finally get his hands back on his pretty omega.
and now you've even cooked for him when everyone else has most likely forgotten about his release. you're the perfect omega for him, absolutely submissive and loving to take care of your alpha.
kazutora is beaming and his hands are soon enough grabbing the flesh of your thighs, biting and licking every parcel of you exposed skin.
he's so fucking horny and you can sense it by the way his musk and pheromones are embalming the air. you're basically breathing nothing else but the smell of his arousal. and his pheromones, oh you don't think you've missed something more than his strong pheromones. they always made you feel dizzy and never lost a chance to remind you of your place.
and today as well, your alpha hasn't felt the touch of an omega for so long, it's only right as his omega that you submit yourself to his desire. and it's not like it bothers you either way, you're so eager to please, to prove to him that you can still satisfy him in ways others can't.
this is why you drop to your knees without him having to utter a single word. and without wasting time, you hastily unzip his pants and let his powerful pheromones hit your nose even harder. you take his big cock into your mouth, not even caring about the noises nor the mess you're making. kazutora likes it more when you're covered in spit anyways. so you suck and lick and kiss every inch of his cock, swallowing his whole length when he asks you to. the face you make when your pink lips are stretched by his aching cock, contrasting with your big doe eyes, any ounce of purity gone, all of this makes him want to ruin you.
kazutora doesn't last long before pounding into your throat, your gags being the only noise you both can hear beside his breathy moans. when you hear his soft praises, of how much of a good little slut you are, you can't help but want to please him further. you begin to fuck your face on his cock, your nose hitting his pelvis every thrust of your head and your nostrils only breathing in the smell of his musk.
your eyes are so wet, you can't see a thing anymore. there's a pool forming between your legs that's begging for relief, but you ignore it the best you can, focusing on your alpha's pleasure instead. and when kazutora proceeds to grab a fist full of your hair and go even harder on your throat, you're sure you can see stars.
you barely have any chance to breath and your jaw is aching so much, still you don't move an inch, your instincts fully satisfied knowing you're serving your alpha just like should.
and kazutora needed exactly that, your compliance and will to do basically anything to satiate his desires. and he swears he would go back to prison any day if it meant being able to use your throat as a flesh light each time as a welcome back.
you can feel his release is soon by the way he's clenching your hair even rougher it almost hurts. your eyes are rolled in the back of your skull and your mind is solely focused on his pleasure. everytime he hit the back of your throat with more power your gags are getting louder and louder. with his cock getting bigger and harder, you tighten your lips around it with more care and make use of your tongue expertly.
he finally grabs your head and grants you with a long and loud growl, he pushes your head and makes it meet his stomach, you make sure to swallow everything he's giving you, sitting still like the obedient omega you are. his salty cum is flowing down your throat and you're not sure when he's going to stop.
kazutora is very pleased and when he finally lets you get some air you're gasping and spit is drooling down your chin like a dumb puppy. your lazy eyes and lolled out tongue are kazutora's favourite and if he wasn't this tired already he would make good use of your sluty ass to cum a second time.
but he considers it as enough of a good round an lets you go, not without making sure you've swallowed every drop he's offered you first.
he scoops the little drops which went down your neck when you tried to catch your breath and gives it to you. he calls you a good girl and spits in your mouth to let you know you did a good job sucking him off and you're sucking eagerly at his sperm covered fingers, too dumb to understand a word he's saying anyways.
you watch him pull his pants back up and you feel a comfortable sense of inferiority being the only one looking so messy. and kazutora must feel it too because the next thing you know he's slapping you softly on the face and pulling you up with a warm smile across his face. taking care of you after a good session makes his alpha happy.
you're glad you could be of use to him and you find yourself purring loudly when he holds you in his big arms, covering you with his scent you oh so love.
after bathing you and cleaning you up, he's tucking you inside the nest you made beforehand. your throat is sore but you find the strength in yourself to chirp happily, kazutora's heart go crazy at the sound he loves so much. he can't feel anything but pure bliss and he owes it all to you, his delicate and perfect omega<3
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eldritch-spouse · 11 days
I got 45 sandwiches for free today. Probably barely an appetiser for them but considering I lack the physical capacity to consume them all on my own how would your lovely gluttony demons react to being offered to share such by their partners?
[Where- Pray tell, where in the world are they handing you 45 free sandwiches? What is this sorcery and how do I attain it?]
First and foremost, you need recall that food is a very valid and expected love language for gluttons, getting offered food from their mate is already stellar, such proportions are on a different level of flattery.
Obie blushes like a schoolgirl. Naturally, he's curious where you got over forty sandwiches so readily, but he feels like the luckiest glutton right now. How many fiends like him get greeted by their favorite face and a mountain of food? Few, he imagines, quite few. Although he inhales them like a vacuum, he does consistently stop to offer you bites.
Vorticia likes that you always keep her size in mind when you decide to make a loving gesture. 45 sandwiches aren't much to the Queen of Gluttony, but she knows that it's hard for a little mouse like you to gather the amount of food she'd call a proper meal, so it always makes the serpentine woman smile adoringly when you somehow manage to find the resources to continue to love on her.
Rieba is stress-eating a good chunk of those. She's then stopping to apologize for pigging out right in front of you. This earns you a fancier date from the imp, where she takes the time to savor the sandwiches, because eating something you got for Rieba helps her calm down, and being next to you adds onto that effect, so she really wants you to enjoy yourself half as much as she does in that moment.
Vorago overworks himself, but sometimes he almost thinks it's a good habit, because it means you're likely around the corner with many of his favorite snacks ready. He can't stop his tail from wagging furiously when he sees you carting a mountain of sandwiches his way. Do stop him from creating an ecosystem of crumbs on his hair though. Brushing Vorago's hair while he eats and works will probably have the prince dozing off in a short period of time.
Berle is showering you in kisses. You're always too sweet to him! Prepare to probably get pelted by food bits because he cannot physically shut the fuck up while he eats those sandwiches. It's a good sign though. If you catch him dipping one in ice cream, don't take it too personally, he's just a freak of nature.
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ghouljams · 6 months
God preach about König.
I can't help thinking he's hard dom. In game he doesn't even say thank you he just barks orders and gets a little too excited about trying to kill heavily armoured men with his bare hands, like come on his whole thing is stabbing someone close range HEAD ON.
I stopped looking for König content a while ago, I have three people who I trust with him and other fics I let find me.
Plus I can't get out of my head that he's just a little bit misogynistic to an afab partner. I feel like if you work with him he'll be doubtful of you measuring up because your 'biological disadvantage' and if you don't work with him your a soft little civi he just has to take care of you 'sure you say you can change your own tires but how about we just leave this to me'
This is just my personal headcanon but I think König was raised by a single mom. If anything I think he is a pedestal misogynist. He doesn't think women should be doing things because they're too good for that. Why should you change your own tires when he's there and can do it for you? The same way you shouldn't pay for a meal, or condoms, you have more important things to worry about.
I also think König is just hard core into acts of service as a love language. He's incredibly physical in the field and I think his anxiety manifests primarily as "fuck it I'll just do it myself" so he's just going to do it himself if you're having trouble with something. This is also probably why he's a colonel, very much decided no one was doing things the way his anxiety needed so he just took over.
This is a common fandom problem but it always feels like despite so many of us having anxiety no one knows how it actually manifests in a way that they can write it. Social anxiety is going to look different for everyone and I think for König it looks like keeping everyone at arms length and barking orders because he doesn't like asking for things. Asking and telling are different and it's way easier to tell people to do things, especially now that he's in a position of power because now no one can tell him no.
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ensignsimp · 5 months
Love Languages TOS HCs: Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Prompts: How do the TOS Kirk, Spock, and McCoy show their love and what are some things they love to do with their partner.
James T. Kirk
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Words of Affirmation
He loves to give pep talks, and enjoys receiving them when he needs them.
When you call him "Captain or Sir" in the gentlest tones he practically melts.
If you run your fingers through his hair and call him a "Good Boy or Good Captain.", he feels completely renewed and invigorated.
He'll call you all sorts of cute pet names; "Sunshine, Honey-Bun, Sweetie."
But he needs you when he calls you; "My Sunshine, My Star, My Ensign."
He'll lay in your lap while you stroke his hair and remind him of how great of a leader he is, and how much you love him.
"Ensign, I need you. I need my sunshine."
Physical Touch
He feels so lonely when he can't hold your hand.
While on the bridge he gives you firm pats on the back, ruffles your hair, kisses your hand, or even sneaky hugs from behind.
If you initiate the physical touch that is even better, he can practically feel the love flowing from your fingers.
During your off-hours, he will constantly be looking for cuddles and snuggles.
He even whines and groans if he has to get up or if you have to get up. He's so cute when he's pouty.
He loves to lay in your lap and have you run your fingers through his hair while you read to him.
Jim: "I feel so lost without you, take me in your arms, and promise to never let go."
Ensign (L/N): "Jim, we're working and you're standing five feet away from me."
Jim: "That's too far!"
Quality Time
He wants to spend as much time with you as possible, but he wants to make it meaningful.
The two of you read to each other, as well as play games, dance, and do a variety of other things.
He likes to have "in-quarters" dates because he feels like he can be more of himself around you.
He loves to have movie dates where you take turns picking movies and making snacks.
He will totally do your nails and braid your hair.
You two will most definitely hold the best slumber parties in Star Fleet history.
"I think this shade suits you better don't you think? After this, we can watch that new rom-com that just came out on Vulcan."
S'Chn T'Gai Spock
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Acts of Service
In Vulcan Culture what you do for each other is more than what you say.
While he loves to help you and ensure you're well taken care of, when you do the same for him he knows that you care.
If you notice that he may be overwhelmed and step in to assist him you can practically hear his heart pounding.
He always appreciates it if you help him with the task and work on it together.
If you forgot to finish a report don't worry he'll help you finish.
If he is struggling on the bridge, you're there to take orders and provide additional aid!
Spock: "Thank you for your help, Ensign. I appreciate the assistance."
McCoy: "Get a room!"
Quality Time
He loves it when you spend time together, even if it's some mindless task or chore.
He does try to find more interesting ways of spending time together.
He may teach you things about his culture; how to read, write, and speak Vulcan, how to play the Vulcan Harp, and how to cook Vulcan meals.
He may ask you to show him things you enjoy; your favorite books, your favorite meals, your favorite activities, etc.
He may even propose trying new things together; such as taking a class or workshop.
Anything and everything he can do with you is always greatly appreciated by him.
"If you are interested in further study might I recommend this. I think you may enjoy it."
Physical Touch
He is so touch-starved, and all he wants to do is hold hands.
When you first hold hands it was a bit of a shock to feel your minds link.
Soon the two of you could barely keep your hands off of each other.
He's always reaching out for an ozh'esta (* finger embrace). (Just like his father. *cough**cough*)
When the two of you are alone in your quarters he enjoys sitting across from you, pressing his forehead against yours and holding your hands.
He feels so comforted by your touch. You ease his mind bringing him so much warmth and comfort.
" When I am with you, it is as if I have found another part of myself I did not know I was missing."
Leonard McCoy
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Quality Time
McCoy values time with you above all else.
He prefers to spend his off hours wrapped up in a large fluffy blanket cuddled with you.
He does like to do fun things like take you dancing or going for moonlit shore walks.
But because he spends most of his time in sickbay he prefers to sit and not move as much as possible.
He feels bad that he can't do what a younger partner might.
But you always reassure him by greeting him in your pajamas and a fuzzy robe.
Ensign L/N: *wearing an old fuzzy bathrobe and slippers* "You want to stay in tonight? I found an old western movie and picked up some ice cream from the commissary."
McCoy: *trying not to cry* "That's the best idea I've heard all day. I love you so much damn it."
Acts of Service
He hates to see you get hurt but always loves it when you visit him.
When you get sick or hurt he stops everything he's doing to help you.
When he gets sick or hurt and you stop everything you're doing to help him, he's a mess.
He kind of likes it when you're bossy with him, making sure he's drinking water and eating.
You always make sure he's well looked after and you always visit him regularly.
A doctor's favorite patient may be one he doesn't see but he'd prefer if you stop by now and again.
"Stop your belly-achin' and relax. I'll check on you again soon. You're lucky I love you so much."
Words of Affirmation
He doesn't show it often but he can get insecure about your relationship.
He doesn't feel like he's up to the task like he used to be when it comes to romance.
You'll sometimes see him looking in the mirror longer or running his hands over his stomach.
But when you compliment him or tell him how much you love him all of his worries disappear.
He gets all grumpy at first until you coax out the truth.
He will let you know what is bothering him and you'll make sure to help him through it one step at a time.
"Some days I don't even know why you'd want to spend time with an old man like me. But I always appreciate that you do."
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moumouton4 · 10 months
Can you do a Akatsuki a/o and Akatsuki orochimaru and the s/o is a dom in front of the Akatsuki but in the bed.. holy crap orochimaru is such a dom!!!
Holy Crap He Is Such A Dom || Orochimaru x fem!reader
A/n : Hello dearest ! And as always currently I'm going to say, finally. Because it's been a while you requested so here it is ! I hope you'll like it 😍 The chronology of Akatsuki members' arrivals is not respected
A/n 2 : Yeah I liked your request so much it's the title in the fic ( it's like 0,01% of the fic was yours you'll see why lmao 😂 )
With also Itachi, Hidan and Kakuzu ( mention of Sasori )
Warnings : Dom Orochimaru, penetrative sex, spank, hair puling, biting, marking, form of breeding, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1233
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You've never been the type to get walked on. No kindness was shown to your targets or enemies. You were fierce
Even within the Akatsuki, everyone knew that when you said something once, you didn't like to repeat yourself
Certainly there were moments of laughter and cordiality with some. Long conversations about your motivations, but when it came to the serious stuff, nobody argued with you. Nor tried to control you
You'd been paired up with Kakuzu before Hidan arrived, and well, that hadn't really worked out too well. He is the one to lose his temper pretty quickly, no matter what the situation, and if he had the bad idea of telling you to be quiet - even politely - you'd go off at the drop of a hat
"Erm, I don't think so. Since when do you give me orders ?"
"Not now Y/n. Don't start pissing me off" he growled
"Shut your mouth yourself, it'll give you some rest"
Finally Pain - Nagato - had to separate you and find you a new partner because he didn't want your useless bickering to ruin his plans
After barely 4 months with Akatsuki, everyone had realized that you were dominant kind of woman
"Damn this girl's got some spice" was one of the first things Hidan said when he saw you
"At least she doesn't let herself be pushed around" Itachi tried to calm him down, sensing that the newcomer was about to say something inappropriate
Even Sasori knew that telling you he didn't like to wait was pointless, because you were your own master. And that no matter what he did, you wouldn't budge
Then he arrived and everything changed... well, everything changed behind closed doors
When you heard that Orochimaru was going to join the Akatsuki, it didn't make you neither hot nor cold. You weren't going to change your personality. This was who you were, period
On the other hand, when he arrived, he wasn't disappointed by your assertive personality.
A smirk often appeared on his face when you raised your voice or put your opinion above others
For example, when you were a bit annoyed and wanted something done quickly, he'd say "I'll take care of it right away, Darling" in a silky voice
"Don't you dare calling me that" you'd grumble
"Of course I'd never" he'd say still smirking ( I don't know why I'm having thoughts about Loki Laufeyson lmao )
And that's actually one of those common banter than you both ended up kissing hungrily each other's mouth as if it was your last meal
Hopefully there was nobody around because it was violent. In the sense that you kept bumping into each other ( imagine the 1st sex scene between Buffy and Spike, but without the house collapsing )
Finally you arrived in your room. In the blink of an eye, the two started undressing. Gradually revealing the source of each other's desire
And then your moment took a turn. Damn no ! Not only this moment. Maybe even your personality
You moved past him, placing your hand on his chest and trying to push him down onto the bed
In this kind of situation, you were used to laying your partner down before riding him / her / them - cowgirl supremacy - and you thought it was going to happen like that too. But it didn't
"What are you trying to do, Darling ?" he cooed
You thought he hadn't understood what you were trying to do, "Lie down so I can ri-" but he cut you off
"Oh no I don't think so" and with that he grabbed your arm and pinned you on your stomach on your bed. You could feel his hard cock throbbing against your ass
"What the-" you were a little puzzled and a little annoyed. You were supposed to be on top it's always been like that
"Shhh Pet" he said, speaking the word loud and clear, as if giving you another status "I let you boss me around enough out there. But now it's my turn to steer the ship"
You tried to contradict him, but he spanked your ass hard, making you squeak. Your thighs clenched instinctively. Okay maybe if he was going to be like this all along you should give him some credit. It didn't feel that bad too
You let yourself lie down without resistance. He flashed a big smile behind you "Good girl" he mused
He then grabbed his cock and you felt him rub the tip against your wet folds, making you moan softly "And you're so eager, aren't you ? I bet you secretly like being submitted"
That wasn't really true, but with him it wasn't like with anyone else
He didn't give you time to reply as he suddenly entered you with a hard thrust "Mmmh that's it. You're taking me like a good one"
He didn't really give you much time to adjust to his size. he was way to horny for that - next time surely he would
But you didn't really care. Your face was scarlet. He was right... you rather liked being dominated by him. Not being in control for once. The thrill of the surprise, yes, it was orgasmic.
You felt him pounding inside your tight warmth relentlessly. his hand gripping a handful of your hair while the other was firmly holding your hip. yes tomorrow the spot would surely be bruised
Then his mouth descended towards you. He nipped at your shoulder and neck. He was clearly marking you. There wasn't any going back now. And you secretly wished that was what those bites meant
"Would you mind if I marked you with my release ?" he asked breathlessly. He was a gentleman after all
You didn't answer, you were such a moaning mess. No thoughts in your brain only Orochimaru's harsh thrusts
He pulled your hair a little more roughly making your back arch "Would you ?" he didn't even bother repeating the question - and holy crap he Orochimaru such a dom ( and here I placed it 😂 )
"Y-yes yes ! Please come inside me !"
Your desperate plea made him growl in your ear, sending shivers down your spine "Consider it done then" and with that he picked up his pace. You body pushed flush and almost forcefully against your mattress
The room filled with obscene noises of bodies colliding. When he felt the coil in his stomach burst he pressed his hips forward into your as he spilled his seed inside you. His body, spent, fell on top of yours as he spoke “It’s done. You’re mine now” he then gave a kiss where he has been biting you before closing his eyes
On your side you couldn’t breathe any heavier, you’ve never had such a strong orgasm in… never. Slowly your body relaxed as you let yourself get comfortable on your bed. You could feel his length slowly softening inside of you
You were a bit shocked that you actually like being manhandled - snake handled lmao - but you couldn’t help but be excited for what was to come on your next session
And a if he knew exactly was you were thinking he said on a satisfied tone “And that’s only the beginning”
You were even more excited now… and red too
Taglist : @foxxymunson , @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople , @glossy1pearl
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cottagec0relover21 · 8 days
HII it's anon from the last rq :3 im probably gonna call myself bard anon cause that just works i think!! i come bearing another request 🤲 once again its chilchuck cause i love him and the way you write for him!! maybe a scenario where the reader is very VERY scared of water due to them nearly drowning in the past or something, and because of that they avoid bathing unless it's washing their hair and chil takes it upon himself to help them bathe (they're pretty close at this point so it's not awkward, just sweet and loving <3) again, have a lovely day and take care of yourself!!
- 🎻 (bard anon)
Hiii bard anon! So glad to see you requesting again! ^-^ makes me so happy. I struggled with my anxiety the whole week, postponing my writing since the requests are piling up (they're only 4 but I get stressed) so today I noticed that I hadn't posted for a whole week and tried my best to write this little something. I really hope you and everyone else likes it, and that it doesn't seem rushed. Have an awesome day! 💖 (I feel like this sucks ;-;)
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"Calming the waters"
[Chilchuck Tims x gn!reader]
Warnings: implications of drowning - gender neutral reader ‐ fluff
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The party had reached a point in the dungeon where everyone was exhausted and sweaty. All everyone wanted was to eat, rest, and hopefully find somewhere to freshen up. But that last part was optional, since the dungeon didn't really have many places like that.
Luckily for them, walking around they had found a room with only an onsen in the middle, so they decided to settle just outside of the room to rest for the night. Marcille and Laios took turns washing themselves up, except for Senshi and (y/n).
Chilchuck had decided to wait until everyone was asleep to enjoy the onsen with a bit more privacy, but he couldn't help but notice how (y/n) barely even came close to stepping into the room. So he approached them, tugging them away from the rest of the group.
—I was thinking about cleaning myself up while everyone was asleep— he clears his throat, slightly flushed at the fact he was admitting this— and since you haven't gone yet, I wondered...— he stretched the sentence, making a circular motion with one of his hands as the other rested on his hip, his gaze looking at the oh so interesting wall.
(y/n) looked at him, piecing everything together easily, and even though they were touched by their partners gesture, they declined.— Sorry Chil, I– um... I'm fine, you know? I don't think I need a bath— they did though. They stank to be fair. But they were too scared to step into the room where the onsen was. Much less get into the water.
Chilchuck felt sad at first, and he was ready to let it go. Maybe they didn't want to bathe together. Perhaps it was a big step for intimacy, but upon noticing the expression on their face, he stopped and grabbed their hands.— You don't have to lie. You um... look very sweaty to be fair. And I know you don't want to be all dirty forever. So what's the truth?— he spoke softly, looking up into their eyes with nothing but care, curiosity and a pinch of worry.
—N-Nothing's wrong, what do you mean?— (y/n) notices how Chilchuck raises an eyebrow, clearly not believing them, and they sigh, defeated.— I guess I could wash my hair at least. Wouldn't want Marcille's spells to not work on me in case of an emergency— they mumble, raising a hand up to touch their hair.
Chilchuck sighed, not really content with the answer, but decided to let it go for now and talk about it later when they were alone.
After having a delicious monster meal, cooked by none other than Senshi (and a little help of the forever enthusiastic Laios), everyone prepared their bedrolls and happily went to sleep.
Except for our lovebirds. Who sneaked away into the next room silently to enjoy some time alone and relax away from the rest for at least a while.
Chilchuck didn't doubt getting rid of his clothes and getting into the onsen for a second, his skinny body relaxing under the calming hot water as he sighed, closing his eyes and relishing on the pleasant feeling and the silence of the night. (y/n) sat on the edge fully clothed, and although they couldn't deny how their legs had trembled as they walked closer to the onsen, they were a bit relieved to have Chilchuck's company, his presence providing a small sense of safety despite the whirlwind of emotions in their chest.
Dipping their fingers in the water and then their whole hand, they scooped some water and patted their hair, very slowly, but surely, wetting it.
—What are you doing?— Chilchuck spoke after watching the scene for a moment. He was somewhat amused, he wouldn't lie. Why not just get into the water?— I assure you, there are no monsters in here if that's what worries you— he chuckled.
—No... I know. It's not that— (y/n) mumbled as they looked at him.— I'm just...— they bit their lip. Was it safe to say it? To tell him they were scared? Chilchuck had a reputation for being teasing sometimes, but he didn't usually mean anything bad by it.— I'm scared of the water, Chil— they admitted eventually.
Chilchuck perked up at the comment, not expecting that answer. He had expected them to say sometimes like: "I'm embarrassed to show my body" or "You're making me nervous" but not that they were afraid of getting into the onsen.— What do you mean, love?— he whispered, moving a bit closer to them, the water splashing gently around as he swam.
(y/n) took a deep breath, and exhaled shakily— When I was younger... I went with my friends to a forest. There we found a pond, and my friends and I decided to get in, since it was a very hot day— they began explaining, fidgeting with their fingers and the hem of their clothes— we swam for a while and it was fun splashing each other in the face, until one of them splashed me and, to avoid it, I dipped under the surface of the water. I was too close to the edge so something got tangled between my feet, and– I started to–...— they took another shaky breath in.
—Hey, hey, it's fine— Chilchuck stood up, not minding the fact that he was naked, and placed a hand on their shoulder.— I know it must've been scary, but that's not going to happen here— he lifts their head to make them look at him.
—But what if– —Chilchuck pressed a gentle kiss to their lips, now fully understanding why they didn't want to get in.
—No buts. You're here with me, and I'll take care of you. Besides, this is an onsen love, there's nothing that can hurt you— he looked into their eyes, brushing his thumb over their cheek— I want to help, if you'll let me— he whispers.
And for a moment they stop to look around, evaluating, thinking. The onsen isn't deep at all. If Chilchuck can stand in there properly, they could too. But what if a monster came and attacked? The rest of the party was outside. Sleeping, yes, but they would wake up and kill it.
Standing up with a newfound sense of safety, they slowly got rid of their clothes, folding them nicely and leaving them beside Chilchuck's. The half-foot stood inside the onsen and by the edge, looking at them with a reassuring smile and extending one hand in their direction.
—That's it love, take your time— Chilchuck took their hand once they were near the edge, and held them as they very slowly dipped one leg in. Once (y/n) had decided it was in fact safe, they stepped in with the other leg and crouched, their body thanking them for the warmth of the water.— You're doing great already, (y/n)— he pressed a kiss to their forehead.
Taking the soap Marcille had made before, he lifted one of their arms and started helping them get clean.
—Thank you...— after a moment of silence, they looked at him with gratitude, and he chuckled, shaking his head with a smile.
—Nothing to thank me for, love. I care about you— the feeling of his hands roaming through their body felt as calming as the temperature of the onsen, helping their muscles relax after so much fighting in the dungeon. Perhaps now the idea of getting bathed more often didn't sound so scary in their mind, but only if Chilchuck was there to provide some company and kisses. That part was essential.
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riddler-green · 1 year
SFW Alphabet. Edward Nashton x reader
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A/N: Hello! long time no update! a big apology because the next chapter of Amor, Amor, Amor. Will be longer than the previous one and I want it to be perfect. For the moment I have this SFW alphabet for you.
Warnings/Clarifications: This fic is ooold, so an apology for any spelling mistakes, toxic behavior, emotional dependency, the letters are a bit misspelled too, in some letters there are mini scripts, fluff!
Activities - Favorite things to do with you??? How do you spend your free time?
He likes very much whatever he does with you, but he prefers the quiet ones, beyond going out to parties or events, he likes to spend time with you in his apartment reading or just watching TV, he tries to know better your hobbies and do them on the days he is not busy.
"What do you want to do tonight?" you asked your boyfriend without looking at him, you washed the dirty dishes from the previous meal, and as Edward was kept busy putting together gadgets and doing streams, you helped do some housework.
Edward was slow to respond, you only heard the deep breaths he takes while still in his Riddler outfit, he just finished a transmission and after a minute he turned around watching under his mask as you finished cleaning up.
"Anything is fine," he said as he removed his mask showing his face wrapped in plastic, with scissors in hand he cut the plastic film from his head and made an exhale from exhaustion, you approached him to help him undress calmly.  
"Maybe we can have to watch that series that is in trend" you suggest, forcing a little to remove his tight leather gloves on his hands, when you take the gloves off and see his bare hands you can't help but caress them.
"Okay, whatever you want" he smiles calmly and you smile back, he's still your Eddie after all.
Beauty - What do you admire in your partner? What do you find beautiful about yourself? 
Beautiful? Of you? Everything, he thinks so without hesitation, for him, beauty is a subjective concept, it is true that he fell in love at first sight, but what made him stay was merely your personality.
"Do I have something on my face?" you asked nervously, Edward was next to you watching you instead of the movie without appreciating the action scene in turn, sighing with love, your partner had a habit of seeing you when you least expected it, with a smitten face.
Edward puts his head on your shoulder sighing as he always did when he realized how much he loved you "I was just appreciating you".
you snuggle more than they already were, you don't know at what point you got someone who adored you as much as Edward does.
Comfort: how do they comfort you when you are upset? when they are sad do they come to you or do they try to handle it by themselves?
He doesn't know how to comfort people, but he has improved for you, it depends on whether you were upset or saddened, he will do anything to make you happy, and he has no limits when it comes to you.
When he is the sad one they also depend on the situation, sometimes he vents to his followers ranting about how he was going to solve the problem, he knows that what makes him happier is your consolation.
Terrible anxiety caused you to cry, you've had a bad day that ruined your mood, and disaster to disaster happened, you just felt like going home where Edward was, who comforted you in multiple ways.
Edd receives you with surprise, he has the tissues ready to wipe your face without you asking him, he asks you what caused your sadness, and violent ideas arise in his mind, horrible things he would do to the person who hurt you. 
"What happened, who hurt you?" he asks in exaltation and concern, throwing the dirty tissues in the trash. 
"It was just a bad day, it's complicated to explain" you whisper trying to relax, your head could explode from the pain at any moment.
This time Edward decides not to ask anymore, hugging you to know that you don't have to face your problems alone.
"Thank you" you thank wishing the hug would never end.
Duration- How long do they think about the relationship duration?
As he has had few or no romantic relationships, when he is with you he knows that it is something serious and formal, with all the shyness in the world he tells you that he wants to last long enough with the relationship, for him you would be his partner for the rest of his life.
They were in the community park closest to the apartment they both shared, as much as they liked being cooped up in the comfort of the apartment, you forced Edward to go out for a walk, to let the sun hit his face (if sunny days exist in Gotham).
Eating an ice cream of your favorite flavor on a bench with Edward, you thought of a topic of conversation "How long have we been together?".
"Three years, five months, and twenty days" assures Edward without hesitation.
"Wow, how fast time goes by" you reciprocate.
Edward stopped eating his ice cream, pondering what you just said, time passed too quickly for the two of you, a long time since he asked you out, it was so spontaneous that he didn't need to ask if you wanted to be his partner outright.
"Eddie?" you call out to him, touching his shoulder.
"We're serious right?" doubt shows in Edward's broken voice, with bewilderment you tilt your head, you didn't know what he was talking about.
"I don't understand."
"About us, this is serious," he explains, and you instantly interpret it.
"Of course it is!" you reply reciprocating, soothing Edward with an embrace of his own insecurities.
"Good" he sighs then eats his ice cream.
Equitable - Are they dominant in the relationship, or rather passive?
A fusion of the two, he generally always abides by your wishes, and he lets you set things up, but not when it comes to Riddler, it's his plans and his mission. In that aspect he is dominant, also when he is in his real skin dressed in his mask, he tends to be more clear and tough, but even in his vigilante moment, he knows you call the shots.
"GOTHAM IS A WELL OF CORRUPTION, ALL THE PIGS WHO CALL THEMSELVES EXEMPLARY CITIZENS ARE WORSE THAN SCUM" Edward, or rather Riddler shouted angrily at the camera in front of him, berating the people who pollute Gotham with their perversions.
The comments of his followers were so fast that he could not read them, but he knew perfectly well that they agreed with him, he stopped shouting at the end of the stream when he stayed to chat with his most devoted followers.
You go into the room where he was doing his stream, behind his camera so he wouldn't record you, you pull out a costume holder and presented a suit to Riddler.
"Wait for a minute folks, I'll do something" announced your boyfriend muting his microphone, giving his full attention to what you have to say.
"Look, you're going to wear it to my cousin's wedding" you didn't ask him if he wanted to wear the suit, you mostly handle the clothes he wears and the suits were no exception, you even helped him make his vigilante design, without you his outfit would probably be more unsightly.
Her expression is not fully visible due to her mask, but her laughing eyes betray that she agreed with the idea "Yes my love".
Physical (Físico) - How much physical love do you give to your partner? Do you like physical contact?
Honestly, Edward's behavior towards others is somewhat petty, outside of his Riddler schedule he hates unnecessary attention, but you are an exception to everything, at the beginning of the relationship he was uncomfortable as he was not used to it, but over time, he is more than happy to have you hug him, play with his hair and give him soft kisses on his face, it makes him very happy.
"I thought you hated love, Nashton" a co-worker Edward despised because he talked to him like he was his friend when he loathes him, ignores his comment, and continues typing on his computer.
"I'm saying this because of what I saw in your profile picture" he searches his cell phone finding what he was looking for "Who is it?" his partner shows him an old picture of him and you.
"It's my partner, now leave me alone."
"Easy Nashton, I just wanted to know," he says goodbye and leaves Edward's cubicle, he was typing furious at the interaction he had, why were they meddling in his private life?
a message from his computer he forgets how angry he was, it was a message from you asking when he was coming home, he replies that he would be leaving in a few minutes.
He was delighted that you were going to be with him again, cuddling until you fell asleep.
Gratitude - How grateful are you in general? Are you aware of what your partner is doing for you?
He is grateful every day to have met you. He is very aware of the magnificent person next to him, how he won the lottery of being with a person who loves him with everything, and his psychopathic side, that's why he tells you every day that he is grateful to know you.
Honesty - Do you have secrets you hide from your partner? Or do you share everything?
If you already know his biggest secret which is his alter ego and you accept it, he will share every secret of his with you, he expects you to trust him with your secrets too because he would never reveal them as you do with his.
But, if you show that you disagree or are afraid of Riddler, he will keep the secret as he will subtly manipulate you into accepting it in some way or another, as he doesn't want any secrets between you.
Inspiration - Did your partner change you in any way or the other way around?
Edward's perspective turned about 180° degrees thanks to you, he saw life, people, and the world in general differently, you could say you softened him.
Yes, he continues to kill corrupt people who for him do not deserve fair treatment, but he has stopped with his very sick thoughts, he rethinks several times if it is necessary to do terrorist acts such as bombings.
Talking to you about his problems helps a lot, as he feels listened to by someone.
But by the same token, he's a manipulative little thing, he'll change your perspective of Gotham for the worse, and he'll spout his most elaborate speeches so you're not just another sheep of the flock who thinks the corrupt could make real change.
Jealousy - Do you get jealous easily and how do you handle it?
YES, definitely yes, something he can't control, but only with "possible" potential partners, one of the toxic traits is his possessiveness, they try to manage him meticulously, and he uses his wit to make you stay away from people he considers a danger.
Kiss - How do they like to kiss you? How often do you kiss?
He likes to kiss you almost like breathing, he kisses you too many times when he gets over his shy phase, it doesn't have to be all the time on the lips, it varies between the cheeks or hands. He likes it when you kiss him with his mask on, when he is sad or discouraged he asks for encouraging kisses.
Loyalty- How faithful are you and have you ever cheated on your partner?
No, it doesn't even cross his mind to think about it, he has quite a following who look at him with heartfelt eyes and do crazy things for attention, but he would never cheat on you, sometimes you joke that he might be in love with Batman because of how he talks about him, but he rejects it outright.
Memory - Favorite moment together
If you were to ask him, he would be thinking for hours, he can't have just one favorite moment, every day has touched, cheesy, funny moments that he wouldn't know how to decide.
Children (niños) -  How do you feel about children? Would you like to have children?
He is indifferent to children, he doesn't hate them but he doesn't love them either, if you want to have children it's another thing since he can't deny you, he would learn to be the best father he ever had. On his part if you didn't want kids that's fine with him too, they don't need a baby to be happy.
Obviousness- What is it like when they are in love? Is it obvious to others? How do they express their feelings?
He tries to be as subtle as possible since he doesn't know if you reciprocate his feelings, but in reality, it is painfully obvious that if he is in love, his face gets hot, his hands sweat and he stutters, that only happens at the beginning, he gets used to it and doesn't do that anymore but it is still obvious that he has a high preference of you over others.
Forgiveness (Perdón) - What things do you forgive your partner for? What things don't you forgive?
Edward considered himself a person who neither forgave nor forgot, every little thing that society has done for him keeps it in his memories like a black list that has no end, he is amazed at his ability to forgive you for everything, if you make a rude comment without meaning to he will forgive you, if you say something he doesn't like he will forgive you and forget it, you can do whatever you want and he couldn't get mad at you for a long time.
Wanting - What do you look for in a relationship? What do you want in a partner? 
Someone who truly loves him, he is not demanding, but he would prefer someone with his same political ideals, who understands that Gotham needs a change.
He would also say people who do not lie deeply or falsely, as he despises lies of that style with all his being.
Romance - How romantic are you, what would you do to make your partner happy, cliché, or more creative?
Romantic first, he is ashamed of how affectionate he is, as I said before what he would do for you has no limits, his creativity in the form of gifts is extensive, a master of crafts, boxes with your favorite sweets, stuffed animals, flowers made with paper and the most common thing he gives you are letters.
Less sinister letters he addresses to Batman but with fun riddles or riddles that only you would understand, he can get quite cynical with his letters, but he loves to do that sort of thing.
Safety: What makes you feel safe and comfortable around you?
That you support him, that you don't lose respect for him or treat his feelings badly, you accept him as he is and that gives him a lot of security, he can trust any thought of yours no matter how obsessive it is.
Trend- What trends do you have around your partner? 
Obsessive and possessive most of the time, doesn't know much about love and believes that to some extent being obsessive with your partner is normal, tends to put you first in everything.
Unique: Something unusual about you that is strangely charming to them.
He loves it when you take an interest in the things he likes, some unconventional like riddles, you try your best to answer his mental challenges and he loves that so much. Also if you share his hatred with Bruce Wayne, it's nice to have someone to criticize others with.
Variety: Do you prefer to keep things the same or spice things up?
If that's what you want, for him that's fine, but only if it doesn't pose a threat to the relationship or could include serious physical harm.
Without you: Would they feel incomplete without you?
Of course! He doesn't want to go back to the life he lived before you, he couldn't bear to be so far away, and you don't want to think about what he is capable of as long as you are by his side.
Extra (Xtra): Random fact about you.
He has an accounting notebook that is just for you, that is, there he writes everything related to you, every piece of information you release he already has written in that notebook when he wrote on all the sheets without leaving a corner to use, he bought another one.
Yuck: What are some of the things you don't like, either in general or as a couple?
He would not like you to hate Batman as he believes he is his friend, also if you find out he is The Riddler and tries to change him and his ideals he will keep a frown on his face, most likely if that happens he will ignore those opinions of yours and turn a deaf ear.
Zzz - How do they act when they are sleepy? What is it like to sleep in the same bed?
Because of his nightmares, he sleeps as light as a feather, wakes up at night trembling and looking for you for affection, knowing that he is no longer in that orphanage where he had to survive every day, he sleeps much better being next to you, hugging you.
A chilling scream woke you from sleep, you weren't surprised when you saw Edward sitting up in bed with a stiff posture, a little sweat was dripping down his forehead, he must have had another one of his nightmares.
"Eddie, breathe for me" you take his hands slowly, hoping he wouldn't panic.
Edward does as you say and begins to inhale and exhale several times until he relaxes.
"How do you feel?" you move his hair bangs to kiss his forehead.
"Better, hold me, please."
Thank you very much for reading. And again, an apologies for any errors! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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Mashing together some shorter requests for this :P
Relationship headcanons about Salvatore Moreau, Ark Thompson, Bruce McGivern, and Jake Muller.
(Gender ambiguous).
Warnings: n/a
Masterlists here!
Salvatore Moreau
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Sal just fucking melts if you go and give him a lil' kiss on the top of his head. It almost always gets him giggling like a moron.
He likes to play with your hands whenever given the opportunity.
To what I'm sure is nobody's surprise, Salvatore is a huge fan of movie dates. He has lots of good ones to pick from, and a pile of blankets you guys could potentially snuggle under... It can get rather chilly down in that mine, you know.
He might try to find a nice spot around the reservoir to have a picnic with you. Maybe the piers, one of the rooftops, or on a boat...
He tells you that he loves you a lot.
Sal makes his own bracelets (also, bone crowns) and will definitely be making you something as well.
He gives you little trinkets and cool rocks he finds in the reservoir, and will barely be able to contain his excitement when presenting them to you.
He uses pet names like darling, love, my precious, and sweetheart.
The man loves to praise you and give you compliments.
(In case you were wondering, he does enjoy receiving those things from you just as much).
On occasion, you might find him affectionately bumping his head against you. Like a cat or something! :)
Ark Thompson
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Know that if you want to be with Ark, then it's crucial that you get along with/like his kids, Lily and Lott. It's important to him that the most important people in his life have a good relationship with each other.
He's always trying to take you out to restaurants for dates. Usually hole-in-the-wall places since they, in his opinion, have the best food.
He also strikes me as the type of guy to take you bowling, mini golfing, or something in a similar vein.
You're one of very few people that gets to see his resting grumpy face change to a genuine toothy smile.
Ark owns one of those wallets with a big ass photo sleeve, and one side of it is literally just pictures of you.
He loves an excuse to rest his forehead against you or to have his head on your lap.
I don't think he uses pet names all that often. Most of the time he just calls you a nickname that's pulled from whatever you go by.
He can be a bit of a doting partner and is always talking about you.
If he can get away with it, Ark likes to pick you up. Most often it's that type of carry where he hooks his arms around your legs and slightly under your butt, but he also goes for the fireman carry on occasion.
He's a big fan of giving you single-lip and corner-of-the-mouth kisses.
Bruce McGivern
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Bruce loves to sling an arm over your shoulders when you're standing next to him/walking beside him.
He also loves to come up behind you and hug you. Depending on your height, he might rest his chin on the slope of your shoulder or the top of your head.
His attempts at flirting with you are almost always... corny. Very corny.
Bruce is the kind of guy that likes to play fight/wrestle with you—if you'll allow him.
He uses pet names like honey/hun, darlin' sweetheart, doll, and stud.
If you speak more than one language, Bruce'll try and learn. He'll do it in secret and whip it out once he's confident in his abilities.
He enjoys making you nice home-cooked meals. Be warned, if you choose to help, he is the kind of person who will smear a bit of the ingredients on your face.
Bruce sleeps on his back, so if you're cuddling in bed, he likes to have you snuggled up against his side while he has an arm around you. Alternatively, draped over him like a blanket.
Please run your fingers through his hair. He's a sucker for it. Might just lull him to sleep.
Bruce is someone who hardly ever takes you on the same sort of date twice. Man's got a million ideas to try out with you.
Jake Muller
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Jake might not always be the best at expressing himself with words, so he often shows his affection for you through actions. He'll get you little gifts every now and then to surprise you, and often does things for you without asking.
(You might find him doing stuff like this in an attempt to make up for doing something stupid).
He can be rather protective of you. This guy wouldn't hesitate to take a bullet—or bite from some undead motherfucker if it means keeping you safe.
When it comes to cuddling, Jake prefers when you're snuggled up against his side or straight up into his chest.
You'll often find him resting a hand on one of your thighs.
Or alternatively, both of his legs across them.
Once you get to know him, it's not too hard to fluster him. Despite often acting like a smug bastard, compliments from someone Jake genuinely cares about can make them that way. He just doesn't know how to process them.
Jake is the sort of partner that goes out of his way to annoy and tease you. Very, very rarely to the point of genuine frustration, though! It's all in good fun.
His ideal dates involve going out without having any real idea what you're going to do, and just doing something that piques your guys' interest when you come across it.
With his line of work, you either end up doing a lot of moving around or, unfortunately, go through periods where you only get to hear his voice. He calls often, at least.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Christmas One-shots
cw: pretty short, Christmas related,
pairings: Ingo x Reader, Emmet x Reader
Snow piled up around the brightly lit city as his overcoat flew in the wind. Ingo would admit the cold here was nothing when compared to his hometown that was more up-north, but he still found himself succumbing to the chill after a long day of work. It was drawing much too close to the up-coming holiday for him to put it off any longer. People bustled about the district excitedly, chattering about in the cool night, as they existed in a similar state to him.
He was afraid to get you, his partner, a gift.
Well… Perhaps, afraid was not the word that he would use, but it was close to his current feelings.
Ingo preferred to give and receive gifts with sentimental meaning. Something that held a certain care and feeling to them. Which is why he struggled to find you a gift. You deserved so much, but something like clothing and jewellery seemed to lack what he was searching for. His heart raced in his chest as the red across his cheeks darkened. His love for you consumed his mind quite often. Even between battles and his subway work, he pondered how to spend his evenings with you. Nights that used to be filled with pre-made dinners or take-out now were dedicated with nice homemade meals for you both to share together.
How could he express those feelings in a gift? There were so many things he wished to show you; so many ways he wished to repay your kindness you had given him since you had started dating. He recalled how you had given his Chandelure a plush version of himself. Did you enjoy those? He was not sure. It would be quite peculiar to gift you a stuffed version of himself. Shaking his head, he sighed as the evening wound down even more and more. While stores were staying open a bit later due to the holiday season, he worried that would not be enough time for him to settle his worried mind.
“Ingo…?” a feminine voice called out to him. He stiffened up and looked around. A certain black-haired model waved him over with a giggle. Bags were heavy on arms as she approached him. “Hey! Last-minute shopping, too?” she asked with a teasing smile on her lips. He nodded, but had a sudden thought. Elesa was a person who knew more about people than him, he felt.
“… I need a gift for my partner,” Ingo explained while nervously readjusting his gloves, “It's difficult to find something that I feel expresses my feelings for them properly.” Elesa tilted her head and gave a soft chuckle.
“Ingooo, silly, it's Christmas, not Valentine's!” she explained to him like that was something that had evaded is knowledge, “I'm sure they would appreciate anything from you.” She hummed afterwards and looked around. Her eyes landed on a store and went wide. A small, bare hand grasped his and tugged him along through the crowds of people to wherever she had spied. It was not a place he had expected her to pick out.
“If you're so insistent that it be something with deeper meaning,” she brought him inside the store, “Why not get them something that reminds them of you?” Elesa gazed at something in a glass case and called over a clerk. “C'mon, what do you think of this? It's adorable! And you can add moooore,” she singsonged while holding out a train ornament, “You go crazy with decorating, don't you? Every year you stay together, you can add a new car.” Ingo felt entranced by the item.
“… You are more romantic than I recall,” he felt a smile fall across his face.
Emmet was a man of specific talents.
Naming all the types of train used by the Gear Station and their destinations? Easy. Done by the end of his first week as a Depot Agent (before, actually, if he was being honest with himself). Thinking of good type match-ups for his team? Done daily! He loved pondering the numerous ways pokemon battles could unfold. Cuddling you and Galvantula at the same time? A work in progress, but he was getting there. Baking you a surprise cake for Christmas? Painful. Impossible. Ingo banned him from their apartment kitchen.
Which is why he begged Elesa to use hers! She agreed hesitantly. What she and Ingo did not know would not hurt them. He stared at his phone intently as he scrolled through endless recipes. All sounded nice and delicious, but all seemed out of his skill range. It was miraculous he managed to make hot chocolate as it was! Though you and Ingo always complained that it was much too sweet. (Cruelly, he would argue.)
“Peppermint… cake?” he tilted his head. Definitely not that. If he left Elesa's kitchen eternally freezing her sinuses, she would not hesitate to kill him using the Galvantula that he had gifted her. What would you like? Did you like sweets as much as him? … He really hoped you did, or he would feel awful. You seemed to! Emmet was verrrry certain you must now. “Oh! That's cute.” he smiled at the black and white cake. His mother often bought him an Ingo that for their birthdays in their younger years. Not especially good for the holidays, he sighed.
Elesa sat down beside him on her couch while cocking a brow up at him. “What… are you even doing?” she finally asked him as his scrolling seemed endless. The black-haired woman was more than happy to help a friend whenever they needed it, but Emmet seemed to need more than just a kitchen.
“Looking at recipes,” he sighed. She let out an 'ohhh' and moved closer to him, leaning over his shoulder to look at his phone. Her perfume stung his nose a bit. Peppermint. What was up with peppermint? Seriously! Ingo had tried to incorporate red into his work uniform to make him peppermint before he told him absolutely not.
“I think… Maybe you could,” she snatched his phone away from him to force him to look at her, “Ask them to help you make it? Wouldn't that be romantic for Christmas?” Emmet had thought of that, but it ruined his impressing and surprising you part of what he wanted. She shook her head at the expression on his face. Sometimes she could hardly believe he was in his thirties.
“I want… to impress them,” he managed to admit, “Ingo is verrrry attentive to his lover. Cooks for them constantly, yep! I want to do something like that for mine.” Elesa's azure eyes lit up at his words. Oh, how sweet, he could read her thoughts with ease. She handed him back the phone.
“Better idea, I cook with you aaaaand,” she grinned, “You're getting better at expressing yourself vocally! I'm proud.” Emmet grew flustered at her words as she suddenly tugged him along to the kitchen. “We're making these totally cute cherry-chocolate cookies I saw online. Put on an apron, Em,” she ordered as she began to scour out her ingredients from the cabinets. Emmet felt abstract terror.
“It's my first time,” he joked, “Be gentle.” She was not. The cookies were made to picture-perfect imitation.
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the0ldmann · 1 year
"Welcome home Sunshine," a chipper voice greeted them from the kitchen. Work had gone by surprisingly fast and now that they were back in their cozy little apartment they couldn't wait to spend the rest of the evening with their ever-sunny partner.
They'd never been much a fan of Valentine's day. Corporate guilt tripping to sell as much candy and flowers as possible to the unsuspecting masses under the guise of 'showing your loved ones you cared' never quite sat right with them- even as a child. But when their blue-haired sweet-as-pie lover insisted on the two of them doing something after work, how could they possibly refuse?
As they hung their coat and bag on a hook by the door, they noticed the light seemed a little dimmer than normal. Looking to the man of the hour, they saw why quickly.
He was standing by the small kitchen table, lit up by candles placed in the center. Dinner was plated beautifully and both seats were pulled out and waiting to be taken. The pride in his smile made one spread across theirs.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Jack!" They gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before they sat down, and he snuck in a quick forehead kiss before taking his.
"Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Sunspot. I hope this was a pleasant surprise to come home to."
"Oh absolutely, it smells so wonderful! What all did you make, if you don't mind my asking? Hearing you talk does help me unwind." As they took the first bite he launched into an explination about the cooking process.
His words were barely accurate for describing just how good the food was that lay before them. Love certainly was a secret ingredient that made everything better. The roasted sweet potatoes were were crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, and lightly coated with a simple yet delectible brown sugar and butter glaze. Nestled next to the sweet potatoes was a little bush of broccoli florets that had been sautéed with a little bit of garlic, and onion, along with a handful of aromatic italian seasonings that tickled one's sense of smell. Beside the broccoli was the main star of the plate- golden juicy grilled chicken that had been marinating for just a couple hours in a blend of olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic, rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper. Of course this was served with their favourite chardonnay that they'd forgotten about in their cupboards, and their plates and glasses did not last long. Dessert was a slice of homemade mint chocolate chip cheesecake with a chocolate graham cracker crust that had been prepared so carefully it almost felt shameful to ruin its smooth surface with a fork.
Every bite of the meal was heaven sent, and they couldn't help but feel a little sad once they were done with their food. That was quickly replaced with confusion and excitement as Jack insisted they leave the dishes for the morning, picking up the candle holder and leading them further into the apartment.
When they reached the bedroom and Jack set the candles back down, they were greeted with a boquet he'd quickly whisked up as he turned around. The bed was set up a little differently too.
"Sunshine, I hope this isn't too presumptious, but you've been looking awfully tense after work." He shrugged off his own jacket and then began to help them undress. "How about you let me treat you to a little... full body massage? I've been putting my time at home to good use, and I can't wait to help you relax a little more..."
They weren't sure if there was really going to be that much relaxation happening, but they weren't about to argue.
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
Hellloooo! Are you still taking requests? :O if you are, can i pleaaase have saitama with a doctor s/o please? 🙉🙊🙈
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Yes Yes Yes! I've been waiting for an ask like this! I'll ll do my best, but I'm only a nursing assistant lol. Only thing I can tell you about doctors is that they're usually insufferable pains in the ass working with. But that's for another discussion I hope you like it sorry it's long
Doctor S/O HCs
It's a miracle how you guys managed to meet considering your schedules but luck have it he liked you enough to find you again
(I'd say you were standing in line in front of him and managed to get hundreds of dollars worth of groceries reduced to like $80. He wants in on that witchcraft)
He admires you so much by the work you do, and is almost intimidated how you can crunch in those long hours.
Always trying to stuff you up with little healthy snacks after you told him sometimes you guys don't have time to sit and eat.
Days off are always the best together. You got used to constantly be running errands on your day off and he helped you learn to chill out and not worry about everything the second you get free time
Lots of tub time together for your sore ass
He's always a sad egg when you get mandated. If it's too long you'll come home to him basically sitting at the door like a puppy. He misses you on the main just isn't aware of it.
If you're having the classic nerve pain or feet n ankles mega ouch he will NOT let you be up on them. He says you should rest as hard as you work.
Any medicine or cream you use for it he likes giving to you, like he's playing doctor
So that's where the househusband energy comes in. He's doing everything he can for you. His kind of lazy is bare minimum lazy, not total slack off. He'll do it for you
He's on your ASS about stretching. ALL THE TIME
He will message you sometimes but if it's a nerve problem it don't help at all for some people
Once you explain a handful of terminology he'll actually be interested in you work ramblings. There isn't ever a boring day, especially with dick bag coworkers
This fool will look downright mortified if you get talking about the not so fun part of the job. Not necessarily the deaths or gore, but the body waste hazards. Don't tell him till AFTER he's eaten any meal or it will ruin the whole appetite
He still listens even if it's gross. Why you chose this life, he'll never know
The job itself is painfully sad, most of the time. Usually everyone's too busy to have a minute to process most things. So if a well loved patient ends up dying, he'll try and be there for you
Literally had no idea what to do but let you just cry it all out while holding you. He'll barely say anything cause he just has no idea how you handle it as well as you do
Every now and then you'll see him in a window waving at you if he's in monster battle ground. The hospital never stops no matter what the warning is so you can get front row seats sometimes
He got knocked into the hospital one time and was like "oh hey hun" before hopping back into battle
You don't really have to ever patch him up after some fight but sometimes his friends that tag along are a different story. He'll be just showing you off and telling everyone what a good job you do as you're trying to stop some bleeding or some shit
Always boasting but he isn't aware of it, tbh
Be like "My partner, a doctor btw-"
When he explained how he lost his hair, you joked about it being alopecia. Now he's just contemplating his life and if it really wasn't hard work, just weird timing.
Because of how much you make, sometimes you take him out on a little bit more expensive dates, or get him really nice gifts.
He loves you but he hates it. The fact you have more money he can make in months is flabbergasting. Don't do this to him when you first meet it will scare him away
He's just grateful someone so smart and caring like you loves him. Ask him, and you're out of his league. He's a lucky mfr
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
sweet creature
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legolas greenleaf x gimli son of gloin
summary: gimli taking care of injured legolas<3
warnings: established relationship, gore, blood, orcs.
a/n; I hope you guys like this (⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠)
Elves do not get sick, for they're immortal, but that doesn't mean they don't bleed when large orc teeth have bitten their appendix.
Legolas' bow drops from his grasp as the orc starts to tear him apart. It doesn't get too far in when Aragorn's sword meets their calves.
The orc screamed out in pain and cursed the Elessir heir as he stabs the orc directly into it's chest. Yelling in anger, the orc turned to try and hold Aragorn in it's bloody position, but proved too late as his hand falls off to the ground, cut off by Gimli's axe.
Legolas falls to the ground in a loud thump, and the last thing he hears is Gimli's voice screaming for him to stay awake.
He wakes up with a jolt, and in an instant, hands hold him down by his shoulder, and Gimli's face comes into view. "Gimli-" He breathed out, then wincing at a sharp pain on his abdomen.
"Watch it now laddie, no need to get up. You're too hurt" He interjects as he helped Legolas lie back down.
One of his hands that were holding Legolas' doesn't leave him, and instead the grip only tightens. "How long- ow- hpow long have I been unconscious?" He managed. Gimli looks sympathetic as he responds; "Three days."
Legolas sighed and squeezed his eyes shut before reopening them to find the dwarf's unwavering gaze.
"We thought we were gonna lose you there for a while, elf." He stated gently. Legolas succeeds in a short smile as he shook his head. "Never getting rid of me that easily."
Gimli grinned and his eyes twinkled. "Aye, even if you died, I'd reckon you'd come back to haunt me, eh?" That made Legolas chuckle lowly as he squeezes Gimli's hand.
Legolas feels his stomach shrinks around the bandage and his belly growled loudly, making him turn beet red as the dwarf's eyes widen.
"Three days of no food in your system, I'm suprise it took this long for your insides to get upset, well worry not- I got just the meal!" He exclaims, jumping off his seat and walking to the kitchen.
The prince smiles to himself as he watches Gimli's short form rummaging around the counter, it seemed he has already prepared the food, only heating it up is left.
Legolas lifts up his shirt gently to see the wound that was fortunately already wrapped up, but he could see a large patch of blood againts the wife bandage and winced at the memories of what had caused it.
"My dear, be honest, how bad is it?" He calls out to Gimli. He hears an 'hm?' as a response and repeated the question.
"How bad are my injuries?"
Gimli let out a grim chuckle as he walks back with a bowl of familiar delicious smell.
"Bad enough for you to pass out for three days, tis' not bad enough for you?" He teases as he sits closer to Legolas.
The elf chuckles but it was cut short as he moans at the smell of the food. "Pumpkin soup?"
"Aye, and some sausages, don't eat too fast, we don't want you to clog the bathroom hm." Legolas nods indifferently as he reaches for the soup.
"Sodding elf-wait! Gimli scolds as Legolas' hands slip from the bowl and it almost falls if not for Gimli catching it.
"You're barely strong enough to sit up without flinching you leaf muncher, I'm feeding you- no arguments." The dwarf huffs, straining against a smile as he glares at Legolas who's grinning sheepishly at him.
"Sorry, I'm quite famished." He explained.
Gimli's eyes soften and he nods understandingly as he lifts the spoon to the elfling's mouth.
Happily Legolas accepts the food inside his stomach like a babe being fed by it's mother.
"Mm- om- Thith ith ttho gewd." He mumbled mouthful of soup and pumpkin slices.
"Don't talk while eating." Gimly chastised, though his heart warmed at the compliment.
Legolas lets his partner babies him through his healing, reveling in every bit of attention and affection his lover spares him, and Gimli, as much as nags at him like a mother, is grateful that he gets to nurse his elf back to health, thinking of all the times Legolas has taken it upon himself to protect and take care of him too.
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one-abuse-survivor · 11 months
I'm terrified of moving out.
I go through physical, emotional, and verbal abuse, but the kind that's considered normal and even encouraged in my culture. I genuinely do love my parents and I know they love me back because the abuse bits don't happen regularly and my parents have no problem in letting me go out with friends, buy me gifts, or stuff like that. The just... loose their temper sometimes.
But I'm about to be old enough to move out and they're letting me, but it still makes me scared. Because even though they're not restricting, they conditioned (i think) me into the perfect child and my interests and hobbies became acceptable to them and having anything else outside my parents' approval doesn't appeal to me. I'm pretty sheltered I guess.
So moving out to the world scares me.
Leaving my siblings alone scares me.
Finding someone else who also abuses me (like a roommate or a partner or friend) scares me.
Handling myself scares me. Because I'm still so dependent on my parents. I can barely take care of myself (exercise, brush hair, shower sometimes) daily.
Doing adult things like taxes and rent scares me. I can barely take care of myself.
I heard that trauma gets worse when you're out so going through that while living by myself scares me. I do have some friends, and they're amazing, but they won't always be there.
You totally don't have to answer, but I saw that you were accepting asks and well decided to try it out. I love everything you've been doing and you're pretty amazing for that.
Hey, nonnie. I'm really sorry you've had to go through so much. You deserved so much better than what your parents have put you through.
I really understand your fears. Living alone and becoming independent after a lifetime of child and teen abuse isn't easy, that's true. And, from personal and second-hand experience, I can confirm that in some ways, trauma does get worse for a little while after you leave an abusive situation. Basically, the moment your body realises you're safe, the first thing it tends to do is shut down all the trauma you've gone through so you can pretend it never happened and survive the immediate aftermath of it. This is scary, because it can make you question your decision of leaving, and make you feel like you made up your abuse. Then, throughout the next months, at any given time, the trauma may hit you like a truck via resurfacing memories, emotional flashbacks, nightmares, or anxiety attacks, to name a few possible PTSD symptoms. New symptoms you've never experienced before can sometimes appear during this time.
But this is the kind of situation where you have to get worse before you can get better, and once you do start to get better, life becomes so, so much easier, bearable, and enjoyable. And it's possible to get to a point where your body and mind's default setting is genuine calm, instead of anxiety, hypervigilance, or survival. The bad days can become the exception, and stop being the rule. And getting to that point is so worth it.
I know it all sounds really scary, nonnie. But I think it's also worth noting that the more you postpone the first painful steps of the process, the more you prolong your suffering.
And it's okay to do things scared. You don't have to have it all figured out just yet. You don't have to be perfect at taking care of yourself. It's okay to tackle things one at a time. It's okay to ask your friends for help when you need it. It's okay if some days all you can do is survive and leave everything else for tomorrow.
If it helps to hear, when I moved out, one of the first things I had to learn was just to feel like I was worthy of eating. And I still have trouble feeding myself on my own nowadays, but I learned to ask for help and it's now very rare for me to skip any meal. Also, I've been slowly able to figure out things like paying rent and bills, writing a CV, making a doctor's appointment, renewing legal documents, buy train tickets... One thing at a time and throughout several years! Some things I'm still figuring out or haven't even tackled yet, like taxes or driving without an adultier adult by my side. But, thanks to all my previous experiences with facing scary things and overcoming them, I know now that not feeling ready yet doesn't mean I won't be able to tackle those things when the time comes.
And that's the best part about recovery and independence! Every time you overcome something that felt impossible and terrifying, you'll build your confidence, and it'll be a little bit easier to believe that you'll be able to face the next new situation that life throws your way.
I'm rooting for you, nonnie. There's a better life waiting for you at the other side of the immediate aftermath of trauma.
Sending all my support your way ❤️
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